diff --git a/includes/LitCalAPI.php b/includes/LitCalAPI.php
index bbd9177b..90daf1ef 100644
--- a/includes/LitCalAPI.php
+++ b/includes/LitCalAPI.php
@@ -1709,7 +1709,7 @@ private function handleFestivityCreationWithCoincidence( object $row ) : void {
$this->Cal->setProperty( $key, "grade", LitGrade::MEMORIAL_OPT );
$coincidingMemorialName = $value->name;
- $festivity = new Festivity( $row->Festivity->name, $row->Festivity->DATE, $row->Festivity->color, LitFeastType::FIXED, LitGrade::MEMORIAL_OPT, $row->Festivity->common );
+ $festivity = new Festivity( $row->Festivity->name, $row->Festivity->DATE, implode(',', $row->Festivity->color), LitFeastType::FIXED, LitGrade::MEMORIAL_OPT, implode(',', $row->Festivity->common) );
$this->Cal->addFestivity( $row->Festivity->tag, $festivity );
$this->Messages[] = sprintf(
@@ -1757,7 +1757,30 @@ private function handleFestivityCreationWithCoincidence( object $row ) : void {
private function createNewRegionalOrNationalFestivity( object $row ) : void {
- $row->Festivity->DATE = DateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', "{$row->Festivity->day}-{$row->Festivity->month}-{$this->LitSettings->Year}", new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
+ if(
+ property_exists( $row->Festivity, 'strtotime' )
+ && $row->Festivity->strtotime !== ''
+ ) {
+ $festivityDateTS = strtotime( $row->Festivity->strtotime . ' ' . $this->LitSettings->Year . ' UTC' );
+ $row->Festivity->DATE = new DateTime( "@$festivityDateTS", new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
+ }
+ else if(
+ property_exists( $row->Festivity, 'month' )
+ && $row->Festivity->month >= 1
+ && $row->Festivity->month <= 12
+ && property_exists( $row->Festivity, 'day' )
+ && $row->Festivity->day >= 1
+ && $row->Festivity->day <= cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $row->Festivity->month, $this->LitSettings->Year)
+ ) {
+ $row->Festivity->DATE = DateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', "{$row->Festivity->day}-{$row->Festivity->month}-{$this->LitSettings->Year}", new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
+ } else {
+ ob_start();
+ var_dump($row);
+ $a=ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ $this->Messages[] = _( 'We should be creating a new festivity, however we do not seem to have the correct date information in order to proceed' ) . ' :: ' . $a;
+ return;
+ }
if( is_array( $row->Festivity->color ) ) {
$row->Festivity->color = implode(",", $row->Festivity->color);
@@ -1766,11 +1789,27 @@ private function createNewRegionalOrNationalFestivity( object $row ) : void {
if( $this->festivityCanBeCreated( $row ) ) {
if( $this->festivityDoesNotCoincide( $row ) ) {
- $festivity = new Festivity( $row->Festivity->name, $row->Festivity->DATE, $row->Festivity->color, LitFeastType::FIXED, $row->Festivity->grade, $row->Festivity->common );
+ if( !property_exists( $row->Festivity, 'type' ) || !LitFeastType::isValid( $row->Festivity->type ) ) {
+ $row->Festivity->type = property_exists( $row->Festivity, 'strtotime' ) ? LitFeastType::MOBILE : LitFeastType::FIXED;
+ }
+ $festivity = new Festivity( $row->Festivity->name, $row->Festivity->DATE, $row->Festivity->color, $row->Festivity->type, $row->Festivity->grade, $row->Festivity->common );
$this->Cal->addFestivity( $row->Festivity->tag, $festivity );
} else {
$this->handleFestivityCreationWithCoincidence( $row );
+ $infoSource = 'unknown';
+ if( property_exists( $row->Metadata, 'decreeURL' ) ) {
+ $infoSource = $this->elaborateDecreeSource( $row );
+ }
+ else if( property_exists( $row->Metadata, 'missal' ) ) {
+ $infoSource = RomanMissal::getName( $row->Metadata->missal );
+ }
+ $formattedDateStr = $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? ( $row->Festivity->DATE->format( 'j' ) . ' ' . LitMessages::LATIN_MONTHS[ (int)$row->Festivity->DATE->format( 'n' ) ] ) :
+ ( $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::ENGLISH ? $row->Festivity->DATE->format( 'F jS' ) :
+ $this->dayAndMonth->format( $row->Festivity->DATE->format( 'U' ) )
+ );
+ $dateStr = property_exists( $row->Festivity, 'strtotime' ) && $row->Festivity->strtotime !== '' ? '' . $row->Festivity->strtotime . '' : $formattedDateStr;
$this->Messages[] = sprintf(
* 1. Grade or rank of the festivity
@@ -1783,12 +1822,9 @@ private function createNewRegionalOrNationalFestivity( object $row ) : void {
_( 'The %1$s \'%2$s\' has been added on %3$s since the year %4$d (%5$s), applicable to the year %6$d.' ),
$this->LitGrade->i18n( $row->Festivity->grade, false ),
- $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::LATIN ? ( $row->Festivity->DATE->format( 'j' ) . ' ' . LitMessages::LATIN_MONTHS[ (int)$row->Festivity->DATE->format( 'n' ) ] ) :
- ( $this->LitSettings->Locale === LitLocale::ENGLISH ? $row->Festivity->DATE->format( 'F jS' ) :
- $this->dayAndMonth->format( $row->Festivity->DATE->format( 'U' ) )
- ),
+ $dateStr,
- $this->elaborateDecreeSource( $row ),
+ $infoSource,
}// else {
@@ -1820,6 +1856,14 @@ private function handleNationalCalendarRows( array $rows ) : void {
$this->createNewRegionalOrNationalFestivity( $row );
case "setProperty":
+ switch( $row->Metadata->property ) {
+ case "name":
+ $this->Cal->setProperty( $row->Festivity->tag, "name", $row->Festivity->name );
+ break;
+ case "grade":
+ $this->Cal->setProperty( $row->Festivity->tag, "grade", $row->Festivity->grade );
+ break;
+ }
case "moveFestivity":
$festivityNewDate = DateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', $row->Festivity->day.'-'.$row->Festivity->month.'-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
@@ -1842,6 +1886,9 @@ private function applyNationalCalendar() : void {
if( $this->NationalData !== null && property_exists( $this->NationalData, "Metadata" ) && property_exists( $this->NationalData->Metadata, "Missals" ) ) {
+ if( $this->NationalData->Metadata->Region === 'UNITED STATES' ) {
+ $this->NationalData->Metadata->Region = 'USA';
+ }
$this->Messages[] = "Found Missals for region " . $this->NationalData->Metadata->Region. ": " . implode(', ', $this->NationalData->Metadata->Missals);
foreach( $this->NationalData->Metadata->Missals as $missal ) {
$yearLimits = RomanMissal::getYearLimits( $missal );
@@ -1856,32 +1903,47 @@ private function applyNationalCalendar() : void {
$this->loadPropriumDeSanctisData( $missal );
foreach ( $this->tempCal[ $missal ] as $row ) {
+ if( is_array( $row->COLOR ) ) {
+ $row->COLOR = implode(',', $row->COLOR);
+ }
+ if( is_array( $row->COMMON ) ) {
+ $row->COMMON = implode(',', $row->COMMON);
+ }
$currentFeastDate = DateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', $row->DAY . '-' . $row->MONTH . '-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
if( !$this->Cal->inSolemnitiesOrFeasts( $currentFeastDate ) ) {
$festivity = new Festivity( "[ {$this->NationalData->Metadata->Region} ] " . $row->NAME, $currentFeastDate, $row->COLOR, LitFeastType::FIXED, $row->GRADE, $row->COMMON, $row->DISPLAYGRADE );
$this->Cal->addFestivity( $row->TAG, $festivity );
- $coincidingFestivity = $this->Cal->determineSundaySolemnityOrFeast( $currentFeastDate, $this->LitSettings );
- $this->Messages[] = sprintf(
- /**translators:
- * 1. Festivity grade
- * 2. Festivity name
- * 3. Festivity date
- * 4. Edition of the Roman Missal
- * 5. Superseding festivity grade
- * 6. Superseding festivity name
- * 7. Current year
- */
- $this->NationalData->Metadata->Region . ": " . _( 'The %1$s \'%2$s\' (%3$s), added to the national calendar in the %4$s, is superseded by the %5$s \'%6$s\' in the year %7$d' ),
- $row->DISPLAYGRADE !== "" ? $row->DISPLAYGRADE : $this->LitGrade->i18n( $row->GRADE, false ),
- '' . $row->NAME . '',
- $this->dayAndMonth->format( $currentFeastDate->format( 'U' ) ),
- RomanMissal::getName( $missal ),
- $coincidingFestivity->grade,
- $coincidingFestivity->event->name,
- $this->LitSettings->Year
- );
+ if( self::DateIsSunday( $currentFeastDate ) && $row->TAG === "PrayerUnborn" ) {
+ $festivity = new Festivity( "[ USA ] " . $row->NAME, $currentFeastDate->add( new DateInterval( 'P1D' ) ), $row->COLOR, LitFeastType::FIXED, $row->GRADE, $row->COMMON, $row->DISPLAYGRADE );
+ $this->Cal->addFestivity( $row->TAG, $festivity );
+ $this->Messages[] = sprintf(
+ "USA: The National Day of Prayer for the Unborn is set to Jan 22 as per the 2011 Roman Missal issued by the USCCB, however since it coincides with a Sunday or a Solemnity in the year %d, it has been moved to Jan 23",
+ $this->LitSettings->Year
+ );
+ } else {
+ $coincidingFestivity = $this->Cal->determineSundaySolemnityOrFeast( $currentFeastDate, $this->LitSettings );
+ $this->Messages[] = sprintf(
+ /**translators:
+ * 1. Festivity grade
+ * 2. Festivity name
+ * 3. Festivity date
+ * 4. Edition of the Roman Missal
+ * 5. Superseding festivity grade
+ * 6. Superseding festivity name
+ * 7. Current year
+ */
+ $this->NationalData->Metadata->Region . ": " . _( 'The %1$s \'%2$s\' (%3$s), added to the national calendar in the %4$s, is superseded by the %5$s \'%6$s\' in the year %7$d' ),
+ $row->DISPLAYGRADE !== "" ? $row->DISPLAYGRADE : $this->LitGrade->i18n( $row->GRADE, false ),
+ '' . $row->NAME . '',
+ $this->dayAndMonth->format( $currentFeastDate->format( 'U' ) ),
+ RomanMissal::getName( $missal ),
+ $coincidingFestivity->grade,
+ $coincidingFestivity->event->name,
+ $this->LitSettings->Year
+ );
+ }
} else {
@@ -1950,88 +2012,10 @@ private function makePatron( string $tag, string $nameSuffix, int $day, int $mon
- private function applyCalendarUSA() : void {
- //The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is the Patronal FeastDay of the United States of America
- $festivity = $this->Cal->getFestivity( "ImmaculateConception" );
- if( $festivity !== null ) {
- $this->makePatron( "ImmaculateConception", "Patronal feastday of the United States of America", 8, 12, [ LitColor::WHITE ] );
- }
- //move Saint Vincent Deacon from Jan 22 to Jan 23 in order to allow for National Day of Prayer for the Unborn on Jan 22
- //however if Jan 22 is a Sunday, National Day of Prayer for the Unborn is moved to Jan 23 ( in place of Saint Vincent Deacon )
- $festivity = $this->Cal->getFestivity( "StVincentDeacon" );
- if( $festivity !== null ) {
- $StVincentDeaconNewDate = clone ( $festivity->date );
- $StVincentDeaconNewDate->add( new DateInterval( 'P1D' ) );
- $this->moveFestivityDate( "StVincentDeacon", $StVincentDeaconNewDate, "National Day of Prayer for the Unborn", RomanMissal::USA_EDITION_2011 );
- }
- //move Saint Paul of the Cross to the next day (Oct 20), to make room for Saint John Brebeuf, elevated to memorial
- $StPaulCrossNewDate = DateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', '20-10-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
- $this->moveFestivityDate( "StPaulCross", $StPaulCrossNewDate, "Saint John Brebeuf (elevated to memorial)", RomanMissal::USA_EDITION_2011 );
- //elevate Saint John Brebeuf to memorial
- $festivity = $this->Cal->getFestivity( "StsJeanBrebeuf" );
- if( $festivity !== null ) {
- //if it exists, it means it's not on a Sunday, so we can go ahead and elevate it to Memorial
- $this->Cal->setProperty( "StsJeanBrebeuf", "grade", LitGrade::MEMORIAL );
- $this->Messages[] = sprintf(
- "USA: The optional memorial '%s' is elevated to Memorial on Oct 19 as per the 2011 Roman Missal issued by the USCCB, applicable to the year %d",
- '' . $festivity->name . '',
- $this->LitSettings->Year
- );
- $this->Cal->setProperty( "StsJeanBrebeuf", "name", "[ USA ] " . $festivity->name );
- }
- //The fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving
- $thanksgivingDateTS = strtotime( 'fourth thursday of november ' . $this->LitSettings->Year . ' UTC' );
- $thanksgivingDate = new DateTime( "@$thanksgivingDateTS", new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
- $festivity = new Festivity( "[ USA ] Thanksgiving", $thanksgivingDate, LitColor::WHITE, LitFeastType::MOBILE, LitGrade::MEMORIAL, '', 'National Holiday' );
- $this->Cal->addFestivity( "ThanksgivingDay", $festivity );
- $currentFeastDate = DateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', '18-7-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
- $this->moveFestivityDate( "StCamillusDeLellis", $currentFeastDate, "Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha", RomanMissal::USA_EDITION_2011 );
- $currentFeastDate = DateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', '5-7-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
- $this->moveFestivityDate( "StElizabethPortugal", $currentFeastDate, "Independence Day", RomanMissal::USA_EDITION_2011 );
- $this->loadPropriumDeSanctisData( RomanMissal::USA_EDITION_2011 );
- foreach ( $this->tempCal[ RomanMissal::USA_EDITION_2011 ] as $row ) {
- if( is_array( $row->COLOR ) ) {
- $row->COLOR = implode(",", $row->COLOR );
- }
- $currentFeastDate = DateTime::createFromFormat( '!j-n-Y', $row->DAY . '-' . $row->MONTH . '-' . $this->LitSettings->Year, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
- if( !$this->Cal->inSolemnities( $currentFeastDate ) ) {
- $festivity = new Festivity( "[ USA ] " . $row->NAME, $currentFeastDate, $row->COLOR, LitFeastType::FIXED, $row->GRADE, $row->COMMON, $row->DISPLAYGRADE );
- $this->Cal->addFestivity( $row->TAG, $festivity );
- }
- else if( self::DateIsSunday( $currentFeastDate ) && $row->TAG === "PrayerUnborn" ){
- $festivity = new Festivity( "[ USA ] " . $row->NAME, $currentFeastDate->add( new DateInterval( 'P1D' ) ), $row->COLOR, LitFeastType::FIXED, $row->GRADE, $row->COMMON, $row->DISPLAYGRADE );
- $this->Cal->addFestivity( $row->TAG, $festivity );
- $this->Messages[] = sprintf(
- "USA: The National Day of Prayer for the Unborn is set to Jan 22 as per the 2011 Roman Missal issued by the USCCB, however since it coincides with a Sunday or a Solemnity in the year %d, it has been moved to Jan 23",
- $this->LitSettings->Year
- );
- }
- else{
- $this->Messages[] = sprintf(
- "USA: the %s '%s', added to the calendar as per the 2011 Roman Missal issued by the USCCB, is superseded by a Sunday or a Solemnity in the year %d",
- $row->DISPLAYGRADE !== "" ? $row->DISPLAYGRADE : $this->LitGrade->i18n( $row->GRADE, false ),
- '' . $row->NAME . '',
- $this->LitSettings->Year
- );
- }
- }
- }
- /**currently only using this for the USA calendar
- * The celebrations being transferred are all from the 1970 Editio Typica
- *
- * If it were to become useful for other national calendars,
- * we might have to abstract out the Calendar that is the source
- * of the festivity that is being transferred
+ /**
+ * So far, the celebrations being transferred are all originally from the 1970 Editio Typica
+ * and they are currently only celebrations from the USA calendar...
+ * However the method should work for any calendar
private function moveFestivityDate( string $tag, DateTime $newDate, string $inFavorOf, $missal ) {
$festivity = $this->Cal->getFestivity( $tag );
@@ -2044,8 +2028,9 @@ private function moveFestivityDate( string $tag, DateTime $newDate, string $inFa
//if it was suppressed on the original date because of a higher ranking celebration,
//we should recreate it on the new date
- //except in the case of Saint Vincent Deacon, where the National Day of Prayer will take over the new date
- if( $tag !== "StVincentDeacon" ) {
+ //except in the case of Saint Vincent Deacon when we're dealing with the Roman Missal USA edition,
+ //since the National Day of Prayer will take over the new date
+ if( $tag !== "StVincentDeacon" || $missal !== RomanMissal::USA_EDITION_2011 ) {
$row = $this->tempCal[ RomanMissal::EDITIO_TYPICA_1970 ][ $tag ];
$festivity = new Festivity( $row->NAME, $newDate, $row->COLOR, LitFeastType::FIXED, $row->GRADE, $row->COMMON );
$this->Cal->addFestivity( $tag, $festivity );
@@ -2053,9 +2038,11 @@ private function moveFestivityDate( string $tag, DateTime $newDate, string $inFa
$oldDateStr = $oldDate->format('F jS');
+ //If the festivity has been successfully recreated, let's make a note about that
if( $festivity !== null ) {
$this->Messages[] = sprintf(
- 'USA: The %1$s \'%2$s\' is transferred from %5$s to %6$s as per the %7$s, to make room for \'%3$s\': applicable to the year %4$d.',
+ _( 'The %1$s \'%2$s\' is transferred from %5$s to %6$s as per the %7$s, to make room for \'%3$s\': applicable to the year %4$d.' ),
$this->LitGrade->i18n( $festivity->grade ),
'' . $festivity->name . '',
'' . $inFavorOf . '',
@@ -2064,7 +2051,7 @@ private function moveFestivityDate( string $tag, DateTime $newDate, string $inFa
RomanMissal::getName( $missal )
- $this->Cal->setProperty( $tag, "name", "[ USA ] " . $festivity->name );
+ //$this->Cal->setProperty( $tag, "name", "[ USA ] " . $festivity->name );
@@ -2073,7 +2060,7 @@ private function moveFestivityDate( string $tag, DateTime $newDate, string $inFa
$coincidingFestivity = $this->Cal->determineSundaySolemnityOrFeast( $newDate );
//If the new date is already covered by a Solemnity, Feast or Memorial, then we can't move the celebration, so we simply suppress it
$this->Messages[] = sprintf(
- 'USA: The %1$s \'%2$s\' would have been transferred from %3$s to %4$s as per the %5$s, to make room for \'%6$s\', however it is suppressed by the %7$s \'%8$s\' in the year %9$d.',
+ _( 'The %1$s \'%2$s\' would have been transferred from %3$s to %4$s as per the %5$s, to make room for \'%6$s\', however it is suppressed by the %7$s \'%8$s\' in the year %9$d.' ),
$this->LitGrade->i18n( $festivity->grade ),
'' . $festivity->name . '',
@@ -2207,6 +2194,9 @@ private function applyDiocesanCalendar() {
if( is_array( $obj->color ) ) {
$obj->color = implode( ',', $obj->color );
+ if( is_array( $obj->common ) ) {
+ $obj->common = implode( ',', $obj->common );
+ }
//if sinceYear is undefined or null or empty, let's go ahead and create the event in any case
//creation will be restricted only if explicitly defined by the sinceYear property
if( $this->LitSettings->Year >= $obj->sinceYear || $obj->sinceYear === null || $obj->sinceYear === 0 ) {
@@ -2478,21 +2468,8 @@ public function Init(){
if( $this->LitSettings->NationalCalendar !== null ) {
- //$this->loadNationalCalendarData();
- //$this->applyNationalCalendar();
- switch( $this->LitSettings->NationalCalendar ){
- case 'ITALY':
- $this->loadNationalCalendarData();
- $this->applyNationalCalendar();
- break;
- case 'USA':
- //I don't have any data before 2011
- //I need copies of the calendar from the Missals printed before 2011...
- if( $this->LitSettings->Year >= 2011 ) {
- $this->applyCalendarUSA();
- }
- break;
- }
+ $this->loadNationalCalendarData();
+ $this->applyNationalCalendar();
if( $this->LitSettings->DiocesanCalendar !== null && $this->DiocesanData !== null ) {
diff --git a/includes/enums/RomanMissal.php b/includes/enums/RomanMissal.php
index 76cb87f8..3ca07e79 100644
--- a/includes/enums/RomanMissal.php
+++ b/includes/enums/RomanMissal.php
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ class RomanMissal {
self::EDITIO_TYPICA_TERTIA_2002 => [ "sinceYear" => 2002 ],
self::EDITIO_TYPICA_TERTIA_EMENDATA_2008 => [ "sinceYear" => 2008 ],
self::USA_EDITION_2011 => [ "sinceYear" => 2011 ],
+ //the festivities applied in the '83 edition were incorporated into the Latin 2002 edition,
+ //therefore we no longer need to apply them after the year 2002 since the Latin edition takes precedence
self::ITALY_EDITION_1983 => [ "sinceYear" => 1983, "untilYear" => 2002 ],
self::ITALY_EDITION_2020 => [ "sinceYear" => 2020 ]