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Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Non-Item Pages on Sequential Next-Item Prediction

This repository contains the code for our paper:

Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Non-Item Pages on Sequential Next-Item Prediction (available on arXiv)

The code is based on the RecBole framework (

Running the Code and the Experiments

Here, you will find instructions on how to run the code and the experiments from the paper.

1. Installation

Ensure you have Python >=3.9 and <3.11 installed on your system.

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Navigate into the project directory cd non-items-recbole
  3. Create a virtual environment, e.g. with virtualenv: virtualenv venv --python=python3.9
  4. Activate the virtual environment
  • On macOS/Linux:source venv/bin/activate
  • On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
  1. Install dependencies
  • Using pip:pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Using Poetry: poetry install

Set up wandb

We rely on wandb for logging and tracking experiments and suggest using it. You can create an account at Also see the RecBole documentation. To login, type export WANDB_API_KEY=<your_api_key> and wandb login in your terminal.

2. Data Preparation

First, you will need to acquire and prepare the datasets, but we try to keep this as simple as possible.

2.1. Download

  • MovieLens-1M and MovieLens-20M are automatically downloaded by the data_preparation script.
  • The COVEO dataset has to be downloaded manually from here, as it requires registering.
    • Don't use Safari for downloading, as you will end up missing a file.
    • Unzip with e.g. unzip path/to/ -d ./datasets/
    • There should be three files in SIGIR-ecom-data-challenge\train: browsing_train.csv, search_train.csv, sku_to_content.csv
    • Provide your dataset path in the next step

2.2. Data Preprocessing

The following script is used to preprocess a dataset (ml-1m by default): python data_preparation/

  • --dataset: The dataset to preprocess. Options are ml-1m, ml-20m, coveo
  • --dataset_path: The path to the dataset. Default is .datasets/raw/
  • --random: Generate randomized non-item dataset for MovieLens. Default is False.
  • --use_original_split: Use the exact same split as in the paper for the ML-20m dataset, new random split otherwise. Default is True. Coveo uses a fixed split anyway.

Note: Data was originally preprocessed in ASME framework.

Commands to recreate the datasets used in the paper

This might take some time - especially Coveo-Pageview.

  1. python data_preparation/ --dataset ml-20m --random True - SynData, GroupedSynData and Randomized SynData
  2. python data_preparation/ --dataset coveo-search --dataset_path .datasets/coveo/ - Coveo Search Dataset, provide your path to the raw data
  3. python data_preparation/ --dataset coveo-pageview --dataset_path .datasets/coveo/ - Coveo Pageview Dataset, provide your path to the raw data

Note: The datasets are saved in the final folder in the dataset_path.

3. Model Configurations

Generate and adjust the model configurations to your needs with the script. Usage (with default arguments set for a local, non-gpu run):

python configs/paper/

This will automatically create the model configurations for all experiments in the paper config folder.


  • --log_wandb: Log to wandb. Default is True.
  • --wandb_entity: Your wandb entity. Default is None and therefore your default entity.
  • --data_path: The path to save the datasets. Default is ./datasets/
  • --checkpoint_dir: The checkpoint directory. Default is ./checkpoint/
  • --use_gpu: Use GPU. Default is False.
  • --gpu_id: The GPU ID to use. Default is None.
  • --train_batch_size: The batch size for training. Default is 64.

4. Running Experiments

Finally, to train the models, you can use the script. Type

python --config_files 'path_to_config'

to train a model with the specified configuration file. RecBole will evaluate the model on the test set after training.

Evaluation (per user)

If you want to evaluate a model again, you can use the script. --model_file /path/to/your/saved/modelfile.pth --device your_device


  • --model_file: Path to the saved model
  • --device: The device you're using, e.g. cuda or cpu
  • --eval_per_user: Calculate the metrics for each user on the test set separately, e.g. for user-level significance testing. Default is False.

Significance Testing

We evaluate the significance of the results using the paired Student's t-test on user level.

You will need to evaluate the models on user level as described above with --model_file /path/to/your/saved/modelfile.pth --device your_device --eval_per_user True. This will log the per-user metrics as an artifact to wandb. Use this notebook to calculate the significance of the results.


A notebook to conduct the HypTrails analysis can be found here. All code necessary is included in the hyptrailsdirectory for self-sufficiency.

Additional Visualizations for the Paper

We provide additional plots for models on both Coveo datasets and the SynData dataset in the visualizations folder. These include t-SNE plots of the item embedding spaces and the differences in item-to-item cosine similarity between different embeddings/models. See the paper for more explanations. Generally, all plots are based on the models trained with seed 212, unless marked otherwise.