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603 lines (445 loc) · 28.6 KB

File metadata and controls

603 lines (445 loc) · 28.6 KB


This library is open source and currently is not actively maintained by Learnosity.

Users should fork this repository to fix any issues found or feature requests required.

The develop branch is the mainline you should checkout.

Note: due to containing vendors, this package is licensed under GPL.


Learnosity QTI

This package converts between QTI 2.1 Assessment Items and Learnosity JSON.

You can choose between 2 main jobs:

  • convert:to:learnosity - Converts QTI v2.1 to Learnosity JSON
  • convert:to:qti - Converts Learnosity JSON to QTI v2.1

Installation via Composer

Using Composer is the recommended way to install Learnosity QTI for PHP. In order to use the package with Composer, you must add "learnosity/learnosity-qti" as a dependency in your project's composer.json file.

    "require": {
        "learnosity/learnosity-qti": "2.*"

Then, install your dependencies

composer install

Or just do:

composer global require "learnosity/learnosity-qti"

For bleeding edge:

    "require": {
        "learnosity/learnosity-qti": "dev-develop"

Make sure to add $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin directory to your $PATH so the mo executable can be located by your system. If not, simply replace all mo commands below with ./bin/mo (from the root of the project).

This package has been tested on PHP 8.1+


The mo command line runner

Use the command line tool, mo to run conversion jobs. To see all jobs, run mo list:

$ mo list

  mo [command] [options] [--help]

  --help                    Print the applications help

  convert:to:learnosity     Converts QTI v2.1 to Learnosity JSON
  convert:to:qti            Converts Learnosity JSON to QTI v2.1
  list                      Lists all commands available

Converting QTI to Learnosity JSON

By default, Learnosity QTI expects a QTI content package, including an imsmanifest.xml.

To convert QTI 2.1 to Learnosity JSON, run the following:

mo convert:to:learnosity --organisation_id [integer]

organisation_id is a mandatory option, where the value is an integer of your Learnosity item bank (organisation).

By default this will look for content packages inside the ./data/input directory, and output raw results to ./data/output/raw and final item JSON to ./data/output/final. A job manifest file will be written to ./data/output/log, indicating errors or warnings found during the conversion.

Note that only the data folder is present in this repository, you can create the data/input folder to add content packages there. The data/output path will be created automatically if you don't override via input options.

Conversion options

If you want to use different input and/or output paths you can use options:

mo convert:to:learnosity --input /my/path/to/qti --output /my/path/to/output/folder --organisation_id [integer]

All supported input options are as follows:

Option Default Description
‑‑organisation_id [Mandatory] Which Learnosity item bank to use, contact Learnosity for your organisation_id value
--input ./data/input File system path to the source content being converted
--output ./data/output File system path to where the converted content will be written
‑‑item-reference-source item Where to retrieve each items unique identifier from the QTI.
uses the identifier attribute on the <assessmentItem> element
uses the <identifier> element from the LOM metadata in the manifest, if available. If no <identifier> is found, then this parameter operates in "item" mode
uses the identifier attribute on the <resource> element in the manifest
uses the basename of the <assessmentItem> XML file
--passage-only-items No Whether HTML passages should be created as separate, passage-only, items.
No separate items will be created
Separate items containing only passages will be created
--single-item No To convert a single QTI <assessmentItem> instead of a full content package, pass Yes and a path to a single XML file to --input


The conversion library will update any asset URL inside QTI content to use the following Learnosity CDN address:[integer]/[filename]

The organisation value is taken from the --organisation_id input parameter passed to the command line.

Supported file types include:

  • images
  • audio files (mp3)
  • video files (mp4)

When importing content using the Data API, you can add files using the Upload Assets endpoint.

Metadata (LOM)

Metadata will be taken from the content package manifest and converted to Learnosity tags. The format is assumed to be:

                <imsmd:string xml:lang="en">GradeLevel</imsmd:string>
                    <imsmd:string xml:lang="en">6</imsmd:string>

This will be converted to the following Learnosity JSON (snippet only):

    "tags": {
        "GradeLevel": [

Note that <imsmd:source> translates to Learnosity tag types, and <imsmd:taxon> translates to tag names.

Supported Interactions - QTI to Learnosity

The following QTI v2.1 interactions are supported:

QTI Interaction Learnosity Question Type Learnosity Widget Value
ChoiceInteraction Multiple Choice Question mcq
ExtendedTextInteraction Essay longtextV2
GraphicGapMatchInteraction Image Association imageclozeassociationV2
GapMatchInteraction Cloze Association clozeassociation
HottextInteraction Token Highlight tokenhighlight
InlineChoiceInteraction Cloze Dropdown clozedropdown
MatchInteraction Choice Matrix choicematrix
OrderInteraction Order List orderlist
TextEntryInteraction Cloze Text clozetext
HotspotInteraction Hotspot hotspot


<rubricBlock> elements are commonplace in QTI documents. Learnosity can treat these as:

  • passages
  • distractor rationale
  • rating question types (for scoring)


Learnosity has the concept of a Passage, which is a separate HTML fragment that can be added to single items, or shared across multiple items. By default, the conversion library looks for the following QTI to be converted into a passage:

<rubricBlock use="context" view="candidate author proctor scorer testConstructor tutor">
        <object data="../passages/passage.html" type="text/html" />

In the example above, the contents of the passage come from an external file in the content package. You can also include the passage contents inline (inside the <rubricBlock> element).

Note that the use attribute must be context, and the view attribute must include candidate.

The Learnosity JSON generated would contain 2-columns, the passage(s) in the left and the question(s) in the right.

Multiple passages

If 2 passages are found in a QTI item, a tabbed interface will appear in the converted JSON (in the left-column).

If 3 (or more) passages are found, they will be stacked vertically in the UI (no tabs).

"Shared" Passages

In the converted results, the Learnosity reference (unique identifier) to a passage is generated from a hash of the passage body. So, we automatically "share" a passage if an exact match is found based on the contents of the passage.

Distractor rationale


If the use attribute of a <rubricBlock> element is rationale, and the view attribute contains candidate, the conversion library will generate distractor_rationale_response_level inside the question metadata.

The contents of the <rubricBlock> will be broken down by block elements, one for each array element of distractor_rationale_response_level. Eg:

<rubricBlock use="rationale" view="candidate">
    <p><span">Distractor:</span> Natoque velit etiam sem varius consequat.</p>
    <p><span">Distractor:</span> Enim vestibulum habitant dui ut morbi.</p>
    <p><span">Correct: </span>Dapibus scelerisque diam lacus nec lacus.</p>
    <p><span">Distractor:</span> Himenaeos fringilla arcu suspendisse pulvinar.</p>

Would generate the following JSON:

    "metadata": {
        "distractor_rationale_response_level": [
            "<p><span>Distractor:</span> Natoque velit etiam sem varius consequat.</p>",
            "<p><span>Distractor:</span> Enim vestibulum habitant dui ut morbi.</p>",
            "<p><span>Correct: </span>Dapibus scelerisque diam lacus nec lacus.</p>",
            "<p><span>Distractor:</span> Himenaeos fringilla arcu suspendisse pulvinar.</p>"

If <feedbackInline> elements are found, they will be converted to distractor_rationale_response_level. Eg with the following for a choice interaction:

<choiceInteraction responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" maxChoices="1" shuffle="false">
        [Question prompt here]
    <simpleChoice identifier="A">
        <feedbackInline identifier="feedback6399842" outcomeIdentifier="FEEDBACK" showHide="show">
            <object data="71de4a8f-b3c6-4518-99dd-668774d507de.html" type="text/html" />
        <object data="25d4c6ed-ae48-4bc1-b0b7-550616080534.html" type="text/html" />
    <simpleChoice identifier="B">
        <object data="72e8b863-03d3-4c1c-84bd-1d944c563fd2.html" type="text/html" />
    <simpleChoice identifier="C">
        <feedbackInline identifier="feedback6399844" outcomeIdentifier="FEEDBACK" showHide="show">
            <object data="37665b88-75fa-45a9-bf1d-a1bd675c7657.html" type="text/html" />
        <object data="a819c432-90f0-47c8-a13b-d341582bf86d.html" type="text/html" />
    <simpleChoice identifier="D">
        <feedbackInline identifier="feedback6399845" outcomeIdentifier="FEEDBACK" showHide="show">
            <object data="c5b5531d-bb61-4965-82a9-189edfaa15cb.html" type="text/html" />
        <object data="80fff1a9-1351-46f5-b69b-ab817dd95d58.html" type="text/html" />

The feedbackInline contents will be converted to distractor_rationale_response_level array elements.


If the class attribute of a <rubricBlock> element is DistractorRationale, and the view attribute contains author, the conversion library will generate distractor_rationale_scorer as a custom metadata field inside the question metadata.

The contents of the <rubricBlock> will be used, eg:

<rubricBlock class="DistractorRationale" view="author">
    <p>Parturient est morbi suspendisse nisi a duis scelerisque integer ut...</p>

Would generate the following JSON:

    "metadata": {
        "distractor_rationale_scorer": "<p>Parturient est morbi suspendisse nisi a duis scelerisque integer ut...</p>"

It would up to the host page calling the Assessment API to render this content to a grader.


Learnosity QTI does not support:

  • <assessmentItem> with no interactions (passage-only or rubric-only)
  • Custom CSS stylesheets. These must be loaded separately at run time for the host page initialising the Assessment API.

Note that only <assessmentItem> are supported, no other QTI elements like <assessmentTest>.


Remember you can ask for help:

$ mo convert:to:learnosity --help

  convert:to:learnosity [options]

  -i, --input=INPUT                                    The input path to your QTI content [default: "./data/input"]
  -o, --output=OUTPUT                                  An output path where the Learnosity JSON will be saved [default: "./data/output"]
      --organisation_id=ORGANISATION_ID                The identifier of the item bank you want to import content into [default: ""]
      --item-reference-source[=ITEM-REFERENCE-SOURCE]  The source to use to extract the reference for the item. Valid values are the following:
                                                       item     - uses the identifier attribute on the <assessmentItem> element
                                                       metadata - uses the <identifier> element from the LOM metadata in the manifest, if available. If
                                                       no <identifier> is found, then this parameter operates in "item" mode
                                                       resource - uses the identifier attribute on the <resource> element in the manifest
                                                       filename - uses the basename of the <assessmentItem> XML file
                                                       [default: "metadata"]
      --passage-only-items[=PASSAGE-ONLY-ITEMS]        If you pass the value as "Y", the conversion library will convert regular assessment items as well
                                                       as passage-only items, if defined in the manifest [default: "N"]
      --single-item[=SINGLE-ITEM]                      If you pass the value as "Y", the conversion library will convert only single xml file [default: "N"]
  -h, --help                                           Display this help message
  -q, --quiet                                          Do not output any message
  -V, --version                                        Display this application version
      --ansi                                           Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi                                        Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                                 Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                                 Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  Converts QTI v2.1 to Learnosity JSON, expects to run on folder(s) with a imsmanifest.xml file

Importing into Learnosity

Once you have Learnosity JSON (the final folder), you can use the Data API to import into your Learnosity hosted item bank.

Example of the output format is:

    "qtiitems": {
        "[item-reference]": {
            "item": {},
            "questions": [],
            "features": [],
            "manifest": [],
            "rubric": null,
            "assumptions": []

Loop over all item objects inside qtiitems. Inside each item object, import the questions (setQuestions) and features (setFeatures) first, then the item (setItems). Setting items will automatically import any tags that were in the manifest.

Converting Learnosity JSON to QTI

To convert Learnosity JSON to QTI 2.1, run the following:

mo convert:to:qti

By default this will look for content packages inside the ./data/input directory, and output raw results to ./data/output/raw. A manifest file will be written to ./data/output/log.

Note that only the data folder is present in this repository, you can create the data/input folder to add content packages there. The data/output path will be created automatically if you don't override via input options.

Conversion options

If you want to use different input and/or output paths you can use options:

mo convert:to:qti --input /my/path/to/learnosity-json --output /my/path/to/output/folder

All supported input options are as follows:

Option Default Description
--input ./data/input File system path to the source content being converted
‑‑output ./data/output File system path to where the converted content will be written
‑‑format qti A flag to choose how to format the QTI output content package, from a list of supported formats. This option supports the following possible values: (canvas, qti). Pass the canvas option to export. QTI content that is compatible with Canvas LMS. The default is qti, which outputs non LMS-specific QTI.
--zip true A flag determining whether to generate a zip file of the converted package. If you don't require an archive, disable for better performance
‑‑logVerbose false A flag that can add extra logging not considered essential to the conversion manifest

Learnosity JSON format

This conversion tool expects to be given JSON in the format that is returned by the offline package endpoint of the Data API. The Data API itembank/offlinepackage endpoint returns Activities/Items/Questions/Features in a single directory. It also contains any assets, including images, audio or video, that are part of the content.

The directory returned from the itembank/offlinepackage endpoint contains the following files:

		hashedfilename.json (optional)

Each JSON file within the items folder is named from a (lower case) MD5 hash of the item reference. The contents of each item file will be something like:

    "reference": "",
    "content": "",
    "workflow": null,
    "metadata": {
        "acknowledgements": null,
        "scoring_type": "per-question"
    "tags": {},
    "questions": [],
    "features": []

Generated QTI folder structure

After conversion, expect the output location to contain:


Currently, we don't use final.

The log directory stores a manifest with detail about the conversion.

Supported Question Types - Learnosity to QTI

The following Learnosity question types are supported:

Learnosity Question Type Learnosity Widget Value QTI Interaction
Choice Matrix choicematrix MatchInteraction
Cloze Association clozeassociation GapMatchInteraction
Cloze Dropdown clozedropdown InlineChoiceInteraction
Cloze Text clozetext TextEntryInteraction
Essay longtext ExtendedTextInteraction
Essay with rich text longtextV2 ExtendedTextInteraction
Hotspot hotspot HotspotInteraction
Image Cloze Association imageclozeassociation GraphicGapMatchInteraction
Image Cloze Association V2 imageclozeassociationV2 GraphicGapMatchInteraction
Multiple Choice Question mcq ChoiceInteraction
Order List orderlist OrderInteraction
Passage sharedpassage N/A
Plain Text plaintext ExtendedTextInteraction
Short Text shorttext TextEntryInteraction
Token Highlight tokenhighlight HottextInteraction


The converter attempts to use one of the following <responseProcessing> templates:

  • <responseProcessing template=""/>
  • <responseProcessing template=""/>

In cases where there are multiple interactions on a single item (composite items), or the score is greater than 1, we use custom mappings inside <responseDeclaration> coupled with the map_response template. Eg:

<responseDeclaration identifier="RESPONSE" cardinality="multiple" baseType="identifier">
    <mapping defaultValue="0">
        <mapEntry mapKey="a" mappedValue="1" caseSensitive="true" />
        <mapEntry mapKey="b" mappedValue="1" caseSensitive="true" />

Known limitations

Item layouts

2-column items are rendered in the markup like:

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-6">
            <object data="../passages/path-to-passage.html" type="text/html" label="passage-label" />
        <div class="col-xs-6">
            <choiceInteraction label="5689-q-en" responseIdentifier="RESPONSE" maxChoices="1">
                <prompt>Sample question stem</prompt>
                <simpleChoice identifier="a">response 1</simpleChoice>
                <simpleChoice identifier="b">response 2</simpleChoice>
                <simpleChoice identifier="c">response 3</simpleChoice>
                <simpleChoice identifier="d">response 4</simpleChoice>

Recipients of any QTI package should have necessary CSS to render as columns.


Any API column tabs are removed. All contained widgets are vertically stacked in the QTI.


Passages are rendered as <objects>. Eg,

<object data="../passages/af4aeb91-07bb-498e-9b2b-8989fbed80be.html" type="text/html" label="af4aeb91-07bb-498e-9b2b-8989fbed80be"></object>
Cloze Association

Cannot use the group possible responses option. We flatten all groups into a single possible_responses array.

Distractor rationale

Any distractor_rationale is rendered inside <modalFeedback> elements.


Video and audio are rendered as <object> elements. Eg:

<object data="../audio/ba9c5dfca8c228f08e13687361c486e3_d9efa6e6-dec4-4638-9b7a-2e241b206042.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"/>

Considering the strict nature of QTI (XHTML), we do a lot of string processing during the conversion process. This is because invalid content might have been imported into Learnosity via the Data API, or entered by authors.


Remember you can ask for help:

$ mo convert:to:qti --help

  convert:to:qti [options]

  -i, --input=INPUT     The input path to your Learnosity content [default: "./data/input"]
  -o, --output=OUTPUT   An output path where the QTI will be saved [default: "./data/output"]
  -f, --format=FORMAT   A flag to choose how to format the QTI output content package, from a list of supported formats.
                        This option supports the following possible values: (canvas, qti). Pass the canvas option to export
                        QTI content that is compatible with Canvas LMS. The default is qti, which outputs non LMS-specific QTI.
  -h, --help            Display this help message
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi            Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  Converts Learnosity JSON to QTI v2.1