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Richard Všianský edited this page Sep 17, 2019 · 15 revisions

Breadcrumbs help to expose the hierarchy, not the particular clicks of a user. Its logic is more clear and most of it is only in one Mixin, not scattered throughout the code.

Table of Contents
  • this design follows Patternfly guidelines
  • First, show the path from the navigation (E.g.: Compute > Infrastructure > Providers)
  • Only breadcrumbs which lead somewhere should be clickable (last breadcrumb in the menu, etc.)
  • The end of the breadcrumb string should represent the page a user is currently viewing
  • When using breadcrumbs, be sure to include them on every page throughout the application.
    • Exception: when content is shown on in a separate window without navigation (ex. reports), breadcrumbs are not required



1) Explorer screens

  • Show the tree path in the breadcrumbs includes accordion header


    Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-30-38


    Screenshot from 2019-05-13 11-01-49

    Detail action

    Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-31-16


    Screenshot from 2019-05-13 11-02-40


    • Show the item breadcrumb only when there is only one item

    One item

    Screenshot from 2019-05-13 11-04-37

    More items

    Screenshot from 2019-05-13 11-05-41



    • only Services. Services are missing hiearchy in the tree (because of performance).


    • are not a part of the hiearchy

    Screenshot from 2019-05-13 11-05-56

2) Non-explorer screens

Default [deprecated image]

Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-32-02

  • There could be a different header on the landing page - that is a longer version of the item in the menu. Breadcrumbs should contain the same name as in the menu - the shorter version.

Detail Screenshot from 2019-05-16 10-20-57

Detail Action/Action

Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-32-28


  • Show item breadcrumb only when there is only one item

One item Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-32-42

More items Screenshot from 2019-05-13 10-36-01


Breadcrumbs are automatically generated from information collected in the controller. To allow generating the breadcrumbs, a controller should include Breadcrumbs mixins:

include Mixins::BreadcrumbMixin

and then it has to define a new method which returns a hash with variables depended on the controller and its type.

def breadcrumbs_options
    :breadcrumbs    => ...,
    :include_record => ...,
    :record_info    => ...,
    :record_title   => ...,
option type default type of controller description
:breadcrumbs array required all Initial sets of breadcrumbs. Should include the menu path.
:record_info hash @record both Object where current shown record is stored.
:record_title symbol :name both Attribute of the :record_info object, which will be used as a title in breadcrumbs.
:hide_title bool false non-explorer Will not append @title to breadcrumbs.
:ancestry Class nil explorer Parent class for ancestry. Used in service controller
:include_record bool false explorer Will use :record_info for creating the item breadcrumb.
:not_tree bool false explorer This will told the breadcrumb mixin that the controller is not explorer. It should be used in controllers used in more places which someones do not use the explorer presenter.
:disable_tree bool false explorer Will disable all links in breadcrumbs.
:to_explorer string nil explorer Link to the explorer page. Will be appended to the penultimate breadcrumb when :disable_tree is set.
:x_node string x_node explorer Use custom node id instead of default x_node.
:hide_special_item bool false explorer Will not append special items (@tagitems, @politems, etc.) to breadcrumbs


:breadcrumbs => [
  { :title => ... , :url => ?, :key => ? }

Array of hashes which sets a way in the main navigation menu:

Hash is consisted of:

    :title  => _('Cloud Providers'), # Title of the breadcrumb
    :url    => controller_url,       # URL to the controller
    :key    => 'root',               # ID in the tree view, only explorer controllers


Non-explorer controllers

Default list


ex. Compute > Infrastructure > Hosts / Nodes

When the title of the page is different from the last item in the main navigation, as the breadcrumb title the navigation title is used.



ex. Compute > Infrastructure > Hosts / Nodes > 17d6ec2e-0e75-45ab-95a6-642eb41855cd (Controller) (Summary)

The whole title is used (with Summary, Dashboard)



ex. Compute > Infrastructure > Hosts / Nodes > 17d6ec2e-0e75-45ab-95a6-642eb41855cd (Controller) > Info/Settings

Notice the item title is no without the appendix. That is correct.

Breadcrumbs should not be deeper than this.

Explorer controllers

Default + detail view


ex. Compute > Infrastructure > Virtual Machines > VMs & Templates > All VMs & Templates

Accordion title should lead to the tree's root.

! Breadcrumbs do not contain the whole tree path currently !



ex. Compute > Infrastructure > Virtual Machines > VMs & Templates > 3.9ocp > Editing Virtual Machine "3.9ocp"

Breadcrumbs should not be deeper than this.

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