diff --git a/app/views/dashboard/_widgets_menu.html.haml b/app/views/dashboard/_widgets_menu.html.haml
deleted file mode 100644
index 22b88f85948..00000000000
--- a/app/views/dashboard/_widgets_menu.html.haml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- .btn-group.dropdown
- - if @widgets_menu[:blank]
- %button.disabled.btn.btn-default.dropdown-toggle{'data-toggle' => 'dropdown', :title => _('No Widgets available to add'), 'data-click' => 'add_widget'}
- %i.fa.fa-reply.fa-lg
- %span.caret
- - else
- - if @widgets_menu[:allow_add]
- - if @widgets_menu[:locked]
- - title = _("Cannot add a Widget, this Dashboard has been locked by the Administrator")
- - enabled = false
- - else
- - title = _("Add a widget")
- - enabled = true
- - cls = enabled ? '' : 'disabled '
- %button{'data-toggle' => 'dropdown', :class => "#{cls}btn btn-default dropdown-toggle", :title => title}
- %i.fa.fa-plus.fa-lg
- %span.caret
- %ul.dropdown-menu.scrollable-menu
- - @widgets_menu[:items].each do |item|
- %li
- - if item[:type] == :separator
- .divider{:role => 'presentation'}
- - else
- %a{:href => '#', :title => item[:title], 'data-click' => item[:id]}
- %i{:class => item[:image]}
- = item[:text]
- - if @widgets_menu[:allow_reset]
- %button.btn.btn-default{:title => _('Reset Dashboard Widgets to the defaults'), 'data-click' => 'reset'}
- %i.fa.fa-reply.fa-lg
diff --git a/app/views/shared/_topology_header_toolbar.html.haml b/app/views/shared/_topology_header_toolbar.html.haml
deleted file mode 100644
index 459af802ae1..00000000000
--- a/app/views/shared/_topology_header_toolbar.html.haml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- %label.topology-checkbox.checkbox-inline
- %input#box_display_names{:type => 'checkbox'}
- = _("Display Names")
- %button.btn.btn-default{:title => _('Refresh this page'),
- 'data-function' => 'sendDataWithRx',
- 'data-function-data' => {:name => 'refreshTopology'}.to_json}
- %i.fa.fa-refresh.fa-lg
- = _("Refresh")
-%form.search-pf.topology-search{:role => 'form',
- :onsubmit => 'sendDataWithRx({service: "topologyService", name: "searchNode", args: [] }); return false'}
- .form-group.has-clear
- .search-pf-input-group
- %label.sr-only{:for => 'search'}
- = _("Search")
- %input#search_topology.form-control{:type => 'search',
- 'placeholder' => _("Search")}
- -# this hidden button is a workaround
- -# pressing enter in ^input triggers a *click* event on the next button
- -# without this, that button is resetSearch, which ..is undesirable :)
- %button.hidden{'data-function' => 'sendDataWithRx',
- 'data-function-data' => {:service => 'topologyService',
- :name => 'searchNode'}.to_json}
- %button.clear{'aria-hidden' => 'true',
- 'data-function' => 'sendDataWithRx',
- 'data-function-data' => {:service => 'topologyService',
- :name => 'resetSearch'}.to_json}
- %span.pficon.pficon-close
- .form-group.search-button
- %button.btn.btn-default.search-topology-button{'data-function' => 'sendDataWithRx',
- 'data-function-data' => {:service => 'topologyService',
- :name => 'searchNode'}.to_json}
- %span.fa.fa-search