diff --git a/autotest/TestMessage.f90 b/autotest/TestMessage.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b78d490df5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autotest/TestMessage.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+module TestMessage
+ use testdrive, only: error_type, unittest_type, new_unittest, check
+ use MessageModule, only: MessagesType
+ use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: collect_message
+ subroutine collect_message(testsuite)
+ type(unittest_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:)
+ testsuite = [ &
+ new_unittest("init_and_count", test_init_and_count), &
+ new_unittest("store_count_and_write_all", &
+ test_store_count_and_write_all) &
+ ]
+ end subroutine collect_message
+ subroutine test_init_and_count(error)
+ type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(MessagesType) :: messages
+ messages = MessagesType()
+ call messages%init()
+ call check(error, messages%count() == 0)
+ end subroutine test_init_and_count
+ subroutine test_store_count_and_write_all(error)
+ type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(MessagesType) :: messages
+ messages = MessagesType()
+ call messages%init()
+ call messages%store("1")
+ call messages%store("2")
+ call check(error, messages%count() == 2)
+ ! debug visually with e.g. `meson test --no-rebuild -C builddir --verbose Message`
+ call messages%write_all()
+ end subroutine test_store_count_and_write_all
+end module TestMessage
diff --git a/autotest/meson.build b/autotest/meson.build
index 9df73ae0a2e..c10ea05b3ab 100644
--- a/autotest/meson.build
+++ b/autotest/meson.build
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ if test_drive.found() and not fc_id.contains('intel')
+ 'Message',
diff --git a/autotest/tester.f90 b/autotest/tester.f90
index 714a88a36d4..4984b8ed3a8 100644
--- a/autotest/tester.f90
+++ b/autotest/tester.f90
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ program tester
use TestGeomUtil, only: collect_geomutil
use TestInputOutput, only: collect_inputoutput
use TestMathUtil, only: collect_mathutil
+ use TestMessage, only: collect_message
use TestSim, only: collect_sim
implicit none
integer :: stat, is
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ program tester
new_testsuite("GeomUtil", collect_geomutil), &
new_testsuite("InputOutput", collect_inputoutput), &
new_testsuite("MathUtil", collect_mathutil), &
+ new_testsuite("Message", collect_message), &
new_testsuite("Sim", collect_sim) &
diff --git a/make/makefile b/make/makefile
index 3ab9a570ea9..cd2e35d8612 100644
--- a/make/makefile
+++ b/make/makefile
@@ -76,17 +76,16 @@ ${SOURCEDIR32}
$(OBJDIR)/kind.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Constants.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/SimVariables.o \
$(OBJDIR)/ErrorUtil.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/genericutils.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/SimVariables.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/ArrayHandlers.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/Message.o \
$(OBJDIR)/defmacro.o \
$(OBJDIR)/compilerversion.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/ArrayHandlers.o \
$(OBJDIR)/version.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/Message.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Sim.o \
$(OBJDIR)/OpenSpec.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/MathUtil.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/genericutils.o \
$(OBJDIR)/InputOutput.o \
$(OBJDIR)/TableTerm.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Table.o \
@@ -325,6 +324,7 @@ $(OBJDIR)/BaseGeometry.o \
$(OBJDIR)/mf6.o \
$(OBJDIR)/StringList.o \
$(OBJDIR)/MemorySetHandler.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/MathUtil.o \
$(OBJDIR)/ilut.o \
$(OBJDIR)/sparsekit.o \
$(OBJDIR)/rcm.o \
diff --git a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3csub8.f90 b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3csub8.f90
index 28fbb247d79..73029f582db 100644
--- a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3csub8.f90
+++ b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3csub8.f90
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ module GwfCsubModule
use MemoryHelperModule, only: create_mem_path
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: is_same, sim_message
+ use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: is_same
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message
use SmoothingModule, only: sQuadraticSaturation, &
sQuadraticSaturationDerivative, &
sQuadratic0sp, &
@@ -1924,7 +1925,7 @@ subroutine csub_fp(this)
write (msg, '(1x,a,1x,i0,1x,a,1x,i0,1x,a)') &
'LARGEST', (i1 - i0 + 1), 'OF', this%ninterbeds, &
- call sim_message(msg, this%iout, skipbefore=1)
+ call write_message(msg, this%iout, skipbefore=1)
! -- interbed strain data
! -- set title
@@ -2114,7 +2115,7 @@ subroutine csub_fp(this)
write (msg, '(a,1x,i0,1x,a,1x,i0,1x,a)') &
'LARGEST ', (i1 - i0 + 1), 'OF', this%dis%nodes, &
- call sim_message(msg, this%iout, skipbefore=1)
+ call write_message(msg, this%iout, skipbefore=1)
! -- set title
title = trim(adjustl(this%packName))// &
diff --git a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3lak8.f90 b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3lak8.f90
index cd5e43a6b46..52ffc9e2916 100644
--- a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3lak8.f90
+++ b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3lak8.f90
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module LakModule
use BaseDisModule, only: DisBaseType
use SimModule, only: count_errors, store_error, store_error_unit, &
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message, is_same
+ use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: is_same
use BlockParserModule, only: BlockParserType
use BaseDisModule, only: DisBaseType
use SimVariablesModule, only: errmsg, warnmsg
diff --git a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3uzf8.f90 b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3uzf8.f90
index 5a89041cb39..d8b7019fc6a 100644
--- a/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3uzf8.f90
+++ b/src/Model/GroundWaterFlow/gwf3uzf8.f90
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ module UzfModule
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message
use MemoryManagerModule, only: mem_allocate, mem_reallocate, mem_setptr, &
use MemoryHelperModule, only: create_mem_path
diff --git a/src/Model/ModelUtilities/Connections.f90 b/src/Model/ModelUtilities/Connections.f90
index e6e0ba44cee..43e31abd8ba 100644
--- a/src/Model/ModelUtilities/Connections.f90
+++ b/src/Model/ModelUtilities/Connections.f90
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module ConnectionsModule
use ArrayReadersModule, only: ReadArray
use KindModule, only: DP, I4B
use ConstantsModule, only: LENMODELNAME, LENMEMPATH
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message
use SimVariablesModule, only: errmsg
use BlockParserModule, only: BlockParserType
use GeomUtilModule, only: get_node
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ subroutine read_connectivity_from_block(this, name_model, nodes, nja, iout)
m = this%ja(ii)
if (n /= this%ja(this%isym(ii))) then
write (line, fmtsymerr) aname(2), ii, this%isym(ii)
- call sim_message(line)
+ call write_message(line)
call this%parser%StoreErrorUnit()
end if
end do
diff --git a/src/SimulationCreate.f90 b/src/SimulationCreate.f90
index 0c0b22e78e2..8607cdb1967 100644
--- a/src/SimulationCreate.f90
+++ b/src/SimulationCreate.f90
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ module SimulationCreateModule
use SimVariablesModule, only: iout, simulation_mode, proc_id, &
nr_procs, model_names, model_ranks, &
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message, write_centered
use SimModule, only: store_error, count_errors, &
store_error_filename, MaxErrors
use VersionModule, only: write_listfile_header
diff --git a/src/Solution/LinearMethods/ims8base.f90 b/src/Solution/LinearMethods/ims8base.f90
index 353c176be8c..72bc98eb32b 100644
--- a/src/Solution/LinearMethods/ims8base.f90
+++ b/src/Solution/LinearMethods/ims8base.f90
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ MODULE IMSLinearBaseModule
use KindModule, only: DP, I4B
use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH, IZERO, &
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message, is_same
+ use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: is_same
use BlockParserModule, only: BlockParserType
use IMSReorderingModule, only: ims_odrv
use ConvergenceSummaryModule
diff --git a/src/Solution/LinearMethods/ims8linear.f90 b/src/Solution/LinearMethods/ims8linear.f90
index 043602fbde5..4838ff1cd88 100644
--- a/src/Solution/LinearMethods/ims8linear.f90
+++ b/src/Solution/LinearMethods/ims8linear.f90
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ MODULE IMSLinearModule
DEM8, DEM6, DEM5, DEM4, DEM3, DEM2, DEM1, &
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message
use IMSLinearBaseModule, only: ims_base_cg, ims_base_bcgs, &
ims_base_pccrs, ims_base_calc_order, &
ims_base_scale, ims_base_pcu, &
diff --git a/src/Solution/NumericalSolution.f90 b/src/Solution/NumericalSolution.f90
index 6670e416f47..456b58d54bd 100644
--- a/src/Solution/NumericalSolution.f90
+++ b/src/Solution/NumericalSolution.f90
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ module NumericalSolutionModule
use MemoryHelperModule, only: create_mem_path
use TableModule, only: TableType, table_cr
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: is_same, sim_message
+ use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: is_same
+ Use MessageModule, only: write_message
use VersionModule, only: IDEVELOPMODE
use BaseModelModule, only: BaseModelType
use BaseExchangeModule, only: BaseExchangeType
@@ -3147,7 +3148,7 @@ function sln_package_convergence(this, dpak, cpakout, iend) result(ivalue)
if (iend /= 0) then
write (errmsg, '(3a)') &
- call sim_message(errmsg)
+ call write_message(errmsg)
end if
end if
diff --git a/src/Timing/tdis.f90 b/src/Timing/tdis.f90
index b1dee473e7a..44bf93a4b97 100644
--- a/src/Timing/tdis.f90
+++ b/src/Timing/tdis.f90
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
module TdisModule
use KindModule, only: DP, I4B, LGP
- use SimVariablesModule, only: iout
+ use SimVariablesModule, only: iout, isim_level
use BlockParserModule, only: BlockParserType
use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH, LENDATETIME, VALL
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ subroutine tdis_set_counters()
! -- modules
use SimVariablesModule, only: isim_mode
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message
use AdaptiveTimeStepModule, only: isAdaptivePeriod, dtstable, &
! -- local
@@ -155,8 +155,9 @@ subroutine tdis_set_counters()
case (MNORMAL)
write (line, fmtspts) cpref, kper, kstp, trim(cend)
end select
- call sim_message(line, level=VALL)
- call sim_message(line, iunit=iout, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
+ if (isim_level >= VALL) &
+ call write_message(line)
+ call write_message(line, iunit=iout, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
! -- Write message if first time step
if (kstp == 1) then
diff --git a/src/Utilities/Idm/SourceLoad.F90 b/src/Utilities/Idm/SourceLoad.F90
index 236607806c7..f37a912132a 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/Idm/SourceLoad.F90
+++ b/src/Utilities/Idm/SourceLoad.F90
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ end subroutine load_modelnam
subroutine load_simnam()
use SimVariablesModule, only: simfile, iout
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message
use IdmMf6FileModule, only: input_load
type(ModflowInputType) :: mf6_input
character(len=LINELENGTH) :: line
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ subroutine load_simnam()
! -- write name of namfile to stdout
write (line, '(2(1x,a))') 'Using Simulation name file:', &
- call sim_message(line, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message(line, skipafter=1)
! -- create description of input
mf6_input = getModflowInput('NAM6', 'SIM', 'NAM', 'SIM', 'NAM', simfile)
diff --git a/src/Utilities/InputOutput.f90 b/src/Utilities/InputOutput.f90
index 8c6296d7bc5..7253b996f3e 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/InputOutput.f90
+++ b/src/Utilities/InputOutput.f90
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ module InputOutputModule
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: is_same, sim_message
+ use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: is_same
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message
public :: GetUnit, &
- call sim_message(msg_line, iunit=IOUT, skipbefore=1)
- call sim_message(LINE, iunit=IOUT, fmt='(1x,a)')
+ call write_message(msg_line, iunit=IOUT, skipbefore=1)
+ call write_message(LINE, iunit=IOUT, fmt='(1x,a)')
'" TO ',A,' IN LINE:')
- call sim_message(msg_line, iunit=IOUT, skipbefore=1)
- call sim_message(LINE, iunit=IOUT, fmt='(1x,a)')
+ call write_message(msg_line, iunit=IOUT, skipbefore=1)
+ call write_message(LINE, iunit=IOUT, fmt='(1x,a)')
! -- STOP after storing error message.
@@ -1179,9 +1180,9 @@ subroutine unitinquire(iu)
! -- write the results of the inquire statement
write(line,fmta) iu, trim(fname), trim(ac), trim(act)
- call sim_message(line)
+ call write_message(line)
write(line,fmtb) trim(fm), trim(seq), trim(unf), trim(frm)
- call sim_message(line)
+ call write_message(line)
! -- return
diff --git a/src/Utilities/Message.f90 b/src/Utilities/Message.f90
index c4f40740dcb..1e97db078fb 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/Message.f90
+++ b/src/Utilities/Message.f90
@@ -1,266 +1,481 @@
-!> @brief This module contains message methods
-!! This module contains generic message methods that are used to
-!! create warning and error messages and notes. This module also has methods
-!! for counting messages. The module does not have any dependencies on
-!! models, exchanges, or solutions in a simulation.
+!> @brief Store and issue logging messages to output units.
module MessageModule
use KindModule, only: LGP, I4B, DP
use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH, MAXCHARLEN, DONE, &
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message, write_message
- use SimVariablesModule, only: istdout
use ArrayHandlersModule, only: ExpandArray
+ use SimVariablesModule, only: istdout
implicit none
+ public :: MessagesType
+ public :: write_message
+ public :: write_message_counter
+ public :: write_message_centered
- public :: MessageType
- type :: MessageType
- character(len=LINELENGTH) :: title !< title of the message
- character(len=LINELENGTH) :: name !< message name
- integer(I4B) :: nmessage = 0 !< number of messages stored
- integer(I4B) :: max_message = 1000 !< default maximum number of messages that can be stored
- integer(I4B) :: max_exceeded = 0 !< flag indicating if the maximum number of messages has exceed the maximum number
- integer(I4B) :: inc_message = 100 !< amount to increment message array by when calling ExpandArray
- character(len=MAXCHARLEN), allocatable, dimension(:) :: message !< message array
+ !> @brief Container for related messages.
+ !!
+ !! A maximum capacity can be configured. Message storage
+ !! is dynamically resized up to the configured capacity.
+ !<
+ type :: MessagesType
+ integer(I4B) :: num_messages = 0 !< number of messages currently stored
+ integer(I4B) :: max_messages = 1000 !< default max message storage capacity
+ integer(I4B) :: max_exceeded = 0 !< number of messages in excess of maximum
+ integer(I4B) :: exp_messages = 100 !< number of slots to expand message array
+ character(len=MAXCHARLEN), allocatable, dimension(:) :: messages !< message array
- procedure :: init_message
- procedure :: count_message
- procedure :: set_max_message
- procedure :: store_message
- procedure :: print_message
- procedure :: deallocate_message
- end type MessageType
+ procedure :: init
+ procedure :: count
+ procedure :: set_max
+ procedure :: store
+ procedure :: write_all
+ procedure :: deallocate
+ end type MessagesType
- !> @brief Always initialize the message object
- !!
- !! Subroutine that initializes the message object. Allocation of message
- !! array occurs on-the-fly.
- !!
- !<
- subroutine init_message(this)
- ! -- dummy variables
- class(MessageType) :: this !< MessageType object
- !
- ! -- initialize message variables
- this%nmessage = 0
- this%max_message = 1000
+ !> @brief Initialize message storage.
+ subroutine init(this)
+ class(MessagesType) :: this !< MessageType object
+ this%num_messages = 0
+ this%max_messages = 1000
this%max_exceeded = 0
- this%inc_message = 100
- !
- ! -- return
- return
- end subroutine init_message
- !> @brief Return number of messages
- !!
- !! Function to return the number of messages that have been stored.
- !!
- !! @return ncount number of messages stored
- !!
- !<
- function count_message(this) result(nmessage)
- ! -- dummy variables
- class(MessageType) :: this !< MessageType object
- ! -- return variable
+ this%exp_messages = 100
+ end subroutine init
+ !> @brief Return the number of messages currently stored.
+ function count(this) result(nmessage)
+ class(MessagesType) :: this !< MessageType object
integer(I4B) :: nmessage
- !
- ! -- set nmessage
- if (allocated(this%message)) then
- nmessage = this%nmessage
+ if (allocated(this%messages)) then
+ nmessage = this%num_messages
nmessage = 0
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
- end function count_message
- !> @brief Set the maximum number of messages stored
- !!
- !! Subroutine to set the maximum number of messages that will be stored
- !! in a simulation.
- !!
- !<
- subroutine set_max_message(this, imax)
- ! -- dummy variables
- class(MessageType) :: this !< MessageType object
+ end function count
+ !> @brief Set the maximum number of messages.
+ subroutine set_max(this, imax)
+ class(MessagesType) :: this !< MessageType object
integer(I4B), intent(in) :: imax !< maximum number of messages that will be stored
- !
- ! -- set max_message
- this%max_message = imax
- !
- ! -- return
- return
- end subroutine set_max_message
- !> @brief Store message
- !!
- !! Subroutine to store a message for printing at the end of
- !! the simulation.
- !!
+ this%max_messages = imax
+ end subroutine set_max
+ !> @brief Add a message to storage.
+ !!
+ !! An optional string may be provided to filter out duplicate messages.
+ !! If any stored messages contain the string the message is not stored.
- subroutine store_message(this, msg, substring)
+ subroutine store(this, msg, substring)
! -- dummy variables
- class(MessageType) :: this !< MessageType object
+ class(MessagesType) :: this !< MessageType object
character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg !< message
- character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: substring !< optional string that can be used
- !! to prevent storing duplicate messages
+ character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: substring !< duplicate pattern
! -- local variables
logical(LGP) :: inc_array
- logical(LGP) :: increment_message
- integer(I4B) :: i
- integer(I4B) :: idx
- !
- ! -- determine if messages should be expanded
- inc_array = .TRUE.
- if (allocated(this%message)) then
- i = this%nmessage
- if (i < size(this%message)) then
- inc_array = .FALSE.
+ integer(I4B) :: i, n
+ ! -- resize message array if needed
+ inc_array = .true.
+ if (allocated(this%messages)) then
+ if (this%num_messages < size(this%messages)) then
+ inc_array = .false.
end if
end if
- !
- ! -- resize message
if (inc_array) then
- call ExpandArray(this%message, increment=this%inc_message)
- this%inc_message = int(this%inc_message * 1.1)
+ call ExpandArray(this%messages, increment=this%exp_messages)
+ this%exp_messages = int(this%exp_messages * 1.1)
end if
- !
- ! -- Determine if the substring exists in the passed message.
- ! If substring is in passed message, do not add the duplicate
- ! passed message.
- increment_message = .TRUE.
+ ! -- don't store duplicate messages
if (present(substring)) then
- do i = 1, this%nmessage
- idx = index(this%message(i), substring)
- if (idx > 0) then
- increment_message = .FALSE.
- exit
- end if
+ do i = 1, this%num_messages
+ if (index(this%messages(i), substring) > 0) return
end do
end if
- !
- ! -- store this message and calculate nmessage
- if (increment_message) then
- i = this%nmessage + 1
- if (i <= this%max_message) then
- this%nmessage = i
- this%message(i) = msg
- else
- this%max_exceeded = this%max_exceeded + 1
- end if
+ ! -- store message and update count unless
+ ! at capacity, then update excess count
+ n = this%num_messages + 1
+ if (n <= this%max_messages) then
+ this%num_messages = n
+ this%messages(n) = msg
+ else
+ this%max_exceeded = this%max_exceeded + 1
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
- end subroutine store_message
- !> @brief Print messages
- !!
- !! Subroutine to print stored messages.
- !!
+ end subroutine store
+ !> @brief Write all stored messages to standard output.
+ !!
+ !! An optional title to precede the messages may be provided.
+ !! The title is printed on a separate line. An arbitrary kind
+ !! may be specified, e.g. 'note', 'warning' or 'error. A file
+ !! unit can also be specified to write in addition to stdout.
- subroutine print_message(this, title, name, iunit, level)
+ subroutine write_all(this, title, kind, iunit)
! -- dummy variables
- class(MessageType) :: this !< MessageType object
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: title !< message title
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: name !< message name
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iunit !< optional file unit to save messages to
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: level !< optional level of messages to print
+ class(MessagesType) :: this !< MessageType object
+ character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: title !< message title
+ character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: kind !< message kind
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iunit !< file unit
! -- local
+ character(len=LINELENGTH) :: ltitle
+ character(len=LINELENGTH) :: lkind
character(len=LINELENGTH) :: errmsg
character(len=LINELENGTH) :: cerr
integer(I4B) :: iu
- integer(I4B) :: ilevel
integer(I4B) :: i
integer(I4B) :: isize
integer(I4B) :: iwidth
! -- formats
character(len=*), parameter :: stdfmt = "(/,A,/)"
- !
! -- process optional variables
+ if (present(title)) then
+ ltitle = title
+ else
+ ltitle = ''
+ end if
+ if (present(kind)) then
+ lkind = kind
+ else
+ lkind = ''
+ end if
if (present(iunit)) then
iu = iunit
iu = 0
end if
- if (present(level)) then
- ilevel = level
- else
- ilevel = VSUMMARY
- end if
- !
- ! -- write the title and all message entries
- if (allocated(this%message)) then
- isize = this%nmessage
+ ! -- write messages, if any
+ if (allocated(this%messages)) then
+ isize = this%num_messages
if (isize > 0) then
- !
! -- calculate the maximum width of the prepended string
! for the counter
write (cerr, '(i0)') isize
iwidth = len_trim(cerr) + 1
- !
! -- write title for message
- if (iu > 0) then
- call sim_message(title, iunit=iu, fmt=stdfmt, level=ilevel)
+ if (trim(ltitle) /= '') then
+ if (iu > 0) &
+ call write_message(iunit=iu, text=ltitle, fmt=stdfmt)
+ call write_message(text=ltitle, fmt=stdfmt)
end if
- call sim_message(title, fmt=stdfmt, level=ilevel)
- !
! -- write each message
do i = 1, isize
- call write_message(this%message(i), icount=i, iwidth=iwidth, &
- level=ilevel)
- if (iu > 0) then
- call write_message(this%message(i), icount=i, iwidth=iwidth, &
- iunit=iu, level=ilevel)
- end if
+ if (iu > 0) &
+ call write_message_counter( &
+ iunit=iu, &
+ text=this%messages(i), &
+ icount=i, &
+ iwidth=iwidth)
+ call write_message_counter( &
+ text=this%messages(i), &
+ icount=i, &
+ iwidth=iwidth)
end do
- !
! -- write the number of additional messages
if (this%max_exceeded > 0) then
write (errmsg, '(i0,3(1x,a))') &
- this%max_exceeded, 'additional', trim(name), &
+ this%max_exceeded, 'additional', trim(kind), &
'detected but not printed.'
- call sim_message(trim(errmsg), fmt='(/,1x,a)', level=ilevel)
- if (iu > 0) then
- call sim_message(trim(errmsg), iunit=iu, fmt='(/,1x,a)', &
- level=ilevel)
- end if
+ if (iu > 0) &
+ call write_message(iunit=iu, text=trim(errmsg), fmt='(/,1x,a)')
+ call write_message(text=trim(errmsg), fmt='(/,1x,a)')
end if
end if
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
- end subroutine print_message
+ end subroutine write_all
+ !> @ brief Deallocate message storage.
+ subroutine deallocate (this)
+ class(MessagesType) :: this
+ if (allocated(this%messages)) deallocate (this%messages)
+ end subroutine deallocate
- !> @ brief Deallocate message
+ !> @brief Write a message to an output unit.
- !! Subroutine that deallocate the array of strings if it was allocated
+ !! Use `advance` to toggle advancing output. Use `skipbefore/after` to
+ !! configure the number of whitespace lines before/after the message.
+ !<
+ subroutine write_message(text, iunit, fmt, &
+ skipbefore, skipafter, advance)
+ ! -- dummy
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: text !< message to write
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iunit !< output unit to write the message to
+ character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt !< format to write the message (default='(a)')
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: skipbefore !< number of empty lines before message (default=0)
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: skipafter !< number of empty lines after message (default=0)
+ logical(LGP), intent(in), optional :: advance !< whether to use advancing output (default is .true.)
+ ! -- local
+ character(len=3) :: cadvance
+ integer(I4B) :: i
+ integer(I4B) :: ilen
+ integer(I4B) :: iu
+ character(len=LENHUGELINE) :: simfmt
+ character(len=*), parameter :: stdfmt = '(a)'
+ character(len=*), parameter :: emptyfmt = '()'
+ if (present(iunit)) then
+ iu = iunit
+ else
+ iu = istdout
+ end if
+ ! -- get message length
+ ilen = len_trim(text)
+ ! -- process optional arguments
+ if (present(fmt)) then
+ simfmt = fmt
+ else
+ if (ilen > 0) then
+ simfmt = stdfmt
+ else
+ simfmt = emptyfmt
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (present(advance)) then
+ if (advance) then
+ cadvance = 'YES'
+ else
+ cadvance = 'NO'
+ end if
+ else
+ cadvance = 'YES'
+ end if
+ ! -- write empty line before message, if enabled
+ if (present(skipbefore)) then
+ do i = 1, skipbefore
+ write (iu, *)
+ end do
+ end if
+ ! -- write message if it isn't empty
+ if (ilen > 0) then
+ write (iu, trim(simfmt), advance=cadvance) text(1:ilen)
+ else
+ write (iu, trim(simfmt), advance=cadvance)
+ end if
+ ! -- write empty line after message, if enabled
+ if (present(skipafter)) then
+ do i = 1, skipafter
+ write (iu, *)
+ end do
+ end if
+ end subroutine write_message
+ !> @brief Write a message with configurable indentation and numbering.
+ !! The message may exceed 78 characters in length. Messages longer than
+ !! 78 characters are written across multiple lines. After icount lines,
+ !! subsequent lines are indented and numbered. Use skipbefore/after to
+ !! configure the number of empty lines before/after the message.
- subroutine deallocate_message(this)
- ! -- dummy variables
- class(MessageType) :: this !< MessageType object
- !
- ! -- deallocate the message
- if (allocated(this%message)) then
- deallocate (this%message)
+ subroutine write_message_counter(text, iunit, icount, iwidth, &
+ skipbefore, skipafter)
+ ! -- dummy
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: text !< message to be written
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iunit !< the unit number to which the message is written
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: icount !< counter to prepended to the message
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iwidth !< maximum width of the prepended counter
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: skipbefore !< optional number of empty lines before message (default=0)
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: skipafter !< optional number of empty lines after message (default=0)
+ ! -- local
+ integer(I4B), parameter :: len_line = 78
+ character(len=LENHUGELINE) :: amessage
+ character(len=len_line) :: line
+ character(len=16) :: cfmt
+ character(len=10) :: counter
+ character(len=5) :: fmt_first
+ character(len=20) :: fmt_cont
+ logical(LGP) :: include_counter
+ integer(I4B) :: isb
+ integer(I4B) :: isa
+ integer(I4B) :: jend
+ integer(I4B) :: len_str1
+ integer(I4B) :: len_str2
+ integer(I4B) :: len_message
+ integer(I4B) :: i
+ integer(I4B) :: j
+ integer(I4B) :: iu
+ if (present(iunit)) then
+ iu = iunit
+ else
+ iu = istdout
+ end if
+ ! -- abort if message is empty
+ if (len_trim(text) < 1) return
+ ! -- initialize local variables
+ amessage = text
+ counter = ''
+ fmt_first = '(A)'
+ fmt_cont = '(A)'
+ len_str1 = 0
+ len_str2 = len_line
+ include_counter = .false.
+ j = 0
+ ! -- process optional arguments
+ if (present(skipbefore)) then
+ isb = skipbefore
+ else
+ isb = 0
+ end if
+ if (present(skipafter)) then
+ isa = skipafter
+ else
+ isa = 0
+ end if
+ ! -- create the counter to prepend to the start of the message,
+ ! formats, and variables used to create strings
+ if (present(iwidth) .and. present(icount)) then
+ include_counter = .true.
+ ! -- write counter
+ write (cfmt, '(A,I0,A)') '(1x,i', iwidth, ',".",1x)'
+ write (counter, cfmt) icount
+ ! -- calculate the length of the first and second string on a line
+ len_str1 = len(trim(counter)) + 1
+ len_str2 = len_line - len_str1
+ ! -- write format for the continuation lines
+ write (fmt_cont, '(a,i0,a)') &
+ '(', len(trim(counter)) + 1, 'x,a)'
+ end if
+ ! -- calculate the length of the message
+ len_message = len_trim(amessage)
+ ! -- parse the message into multiple lines
+5 continue
+ jend = j + len_str2
+ if (jend >= len_message) go to 100
+ do i = jend, j + 1, -1
+ if (amessage(i:i) .eq. ' ') then
+ if (j == 0) then
+ if (include_counter) then
+ line = counter(1:len_str1)//amessage(j + 1:i)
+ else
+ line = amessage(j + 1:i)
+ end if
+ call write_message(text=line, iunit=iu, &
+ fmt=fmt_first, &
+ skipbefore=isb)
+ else
+ line = adjustl(amessage(j + 1:i))
+ call write_message(text=line, iunit=iu, &
+ fmt=fmt_cont)
+ end if
+ j = i
+ go to 5
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (j == 0) then
+ if (include_counter) then
+ line = counter(1:len_str1)//amessage(j + 1:jend)
+ else
+ line = amessage(j + 1:jend)
+ end if
+ call write_message(text=line, iunit=iu, &
+ fmt=fmt_first, &
+ skipbefore=isb)
+ else
+ line = amessage(j + 1:jend)
+ call write_message(text=line, iunit=iu, &
+ fmt=fmt_cont)
+ end if
+ j = jend
+ go to 5
+ ! -- last piece of amessage to write to a line
+100 continue
+ jend = len_message
+ if (j == 0) then
+ if (include_counter) then
+ line = counter(1:len_str1)//amessage(j + 1:jend)
+ else
+ line = amessage(j + 1:jend)
+ end if
+ call write_message(text=line, iunit=iu, &
+ fmt=fmt_first, &
+ skipbefore=isb, skipafter=isa)
+ else
+ line = amessage(j + 1:jend)
+ call write_message(text=line, iunit=iu, fmt=fmt_cont, &
+ skipafter=isa)
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
- end subroutine deallocate_message
+ end subroutine write_message_counter
+ !> @brief Write horizontally centered text, left-padding as needed.
+ subroutine write_message_centered(text, linelen, iunit)
+ ! -- dummy
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: text !< message to write to iunit
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: linelen !< length of line to center text in
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iunit !< output unit to write text
+ ! -- local
+ character(len=linelen) :: line
+ character(len=linelen) :: blank
+ integer(I4B) :: iu
+ integer(I4B) :: len_message
+ integer(I4B) :: jend
+ integer(I4B) :: ipad
+ integer(I4B) :: i
+ integer(I4B) :: j
+ if (present(iunit)) then
+ iu = iunit
+ else
+ iu = istdout
+ end if
+ ! -- initialize local variables
+ blank = ''
+ len_message = len_trim(adjustl(text))
+ j = 0
+ ! -- parse the amessage into multiple lines
+ outer: do while (.true.)
+ jend = j + linelen
+ ! last line
+ if (jend >= len_message) then
+ jend = len_message
+ line = text(j + 1:jend)
+ ipad = ((linelen - len_trim(line)) / 2)
+ call write_message(text=blank(1:ipad)//line, iunit=iunit)
+ exit outer
+ end if
+ do i = jend, j + 1, -1
+ if (text(i:i) .eq. ' ') then
+ line = text(j + 1:i)
+ ipad = ((linelen - len_trim(line)) / 2)
+ call write_message(text=blank(1:ipad)//line, iunit=iunit)
+ j = i
+ cycle outer
+ end if
+ end do
+ line = text(j + 1:jend)
+ ipad = ((linelen - len_trim(line)) / 2)
+ call write_message(text=blank(1:ipad)//line, iunit=iunit)
+ j = jend
+ end do outer
+ end subroutine write_message_centered
end module MessageModule
diff --git a/src/Utilities/Sim.f90 b/src/Utilities/Sim.f90
index 3535296d972..14d5a0103fa 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/Sim.f90
+++ b/src/Utilities/Sim.f90
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ module SimModule
use SimVariablesModule, only: istdout, iout, isim_level, ireturnerr, &
iforcestop, iunext, &
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message
- use MessageModule, only: MessageType
+ use MessageModule, only: MessagesType, write_message
implicit none
@@ -42,89 +41,52 @@ module SimModule
public :: store_error_filename
public :: MaxErrors
- type(MessageType) :: sim_errors
- type(MessageType) :: sim_uniterrors
- type(MessageType) :: sim_warnings
- type(MessageType) :: sim_notes
+ type(MessagesType) :: sim_errors
+ type(MessagesType) :: sim_uniterrors
+ type(MessagesType) :: sim_warnings
+ type(MessagesType) :: sim_notes
!> @brief Return number of errors
- !!
- !! Function to return the number of errors messages that have been stored.
- !!
- !! @return ncount number of error messages stored
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Function to return the number of errors messages that have been stored.
+ !!
+ !! @return ncount number of error messages stored
+ !!
function count_errors() result(ncount)
- ! -- return variable
integer(I4B) :: ncount
- !
- ! -- set ncount
- ncount = sim_errors%count_message()
- !
- ! -- return
- return
+ ncount = sim_errors%count()
end function count_errors
!> @brief Return number of warnings
- !!
- !! Function to return the number of warning messages that have been stored.
- !!
- !! @return ncount number of warning messages stored
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Function to return the number of warning messages that have been stored.
+ !!
+ !! @return ncount number of warning messages stored
+ !!
function count_warnings() result(ncount)
- ! -- return variable
integer(I4B) :: ncount
- !
- ! -- set ncount
- ncount = sim_warnings%count_message()
- !
- ! -- return
- return
+ ncount = sim_warnings%count()
end function count_warnings
- !> @brief Return number of notes
- !!
- !! Function to return the number of notes that have been stored.
- !!
- !! @return ncount number of notes stored
- !!
+ !> @brief Return the number of notes stored.
function count_notes() result(ncount)
- ! -- return variable
integer(I4B) :: ncount
- !
- ! -- set ncount
- ncount = sim_notes%count_message()
- !
- ! -- return
- return
+ ncount = sim_notes%count()
end function count_notes
- !> @brief Set the maximum number of errors stored
- !!
- !! Subroutine to set the maximum number of error messages that will be stored
- !! in a simulation.
- !!
+ !> @brief Set the maximum number of errors to be stored.
subroutine MaxErrors(imax)
- ! -- dummy variables
integer(I4B), intent(in) :: imax !< maximum number of error messages that will be stored
- !
- ! -- set the maximum number of error messages that will be saved
- call sim_errors%set_max_message(imax)
- !
- ! -- return
- return
+ call sim_errors%set_max(imax)
end subroutine MaxErrors
- !> @brief Store error message
- !!
- !! Subroutine to store a error message for printing at the end of
- !! the simulation.
- !!
+ !> @brief Store an error message.
subroutine store_error(msg, terminate)
! -- dummy variable
@@ -141,24 +103,22 @@ subroutine store_error(msg, terminate)
end if
! -- store error
- call sim_errors%store_message(msg)
+ call sim_errors%store(msg)
! -- terminate the simulation
if (lterminate) then
call ustop()
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end subroutine store_error
!> @brief Get the file name
- !!
- !! Subroutine to get the file name from the unit number for a open file.
- !! If the INQUIRE function returns the full path (for example, the INTEL
- !! compiler) then the returned file name (fname) is limited to the filename
- !! without the path.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine to get the file name from the unit number for a open file.
+ !! If the INQUIRE function returns the full path (for example, the INTEL
+ !! compiler) then the returned file name (fname) is limited to the filename
+ !! without the path.
+ !!
subroutine get_filename(iunit, fname)
! -- dummy variables
@@ -194,17 +154,15 @@ subroutine get_filename(iunit, fname)
ilen = len_trim(fname)
write (fname, '(a)') fname(ipos + 1:ilen)//' '
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end subroutine get_filename
!> @brief Store the file unit number
- !!
- !! Subroutine to convert the unit number for a open file to a file name
- !! and indicate that there is an error reading from the file. By default,
- !! the simulation is terminated when this subroutine is called.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine to convert the unit number for a open file to a file name
+ !! and indicate that there is an error reading from the file. By default,
+ !! the simulation is terminated when this subroutine is called.
+ !!
subroutine store_error_unit(iunit, terminate)
! -- dummy variables
@@ -226,22 +184,20 @@ subroutine store_error_unit(iunit, terminate)
inquire (unit=iunit, name=fname)
write (errmsg, '(3a)') &
"Error occurred while reading file '", trim(adjustl(fname)), "'"
- call sim_uniterrors%store_message(errmsg)
+ call sim_uniterrors%store(errmsg)
! -- terminate the simulation
if (lterminate) then
call ustop()
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end subroutine store_error_unit
!> @brief Store the erroring file name
- !!
- !! Subroutine to store the file name issuing an error. By default,
- !! the simulation is terminated when this subroutine is called
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine to store the file name issuing an error. By default,
+ !! the simulation is terminated when this subroutine is called
+ !!
subroutine store_error_filename(filename, terminate)
! -- dummy variables
@@ -261,22 +217,20 @@ subroutine store_error_filename(filename, terminate)
! -- store error unit
write (errmsg, '(3a)') &
"ERROR OCCURRED WHILE READING FILE '", trim(adjustl(filename)), "'"
- call sim_uniterrors%store_message(errmsg)
+ call sim_uniterrors%store(errmsg)
! -- terminate the simulation
if (lterminate) then
call ustop()
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end subroutine store_error_filename
!> @brief Store warning message
- !!
- !! Subroutine to store a warning message for printing at the end of
- !! the simulation.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine to store a warning message for printing at the end of
+ !! the simulation.
+ !!
subroutine store_warning(msg, substring)
! -- dummy variables
@@ -286,9 +240,9 @@ subroutine store_warning(msg, substring)
! -- store warning
if (present(substring)) then
- call sim_warnings%store_message(msg, substring)
+ call sim_warnings%store(msg, substring)
- call sim_warnings%store_message(msg)
+ call sim_warnings%store(msg)
end if
! -- return
@@ -296,10 +250,10 @@ subroutine store_warning(msg, substring)
end subroutine store_warning
!> @brief Store deprecation warning message
- !!
- !! Subroutine to store a warning message for deprecated variables
- !! and printing at the end of simulation.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine to store a warning message for deprecated variables
+ !! and printing at the end of simulation.
+ !!
subroutine deprecation_warning(cblock, cvar, cver, endmsg, iunit)
! -- modules
@@ -331,16 +285,14 @@ subroutine deprecation_warning(cblock, cvar, cver, endmsg, iunit)
end if
! -- store warning
- call sim_warnings%store_message(message)
- !
- ! -- return
- return
+ call sim_warnings%store(message)
end subroutine deprecation_warning
!> @brief Store note
- !!
- !! Subroutine to store a note for printing at the end of the simulation.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine to store a note for printing at the end of the simulation.
+ !!
subroutine store_note(note)
! -- modules
@@ -349,17 +301,15 @@ subroutine store_note(note)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: note !< note
! -- store note
- call sim_notes%store_message(note)
- !
- ! -- return
- return
+ call sim_notes%store(note)
end subroutine store_note
!> @brief Stop the simulation.
- !!
- !! Subroutine to stop the simulations with option to print message
- !! before stopping with the active error code.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine to stop the simulations with option to print message
+ !! before stopping with the active error code.
+ !!
subroutine ustop(stopmess, ioutlocal)
! -- dummy variables
@@ -377,10 +327,10 @@ subroutine ustop(stopmess, ioutlocal)
end subroutine ustop
!> @brief Print the final messages
- !!
- !! Subroutine to print the notes, warnings, errors and the final message (if passed).
- !! The subroutine also closes all open files.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine to print the notes, warnings, errors and the final message (if passed).
+ !! The subroutine also closes all open files.
+ !!
subroutine print_final_message(stopmess, ioutlocal)
! -- dummy variables
@@ -393,19 +343,21 @@ subroutine print_final_message(stopmess, ioutlocal)
character(len=*), parameter :: msg = 'Stopping due to error(s)'
! -- print the accumulated messages
- call sim_notes%print_message('NOTES:', 'note(s)', &
- iunit=iout, level=VALL)
- call sim_warnings%print_message('WARNING REPORT:', 'warning(s)', &
- iunit=iout, level=VALL)
- call sim_errors%print_message('ERROR REPORT:', 'error(s)', iunit=iout)
- call sim_uniterrors%print_message('UNIT ERROR REPORT:', &
- 'file unit error(s)', iunit=iout)
+ if (isim_level >= VALL) then
+ call sim_notes%write_all('NOTES:', 'note(s)', &
+ iunit=iout)
+ call sim_warnings%write_all('WARNING REPORT:', 'warning(s)', &
+ iunit=iout)
+ end if
+ call sim_errors%write_all('ERROR REPORT:', 'error(s)', iunit=iout)
+ call sim_uniterrors%write_all('UNIT ERROR REPORT:', &
+ 'file unit error(s)', iunit=iout)
! -- write a stop message, if one is passed
if (present(stopmess)) then
if (stopmess .ne. ' ') then
- call sim_message(stopmess, fmt=fmt, iunit=iout)
- call sim_message(stopmess, fmt=fmt)
+ call write_message(stopmess, fmt=fmt, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message(stopmess, fmt=fmt)
if (present(ioutlocal)) then
if (ioutlocal > 0 .and. ioutlocal /= iout) then
write (ioutlocal, fmt) trim(stopmess)
@@ -419,7 +371,7 @@ subroutine print_final_message(stopmess, ioutlocal)
flush (istdout)
! -- determine if an error condition has occurred
- if (sim_errors%count_message() > 0) then
+ if (sim_errors%count() > 0) then
ireturnerr = 2
if (present(ioutlocal)) then
if (ioutlocal > 0 .and. ioutlocal /= iout) write (ioutlocal, fmt) msg
@@ -428,34 +380,26 @@ subroutine print_final_message(stopmess, ioutlocal)
! -- close all open files
call sim_closefiles()
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end subroutine print_final_message
!> @brief Reset the simulation convergence flag
- !!
- !! Subroutine to reset the simulation convergence flag.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine to reset the simulation convergence flag.
+ !!
subroutine converge_reset()
- ! -- modules
use SimVariablesModule, only: isimcnvg
- !
- ! -- reset simulation convergence flag
isimcnvg = 1
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end subroutine converge_reset
!> @brief Simulation convergence check
- !!
- !! Subroutine to check simulation convergence. If the continue option is
- !! set the simulation convergence flag is set to True if the simulation
- !! did not actually converge for a time step and the non-convergence counter
- !! is incremented.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine to check simulation convergence. If the continue option is
+ !! set the simulation convergence flag is set to True if the simulation
+ !! did not actually converge for a time step and the non-convergence counter
+ !! is incremented.
+ !!
subroutine converge_check(hasConverged)
! -- modules
@@ -485,19 +429,17 @@ subroutine converge_check(hasConverged)
! -- save simulation failure message
if (isimcnvg == 0) then
- call sim_message('', fmt=fmtfail, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message('', fmt=fmtfail, iunit=iout)
hasConverged = .false.
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end subroutine converge_check
!> @brief Print the header and initializes messaging
- !!
- !! Subroutine that prints the initial message and initializes the notes,
- !! warning messages, unit errors, and error messages.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine that prints the initial message and initializes the notes,
+ !! warning messages, unit errors, and error messages.
+ !!
subroutine initial_message()
! -- modules
@@ -505,27 +447,27 @@ subroutine initial_message()
use SimVariablesModule, only: simulation_mode
! -- initialize message lists
- call sim_errors%init_message()
- call sim_uniterrors%init_message()
- call sim_warnings%init_message()
- call sim_notes%init_message()
+ call sim_errors%init()
+ call sim_uniterrors%init()
+ call sim_warnings%init()
+ call sim_notes%init()
! -- Write banner to screen (unit stdout)
call write_listfile_header(istdout, write_kind_info=.false., &
if (simulation_mode == 'PARALLEL') then
- call sim_message('(MODFLOW runs in '//trim(simulation_mode)//' mode)', &
- skipafter=1)
+ call write_message('(MODFLOW runs in '//trim(simulation_mode)//' mode)', &
+ skipafter=1)
end if
end subroutine initial_message
!> @brief Create final message
- !!
- !! Subroutine that creates the appropriate final message and
- !! terminates the program with an error message, if necessary.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine that creates the appropriate final message and
+ !! terminates the program with an error message, if necessary.
+ !!
subroutine final_message()
! -- modules
@@ -539,9 +481,9 @@ subroutine final_message()
if (numnoconverge > 0) then
write (warnmsg, fmtnocnvg) numnoconverge
if (isimcontinue == 0) then
- call sim_errors%store_message(warnmsg)
+ call sim_errors%store(warnmsg)
- call sim_warnings%store_message(warnmsg)
+ call sim_warnings%store(warnmsg)
end if
end if
@@ -563,10 +505,10 @@ subroutine final_message()
end if
! -- destroy messages
- call sim_errors%deallocate_message()
- call sim_uniterrors%deallocate_message()
- call sim_warnings%deallocate_message()
- call sim_notes%deallocate_message()
+ call sim_errors%deallocate()
+ call sim_uniterrors%deallocate()
+ call sim_warnings%deallocate()
+ call sim_notes%deallocate()
! -- return or halt
if (iforcestop == 1) then
@@ -576,13 +518,11 @@ subroutine final_message()
end subroutine final_message
!> @brief Close all open files
- !!
- !! Subroutine that closes all open files at the end of the simulation.
- !!
+ !!
+ !! Subroutine that closes all open files at the end of the simulation.
+ !!
subroutine sim_closefiles()
- ! -- modules
- ! -- dummy
! -- local variables
integer(I4B) :: i
logical :: opened
@@ -608,9 +548,7 @@ subroutine sim_closefiles()
! -- close file unit i
close (i)
end do
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end subroutine sim_closefiles
end module SimModule
diff --git a/src/Utilities/Timer.f90 b/src/Utilities/Timer.f90
index bac77230997..55c92761d17 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/Timer.f90
+++ b/src/Utilities/Timer.f90
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module TimerModule
use KindModule, only: DP, I4B
use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH, DZERO
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message
implicit none
public :: print_start_time
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ subroutine print_start_time()
! -- Get current date and time, assign to IBDT, and write to screen
call date_and_time(values=ibdt)
write (line, fmtdt) (ibdt(i), i=1, 3), (ibdt(i), i=5, 7)
- call sim_message(line, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message(line, skipafter=1)
! -- return
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ SUBROUTINE elapsed_time(iout, iprtim)
! -- write elapsed time to stdout
write (line, fmtdt) (IEDT(I), I=1, 3), (IEDT(I), I=5, 7)
- call sim_message(line, skipbefore=1)
+ call write_message(line, skipbefore=1)
! -- write elapsted time to iout
- call sim_message(line, iunit=iout, skipbefore=1)
+ call write_message(line, iunit=iout, skipbefore=1)
! Calculate elapsed time in days and seconds
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ SUBROUTINE elapsed_time(iout, iprtim)
WRITE (line, 1040) NSECS, MSECS
1040 FORMAT(1X, 'Elapsed run time: ', I2, '.', I3.3, ' Seconds')
- call sim_message(line, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message(line, skipafter=1)
! Write times to file if requested
diff --git a/src/Utilities/comarg.f90 b/src/Utilities/comarg.f90
index d8379d8888c..eaab198aab5 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/comarg.f90
+++ b/src/Utilities/comarg.f90
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ module CommandArguments
use SimVariablesModule, only: istdout, isim_level, &
simfile, simlstfile, simstdout, &
isim_mode, simulation_mode
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message, write_message
use SimModule, only: store_error, ustop
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message, write_message_counter
use InputOutputModule, only: upcase, getunit
implicit none
@@ -144,25 +144,25 @@ subroutine GetCommandLineArguments()
lstop = .TRUE.
write (line, '(2a,2(1x,a))') &
trim(adjustl(cexe)), ':', trim(adjustl(VERSION))
- call write_message(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message_counter(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
case ('-DEV', '--DEVELOP')
lstop = .TRUE.
write (line, '(2a,g0)') &
trim(adjustl(cexe)), ': develop version ', ltyp
- call write_message(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message_counter(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
case ('-C', '--COMPILER')
lstop = .TRUE.
call get_compiler(compiler)
write (line, '(2a,1x,a)') &
trim(adjustl(cexe)), ':', trim(adjustl(compiler))
- call write_message(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message_counter(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
case ('-S', '--SILENT')
write (line, '(2a,1x,a)') &
trim(adjustl(cexe)), ':', 'all screen output sent to mfsim.stdout'
- call write_message(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message_counter(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
case ('-D', '--DISCLAIMER')
lstop = .TRUE.
- call sim_message('', fmt=FMTDISCLAIMER)
+ call write_message('', fmt=FMTDISCLAIMER)
case ('-P', '--PARALLEL')
simulation_mode = 'PARALLEL'
case ('-LIC', '--LICENSE')
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ subroutine GetCommandLineArguments()
case ('-CO', '--COMPILER-OPT')
lstop = .TRUE.
call get_compile_options(coptions)
- call write_message(coptions, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message_counter(coptions, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
case ('-L', '--LEVEL')
if (len_trim(clevel) < 1) then
iarg = iarg + 1
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ subroutine GetCommandLineArguments()
write (line, '(2a,2(1x,a))') &
trim(adjustl(cexe)), ':', 'stdout output level', &
- call write_message(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message_counter(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
case ('-M', '--MODE')
if (len_trim(cmode) < 1) then
iarg = iarg + 1
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ subroutine GetCommandLineArguments()
trim(adjustl(cmode))//'. Model input will be checked for all '// &
'stress periods but the matrix equations will not be '// &
'assembled or solved.'
- call write_message(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message_counter(line, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
case default
lstop = .TRUE.
call write_usage(trim(adjustl(header)), trim(adjustl(cexe)))
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ subroutine GetCommandLineArguments()
! -- write blank line to stdout
if (icountcmd > 0) then
- call sim_message('')
+ call write_message('')
end if
! -- return
@@ -296,16 +296,16 @@ subroutine write_usage(header, cexe)
&'[1] https://github.com/MODFLOW-USGS/modflow6/issues',/)"
! -- write command line usage information to the screen
- call sim_message(header)
+ call write_message(header)
write (line, '(a,1x,a,15x,a,2(1x,a),2a)') &
'usage:', cexe, 'run MODFLOW', trim(adjustl(MFVNAM)), &
'using "', trim(adjustl(simfile)), '"'
- call sim_message(line)
+ call write_message(line)
write (line, '(a,1x,a,1x,a,5x,a)') &
' or:', cexe, '[options]', &
'retrieve program information'
- call sim_message(line)
- call sim_message('', fmt=OPTIONSFMT)
+ call write_message(line)
+ call write_message('', fmt=OPTIONSFMT)
! -- return
diff --git a/src/Utilities/genericutils.f90 b/src/Utilities/genericutils.f90
index 70cc58bb75c..e6921da9dd6 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/genericutils.f90
+++ b/src/Utilities/genericutils.f90
@@ -15,331 +15,10 @@ module GenericUtilitiesModule
- public :: sim_message
- public :: write_message
- public :: write_centered
public :: is_same
- !> @brief Write simulation message
- !!
- !! Subroutine to print message to user specified iunit or STDOUT based on level.
- !!
- !<
- subroutine sim_message(message, iunit, fmt, level, &
- skipbefore, skipafter, advance)
- ! -- dummy variables
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: message !< message to write to iunit
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iunit !< optional file unit to write the message to (default=stdout)
- character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fmt !< optional format to write the message (default='(a)')
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: level !< optional level for the message (default=summary)
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: skipbefore !< optional number of empty lines before message (default=0)
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: skipafter !< optional number of empty lines after message (default=0)
- logical(LGP), intent(in), optional :: advance !< optional boolean indicating if advancing output (default is .TRUE.)
- ! -- local variables
- character(len=3) :: cadvance
- integer(I4B) :: i
- integer(I4B) :: ilen
- integer(I4B) :: iu
- integer(I4B) :: ilevel
- character(len=LENHUGELINE) :: simfmt
- character(len=*), parameter :: stdfmt = '(a)'
- character(len=*), parameter :: emptyfmt = '()'
- !
- ! -- initialize local variables
- ilen = len_trim(message)
- !
- ! -- process optional dummy variables
- if (present(iunit)) then
- iu = iunit
- else
- iu = istdout
- end if
- if (present(fmt)) then
- simfmt = fmt
- else
- if (ilen > 0) then
- simfmt = stdfmt
- else
- simfmt = emptyfmt
- end if
- end if
- if (present(level)) then
- ilevel = level
- else
- ilevel = VSUMMARY
- end if
- if (present(advance)) then
- if (advance) then
- cadvance = 'YES'
- else
- cadvance = 'NO'
- end if
- else
- cadvance = 'YES'
- end if
- !
- ! -- write empty line before message
- if (present(skipbefore)) then
- do i = 1, skipbefore
- write (iu, *)
- end do
- end if
- !
- ! -- write message if the level of the message is less than
- ! or equal the isim_level for the simulation
- if (ilevel <= isim_level) then
- if (ilen > 0) then
- write (iu, trim(simfmt), advance=cadvance) message(1:ilen)
- else
- write (iu, trim(simfmt), advance=cadvance)
- end if
- end if
- !
- ! -- write empty line after message
- if (present(skipafter)) then
- do i = 1, skipafter
- write (iu, *)
- end do
- end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
- end subroutine sim_message
- !> @brief Write messages
- !!
- !! Subroutine that formats and writes a single message that
- !! may exceeed 78 characters in length. Messages longer than
- !! 78 characters are written across multiple lines. When a
- !! counter is passed in subsequent lines are indented.
- !!
- !<
- subroutine write_message(message, icount, iwidth, iunit, level, &
- skipbefore, skipafter)
- ! -- dummy variables
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: message !< message to be written
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: icount !< counter to prepended to the message
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iwidth !< maximum width of the prepended counter
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iunit !< the unit number to which the message is written
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: level !< level of message (VSUMMARY, VALL, VDEBUG)
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: skipbefore !< optional number of empty lines before message (default=0)
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: skipafter !< optional number of empty lines after message (default=0)
- ! -- local variables
- integer(I4B), parameter :: len_line = 78
- character(len=LENHUGELINE) :: amessage
- character(len=len_line) :: line
- character(len=16) :: cfmt
- character(len=10) :: counter
- character(len=5) :: fmt_first
- character(len=20) :: fmt_cont
- logical(LGP) :: include_counter
- integer(I4B) :: isb
- integer(I4B) :: isa
- integer(I4B) :: jend
- integer(I4B) :: len_str1
- integer(I4B) :: len_str2
- integer(I4B) :: len_message
- integer(I4B) :: junit
- integer(I4B) :: ilevel
- integer(I4B) :: i
- integer(I4B) :: j
- !
- ! -- return if no message is passed
- if (len_trim(message) < 1) then
- return
- end if
- !
- ! -- initialize local variables
- amessage = message
- counter = ''
- fmt_first = '(A)'
- fmt_cont = '(A)'
- len_str1 = 0
- len_str2 = len_line
- include_counter = .FALSE.
- junit = istdout
- j = 0
- !
- ! -- process optional dummy variables
- ! -- set the unit number
- if (present(iunit)) then
- if (iunit > 0) then
- junit = iunit
- end if
- end if
- !
- ! -- set the message level
- if (present(level)) then
- ilevel = level
- else
- ilevel = VSUMMARY
- end if
- !
- ! -- set skip before
- if (present(skipbefore)) then
- isb = skipbefore
- else
- isb = 0
- end if
- !
- ! -- set skip after
- if (present(skipafter)) then
- isa = skipafter
- else
- isa = 0
- end if
- !
- ! -- create the counter to prepend to the start of the message,
- ! formats, and variables used to create strings
- if (present(iwidth) .and. present(icount)) then
- include_counter = .TRUE.
- ! -- write counter
- write (cfmt, '(A,I0,A)') '(1x,i', iwidth, ',".",1x)'
- write (counter, cfmt) icount
- ! -- calculate the length of the first and second string on a line
- len_str1 = len(trim(counter)) + 1
- len_str2 = len_line - len_str1
- ! -- write format for the continuation lines
- write (fmt_cont, '(a,i0,a)') &
- '(', len(trim(counter)) + 1, 'x,a)'
- end if
- !
- ! -- calculate the length of the message
- len_message = len_trim(amessage)
- !
- ! -- parse the amessage into multiple lines
-5 continue
- jend = j + len_str2
- if (jend >= len_message) go to 100
- do i = jend, j + 1, -1
- if (amessage(i:i) .eq. ' ') then
- if (j == 0) then
- if (include_counter) then
- line = counter(1:len_str1)//amessage(j + 1:i)
- else
- line = amessage(j + 1:i)
- end if
- call sim_message(line, iunit=junit, &
- fmt=fmt_first, level=ilevel, &
- skipbefore=isb)
- else
- line = adjustl(amessage(j + 1:i))
- call sim_message(line, iunit=junit, &
- fmt=fmt_cont, level=ilevel)
- end if
- j = i
- go to 5
- end if
- end do
- if (j == 0) then
- if (include_counter) then
- line = counter(1:len_str1)//amessage(j + 1:jend)
- else
- line = amessage(j + 1:jend)
- end if
- call sim_message(line, iunit=junit, &
- fmt=fmt_first, level=ilevel, &
- skipbefore=isb)
- else
- line = amessage(j + 1:jend)
- call sim_message(line, iunit=junit, &
- fmt=fmt_cont, level=ilevel)
- end if
- j = jend
- go to 5
- !
- ! -- last piece of amessage to write to a line
-100 continue
- jend = len_message
- if (j == 0) then
- if (include_counter) then
- line = counter(1:len_str1)//amessage(j + 1:jend)
- else
- line = amessage(j + 1:jend)
- end if
- call sim_message(line, iunit=junit, &
- fmt=fmt_first, level=ilevel, &
- skipbefore=isb, skipafter=isa)
- else
- line = amessage(j + 1:jend)
- call sim_message(line, iunit=junit, fmt=fmt_cont, &
- level=ilevel, &
- skipafter=isa)
- end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
- end subroutine write_message
- !> @brief Write centered text
- !!
- !! Subroutine to write text to unit iunit centered in width defined by linelen.
- !! Left-pad with blanks as needed.
- !!
- !<
- subroutine write_centered(text, linelen, iunit)
- ! -- dummy variables
- character(len=*), intent(in) :: text !< message to write to iunit
- integer(I4B), intent(in) :: linelen !< length of line to center text in
- integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iunit !< optional file unit to write text (default=stdout)
- ! -- local variables
- character(len=linelen) :: line
- character(len=linelen) :: blank
- integer(I4B) :: iu
- integer(I4B) :: len_message
- integer(I4B) :: jend
- integer(I4B) :: ipad
- integer(I4B) :: i
- integer(I4B) :: j
- !
- ! -- process optional parameters
- if (present(iunit)) then
- iu = iunit
- else
- iu = istdout
- end if
- !
- ! -- process text
- if (iu > 0) then
- !
- ! -- initialize local variables
- blank = ''
- len_message = len_trim(adjustl(text))
- j = 0
- !
- ! -- parse the amessage into multiple lines
-5 continue
- jend = j + linelen
- if (jend >= len_message) go to 100
- do i = jend, j + 1, -1
- if (text(i:i) .eq. ' ') then
- line = text(j + 1:i)
- ipad = ((linelen - len_trim(line)) / 2)
- call sim_message(blank(1:ipad)//line, iunit=iu)
- j = i
- go to 5
- end if
- end do
- line = text(j + 1:jend)
- ipad = ((linelen - len_trim(line)) / 2)
- call sim_message(blank(1:ipad)//line, iunit=iu)
- j = jend
- go to 5
- !
- ! -- last piece of amessage to write to a line
-100 continue
- jend = len_message
- line = text(j + 1:jend)
- ipad = ((linelen - len_trim(line)) / 2)
- call sim_message(blank(1:ipad)//line, iunit=iu)
- end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
- end subroutine write_centered
!> @brief Function to determine if two reals are the same
!! Function to evaluate if the difference between a and b are less than eps
@@ -381,9 +60,7 @@ function is_same(a, b, eps) result(lvalue)
lvalue = .TRUE.
end if
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end function is_same
end module GenericUtilitiesModule
diff --git a/src/Utilities/version.f90 b/src/Utilities/version.f90
index 6659205d182..741c5bed516 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/version.f90
+++ b/src/Utilities/version.f90
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ module VersionModule
use DefinedMacros, only: is_extended, using_petsc, using_netcdf
use ConstantsModule, only: LENBIGLINE, LENHUGELINE, DZERO
use SimVariablesModule, only: istdout
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: write_centered, write_message, sim_message
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message, write_message_centered, &
+ write_message_counter
use CompilerVersion, only: get_compiler, get_compile_options
implicit none
@@ -116,26 +117,33 @@ subroutine write_listfile_header(iout, cmodel_type, write_sys_command, &
end if
! -- Write title to iout
- call write_centered(cheader, iheader_width, iunit=iout)
- call write_centered(MFTITLE, iheader_width, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered(text=cheader, linelen=iheader_width, &
+ iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered(text=MFTITLE, linelen=iheader_width, &
+ iunit=iout)
! -- Write model type to list file
if (present(cmodel_type)) then
- call write_centered(cmodel_type, iheader_width, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered(text=cmodel_type, linelen=iheader_width, &
+ iunit=iout)
end if
! -- Write version
- call write_centered('VERSION '//VERSION, iheader_width, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered(text='VERSION '//VERSION, &
+ linelen=iheader_width, iunit=iout)
! -- Write if develop mode
if (IDEVELOPMODE == 1) then
- call write_centered('***DEVELOP MODE***', iheader_width, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered(text='***DEVELOP MODE***', &
+ linelen=iheader_width, iunit=iout)
end if
! -- Write compiler version
call get_compiler(compiler)
- call write_centered(' ', iheader_width, iunit=iout)
- call write_centered(trim(adjustl(compiler)), iheader_width, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered(text=' ', linelen=iheader_width, &
+ iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered(text=trim(adjustl(compiler)), &
+ linelen=iheader_width, iunit=iout)
! -- Write disclaimer
write (iout, FMTDISCLAIMER)
@@ -148,7 +156,7 @@ subroutine write_listfile_header(iout, cmodel_type, write_sys_command, &
! -- write compiler options
if (iout /= istdout) then
call get_compile_options(compiler_options)
- call write_message(compiler_options, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_counter(text=compiler_options, iunit=iout)
end if
! -- Write the system command used to initiate simulation
@@ -168,9 +176,7 @@ subroutine write_listfile_header(iout, cmodel_type, write_sys_command, &
call write_kindinfo(iout)
end if
write (iout, *)
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end subroutine write_listfile_header
!> @ brief Write program license
@@ -186,7 +192,7 @@ subroutine write_license(iout)
if (present(iout)) then
write (iout, FMTLICENSE)
- call sim_message('', fmt=FMTLICENSE)
+ call write_message('', fmt=FMTLICENSE)
end if
! -- write NetCDF license
@@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ subroutine write_license(iout)
if (present(iout)) then
write (iout, NETCDFLICENSE)
- call sim_message('', fmt=NETCDFLICENSE)
+ call write_message('', fmt=NETCDFLICENSE)
end if
end if
@@ -203,12 +209,10 @@ subroutine write_license(iout)
if (present(iout)) then
write (iout, PETSCLICENSE)
- call sim_message('', fmt=PETSCLICENSE)
+ call write_message('', fmt=PETSCLICENSE)
end if
end if
- !
- ! -- return
- return
end subroutine write_license
end module VersionModule
diff --git a/src/mf6core.f90 b/src/mf6core.f90
index a718496ba3a..3b2b78c3924 100644
--- a/src/mf6core.f90
+++ b/src/mf6core.f90
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ subroutine create_lstfile()
use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH
use SimVariablesModule, only: proc_id, nr_procs, simlstfile, iout
use InputOutputModule, only: getunit, openfile, append_processor_id
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message
use VersionModule, only: write_listfile_header
character(len=LINELENGTH) :: line
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ subroutine create_lstfile()
write (line, '(2(1x,A))') 'Writing simulation list file:', &
- call sim_message(line)
+ call write_message(line)
call write_listfile_header(iout)
! -- return
diff --git a/srcbmi/mf6bmiUtil.f90 b/srcbmi/mf6bmiUtil.f90
index 4a5f1d1945e..f586ed6f79e 100644
--- a/srcbmi/mf6bmiUtil.f90
+++ b/srcbmi/mf6bmiUtil.f90
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module mf6bmiUtil
use KindModule, only: DP, I4B, LGP
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message
use SimVariablesModule, only: istdout
use MemoryHelperModule, only: split_mem_address, split_mem_path
implicit none
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ function get_model_name(grid_id) result(model_name)
end do
write (error_msg, '(a,i0)') 'BMI error: no model for grid id ', grid_id
- call sim_message(error_msg, iunit=istdout, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
+ call write_message(error_msg, iunit=istdout, skipbefore=1, skipafter=1)
end function get_model_name
!> @brief Get the solution object for this index
diff --git a/utils/mf5to6/make/makefile b/utils/mf5to6/make/makefile
index 5fd9b2f1d12..00f87156629 100644
--- a/utils/mf5to6/make/makefile
+++ b/utils/mf5to6/make/makefile
@@ -28,16 +28,17 @@ ${SOURCEDIR8}
$(OBJDIR)/kind.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Constants.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/Global.o \
$(OBJDIR)/SimVariables.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/genericutils.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/ArrayHandlers.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/Message.o \
$(OBJDIR)/defmacro.o \
$(OBJDIR)/compilerversion.o \
$(OBJDIR)/version.o \
$(OBJDIR)/OpenSpec.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/Global.o \
$(OBJDIR)/GlobalVariables.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/ArrayHandlers.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/genericutils.o \
$(OBJDIR)/InputOutput.o \
$(OBJDIR)/TableTerm.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Table.o \
diff --git a/utils/mf5to6/msvs/mf5to6.vfproj b/utils/mf5to6/msvs/mf5to6.vfproj
index f2f4308ae4f..f206d7d30aa 100644
--- a/utils/mf5to6/msvs/mf5to6.vfproj
+++ b/utils/mf5to6/msvs/mf5to6.vfproj
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
diff --git a/utils/mf5to6/pymake/extrafiles.txt b/utils/mf5to6/pymake/extrafiles.txt
index 0590f14ebf5..6b5a9b976c4 100644
--- a/utils/mf5to6/pymake/extrafiles.txt
+++ b/utils/mf5to6/pymake/extrafiles.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
diff --git a/utils/mf5to6/src/MF2005/GwfBasSubs.f b/utils/mf5to6/src/MF2005/GwfBasSubs.f
index 01b15a2e4da..2e8adcdd710 100644
--- a/utils/mf5to6/src/MF2005/GwfBasSubs.f
+++ b/utils/mf5to6/src/MF2005/GwfBasSubs.f
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module GwfBasSubs
use global, only: iout
use GlobalVariablesModule, only: echo
use GwfBasModule, only: SGWF2BAS7PNT, SGWF2BAS7PSV
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: write_centered
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message_centered
use ModelModule, only: ModelType
use ObsWriterModule, only: ObsWriterType
use OpenSpecModule, only: ACCESS, ACTION, FORM
model%iulist = iu
- call write_centered(PROGNAM, 80, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered(PROGNAM, 80, iunit=iout)
msg = 'Conversion Report'
- call write_centered(msg, 80, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered(msg, 80, iunit=iout)
if (.not. model%ConversionDone) then
diff --git a/utils/mf5to6/src/ModelConverter.f90 b/utils/mf5to6/src/ModelConverter.f90
index 3c1f14555e4..bea004b0de6 100644
--- a/utils/mf5to6/src/ModelConverter.f90
+++ b/utils/mf5to6/src/ModelConverter.f90
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ module ModelConverterModule
use RivObsWriterModule, only: createRivObsWriter, RivObsWriterType
use GhbObsWriterModule, only: createGhbObsWriter, GhbObsWriterType
use GlobalVariablesModule, only: echo
- use SimModule, only: store_error, store_note, store_warning, ustop, &
- write_message
+ use SimModule, only: store_error, store_note, store_warning, ustop
use SimListVariablesModule, only: SimMovers
use UpwSubsModule, only: GWF2UPW1AR
use UtilitiesModule, only: GetArgs
diff --git a/utils/mf5to6/src/Preproc/Preproc.f90 b/utils/mf5to6/src/Preproc/Preproc.f90
index df58ae136e1..d840b84beb6 100644
--- a/utils/mf5to6/src/Preproc/Preproc.f90
+++ b/utils/mf5to6/src/Preproc/Preproc.f90
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module PreprocModule
AddObsBlockToList, GetObsBlockFromList
use OpenSpecModule, only: ACCESS, ACTION, FORM
use SimModule, only: count_errors, print_notes, store_error, &
- store_error_unit, ustop, write_message
+ store_error_unit, ustop
use UtilitiesModule, only: get_extension, CalcContribFactors
implicit none
diff --git a/utils/zonebudget/make/makefile b/utils/zonebudget/make/makefile
index 09354769be3..db96d3c3471 100644
--- a/utils/zonebudget/make/makefile
+++ b/utils/zonebudget/make/makefile
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ ${SOURCEDIR2}
$(OBJDIR)/kind.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Constants.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/SimVariables.o \
$(OBJDIR)/ErrorUtil.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/genericutils.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/SimVariables.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/ArrayHandlers.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/Message.o \
$(OBJDIR)/defmacro.o \
$(OBJDIR)/compilerversion.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/ArrayHandlers.o \
$(OBJDIR)/version.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/Message.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Sim.o \
$(OBJDIR)/OpenSpec.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/genericutils.o \
$(OBJDIR)/InputOutput.o \
$(OBJDIR)/LongLineReader.o \
$(OBJDIR)/DevFeature.o \
diff --git a/utils/zonebudget/src/zbud6.f90 b/utils/zonebudget/src/zbud6.f90
index fedccae4ee9..29a5c98e85e 100644
--- a/utils/zonebudget/src/zbud6.f90
+++ b/utils/zonebudget/src/zbud6.f90
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ program zonbudmf6
use VersionModule, only: VERSION
use SimVariablesModule, only: iout, errmsg
use SimModule, only: store_error
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message, write_centered
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message, write_message_centered
use InputOutputModule, only: openfile
implicit none
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ program zonbudmf6
logical :: exists
! -- Write title to screen
- call write_centered('ZONEBUDGET'//mfvnam, 80)
- call write_centered('U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY', 80)
- call write_centered('VERSION '//VERSION, 80)
+ call write_message_centered('ZONEBUDGET'//mfvnam, 80)
+ call write_message_centered('U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY', 80)
+ call write_message_centered('VERSION '//VERSION, 80)
! -- Find name of zone budget name file and lst file
fnam = 'zbud.nam'
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ program zonbudmf6
! -- Open list file and write title
iout = iunit_lst
call openfile(iunit_lst, 0, flst, 'LIST', filstat_opt='REPLACE')
- call write_centered('ZONEBUDGET'//mfvnam, 80, iunit=iout)
- call write_centered('U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY', 80, iunit=iout)
- call write_centered('VERSION '//VERSION, 80, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered('ZONEBUDGET'//mfvnam, 80, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered('U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY', 80, iunit=iout)
+ call write_message_centered('VERSION '//VERSION, 80, iunit=iout)
! -- Open name file, read name file, and open csv file
call openfile(iunit_nam, iout, fnam, 'NAM')
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ program zonbudmf6
close (iunit_lst)
close (iunit_csv)
write (line, '(a)') 'Normal Termination'
- call sim_message(line, skipbefore=1)
+ call write_message(line, skipbefore=1)
! -- end of program
end program zonbudmf6
@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ subroutine process_budget(iunit_csv, iunit_bud, iunit_zon, iunit_grb)
use KindModule
use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH
use SimVariablesModule, only: iout, errmsg
- use GenericUtilitiesModule, only: sim_message
use SimModule, only: store_error
use BudgetDataModule, only: budgetdata_init, budgetdata_read, &
budgetdata_finalize, &
@@ -160,6 +159,7 @@ subroutine process_budget(iunit_csv, iunit_bud, iunit_zon, iunit_grb)
use ZoneOutputModule, only: zoneoutput_init, zoneoutput_write, &
use GrbModule, only: read_grb
+ use MessageModule, only: write_message, write_message_centered
implicit none
! -- dummy
integer, intent(in) :: iunit_csv
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ subroutine process_budget(iunit_csv, iunit_bud, iunit_zon, iunit_grb)
end if
! -- write message and check
- call sim_message(cdot, advance=.FALSE.)
+ call write_message(text=cdot, advance=.FALSE.)
if (itime == 1) then
budtxtarray(ibudterm) = budtxt
packagenamearray(ibudterm) = dstpackagename
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ subroutine process_budget(iunit_csv, iunit_bud, iunit_zon, iunit_grb)
end do timeloop
! -- Finalize
- call sim_message(cdot)
+ call write_message(text=cdot)
call budgetdata_finalize()
call zoneoutput_finalize()
call zone_finalize()