1- Include the Javascript resources into you pages
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.wikipedia.js"></script>
2- Add a placeholder for the widget to your page
<div id="divRss"></div>
3- Add the Javascript that will populate the placeholder
$('#divRss').WikipediaWidget('Page Title', [{ 'showTitle': true,
'maxThumbnails': 3,
'cutFirstInfoTableRows': 4,
'maxInfoTableRows': 8,
'thumbMaxWidth': '180px',
'thumbMaxHeight': '180px'
showTitle Show or hide titlebar. Default: true
maxThumbnails Set max count of thumbnails to load. Default: 3
cutFirstInfoTableRows Cut out the first rows of the information table. Default: 4
maxInfoTableRows Set max count of information table rows. Default: 8
thumbMaxWidth Set max Thumbnail width. Default: '180px'
thumbMaxHeight Set max Thumbnail height. Default: '180px'