- 🏁 First steps
- 💻 How to install apps inside Termux native desktop
- ⬇️ Download scripts
- 💻 Running Windows programs on Termux native (XFCE Desktop + Mobox)
- 🎨 Customizations - Themes
- 🪲 Troubleshooting and fixes
The process of setting up a Desktop Environment in Termux Native is described in this video
Install latest F Droid build of termux
First you need to install the following packages in Termux:
pkg update
pkg install x11-repo
pkg install termux-x11-nightly
pkg install pulseaudio
Install the latest Termux:X11 build artifact(this app is needed for displaying GUI)
Then you have to install the desktop you prefer, right now I have only tested XFCE4 so here are the steps:
xfce4 is really small and efficient which makes it take the least amount of resources compared to other desktop environments.
pkg install xfce4
If you want to install the firefox browser:
pkg install tur-repo
pkg install firefox
If you want to install VS Code:
pkg install tur-repo
pkg install code-oss
The full list of termux packages could be found here.
The packages are organized in subdirectories. The packages inside the "packages" directory are only terminal based, "x11-packages" have GUIs, root-packages require root and so on
You have all the information to install apps inside your native Termux Desktop in this video
- startxfce4_termux.sh
cd ~
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/termux_native/startxfce4_termux.sh
To start the desktop environment, run this
bash ~/startxfce4_termux.sh
Tip: If you have an older version of Android try this script instead:
cd ~
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/refs/heads/main/scripts/termux_native/startxfce4_termux(old-android).sh
This whole process is explained in the following video. I highly recommend looking at it first
First of all you need to install Mobox (follow instructions from the official repository): https://github.com/olegos2/mobox
Configure your Termux native desktop. I recommend following the process described in this video.
Download the following script into the
folder. Thanks to the user@Feer_C9
on reddit for this script
- mobox_run.sh:
wget -P $HOME https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/termux_native/mobox_run.sh
- Give script execution permissions:
chmod +x mobox_run.sh
- Now you can run Wine explorer (from Mobox with all the configurations applied) with the following command:
./mobox_run.sh explorer
but I recommend creating a desktop shortcut. You can download the shortcut direclty into theDesktop
folder with this command:
- MoboxExplorer.desktop: This allows you to double click the shortcut in the Termux Desktop (for example XFCE4) and open Mobox explorer to run Windows programs or games. Be warned that some applications refuse to run using the explorer(Follow step 5 and "Common problems with mobox" to learn the proper way)
wget -P $HOME/Desktop https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/termux_native/MoboxExplorer.desktop
- Assuming you don't have a wine binary already, you can make a mobox_run.sh a symlink called wine. This would allow you to call "wine" from the terminal on an exe file(Useful specifically as some executables REQUIRES your terminal to be within the executable's directories, otherwise they may not work):
ln -s $HOME/mobox_run.sh /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/wine
Then to run it, you do the following wine PATH_TO_EXECUTABLE
Some programs and OG Games don't immediately work and require configuration. To fix them, make sure to try each step below followed by attempting to run it.
- Make sure that your current directory is IN THE SAME directory as the program you want to execute then use the symlinked wine(step 5) to run it Example:
wine PROGRAM.exe
- NOTE: VERY RECENTLY, a bug was discovered in mobox_run.sh whereby it changed the directory back to home instead of being in the executable's directory which caused some applications to refuse to run. The bug was fixed so make sure to update your mobox_run.sh file using the following
wget -P $HOME https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/termux_native/mobox_run.sh
- Execute within a wine desktop environment. OG games in particular like to resize the screen's resolution when opening them. mobox doesn't change the resolution of the termux:x11 session so you need to start it within a wine desktop environment like this.(The caveat is that the resolution of the application you run won't be full at least up until a better solution is found)
wine explorer /desktop=true PROGRAM.exe
- Change Dynarec settings
2. Settings
1. Dynarec settings
[Look at the list of presets then select a preset from 1 to 4, the default is 4]
- Make sure to use wine staging instead of wine vanilla(OR VICE VERSA). (This is relevant as Undertale only worked for me when I was using wine staging, wine vanilla kept on giving me Direct3D errors. Some applications had the opposite effect and some worked with both)
First check if you have the wine you need already installed
4. Select current wine container
[Select the wine version you need, if you don't have it, then makes sure to install it using the below then come back here]
If you don't have the wine version you need installed, then you can install it.
3. Manage Packages
2. Install wine
[then install the wine version you need]
- Perhaps you have tried all of the above but it still didn't work. In that case, just continue messing around with mobox options, ask on termux's reddit, termux's discord, Mishka's discord(people run a lot of games there) as well as DroidMaster's discord. Let me assure you that it is possible, you just haven't explored deeply enough. Then when you finally get it to work somehow, make sure to tell everyone how you did it as it would help others!
- How to install nerd fonts (this allows you to have icons in the terminal) - automatic installation: We are going to use this repository
pkg install curl ncurses-utils zip
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arnavgr/termux-nf/main/install.sh | bash
- How to install nerd fonts (this allows you to have icons in the terminal) - manual installation:
- Go to this page and download any font: NERD FONTS
- Paste the .ttf files under the following path:
# Tip: /usr is at the same level as /home
Check out hardware acceleration guide for better performance
You need to disable Phantom Processes using this guide
If Termux X11 STILL abruptly gets killed even after disabling Phantom Processes then apply this to both the Termux app AND Termux X11 https://dontkillmyapp.com/
WARNING: Doing the above(Disabling Phantom Process killer, following dontkillmyapp) would mean that the Termux X11 session WILL NEVER shutdown unless YOU manually shut it down. You can do so by running the following command (If you FORGET to shutdown Termux X11 then it might result in battery drain)
kill -9 $(pgrep -f "termux.x11") 2>/dev/null
You can also download this .desktop file in your desktop
- Shutdown.desktop:
wget -P $HOME/Desktop https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxDroidMaster/Termux-Desktops/main/scripts/termux_native/Shutdown.desktop
Double clicking on Shutdown.desktop will close the Termux X11 session immediately.
To fix the resolution: Pressing the android back key or going home then back to Termux:X11 usually fixes the resolution
To change the screen scaling: On the other hand, if you find the icons/UI to be too small then you could close the termux:x11 session, go to "Preferences"(ONLY APPEARS IF THE TERMUX X11 SESSION IS NOT RUNNING) and change display resolution mode to scaled then drag the Display Scale % to something that you're satisfied with.
To change cursor settings: Get into termux:X11's preferences, then enable "Capture external pointer devices when possible" and drag the "Captured pointer speed factor, %" to something you feel comfortable with.