diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index 0adef1096d5..af66ad017c9 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
.gitattributes export-ignore
.gitignore export-ignore
data/locale/* linguist-documentation
+* text=auto eol=lf
+*.{bin,bmp,flac,icns,ico,mmpz,ogg,png,xiz,xmz,wav} binary
diff --git a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Cormi_Sound/ReadMe.txt b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Cormi_Sound/ReadMe.txt
index 1a82faa9e01..8465a4292d2 100644
--- a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Cormi_Sound/ReadMe.txt
+++ b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Cormi_Sound/ReadMe.txt
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- January 28th 2013
-Dear friend,
-here's an improved version of my instruments, release V2.0
-There are two banks: sound and noise.
-Maybe in the next times I'll need three of them.
-I like fantasy sounds, the zyn instruments do not reflect real instruments.
-Some are modified copies created by others.
-I'm using ZynAddSubFx in almost all of my compositions. They are oriented to background sounds for narration.
-So the instruments want to suggest atmospheres, feelings, and are not finalized to songs.
-Often I mix two or three instruments simultaneously to produce a full sound.
-You can hear some of them in:
-I hope you'll enjoy my work as I enjoyed those that people wanted to share with me.
+ January 28th 2013
+Dear friend,
+here's an improved version of my instruments, release V2.0
+There are two banks: sound and noise.
+Maybe in the next times I'll need three of them.
+I like fantasy sounds, the zyn instruments do not reflect real instruments.
+Some are modified copies created by others.
+I'm using ZynAddSubFx in almost all of my compositions. They are oriented to background sounds for narration.
+So the instruments want to suggest atmospheres, feelings, and are not finalized to songs.
+Often I mix two or three instruments simultaneously to produce a full sound.
+You can hear some of them in:
+I hope you'll enjoy my work as I enjoyed those that people wanted to share with me.
diff --git a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Laba170bank/descriptions.txt b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Laba170bank/descriptions.txt
index b4df11950cc..c0e6aec83f6 100644
--- a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Laba170bank/descriptions.txt
+++ b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Laba170bank/descriptions.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Author of presets: Laba170
-Made in Zynaddsubfx vsti ver
-* Some of these presets needs unison to sound like they were intended.
+Author of presets: Laba170
+Made in Zynaddsubfx vsti ver
+* Some of these presets needs unison to sound like they were intended.
* Relative bandwith (relBW) can on many patches be tweaked to fatten up the sound or make it sharper.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Plucked/progressive-house-pluck.xiz b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Plucked/progressive-house-pluck.xiz
index c9c255de44a..c0c59145170 100644
--- a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Plucked/progressive-house-pluck.xiz
+++ b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Plucked/progressive-house-pluck.xiz
@@ -1,465 +1,465 @@
- Analog Piano 3
- Analog Piano 3
+ Analog Piano 3
+ Analog Piano 3
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Brush1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Brush1.ds
index be6cb99dc36..493ca5b3949 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Brush1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Brush1.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,0 89,95 596,24 2384,0
-Envelope=0,0 223,87 1654,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,0 89,95 596,24 2384,0
+Envelope=0,0 223,87 1654,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Brush2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Brush2.ds
index 8eeca290775..5b9ad7ae9d2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Brush2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Brush2.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,0 492,81 939,28 2384,0
-Envelope=0,0 536,70 1013,87 1460,26 3665,18 3844,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,0 492,81 939,28 2384,0
+Envelope=0,0 536,70 1013,87 1460,26 3665,18 3844,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzKick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzKick.ds
index 5a111355dd4..c6e6b3cf890 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzKick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzKick.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,0 521,96 2160,46 6034,17 12962,0
-Envelope=0,100 358,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,0 52,100 2086,6 4708,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,0 521,96 2160,46 6034,17 12962,0
+Envelope=0,100 358,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,0 52,100 2086,6 4708,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzSnr.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzSnr.ds
index e1045ac90ef..b202cdd0345 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzSnr.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzSnr.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 2502,100 4940,56 6746,44 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,95 745,19 2458,6 6481,0
-Envelope=0,97 275,15 668,26 2086,10 5438,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,63 1494,37 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 2502,100 4940,56 6746,44 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,95 745,19 2458,6 6481,0
+Envelope=0,97 275,15 668,26 2086,10 5438,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,63 1494,37 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzSnr_H.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzSnr_H.ds
index 6d1d9966632..31e93a1effb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzSnr_H.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/JazzSnr_H.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 2439,100 4940,56 6746,44 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,95 745,19 2458,6 6481,0
-Envelope=0,97 190,92 317,21 668,26 2086,10 5438,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,92 206,96 317,62 1552,36 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 2439,100 4940,56 6746,44 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,95 745,19 2458,6 6481,0
+Envelope=0,97 190,92 317,21 668,26 2086,10 5438,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,92 206,96 317,62 1552,36 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/K_Muffle.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/K_Muffle.ds
index 0aa8e714918..4b0b429a52f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/K_Muffle.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/K_Muffle.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,99 1862,50 5066,47 7449,38 11546,0
-Envelope=0,100 291,37 656,0 1192,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
-Envelope=0,98 1341,0 4097,10 10578,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,99 1862,50 5066,47 7449,38 11546,0
+Envelope=0,100 291,37 656,0 1192,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
+Envelope=0,98 1341,0 4097,10 10578,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Kick.ds
index 8328c8beede..1ccd3a1e549 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Kick.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,0 89,95 2160,46 6034,17 9088,0
-Envelope=0,100 358,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,0 89,95 2160,46 6034,17 9088,0
+Envelope=0,100 358,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Plain_Kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Plain_Kick.ds
index 971d079c974..29d7c6a6d89 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Plain_Kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Plain_Kick.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1266,40 3129,15 6332,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 210,0 690,6 1920,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1266,40 3129,15 6332,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 210,0 690,6 1920,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride.ds
index 506164b2a50..56c00714821 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 5289,8 20113,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1341,37 5215,10 20784,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1713,62 5661,35 20560,0
-Envelope=0,100 1639,38 4619,20 10802,10 21082,0
-Envelope=0,100 968,24 4842,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 5289,8 20113,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1341,37 5215,10 20784,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1713,62 5661,35 20560,0
+Envelope=0,100 1639,38 4619,20 10802,10 21082,0
+Envelope=0,100 968,24 4842,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride2.ds
index 7be09fe3793..f6d8fc24643 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,90 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1490,76 3725,48 15495,16 16538,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2533,38 11174,8 32181,0
-Envelope2=0,100 32032,98 33224,0
-Envelope=0,100 2086,54 6257,27 15942,10 32032,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,90 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1490,76 3725,48 15495,16 16538,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2533,38 11174,8 32181,0
+Envelope2=0,100 32032,98 33224,0
+Envelope=0,100 2086,54 6257,27 15942,10 32032,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride3.ds
index 2b9fffe9b90..7db5cc81f78 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Ride3.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 3000,35 10350,2 37050,0
-Envelope1=0,0 150,100 923,30 3129,12 12738,7 37650,0
-Envelope2=0,100 19443,0
-Envelope=0,0 150,100 750,55 4050,29 12738,7 36300,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 3000,35 10350,2 37050,0
+Envelope1=0,0 150,100 923,30 3129,12 12738,7 37650,0
+Envelope2=0,100 19443,0
+Envelope=0,0 150,100 750,55 4050,29 12738,7 36300,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Snare.ds
index 0c07af0c5e7..2fdbb2a5c43 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/acoustic/Snare.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 2309,71 4246,44 7300,59 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 745,41 1937,18 12217,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,15 7971,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 11025,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 2309,71 4246,44 7300,59 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 745,41 1937,18 12217,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,15 7971,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 11025,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Bongo_h.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Bongo_h.ds
index ef76bf8f789..fd8b9606e6c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Bongo_h.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Bongo_h.ds
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,99 231,72 946,21 2138,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,99 231,72 946,21 2138,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Bongo_l.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Bongo_l.ds
index ac3a2c71c65..667e9e2cfdd 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Bongo_l.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Bongo_l.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,99 231,72 946,21 2056,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,99 231,72 946,21 2056,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Clave.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Clave.ds
index a4cd2b02292..304d16f248a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Clave.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Clave.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,99 149,66 946,21 2138,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,99 149,66 946,21 2138,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Conga.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Conga.ds
index 248394b679d..7e6c825e841 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Conga.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Conga.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,100 328,83 2145,48 4082,43 5334,21 6853,14 7002,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,100 328,83 2145,48 4082,43 5334,21 6853,14 7002,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Cymbal.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Cymbal.ds
index 44507ed8ddf..b69aaa93f37 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Cymbal.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Cymbal.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1013,51 1013,0
-Envelope=0,100 372,32 1490,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,92 641,52 11174,31 15048,16 21305,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1013,51 1013,0
+Envelope=0,100 372,32 1490,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,92 641,52 11174,31 15048,16 21305,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Hihat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Hihat.ds
index f574cb1fc6e..fc029274f13 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Hihat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Hihat.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,99 1013,51 1013,0
-Envelope=0,100 372,32 1490,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,92 641,52 2160,37 3278,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,99 1013,51 1013,0
+Envelope=0,100 372,32 1490,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,92 641,52 2160,37 3278,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Kick.ds
index ccaa003d516..f00fa2d7ada 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Kick.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,100 372,80 2682,37 8865,0
-Envelope=0,100 4200,50 14000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,100 372,80 2682,37 8865,0
+Envelope=0,100 4200,50 14000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Maracas.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Maracas.ds
index 753f73152ad..a3acd74f97d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Maracas.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Maracas.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,99 1013,51 1013,0
-Envelope=0,100 998,57 1013,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 410,94 633,29 916,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,99 1013,51 1013,0
+Envelope=0,100 998,57 1013,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 410,94 633,29 916,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Rim.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Rim.ds
index df85f70d91b..c5f20e008f1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Rim.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Rim.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,99 57,42 143,17 310,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,99 57,42 143,17 310,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Snare.ds
index cc7fd0d28a1..c6c2e50e0d6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Snare.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,99 253,21 745,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,99 253,21 745,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Tamb.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Tamb.ds
index 1b6b1f04da7..0560ef15a4c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Tamb.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr78/Tamb.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,99 1013,51 1013,0
-Envelope=0,100 2086,76 4023,80 5587,67 7226,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,31 521,96 1788,87 2160,44 4619,36 5810,6 9014,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,99 1013,51 1013,0
+Envelope=0,100 2086,76 4023,80 5587,67 7226,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,31 521,96 1788,87 2160,44 4619,36 5810,6 9014,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Clap.ds
index 075ffde63a7..25ea8258878 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Clap.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 2384,16 4023,8 7211,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,38 440,0 440,100 521,30 894,0 894,100 1028,26 1333,0 1333,98 1788,28 4097,7 9386,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 2384,16 4023,8 7211,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,38 440,0 440,100 521,30 894,0 894,100 1028,26 1333,0 1333,98 1788,28 4097,7 9386,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Clave.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Clave.ds
index 1c2ad893f68..e1a85d61582 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Clave.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Clave.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 149,98 670,4 2980,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,0 74,100 670,4 1937,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1266,57 2309,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 149,98 670,4 2980,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,0 74,100 670,4 1937,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1266,57 2309,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Conga_l.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Conga_l.ds
index 8337be6f0b0..7b8d3ba7def 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Conga_l.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Conga_l.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 447,67 2682,43 6332,23 11695,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 447,67 2682,43 6332,23 11695,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Conga_m.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Conga_m.ds
index 30b8cd028b9..1b1f9be27a8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Conga_m.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Conga_m.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 372,96 819,67 4246,24 8865,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 372,96 819,67 4246,24 8865,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Cowbell.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Cowbell.ds
index 1783137d295..33bd13847ec 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Cowbell.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Cowbell.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,86 596,28 1639,13 7449,0 12068,0 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,15 7971,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,98 819,47 2235,24 5587,9 7375,0
-Envelope2=0,0 37,99 745,50 2384,26 5364,9 7077,0
-Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 11025,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,86 596,28 1639,13 7449,0 12068,0 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,15 7971,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,98 819,47 2235,24 5587,9 7375,0
+Envelope2=0,0 37,99 745,50 2384,26 5364,9 7077,0
+Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 11025,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Cymbal.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Cymbal.ds
index c1984796c2c..4d217dc5ec4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Cymbal.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Cymbal.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,84 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,15 3129,0
-Envelope1=0,100 968,60 10355,16 19964,0
-Envelope2=0,100 968,60 10429,17 19890,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,78 9088,28 17282,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,84 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,15 3129,0
+Envelope1=0,100 968,60 10355,16 19964,0
+Envelope2=0,100 968,60 10429,17 19890,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,78 9088,28 17282,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Hat_c.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Hat_c.ds
index 04a5499b252..f5026997a5d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Hat_c.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Hat_c.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1639,21 5215,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,78 1639,24 4470,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1639,21 5215,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,78 1639,24 4470,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Hat_o.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Hat_o.ds
index 02d41621d97..42a4c3282f5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Hat_o.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Hat_o.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 8641,53 10653,15 14228,0
-Envelope1=0,100 8343,52 10355,16 14899,0
-Envelope2=0,100 8269,54 10429,17 14899,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,78 8567,52 10355,17 14824,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 8641,53 10653,15 14228,0
+Envelope1=0,100 8343,52 10355,16 14899,0
+Envelope2=0,100 8269,54 10429,17 14899,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,78 8567,52 10355,17 14824,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Kick.ds
index 22358485e85..53ebb411de6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Kick.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,28 1713,38 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 819,15 2980,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,28 1713,38 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 819,15 2980,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Rim.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Rim.ds
index 1156ee7aa2b..f82b62a7785 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Rim.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Rim.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 1974,79 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,24 0,100 104,20 396,7 2233,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 1974,79 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,24 0,100 104,20 396,7 2233,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Snare.ds
index f65051ceae2..509fa86f768 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/cr8000/Snare.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,74 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 745,14 2384,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,74 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 745,14 2384,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Bubble.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Bubble.ds
index 0f7d3e3cd82..79314838950 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Bubble.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Bubble.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,7 894,40 1341,84 2160,61 3203,0
-Envelope=0,100 4200,50 14000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,7 894,40 1341,84 2160,61 3203,0
+Envelope=0,100 4200,50 14000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Cicada.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Cicada.ds
index 507d9990668..3e3a7df6b57 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Cicada.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Cicada.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,79 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 670,4 1490,19 1937,3 3501,22 4097,2 5289,15 6406,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 670,2 1192,20 1415,56 1788,19 2533,3 3278,19 3650,43 3874,18 4544,3 5140,12 5364,29 5587,13 6108,4 8120,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,79 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 670,4 1490,19 1937,3 3501,22 4097,2 5289,15 6406,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 670,2 1192,20 1415,56 1788,19 2533,3 3278,19 3650,43 3874,18 4544,3 5140,12 5364,29 5587,13 6108,4 8120,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Glass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Glass.ds
index 59a3021243e..990582bb420 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Glass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Glass.ds
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-Envelope=0,100 1490,23 3203,8 11621,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1266,13 8418,0
-Envelope2=0,99 447,31 3129,0
-Envelope=0,100 670,17 1713,5 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+Envelope=0,100 1490,23 3203,8 11621,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1266,13 8418,0
+Envelope2=0,99 447,31 3129,0
+Envelope=0,100 670,17 1713,5 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Glass_rn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Glass_rn.ds
index 0024fdbacc2..3095fa3be8f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Glass_rn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Glass_rn.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,100 57211,94 71514,63 82836,34 88796,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,66 2384,87 4470,49 11025,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 87604,0
-Envelope2=0,100 88195,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,100 57211,94 71514,63 82836,34 88796,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,66 2384,87 4470,49 11025,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 87604,0
+Envelope2=0,100 88195,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Gunshot.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Gunshot.ds
index 97e6bae524e..945ee8b9a1f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Gunshot.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Gunshot.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1937,24 7449,6 11621,0
-Envelope=0,100 298,14 596,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1266,13 8418,0
-Envelope2=0,99 447,31 3129,0
-Envelope=0,100 1639,17 1639,66 4246,13 4246,54 5885,7 5885,35 7151,8 17655,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1937,24 7449,6 11621,0
+Envelope=0,100 298,14 596,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1266,13 8418,0
+Envelope2=0,99 447,31 3129,0
+Envelope=0,100 1639,17 1639,66 4246,13 4246,54 5885,7 5885,35 7151,8 17655,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Hammer.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Hammer.ds
index 695997f4c35..d984e79e4ec 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Hammer.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Hammer.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 1043,0 2950,0 2950,58 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 231,72 685,0
-Envelope=0,100 1728,85 2205,38 4405,0
-Envelope1=0,29 2384,35 7598,0
-Envelope2=0,30 5400,50 10131,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 7479,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 1043,0 2950,0 2950,58 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 231,72 685,0
+Envelope=0,100 1728,85 2205,38 4405,0
+Envelope1=0,29 2384,35 7598,0
+Envelope2=0,30 5400,50 10131,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 7479,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Laser.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Laser.ds
index 9c6e0afaaba..26193d56985 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Laser.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Laser.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4544,30 19741,0
-Envelope=0,100 194,8 685,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1415,42 4693,44 8865,16 18027,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,20 2980,96 5215,20 8269,99 13483,17 20709,100 20709,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4544,30 19741,0
+Envelope=0,100 194,8 685,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1415,42 4693,44 8865,16 18027,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,20 2980,96 5215,20 8269,99 13483,17 20709,100 20709,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Reverse.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Reverse.ds
index ef431029000..a77dfc51e48 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Reverse.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Reverse.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,0 5140,0 7598,7 12440,17 13483,87 14005,93 14005,0
-Envelope=0,0 4768,18 9312,44 14000,94 14000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,0 5140,0 7598,7 12440,17 13483,87 14005,93 14005,0
+Envelope=0,0 4768,18 9312,44 14000,94 14000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Ringing.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Ringing.ds
index 2e053654354..8e7f3c8af51 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Ringing.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Ringing.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2011,22 5587,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
-Envelope1=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
-Envelope2=0,100 19070,100 19517,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2011,22 5587,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
+Envelope1=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
+Envelope2=0,100 19070,100 19517,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Scissors.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Scissors.ds
index ede2e795cc1..c5a25b89366 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Scissors.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Scissors.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 10206,0 11025,5 11323,0
-Envelope=0,0 968,11 968,100 1192,3 1862,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 3054,16 7449,22 8641,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 10206,0 11025,5 11323,0
+Envelope=0,0 968,11 968,100 1192,3 1862,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 3054,16 7449,22 8641,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Sonar.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Sonar.ds
index a16ee64374a..10bcde3c7b7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Sonar.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/Sonar.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 13111,24 18176,47 22944,28 28605,52 35161,41 40226,47 47676,12 55423,3 77473,0
-Envelope=0,0 596,90 2384,16 21156,8 36353,7 87008,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 13111,24 18176,47 22944,28 28605,52 35161,41 40226,47 47676,12 55423,3 77473,0
+Envelope=0,0 596,90 2384,16 21156,8 36353,7 87008,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/dialing.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/dialing.ds
index d56169f7eb0..52a108bffe5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/dialing.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/dialing.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2011,22 5587,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
-Envelope1=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
-Envelope2=0,100 19070,100 19517,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2011,22 5587,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
+Envelope1=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
+Envelope2=0,100 19070,100 19517,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/hammer2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/hammer2.ds
index a07f69f1462..f53b951d7b3 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/hammer2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/hammer2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 1341,0 4917,0 5215,30 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 231,72 685,0
-Envelope=0,100 1728,85 2205,38 4405,0
-Envelope1=0,29 2384,35 7598,0
-Envelope2=0,30 5400,50 10131,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 5215,0 5215,18 6853,2 16835,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 1341,0 4917,0 5215,30 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 231,72 685,0
+Envelope=0,100 1728,85 2205,38 4405,0
+Envelope1=0,29 2384,35 7598,0
+Envelope2=0,30 5400,50 10131,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 5215,0 5215,18 6853,2 16835,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/impulses.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/impulses.ds
index 47f6d8beeae..98807cc511d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/impulses.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/impulses.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,17 33224,98 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 819,0 819,98 1490,0
-Envelope=0,100 1728,85 2205,38 4405,0
-Envelope1=0,29 0,68 5140,37 12962,15 22050,8 40822,0
-Envelope2=0,30 5400,50 11174,28 19070,14 30244,6 40375,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,0 171,0 253,100 268,0 7479,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,17 33224,98 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 819,0 819,98 1490,0
+Envelope=0,100 1728,85 2205,38 4405,0
+Envelope1=0,29 0,68 5140,37 12962,15 22050,8 40822,0
+Envelope2=0,30 5400,50 11174,28 19070,14 30244,6 40375,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,0 171,0 253,100 268,0 7479,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/loop.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/loop.ds
index 0581ce801f0..14f672b0e16 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/loop.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/loop.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 30,99 1117,31 2831,0 22199,0 22497,55 23242,31 25477,0 29648,0
-Envelope=0,44 1043,0 5513,0 5513,40 7449,0 11025,0 11025,38 12515,13 22050,0 22050,35 23540,0 27563,0 27563,33 29052,0 33075,0 33075,33 40375,0
-Envelope1=0,0 11025,0 11025,57 11919,0 16835,-1 16835,58 18027,0 27711,0 27711,61 28903,0 37843,0 37843,18 39332,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 11025,0 11025,21 12068,0 22199,0 22199,76 23093,10 28903,0 33075,0 33075,22 33820,0
-Envelope=0,0 22199,0 22199,76 23093,10 29946,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 30,99 1117,31 2831,0 22199,0 22497,55 23242,31 25477,0 29648,0
+Envelope=0,44 1043,0 5513,0 5513,40 7449,0 11025,0 11025,38 12515,13 22050,0 22050,35 23540,0 27563,0 27563,33 29052,0 33075,0 33075,33 40375,0
+Envelope1=0,0 11025,0 11025,57 11919,0 16835,-1 16835,58 18027,0 27711,0 27711,61 28903,0 37843,0 37843,18 39332,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 11025,0 11025,21 12068,0 22199,0 22199,76 23093,10 28903,0 33075,0 33075,22 33820,0
+Envelope=0,0 22199,0 22199,76 23093,10 29946,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/thunder.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/thunder.ds
index 8e2b7f816cd..183edcd3f6f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/thunder.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/effects/thunder.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,2 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 5513,79 10429,32 13111,58 15197,27 17133,39 24136,36 41120,0
-Envelope=0,0 11025,64 28903,19 87008,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,2 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 5513,79 10429,32 13111,58 15197,27 17133,39 24136,36 41120,0
+Envelope=0,0 11025,64 28903,19 87008,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Boom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Boom.ds
index b7b4c732c40..fce5d901da6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Boom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Boom.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1564,56 5250,30 19368,7 34863,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,23 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 2235,51 11993,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1117,19 3799,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1564,56 5250,30 19368,7 34863,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,23 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 2235,51 11993,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1117,19 3799,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/H_closed.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/H_closed.ds
index 700a2562f95..2634a8a4a2e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/H_closed.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/H_closed.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 516,21 1904,0
-Envelope=0,100 535,26 2548,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 516,21 1904,0
+Envelope=0,100 535,26 2548,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/H_open.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/H_open.ds
index 0e0598c8293..fd92c8c59b1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/H_open.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/H_open.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,24 10504,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,31 12440,4 18772,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,24 10504,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,31 12440,4 18772,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Hi-q.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Hi-q.ds
index 37d337c1659..e9feab16942 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Hi-q.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Hi-q.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1862,48 3501,36 3725,0
-Envelope=0,100 4200,50 14000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1862,48 3501,36 3725,0
+Envelope=0,100 4200,50 14000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Hi-q_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Hi-q_2.ds
index 423364eeef4..58433f0f0c2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Hi-q_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Hi-q_2.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1862,48 3501,36 3725,0
-Envelope=0,100 4200,50 14000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1862,48 3501,36 3725,0
+Envelope=0,100 4200,50 14000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_8bit.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_8bit.ds
index 5e75c19b0ad..4efc1b9399d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_8bit.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_8bit.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 89,95 2160,46 6034,17 6108,0
-Envelope=0,100 358,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 89,95 2160,46 6034,17 6108,0
+Envelope=0,100 358,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_Linn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_Linn.ds
index 3fec47da6e9..eccf7d34ee2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_Linn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_Linn.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1862,62 5513,35 13558,0
-Envelope=0,100 372,24 1117,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1862,62 5513,35 13558,0
+Envelope=0,100 372,24 1117,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_reverb.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_reverb.ds
index 719fb956add..10db03f61d1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_reverb.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/K_reverb.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 793,91 1824,37 4097,25 5959,20 6630,0
-Envelope=0,100 291,37 656,0 2221,0 3807,5 8328,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
-Envelope=0,98 1341,0 4097,10 10578,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 793,91 1824,37 4097,25 5959,20 6630,0
+Envelope=0,100 291,37 656,0 2221,0 3807,5 8328,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
+Envelope=0,98 1341,0 4097,10 10578,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_8bit.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_8bit.ds
index affe8268b60..70fb3ce88ad 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_8bit.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_8bit.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 745,41 1937,18 4991,0 12142,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,11 5661,3 5810,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 8194,11 9461,5 11025,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 745,41 1937,18 4991,0 12142,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,11 5661,3 5810,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 8194,11 9461,5 11025,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_Linn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_Linn.ds
index d03afa50c8f..7606d845a45 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_Linn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_Linn.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4395,54 10355,0
-Envelope=0,100 1713,28 4768,18 8641,11 9982,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4395,54 10355,0
+Envelope=0,100 1713,28 4768,18 8641,11 9982,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_reverb.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_reverb.ds
index 652f853df7e..c82625e2eb5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_reverb.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/S_reverb.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 2502,100 4940,56 6746,44 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,95 745,19 2458,6 6481,0
-Envelope=0,97 275,15 668,26 2086,10 4838,5 6266,4 10708,4 11422,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,63 1494,37 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 2502,100 4940,56 6746,44 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,95 745,19 2458,6 6481,0
+Envelope=0,97 275,15 668,26 2086,10 4838,5 6266,4 10708,4 11422,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,63 1494,37 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Syntom_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Syntom_1.ds
index 31737d97b59..41ec963fc39 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Syntom_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Syntom_1.ds
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,100 2309,38 5736,15 15495,0
-Envelope=0,100 1713,28 4768,18 8641,11 9982,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,100 2309,38 5736,15 15495,0
+Envelope=0,100 1713,28 4768,18 8641,11 9982,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Syntom_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Syntom_2.ds
index 7fe37d757f7..b4ef7813fe8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Syntom_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/Syntom_2.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2309,38 5736,15 15495,0
-Envelope=0,100 1713,28 4768,18 8641,11 9982,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2309,38 5736,15 15495,0
+Envelope=0,100 1713,28 4768,18 8641,11 9982,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/s_eq.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/s_eq.ds
index b2fa636d10a..17802c3e22c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/s_eq.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/electro/s_eq.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 745,41 1937,18 4097,0
-Envelope=0,72 1043,9 9386,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,87 1490,36 4246,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,29 7747,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 745,41 1937,18 4097,0
+Envelope=0,72 1043,9 9386,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,87 1490,36 4246,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,29 7747,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Bongo.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Bongo.ds
index 4cbd77c149a..b74e8ee3526 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Bongo.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Bongo.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
-Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1599,65 3648,38 6096,18 8994,8 15990,0
-Envelope2=0,100 600,22 2099,5 3748,0
-Envelope=0,72 350,29 2798,5 5746,0
-Envelope=0,56 393,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
+Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1599,65 3648,38 6096,18 8994,8 15990,0
+Envelope2=0,100 600,22 2099,5 3748,0
+Envelope=0,72 350,29 2798,5 5746,0
+Envelope=0,56 393,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Cym.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Cym.ds
index 099be4a59e1..ea42b2ce6d0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Cym.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Cym.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1428,64 4759,18 10153,0
-Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,41 216,31 3348,16 7246,5 18239,0
-Envelope=0,56 393,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1428,64 4759,18 10153,0
+Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,41 216,31 3348,16 7246,5 18239,0
+Envelope=0,56 393,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Hat.ds
index 08da608cecd..25a01117146 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1428,64 4759,18 10153,0
-Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,67 216,31 2678,2 6866,0
-Envelope=0,56 393,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1428,64 4759,18 10153,0
+Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,67 216,31 2678,2 6866,0
+Envelope=0,56 393,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_K_H.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_K_H.ds
index 8e5a2a33627..ce78783f476 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_K_H.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_K_H.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
-Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,67 216,31 2678,2 6866,0
-Envelope=0,56 393,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
+Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,67 216,31 2678,2 6866,0
+Envelope=0,56 393,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_K_K.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_K_K.ds
index 1fc963e63f5..02e17ce6286 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_K_K.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_K_K.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
-Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1599,65 3648,38 6096,18 8994,8 15990,0
-Envelope2=0,100 350,0
-Envelope=0,84 800,27 2848,14 4497,4 7046,0
-Envelope=0,56 393,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
+Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1599,65 3648,38 6096,18 8994,8 15990,0
+Envelope2=0,100 350,0
+Envelope=0,84 800,27 2848,14 4497,4 7046,0
+Envelope=0,56 393,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Kick.ds
index 1b0b4717d0e..4b3838d821d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Kick.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1428,64 4759,18 10153,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1428,64 4759,18 10153,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_S_B.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_S_B.ds
index f4d0cbd3397..c5e6a2e1fc8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_S_B.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_S_B.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
-Envelope=0,70 1699,25 5197,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2099,21 8695,0
-Envelope2=0,100 600,22 2099,5 3748,0
-Envelope=0,72 350,29 3998,10 4697,2 7595,0
-Envelope=0,72 350,29 3548,11 4697,2 7595,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
+Envelope=0,70 1699,25 5197,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2099,21 8695,0
+Envelope2=0,100 600,22 2099,5 3748,0
+Envelope=0,72 350,29 3998,10 4697,2 7595,0
+Envelope=0,72 350,29 3548,11 4697,2 7595,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Snare.ds
index 904ee92d6d8..2a8c23b75ce 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
-Envelope=0,70 1699,25 5197,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2099,21 8695,0
-Envelope2=0,100 600,22 2099,5 3748,0
-Envelope=0,72 350,29 3998,10 4697,2 7595,0
-Envelope=0,72 350,29 3548,11 4697,2 7595,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
+Envelope=0,70 1699,25 5197,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2099,21 8695,0
+Envelope2=0,100 600,22 2099,5 3748,0
+Envelope=0,72 350,29 3998,10 4697,2 7595,0
+Envelope=0,72 350,29 3548,11 4697,2 7595,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Tom.ds
index 32f7066ffeb..cac7e4d7653 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/farfisa/Fisa_Tom.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
-Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1599,65 3648,38 6096,18 8994,8 15990,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,84 350,29 2898,5 6866,0
-Envelope=0,56 393,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
+Envelope=0,67 203,24 1840,3 6358,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1599,65 3648,38 6096,18 8994,8 15990,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,84 350,29 2898,5 6866,0
+Envelope=0,56 393,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/curb_meat_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/curb_meat_bass.ds
index 529e40113ac..902586b9bb2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/curb_meat_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/curb_meat_bass.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,76 0,74 20622,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 11184,10 29030,0
-Envelope=0,40 2250,30 2250,56 4283,22 4283,8 4283,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,76 0,74 20622,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 11184,10 29030,0
+Envelope=0,40 2250,30 2250,56 4283,22 4283,8 4283,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/eel_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/eel_bass.ds
index 882e55b0d99..4214e909f66 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/eel_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/eel_bass.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 952,74 5711,49 6663,28 14991,6 22129,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3093,58 4759,35 4759,100 10708,21 18798,65 19750,20 27840,9 37358,19 57822,2 78761,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,11 5810,35 64484,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 10232,25 14039,61 17846,0 17846,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 8194,11 9461,5 11025,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 952,74 5711,49 6663,28 14991,6 22129,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3093,58 4759,35 4759,100 10708,21 18798,65 19750,20 27840,9 37358,19 57822,2 78761,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,11 5810,35 64484,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 10232,25 14039,61 17846,0 17846,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 8194,11 9461,5 11025,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/feed_this.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/feed_this.ds
index 13755dc94e0..8da88c85016 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/feed_this.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/feed_this.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,76 0,74 20622,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 11184,10 29030,0
-Envelope=0,40 2250,30 2250,56 4283,22 4283,8 4283,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,76 0,74 20622,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 11184,10 29030,0
+Envelope=0,40 2250,30 2250,56 4283,22 4283,8 4283,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/gerbil_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/gerbil_snare.ds
index b0273bc153a..b9e4eb1eb3d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/gerbil_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/gerbil_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/grumpy_buzzard.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/grumpy_buzzard.ds
index 0080aa3f8ad..d244ae9198d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/grumpy_buzzard.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/grumpy_buzzard.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
-Envelope=0,70 1699,25 5197,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2099,21 8695,0
-Envelope2=0,100 600,22 2099,5 3748,0
-Envelope=0,72 350,29 3998,10 4697,2 7595,0
-Envelope=0,72 350,29 3548,11 4697,2 7595,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,0 317,100 635,100 1368,50 4660,13 7833,0
+Envelope=0,70 1699,25 5197,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2099,21 8695,0
+Envelope2=0,100 600,22 2099,5 3748,0
+Envelope=0,72 350,29 3998,10 4697,2 7595,0
+Envelope=0,72 350,29 3548,11 4697,2 7595,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/jaguar_hats.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/jaguar_hats.ds
index 1ec661d0700..36f9f3cea6b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/jaguar_hats.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/jaguar_hats.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,92 26174,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 7376,20 7376,11 15070,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 31727,0
-Envelope2=0,100 11184,10 26968,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 2250,100 4283,22 4283,8 22209,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,92 26174,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 7376,20 7376,11 15070,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 31727,0
+Envelope2=0,100 11184,10 26968,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 2250,100 4283,22 4283,8 22209,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/radio_hats.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/radio_hats.ds
index 04cd9d67241..9baacb4d35c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/radio_hats.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/radio_hats.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 7376,20 10708,16 18322,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 11184,10 29030,0
-Envelope=0,40 2250,30 2250,56 4283,22 4283,8 4283,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 7376,20 10708,16 18322,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 11184,10 29030,0
+Envelope=0,40 2250,30 2250,56 4283,22 4283,8 4283,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/worm_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/worm_bass.ds
index ca684b1b627..d80ff854295 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/worm_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/ferraro/worm_bass.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 952,74 5711,49 6663,28 14991,6 22129,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3093,58 4759,35 10232,20 13563,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,11 5661,3 5810,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 10232,25 14039,61 17846,0 17846,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 8194,11 9461,5 11025,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 952,74 5711,49 6663,28 14991,6 22129,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3093,58 4759,35 10232,20 13563,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,11 5661,3 5810,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 10232,25 14039,61 17846,0 17846,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 8194,11 9461,5 11025,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/E_Piano.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/E_Piano.ds
index a00fb4bec34..0738c5af284 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/E_Piano.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/E_Piano.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 8400,27 26550,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 29400,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2700,99 9300,27 30450,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 8400,27 26550,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 29400,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2700,99 9300,27 30450,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/FM_Bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/FM_Bass.ds
index 8def6ea9a41..5651e9780f2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/FM_Bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/FM_Bass.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 14400,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 29400,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,100 8550,68 15000,93 30450,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 14400,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 29400,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,100 8550,68 15000,93 30450,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Moog_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Moog_bass.ds
index f15173192d8..e0986f3c326 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Moog_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Moog_bass.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for more controls
-FilterEnv=0,45 190,74 1758,28 7680,0 8630,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,22 649,12 8123,0
-Envelope1=0,100 7775,0
-Envelope2=0,100 7759,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for more controls
+FilterEnv=0,45 190,74 1758,28 7680,0 8630,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,22 649,12 8123,0
+Envelope1=0,100 7775,0
+Envelope2=0,100 7759,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Oboe.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Oboe.ds
index 29e0296791a..1d8bc4e40cb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Oboe.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Oboe.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 3150,57 24450,89 29250,0
-Envelope=0,0 1200,100 5400,53 54600,48 58500,29 60900,0
-Envelope1=0,0 300,100 3000,95 25500,92 29700,0
-Envelope2=0,0 450,100 3000,84 84300,97 84300,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 3150,57 24450,89 29250,0
+Envelope=0,0 1200,100 5400,53 54600,48 58500,29 60900,0
+Envelope1=0,0 300,100 3000,95 25500,92 29700,0
+Envelope2=0,0 450,100 3000,84 84300,97 84300,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Temple_Bell.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Temple_Bell.ds
index bae4aa586f2..84cc74ff90c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Temple_Bell.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/Temple_Bell.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,93 11400,17 33300,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 58800,0
-Envelope2=0,100 26550,83 62400,0
-Envelope=0,100 2100,10 9750,0
-Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,93 11400,17 33300,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 58800,0
+Envelope2=0,100 26550,83 62400,0
+Envelope=0,100 2100,10 9750,0
+Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/flute.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/flute.ds
index 667e62a6b49..025ac1a10a7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/flute.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/flute.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9900,82 36000,83 36600,0
-Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 34050,45 35700,80 38850,0
-Envelope1=0,0 9900,82 32400,79 33900,24 37950,0
-Envelope2=0,0 6300,45 12000,0
-Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 32400,46 36000,83 36600,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9900,82 36000,83 36600,0
+Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 34050,45 35700,80 38850,0
+Envelope1=0,0 9900,82 32400,79 33900,24 37950,0
+Envelope2=0,0 6300,45 12000,0
+Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 32400,46 36000,83 36600,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/mute_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/mute_bass.ds
index 1f3cf296d4e..5ad38492fee 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/mute_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/mute_bass.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 83,95 83,0
-Envelope1=0,100 6450,24 18900,0
-Envelope2=0,100 7650,20 34050,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 83,95 83,0
+Envelope1=0,100 6450,24 18900,0
+Envelope2=0,100 7650,20 34050,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/pizzi.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/pizzi.ds
index 82f526fb551..59db521f17f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/pizzi.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/pizzi.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1043,6 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1043,6 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/soft_piano.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/soft_piano.ds
index 46584734b3d..d82a131c7d7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/soft_piano.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/soft_piano.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,41 8709,25 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 8400,27 26550,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 37687,0
-Envelope2=0,100 8100,25 47980,0
-Envelope=0,0 459,96 1393,15 9750,0
-Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,41 8709,25 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 8400,27 26550,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 37687,0
+Envelope2=0,100 8100,25 47980,0
+Envelope=0,0 459,96 1393,15 9750,0
+Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/square_lead.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/square_lead.ds
index ca1bc9e2ae6..d9b872dd457 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/square_lead.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/square_lead.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 83,95 83,0
-Envelope1=0,0 2400,75 27300,60 32100,0
-Envelope2=0,0 3000,70 27300,60 32100,0
-Envelope=0,0 2400,78 8100,17 32100,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 83,95 83,0
+Envelope1=0,0 2400,75 27300,60 32100,0
+Envelope2=0,0 3000,70 27300,60 32100,0
+Envelope=0,0 2400,78 8100,17 32100,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/sweep.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/sweep.ds
index 7422ca27b71..918832e5b8f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/sweep.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/sweep.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 1200,51 48900,9 53400,25 62400,21 66900,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 900,96 8700,13 19800,0
-Envelope2=0,13 14100,13 22500,71 31200,0
-Envelope=0,14 24600,13 33600,48 42600,20 44100,0
-Envelope=0,12 34500,12 44400,32 51300,24 54900,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 1200,51 48900,9 53400,25 62400,21 66900,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 900,96 8700,13 19800,0
+Envelope2=0,13 14100,13 22500,71 31200,0
+Envelope=0,14 24600,13 33600,48 42600,20 44100,0
+Envelope=0,12 34500,12 44400,32 51300,24 54900,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/techno_stab.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/techno_stab.ds
index 04d5c93258d..6e6798b0fdd 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/techno_stab.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/techno_stab.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/tinkle.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/tinkle.ds
index a5b621e0c58..06907c72c8f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/tinkle.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/tinkle.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9000,59 17700,28 28500,5 40500,26 48900,3 57600,16 67200,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 58800,0
-Envelope2=0,100 33000,72 62400,0
-Envelope=0,100 300,0
-Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9000,59 17700,28 28500,5 40500,26 48900,3 57600,16 67200,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 58800,0
+Envelope2=0,100 33000,72 62400,0
+Envelope=0,100 300,0
+Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/trumpet.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/trumpet.ds
index 9b3453d02cb..60494713ec0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/trumpet.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/trumpet.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 3150,57 24450,89 29250,0
-Envelope=0,0 1200,100 5400,53 54600,48 58500,29 60900,0
-Envelope1=0,0 300,100 3000,95 25500,92 29700,0
-Envelope2=0,0 450,100 1380,21 1500,98 84300,97 84300,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 3150,57 24450,89 29250,0
+Envelope=0,0 1200,100 5400,53 54600,48 58500,29 60900,0
+Envelope1=0,0 300,100 3000,95 25500,92 29700,0
+Envelope2=0,0 450,100 1380,21 1500,98 84300,97 84300,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/upright_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/upright_bass.ds
index f3eeb2bedfc..a712236733d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/upright_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/upright_bass.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 3150,57 24450,89 29250,0
-Envelope=0,0 1200,100 5400,53 54600,48 58500,29 60900,0
-Envelope1=0,0 300,100 6300,28 16950,12 29700,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,100 14700,90 41700,0
-Envelope=0,0 360,100 1170,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 3150,57 24450,89 29250,0
+Envelope=0,0 1200,100 5400,53 54600,48 58500,29 60900,0
+Envelope1=0,0 300,100 6300,28 16950,12 29700,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,100 14700,90 41700,0
+Envelope=0,0 360,100 1170,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/violin.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/violin.ds
index 331ae38332a..44ce75db260 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/violin.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/violin.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9900,82 36000,83 36600,0
-Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 29400,21 36600,0
-Envelope1=0,0 9900,82 36000,83 36600,0
-Envelope2=0,0 14550,51 27000,86 36000,83 36600,0
-Envelope=0,0 600,100 2250,20 33450,17 36000,83 36600,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9900,82 36000,83 36600,0
+Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 29400,21 36600,0
+Envelope1=0,0 9900,82 36000,83 36600,0
+Envelope2=0,0 14550,51 27000,86 36000,83 36600,0
+Envelope=0,0 600,100 2250,20 33450,17 36000,83 36600,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/whistler.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/whistler.ds
index 9a7afcfe557..aa508e735ed 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/whistler.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/instrument/whistler.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9900,82 36000,83 36600,0
-Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 19800,30 21150,0
-Envelope1=0,0 1650,83 11400,81 15300,0
-Envelope2=0,0 14550,51 27000,86 36000,83 36600,0
-Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 13650,44 16500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9900,82 36000,83 36600,0
+Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 19800,30 21150,0
+Envelope1=0,0 1650,83 11400,81 15300,0
+Envelope2=0,0 14550,51 27000,86 36000,83 36600,0
+Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 13650,44 16500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/hihatopclo.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/hihatopclo.ds
index e2786e7a2ae..0e693ee89c9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/hihatopclo.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/hihatopclo.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 714,100 2538,100 3331,96 24271,44 31600,0 34423,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 3173,19 6107,8 14198,3 33551,0
-Envelope=0,0 2792,0 10279,0 37050,0
-Envelope1=0,0 635,11 872,26 2142,19 3649,12 6345,9 12818,5 31727,5 32615,0 34027,0
-Envelope2=0,0 952,99 32520,32 34344,0
-Envelope=0,0 1110,26 5711,11 12691,5 31647,2 33868,0
-Envelope=0,0 1031,27 6266,8 16974,3 31330,0 33234,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 714,100 2538,100 3331,96 24271,44 31600,0 34423,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 3173,19 6107,8 14198,3 33551,0
+Envelope=0,0 2792,0 10279,0 37050,0
+Envelope1=0,0 635,11 872,26 2142,19 3649,12 6345,9 12818,5 31727,5 32615,0 34027,0
+Envelope2=0,0 952,99 32520,32 34344,0
+Envelope=0,0 1110,26 5711,11 12691,5 31647,2 33868,0
+Envelope=0,0 1031,27 6266,8 16974,3 31330,0 33234,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/kick.ds
index 82b1592f731..1df530c3dd7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5294,31 9581,5 16498,0
-Envelope=0,33 317,8 10184,0
-Envelope1=0,29 1983,44 9359,16 19988,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5294,31 9581,5 16498,0
+Envelope=0,33 317,8 10184,0
+Envelope1=0,29 1983,44 9359,16 19988,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ramacymlong.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ramacymlong.ds
index 3f65bd72470..c7b97f12f8e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ramacymlong.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ramacymlong.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 1491,0 3014,0 5806,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,61 381,48 666,20 1840,20 2760,44 5457,20 7868,11 11422,7 18655,2 32615,0
-Envelope=0,0 698,0 1618,0 3363,0 5933,0 13452,0
-Envelope1=0,17 1491,57 4569,25 10533,6 32488,0
-Envelope2=0,22 1491,56 4822,23 10628,6 32361,0
-Envelope=0,0 2189,0 4500,0
-Envelope=0,0 254,0 539,0 2348,0 13357,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 1491,0 3014,0 5806,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,61 381,48 666,20 1840,20 2760,44 5457,20 7868,11 11422,7 18655,2 32615,0
+Envelope=0,0 698,0 1618,0 3363,0 5933,0 13452,0
+Envelope1=0,17 1491,57 4569,25 10533,6 32488,0
+Envelope2=0,22 1491,56 4822,23 10628,6 32361,0
+Envelope=0,0 2189,0 4500,0
+Envelope=0,0 254,0 539,0 2348,0 13357,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ramacymshort.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ramacymshort.ds
index b4e8ba9e187..f99fdafcfed 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ramacymshort.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ramacymshort.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 1491,0 3014,0 5806,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,61 381,48 666,20 1840,20 2760,44 4093,21 6916,4 15578,0
-Envelope=0,0 698,0 1618,0 3363,0 5933,0 13452,0
-Envelope1=0,17 1491,57 2760,25 6060,5 11580,0
-Envelope2=0,22 1491,56 2792,28 6155,6 10628,0
-Envelope=0,0 2189,0 4500,0
-Envelope=0,0 254,0 539,0 2348,0 13357,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 1491,0 3014,0 5806,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,61 381,48 666,20 1840,20 2760,44 4093,21 6916,4 15578,0
+Envelope=0,0 698,0 1618,0 3363,0 5933,0 13452,0
+Envelope1=0,17 1491,57 2760,25 6060,5 11580,0
+Envelope2=0,22 1491,56 2792,28 6155,6 10628,0
+Envelope=0,0 2189,0 4500,0
+Envelope=0,0 254,0 539,0 2348,0 13357,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ride6.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ride6.ds
index 1a5aff9f08d..3910da985c4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ride6.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/ride6.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 5394,51 7297,29 10787,15 21955,5 37691,0
-Envelope=0,0 2792,0 10279,0 37050,0
-Envelope1=0,0 238,41 1190,22 2914,13 6345,9 12818,5 37691,0
-Envelope2=0,100 40102,24 40102,0
-Envelope=0,0 238,40 1190,24 2855,16 5790,10 12691,5 37564,0
-Envelope=0,0 238,35 1348,20 3807,12 12532,5 37755,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 5394,51 7297,29 10787,15 21955,5 37691,0
+Envelope=0,0 2792,0 10279,0 37050,0
+Envelope1=0,0 238,41 1190,22 2914,13 6345,9 12818,5 37691,0
+Envelope2=0,100 40102,24 40102,0
+Envelope=0,0 238,40 1190,24 2855,16 5790,10 12691,5 37564,0
+Envelope=0,0 238,35 1348,20 3807,12 12532,5 37755,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/snare5.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/snare5.ds
index 8894b260718..7d8156ae34d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/snare5.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/snare5.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 6714,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 190,100 972,26 2201,8 6255,1 7854,0
-Envelope=0,100 222,100 1314,27 2803,14 6302,2 7696,0
-Envelope1=0,100 190,99 952,21 5431,4 7807,0
-Envelope2=0,100 158,100 839,14 1077,12 6033,1 7696,0
-Envelope=0,100 190,102 206,100 966,24 6096,3 7727,0
-Envelope=0,100 158,100 934,26 6033,2 7838,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 6714,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 190,100 972,26 2201,8 6255,1 7854,0
+Envelope=0,100 222,100 1314,27 2803,14 6302,2 7696,0
+Envelope1=0,100 190,99 952,21 5431,4 7807,0
+Envelope2=0,100 158,100 839,14 1077,12 6033,1 7696,0
+Envelope=0,100 190,102 206,100 966,24 6096,3 7727,0
+Envelope=0,100 158,100 934,26 6033,2 7838,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/vibra.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/vibra.ds
index 2be66fe8fce..7c68da42035 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/vibra.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/vibra.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,35 793,100 2855,69 5552,68 8566,48 11422,58 15625,29 19512,35 24112,18 28808,19 33249,8 39976,8 47209,5 54697,5 70179,0
-Envelope=0,100 635,0 2617,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2379,96 5235,54 8170,36 11263,35 15149,18 19353,17 23985,10 29315,9 34772,3 41372,5 47590,2 55331,2 70179,0
-Envelope2=0,0 793,100 3014,51 5869,59 8328,39 11501,47 15308,20 19433,23 24112,10 28808,10 33249,4 39595,4 47209,2 54570,2 70052,0
-Envelope=0,100 3093,47 5949,55 8408,35 11501,44 15308,20 19353,26 23874,12 28554,13 33249,5 39976,6 47209,4 54062,4 70179,0
-Envelope=0,100 4283,100 5790,56 8328,38 12056,43 15546,21 19591,25 23795,14 29062,15 34265,5 40102,5 47209,2 56473,2 70179,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,35 793,100 2855,69 5552,68 8566,48 11422,58 15625,29 19512,35 24112,18 28808,19 33249,8 39976,8 47209,5 54697,5 70179,0
+Envelope=0,100 635,0 2617,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2379,96 5235,54 8170,36 11263,35 15149,18 19353,17 23985,10 29315,9 34772,3 41372,5 47590,2 55331,2 70179,0
+Envelope2=0,0 793,100 3014,51 5869,59 8328,39 11501,47 15308,20 19433,23 24112,10 28808,10 33249,4 39595,4 47209,2 54570,2 70052,0
+Envelope=0,100 3093,47 5949,55 8408,35 11501,44 15308,20 19353,26 23874,12 28554,13 33249,5 39976,6 47209,4 54062,4 70179,0
+Envelope=0,100 4283,100 5790,56 8328,38 12056,43 15546,21 19591,25 23795,14 29062,15 34265,5 40102,5 47209,2 56473,2 70179,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/wood.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/wood.ds
index 18167e1d28d..15c5f6776e6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/wood.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/wood.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 12215,74 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5294,31 9581,5 16498,0
-Envelope=0,33 317,8 10184,0
-Envelope1=0,29 1983,44 9359,16 19988,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 666,2 5774,0
-Envelope=0,100 698,2 5838,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 12215,74 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5294,31 9581,5 16498,0
+Envelope=0,33 317,8 10184,0
+Envelope1=0,29 1983,44 9359,16 19988,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 666,2 5774,0
+Envelope=0,100 698,2 5838,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/wood2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/wood2.ds
index b2ffb9aa837..d45ec0ee419 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/wood2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/wood2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 12215,74 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5294,31 9581,5 16498,0
-Envelope=0,33 317,8 10184,0
-Envelope1=0,29 1983,44 9359,16 19988,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 666,2 5774,0
-Envelope=0,100 698,2 5838,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 12215,74 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5294,31 9581,5 16498,0
+Envelope=0,33 317,8 10184,0
+Envelope1=0,29 1983,44 9359,16 19988,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 666,2 5774,0
+Envelope=0,100 698,2 5838,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/zurrr.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/zurrr.ds
index 7b0c9b39d2a..997c1fb98f9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/zurrr.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/jorgensohn/zurrr.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 40134,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 40293,100 40293,0
-Envelope=0,0 2792,0 10279,0 37050,0
-Envelope1=0,0 159,100 1507,33 4045,41 9121,100 14674,24 30775,2 37691,0
-Envelope2=0,100 40102,24 40102,0
-Envelope=0,0 238,48 1269,34 3331,21 6028,14 12691,5 37564,0
-Envelope=0,0 159,38 3490,20 12532,5 37755,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 40134,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 40293,100 40293,0
+Envelope=0,0 2792,0 10279,0 37050,0
+Envelope1=0,0 159,100 1507,33 4045,41 9121,100 14674,24 30775,2 37691,0
+Envelope2=0,100 40102,24 40102,0
+Envelope=0,0 238,48 1269,34 3331,21 6028,14 12691,5 37564,0
+Envelope=0,0 159,38 3490,20 12532,5 37755,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_h.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_h.ds
index d158ccd897a..1c5a9a9d139 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_h.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_h.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 194,8 685,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2712,15 8815,0
-Envelope2=0,100 209,18 2384,2 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 194,8 685,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2712,15 8815,0
+Envelope2=0,100 209,18 2384,2 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_m2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_m2.ds
index da462d58460..d6ccbfbb1c7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_m2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_m2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 670,83 1341,95 2011,42 2682,13 3799,5 5810,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 834,15 2548,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 670,83 1341,95 2011,42 2682,13 3799,5 5810,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 834,15 2548,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_mu.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_mu.ds
index e57dcce5860..2d95907599c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_mu.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Bongo_mu.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 194,8 685,0
-Envelope1=0,100 983,12 2414,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1043,12 2384,2 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 194,8 685,0
+Envelope1=0,100 983,12 2414,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1043,12 2384,2 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Clave_we.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Clave_we.ds
index b58c0913527..fb26bf3bf36 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Clave_we.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Clave_we.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 149,66 946,21 2138,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,5 1341,34 2905,39 3948,21 7138,8 11184,2 18560,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 149,66 946,21 2138,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,5 1341,34 2905,39 3948,21 7138,8 11184,2 18560,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Gamelan.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Gamelan.ds
index 88ac89a0295..a15324a7061 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Gamelan.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Gamelan.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 194,8 685,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2011,47 4097,23 8418,8 18027,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,20 1341,95 20709,100 20709,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 194,8 685,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2011,47 4097,23 8418,8 18027,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,20 1341,95 20709,100 20709,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Maracas.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Maracas.ds
index f988c698fbd..d005ed8041e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Maracas.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Maracas.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 1415,63 1788,9 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 3054,16 7449,22 8641,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 1415,63 1788,9 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 3054,16 7449,22 8641,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Shaker_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Shaker_1.ds
index bd6ae11c409..416e33e330d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Shaker_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Shaker_1.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 670,83 968,93 1415,40 2682,13 3799,5 5810,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 670,83 968,93 1415,40 2682,13 3799,5 5810,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Shaker_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Shaker_2.ds
index 2876e9d970c..35baef2595f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Shaker_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Shaker_2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 1341,95 2682,13 4470,12 5364,34 6630,10 8194,29 9461,6 11323,3 12589,15 14303,0 15718,2 16835,8 18400,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 1341,95 2682,13 4470,12 5364,34 6630,10 8194,29 9461,6 11323,3 12589,15 14303,0 15718,2 16835,8 18400,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Tamb_hit.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Tamb_hit.ds
index 7780a2c727d..9268b08134d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Tamb_hit.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Tamb_hit.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 670,4 745,97 1192,11 3278,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 670,2 670,100 2086,26 3576,6 8120,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 670,4 745,97 1192,11 3278,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 670,2 670,100 2086,26 3576,6 8120,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Tamb_shk.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Tamb_shk.ds
index 9a927aec63c..b6332aca1e4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Tamb_shk.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Tamb_shk.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 670,4 1341,63 2086,7 3278,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 670,2 745,32 1713,10 1788,28 3576,6 8120,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 670,4 1341,63 2086,7 3278,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 670,2 745,32 1713,10 1788,28 3576,6 8120,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/ThumbPno.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/ThumbPno.ds
index 92397f46f5a..4501e7bdbc2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/ThumbPno.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/ThumbPno.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 596,0 13111,72 15644,27 22795,9 23838,0
-Envelope=0,100 36,11 387,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,0 13111,65 15197,25 23242,9 24434,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 596,0 13111,72 15644,27 22795,9 23838,0
+Envelope=0,100 36,11 387,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,0 13111,65 15197,25 23242,9 24434,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Triangle.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Triangle.ds
index 836452cc2c5..5f45442ea89 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Triangle.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/Triangle.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 3948,55 12440,4 18772,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 3948,55 12440,4 18772,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/bongo_l.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/bongo_l.ds
index 7048a8dfd83..466a1a0b90a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/bongo_l.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/bongo_l.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 194,8 685,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1043,12 2384,2 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 194,8 685,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1043,12 2384,2 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/guiro.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/guiro.ds
index 4946af5cb68..9568d16d16a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/guiro.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/guiro.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,57 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 14594,0
-Envelope2=0,20 7075,20 10724,25 16117,64 16117,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,57 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 14594,0
+Envelope2=0,20 7075,20 10724,25 16117,64 16117,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/one_clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/one_clap.ds
index 9e22ad131fe..96e01469127 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/one_clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/one_clap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 117,20 729,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 143,13 1373,0
-Envelope=0,0 1188,8 2929,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 117,20 729,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 143,13 1373,0
+Envelope=0,0 1188,8 2929,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/taiko.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/taiko.ds
index cb9d60a902e..066563fc35c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/taiko.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/latin/taiko.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 3501,0 7524,20 10876,91 10876,0
-Envelope=0,0 3,100 2533,23 11621,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 3501,0 7524,20 10876,91 10876,0
+Envelope=0,0 3,100 2533,23 11621,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cab.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cab.ds
index c61cf38dc28..07ab1e47795 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cab.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cab.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,11 0,39 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,0 1124,44 2169,0
-Envelope1=0,100 626,25 2771,11 4678,0
-Envelope2=0,100 656,25 2712,13 4648,0
-Envelope=0,0 1077,100 2185,0
-Envelope=0,100 477,12 1549,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,11 0,39 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,0 1124,44 2169,0
+Envelope1=0,100 626,25 2771,11 4678,0
+Envelope2=0,100 656,25 2712,13 4648,0
+Envelope=0,0 1077,100 2185,0
+Envelope=0,100 477,12 1549,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga1.ds
index 241721fd480..95c468bae2d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga1.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 417,50 2056,25 10355,0
-Envelope=0,100 98,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1758,10 7509,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1192,9 7390,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,15 2086,5 9237,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 417,50 2056,25 10355,0
+Envelope=0,100 98,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1758,10 7509,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1192,9 7390,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,15 2086,5 9237,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga2.ds
index cf0b97084e0..2aa27f3cd70 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 417,50 2056,25 10355,0
-Envelope=0,100 98,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1758,10 7509,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1192,9 7390,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,15 2086,5 9237,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 417,50 2056,25 10355,0
+Envelope=0,100 98,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1758,10 7509,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1192,9 7390,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,15 2086,5 9237,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga3.ds
index 01e6cdbcaa8..b6a06ed8e26 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cga3.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 417,50 2056,25 10355,0
-Envelope=0,100 98,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1758,10 7509,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1192,9 7390,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,15 2086,5 9237,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 417,50 2056,25 10355,0
+Envelope=0,100 98,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1758,10 7509,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1192,9 7390,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,15 2086,5 9237,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cgam.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cgam.ds
index 97a9807d563..f8a1372cac3 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cgam.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cgam.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 417,50 2056,25 10355,0
-Envelope=0,100 98,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1758,10 7509,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1192,9 7390,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,15 2086,5 9237,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 417,50 2056,25 10355,0
+Envelope=0,100 98,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1758,10 7509,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1192,9 7390,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,15 2086,5 9237,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_clp.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_clp.ds
index 4007899283a..7bdab70bc1d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_clp.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_clp.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,11 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 63,33 238,92 238,8 603,71 635,5 823,86 966,32 1029,89 1219,15 1396,39 5520,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 127,0 238,92 333,0 508,9 633,0 823,86 934,0 1029,89 1219,15 1631,33 4473,20 4918,8 7868,0
-Envelope=0,100 793,18 1364,89 3141,20 4886,8 7805,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,11 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 63,33 238,92 238,8 603,71 635,5 823,86 966,32 1029,89 1219,15 1396,39 5520,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 127,0 238,92 333,0 508,9 633,0 823,86 934,0 1029,89 1219,15 1631,33 4473,20 4918,8 7868,0
+Envelope=0,100 793,18 1364,89 3141,20 4886,8 7805,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cow.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cow.ds
index 4ffd7b0d2fe..52cb5855c91 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cow.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_cow.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 135,97 968,59 2411,0
-Envelope=0,100 387,41 1013,24 1043,33 1371,18 1549,30 1967,7 2056,22 3665,7 4529,0
-Envelope1=0,0 48,98 785,87 1761,41 2284,0
-Envelope2=0,0 48,98 508,24 2189,0
-Envelope=0,0 71,98 595,24 1682,0
-Envelope=0,0 159,96 523,19 1586,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 135,97 968,59 2411,0
+Envelope=0,100 387,41 1013,24 1043,33 1371,18 1549,30 1967,7 2056,22 3665,7 4529,0
+Envelope1=0,0 48,98 785,87 1761,41 2284,0
+Envelope2=0,0 48,98 508,24 2189,0
+Envelope=0,0 71,98 595,24 1682,0
+Envelope=0,0 159,96 523,19 1586,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_kik.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_kik.ds
index 9976788f084..91e1b0e8118 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_kik.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_kik.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,75 887,73 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 364,98 507,0 507,95 4545,47 5621,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,99 443,6 443,100 491,17 715,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 180,11 715,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,75 887,73 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 364,98 507,0 507,95 4545,47 5621,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,99 443,6 443,100 491,17 715,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 180,11 715,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_snr.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_snr.ds
index 0e1b58f097e..72e66ae9d33 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_snr.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_snr.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 1249,100 2935,83 5096,73 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1150,13 1923,0
-Envelope=0,97 0,0 615,36 1487,25 3173,20 4144,9 5175,0
-Envelope1=0,100 615,18 1785,0
-Envelope2=0,100 674,21 1745,0
-Envelope=0,63 1494,37 1804,5 3668,8 3926,0
-Envelope=0,97 238,0 1487,25 3490,15 3827,6 5750,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 1249,100 2935,83 5096,73 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1150,13 1923,0
+Envelope=0,97 0,0 615,36 1487,25 3173,20 4144,9 5175,0
+Envelope1=0,100 615,18 1785,0
+Envelope2=0,100 674,21 1745,0
+Envelope=0,63 1494,37 1804,5 3668,8 3926,0
+Envelope=0,97 238,0 1487,25 3490,15 3827,6 5750,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_stk.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_stk.ds
index a690f0dc479..5286c10318d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_stk.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_stk.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,11 0,39 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,100 790,0 3203,0
-Envelope1=0,100 685,0
-Envelope2=0,100 685,0
-Envelope=0,100 165,17 3236,0
-Envelope=0,100 203,17 2132,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,11 0,39 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,100 790,0 3203,0
+Envelope1=0,100 685,0
+Envelope2=0,100 685,0
+Envelope=0,100 165,17 3236,0
+Envelope=0,100 203,17 2132,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tamb.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tamb.ds
index 1b9131ade1a..1bbb490a871 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tamb.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tamb.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,74 477,11 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,100 462,17 507,67 1818,28 1818,47 2682,22 2682,45 3153,21 4719,0
-Envelope=0,100 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1460,55 1904,35 2324,52 3054,35 4263,27 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,74 477,11 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,100 462,17 507,67 1818,28 1818,47 2682,22 2682,45 3153,21 4719,0
+Envelope=0,100 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1460,55 1904,35 2324,52 3054,35 4263,27 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom1.ds
index 6e3e911d2f5..9eb1784b61a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom1.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,95 4619,91 12962,71 28903,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2533,54 6704,26 15346,17 30095,14 32330,0
-Envelope=0,100 1341,20 2384,1 35310,0 36204,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2682,20 7598,7 23391,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5661,7 18474,0
-Envelope=0,100 626,25 1877,13 5602,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,95 4619,91 12962,71 28903,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2533,54 6704,26 15346,17 30095,14 32330,0
+Envelope=0,100 1341,20 2384,1 35310,0 36204,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2682,20 7598,7 23391,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5661,7 18474,0
+Envelope=0,100 626,25 1877,13 5602,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom2.ds
index 447ea721189..6d4893bd87a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,95 4619,91 12962,71 28903,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2533,54 6704,26 15346,17 30095,14 32330,0
-Envelope=0,100 1341,20 2384,1 35310,0 36204,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2682,20 7598,7 23391,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5661,7 18474,0
-Envelope=0,100 626,25 1877,13 5602,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,95 4619,91 12962,71 28903,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2533,54 6704,26 15346,17 30095,14 32330,0
+Envelope=0,100 1341,20 2384,1 35310,0 36204,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2682,20 7598,7 23391,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5661,7 18474,0
+Envelope=0,100 626,25 1877,13 5602,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom3.ds
index 2dc6bc22f23..e75a35852df 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom3.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,95 4619,91 12962,71 28903,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2533,54 6704,26 15346,17 30095,14 32330,0
-Envelope=0,100 1341,20 2384,1 35310,0 36204,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2682,20 7598,7 23391,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5661,7 18474,0
-Envelope=0,100 626,25 1877,13 5602,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,95 4619,91 12962,71 28903,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2533,54 6704,26 15346,17 30095,14 32330,0
+Envelope=0,100 1341,20 2384,1 35310,0 36204,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2682,20 7598,7 23391,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5661,7 18474,0
+Envelope=0,100 626,25 1877,13 5602,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom4.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom4.ds
index 0b7d578e5b8..6e2a3a0569e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom4.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom4.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,95 4619,91 12962,71 28903,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2533,54 6704,26 15346,17 30095,14 32330,0
-Envelope=0,100 1341,20 2384,1 35310,0 36204,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2682,20 7598,7 23391,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5661,7 18474,0
-Envelope=0,100 626,25 1877,13 5602,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,95 4619,91 12962,71 28903,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2533,54 6704,26 15346,17 30095,14 32330,0
+Envelope=0,100 1341,20 2384,1 35310,0 36204,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2682,20 7598,7 23391,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5661,7 18474,0
+Envelope=0,100 626,25 1877,13 5602,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom5.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom5.ds
index 45d8c0946f1..9c623ba76d3 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom5.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/linn/linn_tom5.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,95 4619,91 12962,71 28903,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2533,54 6704,26 15346,17 30095,14 32330,0
-Envelope=0,100 1341,20 2384,1 35310,0 36204,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2682,20 7598,7 23391,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5661,7 18474,0
-Envelope=0,100 626,25 1877,13 5602,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,95 4619,91 12962,71 28903,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2533,54 6704,26 15346,17 30095,14 32330,0
+Envelope=0,100 1341,20 2384,1 35310,0 36204,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2682,20 7598,7 23391,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5661,7 18474,0
+Envelope=0,100 626,25 1877,13 5602,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Eye_Eye.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Eye_Eye.ds
index 074cb6150ee..8d305032c1f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Eye_Eye.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Eye_Eye.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 27761,95 59487,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
-Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 88835,8 100732,74 193532,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 27761,95 59487,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
+Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 88835,8 100732,74 193532,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Fp1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Fp1.ds
index 48c8af08a94..77658fd8449 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Fp1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Fp1.ds
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 30140,35 106284,11 191153,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9518,20 67419,37 151495,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 203050,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 191153,0
-Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 27761,14 31092,79 52349,29 100732,74 193532,0
-Envelope=0,0 18243,26 134838,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 30140,35 106284,11 191153,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9518,20 67419,37 151495,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 203050,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 191153,0
+Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 27761,14 31092,79 52349,29 100732,74 193532,0
+Envelope=0,0 18243,26 134838,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
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index 8f5aecf0088..b25c1aba8fa 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Mist1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Mist1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 26174,11 56315,66 122941,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 203050,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
-Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 88835,8 100732,74 193532,0
-Envelope=0,0 18243,26 134838,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 26174,11 56315,66 122941,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 203050,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
+Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 88835,8 100732,74 193532,0
+Envelope=0,0 18243,26 134838,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Mist2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Mist2.ds
index 3139a6e624e..6ff496f0143 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Mist2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Mist2.ds
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 30140,35 106284,11 191153,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9518,20 67419,37 151495,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 203050,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
-Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 27761,14 31092,79 52349,29 100732,74 193532,0
-Envelope=0,0 18243,26 134838,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 30140,35 106284,11 191153,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9518,20 67419,37 151495,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 203050,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
+Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 27761,14 31092,79 52349,29 100732,74 193532,0
+Envelope=0,0 18243,26 134838,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Randion1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Randion1.ds
index e009503f218..0cc12d1ed1c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Randion1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Randion1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 49969,11 106284,91 191153,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9518,20 67419,37 151495,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 203050,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 191153,0
-Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 27761,14 31092,79 52349,29 100732,74 193532,0
-Envelope=0,0 18243,26 134838,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 49969,11 106284,91 191153,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9518,20 67419,37 151495,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 203050,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 191153,0
+Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 27761,14 31092,79 52349,29 100732,74 193532,0
+Envelope=0,0 18243,26 134838,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Squelb.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Squelb.ds
index 61b339acd06..9b893643fa8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Squelb.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Squelb.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 31219,70 182428,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
-Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 88835,8 100732,74 193532,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 31219,70 182428,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
+Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 88835,8 100732,74 193532,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Throaties1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Throaties1.ds
index 5fc6cb9a74b..5265cd439ff 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Throaties1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Throaties1.ds
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 30140,35 106284,11 191153,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9518,20 67419,37 151495,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 203050,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 191153,0
-Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 27761,14 31092,79 52349,29 100732,74 193532,0
-Envelope=0,0 18243,26 134838,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 30140,35 106284,11 191153,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9518,20 67419,37 151495,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 203050,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 191153,0
+Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 27761,14 31092,79 52349,29 100732,74 193532,0
+Envelope=0,0 18243,26 134838,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone1.ds
index 8cee9bb0143..26d05376d2a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 14400,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 29400,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,100 8550,68 15000,93 30450,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 14400,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 29400,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,100 8550,68 15000,93 30450,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone10.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone10.ds
index 299d9ffa9a5..e3c79336176 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone10.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone10.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9000,59 17700,28 28500,5 40500,26 48900,3 57600,16 118261,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 85900,0
-Envelope2=0,100 33000,72 62400,0
-Envelope=0,100 300,0
-Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9000,59 17700,28 28500,5 40500,26 48900,3 57600,16 118261,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 85900,0
+Envelope2=0,100 33000,72 62400,0
+Envelope=0,100 300,0
+Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone11.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone11.ds
index 7180ce14528..9b533548fd8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone11.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone11.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9000,59 17700,28 28500,5 40500,26 48900,3 57600,16 118261,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 85900,0
-Envelope2=0,100 33000,72 62400,0
-Envelope=0,100 300,0
-Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9000,59 17700,28 28500,5 40500,26 48900,3 57600,16 118261,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 85900,0
+Envelope2=0,100 33000,72 62400,0
+Envelope=0,100 300,0
+Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone12.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone12.ds
index 5d8a9292435..77383854f09 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone12.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone12.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9000,59 17700,28 28500,5 40500,26 48900,3 57600,16 118261,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 85900,0
-Envelope2=0,100 33000,72 62400,0
-Envelope=0,100 300,0
-Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9000,59 17700,28 28500,5 40500,26 48900,3 57600,16 118261,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 85900,0
+Envelope2=0,100 33000,72 62400,0
+Envelope=0,100 300,0
+Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone14.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone14.ds
index 3b066894626..55d660bcd21 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone14.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone14.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 3948,55 12440,4 18772,0
-Envelope1=0,100 15943,44 78285,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 64960,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 3948,55 12440,4 18772,0
+Envelope1=0,100 15943,44 78285,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 64960,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone15.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone15.ds
index 9d250dab48e..f90b0702188 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone15.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone15.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 83,95 83,0
-Envelope1=0,100 6450,24 18900,0
-Envelope2=0,100 7650,20 34050,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 83,95 83,0
+Envelope1=0,100 6450,24 18900,0
+Envelope2=0,100 7650,20 34050,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone16.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone16.ds
index 42106169f02..53b10201a51 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone16.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone16.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 83,95 83,0
-Envelope1=0,100 6450,24 18900,0
-Envelope2=0,100 7650,20 34050,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 83,95 83,0
+Envelope1=0,100 6450,24 18900,0
+Envelope2=0,100 7650,20 34050,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone17.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone17.ds
index c09723d152b..8684fc86048 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone17.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone17.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 31219,70 67007,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
-Envelope2=0,1 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 57869,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 31219,70 67007,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
+Envelope2=0,1 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 57869,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone18.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone18.ds
index e97e944af2e..457f92f5e08 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone18.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone18.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 31219,70 67007,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
-Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 57869,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 31219,70 67007,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
+Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 57869,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone19.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone19.ds
index cfb977e7d32..ab2cc0538c1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone19.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone19.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 31219,70 67007,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
-Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 57869,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 31219,70 67007,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
+Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 57869,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone2.ds
index 75a97ac9cfb..078943ba64e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 27483,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 14467,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,100 8550,68 15000,93 30450,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 27483,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 14467,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,100 8550,68 15000,93 30450,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone20.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone20.ds
index 43c1495e110..c87f76c875a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone20.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone20.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 3000,35 10350,2 37050,0
-Envelope1=0,0 150,100 923,30 1399,8 2399,0 3498,0
-Envelope2=0,100 19443,0
-Envelope=0,0 150,100 750,55 4050,29 12738,7 36300,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 3000,35 10350,2 37050,0
+Envelope1=0,0 150,100 923,30 1399,8 2399,0 3498,0
+Envelope2=0,100 19443,0
+Envelope=0,0 150,100 750,55 4050,29 12738,7 36300,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone3.ds
index e7c95e225c4..6aa1dc497f8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone3.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 11041,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 70555,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,100 11548,82 15483,34 37945,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 11041,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 70555,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,100 11548,82 15483,34 37945,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
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index 95229736b44..f083d154ca5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone4.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone4.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 11041,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 70555,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,100 11548,82 15483,34 37945,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 11041,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 70555,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,100 11548,82 15483,34 37945,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone5.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone5.ds
index a6fa621a005..8c9219520d5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone5.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone5.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 11041,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 70555,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,100 11548,82 15483,34 37945,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 11041,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 6375,16 70555,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,100 11548,82 15483,34 37945,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone6.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone6.ds
index bcfeb610e53..57aa39b8812 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone6.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone6.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 10787,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 60027,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 12944,50 70555,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,100 11548,82 19036,26 69925,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 10787,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 60027,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 12944,50 70555,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,100 11548,82 19036,26 69925,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
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index d31d881b42d..d5779319ae1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone7.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone7.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 10787,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 60027,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 12944,50 70555,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,100 11548,82 19036,26 69925,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 10787,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 60027,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 12944,50 70555,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,100 11548,82 19036,26 69925,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone8.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone8.ds
index 80841b582e5..4b8ab9c4872 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone8.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone8.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,93 11400,17 33300,0
-Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 58800,0
-Envelope2=0,100 26550,83 62400,0
-Envelope=0,100 2100,10 9750,0
-Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,93 11400,17 33300,0
+Envelope=0,0 248,98 248,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,100 900,38 8025,22 25800,8 58800,0
+Envelope2=0,100 26550,83 62400,0
+Envelope=0,100 2100,10 9750,0
+Envelope=0,0 225,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone9.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone9.ds
index 0ba8b9f2f9b..cfdf63cf393 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone9.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone9.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 9900,82 56870,41 111360,0
-Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 29400,21 36600,0
-Envelope1=0,0 16894,75 44735,50 104698,0
-Envelope2=0,0 14550,51 27000,86 36000,83 36600,0
-Envelope=0,0 600,100 2250,20 33450,17 36000,83 36600,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 9900,82 56870,41 111360,0
+Envelope=0,0 600,100 4200,45 29400,21 36600,0
+Envelope1=0,0 16894,75 44735,50 104698,0
+Envelope2=0,0 14550,51 27000,86 36000,83 36600,0
+Envelope=0,0 600,100 2250,20 33450,17 36000,83 36600,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone_float1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone_float1.ds
index 84e496f3f54..61497dc6e49 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone_float1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/magnetboy/Tone_float1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 31219,70 92087,0
-Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
-Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
-Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 57869,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,0
-Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 31219,70 92087,0
+Envelope=0,0 40991,75 58250,0
+Envelope1=0,0 22336,86 39722,67 65357,0
+Envelope2=0,1 4696,26 19544,76 19544,16 31092,79 57869,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,0
+Envelope=0,100 3198,53 24435,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/'lectro_hammer.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/'lectro_hammer.ds
index a95b5532fda..884dadf5754 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/'lectro_hammer.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/'lectro_hammer.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,96 1299,30 1999,14 3198,8 23785,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 17489,89 19888,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,96 1299,30 1999,14 3198,8 23785,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 17489,89 19888,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/'lectro_square_hammer.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/'lectro_square_hammer.ds
index 73905a9cdf1..da595778504 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/'lectro_square_hammer.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/'lectro_square_hammer.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,96 1299,30 1999,14 3198,8 23785,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 17489,89 19888,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,96 1299,30 1999,14 3198,8 23785,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 17489,89 19888,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/12-bit_heavy_hitter.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/12-bit_heavy_hitter.ds
index b2a007ec1d0..910c51901c7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/12-bit_heavy_hitter.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/12-bit_heavy_hitter.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 350,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,74 1049,54 1899,39 5247,11 9144,0
-Envelope=0,100 1099,55 2498,29 4147,10 7096,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,76 1049,41 2748,14 4897,7 8945,0
-Envelope=0,100 1346,34 3895,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 350,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,74 1049,54 1899,39 5247,11 9144,0
+Envelope=0,100 1099,55 2498,29 4147,10 7096,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,76 1049,41 2748,14 4897,7 8945,0
+Envelope=0,100 1346,34 3895,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/909_hard_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/909_hard_snare.ds
index 3dc8a32b35b..713d0baf027 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/909_hard_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/909_hard_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,11 750,11 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 278,50 1071,17 2578,3 5347,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,39 1666,15 5097,0
-Envelope1=0,100 297,39 535,17 972,3 1699,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
-Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
-Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,11 750,11 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 278,50 1071,17 2578,3 5347,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,39 1666,15 5097,0
+Envelope1=0,100 297,39 535,17 972,3 1699,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
+Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
+Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/AAH.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/AAH.ds
index 56ea4fa3098..aa8fc793ee6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/AAH.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/AAH.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 14005,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 1564,74 12142,74 13558,0
-Envelope2=0,0 1937,54 12120,56 13558,0
-Envelope=0,0 1937,54 11397,54 13558,0
-Envelope=0,0 1937,54 11397,54 13558,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 14005,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 1564,74 12142,74 13558,0
+Envelope2=0,0 1937,54 12120,56 13558,0
+Envelope=0,0 1937,54 11397,54 13558,0
+Envelope=0,0 1937,54 11397,54 13558,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/B1_B2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/B1_B2.ds
index c8ddc9cd5c3..09849f2ac44 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/B1_B2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/B1_B2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 3501,0 7524,20 10876,91 10876,0
-Envelope=0,100 2533,23 11621,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 3501,0 7524,20 10876,91 10876,0
+Envelope=0,100 2533,23 11621,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Clap.ds
index 010fb50c5f9..259fefc2b94 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Clap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,44 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2309,25 12515,0
-Envelope=0,0 48,47 63,100 920,70 2284,34 4093,14 6789,5 17635,0
-Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
-Envelope=0,0 32,44 45,100 131,66 228,40 363,21 508,5 543,51 560,100 652,62 767,39 898,19 1047,5 1076,51 1084,89 1161,53 1225,33 1301,18 1396,5 1434,56 1434,95 2387,40 3585,3 6187,0 17635,0
-Envelope=0,0 48,47 59,100 952,73 2261,49 3775,31 7995,14 19829,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,44 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2309,25 12515,0
+Envelope=0,0 48,47 63,100 920,70 2284,34 4093,14 6789,5 17635,0
+Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
+Envelope=0,0 32,44 45,100 131,66 228,40 363,21 508,5 543,51 560,100 652,62 767,39 898,19 1047,5 1076,51 1084,89 1161,53 1225,33 1301,18 1396,5 1434,56 1434,95 2387,40 3585,3 6187,0 17635,0
+Envelope=0,0 48,47 59,100 952,73 2261,49 3775,31 7995,14 19829,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Distant_Thunder.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Distant_Thunder.ds
index 7d197ed23da..b97eff87d22 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Distant_Thunder.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Distant_Thunder.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,2 14991,68 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 5513,79 10429,32 15197,74 19750,63 24136,70 41120,46 46400,32 71861,43 83282,11 92800,28 130079,11 207016,0
-Envelope=0,0 11025,64 28903,19 87008,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,2 14991,68 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 5513,79 10429,32 15197,74 19750,63 24136,70 41120,46 46400,32 71861,43 83282,11 92800,28 130079,11 207016,0
+Envelope=0,0 11025,64 28903,19 87008,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/N_low.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/N_low.ds
index a9582576c85..4347e2b7939 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/N_low.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/N_low.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 4768,41 9982,0
-Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 4768,41 9982,0
+Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/N_vlow.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/N_vlow.ds
index 190d5af5829..f6b7bdd5fbd 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/N_vlow.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/N_vlow.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 4768,41 9982,0
-Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 4768,41 9982,0
+Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/RimShot.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/RimShot.ds
index ffb8169ce3c..67253b18ff7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/RimShot.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/RimShot.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 6,100 444,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 0,100 882,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,100 447,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 6,100 444,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 0,100 882,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,100 447,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Saber_fight.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Saber_fight.ds
index a7bed940c77..b54518d599f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Saber_fight.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Saber_fight.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=By Steve W
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 5838,35 13706,46 23985,14 26270,14 50683,0 54490,10 69481,93 81617,47 90897,11 111043,46 133252,14 143563,89 187187,14 208603,9 245881,37 260158,5 277608,0
-Envelope=0,0 48542,0 48542,51 54966,8 60677,0 134838,0 134838,31 143563,0
-Envelope1=0,0 47971,0 47971,26 52111,8 61867,0 134838,0 134838,17 141183,4 155460,0
-Envelope2=0,0 48098,0 48098,61 51635,7 53063,20 54966,10 65040,0 131665,0 131665,38 134838,5 138011,11 142770,3 151495,1 172910,0
-Envelope=0,0 48066,0 48066,55 50921,5 51873,17 59487,0 131665,0 131665,28 134838,5 158633,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=By Steve W
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 5838,35 13706,46 23985,14 26270,14 50683,0 54490,10 69481,93 81617,47 90897,11 111043,46 133252,14 143563,89 187187,14 208603,9 245881,37 260158,5 277608,0
+Envelope=0,0 48542,0 48542,51 54966,8 60677,0 134838,0 134838,31 143563,0
+Envelope1=0,0 47971,0 47971,26 52111,8 61867,0 134838,0 134838,17 141183,4 155460,0
+Envelope2=0,0 48098,0 48098,61 51635,7 53063,20 54966,10 65040,0 131665,0 131665,38 134838,5 138011,11 142770,3 151495,1 172910,0
+Envelope=0,0 48066,0 48066,55 50921,5 51873,17 59487,0 131665,0 131665,28 134838,5 158633,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-c.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-c.ds
index 8c6e86360ab..9e04b8c8958 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-c.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-c.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,75 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 4529,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,38 432,18 440,100 570,29 879,14 894,100 1028,26 1333,9 1333,98 2309,27 5661,7 11837,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,75 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 4529,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,38 432,18 440,100 570,29 879,14 894,100 1028,26 1333,9 1333,98 2309,27 5661,7 11837,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-r.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-r.ds
index d85a3ee46f4..f7b4eec58c7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-r.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-r.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 186,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 0,0 105,44 387,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 186,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 0,0 105,44 387,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-s.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-s.ds
index f5901150915..de2b0aa1119 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-s.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Simple-s.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1200,16 3375,0
-Envelope=0,100 1950,20 5325,0
-Envelope1=0,100 525,12 2025,0
-Envelope2=0,100 450,11 1650,0
-Envelope=0,100 1275,16 4500,0
-Envelope=0,0 20550,0 20700,100 43200,100 43350,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1200,16 3375,0
+Envelope=0,100 1950,20 5325,0
+Envelope1=0,100 525,12 2025,0
+Envelope2=0,100 450,11 1650,0
+Envelope=0,100 1275,16 4500,0
+Envelope=0,0 20550,0 20700,100 43200,100 43350,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_dis.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_dis.ds
index f392320f005..b3ff9a433f6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_dis.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_dis.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_sw2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_sw2.ds
index ac329b83110..39787ba30c0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_sw2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_sw2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_swp.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_swp.ds
index a54b81fad2d..0cf2b547fd9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_swp.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/Tone_swp.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/airbrush_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/airbrush_bd.ds
index 2eadbc73126..22474a44db0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/airbrush_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/airbrush_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 16498,59 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 6266,3 14753,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 793,34 3014,10 6266,2 15229,0
-Envelope=0,100 397,43 2697,14 7138,3 14356,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 16498,59 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 6266,3 14753,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 793,34 3014,10 6266,2 15229,0
+Envelope=0,100 397,43 2697,14 7138,3 14356,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ambient_noise_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ambient_noise_snare.ds
index 750e0f30b88..a8a592f7459 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ambient_noise_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ambient_noise_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,96 635,26 2221,8 6481,0
-Envelope=0,32 1190,17 2776,5 5810,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,32 1190,17 2776,5 5810,0
-Envelope=0,64 793,52 1348,27 3547,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,96 635,26 2221,8 6481,0
+Envelope=0,32 1190,17 2776,5 5810,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,32 1190,17 2776,5 5810,0
+Envelope=0,64 793,52 1348,27 3547,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/amen_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/amen_bd.ds
index a53cf2ac0cb..51c94a3c186 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/amen_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/amen_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,89 7297,78 13769,50 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,41 2189,38 4315,17 6948,7 10724,0
-Envelope1=0,91 1110,62 2919,37 5647,20 8376,14 14436,0
-Envelope2=0,100 4025,50 10232,0
-Envelope=0,100 1808,34 4442,11 10279,0
-Envelope=0,100 1618,46 3141,33 4473,17 6789,8 15419,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,89 7297,78 13769,50 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,41 2189,38 4315,17 6948,7 10724,0
+Envelope1=0,91 1110,62 2919,37 5647,20 8376,14 14436,0
+Envelope2=0,100 4025,50 10232,0
+Envelope=0,100 1808,34 4442,11 10279,0
+Envelope=0,100 1618,46 3141,33 4473,17 6789,8 15419,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/amen_sn_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/amen_sn_1.ds
index 54bbaf8b918..7c8cd71e6cd 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/amen_sn_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/amen_sn_1.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,0 1685,8 10985,7 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 972,86 2300,47 3649,21 10628,0
-Envelope1=0,8 1250,20 6856,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1758,38 5796,0
-Envelope=0,100 1473,58 4164,29 7456,14 10490,0
-Envelope=0,50 793,58 1487,35 2816,14 4442,6 6643,2 9121,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,0 1685,8 10985,7 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 972,86 2300,47 3649,21 10628,0
+Envelope1=0,8 1250,20 6856,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1758,38 5796,0
+Envelope=0,100 1473,58 4164,29 7456,14 10490,0
+Envelope=0,50 793,58 1487,35 2816,14 4442,6 6643,2 9121,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/and_loud_sn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/and_loud_sn.ds
index 6582a6a3207..262eeb691f4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/and_loud_sn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/and_loud_sn.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,8 0,95 8695,79 11961,8 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8045,0
-Envelope=0,100 1682,74 4500,17 6694,11 8445,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 3998,3 8795,0
-Envelope=0,100 1015,60 2475,34 4949,14 6896,5 9794,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,8 0,95 8695,79 11961,8 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8045,0
+Envelope=0,100 1682,74 4500,17 6694,11 8445,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 3998,3 8795,0
+Envelope=0,100 1015,60 2475,34 4949,14 6896,5 9794,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/another_909_moment.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/another_909_moment.ds
index db0082c3809..d08f398c775 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/another_909_moment.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/another_909_moment.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 317,100 857,53 1396,31 3173,14 6218,5 10375,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 508,50 1500,20 4315,13 12056,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 317,100 857,53 1396,31 3173,14 6218,5 10375,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 508,50 1500,20 4315,13 12056,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/another_example_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/another_example_snare.ds
index e9acf6f420e..3938107bac2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/another_example_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/another_example_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,3 1618,10 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1199,46 3798,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 5996,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 9613,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 6916,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,3 1618,10 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1199,46 3798,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 5996,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 9613,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 6916,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/application_bass_drum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/application_bass_drum.ds
index 94cac5659ae..de3042bc35e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/application_bass_drum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/application_bass_drum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,3 6092,5 12310,7 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,91 3046,92 3934,48 10279,8 17132,0
-Envelope=0,39 400,17 1249,5 3426,1 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,54 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
-Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
-Envelope=0,53 4569,26 11422,16 21066,5 31854,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 25001,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,3 6092,5 12310,7 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,91 3046,92 3934,48 10279,8 17132,0
+Envelope=0,39 400,17 1249,5 3426,1 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,54 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
+Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
+Envelope=0,53 4569,26 11422,16 21066,5 31854,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 25001,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_0.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_0.ds
index 09013807187..9cc6f2ba251 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_0.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_0.ds
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1713,42 3501,14 10876,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1713,42 3501,14 10876,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_2.ds
index 6c52494aaf9..d12cfd3297e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1713,42 3501,14 10876,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1713,42 3501,14 10876,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_5.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_5.ds
index 3167441d787..f1067e2d9b5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_5.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_5.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1713,42 3501,14 10876,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1713,42 3501,14 10876,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_9.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_9.ds
index dbc6da80ad7..43fbabf474c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_9.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/b1_9.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1713,42 3501,14 10876,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1713,42 3501,14 10876,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/basic_808_click_hum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/basic_808_click_hum.ds
index 1c53120d7e8..eee6d151f68 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/basic_808_click_hum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/basic_808_click_hum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 397,52 1428,29 3490,15 6980,10 16339,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 397,52 1428,29 3490,15 6980,10 16339,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/battle_hook_sn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/battle_hook_sn.ds
index 3a019896576..5134ab98a07 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/battle_hook_sn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/battle_hook_sn.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 1650,39 4949,38 8249,35 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1150,13 1923,0
-Envelope=0,97 0,0 615,36 1487,25 2284,14 2919,6 4315,0
-Envelope1=0,100 615,18 1785,0
-Envelope2=0,100 674,21 1745,0
-Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3300,4 6092,1 7741,0
-Envelope=0,97 888,7 2284,19 3827,6 5750,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 1650,39 4949,38 8249,35 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1150,13 1923,0
+Envelope=0,97 0,0 615,36 1487,25 2284,14 2919,6 4315,0
+Envelope1=0,100 615,18 1785,0
+Envelope2=0,100 674,21 1745,0
+Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3300,4 6092,1 7741,0
+Envelope=0,97 888,7 2284,19 3827,6 5750,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bauble_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bauble_bd.ds
index 43212550f5f..3099a8584b5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bauble_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bauble_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1049,71 2299,47 3998,29 5647,17 8595,7 22636,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1049,71 2299,47 3998,29 5647,17 8595,7 22636,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/beat_box_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/beat_box_bd.ds
index fc5ece00ccd..d0d2347ea0d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/beat_box_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/beat_box_bd.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,85 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 1904,100 2617,21 3649,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,75 1409,64 1409,0 2169,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 555,35 1190,14 2459,3 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,85 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 1904,100 2617,21 3649,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,75 1409,64 1409,0 2169,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 555,35 1190,14 2459,3 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/beefy_wack.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/beefy_wack.ds
index 8978af8bb97..3d7deb37cc2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/beefy_wack.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/beefy_wack.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_80's.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_80's.ds
index 53ec10e99b2..9e101c0cfc6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_80's.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_80's.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,11 6223,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
-Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,11 6223,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
+Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_80's_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_80's_2.ds
index afcf7f59d3d..21377967bb5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_80's_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_80's_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,0 250,17 6946,25 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
-Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,0 250,17 6946,25 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
+Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_sleeper_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_sleeper_snare.ds
index 39d7f4ce4fa..d5c9cdd3995 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_sleeper_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/big_sleeper_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,8 11961,8 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
-Envelope=0,100 1682,74 4500,17 6694,11 13071,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 6948,23 13071,0
-Envelope=0,100 1015,60 2475,34 4949,14 7487,7 12849,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,8 11961,8 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
+Envelope=0,100 1682,74 4500,17 6694,11 13071,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 6948,23 13071,0
+Envelope=0,100 1015,60 2475,34 4949,14 7487,7 12849,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/blended_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/blended_snare.ds
index edfd191a2f9..73b5246086c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/blended_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/blended_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,29 3649,44 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope=0,100 839,35 1900,8 4402,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,29 3649,44 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope=0,100 839,35 1900,8 4402,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bouncy809bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bouncy809bd.ds
index 18c06811b04..206449a54d8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bouncy809bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bouncy809bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 19338,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 19338,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/break_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/break_kick.ds
index e07b1e64d8d..0a4f2d769a7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/break_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/break_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,51 1428,27 3807,9 6663,0 17132,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 6901,6 23081,0
-Envelope=0,0 670,83 1341,95 2011,42 2682,13 3799,5 5810,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 476,11 1904,2 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 834,15 2548,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,51 1428,27 3807,9 6663,0 17132,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 6901,6 23081,0
+Envelope=0,0 670,83 1341,95 2011,42 2682,13 3799,5 5810,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 476,11 1904,2 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 834,15 2548,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/breathing_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/breathing_snare.ds
index 26c7db87737..27b8134c92c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/breathing_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/breathing_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 95,16 3642,15 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 665,79 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope=0,0 48,38 554,47 1663,20 3452,5 6081,0
-Envelope1=0,43 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 982,89 2312,23 3452,5 6081,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 2106,87 3230,18 6081,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 95,16 3642,15 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 665,79 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope=0,0 48,38 554,47 1663,20 3452,5 6081,0
+Envelope1=0,43 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 982,89 2312,23 3452,5 6081,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 2106,87 3230,18 6081,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bright_house_sn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bright_house_sn.ds
index ce9577fcf4b..c71bf35d3ef 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bright_house_sn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bright_house_sn.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 1599,77 7695,85 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1799,51 2998,27 5347,1 8095,0
-Envelope=0,100 1849,57 4500,30 6496,11 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 7895,0 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 1599,77 7695,85 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1799,51 2998,27 5347,1 8095,0
+Envelope=0,100 1849,57 4500,30 6496,11 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 7895,0 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/buff_hit.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/buff_hit.ds
index de4f91772ed..d179ee87bb0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/buff_hit.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/buff_hit.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 633,14 3658,47 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1156,57 3816,29 6698,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3009,48 6191,0
-Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 633,14 3658,47 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1156,57 3816,29 6698,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3009,48 6191,0
+Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/buff_sound.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/buff_sound.ds
index 3871115eb16..8ca15d808b0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/buff_sound.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/buff_sound.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,50 792,38 3658,47 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1393,54 3436,0
-Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1156,57 3816,29 6698,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3009,48 6191,0
-Envelope=0,100 1156,29 2914,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,50 792,38 3658,47 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1393,54 3436,0
+Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1156,57 3816,29 6698,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3009,48 6191,0
+Envelope=0,100 1156,29 2914,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bug_into_water.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bug_into_water.ds
index e4b2470876f..c35217a3133 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bug_into_water.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bug_into_water.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
-FilterEnv=0,56 8804,72 8804,15 11660,0 34027,49 35217,12 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,54 3649,38 14594,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,14 5473,0
-Envelope1=0,100 14594,0
-Envelope2=0,20 7075,20 10724,25 16117,64 16117,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! << http://www.fruityloops.com >>
+FilterEnv=0,56 8804,72 8804,15 11660,0 34027,49 35217,12 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,54 3649,38 14594,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,14 5473,0
+Envelope1=0,100 14594,0
+Envelope2=0,20 7075,20 10724,25 16117,64 16117,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bulge_n_yr_woofer.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bulge_n_yr_woofer.ds
index 8d63b56523e..1a73976d977 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bulge_n_yr_woofer.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bulge_n_yr_woofer.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,25 855,88 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 4797,3 6296,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,25 855,88 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 4797,3 6296,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bumpin_quickie.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bumpin_quickie.ds
index b8e01773449..af97e6058aa 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bumpin_quickie.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/bumpin_quickie.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 8445,5 11693,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 8445,5 11693,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/calamity_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/calamity_snare.ds
index 1c666b3bf92..ffd252751b7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/calamity_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/calamity_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 174,17 5394,6 7971,10 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 714,24 1150,13 2459,6 4442,2 8883,0
-Envelope=0,63 654,38 2538,17 5394,0
-Envelope1=0,39 615,18 2776,0
-Envelope2=0,32 952,15 1824,8 3966,2 6861,0
-Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3300,4 4521,1 5790,0
-Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3173,7 4620,2 6980,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 174,17 5394,6 7971,10 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 714,24 1150,13 2459,6 4442,2 8883,0
+Envelope=0,63 654,38 2538,17 5394,0
+Envelope1=0,39 615,18 2776,0
+Envelope2=0,32 952,15 1824,8 3966,2 6861,0
+Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3300,4 4521,1 5790,0
+Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3173,7 4620,2 6980,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/change_the_channel_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/change_the_channel_snare.ds
index a3b595cb6af..fe8d69f1eb1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/change_the_channel_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/change_the_channel_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,6 238,39 3642,15 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 665,79 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 665,79 1520,5 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope=0,100 839,35 2502,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,6 238,39 3642,15 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 665,79 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 665,79 1520,5 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope=0,100 839,35 2502,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/chow_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/chow_bd.ds
index e9903fda355..f90c641f2a7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/chow_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/chow_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 13325,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12151,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3522,32 19274,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 13325,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12151,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3522,32 19274,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clappy_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clappy_snare.ds
index c5a79717e91..82245d189a0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clappy_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clappy_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,36 3048,31 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1749,22 4997,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1639,21 5215,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
-Envelope=0,34 0,94 570,68 1663,68 1916,84 2898,40 4054,26 7346,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,36 3048,31 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1749,22 4997,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1639,21 5215,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
+Envelope=0,34 0,94 570,68 1663,68 1916,84 2898,40 4054,26 7346,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clean_low_key_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clean_low_key_kick.ds
index 0b51e968613..708fdc07b29 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clean_low_key_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clean_low_key_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 888,2 1650,6 2126,17 8598,83 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2126,16 2697,9 3490,5 4283,3 5267,2 9657,0
-Envelope=0,100 10,22 41,10 105,2 213,0
-Envelope1=0,0 1396,2 2602,0
-Envelope2=0,0 4886,2 7773,0 9930,0 11802,0
-Envelope=0,98 286,41 603,20 1745,9 3744,3 7868,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 888,2 1650,6 2126,17 8598,83 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2126,16 2697,9 3490,5 4283,3 5267,2 9657,0
+Envelope=0,100 10,22 41,10 105,2 213,0
+Envelope1=0,0 1396,2 2602,0
+Envelope2=0,0 4886,2 7773,0 9930,0 11802,0
+Envelope=0,98 286,41 603,20 1745,9 3744,3 7868,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clean_soft_808.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clean_soft_808.ds
index 39e42f09e63..1b8013bcb30 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clean_soft_808.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clean_soft_808.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 1099,38 2748,21 5746,9 9194,2 15441,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1142,68 2284,53 3807,41 6092,31 9010,24 13579,16 25508,8 47463,2 69799,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 21193,5 69672,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 68910,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 1099,38 2748,21 5746,9 9194,2 15441,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1142,68 2284,53 3807,41 6092,31 9010,24 13579,16 25508,8 47463,2 69799,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 21193,5 69672,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 68910,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clearly_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clearly_snare.ds
index 4553e8543e2..1ccb7137fba 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clearly_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/clearly_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,11 1393,16 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,96 635,26 2221,8 6481,0
-Envelope=0,81 158,53 396,31 792,18 1425,13 2929,5 4180,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,32 1190,17 2776,5 5810,0
-Envelope=0,64 1348,27 3547,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,11 1393,16 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,96 635,26 2221,8 6481,0
+Envelope=0,81 158,53 396,31 792,18 1425,13 2929,5 4180,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,32 1190,17 2776,5 5810,0
+Envelope=0,64 1348,27 3547,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/close_mic_sn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/close_mic_sn.ds
index 0d51bd43ebc..ad9375a8eae 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/close_mic_sn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/close_mic_sn.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,5 5901,10 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 254,36 1174,11 6567,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 508,20 1523,0
-Envelope=0,100 571,35 1206,9 2411,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,5 5901,10 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 254,36 1174,11 6567,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 508,20 1523,0
+Envelope=0,100 571,35 1206,9 2411,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/compression_does_it_808.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/compression_does_it_808.ds
index a25fdba7db0..9f9f665686a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/compression_does_it_808.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/compression_does_it_808.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4822,83 20178,62 38199,20 57362,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 21193,5 69672,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 68910,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4822,83 20178,62 38199,20 57362,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 21193,5 69672,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 68910,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/crusty_bump.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/crusty_bump.ds
index c493fa0ca3c..42bcb03b2e8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/crusty_bump.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/crusty_bump.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 14991,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,50 200,29 750,20 1349,11 2299,7 4247,3 9444,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 14991,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,50 200,29 750,20 1349,11 2299,7 4247,3 9444,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/crusty_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/crusty_snare.ds
index ede6fc70cce..ddbdb02fff0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/crusty_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/crusty_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 1396,20 5330,21 7995,18 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1150,13 6853,4 11548,0
-Envelope=0,97 0,36 615,36 1487,25 2284,14 2919,6 3609,0
-Envelope1=0,100 615,18 11168,0
-Envelope2=0,100 674,21 1745,0
-Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3300,4 6092,1 7741,0
-Envelope=0,73 1269,16 3530,2 5750,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 1396,20 5330,21 7995,18 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1150,13 6853,4 11548,0
+Envelope=0,97 0,36 615,36 1487,25 2284,14 2919,6 3609,0
+Envelope1=0,100 615,18 11168,0
+Envelope2=0,100 674,21 1745,0
+Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3300,4 6092,1 7741,0
+Envelope=0,73 1269,16 3530,2 5750,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/cymbal.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/cymbal.ds
index 2d5fe36c9b8..65b4cfbb4d8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/cymbal.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/cymbal.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 538,50 1935,19 4664,13 9581,11 11897,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16942,100 17196,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 538,50 1935,19 4664,13 9581,11 11897,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16942,100 17196,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/decompression_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/decompression_snare.ds
index d0701606645..02a9e4abd40 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/decompression_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/decompression_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,32 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,96 635,26 2221,8 6481,0
-Envelope=0,82 685,40 1362,47 1789,50 2914,56 5000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 685,100 1967,66 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,80 1358,49 3566,57 5810,0
-Envelope=0,64 1348,27 3547,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,32 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,96 635,26 2221,8 6481,0
+Envelope=0,82 685,40 1362,47 1789,50 2914,56 5000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 685,100 1967,66 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,80 1358,49 3566,57 5810,0
+Envelope=0,64 1348,27 3547,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/deep_bauble_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/deep_bauble_bd.ds
index d9432142f3f..c4c2d083a48 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/deep_bauble_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/deep_bauble_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1049,71 2299,47 3998,29 5647,17 8595,7 22636,0
-Envelope=0,100 317,22 635,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3093,22 6821,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 6088,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1049,71 2299,47 3998,29 5647,17 8595,7 22636,0
+Envelope=0,100 317,22 635,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3093,22 6821,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 6088,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/deep_tones.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/deep_tones.ds
index 34671a072b9..fa1c699d7b7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/deep_tones.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/deep_tones.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,93 3658,84 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope=0,100 839,35 1900,8 4402,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,93 3658,84 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope=0,100 839,35 1900,8 4402,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/difference_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/difference_snare.ds
index 10752d696ce..f6d9ad25169 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/difference_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/difference_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,77 15467,71 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 8328,0 13071,0
-Envelope=0,92 1666,41 4521,14 8804,0 11897,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 5235,0 8059,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,68 3046,49 4500,30 7852,0 11929,0
-Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6901,5 8090,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,77 15467,71 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 8328,0 13071,0
+Envelope=0,92 1666,41 4521,14 8804,0 11897,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 5235,0 8059,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,68 3046,49 4500,30 7852,0 11929,0
+Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6901,5 8090,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/different_909_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/different_909_snare.ds
index a38127fc03c..11b8083ce1f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/different_909_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/different_909_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,11 750,11 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 278,50 1071,17 2578,3 5347,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,39 1666,15 5097,0
-Envelope1=0,100 297,39 535,17 972,3 1699,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
-Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
-Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,11 750,11 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 278,50 1071,17 2578,3 5347,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,39 1666,15 5097,0
+Envelope1=0,100 297,39 535,17 972,3 1699,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
+Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
+Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dirty_world_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dirty_world_bd.ds
index 7cea9b3c39f..837db2f18a5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dirty_world_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dirty_world_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 8661,23 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,25 697,83 1750,20 3135,57 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 254,20 984,2 5647,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2549,70 4133,40 4766,23 6239,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3769,45 13547,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 317,11 1301,2 6853,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 8661,23 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,25 697,83 1750,20 3135,57 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 254,20 984,2 5647,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2549,70 4133,40 4766,23 6239,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3769,45 13547,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 317,11 1301,2 6853,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dist_sub_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dist_sub_kick.ds
index 7e6a00eafca..2fed84be3b2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dist_sub_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dist_sub_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1862,50 4097,25 5959,20 6630,0
-Envelope=0,100 127,36 381,3 1192,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
-Envelope=0,98 888,6 3300,2 6980,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1862,50 4097,25 5959,20 6630,0
+Envelope=0,100 127,36 381,3 1192,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
+Envelope=0,98 888,6 3300,2 6980,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dist_sub_kick_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dist_sub_kick_2.ds
index 00db9d8bcca..0a59606919c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dist_sub_kick_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/dist_sub_kick_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 2320,2 2598,0 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1862,50 4097,25 5959,20 6630,0
-Envelope=0,100 10,55 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
-Envelope=0,98 297,36 714,17 2142,5 6980,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 2320,2 2598,0 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1862,50 4097,25 5959,20 6630,0
+Envelope=0,100 10,55 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
+Envelope=0,98 297,36 714,17 2142,5 6980,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electro_dnb_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electro_dnb_kick.ds
index 5f289615d29..5b55fb3c45a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electro_dnb_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electro_dnb_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,88 317,53 857,29 1904,10 4093,2 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2875,11 4204,4 4937,2 9657,0
-Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
-Envelope1=0,100 190,41 635,22 1266,12 1999,5 2855,2 4886,0
-Envelope2=0,96 349,47 1269,19 3046,9 10355,0
-Envelope=0,98 127,38 381,17 1142,5 3680,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,88 317,53 857,29 1904,10 4093,2 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2875,11 4204,4 4937,2 9657,0
+Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
+Envelope1=0,100 190,41 635,22 1266,12 1999,5 2855,2 4886,0
+Envelope2=0,96 349,47 1269,19 3046,9 10355,0
+Envelope=0,98 127,38 381,17 1142,5 3680,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electro_snare_layer.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electro_snare_layer.ds
index 4931c097dab..68cb71b4612 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electro_snare_layer.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electro_snare_layer.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,7 5473,18 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2126,20 5616,0
-Envelope=0,100 218121,100 218121,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,18 4632,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,7 5473,18 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2126,20 5616,0
+Envelope=0,100 218121,100 218121,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,18 4632,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electronic_rim.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electronic_rim.ds
index 5d346d0062e..984ea7f8261 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electronic_rim.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/electronic_rim.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,47 5147,37 6696,29 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1599,29 2349,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1726,23 3373,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,38 1299,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,47 5147,37 6696,29 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1599,29 2349,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1726,23 3373,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,38 1299,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/end_transmission.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/end_transmission.ds
index 9a29d4a5e35..67394a873b4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/end_transmission.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/end_transmission.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 73764,24 143563,17 159426,23 161806,7 176083,22 178462,8 192739,9 203050,2 222880,8 241915,13 256986,3 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 53142,33 139597,16 239536,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,31 10311,15 18772,8 33313,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 11897,19 23002,0 23002,22 42038,2 55522,17 65833,0 89628,21 108664,2 123734,11 135631,4 222086,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 73764,24 143563,17 159426,23 161806,7 176083,22 178462,8 192739,9 203050,2 222880,8 241915,13 256986,3 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 53142,33 139597,16 239536,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,31 10311,15 18772,8 33313,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 11897,19 23002,0 23002,22 42038,2 55522,17 65833,0 89628,21 108664,2 123734,11 135631,4 222086,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/every_909.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/every_909.ds
index 7ae1123015c..ee36be1b8c6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/every_909.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/every_909.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,95 1269,47 2919,22 6092,5 11675,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,91 3046,92 3934,48 10279,8 17132,0
-Envelope=0,39 400,17 1249,5 3426,1 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,54 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
-Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
-Envelope=0,53 4569,26 11422,16 21066,5 31854,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 25001,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,95 1269,47 2919,22 6092,5 11675,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,91 3046,92 3934,48 10279,8 17132,0
+Envelope=0,39 400,17 1249,5 3426,1 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,54 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
+Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
+Envelope=0,53 4569,26 11422,16 21066,5 31854,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 25001,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fatness.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fatness.ds
index ac968f38a60..35be7bad4e8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fatness.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fatness.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2049,51 5647,21 11743,9 22386,0
-Envelope=0,100 278,14 595,4 793,0
-Envelope1=0,100 714,20 4997,6 10232,3 17132,1 22367,0
-Envelope2=0,48 6425,17 15943,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2049,51 5647,21 11743,9 22386,0
+Envelope=0,100 278,14 595,4 793,0
+Envelope1=0,100 714,20 4997,6 10232,3 17132,1 22367,0
+Envelope2=0,48 6425,17 15943,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fattie_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fattie_bd.ds
index 60818628a53..1ce93ab6bc6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fattie_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fattie_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 13325,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12151,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3522,32 19274,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 13325,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12151,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3522,32 19274,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/feel_me!.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/feel_me!.ds
index 85cf31e8fa4..8f8fcddd15f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/feel_me!.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/feel_me!.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,85 3046,85 3934,48 5838,17 8630,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,82 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
-Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,85 3046,85 3934,48 5838,17 8630,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,82 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
+Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/few_people_will_use_this_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/few_people_will_use_this_snare.ds
index 44b3619bddd..13013f61cc7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/few_people_will_use_this_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/few_people_will_use_this_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,0 16783,20 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 508,49 3680,19 12310,7 33884,0
-Envelope=0,100 3458,38 17132,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1301,68 2919,45 6536,28 16688,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1523,95 3204,81 10184,83 16688,0
-Envelope=0,100 1301,68 2919,45 6536,28 16688,0
-Envelope=0,100 1301,68 2919,45 6536,28 16688,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,0 16783,20 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 508,49 3680,19 12310,7 33884,0
+Envelope=0,100 3458,38 17132,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1301,68 2919,45 6536,28 16688,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1523,95 3204,81 10184,83 16688,0
+Envelope=0,100 1301,68 2919,45 6536,28 16688,0
+Envelope=0,100 1301,68 2919,45 6536,28 16688,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/flat_tire.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/flat_tire.ds
index 5def391642a..d5d09073f83 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/flat_tire.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/flat_tire.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 79,17 174,0
-Envelope=0,100 982,70 1583,25 4576,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1916,25 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,92 641,52 6596,41 11593,10 17239,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 79,17 174,0
+Envelope=0,100 982,70 1583,25 4576,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1916,25 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,92 641,52 6596,41 11593,10 17239,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fm.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fm.ds
index 361ab35f759..e7ffcdb44c9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fm.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fm.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fried_food.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fried_food.ds
index 627d3d737de..614496dcd4f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fried_food.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fried_food.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,0 2031,23 6599,31 6853,60 10279,23 11548,44 13325,11 15609,15 19671,4 28300,0 49874,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,85 3046,85 3934,48 10279,8 17132,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,54 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
-Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
-Envelope=0,0 4315,11 4442,35 5330,14 20051,5 54189,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,0 2031,23 6599,31 6853,60 10279,23 11548,44 13325,11 15609,15 19671,4 28300,0 49874,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,85 3046,85 3934,48 10279,8 17132,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,54 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
+Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
+Envelope=0,0 4315,11 4442,35 5330,14 20051,5 54189,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/funky_trashcan_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/funky_trashcan_snare.ds
index b55fc3ddc4d..fadd8d00bb5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/funky_trashcan_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/funky_trashcan_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,0 11675,5 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 13198,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 3426,17 4251,14 4886,5 5362,8 8122,0
-Envelope=0,100 1015,60 2475,34 4949,14 7392,5 9899,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,0 11675,5 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 13198,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 3426,17 4251,14 4886,5 5362,8 8122,0
+Envelope=0,100 1015,60 2475,34 4949,14 7392,5 9899,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fuzzy_sn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fuzzy_sn.ds
index 7bddbba6429..b1834736b4b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fuzzy_sn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/fuzzy_sn.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,80 776,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2454,20 7506,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 3009,3 6825,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 839,36 2185,13 7632,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,80 776,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2454,20 7506,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 3009,3 6825,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 839,36 2185,13 7632,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gabbakick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gabbakick.ds
index fe9d9160f0b..613cdfca823 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gabbakick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gabbakick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,48 1190,12 4283,2 8090,2 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 952,12 3093,2 7852,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 8566,3 22045,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,1 10504,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,48 1190,12 4283,2 8090,2 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 952,12 3093,2 7852,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 8566,3 22045,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,1 10504,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gimme_a_hard_tone.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gimme_a_hard_tone.ds
index 23f9f9cc1c1..10127596043 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gimme_a_hard_tone.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gimme_a_hard_tone.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 17739,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 17739,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gimmie_a_tone.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gimmie_a_tone.ds
index 664b5502c49..2925525313a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gimmie_a_tone.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/gimmie_a_tone.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 17739,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 17739,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_electro_brush_sn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_electro_brush_sn.ds
index 6d74a350e66..049fc453707 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_electro_brush_sn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_electro_brush_sn.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,3 2697,3 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2142,16 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 2935,18 6028,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,3 2697,3 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2142,16 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 2935,18 6028,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_electronic_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_electronic_snare.ds
index 6d78f66504c..f197108c048 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_electronic_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_electronic_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,4 3300,9 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 13325,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12151,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3522,32 12786,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,4 3300,9 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 13325,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12151,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3522,32 12786,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_hittin.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_hittin.ds
index 0adacbf4bf0..5a98ac0bdfe 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_hittin.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hard_hittin.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,11 297,16 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 278,50 1071,17 2578,3 4918,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,39 1666,15 3874,0
-Envelope1=0,100 297,39 535,17 972,3 2458,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
-Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
-Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,11 297,16 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 278,50 1071,17 2578,3 4918,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,39 1666,15 3874,0
+Envelope1=0,100 297,39 535,17 972,3 2458,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
+Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
+Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardcore_a_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardcore_a_bd.ds
index 1f1962cb3df..c2419742593 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardcore_a_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardcore_a_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 2665,4 4727,20 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4597,91 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1949,59 4497,24 8345,12 14941,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
-Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,35 450,15 1849,5 4997,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 2665,4 4727,20 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4597,91 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1949,59 4497,24 8345,12 14941,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
+Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,35 450,15 1849,5 4997,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardcore_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardcore_bd.ds
index 2b196ae121f..6e0b21ddc3c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardcore_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardcore_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 2502,62 6540,41 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 760,32 2074,13 4671,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 2502,62 6540,41 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 760,32 2074,13 4671,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardersnare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardersnare.ds
index 494f7dbcbd9..f82b12821e8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardersnare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hardersnare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1199,46 3798,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 5996,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,72 750,20 4947,0
-Envelope=0,100 849,32 1649,13 3298,5 5846,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1199,46 3798,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 5996,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,72 750,20 4947,0
+Envelope=0,100 849,32 1649,13 3298,5 5846,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/heady_mix_sn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/heady_mix_sn.ds
index 54fdaca929a..8ed35844894 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/heady_mix_sn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/heady_mix_sn.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,3 1799,8 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 300,65 800,39 1500,20 2349,8 3748,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,3 1799,8 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 300,65 800,39 1500,20 2349,8 3748,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/heavy.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/heavy.ds
index 3c4a168c849..0ae68e7da15 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/heavy.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/heavy.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,41 715,39 4228,21 22526,0
-Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 22367,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3252,66 7077,0
-Envelope=0,99 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,41 715,39 4228,21 22526,0
+Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 22367,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3252,66 7077,0
+Envelope=0,99 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hed_chunk_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hed_chunk_snare.ds
index e29561bc9e4..d6806a03c78 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hed_chunk_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hed_chunk_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,14 9518,20 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
-Envelope=0,68 3046,49 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,68 1396,83 3046,49 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6980,5 9994,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,14 9518,20 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
+Envelope=0,68 3046,49 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,68 1396,83 3046,49 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6980,5 9994,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hi-pass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hi-pass.ds
index f59bab5fb7e..59d3b1b30e4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hi-pass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hi-pass.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 2309,7 3874,25 5513,54 8790,83 13260,99 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 19741,0
-Envelope=0,100 1937,47 13409,55 18176,30 20560,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 2309,7 3874,25 5513,54 8790,83 13260,99 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 19741,0
+Envelope=0,100 1937,47 13409,55 18176,30 20560,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hi_pic.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hi_pic.ds
index 17ff7b926ba..5107c3cfd65 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hi_pic.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hi_pic.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,7 1299,11 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 278,50 1071,17 2578,3 5347,0
-Envelope=0,100 450,53 1349,29 2848,13 5347,0
-Envelope1=0,100 450,53 1349,29 2848,13 5347,0
-Envelope2=0,100 450,53 1349,29 2848,13 5347,0
-Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
-Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,7 1299,11 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 278,50 1071,17 2578,3 5347,0
+Envelope=0,100 450,53 1349,29 2848,13 5347,0
+Envelope1=0,100 450,53 1349,29 2848,13 5347,0
+Envelope2=0,100 450,53 1349,29 2848,13 5347,0
+Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
+Envelope=0,100 1210,41 2479,16 4164,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hip-hop_fantasy_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hip-hop_fantasy_kick.ds
index c79bc047672..5ed0d7bce38 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hip-hop_fantasy_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hip-hop_fantasy_kick.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1699,46 2792,28 4949,16 7614,7 10660,2 17739,0
-Envelope=0,100 1142,16 3046,6 7361,2 14340,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,76 750,20 2411,8 4822,2 7487,0
-Envelope=0,35 2919,17 6980,6 11675,2 26904,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1699,46 2792,28 4949,16 7614,7 10660,2 17739,0
+Envelope=0,100 1142,16 3046,6 7361,2 14340,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,76 750,20 2411,8 4822,2 7487,0
+Envelope=0,35 2919,17 6980,6 11675,2 26904,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hipster_joint_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hipster_joint_bd.ds
index b0ca4b0feb8..19dc6d253c6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hipster_joint_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hipster_joint_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1678,76 3927,26 6698,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1678,76 3927,26 6698,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hit_me_wooden_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hit_me_wooden_snare.ds
index 743a2793a85..e78df7507a4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hit_me_wooden_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hit_me_wooden_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 1013,5 5394,6 7971,10 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 714,24 1150,13 2459,6 4442,2 8883,0
-Envelope=0,63 654,38 2538,17 5394,0
-Envelope1=0,39 615,18 2776,0
-Envelope2=0,32 952,15 1824,8 3966,2 6861,0
-Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3300,4 4521,1 5790,0
-Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3173,7 4620,2 6980,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 1013,5 5394,6 7971,10 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 714,24 1150,13 2459,6 4442,2 8883,0
+Envelope=0,63 654,38 2538,17 5394,0
+Envelope1=0,39 615,18 2776,0
+Envelope2=0,32 952,15 1824,8 3966,2 6861,0
+Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3300,4 4521,1 5790,0
+Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3173,7 4620,2 6980,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hitthosesubs.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hitthosesubs.ds
index 0a17ce0227c..18516417737 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hitthosesubs.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hitthosesubs.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 16040,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 16040,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hot_morning_bass_drum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hot_morning_bass_drum.ds
index 4e82ce2ed5c..e936eb2e683 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hot_morning_bass_drum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hot_morning_bass_drum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,0 13452,8 21193,1 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2538,26 6345,5 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 2792,0
-Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1396,42 2250,30 3553,15 5965,3 13960,0
-Envelope=0,100 635,44 2031,23 4442,13 7107,3 10533,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,0 13452,8 21193,1 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2538,26 6345,5 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 2792,0
+Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1396,42 2250,30 3553,15 5965,3 13960,0
+Envelope=0,100 635,44 2031,23 4442,13 7107,3 10533,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hot_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hot_snare.ds
index aa324ec2ca5..677a8487f39 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hot_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/hot_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1788,17 5453,0
-Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1043,21 2890,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1788,17 5453,0
+Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1043,21 2890,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/i_luv_u_fat_noise.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/i_luv_u_fat_noise.ds
index 9713914b46d..55fb5bc2bd0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/i_luv_u_fat_noise.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/i_luv_u_fat_noise.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 348,3 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 2534,94 4547,77 6046,53 8445,44 27083,0
-Envelope=0,26 849,9 2249,0 4560,0
-Envelope1=0,58 2748,21 7196,5 13342,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 348,3 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 2534,94 4547,77 6046,53 8445,44 27083,0
+Envelope=0,26 849,9 2249,0 4560,0
+Envelope1=0,58 2748,21 7196,5 13342,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/invisible_909_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/invisible_909_kick.ds
index 5a6fc05d81a..3c46a20a53c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/invisible_909_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/invisible_909_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,89 1399,27 3426,12 5996,3 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 750,74 1499,49 2149,40 3048,31 4447,25 7046,19 11843,8 16890,0
-Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
-Envelope1=0,0 3348,20 7445,0
-Envelope2=0,0 7246,23 11802,0
-Envelope=0,0 2099,14 6696,30 7868,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,89 1399,27 3426,12 5996,3 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 750,74 1499,49 2149,40 3048,31 4447,25 7046,19 11843,8 16890,0
+Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
+Envelope1=0,0 3348,20 7445,0
+Envelope2=0,0 7246,23 11802,0
+Envelope=0,0 2099,14 6696,30 7868,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/it's_like_that_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/it's_like_that_snare.ds
index 45a8210adea..a84120d24ba 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/it's_like_that_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/it's_like_that_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,0 254,17 1047,33 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1199,46 3798,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 5996,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,0 254,17 1047,33 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1199,46 3798,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 5996,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/just_the_bass_drum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/just_the_bass_drum.ds
index 42a1ded6a47..0c8c71a957b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/just_the_bass_drum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/just_the_bass_drum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,96 1299,30 1999,14 3198,8 23785,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 17489,89 19888,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,96 1299,30 1999,14 3198,8 23785,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 17489,89 19888,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/kneel_and_buzz.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/kneel_and_buzz.ds
index 6a10bd5b9be..0a0105a6ced 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/kneel_and_buzz.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/kneel_and_buzz.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,5 38580,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 42260,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1713,48 2221,11 2974,8 11422,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,100 286,1 1777,0 2982,0
-Envelope=0,100 508,50 1500,30 4061,14 8249,5 27666,2 42514,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,5 38580,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 42260,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1713,48 2221,11 2974,8 11422,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,100 286,1 1777,0 2982,0
+Envelope=0,100 508,50 1500,30 4061,14 8249,5 27666,2 42514,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/large_hall_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/large_hall_bd.ds
index d73203879b2..64ce256fe4b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/large_hall_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/large_hall_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2935,74 7456,64 11184,56 11660,1 29585,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2935,74 7456,64 11184,56 11660,1 29585,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/laughter_and_jellybeans_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/laughter_and_jellybeans_snare.ds
index b91a1aa399f..5105b1b92ee 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/laughter_and_jellybeans_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/laughter_and_jellybeans_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,0 11675,5 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
-Envelope=0,100 1015,60 2475,34 4949,14 7487,7 12849,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,0 11675,5 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
+Envelope=0,100 1015,60 2475,34 4949,14 7487,7 12849,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/light_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/light_snare.ds
index 579acdc752e..b3d0017760c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/light_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/light_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,52 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1788,17 5453,0
-Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1043,21 2890,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,52 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1788,17 5453,0
+Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1043,21 2890,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_bass_drum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_bass_drum.ds
index 4554db15be9..1a8144c7288 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_bass_drum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_bass_drum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,19 7595,77 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
-Envelope=0,14 857,34 2948,45 3148,8 6596,27 7695,5 11693,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,19 7595,77 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
+Envelope=0,14 857,34 2948,45 3148,8 6596,27 7695,5 11693,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_march.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_march.ds
index 5a661bc20d4..4083135333b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_march.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_march.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Teddy Riley pitched snare
-FilterEnv=0,0 952,8 952,44 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 834,89 1877,11 3308,5 3903,0
-Envelope=0,100 328,100 715,89 1341,37 2533,14 3397,9 5235,2 8328,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1043,31 2533,9 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 775,35 2354,9 5000,0
-Envelope=0,90 268,91 1251,16 5483,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Teddy Riley pitched snare
+FilterEnv=0,0 952,8 952,44 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 834,89 1877,11 3308,5 3903,0
+Envelope=0,100 328,100 715,89 1341,37 2533,14 3397,9 5235,2 8328,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1043,31 2533,9 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 775,35 2354,9 5000,0
+Envelope=0,90 268,91 1251,16 5483,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_rim.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_rim.ds
index 4d6b2998c2b..360928a9943 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_rim.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lo-fi_rim.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,19 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 3579,0
-Envelope=0,25 507,50 1283,62 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,19 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 3579,0
+Envelope=0,25 507,50 1283,62 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/loudness_sn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/loudness_sn.ds
index 925394328d2..7cad65908f4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/loudness_sn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/loudness_sn.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,2 6726,10 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,41 715,39 3046,8 7868,0
-Envelope=0,100 1142,39 1396,26 2284,13 4822,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 22367,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3252,66 7077,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,0 115,14 1039,11 1504,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,2 6726,10 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,41 715,39 3046,8 7868,0
+Envelope=0,100 1142,39 1396,26 2284,13 4822,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 22367,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3252,66 7077,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,0 115,14 1039,11 1504,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lovely_clean_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lovely_clean_bd.ds
index 552a7811768..a4f7ff57c32 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lovely_clean_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lovely_clean_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,95 1399,50 4197,23 7246,11 12492,6 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1799,51 4048,23 6796,9 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,95 1399,50 4197,23 7246,11 12492,6 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1799,51 4048,23 6796,9 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lower_electro_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lower_electro_bd.ds
index e2131765ffd..28f845136d0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lower_electro_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/lower_electro_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,78 2181,32 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1586,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 555,21 1448,4 2439,0
-Envelope1=0,100 952,26 1904,0 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
-Envelope=0,100 932,0 2578,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,78 2181,32 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1586,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 555,21 1448,4 2439,0
+Envelope1=0,100 952,26 1904,0 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
+Envelope=0,100 932,0 2578,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mack_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mack_bd.ds
index 4d73c3b38e1..7428ad9e3ea 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mack_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mack_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/manipulate_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/manipulate_bd.ds
index 2dcca0c3891..7af8a324463 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/manipulate_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/manipulate_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 1742,5 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 5241,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1583,81 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 1742,5 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 5241,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1583,81 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/many_frequencies.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/many_frequencies.ds
index 1bdabd8502f..f52826dc7c3 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/many_frequencies.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/many_frequencies.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,11 9613,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2648,50 7096,20 14291,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 650,61 2250,30 7445,9 15091,0
-Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6980,5 9994,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,11 9613,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2648,50 7096,20 14291,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 650,61 2250,30 7445,9 15091,0
+Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6980,5 9994,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mello_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mello_bd.ds
index 43ee0022b11..23bd915fdd1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mello_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mello_bd.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,96 715,39 2458,16 6481,0
-Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,99 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 3547,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,96 715,39 2458,16 6481,0
+Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,99 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 3547,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mind_ya_heds.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mind_ya_heds.ds
index 7d4a626d0b3..7f049f2fe97 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mind_ya_heds.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/mind_ya_heds.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1745,14 5156,1 9121,0 13325,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,54 1210,11 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4997,6 9994,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1745,14 5156,1 9121,0 13325,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,54 1210,11 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4997,6 9994,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/missing_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/missing_snare.ds
index b854e626962..5e25c2f70a1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/missing_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/missing_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 9597,0 14753,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1110,15 8487,0
-Envelope2=0,100 7932,9 14277,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 9597,0 14753,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1110,15 8487,0
+Envelope2=0,100 7932,9 14277,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/missing_snare_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/missing_snare_2.ds
index c4a63d1c3dc..b6c97b448ce 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/missing_snare_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/missing_snare_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 9597,0 14753,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1110,15 8487,0
-Envelope2=0,100 7932,9 14277,0
-Envelope=0,68 1983,23 6425,8 12453,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 9597,0 14753,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1110,15 8487,0
+Envelope2=0,100 7932,9 14277,0
+Envelope=0,68 1983,23 6425,8 12453,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/more_basic_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/more_basic_bd.ds
index 332647118f3..aef97ea95e2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/more_basic_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/more_basic_bd.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,85 2475,90 4220,29 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 1904,100 2617,21 3490,0
-Envelope=0,53 1079,11 3458,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1523,23 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2157,36 5171,51 6000,0
-Envelope=0,74 333,28 808,9 2459,3 4212,0
-Envelope=0,48 1108,11 3721,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,85 2475,90 4220,29 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 1904,100 2617,21 3490,0
+Envelope=0,53 1079,11 3458,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1523,23 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2157,36 5171,51 6000,0
+Envelope=0,74 333,28 808,9 2459,3 4212,0
+Envelope=0,48 1108,11 3721,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/more_snap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/more_snap.ds
index 8e290116c78..6e3e189fdc0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/more_snap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/more_snap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,8 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,38 2801,0
-Envelope=0,100 150,53 450,31 1199,11 2498,3 4097,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,8 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,38 2801,0
+Envelope=0,100 150,53 450,31 1199,11 2498,3 4097,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/muted_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/muted_snare.ds
index 2d665c03ab3..546c955974d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/muted_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/muted_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,43 6060,39 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2126,20 5616,0
-Envelope=0,100 2887,24 5425,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,18 4632,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,43 6060,39 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2126,20 5616,0
+Envelope=0,100 2887,24 5425,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,18 4632,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/n_hi.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/n_hi.ds
index 11734931500..2781dd090bb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/n_hi.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/n_hi.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 4768,41 9982,0
-Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 4768,41 9982,0
+Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/n_mid.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/n_mid.ds
index c57e14aff41..4d59e83de99 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/n_mid.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/n_mid.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 4768,41 9982,0
-Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 4768,41 9982,0
+Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/neo808.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/neo808.ds
index 7b942264c09..8701a1ea638 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/neo808.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/neo808.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,39 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 238,26 1904,8 4997,2 9518,0
-Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1043,21 2890,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,39 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 238,26 1904,8 4997,2 9518,0
+Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1043,21 2890,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/neo808_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/neo808_2.ds
index 4f1d165fd32..db97406d5bc 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/neo808_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/neo808_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,26 2142,48 4045,83 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 238,26 1904,8 4997,2 9518,0
-Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1043,21 2890,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,26 2142,48 4045,83 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 238,26 1904,8 4997,2 9518,0
+Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1043,21 2890,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise.ds
index 02e06ac22af..4ce00644c33 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 633,14 3658,47 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 633,14 3658,47 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise_calling_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise_calling_kick.ds
index d7b33112de2..d661ef8005f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise_calling_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise_calling_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,56 1399,27 3426,12 5996,3 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 300,62 949,37 2099,20 3748,4 5796,0 8994,0
-Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
-Envelope1=0,0 3348,20 7445,0
-Envelope2=0,0 7246,23 11802,0
-Envelope=0,99 750,74 1149,42 2099,20 3748,4 5147,4 7445,2 9644,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,56 1399,27 3426,12 5996,3 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 300,62 949,37 2099,20 3748,4 5796,0 8994,0
+Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
+Envelope1=0,0 3348,20 7445,0
+Envelope2=0,0 7246,23 11802,0
+Envelope=0,99 750,74 1149,42 2099,20 3748,4 5147,4 7445,2 9644,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise_clip.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise_clip.ds
index 86a449d8d51..cd7434ff612 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise_clip.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/noise_clip.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,96 715,39 2458,16 6481,0
-Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,99 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 3547,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,96 715,39 2458,16 6481,0
+Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,99 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 3547,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/nosie_calling_kick_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/nosie_calling_kick_2.ds
index 9a9e7c7eae6..e034a25df5e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/nosie_calling_kick_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/nosie_calling_kick_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,56 1399,27 3426,12 5996,3 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 300,62 949,37 2099,20 3748,4 5796,0 8994,0
-Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
-Envelope1=0,0 3348,20 7445,0
-Envelope2=0,0 7246,23 11802,0
-Envelope=0,99 750,74 1149,42 2099,20 3748,4 5147,4 7445,2 9644,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,56 1399,27 3426,12 5996,3 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 300,62 949,37 2099,20 3748,4 5796,0 8994,0
+Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
+Envelope1=0,0 3348,20 7445,0
+Envelope2=0,0 7246,23 11802,0
+Envelope=0,99 750,74 1149,42 2099,20 3748,4 5147,4 7445,2 9644,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/odd_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/odd_snare.ds
index d367afbb2a7..6ac31c630f4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/odd_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/odd_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 952,19 5394,6 7971,10 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 714,24 1150,13 2459,6 4442,2 8883,0
-Envelope=0,63 654,38 2538,17 5394,0
-Envelope1=0,39 615,18 2776,0
-Envelope2=0,32 952,15 1824,8 3966,2 6861,0
-Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3300,4 4521,1 5790,0
-Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3173,7 4620,2 6980,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 952,19 5394,6 7971,10 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 714,24 1150,13 2459,6 4442,2 8883,0
+Envelope=0,63 654,38 2538,17 5394,0
+Envelope1=0,39 615,18 2776,0
+Envelope2=0,32 952,15 1824,8 3966,2 6861,0
+Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3300,4 4521,1 5790,0
+Envelope=0,63 888,36 1650,16 3173,7 4620,2 6980,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/original_tone_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/original_tone_snare.ds
index 64bca4bf261..394fc269744 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/original_tone_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/original_tone_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,10 1552,26 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,96 635,26 2221,8 6481,0
-Envelope=0,32 317,14 713,6 1362,2 1789,1 2914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,32 1190,17 2776,5 5810,0
-Envelope=0,64 1348,27 3547,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,10 1552,26 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,96 635,26 2221,8 6481,0
+Envelope=0,32 317,14 713,6 1362,2 1789,1 2914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,32 1190,17 2776,5 5810,0
+Envelope=0,64 1348,27 3547,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_12.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_12.ds
index 7f8c0812513..ea50ca5891b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_12.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_12.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_34.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_34.ds
index dcbeb7879f8..c2b68ffc509 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_34.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_34.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_sine.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_sine.ds
index 4e6f99b9597..3010fbbd6f4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_sine.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ot_sine.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/overdriver_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/overdriver_kick.ds
index dffa2393729..6f6bfebed34 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/overdriver_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/overdriver_kick.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 8445,5 11693,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 8445,5 11693,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/pleasure_factory_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/pleasure_factory_kick.ds
index 0ed121077c2..6f585fabc2c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/pleasure_factory_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/pleasure_factory_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,88 317,53 857,29 1904,10 4093,2 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2875,11 4204,4 4937,2 9657,0
-Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
-Envelope1=0,100 190,41 635,22 1266,12 1999,5 2855,2 4886,0
-Envelope2=0,96 349,47 1269,19 3046,9 10355,0
-Envelope=0,59 50,38 200,18 450,7 1249,0
-Envelope=0,10 1699,14 3148,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,88 317,53 857,29 1904,10 4093,2 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2875,11 4204,4 4937,2 9657,0
+Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
+Envelope1=0,100 190,41 635,22 1266,12 1999,5 2855,2 4886,0
+Envelope2=0,96 349,47 1269,19 3046,9 10355,0
+Envelope=0,59 50,38 200,18 450,7 1249,0
+Envelope=0,10 1699,14 3148,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/pop_1_off_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/pop_1_off_snare.ds
index 9759613a3ee..9f6b91bb90e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/pop_1_off_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/pop_1_off_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,9 12881,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
-Envelope=0,100 1015,60 2475,34 4949,14 7487,7 12849,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,9 12881,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
+Envelope=0,100 1015,60 2475,34 4949,14 7487,7 12849,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/power_out.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/power_out.ds
index 0817caf3504..6d818b4a9c3 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/power_out.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/power_out.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,100 4188,85 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5203,89 9296,93 13960,69 28951,95 28951,13 58631,79 127700,0
-Envelope=0,100 5552,5 23002,12 58694,10 79317,9 161013,0
-Envelope1=0,0 2235,51 11993,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1117,19 3799,0
-Envelope=0,100 19290,47 44417,0
-Envelope=0,100 21320,54 58123,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,100 4188,85 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5203,89 9296,93 13960,69 28951,95 28951,13 58631,79 127700,0
+Envelope=0,100 5552,5 23002,12 58694,10 79317,9 161013,0
+Envelope1=0,0 2235,51 11993,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1117,19 3799,0
+Envelope=0,100 19290,47 44417,0
+Envelope=0,100 21320,54 58123,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/psychoacoutic_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/psychoacoutic_bd.ds
index 6bfb8287c53..776e29c846b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/psychoacoutic_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/psychoacoutic_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
-Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
+Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/punchy_clean_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/punchy_clean_kick.ds
index 46a4ea5c678..9e495d136dd 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/punchy_clean_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/punchy_clean_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1862,50 4097,25 5959,20 6630,0
-Envelope=0,100 127,36 381,3 1192,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
-Envelope=0,98 888,6 3300,2 6980,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1862,50 4097,25 5959,20 6630,0
+Envelope=0,100 127,36 381,3 1192,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
+Envelope=0,98 888,6 3300,2 6980,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/puppy_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/puppy_kick.ds
index f7150ff9379..42c334ebe1a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/puppy_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/puppy_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,56 1399,27 3426,12 5996,3 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 450,62 1099,30 2199,9 3748,4 5796,0 8994,0
-Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
-Envelope1=0,0 3448,7 7445,0
-Envelope2=0,0 4497,6 11802,0
-Envelope=0,99 750,74 1149,42 2099,20 3748,4 5147,4 7445,2 9644,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,56 1399,27 3426,12 5996,3 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 450,62 1099,30 2199,9 3748,4 5796,0 8994,0
+Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
+Envelope1=0,0 3448,7 7445,0
+Envelope2=0,0 4497,6 11802,0
+Envelope=0,99 750,74 1149,42 2099,20 3748,4 5147,4 7445,2 9644,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/q'ey_bass_drum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/q'ey_bass_drum.ds
index a4755f97be0..3527f350ea0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/q'ey_bass_drum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/q'ey_bass_drum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,95 1269,47 2919,22 6092,5 11675,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,91 3046,92 3934,48 10279,8 17132,0
-Envelope=0,39 400,17 1249,5 3426,1 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,54 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
-Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
-Envelope=0,53 4569,26 11422,16 21066,5 31854,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 25001,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,95 1269,47 2919,22 6092,5 11675,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,91 3046,92 3934,48 10279,8 17132,0
+Envelope=0,39 400,17 1249,5 3426,1 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,54 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
+Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
+Envelope=0,53 4569,26 11422,16 21066,5 31854,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 25001,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/q_kick_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/q_kick_2.ds
index 999e8b02ffc..113d6129128 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/q_kick_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/q_kick_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,73 500,45 1399,26 2399,15 4647,2 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,91 700,64 1799,34 3198,12 10294,0
-Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
-Envelope1=0,23 2049,1 4886,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,44 550,22 1449,13 3248,2 5896,0 9930,0 11802,0
-Envelope=0,98 286,41 603,20 1745,9 3744,3 7868,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,73 500,45 1399,26 2399,15 4647,2 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,91 700,64 1799,34 3198,12 10294,0
+Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
+Envelope1=0,23 2049,1 4886,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,44 550,22 1449,13 3248,2 5896,0 9930,0 11802,0
+Envelope=0,98 286,41 603,20 1745,9 3744,3 7868,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/questoin_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/questoin_kick.ds
index 7df7e580323..e5cdaa829a1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/questoin_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/questoin_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 550,14 1699,12 5996,3 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 250,58 800,38 2498,15 5247,3 8994,0
-Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
-Envelope1=0,0 3448,7 7445,0
-Envelope2=0,0 4497,6 11802,0
-Envelope=0,0 3748,4 8545,8 9644,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 550,14 1699,12 5996,3 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 250,58 800,38 2498,15 5247,3 8994,0
+Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
+Envelope1=0,0 3448,7 7445,0
+Envelope2=0,0 4497,6 11802,0
+Envelope=0,0 3748,4 8545,8 9644,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/r+b_fantasy_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/r+b_fantasy_kick.ds
index aa758f1607f..fd0de4f61b0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/r+b_fantasy_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/r+b_fantasy_kick.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,0 35915,4 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1699,46 2792,28 4949,16 7614,7 10660,2 17739,0
-Envelope=0,100 1142,16 3046,6 7361,2 14340,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,76 750,20 2411,8 4822,2 7487,0
-Envelope=0,35 2919,17 6980,6 11675,2 36295,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,0 35915,4 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1699,46 2792,28 4949,16 7614,7 10660,2 17739,0
+Envelope=0,100 1142,16 3046,6 7361,2 14340,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,76 750,20 2411,8 4822,2 7487,0
+Envelope=0,35 2919,17 6980,6 11675,2 36295,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/reverb_please_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/reverb_please_snare.ds
index 2721c44066e..ac9da24368a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/reverb_please_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/reverb_please_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,71 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,71 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimmy_noise.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimmy_noise.ds
index 8f6333afed3..0559552676c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimmy_noise.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimmy_noise.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Teddy Riley hollow snare
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1341,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,98 1862,34 3576,17 9163,7 11174,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1043,31 2533,9 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 775,35 2354,9 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,91 1937,30 2831,14 6034,5 8865,1 12440,0
-Envelope=0,37 6704,35 11025,8 14526,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Teddy Riley hollow snare
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1341,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,98 1862,34 3576,17 9163,7 11174,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1043,31 2533,9 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 775,35 2354,9 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,91 1937,30 2831,14 6034,5 8865,1 12440,0
+Envelope=0,37 6704,35 11025,8 14526,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimshot_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimshot_1.ds
index 1a31ca5eb33..5f15348f216 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimshot_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimshot_1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,18 6318,38 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1726,23 3373,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,38 2801,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,18 6318,38 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1726,23 3373,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,38 2801,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimshot_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimshot_2.ds
index 554f6058035..89c082b4ed7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimshot_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rimshot_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,18 6318,38 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 952,9 2617,2 5949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1726,23 3373,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,38 2801,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,18 6318,38 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 952,9 2617,2 5949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1726,23 3373,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,38 2801,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ring_fray_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ring_fray_kick.ds
index ab7b9525fbb..f44d88e2ba6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ring_fray_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ring_fray_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 2320,2 2598,0 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2875,11 4204,4 4937,2 9657,0
-Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
-Envelope1=0,100 190,41 635,22 1266,12 1999,5 2855,2 4886,0
-Envelope2=0,92 159,8 10355,0
-Envelope=0,98 127,38 381,17 1142,5 3680,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 2320,2 2598,0 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2875,11 4204,4 4937,2 9657,0
+Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
+Envelope1=0,100 190,41 635,22 1266,12 1999,5 2855,2 4886,0
+Envelope2=0,92 159,8 10355,0
+Envelope=0,98 127,38 381,17 1142,5 3680,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ring_mod_drone_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ring_mod_drone_bd.ds
index c0bac6d3b9e..6ca0a4cd0bd 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ring_mod_drone_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ring_mod_drone_bd.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 267297,2 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 65040,36 180842,0
-Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
-Envelope1=0,100 11897,56 43624,27 101525,11 186394,0
-Envelope2=0,32 70592,33 194326,0
-Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
-Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 267297,2 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 65040,36 180842,0
+Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
+Envelope1=0,100 11897,56 43624,27 101525,11 186394,0
+Envelope2=0,32 70592,33 194326,0
+Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
+Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rm.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rm.ds
index 0de61970599..be020e34b1d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rm.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rm.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 6108,0 8343,89 13781,90 13781,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5140,95 7673,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rubber_'82.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rubber_'82.ds
index 9868f35cf60..0813b5e98dc 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rubber_'82.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rubber_'82.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,10 9844,77 22986,39 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 635,53 2459,25 6028,10 10311,5 16498,1 26095,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2199,80 5047,56 9144,39 19788,19 23036,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2349,59 7395,20 22236,0
-Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 3331,30 6742,13 10628,5 16181,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,53 5147,11 13442,4 22086,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,10 9844,77 22986,39 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 635,53 2459,25 6028,10 10311,5 16498,1 26095,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2199,80 5047,56 9144,39 19788,19 23036,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2349,59 7395,20 22236,0
+Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 3331,30 6742,13 10628,5 16181,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,53 5147,11 13442,4 22086,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rubbery_deep_house_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rubbery_deep_house_kick.ds
index c1feca4d0b9..53d308c0c6b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rubbery_deep_house_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/rubbery_deep_house_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,88 317,53 857,29 1904,10 4093,2 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2875,11 4204,4 4937,2 9657,0
-Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
-Envelope1=0,100 190,41 635,22 1266,12 1999,5 2855,2 4886,0
-Envelope2=0,96 349,47 1269,19 3046,9 10355,0
-Envelope=0,98 286,41 603,20 1745,9 3744,3 7868,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,88 317,53 857,29 1904,10 4093,2 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2875,11 4204,4 4937,2 9657,0
+Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
+Envelope1=0,100 190,41 635,22 1266,12 1999,5 2855,2 4886,0
+Envelope2=0,96 349,47 1269,19 3046,9 10355,0
+Envelope=0,98 286,41 603,20 1745,9 3744,3 7868,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/serious_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/serious_bd.ds
index bfdac21ab3f..0c039c27bef 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/serious_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/serious_bd.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,55 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 89,95 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 4797,3 6296,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,55 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 89,95 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 4797,3 6296,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/short_909.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/short_909.ds
index 8042ba821de..d40e2ba322a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/short_909.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/short_909.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,19 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 3579,0
-Envelope=0,25 507,50 1283,62 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,19 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 3579,0
+Envelope=0,25 507,50 1283,62 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simon's_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simon's_snare.ds
index b765e2240b5..6e969ccfa0c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simon's_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simon's_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,86 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 1904,100 2617,21 3649,0
-Envelope=0,0 32,97 539,31 1269,11 1840,4 2403,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
-Envelope=0,93 855,49 2074,28 3563,10 5305,4 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,86 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 1904,100 2617,21 3649,0
+Envelope=0,0 32,97 539,31 1269,11 1840,4 2403,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
+Envelope=0,93 855,49 2074,28 3563,10 5305,4 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple-h.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple-h.ds
index e6be4db1f55..e22aa4b86bb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple-h.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple-h.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1200,16 3375,0
-Envelope=0,100 900,18 2175,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 19800,100 19950,0
-Envelope=0,0 20550,0 20700,100 43200,100 43350,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1200,16 3375,0
+Envelope=0,100 900,18 2175,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 19800,100 19950,0
+Envelope=0,0 20550,0 20700,100 43200,100 43350,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple-k.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple-k.ds
index 9ede35deaa3..fcfad1673b7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple-k.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple-k.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 150,13 900,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4725,24 9975,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 19800,100 19950,0
-Envelope=0,0 20550,0 20700,100 43200,100 43350,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 150,13 900,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4725,24 9975,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 19800,100 19950,0
+Envelope=0,0 20550,0 20700,100 43200,100 43350,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple_click_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple_click_bd.ds
index b7e90410b74..3aa218d3002 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple_click_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/simple_click_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 1904,42 14515,37 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 1904,42 14515,37 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/skiwlz_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/skiwlz_snare.ds
index e8ed3ea8b15..c0f6e4b761c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/skiwlz_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/skiwlz_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,11 9613,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1649,47 3198,24 5996,12 10294,0
-Envelope=0,100 1849,57 4097,26 6346,8 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 650,61 2250,30 4197,13 7146,5 11243,0
-Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6980,5 9994,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,11 9613,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1649,47 3198,24 5996,12 10294,0
+Envelope=0,100 1849,57 4097,26 6346,8 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 650,61 2250,30 4197,13 7146,5 11243,0
+Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6980,5 9994,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/slepper_n_the_wilderness.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/slepper_n_the_wilderness.ds
index 9f4cbf2bbf7..05501f5f0db 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/slepper_n_the_wilderness.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/slepper_n_the_wilderness.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 984,49 2221,26 3966,11 8312,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,50 200,29 750,20 1349,11 2299,7 4247,3 9444,0
-Envelope=0,33 456,21 1269,11 2657,5 4521,3 10172,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 984,49 2221,26 3966,11 8312,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,50 200,29 750,20 1349,11 2299,7 4247,3 9444,0
+Envelope=0,33 456,21 1269,11 2657,5 4521,3 10172,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sloppy_electric.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sloppy_electric.ds
index 61da8a8a816..30ed8456700 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sloppy_electric.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sloppy_electric.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,5 926,15 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 457,64 954,36 1510,21 2094,13 7110,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,100 1066,59 2170,32 2906,16 3959,11 5241,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,5 926,15 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 457,64 954,36 1510,21 2094,13 7110,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,100 1066,59 2170,32 2906,16 3959,11 5241,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/smooth_rim.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/smooth_rim.ds
index a5a42e6c8bc..58a14d8bd5f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/smooth_rim.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/smooth_rim.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 901,40 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1333,85 2627,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2487,0
-Envelope2=0,100 228,70 508,43 952,25 1675,8 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 901,40 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1333,85 2627,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2487,0
+Envelope2=0,100 228,70 508,43 952,25 1675,8 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/snappy_809.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/snappy_809.ds
index 2d48fd8a671..391adea7375 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/snappy_809.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/snappy_809.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,29 3649,44 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,38 2801,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,29 3649,44 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,38 2801,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/softsnare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/softsnare.ds
index 4521b6250ee..9e45451b866 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/softsnare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/softsnare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1199,46 3798,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 5996,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1199,46 3798,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 5996,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sounding_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sounding_kick.ds
index 0b826bc31d0..9d34afc08cc 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sounding_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sounding_kick.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,36 3048,31 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1749,22 4997,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1639,21 5215,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
-Envelope=0,34 206,68 570,68 1663,68 1916,84 2898,40 3798,84 3832,50 4054,26 7346,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,36 3048,31 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1749,22 4997,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1639,21 5215,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
+Envelope=0,34 206,68 570,68 1663,68 1916,84 2898,40 3798,84 3832,50 4054,26 7346,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sounds_like_a_low_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sounds_like_a_low_tom.ds
index cd21cc851d3..82d4080b9c2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sounds_like_a_low_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sounds_like_a_low_tom.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 1713,4 3426,12 5552,35 8598,83 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 750,74 1499,49 2149,40 3048,31 4447,25 7046,19 11843,8 16890,0
-Envelope=0,100 10,22 41,10 105,2 213,0
-Envelope1=0,0 1396,2 2602,0
-Envelope2=0,0 4886,2 7773,0 9930,0 11802,0
-Envelope=0,98 150,32 286,20 603,13 999,5 1649,2 3348,1 7868,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 1713,4 3426,12 5552,35 8598,83 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 750,74 1499,49 2149,40 3048,31 4447,25 7046,19 11843,8 16890,0
+Envelope=0,100 10,22 41,10 105,2 213,0
+Envelope1=0,0 1396,2 2602,0
+Envelope2=0,0 4886,2 7773,0 9930,0 11802,0
+Envelope=0,98 150,32 286,20 603,13 999,5 1649,2 3348,1 7868,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/special_man_bass_drum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/special_man_bass_drum.ds
index 2a7c49b8a24..6181978a015 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/special_man_bass_drum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/special_man_bass_drum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,0 13452,8 21193,1 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2538,26 6345,5 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 2792,0
-Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1396,42 2250,30 3553,15 5965,3 13960,0
-Envelope=0,100 635,44 2031,23 4442,13 7107,3 10533,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,0 13452,8 21193,1 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2538,26 6345,5 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 2792,0
+Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1396,42 2250,30 3553,15 5965,3 13960,0
+Envelope=0,100 635,44 2031,23 4442,13 7107,3 10533,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/splatter.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/splatter.ds
index d6971c36191..f609322400c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/splatter.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/splatter.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,8 65,15 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,41 715,39 4228,21 22526,0
-Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 22367,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3252,66 7077,0
-Envelope=0,63 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,0 115,14 1039,11 1504,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,8 65,15 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,41 715,39 4228,21 22526,0
+Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 22367,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3252,66 7077,0
+Envelope=0,63 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,0 115,14 1039,11 1504,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sticky_q_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sticky_q_kick.ds
index 259b745de92..3b1055d2756 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sticky_q_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sticky_q_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 888,2 1650,6 2126,17 8598,83 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2126,16 2697,9 3490,5 4283,3 5267,2 9657,0
-Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
-Envelope1=0,0 2253,6 4886,0
-Envelope2=0,0 1967,4 9359,53 9930,0 11802,0
-Envelope=0,98 286,41 603,20 1745,9 3744,3 7868,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 888,2 1650,6 2126,17 8598,83 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 654,47 1527,26 2126,16 2697,9 3490,5 4283,3 5267,2 9657,0
+Envelope=0,100 30,32 85,23 135,16 245,8 381,3 1192,0
+Envelope1=0,0 2253,6 4886,0
+Envelope2=0,0 1967,4 9359,53 9930,0 11802,0
+Envelope=0,98 286,41 603,20 1745,9 3744,3 7868,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/stiffy_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/stiffy_snare.ds
index 565a4a62299..afe859f135d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/stiffy_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/stiffy_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1015,32 2316,9 4949,1 6630,0
-Envelope=0,100 656,58 2335,41 3198,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
-Envelope=0,98 1174,5 3649,0 10578,0
-Envelope=0,100 127,35 603,16 2728,2 5108,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1015,32 2316,9 4949,1 6630,0
+Envelope=0,100 656,58 2335,41 3198,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1266,31 4470,26 10578,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,45 3278,30 10355,0
+Envelope=0,98 1174,5 3649,0 10578,0
+Envelope=0,100 127,35 603,16 2728,2 5108,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sweet_tight_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sweet_tight_snare.ds
index 213130e5916..48143cf11c2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sweet_tight_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/sweet_tight_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1694,2 2597,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1694,2 2597,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tchak_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tchak_snare.ds
index ccf605b1546..4b6dfa33675 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tchak_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tchak_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,11 6092,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2126,20 5616,0
-Envelope=0,100 2887,24 5425,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,18 4632,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1079,11 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,11 6092,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2126,20 5616,0
+Envelope=0,100 2887,24 5425,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,18 4632,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1079,11 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/terror_n_yr_hood_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/terror_n_yr_hood_snare.ds
index 4cbd8a117c5..6ec509abcb3 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/terror_n_yr_hood_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/terror_n_yr_hood_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,96 635,26 2221,8 6481,0
-Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,86 723,26 1348,19 2086,10 5438,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,99 670,80 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,64 793,52 1348,27 3547,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,96 635,26 2221,8 6481,0
+Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,86 723,26 1348,19 2086,10 5438,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,99 670,80 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,64 793,52 1348,27 3547,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/test.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/test.ds
index 14352d3f99d..d30d45cfba1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/test.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/test.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1203,0 1425,0
-Envelope=0,0 2565,0 3009,100 3769,0
-Envelope1=0,0 1219,0 1219,100 2597,0 2597,0
-Envelope2=0,0 1251,0 1488,100 2581,0
-Envelope=0,0 3800,0 3800,98 4180,80 4370,0
-Envelope=0,0 4386,0 4481,83 4925,97 4925,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1203,0 1425,0
+Envelope=0,0 2565,0 3009,100 3769,0
+Envelope1=0,0 1219,0 1219,100 2597,0 2597,0
+Envelope2=0,0 1251,0 1488,100 2581,0
+Envelope=0,0 3800,0 3800,98 4180,80 4370,0
+Envelope=0,0 4386,0 4481,83 4925,97 4925,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_bd.ds
index 83a40256780..ecc50eeb217 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_bd.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,5 926,15 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 457,64 954,36 1510,21 2094,13 5152,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,100 1066,59 2170,32 2906,16 3959,11 5241,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,5 926,15 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 457,64 954,36 1510,21 2094,13 5152,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,100 1066,59 2170,32 2906,16 3959,11 5241,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_sn_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_sn_1.ds
index 5e9ae0a40f2..d9a58e591e5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_sn_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_sn_1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,5 926,15 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,100 1066,59 2170,32 2906,16 3959,11 5241,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,5 926,15 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,100 1066,59 2170,32 2906,16 3959,11 5241,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_sn_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_sn_2.ds
index 923f9d7848f..b02647ffd4f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_sn_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/think_sn_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,5 926,15 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,100 1066,59 2170,32 2906,16 3959,11 5241,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,5 926,15 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,100 1066,59 2170,32 2906,16 3959,11 5241,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/this_snare_spells_electronic.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/this_snare_spells_electronic.ds
index 708094498aa..745208e86eb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/this_snare_spells_electronic.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/this_snare_spells_electronic.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,14 9518,20 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
-Envelope=0,92 4500,30 11897,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,68 3046,49 4500,30 11929,0
-Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6980,5 9994,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,14 9518,20 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
+Envelope=0,92 4500,30 11897,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,68 3046,49 4500,30 11929,0
+Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6980,5 9994,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tomita_clip.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tomita_clip.ds
index 3284dad24e4..30cd2b986b2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tomita_clip.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tomita_clip.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,5 926,15 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 571,59 1237,36 1999,19 3109,10 5965,5 12437,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1713,48 2221,11 2974,8 11422,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,100 286,1 1777,0 2982,0
-Envelope=0,100 349,49 1142,19 2602,7 5076,3 10565,2 14214,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,5 926,15 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 571,59 1237,36 1999,19 3109,10 5965,5 12437,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1713,48 2221,11 2974,8 11422,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,100 286,1 1777,0 2982,0
+Envelope=0,100 349,49 1142,19 2602,7 5076,3 10565,2 14214,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone.ds
index f8f66cd5f17..132f34794b0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone_deg.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone_deg.ds
index 6a60a53aa2e..37a4268971a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone_deg.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone_deg.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1862,51 18623,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone_snare.ds
index c3e18c9177c..e03d0183ab5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/tone_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,6 1699,14 2948,25 4297,41 5647,57 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 760,87 1937,18 4991,0 12142,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,11 5661,3 5810,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1949,39 6596,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 8194,11 9461,5 11025,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,6 1699,14 2948,25 4297,41 5647,57 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 760,87 1937,18 4991,0 12142,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,11 5661,3 5810,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1949,39 6596,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 8194,11 9461,5 11025,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/transient_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/transient_snare.ds
index c8f24b036fd..0330809d70a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/transient_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/transient_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 0,19 301,38 3927,8 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope=0,100 839,35 1900,8 4402,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 0,19 301,38 3927,8 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope=0,100 839,35 1900,8 4402,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/trashyovertones.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/trashyovertones.ds
index 50c3ae1a0cb..ba269c74337 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/trashyovertones.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/trashyovertones.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,18 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3448,27 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 11543,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
-Envelope=0,100 2099,58 5447,36 11343,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,47 2199,20 5047,5 10993,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,18 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3448,27 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 11543,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
+Envelope=0,100 2099,58 5447,36 11343,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,47 2199,20 5047,5 10993,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/type_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/type_snare.ds
index a924f5a8260..3c31b2c6db7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/type_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/type_snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 635,9 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1824,26 3728,9 7218,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 6663,0
-Envelope=0,100 555,33 1500,20 3728,7 6821,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 635,9 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1824,26 3728,9 7218,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 6663,0
+Envelope=0,100 555,33 1500,20 3728,7 6821,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ultra_electro_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ultra_electro_bd.ds
index b0a439ca38b..b3adad41384 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ultra_electro_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/ultra_electro_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 1172,9 1916,9 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 1172,9 1916,9 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/usgae_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/usgae_bd.ds
index 3045a04b771..721bfa9b1ad 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/usgae_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/usgae_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,81 538,17 1678,3 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1188,17 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,81 538,17 1678,3 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1188,17 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/verby_soundin_808.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/verby_soundin_808.ds
index 01716ac7303..319306f06ae 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/verby_soundin_808.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/verby_soundin_808.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 21193,5 69672,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 68910,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,100 444,47 1250,20 3363,3 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 21193,5 69672,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 68910,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/very_basic_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/very_basic_snare.ds
index 5f4659b210b..fa98039cfd1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/very_basic_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/very_basic_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,29 3649,44 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope=0,100 839,35 2502,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,29 3649,44 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope=0,100 839,35 2502,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/verylong.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/verylong.ds
index f228a577e0f..8ae3ab07f66 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/verylong.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/verylong.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 14899,35 43206,19 373956,0
-Envelope=0,0 17878,12 17878,71 29797,38 61084,25 92372,4 186233,2 248807,4 271155,15 290524,24 294993,73 311382,27 344159,20 344159,54 357568,10 375446,17 414182,0
-Envelope1=0,0 159416,68 326280,0
-Envelope2=0,0 140047,0 385875,77 429081,0
-Envelope=0,0 40226,0 56615,25 68534,62 89392,41 107270,84 125149,67 134088,27 184743,0 184743,41 207091,0 320321,0 320321,46 330750,0 394814,0 394814,35 414182,0
-Envelope=0,0 71514,0 86412,16 101311,28 126639,13 143027,3 227949,0 227949,29 232419,51 257747,60 280095,54 311382,38 336709,21 363527,8 396304,12 432061,31 438020,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 14899,35 43206,19 373956,0
+Envelope=0,0 17878,12 17878,71 29797,38 61084,25 92372,4 186233,2 248807,4 271155,15 290524,24 294993,73 311382,27 344159,20 344159,54 357568,10 375446,17 414182,0
+Envelope1=0,0 159416,68 326280,0
+Envelope2=0,0 140047,0 385875,77 429081,0
+Envelope=0,0 40226,0 56615,25 68534,62 89392,41 107270,84 125149,67 134088,27 184743,0 184743,41 207091,0 320321,0 320321,46 330750,0 394814,0 394814,35 414182,0
+Envelope=0,0 71514,0 86412,16 101311,28 126639,13 143027,3 227949,0 227949,29 232419,51 257747,60 280095,54 311382,38 336709,21 363527,8 396304,12 432061,31 438020,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/warm_deep_house_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/warm_deep_house_kick.ds
index 401ed78be21..98c44bf401c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/warm_deep_house_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/warm_deep_house_kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,97 3426,12 5996,15 8598,3 9444,0 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 750,74 1499,49 2149,40 3048,31 4447,25 7046,19 11843,8 16890,0
-Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
-Envelope1=0,0 3348,20 7445,0
-Envelope2=0,0 7246,23 11802,0
-Envelope=0,0 2099,14 6696,30 7868,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,97 3426,12 5996,15 8598,3 9444,0 10184,1 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 750,74 1499,49 2149,40 3048,31 4447,25 7046,19 11843,8 16890,0
+Envelope=0,100 250,22 450,11 650,4 1149,0
+Envelope1=0,0 3348,20 7445,0
+Envelope2=0,0 7246,23 11802,0
+Envelope=0,0 2099,14 6696,30 7868,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 476,8 3712,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/warm_digi_808_click.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/warm_digi_808_click.ds
index 277474e6f2c..0f882374b0d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/warm_digi_808_click.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/warm_digi_808_click.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,98 6425,53 9042,86 11580,50 15149,61 20860,18 37913,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 9042,35 36882,0
-Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,98 6425,53 9042,86 11580,50 15149,61 20860,18 37913,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 9042,35 36882,0
+Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/whoa_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/whoa_bd.ds
index c4768827274..922c52d2159 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/whoa_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/whoa_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,44 5869,16 17608,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,35 1666,9 6187,1 16022,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 18005,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 635,9 8249,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,44 5869,16 17608,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,35 1666,9 6187,1 16022,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 18005,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 635,9 8249,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/wobble_wobble.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/wobble_wobble.ds
index a262eadba24..57e181126da 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/wobble_wobble.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/wobble_wobble.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2299,63 5896,29 12792,11 26143,3 40483,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,74 2665,37 7995,18 37691,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5330,23 12818,5 35153,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2299,63 5896,29 12792,11 26143,3 40483,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,74 2665,37 7995,18 37691,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5330,23 12818,5 35153,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/wobbly_thumb_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/wobbly_thumb_bd.ds
index bdcac85d592..b1a3dbdd28f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/wobbly_thumb_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/wobbly_thumb_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 397,33 1031,11 12691,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1031,59 2617,42 4759,32 8328,20 13722,8 28554,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2697,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,2 8963,1 19274,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 397,33 1031,11 12691,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1031,59 2617,42 4759,32 8328,20 13722,8 28554,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2697,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,2 8963,1 19274,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/yet_another_electric_bass_drum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/yet_another_electric_bass_drum.ds
index 97e90a55cd3..f7e26eb1928 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/yet_another_electric_bass_drum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/yet_another_electric_bass_drum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,74 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 508,49 3680,19 12310,7 33884,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 635,52 1523,31 3680,6 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,74 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 508,49 3680,19 12310,7 33884,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 635,52 1523,31 3680,6 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/yr_808_hummer.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/yr_808_hummer.ds
index be68b323919..f4382a06174 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/yr_808_hummer.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/yr_808_hummer.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,3 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3728,43 8883,16 15070,11 24826,4 41879,0
-Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,3 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3728,43 8883,16 15070,11 24826,4 41879,0
+Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/zoom#4.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/zoom#4.ds
index f7180555a75..86463837859 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/zoom#4.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc/zoom#4.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 11681,0 340610,0 340610,65 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 11681,0 340610,0 340610,65 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/a_day_in_the_noise.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/a_day_in_the_noise.ds
index 8424174022e..c94fb812642 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/a_day_in_the_noise.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/a_day_in_the_noise.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,98 6425,53 9042,86 11580,50 15149,61 20860,18 37913,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 9042,35 36882,0
-Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,98 6425,53 9042,86 11580,50 15149,61 20860,18 37913,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 9042,35 36882,0
+Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/bumble_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/bumble_bass.ds
index bd84cea4e7d..edb7f3dd56d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/bumble_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/bumble_bass.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 6345,2 12929,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 11643,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 6345,2 12929,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 11643,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/depth_bass_drum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/depth_bass_drum.ds
index 352ecf71b09..d61188f01b0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/depth_bass_drum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/depth_bass_drum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,2 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5996,25 14741,0 22886,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,2 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5996,25 14741,0 22886,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/dirty_a.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/dirty_a.ds
index ad9b4930b32..78a67862bc0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/dirty_a.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/dirty_a.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/filter_idea_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/filter_idea_bd.ds
index 220eb2c09e3..ebb227b796f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/filter_idea_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/filter_idea_bd.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 1650,62 4442,33 10026,16 21320,8 34011,5 59138,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2031,53 3046,36 6345,21 14721,13 32996,7 55204,0
-Envelope=0,11 43307,2 90183,0
-Envelope1=0,39 59487,0
-Envelope2=0,100 79713,28 94228,0
-Envelope=0,100 714,13 4500,0 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 508,50 1500,30 4061,14 8249,5 27666,2 42514,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 1650,62 4442,33 10026,16 21320,8 34011,5 59138,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2031,53 3046,36 6345,21 14721,13 32996,7 55204,0
+Envelope=0,11 43307,2 90183,0
+Envelope1=0,39 59487,0
+Envelope2=0,100 79713,28 94228,0
+Envelope=0,100 714,13 4500,0 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 508,50 1500,30 4061,14 8249,5 27666,2 42514,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/jarre_bass_drum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/jarre_bass_drum.ds
index 950862f6c20..f9f3bb371fe 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/jarre_bass_drum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/jarre_bass_drum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,95 1399,50 4197,23 7246,11 12492,6 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5996,25 14741,0 22886,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,95 1399,50 4197,23 7246,11 12492,6 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5996,25 14741,0 22886,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/jungle_laser.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/jungle_laser.ds
index cf8912af8e0..4ab3568cc07 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/jungle_laser.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/jungle_laser.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 12691,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 68212,35 136424,0
-Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
-Envelope1=0,100 11897,56 43624,27 101525,11 186394,0
-Envelope2=0,32 70592,33 194326,0
-Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
-Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 12691,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 68212,35 136424,0
+Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
+Envelope1=0,100 11897,56 43624,27 101525,11 186394,0
+Envelope2=0,32 70592,33 194326,0
+Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
+Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/low_end_hum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/low_end_hum.ds
index 7ba1e9c73e1..0b0a50b9ba9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/low_end_hum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/low_end_hum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,87 2300,2 17767,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 36882,0
-Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,87 2300,2 17767,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 36882,0
+Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/melodictone.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/melodictone.ds
index 2e4b374faa3..15c696ef6ca 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/melodictone.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/melodictone.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,80 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4597,91 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1949,59 4497,24 8345,12 14941,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
-Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,35 450,15 1849,5 4997,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,80 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4597,91 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1949,59 4497,24 8345,12 14941,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
+Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,35 450,15 1849,5 4997,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/metal_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/metal_bass.ds
index 88a31aa750e..30d1bf96c92 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/metal_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/metal_bass.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 6345,2 12929,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 11643,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 6345,2 12929,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 11643,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/more_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/more_bass.ds
index da5189daf15..b47e0d4cc76 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/more_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/more_bass.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 5996,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
-Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 5996,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
+Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/more_bass_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/more_bass_2.ds
index ed779b8a4f6..7a3742f3573 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/more_bass_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/more_bass_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 5996,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
-Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 5996,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
+Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/rubber.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/rubber.ds
index 5910c8addb0..9a9ae64eda4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/rubber.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/rubber.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 1110,20 2221,6 12532,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4124,41 14118,8 28237,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 1110,20 2221,6 12532,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4124,41 14118,8 28237,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/smooth_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/smooth_bass.ds
index b6f8fc14871..54b681c4369 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/smooth_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/smooth_bass.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 37041,3 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
-Envelope2=0,100 13325,37 39420,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 37041,3 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
+Envelope2=0,100 13325,37 39420,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/solid.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/solid.ds
index 32670009dcf..352ed6ce4dc 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/solid.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/solid.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,98 4838,23 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
-Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,98 4838,23 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
+Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/synthbass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/synthbass.ds
index 57a9ea3cf3f..c894fddcece 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/synthbass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/synthbass.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,78 6896,13 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4597,91 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1949,59 4497,24 8345,12 14941,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
-Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,35 450,15 1849,5 4997,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,78 6896,13 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4597,91 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1949,59 4497,24 8345,12 14941,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
+Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,35 450,15 1849,5 4997,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/the_funk.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/the_funk.ds
index 378ac076d2c..bd5d2df9751 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/the_funk.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/the_funk.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,98 6425,53 9042,86 11580,50 15149,61 20860,18 37913,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 9042,35 36882,0
-Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,98 6425,53 9042,86 11580,50 15149,61 20860,18 37913,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 9042,35 36882,0
+Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/warm_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/warm_bass.ds
index 9c518f3d4df..b21a0cd4703 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/warm_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_bass/warm_bass.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 37041,3 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
-Envelope2=0,100 13325,37 39420,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 37041,3 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
+Envelope2=0,100 13325,37 39420,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/big_beat_clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/big_beat_clap.ds
index e44404492b2..0b1b5ed89b1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/big_beat_clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/big_beat_clap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,21 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 2935,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,38 432,18 440,100 521,30 879,14 894,100 1028,26 1333,9 1333,98 2309,27 3490,6 4362,0 5631,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,21 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 2935,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,38 432,18 440,100 521,30 879,14 894,100 1028,26 1333,9 1333,98 2309,27 3490,6 4362,0 5631,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/bright_clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/bright_clap.ds
index dd19660e167..13b3030037e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/bright_clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/bright_clap.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 586,97 728,84 808,19 1140,35 1172,99 1425,86 1536,18 1900,41 1900,98 2264,72 2344,21 2644,32 2708,92 2850,65 3832,26 5305,17 8297,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 396,20 649,97 808,85 871,14 1172,36 1235,98 1409,77 1647,14 1900,35 1995,93 2217,65 2359,12 2644,32 2708,92 3119,59 4529,11 7648,0
-Envelope=0,100 428,16 507,98 728,76 808,30 950,22 1140,35 1283,95 1393,74 1615,14 1869,35 2059,98 2185,65 2344,13 2613,35 2834,96 3135,38 3626,17 7775,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 586,97 728,84 808,19 1140,35 1172,99 1425,86 1536,18 1900,41 1900,98 2264,72 2344,21 2644,32 2708,92 2850,65 3832,26 5305,17 8297,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 396,20 649,97 808,85 871,14 1172,36 1235,98 1409,77 1647,14 1900,35 1995,93 2217,65 2359,12 2644,32 2708,92 3119,59 4529,11 7648,0
+Envelope=0,100 428,16 507,98 728,76 808,30 950,22 1140,35 1283,95 1393,74 1615,14 1869,35 2059,98 2185,65 2344,13 2613,35 2834,96 3135,38 3626,17 7775,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap.ds
index c13c2bccd1d..5b518195848 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,10 3880,2 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 586,97 728,84 808,19 1140,35 1172,99 1425,86 1536,18 1900,41 1900,98 2264,72 2344,21 2644,32 2708,92 3373,10 4735,2 7522,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 396,20 649,97 808,85 871,14 1172,36 1235,98 1409,77 1647,14 1900,35 1995,93 2217,65 2359,12 2644,32 2708,92 3373,10 5273,2 7506,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,10 3880,2 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 586,97 728,84 808,19 1140,35 1172,99 1425,86 1536,18 1900,41 1900,98 2264,72 2344,21 2644,32 2708,92 3373,10 4735,2 7522,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 396,20 649,97 808,85 871,14 1172,36 1235,98 1409,77 1647,14 1900,35 1995,93 2217,65 2359,12 2644,32 2708,92 3373,10 5273,2 7506,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap2.ds
index d0bbb653b60..918a0243a66 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,81 6730,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 165,24 444,6 3783,0
-Envelope=0,100 507,20 5225,0
-Envelope1=0,100 982,100 1251,20 1837,5 3769,0
-Envelope2=0,17 5986,17 6000,0
-Envelope=0,63 1869,31 6777,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,81 6730,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 165,24 444,6 3783,0
+Envelope=0,100 507,20 5225,0
+Envelope1=0,100 982,100 1251,20 1837,5 3769,0
+Envelope2=0,17 5986,17 6000,0
+Envelope=0,63 1869,31 6777,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap_layer.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap_layer.ds
index 693faf570e5..c18f1ab65d0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap_layer.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/clap_layer.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,50 2538,49 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 730,33 1142,49 1301,92 1682,44 2157,32 2157,95 2919,33 3204,43 3236,94 4500,30 8249,8 12405,0
-Envelope1=0,100 949,69 2898,44 4897,29 6796,17 8745,10 11393,4 17689,0
-Envelope2=0,96 4297,11 5497,41 16240,81 17489,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 300,65 800,39 1500,20 2349,8 3748,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,50 2538,49 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 730,33 1142,49 1301,92 1682,44 2157,32 2157,95 2919,33 3204,43 3236,94 4500,30 8249,8 12405,0
+Envelope1=0,100 949,69 2898,44 4897,29 6796,17 8745,10 11393,4 17689,0
+Envelope2=0,96 4297,11 5497,41 16240,81 17489,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 300,65 800,39 1500,20 2349,8 3748,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/classic_clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/classic_clap.ds
index e20b6ad993e..493c31fe385 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/classic_clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/classic_clap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,21 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 2384,16 4023,8 7211,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,38 440,0 440,100 521,30 894,0 894,100 1028,26 1333,0 1333,98 1788,28 4097,7 9386,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 443,0 443,95 554,29 839,4 934,97 1061,22 1314,1 1314,96 1774,27 3880,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,21 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 2384,16 4023,8 7211,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,38 440,0 440,100 521,30 894,0 894,100 1028,26 1333,0 1333,98 1788,28 4097,7 9386,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 443,0 443,95 554,29 839,4 934,97 1061,22 1314,1 1314,96 1774,27 3880,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/electro_clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/electro_clap.ds
index 3ce1b569988..150346e9f17 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/electro_clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/electro_clap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,6 412,88 681,14 1045,58 1298,18 1314,72 1884,5 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,34 190,9 301,74 447,17 447,100 536,32 760,62 760,6 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1093,47 1326,12 1326,100 1631,11 1631,33 2027,51 2384,16 4023,8 7211,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,38 440,0 440,100 521,30 894,0 894,100 1028,26 1333,0 1333,98 1788,28 4097,7 9386,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 443,0 443,95 554,29 839,4 934,97 1061,22 1314,1 1314,96 1774,27 3880,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,6 412,88 681,14 1045,58 1298,18 1314,72 1884,5 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,34 190,9 301,74 447,17 447,100 536,32 760,62 760,6 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1093,47 1326,12 1326,100 1631,11 1631,33 2027,51 2384,16 4023,8 7211,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,38 440,0 440,100 521,30 894,0 894,100 1028,26 1333,0 1333,98 1788,28 4097,7 9386,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 443,0 443,95 554,29 839,4 934,97 1061,22 1314,1 1314,96 1774,27 3880,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/filter_clappy.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/filter_clappy.ds
index afc81a7f97e..ab5a4d46bb5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/filter_clappy.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/filter_clappy.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,11 9613,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
-Envelope=0,68 444,95 1142,24 1555,44 1777,92 2411,18 2836,56 2855,93 3331,29 3609,52 3748,89 4500,30 6314,6 11929,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,68 773,95 1555,25 2003,40 2003,92 2538,28 2836,56 2855,93 3331,29 3609,52 3748,89 4500,30 11929,0
-Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6980,5 9994,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,11 9613,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 13071,0
+Envelope=0,68 444,95 1142,24 1555,44 1777,92 2411,18 2836,56 2855,93 3331,29 3609,52 3748,89 4500,30 6314,6 11929,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 6377,5 8059,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,68 773,95 1555,25 2003,40 2003,92 2538,28 2836,56 2855,93 3331,29 3609,52 3748,89 4500,30 11929,0
+Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6980,5 9994,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/pitch_clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/pitch_clap.ds
index 68f954c706b..b158088e5e6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/pitch_clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/pitch_clap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,21 2149,58 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 2384,16 4023,8 7211,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,38 440,0 440,100 521,30 894,0 894,100 1028,26 1333,0 1333,98 1788,28 2848,3 9386,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 443,0 443,95 554,29 839,4 934,97 1061,22 1314,1 1314,96 1774,27 3880,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,21 2149,58 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 2384,16 4023,8 7211,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,38 440,0 440,100 521,30 894,0 894,100 1028,26 1333,0 1333,98 1788,28 2848,3 9386,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 443,0 443,95 554,29 839,4 934,97 1061,22 1314,1 1314,96 1774,27 3880,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/pitch_clap_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/pitch_clap_2.ds
index 1a44e8955fa..45cb2217aa4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/pitch_clap_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/pitch_clap_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,21 2149,58 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 2384,16 3331,3 6107,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,38 440,0 440,100 521,30 894,0 894,100 1028,26 1333,0 1333,98 1788,28 2848,3 3966,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 443,0 443,95 554,29 839,4 934,97 1061,22 1314,1 1314,96 1774,27 3880,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,21 2149,58 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 2384,16 3331,3 6107,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,38 440,0 440,100 521,30 894,0 894,100 1028,26 1333,0 1333,98 1788,28 2848,3 3966,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 443,0 443,95 554,29 839,4 934,97 1061,22 1314,1 1314,96 1774,27 3880,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/shutter_clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/shutter_clap.ds
index 0bc84dca380..0130550a151 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/shutter_clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/shutter_clap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,38 111,89 325,18 325,89 611,15 627,97 41721,59 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
-Envelope=0,100 111,36 309,16 309,94 484,26 627,15 627,99 769,24 880,10 880,100 1087,20 1515,5 3371,0
-Envelope1=0,79 5447,26 9994,7 17489,0
-Envelope2=0,89 39896,89 40531,0
-Envelope=0,100 111,36 309,16 309,94 484,26 627,15 627,99 769,24 880,10 880,100 1087,20 1515,5 3371,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,38 111,89 325,18 325,89 611,15 627,97 41721,59 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
+Envelope=0,100 111,36 309,16 309,94 484,26 627,15 627,99 769,24 880,10 880,100 1087,20 1515,5 3371,0
+Envelope1=0,79 5447,26 9994,7 17489,0
+Envelope2=0,89 39896,89 40531,0
+Envelope=0,100 111,36 309,16 309,94 484,26 627,15 627,99 769,24 880,10 880,100 1087,20 1515,5 3371,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/u_don't_kno.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/u_don't_kno.ds
index 965332b12a9..e4c1828ba65 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/u_don't_kno.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_claps/u_don't_kno.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,26 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 4529,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,38 432,18 440,100 521,30 879,14 894,100 1028,26 1333,9 1333,98 2309,27 3490,6 5552,2 12849,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,26 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 4529,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,38 432,18 440,100 521,30 879,14 894,100 1028,26 1333,9 1333,98 2309,27 3490,6 5552,2 12849,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/'lectro_spliff.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/'lectro_spliff.ds
index 7633b365775..1a4f23ea1d2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/'lectro_spliff.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/'lectro_spliff.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,2 35153,8 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,5 32869,0
-Envelope=0,100 1142,39 1396,26 2284,13 4822,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2031,65 7107,27 13706,7 22209,2 32996,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3252,66 7077,0
-Envelope=0,100 6599,53 20940,15 34265,0
-Envelope=0,0 115,14 1039,11 1504,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,2 35153,8 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,5 32869,0
+Envelope=0,100 1142,39 1396,26 2284,13 4822,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2031,65 7107,27 13706,7 22209,2 32996,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3252,66 7077,0
+Envelope=0,100 6599,53 20940,15 34265,0
+Envelope=0,0 115,14 1039,11 1504,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/a_round_thing.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/a_round_thing.ds
index b81cabc74b1..5c0d01e81ea 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/a_round_thing.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/a_round_thing.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 10311,1 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
-Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 10311,1 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
+Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/applied_engineering.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/applied_engineering.ds
index c94ed76ba3f..9854fc3bb85 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/applied_engineering.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/applied_engineering.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,4 1031,11 9280,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 12373,0
-Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,4 1031,11 9280,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 12373,0
+Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/atmosphere_of_space.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/atmosphere_of_space.ds
index f1d878d1cd4..f931653f3c5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/atmosphere_of_space.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/atmosphere_of_space.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/bottle_bill_fx.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/bottle_bill_fx.ds
index 79dcd464492..b645fd0f69e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/bottle_bill_fx.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/bottle_bill_fx.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,14 635,44 1904,53 3109,24 4981,42 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,14 635,44 1904,53 3109,24 4981,42 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/casio_poppin.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/casio_poppin.ds
index 4a8488cb2af..fbf00ba7197 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/casio_poppin.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/casio_poppin.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,11 269,53 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 3579,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2027,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1045,43 3000,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,11 269,53 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 3579,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2027,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1045,43 3000,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/category.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/category.ds
index 01590df30f3..3b688561675 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/category.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/category.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 2221,82 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1586,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
-Envelope2=0,100 317,49 1110,29 2221,10 4283,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 2221,82 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1586,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
+Envelope2=0,100 317,49 1110,29 2221,10 4283,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cheap_fx.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cheap_fx.ds
index 0fbcecf1802..6a350019c4e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cheap_fx.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cheap_fx.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,95 8725,32 44259,15 129286,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6028,25 15241,85 24835,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12093,89 25384,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 23536,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,95 8725,32 44259,15 129286,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6028,25 15241,85 24835,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12093,89 25384,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 23536,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/chrip_q.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/chrip_q.ds
index c4ecd9fe9f8..e7bfc1ffc52 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/chrip_q.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/chrip_q.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 2221,82 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1586,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
-Envelope2=0,100 317,49 1110,29 2221,10 4283,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 2221,82 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1586,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
+Envelope2=0,100 317,49 1110,29 2221,10 4283,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/clean_rock_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/clean_rock_bd.ds
index cf4314b4092..2a6b52043e0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/clean_rock_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/clean_rock_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,22 1749,97 22037,4 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5846,38 9744,0 18439,0 25384,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,14 20687,50 22486,0
-Envelope2=0,100 24435,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,22 1749,97 22037,4 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5846,38 9744,0 18439,0 25384,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,14 20687,50 22486,0
+Envelope2=0,100 24435,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cold_shot.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cold_shot.ds
index 1e6400f88fd..c64d879512b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cold_shot.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cold_shot.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 2062,24 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 12373,0
-Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 2062,24 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 12373,0
+Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/confusion.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/confusion.ds
index 98f36bf2e49..88e11c9e6c0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/confusion.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/confusion.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,46 13991,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 3579,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4315,55 16498,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1045,43 3807,68 6314,9 10438,59 16276,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,46 13991,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 3579,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4315,55 16498,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1045,43 3807,68 6314,9 10438,59 16276,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cymbal_madness.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cymbal_madness.ds
index 75e49b099f7..f2ef3e588e5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cymbal_madness.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/cymbal_madness.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 2062,28 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5790,92 10153,65 19671,49 28554,20 42990,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 39738,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 2062,28 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5790,92 10153,65 19671,49 28554,20 42990,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 39738,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/depth_fx.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/depth_fx.ds
index b47e4203e8b..49ec163d02a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/depth_fx.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/depth_fx.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,65 3148,47 6346,73 6796,23 9944,44 14291,50 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4497,8 7945,0 21087,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,45 899,11 2349,20 3448,9 6496,0
-Envelope1=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 10943,72 20587,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,45 1999,91 2756,18 3898,65 6901,6 10294,73 11893,13 13742,35 16290,0
-Envelope=0,100 714,13 999,93 3348,86 3748,16 7096,69 9894,22 12193,56 13792,15 17839,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,65 3148,47 6346,73 6796,23 9944,44 14291,50 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4497,8 7945,0 21087,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,45 899,11 2349,20 3448,9 6496,0
+Envelope1=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 10943,72 20587,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,45 1999,91 2756,18 3898,65 6901,6 10294,73 11893,13 13742,35 16290,0
+Envelope=0,100 714,13 999,93 3348,86 3748,16 7096,69 9894,22 12193,56 13792,15 17839,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/dialed.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/dialed.ds
index 60685e76dc7..a045b1f5fc5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/dialed.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/dialed.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 10232,65 46638,87 90897,40 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6028,25 15241,85 24835,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12093,89 15943,0
-Envelope2=0,49 4822,86 8725,49 65040,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 10232,65 46638,87 90897,40 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6028,25 15241,85 24835,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12093,89 15943,0
+Envelope2=0,49 4822,86 8725,49 65040,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/doom_bump.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/doom_bump.ds
index 36b69afb3e6..72011b9d52b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/doom_bump.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/doom_bump.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 523,56 998,29 2565,13 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2391,47 21337,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2391,48 18589,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2423,56 22736,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 523,56 998,29 2565,13 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2391,47 21337,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2391,48 18589,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2423,56 22736,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electric_triangle.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electric_triangle.ds
index cdf39636b46..85f5cc61719 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electric_triangle.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electric_triangle.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 871,50 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1140,69 1457,41 4671,11 8187,0
-Envelope1=0,100 8266,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 871,50 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1140,69 1457,41 4671,11 8187,0
+Envelope1=0,100 8266,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_perc_long.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_perc_long.ds
index d568b8f65a5..54abdfaf8c6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_perc_long.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_perc_long.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,14 808,98 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1694,2 2597,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,14 808,98 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1694,2 2597,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_perc_short.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_perc_short.ds
index 4fe82bfe1bb..a0ce0fe66af 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_perc_short.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_perc_short.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,14 808,98 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1694,2 2597,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,14 808,98 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1694,2 2597,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim.ds
index de35a0157cd..38f0270e9c1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,19 7595,77 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
-Envelope=0,14 857,34 2948,45 3148,8 6596,27 7695,5 11693,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,19 7595,77 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
+Envelope=0,14 857,34 2948,45 3148,8 6596,27 7695,5 11693,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim_2.ds
index 6f1aef531c6..86d763f54ce 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,19 7595,77 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
-Envelope=0,14 857,34 2948,45 3148,8 6596,27 7695,5 11693,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,19 7595,77 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
+Envelope=0,14 857,34 2948,45 3148,8 6596,27 7695,5 11693,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim_3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim_3.ds
index 98287b635e1..5e6b4d671ad 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim_3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_rim_3.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,11 2181,32 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1586,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 555,21 1448,4 2439,0
-Envelope1=0,100 952,26 1904,0 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
-Envelope=0,100 932,0 2578,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,11 2181,32 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1586,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 555,21 1448,4 2439,0
+Envelope1=0,100 952,26 1904,0 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
+Envelope=0,100 932,0 2578,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_squeek.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_squeek.ds
index f8e0ec2669c..2a5c73ad1dc 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_squeek.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/electro_squeek.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,95 10232,65 20226,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6028,25 15241,85 24835,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 8804,71 10470,0
-Envelope2=0,49 4822,86 8725,49 65040,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,95 10232,65 20226,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6028,25 15241,85 24835,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 8804,71 10470,0
+Envelope2=0,49 4822,86 8725,49 65040,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/fuzzy_q_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/fuzzy_q_bd.ds
index 7d6150255cb..42512a978eb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/fuzzy_q_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/fuzzy_q_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 1507,43 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1110,9 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 1507,43 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1110,9 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/g_question.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/g_question.ds
index acaa2c8cb91..93c1cccd957 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/g_question.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/g_question.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,4 3300,9 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 13325,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12151,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3522,32 12786,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,4 3300,9 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 13325,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12151,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3522,32 12786,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/general_obscurity.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/general_obscurity.ds
index a4084f4fe98..3c460cb2ba1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/general_obscurity.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/general_obscurity.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 550,21 849,31 1549,37 2399,40 4247,40 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 700,44 1750,20 2748,9 4347,4 6596,3 12043,0 19488,0
-Envelope=0,68 1699,59 1899,30 3448,13 5147,4 8495,1 14841,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 11293,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 13941,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,44 1249,51 2898,32 7046,8 9044,2 11443,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 10743,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 550,21 849,31 1549,37 2399,40 4247,40 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 700,44 1750,20 2748,9 4347,4 6596,3 12043,0 19488,0
+Envelope=0,68 1699,59 1899,30 3448,13 5147,4 8495,1 14841,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 11293,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 13941,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,44 1249,51 2898,32 7046,8 9044,2 11443,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 10743,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/hard_bork.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/hard_bork.ds
index 4d5abde05bd..b3c26dc2bd2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/hard_bork.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/hard_bork.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,32 2074,30 3214,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2344,29 7442,0
-Envelope=0,100 2945,82 4972,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2502,97 5210,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2074,89 6239,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,32 2074,30 3214,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2344,29 7442,0
+Envelope=0,100 2945,82 4972,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2502,97 5210,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2074,89 6239,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/hello_q.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/hello_q.ds
index 0b88ee90f53..0c460630365 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/hello_q.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/hello_q.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,8 4045,92 5314,21 8249,81 9518,23 11897,67 13563,28 14753,50 15705,37 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 21098,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,8 4045,92 5314,21 8249,81 9518,23 11897,67 13563,28 14753,50 15705,37 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 21098,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/just_the_tweet.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/just_the_tweet.ds
index b1eb11e9ac9..40ec9c5d8f8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/just_the_tweet.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/just_the_tweet.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3490,11 3966,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3490,11 3966,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-fi_house_c.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-fi_house_c.ds
index d3361d6eb0c..a983c5ffa28 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-fi_house_c.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-fi_house_c.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,0 1504,4 4529,4 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2391,47 7601,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2391,48 8677,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2423,56 6936,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,0 1504,4 4529,4 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2391,47 7601,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2391,48 8677,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2423,56 6936,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-fi_metal.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-fi_metal.ds
index 5c489f850d0..e88742d024f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-fi_metal.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-fi_metal.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-finess.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-finess.ds
index 8df0d2bcd56..3b0fb925e77 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-finess.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/lo-finess.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 1507,43 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 1507,43 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_1.ds
index 9257cce1774..b6ce591ba58 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 3398,0 7545,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 3398,0 7545,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_2.ds
index 39cd68b2f50..6a74ec6700a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 3398,0 5846,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 3398,0 5846,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_3.ds
index 526e2d19e33..76ad1cf6c42 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_q_3.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 6546,0 21587,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 6546,0 21587,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_quack.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_quack.ds
index 4190f9596ee..eca4f290e8a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_quack.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/long_quack.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 12442,62 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6546,50 22636,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 12442,62 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6546,50 22636,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/low_bit_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/low_bit_tom.ds
index c852bdb1d25..ea9891ff28c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/low_bit_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/low_bit_tom.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/metal_noise_shot.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/metal_noise_shot.ds
index fa96abee38a..35c599f1f9a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/metal_noise_shot.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/metal_noise_shot.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 5996,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
-Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 5996,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
+Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/open_reso.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/open_reso.ds
index bf141647f37..0ed8959f0c6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/open_reso.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/open_reso.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,33 2379,74 5949,32 10311,14 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,23 793,95 4759,26 6504,4 19512,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,33 2379,74 5949,32 10311,14 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,23 793,95 4759,26 6504,4 19512,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/paging_the_jetsons.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/paging_the_jetsons.ds
index 832dba27846..c375738938e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/paging_the_jetsons.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/paging_the_jetsons.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3490,11 3966,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3490,11 3966,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/pan.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/pan.ds
index 1fe356f9fa8..18ee5b71a8a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/pan.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/pan.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3490,11 3966,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3490,11 3966,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/pleasant_combo.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/pleasant_combo.ds
index 38315f5e2a9..00caf37821f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/pleasant_combo.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/pleasant_combo.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,0 6901,8 14277,2 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5552,21 10500,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 1110,0 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 5235,26 20226,0
-Envelope2=0,100 317,49 1110,29 4442,8 14198,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,0 6901,8 14277,2 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5552,21 10500,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 1110,0 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 5235,26 20226,0
+Envelope2=0,100 317,49 1110,29 4442,8 14198,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/q-ziq_for_the_masses.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/q-ziq_for_the_masses.ds
index cd6c441f23f..b67f15a719e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/q-ziq_for_the_masses.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/q-ziq_for_the_masses.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,11 6223,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 4442,0
-Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,11 6223,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 4442,0
+Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/rich_bd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/rich_bd.ds
index e1f6ede6ea9..cc47e1f37dc 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/rich_bd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/rich_bd.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 2027,49 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 2027,49 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/ring.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/ring.ds
index 0c30e080832..1bb79f02f0b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/ring.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/ring.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,46 13991,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 17926,6 42514,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4315,55 9439,16 15387,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 27364,77 39420,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,46 13991,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 17926,6 42514,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4315,55 9439,16 15387,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 27364,77 39420,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/ringing_sn.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/ringing_sn.ds
index 3d78747abbd..15a331e1fe4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/ringing_sn.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/ringing_sn.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,5 3775,10 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 254,36 1174,11 6567,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 508,20 1523,0
-Envelope=0,100 571,35 1206,9 2411,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,5 3775,10 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 254,36 1174,11 6567,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 508,20 1523,0
+Envelope=0,100 571,35 1206,9 2411,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/rockin_electro_bass_drum.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/rockin_electro_bass_drum.ds
index 9f20cd10e04..8a3aa43b6df 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/rockin_electro_bass_drum.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/rockin_electro_bass_drum.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,22 1749,97 22037,4 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5846,38 9744,0 18439,0 25384,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,14 20687,50 22486,0
-Envelope2=0,100 24435,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,22 1749,97 22037,4 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5846,38 9744,0 18439,0 25384,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,14 20687,50 22486,0
+Envelope2=0,100 24435,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/shocking_kiss.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/shocking_kiss.ds
index 30d9bde9213..c6ff2c0e9d3 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/shocking_kiss.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/shocking_kiss.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,96 1299,30 1999,14 3198,8 23785,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 17489,89 19888,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,96 1299,30 1999,14 3198,8 23785,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 17489,89 19888,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/siren_sing.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/siren_sing.ds
index 9a77a968406..dafe1e8469c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/siren_sing.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/siren_sing.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 12442,62 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5996,25 22886,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 12442,62 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5996,25 22886,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/slide_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/slide_tom.ds
index b3f26eccd16..00dcbc99726 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/slide_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/slide_tom.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,74 570,9 1774,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 618,7 1473,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,74 570,9 1774,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 618,7 1473,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/space_dynamic.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/space_dynamic.ds
index 4388ea3f9ba..30f54dadd99 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/space_dynamic.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/space_dynamic.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 3113,98 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1586,0 4184,56 5830,10 6702,61 7932,10 8546,38 22886,0
-Envelope=0,100 555,21 1448,4 2439,0
-Envelope1=0,100 952,26 7099,52 13792,14 18838,94 25235,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
-Envelope=0,100 932,0 2578,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 3113,98 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1586,0 4184,56 5830,10 6702,61 7932,10 8546,38 22886,0
+Envelope=0,100 555,21 1448,4 2439,0
+Envelope1=0,100 952,26 7099,52 13792,14 18838,94 25235,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
+Envelope=0,100 932,0 2578,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/spaceness.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/spaceness.ds
index 642eaf1dab0..96518fb0884 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/spaceness.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/spaceness.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,22 1749,97 22037,4 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5846,38 9744,0 18439,0 25384,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,14 20687,50 22486,0
-Envelope2=0,100 24435,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,22 1749,97 22037,4 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5846,38 9744,0 18439,0 25384,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,14 20687,50 22486,0
+Envelope2=0,100 24435,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/startling_one.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/startling_one.ds
index fb79a54505d..d62f27395fe 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/startling_one.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/startling_one.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 72971,47 115009,80 155460,35 192739,67 222086,27 251433,41 267297,18 295058,24 302989,8 315680,9 322025,3 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 219707,38 425930,0
-Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
-Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 72971,47 115009,80 155460,35 192739,67 222086,27 251433,41 267297,18 295058,24 302989,8 315680,9 322025,3 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 219707,38 425930,0
+Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
+Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/tone_percussion.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/tone_percussion.ds
index ef4348597ce..661342c7aad 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/tone_percussion.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/tone_percussion.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,71 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,71 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/tweet.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/tweet.ds
index c18636e6dbb..f497bc34a79 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/tweet.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/tweet.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3490,11 3966,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3490,11 3966,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/wee_dog.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/wee_dog.ds
index f3869651fc7..a190a4ab5ba 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/wee_dog.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/wee_dog.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,19 7595,77 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
-Envelope=0,14 857,34 2948,45 3148,8 6596,27 7695,5 11693,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,19 7595,77 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 2633,0
+Envelope=0,14 857,34 2948,45 3148,8 6596,27 7695,5 11693,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/what_to_do_at_220.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/what_to_do_at_220.ds
index b88abcd7018..e08a156ad74 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/what_to_do_at_220.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/what_to_do_at_220.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,74 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 635,52 1523,31 3680,6 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,74 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 635,52 1523,31 3680,6 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/who_hears_all_sound.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/who_hears_all_sound.ds
index 107d569a1cb..6f33fec878b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/who_hears_all_sound.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/who_hears_all_sound.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,77 7138,21 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 13071,0
-Envelope=0,92 1666,41 4521,14 8804,0 11897,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 14991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3569,4 6901,0
-Envelope=0,68 3046,49 4500,30 7852,0 11929,0
-Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6901,5 8090,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,77 7138,21 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 13071,0
+Envelope=0,92 1666,41 4521,14 8804,0 11897,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1999,80 2792,42 4251,13 14991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3569,4 6901,0
+Envelope=0,68 3046,49 4500,30 7852,0 11929,0
+Envelope=0,35 444,94 1364,59 2475,34 3998,21 5425,12 6901,5 8090,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/why_hit.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/why_hit.ds
index 6cb34271215..6aa40f6c0e7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/why_hit.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/why_hit.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,7 5473,18 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4124,41 11422,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,7 5473,18 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4124,41 11422,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/yr_tv_will_be_next.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/yr_tv_will_be_next.ds
index 63c0428986d..ff78b34ab06 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/yr_tv_will_be_next.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/yr_tv_will_be_next.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 9486,31 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4220,87 11771,0
-Envelope=0,100 1140,69 1457,41 4671,11 8187,0
-Envelope1=0,100 8266,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 9486,31 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4220,87 11771,0
+Envelope=0,100 1140,69 1457,41 4671,11 8187,0
+Envelope1=0,100 8266,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/zappy_bells.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/zappy_bells.ds
index 4587abb13f6..5e13670acdf 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/zappy_bells.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_electro/zappy_bells.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 9597,0 14753,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 9597,0 14753,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/2-bit_zone_drone.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/2-bit_zone_drone.ds
index 1963e39670a..c2ff03872f5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/2-bit_zone_drone.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/2-bit_zone_drone.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,14 4981,42 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 5584,34 12056,81 22209,68 27031,8 40229,39 46194,84 61169,0
-Envelope1=0,100 57996,89 67260,0
-Envelope2=0,46 7234,79 8883,32 21447,58 30204,19 40356,68 45813,60 52793,81 68656,0
-Envelope=0,100 9645,62 16879,80 26270,10 42260,83 50509,52 58631,90 67260,0
-Envelope=0,6 1500,30 19924,53 28935,36 34645,73 43021,46 51905,73 62184,55 68022,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,14 4981,42 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 5584,34 12056,81 22209,68 27031,8 40229,39 46194,84 61169,0
+Envelope1=0,100 57996,89 67260,0
+Envelope2=0,46 7234,79 8883,32 21447,58 30204,19 40356,68 45813,60 52793,81 68656,0
+Envelope=0,100 9645,62 16879,80 26270,10 42260,83 50509,52 58631,90 67260,0
+Envelope=0,6 1500,30 19924,53 28935,36 34645,73 43021,46 51905,73 62184,55 68022,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/2_bit_click.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/2_bit_click.ds
index 4f1f0150ac7..f1a86f1a655 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/2_bit_click.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/2_bit_click.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,20 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,20 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/a_blast.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/a_blast.ds
index 968ea68d7bb..fa869ffcd2d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/a_blast.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/a_blast.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 30775,11 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5790,92 10153,65 19671,49 28554,20 42990,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 39738,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 30775,11 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5790,92 10153,65 19671,49 28554,20 42990,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 39738,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/across_the_universe.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/across_the_universe.ds
index ed73300642a..b316842af0f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/across_the_universe.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/across_the_universe.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,21 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 16656,47 30140,29 51556,14 140390,0
-Envelope=0,100 8090,64 27364,38 120403,0
-Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 72178,12 125320,0
-Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,21 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 16656,47 30140,29 51556,14 140390,0
+Envelope=0,100 8090,64 27364,38 120403,0
+Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 72178,12 125320,0
+Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarm_3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarm_3.ds
index e30519c2b59..56900b2eb35 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarm_3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarm_3.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2935,74 7456,64 11184,56 11660,1 29585,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2935,74 7456,64 11184,56 11660,1 29585,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarming_buzz.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarming_buzz.ds
index b61e8f0ffe0..c2d9a396296 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarming_buzz.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarming_buzz.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 20940,100 20940,0
-Envelope2=0,100 26650,100 32599,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 20940,100 20940,0
+Envelope2=0,100 26650,100 32599,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarming_buzz_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarming_buzz_2.ds
index e5096449aac..dd9aab2458b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarming_buzz_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alarming_buzz_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 20940,100 20940,0
-Envelope2=0,100 26650,100 32599,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 20940,100 20940,0
+Envelope2=0,100 26650,100 32599,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alien_curiousity.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alien_curiousity.ds
index 70923d65819..27bf142d799 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alien_curiousity.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/alien_curiousity.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,98 110885,37 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 5250,30 80427,95 114216,0
-Envelope=0,100 35930,41 109695,0
-Envelope1=0,100 96370,100 98749,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 93514,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,98 110885,37 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 5250,30 80427,95 114216,0
+Envelope=0,100 35930,41 109695,0
+Envelope1=0,100 96370,100 98749,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 93514,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ambient_backgroud.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ambient_backgroud.ds
index 91fd12ac0b2..7d2e0bafb3c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ambient_backgroud.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ambient_backgroud.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,98 14277,49 31885,28 46876,19 75668,8 107791,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 5250,30 80427,95 114216,0
-Envelope=0,100 35930,41 109695,0
-Envelope1=0,100 96370,100 98749,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 93514,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,98 14277,49 31885,28 46876,19 75668,8 107791,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 5250,30 80427,95 114216,0
+Envelope=0,100 35930,41 109695,0
+Envelope1=0,100 96370,100 98749,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 93514,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/click.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/click.ds
index f902a28feb1..839217f431e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/click.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/click.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1788,17 5453,0
-Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1043,21 2890,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1788,17 5453,0
+Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1043,21 2890,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/coo.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/coo.ds
index 08453b32237..5bdd8a5f0c9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/coo.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/coo.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 6504,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
-Envelope2=0,100 317,49 1110,29 2221,10 4283,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 6504,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
+Envelope2=0,100 317,49 1110,29 2221,10 4283,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/detonate.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/detonate.ds
index 3b2783a5091..05e83213198 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/detonate.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/detonate.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,11 6092,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 53935,20 104698,86 191946,32 264917,23 303782,44 333923,41 398962,5 398962,0
-Envelope=0,100 2887,24 5425,0
-Envelope1=0,100 319646,95 391031,0
-Envelope2=0,100 337095,94 391031,0
-Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
-Envelope=0,100 1079,11 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,11 6092,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 53935,20 104698,86 191946,32 264917,23 303782,44 333923,41 398962,5 398962,0
+Envelope=0,100 2887,24 5425,0
+Envelope1=0,100 319646,95 391031,0
+Envelope2=0,100 337095,94 391031,0
+Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
+Envelope=0,100 1079,11 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/dirty_transform.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/dirty_transform.ds
index a449695da66..83fd234a79c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/dirty_transform.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/dirty_transform.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 0,55 14515,51 14753,0 25223,1 25223,54 39500,50 39500,0 56632,0 56632,50 71861,49 72337,1 86852,1 87565,49 99225,49 100653,1 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,8 5250,30 20702,22 29744,68 44497,58 114930,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 8804,71 10470,0
-Envelope2=0,49 4822,86 8725,49 65040,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 0,55 14515,51 14753,0 25223,1 25223,54 39500,50 39500,0 56632,0 56632,50 71861,49 72337,1 86852,1 87565,49 99225,49 100653,1 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,8 5250,30 20702,22 29744,68 44497,58 114930,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 8804,71 10470,0
+Envelope2=0,49 4822,86 8725,49 65040,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/dirty_transform_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/dirty_transform_2.ds
index 80f1f20cfa1..1000aea3a92 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/dirty_transform_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/dirty_transform_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 0,55 14515,51 14753,0 25223,1 25223,54 39500,50 39500,0 56632,0 56632,50 71861,49 72337,1 86852,1 87565,49 99225,49 100653,1 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,8 5250,30 20702,22 29744,68 44497,58 114930,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 96370,100 98749,0
-Envelope2=0,100 13801,100 15467,1 29982,4 30220,101 43307,98 43783,0 55680,0 55918,100 67578,100 69005,0 82331,4 84710,100 96132,101 104698,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 0,55 14515,51 14753,0 25223,1 25223,54 39500,50 39500,0 56632,0 56632,50 71861,49 72337,1 86852,1 87565,49 99225,49 100653,1 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,8 5250,30 20702,22 29744,68 44497,58 114930,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 96370,100 98749,0
+Envelope2=0,100 13801,100 15467,1 29982,4 30220,101 43307,98 43783,0 55680,0 55918,100 67578,100 69005,0 82331,4 84710,100 96132,101 104698,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/distorion_oscilator.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/distorion_oscilator.ds
index 8d7836cca74..e738155b3cf 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/distorion_oscilator.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/distorion_oscilator.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 5552,44 23002,17 66626,3 129286,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 24588,47 61074,21 136424,0
-Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
-Envelope1=0,100 11897,56 43624,27 101525,11 186394,0
-Envelope2=0,32 70592,33 194326,0
-Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
-Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 5552,44 23002,17 66626,3 129286,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 24588,47 61074,21 136424,0
+Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
+Envelope1=0,100 11897,56 43624,27 101525,11 186394,0
+Envelope2=0,32 70592,33 194326,0
+Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
+Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/electric_intro_to_a.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/electric_intro_to_a.ds
index 73df7dd4a27..ad9145084ff 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/electric_intro_to_a.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/electric_intro_to_a.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 72971,47 115009,80 155460,35 192739,67 222086,27 251433,41 267297,18 295058,24 302989,8 315680,9 322025,3 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 219707,38 425930,0
-Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
-Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 72971,47 115009,80 155460,35 192739,67 222086,27 251433,41 267297,18 295058,24 302989,8 315680,9 322025,3 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 219707,38 425930,0
+Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
+Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/electric_waves_out_my_window.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/electric_waves_out_my_window.ds
index 397daddc0bd..20c695e6d74 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/electric_waves_out_my_window.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/electric_waves_out_my_window.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,8 104698,11 170531,29 245088,9 321232,17 365649,16 398962,5 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,0 4500,30 139597,13 218121,21 287126,5 341854,23 425137,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,9 83282,30 170531,14 258572,46 331543,36 374374,8 433068,0
-Envelope=0,5 1500,20 67102,42 94228,11 143563,15 188773,53 239536,14 268883,5 324405,29 341854,13 363270,20 435448,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,8 104698,11 170531,29 245088,9 321232,17 365649,16 398962,5 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,0 4500,30 139597,13 218121,21 287126,5 341854,23 425137,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,9 83282,30 170531,14 258572,46 331543,36 374374,8 433068,0
+Envelope=0,5 1500,20 67102,42 94228,11 143563,15 188773,53 239536,14 268883,5 324405,29 341854,13 363270,20 435448,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/elekperc1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/elekperc1.ds
index 15b6f3ca081..74a60b8c134 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/elekperc1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/elekperc1.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,40 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 635,11 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
-Envelope1=0,83 888,19 6218,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
-Envelope=0,100 0,72 819,8 4470,0
-Envelope=0,100 714,4 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,40 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 635,11 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
+Envelope1=0,83 888,19 6218,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
+Envelope=0,100 0,72 819,8 4470,0
+Envelope=0,100 714,4 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/elekperc2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/elekperc2.ds
index ce487af2161..8de6d709bf4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/elekperc2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/elekperc2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,35 714,100 5473,38 5473,100 11422,0 24271,8 44259,29 63326,72 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3093,50 13801,14 31885,5 85900,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6345,67 13198,41 20940,26 27793,15 35153,10 57996,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,1 10504,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,35 714,100 5473,38 5473,100 11422,0 24271,8 44259,29 63326,72 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3093,50 13801,14 31885,5 85900,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6345,67 13198,41 20940,26 27793,15 35153,10 57996,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,1 10504,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/end_of_broadcast_day.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/end_of_broadcast_day.ds
index 3cb72cc8b1a..bed008bbcbf 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/end_of_broadcast_day.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/end_of_broadcast_day.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,7 5473,18 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
-Envelope=0,100 218121,100 218121,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4124,41 11422,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,7 5473,18 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
+Envelope=0,100 218121,100 218121,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4124,41 11422,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/entre.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/entre.ds
index 6fa9e730681..84648ac3eab 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/entre.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/entre.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
-Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 15241,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
+Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 15241,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_1.ds
index 57f92a4496d..0bea9082a16 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_1.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 10311,1 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 225259,0
-Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
-Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 10311,1 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 225259,0
+Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
+Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_2_-_turn_off_the_tv.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_2_-_turn_off_the_tv.ds
index 3832ccf2589..e57dd7e481b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_2_-_turn_off_the_tv.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_2_-_turn_off_the_tv.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 10311,1 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 225259,0
-Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
-Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 10311,1 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 225259,0
+Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
+Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_3_-_the_transform.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_3_-_the_transform.ds
index 72cfeb1d6ec..6eae22d4307 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_3_-_the_transform.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_3_-_the_transform.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 10311,1 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
-Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 10311,1 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
+Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_4_-_clean.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_4_-_clean.ds
index b8c9a1aed9f..238a20747a2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_4_-_clean.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/experiment_4_-_clean.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 10311,1 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
-Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 10311,1 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
+Envelope1=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 204637,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/f#m7_space_signal.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/f#m7_space_signal.ds
index d9c3a7cbe35..caae8b3a2b5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/f#m7_space_signal.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/f#m7_space_signal.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,32 17132,50 26174,24 39262,40 56870,15 77096,39 90421,24 121830,56 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 25461,100 25461,13 44021,13 44021,100 64722,100 64722,14 84234,14 84472,100 120878,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 25937,100 44259,13 64722,100 84234,14 110171,98 124924,0
-Envelope2=0,100 17846,17 39738,61 57108,28 75430,39 123496,0
-Envelope=0,100 17846,25 36168,75 55442,29 74240,66 114930,0
-Envelope=0,0 26888,45 41879,22 64008,24 79951,8 129445,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,32 17132,50 26174,24 39262,40 56870,15 77096,39 90421,24 121830,56 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 25461,100 25461,13 44021,13 44021,100 64722,100 64722,14 84234,14 84472,100 120878,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 25937,100 44259,13 64722,100 84234,14 110171,98 124924,0
+Envelope2=0,100 17846,17 39738,61 57108,28 75430,39 123496,0
+Envelope=0,100 17846,25 36168,75 55442,29 74240,66 114930,0
+Envelope=0,0 26888,45 41879,22 64008,24 79951,8 129445,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/feedback.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/feedback.ds
index 1855b180a66..037512a5912 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/feedback.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/feedback.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 6504,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 10708,29 18639,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1031,49 3966,30 9359,22 19036,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 6504,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 10708,29 18639,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1031,49 3966,30 9359,22 19036,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/flashy_wind.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/flashy_wind.ds
index ec4f7c6cdf6..11af23493f6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/flashy_wind.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/flashy_wind.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,5 2935,56 4838,23 7138,53 10390,10 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 397,52 1428,29 3490,15 6980,10 16339,0
-Envelope=0,16 1500,53 14991,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,5 2935,56 4838,23 7138,53 10390,10 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 397,52 1428,29 3490,15 6980,10 16339,0
+Envelope=0,16 1500,53 14991,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/flipper.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/flipper.ds
index 5a54dfd353b..1935c06ed3f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/flipper.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/flipper.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,55 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 89,95 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 4797,3 6296,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,55 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 89,95 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 4797,3 6296,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/formant_techno.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/formant_techno.ds
index 33d3da48223..62b74a53234 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/formant_techno.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/formant_techno.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,95 1399,50 4197,23 7246,11 12492,6 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5996,25 14741,0 22886,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,95 1399,50 4197,23 7246,11 12492,6 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5996,25 14741,0 22886,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/frequency_revolution.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/frequency_revolution.ds
index 74fc903d92f..c124175f564 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/frequency_revolution.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/frequency_revolution.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,0 125399,47 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4283,0 11422,100 11422,0 19988,100 19988,0 30933,102 30933,0 46876,100 46876,0 62581,96 65436,0 75430,97 75430,0 86852,95 86852,1 98273,100 98273,0 105888,100 106126,0 112788,100 113026,0 120165,98 124924,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 34741,54 127065,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 4045,0 9280,94 11660,0 19988,98 20226,5 31885,99 32599,5 46400,95 47590,2 60915,95 66388,5 73288,93 75430,5 86376,95 86852,5 98273,95 98749,10 105412,98 106363,11 113026,89 114454,1 120640,96 126351,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,0 125399,47 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4283,0 11422,100 11422,0 19988,100 19988,0 30933,102 30933,0 46876,100 46876,0 62581,96 65436,0 75430,97 75430,0 86852,95 86852,1 98273,100 98273,0 105888,100 106126,0 112788,100 113026,0 120165,98 124924,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 34741,54 127065,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 4045,0 9280,94 11660,0 19988,98 20226,5 31885,99 32599,5 46400,95 47590,2 60915,95 66388,5 73288,93 75430,5 86376,95 86852,5 98273,95 98749,10 105412,98 106363,11 113026,89 114454,1 120640,96 126351,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/fried_food_for_dinner.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/fried_food_for_dinner.ds
index 1ca7a1e62a3..0c70baf84d9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/fried_food_for_dinner.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/fried_food_for_dinner.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,20 27412,2 58250,16 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,85 3046,85 3934,48 10279,8 17132,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,54 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
-Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
-Envelope=0,0 4315,11 4442,35 5330,14 20051,5 54189,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,20 27412,2 58250,16 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,85 3046,85 3934,48 10279,8 17132,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,54 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
+Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
+Envelope=0,0 4315,11 4442,35 5330,14 20051,5 54189,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/funky_stab.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/funky_stab.ds
index b22801540d7..32407ddeb82 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/funky_stab.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/funky_stab.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,3 1799,8 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 949,69 2898,44 4897,29 6796,17 8745,10 11393,4 17689,0
-Envelope2=0,96 4297,11 5497,41 16240,81 17489,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 300,65 800,39 1500,20 2349,8 3748,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,3 1799,8 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 949,69 2898,44 4897,29 6796,17 8745,10 11393,4 17689,0
+Envelope2=0,96 4297,11 5497,41 16240,81 17489,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 300,65 800,39 1500,20 2349,8 3748,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/future.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/future.ds
index 4cd8e2c4e47..c11147a9e13 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/future.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/future.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,8 2300,80 15149,61 17767,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 36882,0
-Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,8 2300,80 15149,61 17767,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 36882,0
+Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/gmaj_lo-fi_chord.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/gmaj_lo-fi_chord.ds
index 71bce8e296d..5f428ab752e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/gmaj_lo-fi_chord.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/gmaj_lo-fi_chord.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,0 4061,99 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 865,36 1666,92 2403,14 3085,59 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,0 4061,99 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 865,36 1666,92 2403,14 3085,59 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/gmaj_lo-fi_chord_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/gmaj_lo-fi_chord_2.ds
index 5dab07744c6..4b9f3c9b7c2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/gmaj_lo-fi_chord_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/gmaj_lo-fi_chord_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,0 4061,99 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 865,36 1666,92 2403,14 3085,59 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,0 4061,99 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 865,36 1666,92 2403,14 3085,59 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/halt_variety.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/halt_variety.ds
index 51203af6940..0ca91190a40 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/halt_variety.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/halt_variety.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,11 6092,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 53935,20 104698,86 191946,32 264917,23 303782,44 333923,41 398962,5 398962,0
-Envelope=0,100 2887,24 5425,0
-Envelope1=0,100 319646,95 391031,0
-Envelope2=0,100 337095,94 391031,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1079,11 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,11 6092,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 53935,20 104698,86 191946,32 264917,23 303782,44 333923,41 398962,5 398962,0
+Envelope=0,100 2887,24 5425,0
+Envelope1=0,100 319646,95 391031,0
+Envelope2=0,100 337095,94 391031,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1079,11 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hip-hop_stop.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hip-hop_stop.ds
index 6a9df19bf45..31773fb6dad 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hip-hop_stop.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hip-hop_stop.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 2062,24 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 12373,0
-Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 2062,24 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 12373,0
+Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hip-hop_stop_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hip-hop_stop_2.ds
index b55ce3a2441..ef8d442847c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hip-hop_stop_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hip-hop_stop_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 2062,24 8487,26 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 12373,0
-Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 2062,24 8487,26 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 12373,0
+Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hollow.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hollow.ds
index b4334e5f3a0..3af07b9cac6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hollow.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/hollow.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2935,74 7456,64 11184,56 11660,1 29585,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 2221,0 4521,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2935,74 7456,64 11184,56 11660,1 29585,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/howdy_oil_barrel.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/howdy_oil_barrel.ds
index 1958fb5d52a..454b1a93b2d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/howdy_oil_barrel.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/howdy_oil_barrel.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,11 6223,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 4442,0
-Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2221,0
-Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,11 6223,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 4442,0
+Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2221,0
+Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/jaggies.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/jaggies.ds
index ce1e3d6db09..ad9839d425d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/jaggies.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/jaggies.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5433,69 6092,26 12564,49 14975,12 17386,28 25127,17 28681,56 32996,0 42641,41 45306,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 13579,68 23732,13 46067,67 59138,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3807,77 9645,44 11295,84 21447,28 23858,77 31473,35 40483,77 48732,0
-Envelope=0,100 6218,17 10153,57 14340,22 17259,53 21701,66 33123,28 40610,62 48605,14 56473,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5433,69 6092,26 12564,49 14975,12 17386,28 25127,17 28681,56 32996,0 42641,41 45306,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 13579,68 23732,13 46067,67 59138,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3807,77 9645,44 11295,84 21447,28 23858,77 31473,35 40483,77 48732,0
+Envelope=0,100 6218,17 10153,57 14340,22 17259,53 21701,66 33123,28 40610,62 48605,14 56473,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/laser_gun_&_ricochet.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/laser_gun_&_ricochet.ds
index 0a782360698..3fc7cf45749 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/laser_gun_&_ricochet.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/laser_gun_&_ricochet.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 9597,0 14753,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 9597,0 14753,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/machine_drone.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/machine_drone.ds
index c0a3d8d9a72..d4ecc9c6655 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/machine_drone.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/machine_drone.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,0 6901,8 14277,2 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 58504,95 62057,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 1110,0 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,100 58250,96 64215,0
-Envelope2=0,100 10153,80 17370,86 27681,75 36486,78 39738,89 55839,78 61677,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,0 6901,8 14277,2 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 58504,95 62057,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 1110,0 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,100 58250,96 64215,0
+Envelope2=0,100 10153,80 17370,86 27681,75 36486,78 39738,89 55839,78 61677,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/metal_twist.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/metal_twist.ds
index 29fb1520e6c..60e77c529c4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/metal_twist.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/metal_twist.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,11 6271,48 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1140,69 1457,41 4671,11 8187,0
-Envelope1=0,100 8266,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,11 6271,48 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1140,69 1457,41 4671,11 8187,0
+Envelope1=0,100 8266,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/modular.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/modular.ds
index d8db27da7f8..57a958299c9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/modular.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/modular.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 46004,38 99939,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 40451,27 138011,0
-Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
-Envelope1=0,100 36486,29 137218,0
-Envelope2=0,100 31727,23 93514,0
-Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
-Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 46004,38 99939,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 40451,27 138011,0
+Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
+Envelope1=0,100 36486,29 137218,0
+Envelope2=0,100 31727,23 93514,0
+Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
+Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/modular_fm_counterpoint.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/modular_fm_counterpoint.ds
index 37d9af1156e..f43e1c4a049 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/modular_fm_counterpoint.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/modular_fm_counterpoint.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 46004,38 99939,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 40451,27 138011,0
-Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
-Envelope1=0,100 36486,29 137218,0
-Envelope2=0,0 26968,53 112629,100 118975,0
-Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
-Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 46004,38 99939,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 40451,27 138011,0
+Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
+Envelope1=0,100 36486,29 137218,0
+Envelope2=0,0 26968,53 112629,100 118975,0
+Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
+Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/multi-ping.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/multi-ping.ds
index 3aae3d098a2..a53c23f8eda 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/multi-ping.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/multi-ping.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4283,0 11422,100 11422,0 19988,100 19988,0 30933,102 30933,0 46876,100 46876,0 62581,96 65436,0 75430,97 75430,0 86852,95 86852,1 98273,100 98273,0 105888,100 106126,0 112788,100 113026,0 120165,98 124924,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4283,0 11422,100 11422,0 19988,100 19988,0 30933,102 30933,0 46876,100 46876,0 62581,96 65436,0 75430,97 75430,0 86852,95 86852,1 98273,100 98273,0 105888,100 106126,0 112788,100 113026,0 120165,98 124924,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/my_atari_memory.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/my_atari_memory.ds
index 067f2d77642..ab77c6ae0e6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/my_atari_memory.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/my_atari_memory.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 32520,0 32520,100 62660,2 62660,100 77730,0 77730,100 103112,0 103112,99 140390,0 140390,100 154667,0 154667,100 180049,0 180049,98 199878,0 199878,100 226052,0 226052,100 263331,0 263331,100 306162,0 323612,18 419585,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 219707,38 425930,0
-Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2502,97 39658,33 109457,0 425930,0
-Envelope2=0,100 42831,0 80903,101 126113,-1 172117,99 227638,2 294264,98 348200,6 397376,80 423550,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 32520,0 32520,100 62660,2 62660,100 77730,0 77730,100 103112,0 103112,99 140390,0 140390,100 154667,0 154667,100 180049,0 180049,98 199878,0 199878,100 226052,0 226052,100 263331,0 263331,100 306162,0 323612,18 419585,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 219707,38 425930,0
+Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2502,97 39658,33 109457,0 425930,0
+Envelope2=0,100 42831,0 80903,101 126113,-1 172117,99 227638,2 294264,98 348200,6 397376,80 423550,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/new_sweep.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/new_sweep.ds
index cc872f3b884..599f28f6388 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/new_sweep.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/new_sweep.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,98 110885,37 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 5250,30 80427,95 114216,0
-Envelope=0,100 35930,41 109695,0
-Envelope1=0,100 96370,100 98749,0
-Envelope2=0,100 7138,39 13801,100 15467,1 22367,31 29982,4 30220,101 36644,41 43307,98 43783,0 49969,22 55680,0 55918,100 60915,35 67578,100 69005,0 75192,25 82331,4 84710,100 92087,38 96132,101 104698,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,98 110885,37 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 5250,30 80427,95 114216,0
+Envelope=0,100 35930,41 109695,0
+Envelope1=0,100 96370,100 98749,0
+Envelope2=0,100 7138,39 13801,100 15467,1 22367,31 29982,4 30220,101 36644,41 43307,98 43783,0 49969,22 55680,0 55918,100 60915,35 67578,100 69005,0 75192,25 82331,4 84710,100 92087,38 96132,101 104698,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/noise_filtering.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/noise_filtering.ds
index 0e88d65f805..7f76aca7296 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/noise_filtering.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/noise_filtering.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,21 14277,30 33313,65 46797,27 75351,50 80903,26 97559,29 107871,12 115802,20 123734,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 16656,47 30140,29 51556,14 140390,0
-Envelope=0,100 8090,64 27364,38 120403,0
-Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 72178,12 125320,0
-Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 327577,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,21 14277,30 33313,65 46797,27 75351,50 80903,26 97559,29 107871,12 115802,20 123734,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 16656,47 30140,29 51556,14 140390,0
+Envelope=0,100 8090,64 27364,38 120403,0
+Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 72178,12 125320,0
+Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 327577,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/not_trying_too_hard.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/not_trying_too_hard.ds
index a60e1d4f4bd..eb5c6e06a09 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/not_trying_too_hard.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/not_trying_too_hard.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 523,56 998,29 2565,13 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2391,47 21337,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2391,48 18589,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2423,56 22736,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 523,56 998,29 2565,13 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2391,47 21337,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2391,48 18589,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2423,56 22736,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/numb.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/numb.ds
index 6a264142364..4b404e3ff67 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/numb.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/numb.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,0 6901,8 14277,2 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 11342,20 31727,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 1110,0 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,100 11342,20 31727,0
-Envelope2=0,100 11342,20 31727,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,0 6901,8 14277,2 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 11342,20 31727,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 1110,0 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,100 11342,20 31727,0
+Envelope2=0,100 11342,20 31727,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/obligatory_ufo_liftoff.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/obligatory_ufo_liftoff.ds
index f675737ff08..aaf5bdfcfd5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/obligatory_ufo_liftoff.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/obligatory_ufo_liftoff.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 523,56 998,29 2565,13 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 46797,49 287919,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 48383,50 310128,0
-Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 523,56 998,29 2565,13 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 46797,49 287919,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 48383,50 310128,0
+Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/obligatory_ufo_liftoff_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/obligatory_ufo_liftoff_2.ds
index c81c6e06f2d..c637b45a3e9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/obligatory_ufo_liftoff_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/obligatory_ufo_liftoff_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 523,56 998,29 2565,13 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 46797,49 287919,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 48383,50 310128,0
-Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 523,56 998,29 2565,13 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 46797,49 287919,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 48383,50 310128,0
+Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/oom_paa.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/oom_paa.ds
index 8506643e314..1049aeec05c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/oom_paa.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/oom_paa.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,5 2935,5 6583,0 9835,0 10390,10 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 397,52 1428,29 3490,15 6980,10 16339,0
-Envelope=0,16 1500,53 14991,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,5 2935,5 6583,0 9835,0 10390,10 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 397,52 1428,29 3490,15 6980,10 16339,0
+Envelope=0,16 1500,53 14991,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/oom_pulse.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/oom_pulse.ds
index 667f507099c..f399aec4491 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/oom_pulse.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/oom_pulse.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,5 2935,5 6583,0 9835,0 10390,10 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 397,52 1428,29 3490,15 6980,10 16339,0
-Envelope=0,16 1500,53 14991,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,5 2935,5 6583,0 9835,0 10390,10 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 397,52 1428,29 3490,15 6980,10 16339,0
+Envelope=0,16 1500,53 14991,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/owwww.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/owwww.ds
index cc89cad5425..4d82ff10e61 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/owwww.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/owwww.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,98 6425,53 9042,86 11580,50 15149,61 20860,18 37913,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 9042,35 36882,0
-Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,98 6425,53 9042,86 11580,50 15149,61 20860,18 37913,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 22367,57 27523,98 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 9042,35 36882,0
+Envelope=0,100 4918,27 35851,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/playing_in_water.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/playing_in_water.ds
index 1fa737f7ddb..33949315fb0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/playing_in_water.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/playing_in_water.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 523,56 998,29 4124,11 7535,3 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 46797,49 287919,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 33630,0
-Envelope1=0,100 48383,50 310128,0
-Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 523,56 998,29 4124,11 7535,3 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 46797,49 287919,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 33630,0
+Envelope1=0,100 48383,50 310128,0
+Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/plot_thickens_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/plot_thickens_2.ds
index ae5cb72bb40..8089735e306 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/plot_thickens_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/plot_thickens_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,11 6092,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 53935,20 104698,86 191946,32 264917,23 303782,44 333923,41 398962,5 398962,0
-Envelope=0,100 2887,24 5425,0
-Envelope1=0,100 319646,95 391031,0
-Envelope2=0,100 129286,20 248261,93 391031,0
-Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
-Envelope=0,100 1079,11 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,11 6092,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 53935,20 104698,86 191946,32 264917,23 303782,44 333923,41 398962,5 398962,0
+Envelope=0,100 2887,24 5425,0
+Envelope1=0,100 319646,95 391031,0
+Envelope2=0,100 129286,20 248261,93 391031,0
+Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
+Envelope=0,100 1079,11 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/punch_flange.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/punch_flange.ds
index a73e2926e50..fe063c180f7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/punch_flange.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/punch_flange.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 120640,1 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 23785,90 120165,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 120640,1 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 23785,90 120165,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/punch_flange_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/punch_flange_2.ds
index dbb2cfaf141..4a9c08d5e58 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/punch_flange_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/punch_flange_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 351372,1 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 64246,29 325991,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 351372,1 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 64246,29 325991,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/q_zone_drone.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/q_zone_drone.ds
index 1ccd3ffdd53..a2b972bdfad 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/q_zone_drone.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/q_zone_drone.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,77 5203,82 12437,56 17513,56 19797,48 24874,48 28681,34 38199,56 44925,13 58377,54 68530,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 5584,34 12056,81 22209,68 27031,8 40229,39 46194,84 61169,0
-Envelope1=0,100 57996,89 67260,0
-Envelope2=0,46 7234,79 8883,32 21447,58 30204,19 40356,68 45813,60 52793,81 68656,0
-Envelope=0,100 9645,62 16879,80 26270,10 42260,83 50509,52 58631,90 67260,0
-Envelope=0,6 1500,30 19924,53 28935,36 34645,73 43021,46 51905,73 62184,55 68022,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,77 5203,82 12437,56 17513,56 19797,48 24874,48 28681,34 38199,56 44925,13 58377,54 68530,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 5584,34 12056,81 22209,68 27031,8 40229,39 46194,84 61169,0
+Envelope1=0,100 57996,89 67260,0
+Envelope2=0,46 7234,79 8883,32 21447,58 30204,19 40356,68 45813,60 52793,81 68656,0
+Envelope=0,100 9645,62 16879,80 26270,10 42260,83 50509,52 58631,90 67260,0
+Envelope=0,6 1500,30 19924,53 28935,36 34645,73 43021,46 51905,73 62184,55 68022,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/recption.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/recption.ds
index 087cad2d472..176f479ccad 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/recption.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/recption.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5846,38 18439,0 25384,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 11593,67 22486,0
-Envelope2=0,100 24435,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5846,38 18439,0 25384,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 11593,67 22486,0
+Envelope2=0,100 24435,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sci-fi.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sci-fi.ds
index 51392c62a43..7e6b2c49717 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sci-fi.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sci-fi.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 6504,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 10708,29 18639,0
-Envelope2=0,100 19036,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 6504,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 2459,50 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,85 1904,53 10708,29 18639,0
+Envelope2=0,100 19036,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sci-fi_door_open.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sci-fi_door_open.ds
index 9c9edc00f81..66f1002f5df 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sci-fi_door_open.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sci-fi_door_open.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,62 11343,86 19288,0
-Envelope2=0,4 3398,40 13492,23 19388,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,62 11343,86 19288,0
+Envelope2=0,4 3398,40 13492,23 19388,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sickly_wineglass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sickly_wineglass.ds
index 56927179fef..e26881d6ac6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sickly_wineglass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sickly_wineglass.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,74 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 62311,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 9772,47 15736,29 30204,56 43402,23 52666,62 64976,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,74 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 62311,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 9772,47 15736,29 30204,56 43402,23 52666,62 64976,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sign_off.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sign_off.ds
index 3167222c900..b34f5e45896 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sign_off.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/sign_off.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,89 1449,100 3048,11 5347,84 7196,18 9894,59 11693,17 14391,45 17389,22 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1586,0 4184,56 5830,10 6702,61 7932,10 8546,38 11293,33 13941,77 16240,15 17889,29 20388,0
-Envelope=0,100 555,21 6696,20 18789,0
-Envelope1=0,15 3750,30 13192,49 19338,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1399,8 3098,89 4048,8 8095,76 9444,13 12043,62 14641,6 16990,57 20787,0
-Envelope=0,14 3728,64 6821,20 11104,53 12056,14 14991,32 16022,8 17767,38 18560,0 22367,0
-Envelope=0,100 2617,8 4997,34 6980,11 12135,62 14674,11 17688,32 23240,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,89 1449,100 3048,11 5347,84 7196,18 9894,59 11693,17 14391,45 17389,22 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1586,0 4184,56 5830,10 6702,61 7932,10 8546,38 11293,33 13941,77 16240,15 17889,29 20388,0
+Envelope=0,100 555,21 6696,20 18789,0
+Envelope1=0,15 3750,30 13192,49 19338,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1399,8 3098,89 4048,8 8095,76 9444,13 12043,62 14641,6 16990,57 20787,0
+Envelope=0,14 3728,64 6821,20 11104,53 12056,14 14991,32 16022,8 17767,38 18560,0 22367,0
+Envelope=0,100 2617,8 4997,34 6980,11 12135,62 14674,11 17688,32 23240,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/slow_moving_traffic.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/slow_moving_traffic.ds
index 6491ba5899a..f127e4794bc 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/slow_moving_traffic.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/slow_moving_traffic.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,11 6223,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 4442,0
-Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
-Envelope1=0,7 444,67 1174,24 2570,75 4632,93 6885,10 8820,35 10406,0
-Envelope2=0,15 2379,35 3458,92 5616,24 7234,24 8566,69 11580,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2221,0
-Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,11 6223,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 4442,0
+Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
+Envelope1=0,7 444,67 1174,24 2570,75 4632,93 6885,10 8820,35 10406,0
+Envelope2=0,15 2379,35 3458,92 5616,24 7234,24 8566,69 11580,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2221,0
+Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/synthetic_dive.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/synthetic_dive.ds
index 9167296259b..1f73431f16d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/synthetic_dive.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/synthetic_dive.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,0 23858,3 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 22336,74 37691,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,0 23858,3 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 22336,74 37691,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/synthetic_dive_crust.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/synthetic_dive_crust.ds
index 43552102d1c..a13e6c75896 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/synthetic_dive_crust.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/synthetic_dive_crust.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,0 23858,3 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 22336,74 37691,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,0 23858,3 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 22336,74 37691,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/teeth.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/teeth.ds
index 0fe3f413208..b6f2dd28855 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/teeth.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/teeth.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,98 4838,23 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 17926,6 42514,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
-Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,98 4838,23 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 17926,6 42514,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
+Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/the_plot_thickens.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/the_plot_thickens.ds
index e43d55e7c37..d775eb80c39 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/the_plot_thickens.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/the_plot_thickens.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,21 14277,30 33313,65 46797,27 75351,50 80903,26 97559,29 107871,12 115802,20 123734,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 16656,47 30140,29 51556,14 140390,0
-Envelope=0,2 198,91 397,25 523,83 841,11 1340,93 1658,14 2284,30 3974,0
-Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 88041,20 189567,7 208603,0
-Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 327577,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,21 14277,30 33313,65 46797,27 75351,50 80903,26 97559,29 107871,12 115802,20 123734,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 16656,47 30140,29 51556,14 140390,0
+Envelope=0,2 198,91 397,25 523,83 841,11 1340,93 1658,14 2284,30 3974,0
+Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 88041,20 189567,7 208603,0
+Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 327577,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/the_tweek.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/the_tweek.ds
index 96ac9c432f4..c495427a3b5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/the_tweek.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/the_tweek.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6028,25 10628,0 22764,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/transportive.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/transportive.ds
index 749bfb562fd..82a8fc62216 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/transportive.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/transportive.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,21 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 46797,49 287919,0
-Envelope=0,100 1904,46 8487,20 42355,0
-Envelope1=0,100 48383,50 310128,0
-Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,21 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 46797,49 287919,0
+Envelope=0,100 1904,46 8487,20 42355,0
+Envelope1=0,100 48383,50 310128,0
+Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ufo_buzz.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ufo_buzz.ds
index 16e6d9b67a6..ba7ec0f72b2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ufo_buzz.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ufo_buzz.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,0 19829,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
-Envelope1=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
-Envelope2=0,100 10311,89 19070,100 19070,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,0 19829,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
+Envelope1=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
+Envelope2=0,100 10311,89 19070,100 19070,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ufo_buzz_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ufo_buzz_2.ds
index c351eba8c2f..ed75c1ef8b5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ufo_buzz_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/ufo_buzz_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,0 19829,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
-Envelope1=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
-Envelope2=0,100 10311,89 19070,100 19070,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,0 19829,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0
+Envelope1=0,100 19294,67 19666,0
+Envelope2=0,100 10311,89 19070,100 19070,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/what_time_is_it.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/what_time_is_it.ds
index 25ea0043ea4..c86a2b51bc4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/what_time_is_it.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/what_time_is_it.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,21 14277,30 33313,65 46797,27 75351,50 80903,26 97559,29 107871,12 115802,20 123734,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 16656,47 30140,29 51556,14 140390,0
-Envelope=0,2 198,91 397,25 523,83 841,11 1340,93 1658,14 2284,30 3974,0
-Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 88041,20 189567,7 208603,0
-Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 327577,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,21 14277,30 33313,65 46797,27 75351,50 80903,26 97559,29 107871,12 115802,20 123734,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 16656,47 30140,29 51556,14 140390,0
+Envelope=0,2 198,91 397,25 523,83 841,11 1340,93 1658,14 2284,30 3974,0
+Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 88041,20 189567,7 208603,0
+Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 327577,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/wipeout.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/wipeout.ds
index 28611e4664f..d5b9af64a18 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/wipeout.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/wipeout.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
-Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,1 11104,78 19036,14 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 7932,20 13008,8 15784,0 22526,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 7059,17 12611,0
+Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/wooo.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/wooo.ds
index faa5d39ed38..c24fb88a540 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/wooo.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/wooo.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,0 5996,62 14816,73 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,25 7995,72 14182,0
-Envelope=0,100 635,66 2518,50 5108,79 6599,31 10375,81 13262,0
-Envelope1=0,9 3585,53 16117,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2233,74 4782,95 6856,0
-Envelope=0,61 1678,71 5558,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,0 5996,62 14816,73 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,25 7995,72 14182,0
+Envelope=0,100 635,66 2518,50 5108,79 6599,31 10375,81 13262,0
+Envelope1=0,9 3585,53 16117,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2233,74 4782,95 6856,0
+Envelope=0,61 1678,71 5558,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/yeah_hit.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/yeah_hit.ds
index 26afda2cc6f..3b22a691eb0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/yeah_hit.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/yeah_hit.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 2062,28 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5790,92 10153,65 19671,49 28554,20 42990,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 39738,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 2062,28 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5790,92 10153,65 19671,49 28554,20 42990,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 39738,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/yeah_hit_dry.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/yeah_hit_dry.ds
index 8d34e711126..bd7d192dfdf 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/yeah_hit_dry.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/yeah_hit_dry.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 2062,28 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5790,92 10153,65 19671,49 28554,20 42990,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 39738,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 2062,28 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5790,92 10153,65 19671,49 28554,20 42990,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 39738,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/zipper.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/zipper.ds
index 5c4115461cd..4760cdd5063 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/zipper.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_fx/zipper.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,89 5949,32 16419,6 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 8883,8 18957,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/amen_ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/amen_ride.ds
index 7cd88ca0311..dbcce930298 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/amen_ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/amen_ride.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,74 7710,51 13769,50 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,91 1110,62 2411,41 4822,21 7900,8 11073,3 14436,0
-Envelope1=0,91 1110,62 2919,37 5647,20 8376,14 14436,0
-Envelope2=0,100 4025,50 10232,0
-Envelope=0,100 1473,58 4164,29 7456,14 10490,0
-Envelope=0,100 1618,46 3141,33 4473,17 6789,8 15419,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,74 7710,51 13769,50 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,91 1110,62 2411,41 4822,21 7900,8 11073,3 14436,0
+Envelope1=0,91 1110,62 2919,37 5647,20 8376,14 14436,0
+Envelope2=0,100 4025,50 10232,0
+Envelope=0,100 1473,58 4164,29 7456,14 10490,0
+Envelope=0,100 1618,46 3141,33 4473,17 6789,8 15419,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/band_pass_cymbal.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/band_pass_cymbal.ds
index ae9186d5827..21b08e718b2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/band_pass_cymbal.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/band_pass_cymbal.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,51 8646,37 18084,38 31251,68 40927,40 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,92 793,34 3490,5 6028,0
-Envelope1=0,74 1586,29 5235,18 11580,11 22843,6 39500,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 39182,88 42514,0
-Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
-Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,51 8646,37 18084,38 31251,68 40927,40 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,92 793,34 3490,5 6028,0
+Envelope1=0,74 1586,29 5235,18 11580,11 22843,6 39500,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 39182,88 42514,0
+Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
+Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/basic_hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/basic_hh.ds
index fa560a47eb0..6b94a878bf0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/basic_hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/basic_hh.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,47 206,71 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,96 715,39 2458,16 6481,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,93 380,39 1140,9 2407,0
-Envelope1=0,100 554,38 1488,8 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,99 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 3547,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,47 206,71 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,96 715,39 2458,16 6481,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,93 380,39 1140,9 2407,0
+Envelope1=0,100 554,38 1488,8 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,99 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 3547,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat.ds
index 4fabe85212e..3af92bb10b2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,65 1071,91 2161,93 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1190,21 2657,7 4382,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,65 1071,91 2161,93 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1190,21 2657,7 4382,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat_2.ds
index f983f307160..716858874ff 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,65 1071,91 2161,93 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1190,21 2657,7 7813,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,65 1071,91 2161,93 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1190,21 2657,7 7813,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat_3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat_3.ds
index f3909955f50..4cbd4446a5b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat_3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bright_808_hat_3.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,65 1071,91 2161,93 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 7170,88 10026,7 13357,0
-Envelope1=0,20 8217,74 12659,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,74 9455,74 13389,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,65 1071,91 2161,93 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 7170,88 10026,7 13357,0
+Envelope1=0,20 8217,74 12659,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,74 9455,74 13389,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bring_me_out.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bring_me_out.ds
index e696c85aef4..1a27393cae9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bring_me_out.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/bring_me_out.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 633,14 3658,47 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1156,57 3816,29 6698,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3009,48 6191,0
-Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 633,14 3658,47 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1156,57 3816,29 6698,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3009,48 6191,0
+Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/clicky_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/clicky_hat.ds
index aae71478b8c..f30c1d2b0fd 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/clicky_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/clicky_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,63 635,94 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,92 270,35 809,8 1919,2 3569,0
-Envelope1=0,100 381,20 920,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 238,30 838,8 1891,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,63 635,94 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,92 270,35 809,8 1919,2 3569,0
+Envelope1=0,100 381,20 920,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 238,30 838,8 1891,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/close_ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/close_ride.ds
index 2e10d54b83e..d2e77ba224d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/close_ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/close_ride.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,51 8646,37 18084,38 32123,35 68054,25 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,92 793,34 3490,5 6028,0
-Envelope1=0,100 872,92 3093,28 6425,17 13563,10 24271,6 93276,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 872,92 1428,36 2855,17 7138,6 14277,4 26412,2 39976,1 87090,0
-Envelope=0,100 872,92 1904,29 5711,14 13087,7 24747,5 87565,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,51 8646,37 18084,38 32123,35 68054,25 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,92 793,34 3490,5 6028,0
+Envelope1=0,100 872,92 3093,28 6425,17 13563,10 24271,6 93276,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 872,92 1428,36 2855,17 7138,6 14277,4 26412,2 39976,1 87090,0
+Envelope=0,100 872,92 1904,29 5711,14 13087,7 24747,5 87565,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/default_hi-hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/default_hi-hat.ds
index adcaf4d63bc..80cd8717c2f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/default_hi-hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/default_hi-hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/drama_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/drama_hat.ds
index 322205429c9..5fa8de2cc87 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/drama_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/drama_hat.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,17 800,71 41721,59 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,58 571,14 952,0
-Envelope=0,51 555,21 1428,5 2379,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1699,10 3490,0
-Envelope2=0,89 39896,89 40531,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,16 1983,2 3490,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,17 800,71 41721,59 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,58 571,14 952,0
+Envelope=0,51 555,21 1428,5 2379,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1699,10 3490,0
+Envelope2=0,89 39896,89 40531,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,16 1983,2 3490,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/drama_hat_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/drama_hat_2.ds
index 97086f5643d..a53f5ee0c0e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/drama_hat_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/drama_hat_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,17 800,71 41721,59 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,58 571,14 952,0
-Envelope=0,51 555,21 1428,5 2379,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1699,10 3490,0
-Envelope2=0,89 39896,89 40531,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,16 1983,2 3490,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,17 800,71 41721,59 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,58 571,14 952,0
+Envelope=0,51 555,21 1428,5 2379,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1699,10 3490,0
+Envelope2=0,89 39896,89 40531,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,16 1983,2 3490,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/dusty_simple_hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/dusty_simple_hh.ds
index 49d443477db..5bdbb0bd1e4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/dusty_simple_hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/dusty_simple_hh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 871,33 3214,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 871,33 3214,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/dusty_simple_oh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/dusty_simple_oh.ds
index 607e3c15b20..acd05f7e422 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/dusty_simple_oh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/dusty_simple_oh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,32 2074,30 3214,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 2945,82 4972,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2502,97 5210,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2074,89 6239,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,32 2074,30 3214,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 2945,82 4972,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2502,97 5210,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2074,89 6239,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/electro_hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/electro_hh.ds
index 2a054a69cc0..ff1b9277b40 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/electro_hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/electro_hh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,11 269,53 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 3579,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,11 269,53 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 3579,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 1758,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1504,47 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/electrometallic_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/electrometallic_hat.ds
index d0b305ed294..16ea5647046 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/electrometallic_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/electrometallic_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,77 849,95 7645,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1799,51 2998,27 5347,1 8095,0
-Envelope=0,100 1849,57 4500,30 6496,11 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 7895,0 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1099,71 3348,44 22336,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,77 849,95 7645,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1799,51 2998,27 5347,1 8095,0
+Envelope=0,100 1849,57 4500,30 6496,11 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 7895,0 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1099,71 3348,44 22336,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/errie_ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/errie_ride.ds
index e6b7bfaf512..57f74578da6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/errie_ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/errie_ride.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,50 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,100 1666,30 4500,17 12849,5 26888,2 65436,0
-Envelope1=0,69 714,46 2617,26 8328,14 14515,7 22605,5 32599,4 44497,2 64246,0
-Envelope2=0,100 83758,100 83758,0
-Envelope=0,74 714,55 1190,29 4997,19 9280,14 16894,9 26888,5 38072,3 69243,0
-Envelope=0,73 1428,44 3807,29 7138,13 15943,5 31171,2 50683,1 63295,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,50 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,100 1666,30 4500,17 12849,5 26888,2 65436,0
+Envelope1=0,69 714,46 2617,26 8328,14 14515,7 22605,5 32599,4 44497,2 64246,0
+Envelope2=0,100 83758,100 83758,0
+Envelope=0,74 714,55 1190,29 4997,19 9280,14 16894,9 26888,5 38072,3 69243,0
+Envelope=0,73 1428,44 3807,29 7138,13 15943,5 31171,2 50683,1 63295,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/fedora_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/fedora_hat.ds
index 433883b1b97..4bd197d7398 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/fedora_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/fedora_hat.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,47 115,74 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,41 715,39 4228,21 22526,0
-Envelope=0,0 30,93 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 22367,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3252,66 7077,0
-Envelope=0,63 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,0 115,14 1039,11 1504,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,47 115,74 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,41 715,39 4228,21 22526,0
+Envelope=0,0 30,93 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 22367,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3252,66 7077,0
+Envelope=0,63 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,0 115,14 1039,11 1504,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_1.ds
index 70e5003c402..add9752a6cb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,25 855,88 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
-Envelope=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
-Envelope1=0,0 20,80 1091,24 2637,0
-Envelope2=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,25 855,88 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
+Envelope=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
+Envelope1=0,0 20,80 1091,24 2637,0
+Envelope2=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_2.ds
index 76d1327b9db..4feddf461eb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,25 855,88 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
-Envelope=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
-Envelope1=0,0 20,80 1091,24 2637,0
-Envelope2=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,25 855,88 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
+Envelope=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
+Envelope1=0,0 20,80 1091,24 2637,0
+Envelope2=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_3.ds
index 5746f2c7dfa..961f266dcff 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_high_hat_3.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,25 99,65 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
-Envelope=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
-Envelope1=0,0 20,80 1091,24 2637,0
-Envelope2=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,25 99,65 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
+Envelope=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
+Envelope1=0,0 20,80 1091,24 2637,0
+Envelope2=0,0 20,80 813,38 2637,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_open_high_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_open_high_hat.ds
index d36403bcbe0..3ff702122f6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_open_high_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/feelin'_open_high_hat.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,25 855,88 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
-Envelope=0,0 20,80 2340,49 5076,38 7099,7 9320,0
-Envelope1=0,0 20,80 2161,37 8883,0
-Envelope2=0,0 0,80 1567,74 5255,53 9478,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,25 855,88 14691,50 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 899,38 4247,15 21737,0
+Envelope=0,0 20,80 2340,49 5076,38 7099,7 9320,0
+Envelope1=0,0 20,80 2161,37 8883,0
+Envelope2=0,0 0,80 1567,74 5255,53 9478,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/flat_cymbal.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/flat_cymbal.ds
index 82021e13491..d657fc3d456 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/flat_cymbal.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/flat_cymbal.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1777,58 5250,30 15990,8 42006,0
-Envelope=0,100 1777,58 5250,30 9772,20 16117,10 23478,5 31854,2 45559,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1777,58 5250,30 15990,8 42006,0
+Envelope=0,100 1777,58 5250,30 9772,20 16117,10 23478,5 31854,2 45559,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/get_out.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/get_out.ds
index 11cc97d96d4..2b130eacecd 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/get_out.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/get_out.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,84 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 350,63 800,39 1799,23 3498,10 7495,3 11243,0 17282,0
-Envelope1=0,100 968,60 10355,16 19964,0
-Envelope2=0,100 968,60 10429,17 19890,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,78 9088,28 17282,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,84 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 350,63 800,39 1799,23 3498,10 7495,3 11243,0 17282,0
+Envelope1=0,100 968,60 10355,16 19964,0
+Envelope2=0,100 968,60 10429,17 19890,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,78 9088,28 17282,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardhat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardhat.ds
index 7a7fccbfb87..370f355b951 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardhat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardhat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,18 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3448,27 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2498,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
-Envelope=0,100 2099,58 5447,36 11343,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,47 2199,20 5047,5 10993,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,18 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3448,27 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2498,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
+Envelope=0,100 2099,58 5447,36 11343,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,47 2199,20 5047,5 10993,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardhat_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardhat_2.ds
index 1e59ad0e7b5..49e2845c9c0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardhat_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardhat_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,18 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3448,27 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2498,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
-Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,47 2199,20 5047,5 10993,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,18 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3448,27 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2498,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
+Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,47 2199,20 5047,5 10993,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardly_hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardly_hh.ds
index 7197df9e919..972ee18e8e4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardly_hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hardly_hh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,9 3268,21 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 222,21 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2189,100 3775,86 6250,0
-Envelope=0,100 444,22 1586,2 3712,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,9 3268,21 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 222,21 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2189,100 3775,86 6250,0
+Envelope=0,100 444,22 1586,2 3712,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/heavy_electrihat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/heavy_electrihat.ds
index 6b09fffcb1c..d5e153a3614 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/heavy_electrihat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/heavy_electrihat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,70 5996,64 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1586,0 4184,56 5830,10 6702,61 7932,10 8546,38 22886,0
-Envelope=0,100 555,21 1448,4 2439,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
-Envelope=0,100 932,0 2578,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,70 5996,64 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1586,0 4184,56 5830,10 6702,61 7932,10 8546,38 22886,0
+Envelope=0,100 555,21 1448,4 2439,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 11104,53 31727,26 81696,9 161013,0
+Envelope=0,100 932,0 2578,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hh.ds
index 7d83237de73..8506b26868f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,40 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 635,11 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
-Envelope1=0,83 888,19 6218,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,78 1639,24 4470,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,40 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 635,11 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
+Envelope1=0,83 888,19 6218,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,78 1639,24 4470,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hip_overtone_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hip_overtone_hat.ds
index 826a7a2a75c..c176edc9420 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hip_overtone_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/hip_overtone_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 2031,5 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3300,15 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 10866,63 31251,44 68910,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,80 1523,94 7535,26 13087,10 32996,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 2031,5 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3300,15 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 10866,63 31251,44 68910,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,80 1523,94 7535,26 13087,10 32996,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/large_open_hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/large_open_hh.ds
index 1b4ed7552db..980facc1708 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/large_open_hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/large_open_hh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,49 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,49 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/lighthat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/lighthat.ds
index db1f86098aa..0aaca509234 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/lighthat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/lighthat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,80 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3448,27 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2498,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
-Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,35 450,15 1849,5 4997,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,80 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3448,27 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 2498,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
+Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,35 450,15 1849,5 4997,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/little_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/little_hat.ds
index 2e88298a41f..a2ceba9720c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/little_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/little_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 2648,50 6296,20 12243,9 25584,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 11843,8 24535,0
-Envelope2=0,100 61629,86 92087,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 16690,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 2648,50 6296,20 12243,9 25584,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 11843,8 24535,0
+Envelope2=0,100 61629,86 92087,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 16690,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_hat.ds
index 71131906d41..a45c6e7d05b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 2031,5 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3300,15 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 10866,63 24033,82 31251,44 68910,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,80 1523,94 7535,26 13087,10 32996,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 2031,5 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3300,15 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 10866,63 24033,82 31251,44 68910,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,80 1523,94 7535,26 13087,10 32996,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_sound_hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_sound_hh.ds
index d887a086cdc..e1b28251cef 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_sound_hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_sound_hh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,40 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 635,11 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
-Envelope1=0,83 888,19 6218,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,78 1639,24 4470,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,40 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 635,11 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
+Envelope1=0,83 888,19 6218,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,78 1639,24 4470,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_sound_oh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_sound_oh.ds
index 80e33ed7195..c45cd465204 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_sound_oh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/live_sound_oh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,40 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 635,11 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1564,28 5996,0
-Envelope1=0,83 888,19 5330,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
-Envelope=0,100 1639,24 5108,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,40 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 635,11 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1564,28 5996,0
+Envelope1=0,83 888,19 5330,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
+Envelope=0,100 1639,24 5108,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/loaded_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/loaded_hat.ds
index f4c8e5d9497..4715e1c381f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/loaded_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/loaded_hat.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,81 14691,87 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 89,95 899,78 899,20 1549,60 2249,19 2748,10 10144,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 4797,3 6296,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,81 14691,87 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 89,95 899,78 899,20 1549,60 2249,19 2748,10 10144,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 4797,3 6296,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/loaded_open_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/loaded_open_hat.ds
index 5a4785ba11b..7276a86e9d1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/loaded_open_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/loaded_open_hat.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,81 14691,87 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 89,95 899,78 899,20 1549,60 2249,19 2748,10 10144,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 4797,3 6296,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,81 14691,87 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 89,95 899,78 899,20 1549,60 2249,19 2748,10 10144,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 4797,3 6296,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1149,49 2648,2 8545,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2755,17 5400,96 5400,11 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1788,24 4321,7 7449,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/oh_so_high_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/oh_so_high_hat.ds
index 419a944b8b9..1a3946b06f8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/oh_so_high_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/oh_so_high_hat.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,63 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,63 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 7246,4 10693,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/oil_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/oil_hat.ds
index 47c6be1943f..5dba77590ba 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/oil_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/oil_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 633,14 3658,47 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 633,14 3658,47 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1678,76 2724,4 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1235,45 2961,17 4671,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1742,44 5083,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/pedal_hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/pedal_hh.ds
index 694b0ab0d62..52aa8c6756a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/pedal_hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/pedal_hh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,65 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 10044,1 16590,0
-Envelope1=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1713,62 5661,35 20560,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 16290,0
-Envelope=0,100 714,13 8595,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,65 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 10044,1 16590,0
+Envelope1=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1713,62 5661,35 20560,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 16290,0
+Envelope=0,100 714,13 8595,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/q_ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/q_ride.ds
index 0e83114c6bd..e0b7460d73b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/q_ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/q_ride.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,41 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 24493,5 53555,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3300,95 8376,57 18528,26 47082,0
-Envelope2=0,100 10866,63 31251,44 68910,0
-Envelope=0,100 4997,50 14515,20 23240,6 34820,0
-Envelope=0,80 1523,94 7535,26 13087,10 32996,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,41 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 24493,5 53555,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3300,95 8376,57 18528,26 47082,0
+Envelope2=0,100 10866,63 31251,44 68910,0
+Envelope=0,100 4997,50 14515,20 23240,6 34820,0
+Envelope=0,80 1523,94 7535,26 13087,10 32996,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/q_ride_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/q_ride_2.ds
index 58485da8d0b..a3a05fbac6f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/q_ride_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/q_ride_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,41 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1650,59 6345,24 20305,10 65357,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1269,60 3426,31 10279,11 65357,0
-Envelope2=0,100 10866,63 31251,44 68910,0
-Envelope=0,100 4997,50 14515,20 23240,6 34820,0
-Envelope=0,100 3750,30 20940,9 56600,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,41 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1650,59 6345,24 20305,10 65357,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1269,60 3426,31 10279,11 65357,0
+Envelope2=0,100 10866,63 31251,44 68910,0
+Envelope=0,100 4997,50 14515,20 23240,6 34820,0
+Envelope=0,100 3750,30 20940,9 56600,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sandy_ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sandy_ride.ds
index 70a781ec6a9..50632c11cd3 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sandy_ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sandy_ride.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,21 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 46797,49 287919,0
-Envelope=0,100 8090,64 27364,38 120403,0
-Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 72178,12 125320,0
-Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,21 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 46797,49 287919,0
+Envelope=0,100 8090,64 27364,38 120403,0
+Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 72178,12 125320,0
+Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 23835,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/scratchy_hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/scratchy_hh.ds
index c116ba960ac..02ebf67f7ba 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/scratchy_hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/scratchy_hh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,6 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1301,2 4854,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,6 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1301,2 4854,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/shaker_ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/shaker_ride.ds
index 8b818e19dd8..3d0bd259b4e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/shaker_ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/shaker_ride.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,65 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
-Envelope1=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1713,62 5661,35 20560,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
-Envelope=0,100 714,13 2855,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,65 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
+Envelope1=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1713,62 5661,35 20560,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
+Envelope=0,100 714,13 2855,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/shaker_ride_long.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/shaker_ride_long.ds
index d7468e0cafe..978452c33ea 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/shaker_ride_long.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/shaker_ride_long.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,65 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
-Envelope1=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1713,62 5661,35 20560,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
-Envelope=0,100 714,13 2855,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,65 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
+Envelope1=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1713,62 5661,35 20560,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,45 2756,18 6901,6 13563,2 26174,0
+Envelope=0,100 714,13 2855,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/simple_ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/simple_ride.ds
index 4c392c8b7fd..2da5a0bbfdb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/simple_ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/simple_ride.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,100 1650,30 6853,14 14467,6 26904,5 32107,3 37945,2 54697,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1396,56 3934,20 7487,12 55839,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 1199,100 4397,67 6346,60 9644,62 11543,50 12792,35 15540,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,100 1650,30 6853,14 14467,6 26904,5 32107,3 37945,2 54697,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1396,56 3934,20 7487,12 55839,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 1199,100 4397,67 6346,60 9644,62 11543,50 12792,35 15540,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_1.ds
index db2a2b54e66..1aa5efc55fa 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_1.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 2648,34 4997,11 18789,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 11843,8 24535,0
-Envelope2=0,100 61629,86 92087,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 16690,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 2648,34 4997,11 18789,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 11843,8 24535,0
+Envelope2=0,100 61629,86 92087,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 16690,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_2.ds
index 898a73b3a4e..dffff083d8a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 2031,5 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 11843,8 24535,0
-Envelope2=0,100 61629,86 92087,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 16690,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett - http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,62 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 2031,5 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 11843,8 24535,0
+Envelope2=0,100 61629,86 92087,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 16690,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_ride.ds
index ff75d09ec8a..8dfcece20c1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_ride.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,92 714,56 2776,31 5631,14 14912,2 30854,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1666,44 2617,27 4045,16 7694,3 29982,0
-Envelope2=0,82 2459,47 9201,25 20464,9 32678,0
-Envelope=0,100 1824,50 2776,26 4521,14 8487,7 31092,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,92 714,56 2776,31 5631,14 14912,2 30854,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1666,44 2617,27 4045,16 7694,3 29982,0
+Envelope2=0,82 2459,47 9201,25 20464,9 32678,0
+Envelope=0,100 1824,50 2776,26 4521,14 8487,7 31092,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_ride_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_ride_2.ds
index f174fc08208..34668eb015c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_ride_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/sleepy_ride_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,48 21193,37 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 635,63 1015,49 2792,35 5584,23 9899,14 14594,9 20178,5 26523,2 37057,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1015,49 3300,25 7741,11 13706,5 23858,2 36803,0
-Envelope2=0,66 9518,51 25127,25 49113,0
-Envelope=0,100 1015,49 3500,20 12818,3 36803,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,48 21193,37 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 635,63 1015,49 2792,35 5584,23 9899,14 14594,9 20178,5 26523,2 37057,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1015,49 3300,25 7741,11 13706,5 23858,2 36803,0
+Envelope2=0,66 9518,51 25127,25 49113,0
+Envelope=0,100 1015,49 3500,20 12818,3 36803,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat.ds
index 297c49873dd..30602bc9f50 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,63 635,94 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,92 200,84 787,79 1919,2 3569,0
-Envelope1=0,100 381,20 920,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 238,30 838,8 1891,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,63 635,94 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,92 200,84 787,79 1919,2 3569,0
+Envelope1=0,100 381,20 920,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 238,30 838,8 1891,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_compressd_open.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_compressd_open.ds
index 0e5f1f6009d..71c71bbafe1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_compressd_open.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_compressd_open.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,63 635,94 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,64 6663,64 6853,0
-Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 238,30 838,8 1891,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,63 635,94 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,64 6663,64 6853,0
+Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 238,30 838,8 1891,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_half_open.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_half_open.ds
index 1c628a8cf17..aaca58609ac 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_half_open.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_half_open.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,63 635,94 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,64 1919,59 1919,2 3569,0
-Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 238,30 838,8 1891,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,63 635,94 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,64 1919,59 1919,2 3569,0
+Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 238,30 838,8 1891,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_open.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_open.ds
index 4655339dfaa..62d49190252 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_open.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slick_hat_open.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,63 635,94 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
-Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 238,30 838,8 1891,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,63 635,94 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
+Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 238,30 838,8 1891,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slide_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slide_hat.ds
index cccc5add3d3..9b1dc534f91 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slide_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/slide_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,51 8646,37 18084,38 32123,35 68054,25 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,92 476,45 2379,30 5235,21 8328,13 14753,5 22843,1 31885,0
-Envelope1=0,100 872,92 3093,28 6425,17 10708,5 15943,0 22843,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 78285,75 80903,0
-Envelope=0,100 872,92 1428,36 2855,17 7138,6 14277,4 26412,2 39976,1 64008,0
-Envelope=0,100 872,92 1904,29 5711,14 13087,7 24747,5 75192,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,51 8646,37 18084,38 32123,35 68054,25 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,92 476,45 2379,30 5235,21 8328,13 14753,5 22843,1 31885,0
+Envelope1=0,100 872,92 3093,28 6425,17 10708,5 15943,0 22843,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 78285,75 80903,0
+Envelope=0,100 872,92 1428,36 2855,17 7138,6 14277,4 26412,2 39976,1 64008,0
+Envelope=0,100 872,92 1904,29 5711,14 13087,7 24747,5 75192,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_hat.ds
index 1f7985fe024..3c605de1a4e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
-Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,40 723,38 1449,10 2249,3 8645,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
+Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,40 723,38 1449,10 2249,3 8645,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_open_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_open_hat.ds
index a7fedaf96d0..b0521fe30d9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_open_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_open_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
-Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
+Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_open_hat_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_open_hat_2.ds
index e017bc78e96..c9823aac768 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_open_hat_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/softie_lo-fi_open_hat_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
-Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
+Envelope1=0,100 920,100 920,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/squeeze_me_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/squeeze_me_hat.ds
index d376f349cd6..afadd588774 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/squeeze_me_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/squeeze_me_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
-Envelope1=0,100 750,100 1149,29 2698,6 6746,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
+Envelope1=0,100 750,100 1149,29 2698,6 6746,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/squeeze_me_open_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/squeeze_me_open_hat.ds
index 697f4f32e07..39761eba4eb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/squeeze_me_open_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/squeeze_me_open_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
-Envelope1=0,100 6896,80 10843,33 19688,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
+Envelope1=0,100 6896,80 10843,33 19688,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/stack_hhh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/stack_hhh.ds
index e0d816bcdd2..6be87ea8cc9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/stack_hhh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/stack_hhh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1396,24 3680,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 666,11 4500,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1396,24 3680,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 666,11 4500,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/starry_hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/starry_hh.ds
index 873b6247f5d..5e3126c5590 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/starry_hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/starry_hh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 871,50 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 871,50 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/starry_short_oh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/starry_short_oh.ds
index 6b00826fb3a..b62b5b1c520 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/starry_short_oh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/starry_short_oh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 871,50 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1140,69 1457,41 4671,11 8187,0
-Envelope1=0,100 8266,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 871,50 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1140,69 1457,41 4671,11 8187,0
+Envelope1=0,100 8266,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/static_tone_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/static_tone_hat.ds
index b98208f1be8..a0e53e53678 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/static_tone_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/static_tone_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 1507,43 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 1507,43 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/tarp_hh.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/tarp_hh.ds
index 52aaa229099..63f6abc7cc0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/tarp_hh.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/tarp_hh.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,77 3173,0 9994,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1586,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,71 635,11 1110,0 2459,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 5235,26 11580,0
-Envelope2=0,100 317,49 1110,29 2221,10 4283,0
-Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,77 3173,0 9994,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1586,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,71 635,11 1110,0 2459,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 5235,26 11580,0
+Envelope2=0,100 317,49 1110,29 2221,10 4283,0
+Envelope=0,68 618,66 1124,62 1269,40 3252,15 8487,2 18877,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_hat.ds
index 3f723781a97..2b39bb5f294 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,100 1199,100 2449,59 4397,23 6346,8 9644,2 15540,0
-Envelope1=0,100 400,65 1799,12 5647,2 12792,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 1199,100 2449,59 4397,23 6346,8 9644,2 15540,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,100 1199,100 2449,59 4397,23 6346,8 9644,2 15540,0
+Envelope1=0,100 400,65 1799,12 5647,2 12792,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 1199,100 2449,59 4397,23 6346,8 9644,2 15540,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_hat_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_hat_2.ds
index 8e97bd6e5fc..bc6e0eb8d77 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_hat_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_hat_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,35 949,80 2449,59 4397,23 6346,8 9644,2 15540,0
-Envelope1=0,100 600,68 949,39 1949,17 3798,1 9594,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 1199,100 2449,59 4397,23 6346,8 9644,2 15540,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,35 949,80 2449,59 4397,23 6346,8 9644,2 15540,0
+Envelope1=0,100 600,68 949,39 1949,17 3798,1 9594,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 1199,100 2449,59 4397,23 6346,8 9644,2 15540,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_open_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_open_hat.ds
index e0c9dc9cffc..31c07f9ce6c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_open_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/the_sting_open_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,35 949,80 6096,86 9044,29 10993,25 13142,26 15540,0
-Envelope1=0,100 14291,78 16740,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,100 1199,100 4397,67 6346,60 9644,62 11543,50 12792,35 15540,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,20 150,56 19274,84 68054,34 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,35 949,80 6096,86 9044,29 10993,25 13142,26 15540,0
+Envelope1=0,100 14291,78 16740,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,100 1199,100 4397,67 6346,60 9644,62 11543,50 12792,35 15540,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/threshold_noise.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/threshold_noise.ds
index d925376dc8a..ade0324ea56 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/threshold_noise.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/threshold_noise.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,88 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2349,9 26634,-1 26634,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,88 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2349,9 26634,-1 26634,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/threshold_noise_open.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/threshold_noise_open.ds
index 888627e4de9..c9a7305a096 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/threshold_noise_open.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/threshold_noise_open.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,88 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
-Envelope1=0,100 8804,95 15940,42 18639,0 26634,-1 26634,0
-Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
-Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
-Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,88 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,59 5806,57 8947,32 16690,4 21637,0
+Envelope1=0,100 8804,95 15940,42 18639,0 26634,-1 26634,0
+Envelope2=0,79 16736,85 89707,83 97797,0
+Envelope=0,40 8895,25 13392,6 18888,0
+Envelope=0,57 95,21 714,9 1666,2 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/touch_me_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/touch_me_hat.ds
index e26699cd089..75c9b5ab7ac 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/touch_me_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_hats/touch_me_hat.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,74 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,74 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ambient_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ambient_tom.ds
index bf2beaf0e44..c8b97f3023d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ambient_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ambient_tom.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 6983,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1694,2 2597,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 5986,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 6983,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1694,2 2597,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 5986,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/bell.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/bell.ds
index c44a9bd4da4..c8fd4aa7832 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/bell.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/bell.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,41 1849,20 5447,40 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1749,22 4997,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1639,21 5215,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,78 1639,24 4470,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,41 1849,20 5447,40 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1749,22 4997,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1639,21 5215,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,78 1639,24 4470,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/bell_rim.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/bell_rim.ds
index adcf8c95022..1b4849d153a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/bell_rim.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/bell_rim.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,57 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 42,93 69,43 226,12 396,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1190,10 2855,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 4470,32 12887,17 15793,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 952,8 1904,1 4759,0 7852,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,57 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 42,93 69,43 226,12 396,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1190,10 2855,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 4470,32 12887,17 15793,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 952,8 1904,1 4759,0 7852,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/clav.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/clav.ds
index 2e383e83e93..c91f18fec96 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/clav.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/clav.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/clav_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/clav_2.ds
index e5efc576676..133575810ec 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/clav_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/clav_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,20 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 618,7 1473,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,20 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 618,7 1473,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/deep_cowbell.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/deep_cowbell.ds
index 4d7a9669b4e..cc3914b2863 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/deep_cowbell.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/deep_cowbell.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,8 6107,53 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 949,69 3569,28 7059,8 9915,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 16339,0
-Envelope=0,100 1904,70 2157,10 9010,5 13325,1 14848,0
-Envelope=0,100 349,56 888,32 2031,11 10184,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,8 6107,53 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 949,69 3569,28 7059,8 9915,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 16339,0
+Envelope=0,100 1904,70 2157,10 9010,5 13325,1 14848,0
+Envelope=0,100 349,56 888,32 2031,11 10184,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/dist_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/dist_tom.ds
index 76cef9b81eb..f0f7a48a061 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/dist_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/dist_tom.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/dist_tom_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/dist_tom_2.ds
index bc9e1d15e90..d8af3159a5e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/dist_tom_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/dist_tom_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,7 3880,23 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 6112,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,7 3880,23 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 6112,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/door_knock.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/door_knock.ds
index 9e8636575f7..7761a630f42 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/door_knock.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/door_knock.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 1507,43 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
-Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
-Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 1507,43 8646,43 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 13087,28 35217,0
+Envelope=0,100 1428,0 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4600,34 36882,0
+Envelope2=0,100 16339,28 32599,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/electric_clav.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/electric_clav.ds
index 2b21b8aa093..bbe9af4782a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/electric_clav.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/electric_clav.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 8445,5 11693,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 8445,5 11693,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/feel_me_clinky.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/feel_me_clinky.ds
index 12d5596d30f..9289d379299 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/feel_me_clinky.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/feel_me_clinky.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,85 3046,85 3934,48 5838,17 8630,0
-Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
-Envelope1=0,82 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
-Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
-Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,53 6446,9 14391,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,85 3046,85 3934,48 5838,17 8630,0
+Envelope=0,100 400,17 1249,5 12542,0
+Envelope1=0,82 1904,42 4061,17 8376,7 21066,0
+Envelope2=0,82 3000,82 4822,62 6853,44 8757,31 11295,18 14975,9 23985,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
+Envelope=0,100 1269,65 2665,50 4442,36 6345,26 9137,17 13579,10 20432,5 58377,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/fidelity_faction_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/fidelity_faction_tom.ds
index 58c2256dd57..4e349547b8e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/fidelity_faction_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/fidelity_faction_tom.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,11 6223,17 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 4442,0
-Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,11 6223,17 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 412,32 1047,10 1682,2 4442,0
+Envelope=0,100 857,34 2602,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1174,24 2189,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 6872,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 744,45 2803,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funk_box_perc_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funk_box_perc_1.ds
index d0d95aee695..b9b59d7df2a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funk_box_perc_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funk_box_perc_1.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5473,26 17608,0
-Envelope=0,100 278,14 595,4 793,0
-Envelope1=0,100 714,20 4997,6 10232,3 17132,1 22367,0
-Envelope2=0,48 6425,17 15943,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5473,26 17608,0
+Envelope=0,100 278,14 595,4 793,0
+Envelope1=0,100 714,20 4997,6 10232,3 17132,1 22367,0
+Envelope2=0,48 6425,17 15943,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funk_box_perc_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funk_box_perc_2.ds
index e9ccab9d80b..6969f37494a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funk_box_perc_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funk_box_perc_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5473,26 17608,0
-Envelope=0,100 278,14 595,4 793,0
-Envelope1=0,100 714,20 4997,6 10232,3 17132,1 22367,0
-Envelope2=0,48 6425,17 15943,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5473,26 17608,0
+Envelope=0,100 278,14 595,4 793,0
+Envelope1=0,100 714,20 4997,6 10232,3 17132,1 22367,0
+Envelope2=0,48 6425,17 15943,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funkay_timbale.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funkay_timbale.ds
index 4750b3a9030..b0aa45d1683 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funkay_timbale.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/funkay_timbale.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,14 4981,42 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 222,14 508,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,14 4981,42 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 222,14 508,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/give_it_to_me.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/give_it_to_me.ds
index 3103724959a..626c0cccc57 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/give_it_to_me.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/give_it_to_me.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,10 9844,77 22986,39 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 635,53 2459,25 6028,10 10311,5 16498,1 26095,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2199,80 5047,56 9144,39 19788,19 23036,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2349,59 7395,20 22236,0
-Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 3331,30 6742,13 10628,5 16181,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,10 9844,77 22986,39 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 635,53 2459,25 6028,10 10311,5 16498,1 26095,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2199,80 5047,56 9144,39 19788,19 23036,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2349,59 7395,20 22236,0
+Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 3331,30 6742,13 10628,5 16181,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hammond_cowbell.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hammond_cowbell.ds
index 772e6f5179a..aa8eacb30ae 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hammond_cowbell.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hammond_cowbell.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,61 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,61 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hollow_wood.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hollow_wood.ds
index 35a7a315baf..70a69a1de64 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hollow_wood.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hollow_wood.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,20 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 618,7 1473,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,20 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 618,7 1473,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hollow_wood_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hollow_wood_2.ds
index 1ef45f7bfd4..ced63300a74 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hollow_wood_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/hollow_wood_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,20 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 618,7 1473,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,20 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 618,7 1473,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/it's_the_simple_things.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/it's_the_simple_things.ds
index b8e3f5aacca..77469d1a6f1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/it's_the_simple_things.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/it's_the_simple_things.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,14 4981,42 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,14 4981,42 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/layered_sleigh_bell.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/layered_sleigh_bell.ds
index 7c6aad767f8..c49e5cd7f6e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/layered_sleigh_bell.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/layered_sleigh_bell.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,0 351372,1 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 64246,29 325991,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,0 351372,1 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 64246,29 325991,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_1.ds
index 96f371efc1c..082f4bbbbfc 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,74 364,50 477,11 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,100 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 4244,3 5321,0
-Envelope=0,100 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3911,31 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,74 364,50 477,11 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,100 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 4244,3 5321,0
+Envelope=0,100 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3911,31 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_2.ds
index 1b214876be8..6760004b4e5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,74 364,50 477,11 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,100 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,100 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,74 364,50 477,11 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,100 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,100 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_3.ds
index a0d81f991ba..f9ef1c4c908 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/light_tamb_3.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,74 364,50 477,11 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,100 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,100 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,74 364,50 477,11 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,100 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,100 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_1.ds
index f64a59eca70..ff288a983df 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_1.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 550,21 849,31 1549,37 2399,40 4247,40 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 800,41 1499,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,68 1699,59 1899,30 3448,13 5147,4 8495,1 14841,0
-Envelope1=0,100 250,50 450,19 1549,8 3648,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 13941,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,44 1249,51 2898,32 7046,8 9044,2 11443,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 10743,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 550,21 849,31 1549,37 2399,40 4247,40 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 800,41 1499,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,68 1699,59 1899,30 3448,13 5147,4 8495,1 14841,0
+Envelope1=0,100 250,50 450,19 1549,8 3648,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 13941,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,44 1249,51 2898,32 7046,8 9044,2 11443,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 10743,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_2.ds
index f9d1410fc0d..bc6f856491a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 550,21 849,31 1549,37 2399,40 4247,40 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 800,41 1249,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,68 1699,59 1899,30 3448,13 5147,4 8495,1 14841,0
-Envelope1=0,100 250,50 450,19 1549,8 3648,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 13941,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,44 1249,51 2898,32 7046,8 9044,2 11443,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 10743,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 550,21 849,31 1549,37 2399,40 4247,40 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 800,41 1249,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,68 1699,59 1899,30 3448,13 5147,4 8495,1 14841,0
+Envelope1=0,100 250,50 450,19 1549,8 3648,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 13941,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,44 1249,51 2898,32 7046,8 9044,2 11443,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 10743,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_3.ds
index 72a94fd5a75..32ec6071502 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/like_a_tabla_3.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 550,21 849,31 1549,37 2399,40 4247,40 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 800,41 1249,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,68 1699,59 1899,30 3448,13 5147,4 8495,1 14841,0
-Envelope1=0,100 250,50 450,19 1549,8 3648,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 13941,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,44 1249,51 2898,32 7046,8 9044,2 11443,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 10743,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 550,21 849,31 1549,37 2399,40 4247,40 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 800,41 1249,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,68 1699,59 1899,30 3448,13 5147,4 8495,1 14841,0
+Envelope1=0,100 250,50 450,19 1549,8 3648,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 13941,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,44 1249,51 2898,32 7046,8 9044,2 11443,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 10743,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/limited_shaker.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/limited_shaker.ds
index 20a77b94499..e2c983688d6 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/limited_shaker.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/limited_shaker.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,65 1071,91 2161,93 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,24 654,80 972,35 1388,74 1705,20 2320,66 2756,26 3688,12 4600,7 5572,1 7317,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,65 1071,91 2161,93 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,24 654,80 972,35 1388,74 1705,20 2320,66 2756,26 3688,12 4600,7 5572,1 7317,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/lo-fi_tamb.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/lo-fi_tamb.ds
index 90872618edc..7dfa8334cad 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/lo-fi_tamb.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/lo-fi_tamb.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,30 7198,66 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,30 7198,66 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/low_key_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/low_key_tom.ds
index 92ed0030784..2d257bbeb4a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/low_key_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/low_key_tom.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,3 1799,8 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 300,65 800,39 1500,20 2349,8 3748,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,3 1799,8 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 300,65 800,39 1500,20 2349,8 3748,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/low_ping.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/low_ping.ds
index 960554b2305..b8ca67d9047 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/low_ping.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/low_ping.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 12442,62 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5996,25 14241,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 12442,62 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5996,25 14241,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/mellow_shake.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/mellow_shake.ds
index e38f412971e..91a1d152773 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/mellow_shake.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/mellow_shake.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,17 1309,80 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,24 377,82 793,42 991,83 1487,32 1844,74 2439,35 2994,72 4124,17 5988,0
-Envelope1=0,100 899,53 1699,17 2399,45 3748,12 4497,25 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,49 899,78 1499,49 2748,77 3048,47 3698,79 4147,50 5147,19 5147,37 5447,59 5846,81 7595,35 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1099,25 1549,35 1774,50 2898,17 2914,46 3498,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,17 1309,80 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,24 377,82 793,42 991,83 1487,32 1844,74 2439,35 2994,72 4124,17 5988,0
+Envelope1=0,100 899,53 1699,17 2399,45 3748,12 4497,25 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,49 899,78 1499,49 2748,77 3048,47 3698,79 4147,50 5147,19 5147,37 5447,59 5846,81 7595,35 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1099,25 1549,35 1774,50 2898,17 2914,46 3498,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/metallic_node.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/metallic_node.ds
index 6956f53cf51..dbf5d749e37 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/metallic_node.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/metallic_node.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,59 14277,16 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,58 3398,69 3398,0
-Envelope=0,51 555,21 2538,9 7932,3 36168,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1699,10 3490,0
-Envelope2=0,89 6345,20 10311,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,16 1983,2 3490,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,59 14277,16 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,58 3398,69 3398,0
+Envelope=0,51 555,21 2538,9 7932,3 36168,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1699,10 3490,0
+Envelope2=0,89 6345,20 10311,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,16 1983,2 3490,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/mild_tamb.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/mild_tamb.ds
index b69953596f2..3effe051c0e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/mild_tamb.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/mild_tamb.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ol'_skool_shake.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ol'_skool_shake.ds
index 873e63f91f7..8ad73b0232e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ol'_skool_shake.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ol'_skool_shake.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,86 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 999,84 1449,95 2049,35 3098,17 4797,7 6196,2 8994,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,86 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 999,84 1449,95 2049,35 3098,17 4797,7 6196,2 8994,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/poppy.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/poppy.ds
index 7f655a5ad8b..e984df25b1e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/poppy.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/poppy.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,10 9844,77 22986,39 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 635,53 2459,25 6028,10 10311,5 16498,1 26095,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2199,80 5047,56 9144,39 19788,19 23036,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2349,59 7395,20 22236,0
-Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 3331,30 6742,13 10628,5 16181,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,10 9844,77 22986,39 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 635,53 2459,25 6028,10 10311,5 16498,1 26095,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2199,80 5047,56 9144,39 19788,19 23036,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2349,59 7395,20 22236,0
+Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 3331,30 6742,13 10628,5 16181,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/q_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/q_tom.ds
index f48ae3ae0e7..fd396917c67 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/q_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/q_tom.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1149,39 1949,16 3148,5 4597,2 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1149,39 1949,16 3148,5 4597,2 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/resonant_knock.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/resonant_knock.ds
index 13ceb74f533..704e3dbd651 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/resonant_knock.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/resonant_knock.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3563,100 6730,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2233,74 4782,95 6856,0
-Envelope=0,61 1678,71 5558,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3563,100 6730,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2233,74 4782,95 6856,0
+Envelope=0,61 1678,71 5558,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ringmod_rim.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ringmod_rim.ds
index 16c8c241332..7e17d70f795 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ringmod_rim.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ringmod_rim.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,57 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 42,93 69,43 226,12 396,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1190,10 2855,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 4470,32 12887,17 15793,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 952,8 1904,1 4759,0 7852,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,57 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 42,93 69,43 226,12 396,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1190,10 2855,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 4470,32 12887,17 15793,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 952,8 1904,1 4759,0 7852,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ringmod_rim_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ringmod_rim_2.ds
index a82ee3a62d0..78161e022ef 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ringmod_rim_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/ringmod_rim_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,57 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 42,93 69,43 226,12 396,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1190,10 2855,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 4470,32 12887,17 15793,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 952,8 1904,1 4759,0 7852,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,57 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,85 137,30 313,23 633,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 42,93 69,43 226,12 396,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1190,10 2855,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 4470,32 12887,17 15793,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 952,8 1904,1 4759,0 7852,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/shaaka.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/shaaka.ds
index 0f32c853cdb..a5241b37512 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/shaaka.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/shaaka.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2049,51 5647,21 11743,9 22386,0
-Envelope=0,6 397,84 714,12 991,20 1210,30 1527,12 1824,24 2023,9 5195,0
-Envelope1=0,100 714,20 4997,6 10232,3 17132,1 22367,0
-Envelope2=0,48 6425,17 15943,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2049,51 5647,21 11743,9 22386,0
+Envelope=0,6 397,84 714,12 991,20 1210,30 1527,12 1824,24 2023,9 5195,0
+Envelope1=0,100 714,20 4997,6 10232,3 17132,1 22367,0
+Envelope2=0,48 6425,17 15943,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/shaaka_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/shaaka_2.ds
index 671b6361ed0..833d1b49131 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/shaaka_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/shaaka_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2049,51 5647,21 11743,9 22386,0
-Envelope=0,6 337,56 714,12 912,26 1249,17 1527,19 1824,24 2023,9 2498,2 4025,0
-Envelope1=0,100 714,20 4997,6 10232,3 17132,1 22367,0
-Envelope2=0,48 6425,17 15943,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder!
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2049,51 5647,21 11743,9 22386,0
+Envelope=0,6 337,56 714,12 912,26 1249,17 1527,19 1824,24 2023,9 2498,2 4025,0
+Envelope1=0,100 714,20 4997,6 10232,3 17132,1 22367,0
+Envelope2=0,48 6425,17 15943,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom.ds
index 050d72ba588..3b2e35e9e21 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 476,53 1904,20 4045,10 6028,1 10232,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,56 714,31 2062,13 4362,3 8646,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 476,53 1904,20 4045,10 6028,1 10232,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,56 714,31 2062,13 4362,3 8646,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom_1.ds
index 84561dd8af9..642c9d66e1d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom_1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 476,53 1904,20 4045,10 6028,1 10232,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,56 714,31 2062,13 4362,3 8646,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 476,53 1904,20 4045,10 6028,1 10232,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,56 714,31 2062,13 4362,3 8646,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom_2.ds
index 30a6ce26cf6..f638d3ba9e8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/short_tom_2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 476,53 1904,20 4045,10 6028,1 10232,0
-Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
-Envelope=0,56 714,31 2062,13 4362,3 8646,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 476,53 1904,20 4045,10 6028,1 10232,0
+Envelope=0,100 1311,65 2205,38 2563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6000,50 20000,0
+Envelope=0,56 714,31 2062,13 4362,3 8646,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/sickly_cowbell.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/sickly_cowbell.ds
index ef9d4462e74..6e4a5f9be07 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/sickly_cowbell.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/sickly_cowbell.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 521,76 1639,63 4246,45 7151,34 16463,13 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,15 7971,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,98 819,47 2831,24 6630,9 14899,0
-Envelope2=0,0 37,99 745,50 2756,26 6257,11 13409,0
-Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 11025,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 521,76 1639,63 4246,45 7151,34 16463,13 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,15 7971,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,98 819,47 2831,24 6630,9 14899,0
+Envelope2=0,0 37,99 745,50 2756,26 6257,11 13409,0
+Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 11025,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/slinky_tamb.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/slinky_tamb.ds
index 7e6629f0312..99fb755b148 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/slinky_tamb.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/slinky_tamb.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,88 1399,89 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,62 1099,28 2498,51 4697,13 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 899,53 1699,17 2399,45 3748,12 4497,25 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,49 899,78 1499,49 2748,77 3048,47 3698,79 4147,50 5147,19 5147,37 5447,59 5846,81 7595,35 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1099,25 1549,35 1774,50 2898,17 2914,46 3498,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,88 1399,89 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,62 1099,28 2498,51 4697,13 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 899,53 1699,17 2399,45 3748,12 4497,25 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,49 899,78 1499,49 2748,77 3048,47 3698,79 4147,50 5147,19 5147,37 5447,59 5846,81 7595,35 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1099,25 1549,35 1774,50 2898,17 2914,46 3498,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/super_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/super_tom.ds
index daf8a14040b..b99af881155 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/super_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/super_tom.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 79,9 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 79,9 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/sweetness_shaker.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/sweetness_shaker.ds
index 994524bb28d..fa09f1d6d92 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/sweetness_shaker.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/sweetness_shaker.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,21 14277,30 33313,65 46797,27 75351,50 80903,26 97559,29 107871,12 115802,20 123734,5 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 16656,47 30140,29 51556,14 140390,0
-Envelope=0,2 198,91 397,25 523,83 841,11 1340,93 1658,14 2284,30 3974,0
-Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 72178,12 125320,0
-Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
-Envelope=0,100 1758,38 327577,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,21 14277,30 33313,65 46797,27 75351,50 80903,26 97559,29 107871,12 115802,20 123734,5 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 16656,47 30140,29 51556,14 140390,0
+Envelope=0,2 198,91 397,25 523,83 841,11 1340,93 1658,14 2284,30 3974,0
+Envelope1=0,100 48383,35 72178,12 125320,0
+Envelope2=0,100 102318,60 318059,0
+Envelope=0,100 1758,38 327577,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/timbale_sound.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/timbale_sound.ds
index 2d09c47adb7..82766bd86d2 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/timbale_sound.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/timbale_sound.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,36 12929,59 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,36 12929,59 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tom.ds
index daabb89b0d3..d416bb6a5cd 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tom.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tom_tone.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tom_tone.ds
index 80c0f1aa21f..caf7c559ed9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tom_tone.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tom_tone.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,96 715,39 2458,16 6481,0
-Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
-Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
-Envelope=0,99 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 3547,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,23 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,96 715,39 2458,16 6481,0
+Envelope=0,0 268,100 723,26 2086,10 5438,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1490,17 4991,0
+Envelope2=0,100 894,12 7077,0
+Envelope=0,99 670,21 1788,4 5810,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 3547,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tommy.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tommy.ds
index 21598690dad..7d36280211c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tommy.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tommy.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,0 670,83 1341,95 2011,42 2682,13 3799,5 5810,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 834,15 2548,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 2607,88 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,0 670,83 1341,95 2011,42 2682,13 3799,5 5810,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 834,15 2548,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tone_tom.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tone_tom.ds
index d0d218472a8..d377601af66 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tone_tom.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tone_tom.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,71 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
-Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,71 7714,92 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 954,36 1937,12 4350,0
+Envelope=0,24 364,50 1329,13 5423,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1071,17 2221,11 2974,8 3232,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,5 462,17 507,67 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 5425,33 6801,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/torn_tweeter.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/torn_tweeter.ds
index d403944068b..3628666f225 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/torn_tweeter.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/torn_tweeter.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3563,100 6730,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2233,74 4782,95 6856,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3563,100 6730,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2233,74 4782,95 6856,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tweety_cowbell.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tweety_cowbell.ds
index 37e5a081044..cd8ea136fa0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tweety_cowbell.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tweety_cowbell.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,50 2538,49 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 949,69 2898,44 4897,29 6796,17 8745,10 11393,4 17689,0
-Envelope2=0,96 4297,11 5497,41 16240,81 17489,0
-Envelope=0,100 1904,70 2157,10 9010,5 13325,1 14848,0
-Envelope=0,100 349,56 888,32 2031,11 10184,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,50 2538,49 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 949,69 2898,44 4897,29 6796,17 8745,10 11393,4 17689,0
+Envelope2=0,96 4297,11 5497,41 16240,81 17489,0
+Envelope=0,100 1904,70 2157,10 9010,5 13325,1 14848,0
+Envelope=0,100 349,56 888,32 2031,11 10184,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tweety_cowbell_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tweety_cowbell_2.ds
index 0ff6c660ce2..ab84acafdbe 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tweety_cowbell_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/tweety_cowbell_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,50 2538,49 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 949,69 2898,44 4897,29 6796,17 8745,10 11393,4 17689,0
-Envelope2=0,96 4297,11 5497,41 16240,81 17489,0
-Envelope=0,100 1904,70 2157,10 9010,5 13325,1 14848,0
-Envelope=0,100 349,56 888,32 2031,11 10184,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,50 2538,49 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 949,69 2898,44 4897,29 6796,17 8745,10 11393,4 17689,0
+Envelope2=0,96 4297,11 5497,41 16240,81 17489,0
+Envelope=0,100 1904,70 2157,10 9010,5 13325,1 14848,0
+Envelope=0,100 349,56 888,32 2031,11 10184,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/type_noise.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/type_noise.ds
index 60d6a612743..f19b95dee28 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/type_noise.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/type_noise.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 887,92 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 222,24 523,84 681,8 998,53 1219,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 887,92 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 222,24 523,84 681,8 998,53 1219,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/very_high_clav.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/very_high_clav.ds
index 3ae0d551c45..b160b7e82c0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/very_high_clav.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/very_high_clav.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 1110,20 2221,6 4204,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 11643,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 1110,20 2221,6 4204,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 11643,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5235,80 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 3093,77 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/video_game_clip.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/video_game_clip.ds
index bab072bb9ff..e3c0383f491 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/video_game_clip.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/video_game_clip.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 397,52 1428,29 3490,15 6980,10 16339,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 397,52 1428,29 3490,15 6980,10 16339,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/weird_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/weird_1.ds
index 8b9eee87da9..f3816f689d8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/weird_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/weird_1.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,34 206,68 570,68 1663,68 1916,84 2898,40 3769,86 3832,50 4054,26 6904,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1749,22 4997,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1639,21 5215,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,78 1639,24 4470,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,34 206,68 570,68 1663,68 1916,84 2898,40 3769,86 3832,50 4054,26 6904,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1749,22 4997,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,82 1564,28 5513,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1639,21 5215,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1564,25 5066,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,78 1639,24 4470,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/wood_and_metal.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/wood_and_metal.ds
index c46a593993d..06e7365f527 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/wood_and_metal.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_perc/wood_and_metal.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 8445,5 11693,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1699,46 5697,13 8445,5 11693,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/average_rock.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/average_rock.ds
index 306be72dc2c..ef77f8f858b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/average_rock.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/average_rock.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 412,9 3864,8 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2882,74 6413,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2898,74 5716,0
-Envelope=0,100 3404,92 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 412,9 3864,8 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2882,74 6413,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2898,74 5716,0
+Envelope=0,100 3404,92 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/c_maj_chord.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/c_maj_chord.ds
index b64f44c7899..071d9acf9d0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/c_maj_chord.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/c_maj_chord.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,11 5147,5 14091,2 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
-Envelope=0,34 500,20 14741,0
-Envelope1=0,100 7096,31 21037,0
-Envelope2=0,100 15740,18 27133,0
-Envelope=0,100 4747,40 15091,0
-Envelope=0,100 6046,35 16990,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,11 5147,5 14091,2 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
+Envelope=0,34 500,20 14741,0
+Envelope1=0,100 7096,31 21037,0
+Envelope2=0,100 15740,18 27133,0
+Envelope=0,100 4747,40 15091,0
+Envelope=0,100 6046,35 16990,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/casio_piano_c.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/casio_piano_c.ds
index 76fcb423f9f..4365f205391 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/casio_piano_c.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/casio_piano_c.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 1799,78 12193,77 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 18139,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12542,77 18639,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 1799,78 12193,77 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 18139,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12542,77 18639,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/chorded_perc.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/chorded_perc.ds
index d4e646f53cf..c39e684c70e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/chorded_perc.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/chorded_perc.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,11 158,27 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2882,74 6413,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2898,74 5716,0
-Envelope=0,100 3404,92 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,11 158,27 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2882,74 6413,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2898,74 5716,0
+Envelope=0,100 3404,92 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/consumer_fm.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/consumer_fm.ds
index 1b20ac50dc2..de94b04bb61 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/consumer_fm.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/consumer_fm.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,21 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6028,25 15241,85 22764,0
-Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12093,89 23686,0
-Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
-Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
-Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,21 133252,41 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6028,25 15241,85 22764,0
+Envelope=0,100 406,3 914,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 12093,89 23686,0
+Envelope2=0,49 8725,49 9617,0
+Envelope=0,33 596,66 1599,24 1774,50 2375,18 2914,46 3153,21 3712,56 4220,14 4854,38 5425,11 5965,21 6789,2 8185,0
+Envelope=0,27 317,10 507,67 1408,24 1583,44 1904,35 2138,56 2882,16 3173,48 3553,20 4156,50 4569,19 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/dark_and_sweet_fm.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/dark_and_sweet_fm.ds
index 2d6f5fd9fdf..9e5a36f3b0a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/dark_and_sweet_fm.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/dark_and_sweet_fm.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 1699,59 4347,38 14241,27 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 7096,31 26034,0
-Envelope2=0,100 15740,18 27133,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 1699,59 4347,38 14241,27 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 7096,31 26034,0
+Envelope2=0,100 15740,18 27133,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/dist_high_c.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/dist_high_c.ds
index 77b73cf8dbe..112dfaabf0e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/dist_high_c.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/dist_high_c.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 949,27 9094,20 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 18139,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12542,77 18639,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 949,27 9094,20 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 18139,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12542,77 18639,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_lift.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_lift.ds
index b3e0a9bab54..d070c73afb0 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_lift.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_lift.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 46004,38 99939,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 40451,27 393410,0
-Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
-Envelope1=0,100 12691,55 36486,29 168944,5 407687,0
-Envelope2=0,0 26968,53 112629,100 118975,0
-Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
-Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 46004,38 99939,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 40451,27 393410,0
+Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
+Envelope1=0,100 12691,55 36486,29 168944,5 407687,0
+Envelope2=0,0 26968,53 112629,100 118975,0
+Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
+Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_pad.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_pad.ds
index b5cf99e55d6..ddcf417b7ff 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_pad.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_pad.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,98 14277,49 31885,28 46876,19 75668,8 120561,0 233191,53 380719,79 416412,3 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 26174,15 129286,33 195119,8 287919,42 415619,0
-Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
-Envelope1=0,62 38072,24 90421,56 122941,17 135631,53 172910,7 199085,34 227638,16 268883,65 302196,-1 341854,37 383099,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 93514,0
-Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
-Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,98 14277,49 31885,28 46876,19 75668,8 120561,0 233191,53 380719,79 416412,3 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 26174,15 129286,33 195119,8 287919,42 415619,0
+Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
+Envelope1=0,62 38072,24 90421,56 122941,17 135631,53 172910,7 199085,34 227638,16 268883,65 302196,-1 341854,37 383099,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 93514,0
+Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
+Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_ride.ds
index 5ab968aa2cb..78d7cd4bf84 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/eno's_ride.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,98 14277,49 31885,28 46876,19 75668,8 121354,17 233191,53 380719,79 413239,62 440207,11 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 26174,15 129286,33 195119,8 287919,42 415619,0
-Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
-Envelope1=0,62 38072,24 90421,56 122941,17 135631,53 172910,7 199085,34 227638,16 268883,65 302196,-1 341854,37 383099,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 93514,0
-Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
-Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,98 14277,49 31885,28 46876,19 75668,8 121354,17 233191,53 380719,79 413239,62 440207,11 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 26174,15 129286,33 195119,8 287919,42 415619,0
+Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
+Envelope1=0,62 38072,24 90421,56 122941,17 135631,53 172910,7 199085,34 227638,16 268883,65 302196,-1 341854,37 383099,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 93514,0
+Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
+Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/flat_square_c.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/flat_square_c.ds
index b7740b27a86..956e9265b72 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/flat_square_c.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/flat_square_c.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 1699,59 4347,38 14241,27 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 18139,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12542,77 18639,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 1699,59 4347,38 14241,27 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 18139,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12542,77 18639,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fm_c_bass_burst.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fm_c_bass_burst.ds
index c67bcf9dab5..88b62996dd8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fm_c_bass_burst.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fm_c_bass_burst.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 949,27 9094,20 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 26234,0
-Envelope2=0,100 6346,60 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 949,27 9094,20 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 26234,0
+Envelope2=0,100 6346,60 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fur_strings.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fur_strings.ds
index 2895b570733..23651fe19a9 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fur_strings.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fur_strings.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,15 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
-Envelope2=0,86 70671,86 84948,0
-Envelope=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,15 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
+Envelope2=0,86 70671,86 84948,0
+Envelope=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fur_strings_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fur_strings_2.ds
index 8113cabe4a9..8b45da4011b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fur_strings_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/fur_strings_2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,15 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
-Envelope2=0,86 32520,4 70671,86 84948,0
-Envelope=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,15 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
+Envelope2=0,86 32520,4 70671,86 84948,0
+Envelope=0,100 58250,100 67641,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/it's_the_music_tom_c.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/it's_the_music_tom_c.ds
index fb9198d5a5c..73c8bc75cf8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/it's_the_music_tom_c.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/it's_the_music_tom_c.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 949,27 9094,20 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 18139,0
-Envelope2=0,100 6346,60 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 949,27 9094,20 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 18139,0
+Envelope2=0,100 6346,60 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/layered_bass_synth_c.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/layered_bass_synth_c.ds
index 342adec259b..6610f0edd0c 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/layered_bass_synth_c.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/layered_bass_synth_c.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 2548,48 8595,24 19238,8 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
-Envelope=0,34 500,20 14741,0
-Envelope1=0,100 7096,31 21037,0
-Envelope2=0,100 15740,18 27133,0
-Envelope=0,100 4747,40 15091,0
-Envelope=0,100 6046,35 16990,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 2548,48 8595,24 19238,8 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 22286,0
+Envelope=0,34 500,20 14741,0
+Envelope1=0,100 7096,31 21037,0
+Envelope2=0,100 15740,18 27133,0
+Envelope=0,100 4747,40 15091,0
+Envelope=0,100 6046,35 16990,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/my_red_hot_guitar.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/my_red_hot_guitar.ds
index 2fc0b4c850c..e0abee297cb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/my_red_hot_guitar.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/my_red_hot_guitar.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
-FilterEnv=0,91 3248,24 9044,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2379,46 9494,0 11593,0
-Envelope=0,71 586,27 5996,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 5097,14 9794,0
-Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Use FruityLoops to sequence your DrumSynth sounds! http://www.fruityloops.com
+FilterEnv=0,91 3248,24 9044,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2379,46 9494,0 11593,0
+Envelope=0,71 586,27 5996,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1904,53 5097,14 9794,0
+Envelope2=0,100 21653,100 29585,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/raver_organ.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/raver_organ.ds
index c41d003989c..e228582a095 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/raver_organ.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/raver_organ.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,0 12442,62 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5996,25 14741,0 22886,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,0 12442,62 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5996,25 14741,0 22886,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 700,56 2598,33 7445,14 22336,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/strong_c_dub_bass.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/strong_c_dub_bass.ds
index 28a25f9fc2c..5049b98c5fa 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/strong_c_dub_bass.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/strong_c_dub_bass.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,100 1699,80 9044,80 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 11643,0
-Envelope2=0,100 6346,60 11543,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,100 1699,80 9044,80 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3898,36 14689,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3048,26 11643,0
+Envelope2=0,100 6346,60 11543,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/sync_drift.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/sync_drift.ds
index 84030499eb1..ee8064f74f1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/sync_drift.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/sync_drift.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
-FilterEnv=0,0 2062,28 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
-Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
-Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5790,92 10153,65 19671,49 28554,20 42990,0
-Envelope=0,44 2250,30 39738,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use this space to add a comment to each sound!
+FilterEnv=0,0 2062,28 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5076,61 15705,20 37120,0
+Envelope=0,100 2728,64 4949,0
+Envelope1=0,100 13167,28 40927,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5790,92 10153,65 19671,49 28554,20 42990,0
+Envelope=0,44 2250,30 39738,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/sync_man.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/sync_man.ds
index 660de40c544..75edf135b73 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/sync_man.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/sync_man.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,96 1299,30 1999,14 3198,8 23785,0 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
-Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 17489,89 19888,0
-Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,96 1299,30 1999,14 3198,8 23785,0 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0
+Envelope=0,100 949,14 19888,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2439,95 19888,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2439,95 17489,89 19888,0
+Envelope=0,100 1949,19 7445,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/that_house_chord_cm.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/that_house_chord_cm.ds
index e6496a5f0ed..a955edef077 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/that_house_chord_cm.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/that_house_chord_cm.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
-FilterEnv=0,100 1425,34 4465,28 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2391,47 7601,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2391,48 6856,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2423,56 6936,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button!
+FilterEnv=0,100 1425,34 4465,28 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2391,47 7601,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2391,48 6856,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2423,56 6936,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/vibrato_pad.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/vibrato_pad.ds
index 48c29129e4c..a3df4d5f2c8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/vibrato_pad.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/vibrato_pad.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 5552,44 23002,17 66626,3 129286,0 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 65040,36 180842,0
-Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
-Envelope1=0,100 11897,56 43624,27 101525,11 186394,0
-Envelope2=0,32 70592,33 194326,0
-Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
-Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 5552,44 23002,17 66626,3 129286,0 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 65040,36 180842,0
+Envelope=0,11 37279,12 364063,17 422757,0
+Envelope1=0,100 11897,56 43624,27 101525,11 186394,0
+Envelope2=0,32 70592,33 194326,0
+Envelope=0,100 53142,40 153874,74 250640,17 325198,71 410860,0
+Envelope=0,0 59487,82 135631,17 216534,77 306162,17 363270,73 427516,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/who_loves_ya,_baby.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/who_loves_ya,_baby.ds
index e4154e155cc..925a898fd43 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/who_loves_ya,_baby.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/who_loves_ya,_baby.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,100 72971,47 115009,80 155460,35 192739,67 222086,27 251433,41 267297,18 295058,24 302989,8 315680,9 322025,3 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 239536,93 425930,0
-Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
-Envelope1=0,100 49969,26 132459,0
-Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 149908,75 243502,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,100 72971,47 115009,80 155460,35 192739,67 222086,27 251433,41 267297,18 295058,24 302989,8 315680,9 322025,3 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 239536,93 425930,0
+Envelope=0,100 230018,9 322818,0
+Envelope1=0,100 49969,26 132459,0
+Envelope2=0,100 51556,41 149908,75 243502,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/wowmelodictone.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/wowmelodictone.ds
index 8edfc942b0b..12841f8e94d 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/wowmelodictone.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/misc_synth/wowmelodictone.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
-FilterEnv=0,80 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 4597,91 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1949,59 4497,24 8345,12 14941,0
-Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
-Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 200,35 450,15 1849,5 4997,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=DrumSynth 2.0 by maxim digital audio, Copyright ©2000 Paul Kellett http://www.maxim.abel.co.uk
+FilterEnv=0,80 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 4597,91 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,40 600,19 1449,6 3448,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1949,59 4497,24 8345,12 14941,0
+Envelope2=0,100 12592,100 17789,0
+Envelope=0,100 1099,29 2099,7 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 200,35 450,15 1849,5 4997,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/Hat_O.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/Hat_O.ds
index d3aa21b9bf0..4376d6c0878 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/Hat_O.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/Hat_O.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Teddy Riley open hat
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 447,16 1415,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1043,31 2533,9 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 775,35 2354,9 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 39,100 104,38 417,10 1311,4 7062,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Teddy Riley open hat
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 447,16 1415,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1043,31 2533,9 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 775,35 2354,9 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 39,100 104,38 417,10 1311,4 7062,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/S_hollow.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/S_hollow.ds
index f68452748d1..fba2aede66e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/S_hollow.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/S_hollow.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Teddy Riley hollow snare
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1341,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,98 1862,34 3576,17 9163,7 11174,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1043,31 2533,9 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 775,35 2354,9 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,91 1937,30 2831,14 6034,5 8865,1 12440,0
-Envelope=0,37 6704,35 11025,8 14526,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Teddy Riley hollow snare
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1341,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,98 1862,34 3576,17 9163,7 11174,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1043,31 2533,9 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 775,35 2354,9 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,91 1937,30 2831,14 6034,5 8865,1 12440,0
+Envelope=0,37 6704,35 11025,8 14526,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/clapfilt.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/clapfilt.ds
index 4435f9deeb5..92be0343ba5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/clapfilt.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/clapfilt.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 3352,92 6704,74 9833,36 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 4529,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,38 432,18 440,100 521,30 879,14 894,100 1028,26 1333,9 1333,98 2309,27 5661,7 16389,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 3352,92 6704,74 9833,36 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 4529,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,38 432,18 440,100 521,30 879,14 894,100 1028,26 1333,9 1333,98 2309,27 5661,7 16389,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/hat.ds
index ba52a2f4b3f..17f60c05bfb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/hat.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Teddy Riley closed hat
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 447,16 1415,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 39,100 89,32 358,14 760,7 1192,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Teddy Riley closed hat
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 447,16 1415,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 39,100 89,32 358,14 760,7 1192,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/hat_rattle.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/hat_rattle.ds
index 43a641a525a..d56c4535edb 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/hat_rattle.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/hat_rattle.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1013,51 1013,0
-Envelope=0,100 297,0 1605,1 1664,35 1961,5 2615,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,100 773,10 1783,9 2912,9 2912,97 3328,9 5587,8 5646,90 5943,7 8737,6 8737,72 9212,5 12957,3 13075,11 13313,1 13729,0
-Envelope=0,100 107,18 333,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1013,51 1013,0
+Envelope=0,100 297,0 1605,1 1664,35 1961,5 2615,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,100 773,10 1783,9 2912,9 2912,97 3328,9 5587,8 5646,90 5943,7 8737,6 8737,72 9212,5 12957,3 13075,11 13313,1 13729,0
+Envelope=0,100 107,18 333,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_hard.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_hard.ds
index 04cf572bfab..c182fee2aaf 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_hard.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_hard.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Teddy Riley click kick
-FilterEnv=0,100 268,100 3710,18 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 372,89 1847,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,30 1073,25 1758,2 3903,0
-Envelope1=0,0 968,99 2309,46 3948,16 7524,0
-Envelope2=0,0 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 358,99 574,57 2533,40 3516,37 3889,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,95 313,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Teddy Riley click kick
+FilterEnv=0,100 268,100 3710,18 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 372,89 1847,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,30 1073,25 1758,2 3903,0
+Envelope1=0,0 968,99 2309,46 3948,16 7524,0
+Envelope2=0,0 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 358,99 574,57 2533,40 3516,37 3889,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,95 313,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_muffle.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_muffle.ds
index 9f91d14bcee..98fcbbf558f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_muffle.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_muffle.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Teddy Riley offbeat kick
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 596,88 2384,81 3725,70 5587,20 17208,20 19815,36 20933,0
-Envelope=0,100 447,16 1415,0
-Envelope1=0,0 745,87 2309,46 3799,78 5438,0 18400,0 18921,60 20188,77 20933,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 39,100 104,38 417,10 1177,7 7062,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Teddy Riley offbeat kick
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 596,88 2384,81 3725,70 5587,20 17208,20 19815,36 20933,0
+Envelope=0,100 447,16 1415,0
+Envelope1=0,0 745,87 2309,46 3799,78 5438,0 18400,0 18921,60 20188,77 20933,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 39,100 104,38 417,10 1177,7 7062,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_soft.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_soft.ds
index 7f25e551643..0d4fe8df4d8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_soft.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/k_soft.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Teddy Riley swing kick
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 238,95 2652,86 3963,18 6496,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,30 1073,25 1758,2 3903,0
-Envelope1=0,0 968,99 2309,46 3948,16 7524,0
-Envelope2=0,0 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 60,93 477,91 924,32 1758,13 6198,0 6496,0
-Envelope=0,0 89,96 685,100 1162,51 2682,30 4917,14 6496,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Teddy Riley swing kick
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 238,95 2652,86 3963,18 6496,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,30 1073,25 1758,2 3903,0
+Envelope1=0,0 968,99 2309,46 3948,16 7524,0
+Envelope2=0,0 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 60,93 477,91 924,32 1758,13 6198,0 6496,0
+Envelope=0,0 89,96 685,100 1162,51 2682,30 4917,14 6496,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/old_kik.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/old_kik.ds
index ef0d4b414bf..c4053a48e06 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/old_kik.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/old_kik.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,26 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 328,68 775,100 2205,53 4529,49 6228,0
-Envelope=0,100 328,20 1460,6 5691,6 6257,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,26 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 328,68 775,100 2205,53 4529,49 6228,0
+Envelope=0,100 328,20 1460,6 5691,6 6257,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/popclap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/popclap.ds
index abac1899a14..0a4c4439776 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/popclap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/popclap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6657,100 8059,100 8499,98 8725,90 8725,71 9628,0
-Envelope=0,100 834,27 2086,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 159,0 297,93 535,0 654,50 4291,14 7726,0
-Envelope=0,100 2258,36 5468,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6657,100 8059,100 8499,98 8725,90 8725,71 9628,0
+Envelope=0,100 834,27 2086,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 159,0 297,93 535,0 654,50 4291,14 7726,0
+Envelope=0,100 2258,36 5468,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/popsnare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/popsnare.ds
index e76e5632eb5..4217d3cd361 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/popsnare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/popsnare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 6657,100 8059,100 9535,100 10429,100 11383,85 11561,73 11800,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,93 1073,13 1788,7 14391,0
-Envelope=0,92 1132,14 1788,8 14341,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 6657,100 8059,100 9535,100 10429,100 11383,85 11561,73 11800,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,93 1073,13 1788,7 14391,0
+Envelope=0,92 1132,14 1788,8 14341,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/s_pitch.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/s_pitch.ds
index 1beb500b486..04509607942 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/s_pitch.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/s_pitch.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Teddy Riley pitched snare
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 834,89 1877,11 3308,5 3903,0
-Envelope=0,100 328,100 715,89 1341,37 2533,14 3397,9 3456,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1043,31 2533,9 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 775,35 2354,9 5000,0
-Envelope=0,90 268,91 1251,16 5483,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Teddy Riley pitched snare
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 834,89 1877,11 3308,5 3903,0
+Envelope=0,100 328,100 715,89 1341,37 2533,14 3397,9 3456,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1043,31 2533,9 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 775,35 2354,9 5000,0
+Envelope=0,90 268,91 1251,16 5483,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/s_spit.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/s_spit.ds
index 645a7060200..5978295d86a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/s_spit.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/s_spit.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=Teddy Riley 'spit' snare
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
-Envelope=0,100 298,100 670,2 10429,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1117,19 2533,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 7598,0
-Envelope=0,100 968,20 2011,7 6034,9 7300,0
-Envelope=0,100 2235,43 2980,2 6853,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=Teddy Riley 'spit' snare
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 3500,20 8750,0
+Envelope=0,100 298,100 670,2 10429,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1117,19 2533,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 7598,0
+Envelope=0,100 968,20 2011,7 6034,9 7300,0
+Envelope=0,100 2235,43 2980,2 6853,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/snare&hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/snare&hat.ds
index b22d70489e9..977b7273ee8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/snare&hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/snare&hat.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 536,15 1070,3 6062,0
-Envelope=0,100 832,37 3269,5 10044,0
-Envelope1=0,100 536,9 892,0
-Envelope2=0,40 654,0
-Envelope=0,100 894,17 2211,0
-Envelope=0,100 1132,39 2384,17 4887,7 6122,5 6122,63 6538,9 8796,8 8796,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 536,15 1070,3 6062,0
+Envelope=0,100 832,37 3269,5 10044,0
+Envelope1=0,100 536,9 892,0
+Envelope2=0,40 654,0
+Envelope=0,100 894,17 2211,0
+Envelope=0,100 1132,39 2384,17 4887,7 6122,5 6122,63 6538,9 8796,8 8796,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/x_backwd.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/x_backwd.ds
index 5f24e6e6b02..72587be6ccc 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/x_backwd.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/r_n_b/x_backwd.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=backwards flick loop
-FilterEnv=0,71 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,64 521,58 521,0
-Envelope=0,0 2384,2 4023,7 5364,22 5364,0 24136,0 29797,3 32181,16 34565,48 34714,0
-Envelope1=0,13 45,0 5215,0 5364,74 5364,0 10280,0 10429,66 10429,0 15346,0 15495,65 15495,0 20411,0 20560,78 20560,0 25477,0 25626,64 25626,0
-Envelope2=0,100 36204,100 37396,0
-Envelope=0,75 89,0 5066,0 5364,74 5364,0 10131,0 10429,66 10429,0 15197,0 15495,65 15495,0 20262,0 20560,78 20560,0 25328,0 25626,64 25626,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,95 313,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=backwards flick loop
+FilterEnv=0,71 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,64 521,58 521,0
+Envelope=0,0 2384,2 4023,7 5364,22 5364,0 24136,0 29797,3 32181,16 34565,48 34714,0
+Envelope1=0,13 45,0 5215,0 5364,74 5364,0 10280,0 10429,66 10429,0 15346,0 15495,65 15495,0 20411,0 20560,78 20560,0 25477,0 25626,64 25626,0
+Envelope2=0,100 36204,100 37396,0
+Envelope=0,75 89,0 5066,0 5364,74 5364,0 10131,0 10429,66 10429,0 15197,0 15495,65 15495,0 20262,0 20560,78 20560,0 25328,0 25626,64 25626,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,95 313,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Cymbal.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Cymbal.ds
index 091bf23a987..2d9a7777c91 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Cymbal.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Cymbal.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,59 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,92 1031,11 3173,0
-Envelope1=0,74 1586,29 5235,18 11580,11 22843,6 39500,0
-Envelope2=0,79 41483,78 42514,0
-Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
-Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,59 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,92 1031,11 3173,0
+Envelope1=0,74 1586,29 5235,18 11580,11 22843,6 39500,0
+Envelope2=0,79 41483,78 42514,0
+Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
+Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Hat_C.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Hat_C.ds
index 818ee85e72c..7a6812edab4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Hat_C.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Hat_C.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,59 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,92 1190,27 3649,0
-Envelope1=0,74 1666,10 5869,0
-Envelope2=0,65 41324,66 42514,0
-Envelope=0,59 872,38 2697,0
-Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,59 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,92 1190,27 3649,0
+Envelope1=0,74 1666,10 5869,0
+Envelope2=0,65 41324,66 42514,0
+Envelope=0,59 872,38 2697,0
+Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Hat_O.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Hat_O.ds
index b2a15c71ded..ed817a2866e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Hat_O.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Hat_O.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,59 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 4687,0
-Envelope=0,92 1983,40 7694,17 15229,6 22447,0
-Envelope1=0,74 1586,29 5235,18 11580,11 23874,0
-Envelope2=0,65 41324,66 42514,0
-Envelope=0,59 872,38 2221,33 11897,12 22922,0
-Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,59 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 4687,0
+Envelope=0,92 1983,40 7694,17 15229,6 22447,0
+Envelope1=0,74 1586,29 5235,18 11580,11 23874,0
+Envelope2=0,65 41324,66 42514,0
+Envelope=0,59 872,38 2221,33 11897,12 22922,0
+Envelope=0,100 872,92 2221,21 5473,16 11897,7 20146,3 39500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Kick.ds
index 870739b91ea..69558536066 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Kick.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,40 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 839,48 2391,14 4750,5 8662,0
-Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,40 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 839,48 2391,14 4750,5 8662,0
+Envelope=0,100 500,20 1500,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Snare.ds
index d8138f1c946..2dcdab8ec09 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Snare.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,79 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 776,30 1663,7 4624,0
-Envelope=0,100 823,26 2138,12 3563,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,79 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 776,30 1663,7 4624,0
+Envelope=0,100 823,26 2138,12 3563,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Tom_H.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Tom_H.ds
index d3302448505..5397e9c1b17 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Tom_H.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Tom_H.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,79 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1314,39 2803,11 8329,0
-Envelope=0,100 1473,35 7997,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,32 3404,16 8123,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,79 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1314,39 2803,11 8329,0
+Envelope=0,100 1473,35 7997,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,32 3404,16 8123,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Tom_L.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Tom_L.ds
index c78f7726976..0d1ba91033b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Tom_L.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr606/TR606_Tom_L.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
-FilterEnv=0,50 952,100 444000,100 444000,0
-Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
-Envelope=0,100 1967,48 7997,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
-Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
-Envelope=0,0 2665,19 4029,22 5616,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for menu options
+FilterEnv=0,50 952,100 444000,100 444000,0
+Envelope=0,100 603,99 2253,30 6789,0
+Envelope=0,100 1967,48 7997,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1250,20 3750,0
+Envelope2=0,100 1000,20 3000,0
+Envelope=0,0 2665,19 4029,22 5616,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cui1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cui1.ds
index 817c028ee03..37f51865908 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cui1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cui1.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Equalised Roland TR-77 kit
-FilterEnv=0,86 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 270,0 270,99 375,0 795,0 795,100 930,0 1275,0 1275,99 1425,0 1815,0 1815,99 1935,0 2355,0 2355,99 2505,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,0 90,24 285,8 585,24 870,7 1125,24 1350,7 1635,25 1875,7 2145,26 2430,6 2685,28 2895,8 3135,28 3420,8 3645,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 2820,0 2820,96 2955,0 3315,0 3315,100 3585,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Equalised Roland TR-77 kit
+FilterEnv=0,86 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 270,0 270,99 375,0 795,0 795,100 930,0 1275,0 1275,99 1425,0 1815,0 1815,99 1935,0 2355,0 2355,99 2505,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,0 90,24 285,8 585,24 870,7 1125,24 1350,7 1635,25 1875,7 2145,26 2430,6 2685,28 2895,8 3135,28 3420,8 3645,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 2820,0 2820,96 2955,0 3315,0 3315,100 3585,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cui2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cui2.ds
index 8da33c3d8b9..7e7fe9912ff 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cui2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cui2.ds
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-Comment=Equalised Roland TR-77 kit
-FilterEnv=0,85 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,0 270,0 270,99 300,0 795,0 795,100 825,0 1275,0 1275,99 1305,0 1815,0 1815,99 1845,0 2355,0 2355,99 2385,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,0 120,23 330,6 600,22 840,6 1110,22 1260,9 1590,22 1800,8 2190,20 2370,10 2610,20 2850,12 3150,18 6120,16 6240,0 15450,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 2820,0 2820,96 2850,0 3315,0 3315,97 3345,0 3870,0 3870,97 3900,0 4410,0 4410,98 4440,0 4950,0 4950,97 4980,0 12150,0
-Envelope=0,0 5550,0 5550,90 5580,0 6150,0 6150,91 6270,0 18750,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+Comment=Equalised Roland TR-77 kit
+FilterEnv=0,85 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,0 270,0 270,99 300,0 795,0 795,100 825,0 1275,0 1275,99 1305,0 1815,0 1815,99 1845,0 2355,0 2355,99 2385,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,0 120,23 330,6 600,22 840,6 1110,22 1260,9 1590,22 1800,8 2190,20 2370,10 2610,20 2850,12 3150,18 6120,16 6240,0 15450,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 2820,0 2820,96 2850,0 3315,0 3315,97 3345,0 3870,0 3870,97 3900,0 4410,0 4410,98 4440,0 4950,0 4950,97 4980,0 12150,0
+Envelope=0,0 5550,0 5550,90 5580,0 6150,0 6150,91 6270,0 18750,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cym.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cym.ds
index 63bf8fbedbc..a3abe5dc9c7 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cym.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_cym.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,84 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 447,100 1639,43 3500,20 10653,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 38,99 540,100 2025,80 14700,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,84 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 447,100 1639,43 3500,20 10653,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 38,99 540,100 2025,80 14700,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_hat.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_hat.ds
index a86458319f3..d35fa552d2f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_hat.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_hat.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,91 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 447,100 1639,43 3500,20 10653,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 38,99 540,100 645,18 1230,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,91 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 447,100 1639,43 3500,20 10653,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 38,99 540,100 645,18 1230,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_kick.ds
index 927d141c7c9..723670b8423 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_kick.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Comment=Equalised Roland TR-77 kit
-Envelope=0,100 447,100 1639,43 3500,20 10653,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Comment=Equalised Roland TR-77 kit
+Envelope=0,100 447,100 1639,43 3500,20 10653,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_snare.ds
index 282ecfee33b..ce8682bb497 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,62 210,11 1530,0
-Envelope=0,0 20,95 1408,17 3292,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 120,93 2220,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,62 210,11 1530,0
+Envelope=0,0 20,95 1408,17 3292,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 120,93 2220,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_tom1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_tom1.ds
index 105e52c396b..00b829b561a 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_tom1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_tom1.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,98 1140,27 5790,0
-Envelope=0,0 120,93 7230,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 120,93 2220,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,98 1140,27 5790,0
+Envelope=0,0 120,93 7230,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 120,93 2220,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_tom2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_tom2.ds
index 875ea5ae0b6..823757a722e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_tom2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr77/Tr77_tom2.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,98 600,35 3990,0
-Envelope=0,0 120,93 7230,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,0 120,93 2220,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,98 600,35 3990,0
+Envelope=0,0 120,93 7230,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,0 120,93 2220,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Clave.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Clave.ds
index 1914ba8f1f2..3f7f5dbaa18 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Clave.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Clave.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,0 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
-Envelope1=0,100 555,31 1190,11 2300,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,0 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
+Envelope1=0,100 555,31 1190,11 2300,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Cowbell.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Cowbell.ds
index 3a3bf5afbc3..7e771754255 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Cowbell.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Cowbell.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,73 1099,27 4197,19 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
-Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,15 7971,0
-Envelope1=0,0 30,98 819,47 2831,24 6630,9 14899,0
-Envelope2=0,0 37,99 745,50 2756,26 6257,11 13409,0
-Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 11025,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,73 1099,27 4197,19 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
+Envelope=0,100 521,24 2384,15 7971,0
+Envelope1=0,0 30,98 819,47 2831,24 6630,9 14899,0
+Envelope2=0,0 37,99 745,50 2756,26 6257,11 13409,0
+Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 11025,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Handclap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Handclap.ds
index 66f89036e91..41f27546665 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Handclap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Handclap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,12 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
-Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 4297,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
-Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
-Envelope=0,99 104,38 432,18 440,100 521,30 879,14 894,100 1028,26 1333,9 1333,98 2309,27 5661,7 20038,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,12 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,61 4991,47 11025,25 19741,6 19741,25 19964,0
+Envelope=0,100 119,34 447,17 447,100 536,32 886,15 886,100 1013,28 1326,12 1326,100 1631,33 4297,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4800,50 16000,0
+Envelope2=0,100 5400,50 18000,0
+Envelope=0,99 104,38 432,18 440,100 521,30 879,14 894,100 1028,26 1333,9 1333,98 2309,27 5661,7 20038,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Hat_c.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Hat_c.ds
index 7700708c05f..62883b32201 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Hat_c.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Hat_c.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,59 41721,59 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
-Envelope=0,51 555,21 2538,9 7932,3 36168,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1745,9 3490,0
-Envelope2=0,89 39896,89 40531,0
-Envelope=0,100 1190,13 1983,2 3490,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,59 41721,59 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
+Envelope=0,51 555,21 2538,9 7932,3 36168,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1745,9 3490,0
+Envelope2=0,89 39896,89 40531,0
+Envelope=0,100 1190,13 1983,2 3490,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Hat_o.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Hat_o.ds
index 42ecdd30864..1d2957ec056 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Hat_o.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Hat_o.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,59 41721,59 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
-Envelope=0,51 555,21 2538,9 7932,3 36168,0
-Envelope1=0,100 7456,38 9677,7 10946,0
-Envelope2=0,89 39896,89 40531,0
-Envelope=0,100 7138,64 9677,7 10946,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,59 41721,59 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
+Envelope=0,51 555,21 2538,9 7932,3 36168,0
+Envelope1=0,100 7456,38 9677,7 10946,0
+Envelope2=0,89 39896,89 40531,0
+Envelope=0,100 7138,64 9677,7 10946,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kick.ds
index 22986ad6092..54ad35c4c82 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kick.ds
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,100 968,87 2160,49 4097,21 6630,7 12813,0
-Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,100 968,87 2160,49 4097,21 6630,7 12813,0
+Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kickhard.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kickhard.ds
index 676be734e8c..d7becdcce1e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kickhard.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kickhard.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 968,87 2160,49 4097,21 6630,7 12813,0
-Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 968,87 2160,49 4097,21 6630,7 12813,0
+Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kicklong.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kicklong.ds
index 3f968ccdb2e..228e8d5e658 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kicklong.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Kicklong.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2086,71 9237,45 18027,23 36502,0
-Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
-Envelope1=0,29 1983,44 9359,16 36502,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2086,71 9237,45 18027,23 36502,0
+Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
+Envelope1=0,29 1983,44 9359,16 36502,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Ride.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Ride.ds
index 3a2d246ed82..29b6c7f2de4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Ride.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Ride.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,97 41641,46 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
-Envelope=0,51 555,21 2538,9 7932,3 36168,0
-Envelope1=0,100 1269,32 3807,14 8646,7 39817,0
-Envelope2=0,96 39976,36 40531,0
-Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 11025,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,97 41641,46 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,58 10578,26 12217,0
+Envelope=0,51 555,21 2538,9 7932,3 36168,0
+Envelope1=0,100 1269,32 3807,14 8646,7 39817,0
+Envelope2=0,96 39976,36 40531,0
+Envelope=0,20 745,96 1490,36 3203,12 11025,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Rimshot.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Rimshot.ds
index d1a77131f6d..f9be6f2a97e 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Rimshot.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Rimshot.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 186,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,0 0,0 105,44 305,0
-Envelope2=0,100 165,6 444,4 749,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 186,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,0 0,0 105,44 305,0
+Envelope2=0,100 165,6 444,4 749,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,20 3750,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,20 2500,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Snare.ds
index da5f86aef4e..5b184715183 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,98 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1788,17 5453,0
-Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1824,6 4521,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,98 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1788,17 5453,0
+Envelope=0,0 22,98 521,52 1824,6 4521,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Snr_snap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Snr_snap.ds
index 988ae58dddb..ccc4b617584 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Snr_snap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Snr_snap.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 348,30 1190,8 3569,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,38 1824,8 4124,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 715,46 1847,18 3516,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 348,30 1190,8 3569,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,38 1824,8 4124,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_hi.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_hi.ds
index f389cad5580..2a641b8f1de 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_hi.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_hi.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1490,60 3278,34 6704,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 7,100 298,49 3799,21 8120,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,83 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1490,60 3278,34 6704,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 7,100 298,49 3799,21 8120,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_lo.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_lo.ds
index 9a67faae0cc..75516b7df37 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_lo.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_lo.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,76 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,99 1490,60 3278,34 15122,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 4470,32 12887,17 15793,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,76 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,99 1490,60 3278,34 15122,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 7,100 1788,56 4470,32 12887,17 15793,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_mid.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_mid.ds
index 349c90ecf82..a19c5319ff4 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_mid.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr808/Tom_mid.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,72 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 745,62 2443,35 4768,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,0 0,100 5587,25 12738,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,72 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 745,62 2443,35 4768,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,98 507,43 1788,19 3486,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 7500,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,0 0,100 5587,25 12738,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Clap.ds
index ffdbf539c86..cf3da413641 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Clap.ds
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,100 2309,25 12515,0
-Envelope=0,85 146,20 521,0 521,100 670,21 864,0 864,91 991,13 2175,0
-Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
-Envelope=0,84 149,20 521,0 521,100 670,21 864,0 864,93 983,25 2101,5 7449,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,100 2309,25 12515,0
+Envelope=0,85 146,20 521,0 521,100 670,21 864,0 864,91 991,13 2175,0
+Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
+Envelope=0,84 149,20 521,0 521,100 670,21 864,0 864,93 983,25 2101,5 7449,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-c.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-c.ds
index 7b06885e11a..404d5794231 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-c.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-c.ds
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,100 2309,25 12515,0
-Envelope=0,85 387,28 775,11 2175,0
-Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
-Envelope=0,96 149,15 685,5 2324,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,100 2309,25 12515,0
+Envelope=0,85 387,28 775,11 2175,0
+Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
+Envelope=0,96 149,15 685,5 2324,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-c2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-c2.ds
index bd6941236d3..478937b5c3b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-c2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-c2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1490,76 2475,30 9375,24 11475,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2325,27 8550,24 11400,0
-Envelope2=0,100 14303,53 15495,16 16984,0
-Envelope=0,100 2400,30 8475,25 11775,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1490,76 2475,30 9375,24 11475,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2325,27 8550,24 11400,0
+Envelope2=0,100 14303,53 15495,16 16984,0
+Envelope=0,100 2400,30 8475,25 11775,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-o.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-o.ds
index 6c195e43d4f..1af98c1b2b8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-o.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-o.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2309,25 12515,0
-Envelope=0,85 660,21 1455,15 4800,17 7151,17 9684,3 12664,0
-Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
-Envelope=0,96 149,15 685,5 2324,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2309,25 12515,0
+Envelope=0,85 660,21 1455,15 4800,17 7151,17 9684,3 12664,0
+Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
+Envelope=0,96 149,15 685,5 2324,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-o2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-o2.ds
index bd0ed82c8bb..e3a1059ed14 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-o2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Hat-o2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
-FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1490,76 4275,51 15495,16 16538,0
-Envelope1=0,100 4425,40 15375,19 19070,0
-Envelope2=0,100 14303,53 15495,16 16984,0
-Envelope=0,100 4350,42 15197,21 17133,0
-Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Comment=©1997 Paul Kellett http://www.abel.co.uk/~maxim/
+FilterEnv=0,78 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1490,76 4275,51 15495,16 16538,0
+Envelope1=0,100 4425,40 15375,19 19070,0
+Envelope2=0,100 14303,53 15495,16 16984,0
+Envelope=0,100 4350,42 15197,21 17133,0
+Envelope=0,100 1500,30 3000,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick.ds
index 5dd5984dd67..a51520ddbe1 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick.ds
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,81 4395,71 7077,29 10653,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 10429,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,81 4395,71 7077,29 10653,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 10429,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_1.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_1.ds
index ba64097dcca..23367dbdf60 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_1.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_1.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,81 4395,71 7077,29 10708,0
-Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 26254,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 22605,62 27364,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,81 4395,71 7077,29 10708,0
+Envelope=0,100 4500,30 9000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 3750,30 26254,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 22605,62 27364,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_2.ds
index 58809274e39..c69b8702a6b 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_2.ds
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,9 10429,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,1 10504,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,9 10429,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,1 10504,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_3.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_3.ds
index 70df9c9c496..8432536c6f8 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_3.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Kick_3.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2086,71 9237,45 18027,23 20305,0
-Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
-Envelope1=0,29 1983,44 9359,16 19988,0
-Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
-Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2086,71 9237,45 18027,23 20305,0
+Envelope=0,100 1937,80 3501,53 5066,32 6481,19 10131,4 19890,0
+Envelope1=0,29 1983,44 9359,16 19988,0
+Envelope2=0,100 3000,30 6000,0
+Envelope=0,100 2250,30 4500,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Snare.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Snare.ds
index fac01071dac..16025802f5f 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Snare.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Snare.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,20 3054,4 7822,0
-Envelope=0,100 819,39 1713,26 3874,0
-Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
-Envelope=0,100 1536,15 3959,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,20 3054,4 7822,0
+Envelope=0,100 819,39 1713,26 3874,0
+Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
+Envelope=0,100 1536,15 3959,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Snare2.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Snare2.ds
index 3e4641f5c94..cc195c41da5 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Snare2.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/Snare2.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 793,88 442000,100 443000,0
-Envelope=0,100 1117,20 3054,4 7822,0
-Envelope=0,100 1110,18 7614,0
-Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
-Envelope=0,100 1536,15 3959,0
-Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 793,88 442000,100 443000,0
+Envelope=0,100 1117,20 3054,4 7822,0
+Envelope=0,100 1110,18 7614,0
+Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
+Envelope=0,100 1536,15 3959,0
+Envelope=0,100 100,30 200,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/TR909_Clap.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/TR909_Clap.ds
index ffdbf539c86..cf3da413641 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/TR909_Clap.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/TR909_Clap.ds
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v1.0
-Envelope=0,100 2309,25 12515,0
-Envelope=0,85 146,20 521,0 521,100 670,21 864,0 864,91 991,13 2175,0
-Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
-Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
-Envelope=0,84 149,20 521,0 521,100 670,21 864,0 864,93 983,25 2101,5 7449,0
+Version=DrumSynth v1.0
+Envelope=0,100 2309,25 12515,0
+Envelope=0,85 146,20 521,0 521,100 670,21 864,0 864,91 991,13 2175,0
+Envelope1=0,100 968,17 2458,0
+Envelope2=0,100 745,11 2235,0
+Envelope=0,84 149,20 521,0 521,100 670,21 864,0 864,93 983,25 2101,5 7449,0
diff --git a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/TR909_Kick.ds b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/TR909_Kick.ds
index 1e0b5934ce6..22563afe762 100644
--- a/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/TR909_Kick.ds
+++ b/data/samples/drumsynth/tr909/TR909_Kick.ds
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-Version=DrumSynth v2.0
-FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
-Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
-Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
-Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
-Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
-Envelope=0,100 596,9 10429,0
-Envelope=0,100 1043,1 10504,0
+Version=DrumSynth v2.0
+FilterEnv=0,100 442000,100 442000,0
+Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0
+Envelope=0,100 1000,10 3000,0
+Envelope1=0,100 2500,20 6250,0
+Envelope2=0,100 2000,20 5000,0
+Envelope=0,100 596,9 10429,0
+Envelope=0,100 1043,1 10504,0
diff --git a/debian/patches/clang.patch b/debian/patches/clang.patch
index 2e2a0a2f1ce..0c6053b9d47 100644
--- a/debian/patches/clang.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/clang.patch
@@ -428,19 +428,19 @@ Index: lmms-1.1.3/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfwr.cpp
--- lmms-1.1.3.orig/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfwr.cpp 2017-01-03 20:07:50.000000000 +0100
+++ lmms-1.1.3/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfwr.cpp 2017-01-03 20:08:34.000000000 +0100
@@ -57,13 +57,11 @@
- Alg_seq_ptr seq;
-- int num_tracks; // number of tracks not counting tempo track
- int division; // divisions per quarter note, default = 120
- int initial_tempo;
- int timesig_num; // numerator of time signature
- int timesig_den; // denominator of time signature
-- double timesig_when; // time of time signature
- int keysig; // number of sharps (+) or flats (-), -99 for undefined
- char keysig_mode; // 'M' or 'm' for major/minor
+ Alg_seq_ptr seq;
+- int num_tracks; // number of tracks not counting tempo track
+ int division; // divisions per quarter note, default = 120
+ int initial_tempo;
+ int timesig_num; // numerator of time signature
+ int timesig_den; // denominator of time signature
+- double timesig_when; // time of time signature
+ int keysig; // number of sharps (+) or flats (-), -99 for undefined
+ char keysig_mode; // 'M' or 'm' for major/minor
Index: lmms-1.1.3/plugins/delay/stereodelay.cpp
--- lmms-1.1.3.orig/plugins/delay/stereodelay.cpp 2017-01-03 13:40:27.000000000 +0100
diff --git a/plugins/Lv2Effect/Lv2Effect.h b/plugins/Lv2Effect/Lv2Effect.h
index 77792d428a1..b9e4e06b028 100644
--- a/plugins/Lv2Effect/Lv2Effect.h
+++ b/plugins/Lv2Effect/Lv2Effect.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* Lv2Effect.h - implementation of LV2 effect
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Johannes Lorenz
diff --git a/plugins/Lv2Instrument/Lv2Instrument.h b/plugins/Lv2Instrument/Lv2Instrument.h
index 00a0f35fbe3..bb4f797fa08 100644
--- a/plugins/Lv2Instrument/Lv2Instrument.h
+++ b/plugins/Lv2Instrument/Lv2Instrument.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* Lv2Instrument.h - implementation of LV2 instrument
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Johannes Lorenz
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/algrd_internal.h b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/algrd_internal.h
index 9fbe6da315c..56a9cdc46af 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/algrd_internal.h
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/algrd_internal.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-/* algread_internal.h -- interface between allegro.cpp and allegrord.cpp */
-#include "allegro.h"
-Alg_error alg_read(std::istream &file, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq, double *offset_ptr = nullptr);
+/* algread_internal.h -- interface between allegro.cpp and allegrord.cpp */
+#include "allegro.h"
+Alg_error alg_read(std::istream &file, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq, double *offset_ptr = nullptr);
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrord.cpp b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrord.cpp
index 33541bc94a4..b0a1bfd67a1 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrord.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrord.cpp
@@ -1,780 +1,780 @@
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "stdlib.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "ctype.h"
-#include "trace.h"
-#include "strparse.h"
-#include "allegro.h"
-#include "algrd_internal.h"
-using namespace std;
-#define streql(s1, s2) (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0)
-#define field_max 80
-class Alg_reader {
- istream *file;
- string input_line;
- int line_no;
- String_parse line_parser;
- bool line_parser_flag;
- string field;
- bool error_flag;
- Alg_seq_ptr seq;
- double tsnum;
- double tsden;
- double offset;
- bool offset_found;
- Alg_reader(istream *a_file, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq);
- void readline();
- Alg_parameters_ptr process_attributes(Alg_parameters_ptr attributes,
- double time);
- bool parse();
- long parse_chan(string &field);
- long parse_int(string &field);
- int find_real_in(string &field, int n);
- double parse_real(string &field);
- void parse_error(string &field, long offset, char *message);
- void parse_error(string &field, long offset, const char *message);
- double parse_dur(string &field, double base);
- double parse_after_dur(double dur, string &field, int n, double base);
- double parse_loud(string &field);
- long parse_key(string &field);
- double parse_pitch(string &field);
- long parse_after_key(int key, string &field, int n);
- long find_int_in(string &field, int n);
- bool parse_attribute(string &field, Alg_parameter_ptr parm);
- bool parse_val(Alg_parameter_ptr param, string &s, int i);
- bool check_type(char type_char, Alg_parameter_ptr param);
-double Alg_reader::parse_pitch(string &field)
- if (isdigit(field[1])) {
- int last = find_real_in(field, 1);
- string real_string = field.substr(1, last - 1);
- return atof(real_string.c_str());
- } else {
- return (double) parse_key(field);
- }
-// it is the responsibility of the caller to delete
-// the seq
-Alg_reader::Alg_reader(istream *a_file, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq)
- file = a_file; // save the file
- line_parser_flag = false;
- line_no = 0;
- tsnum = 4; // default time signature
- tsden = 4;
- seq = new_seq;
- offset = 0.0;
- offset_found = false;
-Alg_error alg_read(istream &file, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq, double *offset_ptr)
- // read a sequence from allegro file
- assert(new_seq);
- Alg_reader alg_reader(&file, new_seq);
- bool err = alg_reader.parse();
- if (!err && offset_ptr) {
- *offset_ptr = alg_reader.offset;
- }
- return (err ? alg_error_syntax : alg_no_error);
-void Alg_reader::readline()
- // a word about memory management: this Alg_reader has a
- // member variable input_line that holds a line of input
- // it is reused for each line. input_line is parsed by
- // line_parser, which holds a reference to input_line
- line_parser_flag = false;
- if (getline(*file, input_line)) {
- line_parser.init(&input_line);
- line_parser_flag = true;
- error_flag = false;
- }
-Alg_parameters_ptr Alg_reader::process_attributes(
- Alg_parameters_ptr attributes, double time)
- // print "process_attributes:", attributes
- bool ts_flag = false;
- if (attributes) {
- Alg_parameters_ptr a;
- bool in_seconds = seq->get_units_are_seconds();
- if ((a = Alg_parameters::remove_key(&attributes, "tempor"))) {
- double tempo = a->parm.r;
- seq->insert_tempo(tempo, seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(time));
- }
- if ((a = Alg_parameters::remove_key(&attributes, "beatr"))) {
- double beat = a->parm.r;
- seq->insert_beat(time, beat);
- }
- if ((a = Alg_parameters::remove_key(&attributes, "timesig_numr"))) {
- tsnum = a->parm.r;
- ts_flag = true;
- }
- if ((a = Alg_parameters::remove_key(&attributes, "timesig_denr"))) {
- tsden = a->parm.r;
- ts_flag = true;
- }
- if (ts_flag) {
- seq->set_time_sig(seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(time),
- tsnum, tsden);
- }
- if (in_seconds) seq->convert_to_seconds();
- }
- return attributes; // in case it was modified
-bool Alg_reader::parse()
- int voice = 0;
- int key = 60;
- double loud = 100.0;
- double pitch = 60.0;
- double dur = 1.0;
- double time = 0.0;
- int track_num = 0;
- seq->convert_to_seconds();
- //seq->set_real_dur(0.0); // just in case it's not initialized already
- readline();
- bool valid = false; // ignore blank lines
- while (line_parser_flag) {
- bool time_flag = false;
- bool next_flag = false;
- double next = 0;
- bool voice_flag = false;
- bool loud_flag = false;
- bool dur_flag = false;
- bool new_pitch_flag = false; // "P" syntax or "A"-"G" syntax
- double new_pitch = 0.0;
- bool new_key_flag = false; // "K" syntax
- int new_key = 0;
- Alg_parameters_ptr attributes = nullptr;
- if (line_parser.peek() == '#') {
- // look for #track
- line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field);
- if (streql(field.c_str(), "#track")) {
- line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field); // number
- field.insert(0, " "); // need char at beginning because
- // parse_int ignores the first character of the argument
- track_num = parse_int(field);
- seq->add_track(track_num);
- // maybe we have a sequence or track name
- line_parser.get_remainder(field);
- // if there is a non-space character after #track n then
- // use it as sequence or track name. Note that because we
- // skip over spaces, a sequence or track name cannot begin
- // with leading blanks. Another decision is that the name
- // must be at time zero
- if (field.length() > 0) {
- // insert the field as sequence name or track name
- Alg_update_ptr update = new Alg_update;
- update->chan = -1;
- update->time = 0;
- update->set_identifier(-1);
- // sequence name is whatever is on track 0
- // other tracks have track names
- const char *attr =
- (track_num == 0 ? "seqnames" : "tracknames");
- update->parameter.set_attr(
- symbol_table.insert_string(attr));
- update->parameter.s = heapify(field.c_str());
- seq->add_event(update, track_num);
- }
- } else if (streql(field.c_str(), "#offset")) {
- if (offset_found) {
- parse_error(field, 0, "#offset specified twice");
- }
- offset_found = true;
- line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field); // number
- field.insert(0, " "); // need char at beginning because
- // parse_real ignores first character in the argument
- offset = parse_real(field);
- }
- } else {
- // we must have a track to insert into
- if (seq->tracks() == 0) seq->add_track(0);
- line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field);
- char pk = line_parser.peek();
- // attributes are parsed as two adjacent nonspace_quoted tokens
- // so we have to conditionally call get_nonspace_quoted() again
- if (pk && !isspace(pk)) {
- string field2;
- line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field2);
- field.append(field2);
- }
- while (field[0]) {
- char first = toupper(field[0]);
- if (strchr("ABCDEFGKLPUSIQHW-", first)) {
- valid = true; // it's a note or event
- }
- if (first == 'V') {
- if (voice_flag) {
- parse_error(field, 0, "Voice specified twice");
- } else {
- voice = parse_chan(field);
- }
- voice_flag = true;
- } else if (first == 'T') {
- if (time_flag) {
- parse_error(field, 0, "Time specified twice");
- } else {
- time = parse_dur(field, 0.0);
- }
- time_flag = true;
- } else if (first == 'N') {
- if (next_flag) {
- parse_error(field, 0, "Next specified twice");
- } else {
- next = parse_dur(field, time);
- }
- next_flag = true;
- } else if (first == 'K') {
- if (new_key_flag) {
- parse_error(field, 0, "Key specified twice");
- } else {
- new_key = parse_key(field);
- new_key_flag = true;
- }
- } else if (first == 'L') {
- if (loud_flag) {
- parse_error(field, 0, "Loudness specified twice");
- } else {
- loud = parse_loud(field);
- }
- loud_flag = true;
- } else if (first == 'P') {
- if (new_pitch_flag) {
- parse_error(field, 0, "Pitch specified twice");
- } else {
- new_pitch = parse_pitch(field);
- new_pitch_flag = true;
- }
- } else if (first == 'U') {
- if (dur_flag) {
- parse_error(field, 0, "Dur specified twice");
- } else {
- dur = parse_dur(field, time);
- dur_flag = true;
- }
- } else if (strchr("SIQHW", first)) {
- if (dur_flag) {
- parse_error(field, 0, "Dur specified twice");
- } else {
- // prepend 'U' to field, copy EOS too
- field.insert((unsigned int) 0, 1, 'U');
- dur = parse_dur(field, time);
- dur_flag = true;
- }
- } else if (strchr("ABCDEFG", first)) {
- if (new_pitch_flag) {
- parse_error(field, 0, "Pitch specified twice");
- } else {
- // prepend 'P' to field
- field.insert((unsigned int) 0, 1, 'P');
- new_pitch = parse_pitch(field);
- new_pitch_flag = true;
- }
- } else if (first == '-') {
- Alg_parameter parm;
- if (parse_attribute(field, &parm)) { // enter attribute-value pair
- attributes = new Alg_parameters(attributes);
- attributes->parm = parm;
- parm.s = nullptr; // protect string from deletion by destructor
- }
- } else {
- parse_error(field, 0, "Unknown field");
- }
- if (error_flag) {
- field[0] = 0; // exit the loop
- } else {
- line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field);
- pk = line_parser.peek();
- // attributes are parsed as two adjacent nonspace_quoted
- // tokens so we have to conditionally call
- // get_nonspace_quoted() again
- if (pk && !isspace(pk)) {
- string field2;
- line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field2);
- field.append(field2);
- }
- }
- }
- // a case analysis:
- // Key < 128 implies pitch unless pitch is explicitly given
- // Pitch implies Key unless key is explicitly given,
- // Pitch is rounded to nearest integer to determine the Key
- // if necessary, so MIDI files will lose the pitch fraction
- // A-G is a Pitch specification (therefore it implies Key)
- // K60 P60 -- both are specified, use 'em
- // K60 P60 C4 -- overconstrained, an error
- // K60 C4 -- OK, but K60 is already implied by C4
- // K60 -- OK, pitch is 60
- // C4 P60 -- over constrained
- // P60 -- OK, key is 60
- // P60.1 -- OK, key is 60
- // C4 -- OK, key is 60, pitch is 60
- // -- OK, key and pitch from before
- // K200 P60 -- ok, pitch is 60
- // K200 with neither P60 nor C4 uses
- // pitch from before
- // figure out what the key/instance is:
- if (new_key_flag) { // it was directly specified
- key = new_key;
- } else if (new_pitch_flag) {
- // pitch was specified, but key was not; get key from pitch
- key = (int) (new_pitch + 0.5); // round to integer key number
- }
- if (new_pitch_flag) {
- pitch = new_pitch;
- } else if (key < 128 && new_key_flag) {
- // no explicit pitch, but key < 128, so it implies pitch
- pitch = key;
- new_pitch_flag = true;
- }
- // now we've acquired new parameters
- // if (it is a note, then enter the note
- if (valid) {
- // change tempo or beat
- attributes = process_attributes(attributes, time);
- // if there's a duration or pitch, make a note:
- if (new_pitch_flag || dur_flag) {
- Alg_note_ptr note_ptr = new Alg_note;
- note_ptr->chan = voice;
- note_ptr->time = time;
- note_ptr->dur = dur;
- note_ptr->set_identifier(key);
- note_ptr->pitch = (float) pitch;
- note_ptr->loud = (float) loud;
- note_ptr->parameters = attributes;
- seq->add_event(note_ptr, track_num); // sort later
- if (seq->get_real_dur() < (time + dur)) seq->set_real_dur(time + dur);
- } else {
- int update_key = -1;
- // key must appear explicitly; otherwise
- // update applies to channel
- if (new_key_flag) {
- update_key = key;
- }
- if (loud_flag) {
- Alg_update_ptr new_upd = new Alg_update;
- new_upd->chan = voice;
- new_upd->time = time;
- new_upd->set_identifier(update_key);
- new_upd->parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("loudr"));
- new_upd->parameter.r = pitch;
- seq->add_event(new_upd, track_num);
- if (seq->get_real_dur() < time) seq->set_real_dur(time);
- }
- if (attributes) {
- while (attributes) {
- Alg_update_ptr new_upd = new Alg_update;
- new_upd->chan = voice;
- new_upd->time = time;
- new_upd->set_identifier(update_key);
- new_upd->parameter = attributes->parm;
- seq->add_event(new_upd, track_num);
- Alg_parameters_ptr p = attributes;
- attributes = attributes->next;
- p->parm.s = nullptr; // so we don't delete the string
- delete p;
- }
- }
- }
- if (next_flag) {
- time = time + next;
- } else if (dur_flag || new_pitch_flag) { // a note: incr by dur
- time = time + dur;
- }
- }
- }
- readline();
- }
- if (!error_flag) { // why not convert even if there was an error? -RBD
- seq->convert_to_seconds(); // make sure format is correct
- }
- // real_dur is valid, translate to beat_dur
- seq->set_beat_dur((seq->get_time_map())->time_to_beat(seq->get_real_dur()));
- return error_flag;
-long Alg_reader::parse_chan(string &field)
- const char *int_string = field.c_str() + 1;
- const char *msg = "Integer or - expected";
- const char *p = int_string;
- char c;
- // check that all chars in int_string are digits or '-':
- while ((c = *p++)) {
- if (!isdigit(c) && c != '-') {
- parse_error(field, p - field.c_str() - 1, msg);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- p--; // p now points to end-of-string character
- if (p - int_string == 0) {
- // bad: string length is zero
- parse_error(field, 1, msg);
- return 0;
- }
- if (p - int_string == 1 && int_string[0] == '-') {
- // special case: entire string is "-", interpret as -1
- return -1;
- }
- return atoi(int_string);
-long Alg_reader::parse_int(string &field)
- const char *int_string = field.c_str() + 1;
- const char *msg = "Integer expected";
- const char *p = int_string;
- char c;
- // check that all chars in int_string are digits:
- while ((c = *p++)) {
- if (!isdigit(c)) {
- parse_error(field, p - field.c_str() - 1, msg);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- p--; // p now points to end-of-string character
- if (p - int_string == 0) {
- // bad: string length is zero
- parse_error(field, 1, msg);
- return 0;
- }
- return atoi(int_string);
-int Alg_reader::find_real_in(string &field, int n)
- // scans from offset n to the end of a real constant
- bool decimal = false;
- int len = field.length();
- if (n < len && field[n] == '-') n += 1; // parse one minus sign
- for (int i = n; i < len; i++) {
- char c = field[i];
- if (!isdigit(c)) {
- if (c == '.' && !decimal) {
- decimal = true;
- } else {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return len;
-double Alg_reader::parse_real(string &field)
- const char *msg = "Real expected";
- int last = find_real_in(field, 1);
- string real_string = field.substr(1, last - 1);
- if (last <= 1 || last < (int) field.length()) {
- parse_error(field, 1, msg);
- return 0;
- }
- return atof(real_string.c_str());
-void Alg_reader::parse_error(string &field, long offset, char *message)
- int position = line_parser.pos - field.length() + offset;
- error_flag = true;
- puts(line_parser.str->c_str());
- for (int i = 0; i < position; i++) {
- putc(' ', stdout);
- }
- putc('^', stdout);
- printf(" %s\n", message);
-void Alg_reader::parse_error(string &field, long offset, const char *message)
- parse_error(field, offset, const_cast(message));
-double duration_lookup[] = { 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 };
-double Alg_reader::parse_dur(string &field, double base)
- const char *msg = "Duration expected";
- const char *durs = "SIQHW";
- const char *p;
- int last;
- double dur;
- if (field.length() < 2) {
- // fall through to error message
- return -1;
- } else if (isdigit(field[1])) {
- last = find_real_in(field, 1);
- string real_string = field.substr(1, last - 1);
- dur = atof(real_string.c_str());
- // convert dur from seconds to beats
- dur = seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(base + dur) -
- seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(base);
- } else if ((p = strchr(durs, toupper(field[1])))) {
- dur = duration_lookup[p - durs];
- last = 2;
- } else {
- parse_error(field, 1, msg);
- return 0;
- }
- dur = parse_after_dur(dur, field, last, base);
- dur = seq->get_time_map()->beat_to_time(
- seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(base) + dur) - base;
- return dur;
-double Alg_reader::parse_after_dur(double dur, string &field,
- int n, double base)
- if ((int) field.length() == n) {
- return dur;
- }
- if (toupper(field[n]) == 'T') {
- return parse_after_dur(dur * 2/3, field, n + 1, base);
- }
- if (field[n] == '.') {
- return parse_after_dur(dur * 1.5, field, n + 1, base);
- }
- if (isdigit(field[n])) {
- int last = find_real_in(field, n);
- string a_string = field.substr(n, last - n);
- double f = atof(a_string.c_str());
- return parse_after_dur(dur * f, field, last, base);
- }
- if (field[n] == '+') {
- string a_string = field.substr(n + 1);
- return dur + parse_dur(
- a_string, seq->get_time_map()->beat_to_time(
- seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(base) + dur));
- }
- parse_error(field, n, "Unexpected character in duration");
- return dur;
-struct loud_lookup_struct {
- const char *str;
- int val;
-} loud_lookup[] = { {"FFF", 127}, {"FF", 120}, {"F", 110}, {"MF", 100},
- {"MP", 90}, {"P", 80}, {"PP", 70}, {"PPP", 60},
- {nullptr, 0} };
-double Alg_reader::parse_loud(string &field)
- const char *msg = "Loudness expected";
- if (isdigit(field[1])) {
- return parse_int(field);
- } else {
- string dyn = field.substr(1);
- transform(dyn.begin(), dyn.end(), dyn.begin(), ::toupper);
- for (int i = 0; loud_lookup[i].str; i++) {
- if (streql(loud_lookup[i].str, dyn.c_str())) {
- return (double) loud_lookup[i].val;
- }
- }
- }
- parse_error(field, 1, msg);
- return 100.0;
-int key_lookup[] = {21, 23, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19};
-// the field can be K or K[A-G] or P[A-G]
-// (this can be called from parse_pitch() to handle [A-G])
-// Notice that the routine ignores the first character: K or P
-long Alg_reader::parse_key(string &field)
- const char *msg = "Pitch expected";
- const char *pitches = "ABCDEFG";
- const char *p;
- if (isdigit(field[1])) {
- // This routine would not have been called if field = "P"
- // so it must be "K" so must be an integer.
- return parse_int(field);
- } else if ((p = strchr(pitches, toupper(field[1])))) {
- long key = key_lookup[p - pitches];
- key = parse_after_key(key, field, 2);
- return key;
- }
- parse_error(field, 1, msg);
- return 0;
-long Alg_reader::parse_after_key(int key, string &field, int n)
- if ((int) field.length() == n) {
- return key;
- }
- char c = toupper(field[n]);
- if (c == 'S') {
- return parse_after_key(key + 1, field, n + 1);
- }
- if (c == 'F') {
- return parse_after_key(key - 1, field, n + 1);
- }
- if (isdigit(field[n])) {
- int last = find_int_in(field, n);
- string octave = field.substr(n, last - n);
- int oct = atoi(octave.c_str());
- return parse_after_key(key + oct * 12, field, last);
- }
- parse_error(field, n, "Unexpected character in pitch");
- return key;
-long Alg_reader::find_int_in(string &field, int n)
- while ((int) field.length() > n && isdigit(field[n])) {
- n = n + 1;
- }
- return n;
-bool Alg_reader::parse_attribute(string &field, Alg_parameter_ptr param)
- int i = 1;
- while (i < (int) field.length()) {
- if (field[i] == ':') {
- string attr = field.substr(1, i - 1);
- char type_char = field[i - 1];
- if (strchr("iarsl", type_char)) {
- param->set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string(attr.c_str()));
- parse_val(param, field, i + 1);
- } else {
- parse_error(field, 0, "attribute needs to end with typecode: i,a,r,s, or l");
- }
- return !error_flag;
- }
- i = i + 1;
- }
- return false;
-bool Alg_reader::parse_val(Alg_parameter_ptr param, string &s, int i)
- int len = (int) s.length();
- if (i >= len) {
- return false;
- }
- if (s[i] == '"') {
- if (!check_type('s', param)) {
- return false;
- }
- // note: (len - i) includes 2 quote characters but no EOS character
- // so total memory to allocate is (len - i) - 1
- char *r = new char[(len - i) - 1];
- strncpy(r, s.c_str() + i + 1, (len - i) - 2);
- r[(len - i) - 2] = 0; // terminate the string
- param->s = r;
- } else if (s[i] == '\'') {
- if (!check_type('a', param)) {
- return false;
- }
- string r = s.substr(i + 1, len - i - 2);
- param->a = symbol_table.insert_string(r.c_str());
- } else if (param->attr_type() == 'l') {
- if (streql(s.c_str() + i, "true") ||
- streql(s.c_str() + i, "t")) {
- param->l = true;
- } else if (streql(s.c_str() + i, "false") ||
- streql(s.c_str() + i, "nil")) {
- param->l = false;
- } else return false;
- } else if (isdigit(s[i]) || s[i] == '-' || s[i] == '.') {
- int pos = i;
- bool period = false;
- /* int sign = 1; LMMS unused variable */
- if (s[pos] == '-') {
- /* sign = -1; LMMS unused variable */
- pos++;
- }
- while (pos < len) {
- if (isdigit(s[pos])) {
- ;
- } else if (!period && s[pos] == '.') {
- period = true;
- } else {
- parse_error(s, pos, "Unexpected char in number");
- return false;
- }
- pos = pos + 1;
- }
- string r = s.substr(i, len - i);
- if (period) {
- if (!check_type('r', param)) {
- return false;
- }
- param->r = atof(r.c_str());
- } else {
- if (param->attr_type() == 'r') {
- param->r = atoi(r.c_str());
- } else if (!check_type('i', param)) {
- return false;
- } else {
- param->i = atoi(r.c_str());
- }
- }
- } else {
- parse_error(s, i, "invalid value");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool Alg_reader::check_type(char type_char, Alg_parameter_ptr param)
- return param->attr_type() == type_char;
-//duration_lookup = {"S": 0.5, "I": 0.5, "Q": 1, "H": 2, "W": 4}
-//key_lookup = {"C": 12, "D": 14, "E": 16, "F": 17, "G": 19, "A": 21, "B": 23}
-def test():
- reader = Alg_reader(open("data\\test.gro", "r"))
- reader.parse()
- score = reader->seq.notes
- print "score:", score
- reader = nil
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "ctype.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include "strparse.h"
+#include "allegro.h"
+#include "algrd_internal.h"
+using namespace std;
+#define streql(s1, s2) (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0)
+#define field_max 80
+class Alg_reader {
+ istream *file;
+ string input_line;
+ int line_no;
+ String_parse line_parser;
+ bool line_parser_flag;
+ string field;
+ bool error_flag;
+ Alg_seq_ptr seq;
+ double tsnum;
+ double tsden;
+ double offset;
+ bool offset_found;
+ Alg_reader(istream *a_file, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq);
+ void readline();
+ Alg_parameters_ptr process_attributes(Alg_parameters_ptr attributes,
+ double time);
+ bool parse();
+ long parse_chan(string &field);
+ long parse_int(string &field);
+ int find_real_in(string &field, int n);
+ double parse_real(string &field);
+ void parse_error(string &field, long offset, char *message);
+ void parse_error(string &field, long offset, const char *message);
+ double parse_dur(string &field, double base);
+ double parse_after_dur(double dur, string &field, int n, double base);
+ double parse_loud(string &field);
+ long parse_key(string &field);
+ double parse_pitch(string &field);
+ long parse_after_key(int key, string &field, int n);
+ long find_int_in(string &field, int n);
+ bool parse_attribute(string &field, Alg_parameter_ptr parm);
+ bool parse_val(Alg_parameter_ptr param, string &s, int i);
+ bool check_type(char type_char, Alg_parameter_ptr param);
+double Alg_reader::parse_pitch(string &field)
+ if (isdigit(field[1])) {
+ int last = find_real_in(field, 1);
+ string real_string = field.substr(1, last - 1);
+ return atof(real_string.c_str());
+ } else {
+ return (double) parse_key(field);
+ }
+// it is the responsibility of the caller to delete
+// the seq
+Alg_reader::Alg_reader(istream *a_file, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq)
+ file = a_file; // save the file
+ line_parser_flag = false;
+ line_no = 0;
+ tsnum = 4; // default time signature
+ tsden = 4;
+ seq = new_seq;
+ offset = 0.0;
+ offset_found = false;
+Alg_error alg_read(istream &file, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq, double *offset_ptr)
+ // read a sequence from allegro file
+ assert(new_seq);
+ Alg_reader alg_reader(&file, new_seq);
+ bool err = alg_reader.parse();
+ if (!err && offset_ptr) {
+ *offset_ptr = alg_reader.offset;
+ }
+ return (err ? alg_error_syntax : alg_no_error);
+void Alg_reader::readline()
+ // a word about memory management: this Alg_reader has a
+ // member variable input_line that holds a line of input
+ // it is reused for each line. input_line is parsed by
+ // line_parser, which holds a reference to input_line
+ line_parser_flag = false;
+ if (getline(*file, input_line)) {
+ line_parser.init(&input_line);
+ line_parser_flag = true;
+ error_flag = false;
+ }
+Alg_parameters_ptr Alg_reader::process_attributes(
+ Alg_parameters_ptr attributes, double time)
+ // print "process_attributes:", attributes
+ bool ts_flag = false;
+ if (attributes) {
+ Alg_parameters_ptr a;
+ bool in_seconds = seq->get_units_are_seconds();
+ if ((a = Alg_parameters::remove_key(&attributes, "tempor"))) {
+ double tempo = a->parm.r;
+ seq->insert_tempo(tempo, seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(time));
+ }
+ if ((a = Alg_parameters::remove_key(&attributes, "beatr"))) {
+ double beat = a->parm.r;
+ seq->insert_beat(time, beat);
+ }
+ if ((a = Alg_parameters::remove_key(&attributes, "timesig_numr"))) {
+ tsnum = a->parm.r;
+ ts_flag = true;
+ }
+ if ((a = Alg_parameters::remove_key(&attributes, "timesig_denr"))) {
+ tsden = a->parm.r;
+ ts_flag = true;
+ }
+ if (ts_flag) {
+ seq->set_time_sig(seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(time),
+ tsnum, tsden);
+ }
+ if (in_seconds) seq->convert_to_seconds();
+ }
+ return attributes; // in case it was modified
+bool Alg_reader::parse()
+ int voice = 0;
+ int key = 60;
+ double loud = 100.0;
+ double pitch = 60.0;
+ double dur = 1.0;
+ double time = 0.0;
+ int track_num = 0;
+ seq->convert_to_seconds();
+ //seq->set_real_dur(0.0); // just in case it's not initialized already
+ readline();
+ bool valid = false; // ignore blank lines
+ while (line_parser_flag) {
+ bool time_flag = false;
+ bool next_flag = false;
+ double next = 0;
+ bool voice_flag = false;
+ bool loud_flag = false;
+ bool dur_flag = false;
+ bool new_pitch_flag = false; // "P" syntax or "A"-"G" syntax
+ double new_pitch = 0.0;
+ bool new_key_flag = false; // "K" syntax
+ int new_key = 0;
+ Alg_parameters_ptr attributes = nullptr;
+ if (line_parser.peek() == '#') {
+ // look for #track
+ line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field);
+ if (streql(field.c_str(), "#track")) {
+ line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field); // number
+ field.insert(0, " "); // need char at beginning because
+ // parse_int ignores the first character of the argument
+ track_num = parse_int(field);
+ seq->add_track(track_num);
+ // maybe we have a sequence or track name
+ line_parser.get_remainder(field);
+ // if there is a non-space character after #track n then
+ // use it as sequence or track name. Note that because we
+ // skip over spaces, a sequence or track name cannot begin
+ // with leading blanks. Another decision is that the name
+ // must be at time zero
+ if (field.length() > 0) {
+ // insert the field as sequence name or track name
+ Alg_update_ptr update = new Alg_update;
+ update->chan = -1;
+ update->time = 0;
+ update->set_identifier(-1);
+ // sequence name is whatever is on track 0
+ // other tracks have track names
+ const char *attr =
+ (track_num == 0 ? "seqnames" : "tracknames");
+ update->parameter.set_attr(
+ symbol_table.insert_string(attr));
+ update->parameter.s = heapify(field.c_str());
+ seq->add_event(update, track_num);
+ }
+ } else if (streql(field.c_str(), "#offset")) {
+ if (offset_found) {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "#offset specified twice");
+ }
+ offset_found = true;
+ line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field); // number
+ field.insert(0, " "); // need char at beginning because
+ // parse_real ignores first character in the argument
+ offset = parse_real(field);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // we must have a track to insert into
+ if (seq->tracks() == 0) seq->add_track(0);
+ line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field);
+ char pk = line_parser.peek();
+ // attributes are parsed as two adjacent nonspace_quoted tokens
+ // so we have to conditionally call get_nonspace_quoted() again
+ if (pk && !isspace(pk)) {
+ string field2;
+ line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field2);
+ field.append(field2);
+ }
+ while (field[0]) {
+ char first = toupper(field[0]);
+ if (strchr("ABCDEFGKLPUSIQHW-", first)) {
+ valid = true; // it's a note or event
+ }
+ if (first == 'V') {
+ if (voice_flag) {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "Voice specified twice");
+ } else {
+ voice = parse_chan(field);
+ }
+ voice_flag = true;
+ } else if (first == 'T') {
+ if (time_flag) {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "Time specified twice");
+ } else {
+ time = parse_dur(field, 0.0);
+ }
+ time_flag = true;
+ } else if (first == 'N') {
+ if (next_flag) {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "Next specified twice");
+ } else {
+ next = parse_dur(field, time);
+ }
+ next_flag = true;
+ } else if (first == 'K') {
+ if (new_key_flag) {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "Key specified twice");
+ } else {
+ new_key = parse_key(field);
+ new_key_flag = true;
+ }
+ } else if (first == 'L') {
+ if (loud_flag) {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "Loudness specified twice");
+ } else {
+ loud = parse_loud(field);
+ }
+ loud_flag = true;
+ } else if (first == 'P') {
+ if (new_pitch_flag) {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "Pitch specified twice");
+ } else {
+ new_pitch = parse_pitch(field);
+ new_pitch_flag = true;
+ }
+ } else if (first == 'U') {
+ if (dur_flag) {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "Dur specified twice");
+ } else {
+ dur = parse_dur(field, time);
+ dur_flag = true;
+ }
+ } else if (strchr("SIQHW", first)) {
+ if (dur_flag) {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "Dur specified twice");
+ } else {
+ // prepend 'U' to field, copy EOS too
+ field.insert((unsigned int) 0, 1, 'U');
+ dur = parse_dur(field, time);
+ dur_flag = true;
+ }
+ } else if (strchr("ABCDEFG", first)) {
+ if (new_pitch_flag) {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "Pitch specified twice");
+ } else {
+ // prepend 'P' to field
+ field.insert((unsigned int) 0, 1, 'P');
+ new_pitch = parse_pitch(field);
+ new_pitch_flag = true;
+ }
+ } else if (first == '-') {
+ Alg_parameter parm;
+ if (parse_attribute(field, &parm)) { // enter attribute-value pair
+ attributes = new Alg_parameters(attributes);
+ attributes->parm = parm;
+ parm.s = nullptr; // protect string from deletion by destructor
+ }
+ } else {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "Unknown field");
+ }
+ if (error_flag) {
+ field[0] = 0; // exit the loop
+ } else {
+ line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field);
+ pk = line_parser.peek();
+ // attributes are parsed as two adjacent nonspace_quoted
+ // tokens so we have to conditionally call
+ // get_nonspace_quoted() again
+ if (pk && !isspace(pk)) {
+ string field2;
+ line_parser.get_nonspace_quoted(field2);
+ field.append(field2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // a case analysis:
+ // Key < 128 implies pitch unless pitch is explicitly given
+ // Pitch implies Key unless key is explicitly given,
+ // Pitch is rounded to nearest integer to determine the Key
+ // if necessary, so MIDI files will lose the pitch fraction
+ // A-G is a Pitch specification (therefore it implies Key)
+ // K60 P60 -- both are specified, use 'em
+ // K60 P60 C4 -- overconstrained, an error
+ // K60 C4 -- OK, but K60 is already implied by C4
+ // K60 -- OK, pitch is 60
+ // C4 P60 -- over constrained
+ // P60 -- OK, key is 60
+ // P60.1 -- OK, key is 60
+ // C4 -- OK, key is 60, pitch is 60
+ // -- OK, key and pitch from before
+ // K200 P60 -- ok, pitch is 60
+ // K200 with neither P60 nor C4 uses
+ // pitch from before
+ // figure out what the key/instance is:
+ if (new_key_flag) { // it was directly specified
+ key = new_key;
+ } else if (new_pitch_flag) {
+ // pitch was specified, but key was not; get key from pitch
+ key = (int) (new_pitch + 0.5); // round to integer key number
+ }
+ if (new_pitch_flag) {
+ pitch = new_pitch;
+ } else if (key < 128 && new_key_flag) {
+ // no explicit pitch, but key < 128, so it implies pitch
+ pitch = key;
+ new_pitch_flag = true;
+ }
+ // now we've acquired new parameters
+ // if (it is a note, then enter the note
+ if (valid) {
+ // change tempo or beat
+ attributes = process_attributes(attributes, time);
+ // if there's a duration or pitch, make a note:
+ if (new_pitch_flag || dur_flag) {
+ Alg_note_ptr note_ptr = new Alg_note;
+ note_ptr->chan = voice;
+ note_ptr->time = time;
+ note_ptr->dur = dur;
+ note_ptr->set_identifier(key);
+ note_ptr->pitch = (float) pitch;
+ note_ptr->loud = (float) loud;
+ note_ptr->parameters = attributes;
+ seq->add_event(note_ptr, track_num); // sort later
+ if (seq->get_real_dur() < (time + dur)) seq->set_real_dur(time + dur);
+ } else {
+ int update_key = -1;
+ // key must appear explicitly; otherwise
+ // update applies to channel
+ if (new_key_flag) {
+ update_key = key;
+ }
+ if (loud_flag) {
+ Alg_update_ptr new_upd = new Alg_update;
+ new_upd->chan = voice;
+ new_upd->time = time;
+ new_upd->set_identifier(update_key);
+ new_upd->parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("loudr"));
+ new_upd->parameter.r = pitch;
+ seq->add_event(new_upd, track_num);
+ if (seq->get_real_dur() < time) seq->set_real_dur(time);
+ }
+ if (attributes) {
+ while (attributes) {
+ Alg_update_ptr new_upd = new Alg_update;
+ new_upd->chan = voice;
+ new_upd->time = time;
+ new_upd->set_identifier(update_key);
+ new_upd->parameter = attributes->parm;
+ seq->add_event(new_upd, track_num);
+ Alg_parameters_ptr p = attributes;
+ attributes = attributes->next;
+ p->parm.s = nullptr; // so we don't delete the string
+ delete p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (next_flag) {
+ time = time + next;
+ } else if (dur_flag || new_pitch_flag) { // a note: incr by dur
+ time = time + dur;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ readline();
+ }
+ if (!error_flag) { // why not convert even if there was an error? -RBD
+ seq->convert_to_seconds(); // make sure format is correct
+ }
+ // real_dur is valid, translate to beat_dur
+ seq->set_beat_dur((seq->get_time_map())->time_to_beat(seq->get_real_dur()));
+ return error_flag;
+long Alg_reader::parse_chan(string &field)
+ const char *int_string = field.c_str() + 1;
+ const char *msg = "Integer or - expected";
+ const char *p = int_string;
+ char c;
+ // check that all chars in int_string are digits or '-':
+ while ((c = *p++)) {
+ if (!isdigit(c) && c != '-') {
+ parse_error(field, p - field.c_str() - 1, msg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ p--; // p now points to end-of-string character
+ if (p - int_string == 0) {
+ // bad: string length is zero
+ parse_error(field, 1, msg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (p - int_string == 1 && int_string[0] == '-') {
+ // special case: entire string is "-", interpret as -1
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return atoi(int_string);
+long Alg_reader::parse_int(string &field)
+ const char *int_string = field.c_str() + 1;
+ const char *msg = "Integer expected";
+ const char *p = int_string;
+ char c;
+ // check that all chars in int_string are digits:
+ while ((c = *p++)) {
+ if (!isdigit(c)) {
+ parse_error(field, p - field.c_str() - 1, msg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ p--; // p now points to end-of-string character
+ if (p - int_string == 0) {
+ // bad: string length is zero
+ parse_error(field, 1, msg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return atoi(int_string);
+int Alg_reader::find_real_in(string &field, int n)
+ // scans from offset n to the end of a real constant
+ bool decimal = false;
+ int len = field.length();
+ if (n < len && field[n] == '-') n += 1; // parse one minus sign
+ for (int i = n; i < len; i++) {
+ char c = field[i];
+ if (!isdigit(c)) {
+ if (c == '.' && !decimal) {
+ decimal = true;
+ } else {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return len;
+double Alg_reader::parse_real(string &field)
+ const char *msg = "Real expected";
+ int last = find_real_in(field, 1);
+ string real_string = field.substr(1, last - 1);
+ if (last <= 1 || last < (int) field.length()) {
+ parse_error(field, 1, msg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return atof(real_string.c_str());
+void Alg_reader::parse_error(string &field, long offset, char *message)
+ int position = line_parser.pos - field.length() + offset;
+ error_flag = true;
+ puts(line_parser.str->c_str());
+ for (int i = 0; i < position; i++) {
+ putc(' ', stdout);
+ }
+ putc('^', stdout);
+ printf(" %s\n", message);
+void Alg_reader::parse_error(string &field, long offset, const char *message)
+ parse_error(field, offset, const_cast(message));
+double duration_lookup[] = { 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 };
+double Alg_reader::parse_dur(string &field, double base)
+ const char *msg = "Duration expected";
+ const char *durs = "SIQHW";
+ const char *p;
+ int last;
+ double dur;
+ if (field.length() < 2) {
+ // fall through to error message
+ return -1;
+ } else if (isdigit(field[1])) {
+ last = find_real_in(field, 1);
+ string real_string = field.substr(1, last - 1);
+ dur = atof(real_string.c_str());
+ // convert dur from seconds to beats
+ dur = seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(base + dur) -
+ seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(base);
+ } else if ((p = strchr(durs, toupper(field[1])))) {
+ dur = duration_lookup[p - durs];
+ last = 2;
+ } else {
+ parse_error(field, 1, msg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ dur = parse_after_dur(dur, field, last, base);
+ dur = seq->get_time_map()->beat_to_time(
+ seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(base) + dur) - base;
+ return dur;
+double Alg_reader::parse_after_dur(double dur, string &field,
+ int n, double base)
+ if ((int) field.length() == n) {
+ return dur;
+ }
+ if (toupper(field[n]) == 'T') {
+ return parse_after_dur(dur * 2/3, field, n + 1, base);
+ }
+ if (field[n] == '.') {
+ return parse_after_dur(dur * 1.5, field, n + 1, base);
+ }
+ if (isdigit(field[n])) {
+ int last = find_real_in(field, n);
+ string a_string = field.substr(n, last - n);
+ double f = atof(a_string.c_str());
+ return parse_after_dur(dur * f, field, last, base);
+ }
+ if (field[n] == '+') {
+ string a_string = field.substr(n + 1);
+ return dur + parse_dur(
+ a_string, seq->get_time_map()->beat_to_time(
+ seq->get_time_map()->time_to_beat(base) + dur));
+ }
+ parse_error(field, n, "Unexpected character in duration");
+ return dur;
+struct loud_lookup_struct {
+ const char *str;
+ int val;
+} loud_lookup[] = { {"FFF", 127}, {"FF", 120}, {"F", 110}, {"MF", 100},
+ {"MP", 90}, {"P", 80}, {"PP", 70}, {"PPP", 60},
+ {nullptr, 0} };
+double Alg_reader::parse_loud(string &field)
+ const char *msg = "Loudness expected";
+ if (isdigit(field[1])) {
+ return parse_int(field);
+ } else {
+ string dyn = field.substr(1);
+ transform(dyn.begin(), dyn.end(), dyn.begin(), ::toupper);
+ for (int i = 0; loud_lookup[i].str; i++) {
+ if (streql(loud_lookup[i].str, dyn.c_str())) {
+ return (double) loud_lookup[i].val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ parse_error(field, 1, msg);
+ return 100.0;
+int key_lookup[] = {21, 23, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19};
+// the field can be K or K[A-G] or P[A-G]
+// (this can be called from parse_pitch() to handle [A-G])
+// Notice that the routine ignores the first character: K or P
+long Alg_reader::parse_key(string &field)
+ const char *msg = "Pitch expected";
+ const char *pitches = "ABCDEFG";
+ const char *p;
+ if (isdigit(field[1])) {
+ // This routine would not have been called if field = "P"
+ // so it must be "K" so must be an integer.
+ return parse_int(field);
+ } else if ((p = strchr(pitches, toupper(field[1])))) {
+ long key = key_lookup[p - pitches];
+ key = parse_after_key(key, field, 2);
+ return key;
+ }
+ parse_error(field, 1, msg);
+ return 0;
+long Alg_reader::parse_after_key(int key, string &field, int n)
+ if ((int) field.length() == n) {
+ return key;
+ }
+ char c = toupper(field[n]);
+ if (c == 'S') {
+ return parse_after_key(key + 1, field, n + 1);
+ }
+ if (c == 'F') {
+ return parse_after_key(key - 1, field, n + 1);
+ }
+ if (isdigit(field[n])) {
+ int last = find_int_in(field, n);
+ string octave = field.substr(n, last - n);
+ int oct = atoi(octave.c_str());
+ return parse_after_key(key + oct * 12, field, last);
+ }
+ parse_error(field, n, "Unexpected character in pitch");
+ return key;
+long Alg_reader::find_int_in(string &field, int n)
+ while ((int) field.length() > n && isdigit(field[n])) {
+ n = n + 1;
+ }
+ return n;
+bool Alg_reader::parse_attribute(string &field, Alg_parameter_ptr param)
+ int i = 1;
+ while (i < (int) field.length()) {
+ if (field[i] == ':') {
+ string attr = field.substr(1, i - 1);
+ char type_char = field[i - 1];
+ if (strchr("iarsl", type_char)) {
+ param->set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string(attr.c_str()));
+ parse_val(param, field, i + 1);
+ } else {
+ parse_error(field, 0, "attribute needs to end with typecode: i,a,r,s, or l");
+ }
+ return !error_flag;
+ }
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Alg_reader::parse_val(Alg_parameter_ptr param, string &s, int i)
+ int len = (int) s.length();
+ if (i >= len) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (s[i] == '"') {
+ if (!check_type('s', param)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // note: (len - i) includes 2 quote characters but no EOS character
+ // so total memory to allocate is (len - i) - 1
+ char *r = new char[(len - i) - 1];
+ strncpy(r, s.c_str() + i + 1, (len - i) - 2);
+ r[(len - i) - 2] = 0; // terminate the string
+ param->s = r;
+ } else if (s[i] == '\'') {
+ if (!check_type('a', param)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ string r = s.substr(i + 1, len - i - 2);
+ param->a = symbol_table.insert_string(r.c_str());
+ } else if (param->attr_type() == 'l') {
+ if (streql(s.c_str() + i, "true") ||
+ streql(s.c_str() + i, "t")) {
+ param->l = true;
+ } else if (streql(s.c_str() + i, "false") ||
+ streql(s.c_str() + i, "nil")) {
+ param->l = false;
+ } else return false;
+ } else if (isdigit(s[i]) || s[i] == '-' || s[i] == '.') {
+ int pos = i;
+ bool period = false;
+ /* int sign = 1; LMMS unused variable */
+ if (s[pos] == '-') {
+ /* sign = -1; LMMS unused variable */
+ pos++;
+ }
+ while (pos < len) {
+ if (isdigit(s[pos])) {
+ ;
+ } else if (!period && s[pos] == '.') {
+ period = true;
+ } else {
+ parse_error(s, pos, "Unexpected char in number");
+ return false;
+ }
+ pos = pos + 1;
+ }
+ string r = s.substr(i, len - i);
+ if (period) {
+ if (!check_type('r', param)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ param->r = atof(r.c_str());
+ } else {
+ if (param->attr_type() == 'r') {
+ param->r = atoi(r.c_str());
+ } else if (!check_type('i', param)) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ param->i = atoi(r.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ parse_error(s, i, "invalid value");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Alg_reader::check_type(char type_char, Alg_parameter_ptr param)
+ return param->attr_type() == type_char;
+//duration_lookup = {"S": 0.5, "I": 0.5, "Q": 1, "H": 2, "W": 4}
+//key_lookup = {"C": 12, "D": 14, "E": 16, "F": 17, "G": 19, "A": 21, "B": 23}
+def test():
+ reader = Alg_reader(open("data\\test.gro", "r"))
+ reader.parse()
+ score = reader->seq.notes
+ print "score:", score
+ reader = nil
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegroserial.cpp b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegroserial.cpp
index e6b52f339f1..3d4357775da 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegroserial.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegroserial.cpp
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-// allegroserial.cpp -- convert track to memory buffer and back to structure
+// allegroserial.cpp -- convert track to memory buffer and back to structure
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfrd.cpp b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfrd.cpp
index b6b2d6334e8..a221ca11b30 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfrd.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfrd.cpp
@@ -1,461 +1,461 @@
-// midifile reader
-#include "stdlib.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "allegro.h"
-#include "algsmfrd_internal.h"
-#include "mfmidi.h"
-#include "trace.h"
-using namespace std;
-typedef class Alg_note_list {
- Alg_note_ptr note;
- class Alg_note_list *next;
- Alg_note_list(Alg_note_ptr n, class Alg_note_list *list) {
- note = n; next = list; }
-} *Alg_note_list_ptr;
-class Alg_midifile_reader: public Midifile_reader {
- istream *file;
- Alg_seq_ptr seq;
- int divisions;
- Alg_note_list_ptr note_list;
- Alg_track_ptr track;
- int track_number; // the number of the (current) track
- // chan is actual_channel + channel_offset_per_track * track_num +
- // channel_offset_per_track * port
- long channel_offset_per_track; // used to encode track number into channel
- // default is 0, set this to 0 to merge all tracks to 16 channels
- long channel_offset_per_port; // used to encode port number into channel
- // default is 16, set to 0 to ignore port prefix meta events
- // while reading, this is channel_offset_per_track * track_num
- int channel_offset;
- Alg_midifile_reader(istream &f, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq) {
- file = &f;
- note_list = nullptr;
- seq = new_seq;
- channel_offset_per_track = 0;
- channel_offset_per_port = 16;
- track_number = -1; // no tracks started yet, 1st will be #0
- meta_channel = -1;
- port = 0;
- }
- // delete destroys the seq member as well, so set it to NULL if you
- // copied the pointer elsewhere
- ~Alg_midifile_reader();
- // the following is used to load the Alg_seq from the file:
- bool parse();
- void set_nomerge(bool flag) { Mf_nomerge = flag; }
- void set_skipinit(bool flag) { Mf_skipinit = flag; }
- long get_currtime() { return Mf_currtime; }
- int meta_channel; // the channel for meta events, set by MIDI chan prefix
- int port; // value from the portprefix meta event
- double get_time();
- void update(int chan, int key, Alg_parameter_ptr param);
- void *Mf_malloc(size_t size) { return malloc(size); }
- void Mf_free(void *obj, size_t size) { free(obj); }
- /* Methods to be called while processing the MIDI file. */
- void Mf_starttrack();
- void Mf_endtrack();
- int Mf_getc();
- void Mf_chanprefix(int chan);
- void Mf_portprefix(int port);
- void Mf_eot();
- void Mf_error(char *);
- void Mf_error(const char *);
- void Mf_header(int,int,int);
- void Mf_on(int,int,int);
- void Mf_off(int,int,int);
- void Mf_pressure(int,int,int);
- void Mf_controller(int,int,int);
- void Mf_pitchbend(int,int,int);
- void Mf_program(int,int);
- void Mf_chanpressure(int,int);
- void binary_msg(int len, unsigned char *msg, const char *attr_string);
- void Mf_sysex(int,unsigned char*);
- void Mf_arbitrary(int,unsigned char*);
- void Mf_metamisc(int,int,unsigned char*);
- void Mf_seqnum(int);
- void Mf_smpte(int,int,int,int,int);
- void Mf_timesig(int,int,int,int);
- void Mf_tempo(int);
- void Mf_keysig(int,int);
- void Mf_sqspecific(int,unsigned char*);
- void Mf_text(int,int,unsigned char*);
- while (note_list) {
- Alg_note_list_ptr to_be_freed = note_list;
- note_list = note_list->next;
- delete to_be_freed;
- }
- finalize(); // free Mf reader memory
-bool Alg_midifile_reader::parse()
- channel_offset = 0;
- seq->convert_to_beats();
- midifile();
- seq->set_real_dur(seq->get_time_map()->beat_to_time(seq->get_beat_dur()));
- return midifile_error != 0;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_starttrack()
- // printf("starting new track\n");
- // create a new track that will share the sequence time map
- // since time is in beats, the seconds parameter is false
- track_number++;
- seq->add_track(track_number); // make sure track exists
- track = seq->track(track_number); // keep pointer to current track
- meta_channel = -1;
- port = 0;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_endtrack()
- // note: track is already part of seq, so do not add it here
- // printf("finished track, length %d number %d\n", track->len, track_num / 100);
- channel_offset += seq->channel_offset_per_track;
- track = nullptr;
- double now = get_time();
- if (seq->get_beat_dur() < now) seq->set_beat_dur(now);
- meta_channel = -1;
- port = 0;
-int Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_getc()
- return file->get();
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_chanprefix(int chan)
- meta_channel = chan;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_portprefix(int p)
- port = p;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_eot()
- meta_channel = -1;
- port = 0;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_error(char *msg)
- fprintf(stdout, "Midifile reader error: %s\n", msg);
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_error(const char *msg)
- Mf_error(const_cast(msg));
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_header(int format, int ntrks, int division)
- if (format > 1) {
- char msg[80];
-//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // msg is long enough
- sprintf(msg, "file format %d not implemented", format);
-//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
- Mf_error(msg);
- }
- divisions = division;
-double Alg_midifile_reader::get_time()
- double beat = ((double) get_currtime()) / divisions;
- return beat;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_on(int chan, int key, int vel)
- assert(!seq->get_units_are_seconds());
- if (vel == 0) {
- Mf_off(chan, key, vel);
- return;
- }
- Alg_note_ptr note = new Alg_note();
- note_list = new Alg_note_list(note, note_list);
- /* trace("on: %d at %g\n", key, get_time()); */
- note->time = get_time();
- note->chan = chan + channel_offset + port * channel_offset_per_port;
- note->dur = 0;
- note->set_identifier(key);
- note->pitch = (float) key;
- note->loud = (float) vel;
- track->append(note);
- meta_channel = -1;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_off(int chan, int key, int vel)
- double time = get_time();
- Alg_note_list_ptr *p = ¬e_list;
- while (*p) {
- if ((*p)->note->get_identifier() == key &&
- (*p)->note->chan ==
- chan + channel_offset + port * channel_offset_per_port) {
- (*p)->note->dur = time - (*p)->note->time;
- // trace("updated %d dur %g\n", (*p)->note->key, (*p)->note->dur);
- Alg_note_list_ptr to_be_freed = *p;
- *p = to_be_freed->next;
- delete to_be_freed;
- } else {
- p = &((*p)->next);
- }
- }
- meta_channel = -1;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::update(int chan, int key, Alg_parameter_ptr param)
- Alg_update_ptr update = new Alg_update;
- update->time = get_time();
- update->chan = chan;
- if (chan != -1) {
- update->chan = chan + channel_offset + port * channel_offset_per_port;
- }
- update->set_identifier(key);
- update->parameter = *param;
- // prevent the destructor from destroying the string twice!
- // the new Update takes the string from param
- if (param->attr_type() == 's') param->s = nullptr;
- track->append(update);
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_pressure(int chan, int key, int val)
- Alg_parameter parameter;
- parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("pressurer"));
- parameter.r = val / 127.0;
- update(chan, key, ¶meter);
- meta_channel = -1;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_controller(int chan, int control, int val)
- Alg_parameter parameter;
- char name[32];
-//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // name is long enough
- sprintf(name, "control%dr", control);
-//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
- parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string(name));
- parameter.r = val / 127.0;
- update(chan, -1, ¶meter);
- meta_channel = -1;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_pitchbend(int chan, int c1, int c2)
- Alg_parameter parameter;
- parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("bendr"));
- parameter.r = ((c2 << 7) + c1) / 8192.0 - 1.0;
- update(chan, -1, ¶meter);
- meta_channel = -1;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_program(int chan, int program)
- Alg_parameter parameter;
- parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("programi"));
- parameter.i = program;
- update(chan, -1, ¶meter);
- meta_channel = -1;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_chanpressure(int chan, int val)
- Alg_parameter parameter;
- parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("pressurer"));
- parameter.r = val / 127.0;
- update(chan, -1, ¶meter);
- meta_channel = -1;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::binary_msg(int len, unsigned char *msg,
- const char *attr_string)
- Alg_parameter parameter;
- char *hexstr = new char[len * 2 + 1];
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // hexstr is long enough
- sprintf(hexstr + 2 * i, "%02x", (0xFF & msg[i]));
-//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
- }
- parameter.s = hexstr;
- parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string(attr_string));
- update(meta_channel, -1, ¶meter);
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_sysex(int len, unsigned char *msg)
- // sysex messages become updates with attribute sysexs and a hex string
- binary_msg(len, msg, "sysexs");
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_arbitrary(int len, unsigned char *msg)
- Mf_error("arbitrary data ignored");
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_metamisc(int type, int len, unsigned char *msg)
- char text[128];
-//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // text is long enough
- sprintf(text, "metamsic data, type 0x%x, ignored", type);
-//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
- Mf_error(text);
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_seqnum(int n)
- Mf_error("seqnum data ignored");
-static const char *fpsstr[4] = {"24", "25", "29.97", "30"};
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_smpte(int hours, int mins, int secs,
- int frames, int subframes)
- // string will look like "24fps:01h:27m:07s:19.00f"
- // 30fps (drop frame) is notated as "29.97fps"
- char text[32];
- int fps = (hours >> 6) & 3;
- hours &= 0x1F;
-//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // text is long enough
- sprintf(text, "%sfps:%02dh:%02dm:%02ds:%02d.%02df",
- fpsstr[fps], hours, mins, secs, frames, subframes);
-//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
- Alg_parameter smpteoffset;
- smpteoffset.s = heapify(text);
- smpteoffset.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("smpteoffsets"));
- update(meta_channel, -1, &smpteoffset);
- // Mf_error("SMPTE data ignored");
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_timesig(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
- seq->set_time_sig(double(get_currtime()) / divisions, i1, 1 << i2);
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_tempo(int tempo)
- double beat = get_currtime();
- beat = beat / divisions; // convert to quarters
- // 6000000 us/min / n us/beat => beat / min
- double bpm = 60000000.0 / tempo;
- seq->insert_tempo(bpm, beat);
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_keysig(int key, int mode)
- Alg_parameter key_parm;
- key_parm.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("keysigi"));
- // use 0 for C major, 1 for G, -1 for F, etc., that is,
- // the number of sharps, where flats are negative sharps
- key_parm.i = key; //<<<---- fix this
- // use -1 to mean "all channels"
- update(meta_channel, -1, &key_parm);
- Alg_parameter mode_parm;
- mode_parm.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("modea"));
- mode_parm.a = (mode == 0 ? symbol_table.insert_string("major") :
- symbol_table.insert_string("minor"));
- update(meta_channel, -1, &mode_parm);
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_sqspecific(int len, unsigned char *msg)
- // sequencer specific messages become updates with attribute sqspecifics
- // and a hex string for the value
- binary_msg(len, msg, "sqspecifics");
-char *heapify2(int len, unsigned char *s)
- char *h = new char[len + 1];
- memcpy(h, s, len);
- h[len] = 0;
- return h;
-void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_text(int type, int len, unsigned char *msg)
- Alg_parameter text;
- text.s = heapify2(len, msg);
- const char *attr = "miscs";
- if (type == 1) attr = "texts";
- else if (type == 2) attr = "copyrights";
- else if (type == 3)
- attr = (track_number == 0 ? "seqnames" : "tracknames");
- else if (type == 4) attr = "instruments";
- else if (type == 5) attr = "lyrics";
- else if (type == 6) attr = "markers";
- else if (type == 7) attr = "cues";
- text.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string(attr));
- update(meta_channel, -1, &text);
-// parse file into a seq.
-Alg_error alg_smf_read(istream &file, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq)
- assert(new_seq);
- Alg_midifile_reader ar(file, new_seq);
- bool err = ar.parse();
- ar.seq->set_real_dur(ar.seq->get_time_map()->
- beat_to_time(ar.seq->get_beat_dur()));
- return (err ? alg_error_syntax : alg_no_error);
+// midifile reader
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "allegro.h"
+#include "algsmfrd_internal.h"
+#include "mfmidi.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+using namespace std;
+typedef class Alg_note_list {
+ Alg_note_ptr note;
+ class Alg_note_list *next;
+ Alg_note_list(Alg_note_ptr n, class Alg_note_list *list) {
+ note = n; next = list; }
+} *Alg_note_list_ptr;
+class Alg_midifile_reader: public Midifile_reader {
+ istream *file;
+ Alg_seq_ptr seq;
+ int divisions;
+ Alg_note_list_ptr note_list;
+ Alg_track_ptr track;
+ int track_number; // the number of the (current) track
+ // chan is actual_channel + channel_offset_per_track * track_num +
+ // channel_offset_per_track * port
+ long channel_offset_per_track; // used to encode track number into channel
+ // default is 0, set this to 0 to merge all tracks to 16 channels
+ long channel_offset_per_port; // used to encode port number into channel
+ // default is 16, set to 0 to ignore port prefix meta events
+ // while reading, this is channel_offset_per_track * track_num
+ int channel_offset;
+ Alg_midifile_reader(istream &f, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq) {
+ file = &f;
+ note_list = nullptr;
+ seq = new_seq;
+ channel_offset_per_track = 0;
+ channel_offset_per_port = 16;
+ track_number = -1; // no tracks started yet, 1st will be #0
+ meta_channel = -1;
+ port = 0;
+ }
+ // delete destroys the seq member as well, so set it to NULL if you
+ // copied the pointer elsewhere
+ ~Alg_midifile_reader();
+ // the following is used to load the Alg_seq from the file:
+ bool parse();
+ void set_nomerge(bool flag) { Mf_nomerge = flag; }
+ void set_skipinit(bool flag) { Mf_skipinit = flag; }
+ long get_currtime() { return Mf_currtime; }
+ int meta_channel; // the channel for meta events, set by MIDI chan prefix
+ int port; // value from the portprefix meta event
+ double get_time();
+ void update(int chan, int key, Alg_parameter_ptr param);
+ void *Mf_malloc(size_t size) { return malloc(size); }
+ void Mf_free(void *obj, size_t size) { free(obj); }
+ /* Methods to be called while processing the MIDI file. */
+ void Mf_starttrack();
+ void Mf_endtrack();
+ int Mf_getc();
+ void Mf_chanprefix(int chan);
+ void Mf_portprefix(int port);
+ void Mf_eot();
+ void Mf_error(char *);
+ void Mf_error(const char *);
+ void Mf_header(int,int,int);
+ void Mf_on(int,int,int);
+ void Mf_off(int,int,int);
+ void Mf_pressure(int,int,int);
+ void Mf_controller(int,int,int);
+ void Mf_pitchbend(int,int,int);
+ void Mf_program(int,int);
+ void Mf_chanpressure(int,int);
+ void binary_msg(int len, unsigned char *msg, const char *attr_string);
+ void Mf_sysex(int,unsigned char*);
+ void Mf_arbitrary(int,unsigned char*);
+ void Mf_metamisc(int,int,unsigned char*);
+ void Mf_seqnum(int);
+ void Mf_smpte(int,int,int,int,int);
+ void Mf_timesig(int,int,int,int);
+ void Mf_tempo(int);
+ void Mf_keysig(int,int);
+ void Mf_sqspecific(int,unsigned char*);
+ void Mf_text(int,int,unsigned char*);
+ while (note_list) {
+ Alg_note_list_ptr to_be_freed = note_list;
+ note_list = note_list->next;
+ delete to_be_freed;
+ }
+ finalize(); // free Mf reader memory
+bool Alg_midifile_reader::parse()
+ channel_offset = 0;
+ seq->convert_to_beats();
+ midifile();
+ seq->set_real_dur(seq->get_time_map()->beat_to_time(seq->get_beat_dur()));
+ return midifile_error != 0;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_starttrack()
+ // printf("starting new track\n");
+ // create a new track that will share the sequence time map
+ // since time is in beats, the seconds parameter is false
+ track_number++;
+ seq->add_track(track_number); // make sure track exists
+ track = seq->track(track_number); // keep pointer to current track
+ meta_channel = -1;
+ port = 0;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_endtrack()
+ // note: track is already part of seq, so do not add it here
+ // printf("finished track, length %d number %d\n", track->len, track_num / 100);
+ channel_offset += seq->channel_offset_per_track;
+ track = nullptr;
+ double now = get_time();
+ if (seq->get_beat_dur() < now) seq->set_beat_dur(now);
+ meta_channel = -1;
+ port = 0;
+int Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_getc()
+ return file->get();
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_chanprefix(int chan)
+ meta_channel = chan;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_portprefix(int p)
+ port = p;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_eot()
+ meta_channel = -1;
+ port = 0;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_error(char *msg)
+ fprintf(stdout, "Midifile reader error: %s\n", msg);
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_error(const char *msg)
+ Mf_error(const_cast(msg));
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_header(int format, int ntrks, int division)
+ if (format > 1) {
+ char msg[80];
+//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // msg is long enough
+ sprintf(msg, "file format %d not implemented", format);
+//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
+ Mf_error(msg);
+ }
+ divisions = division;
+double Alg_midifile_reader::get_time()
+ double beat = ((double) get_currtime()) / divisions;
+ return beat;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_on(int chan, int key, int vel)
+ assert(!seq->get_units_are_seconds());
+ if (vel == 0) {
+ Mf_off(chan, key, vel);
+ return;
+ }
+ Alg_note_ptr note = new Alg_note();
+ note_list = new Alg_note_list(note, note_list);
+ /* trace("on: %d at %g\n", key, get_time()); */
+ note->time = get_time();
+ note->chan = chan + channel_offset + port * channel_offset_per_port;
+ note->dur = 0;
+ note->set_identifier(key);
+ note->pitch = (float) key;
+ note->loud = (float) vel;
+ track->append(note);
+ meta_channel = -1;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_off(int chan, int key, int vel)
+ double time = get_time();
+ Alg_note_list_ptr *p = ¬e_list;
+ while (*p) {
+ if ((*p)->note->get_identifier() == key &&
+ (*p)->note->chan ==
+ chan + channel_offset + port * channel_offset_per_port) {
+ (*p)->note->dur = time - (*p)->note->time;
+ // trace("updated %d dur %g\n", (*p)->note->key, (*p)->note->dur);
+ Alg_note_list_ptr to_be_freed = *p;
+ *p = to_be_freed->next;
+ delete to_be_freed;
+ } else {
+ p = &((*p)->next);
+ }
+ }
+ meta_channel = -1;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::update(int chan, int key, Alg_parameter_ptr param)
+ Alg_update_ptr update = new Alg_update;
+ update->time = get_time();
+ update->chan = chan;
+ if (chan != -1) {
+ update->chan = chan + channel_offset + port * channel_offset_per_port;
+ }
+ update->set_identifier(key);
+ update->parameter = *param;
+ // prevent the destructor from destroying the string twice!
+ // the new Update takes the string from param
+ if (param->attr_type() == 's') param->s = nullptr;
+ track->append(update);
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_pressure(int chan, int key, int val)
+ Alg_parameter parameter;
+ parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("pressurer"));
+ parameter.r = val / 127.0;
+ update(chan, key, ¶meter);
+ meta_channel = -1;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_controller(int chan, int control, int val)
+ Alg_parameter parameter;
+ char name[32];
+//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // name is long enough
+ sprintf(name, "control%dr", control);
+//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
+ parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string(name));
+ parameter.r = val / 127.0;
+ update(chan, -1, ¶meter);
+ meta_channel = -1;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_pitchbend(int chan, int c1, int c2)
+ Alg_parameter parameter;
+ parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("bendr"));
+ parameter.r = ((c2 << 7) + c1) / 8192.0 - 1.0;
+ update(chan, -1, ¶meter);
+ meta_channel = -1;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_program(int chan, int program)
+ Alg_parameter parameter;
+ parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("programi"));
+ parameter.i = program;
+ update(chan, -1, ¶meter);
+ meta_channel = -1;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_chanpressure(int chan, int val)
+ Alg_parameter parameter;
+ parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("pressurer"));
+ parameter.r = val / 127.0;
+ update(chan, -1, ¶meter);
+ meta_channel = -1;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::binary_msg(int len, unsigned char *msg,
+ const char *attr_string)
+ Alg_parameter parameter;
+ char *hexstr = new char[len * 2 + 1];
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // hexstr is long enough
+ sprintf(hexstr + 2 * i, "%02x", (0xFF & msg[i]));
+//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
+ }
+ parameter.s = hexstr;
+ parameter.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string(attr_string));
+ update(meta_channel, -1, ¶meter);
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_sysex(int len, unsigned char *msg)
+ // sysex messages become updates with attribute sysexs and a hex string
+ binary_msg(len, msg, "sysexs");
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_arbitrary(int len, unsigned char *msg)
+ Mf_error("arbitrary data ignored");
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_metamisc(int type, int len, unsigned char *msg)
+ char text[128];
+//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // text is long enough
+ sprintf(text, "metamsic data, type 0x%x, ignored", type);
+//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
+ Mf_error(text);
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_seqnum(int n)
+ Mf_error("seqnum data ignored");
+static const char *fpsstr[4] = {"24", "25", "29.97", "30"};
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_smpte(int hours, int mins, int secs,
+ int frames, int subframes)
+ // string will look like "24fps:01h:27m:07s:19.00f"
+ // 30fps (drop frame) is notated as "29.97fps"
+ char text[32];
+ int fps = (hours >> 6) & 3;
+ hours &= 0x1F;
+//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // text is long enough
+ sprintf(text, "%sfps:%02dh:%02dm:%02ds:%02d.%02df",
+ fpsstr[fps], hours, mins, secs, frames, subframes);
+//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
+ Alg_parameter smpteoffset;
+ smpteoffset.s = heapify(text);
+ smpteoffset.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("smpteoffsets"));
+ update(meta_channel, -1, &smpteoffset);
+ // Mf_error("SMPTE data ignored");
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_timesig(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4)
+ seq->set_time_sig(double(get_currtime()) / divisions, i1, 1 << i2);
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_tempo(int tempo)
+ double beat = get_currtime();
+ beat = beat / divisions; // convert to quarters
+ // 6000000 us/min / n us/beat => beat / min
+ double bpm = 60000000.0 / tempo;
+ seq->insert_tempo(bpm, beat);
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_keysig(int key, int mode)
+ Alg_parameter key_parm;
+ key_parm.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("keysigi"));
+ // use 0 for C major, 1 for G, -1 for F, etc., that is,
+ // the number of sharps, where flats are negative sharps
+ key_parm.i = key; //<<<---- fix this
+ // use -1 to mean "all channels"
+ update(meta_channel, -1, &key_parm);
+ Alg_parameter mode_parm;
+ mode_parm.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string("modea"));
+ mode_parm.a = (mode == 0 ? symbol_table.insert_string("major") :
+ symbol_table.insert_string("minor"));
+ update(meta_channel, -1, &mode_parm);
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_sqspecific(int len, unsigned char *msg)
+ // sequencer specific messages become updates with attribute sqspecifics
+ // and a hex string for the value
+ binary_msg(len, msg, "sqspecifics");
+char *heapify2(int len, unsigned char *s)
+ char *h = new char[len + 1];
+ memcpy(h, s, len);
+ h[len] = 0;
+ return h;
+void Alg_midifile_reader::Mf_text(int type, int len, unsigned char *msg)
+ Alg_parameter text;
+ text.s = heapify2(len, msg);
+ const char *attr = "miscs";
+ if (type == 1) attr = "texts";
+ else if (type == 2) attr = "copyrights";
+ else if (type == 3)
+ attr = (track_number == 0 ? "seqnames" : "tracknames");
+ else if (type == 4) attr = "instruments";
+ else if (type == 5) attr = "lyrics";
+ else if (type == 6) attr = "markers";
+ else if (type == 7) attr = "cues";
+ text.set_attr(symbol_table.insert_string(attr));
+ update(meta_channel, -1, &text);
+// parse file into a seq.
+Alg_error alg_smf_read(istream &file, Alg_seq_ptr new_seq)
+ assert(new_seq);
+ Alg_midifile_reader ar(file, new_seq);
+ bool err = ar.parse();
+ ar.seq->set_real_dur(ar.seq->get_time_map()->
+ beat_to_time(ar.seq->get_beat_dur()));
+ return (err ? alg_error_syntax : alg_no_error);
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfwr.cpp b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfwr.cpp
index 427edc694ea..fefccf12dd1 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfwr.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrosmfwr.cpp
@@ -1,647 +1,647 @@
-// allegrosmfwr.cpp -- Allegro Standard Midi File Write
-using namespace std;
-#include "allegro.h"
-// event_queue is a list element that keeps track of pending
-// things to write to a track, including note-ons, note-offs,
-// updates, tempo changes, and time signatures
-class event_queue{
- char type;//'n' for note, 'o' for off, 's' for time signature,
- // 'c' for tempo changes
- double time;
- long index; //of the event in mSeq->notes
- class event_queue *next;
- event_queue(char t, double when, long x, class event_queue *n) {
- type = t; time = when; index = x; next = n; }
-class Alg_smf_write {
- Alg_smf_write(Alg_seq_ptr seq);
- ~Alg_smf_write();
- long channels_per_track; // used to encode track number into chan field
- // chan is actual_channel + channels_per_track * track_number
- // default is 100, set this to 0 to merge all tracks to 16 channels
- void write(ostream &file /* , midiFileFormat = 1 */);
- long previous_divs; // time in ticks of most recently written event
- void write_track(int i);
- void write_tempo(int divs, int tempo);
- void write_tempo_change(int i);
- void write_time_signature(int i);
- void write_note(Alg_note_ptr note, bool on);
- void write_update(Alg_update_ptr update);
- void write_text(Alg_update_ptr update, char type);
- void write_binary(int type_byte, const char *msg);
- void write_midi_channel_prefix(Alg_update_ptr update);
- void write_smpteoffset(Alg_update_ptr update, char *s);
- void write_data(int data);
- int to_midi_channel(int channel);
- int to_track(int channel);
- ostream *out_file;
- Alg_seq_ptr seq;
- int num_tracks; // number of tracks not counting tempo track
- int division; // divisions per quarter note, default = 120
- int initial_tempo;
- int timesig_num; // numerator of time signature
- int timesig_den; // denominator of time signature
- double timesig_when; // time of time signature
- int keysig; // number of sharps (+) or flats (-), -99 for undefined
- char keysig_mode; // 'M' or 'm' for major/minor
- double keysig_when; // time of key signature
- void write_delta(double event_time);
- void write_varinum(int num);
- void write_16bit(int num);
- void write_24bit(int num);
- void write_32bit(int num);
-#define ROUND(x) (int) ((x)+0.5)
-Alg_smf_write::Alg_smf_write(Alg_seq_ptr a_seq)
- out_file = nullptr;
- // at 100bpm (a nominal tempo value), we would like a division
- // to represent 1ms of time. So
- // d ticks/beat * 100 beats/min = 60,000 ms/min * 1 tick/ms
- // solving for d, d = 600
- division = 600; // divisions per quarter note
- timesig_num = timesig_den = 0; // initially undefined
- keysig = -99;
- keysig_mode = 0;
- initial_tempo = 500000;
- seq = a_seq;
- previous_divs = 0; // used to compute deltas for midifile
-// sorting is quite subtle due to rounding
-// For example, suppose times from a MIDI file are exact, but in
-// decimal round to TW0.4167 Q0.3333. Since the time in whole notes
-// rounded up, this note will start late. Even though the duration
-// rounded down, the amount is 1/4 as much because units are quarter
-// notes. Therefore, the total roundup is 0.0001 beats. This is
-// enough to cause the note to sort later in the queue, perhaps
-// coming after a new note-on on the same pitch, and resulting in
-// a turning on-off, on-off into on, on, off, off if data is moved
-// to Allegro (ascii) format with rounding and then back to SMF.
-// The solution here is to consider things that round to the same
-// tick to be simultaneous. Then, be sure to deal with note-offs
-// before note-ons. We're going to do that by using event_queue
-// times that are rounded to the nearest tick time. Except note-offs
-// are going to go in with times that are 1/4 tick earlier so they
-// get scheduled first, but still end up on the same tick.
-event_queue* push(event_queue *queue, event_queue *event)
- // printf("push: %.6g, %c, %d\n", event->time, event->type, event->index);
- if (queue == nullptr) {
- event->next = nullptr;
- return event;
- }
- event_queue *marker1 = nullptr;
- event_queue *marker2 = queue;
- while (marker2 != nullptr && marker2->time <= event->time) {
- marker1 = marker2;
- marker2 = marker2->next;
- }
- event->next = marker2;
- if (marker1 != nullptr) {
- marker1->next=event;
- return queue;
- } else return event;
-void print_queue(event_queue *q)
- printf("Printing queue. . .\n");
- event_queue *q2=q;
- while (q2) {
- printf("%c at %f ;", q2->type, q2->time);
- q2 = q2->next;
- }
- printf("\nDone printing.\n");
-void Alg_smf_write::write_note(Alg_note_ptr note, bool on)
- double event_time = (on ? note->time : note->time + note->dur);
- write_delta(event_time);
- //printf("deltaDivisions: %d, beats elapsed: %g, on? %c\n", deltaDivisions, note->time, on);
- char chan = char(note->chan & 15);
- int pitch = int(note->pitch + 0.5);
- if (pitch < 0) {
- pitch = pitch % 12;
- } else if (pitch > 127) {
- pitch = (pitch % 12) + 120; // put pitch in 10th octave
- if (pitch > 127) pitch -= 12; // or 9th octave
- }
- out_file->put(0x90 + chan);
- out_file->put(pitch);
- if (on) {
- int vel = (int) note->loud;
- if (vel <= 0) vel = 1;
- write_data(vel);
- } else out_file->put(0); // note-off indicated by velocty zero
-void Alg_smf_write::write_midi_channel_prefix(Alg_update_ptr update)
- if (update->chan >= 0) { // write MIDI Channel Prefix
- write_delta(update->time);
- out_file->put('\xFF'); // Meta Event
- out_file->put('\x20'); // Type code for MIDI Channel Prefix
- out_file->put(1); // length
- out_file->put(to_midi_channel(update->chan));
- // one thing odd about the Std MIDI File spec is that once
- // you turn on MIDI Channel Prefix, there seems to be no
- // way to cancel it unless a non-Meta event shows up. We
- // don't do any analysis to avoid assigning channels to
- // meta events.
- }
-void Alg_smf_write::write_text(Alg_update_ptr update, char type)
- write_midi_channel_prefix(update);
- write_delta(update->time);
- out_file->put('\xFF');
- out_file->put(type);
- out_file->put((char) strlen(update->parameter.s));
- *out_file << update->parameter.s;
-void Alg_smf_write::write_smpteoffset(Alg_update_ptr update, char *s)
- write_midi_channel_prefix(update);
- write_delta(update->time);
- out_file->put('\xFF'); // meta event
- out_file->put('\x54'); // smpte offset type code
- out_file->put(5); // length
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) *out_file << s[i];
-// write_data - limit data to the range of [0...127] and write it
-void Alg_smf_write::write_data(int data)
- if (data < 0) data = 0;
- else if (data > 0x7F) data = 0x7F;
- out_file->put(data);
-int Alg_smf_write::to_midi_channel(int channel)
- // allegro track number is stored as multiple of 100
- // also mask off all but 4 channel bits just in case
- if (channels_per_track > 0) channel %= channels_per_track;
- return channel & 0xF;
-int Alg_smf_write::to_track(int channel)
- if (channel == -1) return 0;
- return channel / channels_per_track;
-static char hex_to_nibble(char c)
- if (isalpha(c)) {
- return 10 + (toupper(c) - 'A');
- } else {
- return c - '0';
- }
-static char hex_to_char(const char *s)
- return (hex_to_nibble(s[0]) << 4) + hex_to_nibble(s[1]);
-void Alg_smf_write::write_binary(int type_byte, const char *msg)
- int len = strlen(msg) / 2;
- out_file->put(type_byte);
- write_varinum(len);
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- out_file->put(hex_to_char(msg));
- msg += 2;
- }
-void Alg_smf_write::write_update(Alg_update_ptr update)
- const char *name = update->parameter.attr_name();
- /****Non-Meta Events****/
- if (!strcmp(name, "pressurer")) {
- write_delta(update->time);
- if (update->get_identifier() < 0) { // channel pressure message
- out_file->put(0xD0 + to_midi_channel(update->chan));
- write_data((int)(update->parameter.r * 127));
- } else { // just 1 key -- poly pressure
- out_file->put(0xA0 + to_midi_channel(update->chan));
- write_data(update->get_identifier());
- write_data((int)(update->parameter.r * 127));
- }
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "programi")) {
- write_delta(update->time);
- out_file->put(0xC0 + to_midi_channel(update->chan));
- write_data(update->parameter.i);
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "bendr")) {
- int temp = ROUND(0x2000 * (update->parameter.r + 1));
- if (temp > 0x3fff) temp = 0x3fff; // 14 bits maximum
- if (temp < 0) temp = 0;
- int c1 = temp & 0x7F; // low 7 bits
- int c2 = temp >> 7; // high 7 bits
- write_delta(update->time);
- out_file->put(0xE0 + to_midi_channel(update->chan));
- write_data(c1);
- write_data(c2);
- } else if (!strncmp(name, "control", 7) &&
- update->parameter.attr_type() == 'r') {
- int ctrlnum = atoi(name + 7);
- int val = ROUND(update->parameter.r * 127);
- write_delta(update->time);
- out_file->put(0xB0 + to_midi_channel(update->chan));
- write_data(ctrlnum);
- write_data(val);
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "sysexs") &&
- update->parameter.attr_type() == 's') {
- const char *s = update->parameter.s;
- if (s[0] && s[1] && toupper(s[0]) == 'F' && s[1] == '0') {
- s += 2; // skip the initial "F0" byte in message: it is implied
- }
- write_delta(update->time);
- write_binary(0xF0, s);
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "sqspecifics") &&
- update->parameter.attr_type() == 's') {
- const char *s = update->parameter.s;
- write_delta(update->time);
- out_file->put('\xFF');
- write_binary(0x7F, s);
- /****Text Events****/
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "texts")) {
- write_text(update, 0x01);
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "copyrights")) {
- write_text(update, 0x02);
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "seqnames") || !strcmp(name, "tracknames")) {
- write_text(update, 0x03);
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "instruments")) {
- write_text(update, 0x04);
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "lyrics")) {
- write_text(update, 0x05);
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "markers")) {
- write_text(update, 0x06);
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "cues")) {
- write_text(update, 0x07);
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "miscs")) {
- write_text(update, 0x08);
- /****Other Events****/
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "smpteoffsets")) {
-#define decimal(p) (((p)[0] - '0') * 10 + ((p)[1] - '0'))
- // smpteoffset is specified as "24fps:00h:10m:00s:11.00f"
- // the following simple parser does not reject all badly
- // formatted strings, but it should parse good strings ok
- const char *s = update->parameter.s;
- int len = strlen(s);
- char smpteoffset[5];
- if (len < 24) return; // not long enough, must be bad format
- int fps = 0;
- if (s[0] == '2') {
- if (s[1] == '4') fps = 0;
- else if (s[1] == '5') fps = 1;
- else if (s[1] == '9') {
- fps = 2;
- if (len != 27) return; // not right length
- s += 3; // cancel effect of longer string
- }
- } else fps = 3;
- s += 6; int hours = decimal(s);
- s += 4; int mins = decimal(s);
- s += 4; int secs = decimal(s);
- s += 4; int frames = decimal(s);
- s += 3; int subframes = decimal(s);
- smpteoffset[0] = (fps << 6) + hours;
- smpteoffset[1] = mins;
- smpteoffset[2] = secs;
- smpteoffset[3] = frames;
- smpteoffset[4] = subframes;
- write_smpteoffset(update, smpteoffset);
- // key signature is special because it takes two events in the Alg_seq
- // structure to make one midi file event. When we encounter one or
- // the other event, we'll just record it in the Alg_smf_write object.
- // After both events are seen, we write the data. (See below.)
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "keysigi")) {
- keysig = update->parameter.i;
- keysig_when = update->time;
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "modea")) {
- if (!strcmp(alg_attr_name(update->parameter.a), "major"))
- keysig_mode = 'M';
- else keysig_mode = 'm';
- keysig_when = update->time;
- }
- if (keysig != -99 && keysig_mode) { // write when both are defined
- write_delta(keysig_when);
- out_file->put('\xFF');
- out_file->put('\x59');
- out_file->put(2);
- // mask off high bits so that this value appears to be positive
- // i.e. -1 -> 0xFF (otherwise, write_data will clip -1 to 0)
- out_file->put(keysig & 0xFF);
- out_file->put(keysig_mode == 'm');
- keysig = -99;
- keysig_mode = false;
- }
- //printf("Update: %s, key: %g\n", update->parameter.attr_name(), update->key);
-// see notes on event_queue::push, TICK_TIME converts from beat to
-// the number of the nearest tick. The second parameter is an offset in
-// quarter ticks. By scheduling with -1, note-offs should get dispatched
-// first. Note that TICK_TIME only determines the order of events, so
-// it is ok to change units from beats to ticks, saving a divide.
-#define TICK_TIME(t, o) (ROUND((t) * division) + 0.25 * (o))
-void Alg_smf_write::write_track(int i)
- int j = 0; // note index
- Alg_events ¬es = seq->track_list[i];
- event_queue *pending = nullptr;
- if (notes.length() > 0) {
- pending = new event_queue('n', TICK_TIME(notes[j]->time, 0), 0, nullptr);
- }
- if (i == 0) { // track 0 may have tempo and timesig info
- if (seq->get_time_map()->last_tempo_flag || seq->get_time_map()->beats.len > 0) {
- pending = push(pending, new event_queue('c', 0.0, 0, nullptr));
- }
- if (seq->time_sig.length() > 0) {
- pending = push(pending, new event_queue('s',
- TICK_TIME(seq->time_sig[0].beat, 0), 0, nullptr));
- }
- }
- while (pending) {
- event_queue *current = pending;
- pending = pending->next;
- if (current->type == 'n') {
- Alg_note_ptr n = (Alg_note_ptr) notes[current->index];
- if (n->is_note()) {
- write_note(n, true);
- pending = push(pending, new event_queue('o',
- TICK_TIME(n->time + n->dur, -1), current->index, nullptr));
- } else if (n->is_update()) {
- Alg_update_ptr u = (Alg_update_ptr) n;
- write_update(u);
- }
- int next = current->index + 1;
- if (next < notes.length()) {
- current->time = TICK_TIME(notes[next]->time, 0);
- current->index = next;
- pending = push(pending, current);
- }
- } else if (current->type == 'o') { //note-off
- Alg_note_ptr n = (Alg_note_ptr) notes[current->index];
- write_note(n, false);
- delete current;
- } else if (current->type == 'c') { // tempo change
- write_tempo_change(current->index);
- current->index++; // -R
- if (current->index < seq->get_time_map()->beats.len) {
- current->time =
- TICK_TIME(seq->get_time_map()->
- beats[current->index].beat, 0);
- pending = push(pending, current);
- } else {
- delete current;
- }
- } else if (current->type == 's') { // time sig
- write_time_signature(current->index);
- current->index++;
- if (current->index < seq->time_sig.length()) {
- current->time =
- TICK_TIME(seq->time_sig[current->index].beat, 0);
- pending = push(pending, current);
- } else {
- delete current;
- }
- }
- }
-void Alg_smf_write::write_tempo(int divs, int tempo)
- // printf("Inserting tempo %f after %f clocks.\n", tempo, delta);
- write_varinum(divs - previous_divs);
- previous_divs = divs;
- out_file->put('\xFF');
- out_file->put('\x51');
- out_file->put('\x03');
- write_24bit((int)tempo);
-void Alg_smf_write::write_tempo_change(int i)
- // i is index of tempo map
- // extract tempo map
- Alg_beats &b = seq->get_time_map()->beats;
- double tempo;
- long divs;
- if (i < seq->get_time_map()->beats.len - 1) {
- tempo = 1000000 * ((b[i+1].time - b[i].time) /
- (b[i+1].beat - b[i].beat));
- divs = ROUND(b[i].beat * division);
- write_tempo(divs, ROUND(tempo));
- } else if (seq->get_time_map()->last_tempo_flag) { // write the final tempo
- divs = ROUND(division * b[i].beat);
- tempo = (1000000.0 / seq->get_time_map()->last_tempo);
- write_tempo(divs, ROUND(tempo));
- }
-void Alg_smf_write::write_time_signature(int i)
- Alg_time_sigs &ts = seq->time_sig;
- write_delta(ts[i].beat);
- // write the time signature
- out_file->put('\xFF');
- out_file->put('\x58'); // time signature
- out_file->put('\x04'); // length of message
- out_file->put(ROUND(ts[i].num));
- int den = ROUND(ts[i].den);
- int den_byte = 0;
- while (den > 1) { // compute the log2 of denominator
- den_byte++;
- den >>= 1;
- }
- out_file->put(den_byte);
- out_file->put(24); // clocks per quarter
- out_file->put(8); // 32nd notes per 24 clocks
-void Alg_smf_write::write(ostream &file)
- int track_len_offset;
- int track_end_offset;
- int track_len;
- out_file = &file;
- // Header
- file << "MThd";
- write_32bit(6); // chunk length
- write_16bit(1); // format 1 MIDI file
- write_16bit(seq->tracks()); // number of tracks
- write_16bit(division); // divisions per quarter note
- // write_ all tracks
- seq->convert_to_beats();
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < seq->tracks(); i++) {
- previous_divs = 0;
- *out_file << "MTrk";
- track_len_offset = out_file->tellp();
- write_32bit(0); // track len placeholder
- write_track(i);
- // End of track event
- write_varinum(0); // delta time
- out_file->put('\xFF');
- out_file->put('\x2F');
- out_file->put('\x00');
- // Go back and write in the length of the track
- track_end_offset = out_file->tellp();
- track_len = track_end_offset - track_len_offset - 4;
- out_file->seekp(track_len_offset);
- write_32bit(track_len);
- out_file->seekp(track_end_offset);
- }
-void Alg_smf_write::write_16bit(int num)
- out_file->put((num & 0xFF00) >> 8);
- out_file->put(num & 0xFF);
-void Alg_smf_write::write_24bit(int num)
- out_file->put((num & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
- out_file->put((num & 0xFF00) >> 8);
- out_file->put((num & 0xFF));
-void Alg_smf_write::write_32bit(int num)
- out_file->put((num & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
- out_file->put((num & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
- out_file->put((num & 0xFF00) >> 8);
- out_file->put((num & 0xFF));
-void Alg_smf_write::write_delta(double event_time)
- // divisions is ideal absolute time in divisions
- long divisions = ROUND(division * event_time);
- long delta_divs = divisions - previous_divs;
- write_varinum(delta_divs);
- previous_divs = divisions;
-void Alg_smf_write::write_varinum(int value)
- if(value<0) value=0;//this line should not have to be here!
- int buffer;
- buffer = value & 0x7f;
- while ((value >>= 7) > 0) {
- buffer <<= 8;
- buffer |= 0x80;
- buffer += (value & 0x7f);
- }
- for(;;) {
- out_file->put(buffer);
- if (buffer & 0x80)
- buffer >>= 8;
- else
- break;
- }
-void Alg_seq::smf_write(ostream &file)
- Alg_smf_write writer(this);
- writer.write(file);
-bool Alg_seq::smf_write(const char *filename)
- ofstream outf(filename, ios::binary | ios::out);
- if (outf.fail()) return false;
- smf_write(outf);
- outf.close();
- return true;
+// allegrosmfwr.cpp -- Allegro Standard Midi File Write
+using namespace std;
+#include "allegro.h"
+// event_queue is a list element that keeps track of pending
+// things to write to a track, including note-ons, note-offs,
+// updates, tempo changes, and time signatures
+class event_queue{
+ char type;//'n' for note, 'o' for off, 's' for time signature,
+ // 'c' for tempo changes
+ double time;
+ long index; //of the event in mSeq->notes
+ class event_queue *next;
+ event_queue(char t, double when, long x, class event_queue *n) {
+ type = t; time = when; index = x; next = n; }
+class Alg_smf_write {
+ Alg_smf_write(Alg_seq_ptr seq);
+ ~Alg_smf_write();
+ long channels_per_track; // used to encode track number into chan field
+ // chan is actual_channel + channels_per_track * track_number
+ // default is 100, set this to 0 to merge all tracks to 16 channels
+ void write(ostream &file /* , midiFileFormat = 1 */);
+ long previous_divs; // time in ticks of most recently written event
+ void write_track(int i);
+ void write_tempo(int divs, int tempo);
+ void write_tempo_change(int i);
+ void write_time_signature(int i);
+ void write_note(Alg_note_ptr note, bool on);
+ void write_update(Alg_update_ptr update);
+ void write_text(Alg_update_ptr update, char type);
+ void write_binary(int type_byte, const char *msg);
+ void write_midi_channel_prefix(Alg_update_ptr update);
+ void write_smpteoffset(Alg_update_ptr update, char *s);
+ void write_data(int data);
+ int to_midi_channel(int channel);
+ int to_track(int channel);
+ ostream *out_file;
+ Alg_seq_ptr seq;
+ int num_tracks; // number of tracks not counting tempo track
+ int division; // divisions per quarter note, default = 120
+ int initial_tempo;
+ int timesig_num; // numerator of time signature
+ int timesig_den; // denominator of time signature
+ double timesig_when; // time of time signature
+ int keysig; // number of sharps (+) or flats (-), -99 for undefined
+ char keysig_mode; // 'M' or 'm' for major/minor
+ double keysig_when; // time of key signature
+ void write_delta(double event_time);
+ void write_varinum(int num);
+ void write_16bit(int num);
+ void write_24bit(int num);
+ void write_32bit(int num);
+#define ROUND(x) (int) ((x)+0.5)
+Alg_smf_write::Alg_smf_write(Alg_seq_ptr a_seq)
+ out_file = nullptr;
+ // at 100bpm (a nominal tempo value), we would like a division
+ // to represent 1ms of time. So
+ // d ticks/beat * 100 beats/min = 60,000 ms/min * 1 tick/ms
+ // solving for d, d = 600
+ division = 600; // divisions per quarter note
+ timesig_num = timesig_den = 0; // initially undefined
+ keysig = -99;
+ keysig_mode = 0;
+ initial_tempo = 500000;
+ seq = a_seq;
+ previous_divs = 0; // used to compute deltas for midifile
+// sorting is quite subtle due to rounding
+// For example, suppose times from a MIDI file are exact, but in
+// decimal round to TW0.4167 Q0.3333. Since the time in whole notes
+// rounded up, this note will start late. Even though the duration
+// rounded down, the amount is 1/4 as much because units are quarter
+// notes. Therefore, the total roundup is 0.0001 beats. This is
+// enough to cause the note to sort later in the queue, perhaps
+// coming after a new note-on on the same pitch, and resulting in
+// a turning on-off, on-off into on, on, off, off if data is moved
+// to Allegro (ascii) format with rounding and then back to SMF.
+// The solution here is to consider things that round to the same
+// tick to be simultaneous. Then, be sure to deal with note-offs
+// before note-ons. We're going to do that by using event_queue
+// times that are rounded to the nearest tick time. Except note-offs
+// are going to go in with times that are 1/4 tick earlier so they
+// get scheduled first, but still end up on the same tick.
+event_queue* push(event_queue *queue, event_queue *event)
+ // printf("push: %.6g, %c, %d\n", event->time, event->type, event->index);
+ if (queue == nullptr) {
+ event->next = nullptr;
+ return event;
+ }
+ event_queue *marker1 = nullptr;
+ event_queue *marker2 = queue;
+ while (marker2 != nullptr && marker2->time <= event->time) {
+ marker1 = marker2;
+ marker2 = marker2->next;
+ }
+ event->next = marker2;
+ if (marker1 != nullptr) {
+ marker1->next=event;
+ return queue;
+ } else return event;
+void print_queue(event_queue *q)
+ printf("Printing queue. . .\n");
+ event_queue *q2=q;
+ while (q2) {
+ printf("%c at %f ;", q2->type, q2->time);
+ q2 = q2->next;
+ }
+ printf("\nDone printing.\n");
+void Alg_smf_write::write_note(Alg_note_ptr note, bool on)
+ double event_time = (on ? note->time : note->time + note->dur);
+ write_delta(event_time);
+ //printf("deltaDivisions: %d, beats elapsed: %g, on? %c\n", deltaDivisions, note->time, on);
+ char chan = char(note->chan & 15);
+ int pitch = int(note->pitch + 0.5);
+ if (pitch < 0) {
+ pitch = pitch % 12;
+ } else if (pitch > 127) {
+ pitch = (pitch % 12) + 120; // put pitch in 10th octave
+ if (pitch > 127) pitch -= 12; // or 9th octave
+ }
+ out_file->put(0x90 + chan);
+ out_file->put(pitch);
+ if (on) {
+ int vel = (int) note->loud;
+ if (vel <= 0) vel = 1;
+ write_data(vel);
+ } else out_file->put(0); // note-off indicated by velocty zero
+void Alg_smf_write::write_midi_channel_prefix(Alg_update_ptr update)
+ if (update->chan >= 0) { // write MIDI Channel Prefix
+ write_delta(update->time);
+ out_file->put('\xFF'); // Meta Event
+ out_file->put('\x20'); // Type code for MIDI Channel Prefix
+ out_file->put(1); // length
+ out_file->put(to_midi_channel(update->chan));
+ // one thing odd about the Std MIDI File spec is that once
+ // you turn on MIDI Channel Prefix, there seems to be no
+ // way to cancel it unless a non-Meta event shows up. We
+ // don't do any analysis to avoid assigning channels to
+ // meta events.
+ }
+void Alg_smf_write::write_text(Alg_update_ptr update, char type)
+ write_midi_channel_prefix(update);
+ write_delta(update->time);
+ out_file->put('\xFF');
+ out_file->put(type);
+ out_file->put((char) strlen(update->parameter.s));
+ *out_file << update->parameter.s;
+void Alg_smf_write::write_smpteoffset(Alg_update_ptr update, char *s)
+ write_midi_channel_prefix(update);
+ write_delta(update->time);
+ out_file->put('\xFF'); // meta event
+ out_file->put('\x54'); // smpte offset type code
+ out_file->put(5); // length
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) *out_file << s[i];
+// write_data - limit data to the range of [0...127] and write it
+void Alg_smf_write::write_data(int data)
+ if (data < 0) data = 0;
+ else if (data > 0x7F) data = 0x7F;
+ out_file->put(data);
+int Alg_smf_write::to_midi_channel(int channel)
+ // allegro track number is stored as multiple of 100
+ // also mask off all but 4 channel bits just in case
+ if (channels_per_track > 0) channel %= channels_per_track;
+ return channel & 0xF;
+int Alg_smf_write::to_track(int channel)
+ if (channel == -1) return 0;
+ return channel / channels_per_track;
+static char hex_to_nibble(char c)
+ if (isalpha(c)) {
+ return 10 + (toupper(c) - 'A');
+ } else {
+ return c - '0';
+ }
+static char hex_to_char(const char *s)
+ return (hex_to_nibble(s[0]) << 4) + hex_to_nibble(s[1]);
+void Alg_smf_write::write_binary(int type_byte, const char *msg)
+ int len = strlen(msg) / 2;
+ out_file->put(type_byte);
+ write_varinum(len);
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ out_file->put(hex_to_char(msg));
+ msg += 2;
+ }
+void Alg_smf_write::write_update(Alg_update_ptr update)
+ const char *name = update->parameter.attr_name();
+ /****Non-Meta Events****/
+ if (!strcmp(name, "pressurer")) {
+ write_delta(update->time);
+ if (update->get_identifier() < 0) { // channel pressure message
+ out_file->put(0xD0 + to_midi_channel(update->chan));
+ write_data((int)(update->parameter.r * 127));
+ } else { // just 1 key -- poly pressure
+ out_file->put(0xA0 + to_midi_channel(update->chan));
+ write_data(update->get_identifier());
+ write_data((int)(update->parameter.r * 127));
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "programi")) {
+ write_delta(update->time);
+ out_file->put(0xC0 + to_midi_channel(update->chan));
+ write_data(update->parameter.i);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "bendr")) {
+ int temp = ROUND(0x2000 * (update->parameter.r + 1));
+ if (temp > 0x3fff) temp = 0x3fff; // 14 bits maximum
+ if (temp < 0) temp = 0;
+ int c1 = temp & 0x7F; // low 7 bits
+ int c2 = temp >> 7; // high 7 bits
+ write_delta(update->time);
+ out_file->put(0xE0 + to_midi_channel(update->chan));
+ write_data(c1);
+ write_data(c2);
+ } else if (!strncmp(name, "control", 7) &&
+ update->parameter.attr_type() == 'r') {
+ int ctrlnum = atoi(name + 7);
+ int val = ROUND(update->parameter.r * 127);
+ write_delta(update->time);
+ out_file->put(0xB0 + to_midi_channel(update->chan));
+ write_data(ctrlnum);
+ write_data(val);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "sysexs") &&
+ update->parameter.attr_type() == 's') {
+ const char *s = update->parameter.s;
+ if (s[0] && s[1] && toupper(s[0]) == 'F' && s[1] == '0') {
+ s += 2; // skip the initial "F0" byte in message: it is implied
+ }
+ write_delta(update->time);
+ write_binary(0xF0, s);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "sqspecifics") &&
+ update->parameter.attr_type() == 's') {
+ const char *s = update->parameter.s;
+ write_delta(update->time);
+ out_file->put('\xFF');
+ write_binary(0x7F, s);
+ /****Text Events****/
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "texts")) {
+ write_text(update, 0x01);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "copyrights")) {
+ write_text(update, 0x02);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "seqnames") || !strcmp(name, "tracknames")) {
+ write_text(update, 0x03);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "instruments")) {
+ write_text(update, 0x04);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "lyrics")) {
+ write_text(update, 0x05);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "markers")) {
+ write_text(update, 0x06);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "cues")) {
+ write_text(update, 0x07);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "miscs")) {
+ write_text(update, 0x08);
+ /****Other Events****/
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "smpteoffsets")) {
+#define decimal(p) (((p)[0] - '0') * 10 + ((p)[1] - '0'))
+ // smpteoffset is specified as "24fps:00h:10m:00s:11.00f"
+ // the following simple parser does not reject all badly
+ // formatted strings, but it should parse good strings ok
+ const char *s = update->parameter.s;
+ int len = strlen(s);
+ char smpteoffset[5];
+ if (len < 24) return; // not long enough, must be bad format
+ int fps = 0;
+ if (s[0] == '2') {
+ if (s[1] == '4') fps = 0;
+ else if (s[1] == '5') fps = 1;
+ else if (s[1] == '9') {
+ fps = 2;
+ if (len != 27) return; // not right length
+ s += 3; // cancel effect of longer string
+ }
+ } else fps = 3;
+ s += 6; int hours = decimal(s);
+ s += 4; int mins = decimal(s);
+ s += 4; int secs = decimal(s);
+ s += 4; int frames = decimal(s);
+ s += 3; int subframes = decimal(s);
+ smpteoffset[0] = (fps << 6) + hours;
+ smpteoffset[1] = mins;
+ smpteoffset[2] = secs;
+ smpteoffset[3] = frames;
+ smpteoffset[4] = subframes;
+ write_smpteoffset(update, smpteoffset);
+ // key signature is special because it takes two events in the Alg_seq
+ // structure to make one midi file event. When we encounter one or
+ // the other event, we'll just record it in the Alg_smf_write object.
+ // After both events are seen, we write the data. (See below.)
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "keysigi")) {
+ keysig = update->parameter.i;
+ keysig_when = update->time;
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "modea")) {
+ if (!strcmp(alg_attr_name(update->parameter.a), "major"))
+ keysig_mode = 'M';
+ else keysig_mode = 'm';
+ keysig_when = update->time;
+ }
+ if (keysig != -99 && keysig_mode) { // write when both are defined
+ write_delta(keysig_when);
+ out_file->put('\xFF');
+ out_file->put('\x59');
+ out_file->put(2);
+ // mask off high bits so that this value appears to be positive
+ // i.e. -1 -> 0xFF (otherwise, write_data will clip -1 to 0)
+ out_file->put(keysig & 0xFF);
+ out_file->put(keysig_mode == 'm');
+ keysig = -99;
+ keysig_mode = false;
+ }
+ //printf("Update: %s, key: %g\n", update->parameter.attr_name(), update->key);
+// see notes on event_queue::push, TICK_TIME converts from beat to
+// the number of the nearest tick. The second parameter is an offset in
+// quarter ticks. By scheduling with -1, note-offs should get dispatched
+// first. Note that TICK_TIME only determines the order of events, so
+// it is ok to change units from beats to ticks, saving a divide.
+#define TICK_TIME(t, o) (ROUND((t) * division) + 0.25 * (o))
+void Alg_smf_write::write_track(int i)
+ int j = 0; // note index
+ Alg_events ¬es = seq->track_list[i];
+ event_queue *pending = nullptr;
+ if (notes.length() > 0) {
+ pending = new event_queue('n', TICK_TIME(notes[j]->time, 0), 0, nullptr);
+ }
+ if (i == 0) { // track 0 may have tempo and timesig info
+ if (seq->get_time_map()->last_tempo_flag || seq->get_time_map()->beats.len > 0) {
+ pending = push(pending, new event_queue('c', 0.0, 0, nullptr));
+ }
+ if (seq->time_sig.length() > 0) {
+ pending = push(pending, new event_queue('s',
+ TICK_TIME(seq->time_sig[0].beat, 0), 0, nullptr));
+ }
+ }
+ while (pending) {
+ event_queue *current = pending;
+ pending = pending->next;
+ if (current->type == 'n') {
+ Alg_note_ptr n = (Alg_note_ptr) notes[current->index];
+ if (n->is_note()) {
+ write_note(n, true);
+ pending = push(pending, new event_queue('o',
+ TICK_TIME(n->time + n->dur, -1), current->index, nullptr));
+ } else if (n->is_update()) {
+ Alg_update_ptr u = (Alg_update_ptr) n;
+ write_update(u);
+ }
+ int next = current->index + 1;
+ if (next < notes.length()) {
+ current->time = TICK_TIME(notes[next]->time, 0);
+ current->index = next;
+ pending = push(pending, current);
+ }
+ } else if (current->type == 'o') { //note-off
+ Alg_note_ptr n = (Alg_note_ptr) notes[current->index];
+ write_note(n, false);
+ delete current;
+ } else if (current->type == 'c') { // tempo change
+ write_tempo_change(current->index);
+ current->index++; // -R
+ if (current->index < seq->get_time_map()->beats.len) {
+ current->time =
+ TICK_TIME(seq->get_time_map()->
+ beats[current->index].beat, 0);
+ pending = push(pending, current);
+ } else {
+ delete current;
+ }
+ } else if (current->type == 's') { // time sig
+ write_time_signature(current->index);
+ current->index++;
+ if (current->index < seq->time_sig.length()) {
+ current->time =
+ TICK_TIME(seq->time_sig[current->index].beat, 0);
+ pending = push(pending, current);
+ } else {
+ delete current;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Alg_smf_write::write_tempo(int divs, int tempo)
+ // printf("Inserting tempo %f after %f clocks.\n", tempo, delta);
+ write_varinum(divs - previous_divs);
+ previous_divs = divs;
+ out_file->put('\xFF');
+ out_file->put('\x51');
+ out_file->put('\x03');
+ write_24bit((int)tempo);
+void Alg_smf_write::write_tempo_change(int i)
+ // i is index of tempo map
+ // extract tempo map
+ Alg_beats &b = seq->get_time_map()->beats;
+ double tempo;
+ long divs;
+ if (i < seq->get_time_map()->beats.len - 1) {
+ tempo = 1000000 * ((b[i+1].time - b[i].time) /
+ (b[i+1].beat - b[i].beat));
+ divs = ROUND(b[i].beat * division);
+ write_tempo(divs, ROUND(tempo));
+ } else if (seq->get_time_map()->last_tempo_flag) { // write the final tempo
+ divs = ROUND(division * b[i].beat);
+ tempo = (1000000.0 / seq->get_time_map()->last_tempo);
+ write_tempo(divs, ROUND(tempo));
+ }
+void Alg_smf_write::write_time_signature(int i)
+ Alg_time_sigs &ts = seq->time_sig;
+ write_delta(ts[i].beat);
+ // write the time signature
+ out_file->put('\xFF');
+ out_file->put('\x58'); // time signature
+ out_file->put('\x04'); // length of message
+ out_file->put(ROUND(ts[i].num));
+ int den = ROUND(ts[i].den);
+ int den_byte = 0;
+ while (den > 1) { // compute the log2 of denominator
+ den_byte++;
+ den >>= 1;
+ }
+ out_file->put(den_byte);
+ out_file->put(24); // clocks per quarter
+ out_file->put(8); // 32nd notes per 24 clocks
+void Alg_smf_write::write(ostream &file)
+ int track_len_offset;
+ int track_end_offset;
+ int track_len;
+ out_file = &file;
+ // Header
+ file << "MThd";
+ write_32bit(6); // chunk length
+ write_16bit(1); // format 1 MIDI file
+ write_16bit(seq->tracks()); // number of tracks
+ write_16bit(division); // divisions per quarter note
+ // write_ all tracks
+ seq->convert_to_beats();
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < seq->tracks(); i++) {
+ previous_divs = 0;
+ *out_file << "MTrk";
+ track_len_offset = out_file->tellp();
+ write_32bit(0); // track len placeholder
+ write_track(i);
+ // End of track event
+ write_varinum(0); // delta time
+ out_file->put('\xFF');
+ out_file->put('\x2F');
+ out_file->put('\x00');
+ // Go back and write in the length of the track
+ track_end_offset = out_file->tellp();
+ track_len = track_end_offset - track_len_offset - 4;
+ out_file->seekp(track_len_offset);
+ write_32bit(track_len);
+ out_file->seekp(track_end_offset);
+ }
+void Alg_smf_write::write_16bit(int num)
+ out_file->put((num & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+ out_file->put(num & 0xFF);
+void Alg_smf_write::write_24bit(int num)
+ out_file->put((num & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
+ out_file->put((num & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+ out_file->put((num & 0xFF));
+void Alg_smf_write::write_32bit(int num)
+ out_file->put((num & 0xFF000000) >> 24);
+ out_file->put((num & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
+ out_file->put((num & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+ out_file->put((num & 0xFF));
+void Alg_smf_write::write_delta(double event_time)
+ // divisions is ideal absolute time in divisions
+ long divisions = ROUND(division * event_time);
+ long delta_divs = divisions - previous_divs;
+ write_varinum(delta_divs);
+ previous_divs = divisions;
+void Alg_smf_write::write_varinum(int value)
+ if(value<0) value=0;//this line should not have to be here!
+ int buffer;
+ buffer = value & 0x7f;
+ while ((value >>= 7) > 0) {
+ buffer <<= 8;
+ buffer |= 0x80;
+ buffer += (value & 0x7f);
+ }
+ for(;;) {
+ out_file->put(buffer);
+ if (buffer & 0x80)
+ buffer >>= 8;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+void Alg_seq::smf_write(ostream &file)
+ Alg_smf_write writer(this);
+ writer.write(file);
+bool Alg_seq::smf_write(const char *filename)
+ ofstream outf(filename, ios::binary | ios::out);
+ if (outf.fail()) return false;
+ smf_write(outf);
+ outf.close();
+ return true;
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrowr.cpp b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrowr.cpp
index 0b0dd445baf..fb39f31bca8 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrowr.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/allegrowr.cpp
@@ -1,183 +1,183 @@
-// allegrowr.cpp -- write sequence to an Allegro file (text)
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "stdlib.h"
-#include "memory.h"
-using namespace std;
-#include "strparse.h"
-#include "allegro.h"
-// Note about precision: %g prints 6 significant digits. For 1ms precision,
-// the maximum magnitude is 999.999, i.e. 1000s < 17minutes. For anything
-// over 1000s, time in seconds will be printed with 10ms precision, which
-// is not good. Therefore, times and durations are printed as %.4d, which
-// gives 100us precision.
-// The following define allows you to change this decision:
-/* #define TIMFMT "%.4d" */
-#define TIMPREC 4
-#define TIMFMT fixed << setprecision(TIMPREC)
-#define GFMT resetiosflags(ios::floatfield) << setprecision(6)
-void parameter_print(ostream &file, Alg_parameter_ptr p)
- file << " -" << p->attr_name() << ":";
- switch (p->attr_type()) {
- case 'a':
- file << "'" << alg_attr_name(p->a) << "'";
- break;
- case 'i':
- file << p->i;
- break;
- case 'l':
- file << (p->l ? "true" : "false");
- break;
- case 'r':
- file << p->r;
- break;
- case 's': {
- string str;
- string_escape(str, p->s, "\"");
- file << str;
- break;
- }
- }
-Alg_event_ptr Alg_seq::write_track_name(ostream &file, int n,
- Alg_events &events)
-// write #track
-// if we write the name on the "#track" line, then we do *not* want
-// to write again as an update: "-seqnames:"Jordu", so if we do
-// find a name and write it, return a pointer to it so the track
-// writer knows what update (if any) to skip
- Alg_event_ptr e = nullptr; // e is the result, default is NULL
- file << "#track " << n;
- const char *attr = symbol_table.insert_string(
- n == 0 ? "seqnames" : "tracknames");
- // search for name in events with timestamp of 0
- for (int i = 0; i < events.length(); i++) {
- Alg_event_ptr ue = events[i];
- if (ue->time > 0) break;
- if (ue->is_update()) {
- Alg_update_ptr u = (Alg_update_ptr) ue;
- if (u->parameter.attr == attr) {
- file << " " << u->parameter.s;
- e = ue; // return the update event we found
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- file << endl; // end of line containing #track []
- return e; // return parameter event with name if one was found
-void Alg_seq::write(ostream &file, bool in_secs, double offset)
- int i, j;
- if (in_secs) convert_to_seconds();
- else convert_to_beats();
- file << "#offset " << offset << endl;
- Alg_event_ptr update_to_skip = write_track_name(file, 0, track_list[0]);
- Alg_beats &beats = time_map->beats;
- for (i = 0; i < beats.len - 1; i++) {
- Alg_beat_ptr b = &(beats[i]);
- if (in_secs) {
- file << "T" << TIMFMT << b->time;
- } else {
- file << "TW" << TIMFMT << b->beat / 4;
- }
- double tempo = (beats[i + 1].beat - b->beat) /
- (beats[i + 1].time - beats[i].time);
- file << " -tempor:" << GFMT << tempo * 60 << "\n";
- }
- if (time_map->last_tempo_flag) { // we have final tempo:
- Alg_beat_ptr b = &(beats[beats.len - 1]);
- if (in_secs) {
- file << "T" << TIMFMT << b->time;
- } else {
- file << "TW" << TIMFMT << b->beat / 4;
- }
- file << " -tempor:" << GFMT << time_map->last_tempo * 60.0 << "\n";
- }
- // write the time signatures
- for (i = 0; i < time_sig.length(); i++) {
- Alg_time_sig &ts = time_sig[i];
- double time = ts.beat;
- if (in_secs) {
- file << "T" << TIMFMT << time << " V- -timesig_numr:" <<
- GFMT << ts.num << "\n";
- file << "T" << TIMFMT << time << " V- -timesig_denr:" <<
- GFMT << ts.den << "\n";
- } else {
- double wholes = ts.beat / 4;
- file << "TW" << TIMFMT << wholes << " V- -timesig_numr:" <<
- GFMT << ts.num << "\n";
- file << "TW" << TIMFMT << wholes << " V- -timesig_denr:" <<
- GFMT << ts.den << "\n";
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < track_list.length(); j++) {
- Alg_events ¬es = track_list[j];
- if (j != 0) update_to_skip = write_track_name(file, j, notes);
- // now write the notes at beat positions
- for (i = 0; i < notes.length(); i++) {
- Alg_event_ptr e = notes[i];
- // if we already wrote this event as a track or sequence name,
- // do not write it again
- if (e == update_to_skip) continue;
- double start = e->time;
- if (in_secs) {
- file << "T" << TIMFMT << start;
- } else {
- file << "TW" << TIMFMT << start / 4;
- }
- // write the channel as Vn or V-
- if (e->chan == -1) file << " V-";
- else file << " V" << e->chan;
- // write the note or update data
- if (e->is_note()) {
- Alg_note_ptr n = (Alg_note_ptr) e;
- double dur = n->dur;
- file << " K" << n->get_identifier() <<
- " P" << GFMT << n->pitch;
- if (in_secs) {
- file << " U" << TIMFMT << dur;
- } else {
- file << " Q" << TIMFMT << dur;
- }
- file << " L" << GFMT << n->loud;
- Alg_parameters_ptr p = n->parameters;
- while (p) {
- parameter_print(file, &(p->parm));
- p = p->next;
- }
- } else { // an update
- assert(e->is_update());
- Alg_update_ptr u = (Alg_update_ptr) e;
- if (u->get_identifier() != -1) {
- file << " K" << u->get_identifier();
- }
- parameter_print(file, &(u->parameter));
- }
- file << "\n";
- }
- }
-bool Alg_seq::write(const char *filename, double offset)
- ofstream file(filename);
- if (file.fail()) return false;
- write(file, units_are_seconds, offset);
- file.close();
- return true;
+// allegrowr.cpp -- write sequence to an Allegro file (text)
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "memory.h"
+using namespace std;
+#include "strparse.h"
+#include "allegro.h"
+// Note about precision: %g prints 6 significant digits. For 1ms precision,
+// the maximum magnitude is 999.999, i.e. 1000s < 17minutes. For anything
+// over 1000s, time in seconds will be printed with 10ms precision, which
+// is not good. Therefore, times and durations are printed as %.4d, which
+// gives 100us precision.
+// The following define allows you to change this decision:
+/* #define TIMFMT "%.4d" */
+#define TIMPREC 4
+#define TIMFMT fixed << setprecision(TIMPREC)
+#define GFMT resetiosflags(ios::floatfield) << setprecision(6)
+void parameter_print(ostream &file, Alg_parameter_ptr p)
+ file << " -" << p->attr_name() << ":";
+ switch (p->attr_type()) {
+ case 'a':
+ file << "'" << alg_attr_name(p->a) << "'";
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ file << p->i;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ file << (p->l ? "true" : "false");
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ file << p->r;
+ break;
+ case 's': {
+ string str;
+ string_escape(str, p->s, "\"");
+ file << str;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+Alg_event_ptr Alg_seq::write_track_name(ostream &file, int n,
+ Alg_events &events)
+// write #track
+// if we write the name on the "#track" line, then we do *not* want
+// to write again as an update: "-seqnames:"Jordu", so if we do
+// find a name and write it, return a pointer to it so the track
+// writer knows what update (if any) to skip
+ Alg_event_ptr e = nullptr; // e is the result, default is NULL
+ file << "#track " << n;
+ const char *attr = symbol_table.insert_string(
+ n == 0 ? "seqnames" : "tracknames");
+ // search for name in events with timestamp of 0
+ for (int i = 0; i < events.length(); i++) {
+ Alg_event_ptr ue = events[i];
+ if (ue->time > 0) break;
+ if (ue->is_update()) {
+ Alg_update_ptr u = (Alg_update_ptr) ue;
+ if (u->parameter.attr == attr) {
+ file << " " << u->parameter.s;
+ e = ue; // return the update event we found
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ file << endl; // end of line containing #track []
+ return e; // return parameter event with name if one was found
+void Alg_seq::write(ostream &file, bool in_secs, double offset)
+ int i, j;
+ if (in_secs) convert_to_seconds();
+ else convert_to_beats();
+ file << "#offset " << offset << endl;
+ Alg_event_ptr update_to_skip = write_track_name(file, 0, track_list[0]);
+ Alg_beats &beats = time_map->beats;
+ for (i = 0; i < beats.len - 1; i++) {
+ Alg_beat_ptr b = &(beats[i]);
+ if (in_secs) {
+ file << "T" << TIMFMT << b->time;
+ } else {
+ file << "TW" << TIMFMT << b->beat / 4;
+ }
+ double tempo = (beats[i + 1].beat - b->beat) /
+ (beats[i + 1].time - beats[i].time);
+ file << " -tempor:" << GFMT << tempo * 60 << "\n";
+ }
+ if (time_map->last_tempo_flag) { // we have final tempo:
+ Alg_beat_ptr b = &(beats[beats.len - 1]);
+ if (in_secs) {
+ file << "T" << TIMFMT << b->time;
+ } else {
+ file << "TW" << TIMFMT << b->beat / 4;
+ }
+ file << " -tempor:" << GFMT << time_map->last_tempo * 60.0 << "\n";
+ }
+ // write the time signatures
+ for (i = 0; i < time_sig.length(); i++) {
+ Alg_time_sig &ts = time_sig[i];
+ double time = ts.beat;
+ if (in_secs) {
+ file << "T" << TIMFMT << time << " V- -timesig_numr:" <<
+ GFMT << ts.num << "\n";
+ file << "T" << TIMFMT << time << " V- -timesig_denr:" <<
+ GFMT << ts.den << "\n";
+ } else {
+ double wholes = ts.beat / 4;
+ file << "TW" << TIMFMT << wholes << " V- -timesig_numr:" <<
+ GFMT << ts.num << "\n";
+ file << "TW" << TIMFMT << wholes << " V- -timesig_denr:" <<
+ GFMT << ts.den << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < track_list.length(); j++) {
+ Alg_events ¬es = track_list[j];
+ if (j != 0) update_to_skip = write_track_name(file, j, notes);
+ // now write the notes at beat positions
+ for (i = 0; i < notes.length(); i++) {
+ Alg_event_ptr e = notes[i];
+ // if we already wrote this event as a track or sequence name,
+ // do not write it again
+ if (e == update_to_skip) continue;
+ double start = e->time;
+ if (in_secs) {
+ file << "T" << TIMFMT << start;
+ } else {
+ file << "TW" << TIMFMT << start / 4;
+ }
+ // write the channel as Vn or V-
+ if (e->chan == -1) file << " V-";
+ else file << " V" << e->chan;
+ // write the note or update data
+ if (e->is_note()) {
+ Alg_note_ptr n = (Alg_note_ptr) e;
+ double dur = n->dur;
+ file << " K" << n->get_identifier() <<
+ " P" << GFMT << n->pitch;
+ if (in_secs) {
+ file << " U" << TIMFMT << dur;
+ } else {
+ file << " Q" << TIMFMT << dur;
+ }
+ file << " L" << GFMT << n->loud;
+ Alg_parameters_ptr p = n->parameters;
+ while (p) {
+ parameter_print(file, &(p->parm));
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ } else { // an update
+ assert(e->is_update());
+ Alg_update_ptr u = (Alg_update_ptr) e;
+ if (u->get_identifier() != -1) {
+ file << " K" << u->get_identifier();
+ }
+ parameter_print(file, &(u->parameter));
+ }
+ file << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+bool Alg_seq::write(const char *filename, double offset)
+ ofstream file(filename);
+ if (file.fail()) return false;
+ write(file, units_are_seconds, offset);
+ file.close();
+ return true;
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/mfmidi.cpp b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/mfmidi.cpp
index b6c99e0b847..ff7b61abfe1 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/mfmidi.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/mfmidi.cpp
@@ -1,491 +1,491 @@
- * Read a Standard MIDI File. Externally-assigned function pointers are
- * called upon recognizing things in the file. See midifile(3).
- */
-* Change Log
-* Date | who : Change
-* 2-Mar-92 | GWL : created changelog; MIDIFILE_ERROR to satisfy compiler
-#include "stdio.h"
-#include "mfmidi.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#define MIDIFILE_ERROR -1
-/* public stuff */
-extern int abort_flag;
-void Midifile_reader::midifile()
- int ntrks;
- midifile_error = 0;
- ntrks = readheader();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- if (ntrks <= 0) {
- mferror("No tracks!");
- /* no need to return since midifile_error is set */
- }
- while (ntrks-- > 0 && !midifile_error) readtrack();
-int Midifile_reader::readmt(const char *s, int skip)
- /* read through the "MThd" or "MTrk" header string */
- /* if skip == 1, we attempt to skip initial garbage. */
- assert(strlen(s) == 4); // must be "MThd" or "MTrk"
- int nread = 0;
- char b[4];
- char buff[32];
- int c;
- const char *errmsg = "expecting ";
- retry:
- while ( nread<4 ) {
- c = Mf_getc();
- if ( c == EOF ) {
- errmsg = "EOF while expecting ";
- goto err;
- }
- b[nread++] = c;
- }
- /* See if we found the 4 characters we're looking for */
- if ( s[0]==b[0] && s[1]==b[1] && s[2]==b[2] && s[3]==b[3] )
- return(0);
- if ( skip ) {
- /* If we are supposed to skip initial garbage, */
- /* try again with the next character. */
- b[0]=b[1];
- b[1]=b[2];
- b[2]=b[3];
- nread = 3;
- goto retry;
- }
- err:
-//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // strcpy is safe since strings have known lengths
- (void) strcpy(buff,errmsg);
- (void) strcat(buff,s);
-//#pragma warning(default: 4996) // turn it back on
- mferror(buff);
- return(0);
-int Midifile_reader::egetc()
- /* read a single character and abort on EOF */
- int c = Mf_getc();
- if ( c == EOF ) {
- mferror("premature EOF");
- return EOF;
- }
- Mf_toberead--;
- return(c);
-int Midifile_reader::readheader()
- /* read a header chunk */
- int format, ntrks, division;
- if ( readmt("MThd",Mf_skipinit) == EOF )
- return(0);
- Mf_toberead = read32bit();
- if (midifile_error) return MIDIFILE_ERROR;
- format = read16bit();
- if (midifile_error) return MIDIFILE_ERROR;
- ntrks = read16bit();
- if (midifile_error) return MIDIFILE_ERROR;
- division = read16bit();
- if (midifile_error) return MIDIFILE_ERROR;
- Mf_header(format,ntrks,division);
- /* flush any extra stuff, in case the length of header is not 6 */
- while ( Mf_toberead > 0 && !midifile_error)
- (void) egetc();
- return(ntrks);
-void Midifile_reader::readtrack()
- /* read a track chunk */
- /* This array is indexed by the high half of a status byte. It's */
- /* value is either the number of bytes needed (1 or 2) for a channel */
- /* message, or 0 (meaning it's not a channel message). */
- static int chantype[] = {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x00 through 0x70 */
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0 /* 0x80 through 0xf0 */
- };
- long lookfor, lng;
- int c, c1, type;
- int sysexcontinue = 0; /* 1 if last message was an unfinished sysex */
- int running = 0; /* 1 when running status used */
- int status = 0; /* (possibly running) status byte */
- int needed;
- if ( readmt("MTrk",0) == EOF )
- return;
- Mf_toberead = read32bit();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- Mf_currtime = 0L;
- Mf_starttrack();
- while ( Mf_toberead > 0 ) {
- Mf_currtime += readvarinum(); /* delta time */
- if (midifile_error) return;
- c = egetc();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- if ( sysexcontinue && c != 0xf7 ) {
- mferror("didn't find expected continuation of a sysex");
- return;
- }
- if ( (c & 0x80) == 0 ) { /* running status? */
- if ( status == 0 ) {
- mferror("unexpected running status");
- return;
- }
- running = 1;
- } else {
- status = c;
- running = 0;
- }
- needed = chantype[ (status>>4) & 0xf ];
- if ( needed ) { /* ie. is it a channel message? */
- if ( running )
- c1 = c;
- else {
- c1 = egetc();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- }
- chanmessage( status, c1, (needed>1) ? egetc() : 0 );
- if (midifile_error) return;
- continue;;
- }
- switch ( c ) {
- case 0xff: /* meta event */
- type = egetc();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- /* watch out - Don't combine the next 2 statements */
- lng = readvarinum();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- lookfor = Mf_toberead - lng;
- msginit();
- while ( Mf_toberead > lookfor ) {
- unsigned char c = egetc();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- msgadd(c);
- }
- metaevent(type);
- break;
- case 0xf0: /* start of system exclusive */
- /* watch out - Don't combine the next 2 statements */
- lng = readvarinum();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- lookfor = Mf_toberead - lng;
- msginit();
- msgadd(0xf0);
- while ( Mf_toberead > lookfor ) {
- c = egetc();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- msgadd(c);
- }
- if ( c==0xf7 || Mf_nomerge==0 )
- sysex();
- else
- sysexcontinue = 1; /* merge into next msg */
- break;
- case 0xf7: /* sysex continuation or arbitrary stuff */
- /* watch out - Don't combine the next 2 statements */
- lng = readvarinum();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- lookfor = Mf_toberead - lng;
- if ( ! sysexcontinue )
- msginit();
- while ( Mf_toberead > lookfor ) {
- c = egetc();
- if (midifile_error) return;
- msgadd(c);
- }
- if ( ! sysexcontinue ) {
- Mf_arbitrary(msgleng(), msg());
- }
- else if ( c == 0xf7 ) {
- sysex();
- sysexcontinue = 0;
- }
- break;
- default:
- badbyte(c);
- break;
- }
- }
- Mf_endtrack();
- return;
-void Midifile_reader::badbyte(int c)
- char buff[32];
-//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // safe in this case
- (void) sprintf(buff,"unexpected byte: 0x%02x",c);
-//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
- mferror(buff);
-void Midifile_reader::metaevent(int type)
- int leng = msgleng();
- // made this unsigned to avoid sign extend
- unsigned char *m = msg();
- switch ( type ) {
- case 0x00:
- Mf_seqnum(to16bit(m[0],m[1]));
- break;
- case 0x01: /* Text event */
- case 0x02: /* Copyright notice */
- case 0x03: /* Sequence/Track name */
- case 0x04: /* Instrument name */
- case 0x05: /* Lyric */
- case 0x06: /* Marker */
- case 0x07: /* Cue point */
- case 0x08:
- case 0x09:
- case 0x0a:
- case 0x0b:
- case 0x0c:
- case 0x0d:
- case 0x0e:
- case 0x0f:
- /* These are all text events */
- Mf_text(type,leng,m);
- break;
- case 0x20:
- Mf_chanprefix(m[0]);
- break;
- case 0x21:
- Mf_portprefix(m[0]);
- break;
- case 0x2f: /* End of Track */
- Mf_eot();
- break;
- case 0x51: /* Set tempo */
- Mf_tempo(to32bit(0,m[0],m[1],m[2]));
- break;
- case 0x54:
- Mf_smpte(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3],m[4]);
- break;
- case 0x58:
- Mf_timesig(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3]);
- break;
- case 0x59:
- Mf_keysig(m[0],m[1]);
- break;
- case 0x7f:
- Mf_sqspecific(leng,m);
- break;
- default:
- Mf_metamisc(type,leng,m);
- }
-void Midifile_reader::sysex()
- Mf_sysex(msgleng(), msg());
-void Midifile_reader::chanmessage(int status, int c1, int c2)
- int chan = status & 0xf;
- switch ( status & 0xf0 ) {
- case NOTEOFF:
- Mf_off(chan,c1,c2);
- break;
- case NOTEON:
- Mf_on(chan,c1,c2);
- break;
- case PRESSURE:
- Mf_pressure(chan,c1,c2);
- break;
- Mf_controller(chan,c1,c2);
- break;
- Mf_pitchbend(chan,c1,c2);
- break;
- case PROGRAM:
- Mf_program(chan,c1);
- break;
- Mf_chanpressure(chan,c1);
- break;
- }
-/* readvarinum - read a varying-length number, and return the */
-/* number of characters it took. */
-long Midifile_reader::readvarinum()
- long value;
- int c;
- c = egetc();
- if (midifile_error) return 0;
- value = (long) c;
- if ( c & 0x80 ) {
- value &= 0x7f;
- do {
- c = egetc();
- if (midifile_error) return 0;
- value = (value << 7) + (c & 0x7f);
- } while (c & 0x80);
- }
- return (value);
-long Midifile_reader::to32bit(int c1, int c2, int c3, int c4)
- long value = 0L;
- value = (c1 & 0xff);
- value = (value<<8) + (c2 & 0xff);
- value = (value<<8) + (c3 & 0xff);
- value = (value<<8) + (c4 & 0xff);
- return (value);
-int Midifile_reader::to16bit(int c1, int c2)
- return ((c1 & 0xff ) << 8) + (c2 & 0xff);
-long Midifile_reader::read32bit()
- int c1, c2, c3, c4;
- c1 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
- c2 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
- c3 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
- c4 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
- return to32bit(c1,c2,c3,c4);
-int Midifile_reader::read16bit()
- int c1, c2;
- c1 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
- c2 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
- return to16bit(c1,c2);
-void Midifile_reader::mferror(char *s)
- Mf_error(s);
- midifile_error = 1;
-void Midifile_reader::mferror(const char *s)
- mferror(const_cast(s));
-/* The code below allows collection of a system exclusive message of */
-/* arbitrary length. The Msgbuff is expanded as necessary. The only */
-/* visible data/routines are msginit(), msgadd(), msg(), msgleng(). */
-#define MSGINCREMENT 128
- Mf_nomerge = 0;
- Mf_currtime = 0L;
- Mf_skipinit = 0;
- Mf_toberead = 0;
- Msgbuff = 0; /* message buffer */
- Msgsize = 0; /* Size of currently allocated Msg */
- Msgindex = 0; /* index of next available location in Msg */
-void Midifile_reader::finalize()
- if (Msgbuff) Mf_free(Msgbuff, Msgsize);
- Msgbuff = nullptr;
-void Midifile_reader::msginit()
- Msgindex = 0;
-unsigned char *Midifile_reader::msg()
- return(Msgbuff);
-int Midifile_reader::msgleng()
- return(Msgindex);
-void Midifile_reader::msgadd(int c)
- /* If necessary, allocate larger message buffer. */
- if ( Msgindex >= Msgsize )
- msgenlarge();
- Msgbuff[Msgindex++] = c;
-void Midifile_reader::msgenlarge()
- unsigned char *newmess;
- unsigned char *oldmess = Msgbuff;
- int oldleng = Msgsize;
- Msgsize += MSGINCREMENT;
- newmess = (unsigned char *) Mf_malloc((sizeof(unsigned char) * Msgsize) );
- /* copy old message into larger new one */
- if ( oldmess != 0 ) {
- memcpy(newmess, oldmess, oldleng);
- Mf_free(oldmess, oldleng);
- }
- Msgbuff = newmess;
+ * Read a Standard MIDI File. Externally-assigned function pointers are
+ * called upon recognizing things in the file. See midifile(3).
+ */
+* Change Log
+* Date | who : Change
+* 2-Mar-92 | GWL : created changelog; MIDIFILE_ERROR to satisfy compiler
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "mfmidi.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "assert.h"
+#define MIDIFILE_ERROR -1
+/* public stuff */
+extern int abort_flag;
+void Midifile_reader::midifile()
+ int ntrks;
+ midifile_error = 0;
+ ntrks = readheader();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ if (ntrks <= 0) {
+ mferror("No tracks!");
+ /* no need to return since midifile_error is set */
+ }
+ while (ntrks-- > 0 && !midifile_error) readtrack();
+int Midifile_reader::readmt(const char *s, int skip)
+ /* read through the "MThd" or "MTrk" header string */
+ /* if skip == 1, we attempt to skip initial garbage. */
+ assert(strlen(s) == 4); // must be "MThd" or "MTrk"
+ int nread = 0;
+ char b[4];
+ char buff[32];
+ int c;
+ const char *errmsg = "expecting ";
+ retry:
+ while ( nread<4 ) {
+ c = Mf_getc();
+ if ( c == EOF ) {
+ errmsg = "EOF while expecting ";
+ goto err;
+ }
+ b[nread++] = c;
+ }
+ /* See if we found the 4 characters we're looking for */
+ if ( s[0]==b[0] && s[1]==b[1] && s[2]==b[2] && s[3]==b[3] )
+ return(0);
+ if ( skip ) {
+ /* If we are supposed to skip initial garbage, */
+ /* try again with the next character. */
+ b[0]=b[1];
+ b[1]=b[2];
+ b[2]=b[3];
+ nread = 3;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ err:
+//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // strcpy is safe since strings have known lengths
+ (void) strcpy(buff,errmsg);
+ (void) strcat(buff,s);
+//#pragma warning(default: 4996) // turn it back on
+ mferror(buff);
+ return(0);
+int Midifile_reader::egetc()
+ /* read a single character and abort on EOF */
+ int c = Mf_getc();
+ if ( c == EOF ) {
+ mferror("premature EOF");
+ return EOF;
+ }
+ Mf_toberead--;
+ return(c);
+int Midifile_reader::readheader()
+ /* read a header chunk */
+ int format, ntrks, division;
+ if ( readmt("MThd",Mf_skipinit) == EOF )
+ return(0);
+ Mf_toberead = read32bit();
+ if (midifile_error) return MIDIFILE_ERROR;
+ format = read16bit();
+ if (midifile_error) return MIDIFILE_ERROR;
+ ntrks = read16bit();
+ if (midifile_error) return MIDIFILE_ERROR;
+ division = read16bit();
+ if (midifile_error) return MIDIFILE_ERROR;
+ Mf_header(format,ntrks,division);
+ /* flush any extra stuff, in case the length of header is not 6 */
+ while ( Mf_toberead > 0 && !midifile_error)
+ (void) egetc();
+ return(ntrks);
+void Midifile_reader::readtrack()
+ /* read a track chunk */
+ /* This array is indexed by the high half of a status byte. It's */
+ /* value is either the number of bytes needed (1 or 2) for a channel */
+ /* message, or 0 (meaning it's not a channel message). */
+ static int chantype[] = {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x00 through 0x70 */
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0 /* 0x80 through 0xf0 */
+ };
+ long lookfor, lng;
+ int c, c1, type;
+ int sysexcontinue = 0; /* 1 if last message was an unfinished sysex */
+ int running = 0; /* 1 when running status used */
+ int status = 0; /* (possibly running) status byte */
+ int needed;
+ if ( readmt("MTrk",0) == EOF )
+ return;
+ Mf_toberead = read32bit();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ Mf_currtime = 0L;
+ Mf_starttrack();
+ while ( Mf_toberead > 0 ) {
+ Mf_currtime += readvarinum(); /* delta time */
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ c = egetc();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ if ( sysexcontinue && c != 0xf7 ) {
+ mferror("didn't find expected continuation of a sysex");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( (c & 0x80) == 0 ) { /* running status? */
+ if ( status == 0 ) {
+ mferror("unexpected running status");
+ return;
+ }
+ running = 1;
+ } else {
+ status = c;
+ running = 0;
+ }
+ needed = chantype[ (status>>4) & 0xf ];
+ if ( needed ) { /* ie. is it a channel message? */
+ if ( running )
+ c1 = c;
+ else {
+ c1 = egetc();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ }
+ chanmessage( status, c1, (needed>1) ? egetc() : 0 );
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ continue;;
+ }
+ switch ( c ) {
+ case 0xff: /* meta event */
+ type = egetc();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ /* watch out - Don't combine the next 2 statements */
+ lng = readvarinum();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ lookfor = Mf_toberead - lng;
+ msginit();
+ while ( Mf_toberead > lookfor ) {
+ unsigned char c = egetc();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ msgadd(c);
+ }
+ metaevent(type);
+ break;
+ case 0xf0: /* start of system exclusive */
+ /* watch out - Don't combine the next 2 statements */
+ lng = readvarinum();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ lookfor = Mf_toberead - lng;
+ msginit();
+ msgadd(0xf0);
+ while ( Mf_toberead > lookfor ) {
+ c = egetc();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ msgadd(c);
+ }
+ if ( c==0xf7 || Mf_nomerge==0 )
+ sysex();
+ else
+ sysexcontinue = 1; /* merge into next msg */
+ break;
+ case 0xf7: /* sysex continuation or arbitrary stuff */
+ /* watch out - Don't combine the next 2 statements */
+ lng = readvarinum();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ lookfor = Mf_toberead - lng;
+ if ( ! sysexcontinue )
+ msginit();
+ while ( Mf_toberead > lookfor ) {
+ c = egetc();
+ if (midifile_error) return;
+ msgadd(c);
+ }
+ if ( ! sysexcontinue ) {
+ Mf_arbitrary(msgleng(), msg());
+ }
+ else if ( c == 0xf7 ) {
+ sysex();
+ sysexcontinue = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ badbyte(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Mf_endtrack();
+ return;
+void Midifile_reader::badbyte(int c)
+ char buff[32];
+//#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // safe in this case
+ (void) sprintf(buff,"unexpected byte: 0x%02x",c);
+//#pragma warning(default: 4996)
+ mferror(buff);
+void Midifile_reader::metaevent(int type)
+ int leng = msgleng();
+ // made this unsigned to avoid sign extend
+ unsigned char *m = msg();
+ switch ( type ) {
+ case 0x00:
+ Mf_seqnum(to16bit(m[0],m[1]));
+ break;
+ case 0x01: /* Text event */
+ case 0x02: /* Copyright notice */
+ case 0x03: /* Sequence/Track name */
+ case 0x04: /* Instrument name */
+ case 0x05: /* Lyric */
+ case 0x06: /* Marker */
+ case 0x07: /* Cue point */
+ case 0x08:
+ case 0x09:
+ case 0x0a:
+ case 0x0b:
+ case 0x0c:
+ case 0x0d:
+ case 0x0e:
+ case 0x0f:
+ /* These are all text events */
+ Mf_text(type,leng,m);
+ break;
+ case 0x20:
+ Mf_chanprefix(m[0]);
+ break;
+ case 0x21:
+ Mf_portprefix(m[0]);
+ break;
+ case 0x2f: /* End of Track */
+ Mf_eot();
+ break;
+ case 0x51: /* Set tempo */
+ Mf_tempo(to32bit(0,m[0],m[1],m[2]));
+ break;
+ case 0x54:
+ Mf_smpte(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3],m[4]);
+ break;
+ case 0x58:
+ Mf_timesig(m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3]);
+ break;
+ case 0x59:
+ Mf_keysig(m[0],m[1]);
+ break;
+ case 0x7f:
+ Mf_sqspecific(leng,m);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Mf_metamisc(type,leng,m);
+ }
+void Midifile_reader::sysex()
+ Mf_sysex(msgleng(), msg());
+void Midifile_reader::chanmessage(int status, int c1, int c2)
+ int chan = status & 0xf;
+ switch ( status & 0xf0 ) {
+ case NOTEOFF:
+ Mf_off(chan,c1,c2);
+ break;
+ case NOTEON:
+ Mf_on(chan,c1,c2);
+ break;
+ case PRESSURE:
+ Mf_pressure(chan,c1,c2);
+ break;
+ Mf_controller(chan,c1,c2);
+ break;
+ Mf_pitchbend(chan,c1,c2);
+ break;
+ case PROGRAM:
+ Mf_program(chan,c1);
+ break;
+ Mf_chanpressure(chan,c1);
+ break;
+ }
+/* readvarinum - read a varying-length number, and return the */
+/* number of characters it took. */
+long Midifile_reader::readvarinum()
+ long value;
+ int c;
+ c = egetc();
+ if (midifile_error) return 0;
+ value = (long) c;
+ if ( c & 0x80 ) {
+ value &= 0x7f;
+ do {
+ c = egetc();
+ if (midifile_error) return 0;
+ value = (value << 7) + (c & 0x7f);
+ } while (c & 0x80);
+ }
+ return (value);
+long Midifile_reader::to32bit(int c1, int c2, int c3, int c4)
+ long value = 0L;
+ value = (c1 & 0xff);
+ value = (value<<8) + (c2 & 0xff);
+ value = (value<<8) + (c3 & 0xff);
+ value = (value<<8) + (c4 & 0xff);
+ return (value);
+int Midifile_reader::to16bit(int c1, int c2)
+ return ((c1 & 0xff ) << 8) + (c2 & 0xff);
+long Midifile_reader::read32bit()
+ int c1, c2, c3, c4;
+ c1 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
+ c2 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
+ c3 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
+ c4 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
+ return to32bit(c1,c2,c3,c4);
+int Midifile_reader::read16bit()
+ int c1, c2;
+ c1 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
+ c2 = egetc(); if (midifile_error) return 0;
+ return to16bit(c1,c2);
+void Midifile_reader::mferror(char *s)
+ Mf_error(s);
+ midifile_error = 1;
+void Midifile_reader::mferror(const char *s)
+ mferror(const_cast(s));
+/* The code below allows collection of a system exclusive message of */
+/* arbitrary length. The Msgbuff is expanded as necessary. The only */
+/* visible data/routines are msginit(), msgadd(), msg(), msgleng(). */
+#define MSGINCREMENT 128
+ Mf_nomerge = 0;
+ Mf_currtime = 0L;
+ Mf_skipinit = 0;
+ Mf_toberead = 0;
+ Msgbuff = 0; /* message buffer */
+ Msgsize = 0; /* Size of currently allocated Msg */
+ Msgindex = 0; /* index of next available location in Msg */
+void Midifile_reader::finalize()
+ if (Msgbuff) Mf_free(Msgbuff, Msgsize);
+ Msgbuff = nullptr;
+void Midifile_reader::msginit()
+ Msgindex = 0;
+unsigned char *Midifile_reader::msg()
+ return(Msgbuff);
+int Midifile_reader::msgleng()
+ return(Msgindex);
+void Midifile_reader::msgadd(int c)
+ /* If necessary, allocate larger message buffer. */
+ if ( Msgindex >= Msgsize )
+ msgenlarge();
+ Msgbuff[Msgindex++] = c;
+void Midifile_reader::msgenlarge()
+ unsigned char *newmess;
+ unsigned char *oldmess = Msgbuff;
+ int oldleng = Msgsize;
+ Msgsize += MSGINCREMENT;
+ newmess = (unsigned char *) Mf_malloc((sizeof(unsigned char) * Msgsize) );
+ /* copy old message into larger new one */
+ if ( oldmess != 0 ) {
+ memcpy(newmess, oldmess, oldleng);
+ Mf_free(oldmess, oldleng);
+ }
+ Msgbuff = newmess;
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/mfmidi.h b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/mfmidi.h
index dd0218d545a..f1972124635 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/mfmidi.h
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/mfmidi.h
@@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
-#define NOTEOFF 0x80
-#define NOTEON 0x90
-#define PRESSURE 0xa0
-#define CONTROLLER 0xb0
-#define PITCHBEND 0xe0
-#define PROGRAM 0xc0
-#define CHANPRESSURE 0xd0
-/* These are the strings used in keynote to identify Standard MIDI File */
-/* meta text messages. */
-#define METATEXT "Text Event"
-#define METACOPYRIGHT "Copyright Notice"
-#define METASEQUENCE "Sequence/Track Name"
-#define METAINSTRUMENT "Instrument Name"
-#define METALYRIC "Lyric"
-#define METAMARKER "Marker"
-#define METACUE "Cue Point"
-#define METAUNRECOGNIZED "Unrecognized"
-class Midifile_reader {
- void midifile();
- int Mf_nomerge; /* 1 => continue'ed system exclusives are */
- /* not collapsed. */
- long Mf_currtime; /* current time in delta-time units */
- int Mf_skipinit; /* 1 if initial garbage should be skipped */
- Midifile_reader();
- // call finalize() when done or you may leak memory.
- void finalize(); /* clean up before deletion */
- // Note: rather than finalize, we should have ~Midifile_reader(),
- // but at least VC++ complains that there is no Mf_free(), even
- // though Mf_free is declared as virtual and this is an abstract
- // class. I don't understand this, so finalize() is a workaround. -RBD
- int midifile_error;
- virtual void *Mf_malloc(size_t size) = 0; /* malloc() */
- virtual void Mf_free(void *obj, size_t size) = 0; /* free() */
- /* Methods to be called while processing the MIDI file. */
- virtual void Mf_starttrack() = 0;
- virtual void Mf_endtrack() = 0;
- virtual int Mf_getc() = 0;
- virtual void Mf_chanprefix(int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_portprefix(int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_eot() = 0;
- virtual void Mf_error(char *) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_header(int,int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_on(int,int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_off(int,int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_pressure(int,int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_controller(int,int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_pitchbend(int,int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_program(int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_chanpressure(int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_sysex(int,unsigned char*) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_arbitrary(int,unsigned char*) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_metamisc(int,int,unsigned char*) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_seqnum(int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_smpte(int,int,int,int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_timesig(int,int,int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_tempo(int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_keysig(int,int) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_sqspecific(int,unsigned char*) = 0;
- virtual void Mf_text(int,int,unsigned char*) = 0;
- long Mf_toberead;
- long readvarinum();
- long read32bit();
- int read16bit();
- void msgenlarge();
- unsigned char *msg();
- int readheader();
- void readtrack();
- void sysex();
- void msginit();
- int egetc();
- int msgleng();
- int readmt(const char*,int);
- long to32bit(int,int,int,int);
- int to16bit(int,int);
- void mferror(char *);
- void mferror(const char *);
- void badbyte(int);
- void metaevent(int);
- void msgadd(int);
- void chanmessage(int,int,int);
- unsigned char *Msgbuff;
- long Msgsize;
- long Msgindex;
+#define NOTEOFF 0x80
+#define NOTEON 0x90
+#define PRESSURE 0xa0
+#define CONTROLLER 0xb0
+#define PITCHBEND 0xe0
+#define PROGRAM 0xc0
+#define CHANPRESSURE 0xd0
+/* These are the strings used in keynote to identify Standard MIDI File */
+/* meta text messages. */
+#define METATEXT "Text Event"
+#define METACOPYRIGHT "Copyright Notice"
+#define METASEQUENCE "Sequence/Track Name"
+#define METAINSTRUMENT "Instrument Name"
+#define METALYRIC "Lyric"
+#define METAMARKER "Marker"
+#define METACUE "Cue Point"
+#define METAUNRECOGNIZED "Unrecognized"
+class Midifile_reader {
+ void midifile();
+ int Mf_nomerge; /* 1 => continue'ed system exclusives are */
+ /* not collapsed. */
+ long Mf_currtime; /* current time in delta-time units */
+ int Mf_skipinit; /* 1 if initial garbage should be skipped */
+ Midifile_reader();
+ // call finalize() when done or you may leak memory.
+ void finalize(); /* clean up before deletion */
+ // Note: rather than finalize, we should have ~Midifile_reader(),
+ // but at least VC++ complains that there is no Mf_free(), even
+ // though Mf_free is declared as virtual and this is an abstract
+ // class. I don't understand this, so finalize() is a workaround. -RBD
+ int midifile_error;
+ virtual void *Mf_malloc(size_t size) = 0; /* malloc() */
+ virtual void Mf_free(void *obj, size_t size) = 0; /* free() */
+ /* Methods to be called while processing the MIDI file. */
+ virtual void Mf_starttrack() = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_endtrack() = 0;
+ virtual int Mf_getc() = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_chanprefix(int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_portprefix(int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_eot() = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_error(char *) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_header(int,int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_on(int,int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_off(int,int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_pressure(int,int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_controller(int,int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_pitchbend(int,int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_program(int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_chanpressure(int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_sysex(int,unsigned char*) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_arbitrary(int,unsigned char*) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_metamisc(int,int,unsigned char*) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_seqnum(int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_smpte(int,int,int,int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_timesig(int,int,int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_tempo(int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_keysig(int,int) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_sqspecific(int,unsigned char*) = 0;
+ virtual void Mf_text(int,int,unsigned char*) = 0;
+ long Mf_toberead;
+ long readvarinum();
+ long read32bit();
+ int read16bit();
+ void msgenlarge();
+ unsigned char *msg();
+ int readheader();
+ void readtrack();
+ void sysex();
+ void msginit();
+ int egetc();
+ int msgleng();
+ int readmt(const char*,int);
+ long to32bit(int,int,int,int);
+ int to16bit(int,int);
+ void mferror(char *);
+ void mferror(const char *);
+ void badbyte(int);
+ void metaevent(int);
+ void msgadd(int);
+ void chanmessage(int,int,int);
+ unsigned char *Msgbuff;
+ long Msgsize;
+ long Msgindex;
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/strparse.cpp b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/strparse.cpp
index 592a21d62f4..547424ec82c 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/strparse.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/strparse.cpp
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
-// #include -- for debugging (cout)
-#include "ctype.h"
-using namespace std;
-#include "strparse.h"
-void String_parse::skip_space()
- while ((*str)[pos] && isspace((*str)[pos])) {
- pos = pos + 1;
- }
-char String_parse::peek()
- return (*str)[pos];
-void String_parse::get_nonspace_quoted(string &field)
- field.clear();
- skip_space();
- bool quoted = false;
- if ((*str)[pos] == '"') {
- quoted = true;
- field.append(1, '"');
- pos = pos + 1;
- }
- while ((*str)[pos] && (quoted || !isspace((*str)[pos]))) {
- if ((*str)[pos] == '"') {
- if (quoted) {
- field.append(1, '"');
- pos = pos + 1;
- }
- return;
- }
- if ((*str)[pos] == '\\') {
- pos = pos + 1;
- }
- if ((*str)[pos]) {
- field.append(1, (*str)[pos]);
- pos = pos + 1;
- }
- }
-static const char *const escape_chars[] = {"\\n", "\\t", "\\\\", "\\r", "\\\""};
-void string_escape(string &result, const char *str, const char *quote)
- int length = (int) strlen(str);
- if (quote[0]) {
- result.append(1, quote[0]);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- if (!isalnum((unsigned char) str[i])) {
- const char *const chars = "\n\t\\\r\"";
- const char *const special = strchr(chars, str[i]);
- if (special) {
- result.append(escape_chars[special - chars]);
- } else {
- result.append(1, str[i]);
- }
- } else {
- result.append(1, str[i]);
- }
- }
- result.append(1, quote[0]);
-void String_parse::get_remainder(std::string &field)
- field.clear();
- skip_space();
- int len = str->length() - pos;
- if ((len > 0) && ((*str)[len - 1] == '\n')) { // if str ends in newline,
- len--; // reduce length to ignore newline
- }
- field.insert(0, *str, pos, len);
+// #include -- for debugging (cout)
+#include "ctype.h"
+using namespace std;
+#include "strparse.h"
+void String_parse::skip_space()
+ while ((*str)[pos] && isspace((*str)[pos])) {
+ pos = pos + 1;
+ }
+char String_parse::peek()
+ return (*str)[pos];
+void String_parse::get_nonspace_quoted(string &field)
+ field.clear();
+ skip_space();
+ bool quoted = false;
+ if ((*str)[pos] == '"') {
+ quoted = true;
+ field.append(1, '"');
+ pos = pos + 1;
+ }
+ while ((*str)[pos] && (quoted || !isspace((*str)[pos]))) {
+ if ((*str)[pos] == '"') {
+ if (quoted) {
+ field.append(1, '"');
+ pos = pos + 1;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((*str)[pos] == '\\') {
+ pos = pos + 1;
+ }
+ if ((*str)[pos]) {
+ field.append(1, (*str)[pos]);
+ pos = pos + 1;
+ }
+ }
+static const char *const escape_chars[] = {"\\n", "\\t", "\\\\", "\\r", "\\\""};
+void string_escape(string &result, const char *str, const char *quote)
+ int length = (int) strlen(str);
+ if (quote[0]) {
+ result.append(1, quote[0]);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (!isalnum((unsigned char) str[i])) {
+ const char *const chars = "\n\t\\\r\"";
+ const char *const special = strchr(chars, str[i]);
+ if (special) {
+ result.append(escape_chars[special - chars]);
+ } else {
+ result.append(1, str[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ result.append(1, str[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ result.append(1, quote[0]);
+void String_parse::get_remainder(std::string &field)
+ field.clear();
+ skip_space();
+ int len = str->length() - pos;
+ if ((len > 0) && ((*str)[len - 1] == '\n')) { // if str ends in newline,
+ len--; // reduce length to ignore newline
+ }
+ field.insert(0, *str, pos, len);
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/strparse.h b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/strparse.h
index 0c64b07b934..046b1ddd381 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/strparse.h
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/strparse.h
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-// strparse.h -- header for String_parse class
-class String_parse {
- int pos;
- std::string *str;
- void init(std::string *s) {
- str = s;
- pos = 0;
- }
- void skip_space();
- char peek();
- void get_nonspace_quoted(std::string &field);
- // get the remaining characters, skipping initial spaces and final return
- void get_remainder(std::string &field);
-void string_escape(std::string &result, const char *s, const char *quote);
+// strparse.h -- header for String_parse class
+class String_parse {
+ int pos;
+ std::string *str;
+ void init(std::string *s) {
+ str = s;
+ pos = 0;
+ }
+ void skip_space();
+ char peek();
+ void get_nonspace_quoted(std::string &field);
+ // get the remaining characters, skipping initial spaces and final return
+ void get_remainder(std::string &field);
+void string_escape(std::string &result, const char *s, const char *quote);
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/trace.cpp b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/trace.cpp
index 0738fee4400..8cc9943459d 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/trace.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/trace.cpp
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-// trace.cpp -- debugging print function
-// (I think this was created to provide a generic print function
-// for use in non-command-line Windows applications where printf
-// does not work. Currently, it is not used, but kept around for
-// possible debugging needs. -RBD)
-#include "stdarg.h"
-#include "stdio.h"
-#include "crtdbg.h"
-void trace(char *format, ...)
- char msg[256];
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, format);
- _vsnprintf_s(msg, 256, _TRUNCATE, format, args);
- va_end(args);
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- _CrtDbgReport(_CRT_WARN, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, msg);
- printf(msg);
+// trace.cpp -- debugging print function
+// (I think this was created to provide a generic print function
+// for use in non-command-line Windows applications where printf
+// does not work. Currently, it is not used, but kept around for
+// possible debugging needs. -RBD)
+#include "stdarg.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "crtdbg.h"
+void trace(char *format, ...)
+ char msg[256];
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, format);
+ _vsnprintf_s(msg, 256, _TRUNCATE, format, args);
+ va_end(args);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _CrtDbgReport(_CRT_WARN, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, msg);
+ printf(msg);
diff --git a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/trace.h b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/trace.h
index 5726f0c5de6..52a23a69b82 100644
--- a/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/trace.h
+++ b/plugins/MidiImport/portsmf/trace.h
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-void trace(char *format, ...);
+void trace(char *format, ...);