PSVG examples/
showcase! You can also fiddle with these examples on the online Playground.
<!-- hilbert.psvg -->
<!-- draws a hiblert curve -->
<!-- based on
and -->
<!-- koch.psvg -->
<!-- draws a koch snowflake -->
<!-- poisson.psvg -->
<!-- poisson disk sampling -->
<!-- based on paper -->
<!-- and this impl. -->
<!-- pulsar.psvg -->
<!-- recreation of the pulsar radio emission plot -->
<!-- from the "Unknown Pleasures" album cover -->
<!-- (includes a perlin noise implementation) -->
<!-- adapted from -->
<!-- <var scaled_cosine="{(i)=>(0.5*(1.0-COS(i*PI)))}"/> -->
<!-- pythagoras.psvg -->
<!-- draws a pythagoras fractal tree -->
<!-- inspired by -->
<!-- schotter.psvg -->
<!-- recreation of the Georg Nees classic -->
<!-- with silly animations -->
<!-- shapemorph.psvg -->
<!-- animation of simple shapes morphing between each other -->
<!-- sierpinski.psvg -->
<!-- draws a Sierpinski's triangle -->
<!-- sphere.psvg -->
<!-- 3D animated shaded sphere -->
<!-- terrain.psvg -->
<!-- animated wireframe terrain in 3D -->
<!-- alternatively, use perlin noise from example/pulsar.psvg -->
<!-- text-anim.psvg -->
<!-- draws animated text -->
<!-- try begin="{-i/100}s" to make animation start from the beginning -->
<!-- tree.psvg -->
<!-- A port of -->
<!-- turing.psvg -->
<!-- animated universal turing machine simulator -->
<!-- mach="current_state head_position tape[0] tape[1] tape[2] ..." -->
<!-- transition="current_state target_state read_symbol write_symbol shift" -->
<!-- D="transition0 transition1 transition2 ..." -->
<!-- one step of simulation -->
<!-- q0: start state -->
<!-- q1: halt state -->
<!-- tmin: minimum tape coordinate -->
<!-- tmin: maximum tape coordinate -->