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173 lines (113 loc) · 5.43 KB

File metadata and controls

173 lines (113 loc) · 5.43 KB




What did we learn so far?

  1. We understand the general idea of a markup language and
  2. We apply its concepts on interactive teaching content.
  3. We learned how to use different editors.


What are the open questions?

Challenge 1: How to cooperate with other authors?

Challenge 2: How to keep track of changes?


Open Courseware / Open Educational Resources ... teaching, learning and research materials in any medium, digital or otherwise,that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or 4 limited restrictions. Open licensing is built within the existing framework of intellectual property rights as defined by relevant international conventions and respects the authorship of the work

-- UNESCO 2002 Forum on the Impact of Open Courseware for Higher Education in Developing Countries (Link)


How does Wikipedia succeeds?

  • Simple context description language
  • Integrated editor
  • Versioning method
  • ...


But of course, we cannot map the Wikipedia concept 1:1 to learning content!

Course content ...

  • ... is not only text, but also includes animations, videos, and interactive elements.
  • ... depends on specific learning goals and the didactic concept of the teacher.
  • ... has to be iterated in a learning management system mostly.

Can we transfer the ideas of versioning on our LiaScript content?

Motivation and concepts

How software developers work together on a open source project project?

The use a versioning system that allows them to:

  • identify indivdual changes
  • merge changes from different authors
  • revert to previous versions
  • ...
git commit -m V1
git commit -m V2
git commit -m V3


                     local                           remote
  ---------------------------------------------  --------------
      Working     "Staging"         Local          Remote
      copy                        Repository      Repository
                       |               |                 |
                       |               |    git clone    |
                       |               |<----------------|
       +-+- - - - - - -|- - - - - - - -|                 |
       | | Changes     |               |                 |
       | |             |               |                 |
       +-+             |               |                 |
        |   git add    |               |                 |
        |------------->|  git commit   |                 |
        |              |-------------->|                 |
       +-+             |               |                 |
       | | additional  |               |                 |
       | | changes     |               |                 |
       +-+             |               |                 |
        |   git add    |               |                 |
        +------------->|  git commit   |                 |
                       |-------------->|   git push      |
                       |               |---------------->|
                       |               |                 |                     .


Puhh, that looks complicated, but it is not that hard to use. Let's plug a website in front of the git mechanisms.

Usage of Github

Live Demonstration

Liascript & Experiences

Starting in 2018 we switched the learning content of our courses completely to LiaScript.


I am going to summarize my experiences and usage patterns in this talk.


  • LiaScript online editor
  • offline editor in Visual Studio Code


  • github
  • separate website via Lia exporter

Student feedbacks

Students love to correct the professor.