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Richard Všianský edited this page May 15, 2019 · 15 revisions

Breadcrumbs show hierarchical way to the current page, not a history of user. Its logic is more clear and most of it is only in one Mixin, not scattered throughout the code.

Table of Contents


  • First, show the path from the navigation (E.g.: Compute > Infrastructure > Providers)
  • Only breadcrumbs which lead somewhere should be clickable (last breadcrumb in the menu, etc.)
  • Show header in the breadcrumb as the last breadcrumb
  • Consistent position across all screens

Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-30-22

Explorer screens
  • Show the tree path in the breadcrumbs includes accordion header


Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-30-38


Screenshot from 2019-05-13 11-01-49

Detail action

Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-31-16


Screenshot from 2019-05-13 11-02-40


  • Show the item breadcrumb only when there is only one item

One item

Screenshot from 2019-05-13 11-04-37

More items

Screenshot from 2019-05-13 11-05-41



  • only Services. Services are missing hiearchy in the tree (because of performance).


  • are not a part of the hiearchy

Screenshot from 2019-05-13 11-05-56

Non-explorer screens


Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-32-02

  • There could be different header on the landing page, should be included in the menu part (however two controllers are using dynamic headers: hosts, clusters.)


Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-32-19

  • Instead of the header show item breadcrumb

When wrong ...Menu Breadcrumbs > Item > Header Compute > Infrastructure > Providers > HyperV > HyperV (Summary)

When right ...Menu Breadcrumbs > Item Compute > Infrastructure > Providers > HyperV

Why not use a header instead of a item? This is because of nesting. The header part is lost when a user clicks on some action and so the breadcrumbs would change from:

Compute > Infrastructure > Providers > Infrastructure Providers > HyperV (Summary)


Compute > Infrastructure > Providers > Infrastructure Providers > HyperV > Edit Infrastructure Providers 'HyperV'

Detail Action/Action

Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-32-28


  • Show item breadcrumb only when there is only one item

One item Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-32-42

More items Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-36-01


A controller should include Breadcrumbs mixins:

include Mixins::BreadcrumbMixin

and then it has to define a new method:

def breadcrumbs_options

  • which returns a hash with variables depended on the controller and its type:
:breadcrumbs    => ..., 
:include_record => ..., 
:record_info    => ...,
:record_title   => ...,

All controllers should contain:

:breadcrumbs => [
  { :title => ... , :url => ?, :key => ? }
  • which sets a way in the main navigation menu:

  • :title - title of the breadcrumb, eg. _('Cloud Providers)'

  • :url - url, eg. controller_url

A breadcrumb can have also:

  • :key - using in tree views, key for the item, eg. root
  • :action - additional action for using with the key, eg. accordion_select


All variables are optional.

:record_info => @ems

  • some controllers use different variables to store information about a current item. Most of them are using @record, which is a default variable. If not, then you have to manually set which variable is used.

:record_title => :key

  • Method which stores a title of the variable set in the record_info ( :title = @ems.key )

Explorer controllers

:include_record => true

  • when the title of the shown item is missing, e.g. in edit actions. Mostly used when trees do not contain all nodes.

Schema of breadcrumbs flow

Untitled Diagram

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