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Hyunjin Song edited this page Nov 15, 2020 · 7 revisions

Lv2 is supported on master.


Arch Linux

pacman -S lilv lv2

MacOs (HomeBrew)

brew install lilv lv2


For compiling: lv2-dev liblilv-dev


From the directory containing vcpkg:

.\vcpkg install lilv lv2

If you get an error about missing ports, you may need to update vcpkg first:

git pull


Lv2 plugins are not shipped with LMMS. This section shall describe which packages you need to install to get as many Lv2 plugins as possible.

Arch Linux

pacman -S calf lsp-plugins mda.lv2 noise-repellent surge x42-plugins
yay -S lv2-plugins-aur-meta

macOS (HomeBrew)

(to be done)


# TODO: add more plugins
sudo apt-get install calf-plugins mda-lv2 x42-plugins swh-lv2

# Additional plugins for Ubuntu 20.04 or higher
sudo apt-get install lsp-plugins-lv2 dpf-plugins-lv2


You can download LV2 plugins from the internet. A good place to get started is

Supported plugins

Currently, we support

  • Core (except CV ports)
  • URIDs
  • MIDI atoms

Run LMMS_LV2_DEBUG <path to lmms> to get a complete list of unsupported plugins.

Debugging plugins

If a system-installed plugin has no debugging symbols, compile it and prepend the self-compiled version to the LV2_PATH:

LV2_PATH=/path/above/plugin/path:$LV2_PATH /path/to/lmms

For example, if you want to debug ZynAddSubFX, and it is in /a/b/c/ZynAddSubFX.lv2:

LV2_PATH=/a/b/c:$LV2_PATH /path/to/lmms