All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.0-alpha.4 (2020-09-28)
2.0.0-alpha.3 (2020-09-01)
- add docker compose (237c1a9)
- add couchcb basic routes (6d378c3)
- add CouchDB JavaScript context (b999929), closes #232
- add designsRootFolder (e8e6f6f)
- add new scripts to package.json (ebccf4d)
- Adds Typescript Fastify CLI Application (#154) (74ead9f)
- even better error handling on ddoc bin (82333be)
- implement cli for generate couchdb's design documents (9c7e36c)
- implement design documents context namespace (1450b4d)
- toolchain: adds new commit script (285b367)
- toolchain: adds vscode settings folder in order to enable eslint (683e16b)
- eslintrc: remove createDefaultProgram (8c826d9)
- add @types/glob to devDependencies (6c640d8)
- add autocrlf also to npm pipeline (8015eae)
- add better error handling on ddoc bin (6fa252a)
- add missing tsconfig option (a13ce57)
- add prettier eol to the config (b37a436)
- adds .npmrc (cbc815b)
- fix ddoc build command on empty src folder (ef09ae3)
- fix pre-commit hooks (1b003d6)
- fix test environment (00868f9)
- fixes windows? (de81758)
- move autocrlf as first step on github action ci (68df984)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#24) (3e03601)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#25) (08b4887)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#26) (07df5ed)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#27) (f952e80)
- prevent modifying lf to crlf on checkout on windows (f297723)
- remove unnecessary file creation from ddoc (d6c8e4a)
- remove yarn storybook github workflow command (b1ae9b4)
- rename unused parameters to accomodate new tsconfig.json settings (41aaa22)
- replace test:ci with test script on yarn ci (251f4c7)
- update nano to fix issue with types and CD/CI build (85a5034)
- deps: moves fastify-plugin to deps from devDeps (8e5b35c)
- fastify: fixes fastify app loading (c4c1bcb)
- fastify-autoload: fixes export default fastify-autoload bug (646a59e), closes #236
- license: reverts license to MIT on the next version (fe3ecae)
- package: update csv-parse to version 1.2.1 (e9f2534)
- package: update csv-parse to version 1.3.0 (ab42b30)
- package: update csv-parse to version 2.0.2 (df99aba)
- package: update csv-parse to version 2.2.0 (3733369)
- package: update csv-stringify to version 2.0.0 (2a112aa)
- package: update csv-stringify to version 3.0.0 (1f74470)
- package: update hospitalrun to version 0.9.17 (#31) (f9cbb57)
- package: update hospitalrun-dblisteners to version 0.9.6 (#35) (b898a69)
- package: update hospitalrun-dblisteners to version 1.0.1 (f79ccea)
- package: update hospitalrun-server-routes to version 0.9.10 (#34) (c8b5b01)
- package: update hospitalrun-server-routes to version 0.9.11 (#40) (ca9a2d4)
- package: update osprey to version 0.5.0 (dad2014)
- add couchcb basic routes (6d378c3)
- add new scripts to package.json (ebccf4d)
- toolchain: adds new commit script (285b367)
- toolchain: adds vscode settings folder in order to enable eslint (683e16b)
- Adds Typescript Fastify CLI Application (#154) (74ead9f)
- fix pre-commit hooks (1b003d6)
- fix test environment (00868f9)
- rename unused parameters to accomodate new tsconfig.json settings (41aaa22)
- deps: moves fastify-plugin to deps from devDeps (8e5b35c)
- fastify: fixes fastify app loading (c4c1bcb)
- license: reverts license to MIT on the next version (fe3ecae)
- adds .npmrc (cbc815b)
- package: update csv-parse to version 1.2.1 (e9f2534)
- package: update csv-parse to version 1.3.0 (ab42b30)
- package: update csv-parse to version 2.0.2 (df99aba)
- package: update csv-parse to version 2.2.0 (3733369)
- package: update csv-stringify to version 2.0.0 (2a112aa)
- package: update csv-stringify to version 3.0.0 (1f74470)
- package: update hospitalrun to version 0.9.17 (#31) (f9cbb57)
- package: update hospitalrun-dblisteners to version 0.9.6 (#35) (b898a69)
- package: update hospitalrun-dblisteners to version 1.0.1 (f79ccea)
- package: update hospitalrun-server-routes to version 0.9.10 (#34) (c8b5b01)
- package: update hospitalrun-server-routes to version 0.9.11 (#40) (ca9a2d4)
- package: update osprey to version 0.5.0 (dad2014)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#24) (3e03601)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#25) (08b4887)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#26) (07df5ed)
- package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (#27) (f952e80)
1.1.0 (2019-10-20)
- deps: moves fastify-plugin to deps from devDeps (8e5b35c)
- fastify: fixes fastify app loading (c4c1bcb)
- license: reverts license to MIT on the next version (fe3ecae)
- package: update csv-parse to version 1.2.1 (e9f2534)
- package: update csv-parse to version 1.3.0 (ab42b30)
- package: update csv-parse to version 2.0.2 (df99aba)
- adds .npmrc (cbc815b)
- package: update csv-parse to version 2.2.0 (3733369)
- package: update csv-stringify to version 2.0.0 (2a112aa)
- package: update csv-stringify to version 3.0.0 (1f74470)
- package: update hospitalrun-dblisteners to version 1.0.1 (f79ccea)
- package: update osprey to version 0.5.0 (dad2014)