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-# Overview
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Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
-LizardByte has the full documentation hosted on [Read the Docs](https://sunshinestream.readthedocs.io).
-## About
+## ℹ️ About
Sunshine is a self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
Offering low latency, cloud gaming server capabilities with support for AMD, Intel, and Nvidia GPUs for hardware
@@ -24,7 +51,12 @@ encoding. Software encoding is also available. You can connect to Sunshine from
devices. A web UI is provided to allow configuration, and client pairing, from your favorite web browser. Pair from
the local server or any mobile device.
-## System Requirements
+LizardByte has the full documentation hosted on [Read the Docs](https://app.readthedocs.org)
+* [Stable](https://sunshinestream.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
+* [Beta](https://sunshinestream.readthedocs.io/en/master/)
+## 🖥️ System Requirements
@warning{These tables are a work in progress. Do not purchase hardware based on this information.}
@@ -70,7 +102,7 @@ the local server or any mobile device.
Linux/Debian: 12+ (bookworm) |
- Linux/Fedora: 39+ |
+ Linux/Fedora: 40+ |
Linux/Ubuntu: 22.04+ (jammy) |
@@ -152,7 +184,7 @@ the local server or any mobile device.
-## Support
+## ❓ Support
Our support methods are listed in our [LizardByte Docs](https://lizardbyte.readthedocs.io/en/latest/about/support.html).
diff --git a/docs/Doxyfile b/docs/Doxyfile
index 6e95fd0f7a4..5fa4ee6cd67 100644
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@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME = Sunshine
# project specific settings
-IMAGE_PATH = ../docs/images
+# IMAGE_PATH = ../docs/images
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@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ process is killed.}
| Undo | @code{}xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 3840x2160 --rate 120@endcode |
@hint{The above only works if the xrandr mode already exists. You will need to create new modes to stream to macOS
-and iOS devices, since they use non standard resolutions.
+and iOS devices, since they use non-standard resolutions.
You can update the ``Do`` command to this:
@@ -257,22 +257,10 @@ hard-coding their corresponding number (e.g. ``kscreen-doctor output.HDMI-A1.mod
###### NVIDIA
-| Prep Step | Command |
-| Do | @code{}sh -c "${HOME}/scripts/set-custom-res.sh ${SUNSHINE_CLIENT_WIDTH} ${SUNSHINE_CLIENT_HEIGHT}"@endcode |
-| Undo | @code{}sh -c "${HOME}/scripts/set-custom-res.sh 3840 2160"@endcode |
-The ``set-custom-res.sh`` will have this content:
-set -e
-# Get params and set any defaults
-nvidia-settings -a CurrentMetaMode="${output}: nvidia-auto-select { ViewPortIn=${width}x${height}, ViewPortOut=${width}x${height}+0+0 }"
+| Prep Step | Command |
+| Do | @code{}sh -c "nvidia-settings -a CurrentMetaMode=\"HDMI-1: nvidia-auto-select { ViewPortIn=${SUNSHINE_CLIENT_WIDTH}x${SUNSHINE_CLIENT_HEIGHT}, ViewPortOut=${SUNSHINE_CLIENT_WIDTH}x${SUNSHINE_CLIENT_HEIGHT}+0+0 }\""@endcode |
+| Undo | @code{}nvidia-settings -a CurrentMetaMode=\"HDMI-1: nvidia-auto-select { ViewPortIn=3840x2160, ViewPortOut=3840x2160+0+0 }"@endcode |
##### macOS
@@ -281,21 +269,23 @@ nvidia-settings -a CurrentMetaMode="${output}: nvidia-auto-select { ViewPortIn=$
This tool can be installed following instructions in their
[GitHub repository](https://github.com/jakehilborn/displayplacer)}.
-| Prep Step | Command |
-| Do | @code{}displayplacer "id: res:1920x1080 hz:60 scaling:on origin:(0,0) degree:0"@endcode |
-| Undo | @code{}displayplacer "id: res:3840x2160 hz:120 scaling:on origin:(0,0) degree:0"@endcode |
+| Prep Step | Command |
+| Do | @code{}sh -c "displayplacer \"id: res:${SUNSHINE_CLIENT_WIDTH}x${SUNSHINE_CLIENT_HEIGHT} hz:${SUNSHINE_CLIENT_FPS} scaling:on origin:(0,0) degree:0\""@endcode |
+| Undo | @code{}displayplacer "id: res:3840x2160 hz:120 scaling:on origin:(0,0) degree:0"@endcode |
##### Windows
+Sunshine has built-in support for changing the resolution and refresh rate on Windows. If you prefer to use a
+third-party tool, you can use *QRes* as an example.
###### QRes
@note{This example uses the *QRes* tool to change the resolution and refresh rate.
-This tool can be downloaded from their [SourceForge repository](https://sourceforge.net/projects/qres).}.
+This tool can be downloaded from their [SourceForge repository](https://sourceforge.net/projects/qres).}
-| Prep Step | Command |
-| Do | @code{}cmd /C FullPath\qres.exe /x:%SUNSHINE_CLIENT_WIDTH% /y:%SUNSHINE_CLIENT_HEIGHT% /r:%SUNSHINE_CLIENT_FPS%@endcode |
-| Undo | @code{}cmd /C FullPath\qres.exe /x:3840 /y:2160 /r:120@endcode |
+| Prep Step | Command |
+| Do | @code{}cmd /C "FullPath\qres.exe /x:%SUNSHINE_CLIENT_WIDTH% /y:%SUNSHINE_CLIENT_HEIGHT% /r:%SUNSHINE_CLIENT_FPS%"@endcode |
+| Undo | @code{}FullPath\qres.exe /x:3840 /y:2160 /r:120@endcode |
### Additional Considerations
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--- a/docs/getting_started.md
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@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ ssh @ 'startx &; export DISPLAY=:0; sunshine'
@tip{You could also utilize the `~/.bash_profile` or `~/.bashrc` files to set up the `DISPLAY` variable.}
-@seealso{ See [Remote SSH Headless Setup](md_docs_2guides.html#remote-ssh-headless-setup)
+@seealso{ See [Remote SSH Headless Setup](https://app.lizardbyte.dev/2023-09-14-remote-ssh-headless-sunshine-setup)
on how to set up a headless streaming server without autologin and dummy plugs (X11 + NVidia GPUs)}
### Configuration
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index 182399e9da3..d7271c7e0af 100644
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@@ -1,1099 +1,9 @@
# Guides
-@admonition{Community | This collection of guides is written by the community!
-Feel free to contribute your own tips and trips by making a PR.}
-## Linux
-### Discord call cancellation
-| Author | [RickAndTired](https://github.com/RickAndTired) |
-| Difficulty | Easy |
-* Set your normal *Sound Output* volume to 100%
- ![](images/discord_calls_01.png)
-* Start Sunshine
-* Set *Sound Output* to *sink-sunshine-stereo* (if it isn't automatic)
- ![](images/discord_calls_02.png)
-* In Discord, right click *Deafen* and select your normal *Output Device*.
- This is also where you will need to adjust output volume for Discord calls
- ![](images/discord_calls_03.png)
-* Open *qpwgraph*
- ![](images/discord_calls_04.png)
-* Connect `sunshine [sunshine-record]` to your normal *Output Device*
- * Drag `monitor_FL` to `playback_FL`
- * Drag `monitor_FR` to `playback_FR`
- ![](images/discord_calls_05.png)
-### Remote SSH Headless Setup
-| Author | [Eric Dong](https://github.com/e-dong) |
-| Difficulty | Intermediate |
-This is a guide to setup remote SSH into host to startup X server and Sunshine without physical login and dummy plug.
-The virtual display is accelerated by the NVidia GPU using the TwinView configuration.
-@attention{This guide is specific for Xorg and NVidia GPUs. I start the X server using the `startx` command.
-I also only tested this on an Artix runit init system on LAN.
-I didn't have to do anything special with pulseaudio (pipewire untested).
-Pipewire does not seem to work when Sunshine is started over an SSH session.
-A workaround to this problem is to kill the Sunshine instance started via SSH, and start a new one
-with the permissions of the desktop session. See [Autostart on boot without auto-login](#autostart-on-boot-without-auto-login)
-Keep your monitors plugged in until the [Checkpoint](#checkpoint) step.}
-@tip{Prior to editing any system configurations, you should make a copy of the original file.
-This will allow you to use it for reference or revert your changes easily.}
-#### The Big Picture
-Once you are done, you will need to perform these 3 steps:
-1. Turn on the host machine
-2. Start Sunshine on remote host with a script that:
- * Edits permissions of `/dev/uinput` (added sudo config to execute script with no password prompt)
- * Starts X server with `startx` on virtual display
- * Starts Sunshine
-3. Startup Moonlight on the client of interest and connect to host
-@hint{As an alternative to SSH...
-**Step 2** can be replaced with autologin and starting Sunshine as a service or putting
-`sunshine &` in your `.xinitrc` file if you start your X server with `startx`.
-In this case, the workaround for `/dev/uinput` permissions is not needed because the udev rule would be triggered
-for "physical" login. See [Linux Setup](md_docs_2getting__started.html#linux). I personally think autologin compromises
-the security of the PC, so I went with the remote SSH route. I use the PC more than for gaming, so I don't need a
-virtual display everytime I turn on the PC (E.g running updates, config changes, file/media server).}
-First we will [setup the host](#host-setup) and then the [SSH Client](#ssh-client-setup)
-(Which may not be the same as the machine running the moonlight client).
-#### Host Setup
-We will be setting up:
-1. [Static IP Setup](#static-ip-setup)
-2. [SSH Server Setup](#ssh-server-setup)
-3. [Virtual Display Setup](#virtual-display-setup)
-4. [Uinput Permissions Workaround](#uinput-permissions-workaround)
-5. [Stream Launcher Script](#stream-launcher-script)
-#### Static IP Setup
-Setup static IP Address for host. For LAN connections you can use DHCP reservation within your assigned range.
-e.g. 192.168.x.x. This will allow you to ssh to the host consistently, so the assigned IP address does
-not change. It is preferred to set this through your router config.
-#### SSH Server Setup
-@note{Most distros have OpenSSH already installed. If it is not present, install OpenSSH using your package manager.}
- @tab{Debian based | ```bash
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt install openssh-server
- ```}
- @tab{Arch based | ```bash
- sudo pacman -S openssh
- # Install openssh- if you are not using SystemD
- # e.g. sudo pacman -S openssh-runit
- ```}
- @tab{Alpine based | ```bash
- sudo apk update
- sudo apk add openssh
- ```}
- @tab{Fedora based (dnf) | ```bash
- sudo dnf install openssh-server
- ```}
- @tab{Fedora based (yum) | ```bash
- sudo yum install openssh-server
- ```}
-Next make sure the OpenSSH daemon is enabled to run when the system starts.
- @tab{SystemD | ```bash
- sudo systemctl enable sshd.service
- sudo systemctl start sshd.service # Starts the service now
- sudo systemctl status sshd.service # See if the service is running
- ```}
- @tab{Runit | ```bash
- sudo ln -s /etc/runit/sv/sshd /run/runit/service # Enables the OpenSSH daemon to run when system starts
- sudo sv start sshd # Starts the service now
- sudo sv status sshd # See if the service is running
- ```}
- @tab{OpenRC | ```bash
- rc-update add sshd # Enables service
- rc-status # List services to verify sshd is enabled
- rc-service sshd start # Starts the service now
- ```}
-**Disabling PAM in sshd**
-I noticed when the ssh session is disconnected for any reason, `pulseaudio` would disconnect.
-This is due to PAM handling sessions. When running `dmesg`, I noticed `elogind` would say removed user session.
-In this [Gentoo Forums post](https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1090186-start-0.html),
-someone had a similar issue. Starting the X server in the background and exiting out of the console would cause your
-session to be removed.
-@caution{According to this [article](https://devicetests.com/ssh-usepam-security-session-status)
-disabling PAM increases security, but reduces certain functionality in terms of session handling.
-*Do so at your own risk!*}
-Edit the ``sshd_config`` file with the following to disable PAM.
-usePAM no
-After making changes to the `sshd_config`, restart the sshd service for changes to take effect.
-@tip{Run the command to check the ssh configuration prior to restarting the sshd service.
-sudo sshd -t -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-An incorrect configuration will prevent the sshd service from starting, which might mean
-losing SSH access to the server.}
- @tab{SystemD | ```bash
- sudo systemctl restart sshd.service
- ```}
- @tab{Runit | ```bash
- sudo sv restart sshd
- ```}
- @tab{OpenRC | ```bash
- sudo rc-service sshd restart
- ```}
-#### Virtual Display Setup
-As an alternative to a dummy dongle, you can use this config to create a virtual display.
-@important{This is only available for NVidia GPUs using Xorg.}
-@hint{Use ``xrandr`` to see name of your active display output. Usually it starts with ``DP`` or ``HDMI``. For me, it is ``DP-0``.
-Put this name for the ``ConnectedMonitor`` option under the ``Device`` section.
-xrandr | grep " connected" | awk '{ print $1 }'
-Section "ServerLayout"
- Identifier "TwinLayout"
- Screen 0 "metaScreen" 0 0
-Section "Monitor"
- Identifier "Monitor0"
- Option "Enable" "true"
-Section "Device"
- Identifier "Card0"
- Driver "nvidia"
- VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
- Option "MetaModes" "1920x1080"
- Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DP-0"
- Option "ModeValidation" "NoDFPNativeResolutionCheck,NoVirtualSizeCheck,NoMaxPClkCheck,NoHorizSyncCheck,NoVertRefreshCheck,NoWidthAlignmentCheck"
-Section "Screen"
- Identifier "metaScreen"
- Device "Card0"
- Monitor "Monitor0"
- DefaultDepth 24
- Option "TwinView" "True"
- SubSection "Display"
- Modes "1920x1080"
- EndSubSection
-@note{The `ConnectedMonitor` tricks the GPU into thinking a monitor is connected,
-even if there is none actually connected! This allows a virtual display to be created that is accelerated with
-your GPU! The `ModeValidation` option disables valid resolution checks, so you can choose any
-resolution on the host!
-* [issue comment on virtual-display-linux](https://github.com/dianariyanto/virtual-display-linux/issues/9#issuecomment-786389065)
-* [Nvidia Documentation on Configuring TwinView](https://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/270.29/README/configtwinview.html)
-* [Arch Wiki Nvidia#TwinView](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIA#TwinView)
-* [Unix Stack Exchange - How to add virtual display monitor with Nvidia proprietary driver](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/559918/how-to-add-virtual-monitor-with-nvidia-proprietary-driver)
-#### Uinput Permissions Workaround
-##### Steps
-We can use `chown` to change the permissions from a script. Since this requires `sudo`,
-we will need to update the sudo configuration to execute this without being prompted for a password.
-1. Create a `sunshine-setup.sh` script to update permissions on `/dev/uinput`. Since we aren't logged into the host,
- the udev rule doesn't apply.
-2. Update user sudo configuration `/etc/sudoers.d/` to allow the `sunshine-setup.sh`
- script to be executed with `sudo`.
-@note{After I setup the :ref:`udev rule ` to get access to `/dev/uinput`, I noticed when I sshed
-into the host without physical login, the ACL permissions on `/dev/uinput` were not changed. So I asked
-I discovered that SSH sessions are not the same as a physical login.
-I suppose it's not possible for SSH to trigger a udev rule or create a physical login session.}
-##### Setup Script
-This script will take care of any preconditions prior to starting up Sunshine.
-Run the following to create a script named something like `sunshine-setup.sh`:
-echo "chown $(id -un):$(id -gn) /dev/uinput" > sunshine-setup.sh && \
- chmod +x sunshine-setup.sh
-(**Optional**) To Ensure ethernet is being used for streaming, you can block Wi-Fi with `rfkill`.
-Run this command to append the rfkill block command to the script:
-echo "rfkill block $(rfkill list | grep "Wireless LAN" \
- | sed 's/^\([[:digit:]]\).*/\1/')" >> sunshine-setup.sh
-##### Sudo Configuration
-We will manually change the permissions of `/dev/uinput` using `chown`.
-You need to use `sudo` to make this change, so add/update the entry in `/etc/sudoers.d/${USER}`.
-@danger{Do so at your own risk! It is more secure to give sudo and no password prompt to a single script,
-than a generic executable like chown.}
-@warning{Be very careful of messing this config up. If you make a typo, *YOU LOSE THE ABILITY TO USE SUDO*.
-Fortunately, your system is not borked, you will need to login as root to fix the config.
-You may want to setup a backup user / SSH into the host as root to fix the config if this happens.
-Otherwise, you will need to plug your machine back into a monitor and login as root to fix this.
-To enable root login over SSH edit your SSHD config, and add `PermitRootLogin yes`, and restart the SSH server.}
-1. First make a backup of your `/etc/sudoers.d/${USER}` file.
- ```bash
- sudo cp /etc/sudoers.d/${USER} /etc/sudoers.d/${USER}.backup
- ```
-2. `cd` to the parent dir of the `sunshine-setup.sh` script and take note of the full filepath.
-3. Execute the following to edit your sudoer config file.
-@danger{NEVER modify a file in ``sudoers.d`` directly. Always use the ``visudo`` command. This command checks your changes
-before saving the file, and if the resulting changes would break sudo on your system, it will prompt you to fix
-them. Modifying the file with nano or vim directly does not give you this sanity check and introduces the
-possibility of losing sudo access to your machine. Tread carefully, and make a backup.}
-sudo visudo /etc/sudoers.d/${USER}
-Copy the below configuration into the text editor. Change `${USER}` wherever it occurs to your username
-(e.g. if your username is `sunshineisaawesome` you should change `${USER}` to `sunshineisawesome`)
-or modify the path if you placed `sunshine-setup.sh` in a different area.
-${USER} ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL, NOPASSWD: /home/${USER}/scripts/sunshine-setup.sh
-These changes allow the script to use sudo without being prompted with a password.
-e.g. `sudo $(pwd)/sunshine-setup.sh`
-#### Stream Launcher Script
-This is the main entrypoint script that will run the `sunshine-setup.sh` script, start up X server, and Sunshine.
-The client will call this script that runs on the host via ssh.
-##### Sunshine Startup Script
-This guide will refer to this script as `~/scripts/sunshine.sh`.
-The setup script will be referred as `~/scripts/sunshine-setup.sh`.
-set -e
-export DISPLAY=:0
-# Check existing X server
-ps -e | grep X >/dev/null
-[[ ${?} -ne 0 ]] && {
- echo "Starting X server"
- startx &>/dev/null &
- [[ ${?} -eq 0 ]] && {
- echo "X server started successfully"
- } || echo "X server failed to start"
-} || echo "X server already running"
-# Check if sunshine is already running
-ps -e | grep -e .*sunshine$ >/dev/null
-[[ ${?} -ne 0 ]] && {
- sudo ~/scripts/sunshine-setup.sh
- echo "Starting Sunshine!"
- sunshine > /dev/null &
- [[ ${?} -eq 0 ]] && {
- echo "Sunshine started successfully"
- } || echo "Sunshine failed to start"
-} || echo "Sunshine is already running"
-# Add any other Programs that you want to startup automatically
-# e.g.
-# steam &> /dev/null &
-# firefox &> /dev/null &
-# kdeconnect-app &> /dev/null &
-#### SSH Client Setup
-We will be setting up:
-1. [SSH Key Authentication Setup](#ssh-key-authentication-setup)
-2. [SSH Client Script (Optional)](#ssh-client-script-optional)
-##### SSH Key Authentication Setup
-1. Setup your SSH keys with `ssh-keygen` and use `ssh-copy-id` to authorize remote login to your host.
- Run `ssh @` to login to your host.
- SSH keys automate login so you don't need to input your password!
-2. Optionally setup a `~/.ssh/config` file to simplify the `ssh` command
- ```txt
- Host
- Hostname
- User
- IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
- ```
- Now you can use `ssh `.
- `ssh ` will execute the command or script on the remote host.
-##### Checkpoint
-As a sanity check, let's make sure your setup is working so far!
-###### Test Steps
-With your monitor still plugged into your Sunshine host PC:
-1. `ssh `
-2. `~/scripts/sunshine.sh`
-3. `nvidia-smi`
- You should see the Sunshine and Xorg processing running:
- ```bash
- nvidia-smi
- ```
- *Output:*
- ```txt
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | NVIDIA-SMI 535.104.05 Driver Version: 535.104.05 CUDA Version: 12.2 |
- |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+
- | GPU Name Persistence-M | Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
- | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap | Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
- | | | MIG M. |
- |=========================================+======================+======================|
- | 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Off | 00000000:01:00.0 On | N/A |
- | 30% 46C P2 45W / 220W | 549MiB / 8192MiB | 2% Default |
- | | | N/A |
- +-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Processes: |
- | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory |
- | ID ID Usage |
- |=======================================================================================|
- | 0 N/A N/A 1393 G /usr/lib/Xorg 86MiB |
- | 0 N/A N/A 1440 C+G sunshine 293MiB |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ```
-4. Check `/dev/uinput` permissions
- ```bash
- ls -l /dev/uinput
- ```
- *Output:*
- ```console
- crw------- 1 10, 223 Aug 29 17:31 /dev/uinput
- ```
-5. Connect to Sunshine host from a moonlight client
-Now kill X and Sunshine by running `pkill X` on the host, unplug your monitors from your GPU, and repeat steps 1 - 5.
-You should get the same result.
-With this setup you don't need to modify the Xorg config regardless if monitors are plugged in or not.
-pkill X
-##### SSH Client Script (Optional)
-At this point you have a working setup! For convenience, I created this bash script to automate the
-startup of the X server and Sunshine on the host.
-This can be run on Unix systems, or on Windows using the `git-bash` or any bash shell.
-For Android/iOS you can install Linux emulators, e.g. `Userland` for Android and `ISH` for iOS.
-The neat part is that you can execute one script to launch Sunshine from your phone or tablet!
-set -e
-ssh_args="@192.168.X.X" # Or use alias set in ~/.ssh/config
- result=1
- # Note this checks infinitely, you could update this to have a max # of retries
- while [[ $result -ne 0 ]]
- do
- echo "checking host..."
- ssh $ssh_args "exit 0" 2>/dev/null
- result=$?
- [[ $result -ne 0 ]] && {
- echo "Failed to ssh to $ssh_args, with exit code $result"
- }
- sleep 3
- done
- echo "Host is ready for streaming!"
- echo "Starting sunshine server on host..."
- echo "Start moonlight on your client of choice"
- # -f runs ssh in the background
- ssh -f $ssh_args "~/scripts/sunshine.sh &"
-sleep 3
-exit ${exit_code}
-#### Next Steps
-Congratulations, you can now stream your desktop headless! When trying this the first time,
-keep your monitors close by incase something isn't working right.
-@seealso{Now that you have a virtual display, you may want to automate changing the resolution
-and refresh rate prior to connecting to an app. See
-[Changing Resolution and Refresh Rate](md_docs_2app__examples#changing-resolution-and-refresh-rate)
-for more information.}
-### Autostart on boot without auto-login
-| Author | [MidwesternRodent](https://github.com/midwesternrodent) |
-| ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| Difficulty | Intermediate |
-After following this guide you will be able to:
-1. Turn on the Sunshine host via Moonlight's Wake on LAN (WoL) feature.
-2. Have Sunshine initialize to the login screen ready for you to enter your credentials.
-3. Login to your desktop session remotely, and have your pipewire audio and Sunshine tray icon work appropriately.
-#### Specifications
-This guide was created with the following software on the host:
-1. OpenSSH server and client (both on the host machine)
-2. Sunshine v2024.1003.1754422
-3. Debian 12 w/ KDE Plasma, SDDM, Wayland (also tested through xorg), and pipewire for audio.
-The host hardware that was used in developing this guide:
-1. AMD 7900XTX
-2. AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
-3. 128GB DDR5 RAM
-4. 4 displays in total. 2 1080p displays, 1 3440x1440 display, and 1 4k Roku TV which is used as the always-on display
-for streaming. (could be subbed with a dummy plug).
-If you have used this guide on any alternative hardware or software (including non-debian based distros)
-please, feel free to modify this guide and keep it growing!
-#### Caveats
-1. When you login the machine will close your connection and you will have to reconnect. This is necessary due to an
-issue similar to why the [Uinput Permissions Workaround](#uinput-permissions-workaround) is needed since SSH
-connections are not treated the same as graphical logins. This causes weirdness like sound not working through
-pipewire, and the tray icon for Sunshine not appearing. To get around this, we need to close the SSH initiated Sunshine
-service, and start a new Sunshine service with the permissions of the graphical desktop. Unfortunately, this closes the
-connection and forces you to reconnect through Moonlight. There is no way around this to the best of my knowledge
-without enabling auto-login.
-3. This guide does not cover using virtual displays. If you are using Nvidia graphics,
-see [Remote SSH Headless Setup](#remote-ssh-headless-setup). If you are using AMD hardware, let me know
-if you find something or feel free to add it to this guide.
-4. I haven't (yet) found a way to disable sleep on the login screen, so if you wait too long after starting your PC,
-the display may go to sleep and Moonlight will have trouble connecting. Shutting down and using WoL works great
-@attention{This is definitely safer than enabling auto-login directly, especially for a dual-use PC that is not only
-streamed via Moonlight, but is also used as a standard desktop. *However* I do not know the implications of having an
-always running SSH client to the localhost on the same machine. It may be possible for someone with significant
-knowledge and physical access to the machine to compromise your user account due to this always-running SSH session.
-However, that's better than just having the desktop always available, or opening up SSH even just your LAN since this
-guide specifically disables non-localhost connections, so I believe this is safer to use than auto-login for general
-users. As always, your [threat model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threat_model) may vary.}
-#### Prerequisites
-In [Remote SSH Headless Setup](#remote-ssh-headless-setup) complete the following sections.
-1. [Static IP Setup](#static-ip-setup)
-2. [SSH Server Setup](#ssh-server-setup)
-3. [Virtual Display Setup](#virtual-display-setup)
-4. [Uinput Permissions Workaround](#uinput-permissions-workaround)
-5. [Stream Launcher Script](#stream-launcher-script)
-@note{On a default Debian 12 install using KDE Plasma, you are using the Simple Desktop Display Manager (SDDM).
-Even if you are logging in to a Wayland session, SDDM by default starts with an xorg session, so this script
-does not need to be modified if you primarily use a Wayland session (the default) when you login.}
-#### Instructions
-##### Enable Wake on LAN
-Wake on LAN (WoL) will allow you to send a magic packet to turn your PC on remotely. This is handled automatically by
-Moonlight's "send wake on lan" option in the app but you do need to enable it on your host machine first. The
-[instructions on the debian.org](https://wiki.debian.org/WakeOnLan#Enabling_WOL) site are a little hard to parse, so
-I've simplified them below.
-@note{This may not work on all deb based distributions. If you know of a better way for POP OS, Ubuntu, or another
-debian based distro please feel free to edit the guide yourself, or let me know.}
-First, find the name of your ethernet interface.
-ip link show
-When I run this command, these are the results I receive
-1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
- link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
-2: enp117s0: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
- link/ether 9c:6b:00:59:33:c1 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
-We can ignore the loopback interface, and I can see my ethernet interface is called `enp117s0`. You might see
-wireless interfaces here as well but they can also be ignored.
-@note{If your PC is only connected via Wi-Fi, it is still technically possible to get this working, but it is outside
-the scope of this guide and requires more networking knowledge and a Wi-Fi chip that supports WoL. If this is your
-first foray into linux, I'd recommend just getting a cable.}
-Now I can install ethtool and modify my interface to allow Wake on LAN. For your use, replace `enp117s0` with whatever
-the name of your ethernet interface is from the command `ip link show`
-sudo apt update
-sudo apt install ethtool
-sudo ethtool -s enp117s0 wol g
-##### SSH Client Setup
-To start, we need to install an SSH client (which is different from the *server* in [Remote SSH Headless Setup](#remote-ssh-headless-setup))
-on our machine if this not already done. Open a terminal and enter the following commands.
-sudo apt update
-sudo apt install openssh-client
-Next we need to generate the keys we will use to connect to our SSH session. This is as simple as running the
-following in a terminal:
-and simply pressing enter through the default options. This will place a file called `id_rsa` and `id_rsa.pub`
-in the hidden folder `~/.ssh/`. This is the default key used when this user initiates an SSH session.
-Next, we'll copy that public key to the `~/.ssh/authorized_users` file. These are the public keys
-allowed to access this machine over SSH, and will allow us to establish an SSH connection with this user
-to the SSH server running on the localhost.
-cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
-@tip{If you also want any other machines (e.g. a laptop or Steam Deck) to connect to your machine remotely over ssh,
-be sure to generate a pubkey on that machine and append it to the authorized_keys file like we did above.}
-###### SSH Server Modifications
-We'll want to make a few modification to the SSH server on the Sunshine host, both for convenience and security.
-Modify `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` with the following changes:
- @tab{nano | ```bash
- sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- ```}
- @tab{vim | ```bash
- sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- ```}
-Find the line with `PasswordAuthentication` and make sure it is set to `no` (removed the `#` if present.
-Then find the line `PubkeyAuthentication` and make sure it is set to `yes` and remove the `#` from the beginning
-if present. When you're done you should have these two lines in your config somewhere.
-PubkeyAuthentication yes
-PasswordAuthentication no
-@tip{Using publickey encryption for SSH connections significantly increases your protection against brute force
-attacks, and protects you against a rogue machine pretending to be your SSH server and stealing your password.}
-The next step is optional, but if you do not plan on connecting to your computer remotely via ssh and only have
-installed SSH for the purposes of using Sunshine, it's a good idea to disable listening for remote SSH connections.
-Do this by changing the following lines near the top of your ``sshd_config``:
-#ListenAddress ::
-To the following:
-ListenAddress ::1
-This will only allow SSH connections coming from your computer itself.
-@tip{on some distributions, the maintainers have added some files in ``/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/`` which are pulled into
-your ``sshd_config``. These modifications can conflict with what we've just done. If you have any files in
-``/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/``, make sure they do not include any of the changes we've just made or you will experience
-problems. If they do, you can comment out those lines by placing a ``#`` at their beginning, or delete the files safely
-if you don't plan to use SSH for anything other than Sunshine.}
-###### Quick Test and Accept Host Authenticity.
-Next, let's reboot the machine and try to connect! Accept any warnings about the unidentified host at this time,
-you'll never see those appear again unless something changes with your setup.
-ssh $(whoami)@localhost
-You should see a new login prompt for the machine you're already on, and when you type `exit` you should just see
-Connection to localhost closed.
-##### Run sunshine-setup on boot over SSH
-Thanks to [this comment from Gavin Haynes on Unix Stack exchange](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/669389/how-do-i-get-an-ssh-command-to-run-on-boot/669476#669476),
-we can establish an SSH connection on boot to run the sunshine-setup script via a systemd service.
-###### Disable default Sunshine services
-These service files are sometimes overwritten when updating Sunshine with the .deb.
-So we'll be making new ones and disabling the included service files for our purposes.
-sudo sytstemctl disable sunshine
-systemctl --user disable sunshine
-@note{In order to disable the user service, you must be logged in to the graphical desktop environment and run the
-command from a GUI terminal. You'll also likely need to approve a polkit request (a graphical popup that asks
-for your password). Trying to disable the user service without being signed in to the graphical environment is a
-recipe for pain, and is why ``sudo`` is not invoked on the second line in the command above.}
-###### Create the autossh-sunshine-start script
- @tab{nano | ```bash
- sudo nano /usr/local/bin/autossh-sunshine-start
- ```}
- @tab{vim | ```bash
- sudo vi /usr/local/bin/autossh-sunshine-start
- ```}
-Copy the below script to that location and replace `{USERNAME}` wherever it occurs with the username you created
-the SSH public key for in the previous section.
-ssh -i /home/{USERNAME}/.ssh/id_rsa {USERNAME}@localhost
-@attention{This script uses the location of the script in [Stream Launcher Script](#stream-launcher-script).
-Please complete that section before continuing.}
-Once you've created the script, be sure to make it executable by running:
-sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/autossh-sunshine-start
-###### Create the autossh systemd service file
- @tab{nano | ```bash
- sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/autossh-sunshine.service
- ```}
- @tab{vim | ```bash
- sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/autossh-sunshine.service
- ```}
-Copy and paste the below systemd file and save it to the location in the commands above.
-Description=Start sunshine over an localhost SSH connection on boot
-ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 5
-Make it executable, and enable the service when you're done.
-sudo chmod +x /etc/systemd/system/autossh-sunshine.service
-sudo systemctl start autossh-sunshine
-sudo systemctl enable autossh-sunshine
-This point is a good time for a sanity check, so restart your PC and try to sign in to your desktop via Moonlight.
-You should be able to access the login screen, enter your credentials, and control the user session. At this point
-you'll notice the reason for the next section as your audio will be non-functional and you won't see any tray icon
-for Sunshine. If you don't care about audio (and maybe a couple other bugs you might encounter from time to time due
-to the permissions difference between an SSH session and the desktop session), you can consider yourself finished at
-this point!
-@note{You might also notice some issues if you have multiple monitors setup (including the dummy plug), like the mouse
-cursor not being on the right screen for you to login. We will address this in the last step of this guide. It requires
-messing with some configs for SDDM.}
-##### Getting the audio working
-To get the audio (and tray icon, etc...) working we will create a systemd user service, that will start on a graphical
-login, kill the autossh-sunshine system service, and start Sunshine just like the standard Sunshine service.
-This service will also need to call the autossh-sunshine system service before it is stopped as the user service will
-be killed when we log out of the graphical session, so we want to make sure we restart that SSH service so we don't
-lose the ability to log back in if we need to.
- @tab{nano | ```bash
- sudo nano /usr/lib/systemd/user/sunshine-after-login.service
- ```}
- @tab{vim | ```bash
- sudo vi /usr/lib/systemd/user/sunshine-after-login.service
- ```}
-Once again, copy the below service file into your text editor at the location above.
-Description=Start Sunshine with the permissions of the graphical desktop session
-# Avoid starting Sunshine before the desktop is fully initialized.
-ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/pkill sunshine
-ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 5
-ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/systemctl start autossh-sunshine
-Make it executable, and enable it.
-sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/systemd/user/sunshine-after-login.service
-systemctl --user enable sunshine-after-login
-###### Polkit Rules for Sunshine User Service
-Since this is being run with the permissions of the graphical session, we need to make a polkit modification to allow
-it to call the system service autossh-sunshine when this user service is stopped, without prompting us for a password.
- @tab{nano | ```bash
- sudo nano /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/sunshine.rules
- ```}
- @tab{vim | ```bash
- sudo vi /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/sunshine.rules
- ```}
-Once again, copy the below to the .rules file in your text editor.
-polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
- if (action.id == "org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units" &&
- action.lookup("unit") == "autossh-sunshine.service")
- {
- return polkit.Result.YES;
- }
-###### Modifications to sudoers.d files
-Lastly, we need to make a few modifications to the sudoers file for our users. Replace {USERNAME} below with your
-username. You will be prompted to select either vi or nano for your editor if you've not used this command before,
-choose whichever you prefer.
-sudo visudo /etc/sudoers.d/{USERNAME}
-@danger{NEVER modify a file in ``sudoers.d`` directly. Always use the ``visudo`` command. This command checks your changes
-before saving the file, and if the resulting changes would break sudo on your system, it will prompt you to fix
-them. Modifying the file with nano or vim directly does not give you this sanity check and introduces the
-possibility of losing sudo access to your machine. Tread carefully, and make a backup.}
-As always, copy and paste the below into your user's `sudoers.d` configuration. Replace {USERNAME} with your username,
-and {HOSTNAME} with the name of your computer.
-{USERNAME} {HOSTNAME} = (root) NOPASSWD: /home/{USERNAME}/scripts/sunshine-setup.sh
-{USERNAME} {HOSTNAME} = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sunshine
-{USERNAME} {HOSTNAME} = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl start autossh-sunshine
-{USERNAME} {HOSTNAME} = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl --user start sunshine-after-login
-# The below is optional, but will allow us to send trigger a shutdown with a sunshine prep command, if desired.
-{USERNAME} {HOSTNAME} = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/shutdown
-Once again, restart your computer and do a quick test. Make sure you can connect to the PC to login and enter your
-credentials. You should be booted out of the system, and then can reconnect a few seconds later to the logged-in
-desktop session. You should see a tray icon for Sunshine, and the sound should be working (or you may need to manually
-select the sunshine-sink at least the first time).
-If you don't have multiple monitors, at this point you can consider yourself done!
-##### Configuring the login screen layout for multiple monitors
-This is not Sunshine specific, but is a frequent problem I had setting up Sunshine and thought it pertinent to add to
-the guide. If you are using multiple monitors (even a single monitor with a dummy plug may have this problem) you
-might notice the streamed login screen has one or more of the following problems:
-1. The text is way too small to see (caused by a too-high resolution)
-2. The mouse cursor is off on some other screen (caused by not mirroring the displays)
-3. There are multiple login screens overlapping each other (caused by differing resolutions, and trying to mirror
-the display).
-###### Log in to an X11 Session
-This can be fixed, by modifying some scripts called by SDDM on boot. To start though, we need to make sure we're
-logged into an x11 session, not Wayland or the terminal. As the Wayland session will give us incorrect information,
-and the terminal will give us no information since no graphical environment exists. SDDM initially starts an x11
-session to display the login screen so we need to use xorg commands to change the display configuration.
-To do this, log out of your desktop session on the Sunshine host, and somewhere on the lower left of your screen
-(depending on your SDDM theme) there will be some text that on Debian 12 KDE Plasma defaults to saying
-`Session: Plasma (Wayland)`. Select this and choose `Plasma (X11)` from the drop down menu and sign in.
-###### Find your monitor identifiers.
-Open a terminal and run:
-xrandr | grep -w connected
-This will require some more sleuthing on your part. Different PC hardware, and different monitors / connectors,
-display the names differently. Some start at 0, some start 1. Some spell out "DisplayPort" some, say "DP". You will
-need to modify all of the commands from here on out based on the output of the above command. I will use the output I
-receive below as the example for the rest of this guide.
-DisplayPort-0 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
-DisplayPort-1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
-DisplayPort-2 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
-HDMI-A-0 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 800mm x 450mm
-@note{If I instead run this command on Wayland, I get the following useless output. Hence the need to sign in to an
-x11 session.
-XWAYLAND0 connected 2592x1458+6031+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 600mm x 340mm
-XWAYLAND1 connected 2592x1458+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 480mm x 270mm
-XWAYLAND2 connected primary 3440x1440+2592+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 800mm x 330mm
-XWAYLAND3 connected 2592x1458+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 1440mm x 810mm
-From this, you can see that my monitors are named the following under an x11 session.
-@tip{If you have a label maker, now would be a good time to unplug some cables, determine where they are on your
-system, and label the outputs on your graphics card to ease changing your setup in the future.}
-In my setup, after moving some inputs I changed my system so that these cables correspond to the below monitors
-| Display Name | Monitor |
-| ------------- | --------------------------- |
-| DisplayPort-0 | rightmost 1080p display |
-| DisplayPort-1 | leftmost 1080p display |
-| DisplayPort-2 | middle 3440x1440 display |
-| HDMI-A-0 | 4k Roku TV (and dummy plug) |
-###### Modify the SDDM startup script
-For my purposes, I would prefer to have the Roku TV (which doubles as my always-on dummy plug) to always display a
-1080p screen on login (this can be changed automatically after login). And I would like to retain the ability to use
-my leftmost monitor to login to my physical desktop, but I'd like to disable my primary and rightmost displays.
-To do this, we need to modify the SDDM startup script to shut off DisplayPort-1 and DisplayPort-2, set HDMI-A-0 to
-1080p and mirror it with DisplayPort-1.
- @tab{nano | ```bash
- sudo nano /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup
- ```}
- @tab{vim | ```bash
- sudo vi /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup
- ```}
-Which will open a script that looks like this. We will not be removing these lines.
-# Xsetup - run as root before the login dialog appears
-if [ -e /sbin/prime-offload ]; then
- echo running NVIDIA Prime setup /sbin/prime-offload
- /sbin/prime-offload
-At the bottom of this Xsetup script though, we can add some xrandr commands
-To shut a display off, we can use: `xrandr --output {DISPLAYNAME} --off`.
-To set a display as the primary and accept
-it's automatic (usually the maximum, but not always especially on TVs where the default refresh rate may be lower)
-resolution and refresh rate we can use: `xrandr --output {DISPLAYNAME} --auto --primary`.
-To set a display to a specific resolution we can use: `xrandr --output {DISPLAYNAME} --mode {PIXELWIDTH}x{PIXELLENGTH}`.
-And lastly, to mirror a display we can use: `xrandr --output {DISPLAYNAME} --same-as {ANOTHER-DISPLAY}`
-So with my desire to mirror my TV and left displays, my Xsetup script now looks like this:
-# Xsetup - run as root before the login dialog appears
-if [ -e /sbin/prime-offload ]; then
- echo running NVIDIA Prime setup /sbin/prime-offload
- /sbin/prime-offload
-xrandr --output DisplayPort-0 --off
-xrandr --output DisplayPort-2 --off
-xrandr --output DisplayPort-1 --auto --primary
-xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --mode 1920x1080
-xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --same-as DisplayPort-1
-Save this file, reboot, and you should see your login screen now respects these settings. Make sure when you log
-back in, you select a Wayland session (if that is your preferred session manager).
-#### Next Steps
-Congratulations! You now have Sunshine starting on boot, you can login to your session remotely, you get all the
-benefits of the graphical session permissions, and you can safely shut down your PC with the confidence you can
-turn it back on when needed.
-@seealso{As Eric Dong recommended, I'll also send you to automate changing your displays.
-You can add multiple commands, to turn off, or configure as many displays as you'd like with the sunshine prep
-commands. See [Changing Resolution and Refresh Rate](md_docs_2app__examples#changing-resolution-and-refresh-rate)
-for more information and remember that the display names for your prep commands, may be different than what you
-found for SDDM.}
-## macOS
-@todo{It's looking lonely here.}
-## Windows
-| Author | [BeeLeDev](https://github.com/BeeLeDev) |
-| Difficulty | Intermediate |
-### Discord call cancellation
-Cancel Discord call audio with Voicemeeter (Standard)
-#### Voicemeeter Configuration
-1. Click "Hardware Out"
-2. Set the physical device you receive audio to as your Hardware Out with MME
-3. Turn on BUS A for the Virtual Input
-#### Windows Configuration
-1. Open the sound settings
-2. Set your default Playback as Voicemeeter Input
-@tip{Run audio in the background to find the device that your Virtual Input is using
-(Voicemeeter In #), you will see the bar to the right of the device have green bars
-going up and down. This device will be referred to as Voicemeeter Input.}
-#### Discord Configuration
-1. Open the settings
-2. Go to Voice & Video
-3. Set your Output Device as the physical device you receive audio to
-@tip{It is usually the same device you set for Hardware Out in Voicemeeter.}
-#### Sunshine Configuration
-1. Go to Configuration
-2. Go to the Audio/Video tab
-3. Set Virtual Sink as Voicemeeter Input
-@note{This should be the device you set as default previously in Playback.}
+@admonition{Community | A collection of guides written by the community is available on our
+Feel free to contribute your own tips and trips by making a PR to
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deleted file mode 100644
index d26e62a811e..00000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6a739be788b..00000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0dd34500233..00000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index ec38513e25d..00000000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index efb4e2beeab..00000000000
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Binary files a/gh-pages-template/assets/img/navbar-avatar.png and b/gh-pages-template/assets/img/navbar-avatar.png differ
diff --git a/packaging/linux/flatpak/dev.lizardbyte.app.Sunshine.metainfo.xml b/packaging/linux/flatpak/dev.lizardbyte.app.Sunshine.metainfo.xml
index 43c4cbdfe32..6ccadf74399 100644
--- a/packaging/linux/flatpak/dev.lizardbyte.app.Sunshine.metainfo.xml
+++ b/packaging/linux/flatpak/dev.lizardbyte.app.Sunshine.metainfo.xml
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- https://app.lizardbyte.dev/Sunshine/assets/images/AdobeStock_305732536_1920x1280.jpg
+ https://app.lizardbyte.dev/Sunshine/assets/img/banners/AdobeStock_305732536_1920x1280.jpg
diff --git a/src/display_device.cpp b/src/display_device.cpp
index a9a21b6ad1b..6c2a869f671 100644
--- a/src/display_device.cpp
+++ b/src/display_device.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ namespace display_device {
- * @breif Convert string to unsigned int.
+ * @brief Convert string to unsigned int.
* @note For random reason there is std::stoi, but not std::stou...
* @param value String to be converted
* @return Parsed unsigned integer.