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(289) 0x04. AirBnB clone - Web framework

Foundations > Higher-level programming > AirBnB clone

Project author

Guillaume Salva

Assignment dates

08-31-2020 to 09-03-2020


Third of three projects building the second iteration of a website cloning the basic features of the main page, circa 2014-2017.

Using the Python library Flask along with Jinja templates to create a web framework and application to dynamically display the contents of our storage engines.

Provided File(s)

General requirements


  • Interpreter conditions:
    • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
    • python3 (version 3.4.3)
  • First line of executable scripts will be #!/usr/bin/python3
  • Compliance with linter:
    • pep8 (version 1.7.*) (now known as pycodestyle)
  • Docstrings are expected to follow the Google style guide:
    • Per module (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").__doc__)')
    • Per class (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.__doc__)')
    • Per function
      • both inside a class (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.my_function.__doc__)')
      • and outside a class (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").my_function.__doc__)')
  • Test scripts will typically not be in same directory as the task solutions, use export PYTHONPATH='.' before running test scripts from project directory to allow includes
  • Unit tests will be required on some projects:
    • using the unittest module
    • located in a tests/ folder, with a file structure mimicing that of your project, but with a test_ prefix added to all file/directory names
    • tests should be capable of being run with python3 -m unittest discover tests, or individually per file with python3 -m unittest <test file>


  • Your code should be W3C compliant and validate with W3C-Validator
  • All your CSS files should be in styles folder
  • All your images should be in images folder
  • You are not allowed to use !important and id (#... in the CSS file)
  • You are not allowed to use tags img, embed and iframe
  • You are not allowed to use Javascript
  • Example screenshots taken on Chrome 56
  • No cross browsers
  • You have to follow all requirements but some margin/padding are missing - you should try to fit as much as you can to screenshots

Installing Flask

$ pip3 install Flask

Mandatory Tasks

✅ 0. Hello Flask!

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display “Hello HBNB!”
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition

File(s): web_flask/ web_flask/

✅ 1. HBNB

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display Hello HBNB!
    • /hbnb: display HBNB
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition

File(s): web_flask/

✅ 2. C is fun!

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display Hello HBNB!
    • /hbnb: display HBNB
    • /c/<text>: display C followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition

File(s): web_flask/

✅ 3. Python is cool!

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display Hello HBNB!
    • /hbnb: display HBNB
    • /c/<text>: display C , followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
    • /python/(<text>): display Python , followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
      • The default value of text is is cool
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition

File(s): web_flask/

✅ 4. Is it a number?

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display Hello HBNB!
    • /hbnb: display HBNB
    • /c/<text>: display C , followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
    • /python/(<text>): display Python , followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
      • The default value of text is is cool
    • /number/<n>: display n is a number only if n is an integer
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition

File(s): web_flask/

✅ 5. Number template

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display “Hello HBNB!`
    • /hbnb: display HBNB
    • /c/<text>: display C , followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
    • /python/(<text>): display Python , followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
      • The default value of text is is cool
    • /number/<n>: display n is a number only if n is an integer
    • /number_template/<n>: display a HTML page only if n is an integer:
      • H1 tag: Number: n inside the tag BODY
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition

File(s): web_flask/ web_flask/templates/5-number.html

✅ 6. Odd or even?

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • Routes:
    • /: display Hello HBNB!
    • /hbnb: display HBNB
    • /c/<text>: display C , followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with a space )
    • /python/(<text>): display Python , followed by the value of the text variable (replace underscore _ symbols with `a space )
      • The default value of text is is cool
    • /number/<n>: display n is a number only if n is an integer
    • /number_template/<n>: display a HTML page only if n is an integer:
      • H1 tag: Number: n inside the tag BODY
    • `/number_odd_or_even/: display a HTML page only if n is an integer:
      • H1 tag: Number: n is even|odd inside the tag BODY
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition

File(s): web_flask/ web_flask/templates/6-number_odd_or_even.html

✅ 7. Improve engines

Before using Flask to display our HBNB data, you will need to update some part of our engine:

Update FileStorage: (models/engine/

  • Add a public method def close(self):: call reload() method for deserializing the JSON file to objects

Update DBStorage: (models/engine/

  • Add a public method def close(self):: call remove() method on the private session attribute (self.__session) tips or close() on the class Session tips

Update State: (models/ - If it’s not already present

  • If your storage engine is not DBStorage, add a public getter method cities to return the list of City objects from storage linked to the current State

File(s): models/engine/ models/engine/ models/

✅ 8. List of states

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • You must use storage for fetching data from the storage engine (FileStorage or DBStorage) => from models import storage and storage.all(...)
  • After each request you must remove the current SQLAlchemy Session:
    • Declare a method to handle @app.teardown_appcontext
    • Call in this method storage.close()
  • Routes:
    • /states_list: display a HTML page: (inside the tag BODY)
      • H1 tag: States
      • UL tag: with the list of all State objects present in DBStorage sorted by name (A->Z)
        • LI tag: description of one State: <>: <B><></B>
  • Import this 7-states_list.sql to have some data
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition


  • Make sure you have a running and valid setup_mysql_dev.sql in your AirBnB_clone_v2 repository (task)
  • Make sure all tables are created when you run echo "quit" | HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./

File(s): web_flask/ web_flask/templates/7-states_list.html

✅ 9. Cities by states

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • You must use storage for fetching data from the storage engine (FileStorage or DBStorage) => from models import storage and storage.all(...)
  • To load all cities of a State:
    • If your storage engine is DBStorage, you must use cities relationship
    • Otherwise, use the public getter method cities
  • After each request you must remove the current SQLAlchemy Session:
    • Declare a method to handle @app.teardown_appcontext
    • Call in this method storage.close()
  • Routes:
    • /cities_by_states: display a HTML page: (inside the tag BODY)
      • H1 tag: States
      • UL tag: with the list of all State objects present in DBStorage sorted by name (A->Z)
        • LI tag: description of one State: <>: <B><></B> + UL tag: with the list of City objects linked to the State sorted by name (A->Z)
          • LI tag: description of one City: <>: <>`
  • Import this 7-states_list.sql to have some data
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition


  • Make sure you have a running and valid setup_mysql_dev.sql in your AirBnB_clone_v2 repository (task)
  • Make sure all tables are created when you run echo "quit" | HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./

File(s): web_flask/ web_flask/templates/8-cities_by_states.html

✅ 10. States and State

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • You must use storage for fetching data from the storage engine (FileStorage or DBStorage) => from models import storage and storage.all(...)
  • To load all cities of a State:
    • If your storage engine is DBStorage, you must use cities relationship
    • Otherwise, use the public getter method cities
  • After each request you must remove the current SQLAlchemy Session:
    • Declare a method to handle @app.teardown_appcontext
    • Call in this method storage.close()
  • Routes:
    • /states: display a HTML page: (inside the tag BODY)
      • H1 tag: States
      • UL tag: with the list of all State objects present in DBStorage sorted by name (A->Z)
        • LI tag: description of one State: <>: <B><></B>
    • /states/<id>: display a HTML page: (inside the tag BODY)
      • If a State object is found with this id:
        • H1 tag: State:
        • H3 tag: Cities:
        • UL tag: with the list of City objects linked to the State sorted by name (A->Z)
          • LI tag: description of one City: <>: <B><></B>
      • Otherwise:
        • H1 tag: Not found!
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
  • Import this 7-states_list.sql to have some data


  • Make sure you have a running and valid setup_mysql_dev.sql in your AirBnB_clone_v2 repository (task)
  • Make sure all tables are created when you run echo "quit" | HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./

File(s): web_flask/ web_flask/templates/9-states.html

⬜ 11. HBNB filters

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • You must use storage for fetching data from the storage engine (FileStorage or DBStorage) => from models import storage and storage.all(...)
  • To load all cities of a State:
    • If your storage engine is DBStorage, you must use cities relationship
    • Otherwise, use the public getter method cities
  • After each request you must remove the current SQLAlchemy Session:
    • Declare a method to handle @app.teardown_appcontext
    • Call in this method storage.close()
  • Routes:
    • /hbnb_filters: display a HTML page like 6-index.html, which was done during the project 0x01. AirBnB clone - Web static
      • Copy files 3-footer.css, 3-header.css, 4-common.css and 6-filters.css from web_static/styles/ to the folder web_flask/static/styles
      • Copy files icon.png and logo.png from web_static/images/ to the folder web_flask/static/images
      • Update .popover class in 6-filters.css to allow scrolling in the popover and a max height of 300 pixels.
      • Use 6-index.html content as source code for the template 10-hbnb_filters.html:
        • Replace the content of the H4 tag under each filter title (H3 States and H3 Amenities) by &nbsp;
      • State, City and Amenity objects must be loaded from DBStorage and sorted by name (A->Z)
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
  • Import this 10-hbnb_filters.sql to have some data


  • Make sure you have a running and valid setup_mysql_dev.sql in your AirBnB_clone_v2 repository (task)
  • Make sure all tables are created when you run echo "quit" | HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./

File(s): web_flask/ web_flask/templates/10-hbnb_filters.html web_flask/static/

Advanced Tasks

⬜ 12. HBNB is alive!

Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

  • Your web application must be listening on, port 5000
  • You must use storage for fetching data from the storage engine (FileStorage or DBStorage) => from models import storage and storage.all(...)
  • To load all cities of a State:
    • If your storage engine is DBStorage, you must use cities relationship
    • Otherwise, use the public getter method cities
  • After each request you must remove the current SQLAlchemy Session:
    • Declare a method to handle @app.teardown_appcontext
    • Call in this method storage.close()
  • Routes:
    • /hbnb: display a HTML page like 8-index.html, done during the 0x01. AirBnB clone - Web static project
      • Copy files 3-footer.css, 3-header.css, 4-common.css, 6-filters.css and 8-places.css from web_static/styles/ to the folder web_flask/static/styles
      • Copy all files from web_static/images/ to the folder web_flask/static/images
      • Update .popover class in 6-filters.css to enable scrolling in the popover and set max height to 300 pixels.
      • Update 8-places.css to always have the price by night on the top right of each place element, and the name correctly aligned and visible
      • Use 8-index.html content as source code for the template 100-hbnb.html:
        • Replace the content of the H4 tag under each filter title (H3 States and H3 Amenities) by &nbsp;
        • Make sure all HTML tags from objects are correctly used (example: <BR /> must generate a new line)
      • State, City, Amenity and Place objects must be loaded from DBStorage and sorted by name (A->Z)
  • You must use the option strict_slashes=False in your route definition
  • Import this 100-hbnb.sql to have some data


  • Make sure you have a running and valid setup_mysql_dev.sql in your AirBnB_clone_v2 repository (task)
  • Make sure all tables are created when you run echo "quit" | HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db ./

File(s): web_flask/ web_flask/templates/100-hbnb.html web_flask/static/
