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Kubernetes in One Shot

This README is a comprehensive guide for "Kubernetes in One Shot." It contains categorized commands from your history, structured by core Kubernetes topics. Each command is briefly described for ease of understanding and use.

Core Concepts

Monolithic vs Microservices, Kubernetes Architecture

  1. kubectl cluster-info
    Display cluster information to understand the Kubernetes architecture.

Setup On Local/AWS EC2

  1. kind create cluster --name=tws-cluster --config=config.yml
    Create a Kubernetes cluster using Kind with a specific configuration.
  2. kubectl config use-context kind-tws-cluster
    Switch the context to the Kind cluster.

Kubectl and Pods

  1. kubectl get nodes
    List all nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.
  2. kubectl run nginx --image=nginx -n nginx
    Create a pod named nginx in the nginx namespace.
  3. kubectl describe pod nginx -n nginx
    Display detailed information about the nginx pod.

Namespaces, Labels, Selectors, Annotations

  1. kubectl create namespace monitoring
    Create a namespace for monitoring resources.
  2. kubectl get namespace
    List all namespaces in the cluster.
  3. kubectl label namespace monitoring team=devops
    Add a label to the monitoring namespace.
  4. kubectl describe namespace monitoring
    Display detailed information about the monitoring namespace.



  1. kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
    Deploy a workload defined in deployment.yml.
  2. kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas=3 -n nginx
    Scale the deployment to 3 replicas.


  1. kubectl apply -f statefulset.yml
    Deploy a StatefulSet defined in statefulset.yml.
  2. kubectl describe statefulset mysql -n database
    Display detailed information about a StatefulSet.


  1. kubectl apply -f daemonset.yml
    Deploy a DaemonSet for running pods on every node.
  2. kubectl describe daemonset fluentd -n logging
    Display details about a DaemonSet.


  1. kubectl apply -f replicaset.yml
    Deploy a ReplicaSet for managing pod replicas.
  2. kubectl describe replicaset nginx-replicaset -n nginx
    Show detailed information about the ReplicaSet.

Jobs and CronJobs

  1. kubectl apply -f job.yml
    Deploy a Job defined in job.yml.
  2. kubectl apply -f cronjob.yml
    Deploy a CronJob to schedule recurring tasks.


Cluster Networking

  1. kubectl get svc -A
    List all services in the cluster.


  1. kubectl apply -f service.yml
    Expose an application as a service.
  2. kubectl describe svc nginx-service -n nginx
    Show details of the nginx service.


  1. kubectl apply -f ingress.yml
    Configure an Ingress resource for routing traffic.
  2. kubectl describe ingress nginx-ingress -n nginx
    Display details about an Ingress resource.

Network Policies

  1. kubectl apply -f networkpolicy.yml
    Apply network restrictions between pods and services.


Persistent Volumes (PV), Persistent Volume Claims (PVC)

  1. kubectl apply -f persistentVolume.yml
    Create a PersistentVolume.
  2. kubectl apply -f persistentVolumeClaim.yml
    Request storage through a PersistentVolumeClaim.


  1. kubectl get storageclass
    List all storage classes available in the cluster.

ConfigMaps and Secrets

  1. kubectl create configmap app-config
    Create a ConfigMap from a file.
  2. kubectl create secret generic db-credentials --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=admin123
    Create a Secret with database credentials.

Scaling and Scheduling


  1. kubectl autoscale deployment nginx --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10 -n nginx
    Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA).
  2. kubectl apply -f vpa.yml
    Deploy a Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA).

Node Affinity and Taints/Tolerations

  1. kubectl taint nodes node1 key=value:NoSchedule
    Apply a taint to a node.
  2. kubectl apply -f node-affinity.yml
    Define node affinity rules for pods.

Resource Quotas, Limits, Probes

  1. kubectl apply -f resourcequota.yml
    Set resource limits and quotas in a namespace.
  2. kubectl describe quota my-quota -n dev
    Display details of a resource quota.

Cluster Administration


  1. kubectl apply -f role.yml
    Define a Role for access control.
  2. kubectl apply -f rolebinding.yml
    Bind the Role to a user or service account.

Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

  1. kubectl apply -f crd.yml
    Define a Custom Resource Definition.
  2. kubectl get crd
    List all Custom Resource Definitions.

Monitoring and Logging

Metrics Server

  1. kubectl apply -f metrics-server.yml
    Deploy the metrics server.
  2. kubectl top node
    Display resource usage by nodes.

Prometheus and Grafana

  1. helm install prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring
    Install Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring.
  2. kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-stack-grafana 3000:80 -n monitoring --address=
    Access Grafana through port forwarding.

Advanced Features


  1. helm create my-chart
    Create a Helm chart.
  2. helm install my-app my-chart -n my-namespace --create-namespace
    Deploy an application using a Helm chart.

SideCar and Init Containers

  1. kubectl apply -f init-container.yml
    Deploy a pod with an Init Container.
  2. kubectl apply -f sidecar-container.yml
    Deploy a pod with a SideCar Container.


  1. kubectl apply -f podsecuritypolicy.yml
    Define pod security standards.
  2. kubectl apply -f secrets-encryption.yml
    Configure encryption for Kubernetes Secrets.

Cloud-Native Kubernetes

Managed Services (EKS, AKS, GKE)

  1. eksctl create cluster --name my-cluster
    Create an EKS cluster using eksctl.

Cluster Autoscaler

  1. kubectl apply -f cluster-autoscaler.yml
    Deploy the Cluster Autoscaler.

Debugging and Troubleshooting

  1. kubectl logs pod-name -n namespace
    View logs for a specific pod.
  2. kubectl describe pod pod-name -n namespace
    Display detailed information about a pod.
  3. kubectl exec -it pod-name -n namespace -- bash
    Access a running container.


Resources for Projects:

  1. Kubestarter: GitHub Repository
    A comprehensive starter template for Kubernetes projects.

  2. CI/CD Integration: Wanderlust Mega Project
    Learn Kubernetes CI/CD with Jenkins and ArgoCD.

  3. Microservices: Full Stack ChatApp
    Build and deploy a full-stack chat application.

  4. Monitoring: K8s Voting App
    Implement monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana for a voting app.