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Reparameterized Absorbing Discrete Diffusion

arXiv deploy

This repo contains an official PyTorch implementation for the paper Your Absorbing Discrete Diffusion Secretly Models the Conditional Distributions of Clean Data by Jingyang Ou, Shen Nie, Kaiwen Xue, Fengqi Zhu, Jiacheng Sun, Zhenguo Li and Chongxuan Li.

We propose reparameterized absorbing discrete diffusion (RADD), a dedicated diffusion model without time condition that characterizes the time-independent conditional probabilities. From this perspective, we demonstrated the unification of training objectives for absorbing discrete diffusion and any-order autoregressive models. Further, the removal of time condition allows for caching strategies to reduce the number of function evaluations.

This codebase contains:

  • Implementation of the time-independent RADD architecture
  • Sampling code for both diffusion-based and any-order auto-regressive methods
  • Training code with four different loss functions
  • Evaluation code for zero-shot performance

Code Organization

  1. Codes for training
  2. Codes for sampling
  3. The noise schedule and forward diffusion
  4. model/: The model architecture
  5. The noise schedule and the forward process
  6. Loss functions


Create a conda environment containing the required dependencies:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate radd

Pretrained Models

Our RADD models, trained for 400k steps with different loss functions, are available on Hugging Face:

Model Loss function
radd-lambda-dce $\lambda$-DCE
radd-t-dce $t$-DCE

For example, to load the radd-t-dce model and noise schedule, use the following code:

from load_model import load_model
model, noise = load_model('JingyangOu/radd-t-dce', device='cuda') 


In, we provide two samplers: DiffusionSampler for diffusion-based sampling and OrderedSampler for any-order auto-regressive sampling.

Sampling with OrderedSampler

To perform any-order auto-regressive sampling, we need to define the generation order first. For example, we can use the following code to generate text in a forward order (0, 1, ..., args.length - 1):

forward_order = torch.arange(0, args.length)
sampler = OrderedSampler(model, (args.batch_size, args.length), token_dim, args.strategy, args.strategy_para, forward_order, device=device)
samples = sampler.sample(args.steps)

Additionally, OrderedSampler supports top_p and top_k sampling strategies, in addition to the direct sampling strategy. Below is an script of using the top_p strategy:

python \
--model_path JingyangOu/radd-t-dce \
--batch_size 1 \
--length 1024 \
--steps 1024 \
--method ordered \
--strategy top_p \
--strategy_para 0.8

Sampling with DiffusionSampler

The DiffusionSampler can be used with either the Tweedie $\tau$-leaping or Euler method, both of which support efficient batching sampling with a cache strategy that improves sampling speed by up to 3.5 times compared to samplers proposed in D3PM and SEDD. Here's an example of employing the Tweedie $\tau$-leaping method:

python \
--model_path JingyangOu/radd-t-dce \
--batch_size 2 \
--length 1024 \
--steps 1024 \
--method tweedie \
--strategy direct 

Conditional Sampling

To perform conditional sampling, we can use the DiffusionSampler with the prefix and suffix argument.

python \
--model_path JingyangOu/radd-lambda-dce \
--batch_size 1 \
--length 1024 \
--steps 1024 \
--method tweedie \
--strategy direct \
--prefix "THIS IS PREFIX"  \
--suffix "THIS IS SUFFIX"
Sampling evaluation results reported in the paper:


We offer training code with Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) support for both single-machine multi-GPU setups and multi-machine multi-GPU configurations:

# single machine with multiple GPUs
torchrun --nnodes NNODES

# multiple machines with multiple GPUs 
torchrun --nnodes NNODES --nproc_per_node NPROC_PER_NODE --master-addr MASTER_ADDR --node-rank NODE_RANK 

A new directory output/DATE/TIME with the following structure will be created for each run:

├── output
│   ├── .hydra
│   │   ├── config.yaml
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── checkpoints
│   │   ├── checkpoint_*.pth
│   ├── checkpoints-meta
│   │   ├── checkpoint.pth
│   ├── samples
│   │   ├── iter_*
│   │   │   ├── sample_*.txt
│   ├── wandb
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── logs

Here, checkpoints-meta is used for reloading the run following interruptions, samples contains generated images as the run progresses, and logs contains the run output. Arguments can be added with ARG_NAME=ARG_VALUE, with important ones being:

ngpus                     the number of GPUs allocated for training (utilizing PyTorch DDP)
model                     options include small_radd, medium_radd
noise.type                options include geometric, loglinear 
training.accum            the number of gradient accumulation steps
training.loss_type        options include t_DSE, t_DCE, lambda_DCE, k_DCE

We have developed four distinct loss functions for RADD, detailed in The desired loss function can be specified using the training.loss_type argument:

Argument Loss function
t_DSE DSE loss
t_DCE $t$-DCE loss
lambda_DCE $\lambda$-DCE loss
k_DCE any-order loss

For example, to train a model using the $t$-DCE loss on a single machine equipped with 8 A100 80G GPUs:

# Train a model with t-DCE loss with 8 * A100 80G GPUs in a single machine
torchrun --nproc-per-node=8 noise.type=loglinear model=small_radd ngpus=8 training.accum=1 training.loss_type=t_DCE


To evaluate the zero-shot performance of the trained model, we provide an evaluation script to calculate the model's perplexity (PPL) on a specified test dataset. Below is the example usage of the evaluation script:

python \
--batch_size 16 \
--model_path JingyangOu/radd-lambda-dce \
--length 1024 \
--valid_dataset ptb \
--monte_carlo_timesteps 1024 \
--ngpus 4 \
--loss_type lambda_DCE \
--work_dir ./logs/radd-lambda-dce

This will output the evaluation perplexity (PPL) in the specified work_dir. Make sure to adjust the arguments according to your setup and dataset.


This repository was built off SEDD.


      title={Your Absorbing Discrete Diffusion Secretly Models the Conditional Distributions of Clean Data}, 
      author={Jingyang Ou and Shen Nie and Kaiwen Xue and Fengqi Zhu and Jiacheng Sun and Zhenguo Li and Chongxuan Li},