# Fine free libraries

A website promoting fine free libraries in the UK

## Deployment

The project is deployed using GitHub pages. Github should automatically build and then deploy the site on any changes made to the main branch. The site is built with a remote Jekyll theme.

## Built With

- [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) - The web framework used for creating static sites
- [Alembic](https://alembic.darn.es/) - Remote Jekyll theme
- [Open Innovation's Hexmap library](https://open-innovations.github.io/oi.hexmap.js/) - The JS library used to display the hex map.

## Authors

- **Dave Rowe** - _Creator_ - [DaveBathnes](https://github.com/DaveBathnes)

See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/librarieshacked/librarieshacked.github.io/contributors) who participated in this project.

## Licence

Alembic is published under the [MIT Licence](https://github.com/daviddarnes/alembic/blob/main/LICENSE).

Additional site code here is published under the [MIT Licence](/LICENSE).

## Acknowledgments

- Ian Anstice from [Public Libraries News](https://www.publiclibrariesnews.com/) for his excellent [introduction to library fines](/introduction).
- Open Innovations who developed the [Hexmap library](https://open-innovations.github.io/oi.hexmap.js/) used in this site to visualise library services.
- David Darnes who created the [Alembic Jekyll theme](https://alembic.darn.es/) which this site builds upon.
- All the Jekyll contributors