diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 9b25ff5e437..00000000000 --- a/.appveyor.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -clone_depth: 1 -version: "{build}" -image: Visual Studio 2017 -platform: - - x86 - - x64 -environment: - matrix: - - compiler: msvc -install: - - cd C:\Tools\vcpkg - - git pull - - .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat - - cd %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER% - - vcpkg install --triplet %PLATFORM%-windows --recurse fftw3 libsamplerate libsndfile lilv lv2 sdl2 - - nuget install clcache -Version 4.1.0 -build_script: - - cd %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER% - - mkdir build - - cd build - - ps: $env:CMAKE_PLATFORM="$(if ($env:PLATFORM -eq 'x64') { 'x64' } else { '' })" - - ps: $env:QT_SUFFIX="$(if ($env:PLATFORM -eq 'x64') { '_64' } else { '' })" - - cmake -DUSE_COMPILE_CACHE=ON -DCACHE_TOOL=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%/clcache.4.1.0/clcache-4.1.0/clcache.exe -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:/Qt/5.12/msvc2017%QT_SUFFIX%;c:/tools/vcpkg/installed/%PLATFORM%-windows -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM="%CMAKE_PLATFORM%" .. - - cmake --build . -- /maxcpucount:4 - - cmake --build . --target tests - - cmake --build . --target package -artifacts: - - path: 'build\lmms-*.exe' - name: Installer -cache: - - c:/tools/vcpkg/installed diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 5b9cea8a87d..00000000000 --- a/.circleci/config.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,225 +0,0 @@ -version: 2 - -shared: - restore_cache: &restore_cache - restore_cache: - keys: - - ccache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ .Branch }} - - ccache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }} - - ccache-{{ arch }} - save_cache: &save_cache - save_cache: - key: ccache-{{ arch }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .BuildNum }} - paths: - - ~/.ccache - restore_homebrew_cache: &restore_homebrew_cache - restore_cache: - keys: - - homebrew-{{ arch }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ .Branch }} - - homebrew-{{ arch }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }} - - homebrew-{{ arch }} - save_homebrew_cache: &save_homebrew_cache - save_cache: - key: homebrew-{{ arch }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .BuildNum }} - paths: - - ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew - - /usr/local/Homebrew - - ccache_stats: &ccache_stats - run: - name: Print ccache statistics - command: | - echo "[ccache config]" - ccache -p - echo "[ccache stats]" - ccache -s - - # Commmon initializing commands - init: &init - run: - name: Initialize - command: | - mkdir -p /tmp/artifacts - # Workaround for failing submodule fetching - git config --global --unset url."ssh://git@github.com".insteadOf || true - if [[ -n "${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER}" ]] - then - echo "Fetching out merged pull request" - git fetch -u origin refs/pull/${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER}/merge:pr/merge - git checkout pr/merge - else - echo "Not a pull request" - fi - - # Commmon environment variables - common_environment: &common_environment - QT5: True - CMAKE_OPTS: -DUSE_WERROR=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DUSE_CCACHE=ON - CCACHE_MAXSIZE: 500M - CCACHE_LOGFILE: /tmp/artifacts/ccache.log - MAKEFLAGS: -j6 - -jobs: - mingw32: - environment: - <<: *common_environment - docker: - - image: lmmsci/linux.mingw32:18.04 - steps: - - checkout - - *init - - *restore_cache - - run: - name: Building - command: | - mkdir build && cd build - ../cmake/build_win32.sh - make lmms - make - - run: - name: Build tests - command: cd build && make tests - - run: - name: Build installer - command: | - cd build - make package - cp ./lmms-*.exe /tmp/artifacts/ - - store_artifacts: - path: /tmp/artifacts/ - destination: / - - *ccache_stats - - *save_cache - mingw64: - environment: - <<: *common_environment - docker: - - image: lmmsci/linux.mingw64:18.04 - steps: - - checkout - - *init - - *restore_cache - - run: - name: Building - command: | - mkdir build && cd build - ../cmake/build_win64.sh - make - - run: - name: Build tests - command: cd build && make tests - - run: - name: Build installer - command: | - cd build - make package - cp ./lmms-*.exe /tmp/artifacts/ - - store_artifacts: - path: /tmp/artifacts/ - destination: / - - *ccache_stats - - *save_cache - linux.gcc: - docker: - - image: lmmsci/linux.gcc:16.04 - environment: - <<: *common_environment - steps: - - checkout - - *init - - *restore_cache - - run: - name: Configure - command: | - source /opt/qt5*/bin/qt5*-env.sh || true - mkdir build && cd build - cmake .. $CMAKE_OPTS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./install - - run: - name: Build - command: cd build && make - - run: - name: Build tests - command: cd build && make tests - - run: - name: Run tests - command: build/tests/tests - - *ccache_stats - - run: - name: Build AppImage - command: | - cd build - make install - make appimage || (cat appimage.log && false) - cp ./lmms-*.AppImage /tmp/artifacts/ - - store_artifacts: - path: /tmp/artifacts/ - destination: / - - store_artifacts: - path: build/appimage.log - destination: / - - *save_cache - shellcheck: - docker: - - image: koalaman/shellcheck-alpine:v0.4.6 - steps: - - checkout - - run: - name: Shellcheck - command: shellcheck $(find "./cmake/" -type f -name '*.sh' -o -name "*.sh.in") - macos: - environment: - <<: *common_environment - macos: - xcode: "10.3.0" - steps: - - checkout - - *init - - *restore_homebrew_cache - - *restore_cache - - run: - name: Install Homebrew dependencies - command: | - # uninstall Homebrew's python 2 to prevent errors on brew install - brew uninstall python@2 || true - # Working around for https://github.com/Homebrew/brew/pull/9383 - (git -C "/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core" fetch && git merge FETCH_HEAD --ff-only) || true - (git -C "/usr/local/Homebrew" fetch && git merge FETCH_HEAD --ff-only) || true - brew install ccache fftw cmake pkg-config libogg libvorbis lame libsndfile libsamplerate jack sdl libgig libsoundio lilv lv2 stk fluid-synth portaudio fltk qt5 carla - - run: - name: Install nodejs dependencies - command: npm install -g appdmg - - run: - name: Building - command: | - mkdir build && cd build - cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../target" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(brew --prefix qt5)" $CMAKE_OPTS -DUSE_WERROR=OFF - make - - run: - name: Build tests - command: cd build && make tests - - run: - name: Run tests - command: build/tests/tests - - run: - name: Build DMG - command: | - cd build - make install - make dmg - cp ./lmms-*.dmg /tmp/artifacts/ - - store_artifacts: - path: /tmp/artifacts/ - destination: / - - *save_cache - - *save_homebrew_cache - - -workflows: - version: 2 - build-and-test: - jobs: - - macos - - mingw32 - - mingw64 - - linux.gcc - - shellcheck diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6ef53c0ba9f --- /dev/null +++ b/.clang-format @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +# Language +Language: Cpp +Standard: Cpp11 # Cpp14 and Cpp17 are not supported by clang 11 + +# Indentation +TabWidth: 4 +UseTab: Always +IndentWidth: 4 +ColumnLimit: 120 + +# Indentation detail +AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign +ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 +BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeComma +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 +ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false +BinPackParameters: true +BinPackArguments: true +AlignOperands: false + +# Alignment +AlignEscapedNewlines: DontAlign +AccessModifierOffset: -4 +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Always +AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Always +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: InlineOnly +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: All + +# Includes +IncludeBlocks: Regroup +IncludeCategories: + # windows.h must go before everything else + # otherwise, you will get errors + - Regex: '^$' + Priority: -99 + # the "main header" implicitly gets priority 0 + # system headers + - Regex: '^<[^>]+>$' + Priority: 1 + # non-system headers + - Regex: '.*' + Priority: 2 +SortIncludes: true + +# Spaces +SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true +SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements +SpacesInAngles: false +SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false +SpacesInParentheses: false + +# Brace wrapping +# Not directly mentioned in the coding conventions, +# but required to avoid tons of auto reformatting +BreakBeforeBraces: Custom +BraceWrapping: + AfterClass: true + AfterControlStatement: Always + AfterEnum: true + AfterFunction: true + AfterNamespace: false + AfterStruct: true + AfterUnion: true + AfterExternBlock: false + BeforeCatch: true + BeforeElse: true + IndentBraces: false + SplitEmptyFunction: true + SplitEmptyRecord: true + SplitEmptyNamespace: true + BeforeWhile: false + BeforeLambdaBody: false + +# Do not break doxygen comments +CommentPragmas: '^[[:space:]]*\\.+' + +# Pointers +# Use pointer close to type: `const char* const* function()` +PointerAlignment: Left + +... + diff --git a/.clang-tidy b/.clang-tidy new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5de9376e5cd --- /dev/null +++ b/.clang-tidy @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +--- +Checks: > + bugprone-macro-parentheses, + bugprone-macro-repeated-side-effects, + modernize-avoid-c-arrays, + modernize-loop-convert, + modernize-redundant-void-arg, + modernize-use-auto, + modernize-use-bool-literals, + modernize-use-emplace, + modernize-use-equals-default, + modernize-use-equals-delete, + modernize-use-override, + modernize-use-using, + performance-trivially-destructible, + readability-braces-around-statements, + readability-const-return-type, + readability-identifier-naming, + readability-misleading-indentation, + readability-simplify-boolean-expr +WarningsAsErrors: '' +HeaderFilterRegex: '' # don't show errors from headers +AnalyzeTemporaryDtors: false +FormatStyle: none +User: user +CheckOptions: + - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassCase + value: CamelCase + - key: readability-identifier-naming.EnumCase + value: CamelCase + - key: readability-identifier-naming.TypedefCase + value: CamelCase + - key: readability-identifier-naming.UnionCase + value: CamelCase + - key: readability-identifier-naming.StructCase + value: CamelCase + - key: readability-identifier-naming.UnionCase + value: CamelCase +# not yet working, as it currently applies both for static and object members +# - key: readability-identifier-naming.MemberPrefix +# value: 'm_' + # currently only working for local static variables: + - key: readability-identifier-naming.StaticVariablePrefix + value: 's_' +# not yet working +# - key: readability-identifier-naming.VariableCase +# value: camelBack + - key: readability-identifier-naming.FunctionCase + value: camelBack +... + diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes index 0adef1096d5..af66ad017c9 100644 --- a/.gitattributes +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ .gitattributes export-ignore .gitignore export-ignore data/locale/* linguist-documentation +* text=auto eol=lf +*.{bin,bmp,flac,icns,ico,mmpz,ogg,png,xiz,xmz,wav} binary diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..007842b82ad --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +--- +name: build +'on': [push, pull_request] +concurrency: + group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} + cancel-in-progress: true +jobs: + linux: + name: linux + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + container: lmmsci/linux.gcc:18.04 + env: + CMAKE_OPTS: >- + -DUSE_WERROR=ON + -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo + -DUSE_COMPILE_CACHE=ON + CCACHE_MAXSIZE: 500M + MAKEFLAGS: -j2 + steps: + - name: Update and configure Git + run: | + add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa + apt-get update + apt-get --yes install git + git config --global --add safe.directory "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE" + - name: Check out + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + with: + fetch-depth: 0 + submodules: recursive + - name: Cache ccache data + uses: actions/cache@v3 + with: + key: ccache-${{ github.job }}-${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.run_id }} + restore-keys: | + ccache-${{ github.job }}-${{ github.ref }}- + ccache-${{ github.job }}- + path: ~/.ccache + - name: Configure + run: | + source /opt/qt5*/bin/qt5*-env.sh || true + mkdir build && cd build + cmake .. $CMAKE_OPTS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./install + - name: Build + run: cmake --build build + - name: Build tests + run: cmake --build build --target tests + - name: Run tests + run: build/tests/tests + - name: Package + run: | + cmake --build build --target install + cmake --build build --target appimage + - name: Upload artifacts + uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 + with: + name: linux + path: build/lmms-*.AppImage + - name: Print ccache statistics + run: | + echo "[ccache config]" + ccache -p + echo "[ccache stats]" + ccache -s + macos: + name: macos + runs-on: macos-11 + env: + CMAKE_OPTS: >- + -DUSE_WERROR=ON + -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo + -DUSE_COMPILE_CACHE=ON + CCACHE_MAXSIZE: 500M + MAKEFLAGS: -j3 + DEVELOPER_DIR: /Applications/Xcode_11.7.app/Contents/Developer + steps: + - name: Check out + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + with: + fetch-depth: 0 + submodules: recursive + - name: Cache ccache data + uses: actions/cache@v3 + with: + key: ccache-${{ github.job }}-${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.run_id }} + restore-keys: | + ccache-${{ github.job }}-${{ github.ref }}- + ccache-${{ github.job }}- + path: ~/Library/Caches/ccache + - name: Install dependencies + run: | + brew install ccache fftw pkg-config libogg libvorbis lame libsndfile \ + libsamplerate jack sdl libgig libsoundio lilv lv2 stk \ + fluid-synth portaudio fltk qt@5 carla + npm install --location=global appdmg + - name: Configure + run: | + mkdir build + cmake -S . \ + -B build \ + -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../target" \ + -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(brew --prefix qt5)" \ + $CMAKE_OPTS \ + -DUSE_WERROR=OFF + - name: Build + run: cmake --build build + - name: Build tests + run: cmake --build build --target tests + - name: Run tests + run: build/tests/tests + - name: Package + run: | + cmake --build build --target install + cmake --build build --target dmg + - name: Upload artifacts + uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 + with: + name: macos + path: build/lmms-*.dmg + - name: Print ccache statistics + run: | + echo "[ccache config]" + ccache -p + echo "[ccache stats]" + ccache -s + mingw: + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + arch: ['32', '64'] + name: mingw${{ matrix.arch }} + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + container: lmmsci/linux.mingw${{ matrix.arch }}:18.04 + env: + CMAKE_OPTS: >- + -DUSE_WERROR=ON + -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo + -DUSE_COMPILE_CACHE=ON + CCACHE_MAXSIZE: 500M + MAKEFLAGS: -j2 + steps: + - name: Update and configure Git + run: | + add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa + apt-get update + apt-get --yes install git + git config --global --add safe.directory "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE" + - name: Check out + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + with: + fetch-depth: 0 + submodules: recursive + - name: Cache ccache data + uses: actions/cache@v3 + with: + key: "ccache-${{ github.job }}-${{ matrix.arch }}-${{ github.ref }}\ + -${{ github.run_id }}" + restore-keys: | + ccache-${{ github.job }}-${{ matrix.arch }}-${{ github.ref }}- + ccache-${{ github.job }}-${{ matrix.arch }}- + path: ~/.ccache + - name: Configure + run: | + mkdir build && cd build + ../cmake/build_win${{ matrix.arch }}.sh + - name: Build + run: cmake --build build + - name: Build tests + run: cmake --build build --target tests + - name: Package + run: cmake --build build --target package + - name: Upload artifacts + uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 + with: + name: mingw${{ matrix.arch }} + path: build/lmms-*.exe + - name: Print ccache statistics + run: | + echo "[ccache config]" + ccache -p + echo "[ccache stats]" + ccache -s + msvc: + strategy: + fail-fast: false + matrix: + arch: ['x86', 'x64'] + name: msvc-${{ matrix.arch }} + runs-on: windows-2019 + env: + qt-version: '5.15.2' + steps: + - name: Check out + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + with: + fetch-depth: 0 + submodules: recursive + - name: Cache vcpkg dependencies + uses: actions/cache@v3 + with: + key: vcpkg-${{ matrix.arch }}-${{ github.ref }}-${{ github.run_id }} + restore-keys: | + vcpkg-${{ matrix.arch }}-${{ github.ref }}- + vcpkg-${{ matrix.arch }}- + path: C:\vcpkg\installed + - name: Install 64-bit Qt + if: matrix.arch == 'x64' + uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@64bdb64f2c14311d23733a8463e5fcbc65e8775e + with: + version: ${{ env.qt-version }} + arch: win64_msvc2019_64 + archives: qtbase qtsvg qttools + cache: true + - name: Install 32-bit Qt + uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@64bdb64f2c14311d23733a8463e5fcbc65e8775e + with: + version: ${{ env.qt-version }} + arch: win32_msvc2019 + archives: qtbase qtsvg qttools + cache: true + set-env: ${{ matrix.arch == 'x86' }} + - name: Install dependencies + run: | + vcpkg install ` + --triplet=${{ matrix.arch }}-windows ` + --host-triplet=${{ matrix.arch }}-windows ` + --recurse ` + fftw3 fltk fluidsynth[sndfile] libsamplerate libsndfile libstk ` + lilv lv2 portaudio sdl2 + - name: Set up build environment + uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@d8610e2b41c6d0f0c3b4c46dad8df0fd826c68e1 + with: + arch: ${{ matrix.arch }} + - name: Configure + run: | + mkdir build + cmake -S . ` + -B build ` + -G Ninja ` + --toolchain C:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake ` + -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo + - name: Build + run: cmake --build build + - name: Build tests + run: cmake --build build --target tests + - name: Package + run: cmake --build build --target package + - name: Upload artifacts + uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 + with: + name: msvc-${{ matrix.arch }} + path: build\lmms-*.exe diff --git a/.github/workflows/checks.yml b/.github/workflows/checks.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3f770067466 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/checks.yml @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +--- +name: checks +'on': [push, pull_request] +concurrency: + group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} + cancel-in-progress: true +jobs: + scripted-checks: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@v2 + - name: Install python-tinycss2 + run: sudo apt-get install -y python3-tinycss2 + - name: Update submodules + run: git submodule update --init --recursive + - name: Verify scripted tests + run: tests/scripted/verify + - name: Run check-strings + run: tests/scripted/check-strings + - name: Run check-namespace + run: tests/scripted/check-namespace + shellcheck: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + container: koalaman/shellcheck-alpine:v0.9.0 + steps: + - name: Check out + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: Run shellcheck + run: | + shellcheck \ + $(find "./cmake/" -type f -name '*.sh' -o -name "*.sh.in") \ + doc/bash-completion/lmms \ + buildtools/update_locales diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 771eba60762..ee289379f0e 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ .DS_Store *~ /CMakeLists.txt.user -/plugins/zynaddsubfx/zynaddsubfx/ExternalPrograms/Controller/Makefile -/plugins/zynaddsubfx/zynaddsubfx/ExternalPrograms/Spliter/Makefile -/plugins/zynaddsubfx/zynaddsubfx/doc/Makefile -/plugins/zynaddsubfx/zynaddsubfx/doc/gen/Makefile +/plugins/ZynAddSubFx/zynaddsubfx/ExternalPrograms/Controller/Makefile +/plugins/ZynAddSubFx/zynaddsubfx/ExternalPrograms/Spliter/Makefile +/plugins/ZynAddSubFx/zynaddsubfx/doc/Makefile +/plugins/ZynAddSubFx/zynaddsubfx/doc/gen/Makefile /data/locale/*.qm diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules index efee7e4cba2..ee6e7eac9d8 100644 --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ [submodule "src/3rdparty/rpmalloc/rpmalloc"] path = src/3rdparty/rpmalloc/rpmalloc url = https://github.com/mjansson/rpmalloc.git -[submodule "plugins/zynaddsubfx/zynaddsubfx"] - path = plugins/zynaddsubfx/zynaddsubfx +[submodule "plugins/ZynAddSubFx/zynaddsubfx"] + path = plugins/ZynAddSubFx/zynaddsubfx url = https://github.com/lmms/zynaddsubfx.git [submodule "plugins/FreeBoy/game-music-emu"] path = plugins/FreeBoy/game-music-emu @@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ [submodule "src/3rdparty/ringbuffer"] path = src/3rdparty/ringbuffer url = https://github.com/JohannesLorenz/ringbuffer.git -[submodule "plugins/carlabase/carla"] - path = plugins/carlabase/carla +[submodule "plugins/CarlaBase/carla"] + path = plugins/CarlaBase/carla url = https://github.com/falktx/carla -[submodule "plugins/sid/resid"] +[submodule "plugins/Sid/resid"] path = plugins/Sid/resid url = https://github.com/simonowen/resid [submodule "src/3rdparty/jack2"] @@ -49,3 +49,6 @@ [submodule "plugins/LadspaEffect/cmt/cmt"] path = plugins/LadspaEffect/cmt/cmt url = https://github.com/lmms/cmt +[submodule "src/3rdparty/hiir/hiir"] + path = src/3rdparty/hiir/hiir + url = https://github.com/LostRobotMusic/hiir diff --git a/.mailmap b/.mailmap index 14d4754ce87..536bc692c93 100644 --- a/.mailmap +++ b/.mailmap @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Alexandre Almeida +Alexandre Almeida Tobias Junghans Dave French Paul Giblock diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index d2d92d897ae..00000000000 --- a/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -language: cpp -compiler: gcc -dist: xenial -sudo: required -cache: - directories: - - $HOME/apt_mingw_cache - - $HOME/.ccache - - $HOME/pbuilder-bases -matrix: - include: - - env: TYPE=style - - os: linux - - env: TARGET_OS=debian-sid TARGET_DEPLOY=True - git: - depth: false - - env: TARGET_OS=debian-sid TARGET_ARCH=i386 - git: - depth: false - - compiler: clang - env: TARGET_OS=debian-sid - git: - depth: false - - os: osx - osx_image: xcode10.3 -before_install: - # appdmg doesn't work with old Node.js - - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = osx ]; then nvm install 10; fi -install: ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/install.sh -script: ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/script.sh -after_script: ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/after_script.sh -before_deploy: - - if [ "$TARGET_OS" != debian-sid ]; then make package; fi diff --git a/.travis/after_script.sh b/.travis/after_script.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 6d098b636b9..00000000000 --- a/.travis/after_script.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -if [ "$TYPE" != 'style' ]; then - ccache -s -fi diff --git a/.travis/ccache.sha256 b/.travis/ccache.sha256 deleted file mode 100644 index e63145466da..00000000000 --- a/.travis/ccache.sha256 +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -0de866bc0ee26de392e037104b174474989a830e2249280a136144baa44557aa ccache_3.2.4-1_amd64.deb diff --git a/.travis/debian_pkgs.sha256 b/.travis/debian_pkgs.sha256 deleted file mode 100644 index ed4e1173789..00000000000 --- a/.travis/debian_pkgs.sha256 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -314ef4af137903dfb13e8c3ef1e6ea56cfdb23808d52ec4f5f50e288c73610c5 pbuilder_0.229.1_all.deb -fa82aa8ed3055c6f6330104deedf080b26778295e589426d4c4dd0f2c2a5defa debootstrap_1.0.95_all.deb -2ef4c09f7841b72f93412803ddd142f72658536dbfabe00e449eb548f432f3f8 debian-archive-keyring_2017.7ubuntu1_all.deb diff --git a/.travis/install.sh b/.travis/install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index a807d032cbb..00000000000 --- a/.travis/install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -if [ "$TYPE" = 'style' ]; then - sudo apt-get -yqq update - sudo apt-get install shellcheck -else - "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.travis/$TRAVIS_OS_NAME.$TARGET_OS.before_install.sh" - "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.travis/$TRAVIS_OS_NAME.$TARGET_OS.install.sh" -fi diff --git a/.travis/linux..before_install.sh b/.travis/linux..before_install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 9bf8aac01da..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux..before_install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt592-xenial -y - -sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 -sudo apt-get update -qq || true diff --git a/.travis/linux..install.sh b/.travis/linux..install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index d56645603a1..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux..install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -PACKAGES="cmake libsndfile-dev fftw3-dev libvorbis-dev libogg-dev libmp3lame-dev - libasound2-dev libjack-jackd2-dev libsdl-dev libsamplerate0-dev libstk0-dev stk - libfluidsynth-dev portaudio19-dev g++-multilib libfltk1.3-dev fluid - libgig-dev libsoundio-dev qt59base qt59translations qt59tools" - -# swh build dependencies -SWH_PACKAGES="perl libxml2-utils libxml-perl liblist-moreutils-perl" - -# VST dependencies -VST_PACKAGES="wine-dev qt59x11extras qtbase5-private-dev libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev" - -# LV2 dependencies; libsuil-dev is not required -LV2_PACKAGES="lv2-dev liblilv-dev" - -# Help with unmet dependencies -PACKAGES="$PACKAGES $SWH_PACKAGES $VST_PACKAGES $LV2_PACKAGES libjack-jackd2-0" - -# shellcheck disable=SC2086 -sudo apt-get install -y $PACKAGES diff --git a/.travis/linux..script.sh b/.travis/linux..script.sh deleted file mode 100755 index e75b827accc..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux..script.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash -unset QTDIR QT_PLUGIN_PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH -# shellcheck disable=SC1091 -source /opt/qt59/bin/qt59-env.sh - -set -e - -mkdir build -cd build - -# shellcheck disable=SC2086 -cmake -DUSE_WERROR=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../target $CMAKE_FLAGS .. -make -j4 -make tests -./tests/tests diff --git a/.travis/linux.debian-sid.before_install.sh b/.travis/linux.debian-sid.before_install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 89ee515237d..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux.debian-sid.before_install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -sudo apt-get update -qq diff --git a/.travis/linux.debian-sid.install.sh b/.travis/linux.debian-sid.install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index ef836882232..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux.debian-sid.install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -set -e - -sudo apt-get install -y \ - dpkg \ - pbuilder - -# work around a pbuilder bug which breaks ccache -# https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=666525 -# and also missing signing keys in Trusty's debian-archive-keyring -cd /tmp -wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pbuilder/pbuilder_0.229.1_all.deb -wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.95_all.deb -wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/d/debian-archive-keyring/debian-archive-keyring_2017.7ubuntu1_all.deb -sha256sum -c "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.travis/debian_pkgs.sha256" -sudo dpkg -i pbuilder_0.229.1_all.deb debootstrap_1.0.95_all.deb debian-archive-keyring_2017.7ubuntu1_all.deb -cd "$OLDPWD" diff --git a/.travis/linux.debian-sid.script.sh b/.travis/linux.debian-sid.script.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 9b8db416c4d..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux.debian-sid.script.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -set -e - -: "${TARGET_ARCH:=amd64}" - -BASETGZ="$HOME/pbuilder-bases/debian-sid-$TARGET_ARCH.tgz" -MIRROR=http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian -KEYRING=/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg - -if [ -z "$TRAVIS_TAG" ] -then - sudo \ - sh -c "echo CCACHEDIR=$HOME/.ccache >> /etc/pbuilderrc" -fi - -if [ "$CC" = clang ] -then - sudo sh -c "echo EXTRAPACKAGES=clang >> /etc/pbuilderrc" -fi - -if [ ! -e "$BASETGZ.stamp" ] -then - mkdir -p "$HOME/pbuilder-bases" - sudo pbuilder --create --basetgz "$BASETGZ" --mirror $MIRROR \ - --distribution sid --architecture $TARGET_ARCH \ - --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd \ - --debootstrapopts --keyring=$KEYRING \ - --debootstrapopts --include=perl - touch "$BASETGZ.stamp" -else - sudo pbuilder --update --basetgz "$BASETGZ" -fi - -sync_version() { - local VERSION - local MMR - local STAGE - local EXTRA - - VERSION=$(git describe --tags --match v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]*) - VERSION=${VERSION#v} - MMR=${VERSION%%-*} - case $VERSION in - *-*-*-*) - VERSION=${VERSION%-*} - STAGE=${VERSION#*-} - STAGE=${STAGE%-*} - EXTRA=${VERSION##*-} - VERSION=$MMR~$STAGE.$EXTRA - ;; - *-*-*) - VERSION=${VERSION%-*} - EXTRA=${VERSION##*-} - VERSION=$MMR.$EXTRA - ;; - *-*) - STAGE=${VERSION#*-} - VERSION=$MMR~$STAGE - ;; - esac - - sed "1 s/@VERSION@/$VERSION/" -i debian/changelog - echo "Set Debian version to $VERSION" -} - -sync_version - -DIR="$PWD" -cd .. -dpkg-source -b "$DIR" -env -i CC="$CC" CXX="$CXX" sudo pbuilder --build --debbuildopts "--jobs=auto" \ - --basetgz "$BASETGZ" ./*.dsc diff --git a/.travis/linux.win.download.sh b/.travis/linux.win.download.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 2f914f94ee7..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux.win.download.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -CACHE_DIR=$HOME/apt_mingw_cache/$1 -mkdir -p "$CACHE_DIR" - -pushd "$CACHE_DIR" - -# shellcheck disable=SC2086 -apt-get --print-uris --yes install $MINGW_PACKAGES | grep ^\' | cut -d\' -f2 > downloads.list -wget -N --input-file downloads.list - -sudo cp ./*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/ - -popd diff --git a/.travis/linux.win32.before_install.sh b/.travis/linux.win32.before_install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index e0cfcbafb16..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux.win32.before_install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tobydox/mingw-x-trusty -y -sudo apt-get update -qq diff --git a/.travis/linux.win32.install.sh b/.travis/linux.win32.install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 6e73e7abea5..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux.win32.install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -MINGW_PACKAGES="mingw32-x-sdl mingw32-x-libvorbis mingw32-x-fluidsynth mingw32-x-stk - mingw32-x-glib2 mingw32-x-portaudio mingw32-x-libsndfile mingw32-x-fftw - mingw32-x-flac mingw32-x-fltk mingw32-x-libsamplerate - mingw32-x-pkgconfig mingw32-x-binutils mingw32-x-gcc mingw32-x-runtime - mingw32-x-libgig mingw32-x-libsoundio mingw32-x-lame mingw32-x-qt5base" - -# swh build dependencies -SWH_PACKAGES="perl libxml2-utils libxml-perl liblist-moreutils-perl" - -export MINGW_PACKAGES - -"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.travis/linux.win.download.sh" win32 - -PACKAGES="nsis cloog-isl libmpc3 qt4-linguist-tools mingw32 $MINGW_PACKAGES $SWH_PACKAGES" - -# shellcheck disable=SC2086 -sudo apt-get install -y $PACKAGES - -# ccache 3.2 is needed because mingw32-x-gcc is version 4.9, which causes cmake -# to use @file command line passing, which in turn ccache 3.1.9 doesn't support -pushd /tmp -wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/ccache/ccache_3.2.4-1_amd64.deb -sha256sum -c "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.travis/ccache.sha256" -sudo dpkg -i ccache_3.2.4-1_amd64.deb -popd diff --git a/.travis/linux.win32.script.sh b/.travis/linux.win32.script.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 6e930fd9b38..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux.win32.script.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash -set -e - -mkdir build -cd build - -export CMAKE_OPTS="$CMAKE_FLAGS -DUSE_WERROR=ON" -../cmake/build_win32.sh - -make -j4 -make tests diff --git a/.travis/linux.win64.before_install.sh b/.travis/linux.win64.before_install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 08303939140..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux.win64.before_install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.travis/linux.win32.before_install.sh" diff --git a/.travis/linux.win64.install.sh b/.travis/linux.win64.install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 99ef7187f02..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux.win64.install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -# First, install 32-bit deps -"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.travis/linux.win32.install.sh" - -MINGW_PACKAGES="mingw64-x-sdl mingw64-x-libvorbis mingw64-x-fluidsynth mingw64-x-stk - mingw64-x-glib2 mingw64-x-portaudio mingw64-x-libsndfile - mingw64-x-fftw mingw64-x-flac mingw64-x-fltk mingw64-x-libsamplerate - mingw64-x-pkgconfig mingw64-x-binutils mingw64-x-gcc mingw64-x-runtime - mingw64-x-libgig mingw64-x-libsoundio mingw64-x-lame mingw64-x-qt5base" - -export MINGW_PACKAGES - -"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.travis/linux.win.download.sh" win64 - -# shellcheck disable=SC2086 -sudo apt-get install -y $MINGW_PACKAGES diff --git a/.travis/linux.win64.script.sh b/.travis/linux.win64.script.sh deleted file mode 100755 index d81fa9b586f..00000000000 --- a/.travis/linux.win64.script.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash -set -e - -mkdir build -cd build - -export CMAKE_OPTS="$CMAKE_FLAGS -DUSE_WERROR=ON" -../cmake/build_win64.sh - -make -j4 -make tests diff --git a/.travis/osx..before_install.sh b/.travis/osx..before_install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 61f25af66ff..00000000000 --- a/.travis/osx..before_install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -brew update -# Python 2 may cause conflicts on dependency installation -brew unlink python@2 || true diff --git a/.travis/osx..install.sh b/.travis/osx..install.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 42bf66acab4..00000000000 --- a/.travis/osx..install.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -PACKAGES="cmake pkg-config libogg libvorbis lame libsndfile libsamplerate lilv lv2 jack sdl libgig libsoundio stk fluid-synth portaudio node fltk qt carla" - -if "${TRAVIS}"; then - PACKAGES="$PACKAGES ccache" -fi - -# removing already installed packages from the list -for p in $(brew list); do - PACKAGES=${PACKAGES//$p/} -done; - -# shellcheck disable=SC2086 -brew install $PACKAGES - -# fftw tries to install gcc which conflicts with travis -brew install fftw --ignore-dependencies - -npm install -g appdmg diff --git a/.travis/osx..script.sh b/.travis/osx..script.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 373e273f4c7..00000000000 --- a/.travis/osx..script.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash -set -e - -mkdir build -cd build - -# Workaround; No FindQt5.cmake module exists -CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(brew --prefix qt5)" -export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH - -# shellcheck disable=SC2086 -cmake -DUSE_WERROR=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../target $CMAKE_FLAGS .. - -make -j4 -make tests -./tests/tests diff --git a/.travis/script.sh b/.travis/script.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 21d27b08025..00000000000 --- a/.travis/script.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -if [ "$TYPE" = 'style' ]; then - - # SC2185 is disabled because of: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/942 - # once it's fixed, it should be enabled again - # shellcheck disable=SC2185 - # shellcheck disable=SC2046 - shellcheck $(find -O3 . -maxdepth 3 -type f -name '*.sh' -o -name "*.sh.in") - shellcheck doc/bash-completion/lmms - -else - - export CMAKE_FLAGS="-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUNDLE_QT_TRANSLATIONS=ON" - - if [ -z "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]; then - export CMAKE_FLAGS="$CMAKE_FLAGS -DUSE_CCACHE=ON" - fi - - "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.travis/$TRAVIS_OS_NAME.$TARGET_OS.script.sh" - - # Package and upload non-tagged builds - if [ -n "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]; then - # Skip, handled by travis deploy instead - exit 0 - elif [[ $TARGET_OS == win* ]]; then - cd build - make -j4 package - PACKAGE="$(ls lmms-*win*.exe)" - elif [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == osx ]]; then - cd build - make -j4 install > /dev/null - make dmg - PACKAGE="$(ls lmms-*.dmg)" - elif [[ $TARGET_OS != debian-sid ]]; then - cd build - make -j4 install > /dev/null - make appimage - PACKAGE="$(ls lmms-*.AppImage)" - fi - - echo "Uploading $PACKAGE to transfer.sh..." - # Limit the connection time to 3 minutes and total upload time to 5 minutes - # Otherwise the build may hang - curl --connect-timeout 180 --max-time 300 --upload-file "$PACKAGE" "https://transfer.sh/$PACKAGE" || true -fi diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 432c93c18be..c5de064a54a 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 3.3) +CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 3.9) PROJECT(lmms) @@ -22,6 +22,14 @@ ENDIF(COMMAND CMAKE_POLICY) # Import of windows.h breaks min()/max() ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DNOMINMAX) +# CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES is not set correctly for MinGW until +# CMake 3.14.1, so avoid specifying system include directories on affected +# versions. Normal include directories are safe, since GCC ignores them if they +# are already in the built-in search path. +if(MINGW AND CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.14.1") + set(CMAKE_NO_SYSTEM_FROM_IMPORTED TRUE) +endif() + INCLUDE(PluginList) INCLUDE(CheckSubmodules) INCLUDE(AddFileDependencies) @@ -86,7 +94,7 @@ OPTION(BUNDLE_QT_TRANSLATIONS "Install Qt translation files for LMMS" OFF) IF(LMMS_BUILD_APPLE) # Fix linking on 10.14+. See issue #4762 on github - LINK_DIRECTORIES(/usr/local/lib) + LINK_DIRECTORIES("${APPLE_PREFIX}/lib") SET(WANT_SOUNDIO OFF) SET(WANT_ALSA OFF) SET(WANT_PULSEAUDIO OFF) @@ -110,6 +118,7 @@ IF(LMMS_BUILD_WIN32) SET(STATUS_ALSA "") SET(STATUS_PULSEAUDIO "") SET(STATUS_SOUNDIO "") + SET(STATUS_SNDIO "") SET(STATUS_WINMM "OK") SET(STATUS_APPLEMIDI "") ELSE(LMMS_BUILD_WIN32) @@ -128,14 +137,11 @@ ENDIF() SET(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) -CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(stdint.h LMMS_HAVE_STDINT_H) -CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(stdlib.h LMMS_HAVE_STDLIB_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(pthread.h LMMS_HAVE_PTHREAD_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(semaphore.h LMMS_HAVE_SEMAPHORE_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(unistd.h LMMS_HAVE_UNISTD_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(sys/types.h LMMS_HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(sys/ipc.h LMMS_HAVE_SYS_IPC_H) -CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(sys/shm.h LMMS_HAVE_SYS_SHM_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(sys/time.h LMMS_HAVE_SYS_TIME_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(sys/times.h LMMS_HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(sched.h LMMS_HAVE_SCHED_H) @@ -148,6 +154,9 @@ CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(string.h LMMS_HAVE_STRING_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(process.h LMMS_HAVE_PROCESS_H) CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES(locale.h LMMS_HAVE_LOCALE_H) +include(CheckLibraryExists) +check_library_exists(rt shm_open "" LMMS_HAVE_LIBRT) + LIST(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") FIND_PACKAGE(Qt5 5.6.0 COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets Xml REQUIRED) @@ -183,7 +192,7 @@ execute_process(COMMAND ${QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE} -query QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS ) IF(EXISTS "${QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR}") MESSAGE("-- Found Qt translations in ${QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR}") - ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D'QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR="${QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR}"') + ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DQT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR=\"${QT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR}\"") ENDIF() FIND_PACKAGE(Qt5Test) @@ -194,10 +203,13 @@ FIND_PACKAGE(SndFile REQUIRED) IF(NOT SNDFILE_FOUND) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "LMMS requires libsndfile1 and libsndfile1-dev >= 1.0.18 - please install, remove CMakeCache.txt and try again!") ENDIF() -# check if we can use SF_SET_COMPRESSION_LEVEL -IF(NOT SNDFILE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 1.0.26) - SET(LMMS_HAVE_SF_COMPLEVEL TRUE) -ENDIF() +# check if we can use SFC_SET_COMPRESSION_LEVEL +INCLUDE(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) +CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES( + "#include + int main() {SFC_SET_COMPRESSION_LEVEL;}" + LMMS_HAVE_SF_COMPLEVEL +) IF(WANT_LV2) IF(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) @@ -205,6 +217,8 @@ IF(WANT_LV2) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LILV lilv-0) ENDIF() IF(NOT LV2_FOUND AND NOT LILV_FOUND) + UNSET(LV2_FOUND CACHE) + UNSET(LILV_FOUND CACHE) FIND_PACKAGE(LV2 CONFIG) FIND_PACKAGE(LILV CONFIG) IF(LILV_FOUND) @@ -292,16 +306,15 @@ ENDIF(WANT_CARLA) # check for SDL2 IF(WANT_SDL) - SET(SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY TRUE) FIND_PACKAGE(SDL2) IF(SDL2_FOUND) SET(LMMS_HAVE_SDL TRUE) SET(LMMS_HAVE_SDL2 TRUE) SET(STATUS_SDL "OK, using SDL2") + SET(SDL2_LIBRARY "SDL2::SDL2") SET(SDL_INCLUDE_DIR "") SET(SDL_LIBRARY "") ELSE() - SET(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR "") SET(SDL2_LIBRARY "") ENDIF() ENDIF() @@ -344,13 +357,13 @@ ENDIF(WANT_STK) # check for PortAudio IF(WANT_PORTAUDIO) FIND_PACKAGE(Portaudio) - IF(PORTAUDIO_FOUND) + IF(Portaudio_FOUND) SET(LMMS_HAVE_PORTAUDIO TRUE) SET(STATUS_PORTAUDIO "OK") - ELSE(PORTAUDIO_FOUND) + ELSE() SET(STATUS_PORTAUDIO "not found, please install portaudio19-dev (or similar, version >= 1.9) " "if you require PortAudio support") - ENDIF(PORTAUDIO_FOUND) + ENDIF() ENDIF(WANT_PORTAUDIO) # check for libsoundio @@ -473,6 +486,13 @@ ENDIF(WANT_JACK) FIND_PACKAGE(FFTW COMPONENTS fftw3f REQUIRED) # check for FLTK +set(FLTK_SKIP_OPENGL TRUE) +set(FLTK_SKIP_FORMS TRUE) +set(FLTK_SKIP_IMAGES TRUE) +set(FLTK_SKIP_MATH TRUE) +if(MINGW_PREFIX) + set(FLTK_SKIP_FLUID TRUE) +endif() FIND_PACKAGE(FLTK) IF(FLTK_FOUND) SET(STATUS_ZYN "OK") @@ -482,14 +502,14 @@ ENDIF() # check for Fluidsynth IF(WANT_SF2) - PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FLUIDSYNTH fluidsynth>=1.0.7) - IF(FLUIDSYNTH_FOUND) + find_package(FluidSynth 1.1.0) + if(FluidSynth_FOUND) SET(LMMS_HAVE_FLUIDSYNTH TRUE) SET(STATUS_FLUIDSYNTH "OK") - ELSE(FLUIDSYNTH_FOUND) + else() SET(STATUS_FLUIDSYNTH "not found, libfluidsynth-dev (or similar)" "is highly recommended") - ENDIF(FLUIDSYNTH_FOUND) + endif() ENDIF(WANT_SF2) # check for libgig @@ -590,6 +610,16 @@ SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${WERROR_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -DLMMS_DEBUG") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} -DLMMS_DEBUG") +if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.16") + set(NOOP_COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-E" "true") +else() + set(NOOP_COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-E" "echo") +endif() +if(STRIP) + set(STRIP_COMMAND "$,${NOOP_COMMAND},${STRIP}>") +else() + set(STRIP_COMMAND "${NOOP_COMMAND}") +endif() # people simply updating git will still have this and mess up build with it FILE(REMOVE include/lmmsconfig.h) @@ -663,18 +693,6 @@ IF(LMMS_BUILD_LINUX) DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/lmms/") ENDIF(LMMS_BUILD_LINUX) -# package ZynAddSubFX into win32 build -IF(LMMS_BUILD_WIN32) - IF(EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extras") - ADD_SUBDIRECTORY("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extras/data/presets") - FILE(GLOB ZASF_BINARIES - "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extras/plugins/zynaddsubfx/zynaddsubfx.dll" - "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extras/plugins/zynaddsubfx/remote_zynaddsubfx.exe") - LIST(SORT ZASF_BINARIES) - INSTALL(FILES "${ZASF_BINARIES}" DESTINATION "${PLUGIN_DIR}") - ENDIF(EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/extras") -ENDIF(LMMS_BUILD_WIN32) - # # add distclean-target # diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 6b23673d746..c64ca0a97fe 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,13 +1,11 @@ -# ![LMMS Logo](http://lmms.sourceforge.net/Lmms_logo.png) LMMS +# ![LMMS Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LMMS/artwork/master/Icon%20%26%20Mimetypes/lmms-64x64.svg) LMMS -[![Build status](https://img.shields.io/travis/LMMS/lmms.svg?maxAge=3600)](https://travis-ci.org/LMMS/lmms) +[![Build status](https://circleci.com/gh/LMMS/lmms.svg?style=shield)](https://circleci.com/gh/LMMS/lmms) [![Latest stable release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/LMMS/lmms.svg?maxAge=3600)](https://lmms.io/download) [![Overall downloads on Github](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/LMMS/lmms/total.svg?maxAge=3600)](https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/releases) [![Join the chat at Discord](https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-on%20discord-7289DA.svg)](https://discord.gg/3sc5su7) [![Localise on transifex](https://img.shields.io/badge/localise-on_transifex-green.svg)](https://www.transifex.com/lmms/lmms/) -**A soft PR-Freeze is currently underway to prepare for refactoring ([#5592](https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/issues/5592)). Please do not open non-essential PRs at this time.** - What is LMMS? -------------- @@ -28,9 +26,9 @@ Features --------- * Song-Editor for composing songs -* A Beat+Bassline-Editor for creating beats and basslines +* Pattern-Editor for creating beats and patterns * An easy-to-use Piano-Roll for editing patterns and melodies -* An FX mixer with unlimited FX channels and arbitrary number of effects +* A Mixer with unlimited mixer channels and arbitrary number of effects * Many powerful instrument and effect-plugins out of the box * Full user-defined track-based automation and computer-controlled automation sources * Compatible with many standards such as SoundFont2, VST(i), LADSPA, GUS Patches, and full MIDI support diff --git a/cmake/apple/install_apple.sh.in b/cmake/apple/install_apple.sh.in index 63dc8145e75..df930071270 100644 --- a/cmake/apple/install_apple.sh.in +++ b/cmake/apple/install_apple.sh.in @@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ set -e -# STK rawwaves directory -STK_RAWWAVE=$(brew --prefix stk)/share/stk/rawwaves - # Place to create ".app" bundle APP="@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/@PROJECT_NAME_UCASE@.app" @@ -29,11 +26,9 @@ command cp "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/Info.plist" "@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@/" mkdir -p "$APP/Contents/MacOS" mkdir -p "$APP/Contents/Frameworks" mkdir -p "$APP/Contents/Resources" -mkdir -p "$APP/Contents/share/stk/rawwaves" cd "@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@" cp -R ./* "$APP/Contents" cp "@CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR@/cmake/apple/"*.icns "$APP/Contents/Resources/" -cp "$STK_RAWWAVE"/*.raw "$APP/Contents/share/stk/rawwaves" > /dev/null 2>&1 # Make all libraries writable for macdeployqt cd "$APP" @@ -60,7 +55,7 @@ install_name_tool -change @rpath/libZynAddSubFxCore.dylib \ "$APP/Contents/$zynlib" # Replace @rpath with @loader_path for Carla -# See also plugins/carlabase/CMakeLists.txt +# See also plugins/CarlaBase/CMakeLists.txt # This MUST be done BEFORE calling macdeployqt install_name_tool -change @rpath/libcarlabase.dylib \ @loader_path/libcarlabase.dylib \ diff --git a/cmake/install/CMakeLists.txt b/cmake/install/CMakeLists.txt index cd4100c9bf7..5ee731d16b8 100644 --- a/cmake/install/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cmake/install/CMakeLists.txt @@ -36,6 +36,16 @@ IF(LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 OR LMMS_INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES) ) ENDIF() +# Install STK rawwaves +if(LMMS_HAVE_STK AND (LMMS_BUILD_WIN32 OR LMMS_BUILD_APPLE)) + if(STK_RAWWAVE_ROOT) + file(GLOB RAWWAVES "${STK_RAWWAVE_ROOT}/*.raw") + install(FILES ${RAWWAVES} DESTINATION "${DATA_DIR}/stk/rawwaves") + else() + message(WARNING "Can't find STK rawwave root!") + endif() +endif() + IF(LMMS_BUILD_APPLE) INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND chmod u+x ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install_apple.sh)") INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install_apple.sh)") diff --git a/cmake/linux/launch_lmms.sh b/cmake/linux/launch_lmms.sh index 198b5711a53..ba26fb9c742 100644 --- a/cmake/linux/launch_lmms.sh +++ b/cmake/linux/launch_lmms.sh @@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ export PATH="$PATH:/sbin" if command -v carla > /dev/null 2>&1; then CARLAPATH="$(command -v carla)" CARLAPREFIX="${CARLAPATH%/bin*}" - echo "Carla appears to be installed on this system at $CARLAPREFIX/lib[64]/carla so we'll use it." + echo "Carla appears to be installed on this system at $CARLAPREFIX/lib[64]/carla so we'll use it." >&2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CARLAPREFIX/lib/carla:$CARLAPREFIX/lib64/carla:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH else - echo "Carla does not appear to be installed. That's OK, please ignore any related library errors." + echo "Carla does not appear to be installed. That's OK, please ignore any related library errors." >&2 fi export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DIR/usr/lib/:$DIR/usr/lib/lmms:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # Prevent segfault on VirualBox if lsmod |grep vboxguest > /dev/null 2>&1; then - echo "VirtualBox detected. Forcing libgl software rendering." + echo "VirtualBox detected. Forcing libgl software rendering." >&2 export LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1; fi if ldconfig -p | grep libjack.so.0 > /dev/null 2>&1; then - echo "Jack appears to be installed on this system, so we'll use it." + echo "Jack appears to be installed on this system, so we'll use it." >&2 else - echo "Jack does not appear to be installed. That's OK, we'll use a dummy version instead." + echo "Jack does not appear to be installed. That's OK, we'll use a dummy version instead." >&2 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DIR/usr/lib/lmms/optional:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH fi QT_X11_NO_NATIVE_MENUBAR=1 "$DIR"/usr/bin/lmms.real "$@" diff --git a/cmake/linux/package_linux.sh.in b/cmake/linux/package_linux.sh.in index a1f9ff8658f..16cd5719bb8 100644 --- a/cmake/linux/package_linux.sh.in +++ b/cmake/linux/package_linux.sh.in @@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ # Notes: Will attempt to fetch linuxdeployqt automatically (x86_64 only) # See Also: https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/blob/master/BUILDING.md -set -e - -LINUXDEPLOYQT="@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/linuxdeployqt" VERBOSITY=2 # 3=debug LOGFILE="@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/appimage.log" APPDIR="@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/@PROJECT_NAME_UCASE@.AppDir/" @@ -40,8 +37,21 @@ function skipped { echo -e " ${PLAIN}[${YELLOW}skipped${PLAIN}] ${1}" } +# Exit with error message if any command fails +trap "error 'Failed to generate AppImage'; exit 1" ERR + +# Run a command silently, but print output if it fails +function run_and_log { + echo -e "\n\n>>>>> $1" >> "$LOGFILE" + output="$("$@" 2>&1)" + status=$? + echo "$output" >> "$LOGFILE" + [[ $status != 0 ]] && echo "$output" + return $status +} + # Blindly assume system arch is appimage arch -ARCH=$(arch) +ARCH=$(uname -m) export ARCH # Check for problematic install locations @@ -50,35 +60,39 @@ if [ "$INSTALL" == "/usr/local" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "/usr" ] ; then error "Incompatible CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for creating AppImage: @CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@" fi -echo -e "\nWriting verbose output to \"${LOGFILE}\"" - # Ensure linuxdeployqt uses the same qmake version as cmake -PATH="$(pwd -P)/squashfs-root/usr/bin:$(dirname "@QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE@")":$PATH +PATH="$(dirname "@QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE@"):$PATH" export PATH +# Use linuxdeployqt from env or in PATH +[[ $LINUXDEPLOYQT ]] || LINUXDEPLOYQT="$(which linuxdeployqt 2>/dev/null)" || true +[[ $APPIMAGETOOL ]] || APPIMAGETOOL="$(which appimagetool 2>/dev/null)" || true + # Fetch portable linuxdeployqt if not in PATH -APPIMAGETOOL="squashfs-root/usr/bin/appimagetool" -echo -e "\nDownloading linuxdeployqt to ${LINUXDEPLOYQT}..." -if env -i which linuxdeployqt > /dev/null 2>&1; then - skipped "System already provides this utility" -else - filename="linuxdeployqt-continuous-$(uname -p).AppImage" +if [[ -z $LINUXDEPLOYQT || -z $APPIMAGETOOL ]]; then + filename="linuxdeployqt-continuous-$ARCH.AppImage" url="https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/releases/download/continuous/$filename" - down_file="$(pwd)/$filename" - if [ ! -f "$LINUXDEPLOYQT" ]; then - ln -s "$down_file" "$LINUXDEPLOYQT" - fi - echo " [.......] Downloading ($(uname -p)): ${url}" - wget -N -q "$url" || (rm "$filename" && false) - chmod +x "$LINUXDEPLOYQT" - success "Downloaded $LINUXDEPLOYQT" + echo " [.......] Downloading: ${url}" + wget -N -q "$url" && err=0 || err=$? + case "$err" in + 0) success "Downloaded $PWD/$filename" ;; + # 8 == server issued 4xx error + 8) error "Download failed (perhaps no package available for $ARCH)" ;; + *) error "Download failed" ;; + esac + # Extract AppImage and replace LINUXDEPLOYQT variable with extracted binary # to support systems without fuse # Also, we need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but linuxdepoyqt's AppRun unsets it # See https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/pull/370/ - "$LINUXDEPLOYQT" --appimage-extract > /dev/null 2>&1 - LINUXDEPLOYQT="squashfs-root/usr/bin/linuxdeployqt" - success "Extracted $APPIMAGETOOL" + chmod +x "$filename" + ./"$filename" --appimage-extract >/dev/null + success "Extracted $filename" + + # Use the extracted linuxdeployqt and appimagetool + PATH="$(pwd -P)/squashfs-root/usr/bin:$PATH" + [[ $LINUXDEPLOYQT ]] || LINUXDEPLOYQT="$(which linuxdeployqt)" + [[ $APPIMAGETOOL ]] || APPIMAGETOOL="$(which appimagetool)" fi # Make skeleton AppDir @@ -135,6 +149,7 @@ fi # Patch the desktop file sed -i 's/.*Exec=.*/Exec=lmms.real/' "$DESKTOPFILE" +echo "X-AppImage-Version=@VERSION@" >> "$DESKTOPFILE" # Fix linking for soft-linked plugins for file in "${APPDIR}usr/lib/lmms/"*.so; do @@ -149,12 +164,14 @@ executables="${executables} -executable=${APPDIR}usr/lib/lmms/ladspa/imbeq_1197. executables="${executables} -executable=${APPDIR}usr/lib/lmms/ladspa/pitch_scale_1193.so" executables="${executables} -executable=${APPDIR}usr/lib/lmms/ladspa/pitch_scale_1194.so" +echo -e "\nWriting verbose output to \"${LOGFILE}\"" +echo -n > "$LOGFILE" + # Bundle both qt and non-qt dependencies into appimage format echo -e "\nBundling and relinking system dependencies..." -echo -e ">>>>> linuxdeployqt" > "$LOGFILE" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 -"$LINUXDEPLOYQT" "$DESKTOPFILE" $executables -bundle-non-qt-libs -verbose=$VERBOSITY $STRIP >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 +run_and_log "$LINUXDEPLOYQT" "$DESKTOPFILE" $executables -bundle-non-qt-libs -verbose=$VERBOSITY $STRIP success "Bundled and relinked dependencies" # Link to original location so lmms can find them @@ -185,10 +202,12 @@ fi rm -f "${APPDIR}/AppRun" ln -sr "${APPDIR}/usr/bin/lmms" "${APPDIR}/AppRun" +# Add icon +ln -srf "${APPDIR}/lmms.png" "${APPDIR}/.DirIcon" + # Create AppImage echo -e "\nFinishing the AppImage..." -echo -e "\n\n>>>>> appimagetool" >> "$LOGFILE" -"$APPIMAGETOOL" "${APPDIR}" "@APPIMAGE_FILE@" >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 +run_and_log "$APPIMAGETOOL" "${APPDIR}" "@APPIMAGE_FILE@" success "Created @APPIMAGE_FILE@" echo -e "\nFinished" diff --git a/cmake/modules/BashCompletion.cmake b/cmake/modules/BashCompletion.cmake index c3916f201b5..7301e82aaf6 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/BashCompletion.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/BashCompletion.cmake @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ # - Windows does not support bash completion # - macOS support should eventually be added for Homebrew (TODO) IF(WIN32) - MESSAGE(STATUS "Bash competion is not supported on this platform.") + MESSAGE(STATUS "Bash completion is not supported on this platform.") ELSEIF(APPLE) MESSAGE(STATUS "Bash completion is not yet implemented for this platform.") ELSE() diff --git a/cmake/modules/BuildPlugin.cmake b/cmake/modules/BuildPlugin.cmake index 675433e631b..f8b3d315392 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/BuildPlugin.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/BuildPlugin.cmake @@ -76,9 +76,13 @@ MACRO(BUILD_PLUGIN PLUGIN_NAME) ADD_DEPENDENCIES(${PLUGIN_NAME} lmms) ENDIF(LMMS_BUILD_APPLE) IF(LMMS_BUILD_WIN32) - IF(STRIP) - ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(TARGET ${PLUGIN_NAME} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${STRIP} "$") - ENDIF() + add_custom_command( + TARGET "${PLUGIN_NAME}" + POST_BUILD + COMMAND "${STRIP_COMMAND}" "$" + VERBATIM + COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS + ) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${PLUGIN_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "") ENDIF() diff --git a/cmake/modules/CheckSubmodules.cmake b/cmake/modules/CheckSubmodules.cmake index f45885cc6fb..b9ea2077874 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/CheckSubmodules.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/CheckSubmodules.cmake @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ # INCLUDE(CheckSubmodules) # # Options: -# SET(PLUGIN_LIST "zynaddsubfx;...") # skips submodules for plugins not explicitely listed +# SET(PLUGIN_LIST "ZynAddSubFx;...") # skips submodules for plugins not explicitely listed # # Or via command line: # cmake -PLUGIN_LIST=foo;bar @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # Files which confirm a successful clone -SET(VALID_CRUMBS "CMakeLists.txt;Makefile;Makefile.in;Makefile.am;configure.ac;configure.py;autogen.sh;.gitignore;LICENSE;Home.md") +SET(VALID_CRUMBS "CMakeLists.txt;Makefile;Makefile.in;Makefile.am;configure.ac;configure.py;autogen.sh;.gitignore;LICENSE;Home.md;license.txt") OPTION(NO_SHALLOW_CLONE "Disable shallow cloning of submodules" OFF) diff --git a/cmake/modules/CreateTempFile.cmake b/cmake/modules/CreateTempFile.cmake index 5210342ac0d..27cc5faa7d6 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/CreateTempFile.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/CreateTempFile.cmake @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function(CreateTempFilePath) set(file_name "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${TEMP_TAG}_${hashed_content}") set(${TEMP_OUTPUT_VAR} "${file_name}" PARENT_SCOPE) - if(CONFIG_SUFFIX) + if(TEMP_CONFIG_SUFFIX) set(file_name "${file_name}_$") endif() diff --git a/cmake/modules/DetectMachine.cmake b/cmake/modules/DetectMachine.cmake index 86807b7573c..388efeb820c 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/DetectMachine.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/DetectMachine.cmake @@ -20,23 +20,53 @@ ENDIF() MESSAGE("PROCESSOR: ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}") SET(LMMS_HOST_X86 FALSE) SET(LMMS_HOST_X86_64 FALSE) +SET(LMMS_HOST_ARM32 FALSE) +SET(LMMS_HOST_ARM64 FALSE) +SET(LMMS_HOST_RISCV32 FALSE) +SET(LMMS_HOST_RISCV64 FALSE) IF(NOT DEFINED WIN64 AND CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) - SET(WIN64 ON) + # TODO: This seems a bit presumptous + SET(WIN64 ON) ENDIF() IF(WIN32) - IF(WIN64) - SET(IS_X86_64 TRUE) - SET(LMMS_BUILD_WIN64 TRUE) - ELSE(WIN64) - SET(IS_X86 TRUE) - ENDIF(WIN64) - if(MSVC) SET(MSVC_VER ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}) - IF(MSVC_VER VERSION_GREATER 19.20 OR MSVC_VER VERSION_EQUAL 19.20) + # Detect target architecture + IF(CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM) + STRING(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM}" MSVC_TARGET_PLATFORM) + ELSE() + STRING(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME_DEFAULT}" MSVC_TARGET_PLATFORM) + ENDIF() + + IF(MSVC_TARGET_PLATFORM MATCHES "x64") + SET(IS_X86_64 TRUE) + SET(LMMS_BUILD_WIN64 TRUE) + ELSEIF(MSVC_TARGET_PLATFORM MATCHES "win32") + SET(IS_X86 TRUE) + ELSEIF(MSVC_TARGET_PLATFORM MATCHES "arm64") + SET(IS_ARM64 TRUE) + ELSEIF(MSVC_TARGET_PLATFORM MATCHES "arm") + SET(IS_ARM32 TRUE) + ELSEIF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER MATCHES "amd64/cl.exe$" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER MATCHES "x64/cl.exe$") + SET(IS_X86_64 TRUE) + SET(LMMS_BUILD_WIN64 TRUE) + ELSEIF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER MATCHES "bin/cl.exe$" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER MATCHES "x86/cl.exe$") + SET(IS_X86 TRUE) + ELSEIF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER MATCHES "arm64/cl.exe$") + SET(IS_ARM64 TRUE) + ELSEIF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER MATCHES "arm/cl.exe$") + SET(IS_ARM32 TRUE) + ELSE() + MESSAGE(WARNING "Unknown target architecture: ${MSVC_TARGET_PLATFORM}") + ENDIF() + + IF(MSVC_VER VERSION_GREATER 19.30 OR MSVC_VER VERSION_EQUAL 19.30) + SET(LMMS_MSVC_GENERATOR "Visual Studio 17 2022") + SET(LMMS_MSVC_YEAR 2022) + ELSEIF(MSVC_VER VERSION_GREATER 19.20 OR MSVC_VER VERSION_EQUAL 19.20) SET(LMMS_MSVC_GENERATOR "Visual Studio 16 2019") SET(LMMS_MSVC_YEAR 2019) # Qt only provides binaries for MSVC 2017, but 2019 is binary compatible ELSEIF(MSVC_VER VERSION_GREATER 19.10 OR MSVC_VER VERSION_EQUAL 19.10) @@ -50,23 +80,70 @@ IF(WIN32) ENDIF() unset(MSVC_VER) + else() + # Cross-compiled + # TODO: Handle Windows ARM64 targets + IF(WIN64) + SET(IS_X86_64 TRUE) + SET(LMMS_BUILD_WIN64 TRUE) + ELSE(WIN64) + SET(IS_X86 TRUE) + ENDIF(WIN64) endif() -ELSE(WIN32) +ELSE() + # Detect target architecture based on compiler target triple e.g. "x86_64-pc-linux" EXEC_PROGRAM( ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ARGS "-dumpmachine ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE Machine ) MESSAGE("Machine: ${Machine}") STRING(REGEX MATCH "i.86" IS_X86 "${Machine}") STRING(REGEX MATCH "86_64|amd64" IS_X86_64 "${Machine}") -ENDIF(WIN32) + IF(Machine MATCHES "arm|aarch64") + IF(Machine MATCHES "arm64|aarch64") + SET(IS_ARM64 TRUE) + ELSE() + SET(IS_ARM32 TRUE) + ENDIF() + ELSEIF(Machine MATCHES "rv|riscv") + IF(Machine MATCHES "rv64|riscv64") + SET(IS_RISCV64 TRUE) + ELSE() + SET(IS_RISCV32 TRUE) + ENDIF() + ELSEIF(Machine MATCHES "ppc|powerpc") + IF(Machine MATCHES "ppc64|powerpc64") + SET(IS_PPC64 TRUE) + ELSE() + SET(IS_PPC32 TRUE) + ENDIF() + ENDIF() +ENDIF() IF(IS_X86) - MESSAGE("-- Target host is 32 bit") + MESSAGE("-- Target host is 32 bit, Intel") SET(LMMS_HOST_X86 TRUE) ELSEIF(IS_X86_64) - MESSAGE("-- Target host is 64 bit") + MESSAGE("-- Target host is 64 bit, Intel") SET(LMMS_HOST_X86_64 TRUE) -ELSE(IS_X86) +ELSEIF(IS_ARM32) + MESSAGE("-- Target host is 32 bit, ARM") + SET(LMMS_HOST_ARM32 TRUE) +ELSEIF(IS_ARM64) + MESSAGE("-- Target host is 64 bit, ARM") + SET(LMMS_HOST_ARM64 TRUE) +ELSEIF(IS_RISCV32) + MESSAGE("-- Target host is 32 bit, RISC-V") + SET(LMMS_HOST_RISCV32 TRUE) +ELSEIF(IS_RISCV64) + MESSAGE("-- Target host is 64 bit, RISC-V") + SET(LMMS_HOST_RISCV64 TRUE) +ELSEIF(IS_PPC32) + MESSAGE("-- Target host is 32 bit, PPC") + SET(LMMS_HOST_PPC32 TRUE) +ELSEIF(IS_PPC64) + MESSAGE("-- Target host is 64 bit, PPC") + SET(LMMS_HOST_PPC64 TRUE) +ELSE() MESSAGE("Can't identify target host. Assuming 32 bit platform.") -ENDIF(IS_X86) +ENDIF() IF(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR) SET(LIB_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") diff --git a/cmake/modules/FindFluidSynth.cmake b/cmake/modules/FindFluidSynth.cmake new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fcc00cd7d0e --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/modules/FindFluidSynth.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2022 Dominic Clark +# +# Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the New BSD license. +# For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. + +# Return if we already have FluidSynth +if(TARGET fluidsynth) + set(FluidSynth_FOUND 1) + return() +endif() + +# Attempt to find FluidSynth using PkgConfig +find_package(PkgConfig QUIET) +if(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) + pkg_check_modules(FLUIDSYNTH_PKG fluidsynth) +endif() + +# Find the library and headers using the results from PkgConfig as a guide +find_path(FluidSynth_INCLUDE_DIR + NAMES "fluidsynth.h" + HINTS ${FLUIDSYNTH_PKG_INCLUDE_DIRS} +) + +find_library(FluidSynth_LIBRARY + NAMES "fluidsynth" + HINTS ${FLUIDSYNTH_PKG_LIBRARY_DIRS} +) + +if(FluidSynth_INCLUDE_DIR AND FluidSynth_LIBRARY) + add_library(fluidsynth UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(fluidsynth PROPERTIES + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${FluidSynth_INCLUDE_DIR}" + ) + + if(VCPKG_INSTALLED_DIR) + include(ImportedTargetHelpers) + _get_vcpkg_library_configs(FluidSynth_IMPLIB_RELEASE FluidSynth_IMPLIB_DEBUG "${FluidSynth_LIBRARY}") + else() + set(FluidSynth_IMPLIB_RELEASE "${FluidSynth_LIBRARY}") + endif() + + if(FluidSynth_IMPLIB_DEBUG) + set_target_properties(fluidsynth PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "${FluidSynth_IMPLIB_RELEASE}" + IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${FluidSynth_IMPLIB_DEBUG}" + ) + else() + set_target_properties(fluidsynth PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${FluidSynth_IMPLIB_RELEASE}" + ) + endif() + + if(EXISTS "${FluidSynth_INCLUDE_DIR}/fluidsynth/version.h") + file(STRINGS + "${FluidSynth_INCLUDE_DIR}/fluidsynth/version.h" + _version_string + REGEX "^#[\t ]*define[\t ]+FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION[\t ]+\".*\"" + ) + string(REGEX REPLACE + "^.*FLUIDSYNTH_VERSION[\t ]+\"([^\"]*)\".*$" + "\\1" + FluidSynth_VERSION_STRING + "${_version_string}" + ) + unset(_version_string) + endif() +endif() + +include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args(FluidSynth + REQUIRED_VARS FluidSynth_LIBRARY FluidSynth_INCLUDE_DIR + VERSION_VAR FluidSynth_VERSION_STRING +) diff --git a/cmake/modules/FindLame.cmake b/cmake/modules/FindLame.cmake index e5dc93bd5a7..c3fb09c5bf1 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/FindLame.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/FindLame.cmake @@ -1,16 +1,37 @@ # - Try to find LAME # Once done this will define # -# LAME_FOUND - system has liblame -# LAME_INCLUDE_DIRS - the liblame include directory -# LAME_LIBRARIES - The liblame libraries +# Lame_FOUND - system has liblame +# Lame_INCLUDE_DIRS - the liblame include directory +# Lame_LIBRARIES - The liblame libraries +# mp3lame::mp3lame - an imported target providing lame -find_path(LAME_INCLUDE_DIRS lame/lame.h) -find_library(LAME_LIBRARIES mp3lame) +find_package(mp3lame CONFIG QUIET) -include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) -find_package_handle_standard_args(Lame DEFAULT_MSG LAME_INCLUDE_DIRS LAME_LIBRARIES) +if(TARGET mp3lame::mp3lame) + # Extract details for find_package_handle_standard_args + get_target_property(Lame_LIBRARIES mp3lame::mp3lame LOCATION) + get_target_property(Lame_INCLUDE_DIRS mp3lame::mp3lame INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) +else() + find_path(Lame_INCLUDE_DIRS lame/lame.h) + find_library(Lame_LIBRARIES mp3lame) + + list(APPEND Lame_DEFINITIONS HAVE_LIBMP3LAME=1) + + mark_as_advanced(Lame_INCLUDE_DIRS Lame_LIBRARIES Lame_DEFINITIONS) -list(APPEND LAME_DEFINITIONS -DHAVE_LIBMP3LAME=1) + if(Lame_LIBRARIES AND Lame_INCLUDE_DIRS) + add_library(mp3lame::mp3lame UNKNOWN IMPORTED) -mark_as_advanced(LAME_INCLUDE_DIRS LAME_LIBRARIES LAME_DEFINITIONS) + set_target_properties(mp3lame::mp3lame PROPERTIES + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${Lame_INCLUDE_DIRS}" + INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${Lame_DEFINITIONS}" + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${Lame_LIBRARIES}" + ) + endif() +endif() + +include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args(Lame + REQUIRED_VARS Lame_LIBRARIES Lame_INCLUDE_DIRS +) diff --git a/cmake/modules/FindPortaudio.cmake b/cmake/modules/FindPortaudio.cmake index bb6bdf48b24..f9c7699f451 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/FindPortaudio.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/FindPortaudio.cmake @@ -1,36 +1,44 @@ -# - Try to find Portaudio -# Once done this will define -# -# PORTAUDIO_FOUND - system has Portaudio -# PORTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS - the Portaudio include directory -# PORTAUDIO_LIBRARIES - Link these to use Portaudio -# PORTAUDIO_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using Portaudio -# -# Copyright (c) 2006 Andreas Schneider +# Copyright (c) 2022 Dominic Clark # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the New BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. -# +# Try config mode if possible +find_package(portaudio CONFIG QUIET) + +if(TARGET portaudio) + # Extract details for find_package_handle_standard_args + get_target_property(Portaudio_LIBRARY portaudio LOCATION) + get_target_property(Portaudio_INCLUDE_DIR portaudio INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) +else() + # Attempt to find PortAudio using PkgConfig, if we have it + find_package(PkgConfig QUIET) + if(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) + pkg_check_modules(PORTAUDIO_PKG portaudio-2.0) + endif() -if (PORTAUDIO_LIBRARIES AND PORTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS) - # in cache already - set(PORTAUDIO_FOUND TRUE) -else (PORTAUDIO_LIBRARIES AND PORTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS) - include(FindPkgConfig) - pkg_check_modules(PORTAUDIO portaudio-2.0) - if (PORTAUDIO_FOUND) - if (NOT Portaudio_FIND_QUIETLY) - message(STATUS "Found Portaudio: ${PORTAUDIO_LIBRARIES}") - endif (NOT Portaudio_FIND_QUIETLY) - else (PORTAUDIO_FOUND) - if (Portaudio_FIND_REQUIRED) - message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find Portaudio") - endif (Portaudio_FIND_REQUIRED) - endif (PORTAUDIO_FOUND) + # Find the library and headers using the results from PkgConfig as a guide + find_library(Portaudio_LIBRARY + NAMES "portaudio" + HINTS ${PORTAUDIO_PKG_LIBRARY_DIRS} + ) - # show the PORTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS and PORTAUDIO_LIBRARIES variables only in the advanced view - mark_as_advanced(PORTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS PORTAUDIO_LIBRARIES) + find_path(Portaudio_INCLUDE_DIR + NAMES "portaudio.h" + HINTS ${PORTAUDIO_PKG_INCLUDE_DIRS} + ) -endif (PORTAUDIO_LIBRARIES AND PORTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS) + # Create an imported target for PortAudio if we succeeded in finding it. + if(Portaudio_LIBRARY AND Portaudio_INCLUDE_DIR) + add_library(portaudio UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(portaudio PROPERTIES + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${Portaudio_INCLUDE_DIR}" + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${Portaudio_LIBRARY}" + ) + endif() +endif() +include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args(Portaudio + REQUIRED_VARS Portaudio_LIBRARY Portaudio_INCLUDE_DIR +) diff --git a/cmake/modules/FindSDL2.cmake b/cmake/modules/FindSDL2.cmake index 7b9e5b14977..3bad1002ead 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/FindSDL2.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/FindSDL2.cmake @@ -1,57 +1,20 @@ - # This module defines +# SDL2::SDL2, a target providing SDL2 itself # SDL2_LIBRARY, the name of the library to link against # SDL2_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to SDL2 # SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find SDL.h # -# This module responds to the the flag: -# SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY -# If this is defined, then no SDL2main will be linked in because -# only applications need main(). -# Otherwise, it is assumed you are building an application and this -# module will attempt to locate and set the the proper link flags -# as part of the returned SDL2_LIBRARY variable. -# -# Don't forget to include SDLmain.h and SDLmain.m your project for the -# OS X framework based version. (Other versions link to -lSDL2main which -# this module will try to find on your behalf.) Also for OS X, this -# module will automatically add the -framework Cocoa on your behalf. -# -# -# Additional Note: If you see an empty SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP in your configuration -# and no SDL2_LIBRARY, it means CMake did not find your SDL2 library -# (SDL2.dll, libsdl2.so, SDL2.framework, etc). -# Set SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP to point to your SDL2 library, and configure again. -# Similarly, if you see an empty SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY, you should set this value -# as appropriate. These values are used to generate the final SDL2_LIBRARY -# variable, but when these values are unset, SDL2_LIBRARY does not get created. -# +# On OSX, this will prefer the Framework version (if found) over others. +# People will have to manually change the cache values of +# SDL2_LIBRARY to override this selection or set the CMake environment +# CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH to modify the search paths. # # $SDL2DIR is an environment variable that would # correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$SDL2DIR # used in building SDL2. -# l.e.galup 9-20-02 # -# Modified by Eric Wing. -# Added code to assist with automated building by using environmental variables -# and providing a more controlled/consistent search behavior. -# Added new modifications to recognize OS X frameworks and -# additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc). -# Also corrected the header search path to follow "proper" SDL guidelines. -# Added a search for SDL2main which is needed by some platforms. -# Added a search for threads which is needed by some platforms. -# Added needed compile switches for MinGW. +# Modified by Eric Wing, l.e.galup, and Dominic Clark # -# On OSX, this will prefer the Framework version (if found) over others. -# People will have to manually change the cache values of -# SDL2_LIBRARY to override this selection or set the CMake environment -# CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH to modify the search paths. -# -# Note that the header path has changed from SDL2/SDL.h to just SDL.h -# This needed to change because "proper" SDL convention -# is #include "SDL.h", not . This is done for portability -# reasons because not all systems place things in SDL2/ (see FreeBSD). - #============================================================================= # Copyright 2003-2009 Kitware, Inc. # @@ -65,109 +28,91 @@ # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) -# message("") - -SET(SDL2_SEARCH_PATHS - ~/Library/Frameworks - /Library/Frameworks - /usr/local - /usr - /sw # Fink - /opt/local # DarwinPorts - /opt/csw # Blastwave - /opt - ${SDL2_PATH} -) - -FIND_PATH(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR SDL.h - HINTS - $ENV{SDL2DIR} - PATH_SUFFIXES SDL2 include/SDL2 include - PATHS ${SDL2_SEARCH_PATHS} -) - -if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) - set(PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib/x64 lib) -else() - set(PATH_SUFFIXES lib/x86 lib) -endif() - -FIND_LIBRARY(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP - NAMES SDL2 - HINTS - $ENV{SDL2DIR} - PATH_SUFFIXES ${PATH_SUFFIXES} - PATHS ${SDL2_SEARCH_PATHS} -) - -IF(NOT SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY) - IF(NOT ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR} MATCHES ".framework") - # Non-OS X framework versions expect you to also dynamically link to - # SDL2main. This is mainly for Windows and OS X. Other (Unix) platforms - # seem to provide SDL2main for compatibility even though they don't - # necessarily need it. - FIND_LIBRARY(SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY - NAMES SDL2main - HINTS - $ENV{SDL2DIR} - PATH_SUFFIXES ${PATH_SUFFIXES} - PATHS ${SDL2_SEARCH_PATHS} +# Try config mode first - anything SDL2 itself provides is likely to be more +# reliable than our guesses. +find_package(SDL2 CONFIG QUIET) + +if(TARGET SDL2::SDL2) + # Extract details for find_package_handle_standard_args + get_target_property(SDL2_LIBRARY SDL2::SDL2 LOCATION) + get_target_property(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR SDL2::SDL2 INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) +else() + set(SDL2_SEARCH_PATHS + ~/Library/Frameworks + /Library/Frameworks + /usr/local + /usr + /sw # Fink + /opt/local # DarwinPorts + /opt/csw # Blastwave + /opt + ${SDL2_PATH} + ) + + find_path(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR + NAMES SDL.h + HINTS $ENV{SDL2DIR} ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS} + PATH_SUFFIXES SDL2 include/SDL2 include + PATHS ${SDL2_SEARCH_PATHS} + ) + + if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) + set(PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib/x64 lib) + else() + set(PATH_SUFFIXES lib/x86 lib) + endif() + + find_library(SDL2_LIBRARY + NAMES SDL2 + HINTS $ENV{SDL2DIR} ${SDL2_LIBDIR} + PATH_SUFFIXES ${PATH_SUFFIXES} + PATHS ${SDL2_SEARCH_PATHS} + ) + + # SDL2 may require threads on your system. + # The Apple build may not need an explicit flag because one of the + # frameworks may already provide it. + # But for non-OSX systems, I will use the CMake Threads package. + if(NOT APPLE) + find_package(Threads) + endif() + + if(SDL2_LIBRARY AND SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR) + add_library(SDL2::SDL2 UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(SDL2::SDL2 PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${SDL2_LIBRARY}" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) - ENDIF(NOT ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR} MATCHES ".framework") -ENDIF(NOT SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY) - -# SDL2 may require threads on your system. -# The Apple build may not need an explicit flag because one of the -# frameworks may already provide it. -# But for non-OSX systems, I will use the CMake Threads package. -IF(NOT APPLE) - FIND_PACKAGE(Threads) -ENDIF(NOT APPLE) - -# MinGW needs an additional link flag, -mwindows -# It's total link flags should look like -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -mwindows -IF(MINGW) - SET(MINGW32_LIBRARY mingw32 "-mwindows" CACHE STRING "mwindows for MinGW") -ENDIF(MINGW) -IF(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP) - # For SDL2main - IF(NOT SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY) - IF(SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY) - SET(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP ${SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY} ${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP}) - ENDIF(SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY) - ENDIF(NOT SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY) - - # For OS X, SDL2 uses Cocoa as a backend so it must link to Cocoa. - # CMake doesn't display the -framework Cocoa string in the UI even - # though it actually is there if I modify a pre-used variable. - # I think it has something to do with the CACHE STRING. - # So I use a temporary variable until the end so I can set the - # "real" variable in one-shot. - IF(APPLE) - SET(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP ${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP} "-framework Cocoa") - ENDIF(APPLE) - - # For threads, as mentioned Apple doesn't need this. - # In fact, there seems to be a problem if I used the Threads package - # and try using this line, so I'm just skipping it entirely for OS X. - IF(NOT APPLE) - SET(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP ${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) - ENDIF(NOT APPLE) - - # For MinGW library - IF(MINGW) - SET(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP ${MINGW32_LIBRARY} ${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP}) - ENDIF(MINGW) - - # Set the final string here so the GUI reflects the final state. - SET(SDL2_LIBRARY ${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP} CACHE STRING "Where the SDL2 Library can be found") - # Set the temp variable to INTERNAL so it is not seen in the CMake GUI - SET(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP "${SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP}" CACHE INTERNAL "") -ENDIF(SDL2_LIBRARY_TEMP) - -# message("") - -INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) - -FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(SDL2 REQUIRED_VARS SDL2_LIBRARY SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR) + # For OS X, SDL2 uses Cocoa as a backend so it must link to Cocoa. + if(APPLE) + set_property(TARGET SDL2::SDL2 APPEND PROPERTY + INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS "-framework Cocoa" + ) + endif() + + # For threads, as mentioned Apple doesn't need this. + # In fact, there seems to be a problem if I used the Threads package + # and try using this line, so I'm just skipping it entirely for OS X. + if(NOT APPLE AND Threads_FOUND) + set_property(TARGET SDL2::SDL2 APPEND PROPERTY + INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "Threads::Threads" + ) + endif() + + if(EXISTS "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_version.h") + file(READ "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_version.h" _sdl_version_h) + string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#[\t ]*define[\t ]+SDL_MAJOR_VERSION[\t ]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" SDL2_VERSION_MAJOR "${_sdl_version_h}") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#[\t ]*define[\t ]+SDL_MINOR_VERSION[\t ]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" SDL2_VERSION_MINOR "${_sdl_version_h}") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#[\t ]*define[\t ]+SDL_PATCHLEVEL[\t ]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" SDL2_VERSION_PATCH "${_sdl_version_h}") + set(SDL2_VERSION "${SDL2_VERSION_MAJOR}.${SDL2_VERSION_MINOR}.${SDL2_VERSION_PATCH}") + unset(_sdl_version_h) + endif() + endif() +endif() + +include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args(SDL2 + REQUIRED_VARS SDL2_LIBRARY SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR + VERSION_VAR SDL2_VERSION +) diff --git a/cmake/modules/FindSTK.cmake b/cmake/modules/FindSTK.cmake index 6c2f16de4c6..0718f5039a3 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/FindSTK.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/FindSTK.cmake @@ -1,20 +1,39 @@ -FIND_PATH(STK_INCLUDE_DIR Stk.h /usr/include/stk /usr/local/include/stk ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/stk ${CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH}/include/stk) +# Try config mode first +find_package(unofficial-libstk CONFIG QUIET) -FIND_LIBRARY(STK_LIBRARY NAMES stk PATH /usr/lib /usr/local/lib ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib ${CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH}/lib) +if(TARGET unofficial::libstk::libstk) + # Extract details for find_package_handle_standard_args + get_target_property(STK_LIBRARY unofficial::libstk::libstk LOCATION) + get_target_property(STK_INCLUDE_DIR unofficial::libstk::libstk INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) +else() + find_path(STK_INCLUDE_DIR + NAMES stk/Stk.h + PATH /usr/include /usr/local/include "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include" "${CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH}/include" + ) -IF (STK_INCLUDE_DIR AND STK_LIBRARY) - SET(STK_FOUND TRUE) -ENDIF (STK_INCLUDE_DIR AND STK_LIBRARY) + find_library(STK_LIBRARY + NAMES stk + PATH /usr/lib /usr/local/lib "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib" "${CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH}/lib" + ) + if(STK_INCLUDE_DIR AND STK_LIBRARY) + # Yes, this target name is hideous, but it matches that provided by vcpkg + add_library(unofficial::libstk::libstk UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(unofficial::libstk::libstk PROPERTIES + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${STK_INCLUDE_DIR}" + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${STK_LIBRARY}" + ) + endif() +endif() -IF (STK_FOUND) - IF (NOT STK_FIND_QUIETLY) - MESSAGE(STATUS "Found STK: ${STK_LIBRARY}") - SET(HAVE_STK TRUE) - ENDIF (NOT STK_FIND_QUIETLY) -ELSE (STK_FOUND) - IF (STK_FIND_REQUIRED) - MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find STK") - ENDIF (STK_FIND_REQUIRED) -ENDIF (STK_FOUND) +# find STK rawwave path +find_path(STK_RAWWAVE_ROOT + NAMES silence.raw sinewave.raw + HINTS "${STK_INCLUDE_DIR}/.." + PATH_SUFFIXES share/stk/rawwaves share/libstk/rawwaves +) +include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args(STK + REQUIRED_VARS STK_LIBRARY STK_INCLUDE_DIR +) diff --git a/cmake/modules/GenQrc.cmake b/cmake/modules/GenQrc.cmake index 981a54d67f1..9614e5ef4b8 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/GenQrc.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/GenQrc.cmake @@ -1,48 +1,80 @@ # GenQrc.cmake - Copyright (c) 2015 Lukas W -# Generates a simple qrc file containing the given resource files ${ARGN}: -# GEN_QRC(resources.qrc artwork.png icon.png PREFIX /icons) +# Generates a simple qrc file named ${QRC_NAME} containing the given resource +# files ${ARGN}, rccs it, and returns Qt's output file. +# Must only be run once per CMakeLists.txt. +# Usage example: +# add_gen_qrc(RCC_OUTPUT resources.qrc artwork.png icon.png PREFIX /icons) +# add_executable(myexe main.cpp ${RCC_OUTPUT}) # Files may also be added using a pattern with the GLOB keyword, e.g.: -# GEN_QRC(resources.qrc GLOB *.png) -FUNCTION(GEN_QRC OUT_FILE) - CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(RC "" "PREFIX;GLOB" "" ${ARGN}) +# add_gen_qrc(RCC_OUTPUT resources.qrc GLOB *.png) +function(add_gen_qrc RCC_OUT QRC_NAME) + cmake_parse_arguments(RC "" "PREFIX;GLOB" "" ${ARGN}) - IF(DEFINED RC_GLOB) - FILE(GLOB GLOB_FILES ${RC_GLOB}) - ENDIF() + # Get the absolute paths for the generated files + if(IS_ABSOLUTE "${QRC_NAME}") + set(QRC_FILE "${QRC_NAME}") + else() + set(QRC_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${QRC_NAME}") + endif() + get_filename_component(RESOURCE_NAME "${QRC_FILE}" NAME_WE) + get_filename_component(OUTPUT_DIR "${QRC_FILE}" DIRECTORY) + set(CPP_FILE "${OUTPUT_DIR}/qrc_${RESOURCE_NAME}.cpp") # Set the standard prefix to "/" if none is given - IF(NOT DEFINED RC_PREFIX) - SET(RC_PREFIX "/") - ENDIF() - - # We need to convert our list to a string in order to pass it to the script - # on the command line. - STRING(REPLACE ";" "\;" FILES "${RC_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS};${GLOB_FILES}") - - SET(GENQRC_SCRIPT "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/scripts/GenQrc.cmake") - ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( - OUTPUT ${OUT_FILE} - COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D OUT_FILE=${OUT_FILE} -D RC_PREFIX=${RC_PREFIX} -D FILES:list=${FILES} -D DIR=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} -P "${GENQRC_SCRIPT}" - DEPENDS ${GENQRC_SCRIPT} - WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} + if(NOT DEFINED RC_PREFIX) + set(RC_PREFIX "/") + endif() + + # Determine input files + set(FILES ${RC_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) + if(DEFINED RC_GLOB) + file(GLOB GLOB_FILES "${RC_GLOB}") + list(APPEND FILES ${GLOB_FILES}) + endif() + + # Add the command to generate the QRC file + set(GENQRC_SCRIPT "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/scripts/GenQrc.cmake") + add_custom_command( + OUTPUT "${QRC_FILE}" + COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" + -D "OUT_FILE=${QRC_FILE}" + -D "RC_PREFIX=${RC_PREFIX}" + -D "FILES:list=${FILES}" + -D "DIR=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" + -P "${GENQRC_SCRIPT}" + DEPENDS "${GENQRC_SCRIPT}" + WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" VERBATIM ) -ENDFUNCTION() -# Generates a qrc file named ${QRC_OUT} from ${ARGN}, rccs it and returns Qt's -# output file. -# Must only be run once per CMakeLists.txt. -# Usage example: -# ADD_GEN_QRC(RCC_OUTPUT resources.qrc icon.png manual.pdf) -# ADD_EXECUTABLE(myexe main.cpp ${RCC_OUTPUT}) -MACRO(ADD_GEN_QRC RCCOUT QRC_OUT) - IF(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${QRC_OUT}) - SET(QRC_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${QRC_OUT}") - ELSE() - SET(QRC_FILE ${QRC_OUT}) - ENDIF() - - GEN_QRC(${QRC_FILE} "${ARGN}") - QT5_ADD_RESOURCES(${RCCOUT} ${QRC_FILE}) -ENDMACRO() + # Add the command to compile the QRC file + # Note: we can't use `qt5_add_resources` or `AUTORCC` here; we have to add + # the command ourselves instead. This is in order to handle dependencies + # correctly: the QRC file is generated at build time, so the dependencies + # of the compiled file can't be automatically determined at configure time. + # Additionally, `qt5_add_resources` adds unnecessary dependencies for + # generated QRC files, which can cause dependency cycles with some + # generators. See issue #6177. + add_custom_command( + OUTPUT "${CPP_FILE}" + COMMAND Qt5::rcc + --name "${RESOURCE_NAME}" + --output "${CPP_FILE}" + "${QRC_FILE}" + DEPENDS "${QRC_FILE}" ${FILES} + VERBATIM + ) + + # Flag the generated files to be ignored by automatic tool processing + set_source_files_properties("${QRC_FILE}" PROPERTIES + SKIP_AUTORCC ON # We added the rcc command for this manually + ) + set_source_files_properties("${CPP_FILE}" PROPERTIES + SKIP_AUTOMOC ON # The rcc output file has no need for moc or uic + SKIP_AUTOUIC ON + ) + + # Return the rcc output file + set("${RCC_OUT}" "${CPP_FILE}" PARENT_SCOPE) +endfunction() diff --git a/cmake/modules/ImportedTargetHelpers.cmake b/cmake/modules/ImportedTargetHelpers.cmake new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..87b3aeedc33 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/modules/ImportedTargetHelpers.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# Given a library in vcpkg, find appropriate debug and release versions. If only +# one version exists, it is used as the release version, and the debug version +# is not set. +function(_get_vcpkg_library_configs _release_out _debug_out _library) + # We want to do all operations within the vcpkg directory + file(RELATIVE_PATH _lib_relative "${VCPKG_INSTALLED_DIR}" "${_library}") + + # Return early if we're not using vcpkg + if(IS_ABSOLUTE _lib_relative OR _lib_relative MATCHES "^\\.\\./") + set("${_release_out}" "${_library}" PARENT_SCOPE) + return() + endif() + + string(REPLACE "/" ";" _path_bits "${_lib_relative}") + + # Determine whether we were given the debug or release version + list(FIND _path_bits "debug" _debug_index) + if(_debug_index EQUAL -1) + # We have the release version, so use it + set(_release_lib "${_library}") + + # Try to find a debug version too + list(FIND _path_bits "lib" _lib_index) + if(_lib_index GREATER_EQUAL 0) + list(INSERT _path_bits "${_lib_index}" "debug") + list(INSERT _path_bits 0 "${VCPKG_INSTALLED_DIR}") + string(REPLACE ";" "/" _debug_lib "${_path_bits}") + + if(NOT EXISTS "${_debug_lib}") + # Debug version does not exist - only use given version + unset(_debug_lib) + endif() + endif() + else() + # We have the debug version, so try to find a release version too + list(REMOVE_AT _path_bits "${_debug_index}") + list(INSERT _path_bits 0 "${VCPKG_INSTALLED_DIR}") + string(REPLACE ";" "/" _release_lib "${_path_bits}") + + if(NOT EXISTS "${_release_lib}") + # Release version does not exist - only use given version + set(_release_lib "${_library}") + else() + # Release version exists, so use given version as debug + set(_debug_lib "${_library}") + endif() + endif() + + # Set output variables appropriately + if(_debug_lib) + set("${_release_out}" "${_release_lib}" PARENT_SCOPE) + set("${_debug_out}" "${_debug_lib}" PARENT_SCOPE) + else() + set("${_release_out}" "${_release_lib}" PARENT_SCOPE) + unset("${_debug_out}" PARENT_SCOPE) + endif() +endfunction() diff --git a/cmake/modules/PluginList.cmake b/cmake/modules/PluginList.cmake index 421ac9b2327..6b2c7519af0 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/PluginList.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/PluginList.cmake @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ OPTION(LMMS_MINIMAL "Build a minimal list of plug-ins" OFF) OPTION(LIST_PLUGINS "Lists the available plugins for building" OFF) SET(MINIMAL_LIST - audio_file_processor - kicker - triple_oscillator + AudioFileProcessor + Kicker + TripleOscillator ) IF(LMMS_MINIMAL) @@ -25,52 +25,53 @@ SET(LMMS_PLUGIN_LIST ${MINIMAL_LIST} Amplifier BassBooster - bit_invader + BitInvader Bitcrush - carlabase - carlapatchbay - carlarack + CarlaBase + CarlaPatchbay + CarlaRack Compressor CrossoverEQ Delay + Dispersion DualFilter - dynamics_processor + DynamicsProcessor Eq Flanger HydrogenImport - ladspa_browser + LadspaBrowser LadspaEffect Lv2Effect Lv2Instrument - lb302 + Lb302 MidiImport MidiExport MultitapEcho - monstro - nes + Monstro + Nes OpulenZ - organic + Organic FreeBoy - patman - peak_controller_effect + Patman + PeakControllerEffect GigPlayer ReverbSC - sf2_player - sfxr + Sf2Player + Sfxr Sid SpectrumAnalyzer - stereo_enhancer - stereo_matrix - stk - vst_base - vestige + StereoEnhancer + StereoMatrix + Stk + VstBase + Vestige VstEffect - watsyn - waveshaper + Watsyn + WaveShaper Vectorscope - vibed + Vibed Xpressive - zynaddsubfx + ZynAddSubFx ) IF("${PLUGIN_LIST}" STREQUAL "") @@ -100,7 +101,6 @@ ENDIF() IF(MSVC) SET(MSVC_INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGINS LadspaEffect - zynaddsubfx ) message(WARNING "Compiling with MSVC. The following plugins are not available: ${MSVC_INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGINS}") LIST(REMOVE_ITEM PLUGIN_LIST ${MSVC_INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGINS}) diff --git a/cmake/modules/VersionInfo.cmake b/cmake/modules/VersionInfo.cmake index 9571514a6eb..6f4c371f1a2 100644 --- a/cmake/modules/VersionInfo.cmake +++ b/cmake/modules/VersionInfo.cmake @@ -3,6 +3,13 @@ IF(GIT_FOUND AND NOT FORCE_VERSION) SET(MAJOR_VERSION 0) SET(MINOR_VERSION 0) SET(PATCH_VERSION 0) + + # If this is a GitHub Actions pull request build, get the pull request + # number from the environment and add it to the build metadata + if("$ENV{GITHUB_REF}" MATCHES "refs/pull/([0-9]+)/merge") + list(APPEND BUILD_METADATA "pr${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") + endif() + # Look for git tag information (e.g. Tagged: "v1.0.0", Untagged: "v1.0.0-123-a1b2c3d") # Untagged format: [latest tag]-[number of commits]-[latest commit hash] EXECUTE_PROCESS( @@ -30,28 +37,43 @@ IF(GIT_FOUND AND NOT FORCE_VERSION) ENDIF() # 1 dash total: Dash in latest tag, no additional commits => pre-release IF(TAG_LIST_LENGTH EQUAL 2) + # Get the pre-release stage LIST(GET TAG_LIST 1 VERSION_STAGE) - SET(FORCE_VERSION "${FORCE_VERSION}-${VERSION_STAGE}") + list(APPEND PRERELEASE_DATA "${VERSION_STAGE}") # 2 dashes: Assume untagged with no dashes in latest tag name => stable + commits ELSEIF(TAG_LIST_LENGTH EQUAL 3) # Get the number of commits and latest commit hash LIST(GET TAG_LIST 1 EXTRA_COMMITS) LIST(GET TAG_LIST 2 COMMIT_HASH) - # Bump the patch version + list(APPEND PRERELEASE_DATA "${EXTRA_COMMITS}") + list(APPEND BUILD_METADATA "${COMMIT_HASH}") + # Bump the patch version, since a pre-release (as specified by the extra + # commits) compares lower than the main version alone MATH(EXPR PATCH_VERSION "${PATCH_VERSION}+1") - # Set the version to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-EXTRA_COMMITS+COMMIT_HASH - SET(FORCE_VERSION "${MAJOR_VERSION}.${MINOR_VERSION}.${PATCH_VERSION}") - SET(FORCE_VERSION "${FORCE_VERSION}-${EXTRA_COMMITS}+${COMMIT_HASH}") + # Reassemble the main version using the new patch version + set(FORCE_VERSION "${MAJOR_VERSION}.${MINOR_VERSION}.${PATCH_VERSION}") # 3 dashes: Assume untagged with 1 dash in latest tag name => pre-release + commits ELSEIF(TAG_LIST_LENGTH EQUAL 4) - # Get pre-release stage, number of commits, and latest commit hash + # Get the pre-release stage, number of commits, and latest commit hash LIST(GET TAG_LIST 1 VERSION_STAGE) LIST(GET TAG_LIST 2 EXTRA_COMMITS) LIST(GET TAG_LIST 3 COMMIT_HASH) - # Set the version to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-VERSION_STAGE.EXTRA_COMMITS+COMMIT_HASH - SET(FORCE_VERSION "${FORCE_VERSION}-${VERSION_STAGE}") - SET(FORCE_VERSION "${FORCE_VERSION}.${EXTRA_COMMITS}+${COMMIT_HASH}") + list(APPEND PRERELEASE_DATA "${VERSION_STAGE}") + list(APPEND PRERELEASE_DATA "${EXTRA_COMMITS}") + list(APPEND BUILD_METADATA "${COMMIT_HASH}") ENDIF() + + # If there is any pre-release data, append it after a hyphen + if(PRERELEASE_DATA) + string(REPLACE ";" "." PRERELEASE_DATA "${PRERELEASE_DATA}") + set(FORCE_VERSION "${FORCE_VERSION}-${PRERELEASE_DATA}") + endif() + + # If there is any build metadata, append it after a plus + if(BUILD_METADATA) + string(REPLACE ";" "." BUILD_METADATA "${BUILD_METADATA}") + set(FORCE_VERSION "${FORCE_VERSION}+${BUILD_METADATA}") + endif() ENDIF() IF(FORCE_VERSION STREQUAL "internal") diff --git a/cmake/nsis/CMakeLists.txt b/cmake/nsis/CMakeLists.txt index 3fcb4b2f3d7..ee1bd45c305 100644 --- a/cmake/nsis/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cmake/nsis/CMakeLists.txt @@ -71,13 +71,7 @@ SET(CPACK_NSIS_MUI_ICON "${CPACK_NSIS_MUI_ICON}" PARENT_SCOPE) # Windows resource compilers CONFIGURE_FILE("lmms.rc.in" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lmms.rc") -CONFIGURE_FILE("zynaddsubfx.rc.in" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/plugins/zynaddsubfx/zynaddsubfx.rc") - -IF(LMMS_HAVE_STK) - FILE(GLOB RAWWAVES "${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/stk/rawwaves/*.raw") - LIST(SORT RAWWAVES) - INSTALL(FILES ${RAWWAVES} DESTINATION "${DATA_DIR}/stk/rawwaves") -ENDIF() +CONFIGURE_FILE("zynaddsubfx.rc.in" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/plugins/ZynAddSubFx/zynaddsubfx.rc") INSTALL(FILES "lmms.exe.manifest" DESTINATION .) INSTALL(FILES "lmms.VisualElementsManifest.xml" DESTINATION .) diff --git a/data/locale/CMakeLists.txt b/data/locale/CMakeLists.txt index 4ce666dcfef..f7f9071e79e 100644 --- a/data/locale/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/data/locale/CMakeLists.txt @@ -29,9 +29,14 @@ FOREACH(_ts_file ${lmms_LOCALES}) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${_ts_target} COMMAND "${QT_LUPDATE_EXECUTABLE}" -locations none -no-obsolete -I ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ ${LMMS_SRCS} ${LMMS_UIS} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins -ts "\"${_ts_file}\"" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) - ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${_qm_target} + add_custom_command( + OUTPUT "${_qm_file}" COMMAND "${QT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE}" "${_ts_file}" -qm "${_qm_file}" - WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) + MAIN_DEPENDENCY "${_ts_file}" + WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" + VERBATIM + ) + add_custom_target("${_qm_target}" DEPENDS "${_qm_file}") LIST(APPEND ts_targets "${_ts_target}") LIST(APPEND qm_targets "${_qm_target}") LIST(APPEND QM_FILES "${_qm_file}") diff --git a/data/locale/ar.ts b/data/locale/ar.ts index 8e2bc5284fc..1f159c42a2a 100644 --- a/data/locale/ar.ts +++ b/data/locale/ar.ts @@ -2,680 +2,712 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS - حول إل إم إم إس + حول LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - إصدار %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - حول + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - إل إم إم إس - إنتاج موسيقى سهل للجميع + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + إصدار %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - المؤلفون + + About + حول - Translation - الترجمة + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - إنتاج موسيقى سهل للجميع. - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - اللغة الحالية غير مترجمة (أو الإنجليزية) - -إذا كنت مهتما بترجمة إل إم إم إس للغة أخرى أو ترغب ترغب بتحسين ترجمة لغة موجودة مسبقا، أنت بك لكي تساعدنا! ببساطة تواصل مع المصين! + + Copyright © %1. + حقوق النشر © %1. - License - الرخصة + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - إل إم إم إس + + Authors + المؤلفون + Involved المشاركون + Contributors ordered by number of commits: - + المساهمون مرتبين وفقا لعدد المشاركات: - Copyright © %1 - حقوق النشر © %1 + + Translation + الترجمة - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + License + الرخصة + AmplifierControlDialog + VOL - صوت + حجم + Volume: - مستوى الصوت: + الحجم: + PAN - + توزيع + Panning: - + التوزيع: + LEFT يسار + Left gain: - + زيادة اليسار: + RIGHT يمين + Right gain: - + زيادة اليمين: AmplifierControls + Volume - + الحجم + Panning - + التوزيع + Left gain - + زيادة اليسار + Right gain - + زيادة اليمين AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE - جهاز + الجهاز + CHANNELS - قنوات + القنوات AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - افتح عينة أخرى - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - + + Open sample + افتح العينة + Reverse sample - - - - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - - - - Amplify: - - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - - - - Startpoint: - - - - Endpoint: - - - - Continue sample playback across notes - - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - + اعكس العينة + Disable loop عدم تكرار - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - - - + Enable loop - + تمكين التكرار +  - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. + + Enable ping-pong loop - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - + + Continue sample playback across notes + استمر في تشغيل العينة عبر النغمات - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - + + Amplify: + كبر: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. + + Start point: - Loopback point: + + End point: - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. + + Loopback point: AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: - + طول العينة: AudioJack + JACK client restarted + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + JACK server down + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. - CLIENT-NAME + + Client name - CHANNELS - قنوات + + Channels + - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE + + Device جهاز - CHANNELS - قنوات + + Channels + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND + + Backend - DEVICE + + Device جهاز - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE + + Device جهاز - CHANNELS - قنوات + + Channels + AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE + + Device جهاز - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE + + Device جهاز - CHANNELS - قنوات + + Channels + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND + + Backend - DEVICE + + Device جهاز AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) - + عين من جديد (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) - + انسخ القيمة (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) + الصق القيمة (%1%2) + + + + &Paste value + Edit song-global automation + حرر الأتمتة الشاملة للأغنية. + + + + Remove song-global automation + أزل الأتمتة الشاملة للأغنية. + + + + Remove all linked controls + Connected to %1 - + مرتبط ب %1 + Connected to controller - + مرتبط بالمتحكم + Edit connection... - + حرر الارتباط... + Remove connection - + أزل الارتباط + Connect to controller... - - - - Remove song-global automation - - - - Remove all linked controls - + ارتبط بالمتحكم... AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! + + Edit Value - Values copied + + New outValue - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. + + New inValue + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + من فضلك افتح نمط أتمتة من قائمة أداة ضبط. + AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - - - - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. + + Play/pause current clip (Space) - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. + + Edit actions + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) - Flip vertically - - - - Flip horizontally - - - - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - + + Flip vertically + اقلب عموديا - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Flip horizontally + اقلب أفقيا - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Interpolation controls + Discrete progression + Linear progression + Cubic Hermite progression + Tension value for spline - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - - - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - - - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - - - + Tension: - Automation Editor - no pattern + + Zoom controls - Automation Editor - %1 + + Horizontal zooming - Edit actions + + Vertical zooming - Interpolation controls + + Quantization controls - Timeline controls + + Quantization - Zoom controls - + + + Automation Editor - no clip + محرر الأتمتة - لا نمط - Quantization controls - + + + Automation Editor - %1 + محرر الأتمتة - 1% - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> - AutomationPatternView - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - - + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor - + افتح في محرر الأتمتة + Clear - + واضح + Reset name + Change name - %1 Connections + + Set/clear record - Disconnect "%1" + + Flip Vertically (Visible) - Set/clear record + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) - Flip Vertically (Visible) + + %1 Connections - Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + Disconnect "%1" - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. AutomationTrack + Automation track - + مقطع أتمتة - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + Beat selector - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. + + Track and step actions + Add beat/bassline - Add automation-track + + Clone beat/bassline clip - Remove steps + + Add sample-track - Add steps - + + Add automation-track + أضف مقطع أتمتة - Beat selector - + + Remove steps + أزل خطوات - Track and step actions - + + Add steps + أضف خطوات + Clone Steps - - - - Add sample-track - + استنسخ الخطوات - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + Reset name + Change name - - Change color - - - - Reset color to default - - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 + Clone of %1 - + مستنسخ %1 BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ + Frequency: + GAIN + Gain: + RATIO + Ratio: @@ -683,14 +715,17 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BassBoosterControls + Frequency + Gain + Ratio @@ -698,9253 +733,15595 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BitcrushControlDialog + IN + OUT + + GAIN - Input Gain: + + Input gain: - NOIS + + NOISE - Input Noise: + + Input noise: - Output Gain: + + Output gain: + CLIP - Output Clip: - - - - Rate + + Output clip: - Rate Enabled + + Rate enabled - Enable samplerate-crushing + + Enable sample-rate crushing - Depth + + Depth enabled - Depth Enabled + + Enable bit-depth crushing - Enable bitdepth-crushing + + FREQ + Sample rate: - STD + + STEREO + Stereo difference: - Levels + + QUANT + Levels: - CaptionMenu + BitcrushControls - &Help + + Input gain - Help (not available) + + Input noise - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI + + Output gain - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. + + Output clip - - - Controller - Controller %1 + + Sample rate - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - Connection Settings + + Stereo difference - MIDI CONTROLLER + + Levels - Input channel + + Rate enabled - CHANNEL + + Depth enabled + + + CarlaAboutW - Input controller + + About Carla - CONTROLLER - + + About + حول - Auto Detect + + About text here - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + Extended licensing here - USER CONTROLLER + + Artwork - MAPPING FUNCTION + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. - OK - حسناً + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - Cancel + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. - LMMS - إل إم إم إس + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - Cycle Detected. + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. - Add + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. - Confirm Delete + + Features - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + AU/AudioUnit: - - - ControllerView - Controls + + LADSPA: - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. + + + + + + + + + TextLabel - Rename controller + + VST2: - Enter the new name for this controller + + DSSI: - &Remove this controller + + LV2: - Re&name this controller + + VST3: - LFO + + OSC - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: + + Host URLs: - Band 2/3 Crossover: + + Valid commands: - Band 3/4 Crossover: + + valid osc commands here - Band 1 Gain: - + + Example: + مثال - Band 2 Gain: - + + License + الرخصة - Band 3 Gain: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - Band 4 Gain: + + OSC Bridge Version - Band 1 Mute + + Plugin Version - Mute Band 1 + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - Band 2 Mute + + + (Engine not running) - Mute Band 2 + + Everything! (Including LRDF) - Band 3 Mute + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) - Mute Band 3 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - Band 4 Mute + + + + Using Juce host - Mute Band 4 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) - DelayControls + CarlaHostW - Delay Samples + + MainWindow - Feedback + + Rack - Lfo Frequency + + Patchbay - Lfo Amount + + Logs - Output gain + + Loading... - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt + + Buffer Size: - Delay Time + + Sample Rate: - Feedback Amount + + ? Xruns - Lfo + + DSP Load: %p% - Out Gain - + + &File + ملف - Gain + + &Engine - DELAY + + &Plugin - FDBK + + Macros (all plugins) - RATE + + &Canvas - AMNT + + Zoom - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled + + &Settings - Filter 2 enabled + + &Help - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 + + toolBar - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 + + Disk - FREQ - + + + Home + الصفحة الرئيسية - Cutoff frequency + + Transport - RESO + + Playback Controls - Resonance + + Time Information - GAIN + + Frame: - Gain + + 000'000'000 - MIX + + Time: - Mix + + 00:00:00 - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled + + BBT: - Filter 1 type + + 000|00|0000 - Cutoff 1 frequency - + + Settings + الأوضاع - Q/Resonance 1 + + BPM - Gain 1 + + Use JACK Transport - Mix + + Use Ableton Link - Filter 2 enabled - + + &New + جديد - Filter 2 type + + Ctrl+N - Cutoff 2 frequency + + &Open... + افتح... + + + + + Open... - Q/Resonance 2 + + Ctrl+O - Gain 2 + + &Save + احفظ + + + + Ctrl+S - LowPass + + Save &As... + احفظ ك... + + + + + Save As... - HiPass + + Ctrl+Shift+S - BandPass csg + + &Quit + توقف + + + + Ctrl+Q - BandPass czpg + + &Start - Notch + + F5 - Allpass + + St&op - Moog + + F6 - 2x LowPass + + &Add Plugin... - RC LowPass 12dB + + Ctrl+A - RC BandPass 12dB + + &Remove All - RC HighPass 12dB + + Enable - RC LowPass 24dB + + Disable - RC BandPass 24dB + + 0% Wet (Bypass) - RC HighPass 24dB + + 100% Wet - Vocal Formant Filter + + 0% Volume (Mute) - 2x Moog + + 100% Volume - SV LowPass + + Center Balance - SV BandPass + + &Play - SV HighPass + + Ctrl+Shift+P - SV Notch + + &Stop - Fast Formant + + Ctrl+Shift+X - Tripole + + &Backwards - - - Editor - Play (Space) + + Ctrl+Shift+B - Stop (Space) + + &Forwards - Record + + Ctrl+Shift+F - Record while playing + + &Arrange - Transport controls + + Ctrl+G - - - Effect - Effect enabled + + + &Refresh - Wet/Dry mix + + Ctrl+R - Gate + + Save &Image... - Decay + + Auto-Fit - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled + + Zoom In - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN + + Ctrl++ - Add effect + + Zoom Out - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect + + Ctrl+- - Name + + Zoom 100% - Type + + Ctrl+1 - Description + + Show &Toolbar - Author + + &Configure Carla - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. + + &About - On/Off + + About &JUCE - W/D + + About &Qt - Wet Level: + + Show Canvas &Meters - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. + + Show Canvas &Keyboard - DECAY + + Show Internal - Time: + + Show External - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. + + Show Time Panel - GATE + + Show &Side Panel - Gate: + + &Connect... - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. + + Compact Slots - Controls + + Expand Slots - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. + + Perform secret 1 - Move &up + + Perform secret 2 - Move &down + + Perform secret 3 - &Remove this plugin + + Perform secret 4 - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay + + Perform secret 5 - Attack + + Add &JACK Application... - Hold + + &Configure driver... - Decay + + Panic - Sustain + + Open custom driver panel... + + + CarlaHostWindow - Release + + Export as... - Modulation + + + + + Error + خطأ + + + + Failed to load project - LFO Predelay + + Failed to save project - LFO Attack + + Quit - LFO speed + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? - LFO Modulation + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 - LFO Wave Shape + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' - Freq x 100 + + Warning - Modulate Env-Amount + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - DEL + + Show GUI + + + CarlaSettingsW - Predelay: - + + Settings + الأوضاع - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. + + main - ATT + + canvas - Attack: + + engine - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. + + osc - HOLD + + file-paths - Hold: + + plugin-paths - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. + + wine - DEC + + experimental - Decay: + + Widget - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. + + + Main - SUST + + + Canvas - Sustain: + + + Engine - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. + + File Paths - REL + + Plugin Paths - Release: + + Wine - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. + + + Experimental - AMT + + <b>Main</b> - Modulation amount: + + Paths - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. + + Default project folder: - LFO predelay: + + Interface - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. + + Interface refresh interval: - LFO- attack: + + + ms - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) - SPD + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting - LFO speed: + + + Theme - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. + + Color scheme: - Click here for a sine-wave. + + Black - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + System - Click here for a saw-wave for current. + + Enable experimental features - Click here for a square-wave. + + <b>Canvas</b> - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. + + Bezier Lines - FREQ x 100 + + Theme: - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. + + Size: - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 + + 775x600 - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT + + 1550x1200 - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. + + 3100x2400 - control envelope-amount by this LFO + + 4650x3600 - ms/LFO: + + 6200x4800 - Hint + + Options - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. + + Auto-hide groups with no ports - Click here for random wave. + + Auto-select items on hover - - - EqControls - Input gain + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) - Output gain + + Render Hints - Low shelf gain + + Anti-Aliasing - Peak 1 gain + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) - Peak 2 gain + + <b>Engine</b> - Peak 3 gain + + + Core - Peak 4 gain + + Single Client - High Shelf gain + + Multiple Clients - HP res + + + Continuous Rack - Low Shelf res + + + Patchbay - Peak 1 BW + + Audio driver: - Peak 2 BW + + Process mode: - Peak 3 BW + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog - Peak 4 BW + + Max Parameters: - High Shelf res + + ... - LP res + + Reset Xrun counter after project load - HP freq + + Plugin UIs - Low Shelf freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - Peak 1 freq + + UI Bridge Timeout: - Peak 2 freq + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - Peak 3 freq + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible - Peak 4 freq + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top - High shelf freq + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - LP freq + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - HP active + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings - Low shelf active + + <b>OSC</b> - Peak 1 active + + Enable OSC - Peak 2 active + + Enable TCP port - Peak 3 active + + + Use specific port: - Peak 4 active + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var - High shelf active + + + Use randomly assigned port - LP active + + Enable UDP port - LP 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var - LP 24 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled - LP 48 + + <b>File Paths</b> - HP 12 + + Audio - HP 24 + + MIDI - HP 48 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin - low pass type + + Used for the "midifile" plugin - high pass type + + + Add... - Analyse IN + + + Remove - Analyse OUT + + + Change... - - - EqControlsDialog - HP + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> - Low Shelf + + LADSPA - Peak 1 + + DSSI - Peak 2 + + LV2 - Peak 3 + + VST2 - Peak 4 + + VST3 - High Shelf + + SF2/3 - LP + + SFZ - In Gain + + Restart Carla to find new plugins - Gain + + <b>Wine</b> - Out Gain + + Executable - Bandwidth: + + Path to 'wine' binary: - Resonance : + + Prefix - Frequency: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename - lp grp + + Fallback: - hp grp + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback - Octave + + Realtime Priority - - - EqHandle - Reso: + + Base priority: - BW: + + WineServer priority: - Freq: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project + + <b>Experimental</b> - Output + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! - File format: + + Enable plugin bridges - Samplerate: + + Enable Wine bridges - 44100 Hz + + Enable jack applications - 48000 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 - 88200 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) - 96000 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) - 192000 Hz + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) - Bitrate: + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) - 64 KBit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" - 128 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. - 160 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo - 192 KBit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) - 256 KBit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. - 320 KBit/s + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible - Depth: + + + + + Add Path + + + CompressorControlDialog - 16 Bit Integer + + Threshold: - 32 Bit Float + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place - Please note that not all of the parameters above apply for all file formats. + + Ratio: - Quality settings + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold - Interpolation: + + Attack: - Zero Order Hold + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio - Sinc Fastest + + Release: - Sinc Medium (recommended) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio - Sinc Best (very slow!) + + Knee: - Oversampling (use with care!): + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold - 1x (None) + + Range: - 2x + + Maximum gain reduction - 4x + + Lookahead Length: - 8x + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time - Start + + Hold: - Cancel + + Delay between attack and release stages - Export as loop (remove end silence) + + RMS Size: - Export between loop markers + + Size of the RMS buffer - Could not open file + + Input Balance: - Export project to %1 + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side - Error + + Output Balance: - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side - Rendering: %1% + + Stereo Balance: - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Stereo Link Blend: - - - FileBrowser - Browser + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track + + Tilt Gain: - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - Loading sample + + Tilt Frequency: - Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - --- Factory files --- + + Mix: - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor + + Balance between wet and dry signals - Error + + Auto Attack: - does not appear to be a valid + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - file + + Auto Release: - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - Lfo Frequency + + Output gain - Seconds + + + Gain - Regen + + Output volume - Noise + + Input gain - Invert + + Input volume - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: + + Root Mean Square - Feedback Amount: + + Use RMS of the input - White Noise Amount: + + Peak - DELAY + + Use absolute value of the input - RATE + + Left/Right - Rate: + + Compress left and right audio - AMNT + + Mid/Side - Amount: + + Compress mid and side audio - FDBK + + Compressor - NOISE + + Compress the audio - Invert + + Limiter - - - FxLine - Channel send amount + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - + + Unlinked - Move &left + + Compress each channel separately - Move &right + + Maximum - Rename &channel + + Compress based on the loudest channel - R&emove channel + + Average - Remove &unused channels + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume - - - FxMixer - Master + + Minimum - FX %1 + + Compress based on the quietest channel - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer + + Blend - FX Fader %1 + + Blend between stereo linking modes - Mute + + Auto Makeup Gain - Mute this FX channel + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings - Solo + + + Soft Clip - Solo FX channel + + Play the delta signal - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input - - - GigInstrument - Bank + + Lookahead Enabled - Patch + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + CompressorControls - Gain + + Threshold - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file + + Ratio - Click here to open another GIG file + + Attack - Choose the patch + + Release - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use + + Knee - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played + + Hold - Which GIG file is currently being used + + Range - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used + + RMS Size - Gain + + Mid/Side - Factor to multiply samples by + + Peak Mode - Open GIG file + + Lookahead Length - GIG Files (*.gig) + + Input Balance - - - GuiApplication - Working directory + + Output Balance - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + Limiter - Preparing UI + + Output Gain - Preparing song editor + + Input Gain - Preparing mixer + + Blend - Preparing controller rack + + Stereo Balance - Preparing project notes + + Auto Makeup Gain - Preparing beat/bassline editor + + Audition - Preparing piano roll + + Feedback - Preparing automation editor + + Auto Attack - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Arpeggio + + Auto Release - Arpeggio type + + Lookahead - Arpeggio range + + Tilt - Arpeggio time + + Tilt Frequency - Arpeggio gate + + Stereo Link - Arpeggio direction + + Mix + + + Controller - Arpeggio mode + + Controller %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - Up + + Connection Settings - Down + + MIDI CONTROLLER - Up and down + + Input channel - Random + + CHANNEL - Free + + Input controller - Sort + + CONTROLLER - Sync + + + Auto Detect + الكشف التقائي + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Down and up + + USER CONTROLLER - Skip rate + + MAPPING FUNCTION - Miss rate + + OK + حسناً + + + + Cancel - Cycle steps + + LMMS + إل إم إم إس + + + + Cycle Detected. - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + ControllerRackView - ARPEGGIO + + Controller Rack - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - + + Add + أضف - RANGE + + Confirm Delete - Arpeggio range: + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + ControllerView - octave(s) + + Controls - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. + + Rename controller - TIME + + Enter the new name for this controller - Arpeggio time: + + LFO - ms + + &Remove this controller - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. + + Re&name this controller + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - GATE + + Band 1/2 crossover: - Arpeggio gate: + + Band 2/3 crossover: - % + + Band 3/4 crossover: - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. + + Band 1 gain - Chord: + + Band 1 gain: - Direction: + + Band 2 gain - Mode: + + Band 2 gain: - SKIP + + Band 3 gain - Skip rate: + + Band 3 gain: - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. + + Band 4 gain - MISS + + Band 4 gain: - Miss rate: + + Band 1 mute - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. + + Mute band 1 - CYCLE + + Band 2 mute - Cycle notes: + + Mute band 2 - note(s) + + Band 3 mute - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. + + Mute band 3 - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave + + Band 4 mute - Major + + Mute band 4 + + + DelayControls - Majb5 + + Delay samples - minor + + Feedback - minb5 + + LFO frequency - sus2 + + LFO amount - sus4 + + Output gain + + + DelayControlsDialog - aug + + DELAY - augsus4 + + Delay time - tri + + FDBK - 6 + + Feedback amount - 6sus4 + + RATE - 6add9 + + LFO frequency - m6 + + AMNT - m6add9 + + LFO amount - 7 + + Out gain - 7sus4 + + Gain + + + Dialog - 7#5 + + Add JACK Application - 7b5 + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out - 7#9 + + Application - 7b9 + + Name: - 7#5#9 + + Application: - 7#5b9 + + From template - 7b5b9 + + Custom - 7add11 + + Template: - 7add13 + + Command: - 7#11 + + Setup - Maj7 + + Session Manager: - Maj7b5 + + None - Maj7#5 + + Audio inputs: - Maj7#11 + + MIDI inputs: - Maj7add13 + + Audio outputs: - m7 + + MIDI outputs: - m7b5 + + Take control of main application window - m7b9 + + Workarounds - m7add11 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) - m7add13 + + Capture only the first X11 Window - m-Maj7 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client - m-Maj7add11 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index - m-Maj7add13 + + Error here - 9 + + Carla Control - Connect - 9sus4 + + Remote setup - add9 + + UDP Port: - 9#5 + + Remote host: - 9b5 + + TCP Port: - 9#11 + + Reported host - 9b13 + + Automatic - Maj9 + + Custom: - Maj9sus4 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. - Maj9#5 + + Set value - Maj9#11 + + TextLabel - m9 + + Scale Points + + + DriverSettingsW - madd9 + + Driver Settings - m9b5 + + Device: - m9-Maj7 + + Buffer size: - 11 + + Sample rate: - 11b9 + + Triple buffer - Maj11 + + Show Driver Control Panel - m11 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + DualFilterControlDialog - m-Maj11 + + + FREQ - 13 + + + Cutoff frequency - 13#9 + + + RESO - 13b9 + + + Resonance - 13b5b9 + + + GAIN - Maj13 + + + Gain - m13 + + MIX - m-Maj13 + + Mix - Harmonic minor + + Filter 1 enabled - Melodic minor + + Filter 2 enabled - Whole tone + + Enable/disable filter 1 - Diminished + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + DualFilterControls - Major pentatonic + + Filter 1 enabled - Minor pentatonic + + Filter 1 type - Jap in sen + + Cutoff frequency 1 - Major bebop + + Q/Resonance 1 - Dominant bebop + + Gain 1 - Blues + + Mix - Arabic + + Filter 2 enabled - Enigmatic + + Filter 2 type - Neopolitan + + Cutoff frequency 2 - Neopolitan minor + + Q/Resonance 2 - Hungarian minor + + Gain 2 - Dorian + + + Low-pass - Phrygolydian + + + Hi-pass - Lydian + + + Band-pass csg - Mixolydian + + + Band-pass czpg - Aeolian + + + Notch - Locrian + + + All-pass - Chords + + + Moog - Chord type + + + 2x Low-pass - Chord range + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct - Minor + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct - Chromatic + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct - Half-Whole Diminished + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct - 5 + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct - Phrygian dominant + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct - Persian + + + Vocal Formant - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE + + + 2x Moog - Chord range: + + + SV Low-pass - octave(s) + + + SV Band-pass - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. + + + SV High-pass - STACKING + + + SV Notch - Chord: + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole - InstrumentMidiIOView + Editor - ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + Transport controls - CHANNEL + + Play (Space) - VELOCITY + + Stop (Space) - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + Record - PROGRAM + + Record while playing - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + Toggle Step Recording + + + Effect - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + Effect enabled - NOTE + + Wet/Dry mix - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + Gate - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity + + Decay + + + EffectChain - BASE VELOCITY + + Effects enabled - InstrumentMiscView + EffectRackView - MASTER PITCH - + + EFFECTS CHAIN + سلسلة التأثيرات - Enables the use of Master Pitch - + + Add effect + أضف تأثيرا - InstrumentSoundShaping - - VOLUME - - + EffectSelectDialog - Volume - + + Add effect + أضف تأثيرا - CUTOFF + + + Name - Cutoff frequency + + Type - RESO + + Description - Resonance + + Author + + + EffectView - Envelopes/LFOs + + On/Off - Filter type + + W/D - Q/Resonance + + Wet Level: - LowPass + + DECAY - HiPass + + Time: - BandPass csg + + GATE - BandPass czpg + + Gate: - Notch + + Controls - Allpass - + + Move &up + حرك لأعلى - Moog - + + Move &down + حرك لأسفل - 2x LowPass + + &Remove this plugin + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - RC LowPass 12dB + + Env pre-delay - RC BandPass 12dB + + Env attack - RC HighPass 12dB + + Env hold - RC LowPass 24dB + + Env decay - RC BandPass 24dB + + Env sustain - RC HighPass 24dB + + Env release - Vocal Formant Filter + + Env mod amount - 2x Moog + + LFO pre-delay - SV LowPass + + LFO attack - SV BandPass + + LFO frequency - SV HighPass + + LFO mod amount - SV Notch + + LFO wave shape - Fast Formant + + LFO frequency x 100 - Tripole + + Modulate env amount - InstrumentSoundShapingView + EnvelopeAndLfoView - TARGET + + + DEL - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! + + + Pre-delay: - FILTER + + + ATT - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. + + + Attack: - Hz + + HOLD - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... + + Hold: - RESO + + DEC - Resonance: + + Decay: - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. + + SUST - FREQ + + Sustain: - cutoff frequency: + + REL + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + صدر المشروع + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + + + + + 48000 Hz + + + + + 88200 Hz + + + + + 96000 Hz + + + + + 192000 Hz + + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + + + + + 128 KBit/s + + + + + 160 KBit/s + + + + + 192 KBit/s + + + + + 256 KBit/s + + + + + 320 KBit/s + + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + صدر المشروع إلى %1 + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + خطأ + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + خطأ أثناء تعيين جهاز مرمز-الملف. من فضلك جرب أن تختار بنية مخرج أخرى. + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + ابحث + + + + Refresh list + جدد القائمة + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + محرر الأغنية + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + خطأ + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- ملفات المصنع --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New Mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + الرئيسية + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + الحجم + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + المازج + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this Mixer channel + + + + + Solo + + + + + Solo Mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + إعداد محرر الإغنية + + + + Preparing mixer + إعداد المازج + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + إعداد محرر الأتمتة + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + أعلى + + + + Down + أسفل + + + + Up and down + أعلى و أسفل + + + + Down and up + أسفل و أعلى + + + + Random + + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 13#9 + + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + الطبقة الرئيسية + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + + + + + Volume + الحجم + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - InstrumentTrack + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + الحجم + + + + Panning + التوزيع + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + الطبقة الرئيسية + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + المسبقة الأساسي + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + الحجم + + + + Volume: + مستوى الصوت: + + + + VOL + صوت + + + + Panning + التوزيع + + + + Panning: + التوزيع: + + + + PAN + التوزيع + + + + MIDI + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + الحجم + + + + Volume: + مستوى الصوت: + + + + VOL + صوت + + + + Panning + التوزيع + + + + Panning: + التوزيع: + + + + PAN + التوزيع + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + + + + + + + Next + + + + + Previous (%1) + + + + + Next (%1) + + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + بدأ خيوط المازج + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + خطأ أثناء إعراب ملف الهيئة عند السطر %1:%2: %3 + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + + + Version %1 + + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + + + + + My Projects + مشاريعي + + + + My Samples + عيناتي + + + + My Presets + سبقياتي + + + + My Home + بيتي + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + + + + + My Computer + حاسوبي + + + + &File + ملف + + + + &New + جديد + + + + &Open... + افتح... + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + احفظ + + + + Save &As... + احفظ ك... + + + + Save as New &Version + احفظ كإصدار جديد + + + + Save as default template + احفظ كالقالب الأساسي + + + + Import... + استورد... + + + + E&xport... + صدر... + + + + E&xport Tracks... + صدر المقاطع... + + + + Export &MIDI... + + + + + &Quit + توقف + + + + &Edit + حرر + + + + Undo + + + + + Redo + + + + + Settings + الأوضاع + + + + &View + عرض + + + + &Tools + أدوات + + + + &Help + + + + + Online Help + مساعدة على الشبكة العالمية + + + + Help + + + + + About + حول + + + + Create new project + أنشئ مشروعا جديدا + + + + Create new project from template + أنشئ مشروعا جديدا من قالب + + + + Open existing project + افتح مشروعا موجودا + + + + Recently opened projects + مشاريع مفتوحة حديثا + + + + Save current project + احفظ المشروع الحالي + + + + Export current project + صدر المشروع الحالي + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + محرر الأغنية + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + + Piano Roll + + + + + + Automation Editor + محرر الأتمتة + + + + + Mixer + المازج + + + + Show/hide controller rack + أظهر/أخف منصب المتحكمات + + + + Show/hide project notes + أظهر/أخف ملاحظات المشروع + + + + Untitled + + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + + + + + Recovered project not saved + لم يحفظ المشروع المستعاد + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + لم يحفظ المشروع + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Open Project + افتح مشروعا + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + + Save Project + احفظ المشروع + + + + LMMS Project + + + + + LMMS Project Template + + + + + Save project template + احفظ قالب المشروع + + + + Overwrite default template? + اكتب على القالب الأساسي؟ + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + هذا سيكتب على قالبك الأساسي الحالي. + + + + Help not available + + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + الحجم ك dBFS + + + + Smooth scroll + تمرير رفيق + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + مكن رقع العلامات في مخطوطة البيان + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + + + + + + untitled + + + + + + Select file for project-export... + اختر ملفا لتصدير المشروع... + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + احفظ المشروع + + + + Project saved + حفظ المشروع + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + حفظ المشروع %1. + + + + Project NOT saved. + لم يحفظ المشروع + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + لم يحفظ المشروع %1! + + + + Import file + + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + + + + + All file types + + + + + MeterDialog - unnamed_track + + + Meter Numerator - Volume + + Meter numerator - Panning + + + Meter Denominator - Pitch + + Meter denominator - FX channel - + + TIME SIG + دليل الوقت + + + MeterModel - Default preset + + Numerator - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. + + Denominator + + + MidiCCRackView - Base note + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 - Pitch range + + MIDI CC Knobs: - Master Pitch + + CC %1 - InstrumentTrackView + MidiController - Volume + + MIDI Controller - Volume: - مستوى الصوت: + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + MidiImport - VOL - صوت + + + Setup incomplete + لم يكتمل التركيب - Panning + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Panning: + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - PAN + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator - MIDI + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator - Input + + Numerator - Output + + Denominator - FX %1: %2 + + Track - InstrumentTrackWindow + MidiJack - GENERAL SETTINGS + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - Instrument volume + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + MidiPatternW - Volume: - مستوى الصوت: + + MIDI Pattern + - VOL - صوت + + Time Signature: + - Panning + + + + 1/4 - Panning: + + 2/4 - PAN + + 3/4 - Pitch + + 4/4 - Pitch: + + 5/4 - cents + + 6/4 - PITCH + + Measures: - FX channel + + + + 1 - ENV/LFO + + 2 - FUNC + + 3 - FX + + 4 - MIDI + + 5 - Save preset + + 6 - XML preset file (*.xpf) + + 7 - PLUGIN + + 8 - Pitch range (semitones) + + 9 - RANGE + + 10 - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + 11 - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. + + 12 - MISC + + 13 - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. + + 14 - SAVE + + 15 - - - Knob - Set linear + + 16 - Set logarithmic + + Default Length: - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + 1/16 - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + 1/15 - - - LadspaControl - Link channels + + + 1/12 - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels + + + 1/9 - Channel + + + 1/8 - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels + + + 1/6 - Value: + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + ملف + + + + &Edit + حرر + + + + &Quit + توقف + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D - Sorry, no help available. + + Select All + + + + + A - LadspaEffect + MidiPort - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + Input channel + + + + + Output channel + + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events - LcdSpinBox + MidiSetupWidget - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - + + Device + جهاز - LeftRightNav + MonstroInstrument - Previous + + Osc 1 volume - Next + + Osc 1 panning - Previous (%1) + + Osc 1 coarse detune - Next (%1) + + Osc 1 fine detune left - - - LfoController - LFO Controller + + Osc 1 fine detune right - Base value + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset - Oscillator speed + + Osc 1 pulse width - Oscillator amount + + Osc 1 sync send on rise - Oscillator phase + + Osc 1 sync send on fall - Oscillator waveform + + Osc 2 volume - Frequency Multiplier + + Osc 2 panning - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO + + Osc 2 coarse detune - LFO Controller + + Osc 2 fine detune left - BASE + + Osc 2 fine detune right - Base amount: + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset - todo + + Osc 2 waveform - SPD + + Osc 2 sync hard - LFO-speed: + + Osc 2 sync reverse - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. + + Osc 3 volume - Modulation amount: + + Osc 3 panning - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. + + Osc 3 coarse detune - PHS + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Phase offset: + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix - degrees + + Osc 3 waveform 1 - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + Osc 3 waveform 2 - Click here for a sine-wave. + + Osc 3 sync hard - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Osc 3 Sync reverse - Click here for a saw-wave. + + LFO 1 waveform - Click here for a square-wave. + + LFO 1 attack - Click here for an exponential wave. + + LFO 1 rate - Click here for white-noise. + + LFO 1 phase - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. + + LFO 2 waveform - Click here for a moog saw-wave. + + LFO 2 attack - AMNT + + LFO 2 rate - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables + + LFO 2 phase - Initializing data structures + + Env 1 pre-delay - Opening audio and midi devices + + Env 1 attack - Launching mixer threads + + Env 1 hold - - - MainWindow - Could not save config-file + + Env 1 decay - Could not save configuration file %1. You're probably not permitted to write to this file. -Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + Env 1 sustain - &New + + Env 1 release - &Open... + + Env 1 slope - &Save + + Env 2 pre-delay - Save &As... + + Env 2 attack - Import... + + Env 2 hold - E&xport... + + Env 2 decay - &Quit + + Env 2 sustain - &Edit + + Env 2 release - Settings + + Env 2 slope - &Tools + + Osc 2+3 modulation - &Help + + Selected view - Help + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 - What's this? + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 - About - حول + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + - Create new project + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 - Create new project from template + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 - Open existing project + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 - Recently opened projects + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 - Save current project + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 - Export current project + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 - Song Editor + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 - Beat+Bassline Editor + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 - Piano Roll + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 - Automation Editor + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 - FX Mixer + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 - Project Notes + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 - Controller Rack + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 - Untitled + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 - LMMS %1 + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 - Project not saved + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 - Help not available + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 - Version %1 + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 - Configuration file + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - Volumes + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 - Undo + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 - Redo + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 - My Projects + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 - My Samples + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 - My Presets + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 - My Home + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 - My Computer + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 - &File + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 - &Recently Opened Projects + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 - Save as New &Version + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 - E&xport Tracks... + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 - Online Help + + + Sine wave - What's This? + + Bandlimited Triangle wave - Open Project + + Bandlimited Saw wave - Save Project + + Bandlimited Ramp wave - Project recovery + + Bandlimited Square wave - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Recover + + + Soft square wave - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + Absolute sine wave - Ignore + + + Exponential wave - Launch LMMS as usual but with automatic backup disabled to prevent the present recover file from being overwritten. + + White noise - Discard + + Digital Triangle wave - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + Digital Saw wave - Preparing plugin browser + + Digital Ramp wave - Preparing file browsers + + Digital Square wave - Root directory + + Digital Moog saw wave - Loading background artwork + + Triangle wave - New from template + + Saw wave - Save as default template + + Ramp wave - &View + + Square wave - Toggle metronome + + Moog saw wave - Show/hide Song-Editor + + Abs. sine wave - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor + + Random - Show/hide Piano-Roll + + Random smooth + + + MonstroView - Show/hide Automation Editor + + Operators view - Show/hide FX Mixer + + Matrix view - Show/hide project notes - + + + + Volume + الحجم - Show/hide controller rack - + + + + Panning + التوزيع - Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + Coarse detune - Automatic backup disabled. Remember to save your work! + + + + semitones - Recovered project not saved + + + Fine tune left - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + cents - LMMS Project + + + Fine tune right - LMMS Project Template + + + + Stereo phase offset - Overwrite default template? + + + + + + deg - This will overwrite your current default template. + + Pulse width - Volume as dBFS + + Send sync on pulse rise - Smooth scroll + + Send sync on pulse fall - Enable note labels in piano roll + + Hard sync oscillator 2 - Save project template + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator + + Sub-osc mix - Meter Denominator + + Hard sync oscillator 3 - TIME SIG + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 - - - MeterModel - Numerator + + + + + Attack - Denominator + + + Rate - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller + + + Phase - unnamed_midi_controller + + + Pre-delay - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete + + + Hold - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + Decay - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + Sustain - Track + + + Release - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + Slope - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount - MidiPort + MultitapEchoControlDialog - Input channel + + Length - Output channel + + Step length: - Input controller + + Dry - Output controller + + Dry gain: - Fixed input velocity + + Stages - Fixed output velocity + + Low-pass stages: - Output MIDI program + + Swap inputs - Receive MIDI-events + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + NesInstrument - Send MIDI-events + + Channel 1 coarse detune - Fixed output note + + Channel 1 volume - Base velocity + + Channel 1 envelope length - - - MidiSetupWidget - - DEVICE - جهاز - - - - MonstroInstrument - Osc 1 Volume + + Channel 1 duty cycle - Osc 1 Panning + + Channel 1 sweep amount - Osc 1 Coarse detune + + Channel 1 sweep rate - Osc 1 Fine detune left + + Channel 2 Coarse detune - Osc 1 Fine detune right + + Channel 2 Volume - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset + + Channel 2 envelope length - Osc 1 Pulse width + + Channel 2 duty cycle - Osc 1 Sync send on rise + + Channel 2 sweep amount - Osc 1 Sync send on fall + + Channel 2 sweep rate - Osc 2 Volume + + Channel 3 coarse detune - Osc 2 Panning + + Channel 3 volume - Osc 2 Coarse detune + + Channel 4 volume - Osc 2 Fine detune left + + Channel 4 envelope length - Osc 2 Fine detune right + + Channel 4 noise frequency - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep - Osc 2 Waveform - + + Master volume + الحجم الرئيسي - Osc 2 Sync Hard + + Vibrato + + + NesInstrumentView - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - + + + + + Volume + الحجم - Osc 3 Volume + + + + Coarse detune - Osc 3 Panning + + + + Envelope length - Osc 3 Coarse detune + + Enable channel 1 - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + Enable envelope 1 - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix + + Enable envelope 1 loop - Osc 3 Waveform 1 + + Enable sweep 1 - Osc 3 Waveform 2 + + + Sweep amount - Osc 3 Sync Hard + + + Sweep rate - Osc 3 Sync Reverse + + + 12.5% Duty cycle - LFO 1 Waveform + + + 25% Duty cycle - LFO 1 Attack + + + 50% Duty cycle - LFO 1 Rate + + + 75% Duty cycle - LFO 1 Phase + + Enable channel 2 - LFO 2 Waveform + + Enable envelope 2 - LFO 2 Attack + + Enable envelope 2 loop - LFO 2 Rate + + Enable sweep 2 - LFO 2 Phase + + Enable channel 3 - Env 1 Pre-delay + + Noise Frequency - Env 1 Attack + + Frequency sweep - Env 1 Hold + + Enable channel 4 - Env 1 Decay + + Enable envelope 4 - Env 1 Sustain + + Enable envelope 4 loop - Env 1 Release + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Env 1 Slope + + Use note frequency for noise - Env 2 Pre-delay + + Noise mode - Env 2 Attack - + + Master volume + الحجم الرئيسي - Env 2 Hold + + Vibrato + + + OpulenzInstrument - Env 2 Decay + + Patch - Env 2 Sustain + + Op 1 attack - Env 2 Release + + Op 1 decay - Env 2 Slope + + Op 1 sustain - Osc2-3 modulation + + Op 1 release - Selected view + + Op 1 level - Vol1-Env1 + + Op 1 level scaling - Vol1-Env2 + + Op 1 frequency multiplier - Vol1-LFO1 + + Op 1 feedback - Vol1-LFO2 + + Op 1 key scaling rate - Vol2-Env1 + + Op 1 percussive envelope - Vol2-Env2 + + Op 1 tremolo - Vol2-LFO1 + + Op 1 vibrato - Vol2-LFO2 + + Op 1 waveform - Vol3-Env1 + + Op 2 attack - Vol3-Env2 + + Op 2 decay - Vol3-LFO1 + + Op 2 sustain - Vol3-LFO2 + + Op 2 release - Phs1-Env1 + + Op 2 level - Phs1-Env2 + + Op 2 level scaling - Phs1-LFO1 + + Op 2 frequency multiplier - Phs1-LFO2 + + Op 2 key scaling rate - Phs2-Env1 + + Op 2 percussive envelope - Phs2-Env2 + + Op 2 tremolo - Phs2-LFO1 + + Op 2 vibrato - Phs2-LFO2 + + Op 2 waveform - Phs3-Env1 + + FM - Phs3-Env2 + + Vibrato depth - Phs3-LFO1 + + Tremolo depth + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - Phs3-LFO2 + + + Attack - Pit1-Env1 + + + Decay - Pit1-Env2 + + + Release - Pit1-LFO1 + + + Frequency multiplier + + + OscillatorObject - Pit1-LFO2 + + Osc %1 waveform - Pit2-Env1 + + Osc %1 harmonic - Pit2-Env2 + + + Osc %1 volume - Pit2-LFO1 + + + Osc %1 panning - Pit2-LFO2 + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left - Pit3-Env1 + + Osc %1 coarse detuning - Pit3-Env2 + + Osc %1 fine detuning right - Pit3-LFO1 + + Osc %1 phase-offset - Pit3-LFO2 + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - PW1-Env1 + + Osc %1 wave shape - PW1-Env2 + + Modulation type %1 + + + Oscilloscope - PW1-LFO1 + + Oscilloscope - PW1-LFO2 + + Click to enable + + + PatchesDialog - Sub3-Env1 + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - Sub3-Env2 + + Bank selector - Sub3-LFO1 + + Bank - Sub3-LFO2 + + Program selector - Sine wave + + Patch - Bandlimited Triangle wave + + Name - Bandlimited Saw wave - + + OK + حسناً - Bandlimited Ramp wave + + Cancel + + + PatmanView - Bandlimited Square wave + + Open patch - Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + Loop - Soft square wave + + Loop mode - Absolute sine wave + + Tune - Exponential wave + + Tune mode - White noise + + No file selected - Digital Triangle wave + + Open patch file - Digital Saw wave + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - Digital Ramp wave + + Open in piano-roll - Digital Square wave + + Set as ghost in piano-roll - Digital Moog saw wave + + Clear all notes - Triangle wave + + Reset name - Saw wave + + Change name - Ramp wave - + + Add steps + أضف خطوات - Square wave - + + Remove steps + أزل خطوات - Moog saw wave - + + Clone Steps + استنسخ الخطوات + + + PeakController - Abs. sine wave + + Peak Controller - Random + + Peak Controller Bug - Random smooth + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - MonstroView + PeakControllerDialog - Operators view + + PEAK - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. + + LFO Controller + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - Matrix view + + BASE - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. + + Base: - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 + + AMNT - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Modulation amount: - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 + + MULT - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Amount multiplicator: - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. + + ATCK - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. + + Attack: - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. + + DCAY - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. + + Release: - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. + + TRSH - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. + + Treshold: - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. + + Mute output - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. + + Absolute value + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. + + Base value - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. + + Modulation amount - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. + + Attack - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. + + Release - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. + + Treshold - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. + + Mute output - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. + + Absolute value - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. + + Amount multiplicator + + + PianoRoll - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. + + Note Velocity - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. + + Note Panning - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Mark/unmark current semitone - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. + + Mark current scale - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. + + Mark current chord - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. + + Unmark all - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. + + Select all notes on this key - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. + + Note lock - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. + + Last note - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. + + No key - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. + + No scale - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. + + No chord - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. + + Nudge - Volume + + Snap - Panning + + Velocity: %1% - Coarse detune + + Panning: %1% left - semitones + + Panning: %1% right - Finetune left + + Panning: center - cents + + Glue notes failed - Finetune right + + Please select notes to glue first. - Stereo phase offset + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! - deg + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + PianoRollWindow - Pulse width + + Play/pause current clip (Space) - Send sync on pulse rise + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Send sync on pulse fall + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Hard sync oscillator 2 + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time - Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) - Sub-osc mix + + Edit actions - Hard sync oscillator 3 + + Draw mode (Shift+D) - Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + Erase mode (Shift+E) - Attack + + Select mode (Shift+S) - Rate + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - Phase + + Quantize - Pre-delay + + Quantize positions - Hold + + Quantize lengths - Decay + + File actions - Sustain + + Import clip - Release + + + Export clip - Slope + + Copy paste controls - Modulation amount + + Cut (%1+X) - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length + + Copy (%1+C) - Step length: + + Paste (%1+V) - Dry + + Timeline controls - Dry Gain: + + Glue - Stages + + Knife - Lowpass stages: + + Fill - Swap inputs + + Cut overlaps - Swap left and right input channel for reflections + + Min length as last - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune + + Max length as last - Channel 1 Volume + + Zoom and note controls - Channel 1 Envelope length + + Horizontal zooming - Channel 1 Duty cycle + + Vertical zooming - Channel 1 Sweep amount + + Quantization - Channel 1 Sweep rate + + Note length - Channel 2 Coarse detune + + Key - Channel 2 Volume + + Scale - Channel 2 Envelope length + + Chord - Channel 2 Duty cycle + + Snap mode - Channel 2 Sweep amount + + Clear ghost notes - Channel 2 Sweep rate + + + Piano-Roll - %1 - Channel 3 Coarse detune + + + Piano-Roll - no clip - Channel 3 Volume + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) - Channel 4 Volume + + Export clip success - Channel 4 Envelope length + + Clip saved to %1 - Channel 4 Noise frequency + + Import clip. - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? - Master volume + + Open clip - Vibrato + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! - NesInstrumentView + PianoView - Volume + + Base note - Coarse detune + + First note - Envelope length + + Last note + + + Plugin - Enable channel 1 + + Plugin not found - Enable envelope 1 + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" - Enable envelope 1 loop + + Error while loading plugin + خطأ أثناء تحميل الموصلة + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + موصلات الآلات + - Enable sweep 1 + + Instrument browser - Sweep amount + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Sweep rate + + no description - 12.5% Duty cycle + + A native amplifier plugin - 25% Duty cycle + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - 50% Duty cycle + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way - 75% Duty cycle + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Enable channel 2 + + An oversampling bitcrusher - Enable envelope 2 + + Carla Patchbay Instrument - Enable envelope 2 loop + + Carla Rack Instrument - Enable sweep 2 + + A dynamic range compressor. - Enable channel 3 + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - Noise Frequency + + A native delay plugin - Frequency sweep + + A Dual filter plugin - Enable channel 4 + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - Enable envelope 4 + + A native eq plugin - Enable envelope 4 loop + + A native flanger plugin - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Use note frequency for noise + + Player for GIG files - Noise mode + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Master Volume + + Versatile drum synthesizer - Vibrato + + List installed LADSPA plugins - - - OscillatorObject - Osc %1 volume + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - Osc %1 panning + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 - Osc %1 coarse detuning + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. - Osc %1 fine detuning left + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. - Osc %1 fine detuning right + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Osc %1 phase-offset + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Osc %1 wave shape + + A multitap echo delay plugin - Modulation type %1 + + A NES-like synthesizer - Osc %1 waveform + + 2-operator FM Synth - Osc %1 harmonic + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - - - PatchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + GUS-compatible patch instrument - Bank selector + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Bank + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Program selector + + Player for SoundFont files - Patch + + LMMS port of sfxr - Name + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - OK - حسناً + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + - Cancel + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - - - PatmanView - Open other patch + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. + + Tuneful things to bang on - Loop + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - Loop mode + + A stereo field visualizer. - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - Tune + + Vibrating string modeler - Tune mode + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - No file selected + + plugin for waveshaping - Open patch file + + Mathematical expression parser - Patch-Files (*.pat) + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX - PatternView + PluginDatabaseW - Open in piano-roll + + Carla - Add New - Clear all notes + + Format - Reset name + + Internal - Change name + + LADSPA - Add steps + + DSSI - Remove steps + + LV2 - use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step + + VST2 - double-click to open in Piano Roll + + VST3 - Clone Steps + + AU - - - PeakController - Peak Controller + + Sound Kits - Peak Controller Bug + + Type - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + Effects - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK + + Instruments - LFO Controller + + MIDI Plugins - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE + + Other/Misc - Base amount: + + Architecture - Modulation amount: + + Native - Attack: + + Bridged - Release: + + Bridged (Wine) - AMNT + + Requirements - MULT + + With Custom GUI - Amount Multiplicator: + + With CV Ports - ATCK + + Real-time safe only - DCAY + + Stereo only - Treshold: + + With Inline Display - TRSH + + Favorites only - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - Base value + + (Number of Plugins go here) - Modulation amount + + &Add Plugin - Mute output + + Cancel - Attack + + Refresh - Release + + Reset filters - Abs Value + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel - Amount Multiplicator + + Format: - Treshold + + Architecture: - - - PianoRoll - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! + + Type: - Last note + + MIDI Ins: - Note lock + + Audio Ins: - Note Velocity + + CV Outs: - Note Panning + + MIDI Outs: - Mark/unmark current semitone + + Parameter Ins: - Mark current scale + + Parameter Outs: - Mark current chord + + Audio Outs: - Unmark all + + CV Ins: - No scale + + UniqueID: - No chord + + Has Inline Display: - Velocity: %1% + + Has Custom GUI: - Panning: %1% left + + Is Synth: - Panning: %1% right + + Is Bridged: - Panning: center + + Information - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Name - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + Label/URI - Select all notes on this key + + Maker - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Binary/Filename - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + Focus Text Search - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + Ctrl+F + + + PluginEdit - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Plugin Editor - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + Edit - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. + + Control - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. + + MIDI Control Channel: - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. + + N - Draw mode (Shift+D) + + Output dry/wet (100%) - Erase mode (Shift+E) + + Output volume (100%) - Select mode (Shift+S) + + Balance Left (0%) - Detune mode (Shift+T) + + + Balance Right (0%) - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. + + Use Balance - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Use Panning - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - + + Settings + الأوضاع - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Use Chunks - Cut selected notes (%1+X) + + Audio: - Copy selected notes (%1+C) + + Fixed-Size Buffer - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) + + Force Stereo (needs reload) - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + MIDI: - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + Map Program Changes - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. + + Send Bank/Program Changes - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. + + Send Control Changes - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. + + Send Channel Pressure - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited + + Send Note Aftertouch - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! + + Send Pitchbend - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. + + Send All Sound/Notes Off - Edit actions + + +Plugin Name + - Copy paste controls + + Program: - Timeline controls + + MIDI Program: - Zoom and note controls + + Save State - Piano-Roll - %1 + + Load State - Piano-Roll - no pattern + + Information - Quantize + + Label/URI: - - - PianoView - Base note + + Name: - - - Plugin - Plugin not found + + Type: - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" + + Maker: - Error while loading plugin + + Copyright: - Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + Unique ID: - PluginBrowser + PluginFactory - Instrument browser + + Plugin not found. - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + PluginParameter - Instrument Plugins + + Form - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. + + Parameter Name - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + ... - ProjectNotes + PluginRefreshW - Project notes + + Carla - Refresh - Put down your project notes here. + + Search for new... - Edit Actions + + LADSPA - &Undo + + DSSI - %1+Z + + LV2 - &Redo + + VST2 - %1+Y + + VST3 - &Copy + + AU - %1+C + + SF2/3 - Cu&t + + SFZ - %1+X + + Native - &Paste + + POSIX 32bit - %1+V + + POSIX 64bit - Format Actions + + Windows 32bit - &Bold + + Windows 64bit - %1+B + + Available tools: - &Italic + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) - %1+I + + carla-discovery-win64 - &Underline + + carla-discovery-native - %1+U + + carla-discovery-posix32 - &Left + + carla-discovery-posix64 - %1+L + + carla-discovery-win32 - C&enter + + Options: - %1+E + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). - &Right + + Run processing checks while scanning - %1+R + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search - &Justify + + Scan - %1+J + + >> Skip - &Color... + + Close - ProjectRenderer + PluginWidget - WAV-File (*.wav) + + + + + + Frame - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) + + Enable - - - QWidget - Name: + + On/Off - Maker: + + + + + PluginName - Copyright: + + MIDI - Requires Real Time: + + AUDIO IN - Yes + + AUDIO OUT - No + + GUI - Real Time Capable: + + Edit - In Place Broken: + + Remove - Channels In: + + Plugin Name - Channels Out: + + Preset: + + + ProjectNotes - File: + + Project Notes - File: %1 + + Enter project notes here - - - RenameDialog - Rename... + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + تراجع + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + تقدم + + + + %1+Y - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file + + &Copy - Wave-Files (*.wav) + + %1+C - OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + Cu&t - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + %1+X - FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + &Paste - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + %1+V - VOC-Files (*.voc) + + Format Actions - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + &Bold - AU-Files (*.au) + + %1+B - RAW-Files (*.raw) + + &Italic - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + %1+I - - - SampleTCOView - double-click to select sample + + &Underline - Delete (middle mousebutton) + + %1+U - Cut + + &Left - Copy + + %1+L - Paste + + C&enter - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + %1+E - - - SampleTrack - Sample track + + &Right - Volume + + %1+R - Panning + + &Justify - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume + + %1+J - Channel volume: + + &Color... + + + ProjectRenderer - VOL - صوت + + WAV (*.wav) + - Panning + + FLAC (*.flac) - Panning: + + OGG (*.ogg) - PAN + + MP3 (*.mp3) - SetupDialog + QObject - Setup LMMS + + Reload Plugin - General settings + + Show GUI - BUFFER SIZE + + Help + + + QWidget - Reset to default-value + + + + + Name: - MISC + + URI: - Enable tooltips + + + + Maker: - Show restart warning after changing settings + + + + Copyright: - Display volume as dBFS + + + Requires Real Time: - Compress project files per default + + + + + + + Yes - One instrument track window mode + + + + + + + No - HQ-mode for output audio-device + + + Real Time Capable: - Compact track buttons + + + In Place Broken: - Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + Channels In: - Enable note labels in piano roll + + + Channels Out: - Enable waveform display by default + + File: %1 - Keep effects running even without input + + File: + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + مشاريع مفتوحة حديثا + + + + RenameDialog - Create backup file when saving a project + + Rename... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - LANGUAGE + + Input - Paths + + Input gain: - LMMS working directory + + Size - VST-plugin directory + + Size: - Background artwork + + Color - STK rawwave directory + + Color: - Default Soundfont File + + Output - Performance settings + + Output gain: + + + ReverbSCControls - UI effects vs. performance + + Input gain - Smooth scroll in Song Editor + + Size - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + Color - Audio settings + + Output gain + + + SaControls - AUDIO INTERFACE + + Pause - MIDI settings + + Reference freeze - MIDI INTERFACE + + Waterfall - OK - حسناً + + Averaging + - Cancel + + Stereo - Restart LMMS + + Peak hold - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! + + Logarithmic frequency - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms + + Logarithmic amplitude - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. + + Frequency range - Choose LMMS working directory + + Amplitude range - Choose your VST-plugin directory + + FFT block size - Choose artwork-theme directory + + FFT window type - Choose LADSPA plugin directory + + Peak envelope resolution - Choose STK rawwave directory + + Spectrum display resolution - Choose default SoundFont + + Peak decay multiplier - Choose background artwork + + Averaging weight - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. + + Waterfall history size - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. + + Waterfall gamma correction - Reopen last project on start + + FFT window overlap - Directories + + FFT zero padding - Themes directory + + + Full (auto) - GIG directory + + + + Audible - SF2 directory + + Bass - LADSPA plugin directories + + Mids - Auto save + + High - Choose your GIG directory + + Extended - Choose your SF2 directory + + Loud - minutes + + Silent - minute + + (High time res.) - Enable auto-save + + (High freq. res.) - Allow auto-save while playing + + Rectangular (Off) - Disabled + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) - Auto-save interval: %1 + + Hamming - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. + + Hanning - Song + SaControlsDialog - Tempo + + Pause - Master volume + + Pause data acquisition - Master pitch + + Reference freeze - Project saved + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. - The project %1 is now saved. + + Waterfall - Project NOT saved. + + Display real-time spectrogram - The project %1 was not saved! + + Averaging - Import file + + Enable exponential moving average - MIDI sequences + + Stereo - Hydrogen projects + + Display stereo channels separately - All file types + + Peak hold - Empty project + + Display envelope of peak values - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! + + Logarithmic frequency - Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale - untitled + + + Frequency range - Select file for project-export... + + Logarithmic amplitude - The following errors occured while loading: + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale - MIDI File (*.mid) + + + Amplitude range - LMMS Error report + + Envelope res. - Save project + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. - - - SongEditor - Could not open file + + + Draw at most - Could not write file + + envelope points per pixel - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + Spectrum res. - Error in file + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + spectrum points per pixel - Tempo + + Falloff factor - TEMPO/BPM + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. - tempo of song + + Multiply buffered value by - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). + + Averaging weight - High quality mode + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. - Master volume + + New sample contributes - master volume + + Waterfall height - Master pitch + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. - master pitch + + Keep - Value: %1% + + lines - Value: %1 semitones + + Waterfall gamma - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. - template + + Gamma value: - project + + Window overlap - Version difference + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. + + Each sample processed - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor + + times - Play song (Space) + + Zero padding - Record samples from Audio-device + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + Processing buffer is - Stop song (Space) + + steps larger than input block - Add beat/bassline + + Advanced settings - Add sample-track + + Access advanced settings - Add automation-track + + + FFT block size - Draw mode + + + FFT window type + + + SampleBuffer - Edit mode (select and move) + + Fail to open file - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. + + Open audio file - Track actions + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Edit actions + + Wave-Files (*.wav) - Timeline controls + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) - Zoom controls + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) - Linear Y axis + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - Linear Y axis + + AU-Files (*.au) - Channel mode + + RAW-Files (*.raw) - SubWindow + SampleClipView - Close + + Double-click to open sample - Maximize + + Delete (middle mousebutton) - Restore + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 + + Cut - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync + + Cut selection - No Sync + + Copy - Eight beats + + Copy selection - Whole note + + Paste - Half note + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Quarter note + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) - 8th note - + + Reverse sample + اعكس العينة - 16th note + + Set clip color - 32nd note + + Use track color + + + SampleTrack - Custom... - + + Volume + الحجم - Custom - + + Panning + التوزيع - Synced to Eight Beats + + Mixer channel - Synced to Whole Note + + + Sample track + + + SampleTrackView - Synced to Half Note + + Track volume - Synced to Quarter Note + + Channel volume: - Synced to 8th Note - + + VOL + صوت - Synced to 16th Note - + + Panning + التوزيع + + + + Panning: + التوزيع: + + + + PAN + التوزيع - Synced to 32nd Note + + Channel %1: %2 - TimeDisplayWidget + SampleTrackWindow - click to change time units + + GENERAL SETTINGS - MIN + + Sample volume - SEC - + + Volume: + الحجم: - MSEC - + + VOL + حجم - BAR - + + Panning + التوزيع - BEAT - + + Panning: + التوزيع: - TICK - + + PAN + توزيع - - - TimeLineWidget - Enable/disable auto-scrolling + + Mixer channel - Enable/disable loop-points + + CHANNEL + + + SaveOptionsWidget - After stopping go back to begin + + Discard MIDI connections - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + SetupDialog - After stopping keep position + + Reset to default value - Hint + + Use built-in NaN handler - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - + + Settings + الأوضاع - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + General - - - Track - Mute + + Graphical user interface (GUI) - Solo + + Display volume as dBFS - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file + + Enable tooltips - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + Enable master oscilloscope by default - Couldn't open file + + Enable all note labels in piano roll - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Enable compact track buttons - Loading project... + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode - Cancel + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side - Please wait... + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released - Importing MIDI-file... + + Mute automation tracks during solo - - - TrackContentObject - Mute + + Show warning when deleting tracks - - - TrackContentObjectView - Current position + + Projects - Hint + + Compress project files by default - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + Create a backup file when saving a project - Current length + + Reopen last project on startup - Press <%1> for free resizing. + + Language - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + Performance - Delete (middle mousebutton) + + Autosave - Cut + + Enable autosave - Copy + + Allow autosave while playing - Paste + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + Smooth scroll in song editor - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Actions for this track + + Plugins - Mute + + VST plugins embedding: - Solo + + No embedding - Mute this track + + Embed using Qt API - Clone this track + + Embed using native Win32 API - Remove this track + + Embed using XEmbed protocol - Clear this track + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded - FX %1: %2 + + Sync VST plugins to host playback - Turn all recording on + + Keep effects running even without input - Turn all recording off + + + Audio - Assign to new FX Channel + + Audio interface - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + HQ mode for output audio device - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Buffer size - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 + + + MIDI - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + MIDI interface - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + LMMS working directory - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + VST plugins directory - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 + + LADSPA plugins directories - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + SF2 directory - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Default SF2 - Osc %1 volume: + + GIG directory - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. + + Theme directory - Osc %1 panning: + + Background artwork - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. + + Some changes require restarting. - Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + Autosave interval: %1 - semitones + + Choose the LMMS working directory - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. + + Choose your VST plugins directory - Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory - cents + + Choose your default SF2 - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + Choose your theme directory - Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + Choose your background picture - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + + Paths - Osc %1 phase-offset: - + + OK + حسناً - degrees + + Cancel - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + Choose your GIG directory - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. + + Choose your SF2 directory - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. + + minutes - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. + + minute - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. + + Disabled + + + SidInstrument - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. + + Cutoff frequency - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. + + Resonance - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. + + Filter type - Use white-noise for current oscillator. + + Voice 3 off - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. + + Volume + الحجم + + + + Chip model - VersionedSaveDialog + SidInstrumentView - Increment version number - + + Volume: + الحجم: - Decrement version number + + Resonance: - already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + Cutoff frequency: - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin + + High-pass filter - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. + + Band-pass filter - Show/hide GUI + + Low-pass filter - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. + + Voice 3 off - Turn off all notes + + MOS6581 SID - Open VST-plugin + + MOS8580 SID - DLL-files (*.dll) + + + Attack: - EXE-files (*.exe) + + + Decay: - No VST-plugin loaded + + Sustain: - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host + + + Release: - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. + + Pulse Width: - Open VST-plugin preset + + Coarse: - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. + + Pulse wave - Previous (-) + + Triangle wave - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. + + Saw wave - Save preset + + Noise - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. + + Sync - Next (+) + + Ring modulation - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. + + Filtered - Preset + + Test - by + + Pulse width: + + + SideBarWidget - - VST plugin control + + Close - VisualizationWidget + Song - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - + + Tempo + درجة السرعة - Click to enable - + + Master volume + الحجم الرئيسي - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - + + Master pitch + الطبقة الرئيسية - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host + + Aborting project load - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. - Open VST-plugin preset + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - + + LMMS Error report + تقرير أخطاء LMMS - Previous (-) + + (repeated %1 times) - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + SongEditor - Next (+) + + Could not open file - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Save preset + + Operation denied - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. - Effect by: - + + + + Error + خطأ - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Couldn't create bundle folder. - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin + + Couldn't create resources folder. - Open Preset + + Failed to copy resources. - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Could not write file - : default + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - " + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 - ' + + Error in file + خطأ في الملف + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + يبدو أن الملف %1 يحتوي أخطاء و لذالك لا يمكن تحميله. + + + + Version difference - Save Preset + + template - .fxp + + project - .FXP + + Tempo + درجة السرعة + + + + TEMPO - .FXB + + Tempo in BPM - .fxb + + High quality mode - Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + Master volume + الحجم الرئيسي + + + + + + Master pitch + الطبقة الرئيسية + + + + Value: %1% - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + Value: %1 semitones - WatsynInstrument + SongEditorWindow - Volume A1 - + + Song-Editor + محرر الأغنية - Volume A2 + + Play song (Space) - Volume B1 + + Record samples from Audio-device - Volume B2 + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Panning A1 + + Stop song (Space) - Panning A2 + + Track actions - Panning B1 + + Add beat/bassline - Panning B2 + + Add sample-track - Freq. multiplier A1 + + Add automation-track + أضف مقطع أتمتة + + + + Edit actions - Freq. multiplier A2 + + Draw mode - Freq. multiplier B1 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) - Freq. multiplier B2 + + Edit mode (select and move) - Left detune A1 + + Timeline controls - Left detune A2 + + Bar insert controls - Left detune B1 + + Insert bar - Left detune B2 + + Remove bar - Right detune A1 + + Zoom controls - Right detune A2 + + Horizontal zooming - Right detune B1 + + Snap controls - Right detune B2 + + + Clip snapping size - A-B Mix + + Toggle proportional snap on/off - A-B Mix envelope amount + + Base snapping size + + + StepRecorderWidget - A-B Mix envelope attack + + Hint - A-B Mix envelope hold + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + SubWindow - A-B Mix envelope decay + + Close - A1-B2 Crosstalk + + Maximize - A2-A1 modulation + + Restore + + + TabWidget - B2-B1 modulation + + + Settings for %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - Selected graph - + + New from template + جديد من قالب - WatsynView + TempoSyncKnob - Select oscillator A1 - + + + Tempo Sync + تزامن درجة السرعة - Select oscillator A2 + + No Sync - Select oscillator B1 + + Eight beats - Select oscillator B2 + + Whole note - Mix output of A2 to A1 + + Half note - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 + + Quarter note - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 + + 8th note - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 + + 16th note - Mix output of B2 to B1 + + 32nd note - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 + + Custom... - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 + + Custom - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 + + Synced to Eight Beats - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + Synced to Whole Note - Load waveform + + Synced to Half Note - Click to load a waveform from a sample file + + Synced to Quarter Note - Phase left + + Synced to 8th Note - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees + + Synced to 16th Note - Phase right + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + TimeDisplayWidget - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees + + Time units - Normalize - + + MIN + دقائق - Click to normalize - + + SEC + ثواني - Invert + + MSEC + مليثواني + + + + BAR - Click to invert + + BEAT - Smooth + + TICK + + + TimeLineWidget - Click to smooth + + Auto scrolling - Sine wave + + Loop points - Click for sine wave + + After stopping go back to beginning - Triangle wave + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Click for triangle wave + + After stopping keep position - Click for saw wave + + Hint - Square wave + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + Track - Click for square wave + + Mute - Volume + + Solo + + + TrackContainer - Panning + + Couldn't import file - Freq. multiplier + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Left detune + + Couldn't open file - cents + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Right detune + + Loading project... - A-B Mix + + + Cancel - Mix envelope amount + + + Please wait... - Mix envelope attack + + Loading cancelled - Mix envelope hold + + Project loading was cancelled. - Mix envelope decay + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Crosstalk + + Importing MIDI-file... - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + Clip - Portamento + + Mute + + + ClipView - Filter Frequency + + Current position - Filter Resonance + + Current length - Bandwidth + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - FM Gain + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Resonance Center Frequency + + Press <%1> for free resizing. - Resonance Bandwidth + + Hint - Forward MIDI Control Change Events + + Delete (middle mousebutton) - - - ZynAddSubFxView - Show GUI + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. + + Cut - Portamento: + + Cut selection - PORT + + Merge Selection - Filter Frequency: + + Copy - FREQ + + Copy selection - Filter Resonance: + + Paste - RES + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Bandwidth: + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) - BW + + Set clip color - FM Gain: + + Use track color + + + TrackContentWidget - FM GAIN + + Paste + + + TrackOperationsWidget - Resonance center frequency: + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. - RES CF + + Actions - Resonance bandwidth: + + + Mute - RES BW + + + Solo - Forward MIDI Control Changes + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? - - - audioFileProcessor - Amplify + + Confirm removal - Start of sample + + Don't ask again - End of sample - + + Clone this track + استنسخ هذا المقطع - Reverse sample + + Remove this track - Stutter + + Clear this track - Loopback point + + Channel %1: %2 - Loop mode + + Assign to new Mixer Channel - Interpolation mode + + Turn all recording on - None + + Turn all recording off - Linear - + + Change color + غير اللون - Sinc + + Reset color to default + أعد تعيين اللون إلى الأساسي + + + + Set random color - Sample not found: %1 + + Clear clip colors - bitInvader + TripleOscillatorView - Samplelength + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - - - bitInvaderView - Sample Length + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Sine wave + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 - Triangle wave + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Saw wave + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Square wave + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - White noise wave + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - User defined wave + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - Smooth + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Click here to smooth waveform. + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Interpolation + + Osc %1 volume: - Normalize + + Osc %1 panning: - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Click for a sine-wave. + + semitones - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Click here for a saw-wave. + + + cents - Click here for a square-wave. + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Click here for white-noise. + + Osc %1 phase-offset: - Click here for a user-defined shape. + + + degrees - - - dynProcControlDialog - INPUT + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Input gain: + + Sine wave - OUTPUT + + Triangle wave - Output gain: + + Saw wave - ATTACK + + Square wave - Peak attack time: + + Moog-like saw wave - RELEASE + + Exponential wave - Peak release time: + + White noise - Reset waveform + + User-defined wave + + + VecControls - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default + + Display persistence amount - Smooth waveform + + Logarithmic scale - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph + + High quality + + + VecControlsDialog - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + HQ - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Log. scale - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. - Stereomode Maximum + + Persist. - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. - Stereomode Average + + Trace persistence + + + VersionedSaveDialog - Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + Increment version number - Stereomode Unlinked + + Decrement version number - Process each stereo channel independently + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? - dynProcControls + VestigeInstrumentView - Input gain + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - Output gain + + Open VST plugin preset - Attack time + + Previous (-) - Release time + + Save preset - Stereo mode + + Next (+) - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: - + + Show/hide GUI + أظهر/أخف و.م.ر - New FX Channel + + Turn off all notes - - - graphModel - Graph + + DLL-files (*.dll) - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency + + EXE-files (*.exe) - End frequency + + No VST plugin loaded - Gain + + Preset - Length + + by - Distortion Start + + - VST plugin control + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + أظهر/أخف + - Distortion End + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - Envelope Slope + + Open VST plugin preset - Noise + + Previous (-) - Click + + Next (+) - Frequency Slope + + Save preset - Start from note + + + Effect by: - End to note + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - kickerInstrumentView + VstPlugin - Start frequency: + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - End frequency: + + Open Preset - Gain: + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Frequency Slope: + + : default + : الأساسي + + + + Save Preset - Envelope Length: + + .fxp - Envelope Slope: + + .FXP - Click: + + .FXB - Noise: + + .fxb - Distortion Start: + + Loading plugin - Distortion End: + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - Available Effects + + Volume A1 - Unavailable Effects + + Volume A2 - Instruments + + Volume B1 - Analysis Tools + + Volume B2 - Don't know + + Panning A1 - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. + + Panning A2 - Type: + + Panning B1 - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins + + Panning B2 - Description + + Freq. multiplier A1 - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports + + Freq. multiplier A2 - Name + + Freq. multiplier B1 - Rate + + Freq. multiplier B2 - Direction + + Left detune A1 - Type + + Left detune A2 - Min < Default < Max + + Left detune B1 - Logarithmic + + Left detune B2 - SR Dependent + + Right detune A1 - Audio + + Right detune A2 - Control + + Right detune B1 - Input + + Right detune B2 - Output + + A-B Mix - Toggled + + A-B Mix envelope amount - Integer + + A-B Mix envelope attack - Float + + A-B Mix envelope hold - Yes + + A-B Mix envelope decay - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency + + A1-B2 Crosstalk - VCF Resonance + + A2-A1 modulation - VCF Envelope Mod + + B2-B1 modulation - VCF Envelope Decay + + Selected graph + + + WatsynView - Distortion - + + + + + Volume + الحجم - Waveform + + + + + Panning + التوزيع + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier - Slide Decay + + + + + Left detune - Slide + + + + + + + + + cents - Accent + + + + + Right detune - Dead + + A-B Mix - 24dB/oct Filter + + Mix envelope amount - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: + + Mix envelope attack - Resonance: + + Mix envelope hold - Env Mod: + + Mix envelope decay - Decay: + + Crosstalk - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + Select oscillator A1 - Slide Decay: + + Select oscillator A2 - DIST: + + Select oscillator B1 - Saw wave + + Select oscillator B2 - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Mix output of A2 to A1 - Triangle wave + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 - Square wave + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 - Click here for a square-wave. + + Mix output of B2 to B1 - Rounded square wave + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 - Moog wave + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 - Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Sine wave + + Load waveform - Click for a sine-wave. + + Load a waveform from a sample file - White noise wave + + Phase left - Click here for an exponential wave. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees - Click here for white-noise. + + Phase right - Bandlimited saw wave + + Shift phase by +15 degrees - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + + Normalize - Bandlimited square wave + + + Invert - Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + Smooth - Bandlimited triangle wave + + + Sine wave - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + Triangle wave - Bandlimited moog saw wave + + Saw wave - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + Square wave - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - Hardness + + Selected graph - Position + + A1 - Vibrato Gain + + A2 - Vibrato Freq + + A3 - Stick Mix + + W1 smoothing - Modulator + + W2 smoothing - Crossfade + + W3 smoothing - LFO Speed + + Panning 1 - LFO Depth + + Panning 2 - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + XpressiveView - Pressure + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Motion + + Select oscillator W1 - Speed + + Select oscillator W2 - Bowed + + Select oscillator W3 - Spread + + Select output O1 - Marimba + + Select output O2 - Vibraphone + + Open help window - Agogo + + + Sine wave - Wood1 + + + Moog-saw wave - Reso + + + Exponential wave - Wood2 + + + Saw wave - Beats + + + User-defined wave - Two Fixed + + + Triangle wave - Clump + + + Square wave - Tubular Bells + + + White noise - Uniform Bar + + WaveInterpolate - Tuned Bar + + ExpressionValid - Glass + + General purpose 1: - Tibetan Bowl + + General purpose 2: - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument + + General purpose 3: - Spread + + O1 panning: - Spread: + + O2 panning: - Hardness + + Release transition: - Hardness: + + Smoothness + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Position + + Portamento - Position: + + Filter frequency - Vib Gain + + Filter resonance - Vib Gain: + + Bandwidth - Vib Freq + + FM gain - Vib Freq: + + Resonance center frequency - Stick Mix + + Resonance bandwidth - Stick Mix: + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Modulator + + Portamento: - Modulator: + + PORT - Crossfade + + Filter frequency: - Crossfade: + + FREQ - LFO Speed + + Filter resonance: - LFO Speed: + + RES - LFO Depth + + Bandwidth: - LFO Depth: + + BW - ADSR + + FM gain: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN - Pressure + + Resonance center frequency: - Pressure: + + RES CF - Speed + + Resonance bandwidth: - Speed: + + RES BW - Missing files + + Forward MIDI control changes - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + Show GUI - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control - - + AudioFileProcessor - VST Sync + + Amplify - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. + + Start of sample - Automated + + End of sample - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. + + Loopback point - Close - + + Reverse sample + اعكس العينة - Close VST effect knob-controller window. + + Loop mode - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control + + Stutter - VST Sync + + Interpolation mode - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. + + None - Automated + + Linear - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. + + Sinc - Close + + Sample not found: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. + + Sample length - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch + + Sample length - Op 1 Attack + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Op 1 Decay + + + Sine wave - Op 1 Sustain + + + Triangle wave - Op 1 Release + + + Saw wave - Op 1 Level + + + Square wave - Op 1 Level Scaling + + + White noise - Op 1 Frequency Multiple + + + User-defined wave - Op 1 Feedback + + + Smooth waveform - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate + + Interpolation - Op 1 Percussive Envelope + + Normalize + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo + + INPUT - Op 1 Vibrato + + Input gain: - Op 1 Waveform + + OUTPUT - Op 2 Attack + + Output gain: - Op 2 Decay + + ATTACK - Op 2 Sustain + + Peak attack time: - Op 2 Release + + RELEASE - Op 2 Level + + Peak release time: - Op 2 Level Scaling + + + Reset wavegraph - Op 2 Frequency Multiple + + + Smooth wavegraph - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Tremolo + + Stereo mode: maximum - Op 2 Vibrato + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Op 2 Waveform + + Stereo mode: average - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Vibrato Depth + + Stereo mode: unlinked - Tremolo Depth + + Process each stereo channel independently - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack + + Input gain - Decay + + Output gain - Release + + Attack time - Frequency multiplier + + Release time - - - organicInstrument - Distortion + + Stereo mode + + + graphModel - Volume + + Graph - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: + + Start frequency - Volume: - مستوى الصوت: + + End frequency + - Randomise + + Length - Osc %1 waveform: + + Start distortion - Osc %1 volume: + + End distortion - Osc %1 panning: + + Gain - cents + + Envelope slope - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. + + Noise - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. + + Click - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. + + Frequency slope - Osc %1 stereo detuning + + Start from note - Osc %1 harmonic: + + End to note - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time + + Start frequency: - Sweep direction + + End frequency: - Sweep RtShift amount + + Frequency slope: - Wave Pattern Duty + + Gain: - Channel 1 volume + + Envelope length: - Volume sweep direction + + Envelope slope: - Length of each step in sweep + + Click: - Channel 2 volume + + Noise: - Channel 3 volume + + Start distortion: - Channel 4 volume + + End distortion: + + + LadspaBrowserView - Right Output level + + + Available Effects - Left Output level + + + Unavailable Effects - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + Instruments - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + Analysis Tools - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + Don't know - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + Type: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + Plugins - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + Description + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + Ports - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + Name - Treble + + Rate - Bass + + Direction - Shift Register width + + Type - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - + + Min < Default < Max + الأدنى < الأساسية < الأعلى - Sweep Time + + Logarithmic - Sweep RtShift amount: + + SR Dependent - Sweep RtShift amount + + Audio - Wave pattern duty: + + Control - Wave Pattern Duty + + Input - Square Channel 1 Volume: + + Output - Length of each step in sweep: + + Toggled - Length of each step in sweep + + Integer - Wave pattern duty + + Float - Square Channel 2 Volume: + + + Yes + + + Lb302Synth - Square Channel 2 Volume + + VCF Cutoff Frequency - Wave Channel Volume: + + VCF Resonance - Wave Channel Volume + + VCF Envelope Mod - Noise Channel Volume: + + VCF Envelope Decay - Noise Channel Volume + + Distortion - SO1 Volume (Right): + + Waveform - SO1 Volume (Right) + + Slide Decay - SO2 Volume (Left): + + Slide - SO2 Volume (Left) + + Accent - Treble: + + Dead - Treble + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + Lb302SynthView - Bass: + + Cutoff Freq: - Bass + + Resonance: - Sweep Direction + + Env Mod: - Volume Sweep Direction + + Decay: - Shift Register Width + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) + + Slide Decay: - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) + + DIST: - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) + + Saw wave - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) + + Click here for a saw-wave. - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) + + Triangle wave - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) + + Square wave - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) + + Click here for a square-wave. - Wave Pattern + + Rounded square wave - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs + + Moog wave - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. + + Click here for a moog-like wave. - Square Channel 1 Volume + + Sine wave - The delay between step change + + Click for a sine-wave. - Draw the wave here + + + White noise wave - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + Click here for an exponential wave. - Bank selector + + Click here for white-noise. - Bank + + Bandlimited saw wave - Program selector + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Patch + + Bandlimited square wave - Name + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. - OK - حسناً - - - Cancel + + Bandlimited triangle wave - - - pluginBrowser - no description + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 + + Bandlimited moog saw wave - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + MalletsInstrument - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + Hardness - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + Position - List installed LADSPA plugins + + Vibrato gain - GUS-compatible patch instrument + + Vibrato frequency - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + Stick mix - Tuneful things to bang on + + Modulator - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + Crossfade - Vibrating string modeler + + LFO speed - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + LFO depth - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + ADSR - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + Pressure - Player for SoundFont files + + Motion - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + Speed - Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + Bowed - Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + Spread - 2-operator FM Synth + + Marimba - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + Vibraphone - LMMS port of sfxr + + Agogo - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + Wood 1 - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + Reso - A native amplifier plugin + + Wood 2 - Carla Rack Instrument + + Beats - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + Two fixed - plugin for waveshaping + + Clump - Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + Tubular bells - Versatile drum synthesizer + + Uniform bar - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + Tuned bar - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + Glass - Carla Patchbay Instrument + + Tibetan bowl + + + MalletsInstrumentView - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + Instrument - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin + + Spread - A NES-like synthesizer + + Spread: - A native delay plugin + + Missing files - Player for GIG files + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - A multitap echo delay plugin + + Hardness - A native flanger plugin + + Hardness: - An oversampling bitcrusher + + Position - A native eq plugin + + Position: - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + Vibrato gain - A Dual filter plugin + + Vibrato gain: - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + Vibrato frequency - - - sf2Instrument - Bank + + Vibrato frequency: - Patch + + Stick mix - Gain + + Stick mix: - Reverb + + Modulator - Reverb Roomsize + + Modulator: - Reverb Damping + + Crossfade - Reverb Width + + Crossfade: - Reverb Level + + LFO speed - Chorus + + LFO speed: - Chorus Lines + + LFO depth - Chorus Level + + LFO depth: - Chorus Speed + + ADSR - Chorus Depth + + ADSR: - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + Pressure - - - sf2InstrumentView - Open other SoundFont file + + Pressure: - Click here to open another SF2 file + + Speed - Choose the patch + + Speed: + + + ManageVSTEffectView - Gain + + - VST parameter control - Apply reverb (if supported) + + VST sync - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - + + + Automated + مأتمت - Reverb Roomsize: + + Close + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Reverb Damping: + + + - VST plugin control - Reverb Width: + + VST Sync - Reverb Level: - + + + Automated + مأتمت - Apply chorus (if supported) + + Close + + + OrganicInstrument - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. + + Distortion - Chorus Lines: - + + Volume + الحجم + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Chorus Level: + + Distortion: - Chorus Speed: - + + Volume: + مستوى الصوت: - Chorus Depth: + + Randomise - Open SoundFont file + + + Osc %1 waveform: - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) + + Osc %1 volume: - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form + + Osc %1 panning: - - - sidInstrument - Cutoff + + Osc %1 stereo detuning - Resonance + + cents - Filter type + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - Volume + + Bank selector - Chip model + + Bank - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - مستوى الصوت: + + Program selector + - Resonance: + + Patch - Cutoff frequency: + + Name - High-Pass filter - + + OK + حسناً - Band-Pass filter + + Cancel + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter + + Bank - Voice3 Off + + Patch - MOS6581 SID + + Gain - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb - Attack: + + Reverb room size - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. + + Reverb damping - Decay: + + Reverb width - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. + + Reverb level - Sustain: + + Chorus - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. + + Chorus voices - Release: + + Chorus level - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. + + Chorus speed - Pulse Width: + + Chorus depth - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: + + + Open SoundFont file - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. + + Choose patch - Pulse Wave + + Gain: - Triangle Wave + + Apply reverb (if supported) - SawTooth + + Room size: - Noise + + Damping: - Sync + + Width: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. + + + Level: - Ring-Mod + + Apply chorus (if supported) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. + + Voices: - Filtered + + Speed: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. + + Depth: - Test + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. + + Wave - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE + + WIDTH + Width: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: + Left to Right Vol: + Right to Left Vol: + Right to Right Vol: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left + Left to Right + Right to Left + Right to Right - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume + String %1 stiffness + Pick %1 position + Pickup %1 position - Pan %1 + + String %1 panning - Detune %1 + + String %1 detune - Fuzziness %1 + + String %1 fuzziness - Length %1 + + String %1 length + Impulse %1 - Octave %1 + + String %1 - vibedView - - Volume: - مستوى الصوت: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. + + String volume: + String stiffness: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - - - + Pick position: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - - - + Pickup position: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - - - - Pan: - - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - - - - Detune: - - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - - - - Fuzziness: - - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. + + String panning: - Length: + + String detune: - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. + + String fuzziness: - Impulse or initial state + + String length: - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. + + Impulse + Octave - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - - - + Impulse Editor - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - - - + Enable waveform - Click here to enable/disable waveform. + + Enable/disable string + String - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - - - + + Sine wave + + Triangle wave + + Saw wave + + Square wave - White noise wave - - - - User defined wave - - - - Smooth - - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - - - - Normalize - - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. + + + White noise - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. + + + User-defined wave - Use white-noise for current oscillator. + + + Smooth waveform - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. + + + Normalize waveform - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width + Voice %1 attack + Voice %1 decay + Voice %1 sustain + Voice %1 release + Voice %1 coarse detuning + Voice %1 wave shape + Voice %1 sync + Voice %1 ring modulate + Voice %1 filtered + Voice %1 test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT + Input gain: + OUTPUT + Output gain: - Reset waveform - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - - - - Smooth waveform - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Clip input - Clip input signal to 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain + Output gain - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/bs.ts b/data/locale/bs.ts index 410b601e2d2..506b401bd61 100644 --- a/data/locale/bs.ts +++ b/data/locale/bs.ts @@ -2,69 +2,69 @@ AboutDialog - + About LMMS - + LMMS - + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - + About - + LMMS - easy music production for everyone - + Copyright © %1 - + <html><head/><body><p><a href="http://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - + Authors - + Involved - + Contributors ordered by number of commits: - + Translation - + Current language not translated (or native English). If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - + License @@ -151,98 +151,98 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioFileProcessorView - + Open other sample - + Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - + Reverse sample - + If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - + Disable loop - + This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - - + + Enable loop - + This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - + This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - + Continue sample playback across notes - + Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - + Amplify: - + With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - + Startpoint: - + With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - + Endpoint: - + With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - + Loopback point: - + With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioFileProcessorWaveView - + Sample length: @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + Play/pause current clip (Space) @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + Stop playing of current clip (Space) @@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Automation Editor - no pattern + Automation Editor - no clip @@ -598,73 +598,73 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Model is already connected to this pattern. + Model is already connected to this clip. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip - + Drag a control while pressing <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView - + double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - + Open in Automation editor - + Clear - + Reset name - + Change name - + Set/clear record - + Flip Vertically (Visible) - + Flip Horizontally (Visible) - + %1 Connections - + Disconnect "%1" - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. @@ -677,105 +677,105 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - BBEditor + PatternEditor - + Beat+Bassline Editor - + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) - + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) - + Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - + Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - + Beat selector - + Track and step actions - + Add beat/bassline - + Add automation-track - + Remove steps - + Add steps - + Clone Steps - BBTCOView + PatternClipView - + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor - + Reset name - + Change name - + Change color - + Reset color to default - BBTrack + PatternTrack - + Beat/Bassline %1 - + Clone of %1 @@ -952,12 +952,12 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp CarlaInstrumentView - + Show GUI - + Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. @@ -973,73 +973,73 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp ControllerConnectionDialog - + Connection Settings - + MIDI CONTROLLER - + Input channel - + CHANNEL - + Input controller - + CONTROLLER - - + + Auto Detect - + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - + USER CONTROLLER - + MAPPING FUNCTION - + OK - + Cancel - + LMMS - + Cycle Detected. @@ -1047,22 +1047,22 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp ControllerRackView - + Controller Rack - + Add - + Confirm Delete - + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. @@ -1070,27 +1070,27 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp ControllerView - + Controls - + Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - + Rename controller - + Enter the new name for this controller - + &Remove this plugin @@ -1571,12 +1571,12 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp EffectRackView - + EFFECTS CHAIN - + Add effect @@ -1584,22 +1584,22 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp EffectSelectDialog - + Add effect - + Name - + Description - + Author @@ -1607,67 +1607,67 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp EffectView - + Toggles the effect on or off. - + On/Off - + W/D - + Wet Level: - + The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - + DECAY - + Time: - + The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - + GATE - + Gate: - + The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - + Controls - + Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. @@ -1684,17 +1684,17 @@ Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in wh - + Move &up - + Move &down - + &Remove this plugin @@ -1775,226 +1775,226 @@ Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in wh EnvelopeAndLfoView - - + + DEL - + Predelay: - + Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - - + + ATT - + Attack: - + Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - + HOLD - + Hold: - + Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - + DEC - + Decay: - + Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - + SUST - + Sustain: - + Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - + REL - + Release: - + Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - - + + AMT - - + + Modulation amount: - + Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - + LFO predelay: - + Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - + LFO- attack: - + Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - + SPD - + LFO speed: - + Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - + Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - + Click here for a sine-wave. - + Click here for a triangle-wave. - + Click here for a saw-wave for current. - + Click here for a square-wave. - + Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - + Click here for random wave. - + FREQ x 100 - + Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - + multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - + MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - + Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - + control envelope-amount by this LFO - + ms/LFO: - + Hint - + Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. @@ -2340,177 +2340,177 @@ Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in wh ExportProjectDialog - + Export project - + Output - + File format: - + Samplerate: - + 44100 Hz - + 48000 Hz - + 88200 Hz - + 96000 Hz - + 192000 Hz - + Bitrate: - + 64 KBit/s - + 128 KBit/s - + 160 KBit/s - + 192 KBit/s - + 256 KBit/s - + 320 KBit/s - + Depth: - + 16 Bit Integer - + 32 Bit Float - + Please note that not all of the parameters above apply for all file formats. - + Quality settings - + Interpolation: - + Zero Order Hold - + Sinc Fastest - + Sinc Medium (recommended) - + Sinc Best (very slow!) - + Oversampling (use with care!): - + 1x (None) - + 2x - + 4x - + 8x - + Export as loop (remove end silence) - + Export between loop markers - + Start - + Cancel @@ -2526,22 +2526,22 @@ Please make sure you have write-permission to the file and the directory contain - + Export project to %1 - + Error - + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - + Rendering: %1% @@ -2698,112 +2698,112 @@ Please make sure you have write-permission to the file and the directory contain - FxLine + MixerLine - + Channel send amount - - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. + + The Mixer channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. + It in turn can be routed to multiple other mixer channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. +In order to route the channel to another channel, select the mixer channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. +You can remove and move mixer channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the mixer channel. - + Move &left - + Move &right - + Rename &channel - + R&emove channel - + Remove &unused channels - FxMixer + Mixer - + Master - - - - FX %1 + + + + Channel %1 - FxMixerView + MixerView - - FX-Mixer + + Mixer - - FX Fader %1 + + Fader %1 - + Mute - - Mute this FX channel + + Mute this mixer channel - + Solo - - Solo FX channel + + Solo mixer channel - - Rename FX channel + + Rename mixer channel - - Enter the new name for this FX channel + + Enter the new name for this mixer channel - FxRoute + MixerRoute - - + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 @@ -3019,87 +3019,87 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - + ARPEGGIO - + An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - + RANGE - + Arpeggio range: - + octave(s) - + Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - + TIME - + Arpeggio time: - + ms - + Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - + GATE - + Arpeggio gate: - + % - + Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - + Chord: - + Direction: - + Mode: @@ -3586,32 +3586,32 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - + STACKING - + Chord: - + RANGE - + Chord range: - + octave(s) - + Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. @@ -3619,59 +3619,59 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri InstrumentMidiIOView - + ENABLE MIDI INPUT - - + + CHANNEL - - + + VELOCITY - + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - + PROGRAM - + NOTE - + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - + BASE VELOCITY @@ -3679,12 +3679,12 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri InstrumentMiscView - + MASTER PITCH - + Enables the use of Master Pitch @@ -3851,62 +3851,62 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri InstrumentSoundShapingView - + TARGET - + These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - + FILTER - + Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - + FREQ - + cutoff frequency: - + Hz - + Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - + RESO - + Resonance: - + Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. @@ -3914,7 +3914,7 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri InstrumentTrack - + Default preset @@ -3957,7 +3957,7 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri - FX channel + Mixer channel @@ -4015,7 +4015,7 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri - FX %1: %2 + Channel %1: %2 @@ -4093,13 +4093,13 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri - FX channel + Mixer channel - FX + CHANNEL @@ -4200,17 +4200,17 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri LadspaControlView - + Link channels - + Value: - + Sorry, no help available. @@ -4416,7 +4416,7 @@ Double click to pick a file. - LmmsCore + Engine Generating wavetables @@ -4780,12 +4780,12 @@ Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Show/hide FX Mixer + Show/hide Mixer - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. + Click here to show or hide the Mixer. The Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different mixer-channels. @@ -4911,7 +4911,7 @@ Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - FX Mixer + Mixer @@ -5079,595 +5079,595 @@ Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. MonstroInstrument - + Osc 1 Volume - + Osc 1 Panning - + Osc 1 Coarse detune - + Osc 1 Fine detune left - + Osc 1 Fine detune right - + Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - + Osc 1 Pulse width - + Osc 1 Sync send on rise - + Osc 1 Sync send on fall - + Osc 2 Volume - + Osc 2 Panning - + Osc 2 Coarse detune - + Osc 2 Fine detune left - + Osc 2 Fine detune right - + Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - + Osc 2 Waveform - + Osc 2 Sync Hard - + Osc 2 Sync Reverse - + Osc 3 Volume - + Osc 3 Panning - + Osc 3 Coarse detune - + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - + Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - + Osc 3 Waveform 1 - + Osc 3 Waveform 2 - + Osc 3 Sync Hard - + Osc 3 Sync Reverse - + LFO 1 Waveform - + LFO 1 Attack - + LFO 1 Rate - + LFO 1 Phase - + LFO 2 Waveform - + LFO 2 Attack - + LFO 2 Rate - + LFO 2 Phase - + Env 1 Pre-delay - + Env 1 Attack - + Env 1 Hold - + Env 1 Decay - + Env 1 Sustain - + Env 1 Release - + Env 1 Slope - + Env 2 Pre-delay - + Env 2 Attack - + Env 2 Hold - + Env 2 Decay - + Env 2 Sustain - + Env 2 Release - + Env 2 Slope - + Osc2-3 modulation - + Selected view - + Vol1-Env1 - + Vol1-Env2 - + Vol1-LFO1 - + Vol1-LFO2 - + Vol2-Env1 - + Vol2-Env2 - + Vol2-LFO1 - + Vol2-LFO2 - + Vol3-Env1 - + Vol3-Env2 - + Vol3-LFO1 - + Vol3-LFO2 - + Phs1-Env1 - + Phs1-Env2 - + Phs1-LFO1 - + Phs1-LFO2 - + Phs2-Env1 - + Phs2-Env2 - + Phs2-LFO1 - + Phs2-LFO2 - + Phs3-Env1 - + Phs3-Env2 - + Phs3-LFO1 - + Phs3-LFO2 - + Pit1-Env1 - + Pit1-Env2 - + Pit1-LFO1 - + Pit1-LFO2 - + Pit2-Env1 - + Pit2-Env2 - + Pit2-LFO1 - + Pit2-LFO2 - + Pit3-Env1 - + Pit3-Env2 - + Pit3-LFO1 - + Pit3-LFO2 - + PW1-Env1 - + PW1-Env2 - + PW1-LFO1 - + PW1-LFO2 - + Sub3-Env1 - + Sub3-Env2 - + Sub3-LFO1 - + Sub3-LFO2 - - + + Sine wave - + Bandlimited Triangle wave - + Bandlimited Saw wave - + Bandlimited Ramp wave - + Bandlimited Square wave - + Bandlimited Moog saw wave - - + + Soft square wave - + Absolute sine wave - - + + Exponential wave - + White noise - + Digital Triangle wave - + Digital Saw wave - + Digital Ramp wave - + Digital Square wave - + Digital Moog saw wave - + Triangle wave - + Saw wave - + Ramp wave - + Square wave - + Moog saw wave - + Abs. sine wave - + Random - + Random smooth @@ -5675,24 +5675,24 @@ Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. MonstroView - + Operators view - + The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - + Matrix view - + The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. @@ -5701,407 +5701,407 @@ Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs - - - + + + Volume - - - + + + Panning - - - + + + Coarse detune - - - + + + semitones - - + + Finetune left - - - - + + + + cents - - + + Finetune right - - - + + + Stereo phase offset - - - - - + + + + + deg - + Pulse width - + Send sync on pulse rise - + Send sync on pulse fall - + Hard sync oscillator 2 - + Reverse sync oscillator 2 - + Sub-osc mix - + Hard sync oscillator 3 - + Reverse sync oscillator 3 - - - - + + + + Attack - - + + Rate - - + + Phase - - + + Pre-delay - - + + Hold - - + + Decay - - + + Sustain - - + + Release - - + + Slope - + Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - + Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - + Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - + Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - + The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - + The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - + The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - - - - + + + + FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - - - + + + The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - + The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - + Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - - + + Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - - + + Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - + Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - + Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - + In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - + In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - + In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - + In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - + Select the waveform for LFO 1. "Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + Select the waveform for LFO 2. "Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - - + + Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - - + + Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - - + + PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - - + + PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - - + + ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - - + + HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - - + + DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - - + + SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - - + + REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - - + + The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount @@ -6152,102 +6152,102 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator NesInstrument - + Channel 1 Coarse detune - + Channel 1 Volume - + Channel 1 Envelope length - + Channel 1 Duty cycle - + Channel 1 Sweep amount - + Channel 1 Sweep rate - + Channel 2 Coarse detune - + Channel 2 Volume - + Channel 2 Envelope length - + Channel 2 Duty cycle - + Channel 2 Sweep amount - + Channel 2 Sweep rate - + Channel 3 Coarse detune - + Channel 3 Volume - + Channel 4 Volume - + Channel 4 Envelope length - + Channel 4 Noise frequency - + Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - + Master volume - + Vibrato @@ -6255,155 +6255,155 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator NesInstrumentView - - - - + + + + Volume - - - + + + Coarse detune - - - + + + Envelope length - + Enable channel 1 - + Enable envelope 1 - + Enable envelope 1 loop - + Enable sweep 1 - - + + Sweep amount - - + + Sweep rate - - + + 12.5% Duty cycle - - + + 25% Duty cycle - - + + 50% Duty cycle - - + + 75% Duty cycle - + Enable channel 2 - + Enable envelope 2 - + Enable envelope 2 loop - + Enable sweep 2 - + Enable channel 3 - + Noise Frequency - + Frequency sweep - + Enable channel 4 - + Enable envelope 4 - + Enable envelope 4 loop - + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - + Use note frequency for noise - + Noise mode - + Master Volume - + Vibrato @@ -6411,60 +6411,60 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator OscillatorObject - + Osc %1 waveform - + Osc %1 harmonic - - + + Osc %1 volume - - + + Osc %1 panning - - + + Osc %1 fine detuning left - + Osc %1 coarse detuning - + Osc %1 fine detuning right - + Osc %1 phase-offset - + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - + Osc %1 wave shape - + Modulation type %1 @@ -6515,100 +6515,100 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator PatmanView - + Open other patch - + Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - + Loop - + Loop mode - + Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - + Tune - + Tune mode - + Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - + No file selected - + Open patch file - + Patch-Files (*.pat) - PatternView + MidiClipView - + use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step - + double-click to open in Piano Roll - + Open in piano-roll - + Clear all notes - + Reset name - + Change name - + Add steps - + Remove steps @@ -6647,62 +6647,62 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - + BASE - + Base amount: - + AMNT - + Modulation amount: - + MULT - + Amount Multiplicator: - + ATCK - + Attack: - + DCAY - + Release: - + TRES - + Treshold: @@ -6710,42 +6710,42 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator PeakControllerEffectControls - + Base value - + Modulation amount - + Attack - + Release - + Treshold - + Mute output - + Abs Value - + Amount Multiplicator @@ -6834,7 +6834,7 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! @@ -6848,7 +6848,7 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + Play/pause current clip (Space) @@ -6863,7 +6863,7 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + Stop playing of current clip (Space) @@ -7008,14 +7008,14 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator - Piano-Roll - no pattern + Piano-Roll - no clip PianoView - + Base note @@ -7078,147 +7078,147 @@ Reason: "%2" ProjectNotes - + Project notes - + Put down your project notes here. - + Edit Actions - + &Undo - + %1+Z - + &Redo - + %1+Y - + &Copy - + %1+C - + Cu&t - + %1+X - + &Paste - + %1+V - + Format Actions - + &Bold - + %1+B - + &Italic - + %1+I - + &Underline - + %1+U - + &Left - + %1+L - + C&enter - + %1+E - + &Right - + %1+R - + &Justify - + %1+J - + &Color... @@ -7239,34 +7239,34 @@ Reason: "%2" QWidget - + Name: - + Maker: - + Copyright: - + Requires Real Time: - - - + + + @@ -7274,9 +7274,9 @@ Reason: "%2" - - - + + + @@ -7284,25 +7284,25 @@ Reason: "%2" - + Real Time Capable: - + In Place Broken: - + Channels In: - + Channels Out: @@ -7321,7 +7321,7 @@ Reason: "%2" RenameDialog - + Rename... @@ -7385,7 +7385,7 @@ Reason: "%2" - SampleTCOView + SampleClipView double-click to select sample @@ -7472,325 +7472,325 @@ Reason: "%2" SetupDialog - + Setup LMMS - - + + General settings - + BUFFER SIZE - - + + Reset to default-value - + MISC - + Enable tooltips - + Show restart warning after changing settings - + Display volume as dBV - + Compress project files per default - + One instrument track window mode - + HQ-mode for output audio-device - + Compact track buttons - + Sync VST plugins to host playback - + Enable note labels in piano roll - + Enable waveform display by default - + Keep effects running even without input - + Create backup file when saving a project - + Reopen last project on start - + LANGUAGE - - + + Paths - + Directories - + LMMS working directory - + Themes directory - + Background artwork - + FL Studio installation directory - + VST-plugin directory - + GIG directory - + SF2 directory - + LADSPA plugin directories - + STK rawwave directory - + Default Soundfont File - - + + Performance settings - + Auto save - + Enable auto save feature - + UI effects vs. performance - + Smooth scroll in Song Editor - + Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - - + + Audio settings - + AUDIO INTERFACE - - + + MIDI settings - + MIDI INTERFACE - + OK - + Cancel - + Restart LMMS - + Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - + Frames: %1 Latency: %2 ms - + Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - + Choose LMMS working directory - + Choose your GIG directory - + Choose your SF2 directory - + Choose your VST-plugin directory - + Choose artwork-theme directory - + Choose FL Studio installation directory - + Choose LADSPA plugin directory - + Choose STK rawwave directory - + Choose default SoundFont - + Choose background artwork - + minutes - + minute - + Auto save interval: %1 %2 - + Set the time between automatic backup to %1. Remember to also save your project manually. - + Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - + Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. @@ -8082,32 +8082,32 @@ Remember to also save your project manually. - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog + SaControlsDialog - + Linear spectrum - + Linear Y axis - SpectrumAnalyzerControls + SaControls - + Linear spectrum - + Linear Y axis - + Channel mode @@ -8226,43 +8226,43 @@ Remember to also save your project manually. TimeLineWidget - + Enable/disable auto-scrolling - + Enable/disable loop-points - + After stopping go back to begin - + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - + After stopping keep position - - + + Hint - + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - + Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. @@ -8283,19 +8283,12 @@ Remember to also save your project manually. TrackContainer - - Importing FLP-file... - - - - Cancel - Please wait... @@ -8335,7 +8328,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - TrackContentObject + Clip Mute @@ -8343,7 +8336,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - TrackContentObjectView + ClipView Current position @@ -8446,12 +8439,12 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - FX %1: %2 + Channel %1: %2 - Assign to new FX Channel + Assign to new mixer Channel @@ -8468,179 +8461,179 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi TripleOscillatorView - + Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + Osc %1 volume: - + With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - + Osc %1 panning: - + With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - + Osc %1 coarse detuning: - + semitones - + With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - + Osc %1 fine detuning left: - - + + cents - + With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - + Osc %1 fine detuning right: - + With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - + Osc %1 phase-offset: - - + + degrees - + With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - + With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - + Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - + Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - + Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - + Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - + Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - + Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - + Use white-noise for current oscillator. - + Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. @@ -8648,12 +8641,12 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi VersionedSaveDialog - + Increment version number - + Decrement version number @@ -8661,126 +8654,126 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi VestigeInstrumentView - + Open other VST-plugin - + Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - + Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - + Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - + Open VST-plugin preset - + Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - + Previous (-) - - + + Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - + Save preset - + Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - + Next (+) - + Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - + Show/hide GUI - + Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - + Turn off all notes - + Open VST-plugin - + DLL-files (*.dll) - + EXE-files (*.exe) - + No VST-plugin loaded - + Preset - + by - + - VST plugin control - VisualizationWidget + Oscilloscope - + click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - + Click to enable @@ -8858,59 +8851,59 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi VstPlugin - + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - + Open Preset - - + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - + : default - + " - + ' - + Save Preset - + .fxp - + .FXP - + .FXB - + .fxb @@ -8928,147 +8921,147 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi WatsynInstrument - + Volume A1 - + Volume A2 - + Volume B1 - + Volume B2 - + Panning A1 - + Panning A2 - + Panning B1 - + Panning B2 - + Freq. multiplier A1 - + Freq. multiplier A2 - + Freq. multiplier B1 - + Freq. multiplier B2 - + Left detune A1 - + Left detune A2 - + Left detune B1 - + Left detune B2 - + Right detune A1 - + Right detune A2 - + Right detune B1 - + Right detune B2 - + A-B Mix - + A-B Mix envelope amount - + A-B Mix envelope attack - + A-B Mix envelope hold - + A-B Mix envelope decay - + A1-B2 Crosstalk - + A2-A1 modulation - + B2-B1 modulation - + Selected graph @@ -9076,248 +9069,248 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi WatsynView - - - - + + + + Volume - - - - + + + + Panning - - - - + + + + Freq. multiplier - - - - + + + + Left detune - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + cents - - - - + + + + Right detune - + A-B Mix - + Mix envelope amount - + Mix envelope attack - + Mix envelope hold - + Mix envelope decay - + Crosstalk - + Select oscillator A1 - + Select oscillator A2 - + Select oscillator B1 - + Select oscillator B2 - + Mix output of A2 to A1 - + Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - + Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - + Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - + Mix output of B2 to B1 - + Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - + Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - + Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - - - - + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - + Load waveform - + Click to load a waveform from a sample file - + Phase left - + Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - + Phase right - + Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - + Normalize - + Click to normalize - + Invert - + Click to invert - + Smooth - + Click to smooth - + Sine wave - + Click for sine wave - - + + Triangle wave - + Click for triangle wave - + Click for saw wave - + Square wave - + Click for square wave @@ -9325,42 +9318,42 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi ZynAddSubFxInstrument - + Portamento - + Filter Frequency - + Filter Resonance - + Bandwidth - + FM Gain - + Resonance Center Frequency - + Resonance Bandwidth - + Forward MIDI Control Change Events @@ -9368,398 +9361,398 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi ZynAddSubFxView - + Portamento: - + PORT - + Filter Frequency: - + FREQ - + Filter Resonance: - + RES - + Bandwidth: - + BW - + FM Gain: - + FM GAIN - + Resonance center frequency: - + RES CF - + Resonance bandwidth: - + RES BW - + Forward MIDI Control Changes - + Show GUI - + Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - audioFileProcessor + AudioFileProcessor - + Amplify - + Start of sample - + End of sample - + Loopback point - + Reverse sample - + Loop mode - + Stutter - + Interpolation mode - + None - + Linear - + Sinc - + Sample not found: %1 - bitInvader + BitInvader - + Samplelength - bitInvaderView + BitInvaderView - + Sample Length - + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - + Sine wave - + Click for a sine-wave. - + Triangle wave - + Click here for a triangle-wave. - + Saw wave - + Click here for a saw-wave. - + Square wave - + Click here for a square-wave. - + White noise wave - + Click here for white-noise. - + User defined wave - + Click here for a user-defined shape. - + Smooth - + Click here to smooth waveform. - + Interpolation - + Normalize - dynProcControlDialog + DynProcControlDialog - + INPUT - + Input gain: - + OUTPUT - + Output gain: - + ATTACK - + Peak attack time: - + RELEASE - + Peak release time: - + Reset waveform - + Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - + Smooth waveform - + Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + Stereomode Maximum - + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - + Stereomode Average - + Process based on the average of both stereo channels - + Stereomode Unlinked - + Process each stereo channel independently - dynProcControls + DynProcControls - + Input gain - + Output gain - + Attack time - + Release time - + Stereo mode - fxLineLcdSpinBox + MixerLineLcdSpinBox Assign to: @@ -9767,7 +9760,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - New FX Channel + New mixer Channel @@ -9780,155 +9773,155 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - kickerInstrument + KickerInstrument - + Start frequency - + End frequency - + Length - + Distortion Start - + Distortion End - + Gain - + Envelope Slope - + Noise - + Click - + Frequency Slope - + Start from note - + End to note - kickerInstrumentView + KickerInstrumentView - + Start frequency: - + End frequency: - + Frequency Slope: - + Gain: - + Envelope Length: - + Envelope Slope: - + Click: - + Noise: - + Distortion Start: - + Distortion End: - ladspaBrowserView + LadspaBrowserView - - + + Available Effects - - + + Unavailable Effects - - + + Instruments - - + + Analysis Tools - - + + Don't know - + This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. @@ -9945,644 +9938,644 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - + Type: - ladspaDescription + LadspaDescription - + Plugins - + Description - ladspaPortDialog + LadspaPortDialog - + Ports - + Name - + Rate - + Direction - + Type - + Min < Default < Max - + Logarithmic - + SR Dependent - + Audio - + Control - + Input - + Output - + Toggled - + Integer - + Float - - + + Yes - lb302Synth + Lb302Synth - + VCF Cutoff Frequency - + VCF Resonance - + VCF Envelope Mod - + VCF Envelope Decay - + Distortion - + Waveform - + Slide Decay - + Slide - + Accent - + Dead - + 24dB/oct Filter - lb302SynthView + Lb302SynthView - + Cutoff Freq: - + Resonance: - + Env Mod: - + Decay: - + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - + Slide Decay: - + DIST: - + Saw wave - + Click here for a saw-wave. - + Triangle wave - + Click here for a triangle-wave. - + Square wave - + Click here for a square-wave. - + Rounded square wave - + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - + Moog wave - + Click here for a moog-like wave. - + Sine wave - + Click for a sine-wave. - - + + White noise wave - + Click here for an exponential wave. - + Click here for white-noise. - + Bandlimited saw wave - + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - + Bandlimited square wave - + Click here for bandlimited square wave. - + Bandlimited triangle wave - + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - + Bandlimited moog saw wave - + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - malletsInstrument + MalletsInstrument - + Hardness - + Position - + Vibrato Gain - + Vibrato Freq - + Stick Mix - + Modulator - + Crossfade - + LFO Speed - + LFO Depth - + ADSR - + Pressure - + Motion - + Speed - + Bowed - + Spread - + Marimba - + Vibraphone - + Agogo - + Wood1 - + Reso - + Wood2 - + Beats - + Two Fixed - + Clump - + Tubular Bells - + Uniform Bar - + Tuned Bar - + Glass - + Tibetan Bowl - malletsInstrumentView + MalletsInstrumentView - + Instrument - + Spread - + Spread: - + Missing files - + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - + Hardness - + Hardness: - + Position - + Position: - + Vib Gain - + Vib Gain: - + Vib Freq - + Vib Freq: - + Stick Mix - + Stick Mix: - + Modulator - + Modulator: - + Crossfade - + Crossfade: - + LFO Speed - + LFO Speed: - + LFO Depth - + LFO Depth: - + ADSR - + ADSR: - + Bowed - + Pressure - + Pressure: - + Motion - + Motion: - + Speed - + Speed: - - + + Vibrato - + Vibrato: - manageVSTEffectView + ManageVSTEffectView - VST parameter control @@ -10621,293 +10614,293 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - manageVestigeInstrumentView + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - - + + - VST plugin control - + VST Sync - + Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - - + + Automated - + Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - + Close - + Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - opl2instrument + OpulenzInstrument - + Patch - + Op 1 Attack - + Op 1 Decay - + Op 1 Sustain - + Op 1 Release - + Op 1 Level - + Op 1 Level Scaling - + Op 1 Frequency Multiple - + Op 1 Feedback - + Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - + Op 1 Percussive Envelope - + Op 1 Tremolo - + Op 1 Vibrato - + Op 1 Waveform - + Op 2 Attack - + Op 2 Decay - + Op 2 Sustain - + Op 2 Release - + Op 2 Level - + Op 2 Level Scaling - + Op 2 Frequency Multiple - + Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - + Op 2 Percussive Envelope - + Op 2 Tremolo - + Op 2 Vibrato - + Op 2 Waveform - + FM - + Vibrato Depth - + Tremolo Depth - opl2instrumentView + OpulenzInstrumentView - - + + Attack - - + + Decay - - + + Release - - + + Frequency multiplier - organicInstrument + OrganicInstrument - + Distortion - + Volume - organicInstrumentView + OrganicInstrumentView - + Distortion: - + The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - + Volume: - + The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - + Randomise - + The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - - + + Osc %1 waveform: - + Osc %1 volume: - + Osc %1 panning: - + Osc %1 stereo detuning - + cents - + Osc %1 harmonic: @@ -10915,122 +10908,122 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. FreeBoyInstrument - + Sweep time - + Sweep direction - + Sweep RtShift amount - - + + Wave Pattern Duty - + Channel 1 volume - - - + + + Volume sweep direction - - - + + + Length of each step in sweep - + Channel 2 volume - + Channel 3 volume - + Channel 4 volume - + Shift Register width - + Right Output level - + Left Output level - + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - + Treble - + Bass @@ -11038,284 +11031,284 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. FreeBoyInstrumentView - + Sweep Time: - + Sweep Time - + The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - + Sweep RtShift amount: - + Sweep RtShift amount - + The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - - + + Wave pattern duty: - + Wave Pattern Duty - - + + The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - - + + Square Channel 1 Volume: - + Square Channel 1 Volume - - - + + + Length of each step in sweep: - - - + + + Length of each step in sweep - - - + + + The delay between step change - + Wave pattern duty - + Square Channel 2 Volume: - - + + Square Channel 2 Volume - + Wave Channel Volume: - - + + Wave Channel Volume - + Noise Channel Volume: - - + + Noise Channel Volume - + SO1 Volume (Right): - + SO1 Volume (Right) - + SO2 Volume (Left): - + SO2 Volume (Left) - + Treble: - + Treble - + Bass: - + Bass - + Sweep Direction - - - - - + + + + + Volume Sweep Direction - + Shift Register Width - + Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - + Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - + Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - + Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - + Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - + Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - + Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - + Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - + Wave Pattern - + Draw the wave here - patchesDialog + PatchesDialog - + Qsynth: Channel Preset - + Bank selector - + Bank - + Program selector - + Patch - + Name - + OK - + Cancel - pluginBrowser + PluginBrowser A native amplifier plugin - + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track @@ -11325,7 +11318,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - + Customizable wavetable synthesizer @@ -11335,12 +11328,12 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - + Carla Patchbay Instrument - + Carla Rack Instrument @@ -11360,7 +11353,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way @@ -11374,11 +11367,6 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports.A native flanger plugin - - - Filter for importing FL Studio projects into LMMS - - Player for GIG files @@ -11390,12 +11378,12 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - + Versatile drum synthesizer - + List installed LADSPA plugins @@ -11405,8 +11393,8 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 @@ -11420,7 +11408,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix @@ -11430,83 +11418,83 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - + A NES-like synthesizer - + 2-operator FM Synth - + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - + GUS-compatible patch instrument - + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - + Player for SoundFont files - + LMMS port of sfxr - + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - + Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - + Tuneful things to bang on - + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - + Vibrating string modeler @@ -11516,17 +11504,17 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - + plugin for waveshaping - + Embedded ZynAddSubFX @@ -11537,627 +11525,627 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - sf2Instrument + Sf2Instrument - + Bank - + Patch - + Gain - + Reverb - + Reverb Roomsize - + Reverb Damping - + Reverb Width - + Reverb Level - + Chorus - + Chorus Lines - + Chorus Level - + Chorus Speed - + Chorus Depth - + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - sf2InstrumentView + Sf2InstrumentView - + Open other SoundFont file - + Click here to open another SF2 file - + Choose the patch - + Gain - + Apply reverb (if supported) - + This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - + Reverb Roomsize: - + Reverb Damping: - + Reverb Width: - + Reverb Level: - + Apply chorus (if supported) - + This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - + Chorus Lines: - + Chorus Level: - + Chorus Speed: - + Chorus Depth: - + Open SoundFont file - + SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - sfxrInstrument + SfxrInstrument - + Wave Form - sidInstrument + SidInstrument - + Cutoff - + Resonance - + Filter type - + Voice 3 off - + Volume - + Chip model - sidInstrumentView + SidInstrumentView - + Volume: - + Resonance: - - + + Cutoff frequency: - + High-Pass filter - + Band-Pass filter - + Low-Pass filter - + Voice3 Off - + MOS6581 SID - + MOS8580 SID - - + + Attack: - + Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - - + + Decay: - + Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - + Sustain: - + Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - - + + Release: - + The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - - + + Pulse Width: - + The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - + Coarse: - + The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - + Pulse Wave - + Triangle Wave - + SawTooth - + Noise - + Sync - + Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - + Ring-Mod - + Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - + Filtered - + When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - + Test - + Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - + WIDE - + Width: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls - + Width - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog - + Left to Left Vol: - + Left to Right Vol: - + Right to Left Vol: - + Right to Right Vol: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls - + Left to Left - + Left to Right - + Right to Left - + Right to Right - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument - + Loading plugin - + Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - vibed + Vibed - + String %1 volume - + String %1 stiffness - + Pick %1 position - + Pickup %1 position - + Pan %1 - + Detune %1 - + Fuzziness %1 - + Length %1 - + Impulse %1 - + Octave %1 - vibedView + VibedView - + Volume: - + The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - + String stiffness: - + The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - + Pick position: - + The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - + Pickup position: - + The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - + Pan: - + The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - + Detune: - + The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - + Fuzziness: - + The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - + Length: - + The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - + Impulse or initial state - + The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - + Octave - + The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - + Impulse Editor - + The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. @@ -12168,7 +12156,7 @@ The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - + Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. @@ -12183,248 +12171,248 @@ The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the - + Enable waveform - + Click here to enable/disable waveform. - + String - + The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - + Sine wave - + Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - + Triangle wave - + Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - + Saw wave - + Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - + Square wave - + Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - + White noise wave - + Use white-noise for current oscillator. - + User defined wave - + Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - + Smooth - + Click here to smooth waveform. - + Normalize - + Click here to normalize waveform. - voiceObject + VoiceObject - + Voice %1 pulse width - + Voice %1 attack - + Voice %1 decay - + Voice %1 sustain - + Voice %1 release - + Voice %1 coarse detuning - + Voice %1 wave shape - + Voice %1 sync - + Voice %1 ring modulate - + Voice %1 filtered - + Voice %1 test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog - + INPUT - + Input gain: - + OUTPUT - + Output gain: - + Reset waveform - + Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - + Smooth waveform - + Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - + Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - + Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - + Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + Clip input - + Clip input signal to 0dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls - + Input gain - + Output gain - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/ca.ts b/data/locale/ca.ts index a3b4e31f736..765cf3b6081 100644 --- a/data/locale/ca.ts +++ b/data/locale/ca.ts @@ -2,207 +2,208 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS - - - - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - + Quant a LMMS - About - + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - + + About + Quant a - Translation + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + Copyright © %1. - License + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - + + Authors + Autoria + Involved + Contributors ordered by number of commits: - Copyright © %1 - + + Translation + Traducció - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + License + Llicència + AmplifierControlDialog + VOL + Volume: Volum: + PAN + Panning: + LEFT - + ESQ + Left gain: - + Volum esquerre: + RIGHT - + DRET + Right gain: - + Volum dret: AmplifierControls + Volume Volum + Panning + Left gain - + Volum esquerre + Right gain - + Volum dret AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE - + DISPOSITIU + CHANNELS - + CANALS AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. + + Open sample + Reverse sample Inverteix mostra - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - - - - Amplify: - - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - - - - Startpoint: - - - - Endpoint: - - - - Continue sample playback across notes - - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - - - + Disable loop - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - - - + Enable loop - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. + + Enable ping-pong loop - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. + + Continue sample playback across notes - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - + + Amplify: + Amplificació: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. + + Start point: - Loopback point: + + End point: - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. + + Loopback point: AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: @@ -210,443 +211,469 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioJack + JACK client restarted + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + JACK server down + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. - CLIENT-NAME + + Client name - CHANNELS + + Channels - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE + + Device - CHANNELS + + Channels AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND + + Backend - DEVICE + + Device - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE + + Device - CHANNELS + + Channels AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE + + Device - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE + + Device - CHANNELS + + Channels AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND + + Backend - DEVICE + + Device AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) - + &Reinicia (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) - + &Copia el valor (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) + Engan&xa el valor (%1%2) + + + + &Paste value + Edit song-global automation - Connected to %1 + + Remove song-global automation - Connected to controller + + Remove all linked controls - Edit connection... - + + Connected to %1 + Connectat a %1 - Remove connection - + + Connected to controller + Connectat al controlador - Connect to controller... - + + Edit connection... + Edita la connexió... - Remove song-global automation - + + Remove connection + Suprimeix la connexió - Remove all linked controls - + + Connect to controller... + Connecta al controlador... AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! + + Edit Value - Values copied + + New outValue - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. + + New inValue - - - AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + + + AutomationEditorWindow - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. + + Play/pause current clip (Space) - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. + + Edit actions + Draw mode (Shift+D) - + Mode dibuix (Majús+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) - - - - Flip vertically - - - - Flip horizontally - + Mode eliminació (Majús+E) - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - + + Flip vertically + Gira verticalment - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Flip horizontally + Gira horitzontalment - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Interpolation controls + Discrete progression + Linear progression + Cubic Hermite progression + Tension value for spline - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - - - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - - - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - - - + Tension: - Automation Editor - no pattern + + Zoom controls - Automation Editor - %1 + + Horizontal zooming - Edit actions + + Vertical zooming - Interpolation controls + + Quantization controls - Timeline controls + + Quantization - Zoom controls + + + Automation Editor - no clip - Quantization controls + + + Automation Editor - %1 - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> - AutomationPatternView - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - - + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor + Clear + Reset name Restaura nom + Change name Canvia nom - %1 Connections + + Set/clear record - Disconnect "%1" + + Flip Vertically (Visible) - Set/clear record + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) - Flip Vertically (Visible) + + %1 Connections - Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + Disconnect "%1" - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. AutomationTrack + Automation track - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + Beat selector - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. + + Track and step actions + Add beat/bassline + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + Add automation-track + Remove steps Elimina passos + Add steps Afegeix passos - Beat selector - - - - Track and step actions - - - + Clone Steps - - Add sample-track - - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + Reset name Restaura nom + Change name Canvia nom - - Change color - - - - Reset color to default - - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 + Clone of %1 @@ -654,26 +681,32 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ + Frequency: + GAIN + Gain: Guany: + RATIO + Ratio: @@ -681,14 +714,17 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BassBoosterControls + Frequency + Gain Guany + Ratio @@ -696,9281 +732,15595 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BitcrushControlDialog + IN + OUT + + GAIN - Input Gain: + + Input gain: - NOIS + + NOISE - Input Noise: + + Input noise: - Output Gain: + + Output gain: + CLIP - Output Clip: + + Output clip: - Rate - Taxa - - - Rate Enabled + + Rate enabled - Enable samplerate-crushing + + Enable sample-rate crushing - Depth + + Depth enabled - Depth Enabled + + Enable bit-depth crushing - Enable bitdepth-crushing + + FREQ + Sample rate: - STD + + STEREO + Stereo difference: - Levels + + QUANT + Levels: - CaptionMenu + BitcrushControls - &Help + + Input gain - Help (not available) + + Input noise - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI + + Output gain - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. + + Output clip - - - Controller - Controller %1 + + Sample rate - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - Connection Settings + + Stereo difference - MIDI CONTROLLER + + Levels - Input channel + + Rate enabled - CHANNEL + + Depth enabled + + + CarlaAboutW - Input controller + + About Carla - CONTROLLER - + + About + Quant a - Auto Detect + + About text here - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + Extended licensing here - USER CONTROLLER + + Artwork - MAPPING FUNCTION + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. - OK + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. - Cancel + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. - LMMS + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! - Cycle Detected. + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. - Add + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. - Confirm Delete + + Features - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + AU/AudioUnit: - - - ControllerView - Controls + + LADSPA: - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. + + + + + + + + + TextLabel - Rename controller + + VST2: - Enter the new name for this controller + + DSSI: - &Remove this controller + + LV2: - Re&name this controller + + VST3: - LFO + + OSC - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: + + Host URLs: - Band 2/3 Crossover: + + Valid commands: - Band 3/4 Crossover: + + valid osc commands here - Band 1 Gain: + + Example: - Band 2 Gain: - + + License + Llicència - Band 3 Gain: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - Band 4 Gain: + + OSC Bridge Version - Band 1 Mute + + Plugin Version - Mute Band 1 + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - Band 2 Mute + + + (Engine not running) - Mute Band 2 + + Everything! (Including LRDF) - Band 3 Mute + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) - Mute Band 3 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - Band 4 Mute + + + + Using Juce host - Mute Band 4 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) - DelayControls + CarlaHostW - Delay Samples + + MainWindow - Feedback + + Rack - Lfo Frequency + + Patchbay - Lfo Amount + + Logs - Output gain + + Loading... - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt + + Buffer Size: - Delay Time + + Sample Rate: - Feedback Amount + + ? Xruns - Lfo + + DSP Load: %p% - Out Gain + + &File - Gain - Guany + + &Engine + - DELAY + + &Plugin - FDBK + + Macros (all plugins) - RATE + + &Canvas - AMNT + + Zoom - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled + + &Settings - Filter 2 enabled + + &Help - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 + + toolBar - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 + + Disk - FREQ + + + Home - Cutoff frequency + + Transport - RESO + + Playback Controls - Resonance + + Time Information - GAIN + + Frame: - Gain - Guany + + 000'000'000 + - MIX + + Time: - Mix + + 00:00:00 - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled + + BBT: - Filter 1 type + + 000|00|0000 - Cutoff 1 frequency + + Settings - Q/Resonance 1 + + BPM - Gain 1 + + Use JACK Transport - Mix + + Use Ableton Link - Filter 2 enabled + + &New - Filter 2 type + + Ctrl+N - Cutoff 2 frequency + + &Open... - Q/Resonance 2 + + + Open... - Gain 2 + + Ctrl+O - LowPass + + &Save - HiPass + + Ctrl+S - BandPass csg + + Save &As... - BandPass czpg + + + Save As... - Notch + + Ctrl+Shift+S - Allpass + + &Quit - Moog + + Ctrl+Q - 2x LowPass + + &Start - RC LowPass 12dB + + F5 - RC BandPass 12dB + + St&op - RC HighPass 12dB + + F6 - RC LowPass 24dB + + &Add Plugin... - RC BandPass 24dB + + Ctrl+A - RC HighPass 24dB + + &Remove All - Vocal Formant Filter + + Enable - 2x Moog + + Disable - SV LowPass + + 0% Wet (Bypass) - SV BandPass + + 100% Wet - SV HighPass + + 0% Volume (Mute) - SV Notch + + 100% Volume - Fast Formant + + Center Balance - Tripole + + &Play - - - Editor - Play (Space) + + Ctrl+Shift+P - Stop (Space) + + &Stop - Record + + Ctrl+Shift+X - Record while playing + + &Backwards - Transport controls + + Ctrl+Shift+B - - - Effect - Effect enabled + + &Forwards - Wet/Dry mix + + Ctrl+Shift+F - Gate + + &Arrange - Decay + + Ctrl+G - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled + + + &Refresh - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN + + Ctrl+R - Add effect + + Save &Image... - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect + + Auto-Fit - Name - Nom + + Zoom In + - Type - Tipus + + Ctrl++ + - Description - Descripció + + Zoom Out + - Author + + Ctrl+- - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. + + Zoom 100% - On/Off + + Ctrl+1 - W/D + + Show &Toolbar - Wet Level: + + &Configure Carla - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. + + &About - DECAY + + About &JUCE - Time: + + About &Qt - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. + + Show Canvas &Meters - GATE + + Show Canvas &Keyboard - Gate: + + Show Internal - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. + + Show External - Controls + + Show Time Panel - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. + + Show &Side Panel - Move &up + + &Connect... - Move &down + + Compact Slots - &Remove this plugin + + Expand Slots - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay + + Perform secret 1 - Attack + + Perform secret 2 - Hold + + Perform secret 3 - Decay + + Perform secret 4 - Sustain + + Perform secret 5 - Release + + Add &JACK Application... - Modulation + + &Configure driver... - LFO Predelay + + Panic - LFO Attack + + Open custom driver panel... + + + CarlaHostWindow - LFO speed + + Export as... - LFO Modulation + + + + + Error - LFO Wave Shape + + Failed to load project - Freq x 100 + + Failed to save project - Modulate Env-Amount + + Quit - - - EnvelopeAndLfoView - DEL + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? - Predelay: + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' - ATT + + Warning - Attack: + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + CarlaInstrumentView - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. + + Show GUI + + + CarlaSettingsW - HOLD + + Settings - Hold: + + main - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. + + canvas - DEC + + engine - Decay: - Decaïment: + + osc + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. + + file-paths - SUST + + plugin-paths - Sustain: + + wine - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. + + experimental - REL + + Widget - Release: + + + Main - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. + + + Canvas - AMT + + + Engine - Modulation amount: + + File Paths - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. + + Plugin Paths - LFO predelay: + + Wine - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. + + + Experimental - LFO- attack: + + <b>Main</b> - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. + + Paths - SPD + + Default project folder: - LFO speed: + + Interface - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. + + Interface refresh interval: - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. + + + ms - Click here for a sine-wave. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting - Click here for a saw-wave for current. + + + Theme - Click here for a square-wave. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. + + Color scheme: - FREQ x 100 + + Black - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. + + System - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 + + Enable experimental features - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT + + <b>Canvas</b> - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. + + Bezier Lines - control envelope-amount by this LFO + + Theme: - ms/LFO: + + Size: - Hint + + 775x600 - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. + + 1550x1200 - Click here for random wave. + + 3100x2400 - - - EqControls - Input gain + + 4650x3600 - Output gain + + 6200x4800 - Low shelf gain + + Options - Peak 1 gain + + Auto-hide groups with no ports - Peak 2 gain + + Auto-select items on hover - Peak 3 gain + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) - Peak 4 gain + + Render Hints - High Shelf gain + + Anti-Aliasing - HP res + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) - Low Shelf res + + <b>Engine</b> - Peak 1 BW + + + Core - Peak 2 BW + + Single Client - Peak 3 BW + + Multiple Clients - Peak 4 BW + + + Continuous Rack - High Shelf res + + + Patchbay - LP res + + Audio driver: - HP freq + + Process mode: - Low Shelf freq + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog - Peak 1 freq + + Max Parameters: - Peak 2 freq + + ... - Peak 3 freq + + Reset Xrun counter after project load - Peak 4 freq + + Plugin UIs - High shelf freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - LP freq + + UI Bridge Timeout: - HP active + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - Low shelf active + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible - Peak 1 active + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top - Peak 2 active + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - Peak 3 active + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - Peak 4 active + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings - High shelf active + + <b>OSC</b> - LP active + + Enable OSC - LP 12 + + Enable TCP port - LP 24 + + + Use specific port: - LP 48 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var - HP 12 + + + Use randomly assigned port - HP 24 + + Enable UDP port - HP 48 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var - low pass type + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled - high pass type + + <b>File Paths</b> - Analyse IN - + + Audio + Àudio - Analyse OUT + + MIDI - - - EqControlsDialog - HP + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin - Low Shelf + + Used for the "midifile" plugin - Peak 1 + + + Add... - Peak 2 + + + Remove - Peak 3 + + + Change... - Peak 4 + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> - High Shelf + + LADSPA - LP + + DSSI - In Gain + + LV2 - Gain - Guany + + VST2 + - Out Gain + + VST3 - Bandwidth: + + SF2/3 - Resonance : + + SFZ - Frequency: + + Restart Carla to find new plugins - lp grp + + <b>Wine</b> - hp grp + + Executable - Octave + + Path to 'wine' binary: - - - EqHandle - Reso: + + Prefix - BW: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename - Freq: + + Fallback: - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback - Output - Sortida + + Realtime Priority + - File format: + + Base priority: - Samplerate: + + WineServer priority: - 44100 Hz + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin - 48000 Hz + + <b>Experimental</b> - 88200 Hz + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! - 96000 Hz + + Enable plugin bridges - 192000 Hz + + Enable Wine bridges - Bitrate: + + Enable jack applications - 64 KBit/s + + Export single plugins to LV2 - 128 KBit/s + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) - 160 KBit/s + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) - 192 KBit/s + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) - 256 KBit/s + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) - 320 KBit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" - Depth: + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. - 16 Bit Integer + + Force mono plugins as stereo - 32 Bit Float + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) - Please note that not all of the parameters above apply for all file formats. + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. - Quality settings + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible - Interpolation: + + + + + Add Path + + + CompressorControlDialog - Zero Order Hold + + Threshold: - Sinc Fastest + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place - Sinc Medium (recommended) + + Ratio: - Sinc Best (very slow!) + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold - Oversampling (use with care!): + + Attack: - 1x (None) + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio - 2x + + Release: - 4x + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio - 8x + + Knee: - Start + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold - Cancel + + Range: - Export as loop (remove end silence) + + Maximum gain reduction - Export between loop markers + + Lookahead Length: - Could not open file - No es pot obrir el fitxer + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - Export project to %1 + + Hold: - Error + + Delay between attack and release stages - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + RMS Size: - Rendering: %1% + + Size of the RMS buffer - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Input Balance: - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side - - - FileBrowser - Browser + + Output Balance: - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor + + Stereo Balance: - Loading sample + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side - Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + Stereo Link Blend: - --- Factory files --- + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor + + Tilt Gain: - Error + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - does not appear to be a valid + + Tilt Frequency: - file + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples + + Mix: - Lfo Frequency + + Balance between wet and dry signals - Seconds + + Auto Attack: - Regen + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - Noise + + Auto Release: - Invert + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: + + Output gain - Feedback Amount: - + + + Gain + Guany - White Noise Amount: + + Output volume - DELAY + + Input gain - RATE + + Input volume - Rate: + + Root Mean Square - AMNT + + Use RMS of the input - Amount: + + Peak - FDBK + + Use absolute value of the input - NOISE + + Left/Right - Invert + + Compress left and right audio - - - FxLine - Channel send amount + + Mid/Side - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - + + Compress mid and side audio - Move &left + + Compressor - Move &right + + Compress the audio - Rename &channel + + Limiter - R&emove channel + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) - Remove &unused channels + + Unlinked - - - FxMixer - Master + + Compress each channel separately - FX %1 + + Maximum - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer + + Compress based on the loudest channel - FX Fader %1 + + Average - Mute + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume - Mute this FX channel + + Minimum - Solo + + Compress based on the quietest channel - Solo FX channel + + Blend - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + Blend between stereo linking modes - - - GigInstrument - Bank - Banc + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Patch - Pedaç + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - Gain - Guany + + + Soft Clip + - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file + + Play the delta signal - Click here to open another GIG file + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input - Choose the patch - Escull el pedaç + + Lookahead Enabled + - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + CompressorControls - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played + + Threshold - Which GIG file is currently being used + + Ratio - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used + + Attack - Gain - Guany + + Release + - Factor to multiply samples by + + Knee - Open GIG file + + Hold - GIG Files (*.gig) + + Range - - - GuiApplication - Working directory + + RMS Size - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + Mid/Side - Preparing UI + + Peak Mode - Preparing song editor + + Lookahead Length - Preparing mixer + + Input Balance - Preparing controller rack + + Output Balance - Preparing project notes + + Limiter - Preparing beat/bassline editor + + Output Gain - Preparing piano roll + + Input Gain - Preparing automation editor + + Blend - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Arpeggio + + Stereo Balance - Arpeggio type + + Auto Makeup Gain - Arpeggio range + + Audition - Arpeggio time + + Feedback - Arpeggio gate + + Auto Attack - Arpeggio direction + + Auto Release - Arpeggio mode + + Lookahead - Up + + Tilt - Down + + Tilt Frequency - Up and down + + Stereo Link - Random + + Mix + + + Controller - Free + + Controller %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - Sort + + Connection Settings - Sync + + MIDI CONTROLLER - Down and up + + Input channel - Skip rate + + CHANNEL - Miss rate + + Input controller - Cycle steps + + CONTROLLER - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO + + + Auto Detect - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - RANGE + + USER CONTROLLER - Arpeggio range: + + MAPPING FUNCTION - octave(s) + + OK - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. + + Cancel - TIME - + + LMMS + LMMS - Arpeggio time: + + Cycle Detected. + + + ControllerRackView - ms + + Controller Rack - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. + + Add - GATE + + Confirm Delete - Arpeggio gate: + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + ControllerView - % + + Controls - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. + + Rename controller - Chord: + + Enter the new name for this controller - Direction: + + LFO - Mode: + + &Remove this controller - SKIP + + Re&name this controller + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Skip rate: + + Band 1/2 crossover: - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. + + Band 2/3 crossover: - MISS + + Band 3/4 crossover: - Miss rate: + + Band 1 gain - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. + + Band 1 gain: - CYCLE + + Band 2 gain - Cycle notes: + + Band 2 gain: - note(s) + + Band 3 gain - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. + + Band 3 gain: - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave + + Band 4 gain - Major + + Band 4 gain: - Majb5 + + Band 1 mute - minor + + Mute band 1 - minb5 + + Band 2 mute - sus2 + + Mute band 2 - sus4 + + Band 3 mute - aug + + Mute band 3 - augsus4 + + Band 4 mute - tri + + Mute band 4 + + + DelayControls - 6 + + Delay samples - 6sus4 + + Feedback - 6add9 + + LFO frequency - m6 + + LFO amount - m6add9 + + Output gain + + + DelayControlsDialog - 7 + + DELAY - 7sus4 + + Delay time - 7#5 + + FDBK - 7b5 + + Feedback amount - 7#9 + + RATE - 7b9 + + LFO frequency - 7#5#9 + + AMNT - 7#5b9 + + LFO amount - 7b5b9 + + Out gain - 7add11 + + Gain + Guany + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application - 7add13 + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out - 7#11 + + Application - Maj7 + + Name: - Maj7b5 + + Application: - Maj7#5 + + From template - Maj7#11 + + Custom - Maj7add13 + + Template: - m7 + + Command: - m7b5 + + Setup - m7b9 + + Session Manager: - m7add11 + + None - m7add13 + + Audio inputs: - m-Maj7 + + MIDI inputs: - m-Maj7add11 + + Audio outputs: - m-Maj7add13 + + MIDI outputs: - 9 + + Take control of main application window - 9sus4 + + Workarounds - add9 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) - 9#5 + + Capture only the first X11 Window - 9b5 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client - 9#11 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index - 9b13 + + Error here - Maj9 + + Carla Control - Connect - Maj9sus4 + + Remote setup - Maj9#5 + + UDP Port: - Maj9#11 + + Remote host: - m9 + + TCP Port: - madd9 + + Reported host - m9b5 + + Automatic - m9-Maj7 + + Custom: - 11 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. - 11b9 + + Set value - Maj11 + + TextLabel - m11 + + Scale Points + + + DriverSettingsW - m-Maj11 + + Driver Settings - 13 + + Device: - 13#9 + + Buffer size: - 13b9 + + Sample rate: - 13b5b9 + + Triple buffer - Maj13 + + Show Driver Control Panel - m13 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + DualFilterControlDialog - m-Maj13 + + + FREQ - Harmonic minor + + + Cutoff frequency - Melodic minor + + + RESO - Whole tone + + + Resonance - Diminished + + + GAIN - Major pentatonic + + + Gain + Guany + + + + MIX - Minor pentatonic + + Mix - Jap in sen + + Filter 1 enabled - Major bebop + + Filter 2 enabled - Dominant bebop + + Enable/disable filter 1 - Blues + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + DualFilterControls - Arabic + + Filter 1 enabled - Enigmatic + + Filter 1 type - Neopolitan + + Cutoff frequency 1 - Neopolitan minor + + Q/Resonance 1 - Hungarian minor + + Gain 1 - Dorian + + Mix - Phrygolydian + + Filter 2 enabled - Lydian + + Filter 2 type - Mixolydian + + Cutoff frequency 2 - Aeolian + + Q/Resonance 2 - Locrian + + Gain 2 - Chords + + + Low-pass - Chord type + + + Hi-pass - Chord range + + + Band-pass csg - Minor + + + Band-pass czpg - Chromatic + + + Notch - Half-Whole Diminished + + + All-pass - 5 + + + Moog - Phrygian dominant + + + 2x Low-pass - Persian + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct - Chord range: + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct - octave(s) + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct - STACKING + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct - Chord: + + + Vocal Formant - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + 2x Moog - CHANNEL + + + SV Low-pass - VELOCITY + + + SV Band-pass - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + SV High-pass - PROGRAM + + + SV Notch - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + Fast Formant - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + Tripole + + + Editor - NOTE + + Transport controls - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + Play (Space) - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity + + Stop (Space) - BASE VELOCITY + + Record - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH + + Record while playing - Enables the use of Master Pitch + + Toggle Step Recording - InstrumentSoundShaping + Effect - VOLUME + + Effect enabled - Volume - Volum + + Wet/Dry mix + - CUTOFF + + Gate - Cutoff frequency + + Decay + + + EffectChain - RESO + + Effects enabled + + + EffectRackView - Resonance + + EFFECTS CHAIN - Envelopes/LFOs + + Add effect + + + EffectSelectDialog - Filter type + + Add effect - Q/Resonance - + + + Name + Nom - LowPass - + + Type + Tipus - HiPass - + + Description + Descripció - BandPass csg + + Author + + + EffectView - BandPass czpg + + On/Off - Notch + + W/D - Allpass + + Wet Level: - Moog + + DECAY - 2x LowPass + + Time: - RC LowPass 12dB + + GATE - RC BandPass 12dB + + Gate: - RC HighPass 12dB + + Controls - RC LowPass 24dB + + Move &up - RC BandPass 24dB + + Move &down - RC HighPass 24dB + + &Remove this plugin + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Vocal Formant Filter + + Env pre-delay - 2x Moog + + Env attack - SV LowPass + + Env hold - SV BandPass + + Env decay - SV HighPass + + Env sustain - SV Notch + + Env release - Fast Formant + + Env mod amount - Tripole + + LFO pre-delay - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET + + LFO attack - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! + + LFO frequency - FILTER + + LFO mod amount - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. + + LFO wave shape - Hz + + LFO frequency x 100 - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... + + Modulate env amount + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView - RESO + + + DEL - Resonance: - Ressonància: + + + Pre-delay: + - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. + + + ATT - FREQ + + + Attack: - cutoff frequency: + + HOLD - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + Hold: - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track + + DEC - Volume - Volum + + Decay: + Decaïment: - Panning + + SUST - Pitch + + Sustain: - FX channel + + REL - Default preset + + Release: - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. + + + AMT - Base note + + + Modulation amount: - Pitch range + + SPD - Master Pitch + + Frequency: - - - InstrumentTrackView - - Volume - Volum - - - Volume: - Volum: - - VOL + + FREQ x 100 - Panning + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 - Panning: + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT - PAN + + Control envelope amount by this LFO - MIDI + + ms/LFO: - Input - Entrada - - - Output - Sortida + + Hint + - FX %1: %2 + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. - InstrumentTrackWindow + EqControls - GENERAL SETTINGS + + Input gain - Instrument volume + + Output gain - Volume: - Volum: + + Low-shelf gain + - VOL + + Peak 1 gain - Panning + + Peak 2 gain - Panning: + + Peak 3 gain - PAN + + Peak 4 gain - Pitch + + High-shelf gain - Pitch: + + HP res - cents - cents + + Low-shelf res + - PITCH + + Peak 1 BW - FX channel + + Peak 2 BW - ENV/LFO + + Peak 3 BW - FUNC + + Peak 4 BW - FX + + High-shelf res - MIDI + + LP res - Save preset + + HP freq - XML preset file (*.xpf) + + Low-shelf freq - PLUGIN + + Peak 1 freq - Pitch range (semitones) + + Peak 2 freq - RANGE + + Peak 3 freq - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + Peak 4 freq - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. + + High-shelf freq - MISC + + LP freq - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. + + HP active - SAVE + + Low-shelf active - - - Knob - Set linear + + Peak 1 active - Set logarithmic + + Peak 2 active - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + Peak 3 active - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Peak 4 active - - - LadspaControl - Link channels + + High-shelf active - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels + + LP active - Channel + + LP 12 - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels + + LP 24 - Value: + + LP 48 - Sorry, no help available. + + HP 12 - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + HP 24 - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + HP 48 - - - LeftRightNav - Previous + + Low-pass type - Next + + High-pass type - Previous (%1) + + Analyse IN - Next (%1) + + Analyse OUT - LfoController + EqControlsDialog - LFO Controller + + HP - Base value + + Low-shelf - Oscillator speed + + Peak 1 - Oscillator amount + + Peak 2 - Oscillator phase + + Peak 3 - Oscillator waveform + + Peak 4 - Frequency Multiplier + + High-shelf - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO + + LP - LFO Controller + + Input gain - BASE - + + + + Gain + Guany - Base amount: + + Output gain - todo + + Bandwidth: - SPD + + Octave - LFO-speed: + + Resonance : - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. + + Frequency: - Modulation amount: + + LP group - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. + + HP group + + + EqHandle - PHS + + Reso: - Phase offset: + + BW: - degrees + + + Freq: + + + ExportProjectDialog - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + Export project - Click here for a sine-wave. + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Export between loop markers - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Render Looped Section: - Click here for a square-wave. + + time(s) - Click here for an exponential wave. + + File format settings - Click here for white-noise. + + File format: - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. + + Sampling rate: - Click here for a moog saw-wave. + + 44100 Hz - AMNT + + 48000 Hz - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables + + 88200 Hz - Initializing data structures + + 96000 Hz - Opening audio and midi devices + + 192000 Hz - Launching mixer threads + + Bit depth: - - - MainWindow - Could not save config-file + + 16 Bit integer - Could not save configuration file %1. You're probably not permitted to write to this file. -Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + 24 Bit integer - &New + + 32 Bit float - &Open... + + Stereo mode: - &Save + + Mono - Save &As... + + Stereo - Import... + + Joint stereo - E&xport... + + Compression level: - &Quit + + Bitrate: - &Edit + + 64 KBit/s - Settings + + 128 KBit/s - &Tools + + 160 KBit/s - &Help + + 192 KBit/s - Help + + 256 KBit/s - What's this? + + 320 KBit/s - About + + Use variable bitrate - Create new project + + Quality settings - Create new project from template + + Interpolation: - Open existing project + + Zero order hold - Recently opened projects + + Sinc worst (fastest) - Save current project + + Sinc medium (recommended) - Export current project + + Sinc best (slowest) - Song Editor + + Oversampling: - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. + + 1x (None) - Beat+Bassline Editor + + 2x - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. + + 4x - Piano Roll + + 8x - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. + + Start - Automation Editor + + Cancel - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - + + Could not open file + No es pot obrir el fitxer - FX Mixer + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. + + Export project to %1 - Project Notes + + ( Fastest - biggest ) - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. + + ( Slowest - smallest ) - Controller Rack + + Error - Untitled + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - LMMS %1 + + Rendering: %1% + + + Fader - Project not saved + + Set value - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + FileBrowser - Help not available + + User content - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + Factory content - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Browser - Version %1 + + Search - Configuration file + + Refresh list + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + Send to active instrument-track - Volumes + + Open containing folder - Undo + + Song Editor - Redo + + BB Editor - My Projects + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance - My Samples + + Send to new instrument track - My Presets + + (%2Enter) - My Home + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) - My Computer + + Loading sample - &File + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... - &Recently Opened Projects + + Error - Save as New &Version + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file - E&xport Tracks... + + --- Factory files --- + + + FlangerControls - Online Help + + Delay samples - What's This? + + LFO frequency - Open Project + + Seconds - Save Project + + Stereo phase - Project recovery + + Regen - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + Noise - Recover + + Invert + + + FlangerControlsDialog - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + DELAY - Ignore + + Delay time: - Launch LMMS as usual but with automatic backup disabled to prevent the present recover file from being overwritten. + + RATE - Discard + + Period: - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + AMNT - Preparing plugin browser + + Amount: - Preparing file browsers + + PHASE - Root directory + + Phase: - Loading background artwork + + FDBK - New from template + + Feedback amount: - Save as default template + + NOISE - &View + + White noise amount: - Toggle metronome + + Invert + + + FreeBoyInstrument - Show/hide Song-Editor + + Sweep time - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor + + Sweep direction - Show/hide Piano-Roll + + Sweep rate shift amount - Show/hide Automation Editor + + + Wave pattern duty cycle - Show/hide FX Mixer + + Channel 1 volume - Show/hide project notes + + + + Volume sweep direction - Show/hide controller rack + + + + Length of each step in sweep - Recover session. Please save your work! + + Channel 2 volume - Automatic backup disabled. Remember to save your work! + + Channel 3 volume - Recovered project not saved + + Channel 4 volume - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + Shift Register width - LMMS Project + + Right output level - LMMS Project Template + + Left output level - Overwrite default template? + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - This will overwrite your current default template. + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Volume as dBFS + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Smooth scroll + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Enable note labels in piano roll + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Save project template + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Meter Denominator + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - TIME SIG + + Treble + Aguts + + + + Bass - MeterModel + FreeBoyInstrumentView - Numerator + + Sweep time: - Denominator + + Sweep time - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller + + Sweep rate shift amount: - unnamed_midi_controller + + Sweep rate shift amount - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + Wave pattern duty cycle - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + Square channel 1 volume: - Track + + Square channel 1 volume - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + + Length of each step in sweep: - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + Length of each step in sweep - - - MidiPort - Input channel + + Square channel 2 volume: - Output channel + + Square channel 2 volume - Input controller + + Wave pattern channel volume: - Output controller + + Wave pattern channel volume - Fixed input velocity + + Noise channel volume: - Fixed output velocity + + Noise channel volume - Output MIDI program + + SO1 volume (Right): - Receive MIDI-events + + SO1 volume (Right) - Send MIDI-events + + SO2 volume (Left): - Fixed output note + + SO2 volume (Left) - Base velocity - + + Treble: + Aguts: - - - MidiSetupWidget - DEVICE - + + Treble + Aguts - - - MonstroInstrument - Osc 1 Volume + + Bass: - Osc 1 Panning + + Bass - Osc 1 Coarse detune + + Sweep direction - Osc 1 Fine detune left + + + + + + Volume sweep direction - Osc 1 Fine detune right + + Shift register width - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Osc 1 Pulse width + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Osc 1 Sync send on rise + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Osc 1 Sync send on fall + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Osc 2 Volume + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Osc 2 Panning + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Osc 2 Coarse detune + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Osc 2 Fine detune left + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Osc 2 Fine detune right + + Wave pattern graph + + + MixerLine - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset + + Channel send amount - Osc 2 Waveform + + Move &left - Osc 2 Sync Hard + + Move &right - Osc 2 Sync Reverse + + Rename &channel - Osc 3 Volume + + R&emove channel - Osc 3 Panning + + Remove &unused channels - Osc 3 Coarse detune + + Set channel color - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + Remove channel color - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix + + Pick random channel color + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox - Osc 3 Waveform 1 + + Assign to: - Osc 3 Waveform 2 + + New mixer Channel + + + Mixer - Osc 3 Sync Hard + + Master - Osc 3 Sync Reverse + + + + Channel %1 - LFO 1 Waveform - + + Volume + Volum - LFO 1 Attack - + + Mute + Silenci - LFO 1 Rate + + Solo + + + MixerView - LFO 1 Phase + + Mixer - LFO 2 Waveform + + Fader %1 - LFO 2 Attack - + + Mute + Silenci - LFO 2 Rate + + Mute this mixer channel - LFO 2 Phase + + Solo - Env 1 Pre-delay + + Solo mixer channel + + + MixerRoute - Env 1 Attack + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + GigInstrument - Env 1 Hold - + + Bank + Banc - Env 1 Decay - + + Patch + Pedaç - Env 1 Sustain - + + Gain + Guany + + + GigInstrumentView - Env 1 Release + + + Open GIG file - Env 1 Slope + + Choose patch - Env 2 Pre-delay - + + Gain: + Guany: - Env 2 Attack + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + GuiApplication - Env 2 Hold + + Working directory - Env 2 Decay + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - Env 2 Sustain + + Preparing UI - Env 2 Release + + Preparing song editor - Env 2 Slope + + Preparing mixer - Osc2-3 modulation + + Preparing controller rack - Selected view + + Preparing project notes - Vol1-Env1 + + Preparing beat/bassline editor - Vol1-Env2 + + Preparing piano roll - Vol1-LFO1 + + Preparing automation editor + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Vol1-LFO2 + + Arpeggio - Vol2-Env1 + + Arpeggio type - Vol2-Env2 + + Arpeggio range - Vol2-LFO1 + + Note repeats - Vol2-LFO2 + + Cycle steps - Vol3-Env1 + + Skip rate - Vol3-Env2 + + Miss rate - Vol3-LFO1 + + Arpeggio time - Vol3-LFO2 + + Arpeggio gate - Phs1-Env1 + + Arpeggio direction - Phs1-Env2 + + Arpeggio mode - Phs1-LFO1 + + Up - Phs1-LFO2 + + Down - Phs2-Env1 + + Up and down - Phs2-Env2 + + Down and up - Phs2-LFO1 + + Random - Phs2-LFO2 + + Free - Phs3-Env1 + + Sort - Phs3-Env2 + + Sync + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - Phs3-LFO1 + + ARPEGGIO - Phs3-LFO2 + + RANGE - Pit1-Env1 + + Arpeggio range: - Pit1-Env2 + + octave(s) - Pit1-LFO1 + + REP - Pit1-LFO2 + + Note repeats: - Pit2-Env1 + + time(s) - Pit2-Env2 + + CYCLE - Pit2-LFO1 + + Cycle notes: - Pit2-LFO2 + + note(s) - Pit3-Env1 + + SKIP - Pit3-Env2 + + Skip rate: - Pit3-LFO1 + + + + % - Pit3-LFO2 + + MISS - PW1-Env1 + + Miss rate: - PW1-Env2 + + TIME - PW1-LFO1 + + Arpeggio time: - PW1-LFO2 + + ms - Sub3-Env1 + + GATE - Sub3-Env2 + + Arpeggio gate: - Sub3-LFO1 + + Chord: - Sub3-LFO2 + + Direction: - Sine wave - Ona sinusoïdal + + Mode: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - Bandlimited Triangle wave + + octave - Bandlimited Saw wave + + + Major - Bandlimited Ramp wave + + Majb5 - Bandlimited Square wave + + minor - Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + minb5 - Soft square wave + + sus2 - Absolute sine wave + + sus4 - Exponential wave + + aug - White noise + + augsus4 - Digital Triangle wave + + tri - Digital Saw wave + + 6 - Digital Ramp wave + + 6sus4 - Digital Square wave + + 6add9 - Digital Moog saw wave + + m6 - Triangle wave - Ona triangular + + m6add9 + - Saw wave - Ona de serra + + 7 + - Ramp wave + + 7sus4 - Square wave - Ona quadrada + + 7#5 + - Moog saw wave + + 7b5 - Abs. sine wave + + 7#9 - Random + + 7b9 - Random smooth + + 7#5#9 - - - MonstroView - Operators view + + 7#5b9 - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. + + 7b5b9 - Matrix view + + 7add11 - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. + + 7add13 - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 + + 7#11 - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Maj7 - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Maj7b5 - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Maj7#5 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. + + Maj7#11 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. + + Maj7add13 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. + + m7 - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. + + m7b5 - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. + + m7b9 - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. + + m7add11 - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. + + m7add13 - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. + + m-Maj7 - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. + + m-Maj7add11 - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. + + m-Maj7add13 - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. + + 9 - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. + + 9sus4 - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. + + add9 - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. + + 9#5 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. + + 9b5 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. + + 9#11 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. + + 9b13 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. + + Maj9 - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Maj9sus4 - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Maj9#5 - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. + + Maj9#11 - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. + + m9 - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. + + madd9 - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. + + m9b5 - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. + + m9-Maj7 - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. + + 11 - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. + + 11b9 - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. + + Maj11 - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. + + m11 - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. + + m-Maj11 - Volume - Volum + + 13 + - Panning + + 13#9 - Coarse detune + + 13b9 - semitones + + 13b5b9 - Finetune left + + Maj13 - cents + + m13 - Finetune right + + m-Maj13 - Stereo phase offset + + Harmonic minor - deg + + Melodic minor - Pulse width + + Whole tone - Send sync on pulse rise + + Diminished - Send sync on pulse fall + + Major pentatonic - Hard sync oscillator 2 + + Minor pentatonic - Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + Jap in sen - Sub-osc mix + + Major bebop - Hard sync oscillator 3 + + Dominant bebop - Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + Blues - Attack + + Arabic - Rate - Taxa + + Enigmatic + - Phase + + Neopolitan - Pre-delay + + Neopolitan minor - Hold + + Hungarian minor - Decay + + Dorian - Sustain + + Phrygian - Release + + Lydian - Slope + + Mixolydian - Modulation amount + + Aeolian - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length + + Locrian - Step length: + + Minor - Dry + + Chromatic - Dry Gain: + + Half-Whole Diminished - Stages + + 5 - Lowpass stages: + + Phrygian dominant - Swap inputs + + Persian - Swap left and right input channel for reflections + + Chords - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune + + Chord type - Channel 1 Volume + + Chord range + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - Channel 1 Envelope length + + STACKING - Channel 1 Duty cycle + + Chord: - Channel 1 Sweep amount + + RANGE - Channel 1 Sweep rate + + Chord range: - Channel 2 Coarse detune + + octave(s) + + + InstrumentMidiIOView - Channel 2 Volume + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT - Channel 2 Envelope length + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - Channel 2 Duty cycle + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits - Channel 2 Sweep amount + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits - Channel 2 Sweep rate + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits - Channel 3 Coarse detune + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits - Channel 3 Volume + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - Channel 4 Volume + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - Channel 4 Envelope length + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - Channel 4 Noise frequency + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep + + BASE VELOCITY + + + InstrumentMiscView - Master volume + + MASTER PITCH - Vibrato - Vibrat + + Enables the use of master pitch + - NesInstrumentView + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + + + Volume Volum - Coarse detune + + CUTOFF - Envelope length + + + Cutoff frequency - Enable channel 1 + + RESO - Enable envelope 1 + + Resonance - Enable envelope 1 loop + + Envelopes/LFOs - Enable sweep 1 + + Filter type - Sweep amount + + Q/Resonance - Sweep rate + + Low-pass - 12.5% Duty cycle + + Hi-pass - 25% Duty cycle + + Band-pass csg - 50% Duty cycle + + Band-pass czpg - 75% Duty cycle + + Notch - Enable channel 2 + + All-pass - Enable envelope 2 + + Moog - Enable envelope 2 loop + + 2x Low-pass - Enable sweep 2 + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct - Enable channel 3 + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct - Noise Frequency + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct - Frequency sweep + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct - Enable channel 4 + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct - Enable envelope 4 + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct - Enable envelope 4 loop + + Vocal Formant - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + 2x Moog - Use note frequency for noise + + SV Low-pass - Noise mode + + SV Band-pass - Master Volume + + SV High-pass - Vibrato - Vibrat - - - - OscillatorObject - - Osc %1 volume + + SV Notch - Osc %1 panning + + Fast Formant - Osc %1 coarse detuning + + Tripole + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView - Osc %1 fine detuning left + + TARGET - Osc %1 fine detuning right + + FILTER - Osc %1 phase-offset + + FREQ - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + Cutoff frequency: - Osc %1 wave shape + + Hz - Modulation type %1 + + Q/RESO - Osc %1 waveform + + Q/Resonance: - Osc %1 harmonic + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - PatchesDialog + InstrumentTrack - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + unnamed_track - Bank selector + + Base note - Bank - Banc - - - Program selector + + First note - Patch - Pedaç + + Last note + Darrera nota - Name - Nom + + Volume + Volum - OK + + Panning - Cancel + + Pitch - - - PatmanView - Open other patch + + Pitch range - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. + + Mixer channel - Loop + + Master pitch - Loop mode + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. + + CC Controller %1 - Tune + + + Default preset + + + InstrumentTrackView - Tune mode - + + Volume + Volum - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - + + Volume: + Volum: - No file selected + + VOL - Open patch file + + Panning - Patch-Files (*.pat) + + Panning: - - - PatternView - - Open in piano-roll - Obre al rotlle de piano - - Clear all notes - Esborra totes les notes - - - Reset name - Restaura nom - - - Change name - Canvia nom + + PAN + - Add steps - Afegeix passos + + MIDI + - Remove steps - Elimina passos + + Input + Entrada - use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step - + + Output + Sortida - double-click to open in Piano Roll + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack - Clone Steps + + Channel %1: %2 - PeakController + InstrumentTrackWindow - Peak Controller + + GENERAL SETTINGS - Peak Controller Bug - + + Volume + Volum - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - + + Volume: + Volum: - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK + + VOL - LFO Controller + + Panning - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE + + Panning: - Base amount: + + PAN - Modulation amount: + + Pitch - Attack: + + Pitch: - Release: - + + cents + cents - AMNT + + PITCH - MULT + + Pitch range (semitones) - Amount Multiplicator: + + RANGE - ATCK + + Mixer channel - DCAY + + CHANNEL - Treshold: + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - TRSH + + SAVE - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - Base value + + Envelope, filter & LFO - Modulation amount + + Chord stacking & arpeggio - Mute output + + Effects - Attack + + MIDI - Release + + Miscellaneous - Abs Value + + Save preset - Amount Multiplicator + + XML preset file (*.xpf) - Treshold + + Plugin - PianoRoll - - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Per favor, obre un patró picant-lo dos cops! - - - Last note - Darrera nota - + JackApplicationW - Note lock + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths - Note Velocity + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments - Note Panning + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + JuceAboutW - Mark/unmark current semitone + + About JUCE - Mark current scale + + <b>About JUCE</b> - Mark current chord + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. - Unmark all + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. - No scale + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + Knob - No chord + + Set linear - Velocity: %1% + + Set logarithmic - Panning: %1% left + + + Set value - Panning: %1% right + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Panning: center + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + LadspaControl - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Link channels + + + LadspaControlDialog - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + Link Channels - Select all notes on this key + + Channel - PianoRollWindow + LadspaControlView - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Link channels - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + Value: + + + LadspaEffect - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Set value - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + LcdSpinBox - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. + + Set value - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous - Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + Next - Erase mode (Shift+E) + + Previous (%1) - Select mode (Shift+S) + + Next (%1) + + + LfoController - Detune mode (Shift+T) + + LFO Controller - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. + + Base value - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Oscillator speed - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. + + Oscillator amount - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Oscillator phase - Cut selected notes (%1+X) + + Oscillator waveform - Copy selected notes (%1+C) + + Frequency Multiplier + + + LfoControllerDialog - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) + + LFO - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + BASE - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + Base: - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. + + FREQ - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. + + LFO frequency: - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. + + AMNT - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited + + Modulation amount: - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! + + PHS - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. + + Phase offset: - Edit actions + + degrees - Copy paste controls - + + Sine wave + Ona sinusoïdal - Timeline controls - + + Triangle wave + Ona triangular - Zoom and note controls - + + Saw wave + Ona de serra - Piano-Roll - %1 - Rotlle de Piano - %1 + + Square wave + Ona quadrada - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Rotlle de Piano - sense patró + + Moog saw wave + - Quantize + + Exponential wave - - - PianoView - Base note + + White noise - - - Plugin - Plugin not found + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 - Error while loading plugin + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 - Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 - PluginBrowser + Engine - Instrument browser + + Generating wavetables - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + Initializing data structures - Instrument Plugins + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads - PluginFactory + MainWindow - Plugin not found. + + Configuration file - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - - - ProjectNotes - Project notes - + + Could not open file + No es pot obrir el fitxer - Put down your project notes here. + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Edit Actions + + Project recovery - &Undo + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - %1+Z + + + Recover - &Redo + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - %1+Y + + + Discard - &Copy + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - %1+C + + Version %1 - Cu&t + + Preparing plugin browser - %1+X + + Preparing file browsers - &Paste + + My Projects - %1+V + + My Samples - Format Actions + + My Presets - &Bold + + My Home - %1+B + + Root directory - &Italic + + Volumes - %1+I + + My Computer - &Underline + + &File - %1+U + + &New - &Left + + &Open... - %1+L + + Loading background picture - C&enter + + &Save - %1+E + + Save &As... - &Right + + Save as New &Version - %1+R + + Save as default template - &Justify + + Import... - %1+J + + E&xport... - &Color... + + E&xport Tracks... - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) + + Export &MIDI... - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) + + &Quit - - - QWidget - Name: - Nom: + + &Edit + - Maker: - Fabricant: + + Undo + - Copyright: - Copyright: + + Redo + - Requires Real Time: - Requereix Temps Real: + + Settings + - Yes - + + &View + - No - No + + &Tools + - Real Time Capable: - Capaç de Temps Real: + + &Help + - In Place Broken: - Trencat En Lloc: + + Online Help + - Channels In: - Canals d'Entrada: + + Help + - Channels Out: - Canals de Sortida: + + About + Quant a - File: - Fitxer: + + Create new project + - File: %1 + + Create new project from template - - - RenameDialog - Rename... + + Open existing project - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file + + Recently opened projects - Wave-Files (*.wav) + + Save current project - OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + Export current project - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + Metronome - FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + Song Editor - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + Beat+Bassline Editor - VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + Piano Roll - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + Automation Editor - AU-Files (*.au) + + + Mixer - RAW-Files (*.raw) + + Show/hide controller rack - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + Show/hide project notes - - - SampleTCOView - double-click to select sample + + Untitled - Delete (middle mousebutton) + + Recover session. Please save your work! - Cut + + LMMS %1 - Copy + + Recovered project not saved - Paste + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + Project not saved - - - SampleTrack - Sample track + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Volume - Volum + + Open Project + - Panning + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume + + Save Project - Channel volume: + + LMMS Project - VOL + + LMMS Project Template - Panning + + Save project template - Panning: + + Overwrite default template? - PAN + + This will overwrite your current default template. - - - SetupDialog - Setup LMMS + + Help not available - General settings + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - BUFFER SIZE + + Controller Rack - Reset to default-value + + Project Notes - MISC + + Fullscreen - Enable tooltips + + Volume as dBFS - Show restart warning after changing settings + + Smooth scroll - Display volume as dBFS + + Enable note labels in piano roll - Compress project files per default + + MIDI File (*.mid) - One instrument track window mode + + + untitled - HQ-mode for output audio-device + + + Select file for project-export... - Compact track buttons + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Sync VST plugins to host playback + + Save project - Enable note labels in piano roll + + Project saved - Enable waveform display by default + + The project %1 is now saved. - Keep effects running even without input + + Project NOT saved. - Create backup file when saving a project + + The project %1 was not saved! - LANGUAGE + + Import file - Paths + + MIDI sequences - LMMS working directory + + Hydrogen projects - VST-plugin directory + + All file types + + + MeterDialog - Background artwork + + + Meter Numerator - STK rawwave directory + + Meter numerator - Default Soundfont File + + + Meter Denominator - Performance settings + + Meter denominator - UI effects vs. performance + + TIME SIG + + + MeterModel - Smooth scroll in Song Editor + + Numerator - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + Denominator + + + MidiCCRackView - Audio settings + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 - AUDIO INTERFACE + + MIDI CC Knobs: - MIDI settings + + CC %1 + + + MidiController - MIDI INTERFACE + + MIDI Controller - OK + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + MidiImport - Cancel + + + Setup incomplete - Restart LMMS + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator - Choose LMMS working directory + + Numerator - Choose your VST-plugin directory + + Denominator - Choose artwork-theme directory + + Track + + + MidiJack - Choose LADSPA plugin directory + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - Choose STK rawwave directory + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + MidiPatternW - Choose default SoundFont + + MIDI Pattern - Choose background artwork + + Time Signature: - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. + + + + 1/4 - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. + + 2/4 - Reopen last project on start + + 3/4 - Directories + + 4/4 - Themes directory + + 5/4 - GIG directory + + 6/4 - SF2 directory + + Measures: - LADSPA plugin directories + + + + 1 - Auto save + + 2 - Choose your GIG directory + + 3 - Choose your SF2 directory + + 4 - minutes + + 5 - minute + + 6 - Enable auto-save + + 7 - Allow auto-save while playing + + 8 - Disabled + + 9 - Auto-save interval: %1 + + 10 - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. + + 11 - - - Song - Tempo + + 12 - Master volume + + 13 - Master pitch + + 14 - Project saved + + 15 - The project %1 is now saved. + + 16 - Project NOT saved. + + Default Length: - The project %1 was not saved! + + + 1/16 - Import file + + + 1/15 - MIDI sequences + + + 1/12 - Hydrogen projects + + + 1/9 - All file types + + + 1/8 - Empty project + + + 1/6 - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! + + + 1/3 - Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + 1/2 - untitled + + Quantize: - Select file for project-export... + + &File - The following errors occured while loading: + + &Edit - MIDI File (*.mid) + + &Quit - LMMS Error report + + &Insert Mode - Save project + + F - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - No es pot obrir el fitxer + + &Velocity Mode + - Could not write file - No es pot escriure el fitxer + + D + - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + Select All - Error in file + + A + + + MidiPort - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + Input channel - Tempo + + Output channel - TEMPO/BPM + + Input controller - tempo of song + + Output controller - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). + + Fixed input velocity - High quality mode + + Fixed output velocity - Master volume + + Fixed output note - master volume + + Output MIDI program - Master pitch + + Base velocity - master pitch + + Receive MIDI-events - Value: %1% + + Send MIDI-events + + + MidiSetupWidget - Value: %1 semitones + + Device + + + MonstroInstrument - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + Osc 1 volume - template + + Osc 1 panning - project + + Osc 1 coarse detune - Version difference + + Osc 1 fine detune left - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. + + Osc 1 fine detune right - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset - Play song (Space) + + Osc 1 pulse width - Record samples from Audio-device + + Osc 1 sync send on rise - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + Osc 1 sync send on fall - Stop song (Space) + + Osc 2 volume - Add beat/bassline + + Osc 2 panning - Add sample-track + + Osc 2 coarse detune - Add automation-track + + Osc 2 fine detune left - Draw mode + + Osc 2 fine detune right - Edit mode (select and move) + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. + + Osc 2 waveform - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. + + Osc 2 sync hard - Track actions + + Osc 2 sync reverse - Edit actions + + Osc 3 volume - Timeline controls + + Osc 3 panning - Zoom controls + + Osc 3 coarse detune - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Linear Y axis + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum + + Osc 3 waveform 1 - Linear Y axis + + Osc 3 waveform 2 - Channel mode + + Osc 3 sync hard - - - SubWindow - Close + + Osc 3 Sync reverse - Maximize + + LFO 1 waveform - Restore + + LFO 1 attack - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 + + LFO 1 rate - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync + + LFO 1 phase - No Sync + + LFO 2 waveform - Eight beats + + LFO 2 attack - Whole note + + LFO 2 rate - Half note + + LFO 2 phase - Quarter note + + Env 1 pre-delay - 8th note + + Env 1 attack - 16th note + + Env 1 hold - 32nd note + + Env 1 decay - Custom... + + Env 1 sustain - Custom + + Env 1 release - Synced to Eight Beats + + Env 1 slope - Synced to Whole Note + + Env 2 pre-delay - Synced to Half Note + + Env 2 attack - Synced to Quarter Note + + Env 2 hold - Synced to 8th Note + + Env 2 decay - Synced to 16th Note + + Env 2 sustain - Synced to 32nd Note + + Env 2 release - - - TimeDisplayWidget - click to change time units + + Env 2 slope - MIN + + Osc 2+3 modulation - SEC + + Selected view - MSEC + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 - BAR + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 - BEAT + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 - TICK + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 - - - TimeLineWidget - Enable/disable auto-scrolling + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 - Enable/disable loop-points + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 - After stopping go back to begin + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 - After stopping keep position + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 - Hint + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 - - - Track - Mute + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 - Solo + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 - Couldn't open file + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 - Loading project... + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 - Cancel + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 - Please wait... + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 - Importing MIDI-file... + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 - - - TrackContentObject - Mute + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 - - - TrackContentObjectView - Current position + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 - Hint + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 - Current length + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 - Press <%1> for free resizing. + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 - Delete (middle mousebutton) + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 - Cut + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 - Copy + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - Paste + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 - Actions for this track + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 - Mute + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 - Solo + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 - Mute this track + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 - Clone this track + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 - Remove this track + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 - Clear this track + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 - FX %1: %2 + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 - Turn all recording on + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 - Turn all recording off + + + Sine wave + Ona sinusoïdal + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave - Assign to new FX Channel + + Bandlimited Saw wave - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Bandlimited Ramp wave - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Bandlimited Square wave - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + Soft square wave - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Absolute sine wave - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + Exponential wave - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + White noise - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 + + Digital Triangle wave - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Digital Saw wave - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Digital Ramp wave - Osc %1 volume: - Volum d'osc %1: + + Digital Square wave + - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. + + Digital Moog saw wave - Osc %1 panning: - Panorama d'osc %1: + + Triangle wave + Ona triangular - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - + + Saw wave + Ona de serra - Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + Ramp wave - semitones - + + Square wave + Ona quadrada - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. + + Moog saw wave - Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + Abs. sine wave - cents - cents + + Random + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + Random smooth + + + MonstroView - Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + Operators view - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + Matrix view - Osc %1 phase-offset: - + + + + Volume + Volum - degrees + + + + Panning - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + + + Coarse detune - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + semitones - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. + + + Fine tune left - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. + + + + + cents - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. + + + Fine tune right - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. + + + + Stereo phase offset - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. + + + + + + deg - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. + + Pulse width - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. + + Send sync on pulse rise - Use white-noise for current oscillator. + + Send sync on pulse fall - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. + + Hard sync oscillator 2 - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Decrement version number + + Sub-osc mix - already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + Hard sync oscillator 3 - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. + + + + + Attack - Show/hide GUI + + + Rate + Taxa + + + + + Phase - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. + + + Pre-delay - Turn off all notes + + + Hold - Open VST-plugin + + + Decay - DLL-files (*.dll) + + + Sustain - EXE-files (*.exe) + + + Release - No VST-plugin loaded + + + Slope - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. + + Length - Open VST-plugin preset + + Step length: - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. + + Dry - Previous (-) + + Dry gain: - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. + + Stages - Save preset + + Low-pass stages: - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. + + Swap inputs - Next (+) + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + NesInstrument - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. + + Channel 1 coarse detune - Preset + + Channel 1 volume - by + + Channel 1 envelope length - - VST plugin control + + Channel 1 duty cycle - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output + + Channel 1 sweep amount - Click to enable + + Channel 1 sweep rate - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide + + Channel 2 Coarse detune - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host + + Channel 2 Volume - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. + + Channel 2 envelope length - Open VST-plugin preset + + Channel 2 duty cycle - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. + + Channel 2 sweep amount - Previous (-) + + Channel 2 sweep rate - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. + + Channel 3 coarse detune - Next (+) + + Channel 3 volume - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. + + Channel 4 volume - Save preset + + Channel 4 envelope length - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. + + Channel 4 noise frequency - Effect by: + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Master volume + + + Vibrato + Vibrat + - VstPlugin + NesInstrumentView - Loading plugin - Carregant connector + + + + + Volume + Volum - Open Preset + + + + Coarse detune - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + Envelope length - : default + + Enable channel 1 - " + + Enable envelope 1 - ' + + Enable envelope 1 loop - Save Preset + + Enable sweep 1 - .fxp + + + Sweep amount - .FXP + + + Sweep rate - .FXB + + + 12.5% Duty cycle - .fxb + + + 25% Duty cycle - Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + 50% Duty cycle - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + 75% Duty cycle - - - WatsynInstrument - Volume A1 + + Enable channel 2 - Volume A2 + + Enable envelope 2 - Volume B1 + + Enable envelope 2 loop - Volume B2 + + Enable sweep 2 - Panning A1 + + Enable channel 3 - Panning A2 + + Noise Frequency - Panning B1 + + Frequency sweep - Panning B2 + + Enable channel 4 - Freq. multiplier A1 + + Enable envelope 4 - Freq. multiplier A2 + + Enable envelope 4 loop - Freq. multiplier B1 + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Freq. multiplier B2 + + Use note frequency for noise - Left detune A1 + + Noise mode - Left detune A2 + + Master volume - Left detune B1 - + + Vibrato + Vibrat + + + OpulenzInstrument - Left detune B2 - + + Patch + Pedaç - Right detune A1 + + Op 1 attack - Right detune A2 + + Op 1 decay - Right detune B1 + + Op 1 sustain - Right detune B2 + + Op 1 release - A-B Mix + + Op 1 level - A-B Mix envelope amount + + Op 1 level scaling - A-B Mix envelope attack + + Op 1 frequency multiplier - A-B Mix envelope hold + + Op 1 feedback - A-B Mix envelope decay + + Op 1 key scaling rate - A1-B2 Crosstalk + + Op 1 percussive envelope - A2-A1 modulation + + Op 1 tremolo - B2-B1 modulation + + Op 1 vibrato - Selected graph + + Op 1 waveform - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 + + Op 2 attack - Select oscillator A2 + + Op 2 decay - Select oscillator B1 + + Op 2 sustain - Select oscillator B2 + + Op 2 release - Mix output of A2 to A1 + + Op 2 level - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 + + Op 2 level scaling - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 + + Op 2 frequency multiplier - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 + + Op 2 key scaling rate - Mix output of B2 to B1 + + Op 2 percussive envelope - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 + + Op 2 tremolo - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 + + Op 2 vibrato - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 + + Op 2 waveform - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + FM - Load waveform + + Vibrato depth - Click to load a waveform from a sample file + + Tremolo depth + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - Phase left + + + Attack - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees + + + Decay - Phase right + + + Release - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees + + + Frequency multiplier - - Normalize - Normalitza + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + - Click to normalize + + Osc %1 harmonic - Invert + + + Osc %1 volume - Click to invert + + + Osc %1 panning - Smooth - Suavitza + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + - Click to smooth + + Osc %1 coarse detuning - Sine wave - Ona sinusoïdal + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + - Click for sine wave + + Osc %1 phase-offset - Triangle wave - Ona triangular + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + - Click for triangle wave + + Osc %1 wave shape - Click for saw wave + + Modulation type %1 + + + Oscilloscope - Square wave - Ona quadrada + + Oscilloscope + - Click for square wave + + Click to enable + + + PatchesDialog - Volume - Volum + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - Panning + + Bank selector - Freq. multiplier + + Bank + Banc + + + + Program selector - Left detune + + Patch + Pedaç + + + + Name + Nom + + + + OK - cents + + Cancel + + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch - Right detune + + Loop - A-B Mix + + Loop mode - Mix envelope amount + + Tune - Mix envelope attack + + Tune mode - Mix envelope hold + + No file selected - Mix envelope decay + + Open patch file - Crosstalk + + Patch-Files (*.pat) - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + MidiClipView - Portamento - + + Open in piano-roll + Obre al rotlle de piano - Filter Frequency + + Set as ghost in piano-roll - Filter Resonance - + + Clear all notes + Esborra totes les notes - Bandwidth - + + Reset name + Restaura nom - FM Gain - + + Change name + Canvia nom - Resonance Center Frequency - + + Add steps + Afegeix passos - Resonance Bandwidth - + + Remove steps + Elimina passos - Forward MIDI Control Change Events + + Clone Steps - ZynAddSubFxView + PeakController - Show GUI + + Peak Controller - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. + + Peak Controller Bug - Portamento: + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + PeakControllerDialog - PORT + + PEAK - Filter Frequency: + + LFO Controller + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - FREQ + + BASE - Filter Resonance: + + Base: - RES + + AMNT - Bandwidth: + + Modulation amount: - BW + + MULT - FM Gain: + + Amount multiplicator: - FM GAIN + + ATCK - Resonance center frequency: + + Attack: - RES CF + + DCAY - Resonance bandwidth: + + Release: - RES BW + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output - Forward MIDI Control Changes + + Absolute value - audioFileProcessor + PeakControllerEffectControls - Amplify - Amplificar + + Base value + - Start of sample - Inici de la mostra + + Modulation amount + - End of sample - Fi de la mostra + + Attack + - Reverse sample - Inverteix mostra + + Release + - Stutter + + Treshold - Loopback point + + Mute output - Loop mode + + Absolute value - Interpolation mode + + Amount multiplicator + + + PianoRoll - None + + Note Velocity - Linear + + Note Panning - Sinc + + Mark/unmark current semitone - Sample not found: %1 + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - - - bitInvader - Samplelength - Longitud de mostra + + Mark current scale + - - - bitInvaderView - Sample Length - Longitud de la Mostra + + Mark current chord + - Sine wave - Ona sinusoïdal + + Unmark all + - Triangle wave - Ona triangular + + Select all notes on this key + - Saw wave - Ona de serra + + Note lock + - Square wave - Ona quadrada + + Last note + Darrera nota - White noise wave - Ona de soroll blanc + + No key + - User defined wave - Ona arbitrària + + No scale + - Smooth - Suavitza + + No chord + - Click here to smooth waveform. - Pica aquí per a suavitzar la forma d'ona. + + Nudge + - Interpolation - Interpolació + + Snap + - Normalize - Normalitza + + Velocity: %1% + - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + Panning: %1% left - Click for a sine-wave. + + Panning: %1% right - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Panning: center - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Glue notes failed - Click here for a square-wave. + + Please select notes to glue first. - Click here for white-noise. - + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Per favor, obre un patró picant-lo dos cops! - Click here for a user-defined shape. + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - dynProcControlDialog + PianoRollWindow - INPUT + + Play/pause current clip (Space) - Input gain: + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - OUTPUT + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Output gain: + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time - ATTACK + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) - Peak attack time: + + Edit actions - RELEASE - + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Mode dibuix (Majús+D) - Peak release time: - + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Mode eliminació (Majús+E) - Reset waveform + + Select mode (Shift+S) - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - Smooth waveform + + Quantize - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph + + Quantize positions - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Quantize lengths - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + File actions - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Import clip - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Export clip - Stereomode Maximum + + Copy paste controls - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + Cut (%1+X) - Stereomode Average + + Copy (%1+C) - Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + Paste (%1+V) - Stereomode Unlinked + + Timeline controls - Process each stereo channel independently + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Rotlle de Piano - %1 + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Rotlle de Piano - sense patró + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + Darrera nota + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + sense descripció + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Llista connectors LADSPA instal·lats + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + connector per a usar efectes LADSPA arbitraris a LMMS. + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Imitació monofònica incompleta TB-303 + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filtre per a importar fitxers MIDI a LMMS + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Sintetitzador Additiu per a sons com d'orgue + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + Instrument de pedaç compatible GUS + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Connector per a controlar rodes amb pics de so + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Connector per a millorar la separació estèreo + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Connector per a manipular lliurement la sortida estèreo + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + Coses melòdiques per a fer soroll + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + servidor VST per a usar connectors VST(i) amb LMMS + + + + Vibrating string modeler + Modelador de corda vibrant + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + Tipus + + + + Effects + + + + + Instruments + Instruments + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + Tipus: + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + Nom + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + Control + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + Tipus: + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + + + + + %1+Y + + + + + &Copy + + + + + %1+C + + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + + + + + &Paste + + + + + %1+V + + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + Help + + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + Nom: + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + Fabricant: + + + + + + Copyright: + Copyright: + + + + + Requires Real Time: + Requereix Temps Real: + + + + + + + + + Yes + + + + + + + + + + No + No + + + + + Real Time Capable: + Capaç de Temps Real: + + + + + In Place Broken: + Trencat En Lloc: + + + + + Channels In: + Canals d'Entrada: + + + + + Channels Out: + Canals de Sortida: + + + + File: %1 + + + + + File: + Fitxer: + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + Entrada + + + + Input gain: + + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + + + + + Color: + + + + + Output + Sortida + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Size + + + + + Color + + + + + Output gain + + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + Inverteix mostra + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Panning + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + Connectors + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + Àudio + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + + + + + minute + + + + + Disabled + + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + Resonance: + Ressonància: + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + Decaïment: + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + Ona triangular + + + + Saw wave + Ona de serra + + + + Noise + + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + No es pot obrir el fitxer + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + No es pot escriure el fitxer + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + Silenci + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + Silenci + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + Silenci + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + Volum d'osc %1: + + + + Osc %1 panning: + Panorama d'osc %1: + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + cents + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + Ona sinusoïdal + + + + Triangle wave + Ona triangular + + + + Saw wave + Ona de serra + + + + Square wave + Ona quadrada + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality - dynProcControls + VecControlsDialog - Input gain + + HQ - Output gain + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. - Attack time + + Log. scale - Release time + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. - Stereo mode + + Persist. - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. - New FX Channel + + Trace persistence - graphModel + VersionedSaveDialog - Graph + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? - kickerInstrument + VestigeInstrumentView - Start frequency - Freqüència inicial + + + Open VST plugin + - End frequency - Freqüència final + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - Gain - Guany + + Open VST plugin preset + - Length + + Previous (-) - Distortion Start + + Save preset - Distortion End + + Next (+) - Envelope Slope + + Show/hide GUI - Noise + + Turn off all notes - Click + + DLL-files (*.dll) - Frequency Slope + + EXE-files (*.exe) - Start from note + + No VST plugin loaded - End to note + + Preset - - - kickerInstrumentView - Start frequency: - Freqüència inicial: + + by + - End frequency: - Freqüència final: + + - VST plugin control + + + + VstEffectControlDialog - Gain: - Guany: + + Show/hide + - Frequency Slope: + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - Envelope Length: + + Open VST plugin preset - Envelope Slope: + + Previous (-) - Click: + + Next (+) - Noise: + + Save preset - Distortion Start: + + + Effect by: - Distortion End: + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - ladspaBrowserView + VstPlugin - Available Effects - Efectes Disponibles + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + - Unavailable Effects - Efectes No Disponibles + + Open Preset + - Instruments - Instruments + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + - Analysis Tools - Eines d'Anàlisi + + : default + - Don't know - Desconeguts + + Save Preset + - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - Aquest diàleg mostra informació de tots els connectors LADSPA que LMMS ha pogut trobar. Els connectors estan dividits en cinc categories basades en la interpretació dels tipus i noms dels ports. - -Efectes Disponibles són aquells que LMMS pot usar. Per a que LMMS pugui usar un efecte, primerament, ha de ser un efecte, és a dir, ha de tenir canals d'entrada i de sortida. LMMS identifica un canal d'entrada com a un port d'àudio que conté 'in' al nom. Els canals de sortida són identificats amb les lletres 'out'. A més, l'efecte ha de tenir el mateix nombre d'entrades que de sortides i ser capaç de temps real. - -Efectes No Disponibles són aquells que han estat identificats com a efectes, però no tenen el mateix nombre d'entrades que de sortides o no són capaços de temps real. - -Instruments són connectors on només s'han identificat canals de sortida. - -Eines d'Anàlisi són connectors on només s'han identificat canals d'entrada. - -Desconeguts són connectors on no s'han identificat canals d'entrada o sortida. - -Fent doble clic a qualsevol connector mostrarà informació sobre els ports. + + .fxp + - Type: - Tipus: + + .FXP + - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - Connectors + + .FXB + - Description - Descripció + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + Carregant connector + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + - ladspaPortDialog + WatsynInstrument - Ports - Ports + + Volume A1 + - Name - Nom + + Volume A2 + - Rate - Taxa + + Volume B1 + - Direction - Direcció + + Volume B2 + - Type - Tipus + + Panning A1 + - Min < Default < Max - Mín < Defecte < Màx + + Panning A2 + - Logarithmic - Logarítmic + + Panning B1 + - SR Dependent - Depenent SR + + Panning B2 + - Audio - Àudio + + Freq. multiplier A1 + - Control - Control + + Freq. multiplier A2 + - Input - Entrada + + Freq. multiplier B1 + - Output - Sortida + + Freq. multiplier B2 + - Toggled - Commutat + + Left detune A1 + - Integer - Enter + + Left detune A2 + - Float - Flotant + + Left detune B1 + - Yes - + + Left detune B2 + - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - Freqüència de Tall VCF + + Right detune A1 + - VCF Resonance - Ressonància VCF + + Right detune A2 + - VCF Envelope Mod - Mod Envoltant VCF + + Right detune B1 + - VCF Envelope Decay - Decaïment Envoltant VCF + + Right detune B2 + - Distortion - Distorsió + + A-B Mix + - Waveform - Forma d'ona + + A-B Mix envelope amount + - Slide Decay - Decaïment de Lliscament + + A-B Mix envelope attack + - Slide - Lliscament + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + Volum - Accent - Accent + + + + + Panning + - Dead - Mort + + + + + Freq. multiplier + - 24dB/oct Filter - Filtre 24dB/oct + + + + + Left detune + - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: - Freq Tall: + + + + + + + + + cents + - Resonance: - Ressonància: + + + + + Right detune + - Env Mod: - Mod Env: + + A-B Mix + - Decay: - Decaïment: + + Mix envelope amount + - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - 303-es-que, 24dB/octava, filtre 3 pols + + Mix envelope attack + - Slide Decay: - Decaïment de Lliscament: + + Mix envelope hold + - DIST: - DIST: + + Mix envelope decay + - Saw wave - Ona de serra + + Crosstalk + - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Select oscillator A1 - Triangle wave - Ona triangular + + Select oscillator A2 + - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Select oscillator B1 - Square wave - Ona quadrada + + Select oscillator B2 + - Click here for a square-wave. + + Mix output of A2 to A1 - Rounded square wave + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 - Moog wave + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 - Click here for a moog-like wave. + + Mix output of B2 to B1 - Sine wave - Ona sinusoïdal + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + - Click for a sine-wave. + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 - White noise wave - Ona de soroll blanc + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + - Click here for an exponential wave. + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Click here for white-noise. + + Load waveform - Bandlimited saw wave + + Load a waveform from a sample file - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + Phase left - Bandlimited square wave + + Shift phase by -15 degrees - Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + Phase right - Bandlimited triangle wave + + Shift phase by +15 degrees - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - + + + Normalize + Normalitza - Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + Invert - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - + + + Smooth + Suavitza - - - malletsInstrument - Hardness - Duresa + + + Sine wave + Ona sinusoïdal - Position - Posició + + + + Triangle wave + Ona triangular - Vibrato Gain - Guany de Vibrat + + Saw wave + Ona de serra - Vibrato Freq - Freq de Vibrat + + + Square wave + Ona quadrada + + + Xpressive - Stick Mix - Mescla de Pals + + Selected graph + - Modulator - Modulador + + A1 + - Crossfade - Entremescla + + A2 + - LFO Speed - Velocitat OBF + + A3 + - LFO Depth - Profunditat OBF + + W1 smoothing + - ADSR - ADSR + + W2 smoothing + - Pressure - Pressió + + W3 smoothing + - Motion - Moviment + + Panning 1 + - Speed - Velocitat + + Panning 2 + - Bowed - Doblegat + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - Spread - Dispersió + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + - Marimba - Marimba + + Select oscillator W1 + - Vibraphone - Vibràfon + + Select oscillator W2 + - Agogo - Agogo + + Select oscillator W3 + - Wood1 - Fusta1 + + Select output O1 + - Reso - Reso + + Select output O2 + - Wood2 - Fusta2 + + Open help window + - Beats - Batecs + + + Sine wave + Ona sinusoïdal - Two Fixed - Fixat a Dos + + + Moog-saw wave + - Clump - Grup + + + Exponential wave + - Tubular Bells - Campanes Tubulars + + + Saw wave + Ona de serra - Uniform Bar - Barra Uniforme + + + User-defined wave + - Tuned Bar - Barra Afinada + + + Triangle wave + Ona triangular - Glass - Cristall + + + Square wave + Ona quadrada - Tibetan Bowl - Bol Tibetà + + + White noise + - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument - Instrument + + WaveInterpolate + - Spread - Dispersió + + ExpressionValid + - Spread: - Dispersió: + + General purpose 1: + - Hardness - Duresa + + General purpose 2: + - Hardness: - Duresa: + + General purpose 3: + - Position - Posició + + O1 panning: + - Position: - Posició: + + O2 panning: + - Vib Gain - Guany Vib + + Release transition: + - Vib Gain: - Guany Vib: + + Smoothness + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Vib Freq - Freq Vib + + Portamento + - Vib Freq: - Freq Vib: + + Filter frequency + - Stick Mix - Mescla de Pals + + Filter resonance + - Stick Mix: - Mescla de Pals: + + Bandwidth + - Modulator - Modulador + + FM gain + - Modulator: - Modulador: + + Resonance center frequency + - Crossfade - Entremescla + + Resonance bandwidth + - Crossfade: - Entremescla: + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + - LFO Speed - Velocitat OBF + + PORT + - LFO Speed: - Velocitat OBF: + + Filter frequency: + - LFO Depth - Profunditat OBF + + FREQ + - LFO Depth: - Profunditat OBF: + + Filter resonance: + - ADSR - ADSR + + RES + - ADSR: - ADSR: + + Bandwidth: + - Pressure - Pressió + + BW + - Pressure: - Pressió: + + FM gain: + - Speed - Velocitat + + FM GAIN + - Speed: - Velocitat: + + Resonance center frequency: + - Missing files + + RES CF - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + Resonance bandwidth: - - - manageVSTEffectView - - VST parameter control + + RES BW - VST Sync + + Forward MIDI control changes - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. + + Show GUI + + + AudioFileProcessor - Automated - + + Amplify + Amplificar - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - + + Start of sample + Inici de la mostra - Close - + + End of sample + Fi de la mostra - Close VST effect knob-controller window. + + Loopback point - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control + + Reverse sample + Inverteix mostra + + + + Loop mode - VST Sync + + Stutter - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. + + Interpolation mode - Automated + + None - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. + + Linear - Close + + Sinc - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. + + Sample not found: %1 - opl2instrument + BitInvader - Patch - Pedaç + + Sample length + + + + BitInvaderView - Op 1 Attack + + Sample length - Op 1 Decay + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Op 1 Sustain - + + + Sine wave + Ona sinusoïdal - Op 1 Release - + + + Triangle wave + Ona triangular - Op 1 Level - + + + Saw wave + Ona de serra - Op 1 Level Scaling - + + + Square wave + Ona quadrada - Op 1 Frequency Multiple + + + White noise - Op 1 Feedback + + + User-defined wave - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate + + + Smooth waveform - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - + + Interpolation + Interpolació + + + + Normalize + Normalitza + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo + + INPUT - Op 1 Vibrato + + Input gain: - Op 1 Waveform + + OUTPUT - Op 2 Attack + + Output gain: - Op 2 Decay + + ATTACK - Op 2 Sustain + + Peak attack time: - Op 2 Release + + RELEASE - Op 2 Level + + Peak release time: - Op 2 Level Scaling + + + Reset wavegraph - Op 2 Frequency Multiple + + + Smooth wavegraph - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Tremolo + + Stereo mode: maximum - Op 2 Vibrato + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Op 2 Waveform + + Stereo mode: average - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Vibrato Depth + + Stereo mode: unlinked - Tremolo Depth + + Process each stereo channel independently - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack + + Input gain - Decay + + Output gain - Release + + Attack time - Frequency multiplier + + Release time - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - Distorsió + + Stereo mode + + + + graphModel - Volume - Volum + + Graph + - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - Distorsió: + + Start frequency + Freqüència inicial - Volume: - Volum: + + End frequency + Freqüència final - Randomise - Aleatoritza + + Length + - Osc %1 waveform: - Forma d'ona d'osc %1: + + Start distortion + - Osc %1 volume: - Volum d'osc %1: + + End distortion + - Osc %1 panning: - Panorama d'osc %1: + + Gain + Guany - cents - cents + + Envelope slope + - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. + + Noise - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. + + Click - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. + + Frequency slope - Osc %1 stereo detuning + + Start from note - Osc %1 harmonic: + + End to note - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - + + Start frequency: + Freqüència inicial: - Sweep direction - + + End frequency: + Freqüència final: - Sweep RtShift amount + + Frequency slope: - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Gain: + Guany: - Channel 1 volume + + Envelope length: - Volume sweep direction + + Envelope slope: - Length of each step in sweep + + Click: - Channel 2 volume + + Noise: - Channel 3 volume + + Start distortion: - Channel 4 volume + + End distortion: + + + LadspaBrowserView - Right Output level - + + + Available Effects + Efectes Disponibles - Left Output level - + + + Unavailable Effects + Efectes No Disponibles - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Instruments + Instruments - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Analysis Tools + Eines d'Anàlisi - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Don't know + Desconeguts - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - + + Type: + Tipus: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Plugins + Connectors - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - + + Description + Descripció + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Ports + Ports - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - + + Name + Nom - Treble - + + Rate + Taxa - Bass - + + Direction + Direcció - Shift Register width - + + Type + Tipus - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - + + Min < Default < Max + Mín < Defecte < Màx - Sweep Time - + + Logarithmic + Logarítmic - Sweep RtShift amount: - + + SR Dependent + Depenent SR - Sweep RtShift amount - + + Audio + Àudio - Wave pattern duty: - + + Control + Control - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Input + Entrada - Square Channel 1 Volume: - + + Output + Sortida - Length of each step in sweep: - + + Toggled + Commutat - Length of each step in sweep - + + Integer + Enter - Wave pattern duty - + + Float + Flotant + + + + + Yes + + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + Freqüència de Tall VCF - Square Channel 2 Volume: - + + VCF Resonance + Ressonància VCF - Square Channel 2 Volume - + + VCF Envelope Mod + Mod Envoltant VCF - Wave Channel Volume: - + + VCF Envelope Decay + Decaïment Envoltant VCF - Wave Channel Volume - + + Distortion + Distorsió - Noise Channel Volume: - + + Waveform + Forma d'ona - Noise Channel Volume - + + Slide Decay + Decaïment de Lliscament - SO1 Volume (Right): - + + Slide + Lliscament - SO1 Volume (Right) - + + Accent + Accent - SO2 Volume (Left): - + + Dead + Mort - SO2 Volume (Left) - + + 24dB/oct Filter + Filtre 24dB/oct + + + Lb302SynthView - Treble: - + + Cutoff Freq: + Freq Tall: - Treble - + + Resonance: + Ressonància: - Bass: - + + Env Mod: + Mod Env: - Bass - + + Decay: + Decaïment: - Sweep Direction - + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + 303-es-que, 24dB/octava, filtre 3 pols - Volume Sweep Direction - + + Slide Decay: + Decaïment de Lliscament: - Shift Register Width - + + DIST: + DIST: - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Saw wave + Ona de serra - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) + + Click here for a saw-wave. - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Triangle wave + Ona triangular - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Square wave + Ona quadrada - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) + + Click here for a square-wave. - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) + + Rounded square wave - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Wave Pattern + + Moog wave - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency + + Click here for a moog-like wave. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - + + Sine wave + Ona sinusoïdal - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. + + Click for a sine-wave. - Square Channel 1 Volume - + + + White noise wave + Ona de soroll blanc - The delay between step change + + Click here for an exponential wave. - Draw the wave here + + Click here for white-noise. - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + Bandlimited saw wave - Bank selector + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Bank - Banc + + Bandlimited square wave + - Program selector + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Patch - Pedaç + + Bandlimited triangle wave + - Name - Nom + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + - OK + + Bandlimited moog saw wave - Cancel + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - pluginBrowser + MalletsInstrument - no description - sense descripció + + Hardness + Duresa - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Imitació monofònica incompleta tb303 + + Position + Posició - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Connector per a manipular lliurement la sortida estèreo + + Vibrato gain + - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Connector per a controlar rodes amb pics de so + + Vibrato frequency + - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Connector per a millorar la separació estèreo + + Stick mix + - List installed LADSPA plugins - Llista connectors LADSPA instal·lats + + Modulator + Modulador - GUS-compatible patch instrument - Instrument de pedaç compatible GUS + + Crossfade + Entremescla - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Sintetitzador Additiu per a sons com d'orgue + + LFO speed + - Tuneful things to bang on - Coses melòdiques per a fer soroll + + LFO depth + - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - servidor VST per a usar connectors VST(i) amb LMMS + + ADSR + ADSR - Vibrating string modeler - Modelador de corda vibrant + + Pressure + Pressió - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - connector per a usar efectes LADSPA arbitraris a LMMS. + + Motion + Moviment - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filtre per a importar fitxers MIDI a LMMS + + Speed + Velocitat - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - + + Bowed + Doblegat - Player for SoundFont files - + + Spread + Dispersió - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - + + Marimba + Marimba - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - + + Vibraphone + Vibràfon - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - + + Agogo + Agogo - 2-operator FM Synth + + Wood 1 - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - + + Reso + Reso - LMMS port of sfxr + + Wood 2 - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - + + Beats + Batecs - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + Two fixed - A native amplifier plugin - + + Clump + Grup - Carla Rack Instrument + + Tubular bells - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + Uniform bar - plugin for waveshaping + + Tuned bar - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - + + Glass + Cristall - Versatile drum synthesizer + + Tibetan bowl + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - + + Instrument + Instrument - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - + + Spread + Dispersió - Carla Patchbay Instrument - + + Spread: + Dispersió: - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + Missing files - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - A NES-like synthesizer - + + Hardness + Duresa - A native delay plugin - + + Hardness: + Duresa: - Player for GIG files - + + Position + Posició - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + Position: + Posició: - A native flanger plugin + + Vibrato gain - An oversampling bitcrusher + + Vibrato gain: - A native eq plugin + + Vibrato frequency - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + Vibrato frequency: - A Dual filter plugin + + Stick mix - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + Stick mix: - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - Banc + + Modulator + Modulador - Patch - Pedaç + + Modulator: + Modulador: - Gain - Guany + + Crossfade + Entremescla - Reverb - Reverberació + + Crossfade: + Entremescla: - Reverb Roomsize - Cambra de Reverberació + + LFO speed + - Reverb Damping - Esmorteïment de Reverberació + + LFO speed: + - Reverb Width - Amplada de Reverberació + + LFO depth + - Reverb Level - Nivell de Reverberació + + LFO depth: + - Chorus - Cor + + ADSR + ADSR - Chorus Lines - Línies de Cor + + ADSR: + ADSR: - Chorus Level - Nivell de Cor + + Pressure + Pressió - Chorus Speed - Velocitat de Cor + + Pressure: + Pressió: - Chorus Depth - Profunditat de Cor + + Speed + Velocitat - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - + + Speed: + Velocitat: - sf2InstrumentView + ManageVSTEffectView - Open other SoundFont file - Obre altre fitxer SoundFont + + - VST parameter control + - Click here to open another SF2 file - Pica aquí per a obrir un altre fitxer SF2 + + VST sync + - Choose the patch - Escull el pedaç + + + Automated + - Gain - Guany + + Close + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Apply reverb (if supported) - Aplica reverberació (si està suportat) + + + - VST plugin control + - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Aquest botó habilita l'efecte de reverberació. Això aconsegueix efectes genials, però només funciona amb fitxers que ho suportin. + + VST Sync + - Reverb Roomsize: - Cambra de Reverberació: + + + Automated + - Reverb Damping: - Esmorteïment de Reverberació: + + Close + + + + OrganicInstrument - Reverb Width: - Amplada de Reverberació: + + Distortion + Distorsió - Reverb Level: - Nivell de Reverberació: + + Volume + Volum + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Apply chorus (if supported) - Aplica cor (si està suportat) + + Distortion: + Distorsió: - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Aquest botó habilita l'efecte de cor. Això aconsegueix efectes d'eco genials, però només funciona amb fitxers que ho suportin. + + Volume: + Volum: - Chorus Lines: - Línies de Cor: + + Randomise + Aleatoritza - Chorus Level: - Nivell de Cor: + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Forma d'ona d'osc %1: - Chorus Speed: - Velocitat de Cor: + + Osc %1 volume: + Volum d'osc %1: - Chorus Depth: - Profunditat de Cor: + + Osc %1 panning: + Panorama d'osc %1: - Open SoundFont file - Obre fitxer SoundFont + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - + + cents + cents - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form + + Osc %1 harmonic: - sidInstrument - - Cutoff - - - - Resonance - - + PatchesDialog - Filter type + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - Voice 3 off + + Bank selector - Volume - Volum + + Bank + Banc - Chip model + + Program selector - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - Volum: + + Patch + Pedaç - Resonance: - Ressonància: + + Name + Nom - Cutoff frequency: + + OK - High-Pass filter + + Cancel + + + Sf2Instrument - Band-Pass filter - + + Bank + Banc - Low-Pass filter - + + Patch + Pedaç - Voice3 Off - + + Gain + Guany - MOS6581 SID - + + Reverb + Reverberació - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb room size - Attack: + + Reverb damping - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. + + Reverb width - Decay: - Decaïment: - - - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. + + Reverb level - Sustain: - + + Chorus + Cor - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. + + Chorus voices - Release: + + Chorus level - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. + + Chorus speed - Pulse Width: + + Chorus depth - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - + + + Open SoundFont file + Obre fitxer SoundFont - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. + + Choose patch - Pulse Wave - + + Gain: + Guany: - Triangle Wave - + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Aplica reverberació (si està suportat) - SawTooth + + Room size: - Noise + + Damping: - Sync - + + Width: + Amplada: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. + + + Level: - Ring-Mod - + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Aplica cor (si està suportat) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. + + Voices: - Filtered - + + Speed: + Velocitat: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. + + Depth: - Test + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. + + Wave - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - AMPLE + + WIDTH + + Width: Amplada: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width Amplada - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: Volum Esquerra a Esquerra: + Left to Right Vol: Volum Esquerra a Dreta: + Right to Left Vol: Volum Dreta a Esquerra: + Right to Right Vol: Volum Dreta a Dreta: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left Esquerra a Esquerra + Left to Right Esquerra a Dreta + Right to Left Dreta a Esquerra + Right to Right Dreta a Dreta - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin Carregant connector - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Per favor, espera mentre es carrega el connector VST... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume Volum de corda %1 + String %1 stiffness Rigidesa de corda %1 + Pick %1 position Posició per a tocar %1 + Pickup %1 position Posició per a recollir %1 - Pan %1 - Panorama %1 + + String %1 panning + - Detune %1 - Desafinament %1 + + String %1 detune + - Fuzziness %1 - Arrissada %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - Length %1 - Longitud %1 + + String %1 length + + Impulse %1 Impuls %1 - Octave %1 - Octava %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView - - Volume: - Volum: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - La roda 'V' ajusta el volum de la corda seleccionada. + + String volume: + + String stiffness: Rigidesa de corda: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - La roda 'S' ajusta la rigidesa de la corda seleccionada. La rigidesa de la corda afecta el temps que la corda ressonarà. Quan més baix el valor, més temps sonarà la corda. - - + Pick position: Posició per a tocar: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - La roda 'P' ajusta la posició on serà tocada la corda seleccionada. Quan més baix el valor, es toca més a prop del pont. - - + Pickup position: Posició per a recollir: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - La roda 'PU' ajusta la posició on les vibracions seran monitoritzades per a la corda seleccionada. Quan més baix aquest valor, la recollida és més a prop del pont. - - - Pan: - Panorama: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - La roda Pan determina la localització de la corda seleccionada al camp estèreo. - - - Detune: - Desafinament: - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - La roda Detune modifica el to de la corda seleccionada. Valors menors que zero faran que la corda soni amb bemoll. Valors majors que zero faran que la corda soni amb sostingut. - - - Fuzziness: - Arrissada: - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - La roda Slap afegeix una mica d'arrissada a la corda seleccionada que és més notable durant l'atac, encara que també pot usar-se per a que la corda soni més 'metàl·lica'. + + String panning: + - Length: - Longitud: + + String detune: + - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - La roda Length ajusta la longitud de la corda seleccionada. Les cordes més llargues sonaran a la vegada més temps i més brillants, emperò també es menjaran més cicles de CPU. + + String fuzziness: + - Impulse or initial state - Impuls o estat inicial + + String length: + - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - El selector 'Imp' determina si la forma d'ona del gràfic s'ha de tractar com un impuls impartit a la corda quan es toca o l'estat inicial de la corda. + + Impulse + + Octave Octava - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - El selector Octava s'usa per a escollir a quin harmònic de la nota la corda sonarà. Per exemple, '-2' significa que la corda sonarà dues octaves per sota de la fonamental, 'F' significa que la corda sonarà a la fonamental, i '6' significa que la corda sonarà sis octaves per sobre de la fonamental. - - + Impulse Editor Editor d'Impuls - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - L'editor de forma d'ona dóna control sobre l'estat inicial o impuls que s'utilitza per a iniciar la corda vibrant. Els botons de la dreta del gràfic inicialitzaran la forma d'ona al tipus seleccionat. El botó '?' carregarà la forma d'ona des d'un fitxer; només es carregaran les primeres 128 mostres. - -La forma d'ona també pot dibuixar-se al gràfic. - -El botó 'S' suavitzarà la forma d'ona. - -El botó 'N' normalitzarà la forma d'ona. - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Vibed modela fins a nou cordes vibrants independents. El selector 'String' et permet escollir quina corda s'està editant. El selector 'Imp' escull si el gràfic representa un impuls o l'estat inicial de la corda. El selector 'Octave' escull a quin harmònic la corda ha de vibrar. - -El gràfic et permet controlar l'estat inicial o impuls usat per a posar la corda en marxa. - -La roda 'V' controla el volum. La roda 'S' controla la rigidesa de la corda. La roda 'P' controla la posició per a tocar. La roda 'PU' controla la posició per a recollir. - -Probablement no cal explicar 'Pan' i 'Detune'. La roda 'Slap' afegeix una mica d'arrissada al so de la corda. - -La roda 'Length' controla la longitud de la corda. - -El LED a la cantonada dreta baixa de l'editor de forma d'ona determina si la corda està activa a l'instrument actual. - - + Enable waveform Habilita forma d'ona - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Pica aquí per a activar/desactivar la forma d'ona. + + Enable/disable string + + String Corda - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - El selector String s'usa per a escollir quina corda estan editant els controls. Un instrument Vibed pot tenir fins a nou cordes vibrants independents. El LED a la cantonada dreta baixa de l'editor de forma d'ona indica si la corda seleccionada està activa. - - + + Sine wave Ona sinusoïdal + + Triangle wave Ona triangular + + Saw wave Ona de serra + + Square wave Ona quadrada - White noise wave - Ona de soroll blanc - - - User defined wave - Ona arbitrària - - - Smooth - Suavitza - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Pica aquí per a suavitzar la forma d'ona. - - - Normalize - Normalitza - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Pica aquí per a normalitzar la forma d'ona. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. + + + White noise - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. + + + User-defined wave - Use white-noise for current oscillator. + + + Smooth waveform - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. + + + Normalize waveform - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width + Voice %1 attack + Voice %1 decay + Voice %1 sustain + Voice %1 release + Voice %1 coarse detuning + Voice %1 wave shape + Voice %1 sync + Voice %1 ring modulate + Voice %1 filtered + Voice %1 test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT + Input gain: + OUTPUT + Output gain: - Reset waveform - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - - - - Smooth waveform - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Clip input - Clip input signal to 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain + Output gain - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/cs.ts b/data/locale/cs.ts index 6e2435a4d65..0ed175022be 100644 --- a/data/locale/cs.ts +++ b/data/locale/cs.ts @@ -2,69 +2,68 @@ AboutDialog - + About LMMS O LMMS - + LMMS LMMS - - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Verze %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Verze %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - + About O LMMS - - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS – snadné vytváření hudby pro každého + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS – snadné vytváření hudby pro každého. - - Copyright © %1 - Copyright © %1 + + Copyright © %1. + Autorská práva © %1. - - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - + Authors Autoři - + Involved Spolupracovníci - + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Přispěvatelé řazení podle počtu příspěvků: - + Translation Překlad - + Current language not translated (or native English). - If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Chcete-li vylepšit stávající překlad, Vaše pomoc bude vítána! Stačí jen kontaktovat vývojáře! + Máte-li chuť překládat LMMS do jiného jazyka nebo chcete-li vylepšit stávající překlad, Vaše pomoc bude vítána. Stačí jen kontaktovat správce! - + License Licence @@ -151,106 +150,60 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioFileProcessorView - - Open other sample - Otevřít jiný sampl - - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Klepnutím sem můžete otevřít jiný audio soubor. Zobrazí se dialog, pomocí kterého si soubor můžete vybrat. Nastavení smyčky, počátečního a koncového bodu, zesílení apod. zůstanou nezměněná, takže to nemusí znít jako původní sampl. + + Open sample + Načíst sampl - + Reverse sample Přehrávat pozpátku - - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Zapnete-li toto tlačítko, celý sampl bude přehráván pozpátku. Tato volba je užitečná pro zajímavé efekty jako např. pozpátku přehraná srážka. - - - + Disable loop Vypnout smyčku - - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Toto tlačítko vypne smyčku. Sampl bude přehrán jen jednou od začátku do konce. - - - - + Enable loop Zapnout smyčku - - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Toto tlačítko zapne smyčku směrem dopředu. Vzorek se bude vracet z koncového bodu na začátek. - - - - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Toto tlačítko zapne smyčku typu ping-pong. Vzorek bude přehráván dopředu a zpět mezi koncovým bodem a začátkem smyčky. + + Enable ping-pong loop + Zapnout ping-pongovou smyčku - + Continue sample playback across notes Pokračovat v přehrávání samplu přes znějící tóny - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Povolení této možnosti způsobí, že se sampl bude přehrávat přes různé tóny – když změníte výšku tónu nebo když tón skončí před koncem samplu, bude další přehrávaný tón pokračovat tam, kde přestal. Pro obnovení přehrávání od začátku samplu vložte tón do spodní části klávesnice (< 20 Hz) - - - + Amplify: Zesílení: - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete nastavit poměr zesílení. Pokud nastavíte hodnotu 100%, sampl se nezmění. Jinak se zesílí nebo ztiší (váš stávající soubor samplu tím nebude nijak ovlivněn!) - - - - Startpoint: - Začátek samplu: - - - - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete nastavit bod, od kterého bude AudioFileProcessor přehrávat váš sampl. - - - - Endpoint: - Konec samplu: + + Start point: + Počáteční bod: - - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete nastavit bod, ve kterém AudioFileProcessor zastaví přehrávání vašeho samplu. + + End point: + Koncový bod: - + Loopback point: Začátek smyčky: - - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete nastavit bod, kterým začíná smyčka. - AudioFileProcessorWaveView - + Sample length: Délka samplu: @@ -258,163 +211,168 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioJack - + JACK client restarted Klient JACK je restartován - + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS bylo z nějakého důvodu shozeno JACKem. Proto byl ovladač JACK v LMMS restartován. Musíte znovu provést ruční připojení. - + JACK server down JACK server byl zastaven - + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. Vypnutí a nové spuštění serveru JACK se nezdařilo. LMMS proto nemůže pokračovat. Uložte svůj projekt a restartujte JACK i LMMS. - - CLIENT-NAME - JMÉNO-KLIENTA + + Client name + Jméno klienta - - CHANNELS - KANÁLY + + Channels + Kanály - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - ZAŘÍZENÍ + Device + Zařízení - CHANNELS - KANÁLY + Channels + Kanály AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - - BACKEND - OVLADAČ + + Backend + Backend - - DEVICE - ZAŘÍZENÍ + + Device + Zařízení - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - ZAŘÍZENÍ + Device + Zařízení - CHANNELS - KANÁLY + Channels + Kanály AudioSdl::setupWidget - - DEVICE - ZAŘÍZENÍ + + Device + Zařízení - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - ZAŘÍZENÍ + Device + Zařízení - CHANNELS - KANÁLY + Channels + Kanály AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - - BACKEND - OVLADAČ + + Backend + Backend - - DEVICE - ZAŘÍZENÍ + + Device + Zařízení AutomatableModel - + &Reset (%1%2) &Resetovat hodnoty (%1%2) - + &Copy value (%1%2) &Kopírovat hodnoty (%1%2) - + &Paste value (%1%2) &Vložit hodnoty (%1%2) - + + &Paste value + &Vložit hodnoty + + + Edit song-global automation Upravit hlavní automatizaci skladby - + Remove song-global automation Odebrat hlavní automatizaci skladby - + Remove all linked controls Odebrat všechny propojené ovládací prvky - + Connected to %1 Připojeno k %1 - + Connected to controller Připojeno k ovladači - + Edit connection... Upravit připojení... - + Remove connection Odebrat připojení - + Connect to controller... Připojit k ovladači... @@ -422,385 +380,300 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AutomationEditor - - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Otevřete prosím automatizační záznam pomocí kontextové nabídky ovládání! + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + - - Values copied - Hodnoty zkopírovány + + New inValue + - - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Všechny označené hodnoty byly zkopírovány do schránky. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Otevřete prosím automatizační záznam pomocí kontextové nabídky ovládání! AutomationEditorWindow - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) Přehrát/Pozastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu (mezerník) - - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete přehrát aktuální záznam. To je užitečné při editaci. Záznam je automaticky přehráván ve smyčce. - - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) Zastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu (mezerník) - - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete zastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu. - - - + Edit actions Akce úprav - + Draw mode (Shift+D) Režim kreslení (Shift+D) - + Erase mode (Shift+E) Režim mazání (Shift+E) - + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically Převrátit vertikálně - + Flip horizontally Převrátit horizontálně - - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete převrátit záznam. Body budou převráceny v ose y. - - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete převrátit záznam. Body budou převráceny v ose x. - - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete aktivovat režim kreslení. V tomto výchozím a nejčastěji užívaném režimu lze přidávat a přesunovat jednotlivé hodnoty. Pro aktivaci můžete využít též klávesové zkratky "Shift+D". - - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete aktivovat režim mazání. V tomto režimu lze mazat jednotlivé hodnoty. Pro aktivaci můžete využít též klávesové zkratky "Shift+E". - - - + Interpolation controls Ovládání interpolace - + Discrete progression Terasovitý průběh - + Linear progression Lineární průběh - + Cubic Hermite progression Křivkovitý průběh - + Tension value for spline Hodnota napětí pro křivku - - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Vyšší hodnota napětí vytvoří hladší křivku, ale více se vzdálí od zadaných hodnot. Nižší hodnota napětí upřednostní výchozí sklon křivky v každém kontrolním bodě. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Klepnutím sem vyberete terasovitý vývoj pro tento automatizační záznam. Hodnota připojeného objektu zůstane neměnná mezi ovládacími body a okamžitě bude nastavena na novou hodnotu, když se dosáhne dalšího ovládacího bodu. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Klepnutím sem vyberete lineární vývoj pro tento automatizační záznam. Hodnota připojeného objektu bude mezi ovládacími body měněna přímočaře, aby postupně došlo k dosažení dalšího kontrolního bodu. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Klepnutím sem vyberte vývoj typu cubic hermite pro tento automatizační záznam. Hodnota připojeného objektu se změní po plynulé křivce a hladce přejde do vrchních i spodních bodů. - - - + Tension: Napětí: - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Vyjmout označené hodnoty (%1+X) - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Kopírovat označené hodnoty (%1+C) - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Vložit hodnoty ze schránky (%1+V) - - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete označené hodnoty vyjmout a uložit do schránky. Vložit je pak můžete kdekoliv v libovolném záznamu pomocí tlačítka Vložit. - - - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete označené hodnoty zkopírovat do schránky. Vložit je pak můžete kdekoliv v libovolném záznamu pomocí tlačítka Vložit. + + Zoom controls + Ovládání zvětšení - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Klepnete-li sem, budou hodnoty ze schránky vloženy do prvního viditelného taktu. + + Horizontal zooming + Horizontální zvětšení - - Zoom controls - Ovládání zvětšení + + Vertical zooming + Vertikální zvětšení - + Quantization controls Ovládání kvantizace - + Quantization Kvantizace - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - Kvantizace. Nastaví nejmenší velikost kroku pro body automatizace. Ve výchozím stavu také nastaví délku a vymazává další body v rozsahu. Stisknutím <Ctrl> zrušíte toto chování. - - - - - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip Editor automatizace – žádný záznam - - + + Automation Editor - %1 Editor automatizace – %1 - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Model je již k tomuto záznamu připojen. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip - + Drag a control while pressing <%1> Ovládací prvek táhni při stisknutém <%1> - AutomationPatternView - - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - dvojklikem otevřít tento pattern v Editoru automatizace - + AutomationClipView - + Open in Automation editor Otevřít v Editoru automatizace - + Clear Vyčistit - + Reset name Obnovit výchozí jméno - + Change name Změnit jméno - + Set/clear record Zapnout/Vypnout záznam - + Flip Vertically (Visible) Převrátit vertikálně (viditelné) - + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Převrátit horizontálně (viditelné) - + %1 Connections %1 Připojení - + Disconnect "%1" Odpojit "%1" - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Model je již k tomuto záznamu připojen. AutomationTrack - + Automation track Stopa automatizace - BBEditor + PatternEditor - + Beat+Bassline Editor Editor bicích/basů - + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) Přehrát/Pozastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu bicích/basů (mezerník) - + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) Zastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu bicích/basů (mezerník) - - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete přehrát aktuální záznam bicích/basů. Bicí/basy jsou automaticky přehrávány ve smyčce. - - - - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete zastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu bicích/basů. - - - + Beat selector Výběr rytmu - + Track and step actions Akce stopy a kroků - + Add beat/bassline Přidat bicí/basy - + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + Add sample-track Přidat stopu samplů - + Add automation-track Přidat stopu automatizace - + Remove steps Odstranit kroky - + Add steps Přidat kroky - + Clone Steps Klonovat kroky - BBTCOView + PatternClipView - + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor Otevřít v editoru bicích/basů - + Reset name Resetovat jméno - + Change name Změnit jméno - - - Change color - Změnit barvu - - - - Reset color to default - Obnovit výchozí barvy - - BBTrack + PatternTrack - + Beat/Bassline %1 Bicí/basy %1 - + Clone of %1 Klon z %1 @@ -876,7 +749,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Input Gain: + Input gain: Zesílení vstupu: @@ -886,12 +759,12 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Input Noise: + Input noise: Vstup šumu: - Output Gain: + Output gain: Zesílení výstupu: @@ -901,6577 +774,10538 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Output Clip: + Output clip: Oříznutí výstupu: - - Rate Enabled + + Rate enabled Frekvence zapnuta - - Enable samplerate-crushing + + Enable sample-rate crushing Zapnout drtič vzorkovací frekvence - - Depth Enabled + + Depth enabled Hloubka zapnuta - - Enable bitdepth-crushing + + Enable bit-depth crushing Zapnout drtič bitové hloubky - + FREQ FREKV - + Sample rate: Vzorkovací frekvence: - + STEREO STEREO - + Stereo difference: Stereo rozdíl: - + QUANT KVANT - + Levels: Úrovně: - CaptionMenu - - - &Help - &Nápověda - - - - Help (not available) - Nápověda (nedostupná) - - - - CarlaInstrumentView - - - Show GUI - Ukázar grafické rozhraní - - - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Klepněte sem pro zobrazení nebo skrytí grafického uživatelského rozhraní (GUI) Carla. - - - - Controller + BitcrushControls - - Controller %1 - Ovladač %1 + + Input gain + Zesílení vstupu - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - - Connection Settings - Nastavení připojení + + Input noise + Vstup šumu - - MIDI CONTROLLER - MIDI OVLADAČ + + Output gain + Zesílení výstupu - - Input channel - Vstupní kanál + + Output clip + Oříznutí výstupu - - CHANNEL - KANÁL + + Sample rate + Vzorkovací frekvence - - Input controller - Vstupní ovladač + + Stereo difference + Stereo rozdíl - - CONTROLLER - OVLADAČ + + Levels + Úrovně - - - Auto Detect - Autodetekce + + Rate enabled + Frekvence zapnuta - - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - MIDI zařízení k přijmu MIDI události + + Depth enabled + Hloubka zapnuta + + + CarlaAboutW - - USER CONTROLLER - UŽIVATELSKÝ OVLADAČ + + About Carla + - - MAPPING FUNCTION - MAPOVACÍ FUNKCE + + About + O LMMS - - OK - OK + + About text here + - - Cancel - Zrušit + + Extended licensing here + - - LMMS - LMMS + + Artwork + - - Cycle Detected. - Zjištěno zacyklení. + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - - - ControllerRackView - - Controller Rack - Ovladače + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - - Add - Přidat + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - - Confirm Delete - Potvrdit smazání + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Opravdu smazat? Je (jsou) zde propojení na tento ovladač. Nebude možné vrátit se zpět. + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - - - ControllerView - - Controls - Ovládací prvky + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Kontroléry jsou schopny automatizovat nastavení otočných ovladačů, táhel a dalších řídicích prvků. + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - - Rename controller - Přejmenovat ovladač + + Features + - - Enter the new name for this controller - Vložte nové jméno pro tento ovladač + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - LFO - LFO + + LADSPA: + - - &Remove this controller - Odst&ranit tento ovladač + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - - Re&name this controller - Přejme&novat tento ovladač + + VST2: + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - - Band 1/2 Crossover: - Přechod mezi pásmy 1/2: + + DSSI: + - - Band 2/3 Crossover: - Přechod mezi pásmy 2/3: + + LV2: + - - Band 3/4 Crossover: - Přechod mezi pásmy 3/4: + + VST3: + - - Band 1 Gain: - Zesílení pásma 1: + + OSC + - - Band 2 Gain: - Zesílení pásma 2: + + Host URLs: + - - Band 3 Gain: - Zesílení pásma 3: + + Valid commands: + - - Band 4 Gain: - Zesílení pásma 4: + + valid osc commands here + - - Band 1 Mute - Ztlumení pásma 1 + + Example: + - - Mute Band 1 - Ztlumit pásmo 1 + + License + Licence - - Band 2 Mute - Ztlumení pásma 2 - - - - Mute Band 2 - Ztlumit pásmo 2 + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - - Band 3 Mute - Ztlumení pásma 3 + + OSC Bridge Version + - - Mute Band 3 - Ztlumit pásmo 3 + + Plugin Version + - - Band 4 Mute - Ztlumení pásma 4 + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + - - Mute Band 4 - Ztlumit pásmo 4 + + + (Engine not running) + - - - DelayControls - - Delay Samples - Zpoždění vzorků + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + - - Feedback - Zpětná vazba + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - - Lfo Frequency - Frekvence LFO + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - - Lfo Amount - Hloubka LFO + + + + Using Juce host + - - Output gain - Zesílení výstupu + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + - DelayControlsDialog + CarlaHostW - - DELAY - ZPOŽ + + MainWindow + - - Delay Time - Délka zpoždění + + Rack + - - FDBK - ZPVAZ + + Patchbay + - - Feedback Amount - Hloubka zpětné vazby + + Logs + - - RATE - RYCH + + Loading... + - - Lfo - LFO + + Buffer Size: + - - AMNT - MNOŽ + + Sample Rate: + - - Lfo Amt - Hloubka LFO + + ? Xruns + - - Out Gain - Zesílení výstupu + + DSP Load: %p% + - - Gain - Zesílení + + &File + &Soubor - - - DualFilterControlDialog - - - FREQ - FREKV + + &Engine + - - - Cutoff frequency - Frekvence oříznutí + + &Plugin + - - - RESO - REZON + + Macros (all plugins) + - - - Resonance - Rezonance + + &Canvas + - - - GAIN - ZESIL + + Zoom + - - - Gain - Zesílení + + &Settings + - - MIX - POMĚR + + &Help + &Nápověda - - Mix - Poměr + + toolBar + - - Filter 1 enabled - Filtr 1 zapnutý + + Disk + - - Filter 2 enabled - Filtr 2 zapnutý + + + Home + Domů - - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Klepněte pro zapnutí/vypnutí filtru 1 + + Transport + - - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Klepněte pro zapnutí/vypnutí filtru 2 + + Playback Controls + - - - DualFilterControls - - Filter 1 enabled - Filtr 1 zapnutý + + Time Information + - - Filter 1 type - Typ filtru 1 + + Frame: + - - Cutoff 1 frequency - Frekvence oříznutí 1 + + 000'000'000 + - - Q/Resonance 1 - Q/rezonance 1 + + Time: + Délka: - - Gain 1 - Zesílení 1 + + 00:00:00 + - - Mix - Mix + + BBT: + - - Filter 2 enabled - Filtr 1 zapnutý + + 000|00|0000 + - - Filter 2 type - Typ filtru 2 + + Settings + Nastavení - - Cutoff 2 frequency - Frekvence oříznutí 2 + + BPM + - - Q/Resonance 2 - Q/rezonance 2 + + Use JACK Transport + - - Gain 2 - Zesílení 2 + + Use Ableton Link + - - - LowPass - Dolní propust + + &New + &Nový - - - HiPass - Horní propust + + Ctrl+N + - - - BandPass csg - Pásmová propust csg + + &Open... + &Otevřít... - - - BandPass czpg - Pásmová propust czpg + + + Open... + - - - Notch - Pásmová zádrž + + Ctrl+O + - - - Allpass - Všepásmový filtr + + &Save + &Uložit - - - Moog - Moogův filtr + + Ctrl+S + - - - 2x LowPass - 2x dolní propust - + + Save &As... + Uložit &jako... + - - - RC LowPass 12dB - RC dolní propust 12dB + + + Save As... + - - - RC BandPass 12dB - RC pásmová propust 12dB + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - - - RC HighPass 12dB - RC horní propust 12dB + + &Quit + &Ukončit - - - RC LowPass 24dB - RC dolní propust 24dB + + Ctrl+Q + - - - RC BandPass 24dB - RC pásmová propust 24dB + + &Start + - - - RC HighPass 24dB - RC horní propust 24dB + + F5 + - - - Vocal Formant Filter - Vokální formantový filtr + + St&op + - - - 2x Moog - 2x Moogův filtr + + F6 + - - - SV LowPass - SV dolní propust + + &Add Plugin... + - - - SV BandPass - SV pásmová propust + + Ctrl+A + - - - SV HighPass - SV horní propust + + &Remove All + - - - SV Notch - SV pásmová zádrž + + Enable + - - - Fast Formant - Rychlý formantový filtr + + Disable + - - - Tripole - Třípólový filtr + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - - - Editor - - Transport controls - Řízení přenosu + + 100% Wet + - - Play (Space) - Přehrát (mezerník) + + 0% Volume (Mute) + - - Stop (Space) - Zastavit (mezerník) + + 100% Volume + - - Record - Nahrávat + + Center Balance + - - Record while playing - Nahrávat při přehrávání + + &Play + - - - Effect - - Effect enabled - Efekt aktivován + + Ctrl+Shift+P + - - Wet/Dry mix - Poměr zpracovaného/původního signálu + + &Stop + - - Gate - Brána + + Ctrl+Shift+X + - - Decay - Pokles + + &Backwards + - - - EffectChain - - Effects enabled - Efekty aktivovány + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - - - EffectRackView - - EFFECTS CHAIN - ŘETĚZ EFEKTŮ + + &Forwards + - - Add effect - Přidat efekt + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - - - EffectSelectDialog - - Add effect - Přidat efekt + + &Arrange + - - - Name - Název + + Ctrl+G + - - Type - Typ + + + &Refresh + - - Description - Popis + + Ctrl+R + - - Author - Autor + + Save &Image... + - - - EffectView - - Toggles the effect on or off. - Zapnout nebo vypnout efekty. + + Auto-Fit + - - On/Off - Zap/Vyp + + Zoom In + Přiblížit - - W/D - POM + + Ctrl++ + Ctrl++ - - Wet Level: - Úroveň zpracovaného signálu: + + Zoom Out + Oddálit - - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - Otočný ovladač Poměr nastavuje poměr mezi vstupním signálem a signálem efektu, který formuje výstup. + + Ctrl+- + Ctrl+- - - DECAY - POKLES + + Zoom 100% + - - Time: - Délka: + + Ctrl+1 + - - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - Otočný ovladač Útlum nastavuje, kolik bufferů ticha musí proběhnout před tím, než plugin přestane zpracovávat. Menší hodnoty zredukují přetížení CPU, ale mohou způsobit oříznutí na konci zpožďovacích a dozvukových efektů. + + Show &Toolbar + - - GATE - BRÁ + + &Configure Carla + - - Gate: - Brána: + + &About + - - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - Otočný ovladač Brána určuje sílu signálu, který je považován za "ticho" při rozhodování, kdy skončit se zpracováním signálů. + + About &JUCE + - - Controls - Ovladače + + About &Qt + - - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - Efektové pluginy fungují jako zřetězená série efektů, kde signál bude postupně zpracováván shora dolů. - -Přepínač Zapnuto/Vypnuto vám umožní v libovolném časovém okamžiku daný plugin odpojit. - -Otočný ovladač Poměr řídí vyvážení mezi vstupním a již zpracovaným signálem ve výsledném výstupu efektu. Vstup je v této fázi shodný s výstupem předchozího efektu. Takže když je Poměr nastaven na nízkou hodnotu, obsahuje signál všechny předchozí efekty. - -Otočný ovladač Útlum určuje, jak dlouho bude zpracovávání signálu pokračovat po skončení noty. Efekt přestane zpracovávat signál, když hlasitost klesne pod hodnotu daného prahu v daném časovém úseku. Tento ovladač nastavuje právě "daný časový úsek". Delší časy vyžadují více výkonu procesoru, takže pro většinu efektů by měla být nastavena nízká hodnota. Naopak je potřeba nastavit vyšší hodnotu pro efekty, které vytvářejí delší úseky ticha, jako je např. echo (delay). -Otočný ovladač Brána určuje "daný práh" pro automatické ukončení efektu. - -Počítání délky "daného časového úseku" začíná bezprostředně poté, co úroveň zpracovávaného signálu poklesne pod úroveň určenou tímto ovladačem. - -Tlačítko Ovladače otevře dialogové okno pro úpravu parametrů efektu. - -Klepnutí pravým tlačítkem myši vyvolá kontextovou nabídku, kde můžete měnit pořadí, ve kterém budou efekty zpracovávány, nebo můžete efekt úplně odstranit. + + Show Canvas &Meters + - - Move &up - Posunout &nahoru + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - - Move &down - Posunout &dolů + + Show Internal + - - &Remove this plugin - &Odstranit tento plugin + + Show External + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - - Predelay - Předzpoždění + + Show Time Panel + - - Attack - Náběh + + Show &Side Panel + - - Hold - Držení + + &Connect... + - - Decay - Útlum + + Compact Slots + - - Sustain - Vydržení + + Expand Slots + - - Release - Doznění + + Perform secret 1 + - - Modulation - Modulace + + Perform secret 2 + - - LFO Predelay - Předzpoždění LFO + + Perform secret 3 + - - LFO Attack - Náběh LFO + + Perform secret 4 + - - LFO speed - Rychlost LFO + + Perform secret 5 + - - LFO Modulation - Modulace LFO + + Add &JACK Application... + - - LFO Wave Shape - Tvar vlny LFO + + &Configure driver... + - - Freq x 100 - Frekvence x 100 + + Panic + - - Modulate Env-Amount - Hloubka modulace + + Open custom driver panel... + - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaHostWindow - - - DEL - PŘED + + Export as... + - - Predelay: - Předzpoždění: + + + + + Error + Chyba - - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje předzpoždění (predelay) aktuální obálky. Zvýšením hodnoty se prodlouží čas před začátkem obálky. + + Failed to load project + - - - ATT - NÁB + + Failed to save project + - - Attack: - Náběh: + + Quit + - - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje náběh (attack) u aktuální obálky. Zvýšením hodnoty se prodlouží délka náběhu obálky. Zvolte nižší hodnotu pro nástroje typu piano a vyšší pro smyčce. + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - - HOLD - DRŽ + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - - Hold: - Držení: + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje délku držení (hold) u aktuální obálky. Zvýšením hodnoty se prodlouží část obálky, která zůstává na úrovni náběhu (attack) ještě před začátkem útlumu (decay) na úroveň vydržení (sustain). + + Warning + - - DEC - ÚTL + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + CarlaInstrumentView - - Decay: - Útlum: + + Show GUI + Ukázat grafické rozhraní + + + CarlaSettingsW - - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje délku útlumu (decay) u aktuální obálky. Zvýšením hodnoty se prodlouží část obálky, potřebná k zeslabení z úrovně náběhu (attack) na úroveň vydržení (sustain). Zvolte nižší hodnotu pro nástroje typu piano. + + Settings + Nastavení - - SUST - VYD + + main + - - Sustain: - Držení: + + canvas + - - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje vydržení (sustain) u aktuální obálky. Zvýšením hodnoty se navýší úroveň, na které obálka zůstává před poklesem na nulu. + + engine + - - REL - UVOL + + osc + - - Release: - Uvolnění: + + file-paths + - - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje délku uvolnění (release) u aktuální obálky. Zvýšením hodnoty se prodlouží část obálky, potřebná k zeslabení z úrovně vydržení (sustain) na nulovou úroveň. Zvolte vyšší hodnotu pro nástroje s měkkým zvukem, jako např. smyčce. + + plugin-paths + - - - AMT - MOD + + wine + - - - Modulation amount: - Hloubka modulace: + + experimental + - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje hloubku modulace u aktuální obálky. Zvýšení této hodnoty v závislosti na velikosti (např. hlasitosti nebo frekvence odstřihnutí) způsobí větší ovlivnění touto obálkou. + + Widget + - - LFO predelay: - Předzpoždění LFO: + + + Main + - - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje délku předzpoždění (predelay) aktuálního LFO. Zvýšením hodnoty se prodlouží čas před spuštěním kmitání LFO. + + + Canvas + - - LFO- attack: - Náběh LFO: + + + Engine + - - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje délku náběhu (attack) u aktuálního LFO. Zvýšením hodnoty se prodlouží čas potřebný pro zvýšení amplitudy LFO na maximum. + + File Paths + - - SPD - RYCH + + Plugin Paths + - - LFO speed: - Rychlost LFO: + + Wine + - - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje rychlost u aktuálního LFO. Zvýšením hodnoty se zrychlí kmitání LFO a průběh vašeho efektu. + + + Experimental + - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje hloubku modulace u aktuálního LFO. Zvýšení hodnoty v závislosti na velikosti (např. hlasitosti nebo frekvence odstřihnutí) způsobí větší ovlivnění tímto LFO. + + <b>Main</b> + - - Click here for a sine-wave. - Klepněte sem pro sinusovou vlnu. + + Paths + Cesty - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klepněte sem pro trojúhelníkovou vlnu. + + Default project folder: + - - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Klepněte sem pro pilovitou vlnu. + + Interface + - - Click here for a square-wave. - Klepněte sem pro pravoúhlou vlnu. + + Interface refresh interval: + - - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Klepněte sem pro vlastní vlnu. Poté přetáhněte zvolený soubor samplu do grafického okna LFO. + + + ms + - - Click here for random wave. - Klepněte sem pro náhodnou vlnu. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - - FREQ x 100 - FREKVENCE x 100 + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Klepněte sem, pokud má být frekvence LFO vynásobena x100. + + + Theme + - - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - vynásobit frekvenci LFO x100 + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - MODULOVAT OBÁLKU + + Color scheme: + - - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Klepněte sem, pokud má být množství obálky řízeno tímto LFO. + + Black + - - control envelope-amount by this LFO - řízení množství obálky tímto LFO + + System + - - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + Enable experimental features + - - Hint - Rada + + <b>Canvas</b> + - - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Sampl odněkud přetáhněte a pusťte jej v tomto okně. + + Bezier Lines + - - - EqControls - - Input gain - Zesílení vstupu + + Theme: + - - Output gain - Zesílení výstupu + + Size: + Velikost: - - Low shelf gain - Zesílení dolního šelfu + + 775x600 + - - Peak 1 gain - Zesílení špičky 1 + + 1550x1200 + - - Peak 2 gain - Zesílení špičky 2 + + 3100x2400 + - - Peak 3 gain - Zesílení špičky 3 + + 4650x3600 + - - Peak 4 gain - Zesílení špičky 4 + + 6200x4800 + - - High Shelf gain - Zesílení horního šelfu + + Options + - - HP res - Rezonance horní propusti + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - - Low Shelf res - Rezonance dolního šelfu + + Auto-select items on hover + - - Peak 1 BW - Šířka pásma špičky 1 + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - - Peak 2 BW - Šířka pásma špičky 2 + + Render Hints + - - Peak 3 BW - Šířka pásma špičky 3 + + Anti-Aliasing + - - Peak 4 BW - Šířka pásma špičky 4 + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - - High Shelf res - Rezonance horního šelfu + + <b>Engine</b> + - - LP res - Rezonance dolní propusti + + + Core + - - HP freq - Frekvence horní propusti + + Single Client + - - Low Shelf freq - Frekvence dolního šelfu + + Multiple Clients + - - Peak 1 freq - Frekvence špičky 1 + + + Continuous Rack + - - Peak 2 freq - Frekvence špičky 2 + + + Patchbay + - - Peak 3 freq - Frekvence špičky 3 + + Audio driver: + - - Peak 4 freq - Frekvence špičky 3 + + Process mode: + - - High shelf freq - Frekvence špičky 4 + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + - - LP freq - Frekvence dolní propusti + + Max Parameters: + - - HP active - Horní propust aktivní + + ... + - - Low shelf active - Dolní šelf aktivní + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + - - Peak 1 active - Špička 1 aktivní + + Plugin UIs + - - Peak 2 active - Špička 2 aktivní + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + - - Peak 3 active - Špička 3 aktivní + + UI Bridge Timeout: + - - Peak 4 active - Špička 4 aktivní + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + - - High shelf active - Horní šelf aktivní + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + - - LP active - Dolní propust aktivní + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + - - LP 12 - DP 12 + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + - - LP 24 - DP 24 + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + - - LP 48 - DP 48 + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + - - HP 12 - HP 12 + + <b>OSC</b> + - - HP 24 - HP 24 + + Enable OSC + - - HP 48 - HP 48 + + Enable TCP port + - - low pass type - typ dolní propusti + + + Use specific port: + - - high pass type - typ horní propusti + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + - - Analyse IN - Analýza VSTUPU + + + Use randomly assigned port + - - Analyse OUT - Analýza VÝSTUPU + + Enable UDP port + - - - EqControlsDialog - - HP - HP + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - - Low Shelf - Dolní šelf + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - - Peak 1 - Špička 1 + + <b>File Paths</b> + - - Peak 2 - Špička 2 + + Audio + Zvuk - - Peak 3 - Špička 3 + + MIDI + MIDI - - Peak 4 - Špička 4 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - - High Shelf - Horní šelf + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - - LP - DP + + + Add... + - - In Gain - Zesílení vstupu + + + Remove + - - - - Gain - Zesílení + + + Change... + - - Out Gain - Zesílení výstupu + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + - - Bandwidth: - Šířka pásma: + + LADSPA + - - Octave - oktávy + + DSSI + - - Resonance : - Rezonance: + + LV2 + - - Frequency: - Frekvence: + + VST2 + - - lp grp - dp skup + + VST3 + - - hp grp - hp skup + + SF2/3 + - - - EqHandle - - Reso: - Rezon: + + SFZ + - - BW: - ŠPás: + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + - - - Freq: - Frekv: + + <b>Wine</b> + - - - ExportProjectDialog - - Export project - Exportovat projekt + + Executable + - - Output - Výstup + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - - File format: - Formát souboru: + + Prefix + - - Samplerate: - Vzorkovací frekvence: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Fallback: + - - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + - - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Realtime Priority + - - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Base priority: + - - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + WineServer priority: + - - Depth: - Hloubka: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - - 16 Bit Integer - 16 bitů celočíselně + + <b>Experimental</b> + - - 24 Bit Integer - 24 bitů celočíselně + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - - 32 Bit Float - 32 bitů s plovoucí čárkou + + Enable plugin bridges + - - Stereo mode: - Režim stereo: + + Enable Wine bridges + - - Stereo - Stereo + + Enable jack applications + - - Joint Stereo - Joint stereo + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - - Mono - Mono + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - - Bitrate: - Datový tok: + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - - 64 KBit/s - 64 kbit/s + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - - 128 KBit/s - 128 kbit/s + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - - 160 KBit/s - 160 kbit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - - 192 KBit/s - 192 kbit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - - 256 KBit/s - 256 kbit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - - 320 KBit/s - 320 kbit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - - Use variable bitrate - Použít proměnlivý datový tok + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - - Quality settings - Nastavení kvality + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - - Interpolation: - Interpolace: + + + + + Add Path + + + + CompressorControlDialog - - Zero Order Hold - Zero-order hold + + Threshold: + - - Sinc Fastest - Sinc nejrychlejší + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Sinc střední (doporučeno) + + Ratio: + Poměr: - - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Sinc nejlepší (velmi pomalé!) + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - - Oversampling (use with care!): - Převzorkování (používejte opatrně!): + + Attack: + Náběh: - - 1x (None) - 1x (žádné) + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - - 2x - 2x + + Release: + Doznění: - - 4x - 4x + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - - 8x - 8x + + Knee: + - - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Exportovat jako smyčku (odstranění ticha na konci) + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - - Export between loop markers - Exportovat obsah smyčky + + Range: + - - Start - Začít + + Maximum gain reduction + - - Cancel - Zrušit + + Lookahead Length: + - - Could not open file - Nemohu otevřít soubor + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Nelze otevřít soubor %1 pro zápis. -Ověřte si prosím, zda máte povolen zápis do souboru a do složky, ve které je umístěn, a zkuste znovu! + + Hold: + Zadržení: - - Export project to %1 - Exportovat projekt do %1 + + Delay between attack and release stages + - - Error - Chyba + + RMS Size: + - - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Chyba při zjišťování souboru enkodéru. Zkuste prosím vybrat jiný výstupní formát. + + Size of the RMS buffer + - - Rendering: %1% - Renderuji: %1% + + Input Balance: + - Compression level: - Úroveň komprese: + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - (fastest) - (nejrychlejší) + + Output Balance: + - (default) - (výchozí) + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - (smallest) - (nejmenší) + + Stereo Balance: + - - - Expressive - Selected graph - Zvolený graf + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - A1 - A1 + + Stereo Link Blend: + - A2 - A2 + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + - A3 - A3 + + Tilt Gain: + - W1 smoothing - W1 vyhlazování + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + - W2 smoothing - W2 vyhlazování + + Tilt Frequency: + - W3 smoothing - W3 vyhlazování + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + - PAN1 - PAN1 + + Mix: + - PAN2 - PAN2 + + Balance between wet and dry signals + - REL TRANS + + Auto Attack: - - - Fader - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Vložte prosím novou hodnotu mezi %1 a %2: + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + - - - FileBrowser - - Browser - Prohlížeč + + Auto Release: + - Search - Hledat + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + - Refresh list - Obnovit seznam + + Output gain + Zesílení výstupu - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - - Send to active instrument-track - Odeslat do aktivní stopy nástroje + + + Gain + Zesílení - - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - Otevřít v nové nástrojové stopě / Editoru skladby + + Output volume + - - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - Otevřít v nové nástrojové stopě / editoru bicich/basů + + Input gain + Zesílení vstupu - - Loading sample - Načítám vzorek + + Input volume + - - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Počkejte prosím, načítám vzorek pro náhled... + + Root Mean Square + - - Error - Chyba + + Use RMS of the input + - - does not appear to be a valid - nevypadá, že je platný + + Peak + - - file - soubor + + Use absolute value of the input + - - --- Factory files --- - --- Tovární soubory --- + + Left/Right + - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - - - FlangerControls - - Delay Samples - Zpoždění vzorků + + Compress left and right audio + - - Lfo Frequency - Frekvence LFO + + Mid/Side + - - Seconds - Sekund + + Compress mid and side audio + - - Regen - Obnov + + Compressor + - - Noise - Šum + + Compress the audio + - - Invert - Převrátit + + Limiter + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - - DELAY - ZPOŽ + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - - Delay Time: - Délka zpoždění: + + Unlinked + - - RATE - POMĚR + + Compress each channel separately + - - Period: - Perioda: + + Maximum + - - AMNT - MNOŽ + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - - Amount: - Množství: + + Average + - - FDBK - ZP. VAZ + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - - Feedback Amount: - Velikost zpětné vazby: + + Minimum + - - NOISE - ŠUM + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - - White Noise Amount: - Množství bílého šumu: + + Blend + - - Invert - Převrátit + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - - - FxLine - - Channel send amount - Množství odeslaného kanálu + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - Efektový (FX) kanál přijímá vstup z jedné nebo více nástrojových stop. -Ten může být následně směrován do dalších efektových kanálů. LMMS automaticky zabraňuje vzniku nekonečných smyček a nedovoluje provést propojení, které by ke vzniku smyčky mohlo vést. - -Chcete-li směrovat kanál do jiného kanálu, vyberte efektový kanál a klepněte na tlačítko "SEND" v kanálu, který chcete odeslat. Otočný ovladač pod tlačítkem "SEND" určuje množství signálu, které bude do kanálu odesláno. - -Efektové kanály můžete odstranit nebo přesunout v kontextové nabídce, která je dostupná po klepnutí pravým tlačítkem myši na efektový kanál. - + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - - Move &left - Přesunout do&leva + + + Soft Clip + - - Move &right - Přesun dop&rava + + Play the delta signal + - - Rename &channel - Přejmenovat &kanál + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - - R&emove channel - Př&esunout kanál + + Lookahead Enabled + - - Remove &unused channels - Odstranit nepo&užívané kanály + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + - FxMixer + CompressorControls - - Master - Hlavní + + Threshold + - - - - FX %1 - Efekt %1 + + Ratio + Poměr - - Volume - Hlasitost + + Attack + Náběh - - Mute - Ztlumit + + Release + Doznění - - Solo - Sólo + + Knee + - - - FxMixerView - - FX-Mixer - Efektový mixážní panel + + Hold + Držení - - FX Fader %1 - Efektový fader %1 + + Range + - - Mute - Ztlumit + + RMS Size + - - Mute this FX channel - Ztlumit tento efektový kanál + + Mid/Side + - - Solo - Sólo + + Peak Mode + - - Solo FX channel - Sólovat efektový kanál + + Lookahead Length + - - - FxRoute - - - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Množství k odeslání z kanálu %1 do kanálu %2 + + Input Balance + - - - GigInstrument - - Bank - Banka + + Output Balance + - - Patch - Patch + + Limiter + - - Gain - Zisk + + Output Gain + Zesílení výstupu - - - GigInstrumentView - - Open other GIG file - Otevřít jiný GIG soubor + + Input Gain + Vstupní úroveň - - Click here to open another GIG file - Klepněte sem pro otevření jiného GIG souboru + + Blend + - - Choose the patch - Vybrat patch + + Stereo Balance + - - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - Klepněte sem pro změnu patche GIG souboru + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - Změnit přehrávaný nástroj GIG souboru + + Audition + - - Which GIG file is currently being used - Který GIG soubor je právě používán + + Feedback + Zpětná vazba - - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - Který patch GIG souboru je právě používán + + Auto Attack + - - Gain - Zesílení + + Auto Release + - - Factor to multiply samples by - Vynásobit vzorky x + + Lookahead + - - Open GIG file - Otevřít GIG soubor + + Tilt + - - GIG Files (*.gig) - GIG soubory (*.gig) + + Tilt Frequency + - - - GuiApplication - - Working directory - Pracovní adresář + + Stereo Link + - - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - Pracovní adresář LMMS %1 neexistuje. Chcete jej nyní vytvořit? Změnu adresáře mžete provést později v nabídce Úpravy -> Nastavení. + + Mix + Poměr + + + Controller - - Preparing UI - Připravuji UI + + Controller %1 + Ovladač %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - - Preparing song editor - Připravuji editor skladby + + Connection Settings + Nastavení připojení - - Preparing mixer - Připravuji mixážní panel + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI OVLADAČ - - Preparing controller rack - Připravuji panel ovladačů + + Input channel + Vstupní kanál - - Preparing project notes - Připravuji poznámky k projektu + + CHANNEL + KANÁL - - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Připravuji editor bicích/basů + + Input controller + Vstupní ovladač - - Preparing piano roll - Připravuji Piano roll + + CONTROLLER + OVLADAČ - - Preparing automation editor - Připravuji Editor automatizace + + + Auto Detect + Autodetekce - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - - Arpeggio - Arpeggio + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + MIDI zařízení k přijmu MIDI události - - Arpeggio type - Typ arpeggia + + USER CONTROLLER + UŽIVATELSKÝ OVLADAČ - - Arpeggio range - Rozsah arpeggia + + MAPPING FUNCTION + MAPOVACÍ FUNKCE - - Cycle steps - Počet kroků v cyklu + + OK + OK - - Skip rate - Míra vynechávání + + Cancel + Zrušit - - Miss rate - Míra míjení + + LMMS + LMMS - - Arpeggio time - Trvání arpeggia + + Cycle Detected. + Zjištěno zacyklení. + + + ControllerRackView - - Arpeggio gate - Brána arpeggia + + Controller Rack + Ovladače - - Arpeggio direction - Směr arpeggia - - - - Arpeggio mode - Styl arpeggia + + Add + Přidat - - Up - Nahoru + + Confirm Delete + Potvrdit smazání - - Down - Dolů + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Opravdu smazat? Je (jsou) zde propojení na tento ovladač. Nebude možné vrátit se zpět. + + + ControllerView - - Up and down - Nahoru a dolů + + Controls + Ovládací prvky - - Down and up - Dolů a nahoru + + Rename controller + Přejmenovat ovladač - - Random - Náhodné + + Enter the new name for this controller + Vložte nové jméno pro tento ovladač - - Free - Volné + + LFO + LFO - - Sort - Tříděné + + &Remove this controller + Odst&ranit tento ovladač - - Sync - Synchronizované + + Re&name this controller + Přejme&novat tento ovladač - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + CrossoverEQControlDialog - - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGGIO + + Band 1/2 crossover: + Přechod mezi pásmy 1/2: - - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - Arpeggio je způsob hry (zejména na drnkací nástroje), který činí hudbu mnohem živější. Struny těchto nástrojů (např. harfy) jsou rozezněny jako v akordech. Jediným rozdílem je, že se tak stane sekvenčně, takže tóny nejsou zahrány ve stejnou dobu. Typickým arpeggiem jsou durové a mollové trojzvuky, ale možných dalších akordů, které si můžete vybrat, je spousta. + + Band 2/3 crossover: + Přechod mezi pásmy 2/3: - - RANGE - ROZSAH + + Band 3/4 crossover: + Přechod mezi pásmy 3/4: - - Arpeggio range: - Rozsah arpeggia: + + Band 1 gain + Zesílení pásma 1 - - octave(s) - oktáva(y) + + Band 1 gain: + Zesílení pásma 1: - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - Tento otočný ovladač použijte pro nastavení rozsahu arpeggia v oktávách. Vybrané arpeggio bude zahráno ve zvoleném počtu oktáv. + + Band 2 gain + Zesílení pásma 2 - - CYCLE - CYKL + + Band 2 gain: + Zesílení pásma 2: - - Cycle notes: - Počet not v cyklu: + + Band 3 gain + Zesílení pásma 3 - - note(s) - nota(y) + + Band 3 gain: + Zesílení pásma 3: - - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. - Skočí přes n kroků v arpeggiu a pokud přesáhne rozsah not, zacyklí se zde. Je-li je celkový rozsah not rovnoměrně dělitelný počtem kroků nad rozdah, uvíznete v kratším arpeggiu nebo dokonce na jedné notě. + + Band 4 gain + Zesílení pásma 4 - - SKIP - VYNECH + + Band 4 gain: + Zesílení pásma 4: - - Skip rate: - Míra vynechávání: + + Band 1 mute + Ztlumení pásma 1 - - - - % - % + + Mute band 1 + Ztlumit pásmo 1 - - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - Funkce vynechávání způsobí, že arpeggiator náhodně pozastaví některý krok. Od počáteční pozice, kde nemá žádný efekt, se po směru hodinových ručiček efekt stupňuje až po maximální nastavení, kdy vynechá vše. + + Band 2 mute + Ztlumení pásma 2 - - MISS - MÍJ + + Mute band 2 + Ztlumit pásmo 2 - - Miss rate: - Míra míjení: + + Band 3 mute + Ztlumení pásma 3 - - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - Funkce míjení způsobí, že arpeggiator netrefí dotyčnou notu. + + Mute band 3 + Ztlumit pásmo 3 - - TIME - TRVÁNÍ + + Band 4 mute + Ztlumení pásma 4 - - Arpeggio time: - Trvání arpeggia: + + Mute band 4 + Ztlumit pásmo 4 + + + DelayControls - - ms - ms + + Delay samples + Zpoždění vzorků - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje trvání arpeggia v milisekundách. Trvání arpeggia udává, jak dlouho bude každý tón arpeggia přehráván. + + Feedback + Zpětná vazba - - GATE - BRÁNA + + LFO frequency + Frekvence LFO - - Arpeggio gate: - Brána arpeggia: + + LFO amount + Hloubka LFO - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje bránu arpeggia. Brána arpeggia určuje procento délky jednotlivých arpeggiových tónů, které budou zahrány. Pomocí brány arpeggia můžete udělat skvělé staccatové arpeggio. + + Output gain + Zesílení výstupu + + + DelayControlsDialog - - Chord: - Akord: + + DELAY + ZPOŽ - - Direction: - Směr: + + Delay time + Délka zpoždění - - Mode: - Styl: + + FDBK + ZPVAZ - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - - octave - Oktáva + + Feedback amount + Hloubka zpětné vazby - - - Major - Dur + + RATE + RYCH - - Majb5 - Maj5b + + LFO frequency + Frekvence LFO - - minor - Moll + + AMNT + MNOŽ - - minb5 - m5b + + LFO amount + Hloubka LFO - - sus2 - sus2 + + Out gain + Zesílení výstupu - - sus4 - sus4 + + Gain + Zesílení + + + Dialog - - aug - aug + + Add JACK Application + - - augsus4 - aug sus4 + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - - tri - tri + + Application + - - 6 - 6 + + Name: + - - 6sus4 - 6 sus4 + + Application: + - - 6add9 - 6 add9 + + From template + - - m6 - m6 + + Custom + - - m6add9 - m6 add9 + + Template: + - - 7 - 7 + + Command: + - - 7sus4 - 7 sus4 + + Setup + - - 7#5 - 7/5# + + Session Manager: + - - 7b5 - 7/5b + + None + Žádný - - 7#9 - 7/9# + + Audio inputs: + - - 7b9 - 7/9b + + MIDI inputs: + - - 7#5#9 - 7/5#/9# + + Audio outputs: + - - 7#5b9 - 7/5#/9b + + MIDI outputs: + - - 7b5b9 - 7/5b/9b + + Take control of main application window + - - 7add11 - 7 add11 + + Workarounds + - - 7add13 - 7 add13 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - - 7#11 - 7/11# + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - - Maj7 - Maj7 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - - Maj7b5 - Maj7/5b + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - - Maj7#5 - Maj7/5# + + Error here + - - Maj7#11 - Maj7/11# + + Carla Control - Connect + - - Maj7add13 - Maj7 add13 + + Remote setup + - - m7 - m7 + + UDP Port: + - - m7b5 - m7/5b + + Remote host: + - - m7b9 - m7/9b + + TCP Port: + - - m7add11 - m7 add11 + + Reported host + - - m7add13 - m7 add13 + + Automatic + - - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Custom: + - - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7 add11 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7 add13 + + Set value + Nastavit hodnotu - - 9 - 9 + + TextLabel + - - 9sus4 - 9 sus4 + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - - add9 - add9 + + Driver Settings + - - 9#5 - 9/5# + + Device: + - - 9b5 - 9/5b + + Buffer size: + - - 9#11 - 9/11# + + Sample rate: + Vzorkovací frekvence: - - 9b13 - 9/13b + + Triple buffer + - - Maj9 - Maj9 + + Show Driver Control Panel + - - Maj9sus4 - Maj9 sus4 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + DualFilterControlDialog - - Maj9#5 - Maj9/5# + + + FREQ + FREKV - - Maj9#11 - Maj9/11# + + + Cutoff frequency + Frekvence oříznutí - - m9 - m9 + + + RESO + REZON - - madd9 - m add9 + + + Resonance + Rezonance - - m9b5 - m9/5b + + + GAIN + ZESIL - - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + + Gain + Zesílení - - 11 - 11 + + MIX + POMĚR - - 11b9 - 11/9b + + Mix + Poměr - - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtr 1 zapnutý - - m11 - m11 + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtr 2 zapnutý - - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + Enable/disable filter 1 + Zapnout/vypnout filtr 1 - - 13 - 13 + + Enable/disable filter 2 + Zapnout/vypnout filtr 2 + + + DualFilterControls - - 13#9 - 13/9# + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtr 1 zapnutý - - 13b9 - 13/9b + + Filter 1 type + Typ filtru 1 - - 13b5b9 - 13/9b/5b + + Cutoff frequency 1 + Frekvence oříznutí 1 - - Maj13 - Maj13 + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/rezonance 1 - - m13 - m13 + + Gain 1 + Zesílení 1 - - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + Mix + Mix - - Harmonic minor - Mollová harmonická + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtr 1 zapnutý - - Melodic minor - Mollová melodická + + Filter 2 type + Typ filtru 2 - - Whole tone - Celotónová stupnice + + Cutoff frequency 2 + Frekvence oříznutí 2 - - Diminished - Zmenšená + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/rezonance 2 - - Major pentatonic - Durová pentatonika + + Gain 2 + Zesílení 2 - - Minor pentatonic - Mollová pentatonika + + + Low-pass + Dolní propust - - Jap in sen + + + Hi-pass + Horní propust + + + + + Band-pass csg + Pásmová propust csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + Pásmová propust czpg + + + + + Notch + Pásmová zádrž + + + + + All-pass + All-pass + + + + + Moog + Moogův filtr + + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x dolní propust + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC dolní propust 12 dB/okt + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC pásmová propust 12 dB/okt + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC horní propust 12 dB/okt + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC dolní propust 24 dB/okt + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC pásmová propust 24 dB/okt + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC horní propust 24 dB/okt + + + + + Vocal Formant + Vokální formant + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moogův filtr + + + + + SV Low-pass + SV dolní propust + + + + + SV Band-pass + SV pásmová propust + + + + + SV High-pass + SV horní propust + + + + + SV Notch + SV pásmová zádrž + + + + + Fast Formant + Rychlý formantový filtr + + + + + Tripole + Třípólový filtr + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + Řízení přenosu + + + + Play (Space) + Přehrát (mezerník) + + + + Stop (Space) + Zastavit (mezerník) + + + + Record + Nahrávat + + + + Record while playing + Nahrávat při přehrávání + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + Efekt aktivován + + + + Wet/Dry mix + Poměr zpracovaného/původního signálu + + + + Gate + Brána + + + + Decay + Pokles + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + Efekty aktivovány + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + ŘETĚZ EFEKTŮ + + + + Add effect + Přidat efekt + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + Přidat efekt + + + + + Name + Název + + + + Type + Typ + + + + Description + Popis + + + + Author + Autor + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + Zap/Vyp + + + + W/D + POM + + + + Wet Level: + Úroveň zpracovaného signálu: + + + + DECAY + POKLES + + + + Time: + Délka: + + + + GATE + BRÁ + + + + Gate: + Brána: + + + + Controls + Ovladače + + + + Move &up + Posunout &nahoru + + + + Move &down + Posunout &dolů + + + + &Remove this plugin + &Odstranit tento plugin + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + Obálka předzpoždění + + + + Env attack + Obálka náběh + + + + Env hold + Obálka zadržení + + + + Env decay + Obálka pokles + + + + Env sustain + Obálka držení + + + + Env release + Obálka doznění + + + + Env mod amount + Obálka hloubky modulace + + + + LFO pre-delay + Předzpoždění LFO + + + + LFO attack + Náběh LFO + + + + LFO frequency + Frekvence LFO + + + + LFO mod amount + Hloubka modulace LFO + + + + LFO wave shape + Tvar vlny LFO + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + Frekvence LFO x 100 + + + + Modulate env amount + Modulovat obálku + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + PŘED + + + + + Pre-delay: + Předzpoždění: + + + + + ATT + NÁB + + + + + Attack: + Náběh: + + + + HOLD + ZADR + + + + Hold: + Zadržení: + + + + DEC + POK + + + + Decay: + Pokles: + + + + SUST + DRŽE + + + + Sustain: + Držení: + + + + REL + DOZ + + + + Release: + Doznění: + + + + + AMT + MOD + + + + + Modulation amount: + Hloubka modulace: + + + + SPD + RYCH + + + + Frequency: + Frekvence: + + + + FREQ x 100 + FREKVENCE x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + Vynásobit frekvenci LFO x 100 + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + MODULOVAT OBÁLKU + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + Řízení množství obálky tímto LFO + + + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: + + + + Hint + Rada + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + Přetáhněte sampl do tohoto okna + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + Zesílení vstupu + + + + Output gain + Zesílení výstupu + + + + Low-shelf gain + Zesílení dolního šelfu + + + + Peak 1 gain + Zesílení špičky 1 + + + + Peak 2 gain + Zesílení špičky 2 + + + + Peak 3 gain + Zesílení špičky 3 + + + + Peak 4 gain + Zesílení špičky 4 + + + + High-shelf gain + Zesílení horního šelfu + + + + HP res + Rezonance horní propusti + + + + Low-shelf res + Rezonance dolního šelfu + + + + Peak 1 BW + Šířka pásma špičky 1 + + + + Peak 2 BW + Šířka pásma špičky 2 + + + + Peak 3 BW + Šířka pásma špičky 3 + + + + Peak 4 BW + Šířka pásma špičky 4 + + + + High-shelf res + Rezonance horního šelfu + + + + LP res + Rezonance dolní propusti + + + + HP freq + Frekvence horní propusti + + + + Low-shelf freq + Frekvence dolního šelfu + + + + Peak 1 freq + Frekvence špičky 1 + + + + Peak 2 freq + Frekvence špičky 2 + + + + Peak 3 freq + Frekvence špičky 3 + + + + Peak 4 freq + Frekvence špičky 3 + + + + High-shelf freq + Frekvence horního šelfu + + + + LP freq + Frekvence dolní propusti + + + + HP active + Horní propust aktivní + + + + Low-shelf active + Dolní šelf aktivní + + + + Peak 1 active + Špička 1 aktivní + + + + Peak 2 active + Špička 2 aktivní + + + + Peak 3 active + Špička 3 aktivní + + + + Peak 4 active + Špička 4 aktivní + + + + High-shelf active + Horní šelf aktivní + + + + LP active + Dolní propust aktivní + + + + LP 12 + DP 12 + + + + LP 24 + DP 24 + + + + LP 48 + DP 48 + + + + HP 12 + HP 12 + + + + HP 24 + HP 24 + + + + HP 48 + HP 48 + + + + Low-pass type + Typ dolní propusti + + + + High-pass type + Typ horní propusti + + + + Analyse IN + Analýza VSTUPU + + + + Analyse OUT + Analýza VÝSTUPU + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + HP + + + + Low-shelf + Dolní šelf + + + + Peak 1 + Špička 1 + + + + Peak 2 + Špička 2 + + + + Peak 3 + Špička 3 + + + + Peak 4 + Špička 4 + + + + High-shelf + Horní šelf + + + + LP + DP + + + + Input gain + Zesílení vstupu + + + + + + Gain + Zesílení + + + + Output gain + Zesílení výstupu + + + + Bandwidth: + Šířka pásma: + + + + Octave + oktávy + + + + Resonance : + Rezonance: + + + + Frequency: + Frekvence: + + + + LP group + Skupina DP + + + + HP group + Skupina HP + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + Rezon: + + + + BW: + ŠPás: + + + + + Freq: + Frekv: + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + Exportovat projekt + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + Exportovat jako smyčku (odstranit přebývající takty) + + + + Export between loop markers + Exportovat obsah smyčky + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + Nastavení formátu souboru + + + + File format: + Formát souboru: + + + + Sampling rate: + Vzorkovací frekvence: + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + Bitová hloubka: + + + + 16 Bit integer + 16 bitů celočíselná + + + + 24 Bit integer + 24 bitů celočíselná + + + + 32 Bit float + 32 bitů s plovoucí řádovou čárkou + + + + Stereo mode: + Režim stereo: + + + + Mono + Mono + + + + Stereo + Stereo + + + + Joint stereo + Joint stereo + + + + Compression level: + Úroveň komprese: + + + + Bitrate: + Datový tok: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 kbit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 kbit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 kbit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 kbit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 kbit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 kbit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + Použít proměnlivý datový tok + + + + Quality settings + Nastavení kvality + + + + Interpolation: + Interpolace: + + + + Zero order hold + Zero order hold + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + Sinc nejhorší (nejrychlejší) + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + Sinc střední (doporučeno) + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + Sinc nejlepší (nejpomalejší) + + + + Oversampling: + Převzorkování: + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (žádné) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + Začít + + + + Cancel + Zrušit + + + + Could not open file + Nemohu otevřít soubor + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Nelze otevřít soubor %1 pro zápis. +Ověřte si prosím, zda máte povolen zápis do souboru a do složky, ve které je umístěn, a zkuste znovu! + + + + Export project to %1 + Exportovat projekt do %1 + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + (Nejrychlejší – největší) + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + (Nejpomalejší – nejmenší) + + + + Error + Chyba + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Chyba při zjišťování souboru enkodéru. Zkuste prosím vybrat jiný výstupní formát. + + + + Rendering: %1% + Renderuji: %1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + Nastavit hodnotu + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Vložte prosím novou hodnotu mezi %1 a %2: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + Prohlížeč + + + + Search + Hledat + + + + Refresh list + Obnovit seznam + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + Odeslat do aktivní stopy nástroje + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + Editor skladby + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + Načítám vzorek + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Počkejte prosím, načítám vzorek pro náhled... + + + + Error + Chyba + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- Tovární soubory --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + Zpoždění vzorků + + + + LFO frequency + Frekvence LFO + + + + Seconds + Sekund + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + Obnov + + + + Noise + Šum + + + + Invert + Převrátit + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + ZPOŽ + + + + Delay time: + Délka zpoždění: + + + + RATE + POMĚR + + + + Period: + Perioda: + + + + AMNT + MNOŽ + + + + Amount: + Množství: + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + ZP. VAZ + + + + Feedback amount: + Velikost zpětné vazby: + + + + NOISE + ŠUM + + + + White noise amount: + Množství bílého šumu: + + + + Invert + Převrátit + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + Trvání sweepu + + + + Sweep direction + Směr sweepu + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + Úroveň pro změnu frekvence sweepu + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Pracovní cyklus vlnového vzorce + + + + Channel 1 volume + Hlasitost kanálu 1 + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Směr hlasitosti sweepu + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Délka každého kroku ve sweepu + + + + Channel 2 volume + Hlasitost kanálu 2 + + + + Channel 3 volume + Hlasitost kanálu 3 + + + + Channel 4 volume + Hlasitost kanálu 4 + + + + Shift Register width + Posun šířky registru + + + + Right output level + Úroveň pravého výstupu + + + + Left output level + Úroveň levého výstupu + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanál 1 do SO2 (pravý) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanál 2 do SO2 (pravý) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanál 3 do SO2 (pravý) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanál 4 do SO2 (pravý) + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanál 1 do SO1 (pravý) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanál 2 do SO1 (pravý) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanál 3 do SO1 (pravý) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanál 4 do SO1 (pravý) + + + + Treble + Výšky + + + + Bass + Basy + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + Trvání sweepu: + + + + Sweep time + Trvání sweepu + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + Úroveň pro změnu frekvence sweepu: + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + Úroveň pro změnu frekvence sweepu + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + Pracovní cyklus vlnového vzorce: + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Pracovní cyklus vlnového vzorce + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + Hlasitost pulzního kanálu 1: + + + + Square channel 1 volume + Hlasitost pulzního kanálu 1 + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Délka každého kroku ve sweepu: + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Délka každého kroku ve sweepu + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + Hlasitost pulzního kanálu 2: + + + + Square channel 2 volume + Hlasitost pulzního kanálu 2 + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + Hlasitost kanálu vlnového vzorce: + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + Hlasitost kanálu vlnového vzorce + + + + Noise channel volume: + Hlasitost šumového kanálu: + + + + Noise channel volume + Hlasitost šumového kanálu + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + Hlasitost SO1 (pravý): + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + Hlasitost SO1 (pravý) + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + Hlasitost SO2 (levý): + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + Hlasitost SO2 (levý) + + + + Treble: + Výšky: + + + + Treble + Výšky + + + + Bass: + Basy: + + + + Bass + Basy + + + + Sweep direction + Směr sweepu + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Směr hlasitosti sweepu + + + + Shift register width + Posun šířky registru + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanál 1 do SO1 (pravý) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanál 2 do SO1 (pravý) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanál 3 do SO1 (pravý) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanál 4 do SO1 (pravý) + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanál 1 do SO2 (pravý) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanál 2 do SO2 (pravý) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanál 3 do SO2 (pravý) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanál 4 do SO2 (pravý) + + + + Wave pattern graph + Zobrazení vlnového vzorce + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + Množství odeslaného kanálu + + + + Move &left + Přesunout do&leva + + + + Move &right + Přesun dop&rava + + + + Rename &channel + Přejmenovat &kanál + + + + R&emove channel + Př&esunout kanál + + + + Remove &unused channels + Odstranit nepo&užívané kanály + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + Přiřadit k: + + + + New mixer Channel + Nový efektový kanál + + + + Mixer + + + Master + Hlavní + + + + + + Channel %1 + Efekt %1 + + + + Volume + Hlasitost + + + + Mute + Ztlumit + + + + Solo + Sólo + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + Efektový mixážní panel + + + + Fader %1 + Efektový fader %1 + + + + Mute + Ztlumit + + + + Mute this mixer channel + Ztlumit tento efektový kanál + + + + Solo + Sólo + + + + Solo mixer channel + Sólovat efektový kanál + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Množství k odeslání z kanálu %1 do kanálu %2 + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + Banka + + + + Patch + Patch + + + + Gain + Zisk + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + Otevřít GIG soubor + + + + Choose patch + Vybrat patch + + + + Gain: + Zesílení: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG soubory (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + Pracovní adresář + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + Pracovní adresář LMMS %1 neexistuje. Chcete jej nyní vytvořit? Změnu adresáře mžete provést později v nabídce Úpravy -> Nastavení. + + + + Preparing UI + Připravuji UI + + + + Preparing song editor + Připravuji editor skladby + + + + Preparing mixer + Připravuji mixážní panel + + + + Preparing controller rack + Připravuji panel ovladačů + + + + Preparing project notes + Připravuji poznámky k projektu + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Připravuji editor bicích/basů + + + + Preparing piano roll + Připravuji Piano roll + + + + Preparing automation editor + Připravuji Editor automatizace + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + Arpeggio + + + + Arpeggio type + Typ arpeggia + + + + Arpeggio range + Rozsah arpeggia + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + Počet kroků v cyklu + + + + Skip rate + Míra vynechávání + + + + Miss rate + Míra míjení + + + + Arpeggio time + Trvání arpeggia + + + + Arpeggio gate + Brána arpeggia + + + + Arpeggio direction + Směr arpeggia + + + + Arpeggio mode + Styl arpeggia + + + + Up + Nahoru + + + + Down + Dolů + + + + Up and down + Nahoru a dolů + + + + Down and up + Dolů a nahoru + + + + Random + Náhodné + + + + Free + Volné + + + + Sort + Tříděné + + + + Sync + Synchronizované + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGGIO + + + + RANGE + ROZSAH + + + + Arpeggio range: + Rozsah arpeggia: + + + + octave(s) + oktáva(y) + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + CYKL + + + + Cycle notes: + Počet not v cyklu: + + + + note(s) + nota(y) + + + + SKIP + VYNECH + + + + Skip rate: + Míra vynechávání: + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + MÍJ + + + + Miss rate: + Míra míjení: + + + + TIME + TRVÁNÍ + + + + Arpeggio time: + Trvání arpeggia: + + + + ms + ms + + + + GATE + BRÁNA + + + + Arpeggio gate: + Brána arpeggia: + + + + Chord: + Akord: + + + + Direction: + Směr: + + + + Mode: + Styl: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + Oktáva + + + + + Major + Dur + + + + Majb5 + Maj5b + + + + minor + Moll + + + + minb5 + m5b + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + aug sus4 + + + + tri + tri + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6 sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6 add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6 add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7 sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7/5# + + + + 7b5 + 7/5b + + + + 7#9 + 7/9# + + + + 7b9 + 7/9b + + + + 7#5#9 + 7/5#/9# + + + + 7#5b9 + 7/5#/9b + + + + 7b5b9 + 7/5b/9b + + + + 7add11 + 7 add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7 add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7/11# + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7/5b + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7/5# + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7/11# + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7 add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7/5b + + + + m7b9 + m7/9b + + + + m7add11 + m7 add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7 add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7 add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7 add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9 sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9/5# + + + + 9b5 + 9/5b + + + + 9#11 + 9/11# + + + + 9b13 + 9/13b + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9 sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9/5# + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9/11# + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + m add9 + + + + m9b5 + m9/5b + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11/9b + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13/9# + + + + 13b9 + 13/9b + + + + 13b5b9 + 13/9b/5b + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + Mollová harmonická + + + + Melodic minor + Mollová melodická + + + + Whole tone + Celotónová stupnice + + + + Diminished + Zmenšená + + + + Major pentatonic + Durová pentatonika + + + + Minor pentatonic + Mollová pentatonika + + + + Jap in sen Japonská (in sen) stupnice - - Major bebop - Durová bebopová + + Major bebop + Durová bebopová + + + + Dominant bebop + Dominantní bebopová + + + + Blues + Bluesová stupnice + + + + Arabic + Arabská + + + + Enigmatic + Enigmatická + + + + Neopolitan + Neapolská + + + + Neopolitan minor + Mollová neapolská + + + + Hungarian minor + Mollová maďarská + + + + Dorian + Dórská + + + + Phrygian + Frygický + + + + Lydian + Lydická + + + + Mixolydian + Mixolydická + + + + Aeolian + Aiolská + + + + Locrian + Lokrická + + + + Minor + Moll + + + + Chromatic + Chromatická + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + Zmenšená (půltón–celý tón) + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + Frygická dominanta + + + + Persian + Perská + + + + Chords + Akordy + + + + Chord type + Typ akordu + + + + Chord range + Rozsah akordu + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + VRSTVENÍ + + + + Chord: + Akord: + + + + RANGE + ROZSAH + + + + Chord range: + Rozsah akordu: + + + + octave(s) + oktáva(y) + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + POVOLIT MIDI VSTUP + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + POVOLIT MIDI VÝSTUP + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NOTA + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + MIDI zařízení pro přijímání MIDI událostí + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + MIDI zařízení pro odesílání MIDI událostí + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + VLASTNÍ VÝCHOZÍ DYNAMIKA + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + Udává výchozí úroveň dynamiky pro MIDI nástroje při 100 % dynamiky tónu. + + + + BASE VELOCITY + VÝCHOZÍ DYNAMIKA + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + TRANSPOZICE + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + Povolí použití transpozice + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + HLASITOST + + + + Volume + Hlasitost + + + + CUTOFF + SEŘÍZNUTÍ + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Frekvence oříznutí + + + + RESO + REZONANCE + + + + Resonance + Rezonance + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + Obálky/LFO + + + + Filter type + Typ filtru + + + + Q/Resonance + Q/rezonance + + + + Low-pass + Dolní propust + + + + Hi-pass + Horní propust + + + + Band-pass csg + Pásmová propust csg + + + + Band-pass czpg + Pásmová propust czpg + + + + Notch + Pásmová zádrž + + + + All-pass + All-pass + + + + Moog + Moogův filtr + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x dolní propust + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC dolní propust 12 dB/okt + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC pásmová propust 12 dB/okt + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC horní propust 12 dB/okt + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC dolní propust 24 dB/okt + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC pásmová propust 24 dB/okt + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC horní propust 24 dB/okt + + + + Vocal Formant + Vokální formant + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moogův filtr + + + + SV Low-pass + SV dolní propust + + + + SV Band-pass + SV pásmová propust + + + + SV High-pass + SV horní propust + + + + SV Notch + SV pásmová zádrž + + + + Fast Formant + Rychlý formantový filtr + + + + Tripole + Třípólový filtr + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + CÍL: + + + + FILTER + FILTR + + + + FREQ + FREKV + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Frekvence oříznutí: + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + Q/REZO + + + + Q/Resonance: + Q/rezonance + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Obálky, LFO a filtry nejsou podporovány stávajícím nástrojem. + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + nepojmenovaná_stopa + + + + Base note + Základní nota + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + Podle poslední noty + + + + Volume + Hlasitost + + + + Panning + Panoráma + + + + Pitch + Ladění + + + + Pitch range + Výškový rozsah + + + + Mixer channel + Efektový kanál + + + + Master pitch + Transpozice + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + Výchozí předvolba + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Hlasitost + + + + Volume: + Hlasitost: + + + + VOL + HLA + + + + Panning + Panoráma + + + + Panning: + Panoráma: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + Vstup + + + + Output + Výstup + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + Efekt %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + HLAVNÍ NASTAVENÍ + + + + Volume + Hlasitost + + + + Volume: + Hlasitost: + + + + VOL + HLA + + + + Panning + Panoráma + + + + Panning: + Panoráma: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + Ladění + + + + Pitch: + Ladění: + + + + cents + centů + + + + PITCH + LADĚNÍ + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + Rozsah výšky (v půltónech) + + + + RANGE + ROZSAH + + + + Mixer channel + Efektový kanál + + + + CHANNEL + EFEKT + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Uložit aktuální nastavení nástrojové stopy do souboru předvoleb + + + + SAVE + ULOŽIT + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + Obálka, filtr a LFO + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + Vrstvení akordů a arpeggio + + + + Effects + Efekty + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + Různé + + + + Save preset + Uložit předvolbu + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML soubor předvoleb (*.xpf) + + + + Plugin + Plugin + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + Lineární zobrazení + + + + Set logarithmic + Logaritmické zobrazení + + + + + Set value + Nastavit hodnotu + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Zadejte prosím novou hodnotu mezi -96.0 dBFS a 6.0 dBFS: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Vložte prosím novou hodnotu mezi %1 a %2: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + Propojit kanály + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + Propojit kanály + + + + Channel + Kanál + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + Propojit kanály + + + + Value: + Hodnota: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Je požadován neznámý LADSPA plugin %1. + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + Nastavit hodnotu + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Vložte prosím novou hodnotu mezi %1 a %2: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + Nastavit hodnotu + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Vložte prosím novou hodnotu mezi %1 a %2: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + Předchozí + + + + + + Next + Další + + + + Previous (%1) + Předchozí (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Další (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + Ovladač LFO + + + + Base value + Základní hodnota + + + + Oscillator speed + Rychlost oscilátoru + + + + Oscillator amount + Míra oscilátoru + + + + Oscillator phase + Fáze oscilátoru + + + + Oscillator waveform + Vlna oscilátoru + + + + Frequency Multiplier + Frekvenční multiplikátor + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + ZÁKL + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + FREKV + + + + LFO frequency: + Frekvence LFO: + + + + AMNT + MNOŽ + + + + Modulation amount: + Hloubka modulace: + + + + PHS + FÁZ + + + + Phase offset: + Posun fáze: + + + + degrees + stupňů + + + + Sine wave + Sinusová vlna + + + + Triangle wave + Trojúhelníková vlna + + + + Saw wave + Pilovitá vlna + + + + Square wave + Pravoúhlá vlna + + + + Moog saw wave + Pilovitá vlna typu Moog + + + + Exponential wave + Exponenciální vlna + + + + White noise + Bílý šum + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + Uživatelem definovaná křivka. +Poklepejte pro výběr souboru. + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + Násobit frekvenci LFO x 1 + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + Násobit frekvenci LFO x 100 + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + Dělit frekvenci LFO / 100 + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + Generuji vlny + + + + Initializing data structures + Inicializuji datové struktury + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + Spouštím zvuková a MIDI zařízení + + + + Launching mixer threads + Spouštím vlákna mixážního panelu + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + Soubor nastavení + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Chyba při kontrole konfiguračního souboru na řádku %1:%2: %3 + + + + Could not open file + Nemohu otevřít soubor + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Nelze otevřít soubor %1 pro zápis. +Ujistěte se prosím, zda máte povolen zápis do souboru a do složky obsahující soubor a zkuste znovu! + + + + Project recovery + Obnovení projektu + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Je k dispozici soubor pro obnovu. Zdá se, že poslední práce nebyla správně ukončena nebo že je již spuštěna jiná instance LMMS. Chcete obnovit tuto verzi projektu? + + + + + Recover + Obnovit + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Obnovit soubor. Před dokončením prosím nespouštějte další instance LMMS. + + + + + Discard + Zrušit + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Spustit LMMS do výchozího stavu a smazat obnovené soubory. Tento krok je nevratný. + + + + Version %1 + Verze %1 + + + + Preparing plugin browser + Připravuji prohlížeč pluginů + + + + Preparing file browsers + Připravuji prohlížeč souborů + + + + My Projects + Moje projekty + + + + My Samples + Moje samply + + + + My Presets + Moje předvolby + + + + My Home + Domů + + + + Root directory + Kořenový adresář + + + + Volumes + Hlasitosti + + + + My Computer + Můj počítač + + + + &File + &Soubor + + + + &New + &Nový + + + + &Open... + &Otevřít... + + + + Loading background picture + Načítání obrázku pozadí + + + + &Save + &Uložit + + + + Save &As... + Uložit &jako... + + + + Save as New &Version + Uložit jako novou &verzi + + + + Save as default template + Uložit jako výchozí šablonu + + + + Import... + Importovat... + + + + E&xport... + E&xportovat... + + + + E&xport Tracks... + E&xportovat stopy... + + + + Export &MIDI... + &Exportovat MIDI... + + + + &Quit + &Ukončit + + + + &Edit + Úpr&avy + + + + Undo + Zpět + + + + Redo + Znovu + + + + Settings + Nastavení + + + + &View + &Zobrazení + + + + &Tools + &Nástroje + + + + &Help + &Nápověda + + + + Online Help + Nápověda online + + + + Help + Nápověda + + + + About + O LMMS + + + + Create new project + Vytvořit nový projekt + + + + Create new project from template + Vytvořit nový projekt ze šablony + + + + Open existing project + Otevřít existující projekt + + + + Recently opened projects + Naposledy otevřené projekty + + + + Save current project + Uložit aktuální projekt + + + + Export current project + Exportovat aktuální projekt + + + + Metronome + Metronom + + + + + Song Editor + Editor skladby + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Editor bicích/basů + + + + + Piano Roll + Piano roll + + + + + Automation Editor + Editor automatizace + + + + + Mixer + Efektový mixážní panel + + + + Show/hide controller rack + Zobrazit/Skrýt panel ovladačů + + + + Show/hide project notes + Zobrazit/Skrýt poznámky k projektu - - Dominant bebop - Dominantní bebopová + + Untitled + Nepojmenovaný - - Blues - Bluesová stupnice + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Obnovit projekt. Uložte prosím svou práci! - - Arabic - Arabská + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 - - Enigmatic - Enigmatická + + Recovered project not saved + Obnovený projekt není uložen - - Neopolitan - Neapolská + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Tento projekt byl obnoven z minulého spuštění LMMS. Zatím není uložen a pokud tak neučiníte, práce bude ztracena. Chcete jej nyní uložit? - - Neopolitan minor - Mollová neapolská + + Project not saved + Projekt není uložen - - Hungarian minor - Mollová maďarská + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Aktuální projekt byl od posledního uložení změněn. Chcete jej nyní uložit? - - Dorian - Dórská + + Open Project + Otevřít projekt - - Phrygian - Frygický + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - - Lydian - Lydická + + Save Project + Uložit projekt - - Mixolydian - Mixolydická + + LMMS Project + Projekt LMMS - - Aeolian - Aiolská + + LMMS Project Template + Šablona projektu LMMS - - Locrian - Lokrická + + Save project template + Uložit šablonu projektu - - Minor - Moll + + Overwrite default template? + Přepsat výchozí šablonu? - - Chromatic - Chromatická + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Tímto se přepíše vaše nynější výchozí šablona. - - Half-Whole Diminished - Zmenšená (půltón–celý tón) + + Help not available + Nápověda není dostupná - - 5 - 5 + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + V současnosti není v LMMS nápověda dostupná. +Navštivte prosím stránku s dokumentací k LMMS na adrese http://lmms.sf.net/wiki. - - Phrygian dominant - Frygická dominanta + + Controller Rack + Panel ovladačů - - Persian - Perská + + Project Notes + Poznámky k projektu - - Chords - Akordy + + Fullscreen + - - Chord type - Typ akordu + + Volume as dBFS + Hlasitost v dBFS - - Chord range - Rozsah akordu + + Smooth scroll + Plynulé posouvání + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Povolit názvy tónů v Piano rollu + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI soubor (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + nepojmenovaný + + + + + Select file for project-export... + Vyberte soubor pro export projektu... + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Vyberte adresář pro zápis exportovaných stop... + + + + Save project + Uložit projekt + + + + Project saved + Projekt uložen + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + Projekt %1 je nyní uložen. + + + + Project NOT saved. + Projekt NENÍ uložen. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + Projekt %1 nebyl uložen! + + + + Import file + Importovat soubor + + + + MIDI sequences + MIDI sekvence + + + + Hydrogen projects + Projekty Hydrogen + + + + All file types + Všechny typy souborů - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + MeterDialog - - STACKING - VRSTVENÍ + + + Meter Numerator + Počet dob v taktu - - Chord: - Akord: + + Meter numerator + Počet dob v taktu - - RANGE - ROZSAH + + + Meter Denominator + Délka doby v taktu + + + + Meter denominator + Délka doby v taktu + + + + TIME SIG + METRUM + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + Počet dob + + + + Denominator + Délka doby + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + MIDI ovladač + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + nepojmenovaný_midi_ovladač + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + Nastavení není dokončeno + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + Nemáte nastaven výchozí soundfont v dialogovém okně (Edit-> Nastavení). Z tohoto důvodu nebude po importu MIDI souboru přehráván žádný zvuk. Stáhněte si nějaký General MIDI soundfont, zadejte jej v dialogovém okně nastavení a zkuste to znovu. + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Nelze zkompilovat LMMS s podporou přehrávače SoundFont2, který je použitý k přidání výchozího zvuku do importovaných MIDI souborů. Proto nebude po importování tohoto MIDI souboru přehráván žádný zvuk. + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + Počet dob + + + + Denominator + Délka doby - - Chord range: - Rozsah akordu: + + Track + Stopa + + + MidiJack - - octave(s) - oktáva(y) + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK server zhavaroval - - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje rozsah akordů v oktávách. Vybraný akord bude zahrán ve zvoleném počtu oktáv. + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + Zdá se, že JACK server zhavaroval. - InstrumentMidiIOView + MidiPatternW - - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - POVOLIT MIDI VSTUP + + MIDI Pattern + - - - CHANNEL - KANÁL + + Time Signature: + - - - VELOCITY - DYNAM + + + + 1/4 + - - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - POVOLIT MIDI VÝSTUP + + 2/4 + - - PROGRAM - PROGRAM + + 3/4 + - - NOTE - NOTA + + 4/4 + - - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - MIDI zařízení pro přijímání MIDI událostí + + 5/4 + - - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - MIDI zařízení pro odesílání MIDI událostí + + 6/4 + - - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - VLASTNÍ VÝCHOZÍ DYNAMIKA + + Measures: + - - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - Udává výchozí úroveň dynamiky pro MIDI nástroje při 100 % dynamiky tónu + + + + 1 + - - BASE VELOCITY - VÝCHOZÍ DYNAMIKA + + 2 + - - - InstrumentMiscView - - MASTER PITCH - TRANSPOZICE + + 3 + - - Enables the use of Master Pitch - Umožní použití transpozice + + 4 + - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - - VOLUME - HLASITOST + + 5 + 5 - - Volume - Hlasitost + + 6 + 6 - - CUTOFF - SEŘÍZNUTÍ + + 7 + 7 - - - Cutoff frequency - Frekvence oříznutí + + 8 + - - RESO - REZONANCE + + 9 + 9 - - Resonance - Rezonance + + 10 + - - Envelopes/LFOs - Obálky/LFO + + 11 + 11 - - Filter type - Typ filtru + + 12 + - - Q/Resonance - Q/rezonance + + 13 + 13 - - LowPass - Dolní propust + + 14 + - - HiPass - Horní propust + + 15 + - - BandPass csg - Pásmová propust csg + + 16 + - - BandPass czpg - Pásmová propust czpg + + Default Length: + - - Notch - Pásmová zádrž + + + 1/16 + - - Allpass - Všepásmový filtr + + + 1/15 + - - Moog - Moogův filtr + + + 1/12 + - - 2x LowPass - 2x dolní propust + + + 1/9 + - - RC LowPass 12dB - RC dolní propust 12dB + + + 1/8 + - - RC BandPass 12dB - RC pásmová propust 12dB + + + 1/6 + - - RC HighPass 12dB - RC horní propust 12dB + + + 1/3 + - - RC LowPass 24dB - RC dolní propust 24dB + + + 1/2 + - - RC BandPass 24dB - RC pásmová propust 24dB + + Quantize: + - - RC HighPass 24dB - RC horní propust 24dB + + &File + &Soubor - - Vocal Formant Filter - Vokální formantový filtr + + &Edit + Úpr&avy - - 2x Moog - 2x Moogův filtr + + &Quit + &Ukončit - - SV LowPass - SV dolní propust + + &Insert Mode + - - SV BandPass - SV pásmová propust + + F + - - SV HighPass - SV horní propust + + &Velocity Mode + - - SV Notch - SV pásmová zádrž + + D + - - Fast Formant - Rychlý formantový filtr + + Select All + - - Tripole - Třípólový filtr + + A + - InstrumentSoundShapingView - - - TARGET - CÍL: - + MidiPort - - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Tato stránka obsahuje obálky. Ty jsou velmi důležité pro úpravu zvuku a obvykle také i nezbytné pro rozdílovou (subtraktivní) syntézu. Pokud máte například obálku hlasitosti, můžete nastavit, kdy má mít zvuk jakou sílu. Pokud chcete vytvořit něco jako smyčce, váš zvuk by měl mít velmi měkké nasazení i ukončení tónu. Toho dosáhneme nastavením dlouhého času náběhu i uvolnění. Totéž se týká ostatních druhů obálek, jako je obálka panorámatu, frekvence odříznutí pro použití u filtrů apod. Prostě si s tím můžete vyhrát dle libosti! Můžete vytvořit opravdu úžasné zvuky třeba jen z pilovité vlny pomocí vhodných obálek...! + + Input channel + Vstupní kanál - - FILTER - FILTR + + Output channel + Výstupní kanál - - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Zde si můžete vybrat z vestavěných filtrů, které chcete použít pro tuto stopu nástroje. Filtry jsou velmi důležité pro změnu charakteristiky zvuku. + + Input controller + Vstupní ovladač - - FREQ - FREKV + + Output controller + Výstupní ovladač - - cutoff frequency: - Frekvence oříznutí: + + Fixed input velocity + Pevná vstupní dynamika - - Hz - Hz + + Fixed output velocity + Pevná výstupní dynamika - - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje frekvenci odříznutí pro vybraný filtr. Frekvence odříznutí určuje frekvenci pro odříznutí signálu filtrem. Například filtr typu dolní propust (low-pass) odstřihne všechny frekvence, které jsou vyšší než frekvence odříznutí. Filtr typu horní propust (high-pass) odstřihne všechny frekvence, které jsou nižší než frekvence odříznutí atd... + + Fixed output note + Pevná výstupní nota - - RESO - REZO + + Output MIDI program + Výstupní MIDI program - - Resonance: - Rezonance: + + Base velocity + Výchozí dynamika - - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje Q/rezonanci pro vybraný filtr. Q/rezonance určuje, jak hodně filtr zesílí frekvence poblíž frekvence oříznutí. + + Receive MIDI-events + Přijímat MIDI události - - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - Obálky, LFO a filtry nejsou podporovány stávajícím nástrojem. + + Send MIDI-events + Posílat MIDI události - InstrumentTrack - - - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete nastavit hlasitost otevřeného kanálu. - - - - - unnamed_track - nepojmenovaná_stopa - + MidiSetupWidget - - Base note - Základní nota + + Device + Zařízení + + + MonstroInstrument - - Volume - Hlasitost + + Osc 1 volume + Osc 1 hlasitost - - Panning - Panoráma + + Osc 1 panning + Osc 1 panoráma - - Pitch - Ladění + + Osc 1 coarse detune + Osc 1 hrubé rozladění - - Pitch range - Výškový rozsah + + Osc 1 fine detune left + Osc 1 jemné rozladění vlevo - - FX channel - Efektový kanál + + Osc 1 fine detune right + Osc 1 jemné rozladění vpravo - - Master Pitch - Transpozice + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + Osc 1 posun stereo fáze - - - Default preset - Výchozí předvolba + + Osc 1 pulse width + Osc 1 délka pulzu - - - InstrumentTrackView - - Volume - Hlasitost + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + Osc 1 synchronizace při nárůstu - - Volume: - Hlasitost: + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + Osc 1 synchronizace při poklesu - - VOL - HLA + + Osc 2 volume + Osc 2 hlasitost - - Panning - Panoráma + + Osc 2 panning + Osc 2 panoráma - - Panning: - Panoráma: + + Osc 2 coarse detune + Osc 2 hrubé rozladění - - PAN - PAN + + Osc 2 fine detune left + Osc 2 jemné rozladění vlevo - - MIDI - MIDI + + Osc 2 fine detune right + Osc 2 jemné rozladění vpravo - - Input - Vstup + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + Osc 2 posun stereo fáze - - Output - Výstup + + Osc 2 waveform + Osc 2 typ vlny - - FX %1: %2 - Efekt %1: %2 + + Osc 2 sync hard + Osc 2 pevná synchronizace - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - - GENERAL SETTINGS - HLAVNÍ NASTAVENÍ + + Osc 2 sync reverse + Osc 2 reverzní synchronizace - - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Použije tyto ovládací prvky pro zobrazení a editaci další/předchozí stopy v editoru skladby. + + Osc 3 volume + Osc 3 hlasitost - - Instrument volume - Hlasitost nástroje + + Osc 3 panning + Osc 3 panoráma - - Volume: - Hlasitost: + + Osc 3 coarse detune + Osc 3 hrubé rozladění - - VOL - HLA + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Osc 3 posun stereo fáze - - Panning - Panoráma + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + Osc 3 smíchání se sub-oscilátorem - - Panning: - Panoráma: + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + Osc 3 typ vlny 1 - - PAN - PAN + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + Osc 3 typ vlny 2 - - Pitch - Ladění + + Osc 3 sync hard + Osc 2 pevná synchronizace - - Pitch: - Ladění: + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + Osc 3 reverzní synchronizace - - cents - centů + + LFO 1 waveform + LFO 1 typ vlny - - PITCH - LADĚNÍ + + LFO 1 attack + LFO 1 náběh - - Pitch range (semitones) - Rozsah výšky (v půltónech) + + LFO 1 rate + LFO 1 rychlost - - RANGE - ROZSAH + + LFO 1 phase + LFO 1 fáze - - FX channel - Efektový kanál + + LFO 2 waveform + LFO 2 typ vlny - - FX - EFEKT + + LFO 2 attack + LFO 2 náběh - - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Uložit aktuální nastavení nástrojové stopy do souboru předvoleb + + LFO 2 rate + LFO 2 rychlost - - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li uložit aktuální nastavení nástrojové stopy do souboru předvoleb. Později můžete nahrát tuto předvolbu poklepáním na prohlížeč předvoleb. + + LFO 2 phase + LFO 2 fáze - - SAVE - ULOŽIT + + Env 1 pre-delay + Obálka 1 předzpoždění - - Envelope, filter & LFO - Obálka, filtr a LFO + + Env 1 attack + Obálka 1 náběh - - Chord stacking & arpeggio - Vrstvení akordů a arpeggio + + Env 1 hold + Obálka 1 zadržení - - Effects - Efekty + + Env 1 decay + Obálka 1 pokles - - MIDI settings - MIDI nastavení + + Env 1 sustain + Obálka 1 držení - - Miscellaneous - Různé + + Env 1 release + Obálka 1 doznění - - Save preset - Uložit předvolbu + + Env 1 slope + Obálka 1 strmost - - XML preset file (*.xpf) - XML soubor předvoleb (*.xpf) + + Env 2 pre-delay + Obálka 2 předzpoždění - - Plugin - Plugin + + Env 2 attack + Obálka 2 náběh - - - Knob - - Set linear - Lineární zobrazení + + Env 2 hold + Obálka 2 zadržení - - Set logarithmic - Logaritmické zobrazení + + Env 2 decay + Obálka 2 pokles - - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Zadejte prosím novou hodnotu mezi -96.0 dBFS a 6.0 dBFS: + + Env 2 sustain + Obálka 2 držení - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Vložte prosím novou hodnotu mezi %1 a %2: + + Env 2 release + Obálka 2 doznění - - - LadspaControl - - Link channels - Propojit kanály + + Env 2 slope + Obálka 2 strmost - - - LadspaControlDialog - - Link Channels - Propojit kanály + + Osc 2+3 modulation + Osc 2+3 modulace - - Channel - Kanál + + Selected view + Zvolený pohled - - - LadspaControlView - - Link channels - Propojit kanály + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + Osc 1 – hlasitost obálka 1 - - Value: - Hodnota: + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + Osc 1 – hlasitost obálka 2 - - Sorry, no help available. - Promiňte, nápověda není k dispozici. + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 1 – hlasitost LFO 1 - - - LadspaEffect - - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Je požadován neznámý LADSPA plugin %1. + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 1 – hlasitost LFO 2 - - - LcdSpinBox - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Vložte prosím novou hodnotu mezi %1 a %2: + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + Osc 2 – hlasitost obálka 1 - - - LeftRightNav - - - - Previous - Předchozí + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + Osc 2 – hlasitost obálka 2 - - - - Next - Další + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 2 – hlasitost LFO 1 - - Previous (%1) - Předchozí (%1) + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 2 – hlasitost LFO 2 - - Next (%1) - Další (%1) + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + Osc 3 – hlasitost obálka 1 - - - LfoController - - LFO Controller - Ovladač LFO + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + Osc 3 – hlasitost obálka 2 - - Base value - Základní hodnota + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 3 – hlasitost LFO 1 - - Oscillator speed - Rychlost oscilátoru + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 3 – hlasitost LFO 2 - - Oscillator amount - Míra oscilátoru + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + Osc 1 – fáze obálka 1 - - Oscillator phase - Fáze oscilátoru + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + Osc 1 – fáze obálka 2 - - Oscillator waveform - Vlna oscilátoru + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 1 – fáze LFO 1 - - Frequency Multiplier - Frekvenční multiplikátor + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 1 – fáze LFO 2 - - - LfoControllerDialog - - LFO - LFO + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + Osc 2 – fáze obálka 1 - - LFO Controller - Ovladač LFO + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + Osc 2 – fáze obálka 2 - - BASE - ZÁKL + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 2 – fáze LFO 1 - - Base amount: - Základní míra: + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 2 – fáze LFO 2 - - todo - udělat + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + Osc 3 – fáze obálka 1 - - SPD - RYCH + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + Osc 3 – fáze obálka 2 - - LFO-speed: - Rychlost LFO: + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 3 – fáze LFO 1 - - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje rychlost LFO. Zvýšením hodnoty se zrychlí kmitání LFO a průběh efektu. + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 3 – fáze LFO 2 - - AMNT - MNOŽ + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + Osc 1 – výška obálka 1 - - Modulation amount: - Hloubka modulace: + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + Osc 1 – výška obálka 2 - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Tento otočný ovladač nastavuje množství modulace LFO. Čím vyšší bude tato hodnota, tím více budou propojené parametry (např. hlasitost nebo frekvence odříznutí) ovlivněny LFO. + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 1 – výška LFO 1 - - PHS - FÁZ + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 1 – výška LFO 2 - - Phase offset: - Posun fáze: + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + Osc 2 – výška obálka 1 - - degrees - stupňů + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + Osc 2 – výška obálka 2 - - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete nastavit fázový posun LFO. To znamená, že můžete posunout bod, ve kterém oscilátor začne kmitat. Například pokud máte sinusovou vlnu s fázovým posunem 180 stupňů, vlna půjde nejdříve dolů. Totéž se stane u vlny pravoúhlé. + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 2 – výška LFO 1 - - Click here for a sine-wave. - Klepněte sem pro sinusovou vlnu. + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 2 – výška LFO 2 - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klepněte sem pro trojúhelníkovou vlnu. + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + Osc 3 – výška obálka 1 - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klepněte sem pro pilovitou vlnu. + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + Osc 3 – výška obálka 2 - - Click here for a square-wave. - Klepněte sem pro pravoúhlou vlnu. + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 3 – výška LFO 1 - - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - Klepněte sem pro pilovitou vlnu typu Moog. + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 3 – výška LFO 2 - - Click here for an exponential wave. - Klepněte sem pro exponenciální vlnu. + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + Osc 1 – délka pulzu obálka 1 - - Click here for white-noise. - Klepněte sem pro bílý šum. + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + Osc 1 – délka pulzu obálka 2 - - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Klepněte sem pro uživatelem definovaný tvar. -Poklepejte pro výběr souboru. + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + Osc 1 – délka pulzu LFO 1 - - - LmmsCore - - Generating wavetables - Generuji vlny + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + Osc 1 – délka pulzu LFO 2 - - Initializing data structures - Inicializuji datové struktury + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + Osc 3 – suboscilátor obálka 1 - - Opening audio and midi devices - Spouštím zvuková a MIDI zařízení + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + Osc 3 – suboscilátor obálka 2 - - Launching mixer threads - Spouštím vlákna mixážního panelu + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + Osc 3 – suboscilátor LFO 1 - - - MainWindow - - Configuration file - Soubor nastavení + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + Osc 3 – suboscilátor LFO 2 - - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Chyba při kontrole konfiguračního souboru na řádku %1:%2: %3 + + + Sine wave + Sinusová vlna - - Could not open file - Nemohu otevřít soubor + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Pásmově zúžená trojúhelníková vlna - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Nelze otevřít soubor %1 pro zápis. -Ujistěte se prosím, zda máte povolen zápis do souboru a do složky obsahující soubor a zkuste znovu! + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Pásmově zúžená pilovitá vlna - - Project recovery - Obnovení projektu + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Pásmově zúžená šikmá vlna - - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - Je k dispozici soubor pro obnovu. Zdá se, že poslední práce nebyla správně ukončena nebo že je již spuštěna jiná instance LMMS. Chcete obnovit tuto verzi projektu? + + Bandlimited Square wave + Pásmově zúžená pravoúhlá vlna - - - - Recover - Obnovit + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Pásmově zúžená pilovitá vlna typu Moog - - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Obnovit soubor. Před dokončením prosím nespouštějte další instance LMMS. + + + Soft square wave + Zaoblená pravoúhlá vlna - - - - Discard - Zrušit + + Absolute sine wave + Absolutní sinusová vlna - - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Spustit LMMS do výchozího stavu a smazat obnovené soubory. Tento krok je nevratný. + + + Exponential wave + Exponenciální vlna - - Version %1 - Verze %1 + + White noise + Bílý šum - - Preparing plugin browser - Připravuji prohlížeč pluginů + + Digital Triangle wave + Digitální trojúhelníková vlna - - Preparing file browsers - Připravuji prohlížeč souborů + + Digital Saw wave + Digitální pilovitá vlna - - My Projects - Moje projekty + + Digital Ramp wave + Digitální šikmá vlna - - My Samples - Moje samply + + Digital Square wave + Digitální pravoúhlá vlna - - My Presets - Moje předvolby + + Digital Moog saw wave + Digitální pilovitá vlna typu Moog - - My Home - Domů + + Triangle wave + Trojúhelníková vlna - - Root directory - Kořenový adresář + + Saw wave + Pilovitá vlna - - Volumes - Hlasitosti + + Ramp wave + Šikmá vlna - - My Computer - Můj počítač + + Square wave + Pravoúhlá vlna - - Loading background artwork - Načítám grafiku prostředí + + Moog saw wave + Pilovitá vlna typu Moog - - &File - &Soubor + + Abs. sine wave + Abs. sinusová vlna - - &New - &Nový + + Random + Náhodná - - New from template - Nový z šablony + + Random smooth + Vyhlazená náhodná + + + MonstroView - - &Open... - &Otevřít... + + Operators view + Zobrazení operátorů - - &Recently Opened Projects - &Naposledy otevřené projekty + + Matrix view + Zobrazení matrice - - &Save - &Uložit + + + + Volume + Hlasitost - - Save &As... - Uložit &jako... + + + + Panning + Panoráma - - Save as New &Version - Uložit jako novou &verzi + + + + Coarse detune + Hrubé rozladění - - Save as default template - Uložit jako výchozí šablonu + + + + semitones + půltónů - - Import... - Importovat... + + + Fine tune left + Jemné rozladění vlevo - - E&xport... - E&xportovat... + + + + + cents + centů - - E&xport Tracks... - E&xportovat stopy... + + + Fine tune right + Jemné rozladění vpravo - - Export &MIDI... - &Exportovat MIDI... + + + + Stereo phase offset + Posun stereo fáze - - &Quit - &Ukončit + + + + + + deg + stupňů - - &Edit - Úpr&avy + + Pulse width + Délka pulzu - - Undo - Zpět + + Send sync on pulse rise + Synchronizace při nárůstu pulzu - - Redo - Znovu + + Send sync on pulse fall + Synchronizace při poklesu pulzu - - Settings - Nastavení + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + Pevně synchronizovat oscilátor 2 - - &View - &Zobrazení + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + Reverzně synchronizovat oscilátor 2 - - &Tools - &Nástroje + + Sub-osc mix + Míchání sub-osc - - &Help - &Nápověda + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + Pevně synchronizovat oscilátor 3 - - Online Help - Nápověda online + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + Reverzně synchronizovat oscilátor 3 - - Help - Nápověda + + + + + Attack + Náběh - - What's This? - Co je to? + + + Rate + Typ - - About - O LMMS + + + Phase + Fáze - - Create new project - Vytvořit nový projekt + + + Pre-delay + Předzpoždění - - Create new project from template - Vytvořit nový projekt ze šablony + + + Hold + Držení - - Open existing project - Otevřít existující projekt + + + Decay + Pokles - - Recently opened projects - Naposledy otevřené projekty + + + Sustain + Držení - - Save current project - Uložit aktuální projekt + + + Release + Doznění - - Export current project - Exportovat aktuální projekt + + + Slope + Strmost - - What's this? - Co je to? + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + Smíchat osc 2 s osc 3 + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + Modulovat amplitudu oscilátoru 3 oscilátorem 2 + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + Modulovat frekvenci oscilátoru 3 oscilátorem 2 + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + Modulovat fázi oscilátoru 3 oscilátorem 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Hloubka modulace + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - - Toggle metronome - Zapnout/Vypnout metronom + + Length + Délka - - Show/hide Song-Editor - Zobrazit/Skrýt editor skladby + + Step length: + Délka kroku: - - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Stisknutím tohoto tlačítka zobrazíte nebo skryjete Editor skladby. S jeho pomocí můžete upravovat playlist skladby a určit, kdy a která stopa má být přehrána. Můžete také vkládat a přesunovat samply (např. rapové) přímo do playlistu. + + Dry + Poměr - - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Zobrazit/Skrýt editor bicích/basů + + Dry gain: + Poměr zdrojového zvuku: - - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - Stisknutím tohoto tlačítka zobrazíte nebo skryjete editor bicích/basů. Tento editor je nezbytný pro tvorbu beatů, otevírání, přidávání či odebírání kanálů a dále pro vyjímání, kopírování a vkládání beatů, bicích/basových záznamů apod. + + Stages + Úrovně - - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Zobrazit/Skrýt Piano roll + + Low-pass stages: + Počet úrovní dolní propusti: - - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete ukázat nebo skrýt Piano roll. S pomocí Piano rollu můžete jednoduchým způsobem upravovat melodie. + + Swap inputs + Přepnout vstupy - - Show/hide Automation Editor - Zobrazit/Skrýt Editor automatizace + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + Přepnout levý a pravý vstupní kanál pro odrazy + + + NesInstrument - - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete ukázat nebo skrýt Editor automatizace. S pomocí Editoru automatizace můžete jednoduchým způsobem upravovat proměnlivý průběh hodnot. + + Channel 1 coarse detune + Kanál 1 hrubé rozladění - - Show/hide FX Mixer - Zobrazit/Skrýt efektový mixážní panel + + Channel 1 volume + Hlasitost kanálu 1 - - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete ukázat nebo skrýt efektový (FX) mixážní panel. Efektový mixážní panel je velmi výkonný nástroj pro správu efektů ve vaší skladbě. Efekty můžete vkládat do různých efektových kanálů. + + Channel 1 envelope length + Kanál 1 délka obálky - - Show/hide project notes - Zobrazit/Skrýt poznámky k projektu + + Channel 1 duty cycle + Kanál 1 pracovní cyklus - - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete ukázat nebo schovat okno pro poznámky. V tomto okně lze vkládat vaše poznámky k projektu. + + Channel 1 sweep amount + Kanál 1 množství sweepu - - Show/hide controller rack - Zobrazit/Skrýt panel ovladačů + + Channel 1 sweep rate + Kanál 1 rychlost sweepu - - Untitled - Nepojmenovaný + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Kanál 2 hrubé rozladění - - Recover session. Please save your work! - Obnovit projekt. Uložte prosím svou práci! + + Channel 2 Volume + Hlasitost kanálu 2 - - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Channel 2 envelope length + Kanál 2 délka obálky - - Recovered project not saved - Obnovený projekt není uložen + + Channel 2 duty cycle + Kanál 2 pracovní cyklus - - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Tento projekt byl obnoven z minulého spuštění LMMS. Zatím není uložen a pokud tak neučiníte, práce bude ztracena. Chcete jej nyní uložit? + + Channel 2 sweep amount + Kanál 2 množství sweepu - - Project not saved - Projekt není uložen + + Channel 2 sweep rate + Kanál 2 rychlost sweepu - - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Aktuální projekt byl od posledního uložení změněn. Chcete jej nyní uložit? + + Channel 3 coarse detune + Kanál 3 hrubé rozladění - - Open Project - Otevřít projekt + + Channel 3 volume + Hlasitost kanálu 3 - - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Channel 4 volume + Hlasitost kanálu 4 - - Save Project - Uložit projekt + + Channel 4 envelope length + Kanál 4 délka obálky - - LMMS Project - Projekt LMMS + + Channel 4 noise frequency + Kanál 4 frekvence šumu - - LMMS Project Template - Šablona projektu LMMS + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + Kanál 4 sweep frekvence šumu - - Save project template - Uložit šablonu projektu + + Master volume + Hlavní hlasitost - - Overwrite default template? - Přepsat výchozí šablonu? + + Vibrato + Vibráto + + + NesInstrumentView - - This will overwrite your current default template. - Tímto se přepíše vaše nynější výchozí šablona. + + + + + Volume + Hlasitost - - Help not available - Nápověda není dostupná + + + + Coarse detune + Hrubé rozladění - - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - V současnosti není v LMMS nápověda dostupná. -Navštivte prosím stránku s dokumentací k LMMS na adrese http://lmms.sf.net/wiki. + + + + Envelope length + Délka obálky - - Song Editor - Editor skladby + + Enable channel 1 + Zapnout kanál 1 - - Beat+Bassline Editor - Editor bicích/basů + + Enable envelope 1 + Zapnout obálku 1 - - Piano Roll - Piano roll + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Zapnout smyčku obálky 1 - - Automation Editor - Editor automatizace + + Enable sweep 1 + Zapnout sweep 1 - - FX Mixer - Efektový mixážní panel + + + Sweep amount + Množství sweepu - - Project Notes - Poznámky k projektu + + + Sweep rate + Rychlost sweepu - - Controller Rack - Panel ovladačů + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5% pracovního cyklu - - Volume as dBFS - Hlasitost v dBFS + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25% pracovního cyklu - - Smooth scroll - Plynulé posouvání + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50% pracovního cyklu - - Enable note labels in piano roll - Povolit názvy tónů v Piano rollu + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75% pracovního cyklu - - - MeterDialog - - - Meter Numerator - Počet dob v taktu + + Enable channel 2 + Zapnout kanál 2 - - - Meter Denominator - Délka doby v taktu + + Enable envelope 2 + Zapnout obálku 2 - - TIME SIG - METRUM + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Zapnout smyčku obálky 2 - - - MeterModel - - Numerator - Počet dob + + Enable sweep 2 + Zapnout sweep 2 - - Denominator - Délka doby + + Enable channel 3 + Zapnout kanál 3 - - - MidiController - - MIDI Controller - MIDI ovladač + + Noise Frequency + Frekvence šumu - - unnamed_midi_controller - nepojmenovaný_midi_ovladač + + Frequency sweep + Frekvence sweepu - - - MidiImport - - - Setup incomplete - Nastavení není dokončeno + + Enable channel 4 + Zapnout kanál 4 - - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Nemáte nastaven výchozí soundfont v dialogovém okně (Edit-> Nastavení). Z tohoto důvodu nebude po importu MIDI souboru přehráván žádný zvuk. Stáhněte si nějaký General MIDI soundfont, zadejte jej v dialogovém okně nastavení a zkuste to znovu. + + Enable envelope 4 + Zapnout obálku 4 - - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Nelze zkompilovat LMMS s podporou přehrávače SoundFont2, který je použitý k přidání výchozího zvuku do importovaných MIDI souborů. Proto nebude po importování tohoto MIDI souboru přehráván žádný zvuk. + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Zapnout smyčku obálky 4 - - Track - Stopa + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + Kvantizovat frekvenci šumu při použití frekvence noty - - - MidiJack - - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - JACK server zhavaroval + + Use note frequency for noise + Použít frekvenci pro šum - - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - Zdá se, že JACK server zhavaroval. + + Noise mode + Typ šumu - - - MidiPort - - Input channel - Vstupní kanál + + Master volume + Hlavní hlasitost - - Output channel - Výstupní kanál + + Vibrato + Vibráto + + + OpulenzInstrument - - Input controller - Vstupní ovladač + + Patch + Patch - - Output controller - Výstupní ovladač + + Op 1 attack + Op 1 náběh - - Fixed input velocity - Pevná vstupní dynamika + + Op 1 decay + Op 1 pokles - - Fixed output velocity - Pevná výstupní dynamika + + Op 1 sustain + Op 1 držení - - Fixed output note - Pevná výstupní nota + + Op 1 release + Op 1 doznění - - Output MIDI program - Výstupní MIDI program + + Op 1 level + Op 1 úroveň - - Base velocity - Výchozí dynamika + + Op 1 level scaling + Op 1 škálování úrovně - - Receive MIDI-events - Přijímat MIDI události + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + Op 1 násobení frekvence - - Send MIDI-events - Posílat MIDI události + + Op 1 feedback + Op 1 zpětná vazba - - - MidiSetupWidget - - DEVICE - ZAŘÍZENÍ + + Op 1 key scaling rate + Op 1 rychlost podle výšky klávesy - - - MonstroInstrument - - Osc 1 Volume - Osc 1 hlasitost + + Op 1 percussive envelope + Op 1 perkusivní obálka - - Osc 1 Panning - Osc 1 panoráma + + Op 1 tremolo + Op 1 tremolo - - Osc 1 Coarse detune - Osc 1 hrubé rozladění + + Op 1 vibrato + Op 1 vibrato - - Osc 1 Fine detune left - Osc 1 jemné rozladění vlevo + + Op 1 waveform + Op 1 typ vlny - - Osc 1 Fine detune right - Osc 1 jemné rozladění vpravo + + Op 2 attack + Op 2 náběh - - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - Osc 1 posun stereo fáze + + Op 2 decay + Op 2 pokles - - Osc 1 Pulse width - Osc 1 délka pulzu + + Op 2 sustain + - - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - Osc 1 synchronizace při nárůstu + + Op 2 release + Op 2 doznění - - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - Osc 1 synchronizace při poklesu + + Op 2 level + Op 2 úroveň - - Osc 2 Volume - Osc 2 hlasitost + + Op 2 level scaling + Op 2 škálování úrovně - - Osc 2 Panning - Osc 2 panoráma + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + Op 2 násobení frekvence - - Osc 2 Coarse detune - Osc 2 hrubé rozladění + + Op 2 key scaling rate + Op 2 rychlost podle výšky klávesy - - Osc 2 Fine detune left - Osc 2 jemné rozladění vlevo + + Op 2 percussive envelope + Op 2 perkusivní obálka - - Osc 2 Fine detune right - Osc 2 jemné rozladění vpravo + + Op 2 tremolo + Op 2 tremolo - - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - Osc 2 posun stereo fáze + + Op 2 vibrato + Op 2 vibrato - - Osc 2 Waveform - Osc 2 vlna + + Op 2 waveform + Op 2 typ vlny - - Osc 2 Sync Hard - Osc 2 pevná synchronizace + + FM + FM - - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - Osc 2 reverzní synchronizace + + Vibrato depth + Hloubka vibráta - - Osc 3 Volume - Osc 3 hlasitost + + Tremolo depth + Hloubka tremola + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - - Osc 3 Panning - Osc 3 panoráma + + + Attack + Náběh - - Osc 3 Coarse detune - Osc 3 hrubé rozladění + + + Decay + Pokles - - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Osc 3 posun stereo fáze + + + Release + Doznění - - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - Osc 3 smíchání se sub-oscilátorem + + + Frequency multiplier + Násobič frekvence + + + OscillatorObject - - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - Osc 3 vlna 1 + + Osc %1 waveform + Osc %1 vlna - - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - Osc 3 vlna 2 + + Osc %1 harmonic + Osc %1 harmonické - - Osc 3 Sync Hard - Osc 3 pevná synchronizace + + + Osc %1 volume + Osc %1 hlasitost - - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - Osc 3 reverzní synchronizace + + + Osc %1 panning + Osc %1 panoráma - - LFO 1 Waveform - LFO 1 vlna + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Osc %1 jemné rozladění vlevo - - LFO 1 Attack - LFO 1 náběh + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Osc %1 hrubé rozladění - - LFO 1 Rate - LFO 1 rychlost + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Osc %1 jemné rozladění vpravo - - LFO 1 Phase - LFO 1 fáze + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Osc %1 posun fáze - - LFO 2 Waveform - LFO 2 vlna + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Osc %1 rozladění stereo fáze - - LFO 2 Attack - LFO 2 náběh + + Osc %1 wave shape + Osc %1 forma vlny - - LFO 2 Rate - LFO 2 rychlost + + Modulation type %1 + Typ modulace %1 + + + Oscilloscope - - LFO 2 Phase - LFO 2 fáze + + Oscilloscope + Osciloskop - - Env 1 Pre-delay - Obálka 1 předzpoždění + + Click to enable + Klepněte pro zapnutí + + + PatchesDialog - - Env 1 Attack - Obálka 1 náběh + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Předvolba kanálu - - Env 1 Hold - Obálka 1 držení + + Bank selector + Výběr banky - - Env 1 Decay - Obálka 1 útlum + + Bank + Banka - - Env 1 Sustain - Obálka 1 vydržení + + Program selector + Výběr programu - - Env 1 Release - Obálka 1 uvolnění + + Patch + Patch - - Env 1 Slope - Obálka 1 sklon + + Name + Název - - Env 2 Pre-delay - Obálka 2 předzpoždění + + OK + OK - - Env 2 Attack - Obálka 2 náběh + + Cancel + Zrušit + + + PatmanView - - Env 2 Hold - Obálka 2 držení + + Open patch + Otevřít patch - - Env 2 Decay - Obálka 2 útlum + + Loop + Smyčka - - Env 2 Sustain - Obálka 2 vydržení + + Loop mode + Režim smyčky - - Env 2 Release - Obálka 2 uvolnění + + Tune + Ladění - - Env 2 Slope - Obálka 2 sklon + + Tune mode + Režim ladění - - Osc2-3 modulation - Osc 2–3 modulace + + No file selected + Není vybrán žádný soubor - - Selected view - Zvolený pohled + + Open patch file + Otevřít soubor patch - - Vol1-Env1 - Hla1-Obá1 + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Soubor patch (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - - Vol1-Env2 - Hla1-Obá2 + + Open in piano-roll + Otevřít v Piano rollu - - Vol1-LFO1 - Hla1-LFO1 + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + - - Vol1-LFO2 - Hla1-LFO2 + + Clear all notes + Vymazat všechny noty - - Vol2-Env1 - Hla2-Obá1 + + Reset name + Resetovat jméno - - Vol2-Env2 - Hla2-Obá2 + + Change name + Změnit jméno - - Vol2-LFO1 - Hla2-LFO1 + + Add steps + Přidat kroky - - Vol2-LFO2 - Hla2-LFO2 + + Remove steps + Odstranit kroky - - Vol3-Env1 - Hla3-Obá1 + + Clone Steps + Klonovat kroky + + + PeakController - - Vol3-Env2 - Hla3-Obá2 + + Peak Controller + Ovladač špičky - - Vol3-LFO1 - Hla3-LFO1 + + Peak Controller Bug + Chyba ovladače špičky - - Vol3-LFO2 - Hla3-LFO2 + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + Z důvodu chyby ve starší verzi LMMS nemusí být ovladače špiček správně připojeny. Ujistěte se prosím, zda jsou ovladače špiček správně připojeny a znovu uložte tento soubor. Omlouváme se za způsobené nepříjemnosti. + + + PeakControllerDialog - - Phs1-Env1 - Fáz1-Obá1 + + PEAK + ŠPIČ - - Phs1-Env2 - Fáz1-Obá2 + + LFO Controller + Ovladač LFO + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - Phs1-LFO1 - Fáz1-LFO1 + + BASE + ZÁKL - - Phs1-LFO2 - Fáz1-LFO2 + + Base: + - - Phs2-Env1 - Fáz2-Obá1 + + AMNT + MNOŽ - - Phs2-Env2 - Fáz2-Obá2 + + Modulation amount: + Hloubka modulace: - - Phs2-LFO1 - Fáz2-LFO1 + + MULT + NÁSB - - Phs2-LFO2 - Fáz2-LFO2 + + Amount multiplicator: + Násobič množství: - - Phs3-Env1 - Fáz3-Obá1 + + ATCK + NÁBH - - Phs3-Env2 - Fáz3-Obá2 + + Attack: + Náběh: - - Phs3-LFO1 - Fáz3-LFO1 + + DCAY + POKL - - Phs3-LFO2 - Fáz3-LFO2 + + Release: + Doznění: - - Pit1-Env1 - Výš1-Obá1 + + TRSH + PRÁH - - Pit1-Env2 - Výš1-Obá2 + + Treshold: + Práh: - - Pit1-LFO1 - Výš1-LFO1 + + Mute output + Ztlumit výstup - - Pit1-LFO2 - Výš1-LFO2 + + Absolute value + Absolutní hodnota + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - - Pit2-Env1 - Výš2-Obá1 + + Base value + Základní hodnota - - Pit2-Env2 - Výš2-Obá2 + + Modulation amount + Hloubka modulace - - Pit2-LFO1 - Výš2-LFO1 + + Attack + Náběh - - Pit2-LFO2 - Výš2-LFO2 + + Release + Doznění - - Pit3-Env1 - Výš3-Obá1 + + Treshold + Práh - - Pit3-Env2 - Výš3-Obá2 + + Mute output + Ztlumit výstup - - Pit3-LFO1 - Výš3-LFO1 + + Absolute value + Absolutní hodnota - - Pit3-LFO2 - Výš3-LFO2 + + Amount multiplicator + Násobič množství + + + PianoRoll - - PW1-Env1 - Pul1-Obá1 + + Note Velocity + Dynamika noty - - PW1-Env2 - Pul1-Obá2 + + Note Panning + Panoráma noty - - PW1-LFO1 - Pul1-LFO1 + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Zvýraznit/Skrýt zvolený tón - - PW1-LFO2 - Pul1-LFO2 + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + Zvýraznit/Skrýt zvolený tón ve všech oktávách - - Sub3-Env1 - Sub3-Obá1 + + Mark current scale + Zvýraznit zvolenou stupnici - - Sub3-Env2 - Sub3-Obá2 + + Mark current chord + Zvýraznit zvolený akord - - Sub3-LFO1 - Sub3-LFO1 + + Unmark all + Skrýt vše - - Sub3-LFO2 - Sub3-LFO2 + + Select all notes on this key + Vybrat všechny noty zvolené výšky - - - Sine wave - Sinusová vlna + + Note lock + Zamknout notu - - Bandlimited Triangle wave - Pásmově zúžená trojúhelníková vlna + + Last note + Podle poslední noty - - Bandlimited Saw wave - Pásmově zúžená pilovitá vlna + + No key + - - Bandlimited Ramp wave - Pásmově zúžená šikmá vlna + + No scale + Žádná stupnice - - Bandlimited Square wave - Pásmově zúžená pravoúhlá vlna + + No chord + Žádný akord - - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Pásmově zúžená pilovitá vlna typu Moog + + Nudge + - - - Soft square wave - Zaoblená pravoúhlá vlna + + Snap + - - Absolute sine wave - Absolutní sinusová vlna + + Velocity: %1% + Dynamika: %1% - - - Exponential wave - Exponenciální vlna + + Panning: %1% left + Panoráma: %1% vlevo - - White noise - Bílý šum + + Panning: %1% right + Panoráma: %1% vpravo - - Digital Triangle wave - Digitální trojúhelníková vlna + + Panning: center + Panoráma: střed - - Digital Saw wave - Digitální pilovitá vlna + + Glue notes failed + - - Digital Ramp wave - Digitální šikmá vlna + + Please select notes to glue first. + - - Digital Square wave - Digitální pravoúhlá vlna + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Otevřete prosím záznam poklepáním! - - Digital Moog saw wave - Digitální pilovitá vlna typu Moog + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Vložte prosím novou hodnotu mezi %1 a %2: + + + PianoRollWindow - - Triangle wave - Trojúhelníková vlna + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Přehrát/Pozastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu (mezerník) - - Saw wave - Pilovitá vlna + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Nahrávat z MIDI zařízení / virtuální klávesnice - - Ramp wave - Šikmá vlna + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Nahrávat z MIDI zařízení / virtuální klávesnice při přehrávání skladby nebo stopy bicích/basů - - Square wave - Pravoúhlá vlna + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + Nahrává noty z MIDI zařízení / piano kanálu v jednotlivých krocích - - Moog saw wave - Pilovitá vlna typu Moog + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Zastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu (mezerník) - - Abs. sine wave - Abs. sinusová vlna + + Edit actions + Akce úprav - - Random - Náhodná + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Režim kreslení (Shift+D) - - Random smooth - Vyhlazená náhodná + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Režim mazání (Shift+E) - - - MonstroView - - Operators view - Zobrazení operátorů + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Režim výběru (Shift+S) - - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - Zobrazení operátorů obsahuje všechny operátory. Toto společně zahrnuje jak přímo slyšitelné operátory (oscilátory), tak i neslyšitelné operátory nebo modulátory: generátory nízkých kmitů (LFO) a obálek. - -Otočné ovladače a další ovládací prvky v Zobrazení operátorů mají své vlastní textové popisky, takže můžete získat bližší nápovědu, co který konkrétně dělá. + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + Režim ohýbání výšky (Shift+T) - - Matrix view - Zobrazení matrice + + Quantize + Kvantizace - - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - Zobrazení matrice obsahuje modulační matrici. Zde můžete nadefinovat modulační vazby mezi různými operátory: každý slyšitelný operátor (oscilátory 1–3) má 3–4 vlastnosti, které mohou být modulovány dalšími modulátory. Použití více modulací spotřebovává více výkonu procesoru. - -Okno je rozděleno na cíle modulace, seskupené podle cílových oscilátorů. Dostupné cíle jsou: hlasitost, výška, fáze, délka pulzu a poměr sub-oscilátoru. Poznámka: některé cíle jsou dostupné pouze pro určitý oscilátor. - -Každý cíl modulace má 4 otočné ovladače, jeden pro každý modulátor. Výchozí stav ovladačů je 0, tedy bez modulace. Otočení ovladače na 1 způsobí, že modulátor bude působit na cíl nejvíce, jak je možno. Otočení na -1 způsobí totéž, ale modulace bude inverzně obrácena. + + Quantize positions + - - - - Volume - Hlasitost + + Quantize lengths + - - - - Panning - Panoráma + + File actions + - - - - Coarse detune - Hrubé rozladění + + Import clip + - - - - semitones - půltónů + + + Export clip + - - - Finetune left - Jemné rozladění vlevo + + Copy paste controls + Ovládání kopírování a vkládání - - - - - cents - centů + + Cut (%1+X) + Vystřihnout (%1+X) - - - Finetune right - Jemné rozladění vpravo + + Copy (%1+C) + Kopírovat (%1+C) - - - - Stereo phase offset - Posun stereo fáze + + Paste (%1+V) + Vložit (%1+V) - - - - - - deg - stupňů + + Timeline controls + Ovládání časové osy - - Pulse width - Délka pulzu + + Glue + - - Send sync on pulse rise - Synchronizace při nárůstu pulzu + + Knife + - - Send sync on pulse fall - Synchronizace při poklesu pulzu + + Fill + - - Hard sync oscillator 2 - Pevně synchronizovat oscilátor 2 + + Cut overlaps + - - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Reverzně synchronizovat oscilátor 2 + + Min length as last + - - Sub-osc mix - Míchání sub-osc + + Max length as last + - - Hard sync oscillator 3 - Pevně synchronizovat oscilátor 3 + + Zoom and note controls + Lupa a ovládání not - - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Reverzně synchronizovat oscilátor 3 + + Horizontal zooming + Horizontální zvětšení - - - - - Attack - Náběh + + Vertical zooming + Vertikální zvětšení - - - Rate - Typ + + Quantization + Kvantizace - - - Phase - Fáze + + Note length + Délka noty - - - Pre-delay - Předzpoždění + + Key + - - - Hold - Držení + + Scale + Stupnice - - - Decay - Pokles + + Chord + Akord - - - Sustain - Držení + + Snap mode + - - - Release - Doznění + + Clear ghost notes + Vymazat stínové noty - - - Slope - Strmost + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Piano roll – %1 - - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - Smíchat Osc2 a Osc3 + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Piano roll – žádný záznam - - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modulovat amplitudu Osc3 pomocí Osc2 + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + - - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modulovat frekvenci Osc3 pomocí Osc2 + + Export clip success + - - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modulovat fázi Osc3 pomocí Osc2 + + Clip saved to %1 + - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - Otočný ovladač CRS mění ladění oscilátoru 1 v půltónových krocích. + + Import clip. + - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - Otočný ovladač CRS mění ladění oscilátoru 2 v půltónových krocích. + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - Otočný ovladač CRS mění ladění oscilátoru 3 v půltónových krocích. + + Open clip + - - - - - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - FTL a FTR změní jemné ladění oscilátoru pro levý a pravý kanál. To přidává oscilátoru stereo rozladění, které rozšíří stereo obraz a vytvoří dojem prostoru. + + Import clip success + - - - - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - Otočný ovladač SPO upravuje rozdíl ve fázi mezi levým a pravým kanálem. Větší rozdíl vytváří širší stereofonní obraz. + + Imported clip %1! + + + + PianoView - - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - Otočný ovladač PW řídí šířku pulzu, jinak též pracovní cyklus, oscilátoru 1. Oscilátor 1 je digitální generátor pulzních vln, který nevytváří pásmově omezený výstup, což znamená, že jej sice můžete použít jako zdroj slyšitelného signálu, ale způsobuje aliasing. Můžete jej ale také využít jako neslyšitelný zdroj synchronizačního signálu, který může sloužit k synchronizaci oscilátorů 2 a 3. + + Base note + Základní nota - - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Zaslání synchronizačního signálu při nárůstu: je-li zapnuto, bude synchronizační signál zasílán pokaždé, když bude stav oscilátoru 1 změněn na vyšší, např. když se amplituda změní z -1 na 1. Výška, fáze a šířka pulzu oscilátoru 1 mohou mít vliv na časování synchronizace, ale jejich množství zde nemá žádný efekt. Synchronizační signály jsou odesílány nezávisle pro levý a pravý kanál. + + First note + - - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Zaslání synchronizačního signálu při poklesu: je-li zapnuto, bude synchronizační signál zasílán pokaždé, když bude stav oscilátoru 1 změněn na nižší, např. když se amplituda změní z 1 na -1. Výška, fáze a šířka pulzu oscilátoru 1 mohou mít vliv na časování synchronizace, ale jejich množství zde nemá žádný efekt. Synchronizační signály jsou odesílány nezávisle pro levý a pravý kanál. + + Last note + Podle poslední noty + + + Plugin - - - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - Pevná synchronizace: pokaždé, když oscilátor přijme synchronizační signál z oscilátoru 1, jeho fáze bude nastavena na 0, bez ohledu na jeho fázový posun. + + Plugin not found + Plugin nenalezen - - - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - Reverzní synchronizace: pokaždé, když oscilátor přijme synchronizační signál z oscilátoru 1, jeho amplituda bude převrácena. + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + Plugin "%1" nebyl nalezen nebo nemůže být načten! +Důvod: "%2" - - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Vyberte vlnu pro oscilátor 2. + + Error while loading plugin + Při načítání pluginu došlo k chybě - - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Vyberte vlnu pro první suboscilátor oscilátoru 3. Oscilátor 3 může plynule interpolovat mezi dvěma různými vlnovými průběhy. + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Načtení pluginu "%1" selhalo! + + + PluginBrowser - - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Vyberte vlnu pro druhý suboscilátor oscilátoru 3. Oscilátor 3 může plynule interpolovat mezi dvěma různými vlnovými průběhy. + + Instrument Plugins + Nástrojové pluginy - - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - Otočný ovladač SUB mění poměr směšování mezi dvěma suboscilátory oscilátoru 3. Každý suboscilátor může být nastaven tak, aby vytvářel jiný vlnový průběh, a oscilátor 3 může plynule interpolovat mezi nimi. Všechny příchozí modulace oscilátoru 3 jsou shodným způsobem aplikovány na oba suboscilátory / vlnové průběhy. + + Instrument browser + Prohlížeč nástrojů - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - Kromě vyhrazených modulátorů Monstro umožňuje oscilátor 3 modulovat výstupem oscilátoru 2. - -Režim směšování znamená bez modulace: výstupy oscilátorů se jednoduše smíchají. + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + Nástroj přetáhněte do editoru skladby, editoru bicích/basů nebo do existující nástrojové stopy. - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - Kromě vyhrazených modulátorů Monstro umožňuje oscilátor 3 modulovat výstupem oscilátoru 2. - -AM znamená amplitudovou modulaci: Amplituda (hlasitost) oscilátoru 3 je modulována oscilátorem 2. + + no description + bez popisu - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - Kromě vyhrazených modulátorů Monstro umožňuje oscilátor 3 modulovat výstupem oscilátoru 2. - -FM znamená frekvenční modulaci: frekvence (výška) oscilátoru 3 je modulována oscilátorem 2. Frekvenční modulace je implementována jako fázová modulace, která poskytuje stabilnější výslednou výšku než "čistá" frekvenční modulace. + + A native amplifier plugin + Nativní plugin zesilovače - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - Kromě vyhrazených modulátorů Monstro umožňuje oscilátor 3 modulovat výstupem oscilátoru 2. - -PM znamená fázovou modulaci: fáze oscilátoru 3 je modulována oscilátorem 2. To se liší od frekvenční modulace tím, že fázové změny nejsou kumulativní. + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Jednoduchý sampler s bohatým nastavením pro používání samplů (např. bicích nástrojů) v nástrojové stopě - - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Vyberte tvar vlny pro LFO 1. -"Náhodná" a "Vyhlazená náhodná" jsou speciální vlny: produkují náhodný výstup, kde rychlost LFO řídí, jak často se mění stav LFO. Vyhlazená verze interpoluje mezi těmito stavy kosinovou interpolací. Tyto náhodné režimy mohou být použity k oživení vašich předvoleb – přidávají něco z analogové nepředvídatelnosti... - - - - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Vyberte tvar vlny pro LFO 2. -"Náhodná" a "Vyhlazená náhodná" jsou speciální vlny: produkují náhodný výstup, kde rychlost LFO řídí, jak často se mění stav LFO. Vyhlazená verze interpoluje mezi těmito stavy kosinovou interpolací. Tyto náhodné režimy mohou být použity k oživení vašich předvoleb – přidávají něco z analogové nepředvídatelnosti... - - - - - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - Náběh způsobí, že LFO najede postupně od začátku noty. - - - - - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - Rate nastavuje rychlost LFO, měřenou v milisekundách za cyklus. Lze synchronizovat s tempem. - - - - - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - PHS řídí fázový posun LFO. - - - - - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - PRE nebo předzpoždění (PRE, predelay) zpozdí začátek obálky oproti začátku noty. Hodnota 0 znamená bez zpoždění. - - - - - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - NÁB nebo náběh určuje, jak rychle vystoupá začátek obálky do špičky, měřeno v milisekundách. Hodnota 0 znamená okamžitý náběh. - - - - - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - Držení určuje, jak dlouho obálka zůstane na špičce po fázi náběhu. - - - - - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - ÚTL nebo útlum (DEC, decoy) řídí rychlost poklesu obálky ze špičky do nulové úrovně (měřeno v milisekundách). Aktuální útlum může být kratší, pokud je použito podržení (sustain). - - - - - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - POD nebo podržení (SUS, sustain) řídí úroveň podržení v obálce. Fáze útlumu (decoy) nemůže jít pod tuto úroveň, dokud je nota držená. - - - - - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - UVO nebo uvolnění určuje, jak dlouhé bude ukončení noty, tedy jak dlouho bude trvat zeslabení ze špičky na nulu. Skutečná délka uvolnění může být kratší v závislosti na tom, ve které fázi je nota ukončena. - - - - - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - Otočný ovladač sklon řídí křivku a tvar obálky. Hodnota 0 vytváří přímý nárůst i pokles. Záporné hodnoty vytvářejí křivku, která začíná pomalu, rychle dosáhne špičky a opět pomalu klesá. Pozitivní hodnoty vytvářejí křivku, která začíná a končí rychle a udržuje se v blízkosti špičky. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Modulation amount - Hloubka modulace + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Zesílení vašeho basu rychlým a snadným způsobem - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - - Length - Délka + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Upravitelný tabulkový syntezátor - - Step length: - Délka kroku: + + An oversampling bitcrusher + Bitcrusher založený na převzorkování - - Dry - Poměr + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Nástroj Carla Patchbay - - Dry Gain: - Poměr zdrojového zvuku: + + Carla Rack Instrument + Nástroj Carla Rack - - Stages - Úrovně + + A dynamic range compressor. + - - Lowpass stages: - Počet úrovní dolní propusti: + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + 4 pásmový crossover ekvalizér - - Swap inputs - Přepnout vstupy + + A native delay plugin + Nativní plugin delay - - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - Přepnout levý a pravý vstupní kanál pro odrazy + + A Dual filter plugin + Plugin duální filtr - - - NesInstrument - - Channel 1 Coarse detune - Kanál 1 hrubé rozladění + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + plugin pro flexibilní práci s dynamikou - - Channel 1 Volume - Hlasitost kanálu 1 + + A native eq plugin + Nativní plugin ekvalizér - - Channel 1 Envelope length - Kanál 1 délka obálky + + A native flanger plugin + Nativní plugin flanger - - Channel 1 Duty cycle - Kanál 1 pracovní cyklus + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Emulace APU GameBoye (TM) - - Channel 1 Sweep amount - Kanál 1 množství sweepu + + Player for GIG files + Přehrávač GIG souborů - - Channel 1 Sweep rate - Kanál 1rychlost sweepu + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Filtr pro import souborů Hydrogen do LMMS - - Channel 2 Coarse detune - Kanál 2 hrubé rozladění + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Univerzální syntezátor bicích nástrojů - - Channel 2 Volume - Hlasitost kanálu 2 + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Seznam nainstalovaných LADSPA pluginů - - Channel 2 Envelope length - Kanál 2 délka obálky + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + plugin pro užití libovolných LADSPA efektů uvnitř LMMS. - - Channel 2 Duty cycle - Kanál 2 pracovní cyklus + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Nekompletní monofonní imitace TB-303 - - Channel 2 Sweep amount - Kanál 2 množství sweepu + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + - - Channel 2 Sweep rate - Kanál 2 rychlost sweepu + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + - - Channel 3 Coarse detune - Kanál 3 hrubé rozladění + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Filtr pro export souborů MIDI z LMMS - - Channel 3 Volume - Hlasitost kanálu 3 + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filtr pro import MIDI souborů do LMMS - - Channel 4 Volume - Hlasitost kanálu 4 + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + 3oscilátorový syntezátor Monstrous s modulační matricí - - Channel 4 Envelope length - Kanál 4 délka obálky + + A multitap echo delay plugin + Plugin multi-tap delay - - Channel 4 Noise frequency - Kanál 4 frekvence šumu + + A NES-like synthesizer + Syntetizér typu NES - - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - Kanál 4 sweep frekvence šumu + + 2-operator FM Synth + 2 operátorová FM syntéza - - Master volume - Hlavní hlasitost + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Aditivní syntezátor pro zvuky podobné varhanám - - Vibrato - Vibráto + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + GUS kompatibilní patch instrument - - - NesInstrumentView - - - - - Volume - Hlasitost + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Plugin pro řízení otočných ovladačů zvukovými špičkami - - - - Coarse detune - Hrubé rozladění + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Algoritmus dozvuku od Seana Costello - - - - Envelope length - Délka obálky + + Player for SoundFont files + Přehrávač SoundFont souborů - - Enable channel 1 - Zapnout kanál 1 + + LMMS port of sfxr + LMMS port sfxr - - Enable envelope 1 - Zapnout obálku 1 + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Emulace MOS6581 a MOS8580 SID. +Tento čip byl používán v počítačích Commodore 64. - - Enable envelope 1 loop - Zapnout smyčku obálky 1 + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + Grafický analyzátor spektra - - Enable sweep 1 - Zapnout sweep 1 + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Plugin pro zlepšení stereo separace vstupních stereo souborů - - - Sweep amount - Množství sweepu + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Plugin pro volné úpravy stereo výstupu - - - Sweep rate - Rychlost sweepu + + Tuneful things to bang on + Melodické bicí nástroje - - - 12.5% Duty cycle - 12.5% pracovního cyklu + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + 3 silné oscilátory, které můžete různými způsoby modulovat - - - 25% Duty cycle - 25% pracovního cyklu + + A stereo field visualizer. + - - - 50% Duty cycle - 50% pracovního cyklu + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + VST host pro užití VST(i) pluginů v LMMS - - - 75% Duty cycle - 75% pracovního cyklu + + Vibrating string modeler + Vibrační modelátor strun - - Enable channel 2 - Zapnout kanál 2 + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + Plugin pro použití libovolného VST efektu v LMMS. - - Enable envelope 2 - Zapnout obálku 2 + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + 4oscilátorový modulovatelný tabulkový syntezátor - - Enable envelope 2 loop - Zapnout smyčku obálky 2 + + plugin for waveshaping + plugin pro tvarování vln - - Enable sweep 2 - Zapnout sweep 2 + + Mathematical expression parser + Parser matematických výrazů - - Enable channel 3 - Zapnout kanál 3 + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Vestavěný ZynAddSubFX + + + PluginDatabaseW - - Noise Frequency - Frekvence šumu + + Carla - Add New + - - Frequency sweep - Frekvence sweepu + + Format + - - Enable channel 4 - Zapnout kanál 4 + + Internal + - - Enable envelope 4 - Zapnout obálku 4 + + LADSPA + - - Enable envelope 4 loop - Zapnout smyčku obálky 4 + + DSSI + - - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Kvantizovat frekvenci šumu při použití frekvence noty + + LV2 + - - Use note frequency for noise - Použít frekvenci pro šum + + VST2 + - - Noise mode - Typ šumu + + VST3 + - - Master Volume - Hlavní hlasitost + + AU + - - Vibrato - Vibráto + + Sound Kits + - - - OscillatorObject - - Osc %1 waveform - Osc %1 vlna + + Type + Typ - - Osc %1 harmonic - Osc %1 harmonické + + Effects + Efekty - - - Osc %1 volume - Osc %1 hlasitost + + Instruments + Nástroje - - - Osc %1 panning - Osc %1 panoráma + + MIDI Plugins + - - - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Osc %1 jemné rozladění vlevo + + Other/Misc + - - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Osc %1 hrubé rozladění + + Architecture + - - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Osc %1 jemné rozladění vpravo + + Native + - - Osc %1 phase-offset - Osc %1 posun fáze + + Bridged + - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Osc %1 rozladění stereo fáze + + Bridged (Wine) + - - Osc %1 wave shape - Osc %1 forma vlny + + Requirements + - - Modulation type %1 - Typ modulace %1 + + With Custom GUI + - - - PatchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: Předvolba kanálu + + With CV Ports + - - Bank selector - Výběr banky + + Real-time safe only + - - Bank - Banka + + Stereo only + - - Program selector - Výběr programu + + With Inline Display + - - Patch - Patch + + Favorites only + - - Name - Název + + (Number of Plugins go here) + - - OK - OK + + &Add Plugin + - + Cancel Zrušit - - - PatmanView - - Open other patch - Otevřít jiný patch + + Refresh + - - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete otevřít další patch-soubor. Nastavení smyčky a režimu ladění zůstanou zachována. + + Reset filters + - - Loop - Smyčka + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - - Loop mode - Režim smyčky + + Format: + - - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Zde můžete přepínat režim smyčky. Je-li zapnutá, PatMan použije informace o smyčce dostupné v souboru. + + Architecture: + - - Tune - Ladění + + Type: + Typ: - - Tune mode - Režim ladění + + MIDI Ins: + - - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Zde můžete přepínat režim ladění. Je-li zapnut, PatMan naladí vzorek tak, aby odpovídal frekvenci noty. + + Audio Ins: + - - No file selected - Není vybrán žádný soubor + + CV Outs: + - - Open patch file - Otevřít soubor patch + + MIDI Outs: + - - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Soubor patch (*.pat) + + Parameter Ins: + - - - PatternView - - use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step - použijte kolečko myši pro nastavení dynamiky kroku + + Parameter Outs: + - - double-click to open in Piano Roll - poklepáním otevřete v Piano rollu + + Audio Outs: + - - Open in piano-roll - Otevřít v Piano rollu + + CV Ins: + - - Clear all notes - Vymazat všechny noty + + UniqueID: + - - Reset name - Resetovat jméno + + Has Inline Display: + - - Change name - Změnit jméno + + Has Custom GUI: + - - Add steps - Přidat kroky + + Is Synth: + - - Remove steps - Odstranit kroky + + Is Bridged: + - - Clone Steps - Klonovat kroky + + Information + - - - PeakController - - Peak Controller - Ovladač špičky + + Name + Název + + + + Label/URI + - - Peak Controller Bug - Chyba ovladače špičky + + Maker + - - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - Z důvodu chyby ve starší verzi LMMS nemusí být ovladače špiček správně připojeny. Ujistěte se prosím, zda jsou ovladače špiček správně připojeny a znovu uložte tento soubor. Omlouváme se za způsobené nepříjemnosti. + + Binary/Filename + - - - PeakControllerDialog - - PEAK - ŠPIČ + + Focus Text Search + - - LFO Controller - Ovladač LFO + + Ctrl+F + - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + PluginEdit - - BASE - ZÁKL + + Plugin Editor + - - Base amount: - Základní míra: + + Edit + - - AMNT - MNOŽ + + Control + Ovládání - - Modulation amount: - Hloubka modulace: + + MIDI Control Channel: + - - MULT - NÁSB + + N + - - Amount Multiplicator: - Násobič množství: + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - - ATCK - NÁBH + + Output volume (100%) + - - Attack: - Náběh: + + Balance Left (0%) + - - DCAY - POKL + + + Balance Right (0%) + - - Release: - Doznění: + + Use Balance + - - TRSH - PRÁH + + Use Panning + - - Treshold: - Práh: + + Settings + Nastavení - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - - Base value - Základní hodnota + + Use Chunks + - - Modulation amount - Hloubka modulace + + Audio: + - - Attack - Náběh + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - - Release - Doznění + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - - Treshold - Práh + + MIDI: + - - Mute output - Ztlumit výstup + + Map Program Changes + - - Abs Value - Abs hodnota + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - - Amount Multiplicator - Násobič množství + + Send Control Changes + - - - PianoRoll - - Note Velocity - Dynamika noty + + Send Channel Pressure + - - Note Panning - Panoráma noty + + Send Note Aftertouch + - - Mark/unmark current semitone - Zvýraznit/Skrýt zvolený tón + + Send Pitchbend + - - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Zvýraznit/Skrýt zvolený tón ve všech oktávách + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - - Mark current scale - Zvýraznit zvolenou stupnici + + +Plugin Name + + - - Mark current chord - Zvýraznit zvolený akord + + Program: + - - Unmark all - Skrýt vše + + MIDI Program: + - - Select all notes on this key - Vybrat všechny noty zvolené výšky + + Save State + - - Note lock - Zamknout notu + + Load State + - - Last note - Podle poslední noty + + Information + - - No scale - Žádná stupnice + + Label/URI: + - - No chord - Žádný akord + + Name: + - - Velocity: %1% - Dynamika: %1% + + Type: + Typ: - - Panning: %1% left - Panoráma: %1% vlevo + + Maker: + - - Panning: %1% right - Panoráma: %1% vpravo + + Copyright: + - - Panning: center - Panoráma: střed + + Unique ID: + + + + PluginFactory - - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Otevřete prosím záznam poklepáním! + + Plugin not found. + Plugin nebyl nalezen. - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Vložte prosím novou hodnotu mezi %1 a %2: + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + U LMMS pluginu %1 chybí popisovač pluginu s názvem %2! - PianoRollWindow + PluginParameter - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Přehrát/Pozastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu (mezerník) + + Form + - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Nahrávat z MIDI zařízení / virtuální klávesnice + + Parameter Name + - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Nahrávat z MIDI zařízení / virtuální klávesnice při přehrávání skladby nebo stopy bicích/basů + + ... + + + + PluginRefreshW - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Zastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu (mezerník) + + Carla - Refresh + - - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete přehrát aktuální záznam. To je užitečné při editaci. Záznam je automaticky přehráván ve smyčce. + + Search for new... + - - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete nahrávat z MIDI zařízení nebo z virtuální klávesnice příslušného kanálového okna do aktuálního záznamu. Při nahrávání se zapíší všechny zahrané noty do tohoto záznamu, a následně je můžete přehrát nebo upravit. + + LADSPA + - - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete nahrávat z MIDI zařízení nebo z virtuální klávesnice příslušného kanálového okna do aktuálního záznamu. Při nahrávání se zapíší všechny zahrané noty do tohoto záznamu a na pozadí uslyšíte skladbu nebo stopu bicích/basů. + + DSSI + - - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete zastavit přehrávání aktuálního záznamu. + + LV2 + - - Edit actions - Akce úprav + + VST2 + - - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Režim kreslení (Shift+D) + + VST3 + - - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Režim mazání (Shift+E) + + AU + - - Select mode (Shift+S) - Režim výběru (Shift+S) + + SF2/3 + - - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - Klepněte sem pro aktivaci režimu kreslení. V tomto režimu můžete přidávat, měnit a přesouvat noty. Toto je výchozí režim, který se používá nejčastěji. Pro aktivaci tohoto režimu můžete také stisknout "Shift+D" na klávesnici. V tomto režimu podržte %1 pro dočasné přepnutí do režimu výběru. + + SFZ + - - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klepněte sem pro aktivaci režimu mazání. V tomto režimu můžete vymazávat noty. Pro aktivaci tohoto režimu můžete také stisknout tlačítko "Shift+E" na klávesnici. + + Native + - - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - Klepněte sem pro aktivaci režimu výběru. V tomto režimu můžete vybírat noty. Alternativně můžete v režimu kreslení držet %1 pro dočasné přepnutí do režimu výběru. + + POSIX 32bit + - - Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - Režim ohýbání výšky (Shift+T) + + POSIX 64bit + - - Click here and Pitch Bend mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klepněte sem pro aktivaci režimu ohýbání výšky tónu. V tomto režimu můžete klepnutím na notu otevřít její automatizované rozladění. To můžete využít ke sklouznutí z jedné noty na jinou. Pro aktivaci tohoto režimu můžete také stisknout klávesu "Shift+T" na klávesnici. + + Windows 32bit + - - Quantize - Kvantizace + + Windows 64bit + - - Copy paste controls - Ovládání kopírování a vkládání + + Available tools: + - - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Vyjmout označené noty (%1+X) + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Kopírovat označené noty (%1+C) + + carla-discovery-win64 + - - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Vložit noty ze schránky (%1+V) + + carla-discovery-native + - - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete označené noty vyjmout a uložit do schránky. Vložit je pak můžete kdekoliv v libovolném záznamu pomocí tlačítka Vložit. + + carla-discovery-posix32 + - - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete označené noty zkopírovat do schránky. Vložit je pak můžete kdekoliv v libovolném záznamu pomocí tlačítka Vložit. + + carla-discovery-posix64 + - - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Klepnete-li sem, budou noty ze schránky vloženy do prvního viditelného taktu. + + carla-discovery-win32 + - - Timeline controls - Ovládání časové osy + + Options: + - - Zoom and note controls - Lupa a ovládání not + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - Tímto se ovládá zvětšení osy. To může být užitečné při volbě zvětšení pro konkrétní úkol. Při běžné úpravě by mělo být zvětšení použito na vaše nejmenší noty. + + Run processing checks while scanning + - - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - "Q" znamená kvantizaci, která ovládá mřížku velikosti not a kontrolní body krokování. S menšími hodnotami kvantizace můžete kreslit kratší noty v Piano rollu a přesnější kontrolní body v editoru automatizace. + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + - - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - Tímto je možno vybrat délku nových not. "Poslední nota" znamená, že LMMS použije délku naposledy upravované noty. + + Scan + - - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - Funkce je přímo propojena s kontextovou nabídkou na virtuální klávesnici vlevo v Piano rollu. Poté, co jste v rozbalovací nabídce zvolili stupnici, můžete klepnout pravým tlačítkem na požadovanou klávesu na virtuální klávesnici, a pak zvolit "Zvýraznit zvolenou stupnici". LMMS zvýrazní všechny noty, které patří do zvolené stupnice, a to od klávesy, kterou jste vybrali! + + >> Skip + - - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - Vyberte si akord, který pak LMMS může nakreslit nebo zvýraznit. V rozbalovací nabídce najdete nejčastěji používané akordy. Po výběru akordu klepněte kamkoliv pro umístění akordu, klepnutím pravým tlačítkem na virtuální klávesnici pak otevřete kontextové menu a zvýrazníte akord. Chcete-li se vrátit k práci s jednotlivými notami, musíte v rozbalovací nabídce zvolit možnost "Žádný akord". + + Close + Zavřít + + + PluginWidget - - - Piano-Roll - %1 - Piano roll – %1 + + + + + + Frame + - - - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Piano roll – žádný záznam + + Enable + - - - PianoView - - Base note - Základní nota + + On/Off + Zap/Vyp - - - Plugin - - Plugin not found - Plugin nenalezen + + + + + PluginName + - - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - Plugin "%1" nebyl nalezen nebo nemůže být načten! -Důvod: "%2" + + MIDI + MIDI - - Error while loading plugin - Při načítání pluginu došlo k chybě + + AUDIO IN + - - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Načtení pluginu "%1" selhalo! + + AUDIO OUT + - - - PluginBrowser - - Instrument Plugins - Nástrojové pluginy + + GUI + - - Instrument browser - Prohlížeč nástrojů + + Edit + - - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Nástroj přetáhněte do editoru skladby, editoru bicích/basů nebo do existující nástrojové stopy. + + Remove + - - - PluginFactory - - Plugin not found. - Plugin nebyl nalezen. + + Plugin Name + - - - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - U LMMS pluginu %1 chybí popisovač pluginu s názvem %2! + + + Preset: + ProjectNotes - + Project Notes Poznámky k projektu - + Enter project notes here Sem zapište poznámky k projektu - + Edit Actions Provedené úpravy - + &Undo &Zpět - + %1+Z %1+Z - + &Redo &Znovu - + %1+Y %1+Z - + &Copy &Kopírovat - + %1+C %1+C - + Cu&t &Vyjmout - + %1+X %1+X - + &Paste V&ložit - + %1+V %1+V - + Format Actions Formátování - + &Bold &Tučné - + %1+B %1+B - + &Italic &Kurzíva - + %1+I %1+I - + &Underline &Podtržené - + %1+U %1+U - + &Left &Vlevo - + %1+L %1+L - + C&enter &Na střed - + %1+E %1+E - + &Right V&pravo - + %1+R %1+R - + &Justify &Do bloku - + %1+J %1+J - + &Color... &Barva... @@ -7479,98 +11313,125 @@ Důvod: "%2" ProjectRenderer - - WAV-File (*.wav) - WAV soubor (*.wav) + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Komprimovaný OGG soubor (*.ogg) + + Reload Plugin + - FLAC-File (*.flac) - Soubor FLAC (*.flac) + + Show GUI + Ukázat grafické rozhraní - - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) - Komprimovaný soubor MP3 (*.mp3) + + Help + Nápověda QWidget - - + + + Name: Název: - - + + URI: + + + + + + Maker: Tvůrce: - - + + + Copyright: Autorská práva: - - + + Requires Real Time: Vyžaduje běh v reálném čase: - - - - - - + + + + + + Yes Ano - - - - - - + + + + + + No Ne - - + + Real Time Capable: Schopnost běhu v reálném čase: - - + + In Place Broken: Na místě poškozeného: - - + + Channels In: Vstupní kanály: - - + + Channels Out: Výstupní kanály: - + File: %1 Soubor: %1 @@ -7580,10 +11441,18 @@ Důvod: "%2" Soubor: + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Naposledy otevřené projekty + + RenameDialog - + Rename... Přejmenovat... @@ -7597,7 +11466,7 @@ Důvod: "%2" - Input Gain: + Input gain: Zesílení vstupu: @@ -7616,5271 +11485,4850 @@ Důvod: "%2" Barva - - Color: - Barva: - - - - Output - Výstup - - - - Output Gain: - Zesílení výstupu: - - - - ReverbSCControls - - - Input Gain - Vstupní úroveň - - - - Size - Velikost - - - - Color - Barva - - - - Output Gain - Zesílení výstupu - - - - SampleBuffer - - - Fail to open file - Chyba otevírání souboru - - - - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - Audio soubory jsou omezeny na %1 MB velikosti a %2 minut délky - - - - Open audio file - Otevřít audio soubor - - - - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Všechny audio soubory (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - - - - Wave-Files (*.wav) - WAV soubory (*.wav) - - - - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - OGG soubory (*.ogg) - - - - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - DrumSynth soubory (*.ds) - - - - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - FLAC soubory (*.flac) - - - - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - SPEEX soubory (*.spx) - - - - VOC-Files (*.voc) - VOC soubory (*.voc) - - - - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - Soubory AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) - - - - AU-Files (*.au) - AU soubory (*.au) - - - - RAW-Files (*.raw) - RAW soubory (*.raw) - - - - SampleTCOView - - - double-click to select sample - poklepáním vyberte sampl - - - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Smazat (prostřední tlačítko myši) - - - - Cut - Vyjmout - - - - Copy - Kopírovat - - - - Paste - Vložit - - - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Ztlumit/Odtlumit (<%1> + prostřední tlačítko) - - - - SampleTrack - - - Volume - Hlasitost - - - - Panning - Panoráma - - - - - Sample track - Stopa samplů - - - - SampleTrackView - - - Track volume - Hlasitost stopy - - - - Channel volume: - Hlasitost kanálu: - - - - VOL - HLA - - - - Panning - Panoráma - - - - Panning: - Panoráma: - - - - PAN - PAN - - - - SetupDialog - - - Setup LMMS - Nastavení LMMS - - - - - General settings - Hlavní nastavení - - - - BUFFER SIZE - VELIKOST VYR. PAMĚTI - - - - - Reset to default-value - Nastavit výchozí hodnoty - - - - MISC - JINÉ - - - - Enable tooltips - Zapnout bublinovou nápovědu - - - - Show restart warning after changing settings - Zobrazit výzvu k restartu po změně nastavení - - - - Display volume as dBFS - Zobrazit hlasitost v dBFS - - - - Compress project files per default - Komprimovat soubory s projekty - - - - One instrument track window mode - Režim jedné stopy pro nástroje - - - - HQ-mode for output audio-device - HQ režim pro výstup audio zařízení - - - - Compact track buttons - Malá tlačítka u stop - - - - Sync VST plugins to host playback - Synchronizace VST pluginů s hostujícím přehráváním - - - - Enable note labels in piano roll - Povolit názvy tónů v Piano rollu - - - - Enable waveform display by default - Povolit zobrazení vlny ve výchozím nastavení - - - - Keep effects running even without input - Nechat efekty spuštěné i bez vstupu - - - - Create backup file when saving a project - Při ukládání projektu vytvořit záložní soubor - - - - Reopen last project on start - Po spuštění otevřít poslední projekt - - - - Use built-in NaN handler - Použít vestavěný NaN handler - - - - PLUGIN EMBEDDING - VLOŽENÍ PLUGINU - - - - No embedding - Nevkládat - - - - Embed using Qt API - Vložit pomocí rozhraní Qt - - - - Embed using native Win32 API - Vložit pomocí nativního rozhraní Win32 + + Color: + Barva: - - Embed using XEmbed protocol - Vložit pomocí protokolu XEmbed + + Output + Výstup - - LANGUAGE - Jazyk + + Output gain: + Zesílení výstupu: + + + ReverbSCControls - - - Paths - Cesty + + Input gain + Zesílení vstupu - - Directories - Adresáře + + Size + Velikost - - LMMS working directory - Pracovní adresář LMMS + + Color + Barva - - Themes directory - Adresář pro témata + + Output gain + Zesílení výstupu + + + SaControls - - Background artwork - Obrázek na pozadí + + Pause + Pauza - - VST-plugin directory - Adresář pro VST pluginy + + Reference freeze + - - GIG directory - Adresář pro GIG + + Waterfall + Vodopád - - SF2 directory - Adresář pro SF2 + + Averaging + - - LADSPA plugin directories - Adresář pro LADSPA pluginy + + Stereo + Stereo - - STK rawwave directory - Adresář pro STK rawwave + + Peak hold + Držet špičku - - Default Soundfont File - Výchozí Soundfont soubor + + Logarithmic frequency + Logaritmická frekvence - - - Performance settings - Nastavení výkonu + + Logarithmic amplitude + Logaritmická amplituda - - Auto save - Automatické ukládání + + Frequency range + Frekvenční rozsah - - Enable auto-save - Povolit automatické ukládání + + Amplitude range + Rozsah amplitudy - - Allow auto-save while playing - Povolit automatické ukládání během přehrávání + + FFT block size + Velikost FFT bloku - - UI effects vs. performance - Efekty uživatelského rozhraní vs. výkon + + FFT window type + Typ FFT okna - - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - Plynulé posouvání v Song Editoru + + Peak envelope resolution + - - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Zobrazit přehrávací kurzor v AudioFileProcessoru + + Spectrum display resolution + Rozlišení zobrazení spektra - - - Audio settings - Audio nastavení + + Peak decay multiplier + - - AUDIO INTERFACE - AUDIO ROZHRANÍ + + Averaging weight + - - - MIDI settings - MIDI nastavení + + Waterfall history size + - - MIDI INTERFACE - MIDI ROZHRANÍ + + Waterfall gamma correction + - - OK - OK + + FFT window overlap + Překrývání FFT oken - - Cancel - Zrušit + + FFT zero padding + - - Restart LMMS - Restartovat LMMS + + + Full (auto) + - - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - Mnohé změny nastavení se projeví až po restartu LMMS! + + + + Audible + - - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Rámce: %1 -Zpoždění %2 ms + + Bass + Basy - - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - Zde můžete nastavit interní velikost vyrovnávací paměti, která je užívána LMMS. Nízké hodnoty vedou k menšímu zpoždění, ale také způsobují nepoužitelný zvuk nebo špatný výkon, zejména na starých počítačích či systémech s jádrem nepodporujícím real time. + + Mids + - - Choose LMMS working directory - Vyberte pracovní adresář LMMS + + High + - - Choose your GIG directory - Vyberte svůj adresář pro GIG soubory + + Extended + Rozšířený - - Choose your SF2 directory - Vyberte svůj adresář pro SF2 soubory + + Loud + Hlasitý - - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Vyberte adresář pro VST pluginy + + Silent + Tichý - - Choose artwork-theme directory - Vyberte adresář s tématy + + (High time res.) + - - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Vyberte adresář pro LADSPA pluginy + + (High freq. res.) + - - Choose STK rawwave directory - Vyberte adresář pro STK rawwave + + Rectangular (Off) + - - Choose default SoundFont - Vyberte výchozí SoundFont + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + - - Choose background artwork - Vyberte obrázek na pozadí + + Hamming + - - minutes - minut + + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog - - minute - minuta + + Pause + Pauza - - Disabled - Vypnuto + + Pause data acquisition + - - Auto-save interval: %1 - Interval automatického ukládání: %1 + + Reference freeze + - - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - Nastavte čas mezi automatickým zálohováním na %1. -Nezapomeňte také svůj projekt uložit ručně. Můžete si vybrat, zda nechcete během přehrávání zakázat ukládání, což je problematické pro některé starší systémy. + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + - - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - Zde vyberte preferované audio rozhraní. V závislosti na konfiguraci Vašeho systému při kompilaci můžete volit mezi ALSA, JACK, OSS a dalšími. Níže vidíte políčko, které nabízí možnost nastavení vybraného audio rozhraní. + + Waterfall + Vodopád - - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - Zde vyberte preferované MIDI rozhraní. V závislosti na konfiguraci Vašeho systému při kompilaci můžete volit mezi ALSA OSS a dalšími. Níže vidíte políčko, které nabízí možnost nastavení vybraného MIDI rozhraní. + + Display real-time spectrogram + - - - Song - - Tempo - Tempo + + Averaging + - - Master volume - Hlavní hlasitost + + Enable exponential moving average + - - Master pitch - Transpozice + + Stereo + Stereo - - LMMS Error report - Chybové hlášení LMMS + + Display stereo channels separately + - - Project saved - Projekt uložen + + Peak hold + Držet špičku - - The project %1 is now saved. - Projekt %1 je nyní uložen. + + Display envelope of peak values + - - Project NOT saved. - Projekt NENÍ uložen. + + Logarithmic frequency + Logaritmická frekvence - - The project %1 was not saved! - Projekt %1 nebyl uložen! + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + Přepnout mezi mezi logaritmickým a lineárním zobrazením frekvence - - Import file - Importovat soubor + + + Frequency range + Frekvenční rozsah - - MIDI sequences - MIDI sekvence + + Logarithmic amplitude + Logaritmická amplituda - - Hydrogen projects - Projekty Hydrogen + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + Přepnout mezi mezi logaritmickým a lineárním zobrazením amplitudy - - All file types - Všechny typy souborů + + + Amplitude range + Rozsah amplitudy - - - Empty project - Prázdný projekt + + Envelope res. + Rozliš. obálky - - - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - Tento projekt je prázdný, jeho exportování nemá smysl. Nejdříve prosím vložte nějaké položky do Editoru skladby! + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Zvyšte rozlišení obálky pro lepší detaily, snižte pro vyšší výkon rozhraní (GUI). - - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Vyberte adresář pro zápis exportovaných stop... + + + Draw at most + - - - untitled - nepojmenovaný + + envelope points per pixel + - - - Select file for project-export... - Vyberte soubor pro export projektu... + + Spectrum res. + Rozliš. spektra - - Save project - Uložit projekt + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Zvyšte rozlišení spektra pro lepší detaily, snižte pro vyšší výkon rozhraní (GUI). - - MIDI File (*.mid) - MIDI soubor (*.mid) + + spectrum points per pixel + bodů spektra na pixel - - The following errors occured while loading: - Během načítání se vyskytly tyto chyby: + + Falloff factor + - - - SongEditor - - Could not open file - Nemohu otevřít soubor + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + - - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Nelze otevřít soubor %1. Pravděpodobně nemáte oprávnění číst tento soubor. - Ujistěte se prosím, že máte oprávnění alespoň číst tento soubor a zkuste to znovu. + + Multiply buffered value by + - - Could not write file - Nemohu zapsat soubor + + Averaging weight + - - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Nelze zapisovat do souboru %1. Pravděpodobně nemáte oprávnění zapisovat do tohoto souboru. Ujistěte se prosím, že máte oprávnění zapisovat do tohoto souboru a zkuse to znovu. + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + - - Error in file - Chyba v souboru + + New sample contributes + - - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Soubor %1 pravděpodobně obsahuje chyby, a proto nemohl být načten. + + Waterfall height + - - Version difference - Rozdíl verzí + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + - - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - %1 byl vytvořen v LMMS %2. + + Keep + Zachovat - - template - šablona + + lines + linie - - project - projekt + + Waterfall gamma + Gamma vodopádu - - Tempo - Tempo + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + - - TEMPO/BPM - TEMPO/BPM + + Gamma value: + Hodnota gamma: - - tempo of song - tempo skladby + + Window overlap + Překrývání oken - - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - Tempo skladby je uvedeno v úderech za minutu (BPM). Chcete-li změnit tempo skladby, změňte tuto hodnotu. Každý takt má čtyři doby (beats), takže tempo v BPM specifikuje kolik taktů / 4 bude za minutu přehráno (nebo kolik taktů bude přehráno ve čtyřech minutách). + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - - High quality mode - Režim vysoké kvality + + Each sample processed + Zpracování všech samplů - - - Master volume - Hlavní hlasitost + + times + - - master volume - hlavní hlasitost + + Zero padding + - - - Master pitch - Transpozice + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + - - master pitch - transpozice + + Processing buffer is + - - Value: %1% - Hodnota: %1% + + steps larger than input block + - - Value: %1 semitones - Hodnota: %1 půltónů + + Advanced settings + Rozšířená nastavení - - - SongEditorWindow - - Song-Editor - Editor skladby + + Access advanced settings + - - Play song (Space) - Přehrát skladbu (mezerník) + + + FFT block size + Velikost FFT bloku - - Record samples from Audio-device - Nahrát samply z audio zařízení + + + FFT window type + Typ FFT okna + + + SampleBuffer - - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Nahrát samply z audio zařízení při přehrávání skladby nebo stopy bicích/basů + + Fail to open file + Chyba otevírání souboru - - Stop song (Space) - Zastavit přehrávání (mezerník) + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Audio soubory jsou omezeny na %1 MB velikosti a %2 minut délky - - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete přehrát celou skladbu. Přehrávání začne v místě kde se nalézá zelený označovač pozice, se kterým lze též při přehrávání pohybovat. + + Open audio file + Otevřít audio soubor - - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete zastavit přehrávání skladby. Označovač pozice bude nastaven na začátek skladby. + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Všechny audio soubory (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - - Track actions - Akce stopy + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + WAV soubory (*.wav) - - Add beat/bassline - Přidat bicí/basy + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + OGG soubory (*.ogg) - - Add sample-track - Přidat stopu samplů + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + DrumSynth soubory (*.ds) - - Add automation-track - Přidat stopu automatizace + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + FLAC soubory (*.flac) - - Edit actions - Akce úprav + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + SPEEX soubory (*.spx) - - Draw mode - Režim kreslení + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + VOC soubory (*.voc) - - Edit mode (select and move) - Režim úprav (označit a přesunout) + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + Soubory AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) - - Timeline controls - Ovládání časové osy + + AU-Files (*.au) + AU soubory (*.au) - - Zoom controls - Ovládání zvětšení + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + RAW soubory (*.raw) - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + Poklepejte pro výběr samplu + - - Linear spectrum - Lineární spektrum + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Smazat (prostřední tlačítko myši) - - Linear Y axis - Lineární osa Y + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - - Linear spectrum - Lineární spektrum + + Cut + Vyjmout - - Linear Y axis - Lineární osa Y + + Cut selection + - - Channel mode - Režim kanálu + + Copy + Kopírovat - - - SubWindow - - Close - Zavřít + + Copy selection + - - Maximize - Maximalizovat + + Paste + Vložit - - Restore - Obnovit + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Ztlumit/Odtlumit (<%1> + prostřední tlačítko) - - - TabWidget - - - Settings for %1 - Nastavení rpo %1 + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - - - TempoSyncKnob - - - Tempo Sync - Synchronizace tempa + + Reverse sample + Přehrávat pozpátku - - No Sync - Nesynchronizovat + + Set clip color + - - Eight beats - Osm dob + + Use track color + + + + SampleTrack - - Whole note - Celá nota + + Volume + Hlasitost - - Half note - Půlová nota + + Panning + Panoráma - - Quarter note - Čtvrťová nota + + Mixer channel + Efektový kanál - - 8th note - Osminová nota + + + Sample track + Stopa samplů + + + SampleTrackView - - 16th note - Šestnáctinová nota + + Track volume + Hlasitost stopy - - 32nd note - Dvaatřicetinová nota + + Channel volume: + Hlasitost kanálu: - - Custom... - Vlastní... + + VOL + HLA - - Custom - Vlastní + + Panning + Panoráma - - Synced to Eight Beats - Synchronizováno k osmi dobám + + Panning: + Panoráma: - - Synced to Whole Note - Synchronizováno k celé notě + + PAN + PAN - - Synced to Half Note - Synchronizováno k půlové notě + + Channel %1: %2 + Efekt %1: %2 + + + SampleTrackWindow - - Synced to Quarter Note - Synchronizováno ke čtvrťové notě + + GENERAL SETTINGS + HLAVNÍ NASTAVENÍ - - Synced to 8th Note - Synchronizováno k osminové notě + + Sample volume + Hlasitost samplu - - Synced to 16th Note - Synchronizováno k šestnáctinové notě + + Volume: + Hlasitost: - - Synced to 32nd Note - Synchronizováno k dvaatřicetinové notě + + VOL + HLA - - - TimeDisplayWidget - - click to change time units - klepněte pro změnu časových jednotek + + Panning + Panoráma - - MIN - MIN + + Panning: + Panoráma: - - SEC - S + + PAN + PAN - - MSEC - MS + + Mixer channel + Efektový kanál - - BAR - TAKT + + CHANNEL + EFEKT + + + SaveOptionsWidget - - BEAT - DOBA + + Discard MIDI connections + Zrušit MIDI připojení - - TICK - TIK + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + - TimeLineWidget - - - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Povolit/Zakázat automatický posun - + SetupDialog - - Enable/disable loop-points - Povolit/Zakázat body přehrávání ve smyčce + + Reset to default value + Obnovit výchozí hodnoty - - After stopping go back to begin - Po skončení přetočit zpět na začátek + + Use built-in NaN handler + Použít vestavěný NaN handler - - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Po skončení přetočit zpět na pozici, ze které přehrávání začalo + + Settings + Nastavení - - After stopping keep position - Po skončení zachovat pozici + + + General + Hlavní - - - Hint - Rada + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + Grafické uživatelské rozhraní (GUI) - - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Stiskněte <%1> pro vypnutí magnetických bodů smyčky. + + Display volume as dBFS + Zobrazit hlasitost v dBFS - - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Držte <Shift> pro přesouvání počátečního bodu smyčky; stiskněte <%1> pro vypnutí magnetických bodů smyčky. + + Enable tooltips + Zapnout bublinovou nápovědu - - - Track - - Mute - Ztlumit + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - - Solo - Sólo + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + - - - TrackContainer - - Couldn't import file - Nemohu importovat soubor + + Enable compact track buttons + - - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Nemohu najít filtr pro import souboru %1. -Měli byste tento soubor převést do formátu podporovaného LMMS pomocí jiného software. + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - - Couldn't open file - Nemohu otevřít soubor + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Nemohu otevřít soubor %1 pro čtení. -Přesvědčte se prosím, že máte právo ke čtení tohoto souboru a příslušného adresáře a zkuste to znovu! + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - - Loading project... - Načítám projekt... + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - - - Cancel - Zrušit + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - - - Please wait... - Prosím čekejte... + + Projects + Projekty - - Loading cancelled - Načítání zrušeno + + Compress project files by default + - - Project loading was cancelled. - Načítání projektu bylo zrušeno. + + Create a backup file when saving a project + - - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Načítám Stopu %1 (%2/celkem %3) + + Reopen last project on startup + - - Importing MIDI-file... - Importuji MIDI soubor... + + Language + Jazyk - - - TrackContentObject - - Mute - Ztlumit + + + Performance + Výkon - - - TrackContentObjectView - - Current position - Aktuální pozice + + Autosave + Automatické ukládání - - - Hint - Rada + + Enable autosave + Povolit automatické ukládání - - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - K vytvoření kopie stiskněte <%1> a táhněte myší. + + Allow autosave while playing + Povolit automatické ukládání během přehrávání - - Current length - Aktuální délka + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + Efekty uživatelského rozhraní (UI) vs. výkon - - Press <%1> for free resizing. - Stiskněte <%1> pro volnou změnu velikosti. + + Smooth scroll in song editor + - - - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4 do %5:%6) + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Smazat (prostřední tlačítko myši) + + Plugins + Pluginy - - Cut - Vyjmout + + VST plugins embedding: + Vložení VST pluginů: - - Copy - Kopírovat + + No embedding + Nevkládat - - Paste - Vložit + + Embed using Qt API + Vložit pomocí rozhraní Qt - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Ztlumit/Odtlumit (<%1> + prostřední tlačítko myši) + + Embed using native Win32 API + Vložit pomocí nativního rozhraní Win32 - - - TrackOperationsWidget - - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - Při klepnutí na úchop držte <%1> pro zkopírování přetahované stopy. + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Vložit pomocí protokolu XEmbed - - Actions for this track - Akce pro tuto stopu + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + Udržet okna pluginů na vrchu, když nejsou vložená - - Mute - Ztlumit + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Synchronizace VST pluginů s hostujícím přehráváním - - - Solo - Sólo + + Keep effects running even without input + Nechat efekty spuštěné i bez vstupu - - Mute this track - Ztlumit tuto stopu + + + Audio + Zvuk - - Clone this track - Klonovat tuto stopu + + Audio interface + Zvukové rozhraní - - Remove this track - Odstranit tuto stopu + + HQ mode for output audio device + HQ režim pro výstup audio zařízení - - Clear this track - Smazat tuto stopu + + Buffer size + Velikost bufferu - - FX %1: %2 - Efekt %1: %2 + + + MIDI + MIDI - - Assign to new FX Channel - Přiřadit k novému efektovému kanálu + + MIDI interface + MIDI rozhraní - - Turn all recording on - Spustit všechna nahrávání + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + - - Turn all recording off - Zastavit všechna nahrávání + + LMMS working directory + Pracovní adresář LMMS - - - TripleOscillatorView - - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Použít fázovou modulaci pro modulování oscilátoru 1 oscilátorem 2 + + VST plugins directory + - - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Použít amplitudovou modulaci pro modulování oscilátoru 1 oscilátorem 2 + + LADSPA plugins directories + - - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Smíchat výstupy oscilátorů 1 a 2 + + SF2 directory + Adresář pro SF2 - - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Synchronizovat oscilátor 1 oscilátorem 2 + + Default SF2 + - - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Použít frekvenční modulaci pro modulování oscilátoru 1 oscilátorem 2 + + GIG directory + Adresář pro GIG - - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Použít fázovou modulaci pro modulování oscilátoru 2 oscilátorem 3 + + Theme directory + - - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Použít amplitudovou modulaci pro modulování oscilátoru 2 oscilátorem 3 + + Background artwork + Obrázek na pozadí - - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Smíchat výstupy oscilátorů 2 a 3 + + Some changes require restarting. + Některé změny vyžadují restartování. - - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Synchronizovat oscilátor 2 oscilátorem 3 + + Autosave interval: %1 + Interval automatického ukládání: %1 - - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Použít frekvenční modulaci pro modulování oscilátoru 2 oscilátorem 3 + + Choose the LMMS working directory + Vyberte pracovní adresář LMMS - - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 hlasitost: + + Choose your VST plugins directory + Vyberte svůj adresář pro VST pluginy - - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete nastavit hlasitost oscilátoru %1. Když nastavíte hodnotu 0, oscilátor bude vypnutý. Jinak uslyšíte oscilátor tak hlasitě, jak si ho zde nastavíte. + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + Vyberte svůj adresář pro LADSPA pluginy - - Osc %1 panning: - Osc %1 panoráma: + + Choose your default SF2 + Vyberte svůj výchozí SF2 soubor - - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete nastavit panoráma oscilátoru %1. Hodnota -100 znamená maximálně doleva, zatímco hodnota 100 přesouvá výstup oscilátoru doprava. + + Choose your theme directory + Vyberte svůj adresář pro motivy - - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Osc %1 hrubé rozladění: + + Choose your background picture + Vyberte svou tapetu - - semitones - půltónů + + + Paths + Cesty - - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete provést hrubé rozladění oscilátoru %1. Můžete oscilátor rozladit o 24 půltónů (2 oktávy) nahoru nebo dolů. To je dobré pro vytvoření zvuku v akordu. + + OK + OK - - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Osc %1 jemné rozladění vlevo: + + Cancel + Zrušit - - - cents - centů + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Rámce: %1 +Zpoždění %2 ms - - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete provést jemné rozladění oscilátoru %1 v levém kanálu. Rozsah jemného rozladění je mezi -100 a +100 centy. To je dobré pro vytvoření "tlustého" zvuku. + + Choose your GIG directory + Vyberte svůj adresář pro GIG soubory - - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Osc %1 jemné rozladění vpravo: + + Choose your SF2 directory + Vyberte svůj adresář pro SF2 soubory - - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete provést jemné rozladění oscilátoru %1 v pravém kanálu. Rozsah jemného rozladění je mezi -100 a +100 centy. To je dobré pro vytvoření "tlustého" zvuku. + + minutes + minut - - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Osc %1 posun fáze: + + minute + minuta - - - degrees - stupňů + + Disabled + Vypnuto + + + SidInstrument - - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete nastavit fázový posun oscilátoru %1. To znamená, že můžete posunout bod, ve kterém oscilátor začne kmitat. Například pokud máte sinusovou vlnu s fázovým posunem 180 stupňů, vlna půjde nejdříve dolů. Totéž se stane u vlny pravoúhlé. + + Cutoff frequency + Frekvence oříznutí - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Osc %1 rozladění stereo fáze: + + Resonance + Rezonance - - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Tímto otočným ovladačem můžete nastavit rozladění fáze oscilátoru %1. Rozladění stereo fáze určuje velikost rozdílu mezi fázovým posunem levého a pravého kanálu. To je velmi dobré pro vytvoření širokého stereo zvuku. + + Filter type + Typ filtru - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Použít sinusovou vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. + + Voice 3 off + Vypnout hlas 3 - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Použít trojúhelníkovou vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. + + Volume + Hlasitost - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Použít pilovitou vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. + + Chip model + Model čipu + + + SidInstrumentView - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Použít pravoúhlou vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. + + Volume: + Hlasitost: - - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Použít pilovitou vlnu typu Moog pro tento oscilátor. + + Resonance: + Rezonance: - - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Použít exponenciální vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. + + + Cutoff frequency: + Frekvence oříznutí: - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Použít bílý šum pro aktuální oscilátor. + + High-pass filter + Filtr horní propust - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Použít vlastní vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. + + Band-pass filter + Filtr pásmová propust - - - VersionedSaveDialog - - Increment version number - Zvýšit číslo verze + + Low-pass filter + Filtr dolní propust - - Decrement version number - Snížení čísla verze + + Voice 3 off + Vypnout hlas 3 - - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - již existuje. Přejete si jej přepsat? + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - - - VestigeInstrumentView - - Open other VST-plugin - Otevřít jiný VST plugin + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete otevřít jiný VST plugin. Po klepnutí na toto tlačítko se objeví okno, ve kterém můžete soubor vybrat. + + + Attack: + Náběh: - - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Ovládání VST pluginu hostitelským programem LMMS + + + Decay: + Pokles: - - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete ovládat VST plugin hostitelským programem. + + Sustain: + Držení: - - Open VST-plugin preset - Otevřít předvolbu VST pluginu + + + Release: + Doznění: - - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li otevřít jinou *.fxp, *.fxb předvolbu VST pluginu. + + Pulse Width: + Délka pulzu: - - Previous (-) - Předchozí (-) + + Coarse: + Ladění: - - - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li přepnout na jiný přednastavený VST program. + + Pulse wave + Pulzní vlna - - Save preset - Uložit předvolbu + + Triangle wave + Trojúhelníková vlna - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li uložit aktuální předvolbu programu VST pluginu. + + Saw wave + Pilovitá vlna - - Next (+) - Další (+) + + Noise + Šum - - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li vybrat předvolby, které jsou aktuálně nahrány ve VST. + + Sync + Synch - - Show/hide GUI - Zobrazit/Skrýt grafické rozhraní + + Ring modulation + Kruhová modulace - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Klepněte sem pro zobrazení nebo skrytí grafického rozhraní (GUI) pro vaše VST pluginy. + + Filtered + Filtrování - - Turn off all notes - Vypnout všechny noty + + Test + Test - - Open VST-plugin - Otevřít jiný VST plugin + + Pulse width: + Šířka pulzu: + + + SideBarWidget - - DLL-files (*.dll) - DLL soubory (*.dll) + + Close + Zavřít + + + Song - - EXE-files (*.exe) - EXE soubory (*.exe) + + Tempo + Tempo - - No VST-plugin loaded - VST plugin není nahrán + + Master volume + Hlavní hlasitost - - Preset - Předvolba + + Master pitch + Transpozice - - by - od + + Aborting project load + - - - VST plugin control - – ovládání VST pluginu + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - - - VisualizationWidget - - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - klepněte pro zapnutí/vypnutí vizualizace hlavního výstupu + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - - Click to enable - Klepněte pro zapnutí + + LMMS Error report + Chybové hlášení LMMS - - - VstEffectControlDialog - - Show/hide - Ukázat/Skrýt + + (repeated %1 times) + - - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Ovládání VST pluginu hostitelským programem LMMS + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + SongEditor - - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete ovládat VST plugin hostitelským programem. + + Could not open file + Nemohu otevřít soubor - - Open VST-plugin preset - Otevřít předvolbu VST pluginu + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Nelze otevřít soubor %1. Pravděpodobně nemáte oprávnění číst tento soubor. + Ujistěte se prosím, že máte oprávnění alespoň číst tento soubor a zkuste to znovu. - - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li otevřít jinou *.fxp, *.fxb předvolbu VST pluginu. + + Operation denied + - - Previous (-) - Předchozí (-) + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + - - - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li přepnout na jiný přednastavený VST program. + + + + Error + Chyba - - Next (+) - Další (+) + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + - - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li vybrat předvolby, které jsou aktuálně nahrány ve VST. + + Couldn't create resources folder. + - - Save preset - Uložit předvolbu + + Failed to copy resources. + - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li uložit aktuální předvolbu programu VST pluginu. + + Could not write file + Nemohu zapsat soubor - - - Effect by: - Efekt od: + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + - - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + - - - VstPlugin - - - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - VST plugin %1 nelze načíst. + + Error in file + Chyba v souboru - - Open Preset - Otevřít předvolbu + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Soubor %1 pravděpodobně obsahuje chyby, a proto nemohl být načten. - - - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Předvolba VST pluginu (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Version difference + Rozdíl verzí - - : default - : výchozí + + template + šablona - - " - " + + project + projekt - - ' - ' + + Tempo + Tempo - - Save Preset - Uložit předvolbu + + TEMPO + TEMPO - - .fxp - .fxp + + Tempo in BPM + Tempo v BPM - - .FXP - .FXP + + High quality mode + Režim vysoké kvality - - .FXB - .FXB + + + + Master volume + Hlavní hlasitost - - .fxb - .fxb + + + + Master pitch + Transpozice - - Loading plugin - Načítám plugin + + Value: %1% + Hodnota: %1% - - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Počkejte prosím, než se načte VST plugin... + + Value: %1 semitones + Hodnota: %1 půltónů - WatsynInstrument + SongEditorWindow - - Volume A1 - Hlasitost A1 + + Song-Editor + Editor skladby - - Volume A2 - Hlasitost A2 + + Play song (Space) + Přehrát skladbu (mezerník) - - Volume B1 - Hlasitost B1 + + Record samples from Audio-device + Nahrát samply z audio zařízení - - Volume B2 - Hlasitost B2 + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Nahrát samply z audio zařízení při přehrávání skladby nebo stopy bicích/basů - - Panning A1 - Panoráma A1 + + Stop song (Space) + Zastavit přehrávání (mezerník) - - Panning A2 - Panoráma A2 + + Track actions + Akce stopy - - Panning B1 - Panoráma B1 + + Add beat/bassline + Přidat bicí/basy - - Panning B2 - Panoráma B2 + + Add sample-track + Přidat stopu samplů - - Freq. multiplier A1 - Násobič frekv. A1 + + Add automation-track + Přidat stopu automatizace - - Freq. multiplier A2 - Násobič frekv. A2 + + Edit actions + Akce úprav - - Freq. multiplier B1 - Násobič frekv. B1 + + Draw mode + Režim kreslení - - Freq. multiplier B2 - Násobič frekv. B2 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + - - Left detune A1 - Rozladění vlevo A1 + + Edit mode (select and move) + Režim úprav (označit a přesunout) - - Left detune A2 - Rozladění vlevo A2 + + Timeline controls + Ovládání časové osy - - Left detune B1 - Rozladění vlevo B1 + + Bar insert controls + - - Left detune B2 - Rozladění vlevo B2 + + Insert bar + - - Right detune A1 - Rozladění vpravo A1 + + Remove bar + - - Right detune A2 - Rozladění vpravo A2 + + Zoom controls + Ovládání zvětšení - - Right detune B1 - Rozladění vpravo B1 + + Horizontal zooming + Horizontální zvětšení - - Right detune B2 - Rozladění vpravo B2 + + Snap controls + - - A-B Mix - Směšovač A-B + + + Clip snapping size + - - A-B Mix envelope amount - Množství obálky směšovače A-B + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + - - A-B Mix envelope attack - Náběh obálky směšovače A-B + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + Rada - - A-B Mix envelope hold - Množství zadržení směšovače A-B + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + Přesuňte ukazatel pozice nahrávání pomocí <Levé/Pravé> šipky + + + SubWindow - - A-B Mix envelope decay - Pokles obálky směšovače A-B + + Close + Zavřít - - A1-B2 Crosstalk - Přeslech A1-B2 + + Maximize + Maximalizovat - - A2-A1 modulation - Modulace A1-B2 + + Restore + Obnovit + + + TabWidget - - B2-B1 modulation - Modulace B2-B1 + + + Settings for %1 + Nastavení rpo %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - - Selected graph - Zvolený graf + + New from template + Nový z šablony - WatsynView + TempoSyncKnob - - - - - Volume - Hlasitost + + + Tempo Sync + Synchronizace tempa - - - - - Panning - Panoráma + + No Sync + Nesynchronizovat - - - - - Freq. multiplier - Násobič frekv. + + Eight beats + Osm dob - - - - - Left detune - Rozladění vlevo + + Whole note + Celá nota - - - - - - - - - cents - centů + + Half note + Půlová nota - - - - - Right detune - Rozladění vpravo + + Quarter note + Čtvrťová nota - - A-B Mix - Směšovač A-B + + 8th note + Osminová nota - - Mix envelope amount - Množství obálky směšovače + + 16th note + Šestnáctinová nota - - Mix envelope attack - Náběh obálky směšovače + + 32nd note + Dvaatřicetinová nota - - Mix envelope hold - Zadržení obálky směšovače + + Custom... + Vlastní... - - Mix envelope decay - Pokles obálky směšovače + + Custom + Vlastní - - Crosstalk - Přeslech + + Synced to Eight Beats + Synchronizováno k osmi dobám - - Select oscillator A1 - Vybrat oscilátor A1 + + Synced to Whole Note + Synchronizováno k celé notě - - Select oscillator A2 - Vybrat oscilátor A2 + + Synced to Half Note + Synchronizováno k půlové notě - - Select oscillator B1 - Vybrat oscilátor B1 + + Synced to Quarter Note + Synchronizováno ke čtvrťové notě - - Select oscillator B2 - Vybrat oscilátor B2 + + Synced to 8th Note + Synchronizováno k osminové notě - - Mix output of A2 to A1 - Přimíchat výstup A1 do A2 + + Synced to 16th Note + Synchronizováno k šestnáctinové notě - - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - Modulovat amplitudu A1 výstupem A2 + + Synced to 32nd Note + Synchronizováno k dvaatřicetinové notě + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + Časové jednotky + + + + MIN + MIN - - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - Kruhově modulovat A1 a A2 + + SEC + S - - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - Modulovat fázi A1 výstupem A2 + + MSEC + MS - - Mix output of B2 to B1 - Přimíchat výstup B1 do B2 + + BAR + TAKT - - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - Modulovat amplitudu B1 výstupem B2 + + BEAT + DOBA - - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - Kruhově modulovat B1 a B2 + + TICK + TIK + + + TimeLineWidget - - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - Modulovat fázi B1 výstupem B2 + + Auto scrolling + Automatické posouvání - - - - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Kreslení vlastní křivky tahem myši na tomto grafu. + + Loop points + Body smyčky - - Load waveform - Načíst vlnu + + After stopping go back to beginning + - - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Klepněte pro načtení vlny ze souboru samplů + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Po skončení přetočit zpět na pozici, ze které přehrávání začalo - - Phase left - Fáze vlevo + + After stopping keep position + Po skončení zachovat pozici - - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - Klepněte pro posun fáze o -15 stupňů + + Hint + Rada - - Phase right - Fáze vpravo + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Stiskněte <%1> pro vypnutí magnetických bodů smyčky. + + + Track - - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - Klepněte pro posun fáze o +15 stupňů + + Mute + Ztlumit - - Normalize - Normalizovat + + Solo + Sólo + + + TrackContainer - - Click to normalize - Klepněte pro normalizaci + + Couldn't import file + Nemohu importovat soubor - - Invert - Převrátit + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Nemohu najít filtr pro import souboru %1. +Měli byste tento soubor převést do formátu podporovaného LMMS pomocí jiného software. - - Click to invert - Klepněte pro převrácení + + Couldn't open file + Nemohu otevřít soubor - - Smooth - Uhladit + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Nemohu otevřít soubor %1 pro čtení. +Přesvědčte se prosím, že máte právo ke čtení tohoto souboru a příslušného adresáře a zkuste to znovu! - - Click to smooth - Klepněte pro vyhlazení + + Loading project... + Načítám projekt... - - Sine wave - Sinusová vlna + + + Cancel + Zrušit - - Click for sine wave - Klepněte pro sinusovou vlnu + + + Please wait... + Prosím čekejte... - - - Triangle wave - Trojúhelníková vlna + + Loading cancelled + Načítání zrušeno - - Click for triangle wave - Klepněte pro trojúhelníkovou vlnu + + Project loading was cancelled. + Načítání projektu bylo zrušeno. - - Click for saw wave - Klepněte pro pilovitou vlnu + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Načítám Stopu %1 (%2/celkem %3) - - Square wave - Pravoúhlá vlna + + Importing MIDI-file... + Importuji MIDI soubor... + + + Clip - - Click for square wave - Klepněte pro pravoúhlou vlnu + + Mute + Ztlumit - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + ClipView - - Portamento - Portamento + + Current position + Aktuální pozice - - Filter Frequency - Frekvence filtru + + Current length + Aktuální délka - - Filter Resonance - Rezonance filtru + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 do %5:%6) - - Bandwidth - Šířka pásma + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + K vytvoření kopie stiskněte <%1> a táhněte myší. - - FM Gain - Zesílení FM + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Stiskněte <%1> pro volnou změnu velikosti. - - Resonance Center Frequency - Střední frekvence rezonance + + Hint + Rada - - Resonance Bandwidth - Šířka pásma rezonance + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Smazat (prostřední tlačítko myši) - - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - Odesílat události MIDI Control Change + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - - - ZynAddSubFxView - - Portamento: - Portamento: + + Cut + Vyjmout - - PORT - PORT + + Cut selection + - - Filter Frequency: - Frekvence filtru: + + Merge Selection + - - FREQ - FREKV + + Copy + Kopírovat - - Filter Resonance: - Rezonance filtru: + + Copy selection + - - RES - REZ + + Paste + Vložit - - Bandwidth: - Šířka pásma: + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Ztlumit/Odtlumit (<%1> + prostřední tlačítko) - - BW - ŠP + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - - FM Gain: - Zesílení FM: + + Set clip color + - - FM GAIN - ZISK FM + + Use track color + + + + TrackContentWidget - - Resonance center frequency: - Střední frekvence rezonance: + + Paste + Vložit + + + TrackOperationsWidget - - RES CF - SF REZ + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + Při klepnutí na úchop držte <%1> pro zkopírování přetahované stopy. - - Resonance bandwidth: - Šířka pásma rezonance: + + Actions + Akce - - RES BW - ŠP REZ + + + Mute + Ztlumit - - Forward MIDI Control Changes - Odesílat MIDI Control Change + + + Solo + Sólo - - Show GUI - Ukázar grafické rozhraní + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Klepněte sem pro zobrazení nebo skrytí grafického uživatelského rozhraní (GUI) ZynAddSubFX. + + Confirm removal + - - - audioFileProcessor - - Amplify - Zesílení + + Don't ask again + - - Start of sample - Začátek samplu + + Clone this track + Klonovat tuto stopu - - End of sample - Konec samplu + + Remove this track + Odstranit tuto stopu - - Loopback point - Začátek smyčky + + Clear this track + Smazat tuto stopu - - Reverse sample - Přehrávat pozpátku + + Channel %1: %2 + Efekt %1: %2 - - Loop mode - Režim smyčky + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Přiřadit k novému efektovému kanálu - - Stutter - Pokračování v přehrávání samplu při změně noty + + Turn all recording on + Spustit všechna nahrávání - - Interpolation mode - Režim interpolace + + Turn all recording off + Zastavit všechna nahrávání - - None - Žádný + + Change color + Změnit barvu - - Linear - Lineární + + Reset color to default + Obnovit výchozí barvy - - Sinc - Sinusový + + Set random color + - - Sample not found: %1 - Vzorek nenalezen: %1 + + Clear clip colors + - bitInvader + TripleOscillatorView - - Samplelength - Délka samplu + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Modulovat fázi oscilátoru 1 oscilátorem 2 - - - bitInvaderView - - Sample Length - Délka samplu + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Modulovat amplitudu oscilátoru 1 oscilátorem 2 - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Kreslení vlastní křivky tahem myši na tomto grafu. + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + Smíchat výstupy oscilátorů 1 a 2 - - Sine wave - Sinusová vlna + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Synchronizovat oscilátor 1 oscilátorem 2 - - Click for a sine-wave. - Klepněte sem pro sinusovou vlnu. + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Modulovat frekvenci oscilátoru 1 oscilátorem 2 - - Triangle wave - Trojúhelníková vlna + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Modulovat fázi oscilátoru 2 oscilátorem 3 - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klepněte sem pro trojúhelníkovou vlnu. + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Modulovat amplitudu oscilátoru 2 oscilátorem 3 - - Saw wave - Pilovitá vlna + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + Smíchat výstupy oscilátorů 2 a 3 - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klepněte sem pro pilovitou vlnu. + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Synchronizovat oscilátor 2 oscilátorem 3 - - Square wave - Pravoúhlá vlna + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Modulovat frekvenci oscilátoru 2 oscilátorem 3 + + + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 hlasitost: - - Click here for a square-wave. - Klepněte sem pro pravoúhlou vlnu. + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 panoráma: - - White noise wave - Bílý šum + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Osc %1 hrubé rozladění: - - Click here for white-noise. - Klepněte sem pro bílý šum. + + semitones + půltónů - - User defined wave - Vlna definovaná uživatelem + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Osc %1 jemné rozladění vlevo: - - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Klepněte sem pro uživatelem definovaný tvar. + + + cents + centů - - Smooth - Vyhladit + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Osc %1 jemné rozladění vpravo: - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Klepněte sem pro vyhlazení vlny. + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Osc %1 posun fáze: - - Interpolation - Interpolovat + + + degrees + stupňů - - Normalize - Normalizovat + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Osc %1 rozladění stereo fáze: - - - dynProcControlDialog - - INPUT - VSTUP + + Sine wave + Sinusová vlna - - Input gain: - Zesílení vstupu: + + Triangle wave + Trojúhelníková vlna - - OUTPUT - VÝSTUP + + Saw wave + Pilovitá vlna - - Output gain: - Zesílení výstupu: + + Square wave + Pravoúhlá vlna - - ATTACK - NÁBĚH + + Moog-like saw wave + Pilovitá vlna typu Moog - - Peak attack time: - Délka náběhu špičky: + + Exponential wave + Exponenciální vlna - - RELEASE - UVOLNĚNÍ + + White noise + Bílý šum - - Peak release time: - Délka uvolnění špičky: + + User-defined wave + Uživatelem definovaná vlna + + + VecControls - - Reset waveform - Obnovení vlny + + Display persistence amount + - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Klepněte sem pro obnovení zobrazení křivky zpět do výchozího stavu + + Logarithmic scale + - - Smooth waveform - Vyhlazení vlny + + High quality + + + + VecControlsDialog - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Klepněte sem pro vyhlazení křivky + + HQ + - - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Zvýšení amplitudy křivky o 1 dB + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klepněte sem pro zvýšení amplitudy křivky o 1 dB + + Log. scale + - - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Snížení amplitudy křivky o 1 dB + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klepněte sem pro snížení amplitudy křivky o 1 dB + + Persist. + - - Stereomode Maximum - Režim maximálního sterea + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + - - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Zpracování vycházející z maxima obou stereo kanálů + + Trace persistence + + + + VersionedSaveDialog - - Stereomode Average - Režim průměru sterea + + Increment version number + Zvýšit číslo verze - - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Zpracování vycházející z průměru obou stereo kanálů + + Decrement version number + Snížení čísla verze - - Stereomode Unlinked - Režim nepropojeného sterea + + Save Options + Možnosti ukládání - - Process each stereo channel independently - Zpracování každého stereo kanálu zvlášť + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + již existuje. Přejete si jej přepsat? - dynProcControls + VestigeInstrumentView - - Input gain - Zesílení vstupu + + + Open VST plugin + Otevřít VST plugin - - Output gain - Zesílení výstupu + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + Ovládání VST pluginu hostitelským programem LMMS - - Attack time - Doba náběhu + + Open VST plugin preset + Otevřít předvolby VST pluginu - - Release time - Délka doznění + + Previous (-) + Předchozí (-) - - Stereo mode - Režim sterea + + Save preset + Uložit předvolbu - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - - Assign to: - Přiřadit k: + + Next (+) + Další (+) - - New FX Channel - Nový efektový kanál + + Show/hide GUI + Zobrazit/Skrýt grafické rozhraní - - - graphModel - - Graph - Graf + + Turn off all notes + Vypnout všechny noty - - - kickerInstrument - - Start frequency - Počáteční frekvence + + DLL-files (*.dll) + DLL soubory (*.dll) - - End frequency - Konečná frekvence + + EXE-files (*.exe) + EXE soubory (*.exe) - - Length - Délka + + No VST plugin loaded + VST plugin není nahrán - - Distortion Start - Začátek zkreslení + + Preset + Předvolba - - Distortion End - Konec zkreslení + + by + od - - Gain - Zisk + + - VST plugin control + – ovládání VST pluginu + + + VstEffectControlDialog - - Envelope Slope - Sklon frekvence + + Show/hide + Ukázat/Skrýt - - Noise - Šum + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + Ovládání VST pluginu hostitelským programem LMMS - - Click - Klik + + Open VST plugin preset + Otevřít předvolby VST pluginu - - Frequency Slope - Sklon frekvence + + Previous (-) + Předchozí (-) - - Start from note - Začít od noty + + Next (+) + Další (+) - - End to note - Skončit na notě + + Save preset + Uložit předvolbu + + + + + Effect by: + Efekt od: + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - kickerInstrumentView + VstPlugin - - Start frequency: - Počáteční frekvence: + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + VST plugin %1 nelze načíst. - - End frequency: - Konečná frekvence: + + Open Preset + Otevřít předvolbu - - Frequency Slope: - Sklon frekvence: + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Předvolba VST pluginu (*.fxp *.fxb) - - Gain: - Zisk: + + : default + : výchozí - - Envelope Length: - Délka obálky: + + Save Preset + Uložit předvolbu - - Envelope Slope: - Sklon obálky: + + .fxp + .fxp - - Click: - Klik: + + .FXP + .FXP - - Noise: - Šum: + + .FXB + .FXB - - Distortion Start: - Začátek zkreslení: + + .fxb + .fxb - - Distortion End: - Konec zkreslení: + + Loading plugin + Načítám plugin - - - ladspaBrowserView - - - Available Effects - Dostupné efekty + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Počkejte prosím, než se načte VST plugin... + + + WatsynInstrument - - - Unavailable Effects - Nedostupné efekty + + Volume A1 + Hlasitost A1 - - - Instruments - Nástroje + + Volume A2 + Hlasitost A2 - - - Analysis Tools - Analyzační nástroje + + Volume B1 + Hlasitost B1 - - - Don't know - Neznámé + + Volume B2 + Hlasitost B2 - - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - Toto dialogové okno zobrazuje informace o všech LADSPA pluginech, které bylo LMMS schopno nalézt. Zásuvné moduly jsou rozděleny do pěti kategorií podle portů a názvů. - - -K dispozici jsou ty efekty, které mohou být použity v LMMS. Aby v LMMS bylo možné užít efektu, musí se o efekt skutečně jednat, to znamená, že musí mít oba vstupní a výstupní kanály. LMMS identifikuje vstupní kanál jako audio podle "n" v názvu. Výstupní kanály jsou identifikovány pole označení písmeny "out". Kromě toho efekt musí mít stejný počet vstupů a výstupů a být real time kompatibilní. - -Nedostupné efekty jsou ty, které byly identifikovány jako efekty, ale buď nemají stejný počet vstupních a výstupních kanálů nebo nejsou real time kompatibilní. - -Nástroje jsou pluginy u kterých byly identifikovány pouze výstupní kanály. - -Analyzační nástroje jsou pluginy u kterých byly identifikovány pouze vstupní kanály. - -Neznámé jsou pluginy, pro které nebyly identifikovány žádné vstupní nebo výstupní kanály. - -Poklepáním na kterýkoliv modul se zobrazí informace o portech. + + Panning A1 + Panoráma A1 - - Type: - Typ: + + Panning A2 + Panoráma A2 - - - ladspaDescription - - Plugins - Pluginy + + Panning B1 + Panoráma B1 - - Description - Popis + + Panning B2 + Panoráma B2 - - - ladspaPortDialog - - Ports - Porty + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Násobič frekv. A1 - - Name - Název + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Násobič frekv. A2 - - Rate - Druh + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Násobič frekv. B1 - - Direction - Směr + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Násobič frekv. B2 - - Type - Typ + + Left detune A1 + Rozladění vlevo A1 - - Min < Default < Max - Min < Výchozí < Max + + Left detune A2 + Rozladění vlevo A2 - - Logarithmic - Logaritmický + + Left detune B1 + Rozladění vlevo B1 - - SR Dependent - SR závislý + + Left detune B2 + Rozladění vlevo B2 - - Audio - Zvuk + + Right detune A1 + Rozladění vpravo A1 - - Control - Ovládání + + Right detune A2 + Rozladění vpravo A2 - - Input - Vstup + + Right detune B1 + Rozladění vpravo B1 - - Output - Výstup + + Right detune B2 + Rozladění vpravo B2 - - Toggled - Zapnuto + + A-B Mix + Směšovač A-B - - Integer - Celočíselný + + A-B Mix envelope amount + Množství obálky směšovače A-B - - Float - S plovoucí čárkou + + A-B Mix envelope attack + Náběh obálky směšovače A-B - - - Yes - Ano + + A-B Mix envelope hold + Množství zadržení směšovače A-B - - - lb302Synth - - VCF Cutoff Frequency - VCF frekvence vypnutí + + A-B Mix envelope decay + Pokles obálky směšovače A-B - - VCF Resonance - VCF rezonance + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + Přeslech A1-B2 - - VCF Envelope Mod - VCF modulace obálky + + A2-A1 modulation + Modulace A1-B2 - - VCF Envelope Decay - VCF útlum obálky + + B2-B1 modulation + Modulace B2-B1 - - Distortion - Zkreslení + + Selected graph + Zvolený graf + + + WatsynView - - Waveform - Vlna + + + + + Volume + Hlasitost - - Slide Decay - Útlum sklouznutí + + + + + Panning + Panoráma - - Slide - Sklouznutí + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Násobič frekv. - - Accent - Důraz + + + + + Left detune + Rozladění vlevo - - Dead - Dead + + + + + + + + + cents + centů - - 24dB/oct Filter - Filtr 24dB/okt + + + + + Right detune + Rozladění vpravo - - - lb302SynthView - - Cutoff Freq: - Frekvence odstřihnutí: + + A-B Mix + Směšovač A-B - - Resonance: - Rezonance: + + Mix envelope amount + Množství obálky směšovače - - Env Mod: - Modulace obálky: + + Mix envelope attack + Náběh obálky směšovače - - Decay: - Útlum: + + Mix envelope hold + Zadržení obálky směšovače - - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - 3pólový filtr 303-es-que, 24dB/okt + + Mix envelope decay + Pokles obálky směšovače - - Slide Decay: - Útlum sklouznutí: + + Crosstalk + Přeslech - - DIST: - Zkreslení: + + Select oscillator A1 + Vybrat oscilátor A1 - - Saw wave - Pilovitá vlna + + Select oscillator A2 + Vybrat oscilátor A2 - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klepněte sem pro pilovitou vlnu. + + Select oscillator B1 + Vybrat oscilátor B1 - - Triangle wave - Trojúhelníková vlna + + Select oscillator B2 + Vybrat oscilátor B2 - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klepněte sem pro trojúhelníkovou vlnu. + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + Přimíchat výstup A1 do A2 - - Square wave - Pravoúhlá vlna + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + Modulovat amplitudu A1 výstupem A2 - - Click here for a square-wave. - Klepněte sem pro pravoúhlou vlnu. + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + Kruhově modulovat A1 a A2 - - Rounded square wave - Oblá pravoúhlá vlna + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + Modulovat fázi A1 výstupem A2 - - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Klepněte sem pro pravoúhlou vlnu s oblým zakončením. + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + Přimíchat výstup B1 do B2 - - Moog wave - Vlna typu Moog + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + Modulovat amplitudu B1 výstupem B2 - - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Klepněte sem pro vlnu typu Moog. + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + Kruhově modulovat B1 a B2 - - Sine wave - Sinusová vlna + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + Modulovat fázi B1 výstupem B2 - - Click for a sine-wave. - Klepněte sem pro sinusovou vlnu. + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Kreslení vlastní křivky tahem myši na tomto grafu. - - - White noise wave - Bílý šum + + Load waveform + Načíst vlnu - - Click here for an exponential wave. - Klepněte sem pro exponenciální vlnu. + + Load a waveform from a sample file + Načíst vlnu ze souboru samplů - - Click here for white-noise. - Klepněte sem pro bílý šum. + + Phase left + Fáze vlevo - - Bandlimited saw wave - Pásmově omezená pilovitá vlna + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + Posunout fázi o -15 stupňů - - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Klepněte sem pro pásmově omezenou pilovitou vlnu. + + Phase right + Fáze vpravo - - Bandlimited square wave - Pásmově zúžená pravoúhlá vlna + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + Posunout fázi o +15 stupňů - - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Klepněte sem pro pásmově zúženou pravoúhlou vlnu. + + + Normalize + Normalizovat - - Bandlimited triangle wave - Pásmově zúžená trojúhelníková vlna + + + Invert + Převrátit - - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Klepněte sem pro pásmově zúženou trojúhelníkovou vlnu. + + + Smooth + Uhladit - - Bandlimited moog saw wave - Pásmově zúžená pilovitá vlna typu Moog + + + Sine wave + Sinusová vlna - - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - Klepněte sem pro úzkopásmovou pilovitou vlnu typu Moog. + + + + Triangle wave + Trojúhelníková vlna + + + + Saw wave + Pilovitá vlna + + + + + Square wave + Pravoúhlá vlna - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - - Hardness - Tvrdost + + Selected graph + Zvolený graf - - Position - Pozice + + A1 + A1 - - Vibrato Gain - Zisk vibráta + + A2 + A2 - - Vibrato Freq - Frekvence vibráta + + A3 + A3 - - Stick Mix - Mix paliček + + W1 smoothing + W1 vyhlazování - - Modulator - Modulátor + + W2 smoothing + W2 vyhlazování - - Crossfade - Prolínání (crossfade) + + W3 smoothing + W3 vyhlazování - - LFO Speed - LFO Rychlost + + Panning 1 + Panoráma 1 - - LFO Depth - LFO Hloubka + + Panning 2 + Panoráma 2 - - ADSR - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - - Pressure - Tlak + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Kreslení vlastní křivky tahem myši na tomto grafu. - - Motion - Pohyb + + Select oscillator W1 + Vybrat oscilátor W1 - - Speed - Rychlost + + Select oscillator W2 + Vybrat oscilátor W2 - - Bowed - Smyčcem + + Select oscillator W3 + Vybrat oscilátor W3 - - Spread - Šíře + + Select output O1 + Vybrat výstup O1 - - Marimba - Marimba + + Select output O2 + Vybrat výstup O2 - - Vibraphone - Vibrafon + + Open help window + Otevřít okno nápovědy - - Agogo - Agogo + + + Sine wave + Sinusová vlna - - Wood1 - Dřevo1 + + + Moog-saw wave + Pilovitá vlna typu Moog - - Reso - Rezo + + + Exponential wave + Exponenciální vlna - - Wood2 - Dřevo2 + + + Saw wave + Pilovitá vlna - - Beats - Údery + + + User-defined wave + Uživatelem definovaná vlna - - Two Fixed - Dvě spojené + + + Triangle wave + Trojúhelníková vlna - - Clump - Svazek + + + Square wave + Pravoúhlá vlna - - Tubular Bells - Trubicové zvony + + + White noise + Bílý šum - - Uniform Bar - Obyčejná tyč + + WaveInterpolate + Interpolace vlnění - - Tuned Bar - Laděná tyč + + ExpressionValid + Platnost výrazu - - Glass - Sklo + + General purpose 1: + Celkový účel 1: - - Tibetan Bowl - Tibetská zpívající mísa + + General purpose 2: + Celkový účel 2: - - - malletsInstrumentView - - Instrument - Nástroj + + General purpose 3: + Celkový účel 3: - - Spread - Šíře + + O1 panning: + O1 vyvážení: - - Spread: - Šíře: + + O2 panning: + O2 vyvážení: - - Missing files - Chybějící soubory + + Release transition: + Přechod mezi dozněním: - - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Zdá se, že instalace Stk není kompletní. Ujistěte se prosím, že je nainstalován celý balík Stk! + + Smoothness + Hladkost + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - Hardness - Tvrdost + + Portamento + Portamento - - Hardness: - Tvrdost: + + Filter frequency + Frekvence filtru - - Position - Pozice + + Filter resonance + Rezonance filtru - - Position: - Pozice: + + Bandwidth + Šířka pásma - - Vib Gain - Vib zisk + + FM gain + Zesílení FM - - Vib Gain: - Vib zisk: + + Resonance center frequency + Střední frekvence rezonance - - Vib Freq - Vib frekv + + Resonance bandwidth + Šířka pásma rezonance - - Vib Freq: - Vib frekv: + + Forward MIDI control change events + Odesílat události MIDI control change + + + ZynAddSubFxView - - Stick Mix - Mix paliček + + Portamento: + Portamento: - - Stick Mix: - Mix paliček: + + PORT + PORT - - Modulator - Modulátor + + Filter frequency: + Frekvence filtru: - - Modulator: - Modulátor: + + FREQ + FREKV - - Crossfade - Prolínání (crossfade) + + Filter resonance: + Rezonance filtru: - - Crossfade: - Prolínání (crossfade): + + RES + REZ - - LFO Speed - LFO Rychlost + + Bandwidth: + Šířka pásma: - - LFO Speed: - LFO Rychlost: + + BW + ŠP - - LFO Depth - LFO Hloubka + + FM gain: + Zesílení FM: - - LFO Depth: - LFO Hloubka: + + FM GAIN + ZISK FM - - ADSR - ADSR + + Resonance center frequency: + Střední frekvence rezonance: - - ADSR: - ADSR: + + RES CF + SF REZ - - Pressure - Tlak + + Resonance bandwidth: + Šířka pásma rezonance: - - Pressure: - Tlak: + + RES BW + ŠP REZ - - Speed - Rychlost + + Forward MIDI control changes + Odesílat události MIDI control change - - Speed: - Rychlost: + + Show GUI + Ukázat grafické rozhraní - manageVSTEffectView + AudioFileProcessor - - - VST parameter control - - řízení parametrů VST - - - - VST Sync - VST synch + + Amplify + Zesílení - - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li synchronizovat všechny parametry s VST pluginem. + + Start of sample + Začátek samplu - - - Automated - Automaticky + + End of sample + Konec samplu - - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete pouze zobrazit parametry automatizace. + + Loopback point + Začátek smyčky - - Close - Zavřít + + Reverse sample + Přehrávat pozpátku - - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - Zavřít okno otočných ovladačů VST efektu. + + Loop mode + Režim smyčky - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - - - VST plugin control - - ovládání VST pluginu + + Stutter + Pokračování v přehrávání samplu při změně noty - - VST Sync - VST synch + + Interpolation mode + Režim interpolace - - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Klepněte sem, chcete-li synchronizovat všechny parametry s VST pluginem. + + None + Žádný - - - Automated - Automaticky + + Linear + Lineární - - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Klepněte sem, pokud chcete pouze zobrazit parametry automatizace. + + Sinc + Sinusový - - Close - Zavřít + + Sample not found: %1 + Vzorek nenalezen: %1 + + + BitInvader - - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - Zavřít okno otočných ovladačů VST pluginu. + + Sample length + Délka samplu - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - - Patch - Patch + + Sample length + Délka samplu - - Op 1 Attack - Op 1 náběh + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Kreslení vlastní křivky tahem myši na tomto grafu. - - Op 1 Decay - Op 1 útlum + + + Sine wave + Sinusová vlna - - Op 1 Sustain - Op 1 vydržení + + + Triangle wave + Trojúhelníková vlna - - Op 1 Release - Op 1 uvolnění + + + Saw wave + Pilovitá vlna - - Op 1 Level - Op 1 úroveň + + + Square wave + Pravoúhlá vlna - - Op 1 Level Scaling - Op 1 škálování úrovně + + + White noise + Bílý šum - - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - Op 1 násobení frekvence + + + User-defined wave + Uživatelem definovaná vlna - - Op 1 Feedback - Op 1 zpětná vazba + + + Smooth waveform + Vyhlazení vlny - - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - Op 1 rychlost podle výšky klávesy + + Interpolation + Interpolovat - - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - Op 1 perkusivní obálka + + Normalize + Normalizovat + + + DynProcControlDialog - - Op 1 Tremolo - Op 1 tremolo + + INPUT + VSTUP - - Op 1 Vibrato - Op 1 vibrato + + Input gain: + Zesílení vstupu: - - Op 1 Waveform - Op 1 vlna + + OUTPUT + VÝSTUP - - Op 2 Attack - Op 2 náběh + + Output gain: + Zesílení výstupu: - - Op 2 Decay - Op 2 útlum + + ATTACK + NÁBĚH - - Op 2 Sustain - Op 2 vydržení + + Peak attack time: + Délka náběhu špičky: - - Op 2 Release - Op 2 uvolnění + + RELEASE + DOZNĚNÍ - - Op 2 Level - Op 2 úroveň + + Peak release time: + Délka doznění špičky: - - Op 2 Level Scaling - Op 2 škálování úrovně + + + Reset wavegraph + Vynulovat křivku - - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - Op 2 násobení frekvence + + + Smooth wavegraph + Vyhladit křivku - - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - Op 2 rychlost podle výšky klávesy + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Zvýšení amplitudy křivky o 1 dB - - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - Op 2 perkusivní obálka + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Snížení amplitudy křivky o 1 dB - - Op 2 Tremolo - Op 2 tremolo + + Stereo mode: maximum + Režim sterea: maximální - - Op 2 Vibrato - Op 2 vibrato + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Zpracování vycházející z maxima obou stereo kanálů - - Op 2 Waveform - Op 2 tvar vlny + + Stereo mode: average + Režim sterea: průměr - - FM - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + Zpracování vycházející z průměru obou stereo kanálů - - Vibrato Depth - Hloubka vibráta + + Stereo mode: unlinked + Režim sterea: nepropojené - - Tremolo Depth - Hloubka tremola + + Process each stereo channel independently + Zpracování každého stereo kanálu zvlášť - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - - - Attack - Náběh + + Input gain + Zesílení vstupu - - - Decay - Útlum + + Output gain + Zesílení výstupu - - - Release - Doznění + + Attack time + Doba náběhu - - - Frequency multiplier - Násobič frekvence + + Release time + Délka doznění - - - organicInstrument - - Distortion - Zkreslení + + Stereo mode + Režim sterea + + + graphModel - - Volume - Hlasitost + + Graph + Graf - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - - Distortion: - Zkreslení: + + Start frequency + Počáteční frekvence - - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - Otočný ovladač zkreslení přidá zkreslení k výstupu nástroje. + + End frequency + Konečná frekvence - - Volume: - Hlasitost: + + Length + Délka - - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - Otočný ovladač hlasitosti ovládá hlasitost výstupu nástroje. Sčítá se s ovládáním hlasitosti okna nástroje. + + Start distortion + Začátek zkreslení - - Randomise - Nastavit náhodně + + End distortion + Konec zkreslení - - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - Tlačítko Randomize náhodně nastaví všechny ovladače kromě ovladače harmonických, hlavní hlasitosti a zkreslení. + + Gain + Zisk - - - Osc %1 waveform: - Osc %1 vlna: + + Envelope slope + Sklon obálky - - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 hlasitost: + + Noise + Šum - - Osc %1 panning: - Osc %1 panoráma: + + Click + Klik - - Osc %1 stereo detuning - Osc %1 rozladění sterea + + Frequency slope + Sklon frekvence - - cents - centů + + Start from note + Začít od noty - - Osc %1 harmonic: - Osc %1 harmonické: + + End to note + Skončit na notě - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - - Sweep time - Trvání sweepu + + Start frequency: + Počáteční frekvence: - - Sweep direction - Směr sweepu + + End frequency: + Konečná frekvence: - - Sweep RtShift amount - Úroveň pro změnu frekvence sweepu + + Frequency slope: + Sklon frekvence: - - - Wave Pattern Duty - Pracovní cyklus vlnového patternu + + Gain: + Zisk: - - Channel 1 volume - Hlasitost kanálu 1 + + Envelope length: + Délka obálky: - - - - Volume sweep direction - Směr hlasitosti sweepu + + Envelope slope: + Sklon obálky: - - - - Length of each step in sweep - Délka každého kroku ve sweepu + + Click: + Klik: - - Channel 2 volume - Hlasitost kanálu 2 + + Noise: + Šum: - - Channel 3 volume - Hlasitost kanálu 3 + + Start distortion: + Začátek zkreslení: - - Channel 4 volume - Hlasitost kanálu 4 + + End distortion: + Konec zkreslení: + + + LadspaBrowserView - - Shift Register width - Posun šířky registru + + + Available Effects + Dostupné efekty - - Right Output level - Úroveň pravého výstupu + + + Unavailable Effects + Nedostupné efekty - - Left Output level - Úroveň levého výstupu + + + Instruments + Nástroje - - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Kanál 1 do SO2 (pravý) + + + Analysis Tools + Analyzační nástroje - - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Kanál 2 do SO2 (pravý) + + + Don't know + Neznámé - - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Kanál 3 do SO2 (pravý) + + Type: + Typ: + + + LadspaDescription - - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Kanál 4 do SO2 (pravý) + + Plugins + Pluginy - - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Kanál 1 do SO1 (pravý) + + Description + Popis + + + LadspaPortDialog - - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Kanál 2 do SO1 (pravý) + + Ports + Porty - - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Kanál 3 do SO1 (pravý) + + Name + Název - - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Kanál 4 do SO1 (pravý) + + Rate + Druh - - Treble - Výšky + + Direction + Směr - - Bass - Basy + + Type + Typ - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - - Sweep Time: - Trvání sweepu: + + Min < Default < Max + Min < Výchozí < Max - - Sweep Time - Trvání sweepu + + Logarithmic + Logaritmický - - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - Množství zvýšení nebo snížení frekvence + + SR Dependent + SR závislý - - Sweep RtShift amount: - Úroveň pro změnu frekvence sweepu: + + Audio + Zvuk - - Sweep RtShift amount - Úroveň pro změnu frekvence sweepu + + Control + Ovládání - - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - Úroveň, při které dojde ke zvýšení nebo snížení frekvence + + Input + Vstup - - - Wave pattern duty: - Pracovní cyklus vlnového patternu: + + Output + Výstup - - Wave Pattern Duty - Pracovní cyklus vlnového patternu + + Toggled + Zapnuto - - - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - Pracovní cyklus je poměr mezi dobou trvání (časem), kdy je signál zapnut, a celkovou délkou signálu. + + Integer + Celočíselný - - - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Hlasitost pulzního kanálu 1: + + Float + S plovoucí čárkou - - Square Channel 1 Volume - Hlasitost pulzního kanálu 1 + + + Yes + Ano + + + Lb302Synth - - - - Length of each step in sweep: - Délka každého kroku ve sweepu: + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + VCF frekvence vypnutí - - - - Length of each step in sweep - Délka každého kroku ve sweepu + + VCF Resonance + VCF rezonance - - - - The delay between step change - Zpoždění mezi změnou kroku + + VCF Envelope Mod + VCF modulace obálky - - Wave pattern duty - Pracovní cyklus vlnového patternu + + VCF Envelope Decay + VCF pokles obálky - - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Hlasitost pulzního kanálu 2: + + Distortion + Zkreslení - - - Square Channel 2 Volume - Hlasitost pulzního kanálu 2 + + Waveform + Vlna - - Wave Channel Volume: - Hlasitost vlnového kanálu: + + Slide Decay + Pokles sklouznutí - - - Wave Channel Volume - Hlasitost vlnového kanálu + + Slide + Sklouznutí - - Noise Channel Volume: - Hlasitost šumového kanálu: + + Accent + Důraz - - - Noise Channel Volume - Hlasitost šumového kanálu + + Dead + Dead - - SO1 Volume (Right): - Hlasitost SO1 (pravý): + + 24dB/oct Filter + Filtr 24dB/okt + + + Lb302SynthView - - SO1 Volume (Right) - Hlasitost SO1 (pravý) + + Cutoff Freq: + Frekvence odstřihnutí: - - SO2 Volume (Left): - Hlasitost SO2 (levý): + + Resonance: + Rezonance: - - SO2 Volume (Left) - Hlasitost SO2 (levý) + + Env Mod: + Modulace obálky: - - Treble: - Výšky: + + Decay: + Pokles: - - Treble - Výšky + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + 3pólový filtr 303-es-que, 24dB/okt - - Bass: - Basy: + + Slide Decay: + Pokles sklouznutí: - - Bass - Basy + + DIST: + Zkreslení: - - Sweep Direction - Směr sweepu + + Saw wave + Pilovitá vlna - - - - - - Volume Sweep Direction - Směr hlasitosti sweepu + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Klepněte sem pro pilovitou vlnu. - - Shift Register Width - Posun šířky registru + + Triangle wave + Trojúhelníková vlna - - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Kanál 1 do SO1 (pravý) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Klepněte sem pro trojúhelníkovou vlnu. - - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Kanál 2 do SO1 (pravý) + + Square wave + Pravoúhlá vlna - - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Kanál 3 do SO1 (pravý) + + Click here for a square-wave. + Klepněte sem pro pravoúhlou vlnu. - - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Kanál 4 do SO1 (pravý) + + Rounded square wave + Oblá pravoúhlá vlna - - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Kanál 1 do SO2 (levý) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Klepněte sem pro pravoúhlou vlnu s oblým zakončením. - - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Kanál 2 do SO2 (levý) + + Moog wave + Vlna typu Moog - - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Kanál 3 do SO2 (levý) + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Klepněte sem pro vlnu typu Moog. - - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Kanál 4 do SO2 (levý) + + Sine wave + Sinusová vlna - - Wave Pattern - Vlnový pattern + + Click for a sine-wave. + Klepněte sem pro sinusovou vlnu. - - Draw the wave here - Nakreslete vlnu zde + + + White noise wave + Bílý šum - - - patchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: Předvolba kanálu + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Klepněte sem pro exponenciální vlnu. - - Bank selector - Výběr banky + + Click here for white-noise. + Klepněte sem pro bílý šum. - - Bank - Banka + + Bandlimited saw wave + Pásmově omezená pilovitá vlna - - Program selector - Výběr programu + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Klepněte sem pro pásmově omezenou pilovitou vlnu. - - Patch - Patch + + Bandlimited square wave + Pásmově zúžená pravoúhlá vlna - - Name - Název + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Klepněte sem pro pásmově zúženou pravoúhlou vlnu. - - OK - OK + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Pásmově zúžená trojúhelníková vlna - - Cancel - Zrušit + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Klepněte sem pro pásmově zúženou trojúhelníkovou vlnu. - - - pluginBrowser - - no description - bez popisu + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Pásmově zúžená pilovitá vlna typu Moog - - A native amplifier plugin - Nativní plugin zesilovače + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Klepněte sem pro úzkopásmovou pilovitou vlnu typu Moog. + + + MalletsInstrument - - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Jednoduchý sampler s bohatým nastavením pro používání samplů (např. bicích nástrojů) v nástrojové stopě + + Hardness + Tvrdost - - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Zesílení vašeho basu rychlým a snadným způsobem + + Position + Pozice - - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Upravitelný tabulkový syntezátor + + Vibrato gain + Zesílení vibráta - - An oversampling bitcrusher - Bitcrusher založený na převzorkování + + Vibrato frequency + Frekvence vibráta - - Carla Patchbay Instrument - Nástroj Carla Patchbay + + Stick mix + Mix paliček - - Carla Rack Instrument - Nástroj Carla Rack + + Modulator + Modulátor - - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - 4 pásmový crossover ekvalizér + + Crossfade + Prolínání (crossfade) - - A native delay plugin - Nativní plugin delay + + LFO speed + Rychlost LFO - - A Dual filter plugin - Plugin duální filtr + + LFO depth + Hloubka LFO - - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - plugin pro flexibilní práci s dynamikou + + ADSR + ADSR - - A native eq plugin - Nativní plugin ekvalizér + + Pressure + Tlak - - A native flanger plugin - Nativní plugin flanger + + Motion + Pohyb - - Player for GIG files - Přehrávač GIG souborů + + Speed + Rychlost - - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Filtr pro import souborů Hydrogen do LMMS + + Bowed + Smyčcem - - Versatile drum synthesizer - Univerzální syntezátor bicích nástrojů + + Spread + Šíře - - List installed LADSPA plugins - Seznam nainstalovaných LADSPA pluginů + + Marimba + Marimba - - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - plugin pro užití libovolných LADSPA efektů uvnitř LMMS. + + Vibraphone + Vibrafon - - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Nekompletní monofonní imitace tb303 + + Agogo + Agogo - - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Filtr pro export souborů MIDI z LMMS + + Wood 1 + Dřevěné 1 - - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filtr pro import MIDI souborů do LMMS + + Reso + Rezo - - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - 3oscilátorový syntezátor Monstrous s modulační matricí + + Wood 2 + Dřevěné 2 - - A multitap echo delay plugin - Plugin multi-tap delay + + Beats + Údery - - A NES-like synthesizer - Syntetizér typu NES + + Two fixed + Dvojité - - 2-operator FM Synth - 2 operátorová FM syntéza + + Clump + Svazek - - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Aditivní syntezátor pro zvuky podobné varhanám + + Tubular bells + Trubicové zvony - - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Emulace APU GameBoye (TM) + + Uniform bar + Obyčejná tyč - - GUS-compatible patch instrument - GUS kompatibilní patch instrument + + Tuned bar + Laděná tyč - - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Plugin pro řízení otočných ovladačů zvukovými špičkami + + Glass + Sklo - - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Algoritmus dozvuku od Seana Costello + + Tibetan bowl + Tibetská mísa + + + MalletsInstrumentView - - Player for SoundFont files - Přehrávač SoundFont souborů + + Instrument + Nástroj - - LMMS port of sfxr - LMMS port sfxr + + Spread + Šíře - - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Emulace MOS6581 a MOS8580 SID. -Tento čip byl používán v počítačích Commodore 64. + + Spread: + Šíře: - - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Plugin pro grafickou analýzu spektra + + Missing files + Chybějící soubory - - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Plugin pro zlepšení stereo separace vstupních stereo souborů + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Zdá se, že instalace Stk není kompletní. Ujistěte se prosím, že je nainstalován celý balík Stk! - - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Plugin pro volné úpravy stereo výstupu + + Hardness + Tvrdost - - Tuneful things to bang on - Melodické bicí nástroje + + Hardness: + Tvrdost: - - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - 3 silné oscilátory, které můžete různými způsoby modulovat + + Position + Pozice - - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - VST host pro užití VST(i) pluginů v LMMS + + Position: + Pozice: - - Vibrating string modeler - Vibrační modelátor strun + + Vibrato gain + Zesílení vibráta - - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - Plugin pro použití libovolného VST efektu v LMMS. + + Vibrato gain: + Zesílení vibráta: - - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - 4oscilátorový modulovatelný tabulkový syntezátor + + Vibrato frequency + Frekvence vibráta - - plugin for waveshaping - plugin pro tvarování vln + + Vibrato frequency: + Frekvence vibráta: - - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - Vestavěný ZynAddSubFX + + Stick mix + Mix paliček - Mathematical expression parser - Parser matematických výrazů + + Stick mix: + Mix paliček: - - - sf2Instrument - - Bank - Banka + + Modulator + Modulátor - - Patch - Patch + + Modulator: + Modulátor: - - Gain - Zisk + + Crossfade + Prolínání (crossfade) - - Reverb - Dozvuk + + Crossfade: + Prolínání (crossfade): - - Reverb Roomsize - Velikost dozvukového prostoru + + LFO speed + Rychlost LFO - - Reverb Damping - Útlum dozvuku + + LFO speed: + Rychlost LFO: - - Reverb Width - Délka dozvuku + + LFO depth + Hloubka LFO - - Reverb Level - Úroveň dozvuku + + LFO depth: + Hloubka LFO: - - Chorus - Chorus + + ADSR + ADSR - - Chorus Lines - Počet linií chorusu + + ADSR: + ADSR: - - Chorus Level - Úroveň chorusu + + Pressure + Tlak - - Chorus Speed - Rychlost chorusu + + Pressure: + Tlak: - - Chorus Depth - Hloubka chorusu + + Speed + Rychlost - - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - Soundfont %1 nelze načíst. + + Speed: + Rychlost: - sf2InstrumentView + ManageVSTEffectView - - Open other SoundFont file - Otevřít jiný SoundFont soubor + + - VST parameter control + - řízení parametrů VST - - Click here to open another SF2 file - Klepněte sem pro otevření jiného SF2 souboru + + VST sync + VST synch - - Choose the patch - Vybrat patch + + + Automated + Automaticky - - Gain - Zesílení + + Close + Zavřít + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - - Apply reverb (if supported) - Použít dozvuk (je-li podporován) + + + - VST plugin control + - ovládání VST pluginu - - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Tímto tlačítkem zapnete efekt dozvuk (reverb). Ten lze použít pro výborné efekty, ale funguje pouze se soubory, které jej podporují. + + VST Sync + VST synch - - Reverb Roomsize: - Velikost dozvukového prostoru: + + + Automated + Automaticky - - Reverb Damping: - Útlum dozvuku: + + Close + Zavřít + + + OrganicInstrument - - Reverb Width: - Délka dozvuku: + + Distortion + Zkreslení - - Reverb Level: - Úroveň dozvuku: + + Volume + Hlasitost + + + OrganicInstrumentView - - Apply chorus (if supported) - Použít chorus (je-li podporován) + + Distortion: + Zkreslení: - - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Tímto tlačítkem zapnete efekt chorus. Ten lze použít pro výborné echo efekty, ale funguje pouze se soubory, které jej podporují. + + Volume: + Hlasitost: - - Chorus Lines: - Počet linií chorusu: + + Randomise + Nastavit náhodně - - Chorus Level: - Úroveň chorusu: + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Osc %1 vlna: - - Chorus Speed: - Rychlost chorusu: + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 hlasitost: - - Chorus Depth: - Hloubka chorusu: + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 panoráma: - - Open SoundFont file - Otevřít SoundFont soubor + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Osc %1 rozladění sterea - - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - Soubory SoundFont2 (*.sf2) + + cents + centů - - - sfxrInstrument - - Wave Form - Vlna + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Osc %1 harmonické: - sidInstrument - - - Cutoff - Oříznutí - - - - Resonance - Rezonance - - - - Filter type - Typ filtru - + PatchesDialog - - Voice 3 off - Vypnout hlas 3 + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Předvolba kanálu - - Volume - Hlasitost + + Bank selector + Výběr banky - - Chip model - Model čipu + + Bank + Banka - - - sidInstrumentView - - Volume: - Hlasitost: + + Program selector + Výběr programu - - Resonance: - Rezonance: + + Patch + Patch - - - Cutoff frequency: - Frekvence oříznutí: + + Name + Název - - High-Pass filter - Filtr typu horní propust + + OK + OK - - Band-Pass filter - Filtr typu pásmová propust + + Cancel + Zrušit + + + Sf2Instrument - - Low-Pass filter - Filtr typu dolní propust + + Bank + Banka - - Voice3 Off - Vypnout hlas 3 + + Patch + Patch - - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Gain + Zisk - - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb + Dozvuk - - - Attack: - Náběh: + + Reverb room size + Velikost místnosti - - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - Rychlost náběhu určuje, jak rychle výstup hlasu %1 stoupne z nuly na špičkovou amplitudu. + + Reverb damping + Útlum dozvuku - - - Decay: - Útlum: + + Reverb width + Délka dozvuku - - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - Rychlost útlumu (decay) určuje, jak rychle poklesne výstup ze špičky na zvolenou úroveň vydržení (sustain). + + Reverb level + Úroveň dozvuku - - Sustain: - Vydržení: + + Chorus + Chorus - - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - Výstup hlasu %1 zůstane na zvolené úrovni Vydržení po celou dobu, kdy bude nota držena. + + Chorus voices + Počet hlasů chorusu - - - Release: - Uvolnění: + + Chorus level + Úroveň chorusu - - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - Výstup hlasu %1 poklesne z úrovně vydržení (sustain) na nulovou amplitudu zvolenou rychlostí uvolnění (release). + + Chorus speed + Rychlost chorusu - - - Pulse Width: - Délka pulzu: + + Chorus depth + Hloubka chorusu - - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - Rozlišení šířky pulsu umožňuje plynulé vyhlazení šířky, aby nebylo rozeznatelné krokování. Pulzní vlna na oscilátoru %1 musí být zvolena tak, aby měla slyšitelný efekt. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + Soundfont %1 nelze načíst. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - - Coarse: - Ladění: + + + Open SoundFont file + Otevřít SoundFont soubor - - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - Hrubé rozladění umožní rozladit hlas %1 až o jednu oktávu nahoru nebo dolů. + + Choose patch + Vybrat patch - - Pulse Wave - Pulzní vlna + + Gain: + Zesílení: - - Triangle Wave - Trojúhelníková vlna + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Použít dozvuk (je-li podporován) - - SawTooth - Pilovitá vlna + + Room size: + Velikost místnosti: - - Noise - Šum + + Damping: + Útlum: - - Sync - Synch + + Width: + Šířka: - - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - Synchronizace synchronizuje základní frekvenci oscilátoru %1 se základní frekvencí oscilátoru %2 pomocí efektu pevné (Hard Sync) synchronizace. + + + Level: + Úroveň: - - Ring-Mod - Kruhová modulace + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Použít chorus (je-li podporován) - - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - Kruhová modulace nahradí výstup trojúhelníkové vlny na oscilátoru %1 "kruhově modulovanou" kombinací oscilátorů %1 a %2. + + Voices: + Hlasů: - - Filtered - Filtrování + + Speed: + Rychlost: - - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Pokud je zapnuto filtrování, hlas %1 bude zpracován filtrem. Pokud je filtrování vypnuto, hlas %1 se objeví přímo na výstupu a filtr na něj nebude mít žádný efekt. + + Depth: + Hloubka: - - Test - Test + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + Soubory SoundFont (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Test, když je nastaven, resetuje a zablokuje oscilátor %1 na nule, dokud se test nevypne. + + Wave + Vlna - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - - WIDE + + WIDTH ŠÍŘKA - + Width: Šířka: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls - + Width Šířka - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog - + Left to Left Vol: Levý do levého – hlasitost: - + Left to Right Vol: Levý do pravého – hlasitost: - + Right to Left Vol: Pravý do levého – hlasitost: - + Right to Right Vol: Pravý do pravého – hlasitost: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls - + Left to Left Levý do levého - + Left to Right Levý do pravého - + Right to Left Pravý do levého - + Right to Right Pravý do pravého - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument - + Loading plugin Načítám plugin - - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... Počkejte prosím, než se načte VST plugin... - vibed + Vibed - + String %1 volume Hlasitost struny %1 - + String %1 stiffness Tvrdost struny %1 - + Pick %1 position Místo drnknutí %1 - + Pickup %1 position Umístění snímače %1 - - Pan %1 - Pan %1 + + String %1 panning + Struna %1 panoráma - - Detune %1 - Rozladění %1 + + String %1 detune + Struna %1 rozladění - - Fuzziness %1 - Roztřepení %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + Struna %1 roztřepení - - Length %1 - Délka %1 + + String %1 length + Struna %1 délka - + Impulse %1 Impulz %1 - - Octave %1 - Oktáva %1 + + String %1 + Struna %1 - vibedView - - - Volume: - Hlasitost: - + VibedView - - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - Otočný ovladač "V" nastavuje hlasitost vybrané struny. + + String volume: + Hlasitost struny: - + String stiffness: Tvrdost struny: - - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - Otočný ovladač "S" nastavuje tvrdost vybrané struny. Tvrdost struny ovlivňuje délku doznívání struny. Čím nižší hodnota, tím déle bude struna znít. - - - + Pick position: Místo drnknutí: - - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - Otočný ovladač "P" nastavuje místo, ve kterém se na vybrané struně drnkne. Nižší nastavení znamená drnknutí blíže ke kobylce. - - - + Pickup position: Pozice snímače: - - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - Otočný ovladač "PU" nastavuje umístění snímače pro vybranou strunu. Nižší nastavení znamená snímač blíže u kobylky. - - - - Pan: - Panoráma: - - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - Otočný ovladač "Pan" určuje pozici vybrané struny ve stereo prostoru. - - - - Detune: - Rozladění: - - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - Otočný ovladač "Detune" mění ladění vybrané struny. Hodnoty nižší než nula způsobí plochý zvuk, hodnoty vyšší než nula způsobí ostřejší zvuk. + + String panning: + Panoráma struny: - - Fuzziness: - Roztřepení: + + String detune: + Rozladění struny: - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - Otočný ovladač "Slap" přidává ke zvuku vybrané struny jemné roztřepení, které je nejvíce patrné při náběhu tónu, ačkoliv lze také použít pro vytvoření více "kovového" zvuku struny. + + String fuzziness: + Roztřepení struny: - - Length: - Délka: - - - - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - Otočný ovladač "Lenght" nastavuje délku vybrané struny. Delší struny budou znít déle a jasněji, nicméně však spotřebují více CPU cyklů. - - - - Impulse or initial state - Impulz nebo výchozí stav + + String length: + Délka struny: - - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - Přepínač "IMP" určuje, zda vlna v grafu bude považována za impulz přenášený na strunu drnknutím nebo za počáteční stav struny. + + Impulse + Impulz - + Octave Oktáva - - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - Volič "Octave" se používá k výběru harmonického tónu, na kterém bude struna znít. Například "-2" znamená, že struna bude znít dvě oktávy pod základním tónem, "F" znamená, že zní základní tón a "6" znamená, že struna bude znít šest oktáv nad základním tónem. - - - + Impulse Editor Editor impulzu - - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - Editor vlny poskytuje kontrolu nad výchozím stavem nebo impulzem, který je použit k rozvibrování struny. Tlačítka na pravé straně grafu inicializují vlnový průběh vybraného typu. Tlačítko "?" načte vlnu ze souboru – bude načteno pouze prvních 128 vzorků. - -Vlna může být také nakreslena v grafu. - -Tlačítko "S" vyhladí vlnu. - -Tlačítko "N" normalizuje vlnu. - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Vibed simuluje až devět nezávisle vibrujících strun. Volič "String" vám umožní vybrat, kterou strunu budete upravovat. Pomocí voliče "Imp" vyberete, jestli graf představuje impulz nebo výchozí stav struny. Voličem "Octave" vyberete, na kterém harmonickém tónu má struna vibrovat. - -Graf vám umožňuje řízení výchozího stavu nebo impulzu použitého pro nastavení pohybu struny. - -Otočný ovladač "V" řídí hlasitost. Ovladač "S" nastavuje tvrdost struny. Ovladač "P" určuje pozici drnknutí. Ovladač "PU" nastavuje pozici snímače. - -"Pan" a "Detune" snad není třeba vysvětlovat. Ovladač "Slap" přidá ke zvuku struny jemné rozostření. - -Ovladač "Lenght" určuje délku struny. - -LED v pravém dolním rohu editoru vlny určuje, jestli bude struna v aktuálním nástroji aktivní. - - - + Enable waveform Zapnout vlnu - - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Klepněte sem pro zapnutí/vypnutí vlny. + + Enable/disable string + Zapnout/vypnout strunu - + String Struna - - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - Volič strun se užívá k výběru struny, které bude upravována. Nástroj Vibed může obsahovat maximálně devět nezávisle vibrujících strun. LED v pravém dolním rohu editoru tvaru vlny indikuje, zda je vybraná struna aktivní. - - - + + Sine wave Sinusová vlna - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Použít sinusovou vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. - - - + + Triangle wave Trojúhelníková vlna - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Použít trojúhelníkovou vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. - - - + + Saw wave Pilovitá vlna - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Použít pilovitou vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. - - - + + Square wave Pravoúhlá vlna - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Použít pravoúhlou vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. - - - - White noise wave + + + White noise Bílý šum - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Použít bílý šum pro aktuální oscilátor. - - - - User defined wave - Vlna definovaná uživatelem - - - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Použít vlastní vlnu pro aktuální oscilátor. - - - - Smooth - Vyhladit - - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Klepněte sem pro vyhlazení vlny. + + + User-defined wave + Uživatelem definovaná vlna - - Normalize - Normalizovat + + + Smooth waveform + Vyhlazení vlny - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Klepněte sem pro normalizaci vlny. + + + Normalize waveform + Normalizovat vlnu - voiceObject + VoiceObject - + Voice %1 pulse width Hlas %1 šířka pulzu - + Voice %1 attack Hlas %1 náběh - + Voice %1 decay - Hlas %1 útlum + Hlas %1 pokles - + Voice %1 sustain - Hlas %1 vydržení + Hlas %1 držení - + Voice %1 release - Hlas %1 uvolnění + Hlas %1 doznění - + Voice %1 coarse detuning Hlas %1 hrubé ladění - + Voice %1 wave shape Hlas %1 tvar vlny - + Voice %1 sync Hlas %1 synchronizace - + Voice %1 ring modulate Hlas %1 kruhová modulace - + Voice %1 filtered Hlas %1 filtrování - + Voice %1 test Hlas %1 test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog - + INPUT VSTUP - + Input gain: Zesílení vstupu: - + OUTPUT VÝSTUP - + Output gain: Zesílení výstupu: - - Reset waveform - Obnovení vlny - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Klepněte sem pro obnovení zobrazení křivky zpět do výchozího stavu - - - - Smooth waveform - Vyhlazení vlny - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Klepněte sem pro vyhlazení křivky + + + Reset wavegraph + Vynulovat křivku - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - Zvýši amplitudu grafu o 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph + Vyhladit křivku - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klepněte sem pro zvýšení amplitudy křivky o 1 dB - - - - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - Snížit amplitudu grafu o 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Zvýšení amplitudy křivky o 1 dB - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klepněte sem pro snížení amplitudy křivky o 1 dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Snížení amplitudy křivky o 1 dB - + Clip input Ořezat vstup - - Clip input signal to 0dB - Vstupní úroveň klipu 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + Ořezat vstupní signál na 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls - + Input gain Zesílení vstupu - + Output gain Zesílení výstupu diff --git a/data/locale/de.ts b/data/locale/de.ts index d3957edf30e..51ca7d56204 100644 --- a/data/locale/de.ts +++ b/data/locale/de.ts @@ -2,93 +2,111 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS Über LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - Über + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - Musikproduktion für jedermann + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - Autoren + + About + Über - Translation - Übersetzung + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - Muskproduktion für jedermann - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Deutsche Übersetzung von Tobias Doerffel und Daniel Winzen. - -Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind LMMS in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen oder eine bereits existierende Übersetzung verbessern möchten, können Sie uns gerne helfen! Kontaktieren Sie einfach den Betreiber! + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. - License - Lizenz + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Autoren + Involved Beteiligt + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Mitwirkende sortiert nach der Anzahl an Einreichungen: - Copyright © %1 - Copyright © %1 + + Translation + Übersetzung - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + License + Lizenz + AmplifierControlDialog + VOL VOL + Volume: Lautstärke: + PAN PAN + Panning: Balance: + LEFT LINKS + Left gain: Linke Verstärkung: + RIGHT RECHTS + Right gain: Rechte Verstärkung: @@ -96,18 +114,22 @@ Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind LMMS in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen oder AmplifierControls + Volume Lautstärke + Panning Balance + Left gain Linke Verstärkung + Right gain Rechte Verstärkung @@ -115,10 +137,12 @@ Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind LMMS in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen oder AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE GERÄT + CHANNELS KANÄLE @@ -126,85 +150,60 @@ Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind LMMS in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen oder AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - Anderes Sample öffnen - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Klicken Sie hier, um eine andere Audio-Datei zu öffnen. Danach erscheint ein Dialog, in dem Sie Ihre Datei wählen können. Einstellungen wie Wiederhol-Modus, Start- und Endpunkt sowie Verstärkung werden nicht zurückgesetzt, weshalb die Datei möglicherweise nicht wie das Original klingt. + + Open sample + Sample öffnen + Reverse sample Sample umkehren - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Wenn Sie diesen Knopf aktivieren, wird das gesamte Sample umgekehrt. Das kann nützlich für coole Effekte sein, wie z.B. eine umgekehrte Crash. - - - Amplify: - Verstärkung: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Mit diesem Regler können Sie die Verstärkungsrate festlegen. Wenn Sie einen Wert von 100% setzen, wird das Sample nicht geändert. Ansonsten wird es hoch oder runter verstärkt (Ihre Audio-Datei wird dabei nicht verändert!) - - - Startpoint: - Startpunkt: - - - Endpoint: - Endpunkt: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - Samplewiedergabe über Noten fortsetzen - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Wenn Sie diese Option aktivieren, wird das Sample über verschiedene Noten weitergespielt. Wenn Sie die Tonhöhe ändern oder die Note endet, bevor das Ende des Samples erreicht ist, dann fängt die nächste Note da an, wo aufgehört wurde. Um die Wiedergabe an den Anfang des Samples zurückzusetzen, fügen Sie eine Note am unteren Ende des Keyboards ein (< 20Hz) - - + Disable loop Wiederholung deaktivieren - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Dieser Regler deaktiviert Wiederholung. Das Sample wird nur einmal vom Anfang bis zum Ende wiedergegeben . - - + Enable loop Wiederholung aktivieren - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Dieser Knopf aktiviert Vorwärts-Wiederholung. Das Sample wird zwischen dem Endpunkt und dem Loop-Punkt wiederholt. + + Enable ping-pong loop + Ping Pong Loop aktivieren + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + Samplewiedergabe über Noten fortsetzen - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Dieser Knopf aktiviert Ping-Pong-Wiederholung. Das Sample wird zwischen dem Endpunkt und dem Loop-Punkt rückwärts und vorwärts wiederholt. + + Amplify: + Verstärkung: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie festlegen, wo AudioFileProcessor anfangen soll, Ihr Sample zu spielen. + + Start point: + Anfangspunkt: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie festlegen, wo AudioFileProcessor aufhören soll, Ihr Sample zu spielen. + + End point: + Endpunkt: + Loopback point: Wiederholungspunkt: - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie festlegen, wo die Wiederholung beginnt. - AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: Samplelänge: @@ -212,447 +211,469 @@ Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind LMMS in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen oder AudioJack + JACK client restarted JACK-Client neugestartet + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS wurde aus irgendeinem Grund von JACK verbannt. Aus diesem Grund wurde das JACK-Backend von LMMS neu gestartet. Sie müssen manuelle Verbindungen erneut vornehmen. + JACK server down JACK-Server nicht erreichbar + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. Der JACK-Server scheint heruntergefahren worden zu sein und es war nicht möglich, eine neue Instanz zu starten. LMMS ist daher nicht in der Lage, fortzufahren. Sie sollten Ihr Projekt speichern und JACK und LMMS neustarten. - CLIENT-NAME - CLIENT-NAME + + Client name + - CHANNELS - KANÄLE + + Channels + Kanäle - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - GERÄT + + Device + Gerät - CHANNELS - KANÄLE + + Channels + Kanäle AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + - DEVICE - GERÄT + + Device + Gerät - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - GERÄT + + Device + Gerät - CHANNELS - KANÄLE + + Channels + Kanäle AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - GERÄT + + Device + Gerät - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - GERÄT + + Device + Gerät - CHANNELS - KANÄLE + + Channels + Kanäle AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + - DEVICE - GERÄT + + Device + Gerät AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) &Zurücksetzen (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) Wert &kopieren (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) Wert &einfügen (%1%2) + + &Paste value + + + + Edit song-global automation Song-globale Automation editieren + + Remove song-global automation + Song-globale Automation entfernen + + + + Remove all linked controls + Alle verknüpften Regler entfernen + + + Connected to %1 Verbunden mit %1 + Connected to controller Verbunden mit Controller + Edit connection... Verbindung bearbeiten... + Remove connection Verbindung entfernen + Connect to controller... Mit Controller verbinden... - - Remove song-global automation - Song-globale Automation entfernen - - - Remove all linked controls - Alle verknüpften Controller entfernen - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Bitte öffnen Sie einen Automation-Pattern mit Hilfe des Kontextmenüs eines Steuerelements! + + Edit Value + - Values copied - Werte kopiert + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Alle ausgewählten Werte wurden in die Zwischenablage kopiert. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Bitte öffnen Sie einen Automation-Pattern mit Hilfe des Kontextmenüs eines Steuerelements! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) Aktuelles Pattern abspielen/pausieren (Leertaste) - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Klicken Sie hier, wenn Sie das aktuelle Pattern spielen wollen. Das ist nützlich beim Bearbeiten. Das Pattern wird automatisch wiederholt, wenn das Ende erreicht ist. - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) Abspielen des aktuellen Patterns stoppen (Leertaste) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Klicken Sie hier, wenn Sie das Abspielen des aktuellen Patterns stoppen wollen. + + Edit actions + Aktionen bearbeiten + Draw mode (Shift+D) Zeichnenmodus (Umschalt+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) Radiermodus (Umschalt+E) + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically Vertikal spiegeln + Flip horizontally Horizontal spiegeln - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Klicke hier und das Pattern wird invertiert. Die Punkte werden in Y Richtung umgekehrt. - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Klicke hier und das Pattern wird umgekehrt. Die Punkte werden in X Richtung umgekehrt. - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klicken Sie hier, um den Zeichnenmodus zu aktivieren. In diesem Modus können Sie einzelne Werte hinzufügen und verschieben. Das ist der Standard-Modus, der meistens benutzt wird. Sie können auch »Umschalt+D« auf Ihrer Tastatur drücken, um in diesen Modus zu gelangen. - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klicken Sie hier, um den Radiermodus zu aktivieren. In diesem Modus können Sie einzelne Werte löschen. Sie können auch »Umschalt+E« auf Ihrer Tastatur drücken, um diesen Modus zu aktivieren. + + Interpolation controls + Interpolations Regler + Discrete progression Diskretes Fortschreiten + Linear progression Lineares Fortschreiten + Cubic Hermite progression Kubisches, hermetisches Fortschreiten + Tension value for spline Spannungswert für Spline - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Ein höherer Spannungswert erzeugt vielleicht eine glattere Kurve aber schießt teilweise über. Ein niederer Spannungswert wird die Kurve über jeden Kontrollpunkt legen. - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Klicken Sie hier, um diskretes Fortschreiten als Automationsmuster auszuwählen. Der Wert des verbundenen Objekts bleibt konstant zwischen den Kontrollpunkten und wird sofort auf den neuen Wert gesetzt, wenn ein Kontrollpunkt erreicht wird. - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Klicken Sie hier, um lineares Fortschreiten als Automationsmuster auszuwählen. Der Wert des verbundenen Objekts wird über die Zeit kontinuierlich zwischen Kontrollpunkten auf den korrekten Wert am jeweiligen Kontrollpunkt geändert, ohne plötzliche Änderungen. - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Klicken Sie hier, um kubisches, hermetisches Fortschreiten als Automationsmuster auszuwählen. Der Wert des verbundenen Objekts wird in einer nahtlosen Kurve geändert und in Spitzen und Täler übergehen. - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Ausgewählte Werte ausschneiden (%1+X) - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Ausgewählte Werte ausschneiden (%1+X) + + Tension: + Spannung: - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Werte aus Zwischenablage einfügen (%1+V) + + Zoom controls + Zoom Regler - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klicken Sie hier, um die markierten Werte auszuschneiden und in die Zwischenablage zu kopieren. Sie können diese dann überall, auch in einem anderen Pattern, wieder einfügen, indem Sie auf den Einfügen-Knopf klicken. + + Horizontal zooming + Horizontales Zoomen - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klicken Sie hier, um die markierten Werte in die Zwischenablage zu kopieren. Sie können diese dann überall, auch in einem anderen Pattern, wieder einfügen, indem Sie auf den Einfügen-Knopf klicken. + + Vertical zooming + Vertikales Zoomen - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Klicken Sie hier, um die Werte in der Zwischenablage im ersten sichtbaren Takt einzufügen. + + Quantization controls + Quantisierungs Regler - Tension: - Spannung: + + Quantization + Quantisierung - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip Automation-Editor - Kein Pattern + + Automation Editor - %1 Automation-Editor - %1 - Edit actions - Aktionen bearbeiten - - - Interpolation controls - Interpolations Regler - - - Timeline controls - Zeitlinien Regler - - - Zoom controls - Zoom Regler - - - Quantization controls - Quantisierungs Regler - - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Model ist bereits mit diesem Pattern verbunden. - - Quantization - Quantisierung - - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - - - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> - Ein Steuerelement mit <%1> hier her ziehen + Ein Steuerelement mit <Strg> hier her ziehen - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor Im Automation-Editor öffnen + Clear Zurücksetzen + Reset name Name zurücksetzen + Change name Name ändern - %1 Connections - %1 Verbindungen - - - Disconnect "%1" - »%1« trennen - - + Set/clear record Aufnahme setzen/löschen + Flip Vertically (Visible) Vertikal spiegeln (Sichtbar) + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Horizontal spiegeln (Sichtbar) - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + %1 Connections + %1 Verbindungen + + + + Disconnect "%1" + »%1« trennen + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. Model ist bereits mit diesem Pattern verbunden. AutomationTrack + Automation track Automation-Spur - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor - Zeige/verstecke Beat+Bassline Editor + Beat+Bassline Editor + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) Aktuellen Beat/Bassline abspielen/pausieren (Leertaste) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) Abspielen des aktuellen Beats/Bassline stoppen (Leertaste) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Klicken Sie hier, um den aktuelle Beat/Bassline abzuspielen. Der Beat/Bassline wird am Ende automatisch wiederholt. + + Beat selector + Beat Wähler - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Klicken Sie hier, um das Abspielen des aktuellen Beats/Bassline zu stoppen. + + Track and step actions + + Add beat/bassline Beat/Bassline hinzufügen + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + Sample Spur hinzufügen + + + Add automation-track Automation-Spur hinzufügen + Remove steps Schritte entfernen + Add steps Schritte hinzufügen - Beat selector - - - - Track and step actions - - - + Clone Steps Schritte Klonen - - Add sample-track - Sample Spur hinzufügen - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor Im Beat+Bassline-Editor öffnen + Reset name Name zurücksetzen + Change name Name ändern - - Change color - Farbe ändern - - - Reset color to default - Farbe auf Standard zurücksetzen - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 Beat/Bassline %1 + Clone of %1 Klon von %1 @@ -660,26 +681,32 @@ Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind LMMS in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen oder BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ FREQ + Frequency: Frequenz: + GAIN GAIN + Gain: Verstärkung: + RATIO RATIO + Ratio: Verhältnis: @@ -687,14 +714,17 @@ Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind LMMS in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen oder BassBoosterControls + Frequency Frequenz + Gain Verstärkung + Ratio Verhältnis @@ -702,9616 +732,15601 @@ Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind LMMS in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen oder BitcrushControlDialog + IN IN + OUT OUT + + GAIN GAIN - Input Gain: + + Input gain: Eingangsverstärkung: - Input Noise: - Eingangsrauschen: + + NOISE + NOISE + + + + Input noise: + - Output Gain: + + Output gain: Ausgabeverstärkung: + CLIP CLIP - Output Clip: + + Output clip: - Rate Enabled - + + Rate enabled + Rate aktiviert - Enable samplerate-crushing + + Enable sample-rate crushing - Depth Enabled - Tiefe eingeschalten + + Depth enabled + Tiefe aktiviert - Enable bitdepth-crushing + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + FREQ + FREQ + + + Sample rate: Sample Rate: + + STEREO + STEREO + + + Stereo difference: Stereo Unterschied: + + QUANT + + + + Levels: Stärke: + + + BitcrushControls - NOISE - NOISE + + Input gain + Eingangsverstärkung - FREQ - FREQ + + Input noise + - STEREO + + Output gain + Ausgabeverstärkung + + + + Output clip - QUANT + + Sample rate - - - CaptionMenu - &Help - &Hilfe + + Stereo difference + - Help (not available) - Hilfe (nicht verfügbar) + + Levels + Stärke - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - GUI anzeigen + + Rate enabled + Rate aktiviert - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Klicken Sie hier, um die grafische Oberfläche von Carla anzuzeigen bzw. auszublenden. + + Depth enabled + Tiefe aktiviert - Controller + CarlaAboutW - Controller %1 - Controller %1 + + About Carla + - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - Connection Settings - Verbindungseinstellungen + + About + Über - MIDI CONTROLLER - MIDI CONTROLLER + + About text here + - Input channel - Eingangskanal + + Extended licensing here + - CHANNEL - KANAL + + Artwork + - Input controller - Eingangscontroller + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - CONTROLLER - CONTROLLER + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - Auto Detect - Automatische Erkennung + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - MIDI-Geräte, von denen MIDI-Events empfangen werden sollen + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - USER CONTROLLER - BENUTZERDEFINIERTER CONTROLLER + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - MAPPING FUNCTION - ABBILDUNGS-FUNKTION + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - OK - OK + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - Cancel - Abbrechen + + Features + - LMMS - LMMS + + AU/AudioUnit: + - Cycle Detected. - Schleife erkannt. + + LADSPA: + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - Controller-Einheit + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Add - Hinzufügen + + VST2: + - Confirm Delete - Löschen bestätigen + + DSSI: + - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + LV2: - - - ControllerView - Controls - Regler + + VST3: + - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Mit Controller können Sie den Wert eines Reglers, Schiebereglers und anderer Steuerelemente automatisieren. + + OSC + - Rename controller - Controller umbenennen + + Host URLs: + - Enter the new name for this controller - Geben Sie einen neuen Namen für diesen Controller ein + + Valid commands: + - &Remove this controller - &Diesen Controller entfernen + + valid osc commands here + - Re&name this controller - Diesen Controller umbenennen + + Example: + - LFO - LFO + + License + Lizenz - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - Band 2/3 Crossover: + + OSC Bridge Version - Band 3/4 Crossover: + + Plugin Version - Band 1 Gain: - Band 1 Gain: + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + - Band 2 Gain: - Band 2 Gain: + + + (Engine not running) + - Band 3 Gain: - Band 3 Gain: + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + - Band 4 Gain: - Band 4 Gain: + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - Band 1 Mute - Band 1 Mute + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - Mute Band 1 - Mute Band 1 + + + + Using Juce host + - Band 2 Mute - Band 2 Mute + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + CarlaHostW - Mute Band 2 - Mute Band 2 + + MainWindow + - Band 3 Mute - Band 3 Mute + + Rack + - Mute Band 3 - Mute Band 3 + + Patchbay + - Band 4 Mute - Band 4 Mute + + Logs + - Mute Band 4 - Mute Band 4 + + Loading... + - - - DelayControls - Delay Samples - Samples verzögern + + Buffer Size: + - Feedback - Rückkopplung + + Sample Rate: + - Lfo Frequency - LFO-Frequenz + + ? Xruns + - Lfo Amount - LFO-Stärke + + DSP Load: %p% + - Output gain - Ausgabeverstärkung + + &File + &Datei - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt - LFO-Stärke + + &Engine + - Delay Time - Verzögerungszeit + + &Plugin + - Feedback Amount - Rückkopplungsstärke + + Macros (all plugins) + - Lfo - LFO + + &Canvas + - Out Gain + + Zoom - Gain - Verstärkung + + &Settings + - DELAY - DELAY + + &Help + &Hilfe - FDBK - FDBK + + toolBar + - RATE - RATE + + Disk + - AMNT - AMNT + + + Home + Home - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - Filter 1 aktiviert + + Transport + - Filter 2 enabled - Filter 2 aktiviert + + Playback Controls + - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Klicken Sie, um Filter 1 zu aktivieren/deaktivieren + + Time Information + - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Klicken Sie, um Filter 2 zu aktivieren/deaktivieren + + Frame: + - FREQ - FREQ + + 000'000'000 + - Cutoff frequency - Kennfrequenz + + Time: + Zeit: - RESO - RESO + + 00:00:00 + - Resonance - Resonanz + + BBT: + - GAIN - GAIN + + 000|00|0000 + - Gain - Verstärkung + + Settings + Einstellungen - MIX - MIX + + BPM + - Mix - Mischung + + Use JACK Transport + - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - Filter 1 aktiviert + + Use Ableton Link + - Filter 1 type - Filtertyp 1 + + &New + &Neu - Cutoff 1 frequency - Kennfrequenz 1 + + Ctrl+N + - Q/Resonance 1 - Q/Resonanz 1 + + &Open... + Ö&ffnen... - Gain 1 - Verstärkung 1 + + + Open... + - Mix - Mischung + + Ctrl+O + - Filter 2 enabled - Filter 2 aktiviert + + &Save + &Speichern - Filter 2 type - Filtertyp 2 + + Ctrl+S + - Cutoff 2 frequency - Kennfrequenz 2 + + Save &As... + Speichern &als... - Q/Resonance 2 - Q/Resonanz 2 + + + Save As... + - Gain 2 - Verstärkung 2 + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - LowPass - Tiefpass + + &Quit + &Beenden - HiPass - Hochpass + + Ctrl+Q + - BandPass csg - Bandpass csg + + &Start + - BandPass czpg - Bandpass czpg + + F5 + - Notch - Notch + + St&op + - Allpass - Allpass + + F6 + - Moog - Moog + + &Add Plugin... + - 2x LowPass - 2x Tiefpass + + Ctrl+A + - RC LowPass 12dB - RC-Tiefpass 12dB + + &Remove All + - RC BandPass 12dB - RC-Bandpass 12dB + + Enable + - RC HighPass 12dB - RC-Hochpass 12dB + + Disable + - RC LowPass 24dB - RC-Tiefpass 24dB + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - RC BandPass 24dB - RC-Bandpass 24dB + + 100% Wet + - RC HighPass 24dB - RC-Hochpass 24dB + + 0% Volume (Mute) + 0% Volumen (Mute) - Vocal Formant Filter - Vokalformant-Filter + + 100% Volume + 100% Volumen - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + Center Balance + - SV LowPass + + &Play - SV BandPass + + Ctrl+Shift+P - SV HighPass + + &Stop - SV Notch + + Ctrl+Shift+X - Fast Formant + + &Backwards - Tripole + + Ctrl+Shift+B - - - Editor - Play (Space) - Abspielen (Leertaste) + + &Forwards + - Stop (Space) - Stoppen (Leertaste) + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - Record - Aufnahme + + &Arrange + - Record while playing + + Ctrl+G - Transport controls + + + &Refresh - - - Effect - Effect enabled - Effekt eingeschaltet + + Ctrl+R + - Wet/Dry mix - Wet/Dry-Mix + + Save &Image... + - Gate - Gate + + Auto-Fit + - Decay - Abfallzeit + + Zoom In + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - Effekte aktiviert + + Ctrl++ + - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - EFFEKT-KETTE + + Zoom Out + - Add effect - Effekt hinzufügen + + Ctrl+- + - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - Effekt hinzufügen + + Zoom 100% + - Name - Name + + Ctrl+1 + - Type - Typ + + Show &Toolbar + - Description - Beschreibung + + &Configure Carla + - Author - Verfasser + + &About + - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - Schaltet den Effekt an oder aus. + + About &JUCE + - On/Off - An/aus + + About &Qt + - W/D - W/D + + Show Canvas &Meters + - Wet Level: - Wet-Level: + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - Der Wet/Dry-Regler legt das Verhältnis zwischen Eingangssignal und vom Effekt bearbeiteten Signal im Ausgang fest. + + Show Internal + - DECAY - DECAY + + Show External + - Time: - Zeit: + + Show Time Panel + - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - Der Abfallzeit-Regler legt fest, wie viele Puffer mit Stille durchgelaufen sein müssen, bis der Effekt mit der Verarbeitung stoppt. Kleinere Werte reduzieren die CPU-Last, können jedoch unter Umständen das Ende von Delay-Effekten o.ä. abschneiden. + + Show &Side Panel + - GATE - GATE + + &Connect... + - Gate: - Gate: + + Compact Slots + - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - Der Gate-Regler legt die Stärke des Signals fest, welches als »Stille« angesehen wird, um zu entscheiden, wann das Plugin mit der Verarbeitung aufhören soll. + + Expand Slots + - Controls - Regler + + Perform secret 1 + - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - Effektplugins funktionieren als eine Aneinanderreihung von Effekten, wo das Signal von oben nach unter verarbeitet wird. - -Der Ein-/Ausschalter ermöglicht es Ihnen ein Plugin jeder Zeit zu umgehen. - -Der Wet/Dry-Regler legt das Verhältnis zwischen Eingangssignal und vom Effekt bearbeiteten Signal im Ausgang fest. Der Eingag dieses Effekts ist der Ausgang des vorherigen Effekts. Somit enthält das »dry«-Signal, für Effekte weiter unten in der Kette, alle vorherigen Effekte. - -Der Abfallzeit-Regler legt fest, wie lange das Signal weiterverarbeitet werden soll, nachdem die Noten losgelassen wurde. Der Effekt hört auf Signale zu verarbeiten, wenn die Lautstärke eines Signals für eine festgelegte Zeit unter einen festgelegten Schwellwert gefallen ist. Dieser Regler legt die »festgelegte Zeit« fest. Längere Zeiten brauchen mehr Rechenleistung, deshalb sollte diese Zahl für die meisten Effekte niedrig sein. Es muss für Effekte, die über längere Zeit Stille erzeugen, z.B. Verzögerungen, erhöht werden. - -Der Gate-Regler kontrolliert den »festgelegten Schwellwert« für das automatische Ausschalten des Effekts. Die Uhr für die »festgelegte Zeit« beginnt sobald der Pegel des verarbeiteten Signals unter den mit diesem Knopf festgelegten Pegel fällt. - -Der Regler-Knopf öffnet einen Dialog zum Bearbeiten der Parameter des Effekts. - -Ein Recktsklick öffnet ein Kontextmenü, in dem Sie die Reihenfolge der Effekte ändern oder einen Effekt entfernen können. + + Perform secret 2 + - Move &up - Nach &oben verschieben + + Perform secret 3 + - Move &down - Nach &unten verschieben + + Perform secret 4 + - &Remove this plugin - Plugin entfe&rnen + + Perform secret 5 + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - Verzögerung (predelay) + + Add &JACK Application... + - Attack - Anschwellzeit (attack) + + &Configure driver... + - Hold - Haltezeit (hold) + + Panic + - Decay - Abfallzeit + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - Sustain - Haltepegel (sustain) + + Export as... + - Release - Ausklingzeit (release) + + + + + Error + Fehler - Modulation - Modulation + + Failed to load project + - LFO Predelay - LFO-Verzögerung + + Failed to save project + - LFO Attack - LFO-Anschwellzeit (LFO-attack) + + Quit + - LFO speed - LFO-Geschwindigkeit + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - LFO Modulation - LFO Modulation + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + Konnte nicht zum Audio backend verbinden '%1', mögliche Gründe: +%2 - LFO Wave Shape - LFO-Wellenform + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + Konnte nicht zum Audio backend verbinden '%1' - Freq x 100 - Freq x 100 + + Warning + - Modulate Env-Amount - Hüllkurve modulieren + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - DEL - DEL + + Show GUI + GUI anzeigen + + + CarlaSettingsW - Predelay: - Verzögerung (predelay): + + Settings + Einstellungen - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Verzögerung (predelay) für die aktuelle Hüllkurven einzustellen. Je größer dieser Wert, desto länger dauert es, bis die eigentliche Hüllkurve beginnt. + + main + - ATT - ATT + + canvas + - Attack: - Anschwellzeit (attack): + + engine + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Anschwellzeit (attack) für die aktuelle Hüllkurve einzustellen. Je größer dieser Wert, desto länger braucht die Hüllkurve, um bis zum Anschwellpegel (attack-level) zu steigen. Wählen Sie einen kleinen Wert für Instrumente wie Klavier und einen großen Wert für Streichinstrumente. + + osc + - HOLD - HOLD + + file-paths + - Hold: - Haltezeit (hold): + + plugin-paths + - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Haltezeit (hold) der aktuellen Hüllkurve zu setzen. Je größer der Wert, desto länger hält die Hüllkurve den Anschwellpegel, bevor sie zum Haltepegel (sustain-level) abfällt. + + wine + - DEC - DEC + + experimental + - Decay: - Abfallzeit (decay): + + Widget + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Abfallzeit (decay) für die aktuelle Hüllkurve einzustellen. Je größer dieser Wert, desto länger braucht die Hüllkurve, um vom Anschwellpegel (attack-level) zum Dauerpegel (sustain-level) abzufallen. Wählen Sie einen kleinen Wert für Instrumente wie Klavier. + + + Main + - SUST - SUST + + + Canvas + - Sustain: - Dauerpegel (sustain): + + + Engine + - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um den Dauerpegel (sustain-level) für die aktuelle Hüllkurve einzustellen. Je größer dieser Wert, desto höher der Pegel, den die Hüllkurve hält, bevor sie auf Null abfällt. + + File Paths + - REL - REL + + Plugin Paths + - Release: - Ausklingzeit (release): + + Wine + - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Ausklingzeit der aktuellen Hüllkurve einzustellen. Je größer der Wert, desto länger braucht die Hüllkurve um vom Dauerpegel (sustain-level) auf Null abzufallen. Wählen Sie einen großen Wert für weiche Instrumente, wie z.B. Streicher. + + + Experimental + - AMT - AMT + + <b>Main</b> + - Modulation amount: - Modulationsintensität: + + Paths + Pfade - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Modulationsintensität für die aktuelle Hüllkurve einzustellen. Je größer dieser Wert, desto mehr wird die gewählte Größe (z.B. Lautstärke oder Cutoff-Frequenz) von der Hüllkurve beeinflusst. + + Default project folder: + - LFO predelay: - LFO-Verzögerung: + + Interface + - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Verzögerungszeit für den aktuellen LFO einzustellen. Je größer dieser Wert, desto länger die Zeit, bis der LFO anfängt zu schwingen. + + Interface refresh interval: + - LFO- attack: - LFO-Anschwellzeit (LFO-attack): + + + ms + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Anschwellzeit für den aktuellen LFO einzustellen. Je größer dieser Wert, desto länger dauert es, bis die Amplitude des LFOs bis zum Maximum angestiegen ist. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - SPD - SPD + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - LFO speed: - LFO-Geschwindigkeit: + + + Theme + - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Geschwindigkeit für den aktuellen LFO einzustellen. Je größer der Wert, desto schneller schwingt der LFO und desto schneller ist der entsprechende Effekt. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Modulationsintensität des aktuellen LFOs einzustellen. Je größer der Wert, desto mehr wird die gewählte Größe (z.B. Lautstärke oder Cutoff-Frequenz) von diesem LFO beeinflusst. + + Color scheme: + - Click here for a sine-wave. - Klick für eine Sinuswelle. + + Black + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klick für eine Dreieckwelle. + + System + - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Klick für eine Sägezahnwelle. + + Enable experimental features + - Click here for a square-wave. - Klick für eine Rechteckwelle. + + <b>Canvas</b> + - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Hier klicken für eine benutzerdefinierte Wellenform. Danach eine entsprechende Sampledatei auf den LFO-Graphen ziehen. + + Bezier Lines + - FREQ x 100 - FREQ x 100 + + Theme: + - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Hier klicken, wenn die Frequenz des LFOs mit 100 multipliziert werden soll. + + Size: + Größe: - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - LFO-Frequenz mit 100 multiplizieren + + 775x600 + - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - HÜLLK. MODULIEREN + + 1550x1200 + - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Klicken Sie hier, um die Hüllkurvenintensität durch diesen LFO kontrollieren zu lassen. + + 3100x2400 + - control envelope-amount by this LFO - Hüllkurvenintensität durch diesen LFO kontrollieren + + 4650x3600 + - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + 6200x4800 + - Hint - Tipp + + Options + - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Ziehen Sie ein Sample von irgendwo und lassen es in diesem Fenster fallen. + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - Click here for random wave. - Klick für eine zufällige Welle. + + Auto-select items on hover + - - - EqControls - Input gain - Eingangsverstärkung + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - Output gain - Ausgabeverstärkung + + Render Hints + - Low shelf gain + + Anti-Aliasing - Peak 1 gain - Peak 1 gain + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - Peak 2 gain - Peak 2 gain + + <b>Engine</b> + - Peak 3 gain - Peak 3 gain + + + Core + - Peak 4 gain - Peak 4 gain + + Single Client + - High Shelf gain + + Multiple Clients - HP res - HP res + + + Continuous Rack + - Low Shelf res + + + Patchbay - Peak 1 BW - Peak 1 BW + + Audio driver: + - Peak 2 BW - Peak 2 BW + + Process mode: + - Peak 3 BW - Peak 3 BW + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + - Peak 4 BW - Peak 4 BW + + Max Parameters: + - High Shelf res + + ... - LP res - LP res + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + - HP freq + + Plugin UIs - Low Shelf freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - Peak 1 freq + + UI Bridge Timeout: - Peak 2 freq + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - Peak 3 freq + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible - Peak 4 freq + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top - High shelf freq + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - LP freq + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - HP active + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings - Low shelf active + + <b>OSC</b> - Peak 1 active - Peak 1 Aktiv + + Enable OSC + - Peak 2 active - Peak 2 Aktive + + Enable TCP port + - Peak 3 active - Peak 3 Aktive + + + Use specific port: + - Peak 4 active - Peak 4 Aktive + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + - High shelf active + + + Use randomly assigned port - LP active - LP aktiv + + Enable UDP port + - LP 12 - LP 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - LP 24 - LP 24 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - LP 48 - LP 48 + + <b>File Paths</b> + - HP 12 - HP 12 + + Audio + Audio - HP 24 - HP 24 + + MIDI + MIDI - HP 48 - HP 48 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - low pass type - Tiefpass Art + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - high pass type - Hochpass Art + + + Add... + - Analyse IN - Analyse IN + + + Remove + - Analyse OUT - Analyse OUT + + + Change... + - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - HP + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + - Low Shelf + + LADSPA - Peak 1 - Peak 1 + + DSSI + - Peak 2 - Peak 2 + + LV2 + - Peak 3 - Peak 3 + + VST2 + - Peak 4 - Peak 4 + + VST3 + - High Shelf + + SF2/3 - LP - LP + + SFZ + - In Gain + + Restart Carla to find new plugins - Gain - Verstärkung + + <b>Wine</b> + - Out Gain + + Executable - Bandwidth: - Bandbreite: + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - Resonance : - Resonanz: + + Prefix + - Frequency: - Frequenz: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - lp grp + + Fallback: - hp grp + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback - Octave - Octave + + Realtime Priority + - - - EqHandle - Reso: - Reso: + + Base priority: + - BW: + + WineServer priority: - Freq: - Freq: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - Projekt exportieren + + <b>Experimental</b> + - Output - Ausgabe + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - File format: - Dateiformat: + + Enable plugin bridges + - Samplerate: - Abtastrate: + + Enable Wine bridges + - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Enable jack applications + - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - Bitrate: - Bitrate: + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - Depth: - Genauigkeit: + + + + + Add Path + + + + CompressorControlDialog - 16 Bit Integer - 16 Bit Ganzzahlen + + Threshold: + - 32 Bit Float - 32-Bit-Gleitkommazahlen + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - Quality settings - Qualitätseinstellungen + + Ratio: + Verhältnis: - Interpolation: - Interpolation: + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - Zero Order Hold - Zero Order Hold + + Attack: + Anschwellzeit (attack): - Sinc Fastest - Sinc - am schnellsten + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Sinc - Normal (empfohlen) + + Release: + Ausklingzeit (release): - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Sinc - am besten (sehr langsam!) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - Oversampling (use with care!): - Überabtastung (oversampling) (mit Vorsicht nutzen!): + + Knee: + - 1x (None) - 1x (keine) + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - 2x - 2x + + Range: + - 4x - 4x + + Maximum gain reduction + - 8x - 8x + + Lookahead Length: + - Start - Start + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - Cancel - Abbrechen + + Hold: + Haltezeit (hold): - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Als Schleife exportieren (Stille am Ende entfernen) + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Export between loop markers - Export zwischen den Loop markierungen + + RMS Size: + - Could not open file - Konnte Datei nicht öffnen + + Size of the RMS buffer + - Export project to %1 - Projekt nach %1 exportieren + + Input Balance: + - Error - Fehler + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Fehler beim Bestimmen des Datei-Enkoder-Geräts. Bitte wählen Sie ein anderes Ausgabeformat. + + Output Balance: + - Rendering: %1% - Rendere: %1% + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Stereo Balance: - 24 Bit Integer + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side - Use variable bitrate + + Stereo Link Blend: - Stereo mode: + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - Stereo + + Tilt Gain: - Joint Stereo + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - Mono + + Tilt Frequency: - Compression level: + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - (fastest) + + Mix: - (default) + + Balance between wet and dry signals - (smallest) + + Auto Attack: - - - Expressive - - Selected graph - Ausgewählter Graph - - A1 + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - A2 + + Auto Release: - A3 + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - W1 smoothing - + + Output gain + Ausgabeverstärkung - W2 smoothing - + + + Gain + Verstärkung - W3 smoothing + + Output volume - PAN1 - + + Input gain + Eingangsverstärkung - PAN2 + + Input volume - REL TRANS + + Root Mean Square - - - Fader - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen %1 und %2 ein: - - - - FileBrowser - - Browser - Browser - - Search + + Use RMS of the input - Refresh list + + Peak - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - An aktive Instrumentspur senden + + Use absolute value of the input + - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - In neuer Instrumentspur im B+B-Editor öffnen + + Left/Right + - Loading sample - Lade Sample + + Compress left and right audio + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Bitte warten, lade Sample für Vorschau… + + Mid/Side + - --- Factory files --- - --- Mitgelieferte Dateien --- + + Compress mid and side audio + - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor + + Compressor - Error - Fehler + + Compress the audio + - does not appear to be a valid + + Limiter - file - Datei + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - Samples verzögern + + Unlinked + - Lfo Frequency - LFO-Frequenz + + Compress each channel separately + - Seconds - Sekunde + + Maximum + - Regen + + Compress based on the loudest channel - Noise - Rauschen + + Average + - Invert - Invertieren + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: - Verzögerungszeit: + + Minimum + - Feedback Amount: - Rückkopplungsstärke: + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - White Noise Amount: - Weißes Rauschen Stärke: + + Blend + - DELAY - DELAY + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - RATE - RATE + + Auto Makeup Gain + - AMNT - AMNT + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - Amount: - Menge: + + + Soft Clip + - FDBK - FDBK + + Play the delta signal + - NOISE - NOISE + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - Invert - Invertieren + + Lookahead Enabled + - Period: + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency - FxLine - - Channel send amount - Kanal Sendemenge - - - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - Der FX Kanal erhält von ein oder mehr Instrumentenspuren Eingabesignale. - Er kann wiederum durch mehrere andere FX Kanäle gesendet werden. LMMS verhindert Endlosschleifen automatisch für Sie und erlaubt es nicht eine Verbindung zu erstellen, die in einer Endlosschleife resultiert. - -Um den Kanal an einen anderen Kanal zu senden, wählen Sie den FX Kanal aus und klicken Sie auf den »Senden« Knopf in dem Kananl, an den Sie den Kanal senden möchten. Der Knopf unter dem Sendeknopf kontrolliert die Stärke des gesendeten Signals. - -Sie können FX Kanäle im Kontextmenü entfernen und verschieben, welches durch einen Rechtsklick auf dem FX Kanal aufgerufen wird. - - + CompressorControls - Move &left - Nach &links verschieben - - - Move &right - Nach &rechts verschieben - - - Rename &channel - &Kanal umbenennen + + Threshold + - R&emove channel - Kanal &Entfernen + + Ratio + Verhältnis - Remove &unused channels - Entferne &unbenutzte Kanäle + + Attack + Anschwellzeit (attack) - - - FxMixer - Master - Master + + Release + Ausklingzeit (release) - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Knee + - Volume - Lautstärke + + Hold + Haltezeit (hold) - Mute - Stumm + + Range + - Solo - Solo + + RMS Size + - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - FX-Mixer + + Mid/Side + - FX Fader %1 - FX Schieber %1 + + Peak Mode + - Mute - Stumm + + Lookahead Length + - Mute this FX channel - Diesen FX-Kanal stummschalten + + Input Balance + - Solo - Solo + + Output Balance + - Solo FX channel + + Limiter - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Anteil, der von Kanal %1 zu Kanal %2 gesendet werden soll + + Output Gain + Ausgangsverstärkung - - - GigInstrument - Bank - Bank + + Input Gain + Eingangsverstärkung - Patch - Patch + + Blend + - Gain - Verstärkung + + Stereo Balance + - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file + + Auto Makeup Gain - Click here to open another GIG file + + Audition - Choose the patch - Patch wählen + + Feedback + Rückkopplung - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use + + Auto Attack - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played + + Auto Release - Which GIG file is currently being used + + Lookahead - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used + + Tilt - Gain - Verstärkung + + Tilt Frequency + - Factor to multiply samples by + + Stereo Link - Open GIG file - + + Mix + Mischung + + + Controller - GIG Files (*.gig) - + + Controller %1 + Controller %1 - GuiApplication + ControllerConnectionDialog - Working directory - + + Connection Settings + Verbindungseinstellungen - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI CONTROLLER - Preparing UI - + + Input channel + Eingangskanal - Preparing song editor - + + CHANNEL + KANAL - Preparing mixer - + + Input controller + Eingangscontroller - Preparing controller rack - + + CONTROLLER + CONTROLLER - Preparing project notes - + + + Auto Detect + Automatische Erkennung - Preparing beat/bassline editor - + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + MIDI-Geräte, von denen MIDI-Events empfangen werden sollen - Preparing piano roll - + + USER CONTROLLER + BENUTZERDEFINIETER CONTROLLER - Preparing automation editor - + + MAPPING FUNCTION + ABBILDUNGS-FUNKTION - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Arpeggio - Arpeggio + + OK + OK - Arpeggio type - Arpeggiotyp + + Cancel + Abbrechen - Arpeggio range - Arpeggio-Bereich + + LMMS + LMMS - Arpeggio time - Arpeggio-Zeit + + Cycle Detected. + Schleife erkannt. + + + ControllerRackView - Arpeggio gate - Arpeggio-Gate + + Controller Rack + Controller-Einheit - Arpeggio direction - Arpeggio-Richtung + + Add + Hinzufügen - Arpeggio mode - Arpeggio-Modus + + Confirm Delete + Löschen bestätigen - Up - Hoch + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Löschen bestätigen? Es existiert/en Verbindung(en) mit dem assoziatierten Kontroller. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit es rückgängig zu machen. + + + ControllerView - Down - Runter + + Controls + Regler - Up and down - Hoch und runter + + Rename controller + Controller umbenennen - Random - Zufällig + + Enter the new name for this controller + Geben Sie einen neuen Namen für diesen Controller ein - Free - Frei + + LFO + LFO - Sort - Sortiert + + &Remove this controller + &Diesen Controller entfernen - Sync - Synchron + + Re&name this controller + Diesen Controller umbenennen + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Down and up - Hoch und runter + + Band 1/2 crossover: + Band 1/2 Crossover: - Skip rate - + + Band 2/3 crossover: + Band 2/3 Crossover: - Miss rate + + Band 3/4 crossover: - Cycle steps + + Band 1 gain - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGGIO + + Band 1 gain: + - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - Ein Arpeggio ist eine Art, (vor allem gezupfte) Instrumente zu spielen, die die Musik viel lebendiger macht. Die Seiten von solchen Instrumenten (z.B. Harfen) werden wie Akkorde gezupft, der einzige Unterschied besteht darin, dass dies nacheinander geschieht. Die Noten werden also nicht zur gleichen Zeit gespielt. Typische Arpeggios sind Dur- oder Moll-Dreiklänge, aber es gibt noch viele andere Akkorde, die Sie auswählen können. + + Band 2 gain + - RANGE - RANGE + + Band 2 gain: + - Arpeggio range: - Arpeggio-Bereich: + + Band 3 gain + - octave(s) - Oktave(n) + + Band 3 gain: + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um den Arpeggio-Bereich in Oktaven zu setzen. Das gewählte Arpeggio wird innerhalb der angegebenen Anzahl von Oktaven abgespielt. + + Band 4 gain + - TIME - ZEIT + + Band 4 gain: + - Arpeggio time: - Arpeggio-Zeit: + + Band 1 mute + - ms - ms + + Mute band 1 + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Arpeggio-Zeit in Millisekunden zu setzen. Die Arpeggio-Zeit gibt an, wie lange jeder einzelne Arpeggio-Ton gespielt werden soll. + + Band 2 mute + - GATE - GATE + + Mute band 2 + - Arpeggio gate: - Arpeggio-Gate: + + Band 3 mute + - % - % + + Mute band 3 + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um das Arpeggio-Gate zu setzen. Das Arpeggio-Gate gibt an, wie viel Prozent eines ganzen Arpeggio-Tons gespielt werden sollen. Damit können Sie coole Staccato-Arpeggios erzeugen. + + Band 4 mute + - Chord: - Akkord: + + Mute band 4 + + + + DelayControls - Direction: - Richtung: + + Delay samples + - Mode: - Modus: + + Feedback + Rückkopplung - SKIP - SKIP + + LFO frequency + LFO Frequenz - Skip rate: + + LFO amount - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - + + Output gain + Ausgabeverstärkung + + + DelayControlsDialog - MISS - MISS + + DELAY + VERZÖGERUNG - Miss rate: + + Delay time - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. + + FDBK + FDBK + + + + Feedback amount - CYCLE - CYCLE + + RATE + RATE - Cycle notes: - + + LFO frequency + LFO Frequenz - note(s) - Notizen + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + LFO amount + - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. + + Out gain + + + Gain + Verstärkung + - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + Dialog - octave - Oktave + + Add JACK Application + - Major - Dur + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - Majb5 - Durb5 + + Application + - minor - moll + + Name: + - minb5 - mollb5 + + Application: + - sus2 - sus2 + + From template + - sus4 - sus4 + + Custom + - aug - aug + + Template: + - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Command: + - tri - tri + + Setup + - 6 - 6 + + Session Manager: + - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + None + Keiner - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Audio inputs: + - m6 - m6 + + MIDI inputs: + - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Audio outputs: + - 7 - 7 + + MIDI outputs: + - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Take control of main application window + - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Workarounds + - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - 7b9 - 7b9 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Error here + - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Carla Control - Connect + - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Remote setup + - 7add13 - 7add13 + + UDP Port: + - 7#11 - 7#11 + + Remote host: + - Maj7 - Maj7 + + TCP Port: + - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + Reported host + - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + Automatic + - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + Custom: + - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - m7 - m7 + + Set value + Wert setzen - m7b5 - m7b5 + + TextLabel + - m7b9 - m7b9 + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - m7add11 - m7add11 + + Driver Settings + - m7add13 - m7add13 + + Device: + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + Sample Rate: + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Kennfrequenz + + + + + RESO + RESO + + + + + Resonance + Resonanz + + + + + GAIN + GAIN + + + + + Gain + Verstärkung + + + + MIX + MIX + + + + Mix + Mischung + + + + Filter 1 enabled + Filter 1 aktiviert + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Filter 2 aktiviert + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + Filter 1 aktiviert + + + + Filter 1 type + Filtertyp 1 + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Resonanz 1 + + + + Gain 1 + Verstärkung 1 + + + + Mix + Mischung + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Filter 2 aktiviert + + + + Filter 2 type + Filtertyp 2 + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Resonanz 2 + + + + Gain 2 + Verstärkung 2 + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + Tripol + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + Abspielen (Leertaste) + + + + Stop (Space) + Stoppen (Leertaste) + + + + Record + Aufnahme + + + + Record while playing + Aufnahme während Abspielen + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + Effekt aktiviert + + + + Wet/Dry mix + Wet/Dry-Mix + + + + Gate + Gate + + + + Decay + Abfallzeit + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + Effekte aktiviert + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + EFFEKT-KETTE + + + + Add effect + Effekt hinzufügen + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + Effekt hinzufügen + + + + + Name + Name + + + + Type + Typ + + + + Description + Beschreibung + + + + Author + Verfasser + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + An/aus + + + + W/D + W/D + + + + Wet Level: + Wet-Level: + + + + DECAY + DECAY + + + + Time: + Zeit: + + + + GATE + GATE + + + + Gate: + Gate: + + + + Controls + Regler + + + + Move &up + Nach &oben verschieben + + + + Move &down + Nach &unten verschieben + + + + &Remove this plugin + Plugin entfe&rnen + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + LFO Frequenz + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + DEL + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + ATT + + + + + Attack: + Anschwellzeit (attack): + + + + HOLD + HOLD + + + + Hold: + Haltezeit (hold): + + + + DEC + DEC + + + + Decay: + Abfallzeit (decay): + + + + SUST + SUST + + + + Sustain: + Dauerpegel (sustain): + + + + REL + REL + + + + Release: + Ausklingzeit (release): + + + + + AMT + AMT + + + + + Modulation amount: + Modulationsintensität: + + + + SPD + SPD + + + + Frequency: + Frequenz: + + + + FREQ x 100 + FREQ x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: + + + + Hint + Tipp + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + Eingangsverstärkung + + + + Output gain + Ausgabeverstärkung + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + Peak 1 gain + + + + Peak 2 gain + Peak 2 gain + + + + Peak 3 gain + Peak 3 gain + + + + Peak 4 gain + Peak 4 gain + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + HP res + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + Peak 1 BW + + + + Peak 2 BW + Peak 2 BW + + + + Peak 3 BW + Peak 3 BW + + + + Peak 4 BW + Peak 4 BW + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + LP res + + + + HP freq + HP Freq + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + TP Freq + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + Peak 1 Aktiv + + + + Peak 2 active + Peak 2 Aktive + + + + Peak 3 active + Peak 3 Aktive + + + + Peak 4 active + Peak 4 Aktive + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + LP aktiv + + + + LP 12 + LP 12 + + + + LP 24 + LP 24 + + + + LP 48 + LP 48 + + + + HP 12 + HP 12 + + + + HP 24 + HP 24 + + + + HP 48 + HP 48 + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + Analyse IN + + + + Analyse OUT + Analyse OUT + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + HP + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + Peak 1 + + + + Peak 2 + Peak 2 + + + + Peak 3 + Peak 3 + + + + Peak 4 + Peak 4 + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + LP + + + + Input gain + Eingangsverstärkung + + + + + + Gain + Verstärkung + + + + Output gain + Ausgabeverstärkung + + + + Bandwidth: + Bandbreite: + + + + Octave + Octave + + + + Resonance : + Resonanz: + + + + Frequency: + Frequenz: + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + Reso: + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + Freq: + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + Projekt exportieren + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + Export zwischen den Loop markierungen + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + Dateiformat: + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + Stereo Modus: + + + + Mono + Mono + + + + Stereo + Stereo + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + Bitrate: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + Verwende variable Bitrate + + + + Quality settings + Qualitätseinstellungen + + + + Interpolation: + Interpolation: + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (keine) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + Start + + + + Cancel + Abbrechen + + + + Could not open file + Konnte Datei nicht öffnen + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Konnte Datei %1 nicht zum Schreiben öffnen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Schreibberechtigungen für die Datei und das Verzeichnis, welches die Datei beinhaltet haben, und versuchen Sie es erneut. + + + + Export project to %1 + Projekt nach %1 exportieren + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + ( Schnellstes - Größtes ) + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + (Langsamstes - Kleinstes) + + + + Error + Fehler + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Fehler beim Bestimmen des Datei-Enkoder-Geräts. Bitte wählen Sie ein anderes Ausgabeformat. + + + + Rendering: %1% + Rendere: %1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + Wert setzen + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen %1 und %2 ein: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + Browser + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + An aktive Instrumentspur senden + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + Zeige/verstecke Song-Editor + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + Lade Sample + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Bitte warten, lade Sample für Vorschau… + + + + Error + Fehler + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- Mitgelieferte Dateien --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + LFO Frequenz + + + + Seconds + Sekunde + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + Rauschen + + + + Invert + Invertieren + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + VERZÖGERUNG + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + RATE + + + + Period: + Periode: + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Amount: + Menge: + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + FDBK + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + NOISE + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + Invertieren + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + Streichzeit + + + + Sweep direction + Streichrichtung + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + Kanal 1 Lautstärke + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Lautstärken-Streichrichtung + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Länge jedes Schritts beim Streichen + + + + Channel 2 volume + Kanal 2 Lautstärke + + + + Channel 3 volume + Kanal 3 Lautstärke + + + + Channel 4 volume + Kanal 4 Lautstärke + + + + Shift Register width + Schieberegister-Breite + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 1 zu SO2 (Links) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 2 zu SO2 (Links) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 3 zu SO2 (Links) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 4 zu SO2 (Links) + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 1 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 2 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 3 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 4 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + + + Treble + Höhe + + + + Bass + Bass + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + Streichzeit + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Länge jedes Schritts beim Streichen: + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Länge jedes Schritts beim Streichen + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + Höhe: + + + + Treble + Höhe + + + + Bass: + Bass: + + + + Bass + Bass + + + + Sweep direction + Streichrichtung + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Lautstärken-Streichrichtung + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 1 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 2 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 3 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 4 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 1 zu SO2 (Links) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 2 zu SO2 (Links) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 3 zu SO2 (Links) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 4 zu SO2 (Links) + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + Kanal Sendemenge + + + + Move &left + Nach &links verschieben + + + + Move &right + Nach &rechts verschieben + + + + Rename &channel + &Kanal umbenennen + + + + R&emove channel + Kanal &Entfernen + + + + Remove &unused channels + Entferne &unbenutzte Kanäle + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + Weise hinzu: + + + + New mixer Channel + Neuer FX-Kanal + + + + Mixer + + + Master + Master + + + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 + + + + Volume + Lautstärke + + + + Mute + Stumm + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + Mixer + + + + Fader %1 + FX Schieber %1 + + + + Mute + Stumm + + + + Mute this mixer channel + Diesen FX-Kanal stummschalten + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + Solo mixer channel + Solo FX-Kanal + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Anteil, der von Kanal %1 zu Kanal %2 gesendet werden soll + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + Bank + + + + Patch + Patch + + + + Gain + Verstärkung + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + GIG Datei öffnen + + + + Choose patch + Patch wählen + + + + Gain: + Gain: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG Dateien (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + Arbeitsverzeichnis + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + Das LMMS-Arbeitsverzeichnis %1 existiert nicht. Soll es jetzt angelegt werden? Sie können das Verzeichnis später unter Bearbeiten -> Einstellungen ändern + + + + Preparing UI + Benutzeroberfläche vorbereiten + + + + Preparing song editor + Song Editor vorbereiten + + + + Preparing mixer + Mixer vorbereiten + + + + Preparing controller rack + Controller-Einheit vorbereiten + + + + Preparing project notes + Projektnotizen vorbereiten + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Beat/Bassline Editor vorbreiten + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + Arpeggio + + + + Arpeggio type + Arpeggiotyp + + + + Arpeggio range + Arpeggio-Bereich + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + Arpeggio-Zeit + + + + Arpeggio gate + Arpeggio-Gate + + + + Arpeggio direction + Arpeggio-Richtung + + + + Arpeggio mode + Arpeggio-Modus + + + + Up + Hoch + + + + Down + Runter + + + + Up and down + Hoch und runter + + + + Down and up + Hoch und runter + + + + Random + Zufällig + + + + Free + Frei + + + + Sort + Sortiert + + + + Sync + Synchron + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGGIO + + + + RANGE + RANGE + + + + Arpeggio range: + Arpeggio-Bereich: + + + + octave(s) + Oktave(n) + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + CYCLE + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + Notizen + + + + SKIP + SKIP + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + MISS + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + ZEIT + + + + Arpeggio time: + Arpeggio-Zeit: + + + + ms + ms + + + + GATE + GATE + + + + Arpeggio gate: + Arpeggio-Gate: + + + + Chord: + Akkord: + + + + Direction: + Richtung: + + + + Mode: + Modus: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + Oktave + + + + + Major + Dur + + + + Majb5 + Durb5 + + + + minor + moll + + + + minb5 + mollb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + augsus4 + + + + tri + tri + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + m-Maj7 m-Maj7 - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + Harmonisches Moll + + + + Melodic minor + Melodisches Moll + + + + Whole tone + Ganze Töne + + + + Diminished + Vermindert + + + + Major pentatonic + Pentatonisches Dur + + + + Minor pentatonic + Pentatonisches Moll + + + + Jap in sen + Jap in sen + + + + Major bebop + Dur Bebop + + + + Dominant bebop + Dominanter Bebop + + + + Blues + Blues + + + + Arabic + Arabisch + + + + Enigmatic + Enigmatisch + + + + Neopolitan + Neopolitanisch + + + + Neopolitan minor + Neopolitanisches Moll + + + + Hungarian minor + Zigeunermoll + + + + Dorian + Dorisch + + + + Phrygian + Phrygisch + + + + Lydian + Lydisch + + + + Mixolydian + Mixolydisch + + + + Aeolian + Äolisch + + + + Locrian + Locrisch + + + + Minor + Moll + + + + Chromatic + Chromatisch + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + Halbton-Ganzton-Leiter + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + Persisch + + + + Chords + Akkorde + + + + Chord type + Akkordtyp + + + + Chord range + Akkord-Bereich + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + STACKING + + + + Chord: + Akkord: + + + + RANGE + RANGE + + + + Chord range: + Akkord-Bereich: + + + + octave(s) + Oktave(n) + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + MIDI-EINGANG AKTIVIEREN + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + MIDI-AUSGANG AKTIVIEREN + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NOTE + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + MIDI Geräte, von denen MIDI-Events empfangen werden sollen + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + MIDI-Geräte, an die MIDI-Events gesendet werden sollen + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + BENUTZERDEFINIERTE GRUNDLAUTSTÄRKE + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + GRUNDLAUTSTÄRKE + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + LAUTSTÄRKE + + + + Volume + Lautstärke + + + + CUTOFF + KENNFREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Kennfrequenz + + + + RESO + RESO + + + + Resonance + Resonanz + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + Hüllkurven/LFOs + + + + Filter type + Filtertyp + + + + Q/Resonance + Q/Resonanz + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + Notch + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + Tripol + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + ZIEL + + + + FILTER + FILTER + + + + FREQ + FREQ + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Kennfrequenz: + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Hüllkurven, LFOs und Filter sind vom aktuellen Instrument nicht unterstützt. + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + Unbenannter_Kanal + + + + Base note + Grundton + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + Letzte Note + + + + Volume + Lautstärke + + + + Panning + Balance + + + + Pitch + Tonhöhe + + + + Pitch range + Tonhöhenbereich + + + + Mixer channel + FX-Kanal + + + + Master pitch + Master-Tonhöhe + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + Standard-Preset + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Lautstärke + + + + Volume: + Lautstärke: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Balance + + + + Panning: + Balance: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + Eingang + + + + Output + Ausgang + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + GRUNDLEGENDE EINSTELLUNGEN + + + + Volume + Lautstärke + + + + Volume: + Lautstärke: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Balance + + + + Panning: + Balance: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + Tonhöhe + + + + Pitch: + Tonhöhe: + + + + cents + Cent + + + + PITCH + PITCH + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + Tonhöhenbereich (Halbtöne) + + + + RANGE + RANGE + + + + Mixer channel + FX-Kanal + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Aktuelle Instrumentenspur-Einstelungen in einer Presetdatei speichern + + + + SAVE + SPEICHERN + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + Effekte + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + Verschiedenes + + + + Save preset + Preset speichern + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML Preset Datei (*.xpf) - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + Plugin + Plugin + + + JackApplicationW - 9 - 9 + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + - add9 - add9 + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + JuceAboutW - 9#5 - 9#5 + + About JUCE + - 9b5 - 9b5 + + <b>About JUCE</b> + - 9#11 - 9#11 + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + - 9b13 - 9b13 + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + - Maj9 - Maj9 + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + Knob - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + Set linear + Linear einstellen - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + Set logarithmic + Logarithmisch einstellen - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + + Set value + Wert setzen - m9 - m9 + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen -96.0 dBFS und 6.0 dBFS: ein: - madd9 - madd9 + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen %1 und %2 ein: + + + LadspaControl - m9b5 - m9b5 + + Link channels + Kanäle verbinden + + + LadspaControlDialog - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + Link Channels + Kanäle verbinden - 11 - 11 + + Channel + Kanal + + + LadspaControlView - 11b9 - 11b9 + + Link channels + Kanäle verbinden - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Value: + Wert: + + + LadspaEffect - m11 - m11 + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Unbekanntes LADSPA-Plugin %1 angefordert. + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + Set value + Wert setzen - 13 - 13 + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen %1 und %2 ein: + + + LcdSpinBox - 13#9 - 13#9 + + Set value + Wert setzen - 13b9 - 13b9 + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen %1 und %2 ein: + + + LeftRightNav - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + + + Previous + Vorheriges - Maj13 - Maj13 + + + + Next + Nächstes - m13 - m13 + + Previous (%1) + Vorheriges (%1) - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + Next (%1) + Nächstes (%1) + + + LfoController - Harmonic minor - Harmonisches Moll + + LFO Controller + LFO-Controller - Melodic minor - Melodisches Moll + + Base value + Grundwert - Whole tone - Ganze Töne + + Oscillator speed + Oszillator-Geschwindigkeit - Diminished - Vermindert + + Oscillator amount + Oszillator-Stärke - Major pentatonic - Pentatonisches Dur + + Oscillator phase + Oszillator-Phase - Minor pentatonic - Pentatonisches Moll + + Oscillator waveform + Oszillator-Wellenform - Jap in sen - Jap in sen + + Frequency Multiplier + Frequenzmultiplikator + + + LfoControllerDialog - Major bebop - Dur Bebop + + LFO + LFO - Dominant bebop - Dominanter Bebop + + BASE + BASE - Blues - Blues + + Base: + Basis - Arabic - Arabisch + + FREQ + FREQ - Enigmatic - Enigmatisch + + LFO frequency: + LFO Frequenz: - Neopolitan - Neopolitanisch + + AMNT + AMNT - Neopolitan minor - Neopolitanisches Moll + + Modulation amount: + Modulationsintensität: - Hungarian minor - Zigeunermoll + + PHS + PHS - Dorian - Dorisch + + Phase offset: + Phasenverschiebung: - Phrygolydian - Phrygisch + + degrees + Grad - Lydian - Lydisch + + Sine wave + Sinuswelle + + + + Triangle wave + Dreieckwelle + + + + Saw wave + Sägezahnwelle + + + + Square wave + Rechteckwelle + + + + Moog saw wave + Moog-Sägezahnwelle + + + + Exponential wave + Exponentielle Welle - Mixolydian - Mixolydisch + + White noise + Weißes Rauschen + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + Multipliziere Modulationsfrequenz mit 1 + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + Multipliziere Modulationsfrequenz mit 100 + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + Dividiere Modulationsfrequenz mit 100 + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + Wellenformtabllen erzeugen + + + + Initializing data structures + Datenstrukturen initialisieren + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + Audio und MIDI-Geräte öffnen + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + Konfigurationsdatei - Aeolian - Äolisch + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Fehler beim Parsen der Konfigurationsdatei in Zeile %1:%2: %3 - Locrian - Locrisch + + Could not open file + Konnte Datei nicht öffnen - Chords - Akkorde + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Konnte Datei %1 nicht zum Schreiben öffnen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Schreibberechtigungen für die Datei und das Verzeichnis, welches die Datei beinhaltet haben, und versuchen Sie es erneut. - Chord type - Akkordtyp + + Project recovery + Project wiederherstellen - Chord range - Akkord-Bereich + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Es liegt eine Wiederherstellungsdatei vor. Es scheint, dass die letzte Sitzung nicht ordnungsgemäß beendet wurde oder eine andere Instanz von LMMS läuft bereits. Wollen Sie das Projekt von dieser Sitzung wiederherstellen? - Minor - Moll + + + Recover + Wiederherstellen - Chromatic - Chromatisch + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Wiederherstellen der Datei. Bitte führen Sie nicht mehrere Instanzen von LMMS aus, wenn Sie das tun. - Half-Whole Diminished - Halbton-Ganzton-Leiter + + + Discard + Verwerfen - 5 - 5 + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Starten einer Standardsitzung und löschen der wiederhergestellten Dateien. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. - Phrygian dominant - + + Version %1 + Version %1 - Persian - Persisch + + Preparing plugin browser + Plugin Browser vorbereiten - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE - RANGE + + Preparing file browsers + Dateimanger vorbereiten - Chord range: - Akkord-Bereich: + + My Projects + Meine Projekte - octave(s) - Oktave(n) + + My Samples + Meine Samples - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um den Akkord-Bereich in Oktaven zu setzen. Der gewählte Akkord wird innerhalb der angegebenen Anzahl von Oktaven abgespielt. + + My Presets + Meine Presets - STACKING - STACKING + + My Home + Mein Home - Chord: - Akkord: + + Root directory + Grundverzeichniss - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - MIDI-EINGANG AKTIVIEREN + + Volumes + Volumes - CHANNEL - KANAL + + My Computer + Mein Computer - VELOCITY - LAUTSTÄRKE + + &File + &Datei - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - MIDI-AUSGANG AKTIVIEREN + + &New + &Neu - PROGRAM - PROGRAMM + + &Open... + Ö&ffnen... - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - MIDI Geräte, von denen MIDI-Events empfangen werden sollen + + Loading background picture + Lade Hintegrundbild - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - MIDI-Geräte, an die MIDI-Events gesendet werden sollen + + &Save + &Speichern - NOTE - NOTE + + Save &As... + Speichern &als... - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - BENUTZERDEFINIERTE GRUNDLAUTSTÄRKE + + Save as New &Version + Speichern als neue &Version - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - Geben Sie die Lautstärken-Normalisationsbasis für MIDI-basierende Instrumente bei einer Notenlautstärke von 100% an + + Save as default template + Speichere als Standard Vorlage - BASE VELOCITY - GRUNDLAUTSTÄRKE + + Import... + Importieren... - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH - + + E&xport... + E&xportieren... - Enables the use of Master Pitch - + + E&xport Tracks... + E&xport Tracks... - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - VOLUME - LAUTSTÄRKE + + Export &MIDI... + Exportiere &MIDI - Volume - Lautstärke + + &Quit + &Beenden - CUTOFF - KENNFREQ + + &Edit + &Bearbeiten - Cutoff frequency - Kennfrequenz + + Undo + Rückgängig - RESO - RESO + + Redo + Wiederholen - Resonance - Resonanz + + Settings + Einstellungen - Envelopes/LFOs - Hüllkurven/LFOs + + &View + &Ansicht - Filter type - Filtertyp + + &Tools + &Werkzeuge - Q/Resonance - Q/Resonanz + + &Help + &Hilfe - LowPass - Tiefpass + + Online Help + Online Hilfe - HiPass - Hochpass + + Help + Hilfe - BandPass csg - Bandpass csg + + About + Über - BandPass czpg - Bandpass czpg + + Create new project + Neues Projekt erstellen - Notch - Notch + + Create new project from template + Neues Projekt aus Vorlage erstellen - Allpass - Allpass + + Open existing project + Existierendes Projekt öffnen - Moog - Moog + + Recently opened projects + Zuletzt geöffnete Projekte - 2x LowPass - 2x Tiefpass + + Save current project + Aktuelles Projekt speichern - RC LowPass 12dB - RC-Tiefpass 12dB + + Export current project + Aktuelles Projekt exportieren - RC BandPass 12dB - RC-Bandpass 12dB + + Metronome + Metronom - RC HighPass 12dB - RC-Hochpass 12dB + + + Song Editor + Zeige/verstecke Song-Editor - RC LowPass 24dB - RC-Tiefpass 24dB + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Zeige/verstecke Beat+Bassline Editor - RC BandPass 24dB - RC-Bandpass 24dB + + + Piano Roll + Zeige/verstecke Piano-Roll - RC HighPass 24dB - RC-Hochpass 24dB + + + Automation Editor + Zeige/Verstecke Automation-Editor - Vocal Formant Filter - Vokalformant-Filter + + + Mixer + Zeige/verstecke Mixer - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + Show/hide controller rack + Zeige/Verstecke Kontroller Rack - SV LowPass - + + Show/hide project notes + Zeige/Verstecke Projekt Notizen - SV BandPass - + + Untitled + Unbenannt - SV HighPass - + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Session Wiederherstellung. Bitte speichere Deine Arbeit! - SV Notch - + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 - Fast Formant - + + Recovered project not saved + Wiederhergestelltes Projekt nicht gespeichert - Tripole + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - ZIEL + + Project not saved + Projekt nicht gespeichert - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Diese Tabs enthalten Hüllkurven. Diese sind sehr wichtig, um einen Klang zu verändern, insbesondere bei der substraktiven Synthese. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel eine Lautstärke-Hüllkurve haben, können Sie festlegen, wann der Klang welchen Lautstärke-Pegel haben soll. Vielleicht wollen Sie ein weiches Streichinstrument erstellen. Dann muss ihr Sound sehr sanft ein- und ausgeblendet werden. Das kann man ganz einfach erreichen, indem man eine große Anschwell(attack)- und Ausklingzeit (release) einstellt. Mit anderen Hüllkurven, wie Balance, Kennfrequenz des benutzten Filters usw., ist es genau das Gleiche. Probieren Sie einfach ein bisschen herum! Mit ein paar Hüllkurven kann man aus einer Sägezahnwelle wirklich coole Klänge machen...! + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Das aktuelle Projekt wurde seit dem letzten Speichern geändert. Wollen Sie es jetzt speichern? - FILTER - FILTER + + Open Project + Projekt öffnen - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Hier können Sie den eingebauten Filter wählen, den Sie in dieser Instrument-Spur nutzen wollen. Filter sind sehr wichtig, um die Charakteristik eines Klangs zu verändern. + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - Hz - Hz + + Save Project + Projekt speichern - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Kennfrequenz (cutoff-frequency) für den gewählten Filter einzustellen. Die Kennfrequenz wird vom Filter zum Beschneiden des Signals verwendet. Zum Beispiel filtert ein Tiefpass-Filter alle Frequenzen oberhalb der Kennfrequenz heraus. Ein Hochpass-Filter filtert alle Frequenzen unterhalb der Kennfrequenz heraus usw... + + LMMS Project + LMMS Projekt - RESO - RESO + + LMMS Project Template + LMMS Projektvorlage - Resonance: - Resonanz: + + Save project template + Projektvorlage speichern - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um Q/die Resonanz für den gewählten Filter einzustellen. Q/Resonanz teilt dem Filter mit, wie stark er die Frequenzen in der Nähe der Cutoff-Frequenz verstärken soll. + + Overwrite default template? + Standard Vorlage überschreiben? - FREQ - FREQ + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Das wird Ihre aktuelle Standardvorlage überschreiben. - cutoff frequency: - Kennfrequenz: + + Help not available + Hilfe nicht verfügbar - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - Hüllkurven, LFOs und Filter sind vom aktuellen Instrument nicht unterstützt. + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Derzeit ist in LMMS keine Hilfe verfügbar. +Bitte besuchen Sie http://lmms.sf.net/wiki für Dokumentationen über LMMS. - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - Unbenannter_Kanal + + Controller Rack + Zeige/verstecke Controller-Rack - Volume - Lautstärke + + Project Notes + Zeige/verstecke Projekt-Notizen - Panning - Balance + + Fullscreen + - Pitch - Tonhöhe + + Volume as dBFS + - FX channel - FX-Kanal + + Smooth scroll + Sanftes Scrollen - Default preset - Standard-Preset + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Notenbeschriftung in Piano-Roll aktivieren - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie die Lautstärke des geöffneten Kanals ändern. + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI Datei (*.mid) - Base note - Grundton + + + untitled + Unbenannt - Pitch range - Tonhöhenbereich + + + Select file for project-export... + Datei für Projekt-Export wählen... - Master Pitch + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... - - - InstrumentTrackView - - Volume - Lautstärke - - Volume: - Lautstärke: + + Save project + Projekt speichern - VOL - VOL + + Project saved + Projekt gespeichert - Panning - Balance + + The project %1 is now saved. + Das Projekt %1 ist nun gespeichert. - Panning: - Balance: + + Project NOT saved. + Projekt NICHT gespeichert. - PAN - PAN + + The project %1 was not saved! + Das Projekt %1 wurde nicht gespeichert! - MIDI - MIDI + + Import file + Importiere Datei - Input - Eingang + + MIDI sequences + MIDI Sequenzen - Output - Ausgang + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogen-Projekte - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + All file types + Alle Dateitypen - InstrumentTrackWindow + MeterDialog - GENERAL SETTINGS - GRUNDLEGENDE EINSTELLUNGEN + + + Meter Numerator + Takt/Zähler - Instrument volume - Instrument-Lautstärke + + Meter numerator + Taktzähler - Volume: - Lautstärke: + + + Meter Denominator + Takt/Nenner - VOL - VOL + + Meter denominator + Taktnenner - Panning - Balance + + TIME SIG + TAKTART + + + MeterModel - Panning: - Balance: + + Numerator + Zähler - PAN - PAN + + Denominator + Nenner + + + MidiCCRackView - Pitch - Tonhöhe + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + - Pitch: - Tonhöhe: + + MIDI CC Knobs: + - cents - Cent + + CC %1 + + + + MidiController - PITCH - PITCH + + MIDI Controller + MIDI-Controller - FX channel - FX-Kanal + + unnamed_midi_controller + unbenannter_midi_controller + + + MidiImport - FX - FX + + + Setup incomplete + Unvollständige Einrichtung - Save preset - Preset speichern + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + 97% match +Sie haben keine Standard-Soundfont im Einstellungsdialog (Bearbeiten->Einstellungen) festgelegt. Deshalb werden Sie nach dem Import der MIDI-Datei während der Wiedergabe nichts hören. Sie sollten eine General-MIDI-Soundfont herunterladen, diese in dem Einstellungdialog angeben und es erneut versuchen. - XML preset file (*.xpf) - XML Preset Datei (*.xpf) + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Sie haben LMMS ohne das SoundFont2-Player-Plugin gebaut. Dieses Plugin wird normalerweise benutzt, um Standardklänge bei importierten MIDI-Dateien einzurichten. Aus diesem Grund werden Sie nach dem Import der MIDI-Datei nichts hören. - Pitch range (semitones) - Tonhöhenbereich (Halbtöne) + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + - RANGE - RANGE + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Aktuelle Instrumentenspur-Einstellungen in einer Presetdatei speichern + + Numerator + Zähler - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Klicken Sie hier, wenn Sie die aktuellen Instrumentenspur-Einstellungen in einer Presetdatei speichern möchten. Sie können dieses Preset später durch Doppelklicken auf die Datei im Preset-Browser öffnen. + + Denominator + Nenner - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - + + Track + Spur + + + MidiJack - SAVE - SPEICHERN + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK-Server nicht erreichbar - Envelope, filter & LFO - + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + Der JACK-Server scheint heruntergefahren zu sein. + + + MidiPatternW - Chord stacking & arpeggio + + MIDI Pattern - Effects + + Time Signature: - MIDI settings - MIDI-Einstellungen + + + + 1/4 + - Miscellaneous + + 2/4 - Plugin + + 3/4 - - - Knob - Set linear - Linear einstellen + + 4/4 + - Set logarithmic - Logarithmisch einstellen + + 5/4 + - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen %1 und %2 ein: + + 6/4 + - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen -96.0 dBFS und 6.0 dBFS: ein: + + Measures: + - - - LadspaControl - Link channels - Kanäle verbinden + + + + 1 + - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - Kanäle verbinden + + 2 + - Channel - Kanal + + 3 + - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels - Kanäle verbinden + + 4 + - Value: - Wert: + + 5 + 5 - Sorry, no help available. - Sorry, keine Hilfe verfügbar. + + 6 + 6 - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Unbekanntes LADSPA-Plugin %1 angefordert. + + 7 + 7 - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen %1 und %2 ein: + + 8 + - - - LeftRightNav - Previous - Vorheriges + + 9 + 9 - Next - Nächstes + + 10 + - Previous (%1) - Vorheriges (%1) + + 11 + 11 - Next (%1) - Nächstes (%1) + + 12 + - - - LfoController - LFO Controller - LFO-Controller + + 13 + 13 - Base value - Grundwert + + 14 + - Oscillator speed - Oszillator-Geschwindigkeit + + 15 + - Oscillator amount - Oszillator-Stärke + + 16 + - Oscillator phase - Oszillator-Phase + + Default Length: + - Oscillator waveform - Oszillator-Wellenform + + + 1/16 + - Frequency Multiplier - Frequenzmultiplikator + + + 1/15 + - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + + 1/12 + - LFO Controller - LFO-Controller + + + 1/9 + - BASE - BASE + + + 1/8 + - Base amount: - Grundstärke: + + + 1/6 + - todo - Zu erledigen + + + 1/3 + - SPD - SPD + + + 1/2 + - LFO-speed: - LFO-Geschwindigkeit: + + Quantize: + - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Geschwindigkeit des LFOs einzustellen. Je größer der Wert, desto schneller schwingt der LFO und desto schneller ist der entsprechende Effekt. + + &File + &Datei - Modulation amount: - Modulationsintensität: + + &Edit + &Bearbeiten - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Benutzen Sie diesen Regler, um die Modulationsintensität des LFOs einzustellen. Je größer der Wert, desto mehr wird die gewählte Größe (z.B. Lautstärke oder Cutoff-Frequenz) von diesem LFO beeinflusst. + + &Quit + &Beenden - PHS - PHS + + &Insert Mode + - Phase offset: - Phasenverschiebung: + + F + - degrees - Grad + + &Velocity Mode + - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie die Phasenverschiebung des LFOs einstellen. Das heißt, Sie können den Punkt innerhalb einer Schwingung verschieben, an dem der Oszillator anfangen soll zu schwingen. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel eine Sinuswelle haben und eine Phasenverschiebung von 180 Grad einstellen, wird die Welle zu erst runter gehen. Das gleiche trifft auch bei einer Rechteckwelle zu. + + D + - Click here for a sine-wave. - Klick für eine Sinuswelle. + + Select All + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klick für eine Dreieckwelle. + + A + + + + MidiPort - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klick für eine Sägezahnwelle. + + Input channel + Eingangskanal - Click here for a square-wave. - Klick für eine Rechteckwelle. + + Output channel + Ausgangskanal - Click here for an exponential wave. - Klick für eine exponentielle Welle. + + Input controller + Eingangscontroller - Click here for white-noise. - Klick für weißes Rauschen. + + Output controller + Ausgangscontroller - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Klicken Sie hier für eine benutzerdefinierte From. -Doppelklicken Sie, um eine Datei auszuwählen. + + Fixed input velocity + Feste Eingangslautstärke - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - Klick für eine Moog-Sägezahnwelle. + + Fixed output velocity + Feste Ausgangslautstärke - AMNT - AMNT + + Fixed output note + Feste Ausgangnote - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables - + + Output MIDI program + Ausgangs-MIDI-Programm - Initializing data structures - + + Base velocity + Grundlautstärke - Opening audio and midi devices - + + Receive MIDI-events + MIDI-Ereignisse empfangen - Launching mixer threads - + + Send MIDI-events + MIDI-Ereignisse senden - MainWindow + MidiSetupWidget - &New - &Neu + + Device + Gerät + + + MonstroInstrument - &Open... - Ö&ffnen... + + Osc 1 volume + Oszilator 1 Lautstärke - &Save - &Speichern + + Osc 1 panning + Oszillator 1 Balance - Save &As... - Speichern &als... + + Osc 1 coarse detune + - Import... - Importieren... + + Osc 1 fine detune left + - E&xport... - E&xportieren... + + Osc 1 fine detune right + - &Quit - &Beenden + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + - &Edit - &Bearbeiten + + Osc 1 pulse width + - Settings - Einstellungen + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + - &Tools - &Werkzeuge + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + - &Help - &Hilfe + + Osc 2 volume + - Help - Hilfe + + Osc 2 panning + - What's this? - Was ist das? + + Osc 2 coarse detune + - About - Über + + Osc 2 fine detune left + - Create new project - Neues Projekt erstellen + + Osc 2 fine detune right + - Create new project from template - Neues Projekt aus Vorlage erstellen + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + - Open existing project - Existierendes Projekt öffnen + + Osc 2 waveform + - Recently opened projects - Zuletzt geöffnete Projekte + + Osc 2 sync hard + - Save current project - Aktuelles Projekt speichern + + Osc 2 sync reverse + - Export current project - Aktuelles Projekt exportieren + + Osc 3 volume + - Song Editor - Zeige/verstecke Song-Editor + + Osc 3 panning + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Mit diesem Knopf können Sie den Song-Editor zeigen oder verstecken. Mit Hilfe des Song-Editors können Sie die Song-Playliste bearbeiten und angeben, wann welche Spur abgespielt werden soll. Außerdem können Sie Samples (z.B. Rap samples) direkt in die Playliste einfügen und verschieben. + + Osc 3 coarse detune + - Beat+Bassline Editor - Zeige/verstecke Beat+Bassline Editor + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Oszillator 3 Stereo Phasenverschiebung - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - Mit diesem Knopf können Sie den Beat+Bassline-Editor zeigen oder verstecken. Mit dem Beat+Bassline-Editor kann man Beats erstellen, Bassline-Patterns bearbeiten uvm. + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + - Piano Roll - Zeige/verstecke Piano-Roll + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Hier klicken, um das Piano-Roll zu zeigen oder verstecken. Mit Hilfe des Piano-Rolls können Sie Melodien auf einfache Art und Weise bearbeiten. + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + - Automation Editor - Zeige/Verstecke Automation-Editor + + Osc 3 sync hard + - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Hier klicken, um den Automation-Editor zu zeigen oder verstecken. Mit Hilfe des Automation-Editors können Sie Automation-Patterns auf einfache Art und Weise bearbeiten. + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + - FX Mixer - Zeige/verstecke FX-Mixer + + LFO 1 waveform + - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Hier klicken, um den FX-Mixer zu zeigen oder verstecken. Der FX-Mixer ist ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug, um Effekte für Ihren Song zu verwalten. Sie können verschiedene Effekte in unterschiedliche Effekt-Kanäle einfügen. + + LFO 1 attack + - Project Notes - Zeige/verstecke Projekt-Notizen + + LFO 1 rate + - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Hier klicken, um die Projektnotizen zu zeigen oder verstecken. + + LFO 1 phase + - Controller Rack - Zeige/verstecke Controller-Rack + + LFO 2 waveform + - Untitled - Unbenannt + + LFO 2 attack + - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + LFO 2 rate + - Project not saved - Projekt nicht gespeichert + + LFO 2 phase + - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Das aktuelle Projekt wurde seit dem letzten Speichern geändert. Wollen Sie es jetzt speichern? + + Env 1 pre-delay + - Help not available - Hilfe nicht verfügbar + + Env 1 attack + - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Derzeit ist in LMMS keine Hilfe verfügbar. -Bitte besuchen Sie http://lmms.sf.net/wiki für Dokumentationen über LMMS. + + Env 1 hold + - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Env 1 decay + - Version %1 - Version %1 + + Env 1 sustain + - Configuration file - Konfigurationsdatei + + Env 1 release + - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Fehler beim Parsen der Konfigurationsdatei in Zeile %1:%2: %3 + + Env 1 slope + - Volumes - Volumes + + Env 2 pre-delay + - Undo - Rückgängig + + Env 2 attack + - Redo - Wiederholen + + Env 2 hold + - My Projects - Meine Projekte + + Env 2 decay + - My Samples - Meine Samples + + Env 2 sustain + - My Presets - Meine Presets + + Env 2 release + - My Home - Mein Home + + Env 2 slope + - My Computer - Mein Computer + + Osc 2+3 modulation + - &File - &Datei + + Selected view + Ausgewählte Ansicht - &Recently Opened Projects - &Zuletzt geöffnete Projekte + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + - Save as New &Version - Speichern als neue &Version + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + - E&xport Tracks... - Tracks e&xportieren... + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + - Export &MIDI... - &MIDI exportieren... + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + - Online Help - Online Hilfe + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + - What's This? - Was ist das? + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + - Open Project - Projekt öffnen + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + - Save Project - Projekt speichern + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + - Project recovery - Projekt wiederherstellen + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 - Recover - Wiederherstellen + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 - Discard - Verwerfen + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 - Preparing plugin browser - Plugin Browser vorbereiten + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + - Preparing file browsers - Dateimanager vorbereiten + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + - Root directory - Grundverzeichnis + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + - Loading background artwork + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 - New from template - Neu von Vorlage + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + - Save as default template - Speichere als Standard Vorlage + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + - &View - &Ansicht + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + - Toggle metronome - Metronom umschalten + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + - Show/hide Song-Editor - Zeige/Verstecke Song-Editor + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Zeige/Verstecke Beat+Basslinien Editor + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Zeige/Verstecke Keyboard + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + - Show/hide Automation Editor - Zeige/Verstecke Automations Editor + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + - Show/hide FX Mixer - Zeige/Verstecke FX Mixer + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + - Show/hide project notes - Zeige/Verstecke Projekt Notizen + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + - Show/hide controller rack - Zeige/Verstecke Kontroller Rack + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + - Recover session. Please save your work! - Session Wiederherstellung. Bitte speichere Deine Arbeit! + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + - Recovered project not saved - Wiederhergestelltes Projekt nicht gespeichert + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - LMMS Project - LMMS Projekt + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + - LMMS Project Template - LMMS Projektvorlage + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + - Overwrite default template? - Standard Vorlage überschreiben? + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + - This will overwrite your current default template. + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 - Smooth scroll + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 - Enable note labels in piano roll - Notenbeschriftung in Piano-Roll aktivieren + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + - Save project template + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 - Volume as dBFS + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 - Could not open file - Konnte Datei nicht öffnen + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 - Export &MIDI... + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator - Takt/Zähler + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + - Meter Denominator - Takt/Nenner + + + Sine wave + Sinuswelle - TIME SIG - TAKTART + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Bandlimittierte Dreieckwelle - - - MeterModel - Numerator - Zähler + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Bandbegrenzte Sägezahnwelle - Denominator - Nenner + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Bandbegrenzte Sägezahnwelle - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - MIDI-Controller + + Bandlimited Square wave + Bandbegrenzte Rechteckwelle - unnamed_midi_controller - unbenannter_midi_controller + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Bandbegrenzte Moog-Sägezahnwelle - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - Unvollständige Einrichtung + + + Soft square wave + Weiche Rechteckwelle - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Sie haben keine Standard-Soundfont im Einstellungsdialog (Bearbeiten->Einstellungen) festgelegt. Aus diesem Grund werden Sie nach dem Import der MIDI-Datei während der Wiedergabe nichts hören. Sie sollten eine General-MIDI-Soundfont herunterladen, diese im Einstellungsdialog angeben und es erneut versuchen. + + Absolute sine wave + Absolute Sinuswelle - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Sie haben LMMS ohne das SoundFont2-Player-Plugin gebaut. Dieses Plugin wird normalerweise benutzt, um Standardklänge bei importierten MIDI-Dateien einzurichten. Aus diesem Grund werden Sie nach dem Import der MIDI-Datei nichts hören. + + + Exponential wave + Exponentielle Welle - Track - + + White noise + Weißes Rauschen - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - JACK-Server nicht erreichbar + + Digital Triangle wave + Digitale Dreieckwelle - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - + + Digital Saw wave + Digitale Sägezahnwelle - - - MidiPort - Input channel - Eingangskanal + + Digital Ramp wave + Digitale Sägezahnwelle - Output channel - Ausgangskanal + + Digital Square wave + Digitale Rechteckwelle - Input controller - Eingangscontroller + + Digital Moog saw wave + Digitale Moog-Sägezahnwelle - Output controller - Ausgangscontroller + + Triangle wave + Dreieckwelle - Fixed input velocity - Feste Eingangslautstärke + + Saw wave + Sägezahnwelle - Fixed output velocity - Feste Ausgangslautstärke + + Ramp wave + Sägezahnwelle - Output MIDI program - Ausgangs-MIDI-Programm + + Square wave + Rechteckwelle - Receive MIDI-events - MIDI-Ereignisse empfangen + + Moog saw wave + Moog-Sägezahnwelle - Send MIDI-events - MIDI-Ereignisse senden + + Abs. sine wave + Abs. Sinuswelle - Fixed output note - Feste Ausgangnote + + Random + Zufällig - Base velocity - Grundlautstärke + + Random smooth + Zufällig gleitend - MidiSetupWidget + MonstroView - DEVICE - GERÄT + + Operators view + Operator-Ansicht - - - MonstroInstrument - Osc 1 Volume - Oszillator 1 Lautstärke + + Matrix view + Matrix-Ansicht - Osc 1 Panning - Oszillator 1 Balance + + + + Volume + Lautstärke - Osc 1 Coarse detune - Oszillator 1 Grob-Verstimmung + + + + Panning + Balance + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + Halbtöne + + + + + Fine tune left + - Osc 1 Fine detune left - Oszillator 1 Fein-Verstimmung links + + + + + cents + Cent - Osc 1 Fine detune right - Oszillator 1 Fein-Verstimmung rechts + + + Fine tune right + - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - Oszillator 1 Stereo Phasenverschiebung + + + + Stereo phase offset + - Osc 1 Pulse width - Oszillator 1 Pulsweite + + + + + + deg + deg - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - Oszillator 1 Sync beim Steigen senden + + Pulse width + Pulsbreite - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - Oszillator 2 Sync beim Abfallen senden + + Send sync on pulse rise + - Osc 2 Volume - Oszillator 2 Lautstärke + + Send sync on pulse fall + - Osc 2 Panning - Oszillator 2 Balance + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + - Osc 2 Coarse detune - Oszillator 2 Grob-Verstimmung + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + - Osc 2 Fine detune left - Oszillator 2 Fein-Verstimmung links + + Sub-osc mix + - Osc 2 Fine detune right - Oszillator 2 Fein-Verstimmung rechts + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - Oszillator 2 Stereo Phasenverschiebung + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + - Osc 2 Waveform - Oszillator 2 Wellenform + + + + + Attack + Anschwellzeit (attack) - Osc 2 Sync Hard - Oszillator 2 hart synchronisieren + + + Rate + Rate - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - Oszillator 2 rückwärts synchronisieren + + + Phase + Phase - Osc 3 Volume - Oszillator 3 Lautstärke + + + Pre-delay + - Osc 3 Panning - Oszillator 3 Balance + + + Hold + Haltezeit (hold) - Osc 3 Coarse detune - Oszillator 3 Grob-Verstimmung + + + Decay + Abfallzeit - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Oszillator 3 Stereo Phasenverschiebung + + + Sustain + Haltepegel (sustain) - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - Oszillator 3 Unter-Oszillator Mischung + + + Release + Ausklingzeit (release) - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - Oszillator 3 Wellenform 1 + + + Slope + - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - Oszillator 3 Wellenform 2 + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Modulationsintensität + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - Osc 3 Sync Hard - Oszillator 2 hart synchronisieren + + Length + Länge - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - Oszillator 2 rückwärts synchronisieren + + Step length: + - LFO 1 Waveform - LFO 1 Wellenform + + Dry + Trocken - LFO 1 Attack - LFO 1 Anschwellzeit + + Dry gain: + - LFO 1 Rate - LFO 1 Rate + + Stages + Stufen - LFO 1 Phase - LFO 1 Phase + + Low-pass stages: + - LFO 2 Waveform - LFO 2 Wellenform + + Swap inputs + Eingänge vertauschen - LFO 2 Attack - LFO 2 Anschwellzeit + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + NesInstrument - LFO 2 Rate - LFO 2 Rate + + Channel 1 coarse detune + - LFO 2 Phase - Hüllkurve 2 Phase + + Channel 1 volume + Kanal 1 Lautstärke - Env 1 Pre-delay - Hüllkurve 1 Verzögerung + + Channel 1 envelope length + - Env 1 Attack - Hüllkurve 1 Anschwellzeit + + Channel 1 duty cycle + - Env 1 Hold - Hüllkurve 1 Haltezeit + + Channel 1 sweep amount + - Env 1 Decay - Hüllkurve 1 Abfallzeit + + Channel 1 sweep rate + - Env 1 Sustain - Hüllkurve 1 Dauerpegel + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Kanal 2 Grob-Verstimmung - Env 1 Release - Hüllkurve 1 Ausklingzeit + + Channel 2 Volume + Kanal 2 Lautstärke - Env 1 Slope - Hüllkurve 1 Neigung + + Channel 2 envelope length + - Env 2 Pre-delay - Hüllkurve 2 Verzögerung + + Channel 2 duty cycle + - Env 2 Attack - Hüllkurve 2 Anschwellzeit + + Channel 2 sweep amount + - Env 2 Hold - Hüllkurve 2 Haltezeit + + Channel 2 sweep rate + - Env 2 Decay - Hüllkurve 2 Abfallzeit + + Channel 3 coarse detune + - Env 2 Sustain - Hüllkurve 2 Dauerpegel + + Channel 3 volume + Kanal 3 Lautstärke - Env 2 Release - Hüllkurve 2 Ausklingzeit + + Channel 4 volume + Kanal 4 Lautstärke - Env 2 Slope - Hüllkurve 2 Neigung + + Channel 4 envelope length + - Osc2-3 modulation - Oszillator2-3 Modulation + + Channel 4 noise frequency + - Selected view - Ausgewählte Ansicht + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + - Vol1-Env1 - Vol1-Env1 + + Master volume + Master-Lautstärke - Vol1-Env2 - Vol1-Env2 + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + NesInstrumentView - Vol1-LFO1 - Vol1-LFO1 + + + + + Volume + Lautstärke - Vol1-LFO2 - Vol1-LFO2 + + + + Coarse detune + - Vol2-Env1 - Vol2-Env1 + + + + Envelope length + - Vol2-Env2 - Vol2-Env2 + + Enable channel 1 + Kanal 1 aktivieren - Vol2-LFO1 - Vol2-LFO1 + + Enable envelope 1 + - Vol2-LFO2 - Vol2-LFO2 + + Enable envelope 1 loop + - Vol3-Env1 - Vol3-Env1 + + Enable sweep 1 + - Vol3-Env2 - Vol3-Env2 + + + Sweep amount + - Vol3-LFO1 - Vol3-LFO1 + + + Sweep rate + - Vol3-LFO2 - Vol3-LFO2 + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5% Tastverhältnis - Phs1-Env1 - Phs1-Env1 + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25% Tastverhältnis - Phs1-Env2 - Phs1-Env2 + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50% Tastverhältnis - Phs1-LFO1 - Phs1-LFO1 + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75% Tastverhältnis - Phs1-LFO2 - Phs1-LFO2 + + Enable channel 2 + Kanal 2 aktivieren - Phs2-Env1 - Phs2-Env1 + + Enable envelope 2 + - Phs2-Env2 - Phs2-Env2 + + Enable envelope 2 loop + - Phs2-LFO1 - Phs2-LFO1 + + Enable sweep 2 + - Phs2-LFO2 - Phs2-LFO2 + + Enable channel 3 + Kanal 3 aktivieren - Phs3-Env1 - Phs3-Env1 + + Noise Frequency + Rauschfrequenz - Phs3-Env2 + + Frequency sweep - Phs3-LFO1 - Phs3-LFO1 - - - Phs3-LFO2 - Phs3-LFO2 + + Enable channel 4 + Kanal 4 aktivieren - Pit1-Env1 - Pit1-Env1 + + Enable envelope 4 + - Pit1-Env2 - Pit1-Env2 + + Enable envelope 4 loop + - Pit1-LFO1 - Pit1-LFO1 + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + - Pit1-LFO2 - Pit1-LFO2 + + Use note frequency for noise + - Pit2-Env1 - Pit2-Env1 + + Noise mode + Rausch Modus - Pit2-Env2 - Pit2-Env2 + + Master volume + Master-Lautstärke - Pit2-LFO1 - Pit2-LFO1 + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + OpulenzInstrument - Pit2-LFO2 - Pit2-LFO2 + + Patch + Patch - Pit3-Env1 - Pit3-Env1 + + Op 1 attack + - Pit3-Env2 - Pit3-Env2 + + Op 1 decay + - Pit3-LFO1 - Pit3-LFO1 + + Op 1 sustain + - Pit3-LFO2 - Pit3-LFO2 + + Op 1 release + - PW1-Env1 - PW1-Env1 + + Op 1 level + - PW1-Env2 - PW1-Env2 + + Op 1 level scaling + - PW1-LFO1 - PW1-LFO1 + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + - PW1-LFO2 - PW1-LFO2 + + Op 1 feedback + - Sub3-Env1 - Sub3-Env1 + + Op 1 key scaling rate + - Sub3-Env2 - Sub3-Env2 + + Op 1 percussive envelope + - Sub3-LFO1 - Sub3-LFO1 + + Op 1 tremolo + - Sub3-LFO2 - Sub3-LFO2 + + Op 1 vibrato + - Sine wave - Sinuswelle + + Op 1 waveform + - Bandlimited Triangle wave - Bandlimitierte Dreieckwelle + + Op 2 attack + - Bandlimited Saw wave - Bandbegrenzte Sägezahnwelle + + Op 2 decay + - Bandlimited Ramp wave - Bandbegrenzte Sägezahnwelle + + Op 2 sustain + - Bandlimited Square wave - Bandbegrenzte Rechteckwelle + + Op 2 release + - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Bandbegrenzte Moog-Sägezahnwelle + + Op 2 level + - Soft square wave - Weiche Rechteckwelle + + Op 2 level scaling + - Absolute sine wave - Absolute Sinuswelle + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + - Exponential wave - Exponentielle Welle + + Op 2 key scaling rate + - White noise - Weißes Rauschen + + Op 2 percussive envelope + - Digital Triangle wave - Digitale Dreieckwelle + + Op 2 tremolo + - Digital Saw wave - Digitale Sägezahnwelle + + Op 2 vibrato + - Digital Ramp wave - Digitale Sägezahnwelle + + Op 2 waveform + - Digital Square wave - Digitale Rechteckwelle + + FM + FM - Digital Moog saw wave - Digitale Moog-Sägezahnwelle + + Vibrato depth + - Triangle wave - Dreieckwelle + + Tremolo depth + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - Saw wave - Sägezahnwelle + + + Attack + Anschwellzeit (attack) - Ramp wave - Sägezahnwelle + + + Decay + Abfallzeit - Square wave - Rechteckwelle + + + Release + Ausklingzeit (release) - Moog saw wave - Moog-Sägezahnwelle + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + OscillatorObject - Abs. sine wave - Abs. Sinuswelle + + Osc %1 waveform + Oszillator %1 Wellenform - Random - Zufällig + + Osc %1 harmonic + Oszillator %1 Harmonie - Random smooth - Zufällig gleitend + + + Osc %1 volume + Oszillator %1 Lautstärke - - - MonstroView - Operators view - Operator-Ansicht + + + Osc %1 panning + Oszillator %1 Balance - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - Die Operator-Ansicht enthält alle Operatoren. Diese beinhalten beide, hörbare Operatoren (Oszillatoren) und nicht hörbare Operatoren oder Modulatoren: Niedrig-Frequenz-Oszillatoren und Hüllkurven. - -Regler und andere Dinge in der Operator-Ansicht haben ihren eigenen »Was ist das?« Texte, sodass Sie auf diese Weise spezifischere Hilfe für diese bekommen können. + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Oszillator %1 Fein-Verstimmung links - Matrix view - Matrix-Ansicht + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Oszillator %1 Grob-Verstimmung - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - Die Matrix-Ansicht enthält die Modulationsmatrix. Hier können Sie die Modulationsverhältnisse zwischen den verschiedenen Operatoren definieren: Jeder hörbare Oberator (Oszillatorern 1-3) hat 3-4 Einstellungen, die durch jeden der Modulatoren moduliert werden können. Mehr Modulation braucht mehr Rechenleistung. - -Die Ansicht ist in Modulationsziele, gruppiert nach dem Zieloszillator, eingeteilt. Verfügbare Ziele sind Lautstärke, Tonhöhe, Phase, Pulsweite und Unter-Oszillator Rate. Hinweis: einige Ziele sind speziell für einen Oszillator. - -Jedes Modulationsziel hat 4 Regler, einen für jeden Modulator. Standardmäßig sind alle Regler bei 0, was keine Modulation bedeutet. Wenn der Regler auf 1 gestellt wird, wird das Modulationsziel vom Modulator so viel wie möglich beeinflusst. Wenn er auf -1 gestellt wird, passiert das gleiche, aber die Modulation ist invertiert. + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Oszillator %1 Fein-Verstimmung rechts - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - Oszillator 2 mit Oszillator 3 Mischen + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Oszillator %1 Phasenverschiebung - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - Amplitude von Oszillator 3 mit Oszillator 2 modulieren + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Oszillator %1 Stereo Phasenverschiebung - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - Frequenz von Oszillator 3 mit Oszillator 2 modulieren + + Osc %1 wave shape + Oszillator %1 Wellenform - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - Phase von Oszillator 3 mit Oszillator 2 modulieren + + Modulation type %1 + Modulationsart %1 + + + Oscilloscope - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - Der CRS Regler ändert die Stimmung des Oszillators 1 in Halbtonschritten. + + Oscilloscope + - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - Der CRS Regler ändert die Stimmung des Oszillators 2 in Halbtonschritten. + + Click to enable + Klicken um zu aktivieren + + + PatchesDialog - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - Der CRS Regler ändert die Stimmung des Oszillators 3 in Halbtonschritten. + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - FTL und FTR ändern die Feinabstimmung des Oszillators jeweils für den linken und rechten Kanal. Diese können Stereoverstimmug zum Oszillator hinzufügen, was das Stereobild weitet und eine Illusion von Raum erzeugt. + + Bank selector + - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - Der SPO Regler ändert die Phasendifferenz zwischen dem linken und rechten Kanal. Höhere Differenz erzeugt ein breiteres Stereobild. + + Bank + Bank - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - Der PW Regler kontrolliert die Pulsweite, auch bekannt als Tastgrad, von Oszillator 1. Oszillator 1 ist ein digitaler Pulswellen Oszillator, es erzeugt keine bandbegrenzte Ausgabe, was bedeutet, dass Sie es als einen hörbaren Oszillator einsetzen können, aber es wird Aliasing verursachen. Sie können es auch als eine nicht hörbare Quelle für ein sync Signal benutzen, dass benutzt werden kann, um die Oszillatoren 2 und 3 zu synchronisieren. + + Program selector + Programmwähler - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Sync beim Ansteigen senden: Wenn aktiviert, wird das Sync-Signal jedes Mal gesendet, wenn sich der Zustand von Oszillator 1 von niedrig nach hoch ändert, z.B. wenn sich die Amplitude von -1 nach 1 ändert. Die Tonhöhe, Phase und Pulsweite von Oszillator 1 können das Timing von Syncs beeinflussen, aber die Lautstärke hat keinen Effekt darauf. Sync-Signale werden unabhängig vom linken und rechten Kanal gesendet. + + Patch + Patch - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Sync beim Absteigen senden: Wenn aktiviert, wird das Sync-Signal jedes Mal gesendet, wenn sich der Zustand von Oszillator 1 von hoch nach niedrig ändert, z.B. wenn sich die Amplitude von 1 nach -1 ändert. Die Tonhöhe, Phase und Pulsweite von Oszillator 1 können das Timing von Syncs beeinflussen, aber die Lautstärke hat keinen Effekt darauf. Sync-Signale werden unabhängig vom linken und rechten Kanal gesendet. + + Name + Name - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - Hard sync: Jedes Mal, wenn der Oszillator ein sync-Signal von Oszillator 1 empfängt, wird die Phase auf 0 zurückgesetzt, egal was die Phasendifferenz ist. + + OK + OK - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - Reverse sync: Jedes Mal, wenn der Oszillator ein sync-Signal von Oszillator 1 empfängt, wird die Amplitude des Oszillators invertiert. + + Cancel + Abbrechen + + + PatmanView - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Wellenform für Oszillator 2 auswählen. + + Open patch + - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Wellenform für den ersten Unter-Oszillator von Oszillator 3 auswählen. Oszillator 3 kann gleitend zwischen zwei verschiedenen Wellenformen interpolieren. + + Loop + Wiederholen - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Wellenform für den zweiten Unter-Oszillator von Oszillator 3 auswählen. Oszillator 3 kann gleitend zwischen zwei verschiedenen Wellenformen interpolieren. + + Loop mode + Modus beim Wiederholen - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - Der SUB Regler ändert das Mischverhältnis der beiden Unter-Oszillatoren von Oszillator 3. Jeder Unter-Oszillator kann auf eine andere Wellenform eingestellt werden und Oszillator 3 kann zwischen diesen gleitend interpolieren. Alle eingehenden Modulationen zu Oszillator 3 werden auf beide Unter-Oszillator/Wellenformen auf gleiche Weise angewandt. + + Tune + Stimmung - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - Zusätzlich zu fest zugeordneten Modulatoren, ermöglicht Monstro es Oszillator 3 mit der Ausgabe von Oszillator 2 zu modulieren. - -Mix-Modus bedeutet keine Modulation: Die Ausgaben der Oszillatoren werden einfach zusammengemischt. + + Tune mode + Stimmungsmodus - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - Zusätzlich zu fest zugeordneten Modulatoren, ermöglicht Monstro es Oszillator 3 mit der Ausgabe von Oszillator 2 zu modulieren. - -AM bedeutet Amplituden-Modulation: Die Amplitude (Lautstärke) von Oszillator 3 wird durch Oszillator 2 moduliert. + + No file selected + Keine Datei ausgewählt - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - Zusätzlich zu fest zugeordneten Modulatoren, ermöglicht Monstro es Oszillator 3 mit der Ausgabe von Oszillator 2 zu modulieren. - -FM bedeutet Frequenz-Modulation: Die Frequenz (Tonhöhe) von Oszillator 3 wird durch Oszillator 2 Moduliert. Die Frequenz-Modulation ist als Phasen-Modulation implementiert, was eine stabielere Gesamttonhöhe erzeugt, als »reine« Frequenz-Modulation. + + Open patch file + Patch-Datei öffnen - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - Zusätzlich zu fest zugeordneten Modulatoren, ermöglicht Monstro es Oszillator 3 mit der Ausgabe von Oszillator 2 zu modulieren. - -PM bedeutet Phasen-Modulation: Die Phase von Oszillator 3 wird durch Oszillator 2 moduliert. Es unterscheidet sich von der Frequenz-Modulation dadurch, dass die Phasenänderungen nicht zunehmend sind. + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Patch-Dateien (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Die Wellenform für LFO 1 auswählen. -»Zufällig« und »Zufällig gleitend« sind spzielle Wellenformen: Sie erzeugen zufällige Ausgabe, wobei die Rate des LFO kontrolliert, wie oft sich der Zustand des LFO ändert. Die gleitende Version intrpoliert zwischen diesen Zuständen mit Cosinus-Interpolation. Diese zufälligen Modi können benutzt werden um Ihren Presets »Leben« zu geben - Etwas von der analogen Unberechenbarkeit hinzuzufügen… + + Open in piano-roll + Im Piano-Roll öffnen - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Die Wellenform für LFO 2 auswählen. -»Zufällig« und »Zufällig gleitend« sind spzielle Wellenformen: Sie erzeugen zufällige Ausgabe, wobei die Rate des LFO kontrolliert, wie oft sich der Zustand des LFO ändert. Die gleitende Version intrpoliert zwischen diesen Zuständen mit Cosinus-Interpolation. Diese zufälligen Modi können benutzt werden um Ihren Presets »Leben« zu geben - Etwas von der analogen Unberechenbarkeit hinzuzufügen… + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - Anschwellzeit verursacht, dass der LFO allmählich vom Anfang der Note angeht. + + Clear all notes + Alle Noten löschen - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - Rate setzt die Geschwindigkeit des LFO, in Millisekunden pro Durchlauf gemessen. Kann zum Tempo synchronisiert werden. + + Reset name + Name zurücksetzen - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - PHS kontrolliert die Phasenverschiebung des LFO. + + Change name + Name ändern - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - PRE, oder Vor-Verzögerung, verzögert den Beginn der Hüllkurve vom Anfang der Note. 0 bedeutet keine Verzögerung. + + Add steps + Schritte hinzufügen - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - ATT, oder Anschwellzeit, kontrolliert wie schnell die Hüllkurve am Anfang steigt, in Millisekunden gemessen. Ein Wert von 0 bedeutet sofort. + + Remove steps + Schritte entfernen - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - HOLD kontrolliert, wie lange die Hüllkurve nach der Anschwellphase an der Spitze bleibt. + + Clone Steps + Schritte Klonen + + + PeakController - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - DEC, oder Abschwellzeit, kontrolliert, wie schnell die Hüllkurve von ihrer Spitze auf Null abfällt, in Millisekunden gemessen. Die tatsächliche Abschwellzeit ist möglicherweise kürzer, wenn Dauerpegel benutzt wird. + + Peak Controller + Peak Controller - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - SUS, oder Dauerpegel, kontrolliert den Dauerpegel der Hüllkurve. Die Abfall-Phase geht nicht unter diesen Pegel, solange die Note gehalten wird. + + Peak Controller Bug + Peak Controller Fehler - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - REL, oder Ausklingzeit, kontrolliert, wie lange die Ausklingzeit für die Note von ihrer Spitze auf Null ist, gemessen in Millisekunden. Die tatsächliche Ausklingzeit ist möglicherweise kürzer, abhängig davon, in welcher Phase die Note losgelassen wird. + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + Aufgrud eines Fehlers in einer älteren Version von LMMS, sind die Peak Controller möglicherweise nicht richtig verbunden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Peak Controller richtig verbunden sind und speichern Sie die Datei erneut. Entschuldigung für jegliche verursachte Unannehmlichkeiten. + + + PeakControllerDialog - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - Der Neigung-Regler kontrolliert die Kurve oder Form der Hüllkurve. Ein Wert von 0 erzeugt einen direkten Anstieg und Abfall. Negative Werte erzeugen Kurven, die langsam starten, schnell die Spitze erreichen und wieder langsam abfallen. Positive Werte erzeugen Kurven, die schnell starten und enden und länger in der Nähe der Spitze bleiben. + + PEAK + PEAK - Volume - Lautstärke + + LFO Controller + LFO-Controller + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - Panning - Balance + + BASE + BASE - Coarse detune - + + Base: + Basis - semitones - + + AMNT + AMNT - Finetune left - + + Modulation amount: + Modulationsintensität: - cents - + + MULT + MULT - Finetune right + + Amount multiplicator: - Stereo phase offset - + + ATCK + ATCK - deg - deg + + Attack: + Anschwellzeit (attack): - Pulse width - Pulsbreite + + DCAY + DCAY - Send sync on pulse rise - + + Release: + Ausklingzeit (release): - Send sync on pulse fall + + TRSH - Hard sync oscillator 2 - + + Treshold: + Schwellwert: - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - + + Mute output + Ausgang stummschalten - Sub-osc mix + + Absolute value + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - Hard sync oscillator 3 - + + Base value + Grundwert - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - + + Modulation amount + Modulationsintensität + Attack Anschwellzeit (attack) - Rate - Rate + + Release + Ausklingzeit (release) - Phase - + + Treshold + Schwellwert - Pre-delay + + Mute output + Ausgang stummschalten + + + + Absolute value - Hold - Haltezeit (hold) + + Amount multiplicator + + + + PianoRoll - Decay - Abfallzeit + + Note Velocity + Noten-Lautstärke - Sustain - Haltepegel (sustain) + + Note Panning + Noten-Balance - Release - Ausklingzeit (release) + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Aktuellen Halbton markieren/demarkieren - Slope + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Modulation amount - Modulationsintensität + + Mark current scale + Aktuelle Tonleiter markieren - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length - Länge + + Mark current chord + Aktuellen Akkord markieren - Step length: - + + Unmark all + Alles Markierungen entfernen - Dry + + Select all notes on this key - Dry Gain: - + + Note lock + Notenraster - Stages - + + Last note + Letzte Note - Lowpass stages: + + No key - Swap inputs - + + No scale + Keine Tonleiter + + + + No chord + Kein Akkord - Swap left and right input channel for reflections + + Nudge - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune - Kanal 1 Grob-Verstimmung + + Snap + - Channel 1 Volume - Kanal 1 Lautstärke + + Velocity: %1% + Lautstärke: %1% - Channel 1 Envelope length - Kanal 1 Hüllkurvenlänge + + Panning: %1% left + Balance: %1% links - Channel 1 Duty cycle - Kanal 1 Tastgrad + + Panning: %1% right + Balance: %1% rechts - Channel 1 Sweep amount - Kanal 1 Streichmenge + + Panning: center + Balance: mittig - Channel 1 Sweep rate - Kanal 1 Streichrate + + Glue notes failed + - Channel 2 Coarse detune - Kanal 2 Grob-Verstimmung + + Please select notes to glue first. + - Channel 2 Volume - Kanal 2 Lautstärke + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Bitte öffnen Sie einen Pattern, indem Sie ihn doppelklicken! - Channel 2 Envelope length - Kanal 2 Hüllkurvenlänge + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen %1 und %2 ein: + + + PianoRollWindow - Channel 2 Duty cycle - Kanal 2 Tastgrad + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Aktuelles Pattern abspielen/pausieren (Leertaste) - Channel 2 Sweep amount - Kanal 2 Streichmenge + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Zeichnet Noten von einem MIDI-Gerät/Kanal Piano auf - Channel 2 Sweep rate - Kanal 2 Streichrate + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + - Channel 3 Coarse detune - Kanal 3 Grob-Verstimmung + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + - Channel 3 Volume - Kanal 3 Lautstärke + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Abspielen des aktuellen Patterns stoppen (Leertaste) - Channel 4 Volume - Kanal 4 Lautstärke + + Edit actions + Aktionen bearbeiten - Channel 4 Envelope length - Kanal 4 Hüllkurvenlänge + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Zeichnenmodus (Umschalt+D) - Channel 4 Noise frequency - Kanal 4 Rauschfrequenz + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Radiermodus (Umschalt+E) - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - Kanal 4 Rauschfrequenz-Streichen + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Auswahl-Modus (Umschalt+S) - Master volume - Master-Lautstärke + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + - Vibrato - Vibrato + + Quantize + Quantisiere - - - NesInstrumentView - Volume - Lautstärke + + Quantize positions + - Coarse detune + + Quantize lengths - Envelope length + + File actions - Enable channel 1 - Kanal 1 aktivieren + + Import clip + - Enable envelope 1 + + + Export clip - Enable envelope 1 loop + + Copy paste controls - Enable sweep 1 + + Cut (%1+X) - Sweep amount + + Copy (%1+C) - Sweep rate + + Paste (%1+V) - 12.5% Duty cycle - 12.5% Tastverhältnis + + Timeline controls + Zeitstrahlregler - 25% Duty cycle - 25% Tastverhältnis + + Glue + - 50% Duty cycle - 50% Tastverhältnis + + Knife + - 75% Duty cycle - 75% Tastverhältnis + + Fill + - Enable channel 2 - Kanal 2 aktivieren + + Cut overlaps + - Enable envelope 2 + + Min length as last - Enable envelope 2 loop + + Max length as last - Enable sweep 2 + + Zoom and note controls - Enable channel 3 - Kanal 3 aktivieren + + Horizontal zooming + Horizontales Zoomen - Noise Frequency - + + Vertical zooming + Vertikales Zoomen - Frequency sweep - + + Quantization + Quantisierung - Enable channel 4 - Kanal 4 aktivieren + + Note length + Notenlänge - Enable envelope 4 + + Key - Enable envelope 4 loop + + Scale - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - + + Chord + Akkord - Use note frequency for noise + + Snap mode - Noise mode - Rausch Modus + + Clear ghost notes + - Master Volume - Master-Lautstärke + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + - Vibrato - Vibrato + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + - - - OscillatorObject - Osc %1 volume - Oszillator %1 Lautstärke + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + - Osc %1 panning - Oszillator %1 Balance + + Export clip success + - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Oszillator %1 Grob-Verstimmung + + Clip saved to %1 + - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Oszillator %1 Fein-Verstimmung links + + Import clip. + - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Oszillator %1 Fein-Verstimmung rechts + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + - Osc %1 phase-offset - Oszillator %1 Phasenverschiebung + + Open clip + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Oszillator %1 Stereo Phasenverschiebung + + Import clip success + - Osc %1 wave shape - Oszillator %1 Wellenform + + Imported clip %1! + + + + PianoView - Modulation type %1 - Modulationsart %1 + + Base note + Grundton - Osc %1 waveform - Oszillator %1 Wellenform + + First note + - Osc %1 harmonic - Oszillator %1 Harmonie + + Last note + Letzte Note - PatchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - - + Plugin - Bank selector - + + Plugin not found + Plugin nicht gefunden - Bank - Bank + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + Das Plugin »%1« konnte nicht gefunden oder geladen werden! +Grund: »%2« - Program selector - Programmwähler + + Error while loading plugin + Fehler beim Laden des Plugins - Patch - Patch + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Das Plugin »%1« konnte nicht geladen werden! + + + PluginBrowser - Name - Name + + Instrument Plugins + - OK - OK + + Instrument browser + Instrument-Browser - Cancel - Abbrechen + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + Ziehen Sie ein Instrument entweder in den Song-Editor, den Beat+Bassline-Editor oder in eine existierende Instrumentspur. - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - Andere Patch-Datei öffnen + + no description + keine Beschreibung - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Klicken Sie hier, um eine andere Patch-Datei zu laden. Wiederholungs- und Stimmungseinstellungen werden nicht zurückgesetzt. + + A native amplifier plugin + Ein natives Verstärker-Plugin - Loop - Wiederholen + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Einfacher Sampler mit verschiedenen Einstellungen zum Benutzen von Samples (z.B. Trommeln) in einer Instrumentenspur - Loop mode - Modus beim Wiederholen + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Verstärken Sie Ihren Bass auf schnellen und einfachen Wege - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Hier können Sie den Wiederholen-Modus (de-)aktivieren. Wenn aktiviert, verwendet PatMan die in der Datei verfügbaren Informationen zum Wiederholen. + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Flexibler Wavetable-Synthesizer - Tune - Stimmung + + An oversampling bitcrusher + - Tune mode - Stimmungsmodus + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Carla Patchbay Instrument - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Hier können Sie den Stimmungs-Modus (de-)aktivieren. Wenn aktiviert, wird der Klang automatisch an die Frequenz der Note angepasst. + + Carla Rack Instrument + Carla Rack Instrument - No file selected - Keine Datei ausgewählt + + A dynamic range compressor. + - Open patch file - Patch-Datei öffnen + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + Ein 4-Band Crossover Equalizer - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Patch-Dateien (*.pat) + + A native delay plugin + Ein natives Verzögerung-Plugin - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll - Im Piano-Roll öffnen + + A Dual filter plugin + Ein doppel Fliter Plugin - Clear all notes - Alle Noten löschen + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + Ein Plugin, um Dynamik auf Flexible Weise zu verarbeiten - Reset name - Name zurücksetzen + + A native eq plugin + Ein natives EQ-Plugin - Change name - Name ändern + + A native flanger plugin + Ein natives Flanger-Plugin - Add steps - Schritte hinzufügen + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Emulation des GameBoy (TM) APU - Remove steps - Schritte entfernen + + Player for GIG files + - Clone Steps - Schritte Klonen + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Filter zum importieren von Hydrogendateien in LMMS - - - PeakController - Peak Controller - Peak Controller + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Vielseitiger Trommel-Synthesizer - Peak Controller Bug - Peak Controller Fehler + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Installierte LADSPA-Plugins auflisten - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - Aufgrund eines Fehlers in einer älteren Version von LMMS, sind die Peak Controller möglicherweise nicht richtig verbunden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Peak Controller richtig verbunden sind und speichern Sie die Datei erneut. Entschuldigung für jegliche verursachte Unannehmlichkeiten. + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + Plugin, um beliebige LADSPA-Effekte in LMMS nutzen zu können. - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK - PEAK + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Unvollständiger monophonischer TB303-Klon - LFO Controller - LFO-Controller + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - BASE + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + - Base amount: - Grundstärke: + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + - Modulation amount: - Modulationsintensität: + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filter, um MIDI-Dateien in LMMS zu importieren - Attack: - Anschwellzeit (attack): + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + Monströser 3-Oszillator Synth mit Modulationsmatrix - Release: - Ausklingzeit (release): + + A multitap echo delay plugin + - AMNT - AMNT + + A NES-like synthesizer + Ein NES ähnlicher Synthesizer - MULT - MULT + + 2-operator FM Synth + 2-Operator FM-Synth - Amount Multiplicator: - Stärkenmultiplikator: + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Additiver Synthesizer für orgelähnliche Klänge - ATCK - ATCK + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + GUS-kompatibles Patch-Instrument - DCAY - DCAY + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Plugin zur Kontrolle von Knöpfen mit Hilfe von Klangspitzen - Treshold: - Schwellwert: + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Hallalgorithmus von Sean Costello - TRSH - + + Player for SoundFont files + Wiedergabe von SoundFont-Dateien - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - Base value - Grundwert + + LMMS port of sfxr + LMMS-Portierung von sfxr - Modulation amount - Modulationsintensität + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Emulation des MOS6581 und MOS8580 SID Chips. +Dieser Chip wurde in Commodore 64 Computern genutzt. - Mute output - Ausgang stummschalten + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + - Attack - Anschwellzeit (attack) + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Plugin zur Erweiterung des Stereo-Klangeindrucks - Release - Ausklingzeit (release) + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Plugin zur freien Manipulation der Stereoausgabe - Abs Value - Absoluter Wert + + Tuneful things to bang on + Gegenstände, die nach etwas klingen, wenn man drauf rumkloppt - Amount Multiplicator - Stärkenmultiplikator + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Drei mächtige Oszillatoren, die Sie auf mehrere Weisen modulieren können - Treshold - Schwellwert + + A stereo field visualizer. + - - - PianoRoll - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Bitte öffnen Sie einen Pattern, indem Sie ihn doppelklicken! + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + VST-Host zum Benutzen von VST(i)-Plugins innerhalb von LMMS - Last note - Letzte Note + + Vibrating string modeler + Modellierung schwingender Saiten - Note lock - Notenraster + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + Plugin um beliebige VST-Effekte in LMMS zu benutzen. - Note Velocity - Noten-Lautstärke + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + 4-Oszillator modulierbarer Wellenformtabellen Synth - Note Panning - Noten-Balance + + plugin for waveshaping + Plugin für Wellenformen - Mark/unmark current semitone - Aktuellen Halbton markieren/demarkieren + + Mathematical expression parser + - Mark current scale - Aktuelle Tonleiter markieren + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Eingebettetes ZynAddSubFX-Plugin + + + PluginDatabaseW - Mark current chord - Aktuellen Akkord markieren + + Carla - Add New + - Unmark all - Alles Markierungen entfernen + + Format + - No scale - Keine Tonleiter + + Internal + - No chord - Kein Akkord + + LADSPA + - Velocity: %1% - Lautstärke: %1% + + DSSI + - Panning: %1% left - Balance: %1% links + + LV2 + - Panning: %1% right - Balance: %1% rechts + + VST2 + - Panning: center - Balance: mittig + + VST3 + - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Wert zwischen %1 und %2 ein: + + AU + - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + Sound Kits - Select all notes on this key - + + Type + Typ - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Aktuelles Pattern abspielen/pausieren (Leertaste) + + Effects + Effekte - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Zeichnet Noten von einem MIDI-Gerät/Kanal Piano auf + + Instruments + Instrumente - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + MIDI Plugins - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Abspielen des aktuellen Patterns stoppen (Leertaste) + + Other/Misc + - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + Architecture - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. + + Native - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. + + Bridged - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Klicken Sie hier, um die Wiedergabe des aktuellen Patterns zu stoppen. + + Bridged (Wine) + - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Zeichnenmodus (Umschalt+D) + + Requirements + - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Radiermodus (Umschalt+E) + + With Custom GUI + - Select mode (Shift+S) - Auswahl-Modus (Umschalt+S) + + With CV Ports + - Detune mode (Shift+T) - Verstimmungsmodus (Umschalt+T) + + Real-time safe only + - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. + + Stereo only - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + With Inline Display - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. + + Favorites only - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + (Number of Plugins go here) - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Ausgewählte Noten ausschneiden (%1+X) + + &Add Plugin + - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Ausgewählte Noten kopieren (%1+C) + + Cancel + Abbrechen - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Noten aus Zwischenablage einfügen (%1+V) + + Refresh + - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + Reset filters - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Klicken Sie hier, um die Noten aus der Zwischenablage im ersten sichtbaren Takt einzufügen. + + Format: + - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - Dies kontrolliert die Vergrößerung einer Axe. Es kann hilfreich für bestimmte Aufgaben sein, eine Vergrößerung auszuwählen. Für normales Bearbeiten, sollte die Vergrößerung an Ihre kleinsten Noten angepasst sein. + + Architecture: + - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - + + Type: + Typ: - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited + + MIDI Ins: - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! + + Audio Ins: - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. + + CV Outs: - Edit actions - Aktionen bearbeiten + + MIDI Outs: + - Copy paste controls + + Parameter Ins: - Timeline controls - Zeitlinien Regler + + Parameter Outs: + - Zoom and note controls + + Audio Outs: - Piano-Roll - %1 + + CV Ins: - Piano-Roll - no pattern + + UniqueID: - Quantize - Quantisiere + + Has Inline Display: + - - - PianoView - Base note - Grundton + + Has Custom GUI: + - - - Plugin - Plugin not found - Plugin nicht gefunden + + Is Synth: + - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - Das Plugin »%1« konnte nicht gefunden oder geladen werden! -Grund: »%2« + + Is Bridged: + - Error while loading plugin - Fehler beim Laden des Plugins + + Information + - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Das Plugin »%1« konnte nicht geladen werden! + + Name + Name - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - Instrument-Browser + + Label/URI + - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Ziehen Sie ein Instrument entweder in den Song-Editor, den Beat+Bassline-Editor oder in eine existierende Instrumentspur. + + Maker + - Instrument Plugins + + Binary/Filename - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. - Plugin nicht gefunden + + Focus Text Search + - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + Ctrl+F - ProjectNotes + PluginEdit - Edit Actions + + Plugin Editor - &Undo - &Rückgängig + + Edit + - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Control + Steuerung - &Redo - &Wiederholen + + MIDI Control Channel: + - %1+Y - %1+Y + + N + - &Copy - &Kopieren + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - %1+C - %1+C + + Output volume (100%) + - Cu&t - Schnei&de + + Balance Left (0%) + - %1+X - %1+X + + + Balance Right (0%) + - &Paste - &Einfügen + + Use Balance + - %1+V - %1+V + + Use Panning + - Format Actions + + Settings + Einstellungen + + + + Use Chunks - &Bold - &Fett + + Audio: + - %1+B - %1+B + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - &Italic - &Kursiv + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - %1+I - %1+l + + MIDI: + - &Underline - &Unterstrichen + + Map Program Changes + - %1+U - %1+U + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - &Left - &Links + + Send Control Changes + - %1+L - %1+L + + Send Channel Pressure + - C&enter - Z&entrum + + Send Note Aftertouch + - %1+E - %1+E + + Send Pitchbend + - &Right - &Rechts + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - %1+R - %1+R + + +Plugin Name + + - &Justify + + Program: - %1+J - %1+J + + MIDI Program: + - &Color... - &Farbe... + + Save State + - Project Notes - Zeige/verstecke Projekt-Notizen + + Load State + - Enter project notes here + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) - WAV-Datei (*.wav) + + Type: + Typ: - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Komprimierte OGG-Datei (*.ogg) + + Maker: + - FLAC-File (*.flac) + + Copyright: - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) + + Unique ID: - QWidget + PluginFactory - Name: - Name: + + Plugin not found. + Plugin nicht gefunden - Maker: - Hersteller: + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + PluginParameter - Copyright: - Copyright: + + Form + - Requires Real Time: - Benötigt Echtzeit: + + Parameter Name + - Yes - Ja + + ... + + + + PluginRefreshW - No - Nein + + Carla - Refresh + - Real Time Capable: - Echtzeitfähig: + + Search for new... + - In Place Broken: - Operationen nicht In-Place: + + LADSPA + - Channels In: - Eingangs-Kanäle: + + DSSI + - Channels Out: - Ausgangs-Kanäle: + + LV2 + - File: - Datei: + + VST2 + - File: %1 - Datei: %1 + + VST3 + - - - RenameDialog - Rename... - Umbenennen... + + AU + - - - ReverbSCControlDialog - Input - Eingang + + SF2/3 + - Input Gain: - Eingangsverstärkung: + + SFZ + - Size - Größe + + Native + - Size: - Größe: + + POSIX 32bit + - Color - Farbe + + POSIX 64bit + - Color: - Farbe: + + Windows 32bit + - Output - Ausgang + + Windows 64bit + - Output Gain: - Ausgabeverstärkung: + + Available tools: + - - - ReverbSCControls - Input Gain - Eingangsverstärkung + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - Size - Größe + + carla-discovery-win64 + - Color - Farbe + + carla-discovery-native + - Output Gain + + carla-discovery-posix32 - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file - Audiodatei öffnen + + carla-discovery-posix64 + - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Wave-Dateien (*.wav) + + carla-discovery-win32 + - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - OGG-Dateien (*.ogg) + + Options: + - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - DrumSynth-Dateien (*.ds) + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - FLAC-Dateien (*.flac) + + Run processing checks while scanning + - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - SPEEX-Dateien (*.spx) + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + - VOC-Files (*.voc) - VOC-Dateien (*.voc) + + Scan + - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - AIFF-Dateien (*.aif *.aiff) + + >> Skip + - AU-Files (*.au) - AU-Dateien (*.au) + + Close + Schließen + + + PluginWidget - RAW-Files (*.raw) - RAW-Dateien (*.raw) + + + + + + Frame + - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Alle Audiodateien (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + Enable + - Fail to open file - Konnte Datei nicht öffnen + + On/Off + An/aus - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + PluginName - - - SampleTCOView - - double-click to select sample - Doppelklick, um Sample zu wählen - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Löschen (mittlere Maustaste) + + MIDI + MIDI - Cut - Ausschneiden + + AUDIO IN + - Copy - Kopieren + + AUDIO OUT + - Paste - Einfügen + + GUI + - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Stumm/Laut schalten (<%1> + Mittelklick) + + Edit + - - - SampleTrack - Sample track - Samplespur + + Remove + - Volume - Lautstärke + + Plugin Name + - Panning - Balance + + Preset: + - SampleTrackView + ProjectNotes - Track volume - Lautstärke der Spur + + Project Notes + Zeige/verstecke Projekt-Notizen - Channel volume: - Kanal Lautstärke: + + Enter project notes here + - VOL - VOL + + Edit Actions + - Panning - Balance + + &Undo + &Rückgängig - Panning: - Balance: + + %1+Z + %1+Z - PAN - PAN + + &Redo + &Wiederholen - - - SetupDialog - Setup LMMS - Einrichtung von LMMS + + %1+Y + %1+Y - General settings - Allgemeine Einstellungen + + &Copy + &Kopieren - BUFFER SIZE - PUFFERGRÖSSE + + %1+C + %1+C - Reset to default-value - Auf Standardwert zurücksetzen + + Cu&t + Schnei&de - MISC - VERSCHIEDENES + + %1+X + %1+X - Enable tooltips - Tooltips aktivieren + + &Paste + &Einfügen + + + + %1+V + %1+V - Show restart warning after changing settings + + Format Actions - Compress project files per default - Projektfiles + + &Bold + &Fett - One instrument track window mode - + + %1+B + %1+B - HQ-mode for output audio-device - + + &Italic + &Kursiv - Compact track buttons - Kompakte Spur-Knöpfe + + %1+I + %1+l - Sync VST plugins to host playback - + + &Underline + &Unterstrichen - Enable note labels in piano roll - Notenbeschriftung in Piano-Roll aktivieren + + %1+U + %1+U - Enable waveform display by default - + + &Left + &Links - Keep effects running even without input - + + %1+L + %1+L - Create backup file when saving a project - + + C&enter + Z&entrum - LANGUAGE - SPRACHE + + %1+E + %1+E - Paths - Pfade + + &Right + &Rechts - LMMS working directory - LMMS-Arbeitsverzeichnis + + %1+R + %1+R - VST-plugin directory - VST-Plugin-Verzeichnis + + &Justify + - Background artwork - + + %1+J + %1+J - STK rawwave directory - STK RawWave-Verzeichnis + + &Color... + &Farbe... + + + ProjectRenderer - Default Soundfont File - + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) - Performance settings - Performance-Einstellungen + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) - UI effects vs. performance - UI-Effekte vs. Performance + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + Reload Plugin - Audio settings - Audio-Einstellungen + + Show GUI + GUI anzeigen - AUDIO INTERFACE - AUDIO-SCHNITTSTELLE + + Help + Hilfe + + + QWidget - MIDI settings - MIDI-Einstellungen + + + + + Name: + Name: - MIDI INTERFACE - MIDI-SCHNITTSTELLE + + URI: + - OK - OK + + + + Maker: + Hersteller: - Cancel - Abbrechen + + + + Copyright: + Copyright: - Restart LMMS - LMMS neustarten + + + Requires Real Time: + Benötigt Echtzeit: - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - + + + + + + + Yes + Ja - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Frames: %1 -Latenz: %2 ms + + + + + + + No + Nein - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - + + + Real Time Capable: + Echtzeitfähig: - Choose LMMS working directory - LMMS-Arbeitsverzeichnis wählen + + + In Place Broken: + Operationen nicht In-Place: - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Wählen Sie Ihre VST-Plugin-Verzeichnis + + + Channels In: + Eingangs-Kanäle: - Choose artwork-theme directory - Artwork-Verzeichnis wählen + + + Channels Out: + Ausgangs-Kanäle: - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Wählen Sie Ihr LADSPA-Plugin-Verzeichnis + + File: %1 + Datei: %1 - Choose STK rawwave directory - Wählen Sie Ihr STK-RawWave-Verzeichnis + + File: + Datei: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - Choose default SoundFont - Standard-Soundfont wählen + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Zuletzt geöffnete Projekte + + + RenameDialog - Choose background artwork - + + Rename... + Umbenennen... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - + + Input + Eingang - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - + + Input gain: + Eingangsverstärkung: - Reopen last project on start - Zuletzt geöffnetes Projekt automatisch öffnen + + Size + Größe - Directories - Verzeichnisse + + Size: + Größe: - Themes directory - Themen Verzeichnis + + Color + Farbe - GIG directory - GIG Verzeichnis + + Color: + Farbe: - SF2 directory - SF2 Verzeichnis + + Output + Ausgang - LADSPA plugin directories - LADSPA Plugin Verzeichnisse + + Output gain: + Ausgabeverstärkung: + + + ReverbSCControls - Auto save - Automatisch Speichern + + Input gain + Eingangsverstärkung - Choose your GIG directory - + + Size + Größe - Choose your SF2 directory - + + Color + Farbe - minutes - Minutes + + Output gain + Ausgabeverstärkung + + + SaControls - minute - Minute + + Pause + - Display volume as dBFS + + Reference freeze - Enable auto-save - Automatisches Speichern aktivieren + + Waterfall + - Allow auto-save while playing + + Averaging - Disabled - Deaktiviert + + Stereo + Stereo - Auto-save interval: %1 + + Peak hold - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. + + Logarithmic frequency - - - Song - - Tempo - Tempo - - Master volume - Master-Lautstärke + + Logarithmic amplitude + - Master pitch - Master-Tonhöhe + + Frequency range + - Project saved - Projekt gespeichert + + Amplitude range + - The project %1 is now saved. - Das Projekt %1 ist nun gespeichert. + + FFT block size + - Project NOT saved. - Projekt NICHT gespeichert. + + FFT window type + - The project %1 was not saved! - Das Projekt %1 wurde nicht gespeichert! + + Peak envelope resolution + - Import file - Importiere Datei + + Spectrum display resolution + - MIDI sequences + + Peak decay multiplier - Hydrogen projects + + Averaging weight - All file types - Alle Dateitypen + + Waterfall history size + - Empty project - Leeres Projekt + + Waterfall gamma correction + - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! + + FFT window overlap - Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + FFT zero padding - untitled - Unbenannt + + + Full (auto) + - Select file for project-export... - Datei für Projekt-Export wählen... + + + + Audible + - The following errors occured while loading: - Die folgenden Fehler traten während dem laden auf: + + Bass + Bass - MIDI File (*.mid) - + + Mids + Mitten - LMMS Error report - + + High + Höhen - Save project + + Extended - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - Konnte Datei nicht öffnen + + Loud + Laut - Could not write file - Konnte Datei nicht schreiben + + Silent + Leise - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Konnte die Datei %1 nicht öffnen. Sie sind wahrscheinlich nicht berechtigt, diese Datei zu lesen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie wenigstens Leserechte auf diese Datei besitzen und versuchen es erneut. + + (High time res.) + - Error in file - Fehler in Datei + + (High freq. res.) + - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Die Datei %1 scheint fehlerhaft zu sein und kann daher nicht geladen werden. + + Rectangular (Off) + - Tempo - Tempo + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + - TEMPO/BPM - TEMPO/BPM + + Hamming + - tempo of song - Geschwindigkeit des Songs + + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - Das Tempo eines Liedes wird in Beats pro Minute (BPM) angegeben. Wenn Sie das Tempo Ihres Songs ändern wollen, ändern Sie diesen Wert. Jeder Takt hat vier Schläge (Beats); das Tempo gibt also an, wie viele Takte / 4 innerhalb einer Minute gespielt werden sollen (bzw. wie viele Takte innerhalb von vier Minuten gespielt werden sollen). + + Pause + - High quality mode - High-Quality-Modus + + Pause data acquisition + - Master volume - Master-Lautstärke + + Reference freeze + - master volume - Master-Lautstärke + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + - Master pitch - Master-Tonhöhe + + Waterfall + - master pitch - Master-Tonhöhe + + Display real-time spectrogram + - Value: %1% - Wert: %1% + + Averaging + - Value: %1 semitones - Wert: %1 Halbtöne + + Enable exponential moving average + - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Konnte %1 nicht zum Schreiben öffnen. Sie sind wahrscheinlich nicht dazu berechtigt in diese Datei zu schreiben. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Schreibrechte für diese Datei haben und versuchen Sie es erneut. + + Stereo + Stereo - template - Vorlage + + Display stereo channels separately + - project - Projekt + + Peak hold + - Version difference + + Display envelope of peak values - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. + + Logarithmic frequency - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - Song-Editor + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + - Play song (Space) + + + Frequency range - Record samples from Audio-device + + Logarithmic amplitude - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale - Stop song (Space) + + + Amplitude range - Add beat/bassline - Beat/Bassline hinzufügen + + Envelope res. + - Add sample-track - Sample Spur hinzufügen + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Add automation-track - Automation-Spur hinzufügen + + + Draw at most + - Draw mode - Zeichenmodus + + envelope points per pixel + - Edit mode (select and move) + + Spectrum res. - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. + + spectrum points per pixel - Track actions + + Falloff factor - Edit actions - Aktionen bearbeiten + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + - Timeline controls - Zeitlinien Regler + + Multiply buffered value by + - Zoom controls - Zoom Regler + + Averaging weight + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - Lineares Spektrum + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + - Linear Y axis - Lineare Y-Achse + + New sample contributes + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum - Lineares Spektrum + + Waterfall height + - Linear Y axis - Lineare Y-Achse + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + - Channel mode - Kanalmodus + + Keep + - - - SubWindow - Close - Schließen + + lines + - Maximize - Maximieren + + Waterfall gamma + - Restore - Wiederherstellen + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 - Einstellungen für %1 + + Gamma value: + - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - Tempo-Synchronisation + + Window overlap + - No Sync - Keine Synchronisation + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - Eight beats - Acht Schläge + + Each sample processed + Jedes Sample verarbeitet - Whole note - Ganze Note + + times + - Half note - Halbe Note + + Zero padding + - Quarter note - Viertelnote + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + - 8th note - Achtelnote + + Processing buffer is + - 16th note - 16tel Note + + steps larger than input block + - 32nd note - 32tel Note + + Advanced settings + - Custom... - Benutzerdefiniert... + + Access advanced settings + - Custom - Benutzerdefiniert + + + FFT block size + - Synced to Eight Beats - Mit acht Schlägen synchronisiert + + + FFT window type + + + + SampleBuffer - Synced to Whole Note - Mit ganzer Note synchronisiert + + Fail to open file + Konnte Datei nicht öffnen - Synced to Half Note - Mit halber Note synchronisiert + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + - Synced to Quarter Note - Mit Viertelnote synchronisiert + + Open audio file + Audiodatei öffnen - Synced to 8th Note - Mit Achtelnote synchronisiert + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Alle Audiodateien (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Synced to 16th Note - Mit 16tel Note synchronisiert + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Wave-Dateien (*.wav) - Synced to 32nd Note - Mit 32tel Note synchronisiert + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + OGG-Dateien (*.ogg) - - - TimeDisplayWidget - click to change time units - Klicken Sie hier, um die Zeiteinheit zu ändern + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + DrumSynth-Dateien (*.ds) - MIN - MIN + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + FLAC-Dateien (*.flac) - SEC - SEC + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + SPEEX-Dateien (*.spx) - MSEC - MSEC + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + VOC-Dateien (*.voc) - BAR - BAR + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + AIFF-Dateien (*.aif *.aiff) - BEAT - BEAT + + AU-Files (*.au) + AU-Dateien (*.au) - TICK - TICK + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + RAW-Dateien (*.raw) - TimeLineWidget + SampleClipView - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Automatisches Scrollen aktivieren/deaktivieren + + Double-click to open sample + - Enable/disable loop-points - + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Löschen (mittlere Maustaste) - After stopping go back to begin + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - + + Cut + Ausschneiden - After stopping keep position + + Cut selection - Hint - Tipp + + Copy + Kopieren - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Drücken Sie <%1>, um magnetische Loop-Punkte zu deaktivieren. + + Copy selection + - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Halten Sie <Umschalt>, um den Anfangs-Loop-Punkt zu verschieben; Drücken Sie <%1>, um magnetische Loop-Punkte zu deaktivieren. + + Paste + Einfügen - - - Track - Mute - Stumm + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Stumm/Laut schalten (<Strg> + Mittelklick) - Solo - Solo + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file - Datei konnte nicht importiert werden + + Reverse sample + Sample umkehren - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Es konnte kein Filter gefunden werden, um die Datei %1 zu importieren. -Sie sollten diese Datei mit Hilfe anderer Software in ein von LMMS unterstützes Format umwandeln. + + Set clip color + - Couldn't open file - Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden + + Use track color + + + + SampleTrack - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Datei %1 konnte nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden. -Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Leserechte auf diese Datei sowie das Verzeichnis besitzen und probieren es erneut! + + Volume + Lautstärke - Loading project... - Lade Projekt… + + Panning + Balance - Cancel - Abbrechen + + Mixer channel + FX-Kanal - Please wait... - Bitte warten… + + + Sample track + Samplespur + + + SampleTrackView - Importing MIDI-file... - Importiere MIDI-Datei… + + Track volume + Lautstärke der Spur - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - + + Channel volume: + Kanal Lautstärke: - - - TrackContentObject - Mute - Stumm + + VOL + VOL - - - TrackContentObjectView - Current position - Aktuelle Position + + Panning + Balance - Hint - Tipp + + Panning: + Balance: - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - <%1> drücken und ziehen, um eine Kopie zu erstellen. + + PAN + PAN - Current length - Aktuelle Länge + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + SampleTrackWindow - Press <%1> for free resizing. - Drücken Sie <%1> für freie Größenänderung. + + GENERAL SETTINGS + GRUNDLEGENDE EINSTELLUNGEN - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + Sample volume - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Löschen (mittlere Maustaste) + + Volume: + Lautstärke: - Cut - Ausschneiden + + VOL + VOL - Copy - Kopieren + + Panning + Balance - Paste - Einfügen + + Panning: + Balance: - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Stumm/Laut schalten (<%1> + Mittelklick) + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel + FX-Kanal + + + + CHANNEL + FX - TrackOperationsWidget + SaveOptionsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - Drücken Sie <%1> während des Klicks auf den Verschiebe-Griff, um eine neue Klicken und Ziehen-Aktion zu beginnen. + + Discard MIDI connections + - Actions for this track - Aktionen für diese Spur + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + SetupDialog - Mute - Stumm + + Reset to default value + - Solo - Solo + + Use built-in NaN handler + - Mute this track - Diese Spur stummschalten + + Settings + Einstellungen - Clone this track - Diese Spur klonen + + + General + - Remove this track - Diese Spur entfernen + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + - Clear this track - Diese Spur leeren + + Display volume as dBFS + - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Enable tooltips + Tooltips aktivieren - Turn all recording on - Alle Aufnahmen einschalten + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - Turn all recording off - Alle Aufnahmen ausschalten + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + - Assign to new FX Channel + + Enable compact track buttons - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Phasenmodulation benutzen, um Oszillator 2 mit Oszillator 1 zu modulieren + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Amplitudenmodulation benutzen, um Oszillator 2 mit Oszillator 1 zu modulieren + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Mische Ausgang von Oszillator 1 & 2 + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Synchronisiere Oszillator 1 mit Oszillator 2 + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Frequenzmodulation benutzen, um Oszillator 2 mit Oszillator 1 zu modulieren + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Phasenmodulation benutzen, um Oszillator 3 mit Oszillator 2 zu modulieren + + Projects + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Amplitudenmodulation benutzen, um Oszillator 3 mit Oszillator 2 zu modulieren + + Compress project files by default + - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Mische Ausgang von Oszillator 2 & 3 + + Create a backup file when saving a project + - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Synchronisiere Oszillator 2 mit Oszillator 3 + + Reopen last project on startup + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Frequenzmodulation benutzen, um Oszillator 3 mit Oszillator 2 zu modulieren + + Language + Sprache - Osc %1 volume: - Oszillator %1 Lautstärke: + + + Performance + - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie die Lautstärke von Oszillator %1 setzen. Wenn Sie einen Wert von 0 setzen, wird der Oszillator ausgeschaltet. Ansonsten können Sie ihn so laut hören, wie Sie es hier einstellen. + + Autosave + - Osc %1 panning: - Oszillator %1 Balance: + + Enable autosave + - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie die Balance von Oszillator %1 setzen. Ein Wert von -100 heißt 100% links und ein Wert von 100 verschiebt den Oszillator-Ausgang nach rechts. + + Allow autosave while playing + - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Oszillator %1 Grob-Verstimmung: + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + - semitones - Halbtöne + + Smooth scroll in song editor + - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie die grobe Verstimmung von Oszillator %1 setzen. Sie können den Oszillator 24 Halbtöne (2 Oktaven) nach oben und unten verstimmen. Das ist nützlich, wenn Sie einen Sound mit einem Akkord erstellen möchten. + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Oszillator %1 Fein-Verstimmung links: + + Plugins + Plugins - cents - Cent + + VST plugins embedding: + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie die Fein-Verstimmung von Oszillator %1 für den linken Kanal einstellen. Die Fein-Verstimmung liegt zwischen -100 Cent und +100 Cent. Das ist nützlich, um »fette« Sounds zu erzeugen. + + No embedding + - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Oszillator %1 Fein-Verstimmung rechts: + + Embed using Qt API + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie die Fein-Verstimmung von Oszillator %1 für den rechten Kanal einstellen. Die Fein-Verstimmung liegt zwischen -100 Cent und +100 Cent. Das ist nützlich, um »fette« Sounds zu erzeugen. + + Embed using native Win32 API + - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Oszillator %1 Phasenverschiebung: + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + - degrees - Grad + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie die Phasenverschiebung von Oszillator %1 setzen. Das heißt, Sie können den Punkt innerhalb einer Schwingung verschieben, an dem der Oszillator anfangen soll zu schwingen. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel eine Sinuswelle haben und eine Phasenverschiebung von 180 Grad einstellen, wird die Welle zu erst runter gehen. Das gleiche trifft auch bei einer Rechteckwelle zu. + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Oszillator %1 Stereo Phasenverschiebung: + + Keep effects running even without input + - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Mit diesem Regler können Sie die Stereo Phasenverschiebung von Oszillator %1 setzen. Die Stereo Phasenverschiebung gibt die Differenz zwischen den Phasenverschiebungen zwischen dem linken und rechten Kanal an. Dies eignet sich gut, um großräumig-klingende Stereo-Klänge zu erzeugen. + + + Audio + Audio - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Sinuswelle für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. + + Audio interface + - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Dreieckwelle für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. + + HQ mode for output audio device + - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Sägezahnwelle für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. + + Buffer size + - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Rechteckwelle für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. + + + MIDI + MIDI - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Moog-ähnliche Sägezahnwelle für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. + + MIDI interface + - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Exponentielle Welle für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Weißes Rauschen für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. + + LMMS working directory + LMMS-Arbeitsverzeichnis - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Benutzerdefinierte Wellenform für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. + + VST plugins directory + - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number - Versionsnummer erhöhen + + LADSPA plugins directories + - Decrement version number - Versionsnummer vermindern + + SF2 directory + SF2 Verzeichniss - already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + Default SF2 - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - Anderes VST-Plugin laden + + GIG directory + GIG Verzeichniss - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Klicken Sie hier, um ein anderes VST-Plugin zu öffnen. Nachdem Sie auf diesen Knopf geklickt haben, erscheint ein Datei-öffnen-Dialog und Sie können Ihre Datei wählen. + + Theme directory + - Show/hide GUI - GUI zeigen/verstecken + + Background artwork + - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Klicken Sie hier, um die grafische Oberfläche (GUI) Ihres VST-Plugins anzuzeigen bzw. zu verstecken. + + Some changes require restarting. + - Turn off all notes - Alle Noten ausschalten + + Autosave interval: %1 + - Open VST-plugin - VST-Plugin öffnen + + Choose the LMMS working directory + LMMS-Arbeitsverzeichnis wählen - DLL-files (*.dll) - DLL-Dateien (*.dll) + + Choose your VST plugins directory + Wählen Sie Ihr VST-Plugin-Verzeichnis - EXE-files (*.exe) - EXE-Dateien (*.exe) + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + Wählen Sie Ihr LADSPA-Plugin-Verzeichnis - No VST-plugin loaded - Kein VST-Plugin geladen + + Choose your default SF2 + Wählen Sie Ihr Standard SF2 - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - VST-Plugin von LMMS fernsteuern + + Choose your theme directory + Wählen Sie Ihr Theme-Verzeichnis - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Klicken Sie hier, um das VST-Plugin von LMMS aus fernzusteuern. + + Choose your background picture + Wählen Sie Ihr Hintergrundbild - Open VST-plugin preset - VST-Plugin-Preset öffnen + + + Paths + Pfade - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Klicken Sie hier, um eine andere *.fxp, *.fxb-Preset-Datei für das VST-Plugin zu laden. + + OK + OK - Previous (-) - Vorheriges (-) + + Cancel + Abbrechen - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Klicken Sie hier, um zu einem anderen VST-Plugin-Presetprogramm zu wechseln. + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Frames: %1 +Latenz: %2 ms - Save preset - Preset speichern + + Choose your GIG directory + Wählen Sie Ihr CIG-Verzeichnis aus - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Klicken Sie hier, um das aktuelle VST-Plugin-Presetprogramm zu speichern. + + Choose your SF2 directory + Wählen Sie Ihr SF2-Verzeichnis aus - Next (+) - Nächstes (+) + + minutes + Minutes - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Klicken Sie hier, um aktuell geladene VST-Presets auszuwählen. + + minute + Minute - Preset - Preset + + Disabled + Deaktiviert + + + SidInstrument - by - von + + Cutoff frequency + Kennfrequenz - - VST plugin control - - VST Plugin Controller + + Resonance + Resonanz - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - + + Filter type + Filtertyp - Click to enable - + + Voice 3 off + Stimme 3 lautlos - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - Anzeigen/ausblenden + + Volume + Lautstärke - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - VST-Plugin von LMMS fernsteuern + + Chip model + Chipmodell + + + SidInstrumentView - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Klicken Sie hier, um das VST-Plugin von LMMS aus fernzusteuern. + + Volume: + Lautstärke: - Open VST-plugin preset - VST-Plugin-Preset öffnen + + Resonance: + Resonanz: - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Klicken Sie hier, um eine andere *.fxp, *.fxb-Preset-Datei für das VST-Plugin zu laden. + + + Cutoff frequency: + Kennfrequenz: - Previous (-) - Vorheriges (-) + + High-pass filter + - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Klicken Sie hier, um zu einem anderen VST-Plugin-Presetprogramm zu wechseln. + + Band-pass filter + - Next (+) - Nächstes (+) + + Low-pass filter + - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Klicken Sie hier, um aktuell geladene VST-Presets auszuwählen. + + Voice 3 off + - Save preset - Preset speichern + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Klicken Sie hier, um das aktuelle VST-Plugin-Presetprogramm zu speichern. + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - Effect by: - Effekt von: + + + Attack: + Anschwellzeit (attack): - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + Decay: + Abfallzeit (decay): - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin - Lade Plugin + + Sustain: + Dauerpegel (sustain): - Open Preset - Preset öffnen + + + Release: + Ausklingzeit (release): - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - VST-Plugin-Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Pulse Width: + Pulsweite: - : default - : Standard + + Coarse: + Grob: - " - " + + Pulse wave + - ' - ' + + Triangle wave + Dreieckwelle - Save Preset - Preset speichern + + Saw wave + Sägezahnwelle - .fxp - .fxp + + Noise + Rauschen - .FXP - .FXP + + Sync + Synchron - .FXB - .FXB + + Ring modulation + - .fxb - .fxb + + Filtered + Gefiltert - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Bitte warten, während das VST-Plugin geladen wird… + + Test + Test - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + Pulse width: - WatsynInstrument + SideBarWidget - Volume A1 - Lautstärke A1 + + Close + Schließen + + + + Song + + + Tempo + Tempo - Volume A2 - Lautstärke A2 + + Master volume + Master-Lautstärke - Volume B1 - Lautstärke B1 + + Master pitch + Master-Tonhöhe - Volume B2 - Lautstärke B2 + + Aborting project load + - Panning A1 - Balance A1 + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - Panning A2 - Balance A2 + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - Panning B1 - Balance B1 + + LMMS Error report + - Panning B2 - Balance B2 + + (repeated %1 times) + - Freq. multiplier A1 - Frequenzmultiplikator-A1 + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + SongEditor - Freq. multiplier A2 - Frequenzmultiplikator-A2 + + Could not open file + Konnte Datei nicht öffnen - Freq. multiplier B1 - Frequenzmultiplikator-B1 + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Konnte die Datei %1 nicht öffnen. Sie sind wahrscheinlich nicht berechtigt, diese Datei zu lesen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie wenigstens Leserechte auf diese Datei besitzen und versuchen es erneut. - Freq. multiplier B2 - Frequenzmultiplikator-B2 + + Operation denied + - Left detune A1 - Links-Verstimmung A1 + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + - Left detune A2 - Links-Verstimmung A2 + + + + Error + Fehler - Left detune B1 - Links-Verstimmung B1 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + - Left detune B2 - Links-Verstimmung B2 + + Couldn't create resources folder. + - Right detune A1 - Rechts-Verstimmung A1 + + Failed to copy resources. + - Right detune A2 - Rechts-Verstimmung A2 + + Could not write file + Konnte Datei nicht schreiben - Right detune B1 - Rechts-Verstimmung B1 + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + - Right detune B2 - Rechts-Verstimmung B2 + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + - A-B Mix - A-B Mischung + + Error in file + Fehler in Datei - A-B Mix envelope amount - A-B Mischung Hüllkurvenintensität + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Die Datei %1 scheint fehlerhaft zu sein und kann daher nicht geladen werden. - A-B Mix envelope attack - A-B Mischung Hüllkurvenanschwellzeit + + Version difference + Versionsunterschiede - A-B Mix envelope hold - A-B Mischung Hüllkurvenhaltezeit + + template + Vorlage - A-B Mix envelope decay - A-B Mischung Hüllkurvenabfallzeit + + project + Projekt - A1-B2 Crosstalk - A1-B2 Überlagerung + + Tempo + Tempo - A2-A1 modulation - A2-A1 Modulation + + TEMPO + - B2-B1 modulation - B2-B1 Modulation + + Tempo in BPM + - Selected graph - Ausgewählter Graph + + High quality mode + High-Quality-Modus - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 - Oszillator A1 auswählen + + + + Master volume + Master-Lautstärke - Select oscillator A2 - Oszillator A2 auswählen + + + + Master pitch + Master-Tonhöhe - Select oscillator B1 - Oszillator B1 auswählen + + Value: %1% + Wert: %1% - Select oscillator B2 - Oszillator B2 auswählen + + Value: %1 semitones + Wert: %1 Halbtöne + + + SongEditorWindow - Mix output of A2 to A1 - Mische Ausgang von A2 zu A1 + + Song-Editor + Song-Editor - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - Amplitude von A1 mit der Ausgabe von A2 modulieren + + Play song (Space) + Spiele Song ab (Leertaste) - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - A1 und A2 ringmodulieren + + Record samples from Audio-device + - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - Phase von A1 mit der Ausgabe von A2 modulieren + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + - Mix output of B2 to B1 - Mische Ausgang von B2 zu B1 + + Stop song (Space) + Song anhalten (Leertaste) - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - Amplitude von B1 mit der Ausgabe von B2 modulieren + + Track actions + - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - B1 und B2 ringmodulieren + + Add beat/bassline + Beat/Bassline hinzufügen - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - Phase von B1 mit der Ausgabe von B2 modulieren + + Add sample-track + Sample Spur hinzufügen - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Zeichnen Sie heier eigene Wellenformen, indem Sie die Maus über den Graph ziehen. + + Add automation-track + Automation-Spur hinzufügen - Load waveform - Wellenform laden + + Edit actions + Aktionen bearbeiten - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Klicken Sie hier, um eine Wellenform aus einer Sampledatei zu laden + + Draw mode + Zeichenmodus - Phase left - Nach links verschieben + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - Klicken Sie hier, um die Phase um -15 Grad zu verscheiben + + Edit mode (select and move) + - Phase right - Nach rechts verschieben + + Timeline controls + Zeitstrahlregler - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - Klicken Sie hier, um die Phase um +15 Grad zu verscheiben + + Bar insert controls + - Normalize - Normalisieren + + Insert bar + - Click to normalize - Klicken zum Normalisieren + + Remove bar + - Invert - Invertieren + + Zoom controls + Zoom Regler - Click to invert - Klicken zum Invertieren + + Horizontal zooming + Horizontales Zoomen - Smooth - Glätten + + Snap controls + - Click to smooth - Klicken zum Glätten + + + Clip snapping size + - Sine wave - Sinuswelle + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + - Click for sine wave - Klicken für Sinuswelle + + Base snapping size + + + + StepRecorderWidget - Triangle wave - Dreieckwelle + + Hint + Tipp - Click for triangle wave - Klicken für Dreieckwelle + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + SubWindow - Click for saw wave - Klicken für Sägezahnwelle + + Close + Schließen - Square wave - Rechteckwelle + + Maximize + Maximieren - Click for square wave - Klicken für Rechteckwelle + + Restore + Wiederherstellen + + + TabWidget - Volume - Lautstärke + + + Settings for %1 + Einstellungen für %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - Panning - Balance + + New from template + Neu von Vorlage + + + TempoSyncKnob - Freq. multiplier - + + + Tempo Sync + Tempo-Synchronisation - Left detune - + + No Sync + Keine Synchronisation - cents - + + Eight beats + Acht Schläge - Right detune - + + Whole note + Ganze Note - A-B Mix - A-B Mischung + + Half note + Halbe Note - Mix envelope amount - + + Quarter note + Viertelnote - Mix envelope attack - + + 8th note + Achtelnote - Mix envelope hold - + + 16th note + 16tel Note - Mix envelope decay - + + 32nd note + 32tel Note - Crosstalk - + + Custom... + Benutzerdefiniert... - - - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Portamento - Portamento + + Custom + Benutzerdefiniert - Filter Frequency - Filterfrequenz + + Synced to Eight Beats + Mit acht Schlägen synchronisiert - Filter Resonance - Filterresonanz + + Synced to Whole Note + Mit ganzer Note synchronisiert - Bandwidth - Bandbreite + + Synced to Half Note + Mit halber Note synchronisiert - FM Gain - FM-Verstärkung + + Synced to Quarter Note + Mit Viertelnote synchronisiert - Resonance Center Frequency - Zentrale Resonanzfrequenz + + Synced to 8th Note + Mit Achtelnote synchronisiert - Resonance Bandwidth - Resonanzbandbreite + + Synced to 16th Note + Mit 16tel Note synchronisiert - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - MIDI-Control-Change-Ereignisse weiterleiten + + Synced to 32nd Note + Mit 32tel Note synchronisiert - ZynAddSubFxView - - Show GUI - GUI anzeigen - + TimeDisplayWidget - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Klicken Sie hier, um die grafische Oberfläche von ZynAddSubFX anzuzeigen bzw. auszublenden. + + Time units + - Portamento: - Portamento: + + MIN + MIN - PORT - PORT + + SEC + SEC - Filter Frequency: - Filterfrequenz: + + MSEC + MSEC - FREQ - FREQ + + BAR + BAR - Filter Resonance: - Filterresonanz: + + BEAT + BEAT - RES - RES + + TICK + TICK + + + TimeLineWidget - Bandwidth: - Bandbreite: + + Auto scrolling + - BW - BW + + Loop points + - FM Gain: - FM-Verstärkung: + + After stopping go back to beginning + - FM GAIN - FM GAIN + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + - Resonance center frequency: - Zentrale Resonanzfrequenz: + + After stopping keep position + Nach dem Anhalten Position beibehalten - RES CF - RES CF + + Hint + Tipp - Resonance bandwidth: - Resonanzbandbreite: + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Drücken Sie <%1>, um magnetische Loop-Punkte zu deaktivieren. + + + Track - RES BW - RES BW + + Mute + Stumm - Forward MIDI Control Changes - MIDI-Control-Änderungen weiterleiten + + Solo + Solo - audioFileProcessor - - Amplify - Verstärkung - + TrackContainer - Start of sample - Sample-Anfang + + Couldn't import file + Datei konnte nicht importiert werden - End of sample - Sample-Ende + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Es konnte kein Filter gefunden werden, um die Datei %1 zu importieren. +Sie sollten diese Datei mit Hilfe anderer Software in ein von LMMS unterstützes Format umwandeln. - Reverse sample - Sample umkehren + + Couldn't open file + Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden - Stutter - Stottern + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Datei %1 konnte nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden. +Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Leserechte auf diese Datei sowie das Verzeichnis besitzen und probieren es erneut! - Loopback point - Wiederholungspunkt + + Loading project... + Lade Projekt… - Loop mode - Wiederholungsmodus + + + Cancel + Abbrechen - Interpolation mode - Interpolationsmodus + + + Please wait... + Bitte warten… - None - Keiner + + Loading cancelled + Laden abgebrochen - Linear - Linear + + Project loading was cancelled. + - Sinc - Sinc + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + - Sample not found: %1 - Sample nicht gefunden: %1 + + Importing MIDI-file... + Importiere MIDI-Datei… - bitInvader + Clip - Samplelength - Sample-Länge + + Mute + Stumm - bitInvaderView + ClipView - Sample Length - Sample-Länge + + Current position + Aktuelle Position - Sine wave - Sinuswelle + + Current length + Aktuelle Länge - Triangle wave - Dreieckwelle + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + - Saw wave - Sägezahnwelle + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + <%1> drücken und ziehen, um eine Kopie zu erstellen. - Square wave - Rechteckwelle + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Drücken Sie <%1> für freie Größenänderung. - White noise wave - Weißes Rauschen + + Hint + Tipp - User defined wave - Benutzerdefinierte Welle + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Löschen (mittlere Maustaste) - Smooth - Glätten + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - Click here to smooth waveform. - Klicken Sie hier, um die Wellenform zu glätten. + + Cut + Ausschneiden - Interpolation - Interpolation + + Cut selection + - Normalize - Normalisieren + + Merge Selection + - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Zeichnen Sie eigene Wellenformen, indem Sie die Maus über den Graph ziehen. + + Copy + Kopieren - Click for a sine-wave. - Klick für eine Sinuswelle. + + Copy selection + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klick für eine Dreieckwelle. + + Paste + Einfügen - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klick für eine Sägezahnwelle. + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Stumm/Laut schalten (<Strg> + Mittelklick) - Click here for a square-wave. - Klick für eine Rechteckwelle. + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - Click here for white-noise. - Klick für weißes Rauschen. + + Set clip color + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Klick für eine benutzerdefinierte Wellenform. + + Use track color + - dynProcControlDialog - - INPUT - INPUT - - - Input gain: - Eingangsverstärkung: - - - OUTPUT - OUTPUT - + TrackContentWidget - Output gain: - Ausgabeverstärkung: + + Paste + Einfügen + + + TrackOperationsWidget - ATTACK - ATTACK + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + - Peak attack time: - Spitzen Anschwellzeit: + + Actions + - RELEASE - RELEASE + + + Mute + Stumm - Peak release time: - Spitzen Ausklingzeit: + + + Solo + Solo - Reset waveform - Wellenform zurücksetzen + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Klicken Sie hier, um den Wellengraph zum Standard zurückzusetzen + + Confirm removal + - Smooth waveform - Wellenform glätten + + Don't ask again + - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Klicken Sie hier, um den Wellengraph zu glätten + + Clone this track + Diese Spur klonen - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Die Amplitude des Wellengraphs um 1dB erhöhen + + Remove this track + Diese Spur entfernen - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klicken Sie hier, um die Amplitude des Wellengraphs um 1dB zu erhöhen + + Clear this track + Diese Spur leeren - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Die Amplitude des Wellengraphs um 1dB vermindern + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klicken Sie hier, um die Amplitude des Wellengraphs um 1dB zu vermindern + + Assign to new Mixer Channel + - Stereomode Maximum - Stereomodus Maximum + + Turn all recording on + Alle Aufnahmen einschalten - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Basierend auf dem Maximum beider Stereokanäle verarbeiten + + Turn all recording off + Alle Aufnahmen ausschalten - Stereomode Average - Stereomodus Durchschnitt + + Change color + Farbe ändern - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Basierend auf dem Durchschnitt beider Stereokanäle verarbeiten + + Reset color to default + Farbe auf Standard zurücksetzen - Stereomode Unlinked - Stereomodus Unverknüpft + + Set random color + - Process each stereo channel independently - Jeden Stereokanal unabhängig verarbeiten + + Clear clip colors + - dynProcControls - - Input gain - Eingangsverstärkung - + TripleOscillatorView - Output gain - Ausgabeverstärkung + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - Attack time - Anschwellzeit + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - Release time - Ausklingzeit + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + - Stereo mode - Stereomodus + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Synchronisiere Oszillator 1 mit Oszillator 2 - - - expressiveView - Select oscillator W1 + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Select oscillator W2 + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Select oscillator W3 + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Select OUTPUT 1 + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - Select OUTPUT 2 - + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Synchronisiere Oszillator 2 mit Oszillator 3 - Open help window + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Sine wave - Sinuswelle + + Osc %1 volume: + Oszillator %1 Lautstärke: - Click for a sine-wave. - Klick für eine Sinuswelle. + + Osc %1 panning: + Oszillator %1 Balance: - Moog-Saw wave - + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Oszillator %1 Grob-Verstimmung: - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. - + + semitones + Halbtöne - Exponential wave - Exponentielle Welle + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Oszillator %1 Fein-Verstimmung links: - Click for an exponential wave. - + + + cents + Cent - Saw wave - Sägezahnwelle + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Oszillator %1 Fein-Verstimmung rechts: - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klick für eine Sägezahnwelle. + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Oszillator %1 Phasenverschiebung: - User defined wave - Benutzerdefinierte Welle + + + degrees + Grad + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Oszillator %1 Stereo Phasenverschiebung: - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Klick für eine benutzerdefinierte Wellenform. + + Sine wave + Sinuswelle + Triangle wave Dreieckwelle - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klick für eine Dreieckwelle. + + Saw wave + Sägezahnwelle + Square wave Rechteckwelle - Click here for a square-wave. - Klick für eine Rechteckwelle. + + Moog-like saw wave + - White noise wave + + Exponential wave + Exponentielle Welle + + + + White noise Weißes Rauschen - Click here for white-noise. - Klick für weißes Rauschen. + + User-defined wave + Benutzerdefinierte Welle + + + VecControls - WaveInterpolate + + Display persistence amount - ExpressionValid + + Logarithmic scale - General purpose 1: + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ - General purpose 2: + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. - General purpose 3: + + Log. scale - O1 panning: + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. - O2 panning: + + Persist. - Release transition: + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. - Smoothness + + Trace persistence - fxLineLcdSpinBox + VersionedSaveDialog - Assign to: - + + Increment version number + Versionsnummer erhöhen + + + + Decrement version number + Versionsnummer vermindern - New FX Channel + + Save Options - - - graphModel - Graph - Graph + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + existiert bereits. Möchten Sie es ersetzen? - kickerInstrument + VestigeInstrumentView - Start frequency - Startfrequenz + + + Open VST plugin + - End frequency - Endfrequenz + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - Gain - Gain + + Open VST plugin preset + - Length - Länge + + Previous (-) + Vorheriges (-) - Distortion Start - Verzerrungsanfang + + Save preset + Preset speichern - Distortion End - Verzerrungsende + + Next (+) + Nächstes (+) - Envelope Slope - Hüllkurvenneigung + + Show/hide GUI + GUI zeigen/verstecken - Noise - Rauschen + + Turn off all notes + Alle Noten ausschalten - Click - Klick + + DLL-files (*.dll) + DLL-Dateien (*.dll) - Frequency Slope - Frequenzabfall + + EXE-files (*.exe) + EXE-Dateien (*.exe) - Start from note - Starte bei Note + + No VST plugin loaded + - End to note - Ende bei Note + + Preset + Preset - - - kickerInstrumentView - Start frequency: - Startfrequenz: + + by + von - End frequency: - Endfrequenz: + + - VST plugin control + - VST Plugin Controller + + + VstEffectControlDialog - Gain: - Gain: + + Show/hide + Anzeigen/ausblenden - Frequency Slope: - Frequenzabfall: + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - Envelope Length: - Hüllkurvenlänge: + + Open VST plugin preset + - Envelope Slope: - Hüllkurvenneigung: + + Previous (-) + Vorheriges (-) - Click: - Klick: + + Next (+) + Nächstes (+) - Noise: - Rauschen: + + Save preset + Preset speichern - Distortion Start: - Verzerrungsanfang: + + + Effect by: + Effekt von: - Distortion End: - Verzerrungsende: + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - ladspaBrowserView + VstPlugin - Available Effects - Verfügbare Effekte + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + Das VST Plugin %1 konnte nicht geladen werden. - Unavailable Effects - Nicht verfügbare Effekte + + Open Preset + Preset öffnen - Instruments - Instrumente + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + VST-Plugin-Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Analysis Tools - Analysewerkzeuge + + : default + : Standard - Don't know - Weiß nicht + + Save Preset + Preset speichern - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - Dieser Dialog zeigt Informationen zu allen LADSPA Plugins an, dieLMMS gefunden hat. Die Plugins werden in fünf Kategorien eingeteilt, basierend auf der Interpretation der Porttypen und Namen. - -Verfügbare Effekte sind die, die von LMMS benutzt werden können. Um in LMMS einen Effekt benutzen zu können, muss er vor allem ein Effekt sein, was bedeutet, dass er beides, Eingabe- und Ausgabekanäle, haben muss. LMMS identifiziert Eingabekanäle als einen Audioport, der »in« im Namen enthält. Ausgabekanäle werden durch die Buchstaben »out« identifizert. Des weiteren muss der Effekt die gleiche Anzahl an Ein- und Ausgängen besitzen und muss echtzeitfähig sein. - -Nicht verfügbare Effekte sind die, die als Effekt identifiziert wurden, aber entweder nicht die gleiche Anzahl an Ein- und Ausgabekanälen besizen oder nicht echtzeitfähig sind. - -Instrumente sind Plugins, für die nur Ausgabekanäle identifiziert wurden. - -Analysewerkzeuge sind Plugins, für die nur Eingabekanäle identifiziert wurden. - -Weiß nicht sind Plugins, für die kein Ein- oder Ausgabekanal identifiziert wurde. - -Doppelklicken auf eines der Plugins zeigt Informaitonen über die Ports an. + + .fxp + .fxp - Type: - Typ: + + .FXP + .FXP + + + + .FXB + .FXB + + + + .fxb + .fxb + + + + Loading plugin + Lade Plugin + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Bitte warten, während das VST-Plugin geladen wird… - ladspaDescription + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + Lautstärke A1 + + + + Volume A2 + Lautstärke A2 + + + + Volume B1 + Lautstärke B1 + + + + Volume B2 + Lautstärke B2 + + + + Panning A1 + Balance A1 + + + + Panning A2 + Balance A2 + + + + Panning B1 + Balance B1 + - Plugins - Plugins + + Panning B2 + Balance B2 - Description - Beschreibung + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Frequenzmultiplikator-A1 - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports - Ports + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Frequenzmultiplikator-A2 - Name - Name + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Frequenzmultiplikator-B1 - Rate - Rate + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Frequenzmultiplikator-B2 - Direction - Richtung + + Left detune A1 + Links-Verstimmung A1 - Type - Typ + + Left detune A2 + Links-Verstimmung A2 - Min < Default < Max - Min < Standard < Max + + Left detune B1 + Links-Verstimmung B1 - Logarithmic - Logarithmisch + + Left detune B2 + Links-Verstimmung B2 - SR Dependent - SR-abhängig + + Right detune A1 + Rechts-Verstimmung A1 - Audio - Audio + + Right detune A2 + Rechts-Verstimmung A2 - Control - Steuerung + + Right detune B1 + Rechts-Verstimmung B1 - Input - Eingang + + Right detune B2 + Rechts-Verstimmung B2 - Output - Ausgang + + A-B Mix + A-B Mischung - Toggled - Umgeschaltet + + A-B Mix envelope amount + A-B Mischung Hüllkurvenintensität - Integer - Ganzahl + + A-B Mix envelope attack + A-B Mischung Hüllkurvenanschwellzeit - Float - Kommazahl + + A-B Mix envelope hold + A-B Mischung Hüllkurvenhaltezeit - Yes - Ja + + A-B Mix envelope decay + A-B Mischung Hüllkurvenabfallzeit - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - VCF-Kennfrequenz + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + A1-B2 Überlagerung - VCF Resonance - VCF-Resonanz + + A2-A1 modulation + A2-A1 Modulation - VCF Envelope Mod - VCF-Hüllkurvenintensität + + B2-B1 modulation + B2-B1 Modulation - VCF Envelope Decay - VCF-Hüllkurvenabfallzeit + + Selected graph + Ausgewählter Graph + + + WatsynView - Distortion - Verzerrung + + + + + Volume + Lautstärke - Waveform - Wellenform + + + + + Panning + Balance - Slide Decay - Slide-Abfallzeit + + + + + Freq. multiplier + - Slide - Slide + + + + + Left detune + - Accent - Betonung + + + + + + + + + cents + Cent - Dead - Stumpf + + + + + Right detune + - 24dB/oct Filter - 24db/Okt Filter + + A-B Mix + A-B Mischung - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: - Kennfrequenz: + + Mix envelope amount + - Resonance: - Resonanz: + + Mix envelope attack + Hüllenkurvenanstieg mischen - Env Mod: - Hüllkurven-Modulation: + + Mix envelope hold + - Decay: - Abfallzeit (decay): + + Mix envelope decay + - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + Crosstalk - Slide Decay: - Slide-Abfallzeit: + + Select oscillator A1 + Oszilator A1 auswählen - DIST: - DIST: + + Select oscillator A2 + Oszilator A2 auswählen - Saw wave - Sägezahnwelle + + Select oscillator B1 + Oszilator B1 auswählen - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klick für eine Sägezahnwelle. + + Select oscillator B2 + Oszilator B2 auswählen - Triangle wave - Dreieckwelle + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + Mische Ausgang von A2 zu A1 - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klick für eine Dreieckwelle. + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + - Square wave - Rechteckwelle + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + - Click here for a square-wave. - Klick für eine Rechteckwelle. + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + - Rounded square wave - Abgerundete Rechteckwelle + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + Mische Ausgang von B2 zu B1 - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Klick für eine abgerundete Rechteckwelle. + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + - Moog wave - Moog-Welle + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Klick für eine Moog-ähnliche Welle. + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + - Sine wave - Sinuswelle + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Zeichnen Sie heier eigene Wellenformen, indem Sie die Maus über den Graph ziehen. - Click for a sine-wave. - Klick für eine Sinuswelle. + + Load waveform + Wellenform laden - White noise wave - Weißes Rauschen + + Load a waveform from a sample file + - Click here for an exponential wave. - Klick für eine exponentielle-Welle. + + Phase left + Nach links verschieben - Click here for white-noise. - Klick für weißes Rauschen. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + - Bandlimited saw wave - Bandbegrenzte Sägezahnwelle + + Phase right + Nach rechts verschieben - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Klick für eine bandbegrenzte Sägezahnwelle. + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + - Bandlimited square wave - Bandbegrenzte Rechteckwelle + + + Normalize + Normalisieren - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Klick für eine bandbegrenzte Rechteckwelle. + + + Invert + Invertieren - Bandlimited triangle wave - Bandlimitierte Dreieckwelle + + + Smooth + Glätten - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Klick für eine bandbegrenzte Dreieckwelle. + + + Sine wave + Sinuswelle - Bandlimited moog saw wave - Bandbegrenzte Moog-Sägezahnwelle + + + + Triangle wave + Dreieckwelle - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - Klick für eine bandbegrenzte Moog-Sägezahnwelle. + + Saw wave + Sägezahnwelle + + + + + Square wave + Rechteckwelle - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - Hardness - Härte + + Selected graph + Ausgewählter Graph - Position - Position + + A1 + - Vibrato Gain - Vibrato Gain + + A2 + - Vibrato Freq - Vibrato-Freq + + A3 + - Stick Mix - Stick Mix + + W1 smoothing + - Modulator - Modulator + + W2 smoothing + - Crossfade - Crossfade + + W3 smoothing + - LFO Speed - LFO-Geschwindigkeit + + Panning 1 + - LFO Depth - LFO-Tiefe + + Panning 2 + - ADSR - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - Pressure - Druck + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Zeichnen Sie eigene Wellenformen, indem Sie die Maus über den Graph ziehen. - Motion - Bewegung + + Select oscillator W1 + - Speed - Geschwindigkeit + + Select oscillator W2 + - Bowed - Gestrichen + + Select oscillator W3 + - Spread - Weite + + Select output O1 + - Marimba - Marimba + + Select output O2 + - Vibraphone - Vibraphon + + Open help window + - Agogo - Agogo + + + Sine wave + Sinuswelle - Wood1 - Holz 1 + + + Moog-saw wave + - Reso - Reso + + + Exponential wave + Exponentielle Welle - Wood2 - Holz 2 + + + Saw wave + Sägezahnwelle - Beats - Beats + + + User-defined wave + Benutzerdefinierte Welle - Two Fixed - Two Fixed + + + Triangle wave + Dreieckwelle - Clump - Clump + + + Square wave + Rechteckwelle - Tubular Bells - Glocken in Röhre + + + White noise + Weißes Rauschen - Uniform Bar - Uniform Bar + + WaveInterpolate + - Tuned Bar - Tuned Bar + + ExpressionValid + - Glass - Glas + + General purpose 1: + - Tibetan Bowl - Tibetanische Schüssel + + General purpose 2: + - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument - Instrument + + General purpose 3: + - Spread - Weite + + O1 panning: + - Spread: - Weite: + + O2 panning: + - Hardness - Härte + + Release transition: + - Hardness: - Härte: + + Smoothness + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Position - Position + + Portamento + Portamento - Position: - Position: + + Filter frequency + - Vib Gain - Vib Gain + + Filter resonance + Filter Resonanz - Vib Gain: - Vib Gain: + + Bandwidth + Bandbreite - Vib Freq - Vib-Freq + + FM gain + FM Gain - Vib Freq: - Vib-Freq: + + Resonance center frequency + Resonanz Mittelfrequenz - Stick Mix - Stick Mix + + Resonance bandwidth + Resonanz Bandbreite - Stick Mix: - Stick Mix: + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Modulator - Modulator + + Portamento: + Portamento: - Modulator: - Modulator: + + PORT + PORT - Crossfade - Crossfade + + Filter frequency: + Filter Frequenz: - Crossfade: - Crossfade: + + FREQ + FREQ - LFO Speed - LFO-Geschwindigkeit + + Filter resonance: + - LFO Speed: - LFO-Geschwindigkeit: + + RES + RES - LFO Depth - LFO-Tiefe + + Bandwidth: + Bandbreite: - LFO Depth: - LFO-Tiefe: + + BW + BW - ADSR - ADSR + + FM gain: + - ADSR: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN + FM GAIN - Pressure - Druck + + Resonance center frequency: + Zentrale Resonanzfrequenz: - Pressure: - Druck: + + RES CF + RES CF - Speed - Geschwindigkeit + + Resonance bandwidth: + Resonanzbandbreite: - Speed: - Geschwindigkeit: + + RES BW + RES BW - Missing files + + Forward MIDI control changes - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - + + Show GUI + GUI anzeigen - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control - - VST Parameter Controller - + AudioFileProcessor - VST Sync - VST-Sync + + Amplify + Verstärkung - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Klicken Sie hier, um alle Parameter mit dem VST-Plugin zu synchronisieren. + + Start of sample + Sample-Anfang - Automated - Automatisiert + + End of sample + Sample-Ende - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Klicken Sie hier, wenn Sie nur automatisierte Parameter anzeigen möchten. + + Loopback point + Wiederholungspunkt - Close - Schließen + + Reverse sample + Sample umkehren - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - VST Effekt Regler-Controllerfenster schließen. + + Loop mode + Wiederholungsmodus - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - - VST Plugin Controller + + Stutter + Stottern - VST Sync - VST-Sync + + Interpolation mode + Interpolationsmodus - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Klicken Sie hier, um alle Parameter mit dem VST-Plugin zu synchronisieren. + + None + Keiner - Automated - Automatisiert + + Linear + Linear - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Klicken Sie hier, wenn Sie nur automatisierte Parameter anzeigen möchten. + + Sinc + Sinc - Close - Schließen + + Sample not found: %1 + Sample nicht gefunden: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - VST Effekt Regler-Controllerfenster schließen. + + Sample length + - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - Patch + + Sample length + - Op 1 Attack - Op 1 Anschwellzeit + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Zeichnen Sie eigene Wellenformen, indem Sie die Maus über den Graph ziehen. - Op 1 Decay - Op 1-Abfallzeit + + + Sine wave + Sinuswelle - Op 1 Sustain - Op 1 Dauerpegel + + + Triangle wave + Dreieckwelle - Op 1 Release - Op 1 Ausklingzeit + + + Saw wave + Sägezahnwelle - Op 1 Level - Op 1 Stärke + + + Square wave + Rechteckwelle - Op 1 Level Scaling - Op 1 Stärkenskalierung + + + White noise + Weißes Rauschen - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - Op 1 Frequenzmultiplikator + + + User-defined wave + Benutzerdefinierte Welle - Op 1 Feedback - Op 1 Rückkopplung + + + Smooth waveform + Wellenform glätten - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - Op 1 Tonart Skalierungsrate + + Interpolation + Interpolation - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - + + Normalize + Normalisieren + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo - Op 1 Tremolo + + INPUT + INPUT - Op 1 Vibrato - Op 1 Vibrato + + Input gain: + Eingangsverstärkung: - Op 1 Waveform - Op 1 Wellenform + + OUTPUT + OUTPUT - Op 2 Attack - Op 2 Anschwellzeit + + Output gain: + Ausgabeverstärkung: - Op 2 Decay - Op 2-Abfallzeit + + ATTACK + ATTACK - Op 2 Sustain - Op 2 Dauerpegel + + Peak attack time: + Spitzen Anschwellzeit: - Op 2 Release - Op 2 Ausklingzeit + + RELEASE + RELEASE - Op 2 Level - Op 2 Stärke + + Peak release time: + Spitzen Ausklingzeit: - Op 2 Level Scaling - Op 2 Stärkenskalierung + + + Reset wavegraph + - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - Op 2 Frequenzmultiplikator + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - Op 2 Tonart Skalierungsrate + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Erhöhe wavegraph Amplitude um 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Verringere wavegraph Amplitude um 1 dB - Op 2 Tremolo - Op 2 Tremolo + + Stereo mode: maximum + - Op 2 Vibrato - Op 2 Vibrato + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Basierend auf dem Maximum beider Stereokanäle verarbeiten - Op 2 Waveform - Op 2 Wellenform + + Stereo mode: average + - FM - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + Basierend auf dem Durchschnitt beider Stereokanäle verarbeiten - Vibrato Depth - Vibrato-Tiefe + + Stereo mode: unlinked + - Tremolo Depth - Tremolo-Tiefe + + Process each stereo channel independently + Jeden Stereokanal unabhängig verarbeiten - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack - Anschwellzeit (attack) + + Input gain + Eingangsverstärkung - Decay - Abfallzeit + + Output gain + Ausgabeverstärkung - Release - Ausklingzeit (release) + + Attack time + Anschwellzeit - Frequency multiplier - + + Release time + Ausklingzeit - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - Verzerrung + + Stereo mode + Stereomodus + + + graphModel - Volume - Lautstärke + + Graph + Graph - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - Verzerrung: + + Start frequency + Startfrequenz - Volume: - Lautstärke: + + End frequency + Endfrequenz - Randomise - Zufallswerte + + Length + Länge - Osc %1 waveform: - Oszillator %1 Wellenform: + + Start distortion + - Osc %1 volume: - Oszillator %1 Lautstärke: + + End distortion + - Osc %1 panning: - Oszillator %1 Balance: + + Gain + Gain - cents - Cent + + Envelope slope + - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - Der Verzerrungsregler fügt Verzerrung zur Ausgabe des Instruments hinzu. + + Noise + Rauschen - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - Der Lautstärkeregler kontrolliert die Lautstärke des Instruments. Er ist gleich dem Lautstärkeregler des Instrumentenfensters. + + Click + Klick - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - Der Zufallsknopf setzt alle Regler auf zufällige Werte, außer den Harmonien, der Hauptlautstärke und den Verzerrungsreglern. + + Frequency slope + - Osc %1 stereo detuning - Oszillator %1 Stereo Verstimmung + + Start from note + Starte bei Note - Osc %1 harmonic: - Oszillator %1 Harmonie: + + End to note + Ende bei Note - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - Streichzeit + + Start frequency: + Startfrequenz: - Sweep direction - Streichrichtung + + End frequency: + Endfrequenz: - Sweep RtShift amount + + Frequency slope: - Wave Pattern Duty + + Gain: + Gain: + + + + Envelope length: - Channel 1 volume - Kanal 1 Lautstärke + + Envelope slope: + - Volume sweep direction - Lautstärken-Streichrichtung + + Click: + Klick: - Length of each step in sweep - Länge jedes Schritts beim Streichen + + Noise: + Rauschen: - Channel 2 volume - Kanal 2 Lautstärke + + Start distortion: + - Channel 3 volume - Kanal 3 Lautstärke + + End distortion: + + + + LadspaBrowserView - Channel 4 volume - Kanal 4 Lautstärke + + + Available Effects + Verfügbare Effekte - Right Output level - Rechter Ausgabelevel + + + Unavailable Effects + Nicht verfügbare Effekte - Left Output level - Linker Ausgabelevel + + + Instruments + Instrumente - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal 1 zu SO2 (Links) + + + Analysis Tools + Analysewerkzeuge - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal 2 zu SO2 (Links) + + + Don't know + Weiß nicht - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal 3 zu SO2 (Links) + + Type: + Typ: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal 4 zu SO2 (Links) + + Plugins + Plugins - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal 1 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + Description + Beschreibung + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal 2 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + Ports + Ports - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal 3 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + Name + Name - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal 4 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + Rate + Rate - Treble - Höhe + + Direction + Richtung - Bass - Bass + + Type + Typ - Shift Register width - Schieberegister-Breite + + Min < Default < Max + Min < Standard < Max + + + + Logarithmic + Logarithmisch - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - Streichzeit: + + SR Dependent + SR-abhängig - Sweep Time - Streichzeit + + Audio + Audio - Sweep RtShift amount: - + + Control + Steuerung - Sweep RtShift amount - + + Input + Eingang - Wave pattern duty: - + + Output + Ausgang - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Toggled + Umgeschaltet - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Quadratkanal 1 Lautstärke: + + Integer + Ganzahl - Length of each step in sweep: - Länge jedes Schritts beim Streichen: + + Float + Kommazahl - Length of each step in sweep - Länge jedes Schritts beim Streichen + + + Yes + Ja + + + Lb302Synth - Wave pattern duty - + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + VCF-Kennfrequenz - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Quadratkanal 2 Lautstärke: + + VCF Resonance + VCF-Resonanz - Square Channel 2 Volume - Quadratkanal 2 Lautstärke + + VCF Envelope Mod + VCF-Hüllkurvenintensität - Wave Channel Volume: - Wellenkanal Lautstärke: + + VCF Envelope Decay + VCF-Hüllkurvenabfallzeit - Wave Channel Volume - Wellenkanal Lautstärke + + Distortion + Verzerrung - Noise Channel Volume: - Rauschkanal Lautstärke: + + Waveform + Wellenform - Noise Channel Volume - Rauschkanal Lautstärke + + Slide Decay + Slide-Abfallzeit - SO1 Volume (Right): - SO1 Lautstärke (Rechts): + + Slide + Slide - SO1 Volume (Right) - SO1 Lautstärke (Rechts) + + Accent + Betonung - SO2 Volume (Left): - SO2 Lautstärke (Links): + + Dead + Stumpf - SO2 Volume (Left) - SO2 Lautstärke (Links) + + 24dB/oct Filter + 24db/Okt Filter + + + Lb302SynthView - Treble: - Höhe: + + Cutoff Freq: + Kennfrequenz: - Treble - Höhe + + Resonance: + Resonanz: - Bass: - Bass: + + Env Mod: + Hüllkurven-Modulation: - Bass - Bass + + Decay: + Abfallzeit (decay): - Sweep Direction - Streichrichtung + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + - Volume Sweep Direction - Lautstärken-Streichrichtung + + Slide Decay: + Slide-Abfallzeit: - Shift Register Width - Schieberegister-Breite + + DIST: + DIST: - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal1 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + Saw wave + Sägezahnwelle - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal2 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Klick für eine Sägezahnwelle. - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal3 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + Triangle wave + Dreieckwelle - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal4 zu SO1 (Rechts) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Klick für eine Dreieckwelle. - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal1 zu SO2 (Links) + + Square wave + Rechteckwelle - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal2 zu SO2 (Links) + + Click here for a square-wave. + Klick für eine Rechteckwelle. - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal3 zu SO2 (Links) + + Rounded square wave + Abgerundete Rechteckwelle - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal4 zu SO2 (Links) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Klick für eine abgerundete Rechteckwelle. - Wave Pattern - Wellenmuster + + Moog wave + Moog-Welle - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - Die Menge an Erhöhung oder Verminderung in der Frequenz + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Klick für eine Moog-ähnliche Welle. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - Die Rate, mit der Erhöhung oder Verminderung in der Frequenz geschieht + + Sine wave + Sinuswelle - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - Der Tastgrad ist das Verhältnis der Dauter (Zeit), in dem das Signal AN ist, im Gegensatz zur gesamten Periodendauer des Signals. + + Click for a sine-wave. + Klick für eine Sinuswelle. - Square Channel 1 Volume - Quadratkanal 1 Lautstärke + + + White noise wave + Weißes Rauschen - The delay between step change - Die Verzögerung zwischen Schrittänderung + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Klick für eine exponentielle-Welle. - Draw the wave here - Die Welle hier zeichnen + + Click here for white-noise. + Klick für weißes Rauschen. - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - + + Bandlimited saw wave + Bandbegrenzte Sägezahnwelle - Bank selector - + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Klick für eine bandbegrenzte Sägezahnwelle. - Bank - Bank + + Bandlimited square wave + Bandbegrenzte Rechteckwelle - Program selector - Programmwähler + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Klick für eine bandbegrenzte Rechteckwelle. - Patch - Patch + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Bandlimittierte Dreieckwelle - Name - Name + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Klick für eine bandbegrenzte Dreieckwelle. - OK - OK + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Bandbegrenzte Moog-Sägezahnwelle - Cancel - Abbrechen + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Klick für eine bandbegrenzte Moog-Sägezahnwelle. - pluginBrowser + MalletsInstrument - no description - keine Beschreibung + + Hardness + Härte - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Unvollständiger monophonischer TB303-Klon + + Position + Position - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Plugin zur freien Manipulation der Stereoausgabe + + Vibrato gain + - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Plugin zur Kontrolle von Knöpfen mit Hilfe von Klangspitzen + + Vibrato frequency + - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Plugin zur Erweiterung des Stereo-Klangeindrucks + + Stick mix + - List installed LADSPA plugins - Installierte LADSPA-Plugins auflisten + + Modulator + Modulator - GUS-compatible patch instrument - GUS-kompatibles Patch-Instrument + + Crossfade + Crossfade - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Additiver Synthesizer für orgelähnliche Klänge + + LFO speed + LFO-Geschwindigkeit - Tuneful things to bang on - Gegenstände, die nach etwas klingen, wenn man drauf rumkloppt + + LFO depth + - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - VST-Host zum Benutzen von VST(i)-Plugins innerhalb von LMMS + + ADSR + ADSR - Vibrating string modeler - Modellierung schwingender Saiten + + Pressure + Druck - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - Plugin, um beliebige LADSPA-Effekte in LMMS nutzen zu können. + + Motion + Bewegung - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filter, um MIDI-Dateien in LMMS zu importieren + + Speed + Geschwindigkeit - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Emulation des MOS6581 und MOS8580 SID Chips. -Dieser Chip wurde in Commodore 64 Computern genutzt. + + Bowed + Gestrichen - Player for SoundFont files - Wiedergabe von SoundFont-Dateien + + Spread + Weite - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Emulation des GameBoy (TM) APU + + Marimba + Marimba - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Flexibler Wavetable-Synthesizer + + Vibraphone + Vibraphon - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - Eingebettetes ZynAddSubFX-Plugin + + Agogo + Agogo - 2-operator FM Synth - 2-Operator FM-Synth + + Wood 1 + - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Filter zum importieren von Hydrogendateien in LMMS + + Reso + Reso - LMMS port of sfxr - LMMS-Portierung von sfxr + + Wood 2 + - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Monströser 3-Oszillator Synth mit Modulationsmatrix + + Beats + Beats - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - Drei mächtige Oszillatoren, die Sie auf mehrere Weisen modulieren können + + Two fixed + - A native amplifier plugin - Ein natives Verstärker-Plugin + + Clump + Clump - Carla Rack Instrument - Carla Rack Instrument + + Tubular bells + - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - 4-Oszillator modulierbarer Wellenformtabellen Synth + + Uniform bar + - plugin for waveshaping - Plugin für Wellenformen + + Tuned bar + - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Verstärken Sie Ihren Bass auf schnellen und einfachen Wege + + Glass + Glas - Versatile drum synthesizer - Vielseitiger Trommel-Synthesizer + + Tibetan bowl + + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Einfacher Sampler mit verschiedenen Einstellungen zum Benutzen von Samples (z.B. Trommeln) in einer Instrumentenspur + + Instrument + Instrument - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - Ein Plugin, um Dynamik auf Flexible Weise zu verarbeiten + + Spread + Weite - Carla Patchbay Instrument - Carla Patchbay Instrument + + Spread: + Weite: - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - Plugin um beliebige VST-Effekte in LMMS zu benutzen. + + Missing files + Dateien fehlen - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Graphisches Spektrumanalyzer Plugin + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Ihre Stk-Installation scheit unvollständig zu sein. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass das Stk-Paket installiert ist. - A NES-like synthesizer - Ein NES ähnlicher Synthesizer + + Hardness + Härte - A native delay plugin - Ein natives Verzögerung-Plugin + + Hardness: + Härte: - Player for GIG files - + + Position + Position - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + Position: + Position: - A native flanger plugin + + Vibrato gain - An oversampling bitcrusher + + Vibrato gain: - A native eq plugin + + Vibrato frequency - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - Ein 4-Band Crossover Equalizer - - - A Dual filter plugin - Ein doppel Fliter Plugin - - - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + Vibrato frequency: - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + Stick mix - Mathematical expression parser + + Stick mix: - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - Bank + + Modulator + Modulator - Patch - Patch + + Modulator: + Modulator: - Gain - Gain + + Crossfade + Crossfade - Reverb - Hall + + Crossfade: + Crossfade: - Reverb Roomsize - Hall/Raumgröße + + LFO speed + LFO-Geschwindigkeit - Reverb Damping - Hall/Dämpfung + + LFO speed: + LFO-Geschwindigkeit: - Reverb Width - Hall/Weite + + LFO depth + - Reverb Level - Hall/Stärke + + LFO depth: + - Chorus - Chorus + + ADSR + ADSR - Chorus Lines - Chorus/Anzahl + + ADSR: + ADSR: - Chorus Level - Chorus/Stärke + + Pressure + Druck - Chorus Speed - Chorus/Geschwindigkeit + + Pressure: + Druck: - Chorus Depth - Chorus/Tiefe + + Speed + Geschwindigkeit - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - + + Speed: + Geschwindigkeit: - sf2InstrumentView - - Open other SoundFont file - Eine andere SoundFont-Datei öffnen - - - Click here to open another SF2 file - Klicken Sie hier, um eine andere SF2-Datei zu öffnen - - - Choose the patch - Patch wählen - + ManageVSTEffectView - Gain - Gain + + - VST parameter control + - VST Parameter Controller - Apply reverb (if supported) - Hall anwenden (wenn unterstützt) + + VST sync + - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Dieser Knopf aktiviert den Hall-Effekt, welcher jedoch nur mit Dateien funktioniert, die dies unterstützen. + + + Automated + Automatisiert - Reverb Roomsize: - Hall/Raumgröße: + + Close + Schließen + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Reverb Damping: - Hall/Dämpfung: + + + - VST plugin control + - VST Plugin Controller - Reverb Width: - Hall/Weite: + + VST Sync + VST-Sync - Reverb Level: - Reverb/Stärke: + + + Automated + Automatisiert - Apply chorus (if supported) - Chorus-Effekt anwenden (wenn unterstützt) + + Close + Schließen + + + OrganicInstrument - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Dieser Knopf aktiviert den Chorus-Effekt. Das ist nützlich für Echo-Effekte, funktioniert jedoch nur mit Dateien, die dies unterstützen. + + Distortion + Verzerrung - Chorus Lines: - Chorus/Anzahl: + + Volume + Lautstärke + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Chorus Level: - Chorus/Stärke: + + Distortion: + Verzerrung: - Chorus Speed: - Chorus/Geschwindigkeit: + + Volume: + Lautstärke: - Chorus Depth: - Chorus/Tiefe: + + Randomise + Zufallswerte - Open SoundFont file - SoundFont-Datei öffnen + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Oszillator %1 Wellenform: - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - SoundFont2-Dateien (*.sf2) + + Osc %1 volume: + Oszillator %1 Lautstärke: - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form - Wellenform + + Osc %1 panning: + Oszillator %1 Balance: - - - sidInstrument - Cutoff - Kennfrequenz + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Oszillator %1 Stereo Verstimmung - Resonance - Resonanz + + cents + Cent - Filter type - Filtertyp + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Oszillator %1 Harmonie: + + + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off - Stimme 3 lautlos + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - Volume - Lautstärke + + Bank selector + - Chip model - Chipmodell + + Bank + Bank - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - Lautstärke: + + Program selector + Programmwähler - Resonance: - Resonanz: + + Patch + Patch - Cutoff frequency: - Kennfrequenz: + + Name + Name - High-Pass filter - Hochpass-Filter + + OK + OK - Band-Pass filter - Bandpass-Filter + + Cancel + Abbrechen + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter - Tiefpass-Filter + + Bank + Bank - Voice3 Off - Stimme 3 lautlos + + Patch + Patch - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Gain + Gain - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb + Hall - Attack: - Anschwellzeit (attack): + + Reverb room size + - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - Anschwellzeit gibt an, wie schnell die Ausgabe von Stimme %1 von Null zur Spitzenamplitude anschwellt. + + Reverb damping + - Decay: - Abfallzeit (decay): + + Reverb width + - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - Abfallzeit gibt an, wie schnell die Ausgabe von der Spitzenamplitude bis zum ausgewählten Dauerpegel fällt. + + Reverb level + - Sustain: - Dauerpegel (sustain): + + Chorus + Chorus - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - Die Ausgabe von Stimme %1 wird solange bei dem ausgewählten Dauerpegel verbleiben, wie die Note gehalten wird. + + Chorus voices + - Release: - Ausklingzeit (release): + + Chorus level + - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - Die Ausgabe von Stimme %1 wird vom Dauerpegel mit der ausgewählten Ausklingzeit auf Null abfallen. + + Chorus speed + - Pulse Width: - Pulsweite: + + Chorus depth + - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - Die Pulsweitenauflösung ermöglicht es die Weite gleitend, ohne erkennbare Schritte zu ändern. Die Puls-Wellenform von Oszillator %1 muss ausgewählt werden, um eine hörbaren Effekt zu haben. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + Soundfont %1 konnte nicht geladen werden. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - Grob: + + + Open SoundFont file + SoundFont-Datei öffnen - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - Die Grob-Verstimmung ermöglicht es die Stimme %1 um eine Oktave nach oben oder unten zu verstimmen. + + Choose patch + Patch wählen - Pulse Wave - Puls-Signal + + Gain: + Gain: - Triangle Wave - Dreieckwelle + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Hall anwenden (wenn unterstützt) - SawTooth - Sägezahnwelle + + Room size: + - Noise - Rauschen + + Damping: + - Sync - Synchron + + Width: + Weite: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - Sync synchronisiert die Grundfrequenz von Oszillator %1 mit der Grundfrequenz von Oszillator %2, was einen »Hard Sync« Effekt hervorruft. + + + Level: + - Ring-Mod - Ringmodulation + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Chorus-Effekt anwenden (wenn unterstützt) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - Ringmodus ersetzt die Dreieck-Wellenfrom-Ausgabe von Oszillator %1 mit einer ringmodulierten Kombination der Oszillatoren %1 und %2. + + Voices: + - Filtered - Gefiltert + + Speed: + Geschwindigkeit: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Wenn gefilter an ist, wird Stimme %1 durch den Filter verarbeitet. Wenn gefiltert aus ist, wird Stimme %1 direkt an die Ausgabe weitergeleitet und der Filter hat keine Auswirkung darauf. + + Depth: + Genauigkeit: - Test - Test + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Test, wenn aktiviert, wird Oszillator %1 zurückgesetzt und auf Null gesperrt, bis Test ausgeschaltet wird. + + Wave + - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - WEITE + + WIDTH + + Width: Weite: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width Weite - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: Links-nach-links Lautstärke: + Left to Right Vol: Links-nach-rechts Lautstärke: + Right to Left Vol: Rechts-nach-links Lautstärke: + Right to Right Vol: Rechts-nach-rechts Lautstärke: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left Links-nach-links + Left to Right Links-nach-rechts + Right to Left Rechts-nach-links + Right to Right Rechts-nach-rechts - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin Lade Plugin - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Bitte warten, während das VST-Plugin geladen wird… + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume Seite %1 Lautstärke + String %1 stiffness Seite %1 Härte + Pick %1 position Zupf-Position %1 + Pickup %1 position Abnehmer-Position %1 - Pan %1 - Balance %1 + + String %1 panning + - Detune %1 - Verstimmung %1 + + String %1 detune + - Fuzziness %1 - Unschärfe %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - Length %1 - Länge %1 + + String %1 length + + Impulse %1 Impuls %1 - Octave %1 - Oktave %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView + VibedView - Volume: - Lautstärke: - - - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - Der »V«-Regler setzt die Lautstärke der gewählten Saite. + + String volume: + + String stiffness: Härte der Saite: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - Der »S«-Regler setzt die Härte der gewählten Saite. Die Härte der Saite beeinflusst deren Ausklang-Dauer. Je kleiner die Einstellung, desto länger klingt die Saite aus. - - + Pick position: Zupf-Position: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - Der »P«-Regler bestimmt die Position, an der die Saite angezupft wird. Je kleiner die Einstellung, desto näher wird am Steg gezupft. - - + Pickup position: Abnehmer-Position: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - Der »PU«-Regler bestimmt die Position, an der die Schwingungen an der gewählten Saite abgenommen werden. Je kleiner die Einstellung, desto näher ist der Abnehmer am Steg. - - - Pan: - Balance: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - Der Balance-Regler bestimmt den Ort der gewählten Saite im Stereo-Raum. - - - Detune: - Verstimmung: - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - Der Verstimmungs-Regler verändert die Tonhöhe der gewählten Saite. Einstellungen kleiner als 0 lassen die Saite flacher klingen, während Werte über 0 zu einem eher scharfen Klang führen. - - - Fuzziness: - Unschärfe: - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - Der Unschärfe-Regler fügt dem Klang der Saite etwas »Fuzz« hinzu, welcher hauptsächlich während des Anschlages zum Tragen kommt, wenngleich er auch genutzt werden kann, um den Klang etwas metallischer zu gestalten. + + String panning: + - Length: - Länge: + + String detune: + - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - Der Länge-Regler bestimmt die Länge der gewählten Saite. Längere Saiten klingen länger und klingen heller, wobei sie gleichzeitig auch mehr CPU-Leistung fressen. + + String fuzziness: + - Impulse or initial state - Impuls oder Grundstellung + + String length: + - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - Mit dem »Imp«-Knopf legen Sie fest, ob die Wellenform in diesem Graph als Impuls zum Anzupfen der Saite oder als Grundstellung für die Saite genutzt werden soll. + + Impulse + Impuls + Octave - Oktave - - - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - Mit dem Oktaven-Wähler kann der Oktavenversatz gegenüber der Note verändert werden. So meint beispielsweise eine Einstellung von »-2«, dass die Saite zwei Oktaven unterhalb des Grundtons (»F«) schwingen wird und »6« dementsprechend 6 Oktaven über dem Grundton. + Okatve + Impulse Editor Impuls-Editor - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - Der Wellenform-Editor ermöglicht die Kontrolle über die Grundstellung oder den Impuls, der genutzt wird, um die Saite zum Schwingen zu bringen. Die Knöpfe rechts des Graphes initialisieren die Wellenform mit dem gewünschten Typ. Der »?«-Knopf lässt Sie eine Wellenform aus einer Datei laden - allerdings werden nur die ersten 128 Samples geladen. - -Die Wellenform kann ebenfalls in dem Graph gezeichnet werden. - -Der »S«-Knopf glättet die Wellenform. - -Der »N«-Knopf normalisiert die Wellenform. - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Vibed modelliert bis zu 9 unabhängige schwingende Saiten. Der Saiten-Wähler ermöglicht die Wahl der gerade aktiven Saite. Der »Imp«-Knopf bestimmt, ob der Graph einen Impuls oder die Grundstellung der Saite repräsentiert. Der Oktaven-Wähler gibt den Oktavenversatz der Saite gegenüber dem Grundton an. - -Der Graph ermöglicht die Kontrolle über die Grundstellung der Saite oder den Impuls, der zum Anzupfen der Saite genutzt wird. - -Der »V«-Regler bestimmt die Lautstärke. Mit dem »S«-Regler wird die Härte der Saite eingestellt. Der »P«-Regler beeinflusst den Ort, an dem die Saite angezupft wird, während der »PU«-Regler die Position des Abnehmers bestimmt. - -»Balance« und »Verstimmung« bedürfen hoffentlich keiner Erklärung. Der Unschärfe-Regler fügt dem Klang der Saite etwas »Fuzz« hinzu. - -Der Länge-Regler bestimmt die Länge der Saite. - -Die LED rechts unterhalb der Wellenform gibt an, ob die Saite aktiviert ist. - - + Enable waveform Wellenform aktivieren - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Hier klicken, um die Wellenform zu aktivieren/deaktiveren. + + Enable/disable string + + String Saite - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - Der Saiten-Wähler bestimmt die derzeit bearbeitete Saite. Ein Vibed-Instrument kann aus bis zu neun voneinander unabhängig schwingenden Saiten bestehen. Die LED in der Ecke rechts unterhalb der Wellenform gibt an, ob die gewählte Saite aktiv ist. - - + + Sine wave Sinuswelle + + Triangle wave Dreieckwelle + + Saw wave Sägezahnwelle + + Square wave Rechteckwelle - White noise wave + + + White noise Weißes Rauschen - User defined wave + + + User-defined wave Benutzerdefinierte Welle - Smooth - Glätten - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Klicken Sie hier, um die Wellenform zu glätten. - - - Normalize - Normalisieren - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Hier klicken, um die Wellenform zu normalisieren. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Sinuswelle für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Dreieckwelle für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Sägezahnwelle für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. - - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Rechteckwelle für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. - - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Weißes Rauschen für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. + + + Smooth waveform + Wellenform glätten - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Benutzerdefinierte Wellenform für aktuellen Oszillator nutzen. + + + Normalize waveform + Wellenform normalisieren - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width Stimme %1 Pulsweite + Voice %1 attack Stimme %1 Anschwellzeit + Voice %1 decay Stimme %1 Abfallzeit + Voice %1 sustain Stimme %1 Haltepegel + Voice %1 release Stimme %1 Release + Voice %1 coarse detuning Stimme %1 Grob-Verstimmung + Voice %1 wave shape Stimme %1 Wellenform + Voice %1 sync Stimme %1 Sync + Voice %1 ring modulate Stimme %1 Ringmodulation + Voice %1 filtered Stimme %1 gefiltert + Voice %1 test Stimme %1 Test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT INPUT + Input gain: Eingangsverstärkung: + OUTPUT OUTPUT + Output gain: Ausgabeverstärkung: - Reset waveform - Wellenform zurücksetzen - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Klicken Sie hier, um den Wellengraph zum Standard zurückzusetzen - - - Smooth waveform - Wellenform glätten - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Klicken Sie hier, um den Wellengraph zu glätten - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - Die Amplitude des Wellengraphs um 1dB erhöhen + + + Reset wavegraph + - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klicken Sie hier, um die Amplitude des Wellengraphs um 1dB zu erhöhen + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - Die Amplitude des Wellengraphs um 1dB vermindern + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Erhöhe wavegraph Amplitude um 1 dB - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klicken Sie hier, um die Amplitude des Wellengraphs um 1dB zu vermindern + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Verringere wavegraph Amplitude um 1 dB + Clip input Eingang begrenzen - Clip input signal to 0dB - Eingangssignal auf 0dB begrenzen + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + Schneide das Eingangssignal bei 0 dB ab - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain Eingangsverstärkung + Output gain Ausgabeverstärkung diff --git a/data/locale/el.ts b/data/locale/el.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..320a6657f61 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/el.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16326 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + Σχετικά με το LMMS + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Έκδοση %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + About + Σχετικά + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - εύκολη μουσική παραγωγή για όλους + + + + Copyright © %1. + Πνευματική ιδιοκτησία © %1. + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + Authors + + + + + Involved + + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + + + + + Translation + Μετάφραση + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + + + License + Άδεια + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Volume: + Ενταση: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Panning: + + + + + LEFT + ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΑ + + + + Left gain: + Αριστερή απολαβή: + + + + RIGHT + ΔΕΞΙΑ + + + + Right gain: + Δεξιά απολαβή: + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + Panning + + + + + Left gain + + + + + Right gain + + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + ΣΥΣΚΕΥΗ + + + + CHANNELS + ΚΑΝΑΛΙΑ + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Disable loop + + + + + Enable loop + + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + + + + + Amplify: + Ενίσχυση: + + + + Start point: + Αρχικό σημείο: + + + + End point: + Τελικό σημείο: + + + + Loopback point: + + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + + + + + JACK server down + + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + + + + + Client name + + + + + Channels + Κανάλια + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + Συσκευή + + + + Channels + Κανάλια + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + Συσκευή + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + Συσκευή + + + + Channels + Κανάλια + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + Συσκευή + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + Συσκευή + + + + Channels + Κανάλια + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + Συσκευή + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value + + + + + Edit song-global automation + + + + + Remove song-global automation + + + + + Remove all linked controls + + + + + Connected to %1 + + + + + Connected to controller + + + + + Edit connection... + + + + + Remove connection + + + + + Connect to controller... + + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + + Flip vertically + Περιστρέψτε κάθετα + + + + Flip horizontally + Περιστρέψτε οριζόντια + + + + Interpolation controls + + + + + Discrete progression + + + + + Linear progression + + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + + + + + Tension value for spline + + + + + Tension: + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization controls + + + + + Quantization + + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + + + + + Clear + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + Αλλαξε όνομα + + + + Set/clear record + + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + + + + %1 Connections + + + + + Disconnect "%1" + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Beat selector + + + + + Track and step actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + Αλλαξε όνομα + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + + Clone of %1 + + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + + + + + Frequency: + Συχνότητα: + + + + GAIN + ΑΠΟΛΑΒΗ + + + + Gain: + Απολαβή: + + + + RATIO + ΑΝΑΛΟΓΙΑ + + + + Ratio: + Αναλογία: + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + Συχνότητα + + + + Gain + Απολαβή + + + + Ratio + Αναλογία + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + + + + + OUT + + + + + + GAIN + ΑΠΟΛΑΒΗ + + + + Input gain: + + + + + NOISE + ΘΟΡΥΒΟΣ + + + + Input noise: + + + + + Output gain: + Απολαβή εξόδου: + + + + CLIP + + + + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Sample rate: + Ρυθμός δειγματοληψίας: + + + + STEREO + ΣΤΕΡΕΟΦΩΝΙΚΑ + + + + Stereo difference: + + + + + QUANT + + + + + Levels: + + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Input noise + + + + + Output gain + Απολαβή εξόδου + + + + Output clip + + + + + Sample rate + + + + + Stereo difference + + + + + Levels + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + + + + + About + Σχετικά + + + + About text here + + + + + Extended licensing here + + + + + Artwork + + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + + + + + Features + + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + + + + + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + VST2: + + + + + DSSI: + + + + + LV2: + + + + + VST3: + + + + + OSC + + + + + Host URLs: + + + + + Valid commands: + + + + + valid osc commands here + + + + + Example: + + + + + License + Άδεια + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + + + + + Plugin Version + + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + + (Engine not running) + + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + + Using Juce host + + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + + + + + Rack + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Logs + + + + + Loading... + + + + + Buffer Size: + + + + + Sample Rate: + + + + + ? Xruns + + + + + DSP Load: %p% + + + + + &File + &Αρχείο + + + + &Engine + + + + + &Plugin + + + + + Macros (all plugins) + + + + + &Canvas + + + + + Zoom + + + + + &Settings + + + + + &Help + &βοήθεια + + + + toolBar + + + + + Disk + + + + + + Home + + + + + Transport + + + + + Playback Controls + + + + + Time Information + + + + + Frame: + + + + + 000'000'000 + + + + + Time: + + + + + 00:00:00 + + + + + BBT: + + + + + 000|00|0000 + + + + + Settings + Ρυθμίσεις + + + + BPM + + + + + Use JACK Transport + + + + + Use Ableton Link + + + + + &New + &Νέο + + + + Ctrl+N + + + + + &Open... + &Άνοιγμα... + + + + + Open... + + + + + Ctrl+O + + + + + &Save + + + + + Ctrl+S + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + + Save As... + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + + &Quit + + + + + Ctrl+Q + + + + + &Start + + + + + F5 + + + + + St&op + + + + + F6 + + + + + &Add Plugin... + + + + + Ctrl+A + + + + + &Remove All + + + + + Enable + + + + + Disable + + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + + + + + 100% Wet + + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + + + + + 100% Volume + + + + + Center Balance + + + + + &Play + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + + + + + &Stop + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + + &Backwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + + &Forwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + + &Arrange + + + + + Ctrl+G + + + + + + &Refresh + + + + + Ctrl+R + + + + + Save &Image... + + + + + Auto-Fit + + + + + Zoom In + + + + + Ctrl++ + + + + + Zoom Out + + + + + Ctrl+- + + + + + Zoom 100% + + + + + Ctrl+1 + + + + + Show &Toolbar + + + + + &Configure Carla + + + + + &About + + + + + About &JUCE + + + + + About &Qt + + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + + + + + Show Internal + + + + + Show External + + + + + Show Time Panel + + + + + Show &Side Panel + + + + + &Connect... + + + + + Compact Slots + + + + + Expand Slots + + + + + Perform secret 1 + + + + + Perform secret 2 + + + + + Perform secret 3 + + + + + Perform secret 4 + + + + + Perform secret 5 + + + + + Add &JACK Application... + + + + + &Configure driver... + + + + + Panic + + + + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Failed to load project + + + + + Failed to save project + + + + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + + + + + Warning + + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + Ρυθμίσεις + + + + main + + + + + canvas + + + + + engine + + + + + osc + + + + + file-paths + + + + + plugin-paths + + + + + wine + + + + + experimental + + + + + Widget + + + + + + Main + + + + + + Canvas + + + + + + Engine + + + + + File Paths + + + + + Plugin Paths + + + + + Wine + + + + + + Experimental + + + + + <b>Main</b> + + + + + Paths + + + + + Default project folder: + + + + + Interface + + + + + Interface refresh interval: + + + + + + ms + + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + + + + + + Theme + + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + + + + + Color scheme: + + + + + Black + + + + + System + + + + + Enable experimental features + + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + + + + + Bezier Lines + + + + + Theme: + + + + + Size: + + + + + 775x600 + + + + + 1550x1200 + + + + + 3100x2400 + + + + + 4650x3600 + + + + + 6200x4800 + + + + + Options + + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + + + + + Auto-select items on hover + + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + + + + + Render Hints + + + + + Anti-Aliasing + + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + + + + + <b>Engine</b> + + + + + + Core + + + + + Single Client + + + + + Multiple Clients + + + + + + Continuous Rack + + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Audio driver: + + + + + Process mode: + + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + + + + + Max Parameters: + + + + + ... + + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + + + + + Plugin UIs + + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + <b>OSC</b> + + + + + Enable OSC + + + + + Enable TCP port + + + + + + Use specific port: + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + + + + + Enable UDP port + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + + + + + Audio + Ήχος + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + + + + + + Add... + + + + + + Remove + + + + + + Change... + + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + + + + + <b>Wine</b> + + + + + Executable + + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + + + + + Prefix + + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + + + + + Fallback: + + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + + + + + Realtime Priority + + + + + Base priority: + + + + + WineServer priority: + + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + + + + + Enable plugin bridges + + + + + Enable Wine bridges + + + + + Enable jack applications + + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + + + + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + + + + + Ratio: + Αναλογία: + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + + + + + Attack: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + + + + + Release: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + + + + + Knee: + + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + + + + + Range: + + + + + Maximum gain reduction + + + + + Lookahead Length: + + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + + + + + Hold: + + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + + + + + RMS Size: + + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + + + + + Input Balance: + + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Output Balance: + + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Balance: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + + + + + Tilt Gain: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + + + + + Tilt Frequency: + + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + + + + + Mix: + + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + + + + + Auto Attack: + + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + + + + + Auto Release: + + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + + + + + Output gain + Απολαβή εξόδου + + + + + Gain + Απολαβή + + + + Output volume + + + + + Input gain + + + + + Input volume + + + + + Root Mean Square + + + + + Use RMS of the input + + + + + Peak + + + + + Use absolute value of the input + + + + + Left/Right + + + + + Compress left and right audio + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Compress mid and side audio + + + + + Compressor + + + + + Compress the audio + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + + + + + Unlinked + + + + + Compress each channel separately + + + + + Maximum + + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + + + + + Average + + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + + + + + Minimum + + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + + + + + Blend + + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + + + + + + Soft Clip + + + + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + + + + + Ratio + Αναλογία + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Knee + + + + + Hold + + + + + Range + + + + + RMS Size + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + Απολαβή Εξόδου + + + + Input Gain + + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + Ανάδραση + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + Μείξη + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Input controller + + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + Προσθήκη + + + + Confirm Delete + + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + + + + + Rename controller + + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + + + + + LFO + LFO + + + + &Remove this controller + + + + + Re&name this controller + + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + + + + + Band 1 gain: + + + + + Band 2 gain + + + + + Band 2 gain: + + + + + Band 3 gain + + + + + Band 3 gain: + + + + + Band 4 gain + + + + + Band 4 gain: + + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + Feedback + Ανάδραση + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + Απολαβή εξόδου + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + Απολαβή + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + Τίποτα + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + Ρυθμός δειγματοληψίας: + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + + + + + + GAIN + ΑΠΟΛΑΒΗ + + + + + Gain + Απολαβή + + + + MIX + ΜΕΙΞΗ + + + + Mix + Μείξη + + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + Απολαβή 1 + + + + Mix + Μείξη + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + Απολαβή 2 + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + + + + + Record + Ηχογράφηση + + + + Record while playing + + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + + + + + + Name + Ονομα + + + + Type + + + + + Description + + + + + Author + + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + Συχνότητα: + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: + + + + Hint + Ιχνος + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + Απολαβή εξόδου + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + + + + + + + Gain + Απολαβή + + + + Output gain + Απολαβή εξόδου + + + + Bandwidth: + Εύρος ζώνης: + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + Συχνότητα: + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + Μορφή αρχείου: + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + Λειτουργία καναλιού: + + + + Mono + Μονοφωνικό + + + + Stereo + Στερεοφωνικά + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + Ρυθμός μετάδοσης: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (Τίποτα) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + Δευτερόλεπτα + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + Θόρυβος + + + + Invert + Αντιστροφή + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + ΘΟΡΥΒΟΣ + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + Αντιστροφή + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + Πρίμα + + + + Bass + Μπάσα + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + Πρίμα: + + + + Treble + Πρίμα + + + + Bass: + Μπάσα: + + + + Bass + Μπάσα + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + Mute + Σίγαση + + + + Solo + Σόλο + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + Σίγαση + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + Σόλο + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + Απολαβή + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + Απολαβή: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + Πάνω + + + + Down + Κάτω + + + + Up and down + Πάνω και κάτω + + + + Down and up + Κάτω και πάνω + + + + Random + Τυχαίος + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + ΠΕΡΙΟΧΗ + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + ms + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + Συγχορδία: + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + Συγχορδία: + + + + RANGE + ΠΕΡΙΟΧΗ + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + ΕΝΤΑΣΗ + + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + Panning + + + + + Pitch + Τονικό ύψος + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + Volume: + Ενταση: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + + + + + Output + Έξοδος + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + Volume: + Ενταση: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + Τονικό ύψος + + + + Pitch: + Τονικό ύψος: + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + ΤΟΝΙΚΟ ΥΨΟΣ + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + ΕΥΡΟΣ + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗ + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + Εφέ + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + Plug-in + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + Προηγούμενος + + + + + + Next + Επόμενο + + + + Previous (%1) + Προηγούμενος (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Επόμενο (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + Τετραγωνικό κύμα + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + Λευκός θόρυβος + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + + + Version %1 + + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + + + + + My Projects + + + + + My Samples + + + + + My Presets + + + + + My Home + + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + + + + + My Computer + + + + + &File + &Αρχείο + + + + &New + &Νέο + + + + &Open... + &Άνοιγμα... + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + Save as New &Version + + + + + Save as default template + + + + + Import... + Εισαγωγή... + + + + E&xport... + + + + + E&xport Tracks... + + + + + Export &MIDI... + Εξαγωγή &MIDI + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Edit + + + + + Undo + Αναίρεση + + + + Redo + Ακύρωση αναίρεσης + + + + Settings + Ρυθμίσεις + + + + &View + &Προβολή + + + + &Tools + + + + + &Help + &βοήθεια + + + + Online Help + + + + + Help + βοήθεια + + + + About + Σχετικά + + + + Create new project + + + + + Create new project from template + + + + + Open existing project + + + + + Recently opened projects + + + + + Save current project + + + + + Export current project + + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + + Piano Roll + + + + + + Automation Editor + + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + + + + + Untitled + Χωρίς τίτλο + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Open Project + + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Αποθήκευση Εργου + + + + LMMS Project + + + + + LMMS Project Template + + + + + Save project template + + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + + + + + + untitled + χωρίς τίτλο + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + Αποθήκευση έργου + + + + Project saved + + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + + + + + Project NOT saved. + + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + + + + + Import file + + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + + + + + All file types + + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + Track + Κομμάτι + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + &Αρχείο + + + + &Edit + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + + + + + Output channel + + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events + + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + Συσκευή + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + Λευκός θόρυβος + + + + Digital Triangle wave + + + + + Digital Saw wave + + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Ramp wave + + + + + Square wave + Τετραγωνικό κύμα + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + Τυχαίος + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + + + Panning + + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + ημιτόνια + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + + + + + + Rate + + + + + + Phase + + + + + + Pre-delay + Προκαθυστέρηση + + + + + Hold + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Sustain + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + + + + + Enable channel 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + + + + + Noise Frequency + + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + + + + + + Osc %1 panning + + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + Modulation type %1 + + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + Ονομα + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Tune + + + + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + + + + + Open patch file + + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + Αλλαξε όνομα + + + + Add steps + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + + + + + Peak Controller Bug + + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + + + + + LFO Controller + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + MULT + + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + + + + + Attack: + + + + + DCAY + + + + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Treshold + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + + + + + Note Panning + + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + + + + + Effects + Εφέ + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + Ονομα + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + Ρυθμίσεις + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + &Αναίρεση + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + &Ακύρωση αναίρεσης + + + + %1+Y + + + + + &Copy + &Αντιγραφή + + + + %1+C + + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + + + + + &Paste + &Επικόλληση + + + + %1+V + + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + &Αριστερά + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + &Δεξιά + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + &Χρώμα... + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + Help + βοήθεια + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + Ονομα: + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + + + + + + + Copyright: + Πνευματική ιδιοκτησία: + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + Ναί + + + + + + + + + No + Οχι + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + Αρχείο: %1 + + + + File: + Αρχείο: + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + Χρώμα + + + + Color: + Χρώμα: + + + + Output + Έξοδος + + + + Output gain: + Απολαβή εξόδου: + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Size + + + + + Color + Χρώμα + + + + Output gain + Απολαβή εξόδου + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + Στερεοφωνικά + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + Μπάσα + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + Στερεοφωνικά + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Αποκοπή + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + Αντιγραφή + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Επικόλληση + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + Panning + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + Ενταση: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + Ρυθμίσεις + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + Ήχος + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + λεπτά + + + + minute + λεπτό + + + + Disabled + Απενεργοποιημένο + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Ενταση: + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Noise + Θόρυβος + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + έργο + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + Ιχνος + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + Ιχνος + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + Σίγαση + + + + Solo + Σόλο + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + + + + + + Please wait... + Παρακαλώ περιμένετε... + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + Σίγαση + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + Ιχνος + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Αποκοπή + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + Αντιγραφή + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Επικόλληση + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + Επικόλληση + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + Σίγαση + + + + + Solo + Σόλο + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + Αλλαξε χρώμα + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + ημιτόνια + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + Τετραγωνικό κύμα + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + Λευκός θόρυβος + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + Προκαθορισμένο + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + : προεπιλογή + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + .fxp + + + + .FXP + .FXP + + + + .FXB + .FXB + + + + .fxb + .fxb + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + Ενταση A1 + + + + Volume A2 + Ενταση A2 + + + + Volume B1 + Ενταση B1 + + + + Volume B2 + Ενταση B2 + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + + + + Panning + + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + Κανονικοποίηση + + + + + Invert + Αντιστροφή + + + + + Smooth + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + Τετραγωνικό κύμα + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + + + + + A1 + + + + + A2 + + + + + A3 + + + + + W1 smoothing + + + + + W2 smoothing + + + + + W3 smoothing + + + + + Panning 1 + + + + + Panning 2 + + + + + Rel trans + + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Select oscillator W1 + + + + + Select oscillator W2 + + + + + Select oscillator W3 + + + + + Select output O1 + + + + + Select output O2 + + + + + Open help window + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Moog-saw wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Square wave + Τετραγωνικό κύμα + + + + + White noise + Λευκός θόρυβος + + + + WaveInterpolate + + + + + ExpressionValid + + + + + General purpose 1: + + + + + General purpose 2: + + + + + General purpose 3: + + + + + O1 panning: + + + + + O2 panning: + + + + + Release transition: + + + + + Smoothness + + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + + + + + Filter frequency + + + + + Filter resonance + + + + + Bandwidth + Εύρος ζώνης + + + + FM gain + + + + + Resonance center frequency + + + + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + + + + + PORT + + + + + Filter frequency: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Filter resonance: + + + + + RES + + + + + Bandwidth: + Εύρος ζώνης: + + + + BW + + + + + FM gain: + + + + + FM GAIN + + + + + Resonance center frequency: + + + + + RES CF + + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + + + + + RES BW + + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + Ενίσχυση + + + + Start of sample + + + + + End of sample + + + + + Loopback point + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Stutter + + + + + Interpolation mode + + + + + None + Τίποτα + + + + Linear + Γραμμικό + + + + Sinc + + + + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + Τετραγωνικό κύμα + + + + + White noise + Λευκός θόρυβος + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + Interpolation + + + + + Normalize + Κανονικοποίηση + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + ΕΞΟΔΟΣ + + + + Output gain: + Απολαβή εξόδου: + + + + ATTACK + + + + + Peak attack time: + + + + + RELEASE + + + + + Peak release time: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: average + + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + Απολαβή εξόδου + + + + Attack time + Διάρκεια εισαγωγής + + + + Release time + Διάρκεια αποδέσμευσης + + + + Stereo mode + + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + + + + + End frequency + + + + + Length + + + + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + + Gain + Απολαβή + + + + Envelope slope + + + + + Noise + Θόρυβος + + + + Click + + + + + Frequency slope + + + + + Start from note + + + + + End to note + + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + + + + + End frequency: + + + + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + Απολαβή: + + + + Envelope length: + + + + + Envelope slope: + + + + + Click: + + + + + Noise: + Θόρυβος: + + + + Start distortion: + + + + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + + + + + + Unavailable Effects + + + + + + Instruments + + + + + + Analysis Tools + + + + + + Don't know + + + + + Type: + + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + + + + + Description + + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + + + + Name + Ονομα + + + + Rate + + + + + Direction + + + + + Type + + + + + Min < Default < Max + + + + + Logarithmic + Λογαριθμικό + + + + SR Dependent + + + + + Audio + Ήχος + + + + Control + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + Έξοδος + + + + Toggled + + + + + Integer + + + + + Float + + + + + + Yes + Ναί + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + VCF Resonance + + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + Distortion + Παραμόρφωση + + + + Waveform + Κυματομορφή + + + + Slide Decay + + + + + Slide + + + + + Accent + + + + + Dead + + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + Env Mod: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + + + Slide Decay: + + + + + DIST: + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + + + + + Square wave + Τετραγωνικό κύμα + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + + + + + Rounded square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + + + + Moog wave + + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + + + + + + White noise wave + + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + + + + + Click here for white-noise. + + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + + + + Bandlimited square wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + + + + + Position + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + ADSR + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Motion + + + + + Speed + + + + + Bowed + + + + + Spread + + + + + Marimba + + + + + Vibraphone + + + + + Agogo + + + + + Wood 1 + + + + + Reso + + + + + Wood 2 + + + + + Beats + + + + + Two fixed + + + + + Clump + + + + + Tubular bells + + + + + Uniform bar + + + + + Tuned bar + + + + + Glass + + + + + Tibetan bowl + + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + + + + + Spread + + + + + Spread: + + + + + Missing files + + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + + + + Hardness + + + + + Hardness: + + + + + Position + + + + + Position: + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato gain: + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Vibrato frequency: + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Stick mix: + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Modulator: + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + Crossfade: + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO speed: + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + + + + + ADSR: + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Pressure: + + + + + Speed + + + + + Speed: + + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + + + + + VST sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VST Sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + Παραμόρφωση + + + + Volume + Ενταση + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + Παραμόρφωση: + + + + Volume: + Ενταση: + + + + Randomise + + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + Ονομα + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + Απολαβή + + + + Reverb + Αντήχηση + + + + Reverb room size + + + + + Reverb damping + + + + + Reverb width + + + + + Reverb level + + + + + Chorus + + + + + Chorus voices + + + + + Chorus level + + + + + Chorus speed + + + + + Chorus depth + + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + Απολαβή: + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + + + + + Room size: + + + + + Damping: + + + + + Width: + + + + + + Level: + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + + + + + Voices: + + + + + Speed: + + + + + Depth: + Βάθος: + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + + + + + Width: + + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + + + + + Left to Right Vol: + + + + + Right to Left Vol: + + + + + Right to Right Vol: + + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + + + + + Left to Right + + + + + Right to Left + + + + + Right to Right + + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + + + + + String %1 stiffness + + + + + Pick %1 position + + + + + Pickup %1 position + + + + + String %1 panning + + + + + String %1 detune + + + + + String %1 fuzziness + + + + + String %1 length + + + + + Impulse %1 + + + + + String %1 + + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + + + String stiffness: + + + + + Pick position: + + + + + Pickup position: + + + + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + + Octave + + + + + Impulse Editor + + + + + Enable waveform + + + + + Enable/disable string + + + + + String + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + Τετραγωνικό κύμα + + + + + White noise + Λευκός θόρυβος + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + + Normalize waveform + + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + + + + + Voice %1 attack + + + + + Voice %1 decay + + + + + Voice %1 sustain + + + + + Voice %1 release + + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + + + + + Voice %1 sync + + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + + + + + Voice %1 filtered + + + + + Voice %1 test + + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + ΕΞΟΔΟΣ + + + + Output gain: + Απολαβή εξόδου: + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Clip input + + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + Απολαβή εξόδου + + + diff --git a/data/locale/en.ts b/data/locale/en.ts index f20bfaac27c..e52ae39ab7e 100644 --- a/data/locale/en.ts +++ b/data/locale/en.ts @@ -4,68 +4,68 @@ AboutDialog - + About LMMS - + LMMS - + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - + About - + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. - + Copyright © %1. - + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - + Authors - + Involved - + Contributors ordered by number of commits: - + Translation - + Current language not translated (or native English). If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - + License @@ -152,52 +152,52 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioFileProcessorView - + Open sample - + Reverse sample - + Disable loop - + Enable loop - + Enable ping-pong loop - + Continue sample playback across notes - + Amplify: - + Start point: - + End point: - + Loopback point: @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioFileProcessorWaveView - + Sample length: @@ -213,33 +213,33 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioJack - + JACK client restarted - + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. - + JACK server down - + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. - - CLIENT-NAME + + Client name - - CHANNELS + + Channels @@ -247,12 +247,12 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioOss - DEVICE + Device - CHANNELS + Channels @@ -260,12 +260,12 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND + Backend - DEVICE + Device @@ -273,20 +273,20 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE + Device - CHANNELS + Channels AudioSdl::setupWidget - - DEVICE + + Device @@ -294,87 +294,87 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioSndio - DEVICE + Device - CHANNELS + Channels AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - - BACKEND + + Backend - - DEVICE + + Device AutomatableModel - + &Reset (%1%2) - + &Copy value (%1%2) - + &Paste value (%1%2) - + &Paste value - + Edit song-global automation - + Remove song-global automation - + Remove all linked controls - + Connected to %1 - + Connected to controller - + Edit connection... - + Remove connection - + Connect to controller... @@ -382,310 +382,300 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AutomationEditor - - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! + + Edit Value - - Values copied + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue - - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! AutomationEditorWindow - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) - + Edit actions - + Draw mode (Shift+D) - + Erase mode (Shift+E) - + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically - + Flip horizontally - + Interpolation controls - + Discrete progression - + Linear progression - + Cubic Hermite progression - + Tension value for spline - + Tension: - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - - - - + Zoom controls - + Horizontal zooming - + Vertical zooming - + Quantization controls - + Quantization - - - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip - - + + Automation Editor - %1 - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip - + Drag a control while pressing <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView - + Open in Automation editor - + Clear - + Reset name - + Change name - + Set/clear record - + Flip Vertically (Visible) - + Flip Horizontally (Visible) - + %1 Connections - + Disconnect "%1" - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. AutomationTrack - + Automation track - BBEditor + PatternEditor - + Beat+Bassline Editor - + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) - + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) - + Beat selector - + Track and step actions - + Add beat/bassline - + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + Add sample-track - + Add automation-track - + Remove steps - + Add steps - + Clone Steps - BBTCOView + PatternClipView - + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor - + Reset name - + Change name - - - Change color - - - - - Reset color to default - - - BBTrack + PatternTrack - + Beat/Bassline %1 - + Clone of %1 @@ -790,52 +780,52 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - + Rate enabled - + Enable sample-rate crushing - + Depth enabled - + Enable bit-depth crushing - + FREQ - + Sample rate: - + STEREO - + Stereo difference: - + QUANT - + Levels: @@ -889,1897 +879,4339 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - CarlaInstrumentView + CarlaAboutW - - Show GUI + + About Carla - - - Controller - - Controller %1 + + About - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - - Connection Settings + + About text here - - MIDI CONTROLLER + + Extended licensing here - - Input channel + + Artwork - - CHANNEL + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. - - Input controller + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. - - CONTROLLER + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. - - - Auto Detect + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! - - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. - - USER CONTROLLER + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. - - MAPPING FUNCTION + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. - - OK + + Features - - Cancel + + AU/AudioUnit: - - LMMS + + LADSPA: - - Cycle Detected. + + + + + + + + + TextLabel - - - ControllerRackView - - Controller Rack + + VST2: - - Add + + DSSI: - - Confirm Delete + + LV2: - - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + VST3: - - - ControllerView - - Controls + + OSC - - Rename controller + + Host URLs: - - Enter the new name for this controller + + Valid commands: - - LFO + + valid osc commands here - - &Remove this controller + + Example: - - Re&name this controller + + License - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - - Band 1/2 crossover: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - - Band 2/3 crossover: + + OSC Bridge Version - - Band 3/4 crossover: + + Plugin Version - - Band 1 gain + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - - Band 1 gain: + + + (Engine not running) - - Band 2 gain + + Everything! (Including LRDF) - - Band 2 gain: + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) - - Band 3 gain + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - - Band 3 gain: + + + + Using Juce host - - Band 4 gain + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + CarlaHostW - - Band 4 gain: + + MainWindow - - Band 1 mute + + Rack - - Mute band 1 + + Patchbay - - Band 2 mute + + Logs - - Mute band 2 + + Loading... - - Band 3 mute + + Buffer Size: - - Mute band 3 + + Sample Rate: - - Band 4 mute + + ? Xruns - - Mute band 4 + + DSP Load: %p% - - - DelayControls - - Delay samples + + &File - - Feedback + + &Engine - - LFO frequency + + &Plugin - - LFO amount + + Macros (all plugins) - - Output gain + + &Canvas - - - DelayControlsDialog - - DELAY + + Zoom - - Delay time + + &Settings - - FDBK + + &Help - - Feedback amount + + toolBar - - RATE + + Disk - - LFO frequency + + + Home - - AMNT + + Transport - - LFO amount + + Playback Controls - - Out gain + + Time Information - - Gain + + Frame: - - - DualFilterControlDialog - - - FREQ + + 000'000'000 - - - Cutoff frequency + + Time: - - - RESO + + 00:00:00 - - - Resonance + + BBT: - - - GAIN + + 000|00|0000 - - - Gain + + Settings - - MIX + + BPM - - Mix + + Use JACK Transport - - Filter 1 enabled + + Use Ableton Link - - Filter 2 enabled + + &New - - Enable/disable filter 1 + + Ctrl+N - - Enable/disable filter 2 + + &Open... - - - DualFilterControls - - Filter 1 enabled + + + Open... - - Filter 1 type + + Ctrl+O - - Cutoff frequency 1 + + &Save - - Q/Resonance 1 + + Ctrl+S - - Gain 1 + + Save &As... - - Mix + + + Save As... - - Filter 2 enabled + + Ctrl+Shift+S - - Filter 2 type + + &Quit - - Cutoff frequency 2 + + Ctrl+Q - - Q/Resonance 2 + + &Start - - Gain 2 + + F5 - - - Low-pass + + St&op - - - Hi-pass + + F6 - - - Band-pass csg + + &Add Plugin... - - - Band-pass czpg + + Ctrl+A - - - Notch + + &Remove All - - - All-pass + + Enable - - - Moog + + Disable - - - 2x Low-pass + + 0% Wet (Bypass) - - - RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + 100% Wet - - - RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + 0% Volume (Mute) - - - RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + 100% Volume - - - RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + Center Balance - - - RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + &Play - - - RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + Ctrl+Shift+P - - - Vocal Formant + + &Stop - - - 2x Moog + + Ctrl+Shift+X - - - SV Low-pass + + &Backwards - - - SV Band-pass + + Ctrl+Shift+B - - - SV High-pass + + &Forwards - - - SV Notch + + Ctrl+Shift+F - - - Fast Formant + + &Arrange - - - Tripole + + Ctrl+G - - - Editor - - Transport controls + + + &Refresh - - Play (Space) + + Ctrl+R - - Stop (Space) + + Save &Image... - - Record + + Auto-Fit - - Record while playing + + Zoom In - - Toggle Step Recording + + Ctrl++ - - - Effect - - Effect enabled + + Zoom Out - - Wet/Dry mix + + Ctrl+- - - Gate + + Zoom 100% - - Decay + + Ctrl+1 - - - EffectChain - - Effects enabled + + Show &Toolbar - - - EffectRackView - - EFFECTS CHAIN + + &Configure Carla - - Add effect + + &About - - - EffectSelectDialog - - Add effect + + About &JUCE - - - Name + + About &Qt - - Type + + Show Canvas &Meters - - Description + + Show Canvas &Keyboard - - Author + + Show Internal - - - EffectView - - On/Off + + Show External - - W/D + + Show Time Panel - - Wet Level: + + Show &Side Panel - - DECAY + + &Connect... - - Time: + + Compact Slots - - GATE + + Expand Slots - - Gate: + + Perform secret 1 - - Controls + + Perform secret 2 - - Move &up + + Perform secret 3 - - Move &down + + Perform secret 4 - - &Remove this plugin + + Perform secret 5 - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - - Env pre-delay + + Add &JACK Application... - - Env attack + + &Configure driver... - - Env hold + + Panic - - Env decay + + Open custom driver panel... + + + CarlaHostWindow - - Env sustain + + Export as... - - Env release + + + + + Error - - Env mod amount + + Failed to load project - - LFO pre-delay + + Failed to save project - - LFO attack + + Quit - - LFO frequency + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? - - LFO mod amount + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 - - LFO wave shape + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' - - LFO frequency x 100 + + Warning - - Modulate env amount + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - - - DEL + + Show GUI + + + CarlaSettingsW - - - Pre-delay: + + Settings - - - ATT + + main - - - Attack: + + canvas - - HOLD + + engine - - Hold: + + osc - - DEC + + file-paths - - Decay: + + plugin-paths - - SUST + + wine - - Sustain: + + experimental - - REL + + Widget - - Release: + + + Main - - - AMT + + + Canvas - - - Modulation amount: + + + Engine - - SPD + + File Paths - - Frequency: + + Plugin Paths - - FREQ x 100 + + Wine - - Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + Experimental - - MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + <b>Main</b> - - Control envelope amount by this LFO + + Paths - - ms/LFO: + + Default project folder: - - Hint + + Interface - - Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + Interface refresh interval: - - - EqControls - - Input gain + + + ms - - Output gain + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) - - Low-shelf gain + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting - - Peak 1 gain + + + Theme - - Peak 2 gain + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) - - Peak 3 gain + + Color scheme: - - Peak 4 gain + + Black - - High-shelf gain + + System - - HP res + + Enable experimental features - - Low-shelf res + + <b>Canvas</b> - - Peak 1 BW + + Bezier Lines - - Peak 2 BW + + Theme: - - Peak 3 BW + + Size: - - Peak 4 BW + + 775x600 - - High-shelf res + + 1550x1200 - - LP res + + 3100x2400 - - HP freq + + 4650x3600 - - Low-shelf freq + + 6200x4800 - - Peak 1 freq + + Options - - Peak 2 freq + + Auto-hide groups with no ports - - Peak 3 freq + + Auto-select items on hover - - Peak 4 freq + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) - - High-shelf freq + + Render Hints - - LP freq + + Anti-Aliasing - - HP active + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) - - Low-shelf active + + <b>Engine</b> - - Peak 1 active + + + Core - - Peak 2 active + + Single Client - - Peak 3 active + + Multiple Clients - - Peak 4 active + + + Continuous Rack - - High-shelf active + + + Patchbay - - LP active + + Audio driver: - - LP 12 + + Process mode: - - LP 24 + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog - - LP 48 + + Max Parameters: - - HP 12 + + ... - - HP 24 + + Reset Xrun counter after project load - - HP 48 + + Plugin UIs - - Low-pass type + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - - High-pass type + + UI Bridge Timeout: - - Analyse IN + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - - Analyse OUT + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible - - - EqControlsDialog - - HP + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top - - Low-shelf + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - - Peak 1 + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - - Peak 2 + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings - - Peak 3 + + <b>OSC</b> - - Peak 4 + + Enable OSC - - High-shelf + + Enable TCP port - - LP + + + Use specific port: - - Input gain + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var - - - - Gain + + + Use randomly assigned port - - Output gain + + Enable UDP port - - Bandwidth: + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var - - Octave + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled - - Resonance : + + <b>File Paths</b> - - Frequency: + + Audio - - LP group + + MIDI - - HP group + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin - - - EqHandle - - Reso: + + Used for the "midifile" plugin - - BW: + + + Add... - - - Freq: + + + Remove - - - ExportProjectDialog - - Export project + + + Change... - - Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> - - Export between loop markers + + LADSPA - - Render Looped Section: + + DSSI - - time(s) + + LV2 - - File format settings + + VST2 - - File format: + + VST3 - - Sampling rate: + + SF2/3 - - 44100 Hz + + SFZ - - 48000 Hz + + Restart Carla to find new plugins - - 88200 Hz + + <b>Wine</b> - - 96000 Hz + + Executable - - 192000 Hz + + Path to 'wine' binary: - - Bit depth: + + Prefix - - 16 Bit integer + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename - - 24 Bit integer + + Fallback: - - 32 Bit float + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback - - Stereo mode: + + Realtime Priority - - Mono + + Base priority: - - Stereo + + WineServer priority: - - Joint stereo + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin - - Compression level: + + <b>Experimental</b> - - Bitrate: + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! - - 64 KBit/s + + Enable plugin bridges - - 128 KBit/s + + Enable Wine bridges - - 160 KBit/s + + Enable jack applications - - 192 KBit/s + + Export single plugins to LV2 - - 256 KBit/s + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) - - 320 KBit/s + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) - - Use variable bitrate + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) - - Quality settings + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) - - Interpolation: + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" - - Zero order hold + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. - - Sinc worst (fastest) + + Force mono plugins as stereo - - Sinc medium (recommended) + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) - - Sinc best (slowest) + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. - - Oversampling: + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible - - 1x (None) + + + + + Add Path + + + CompressorControlDialog - - 2x + + Threshold: - - 4x + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place - - 8x + + Ratio: - - Start + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold - - Cancel + + Attack: - - Could not open file + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Release: - - Export project to %1 + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio - - ( Fastest - biggest ) + + Knee: - - ( Slowest - smallest ) + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold - - Error + + Range: - - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + Maximum gain reduction - - Rendering: %1% + + Lookahead Length: - - - Fader - - - Set value + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Hold: - - - FileBrowser - - Browser + + Delay between attack and release stages - - Search + + RMS Size: - - Refresh list + + Size of the RMS buffer - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - - Send to active instrument-track + + Input Balance: - - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side - - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor + + Output Balance: - - Loading sample + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side - - Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + Stereo Balance: - - Error + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side - - does not appear to be a valid + + Stereo Link Blend: - - file + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - - --- Factory files --- + + Tilt Gain: - - - FlangerControls - - Delay samples + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - - LFO frequency + + Tilt Frequency: - - Seconds + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - - Regen + + Mix: - - Noise + + Balance between wet and dry signals - - Invert + + Auto Attack: - - - FlangerControlsDialog - - DELAY + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - - Delay time: + + Auto Release: - - RATE + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - - Period: + + Output gain - - AMNT + + + Gain - - Amount: + + Output volume - - FDBK + + Input gain - - Feedback amount: + + Input volume - - NOISE + + Root Mean Square - - White noise amount: + + Use RMS of the input - - Invert + + Peak - - - FreeBoyInstrument - - Sweep time + + Use absolute value of the input - - Sweep direction + + Left/Right - - Sweep rate shift amount + + Compress left and right audio - - - Wave pattern duty cycle + + Mid/Side - - Channel 1 volume + + Compress mid and side audio - - - - Volume sweep direction + + Compressor - - - - Length of each step in sweep + + Compress the audio - - Channel 2 volume + + Limiter - - Channel 3 volume + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) - - Channel 4 volume + + Unlinked - - Shift Register width + + Compress each channel separately - - Right output level + + Maximum - - Left output level + + Compress based on the loudest channel - - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + Average - - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume - - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + Minimum - - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + Compress based on the quietest channel - - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + Blend - - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + Blend between stereo linking modes - - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + Auto Makeup Gain - - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings - - Treble + + + Soft Clip - - Bass + + Play the delta signal - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - - Sweep time: + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input - - Sweep time + + Lookahead Enabled - - Sweep rate shift amount: + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + CompressorControls - - Sweep rate shift amount + + Threshold - - - Wave pattern duty cycle: + + Ratio - - - Wave pattern duty cycle + + Attack - - Square channel 1 volume: + + Release - - Square channel 1 volume + + Knee - - - - Length of each step in sweep: + + Hold - - - - Length of each step in sweep + + Range - - Square channel 2 volume: + + RMS Size - - Square channel 2 volume + + Mid/Side - - Wave pattern channel volume: + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + + + + + Input Gain + + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Input controller + + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + LMMS + + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + + + + + Confirm Delete + + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + + + + + Rename controller + + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + + + + + LFO + + + + + &Remove this controller + + + + + Re&name this controller + + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + + + + + Band 1 gain: + + + + + Band 2 gain + + + + + Band 2 gain: + + + + + Band 3 gain + + + + + Band 3 gain: + + + + + Band 4 gain + + + + + Band 4 gain: + + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + Feedback + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + + Gain + + + + + MIX + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + + + + + Record + + + + + Record while playing + + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + + + + + + Name + + + + + Type + + + + + Description + + + + + Author + + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + + + + + 48000 Hz + + + + + 88200 Hz + + + + + 96000 Hz + + + + + 192000 Hz + + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + + + + + 128 KBit/s + + + + + 160 KBit/s + + + + + 192 KBit/s + + + + + 256 KBit/s + + + + + 320 KBit/s + + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: @@ -2788,4567 +5220,6088 @@ Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory contain - - Noise channel volume: + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 13#9 + + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + + + + + Volume + + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass - - Noise channel volume + + Moog - - SO1 volume (Right): + + 2x Low-pass - - SO1 volume (Right) + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct - - SO2 volume (Left): + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct - - SO2 volume (Left) + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + + + + + Panning + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + + + + + Volume: + + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + + + + + Volume: + + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: - - Treble: + + cents - - Treble + + PITCH - - Bass: + + Pitch range (semitones) - - Bass + + RANGE - - Sweep direction + + Mixer channel - - - - - - Volume sweep direction + + CHANNEL - - Shift register width + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + SAVE - - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + Envelope, filter & LFO - - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + Chord stacking & arpeggio - - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + Effects - - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + MIDI - - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + Miscellaneous - - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + Save preset - - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + XML preset file (*.xpf) - - Wave pattern graph + + Plugin - FxLine + JackApplicationW - - Channel send amount + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths - - Move &left + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments - - Move &right + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + JuceAboutW - - Rename &channel + + About JUCE - - R&emove channel + + <b>About JUCE</b> - - Remove &unused channels + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. - - - FxLineLcdSpinBox - - Assign to: + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. - - New FX Channel + + This program uses JUCE version %1. - FxMixer + Knob - - Master + + Set linear - - - - FX %1 + + Set logarithmic - - Volume + + + Set value - - Mute + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - - Solo + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - FxMixerView + LadspaControl - - FX-Mixer + + Link channels + + + LadspaControlDialog - - FX Fader %1 + + Link Channels - - Mute + + Channel + + + LadspaControlView - - Mute this FX channel + + Link channels - - Solo + + Value: + + + LadspaEffect - - Solo FX channel + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - FxRoute + LcdFloatSpinBox - - - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + Set value - - - GigInstrument - - Bank + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + LcdSpinBox - - Patch + + Set value - - Gain + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - GigInstrumentView + LeftRightNav - - - Open GIG file + + + + Previous - - Choose patch + + + + Next - - Gain: + + Previous (%1) - - GIG Files (*.gig) + + Next (%1) - GuiApplication + LfoController - - Working directory + + LFO Controller - - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + Base value - - Preparing UI + + Oscillator speed - - Preparing song editor + + Oscillator amount - - Preparing mixer + + Oscillator phase - - Preparing controller rack + + Oscillator waveform - - Preparing project notes + + Frequency Multiplier + + + LfoControllerDialog - - Preparing beat/bassline editor + + LFO - - Preparing piano roll + + BASE - - Preparing automation editor + + Base: - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - - Arpeggio + + FREQ - - Arpeggio type + + LFO frequency: - - Arpeggio range + + AMNT - - Cycle steps + + Modulation amount: - - Skip rate + + PHS - - Miss rate + + Phase offset: - - Arpeggio time + + degrees - - Arpeggio gate + + Sine wave - - Arpeggio direction + + Triangle wave - - Arpeggio mode + + Saw wave - - Up + + Square wave - - Down + + Moog saw wave - - Up and down + + Exponential wave - - Down and up + + White noise - - Random + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. - - Free + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 - - Sort + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 - - Sync + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + Engine - - ARPEGGIO + + Generating wavetables - - RANGE + + Initializing data structures - - Arpeggio range: + + Opening audio and midi devices - - octave(s) + + Launching mixer threads + + + MainWindow - - CYCLE + + Configuration file - - Cycle notes: + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - - note(s) + + Could not open file - - SKIP + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - - Skip rate: + + Project recovery - - - - % + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - - MISS + + + Recover - - Miss rate: + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - - TIME + + + Discard - - Arpeggio time: + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - - ms + + Version %1 - - GATE + + Preparing plugin browser - - Arpeggio gate: + + Preparing file browsers - - Chord: + + My Projects - - Direction: + + My Samples - - Mode: + + My Presets - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - - octave + + My Home - - - Major + + Root directory - - Majb5 + + Volumes - - minor + + My Computer - - minb5 + + &File - - sus2 + + &New - - sus4 + + &Open... - - aug + + Loading background picture - - augsus4 + + &Save - - tri + + Save &As... - - 6 + + Save as New &Version - - 6sus4 + + Save as default template - - 6add9 + + Import... - - m6 + + E&xport... - - m6add9 + + E&xport Tracks... - - 7 + + Export &MIDI... - - 7sus4 + + &Quit - - 7#5 + + &Edit - - 7b5 + + Undo - - 7#9 + + Redo - - 7b9 + + Settings - - 7#5#9 + + &View - - 7#5b9 + + &Tools - - 7b5b9 + + &Help - - 7add11 + + Online Help - - 7add13 + + Help - - 7#11 + + About - - Maj7 + + Create new project - - Maj7b5 + + Create new project from template - - Maj7#5 + + Open existing project - - Maj7#11 + + Recently opened projects - - Maj7add13 + + Save current project - - m7 + + Export current project - - m7b5 + + Metronome - - m7b9 + + + Song Editor - - m7add11 + + + Beat+Bassline Editor - - m7add13 + + + Piano Roll - - m-Maj7 + + + Automation Editor - - m-Maj7add11 + + + Mixer - - m-Maj7add13 + + Show/hide controller rack - - 9 + + Show/hide project notes - - 9sus4 + + Untitled - - add9 + + Recover session. Please save your work! - - 9#5 + + LMMS %1 - - 9b5 + + Recovered project not saved - - 9#11 + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - - 9b13 + + Project not saved - - Maj9 + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - - Maj9sus4 + + Open Project - - Maj9#5 + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - - Maj9#11 + + Save Project - - m9 + + LMMS Project - - madd9 + + LMMS Project Template - - m9b5 + + Save project template - - m9-Maj7 + + Overwrite default template? - - 11 + + This will overwrite your current default template. - - 11b9 + + Help not available - - Maj11 + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - - m11 + + Controller Rack - - m-Maj11 + + Project Notes - - 13 + + Fullscreen - - 13#9 + + Volume as dBFS - - 13b9 + + Smooth scroll - - 13b5b9 + + Enable note labels in piano roll - - Maj13 + + MIDI File (*.mid) - - m13 + + + untitled - - m-Maj13 + + + Select file for project-export... - - Harmonic minor + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... - - Melodic minor + + Save project - - Whole tone + + Project saved - - Diminished + + The project %1 is now saved. - - Major pentatonic + + Project NOT saved. - - Minor pentatonic + + The project %1 was not saved! - - Jap in sen + + Import file - - Major bebop + + MIDI sequences - - Dominant bebop + + Hydrogen projects - - Blues + + All file types + + + MeterDialog - - Arabic + + + Meter Numerator - - Enigmatic + + Meter numerator - - Neopolitan + + + Meter Denominator - - Neopolitan minor + + Meter denominator - - Hungarian minor + + TIME SIG + + + MeterModel - - Dorian + + Numerator - - Phrygian + + Denominator + + + MidiCCRackView - - Lydian + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 - - Mixolydian + + MIDI CC Knobs: - - Aeolian + + CC %1 + + + MidiController - - Locrian + + MIDI Controller - - Minor + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + MidiImport - - Chromatic + + + Setup incomplete - - Half-Whole Diminished + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - - 5 + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - - Phrygian dominant + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator - - Persian + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator - - Chords + + Numerator - - Chord type + + Denominator - - Chord range + + Track - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + MidiJack - - STACKING + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - - Chord: + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + MidiPatternW - - RANGE + + MIDI Pattern - - Chord range: + + Time Signature: - - octave(s) + + + + 1/4 - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - - ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + 2/4 - - - CHANNEL + + 3/4 - - - VELOCITY + + 4/4 - - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + 5/4 - - PROGRAM + + 6/4 - - NOTE + + Measures: - - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + 1 - - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + 2 - - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + 3 - - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + 4 - - BASE VELOCITY + + 5 - - - InstrumentMiscView - - MASTER PITCH + + 6 - - Enables the use of master pitch + + 7 - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - - VOLUME + + 8 - - Volume + + 9 - - CUTOFF + + 10 - - - Cutoff frequency + + 11 - - RESO + + 12 - - Resonance + + 13 - - Envelopes/LFOs + + 14 - - Filter type + + 15 - - Q/Resonance + + 16 - - Low-pass + + Default Length: - - Hi-pass + + + 1/16 - - Band-pass csg + + + 1/15 - - Band-pass czpg + + + 1/12 - - Notch + + + 1/9 - - All-pass + + + 1/8 - - Moog + + + 1/6 - - 2x Low-pass + + + 1/3 - - RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + 1/2 - - RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + Quantize: - - RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + &File - - RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + &Edit - - RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + &Quit - - RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + &Insert Mode - - Vocal Formant + + F - - 2x Moog + + &Velocity Mode - - SV Low-pass + + D - - SV Band-pass + + Select All - - SV High-pass + + A + + + MidiPort - - SV Notch + + Input channel - - Fast Formant + + Output channel - - Tripole + + Input controller - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - - TARGET + + Output controller - - FILTER + + Fixed input velocity - - FREQ + + Fixed output velocity - - Cutoff frequency: + + Fixed output note - - Hz + + Output MIDI program - - Q/RESO + + Base velocity - - Q/Resonance: + + Receive MIDI-events - - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + Send MIDI-events - InstrumentTrack + MidiSetupWidget - - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. + + Device + + + MonstroInstrument - - - unnamed_track + + Osc 1 volume - - Base note + + Osc 1 panning - - Volume + + Osc 1 coarse detune - - Panning + + Osc 1 fine detune left - - Pitch + + Osc 1 fine detune right - - Pitch range + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset - - FX channel + + Osc 1 pulse width - - Master pitch + + Osc 1 sync send on rise - - - Default preset + + Osc 1 sync send on fall - - - InstrumentTrackView - - Volume + + Osc 2 volume - - Volume: + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune - - VOL + + Osc 2 fine detune left - - Panning + + Osc 2 fine detune right - - Panning: + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset - - PAN + + Osc 2 waveform - - MIDI + + Osc 2 sync hard - - Input + + Osc 2 sync reverse - - Output + + Osc 3 volume - - FX %1: %2 + + Osc 3 panning - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - - GENERAL SETTINGS + + Osc 3 coarse detune - - Volume + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - - Volume: + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix - - VOL + + Osc 3 waveform 1 - - Panning + + Osc 3 waveform 2 - - Panning: + + Osc 3 sync hard - - PAN + + Osc 3 Sync reverse - - Pitch + + LFO 1 waveform - - Pitch: + + LFO 1 attack - - cents + + LFO 1 rate - - PITCH + + LFO 1 phase - - Pitch range (semitones) + + LFO 2 waveform - - RANGE + + LFO 2 attack - - FX channel + + LFO 2 rate - - FX + + LFO 2 phase - - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + Env 1 pre-delay - - SAVE + + Env 1 attack - - Envelope, filter & LFO + + Env 1 hold - - Chord stacking & arpeggio + + Env 1 decay - - Effects + + Env 1 sustain - - MIDI + + Env 1 release - - Miscellaneous + + Env 1 slope - - Save preset + + Env 2 pre-delay - - XML preset file (*.xpf) + + Env 2 attack - - Plugin + + Env 2 hold - - - Knob - - Set linear + + Env 2 decay - - Set logarithmic + + Env 2 sustain - - - Set value + + Env 2 release - - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + Env 2 slope - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Osc 2+3 modulation - - - LadspaControl - - Link channels + + Selected view - - - LadspaControlDialog - - Link Channels + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 - - Channel + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 - - - LadspaControlView - - Link channels + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 - - Value: + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 - - - LadspaEffect - - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 - - - LcdSpinBox - - Set value + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 - - - LeftRightNav - - - - Previous + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 - - - - Next + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 - - Previous (%1) + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 - - Next (%1) + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 - - - LfoController - - LFO Controller + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 - - Base value + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 - - Oscillator speed + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 - - Oscillator amount + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 - - Oscillator phase + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 - - Oscillator waveform + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 - - Frequency Multiplier + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 - - - LfoControllerDialog - - LFO + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 - - BASE + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 - - Base: + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 - - FREQ + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 - - LFO frequency: + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 - - AMNT + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 - - Modulation amount: + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 - - PHS + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 - - Phase offset: + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 - - degrees + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 - - Sine wave + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 - - Triangle wave + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 - - Saw wave + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 - - Square wave + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - - Moog saw wave + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 - - Exponential wave + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 - - White noise + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 - - User-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 - - Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 - - Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 - - Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 - - - LmmsCore - - Generating wavetables + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 - - Initializing data structures + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 - - Opening audio and midi devices + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 - - Launching mixer threads + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 - - - MainWindow - - Configuration file + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 - - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + Sine wave - - Could not open file + + Bandlimited Triangle wave - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Bandlimited Saw wave - - Project recovery + + Bandlimited Ramp wave - - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + Bandlimited Square wave - - - Recover + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave - - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + Soft square wave - - - Discard + + Absolute sine wave - - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + Exponential wave - - Version %1 + + White noise - - Preparing plugin browser + + Digital Triangle wave - - Preparing file browsers + + Digital Saw wave - - My Projects + + Digital Ramp wave - - My Samples + + Digital Square wave - - My Presets + + Digital Moog saw wave - - My Home + + Triangle wave - - Root directory + + Saw wave - - Volumes + + Ramp wave - - My Computer + + Square wave - - Loading background artwork + + Moog saw wave - - &File + + Abs. sine wave - - &New + + Random - - New from template + + Random smooth + + + MonstroView - - &Open... + + Operators view - - &Recently Opened Projects + + Matrix view - - &Save + + + + Volume - - Save &As... + + + + Panning - - Save as New &Version + + + + Coarse detune - - Save as default template + + + + semitones - - Import... + + + Fine tune left - - E&xport... + + + + + cents - - E&xport Tracks... + + + Fine tune right - - Export &MIDI... + + + + Stereo phase offset - - &Quit + + + + + + deg - - &Edit + + Pulse width - - Undo + + Send sync on pulse rise - - Redo + + Send sync on pulse fall - - Settings + + Hard sync oscillator 2 - - &View + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 - - &Tools + + Sub-osc mix - - &Help + + Hard sync oscillator 3 - - Online Help + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 - - Help + + + + + Attack - - About + + + Rate - - Create new project + + + Phase - - Create new project from template + + + Pre-delay - - Open existing project + + + Hold - - Recently opened projects + + + Decay - - Save current project + + + Sustain - - Export current project + + + Release - - Metronome + + + Slope - - - Song Editor + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 - - - Beat+Bassline Editor + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 - - - Piano Roll + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 - - - Automation Editor + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 - - - FX Mixer + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - - Show/hide controller rack + + Length - - Show/hide project notes + + Step length: - - Untitled + + Dry - - Recover session. Please save your work! + + Dry gain: - - LMMS %1 + + Stages - - Recovered project not saved + + Low-pass stages: - - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + Swap inputs - - Project not saved + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + NesInstrument - - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + Channel 1 coarse detune - - Open Project + + Channel 1 volume - - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Channel 1 envelope length - - Save Project + + Channel 1 duty cycle - - LMMS Project + + Channel 1 sweep amount - - LMMS Project Template + + Channel 1 sweep rate - - Save project template + + Channel 2 Coarse detune - - Overwrite default template? + + Channel 2 Volume - - This will overwrite your current default template. + + Channel 2 envelope length - - Help not available + + Channel 2 duty cycle - - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + Channel 2 sweep amount - - Controller Rack + + Channel 2 sweep rate - - Project Notes + + Channel 3 coarse detune - - Volume as dBFS + + Channel 3 volume - - Smooth scroll + + Channel 4 volume - - Enable note labels in piano roll + + Channel 4 envelope length - - MIDI File (*.mid) + + Channel 4 noise frequency - - - untitled + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep - - - Select file for project-export... + + Master volume - - Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + Vibrato + + + NesInstrumentView - - Save project + + + + + Volume - - Project saved + + + + Coarse detune - - The project %1 is now saved. + + + + Envelope length - - Project NOT saved. + + Enable channel 1 - - The project %1 was not saved! + + Enable envelope 1 - - Import file + + Enable envelope 1 loop - - MIDI sequences + + Enable sweep 1 - - Hydrogen projects + + + Sweep amount - - All file types + + + Sweep rate - - - MeterDialog - - - Meter Numerator + + + 12.5% Duty cycle - - Meter numerator + + + 25% Duty cycle - - - Meter Denominator + + + 50% Duty cycle - - Meter denominator + + + 75% Duty cycle - - TIME SIG + + Enable channel 2 - - - MeterModel - - Numerator + + Enable envelope 2 - - Denominator + + Enable envelope 2 loop - - - MidiController - - MIDI Controller + + Enable sweep 2 - - unnamed_midi_controller + + Enable channel 3 - - - MidiImport - - - Setup incomplete + + Noise Frequency - - You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + Frequency sweep - - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + Enable channel 4 - - Track + + Enable envelope 4 - - - MidiJack - - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + Enable envelope 4 loop - - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - - - MidiPort - - Input channel + + Use note frequency for noise - - Output channel + + Noise mode - - Input controller + + Master volume - - Output controller + + Vibrato + + + OpulenzInstrument - - Fixed input velocity + + Patch - - Fixed output velocity + + Op 1 attack - - Fixed output note + + Op 1 decay - - Output MIDI program + + Op 1 sustain - - Base velocity + + Op 1 release - - Receive MIDI-events + + Op 1 level - - Send MIDI-events + + Op 1 level scaling - - - MidiSetupWidget - - DEVICE + + Op 1 frequency multiplier - - - MonstroInstrument - - Osc 1 volume + + Op 1 feedback - - Osc 1 panning + + Op 1 key scaling rate - - Osc 1 coarse detune + + Op 1 percussive envelope - - Osc 1 fine detune left + + Op 1 tremolo - - Osc 1 fine detune right + + Op 1 vibrato - - Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + Op 1 waveform - - Osc 1 pulse width + + Op 2 attack - - Osc 1 sync send on rise + + Op 2 decay - - Osc 1 sync send on fall + + Op 2 sustain - - Osc 2 volume + + Op 2 release - - Osc 2 panning + + Op 2 level - - Osc 2 coarse detune + + Op 2 level scaling - - Osc 2 fine detune left + + Op 2 frequency multiplier - - Osc 2 fine detune right + + Op 2 key scaling rate - - Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + Op 2 percussive envelope - - Osc 2 waveform + + Op 2 tremolo - - Osc 2 sync hard + + Op 2 vibrato - - Osc 2 sync reverse + + Op 2 waveform - - Osc 3 volume + + FM - - Osc 3 panning + + Vibrato depth - - Osc 3 coarse detune + + Tremolo depth + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + Attack - - Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + Decay - - Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + Release - - Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + Frequency multiplier + + + OscillatorObject - - Osc 3 sync hard + + Osc %1 waveform - - Osc 3 Sync reverse + + Osc %1 harmonic - - LFO 1 waveform + + + Osc %1 volume - - LFO 1 attack + + + Osc %1 panning - - LFO 1 rate + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left - - LFO 1 phase + + Osc %1 coarse detuning - - LFO 2 waveform + + Osc %1 fine detuning right - - LFO 2 attack + + Osc %1 phase-offset - - LFO 2 rate + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - - LFO 2 phase + + Osc %1 wave shape - - Env 1 pre-delay + + Modulation type %1 + + + Oscilloscope - - Env 1 attack + + Oscilloscope - - Env 1 hold + + Click to enable + + + PatchesDialog - - Env 1 decay + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - - Env 1 sustain + + Bank selector - - Env 1 release + + Bank - - Env 1 slope + + Program selector - - Env 2 pre-delay + + Patch - - Env 2 attack + + Name - - Env 2 hold + + OK - - Env 2 decay + + Cancel + + + PatmanView - - Env 2 sustain + + Open patch - - Env 2 release + + Loop - - Env 2 slope + + Loop mode - - Osc 2+3 modulation + + Tune - - Selected view + + Tune mode - - Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + No file selected - - Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + Open patch file - - Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - - Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + Open in piano-roll - - Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + Set as ghost in piano-roll - - Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + Clear all notes - - Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + Reset name - - Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + Change name - - Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + Add steps - - Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + Remove steps - - Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + Clone Steps + + + PeakController - - Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + Peak Controller - - Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + Peak Controller Bug - - Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + PeakControllerDialog - - Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + PEAK - - Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + LFO Controller + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + BASE - - Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + Base: - - Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + AMNT - - Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + Modulation amount: - - Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + MULT - - Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + Amount multiplicator: - - Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + ATCK - - Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + Attack: - - Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + DCAY - - Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + Release: - - Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + TRSH - - Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + Treshold: - - Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + Mute output - - Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + Absolute value + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - - Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + Base value - - Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + Modulation amount - - Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + Attack - - Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + Release - - Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + Treshold - - Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + Mute output - - Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + Absolute value - - Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + Amount multiplicator + + + PianoRoll - - Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + Note Velocity - - Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + Note Panning - - Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + Mark/unmark current semitone - - Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - - Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + Mark current scale - - Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + Mark current chord - - - Sine wave + + Unmark all - - Bandlimited Triangle wave + + Select all notes on this key - - Bandlimited Saw wave + + Note lock - - Bandlimited Ramp wave + + Last note - - Bandlimited Square wave + + No key - - Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + No scale - - - Soft square wave + + No chord - - Absolute sine wave + + Nudge - - - Exponential wave + + Snap - - White noise + + Velocity: %1% - - Digital Triangle wave + + Panning: %1% left - - Digital Saw wave + + Panning: %1% right - - Digital Ramp wave + + Panning: center - - Digital Square wave + + Glue notes failed - - Digital Moog saw wave + + Please select notes to glue first. - - Triangle wave + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! - - Saw wave + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + PianoRollWindow - - Ramp wave + + Play/pause current clip (Space) - - Square wave + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - - Moog saw wave + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - - Abs. sine wave + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time - - Random + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) - - Random smooth + + Edit actions - - - MonstroView - - Operators view + + Draw mode (Shift+D) - - Matrix view + + Erase mode (Shift+E) - - - - Volume + + Select mode (Shift+S) - - - - Panning + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - - - - Coarse detune + + Quantize - - - - semitones + + Quantize positions - - - Fine tune left + + Quantize lengths - - - - - cents + + File actions - - - Fine tune right + + Import clip - - - - Stereo phase offset + + + Export clip - - - - - - deg + + Copy paste controls - - Pulse width + + Cut (%1+X) - - Send sync on pulse rise + + Copy (%1+C) - - Send sync on pulse fall + + Paste (%1+V) - - Hard sync oscillator 2 + + Timeline controls - - Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + Glue - - Sub-osc mix + + Knife - - Hard sync oscillator 3 + + Fill - - Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + Cut overlaps - - - - - Attack + + Min length as last - - - Rate + + Max length as last - - - Phase + + Zoom and note controls - - - Pre-delay + + Horizontal zooming - - - Hold + + Vertical zooming - - - Decay + + Quantization - - - Sustain + + Note length - - - Release + + Key - - - Slope + + Scale - - Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + Chord - - Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + Snap mode - - Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + Clear ghost notes - - Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + Piano-Roll - %1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Modulation amount + + + Piano-Roll - no clip - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - - Length + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) - - Step length: + + Export clip success - - Dry + + Clip saved to %1 - - Dry gain: + + Import clip. - - Stages + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? - - Low-pass stages: + + Open clip - - Swap inputs + + Import clip success - - Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + Imported clip %1! - NesInstrument + PianoView - - Channel 1 coarse detune + + Base note - - Channel 1 volume + + First note - - Channel 1 envelope length + + Last note + + + Plugin - - Channel 1 duty cycle + + Plugin not found - - Channel 1 sweep amount + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" - - Channel 1 sweep rate + + Error while loading plugin - - Channel 2 Coarse detune + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + PluginBrowser - - Channel 2 Volume + + Instrument Plugins - - Channel 2 envelope length + + Instrument browser - - Channel 2 duty cycle + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - - Channel 2 sweep amount + + no description - - Channel 2 sweep rate + + A native amplifier plugin - - Channel 3 coarse detune + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - - Channel 3 volume + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way - - Channel 4 volume + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer - - Channel 4 envelope length + + An oversampling bitcrusher - - Channel 4 noise frequency + + Carla Patchbay Instrument - - Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + Carla Rack Instrument - - Master volume + + A dynamic range compressor. - - Vibrato + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - - - NesInstrumentView - - - - - Volume + + A native delay plugin - - - - Coarse detune + + A Dual filter plugin - - - - Envelope length + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - - Enable channel 1 + + A native eq plugin - - Enable envelope 1 + + A native flanger plugin - - Enable envelope 1 loop + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - - Enable sweep 1 + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - - - Sweep amount + + Versatile drum synthesizer - - - Sweep rate + + List installed LADSPA plugins - - - 12.5% Duty cycle + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - - - 25% Duty cycle + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 - - - 50% Duty cycle + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. - - - 75% Duty cycle + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. - - Enable channel 2 + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - - Enable envelope 2 + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - - Enable envelope 2 loop + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - - Enable sweep 2 + + A multitap echo delay plugin - - Enable channel 3 + + A NES-like synthesizer - - Noise Frequency + + 2-operator FM Synth - - Frequency sweep + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - - Enable channel 4 + + GUS-compatible patch instrument - - Enable envelope 4 + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - - Enable envelope 4 loop + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + Player for SoundFont files - - Use note frequency for noise + + LMMS port of sfxr - - Noise mode + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - - Master volume + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. - - Vibrato + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - - - OpulenzInstrument - - Patch + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - - Op 1 attack + + Tuneful things to bang on - - Op 1 decay + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - - Op 1 sustain + + A stereo field visualizer. - - Op 1 release + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - - Op 1 level + + Vibrating string modeler - - Op 1 level scaling + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - - Op 1 frequency multiplier + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - - Op 1 feedback + + plugin for waveshaping - - Op 1 key scaling rate + + Mathematical expression parser - - Op 1 percussive envelope + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + PluginDatabaseW - - Op 1 tremolo + + Carla - Add New - - Op 1 vibrato + + Format - - Op 1 waveform + + Internal - - Op 2 attack + + LADSPA - - Op 2 decay + + DSSI - - Op 2 sustain + + LV2 - - Op 2 release + + VST2 - - Op 2 level + + VST3 - - Op 2 level scaling + + AU - - Op 2 frequency multiplier + + Sound Kits - - Op 2 key scaling rate + + Type - - Op 2 percussive envelope + + Effects - - Op 2 tremolo + + Instruments - - Op 2 vibrato + + MIDI Plugins - - Op 2 waveform + + Other/Misc - - FM + + Architecture - - Vibrato depth + + Native - - Tremolo depth + + Bridged - - - OpulenzInstrumentView - - - Attack + + Bridged (Wine) - - - Decay + + Requirements - - - Release + + With Custom GUI - - - Frequency multiplier + + With CV Ports - - - OscillatorObject - - Osc %1 waveform + + Real-time safe only - - Osc %1 harmonic + + Stereo only - - - Osc %1 volume + + With Inline Display - - - Osc %1 panning + + Favorites only - - - Osc %1 fine detuning left + + (Number of Plugins go here) - - Osc %1 coarse detuning + + &Add Plugin - - Osc %1 fine detuning right + + Cancel - - Osc %1 phase-offset + + Refresh - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + Reset filters - - Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel - - Modulation type %1 + + Format: - - - PatchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + Architecture: - - Bank selector + + Type: - - Bank + + MIDI Ins: - - Program selector + + Audio Ins: - - Patch + + CV Outs: - - Name + + MIDI Outs: - - OK + + Parameter Ins: - - Cancel + + Parameter Outs: - - - PatmanView - - Open patch + + Audio Outs: - - Loop + + CV Ins: - - Loop mode + + UniqueID: - - Tune + + Has Inline Display: - - Tune mode + + Has Custom GUI: - - No file selected + + Is Synth: - - Open patch file + + Is Bridged: - - Patch-Files (*.pat) + + Information - - - PatternView - - Open in piano-roll + + Name - - Set as ghost in piano-roll + + Label/URI - - Clear all notes + + Maker - - Reset name + + Binary/Filename - - Change name + + Focus Text Search - - Add steps + + Ctrl+F + + + PluginEdit - - Remove steps + + Plugin Editor - - Clone Steps + + Edit - - - PeakController - - Peak Controller + + Control - - Peak Controller Bug + + MIDI Control Channel: - - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + N - - - PeakControllerDialog - - PEAK + + Output dry/wet (100%) - - LFO Controller + + Output volume (100%) - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - BASE + + Balance Left (0%) - - Base: + + + Balance Right (0%) - - AMNT + + Use Balance - - Modulation amount: + + Use Panning - - MULT + + Settings - - Amount multiplicator: + + Use Chunks - - ATCK + + Audio: - - Attack: + + Fixed-Size Buffer - - DCAY + + Force Stereo (needs reload) - - Release: + + MIDI: - - TRSH + + Map Program Changes - - Treshold: + + Send Bank/Program Changes - - Mute output + + Send Control Changes - - Absolute value + + Send Channel Pressure - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - - Base value + + Send Note Aftertouch - - Modulation amount + + Send Pitchbend - - Attack + + Send All Sound/Notes Off - - Release + + +Plugin Name + - - Treshold + + Program: - - Mute output + + MIDI Program: - - Absolute value + + Save State - - Amount multiplicator + + Load State - - - PianoRoll - - Note Velocity + + Information - - Note Panning + + Label/URI: - - Mark/unmark current semitone + + Name: - - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + Type: - - Mark current scale + + Maker: - - Mark current chord + + Copyright: - - Unmark all + + Unique ID: + + + PluginFactory - - Select all notes on this key + + Plugin not found. - - Note lock + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + PluginParameter - - Last note + + Form - - No scale + + Parameter Name - - No chord + + ... + + + PluginRefreshW - - Velocity: %1% + + Carla - Refresh - - Panning: %1% left + + Search for new... - - Panning: %1% right + + LADSPA - - Panning: center + + DSSI - - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! + + LV2 - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + VST2 - - - PianoRollWindow - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + VST3 - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + AU - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + SF2/3 - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + SFZ - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Native - - Edit actions + + POSIX 32bit - - Draw mode (Shift+D) + + POSIX 64bit - - Erase mode (Shift+E) + + Windows 32bit - - Select mode (Shift+S) + + Windows 64bit - - Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + Available tools: - - Quantize + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) - - Copy paste controls + + carla-discovery-win64 - - Cut (%1+X) + + carla-discovery-native - - Copy (%1+C) + + carla-discovery-posix32 - - Paste (%1+V) + + carla-discovery-posix64 - - Timeline controls + + carla-discovery-win32 - - Zoom and note controls + + Options: - - Horizontal zooming + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). - - Quantization + + Run processing checks while scanning - - Note length + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search - - Scale + + Scan - - Chord + + >> Skip - - Clear ghost notes + + Close + + + PluginWidget - - - Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Frame - - - Piano-Roll - no pattern + + Enable - - - PianoView - - Base note + + On/Off - - - Plugin - - Plugin not found + + + + + PluginName - - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" + + MIDI - - Error while loading plugin + + AUDIO IN - - Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + AUDIO OUT - - - PluginBrowser - - Instrument Plugins + + GUI - - Instrument browser + + Edit - - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + Remove - - - PluginFactory - - Plugin not found. + + Plugin Name - - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + Preset: ProjectNotes - + Project Notes - + Enter project notes here - + Edit Actions - + &Undo - + %1+Z - + &Redo - + %1+Y - + &Copy - + %1+C - + Cu&t - + %1+X - + &Paste - + %1+V - + Format Actions - + &Bold - + %1+B - + &Italic - + %1+I - + &Underline - + %1+U - + &Left - + %1+L - + C&enter - + %1+E - + &Right - + %1+R - + &Justify - + %1+J - + &Color... @@ -7376,37 +11329,63 @@ Reason: "%2" + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + Help + + + QWidget - + + Name: - + + URI: + + + + + Maker: - + + Copyright: - + Requires Real Time: - - - + + + @@ -7414,9 +11393,9 @@ Reason: "%2" - - - + + + @@ -7424,25 +11403,25 @@ Reason: "%2" - + Real Time Capable: - + In Place Broken: - + Channels In: - + Channels Out: @@ -7458,10 +11437,18 @@ Reason: "%2" + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + RenameDialog - + Rename... @@ -7565,217 +11552,404 @@ Reason: "%2" - - Logarithmic frequency + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately - - Logarithmic amplitude + + Peak hold - - Frequency range + + Display envelope of peak values - - Amplitude range + + Logarithmic frequency - - FFT block size + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale - - FFT window type + + + Frequency range - - - Full (auto) + + Logarithmic amplitude - - - Audible + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale - - Bass + + + Amplitude range - - Mids + + Envelope res. - - High + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. - - Extended + + + Draw at most - - - Default + + envelope points per pixel - - Noise + + Spectrum res. - - (High time res.) + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. - - (High freq. res.) + + spectrum points per pixel - - Rectangular (Off) + + Falloff factor - - - Blackman-Harris (Default) + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. - - Hamming + + Multiply buffered value by - - Hanning + + Averaging weight - - - SaControlsDialog - - Pause + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. - - Pause data acquisition + + New sample contributes - - Reference freeze + + Waterfall height - - Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. - - Waterfall + + Keep - - Display real-time spectrogram + + lines - - Averaging + + Waterfall gamma - - Enable exponential moving average + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. - - Stereo + + Gamma value: - - Display stereo channels separately + + Window overlap - - Peak hold + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. - - Display envelope of peak values + + Each sample processed - - Logarithmic frequency + + times - - Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + Zero padding - - - Frequency range + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. - - Logarithmic amplitude + + Processing buffer is - - Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + steps larger than input block - - - Amplitude range + + Advanced settings - - FFT block bize + + Access advanced settings - + + FFT block size - - + + FFT window type @@ -7783,124 +11957,159 @@ Reason: "%2" SampleBuffer - + Fail to open file - + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - + Open audio file - + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - + Wave-Files (*.wav) - + OGG-Files (*.ogg) - + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - + FLAC-Files (*.flac) - + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - + VOC-Files (*.voc) - + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - + AU-Files (*.au) - + RAW-Files (*.raw) - SampleTCOView + SampleClipView - + Double-click to open sample - + Delete (middle mousebutton) - + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + Cut - + + Cut selection + + + + Copy - + + Copy selection + + + + Paste - + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + SampleTrack - + Volume - + Panning - - FX channel + + Mixer channel - - + + Sample track @@ -7908,4123 +12117,4210 @@ Reason: "%2" SampleTrackView - + Track volume - + Channel volume: - + VOL - + Panning - + Panning: - + PAN - - FX %1: %2 + + Channel %1: %2 SampleTrackWindow - + GENERAL SETTINGS - + Sample volume - + Volume: - + VOL - + Panning - + Panning: - + PAN - - FX channel + + Mixer channel - - FX + + CHANNEL SaveOptionsWidget - + Discard MIDI connections + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + SetupDialog - - Setup LMMS + + Reset to default value - - - General settings + + Use built-in NaN handler - - BUFFER SIZE + + Settings - - - Reset to default value + + + General - - MISC + + Graphical user interface (GUI) - - Use built-in NaN handler + + Display volume as dBFS - - PLUGIN EMBEDDING + + Enable tooltips - - No embedding + + Enable master oscilloscope by default - - Embed using Qt API + + Enable all note labels in piano roll - - Embed using native Win32 API + + Enable compact track buttons - - Embed using XEmbed protocol + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode - - Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side - - LANGUAGE + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released - - - Paths + + Mute automation tracks during solo - - Directories + + Show warning when deleting tracks - - - Performance settings + + Projects - - Auto save + + Compress project files by default - - Enable auto-save + + Create a backup file when saving a project - - Allow auto-save while playing + + Reopen last project on startup - - UI effects vs. performance + + Language - - Smooth scroll in Song Editor + + + Performance - - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + Autosave - - - Audio settings + + Enable autosave - - AUDIO INTERFACE + + Allow autosave while playing - - - MIDI settings + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance - - MIDI INTERFACE + + Smooth scroll in song editor - - OK + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - - Cancel + + Plugins - - Restart LMMS + + VST plugins embedding: - - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! + + No embedding - - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms + + Embed using Qt API - - Choose LMMS working directory + + Embed using native Win32 API - - Choose your GIG directory + + Embed using XEmbed protocol - - Choose your SF2 directory + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback - - Choose your VST-plugin directory + + Keep effects running even without input - - Choose artwork-theme directory + + + Audio - - Choose LADSPA plugin directory + + Audio interface - - Choose STK rawwave directory + + HQ mode for output audio device - - Choose default SoundFont + + Buffer size - - Choose background artwork + + + MIDI - - minutes + + MIDI interface - - minute + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track - - Disabled + + LMMS working directory - - Auto-save interval: %1 + + VST plugins directory - - - Song - - Tempo + + LADSPA plugins directories - - Master volume + + SF2 directory - - Master pitch + + Default SF2 - - LMMS Error report + + GIG directory - - The following errors occured while loading: + + Theme directory - - - SongEditor - - Could not open file + + Background artwork - - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + Some changes require restarting. - - Could not write file + + Autosave interval: %1 - - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + Choose the LMMS working directory - - Error in file + + Choose your VST plugins directory - - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory - - Version difference + + Choose your default SF2 - - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. + + Choose your theme directory - - template + + Choose your background picture - - project + + + Paths - - Tempo + + OK - - TEMPO + + Cancel - - Tempo in BPM + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms - - High quality mode + + Choose your GIG directory - - - - Master volume + + Choose your SF2 directory - - - - Master pitch + + minutes - - Value: %1% + + minute - - Value: %1 semitones + + Disabled - SongEditorWindow + SidInstrument - - Song-Editor + + Cutoff frequency - - Play song (Space) + + Resonance - - Record samples from Audio-device + + Filter type - - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + Voice 3 off - - Stop song (Space) + + Volume - - Track actions + + Chip model + + + SidInstrumentView - - Add beat/bassline + + Volume: - - Add sample-track + + Resonance: - - Add automation-track + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave - - Edit actions + + Noise - - Draw mode + + Sync - - Edit mode (select and move) + + Ring modulation - - Timeline controls + + Filtered - - Zoom controls + + Test - - Horizontal zooming + + Pulse width: - StepRecorderWidget - - - Hint - - + SideBarWidget - - Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + Close - SubWindow + Song - - Close + + Tempo - - Maximize + + Master volume - - Restore + + Master pitch - - - TabWidget - - - Settings for %1 + + Aborting project load - - - TempoSyncKnob - - - Tempo Sync + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. - - No Sync + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. - - Eight beats + + LMMS Error report - - Whole note + + (repeated %1 times) - - Half note + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + SongEditor - - Quarter note + + Could not open file - - 8th note + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - - 16th note + + Operation denied - - 32nd note + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. - - Custom... + + + + Error - - Custom + + Couldn't create bundle folder. - - Synced to Eight Beats + + Couldn't create resources folder. - - Synced to Whole Note + + Failed to copy resources. - - Synced to Half Note + + Could not write file - - Synced to Quarter Note + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - - Synced to 8th Note + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 - - Synced to 16th Note + + Error in file - - Synced to 32nd Note + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - - - TimeDisplayWidget - - Time units + + Version difference - - MIN + + template - - SEC + + project - - MSEC + + Tempo - - BAR + + TEMPO - - BEAT + + Tempo in BPM - - TICK + + High quality mode - - - TimeLineWidget - - Auto scrolling + + + + Master volume - - Loop points + + + + Master pitch - - After stopping go back to begin + + Value: %1% - - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + Value: %1 semitones + + + SongEditorWindow - - After stopping keep position + + Song-Editor - - - Hint + + Play song (Space) - - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + Record samples from Audio-device - - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - - - Track - - Mute + + Stop song (Space) - - Solo + + Track actions - - - TrackContainer - - Couldn't import file + + Add beat/bassline - - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + Add sample-track - - Couldn't open file + + Add automation-track - - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Edit actions - - Loading project... + + Draw mode - - - Cancel + + Knife mode (split sample clips) - - - Please wait... + + Edit mode (select and move) - - Loading cancelled + + Timeline controls - - Project loading was cancelled. + + Bar insert controls - - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + Insert bar - - Importing MIDI-file... + + Remove bar - - - TrackContentObject - - Mute + + Zoom controls - - - TrackContentObjectView - - Current position + + Horizontal zooming - - Current length + + Snap controls - - - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + Clip snapping size - - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + Toggle proportional snap on/off - - Press <%1> for free resizing. + + Base snapping size + + + StepRecorderWidget - + Hint - - Delete (middle mousebutton) + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close - - Cut + + Maximize - - Copy + + Restore + + + TabWidget - - Paste + + + Settings for %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + New from template - TrackOperationsWidget + TempoSyncKnob - - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + Tempo Sync - - Actions + + No Sync - - - Mute + + Eight beats - - - Solo + + Whole note - - Clone this track + + Half note - - Remove this track + + Quarter note - - Clear this track + + 8th note - - FX %1: %2 + + 16th note - - Assign to new FX Channel + + 32nd note - - Turn all recording on + + Custom... - - Turn all recording off + + Custom - - - TripleOscillatorView - - Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + Synced to Eight Beats - - Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + Synced to Whole Note - - Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + Synced to Half Note - - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Synced to Quarter Note - - Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + Synced to 8th Note - - Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + Synced to 16th Note - - Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + TimeDisplayWidget - - Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + Time units - - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + MIN - - Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + SEC - - Osc %1 volume: + + MSEC - - Osc %1 panning: + + BAR - - Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + BEAT - - semitones + + TICK + + + TimeLineWidget - - Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + Auto scrolling - - - cents + + Loop points - - Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + After stopping go back to beginning - - Osc %1 phase-offset: + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - - - degrees + + After stopping keep position - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + Hint - - Sine wave + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + Track - - Triangle wave + + Mute - - Saw wave + + Solo + + + TrackContainer - - Square wave + + Couldn't import file - - Moog-like saw wave + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - - Exponential wave + + Couldn't open file - - White noise + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - - User-defined wave + + Loading project... - - - VersionedSaveDialog - - Increment version number + + + Cancel - - Decrement version number + + + Please wait... - - Save Options + + Loading cancelled - - already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + Project loading was cancelled. - - - VestigeInstrumentView - - - Open VST plugin + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - - Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + Clip - - Open VST plugin preset + + Mute + + + ClipView - - Previous (-) + + Current position - - Save preset + + Current length - - Next (+) + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - - Show/hide GUI + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - - Turn off all notes + + Press <%1> for free resizing. - - DLL-files (*.dll) + + Hint - - EXE-files (*.exe) + + Delete (middle mousebutton) - - No VST plugin loaded + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) - - Preset + + Cut - - by + + Cut selection - - - VST plugin control + + Merge Selection - - - VisualizationWidget - - Oscilloscope + + Copy - - Click to enable + + Copy selection - - - VstEffectControlDialog - - Show/hide + + Paste - - Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - - Open VST plugin preset + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) - - Previous (-) + + Set clip color - - Next (+) + + Use track color + + + TrackContentWidget - - Save preset + + Paste + + + TrackOperationsWidget - - - Effect by: + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. - - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Actions - - - VstPlugin - - - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + Mute - - Open Preset + + + Solo - - - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? - - : default + + Confirm removal - - " + + Don't ask again - - ' + + Clone this track - - Save Preset + + Remove this track - - .fxp + + Clear this track - - .FXP + + Channel %1: %2 - - .FXB + + Assign to new mixer Channel - - .fxb + + Turn all recording on - - Loading plugin + + Turn all recording off - - Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + Change color - - - WatsynInstrument - - Volume A1 + + Reset color to default - - Volume A2 + + Set random color - - Volume B1 + + Clear clip colors + + + TripleOscillatorView - - Volume B2 + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - - Panning A1 + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - - Panning A2 + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 - - Panning B1 + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - - Panning B2 + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - - Freq. multiplier A1 + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - - Freq. multiplier A2 + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - - Freq. multiplier B1 + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - - Freq. multiplier B2 + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - - Left detune A1 + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - - Left detune A2 + + Osc %1 volume: - - Left detune B1 + + Osc %1 panning: - - Left detune B2 + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: - - Right detune A1 + + semitones - - Right detune A2 + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: - - Right detune B1 + + + cents - - Right detune B2 + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: - - A-B Mix + + Osc %1 phase-offset: - - A-B Mix envelope amount + + + degrees - - A-B Mix envelope attack + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - - A-B Mix envelope hold + + Sine wave - - A-B Mix envelope decay + + Triangle wave - - A1-B2 Crosstalk + + Saw wave - - A2-A1 modulation + + Square wave - - B2-B1 modulation + + Moog-like saw wave - - Selected graph + + Exponential wave - - - WatsynView - - - - - Volume + + White noise - - - - - Panning + + User-defined wave + + + VecControls - - - - - Freq. multiplier + + Display persistence amount - - - - - Left detune + + Logarithmic scale - - - - - - - - - cents + + High quality + + + VecControlsDialog - - - - - Right detune + + HQ - - A-B Mix + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. - - Mix envelope amount + + Log. scale - - Mix envelope attack + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. - - Mix envelope hold + + Persist. - - Mix envelope decay + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. - - Crosstalk + + Trace persistence + + + VersionedSaveDialog - - Select oscillator A1 + + Increment version number - - Select oscillator A2 + + Decrement version number - - Select oscillator B1 + + Save Options - - Select oscillator B2 + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - - Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + Open VST plugin - - Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - - Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + Open VST plugin preset - - Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + Previous (-) - - Mix output of B2 to B1 + + Save preset - - Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + Next (+) - - Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + Show/hide GUI - - Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + Turn off all notes - - - - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + DLL-files (*.dll) - - Load waveform + + EXE-files (*.exe) - - Load a waveform from a sample file + + No VST plugin loaded - - Phase left + + Preset - - Shift phase by -15 degrees + + by - - Phase right + + - VST plugin control + + + VstEffectControlDialog - - Shift phase by +15 degrees + + Show/hide - - - Normalize + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - - - Invert + + Open VST plugin preset - - - Smooth + + Previous (-) - - - Sine wave + + Next (+) - - - - Triangle wave + + Save preset - - Saw wave + + + Effect by: - - - Square wave + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - Xpressive + VstPlugin - - Selected graph + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - - A1 + + Open Preset - - A2 + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - - A3 + + : default - - W1 smoothing + + Save Preset - - W2 smoothing + + .fxp - - W3 smoothing + + .FXP - - Panning 1 + + .FXB - - Panning 2 + + .fxb - - Rel trans + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... - XpressiveView + WatsynInstrument - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + Volume A1 - - Select oscillator W1 + + Volume A2 - - Select oscillator W2 + + Volume B1 - - Select oscillator W3 + + Volume B2 - - Select output O1 + + Panning A1 - - Select output O2 + + Panning A2 - - Open help window + + Panning B1 - - - Sine wave + + Panning B2 - - - Moog-saw wave + + Freq. multiplier A1 - - - Exponential wave + + Freq. multiplier A2 - - - Saw wave + + Freq. multiplier B1 - - - User-defined wave + + Freq. multiplier B2 - - - Triangle wave + + Left detune A1 - - - Square wave + + Left detune A2 - - - White noise + + Left detune B1 - - WaveInterpolate + + Left detune B2 - - ExpressionValid + + Right detune A1 - - General purpose 1: + + Right detune A2 - - General purpose 2: + + Right detune B1 - - General purpose 3: + + Right detune B2 - - O1 panning: + + A-B Mix - - O2 panning: + + A-B Mix envelope amount - - Release transition: + + A-B Mix envelope attack - - Smoothness + + A-B Mix envelope hold - - - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - Portamento + + A-B Mix envelope decay - - Filter frequency + + A1-B2 Crosstalk - - Filter resonance + + A2-A1 modulation - - Bandwidth + + B2-B1 modulation - - FM gain + + Selected graph + + + WatsynView - - Resonance center frequency + + + + + Volume - - Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Panning - - Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + Freq. multiplier - - - ZynAddSubFxView - - Portamento: + + + + + Left detune - - PORT + + + + + + + + + cents - - Filter frequency: + + + + + Right detune - - FREQ + + A-B Mix - - Filter resonance: + + Mix envelope amount - - RES + + Mix envelope attack - - Bandwidth: + + Mix envelope hold - - BW + + Mix envelope decay - - FM gain: + + Crosstalk - - FM GAIN + + Select oscillator A1 - - Resonance center frequency: + + Select oscillator A2 - - RES CF + + Select oscillator B1 - - Resonance bandwidth: + + Select oscillator B2 - - RES BW + + Mix output of A2 to A1 - - Forward MIDI control changes + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 - - Show GUI + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 - - - audioFileProcessor - - Amplify + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 - - Start of sample + + Mix output of B2 to B1 - - End of sample + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 - - Loopback point + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 - - Reverse sample + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 - - Loop mode + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - - Stutter + + Load waveform - - Interpolation mode + + Load a waveform from a sample file - - None + + Phase left - - Linear + + Shift phase by -15 degrees - - Sinc + + Phase right - - Sample not found: %1 + + Shift phase by +15 degrees - - - bitInvader - - Sample length + + + Normalize - - - bitInvaderView - - Sample length + + + Invert - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + Smooth - - + + Sine wave - - + + + Triangle wave - - + Saw wave - - + + Square wave + + + Xpressive - - - White noise + + Selected graph - - - User-defined wave + + A1 - - - Smooth waveform + + A2 - - Interpolation + + A3 - - Normalize + + W1 smoothing - - - dynProcControlDialog - - INPUT + + W2 smoothing - - Input gain: + + W3 smoothing - - OUTPUT + + Panning 1 - - Output gain: + + Panning 2 - - ATTACK + + Rel trans + + + XpressiveView - - Peak attack time: + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - - RELEASE + + Select oscillator W1 - - Peak release time: + + Select oscillator W2 - - - Reset wavegraph + + Select oscillator W3 - - - Smooth wavegraph + + Select output O1 - - - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + Select output O2 - - - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + Open help window - - Stereo mode: maximum + + + Sine wave - - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + Moog-saw wave - - Stereo mode: average + + + Exponential wave - - Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + Saw wave - - Stereo mode: unlinked + + + User-defined wave - - Process each stereo channel independently + + + Triangle wave - - - dynProcControls - - Input gain + + + Square wave - - Output gain + + + White noise - - Attack time + + WaveInterpolate - - Release time + + ExpressionValid - - Stereo mode + + General purpose 1: - - - graphModel - - Graph + + General purpose 2: - - - kickerInstrument - - Start frequency + + General purpose 3: - - End frequency + + O1 panning: - - Length + + O2 panning: - - Start distortion + + Release transition: - - End distortion + + Smoothness + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - Gain + + Portamento - - Envelope slope + + Filter frequency - - Noise + + Filter resonance - - Click + + Bandwidth - - Frequency slope + + FM gain - - Start from note + + Resonance center frequency - - End to note + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events - kickerInstrumentView + ZynAddSubFxView - - Start frequency: + + Portamento: - - End frequency: + + PORT - - Frequency slope: + + Filter frequency: - - Gain: + + FREQ - - Envelope length: + + Filter resonance: - - Envelope slope: + + RES - - Click: + + Bandwidth: - - Noise: + + BW - - Start distortion: + + FM gain: - - End distortion: + + FM GAIN - - - ladspaBrowserView - - - Available Effects + + Resonance center frequency: - - - Unavailable Effects + + RES CF - - - Instruments + + Resonance bandwidth: - - - Analysis Tools + + RES BW - - - Don't know + + Forward MIDI control changes - - Type: + + Show GUI - ladspaDescription - - - Plugins - - + AudioFileProcessor - - Description + + Amplify - - - ladspaPortDialog - - Ports + + Start of sample - - Name + + End of sample - - Rate + + Loopback point - - Direction + + Reverse sample - - Type + + Loop mode - - Min < Default < Max + + Stutter - - Logarithmic + + Interpolation mode - - SR Dependent + + None - - Audio + + Linear - - Control + + Sinc - - Input + + Sample not found: %1 + + + BitInvader - - Output + + Sample length + + + BitInvaderView - - Toggled + + Sample length - - Integer + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - - Float + + + Sine wave - - - Yes + + + Triangle wave - - - lb302Synth - - VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + Saw wave - - VCF Resonance + + + Square wave - - VCF Envelope Mod + + + White noise - - VCF Envelope Decay + + + User-defined wave - - Distortion + + + Smooth waveform - - Waveform + + Interpolation - - Slide Decay + + Normalize + + + DynProcControlDialog - - Slide + + INPUT - - Accent + + Input gain: - - Dead + + OUTPUT - - 24dB/oct Filter + + Output gain: - - - lb302SynthView - - Cutoff Freq: + + ATTACK - - Resonance: + + Peak attack time: - - Env Mod: + + RELEASE - - Decay: + + Peak release time: - - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + Reset wavegraph - - Slide Decay: + + + Smooth wavegraph - - DIST: + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - - Saw wave + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Stereo mode: maximum - - Triangle wave + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Stereo mode: average - - Square wave + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels - - Click here for a square-wave. + + Stereo mode: unlinked - - Rounded square wave + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + DynProcControls - - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + Input gain - - Moog wave + + Output gain - - Click here for a moog-like wave. + + Attack time - - Sine wave + + Release time - - Click for a sine-wave. + + Stereo mode + + + graphModel - - - White noise wave + + Graph + + + KickerInstrument - - Click here for an exponential wave. + + Start frequency - - Click here for white-noise. + + End frequency - - Bandlimited saw wave + + Length - - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + Start distortion - - Bandlimited square wave + + End distortion - - Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + Gain - - Bandlimited triangle wave + + Envelope slope - - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + Noise - - Bandlimited moog saw wave + + Click - - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + Frequency slope - - - malletsInstrument - - Hardness + + Start from note - - Position + + End to note + + + KickerInstrumentView - - Vibrato gain + + Start frequency: - - Vibrato frequency + + End frequency: - - Stick mix + + Frequency slope: - - Modulator + + Gain: - - Crossfade + + Envelope length: - - LFO speed + + Envelope slope: - - LFO depth + + Click: - - ADSR + + Noise: - - Pressure + + Start distortion: - - Motion + + End distortion: + + + LadspaBrowserView - - Speed + + + Available Effects - - Bowed + + + Unavailable Effects - - Spread + + + Instruments - - Marimba + + + Analysis Tools - - Vibraphone + + + Don't know - - Agogo + + Type: + + + LadspaDescription - - Wood 1 + + Plugins - - Reso + + Description + + + LadspaPortDialog - - Wood 2 + + Ports - - Beats + + Name - - Two fixed + + Rate - - Clump + + Direction - - Tubular bells + + Type - - Uniform bar + + Min < Default < Max - - Tuned bar + + Logarithmic - - Glass + + SR Dependent - - Tibetan bowl + + Audio - - - malletsInstrumentView - - Instrument + + Control - - Spread + + Input - - Spread: + + Output - - Missing files + + Toggled - - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + Integer - - Hardness + + Float - - Hardness: + + + Yes + + + Lb302Synth - - Position + + VCF Cutoff Frequency - - Position: + + VCF Resonance - - Vibrato gain + + VCF Envelope Mod - - Vibrato gain: + + VCF Envelope Decay - - Vibrato frequency + + Distortion - - Vibrato frequency: + + Waveform - - Stick mix + + Slide Decay - - Stick mix: + + Slide - - Modulator + + Accent - - Modulator: + + Dead - - Crossfade + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + Lb302SynthView - - Crossfade: + + Cutoff Freq: - - LFO speed + + Resonance: - - LFO speed: + + Env Mod: - - LFO depth + + Decay: - - LFO depth: + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - - ADSR + + Slide Decay: - - ADSR: + + DIST: - - Pressure + + Saw wave - - Pressure: + + Click here for a saw-wave. - - Speed + + Triangle wave - - Speed: + + Click here for a triangle-wave. - - - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control + + Square wave - - VST sync + + Click here for a square-wave. - - - Automated + + Rounded square wave - - Close + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - - - VST plugin control + + Moog wave - - VST Sync + + Click here for a moog-like wave. - - - Automated + + Sine wave - - Close + + Click for a sine-wave. - - - organicInstrument - - Distortion + + + White noise wave - - Volume + + Click here for an exponential wave. - - - organicInstrumentView - - Distortion: + + Click here for white-noise. - - Volume: + + Bandlimited saw wave - - Randomise + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - - - Osc %1 waveform: + + Bandlimited square wave - - Osc %1 volume: + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. - - Osc %1 panning: + + Bandlimited triangle wave - - Osc %1 stereo detuning + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - - cents + + Bandlimited moog saw wave - - Osc %1 harmonic: + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - patchesDialog + MalletsInstrument - - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + Hardness - - Bank selector + + Position - - Bank + + Vibrato gain - - Program selector + + Vibrato frequency - - Patch + + Stick mix - - Name + + Modulator - - OK + + Crossfade - - Cancel + + LFO speed - - - pluginBrowser - - no description + + LFO depth - - A native amplifier plugin + + ADSR - - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + Pressure - - Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + Motion - - Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + Speed - - An oversampling bitcrusher + + Bowed - - Carla Patchbay Instrument + + Spread - - Carla Rack Instrument + + Marimba - - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + Vibraphone - - A native delay plugin + + Agogo - - A Dual filter plugin + + Wood 1 - - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + Reso - - A native eq plugin + + Wood 2 - - A native flanger plugin + + Beats - - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + Two fixed - - Player for GIG files + + Clump - - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + Tubular bells - - Versatile drum synthesizer + + Uniform bar - - List installed LADSPA plugins + + Tuned bar - - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + Glass - - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 + + Tibetan bowl + + + MalletsInstrumentView - - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + Instrument - - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + Spread - - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + Spread: - - A multitap echo delay plugin + + Missing files - - A NES-like synthesizer + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - - 2-operator FM Synth + + Hardness - - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + Hardness: - - GUS-compatible patch instrument + + Position - - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + Position: - - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + Vibrato gain - - Player for SoundFont files + + Vibrato gain: - - LMMS port of sfxr + + Vibrato frequency - - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + Vibrato frequency: - - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + Stick mix - - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + Stick mix: - - Tuneful things to bang on + + Modulator - - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + Modulator: - - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + Crossfade - - Vibrating string modeler + + Crossfade: - - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + LFO speed - - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + LFO speed: - - plugin for waveshaping + + LFO depth - - Mathematical expression parser + + LFO depth: - - Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + ADSR - - A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + ADSR: - - - sf2Instrument - - Bank + + Pressure - - Patch + + Pressure: - - Gain + + Speed - - Reverb + + Speed: + + + ManageVSTEffectView - - Reverb room size + + - VST parameter control - - Reverb damping + + VST sync - - Reverb width + + + Automated - - Reverb level + + Close + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - - Chorus + + + - VST plugin control - - Chorus voices + + VST Sync - - Chorus level + + + Automated - - Chorus speed + + Close + + + OrganicInstrument - - Chorus depth + + Distortion - - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + Volume - sf2InstrumentView + OrganicInstrumentView - - - Open SoundFont file + + Distortion: - - Choose patch + + Volume: - - Gain: + + Randomise - - Apply reverb (if supported) + + + Osc %1 waveform: - - Room size: + + Osc %1 volume: - - Damping: + + Osc %1 panning: - - Width: + + Osc %1 stereo detuning - - - Level: + + cents - - Apply chorus (if supported) + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + PatchesDialog - - Voices: + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - - Speed: + + Bank selector - - Depth: + + Bank - - SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + Program selector - - - sfxrInstrument - - Wave + + Patch - - - sidInstrument - - Cutoff frequency + + Name - - Resonance + + OK - - Filter type + + Cancel + + + Sf2Instrument - - Voice 3 off + + Bank - - Volume + + Patch - - Chip model + + Gain - - - sidInstrumentView - - Volume: + + Reverb - - Resonance: + + Reverb room size - - - Cutoff frequency: + + Reverb damping - - High-pass filter + + Reverb width - - Band-pass filter + + Reverb level - - Low-pass filter + + Chorus - - Voice 3 off + + Chorus voices - - MOS6581 SID + + Chorus level - - MOS8580 SID + + Chorus speed - - - Attack: + + Chorus depth - - - Decay: + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - - Sustain: + + + Open SoundFont file - - - Release: + + Choose patch - - Pulse Width: + + Gain: - - Coarse: + + Apply reverb (if supported) - - Pulse wave + + Room size: - - Triangle wave + + Damping: - - Saw wave + + Width: - - Noise + + + Level: - - Sync + + Apply chorus (if supported) - - Ring modulation + + Voices: - - Filtered + + Speed: - - Test + + Depth: - - Pulse width: + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - + WIDTH - + Width: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls - + Width - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog - + Left to Left Vol: - + Left to Right Vol: - + Right to Left Vol: - + Right to Right Vol: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls - + Left to Left - + Left to Right - + Right to Left - + Right to Right - testcontext - - - - test string - - - - - - test plural %n - - - - - - - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument - + Loading plugin - + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... - vibed + Vibed - + String %1 volume - + String %1 stiffness - + Pick %1 position - + Pickup %1 position - + String %1 panning - + String %1 detune - + String %1 fuzziness - + String %1 length - + Impulse %1 - + String %1 - vibedView + VibedView - + String volume: - + String stiffness: - + Pick position: - + Pickup position: - + String panning: - + String detune: - + String fuzziness: - + String length: - + Impulse - + Octave - + Impulse Editor - + Enable waveform - + Enable/disable string - + String - - + + Sine wave - - + + Triangle wave - - + + Saw wave - - + + Square wave - - + + White noise - - + + User-defined wave - - + + Smooth waveform - - + + Normalize waveform - voiceObject + VoiceObject - + Voice %1 pulse width - + Voice %1 attack - + Voice %1 decay - + Voice %1 sustain - + Voice %1 release - + Voice %1 coarse detuning - + Voice %1 wave shape - + Voice %1 sync - + Voice %1 ring modulate - + Voice %1 filtered - + Voice %1 test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog - + INPUT - + Input gain: - + OUTPUT - + Output gain: - - + + Reset wavegraph - - + + Smooth wavegraph - - + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - - + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - + Clip input - + Clip input signal to 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls - + Input gain - + Output gain diff --git a/data/locale/eo.ts b/data/locale/eo.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..005ee8100bf --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/eo.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16326 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + Pri LMMSon + + + + LMMS + LMMSo + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Versio %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + About + Pri + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMSo - simpla muzikkreado por ĉiun. + + + + Copyright © %1. + + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + + Authors + Aŭtoroj + + + + Involved + + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + + + + + Translation + Traduki + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + + + License + Licenco + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Volume: + Volumo: + + + + PAN + + + + + Panning: + + + + + LEFT + + + + + Left gain: + + + + + RIGHT + + + + + Right gain: + + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + Panning + + + + + Left gain + + + + + Right gain + + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + + + + + CHANNELS + + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Disable loop + + + + + Enable loop + + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + + + + + Amplify: + + + + + Start point: + + + + + End point: + + + + + Loopback point: + + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + + + + + JACK server down + + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + + + + + Client name + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value + + + + + Edit song-global automation + + + + + Remove song-global automation + + + + + Remove all linked controls + + + + + Connected to %1 + + + + + Connected to controller + + + + + Edit connection... + + + + + Remove connection + + + + + Connect to controller... + + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + + Flip vertically + + + + + Flip horizontally + + + + + Interpolation controls + + + + + Discrete progression + + + + + Linear progression + + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + + + + + Tension value for spline + + + + + Tension: + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization controls + + + + + Quantization + + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + + + + + Clear + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + Set/clear record + + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + + + + %1 Connections + + + + + Disconnect "%1" + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Beat selector + + + + + Track and step actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + + Clone of %1 + + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Gain: + + + + + RATIO + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + + + + + Gain + + + + + Ratio + + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + + + + + OUT + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + Input noise: + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + CLIP + + + + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + STEREO + + + + + Stereo difference: + + + + + QUANT + + + + + Levels: + + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Input noise + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Output clip + + + + + Sample rate + + + + + Stereo difference + + + + + Levels + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + + + + + About + Pri + + + + About text here + + + + + Extended licensing here + + + + + Artwork + + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + + + + + Features + + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + + + + + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + VST2: + + + + + DSSI: + + + + + LV2: + + + + + VST3: + + + + + OSC + + + + + Host URLs: + + + + + Valid commands: + + + + + valid osc commands here + + + + + Example: + + + + + License + Licenco + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + + + + + Plugin Version + + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + + (Engine not running) + + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + + Using Juce host + + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + + + + + Rack + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Logs + + + + + Loading... + + + + + Buffer Size: + + + + + Sample Rate: + + + + + ? Xruns + + + + + DSP Load: %p% + + + + + &File + &Dosiero + + + + &Engine + + + + + &Plugin + + + + + Macros (all plugins) + + + + + &Canvas + + + + + Zoom + + + + + &Settings + + + + + &Help + + + + + toolBar + + + + + Disk + + + + + + Home + cefpaĝo + + + + Transport + + + + + Playback Controls + + + + + Time Information + + + + + Frame: + + + + + 000'000'000 + + + + + Time: + + + + + 00:00:00 + + + + + BBT: + + + + + 000|00|0000 + + + + + Settings + + + + + BPM + + + + + Use JACK Transport + + + + + Use Ableton Link + + + + + &New + + + + + Ctrl+N + + + + + &Open... + &Malfermi... + + + + + Open... + + + + + Ctrl+O + + + + + &Save + &Konservi + + + + Ctrl+S + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + + Save As... + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + + &Quit + &Eliri + + + + Ctrl+Q + + + + + &Start + + + + + F5 + + + + + St&op + + + + + F6 + + + + + &Add Plugin... + + + + + Ctrl+A + + + + + &Remove All + + + + + Enable + + + + + Disable + + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + + + + + 100% Wet + + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + + + + + 100% Volume + + + + + Center Balance + + + + + &Play + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + + + + + &Stop + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + + &Backwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + + &Forwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + + &Arrange + + + + + Ctrl+G + + + + + + &Refresh + + + + + Ctrl+R + + + + + Save &Image... + + + + + Auto-Fit + + + + + Zoom In + + + + + Ctrl++ + + + + + Zoom Out + + + + + Ctrl+- + + + + + Zoom 100% + + + + + Ctrl+1 + + + + + Show &Toolbar + + + + + &Configure Carla + + + + + &About + + + + + About &JUCE + + + + + About &Qt + + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + + + + + Show Internal + + + + + Show External + + + + + Show Time Panel + + + + + Show &Side Panel + + + + + &Connect... + + + + + Compact Slots + + + + + Expand Slots + + + + + Perform secret 1 + + + + + Perform secret 2 + + + + + Perform secret 3 + + + + + Perform secret 4 + + + + + Perform secret 5 + + + + + Add &JACK Application... + + + + + &Configure driver... + + + + + Panic + + + + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Failed to load project + + + + + Failed to save project + + + + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + + + + + Warning + + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + + + + + main + + + + + canvas + + + + + engine + + + + + osc + + + + + file-paths + + + + + plugin-paths + + + + + wine + + + + + experimental + + + + + Widget + + + + + + Main + + + + + + Canvas + + + + + + Engine + + + + + File Paths + + + + + Plugin Paths + + + + + Wine + + + + + + Experimental + + + + + <b>Main</b> + + + + + Paths + + + + + Default project folder: + + + + + Interface + + + + + Interface refresh interval: + + + + + + ms + + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + + + + + + Theme + + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + + + + + Color scheme: + + + + + Black + + + + + System + + + + + Enable experimental features + + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + + + + + Bezier Lines + + + + + Theme: + + + + + Size: + + + + + 775x600 + + + + + 1550x1200 + + + + + 3100x2400 + + + + + 4650x3600 + + + + + 6200x4800 + + + + + Options + + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + + + + + Auto-select items on hover + + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + + + + + Render Hints + + + + + Anti-Aliasing + + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + + + + + <b>Engine</b> + + + + + + Core + + + + + Single Client + + + + + Multiple Clients + + + + + + Continuous Rack + + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Audio driver: + + + + + Process mode: + + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + + + + + Max Parameters: + + + + + ... + + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + + + + + Plugin UIs + + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + <b>OSC</b> + + + + + Enable OSC + + + + + Enable TCP port + + + + + + Use specific port: + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + + + + + Enable UDP port + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + + + + + Audio + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + + + + + + Add... + + + + + + Remove + + + + + + Change... + + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + + + + + <b>Wine</b> + + + + + Executable + + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + + + + + Prefix + + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + + + + + Fallback: + + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + + + + + Realtime Priority + + + + + Base priority: + + + + + WineServer priority: + + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + + + + + Enable plugin bridges + + + + + Enable Wine bridges + + + + + Enable jack applications + + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + + + + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + + + + + Attack: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + + + + + Release: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + + + + + Knee: + + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + + + + + Range: + + + + + Maximum gain reduction + + + + + Lookahead Length: + + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + + + + + Hold: + + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + + + + + RMS Size: + + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + + + + + Input Balance: + + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Output Balance: + + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Balance: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + + + + + Tilt Gain: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + + + + + Tilt Frequency: + + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + + + + + Mix: + + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + + + + + Auto Attack: + + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + + + + + Auto Release: + + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + + + + + Output gain + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output volume + + + + + Input gain + + + + + Input volume + + + + + Root Mean Square + + + + + Use RMS of the input + + + + + Peak + + + + + Use absolute value of the input + + + + + Left/Right + + + + + Compress left and right audio + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Compress mid and side audio + + + + + Compressor + + + + + Compress the audio + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + + + + + Unlinked + + + + + Compress each channel separately + + + + + Maximum + + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + + + + + Average + + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + + + + + Minimum + + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + + + + + Blend + + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + + + + + + Soft Clip + + + + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + + + + + Ratio + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Knee + + + + + Hold + + + + + Range + + + + + RMS Size + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + + + + + Input Gain + + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Input controller + + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + + + + + Confirm Delete + + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + + + + + Rename controller + + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + + + + + LFO + + + + + &Remove this controller + + + + + Re&name this controller + + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + + + + + Band 1 gain: + + + + + Band 2 gain + + + + + Band 2 gain: + + + + + Band 3 gain + + + + + Band 3 gain: + + + + + Band 4 gain + + + + + Band 4 gain: + + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + Feedback + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + + Gain + + + + + MIX + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + + + + + Record + + + + + Record while playing + + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + + + + + + Name + + + + + Type + + + + + Description + + + + + Author + + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + VOLUMO + + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + Panning + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + Volume: + Volumo: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + Volume: + Volumo: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + KONSERVI + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + + + + + + + Next + + + + + Previous (%1) + + + + + Next (%1) + + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + + + Version %1 + + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + + + + + My Projects + + + + + My Samples + + + + + My Presets + + + + + My Home + + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + + + + + My Computer + + + + + &File + &Dosiero + + + + &New + + + + + &Open... + &Malfermi... + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + &Konservi + + + + Save &As... + + + + + Save as New &Version + + + + + Save as default template + + + + + Import... + + + + + E&xport... + + + + + E&xport Tracks... + + + + + Export &MIDI... + + + + + &Quit + &Eliri + + + + &Edit + + + + + Undo + + + + + Redo + + + + + Settings + + + + + &View + + + + + &Tools + + + + + &Help + + + + + Online Help + + + + + Help + + + + + About + Pri + + + + Create new project + + + + + Create new project from template + + + + + Open existing project + + + + + Recently opened projects + + + + + Save current project + + + + + Export current project + + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + + Piano Roll + + + + + + Automation Editor + + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + + + + + Untitled + + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Open Project + + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + + + + + LMMS Project + + + + + LMMS Project Template + + + + + Save project template + + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + + + + + + untitled + + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + + + + + Project saved + + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + + + + + Project NOT saved. + + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + + + + + Import file + + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + + + + + All file types + + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + Track + + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + + + + + 6 + + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + &Dosiero + + + + &Edit + + + + + &Quit + &Eliri + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + + + + + Output channel + + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events + + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + Digital Triangle wave + + + + + Digital Saw wave + + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Ramp wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + + + Panning + + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + + + + + + Rate + + + + + + Phase + + + + + + Pre-delay + + + + + + Hold + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Sustain + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + + + + + Enable channel 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + + + + + Noise Frequency + + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + + + + + + Osc %1 panning + + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + Modulation type %1 + + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Tune + + + + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + + + + + Open patch file + + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + + + + + Peak Controller Bug + + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + + + + + LFO Controller + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + MULT + + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + + + + + Attack: + + + + + DCAY + + + + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Treshold + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + + + + + Note Panning + + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + + + + + Effects + + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + + + + + %1+Y + + + + + &Copy + &Kopii + + + + %1+C + + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + + + + + &Paste + &Alglui + + + + %1+V + + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + Help + + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + + + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + + + + + + + + + + No + + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + + + + + File: + Dosiero: + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + + + + + Color: + + + + + Output + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Size + + + + + Color + + + + + Output gain + + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Eltondi + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + Kopii + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Alglui + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + Panning + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + Volumo: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + + + + + minute + + + + + Disabled + + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Volumo: + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Noise + + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Eltondi + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + Kopii + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Alglui + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + Alglui + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + + + + + .FXP + + + + + .FXB + + + + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + + + + + Volume A2 + + + + + Volume B1 + + + + + Volume B2 + + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + + + + Panning + + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + + + + + + Invert + + + + + + Smooth + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + + + + + A1 + + + + + A2 + + + + + A3 + + + + + W1 smoothing + + + + + W2 smoothing + + + + + W3 smoothing + + + + + Panning 1 + + + + + Panning 2 + + + + + Rel trans + + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Select oscillator W1 + + + + + Select oscillator W2 + + + + + Select oscillator W3 + + + + + Select output O1 + + + + + Select output O2 + + + + + Open help window + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Moog-saw wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + WaveInterpolate + + + + + ExpressionValid + + + + + General purpose 1: + + + + + General purpose 2: + + + + + General purpose 3: + + + + + O1 panning: + + + + + O2 panning: + + + + + Release transition: + + + + + Smoothness + + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + + + + + Filter frequency + + + + + Filter resonance + + + + + Bandwidth + + + + + FM gain + + + + + Resonance center frequency + + + + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + + + + + PORT + + + + + Filter frequency: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Filter resonance: + + + + + RES + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + BW + + + + + FM gain: + + + + + FM GAIN + + + + + Resonance center frequency: + + + + + RES CF + + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + + + + + RES BW + + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + + + + + Start of sample + + + + + End of sample + + + + + Loopback point + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Stutter + + + + + Interpolation mode + + + + + None + + + + + Linear + + + + + Sinc + + + + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + Interpolation + + + + + Normalize + + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ATTACK + + + + + Peak attack time: + + + + + RELEASE + + + + + Peak release time: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: average + + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Attack time + + + + + Release time + + + + + Stereo mode + + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + + + + + End frequency + + + + + Length + + + + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + + Gain + + + + + Envelope slope + + + + + Noise + + + + + Click + + + + + Frequency slope + + + + + Start from note + + + + + End to note + + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + + + + + End frequency: + + + + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Envelope length: + + + + + Envelope slope: + + + + + Click: + + + + + Noise: + + + + + Start distortion: + + + + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + + + + + + Unavailable Effects + + + + + + Instruments + + + + + + Analysis Tools + + + + + + Don't know + + + + + Type: + + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + + + + + Description + + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + + + + Name + + + + + Rate + + + + + Direction + + + + + Type + + + + + Min < Default < Max + + + + + Logarithmic + + + + + SR Dependent + + + + + Audio + + + + + Control + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Toggled + + + + + Integer + + + + + Float + + + + + + Yes + + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + VCF Resonance + + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + Distortion + + + + + Waveform + + + + + Slide Decay + + + + + Slide + + + + + Accent + + + + + Dead + + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + Env Mod: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + + + Slide Decay: + + + + + DIST: + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + + + + + Rounded square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + + + + Moog wave + + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + + + + + + White noise wave + + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + + + + + Click here for white-noise. + + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + + + + Bandlimited square wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + + + + + Position + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + ADSR + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Motion + + + + + Speed + + + + + Bowed + + + + + Spread + + + + + Marimba + + + + + Vibraphone + + + + + Agogo + + + + + Wood 1 + + + + + Reso + + + + + Wood 2 + + + + + Beats + + + + + Two fixed + + + + + Clump + + + + + Tubular bells + + + + + Uniform bar + + + + + Tuned bar + + + + + Glass + + + + + Tibetan bowl + + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + + + + + Spread + + + + + Spread: + + + + + Missing files + + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + + + + Hardness + + + + + Hardness: + + + + + Position + + + + + Position: + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato gain: + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Vibrato frequency: + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Stick mix: + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Modulator: + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + Crossfade: + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO speed: + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + + + + + ADSR: + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Pressure: + + + + + Speed + + + + + Speed: + + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + + + + + VST sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VST Sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + + + + + Volume + Volumo + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + + + + + Volume: + Volumo: + + + + Randomise + + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + Reverb + + + + + Reverb room size + + + + + Reverb damping + + + + + Reverb width + + + + + Reverb level + + + + + Chorus + + + + + Chorus voices + + + + + Chorus level + + + + + Chorus speed + + + + + Chorus depth + + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + + + + + Room size: + + + + + Damping: + + + + + Width: + + + + + + Level: + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + + + + + Voices: + + + + + Speed: + + + + + Depth: + + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + + + + + Width: + + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + + + + + Left to Right Vol: + + + + + Right to Left Vol: + + + + + Right to Right Vol: + + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + + + + + Left to Right + + + + + Right to Left + + + + + Right to Right + + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + + + + + String %1 stiffness + + + + + Pick %1 position + + + + + Pickup %1 position + + + + + String %1 panning + + + + + String %1 detune + + + + + String %1 fuzziness + + + + + String %1 length + + + + + Impulse %1 + + + + + String %1 + + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + + + String stiffness: + + + + + Pick position: + + + + + Pickup position: + + + + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + + Octave + + + + + Impulse Editor + + + + + Enable waveform + + + + + Enable/disable string + + + + + String + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + + Normalize waveform + + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + + + + + Voice %1 attack + + + + + Voice %1 decay + + + + + Voice %1 sustain + + + + + Voice %1 release + + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + + + + + Voice %1 sync + + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + + + + + Voice %1 filtered + + + + + Voice %1 test + + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Clip input + + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + diff --git a/data/locale/es.ts b/data/locale/es.ts index f6cfaf83288..4fc4951ef92 100644 --- a/data/locale/es.ts +++ b/data/locale/es.ts @@ -2,94 +2,111 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS Acerca de LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Versión %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - Acerca de + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - producción musical fácil al alcance de todos + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Versión %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - Autores + + About + Acerca de - Translation - Traducción + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - producción musical fácil para todos. - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Traducido al Español por Mariano Macri (Contacto: gnu.mariano.macri@gmail.com) - -Si te interesa traducir LMMS a otros idiomas o mejorar las traducciones existentes, ¡tu ayuda será bienvenida! -¡Simplemente ponte en contacto con el encargado del proyecto! + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. - License - Licencia + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Autores + Involved Han contribuído + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Colaboradores (ordenados por el número de contribuciones): - Copyright © %1 - Copyright © %1 + + Translation + Traducción + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + License + Licencia AmplifierControlDialog + VOL VOL + Volume: Volumen: + PAN PAN + Panning: Paneo: + LEFT IZQ + Left gain: Ganancia izquierda: + RIGHT DER + Right gain: Ganancia derecha: @@ -97,18 +114,22 @@ Si te interesa traducir LMMS a otros idiomas o mejorar las traducciones existent AmplifierControls + Volume Volumen + Panning Paneo + Left gain Ganacia izquierda + Right gain Ganancia derecha @@ -116,10 +137,12 @@ Si te interesa traducir LMMS a otros idiomas o mejorar las traducciones existent AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE DISPOSITIVO + CHANNELS CANALES @@ -127,85 +150,60 @@ Si te interesa traducir LMMS a otros idiomas o mejorar las traducciones existent AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - Abrir otra muestra - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Haz click aquí si quieres abrir otro archivo de audio. Aparecerá un diálogo donde podrás seleccionar el archivo que desees. Se mantendrán las configuraciones que hayas elegido previamente tales como el modo de repetición (bucle), marcas de inicio y final, amplificación, etc. Por lo tanto, tal vez no sonará igual que la muestra original. + + Open sample + Abrir muestra + Reverse sample Reproducir la muestra en reversa - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Si activas este botón, la muestra se reproducirá en reversa. Esto es útil para lograr efectos interesantes, por ejemplo el sonido de un platillo en reversa. - - - Amplify: - Amplificar: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Con esta perilla puedes establecer la proporción de amplificación. Con un valor de 100% tu muestra no ha cambiado. Valores superiores al 100% amplificarán tu muestra y valores menores tendrán el efecto contrario (¡el archivo original de tu muestra no se modificará!) - - - Startpoint: - Inicio: - - - Endpoint: - Fin: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - Reproducción continua a través de las notas - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Activando esta opción la muestra se ejecutará a lo largo de las distintas notas. Si cambias la altura o la nota termina antes que la muestra, la nota siguente reproducirá la muestra desde el lugar en que la nota anterior terminó. Para reiniciar la reproducción desde el principio de la muestra, inserta una nota en el extremo grave del teclado (< 20 Hz) - - + Disable loop Desactivar bucle - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Este botón desactiva la reproducción en bucle. La muestra es reproducida una sola vez del comienzo hasta el final. - - + Enable loop Activar bucle - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Este botón activa el bucle hacia adelante. La muestra se repite entre el punto final y el inicio del bucle (no el de la muestra). + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + Reproducción continua a través de las notas - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Este botón activa el bucle en ping-pong. La muestra se reproduce en bucle hacia atrás y hacia adelante entre el punto final y el inicio del bucle. + + Amplify: + Amplificar: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Con esta perilla puedes definir el punto a partir del cual el AudioFileProcessor debe comenzar a reproducir tu muestra. + + Start point: + - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Con esta perilla puedes definir el punto hasta donde el AudioFileProcessor debe reproducir tu muestra. + + End point: + + Loopback point: Inicio del bucle: - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Con esta perilla puedes elegir el punto en el que comienza el bucle. - AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: Longitud de la muestra: @@ -213,447 +211,469 @@ Si te interesa traducir LMMS a otros idiomas o mejorar las traducciones existent AudioJack + JACK client restarted Se ha reiniciado el cliente de JACK + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS fué rechazado por JACK por alguna razón. Por lo tanto, el motor de JACK de LMMS ha sido reiniciado. Tendrás que realizar las conexiones manuales nuevamente. + JACK server down Ha fallado el servidor JACK + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. El servidor de JACK parece haberse detenido y no hemos podido lanzar una nueva instancia. Por lo tanto LMMS no puede continuar. Debes guardar tu proyecto y reiniciar JACK y LMMS. - CLIENT-NAME - NOMBRE-DEL-CLIENTE + + Client name + - CHANNELS - CANALES + + Channels + Canales - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + - CHANNELS - CANALES + + Channels + Canales AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - MOTOR + + Backend + - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + - CHANNELS - CANALES + + Channels + Canales AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + - CHANNELS - CANALES + + Channels + Canales AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - MOTOR + + Backend + - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) &Restaurar (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) &Copiar valor (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) &Pegar valor (%1%2) + + &Paste value + + + + Edit song-global automation Editar la automatización global de la canción + + Remove song-global automation + Borrar la automatización global de la canción + + + + Remove all linked controls + Quitar todos los controles enlazados + + + Connected to %1 Conectado a %1 + Connected to controller Conectado al controlador + Edit connection... Editar conexión... + Remove connection Quitar conexión + Connect to controller... Conectar al controlador... - - Remove song-global automation - Borrar la automatización global de la canción - - - Remove all linked controls - Quitar todos los controles enlazados - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - ¡Por favor abre un patrón de automatización con el menú contextual de un control! + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + - Values copied - Valores copiados + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Los valores seleccionados se han copiado al portapapeles. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + ¡Por favor abre un patrón de automatización con el menú contextual de un control! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) Reproducir/Pausar el patrón actual (Espacio) - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Haz click aquí para reproducir el patrón actual. Te será útil para editarlo. El patrón se reproducirá automáticamente en bucle al llegar al final. - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) Detener la reproducción del patrón actual (Espacio) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Haz click aquí si deseas detener la reproducción del patrón actual. + + Edit actions + Acciones de edición + Draw mode (Shift+D) Modo de dibujo (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) Modo de borrado (Shift+E) + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically Voltear verticalmente + Flip horizontally Voltear horizontalmente - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Haz click aquí para invertir el patrón. Los puntos se voltearán el el eje y. - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Haz click aquí para retrogradar el patrón. Los puntos se volterán en el eje x. - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Haz click aquí para activar el modo de dibujo. En este modo puedes añadir y mover valores individuales. Este es el modo por defecto y el que se usa la mayoría de las veces. También puedes activar este modo desde el teclado presionando 'shift+D'. - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Haz click aquí para activar el modo de borrado. En este modo puedes borrar valores individuales. Puedes activar este modo desde el teclado presionando 'Shift+E'. + + Interpolation controls + Controles de interpolación + Discrete progression Interpolación escalonada + Linear progression Interpolación lineal + Cubic Hermite progression Interpolación de Hermite (suave) + Tension value for spline Valor de tensión para la spline - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Un valor de alta tensión hará una curva más suave pero exederá ciertos valores. Un valor de baja tensión provocará que la pendiente de la curva se estabilice en cada punto de control. - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Haz click aquí para seleccionar la interpolación escalonada para este patrón de automatización. El valor afectado permanecerá constante entre los puntos de control y pasará inmediatamente al nuevo valor al alcanczar cada nuevo punto de control. - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Haz click aquí para seleccionar interpolación lineal para este patrón de automatización.El valor afectado cambiará de manera constante entre los puntos de control para alcanzar el valor correcto en cada punto sin cambios súbitos entre ellos. - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Haz click aquí para seleccionar la interpolación de Hermite para este patrón. El valor afectado cambiará formando una curva uniforme y suavizará los extremos altos y bajos. - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Cortar los valores seleccionados (%1+X) - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Copiar los valores seleccionados (%1+C) + + Tension: + Tensión: - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Pegar desde el portapapeles (%1+V) + + Zoom controls + Controles de Acercamiento - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Haz click aquí y los valores seleccionados se moverán al portapapeles. Puedes pegarlos en cualquier lugar de cualquier patrón haciendo click en el botón "pegar". + + Horizontal zooming + - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Haz click aquí y los valores seleccionados se copiarán al portapapeles. Puedes pegarlos en cualquier lugar de cualquier patrón haciendo click en el botón "pegar". + + Vertical zooming + - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Haz click aquí para pegar el contenido del portapapeles en el primer compás visible. + + Quantization controls + Controles de cuantización - Tension: - Tensión: + + Quantization + Cuantización - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip Editor de Automatización - no hay patrón + + Automation Editor - %1 Editor de Automatización - %1 - Edit actions - Acciones de edición - - - Interpolation controls - Controles de interpolación - - - Timeline controls - Controles de la línea de Tiempo - - - Zoom controls - Controles de Acercamiento - - - Quantization controls - Controles de cuantización - - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. El modelo ya está conectado a este patrón. - - Quantization - Cuantización - - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - Cuantización. Define el tamaño mínimo del paso para el Punto de Automatización. Por defecto esto también define la longitud, quitando otros puntos a su alcance. Presiona <Ctrl> para anular este comportamiento. - - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> Arrastre un control mientras presiona <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor Abrir en el editor de Automatización + Clear Limpiar + Reset name Restaurar nombre + Change name Cambiar nombre - %1 Connections - %1 Conexiones - - - Disconnect "%1" - Desconectar "%1" - - + Set/clear record Activar/Desactivar grabación + Flip Vertically (Visible) Voltear verticalmente (Visible) + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Voltear horizontalmente (Visible) - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + %1 Connections + %1 Conexiones + + + + Disconnect "%1" + Desconectar "%1" + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. El modelo ya está conectado a este patrón. AutomationTrack + Automation track Pista de Automatización - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor Editor de Ritmo+Bajo + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) Reproducir/pausar el ritmo/bajo actual (espacio) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) Detener la reproducción del ritmo/bajo actual (Espacio) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Haz click aquí para reproducir el Ritmo/Bajo actual. El Ritmo/bajo se reproducirá automáticamente desde el principio cada vez que llegue al final. + + Beat selector + Selector de ritmo - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Haz click aquí para detener el Ritmo/Bajo actual. + + Track and step actions + Acciones de pista y pasos + Add beat/bassline Agregar Ritmo/bajo + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + Agregar pista de muestras + + + Add automation-track Agregar pista de Automatización + Remove steps Quitar pasos + Add steps Agregar pasos - Beat selector - Selector de ritmo - - - Track and step actions - Acciones de pista y pasos - - + Clone Steps Clonar Pasos - - Add sample-track - Agregar pista de muestras - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor Abrir en Editor de Ritmo+Bajo + Reset name Restaurar nombre + Change name Cambiar nombre - - Change color - Cambiar color - - - Reset color to default - Restaurar el color por defecto - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 Ritmo/Bajo %1 + Clone of %1 Clon de %1 @@ -661,26 +681,32 @@ Si te interesa traducir LMMS a otros idiomas o mejorar las traducciones existent BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ FREC + Frequency: Frecuencia: + GAIN GAN + Gain: Ganancia: + RATIO RAZÓN + Ratio: Razón: @@ -688,14 +714,17 @@ Si te interesa traducir LMMS a otros idiomas o mejorar las traducciones existent BassBoosterControls + Frequency Frecuencia + Gain Ganancia + Ratio Razón @@ -703,9617 +732,15604 @@ Si te interesa traducir LMMS a otros idiomas o mejorar las traducciones existent BitcrushControlDialog + IN - IN + ENTRADA + OUT - OUT + SALIDA + + GAIN GAN - Input Gain: + + Input gain: Ganancia de Entrada: - Input Noise: - Ruido de entrada: + + NOISE + RUIDO + + + + Input noise: + - Output Gain: + + Output gain: Ganancia de Salida: + CLIP - CLIP + RECORTE - Output Clip: - Recorte de salida: + + Output clip: + - Rate Enabled - Tasa Habilitada + + Rate enabled + - Enable samplerate-crushing - Habilitar reduccion de frecuencia de muestreo + + Enable sample-rate crushing + Habilitar aplastamiento de frecuencia de muestreo - Depth Enabled - Profundidad Habilitada + + Depth enabled + - Enable bitdepth-crushing - Habilitar reducción de profundidad bits + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + FREQ + FREC + + + Sample rate: Frecuencia de Muestreo: + + STEREO + ESTÉREO + + + Stereo difference: Diferencia estéreo: + + QUANT + SECUENCIADOR + + + Levels: Niveles: + + + BitcrushControls - NOISE - RUIDO + + Input gain + Ganancia de entrada - FREQ - FREC + + Input noise + - STEREO - ESTÉREO + + Output gain + Ganancia de salida - QUANT - SECUENCIADOR + + Output clip + - - - CaptionMenu - &Help - &Ayuda + + Sample rate + Frecuencia de muestreo - Help (not available) - Ayuda (no disponible) + + Stereo difference + - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - Mostrar IGU + + Levels + Niveles - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Haz click aquí para mostrar u ocultar la interfaz gráfica de usuario (IGU) de Carla. + + Rate enabled + - - - Controller - Controller %1 - Controlador %1 + + Depth enabled + - ControllerConnectionDialog + CarlaAboutW - Connection Settings - Configuración de conexiones + + About Carla + - MIDI CONTROLLER - CONTROLADOR MIDI + + About + Acerca de - Input channel - Canal de entrada + + About text here + - CHANNEL - CANAL + + Extended licensing here + - Input controller - Controlador de entrada + + Artwork + - CONTROLLER - CONTROLADOR + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - Auto Detect - Auto-detectar + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Dispositivos MIDI desde los cuales recibir eventos MIDI + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - USER CONTROLLER - CONTROLADOR DE USUARIO + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - MAPPING FUNCTION - FUNCIÓN DE MAPEO + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - OK - De acuerdo + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - Cancel - Cancelar + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - LMMS - LMMS + + Features + - Cycle Detected. - Ciclo detectado. + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - Bandeja de Controladores + + LADSPA: + - Add - Añadir + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Confirm Delete - Confirmar borrado + + VST2: + - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - ¿Confirmar borrar? Hay conexiones asociadas a este controlador. Esta acción no se puede deshacer. + + DSSI: + - - - ControllerView - Controls - Controles + + LV2: + - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Los controladores pueden automatizar el valor de una perilla, un deslizador, y otros controles. + + VST3: + - Rename controller - Renombrar el controlador + + OSC + - Enter the new name for this controller - Escribe un nombre nuevo para este controlador + + Host URLs: + - &Remove this controller - Quita&R este controlador + + Valid commands: + - Re&name this controller - Re&nombrar este controlador + + valid osc commands here + - LFO - LFO + + Example: + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: - Filtro de cruce Banda 1/2: + + License + Licencia - Band 2/3 Crossover: - Filtro de cruce Banda 2/3: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - Band 3/4 Crossover: - Filtro de cruce Banda 3/4: + + OSC Bridge Version + - Band 1 Gain: - Banda 1 Ganancia: + + Plugin Version + - Band 2 Gain: - Banda 2 Ganancia: + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + - Band 3 Gain: - Banda 3 Ganancia: + + + (Engine not running) + - Band 4 Gain: - Banda 4 Ganancia: + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + - Band 1 Mute - Banda 1 Silencio + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - Mute Band 1 - Silenciar Banda 1 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - Band 2 Mute - Banda 2 Silencio + + + + Using Juce host + - Mute Band 2 - Silenciar Banda 2 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + CarlaHostW - Band 3 Mute - Banda 3 Silencio + + MainWindow + - Mute Band 3 - Silenciar Banda 3 + + Rack + - Band 4 Mute - Banda 4 Silencio + + Patchbay + - Mute Band 4 - Silenciar Banda 4 + + Logs + - - - DelayControls - Delay Samples - Retrasar muestras + + Loading... + - Feedback - Realimentacion + + Buffer Size: + - Lfo Frequency - Frecuencia LFO + + Sample Rate: + Frecuencia de Muestreo: - Lfo Amount - Cantidad LFO + + ? Xruns + - Output gain - Ganancia de salida + + DSP Load: %p% + - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt - Lfo cant + + &File + Archivo (&F) - Delay Time - Tiempo de retraso + + &Engine + - Feedback Amount - Cantidad de realimentacion + + &Plugin + - Lfo - Lfo + + Macros (all plugins) + - Out Gain - Ganancia de salida + + &Canvas + - Gain - Ganancia + + Zoom + - DELAY - DELAY + + &Settings + - FDBK - RETRO + + &Help + Ayuda (&H) - RATE - TASA + + toolBar + - AMNT - CANT + + Disk + - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - Filtro 1 activado + + + Home + - Filter 2 enabled - Filtro 2 activado + + Transport + - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Haz click para activar o desactivar el Filtro 1 + + Playback Controls + - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Haz click para activar o desactivar el Filtro 2 + + Time Information + - FREQ - FREC + + Frame: + - Cutoff frequency - Frecuencia de corte + + 000'000'000 + - RESO - RESO + + Time: + Tiempo: - Resonance - Resonancia + + 00:00:00 + - GAIN - GAN + + BBT: + - Gain - Ganancia + + 000|00|0000 + - MIX - MEZCLA + + Settings + Configuración - Mix - Mezcla + + BPM + - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - Filtro 1 activado + + Use JACK Transport + - Filter 1 type - Filtro 1 tipo + + Use Ableton Link + - Cutoff 1 frequency - Frecuencia de corte 1 + + &New + &Nuevo - Q/Resonance 1 - Q/Resonancia 1 + + Ctrl+N + - Gain 1 - Ganancia 1 + + &Open... + Abrir...(&O) - Mix - Mezcla + + + Open... + - Filter 2 enabled - Filtro 2 activado + + Ctrl+O + - Filter 2 type - Filtro 2 tipo + + &Save + Guardar (&S) - Cutoff 2 frequency - Frecuencia de corte 2 + + Ctrl+S + - Q/Resonance 2 - Q/Resonancia 2 + + Save &As... + Guardar Como... (&A) - Gain 2 - Ganancia 2 + + + Save As... + - LowPass - PasoBajo + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - HiPass - PasoAlto + + &Quit + Salir (&Q) - BandPass csg - PasoBanda csg + + Ctrl+Q + - BandPass czpg - PasoBanda czpg + + &Start + - Notch - Notch + + F5 + - Allpass - PasaTodo + + St&op + - Moog - Moog + + F6 + - 2x LowPass - 2x PasoBajo + + &Add Plugin... + - RC LowPass 12dB - RC PasoBajo 12 dB + + Ctrl+A + - RC BandPass 12dB - RC PasoBanda 12 dB + + &Remove All + - RC HighPass 12dB - RC PasoAlto 12 dB + + Enable + - RC LowPass 24dB - RC PasoBajo 24dB + + Disable + - RC BandPass 24dB - RC PasoBanda 24dB + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - RC HighPass 24dB - RC PasoAlto 24dB + + 100% Wet + - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtro de Formante Vocal + + 0% Volume (Mute) + - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + 100% Volume + - SV LowPass - SV PasoBajo + + Center Balance + - SV BandPass - SV PasoBanda + + &Play + - SV HighPass - SV PasoAlto + + Ctrl+Shift+P + - SV Notch - SV Notch + + &Stop + - Fast Formant - Formante Rápido + + Ctrl+Shift+X + - Tripole - Tripolar + + &Backwards + - - - Editor - Play (Space) - Reproducir (Espacio) + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - Stop (Space) - Detener (Espacio) + + &Forwards + - Record - Grabar + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - Record while playing - Grabar reproduciendo + + &Arrange + - Transport controls - Controles de Transporte + + Ctrl+G + - - - Effect - Effect enabled - Efecto activado + + + &Refresh + - Wet/Dry mix - Mezcla Wet/Dry + + Ctrl+R + - Gate - Puerta + + Save &Image... + - Decay - Caída + + Auto-Fit + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - Efectos activados + + Zoom In + - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - CADENA DE EFECTOS + + Ctrl++ + - Add effect - Añadir efecto + + Zoom Out + - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - Añadir efecto + + Ctrl+- + - Name - Nombre + + Zoom 100% + - Type - Tipo + + Ctrl+1 + - Description - Descripción + + Show &Toolbar + - Author - Autor + + &Configure Carla + - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - Conmuta el efecto entre Encendido y Apagado. + + &About + - On/Off - Encendido/Apagado + + About &JUCE + - W/D - W/D + + About &Qt + - Wet Level: - NIvel de efecto: + + Show Canvas &Meters + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - El selector Wet/Dry determina la razón entre la señal de origen y la señal procesada por el efecto, que conforman la señal de salida. + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - DECAY - CAÍDA + + Show Internal + - Time: - Tiempo: + + Show External + - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - La perilla de Caída controla cuantos búferes de silencio deben pasar antes de que el complemento deje de procesar. Valores pequeños reducen la carga del procesador (CPU) pero corres el riesgo de recorte (clipping) en los efectos de Retraso (delay) y Reverberancia. + + Show Time Panel + - GATE - PUERTA + + Show &Side Panel + - Gate: - Puerta: + + &Connect... + - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - La perilla "Puerta" controla el nivel de la señal que deberá ser considerado como 'silencio' al decidir cuando dejar de procesar señales. + + Compact Slots + - Controls - Controles + + Expand Slots + - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - Los complementos de efectos funcionan como una serie de efectos encadenados a través de los cuales la señal será procesada desde arriba hacia abajo. - -El selector "Encendito/Apagado" te permite desactivar un complemento dado en cualquier punto del tiempo. - -La perilla "Wet/Dry" te permite controlar el balance entre la señal de entrada (sin efecto) y la señal con efecto, formando así la señal de salida. La señal de entrada de una etapa es la señal de salida de la etapa anterior, por lo que la señal "dry" (sin efecto) de la última etapa contiene todos los efectos previos. - -La perilla de Caída controla por cuanto tiempo la señal continuará siendo procesada luego de soltar las notas (Disipación). El efecto dejará de procesar las señales cuando el volumen esté por debajo del umbral dado para un tiempo dado. Esta perilla configura el "tiempo dado". Valores mas altos requieren más CPU, por lo que se recomienda usar valores bajos para la mayoría de los efectos. Se deben usar valores mas altos para efectos que producen períodos largos de silencio, como los Delays. - -La perilla "puerta" controla el "umbral dado" para el auto-apagado del efecto. El reloj del "tiempo-dado" se iniciará tan pronto la señal procesada caiga debajo del umbral especificado por esta perilla. - -El botón "Controles" abre un diálogo para editar los parámetros de los efectos. - -Haciendo click derecho accederás a un menú contextual en el que podrás cambiar el orden en el que se procesan los efectos y también borrar completamente un efecto. + + Perform secret 1 + - Move &up - Mover arriba (&U) + + Perform secret 2 + - Move &down - Mover abajo (&D) + + Perform secret 3 + - &Remove this plugin - Quita&r este complemento + + Perform secret 4 + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - Pre-retraso + + Perform secret 5 + - Attack - Ataque + + Add &JACK Application... + - Hold - Mantener + + &Configure driver... + - Decay - Caída + + Panic + - Sustain - Sostenido + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - Release - Disipación + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + Error - Modulation - Modulación + + Failed to load project + - LFO Predelay - Pre-retraso del LFO + + Failed to save project + - LFO Attack - Ataque del LFO + + Quit + Salir - LFO speed - Velocidad del LFO + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - LFO Modulation - Modulación del LFO + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - LFO Wave Shape - Forma de onda del LFO + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - Freq x 100 - Frec x 100 + + Warning + - Modulate Env-Amount - Modular Cant-Env + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - DEL - RETR + + Show GUI + Mostrar IGU + + + CarlaSettingsW - Predelay: - Pre retraso: + + Settings + Configuración - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Usa este control para configurar el pre-retraso de la envolvente actual. A mayor valor mayor el tiempo antes del inicio de la envolvente actual. + + main + - ATT - ATA + + canvas + - Attack: - Ataque: + + engine + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Usa este control para configurar el tiempo de ataque de la envolvente actual. A mayor valor mayor tiempo necesitará la envolvente para alcanzar el nivel de ataque. Escoje un valor pequeño para instrumentos como pianos y alto para cuerdas. + + osc + - HOLD - MANT + + file-paths + - Hold: - Mantener: + + plugin-paths + - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Usa este control para configurar el tiempo de mantenimiento de la envolvente actual. A mayor valor mayor tiempo se mantendrá el nivel de ataque hasta que comience a disminuir hasta el nivel de sostenido. + + wine + - DEC - CAI + + experimental + - Decay: - Caída: + + Widget + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Usa este control para configurar el tiempo de caída de la envolvente actual. A mayor valor mayor tiempo necesitará la envolvente para pasar del nivel de ataque al de sostenido. Escoje un valor pequeño para instrumentos como pianos. + + + Main + - SUST - SOST + + + Canvas + - Sustain: - Sostenido: + + + Engine + - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Usa este control para configurar el nivel de sostenido de la envolvente actual. Mientras mayor sea este valor, más altor será el nivel al que se mantendrá la envolvente antes de disiparse. + + File Paths + - REL - DIS + + Plugin Paths + - Release: - Disipación: + + Wine + - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Usa este control para configurar el intervalo de Disipación de la envolvente actual. A mayor valor, la envolvente necesitará más tiempo para pasar del nivel de sostenido a cero. Escoje un valor grande para instrumentos suaves como cuerdas. + + + Experimental + - AMT - CANT + + <b>Main</b> + - Modulation amount: - Cantidad de modulación: + + Paths + Lugares - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Usa esta perilla para configurar la cantidad de modulación de la envolvente actual. Mientras más alto sea este valor, mayor será la infuencia de la envolvente sobre, por ej., el volumen o la frecuencia de corte. + + Default project folder: + - LFO predelay: - pre-retraso del LFO: + + Interface + - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Usa este control para configurar el pre-retraso del LFO actual. A mayor valor, mayor el tiempo hasta que el LFO comience a oscilar. + + Interface refresh interval: + - LFO- attack: - ataque del LFO: + + + ms + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Usa este control para configurar el tiempo de ataque del LFO actual. A mayor valor mayor tiempo necesitara el LFO para aumentar su amplitud al máximo. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - SPD - VEL + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - LFO speed: - velocidad del LFO: + + + Theme + - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Usa esta perilla para configurar la velocidad de este LFO. A mayor valor, mayor la velocidad de oscilación del LFO y mayor la velocidad del efecto. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Usa esta perilla para configurar la cantidad de modulación de este LFO. A mayores valores, mayor será la infuencia que ejercerá este oscilador (LFO) sobre la propiedad seleccionada (por ej.: el volumen o la frecuencia de corte). + + Color scheme: + - Click here for a sine-wave. - Haz click aquí para seleccionar una onda-sinusoidal. + + Black + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Haz click aquí para seleccionar una onda triangular. + + System + - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Haz click aquí para seleccionar una onda de sierra. + + Enable experimental features + - Click here for a square-wave. - Haz click aquí para seleccionar una onda cuadrada. + + <b>Canvas</b> + - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda definida por el usuario. Luego arrastra una muestra adecuada sobre el gráfico LFO. + + Bezier Lines + - FREQ x 100 - FREC x 100 + + Theme: + - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Haz click aquí para multiplicar por 100 la frecuencia de este oscilador LFO. + + Size: + Tamaño: - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - multiplicar frecuencia del LFO por 100 + + 775x600 + - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - MODULAR CANT-DE-ENV + + 1550x1200 + - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Haz click aquí para que la cantidad de envolvente sea controlada por este LFO. + + 3100x2400 + - control envelope-amount by this LFO - controla la cantidad de envolvente a través de este LFO + + 4650x3600 + - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + 6200x4800 + - Hint - Pista + + Options + - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Arrastra una muestra desde cualquier lugar y suéltala en esta ventana. + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - Click here for random wave. - Haz click aquí para seleccionar una onda aleatoria. + + Auto-select items on hover + - - - EqControls - Input gain - Ganancia de entrada + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - Output gain - Ganancia de salida + + Render Hints + - Low shelf gain - Ganancia de la meseta de bajos + + Anti-Aliasing + - Peak 1 gain - Ganancia del Pico 1 + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - Peak 2 gain - Ganancia del Pico 2 + + <b>Engine</b> + - Peak 3 gain - Ganancia del Pico 3 + + + Core + - Peak 4 gain - Ganancia del Pico 4 + + Single Client + - High Shelf gain - Ganancia de la meseta de agudos + + Multiple Clients + - HP res - PasoAlto res + + + Continuous Rack + - Low Shelf res - Meseta de Bajos res + + + Patchbay + - Peak 1 BW - Ancho de Banda del Pico 1 + + Audio driver: + - Peak 2 BW - Ancho de Banda del Pico 2 + + Process mode: + - Peak 3 BW - Ancho de Banda del Pico 3 + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + - Peak 4 BW - Ancho de Banda del Pico 4 + + Max Parameters: + - High Shelf res - Meseta de Agudos res + + ... + - LP res - PasoBajo res + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + - HP freq - PasoAlto frec + + Plugin UIs + - Low Shelf freq - Meseta de Bajos frec + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + - Peak 1 freq - Pico 1 frec + + UI Bridge Timeout: + - Peak 2 freq - Pico 2 frec + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + - Peak 3 freq - Pico 3 frec + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + - Peak 4 freq - Pico 4 frec + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + - High shelf freq - Meseta de Agudos frec + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + - LP freq - PasoBajo frec + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + - HP active - PasoAlto activo + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + - Low shelf active - Meseta de Bajos activa + + <b>OSC</b> + - Peak 1 active - Pico 1 activo + + Enable OSC + - Peak 2 active - Pico 2 activo + + Enable TCP port + - Peak 3 active - Pico 3 activo + + + Use specific port: + - Peak 4 active - Pico 4 activo + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + - High shelf active - Meseta de Agudos activa + + + Use randomly assigned port + - LP active - PasoBajo activo + + Enable UDP port + - LP 12 - PB 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - LP 24 - PB 24 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - LP 48 - PB 48 + + <b>File Paths</b> + - HP 12 - PA 12 + + Audio + Audio - HP 24 - PA 24 + + MIDI + MIDI - HP 48 - PA 48 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - low pass type - tipo paso bajo + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - high pass type - tipo paso alto + + + Add... + - Analyse IN - Analizar ENTRADA + + + Remove + - Analyse OUT - Analizar SALIDA + + + Change... + - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - PA + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + - Low Shelf - Meseta de Bajos + + LADSPA + - Peak 1 - Pico 1 + + DSSI + - Peak 2 - Pico 2 + + LV2 + - Peak 3 - Pico 3 + + VST2 + - Peak 4 - Pico 4 + + VST3 + - High Shelf - Meseta de Agudos + + SF2/3 + - LP - PB + + SFZ + - In Gain - Ganancia de entrada + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + - Gain - Ganancia + + <b>Wine</b> + - Out Gain - Ganancia de salida + + Executable + - Bandwidth: - AnchoDeBanda: + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - Resonance : - Resonancia : + + Prefix + - Frequency: - Frecuencia: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - lp grp - grupo PB + + Fallback: + - hp grp - grupo PA + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + - Octave - Octava + + Realtime Priority + - - - EqHandle - Reso: - Reso: + + Base priority: + - BW: - AB: + + WineServer priority: + - Freq: - Frec: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - Exportar proyecto + + <b>Experimental</b> + - Output - Salida + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - File format: - Tipo de archivo: + + Enable plugin bridges + - Samplerate: - Frecuencia de muestreo: + + Enable Wine bridges + - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Enable jack applications + - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - Bitrate: - Tasa de bits: + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - Depth: - Profundidad: + + + + + Add Path + + + + CompressorControlDialog - 16 Bit Integer - 16 Bits Entero + + Threshold: + - 32 Bit Float - 32 Bit Decimal + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - Quality settings - Configuración de calidad + + Ratio: + Razón: - Interpolation: - Interpolación: + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - Zero Order Hold - Zero Order Hold + + Attack: + Ataque: - Sinc Fastest - Sinc-Rapidísimo + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Sinc-Medio (recomendado) + + Release: + Disipación: - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Sinc Superior (¡muy lento!) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - Oversampling (use with care!): - Sobremuestreo (¡usar con cuidado!): + + Knee: + - 1x (None) - 1x (Ninguno) + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - 2x - 2x + + Range: + - 4x - 4x + + Maximum gain reduction + - 8x - 8x + + Lookahead Length: + - Start - Comenzar + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - Cancel - Cancelar + + Hold: + Mantener: - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Exportar como bucle (quitar silencio al final) + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Export between loop markers - Exportar el area contenida entre los marcadores de bucle + + RMS Size: + - Could not open file - No se puede abrir el archivo + + Size of the RMS buffer + - Export project to %1 - Exportar proyecto a %1 + + Input Balance: + - Error - Error + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Error al determinar el dispositivo codificador. Intenta elegir un formato de salida diferente. + + Output Balance: + - Rendering: %1% - Renderizando: %1% + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - El archivo %1 no puede abrirse para escritura. -Asegúrate de tener permisos de escritura tanto del archivo como del directorio que lo contiene e inténtalo de nuevo. + + Stereo Balance: + - 24 Bit Integer - 24 Bits Entero + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - Use variable bitrate - Usar tasa de bits variable + + Stereo Link Blend: + - Stereo mode: - MODO ESTÉREO: + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + - Stereo - Estéreo + + Tilt Gain: + - Joint Stereo - Conjunto De Estéreo: + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + - Mono - Mono + + Tilt Frequency: + - Compression level: - Compresor De Niveles: + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + - (fastest) - (Rápido) + + Mix: + - (default) - (Por Defecto) + + Balance between wet and dry signals + - (smallest) - (Reducir) + + Auto Attack: + - - - Expressive - Selected graph - Gráfico seleccionado + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + - A1 - A1 + + Auto Release: + - A2 - A2 + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + - A3 - A3 + + Output gain + Ganancia de salida - W1 smoothing - W1 Suavizadora + + + Gain + Ganancia - W2 smoothing - W2 Suavizadora + + Output volume + - W3 smoothing - W3 Suavizadora + + Input gain + Ganancia de entrada - PAN1 - PAN1 + + Input volume + - PAN2 - PAN2 + + Root Mean Square + - REL TRANS - REL TRANS + + Use RMS of the input + - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre %1 y %2: + + Peak + - - - FileBrowser - Browser - Explorador + + Use absolute value of the input + - Search - Buscar + + Left/Right + - Refresh list - Actualizar Lista + + Compress left and right audio + - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - Enviar a la pista de instrumento activa + + Mid/Side + - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - Abrir en la nueva pista de instrumento/Editor de R+B + + Compress mid and side audio + - Loading sample - Cargando muestra + + Compressor + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Espera por favor mientras se carga la muestra para previsualizar... + + Compress the audio + - --- Factory files --- - --- Archivos de Fábrica --- + + Limiter + - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - Abrir en una nueva pista de instrumento/Editor de canción + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - Error - Error + + Unlinked + - does not appear to be a valid - no parece ser válido + + Compress each channel separately + - file - archivo + + Maximum + - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - Muestras de retraso + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - Lfo Frequency - Frecuencia LFO + + Average + - Seconds - Segundos + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - Regen - Intensidad + + Minimum + - Noise - Ruido + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - Invert - Invertir + + Blend + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: - Tiempo de retraso : + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - Feedback Amount: - Cantidad de realimentación: + + Auto Makeup Gain + - White Noise Amount: - Cantidad de Ruido Blanco: + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - DELAY - RETRASO + + + Soft Clip + - RATE - TASA + + Play the delta signal + - AMNT - CANT + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - Amount: - Cantidad: + + Lookahead Enabled + - FDBK - RETRO + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + CompressorControls - NOISE - RUIDO + + Threshold + - Invert - Invertir + + Ratio + Razón - Period: - Period: + + Attack + Ataque - - - FxLine - Channel send amount - Cantidad de envío del canal + + Release + Disipación - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - El canal FX recive la señal de una o más pistas de instrumento. -A su vez, puede ser enviado a través de múltiples canales FX diferentes. LMMS automáticamente se ocupa de evitar bucles infinitos por ti y no te permitirá realizar una conexión que genere un bucle infinito. - -Para enviar un canal hacia otro canal, escoje el canal FX deseado y haz click en el botón de "envío" del canal al cual deseas enviar. La perilla bajo el botón de envío controla el nivel de la señal que es enviada al canal. - -Puedes quitar y mover los canales FX a través del menú contextual. Accede a este menú haciendo click derecho en el canal FX. + + Knee + - Move &left - Mover a la Izquierda (&L) + + Hold + Mantener - Move &right - Mover a la Derecha (&R) + + Range + - Rename &channel - Renombrar &Canal + + RMS Size + - R&emove channel - Borrar canal (&E) + + Mid/Side + - Remove &unused channels - Quitar los canales que no esten en &uso + + Peak Mode + - - - FxMixer - Master - Maestro + + Lookahead Length + - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Input Balance + - Volume - Volumen + + Output Balance + - Mute - Silencio + + Limiter + - Solo - Solo + + Output Gain + Ganancia de salida - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - Mezcladora FX + + Input Gain + Ganancia de entrada - FX Fader %1 - Fader FX %1 + + Blend + - Mute - Silencio + + Stereo Balance + - Mute this FX channel - Silenciar este canal FX + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Solo - Solo + + Audition + - Solo FX channel - Canal FX Solo + + Feedback + Realimentacion - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Cantidad de envío del canal %1 al canal %2 + + Auto Attack + - - - GigInstrument - Bank - Banco + + Auto Release + - Patch - Ajuste + + Lookahead + - Gain - Ganancia + + Tilt + - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file - Abrir otro archivo GIG + + Tilt Frequency + - Click here to open another GIG file - Haz click aquí para abrir otro archivo GIG + + Stereo Link + - Choose the patch - Elige el ajuste (patch) + + Mix + Mezcla + + + Controller - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - Haz click aquí para cambiar el ajuste en uso del archivo GIG + + Controller %1 + Controlador %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - Cambiar el instrumento en uso del archivo GIG + + Connection Settings + Configuración de conexiones - Which GIG file is currently being used - Qué archivo GIG se esta usando en este momento + + MIDI CONTROLLER + CONTROLADOR MIDI - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - Qué ajuste del archivo GIG se esta usando en este momento + + Input channel + Canal de entrada - Gain - Ganancia + + CHANNEL + CANAL - Factor to multiply samples by - Factor por el cual multiplicar las muestras + + Input controller + Controlador de entrada - Open GIG file - Abrir archivo GIG + + CONTROLLER + CONTROLADOR - GIG Files (*.gig) - Archivos GIG (*.gig) + + + Auto Detect + Auto-detectar - - - GuiApplication - Working directory - Directorio de trabajo + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + Dispositivos MIDI desde los cuales recibir eventos MIDI - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - El directorio de trabajo LMMS %1 no existe. ¿Deseas crearlo ahora? Puedes cambiar este directorio luego via Edición -> Configuración. + + USER CONTROLLER + CONTROLADOR DE USUARIO - Preparing UI - Preparando IU + + MAPPING FUNCTION + FUNCIÓN DE MAPEO - Preparing song editor - Preparando editor de canción + + OK + De acuerdo - Preparing mixer - Preparando mezclador + + Cancel + Cancelar - Preparing controller rack - Preparando bandeja de controladores + + LMMS + LMMS - Preparing project notes - Preparando notas del proyecto + + Cycle Detected. + Ciclo detectado. - - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Preparando editor de ritmo/bajo + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + Bandeja de Controladores - Preparing piano roll - Preparando piano roll + + Add + Añadir - Preparing automation editor - Preparando editor de automatización + + Confirm Delete + Confirmar borrado + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + ¿Confirmar borrar? Hay conexiones asociadas a este controlador. Esta acción no se puede deshacer. - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + ControllerView - Arpeggio - Arpegio + + Controls + Controles - Arpeggio type - tipo de arpegio + + Rename controller + Renombrar el controlador - Arpeggio range - Extensión del arpegio + + Enter the new name for this controller + Escribe un nombre nuevo para este controlador - Arpeggio time - Duración del arpegio + + LFO + LFO - Arpeggio gate - Puerta del arpegio + + &Remove this controller + Quita&R este controlador - Arpeggio direction - Dirección del arpegio + + Re&name this controller + Re&nombrar este controlador + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Arpeggio mode - Modo del arpegio + + Band 1/2 crossover: + - Up - Arriba + + Band 2/3 crossover: + - Down - Abajo + + Band 3/4 crossover: + - Up and down - Arriba y abajo + + Band 1 gain + - Random - Aleatorio + + Band 1 gain: + - Free - Libre + + Band 2 gain + - Sort - Ordenado + + Band 2 gain: + - Sync - Sincronizado + + Band 3 gain + - Down and up - Abajo y arriba + + Band 3 gain: + - Skip rate - Tasa de salto + + Band 4 gain + - Miss rate - Tasa de omisión + + Band 4 gain: + - Cycle steps - Ciclar pasos + + Band 1 mute + - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGIO + + Mute band 1 + - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - Un arpegio es una forma de tocar las notas de un acorde, de una a la vez en un orden ascendente o descendente (o ambos combinados), en lugar de tocar todas las notas del acorde al mismo tiempo. Los arpegios más usados se corresponden a las tríadas mayores y menores, pero hay muchos acordes más que puedes elegir.NOTA del traductor: el nombre arpegio viene de "arpa", instrumento en el cual los acordes se suelen tocar de esta manera. + + Band 2 mute + - RANGE - EXTENSIÓN + + Mute band 2 + - Arpeggio range: - Extensión del arpegio: + + Band 3 mute + - octave(s) - octava(s) + + Mute band 3 + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - Usa esta perilla para configurar la extensión del arpegio en octavas. El arpegio seleccionado se ejecutará dentro de las octavas especificadas. + + Band 4 mute + - TIME - DURACIÓN + + Mute band 4 + + + + DelayControls - Arpeggio time: - Duración de las notas (ms): + + Delay samples + Muestras de retardo - ms - ms + + Feedback + Realimentacion - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Usa esta perilla para configurar la duración de cada nota del arpegio en milisegundos (ms). + + LFO frequency + - GATE - PUERTA + + LFO amount + - Arpeggio gate: - Puerta del arpegio: + + Output gain + Ganancia de salida + + + DelayControlsDialog - % - % + + DELAY + RETRASO - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - Usa esta perilla para configurar la puerta del arpegio, es decir, la duración relativa de cada nota. Con un valor de 100 por ciento cada nota dura el tiempo especificado en DURACIÓN. Con valores menores, cada nota terminará antes de pasar a la siguiente (staccato) y con valores mayores cada nota seguirá sonando superponiéndose a la siguiente. + + Delay time + - Chord: - Acorde: + + FDBK + RETRO - Direction: - Dirección: + + Feedback amount + - Mode: - Modo: + + RATE + TASA - SKIP - SALTAR + + LFO frequency + - Skip rate: - Tasa de salto: + + AMNT + CANT - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - "Saltar" hace que el arpegiador se detenga momentáneamente en un paso de manera aleatoria. En su posición inicial no produce ningún efecto. Desde allí, el efecto se incrementa gradualmente, llegando a una amnesia total en su configuración máxima. + + LFO amount + - MISS - OMITIR + + Out gain + - Miss rate: - Tasa de omisión: + + Gain + Ganancia + + + Dialog - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - "Omitir" hace que el arpegiador pase por alto la nota deseada. + + Add JACK Application + - CYCLE - CICLO + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - Cycle notes: - Ciclar notas: + + Application + - note(s) - nota(s) + + Name: + - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. - Salta "n" pasos y circula a través de las notas del arpegio si se encuentra por encima de la extensión dada. Si la extensión es divisible por el número de pasos 'saltados' quedarás atascado en un arpegio más corto o incluso en una sola nota. + + Application: + - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - octava + + From template + - Major - Mayor + + Custom + - Majb5 - Mayor b5 + + Template: + - minor - menor + + Command: + - minb5 - menor b5 + + Setup + - sus2 - sus 9na + + Session Manager: + - sus4 - sus 4 + + None + Ninguno - aug - aum + + Audio inputs: + - augsus4 - aum sus 4 + + MIDI inputs: + - tri - disminuído + + Audio outputs: + - 6 - Mayor añad 6 + + MIDI outputs: + - 6sus4 - sus 4 añad 6 + + Take control of main application window + - 6add9 - Mayor 6/9 + + Workarounds + - m6 - menor 6 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - m6add9 - menor 6/9 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - 7 - Dominante (1 3 5 b7) + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - 7sus4 - Dominante sus4 (1-4-5-b7) + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - 7#5 - Dominante #5 (1-3-#5-b7) + + Error here + - 7b5 - Dominante b5(1-3-b5-b7) + + Carla Control - Connect + - 7#9 - Dominante #9 + + Remote setup + - 7b9 - Dominante b9 + + UDP Port: + - 7#5#9 - Dominante #5 #9 + + Remote host: + - 7#5b9 - Dominante #5b9 + + TCP Port: + - 7b5b9 - Dominante b5b9 + + Reported host + - 7add11 - Dominante añad 11 + + Automatic + - 7add13 - Dominante añad13 + + Custom: + - 7#11 - Dominante #11 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - Maj7 - Mayor 7M + + Set value + - Maj7b5 - Mayor7M b5 + + TextLabel + - Maj7#5 - Mayor7may #5 + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - Maj7#11 - Mayor7may #11 + + Driver Settings + - Maj7add13 - Mayor7may añad13 + + Device: + - m7 - m7(menor 7 men) + + Buffer size: + - m7b5 - semidisminuído (1-b3-b5-b7) + + Sample rate: + Frecuencia de Muestreo: - m7b9 - m7 b9 + + Triple buffer + - m7add11 - m7 añad11 + + Show Driver Control Panel + - m7add13 - m7 añad13 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + DualFilterControlDialog - m-Maj7 - m 7M (1-b3-5-7) + + + FREQ + FREC - m-Maj7add11 - m-7M añad11 + + + Cutoff frequency + Frecuencia de corte - m-Maj7add13 - m-7M añad13 + + + RESO + RESO - 9 - Dom 9 (1-3-5-b7-9) + + + Resonance + Resonancia - 9sus4 - Dom 9 sus4 + + + GAIN + GAN - add9 - mayor añad 9 + + + Gain + Ganancia - 9#5 - Dom #5 9 + + MIX + MEZCLA - 9b5 - Dom b5 9 + + Mix + Mezcla - 9#11 - Dom 9 #11 - - - 9b13 - Dom 9 b13 - - - Maj9 - 9 (1-3-5-7-9) + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtro 1 activado - Maj9sus4 - 9sus4 (1-4-5-7-9) + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtro 2 activado - Maj9#5 - 9na #5 (1-3-#5-7-9) + + Enable/disable filter 1 + - Maj9#11 - 9 #11 (1-3-5-7-9-#11) + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + DualFilterControls - m9 - m 7/9 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtro 1 activado - madd9 - m añad 9 + + Filter 1 type + Filtro 1 tipo - m9b5 - semidisminuído 9 + + Cutoff frequency 1 + - m9-Maj7 - m9-7M + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Resonancia 1 - 11 - Dom 11 (1-3-5-b7-9-11) + + Gain 1 + Ganancia 1 - 11b9 - Dom b9/11 + + Mix + Mezcla - Maj11 - 11na (1-3-5-7-9-11) + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtro 2 activado - m11 - m 11 (1-b3-5-b7-9-11) + + Filter 2 type + Filtro 2 tipo - m-Maj11 - m 7M 11 + + Cutoff frequency 2 + - 13 - Dom 13 (...b7-9-11-13) + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Resonancia 2 - 13#9 - Dom #9 13 + + Gain 2 + Ganancia 2 - 13b9 - Dom b9 13 + + + Low-pass + - 13b5b9 - Dom b5 b9 13 + + + Hi-pass + - Maj13 - 13na (...7-9-11-13) + + + Band-pass csg + - m13 - m13 (...b7-9-11-13) + + + Band-pass czpg + - m-Maj13 - m 7M 13 (...7-9-11-13) + + + Notch + Notch - Harmonic minor - Menor armónica + + + All-pass + - Melodic minor - Menor melódica + + + Moog + Moog - Whole tone - Hexatónica + + + 2x Low-pass + - Diminished - Escala Disminuida + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + - Major pentatonic - Pentatónica mayor + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + - Minor pentatonic - Pentatónica menor + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + - Jap in sen - In Sen (japón) + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + - Major bebop - Bebop mayor + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + - Dominant bebop - Bebop dominante + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + - Blues - Pentatónica con BlueNote + + + Vocal Formant + - Arabic - Árabe + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Enigmatic - Enigmática + + + SV Low-pass + - Neopolitan - Napolitana + + + SV Band-pass + - Neopolitan minor - Napolitana menor + + + SV High-pass + - Hungarian minor - Húngara menor + + + SV Notch + SV Notch - Dorian - modo Dórico + + + Fast Formant + Formante Rápido - Phrygolydian - modo Frigio + + + Tripole + Tripolar + + + Editor - Lydian - modo Lidio + + Transport controls + Controles de Transporte - Mixolydian - modo Mixolidio + + Play (Space) + Reproducir (Espacio) - Aeolian - modo Eólico + + Stop (Space) + Detener (Espacio) - Locrian - modo Locrio + + Record + Grabar - Chords - Acordes + + Record while playing + Grabar reproduciendo - Chord type - Tipo de acorde + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + Effect - Chord range - Extensión del acorde + + Effect enabled + Efecto activado - Minor - Menor Natural (Eólica) + + Wet/Dry mix + Mezcla Wet/Dry - Chromatic - Cromática + + Gate + Puerta - Half-Whole Diminished - Simétrica + + Decay + Caída + + + EffectChain - 5 - 5ta + + Effects enabled + Efectos activados + + + EffectRackView - Phrygian dominant - Frigio dominante + + EFFECTS CHAIN + CADENA DE EFECTOS - Persian - Persa + + Add effect + Añadir efecto - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - - RANGE - EXTENSIÓN - + EffectSelectDialog - Chord range: - Extensión del acorde: + + Add effect + Añadir efecto - octave(s) - octava(s) + + + Name + Nombre - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Usa esta perilla para definir la extensión del acorde en octavas. El acorde elegido se ejecutará dentro de la extensión especificada. + + Type + Tipo - STACKING - SUPERPOSICIÓN + + Description + Descripción - Chord: - Acorde: + + Author + Autor - InstrumentMidiIOView + EffectView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - HABILITAR ENTRADA MIDI + + On/Off + Encendido/Apagado - CHANNEL - CANAL + + W/D + W/D - VELOCITY - VELOCIDAD + + Wet Level: + NIvel de efecto: - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - HABILITAR SALIDA MIDI + + DECAY + CAÍDA - PROGRAM - PROGRAMA + + Time: + Tiempo: - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - Dispositivos MIDI desde los cuales recibir eventos MIDI + + GATE + PUERTA - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - Dispositivos MIDI hacia los cuales enviar eventos MIDI + + Gate: + Puerta: - NOTE - NOTA + + Controls + Controles - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - VELOCIDAD BÁSICA PERSONALIZADA + + Move &up + Mover arriba (&U) - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - Especifica la base de normalización de velocidad para los instrumentos basados en MIDI a una velocidad de nota del 100% + + Move &down + Mover abajo (&D) - BASE VELOCITY - VELOCIDAD BÁSICA + + &Remove this plugin + Quita&r este complemento - InstrumentMiscView + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - MASTER PITCH - TRANSPORTE + + Env pre-delay + - Enables the use of Master Pitch - Habilitar el uso del Transporte + + Env attack + - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - VOLUME - VOLUMEN + + Env hold + - Volume - Volumen + + Env decay + - CUTOFF - CORTE + + Env sustain + - Cutoff frequency - Frecuencia de corte + + Env release + - RESO - RESO + + Env mod amount + - Resonance - Resonancia + + LFO pre-delay + - Envelopes/LFOs - Envolventes/LFOs + + LFO attack + - Filter type - Tipo de filtro + + LFO frequency + - Q/Resonance - Q/Resonancia + + LFO mod amount + - LowPass - PasoBajo + + LFO wave shape + - HiPass - PasoAlto + + LFO frequency x 100 + - BandPass csg - PasoBanda csg + + Modulate env amount + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView - BandPass czpg - PasoBanda czpg + + + DEL + RETR - Notch - Notch + + + Pre-delay: + - Allpass - PasaTodo + + + ATT + ATA - Moog - Moog + + + Attack: + Ataque: - 2x LowPass - 2x PasoBajo + + HOLD + MANT - RC LowPass 12dB - RC PasoBajo 12 dB + + Hold: + Mantener: - RC BandPass 12dB - RC PasoBanda 12 dB + + DEC + CAI - RC HighPass 12dB - RC PasoAlto 12 dB + + Decay: + Caída: - RC LowPass 24dB - RC PasoBajo 24dB + + SUST + SOST - RC BandPass 24dB - RC PasoBanda 24dB + + Sustain: + Sostenido: - RC HighPass 24dB - RC PasoAlto 24dB + + REL + DIS - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtro de Formante Vocal + + Release: + Disipación: - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + + AMT + CANT - SV LowPass - SV PasoBajo + + + Modulation amount: + Cantidad de modulación: - SV BandPass - SV PasoBanda + + SPD + VEL - SV HighPass - SV PasoAlto + + Frequency: + Frecuencia: - SV Notch - SV Notch + + FREQ x 100 + FREC x 100 - Fast Formant - Formante Rápido + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + - Tripole - Tripolar + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - DESTINO + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Esta pestaña contiene envolventes. Las envolventes son muy importantes para modificar un sonido, pues son casi siempre necesarias para la síntesis sustractiva. Por ejemplo, si tienes una envolvente de volumen, puedes defifnir en que momento el sonido alcanza un volumen determinado. Si quieres crear una sección de cuerdas suave, necesitarás un crescendo y un diminuendo muy suave. Puedes lograr esto definiendo una duración larga tanto para el ataque como para la Disipación. De la misma manera puedes manipular otras envolventes como "paneo", frecuencia de corte de un filtro usado, etc. ¡Simplemente juega un poco con esto! Puedes crear sonidos asombrosos partiendo de una onda de sierra con sólo algunas envolventes ...! + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: - FILTER - FILTRO + + Hint + Pista - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Aquí puedes elegir, entre los filtros integrados, aquel que quieras usar para esta pista de instrumento. Los filtros son muy importantes para cambiar las características del sonido. + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + Arrastre y suelte una muestra en esta ventana. + + + EqControls - Hz - Hz + + Input gain + Ganancia de entrada - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Usa esta perilla para definir la frecuencia de corte del filtro seleccionado. La frecuencia de corte define la frecuencia en la que el filtro corta la señal. Por ejemplo, un filtro de PasoBajo cortará todas las frecuencias por encima de la "frecuencia de corte" (sólo deja pasar aquellas frecuencias que estén por debajo, de ahí "paso bajo"). Un filtro de "paso alto" corta todas las frecuencias que estén por debajo de la frecuencia de corte, etc ... + + Output gain + Ganancia de salida - RESO - RESO + + Low-shelf gain + - Resonance: - Resonancia: + + Peak 1 gain + Ganancia del Pico 1 - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Usa esta perilla para defifnir la Resonancia (Q) para el filtro elegido, (esto es, el ancho de banda alrededor de la frecuencia de corte elegida). La Resonancia le dice al filtro que tanto debe amplificar aquellas frecuencias cercanas a la Frecuencia de Corte. + + Peak 2 gain + Ganancia del Pico 2 - FREQ - FREC + + Peak 3 gain + Ganancia del Pico 3 - cutoff frequency: - frecuencia de corte: + + Peak 4 gain + Ganancia del Pico 4 - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - Envolventes, LFOx y filtros no son soportados por este instrumento. + + High-shelf gain + - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - pista_sin_título + + HP res + PasoAlto res - Volume - Volumen + + Low-shelf res + - Panning - Paneo + + Peak 1 BW + Ancho de Banda del Pico 1 - Pitch - Altura + + Peak 2 BW + Ancho de Banda del Pico 2 - FX channel - Canal FX + + Peak 3 BW + Ancho de Banda del Pico 3 - Default preset - Configuración predeterminada + + Peak 4 BW + Ancho de Banda del Pico 4 - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Con este control puedes difinir el volumen del canal abierto. + + High-shelf res + - Base note - Nota base + + LP res + PasoBajo res - Pitch range - Registro + + HP freq + PasoAlto frec - Master Pitch - Transporte + + Low-shelf freq + - - - InstrumentTrackView - Volume - Volumen + + Peak 1 freq + Pico 1 frec - Volume: - Volumen: + + Peak 2 freq + Pico 2 frec - VOL - VOL + + Peak 3 freq + Pico 3 frec - Panning - Paneo + + Peak 4 freq + Pico 4 frec - Panning: - Paneo: + + High-shelf freq + - PAN - PAN + + LP freq + PasoBajo frec - MIDI - MIDI + + HP active + PasoAlto activo - Input - Entrada + + Low-shelf active + - Output - Salida + + Peak 1 active + Pico 1 activo - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Peak 2 active + Pico 2 activo - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS - CONFIGURACIÓN GENERAL + + Peak 3 active + Pico 3 activo - Instrument volume - Volumen del instrumento + + Peak 4 active + Pico 4 activo - Volume: - Volumen: + + High-shelf active + - VOL - VOL + + LP active + PasoBajo activo - Panning - Paneo + + LP 12 + PB 12 - Panning: - Paneo: + + LP 24 + PB 24 - PAN - PAN + + LP 48 + PB 48 - Pitch - Altura + + HP 12 + PA 12 - Pitch: - Altura: + + HP 24 + PA 24 - cents - cents + + HP 48 + PA 48 - PITCH - ALTURA + + Low-pass type + - FX channel - Canal FX + + High-pass type + - FX - FX + + Analyse IN + Analizar ENTRADA - Save preset - Guardar preconfiguración + + Analyse OUT + Analizar SALIDA + + + EqControlsDialog - XML preset file (*.xpf) - archivo de preconfiguración XML (*.xpf) + + HP + PA - Pitch range (semitones) - Extensión (en semitonos) + + Low-shelf + - RANGE - EXTENSIÓN + + Peak 1 + Pico 1 - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Guardar la configuración de esta pista de instrumento en un archivo de preconfiguración + + Peak 2 + Pico 2 - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Haz click aquí si quieres guardar la configuración de esta pista de instrumento en un archivo de preconfiguración. Luego podrás cargar esta preconfiguración haciendo doble click en ella en el explorador de preconfiguraciones. + + Peak 3 + Pico 3 - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Usa estos controles para ver y editar la pista siguiente/anterior en el editor de canción + + Peak 4 + Pico 4 - SAVE - GUARDAR + + High-shelf + - Envelope, filter & LFO - Sobre, Filtro y LFO + + LP + PB - Chord stacking & arpeggio - Acorde de Apilamiento y Arpegio + + Input gain + Ganancia de entrada - Effects - Efectos + + + + Gain + Ganancia - MIDI settings - Configuración MIDI + + Output gain + Ganancia de salida - Miscellaneous - Diversos + + Bandwidth: + AnchoDeBanda: - Plugin - Plugin + + Octave + Octava - - - Knob - Set linear - Establecer como Lineal + + Resonance : + Resonancia : - Set logarithmic - Establecer como Logarítmico + + Frequency: + Frecuencia: - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre %1 y %2: + + LP group + - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre -96.0 dBFS y 6.0 dBFS: + + HP group + - LadspaControl + EqHandle - Link channels - Enlazar canales + + Reso: + Reso: - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - Enlazar Canales + + BW: + AB: - Channel - Canal + + + Freq: + Frec: - LadspaControlView + ExportProjectDialog - Link channels - Enlazar canales + + Export project + Exportar proyecto - Value: - Valor: + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + - Sorry, no help available. - Disculpa, no hay ayuda disponible. + + Export between loop markers + Exportar el area contenida entre los marcadores de bucle - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Se requiere un complemento LADSPA desconocido %1. + + Render Looped Section: + - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre %1 y %2: + + time(s) + - - - LeftRightNav - Previous - Anterior + + File format settings + - Next - Siguiente + + File format: + Tipo de archivo: - Previous (%1) - Anterior (%1) + + Sampling rate: + Tasa de muestreo: - Next (%1) - Siguiente (%1) + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz - - - LfoController - LFO Controller - Controlador LFO + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz - Base value - Valor base + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz - Oscillator speed - Velocidad del oscilador + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz - Oscillator amount - Cantidad del oscilador + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz - Oscillator phase - Fase del oscilador + + Bit depth: + Profundidad de bits: - Oscillator waveform - Forma de onda del oscilador + + 16 Bit integer + - Frequency Multiplier - Multiplicador de frecuencia + + 24 Bit integer + - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + 32 Bit float + - LFO Controller - Controlador LFO + + Stereo mode: + MODO ESTÉREO: - BASE - BASE + + Mono + Mono - Base amount: - Cantidad base: + + Stereo + Estéreo - todo - La ayuda para este ítem aún se encuentra pendiente + + Joint stereo + - SPD - VEL + + Compression level: + Compresor De Niveles: - LFO-speed: - LFO-velocidad: + + Bitrate: + Tasa de bits: - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Usa esta perilla para definir la velocidad del LFO. A mayor valor, más rápida la velocidad de oscilación del LFO y más rápido el efecto. + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s - Modulation amount: - Cantidad de modulación: + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Usa esta perilla para definir la cantidad de modulación del LFO. A valores más altos, mayor será la influencia ejercida por el LFO sobre el contro conectado (ej. volumen, frecuencia de corte). + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s - PHS - FASE + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s - Phase offset: - Desfase: + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s - degrees - grados + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Con esta perilla puedes definir la diferencia de fase (desfase) del LFO. Esto significa que puedes mover el punto de la onda en el cual el oscilador comienza a oscilar. Por ejemplo, en una onda sinusoidal con un desfase de 180 grados la onda irá primero hacia abajo. Pasará lo mismo con una onda cuadrada. + + Use variable bitrate + Usar tasa de bits variable - Click here for a sine-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda-sinusoidal. + + Quality settings + Configuración de calidad - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda triangular. + + Interpolation: + Interpolación: - Click here for a saw-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra. + + Zero order hold + - Click here for a square-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda cuadrada. + + Sinc worst (fastest) + - Click here for an exponential wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda exponencial. + + Sinc medium (recommended) + - Click here for white-noise. - Haz click aquí para elegir ruido-blanco. + + Sinc best (slowest) + - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Haz click aquí para elegir una forma definida por el usuario. -Haz doble click para seleccionar un archivo. + + Oversampling: + Sobremuestreo: - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra tipo moog. + + 1x (None) + 1x (Ninguno) - AMNT - CANT + + 2x + 2x - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables - Generando tablas de onda + + 4x + 4x - Initializing data structures - Inicializando estructuras de datos + + 8x + 8x - Opening audio and midi devices - Abriendo dispositivos de audio y midi + + Start + Comenzar - Launching mixer threads - Lanzando tareas del mezclador + + Cancel + Cancelar - - - MainWindow - &New - &Nuevo + + Could not open file + No se puede abrir el archivo - &Open... - Abrir...(&O) + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + El archivo %1 no puede abrirse para escritura. +Asegúrate de tener permisos de escritura tanto del archivo como del directorio que lo contiene e inténtalo de nuevo. - &Save - Guardar (&S) + + Export project to %1 + Exportar proyecto a %1 - Save &As... - Guardar Como... (&A) + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + - Import... - Importar... + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + - E&xport... - E&xportar... + + Error + Error - &Quit - Salir (&Q) + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Error al determinar el dispositivo codificador. Intenta elegir un formato de salida diferente. - &Edit - &Editar + + Rendering: %1% + Renderizando: %1% + + + Fader - Settings - Configuración + + Set value + - &Tools - Herramientas (&T) + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre %1 y %2: + + + FileBrowser - &Help - Ayuda (&H) + + User content + - Help - Ayuda + + Factory content + - What's this? - ¿Qué es esto? + + Browser + Explorador - About - Acerca de + + Search + Buscar - Create new project - Crear un proyecto nuevo + + Refresh list + Actualizar Lista + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget - Create new project from template - Crear un proyecto nuevo desde una plantilla + + Send to active instrument-track + Enviar a la pista de instrumento activa - Open existing project - Abrir un proyecto existente + + Open containing folder + - Recently opened projects - Proyectos recientes + + Song Editor + Editor de Canción - Save current project - Guardar este proyecto + + BB Editor + - Export current project - Exportar este proyecto + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + - Song Editor - Editor de Canción + + Send to new instrument track + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Presionando este botón, puedes mostrar u ocultar el Editor de Canción. Con la ayuda del Editor de Canción puedes editar la lista de reproducción y especificar cuándo debe ejecutarse cada pista. También puedes insertar y mover muestras (ej. letras grabadas) directamente en la lista de reproducción. + + (%2Enter) + - Beat+Bassline Editor - Editor de Ritmo+Bajo + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - Presionando este botón puedes mostrar u ocultar el Editor de Ritmo+Bajo. El Editor de Ritmo+Bajo es necesario para crear ritmos, y para abrir, agregar y quitar canales, y para copiar, cortar y pegar patrones de ritmo y bajo, y otras cosas por el estilo. + + Loading sample + Cargando muestra - Piano Roll - Piano Roll + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Espera por favor mientras se carga la muestra para previsualizar... - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Haz click aquí para mostrar u ocultar el Piano Roll. Con la ayuda del Piano Roll puedes editar melodías facilmente. + + Error + Error - Automation Editor - Editor de Automatización + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Haz click aquí para mostrar u ocultar el Editor de Automatización. Con la ayuda del Editor de Automatización puedes editar valores dinámicos fácilmente. + + --- Factory files --- + --- Archivos de Fábrica --- + + + FlangerControls - FX Mixer - Mezcladora FX + + Delay samples + Muestras de retardo - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Haz click aquí para mostrar u ocultar la Mezcladora FX. La Mezcladora FX es una herramienta muy poderosa para administrar los efectos en tu canción. Puedes insertar efectos en diferentes canales. + + LFO frequency + - Project Notes - Notas del Proyecto + + Seconds + Segundos - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Haz click aquí para mostrar u ocultar la ventana de notas del proyecto. En esta ventana puedes escribir notas, comentarios y recordatorios de tu proyecto. + + Stereo phase + - Controller Rack - Bandeja de Controladores + + Regen + Intensidad - Untitled - Sin Título + + Noise + Ruido - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Invert + Invertir + + + FlangerControlsDialog - Project not saved - Proyecto no guardado + + DELAY + RETRASO - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - El proyecto actual ha sido modificado desde la última vez que se guardó. ¿Quieres guardarlo ahora? + + Delay time: + - Help not available - Ayuda no disponible + + RATE + TASA - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Actualmente no hay ayuda disponible en LMMS. -Por favor visita http://lmms.sf.net/wiki para obtener documentación acerca de LMMS. + + Period: + Period: - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + AMNT + CANT - Version %1 - Versión %1 + + Amount: + Cantidad: - Configuration file - Archivo de configuración + + PHASE + - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Error al analizar el archivo de configuración en la línea %1:%2: %3 + + Phase: + - Volumes - Volúmenes + + FDBK + RETRO - Undo - Deshacer + + Feedback amount: + - Redo - Rehacer + + NOISE + RUIDO - My Projects - Mis Proyectos + + White noise amount: + - My Samples - Mis Muestras + + Invert + Invertir + + + FreeBoyInstrument - My Presets - Mis Preconfiguraciones + + Sweep time + Duración del barrido - My Home - Carpeta Personal + + Sweep direction + Dirección del barrido - My Computer - Equipo + + Sweep rate shift amount + - &File - Archivo (&F) + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + - &Recently Opened Projects - Proyectos &Recientes + + Channel 1 volume + Canal 1 Volumen - Save as New &Version - Guardar como una Nueva &Versión + + + + Volume sweep direction + Dirección del barrido de volumen - E&xport Tracks... - E&xportar Pistas... + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Duración de cada etapa del barrido - Online Help - Ayuda en línea + + Channel 2 volume + Canal 2 Volumen - What's This? - ¿Qué es esto? + + Channel 3 volume + Canal 3 Volumen - Open Project - Abrir Proyecto + + Channel 4 volume + Canal 4 Volumen - Save Project - Guardar proyecto + + Shift Register width + Cambiar Amplitud del Registro - Project recovery - Recuperar proyecto + + Right output level + - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - Hemos encontrado un archivo de recuperación de proyecto. Parece que la última sesión no se cerró correctamente o se está ejecutando otra instancia de LMMS. ¿Quieres recuperar el proyecto de esta sesión? + + Left output level + - Recover - Recuperar + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 1 a SO2 (izq) - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Recuperar el archivo. Por favor no ejecutes múltiples instancias de LMMS al hacerlo. + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 2 a SO2 (izq) - Discard - Descartar + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 3 a SO2 (izq) - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Iniciar una sesión por defecto y borrar los archivos restaurados. Esta acción no es reversible. + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 4 a SO2 (izq) - Preparing plugin browser - Preparando el explorador de complementos + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 1 a SO1 (der) - Preparing file browsers - Preparando el explorador de archivos + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 2 a SO1 (der) - Root directory - Directorio raíz + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 3 a SO1 (der) - Loading background artwork - Cargando imágenes de fondo + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 4 a SO1 (der) - New from template - Nuevo desde plantilla + + Treble + Agudos - Save as default template - Guardar como plantilla por defecto + + Bass + Graves + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView - &View - &Ver + + Sweep time: + - Toggle metronome - Conmutar metrónomo + + Sweep time + Duración del barrido - Show/hide Song-Editor - Mostrar/ocultar Editor de Canción + + Sweep rate shift amount: + - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Mostrar/ocultar el Editor de Ritmo+Bajo + + Sweep rate shift amount + - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Mostrar/ocultar Piano-Roll + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + - Show/hide Automation Editor - Mostrar/ocultar Editor de Automatización + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + - Show/hide FX Mixer - Mostrar/ocultar Mezcladora FX + + Square channel 1 volume: + - Show/hide project notes - Mostrar/ocultar notas del proyecto + + Square channel 1 volume + - Show/hide controller rack - Mostrar/ocultar bandeja de controladores + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Duración de cada etapa del barrido: - Recover session. Please save your work! - Recuperar sesión. ¡Por favor guarda tu trabajo! + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Duración de cada etapa del barrido - Recovered project not saved - Proyecto recuperado no guardado + + Square channel 2 volume: + - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Este proyecto se ha recuperado de la sesión anterior. No ha sido guardado con anterioridad y se perderá para siempre si no lo guardas. ¿Deseas guardarlo ahora? + + Square channel 2 volume + - LMMS Project - Proyecto LMMS + + Wave pattern channel volume: + - LMMS Project Template - Plantilla de proyecto LMMS + + Wave pattern channel volume + - Overwrite default template? - ¿Sobreescribir la plantilla por defecto? + + Noise channel volume: + - This will overwrite your current default template. - Esta acción sobreescribirá tu actual plantilla por defecto. + + Noise channel volume + - Smooth scroll - Desplazamiento suave + + SO1 volume (Right): + - Enable note labels in piano roll - Nombres de notas en piano roll + + SO1 volume (Right) + - Save project template - Guardar plantilla de proyecto + + SO2 volume (Left): + - Volume as dBFS - Volumen en dBFS + + SO2 volume (Left) + - Could not open file - No se puede abrir el archivo + + Treble: + Agudos: - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - El archivo %1 no puede abrirse para escritura. -Asegúrate de tener permisos de escritura tanto del archivo como del directorio que lo contiene e inténtalo de nuevo. + + Treble + Agudos - Export &MIDI... - Exportar &MIDI... + + Bass: + Graves: - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator - Numerador del Compás + + Bass + Graves - Meter Denominator - Denominador del Compás + + Sweep direction + Dirección del barrido - TIME SIG - COMPÁS + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Dirección del barrido de volumen - - - MeterModel - Numerator - Numerador + + Shift register width + - Denominator - Denominador + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 1 a SO1 (der) - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - Controlador MIDI + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 2 a SO1 (der) - unnamed_midi_controller - controlador_midi_sin_nombre + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 3 a SO1 (der) - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - Configuración incompleta + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 4 a SO1 (der) - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Nos has elegido una SoundFont por defecto en el diálogo de configuración (Edición-> Configuración). Por lo tanto, no se reproducirá ningún sonido luego de importar este archivo MIDI. Debes descargar una SoundFont compatible con la GM (general midi), indicar su ubicación en el diálogo de configuración e intentarlo nuevamente. - + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 1 a SO2 (izq) + - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Nos has complidado LMMS con soporte para el reproductor SoundFont2, que se utiliza para añadir los sonidos por defecto de los archivos MIDI importados. Por lo tanto, no se reproducirá ningún sonido luego de importar este archivo MIDI. + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 2 a SO2 (izq) - Track - Pista + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 3 a SO2 (izq) - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - Ha fallado el servidor JACK + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 4 a SO2 (izq) - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - Parece ser que el servidor JACK está apagado. + + Wave pattern graph + - MidiPort + MixerLine - Input channel - Canal de entrada + + Channel send amount + Cantidad de envío del canal - Output channel - Canal de salida + + Move &left + Mover a la Izquierda (&L) - Input controller - Controlador de entrada + + Move &right + Mover a la Derecha (&R) - Output controller - Controlador de salida + + Rename &channel + Renombrar &Canal - Fixed input velocity - Velocidad de entrada fija + + R&emove channel + Borrar canal (&E) - Fixed output velocity - Velocidad de salida fija + + Remove &unused channels + Quitar los canales que no esten en &uso - Output MIDI program - Programa de salida MIDI + + Set channel color + - Receive MIDI-events - Recibir eventos MIDI + + Remove channel color + - Send MIDI-events - Enviar eventos MIDI + + Pick random channel color + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox - Fixed output note - Nota de salida fija + + Assign to: + Asignar a: - Base velocity - Velocidad básica + + New mixer Channel + Nuevo Canal FX - MidiSetupWidget + Mixer - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Master + Maestro - - - MonstroInstrument - Osc 1 Volume - Osc 1 Volumen + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 - Osc 1 Panning - Osc 1 Paneo + + Volume + Volumen - Osc 1 Coarse detune - Osc 1 desafinación gruesa + + Mute + Silencio - Osc 1 Fine detune left - Osc 1 desafinación fina izquierda + + Solo + Solo + + + MixerView - Osc 1 Fine detune right - Osc 1 desafinación fina derecha + + Mixer + Mezcladora FX - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - Osc 1 desfase estéreo + + Fader %1 + Fader FX %1 - Osc 1 Pulse width - Osc 1 Amplitud del pulso + + Mute + Silencio - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - Osc 1 Enviar Sinc. al subir + + Mute this mixer channel + Silenciar este canal FX - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - Osc 1 Enviar Sinc al bajar + + Solo + Solo - Osc 2 Volume - Osc 2 Volumen + + Solo mixer channel + Canal FX Solo + + + MixerRoute - Osc 2 Panning - Osc 2 Paneo + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Cantidad de envío del canal %1 al canal %2 + + + GigInstrument - Osc 2 Coarse detune - Osc 2 desafinación gruesa + + Bank + Banco - Osc 2 Fine detune left - Osc 2 desafinación fina izquierda + + Patch + Ajuste - Osc 2 Fine detune right - Osc 2 desafinación fina derecha + + Gain + Ganancia + + + GigInstrumentView - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - Osc 2 desfase estéreo + + + Open GIG file + Abrir archivo GIG - Osc 2 Waveform - Osc 2 Forma de onda + + Choose patch + - Osc 2 Sync Hard - Osc 2 Sincronización Dura + + Gain: + Ganancia: - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - Osc 2 Sincronización reversa + + GIG Files (*.gig) + Archivos GIG (*.gig) + + + GuiApplication - Osc 3 Volume - Osc 3 Volumen + + Working directory + Directorio de trabajo - Osc 3 Panning - Osc 3 Paneo + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + El directorio de trabajo LMMS %1 no existe. ¿Deseas crearlo ahora? Puedes cambiar este directorio luego via Edición -> Configuración. - Osc 3 Coarse detune - Osc 3 desafinación gruesa + + Preparing UI + Preparando IU - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Osc 3 desfase estéreo + + Preparing song editor + Preparando editor de canción - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - Osc 3 Mezcla del sub-oscilador + + Preparing mixer + Preparando mezclador - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - Osc 3 Onda 1 + + Preparing controller rack + Preparando bandeja de controladores - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - Osc 3 Onda 2 + + Preparing project notes + Preparando notas del proyecto - Osc 3 Sync Hard - Osc 3 Sincronización Dura + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Preparando editor de ritmo/bajo - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - Osc 3 Sincronización Reversa + + Preparing piano roll + Preparando piano roll - LFO 1 Waveform - LFO 1 Forma de onda + + Preparing automation editor + Preparando editor de automatización + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - LFO 1 Attack - LFO 1 Ataque + + Arpeggio + Arpegio - LFO 1 Rate - LFO 1 Velocidad + + Arpeggio type + tipo de arpegio - LFO 1 Phase - LFO 1 Fase + + Arpeggio range + Extensión del arpegio - LFO 2 Waveform - LFO 2 Forma de onda + + Note repeats + - LFO 2 Attack - LFO 2 Ataque + + Cycle steps + Ciclar pasos - LFO 2 Rate - LFO 2 Velocidad + + Skip rate + Tasa de salto - LFO 2 Phase - LFO 2 Fase + + Miss rate + Tasa de omisión - Env 1 Pre-delay - Env 1 Pre-retraso + + Arpeggio time + Duración del arpegio - Env 1 Attack - Env 1 Ataque + + Arpeggio gate + Puerta del arpegio - Env 1 Hold - Env 1 Mantener + + Arpeggio direction + Dirección del arpegio - Env 1 Decay - Env 1 Caída + + Arpeggio mode + Modo del arpegio - Env 1 Sustain - Env 1 Sostén + + Up + Arriba - Env 1 Release - Env 1 Disipación + + Down + Abajo - Env 1 Slope - Env 1 Curva + + Up and down + Arriba y abajo - Env 2 Pre-delay - Env 2 Pre-retraso + + Down and up + Abajo y arriba - Env 2 Attack - Env 2 Ataque + + Random + Aleatorio - Env 2 Hold - Env 2 Mantener + + Free + Libre - Env 2 Decay - Env 2 Caída + + Sort + Ordenado - Env 2 Sustain - Env 2 Sostén + + Sync + Sincronizado + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - Env 2 Release - Env 2 Disipación + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGIO - Env 2 Slope - Env 2 Curva + + RANGE + EXTENSIÓN - Osc2-3 modulation - Modulación osc 2-3 + + Arpeggio range: + Extensión del arpegio: - Selected view - Vista seleccionada + + octave(s) + octava(s) - Vol1-Env1 - Vol1-Env1 + + REP + - Vol1-Env2 - Vol1-Env2 + + Note repeats: + - Vol1-LFO1 - Vol1-LFO1 + + time(s) + - Vol1-LFO2 - Vol1-LFO2 + + CYCLE + CICLO - Vol2-Env1 - Vol2-Env1 + + Cycle notes: + Ciclar notas: - Vol2-Env2 - Vol2-Env2 + + note(s) + nota(s) - Vol2-LFO1 - Vol2-LFO1 + + SKIP + SALTAR - Vol2-LFO2 - Vol2-LFO2 + + Skip rate: + Tasa de salto: - Vol3-Env1 - Vol3-Env1 + + + + % + % - Vol3-Env2 - Vol3-Env2 + + MISS + OMITIR - Vol3-LFO1 - Vol3-LFO1 + + Miss rate: + Tasa de omisión: - Vol3-LFO2 - Vol3-LFO2 + + TIME + DURACIÓN - Phs1-Env1 - Fas1-Env1 + + Arpeggio time: + Duración de las notas (ms): - Phs1-Env2 - Fas1-Env2 + + ms + ms - Phs1-LFO1 - Fas1-LFO1 + + GATE + PUERTA - Phs1-LFO2 - Fas1-LFO2 + + Arpeggio gate: + Puerta del arpegio: - Phs2-Env1 - Fas2-Env1 + + Chord: + Acorde: - Phs2-Env2 - Fas2-Env2 + + Direction: + Dirección: - Phs2-LFO1 - Fas2-LFO1 + + Mode: + Modo: + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - Phs2-LFO2 - Fas2-LFO2 + + octave + octava - Phs3-Env1 - Fas3-Env1 + + + Major + Mayor - Phs3-Env2 - Fas3-Env2 + + Majb5 + Mayor b5 - Phs3-LFO1 - Fas3-LFO1 + + minor + menor - Phs3-LFO2 - Fas3-LFO2 + + minb5 + menor b5 - Pit1-Env1 - Alt1-Env1 + + sus2 + sus 9na - Pit1-Env2 - Alt1-Env2 + + sus4 + sus 4 - Pit1-LFO1 - Alt1-LFO1 + + aug + aum - Pit1-LFO2 - Alt1-LFO2 + + augsus4 + aum sus 4 - Pit2-Env1 - Alt2-Env1 + + tri + disminuído - Pit2-Env2 - Alt2-Env2 + + 6 + Mayor añad 6 - Pit2-LFO1 - Alt2-LFO1 + + 6sus4 + sus 4 añad 6 - Pit2-LFO2 - Alt2-LFO2 + + 6add9 + Mayor 6/9 - Pit3-Env1 - Alt3-Env1 + + m6 + menor 6 - Pit3-Env2 - Alt3-Env2 + + m6add9 + menor 6/9 - Pit3-LFO1 - Alt3-LFO1 + + 7 + Dominante (1 3 5 b7) - Pit3-LFO2 - Alt3-LFO2 + + 7sus4 + Dominante sus4 (1-4-5-b7) - PW1-Env1 - AP1-Env1 - + + 7#5 + Dominante #5 (1-3-#5-b7) + - PW1-Env2 - AP1-Env2 + + 7b5 + Dominante b5(1-3-b5-b7) - PW1-LFO1 - AP1-LFO1 + + 7#9 + Dominante #9 - PW1-LFO2 - AP1-LFO2 + + 7b9 + Dominante b9 - Sub3-Env1 - Sub3-Env1 + + 7#5#9 + Dominante #5 #9 - Sub3-Env2 - Sub3-Env2 + + 7#5b9 + Dominante #5b9 - Sub3-LFO1 - Sub3-LFO1 + + 7b5b9 + Dominante b5b9 - Sub3-LFO2 - Sub3-LFO2 + + 7add11 + Dominante añad 11 - Sine wave - Onda Sinusoidal + + 7add13 + Dominante añad13 - Bandlimited Triangle wave - Onda triangular de BandaLimitada + + 7#11 + Dominante #11 - Bandlimited Saw wave - Onda de sierra de bandaLimitada + + Maj7 + Mayor 7M - Bandlimited Ramp wave - Onda de rampa de bandaLimitada + + Maj7b5 + Mayor7M b5 - Bandlimited Square wave - Onda cuadrada de BandaLimitada + + Maj7#5 + Mayor7may #5 - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Onda de sierra Moog de banda Limitada + + Maj7#11 + Mayor7may #11 - Soft square wave - Onda Cuadrada suave + + Maj7add13 + Mayor7may añad13 - Absolute sine wave - Onda Sinusoidal Absoluta + + m7 + m7(menor 7 men) - Exponential wave - Onda Exponencial + + m7b5 + semidisminuído (1-b3-b5-b7) - White noise - Ruido blanco + + m7b9 + m7 b9 - Digital Triangle wave - Onda triangular digital + + m7add11 + m7 añad11 - Digital Saw wave - Onda de sierra digital + + m7add13 + m7 añad13 - Digital Ramp wave - Onda de Rampa digital + + m-Maj7 + m 7M (1-b3-5-7) - Digital Square wave - Onda Cuadrada digital + + m-Maj7add11 + m-7M añad11 - Digital Moog saw wave - Onda de sierra Moog digital + + m-Maj7add13 + m-7M añad13 - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + 9 + Dom 9 (1-3-5-b7-9) - Saw wave - Onda de sierra + + 9sus4 + Dom 9 sus4 - Ramp wave - Onda de rampa + + add9 + mayor añad 9 - Square wave - Onda Cuadrada + + 9#5 + Dom #5 9 - Moog saw wave - Onda de sierra Moog + + 9b5 + Dom b5 9 - Abs. sine wave - Onda sinus. abs + + 9#11 + Dom 9 #11 - Random - Aleatorio + + 9b13 + Dom 9 b13 - Random smooth - Aleatoria suave + + Maj9 + 9 (1-3-5-7-9) - - - MonstroView - Operators view - Vista de Operadores + + Maj9sus4 + 9sus4 (1-4-5-7-9) - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - La vista de operadores contiene todos los operadores. Esto incluye tanto los operadores audibles (osciladores) como los operadores inaudibles (moduladores): Osciladores de baja frecuencia (LFO) y Envolventes. - -Cada perilla y selector en la Vista de Operadores incluye una pequeña ayuda a la que puedes acceder haciendo click en el icono '¿qué es esto?' en la barra superior y luego en la perilla o selector. Puedes encontrar ayuda mucho más específica de esa manera. + + Maj9#5 + 9na #5 (1-3-#5-7-9) - Matrix view - Vista de Matriz + + Maj9#11 + 9 #11 (1-3-5-7-9-#11) - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - La Vista de Matriz contiene la matriz de modulación. Aquí puedes definir la relación de modulación entre los distintos operadores. Cada operador audible (osciladores 1 al 3) tiene 3 a 4 propiedades que pueden ser moduladas por cualquiera de los moduladores. El uso de más moduladores consume más CPU. - -La vista se encuentra dividida en objetivos de modulacion, agrupados para cada oscilador. Los objetivos disponibles son volumen, altura, fase, amplitud del pulso y proporción del sub-oscilador. Nota: algunos objetivos son específicos de un único oscilador. - -Cada objetivo de modulación tiene cuatro perillas, una para cada modulador. Por defecto las perillas estan en cero (0), lo que significa sin modulación. Llevar una perilla hasta el 1 hace que el modulador afecte el objetivo tanto como es posible. Llevarla a -1 hace lo mismo, pero la modulación es invertida. + + m9 + m 7/9 - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - Mezclar Osc2 con Osc3 + + madd9 + m añad 9 - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modular la amplitud del Osc3 con Osc2 + + m9b5 + semidisminuído 9 - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modular la frecuencia del Osc3 con Osc2 + + m9-Maj7 + m9-7M - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modular la fase del Osc3 con Osc2 + + 11 + Dom 11 (1-3-5-b7-9-11) - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - La perilla CRS cambia la afinación del oscilador 1 en semitonos. + + 11b9 + Dom b9/11 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - La perilla CRS cambia la afinación del oscilador 2 en semitonos. + + Maj11 + 11na (1-3-5-7-9-11) - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - La perilla CRS cambia la afinación del oscilador 3 en semitonos. + + m11 + m 11 (1-b3-5-b7-9-11) - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - FTL y FTR cambian la afinación fina del oscilador para los canales izquierdo y derecho respectivamente. Esto permite añadir desafinación estéreo al oscilador lo que ensancha la imagen estéreo y provoca la ilusión de espacio. + + m-Maj11 + m 7M 11 - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - La perilla SPO (Diferencia de Fase Estéreo, por sus siglas en inglés) modifica la diferencia de fase entre los canales izquierdo y derecho. Una mayor diferencia crea una imagen estéreo más amplia. + + 13 + Dom 13 (...b7-9-11-13) - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - La perilla PW controla la amplitud del pulso, también conocida como ciclo de trabajo, del oscilador 1. El oscilador 1 es un oscilador de onda de pulso digital, no produce una salida de banda limitada, lo que significa que puedes usarlo como un oscilador audible pero causará 'aliasing' (efecto Nyquist). También puedes usarlo como una fuente inaudible para sincronización, que puedes usar para sincronizar los osciladores 2 y 3. + + 13#9 + Dom #9 13 - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Enviar Sinc al subir: Cuando está activado, la señal de sincronización es enviada cada vez que el estado del oscilador 1 pasa de abajo arriba, por ej. cuando la amplitud cambia de -1 a 1. La altura, fase y amplitud de pulso del oscilador 1 pueden afectar la sincronización, pero el volumen no tiene ningún efecto en ella. Las señales de Sincronización son enviadas de manera independiente a los canales izquierdo y derecho. + + 13b9 + Dom b9 13 - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Enviar Sinc al bajar: Cuando está activado, la señal de sincronización es enviada cada vez que el estado del oscilador 1 pasa de arriba abajo, por ej. cuando la amplitud cambia de 1 a -1. La altura, fase y amplitud de pulso del oscilador 1 pueden afectar la sincronización, pero el volumen no tiene ningún efecto en ella. Las señales de Sincronización son enviadas de manera independiente a los canales izquierdo y derecho. + + 13b5b9 + Dom b5 b9 13 - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - Sincronización dura: Cada vez que el oscilador recive una señal de sincronización del oscilador 1, su fase se restaura a 0 + su desfase correspondiente. + + Maj13 + 13na (...7-9-11-13) - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - Sincronización reversa: Cada vez que el oscilador recibe una señal de sincronización del oscilador 1, la amplitud del oscilador se invierte. + + m13 + m13 (...b7-9-11-13) - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Elige la onda para el oscilador 2. + + m-Maj13 + m 7M 13 (...7-9-11-13) - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Elige una onda para el primer sub-oscilador del oscilador 3. El oscilador 3 puede interpolar suavemente dos ondas diferentes. + + Harmonic minor + Menor armónica - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Elige una onda para el segundo sub-oscilador del oscilador 3. El oscilador 3 puede interpolar suavemente dos ondas diferentes. + + Melodic minor + Menor melódica - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - La perilla SUB cambia el porcentaje de mezcla de los dos sub-osciladores del Oscilador 3. Puedes elegir una onda diferente para cada uno de los dos sub-osciladores, y el oscilador 3 interpolará suavemente entre ambas. Todas las modulaciones entrantes para el Osc3 se aplicarán de la misma manera a las ondas de ambos sub-osciladores. + + Whole tone + Hexatónica - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - Además de los propios moduladores, Monstro permite modular el oscilador 3 con la salida del oscilador 2. - -En Modo Mezcla (Mix) no hay modulación: simplemente mezcla la salida de los osciladores. + + Diminished + Escala Disminuida - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - Además de los propios moduladores, Monstro permite modular el oscilador 3 con la salida del oscilador 2 - -AM significa 'amplitud modulada'. La amplitud (volumen) del oscilador 3 es modulada por el oscilador 2. + + Major pentatonic + Pentatónica mayor - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - Además de los propios moduladores, Monstro permite modular el oscilador 3 con la salida del oscilador 2 - -FM significa 'frecuencia modulada'. La frecuencia (altura) del oscilador 3 es modulada por el oscilador 2. La modulación de frecuencia se implementa como una modulación de fase, lo que le brinda una altura general más estable a diferencia de la modulación de frecuencia "pura". + + Minor pentatonic + Pentatónica menor - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - Además de los propios moduladores, Monstro permite modular el oscilador 3 con la salida del oscilador 2 - -PM significa 'modulación de fase'. La fase del oscilador 3 es modulada por el oscilador 2. Se diferencia de la 'frecuencia modulada' en que los cambios de fase no son acumulativos. + + Jap in sen + In Sen (japón) - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Elige la onda para el LFO 1. -"Aleatoria" y "Aleatoria suave" son formas especiales de onda: producen una salida aleatoria, donde la tasa del LFO controla que tan seguido cambia el estado del LFO. La versión suave interpola entre estos estados con interpolación cosinusoidal. Estos modos aleatorios se pueden usar para darle "vida" a tus preconfiguraciones (presets) - añade algo de esa impredecibilidad analógica... + + Major bebop + Bebop mayor - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Elige la onda para el LFO 2. -"Aleatoria" y "Aleatoria suave" son formas especiales de onda: producen una salida aleatoria, donde la tasa del LFO controla que tan seguido cambia el estado del LFO. La versión suave interpola entre estos estados con interpolación cosinusoidal. Estos modos aleatorios se pueden usar para darle "vida" a tus preconfiguraciones (presets) - añade algo de esa impredecibilidad analógica... + + Dominant bebop + Bebop dominante - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - El 'Ataque' hace que el LFO aparezca gradualmente desde el inicio de la nota. + + Blues + Pentatónica con BlueNote - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - 'Rate' define la velocidad del LFO, en milisegundos por ciclo. Se puede sincronizar al tempo. + + Arabic + Árabe - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - PHS controla el desfase del LFO. + + Enigmatic + Enigmática - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - PRE, o pre-retraso, retrasa el inicio de la envolvente con respecto al inicio de la nota. Con un valor de 0 (cero) la envolvente se inicia inmediatamente. + + Neopolitan + Napolitana - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - ATT, o ataque, controla que tan rápido la envolvente se eleva al principio, en milisegundos. 0 significa instantáneamente. + + Neopolitan minor + Napolitana menor - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - HOLD (mantener) controla cuánto tiempo la envolvente permanece en el pico luego del ataque. + + Hungarian minor + Húngara menor - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - DEC, o caída, controla que tan rápido la envolvente cae desde el pico alcanzado en el ataque. Se mide de acuerdo a los milisegundos que le toma caer desde el pico hasta cero. La caída actual puede ser más corta si se utiliza el 'sustain' [de la envolvente]. + + Dorian + modo Dórico - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - SUS, sustain o sostén, controla el nivel de 'sostén' de la envolvente. La fase de caída no bajará más de este nivel mientras dure la nota (ej. mientras mantengas presionada la tecla. Ver partes de la envolvente 'ADSR' ). + + Phrygian + Frigio - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - REL, o disipación, controla cuánto dura la disipación de la nota, o sea cuánto tarda en llegar del pico a cero. La disipación actual puede ser más breve, dependiendo de en que fase se libera la nota. (N.d.T.: la disipación puede ir del pico a cero o, si activas un nivel para el 'sustain', desde este nivel a cero, a partir del momento en el que dejes de presionar la tecla. Ver 'sustain' o 'SUS'). + + Lydian + modo Lidio - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - El control de 'curva' (Slope) controla la forma de la envolvente. Un valor igual a 0 crea subidas y bajadas rectas. Valores negativos crean curvas que comienzan despacio, alcanzan el pico rápidamente y bajan suavemente como subieron. Valores positivos crean curvas que suben y bajan rápidamente, pero se mantienen por más tiempo cerca de los picos. + + Mixolydian + modo Mixolidio - Volume - Volumen + + Aeolian + modo Eólico - Panning - Paneo + + Locrian + modo Locrio - Coarse detune - Desafinación gruesa + + Minor + Menor Natural (Eólica) - semitones - semitonos + + Chromatic + Cromática - Finetune left - Desafinación fina izquierda + + Half-Whole Diminished + Simétrica - cents - cents + + 5 + 5ta - Finetune right - Desafinación fina derecha + + Phrygian dominant + Frigio dominante - Stereo phase offset - Desfase estéreo + + Persian + Persa - deg - deg + + Chords + Acordes - Pulse width - Amplitud del pulso + + Chord type + Tipo de acorde - Send sync on pulse rise - Enviar sinc en la fase ascendente del pulso + + Chord range + Extensión del acorde + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - Send sync on pulse fall - Enviar sinc en la fase descendente del pulso + + STACKING + SUPERPOSICIÓN - Hard sync oscillator 2 - Sincronización dura oscilador 2 + + Chord: + Acorde: - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Sincronización reversa oscilador 2 + + RANGE + EXTENSIÓN - Sub-osc mix - Mezcla de sub-osc + + Chord range: + Extensión del acorde: - Hard sync oscillator 3 - Sincronización dura oscilador 3 + + octave(s) + octava(s) + + + InstrumentMidiIOView - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Sincronización reversa oscilador 3 + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + HABILITAR ENTRADA MIDI - Attack - Ataque + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + HABILITAR SALIDA MIDI - Rate - Tasa + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + - Phase - Fase + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - Pre-delay - Pre-retraso + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - Hold - Mantener + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NOTA - Decay - Caída + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + Dispositivos MIDI desde los cuales recibir eventos MIDI - Sustain - Sostén + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + Dispositivos MIDI hacia los cuales enviar eventos MIDI - Release - Disipación + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + VELOCIDAD BÁSICA PERSONALIZADA - Slope - Curva + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + - Modulation amount - Cantidad de modulación + + BASE VELOCITY + VELOCIDAD BÁSICA - MultitapEchoControlDialog - - Length - Duración - - - Step length: - Longitud del paso: - + InstrumentMiscView - Dry - Limpio + + MASTER PITCH + TRANSPORTE - Dry Gain: - Ganancia limpia: + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping - Stages - Etapas + + VOLUME + VOLUMEN - Lowpass stages: - Etapas de pasoBajo: + + Volume + Volumen - Swap inputs - Intercambiar entradas + + CUTOFF + CORTE - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - Intercambiar los canales de entrada izquierdo y derecho para reflexiones + + + Cutoff frequency + Frecuencia de corte - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune - Canal 1 desafinación gruesa + + RESO + RESO - Channel 1 Volume - Canal 1 Volumen + + Resonance + Resonancia - Channel 1 Envelope length - Canal 1 Longitud de la Envolvente + + Envelopes/LFOs + Envolventes/LFOs - Channel 1 Duty cycle - Canal 1 Ciclo de trabajo + + Filter type + Tipo de filtro - Channel 1 Sweep amount - Canal 1 Cantidad de Barrido + + Q/Resonance + Q/Resonancia - Channel 1 Sweep rate - Canal 1 Tasa de Barrido + + Low-pass + - Channel 2 Coarse detune - Canal 2 desafinación gruesa + + Hi-pass + - Channel 2 Volume - Canal 2 Volumen + + Band-pass csg + - Channel 2 Envelope length - Canal 2 Longitud de la Envolvente + + Band-pass czpg + - Channel 2 Duty cycle - Canal 2 Ciclo de trabajo + + Notch + Notch - Channel 2 Sweep amount - Canal 2 Cantidad de Barrido + + All-pass + - Channel 2 Sweep rate - Canal 2 Tasa de Barrido + + Moog + Moog - Channel 3 Coarse detune - Canal 3 desafinación gruesa + + 2x Low-pass + - Channel 3 Volume - Canal 3 Volumen + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + - Channel 4 Volume - Canal 4 Volumen + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + - Channel 4 Envelope length - Canal 4 Longitud de la Envolvente + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + - Channel 4 Noise frequency - Canal 4 Frecuencia de Ruido + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - Canal 4 Barrido de la frecuencia de ruido + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + - Master volume - Volumen maestro + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + - Vibrato - Vibrato + + Vocal Formant + - - - NesInstrumentView - Volume - Volumen + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Coarse detune - Desafinación gruesa + + SV Low-pass + - Envelope length - Longitud de la Envolvente + + SV Band-pass + - Enable channel 1 - Habilitar el canal 1 + + SV High-pass + - Enable envelope 1 - Habilitar la envolvente 1 + + SV Notch + SV Notch - Enable envelope 1 loop - Habilitar el bucle de la envolvente 1 + + Fast Formant + Formante Rápido - Enable sweep 1 - Habilitar barrido 1 + + Tripole + Tripolar + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView - Sweep amount - Cantidad de barrido + + TARGET + DESTINO - Sweep rate - Tasa de barrido + + FILTER + FILTRO - 12.5% Duty cycle - Ciclo de trabajo 12.5% + + FREQ + FREC - 25% Duty cycle - Ciclo de trabajo 25% + + Cutoff frequency: + Frecuencia de corte: - 50% Duty cycle - Ciclo de trabajo 50% + + Hz + Hz - 75% Duty cycle - Ciclo de trabajo 75% + + Q/RESO + - Enable channel 2 - Habilitar el canal 2 + + Q/Resonance: + - Enable envelope 2 - Habilitar la envolvente 2 + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Envolventes, LFOx y filtros no son soportados por este instrumento. + + + InstrumentTrack - Enable envelope 2 loop - Habilitar el bucle de la envolvente 2 + + + unnamed_track + pista_sin_título - Enable sweep 2 - Habilitar barrido 2 + + Base note + Nota base - Enable channel 3 - Habilitar el canal 3 + + First note + - Noise Frequency - Frecuencia de Ruido + + Last note + Ultima nota - Frequency sweep - Barrido de Frecuencia + + Volume + Volumen - Enable channel 4 - Habilitar el canal 4 + + Panning + Paneo - Enable envelope 4 - Habilitar la envolvente 4 + + Pitch + Altura - Enable envelope 4 loop - Habilitar el bucle de la envolvente 4 + + Pitch range + Registro - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Cuantizar la frecuencia de ruido al usar frecuencia de nota + + Mixer channel + Canal FX - Use note frequency for noise - Usar frecuencia de nota para ruido + + Master pitch + Transporte - Noise mode - Modo de Ruido + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + - Master Volume - Volumen Maestro + + CC Controller %1 + - Vibrato - Vibrato + + + Default preset + Configuración predeterminada - OscillatorObject + InstrumentTrackView - Osc %1 volume - Osc %1 Volumen + + Volume + Volumen - Osc %1 panning - Osc %1 paneo + + Volume: + Volumen: - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Osc %1 desafinación gruesa + + VOL + VOL - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Osc %1 desafinación fina izquierda + + Panning + Paneo - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Osc %1 desafinación fina derecha + + Panning: + Paneo: - Osc %1 phase-offset - Osc %1 desfase + + PAN + PAN - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Osc %1 desafinación de fase estéreo + + MIDI + MIDI - Osc %1 wave shape - Osc %1 forma de onda + + Input + Entrada - Modulation type %1 - Tipo de modulación %1 + + Output + Salida - Osc %1 waveform - Forma de onda del osc %1 + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + - Osc %1 harmonic - armónicos del Osc %1 + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - PatchesDialog + InstrumentTrackWindow - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: Preconfiguración del Canal - - - Bank selector - Selector de banco + + GENERAL SETTINGS + CONFIGURACIÓN GENERAL - Bank - Banco + + Volume + Volumen - Program selector - Selector de programa + + Volume: + Volumen: - Patch - Ajuste + + VOL + VOL - Name - Nombre + + Panning + Paneo - OK - De acuerdo + + Panning: + Paneo: - Cancel - Cancelar + + PAN + PAN - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - Abrir otro ajuste + + Pitch + Altura - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Haz click aquí para abrir otro archivo (*.pat). La configuración de Afinación y Bucle se mantiene. + + Pitch: + Altura: - Loop - Bucle + + cents + cents - Loop mode - Modo Bucle + + PITCH + ALTURA - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Aquí puedes alternar el modo Bucle. Si está activado, PatMan usará la información de bucle disponible en el archivo. + + Pitch range (semitones) + Extensión (en semitonos) - Tune - Afinación + + RANGE + EXTENSIÓN - Tune mode - Modo de Afinación + + Mixer channel + Canal FX - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Aquí puedes alternar el modo de Afinación. Si está activado, PatMan afinará la muestra para que coincida con la altura de la nota. + + CHANNEL + FX - No file selected - Ningún archivo seleccionado + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Guardar la configuración de esta pista de instrumento en un archivo de preconfiguración - Open patch file - Abrir archivo Patch + + SAVE + GUARDAR - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Archivos Patch (*.pat) + + Envelope, filter & LFO + Sobre, Filtro y LFO - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll - Abrir en piano-roll + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + Acorde de Apilamiento y Arpegio - Clear all notes - Borrar todas las notas + + Effects + Efectos - Reset name - Restaurar nombre + + MIDI + MIDI - Change name - Cambiar nombre + + Miscellaneous + Diversos - Add steps - Agregar pasos + + Save preset + Guardar preconfiguración - Remove steps - Quitar pasos + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + archivo de preconfiguración XML (*.xpf) - Clone Steps - Clonar Pasos + + Plugin + Plugin - PeakController + JackApplicationW - Peak Controller - Controlador de Picos + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + - Peak Controller Bug - Error en el controlador de Picos + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - Debido a un error en versiones antiguas de LMMS, el controlador de Picos tal vez no se conecte apropiadamente. Por favor asegúrate que los controladores de picos estén conectados apropiadamente y vuelve a guardar este archivo. Disculpa los inconvenientes. + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + - PeakControllerDialog + JuceAboutW - PEAK - PICO + + About JUCE + - LFO Controller - Controlador LFO + + <b>About JUCE</b> + - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - BASE + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + - Base amount: - Cantidad base: + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + - Modulation amount: - Cantidad de modulación: + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + Knob - Attack: - Ataque: + + Set linear + Establecer como Lineal - Release: - Disipación: + + Set logarithmic + Establecer como Logarítmico - AMNT - CANT + + + Set value + - MULT - MULT + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre -96.0 dBFS y 6.0 dBFS: - Amount Multiplicator: - Multiplicador de Cantidad: + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre %1 y %2: + + + LadspaControl - ATCK - ATQ + + Link channels + Enlazar canales + + + LadspaControlDialog - DCAY - CAI + + Link Channels + Enlazar Canales - Treshold: - Umbral: + + Channel + Canal + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + Enlazar canales - TRSH - UMBRAL + + Value: + Valor: - PeakControllerEffectControls + LadspaEffect - Base value - Valor base + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Se requiere un complemento LADSPA desconocido %1. + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - Modulation amount - Cantidad de modulación + + Set value + - Mute output - Silenciar salida + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre %1 y %2: + + + LcdSpinBox - Attack - Ataque + + Set value + - Release - Disipación + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre %1 y %2: + + + LeftRightNav - Abs Value - Valor Absol + + + + Previous + Anterior - Amount Multiplicator - Multiplicador de Cantidad + + + + Next + Siguiente - Treshold - Umbral + + Previous (%1) + Anterior (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Siguiente (%1) - PianoRoll + LfoController - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - ¡Por favor abre el patrón haciendo doble click sobre él! + + LFO Controller + Controlador LFO - Last note - Ultima nota + + Base value + Valor base - Note lock - Figura actual + + Oscillator speed + Velocidad del oscilador - Note Velocity - Velocidad de Nota + + Oscillator amount + Cantidad del oscilador - Note Panning - Paneo de nota + + Oscillator phase + Fase del oscilador - Mark/unmark current semitone - Marcar/desmarcar este semitono + + Oscillator waveform + Forma de onda del oscilador - Mark current scale - Marcar la escala actual + + Frequency Multiplier + Multiplicador de frecuencia + + + LfoControllerDialog - Mark current chord - Marcar el acorde actual + + LFO + LFO - Unmark all - Desmarcar todo + + BASE + BASE - No scale - Sin escala + + Base: + - No chord - Sin acorde + + FREQ + FREC - Velocity: %1% - Velocidad: %1% + + LFO frequency: + - Panning: %1% left - Paneo: %1% izq + + AMNT + CANT - Panning: %1% right - Paneo: %1% der + + Modulation amount: + Cantidad de modulación: - Panning: center - Paneo: centro + + PHS + FASE - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre %1 y %2: + + Phase offset: + Desfase: - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Marcar/desmarcar todos los semitonos en la octava correspondiente + + degrees + - Select all notes on this key - Seleccionar todas las notas en este tono + + Sine wave + Onda sinusoidal - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Reproducir/Pausar el patrón actual (Espacio) + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Grabar notas desde el dispositivo/canal/teclado MIDI + + Saw wave + Onda de sierra - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Grabar notas desde el dispositivo/canal/teclado MIDI escuchando la Canción o el Ritmo+Bajo + + Square wave + Onda cuadrada - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Detener la reproducción del patrón actual (Espacio) + + Moog saw wave + Onda de sierra Moog - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Haz click aquí para reproducir este patrón. Te será útil al editarlo. El patrón se reproducirá en bucle automáticamente. + + Exponential wave + Onda Exponencial - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - Haz click aquí para grabar notas desde un dispositivo MIDI o desde el piano virtual de la ventana. Al grabar, las notas se escribirán en este patrón y luego podrás editarlas. + + White noise + Ruido blanco - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - Haz click aquí para grabar notas desde un dispositivo MIDI o desde el piano virtual de la ventana. Al grabar escucharás de fondo la canción o el Ritmo/Bajo, y todas las notas que toques se escribirán en este patrón. + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Haz click aquí para detener la reproducción de este patrón. + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Modo de dibujo (Shift+D) + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Modo de borrado (Shift+E) + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + Engine - Select mode (Shift+S) - Modo de Selección (Shift+S) + + Generating wavetables + Generando tablas de onda - Detune mode (Shift+T) - Modo de Cambio de Tono (Shift+T) + + Initializing data structures + Inicializando estructuras de datos - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - Haz click aquí para activar el modo de Dibujo. En el modo de Dibujo, puedes añadir, redimensionar y mover las notas. Este es el modo por defecto y el que utilizarás la mayoría de las veces. Tambien puedes presionar 'Shift+D' en el teclado para activar este modo. Mientras estes en modo de Dibujo, mantén presionado %1 para activar temporalmente el modo de Selección. + + Opening audio and midi devices + Abriendo dispositivos de audio y midi - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Haz click aquí para activar el modo de Borrado. En este modo puedes borrar notas. Puedes activar este modo desde el teclado presionando 'Shift+E'. + + Launching mixer threads + Lanzando tareas del mezclador + + + MainWindow - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - Haz click aquí para activar el modo de Selección. En este modo puedes seleccionar notas. O también puedes mantener presionado %1 en el modo de dibujo para acceder temporalmente al modo de Selección. + + Configuration file + Archivo de configuración - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Haz click aquí para activar el modo de Cambio de Tono. En este modo, puedes hacer click en una nota para abrir su ventana de automatización de cambio de tono (detuning). Puedes utilizar este modo para crear 'glissandos' (deslizar de una nota hacia otra). Presiona 'Shift+T' para activar este modo desde el teclado. + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Error al analizar el archivo de configuración en la línea %1:%2: %3 - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Cortar las notas seleccionadas (%1+X) + + Could not open file + No se puede abrir el archivo - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Copiar las notas seleccionadas (%1+C) + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + El archivo %1 no puede abrirse para escritura. +Asegúrate de tener permisos de escritura tanto del archivo como del directorio que lo contiene e inténtalo de nuevo. - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Pegar notas desde el portapapeles (%1+V) + + Project recovery + Recuperar proyecto - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Haz click aquí y las notas seleccionadas se moverán al portapapeles. Puedes pegarlas en cualquier lugar de cualquier patrón haciendo click en el botón "pegar". + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Hemos encontrado un archivo de recuperación de proyecto. Parece que la última sesión no se cerró correctamente o se está ejecutando otra instancia de LMMS. ¿Quieres recuperar el proyecto de esta sesión? - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Haz click aquí y las notas seleccionadas se copiarán al portapapeles. Puedes pegarlas en cualquier lugar de cualquier patrón haciendo click en el botón "pegar". + + + Recover + Recuperar - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Haz click aquí y las notas del portapapeles se pegarán en el primer compás visible. + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Recuperar el archivo. Por favor no ejecutes múltiples instancias de LMMS al hacerlo. - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - Esto controla el zoom horizontal. Puede ser útil para elegir el zoom adecuado para una acción específica. Para la edición en general, el zoom debe adecuarse a tus notas más cortas. + + + Discard + Descartar - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - La 'Q' se refiere a 'Cuantización', y controla el tamaño de la grilla y los puntos de control a los que se 'adhieren' las notas que ingresas. Con valores de cuantización más pequeños, puedes dibujar notas más breves en el Piano Roll, y puntos de control más exactos en el Editor de Automatización. + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Iniciar una sesión por defecto y borrar los archivos restaurados. Esta acción no es reversible. - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - Esto te permite elegir la duración de las notas nuevas. 'Ultima nota' quiere decir que LMMS usará el valor de la última nota que hayas editado + + Version %1 + Versión %1 - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - Este asistente se encuentra conectado directamente al menu contextual del teclado virtual, situado a la izquierda del Piano Roll. Luego de elegir la escala deseada en el menú desplegable, puedes hacer click derecho en la tecla de la nota deseada en el teclado virtual, y elegir 'Marcar escala actual'. ¡LMMS resaltará todas las notas que pertenezcan a la escala elegida, en el tono que hayas seleccionado! + + Preparing plugin browser + Preparando el explorador de complementos - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - Te permite elegir un acorde que luego LMMS puede dibujar o resaltar. Puedes encontrar los acordes más usados en este menú desplegable. Luego de elegir una acorde, haz click en cualquier lugar para ingresar el acorde, y haz click derecho en el teclado virtual para abrir el menú contextual y resaltar el acorde. Para ingresar notas individuales nuevamente, debes elegir 'Sin Acorde' en este menú. + + Preparing file browsers + Preparando el explorador de archivos - Edit actions - Acciones de edición + + My Projects + Mis Proyectos - Copy paste controls - Controles de copiado y pegado + + My Samples + Mis Muestras - Timeline controls - Controles de la línea de Tiempo + + My Presets + Mis Preconfiguraciones - Zoom and note controls - Controles de acercamiento y nota + + My Home + Carpeta Personal - Piano-Roll - %1 - Piano-Roll - %1 + + Root directory + Directorio raíz - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Piano-Roll - sin patrón + + Volumes + Volúmenes - Quantize - Cuantizar + + My Computer + Equipo - - - PianoView - Base note - Nota base + + &File + Archivo (&F) - - - Plugin - Plugin not found - Complemento no encontrado + + &New + &Nuevo - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - ¡El complemento "%1" no fue encontrado o no se pudo cargar! -Razón: "%2" + + &Open... + Abrir...(&O) - Error while loading plugin - Error al cargar el complemento + + Loading background picture + - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Falló la carga del complemento "%1"! + + &Save + Guardar (&S) - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - Explorador de Instrumentos + + Save &As... + Guardar Como... (&A) - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Arrastra un instrumento al Editor de Canción, al Editor de Ritmo+Bajo o sobre una pista de instrumento existente. + + Save as New &Version + Guardar como una Nueva &Versión - Instrument Plugins - Instrumentos + + Save as default template + Guardar como plantilla por defecto - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. - Complemento no encontrado + + Import... + Importar... - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - ¡El complemento LMMS %1 no tiene un identificador llamado %2! + + E&xport... + E&xportar... - - - ProjectNotes - Edit Actions - Edición + + E&xport Tracks... + E&xportar Pistas... - &Undo - Deshacer(&U) + + Export &MIDI... + Exportar &MIDI... - %1+Z - %1+Z + + &Quit + Salir (&Q) - &Redo - &Rehacer + + &Edit + &Editar - %1+Y - %1+Y + + Undo + Deshacer - &Copy - &Copiar + + Redo + Rehacer - %1+C - %1+C + + Settings + Configuración - Cu&t - Cor&tar + + &View + &Ver - %1+X - %1+X + + &Tools + Herramientas (&T) - &Paste - &Pegar + + &Help + Ayuda (&H) - %1+V - %1+V + + Online Help + Ayuda en línea - Format Actions - Formato + + Help + Ayuda - &Bold - Negrita (&B) + + About + Acerca de - %1+B - %1+B + + Create new project + Crear un proyecto nuevo - &Italic - Cursiva (&I) + + Create new project from template + Crear un proyecto nuevo desde una plantilla - %1+I - %1+I + + Open existing project + Abrir un proyecto existente - &Underline - S&ubrayado + + Recently opened projects + Proyectos recientes - %1+U - %1+U + + Save current project + Guardar este proyecto - &Left - Izquierda(&L) + + Export current project + Exportar este proyecto - %1+L - %1+L + + Metronome + - C&enter - C&entrar + + + Song Editor + Editor de Canción - %1+E - %1+E - - - &Right - De&recha + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Editor de Ritmo+Bajo - %1+R - %1+R + + + Piano Roll + Piano Roll - &Justify - &Justificar + + + Automation Editor + Editor de Automatización - %1+J - %1+J + + + Mixer + Mezcladora FX - &Color... - &Color... + + Show/hide controller rack + Mostrar/ocultar bandeja de controladores - Project Notes - Notas del Proyecto + + Show/hide project notes + Mostrar/ocultar notas del proyecto - Enter project notes here - Ingrese las Notas del Proyecto Aquí + + Untitled + Sin Título - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) - Archivo-WAV (*.wav) + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Recuperar sesión. ¡Por favor guarda tu trabajo! - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Archivo OGG comprimido (*.ogg) + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 - FLAC-File (*.flac) - Archivo FLAC (*.flac) + + Recovered project not saved + Proyecto recuperado no guardado - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) - Compresor De Archivos MP3 (*.mp3) + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Este proyecto se ha recuperado de la sesión anterior. No ha sido guardado con anterioridad y se perderá para siempre si no lo guardas. ¿Deseas guardarlo ahora? - - - QWidget - Name: - Nombre: + + Project not saved + Proyecto no guardado - Maker: - Creador: + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + El proyecto actual ha sido modificado desde la última vez que se guardó. ¿Quieres guardarlo ahora? - Copyright: - Derechos de autor: + + Open Project + Abrir Proyecto - Requires Real Time: - Requiere Tiempo Real: + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - Yes - Si + + Save Project + Guardar proyecto - No - No + + LMMS Project + Proyecto LMMS - Real Time Capable: - Ejecutable en Tiempo Real: + + LMMS Project Template + Plantilla de proyecto LMMS - In Place Broken: - Conflicto de puertos: + + Save project template + Guardar plantilla de proyecto - Channels In: - Canales entrantes: + + Overwrite default template? + ¿Sobreescribir la plantilla por defecto? - Channels Out: - Canales salientes: + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Esta acción sobreescribirá tu actual plantilla por defecto. - File: - Archivo: + + Help not available + Ayuda no disponible - File: %1 - Archivo: %1 + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Actualmente no hay ayuda disponible en LMMS. +Por favor visita http://lmms.sf.net/wiki para obtener documentación acerca de LMMS. - - - RenameDialog - Rename... - Renombrar... + + Controller Rack + Bandeja de Controladores - - - ReverbSCControlDialog - Input - Entrada + + Project Notes + Notas del Proyecto - Input Gain: - Ganancia de Entrada: + + Fullscreen + - Size - Tamaño + + Volume as dBFS + Volumen en dBFS - Size: - Tamaño: + + Smooth scroll + Desplazamiento suave - Color - Color + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Nombres de notas en piano roll - Color: - Color: + + MIDI File (*.mid) + Archivo MIDI (*.mid) - Output - Salida + + + untitled + Sin título - Output Gain: - Ganancia de Salida: + + + Select file for project-export... + Selecciona un archivo para exportar proyecto... - - - ReverbSCControls - Input Gain - Ganancia de entrada + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Elige en qué directorio se escribirán las pistas exportadas... - Size - Tamaño + + Save project + Guardar proyecto - Color - Color + + Project saved + Proyecto guardado - Output Gain - Ganancia de salida + + The project %1 is now saved. + El proyecto %1 ha sido guardado. - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file - Abrir archivo de audio + + Project NOT saved. + Proyecto NO guardado. - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Archivos Wave (*.wav) + + The project %1 was not saved! + ¡El proyecto %1 no ha sido guardado! - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - Archivos OGG (*.ogg) + + Import file + Importar archivo - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - Archivos DrumSynth (*.ds) + + MIDI sequences + secuencias MIDI - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - Archivos FLAC (*.flac) + + Hydrogen projects + Proyectos de Hydrogen - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - Archivos SPEEX (*.spx) + + All file types + Todos los archivos + + + MeterDialog - VOC-Files (*.voc) - Archivos VOC (*.voc) + + + Meter Numerator + Numerador del Compás - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - Archivos AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + Meter numerator + - AU-Files (*.au) - Archivos AU (*.au) + + + Meter Denominator + Denominador del Compás - RAW-Files (*.raw) - Archivos RAW (*.raw) + + Meter denominator + - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Todos los archivos de Audio (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + TIME SIG + COMPÁS + + + MeterModel - Fail to open file - No se pudo abrir el archivo + + Numerator + Numerador - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - Los archivos de audio tienen un límite de tamaño de %1 MB y %2 minutos de duración + + Denominator + Denominador - SampleTCOView - - double-click to select sample - Haz doble click para seleccionar una muestra - + MidiCCRackView - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Borrar (click del medio) + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + - Cut - Cortar + + MIDI CC Knobs: + - Copy - Copiar + + CC %1 + + + + MidiController - Paste - Pegar + + MIDI Controller + Controlador MIDI - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Silenciar/Escuchar (<%1> + click del medio) + + unnamed_midi_controller + controlador_midi_sin_nombre - SampleTrack + MidiImport - Sample track - Pista de muestras + + + Setup incomplete + Configuración incompleta - Volume - Volumen + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + - Panning - Paneo + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Nos has complidado LMMS con soporte para el reproductor SoundFont2, que se utiliza para añadir los sonidos por defecto de los archivos MIDI importados. Por lo tanto, no se reproducirá ningún sonido luego de importar este archivo MIDI. - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - Volumen de la pista + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + - Channel volume: - Volumen del canal: + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + - VOL - VOL + + Numerator + Numerador - Panning - Paneo + + Denominator + Denominador - Panning: - Paneo: + + Track + Pista + + + MidiJack - PAN - PAN + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + Ha fallado el servidor JACK + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + Parece ser que el servidor JACK está apagado. - SetupDialog + MidiPatternW - Setup LMMS - Configurar LMMS + + MIDI Pattern + - General settings - Configuración general + + Time Signature: + - BUFFER SIZE - TAMAÑO DEL BÚFER + + + + 1/4 + - Reset to default-value - Restaurar valores por defecto + + 2/4 + - MISC - MISC + + 3/4 + - Enable tooltips - Habilitar Consejos + + 4/4 + - Show restart warning after changing settings - Mostrar advertencia de reinicio luego de cambiar la configuración + + 5/4 + - Compress project files per default - Comprimir archivos de proyecto por defecto + + 6/4 + - One instrument track window mode - Una ventana de instrumento a la vez + + Measures: + - HQ-mode for output audio-device - modo HQ para el dispositivo de salida de audio + + + + 1 + - Compact track buttons - Botones de pista compactos + + 2 + - Sync VST plugins to host playback - Sincronizar complementos VST al anfitrión + + 3 + - Enable note labels in piano roll - Nombre de las notas en el piano roll + + 4 + - Enable waveform display by default - Activar osciloscopio por defecto + + 5 + 5ta - Keep effects running even without input - Mantener los efectos en proceso aún sin señal de entrada + + 6 + Mayor añad 6 - Create backup file when saving a project - Crear un archivo de respaldo al guardar un proyecto + + 7 + Dominante (1 3 5 b7) - LANGUAGE - IDIOMA + + 8 + - Paths - Lugares + + 9 + Dom 9 (1-3-5-b7-9) - LMMS working directory - Directorio de trabajo de LMMS + + 10 + - VST-plugin directory - Directorio de complementos VST + + 11 + Dom 11 (1-3-5-b7-9-11) - Background artwork - Imágenes de fondo + + 12 + - STK rawwave directory - Directorio para STK rawwave + + 13 + Dom 13 (...b7-9-11-13) - Default Soundfont File - Archivo SoundFont por defecto + + 14 + - Performance settings - Configuración de rendimiento + + 15 + - UI effects vs. performance - Efectos gráficos vs. rendimiento + + 16 + - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - Avance suave en Editor de Canción + + Default Length: + - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Mostrar cursor de reproducción en el AudioFileProcessor + + + 1/16 + - Audio settings - Configuración de Audio + + + 1/15 + - AUDIO INTERFACE - INTERFAZ DE AUDIO + + + 1/12 + - MIDI settings - Configuración MIDI + + + 1/9 + - MIDI INTERFACE - INTERFAZ MIDI + + + 1/8 + - OK - De acuerdo + + + 1/6 + - Cancel - Cancelar + + + 1/3 + - Restart LMMS - Reiniciar LMMS + + + 1/2 + - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - ¡Por favor nota que la mayoría de los cambios no tendrán efecto hasta que reinicies LMMS! + + Quantize: + - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Cuadros: %1 -Latencia: %2 ms + + &File + Archivo (&F) - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - Aquí puedes definir el tamaño del búfer interno usado por LMMS. Valores pequeños darán como resultado menor latencia pero también pueden provocar sonidos inutilizables o mal rendimiento, sobretodo en computadoras antiguas o en sistemas sin un núcleo con tiempo real. + + &Edit + &Editar - Choose LMMS working directory - Elige el directorio de trabajo de LMMS + + &Quit + Salir (&Q) - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Elige tu directorio de complementos VST + + &Insert Mode + - Choose artwork-theme directory - Elige el directorio de temas (apariencia) + + F + - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Elige el directorio de complementos LADSPA + + &Velocity Mode + - Choose STK rawwave directory - Elige el directorio de STK rawwave + + D + - Choose default SoundFont - Elige una SoundFont por defecto + + Select All + - Choose background artwork - Elige una imagen para el fondo + + A + + + + MidiPort - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - Aquí puedes elegir tu interfaz de audio preferida. Dependiendo de la configuración de tu sistema durante la compilación, puedes elegir entre ALSA, JACK, OSS y otros. Debajo verás un cuadro que te permitirá configurar la interfaz de audio seleccionada. + + Input channel + Canal de entrada - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - Aquí puedes elegir tu interfaz MIDI preferida. Dependiendo de la configuración de tu sistema durante la compilación, puedes elegir entre ALSA, OSS y otros.Debajo verás un cuadro en el que podrás configurar la interfaz MIDI que hayas elegido. + + Output channel + Canal de salida - Reopen last project on start - Abrir el último proyecto al iniciar + + Input controller + Controlador de entrada - Directories - Directorios + + Output controller + Controlador de salida - Themes directory - Directorio de temas + + Fixed input velocity + Velocidad de entrada fija - GIG directory - Directorio GIG + + Fixed output velocity + Velocidad de salida fija - SF2 directory - Directorio SF2 + + Fixed output note + Nota de salida fija - LADSPA plugin directories - Directorios de complementos LADSPA + + Output MIDI program + Programa de salida MIDI - Auto save - Auto guardado + + Base velocity + Velocidad básica - Choose your GIG directory - Elige tu directorio GIG + + Receive MIDI-events + Recibir eventos MIDI - Choose your SF2 directory - Elige tu directorio SF2 + + Send MIDI-events + Enviar eventos MIDI + + + MidiSetupWidget - minutes - minutos + + Device + + + + MonstroInstrument - minute - minuto + + Osc 1 volume + - Display volume as dBFS - Mostrar volumen en dBFS + + Osc 1 panning + - Enable auto-save - Habilitar Auto-Guardado + + Osc 1 coarse detune + - Allow auto-save while playing - Permitir auto-guardado durante la reproducción + + Osc 1 fine detune left + - Disabled - Inhabilitado + + Osc 1 fine detune right + - Auto-save interval: %1 - Intervalo de auto-guardado: %1 + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - Define el tiempo entre auto-guardados en %1. -Recuerda también guardar tu proyecto manualmente. Puedes elegir no guardar automáticamente durante la reproducción, lo cual algunos sistemas anteriores encuentran difícil de realizar. + + Osc 1 pulse width + - - - Song - Tempo - Tempo + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + - Master volume - Volumen maestro + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + - Master pitch - Transporte + + Osc 2 volume + - Project saved - Proyecto guardado + + Osc 2 panning + - The project %1 is now saved. - El proyecto %1 ha sido guardado. + + Osc 2 coarse detune + - Project NOT saved. - Proyecto NO guardado. + + Osc 2 fine detune left + - The project %1 was not saved! - ¡El proyecto %1 no ha sido guardado! + + Osc 2 fine detune right + - Import file - Importar archivo + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + - MIDI sequences - secuencias MIDI + + Osc 2 waveform + - Hydrogen projects - Proyectos de Hydrogen + + Osc 2 sync hard + - All file types - Todos los archivos + + Osc 2 sync reverse + - Empty project - Proyecto vacío + + Osc 3 volume + - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - Este proyecto está vacío por lo cual no tiene sentido exportarlo. ¡Por favor añade primero algunos elementos en el Editor de Canción! + + Osc 3 panning + - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Elige en qué directorio se escribirán las pistas exportadas... + + Osc 3 coarse detune + - untitled - Sin título + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Osc 3 desfase estéreo - Select file for project-export... - Selecciona un archivo para exportar proyecto... + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + - The following errors occured while loading: - Los siguientes errores ocurrieron durante la carga: + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + - MIDI File (*.mid) - Archivo MIDI (*.mid) + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + - LMMS Error report - Reporte de errores LMMS + + Osc 3 sync hard + - Save project - Guardar proyecto + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - No se puede abrir el archivo + + LFO 1 waveform + - Could not write file - No se puede escribir el archivo + + LFO 1 attack + - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - No se puede abrir el archivo %1. Probablemente no tengas permisos para leer este archivo. -Asegúrate de tener al menos permisos de lectura sobre este archivo e inténtalo nuevamente. + + LFO 1 rate + - Error in file - Error en el archivo + + LFO 1 phase + - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - El archivo %1 aparentemente contiene errores y por lo tanto no puede cargarse. + + LFO 2 waveform + - Tempo - Tempo + + LFO 2 attack + - TEMPO/BPM - TEMPO/GPM + + LFO 2 rate + - tempo of song - tempo de la canción + + LFO 2 phase + - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - El 'tempo' de una canción se define en golpes por minuto (GPM). Si quieres cambiar el tempo de tu canción, modifica este valor. En compases de 4 tiempos (los que usarás la mayoría de las veces, ¡sino siempre!), el valor del tempo entre 4 indicará cuántos compases se tocan en un minuto (1golpe = 1 beat = 1 tiempo de compás, por lo tanto GPM/4 = compases x minuto). + + Env 1 pre-delay + - High quality mode - Modo de alta calidad + + Env 1 attack + - Master volume - Volumen maestro + + Env 1 hold + - master volume - volumen maestro + + Env 1 decay + - Master pitch - Transporte + + Env 1 sustain + - master pitch - transporte + + Env 1 release + - Value: %1% - Valor: %1% + + Env 1 slope + - Value: %1 semitones - Valor: %1 semitonos + + Env 2 pre-delay + - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - No se pudo abrir el archivo %1 para escritura. Probablemente no tienes permiso de escritura sobre este archivo. Asegúrate de tener acceso de escritura a este archivo e inténtalo nuevamente. + + Env 2 attack + - template - plantilla + + Env 2 hold + - project - proyecto + + Env 2 decay + - Version difference - Diferencia de versión + + Env 2 sustain + - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - Este %1 fue creado con LMMS %2. + + Env 2 release + - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - Editor de Canción + + Env 2 slope + - Play song (Space) - Reproducir canción (Espacio) + + Osc 2+3 modulation + - Record samples from Audio-device - Grabar muestras desde el Dispositivo de Audio + + Selected view + Vista seleccionada - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Grabar muestras desde el Dispositivo de Audio escuchando la Canción o el Ritmo/Bajo + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + - Stop song (Space) - Detener canción (Espacio) + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + - Add beat/bassline - Agregar Ritmo/bajo + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + - Add sample-track - Agregar pista de muestras + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + - Add automation-track - Agregar pista de Automatización + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + - Draw mode - Modo de dibujo + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + - Edit mode (select and move) - Modo de edición (seleccionar y mover) + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - Haz click aquí si deseas reproducir la canción completa. La reproducción comenzará en el marcador de posición de canción. Puedes mover este marcador incluso durante la reproducción. + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - Haz click aquí para detener la reproducción de la canción. El marcador de posición de canción volverá al inicio de tu canción. + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + - Track actions - Acciones de pista + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + - Edit actions - Acciones de edición + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + - Timeline controls - Controles de la línea de Tiempo + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + - Zoom controls - Controles de Acercamiento + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - Espectro lineal + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + - Linear Y axis - Eje Y lineal + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum - Espectro lineal + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + - Linear Y axis - Eje Y lineal + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + - Channel mode - Modo del canal + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + - - - SubWindow - Close - Cerrar + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + - Maximize - Maximizar + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + - Restore - Restaurar + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 - Configuración para %1 + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - Sincronizar al Tempo + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + - No Sync - Sin Sincro + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + - Eight beats - Ocho tiempos + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + - Whole note - Redonda + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + - Half note - Blanca + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + - Quarter note - Negra + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + - 8th note - Corchea + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + - 16th note - Semicorchea + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + - 32nd note - Fusa + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + - Custom... - Personalizado... + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + - Custom - Personalizado + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + - Synced to Eight Beats - Sincronizado a ocho tiempos + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + - Synced to Whole Note - Sincronizado a Redondas + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + - Synced to Half Note - Sincronizado a Blancas + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + - Synced to Quarter Note - Sincronizado a Negras + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + - Synced to 8th Note - Sincronizado a Corcheas + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + - Synced to 16th Note - Sincronizado a Semicorcheas + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + - Synced to 32nd Note - Sincronizado a Fusas + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + - - - TimeDisplayWidget - click to change time units - Haz click aquí para modificar las unidades de tiempo + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + - MIN - MIN + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + - SEC - SEG + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + - MSEC - MSEG + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + - BAR - COMPAS + + + Sine wave + Onda Sinusoidal - BEAT - PULSO + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Onda triangular de BandaLimitada - TICK - TICK + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Onda de sierra de bandaLimitada - - - TimeLineWidget - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Activar/Desactivar avance automático + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Onda de rampa de bandaLimitada - Enable/disable loop-points - Activar/Desactivar blucle + + Bandlimited Square wave + Onda cuadrada de BandaLimitada - After stopping go back to begin - Al detenerse volver al principio + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Onda de sierra Moog de banda Limitada - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Al detenerse volver a la posición en la que comenzó la reproducción + + + Soft square wave + Onda Cuadrada suave - After stopping keep position - Al detenerse mantener la posición final + + Absolute sine wave + Onda Sinusoidal Absoluta - Hint - Pista + + + Exponential wave + Onda Exponencial - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Presiona <%1> para desactivar los puntos de bucle magnéticos. + + White noise + Ruido blanco - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Mantén <Shift> para mover el punto de bucle inicial. Presiona <%1> para desactivar los puntos de bucle magnéticos. + + Digital Triangle wave + Onda triangular digital - - - Track - Mute - Silencio + + Digital Saw wave + Onda de sierra digital - Solo - Solo + + Digital Ramp wave + Onda de Rampa digital - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file - No se pudo importar el archivo + + Digital Square wave + Onda Cuadrada digital - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - No se pudo hallar un filtro para importar el archivo %1. -Debes convertir este archivo a un formato soportado por LMMS usando otra aplicación. + + Digital Moog saw wave + Onda de sierra Moog digital - Couldn't open file - No se puede abrir el archivo + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - El archivo %1 no puede abrirse para lectura. -¡Asegúrate de tener permisos de lectura tanto del archivo como del directorio que lo contiene e inténtalo nuevamente! + + Saw wave + Onda de sierra - Loading project... - Cargando proyecto... + + Ramp wave + Onda de rampa - Cancel - Cancelar + + Square wave + Onda Cuadrada - Please wait... - Por favor, espera... + + Moog saw wave + Onda de sierra Moog - Importing MIDI-file... - Importando archivo MIDI... + + Abs. sine wave + Onda sinus. abs - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Cargando Pista %1 (%2/Total %3) + + Random + Aleatorio - - - TrackContentObject - Mute - Silencio + + Random smooth + Aleatoria suave - TrackContentObjectView + MonstroView - Current position - Posición actual + + Operators view + Vista de Operadores - Hint - Pista + + Matrix view + Vista de Matriz - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Presiona <%1> y arrastra para crear una copia. + + + + Volume + Volumen - Current length - Duración actual + + + + Panning + Paneo - Press <%1> for free resizing. - Presiona <%1> para redimensionar libremente. + + + + Coarse detune + Desafinación gruesa - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4 a %5:%6) + + + + semitones + semitonos - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Borrar (click del medio ) + + + Fine tune left + - Cut - Cortar + + + + + cents + cents - Copy - Copiar + + + Fine tune right + - Paste - Pegar + + + + Stereo phase offset + Desfase estéreo - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Silenciar/Escuchar (<%1> + click del medio) + + + + + + deg + deg - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - Presiona <%1> al hacer click en el area de agarre para iniciar una nueva accion de 'arrastrar y soltar'. + + Pulse width + Amplitud del pulso - Actions for this track - Acciones para esta pista + + Send sync on pulse rise + Enviar sinc en la fase ascendente del pulso - Mute - Silencio + + Send sync on pulse fall + Enviar sinc en la fase descendente del pulso - Solo - Solo + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + Sincronización dura oscilador 2 - Mute this track - Silenciar esta pista + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + Sincronización reversa oscilador 2 - Clone this track - Clonar esta pista + + Sub-osc mix + Mezcla de sub-osc - Remove this track - Eliminar esta pista + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + Sincronización dura oscilador 3 - Clear this track - Limpiar esta pista + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + Sincronización reversa oscilador 3 - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + + + + Attack + Ataque - Turn all recording on - Activar todas las grabaciones + + + Rate + Tasa - Turn all recording off - Apagar todas las grabacioens + + + Phase + Fase - Assign to new FX Channel - Asignar a un nuevo Canal FX + + + Pre-delay + Pre-retraso - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Usar modulación de fase para modular el oscilador 1 con el oscilador 2 + + + Hold + Mantener - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Usar modulación de amplitud para modular el oscilador 1 con el oscilador 2 + + + Decay + Caída - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Mezclar la salida de los osciladores 1 y 2 + + + Sustain + Sostén - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Sincronizar el oscilador 1 con el oscilador 2 + + + Release + Disipación - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Usar modulación de frecuencia para modular el oscilador 1 con el oscilador 2 + + + Slope + Curva - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Usar modulación de fase para modular el oscilador 2 con el oscilador 3 + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Cantidad de modulación + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Usar modulación de amplitud para modular el oscilador 2 con el oscilador 3 + + Length + Duración - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Mezclar la salida de los osciladores 2 y 3 + + Step length: + Longitud del paso: - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Sincronizar el oscilador 2 con el oscilador 3 + + Dry + Limpio - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Usar modulación de frecuencia para modular el oscilador 2 con el oscilador 3 + + Dry gain: + - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 Volumen: + + Stages + Etapas - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Con esta perilla puedes establecer el volumen del oscilador %1. Al fijar un valor de 0 el oscilador se apaga. De lo contrario podrás oír el oscilador tan alto como lo especifiques aquí. + + Low-pass stages: + - Osc %1 panning: - Osc %1 paneo: + + Swap inputs + Intercambiar entradas - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Con esta perilla puedes establecer el paneo del oscilador %1. Un valor de -100 significa 100% a la izquierda y un valor de 100 mueve el oscilador totalmente a la derecha. + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + Intercambiar los canales de entrada izquierdo y derecho para reflexiones + + + NesInstrument - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Osc %1 desafinación gruesa: + + Channel 1 coarse detune + - semitones - semitonos + + Channel 1 volume + Canal 1 Volumen - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Con este control usted podrá establecer la desafinación gruesa del oscilador %1. Usted puede desafinar el oscilador en 24 semitonos (2 octavas) arriba y abajo. Esto es útil para la creación de sonidos armonizados (acordes). + + Channel 1 envelope length + - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Osc %1 desafinación fina izquierda: + + Channel 1 duty cycle + - cents - cents + + Channel 1 sweep amount + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Esta perilla define la desafinación fina del canal izquierdo del oscilador %1. La extensión es de -100 cents a +100 cents. Util para crear sonidos 'gordos'. + + Channel 1 sweep rate + - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Osc %1 desafinación fina derecha: + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Canal 2 desafinación gruesa - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Esta perilla define la desafinación fina del canal derecho del oscilador %1. La extensión es de -100 cents a +100 cents. Util para crear sonidos 'gordos'. + + Channel 2 Volume + Canal 2 Volumen - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Osc %1 desfase: + + Channel 2 envelope length + - degrees - grados - - - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Con esta perilla puedes definir el desfase del oscilador %1. Esto significa que puedes mover el punto de la onda en el cual el oscilador comienza a oscilar. Por ejemplo, en una onda sinusoidal con un desfase de 180 grados la onda irá primero hacia abajo. Pasará lo mismo con una onda cuadrada. + + Channel 2 duty cycle + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Osc %1 desafinación de fase estéreo: + + Channel 2 sweep amount + - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Esta perilla define la diferencia de fase estéreo del oscilador %1. La diferencia de fase estéreo especifica cuan grande será la diferencia entre el desfase de los canales izquierdo y derecho. Esta función le da mayor amplitud a los sonidos en el campo estéreo. + + Channel 2 sweep rate + - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Usar una onda sinusoidal para el oscilador actual. + + Channel 3 coarse detune + - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Usar una onda triangular para el oscilador actual. + + Channel 3 volume + Canal 3 Volumen - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Usar una onda de sierra para el oscilador actual. + + Channel 4 volume + Canal 4 Volumen - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Usar una onda cuadrada para el oscilador actual. + + Channel 4 envelope length + - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Usar una onda de sierra tipo moog para el oscilador actual. + + Channel 4 noise frequency + - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Usar una onda exponencial para el oscilador actual. + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Usar ruido-blanco para el oscilador actual. + + Master volume + Volumen maestro - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Usar una onda definida por el usuario para el oscilador actual. + + Vibrato + Vibrato - VersionedSaveDialog + NesInstrumentView - Increment version number - Incrementar el número de versión + + + + + Volume + Volumen - Decrement version number - Disminuír el número de versión + + + + Coarse detune + Desafinación gruesa - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - ¡Ya existe! ¿Deseas reemplazarlo? + + + + Envelope length + Longitud de la Envolvente + + + + Enable channel 1 + Habilitar el canal 1 - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - Abrir otro complemento VST + + Enable envelope 1 + Habilitar la envolvente 1 - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Haz click aquí si deseas abrir otro complemento VST. Se mostrará un diálogo que te permitirá elegir el archivo que desees. + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Habilitar el bucle de la envolvente 1 - Show/hide GUI - Mostrar/Ocultar IGU + + Enable sweep 1 + Habilitar barrido 1 - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Haz click aquí para mostrar u ocultar la interfaz gráfica de usuario (IGU) de tu complemento VST. + + + Sweep amount + Cantidad de barrido - Turn off all notes - Apagar todas las notas + + + Sweep rate + Tasa de barrido - Open VST-plugin - Abrir un complemento VST + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + Ciclo de trabajo 12.5% - DLL-files (*.dll) - archivos DDL (*.dll) + + + 25% Duty cycle + Ciclo de trabajo 25% - EXE-files (*.exe) - archivos EXE (*.exe) + + + 50% Duty cycle + Ciclo de trabajo 50% - No VST-plugin loaded - No se ha cargado ningún complemento VST + + + 75% Duty cycle + Ciclo de trabajo 75% - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Controlar el complemento VST desde el anfitrión LMMS + + Enable channel 2 + Habilitar el canal 2 - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Haz click aquí si deseas controlar tu complemento VST desde el anfitrión. + + Enable envelope 2 + Habilitar la envolvente 2 - Open VST-plugin preset - Abrir preconfiguración de VST + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Habilitar el bucle de la envolvente 2 - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Haz click aquí si deseas abrir otra preconfiguración de VST (*.fxp, *.fxb). + + Enable sweep 2 + Habilitar barrido 2 - Previous (-) - Anterior (-) + + Enable channel 3 + Habilitar el canal 3 - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Haz click aquí si deseas cambiar a otro programa de preconfiguración de VST. + + Noise Frequency + Frecuencia de Ruido - Save preset - Guardar preconfiguración + + Frequency sweep + Barrido de Frecuencia - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Haz click aquí si deseas guardar el programa de preconfiguración del VST actual. + + Enable channel 4 + Habilitar el canal 4 - Next (+) - Siguiente (+) + + Enable envelope 4 + Habilitar la envolvente 4 - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Haz click aquí para elegir preconfiguraciones que estén actualmente cargadas en el VST. + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Habilitar el bucle de la envolvente 4 - Preset - Preconfiguración + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + Cuantizar la frecuencia de ruido al usar frecuencia de nota - by - por + + Use note frequency for noise + Usar frecuencia de nota para ruido - - VST plugin control - - control de complemento VST + + Noise mode + Modo de Ruido - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - Haz click aquí para activar o desactivar la visualización de la salida principal + + Master volume + Volumen maestro - Click to enable - Click para activar + + Vibrato + Vibrato - VstEffectControlDialog + OpulenzInstrument - Show/hide - Mostrar/Ocultar + + Patch + Ajuste - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Controlar el complemento VST desde el anfitrión LMMS + + Op 1 attack + - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Haz click aquí si deseas controlar tu complemento VST desde el anfitrión. + + Op 1 decay + - Open VST-plugin preset - Abrir preconfiguración de VST + + Op 1 sustain + - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Haz click aquí si deseas abrir otra preconfiguración de VST (*.fxp, *.fxb). + + Op 1 release + - Previous (-) - Anterior (-) + + Op 1 level + - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Haz click aquí si deseas cambiar a otro programa de preconfiguración de VST. + + Op 1 level scaling + - Next (+) - Siguiente (+) + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Haz click aquí para elegir preconfiguraciones que estén actualmente cargadas en el VST. + + Op 1 feedback + - Save preset - Guardar preconfiguración + + Op 1 key scaling rate + - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Haz click aquí si deseas guardar el programa de preconfiguración del VST actual. + + Op 1 percussive envelope + - Effect by: - Efecto por: + + Op 1 tremolo + - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Op 1 vibrato + - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin - Cargando complemento + + Op 1 waveform + - Open Preset - Abrir Preconfiguración + + Op 2 attack + - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Preconfiguración VST (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Op 2 decay + - : default - : por defecto + + Op 2 sustain + - " - " + + Op 2 release + - ' - ' + + Op 2 level + - Save Preset - Guardar preconfiguración + + Op 2 level scaling + - .fxp - .fxp + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + - .FXP - .FXP + + Op 2 key scaling rate + - .FXB - .FXB + + Op 2 percussive envelope + - .fxb - .fxb + + Op 2 tremolo + - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Por favor espera mientras se carga el complemento VST... + + Op 2 vibrato + - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - El complemento VST %1 no se ha podido cargar. + + Op 2 waveform + - - - WatsynInstrument - Volume A1 - A1 volumen + + FM + FM - Volume A2 - A2 volumen + + Vibrato depth + - Volume B1 - B1 volumen + + Tremolo depth + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - Volume B2 - B2 volumen + + + Attack + Ataque - Panning A1 - A1 paneo + + + Decay + Caída - Panning A2 - A2 paneo + + + Release + Disipación - Panning B1 - B1 paneo + + + Frequency multiplier + Multiplicador de frecuencia + + + OscillatorObject - Panning B2 - B2 paneo + + Osc %1 waveform + Forma de onda del osc %1 - Freq. multiplier A1 - A1 multiplicador de frec. + + Osc %1 harmonic + armónicos del Osc %1 - Freq. multiplier A2 - A2 multiplicador de frec. + + + Osc %1 volume + Osc %1 Volumen - Freq. multiplier B1 - B1 multiplicador de frec. + + + Osc %1 panning + Osc %1 paneo - Freq. multiplier B2 - B2 multiplicador de frec. + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Osc %1 desafinación fina izquierda - Left detune A1 - A1 desafin izq + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Osc %1 desafinación gruesa - Left detune A2 - A2 desafin izq + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Osc %1 desafinación fina derecha - Left detune B1 - B1 desafin izq + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Osc %1 desfase - Left detune B2 - B2 desafin izq + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Osc %1 desafinación de fase estéreo - Right detune A1 - A1 desafin der + + Osc %1 wave shape + Osc %1 forma de onda - Right detune A2 - A2 desafin der + + Modulation type %1 + Tipo de modulación %1 + + + Oscilloscope - Right detune B1 - B1 desafin der + + Oscilloscope + - Right detune B2 - B2 desafin der + + Click to enable + Click para activar + + + PatchesDialog - A-B Mix - Mezcla A-B + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Preconfiguración del Canal - A-B Mix envelope amount - Cantidad de envolvente de la Mezcla A-B + + Bank selector + Selector de banco - A-B Mix envelope attack - Ataque de la envolvente de la mezcla A-B + + Bank + Banco - A-B Mix envelope hold - Mantenido de la envolvente de la mezcla A-B + + Program selector + Selector de programa - A-B Mix envelope decay - Caída de la envolvente de la mezcla A-B + + Patch + Ajuste - A1-B2 Crosstalk - Diafonía A1-B2 - - - A2-A1 modulation - Modulación A2-A1 + + Name + Nombre - B2-B1 modulation - Modulación B2-B1 + + OK + De acuerdo - Selected graph - Gráfico seleccionado + + Cancel + Cancelar - WatsynView - - Select oscillator A1 - Seleccionar oscilador A1 - + PatmanView - Select oscillator A2 - Seleccionar oscilador A2 + + Open patch + - Select oscillator B1 - Seleccionar oscilador B1 + + Loop + Bucle - Select oscillator B2 - Seleccionar oscilador B2 + + Loop mode + Modo Bucle - Mix output of A2 to A1 - Mezclar la salida de A2 con A1 + + Tune + Afinación - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - Modular la amplitud de A1 con la salida de A2 + + Tune mode + Modo de Afinación - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - Modulación en anillo A1 y A2 + + No file selected + Ningún archivo seleccionado - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - Modular la fase de A1 con la salida de A2 + + Open patch file + Abrir archivo Patch - Mix output of B2 to B1 - Mezclar la salida de B2 con B1 + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Archivos Patch (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - Modular la amplitud de B1 con la salida de B2 + + Open in piano-roll + Abrir en piano-roll - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - Modulación en anillo B1 y B2 + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - Modular la fase de B1 con la salida de B2 + + Clear all notes + Borrar todas las notas - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Dibuja tu propia onda arrastrando el puntero sobre el gráfico. + + Reset name + Restaurar nombre - Load waveform - Cargar onda + + Change name + Cambiar nombre - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Haz click aquí para cargar una onda de un archivo de muestra + + Add steps + Agregar pasos - Phase left - Fase izquierda + + Remove steps + Quitar pasos - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - Haz click aquí para cambiar la fase en -15 grados + + Clone Steps + Clonar Pasos + + + PeakController - Phase right - Fase derecha + + Peak Controller + Controlador de Picos - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - Haz click aquí para cambiar la fase en +15 grados + + Peak Controller Bug + Error en el controlador de Picos - Normalize - Normalizar + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + Debido a un error en versiones antiguas de LMMS, el controlador de Picos tal vez no se conecte apropiadamente. Por favor asegúrate que los controladores de picos estén conectados apropiadamente y vuelve a guardar este archivo. Disculpa los inconvenientes. + + + PeakControllerDialog - Click to normalize - Haz click para normalizar + + PEAK + PICO - Invert - Invertir + + LFO Controller + Controlador LFO + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - Click to invert - Haz click para invertir + + BASE + BASE - Smooth - Suavizar + + Base: + - Click to smooth - Haz click para suavizar + + AMNT + CANT - Sine wave - Onda Sinusoidal + + Modulation amount: + Cantidad de modulación: - Click for sine wave - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda sinusoidal + + MULT + MULT - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + Amount multiplicator: + - Click for triangle wave - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda triangular + + ATCK + ATQ - Click for saw wave - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra + + Attack: + Ataque: - Square wave - Onda Cuadrada + + DCAY + CAI - Click for square wave - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda cuadrada + + Release: + Disipación: - Volume - Volumen + + TRSH + UMBRAL - Panning - Paneo + + Treshold: + Umbral: - Freq. multiplier - Multiplicador de frec. + + Mute output + Silenciar salida - Left detune - Desafinación izquierda + + Absolute value + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - cents - cents + + Base value + Valor base - Right detune - Desafinación derecha + + Modulation amount + Cantidad de modulación - A-B Mix - Mezcla A-B + + Attack + Ataque - Mix envelope amount - Cantidad de envolvente de la Mezcla + + Release + Disipación - Mix envelope attack - Ataque de la envolvente de la Mezcla + + Treshold + Umbral - Mix envelope hold - Mantenido de la envolvente de la Mezcla + + Mute output + Silenciar salida - Mix envelope decay - Caída de la envolvente de la Mezcla + + Absolute value + - Crosstalk - Diafonía + + Amount multiplicator + - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - Portamento - Portamento - - - Filter Frequency - Frecuencia del Filtro - + PianoRoll - Filter Resonance - Resonancia del Filtro + + Note Velocity + Velocidad de Nota - Bandwidth - Ancho De Banda + + Note Panning + Paneo de nota - FM Gain - Ganancia FM + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Marcar/desmarcar este semitono - Resonance Center Frequency - Frecuencia Central de Resonancia + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + Marcar/desmarcar todos los semitonos en la octava correspondiente - Resonance Bandwidth - Ancho de banda de Resonancia + + Mark current scale + Marcar la escala actual - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - Enviar Eventos MIDI de Cambio de Control + + Mark current chord + Marcar el acorde actual - - - ZynAddSubFxView - Show GUI - Mostrar IGU + + Unmark all + Desmarcar todo - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Haz click aquí para mostrar u ocultar la interfaz gráfica de usuario (IGU) de ZynAddSubFX. + + Select all notes on this key + Seleccionar todas las notas en este tono - Portamento: - Portamento: + + Note lock + Figura actual - PORT - PORT + + Last note + Ultima nota - Filter Frequency: - Frecuencia del Filtro: + + No key + - FREQ - FREC + + No scale + Sin escala - Filter Resonance: - Resonancia del Filtro: + + No chord + Sin acorde - RES - RESO + + Nudge + - Bandwidth: - Ancho De Banda: + + Snap + - BW - AdB + + Velocity: %1% + Velocidad: %1% - FM Gain: - Ganancia FM: + + Panning: %1% left + Paneo: %1% izq - FM GAIN - GAN FM + + Panning: %1% right + Paneo: %1% der - Resonance center frequency: - Frecuencia Central de Resonancia: + + Panning: center + Paneo: centro - RES CF - FCdRES + + Glue notes failed + - Resonance bandwidth: - Ancho de banda de Resonancia: + + Please select notes to glue first. + - RES BW - AdB RES + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + ¡Por favor abre el patrón haciendo doble click sobre él! - Forward MIDI Control Changes - Enviar Cambios de Control MIDI + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Por favor ingresa un nuevo valor entre %1 y %2: - audioFileProcessor + PianoRollWindow - Amplify - Amplificar + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Reproducir/Pausar el patrón actual (Espacio) - Start of sample - Inicio de la muestra + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Grabar notas desde el dispositivo/canal/teclado MIDI - End of sample - Fin de la muestra + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Grabar notas desde el dispositivo/canal/teclado MIDI escuchando la Canción o el Ritmo+Bajo - Reverse sample - Reproducir la muestra en reversa + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + - Stutter - Tartamudeo + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Detener la reproducción del patrón actual (Espacio) - Loopback point - Punto de bucle + + Edit actions + Acciones de edición - Loop mode - Modo Bucle - - - Interpolation mode - Modo de Interpolación - - - None - Ninguno - - - Linear - Lineal + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Modo de dibujo (Shift+D) - Sinc - Sinc + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Modo de borrado (Shift+E) - Sample not found: %1 - Muestra no encontrada: %1 + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Modo de Selección (Shift+S) - - - bitInvader - Samplelength - Longitud de la muestra + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + - - - bitInvaderView - Sample Length - Longitud de la muestra + + Quantize + Cuantizar - Sine wave - Onda Sinusoidal + + Quantize positions + - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + Quantize lengths + - Saw wave - Onda de sierra + + File actions + - Square wave - Onda Cuadrada + + Import clip + - White noise wave - Ruido blanco + + + Export clip + - User defined wave - Onda definida por el usuario + + Copy paste controls + Controles de copiado y pegado - Smooth - Suavizar + + Cut (%1+X) + - Click here to smooth waveform. - Haz click aquí para suavizar la onda. + + Copy (%1+C) + - Interpolation - Interpolación + + Paste (%1+V) + - Normalize - Normalizar + + Timeline controls + Controles de la línea de Tiempo - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Dibuja tu propia onda arrastrando el puntero sobre el gráfico. + + Glue + - Click for a sine-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda sinusoidal. + + Knife + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda triangular. + + Fill + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra. + + Cut overlaps + - Click here for a square-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda cuadrada. + + Min length as last + - Click here for white-noise. - Haz click aquí para elegir ruido blanco. + + Max length as last + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda personalizada. + + Zoom and note controls + Controles de acercamiento y nota - - - dynProcControlDialog - INPUT - ENTRADA + + Horizontal zooming + - Input gain: - Ganancia de Entrada: + + Vertical zooming + - OUTPUT - SALIDA + + Quantization + Cuantización - Output gain: - Ganancia de Salida: + + Note length + - ATTACK - ATAQUE + + Key + - Peak attack time: - Tiempo pico de ataque: + + Scale + - RELEASE - DISIPACIÓN + + Chord + - Peak release time: - Tiempo pico de disipación: + + Snap mode + - Reset waveform - Restaurar forma de onda + + Clear ghost notes + - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Haz click aquí para restaurar el gráfico de onda por defecto + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Piano-Roll - %1 - Smooth waveform - Suavizar onda + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Piano-Roll - sin patrón - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Haz click aquí para aplicar suavizado al gráfico de onda + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Aumentar la amplitud del gráfico de onda en 1dB + + Export clip success + - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Haz click aquí para aumentar la amplitud del gráfico de onda en 1dB + + Clip saved to %1 + - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Disminuir la amplitud del gráfico de onda en 1dB + + Import clip. + - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Haz click aquí para disminuir la amplitud del gráfico de onda en 1dB + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + - Stereomode Maximum - Modo Estéreo Máximo + + Open clip + - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Procesar basado en el máximo de ambos canales estéreo + + Import clip success + - Stereomode Average - Modo Estéreo Promedio + + Imported clip %1! + + + + PianoView - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Procesar basado en el promedio de ambos canales estéreo + + Base note + Nota base - Stereomode Unlinked - Modo Estéreo Desenlazado + + First note + - Process each stereo channel independently - Procesar cada canal estéreo de manera independiente + + Last note + Ultima nota - dynProcControls - - Input gain - Ganancia de entrada - + Plugin - Output gain - Ganancia de salida + + Plugin not found + Complemento no encontrado - Attack time - Tiempo de ataque + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + ¡El complemento "%1" no fue encontrado o no se pudo cargar! +Razón: "%2" - Release time - Tiempo de disipación + + Error while loading plugin + Error al cargar el complemento - Stereo mode - Modo Estéreo + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Falló la carga del complemento "%1"! - expressiveView + PluginBrowser - Select oscillator W1 - Seleccionar Oscilador W1 + + Instrument Plugins + Instrumentos - Select oscillator W2 - Seleccionar Oscilador W2 + + Instrument browser + Explorador de Instrumentos - Select oscillator W3 - Seleccionar Oscilador W3 + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + Arrastra un instrumento al Editor de Canción, al Editor de Ritmo+Bajo o sobre una pista de instrumento existente. - Select OUTPUT 1 - Seleccionar SALIDA 1 + + no description + sin descripción - Select OUTPUT 2 - Seleccionar SALIDA 2 + + A native amplifier plugin + Un complemento de amplificación nativo - Open help window - Abrir Ventana De Ayuda + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Sampler simple con varias configuraciones para usar muestras (por ej. percusión) en una pista de instrumento - Sine wave - Onda sinusoidal + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Realza tus graves de forma rápida y fácil - Click for a sine-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda sinusoidal. + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Sintetizador de tabla de ondas personalizable - Moog-Saw wave - Moog-Saw wave + + An oversampling bitcrusher + Un reductor de bits de sobremuestreo - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. - Clic Aquí Para La Moog-Saw-wave. + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Bahía de Conexiones Carla - Exponential wave - Onda Exponencial + + Carla Rack Instrument + Bandeja de complementos Carla - Click for an exponential wave. - Clic Aquí para Obtener una Onda Exponencial. + + A dynamic range compressor. + - Saw wave - Onda de sierra + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + Un ecualizador cruzado de 4 bandas - Click here for a saw-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra. + + A native delay plugin + Un complemento de Delay nativo - User defined wave - Onda definida por el usuario + + A Dual filter plugin + Un complemento de filtro dual - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda personalizada. + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + Complemento para procesar dinámicas de una manera flexible - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + A native eq plugin + Un complemento de EQ nativo - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda triangular. + + A native flanger plugin + Un complemento Flanger nativo - Square wave - Onda cuadrada + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Emulación del APU de GameBoy (TM) - Click here for a square-wave. - Haz click aquí para seleccionar una onda cuadrada. + + Player for GIG files + Reproductor para archivos GIG - White noise wave - Ruido blanco + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Filtro para importar archivos de Hydrogen a LMMS - Click here for white-noise. - Haz click aquí para elegir ruido blanco. + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Sintetizador de percusión versátil - WaveInterpolate - Oleada Interpolar + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Listar los complementos LADSPA instalados - ExpressionValid - Expresión Validada + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + complemento para usar efectos LADSPA a voluntad en LMMS. - General purpose 1: - Propósito General 1: + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Imitación monofónica incompleta del TB-303 - General purpose 2: - Propósito General 2: + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + - General purpose 3: - Propósito General 3: + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + - O1 panning: - Panorámica O1: + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Filtro para exportar archivos MIDI desde LMMS - O2 panning: - Panorámica O2: + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filtro para importar archivos MIDI en LMMS - Release transition: - Liberar La Transición: + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + Monstruoso sinte de 3 osciladores con matriz de modulación - Smoothness - Suavizar + + A multitap echo delay plugin + Un complemento de Multitap echo delay - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: - Asignar a: + + A NES-like synthesizer + Un sintetizador tipo-NES - New FX Channel - Nuevo Canal FX + + 2-operator FM Synth + Sintetizador FM de 2 operadores - - - graphModel - Graph - Gráfico + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Sintetizador Aditivo para crear sonidos estilo órgano - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency - Frecuencia Inicial + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + Instrumento de "patches" compatible con GUS - End frequency - Frecuencia Final + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Complemento para controlar perillas a través de los picos de sonido - Gain - Ganancia + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Algoritmo de reverberación por Sean Costello - Length - Duración + + Player for SoundFont files + Reproductor de archivos SoundFont - Distortion Start - Inicio de la distorsión + + LMMS port of sfxr + Port de sfxr para LMMS - Distortion End - Final de la distorsión + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Emulación del MOS6581 y del MOS8580 SID. +Este chip fue usado en las computadoras Commodore 64. - Envelope Slope - Curvatura de la Envolvente + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + - Noise - Ruido + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Complemento para mejorar la separación estéreo de un archivo de entrada estéreo - Click - Chasquido + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Complemento para manipular libremente la salida estéreo + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + Cosas melodiosas para pegarles - Frequency Slope - Curvatura de la Frecuencia + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Tres poderosos osciladores que puedes modular de muchas maneras - Start from note - Empezar en la nota + + A stereo field visualizer. + - End to note - Terminar en la nota + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + Anfitrión VST para usar complementos VST(i) en LMMS + + + + Vibrating string modeler + Modelador de cuerdas vibrantes + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + complemento para usar efectos VST a voluntad en LMMS. + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + Sintetizador de tabla de ondas de 4 osciladores modulables + + + + plugin for waveshaping + complemento para modelado de ondas + + + + Mathematical expression parser + Analizador de Expresión Matemática + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + ZynAddSubFX integrado - kickerInstrumentView + PluginDatabaseW - Start frequency: - Frecuencia Inicial: + + Carla - Add New + - End frequency: - Frecuencia Final: + + Format + - Gain: - Ganancia: + + Internal + - Frequency Slope: - Curvatura de la Frecuencia: + + LADSPA + - Envelope Length: - Longitud de la Envolvente: + + DSSI + - Envelope Slope: - Curvatura de la Envolvente: + + LV2 + - Click: - Chasquido: + + VST2 + - Noise: - Ruido: + + VST3 + - Distortion Start: - Inicio de la distorsión: + + AU + - Distortion End: - Final de la distorsión: + + Sound Kits + - - - ladspaBrowserView - Available Effects - Efectos Disponibles + + Type + Tipo - Unavailable Effects - Efectos No Disponibles + + Effects + Efectos + Instruments Instrumentos - Analysis Tools - Herramientas de Análisis + + MIDI Plugins + - Don't know - Desconocido + + Other/Misc + - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - Este diálogo muestra información de todos los complementos LADSPA que LMMS pudo encontrar. Se encuentran divididos en cinco (5) categorías basadas en una interpretación de los nombres y los tipos de puertos. - -Efectos Disponibles: son aquellos que pueden ser usados por LMMS. Para ello deben, primero y por sobre todo, ser efectos. O sea que deben tener tanto canales de entrada como de salida. LMMS identifica como canales de entrada a los puertos de audio que contengan 'IN' en su nombre. Los canales de salida se identifican por la palabra 'OUT'. Además, el efecto debe tener la misma cantidad de canales de entrada como de salida y ser capaz de ejecutarse en tiempo real. - -Efectos No Disponibles: son aquellos que aún siendo identificados como efectos, no tienen el mismo número de entradas que de salidas y/o no pueden ser ejecutados en tiempo real. - -Instrumentos: son complementos que sólo poseen canales de salida. - -Herramientas de Análisis: son complementos que sólo cuentan con canales de entrada. - -Desconocido: son complementos en los cuales no se pudo identificar ningún canal de entrada ni de salida. - -Haciendo doble click en cualquier complemento se mostrará la información de sus puertos. + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + Type: Tipo: - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - Complementos + + MIDI Ins: + - Description - Descripción + + Audio Ins: + - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports - Puertos + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + Name Nombre - Rate - Tasa + + Label/URI + - Direction - Dirección + + Maker + - Type - Tipo + + Binary/Filename + - Min < Default < Max - Min < Defecto < Max + + Focus Text Search + - Logarithmic - Logarítmico + + Ctrl+F + + + + PluginEdit - SR Dependent - Depende de SR + + Plugin Editor + - Audio - Audio + + Edit + + Control Control - Input - Entrada + + MIDI Control Channel: + - Output - Salida + + N + - Toggled - Alternado + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - Integer - Entero + + Output volume (100%) + - Float - Decimal + + Balance Left (0%) + - Yes - Si + + + Balance Right (0%) + - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - FCV frecuencia de corte + + Use Balance + - VCF Resonance - FCV Resonancia + + Use Panning + - VCF Envelope Mod - FCV Mod de Envolvente + + Settings + Configuración - VCF Envelope Decay - FCV Caída de Envolvente + + Use Chunks + - Distortion - Distorsión + + Audio: + - Waveform - Forma de Onda + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - Slide Decay - Duración del Portamento + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - Slide - Portamento + + MIDI: + - Accent - Acento + + Map Program Changes + - Dead - Sordina + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - 24dB/oct Filter - Filtro 24dB/oct + + Send Control Changes + - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: - Frec.de Corte: + + Send Channel Pressure + - Resonance: - Resonancia: + + Send Note Aftertouch + - Env Mod: - Mod Env: + + Send Pitchbend + - Decay: - Caída: + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - Filtro Tipolar de 24dB/octava tipo-303 + + +Plugin Name + + - Slide Decay: - Duración del Portamento: + + Program: + - DIST: - DIST: + + MIDI Program: + - Saw wave - Onda de sierra + + Save State + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra. + + Load State + - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + Information + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Haz click aquí para seleccionar una onda triangular. + + Label/URI: + - Square wave - Onda Cuadrada + + Name: + - Click here for a square-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda cuadrada. + + Type: + Tipo: - Rounded square wave - Onda Cuadrada-redondeada + + Maker: + - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda cuadrada-redondeada. + + Copyright: + - Moog wave - Onda Moog + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + Complemento no encontrado + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + ¡El complemento LMMS %1 no tiene un identificador llamado %2! + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + Cerrar + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + Encendido/Apagado + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + Notas del Proyecto + + + + Enter project notes here + Ingrese las Notas del Proyecto Aquí + + + + Edit Actions + Edición + + + + &Undo + Deshacer(&U) + + + + %1+Z + %1+Z + + + + &Redo + &Rehacer + + + + %1+Y + %1+Y + + + + &Copy + &Copiar + + + + %1+C + %1+C + + + + Cu&t + Cor&tar + + + + %1+X + %1+X + + + + &Paste + &Pegar + + + + %1+V + %1+V + + + + Format Actions + Formato + + + + &Bold + Negrita (&B) + + + + %1+B + %1+B + + + + &Italic + Cursiva (&I) + + + + %1+I + %1+I + + + + &Underline + S&ubrayado + + + + %1+U + %1+U + + + + &Left + Izquierda(&L) + + + + %1+L + %1+L + + + + C&enter + C&entrar + + + + %1+E + %1+E + + + + &Right + De&recha + + + + %1+R + %1+R + + + + &Justify + &Justificar + + + + %1+J + %1+J + + + + &Color... + &Color... + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + Mostrar IGU + + + + Help + Ayuda + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + Nombre: + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + Creador: + + + + + + Copyright: + Derechos de autor: + + + + + Requires Real Time: + Requiere Tiempo Real: + + + + + + + + + Yes + Si + + + + + + + + + No + No + + + + + Real Time Capable: + Ejecutable en Tiempo Real: + + + + + In Place Broken: + Conflicto de puertos: + + + + + Channels In: + Canales entrantes: + + + + + Channels Out: + Canales salientes: + + + + File: %1 + Archivo: %1 + + + + File: + Archivo: + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + Proyectos &Recientes + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + Renombrar... + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + Entrada + + + + Input gain: + Ganancia de Entrada: + + + + Size + Tamaño + + + + Size: + Tamaño: + + + + Color + Color + + + + Color: + Color: + + + + Output + Salida + + + + Output gain: + Ganancia de Salida: + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + Ganancia de entrada + + + + Size + Tamaño + + + + Color + Color + + + + Output gain + Ganancia de salida + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + Estéreo + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + Graves + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + Estéreo + + + + Display stereo channels separately + Mostrar canales estéreo por separado + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + La nueva muestra aporta + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + Cada muestra procesada + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + No se pudo abrir el archivo + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Los archivos de audio tienen un límite de tamaño de %1 MB y %2 minutos de duración + + + + Open audio file + Abrir archivo de audio + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Todos los archivos de Audio (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Archivos Wave (*.wav) + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + Archivos OGG (*.ogg) + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + Archivos DrumSynth (*.ds) + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + Archivos FLAC (*.flac) + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + Archivos SPEEX (*.spx) + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + Archivos VOC (*.voc) + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + Archivos AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + Archivos AU (*.au) + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + Archivos RAW (*.raw) + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + Haga doble clic para abrir la muestra. + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Borrar (click del medio ) + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Cortar + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + Copiar + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Pegar + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Silenciar/Escuchar (<%1> + click del medio) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + Reproducir la muestra en reversa + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Volumen + + + + Panning + Paneo + + + + Mixer channel + Canal FX + + + + + Sample track + Pista de muestras + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + Volumen de la pista + + + + Channel volume: + Volumen del canal: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Paneo + + + + Panning: + Paneo: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + CONFIGURACIÓN GENERAL + + + + Sample volume + Volumen de la muestra + + + + Volume: + Volumen: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Paneo + + + + Panning: + Paneo: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel + Canal FX + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + Configuración + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + Mostrar volumen en dBFS + + + + Enable tooltips + Habilitar Consejos + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + Complementos + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + No hay inserciones + + + + Embed using Qt API + Insertado usando la API Qt + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + Insertado usando la API Win32 + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Insertado usando el protocolo XEmbed + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Sincronizar complementos VST al anfitrión + + + + Keep effects running even without input + Mantener los efectos en proceso aún sin señal de entrada + + + + + Audio + Audio + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + Directorio de trabajo de LMMS + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + Directorio SF2 + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + Directorio GIG + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + Imágenes de fondo + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + Lugares + + + + OK + De acuerdo + + + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Cuadros: %1 +Latencia: %2 ms + + + + Choose your GIG directory + Elige tu directorio GIG + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + Elige tu directorio SF2 + + + + minutes + minutos + + + + minute + minuto + + + + Disabled + Inhabilitado + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + Frecuencia de corte + + + + Resonance + Resonancia + + + + Filter type + Tipo de filtro + + + + Voice 3 off + Voz 3 apagada + + + + Volume + Volumen + + + + Chip model + Modelo del chip + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Volumen: + + + + Resonance: + Resonancia: + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Frecuencia de corte: + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID + + + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID + + + + + Attack: + Ataque: + + + + + Decay: + Caída: + + + + Sustain: + Sostenido: + + + + + Release: + Disipación: + + + + Pulse Width: + Amplitud del Pulso: + + + + Coarse: + Gruesa: + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular + + + + Saw wave + Onda de sierra + + + + Noise + Ruido + + + + Sync + Sincro + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + Filtrado + + + + Test + Prueba + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + Cerrar + + + + Song + + + Tempo + Tempo + + + + Master volume + Volumen maestro + + + + Master pitch + Transporte + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + Reporte de errores LMMS + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + No se puede abrir el archivo + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + No se puede abrir el archivo %1. Probablemente no tengas permisos para leer este archivo. +Asegúrate de tener al menos permisos de lectura sobre este archivo e inténtalo nuevamente. + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + Error + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + No se puede escribir el archivo + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + Error en el archivo + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + El archivo %1 aparentemente contiene errores y por lo tanto no puede cargarse. + + + + Version difference + Diferencia de versión + + + + template + plantilla + + + + project + proyecto + + + + Tempo + Tempo + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + Modo de alta calidad + + + + + + Master volume + Volumen maestro + + + + + + Master pitch + Transporte + + + + Value: %1% + Valor: %1% + + + + Value: %1 semitones + Valor: %1 semitonos + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + Editor de Canción + + + + Play song (Space) + Reproducir canción (Espacio) + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + Grabar muestras desde el Dispositivo de Audio + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Grabar muestras desde el Dispositivo de Audio escuchando la Canción o el Ritmo/Bajo + + + + Stop song (Space) + Detener canción (Espacio) + + + + Track actions + Acciones de pista + + + + Add beat/bassline + Agregar Ritmo/bajo + + + + Add sample-track + Agregar pista de muestras + + + + Add automation-track + Agregar pista de Automatización + + + + Edit actions + Acciones de edición + + + + Draw mode + Modo de dibujo + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + Modo de edición (seleccionar y mover) + + + + Timeline controls + Controles de la línea de Tiempo + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + Controles de Acercamiento + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + Pista + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + Cerrar + + + + Maximize + Maximizar + + + + Restore + Restaurar + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + Configuración para %1 + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + Nuevo desde plantilla + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + Sincronizar al Tempo + + + + No Sync + Sin Sincro + + + + Eight beats + Ocho tiempos + + + + Whole note + Redonda + + + + Half note + Blanca + + + + Quarter note + Negra + + + + 8th note + Corchea + + + + 16th note + Semicorchea + + + + 32nd note + Fusa + + + + Custom... + Personalizado... + + + + Custom + Personalizado + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + Sincronizado a ocho tiempos + + + + Synced to Whole Note + Sincronizado a Redondas + + + + Synced to Half Note + Sincronizado a Blancas + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + Sincronizado a Negras + + + + Synced to 8th Note + Sincronizado a Corcheas + + + + Synced to 16th Note + Sincronizado a Semicorcheas + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + Sincronizado a Fusas + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + MIN + + + + SEC + SEG + + + + MSEC + MSEG + + + + BAR + COMPAS + + + + BEAT + PULSO + + + + TICK + TICK + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Al detenerse volver a la posición en la que comenzó la reproducción + + + + After stopping keep position + Al detenerse mantener la posición final + + + + Hint + Pista + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Presiona <%1> para desactivar los puntos de bucle magnéticos. + + + + Track + + + Mute + Silencio + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + No se pudo importar el archivo + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + No se pudo hallar un filtro para importar el archivo %1. +Debes convertir este archivo a un formato soportado por LMMS usando otra aplicación. + + + + Couldn't open file + No se puede abrir el archivo + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + El archivo %1 no puede abrirse para lectura. +¡Asegúrate de tener permisos de lectura tanto del archivo como del directorio que lo contiene e inténtalo nuevamente! + + + + Loading project... + Cargando proyecto... + + + + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + + + Please wait... + Por favor, espera... + + + + Loading cancelled + Carga cancelada + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + Carga del proyecto cancelada. + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Cargando Pista %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + Importando archivo MIDI... + + + + Clip + + + Mute + Silencio + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + Posición actual + + + + Current length + Duración actual + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 a %5:%6) + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Presiona <%1> y arrastra para crear una copia. + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Presiona <%1> para redimensionar libremente. + + + + Hint + Pista + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Borrar (click del medio ) + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Cortar + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + Copiar + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Pegar + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Silenciar/Escuchar (<%1> + click del medio) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + Pegar + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + Silencio + + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + Clonar esta pista + + + + Remove this track + Eliminar esta pista + + + + Clear this track + Limpiar esta pista + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Asignar a un nuevo Canal FX + + + + Turn all recording on + Activar todas las grabaciones + + + + Turn all recording off + Apagar todas las grabacioens + + + + Change color + Cambiar color + + + + Reset color to default + Restaurar el color por defecto + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Sincronizar el oscilador 1 con el oscilador 2 + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Sincronizar el oscilador 2 con el oscilador 3 + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 Volumen: + + + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 paneo: + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Osc %1 desafinación gruesa: + + + + semitones + semitonos + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Osc %1 desafinación fina izquierda: + + + + + cents + cents + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Osc %1 desafinación fina derecha: + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Osc %1 desfase: + + + + + degrees + grados + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Osc %1 desafinación de fase estéreo: + + + + Sine wave + Onda sinusoidal + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular + + + + Saw wave + Onda de sierra + + + + Square wave + Onda cuadrada + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + Onda Exponencial + + + + White noise + Ruido blanco + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + Incrementar el número de versión + + + + Decrement version number + Disminuír el número de versión + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + ¡Ya existe! ¿Deseas reemplazarlo? + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + Anterior (-) + + + + Save preset + Guardar preconfiguración + + + + Next (+) + Siguiente (+) + + + + Show/hide GUI + Mostrar/Ocultar IGU + + + + Turn off all notes + Apagar todas las notas + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + archivos DDL (*.dll) + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + archivos EXE (*.exe) + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + Preconfiguración + + + + by + por + + + + - VST plugin control + - control de complemento VST + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + Mostrar/Ocultar + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + Anterior (-) + + + + Next (+) + Siguiente (+) + + + + Save preset + Guardar preconfiguración + + + + + Effect by: + Efecto por: + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + El complemento VST %1 no se ha podido cargar. + + + + Open Preset + Abrir Preconfiguración + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Preconfiguración VST (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + : default + : por defecto + + + + Save Preset + Guardar preconfiguración + + + + .fxp + .fxp + + + + .FXP + .FXP + + + + .FXB + .FXB + + + + .fxb + .fxb + + + + Loading plugin + Cargando complemento + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Por favor espera mientras se carga el complemento VST... + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + A1 volumen + + + + Volume A2 + A2 volumen + + + + Volume B1 + B1 volumen + + + + Volume B2 + B2 volumen + + + + Panning A1 + A1 paneo + + + + Panning A2 + A2 paneo + + + + Panning B1 + B1 paneo + + + + Panning B2 + B2 paneo + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + A1 multiplicador de frec. + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + A2 multiplicador de frec. + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + B1 multiplicador de frec. + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + B2 multiplicador de frec. + + + + Left detune A1 + A1 desafin izq + + + + Left detune A2 + A2 desafin izq + + + + Left detune B1 + B1 desafin izq + + + + Left detune B2 + B2 desafin izq + + + + Right detune A1 + A1 desafin der + + + + Right detune A2 + A2 desafin der + + + + Right detune B1 + B1 desafin der + + + + Right detune B2 + B2 desafin der + + + + A-B Mix + Mezcla A-B + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + Cantidad de envolvente de la Mezcla A-B + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + Ataque de la envolvente de la mezcla A-B + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + Mantenido de la envolvente de la mezcla A-B + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + Caída de la envolvente de la mezcla A-B + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + Diafonía A1-B2 + + + + A2-A1 modulation + Modulación A2-A1 + + + + B2-B1 modulation + Modulación B2-B1 + + + + Selected graph + Gráfico seleccionado + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + Volumen + + + + + + + Panning + Paneo + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Multiplicador de frec. + + + + + + + Left detune + Desafinación izquierda + + + + + + + + + + + cents + cents + + + + + + + Right detune + Desafinación derecha + + + + A-B Mix + Mezcla A-B + + + + Mix envelope amount + Cantidad de envolvente de la Mezcla + + + + Mix envelope attack + Ataque de la envolvente de la Mezcla + + + + Mix envelope hold + Mantenido de la envolvente de la Mezcla + + + + Mix envelope decay + Caída de la envolvente de la Mezcla + + + + Crosstalk + Diafonía + + + + Select oscillator A1 + Seleccionar oscilador A1 + + + + Select oscillator A2 + Seleccionar oscilador A2 + + + + Select oscillator B1 + Seleccionar oscilador B1 + + + + Select oscillator B2 + Seleccionar oscilador B2 + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + Mezclar la salida de A2 con A1 + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + Mezclar la salida de B2 con B1 + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda tipo moog. + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Dibuja tu propia onda arrastrando el puntero sobre el gráfico. - Sine wave - Onda Sinusoidal + + Load waveform + Cargar onda - Click for a sine-wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda-sinusoidal. + + Load a waveform from a sample file + Cargar una forma de onda desde un archivo de muestra - White noise wave - Ruido blanco + + Phase left + Fase izquierda - Click here for an exponential wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda exponencial. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + - Click here for white-noise. - Haz click aquí para elegir ruido blanco. + + Phase right + Fase derecha - Bandlimited saw wave - Onda de sierra de banda limitada + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra de banda limitada. + + + Normalize + Normalizar - Bandlimited square wave - Onda cuadrada de banda limitada + + + Invert + Invertir - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda cuadrada de banda limitada. + + + Smooth + Suavizar - Bandlimited triangle wave - Onda triangular de banda limitada + + + Sine wave + Onda Sinusoidal - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda triangular de banda limitada. + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Bandlimited moog saw wave - Onda de sierra Moog de banda limitada + + Saw wave + Onda de sierra - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra tipo Moog de banda limitada. + + + Square wave + Onda Cuadrada - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - Hardness - Dureza + + Selected graph + Gráfico seleccionado - Position - Posición + + A1 + A1 - Vibrato Gain - Ganancia del Vibrato + + A2 + A2 - Vibrato Freq - Frec del Vibrato + + A3 + A3 - Stick Mix - Golpe + + W1 smoothing + W1 Suavizadora - Modulator - Modulador + + W2 smoothing + W2 Suavizadora - Crossfade - Fundido cruzado + + W3 smoothing + W3 Suavizadora - LFO Speed - Velocidad del LFO + + Panning 1 + - LFO Depth - Profundidad del LFO + + Panning 2 + - ADSR - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - Pressure - Presión + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Dibuja tu propia onda arrastrando el puntero sobre el gráfico. - Motion - Movimiento + + Select oscillator W1 + Seleccionar Oscilador W1 - Speed - Velocidad + + Select oscillator W2 + Seleccionar Oscilador W2 - Bowed - Frotado + + Select oscillator W3 + Seleccionar Oscilador W3 - Spread - Propagación + + Select output O1 + - Marimba - Marimba + + Select output O2 + - Vibraphone - Vibráfono + + Open help window + Abrir Ventana De Ayuda - Agogo - Agogo + + + Sine wave + Onda sinusoidal - Wood1 - Madera1 + + + Moog-saw wave + - Reso - Reso + + + Exponential wave + Onda Exponencial - Wood2 - Madera2 + + + Saw wave + Onda de sierra - Beats - Latidos + + + User-defined wave + - Two Fixed - Dos-Fijos + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Clump - Golpe seco + + + Square wave + Onda cuadrada - Tubular Bells - Campanas tubulares + + + White noise + Ruido blanco - Uniform Bar - Barra uniforme + + WaveInterpolate + Oleada Interpolar - Tuned Bar - Barra afinada + + ExpressionValid + Expresión Validada - Glass - Vidrio + + General purpose 1: + Propósito General 1: - Tibetan Bowl - Cuencos Tibetanos + + General purpose 2: + Propósito General 2: - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument - Instrumento + + General purpose 3: + Propósito General 3: - Spread - Propagación + + O1 panning: + Panorámica O1: - Spread: - Propagación: + + O2 panning: + Panorámica O2: - Hardness - Dureza + + Release transition: + Liberar La Transición: - Hardness: - Dureza: + + Smoothness + Suavizar + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Position - Posición + + Portamento + Portamento - Position: - Posición: + + Filter frequency + - Vib Gain - Gan Vib + + Filter resonance + - Vib Gain: - Gan Vib: + + Bandwidth + Ancho De Banda - Vib Freq - Frec Vib + + FM gain + - Vib Freq: - Frec Vib: + + Resonance center frequency + - Stick Mix - Golpe + + Resonance bandwidth + - Stick Mix: - Golpe: + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Modulator - Modulador + + Portamento: + Portamento: - Modulator: - Modulador: + + PORT + PORT - Crossfade - Fundido cruzado + + Filter frequency: + - Crossfade: - Fundido cruzado: + + FREQ + FREC - LFO Speed - Velocidad del LFO + + Filter resonance: + - LFO Speed: - Velocidad del LFO: + + RES + RESO - LFO Depth - Profundidad del LFO + + Bandwidth: + Ancho De Banda: - LFO Depth: - Profundidad del LFO: + + BW + AdB - ADSR - ADSR + + FM gain: + - ADSR: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN + GAN FM - Pressure - Presión + + Resonance center frequency: + Frecuencia Central de Resonancia: - Pressure: - Presión: + + RES CF + FCdRES - Speed - Velocidad + + Resonance bandwidth: + Ancho de banda de Resonancia: - Speed: - Velocidad: + + RES BW + AdB RES - Missing files - Archivos perdidos + + Forward MIDI control changes + - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Parece que tu instalación de Stk está incompleta. Por favor asegúrate que el paquete completo de Stk esté instalado. + + Show GUI + Mostrar IGU - manageVSTEffectView + AudioFileProcessor - - VST parameter control - - control de parámetros VST - - - VST Sync - Sinc VST + + Amplify + Amplificar - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Haz click aquí si deseas sincronizar todos los parámetros con el complemento VST. + + Start of sample + Inicio de la muestra - Automated - Automatizado + + End of sample + Fin de la muestra - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Haz click aquí si deseas mostrar sólo los parámetros automatizados. + + Loopback point + Punto de bucle - Close - Cerrar + + Reverse sample + Reproducir la muestra en reversa - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - Cerrar la ventana de controles de efecto del VST. + + Loop mode + Modo Bucle - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - - control de complementos VST + + Stutter + Tartamudeo - VST Sync - Sinc VST + + Interpolation mode + Modo de Interpolación - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Haz click aquí si deseas sincronizar todos los parámetros con el complemento VST. + + None + Ninguno - Automated - Automatizado + + Linear + Lineal - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Haz click aquí si deseas mostrar sólo los parámetros automatizados. + + Sinc + Sinc - Close - Cerrar + + Sample not found: %1 + Muestra no encontrada: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - Cerrar la ventana de controles del complemento VST. + + Sample length + Longitud de la muestra - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - Ajuste + + Sample length + Longitud de la muestra - Op 1 Attack - Op 1 Ataque + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Dibuja tu propia onda arrastrando el puntero sobre el gráfico. - Op 1 Decay - Op 1 Caída + + + Sine wave + Onda Sinusoidal - Op 1 Sustain - Op 1 Sostén + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Op 1 Release - Op 1 Disipación + + + Saw wave + Onda de sierra - Op 1 Level - Op 1 Nivel + + + Square wave + Onda Cuadrada - Op 1 Level Scaling - Op 1 Escalado del Nivel + + + White noise + Ruido blanco - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - Op 1 Multiplicador de Frecuencia + + + User-defined wave + - Op 1 Feedback - Op 1 Realimentación + + + Smooth waveform + Suavizar onda - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - Op 1 tasa de escalado del teclado + + Interpolation + Interpolación - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - Op 1 Envolvente Percusivo + + Normalize + Normalizar + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo - Op 1 Trémolo + + INPUT + ENTRADA - Op 1 Vibrato - Op 1 Vibrato + + Input gain: + Ganancia de Entrada: - Op 1 Waveform - Op 1 Forma de onda + + OUTPUT + SALIDA - Op 2 Attack - Op 2 Ataque + + Output gain: + Ganancia de Salida: - Op 2 Decay - Op 2 Caída + + ATTACK + ATAQUE - Op 2 Sustain - Op 2 Sostén + + Peak attack time: + Tiempo pico de ataque: - Op 2 Release - Op 2 Disipación + + RELEASE + DISIPACIÓN - Op 2 Level - Op 2 Nivel + + Peak release time: + Tiempo pico de disipación: - Op 2 Level Scaling - Op 2 Escalado del Nivel + + + Reset wavegraph + - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - Op 2 Multiplicador de Frecuencia + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - Op 2 tasa de escalado del teclado + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - Op 2 Envolvente Percusivo + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Op 2 Tremolo - Op 2 Trémolo + + Stereo mode: maximum + - Op 2 Vibrato - Op 2 Vibrato + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Procesar basado en el máximo de ambos canales estéreo - Op 2 Waveform - Op 2 Forma de onda + + Stereo mode: average + - FM - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + Procesar basado en el promedio de ambos canales estéreo - Vibrato Depth - Profundidad del Vibrato + + Stereo mode: unlinked + - Tremolo Depth - Profundidad del Trémolo + + Process each stereo channel independently + Procesar cada canal estéreo de manera independiente - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack - Ataque + + Input gain + Ganancia de entrada - Decay - Caída + + Output gain + Ganancia de salida - Release - Disipación + + Attack time + Tiempo de ataque - Frequency multiplier - Multiplicador de frecuencia + + Release time + Tiempo de disipación - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - Distorsión + + Stereo mode + Modo Estéreo + + + graphModel - Volume - Volumen + + Graph + Gráfico - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - Distorsión: + + Start frequency + Frecuencia Inicial - Volume: - Volumen: + + End frequency + Frecuencia Final - Randomise - Aleatorizar + + Length + Duración - Osc %1 waveform: - Osc %1 forma de onda: + + Start distortion + - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 Volumen: + + End distortion + - Osc %1 panning: - Osc %1 paneo: + + Gain + Ganancia - cents - cents + + Envelope slope + - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - La perilla "distorsión" añade distorsión a la salida del instrumento. + + Noise + Ruido - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - La perilla "volumen" controla el volumen de salida del instrumento. Es acumulativo con el control de volumen de la ventana del instrumento. + + Click + Chasquido - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - El botón "Aleatorizar" define valores aleatorios para todas las perillas con excepción de: armónicos, volumen principal y distorsión. + + Frequency slope + - Osc %1 stereo detuning - Desafinación estéreo del Osc %1 + + Start from note + Empezar en la nota - Osc %1 harmonic: - armónicos del Osc %1: + + End to note + Terminar en la nota - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - Duración del barrido + + Start frequency: + Frecuencia Inicial: - Sweep direction - Dirección del barrido + + End frequency: + Frecuencia Final: - Sweep RtShift amount - Cantidad RTShift de barrido + + Frequency slope: + - Wave Pattern Duty - Ciclo de trabajo del patrón de onda + + Gain: + Ganancia: - Channel 1 volume - Canal 1 Volumen + + Envelope length: + - Volume sweep direction - Dirección del barrido de volumen + + Envelope slope: + - Length of each step in sweep - Duración de cada etapa del barrido + + Click: + Chasquido: - Channel 2 volume - Canal 2 Volumen + + Noise: + Ruido: - Channel 3 volume - Canal 3 Volumen + + Start distortion: + - Channel 4 volume - Canal 4 Volumen + + End distortion: + + + + LadspaBrowserView - Right Output level - Nivel de Salida derecha + + + Available Effects + Efectos Disponibles - Left Output level - Nivel de Salida izquierda + + + Unavailable Effects + Efectos No Disponibles - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 1 a SO2 (izq) + + + Instruments + Instrumentos - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 2 a SO2 (izq) + + + Analysis Tools + Herramientas de Análisis - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 3 a SO2 (izq) + + + Don't know + Desconocido - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 4 a SO2 (izq) + + Type: + Tipo: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 1 a SO1 (der) + + Plugins + Complementos - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 2 a SO1 (der) + + Description + Descripción + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 3 a SO1 (der) + + Ports + Puertos - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 4 a SO1 (der) + + Name + Nombre - Treble - Agudos + + Rate + Tasa - Bass - Graves + + Direction + Dirección - Shift Register width - Cambiar Amplitud del Registro + + Type + Tipo - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - Duración del barrido: + + Min < Default < Max + Min < Defecto < Max - Sweep Time - Duración del barrido + + Logarithmic + Logarítmico - Sweep RtShift amount: - Cantidad RTShift de barrido: + + SR Dependent + Depende de SR - Sweep RtShift amount - Cantidad RTShift de barrido + + Audio + Audio - Wave pattern duty: - Ciclo de trabajo del patrón de onda: + + Control + Control - Wave Pattern Duty - Ciclo de trabajo del patrón de onda + + Input + Entrada - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Canal de onda cuadrada 1 Volumen: + + Output + Salida - Length of each step in sweep: - Duración de cada etapa del barrido: + + Toggled + Alternado - Length of each step in sweep - Duración de cada etapa del barrido + + Integer + Entero - Wave pattern duty - Ciclo de trabajo del patrón de onda + + Float + Decimal - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Canal de onda cuadrada 2 Volumen: + + + Yes + Si + + + Lb302Synth - Square Channel 2 Volume - Canal de onda cuadrada 2 Volumen + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + FCV frecuencia de corte - Wave Channel Volume: - Volumen del canal de Onda: + + VCF Resonance + FCV Resonancia - Wave Channel Volume - Volumen del canal de Onda + + VCF Envelope Mod + FCV Mod de Envolvente - Noise Channel Volume: - Volumen del canal de Ruido: + + VCF Envelope Decay + FCV Caída de Envolvente - Noise Channel Volume - Volumen del canal de Ruido + + Distortion + Distorsión - SO1 Volume (Right): - SO1 Volumen (der): + + Waveform + Forma de Onda - SO1 Volume (Right) - SO1 Volumen (der) + + Slide Decay + Duración del Portamento - SO2 Volume (Left): - SO2 Volumen (Izq): + + Slide + Portamento - SO2 Volume (Left) - SO2 Volumen (Izq) + + Accent + Acento - Treble: - Agudos: + + Dead + Sordina - Treble - Agudos + + 24dB/oct Filter + Filtro 24dB/oct + + + Lb302SynthView - Bass: - Graves: + + Cutoff Freq: + Frec.de Corte: - Bass - Graves + + Resonance: + Resonancia: - Sweep Direction - Dirección del barrido + + Env Mod: + Mod Env: - Volume Sweep Direction - Dirección del barrido de Volumen + + Decay: + Caída: - Shift Register Width - Cambiar Amplitud del Registro + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + Filtro Tipolar de 24dB/octava tipo-303 - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 1 a SO1 (der) + + Slide Decay: + Duración del Portamento: - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 2 a SO1 (der) + + DIST: + DIST: - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 3 a SO1 (der) + + Saw wave + Onda de sierra - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 4 a SO1 (der) + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra. - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 1 a SO2 (izq) + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 2 a SO2 (izq) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Haz click aquí para seleccionar una onda triangular. - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 3 a SO2 (izq) + + Square wave + Onda Cuadrada - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 4 a SO2 (izq) + + Click here for a square-wave. + Haz click aquí para elegir una onda cuadrada. - Wave Pattern - Patrón de Onda + + Rounded square wave + Onda Cuadrada-redondeada - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - La cantidad de aumento o disminución de frecuencia + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Haz click aquí para elegir una onda cuadrada-redondeada. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - La tasa en la que aumenta o disminuye la frecuencia + + Moog wave + Onda Moog - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - El 'ciclo de trabajo' es la relación entre el tiempo que la señal se encuentra en estado "ON" (encendida) y el período total de la señal. + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Haz click aquí para elegir una onda tipo moog. - Square Channel 1 Volume - Canal de onda cuadrada 1 Volumen + + Sine wave + Onda Sinusoidal - The delay between step change - El retraso entre cada cambio de etapa + + Click for a sine-wave. + Haz click aquí para elegir una onda-sinusoidal. - Draw the wave here - Dibuja la onda aquí + + + White noise wave + Ruido blanco - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: Preconfiguración del Canal + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Haz click aquí para elegir una onda exponencial. - Bank selector - Selector de banco + + Click here for white-noise. + Haz click aquí para elegir ruido blanco. - Bank - Banco + + Bandlimited saw wave + Onda de sierra de banda limitada - Program selector - Selector de programa + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra de banda limitada. - Patch - Ajuste + + Bandlimited square wave + Onda cuadrada de banda limitada - Name - Nombre + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Haz click aquí para elegir una onda cuadrada de banda limitada. - OK - De acuerdo + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Onda triangular de banda limitada - Cancel - Cancelar + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Haz click aquí para elegir una onda triangular de banda limitada. - - - pluginBrowser - no description - sin descripción + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Onda de sierra Moog de banda limitada - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Imitación monofónica incompleta del tb303 + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Haz click aquí para elegir una onda de sierra tipo Moog de banda limitada. + + + MalletsInstrument - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Complemento para manipular libremente la salida estéreo + + Hardness + Dureza - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Complemento para controlar perillas a través de los picos de sonido + + Position + Posición - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Complemento para mejorar la separación estéreo de un archivo de entrada estéreo + + Vibrato gain + - List installed LADSPA plugins - Listar los complementos LADSPA instalados + + Vibrato frequency + - GUS-compatible patch instrument - Instrumento de "patches" compatible con GUS + + Stick mix + - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Sintetizador Aditivo para crear sonidos estilo órgano + + Modulator + Modulador - Tuneful things to bang on - Cosas melodiosas para pegarles + + Crossfade + Fundido cruzado - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - Anfitrión VST para usar complementos VST(i) en LMMS + + LFO speed + Velocidad del LFO - Vibrating string modeler - Modelador de cuerdas vibrantes + + LFO depth + - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - complemento para usar efectos LADSPA a voluntad en LMMS. + + ADSR + ADSR - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filtro para importar archivos MIDI en LMMS + + Pressure + Presión - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Emulación del MOS6581 y del MOS8580 SID. -Este chip fue usado en las computadoras Commodore 64. + + Motion + Movimiento - Player for SoundFont files - Reproductor de archivos SoundFont + + Speed + Velocidad - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Emulación del APU de GameBoy (TM) + + Bowed + Frotado - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Sintetizador de tabla de ondas personalizable + + Spread + Propagación - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - ZynAddSubFX integrado + + Marimba + Marimba - 2-operator FM Synth - Sintetizador FM de 2 operadores + + Vibraphone + Vibráfono - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Filtro para importar archivos de Hydrogen a LMMS + + Agogo + Agogo - LMMS port of sfxr - Port de sfxr para LMMS + + Wood 1 + - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Monstruoso sinte de 3 osciladores con matriz de modulación + + Reso + Reso - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - Tres poderosos osciladores que puedes modular de muchas maneras + + Wood 2 + - A native amplifier plugin - Un complemento de amplificación nativo + + Beats + Latidos - Carla Rack Instrument - Bandeja de complementos Carla + + Two fixed + - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - Sintetizador de tabla de ondas de 4 osciladores modulables + + Clump + Golpe seco - plugin for waveshaping - complemento para modelado de ondas + + Tubular bells + - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Realza tus graves de forma rápida y fácil + + Uniform bar + - Versatile drum synthesizer - Sintetizador de percusión versátil + + Tuned bar + - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Sampler simple con varias configuraciones para usar muestras (por ej. percusión) en una pista de instrumento + + Glass + Vidrio - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - Complemento para procesar dinámicas de una manera flexible + + Tibetan bowl + + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Carla Patchbay Instrument - Bahía de Conexiones Carla + + Instrument + Instrumento - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - complemento para usar efectos VST a voluntad en LMMS. + + Spread + Propagación - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Complemento analizador de espectro gráfico + + Spread: + Propagación: - A NES-like synthesizer - Un sintetizador tipo-NES + + Missing files + Archivos perdidos - A native delay plugin - Un complemento de Delay nativo + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Parece que tu instalación de Stk está incompleta. Por favor asegúrate que el paquete completo de Stk esté instalado. - Player for GIG files - Reproductor para archivos GIG + + Hardness + Dureza - A multitap echo delay plugin - Un complemento de Multitap echo delay + + Hardness: + Dureza: - A native flanger plugin - Un complemento Flanger nativo + + Position + Posición - An oversampling bitcrusher - Un reductor de bits de sobremuestreo + + Position: + Posición: - A native eq plugin - Un complemento de EQ nativo + + Vibrato gain + - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - Un ecualizador cruzado de 4 bandas + + Vibrato gain: + - A Dual filter plugin - Un complemento de filtro dual + + Vibrato frequency + - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Filtro para exportar archivos MIDI desde LMMS + + Vibrato frequency: + - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Algoritmo de reverberación por Sean Costello + + Stick mix + - Mathematical expression parser - Analizador de Expresión Matemática + + Stick mix: + - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - Banco + + Modulator + Modulador - Patch - Ajuste + + Modulator: + Modulador: - Gain - Ganancia + + Crossfade + Fundido cruzado - Reverb - Reverberancia + + Crossfade: + Fundido cruzado: - Reverb Roomsize - Tamaño del recinto + + LFO speed + Velocidad del LFO - Reverb Damping - Absorción + + LFO speed: + velocidad del LFO: - Reverb Width - Amplitud de la reverberancia + + LFO depth + - Reverb Level - Nivel de reverberancia + + LFO depth: + - Chorus - Coro + + ADSR + ADSR - Chorus Lines - Líneas de coro + + ADSR: + ADSR: - Chorus Level - Nivel de coro + + Pressure + Presión - Chorus Speed - Velocidad de coro + + Pressure: + Presión: - Chorus Depth - Profundidad de coro + + Speed + Velocidad - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - Una soundfont %1 no se pudo cargar. + + Speed: + Velocidad: - sf2InstrumentView + ManageVSTEffectView - Open other SoundFont file - Abrir otro archivo SoundFont + + - VST parameter control + - control de parámetros VST - Click here to open another SF2 file - Haz click aquí para abrir otro archivo SF2 + + VST sync + - Choose the patch - Elige el lote + + + Automated + Automatizado - Gain - Ganancia + + Close + Cerrar + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Apply reverb (if supported) - Aplicar reverberancia (si es posible) + + + - VST plugin control + - control de complementos VST - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Este botón activa la reverberancia. Sirve para lograr efectos atractivos, pero sólo funciona en archivos que lo soportan. + + VST Sync + Sinc VST - Reverb Roomsize: - Tamaño del recinto: + + + Automated + Automatizado - Reverb Damping: - Absorción: + + Close + Cerrar + + + OrganicInstrument - Reverb Width: - Amplitud de la reverberancia: + + Distortion + Distorsión - Reverb Level: - Nivel de reverberancia: + + Volume + Volumen + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Apply chorus (if supported) - Aplicar coro (si es posible) + + Distortion: + Distorsión: - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Este botón activa el efecto coro. Sirve para lograr interesantes efectos de eco, pero sólo funciona en archivos que lo soportan. + + Volume: + Volumen: - Chorus Lines: - Líneas de coro: + + Randomise + Aleatorizar - Chorus Level: - Nivel de coro: + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Osc %1 forma de onda: - Chorus Speed: - Velocidad de coro: + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 Volumen: - Chorus Depth: - Profundidad de coro: + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 paneo: - Open SoundFont file - Abrir archivo SoundFont + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Desafinación estéreo del Osc %1 - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - Archivos SoundFont2 (*.sf2) + + cents + cents - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form - Forma de Onda + + Osc %1 harmonic: + armónicos del Osc %1: - sidInstrument - - Cutoff - Corte - - - Resonance - Resonancia - - - Filter type - Tipo de filtro - + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off - Voz 3 apagada + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Preconfiguración del Canal - Volume - Volumen + + Bank selector + Selector de banco - Chip model - Modelo del chip + + Bank + Banco - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - Volumen: + + Program selector + Selector de programa - Resonance: - Resonancia: + + Patch + Ajuste - Cutoff frequency: - Frecuencia de corte: + + Name + Nombre - High-Pass filter - Filtro de PasoAlto + + OK + De acuerdo - Band-Pass filter - Filtro de PasoBanda + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter - Filtro de PasoBajo + + Bank + Banco - Voice3 Off - Voz 3 apagada + + Patch + Ajuste - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Gain + Ganancia - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb + Reverberancia - Attack: - Ataque: + + Reverb room size + - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - La tasa de ataque determina que tan rápido la salida de la Voz %1 llega desde cero al pico de amplitud. + + Reverb damping + - Decay: - Caída: + + Reverb width + - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - La tasa de Caída determina que tan rápido la salida cae desde el pico de amplitud hasta el nivel de Sostén seleccionado. + + Reverb level + - Sustain: - Sostén: + + Chorus + Coro - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - La salida de la Voz %1 mantendrá la amplitud de Sostén elegida mientras se mantenga presionada la tecla. + + Chorus voices + - Release: - Disipación: + + Chorus level + - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - La salida de la Voz %1 caerá desde la amplitud de Sostén a cero de acuerdo a la tasa de Disipación seleccionada. + + Chorus speed + - Pulse Width: - Amplitud del Pulso: + + Chorus depth + - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - La resolución de la Amplitud del Pulso permite variar suavemente la amplitud sin que haya variaciones evidentes. La Onda de Pulso del Oscilador %1 debe estar seleccionada para que el efecto sea audible. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + Una soundfont %1 no se pudo cargar. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - Gruesa: + + + Open SoundFont file + Abrir archivo SoundFont - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - La desafinación gruesa permite desafinar la Voz %1 una octava hacia arriba o hacia abajo. + + Choose patch + - Pulse Wave - Onda de Pulso + + Gain: + Ganancia: - Triangle Wave - Onda Triangular + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Aplicar reverberancia (si es posible) - SawTooth - Onda de Sierra + + Room size: + - Noise - Ruido + + Damping: + - Sync - Sincro + + Width: + Amplitud: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - 'Sincro' sincroniza la frecuencia fundamental del Oscilador %1 con la frecuencia fundamental del Oscilador %2 produciendo efectos de "Sincronización Dura". + + + Level: + - Ring-Mod - Mod-Anillo + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Aplicar coro (si es posible) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - Mod-Anillo reemplaza la salida de Onda Triangular del Oscilador %1 con una combinación "Modulada en anillo" de los Osciladores %1 y %2. + + Voices: + - Filtered - Filtrado + + Speed: + Velocidad: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Con 'Filtrado' activado, la Voz %1 se procesará a través del Filtro. Con 'Filtrado' desactivado, la Voz %1 pasará directamente a la salida y el Filtro no tendrá ningún efecto en ella. + + Depth: + Profundidad: - Test - Prueba + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + Archivos SoundFont (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Cuando 'Prueba' está encendido, se restaura y mantiene el Oscilador %1 a cero hasta que apague 'Prueba'. + + Wave + - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - ANCHO + + WIDTH + + Width: Amplitud: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width Amplitud - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: Vol izq a izq: + Left to Right Vol: Vol izq a der: + Right to Left Vol: Vol der a izq: + Right to Right Vol: Vol der a der: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left izq a izq + Left to Right izq a der + Right to Left der a izq + Right to Right der a der - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin Cargando complemento - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Por favor espera mientras se carga el complemento VST... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume Volumen Cuerda %1 + String %1 stiffness Rigidez Cuerda %1 + Pick %1 position Posición del plectro %1 + Pickup %1 position Posición de micrófono %1 - Pan %1 - Pan %1 + + String %1 panning + - Detune %1 - Desafinación %1 + + String %1 detune + - Fuzziness %1 - Borrosidad %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - Length %1 - Longitud %1 + + String %1 length + + Impulse %1 Impulso %1 - Octave %1 - Octava %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView - - Volume: - Volumen: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - La perilla 'V' define el volumen de la cuerda seleccionada. + + String volume: + + String stiffness: Rigidez de la cuerda: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - La perilla 'S' define la Rigidez de la cuerda, afectando el tiempo que la cuerda se mantiene vibrando. Una cuerda menos rígida vibrará por más tiempo. - - + Pick position: Posición del plectro: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - La perilla 'P' selecciona el lugar en el que la cuerda será 'pulsada'. A menor valor, más cerca del puente. - - + Pickup position: Posición del micrófono: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - La perilla 'PU' selecciona el lugar en donde se captarán las vibraciones de la cuerda seleccionada. Valores más bajos ubican el micrófono más cerca del puente. - - - Pan: - Paneo: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - La perilla 'Pan' determina la localización de la cuerda dentro del campo estéreo. - - - Detune: - Desafinación: + + String panning: + - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - La Perilla de Desafinación modifica la altura de la cuerda seleccionada. Valores menores a cero llevarán la cuerda hacia los bemoles. Valores mayores la llevarán hacia los sostenidos (-0.1=bb, -0.05=b; 0=sin cambios; +0,05=#; +0,1=##). + + String detune: + - Fuzziness: - Borrosidad: + + String fuzziness: + - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - La perilla 'Slap' añade un poco de borrosidad a la cuerda. Esto es más aparente durante el ataque, aunque puede usarse par darle a la cuerda un sonido más 'metálico'. + + String length: + - Length: - Longitud: - - - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - La perilla 'Longitud' define el largo de la cuerda elegida. Cuerdas más largas vibrarán por más tiempo y sonarán más brillantes. Sin embargo, también consumirán más CPU. - - - Impulse or initial state - Impulso o estado inicial - - - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - El selector 'Imp' determina si la forma de onda en la gráfica debe considerarse como el impulso impartido a la cuerda por el plectro o si es el estado inicial de la cuerda. + + Impulse + + Octave Octava - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - El selector de Octava se usa para definir en qué armónico de la nota la cuerda vibrará. Por ejemplo, '-2' significa que la cuerda vibrará 2 octavas por debajo de la fundamental, 'F' significa que la cuerda vibrará en el sonido fundamental, y '6' significa que la cuerda vibrará 6 octavas por encima del sonido fundamental. - - + Impulse Editor Editor de Impulso - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - El editor de Onda permite controlar el estado inicial o el impulso que es usado para poner la cuerda en vibración. Los botones a la derecha del gráfico inicializan la onda al tipo seleccionado. El botón '?' cargará una onda desde un archivo--sólo las primeras 128 muestras se cargarán. - -La onda también puede dibujarse en el gráfico. - -El botón 'S' suavizará la onda. - -El botón 'N' normalizará la onda. - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - 'Vibed' modela hasta nueve cuerdas vibrando independientemente. El selector de 'Cuerda' te permite seleccionar cada cuerda para su edición. El selector 'Imp' te permite definir si el gráfico representa el impulso o el estado inicial de la cuerda. El selector de Octava te permite definir en qué armónico vibrará la cuerda. - -El gráfico te permite definir el estado inicial de la cuerda o el impulso que la ponga en movimiento. - -'V' controla el volumen de la cuerda, 'S' controla la rigidez, 'P' la posición de la púa o plectro, 'PU' la posición del micrófono. - -Paneo y Desafinación seguro ya sabrás para qué son, y 'Slap' añade algo de borrosidad a la cuerda y le da un sonido 'metálico'. - -'Longitud' controla la longitud de la cuerda. - -El indicador LED en la esquina inferior derecha indica si la cuerda está activa en el presente instrumento. - - + Enable waveform Activar Onda - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Haz click aquí para activar o desactivar la onda. + + Enable/disable string + + String Cuerda - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - El selector de 'Cuerda' se usa para elegir la cuerda que quieres editar. Un instrumento 'Vibed' puede estar formado hasta por nueve cuerdas vibrando independientemente. El indicador LED en la esquina inferior derecha indica si la cuerda seleccionada está activa. - - + + Sine wave Onda sinusoidal + + Triangle wave Onda triangular + + Saw wave Onda de sierra + + Square wave Onda cuadrada - White noise wave + + + White noise Ruido blanco - User defined wave - Onda definida por el usuario + + + User-defined wave + - Smooth - Suavizar - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Haz click aquí para suavizar la onda. - - - Normalize - Normalizar - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Haz click aquí para normalizar la onda. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Usar una onda sinusoidal para este oscilador. - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Usar una onda triangular para este oscilador. - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Usar una onda de sierra para este oscilador. - - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Usar una onda cuadrada para este oscilador. - - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Usar ruido blanco para este oscilador. + + + Smooth waveform + Suavizar onda - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Usar una onda definida por el usuario para este oscilador. + + + Normalize waveform + - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width Voz %1 amplitud de pulso + Voice %1 attack Voz %1 ataque + Voice %1 decay Voz %1 caída + Voice %1 sustain Voz %1 sostén + Voice %1 release Voz %1 disipación + Voice %1 coarse detuning Voz %1 desafinación gruesa + Voice %1 wave shape Voz %1 forma de onda + Voice %1 sync Voz %1 sinc + Voice %1 ring modulate Voz %1 modulación en anillo + Voice %1 filtered Voz %1 filtrada + Voice %1 test Voz %1 prueba - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT ENTRADA + Input gain: Ganancia de Entrada: + OUTPUT SALIDA + Output gain: Ganancia de Salida: - Reset waveform - Restaurar onda - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Haz click aquí para restaurar el gráfico de onda por defecto - - - Smooth waveform - Suavizar onda - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Haz click aquí para aplicar suavizado al gráfico de onda - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - Aumentar la amplitud del gráfico en 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph + - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Haz click aquí para aumentar la amplitud del gráfico en 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - Disminuir la amplitud del gráfico en 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Haz click aquí para disminuir la amplitud del gráfico en 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + Clip input Recortar entrada - Clip input signal to 0dB - Recortar señal de entrada a 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain ganancia de entrada + Output gain ganancia de salida - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/eu.ts b/data/locale/eu.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..25c165f81f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/eu.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16607 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + LMMS aplikazioari buruz + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + %1 bertsioa (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + About + Honi buruz + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - Musikaren sorkuntza erraza guztiontzat. + + + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + Authors + Egileak + + + + Involved + Parte hartu dutenak + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + Ekarpenak egin dituztenak, ekarpen kopuruaren arabera ordenatuak: + + + + Translation + Itzulpena + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + Uneko hizkuntza ez dago itzulita (edo jatorrizko ingelesa da). +LMMS beste hizkuntza batera itzultzeko interesa baduzu edo lehendik dauden itzulpenak hobetu nahi badituzu, ongi etorri guri laguntzera! Jarri harremanetan itzulpenaren arduradunarekin! + + + + License + Lizentzia + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + BOL + + + + Volume: + Bolumena: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Panning: + Panoramika: + + + + LEFT + EZKERRA + + + + Left gain: + Ezkerreko irabazia: + + + + RIGHT + ESKUINA + + + + Right gain: + Eskuineko irabazia: + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + Panning + Panoramika + + + + Left gain + Ezkerreko irabazia + + + + Right gain + Eskuineko irabazia + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + GAILUA + + + + CHANNELS + KANALAK + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + Ireki lagina + + + + Reverse sample + Alderantzikatu lagina + + + + Disable loop + Desgaitu begizta + + + + Enable loop + Gaitu begizta + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + + + + + Amplify: + Anplifikatu: + + + + Start point: + Hasierako puntua: + + + + End point: + Amaierako puntua: + + + + Loopback point: + Atzera-begiztaren puntua: + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + Lagin-luzera: + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + JACK bezeroa berrabiarazi da + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + JACKek LMMS egotzi du arrazoiren batengatik. Hori dela eta, LMMSren JACK backend-a berrabiarazi egin da. Konexioak eskuz egin beharko dituzu berriro. + + + + JACK server down + JACK zerbitzaria erorita + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + JACK zerbitzaria itxi egin dela dirudi eta instantzia berria hasteak huts egin du. LMMSk ezin du jarraitu. Zure proiektua gorde eta JACK eta LMMS berrabiarazi beharko zenituzke. + + + + Client name + Bezeroaren izena + + + + Channels + Kanalak + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + Gailua + + + + Channels + Kanalak + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + Motorra + + + + Device + Gailua + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + Gailua + + + + Channels + Kanalak + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + Gailua + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + Gailua + + + + Channels + Kanalak + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + Motorra + + + + Device + Gailua + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + &Berrezarr (%1%2) + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + &Kopiatu balioa (%1%2) + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + I&tsatsi balioa (%1%2) + + + + &Paste value + &Itsatsi balioa + + + + Edit song-global automation + + + + + Remove song-global automation + + + + + Remove all linked controls + Kendu estekatutako kontrol guztiak + + + + Connected to %1 + + + + + Connected to controller + Kontrolagailuarekin konektatua + + + + Edit connection... + Editatu konexioa... + + + + Remove connection + Kendu konexioa + + + + Connect to controller... + Konektatu kontrolatzailearekin... + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + Editatu balioa + + + + New outValue + Irteerako balio berria + + + + New inValue + Sarrerako balio berria + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Ireki automatizazio-eredu bat kontrol baten laster-menuaren bidez! + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Erreproduzitu/pausatu uneko eredua (espazioa) + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Gelditu uneko ereduaren erreprodukzioa (espazioa) + + + + Edit actions + Editatu ekintzak + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Marrazte modua (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Ezabatze modua (Shift+E) + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + + Flip vertically + Irauli bertikalean + + + + Flip horizontally + Irauli horizontalean + + + + Interpolation controls + Interpolazio-kontrolak + + + + Discrete progression + Progresio diskretua + + + + Linear progression + Progresio lineala + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + + + + + Tension value for spline + + + + + Tension: + Tentsioa: + + + + Zoom controls + Zoom-kontrolak + + + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom horizontala + + + + Vertical zooming + Zoom bertikala + + + + Quantization controls + Kuantifikazio-kontrolak + + + + Quantization + Kuantifikazioa + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + Automatizazio-editorea - patroirik ez + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + Automatizazio-editorea - %1 + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Eredua dagoeneko konektatuta dago patroi honekin + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + Arrastatu kontrol bat <%1> sakatzen ari zaren bitartean + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + Ireki automatizazio-editorean + + + + Clear + Garbitu + + + + Reset name + Berrezarri izena + + + + Change name + Aldatu izena + + + + Set/clear record + Ezarri/garbitu grabazioa + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + Irauli bertikalean (ikusgai) + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + Irauli horizontalean (ikusgai) + + + + %1 Connections + %1 konexio + + + + Disconnect "%1" + Deskonektatu "%1" + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Eredua dagoeneko konektatuta dago patroi honekin + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + Automatizazio-pista + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Beat selector + Taupada-hautatzailea + + + + Track and step actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + Gehitu taupada/baxu-lerroa + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + Gehitu lagin-pista + + + + Add automation-track + Gehitu automatizazio-pista + + + + Remove steps + Kendu urratsak + + + + Add steps + Gehitu urratsa + + + + Clone Steps + Klonatu urratsak + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + + + + + Reset name + Berrezarri izena + + + + Change name + Aldatu izena + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + + Clone of %1 + + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + + + + + Frequency: + Maiztasuna: + + + + GAIN + + + + + Gain: + Irabazia: + + + + RATIO + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + Maiztasuna + + + + Gain + Irabazia + + + + Ratio + + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + + + + + OUT + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Input gain: + Sarrerako irabazia: + + + + NOISE + + + + + Input noise: + + + + + Output gain: + Irteerako irabazia: + + + + CLIP + + + + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + + + + + Depth enabled + Sakonera gaituta + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + STEREO + + + + + Stereo difference: + + + + + QUANT + + + + + Levels: + Mailak: + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + Sarrerako irabazia + + + + Input noise + Sarrerako zarata + + + + Output gain + Irteerako irabazia + + + + Output clip + Irteerako klipa + + + + Sample rate + + + + + Stereo difference + + + + + Levels + Maila + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Depth enabled + Sakonera gaituta + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + Carlari buruz + + + + About + Honi buruz + + + + About text here + + + + + Extended licensing here + + + + + Artwork + Artelana + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + + + + + Features + Eginbideak + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + + + + + LADSPA: + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + VST2: + + + + + DSSI: + + + + + LV2: + + + + + VST3: + + + + + OSC + + + + + Host URLs: + URL ostalariak: + + + + Valid commands: + Baliozko komandoak: + + + + valid osc commands here + baliozko osc komandoa hemen + + + + Example: + Adibidea: + + + + License + Lizentzia + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + OSC Bridge bertsioa + + + + Plugin Version + Pluginaren bertsioa + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + + (Engine not running) + (Motorra ez dago martxan) + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + Dena! (LRDF barne) + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + + Using Juce host + + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + LeihoNagusia + + + + Rack + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Logs + Egunkariak + + + + Loading... + Kargatzen... + + + + Buffer Size: + Buffer-tamaina: + + + + Sample Rate: + + + + + ? Xruns + + + + + DSP Load: %p% + + + + + &File + &Fitxategia + + + + &Engine + &Motorra + + + + &Plugin + &Plugina + + + + Macros (all plugins) + Makroak (plugin guztiak) + + + + &Canvas + &Oihala + + + + Zoom + Zoom + + + + &Settings + E&zarpenak + + + + &Help + &Laguntza + + + + toolBar + tresnaBarra + + + + Disk + Diskoa + + + + + Home + Etxea + + + + Transport + Garraioa + + + + Playback Controls + + + + + Time Information + + + + + Frame: + + + + + 000'000'000 + + + + + Time: + + + + + 00:00:00 + + + + + BBT: + + + + + 000|00|0000 + + + + + Settings + Ezarpenak + + + + BPM + + + + + Use JACK Transport + + + + + Use Ableton Link + + + + + &New + &Berria + + + + Ctrl+N + Ctrl+N + + + + &Open... + &Ireki... + + + + + Open... + Ireki... + + + + Ctrl+O + Ctrl+O + + + + &Save + &Gorde + + + + Ctrl+S + Ctrl+S + + + + Save &As... + Gorde &honela... + + + + + Save As... + Gorde honela... + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + &Quit + I&rten + + + + Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+Q + + + + &Start + &Hasi + + + + F5 + F5 + + + + St&op + &Gelditu + + + + F6 + F6 + + + + &Add Plugin... + Ge&hitu plugina... + + + + Ctrl+A + Ctrl+A + + + + &Remove All + &Kendu dena + + + + Enable + Gaitu + + + + Disable + Desgaitu + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + + + + + 100% Wet + + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + + + + + 100% Volume + + + + + Center Balance + + + + + &Play + &Erreproduzitu + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + Ctrl+Shift+P + + + + &Stop + &Gelditu + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + &Backwards + A&tzerantz + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + &Forwards + A&urrerantz + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + &Arrange + &Ordenatu + + + + Ctrl+G + Ctrl+G + + + + + &Refresh + &Freskatu + + + + Ctrl+R + Ctrl+R + + + + Save &Image... + Gorde &irudia... + + + + Auto-Fit + Automatikoki doitu + + + + Zoom In + Handiagotu + + + + Ctrl++ + Ctrl++ + + + + Zoom Out + Txikiagotu + + + + Ctrl+- + Ctrl+- + + + + Zoom 100% + %100eko zooma + + + + Ctrl+1 + Ctrl+1 + + + + Show &Toolbar + Erakutsi &tresna-barra + + + + &Configure Carla + &Konfiguratu Carla + + + + &About + &Honi buruz + + + + About &JUCE + &JUCE aplikazioari buruz + + + + About &Qt + &Qt aplikazioari buruz + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + + + + + Show Internal + + + + + Show External + + + + + Show Time Panel + + + + + Show &Side Panel + + + + + &Connect... + + + + + Compact Slots + + + + + Expand Slots + + + + + Perform secret 1 + + + + + Perform secret 2 + + + + + Perform secret 3 + + + + + Perform secret 4 + + + + + Perform secret 5 + + + + + Add &JACK Application... + + + + + &Configure driver... + + + + + Panic + + + + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + Errorea + + + + Failed to load project + + + + + Failed to save project + + + + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + + + + + Warning + + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + Erakutsi erabiltzaile-interfazea + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + Ezarpenak + + + + main + + + + + canvas + + + + + engine + + + + + osc + + + + + file-paths + + + + + plugin-paths + + + + + wine + + + + + experimental + + + + + Widget + + + + + + Main + + + + + + Canvas + + + + + + Engine + + + + + File Paths + + + + + Plugin Paths + + + + + Wine + + + + + + Experimental + + + + + <b>Main</b> + + + + + Paths + Bideak + + + + Default project folder: + + + + + Interface + + + + + Interface refresh interval: + + + + + + ms + + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + + + + + + Theme + + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + + + + + Color scheme: + + + + + Black + + + + + System + + + + + Enable experimental features + + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + + + + + Bezier Lines + + + + + Theme: + + + + + Size: + Tamaina: + + + + 775x600 + + + + + 1550x1200 + + + + + 3100x2400 + + + + + 4650x3600 + + + + + 6200x4800 + + + + + Options + + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + + + + + Auto-select items on hover + + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + + + + + Render Hints + + + + + Anti-Aliasing + + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + + + + + <b>Engine</b> + + + + + + Core + + + + + Single Client + + + + + Multiple Clients + + + + + + Continuous Rack + + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Audio driver: + + + + + Process mode: + + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + + + + + Max Parameters: + + + + + ... + + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + + + + + Plugin UIs + + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + <b>OSC</b> + + + + + Enable OSC + + + + + Enable TCP port + + + + + + Use specific port: + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + + + + + Enable UDP port + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + + + + + Audio + Audioa + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + + + + + + Add... + + + + + + Remove + + + + + + Change... + + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + + + + + <b>Wine</b> + + + + + Executable + + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + + + + + Prefix + + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + + + + + Fallback: + + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + + + + + Realtime Priority + + + + + Base priority: + + + + + WineServer priority: + + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + + + + + Enable plugin bridges + + + + + Enable Wine bridges + + + + + Enable jack applications + + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + + + + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + + + + + Attack: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + + + + + Release: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + + + + + Knee: + + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + + + + + Range: + + + + + Maximum gain reduction + + + + + Lookahead Length: + + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + + + + + Hold: + + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + + + + + RMS Size: + + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + + + + + Input Balance: + + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Output Balance: + + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Balance: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + + + + + Tilt Gain: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + + + + + Tilt Frequency: + + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + + + + + Mix: + + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + + + + + Auto Attack: + + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + + + + + Auto Release: + + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + + + + + Output gain + Irteerako irabazia + + + + + Gain + Irabazia + + + + Output volume + + + + + Input gain + Sarrerako irabazia + + + + Input volume + + + + + Root Mean Square + + + + + Use RMS of the input + + + + + Peak + + + + + Use absolute value of the input + + + + + Left/Right + + + + + Compress left and right audio + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Compress mid and side audio + + + + + Compressor + + + + + Compress the audio + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + + + + + Unlinked + + + + + Compress each channel separately + + + + + Maximum + + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + + + + + Average + + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + + + + + Minimum + + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + + + + + Blend + + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + + + + + + Soft Clip + + + + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + + + + + Ratio + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Knee + + + + + Hold + + + + + Range + + + + + RMS Size + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + + + + + Input Gain + + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + %1 kontrolatzailea + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + Konexio-ezarpenak + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + Sarrerako kanala + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Input controller + Sarrerako kontrolatzailea + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + Ados + + + + Cancel + Utzi + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + Gehitu + + + + Confirm Delete + Baieztatu ezabatzea + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Ezabatzea baieztatu? Kontrolagailu honi lotutako konexioak daude. Ez dago desegiteko modurik + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + Kontrola + + + + Rename controller + Berrizendatu kontrolagailua + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + Sartu beste izen bat kontrolagailu honentzat + + + + LFO + LFO + + + + &Remove this controller + &Kendu kontrolagailu hau + + + + Re&name this controller + &Berrizendatu kontrolagailu hau + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + 1. bandaren irabazia + + + + Band 1 gain: + 1. bandaren irabazia: + + + + Band 2 gain + 2. bandaren irabazia + + + + Band 2 gain: + 2. bandaren irabazia: + + + + Band 3 gain + 3. bandaren irabazia + + + + Band 3 gain: + 3. bandaren irabazia: + + + + Band 4 gain + 4. bandaren irabazia + + + + Band 4 gain: + 4. bandaren irabazia: + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + Atzeratu laginak + + + + Feedback + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + Irteerako irabazia + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + Irabazia + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + Bat ere ez + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + + Gain + Irabazia + + + + MIX + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + + + + + Record + Grabatu + + + + Record while playing + Grabatu erreproduzitzean + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + Efektuak gaituta + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + Gehitu efektua + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + Gehitu efektua + + + + + Name + Izena + + + + Type + Mota + + + + Description + Deskribapena + + + + Author + Egilea + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + Kontrola + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + SPD + + + + Frequency: + Maiztasuna: + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + Sarrerako irabazia + + + + Output gain + Irteerako irabazia + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + Sarrerako irabazia + + + + + + Gain + Irabazia + + + + Output gain + Irteerako irabazia + + + + Bandwidth: + Banda-zabalera: + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + Maiztasuna: + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + 44.100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48.000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88.200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96.000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192.000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + Kalitate-ezarpenak + + + + Interpolation: + Interpolazioa: + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (bat ere ez) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + Hasiera + + + + Cancel + Utzi + + + + Could not open file + Ezin da fitxategia irek + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + Errorea + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Sartu %1 eta %2 arteko balio berri bat: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + Bilatu + + + + Refresh list + Freskatu zerrenda + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + Lagina kargatzen + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Itxaron, lagina kargatzen ari da aurrebistarako... + + + + Error + Errorea + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + Atzeratu laginak + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + Irabazia + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + Ireki GIG fitxategia + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + Irabazia: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG fitxategiak (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + Laneko direktorioa + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + Interfazea prestatzen + + + + Preparing song editor + Abesti-editorea prestatzen + + + + Preparing mixer + Nahasgailua prestatzen + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + Ausazkoa + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 13#9 + + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + + + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + Panning + Panoramika + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + Volume: + Bolumena: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panoramika + + + + Panning: + Panoramika: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + Sarrera + + + + Output + Irteera + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + Volume: + Bolumena: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panoramika + + + + Panning: + Panoramika: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + Efektuak + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + Bestelakoak + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + Plugina + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + Ezarri lineala + + + + Set logarithmic + Ezarri logaritmikoa + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Sartu -96.0 dBFS eta 6.0 dBFS arteko balio berri bat: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Sartu %1 eta %2 arteko balio berri bat: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + Estekatu kanalak + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + Estekatu kanalak + + + + Channel + Kanala + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + Estekatu kanalak + + + + Value: + Balioa: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Sartu %1 eta %2 arteko balio berri bat: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Sartu %1 eta %2 arteko balio berri bat: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + Aurrekoa + + + + + + Next + Hurrengoa + + + + Previous (%1) + Aurrekoa (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Hurrengoa (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + LFO kontrolagailua + + + + Base value + Oinarri-balioa + + + + Oscillator speed + Osziladore-abiadura + + + + Oscillator amount + Osziladore-kantitatea + + + + Oscillator phase + Osziladore-fasea + + + + Oscillator waveform + Osziladorearen uhin-forma + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + Konfigurazio-fitxategia + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + + + Could not open file + Ezin da fitxategia irek + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + Proiektuaren berreskurapena + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + Berreskuratu + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + Baztertu + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Abiarazi saio lehenetsi bat eta ezabatu leheneratutako fitxategiak. Ekintza hori ezin da desegin + + + + Version %1 + %1 bertsioa + + + + Preparing plugin browser + Plugin-arakatzailea prestatzen + + + + Preparing file browsers + Fitxategi-arakatzaileak prestatzen + + + + My Projects + Nire proiektuak + + + + My Samples + + + + + My Presets + + + + + My Home + + + + + Root directory + Erro-direktorioa + + + + Volumes + Bolumenak + + + + My Computer + + + + + &File + &Fitxategia + + + + &New + &Berria + + + + &Open... + &Ireki... + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + &Gorde + + + + Save &As... + Gorde &honela... + + + + Save as New &Version + Gorde &bertsio berri gisa + + + + Save as default template + Gorde txantiloi lehenetsi gisa + + + + Import... + Importatu... + + + + E&xport... + E&sportatu... + + + + E&xport Tracks... + + + + + Export &MIDI... + Esportatu &MIDIa... + + + + &Quit + I&rten + + + + &Edit + &Editatu + + + + Undo + Desegin + + + + Redo + Berregin + + + + Settings + Ezarpenak + + + + &View + &Ikusi + + + + &Tools + &Tresnak + + + + &Help + &Laguntza + + + + Online Help + + + + + Help + Laguntza + + + + About + Honi buruz + + + + Create new project + Sortu proiektu berria + + + + Create new project from template + Sortu proiektu berria txantiloitik + + + + Open existing project + Ireki lehendik dagoen proiektua + + + + Recently opened projects + Azken aldian irekitako proiektuak + + + + Save current project + Gorde uneko proiektua + + + + Export current project + Esportatu uneko proiektua + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + + Piano Roll + + + + + + Automation Editor + + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + + + + + Untitled + + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Open Project + Ireki proiektua + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Gorde proiektua + + + + LMMS Project + LMMS proiektua + + + + LMMS Project Template + LMMS proiektu-txantiloia + + + + Save project template + Gorde proiektu-txantiloia + + + + Overwrite default template? + Gainidatzi txantiloi lehenetsia? + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Horrek zure uneko txantiloi lehenetsia gainidatziko du. + + + + Help not available + + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + Korritze leuna + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI fitxategia (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + Gorde proiektua + + + + Project saved + Proiektua gorde da + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + %1 proiektua gorde da. + + + + Project NOT saved. + Proiektua EZ da gorde. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + %1 proiektua ez da gorde! + + + + Import file + Inportatu fitxategia + + + + MIDI sequences + MIDI sekuentziak + + + + Hydrogen projects + + + + + All file types + Fitxategi mota guztiak + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + Zenbakitzailea + + + + Denominator + Izendatzailea + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + MIDI kontrolatzailea + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + Zenbakitzailea + + + + Denominator + Izendatzailea + + + + Track + Pista + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK zerbitzaria erorita + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + Badirudi JACK zerbitzaria itxi egin dela. + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + + + + + 6 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + &Fitxategia + + + + &Edit + &Editatu + + + + &Quit + I&rten + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + Sarrerako kanala + + + + Output channel + Irteerako kanala + + + + Input controller + Sarrerako kontrolatzailea + + + + Output controller + Irteerako kontrolatzailea + + + + Fixed input velocity + Sarrerako abiadura finkoa + + + + Fixed output velocity + Irteerako abiadura finkoa + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + Irteerako MIDI programa + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + Jaso MIDI-events + + + + Send MIDI-events + Bidali MIDI-events + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + Gailua + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + Hautatutako bista + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + Digital Triangle wave + + + + + Digital Saw wave + + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Ramp wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + Ausazkoa + + + + Random smooth + Ausazko leuntzea + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + + + Panning + Panoramika + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + + + + + + Rate + + + + + + Phase + + + + + + Pre-delay + + + + + + Hold + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Sustain + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + + + + + Enable channel 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + + + + + Noise Frequency + + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + + + + + + Osc %1 panning + + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + Modulation type %1 + + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + Izena + + + + OK + Ados + + + + Cancel + Utzi + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + Begizta + + + + Loop mode + Begizta modua + + + + Tune + + + + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + Ez da fitxategirik hautatu + + + + Open patch file + + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + + + + + Reset name + Berrezarri izena + + + + Change name + Aldatu izena + + + + Add steps + Gehitu urratsa + + + + Remove steps + Kendu urratsak + + + + Clone Steps + Klonatu urratsak + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + + + + + Peak Controller Bug + + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + + + + + LFO Controller + LFO kontrolagailua + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + MULT + + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + + + + + Attack: + + + + + DCAY + + + + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + Oinarri-balioa + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Treshold + Atalasea + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + + + + + Note Panning + + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Sartu %1 eta %2 arteko balio berri bat: + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Erreproduzitu/pausatu uneko eredua (espazioa) + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Gelditu uneko ereduaren erreprodukzioa (espazioa) + + + + Edit actions + Editatu ekintzak + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Marrazte modua (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Ezabatze modua (Shift+E) + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + Denbora-lerroaren kontrolak + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom horizontala + + + + Vertical zooming + Zoom bertikala + + + + Quantization + Kuantifikazioa + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + Mota + + + + Effects + Efektuak + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + Utzi + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + Mota: + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + Izena + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + Ezarpenak + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + Mota: + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + Itxi + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + Gaitu + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + Edizio-ekintzak + + + + &Undo + &Desegin + + + + %1+Z + %1+Z + + + + &Redo + Be&rregin + + + + %1+Y + %1+Y + + + + &Copy + &Kopiatu + + + + %1+C + %1+C + + + + Cu&t + Mo&ztu + + + + %1+X + %1+X + + + + &Paste + &Itsatsi + + + + %1+V + %1+V + + + + Format Actions + Formatu-ekintzak + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + &Kolorea... + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + Erakutsi erabiltzaile-interfazea + + + + Help + Laguntza + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + Izena: + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + Egilea: + + + + + + Copyright: + Copyright: + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + Bai + + + + + + + + + No + Ez + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + Fitxategia: %1 + + + + File: + Fitxategia: + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Azken aldian irekitako proiektuak + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + Aldatu izena... + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + Sarrera + + + + Input gain: + Sarrerako irabazia: + + + + Size + Tamaina + + + + Size: + Tamaina: + + + + Color + Kolorea + + + + Color: + Kolorea: + + + + Output + Irteera + + + + Output gain: + Irteerako irabazia: + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + Sarrerako irabazia + + + + Size + Tamaina + + + + Color + Kolorea + + + + Output gain + Irteerako irabazia + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + Ezin izan da fitxategia ireki + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + Ireki audio-fitxategia + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Audio-fitxategi guztiak (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Wave fitxategiak (*.wav) + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + OGG fitxategiak (*.ogg) + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + DrumSynth fitxategia (*.ds) + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + FLAC fitxategiak (*.flac) + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + SPEEX fitxategiak (*.spx) + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + VOC fitxategiak (*.voc) + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + AIFF fitxategiak (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + AU fitxategiak (*.au) + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + RAW fitxategiak (*.raw) + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Ezabatu (saguaren erdiko botoia) + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Moztu + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + Kopiatu + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Itsatsi + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + Alderantzikatu lagina + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + Panning + Panoramika + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panoramika + + + + Panning: + Panoramika: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + Bolumena: + + + + VOL + BOL + + + + Panning + Panoramika + + + + Panning: + Panoramika: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + Ezarpenak + + + + + General + Orokorra + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + Erabiltzaile-interfaze grafikoa (GUI) + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + Proiektuak + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + Hizkuntza + + + + + Performance + Errendimendua + + + + Autosave + Gordetze automatikoa + + + + Enable autosave + Gaitu gordetze automatikoa + + + + Allow autosave while playing + Onartu gordetze automatikoa erreproduzitzean + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + Pluginak + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + Audioa + + + + Audio interface + Audio-interfazea + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + Buffer-tamaina + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + MIDI interface + MIDI interfazea + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + SF2 direktorioa + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + GIG direktorioa + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + Zenbait aldaketak berrabiaraztea behar dute. + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + Gordetze automatikoaren tartea: %1 + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + Aukeratu LMMSren laneko direktorioa + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + Aukeratu VST pluginen direktorioa + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + Aukeratu LADSPA pluginen direktorioa + + + + Choose your default SF2 + Aukeratu SF2 lehenetsia + + + + Choose your theme directory + Aukeratu azalen direktorioa + + + + Choose your background picture + Aukeratu atzeko planoaren irudia + + + + + Paths + Bideak + + + + OK + Ados + + + + Cancel + Utzi + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + Hautatu zure GIG direktorioa + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + Hautatu zure SF2 direktorioa + + + + minutes + minutu + + + + minute + minutu + + + + Disabled + Desgaituta + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Bolumena: + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Noise + + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + Itxi + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + LMMS errore-txostena + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + Ezin da fitxategia irek + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + Errorea + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + Ezin da fitxategia idatzi + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + Gehitu taupada/baxu-lerroa + + + + Add sample-track + Gehitu lagin-pista + + + + Add automation-track + Gehitu automatizazio-pista + + + + Edit actions + Editatu ekintzak + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + Denbora-lerroaren kontrolak + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + Zoom-kontrolak + + + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom horizontala + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + Itxi + + + + Maximize + Maximizatu + + + + Restore + Leheneratu + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + Berria txantiloitik + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + Nota osoa + + + + Half note + Nota erdia + + + + Quarter note + Nota laurdena + + + + 8th note + 8. nota + + + + 16th note + 16. nota + + + + 32nd note + 32. nota + + + + Custom... + Pertsonalizatua... + + + + Custom + Pertsonalizatua + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + Ezin da fitxategia inportatu + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + Ezin da fitxategia ireki + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + Proiektua kargatzen... + + + + + Cancel + Utzi + + + + + Please wait... + Itxaron... + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + MIDI fitxategia inportatzen... + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + Uneko posizioa + + + + Current length + Uneko luzera + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Ezabatu (saguaren erdiko botoia) + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Moztu + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + Kopiatu + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Itsatsi + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + Itsatsi + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + Ekintzak + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + Klonatu pista hau + + + + Remove this track + Kendu pista hau + + + + Clear this track + Garbitu pista hau + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + Aktibatu grabazio guztiak + + + + Turn all recording off + Desaktibatu grabazio guztiak + + + + Change color + Aldatu kolorea + + + + Reset color to default + Berrezarri kolorea lehenetsira + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + gradu + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + + + + + .FXP + + + + + .FXB + + + + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + + + + + Volume A2 + + + + + Volume B1 + + + + + Volume B2 + + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + + + + Panning + Panoramika + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + + + + + + Invert + + + + + + Smooth + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + + + + + A1 + A1 + + + + A2 + A2 + + + + A3 + A3 + + + + W1 smoothing + + + + + W2 smoothing + + + + + W3 smoothing + + + + + Panning 1 + + + + + Panning 2 + + + + + Rel trans + + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Select oscillator W1 + + + + + Select oscillator W2 + + + + + Select oscillator W3 + + + + + Select output O1 + + + + + Select output O2 + + + + + Open help window + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Moog-saw wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + WaveInterpolate + + + + + ExpressionValid + + + + + General purpose 1: + + + + + General purpose 2: + + + + + General purpose 3: + + + + + O1 panning: + + + + + O2 panning: + + + + + Release transition: + + + + + Smoothness + + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + + + + + Filter frequency + + + + + Filter resonance + + + + + Bandwidth + + + + + FM gain + + + + + Resonance center frequency + + + + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + + + + + PORT + + + + + Filter frequency: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Filter resonance: + + + + + RES + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + BW + + + + + FM gain: + + + + + FM GAIN + + + + + Resonance center frequency: + + + + + RES CF + + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + + + + + RES BW + + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + + + Show GUI + Erakutsi erabiltzaile-interfazea + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + + + + + Start of sample + + + + + End of sample + + + + + Loopback point + + + + + Reverse sample + Alderantzikatu lagina + + + + Loop mode + Begizta modua + + + + Stutter + + + + + Interpolation mode + Interpolazio modua + + + + None + Bat ere ez + + + + Linear + Lineala + + + + Sinc + + + + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + Interpolation + + + + + Normalize + + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + Sarrerako irabazia: + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + Irteerako irabazia: + + + + ATTACK + + + + + Peak attack time: + + + + + RELEASE + + + + + Peak release time: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: average + + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + Sarrerako irabazia + + + + Output gain + Irteerako irabazia + + + + Attack time + + + + + Release time + + + + + Stereo mode + + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + + + + + End frequency + + + + + Length + + + + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + + Gain + Irabazia + + + + Envelope slope + + + + + Noise + + + + + Click + + + + + Frequency slope + + + + + Start from note + + + + + End to note + + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + + + + + End frequency: + + + + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + Irabazia: + + + + Envelope length: + + + + + Envelope slope: + + + + + Click: + + + + + Noise: + + + + + Start distortion: + + + + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + + + + + + Unavailable Effects + + + + + + Instruments + + + + + + Analysis Tools + Analisi-tresnak + + + + + Don't know + Ezezaguna + + + + Type: + Mota: + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + Pluginak + + + + Description + Deskribapena + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + + + + Name + Izena + + + + Rate + + + + + Direction + + + + + Type + Mota + + + + Min < Default < Max + + + + + Logarithmic + Logaritmikoa + + + + SR Dependent + + + + + Audio + Audioa + + + + Control + + + + + Input + Sarrera + + + + Output + Irteera + + + + Toggled + + + + + Integer + + + + + Float + + + + + + Yes + Bai + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + VCF Resonance + + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + Distortion + + + + + Waveform + + + + + Slide Decay + + + + + Slide + + + + + Accent + + + + + Dead + + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + Env Mod: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + + + Slide Decay: + + + + + DIST: + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + + + + + Rounded square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + + + + Moog wave + + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + + + + + + White noise wave + + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + + + + + Click here for white-noise. + + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + + + + Bandlimited square wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + + + + + Position + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + ADSR + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Motion + + + + + Speed + + + + + Bowed + + + + + Spread + + + + + Marimba + + + + + Vibraphone + + + + + Agogo + + + + + Wood 1 + + + + + Reso + + + + + Wood 2 + + + + + Beats + + + + + Two fixed + + + + + Clump + + + + + Tubular bells + + + + + Uniform bar + + + + + Tuned bar + + + + + Glass + + + + + Tibetan bowl + + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + + + + + Spread + + + + + Spread: + + + + + Missing files + + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + + + + Hardness + + + + + Hardness: + + + + + Position + + + + + Position: + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato gain: + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Vibrato frequency: + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Stick mix: + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Modulator: + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + Crossfade: + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO speed: + LFO abiadura: + + + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + + + + + ADSR: + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Pressure: + + + + + Speed + + + + + Speed: + + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + + + + + VST sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VST Sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + + + + + Volume + Bolumena + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + + + + + Volume: + Bolumena: + + + + Randomise + + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + Izena + + + + OK + Ados + + + + Cancel + Utzi + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + Irabazia + + + + Reverb + + + + + Reverb room size + + + + + Reverb damping + + + + + Reverb width + + + + + Reverb level + + + + + Chorus + + + + + Chorus voices + + + + + Chorus level + + + + + Chorus speed + + + + + Chorus depth + + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + Irabazia: + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + + + + + Room size: + + + + + Damping: + + + + + Width: + Zabalera: + + + + + Level: + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + + + + + Voices: + + + + + Speed: + + + + + Depth: + Sakonera: + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + + + + + Width: + Zabalera: + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + Zabalera + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + + + + + Left to Right Vol: + + + + + Right to Left Vol: + + + + + Right to Right Vol: + + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + + + + + Left to Right + + + + + Right to Left + + + + + Right to Right + + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + + + + + String %1 stiffness + + + + + Pick %1 position + + + + + Pickup %1 position + + + + + String %1 panning + + + + + String %1 detune + + + + + String %1 fuzziness + + + + + String %1 length + + + + + Impulse %1 + + + + + String %1 + + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + + + String stiffness: + + + + + Pick position: + + + + + Pickup position: + + + + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + + Octave + + + + + Impulse Editor + + + + + Enable waveform + + + + + Enable/disable string + + + + + String + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + + Normalize waveform + + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + + + + + Voice %1 attack + + + + + Voice %1 decay + + + + + Voice %1 sustain + + + + + Voice %1 release + + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + + + + + Voice %1 sync + + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + + + + + Voice %1 filtered + + + + + Voice %1 test + + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + Sarrerako irabazia: + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + Irteerako irabazia: + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Clip input + + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + Sarrerako irabazia + + + + Output gain + Irteerako irabazia + + + diff --git a/data/locale/fa.ts b/data/locale/fa.ts index fe9d2ca6b9e..181ca0ca1ff 100644 --- a/data/locale/fa.ts +++ b/data/locale/fa.ts @@ -1,9266 +1,16326 @@ - - - + AboutDialog + About LMMS - + درباره LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - + + LMMS + LMMS - About - درباره + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - + + About + درباره - Authors - + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + - Translation - + + Copyright © %1. + - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + - License - + + Authors + نویسندگان - Copyright (c) 2004-2014, LMMS developers - + + Involved + - <html><head/><body><p><a href="http://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + همکاران بر اساس تعداد کارها مرتب شده اند: - LMMS - + + Translation + ترجمه - Involved - + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + - Contributors ordered by number of commits: - + + License + مجوز AmplifierControlDialog + VOL - + VOL + Volume: - + ولوم: + PAN - + PAN + Panning: - + Panning: + LEFT - + چپ + Left gain: - + افزایش چپ: + RIGHT - + راست + Right gain: - + افزایش راست: AmplifierControls + Volume - + ولوم + Panning - + Panning + Left gain - + افزایش چپ + Right gain - + افزایش راست - AudioAlsa::setupWidget + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE - + دستگاه + CHANNELS - + کانال ها AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - + + Open sample + + Reverse sample - - - - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - اگر این دکمه را فعال کنید,تمام نمونه معکوس می شود.این برای جلوه های جالب مانند یک تصادف معکوس مناسب است. - - - Amplify: - تقویت: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - - - - Startpoint: - نقطه ی شروع: - - - Endpoint: - نقطه ی پایان: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - + + Disable loop - - - - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - + حلقه غیرفعال + Enable loop - + حلقه فعال - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - + + Enable ping-pong loop + - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - + + Continue sample playback across notes + - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - + + Amplify: + - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - + + Start point: + - Loopback point: - + + End point: + - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - + + Loopback point: + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: - + AudioJack + JACK client restarted - + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. - + + JACK server down - + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. - + - CLIENT-NAME - + + Client name + - CHANNELS - + + Channels + - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - + + Device + - CHANNELS - + + Channels + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - + + Backend + - DEVICE - + + Device + - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - + + Device + - CHANNELS - + + Channels + AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - + + Device + + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) - &باز نشانی (%1%2) + + &Copy value (%1%2) - کپی &مقدار (%1%2) + + &Paste value (%1%2) - چسباندن &مقدار (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value + + Edit song-global automation - + + + Remove song-global automation + + + + + Remove all linked controls + + + + Connected to %1 - + + Connected to controller - + + Edit connection... - + + Remove connection - + + Connect to controller... - - - - Remove song-global automation - - - - Remove all linked controls - + AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - + + Edit Value + - Values copied - + + New outValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - + + New inValue + + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - پخش/مکث الگوی جاری (فاصله) - - - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - توقف پخش الگوی جاری (فاصله) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - + + Edit actions + + Draw mode (Shift+D) - + + Erase mode (Shift+E) - + - Flip vertically - - - - Flip horizontally - + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - + + Flip vertically + - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Flip horizontally + - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Interpolation controls + + Discrete progression - + + Linear progression - + + Cubic Hermite progression - + + Tension value for spline - - - - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - + - Cut selected values (%1+X) - + + Tension: + - Copy selected values (%1+C) - + + Zoom controls + - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - + + Horizontal zooming + - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - + + Vertical zooming + - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - + + Quantization controls + - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - + + Quantization + - Tension: - + + + Automation Editor - no clip + - Automation Editor - no pattern - + + + Automation Editor - %1 + - Automation Editor - %1 - + + Model is already connected to this clip. + - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> - - - - Model is already connected to this pattern. - + - AutomationPatternView - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - - + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor - + + Clear - + + Reset name - باز نشانی نام + + Change name - تغییر نام + - %1 Connections - + + Set/clear record + - Disconnect "%1" - + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + - Set/clear record - + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + - Flip Vertically (Visible) - + + %1 Connections + - Flip Horizontally (Visible) - + + Disconnect "%1" + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + AutomationTrack + Automation track - + - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor - ویرایشگر خط-بم/تپش + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) - پخش/درنگ خط-بم/تپش جاری(فاصله) + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) - + - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - + + Beat selector + - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - + + Track and step actions + + Add beat/bassline - اضافه ی خط بم/تپش (beat/baseline) + + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + Add automation-track - + + Remove steps - + + Add steps - + + + + + Clone Steps + - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor - در ویرایشگر خط-بم/تپش باز کن + + Reset name - باز نشانی نام + + Change name - تغییر نام - - - Change color - تغییر رنگ - - - Reset color to default - + - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 - خط-بم/تپش %1 + + Clone of %1 - + BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ - + + Frequency: - + + GAIN - + + Gain: - + + RATIO - + + Ratio: - + BassBoosterControls + Frequency - + + Gain - + + Ratio - + BitcrushControlDialog + IN - + + OUT - + + + GAIN - + - Input Gain: - + + Input gain: + افزایش ورودی: - NOIS - + + NOISE + - Input Noise: - + + Input noise: + - Output Gain: - + + Output gain: + افزایش خروجی: + CLIP - - - - Output Clip: - + - Rate - + + Output clip: + - Rate Enabled - + + Rate enabled + - Enable samplerate-crushing - + + Enable sample-rate crushing + - Depth - + + Depth enabled + - Depth Enabled - + + Enable bit-depth crushing + - Enable bitdepth-crushing - + + FREQ + + Sample rate: - + - STD - + + STEREO + + Stereo difference: - + - Levels - + + QUANT + + Levels: - + - CaptionMenu + BitcrushControls - &Help - &راهنما + + Input gain + افزایش ورودی - Help (not available) - + + Input noise + - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - + + Output gain + افزایش خروجی - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - + + Output clip + - - - Controller - Controller %1 - + + Sample rate + - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - Connection Settings - + + Stereo difference + - MIDI CONTROLLER - + + Levels + - Input channel - + + Rate enabled + - CHANNEL - + + Depth enabled + + + + CarlaAboutW - Input controller - + + About Carla + - CONTROLLER - + + About + درباره - Auto Detect - + + About text here + - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - + + Extended licensing here + - USER CONTROLLER - + + Artwork + - MAPPING FUNCTION - + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - OK - + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - Cancel - لغو + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - LMMS - + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - Cycle Detected. - + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - Add - + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - Confirm Delete - + + Features + - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associted with this controller. There is no way to undo. - + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - - ControllerView - Controls - + + LADSPA: + - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Rename controller - + + VST2: + - Enter the new name for this controller - + + DSSI: + - &Remove this plugin - + + LV2: + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: - + + VST3: + - Band 2/3 Crossover: - + + OSC + - Band 3/4 Crossover: - + + Host URLs: + - Band 1 Gain: - + + Valid commands: + - Band 2 Gain: - + + valid osc commands here + - Band 3 Gain: - + + Example: + + + + + License + مجوز + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - Band 4 Gain: - + + OSC Bridge Version + - Band 1 Mute - + + Plugin Version + - Mute Band 1 - + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + - Band 2 Mute - + + + (Engine not running) + - Mute Band 2 - + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + - Band 3 Mute - + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - Mute Band 3 - + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - Band 4 Mute - + + + + Using Juce host + - Mute Band 4 - + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + - DelayControls + CarlaHostW - Delay Samples - + + MainWindow + - Feedback - + + Rack + - Lfo Frequency - + + Patchbay + - Lfo Amount - + + Logs + - - - DelayControlsDialog - Delay - + + Loading... + - Delay Time - + + Buffer Size: + - Regen - + + Sample Rate: + - Feedback Amount - + + ? Xruns + - Rate - + + DSP Load: %p% + - Lfo - + + &File + - Lfo Amt - + + &Engine + - - - DetuningHelper - Note detuning - + + &Plugin + - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - + + Macros (all plugins) + - Filter 2 enabled - + + &Canvas + - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - + + Zoom + - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - + + &Settings + - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - + + &Help + - Filter 1 type - + + toolBar + - Cutoff 1 frequency - + + Disk + - Q/Resonance 1 - + + + Home + خانه - Gain 1 - + + Transport + - Mix - + + Playback Controls + - Filter 2 enabled - + + Time Information + - Filter 2 type - + + Frame: + - Cutoff 2 frequency - + + 000'000'000 + - Q/Resonance 2 - + + Time: + - Gain 2 - + + 00:00:00 + - LowPass - پایین گذر + + BBT: + - HiPass - بالا گذر + + 000|00|0000 + - BandPass csg - میان گذر csg + + Settings + - BandPass czpg - میان گذر czpg + + BPM + - Notch - نچ + + Use JACK Transport + - Allpass - تمام گذر + + Use Ableton Link + - Moog - موگ Moog + + &New + - 2x LowPass - پایین گذر 2x + + Ctrl+N + - RC LowPass 12dB - + + &Open... + - RC BandPass 12dB - + + + Open... + - RC HighPass 12dB - + + Ctrl+O + - RC LowPass 24dB - + + &Save + - RC BandPass 24dB - + + Ctrl+S + - RC HighPass 24dB - + + Save &As... + - Vocal Formant Filter - + + + Save As... + - 2x Moog - + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - SV LowPass - + + &Quit + - SV BandPass - + + Ctrl+Q + - SV HighPass - + + &Start + - SV Notch - + + F5 + - Fast Formant - + + St&op + - Tripole - + + F6 + - - - DummyEffect - NOT FOUND - + + &Add Plugin... + - - - Editor - Play (Space) - + + Ctrl+A + - Stop (Space) - + + &Remove All + - Record - + + Enable + - Record while playing - + + Disable + - - - Effect - Effect enabled - + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - Wet/Dry mix - + + 100% Wet + - Gate - مدخل + + 0% Volume (Mute) + - Decay - + + 100% Volume + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - + + Center Balance + - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - + + &Play + - Add effect - + + Ctrl+Shift+P + - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - + + &Stop + - Plugin description - + + Ctrl+Shift+X + - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - + + &Backwards + - On/Off - + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - W/D - + + &Forwards + - Wet Level: - + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - + + &Arrange + - DECAY - DECAY + + Ctrl+G + - Time: - + + + &Refresh + - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - + + Ctrl+R + - GATE - + + Save &Image... + - Gate: - + + Auto-Fit + - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - + + Zoom In + - Controls - + + Ctrl++ + - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - + + Zoom Out + - Move &up - + + Ctrl+- + - Move &down - + + Zoom 100% + - &Remove this plugin - + + Ctrl+1 + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - + + Show &Toolbar + - Attack - + + &Configure Carla + - Hold - + + &About + - Decay - + + About &JUCE + - Sustain - + + About &Qt + - Release - + + Show Canvas &Meters + - Modulation - + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - LFO Predelay - + + Show Internal + - LFO Attack - + + Show External + - LFO speed - + + Show Time Panel + - LFO Modulation - + + Show &Side Panel + - LFO Wave Shape - + + &Connect... + - Freq x 100 - + + Compact Slots + - Modulate Env-Amount - + + Expand Slots + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoView - DEL - + + Perform secret 1 + - Predelay: - پبش تاخیر(Predelay): + + Perform secret 2 + - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - از این دستگیره برای تنظیم پیش تاخیر پاکت جاری استفاده کنید.هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد زمان بیشتری قبل از شروع واقعی پاکت طول می کشد. + + Perform secret 3 + - ATT - + + Perform secret 4 + - Attack: - تهاجم(Attack): + + Perform secret 5 + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - از این دستگیره برای تنظیم زمان تهاجم پاکت جاری استفاده کنید.هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد پاکت زمان بیشتزی برای افزایش تا سطح تهاجم نیاز دازد.مقدار کم را برای دستگاه هایی مانند پیانو و مقدار زیاد را برای زهی استفاده کنید. + + Add &JACK Application... + - HOLD - HOLD + + &Configure driver... + - Hold: - نگهداری(Hold): + + Panic + - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - از این دستگیره برای تنظیم زمان تامل پاکت جاری استفاده کنید.هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد بیشتر طول می کشد تا پاکت سطح تهاجم را قبل از کاهش یه سطح تقویت(sustain-level) نگهدارد. + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - DEC - + + Export as... + - Decay: - محو شدن(Decay): + + + + + Error + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - از این دستگیره برای تنظیم زمان محو شدن پاکت جاری استفاده کنید. هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد زمان بیشتری برای کاهش از سطح تهاجم به سطح تقویت طول کشد.مقدار کمی را برای دستگاه هایی مانند پیانو انتخاب کنید. + + Failed to load project + - SUST - + + Failed to save project + - Sustain: - تقویت(Sustain): + + Quit + - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - از این دستگیره برای تنظیم سطح تقویت(Sustain Level) پاکت جاری استفاده کنید. هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد پاکت در سطح بالاتری قبل از نزول به صفر قرار می گیرد. + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - REL - + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - Release: - رهایی(Release): + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - از این دستگیره برای تنظیم زمان رهایی پاکت جاری استفاده کنید. هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد زمان بیشتری برای کاهش از سطح تقویت به صفر طول کشد.مقدار زیاد را برای دستگاه های زهی انتخاب کنید. + + Warning + - AMT - + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + CarlaInstrumentView - Modulation amount: - میزان مدولاسیون: + + Show GUI + + + + CarlaSettingsW - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - از این دسته برای تنظیم مقدار مذولاسیون پاکت جاری استفاده کنید.هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد اندازه ی منتخب بیشتری(برای مثال حجم یا فرکانس گوشه ای) تحت تاثیر این پاکت قرار می گیرد. + + Settings + - LFO predelay: - + + main + - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - ار این دستگیره برای تنظیم زمان پیش تاخیر LFO جاری استفاده کنید.هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد زمان بیشتزی تا شروع نوسان LFO طول می کشد. + + canvas + - LFO- attack: - + + engine + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - از این دستگیره برای تنظیم زمان تهاجم LFO جاری استفاده کنید.هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد LFO زمان بیشتزی برای افزایش دامنه به مقدار ماکزیمم نیاز دازد. + + osc + - SPD - + + file-paths + - LFO speed: - + + plugin-paths + - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - از این دستگیره برای تنظیم سرعت LFO استفاده کنید. هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد LFO سریع تر نوسان می کند و جلوه ی شما سریع تر خواهد بود. + + wine + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - از این دسته برای تنظیم مقدار مذولاسیون LFO جاری استفاده کنید.هرچه این مقدار بیشتر باشد اندازه ی منتخب بیشتری(برای مثال حجم یا فرکانس گوشه ای) تحت تاثیر این LFO قرار می گیرد. + + experimental + - Click here for a sine-wave. - + + Widget + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - + + + Main + - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - + + + Canvas + - Click here for a square-wave. - + + + Engine + - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - + + File Paths + - FREQ x 100 - + + Plugin Paths + - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - + + Wine + - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - + + + Experimental + - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - + + <b>Main</b> + - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - برای اینکه میزان پاکت توسط این LFO کنترل شود اینجا را کلیک کنید. + + Paths + - control envelope-amount by this LFO - کنترل مقدار پاکت توسط این LFO + + Default project folder: + - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + Interface + - Hint - + + Interface refresh interval: + - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - + + + ms + - Click here for random wave. - + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - - - EqControls - Input gain - + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - Output gain - + + + Theme + - Low shelf gain - + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - Peak 1 gain - + + Color scheme: + - Peak 2 gain - + + Black + - Peak 3 gain - + + System + - Peak 4 gain - + + Enable experimental features + - High Shelf gain - + + <b>Canvas</b> + - HP res - + + Bezier Lines + - Low Shelf res - + + Theme: + - Peak 1 BW - + + Size: + اندازه: - Peak 2 BW - + + 775x600 + - Peak 3 BW - + + 1550x1200 + - Peak 4 BW - + + 3100x2400 + - High Shelf res - + + 4650x3600 + - LP res - + + 6200x4800 + - HP freq - + + Options + - Low Shelf freq - + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - Peak 1 freq - + + Auto-select items on hover + - Peak 2 freq - + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - Peak 3 freq - + + Render Hints + - Peak 4 freq - + + Anti-Aliasing + - High shelf freq - + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - LP freq - + + <b>Engine</b> + - HP active - + + + Core + - Low shelf active - + + Single Client + - Peak 1 active - + + Multiple Clients + - Peak 2 active - + + + Continuous Rack + - Peak 3 active - + + + Patchbay + - Peak 4 active - + + Audio driver: + - High shelf active - + + Process mode: + - LP active - + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + - LP 12 - + + Max Parameters: + - LP 24 - + + ... + - LP 48 - + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + - HP 12 - + + Plugin UIs + - HP 24 - + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + - HP 48 - + + UI Bridge Timeout: + - low pass type - + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + - high pass type - + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + - Low Shelf - + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + - Peak 1 - + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + - Peak 2 - + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + - Peak 3 - + + <b>OSC</b> + - Peak 4 - + + Enable OSC + - High Shelf - + + Enable TCP port + - LP - + + + Use specific port: + - In Gain - + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + - Gain - + + + Use randomly assigned port + - Out Gain - + + Enable UDP port + - Bandwidth: - + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - Resonance : - + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - Frequency: - + + <b>File Paths</b> + - 12dB - + + Audio + - 24dB - + + MIDI + - 48dB - + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - lp grp - + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - hp grp - + + + Add... + - - - EqParameterWidget - Hz - + + + Remove + - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - + + + Change... + - Output - + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + - File format: - + + LADSPA + - Samplerate: - + + DSSI + - 44100 Hz - + + LV2 + - 48000 Hz - + + VST2 + - 88200 Hz - + + VST3 + - 96000 Hz - + + SF2/3 + - 192000 Hz - + + SFZ + - Bitrate: - + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + - 64 KBit/s - + + <b>Wine</b> + - 128 KBit/s - + + Executable + - 160 KBit/s - + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - 192 KBit/s - + + Prefix + - 256 KBit/s - + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - 320 KBit/s - + + Fallback: + - Depth: - + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + - 16 Bit Integer - + + Realtime Priority + - 32 Bit Float - + + Base priority: + - Please note that not all of the parameters above apply for all file formats. - + + WineServer priority: + - Quality settings - + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - Interpolation: - + + <b>Experimental</b> + - Zero Order Hold - + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - Sinc Fastest - + + Enable plugin bridges + - Sinc Medium (recommended) - + + Enable Wine bridges + - Sinc Best (very slow!) - + + Enable jack applications + - Oversampling (use with care!): - + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - 1x (None) - + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - 2x - + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 4x - + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - 8x - + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - Start - + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - Cancel - لغو + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - Export as loop (remove end silence) - + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - Export between loop markers - + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - Could not open file - پرونده باز نشد + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - Export project to %1 - استخراج پرونده به %1 + + + + + Add Path + + + + CompressorControlDialog - Error - + + Threshold: + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - Rendering: %1% - + + Ratio: + - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - - - FileBrowser - Browser - + + Attack: + - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - Open in new instrument-track/Song-Editor - + + Release: + - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - Loading sample - + + Knee: + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - --- Factory files --- - + + Range: + - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - + + Maximum gain reduction + - Lfo Frequency - + + Lookahead Length: + - Seconds - + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - Regen - + + Hold: + - Noise - + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Invert - + + RMS Size: + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay - + + Size of the RMS buffer + - Delay Time: - + + Input Balance: + - Lfo Hz - + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Lfo: - + + Output Balance: + - Amt - + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Amt: - + + Stereo Balance: + - Regen - + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - Feedback Amount: - + + Stereo Link Blend: + - Noise - + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + - White Noise Amount: - + + Tilt Gain: + - - - FxLine - Channel send amount - + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - + + Tilt Frequency: + - Move &left - + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + - Move &right - + + Mix: + - Rename &channel - + + Balance between wet and dry signals + - R&emove channel - + + Auto Attack: + - Remove &unused channels - + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + - - - FxMixer - Master - + + Auto Release: + - FX %1 - + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + - - - FxMixerView - Rename FX channel - + + Output gain + افزایش خروجی - Enter the new name for this FX channel - + + + Gain + - FX-Mixer - + + Output volume + - FX Fader %1 - + + Input gain + افزایش ورودی - Mute - + + Input volume + - Mute this FX channel - + + Root Mean Square + - Solo - + + Use RMS of the input + - Solo FX channel - + + Peak + - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - + + Use absolute value of the input + - - - GigInstrument - Bank - + + Left/Right + - Patch - + + Compress left and right audio + - Gain - + + Mid/Side + - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file - + + Compress mid and side audio + - Click here to open another GIG file - + + Compressor + - Choose the patch - + + Compress the audio + - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - + + Limiter + - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - Which GIG file is currently being used - + + Unlinked + - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - + + Compress each channel separately + - Gain - + + Maximum + - Factor to multiply samples by - + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - Open GIG file - + + Average + - GIG Files (*.gig) - + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Arpeggio - آرپگیو(Arpeggio) + + Minimum + - Arpeggio type - + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - Arpeggio range - محدوده ی آرپگیو + + Blend + - Arpeggio time - زمان أرپگیو + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - Arpeggio gate - مدخل أرپگیو + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Arpeggio direction - + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - Arpeggio mode - + + + Soft Clip + - Up - + + Play the delta signal + - Down - + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - Up and down - + + Lookahead Enabled + - Random - + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + CompressorControls - Free - + + Threshold + - Sort - + + Ratio + - Sync - + + Attack + - Down and up - + + Release + انتشار - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - + + Knee + - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - + + Hold + - RANGE - + + Range + - Arpeggio range: - محدوده ی أرپگیو: + + RMS Size + - octave(s) - نت (ها) + + Mid/Side + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - + + Peak Mode + - TIME - + + Lookahead Length + - Arpeggio time: - زمان آرپگیو: + + Input Balance + - ms - م ث + + Output Balance + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - از این دستگیره برای تنظیم زمان در آرپگیو به میلی ثانیه استفاده کنید.زمان آرپگیو مشخص می کند که چه مدت هر آهنگ آرپگیو پخش شود. + + Limiter + - GATE - + + Output Gain + افزایش خروجی - Arpeggio gate: - مدخل آرپگیو: + + Input Gain + افزایش ورودی - % - % + + Blend + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - + + Stereo Balance + - Chord: - + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Direction: - جهت: + + Audition + - Mode: - + + Feedback + - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - نت + + Auto Attack + - Major - Major + + Auto Release + - Majb5 - Majb5 + + Lookahead + - minor - minor + + Tilt + - minb5 - mollb5 + + Tilt Frequency + - sus2 - sus2 + + Stereo Link + - sus4 - sus4 + + Mix + + + + Controller - aug - aug + + Controller %1 + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Connection Settings + - tri - tri + + MIDI CONTROLLER + - 6 - 6 + + Input channel + - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + CHANNEL + - 6add9 - madd9 + + Input controller + - m6 - m6 + + CONTROLLER + - m6add9 - m6add9 + + + Auto Detect + - 7 - 7 + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + USER CONTROLLER + - 7#5 - 7#5 + + MAPPING FUNCTION + - 7b5 - 7b5 + + OK + OK - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Cancel + لغو - 7b9 - 7b9 + + LMMS + LMMS - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + Cycle Detected. + + + + ControllerRackView - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Controller Rack + - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Add + - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Confirm Delete + - 7add13 - 7add13 + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + ControllerView - 7#11 - 7#11 + + Controls + - Maj7 - Maj7 + + Rename controller + - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + Enter the new name for this controller + - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + LFO + - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + &Remove this controller + - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + Re&name this controller + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - m7 - m7 + + Band 1/2 crossover: + - m7b5 - m7b5 + + Band 2/3 crossover: + - m7b9 - m7b9 + + Band 3/4 crossover: + - m7add11 - m7add11 + + Band 1 gain + - m7add13 - m7add13 + + Band 1 gain: + - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Band 2 gain + - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + Band 2 gain: + - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + Band 3 gain + - 9 - 9 + + Band 3 gain: + - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + Band 4 gain + - add9 - add9 + + Band 4 gain: + - 9#5 - 9#5 + + Band 1 mute + - 9b5 - 9b5 + + Mute band 1 + - 9#11 - 9#11 + + Band 2 mute + - 9b13 - 9b13 + + Mute band 2 + - Maj9 - Maj9 + + Band 3 mute + - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + Mute band 3 + - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + Band 4 mute + - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + Mute band 4 + + + + DelayControls - m9 - m9 + + Delay samples + - madd9 - madd9 + + Feedback + - m9b5 - m9b5 + + LFO frequency + - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + LFO amount + - 11 - 11 + + Output gain + افزایش خروجی + + + DelayControlsDialog - 11b9 - 11b9 + + DELAY + - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Delay time + - m11 - m11 + + FDBK + - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + Feedback amount + - 13 - 13 + + RATE + - 13#9 - 13#9 + + LFO frequency + - 13b9 - 13b9 + + AMNT + - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + LFO amount + - Maj13 - Maj13 + + Out gain + - m13 - m13 + + Gain + + + + Dialog - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + Add JACK Application + - Harmonic minor - Harmonic minor + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - Melodic minor - Melodic minor + + Application + - Whole tone - Whole tone + + Name: + - Diminished - Diminished + + Application: + - Major pentatonic - Major pentatonic + + From template + - Minor pentatonic - Minor pentatonic + + Custom + - Jap in sen - Jap in sen + + Template: + - Major bebop - Major bebop + + Command: + - Dominant bebop - Dominant bebop + + Setup + - Blues - Blues + + Session Manager: + - Arabic - Arabic + + None + - Enigmatic - Enigmatic + + Audio inputs: + - Neopolitan - Neopolitan + + MIDI inputs: + - Neopolitan minor - Neopolitan minor + + Audio outputs: + - Hungarian minor - Hungarian minor + + MIDI outputs: + - Dorian - Dorian + + Take control of main application window + - Phrygolydian - Phrygolydian + + Workarounds + - Lydian - Lydian + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - Mixolydian - Mixolydian + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - Aeolian - Aeolian + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - Locrian - Locrian + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - Chords - تار ها(Chords) + + Error here + - Chord type - + + Carla Control - Connect + - Chord range - محدوده ی تار + + Remote setup + - Minor - + + UDP Port: + - Chromatic - + + Remote host: + - Half-Whole Diminished - + + TCP Port: + - 5 - + + Reported host + - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE - + + Automatic + - Chord range: - محدوده ی تار ها : + + Custom: + - octave(s) - نت (ها) + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - + + Set value + - STACKING - + + TextLabel + - Chord: - + + Scale Points + - InstrumentMidiIOView + DriverSettingsW - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - + + Driver Settings + - CHANNEL - + + Device: + - VELOCITY - + + Buffer size: + - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - + + Sample rate: + - PROGRAM - + + Triple buffer + - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - + + Show Driver Control Panel + - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + DualFilterControlDialog - NOTE - + + + FREQ + - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - + + + Cutoff frequency + - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - + + + RESO + - BASE VELOCITY - + + + Resonance + - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH - + + + GAIN + - Enables the use of Master Pitch - + + + Gain + - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - VOLUME - حجم + + MIX + - Volume - + + Mix + - CUTOFF - + + Filter 1 enabled + - Cutoff frequency - + + Filter 2 enabled + - RESO - + + Enable/disable filter 1 + - Resonance - + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + DualFilterControls - Envelopes/LFOs - + + Filter 1 enabled + - Filter type - + + Filter 1 type + - Q/Resonance - Q/رزونانس + + Cutoff frequency 1 + - LowPass - پایین گذر + + Q/Resonance 1 + - HiPass - بالا گذر + + Gain 1 + - BandPass csg - میان گذر csg + + Mix + - BandPass czpg - میان گذر czpg + + Filter 2 enabled + - Notch - نچ + + Filter 2 type + - Allpass - تمام گذر + + Cutoff frequency 2 + - Moog - موگ Moog + + Q/Resonance 2 + - 2x LowPass - پایین گذر 2x + + Gain 2 + - RC LowPass 12dB - + + + Low-pass + - RC BandPass 12dB - + + + Hi-pass + - RC HighPass 12dB - + + + Band-pass csg + - RC LowPass 24dB - + + + Band-pass czpg + - RC BandPass 24dB - - - - RC HighPass 24dB - - - - Vocal Formant Filter - - - - 2x Moog - - - - SV LowPass - + + + Notch + - SV BandPass - + + + All-pass + - SV HighPass - + + + Moog + - SV Notch - + + + 2x Low-pass + - Fast Formant - + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + - Tripole - + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + - FILTER - + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + - Hz - Hz + + + Vocal Formant + - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - + + + 2x Moog + - RESO - + + + SV Low-pass + - Resonance: - + + + SV Band-pass + - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - + + + SV High-pass + - FREQ - + + + SV Notch + - cutoff frequency: - + + + Fast Formant + - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - + + + Tripole + - InstrumentTrack + Editor - unnamed_track - + + Transport controls + - Volume - + + Play (Space) + - Panning - + + Stop (Space) + - Pitch - + + Record + - FX channel - + + Record while playing + - Default preset - + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + Effect - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Mit diesem Knopf können Sie die Lautstärke des geöffneten Kanals ändern. + + Effect enabled + - Base note - + + Wet/Dry mix + - Pitch range - + + Gate + - Master Pitch - + + Decay + - InstrumentTrackView - - Volume - - + EffectChain - Volume: - + + Effects enabled + + + + EffectRackView - VOL - + + EFFECTS CHAIN + - Panning - + + Add effect + + + + EffectSelectDialog - Panning: - + + Add effect + - PAN - + + + Name + - MIDI - + + Type + - Input - + + Description + - Output - + + Author + - InstrumentTrackWindow + EffectView - GENERAL SETTINGS - + + On/Off + - Instrument volume - + + W/D + - Volume: - + + Wet Level: + - VOL - + + DECAY + - Panning - + + Time: + - Panning: - + + GATE + - PAN - + + Gate: + - Pitch - + + Controls + - Pitch: - + + Move &up + - cents - درصد + + Move &down + - PITCH - + + &Remove this plugin + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - FX channel - + + Env pre-delay + - ENV/LFO - + + Env attack + - FUNC - + + Env hold + - FX - + + Env decay + - MIDI - + + Env sustain + - Save preset - + + Env release + - XML preset file (*.xpf) - + + Env mod amount + - PLUGIN - اضافات + + LFO pre-delay + - Pitch range (semitones) - + + LFO attack + - RANGE - + + LFO frequency + - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - + + LFO frequency x 100 + - MISC - + + Modulate env amount + - Knob + EnvelopeAndLfoView - Set linear - + + + DEL + - Set logarithmic - + + + Pre-delay: + - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBV and 6.0 dBV: - + + + ATT + - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - + + + Attack: + - - - LadspaControl - Link channels - + + HOLD + - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - + + Hold: + - Channel - + + DEC + - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels - + + Decay: + - Value: - + + SUST + - Sorry, no help available. - + + Sustain: + - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - + + REL + - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - + + Release: + - - - LfoController - LFO Controller - + + + AMT + - Base value - + + + Modulation amount: + - Oscillator speed - + + SPD + - Oscillator amount - + + Frequency: + - Oscillator phase - + + FREQ x 100 + - Oscillator waveform - + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + - Frequency Multiplier - + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + - LFO Controller - + + ms/LFO: + - BASE - + + Hint + - Base amount: - + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + EqControls - todo - + + Input gain + افزایش ورودی - SPD - + + Output gain + افزایش خروجی - LFO-speed: - سرعت-LFO: + + Low-shelf gain + - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - + + Peak 1 gain + - AMT - + + Peak 2 gain + - Modulation amount: - میزان مدولاسیون: + + Peak 3 gain + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - + + Peak 4 gain + - PHS - + + High-shelf gain + - Phase offset: - + + HP res + - degrees - درجه ها + + Low-shelf res + - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - + + Peak 1 BW + - Click here for a sine-wave. - + + Peak 2 BW + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - + + Peak 3 BW + - Click here for a saw-wave. - + + Peak 4 BW + - Click here for a square-wave. - + + High-shelf res + - Click here for an exponential wave. - + + LP res + - Click here for white-noise. - + + HP freq + - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - + + Low-shelf freq + - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - + + Peak 1 freq + - - - MainWindow - Working directory - + + Peak 2 freq + - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - + + Peak 3 freq + - Could not save config-file - پرونده ی تنظیمات ذخیره نشد + + Peak 4 freq + - Could not save configuration file %1. You're probably not permitted to write to this file. -Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - + + High-shelf freq + - &New - &جدید + + LP freq + - &Open... - &باز کن... + + HP active + - &Save - &ذخیره کن + + Low-shelf active + - Save &As... - ذ&خیره به صورت... + + Peak 1 active + - Import... - + + Peak 2 active + - E&xport... - + + Peak 3 active + - &Quit - &خروج + + Peak 4 active + - &Edit - + + High-shelf active + - Settings - + + LP active + - &Tools - + + LP 12 + - &Help - &راهنما + + LP 24 + - Help - راهنما + + LP 48 + - What's this? - این چیست؟ + + HP 12 + - About - درباره + + HP 24 + - Create new project - ایجاد پروژه ی جدید + + HP 48 + - Create new project from template - + + Low-pass type + - Open existing project - باز کردن پروژه ی موجود + + High-pass type + - Recently opened projects - + + Analyse IN + - Save current project - ذخیره ی پروژه ی جاری + + Analyse OUT + + + + EqControlsDialog - Export current project - استخراج پروژه ی جاری + + HP + - Song Editor - + + Low-shelf + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - + + Peak 1 + - Beat+Bassline Editor - + + Peak 2 + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - + + Peak 3 + - Piano Roll - + + Peak 4 + - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - + + High-shelf + - Automation Editor - + + LP + - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - + + Input gain + افزایش ورودی - FX Mixer - + + + + Gain + - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - + + Output gain + افزایش خروجی - Project Notes - + + Bandwidth: + - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - + + Octave + - Controller Rack - + + Resonance : + - Untitled - + + Frequency: + - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + LP group + - Project not saved - پروژه ذخیره نشده + + HP group + + + + EqHandle - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - پروژه جاری بعد از آخرین ذخیره تغییر یافته است.آیا اکنون مایل به ذخیره ی آن هستید؟ + + Reso: + - Help not available - + + BW: + - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - + + + Freq: + + + + ExportProjectDialog - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - + + Export project + - Version %1 - + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + - Configuration file - + + Export between loop markers + - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - + + Render Looped Section: + - Volumes - + + time(s) + - Undo - + + File format settings + - Redo - + + File format: + - LMMS Project - + + Sampling rate: + - LMMS Project Template - + + 44100 Hz + - My Projects - + + 48000 Hz + - My Samples - + + 88200 Hz + - My Presets - + + 96000 Hz + - My Home - + + 192000 Hz + - My Computer - + + Bit depth: + - Root Directory - + + 16 Bit integer + - &File - + + 24 Bit integer + - &Recently Opened Projects - + + 32 Bit float + - Save as New &Version - + + Stereo mode: + - E&xport Tracks... - + + Mono + - Online Help - + + Stereo + - What's This? - + + Joint stereo + - Open Project - + + Compression level: + - Save Project - + + Bitrate: + - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator - + + 64 KBit/s + - Meter Denominator - + + 128 KBit/s + - TIME SIG - + + 160 KBit/s + - - - MeterModel - Numerator - + + 192 KBit/s + - Denominator - + + 256 KBit/s + - - - MidiAlsaRaw::setupWidget - DEVICE - + + 320 KBit/s + - - - MidiAlsaSeq - DEVICE - + + Use variable bitrate + - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - + + Quality settings + - unnamed_midi_controller - + + Interpolation: + - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - + + Zero order hold + - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - + + Sinc worst (fastest) + - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - + + Sinc medium (recommended) + - - - MidiOss::setupWidget - DEVICE - + + Sinc best (slowest) + - - - MidiPort - Input channel - + + Oversampling: + - Output channel - + + 1x (None) + - Input controller - + + 2x + - Output controller - + + 4x + - Fixed input velocity - + + 8x + - Fixed output velocity - + + Start + - Output MIDI program - + + Cancel + لغو - Receive MIDI-events - + + Could not open file + - Send MIDI-events - + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + - Fixed output note - + + Export project to %1 + - Base velocity - + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + - - - MonstroInstrument - Osc 1 Volume - + + Error + - Osc 1 Panning - + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + - Osc 1 Coarse detune - + + Rendering: %1% + + + + Fader - Osc 1 Fine detune left - + + Set value + - Osc 1 Fine detune right - + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + FileBrowser - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - + + User content + - Osc 1 Pulse width - + + Factory content + - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - + + Browser + - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - + + Search + - Osc 2 Volume - + + Refresh list + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget - Osc 2 Panning - + + Send to active instrument-track + - Osc 2 Coarse detune - + + Open containing folder + - Osc 2 Fine detune left - + + Song Editor + - Osc 2 Fine detune right - + + BB Editor + - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + - Osc 2 Waveform - + + Send to new instrument track + - Osc 2 Sync Hard - + + (%2Enter) + - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + - Osc 3 Volume - + + Loading sample + - Osc 3 Panning - + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + - Osc 3 Coarse detune - + + Error + - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - + + --- Factory files --- + + + + FlangerControls - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - + + Delay samples + - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - + + LFO frequency + - Osc 3 Sync Hard - + + Seconds + - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - + + Stereo phase + - LFO 1 Waveform - + + Regen + - LFO 1 Attack - + + Noise + - LFO 1 Rate - + + Invert + + + + FlangerControlsDialog - LFO 1 Phase - + + DELAY + - LFO 2 Waveform - + + Delay time: + - LFO 2 Attack - + + RATE + - LFO 2 Rate - + + Period: + - LFO 2 Phase - + + AMNT + - Env 1 Pre-delay - + + Amount: + - Env 1 Attack - + + PHASE + - Env 1 Hold - + + Phase: + - Env 1 Decay - + + FDBK + - Env 1 Sustain - + + Feedback amount: + - Env 1 Release - + + NOISE + - Env 1 Slope - + + White noise amount: + - Env 2 Pre-delay - + + Invert + + + + FreeBoyInstrument - Env 2 Attack - + + Sweep time + - Env 2 Hold - + + Sweep direction + - Env 2 Decay - + + Sweep rate shift amount + - Env 2 Sustain - + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + - Env 2 Release - + + Channel 1 volume + - Env 2 Slope - + + + + Volume sweep direction + - Osc2-3 modulation - + + + + Length of each step in sweep + - Selected view - + + Channel 2 volume + - Vol1-Env1 - + + Channel 3 volume + - Vol1-Env2 - + + Channel 4 volume + - Vol1-LFO1 - + + Shift Register width + - Vol1-LFO2 - + + Right output level + - Vol2-Env1 - + + Left output level + - Vol2-Env2 - + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + - Vol2-LFO1 - + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + - Vol2-LFO2 - + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + - Vol3-Env1 - + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + - Vol3-Env2 - + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + - Vol3-LFO1 - + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + - Vol3-LFO2 - + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + - Phs1-Env1 - + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + - Phs1-Env2 - + + Treble + - Phs1-LFO1 - + + Bass + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView - Phs1-LFO2 - + + Sweep time: + - Phs2-Env1 - + + Sweep time + - Phs2-Env2 - + + Sweep rate shift amount: + - Phs2-LFO1 - + + Sweep rate shift amount + - Phs2-LFO2 - + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + - Phs3-Env1 - + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + - Phs3-Env2 - + + Square channel 1 volume: + - Phs3-LFO1 - + + Square channel 1 volume + - Phs3-LFO2 - + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + - Pit1-Env1 - + + + + Length of each step in sweep + - Pit1-Env2 - + + Square channel 2 volume: + - Pit1-LFO1 - + + Square channel 2 volume + - Pit1-LFO2 - + + Wave pattern channel volume: + - Pit2-Env1 - + + Wave pattern channel volume + - Pit2-Env2 - + + Noise channel volume: + - Pit2-LFO1 - + + Noise channel volume + - Pit2-LFO2 - + + SO1 volume (Right): + - Pit3-Env1 - + + SO1 volume (Right) + - Pit3-Env2 - + + SO2 volume (Left): + - Pit3-LFO1 - + + SO2 volume (Left) + - Pit3-LFO2 - + + Treble: + - PW1-Env1 - + + Treble + - PW1-Env2 - + + Bass: + - PW1-LFO1 - + + Bass + - PW1-LFO2 - + + Sweep direction + - Sub3-Env1 - + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + - Sub3-Env2 - + + Shift register width + - Sub3-LFO1 - + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + - Sub3-LFO2 - + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + - Sine wave - + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + - Bandlimited Triangle wave - + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + - Bandlimited Saw wave - + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + - Bandlimited Ramp wave - + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + - Bandlimited Square wave - + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + - Soft square wave - + + Wave pattern graph + + + + MixerLine - Absolute sine wave - + + Channel send amount + - Exponential wave - + + Move &left + - White noise - + + Move &right + - Digital Triangle wave - + + Rename &channel + - Digital Saw wave - + + R&emove channel + - Digital Ramp wave - + + Remove &unused channels + - Digital Square wave - + + Set channel color + - Digital Moog saw wave - + + Remove channel color + - Triangle wave - + + Pick random channel color + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox - Saw wave - + + Assign to: + - Ramp wave - + + New mixer Channel + + + + Mixer - Square wave - + + Master + - Moog saw wave - + + + + Channel %1 + - Abs. sine wave - + + Volume + ولوم - Random - + + Mute + - Random smooth - + + Solo + - MonstroView + MixerView - Operators view - + + Mixer + - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - + + Fader %1 + - Matrix view - + + Mute + - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - + + Mute this mixer channel + - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - + + Solo + - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + Solo mixer channel + + + + MixerRoute - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + GigInstrument - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + Bank + - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - + + Patch + - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - + + Gain + + + + GigInstrumentView - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - + + + Open GIG file + - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - + + Choose patch + - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - + + Gain: + - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Working directory + - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - + + Preparing UI + - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - + + Preparing song editor + - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - + + Preparing mixer + - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Preparing controller rack + - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Preparing project notes + - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - + + Preparing piano roll + - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - + + Preparing automation editor + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - + + Arpeggio + - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - + + Arpeggio type + - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + Arpeggio range + - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + Note repeats + - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - + + Cycle steps + - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - + + Skip rate + - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - + + Miss rate + - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - + + Arpeggio time + - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - + + Arpeggio gate + - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - + + Arpeggio direction + - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - + + Arpeggio mode + - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - + + Up + - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - + + Down + - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - + + Up and down + - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length - + + Down and up + - Step length: - + + Random + - Dry - + + Free + - Dry Gain: - + + Sort + - Stages - + + Sync + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - Lowpass stages: - + + ARPEGGIO + - Swap inputs - + + RANGE + - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - + + Arpeggio range: + - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune - + + octave(s) + - Channel 1 Volume - + + REP + - Channel 1 Envelope length - + + Note repeats: + - Channel 1 Duty cycle - + + time(s) + - Channel 1 Sweep amount - + + CYCLE + - Channel 1 Sweep rate - + + Cycle notes: + - Channel 2 Coarse detune - + + note(s) + - Channel 2 Volume - + + SKIP + - Channel 2 Envelope length - + + Skip rate: + - Channel 2 Duty cycle - + + + + % + - Channel 2 Sweep amount - + + MISS + - Channel 2 Sweep rate - + + Miss rate: + - Channel 3 Coarse detune - + + TIME + - Channel 3 Volume - + + Arpeggio time: + - Channel 4 Volume - + + ms + - Channel 4 Envelope length - + + GATE + - Channel 4 Noise frequency - + + Arpeggio gate: + - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - + + Chord: + - Master volume - + + Direction: + - Vibrato - + + Mode: + - OscillatorObject + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - Osc %1 volume - حجم نوسان ساز %1 + + octave + - Osc %1 panning - تراز نوسان ساز %1 + + + Major + - Osc %1 coarse detuning - کوک زمختی نوسان ساز %1 + + Majb5 + - Osc %1 fine detuning left - کوک دقیق چپ نوسان ساز %1 + + minor + - Osc %1 fine detuning right - کوک دقیق راست نوسان ساز %1 + + minb5 + - Osc %1 phase-offset - انحراف فاز نوسان ساز %1 + + sus2 + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - کوک فاز استریوی نوسان ساز %1 + + sus4 + - Osc %1 wave shape - + + aug + - Modulation type %1 - + + augsus4 + - Osc %1 waveform - + + tri + - Osc %1 harmonic - + + 6 + - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - + + 6sus4 + - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - + + 6add9 + - Loop - + + m6 + - Loop mode - + + m6add9 + - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - + + 7 + - Tune - + + 7sus4 + - Tune mode - + + 7#5 + - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - + + 7b5 + - No file selected - + + 7#9 + - Open patch file - + + 7b9 + - Patch-Files (*.pat) - + + 7#5#9 + - - - PatternView - double-click to open this pattern in piano-roll -use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step - + + 7#5b9 + - Open in piano-roll - در غلتک پیانو باز کن + + 7b5b9 + - Clear all notes - پاک کردن تمامی نت ها + + 7add11 + - Reset name - باز نشانی نام + + 7add13 + - Change name - تغییر نام + + 7#11 + - Add steps - + + Maj7 + - Remove steps - + + Maj7b5 + - - - PeakController - Peak Controller - + + Maj7#5 + - Peak Controller Bug - + + Maj7#11 + - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - + + Maj7add13 + - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK - + + m7 + - LFO Controller - + + m7b5 + - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - + + m7b9 + - Base amount: - + + m7add11 + - Modulation amount: - میزان مدولاسیون: + + m7add13 + - Attack: - تهاجم(Attack): + + m-Maj7 + - Release: - رهایی(Release): + + m-Maj7add11 + - AMNT - + + m-Maj7add13 + - MULT - + + 9 + - Amount Multiplicator: - + + 9sus4 + - ATCK - + + add9 + - DCAY - + + 9#5 + - TRES - + + 9b5 + - Treshold: - + + 9#11 + - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - Base value - + + 9b13 + - Modulation amount - مقدار مدولاسیون + + Maj9 + - Mute output - + + Maj9sus4 + - Attack - + + Maj9#5 + - Release - + + Maj9#11 + - Abs Value - + + m9 + - Amount Multiplicator - + + madd9 + - Treshold - + + m9b5 + - - - PianoRoll - Piano-Roll - %1 - غلتک پیانو - %1 + + m9-Maj7 + - Piano-Roll - no pattern - غلتک پیانو - بدون الگو + + 11 + - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - لطفا یک الگو را با دوبار کلیک روی أن باز کنید! + + 11b9 + - Last note - + + Maj11 + - Note lock - + + m11 + - Note Velocity - + + m-Maj11 + - Note Panning - + + 13 + - Mark/unmark current semitone - + + 13#9 + - Mark current scale - + + 13b9 + - Mark current chord - + + 13b5b9 + - Unmark all - + + Maj13 + - No scale - + + m13 + - No chord - + + m-Maj13 + - Velocity: %1% - + + Harmonic minor + - Panning: %1% left - + + Melodic minor + - Panning: %1% right - + + Whole tone + - Panning: center - + + Diminished + - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - + + Major pentatonic + - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - پخش/مکث الگوی جاری (فاصله) + + Minor pentatonic + - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - + + Jap in sen + - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - + + Major bebop + - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - توقف پخش الگوی جاری (فاصله) + + Dominant bebop + - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - + + Blues + - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - + + Arabic + - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - + + Enigmatic + - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - + + Neopolitan + - Draw mode (Shift+D) - + + Neopolitan minor + - Erase mode (Shift+E) - + + Hungarian minor + - Select mode (Shift+S) - + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + - Detune mode (Shift+T) - + + Mixolydian + - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - + + Aeolian + - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Locrian + - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - + + Minor + - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Chromatic + - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - برش نت های انتخاب شده(Ctrl+X) + + Half-Whole Diminished + - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - کپی نت های انتخاب شده(Ctrl+C) + + 5 + - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - چسباندن نت ها از حافظه ی موقت(Ctrl+V) + + Phrygian dominant + - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - + + Persian + - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - + + Chords + - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - + + Chord type + - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - + + Chord range + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - + + STACKING + - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - + + Chord: + - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - + + RANGE + - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - + + Chord range: + - - - PianoView - Base note - + + octave(s) + - Plugin + InstrumentMidiIOView - Plugin not found - + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + - Error while loading plugin - در بارگذاری اضافات اشتباه رخ داد + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - - - - - PluginBrowser - - Instrument plugins - - - - Instrument browser - - - - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - - - - - ProjectNotes - - Project notes - یادداشت های پروژه + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - Put down your project notes here. - یادداشت های پروژه ی خود را اینجا قرار دهید. + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - Edit Actions - ویرایش کنش ها + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + - &Undo - &واچینی + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + - %1+Z - %1+Z + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + - &Redo - &بازچینی + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + - %1+Y - %1+Y + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + InstrumentMiscView - &Copy - &کپی + + MASTER PITCH + - %1+C - %1+C + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping - Cu&t - &برش + + VOLUME + - %1+X - %1+X + + Volume + ولوم - &Paste - &چسباندن + + CUTOFF + - %1+V - %1+V + + + Cutoff frequency + - Format Actions - قالب بندی کنش ها + + RESO + - &Bold - &برجسته + + Resonance + - %1+B - %1+B + + Envelopes/LFOs + - &Italic - &خوابیده + + Filter type + - %1+I - %1+I + + Q/Resonance + - &Underline - &زیرخط + + Low-pass + - %1+U - %1+U + + Hi-pass + - &Left - &چپ + + Band-pass csg + - %1+L - %1+L + + Band-pass czpg + - C&enter - &مرکز + + Notch + - %1+E - %1+E + + All-pass + - &Right - &راست + + Moog + - %1+R - %1+R + + 2x Low-pass + - &Justify - &تراز + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + - %1+J - %1+J + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + - &Color... - &رنگ... + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) - + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - پرونده ی OGG فشرده شده(*.ogg) + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + - - - QObject - C - Note name - + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + - Db - Note name - + + Vocal Formant + - C# - Note name - + + 2x Moog + - D - Note name - + + SV Low-pass + - Eb - Note name - + + SV Band-pass + - D# - Note name - + + SV High-pass + - E - Note name - + + SV Notch + - Fb - Note name - + + Fast Formant + - Gb - Note name - + + Tripole + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView - F# - Note name - + + TARGET + - G - Note name - + + FILTER + - Ab - Note name - + + FREQ + - G# - Note name - + + Cutoff frequency: + - A - Note name - + + Hz + - Bb - Note name - + + Q/RESO + - A# - Note name - + + Q/Resonance: + - B - Note name - + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + - QWidget + InstrumentTrack - Name: - + + + unnamed_track + - Maker: - + + Base note + - Copyright: - + + First note + - Requires Real Time: - + + Last note + - Yes - + + Volume + ولوم - No - + + Panning + Panning - Real Time Capable: - + + Pitch + - In Place Broken: - + + Pitch range + - Channels In: - + + Mixer channel + - Channels Out: - + + Master pitch + - File: - + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + - File: %1 - + + CC Controller %1 + - - - RenameDialog - Rename... - تغییر نام... + + + Default preset + - SampleBuffer + InstrumentTrackView - Open audio file - باز کردن پرونده ی صوتی + + Volume + ولوم - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Wave- پرونده های(*.wav) + + Volume: + Volume: - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - OGG-پرونده های (*.ogg) + + VOL + VOL - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - + + Panning + Panning - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - + + Panning: + Panning: - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - + + PAN + PAN - VOC-Files (*.voc) - VOC-پرونده های (*.voc) + + MIDI + - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - AIFF-پرونده های (*.aif *.aiff) + + Input + ورودی - AU-Files (*.au) - AU-پرونده های (*.au) + + Output + خروجی - RAW-Files (*.raw) - RAW-پرونده های (*.raw) + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - + + Channel %1: %2 + - SampleTCOView + InstrumentTrackWindow - double-click to select sample - برای انتخاب نمونه دوبار کلیک کنید + + GENERAL SETTINGS + - Delete (middle mousebutton) - + + Volume + ولوم - Cut - برش + + Volume: + Volume: - Copy - کپی + + VOL + VOL - Paste - چسباندن + + Panning + Panning - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - + + Panning: + Panning: - Set/clear record - + + PAN + PAN - - - SampleTrack - Sample track - تراک نمونه + + Pitch + - Volume - + + Pitch: + - Panning - + + cents + - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - + + PITCH + - Channel volume: - حجم کانال: + + Pitch range (semitones) + - VOL - + + RANGE + - Panning - + + Mixer channel + - Panning: - + + CHANNEL + - PAN - + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + - - - SetupDialog - Setup LMMS - برپایی LMMS + + SAVE + - General settings - + + Envelope, filter & LFO + - BUFFER SIZE - + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + - Reset to default-value - + + Effects + - MISC - + + MIDI + - Enable tooltips - + + Miscellaneous + - Show restart warning after changing settings - + + Save preset + - Display volume as dBV - + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + - Compress project files per default - + + Plugin + + + + JackApplicationW - One instrument track window mode - + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + - HQ-mode for output audio-device - + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + - Compact track buttons - + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + JuceAboutW - Sync VST plugins to host playback - + + About JUCE + - Enable note labels in piano roll - + + <b>About JUCE</b> + - Enable waveform display by default - + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + - Keep effects running even without input - + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + - Create backup file when saving a project - + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + Knob - LANGUAGE - + + Set linear + - Paths - + + Set logarithmic + - LMMS working directory - + + + Set value + - VST-plugin directory - + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + - Artwork directory - + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + LadspaControl - Background artwork - + + Link channels + + + + LadspaControlDialog - FL Studio installation directory - + + Link Channels + - LADSPA plugin paths - + + Channel + + + + LadspaControlView - STK rawwave directory - + + Link channels + - Default Soundfont File - + + Value: + + + + LadspaEffect - Performance settings - + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - UI effects vs. performance - + + Set value + - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + LcdSpinBox - Enable auto save feature - + + Set value + - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + LeftRightNav - Audio settings - + + + + Previous + - AUDIO INTERFACE - + + + + Next + - MIDI settings - + + Previous (%1) + - MIDI INTERFACE - + + Next (%1) + + + + LfoController - OK - + + LFO Controller + - Cancel - لغو + + Base value + - Restart LMMS - + + Oscillator speed + - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - + + Oscillator amount + - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - + + Oscillator phase + - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - + + Oscillator waveform + - Choose LMMS working directory - + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + LfoControllerDialog - Choose your VST-plugin directory - + + LFO + - Choose artwork-theme directory - + + BASE + - Choose FL Studio installation directory - + + Base: + - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - + + FREQ + - Choose STK rawwave directory - + + LFO frequency: + - Choose default SoundFont - + + AMNT + - Choose background artwork - + + Modulation amount: + - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - + + PHS + - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - + + Phase offset: + - - - Song - Tempo - + + degrees + - Master volume - + + Sine wave + - Master pitch - + + Triangle wave + - Project saved - + + Saw wave + - The project %1 is now saved. - + + Square wave + - Project NOT saved. - پروژه ذخیره نشد. + + Moog saw wave + - The project %1 was not saved! - + + Exponential wave + - Import file - وارد کردن پرونده + + White noise + - MIDI sequences - + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + - FL Studio projects - + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + - Hydrogen projects - + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + - All file types - + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + Engine - Empty project - + + Generating wavetables + - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - + + Initializing data structures + - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - + + Opening audio and midi devices + - untitled - بدون نام + + Launching mixer threads + + + + MainWindow - Select file for project-export... - پرونده را برای استخراج پروژه مشخص کنید... + + Configuration file + - The following errors occured while loading: - + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + - - - SongEditor + Could not open file - پرونده باز نشد + - Could not write file - پرونده نوشته نشد + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - + + Project recovery + - Error in file - + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - + + + Recover + - Tempo - + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + - TEMPO/BPM - + + + Discard + - tempo of song - گام ترانه(tempo) + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - + + Version %1 + - High quality mode - + + Preparing plugin browser + - Master volume - + + Preparing file browsers + - master volume - + + My Projects + - Master pitch - + + My Samples + - master pitch - دانگ صدا(Pitch) + + My Presets + - Value: %1% - + + My Home + - Value: %1 semitones - + + Root directory + - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - + + Volumes + - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - ویرایشگر ترانه + + My Computer + - Play song (Space) - پخش ترانه(فاصله) + + &File + - Record samples from Audio-device - + + &New + - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - + + &Open... + - Stop song (Space) - توقف ترانه (فاصله) + + Loading background picture + - Add beat/bassline - اضافه ی خط بم/تپش (beat/baseline) + + &Save + - Add sample-track - اضافه ی باریکه ی نمونه + + Save &As... + - Add automation-track - + + Save as New &Version + - Draw mode - + + Save as default template + - Edit mode (select and move) - + + Import... + - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - اگر می خواهید تمام ترانه ی خود را پخش کنید اینجا را کلیک کنید.پخش از محل سازنده ی موقعیت شروع خواهد شد(سبز).همچنین می توانید در حال پخش آن را جابجا کنید. + + E&xport... + - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - اگر می خواهید پخش ترانه ی خود را متوقف کنید اینجا را کلیک کنید.سازنده موقعیت ترانه به شروع ترانه تنظیم خواهد شد. + + E&xport Tracks... + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - + + Export &MIDI... + - Linear Y axis - + + &Quit + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum - + + &Edit + - Linear Y axis - + + Undo + - Channel mode - + + Redo + - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 - + + Settings + - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - + + &View + - No Sync - + + &Tools + - Eight beats - + + &Help + - Whole note - + + Online Help + - Half note - + + Help + - Quarter note - + + About + درباره - 8th note - + + Create new project + - 16th note - + + Create new project from template + - 32nd note - + + Open existing project + - Custom... - + + Recently opened projects + - Custom - + + Save current project + - Synced to Eight Beats - + + Export current project + - Synced to Whole Note - + + Metronome + - Synced to Half Note - + + + Song Editor + - Synced to Quarter Note - + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + - Synced to 8th Note - + + + Piano Roll + - Synced to 16th Note - + + + Automation Editor + - Synced to 32nd Note - + + + Mixer + - - - TimeDisplayWidget - click to change time units - + + Show/hide controller rack + - - - TimeLineWidget - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - + + Show/hide project notes + - Enable/disable loop-points - + + Untitled + - After stopping go back to begin - + + Recover session. Please save your work! + - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - + + LMMS %1 + - After stopping keep position - + + Recovered project not saved + - Hint - + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - + + Project not saved + - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + - - - Track - Mute - + + Open Project + - Solo - + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file - + + Save Project + - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - + + LMMS Project + - Couldn't open file - + + LMMS Project Template + - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - + + Save project template + - Loading project... - بارگذاری پروژه... + + Overwrite default template? + - Cancel - لغو + + This will overwrite your current default template. + - Please wait... - لطفا صبر کنید... + + Help not available + - Importing MIDI-file... - وارد کردن پرونده ی MIDI... + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + - Importing FLP-file... - + + Controller Rack + - - - TrackContentObject - Muted - + + Project Notes + یادداشت پروژه - - - TrackContentObjectView - Current position - + + Fullscreen + - Hint - + + Volume as dBFS + - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - + + Smooth scroll + - Current length - + + Enable note labels in piano roll + - Press <%1> for free resizing. - + + MIDI File (*.mid) + - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - + + + untitled + - Delete (middle mousebutton) - + + + Select file for project-export... + - Cut - برش + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + - Copy - کپی + + Save project + ذخیره پروژه - Paste - چسباندن + + Project saved + پروژه ذخیره شد - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - + + The project %1 is now saved. + - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - + + Project NOT saved. + پروژه ذخیره نشد. - Actions for this track - + + The project %1 was not saved! + - Mute - + + Import file + - Solo - + + MIDI sequences + - Mute this track - + + Hydrogen projects + - Clone this track - تکثیر این تراک + + All file types + + + + MeterDialog - Remove this track - + + + Meter Numerator + - Clear this track - + + Meter numerator + - FX %1: %2 - + + + Meter Denominator + - Turn all recording on - + + Meter denominator + - Turn all recording off - + + TIME SIG + - TripleOscillatorView + MeterModel - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + Numerator + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + Denominator + + + + MidiCCRackView - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + MIDI CC Knobs: + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + CC %1 + + + + MidiController - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + MIDI Controller + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + MidiImport - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - + + + Setup incomplete + - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + - Osc %1 volume: - حجم نوسان ساز %1: + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - با این دستگیره می توانید حجم نوسان ساز %1 را تنظیم کنید.هنگام تنظیم به ۰ ,نوسان ساز خاموش است.در غیر این صورت همان قدر که تنظیم کنید صدای نوسان سار را بلند خواهید شنید. + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + - Osc %1 panning: - تراز نوسان ساز %1: + + Numerator + - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - با این دستگیره می توانید تراز نوسان ساز %1 را تنظیم کنید.مقدار ۱۰۰- یعنی ۱۰۰٪ چپ و مقدار ۱۰۰ خروجی نوسان ساز را به راست منتقل می کند. + + Denominator + - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - کوک زمختی نوسان ساز %1: + + Track + + + + MidiJack - semitones - + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - با این دستگیره می توانید کوک زمختی نوسان ساز %1 را تنظیم کنید.شما می توانید کوک نوسان ساز را در ۱۲ نیم صدا (۱ نت) بالا یا پایین کنید. این برای ایجاد صدا به همراه زه (Chord) مفید خواهد بود. + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + MidiPatternW - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - کوک دقیق چپ نوسان ساز %1: + + MIDI Pattern + - cents - درصد + + Time Signature: + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - با این دستگیره می توانید کانال چپ نوسان ساز %1 را کوک دقیق کنید.کوک دقیق بین ۱۰۰- در صد و ۱۰۰ در صد محدود شده است.این برای ایجاد صدا های چاق (fat) مفید است. + + + + 1/4 + - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - کوک دقیق راست نوسان ساز %1: + + 2/4 + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - با این دستگیره می توانید کانال راست نوسان ساز %1 را کوک دقیق کنید.کوک دقیق بین ۱۰۰- در صد و ۱۰۰ در صد محدود شده است.این برای ایجاد صدا های چاق (fat) مفید است. + + 3/4 + - Osc %1 phase-offset: - انحراف فاز نوسان ساز %1: + + 4/4 + - degrees - درجه ها + + 5/4 + - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - با این دستگیره می توانید انحراف فاز نوسان ساز %1 را تنظیم کنید.این یعنی اینکه شما می توانید نقطه ی شروع نوسان نوسان ساز را جابجا کنید.برای مثال اگر یک موج سینوسی و انحراف فاز ۱۸۰ داشته باشید, موج در ابتدا به پایین می رود.برای موج مربعی نیز شبیه همین است. + + 6/4 + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - کوک فاز استریوی نوسان ساز %1: + + Measures: + - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - + + + + 1 + - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - + + 2 + - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - + + 3 + - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - + + 4 + - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - + + 5 + - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - + + 6 + - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - + + 7 + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - + + 8 + - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - + + 9 + - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number - + + 10 + - Decrement version number - + + 11 + - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - + + 12 + - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - + + 13 + - Show/hide GUI - + + 14 + - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - + + 15 + - Turn off all notes - + + 16 + - Open VST-plugin - + + Default Length: + - DLL-files (*.dll) - + + + 1/16 + - EXE-files (*.exe) - + + + 1/15 + - No VST-plugin loaded - + + + 1/12 + - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - + + + 1/9 + - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - + + + 1/8 + - Open VST-plugin preset - + + + 1/6 + - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - + + + 1/3 + - Previous (-) - + + + 1/2 + - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - + + Quantize: + - Save preset - + + &File + - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - + + &Edit + - Next (+) - + + &Quit + - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - + + &Insert Mode + - Preset - + + F + - by - + + &Velocity Mode + - - VST plugin control - + + D + - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - برای فعال / غیرفعال کردن تصور خروجی اصلی کلیک کنید + + Select All + - Click to enable - + + A + - VstEffectControlDialog - - Show/hide - - + MidiPort - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - + + Input channel + - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - + + Output channel + - Open VST-plugin preset - + + Input controller + - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - + + Output controller + - Previous (-) - + + Fixed input velocity + - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - + + Fixed output velocity + - Next (+) - + + Fixed output note + - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - + + Output MIDI program + - Save preset - + + Base velocity + - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - + + Receive MIDI-events + - Effect by: - + + Send MIDI-events + + + + MidiSetupWidget - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - + + Device + - VstPlugin + MonstroInstrument - Loading plugin - + + Osc 1 volume + - Open Preset - + + Osc 1 panning + - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - + + Osc 1 coarse detune + - : default - + + Osc 1 fine detune left + - " - + + Osc 1 fine detune right + - ' - + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + - Save Preset - + + Osc 1 pulse width + - .fxp - + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + - .FXP - + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + - .FXB - + + Osc 2 volume + - .fxb - + + Osc 2 panning + - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - + + Osc 2 coarse detune + - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - + + Osc 2 fine detune left + - - - WatsynInstrument - Volume A1 - + + Osc 2 fine detune right + - Volume A2 - + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + - Volume B1 - + + Osc 2 waveform + - Volume B2 - + + Osc 2 sync hard + - Panning A1 - + + Osc 2 sync reverse + - Panning A2 - + + Osc 3 volume + - Panning B1 - + + Osc 3 panning + - Panning B2 - + + Osc 3 coarse detune + - Freq. multiplier A1 - + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + - Freq. multiplier A2 - + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + - Freq. multiplier B1 - + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + - Freq. multiplier B2 - + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + - Left detune A1 - + + Osc 3 sync hard + - Left detune A2 - + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + - Left detune B1 - + + LFO 1 waveform + - Left detune B2 - + + LFO 1 attack + - Right detune A1 - + + LFO 1 rate + - Right detune A2 - + + LFO 1 phase + - Right detune B1 - + + LFO 2 waveform + - Right detune B2 - + + LFO 2 attack + - A-B Mix - + + LFO 2 rate + - A-B Mix envelope amount - + + LFO 2 phase + - A-B Mix envelope attack - + + Env 1 pre-delay + - A-B Mix envelope hold - + + Env 1 attack + - A-B Mix envelope decay - + + Env 1 hold + - A1-B2 Crosstalk - + + Env 1 decay + - A2-A1 modulation - + + Env 1 sustain + - B2-B1 modulation - + + Env 1 release + - Selected graph - + + Env 1 slope + - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 - + + Env 2 pre-delay + - Select oscillator A2 - + + Env 2 attack + - Select oscillator B1 - + + Env 2 hold + - Select oscillator B2 - + + Env 2 decay + - Mix output of A2 to A1 - + + Env 2 sustain + - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - + + Env 2 release + - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - + + Env 2 slope + - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - + + Osc 2+3 modulation + - Mix output of B2 to B1 - + + Selected view + - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + - Load waveform - + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + - Phase left - + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + - Phase right - + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + - Normalize - + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + - Click to normalize - + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + - Invert - + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + - Click to invert - + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + - Smooth - + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + - Click to smooth - + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + - Sine wave - + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + - Click for sine wave - + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + - Triangle wave - + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + - Click for triangle wave - + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + - Click for saw wave - + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + - Square wave - + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + - Click for square wave - + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + - - - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Portamento - + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + - Filter Frequency - + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + - Filter Resonance - + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + - Bandwidth - + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + - FM Gain - + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + - Resonance Center Frequency - + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + - Resonance Bandwidth - + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + - - - ZynAddSubFxView - Show GUI - + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + - Portamento: - + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + - PORT - + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + - Filter Frequency: - + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + - FREQ - + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + - Filter Resonance: - + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + - RES - + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + - Bandwidth: - + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + - BW - + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + - FM Gain: - + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + - FM GAIN - + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + - Resonance center frequency: - + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + - RES CF - + + + Sine wave + - Resonance bandwidth: - + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + - RES BW - + + Bandlimited Saw wave + - Forward MIDI Control Changes - + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + - - - audioFileProcessor - Amplify - تقویت + + Bandlimited Square wave + - Start of sample - شروع نمونه + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + - End of sample - پایان نمونه + + + Soft square wave + - Reverse sample - + + Absolute sine wave + - Stutter - + + + Exponential wave + - Loopback point - + + White noise + - Loop mode - + + Digital Triangle wave + - Interpolation mode - + + Digital Saw wave + - None - + + Digital Ramp wave + - Linear - + + Digital Square wave + - Sinc - + + Digital Moog saw wave + - Sample not found: %1 - + + Triangle wave + - - - bitInvader - Samplelength - + + Saw wave + - - - bitInvaderView - Sample Length - + + Ramp wave + - Sine wave - + + Square wave + - Triangle wave - + + Moog saw wave + - Saw wave - + + Abs. sine wave + - Square wave - + + Random + - White noise wave - + + Random smooth + + + + MonstroView - User defined wave - + + Operators view + - Smooth - + + Matrix view + - Click here to smooth waveform. - + + + + Volume + ولوم - Interpolation - + + + + Panning + Panning - Normalize - + + + + Coarse detune + - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - + + + + semitones + - Click for a sine-wave. - + + + Fine tune left + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - + + + + + cents + - Click here for a saw-wave. - + + + Fine tune right + - Click here for a square-wave. - + + + + Stereo phase offset + - Click here for white-noise. - + + + + + + deg + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - + + Pulse width + - - - dynProcControlDialog - INPUT - + + Send sync on pulse rise + - Input gain: - + + Send sync on pulse fall + - OUTPUT - + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + - Output gain: - + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + - ATTACK - + + Sub-osc mix + - Peak attack time: - + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + - RELEASE - + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + - Peak release time: - + + + + + Attack + - Reset waveform - + + + Rate + - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - + + + Phase + - Smooth waveform - + + + Pre-delay + - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - + + + Hold + - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Decay + - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Sustain + - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Release + انتشار + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + Length + - Stereomode Maximum - + + Step length: + - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - + + Dry + - Stereomode Average - + + Dry gain: + - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - + + Stages + - Stereomode Unlinked - + + Low-pass stages: + - Process each stereo channel independently - + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + - dynProcControls + NesInstrument - Input gain - + + Channel 1 coarse detune + - Output gain - + + Channel 1 volume + - Attack time - + + Channel 1 envelope length + - Release time - + + Channel 1 duty cycle + - Stereo mode - + + Channel 1 sweep amount + - - - graphModel - Graph - + + Channel 1 sweep rate + - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency - + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + - End frequency - + + Channel 2 Volume + - Gain - + + Channel 2 envelope length + - Length - + + Channel 2 duty cycle + - Distortion Start - + + Channel 2 sweep amount + - Distortion End - + + Channel 2 sweep rate + - Envelope Slope - + + Channel 3 coarse detune + - Noise - + + Channel 3 volume + - Click - + + Channel 4 volume + - Frequency Slope - + + Channel 4 envelope length + - Start from note - + + Channel 4 noise frequency + - End to note - + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + - kickerInstrumentView + NesInstrumentView - Start frequency: - + + + + + Volume + ولوم - End frequency: - + + + + Coarse detune + - Gain: - + + + + Envelope length + - Frequency Slope: - + + Enable channel 1 + - Envelope Length: - + + Enable envelope 1 + - Envelope Slope: - + + Enable envelope 1 loop + - Click: - + + Enable sweep 1 + - Noise: - + + + Sweep amount + - Distortion Start: - + + + Sweep rate + - Distortion End: - + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + - - - ladspaBrowserView - Available Effects - + + + 25% Duty cycle + - Unavailable Effects - + + + 50% Duty cycle + - Instruments - + + + 75% Duty cycle + - Analysis Tools - + + Enable channel 2 + - Don't know - + + Enable envelope 2 + - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - + + Enable envelope 2 loop + - Type: - نوع: + + Enable sweep 2 + - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - + + Enable channel 3 + - Description - + + Noise Frequency + + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + - ladspaPortDialog + OpulenzInstrument - Ports - + + Patch + - Name - + + Op 1 attack + - Rate - + + Op 1 decay + - Direction - + + Op 1 sustain + - Type - + + Op 1 release + - Min < Default < Max - + + Op 1 level + - Logarithmic - + + Op 1 level scaling + - SR Dependent - + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + - Audio - + + Op 1 feedback + - Control - + + Op 1 key scaling rate + - Input - + + Op 1 percussive envelope + - Output - + + Op 1 tremolo + - Toggled - + + Op 1 vibrato + - Integer - + + Op 1 waveform + - Float - + + Op 2 attack + - Yes - + + Op 2 decay + - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - + + Op 2 sustain + - VCF Resonance - + + Op 2 release + - VCF Envelope Mod - + + Op 2 level + - VCF Envelope Decay - + + Op 2 level scaling + - Distortion - + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + - Waveform - + + Op 2 key scaling rate + - Slide Decay - + + Op 2 percussive envelope + - Slide - + + Op 2 tremolo + - Accent - + + Op 2 vibrato + - Dead - + + Op 2 waveform + - 24dB/oct Filter - + + FM + + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + - lb302SynthView + OpulenzInstrumentView - Cutoff Freq: - + + + Attack + - Resonance: - + + + Decay + - Env Mod: - + + + Release + انتشار - Decay: - محو شدن(Decay): + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + OscillatorObject - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - + + Osc %1 waveform + - Slide Decay: - + + Osc %1 harmonic + - DIST: - + + + Osc %1 volume + - Saw wave - + + + Osc %1 panning + - Click here for a saw-wave. - + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + - Triangle wave - + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + - Square wave - + + Osc %1 phase-offset + - Click here for a square-wave. - + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + - Rounded square wave - + + Osc %1 wave shape + - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - + + Modulation type %1 + + + + Oscilloscope - Moog wave - + + Oscilloscope + - Click here for a moog-like wave. - + + Click to enable + + + + PatchesDialog - Sine wave - + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - Click for a sine-wave. - + + Bank selector + - White noise wave - + + Bank + - Click here for an exponential wave. - + + Program selector + - Click here for white-noise. - + + Patch + - Bandlimited saw wave - + + Name + - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - + + OK + OK - Bandlimited square wave - + + Cancel + لغو + + + PatmanView - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - + + Open patch + - Bandlimited triangle wave - + + Loop + - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - + + Loop mode + - Bandlimited moog saw wave - + + Tune + - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + + + + + Open patch file + + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + - lb303Synth + MidiClipView - VCF Cutoff Frequency - + + Open in piano-roll + - VCF Resonance - + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + - VCF Envelope Mod - + + Clear all notes + - VCF Envelope Decay - + + Reset name + - Distortion - + + Change name + - Waveform - + + Add steps + - Slide Decay - + + Remove steps + - Slide - + + Clone Steps + + + + PeakController - Accent - + + Peak Controller + - Dead - + + Peak Controller Bug + - 24dB/oct Filter - + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + - lb303SynthView + PeakControllerDialog - Cutoff Freq: - + + PEAK + - CUT - + + LFO Controller + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - Resonance: - + + BASE + - RES - + + Base: + - Env Mod: - + + AMNT + - ENV MOD - + + Modulation amount: + - Decay: - محو شدن(Decay): + + MULT + - DEC - + + Amount multiplicator: + - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - + + ATCK + - Slide Decay: - + + Attack: + - SLIDE - + + DCAY + - DIST: - + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + - DIST - + + Treshold: + - WAVE: - + + Mute output + - WAVE - + + Absolute value + - malletsInstrument + PeakControllerEffectControls - Hardness - + + Base value + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + انتشار + + + + Treshold + آستانه + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + + + + + Note Panning + + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + + + + + Effects + + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + لغو + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + یادداشت پروژه + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + &Undo + + + + %1+Z + %1+Z + + + + &Redo + &Redo + + + + %1+Y + %1+Y + + + + &Copy + &کپی + + + + %1+C + %1+C + + + + Cu&t + Cu&t + + + + %1+X + %1+X + + + + &Paste + &چسباندن + + + + %1+V + %1+V + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + &Bold + + + + %1+B + %1+B + + + + &Italic + &Italic + + + + %1+I + %1+I + + + + &Underline + &Underline + + + + %1+U + %1+U + + + + &Left + &چپ + + + + %1+L + %1+L + + + + C&enter + C&enter + + + + %1+E + %1+E + + + + &Right + &راست + + + + %1+R + %1+R + + + + &Justify + &Justify + + + + %1+J + %1+J + + + + &Color... + &رنگ... + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + Help + + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + نام: + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + سازنده: + + + + + + Copyright: + حق چاپ: + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + بله + + + + + + + + + No + نه + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + فایل: %1 + + + + File: + فایل: + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + تغییر نام... + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + ورودی + + + + Input gain: + افزایش ورودی: + + + + Size + اندازه + + + + Size: + اندازه: + + + + Color + رنگ + + + + Color: + رنگ: + + + + Output + خروجی + + + + Output gain: + افزایش خروجی: + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + افزایش ورودی + + + + Size + اندازه + + + + Color + رنگ + + + + Output gain + افزایش خروجی + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + شکست برای باز کردن فایل + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + برش + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + کپی + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + چسباندن + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + ولوم + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + تراک نمونه + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + ولوم تراک + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + ولوم: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + باشه + + + + Cancel + لغو + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + دقایق + + + + minute + دقیقه + + + + Disabled + غیرفعال + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + ولوم + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + ولوم: + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Noise + + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + آزمایش + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + قالب + + + + project + پروژه + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + لغو + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + برش + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + کپی + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + چسباندن + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + چسباندن + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + + + + + .FXP + + + + + .FXB + + + + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + + + + + Volume A2 + + + + + Volume B1 + + + + + Volume B2 + + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + ولوم + + + + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + + + + + + Invert + + + + + + Smooth + صاف - Position - + + + Sine wave + - Vibrato Gain - + + + + Triangle wave + - Vibrato Freq - + + Saw wave + - Stick Mix - + + + Square wave + + + + Xpressive - Modulator - + + Selected graph + - Crossfade - + + A1 + - LFO Speed - + + A2 + - LFO Depth - + + A3 + - ADSR - + + W1 smoothing + - Pressure - + + W2 smoothing + - Motion - + + W3 smoothing + - Speed - + + Panning 1 + - Bowed - + + Panning 2 + - Spread - + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - Marimba - + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + - Vibraphone - + + Select oscillator W1 + - Agogo - + + Select oscillator W2 + - Wood1 - + + Select oscillator W3 + - Reso - + + Select output O1 + - Wood2 - + + Select output O2 + - Beats - + + Open help window + - Two Fixed - + + + Sine wave + - Clump - + + + Moog-saw wave + - Tubular Bells - + + + Exponential wave + - Uniform Bar - + + + Saw wave + - Tuned Bar - + + + User-defined wave + - Glass - + + + Triangle wave + - Tibetan Bowl - + + + Square wave + - Missing files - + + + White noise + - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - + + WaveInterpolate + - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument - + + ExpressionValid + - Spread - + + General purpose 1: + - Spread: - + + General purpose 2: + - Hardness - + + General purpose 3: + - Hardness: - + + O1 panning: + - Position - + + O2 panning: + - Position: - + + Release transition: + - Vib Gain - + + Smoothness + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Vib Gain: - + + Portamento + - Vib Freq - + + Filter frequency + - Vib Freq: - + + Filter resonance + - Stick Mix - + + Bandwidth + - Stick Mix: - + + FM gain + - Modulator - + + Resonance center frequency + - Modulator: - + + Resonance bandwidth + - Crossfade - + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Crossfade: - + + Portamento: + - LFO Speed - + + PORT + - LFO Speed: - + + Filter frequency: + - LFO Depth - + + FREQ + - LFO Depth: - + + Filter resonance: + - ADSR - + + RES + - ADSR: - + + Bandwidth: + - Bowed - + + BW + - Pressure - + + FM gain: + - Pressure: - + + FM GAIN + - Motion - + + Resonance center frequency: + - Motion: - + + RES CF + - Speed - + + Resonance bandwidth: + - Speed: - + + RES BW + - Vibrato - + + Forward MIDI control changes + - Vibrato: - + + Show GUI + - manageVSTEffectView + AudioFileProcessor - - VST parameter control - - - - VST Sync - + + Amplify + - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - + + Start of sample + - Automated - + + End of sample + - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - + + Loopback point + - Close - + + Reverse sample + - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - + + Loop mode + - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - + + Stutter + - VST Sync - + + Interpolation mode + - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - + + None + - Automated - + + Linear + - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - + + Sinc + - Close - + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - + + Sample length + - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - + + Sample length + - Op 1 Attack - + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + - Op 1 Decay - + + + Sine wave + - Op 1 Sustain - + + + Triangle wave + - Op 1 Release - + + + Saw wave + - Op 1 Level - + + + Square wave + - Op 1 Level Scaling - + + + White noise + - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - + + + User-defined wave + - Op 1 Feedback - + + + Smooth waveform + - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - + + Interpolation + - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - + + Normalize + + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo - + + INPUT + ورودی - Op 1 Vibrato - + + Input gain: + افزایش ورودی: - Op 1 Waveform - + + OUTPUT + خروجی - Op 2 Attack - + + Output gain: + افزایش خروجی: - Op 2 Decay - + + ATTACK + - Op 2 Sustain - + + Peak attack time: + - Op 2 Release - + + RELEASE + - Op 2 Level - + + Peak release time: + - Op 2 Level Scaling - + + + Reset wavegraph + - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Op 2 Tremolo - + + Stereo mode: maximum + - Op 2 Vibrato - + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + - Op 2 Waveform - + + Stereo mode: average + - FM - + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + - Vibrato Depth - + + Stereo mode: unlinked + - Tremolo Depth - + + Process each stereo channel independently + - organicInstrument - - Distortion - - + DynProcControls - Volume - + + Input gain + افزایش ورودی - - - organicInstrumentView - Distortion: - + + Output gain + افزایش خروجی - Volume: - + + Attack time + - Randomise - + + Release time + - Osc %1 waveform: - + + Stereo mode + + + + graphModel - Osc %1 volume: - حجم نوسان ساز %1: + + Graph + + + + KickerInstrument - Osc %1 panning: - تراز نوسان ساز %1: + + Start frequency + - cents - درصد + + End frequency + - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - + + Length + - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - + + Start distortion + - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - + + End distortion + - Osc %1 stereo detuning - + + Gain + - Osc %1 harmonic: - + + Envelope slope + - - - FreeBoyInstrument - Sweep time - + + Noise + - Sweep direction - + + Click + - Sweep RtShift amount - + + Frequency slope + - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Start from note + - Channel 1 volume - + + End to note + + + + KickerInstrumentView - Volume sweep direction - + + Start frequency: + - Length of each step in sweep - + + End frequency: + - Channel 2 volume - + + Frequency slope: + - Channel 3 volume - + + Gain: + - Channel 4 volume - + + Envelope length: + - Right Output level - + + Envelope slope: + - Left Output level - + + Click: + - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Noise: + - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - + + Start distortion: + - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - + + End distortion: + + + + LadspaBrowserView - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Available Effects + - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - + + + Unavailable Effects + - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - + + + Instruments + - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - + + + Analysis Tools + - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - + + + Don't know + - Treble - + + Type: + + + + LadspaDescription - Bass - + + Plugins + - Shift Register width - + + Description + - FreeBoyInstrumentView + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + - Sweep Time: - + + Name + - Sweep Time - + + Rate + - Sweep RtShift amount: - + + Direction + - Sweep RtShift amount - + + Type + - Wave pattern duty: - + + Min < Default < Max + - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Logarithmic + - Square Channel 1 Volume: - + + SR Dependent + - Length of each step in sweep: - + + Audio + - Length of each step in sweep - + + Control + - Wave pattern duty - + + Input + ورودی - Square Channel 2 Volume: - + + Output + خروجی - Square Channel 2 Volume - + + Toggled + - Wave Channel Volume: - + + Integer + - Wave Channel Volume - + + Float + - Noise Channel Volume: - + + + Yes + بله + + + Lb302Synth - Noise Channel Volume - + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + - SO1 Volume (Right): - + + VCF Resonance + - SO1 Volume (Right) - + + VCF Envelope Mod + - SO2 Volume (Left): - + + VCF Envelope Decay + - SO2 Volume (Left) - + + Distortion + - Treble: - + + Waveform + - Treble - + + Slide Decay + - Bass: - + + Slide + - Bass - + + Accent + - Sweep Direction - + + Dead + - Volume Sweep Direction - + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + Lb302SynthView - Shift Register Width - + + Cutoff Freq: + - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Resonance: + - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - + + Env Mod: + - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Decay: + - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Slide Decay: + - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - + + DIST: + - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - + + Saw wave + - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - + + Click here for a saw-wave. + - Wave Pattern - + + Triangle wave + - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - + + Square wave + - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - + + Click here for a square-wave. + - Square Channel 1 Volume - + + Rounded square wave + - The delay between step change - + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + - Draw the wave here - + + Moog wave + - - - pluginBrowser - no description - + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - + + Sine wave + - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - + + Click for a sine-wave. + - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - + + + White noise wave + - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - + + Click here for an exponential wave. + - List installed LADSPA plugins - + + Click here for white-noise. + - Filter for importing FL Studio projects into LMMS - + + Bandlimited saw wave + - GUS-compatible patch instrument - + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - + + Bandlimited square wave + - Tuneful things to bang on - + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - + + Bandlimited triangle wave + - Vibrating string modeler - + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + MalletsInstrument - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - + + Hardness + - Player for SoundFont files - + + Position + - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - + + Vibrato gain + - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - + + Vibrato frequency + - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - + + Stick mix + - 2-operator FM Synth - + + Modulator + - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - + + Crossfade + - LMMS port of sfxr - + + LFO speed + - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - + + LFO depth + - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - + + ADSR + - A native amplifier plugin - + + Pressure + - Carla Rack Instrument - + + Motion + - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - + + Speed + - plugin for waveshaping - + + Bowed + - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - + + Spread + - Versatile drum synthesizer - + + Marimba + - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - + + Vibraphone + - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - + + Agogo + - Carla Patchbay Instrument - + + Wood 1 + - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - + + Reso + - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - + + Wood 2 + - A NES-like synthesizer - + + Beats + - Player for GIG files - + + Two fixed + - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + Clump + - A native flanger plugin - + + Tubular bells + - A native delay plugin - + + Uniform bar + - An oversampling bitcrusher - + + Tuned bar + - A native eq plugin - + + Glass + - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - + + Tibetan bowl + - setupWidget + MalletsInstrumentView - JACK (JACK Audio Connection Kit) - + + Instrument + - OSS Raw-MIDI (Open Sound System) - + + Spread + - SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) - + + Spread: + - PulseAudio - + + Missing files + - Dummy (no MIDI support) - + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + - ALSA Raw-MIDI (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) - + + Hardness + - PortAudio - + + Hardness: + - Dummy (no sound output) - + + Position + - ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) - + + Position: + - OSS (Open Sound System) - + + Vibrato gain + - WinMM MIDI - + + Vibrato gain: + - ALSA-Sequencer (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) - + + Vibrato frequency + - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - + + Vibrato frequency: + - Patch - + + Stick mix + - Gain - + + Stick mix: + - Reverb - + + Modulator + - Reverb Roomsize - + + Modulator: + - Reverb Damping - + + Crossfade + - Reverb Width - + + Crossfade: + - Reverb Level - + + LFO speed + - Chorus - + + LFO speed: + - Chorus Lines - + + LFO depth + - Chorus Level - + + LFO depth: + - Chorus Speed - + + ADSR + - Chorus Depth - + + ADSR: + - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - + + Pressure + - - - sf2InstrumentView - Open other SoundFont file - + + Pressure: + - Click here to open another SF2 file - + + Speed + - Choose the patch - + + Speed: + + + + ManageVSTEffectView - Gain - + + - VST parameter control + - Apply reverb (if supported) - + + VST sync + - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - + + + Automated + - Reverb Roomsize: - + + Close + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Reverb Damping: - + + + - VST plugin control + - Reverb Width: - + + VST Sync + - Reverb Level: - + + + Automated + - Apply chorus (if supported) - + + Close + + + + OrganicInstrument - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - + + Distortion + - Chorus Lines: - + + Volume + ولوم + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Chorus Level: - + + Distortion: + - Chorus Speed: - + + Volume: + Volume: - Chorus Depth: - + + Randomise + - Open SoundFont file - + + + Osc %1 waveform: + - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - + + Osc %1 volume: + - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form - + + Osc %1 panning: + - - - sidInstrument - Cutoff - + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + - Resonance - + + cents + - Filter type - + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off - + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - Volume - + + Bank selector + - Chip model - + + Bank + - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - + + Program selector + - Resonance: - + + Patch + - Cutoff frequency: - + + Name + - High-Pass filter - + + OK + OK - Band-Pass filter - + + Cancel + لغو + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter - + + Bank + - Voice3 Off - + + Patch + - MOS6581 SID - + + Gain + - MOS8580 SID - + + Reverb + - Attack: - تهاجم(Attack): + + Reverb room size + - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - + + Reverb damping + - Decay: - محو شدن(Decay): + + Reverb width + - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - + + Reverb level + - Sustain: - تقویت(Sustain): + + Chorus + - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - + + Chorus voices + - Release: - رهایی(Release): + + Chorus level + - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - + + Chorus speed + - Pulse Width: - + + Chorus depth + - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - + + + Open SoundFont file + - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - + + Choose patch + - Pulse Wave - + + Gain: + - Triangle Wave - + + Apply reverb (if supported) + - SawTooth - + + Room size: + - Noise - + + Damping: + - Sync - + + Width: + - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - + + + Level: + - Ring-Mod - + + Apply chorus (if supported) + - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - + + Voices: + - Filtered - + + Speed: + - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - + + Depth: + - Test - + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - + + Wave + - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - + + WIDTH + + Width: - + - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width - + - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: - + + Left to Right Vol: - + + Right to Left Vol: - + + Right to Right Vol: - + - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left - + چپ به چپ + Left to Right - + چپ به راست + Right to Left - + راست به چپ + Right to Right - + - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin - + - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume - + + String %1 stiffness - + + Pick %1 position - + + Pickup %1 position - + - Pan %1 - + + String %1 panning + - Detune %1 - + + String %1 detune + - Fuzziness %1 - + + String %1 fuzziness + - Length %1 - + + String %1 length + + Impulse %1 - + - Octave %1 - + + String %1 + - vibedView - - Volume: - - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - + + String volume: + + String stiffness: - - - - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - + + Pick position: - برگزیدن موقعیت: - - - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - + + Pickup position: - برداشتن موقعیت: - - - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - - - - Pan: - - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - - - - Detune: - - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - + - Fuzziness: - + + String panning: + - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - + + String detune: + - Length: - + + String fuzziness: + - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - + + String length: + - Impulse or initial state - - - - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - + + Impulse + + Octave - - - - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - + + Impulse Editor - - - - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - + + Enable waveform - + - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - + + Enable/disable string + + String - - - - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - + + + Sine wave - + + + Triangle wave - + + + Saw wave - + + + Square wave - - - - White noise wave - - - - User defined wave - - - - Smooth - - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - - - - Normalize - - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - + - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - + + + White noise + - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - + + + User-defined wave + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - + + + Smooth waveform + - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - + + + Normalize waveform + - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width - + + Voice %1 attack - + + Voice %1 decay - + + Voice %1 sustain - + + Voice %1 release - + + Voice %1 coarse detuning - + + Voice %1 wave shape - + + Voice %1 sync - + + Voice %1 ring modulate - + + Voice %1 filtered - + + Voice %1 test - + - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT - + ورودی + Input gain: - + افزایش ورودی: + OUTPUT - + خروجی + Output gain: - - - - Reset waveform - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - - - - Smooth waveform - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - + افزایش خروجی: - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Reset wavegraph + - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + Clip input - + ورودی کلیپ - Clip input signal to 0dB - + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain - + افزایش ورودی + Output gain - + افزایش خروجی diff --git a/data/locale/fr.ts b/data/locale/fr.ts index f8209d5d16e..2c65444a8e0 100644 --- a/data/locale/fr.ts +++ b/data/locale/fr.ts @@ -2,93 +2,112 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS À propos de LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - À propos + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - la production musicale à la portée de tous + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - Auteurs + + About + À propos - Translation - Traduction + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - une production musicale facile pour tous. - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Traduction française par Yann Collet (ycollet), midi-pascal, Olivier Humbert (trebmuh/olinuxx) et d'autres. - -Si vous êtes intéressé par la traduction de LMMS dans une nouvelle langue ou si vous souhaitez améliorer des traductions existantes, votre aide est la bienvenue ! Contactez simplement le mainteneur ! + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. - License - Licence + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Auteurs + Involved Personnes impliquées + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Contributeurs classés par nombre de commits : - Copyright © %1 - Copyright © %1 + + Translation + Traduction + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + Langue actuelle non traduite (ou anglais natif). +Si vous souhaitez traduire LMMS dans une autre langue ou améliorer les traductions existantes, vous pouvez nous aider ! Il vous suffit simplement de contacter le responsable ! - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + License + Licence AmplifierControlDialog + VOL VOL + Volume: Volume : + PAN PAN + Panning: Panoramisation : + LEFT GAUCHE + Left gain: Gain de gauche : + RIGHT DROITE + Right gain: Gain de droite : @@ -96,18 +115,22 @@ Si vous êtes intéressé par la traduction de LMMS dans une nouvelle langue ou AmplifierControls + Volume Volume + Panning Panoramisation + Left gain Gain de gauche + Right gain Gain de droite @@ -115,10 +138,12 @@ Si vous êtes intéressé par la traduction de LMMS dans une nouvelle langue ou AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE PÉRIPHÉRIQUE + CHANNELS CANAUX @@ -126,85 +151,60 @@ Si vous êtes intéressé par la traduction de LMMS dans une nouvelle langue ou AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - Ouvrir un autre échantillon - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez ouvrir un autre fichier audio. Une boîte de dialogue dans laquelle vous pourrez choisir le fichier apparaîtra. Des réglages comme le mode de jeu en boucle, les marqueurs de début et de fin, la valeur d'amplication, et ainsi de suite ne sont pas réinitialisés. Par conséquent, il peut ne pas ressembler à l'échantillon original. + + Open sample + Ouvrir un échantillon + Reverse sample Inverser l'échantillon - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Si vous activez ce bouton, l'échantillon complet est inversé. Ceci est utile pour certains effets, par exemple une cymbale crash inversée. - - - Amplify: - Amplifier : - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Ce bouton permet de régler le facteur d'amplification. Lorsque vous indiquez une valeur de 100%, votre échantillon n'est pas modifié. Sinon, il sera plus ou moins amplifié (votre fichier d'échantillon n'est pas modifié !) - - - Startpoint: - Marqueur de début : - - - Endpoint: - Marqueur de fin : - - - Continue sample playback across notes - Continuer de jouer l'échantillon à traver les notes - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Activer cette option fait que l'échantillon continue de jouer à travers les différentes notes - si vous changez la tonalité, ou si la longueur de la note s'arrête avant la fin de l'échantillon, alors la note suivante jouée continuera où elle aura été arrêtée. Pour remettre à zéro le jeu au début de l'échantillon, insérez une note en bas du clavier (< 20 Hz) - - + Disable loop Désactiver la boucle - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Ce bouton désactive la boucle. L'échantillon n'est joué qu'une seule fois, du début à la fin. - - + Enable loop Activer la boucle - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Ce bouton active le bouclage permanent. L'échantillon boucle entre le point de fin et le point de bouclage. + + Enable ping-pong loop + Activer la boucle ping-pong + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + Continuer de jouer l'échantillon à traver les notes - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Ce bouton active le bouclage en ping-pong. L'échantillon boucle d'avant en arrière entre son point de fin et le point de bouclage. + + Amplify: + Amplifier : - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Ce bouton permet d'ajuster le point à partir duquel AudioFileProcessor démarre la lecture de l'échantillon. + + Start point: + Point de départ : - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Ce bouton permet d'ajuster le point où AudioFileProcessor arrête la lecture de l'échantillon. + + End point: + Point d'arrivée : + Loopback point: Point de bouclage : - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Ce bouton pemet de déterminer le point à partir duquel la boucle commence. - AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: Longueur de l'échantillon : @@ -212,447 +212,469 @@ Si vous êtes intéressé par la traduction de LMMS dans une nouvelle langue ou AudioJack + JACK client restarted Le client JACK a redémarré + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS a été jeté dehors par JACK pour une raison quelconque. Par conséquent le serveur de JACK a été redémarré. Vous devrez refaire les connexions manuellement. + JACK server down Le serveur JACK est arrêté + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. Le serveur JACK semble avoir été arrêté et le démarrage d'une nouvelle instance a échoué. Par conséquent, LMMS ne peut pas continuer. Vous devriez enregistrer votre projet puis redémarrer JACK et LMMS. - CLIENT-NAME - NOM DU CLIENT + + Client name + Nom du client - CHANNELS - CANAUX + + Channels + Canaux - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - PÉRIPHÉRIQUE + + Device + Périphérique - CHANNELS - CANAUX + + Channels + Canaux AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - SERVEUR + + Backend + Backend - DEVICE - PÉRIPHÉRIQUE + + Device + Périphérique - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - PÉRIPHÉRIQUE + + Device + Périphérique - CHANNELS - CANAUX + + Channels + Canaux AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - PÉRIPHÉRIQUE + + Device + Périphérique - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - PÉRIPHÉRIQUE + + Device + Périphérique - CHANNELS - CANAUX + + Channels + Canaux AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - SERVEUR + + Backend + Backend - DEVICE - PÉRIPHÉRIQUE + + Device + Périphérique AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) &Réinitialiser (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) &Copier la valeur (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) &Coller la valeur (%1%2) + + &Paste value + &Coller la valeur + + + Edit song-global automation Éditer l'automation globale du morceau + + Remove song-global automation + Supprimer l'automation globale du morceau + + + + Remove all linked controls + Supprimer tous les contrôles liés + + + Connected to %1 Connecté à %1 + Connected to controller Connecté au contrôleur + Edit connection... Éditer la connexion... + Remove connection Supprimer la connexion + Connect to controller... Connecter le contrôleur... - - Remove song-global automation - Supprimer l'automation globale du morceau - - - Remove all linked controls - Supprimer tous les contrôles liés - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Veuillez ouvrir un motif d'automation avec le menu contextuel d'un contrôle ! + + Edit Value + Éditer la valeur + + + + New outValue + Nouvelle valeur de sortie - Values copied - Les valeurs ont été copiées + + New inValue + Nouvelle valeur d'entrée - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Toutes les valeurs sélectionnées ont été copiées dans le presse-papier. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Veuillez ouvrir un motif d'automation avec le menu contextuel d'un contrôle ! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) Jouer/mettre en pause le motif (barre d'espace) - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Cliquez ici pour jouer le motif actuel. Ceci est utile lors son édition. Le motif est automatiquement rejoué lorsque sa fin est atteinte. - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) Arrêter de jouer le motif actuel (barre d'espace) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Cliquez ici pour arrêter de jouer le motif actuel. + + Edit actions + Actions d'édition + Draw mode (Shift+D) Mode dessin (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) Mode effacement (Shift+E) + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + Mode dessin de valeurs de sortie (Maj + C) + + + Flip vertically Tourner verticalement + Flip horizontally Tourner horizontalement - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Cliquer ici pour inverser le modèle. Les points sont inversés sur l'axe des y. - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Cliquer ici pour inverser le modèle. Les points sont inversés sur l'axe des x. - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Cliquez ici pour activer le mode dessin. Dans ce mode, vous pouvez ajouter et déplacer des valeurs particulières. Ceci est le mode par défaut qui est utilisé la plupart du temps. Vous pouvez aussi appuyer sur les touches 'Shift+D' de votre clavier pour activer ce mode. - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Cliquez ici pour activer le mode effacement. Dans ce mode, vous pourrez effacer des valeurs particulières. Vous pouvez aussi appuyer sur les touches 'Shift+E' de votre clavier pour activer ce mode. + + Interpolation controls + Contrôles d'interpolation + Discrete progression Progression discrète + Linear progression Progression linéaire + Cubic Hermite progression Progression cubique de Hermite + Tension value for spline Valeur de tension pour la spline - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Une valeur de tension supérieure peut produire une courbe plus douce mais dépasser certaines valeurs. Une valeur de tension basse fera que la pente de la courbe se stabilisera à chaque point de contrôle. - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Cliquez ici pour choisir la progression discrète pour ce motif d'automation. La valeur de l'objet connecté restera contante entre les points de contrôle et se verra affecter immédiatement une nouvelle valeur quand un point de contrôle est atteint. - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Cliquez ici pour choisir la progression linéaire pour ce motif d'automation. La valeur de l'objet connecté changera à un taux constant entre les points de contrôle et atteindra la valeur correcte à chaque point de contrôle sans changement soudain. - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Cliquez ici pour choisir la progression cubique de Hermite pour ce motif d'automation. La valeur de l'objet connecté changera suivant une courbe lisse et adoucira les pics et les creux. - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Couper les valeurs sélectionnées (%1+X) - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Copier les valeurs sélectionnées (%1+C) + + Tension: + Tension : - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Coller les valeurs depuis le presse-papier (%1+V) + + Zoom controls + Contrôles du zoom - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Cliquez ici pour couper et coller les valeurs sélectionnées dans le presse-papier. Vous pourrez alors les coller n'importe où dans n'importe quel motif en cliquant sur le bouton coller. + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom horizontal - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Cliquez ici pour copier les valeurs sélectionnées dans le presse-papier. Vous pourrez alors les coller n'importe où dans n'importe quel motif en cliquant sur le bouton coller. + + Vertical zooming + Zoom vertical - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Cliquez ici et les valeurs se trouvant dans le presse-papier seront alors collées sur la première mesure visible. + + Quantization controls + Contrôles de quantification - Tension: - Tension : + + Quantization + Quantification - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip Éditeur d'automation - pas de motif + + Automation Editor - %1 Éditeur d'automation - %1 - Edit actions - Actions d'édition - - - Interpolation controls - Contrôles d'interpolation - - - Timeline controls - Contrôles de la ligne de temps - - - Zoom controls - Contrôles du zoom - - - Quantization controls - Contrôles de quantification - - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Ce modèle est déjà connecté à ce motif. - - Quantization - Quantification - - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - Quantification. Paramètre la taille de pas la plus petite pour le point d'automation. Par défaut, ceci paramètre également la longueur, nettoyant les autres points dans la gamme. Pressez <Ctrl> pour écraser ce comportement. - - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> Déplacer un contrôle en appuyant sur <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor Ouvrir dans l'éditeur d'automation + Clear Effacer + Reset name Réinitialiser le nom + Change name Modifier le nom - %1 Connections - %1 connexions - - - Disconnect "%1" - Déconnecter "%1" - - + Set/clear record Armer/désarmer l'enregistrement + Flip Vertically (Visible) Tourner verticalement (visible) + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Tourner horizontalement (visible) - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + %1 Connections + %1 connexions + + + + Disconnect "%1" + Déconnecter "%1" + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. Ce modèle est déjà connecté à ce motif. AutomationTrack + Automation track Piste d'automation - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor Éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) Jouer/mettre en pause le rythme ou la ligne de basse (barre d'espace) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) Arrêter de jouer le rythme ou la ligne de basse (barre d'espace) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Cliquez ici pour jouer le rythme ou la ligne de basse actuel. Le rythme ou la ligne de basse est rejoué lorsque sa fin est atteinte. + + Beat selector + Sélecteur de rythme - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Cliquez ici pour arrêter de jouer le rythme ou la ligne de basse. + + Track and step actions + Actions des pas et de piste + Add beat/bassline Ajouter un rythme ou une ligne de basse + + Clone beat/bassline clip + Cloner le rythme/la ligne de basse + + + + Add sample-track + Ajouter une piste d'échantillon + + + Add automation-track Ajouter une piste d'automation + Remove steps Supprimer des pas + Add steps Ajouter des pas - Beat selector - Sélecteur de rythme - - - Track and step actions - Actions des pas et de piste - - + Clone Steps Cloner des pas - - Add sample-track - Ajouter une piste d'échantillon - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor Ouvrir dans l'éditeur de rythmes et de ligne de basse + Reset name Réinitialiser le nom + Change name Modifier le nom - - Change color - Modifier la couleur - - - Reset color to default - Réinitialiser la couleur par défaut - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 Rythme ou ligne de basse %1 + Clone of %1 Clone de %1 @@ -660,26 +682,32 @@ Si vous êtes intéressé par la traduction de LMMS dans une nouvelle langue ou BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ FRÉQ + Frequency: Fréquence : + GAIN GAIN + Gain: Gain : + RATIO RATIO + Ratio: Ratio : @@ -687,14 +715,17 @@ Si vous êtes intéressé par la traduction de LMMS dans une nouvelle langue ou BassBoosterControls + Frequency Fréquence + Gain Gain + Ratio Ratio @@ -702,9617 +733,15895 @@ Si vous êtes intéressé par la traduction de LMMS dans une nouvelle langue ou BitcrushControlDialog + IN - IN + ENTRÉE + OUT - OUT + SORTIE + + GAIN GAIN - Input Gain: + + Input gain: Gain en entrée : - Input Noise: - Bruit en entrée : + + NOISE + BRUIT + + + + Input noise: + Bruit d'entrée : - Output Gain: + + Output gain: Gain en sortie : + CLIP CLIP - Output Clip: - Clip en sortie : + + Output clip: + Clip de sortie : - Rate Enabled + + Rate enabled Taux activé - Enable samplerate-crushing - Activer l'écrasement de fréquence + + Enable sample-rate crushing + Activer le compactage du taux d'échantillonnage - Depth Enabled + + Depth enabled Profondeur activée - Enable bitdepth-crushing - Activer l'écrasement de la profondeur + + Enable bit-depth crushing + Activer la compression en profondeur des bits + + FREQ + FRÉQ + + + Sample rate: Taux d'échantillonnage : + + STEREO + STÉRÉO + + + Stereo difference: Différence stéréo : + + QUANT + quant + + + Levels: Niveaux : + + + BitcrushControls - NOISE - BRUIT + + Input gain + Gain en entrée - FREQ - FRÉQ + + Input noise + Bruit d'entrée - STEREO - STÉRÉO + + Output gain + Gain en sortie - QUANT - quant + + Output clip + Clip de sortie - - - CaptionMenu - &Help - &Aide + + Sample rate + Taux d'échantillonnage - Help (not available) - Aide (non disponible) + + Stereo difference + Différence stéréo - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - Montrer l'interface graphique + + Levels + Niveaux - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Cliquez ici pour montrer ou cacher l'interface graphique utilisateur de Carla. + + Rate enabled + Taux activé + + + + Depth enabled + Profondeur activée - Controller + CarlaAboutW - Controller %1 - Contrôleur %1 + + About Carla + À propos de Carla - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - Connection Settings - Configuration de la connexion + + About + À propos - MIDI CONTROLLER - CONTRÔLEUR MIDI + + About text here + À propos du texte ici - Input channel - Canal d'entrée + + Extended licensing here + Licence étendue ici - CHANNEL - CANAL + + Artwork + Illustration - Input controller - Contrôleur d'entrée + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + Utilisation du jeu d'icônes KDE Oxygen, conçu par l'équipe Oxygen. - CONTROLLER - CONTRÔLEUR + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + Contient quelques boutons, arrière-plans et autres petites illustrations des projets Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV et OpenOctave. - Auto Detect - Auto-détection + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + VST est une marque déposée de Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Périphériques MIDI desquels recevoir des événements MIDI + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + Un grand merci à António Saraiva pour quelques icônes et illustrations supplémentaires ! - USER CONTROLLER - CONTRÔLEUR UTILISATEUR + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + Le logo LV2 a été conçu par Thorsten Wilms, sur la base d'un concept de Peter Shorthose. - MAPPING FUNCTION - FONCTION DE MAPPAGE + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + Clavier MIDI conçu par Thorsten Wilms. - OK - OK + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + Icônes Carla, Carla-Control et Patchbay conçues par DoosC. - Cancel - Annuler + + Features + Caractéristiques - LMMS - LMMS + + AU/AudioUnit: + Unité audio : - Cycle Detected. - Un cycle a été détecté. + + LADSPA: + LADSPA : - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - Rack de contrôleurs + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + TextLabel - Add - Ajouter + + VST2: + VST2 : - Confirm Delete - Confirmer la suppression + + DSSI: + DSSI : - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Confirmer la suppression ? Il existe des connection(s) associée(s) avec ce contrôleur. Il n'est pas possible d'annuler cette action. + + LV2: + LV2 : - - - ControllerView - Controls - Contrôles + + VST3: + VST3 : - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Les contrôleurs sont capables d'automatiser le réglage d'un bouton, d'un curseur et d'autres contrôles. + + OSC + OSC - Rename controller - Renommer un contrôleur + + Host URLs: + URL d'hôte : - Enter the new name for this controller - Entrez un nouveau nom pour ce contrôleur + + Valid commands: + Commandes valides : - &Remove this controller - Supp&rimer ce contrôleur + + valid osc commands here + commandes osc valides ici - Re&name this controller - Re&nommer ce contrôleur + + Example: + Exemple : - LFO - LFO + + License + Licence - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: - Fréquence de croisement des bandes 1/2 : + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - Band 2/3 Crossover: - Fréquence de croisement des bandes 2/3 : + + OSC Bridge Version + Version passerelle de l'oscillateur - Band 3/4 Crossover: - Fréquence de croisement des bandes 3/4 : + + Plugin Version + Version du plugin - Band 1 Gain: - Gain bande 1 : + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + <br>Version %1<br>Carla est un plugin audio complet host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - Band 2 Gain: - Gain bande 2 : + + + (Engine not running) + (Le moteur ne fonctionne pas) - Band 3 Gain: - Gain bande 3 : + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + Tout ! (Y compris LRDF) - Band 4 Gain: - Gain bande 4 : + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + Tout ! (Y compris CustomData/Chunks) - Band 1 Mute - Bande 1 en sourdine + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - Mute Band 1 - Mettre la bande 1 en sourdine + + + + Using Juce host + Utilisation de l'hôte Juce - Band 2 Mute - Bande 2 en sourdine + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + Environ 85% complété (banque de VST et de préréglages manquante et quelques éléments mineurs) + + + CarlaHostW - Mute Band 2 - Mettre la bande 2 en sourdine + + MainWindow + Fenêtre principale - Band 3 Mute - Bande 3 en sourdine + + Rack + Rack - Mute Band 3 - Mettre la bande 3 en sourdine + + Patchbay + Baie de connexions - Band 4 Mute - Bande 4 en sourdine + + Logs + Journaux - Mute Band 4 - Mettre la bande 4 en sourdine + + Loading... + Chargement... - - - DelayControls - Delay Samples - Délai d'échantillonnage + + Buffer Size: + Taille du tampon : - Feedback - Réinjection + + Sample Rate: + Taux d'échantillonnage : - Lfo Frequency - Fréquence LFO + + ? Xruns + ? Xruns - Lfo Amount - Niveau LFO + + DSP Load: %p% + Chargement du DSP : %p% - Output gain - Gain en sortie + + &File + &Fichier - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt - Niveau LFO + + &Engine + &Moteur - Delay Time - Durée du délai + + &Plugin + &Plugin - Feedback Amount - Niveau de réaction + + Macros (all plugins) + Macros (tous les plugins) - Lfo - LFO + + &Canvas + &Canvas - Out Gain - Gain en sortie + + Zoom + Zoom - Gain - Gain + + &Settings + &Paramètres - DELAY - DE RETARD + + &Help + &Aide - FDBK - FDBK + + toolBar + Barre d'outils - RATE - TAUX + + Disk + Disque - AMNT - AMNT + + + Home + Accueil - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - Filtre 1 activé + + Transport + Transport - Filter 2 enabled - Filtre 2 activé + + Playback Controls + Contrôles de lecture - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Cliquez ici pour activer/désactiver le filtre 1 + + Time Information + Information sur la durée - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Cliquez ici pour activer/désactiver le filtre 2 + + Frame: + Structure : - FREQ - FRÉQ + + 000'000'000 + 000'000'000 - Cutoff frequency - Fréquence de coupure + + Time: + Durée : - RESO - RÉSON + + 00:00:00 + 00:00:00 - Resonance - Résonance + + BBT: + - GAIN - GAIN + + 000|00|0000 + 000|00|0000 - Gain - Gain + + Settings + Configuration - MIX - MIX + + BPM + BPM - Mix - Mix + + Use JACK Transport + Utiliser le transport JACK - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - Filtre 1 activé + + Use Ableton Link + Utiliser un lien Ableton - Filter 1 type - Type du filtre 1 + + &New + &Nouveau - Cutoff 1 frequency - Fréquence de coupure 1 + + Ctrl+N + Ctrl + N - Q/Resonance 1 - Q/Résonance 1 + + &Open... + &Ouvrir... - Gain 1 - Gain 1 + + + Open... + Ouvrir... - Mix - Mix + + Ctrl+O + Ctrl + O - Filter 2 enabled - Filtre 2 activé + + &Save + &Enregistrer - Filter 2 type - Type du filtre 2 + + Ctrl+S + Ctrl + S - Cutoff 2 frequency - Fréquence de coupure 2 + + Save &As... + Enregistrer &sous... - Q/Resonance 2 - Q/Résonance 2 + + + Save As... + Enregistrer sous... - Gain 2 - Gain 2 + + Ctrl+Shift+S + Ctrl + Maj + S - LowPass - Passe-bas + + &Quit + &Quitter - HiPass - Passe-haut + + Ctrl+Q + Ctrl + Q - BandPass csg - Passe-bande "csg" + + &Start + &Démarrer - BandPass czpg - Passe-bande "czpg" + + F5 + F5 - Notch - Coupe-bande + + St&op + Arr&êter - Allpass - Passe-tout + + F6 + F6 - Moog - Moog + + &Add Plugin... + &Ajouter un plugin... - 2x LowPass - Passe-bas x2 + + Ctrl+A + Ctrl + A - RC LowPass 12dB - RC passe-bas 12dB + + &Remove All + &Tout effacer - RC BandPass 12dB - RC passe-bande 12dB + + Enable + Activer - RC HighPass 12dB - RC passe-haut 12dB + + Disable + Désactiver - RC LowPass 24dB - RC passe-bas 24dB + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + Niveau 0% (Contourner) - RC BandPass 24dB - RC passe-bande 24dB + + 100% Wet + Niveau 100% - RC HighPass 24dB - RC Passe-haut 24dB + + 0% Volume (Mute) + Volume à 0% (Muet) - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtre Formant Vocal + + 100% Volume + Volume à 100% - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + Center Balance + Équilibre central - SV LowPass - SV passe-bas + + &Play + &Jouer - SV BandPass - SV passe-bande + + Ctrl+Shift+P + Ctrl + Maj + P - SV HighPass - SV passe-haut + + &Stop + &Arrêter - SV Notch - SV coupe-bande + + Ctrl+Shift+X + Ctrl + Maj + X - Fast Formant - Formant rapide + + &Backwards + &Retour - Tripole - Tripôle + + Ctrl+Shift+B + Ctrl + Maj + B - - - Editor - Play (Space) - Jouer (barre d'espace) + + &Forwards + &En avant - Stop (Space) - Arrêter (barre d'espace) + + Ctrl+Shift+F + Ctrl + Maj + F - Record - Enregistrer + + &Arrange + &Arranger - Record while playing - Enregistrer en jouant + + Ctrl+G + Ctrl + G - Transport controls - Contrôle du transport + + + &Refresh + &Actualiser - - - Effect - Effect enabled - Effet activé + + Ctrl+R + Ctrl + R - Wet/Dry mix - Mélange originel/traité + + Save &Image... + Enregistrer &l'image... - Gate - Seuil + + Auto-Fit + Ajustement automatique - Decay - Affaiblissement (decay) + + Zoom In + Zoom avant - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - Effets activés + + Ctrl++ + Ctrl + + - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - CHAÎNE D'EFFETS + + Zoom Out + Zoom arrière - Add effect - Ajouter un effet + + Ctrl+- + Ctrl + - - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - Ajouter un effet + + Zoom 100% + Zoom 100% - Name - Nom + + Ctrl+1 + Ctrl + 1 - Type - Type + + Show &Toolbar + Afficher la &barre d'outils - Description - Description + + &Configure Carla + &Configurer Carla - Author - Auteur + + &About + &À propos - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - Active ou désactive l'effet. + + About &JUCE + À propos de &JUCE - On/Off - On/Off + + About &Qt + À propos de &Qt - W/D - W/D + + Show Canvas &Meters + - Wet Level: - Niveau avec effet : + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - Le bouton « Wet/Dry » règle le rapport entre le signal d'entrée et le signal d'effet qui produit la sortie. + + Show Internal + Afficher l'intérieur - DECAY - DECAY + + Show External + Afficher l'extérieur - Time: - Durée : + + Show Time Panel + Afficher le panneau horaire - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - Le bouton « Decay » contrôle le nombre de tampons de silence qui doivent s'écouler avant que le greffon arrête le traitement. Les valeurs faibles réduiront la charge du processeur mais feront courrir le risque de couper la fin sur des effets de délai et de réverbération. + + Show &Side Panel + Afficher le &panneau latéral - GATE - GATE + + &Connect... + &Connecter... - Gate: - Gate : + + Compact Slots + Compacter les emplacements - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - Le bouton « Gate » contrôle le niveau du signal qui est considéré comme étant un 'silence' lorsque l'on doit décider d'arrêter le traitement des signaux. + + Expand Slots + Élargir les emplacements - Controls - Contrôles + + Perform secret 1 + Effectuer le secret 1 - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - Les greffons d'effet agissent comme une série d'effets enchaînés dans laquelle le signal sera traité du haut vers le bas. - -Le bouton « On/Off » vous permet de court-circuiter un greffon donné à n'importe quel moment. - -Le bouton « Mix Wet/Dry » contrôle l'équilibre entre le signal en entrée et le signal traité qui est le résultat en sortie de l'effet. L'entrée d'un étage est la sortie de l'étage précédent. De ce fait, l'importance du signal 'original' diminue au fur et à mesure de l'application des effets. - -Le bouton « Decay » contrôle le temps pendant lequel le signal continuera d'être traité après que les notes aient été relachées. L'effet arrêtera de traiter le signal lorsque le volume sera passé en dessous d'un seuil donné pendant une période de temps donnée. Ce bouton règle la 'période de temps donnée'. Les périodes longues nécessiteront plus de processeur, ce qui fait que ce nombre devrait être réglé assez bas pour la plupart des effets. Il a besoin d'être augmenté pour les effets qui produisent de longues périodes de silence, p. ex. les délais. - -Le bouton « Gate » contrôle le 'seuil donné' pour l'arrêt automatique de l'effet. L'horloge pour la 'période de temps donnée' démarrera dès que le niveau du signal traité passera sous le niveau spécifié avec ce bouton. - -Le bouton « Contrôles » ouvre un boîte de dialogue permettant de modifier la configuration de l'effet. - -Un clic-droit fera apparaître un menu contextuel où vous pourrez changer l'ordre dans lequel les effets sont traités ou bien également supprimer un effet. + + Perform secret 2 + Effectuer le secret 2 - Move &up - Déplacer vers le &haut + + Perform secret 3 + Effectuer le secret 3 - Move &down - Déplacer vers le &bas + + Perform secret 4 + Effectuer le secret 4 - &Remove this plugin - &Supprimer cet effet + + Perform secret 5 + Effectuer le secret 5 - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - Pré-délai + + Add &JACK Application... + Ajouter l'application &JACK... - Attack - Attaque + + &Configure driver... + &Configurer le pilote... - Hold - Maintien + + Panic + - Decay - Affaiblissement (decay) + + Open custom driver panel... + Ouvrir le panneau personnalisé du pilote... + + + CarlaHostWindow - Sustain - Soutien + + Export as... + Exporter sous... - Release - Relâchement + + + + + Error + Erreur - Modulation - Modulation + + Failed to load project + Échec du chargement du projet - LFO Predelay - Pré-délai du LFO + + Failed to save project + Échec de l'enregistrement du projet - LFO Attack - Attaque du LFO + + Quit + Quitter - LFO speed - Vitesse du LFO + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter Carla ? - LFO Modulation - Modulation du LFO + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + Impossible de se connecter au backend audio "%1", raisons possibles : +%2 - LFO Wave Shape - Forme d'onde du LFO + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + Impossible de se connecter au backend audio "%1" - Freq x 100 - Fréq x 100 + + Warning + Avertissement - Modulate Env-Amount - Moduler le niveau de l'enveloppe + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + Il y a encore quelques plugins chargés, vous devez les supprimer pour arrêter le moteur. +Voulez-vous le faire maintenant ? - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - DEL - DEL + + Show GUI + Montrer l'interface graphique + + + CarlaSettingsW - Predelay: - Pré-délai : + + Settings + Configuration - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le pré-délai de l'enveloppe. Plus la valeur est importante, plus le temps sera long avant de démarrer l'enveloppe. + + main + principal - ATT - ATT + + canvas + - Attack: - Attaque : + + engine + moteur - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le temps d'attaque de l'enveloppe. Plus la valeur est importante, plus l'enveloppe met du temps pour monter au niveau d'attaque. Choisissez une petite valeur pour des instruments comme le piano et une grande valeur pour les cordes. + + osc + osc - HOLD - HOLD + + file-paths + chemins d'accès des fichiers - Hold: - Maintien : + + plugin-paths + chemins d'accès des plugins - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le temps de maintien de l'enveloppe. Plus la valeur est importante, plus l'enveloppe maintien longtemps le niveau d'attaque avant de commencer à descendre vers le niveau de soutien. + + wine + wine - DEC - DEC + + experimental + expérimental - Decay: - Affaiblissement (decay) : + + Widget + Widget - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le temps d'affaiblissement de l'enveloppe. Plus la valeur est importante, plus l'enveloppe met du temps pour descendre du niveau d'attaque au niveau de soutien. Choisissez une petite valeur pour des instruments comme le piano. + + + Main + Principal - SUST - SUST + + + Canvas + - Sustain: - Soutien : + + + Engine + Moteur - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le niveau de soutien de l'enveloppe. Plus la valeur est importante, plus l'enveloppe reste longtemps à un niveau élevé avant de descendre à zéro. + + File Paths + Chemins d'accès des fichiers - REL - REL + + Plugin Paths + chemins d'accès des plugins - Release: - Relâchement : + + Wine + Wine - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le temps de relâchement de l'enveloppe. Plus la valeur est importante, plus l'enveloppe met du temps pour descendre du niveau de soutien à zéro. Choisissez une grande valeur pour des instruments comme les cordes. + + + Experimental + Expérimental - AMT - AMT + + <b>Main</b> + <b>Principal</b> - Modulation amount: - Niveau de modulation : + + Paths + Chemins d'accès - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le niveau de modulation de l'enveloppe. Plus la valeur est importante, plus la composante correspondante (p. ex. volume ou fréquence de coupure) sera influencée par l'enveloppe. + + Default project folder: + Dossier de projet par défaut : - LFO predelay: - Pré-délai du LFO : + + Interface + Interface - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le temps de pré-délai du LFO. Plus la valeur est importante, plus le LFO met du temps avant de commencer à osciller. + + Interface refresh interval: + Intervalle de rafraîchissement de l'interface : - LFO- attack: - Attaque du LFO : + + + ms + ms - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le temps d'attaque du LFO. Plus la valeur est importante, plus le LFO met du temps pour monter à son amplitude maximale. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + Afficher la sortie de la console dans l'onglet Journaux (nécessite le redémarrage du moteur) - SPD - SPD + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + Afficher un dialogue de confirmation avant de quitter - LFO speed: - Vitesse du LFO : + + + Theme + Thème - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler la vitesse du LFO. Plus la valeur est importante, plus le LFO oscillera vite et plus votre effet sera rapide. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + Utiliser le thème "PRO" de Carla (nécessite un redémarrage) - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le niveau de modulation du LFO. Plus la valeur est importante, plus la composante choisie (p. ex. volume ou fréquence de coupure) sera influencée par le LFO. + + Color scheme: + Schéma de couleurs : - Click here for a sine-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde sinusoïdale. + + Black + Noir - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde triangulaire. + + System + Système - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Cliquez ici pour une onde en dents-de-scie. + + Enable experimental features + Activer les fonctions expérimentales - Click here for a square-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde carrée. + + <b>Canvas</b> + - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Cliquez ici pour une onde définie par l'utilisateur. Ensuite, faites glisser un fichier d'échantillon correspondant sur le graphique du LFO. + + Bezier Lines + Lignes de Bézier - FREQ x 100 - FRÉQ x 100 + + Theme: + Thème : - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Cliquez ici si la fréquence de ce LFO doit être multipliée par 100. + + Size: + Taille : - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - multiplier la fréquence du LFO par 100 + + 775x600 + 775x600 - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - MODULER LA QUANTITÉ D'ENVELOPPE + + 1550x1200 + 1550x1200 - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Cliquez ici pour que le niveau de l'enveloppe soit contrôlé par ce LFO. + + 3100x2400 + 3100x2400 - control envelope-amount by this LFO - Contrôler le niveau de l'enveloppe avec ce LFO + + 4650x3600 + 4650x3600 - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO : + + 6200x4800 + 6200x4800 - Hint - Astuce + + Options + Options - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Faites glisser un échantillon et déposez-le dans cette fenêtre. + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + Masquer automatiquement les groupes sans ports - Click here for random wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde aléatoire. + + Auto-select items on hover + Sélection automatique des éléments au passage de la souris - - - EqControls - Input gain - Gain en entrée + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - Output gain - Gain en sortie + + Render Hints + Indications de rendu - Low shelf gain - Gain du low-shelf + + Anti-Aliasing + Anticrénelage - Peak 1 gain - Gain de crête 1 + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - Peak 2 gain - Gain de crête 2 + + <b>Engine</b> + <b>Moteur</b> - Peak 3 gain - Gain de crête 3 + + + Core + Noyau - Peak 4 gain - Gain de crête 4 + + Single Client + Client unique - High Shelf gain - Gain du high-shelf + + Multiple Clients + Clients multiples - HP res - PH rés + + + Continuous Rack + Rack permanent - Low Shelf res - Rés du low-shelf + + + Patchbay + Patchbay - Peak 1 BW - Bande-passante du pic 1 + + Audio driver: + Pilote audio : - Peak 2 BW - Bande-passante du pic 2 + + Process mode: + Mode de traitement : - Peak 3 BW - Bande-passante du pic 3 + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + Nombre maximum de paramètres à autoriser dans la boîte de dialogue intégrée "Éditer" - Peak 4 BW - Bande-passante du pic 4 + + Max Parameters: + Paramètres maximum : - High Shelf res - Rés du high-shelf + + ... + ... - LP res - Rés. du passe-base + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + Réinitialiser le compteur Xrun après le chargement du projet - HP freq - Fréquence du passe-haut + + Plugin UIs + Interface utilisateur des plugins - Low Shelf freq - Fréquence du low-shelf + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + Temps d'attente pour que les interfaces graphiques de l'oscillateur renvoient l'hôte - Peak 1 freq - Fréquence de crête 1 + + UI Bridge Timeout: + Délai d'attente du pont de I'interface utilisateur : - Peak 2 freq - Fréquence de crête 2 + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + Utilisez les ponts OSC-GUI lorsque cela est possible, de manière à séparer l'interface utilisateur du code DSP - Peak 3 freq - Fréquence de crête 3 + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + Utiliser les ponts de l'interface utilisateur au lieu de la gestion directe lorsque cela est possible - Peak 4 freq - Fréquence de crête 4 + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + Afficher les interfaces utilisateur des plugins au premier plan - High shelf freq - Fréquence du high-shelf + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + Afficher les interfaces utilisateur des plugins au-dessus de Carla (redémarrage nécessaire) - LP freq - Fréq. passe-base + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + NOTE : les ponts des interfaces utilisateur des plugins ne peuvent pas être gérées par Carla sous MacOS - HP active - Passe-haut actif + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Redémarrez le moteur pour charger les nouveaux paramètres - Low shelf active - Low-shelf actif + + <b>OSC</b> + <b>OSC</b> - Peak 1 active - Crête 1 active + + Enable OSC + Activer l'oscillateur - Peak 2 active - Crête 2 active + + Enable TCP port + Activer le port TCP - Peak 3 active - Crête 3 active + + + Use specific port: + Utiliser un port spécifique : - Peak 4 active - Crête 4 active + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + Remplacé par la variable d'environnement CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT - High shelf active - High-shelf actif + + + Use randomly assigned port + Utiliser un port attribué de manière aléatoire - LP active - Passe-bas actif + + Enable UDP port + Activer le port UDP - LP 12 - Passe-bas 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + Remplacé par la variable d'environnement CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT - LP 24 - Passe-bas 24 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + Les interfaces utilisateur de DSSI nécessitent que le port UDP de l’oscillateur soit activé - LP 48 - Passe-bas 48 + + <b>File Paths</b> + <b>Chemins d'accès des fichiers</b> - HP 12 - Passe-haut 12 + + Audio + Audio - HP 24 - Passe-haut 24 + + MIDI + MIDI - HP 48 - Passe-haut 48 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + Utilisé pour le plugin "audiofile" - low pass type - type de passe-bas + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + Utilisé pour le plugin "midifile" - high pass type - type de passe-haut + + + Add... + Ajouter... - Analyse IN - Analyse d'entrée + + + Remove + Supprimer - Analyse OUT - Analyse de sortie + + + Change... + Modifier... - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - PH + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + <b>Chemin d'accès des plugins</b> - Low Shelf - Low-shelf + + LADSPA + LADSPA - Peak 1 - Crête 1 + + DSSI + DSSI - Peak 2 - Crête 2 + + LV2 + LV2 - Peak 3 - Crête 3 + + VST2 + VST2 - Peak 4 - Crête 4 + + VST3 + VST3 - High Shelf - High-shelf + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - LP - Passe-bas + + SFZ + SFZ - In Gain - Gain d'entrée + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + Redémarrez Carla pour trouver de nouveaux plugins - Gain - Gain + + <b>Wine</b> + <b>Wine</b> - Out Gain - Gain en sortie + + Executable + Exécutable - Bandwidth: - Largeur de bande : + + Path to 'wine' binary: + Chemin d'accès de "Wine" binaire : - Resonance : - Résonance : + + Prefix + Préfixe - Frequency: - Fréquence : + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + Détection automatique du préfixe Wine basé sur le nom de fichier d'un plugin - lp grp - passe-bas grp + + Fallback: + Option de secours : - hp grp - passe-haut grp + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + Note : La variable d'environnement WINEPREFIX est préférable à cette option de secours - Octave - Octave + + Realtime Priority + Priorité en temps réel - - - EqHandle - Reso: - Réso : + + Base priority: + Priorité de base : - BW: - Bande-passante : + + WineServer priority: + Priorité du serveur Wine : - Freq: - Fréquence : + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + Ces options ne sont pas disponibles sous forme de plugin pour Carla - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - Exporter le projet + + <b>Experimental</b> + <b>Expérimental</b> - Output - Sortie + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + Ces options sont expérimentales et sont probablement instables. - File format: - Format de fichier : + + Enable plugin bridges + Activer les ponts des plugins - Samplerate: - Taux d'échantillonnage : + + Enable Wine bridges + Activer les ponts de Wine - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Enable jack applications + Activer les applications jack - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 + Exporter les plugins simples vers LV2 - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + Charger l'arrière-plan de Carla dans l'espace de noms global (NON RECOMMANDÉ) - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + Utiliser OpenGL pour le rendu (nécessite un redémarrage) - Bitrate: - Débit : + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + Anticrénelage de haute qualité (OpenGL uniquement) - 64 KBit/s - 64 kbit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 128 KBit/s - 128 kbit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + Forcer les plugins mono à fonctionner en stéréo en exécutant simultanément 2 instances. +Ce mode n'est pas disponible pour les plugins VST. - 160 KBit/s - 160 kbit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo + Forcer les plugins mono à fonctionner en stéréo - 192 KBit/s - 192 kbit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + Empêcher les dysfonctionnements des plugins (nécessite un redémarrage) - 256 KBit/s - 256 kbit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + Exécutez les plugins en mode bridge si cela est possible. - 320 KBit/s - 320 kbit/s + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + Exécutez les plugins en mode bridge si cela est possible. - Depth: - Profondeur : + + + + + Add Path + Ajouter un chemin d'accès + + + CompressorControlDialog - 16 Bit Integer - Entier sur 16 bits + + Threshold: + Seuil : - 32 Bit Float - Flottant sur 32 bits + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + Volume à partir duquel la compression commence à se produire - Quality settings - Réglages de qualité + + Ratio: + Ratio : - Interpolation: - Interpolation : + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + De combien le compresseur doit réduire le volume après avoir franchi le seuil - Zero Order Hold - Bloqueur d'ordre zéro + + Attack: + Attaque : - Sinc Fastest - Sync plus rapide + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + Vitesse à laquelle le compresseur commence à compresser l'audio - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Sync moyenne (recommandée) + + Release: + Relâchement : - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Sync optimale (trés lent !) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + Vitesse à laquelle le compresseur cesse de compresser l'audio - Oversampling (use with care!): - Sur-échantillonnage (utiliser avec précaution !) : + + Knee: + - 1x (None) - 1x (Aucun) + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + Lisser la courbe de réduction du gain autour du seuil - 2x - 2x + + Range: + Gamme : - 4x - 4x + + Maximum gain reduction + Réduction maximale du gain - 8x - 8x + + Lookahead Length: + Durée de l'anticipation : - Start - Démarrer + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + Combien de temps le compresseur doit-il réagir au signal du sidechain à l'avance - Cancel - Annuler + + Hold: + Maintien : - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Exporter sous la forme d'une boucle (supprime le silence de fin) + + Delay between attack and release stages + Délai entre les phases d'attaque et de relâchement - Export between loop markers - Exporter la section entre les marqueurs de boucle + + RMS Size: + Taille de la moyenne quadratique : - Could not open file - Le fichier n'a pas pu être ouvert + + Size of the RMS buffer + Taille du tampon de la moyenne quadratique - Export project to %1 - Exporter le projet vers %1 + + Input Balance: + Balance d'entrée : - Error - Erreur + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + Polarise l'entrée audio vers la gauche/la droite ou le milieu/le côté - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Erreur pendant la détection du périphérique d'encodage du fichier. Veuillez essayer de choisir un format de sortie différent. + + Output Balance: + Balance de sortie : - Rendering: %1% - Encodage : %1% + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + Polarise la sortie audio vers la gauche/la droite ou le milieu/le côté - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %1 en écriture. -Veuillez vous assurez que vous avez les droits d'écriture sur le fichier et le dossier contenant le fichier, et essayez à nouveau ! + + Stereo Balance: + Balance stéréo : - 24 Bit Integer - Entier 24 bits + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + Polarise le signal du sidechain vers la gauche/la droite ou le milieu/le côté - Use variable bitrate - Utiliser un taux variable + + Stereo Link Blend: + - Stereo mode: - Mode stéréo : + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + - Stereo - Stéréo + + Tilt Gain: + - Joint Stereo - Stéréo conjointe + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + - Mono - Mono + + Tilt Frequency: + - Compression level: - Niveau de compression : + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + - (fastest) - (le plus rapide) + + Mix: + - (default) - (par défaut) + + Balance between wet and dry signals + - (smallest) - (le plus petit) + + Auto Attack: + - - - Expressive - Selected graph - Graphique sélectionné + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + - A1 - A1 + + Auto Release: + - A2 - A2 + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + - A3 - A3 + + Output gain + Gain en sortie - W1 smoothing - Adoucissement W1 + + + Gain + Gain - W2 smoothing - Adoucissement W2 + + Output volume + - W3 smoothing - Adoucissement W3 + + Input gain + Gain en entrée - PAN1 - PAN1 + + Input volume + - PAN2 - PAN2 + + Root Mean Square + - REL TRANS - TRANS REL + + Use RMS of the input + - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Veuillez entrer une valeur entre %1 et %2 : + + Peak + - - - FileBrowser - Browser - Explorateur + + Use absolute value of the input + - Search - Chercher + + Left/Right + - Refresh list - Rafraîchir la liste + + Compress left and right audio + - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - Envoyer vers la piste d'instrument actif + + Mid/Side + - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - Ouvrir dans une nouvelle piste d'instrument / éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse + + Compress mid and side audio + - Loading sample - Chargement de l'échantillon + + Compressor + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Veuillez patienter, chargement de l'échantillon pour un aperçu... + + Compress the audio + - --- Factory files --- - --- Fichiers usine --- + + Limiter + - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - Ouvrir dans une nouvelle piste d'instrument / éditeur de morceau + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - Error - Erreur + + Unlinked + - does not appear to be a valid - ne semble pas être valide + + Compress each channel separately + - file - fichier + + Maximum + - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - Délai d'échantillonnage + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - Lfo Frequency - Fréquence LFO + + Average + - Seconds - Secondes + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - Regen - Régén + + Minimum + - Noise - Bruit + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - Invert - Inverser + + Blend + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: - Temps de délai : + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - Feedback Amount: - Niveau de réinjection : + + Auto Makeup Gain + - White Noise Amount: - Niveau de bruit blanc : + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - DELAY - DELAY + + + Soft Clip + - RATE - TAUX + + Play the delta signal + - AMNT - AMNT + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - Amount: - Montant : + + Lookahead Enabled + - FDBK - FDBK + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + CompressorControls - NOISE - BRUIT + + Threshold + - Invert - Inverser + + Ratio + Ratio - Period: - Période : + + Attack + Attaque - - - FxLine - Channel send amount - Quantité de signal envoyé du canal + + Release + Relâchement - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - Le canal d'effet reçoit l'entrée depuis une ou plusieurs pistes d'instrument. - Il peut, à son tour, être routé vers de multiples autres canaux d'effets. LMMS prend automatiquement soin de vous en empêchant des boucles infinies et ne permet pas de faire une connexion qui résulterait en une boucle infinier. - -Afin de router le canal vers un autre canal, sélectionnez le canal d'effet et cliquez sur le bouton "envoyer" sur le canal auquel vous voulez envoyer. Le bouton en dessous du bouton d'envoi contrôle le niveau du signal qui est envoyé au canal. - -Vous pouvez supprimer et déplacer les canaux d'effets dans le menu contextuel, qui est accessible en cliquant-droit sur le canal d'effet. + + Knee + - Move &left - Déplacer à &gauche + + Hold + Maintien - Move &right - Déplacer à &droite + + Range + - Rename &channel - &Renommer le canal + + RMS Size + - R&emove channel - &Supprimer le canal + + Mid/Side + - Remove &unused channels - Supprimer les canaux &inutilisés + + Peak Mode + - - - FxMixer - Master - Général + + Lookahead Length + - FX %1 - Effet %1 + + Input Balance + - Volume - Volume + + Output Balance + - Mute - Mettre en sourdine + + Limiter + - Solo - Solo + + Output Gain + Gain en sortie - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - Mélangeur d'effets + + Input Gain + Gain en entrée - FX Fader %1 - Chariot d'effet %1 + + Blend + - Mute - Mettre en sourdine + + Stereo Balance + - Mute this FX channel - Mettre ce canal d'effet en sourdine + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Solo - Solo + + Audition + - Solo FX channel - Mettre ce canal d'effet en solo + + Feedback + Réinjection - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Quantité à envoyer du canal %1 au canal %2 + + Auto Attack + - - - GigInstrument - Bank - Banque + + Auto Release + - Patch - Son + + Lookahead + - Gain - Gain + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + Mix - GigInstrumentView + Controller - Open other GIG file - Ouvrir un autre fichier GIG + + Controller %1 + Contrôleur %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - Click here to open another GIG file - Cliquez ici pour ouvrir un autre fichier GIG + + Connection Settings + Configuration de la connexion - Choose the patch - Choisir un son + + MIDI CONTROLLER + CONTRÔLEUR MIDI - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - Cliquez ici pour modifier le son du fichier GIG à utiliser + + Input channel + Canal d'entrée - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - Modifier quel instrument du fichier GIG est joué + + CHANNEL + CANAL - Which GIG file is currently being used - Quel fichier GIG est actuellement utilisé + + Input controller + Contrôleur d'entrée - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - Quel instrument du fichier GIG est actuellement utilisé + + CONTROLLER + CONTRÔLEUR - Gain - Gain + + + Auto Detect + Auto-détection - Factor to multiply samples by - Facteur multiplicatif des échantillons + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + Périphériques MIDI desquels recevoir des événements MIDI - Open GIG file - Ouvrir un fichier GIG + + USER CONTROLLER + CONTRÔLEUR UTILISATEUR - GIG Files (*.gig) - Fichiers GIG (*.gig) + + MAPPING FUNCTION + FONCTION DE MAPPAGE + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + Annuler + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + Un cycle a été détecté. - GuiApplication + ControllerRackView - Working directory - Répertoire de travail + + Controller Rack + Rack de contrôleurs - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - Le répertoire de travail %1 n'existe pas. Le créer maintenant ? Vous pouvez modifier le répertoire plus tard avec Éditer -> Configurations. + + Add + Ajouter - Preparing UI - Préparation de l'interface utilisateur + + Confirm Delete + Confirmer la suppression - Preparing song editor - Préparation de l'éditeur de morceau + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Confirmer la suppression ? Il existe des connection(s) associée(s) avec ce contrôleur. Il n'est pas possible d'annuler cette action. + + + ControllerView - Preparing mixer - Préparation du mélangeur + + Controls + Contrôles - Preparing controller rack - Préparation du rack de contrôleurs + + Rename controller + Renommer un contrôleur - Preparing project notes - Préparation des notes de projet + + Enter the new name for this controller + Entrez un nouveau nom pour ce contrôleur - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Préparation de l'éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse + + LFO + LFO - Preparing piano roll - Préparation du piano virtuel + + &Remove this controller + Supp&rimer ce contrôleur - Preparing automation editor - Préparation de l'éditeur d'automation + + Re&name this controller + Re&nommer ce contrôleur - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Arpeggio - Arpège + + Band 1/2 crossover: + Fréquence de croisement des bandes 1/2 : - Arpeggio type - Type d'arpège + + Band 2/3 crossover: + Fréquence de croisement des bandes 2/3 : - Arpeggio range - Plage d'arpège + + Band 3/4 crossover: + Fréquence de croisement des bandes 3/4 : - Arpeggio time - Temps d'arpège + + Band 1 gain + Gain de la bande 1 - Arpeggio gate - Durée d'arpège + + Band 1 gain: + Gain de la bande 1 : - Arpeggio direction - Direction de l'arpège + + Band 2 gain + Gain de la bande 2 - Arpeggio mode - Mode d'arpège + + Band 2 gain: + Gain de la bande 2 : - Up - Ascendant + + Band 3 gain + Gain de la bande 3 - Down - Descendant + + Band 3 gain: + Gain de la bande 3 : - Up and down - Ascendant et descendant + + Band 4 gain + Gain de la bande 4 - Random - Aléatoire + + Band 4 gain: + Gain de la bande 4 : - Free - Libre + + Band 1 mute + Bande 1 en sourdine - Sort - Tri + + Mute band 1 + Mettre la bande 1 en sourdine - Sync - Sync + + Band 2 mute + Mettre la bande 2 en sourdine - Down and up - Descendant et ascendant + + Mute band 2 + - Skip rate - Taux de saut + + Band 3 mute + - Miss rate - Taux de manqué + + Mute band 3 + - Cycle steps - Pas de cycle + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + DelayControls - ARPEGGIO - ARPÈGE + + Delay samples + - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - Un arpège est une façon de jouer des instruments (en particulier ceux à cordes pincées), qui rend la musique plus vivante. Les cordes de tels instruments (p. ex. les harpes) sont pincées comme des accords. La seule différence est que cela est fait de manière séquentielle, ce qui fait que les notes ne sont pas jouées en même temps. Les arpèges typiques sont des triades majeures ou mineures, mais il y a beaucoup d'autres accords possibles, vous pouvez choisr. + + Feedback + Réinjection - RANGE - PLAGE + + LFO frequency + - Arpeggio range: - Plage d'arpège : + + LFO amount + Niveau LFO - octave(s) - octave(s) + + Output gain + Gain en sortie + + + DelayControlsDialog - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler la plage de l'arpège en octaves. L'arpège sélectionné sera joué sur le nombre d'octaves choisi. + + DELAY + DE RETARD - TIME - TEMPS + + Delay time + - Arpeggio time: - Temps d'arpège : + + FDBK + FDBK - ms - ms + + Feedback amount + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le temps d'arpège en millisecondes. Le temps d'arpège indique la durée pendant laquelle chaque note de l'arpège sera joué. + + RATE + TAUX - GATE - DUREE + + LFO frequency + - Arpeggio gate: - Durée d'arpège : + + AMNT + AMNT - % - % + + LFO amount + Niveau LFO - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler la durée d'arpège. La durée d'arpège indique le pourcentage d'une note complète de l'arpège qui sera joué. Avec ceci vous pouvez faire de beaux arpèges staccato. + + Out gain + Gain en sortie - Chord: - Accord : + + Gain + Gain + + + Dialog - Direction: - Direction : + + Add JACK Application + - Mode: - Mode : + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - SKIP - SAUT + + Application + Application - Skip rate: - Taux de saut : + + Name: + - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - La fonction de saut fera que l'arpéggiateur mettra un pas en pause au hasard. Il commencera en position anti-horaire complète et, sans effet, il progressera graduellement vers une amnésie complète à son paramétrage maximum. + + Application: + - MISS - MANQUÉ + + From template + - Miss rate: - Taux de manqué : + + Custom + - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - La fonction manqué fera que l'arpégiateur manquera la note attendue. + + Template: + - CYCLE - CYCLE + + Command: + - Cycle notes: - Notes de cycle : + + Setup + - note(s) - note(s) + + Session Manager: + - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. - Saute de n pas dans l'arpège et les cycles si nous sommes au délà de la gamme de note. Si la gamme de note totale est divisible en parts égales par le nombre de pas au dessus desquels on saute, vous serez coincé dans un arpège plus court ou bien même dans une note. + + None + Aucun - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - octave + + Audio inputs: + Entrées audio : - Major - Majeur + + MIDI inputs: + Entrées MIDI : - Majb5 - Si majeur 5 + + Audio outputs: + - minor - mineur + + MIDI outputs: + - minb5 - Si mineur 5 + + Take control of main application window + - sus2 - sus2 + + Workarounds + - sus4 - sus4 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - aug - aug + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + Utiliser le tampon de sortie du client précédent comme entrée pour le client suivant - tri - tri + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - 6 - 6 + + Error here + - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + Carla Control - Connect + - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Remote setup + - m6 - m6 + + UDP Port: + - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Remote host: + - 7 - 7 + + TCP Port: + - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Reported host + - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Automatic + - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Custom: + - 7#9 - 7#9 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - 7b9 - 7b9 + + Set value + Mode valeur - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + TextLabel + TextLabel - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Driver Settings + - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Device: + - 7add13 - 7add13 + + Buffer size: + - 7#11 - 7#11 + + Sample rate: + Taux d'échantillonnage : - Maj7 - Maj7 + + Triple buffer + - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + Show Driver Control Panel + - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Redémarrez le moteur pour charger les nouveaux paramètres + + + DualFilterControlDialog - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + + FREQ + FRÉQ - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + + Cutoff frequency + Fréquence de coupure - m7 - m7 + + + RESO + RÉSON - m7b5 - m7b5 + + + Resonance + Résonance - m7b9 - m7b9 + + + GAIN + GAIN - m7add11 - m7add11 + + + Gain + Gain - m7add13 - m7add13 + + MIX + MIX - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Mix + Mix - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtre 1 activé - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtre 2 activé - 9 - 9 + + Enable/disable filter 1 + - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + DualFilterControls - add9 - add9 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtre 1 activé - 9#5 - 9#5 + + Filter 1 type + Type du filtre 1 - 9b5 - 9b5 + + Cutoff frequency 1 + - 9#11 - 9#11 + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Résonance 1 - 9b13 - 9b13 + + Gain 1 + Gain 1 - Maj9 - Maj9 + + Mix + Mix - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtre 2 activé - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + Filter 2 type + Type du filtre 2 - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + Cutoff frequency 2 + - m9 - m9 + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Résonance 2 - madd9 - madd9 + + Gain 2 + Gain 2 - m9b5 - m9b5 + + + Low-pass + Passe-bas - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + + Hi-pass + Passe-haut - 11 - 11 + + + Band-pass csg + Passe-bande "csg" - 11b9 - 11b9 + + + Band-pass czpg + Passe-bande "czpg" - Maj11 - Maj11 + + + Notch + Coupe-bande - m11 - m11 + + + All-pass + Passe-tout - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + + Moog + Moog - 13 - 13 + + + 2x Low-pass + Passe-bas x2 - 13#9 - 13#9 + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Passe-bas 12 dB - 13b9 - 13b9 + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Passe-bande 12 dB - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Passe-haut 12 dB - Maj13 - Maj13 + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Passe-bas 24 dB - m13 - m13 + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Passe-bande 24 dB - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Passe-haut 24 dB - Harmonic minor - Mineure harmonique + + + Vocal Formant + Formant vocal - Melodic minor - Mineure mélodique + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Whole tone - Note complète + + + SV Low-pass + SV Passe-bas - Diminished - Diminuée + + + SV Band-pass + SV Passe-bande - Major pentatonic - Pentatonique majeure + + + SV High-pass + SV Passe-bas - Minor pentatonic - Pentatonique mineure + + + SV Notch + SV coupe-bande - Jap in sen - Japonaise "in sen" + + + Fast Formant + Formant rapide - Major bebop - Bebop majeure + + + Tripole + Tripôle + + + Editor - Dominant bebop - Bebop dominante + + Transport controls + Contrôle du transport - Blues - Blues + + Play (Space) + Jouer (barre d'espace) - Arabic - Arabe + + Stop (Space) + Arrêter (barre d'espace) - Enigmatic - Énigmatique + + Record + Enregistrer - Neopolitan - Napolitaine + + Record while playing + Enregistrer en jouant - Neopolitan minor - Napolitaine mineure + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + Effect - Hungarian minor - Hongroise mineure + + Effect enabled + Effet activé - Dorian - Dorienne + + Wet/Dry mix + Mélange originel/traité - Phrygolydian - Phrygo-lydienne + + Gate + Seuil - Lydian - Lydienne + + Decay + Affaiblissement (decay) + + + EffectChain - Mixolydian - Mixolydienne + + Effects enabled + Effets activés + + + EffectRackView - Aeolian - Éolienne + + EFFECTS CHAIN + CHAÎNE D'EFFETS - Locrian - Locrienne + + Add effect + Ajouter un effet + + + EffectSelectDialog - Chords - Accords + + Add effect + Ajouter un effet - Chord type - Type d'accord + + + Name + Nom - Chord range - Gamme d'accord + + Type + Type - Minor - Mineur - + + Description + Description + - Chromatic - Chromatique + + Author + Auteur + + + EffectView - Half-Whole Diminished - Demi-globalement diminué + + On/Off + On/Off - 5 - 5 + + W/D + W/D - Phrygian dominant - Phrygien dominant + + Wet Level: + Niveau avec effet : - Persian - Persien + + DECAY + DECAY - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE - GAMME + + Time: + Durée : - Chord range: - Gamme d'accord : + + GATE + GATE - octave(s) - octave(s) + + Gate: + Gate : - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler la gamme d'accord en octaves. L'accord sélectionné sera joué sur le nombre d'octaves choisi. + + Controls + Contrôles - STACKING - EMPILEMENT + + Move &up + Déplacer vers le &haut - Chord: - Accord : + + Move &down + Déplacer vers le &bas + + + + &Remove this plugin + &Supprimer cet effet - InstrumentMidiIOView + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - ACTIVER L'ENTRÉE MIDI + + Env pre-delay + - CHANNEL - CANAL + + Env attack + - VELOCITY - VÉLOCITÉ + + Env hold + - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - ACTIVER LA SORTIE MIDI + + Env decay + Affaiblissement de l'enveloppe - PROGRAM - PROGRAMME + + Env sustain + - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - Périphériques MIDI desquels recevoir des événements MIDI + + Env release + - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - Périphériques MIDI auxquels envoyer des événements MIDI + + Env mod amount + - NOTE - NOTE + + LFO pre-delay + - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - VÉLOCITÉ DE BASE PERSONNALISÉE + + LFO attack + - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - Spécifie la vélocité normalisée de base des instruments MIDI pour un volume de note de 100% + + LFO frequency + - BASE VELOCITY - VÉLOCITÉ DE BASE + + LFO mod amount + - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH - TONALITÉ GÉNÉRALE + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + - Enables the use of Master Pitch - Active l'utilisation de la tonalité générale + + Modulate env amount + - InstrumentSoundShaping + EnvelopeAndLfoView - VOLUME - VOLUME + + + DEL + DEL - Volume - Volume + + + Pre-delay: + - CUTOFF - COUPURE + + + ATT + ATT - Cutoff frequency - Fréquence de coupure + + + Attack: + Attaque : - RESO - RÉSON + + HOLD + HOLD - Resonance - Résonance + + Hold: + Maintien : - Envelopes/LFOs - Enveloppes/LFOs + + DEC + DEC - Filter type - Type de filtre + + Decay: + Affaiblissement (decay) : - Q/Resonance - Q/Résonance + + SUST + SUST - LowPass - Passe-bas + + Sustain: + Soutien : - HiPass - Passe-haut + + REL + REL - BandPass csg - Passe-bande "csg" + + Release: + Relâchement : - BandPass czpg - Passe-bande "czpg" + + + AMT + AMT - Notch - Coupe-bande + + + Modulation amount: + Niveau de modulation : - Allpass - Passe-tout + + SPD + SPD - Moog - Moog + + Frequency: + Fréquence : - 2x LowPass - Passe-bas x2 + + FREQ x 100 + FRÉQ x 100 - RC LowPass 12dB - RC passe-bas 12dB + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + - RC BandPass 12dB - RC passe-bande 12dB + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + - RC HighPass 12dB - RC passe-haut 12dB + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + - RC LowPass 24dB - RC Passe Bas 24dB + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO : - RC BandPass 24dB - RC Passe Bande 24dB + + Hint + Astuce - RC HighPass 24dB - RC Passe Haut 24dB + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + EqControls - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtre formant vocal + + Input gain + Gain en entrée - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + Output gain + Gain en sortie - SV LowPass - SV passe-bas + + Low-shelf gain + - SV BandPass - SV passe-bande + + Peak 1 gain + Gain de crête 1 - SV HighPass - SV passe-haut + + Peak 2 gain + Gain de crête 2 - SV Notch - SV coupe-bande + + Peak 3 gain + Gain de crête 3 - Fast Formant - Formant rapide + + Peak 4 gain + Gain de crête 4 - Tripole - Tripôle + + High-shelf gain + - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - CIBLE + + HP res + PH rés - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Ces onglets contiennent des enveloppes. Elles sont très important pour la modification d'un son, dans le sens où elles sont presque toujours nécessaires pour la synsthèse soustractive. Par exemple si vous avez une enveloppe de volume, vous pouvez régler quand le son devra avoir un volume spécifique. Si vous souhaitez créer des cordes douces alors votre son doit commencer et se terminer très doucement. Ceci peut être obtenu en réglant des temps d'attaque et de descente longs. C'est la même chose pour les autres composantes comme le panoramisation, la fréquence de coupure pour le filtre utilisé et ainsi de suite. Amusez-vous un peu avec ! Vous pouvez vraiment faire de beaux sons à partir d'une onde en dents-de-scie avec juste quelques enveloppes... ! + + Low-shelf res + - FILTER - FILTRE + + Peak 1 BW + Bande-passante du pic 1 - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Ici, vous pouvez choisir le filtre intégré que vous souhaitez utiliser pour cette piste d'instrument. Les filtres sont très important pour la modification des caractéristiques d'un son. + + Peak 2 BW + Bande-passante du pic 2 - Hz - Hz + + Peak 3 BW + Bande-passante du pic 3 - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler la fréquence de coupure du filtre choisi. La fréquence de coupure spécifie la fréquence à laquelle un filtre coupera le signal. Par exemple un filtre passe-bas coupera toutes les fréquences au-dessus de la fréquence de coupure. Un filtre passe-haut coupera toutes les fréquences en-dessous de la fréquence de coupure, et ainsi de suite... + + Peak 4 BW + Bande-passante du pic 4 - RESO - RESO + + High-shelf res + - Resonance: - Résonance : + + LP res + Rés. du passe-base - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler la Q/Résonance pour le filtre choisi. La Q/Résonance indique au filtre dans quelle proportion il devra amplifier les fréquences proches de la fréquence de coupure. + + HP freq + Fréquence du passe-haut - FREQ - FRÉQ + + Low-shelf freq + - cutoff frequency: - Fréquence de coupure : + + Peak 1 freq + Fréquence de crête 1 - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - Les enveloppes, les LFO et les filtres ne sont pas supportés par l'instrument actuel. + + Peak 2 freq + Fréquence de crête 2 - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - piste_sans_nom + + Peak 3 freq + Fréquence de crête 3 - Volume - Volume + + Peak 4 freq + Fréquence de crête 4 - Panning - Panoramisation + + High-shelf freq + - Pitch - Tonalité + + LP freq + Fréq. passe-base - FX channel - Canal d'effet + + HP active + Passe-haut actif - Default preset - Pré-réglage par défaut + + Low-shelf active + - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Avec ce bouton vous pouvez régler le volume du canal ouvert. + + Peak 1 active + Crête 1 active - Base note - Note de base + + Peak 2 active + Crête 2 active - Pitch range - Plage de hauteur + + Peak 3 active + Crête 3 active - Master Pitch - Tonalité générale + + Peak 4 active + Crête 4 active - - - InstrumentTrackView - Volume - Volume + + High-shelf active + - Volume: - Volume : + + LP active + Passe-bas actif - VOL - VOL + + LP 12 + Passe-bas 12 - Panning - Panoramisation + + LP 24 + Passe-bas 24 - Panning: - Panoramisation : + + LP 48 + Passe-bas 48 - PAN - PAN + + HP 12 + Passe-haut 12 - MIDI - MIDI + + HP 24 + Passe-haut 24 - Input - Entrée + + HP 48 + Passe-haut 48 - Output - Sortie + + Low-pass type + - FX %1: %2 - Effet %1 : %2 + + High-pass type + - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS - CONFIGURATION GÉNÉRALE + + Analyse IN + Analyse d'entrée - Instrument volume - Volume de l'instrument + + Analyse OUT + Analyse de sortie + + + EqControlsDialog - Volume: - Volume : + + HP + PH - VOL - VOL + + Low-shelf + - Panning - Panoramisation + + Peak 1 + Crête 1 - Panning: - Panoramisation : + + Peak 2 + Crête 2 - PAN - PAN + + Peak 3 + Crête 3 - Pitch - Tonalité + + Peak 4 + Crête 4 - Pitch: - Tonalité : + + High-shelf + - cents - centièmes + + LP + Passe-bas - PITCH - PITCH + + Input gain + Gain en entrée - FX channel - Canal d'effet + + + + Gain + Gain - FX - EFFETS + + Output gain + Gain en sortie - Save preset - Enregistrer le pré-réglage + + Bandwidth: + Largeur de bande : - XML preset file (*.xpf) - Fichier XML de pré-réglage (*.xpf) + + Octave + Octave - Pitch range (semitones) - Plage de hauteur (demi-tons) + + Resonance : + Résonance : - RANGE - PLAGE + + Frequency: + Fréquence : - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Sauvegarder les paramètres de la piste de l'instrument actuel dans un fichier de pré-réglage + + LP group + - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Cliquer ici pour sauvegarder les pré-réglages actuels de la piste instrumentale dans un fichier de pré-réglages. Vous pourrez recharger ces pré-réglages en double-cliquant dessus dans le navigateur de pré-réglages. + + HP group + + + + EqHandle - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Utiliser ces contôles pour voir ou éditer la piste suivante ou précédente dans l'éditeur de morceau. + + Reso: + Réso : - SAVE - SAUV + + BW: + Bande-passante : - Envelope, filter & LFO - Enveloppe, filtre, et LFO + + + Freq: + Fréquence : + + + ExportProjectDialog - Chord stacking & arpeggio - Empilement d'accords et arpège + + Export project + Exporter le projet - Effects - Effets + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + - MIDI settings - Configurations MIDI + + Export between loop markers + Exporter la section entre les marqueurs de boucle - Miscellaneous - Divers + + Render Looped Section: + - Plugin - Greffon + + time(s) + - - - Knob - Set linear - Mode linéaire + + File format settings + - Set logarithmic - Mode logarithmique + + File format: + Format de fichier : - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Veuillez entrer une valeur entre %1 et %2 : + + Sampling rate: + - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Veuillez entrer une valeur entre -96,0 dBV et 6,0 dBFS: + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz - - - LadspaControl - Link channels - Relier les canaux + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - Lier les canaux + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz - Channel - Canal + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels - Lier les canaux + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz - Value: - Valeur : + + Bit depth: + - Sorry, no help available. - Désolé, l'aide n'est pas disponible. + + 16 Bit integer + - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Le greffon LDASPA %1 demandé est inconnu. + + 24 Bit integer + - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Veuillez entrer une valeur entre %1 et %2 : + + 32 Bit float + - - - LeftRightNav - Previous - Précédent + + Stereo mode: + Mode stéréo : - Next - Suivant + + Mono + Mono - Previous (%1) - Précédent (%1) + + Stereo + Stéréo - Next (%1) - Suivant (%1) + + Joint stereo + - - - LfoController - LFO Controller - Contrôleur du LFO + + Compression level: + Niveau de compression : - Base value - Valeur de base + + Bitrate: + Débit : - Oscillator speed - Vitesse de l'oscillateur + + 64 KBit/s + 64 kbit/s - Oscillator amount - Niveau de l'oscillateur + + 128 KBit/s + 128 kbit/s - Oscillator phase - Phase de l'oscillateur + + 160 KBit/s + 160 kbit/s - Oscillator waveform - Forme d'onde de l'oscillateur + + 192 KBit/s + 192 kbit/s - Frequency Multiplier - Multiplicateur de fréquence + + 256 KBit/s + 256 kbit/s - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + 320 KBit/s + 320 kbit/s - LFO Controller - Contrôleur du LFO + + Use variable bitrate + Utiliser un taux variable - BASE - BASE + + Quality settings + Réglages de qualité - Base amount: - Niveau de base : + + Interpolation: + Interpolation : - todo - à faire + + Zero order hold + - SPD - SPD + + Sinc worst (fastest) + - LFO-speed: - Vitesse du LFO : + + Sinc medium (recommended) + - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler la vitesse du LFO. Plus la valeur est importante, plus l'oscillateur oscille vite et plus l'effet est rapide. + + Sinc best (slowest) + - Modulation amount: - Niveau de modulation : + + Oversampling: + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Utilisez ce bouton pour régler le niveau de modulation du LFO. Plus la valeur est importante, plus le contrôle connecté (p. ex. volume ou fréquence de coupure) sera influencé par le LFO. + + 1x (None) + 1x (Aucun) - PHS - PHS + + 2x + 2x - Phase offset: - Décalage de phase : + + 4x + 4x - degrees - degrés + + 8x + 8x - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Avec ce bouton vous pouvez régler le décalage de phase du LFO. Cela signifie que vous pouvez déplacer, dans une oscillation, le point où l'oscillateur commence à osciller. Par exemple, si vous avez une onde sinusoïdale et un décalage de phase de 180 degrés, l'onde commencera par descendre. C'est la même chose avec une onde carrée. + + Start + Démarrer - Click here for a sine-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde sinusoïdale. + + Cancel + Annuler - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde triangulaire. + + Could not open file + Le fichier n'a pas pu être ouvert - Click here for a saw-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde en dents-de-scie. + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %1 en écriture. +Veuillez vous assurez que vous avez les droits d'écriture sur le fichier et le dossier contenant le fichier, et essayez à nouveau ! - Click here for a square-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde carrée. + + Export project to %1 + Exporter le projet vers %1 - Click here for an exponential wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde exponentielle. + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + - Click here for white-noise. - Cliquez ici pour un bruit blanc. + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Cliquez ici pour une forme définie par l'utilisateur. -Double-cliquez pour choisir un fichier. + + Error + Erreur - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde Moog en dents-de-scie. + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Erreur pendant la détection du périphérique d'encodage du fichier. Veuillez essayer de choisir un format de sortie différent. - AMNT - AMNT + + Rendering: %1% + Encodage : %1% - LmmsCore + Fader - Generating wavetables - Génération des tables d'ondes + + Set value + Mode valeur - Initializing data structures - Initialisation des structures de données + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Veuillez entrer une valeur entre %1 et %2 : + + + FileBrowser - Opening audio and midi devices - Ouverture des périphériques audio et MIDI + + User content + - Launching mixer threads - Lancement du mélangeur de threads + + Factory content + - - - MainWindow - &New - &Nouveau + + Browser + Explorateur - &Open... - &Ouvrir... + + Search + Chercher - &Save - &Enregistrer + + Refresh list + Rafraîchir la liste + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget - Save &As... - Enregistrer &sous... + + Send to active instrument-track + Envoyer vers la piste d'instrument actif - Import... - Importer... + + Open containing folder + - E&xport... - E&xporter... + + Song Editor + Éditeur de morceau - &Quit - &Quitter + + BB Editor + - &Edit - &Éditer + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + - Settings - Configuration + + Send to new instrument track + - &Tools - Ou&tils + + (%2Enter) + - &Help - &Aide + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + - Help - Aide + + Loading sample + Chargement de l'échantillon - What's this? - Qu'est-ce que c'est ? + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Veuillez patienter, chargement de l'échantillon pour un aperçu... - About - À propos + + Error + Erreur - Create new project - Créer un nouveau projet + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + - Create new project from template - Créer un nouveau projet à partir d'un modèle + + --- Factory files --- + --- Fichiers usine --- + + + FlangerControls - Open existing project - Ouvrir un projet existant + + Delay samples + - Recently opened projects - Projets ouverts récemment + + LFO frequency + - Save current project - Enregistrer le projet + + Seconds + Secondes - Export current project - Exporter le projet + + Stereo phase + - Song Editor - Éditeur de morceau + + Regen + Régén - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - En appuyant sur ce bouton, vous pouvez montrer ou cacher l'éditeur de morceau. À l'aide de l'éditeur de morceau vous pouvez éditer la liste de lecture du morceau et indiquer quelle piste devra être jouée. Vous pouvez également insérer et déplacer des échantillons (p. ex. des échantillons de Rap) directement dans la liste de lecture. + + Noise + Bruit - Beat+Bassline Editor - Éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse + + Invert + Inverser + + + FlangerControlsDialog - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - En appuyant sur ce bouton, vous pouvez montrer ou cacher l'éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse. L'éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse est nécessaire pour la création de rythmes, pour ouvrir, ajouter et supprimer des canaux, pour couper, copier et coller des motifs rythmiques, et pour d'autres choses similaires. + + DELAY + DE RETARD - Piano Roll - Piano virtuel + + Delay time: + - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Cliquez ici pour montrer ou cacher le piano virtuel. À l'aide du piano virtuel vous pouvez éditer facilement des mélodies. + + RATE + TAUX - Automation Editor - Éditeur d'automation + + Period: + Période : - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Cliquez ici pour montrer ou cacher l'éditeur d'automation. À l'aide de l'éditeur d'automation vous pouvez éditer facilement des valeurs dynamiques. + + AMNT + AMNT - FX Mixer - Mélangeur d'effets + + Amount: + Montant : - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Cliquez ici pour montrer et cacher le mélangeur d'effets. Le mélangeur d'effet est un outil très puissant pour la gestion des effets de votre morceau. Vous pouvez insérer des effets dans différents canaux d'effets. + + PHASE + - Project Notes - Montrer/cacher les notes du projet + + Phase: + - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Cliquez ici pour montrer et cacher la fenêtre de notes du projet. Dans cette fenêtre vous pouvez inscrire les notes de votre projet. + + FDBK + FDBK - Controller Rack - Rack de contrôleurs + + Feedback amount: + - Untitled - Sans titre + + NOISE + BRUIT - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + White noise amount: + - Project not saved - Projet non sauvegardé + + Invert + Inverser + + + FreeBoyInstrument - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Ce projet a été modifié depuis son dernier enregistrement. Souhaitez-vous l'enregistrer maintenant ? + + Sweep time + Temps de balayage - Help not available - L'aide n'est pas disponible + + Sweep direction + Sens de balayage - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Il n'y a pour l'instant pas de d'aide dans LMMS. -Veuillez visiter http://lmms.sf.net/wiki pour la documentation de LMMS. + + Sweep rate shift amount + - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + - Version %1 - Version %1 + + Channel 1 volume + Volume du canal 1 - Configuration file - Fichier de configuration + + + + Volume sweep direction + Sens du volume du balayage - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Erreur pendant l'analyse du fichier de configuration à la ligne %1:%2:%3 + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Longueur de chaque pas du balayage - Volumes - Volumes + + Channel 2 volume + Volume du canal 2 - Undo - Défaire + + Channel 3 volume + Volume du canal 3 - Redo - Refaire + + Channel 4 volume + Volume du canal 4 - My Projects - Mes projets + + Shift Register width + Largeur du registre de décalage - My Samples - Mes échantillons + + Right output level + - My Presets - Mes pré-réglages + + Left output level + - My Home - Mon répertoire + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 1 vers SO2 (gauche) - My Computer - Mon ordinateur + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 2 vers SO2 (gauche) - &File - &Fichier + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 3 vers SO2 (gauche) - &Recently Opened Projects - Projets ouverts &Récemment + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 4 vers SO2 (gauche) - Save as New &Version - Enregistrer en tant que nouvelle &version + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 1 vers SO2 (droite) - E&xport Tracks... - E&xporter les pistes... + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 2 vers SO2 (droite) - Online Help - Aide en ligne + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 3 vers SO2 (droite) - What's This? - Qu'est-ce que c'est? + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 4 vers SO2 (droite) - Open Project - Ouvrir le projet + + Treble + Aigus - Save Project - Enregistrer le projet + + Bass + Graves + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView - Project recovery - Récupération de projet + + Sweep time: + - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - Il y a un fichier de récupération présent. Il semble que la dernière session ne s'est pas fermée proprement ou bien qu'une aute instance de LMMS est déjà ouverte. Voulez-vous récupérer le projet de cette session ? + + Sweep time + Temps de balayage - Recover - Récupérer + + Sweep rate shift amount: + - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Récupérer le fichier. Veuillez ne pas lancer de multiple instances de LMMS lorsque vous faites cela. + + Sweep rate shift amount + - Discard - Abandonner + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Lancer une session par défaut et effacer les fichiers de récupération. Ceci n'est pas réversible. + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + - Preparing plugin browser - Préparation du navigateur de greffons + + Square channel 1 volume: + - Preparing file browsers - Préparation du navigateur de fichiers - - - Root directory - Répertoire racine - - - Loading background artwork - Chargement du thème graphique d'arrière-plan + + Square channel 1 volume + - New from template - Nouveau à partir d'un modèle + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Longueur de chaque pas du balayage : - Save as default template - Sauvegarder en tant que modèle par défaut + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Longueur de chaque pas du balayage - &View - &Afficher + + Square channel 2 volume: + Volume du canal carré 2 : - Toggle metronome - Activer/désactiver le métronome + + Square channel 2 volume + - Show/hide Song-Editor - Afficher/cacher l'éditeur de morceau + + Wave pattern channel volume: + - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Afficher/cacher l'éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse + + Wave pattern channel volume + - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Afficher/cacher le piano virtuel + + Noise channel volume: + - Show/hide Automation Editor - Afficher/cacher l'éditeur d'automation + + Noise channel volume + - Show/hide FX Mixer - Afficher/cacher le mixeur d'effets + + SO1 volume (Right): + - Show/hide project notes - Afficher/cacher les notes de projet + + SO1 volume (Right) + - Show/hide controller rack - Afficher/cacher le rack de contrôleurs + + SO2 volume (Left): + - Recover session. Please save your work! - Récupération de session. Veuillez sauvegarder votre travail ! + + SO2 volume (Left) + - Recovered project not saved - Le projet récupéré n'a pas été sauvegardé + + Treble: + Aigus : - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Ce projet a été récupéré de la session précédente. Il n'est pas encore sauvegardé et sera perdu si vous ne le sauvegardez pas. Voulez-vous le sauvegarder maintenant ? + + Treble + Aigus - LMMS Project - Projet LMMS + + Bass: + Graves : - LMMS Project Template - Modèle de projet LMMS + + Bass + Graves - Overwrite default template? - Écrire par dessus le modèle par défaut ? + + Sweep direction + Sens de balayage - This will overwrite your current default template. - Ceci ré-écrira votre modèle par défaut actuel. + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Sens du volume du balayage - Smooth scroll - Déplacement fluide + + Shift register width + - Enable note labels in piano roll - Activer les étiquettes de note dans le piano virtuel + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 1 vers SO2 (droite) - Save project template - Sauvegarder le modèle de projet + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 2 vers SO2 (droite) - Volume as dBFS - Volume en dBFS + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 3 vers SO2 (droite) - Could not open file - Le fichier n'a pas pu être ouvert + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 4 vers SO2 (droite) - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %1 en écriture. -Veuillez vous assurez que vous avez les droits d'écriture sur le fichier et le dossier contenant le fichier, et essayez à nouveau ! + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 1 vers SO2 (gauche) - Export &MIDI... - Exporter en &MIDI... + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 2 vers SO2 (gauche) - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator - Numérateur de la mesure + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 3 vers SO2 (gauche) - Meter Denominator - Dénominateur de la mesure + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 4 vers SO2 (gauche) - TIME SIG - SIGN RYTHM + + Wave pattern graph + - MeterModel + MixerLine - Numerator - Numérateur + + Channel send amount + Quantité de signal envoyé du canal - Denominator - Dénominateur + + Move &left + Déplacer à &gauche - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - Contrôleur MIDI + + Move &right + Déplacer à &droite - unnamed_midi_controller - contrôleur_midi_sans_nom + + Rename &channel + &Renommer le canal - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - Paramétrage incomplet + + R&emove channel + &Supprimer le canal - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Vous n'avez pas choisi de SoundFont par défaut dans la boîte de dialogue de configuration (Éditer -> Configuration). Par conséquent aucun son ne sera joué lorsque vous aurez importé ce fichier MIDI. Vous devriez télécharger une Soundfont General MIDI, la référencer dans la configuration et réessayer. + + Remove &unused channels + Supprimer les canaux &inutilisés - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Vous n'avez pas compilé LMMS avec la prise en charge du lecteur SoundFont2, qui est utilisé pour ajouter un son par défaut aux fichiers MIDI importés. Par conséquent aucun son ne sera joué après l'importation de ce fichier MIDI. + + Set channel color + - Track - Piste + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + - MidiJack + MixerLineLcdSpinBox - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - Le serveur JACK est arrêté + + Assign to: + Assigner à : - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - Le serveur JACK semble avoir été coupé + + New mixer Channel + Nouveau canal d'effet - MidiPort + Mixer - Input channel - Canal d'entrée + + Master + Général - Output channel - Canal de sortie + + + + Channel %1 + Effet %1 - Input controller - Contrôleur d'entrée + + Volume + Volume - Output controller - Contrôleur de sortie + + Mute + Mettre en sourdine - Fixed input velocity - Vélocité d'entrée fixe + + Solo + Solo + + + MixerView - Fixed output velocity - Vélocité de sortie fixe + + Mixer + Mélangeur d'effets - Output MIDI program - Programme MIDI de sortie + + Fader %1 + Chariot d'effet %1 - Receive MIDI-events - Recevoir des événements MIDI + + Mute + Mettre en sourdine - Send MIDI-events - Envoyer des événements MIDI + + Mute this mixer channel + Mettre ce canal d'effet en sourdine - Fixed output note - Note de sortie fixe + + Solo + Solo - Base velocity - Vélocité de base + + Solo mixer channel + Mettre ce canal d'effet en solo - MidiSetupWidget + MixerRoute - DEVICE - PERIPHERIQUES + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Quantité à envoyer du canal %1 au canal %2 - MonstroInstrument + GigInstrument - Osc 1 Volume - Volume de l'oscillateur 1 + + Bank + Banque - Osc 1 Panning - Panoramisation de l'oscillateur 1 + + Patch + Son - Osc 1 Coarse detune - Désaccordage grossier de l'oscillateur 1 + + Gain + Gain + + + GigInstrumentView - Osc 1 Fine detune left - Désaccordage fin de gauche de l'oscillateur 1 + + + Open GIG file + Ouvrir un fichier GIG - Osc 1 Fine detune right - Désaccordage fin de droite de l'oscillateur 1 + + Choose patch + - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - Décalage de phase stéréo de l'oscillateur 1 + + Gain: + Gain : - Osc 1 Pulse width - Largeur de la pulsation de l'oscillateur 1 + + GIG Files (*.gig) + Fichiers GIG (*.gig) + + + GuiApplication - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - Synchronisation envoyée lors de la montée de l'oscillateur 1 + + Working directory + Répertoire de travail - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - Synchronisation envoyée lors de la descente de l'oscillateur 1 + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + Le répertoire de travail %1 n'existe pas. Le créer maintenant ? Vous pouvez modifier le répertoire plus tard avec Éditer -> Configurations. - Osc 2 Volume - Volume de l'oscillateur 2 + + Preparing UI + Préparation de l'interface utilisateur - Osc 2 Panning - Panoramisation de l'oscillateur 2 + + Preparing song editor + Préparation de l'éditeur de morceau - Osc 2 Coarse detune - Désaccordage grossier de l'oscillateur 2 + + Preparing mixer + Préparation du mélangeur - Osc 2 Fine detune left - Désaccordage fin de gauche de l'oscillateur 2 + + Preparing controller rack + Préparation du rack de contrôleurs - Osc 2 Fine detune right - Désaccordage fin de droite de l'oscillateur 2 + + Preparing project notes + Préparation des notes de projet - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - Décalage de phase stéréo de l'oscillateur 2 + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Préparation de l'éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse - Osc 2 Waveform - Forme d'onde de l'oscillateur 2 + + Preparing piano roll + Préparation du piano virtuel - Osc 2 Sync Hard - Synchronisation dure de l'oscillateur 2 + + Preparing automation editor + Préparation de l'éditeur d'automation + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - Synchronisation inverse de l'oscillateur 2 + + Arpeggio + Arpège - Osc 3 Volume - Volume de l'oscillateur 3 + + Arpeggio type + Type d'arpège - Osc 3 Panning - Panoramisation de l'oscillateur 3 + + Arpeggio range + Plage d'arpège - Osc 3 Coarse detune - Désaccordage grossier de l'oscillateur 3 + + Note repeats + - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Décalage de phase stéréo de l'oscillateur 3 + + Cycle steps + Pas de cycle - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - Mélange du sous-oscillateur de l'oscillateur 3 + + Skip rate + Taux de saut - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - Forme d'onde 1 de l'oscillateur 3 + + Miss rate + Taux de manqué - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - Forme d'onde 2 de l'oscillateur 3 + + Arpeggio time + Temps d'arpège - Osc 3 Sync Hard - Synchronisation dure de l'oscillateur 3 + + Arpeggio gate + Durée d'arpège - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - Synchronisation inverse de l'oscillateur 3 + + Arpeggio direction + Direction de l'arpège - LFO 1 Waveform - Forme d'onde du LFO 1 + + Arpeggio mode + Mode d'arpège - LFO 1 Attack - Attaque du LFO 1 + + Up + Ascendant - LFO 1 Rate - Taux du LFO 1 + + Down + Descendant - LFO 1 Phase - Phase du LFO 1 + + Up and down + Ascendant et descendant - LFO 2 Waveform - Forme d'onde du LFO 2 + + Down and up + Descendant et ascendant - LFO 2 Attack - Attaque du LFO 2 + + Random + Aléatoire - LFO 2 Rate - Taux du LFO 2 + + Free + Libre - LFO 2 Phase - Phase du LFO2 + + Sort + Tri - Env 1 Pre-delay - Pré-délai de l'enveloppe 1 + + Sync + Sync + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - Env 1 Attack - Attaque de l'enveloppe 1 + + ARPEGGIO + ARPÈGE - Env 1 Hold - Tenue de l'enveloppe 1 + + RANGE + PLAGE - Env 1 Decay - Affaiblissement (decay) de l'enveloppe 1 + + Arpeggio range: + Plage d'arpège : - Env 1 Sustain - Soutien (sustain) de l'enveloppe 1 + + octave(s) + octave(s) - Env 1 Release - Relâche (release) de l'enveloppe 1 + + REP + - Env 1 Slope - Pente de l'enveloppe 1 + + Note repeats: + - Env 2 Pre-delay - Pré-délai de l'enveloppe 2 + + time(s) + - Env 2 Attack - Attaque de l'enveloppe 2 + + CYCLE + CYCLE - Env 2 Hold - Tenue de l'enveloppe 2 + + Cycle notes: + Notes de cycle : - Env 2 Decay - Affaiblissement (decay) de l'enveloppe 2 + + note(s) + note(s) - Env 2 Sustain - Soutien (sustain) de l'enveloppe 2 + + SKIP + SAUT - Env 2 Release - Relâche (release) de l'enveloppe 2 + + Skip rate: + Taux de saut : - Env 2 Slope - Pente de l'enveloppe 2 + + + + % + % - Osc2-3 modulation - Modulation des oscillateurs 2 et 3 + + MISS + MANQUÉ - Selected view - Affichage sélectionné + + Miss rate: + Taux de manqué : - Vol1-Env1 - Vol1-Env1 + + TIME + TEMPS - Vol1-Env2 - Vol1-Env2 + + Arpeggio time: + Temps d'arpège : - Vol1-LFO1 - Vol1-LFO1 + + ms + ms - Vol1-LFO2 - Vol1-LFO2 + + GATE + DUREE - Vol2-Env1 - Vol2-Env1 + + Arpeggio gate: + Durée d'arpège : - Vol2-Env2 - Vol2-Env2 + + Chord: + Accord : - Vol2-LFO1 - Vol2-LFO1 + + Direction: + Direction : - Vol2-LFO2 - Vol2-LFO2 + + Mode: + Mode : + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - Vol3-Env1 - Vol3-Env1 + + octave + octave - Vol3-Env2 - Vol3-Env2 + + + Major + Majeur - Vol3-LFO1 - Vol3-LFO1 + + Majb5 + Si majeur 5 - Vol3-LFO2 - Vol3-LFO2 + + minor + mineur - Phs1-Env1 - Phase1-Env1 + + minb5 + Si mineur 5 - Phs1-Env2 - Phase1-Env2 + + sus2 + sus2 - Phs1-LFO1 - Phase1-LFO1 + + sus4 + sus4 - Phs1-LFO2 - Phase1-LFO2 + + aug + aug - Phs2-Env1 - Phase2-Env1 + + augsus4 + augsus4 - Phs2-Env2 - Phase2-Env2 + + tri + tri - Phs2-LFO1 - Phase2-LFO1 + + 6 + 6 - Phs2-LFO2 - Phase2-LFO2 + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 - Phs3-Env1 - Phase3-Env1 + + 6add9 + 6add9 - Phs3-Env2 - Phase3-Env2 + + m6 + m6 - Phs3-LFO1 - Phase3-LFO1 + + m6add9 + m6add9 - Phs3-LFO2 - Phase3-LFO2 + + 7 + 7 - Pit1-Env1 - Ton1-Env1 + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 - Pit1-Env2 - Ton1-Env2 + + 7#5 + 7#5 - Pit1-LFO1 - Ton1-LFO1 + + 7b5 + 7b5 - Pit1-LFO2 - Ton1-LFO2 + + 7#9 + 7#9 - Pit2-Env1 - Ton2-Env1 + + 7b9 + 7b9 - Pit2-Env2 - Ton2-Env2 + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 - Pit2-LFO1 - Ton2-LFO1 + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 - Pit2-LFO2 - Ton2-LFO2 + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 - Pit3-Env1 - Ton3-Env1 + + 7add11 + 7add11 - Pit3-Env2 - Ton3-Env2 + + 7add13 + 7add13 - Pit3-LFO1 - Ton3-LFO1 + + 7#11 + 7#11 - Pit3-LFO2 - Ton3-LFO2 + + Maj7 + Maj7 - PW1-Env1 - PW1-Env1 + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 - PW1-Env2 - PW1-Env2 + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 - PW1-LFO1 - PW1-LFO1 + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 - PW1-LFO2 - PW1-LFO2 + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 - Sub3-Env1 - Sub3-Env1 + + m7 + m7 - Sub3-Env2 - Sub3-Env2 + + m7b5 + m7b5 - Sub3-LFO1 - Sub3-LFO1 + + m7b9 + m7b9 - Sub3-LFO2 - Sub3-LFO2 + + m7add11 + m7add11 - Sine wave - Onde sinusoïdale + + m7add13 + m7add13 - Bandlimited Triangle wave - Onde triangulaire à bande limitée + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 - Bandlimited Saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie à bande limitée + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 - Bandlimited Ramp wave - Onde en rampe à bande limitée + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 - Bandlimited Square wave - Onde carrée à bande limitée + + 9 + 9 - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie Moog à bande limitée + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 - Soft square wave - Onde carrée douce + + add9 + add9 - Absolute sine wave - Onde sinusoïdale absolue + + 9#5 + 9#5 - Exponential wave - Onde exponentielle + + 9b5 + 9b5 - White noise - Bruit blanc + + 9#11 + 9#11 - Digital Triangle wave - Onde triangulaire digitale + + 9b13 + 9b13 - Digital Saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie digitale + + Maj9 + Maj9 - Digital Ramp wave - Onde en rampe digitale + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 - Digital Square wave - Onde carrée digitale + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 - Digital Moog saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie Moog digitale + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 - Triangle wave - Onde triangulaire + + m9 + m9 - Saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie + + madd9 + madd9 - Ramp wave - Onde en rampe + + m9b5 + m9b5 - Square wave - Onde carrée + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 - Moog saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie Moog + + 11 + 11 - Abs. sine wave - Onde sinusoïdale absolue + + 11b9 + 11b9 - Random - Aléatoire + + Maj11 + Maj11 - Random smooth - Aléatoire adoucie + + m11 + m11 - - - MonstroView - Operators view - Vue des opérateurs + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - La vue des opérateurs contient tous les opérateurs. Ceci inclut les opérateurs audibles (oscillateurs) et les opérateurs inaudibles, ou modulateurs : oscillateurs basse fréquence et enveloppes. - -Les boutons et autres gadgets dans la vue des opérateurs ont leurs propres textes Qu'est-ce que c'est ?, de sorte que vous pouvez obtenir une aide plus spécifique pour chacun de cette façon. + + 13 + 13 - Matrix view - Vue de la matrice + + 13#9 + 13#9 - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - La vue de la matrice contient la matrice de modulation. Vous pouvez ici définir les relations de modulation entre les différents opérateurs : Chaque opérateur audible (oscillateurs 1-3) possède 3 ou 4 propriétés pouvant être modulées par l'un des modulateurs. Utiliser davantage de modulation consomme davantage de puissance processeur. - -Cette vue est divisée en cibles de modulation, groupée par l'oscillateur cible. Les cibles disponibles sont le volume, la hauteur, la phase, la largeur de pulsation et le ratio du sous-oscillateur. Remarque : certaines cibles sont spécifiques à un oscillateur uniquement. - -Chaque cible de modulation dispose de 4 boutons, un pour chaque modulateur. Par défaut, les boutons sont à 0, ce qui signifie pas de modulation. Tourner un bouton à 1 affecte la cible de modulation au maximum. Mis à -1 a le même effet mais la modulation est inversée. + + 13b9 + 13b9 - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - Mélanger l'oscillateur 2 avec l'oscillateur 3 + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - Moduler l'amplitude de l'oscillateur 3 avec l'oscillateur 2 + + Maj13 + Maj13 - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - Moduler la fréquence de l'oscillateur 3 avec l'oscillateur 2 + + m13 + m13 - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - Moduler la phase de l'oscillateur 3 avec l'oscillateur 2 + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - Le bouton CRS modifie le réglage de l'oscillateur 1 en pas de demi-ton. + + Harmonic minor + Mineure harmonique - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - Le bouton CRS modifie le réglage de l'oscillateur 2 en pas de demi-ton. + + Melodic minor + Mineure mélodique - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - Le bouton CRS modifie le réglage de l'oscillateur 3 en pas de demi-ton. + + Whole tone + Note complète - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - FTL et FTR modifient le réglage fin de l'oscillateur pour les canaux respectifs de gauche et de droite. Ceux-ci peuvent ajouter un dé-réglage stéréo à l'oscillateur ce qui élargit l'image stéréo et provoque une illusion d'espace. + + Diminished + Diminuée - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - Le bouton SPO modifie la différence de phase entre les canaux de droite et de gauche. Une plus grande différence crée une image stéréo plus large. - + + Major pentatonic + Pentatonique majeure + - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - Le bouton PW contrôle la largeur de la pulsation, également connue sous le nom de cycle de service, de l'oscillateur 1. L'oscillateur 1 est un oscillateur d' pulsée numérique, il ne produit pas de sortie à bande limitée, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez l'utiliser comme un oscillateur audible mais qu'il provoquera du crénelage. Vous pouvez également l'utiliser comme une source audible d'un signal synchronisé, ce qui peut être utilisé pour synchroniser les oscillateurs 2 et 3. + + Minor pentatonic + Pentatonique mineure - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Synchronisation d'envoi lors de la montée : lorsqu'activé, le signal de synchronisation est envoyé à chaque fois que l'état de l'oscillateur 1 change du bas vers le haut, c'est à dire, lorsque l'amplitude change de -1 à 1. La tonalité, la phase et la largeur de la pulsation de l'oscillateur 1 peuvent affecter le timing des synchronisations, mais son volume n'a pas d'effet sur eux. Les signaux synchronisés sont envoyés indépendamment pour les canaux de droite et de gauche. + + Jap in sen + Japonaise "in sen" - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Synchronisation d'envoi lors de la descente : lorsqu'activé, le signal de synchronisation est envoyé à chaque fois que l'état de l'oscillateur 1 change du haut vers le bas, c'est à dire, lorsque l'amplitude change de 1 à -1. La tonalité, la phase et la largeur de la pulsation de l'oscillateur 1 peuvent affecter le timing des synchronisations, mais son volume n'a pas d'effet sur eux. Les signaux synchronisés sont envoyés indépendamment pour les canaux de droite et de gauche. + + Major bebop + Bebop majeure - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - Synchronisation dure : à chaque fois que l'oscillateur reçoit un signal de synchronisation depuis l'oscillateur 1, sa phase est réinitialisée à 0 + son décalage. + + Dominant bebop + Bebop dominante - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - Synchronisation inversée : à chaque fois que l'oscillateur reçoit un signal de synchronisation depuis l'oscillateur 1, l'amplitude de l'oscillateur est inversée. + + Blues + Blues - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Choisir une forme d'onde pour l'oscillateur 2. + + Arabic + Arabe - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Choisir une forme d'onde pour le premier sous-oscillateur de l'oscillateur 3. L'oscillateur 3 peut interpoler doucement entre deux formes d'onde différentes. + + Enigmatic + Énigmatique - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Choisir une forme d'onde pour le second sous-oscillateur de l'oscillateur 3. L'oscillateur 3 peut interpoler doucement entre deux formes d'onde différentes. + + Neopolitan + Napolitaine - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - Le bouton SUB modifie le ratio de mélange des deux sous-oscillateurs de l'oscillateur 3. Chaque sous-oscillateur peut être régler pour produire un forme d'onde différente, et l'oscillateur 3 peut interpoler doucement entre eux. Toutes les modulations entrantes dans l'oscillateur 3 sont appliquées aux sous-oscillateurs / formes d'onde exactement de la même manière. + + Neopolitan minor + Napolitaine mineure - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - En addition aux modulateurs dédiées, Monstro permet à l'oscillateurs 3 d'être modulé par la sortie de l'oscillateur 2. - -Le mode mélange signifie sans modulation : les sorties des oscillateurs sont simplement mélangées ensemble. + + Hungarian minor + Hongroise mineure - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - En addition aux modulateurs dédiées, Monstro permet à l'oscillateurs 3 d'être modulé par la sortie de l'oscillateur 2. - -AM signifie Modulation d'Amplitude : l'amplitude de l' oscillateur 3 (son volume) est modulée par l'oscillateur 2. + + Dorian + Dorienne - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - En addition aux modulateurs dédiées, Monstro permet à l'oscillateurs 3 d'être modulé par la sortie de l'oscillateur 2. - -FM signifie Modulation de Fréquence : la fréquence de l'oscillateur 3 (sa tonalité) est modulée par l'oscillateur 2. La modulation de fréquence est implémentée comme un modulation de phase, ce qui offre une tonalité généralement plus stable qu' modulation de fréquence "pure". + + Phrygian + Phrygien - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - En addition aux modulateurs dédiées, Monstro permet à l'oscillateurs 3 d'être modulé par la sortie de l'oscillateur 2. - -PM signifie Modulation de Phase : la phase de l'oscillateur 3 est modulée par l'oscillateur 2. Elle fiddère de la modulation de fréquence en ce que les changements de phase ne sont pas cumulatifs. + + Lydian + Lydienne - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Sélectionnez la forme d'onde du LFO 1. -"Random" et "Random smooth" sont des formes d' spéciales : elles produisent des sorties aléatoires, dans lesquelles le taux des LFO contrôle la fréquence des changements d' des LFO. La version smooth interpole entre ces deux états avec une interpolation cosinusoïdale. Ces modes de hasard peuvent être utilisés pour donner de la "vie" à vos pré-réglages - ça ajoute certaines de ces choses imprévisibles de l'analogique... + + Mixolydian + Mixolydienne - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Sélectionnez la forme d'onde du LFO 2. -"Random" et "Random smooth" sont des formes d' spéciales : elles produisent des sorties aléatoires, dans lesquelles le taux des LFO contrôle la fréquence des changements d' des LFO. La version smooth interpole entre ces deux états avec une interpolation cosinusoïdale. Ces modes de hasard peuvent être utilisés pour donner de la "vie" à vos pré-réglages - ça ajoute certaines de ces choses imprévisibles de l'analogique... + + Aeolian + Éolienne - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - L'attaque fait que le LFO arrive graduellement à partir du début de la note. + + Locrian + Locrienne - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - Le taux règle la vitesse du LFO, mesuré en millisecondes par cycle. Peut être synchronisé au tempo. + + Minor + Mineur - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - PHS contrôle le décalage de phase du LFO. + + Chromatic + Chromatique - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - PRE, ou pré-délai, délaie le départ de l'enveloppe du début de la note. 0 signifie sans délai. + + Half-Whole Diminished + Demi-globalement diminué - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - ATT, ou attaque, contrôle la rapidité de la rampe de l'enveloppe au départ, mesuré en milliscondes. Une valeur de 0 signifie instantanné. + + 5 + 5 - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - HOLD contrôle la durée à laquelle l'enveloppe reste au pic après la phase d'attaque. + + Phrygian dominant + Phrygien dominant - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - DEC, ou affaiblissement (decay), contrôle la rapidité avec laquelle l'enveloppe redescend de son pic, mesuré en millisecondes, elle va prendre pour aller du pic à zéro. L'affaiblissement réel peut être plus court si le soutien (sustain) est utilisé. + + Persian + Persien - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - SUS, ou soutien (sustain), contrôle le niveau de soutien de l'enveloppe. La phase d'affaiblissment n'ira pas en dessous de ce niveau aussi longtemps que la note est tenue. + + Chords + Accords - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - REL, ou relâche, contrôle la longueur de la relâche pour une note, mesurée en combien de temps cela prendrait pour redescendre du pic à zéro. La relâche réelle peut être plus courte en fonction de quelle phase est active lorsque la note est relâchée. + + Chord type + Type d'accord - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - Le bouton de pente contrôle la courbe ou la forme de l'enveloppe. Une valeur de 0 crée des montées et des descentes sèches. Des valeurs négatives créent des courbes qui démarrent lentement, font un pic rapide, et redescendent lentement de nouveau. Des valeurs positives créent des courbes qui démarrent et finnissent rapidement, et restent plus longtemps à côté des pics. + + Chord range + Gamme d'accord + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - Volume - Volume + + STACKING + EMPILEMENT - Panning - Panoramisation + + Chord: + Accord : - Coarse detune - Désaccordage grossier + + RANGE + GAMME - semitones - demi-tons + + Chord range: + Gamme d'accord : - Finetune left - Désaccordage fin (gauche) + + octave(s) + octave(s) + + + InstrumentMidiIOView - cents - centièmes + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + ACTIVER L'ENTRÉE MIDI - Finetune right - Désaccordage fin (droite) + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + ACTIVER LA SORTIE MIDI - Stereo phase offset - Décalage stéréo de phase + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + - deg - degrés + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - Pulse width - Largeur de pulsation + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - Send sync on pulse rise - Envoi de la synchro à la montée + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NOTE - Send sync on pulse fall - Envoi de la synchro à la descente + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + Périphériques MIDI desquels recevoir des événements MIDI - Hard sync oscillator 2 - Synchro fixe oscillateur 2 + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + Périphériques MIDI auxquels envoyer des événements MIDI - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Synchro inverse oscillateur 2 + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + VÉLOCITÉ DE BASE PERSONNALISÉE - Sub-osc mix - Mélange du sous-oscillateur + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + Spécifie la normalisation de base de la vélocité des instruments MIDI pour un volume de note de 100%. - Hard sync oscillator 3 - Synchro fixe oscillateur 3 + + BASE VELOCITY + VÉLOCITÉ DE BASE + + + InstrumentMiscView - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Synchro inverse oscillateur 3 + + MASTER PITCH + TONALITÉ GÉNÉRALE - Attack - Attaque + + Enables the use of master pitch + Activer l'utilisation de la tonalité générale + + + InstrumentSoundShaping - Rate - Vitesse + + VOLUME + VOLUME - Phase - Phase + + Volume + Volume - Pre-delay - Pré-délai + + CUTOFF + COUPURE - Hold - Maintien + + + Cutoff frequency + Fréquence de coupure - Decay - Descente + + RESO + RÉSON - Sustain - Soutien + + Resonance + Résonance - Release - Relâchement + + Envelopes/LFOs + Enveloppes/LFOs - Slope - Pente + + Filter type + Type de filtre - Modulation amount - Niveau de modulation + + Q/Resonance + Q/Résonance - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length - Longueur + + Low-pass + Passe-bas - Step length: - Longueur de pas : + + Hi-pass + Passe-haut - Dry - Sec + + Band-pass csg + Passe-bande CSG - Dry Gain: - Gain sec : + + Band-pass czpg + Passe-bande CZPG - Stages - Niveaux + + Notch + Coupe-bande - Lowpass stages: - Niveaux passe-bas : + + All-pass + Passe-tout - Swap inputs - Permutation des entrées + + Moog + Moog - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - Permuter les canaux d'entrée gauche et droit pour réflections + + 2x Low-pass + 2x Passe-bas - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune - Dé-réglage grossier du canal 1 + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Passe-bas 12 dB - Channel 1 Volume - Volume du canal 1 + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Passe-bande 12 dB - Channel 1 Envelope length - Longueur d'enveloppe du canal 1 + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Passe-haut 12 dB - Channel 1 Duty cycle - Cycle de service du canal 1 + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Passe-bas 24 dB - Channel 1 Sweep amount - Quantité de balayage du canal 1 + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Passe-bande 24 dB - Channel 1 Sweep rate - Taux de balayage du canal 1 + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Passe-haut 24 dB - Channel 2 Coarse detune - Dé-réglage grossier du canal 2 + + Vocal Formant + Formant vocal - Channel 2 Volume - Volume du canal 2 + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Channel 2 Envelope length - Longueur d'enveloppe du canal 2 + + SV Low-pass + SV Passe-bas - Channel 2 Duty cycle - Cycle de service du canal 2 + + SV Band-pass + SV Passe-bande - Channel 2 Sweep amount - Quantité de balayage du canal 2 + + SV High-pass + SV Passe-haut - Channel 2 Sweep rate - Taux de balayage du canal 2 + + SV Notch + SV coupe-bande - Channel 3 Coarse detune - Dé-réglage grossier du canal 3 + + Fast Formant + Formant rapide - Channel 3 Volume - Volume du canal 3 + + Tripole + Tripôle + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView - Channel 4 Volume - Volume du canal 4 + + TARGET + CIBLE - Channel 4 Envelope length - Longueur d'enveloppe du canal 4 + + FILTER + FILTRE - Channel 4 Noise frequency - Fréquence de bruit du canal 4 + + FREQ + FRÉQ - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - Balayage de fréquence de bruit de canal 4 + + Cutoff frequency: + Fréquence de coupure : - Master volume - Volume général + + Hz + Hz - Vibrato - Vibrato + + Q/RESO + Q/RÉSO - - - NesInstrumentView - Volume - Volume + + Q/Resonance: + Q/Résonance - Coarse detune - Désaccordage grossier + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Les enveloppes, les LFO et les filtres ne sont pas supportés par l'instrument actuel. + + + InstrumentTrack - Envelope length - Longueur de l'enveloppe + + + unnamed_track + piste_sans_nom - Enable channel 1 - Activer le canal 1 + + Base note + Note de base - Enable envelope 1 - Activer l'enveloppe 1 + + First note + - Enable envelope 1 loop - Activer la boucle d'enveloppe 1 + + Last note + Dernière note - Enable sweep 1 - Activer le balayage 1 + + Volume + Volume - Sweep amount - Temps de balayage + + Panning + Panoramisation - Sweep rate - Vitesse de balayage - - - 12.5% Duty cycle - 12.5% du cycle - - - 25% Duty cycle - 25% du cycle + + Pitch + Tonalité - 50% Duty cycle - 50% du cycle + + Pitch range + Plage de hauteur - 75% Duty cycle - 75% du cycle + + Mixer channel + Canal d'effet - Enable channel 2 - Activer le canal 2 + + Master pitch + Tonalité générale - Enable envelope 2 - Activer l'enveloppe 2 + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + - Enable envelope 2 loop - Activer la boucle d'enveloppe 2 + + CC Controller %1 + - Enable sweep 2 - Activer le balayage 2 + + + Default preset + Pré-réglage par défaut + + + InstrumentTrackView - Enable channel 3 - Activer le canal 3 + + Volume + Volume - Noise Frequency - Fréquence du bruit + + Volume: + Volume : - Frequency sweep - Fréquence de balayage + + VOL + VOL - Enable channel 4 - Activer le canal 4 + + Panning + Panoramisation - Enable envelope 4 - Activer l'enveloppe 4 + + Panning: + Panoramisation : - Enable envelope 4 loop - Activer la boucle d'enveloppe 4 + + PAN + PAN - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Quantifier la fréquence du bruit lorsque la fréquence de la note est utilisée + + MIDI + MIDI - Use note frequency for noise - Utiliser la fréquence de note pour le bruit + + Input + Entrée - Noise mode - Mode de bruit + + Output + Sortie - Master Volume - Volume général + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + - Vibrato - Vibrato + + Channel %1: %2 + Effet %1 : %2 - OscillatorObject + InstrumentTrackWindow - Osc %1 volume - Volume de l'oscillateur %1 + + GENERAL SETTINGS + CONFIGURATION GÉNÉRALE - Osc %1 panning - Panoramisation de l'oscillateur %1 + + Volume + Volume - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Désaccordage grossier de l'oscillateur %1 + + Volume: + Volume : - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Désaccordage fin (gauche) de l'oscillateur %1 + + VOL + VOL - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Désaccordage fin (droite) de l'oscillateur %1 + + Panning + Panoramisation - Osc %1 phase-offset - Décalage de phase de l'oscillateur %1 + + Panning: + Panoramisation : - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Désaccordage stéréo de la phase de l'oscillateur %1 + + PAN + PAN - Osc %1 wave shape - Forme d'onde de l'oscillateur %1 + + Pitch + Tonalité - Modulation type %1 - Modulation de type %1 + + Pitch: + Tonalité : - Osc %1 waveform - Forme d'onde de l'oscillateur %1 + + cents + centièmes - Osc %1 harmonic - Harmonique de l'oscillateur %1 + + PITCH + PITCH - - - PatchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth : pré-réglage de canal + + Pitch range (semitones) + Plage de hauteur (demi-tons) - Bank selector - Sélecteur de banque + + RANGE + PLAGE - Bank - Banque + + Mixer channel + Canal d'effet - Program selector - Sélecteur de programme + + CHANNEL + EFFET - Patch - Instrument + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Sauvegarder les paramètres de la piste de l'instrument actuel dans un fichier de pré-réglage - Name - Nom + + SAVE + SAUV - OK - OK + + Envelope, filter & LFO + Enveloppe, filtre, et LFO - Cancel - Annuler + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + Empilement d'accords et arpège - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - Ouvrir un autre son + + Effects + Effets - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Cliquez ici pour ouvrir un autre fichier de son. Les réglages de boucle et d'accord ne sont pas réinitialisés. + + MIDI + MIDI - Loop - Boucler + + Miscellaneous + Divers - Loop mode - Mode de jeu en boucle + + Save preset + Enregistrer le pré-réglage - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Ici, vous pouvez permuter le mode de jeu en boucle. S'il est activé, PatMan utilisera les informations de jeu en boucle disponibles dans le fichier. + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + Fichier XML de pré-réglage (*.xpf) - Tune - Accorder + + Plugin + Greffon + + + JackApplicationW - Tune mode - Mode accordage + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + Les applications NSM ne peuvent pas utiliser des chemins abstraits ou absolus - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Ici, vous pouvez permuter le mode d'accordage. S'il est activé, PatMan accordera l'échantillon en fonction de la fréquence de la note. + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + Les applications NSM ne peuvent pas utiliser d'arguments CLI - No file selected - Aucun fichier sélectionné + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + Vous devez sauvegarder le projet Carla actuel avant de pouvoir utiliser NSM + + + JuceAboutW - Open patch file - Ouvrir un fichier de son + + About JUCE + À propos de JUCE - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Fichiers de son (*.pat) + + <b>About JUCE</b> + <b>À propos de JUCE</b> - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll - Ouvrir dans le piano virtuel + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + Ce programme utilise la version 3.x.x de JUCE - Clear all notes - Effacer toutes les notes + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) est une bibliothèque de classe C++ complète pour le développement de logiciels multiplateformes. + +Cette librairie contient à peu près tout ce dont vous aurez probablement besoin pour créer la plupart des applications, et elle est particulièrement adaptée à la création d'interfaces graphiques hautement personnalisées et à la gestion des graphiques et du son. + +JUCE est sous licence GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +Un module (juce_core) est sous licence ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. - Reset name - Réinitialiser le nom + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + Ce programme utilise la version %1 de JUCE. + + + Knob - Change name - Modifier le nom + + Set linear + Mode linéaire - Add steps - Ajouter des pas + + Set logarithmic + Mode logarithmique - Remove steps - Supprimer des pas + + + Set value + Mode valeur - Clone Steps - Cloner les pas + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Veuillez entrer une valeur entre -96,0 dBV et 6,0 dBFS: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Veuillez entrer une valeur entre %1 et %2 : - PeakController + LadspaControl - Peak Controller - Contrôleur de crêtes + + Link channels + Relier les canaux + + + LadspaControlDialog - Peak Controller Bug - Bug du contrôleur de crêtes + + Link Channels + Lier les canaux - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - A cause d'un bug dans les anciennes versions de LMMS, les contrôleurs de crêtes peuvent ne pas s'être connectés correctement. Verifiez que les contrôleurs de crêtes sont connectés correctement et re-sauvegardez ce fichier. Désolé pour la gène occasionnée. + + Channel + Canal - PeakControllerDialog + LadspaControlView - PEAK - CRÊTE + + Link channels + Lier les canaux - LFO Controller - Contrôleur du LFO + + Value: + Valeur : - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + LadspaEffect - BASE - BASE + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Le greffon LADSPA %1 demandé est inconnu. + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - Base amount: - Niveau de base : + + Set value + Mode valeur - Modulation amount: - Niveau de modulation : - - - Attack: - Attaque : - - - Release: - Relâchement : - - - AMNT - AMNT + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Veuillez entrer une valeur entre %1 et %2 : + + + LcdSpinBox - MULT - MULT + + Set value + Mode valeur - Amount Multiplicator: - Multiplicateur de quantité : + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Veuillez entrer une valeur entre %1 et %2 : + + + LeftRightNav - ATCK - ATCK + + + + Previous + Précédent - DCAY - DCAY + + + + Next + Suivant - Treshold: - Seuil : + + Previous (%1) + Précédent (%1) - TRSH - TRSH + + Next (%1) + Suivant (%1) - PeakControllerEffectControls + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + Contrôleur du LFO + + Base value Valeur de base - Modulation amount - Niveau de modulation + + Oscillator speed + Vitesse de l'oscillateur - Mute output - Mettre la sortie en sourdine + + Oscillator amount + Niveau de l'oscillateur - Attack - Attaque + + Oscillator phase + Phase de l'oscillateur - Release - Relâchement + + Oscillator waveform + Forme d'onde de l'oscillateur - Abs Value - Valeur Abs + + Frequency Multiplier + Multiplicateur de fréquence + + + LfoControllerDialog - Amount Multiplicator - Multiplicateur de quantité + + LFO + LFO - Treshold - Seuil + + BASE + BASE - - - PianoRoll - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Veuillez ouvrir un motif en double-cliquant dessus ! + + Base: + Base : - Last note - Dernière note + + FREQ + FRÉQ - Note lock - Verrouiller la note + + LFO frequency: + Fréquence du LFO : - Note Velocity - Vélocité de la note + + AMNT + AMNT - Note Panning - Panoramisation de la note + + Modulation amount: + Niveau de modulation : - Mark/unmark current semitone - Marquer/démarquer le demi-ton actuel + + PHS + PHS - Mark current scale - Marquer la gamme actuelle + + Phase offset: + Décalage de phase : - Mark current chord - Marquer l'accord actuel + + degrees + degrés - Unmark all - Démarquer tout + + Sine wave + Onde sinusoïdale - No scale - Pas de gamme + + Triangle wave + Onde triangulaire - No chord - Pas d'accord + + Saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie - Velocity: %1% - Vélocité : %1% + + Square wave + Onde carrée - Panning: %1% left - Panoramisation : %1% gauche + + Moog saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie Moog - Panning: %1% right - Panoramisation : %1% droite + + Exponential wave + Onde exponentielle - Panning: center - Panoramisation : centre + + White noise + Bruit blanc - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Veuillez entrer une valeur entre %1 et %2 : + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + Forme définie par l'utilisateur. +Double-cliquez pour choisir un fichier. - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Marquer/démarquer tous les demi-tons d'octave correspondant + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + Multiplier la fréquence de modulation par 1 - Select all notes on this key - Sélectionner toutes les notes de cet clef + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + Multiplier la fréquence de modulation par 100 + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + Diviser la fréquence de modulation par 100 - PianoRollWindow + Engine - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Jouer/mettre en pause le motif (barre d'espace) + + Generating wavetables + Génération des tables d'ondes - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Enregistrez des notes à partir d'un périphérique MIDI ou d'un canal du piano + + Initializing data structures + Initialisation des structures de données - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Enregistrez des notes à partir d'un périphérique MIDI ou d'un canal du piano pendant l'écoute d'un morceau ou bien d'une piste de rythme ou de ligne de basse + + Opening audio and midi devices + Ouverture des périphériques audio et MIDI - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Arrêter de jouer le motif (barre d'espace) + + Launching mixer threads + Lancement du mélangeur de threads + + + MainWindow - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Cliquez ici pour jouer le motif. Ceci est utile pendant son édition. Le motif est automatiquement rejoué lorsque sa fin est atteinte. + + Configuration file + Fichier de configuration - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - Cliquez ici pour enregistrer des notes à partir d'un périphérique MIDI ou du piano de test virtuel de la fenêtre correspondant au canal du motif. Lors de l'enregistrement toutes les notes seront écrites dans ce motif et vous pourrez ensuite les jouer et les éditer. + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Erreur pendant l'analyse du fichier de configuration à la ligne %1:%2:%3 - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - Cliquez ici pour enregistrer des notes à partir d'un périphérique MIDI ou du piano de test virtuel de la fenêtre correspondant au canal du motif. Lors de l'enregistrement toutes les notes seront écrites dans ce motif et vous entendrez le morceau ou bien le rythme ou la ligne de basse en fond sonore. + + Could not open file + Le fichier n'a pas pu être ouvert - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Cliquez ici pour arrêter de jouer le motif. + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %1 en écriture. +Veuillez vous assurez que vous avez les droits d'écriture sur le fichier et le dossier contenant le fichier, et essayez à nouveau ! - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Mode dessin (Shift+D) + + Project recovery + Récupération de projet - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Mode effacement (Shift+E) + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Il y a un fichier de récupération présent. Il semble que la dernière session du logiciel ne s'est pas fermée proprement ou bien qu'une autre instance de LMMS est déjà ouverte. Voulez-vous récupérer le projet de cette dernière session ? - Select mode (Shift+S) - Mode sélection (Shift+S) + + + Recover + Récupérer - Detune mode (Shift+T) - Mode désaccordage (Shift+T) + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Récupérer le fichier. Veuillez ne pas lancer de multiple instances de LMMS lorsque vous faites cela. - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - Cliquez ici et le mode dessin sera activé. Dans ce mode vous pourrez ajouter, redimensionner et déplacer des notes. Ceci est le mode par défaut qui est utilisé la plupart du temps. Vous pouvez aussi appuyer sur les touches 'Shift+D' de votre clavier pour activer ce mode. Dans ce mode, appuyez sur %1 pour passer temporairement dans le mode sélection. + + + Discard + Abandonner - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Cliquez ici et le mode effacement sera activé. Dans ce mode vous pourrez effacer des notes. Vous pouvez aussi appuyer sur les touches 'Shift+E' de votre clavier pour activer ce mode. + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Lancer une session par défaut et effacer les fichiers de récupération. Ceci n'est pas réversible. - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - Cliquez ici et le mode sélection sera activé. Dans ce mode vous pourrez sélectionner des notes. Dans ce mode, appuyez appuyer sur %1 pour passer temporairement en mode dessin. + + Version %1 + Version %1 - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Cliquez ici et le mode désaccordage sera activé. Dans ce mode vous pourrer cliquer sur une note pour accéder à l'automation de son désaccordage. Vous pouvez utiliser ceci pour lier des notes entre-elles. Vous pouvez aussi appuyer sur les touches 'Shift+T' de votre clavier pour activer ce mode. + + Preparing plugin browser + Préparation du navigateur de greffons - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Couper les notes sélectionnées (%1+X) + + Preparing file browsers + Préparation du navigateur de fichiers - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Copier les notes sélectionnées (%1+C) + + My Projects + Mes projets - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Coller les notes se trouvant dans le presse-papier (%1+V) + + My Samples + Mes échantillons - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Cliquez ici et les valeurs sélectionnées seront coupées et copiées dans le presse-papier. Vous pourrez les coller n'importe où dans n'importe quel motif en cliquant sur le bouton coller. + + My Presets + Mes pré-réglages - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Cliquez ici et les valeurs sélectionnées seront copiées dans le presse-papier. Vous pourrez les coller n'importe où dans n'importe quel motif en cliquant sur le bouton coller. + + My Home + Mon répertoire - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Cliquez ici et les valeurs se trouvant dans le presse-papier seront collées sur la première mesure visible. + + Root directory + Répertoire racine - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - Ceci contrôle l'agrandissement d'un axe. Il est utile de choisir l'agrandissement pour une tâche spécifique. Pour l'édition normale, l'agrandissement est ajusté aux plus petites notes. + + Volumes + Volumes - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - Le 'Q' signifie quantification, et il contrôle la grille sur laquelle se calent la taiile des notes et les points de contôle. Une valeur de quantification plus petite permet de dessiner des notes plus courtes dans le piano virtuel et des points de contrôle plus précis dans l'éditeur d'automation. + + My Computer + Mon ordinateur - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - Ceci vous permet de sélectionner la longueur des nouvelles notes. 'Dernière Note' signifie que LMMS utilisera la longueur de la dernière note éditée + + &File + &Fichier - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - La fonction est directement reliée au menu contextuel du clavier virtuel, à la gauche du piano virtuel. Après avoir choisi l'échelle que vous voulez dans ce menu déroulant, vous pouvez faire un clic droit sur la touche de votre choix du clavier virtuel, puis choisissez 'Marquer Échelle Actuelle'. LMMS mettra en évidence toutes les notes qui appartiennent à l'échelle choisie, et ce dans la clé que vous avez sélectionnée! + + &New + &Nouveau - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - Permet de sélectionner un accord que LMMS peut ensuite dessiner ou mettre en évidence.Vous trouverez les accords les plus courants dans ce menu déroulant. Après avoir sélectionné un accord, cliquez n'importe où pour placer l'accord, et cliquez à droite sur le clavier virtuel pour ouvrir le menu contextuel et souligner l'accord. Pour revenir à la mise en place d'une seule note, vous devez choisir 'Aucun accord' dans ce menu déroulant. + + &Open... + &Ouvrir... - Edit actions - Actions d'édition + + Loading background picture + Chargement de l'image de fond - Copy paste controls - Contrôles de copier/coller + + &Save + &Enregistrer - Timeline controls - Contrôles de la ligne de temps + + Save &As... + Enregistrer &sous... - Zoom and note controls - Contrôles de zoom et de notes + + Save as New &Version + Enregistrer en tant que nouvelle &version - Piano-Roll - %1 - Piano virtuel - %1 + + Save as default template + Sauvegarder en tant que modèle par défaut - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Piano virtuel - pas de motif + + Import... + Importer... - Quantize - Quantifier + + E&xport... + E&xporter... - - - PianoView - Base note - Note de base + + E&xport Tracks... + E&xporter les pistes... - - - Plugin - Plugin not found - Le greffon n'a pas été trouvé + + Export &MIDI... + Exporter en &MIDI... - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - Le greffon "%1" n'a pas été trouvé ou n'a pas pu être chargé ! -Raison : "%2" - + + &Quit + &Quitter + + + + &Edit + &Éditer + + + + Undo + Défaire + + + + Redo + Refaire + + + + Settings + Configuration + + + + &View + &Afficher + + + + &Tools + Ou&tils + + + + &Help + &Aide + + + + Online Help + Aide en ligne + + + + Help + Aide + + + + About + À propos + + + + Create new project + Créer un nouveau projet + + + + Create new project from template + Créer un nouveau projet à partir d'un modèle + + + + Open existing project + Ouvrir un projet existant + + + + Recently opened projects + Projets ouverts récemment + + + + Save current project + Enregistrer le projet + + + + Export current project + Exporter le projet + + + + Metronome + Métronome + + + + + Song Editor + Éditeur de morceau + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse + + + + + Piano Roll + Piano virtuel + + + + + Automation Editor + Éditeur d'automation + + + + + Mixer + Mélangeur d'effets + + + + Show/hide controller rack + Afficher/cacher le rack de contrôleurs + + + + Show/hide project notes + Afficher/cacher les notes de projet + + + + Untitled + Sans titre + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Récupération de session. Veuillez sauvegarder votre travail ! + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + Le projet récupéré n'a pas été sauvegardé + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Ce projet a été récupéré de la session précédente. Il n'est pas encore sauvegardé et sera perdu si vous ne le sauvegardez pas. Voulez-vous le sauvegarder maintenant ? + + + + Project not saved + Projet non sauvegardé + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Ce projet a été modifié depuis son dernier enregistrement. Souhaitez-vous l'enregistrer maintenant ? + + + + Open Project + Ouvrir le projet + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Enregistrer le projet + + + + LMMS Project + Projet LMMS + + + + LMMS Project Template + Modèle de projet LMMS + + + + Save project template + Sauvegarder le modèle de projet + + + + Overwrite default template? + Écrire par dessus le modèle par défaut ? + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Ceci ré-écrira votre modèle par défaut actuel. + + + + Help not available + L'aide n'est pas disponible + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Il n'y a pour l'instant pas de d'aide dans LMMS. +Veuillez visiter http://lmms.sf.net/wiki pour la documentation de LMMS. + + + + Controller Rack + Rack de contrôleurs + + + + Project Notes + Montrer/cacher les notes du projet + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + Volume en dBFS + + + + Smooth scroll + Déplacement fluide + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Activer les étiquettes de note dans le piano virtuel + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + Fichier MIDI (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + sans titre + + + + + Select file for project-export... + Sélectionnez un fichier vers lequel exporter le projet... + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Sélectionnez le répertoire pour écrire les pistes exportées... + + + + Save project + Sauvegarder le projet + + + + Project saved + Projet sauvegardé + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + Le projet %1 est maintenant sauvegardé. + + + + Project NOT saved. + Projet NON sauvegardé. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + Le projet %1 n'a pas été sauvegardé! + + + + Import file + Importer un fichier + + + + MIDI sequences + Séquences MIDI + + + + Hydrogen projects + Projets Hydrogen + + + + All file types + Tous les types de fichier + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + Numérateur de la mesure + + + + Meter numerator + Numérateur de la mesure + + + + + Meter Denominator + Dénominateur de la mesure + + + + Meter denominator + Dénominateur de la mesure + + + + TIME SIG + SIGN RYTHM + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + Numérateur + + + + Denominator + Dénominateur + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + Contrôleur MIDI + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + contrôleur_midi_sans_nom + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + Paramétrage incomplet + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Vous n'avez pas compilé LMMS avec la prise en charge du lecteur SoundFont2, qui est utilisé pour ajouter un son par défaut aux fichiers MIDI importés. Par conséquent aucun son ne sera joué après l'importation de ce fichier MIDI. + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + Numérateur + + + + Denominator + Dénominateur + + + + Track + Piste + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + Le serveur JACK est arrêté + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + Le serveur JACK semble avoir été coupé + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + &Fichier + + + + &Edit + &Éditer + + + + &Quit + &Quitter + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + D + + + + Select All + + + + + A + A + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + Canal d'entrée + + + + Output channel + Canal de sortie + + + + Input controller + Contrôleur d'entrée + + + + Output controller + Contrôleur de sortie + + + + Fixed input velocity + Vélocité d'entrée fixe + + + + Fixed output velocity + Vélocité de sortie fixe + + + + Fixed output note + Note de sortie fixe + + + + Output MIDI program + Programme MIDI de sortie + + + + Base velocity + Vélocité de base + + + + Receive MIDI-events + Recevoir des événements MIDI + + + + Send MIDI-events + Envoyer des événements MIDI + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + Périphérique + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + Panoramique du 1er oscillateur + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + Panoramique du 2e oscillateur + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + Panoramique du 3e oscillateur + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Décalage de phase stéréo de l'oscillateur 3 + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + Relâchement de l'enveloppe 2 + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + Affichage sélectionné + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + Onde sinusoïdale + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Onde triangulaire à bande limitée + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie à bande limitée + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Onde en rampe à bande limitée + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + Onde carrée à bande limitée + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie Moog à bande limitée + + + + + Soft square wave + Onde carrée douce + + + + Absolute sine wave + Onde sinusoïdale absolue + + + + + Exponential wave + Onde exponentielle + + + + White noise + Bruit blanc + + + + Digital Triangle wave + Onde triangulaire digitale + + + + Digital Saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie digitale + + + + Digital Ramp wave + Onde en rampe digitale + + + + Digital Square wave + Onde carrée digitale + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie Moog digitale + + + + Triangle wave + Onde triangulaire + + + + Saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie + + + + Ramp wave + Onde en rampe + + + + Square wave + Onde carrée + + + + Moog saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie Moog + + + + Abs. sine wave + Onde sinusoïdale absolue + + + + Random + Aléatoire + + + + Random smooth + Aléatoire adoucie + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + Vue des opérateurs + + + + Matrix view + Vue de la matrice + + + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + + Panning + Panoramisation + + + + + + Coarse detune + Désaccordage grossier + + + + + + semitones + demi-tons + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + centièmes + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + Décalage stéréo de phase + + + + + + + + deg + degrés + + + + Pulse width + Largeur de pulsation + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + Envoi de la synchro à la montée + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + Envoi de la synchro à la descente + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + Synchro fixe oscillateur 2 + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + Synchro inverse oscillateur 2 + + + + Sub-osc mix + Mélange du sous-oscillateur + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + Synchro fixe oscillateur 3 + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + Synchro inverse oscillateur 3 + + + + + + + Attack + Attaque + + + + + Rate + Vitesse + + + + + Phase + Phase + + + + + Pre-delay + Pré-délai + + + + + Hold + Maintien + + + + + Decay + Descente + + + + + Sustain + Soutien + + + + + Release + Relâchement + + + + + Slope + Pente + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Niveau de modulation + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + Longueur + + + + Step length: + Longueur de pas : + + + + Dry + Sec + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + Niveaux + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + Permutation des entrées + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + Volume du canal 1 + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Dé-réglage grossier du canal 2 + + + + Channel 2 Volume + Volume du canal 2 + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + Quantité de balayage du canal 2 + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + Volume du canal 3 + + + + Channel 4 volume + Volume du canal 4 + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + Volume général + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + + Coarse detune + Désaccordage grossier + + + + + + Envelope length + Longueur de l'enveloppe + + + + Enable channel 1 + Activer le canal 1 + + + + Enable envelope 1 + Activer l'enveloppe 1 + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Activer la boucle d'enveloppe 1 + + + + Enable sweep 1 + Activer le balayage 1 + + + + + Sweep amount + Temps de balayage + + + + + Sweep rate + Vitesse de balayage + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5% du cycle + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25% du cycle + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50% du cycle + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75% du cycle + + + + Enable channel 2 + Activer le canal 2 + + + + Enable envelope 2 + Activer l'enveloppe 2 + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Activer la boucle d'enveloppe 2 + + + + Enable sweep 2 + Activer le balayage 2 + + + + Enable channel 3 + Activer le canal 3 + + + + Noise Frequency + Fréquence du bruit + + + + Frequency sweep + Fréquence de balayage + + + + Enable channel 4 + Activer le canal 4 + + + + Enable envelope 4 + Activer l'enveloppe 4 + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Activer la boucle d'enveloppe 4 + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + Quantifier la fréquence du bruit lorsque la fréquence de la note est utilisée + + + + Use note frequency for noise + Utiliser la fréquence de note pour le bruit + + + + Noise mode + Mode de bruit + + + + Master volume + Volume général + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + Patch + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + Enveloppe percussive Op 1 + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + FM + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + Profondeur du trémolo + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + Attaque + + + + + Decay + Affaiblissement (decay) + + + + + Release + Relâchement + + + + + Frequency multiplier + Multiplicateur de fréquence + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + Forme d'onde de l'oscillateur %1 + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + Harmonique de l'oscillateur %1 + + + + + Osc %1 volume + Volume de l'oscillateur %1 + + + + + Osc %1 panning + Panoramisation de l'oscillateur %1 + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Désaccordage fin (gauche) de l'oscillateur %1 + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Désaccordage grossier de l'oscillateur %1 + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Désaccordage fin (droite) de l'oscillateur %1 + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Décalage de phase de l'oscillateur %1 + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Désaccordage stéréo de la phase de l'oscillateur %1 + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + Forme d'onde de l'oscillateur %1 + + + + Modulation type %1 + Modulation de type %1 + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + Cliquez pour activer + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth : pré-réglage de canal + + + + Bank selector + Sélecteur de banque + + + + Bank + Banque + + + + Program selector + Sélecteur de programme + + + + Patch + Instrument + + + + Name + Nom + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + Annuler + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + Boucler + + + + Loop mode + Mode de jeu en boucle + + + + Tune + Accorder + + + + Tune mode + Mode accordage + + + + No file selected + Aucun fichier sélectionné + + + + Open patch file + Ouvrir un fichier de son + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Fichiers de son (*.pat) + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + Ouvrir dans le piano virtuel + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + Effacer toutes les notes + + + + Reset name + Réinitialiser le nom + + + + Change name + Modifier le nom + + + + Add steps + Ajouter des pas + + + + Remove steps + Supprimer des pas + + + + Clone Steps + Cloner les pas + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + Contrôleur de crêtes + + + + Peak Controller Bug + Bug du contrôleur de crêtes + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + A cause d'un bug dans les anciennes versions de LMMS, les contrôleurs de crêtes peuvent ne pas s'être connectés correctement. Verifiez que les contrôleurs de crêtes sont connectés correctement et re-sauvegardez ce fichier. Désolé pour la gène occasionnée. + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + CRÊTE + + + + LFO Controller + Contrôleur du LFO + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + BASE + + + + Base: + Base : + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Modulation amount: + Niveau de modulation : + + + + MULT + MULT + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + ATCK + + + + Attack: + Attaque : + + + + DCAY + DCAY + + + + Release: + Relâchement : + + + + TRSH + TRSH + + + + Treshold: + Seuil : + + + + Mute output + Mettre la sortie en sourdine + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + Valeur de base + + + + Modulation amount + Niveau de modulation + + + + Attack + Attaque + + + + Release + Relâchement + + + + Treshold + Seuil + + + + Mute output + Mettre la sortie en sourdine + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + Vélocité de la note + + + + Note Panning + Panoramisation de la note + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Marquer/démarquer le demi-ton actuel + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + Marquer/démarquer tous les demi-tons d'octave correspondant + + + + Mark current scale + Marquer la gamme actuelle + + + + Mark current chord + Marquer l'accord actuel + + + + Unmark all + Démarquer tout + + + + Select all notes on this key + Sélectionner toutes les notes de cet clef + + + + Note lock + Verrouiller la note + + + + Last note + Dernière note + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + Pas de gamme + + + + No chord + Pas d'accord + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + Vélocité : %1% + + + + Panning: %1% left + Panoramisation : %1% gauche + + + + Panning: %1% right + Panoramisation : %1% droite + + + + Panning: center + Panoramisation : centre + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Veuillez ouvrir un motif en double-cliquant dessus ! + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Veuillez entrer une valeur entre %1 et %2 : + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Jouer/mettre en pause le motif (barre d'espace) + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Enregistrez des notes à partir d'un périphérique MIDI ou d'un canal du piano + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Enregistrez des notes à partir d'un périphérique MIDI ou d'un canal du piano pendant l'écoute d'un morceau ou bien d'une piste de rythme ou de ligne de basse + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Arrêter de jouer le motif (barre d'espace) + + + + Edit actions + Actions d'édition + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Mode dessin (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Mode effacement (Shift+E) + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Mode sélection (Shift+S) + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + Mode Pitch Bend (Maj + T) + + + + Quantize + Quantifier + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + Contrôles de copier/coller + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + Contrôles de la ligne de temps + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + Contrôles de zoom et de notes + + + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom horizontal + + + + Vertical zooming + Zoom vertical + + + + Quantization + Quantification + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Piano virtuel - %1 + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Piano virtuel - pas de motif + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + Note de base + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + Dernière note + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + Le greffon n'a pas été trouvé + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + Le greffon "%1" n'a pas été trouvé ou n'a pas pu être chargé ! +Raison : "%2" + + + + Error while loading plugin + Une erreur est survenue pendant le chargement du greffon + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Le chargement du greffon "%1" a échoué ! + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + Greffons d'instrument + + + + Instrument browser + Navigateur d'instruments + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + Glissez un instrument dans l'éditeur de morceau, dans l'éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse, ou dans une piste d'instrument existante. + + + + no description + pas de description + + + + A native amplifier plugin + Un greffon d'amplification natif + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Échantillonneur simple avec divers paramètres pour utiliser des échantillons (par exemple : percussions) dans une piste d'instrument + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Renforcer vos basses de la manière la plus simple et la plus rapide + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Synthétiseur de table d'ondes personnalisable + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + Un bitcrusher sur-échantillonneur + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Baie d'instruments Carla + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + Rack d'instruments Carla + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + Un égaliseur crossover à 4 bandes + + + + A native delay plugin + Greffon délai natif + + + + A Dual filter plugin + Un greffon de filtre double + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + Greffon pour transformer la dynamique sonore de façon flexible + + + + A native eq plugin + Un greffon égaliseur natif + + + + A native flanger plugin + Un greffon flanger natif + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Émulateur de l'APU de la GameBoy (TM) + + + + Player for GIG files + Lecteur de fichiers GIG + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Filtre pour importer des fichiers Hydrogen dans LMMS + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Synthétiseur de batterie polyvalent + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Liste des greffons LADSPA installés + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + Greffon pour l'utilisation de tout effet LADSPA dans LMMS. + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Imitation incomplète de TB-303 monophonique + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Filtre pour l'exportation de fichiers MIDI depuis LMMS + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filtre pour importer des fichiers MIDI dans LMMS + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + Synthétiseur à 3 oscillateurs monstrueux avec matrice de modulation + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + Un greffon d'écho et délai multitap + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + Un synthétiseur genre 'NES' + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + Synthé FM à 2 opérateurs + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Synthétiseur additif pour sons d'orgue + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + Sons d'instruments compatibles avec la carte Gravis UltraSound (GUS) + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Greffon pour des boutons de contrôles avec des crêtes de son + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Algorithme de réverbération par Sean Costello + + + + Player for SoundFont files + Lecteur de fichiers SoundFont + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + Port LMMS de sfxr + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Émulateur des SID MOS6581 et MOS8580. +Cette puce était utilisée dans l'ordinateur Commodore 64. + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Greffon pour l'amélioration de la séparation stéréo d'un fichier stéréo en entrée + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Greffon pour la manipulation de la sortie stéréo + - Error while loading plugin - Une erreur est survenue pendant le chargement du greffon + + Tuneful things to bang on + Instruments à percussion mélodiques - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Le chargement du greffon "%1" a échoué ! + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Trois oscillateurs puissants que vous pouvez moduler de différentes manières - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - Navigateur d'instruments + + A stereo field visualizer. + - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Glissez un instrument dans l'éditeur de morceau, dans l'éditeur de rythme et de ligne de basse, ou dans une piste d'instrument existante. + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + Hôte VST pour l'utilisation de greffons VST(i) dans LMMS - Instrument Plugins - Greffons d'instrument + + Vibrating string modeler + Modeleur de corde vibrante + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + Greffon pour l'utilisation de tout effet VST dans LMMS. + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + Synthétiseur de table d'ondes modulables à 4 oscillateurs + + + + plugin for waveshaping + Greffon pour du modelage d'onde + + + + Mathematical expression parser + Analyseur d'expression mathématique + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + ZynAddSubFX intégré - PluginFactory + PluginDatabaseW - Plugin not found. - Greffon introuvable. + + Carla - Add New + - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - Le greffon LMMS %1 n'a pas de descripteur de greffon nommé %2 ! + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + LADSPA + + + + DSSI + DSSI + + + + LV2 + LV2 + + + + VST2 + VST2 + + + + VST3 + VST3 + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + Type + + + + Effects + Effets + + + + Instruments + Instruments + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + Annuler + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + TextLabel + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + Type : + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + Nom + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + - ProjectNotes + PluginEdit - Edit Actions - Édition + + Plugin Editor + - &Undo - &Défaire + + Edit + - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Control + Contrôle - &Redo - &Refaire + + MIDI Control Channel: + - %1+Y - %1+Y + + N + - &Copy - &Copier + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - %1+C - %1+C + + Output volume (100%) + - Cu&t - Cou&per + + Balance Left (0%) + - %1+X - %1+X + + + Balance Right (0%) + - &Paste - Co&ller + + Use Balance + - %1+V - %1+V + + Use Panning + Utiliser le panoramique - Format Actions - Format + + Settings + Configuration - &Bold - Gr&as + + Use Chunks + - %1+B - %1+B + + Audio: + - &Italic - &Italique + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - %1+I - %1+I + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - &Underline - &Souligné + + MIDI: + - %1+U - %1+U + + Map Program Changes + - &Left - &Gauche + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - %1+L - %1+L + + Send Control Changes + - C&enter - C&entrer + + Send Channel Pressure + - %1+E - %1+E + + Send Note Aftertouch + - &Right - D&roite + + Send Pitchbend + - %1+R - %1+R + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - &Justify - &Justifier + + +Plugin Name + + - %1+J - %1+J + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + - &Color... - C&ouleurs... + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + Type : + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + Greffon introuvable. + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + Le greffon LMMS %1 n'a pas de descripteur de greffon nommé %2 ! + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + - Project Notes - Montrer/cacher les notes du projet + + Parameter Name + - Enter project notes here - Inscrire les notes de projet ici + + ... + ... - ProjectRenderer + PluginRefreshW - WAV-File (*.wav) - Fichier WAV (*.wav) + + Carla - Refresh + - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Fichier OGG compressé (*.ogg) + + Search for new... + - FLAC-File (*.flac) - Fichier FLAC (*.flac) + + LADSPA + LADSPA - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) - Fichier MP3 compressé (*.mp3) + + DSSI + DSSI - - - QWidget - Name: - Nom : + + LV2 + LV2 - Maker: - Fabricant : + + VST2 + VST2 - Copyright: - Copyright : + + VST3 + VST3 - Requires Real Time: - Nécessite le temps réel : + + AU + - Yes - Oui + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - No - Non + + SFZ + SFZ - Real Time Capable: - Support temps réel : + + Native + - In Place Broken: - Inutilisable : + + POSIX 32bit + - Channels In: - Canaux d'entrée : + + POSIX 64bit + - Channels Out: - Canaux de sortie : + + Windows 32bit + - File: - Fichier : + + Windows 64bit + - File: %1 - Fichier : %1 + + Available tools: + - - - RenameDialog - Rename... - Renommer... + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - - - ReverbSCControlDialog - Input - Entrée + + carla-discovery-win64 + - Input Gain: - Gain en entrée : + + carla-discovery-native + - Size - Taille + + carla-discovery-posix32 + - Size: - Taille : + + carla-discovery-posix64 + - Color - Couleur + + carla-discovery-win32 + - Color: - Couleur : + + Options: + - Output - Sortie + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - Output Gain: - Gain en sortie : + + Run processing checks while scanning + - - - ReverbSCControls - Input Gain - Gain en entrée + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + - Size - Taille + + Scan + - Color - Couleur + + >> Skip + - Output Gain - Gain en sortie + + Close + Fermer - SampleBuffer - - Open audio file - Ouvrir un fichier audio - + PluginWidget - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Fichiers WAVE (*.wav) + + + + + + Frame + - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - Fichiers OGG (*.ogg) + + Enable + Activer - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - Fichiers DrumSynth (*.ds) + + On/Off + On/Off - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - Fichiers FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + PluginName + - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - Fichiers SPEEX (*.spx) + + MIDI + MIDI - VOC-Files (*.voc) - Fichiers VOC (*.voc) + + AUDIO IN + - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - Fichiers AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + AUDIO OUT + - AU-Files (*.au) - Fichiers AU (*.au) + + GUI + - RAW-Files (*.raw) - Fichiers RAW (*.raw) + + Edit + - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Tous les fichiers audio.(*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + Remove + Supprimer - Fail to open file - Échec à l'ouverture du fichier + + Plugin Name + - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - Les fichiers audio sont limités à une taille de %1 MB et %2 minutes de temps de lecture + + Preset: + - SampleTCOView + ProjectNotes - double-click to select sample - Double-cliquez pour choisir un échantillon + + Project Notes + Montrer/cacher les notes du projet - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Supprimer (bouton du milieu de la souris) + + Enter project notes here + Inscrire les notes de projet ici - Cut - Couper + + Edit Actions + Édition - Copy - Copier + + &Undo + &Défaire - Paste - Coller + + %1+Z + %1+Z - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Sourdine (ou non) (<%1> + clic-milieu) + + &Redo + &Refaire - - - SampleTrack - Sample track - Piste d'échantillon + + %1+Y + %1+Y - Volume - Volume + + &Copy + &Copier - Panning - Panoramisation + + %1+C + %1+C - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - Volume de la piste + + Cu&t + Cou&per - Channel volume: - Volume du canal : + + %1+X + %1+X - VOL - VOL + + &Paste + Co&ller - Panning - Panoramisation + + %1+V + %1+V - Panning: - Panoramisation : + + Format Actions + Format - PAN - PAN + + &Bold + Gr&as + + + + %1+B + %1+B + + + + &Italic + &Italique - - - SetupDialog - Setup LMMS - Configuration de LMMS + + %1+I + %1+I - General settings - Configuration générale + + &Underline + &Souligné - BUFFER SIZE - TAILLE DE LA MÉMOIRE TAMPON + + %1+U + %1+U - Reset to default-value - Réinitialiser à la valeur par défaut + + &Left + &Gauche - MISC - DIVERS + + %1+L + %1+L - Enable tooltips - Activer les info-bulles + + C&enter + C&entrer - Show restart warning after changing settings - Invitation à redémarrer après modification de la configuration + + %1+E + %1+E - Compress project files per default - Compresser les fichiers de projet par défaut + + &Right + D&roite - One instrument track window mode - Mode une piste d'instrument par fenêtre + + %1+R + %1+R - HQ-mode for output audio-device - Périphérique de sortie audio en mode HQ + + &Justify + &Justifier - Compact track buttons - Boutons compacts de piste + + %1+J + %1+J - Sync VST plugins to host playback - Synchroniser les greffons VST à la lecture de l'hôte + + &Color... + C&ouleurs... + + + ProjectRenderer - Enable note labels in piano roll - Activer les étiquettes de note dans le piano virtuel + + WAV (*.wav) + - Enable waveform display by default - Activer l'affichage de forme d'onde par défaut + + FLAC (*.flac) + - Keep effects running even without input - Laisser les effets opérer même sans entrée + + OGG (*.ogg) + - Create backup file when saving a project - Créer un fichier de sauvegarde lors de l'enregistrement d'un projet + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + QObject - LANGUAGE - LANGAGE + + Reload Plugin + - Paths - Chemins d'accès + + Show GUI + Montrer l'interface graphique - LMMS working directory - Répertoire de travail de LMMS + + Help + Aide + + + QWidget - VST-plugin directory - Répertoire des greffons VST + + + + + Name: + Nom : - Background artwork - Thème graphique d'arrière-plan + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + Fabricant : + + + + + + Copyright: + Copyright : - STK rawwave directory - Répertoire de STK + + + Requires Real Time: + Nécessite le temps réel : - Default Soundfont File - Fichier SoundFont par défaut + + + + + + + Yes + Oui - Performance settings - Configuration des performances + + + + + + + No + Non - UI effects vs. performance - Effets graphiques versus perfomances + + + Real Time Capable: + Support temps réel : - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - Déplacement fluide dans l'éditeur de morceau + + + In Place Broken: + Inutilisable : - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Afficher le curseur de lecture dans AudioFileProcessor + + + Channels In: + Canaux d'entrée : - Audio settings - Configurations audio + + + Channels Out: + Canaux de sortie : - AUDIO INTERFACE - INTERFACE AUDIO + + File: %1 + Fichier : %1 - MIDI settings - Configurations MIDI + + File: + Fichier : + + + RecentProjectsMenu - MIDI INTERFACE - INTERFACE MIDI + + &Recently Opened Projects + Projets ouverts &Récemment + + + RenameDialog - OK - OK + + Rename... + Renommer... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - Cancel - Annuler + + Input + Entrée - Restart LMMS - Redémarrer LMMS + + Input gain: + Gain en entrée : - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - Veuillez noter que la plupart des modifications ne prendront pas effet avant que vous ne redémarriez LMMS ! + + Size + Taille - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Trames : %1 -Latence : %2 ms + + Size: + Taille : - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - Ici, vous pouvez régler la taille de la mémoire tampon interne utilisée par LMMS. Les valeurs faibles réduisent la latence mais peuvent aussi rendre le son inutilisable ou induire de mauvaises performances, en particulier sur des ordinateurs anciens ou des systèmes sans noyau temps-réel. + + Color + Couleur - Choose LMMS working directory - Choisissez le répertoire de travail de LMMS + + Color: + Couleur : - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Choisissez le répertoire des greffons VST + + Output + Sortie - Choose artwork-theme directory - Choisissez le répertoire des thèmes graphiques + + Output gain: + Gain en sortie : + + + ReverbSCControls - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Choisissez le répertoire des greffons LADSPA + + Input gain + Gain en entrée - Choose STK rawwave directory - Choisissez le répertoire de STK + + Size + Taille - Choose default SoundFont - Choisissez la SoundFont par défaut + + Color + Couleur - Choose background artwork - Choisissez le thème graphique d'arrière-plan + + Output gain + Gain en sortie + + + SaControls - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - Ici, vous pouvez choisir l'interface audio que vous préférez. En fonction de la configuration de votre système au moment de la compilation, vous pouvez choisir entre ALSA, JACK, OSS et d'autres. Vous voyez ci-dessous une fenêtre contenant des contrôles pour régler l'interface audio choisie. + + Pause + - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - Ici, vous pouvez choisir l'interface MIDI que vous préférez. En fonction de la configuration de votre système au moment de la compilation, vous pouvez choisir entre ALSA, JACK, OSS et d'autres. Vous voyez ci-dessous une fenêtre contenant des contrôles pour régler l'interface MIDI choisie. + + Reference freeze + - Reopen last project on start - Ré-ouvrir le dernier projet à l'ouverture + + Waterfall + - Directories - Répertoires + + Averaging + - Themes directory - Répertoire des thèmes graphiques + + Stereo + Stéréo - GIG directory - Répertoire des GIG + + Peak hold + - SF2 directory - Répertoire des SF2 + + Logarithmic frequency + - LADSPA plugin directories - Répertoire des greffons LADSPA + + Logarithmic amplitude + - Auto save - Sauvegarde automatique + + Frequency range + - Choose your GIG directory - Choisissez le répertoire des fichiers GIG + + Amplitude range + - Choose your SF2 directory - Choisissez le répertoire des fichiers SF2 + + FFT block size + Taille du bloc FFT - minutes - minutes + + FFT window type + - minute - minute + + Peak envelope resolution + - Display volume as dBFS - Afficher le volume en dBFS + + Spectrum display resolution + - Enable auto-save - Activer la sauvegarde automatique + + Peak decay multiplier + - Allow auto-save while playing - Permettre la sauvegarde automatique pendant la lecture + + Averaging weight + - Disabled - Désactivé + + Waterfall history size + - Auto-save interval: %1 - Intervalle de sauvegarde automatique : %1 + + Waterfall gamma correction + - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - Paramétrer le temps entre les sauvegardes automatiques à %1. -Souvenez-vous de sauvegarder aussi votre projet manuellement. Vous pouvez choisir de désactiver la sauvegarde pendant la lecture, c'est quelque chose qui peut être difficile sur d'anciens systèmes. + + FFT window overlap + - - - Song - Tempo - Tempo + + FFT zero padding + - Master volume - Volume général + + + Full (auto) + - Master pitch - Tonalité générale + + + + Audible + - Project saved - Projet sauvegardé + + Bass + Graves - The project %1 is now saved. - Le projet %1 est maintenant sauvegardé. + + Mids + - Project NOT saved. - Projet NON sauvegardé. + + High + - The project %1 was not saved! - Le projet %1 n'a pas été sauvegardé! + + Extended + - Import file - Importer un fichier + + Loud + Fort - MIDI sequences - Séquences MIDI + + Silent + - Hydrogen projects - Projets Hydrogen + + (High time res.) + - All file types - Tous les types de fichier + + (High freq. res.) + - Empty project - Le projet est vide + + Rectangular (Off) + - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - L'exportation n'a pas de sens car ce projet est vide. Veuillez d'abord mettre quelques éléments dans l'éditeur de morceau ! + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Sélectionnez le répertoire pour écrire les pistes exportées... + + Hamming + - untitled - sans titre + + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog - Select file for project-export... - Sélectionnez un fichier vers lequel exporter le projet... + + Pause + - The following errors occured while loading: - Les erreurs suivantes sont survenues lors du chargement : + + Pause data acquisition + - MIDI File (*.mid) - Fichier MIDI (*.mid) + + Reference freeze + - LMMS Error report - Rapport d'erreur LMMS + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + - Save project - Sauvegarder le projet + + Waterfall + - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - Le fichier n'a pas pu être ouvert + + Display real-time spectrogram + - Could not write file - Le fichier n'a pas pu être écrit + + Averaging + - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Le fichier %1 n'a pas pu être ouvert. Vous n'avez probablement pas les droits pour lire ce fichier. -Veuillez vérifier que vous avez au moins les droits en lecture pour ce fichier et réessayez. + + Enable exponential moving average + - Error in file - Erreur dans le fichier + + Stereo + Stéréo - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Le fichier %1 semble contenir des erreurs et ne peut donc pas être chargé. + + Display stereo channels separately + - Tempo - Tempo + + Peak hold + - TEMPO/BPM - TEMPO/BPM + + Display envelope of peak values + - tempo of song - tempo du morceau + + Logarithmic frequency + - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - Le tempo d'un morceau est spécifié en battements par minute (BPM). Si vous souhaitez modifier le tempo de votre morceau, modifiez cette valeur. Chaque mesure à quatre battements, ce qui fait que le tempo en BPM indique le nombre de mesures / 4 qui doivent être jouées dans une minute (ou le nombre de mesures qui doivent être jouées en quatre minutes). + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + - High quality mode - Mode haute qualité + + + Frequency range + - Master volume - Volume général + + Logarithmic amplitude + - master volume - volume général + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + - Master pitch - Tonalité générale + + + Amplitude range + - master pitch - tonalité générale + + Envelope res. + - Value: %1% - Valeur : %1% + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Value: %1 semitones - Valeur : %1 demi-tons + + + Draw at most + - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Ne peux pas ouvrir %1 en écriture. Vous n'avez probablement pas les droits pour écrire dans ce fichier. Assurez vous que vous avez les droits d'accès en écriture pour ce fichier et essayez à nouveau. + + envelope points per pixel + points d'enveloppe par pixel - template - modèle + + Spectrum res. + - project - projet + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Version difference - Différence de version + + spectrum points per pixel + - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - Ce %1 a été créé avec LMMS %2. + + Falloff factor + - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - Éditeur de morceau + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + - Play song (Space) - Jouer le morceau (barre d'espace) + + Multiply buffered value by + - Record samples from Audio-device - Enregistrer des échantillons à partir d'un périphérique audio + + Averaging weight + - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Enregistrer des échantillons à partir d'un périphérique audio pendant l'écoute d'un morceau ou bien d'un rythme ou d'une ligne de basse + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + - Stop song (Space) - Arrêter de jouer le morceau (barre d'espace) + + New sample contributes + - Add beat/bassline - Ajouter un rythme ou une ligne de basse + + Waterfall height + - Add sample-track - Ajouter une piste d'échantillon + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + - Add automation-track - Ajouter une piste d'automation + + Keep + - Draw mode - Mode dessin + + lines + - Edit mode (select and move) - Mode édition (sélectionner et déplacer) + + Waterfall gamma + - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez jouer le morceau en entier. L'écoute commencera à partir du marqueur (vert) de position dans le morceau. Vous pouvez aussi déplacer ce curseur pendant l'écoute. + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez ne plus jouer le morceau. Le curseur de position sera placé au début du morceau. + + Gamma value: + - Track actions - Actions de la piste + + Window overlap + - Edit actions - Actions d'édition + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - Timeline controls - Contrôles de la ligne de temps + + Each sample processed + - Zoom controls - Contrôle du zoom + + times + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - Spectre linéaire + + Zero padding + - Linear Y axis - Axe Y linéaire + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum - Spectre linéaire + + Processing buffer is + - Linear Y axis - Axe Y linéaire + + steps larger than input block + - Channel mode - Mode du canal + + Advanced settings + - - - SubWindow - Close - Fermer + + Access advanced settings + - Maximize - Maximiser + + + FFT block size + Taille du bloc FFT - Restore - Restorer + + + FFT window type + - TabWidget + SampleBuffer - Settings for %1 - Réglages pour %1 + + Fail to open file + Échec à l'ouverture du fichier - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - Synchronisation du tempo + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Les fichiers audio sont limités à une taille de %1 MB et %2 minutes de temps de lecture - No Sync - Pas de synchronisation + + Open audio file + Ouvrir un fichier audio - Eight beats - Huit temps + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Tous les fichiers audio.(*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Whole note - Note entière + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Fichiers WAVE (*.wav) - Half note - Demi-note + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + Fichiers OGG (*.ogg) - Quarter note - Quart de note + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + Fichiers DrumSynth (*.ds) - 8th note - 8 ième de note + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + Fichiers FLAC (*.flac) - 16th note - 16 ième de note + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + Fichiers SPEEX (*.spx) - 32nd note - 32 ième de note + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + Fichiers VOC (*.voc) - Custom... - Personnalisé... + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + Fichiers AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) - Custom - Personnalisé + + AU-Files (*.au) + Fichiers AU (*.au) - Synced to Eight Beats - Synchronisé sur huit temps + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + Fichiers RAW (*.raw) + + + SampleClipView - Synced to Whole Note - Synchronisé sur note entière + + Double-click to open sample + - Synced to Half Note - Synchronisé sur demi-note + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Supprimer (bouton du milieu de la souris) - Synced to Quarter Note - Synchronisé sur quart de note + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - Synced to 8th Note - Synchronisé sur 8 ième de note + + Cut + Couper - Synced to 16th Note - Synchronisé sur 16 ième de note + + Cut selection + - Synced to 32nd Note - Synchronisé sur 32 ième de note + + Copy + Copier - - - TimeDisplayWidget - click to change time units - cliquez pour modifier les unités de temps + + Copy selection + - MIN - MIN + + Paste + Coller - SEC - DEC + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Sourdine (ou non) (<%1> + clic-milieu) - MSEC - MSEC + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - BAR - BAR + + Reverse sample + Inverser l'échantillon - BEAT - BATT + + Set clip color + - TICK - TICK + + Use track color + - TimeLineWidget + SampleTrack - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Activer/désactiver l'auto-défilement + + Volume + Volume - Enable/disable loop-points - Activer/désactiver les marqueurs de jeu en boucle + + Panning + Panoramisation - After stopping go back to begin - Revenir au début après l'arrêt + + Mixer channel + Canal d'effet - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Revenir à la position de départ après l'arrêt + + + Sample track + Piste d'échantillon + + + SampleTrackView - After stopping keep position - Ne rien faire après l'arrêt + + Track volume + Volume de la piste - Hint - Astuce + + Channel volume: + Volume du canal : - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Appuyez sur <%1> pour désactiver les marqueur magnétiques de jeu en boucle. + + VOL + VOL - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Maintenez <Shift> pour déplacer le marqueur de début de jeu en boucle. Appuyez sur <%1> pour désactiver les marqueurs magnétiques de jeu en boucle. + + Panning + Panoramisation - - - Track - Mute - Mettre en sourdine + + Panning: + Panoramisation : - Solo - Solo + + PAN + PAN - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file - Le fichier n'a pas pu être importé + + Channel %1: %2 + Effet %1 : %2 + + + SampleTrackWindow - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Aucun filtre n'a pu être trouvé pour importer le fichier %1. -Vous devriez convertir ce fichier dans un format pris en charge par LMMS en utilisant un autre logiciel. + + GENERAL SETTINGS + CONFIGURATION GÉNÉRALE - Couldn't open file - Le fichier n'a pas pu être ouvert + + Sample volume + - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Le fichier %1 n'a pas pu être ouvert en lecture. -Veuillez vérifier que vous avez les droits en lecture pour ce fichier et le répertoire qui contient ce fichier et réessayez ! + + Volume: + Volume : - Loading project... - Chargement du projet... + + VOL + VOL - Cancel - Annuler + + Panning + Panoramisation - Please wait... - Veuillez patienter... + + Panning: + Panoramisation : - Importing MIDI-file... - Importation du fichier MIDI... + + PAN + PAN - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Chargement de la piste %1 (%2/Total %3) + + Mixer channel + Canal d'effet - - - TrackContentObject - Mute - Mettre en sourdine + + CHANNEL + EFFET - TrackContentObjectView - - Current position - Position actuelle - + SaveOptionsWidget - Hint - Astuce + + Discard MIDI connections + - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Appuyez sur <%1> et glissez pour faire une copie. + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + SetupDialog - Current length - Longueur actuelle + + Reset to default value + - Press <%1> for free resizing. - Appuyez sur <%1> pour un redimensionnement libre. + + Use built-in NaN handler + Utiliser le gestionnaire NaN intégré - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4 vers %5:%6) + + Settings + Configuration - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Supprimer (bouton du milieu de la souris) + + + General + - Cut - Couper + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + - Copy - Copier + + Display volume as dBFS + Afficher le volume en dBFS - Paste - Coller + + Enable tooltips + Activer les info-bulles - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Mettre en sourdine (ou pas) (<%1> + clic-milieu) + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - Appuyez sur <%1> en cliquant sur la poignée de déplacement pour commencer un nouveau glisser/déposer. + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + - Actions for this track - Actions pour cette piste + + Enable compact track buttons + - Mute - Mode sourdine + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - Solo - Mode solo + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - Mute this track - Mettre cette piste en sourdine + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - Clone this track - Cloner cette piste + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - Remove this track - Supprimer cette piste + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - Clear this track - Vider cette piste + + Projects + - FX %1: %2 - Effet %1 : %2 + + Compress project files by default + - Turn all recording on - Armer tous les enregistrements + + Create a backup file when saving a project + - Turn all recording off - Désarmer tous les enregistrements + + Reopen last project on startup + - Assign to new FX Channel - Assigner à un nouveau canal d'effet + + Language + - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Utiliser la modulation de phase pour moduler l'oscillateur 1 avec l'oscillateur 2 + + + Performance + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Utiliser la modulation d'amplitude pour moduler l'oscillateur 1 avec l'oscillateur 2 + + Autosave + - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Mélanger la sortie des oscillateurs 1 et 2 + + Enable autosave + Activer la sauvegarde automatique - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Synchroniser l'oscillateur 1 avec l'oscillateur 2 + + Allow autosave while playing + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Utiliser la modulation de fréquence pour moduler l'oscillateur 1 avec l'oscillateur 2 + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Utiliser la modulation de phase pour moduler l'oscillateur 2 avec l'oscillateur 3 + + Smooth scroll in song editor + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Utiliser la modulation d'amplitude pour moduler l'oscillateur 2 avec l'oscillateur 3 + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Mélanger la sortie des oscillateurs 2 et 3 + + Plugins + Greffons - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Synchroniser l'oscillateur 2 avec l'oscillateur 3 + + VST plugins embedding: + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Utiliser la modulation de fréquence pour moduler l'oscillateur 2 avec l'oscillateur 3 + + No embedding + Aucune intégration - Osc %1 volume: - Volume de l'oscillateur %1 : + + Embed using Qt API + Intégrer en utilisant l'API Qt - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Avec ce bouton vous pouvez régler le volume de l'oscillateur %1. Lorsque mettez la valeur 0 l'oscillateur est arrêté. Sinon vous pouvez entendre l'oscillateur aussi fort que vous l'avez réglé. + + Embed using native Win32 API + Intégrer en utilisant l'API Win32 native - Osc %1 panning: - Panoramisation de l'oscillateur %1 : + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Intégrer en utilisant le protocole XEmbed - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Avec ce bouton vous pouvez régler le panoramisation de l'oscillateur %1. Une valeur de -100 corespond à 100 % à gauche et une valeur de 100 déplace la sortie de l'oscillateur à droite. + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + Maintenir les fenêtres des plugins au premier plan lorsqu'elles ne sont pas intégrées - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Désaccordage grossier de l'oscillateur %1 : + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Synchroniser les greffons VST à la lecture de l'hôte - semitones - demi-tons + + Keep effects running even without input + Laisser les effets opérer même sans entrée - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Avec ce bouton vous pouvez régler le désaccord grossier de l'oscillateur %1. Vous pouvez désaccorder l'oscillateur de 24 demi-tons (2 octaves) vers le haut et vers le bas. Ceci est utile pour la création de sons avec un accord. + + + Audio + Audio - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Désaccordage fin (gauche) de l'oscillateur %1 : + + Audio interface + - cents - centièmes + + HQ mode for output audio device + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Avec ce bouton vous pouvez régler le désaccord fin du canal gauche de l'oscillateur %1. Le désaccordage fin varie entre -100 centièmes et +100 centièmes. Ceci est utile pour la création de sons 'gras'. + + Buffer size + - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Désaccordage fin (droite) de l'oscillateur %1 : + + + MIDI + MIDI - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Avec ce bouton vous pouvez régler le désaccord fin du canal droit de l'oscillateur %1. Le désaccordage fin varie entre -100 centièmes et +100 centièmes. Ceci est utile pour la création de sons 'gras'. + + MIDI interface + - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Décalage de phase de l'oscillateur %1 : + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + - degrees - degrés + + LMMS working directory + Répertoire de travail de LMMS - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Avec ce bouton vous pouvez régler le décalage de phase de l'oscillateur %1. Cela signifie que vous pouvez déplacer dans une oscillation le point où l'oscillateur commence à osciller. Par exemple si vous avez une onde sinusoïdale et un décalage de phase de 180 degrés l'onde commencera par descendre. C'est la même chose avec une onde carrée. + + VST plugins directory + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Désaccordage stéréo de la phase de l'oscillateur %1 : + + LADSPA plugins directories + - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Avec ce bouton vous pouvez régler le désaccordage stéréo de la phase de l'oscillateur %1. Le désaccordage stéréo de la phase précise l'importance de la différence entre le décalage de phase du canal gauche et droit. Ceci est très bien pour la création de sons stéréo amples. + + SF2 directory + Répertoire des SF2 - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde sinusoïdale pour cet oscillateur. + + Default SF2 + - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde triangulaire pour cet oscillateur. + + GIG directory + Répertoire des GIG - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde en dents-de-scie pour cet oscillateur. + + Theme directory + - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde carrée pour cet oscillateur. + + Background artwork + Thème graphique d'arrière-plan - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde en dents-de-scie de type Moog pour cet oscillateur. + + Some changes require restarting. + - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde exponentielle pour cet oscillateur. + + Autosave interval: %1 + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Utiliser un bruit blanc pour cet oscillateur. + + Choose the LMMS working directory + - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde définie par l'utilisateur pour cet oscillateur. + + Choose your VST plugins directory + - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number - Incrémenter le numéro de version + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + - Decrement version number - Décrémenter le numéro de version + + Choose your default SF2 + - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - existe déjà. Souhaitez-vous le remplacer ? + + Choose your theme directory + - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - Ouvrir un autre greffon VST + + Choose your background picture + - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez ouvrir un autre greffon VST. Après avoir cliqué sur ce bouton, une boîte de dialogue d'ouverture de fichier apparaîtra et vous pourrez sélectionner votre fichier. + + + Paths + Chemins d'accès - Show/hide GUI - Montrer/cacher l'interface utilisateur graphique + + OK + OK - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Cliquez ici pour montrer ou cacher l'interface utilisateur graphique de votre greffon VST. + + Cancel + Annuler - Turn off all notes - Arrêter de jouer toutes les notes + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Trames : %1 +Latence : %2 ms - Open VST-plugin - Ouvrir un greffon VST + + Choose your GIG directory + Choisissez le répertoire des fichiers GIG - DLL-files (*.dll) - Fichiers DLL (*.dll) + + Choose your SF2 directory + Choisissez le répertoire des fichiers SF2 - EXE-files (*.exe) - Fichiers EXE (*.exe) + + minutes + minutes - No VST-plugin loaded - Aucun greffon VST n'a été chargé + + minute + minute - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Contrôler le greffon VST à partir de l'hôte LMMS + + Disabled + Désactivé + + + SidInstrument - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez contrôler le greffon VST à partir de l'hôte. + + Cutoff frequency + Fréquence de coupure - Open VST-plugin preset - Ouvrir les pré-réglages du greffon VST + + Resonance + Résonance - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez ouvrir un autre pré-réglage de greffon VST *.fxp, *.fxb. + + Filter type + Type de filtre - Previous (-) - Précédent (-) + + Voice 3 off + Voix 3 coupée - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez passer à un autre programme de pré-réglage de plugin VST. + + Volume + Volume - Save preset - Enregistrer le pré-réglage + + Chip model + Modèle de circuit + + + SidInstrumentView - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez sauvegarder le programme de pré-réglage de greffon VST actuel. + + Volume: + Volume : - Next (+) - Suivant (+) + + Resonance: + Résonance : - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Cliquez ici pour sélectionner les pré-réglages qui sont actuellement chargés dans le VST. + + + Cutoff frequency: + Fréquence de coupure : - Preset - Pré-réglage + + High-pass filter + - by - par + + Band-pass filter + - - VST plugin control - - contrôle de greffon VST + + Low-pass filter + - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - Cliquez pour activer/désactiver la visualisation de la sortie maîtresse + + Voice 3 off + - Click to enable - Cliquez pour activer + + MOS6581 SID + SID MOS6581 - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - Montrer/cacher + + MOS8580 SID + SID MOS8580 - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Contrôler le greffon VST à partir de l'hôte LMMS + + + Attack: + Attaque : - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez contrôler le greffon VST à partir de l'hôte. + + + Decay: + Affaiblissement (decay) : - Open VST-plugin preset - Ouvrir le pré-réglage du greffon VST + + Sustain: + Soutien : - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez ouvrir un autre pré-réglage de greffon VST *.fxp, *.fxb. + + + Release: + Relâchement : - Previous (-) - Précédent (-) + + Pulse Width: + Largeur de pulsation : - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez passer à un autre programme de pré-réglage de plugin VST. + + Coarse: + Grossier : - Next (+) - Suivant (+) + + Pulse wave + - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Cliquez ici pour sélectionner les pré-réglages qui sont actuellement chargés dans le VST. + + Triangle wave + Onde triangulaire - Save preset - Enregistrer le pré-réglage + + Saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez sauvegarder le programme de pré-réglage de greffon VST actuel. + + Noise + Bruit - Effect by: - Effet par : + + Sync + Sync - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Ring modulation + - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin - Chargement du greffon + + Filtered + Filtré - Open Preset - Ouvrir le Pré-réglage + + Test + Test - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Pré-réglage de Greffon VST (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Pulse width: + + + + SideBarWidget - : default - : défaut + + Close + Fermer + + + Song - " - " + + Tempo + Tempo - ' - ' + + Master volume + Volume général - Save Preset - Enregistrer le pré-réglage + + Master pitch + Tonalité générale - .fxp - .fxp + + Aborting project load + - .FXP - .FXP + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - .FXB - .FXB + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - .fxb - .fxb + + LMMS Error report + Rapport d'erreur LMMS - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement du greffon VST... + + (repeated %1 times) + - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - Le greffon "%1" n'a pas pu être chargé. + + The following errors occurred while loading: + - WatsynInstrument - - Volume A1 - Volume A1 - + SongEditor - Volume A2 - Volume A2 + + Could not open file + Le fichier n'a pas pu être ouvert - Volume B1 - Volume B1 + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Le fichier %1 n'a pas pu être ouvert. Vous n'avez probablement pas les droits pour lire ce fichier. +Veuillez vérifier que vous avez au moins les droits en lecture pour ce fichier et réessayez. - Volume B2 - Volume B2 + + Operation denied + - Panning A1 - Panoramisation A1 + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + - Panning A2 - Panoramisation A2 + + + + Error + Erreur - Panning B1 - Panoramisation B1 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + - Panning B2 - Panoramisation B2 + + Couldn't create resources folder. + - Freq. multiplier A1 - Multiplicateur de fréquence A1 + + Failed to copy resources. + - Freq. multiplier A2 - Multiplicateur de fréquence A2 + + Could not write file + Le fichier n'a pas pu être écrit - Freq. multiplier B1 - Multiplicateur de fréquence B1 + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + - Freq. multiplier B2 - Multiplicateur de fréquence B2 + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + - Left detune A1 - Dé-réglage gauche A1 + + Error in file + Erreur dans le fichier - Left detune A2 - Dé-réglage gauche A2 + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Le fichier %1 semble contenir des erreurs et ne peut donc pas être chargé. - Left detune B1 - Dé-réglage gauche B1 + + Version difference + Différence de version - Left detune B2 - Dé-réglage gauche B2 + + template + modèle - Right detune A1 - Dé-réglage droit A1 + + project + projet - Right detune A2 - Dé-réglage droit A2 + + Tempo + Tempo - Right detune B1 - Dé-réglage droit B1 + + TEMPO + - Right detune B2 - Dé-réglage droit B2 + + Tempo in BPM + - A-B Mix - Mélange A-B + + High quality mode + Mode haute qualité - A-B Mix envelope amount - Niveau de mélange d'enveloppe A-B + + + + Master volume + Volume général - A-B Mix envelope attack - Niveau de mélange d'attaque d'enveloppe A-B + + + + Master pitch + Tonalité générale - A-B Mix envelope hold - Niveau de mélange du maintien d'enveloppe A-B + + Value: %1% + Valeur : %1% - A-B Mix envelope decay - Niveau de mélange de l'affaiblissement (decay) d'enveloppe A-B + + Value: %1 semitones + Valeur : %1 demi-tons + + + SongEditorWindow - A1-B2 Crosstalk - Diaphonie A1-B2 + + Song-Editor + Éditeur de morceau - A2-A1 modulation - Modulation A2-A1 + + Play song (Space) + Jouer le morceau (barre d'espace) - B2-B1 modulation - Modulation B2-B1 + + Record samples from Audio-device + Enregistrer des échantillons à partir d'un périphérique audio - Selected graph - Graphique sélectionné + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Enregistrer des échantillons à partir d'un périphérique audio pendant l'écoute d'un morceau ou bien d'un rythme ou d'une ligne de basse - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 - Sélectionner l'oscillateur A1 + + Stop song (Space) + Arrêter de jouer le morceau (barre d'espace) - Select oscillator A2 - Sélectionner l'oscillateur A2 + + Track actions + Actions de la piste - Select oscillator B1 - Sélectionner l'oscillateur B1 + + Add beat/bassline + Ajouter un rythme ou une ligne de basse - Select oscillator B2 - Sélectionner l'oscillateur B2 + + Add sample-track + Ajouter une piste d'échantillon - Mix output of A2 to A1 - Mélanger la sortie de A2 dans A1 + + Add automation-track + Ajouter une piste d'automation - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - Moduler l'amplitude de A1 avec la sortie de A2 + + Edit actions + Actions d'édition - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - Moduler en anneau A1 et A2 + + Draw mode + Mode dessin - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - Moduler la phase de A1 avec la sortie de A2 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + - Mix output of B2 to B1 - Mélanger la sortie de B2 dans B1 + + Edit mode (select and move) + Mode édition (sélectionner et déplacer) - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - Moduler l'amplitude de B1 avec la sortie de B2 + + Timeline controls + Contrôles de la ligne de temps - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - Moduler en anneau B1 et B2 + + Bar insert controls + - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - Moduler la phase de B1 avec la sortie de B2 + + Insert bar + - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Dessinez ici votre propre forme d'onde en faisant glisser votre souris sur ce graphique. + + Remove bar + - Load waveform - Charger la forme d'onde + + Zoom controls + Contrôle du zoom - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Cliquez pour charger une forme d'onde depuis un fichier d'échantillon + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom horizontal - Phase left - Phase gauche + + Snap controls + - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - Cliquez pour décaler la phase de -15 degrés + + + Clip snapping size + - Phase right - Phase droite + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - Cliquez pour décaler la phase de +15 degrés + + Base snapping size + + + + StepRecorderWidget - Normalize - Normaliser + + Hint + Astuce - Click to normalize - Cliquez pour normaliser + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + SubWindow - Invert - Inverser + + Close + Fermer - Click to invert - Cliquez pour inverser + + Maximize + Maximiser - Smooth - Adoucir + + Restore + Restorer + + + TabWidget - Click to smooth - Cliquez pour adoucir + + + Settings for %1 + Réglages pour %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - Sine wave - Onde sinusoïdale + + New from template + Nouveau à partir d'un modèle + + + TempoSyncKnob - Click for sine wave - Cliquez pour une onde sinusoïdale + + + Tempo Sync + Synchronisation du tempo - Triangle wave - Onde triangulaire + + No Sync + Pas de synchronisation - Click for triangle wave - Cliquez pour une onde triangulaire + + Eight beats + Huit temps - Click for saw wave - Cliquez pour une onde en dents-de-scie + + Whole note + Note entière - Square wave - Onde carrée + + Half note + Demi-note - Click for square wave - Cliquez pour une onde carrée + + Quarter note + Quart de note - Volume - Volume + + 8th note + 8 ième de note - Panning - Panoramisation + + 16th note + 16 ième de note - Freq. multiplier - Multiplicateur de fréquence + + 32nd note + 32 ième de note - Left detune - Déréglage gauche + + Custom... + Personnalisé... - cents - centièmes + + Custom + Personnalisé - Right detune - Déréglage droite + + Synced to Eight Beats + Synchronisé sur huit temps - A-B Mix - Mélange A-B + + Synced to Whole Note + Synchronisé sur note entière - Mix envelope amount - Niveau de mélange d'enveloppe + + Synced to Half Note + Synchronisé sur demi-note - Mix envelope attack - Mélanger l'attaque d'enveloppe + + Synced to Quarter Note + Synchronisé sur quart de note - Mix envelope hold - Mélanger le maintien d'enveloppe + + Synced to 8th Note + Synchronisé sur 8 ième de note - Mix envelope decay - Mélanger la descente d'enveloppe + + Synced to 16th Note + Synchronisé sur 16 ième de note - Crosstalk - Diaphonie + + Synced to 32nd Note + Synchronisé sur 32 ième de note - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - Portamento - Portamento - + TimeDisplayWidget - Filter Frequency - Fréquence du filtre + + Time units + - Filter Resonance - Résonance du filtre + + MIN + MIN - Bandwidth - Largeur de bande + + SEC + DEC - FM Gain - Gain FM + + MSEC + MSEC - Resonance Center Frequency - Fréquence Centrale de la Résonance + + BAR + BAR - Resonance Bandwidth - Largeur de Bande de la Résonance + + BEAT + BATT - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - Transmet les événements MIDI Control Change + + TICK + TICK - ZynAddSubFxView + TimeLineWidget - Show GUI - Montrer l'interface utilisateur graphique + + Auto scrolling + - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Cliquez ici pour montrer ou cacher l'interface utilisateur graphique de ZynAddSubFX. + + Loop points + - Portamento: - Portamento : + + After stopping go back to beginning + - PORT - PORT + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Revenir à la position de départ après l'arrêt - Filter Frequency: - Fréquence du filtre : + + After stopping keep position + Ne rien faire après l'arrêt - FREQ - FRÉQ + + Hint + Astuce - Filter Resonance: - Résonance du filtre : + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Appuyez sur <%1> pour désactiver les marqueur magnétiques de jeu en boucle. + + + Track - RES - RES + + Mute + Mettre en sourdine - Bandwidth: - Largeur de bande : + + Solo + Solo + + + TrackContainer - BW - LB + + Couldn't import file + Le fichier n'a pas pu être importé - FM Gain: - Gain FM : + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Aucun filtre n'a pu être trouvé pour importer le fichier %1. +Vous devriez convertir ce fichier dans un format pris en charge par LMMS en utilisant un autre logiciel. - FM GAIN - GAIN FM + + Couldn't open file + Le fichier n'a pas pu être ouvert - Resonance center frequency: - Fréquence centrale de la résonance : + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Le fichier %1 n'a pas pu être ouvert en lecture. +Veuillez vérifier que vous avez les droits en lecture pour ce fichier et le répertoire qui contient ce fichier et réessayez ! - RES CF - RES CF + + Loading project... + Chargement du projet... - Resonance bandwidth: - Largeur de bande de la résonance : + + + Cancel + Annuler - RES BW - RES BW + + + Please wait... + Veuillez patienter... - Forward MIDI Control Changes - Transmet les événements MIDI Control Change + + Loading cancelled + Chargement annulé - - - audioFileProcessor - Amplify - Amplifier + + Project loading was cancelled. + Le chargement du projet a été annulé. - Start of sample - Début de l'échantillon + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Chargement de la piste %1 (%2/Total %3) - End of sample - Fin de l'échantillon + + Importing MIDI-file... + Importation du fichier MIDI... + + + Clip - Reverse sample - Inverser l'échantillon + + Mute + Mettre en sourdine + + + ClipView - Stutter - Bégaiement + + Current position + Position actuelle - Loopback point - Point de bouclage + + Current length + Longueur actuelle - Loop mode - Mode de jeu en boucle + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 vers %5:%6) - Interpolation mode - Mode interpolation + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Appuyez sur <%1> et glissez pour faire une copie. - None - Aucun + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Appuyez sur <%1> pour un redimensionnement libre. - Linear - Linéaire + + Hint + Astuce - Sinc - Sync + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Supprimer (bouton du milieu de la souris) - Sample not found: %1 - Échantillon %1 non trouvé + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - - - bitInvader - Samplelength - Longueur de l'échantillon + + Cut + Couper - - - bitInvaderView - Sample Length - Longueur de l'échantillon + + Cut selection + - Sine wave - Onde sinusoïdale + + Merge Selection + - Triangle wave - Onde triangulaire + + Copy + Copier - Saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Coller + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Sourdine (ou non) (<%1> + clic-milieu) - Square wave - Onde carrée + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - White noise wave - Bruit blanc + + Set clip color + - User defined wave - Onde définie par l'utilisateur + + Use track color + + + + TrackContentWidget - Smooth - Lisser + + Paste + Coller + + + TrackOperationsWidget - Click here to smooth waveform. - Cliquez ici pour lisser la forme d'onde. + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + - Interpolation - Interpolation + + Actions + - Normalize - Normaliser + + + Mute + Mode sourdine - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Dessinez ici votre propre forme d'onde en faisant glisser votre souris sur ce graphique. + + + Solo + Mode solo - Click for a sine-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde sinusoïdale. + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde triangulaire. + + Confirm removal + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde en dents-de-scie. + + Don't ask again + - Click here for a square-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde carrée. + + Clone this track + Cloner cette piste - Click here for white-noise. - Cliquez ici pour un bruit blanc. + + Remove this track + Supprimer cette piste - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Cliquez ici pour une onde définie par l'utilisateur. + + Clear this track + Vider cette piste - - - dynProcControlDialog - INPUT - ENTRÉE + + Channel %1: %2 + Effet %1 : %2 - Input gain: - Gain en entrée : + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Assigner à un nouveau canal d'effet - OUTPUT - SORTIE + + Turn all recording on + Armer tous les enregistrements - Output gain: - Gain en sortie : + + Turn all recording off + Désarmer tous les enregistrements - ATTACK - ATTAQUE + + Change color + Modifier la couleur - Peak attack time: - Temps d'attaque du pic : + + Reset color to default + Réinitialiser la couleur par défaut - RELEASE - RELÂCHEMENT + + Set random color + - Peak release time: - Temps de relâchement : + + Clear clip colors + + + + TripleOscillatorView - Reset waveform - Réinitialiser la forme d'onde + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Moduler la phase de l'oscillateur 1 par l'oscillateur 2 - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Cliquer ici pour réinitialiser le graphique d'onde par défaut + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - Smooth waveform - Forme d'onde adoucie + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Cliquer ici pour adoucir la forme d'onde + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Synchroniser l'oscillateur 1 avec l'oscillateur 2 - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Augmenter l'amplitude du graphique de l'onde d'1 dB + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Cliquez ici pour augmenter l'amplitude du graphique de l'onde d'1 dB + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Réduire l'amplitude du graphique de l'onde d'1 dB + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Cliquer ici pour réduire l'amplitude du graphique de l'onde d'1 dB + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + - Stereomode Maximum - Maximum du mode stéréo + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Synchroniser l'oscillateur 2 avec l'oscillateur 3 - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Traitement basé sur le maximum des deux canaux stéréo + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - Stereomode Average - Moyenne du mode stéréo + + Osc %1 volume: + Volume de l'oscillateur %1 : - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Traitement basé sur la moyenne des deux canaux stéréo + + Osc %1 panning: + Panoramisation de l'oscillateur %1 : - Stereomode Unlinked - Mode stéréo détaché + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Désaccordage grossier de l'oscillateur %1 : - Process each stereo channel independently - Traiter chaque canal stéréo indépendamment + + semitones + demi-tons - - - dynProcControls - Input gain - Gain en entrée + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Désaccordage fin (gauche) de l'oscillateur %1 : - Output gain - Gain en sortie + + + cents + centièmes - Attack time - Temps d'attaque + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Désaccordage fin (droite) de l'oscillateur %1 : - Release time - Temps de relâchement + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Décalage de phase de l'oscillateur %1 : - Stereo mode - Mode stéréo + + + degrees + degrés - - - expressiveView - Select oscillator W1 - Sélectionner l'oscillateur W1 + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Désaccordage stéréo de la phase de l'oscillateur %1 : - Select oscillator W2 - Sélectionner l'oscillateur W2 + + Sine wave + Onde sinusoïdale - Select oscillator W3 - Sélectionner l'oscillateur W3 + + Triangle wave + Onde triangulaire - Select OUTPUT 1 - Sélectionner la SORTIE 1 + + Saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie - Select OUTPUT 2 - Sélectionner la SORTIE 2 + + Square wave + Onde carrée - Open help window - Ouvrir la fenêtre d'aide + + Moog-like saw wave + - Sine wave - Onde sinusoïdale + + Exponential wave + Onde exponentielle - Click for a sine-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde sinusoïdale. + + White noise + Bruit blanc - Moog-Saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie-Moog + + User-defined wave + + + + VecControls - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. - Cliquez pour une onde-en-dents-de-scie-Moog. + + Display persistence amount + - Exponential wave - Onde exponentielle + + Logarithmic scale + - Click for an exponential wave. - Cliquez pour une onde exponentielle. + + High quality + + + + VecControlsDialog - Saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie + + HQ + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde en dents-de-scie. + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + - User defined wave - Onde définie par l'utilisateur + + Log. scale + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Cliquez ici pour une onde définie par l'utilisateur. + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + - Triangle wave - Onde triangulaire + + Persist. + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde triangulaire. + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + - Square wave - Onde carrée + + Trace persistence + + + + VersionedSaveDialog - Click here for a square-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde carrée. + + Increment version number + Incrémenter le numéro de version - White noise wave - Bruit blanc + + Decrement version number + Décrémenter le numéro de version - Click here for white-noise. - Cliquez ici pour un bruit blanc. + + Save Options + - WaveInterpolate - WaveInterpolate + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + existe déjà. Souhaitez-vous le remplacer ? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - ExpressionValid - ExpressionValid + + + Open VST plugin + Ouvrir un plugin VST - General purpose 1: - Universel 1 : + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - General purpose 2: - Universel 2 : + + Open VST plugin preset + - General purpose 3: - Universel 3 : + + Previous (-) + Précédent (-) - O1 panning: - Panoramisation 01 : + + Save preset + Enregistrer le pré-réglage - O2 panning: - Panoramisation 02 : + + Next (+) + Suivant (+) - Release transition: - Transition de relâche : + + Show/hide GUI + Montrer l'interface graphique - Smoothness - Adoucissement + + Turn off all notes + Stopper toutes les notes - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: - Assigner à : + + DLL-files (*.dll) + Fichiers DLL (*.dll) - New FX Channel - Nouveau canal d'effet + + EXE-files (*.exe) + Fichiers EXE (*.exe) - - - graphModel - Graph - Graphique + + No VST plugin loaded + - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency - Fréquence de début + + Preset + Pré-réglage - End frequency - Fréquence de fin + + by + par - Gain - Gain + + - VST plugin control + - contrôle de greffon VST + + + VstEffectControlDialog - Length - Longueur + + Show/hide + Montrer/cacher - Distortion Start - Début de distorsion + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - Distortion End - Fin de distorsion + + Open VST plugin preset + - Envelope Slope - Pente d'enveloppe + + Previous (-) + Précédent (-) - Noise - Bruit + + Next (+) + Suivant (+) - Click - Clic + + Save preset + Enregistrer le pré-réglage - Frequency Slope - Pente de fréquence + + + Effect by: + Effet par : - Start from note - Commencer à la note + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + VstPlugin - End to note - Finir à la note + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + Le greffon "%1" n'a pas pu être chargé. - - - kickerInstrumentView - Start frequency: - Fréquence de début : + + Open Preset + Ouvrir le pré-réglage - End frequency: - Fréquence de fin : + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Pré-réglage de greffon VST (*.fxp *.fxb) - Gain: - Gain : + + : default + : défaut - Frequency Slope: - Pente de fréquence : + + Save Preset + Enregistrer le pré-réglage - Envelope Length: - Longueur de l'enveloppe : + + .fxp + .fxp - Envelope Slope: - Pente de l'enveloppe : + + .FXP + .FXP - Click: - Clic : + + .FXB + .FXB - Noise: - Bruit : + + .fxb + .fxb - Distortion Start: - Début de distorsion : + + Loading plugin + Chargement du greffon - Distortion End: - Fin de distorsion : + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement du greffon VST... - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - Available Effects - Effets disponibles + + Volume A1 + Volume A1 - Unavailable Effects - Effets indisponibles + + Volume A2 + Volume A2 - Instruments - Instruments + + Volume B1 + Volume B1 - Analysis Tools - Outils d'analyse + + Volume B2 + Volume B2 - Don't know - Divers + + Panning A1 + Panoramisation A1 - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - Cette boîte de dialogue affiche des informations sur tous les greffons LADSPA que LMMS a pu localiser. Ces greffons sont répartis en cinq catégories en fonction de l'interprétation des types et des noms de port. - -Les « Effets disponibles » sont ceux qui peuvent être utilisés par LMMS. Pour que LMMS puisse utiliser un effet, il doit, tout d'abord, être un effet, ce qui revient à dire qu'il doit avoir à la fois des canaux d'entrée et de sortie. LMMS identifie un canal d'entrée comme un port audio contenant 'in' dans son nom. Les canaux de sortie sont identifiés par les lettres 'out'. De plus, l'effet doit avoir le même nombre d'entrée que de sorties et doit pouvoir fonctionner en temps réel. - -Les « Effets indisponibles » sont ceux qui ont été identifiés comme des effets, mais qui soit n'ont pas le même nombre de canaux d'entrée et de sortie, soit ne peuvent fonctionner en temps réel. - -Les « Instruments » sont des greffons pour lesquels seuls des canaux de sortie ont été identifiés. - -Les « Outils d'analyse » sont des greffons pour lesquels seuls des canaux d'entrée ont été identifiés. - -Les « Divers » sont des greffons pour lesquels aucun canaux d'entrée ou de sortie n'ont été identifiés. - -En double-cliquant sur ces greffons vous ferez apparaître des informations sur les ports. + + Panning A2 + Panoramisation A2 - Type: - Type : + + Panning B1 + Panoramisation B1 - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - Greffons + + Panning B2 + Panoramisation B2 - Description - Description + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Multiplicateur de fréquence A1 - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports - Ports + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Multiplicateur de fréquence A2 - Name - Nom + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Multiplicateur de fréquence B1 - Rate - Vitesse + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Multiplicateur de fréquence B2 - Direction - Sens + + Left detune A1 + Dé-réglage gauche A1 - Type - Type + + Left detune A2 + Dé-réglage gauche A2 - Min < Default < Max - Min < par défaut < Max + + Left detune B1 + Dé-réglage gauche B1 - Logarithmic - Logarithmique + + Left detune B2 + Dé-réglage gauche B2 - SR Dependent - Dépendant du taux d'échantillonnage + + Right detune A1 + Dé-réglage droit A1 - Audio - Audio + + Right detune A2 + Dé-réglage droit A2 - Control - Contrôle + + Right detune B1 + Dé-réglage droit B1 - Input - Entrée + + Right detune B2 + Dé-réglage droit B2 - Output - Sortie + + A-B Mix + Mélange A-B - Toggled - Permuté + + A-B Mix envelope amount + Niveau de mélange d'enveloppe A-B - Integer - Entier + + A-B Mix envelope attack + Niveau de mélange d'attaque d'enveloppe A-B - Float - Flottant + + A-B Mix envelope hold + Niveau de mélange du maintien d'enveloppe A-B - Yes - Oui + + A-B Mix envelope decay + Niveau de mélange de l'affaiblissement (decay) d'enveloppe A-B - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - Fréquence de coupure du VCF + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + Diaphonie A1-B2 - VCF Resonance - Résonance du VCF + + A2-A1 modulation + Modulation A2-A1 - VCF Envelope Mod - Modulation de l'enveloppe du VCF + + B2-B1 modulation + Modulation B2-B1 - VCF Envelope Decay - Affaiblissement (decay) de l'enveloppe du VCF + + Selected graph + Graphique sélectionné + + + WatsynView - Distortion - Distorsion + + + + + Volume + Volume - Waveform - Forme d'onde + + + + + Panning + Panoramisation - Slide Decay - Affaiblissement (decay) glissant + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Multiplicateur de fréquence - Slide - Liaison + + + + + Left detune + Déréglage gauche - Accent - Accent + + + + + + + + + cents + centièmes - Dead - Éteint + + + + + Right detune + Déréglage droite - 24dB/oct Filter - Filtre 24 dB/oct + + A-B Mix + Mélange A-B - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: - Fréquence de coupure : + + Mix envelope amount + Niveau de mélange d'enveloppe - Resonance: - Résonance : + + Mix envelope attack + Mélanger l'attaque d'enveloppe - Env Mod: - Modulation de l'enveloppe : + + Mix envelope hold + Mélanger le maintien d'enveloppe - Decay: - Affaiblissement : + + Mix envelope decay + Mélanger la descente d'enveloppe - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - 303-esque, 24 dB/octave, filtre à 3 pôles + + Crosstalk + Diaphonie - Slide Decay: - Affaiblissement glissant : + + Select oscillator A1 + Sélectionner l'oscillateur A1 - DIST: - DIST : + + Select oscillator A2 + Sélectionner l'oscillateur A2 - Saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie + + Select oscillator B1 + Sélectionner l'oscillateur B1 - Click here for a saw-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde en dents-de-scie. + + Select oscillator B2 + Sélectionner l'oscillateur B2 - Triangle wave - Onde triangulaire + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + Mélanger la sortie de A2 dans A1 - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde triangulaire. + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + - Square wave - Onde carrée + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + - Click here for a square-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde carrée. + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + - Rounded square wave - Onde carrée arrondie + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + Mélanger la sortie de B2 dans B1 - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Cliquez ici pour une onde carrée avec une fin arrondie. + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + - Moog wave - Onde Moog + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde de type Moog. + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Dessinez ici votre propre forme d'onde en faisant glisser votre souris sur ce graphique. - Sine wave - Onde sinusoïdale + + Load waveform + Charger la forme d'onde - Click for a sine-wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde sinusoïdale. + + Load a waveform from a sample file + - White noise wave - Bruit blanc + + Phase left + Phase gauche - Click here for an exponential wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde exponentielle. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + - Click here for white-noise. - Cliquez ici pour un bruit blanc. + + Phase right + Phase droite - Bandlimited saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie à bande limitée + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde en dents-de-scie à bande limitée. + + + Normalize + Normaliser - Bandlimited square wave - Onde carrée à bande limitée + + + Invert + Inverser - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde carrée à bande limitée. + + + Smooth + Adoucir - Bandlimited triangle wave - Onde triangulaire à bande limitée + + + Sine wave + Onde sinusoïdale - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde triangulaire à bande limitée. + + + + Triangle wave + Onde triangulaire - Bandlimited moog saw wave - Onde en dents-de-scie Moog à bande limitée + + Saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - Cliquez ici pour une onde en dents-de-scie de type Moog à bande limitée. + + + Square wave + Onde carrée - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - Hardness - Dureté + + Selected graph + Graphique sélectionné - Position - Position + + A1 + A1 - Vibrato Gain - Gain du vibrato + + A2 + A2 - Vibrato Freq - Fréquence du vibrato + + A3 + A3 - Stick Mix - Stick Mix + + W1 smoothing + Adoucissement W1 - Modulator - Modulateur + + W2 smoothing + Adoucissement W2 - Crossfade - Fondu enchainé + + W3 smoothing + Adoucissement W3 - LFO Speed - Vitesse du LFO + + Panning 1 + Panoramique 1 - LFO Depth - Profondeur du LFO + + Panning 2 + Panoramique 2 - ADSR - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - Pressure - Pression + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Dessinez ici votre propre forme d'onde en faisant glisser votre souris sur ce graphique. - Motion - Mouvement + + Select oscillator W1 + Sélectionner l'oscillateur W1 - Speed - Vitesse + + Select oscillator W2 + Sélectionner l'oscillateur W2 - Bowed - Courbé + + Select oscillator W3 + Sélectionner l'oscillateur W3 - Spread - Diffusion + + Select output O1 + - Marimba - Marimba + + Select output O2 + - Vibraphone - Vibraphone + + Open help window + Ouvrir la fenêtre d'aide - Agogo - Agogo + + + Sine wave + Onde sinusoïdale - Wood1 - Bois1 + + + Moog-saw wave + - Reso - Réso + + + Exponential wave + Onde exponentielle - Wood2 - Bois2 + + + Saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie - Beats - Battements + + + User-defined wave + - Two Fixed - Deux fixes + + + Triangle wave + Onde triangulaire - Clump - Bruit lourd + + + Square wave + Onde carrée - Tubular Bells - Cloches tubulaires + + + White noise + Bruit blanc - Uniform Bar - Barre uniforme + + WaveInterpolate + WaveInterpolate - Tuned Bar - Barre accordée + + ExpressionValid + ExpressionValid - Glass - Verre + + General purpose 1: + Universel 1 : - Tibetan Bowl - Bol tibétain + + General purpose 2: + Universel 2 : - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument - Instrument + + General purpose 3: + Universel 3 : - Spread - Diffusion + + O1 panning: + Panoramisation 01 : - Spread: - Diffusion : + + O2 panning: + Panoramisation 02 : - Hardness - Dureté + + Release transition: + Transition de relâche : - Hardness: - Dureté : + + Smoothness + Adoucissement + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Position - Position + + Portamento + Portamento - Position: - Position : + + Filter frequency + - Vib Gain - Gain Vib + + Filter resonance + - Vib Gain: - Gain Vib : + + Bandwidth + Largeur de bande - Vib Freq - Fréq Vib + + FM gain + - Vib Freq: - Fréq Vib : + + Resonance center frequency + - Stick Mix - Stick Mix + + Resonance bandwidth + - Stick Mix: - Stick Mix : + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Modulator - Modulateur + + Portamento: + Portamento : - Modulator: - Modulateur : + + PORT + PORT - Crossfade - Fondu enchainé + + Filter frequency: + - Crossfade: - Fondu enchainé : + + FREQ + FRÉQ - LFO Speed - Vitesse du LFO + + Filter resonance: + - LFO Speed: - Vitesse du LFO : + + RES + RES - LFO Depth - Profondeur du LFO + + Bandwidth: + Bande passante : - LFO Depth: - Profondeur du LFO : + + BW + LB - ADSR - ADSR + + FM gain: + - ADSR: - ADSR : + + FM GAIN + GAIN FM - Pressure - Pression + + Resonance center frequency: + Fréquence centrale de la résonance : - Pressure: - Pression : + + RES CF + RES CF - Speed - Vitesse + + Resonance bandwidth: + Largeur de bande de la résonance : - Speed: - Vitesse : + + RES BW + RES BW - Missing files - Fichiers manquants + + Forward MIDI control changes + - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Votre installation de STK semble incomplète. Veuillez vous assurer que le paquet STK complet est installé ! + + Show GUI + Montrer l'interface graphique - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control - - Paramètre de contrôle VST - + AudioFileProcessor - VST Sync - VST Sync + + Amplify + Amplifier - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez synchroniser tous les paramètres avec le greffon VST. + + Start of sample + Début de l'échantillon - Automated - Automatique + + End of sample + Fin de l'échantillon - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez seulement afficher les paramètres automatiques. + + Loopback point + Point de bouclage - Close - Fermer + + Reverse sample + Inverser l'échantillon - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - Fermer la fenêtre des boutons contrôleurs des effets VST. + + Loop mode + Mode de jeu en boucle - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - - contrôle de greffon VST + + Stutter + Bégaiement - VST Sync - VST Sync + + Interpolation mode + Mode interpolation - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez synchroniser tous les paramètres avec le greffon VST. + + None + Aucun - Automated - Automatique + + Linear + Linéaire - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Cliquez ici si vous voulez seulement afficher les paramètres automatiques. + + Sinc + Sync - Close - Fermer + + Sample not found: %1 + Échantillon %1 non trouvé + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - Fermer la fenêtre des boutons contrôleurs des effets VST. + + Sample length + - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - Son + + Sample length + - Op 1 Attack - Attaque Op 1 + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Dessinez ici votre propre forme d'onde en faisant glisser votre souris sur ce graphique. - Op 1 Decay - Affaiblissement (decay) Op 1 + + + Sine wave + Onde sinusoïdale - Op 1 Sustain - Soutien (sustain) Op 1 + + + Triangle wave + Onde triangulaire - Op 1 Release - Relâchement Op 1 + + + Saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie - Op 1 Level - Niveau Op 1 + + + Square wave + Onde carrée - Op 1 Level Scaling - Graduation de niveau Op 1 + + + White noise + Bruit blanc - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - Multiple de fréquence Op 1 + + + User-defined wave + - Op 1 Feedback - Réinjection Op 1 + + + Smooth waveform + Forme d'onde adoucie - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - Taux de graduation de clé Op 1 + + Interpolation + Interpolation - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - Enveloppe percussive Op 1 + + Normalize + Normaliser + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo - Trémolo Op 1 + + INPUT + ENTRÉE - Op 1 Vibrato - Vibrato Op 1 + + Input gain: + Gain en entrée : - Op 1 Waveform - Forme d'onde Op 1 + + OUTPUT + SORTIE - Op 2 Attack - Attaque Op 2 + + Output gain: + Gain en sortie : - Op 2 Decay - Affaiblissement (decay) Op 2 + + ATTACK + ATTAQUE - Op 2 Sustain - Soutien (sustain) Op 2 + + Peak attack time: + Temps d'attaque du pic : - Op 2 Release - Relâchement Op 2 + + RELEASE + RELÂCHEMENT - Op 2 Level - Niveau Op 2 + + Peak release time: + Temps de relâchement : - Op 2 Level Scaling - Graduation de niveau Op 2 + + + Reset wavegraph + - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - Multiple de fréquence Op 2 + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - Taux de graduation de clé Op 2 + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - Enveloppe percussive Op 2 + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Op 2 Tremolo - Trémolo Op 2 + + Stereo mode: maximum + - Op 2 Vibrato - Vibrato Op 2 + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Traitement basé sur le maximum des deux canaux stéréo - Op 2 Waveform - Forme d'onde Op 2 + + Stereo mode: average + - FM - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + Traitement basé sur la moyenne des deux canaux stéréo - Vibrato Depth - Profondeur de Vibrato + + Stereo mode: unlinked + - Tremolo Depth - Profondeur de Trémolo + + Process each stereo channel independently + Traiter chaque canal stéréo indépendamment - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack - Attaque + + Input gain + Gain en entrée - Decay - Affaiblissement (decay) + + Output gain + Gain en sortie - Release - Relâchement + + Attack time + Temps d'attaque - Frequency multiplier - Multiplicateur de fréquence + + Release time + Temps de relâchement - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - Distorsion + + Stereo mode + Mode stéréo + + + graphModel - Volume - Volume + + Graph + Graphique - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - Distorsion : + + Start frequency + Fréquence de début - Volume: - Volume : + + End frequency + Fréquence de fin - Randomise - Randomiser + + Length + Longueur - Osc %1 waveform: - Form d'onde de l'oscillateur %1 : + + Start distortion + - Osc %1 volume: - Volume de l'oscillateur %1 : + + End distortion + - Osc %1 panning: - Panoramisation de l'oscillateur %1 : + + Gain + Gain - cents - centièmes + + Envelope slope + - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - Le bouton de distorsion ajoute de la distorsion à la sortie de l'instrument. + + Noise + Bruit - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - Le bouton de volume contrôle le volume de la sortie de l'instrument. Il est cumulatif avec le volume de contrôle de la fenêtre de l'instrument. + + Click + Clic - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - Le bouton d'aléation ajoute du hasard à tous les boutons sauf les boutons d'harmoniques, de volume principal, et de distorsion. + + Frequency slope + - Osc %1 stereo detuning - Dé-réglage stéréo de l'oscillateur %1 + + Start from note + Commencer à la note - Osc %1 harmonic: - Harmonique de l'oscillateur %1 : + + End to note + Finir à la note - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - Temps de balayage + + Start frequency: + Fréquence de début : - Sweep direction - Sens de balayage + + End frequency: + Fréquence de fin : - Sweep RtShift amount - Niveau de décalage vers la droite du balayage + + Frequency slope: + - Wave Pattern Duty - Motif d'onde + + Gain: + Gain : - Channel 1 volume - Volume du canal 1 + + Envelope length: + - Volume sweep direction - Sens du volume du balayage + + Envelope slope: + - Length of each step in sweep - Longueur de chaque pas du balayage + + Click: + Clic : - Channel 2 volume - Volume du canal 2 + + Noise: + Bruit : - Channel 3 volume - Volume du canal 3 + + Start distortion: + - Channel 4 volume - Volume du canal 4 + + End distortion: + + + + LadspaBrowserView - Right Output level - Niveau de sortie droite + + + Available Effects + Effets disponibles - Left Output level - Niveau de sortie gauche + + + Unavailable Effects + Effets indisponibles - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 1 vers SO2 (gauche) + + + Instruments + Instruments - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 2 vers SO2 (gauche) + + + Analysis Tools + Outils d'analyse - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 3 vers SO2 (gauche) + + + Don't know + Divers - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 4 vers SO2 (gauche) + + Type: + Type : + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 1 vers SO2 (droite) + + Plugins + Greffons - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 2 vers SO2 (droite) + + Description + Description + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 3 vers SO2 (droite) + + Ports + Ports - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 4 vers SO2 (droite) + + Name + Nom - Treble - Aigus + + Rate + Vitesse - Bass - Graves + + Direction + Sens - Shift Register width - Largeur du registre de décalage + + Type + Type - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - Temps de balayage : + + Min < Default < Max + Min < par défaut < Max - Sweep Time - Temps de balayage + + Logarithmic + Logarithmique - Sweep RtShift amount: - Niveau de décalage vers la droite du balayage : + + SR Dependent + Dépendant du taux d'échantillonnage - Sweep RtShift amount - Niveau de décalage vers la droite du balayage + + Audio + Audio - Wave pattern duty: - Motif d'onde : + + Control + Contrôle - Wave Pattern Duty - Motif d'onde + + Input + Entrée - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Volume du canal carré 1 : + + Output + Sortie - Length of each step in sweep: - Longueur de chaque pas du balayage : + + Toggled + Permuté - Length of each step in sweep - Longueur de chaque pas du balayage + + Integer + Entier - Wave pattern duty - Motif d'onde + + Float + Flottant - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Volume du canal carré 2 : + + + Yes + Oui + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + Fréquence de coupure du VCF - Square Channel 2 Volume - Volume du canal carré 2 + + VCF Resonance + Résonance du VCF + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + Modulation de l'enveloppe du VCF - Wave Channel Volume: - Volume du canal onde : + + VCF Envelope Decay + Affaiblissement (decay) de l'enveloppe du VCF - Wave Channel Volume - Volume du canal onde + + Distortion + Distorsion - Noise Channel Volume: - Volume du canal bruit : + + Waveform + Forme d'onde - Noise Channel Volume - Volume du canal bruit + + Slide Decay + Affaiblissement (decay) glissant - SO1 Volume (Right): - Volume SO1 (droite) : + + Slide + Liaison - SO1 Volume (Right) - Volume SO1 (droite) + + Accent + Accent - SO2 Volume (Left): - Volume SO2 (droite) : + + Dead + Éteint - SO2 Volume (Left) - Volume SO2 (droite) + + 24dB/oct Filter + Filtre 24 dB/oct + + + Lb302SynthView - Treble: - Aigus : + + Cutoff Freq: + Fréquence de coupure : - Treble - Aigus + + Resonance: + Résonance : - Bass: - Graves : + + Env Mod: + Modulation de l'enveloppe : - Bass - Graves + + Decay: + Affaiblissement : - Sweep Direction - Sens de balayage + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + 303-esque, 24 dB/octave, filtre à 3 pôles - Volume Sweep Direction - Sens du volume du balayage + + Slide Decay: + Affaiblissement glissant : - Shift Register Width - Largeur du registre de décalage + + DIST: + DIST : - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 1 vers SO1 (droite) + + Saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 2 vers SO1 (droite) + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Cliquez ici pour une onde en dents-de-scie. - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 3 vers SO1 (droite) + + Triangle wave + Onde triangulaire - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 4 vers SO1 (droite) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Cliquez ici pour une onde triangulaire. - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 1 vers SO2 (gauche) + + Square wave + Onde carrée - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 2 vers SO2 (gauche) + + Click here for a square-wave. + Cliquez ici pour une onde carrée. - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 3 vers SO2 (gauche) + + Rounded square wave + Onde carrée arrondie - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 4 vers SO2 (gauche) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Cliquez ici pour une onde carrée avec une fin arrondie. - Wave Pattern - Motif d'onde + + Moog wave + Onde Moog - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - Le niveau d'augmentation ou de diminution de la fréquence + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Cliquez ici pour une onde de type Moog. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - La vitesse à laquelle l'augmentation ou la diminution de la fréquence se produit + + Sine wave + Onde sinusoïdale - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - Le cycle de travail est le rapport entre la durée (temps) pendant laquelle un signal est présent et la période totale du signal. + + Click for a sine-wave. + Cliquez ici pour une onde sinusoïdale. - Square Channel 1 Volume - Volume du canal carré 1 + + + White noise wave + Bruit blanc - The delay between step change - Le délai entre chaque changement de pas + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Cliquez ici pour une onde exponentielle. - Draw the wave here - Dessinez votre onde ici + + Click here for white-noise. + Cliquez ici pour un bruit blanc. - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth : pré-réglage de canal + + Bandlimited saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie à bande limitée - Bank selector - Sélecteur de banque + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Cliquez ici pour une onde en dents-de-scie à bande limitée. - Bank - Banque + + Bandlimited square wave + Onde carrée à bande limitée - Program selector - Sélecteur de programme + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Cliquez ici pour une onde carrée à bande limitée. - Patch - Patch + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Onde triangulaire à bande limitée - Name - Nom + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Cliquez ici pour une onde triangulaire à bande limitée. - OK - OK + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Onde en dents-de-scie Moog à bande limitée - Cancel - Annuler + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Cliquez ici pour une onde en dents-de-scie de type Moog à bande limitée. - pluginBrowser - - no description - pas de description - - - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Imitation incomplète de TB303 monophonique - + MalletsInstrument - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Greffon pour la manipulation de la sortie stéréo + + Hardness + Dureté - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Greffon pour des boutons de contrôles avec des crêtes de son + + Position + Position - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Greffon pour l'amélioration de la séparation stéréo d'un fichier stéréo en entrée + + Vibrato gain + - List installed LADSPA plugins - Liste des greffons LADSPA installés + + Vibrato frequency + - GUS-compatible patch instrument - Sons d'instruments compatibles avec la carte Gravis UltraSound (GUS) + + Stick mix + - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Synthétiseur additif pour sons d'orgue + + Modulator + Modulateur - Tuneful things to bang on - Instruments à percussion mélodiques + + Crossfade + Fondu enchainé - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - Hôte VST pour l'utilisation de greffons VST(i) dans LMMS + + LFO speed + Vitesse du LFO - Vibrating string modeler - Modeleur de corde vibrante + + LFO depth + - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - Greffon pour l'utilisation de tout effet LADSPA dans LMMS. + + ADSR + ADSR - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filtre pour importer des fichiers MIDI dans LMMS + + Pressure + Pression - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Émulateur des SID MOS6581 et MOS8580. -Cette puce était utilisée dans l'ordinateur Commodore 64. + + Motion + Mouvement - Player for SoundFont files - Lecteur de fichiers SoundFont + + Speed + Vitesse - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Émulateur de l'APU de la GameBoy (TM) + + Bowed + Courbé - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Synthétiseur de table d'ondes personnalisable + + Spread + Diffusion - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - ZynAddSubFX intégré + + Marimba + Marimba - 2-operator FM Synth - Synthé FM à 2 opérateurs + + Vibraphone + Vibraphone - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Filtre pour importer des fichiers Hydrogen dans LMMS + + Agogo + Agogo - LMMS port of sfxr - Port LMMS de sfxr + + Wood 1 + - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Synthétiseur à 3 oscillateurs monstrueux avec matrice de modulation + + Reso + Réso - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - Trois oscillateurs puissants que vous pouvez moduler de différentes manières + + Wood 2 + - A native amplifier plugin - Un greffon d'amplification natif + + Beats + Battements - Carla Rack Instrument - Rack d'instruments Carla + + Two fixed + - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - Synthétiseur de table d'ondes modulables à 4 oscillateurs + + Clump + Bruit lourd - plugin for waveshaping - Greffon pour du modelage d'onde + + Tubular bells + - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Renforcer vos basses de la manière la plus simple et la plus rapide + + Uniform bar + - Versatile drum synthesizer - Synthétiseur de batterie polyvalent + + Tuned bar + - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Échantillonneur simple avec divers paramètres pour utiliser des échantillons (par exemple : percussions) dans une piste d'instrument + + Glass + Verre - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - Greffon pour transformer la dynamique sonore de façon flexible + + Tibetan bowl + + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Carla Patchbay Instrument - Baie d'instruments Carla + + Instrument + Instrument - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - Greffon pour l'utilisation de tout effet VST dans LMMS. + + Spread + Diffusion - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Greffon analyseur graphique de spectre + + Spread: + Diffusion : - A NES-like synthesizer - Un synthétiseur genre 'NES' + + Missing files + Fichiers manquants - A native delay plugin - Greffon délai natif + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Votre installation de STK semble incomplète. Veuillez vous assurer que le paquet STK complet est installé ! - Player for GIG files - Lecteur de fichiers GIG + + Hardness + Dureté - A multitap echo delay plugin - Un greffon d'écho et délai multitap + + Hardness: + Dureté : - A native flanger plugin - Un greffon flanger natif + + Position + Position - An oversampling bitcrusher - Un bitcrusher sur-échantillonneur + + Position: + Position : - A native eq plugin - Un greffon égaliseur natif + + Vibrato gain + - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - Un égaliseur crossover à 4 bandes + + Vibrato gain: + - A Dual filter plugin - Un greffon de filtre double + + Vibrato frequency + - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Filtre pour l'exportation de fichiers MIDI depuis LMMS + + Vibrato frequency: + - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Algorithme de réverbération par Sean Costello + + Stick mix + - Mathematical expression parser - Analyseur d'expression mathématique + + Stick mix: + - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - Banque + + Modulator + Modulateur - Patch - Son + + Modulator: + Modulateur : - Gain - Gain + + Crossfade + Fondu enchainé - Reverb - Réverbération + + Crossfade: + Fondu enchainé : - Reverb Roomsize - Réverbération (taille de la salle) + + LFO speed + Vitesse du LFO - Reverb Damping - Amortissement de la réverbération + + LFO speed: + Vitesse du LFO : - Reverb Width - Largeur de la réverbération + + LFO depth + - Reverb Level - Niveau de la réverbération + + LFO depth: + - Chorus - Chorus + + ADSR + ADSR - Chorus Lines - Lignes de chorus + + ADSR: + ADSR : - Chorus Level - Niveau de chorus + + Pressure + Pression - Chorus Speed - Vitesse de chorus + + Pressure: + Pression : - Chorus Depth - Profondeur de chorus + + Speed + Vitesse - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - La banque de sons %1 n'a pu être chargée. + + Speed: + Vitesse : - sf2InstrumentView + ManageVSTEffectView - Open other SoundFont file - Ouvrir un fichier SoundFont + + - VST parameter control + - Paramètre de contrôle VST - Click here to open another SF2 file - Cliquez ici pour ouvrir un autre fichier SF2 + + VST sync + - Choose the patch - Choisir un son + + + Automated + Automatique - Gain - Gain + + Close + Fermer + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Apply reverb (if supported) - Appliquer la réverbération (si prise en charge) + + + - VST plugin control + - contrôle de greffon VST - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Ce bouton active l'effet réverbération. Ceci est utile pour de beaux effets, mais ne fonctionne que sur les fichiers qui le prennent en charge. + + VST Sync + VST Sync - Reverb Roomsize: - Réverbération (taille de la salle) : + + + Automated + Automatique - Reverb Damping: - Amortissement de la réverbération : + + Close + Fermer + + + OrganicInstrument - Reverb Width: - Largeur de la réverbération : + + Distortion + Distorsion - Reverb Level: - Niveau de la réverbération : + + Volume + Volume + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Apply chorus (if supported) - Appliquer le chorus (si pris en charge) + + Distortion: + Distorsion : - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Ce bouton active l'effet chorus. Ceci est utile pour de beaux effets, mais ne fonctionne que sur les fichiers qui le prennent en charge. + + Volume: + Volume : - Chorus Lines: - Lignes de chorus : + + Randomise + Randomiser - Chorus Level: - Niveau de chorus : + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Form d'onde de l'oscillateur %1 : - Chorus Speed: - Vitesse de chorus : + + Osc %1 volume: + Volume de l'oscillateur %1 : - Chorus Depth: - Profondeur de chorus : + + Osc %1 panning: + Panoramisation de l'oscillateur %1 : - Open SoundFont file - Ouvrir un fichier SoundFont + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Dé-réglage stéréo de l'oscillateur %1 - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - Fichiers SoundFont2 (*.sf2) + + cents + centièmes - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form - Forme d'onde + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Harmonique de l'oscillateur %1 : - sidInstrument - - Cutoff - Coupure - - - Resonance - Résonance - - - Filter type - Type de filtre - + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off - Voix 3 coupée + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth : pré-réglage de canal - Volume - Volume + + Bank selector + Sélecteur de banque - Chip model - Modèle de circuit + + Bank + Banque - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - Volume : + + Program selector + Sélecteur de programme - Resonance: - Résonance : + + Patch + Patch - Cutoff frequency: - Fréquence de coupure : + + Name + Nom - High-Pass filter - Filtre passe-haut + + OK + OK - Band-Pass filter - Filtre passe-bande + + Cancel + Annuler + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter - Filtre passe-bas + + Bank + Banque - Voice3 Off - Voix 3 coupée + + Patch + Son - MOS6581 SID - SID MOS6581 + + Gain + Gain - MOS8580 SID - SID MOS8580 + + Reverb + Réverbération - Attack: - Attaque : + + Reverb room size + - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - La vitesse d'attaque détermine la rapidité à laquelle la sortie de la Voix %1 passera de zéro à l'amplitude de crête. + + Reverb damping + - Decay: - Affaiblissement : + + Reverb width + - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - La vitesse d'affaiblissement détermine la rapidité à laquelle la vitesse la sortie passera de l'amplitude de crête au niveau de soutien (sustain) choisi. + + Reverb level + - Sustain: - Soutien : + + Chorus + Chorus - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - La sortie de la Voix %1 restera au niveau d'amplitude de soutien choisi tant que la note sera maintenu. + + Chorus voices + - Release: - Relâchement : + + Chorus level + - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - La sortie de la Voix %1 descendra de l'amplitude de soutien à l'amplitude zéro à la vitesse de relâchement choisie. + + Chorus speed + - Pulse Width: - Largeur de pulsation : + + Chorus depth + - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - La résolution de la largeur de la pulsation permet à la largeur d'être balayée doucement sans pas discernable. La forme d'onde de la plusation de l'oscillateur %1 doit être choisie pour n'avoir aucun effet audible. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + La banque de sons %1 n'a pu être chargée. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - Grossier : + + + Open SoundFont file + Ouvrir un fichier SoundFont - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - Le désaccordage grossier permet de désaccorder la Voix %1 d'une octave vers le haut ou vers le bas. + + Choose patch + - Pulse Wave - Onde de pulsation + + Gain: + Gain : - Triangle Wave - Onde triangulaire + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Appliquer la réverbération (si prise en charge) - SawTooth - Dents-de-scie + + Room size: + - Noise - Bruit + + Damping: + - Sync - Sync + + Width: + Ampleur : - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - Sync synchronise la fréquence fondamentale de l'oscillateur %1 avec la fréquence fondamentale de l'oscillateur %2 en produisant des effets "Hard Sync". + + + Level: + - Ring-Mod - Mode anneau + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Appliquer le chorus (si pris en charge) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - Le mode anneau remplace la sortie en forme d'onde triangulaire de l'oscillateur %1 par une combinaison "Modulée en anneau" des oscillateurs %1 et %2. + + Voices: + - Filtered - Filtré + + Speed: + Vitesse : - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Lorsque Filtré est activé, la Voix %1 sera traitée par le filtre. Lorsque Filtré est désactivé, la Voix %1 va directement en sortie, et le filtre n'a aucun effet sur elle. + + Depth: + Profondeur : - Test - Test + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Lorsqu'il est activé, Test réinitialise et vérouille l'oscillateur %1 à zéro jusqu'à ce que Test soit désactivé. + + Wave + - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - AMPL + + WIDTH + + Width: Ampleur : - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width Ampleur - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: Volume de gauche à gauche : + Left to Right Vol: Volume de gauche à droite : + Right to Left Vol: Volume de droite à gauche : + Right to Right Vol: Volume de droite à droite : - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left Gauche à gauche + Left to Right Gauche à droite + Right to Left Droite à gauche + Right to Right Droite à droite - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin Chargement du greffon - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement du greffon VST... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume Volume de la corde %1 + String %1 stiffness Rigidité de la corde %1 + Pick %1 position Position du micro %1 + Pickup %1 position Position du micro %1 - Pan %1 - Panoramisation %1 + + String %1 panning + Panoramique de la corde %1 - Detune %1 - Désaccordage %1 + + String %1 detune + Désaccordage de la corde %1 - Fuzziness %1 - Flou %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + Flou de la corde %1 - Length %1 - Longueur %1 + + String %1 length + Longueur de la corde %1 + Impulse %1 Pulsation %1 - Octave %1 - Octave %1 + + String %1 + Corde %1 - vibedView - - Volume: - Volume : - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - Le bouton « V » règle le volume de la corde choisie. + + String volume: + Volume de la corde : + String stiffness: Rigidité de la corde : - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - Le bouton « S » règle la rigidité de la corde choisie. La rigidité de la corde affecte le temps pendant lequel la corde sonnera. Plus la valeur est faible, plus la corde sonnera longtemps. - - + Pick position: Point de contact : - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - Le bouton « P » règle l'endroit où la corde sera 'grattée'. Plus la valeur est faible, plus le point de contact sera proche du chevalet. - - + Pickup position: Point d'écoute : - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - Le bouton « PU » règle l'endroit où les vibrations de la corde choisie seront écoutées. Plus la valeur est faible, plus le point d'écoute sera proche du chevalet. - - - Pan: - Panoramisation : - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - Le bouton « Pan » détermine l'emplacement de la corde choisie dans le champ stéréo. - - - Detune: - Detune : - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - Le bouton « Detune » modifie la hauteur de la corde choisie. Les valeurs négatives produiront un son grave. Les valeurs positives produiront un son aigu. - - - Fuzziness: - Flou : - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - Le bouton « Slap » ajoute un peu de flou à la corde choisie, plus sensible pendant l'attauqe, bien qu'il puisse aussi être utilisé pour rendre le son de la corde plus 'métallique'. + + String panning: + Panoramique de la corde : - Length: - Longueur : + + String detune: + Désaccordage de la corde : - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - Le bouton « Length » règle la longueur de la corde choisie. Les cordes les plus longues vibrent plus longtemps et sonnent plus brillament; cependant, elles consommeront également plus de cycles du processeur. + + String fuzziness: + Flou de la corde : - Impulse or initial state - Impulsion ou état initial + + String length: + Longueur de la corde : - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - Le sélecteur « Imp » détermine si la forme d'onde dans le graphique doit être traitée comme une impulsion donnée à la corde par le contact ou l'état initial de la corde. + + Impulse + + Octave Octave - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - Le sélecteur « Octave » est utilisé pour choisir l'harmonique de la note à laquelle la corde sonnera. Par exemple, '-2' signifie que la corde sonnera deux octaves sous la fondamentale, 'F' signifie que la corde sonnera à la fondamentale, et '6' signifie que la corde sonnera six octaves au-dessus de la fondamentale. - - + Impulse Editor Éditeur d'impulsion - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - L'éditeur de forme d'onde permet de contrôler l'état initial ou l'impulsion qui sera utilisé pour commencer à faire vibrer la corde. Les boutons situés à droite du graphique initialiseront la forme d'onde en fonction du type choisi. Le bouton « ? » chargera la forme d'onde à partir d'un fichier - seuls les 128 premiers échantillons seront chargés. - -La forme d'onde peu également être dessinée dans le graphique. - -Le bouton « S » lissera la forme d'onde. - -Le bouton « N » normalisera la forme d'onde. - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Vibed modélise jusqu'à neuf cordes vibrant indépendamment. Le sélecteur « Corde » vous permet de choisir la corde à éditer. Le sélecteur « Imp » choisi si le graphique représente une impulsion ou l'état initial de la corde. Le sélecteur « Octave » choisi à quelle harmonique la corde devra vibrer. - -Le graphique vous permet de contrôler l'état initial ou l'impulsion utilisée pour mettre la corde en mouvement. - -Le bouton « V » contrôle le volume. Le bouton « S » contrôle la rigidité de la corde. Le bouton « P » contrôle le point de contact. Le bouton « PU » contrôle le point d'écoute. - -« Pan » et « Désaccorder » n'ont heureusement pas besoin d'explications. Le bouton « Slap » ajoute un peu de flou au son de la corde. - -Le bouton « Longueur » contrôle la longueur de la corde. - -Le LED situé dans le coin en bas à droite de l'éditeur de forme d'onde indique si la corde est utilisé dans l'instrument. - - + Enable waveform Activer la forme d'onde - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Cliquez ici pour activer/désactiver la forme d'onde. + + Enable/disable string + Activer/désactiver la corde + String Corde - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - Le sélecteur « String » est utilisé pour choisir la corde que les contrôles sont en train d'éditer. Un instrument Vibed peut contenir jusqu'à neuf cordes vibrant indépendamment. Le LED situé dans le coin en bas à droite de l'éditeur de forme indique si la corde choisie est utilisée. - - + + Sine wave Onde sinusoïdale + + Triangle wave Onde triangulaire + + Saw wave Onde en dents-de-scie + + Square wave Onde carrée - White noise wave + + + White noise Bruit blanc - User defined wave - Onde définie par l'utilisateur - - - Smooth - Lisser - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Cliquez ici pour lisser la forme d'onde. - - - Normalize - Normaliser - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Cliquez ici pour normaliser la forme d'onde. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde sinusoïdale pour cet oscillateur. - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde triangulaire pour cet oscillateur. + + + User-defined wave + - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde en dents-de-scie pour cet oscillateur. - - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde carrée pour cet oscillateur. - - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Utiliser un bruit blanc pour cet oscillateur. + + + Smooth waveform + Forme d'onde adoucie - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Utiliser une onde définie par l'utilisateur pour cet oscillateur. + + + Normalize waveform + Normaliser la forme d'onde - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width Largeur de pulsation de la voix %1 + Voice %1 attack Attaque de la voix %1 + Voice %1 decay Affaiblissement de la voix %1 + Voice %1 sustain Soutien de la voix %1 + Voice %1 release Relâchement de la voix %1 + Voice %1 coarse detuning Désaccordage grossier de la voix %1 + Voice %1 wave shape Forme d'onde de la voix %1 + Voice %1 sync Synchronisation de la voix %1 + Voice %1 ring modulate Modulation en anneaux de la voix %1 + Voice %1 filtered Voix %1 filtrée + Voice %1 test Test de la voix %1 - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT ENTRÉE + Input gain: Gain en entrée : + OUTPUT SORTIE + Output gain: Gain en sortie : - Reset waveform - Réinitialiser la forme d'onde - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Cliquez ici pour réinitialiser le graphique d'onde par défaut - - - Smooth waveform - Forme d'onde adoucie - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Cliquer ici pour adoucir la forme d'onde - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - Augmenter l'amplitude du graphe de 1 dB + + + Reset wavegraph + - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Cliquez ici pour augmenter l'amplitude du graphe de 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - Réduire l'amplitude du graphique d'1 dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Cliquer ici pour réduire l'amplitude du graphique d'1 dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + Clip input Couper le signal d'entrée - Clip input signal to 0dB - Couper le signal d'entrée à 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain Gain en entrée + Output gain Gain en sortie - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/gl.ts b/data/locale/gl.ts index 657ed129107..cf04fd5d428 100644 --- a/data/locale/gl.ts +++ b/data/locale/gl.ts @@ -2,93 +2,111 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS Sobre o LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Versión %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - Sobre + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - produción musical fácil para calquera + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + - Authors - Autores + + About + Sobre - Translation - Tradución + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Este idioma non está traducido (ou é inglés nativo). - -Se lle interesa traducir o LMMS a outro idioma ou desexa mellorar as traducións existentes, síntase á vontade axudándonos! Simplemente contacte co mantedor! + + Copyright © %1. + - License - Licenza + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Autores + Involved + Contributors ordered by number of commits: - Copyright © %1 - + + Translation + Tradución - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + License + Licenza + AmplifierControlDialog + VOL VOL + Volume: Volume: + PAN PAN + Panning: Panorámica: + LEFT + Left gain: + RIGHT + Right gain: @@ -96,18 +114,22 @@ Se lle interesa traducir o LMMS a outro idioma ou desexa mellorar as traducións AmplifierControls + Volume Volume + Panning Panorámica + Left gain + Right gain @@ -115,10 +137,12 @@ Se lle interesa traducir o LMMS a outro idioma ou desexa mellorar as traducións AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE DISPOSITIVO + CHANNELS CANLES @@ -126,85 +150,60 @@ Se lle interesa traducir o LMMS a outro idioma ou desexa mellorar as traducións AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - Abrir outra mostra - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Prema aquí se desexa abrir outro ficheiro de son. Aparecerá un diálogo no que se pode escoller un ficheiro. As opcións tipo modo de bucle, puntos iniciais e final, valor da amplificación, etc. non se reinician. Polo tanto, pode non soar igual que a mostra orixinal. + + Open sample + + Reverse sample Inverter a mostra - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Ao activar este botón invértese a mostra completa. Isto é útil para efectos gaioleiros, como un crash invertido. - - - Amplify: - Amplificar: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Con este botón pódese indicar a relación de amplificación. Cando se indica un valor de 100%, a mostra fica como estaba. Se non, amplifícase para arriba ou para abaixo (o ficheiro mesmo coa mostra non se toca!) - - - Startpoint: - Punto inicial: - - - Endpoint: - Punto final: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - - - + Disable loop - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - - - + Enable loop - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. + + Enable ping-pong loop - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. + + Continue sample playback across notes - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - + + Amplify: + Amplificar: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. + + Start point: - Loopback point: + + End point: - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. + + Loopback point: AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: @@ -212,443 +211,469 @@ Se lle interesa traducir o LMMS a outro idioma ou desexa mellorar as traducións AudioJack + JACK client restarted Reiniciouse o cliente de JACK + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS foi expulsado por JACK por algunha razón. En consecuencia, reiniciouse a infraestrutura de JACK do LMMS. Terá que realizar as conexións manualmente de novo. + JACK server down O servidor de JACK non está a funcionar + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. Semella que o servidor de JACK foi apagado e non foi posíbel iniciar unha instancia nova. En consecuencia, o LMMS non pode preseguir. Hai que gravar este proxecto e reiniciar o JACK e o LMMS. - CLIENT-NAME + + Client name - CHANNELS - CANLES + + Channels + - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + - CHANNELS - CANLES + + Channels + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - INFRAESTRUTURA + + Backend + - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + - CHANNELS - CANLES + + Channels + AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + - CHANNELS - CANLES + + Channels + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - INFRAESTRUTURA + + Backend + - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) &Reiniciar (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) &Copiar o valor (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) A&pegar o valor (%1%2) + + &Paste value + + + + Edit song-global automation Editar a automatización global da canción + + Remove song-global automation + + + + + Remove all linked controls + + + + Connected to %1 Ligado a %1 + Connected to controller Ligado ao controlador + Edit connection... Editar a conexión... + Remove connection Eliminar a conexión + Connect to controller... Ligar a un controlador... + + + AutomationEditor - Remove song-global automation + + Edit Value - Remove all linked controls + + New outValue - - - AutomationEditor - - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Abra un padrón de automatización co menú de contexto dun control! - - Values copied - Valores copiados + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Copiáronse todos os valores escollidos no porta-retallos. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Abra un padrón de automatización co menú de contexto dun control! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - - - - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. + + Play/pause current clip (Space) - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. + + Edit actions + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) - Flip vertically - - - - Flip horizontally - - - - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. + + Flip vertically - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Flip horizontally - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Interpolation controls + Discrete progression + Linear progression + Cubic Hermite progression + Tension value for spline - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - - - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - - - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - - - + Tension: - Automation Editor - no pattern + + Zoom controls - Automation Editor - %1 + + Horizontal zooming - Edit actions + + Vertical zooming - Interpolation controls + + Quantization controls - Timeline controls + + Quantization - Zoom controls + + + Automation Editor - no clip - Quantization controls + + + Automation Editor - %1 - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> - AutomationPatternView - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - - + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor + Clear + Reset name Restaurar o nome + Change name Mudar o nome - %1 Connections + + Set/clear record - Disconnect "%1" + + Flip Vertically (Visible) - Set/clear record + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) - Flip Vertically (Visible) + + %1 Connections - Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + Disconnect "%1" - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. AutomationTrack + Automation track - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor Mostrar/Agochar o Editor de ritmos e liña do baixo + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + Beat selector - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. + + Track and step actions + Add beat/bassline + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + Add automation-track + Remove steps Eliminar pasos + Add steps Engadir pasos - Beat selector - - - - Track and step actions - - - + Clone Steps - - Add sample-track - - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + Reset name Restaurar o nome + Change name Mudar o nome - - Change color - - - - Reset color to default - - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 + Clone of %1 @@ -656,26 +681,32 @@ Se lle interesa traducir o LMMS a outro idioma ou desexa mellorar as traducións BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ + Frequency: + GAIN + Gain: Ganancia: + RATIO + Ratio: @@ -683,14 +714,17 @@ Se lle interesa traducir o LMMS a outro idioma ou desexa mellorar as traducións BassBoosterControls + Frequency + Gain Ganancia + Ratio @@ -698,9296 +732,15598 @@ Se lle interesa traducir o LMMS a outro idioma ou desexa mellorar as traducións BitcrushControlDialog + IN + OUT + + GAIN - Input Gain: + + Input gain: - NOIS + + NOISE - Input Noise: + + Input noise: - Output Gain: + + Output gain: + CLIP - Output Clip: + + Output clip: - Rate - Taxa - - - Rate Enabled + + Rate enabled - Enable samplerate-crushing + + Enable sample-rate crushing - Depth + + Depth enabled - Depth Enabled + + Enable bit-depth crushing - Enable bitdepth-crushing + + FREQ + Sample rate: - STD + + STEREO + Stereo difference: - Levels + + QUANT + Levels: - CaptionMenu + BitcrushControls - &Help - &Axuda + + Input gain + - Help (not available) + + Input noise - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - Mostrar a interface gráfica + + Output gain + - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. + + Output clip - - - Controller - Controller %1 - Controlador %1 + + Sample rate + - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - Connection Settings - Configuración da conexión + + Stereo difference + - MIDI CONTROLLER - CONTROLADOR DE MIDI + + Levels + - Input channel - Canle de entrada + + Rate enabled + - CHANNEL - CANLE + + Depth enabled + + + + CarlaAboutW - Input controller - Controlador de entrada + + About Carla + - CONTROLLER - CONTROLADOR + + About + Sobre - Auto Detect - Detectar automaticamente + + About text here + - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Dispositivos MIDI dos que recibir acontecementos + + Extended licensing here + - USER CONTROLLER - CONTROLADOR DO USUARIO + + Artwork + - MAPPING FUNCTION - FUNCIÓN DE ASIGNACIÓN + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - OK - Aceptar + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - Cancel - Cancelar + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - LMMS - LMMS + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - Cycle Detected. - Detectouse un ciclo. + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - Bastidor de controladores + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - Add - Engadir + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - Confirm Delete + + Features - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + AU/AudioUnit: - - - ControllerView - Controls - Controles + + LADSPA: + - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Os controladores poden automatizar o valor dun botón xiratorio ou linear e outros controles. + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Rename controller - Renomear o controlador + + VST2: + - Enter the new name for this controller - Introduza o novo nome deste controlador + + DSSI: + - &Remove this controller + + LV2: - Re&name this controller + + VST3: - LFO - LFO + + OSC + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: + + Host URLs: - Band 2/3 Crossover: + + Valid commands: - Band 3/4 Crossover: + + valid osc commands here - Band 1 Gain: + + Example: - Band 2 Gain: - + + License + Licenza - Band 3 Gain: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - Band 4 Gain: + + OSC Bridge Version - Band 1 Mute + + Plugin Version - Mute Band 1 + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - Band 2 Mute + + + (Engine not running) - Mute Band 2 + + Everything! (Including LRDF) - Band 3 Mute + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) - Mute Band 3 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - Band 4 Mute + + + + Using Juce host - Mute Band 4 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) - DelayControls + CarlaHostW - Delay Samples + + MainWindow - Feedback + + Rack - Lfo Frequency + + Patchbay - Lfo Amount + + Logs - Output gain + + Loading... - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt + + Buffer Size: - Delay Time + + Sample Rate: - Feedback Amount + + ? Xruns - Lfo + + DSP Load: %p% - Out Gain + + &File - Gain - Ganancia + + &Engine + - DELAY + + &Plugin - FDBK + + Macros (all plugins) - RATE + + &Canvas - AMNT + + Zoom - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled + + &Settings - Filter 2 enabled + + &Help + &Axuda + + + + toolBar - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 + + Disk - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 + + + Home - FREQ + + Transport - Cutoff frequency - Frecuencia de corte + + Playback Controls + - RESO - RESO + + Time Information + - Resonance - Resonancia + + Frame: + - GAIN + + 000'000'000 - Gain - Ganancia + + Time: + Tempo: - MIX + + 00:00:00 - Mix + + BBT: - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled + + 000|00|0000 - Filter 1 type - + + Settings + Configuración - Cutoff 1 frequency + + BPM - Q/Resonance 1 + + Use JACK Transport - Gain 1 + + Use Ableton Link - Mix - + + &New + &Novo - Filter 2 enabled + + Ctrl+N - Filter 2 type - + + &Open... + &Abrir... - Cutoff 2 frequency + + + Open... - Q/Resonance 2 + + Ctrl+O - Gain 2 + + &Save + &Gardar + + + + Ctrl+S - LowPass - Pasa-baixas + + Save &As... + Gr&avar como... - HiPass - Pasa-altas + + + Save As... + - BandPass csg - Pasa-faixa csg + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - BandPass czpg - Pasa-faixa czpg + + &Quit + &Saír - Notch - Entalle + + Ctrl+Q + - Allpass - Pasa-todo + + &Start + - Moog - Moog + + F5 + - 2x LowPass - 2x Pasa-baixas + + St&op + - RC LowPass 12dB - RC pasa-baixa 12dB + + F6 + - RC BandPass 12dB - RC pasa-faixa 12dB + + &Add Plugin... + - RC HighPass 12dB - RC pasa-alta 12dB + + Ctrl+A + - RC LowPass 24dB - RC pasa-baixa 24dB + + &Remove All + - RC BandPass 24dB - RC pasa-faixa 24dB + + Enable + - RC HighPass 24dB - RC pasa-alta 24dB + + Disable + - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtro de formante vocal + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - 2x Moog + + 100% Wet - SV LowPass + + 0% Volume (Mute) - SV BandPass + + 100% Volume - SV HighPass + + Center Balance - SV Notch + + &Play - Fast Formant + + Ctrl+Shift+P - Tripole + + &Stop - - - Editor - Play (Space) + + Ctrl+Shift+X - Stop (Space) + + &Backwards - Record + + Ctrl+Shift+B - Record while playing + + &Forwards - Transport controls + + Ctrl+Shift+F - - - Effect - Effect enabled - Efecto activado + + &Arrange + - Wet/Dry mix - Mestura húmida/seca + + Ctrl+G + - Gate - Porta + + + &Refresh + - Decay - Decaemento + + Ctrl+R + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - Efectos activados + + Save &Image... + - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - CADEA DE EFECTOS + + Auto-Fit + - Add effect - Engadir un efecto + + Zoom In + - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - Engadir un efecto + + Ctrl++ + - Name - Nome + + Zoom Out + - Type - Tipo + + Ctrl+- + - Description - Descrición + + Zoom 100% + - Author + + Ctrl+1 - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - Conmuta a activación do efecto. + + Show &Toolbar + - On/Off - Activar/Desactivar + + &Configure Carla + - W/D - H/S + + &About + - Wet Level: - Nivel de humidade: + + About &JUCE + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - O botón Húmido/Seco indica a relación entre o sinal de entrada e o sinal de efecto que forma a saída. + + About &Qt + - DECAY - DECAE + + Show Canvas &Meters + - Time: - Tempo: + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - O botón Decaemento controla cantos búferes de silencio han de pasar antes de que o engadido pare de procesar. Valores máis pequenos reducen o esforzo da CPU a risco de recortar a cola nos efectos de demora e reverberación. + + Show Internal + - GATE - PORTA + + Show External + - Gate: - Porta: + + Show Time Panel + - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - O botón Porta controla o nivel do sinal que se considere como «silencio» mentres se decide cando parar de procesar os sinais. + + Show &Side Panel + - Controls - Controles + + &Connect... + - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - Os engadidos de efectos funcionan como unha serie encadeada de efectos na que o sinal se procesa desde arriba para abaixo. - -O interruptor Activar/Desactivar permite omitir un engadido dado en calquera momento. - -O botón Húmido/Seco controla o balance entre o sinal de entrada eo sinal producido que é a saída resultante do efecto. A entrada da etapa é a saída da etapa anterior. Polo tanto, o sinal «seco» dos efectos de abaixo na cadea contén todos os efectos previos. - -O botón Decaemento controla como se continúa a procesar o sinal despois de relaxar as notas. O efecto para o procesamento dos sinais cando o volume baixa por debaixo dun limiar dado durante un tempo dado. Este botón indica o «tempo dado». Tempos maiores requiren máis CPU, polo que este número debería ser baixo para a maioría dos efectos. Haino que subir para os efectos que producen períodos de silencio longos, como por exemplo as demoras. - -O botón Porta controla o «limiar dado» do apagado automático do efecto. O reloxo do «tempo dado» comeza así que o nivel do sinal procesado cae por debaixo do nivel indicado con este botón. - -O botón Controles abre un diálogo para editar os parámetros do efecto. - -Ao premer co botón dereito aparece un menú de contexto no que se pode cambiar a orden na que se procesan os efectos ou eliminar un efecto de vez. + + Compact Slots + - Move &up - S&ubir + + Expand Slots + - Move &down - &Baixar + + Perform secret 1 + - &Remove this plugin - Elimina&r este engadido + + Perform secret 2 + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - Tempo de reverberación + + Perform secret 3 + - Attack - Ataque + + Perform secret 4 + - Hold - Retención + + Perform secret 5 + - Decay - Decaemento + + Add &JACK Application... + - Sustain - Sustentación + + &Configure driver... + - Release - Relaxamento + + Panic + - Modulation - Modulación + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - LFO Predelay - Tempo de reverberación do LFO + + Export as... + - LFO Attack - Ataque do LFO + + + + + Error + - LFO speed - Velocidade do LFO + + Failed to load project + - LFO Modulation - Modulación do LFO + + Failed to save project + - LFO Wave Shape - Forma da onda do LFO + + Quit + - Freq x 100 - Freq x 100 + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - Modulate Env-Amount - Modular a cantidade de env + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoView - DEL - DEL + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - Predelay: - Tempo de reverberación: + + Warning + - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Empregue este botón para indicar o tempo de reverberación desta envolvente. Canto maior for este valor maior será o intervalo até que comece a envolvente en si. + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + CarlaInstrumentView - ATT - ATAQ + + Show GUI + Mostrar a interface gráfica + + + CarlaSettingsW - Attack: - Ataque: + + Settings + Configuración - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Empregue este botón para indicar o tempo de ataque da envolvente escollida. Canto maior for o valor máis tempo lle levará á envolvente aumentar até o nivel de ataque. Escolla un valor pequeno para instrumentos como os pianos e un valor grande para as cordas. + + main + - HOLD - RETEN + + canvas + - Hold: - Retención: + + engine + - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Empregue este botón para indicar o tempo de retención da envolvente escollida. Canto maior for este valor máis tempo mantén a envolvente o nivel de ataque antes de comezar a diminuír até o nivel de sustentación. + + osc + - DEC - DEC + + file-paths + - Decay: - Decaemento: + + plugin-paths + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Empregue este botón para indicar o tempo de decaemento da envolvente escollida. Canto maior for este valor máis tempo lle levará á envolvente para diminuír desde o nivel de ataque até o nivel de sustentación. Escolla un valor pequenos para instrumentos como o piano. + + wine + - SUST - SUST + + experimental + - Sustain: - Sustentación: + + Widget + - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Empregue este botón para indicar o nivel de sustentación da envolvente escollida. Canto maior for este valor máis alto é o nivel no que fica a envolvente antes de baixar até cero. + + + Main + - REL + + + Canvas - Release: - Relaxamento: + + + Engine + - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Empregue este botón para indicar o tempo de relaxamento da envolvente escollida. Canto maior for este valor máis tempo lle leva diminuír desde o nivel de sustentación até cero. Escolla un valor grande para instrumentos como as cordas. + + File Paths + - AMT - AMT + + Plugin Paths + - Modulation amount: - Cantidade de modulación: + + Wine + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Empregue este botón para indicar a cantidade de modulación da envolvente escollida. Canto maior for este valor maior máis se verá influenciado o tamaño correspondente (p.ex. o volume ou a frecuencia de corte) por esta envolvente. + + + Experimental + - LFO predelay: - Tempo de reverberación do LFO: + + <b>Main</b> + - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Empregue este botón para indicar o tempo de reverberación deste LFO. Canto maior for este valor, maior será o intervalo até que o LFO comece a oscilar. + + Paths + - LFO- attack: - Ataque do LFO: + + Default project folder: + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Empregue este botón para indicar o tempo de ataque do LFO escollido. Canto maior for este valor máis tempo lle levará ao LFO para aumentar a súa amplitude até o máximo. + + Interface + - SPD - SPD + + Interface refresh interval: + - LFO speed: - Velocidade do LFO: + + + ms + - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Empregue este botón para indicar a velocidade do LFO escollido. Canto maior for este valor máis rápido oscila o LFO e máis rápido é o efecto. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Empregue este botón para indicar a cantidade de modulación do LFO escollido. Canto maior for este valor máis se verá influenciado o tamaño escollido (p.ex. o volume ou a frecuencia de corte) por este LFO. + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - Click here for a sine-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda senoidal. + + + Theme + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda triangular. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Prema aquí para unha onda de dente de serra. + + Color scheme: + - Click here for a square-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda cadrada. + + Black + - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Prema aquí para unha onda definida polo usuario. Posteriormente, arrastre un ficheiro de mostra correspondente sobre o gráfico de LFO. + + System + - FREQ x 100 - FREQ x 100 + + Enable experimental features + - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Prema aquí se desexa multiplicar por 100 a frecuencia deste LFO. + + <b>Canvas</b> + - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - multiplicar a frecuencia de LFO por 100 + + Bezier Lines + - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - MODULAR CANT. ENVO + + Theme: + - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Prema aquí para facer que a cantidade de envolvente sexa controlada por este LFO. + + Size: + - control envelope-amount by this LFO - controlar a cantidade de envolvente con este LFO + + 775x600 + - ms/LFO: + + 1550x1200 - Hint - Suxestión + + 3100x2400 + - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Arrastre un exemplo doutro sitio e sólteo sobre esta xanela. + + 4650x3600 + - Click here for random wave. + + 6200x4800 - - - EqControls - Input gain + + Options - Output gain + + Auto-hide groups with no ports - Low shelf gain + + Auto-select items on hover - Peak 1 gain + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) - Peak 2 gain + + Render Hints - Peak 3 gain + + Anti-Aliasing - Peak 4 gain + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) - High Shelf gain + + <b>Engine</b> - HP res + + + Core - Low Shelf res + + Single Client - Peak 1 BW + + Multiple Clients - Peak 2 BW + + + Continuous Rack - Peak 3 BW + + + Patchbay - Peak 4 BW + + Audio driver: - High Shelf res + + Process mode: - LP res + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog - HP freq + + Max Parameters: - Low Shelf freq + + ... - Peak 1 freq + + Reset Xrun counter after project load - Peak 2 freq + + Plugin UIs - Peak 3 freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - Peak 4 freq + + UI Bridge Timeout: - High shelf freq + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - LP freq + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible - HP active + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top - Low shelf active + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - Peak 1 active + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - Peak 2 active + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings - Peak 3 active + + <b>OSC</b> - Peak 4 active + + Enable OSC - High shelf active + + Enable TCP port - LP active + + + Use specific port: - LP 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var - LP 24 + + + Use randomly assigned port - LP 48 + + Enable UDP port - HP 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var - HP 24 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled - HP 48 + + <b>File Paths</b> - low pass type + + Audio + Son + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin - high pass type + + Used for the "midifile" plugin - Analyse IN + + + Add... - Analyse OUT + + + Remove - - - EqControlsDialog - HP + + + Change... - Low Shelf + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> - Peak 1 + + LADSPA - Peak 2 + + DSSI - Peak 3 + + LV2 - Peak 4 + + VST2 - High Shelf + + VST3 - LP + + SF2/3 - In Gain + + SFZ - Gain - Ganancia + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + - Out Gain + + <b>Wine</b> - Bandwidth: + + Executable - Resonance : + + Path to 'wine' binary: - Frequency: + + Prefix - lp grp + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename - hp grp + + Fallback: - Octave + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback - - - EqHandle - Reso: + + Realtime Priority - BW: + + Base priority: - Freq: + + WineServer priority: - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - Exportar o proxecto + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - Output - Saída + + <b>Experimental</b> + - File format: - Formato de ficheiro: + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - Samplerate: - Taxa de mostraxe: + + Enable plugin bridges + - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz - - - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz - - - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz - - - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Enable Wine bridges + - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Enable jack applications + - Bitrate: - Taxa de bits: + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - Depth: - Profundidade: + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - 16 Bit Integer - Enteiro de 16 bits + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - 32 Bit Float - Vírgula flutuante de 32 bits + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - Please note that not all of the parameters above apply for all file formats. - Teña en conta que non todos os parámetros de enriba se poden aplicar a todos os formatos de ficheiro. + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - Quality settings - Configuración da calidade + + + + + Add Path + + + + CompressorControlDialog - Interpolation: - Interpolación: + + Threshold: + - Zero Order Hold - Retención de orde cero + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - Sinc Fastest - Whittaker–Shannon máis rápida + + Ratio: + - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Whittaker–Shannon media (recomendada) + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Whittaker–Shannon mellor (moi lenta!) + + Attack: + Ataque: - Oversampling (use with care!): - Sobresampleado (usar con coidado!): + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - 1x (None) - 1x (Ningún) + + Release: + Relaxamento: - 2x - 2x + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - 4x - 4x + + Knee: + - 8x - 8x + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - Start - Comezar + + Range: + - Cancel - Cancelar + + Maximum gain reduction + - Export as loop (remove end silence) + + Lookahead Length: - Export between loop markers + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time - Could not open file - Non foi posíbel abrir o ficheiro + + Hold: + Retención: - Export project to %1 + + Delay between attack and release stages - Error + + RMS Size: - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + Size of the RMS buffer - Rendering: %1% + + Input Balance: - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Output Balance: - - - FileBrowser - Browser + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track + + Stereo Balance: - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side - Loading sample + + Stereo Link Blend: - Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - --- Factory files --- + + Tilt Gain: - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - Error + + Tilt Frequency: - does not appear to be a valid + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - file + + Mix: - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples + + Balance between wet and dry signals - Lfo Frequency + + Auto Attack: - Seconds + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - Regen + + Auto Release: - Noise - Ruído - - - Invert + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: + + Output gain - Feedback Amount: - + + + Gain + Ganancia - White Noise Amount: + + Output volume - DELAY + + Input gain - RATE + + Input volume - Rate: + + Root Mean Square - AMNT + + Use RMS of the input - Amount: + + Peak - FDBK + + Use absolute value of the input - NOISE + + Left/Right - Invert + + Compress left and right audio - - - FxLine - Channel send amount + + Mid/Side - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - + + Compress mid and side audio - Move &left + + Compressor - Move &right + + Compress the audio - Rename &channel + + Limiter - R&emove channel + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) - Remove &unused channels + + Unlinked - - - FxMixer - - Master - Global - - - FX %1 - Efecto %1 - - - - FxMixerView - - FX-Mixer - Mesturador de efectos especiais - - FX Fader %1 + + Compress each channel separately - Mute + + Maximum - Mute this FX channel + + Compress based on the loudest channel - Solo + + Average - Solo FX channel + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + Minimum - - - GigInstrument - - Bank - Banco - - - Patch - Parche - - - Gain - Ganancia - - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file + + Compress based on the quietest channel - Click here to open another GIG file + + Blend - Choose the patch - Escoller o parche - - - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use + + Blend between stereo linking modes - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played + + Auto Makeup Gain - Which GIG file is currently being used + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used + + + Soft Clip - Gain - Ganancia + + Play the delta signal + - Factor to multiply samples by + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input - Open GIG file + + Lookahead Enabled - GIG Files (*.gig) + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency - GuiApplication + CompressorControls - Working directory + + Threshold - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + Ratio - Preparing UI - + + Attack + Ataque - Preparing song editor - + + Release + Relaxamento - Preparing mixer + + Knee - Preparing controller rack - + + Hold + Retención - Preparing project notes + + Range - Preparing beat/bassline editor + + RMS Size - Preparing piano roll + + Mid/Side - Preparing automation editor + + Peak Mode - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Arpeggio + + Lookahead Length - Arpeggio type + + Input Balance - Arpeggio range + + Output Balance - Arpeggio time + + Limiter - Arpeggio gate + + Output Gain - Arpeggio direction + + Input Gain - Arpeggio mode + + Blend - Up + + Stereo Balance - Down + + Auto Makeup Gain - Up and down + + Audition - Random + + Feedback - Free + + Auto Attack - Sort + + Auto Release - Sync - Sincronizar + + Lookahead + - Down and up + + Tilt - Skip rate + + Tilt Frequency - Miss rate + + Stereo Link - Cycle steps + + Mix - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + Controller - ARPEGGIO - + + Controller %1 + Controlador %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - + + Connection Settings + Configuración da conexión - RANGE - INTERVALO + + MIDI CONTROLLER + CONTROLADOR DE MIDI - Arpeggio range: - + + Input channel + Canle de entrada - octave(s) - oitava(s) + + CHANNEL + CANLE - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - + + Input controller + Controlador de entrada - TIME - + + CONTROLLER + CONTROLADOR - Arpeggio time: - + + + Auto Detect + Detectar automaticamente - ms - + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + Dispositivos MIDI dos que recibir acontecementos - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - + + USER CONTROLLER + CONTROLADOR DO USUARIO - GATE - PORTA + + MAPPING FUNCTION + FUNCIÓN DE ASIGNACIÓN - Arpeggio gate: - + + OK + Aceptar - % - + + Cancel + Cancelar - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - + + LMMS + LMMS - Chord: - + + Cycle Detected. + Detectouse un ciclo. + + + ControllerRackView - Direction: - + + Controller Rack + Bastidor de controladores - Mode: - + + Add + Engadir - SKIP + + Confirm Delete - Skip rate: + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + ControllerView - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - + + Controls + Controles - MISS - + + Rename controller + Renomear o controlador - Miss rate: + + Enter the new name for this controller + Introduza o novo nome deste controlador + + + + LFO + LFO + + + + &Remove this controller - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. + + Re&name this controller + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - CYCLE + + Band 1/2 crossover: - Cycle notes: + + Band 2/3 crossover: - note(s) + + Band 3/4 crossover: - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. + + Band 1 gain - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - oitava + + Band 1 gain: + - Major - Maior + + Band 2 gain + - Majb5 - Majb5 + + Band 2 gain: + - minor - menor + + Band 3 gain + - minb5 - minb5 + + Band 3 gain: + - sus2 - sus2 + + Band 4 gain + - sus4 - sus4 + + Band 4 gain: + - aug - aum + + Band 1 mute + - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Mute band 1 + - tri - tri + + Band 2 mute + - 6 - 6 + + Mute band 2 + - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + Band 3 mute + - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Mute band 3 + - m6 - m6 + + Band 4 mute + - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Mute band 4 + + + + DelayControls - 7 - 7 + + Delay samples + - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Feedback + - 7#5 - 7#5 + + LFO frequency + - 7b5 - 7b5 + + LFO amount + - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Output gain + + + + DelayControlsDialog - 7b9 - 7b9 + + DELAY + - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + Delay time + - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + FDBK + - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Feedback amount + - 7add11 - 7add11 + + RATE + - 7add13 - 7add13 + + LFO frequency + - 7#11 - 7#11 + + AMNT + - Maj7 - Maj7 + + LFO amount + - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + Out gain + - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + Gain + Ganancia + + + Dialog - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + Add JACK Application + - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - m7 - m7 + + Application + - m7b5 - m7b5 + + Name: + - m7b9 - m7b9 + + Application: + - m7add11 - m7add11 + + From template + - m7add13 - m7add13 + + Custom + - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Template: + - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + Command: + - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + Setup + - 9 - 9 + + Session Manager: + - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + None + - add9 - add9 + + Audio inputs: + - 9#5 + + MIDI inputs: - 9b5 - 9b5 + + Audio outputs: + - 9#11 + + MIDI outputs: - 9b13 - 9b13 + + Take control of main application window + - Maj9 + + Workarounds - Maj9sus4 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) - Maj9#5 + + Capture only the first X11 Window - Maj9#11 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client - m9 - m9 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - madd9 + + Error here - m9b5 + + Carla Control - Connect - m9-Maj7 + + Remote setup - 11 + + UDP Port: - 11b9 - 11b9 + + Remote host: + - Maj11 + + TCP Port: - m11 - m11 + + Reported host + - m-Maj11 + + Automatic - 13 + + Custom: - 13#9 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. - 13b9 - 13b9 + + Set value + - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + TextLabel + - Maj13 + + Scale Points + + + DriverSettingsW - m13 - m13 + + Driver Settings + - m-Maj13 + + Device: - Harmonic minor - Harmónico menor + + Buffer size: + - Melodic minor - Melódico menor + + Sample rate: + - Whole tone - Un ton + + Triple buffer + - Diminished - Diminuído + + Show Driver Control Panel + - Major pentatonic - Pentatónico maior + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + DualFilterControlDialog - Minor pentatonic - Pentatónico menor + + + FREQ + - Jap in sen - + + + Cutoff frequency + Frecuencia de corte - Major bebop - Maior de bebop + + + RESO + RESO - Dominant bebop - Dominante de bebop + + + Resonance + Resonancia - Blues - Blues + + + GAIN + - Arabic - Árabe + + + Gain + Ganancia - Enigmatic - Enigmático + + MIX + - Neopolitan - Napolitano + + Mix + - Neopolitan minor - Napolitano menor + + Filter 1 enabled + - Hungarian minor - Húngaro menor + + Filter 2 enabled + - Dorian - Dorio + + Enable/disable filter 1 + - Phrygolydian - Frixio-lidio + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + DualFilterControls - Lydian - Lidio + + Filter 1 enabled + - Mixolydian - Mixolidio + + Filter 1 type + - Aeolian - Eolio + + Cutoff frequency 1 + - Locrian - Locrio + + Q/Resonance 1 + - Chords - Acordes + + Gain 1 + - Chord type - Tipo de acorde + + Mix + - Chord range - Intervalo do acorde + + Filter 2 enabled + - Minor + + Filter 2 type - Chromatic + + Cutoff frequency 2 - Half-Whole Diminished + + Q/Resonance 2 - 5 + + Gain 2 - Phrygian dominant + + + Low-pass - Persian + + + Hi-pass - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE - INTERVALO + + + Band-pass csg + - Chord range: - Intervalo do acorde: + + + Band-pass czpg + - octave(s) - oitava(s) + + + Notch + Entalle - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Empregue este botón para indicar a tesitura do acorde en oitavas. O acorde escollido tocarase dentro do número indicado de oitavas. + + + All-pass + - STACKING + + + Moog + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass - Chord: + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - ACTIVAR A ENTRADA DE MIDI + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + - CHANNEL - CANLE + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + - VELOCITY - VELOCIDADE + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - ACTIVAR A SAÍDA DE MIDI + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + - PROGRAM - PROGRAMA + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - Dispositivos MIDI dos que recibir acontecementos MIDI + + + Vocal Formant + - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - Dispositivos MIDI aos que enviar acontecementos MIDI + + + 2x Moog + - NOTE + + + SV Low-pass - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + SV Band-pass - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity + + + SV High-pass - BASE VELOCITY + + + SV Notch - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH + + + Fast Formant - Enables the use of Master Pitch + + + Tripole - InstrumentSoundShaping + Editor - VOLUME - VOLUME + + Transport controls + - Volume - Volume + + Play (Space) + - CUTOFF - FREC. CORTE + + Stop (Space) + - Cutoff frequency - Frecuencia de corte + + Record + - RESO - RESO + + Record while playing + - Resonance - Resonancia + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + Effect - Envelopes/LFOs - Envolventes/LFO + + Effect enabled + Efecto activado - Filter type - Tipo de filtro + + Wet/Dry mix + Mestura húmida/seca - Q/Resonance - Q/Resonancia + + Gate + Porta - LowPass - Pasa-baixas + + Decay + Decaemento + + + EffectChain - HiPass - Pasa-altas + + Effects enabled + Efectos activados + + + EffectRackView - BandPass csg - Pasa-faixa csg + + EFFECTS CHAIN + CADEA DE EFECTOS - BandPass czpg - Pasa-faixa czpg + + Add effect + Engadir un efecto + + + EffectSelectDialog - Notch - Entalle + + Add effect + Engadir un efecto - Allpass - Pasa-todo + + + Name + Nome - Moog - Moog + + Type + Tipo - 2x LowPass - 2x Pasa-baixas + + Description + Descrición - RC LowPass 12dB - RC pasa-baixa 12dB + + Author + + + + EffectView - RC BandPass 12dB - RC pasa-faixa 12dB + + On/Off + Activar/Desactivar - RC HighPass 12dB - RC pasa-alta 12dB + + W/D + H/S - RC LowPass 24dB - RC pasa-baixa 24dB + + Wet Level: + Nivel de humidade: - RC BandPass 24dB - RC pasa-faixa 24dB + + DECAY + DECAE - RC HighPass 24dB - RC pasa-alta 24dB + + Time: + Tempo: - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtro de formante vocal + + GATE + PORTA - 2x Moog - + + Gate: + Porta: - SV LowPass - + + Controls + Controles - SV BandPass - + + Move &up + S&ubir - SV HighPass - + + Move &down + &Baixar - SV Notch - + + &Remove this plugin + Elimina&r este engadido + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Fast Formant + + Env pre-delay - Tripole + + Env attack - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - DESTINO + + Env hold + - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Estas lapelas conteñen envolventes. Son moi importantes para modificar un son dado que son case sempre necesarias para as sínteses subtractivas. Por exemplo, se se ten unha envolvente de volume pódese indicar cando se desexa que o son teña un volume determinado. Se se desexan crear cordas brandas o son ten que entrar e saír moi suavemente. Isto pódese facer indicando tempos de ataque e relaxamento longos. É o mesmo para outros destinos de envolvente, como panning, frecuencia de corte do filtro empregado e así por diante. Fedelle! Seguro que pode crear sons interesantes a partir dunha onde de dente de serra con unhas imples envolventes...! + + Env decay + - FILTER - FILTRO + + Env sustain + - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Aquí pódese escoller o filtro incorporado que se desexe empregar para esta pista de instrumento. Os filtros son moi importantes para cambiar as características dun son. + + Env release + - Hz - Hz + + Env mod amount + - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Empregue este botón para indicar a frecuencia de corte do filtro escollido. A frecuencia de corte indica a frecuencia á que un filtro corta o sinal. Por exemplo, un filtro pasa-baixas corta todas as frecuencias que ultrapasen a frecuencia de corte. Un filtro pasa-altas corta todas as frecuencias por debaixo da frecuencia de corte, e así por diante... + + LFO pre-delay + - RESO - RESO + + LFO attack + - Resonance: - Resonancia: + + LFO frequency + - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Empregue este botón para indicar a Q/Resonancia do filtro escollido. A Q/Resonancia indícalle ao filtro canto se desexa amplificar as frecuencias próximas á de corte. + + LFO mod amount + - FREQ + + LFO wave shape - cutoff frequency: + + LFO frequency x 100 - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + Modulate env amount - InstrumentTrack + EnvelopeAndLfoView - unnamed_track - pista_sen_nome + + + DEL + TMP REV - Volume - Volume + + + Pre-delay: + - Panning - Panorámica + + + ATT + ATAQ - Pitch - Altura + + + Attack: + Ataque: - FX channel - Canle de efectos especiais + + HOLD + RETEN - Default preset - Predefinido + + Hold: + Retención: - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - + + DEC + DEC - Base note - Nota base + + Decay: + Decaemento: - Pitch range - + + SUST + SUST + + + + Sustain: + Sustentación: - Master Pitch + + REL - - - InstrumentTrackView - Volume - Volume + + Release: + Relaxamento: - Volume: - Volume: + + + AMT + CANTIDADE - VOL - VOL + + + Modulation amount: + Cantidade de modulación: - Panning - Panorámica + + SPD + SPD - Panning: - Panorámica: + + Frequency: + - PAN - PAN + + FREQ x 100 + FREQ x 100 - MIDI - MIDI + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + - Input - Entrada + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + - Output - Saída + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + - FX %1: %2 + + ms/LFO: - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS - CONFIGURACIÓN XERAL + + Hint + Suxestión - Instrument volume - Volume do instrumento + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + EqControls - Volume: - Volume: + + Input gain + - VOL - VOL + + Output gain + - Panning - Panorámica + + Low-shelf gain + - Panning: - Panorámica: + + Peak 1 gain + - PAN - PAN + + Peak 2 gain + - Pitch - Altura + + Peak 3 gain + - Pitch: - Altura: + + Peak 4 gain + - cents - cents + + High-shelf gain + - PITCH - ALTURA + + HP res + - FX channel - Canlde de FX + + Low-shelf res + - ENV/LFO - ENV/LFO + + Peak 1 BW + - FUNC - FUNC + + Peak 2 BW + - FX - FX + + Peak 3 BW + - MIDI - MIDI + + Peak 4 BW + - Save preset - Gardar as predefinicións + + High-shelf res + - XML preset file (*.xpf) - Ficheiro de predefinicións en XML (*.xpf) + + LP res + - PLUGIN - ENGADIDO + + HP freq + - Pitch range (semitones) + + Low-shelf freq - RANGE - INTERVALO + + Peak 1 freq + - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + Peak 2 freq - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. + + Peak 3 freq - MISC + + Peak 4 freq - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. + + High-shelf freq - SAVE + + LP freq - - - Knob - Set linear + + HP active - Set logarithmic + + Low-shelf active - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + Peak 1 active - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Peak 2 active - - - LadspaControl - Link channels - Ligar canles + + Peak 3 active + - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - Ligar canles + + Peak 4 active + - Channel - Canle + + High-shelf active + - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels - Ligar canles + + LP active + - Value: - Valor: + + LP 12 + - Sorry, no help available. - Desculpe, non hai axuda dispoñíbel. + + LP 24 + - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Solicitouse un engadido de LADSPA, %1, que é descoñecido. + + LP 48 + - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + HP 12 - - - LeftRightNav - Previous + + HP 24 - Next + + HP 48 - Previous (%1) + + Low-pass type - Next (%1) + + High-pass type - - - LfoController - - LFO Controller - Controlador de LFO - - - Base value - Valor base - - - Oscillator speed - Velocidade do oscilador - - - Oscillator amount - Cantidade de oscilador - - - Oscillator phase - Fase do oscilador - - Oscillator waveform - Forma de onda do oscilador + + Analyse IN + - Frequency Multiplier - Multiplicador de frecuencia + + Analyse OUT + - LfoControllerDialog - - LFO - LFO - - - LFO Controller - Controlador de LFO - - - BASE - BASE - + EqControlsDialog - Base amount: - Cantidade base: + + HP + - todo - por facer + + Low-shelf + - SPD - SPD + + Peak 1 + - LFO-speed: - Velocidade de SPD: + + Peak 2 + - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Empregue este botón para indicar a velocidade do oscilador de frecuencia baixa (LFO). Canto maior sexa este valor, máis rápido oscila o LFO e máis rápido resulta o efecto. + + Peak 3 + - Modulation amount: - Cantidade de modulación: + + Peak 4 + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Empregue este botón para indicar a cantidade de modulación do LFO. Canto maior for este valor, máis se verá influenciado o control conectado (p.ex. volume ou frecuencia de corte) polo LFO. + + High-shelf + - PHS - FASE + + LP + - Phase offset: - Desprazamento da fase: + + Input gain + - degrees - graos + + + + Gain + Ganancia - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Con este botón pódese indicar o desprazamento da fase do oscilador de frecuencia baixa (LFO). Iso significa que se pode mover o punto dunha oscilación no que o oscilador comeza a oscilar. Se, por exemplo, se ten unha onda senoidal e un desprazamento de fase de 180 graos, a onda baixo primeiro. Cunha onda cadrada é o mesmo. + + Output gain + - Click here for a sine-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda senoidal. + + Bandwidth: + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda triangular. + + Octave + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda de dente de serra. + + Resonance : + - Click here for a square-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda cadrada. + + Frequency: + - Click here for an exponential wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda exponencial. + + LP group + - Click here for white-noise. - Prema aquí para ruído branco. + + HP group + + + + EqHandle - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. + + Reso: - Click here for a moog saw-wave. + + BW: - AMNT + + + Freq: - LmmsCore + ExportProjectDialog - Generating wavetables - + + Export project + Exportar o proxecto - Initializing data structures + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) - Opening audio and midi devices + + Export between loop markers - Launching mixer threads + + Render Looped Section: - - - MainWindow - Could not save config-file - Non foi posíbel gravar o ficheiro de configuración + + time(s) + - Could not save configuration file %1. You're probably not permitted to write to this file. -Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Non foi posíbel gravar o ficheiro de configuración %1. Probabelmente non se lle permita escribir neste ficheiro. Asegúrese de dispor de acceso para escribir neste ficheiro e ténteo de novo. + + File format settings + - &New - &Novo + + File format: + Formato de ficheiro: - &Open... - &Abrir... + + Sampling rate: + - &Save - &Gardar + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz - Save &As... - Gr&avar como... + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz - Import... - Importar... + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz - E&xport... - E&xportar... + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz - &Quit - &Saír + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz - &Edit - &Editar + + Bit depth: + - Settings - Configuración + + 16 Bit integer + - &Tools - Ferramen&tas + + 24 Bit integer + - &Help - &Axuda + + 32 Bit float + - Help - Axuda + + Stereo mode: + - What's this? - Que é isto? + + Mono + - About - Sobre + + Stereo + - Create new project - Crear un proxecto novo + + Joint stereo + - Create new project from template - Crear un proxecto novo a partir dun modelo + + Compression level: + - Open existing project - Abrir un projecto existente + + Bitrate: + Taxa de bits: - Recently opened projects - Proxecto aberto recentemente + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s - Save current project - Gravar este proxecto + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s - Export current project - Exportar este proxecto + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s - Song Editor - Mostrar/Agochar o editor de cancións + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Premendo este botón pódese mostrar ou agochar o Editor de Cancións. Coa axuda do Editor de Cancións pódese editar listas de reprodución e indicar cando tocar unha pista. Tamén se poden inserir e mover mostras (p.ex. mostras de rap) directamente na lista de reprodución. + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s - Beat+Bassline Editor - Mostrar/Agochar o Editor de ritmos e liña do baixo + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - Premendo este botón pódese mostrar ou agochar o Editor de ritmos e liña do baixo. Este Editor de ritmos e liña do baixo é necesario para crear ritmos e para abrir, engadir e eliminar canles, así como para recortar, copiar e pegar ritmos e padróns de liñas do baixo e para outras cousas semellantes. + + Use variable bitrate + - Piano Roll - Mostrar/Agochar a pianola + + Quality settings + Configuración da calidade - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Prema aquí para mostrar ou agochar a pianola. Coa axuda da pianola pódense editar melodías facilmente. + + Interpolation: + Interpolación: - Automation Editor - Mostrar/Agochar o Editor de automatización + + Zero order hold + - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Prema aquí para mostrar ou agochar o Editor de automatización. Coa axuda do Editor de automatización pódense editar os valores dinámicos facilmente. + + Sinc worst (fastest) + - FX Mixer - Mostrar/Agochar os Mesturador de efectos especiais + + Sinc medium (recommended) + - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Prema aquí para mostrar ou agochar o Mesturador de efectos especiais. O Mesturador de efectos especiais é unha ferramenta potente para xestionar os efectos das cancións. Pódense inserir efectos nas diferentes canles de efectos. + + Sinc best (slowest) + - Project Notes - Mostrar/Agochar as notas do proxecto + + Oversampling: + - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Prema aquí para mostrar ou agochar a xanela coas notas do proxecto. Nela pódense apuntar as notas do proxecto. + + 1x (None) + 1x (Ningún) - Controller Rack - Mostrar/Agochar o bastidor de controladores + + 2x + 2x - Untitled - Sen título + + 4x + 4x - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + 8x + 8x - Project not saved - Proxecto non gardado + + Start + Comezar - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Este proxecto foi modificado desde que se gardou a última vez. Desexa gardalo agora? + + Cancel + Cancelar - Help not available - Non hai axuda dispoñíbel + + Could not open file + Non foi posíbel abrir o ficheiro - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - De momento non hai axuda dispoñíbel no LMMS. -Visitehttp://lmms.sf.net/wiki para documentación sobre o LMMS. + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Export project to %1 - Version %1 + + ( Fastest - biggest ) - Configuration file + + ( Slowest - smallest ) - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + Error - Volumes + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Undo - - - - Redo - - - - My Projects - - - - My Samples - - - - My Presets - - - - My Home + + Rendering: %1% + + + Fader - My Computer + + Set value - &File + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + FileBrowser - &Recently Opened Projects + + User content - Save as New &Version + + Factory content - E&xport Tracks... + + Browser - Online Help + + Search - What's This? + + Refresh list + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget - Open Project + + Send to active instrument-track - Save Project + + Open containing folder - Project recovery - + + Song Editor + Mostrar/Agochar o editor de cancións - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + BB Editor - Recover + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + Send to new instrument track - Ignore + + (%2Enter) - Launch LMMS as usual but with automatic backup disabled to prevent the present recover file from being overwritten. + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) - Discard + + Loading sample - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Preparing plugin browser + + Error - Preparing file browsers + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file - Root directory + + --- Factory files --- + + + FlangerControls - Loading background artwork + + Delay samples - New from template + + LFO frequency - Save as default template + + Seconds - &View + + Stereo phase - Toggle metronome + + Regen - Show/hide Song-Editor - + + Noise + Ruído - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor + + Invert + + + FlangerControlsDialog - Show/hide Piano-Roll + + DELAY - Show/hide Automation Editor + + Delay time: - Show/hide FX Mixer + + RATE - Show/hide project notes + + Period: - Show/hide controller rack + + AMNT - Recover session. Please save your work! + + Amount: - Automatic backup disabled. Remember to save your work! + + PHASE - Recovered project not saved + + Phase: - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + FDBK - LMMS Project + + Feedback amount: - LMMS Project Template + + NOISE - Overwrite default template? + + White noise amount: - This will overwrite your current default template. + + Invert + + + FreeBoyInstrument - Volume as dBFS - + + Sweep time + Tempo da varredura - Smooth scroll - + + Sweep direction + Dirección da varredura - Enable note labels in piano roll + + Sweep rate shift amount - Save project template + + + Wave pattern duty cycle - - - MeterDialog - - Meter Numerator - Numerador do compás - - - Meter Denominator - Denominador do compás - - - TIME SIG - COMPÁS - - - - MeterModel - Numerator - Numerador + + Channel 1 volume + Volume da canle 1 - Denominator - Denominador + + + + Volume sweep direction + Dirección da varredura do volume - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - Controlador de MIDI + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Lonxitude de cada paso en varredura - unnamed_midi_controller - controlador_de_midi_sen_nome + + Channel 2 volume + Volume da canle 2 - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - A configuración está incompleta + + Channel 3 volume + Volume da canle 3 - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Non se indicou unha fonte de son por omisión no diálogo de configuración (Editar->Configuración). En consecuencia, non se ha de reproducir ningún son unha vez importado este ficheiro de MIDI. Debería descargar unha fonte de son de General MIDI, indicala no diálogo de configuración e tentar de novo. + + Channel 4 volume + Volume da canle 4 - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - O LMMS non foi compilado para que admitise un reprodutor de SoundFont2, que se utiliza para engadir un son por omisión aos ficheiros de MIDI. En consecuencia, non se ha de reproducir ningún son unha vez importado este ficheiro de MIDI. + + Shift Register width + Cambiar a largura do rexistro - Track + + Right output level - - - MidiJack - - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - O servidor de JACK non está a funcionar - - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + Left output level - - - MidiPort - - Input channel - Canle de entrada - - - Output channel - Canle de saída - - Input controller - Controlador de entrada + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Canle 1 a SO1 (Esquerda) - Output controller - Controlador de saída + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Canle 2 a SO2 (Esquerda) - Fixed input velocity - Velocidade de entrada fixa + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Canle 3 a SO2 (Esquerda) - Fixed output velocity - Velocidade de saída fixa + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Canle 4 a SO2 (Esquerda) - Output MIDI program - Programa MIDI de saída + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Canle 1 a SO1 (Dereita) - Receive MIDI-events - Recibir acontecementos de MIDI + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Canle 2 a SO1 (Dereita) - Send MIDI-events - Enviar acontecementos de MIDI + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Canle 3 a SO1 (Dereita) - Fixed output note - + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Canle 4 a SO1 (Dereita) - Base velocity - + + Treble + Agudos - - - MidiSetupWidget - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Bass + Graves - MonstroInstrument + FreeBoyInstrumentView - Osc 1 Volume + + Sweep time: - Osc 1 Panning - + + Sweep time + Tempo da varredura - Osc 1 Coarse detune + + Sweep rate shift amount: - Osc 1 Fine detune left + + Sweep rate shift amount - Osc 1 Fine detune right + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset + + + Wave pattern duty cycle - Osc 1 Pulse width + + Square channel 1 volume: - Osc 1 Sync send on rise + + Square channel 1 volume - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Lonxitude de cada paso en varredura: - Osc 2 Volume - + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Lonxitude de cada paso en varredura - Osc 2 Panning + + Square channel 2 volume: - Osc 2 Coarse detune + + Square channel 2 volume - Osc 2 Fine detune left + + Wave pattern channel volume: - Osc 2 Fine detune right + + Wave pattern channel volume - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset + + Noise channel volume: - Osc 2 Waveform + + Noise channel volume - Osc 2 Sync Hard + + SO1 volume (Right): - Osc 2 Sync Reverse + + SO1 volume (Right) - Osc 3 Volume + + SO2 volume (Left): - Osc 3 Panning + + SO2 volume (Left) - Osc 3 Coarse detune - + + Treble: + Agudos: - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - + + Treble + Agudos - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - + + Bass: + Graves: - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - + + Bass + Graves - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - + + Sweep direction + Dirección da varredura - Osc 3 Sync Hard - + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Dirección da varredura do volume - Osc 3 Sync Reverse + + Shift register width - LFO 1 Waveform - + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Canle 1 a SO1 (Dereita) - LFO 1 Attack - + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Canle 2 a SO1 (Dereita) - LFO 1 Rate - + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Canle 3 a SO1 (Dereita) - LFO 1 Phase - + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Canle 4 a SO1 (Dereita) - LFO 2 Waveform - + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Canle 1 a SO1 (Esquerda) - LFO 2 Attack - + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Canle 2 a SO2 (Esquerda) - LFO 2 Rate - + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Canle 3 a SO2 (Esquerda) - LFO 2 Phase - + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Canle 4 a SO2 (Esquerda) - Env 1 Pre-delay + + Wave pattern graph + + + MixerLine - Env 1 Attack + + Channel send amount - Env 1 Hold + + Move &left - Env 1 Decay + + Move &right - Env 1 Sustain + + Rename &channel - Env 1 Release + + R&emove channel - Env 1 Slope + + Remove &unused channels - Env 2 Pre-delay + + Set channel color - Env 2 Attack + + Remove channel color - Env 2 Hold + + Pick random channel color + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox - Env 2 Decay + + Assign to: - Env 2 Sustain + + New mixer Channel + + + Mixer - Env 2 Release - + + Master + Global - Env 2 Slope - + + + + Channel %1 + Efecto %1 - Osc2-3 modulation - + + Volume + Volume - Selected view + + Mute - Vol1-Env1 + + Solo + + + MixerView - Vol1-Env2 - + + Mixer + Mesturador de efectos especiais - Vol1-LFO1 + + Fader %1 - Vol1-LFO2 + + Mute - Vol2-Env1 + + Mute this mixer channel - Vol2-Env2 + + Solo - Vol2-LFO1 + + Solo mixer channel + + + MixerRoute - Vol2-LFO2 + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + GigInstrument - Vol3-Env1 - + + Bank + Banco - Vol3-Env2 - + + Patch + Parche - Vol3-LFO1 - + + Gain + Ganancia + + + GigInstrumentView - Vol3-LFO2 + + + Open GIG file - Phs1-Env1 + + Choose patch - Phs1-Env2 - + + Gain: + Ganancia: - Phs1-LFO1 + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + GuiApplication - Phs1-LFO2 + + Working directory - Phs2-Env1 + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - Phs2-Env2 + + Preparing UI - Phs2-LFO1 + + Preparing song editor - Phs2-LFO2 + + Preparing mixer - Phs3-Env1 + + Preparing controller rack - Phs3-Env2 + + Preparing project notes - Phs3-LFO1 + + Preparing beat/bassline editor - Phs3-LFO2 + + Preparing piano roll - Pit1-Env1 + + Preparing automation editor + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Pit1-Env2 + + Arpeggio - Pit1-LFO1 + + Arpeggio type - Pit1-LFO2 + + Arpeggio range - Pit2-Env1 + + Note repeats - Pit2-Env2 + + Cycle steps - Pit2-LFO1 + + Skip rate - Pit2-LFO2 + + Miss rate - Pit3-Env1 + + Arpeggio time - Pit3-Env2 + + Arpeggio gate - Pit3-LFO1 + + Arpeggio direction - Pit3-LFO2 + + Arpeggio mode - PW1-Env1 + + Up - PW1-Env2 + + Down - PW1-LFO1 + + Up and down - PW1-LFO2 + + Down and up - Sub3-Env1 + + Random - Sub3-Env2 + + Free - Sub3-LFO1 + + Sort - Sub3-LFO2 - + + Sync + Sincronizar + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - Sine wave - Onda senoidal + + ARPEGGIO + - Bandlimited Triangle wave - + + RANGE + INTERVALO - Bandlimited Saw wave + + Arpeggio range: - Bandlimited Ramp wave - + + octave(s) + oitava(s) - Bandlimited Square wave + + REP - Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + Note repeats: - Soft square wave + + time(s) - Absolute sine wave + + CYCLE - Exponential wave + + Cycle notes: - White noise + + note(s) - Digital Triangle wave + + SKIP - Digital Saw wave + + Skip rate: - Digital Ramp wave + + + + % - Digital Square wave + + MISS - Digital Moog saw wave + + Miss rate: - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + TIME + - Saw wave - Onda de dente de serra + + Arpeggio time: + - Ramp wave + + ms - Square wave - Onda cadrada + + GATE + PORTA - Moog saw wave + + Arpeggio gate: - Abs. sine wave + + Chord: - Random + + Direction: - Random smooth + + Mode: - MonstroView + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - Operators view - + + octave + oitava - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - + + + Major + Maior - Matrix view - + + Majb5 + Majb5 - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - + + minor + menor - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - + + minb5 + minb5 - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + sus2 + sus2 - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + sus4 + sus4 - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + aug + aum - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - + + augsus4 + augsus4 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - + + tri + tri - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - + + 6 + 6 - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - + + 6add9 + 6add9 - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - + + m6 + m6 - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + m6add9 + m6add9 - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + 7 + 7 - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - + + 7#5 + 7#5 - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - + + 7b5 + 7b5 - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + 7#9 + 7#9 - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + 7b9 + 7b9 - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - + + 7add11 + 7add11 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - + + 7add13 + 7add13 - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + 7#11 + 7#11 - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + Maj7 + Maj7 - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - - + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - + + m7 + m7 - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - + + m7b5 + m7b5 - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - + + m7b9 + m7b9 - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - + + m7add11 + m7add11 - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - + + m7add13 + m7add13 - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 - Volume - Volume + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 - Panning - Panorámica + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 - Coarse detune - + + 9 + 9 - semitones - + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 - Finetune left - + + add9 + add9 - cents + + 9#5 - Finetune right - + + 9b5 + 9b5 - Stereo phase offset + + 9#11 - deg + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 - Pulse width + + Maj9sus4 - Send sync on pulse rise + + Maj9#5 - Send sync on pulse fall + + Maj9#11 - Hard sync oscillator 2 + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 - Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + m9b5 - Sub-osc mix + + m9-Maj7 - Hard sync oscillator 3 + + 11 - Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 - Attack - Ataque + + m11 + m11 - Rate - Taxa + + m-Maj11 + - Phase + + 13 - Pre-delay + + 13#9 - Hold - Retención + + 13b9 + 13b9 - Decay - Decaemento + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 - Sustain - Sustentación + + Maj13 + - Release - Relaxamento + + m13 + m13 - Slope + + m-Maj13 - Modulation amount - Cantidade de modulación + + Harmonic minor + Harmónico menor - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length - + + Melodic minor + Melódico menor - Step length: - + + Whole tone + Un ton - Dry - + + Diminished + Diminuído - Dry Gain: - + + Major pentatonic + Pentatónico maior - Stages - + + Minor pentatonic + Pentatónico menor - Lowpass stages: + + Jap in sen - Swap inputs - + + Major bebop + Maior de bebop - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - + + Dominant bebop + Dominante de bebop - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune - + + Blues + Blues - Channel 1 Volume - + + Arabic + Árabe - Channel 1 Envelope length - + + Enigmatic + Enigmático - Channel 1 Duty cycle - + + Neopolitan + Napolitano - Channel 1 Sweep amount - + + Neopolitan minor + Napolitano menor - Channel 1 Sweep rate - + + Hungarian minor + Húngaro menor - Channel 2 Coarse detune - + + Dorian + Dorio - Channel 2 Volume + + Phrygian - Channel 2 Envelope length - + + Lydian + Lidio - Channel 2 Duty cycle - + + Mixolydian + Mixolidio - Channel 2 Sweep amount - + + Aeolian + Eolio - Channel 2 Sweep rate - + + Locrian + Locrio - Channel 3 Coarse detune + + Minor - Channel 3 Volume + + Chromatic - Channel 4 Volume + + Half-Whole Diminished - Channel 4 Envelope length + + 5 - Channel 4 Noise frequency + + Phrygian dominant - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep + + Persian - Master volume - + + Chords + Acordes - Vibrato - Vibrato + + Chord type + Tipo de acorde + + + + Chord range + Intervalo do acorde - NesInstrumentView + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - Volume - Volume + + STACKING + - Coarse detune + + Chord: - Envelope length - + + RANGE + INTERVALO - Enable channel 1 - + + Chord range: + Intervalo do acorde: - Enable envelope 1 - + + octave(s) + oitava(s) + + + InstrumentMidiIOView - Enable envelope 1 loop - + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + ACTIVAR A ENTRADA DE MIDI - Enable sweep 1 - + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + ACTIVAR A SAÍDA DE MIDI - Sweep amount + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits - Sweep rate + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits - 12.5% Duty cycle + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits - 25% Duty cycle + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits - 50% Duty cycle - + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + Dispositivos MIDI dos que recibir acontecementos MIDI - 75% Duty cycle - + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + Dispositivos MIDI aos que enviar acontecementos MIDI - Enable channel 2 + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - Enable envelope 2 + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. - Enable envelope 2 loop - - - - Enable sweep 2 + + BASE VELOCITY + + + InstrumentMiscView - Enable channel 3 + + MASTER PITCH - Noise Frequency + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + InstrumentSoundShaping - Frequency sweep - + + VOLUME + VOLUME - Enable channel 4 - + + Volume + Volume - Enable envelope 4 - + + CUTOFF + FREC. CORTE - Enable envelope 4 loop - + + + Cutoff frequency + Frecuencia de corte - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - + + RESO + RESO - Use note frequency for noise - + + Resonance + Resonancia - Noise mode - + + Envelopes/LFOs + Envolventes/LFO - Master Volume - + + Filter type + Tipo de filtro - Vibrato - Vibrato + + Q/Resonance + Q/Resonancia - - - OscillatorObject - Osc %1 volume - Volume do oscilador %1 + + Low-pass + - Osc %1 panning - Panorámica do oscilador %1 + + Hi-pass + - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Desafinación bruta do oscilador %1 + + Band-pass csg + - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Desafinación fina esquerda do oscilador %1 + + Band-pass czpg + - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Desafinación fina dereita do oscilador %1 + + Notch + Entalle - Osc %1 phase-offset - Desprazamento da fase do oscilador %1 + + All-pass + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Desafinación de fase en estéreo do oscilador %1 + + Moog + Moog - Osc %1 wave shape - Forma da onda do oscilador %1 + + 2x Low-pass + - Modulation type %1 - Tipo de modulación %1 + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + - Osc %1 waveform - Forma de onda do oscilador %1 + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + - Osc %1 harmonic + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct - - - PatchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct - Bank selector + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct - Bank - Banco + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + - Program selector + + Vocal Formant - Patch - Parche + + 2x Moog + - Name - Nome + + SV Low-pass + - OK - Aceptar + + SV Band-pass + - Cancel - Cancelar + + SV High-pass + - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - Abrir outro parche + + SV Notch + - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Prema aquí para abrir outro ficheiro de parche. A configuración dos bucles e a afinación non se restauran. + + Fast Formant + - Loop - Bucle + + Tripole + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView - Loop mode - Modo de bucle + + TARGET + DESTINO - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Aquí pódese alternar entre modos de bucle. Cando está activado, o PatMan emprega a información sobre o bucle dispoñíbel no ficheiro. + + FILTER + FILTRO - Tune - Afinación + + FREQ + - Tune mode - Modo de afinación + + Cutoff frequency: + Frecuencia de corte: - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Aquí pódese alternar entre modos de afinación. Cando está activado o Patman afina a mostra para que coincida coa frecuencia da nota. + + Hz + Hz - No file selected - Non escolleu ningún ficheiro + + Q/RESO + - Open patch file - Abrir un ficheiro de parches + + Q/Resonance: + - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Ficheiros de parches (*.pat) + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + - PatternView - - Open in piano-roll - Abrir na pianola - + InstrumentTrack - Clear all notes - Limpar todas as notas + + + unnamed_track + pista_sen_nome - Reset name - Restaurar o nome + + Base note + Nota base - Change name - Mudar o nome + + First note + - Add steps - Engadir pasos + + Last note + Última nota - Remove steps - Eliminar pasos + + Volume + Volume - use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step - + + Panning + Panorámica - double-click to open in Piano Roll - + + Pitch + Altura - Clone Steps + + Pitch range - - - PeakController - Peak Controller - Controlador de picos + + Mixer channel + Canle de efectos especiais - Peak Controller Bug + + Master pitch - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK - PICO + + CC Controller %1 + - LFO Controller - Controlador do LFO + + + Default preset + Predefinido - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - BASE - BASE - + InstrumentTrackView - Base amount: - Cantidade base: + + Volume + Volume - Modulation amount: - Cantidade de modulación: + + Volume: + Volume: - Attack: - Ataque: + + VOL + VOL - Release: - Relaxamento: + + Panning + Panorámica - AMNT - + + Panning: + Panorámica: - MULT - + + PAN + PAN - Amount Multiplicator: - + + MIDI + MIDI - ATCK - + + Input + Entrada - DCAY - + + Output + Saída - Treshold: + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack - TRSH + + Channel %1: %2 - PeakControllerEffectControls + InstrumentTrackWindow - Base value - Valor base + + GENERAL SETTINGS + CONFIGURACIÓN XERAL - Modulation amount - Cantidade de modulación + + Volume + Volume - Mute output - Silenciar a saída + + Volume: + Volume: - Attack - Ataque + + VOL + VOL - Release - Relaxamento - - - Abs Value - + + Panning + Panorámica - Amount Multiplicator - + + Panning: + Panorámica: - Treshold - + + PAN + PAN - - - PianoRoll - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Abra un padrón facendo duplo clic nel! + + Pitch + Altura - Last note - Última nota + + Pitch: + Altura: - Note lock - Bloqueo de notas + + cents + cents - Note Velocity - Volume das notas + + PITCH + ALTURA - Note Panning - Panormámica das notas + + Pitch range (semitones) + - Mark/unmark current semitone - + + RANGE + INTERVALO - Mark current scale - + + Mixer channel + Canlde de FX - Mark current chord - + + CHANNEL + FX - Unmark all + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - No scale + + SAVE - No chord + + Envelope, filter & LFO - Velocity: %1% + + Chord stacking & arpeggio - Panning: %1% left + + Effects - Panning: %1% right - + + MIDI + MIDI - Panning: center + + Miscellaneous - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - + + Save preset + Gardar as predefinicións - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + Ficheiro de predefinicións en XML (*.xpf) - Select all notes on this key + + Plugin - PianoRollWindow + JackApplicationW - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - - - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + JuceAboutW - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + About JUCE - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. + + <b>About JUCE</b> - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. - Draw mode (Shift+D) + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + Knob - Erase mode (Shift+E) + + Set linear - Select mode (Shift+S) + + Set logarithmic - Detune mode (Shift+T) + + + Set value - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + LadspaControl - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - + + Link channels + Ligar canles + + + LadspaControlDialog - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Link Channels + Ligar canles - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - + + Channel + Canle + + + LadspaControlView - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - + + Link channels + Ligar canles - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - + + Value: + Valor: + + + LadspaEffect - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Solicitouse un engadido de LADSPA, %1, que é descoñecido. + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + Set value - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + LcdSpinBox - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. + + Set value - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + LeftRightNav - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited + + + + Previous - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! + + + + Next - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. + + Previous (%1) - Edit actions + + Next (%1) + + + LfoController - Copy paste controls - + + LFO Controller + Controlador de LFO - Timeline controls - + + Base value + Valor base - Zoom and note controls - + + Oscillator speed + Velocidade do oscilador - Piano-Roll - %1 - + + Oscillator amount + Cantidade de oscilador - Piano-Roll - no pattern - + + Oscillator phase + Fase do oscilador - Quantize - + + Oscillator waveform + Forma de onda do oscilador - - - PianoView - Base note - Nota base + + Frequency Multiplier + Multiplicador de frecuencia - Plugin - - Plugin not found - Non se atopou o engadido - - - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - Non se atopou o engadido «%1» ou non foi posíbel cargalo! -Razón: «%2» - + LfoControllerDialog - Error while loading plugin - Produciuse un erro ao cargar o engadido + + LFO + LFO - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Fallou a carga do engadido «%1»! + + BASE + BASE - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser + + Base: - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + FREQ - Instrument Plugins + + LFO frequency: - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. + + AMNT - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - + + Modulation amount: + Cantidade de modulación: - - - ProjectNotes - Project notes - + + PHS + FASE - Put down your project notes here. - + + Phase offset: + Desprazamento da fase: - Edit Actions + + degrees - &Undo - + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - %1+Z - + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - &Redo - + + Saw wave + Onda de dente de serra - %1+Y - + + Square wave + Onda cadrada - &Copy + + Moog saw wave - %1+C + + Exponential wave - Cu&t + + White noise - %1+X + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. - &Paste + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 - %1+V + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 - Format Actions + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + Engine - &Bold + + Generating wavetables - %1+B + + Initializing data structures - &Italic + + Opening audio and midi devices - %1+I + + Launching mixer threads + + + MainWindow - &Underline + + Configuration file - %1+U + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - &Left + + Could not open file + Non foi posíbel abrir o ficheiro + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - %1+L + + Project recovery - C&enter + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - %1+E + + + Recover - &Right + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - %1+R + + + Discard - &Justify + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - %1+J + + Version %1 - &Color... + + Preparing plugin browser - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) - Ficheiro wav (*.wav) + + Preparing file browsers + - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Ficheiro OGG comprimido (*.ogg) + + My Projects + - - - QWidget - Name: - Nome: + + My Samples + - Maker: - Creador: + + My Presets + - Copyright: - Copyright: + + My Home + - Requires Real Time: - Require tempo real: + + Root directory + - Yes - Si + + Volumes + - No - Non + + My Computer + - Real Time Capable: - Capacidade de tempo real: + + &File + - In Place Broken: - En sitio rachado: + + &New + &Novo - Channels In: - Canles de entrada: + + &Open... + &Abrir... - Channels Out: - Canles de saída: + + Loading background picture + - File: - Ficheiro: + + &Save + &Gardar - File: %1 - + + Save &As... + Gr&avar como... - - - RenameDialog - Rename... + + Save as New &Version - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file + + Save as default template - Wave-Files (*.wav) - + + Import... + Importar... - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - + + E&xport... + E&xportar... - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + E&xport Tracks... - FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + Export &MIDI... - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - + + &Quit + &Saír - VOC-Files (*.voc) - + + &Edit + &Editar - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + Undo - AU-Files (*.au) + + Redo - RAW-Files (*.raw) - + + Settings + Configuración - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + &View - - - SampleTCOView - double-click to select sample - + + &Tools + Ferramen&tas - Delete (middle mousebutton) - + + &Help + &Axuda - Cut + + Online Help - Copy - + + Help + Axuda - Paste - + + About + Sobre - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - + + Create new project + Crear un proxecto novo - - - SampleTrack - Sample track - + + Create new project from template + Crear un proxecto novo a partir dun modelo - Volume - Volume + + Open existing project + Abrir un projecto existente - Panning - Panorámica + + Recently opened projects + Proxecto aberto recentemente - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - + + Save current project + Gravar este proxecto - Channel volume: + + Export current project + Exportar este proxecto + + + + Metronome - VOL - VOL + + + Song Editor + Mostrar/Agochar o editor de cancións - Panning - Panorámica + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Mostrar/Agochar o Editor de ritmos e liña do baixo - Panning: - Panorámica: + + + Piano Roll + Mostrar/Agochar a pianola - PAN - PAN + + + Automation Editor + Mostrar/Agochar o Editor de automatización - - - SetupDialog - Setup LMMS - + + + Mixer + Mostrar/Agochar os Mesturador de efectos especiais - General settings + + Show/hide controller rack - BUFFER SIZE + + Show/hide project notes - Reset to default-value - + + Untitled + Sen título - MISC + + Recover session. Please save your work! - Enable tooltips - + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 - Show restart warning after changing settings + + Recovered project not saved - Display volume as dBFS + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Compress project files per default - + + Project not saved + Proxecto non gardado - One instrument track window mode - + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Este proxecto foi modificado desde que se gardou a última vez. Desexa gardalo agora? - HQ-mode for output audio-device + + Open Project - Compact track buttons + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - Sync VST plugins to host playback + + Save Project - Enable note labels in piano roll + + LMMS Project - Enable waveform display by default + + LMMS Project Template - Keep effects running even without input + + Save project template - Create backup file when saving a project + + Overwrite default template? - LANGUAGE + + This will overwrite your current default template. - Paths - + + Help not available + Non hai axuda dispoñíbel - LMMS working directory - + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + De momento non hai axuda dispoñíbel no LMMS. +Visitehttp://lmms.sf.net/wiki para documentación sobre o LMMS. - VST-plugin directory - + + Controller Rack + Mostrar/Agochar o bastidor de controladores - Background artwork - + + Project Notes + Mostrar/Agochar as notas do proxecto - STK rawwave directory + + Fullscreen - Default Soundfont File + + Volume as dBFS - Performance settings + + Smooth scroll - UI effects vs. performance + + Enable note labels in piano roll - Smooth scroll in Song Editor + + MIDI File (*.mid) - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + untitled - Audio settings + + + Select file for project-export... - AUDIO INTERFACE + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... - MIDI settings + + Save project - MIDI INTERFACE + + Project saved - OK - Aceptar + + The project %1 is now saved. + - Cancel - Cancelar + + Project NOT saved. + - Restart LMMS + + The project %1 was not saved! - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! + + Import file - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms + + MIDI sequences - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. + + Hydrogen projects - Choose LMMS working directory + + All file types + + + MeterDialog - Choose your VST-plugin directory - + + + Meter Numerator + Numerador do compás - Choose artwork-theme directory + + Meter numerator - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - + + + Meter Denominator + Denominador do compás - Choose STK rawwave directory + + Meter denominator - Choose default SoundFont - + + TIME SIG + COMPÁS + + + MeterModel - Choose background artwork - + + Numerator + Numerador + + + + Denominator + Denominador + + + MidiCCRackView - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. + + MIDI CC Knobs: - Reopen last project on start + + CC %1 + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + Controlador de MIDI + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + controlador_de_midi_sen_nome + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + A configuración está incompleta + - Directories + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Themes directory + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + O LMMS non foi compilado para que admitise un reprodutor de SoundFont2, que se utiliza para engadir un son por omisión aos ficheiros de MIDI. En consecuencia, non se ha de reproducir ningún son unha vez importado este ficheiro de MIDI. + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator - GIG directory + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator - SF2 directory + + Numerator + Numerador + + + + Denominator + Denominador + + + + Track + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + O servidor de JACK non está a funcionar + - LADSPA plugin directories + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + MidiPatternW - Auto save + + MIDI Pattern - Choose your GIG directory + + Time Signature: - Choose your SF2 directory + + + + 1/4 - minutes + + 2/4 - minute + + 3/4 - Enable auto-save + + 4/4 - Allow auto-save while playing + + 5/4 - Disabled + + 6/4 - Auto-save interval: %1 + + Measures: - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. + + + + 1 - - - Song - Tempo + + 2 - Master volume + + 3 - Master pitch + + 4 - Project saved + + 5 - The project %1 is now saved. + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 - Project NOT saved. + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 - The project %1 was not saved! + + 11 - Import file + + 12 - MIDI sequences + + 13 - Hydrogen projects + + 14 - All file types + + 15 - Empty project + + 16 - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! + + Default Length: - Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + 1/16 - untitled + + + 1/15 - Select file for project-export... + + + 1/12 - The following errors occured while loading: + + + 1/9 - MIDI File (*.mid) + + + 1/8 - LMMS Error report + + + 1/6 - Save project + + + 1/3 - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - Non foi posíbel abrir o ficheiro + + + 1/2 + - Could not write file - Non foi posíbel escribir no ficheiro + + Quantize: + - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Non foi posíbel abrir o ficheiro %1. Probabelmente vostede non teña permiso para ler este ficheiro. Asegúrese de ter cando menos permiso para ler o ficheiro e ténteo de novo. + + &File + - Error in file - Hai un erro no ficheiro + + &Edit + &Editar - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Parece que o ficheiro %1 contén erros e por iso non se pode cargar. + + &Quit + &Saír - Tempo + + &Insert Mode - TEMPO/BPM + + F - tempo of song + + &Velocity Mode - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). + + D - High quality mode + + Select All - Master volume + + A + + + MidiPort - master volume - + + Input channel + Canle de entrada - Master pitch - + + Output channel + Canle de saída - master pitch - + + Input controller + Controlador de entrada - Value: %1% - + + Output controller + Controlador de saída - Value: %1 semitones - + + Fixed input velocity + Velocidade de entrada fixa - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - + + Fixed output velocity + Velocidade de saída fixa - template + + Fixed output note - project - + + Output MIDI program + Programa MIDI de saída - Version difference + + Base velocity - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. + + Receive MIDI-events + Recibir acontecementos de MIDI + + + + Send MIDI-events + Enviar acontecementos de MIDI + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device - SongEditorWindow + MonstroInstrument - Song-Editor + + Osc 1 volume - Play song (Space) + + Osc 1 panning - Record samples from Audio-device + + Osc 1 coarse detune - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + Osc 1 fine detune left - Stop song (Space) + + Osc 1 fine detune right - Add beat/bassline + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset - Add sample-track + + Osc 1 pulse width - Add automation-track + + Osc 1 sync send on rise - Draw mode + + Osc 1 sync send on fall - Edit mode (select and move) + + Osc 2 volume - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. + + Osc 2 panning - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. + + Osc 2 coarse detune - Track actions + + Osc 2 fine detune left - Edit actions + + Osc 2 fine detune right - Timeline controls + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset - Zoom controls + + Osc 2 waveform - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum + + Osc 2 sync hard - Linear Y axis + + Osc 2 sync reverse - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum + + Osc 3 volume - Linear Y axis + + Osc 3 panning - Channel mode + + Osc 3 coarse detune - - - SubWindow - Close + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Maximize + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix - Restore + + Osc 3 waveform 1 - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 + + Osc 3 waveform 2 - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - Sincronización do tempo + + Osc 3 sync hard + - No Sync - Non sincronizar + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + - Eight beats - Oito tempos + + LFO 1 waveform + - Whole note - Redonda + + LFO 1 attack + - Half note - Branca + + LFO 1 rate + - Quarter note - Negra + + LFO 1 phase + - 8th note - Corchea + + LFO 2 waveform + - 16th note - Semicorchea + + LFO 2 attack + - 32nd note - Fusa + + LFO 2 rate + - Custom... - Personalizada... + + LFO 2 phase + - Custom - Personalizada + + Env 1 pre-delay + - Synced to Eight Beats - Sincronizado a oito tempos + + Env 1 attack + - Synced to Whole Note - Sincronizado á redonda + + Env 1 hold + - Synced to Half Note - Sincronizado á branca + + Env 1 decay + - Synced to Quarter Note - Sincronizado á negra + + Env 1 sustain + - Synced to 8th Note - Sincronizado á corchea + + Env 1 release + - Synced to 16th Note - Sincronizado á semicorchea + + Env 1 slope + - Synced to 32nd Note - Sincronizado á fusa + + Env 2 pre-delay + - - - TimeDisplayWidget - click to change time units + + Env 2 attack - MIN + + Env 2 hold - SEC + + Env 2 decay - MSEC + + Env 2 sustain - BAR + + Env 2 release - BEAT + + Env 2 slope - TICK + + Osc 2+3 modulation - - - TimeLineWidget - Enable/disable auto-scrolling + + Selected view - Enable/disable loop-points + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 - After stopping go back to begin + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 - After stopping keep position + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 - Hint - Suxestión + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 - - - Track - Mute + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 - Solo + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 - Couldn't open file + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 - Loading project... + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 - Cancel - Cancelar + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + - Please wait... + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 - Importing MIDI-file... + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 - - - TrackContentObject - Mute + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 - - - TrackContentObjectView - Current position + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 - Hint - Suxestión + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 - Current length + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 - Press <%1> for free resizing. + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 - Delete (middle mousebutton) + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 - Cut + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 - Copy + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 - Paste + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 - Actions for this track + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 - Mute + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - Solo + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 - Mute this track + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 - Clone this track + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 - Remove this track + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 - Clear this track + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 - FX %1: %2 + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 - Turn all recording on + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 - Turn all recording off + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 - Assign to new FX Channel + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Empregar a modulación de fase para modular o oscilador 2 co oscilador 1 + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Empregar a modulación de amplitude para modular o oscilador 2 co oscilador 1 + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Misturar a saída dos osciladores 1 e 2 + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Sincronizar o oscilador 1 co oscilador 2 + + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Empregar a modulación de frecuencia para modular o oscilador 2 co oscilador 1 + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Empregar a modulación de fase para modular o oscilador 3 co oscilador 2 + + Bandlimited Saw wave + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Empregar a modulación de amplitude para modular o oscilador 3 co oscilador 2 + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Misturar a saída dos osciladores 2 e 3 + + Bandlimited Square wave + - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Sincronizar o oscilador 2 co oscilador 3 + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Empregar a modulación de frecuencia para modular o oscilador 3 co oscilador 2 + + + Soft square wave + - Osc %1 volume: - Volume do oscilador %1: + + Absolute sine wave + - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Con este botón pódese indicar o volume do oscilador %1. Ao indicar un valor de 0 o oscilador apágase. Caso contrario pódese ouvir o oscilador tan alto como se indique aquí. + + + Exponential wave + - Osc %1 panning: - Panorámica do oscilador %1 + + White noise + - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Con este botón pódese indicar o panorama («panning») do oscilador %1. Un valor de -100 significa 100% esquerda e un valor de 100 move a saída do oscilador para a dereita. + + Digital Triangle wave + - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Desafinación bruta do oscilador %1: + + Digital Saw wave + - semitones - semitóns + + Digital Ramp wave + - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Con este botón pódese definir a desafinación bruta do oscilador %1. Pódese desafinar o oscilador 24 semitóns (2 oitavas) para arriba e para abaixo. Isto é útil para crear sons cun acorde. + + Digital Square wave + - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Desafinación fina esquerda do oscilador %1: + + Digital Moog saw wave + - cents - cents + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Con este botón pódese indicar a desafinación fina do oscilador %1 pola canle esquerda. A desafinación fina ten como intervalo -100 cents e +100 cents. Isto é útil para crear sons «gordos». + + Saw wave + Onda de dente de serra - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Desafinación fina dereita do oscilador %1: + + Ramp wave + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Con este botón pódese indicar a desafinación fina do oscilador %1 pola canle dereita. A desafinación fina ten como intervalo -100 cents e +100 cents. Isto é útil para crear sons «gordos». + + Square wave + Onda cadrada - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Desprazamento da fase do oscilador %1: + + Moog saw wave + - degrees - graos + + Abs. sine wave + - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Con este botón pódese indicar o desprazamento de fase do oscilador %1. Iso significa que se pode mover o punto dunha oscilación no que o oscilador comeza a oscilar. Por exemplo, se se ten unha onda senoidal e un desprazamento de fase de 180 graos, a onda vai primeiro para abaixo. O mesmo acontece cunha onda cadrada. + + Random + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Desafinación de fase en estéreo do oscilador %1: + + Random smooth + + + + MonstroView - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Conte este botón pódese indicar a desafinación de fase en estéreo do oscilador %1. A desafinación de fase en estéreo indica o tamaño da diferenza entre o desprazamento de fase das canles esquerda e dereita. Isto é moi bon para crear sons con estéreo amplo. + + Operators view + - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Empregar unha onda senoidal para este oscilador. + + Matrix view + - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Empregar unha onda triangular para este oscilador. + + + + Volume + Volume - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Empregar unha onda de dente de serra para este oscilador. + + + + Panning + Panorámica - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Empregar unha onda cadrada para este oscilador. + + + + Coarse detune + - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Empregar unha onda de dente de serra tipo Moog para este oscilador. + + + + semitones + - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Empregar unha onda exponencial para este oscilador. + + + Fine tune left + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Empregar ruído branco para este oscilador. + + + + + cents + - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Empregar unha forma de onda predefinida para este oscilador. + + + Fine tune right + - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number + + + + Stereo phase offset - Decrement version number + + + + + + deg - already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + Pulse width - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - Abrir outro engadido de VST + + Send sync on pulse rise + - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Prema aquí se desexa abrir outro engadido de VST. Ao premer este botón aparece un diálogo para abrir ficheiros no que se pode escoller o ficheiro. + + Send sync on pulse fall + - Show/hide GUI - Mostrar/Agochar a interface gráfica + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Prema aquí para mostrar ou agochar a interface gráfica de usuario do engadido de VST. + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + - Turn off all notes - Apagar todas as notas + + Sub-osc mix + - Open VST-plugin - Abrir o engadido de VST + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + - DLL-files (*.dll) - Ficheiros DLL (.*dll) + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + - EXE-files (*.exe) - Ficheiros EXE (*.exe) + + + + + Attack + Ataque - No VST-plugin loaded - Non se cargou ningún engadido de VST + + + Rate + Taxa - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host + + + Phase - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. + + + Pre-delay - Open VST-plugin preset - + + + Hold + Retención - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - + + + Decay + Decaemento - Previous (-) - + + + Sustain + Sustentación + + + + + Release + Relaxamento - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. + + + Slope - Save preset - Gardar as predefinicións + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Cantidade de modulación + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. + + Length - Next (+) + + Step length: - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. + + Dry - Preset + + Dry gain: - by + + Stages - - VST plugin control + + Low-pass stages: - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output + + Swap inputs - Click to enable + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections - VstEffectControlDialog + NesInstrument - Show/hide + + Channel 1 coarse detune - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - + + Channel 1 volume + Volume da canle 1 - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. + + Channel 1 envelope length - Open VST-plugin preset + + Channel 1 duty cycle - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. + + Channel 1 sweep amount - Previous (-) + + Channel 1 sweep rate - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. + + Channel 2 Coarse detune - Next (+) + + Channel 2 Volume - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. + + Channel 2 envelope length - Save preset - Gardar as predefinicións + + Channel 2 duty cycle + - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. + + Channel 2 sweep amount - Effect by: + + Channel 2 sweep rate - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Channel 3 coarse detune - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin - A cargar un engadido + + Channel 3 volume + Volume da canle 3 - Open Preset - + + Channel 4 volume + Volume da canle 4 - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Channel 4 envelope length - : default + + Channel 4 noise frequency - " + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep - ' + + Master volume - Save Preset - + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + NesInstrumentView - .fxp + + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + + Coarse detune - .FXP + + + + Envelope length - .FXB + + Enable channel 1 - .fxb + + Enable envelope 1 - Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + Enable envelope 1 loop - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + Enable sweep 1 - - - WatsynInstrument - Volume A1 + + + Sweep amount - Volume A2 + + + Sweep rate - Volume B1 + + + 12.5% Duty cycle - Volume B2 + + + 25% Duty cycle - Panning A1 + + + 50% Duty cycle - Panning A2 + + + 75% Duty cycle - Panning B1 + + Enable channel 2 - Panning B2 + + Enable envelope 2 - Freq. multiplier A1 + + Enable envelope 2 loop - Freq. multiplier A2 + + Enable sweep 2 - Freq. multiplier B1 + + Enable channel 3 - Freq. multiplier B2 + + Noise Frequency - Left detune A1 + + Frequency sweep - Left detune A2 + + Enable channel 4 - Left detune B1 + + Enable envelope 4 - Left detune B2 + + Enable envelope 4 loop - Right detune A1 + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Right detune A2 + + Use note frequency for noise - Right detune B1 + + Noise mode - Right detune B2 + + Master volume - A-B Mix + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + Parche + + + + Op 1 attack - A-B Mix envelope amount + + Op 1 decay - A-B Mix envelope attack + + Op 1 sustain - A-B Mix envelope hold + + Op 1 release - A-B Mix envelope decay + + Op 1 level - A1-B2 Crosstalk + + Op 1 level scaling - A2-A1 modulation + + Op 1 frequency multiplier - B2-B1 modulation + + Op 1 feedback - Selected graph + + Op 1 key scaling rate - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 + + Op 1 percussive envelope - Select oscillator A2 + + Op 1 tremolo - Select oscillator B1 + + Op 1 vibrato - Select oscillator B2 + + Op 1 waveform - Mix output of A2 to A1 + + Op 2 attack - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 + + Op 2 decay - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 + + Op 2 sustain - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 + + Op 2 release - Mix output of B2 to B1 + + Op 2 level - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 + + Op 2 level scaling - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 + + Op 2 frequency multiplier - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 + + Op 2 key scaling rate - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Debuxe aquí a súa propia forma de onda arrastrando o rato polo gráfico. + + Op 2 percussive envelope + - Load waveform + + Op 2 tremolo - Click to load a waveform from a sample file + + Op 2 vibrato - Phase left + + Op 2 waveform - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees + + FM - Phase right + + Vibrato depth - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees + + Tremolo depth + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - Normalize - Normalizar + + + Attack + Ataque - Click to normalize - + + + Decay + Decaemento - Invert - + + + Release + Relaxamento - Click to invert + + + Frequency multiplier + + + OscillatorObject - Smooth - Suave + + Osc %1 waveform + Forma de onda do oscilador %1 - Click to smooth + + Osc %1 harmonic - Sine wave - Onda senoidal + + + Osc %1 volume + Volume do oscilador %1 - Click for sine wave - + + + Osc %1 panning + Panorámica do oscilador %1 - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Desafinación fina esquerda do oscilador %1 - Click for triangle wave - + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Desafinación bruta do oscilador %1 - Click for saw wave - + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Desafinación fina dereita do oscilador %1 - Square wave - Onda cadrada + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Desprazamento da fase do oscilador %1 - Click for square wave - + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Desafinación de fase en estéreo do oscilador %1 - Volume - Volume + + Osc %1 wave shape + Forma da onda do oscilador %1 - Panning - Panorámica + + Modulation type %1 + Tipo de modulación %1 + + + Oscilloscope - Freq. multiplier + + Oscilloscope - Left detune + + Click to enable + + + PatchesDialog - cents + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - Right detune + + Bank selector - A-B Mix - + + Bank + Banco - Mix envelope amount + + Program selector - Mix envelope attack - + + Patch + Parche - Mix envelope hold - + + Name + Nome - Mix envelope decay - + + OK + Aceptar - Crosstalk - + + Cancel + Cancelar - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + PatmanView - Portamento + + Open patch - Filter Frequency - + + Loop + Bucle - Filter Resonance - + + Loop mode + Modo de bucle - Bandwidth - + + Tune + Afinación - FM Gain - + + Tune mode + Modo de afinación - Resonance Center Frequency - + + No file selected + Non escolleu ningún ficheiro - Resonance Bandwidth - + + Open patch file + Abrir un ficheiro de parches - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Ficheiros de parches (*.pat) - ZynAddSubFxView - - Show GUI - Mostrar a interface gráfica - + MidiClipView - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Prema aquí para mostrar ou agochar a interface gráfica deusuario de ZynAddSubFX. + + Open in piano-roll + Abrir na pianola - Portamento: + + Set as ghost in piano-roll - PORT - + + Clear all notes + Limpar todas as notas - Filter Frequency: - + + Reset name + Restaurar o nome - FREQ - + + Change name + Mudar o nome - Filter Resonance: - + + Add steps + Engadir pasos - RES - + + Remove steps + Eliminar pasos - Bandwidth: + + Clone Steps + + + PeakController - BW - + + Peak Controller + Controlador de picos - FM Gain: + + Peak Controller Bug - FM GAIN + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + PeakControllerDialog - Resonance center frequency: - + + PEAK + PICO - RES CF + + LFO Controller + Controlador do LFO + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + BASE + + + + Base: - Resonance bandwidth: + + AMNT - RES BW + + Modulation amount: + Cantidade de modulación: + + + + MULT - Forward MIDI Control Changes + + Amount multiplicator: - - - audioFileProcessor - Amplify - Amplificar + + ATCK + - Start of sample - Inicio da mostra + + Attack: + Ataque: - End of sample - Final da mostra + + DCAY + - Reverse sample - Inverter a mostra + + Release: + Relaxamento: - Stutter + + TRSH - Loopback point + + Treshold: - Loop mode - Modo de bucle + + Mute output + Silenciar a saída - Interpolation mode + + Absolute value + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - None - + + Base value + Valor base - Linear - + + Modulation amount + Cantidade de modulación - Sinc + + Attack + Ataque + + + + Release + Relaxamento + + + + Treshold - Sample not found: %1 + + Mute output + Silenciar a saída + + + + Absolute value - - - bitInvader - Samplelength + + Amount multiplicator - bitInvaderView + PianoRoll - Sample Length - Lonxitude da mostra + + Note Velocity + Volume das notas - Sine wave - Onda senoidal + + Note Panning + Panormámica das notas - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + Mark/unmark current semitone + - Saw wave - Onda de dente de serra + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + - Square wave - Onda cadrada + + Mark current scale + - White noise wave - Onda de ruído branco + + Mark current chord + - User defined wave - Onda definida polo usuario + + Unmark all + - Smooth - Suave + + Select all notes on this key + - Click here to smooth waveform. - Prema aquí para unha forma de onda suave. + + Note lock + Bloqueo de notas - Interpolation - Interpolación + + Last note + Última nota - Normalize - Normalizar + + No key + - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Debuxe aquí a súa propia forma de onda arrastrando o rato polo gráfico. + + No scale + - Click for a sine-wave. - Prema para unha onda senoidal. + + No chord + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda triangular. + + Nudge + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda de dente de serra. + + Snap + - Click here for a square-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda cadrada. + + Velocity: %1% + - Click here for white-noise. - Prema aquí para ruído branco. + + Panning: %1% left + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Prema aquí para unha forma definida polo usuario. + + Panning: %1% right + - - - dynProcControlDialog - INPUT + + Panning: center - Input gain: + + Glue notes failed - OUTPUT + + Please select notes to glue first. - Output gain: - + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Abra un padrón facendo duplo clic nel! - ATTACK + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + PianoRollWindow - Peak attack time: + + Play/pause current clip (Space) - RELEASE + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Peak release time: + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Reset waveform + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) - Smooth waveform + + Edit actions - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph + + Draw mode (Shift+D) - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Erase mode (Shift+E) - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Select mode (Shift+S) - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Quantize - Stereomode Maximum + + Quantize positions - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + Quantize lengths - Stereomode Average + + File actions - Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + Import clip - Stereomode Unlinked + + + Export clip - Process each stereo channel independently + + Copy paste controls - - - dynProcControls - Input gain + + Cut (%1+X) - Output gain + + Copy (%1+C) - Attack time + + Paste (%1+V) - Release time + + Timeline controls - Stereo mode + + Glue - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: + + Knife - New FX Channel + + Fill - - - graphModel - Graph - Gráfico + + Cut overlaps + - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency - Frecuencia inicial + + Min length as last + - End frequency - Frecuencia final + + Max length as last + - Gain - Ganancia + + Zoom and note controls + - Length + + Horizontal zooming - Distortion Start + + Vertical zooming - Distortion End + + Quantization - Envelope Slope + + Note length - Noise - Ruído + + Key + - Click + + Scale - Frequency Slope + + Chord - Start from note + + Snap mode - End to note + + Clear ghost notes - - - kickerInstrumentView - Start frequency: - Frecuencia inicial: + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + - End frequency: - Frecuencia final: + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + - Gain: - Ganancia: + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + - Frequency Slope: + + Export clip success - Envelope Length: + + Clip saved to %1 - Envelope Slope: + + Import clip. - Click: + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? - Noise: + + Open clip - Distortion Start: + + Import clip success - Distortion End: + + Imported clip %1! - ladspaBrowserView + PianoView - Available Effects - Efectos dispoñíbeis + + Base note + Nota base - Unavailable Effects - Efectos non dispoñíbeis + + First note + - Instruments - Instrumentos + + Last note + Última nota - - Analysis Tools - Ferramentas de análise + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + Non se atopou o engadido + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + Non se atopou o engadido «%1» ou non foi posíbel cargalo! +Razón: «%2» + + + + Error while loading plugin + Produciuse un erro ao cargar o engadido + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Fallou a carga do engadido «%1»! + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + sen descrición + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Sintetizador de táboa de ondas personalizábel + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Emulación da APU da GameBoy (TM) + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Enumerar os engadidos de LADSPA instalados + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + engadido para empregar efectos de LADSPA arbitrarios no LMMS. + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Imitación monofónica incompleta TB-303 + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filtro para importar ficheiros MIDI ao LMMS + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Sintetizador aditivo para sons tipo órgano + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + Instrumento de parcheo compatíbel con GUS + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Engadido para controlar botóns con picos de son + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + Reprodutor de ficheiros SoundFont + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Emulación dos SID MOS6581 e o MOS8580. +Este chip empregábase no computador Commodore 64. + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Engadido para mellorar a separación en estéreo dun ficheiro de entrada en estéreo + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Engadido para manipular libremente a saída en estéreo + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + Cousas melodiosas nas que bater + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + Hóspede de VST para empregar engadidos de VST(i) co LMMS + + + + Vibrating string modeler + Modelador de cordas vibrantes + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + ZynAddSubFX incorporado + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + Tipo + + + + Effects + + + + + Instruments + Instrumentos + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + Tipo: + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + Nome + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + Control + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + Configuración + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + Tipo: + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + Activar/Desactivar + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + Mostrar/Agochar as notas do proxecto + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + + + + + %1+Y + + + + + &Copy + + + + + %1+C + + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + + + + + &Paste + + + + + %1+V + + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + Mostrar a interface gráfica + + + + Help + Axuda + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + Nome: + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + Creador: + + + + + + Copyright: + Copyright: + + + + + Requires Real Time: + Require tempo real: + + + + + + + + + Yes + Si + + + + + + + + + No + Non + + + + + Real Time Capable: + Capacidade de tempo real: + + + + + In Place Broken: + En sitio rachado: + + + + + Channels In: + Canles de entrada: + + + + + Channels Out: + Canles de saída: + + + + File: %1 + + + + + File: + Ficheiro: + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + Entrada + + + + Input gain: + + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + + + + + Color: + + + + + Output + Saída + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Size + + + + + Color + + + + + Output gain + + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + Graves + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + Inverter a mostra + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Volume + + + + Panning + Panorámica + + + + Mixer channel + Canlde de FX + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panorámica + + + + Panning: + Panorámica: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + CONFIGURACIÓN XERAL + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + Volume: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panorámica + + + + Panning: + Panorámica: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel + Canlde de FX + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + Configuración + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + Engadidos + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + Son + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + Aceptar + + + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + + + + + minute + + + + + Disabled + + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + Frecuencia de corte + + + + Resonance + Resonancia + + + + Filter type + Tipo de filtro + + + + Voice 3 off + Voz 3 apagada + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + Chip model + Modelo de chip + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Volume: + + + + Resonance: + Resonancia: + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Frecuencia de corte: + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + SID MOS6581 + + + + MOS8580 SID + SID MOS6580 + + + + + Attack: + Ataque: + + + + + Decay: + Decaemento: + + + + Sustain: + Sustentación: + + + + + Release: + Relaxamento: + + + + Pulse Width: + Largura do pulso: + + + + Coarse: + Crú: + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular + + + + Saw wave + Onda de dente de serra + + + + Noise + Ruído + + + + Sync + Sincronizar + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + Filtrado + + + + Test + Proba + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + Non foi posíbel abrir o ficheiro + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Non foi posíbel abrir o ficheiro %1. Probabelmente vostede non teña permiso para ler este ficheiro. Asegúrese de ter cando menos permiso para ler o ficheiro e ténteo de novo. + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + Non foi posíbel escribir no ficheiro + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + Hai un erro no ficheiro + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Parece que o ficheiro %1 contén erros e por iso non se pode cargar. + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + Suxestión + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + Sincronización do tempo + + + + No Sync + Non sincronizar + + + + Eight beats + Oito tempos + + + + Whole note + Redonda + + + + Half note + Branca + + + + Quarter note + Negra + + + + 8th note + Corchea + + + + 16th note + Semicorchea + + + + 32nd note + Fusa + + + + Custom... + Personalizada... + + + + Custom + Personalizada + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + Sincronizado a oito tempos + + + + Synced to Whole Note + Sincronizado á redonda + + + + Synced to Half Note + Sincronizado á branca + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + Sincronizado á negra + + + + Synced to 8th Note + Sincronizado á corchea + + + + Synced to 16th Note + Sincronizado á semicorchea + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + Sincronizado á fusa + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + Suxestión + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + Suxestión + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Sincronizar o oscilador 1 co oscilador 2 + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Sincronizar o oscilador 2 co oscilador 3 + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + Volume do oscilador %1: + + + + Osc %1 panning: + Panorámica do oscilador %1 + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Desafinación bruta do oscilador %1: + + + + semitones + semitóns + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Desafinación fina esquerda do oscilador %1: + + + + + cents + cents + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Desafinación fina dereita do oscilador %1: + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Desprazamento da fase do oscilador %1: + + + + + degrees + graos + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Desafinación de fase en estéreo do oscilador %1: + + + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular + + + + Saw wave + Onda de dente de serra + + + + Square wave + Onda cadrada + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + Gardar as predefinicións + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + Mostrar/Agochar a interface gráfica + + + + Turn off all notes + Apagar todas as notas + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + Ficheiros DLL (.*dll) + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + Ficheiros EXE (*.exe) + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + - Don't know - Non sei + + Next (+) + - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - Este diálogo mostra información sobre todos os engadidos de LADSPA que o LMMS deu localizado. Os engadidos divídense en cinco categorías baseándose nunha interpretación dos tipos e nomes dos portos. - -Os efectos dispoñíbeis son os que se poden empregar co LMMS. Para que o LMMS poida utilizar un efecto ten que ser, en primeiro lugar e o máis importante, un efecto, o que quere dicir que ten que ter tanto canles de entrada como canles de saída. O LMMS identifica unha canle de entrada como un porto de taxa de son que conteña «in» no nome. As canles de saída identifícanse coas letras «out». Alén disto, o efecto ten que ter o mesmo número de entradas que de saídas e ter capacidade de tempo real. - -Os efectos non dispoñíbeis son os que foron identificados como efectos mais que non tiñan o mesmo número de canles de entrada que de saída ou non tiñan capacidade de tempo real. - -Os instrumentos son engadidos nos que só se identificaron canles de saída -. -As ferramentas de análise son engadidos nos que só se identificaron canles de entrada. - -Os «non sei» son engadidos nos que non se identificaron canles de entrada nin de saída. - -Facendo duplo clic sobre calquera dos engadidos mostra información sobre os portos. + + Save preset + Gardar as predefinicións - Type: - Tipo: + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + - ladspaDescription + VstPlugin - Plugins - Engadidos + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + - Description - Descrición + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + + + + + .FXP + + + + + .FXB + + + + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + A cargar un engadido + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + - ladspaPortDialog + WatsynInstrument - Ports - Portos + + Volume A1 + - Name - Nome + + Volume A2 + - Rate - Taxa + + Volume B1 + - Direction - Dirección + + Volume B2 + - Type - Tipo + + Panning A1 + - Min < Default < Max - Mín < Predefinido < Máx + + Panning A2 + - Logarithmic - Logarítmica + + Panning B1 + - SR Dependent - Dependente de SR + + Panning B2 + - Audio - Son + + Freq. multiplier A1 + - Control - Control + + Freq. multiplier A2 + - Input - Entrada + + Freq. multiplier B1 + - Output - Saída + + Freq. multiplier B2 + - Toggled - Conmutado + + Left detune A1 + - Integer - Enteiro + + Left detune A2 + - Float - Vírgula flutuante + + Left detune B1 + - Yes - Si + + Left detune B2 + - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - Frecuencia de corte do VCF + + Right detune A1 + - VCF Resonance - Resonancia do VCF + + Right detune A2 + - VCF Envelope Mod - Modo de envolvente do VCF + + Right detune B1 + - VCF Envelope Decay - Decaemento da envolvente do VCF + + Right detune B2 + - Distortion - Distorsión + + A-B Mix + - Waveform - Forma da onda + + A-B Mix envelope amount + - Slide Decay - Decamento ao escorregar + + A-B Mix envelope attack + - Slide - Escorregar + + A-B Mix envelope hold + - Accent - Acento + + A-B Mix envelope decay + - Dead - Morte + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + - 24dB/oct Filter - Filtro de 24dB/oitava + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + - lb302SynthView + WatsynView - Cutoff Freq: - Frec. de corte: + + + + + Volume + Volume - Resonance: - Resonancia: + + + + + Panning + Panorámica - Env Mod: - Mod env: + + + + + Freq. multiplier + - Decay: - Decaemento: + + + + + Left detune + - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - Filtro tipo 303, 24dB/oitava, 3 polos + + + + + + + + + cents + - Slide Decay: - Decamento ao escorregar: + + + + + Right detune + - DIST: - DIST: + + A-B Mix + - Saw wave - Onda de dente de serra + + Mix envelope amount + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda de dente de serra. + + Mix envelope attack + - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + Mix envelope hold + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda triangular. + + Mix envelope decay + - Square wave - Onda cadrada + + Crosstalk + - Click here for a square-wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda cadrada. + + Select oscillator A1 + - Rounded square wave - Onda cadrada arredondada + + Select oscillator A2 + - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Prema aquí para unha onda cadrada con final arredondado. + + Select oscillator B1 + - Moog wave - Onda tipo Moog + + Select oscillator B2 + - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda tipo Moog. + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + - Sine wave - Onda senoidal + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + - Click for a sine-wave. - Prema para unha onda senoidal. + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + - White noise wave - Onda de ruído branco + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + - Click here for an exponential wave. - Prema aquí para unha onda exponencial. + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + - Click here for white-noise. - Prema aquí para ruído branco. + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + - Bandlimited saw wave + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 - Bandlimited square wave - + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Debuxe aquí a súa propia forma de onda arrastrando o rato polo gráfico. - Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + Load waveform - Bandlimited triangle wave + + Load a waveform from a sample file - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + Phase left - Bandlimited moog saw wave + + Shift phase by -15 degrees - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + Phase right - - - malletsInstrument - Hardness - Dureza + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + - Position - Posición + + + Normalize + Normalizar - Vibrato Gain - Ganancia do vibrato + + + Invert + - Vibrato Freq - Frecuencia do vibrato + + + Smooth + Suave - Stick Mix - Mestura de paus + + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - Modulator - Modulador + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Crossfade - Transición por esvaecemento + + Saw wave + Onda de dente de serra - LFO Speed - Velocidade do LFO + + + Square wave + Onda cadrada + + + Xpressive - LFO Depth - Profundidade do LFO + + Selected graph + - ADSR - ADSR + + A1 + - Pressure - Presión + + A2 + - Motion - Movemento + + A3 + - Speed - Velocidade + + W1 smoothing + - Bowed - Con arco + + W2 smoothing + - Spread - Propagar + + W3 smoothing + - Marimba - Marimba + + Panning 1 + - Vibraphone - Vibráfono + + Panning 2 + - Agogo - Agogó + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - Wood1 - Madeira1 + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Debuxe aquí a súa propia forma de onda arrastrando o rato polo gráfico. - Reso + + Select oscillator W1 - Wood2 - Madeira2 + + Select oscillator W2 + - Beats - Golpes + + Select oscillator W3 + - Two Fixed - Dous fixos + + Select output O1 + - Clump - Esmagar + + Select output O2 + - Tubular Bells - Campás tubulares + + Open help window + - Uniform Bar - Lámina uniforme + + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - Tuned Bar - Lámina afinada + + + Moog-saw wave + - Glass - Vidro + + + Exponential wave + - Tibetan Bowl - Cunca tibetana + + + Saw wave + Onda de dente de serra - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument - Instrumento + + + User-defined wave + - Spread - Propagar + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Spread: - Propagar: + + + Square wave + Onda cadrada - Hardness - Dureza + + + White noise + - Hardness: - Dureza: + + WaveInterpolate + - Position - Posición + + ExpressionValid + - Position: - Posición: + + General purpose 1: + - Vib Gain - Gan. vib. + + General purpose 2: + - Vib Gain: - Gan. vib.: + + General purpose 3: + - Vib Freq - Frec. vib.: + + O1 panning: + - Vib Freq: - Frec. vib.: + + O2 panning: + - Stick Mix - Mestura de paus + + Release transition: + - Stick Mix: - Mestura de paus: + + Smoothness + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Modulator - Modulador + + Portamento + - Modulator: - Modulador: + + Filter frequency + - Crossfade - Transición por esvaecemento + + Filter resonance + - Crossfade: - Transición por esvaecemento: + + Bandwidth + - LFO Speed - Velocidade do LFO + + FM gain + - LFO Speed: - Velocidade do LFO: + + Resonance center frequency + - LFO Depth - Profundidade do LFO + + Resonance bandwidth + - LFO Depth: - Profundidade do LFO: + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + ZynAddSubFxView - ADSR - ADSR + + Portamento: + - ADSR: - ADSR: + + PORT + - Pressure - Presión + + Filter frequency: + - Pressure: - Presión: + + FREQ + - Speed - Velocidade + + Filter resonance: + - Speed: - Velocidade: + + RES + - Missing files + + Bandwidth: - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + BW - - - manageVSTEffectView - - VST parameter control + + FM gain: - VST Sync + + FM GAIN - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. + + Resonance center frequency: - Automated + + RES CF - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. + + Resonance bandwidth: - Close + + RES BW - Close VST effect knob-controller window. + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + Show GUI + Mostrar a interface gráfica + - manageVestigeInstrumentView + AudioFileProcessor - - VST plugin control + + Amplify + Amplificar + + + + Start of sample + Inicio da mostra + + + + End of sample + Final da mostra + + + + Loopback point - VST Sync + + Reverse sample + Inverter a mostra + + + + Loop mode + Modo de bucle + + + + Stutter - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. + + Interpolation mode - Automated + + None - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. + + Linear - Close + + Sinc - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. + + Sample not found: %1 - opl2instrument + BitInvader - Patch - Parche + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Debuxe aquí a súa propia forma de onda arrastrando o rato polo gráfico. - Op 1 Attack - + + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - Op 1 Decay - + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Op 1 Sustain - + + + Saw wave + Onda de dente de serra - Op 1 Release - + + + Square wave + Onda cadrada - Op 1 Level + + + White noise - Op 1 Level Scaling + + + User-defined wave - Op 1 Frequency Multiple + + + Smooth waveform - Op 1 Feedback - + + Interpolation + Interpolación - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - + + Normalize + Normalizar + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Percussive Envelope + + INPUT - Op 1 Tremolo + + Input gain: - Op 1 Vibrato + + OUTPUT - Op 1 Waveform + + Output gain: - Op 2 Attack + + ATTACK - Op 2 Decay + + Peak attack time: - Op 2 Sustain + + RELEASE - Op 2 Release + + Peak release time: - Op 2 Level + + + Reset wavegraph - Op 2 Level Scaling + + + Smooth wavegraph - Op 2 Frequency Multiple + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope + + Stereo mode: maximum - Op 2 Tremolo + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Op 2 Vibrato + + Stereo mode: average - Op 2 Waveform + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels - FM + + Stereo mode: unlinked - Vibrato Depth + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + DynProcControls - Tremolo Depth + + Input gain - - - opl2instrumentView - Attack - Ataque + + Output gain + - Decay - Decaemento + + Attack time + - Release - Relaxamento + + Release time + - Frequency multiplier + + Stereo mode - organicInstrument - - Distortion - Distorsión - + graphModel - Volume - Volume + + Graph + Gráfico - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - Distorsión: + + Start frequency + Frecuencia inicial - Volume: - Volume: + + End frequency + Frecuencia final - Randomise - Aleatorio + + Length + - Osc %1 waveform: - Forma de onda do osciloscopio %1: + + Start distortion + - Osc %1 volume: - Volume do oscilador %1: + + End distortion + - Osc %1 panning: - Panorámica do oscilador %1: + + Gain + Ganancia - cents - cents + + Envelope slope + - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - + + Noise + Ruído - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. + + Click - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. + + Frequency slope - Osc %1 stereo detuning + + Start from note - Osc %1 harmonic: + + End to note - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - Tempo da varredura + + Start frequency: + Frecuencia inicial: - Sweep direction - Dirección da varredura + + End frequency: + Frecuencia final: - Sweep RtShift amount - Cantidade de Cambio de varredura + + Frequency slope: + - Wave Pattern Duty - Padrón de onda + + Gain: + Ganancia: - Channel 1 volume - Volume da canle 1 + + Envelope length: + - Volume sweep direction - Dirección da varredura do volume + + Envelope slope: + - Length of each step in sweep - Lonxitude de cada paso en varredura + + Click: + - Channel 2 volume - Volume da canle 2 + + Noise: + - Channel 3 volume - Volume da canle 3 + + Start distortion: + - Channel 4 volume - Volume da canle 4 + + End distortion: + + + + LadspaBrowserView - Right Output level - Nivel da saída dereita + + + Available Effects + Efectos dispoñíbeis - Left Output level - Nivel da saída esquerda + + + Unavailable Effects + Efectos non dispoñíbeis - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Canle 1 a SO1 (Esquerda) + + + Instruments + Instrumentos - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Canle 2 a SO2 (Esquerda) + + + Analysis Tools + Ferramentas de análise - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Canle 3 a SO2 (Esquerda) + + + Don't know + Non sei - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Canle 4 a SO2 (Esquerda) + + Type: + Tipo: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Canle 1 a SO1 (Dereita) + + Plugins + Engadidos - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Canle 2 a SO1 (Dereita) + + Description + Descrición + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Canle 3 a SO1 (Dereita) + + Ports + Portos - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Canle 4 a SO1 (Dereita) + + Name + Nome - Treble - Agudos + + Rate + Taxa - Bass - Graves + + Direction + Dirección - Shift Register width - Cambiar a largura do rexistro + + Type + Tipo - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - Tempo da varredura: + + Min < Default < Max + Mín < Predefinido < Máx - Sweep Time - Tempo da varredura + + Logarithmic + Logarítmica + + + + SR Dependent + Dependente de SR - Sweep RtShift amount: - Cantidade de cambio de varredura: + + Audio + Son - Sweep RtShift amount - Cantidade de cambio de varredura + + Control + Control - Wave pattern duty: - Padrón de onda de deber: + + Input + Entrada - Wave Pattern Duty - Padrón de onda de deber + + Output + Saída - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Volume da canle cadrada 1: + + Toggled + Conmutado - Length of each step in sweep: - Lonxitude de cada paso en varredura: + + Integer + Enteiro - Length of each step in sweep - Lonxitude de cada paso en varredura + + Float + Vírgula flutuante + + + + + Yes + Si + + + Lb302Synth - Wave pattern duty - Padrón de onda de deber + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + Frecuencia de corte do VCF - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Volume da canle cadrada 2: + + VCF Resonance + Resonancia do VCF - Square Channel 2 Volume - Volume da canle cadrada 2 + + VCF Envelope Mod + Modo de envolvente do VCF - Wave Channel Volume: - Volume da canle de ondas: + + VCF Envelope Decay + Decaemento da envolvente do VCF - Wave Channel Volume - Volume da canle de ondas + + Distortion + Distorsión - Noise Channel Volume: - Volume da canle de ruído: + + Waveform + Forma da onda - Noise Channel Volume - Volume da canle de ruído + + Slide Decay + Decamento ao escorregar - SO1 Volume (Right): - Volume de SO1 (Dereita): + + Slide + Escorregar - SO1 Volume (Right) - Volume de SO1 (Dereita) + + Accent + Acento - SO2 Volume (Left): - Volume de SO2 (Esquerda): + + Dead + Morte - SO2 Volume (Left) - Volume de SO2 (Esquerda) + + 24dB/oct Filter + Filtro de 24dB/oitava + + + Lb302SynthView - Treble: - Agudos: + + Cutoff Freq: + Frec. de corte: - Treble - Agudos + + Resonance: + Resonancia: - Bass: - Graves: + + Env Mod: + Mod env: - Bass - Graves + + Decay: + Decaemento: - Sweep Direction - Dirección da varredura + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + Filtro tipo 303, 24dB/oitava, 3 polos - Volume Sweep Direction - Dirección da varredura do volume + + Slide Decay: + Decamento ao escorregar: - Shift Register Width - Cambiar a largura do rexistro + + DIST: + DIST: - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Canle 1 a SO1 (Dereita) + + Saw wave + Onda de dente de serra - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Canle 1 a SO1 (Dereita) + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Prema aquí para unha onda de dente de serra. - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Canle 3 a SO1 (Dereita) + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Canle 4 a SO1 (Dereita) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Prema aquí para unha onda triangular. - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Canle 1 a SO2 (Esquerda) + + Square wave + Onda cadrada - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Canle 2 a SO2 (Esquerda) + + Click here for a square-wave. + Prema aquí para unha onda cadrada. - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Canle 3 a SO2 (Esquerda) + + Rounded square wave + Onda cadrada arredondada - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Canle 4 a SO2 (Esquerda) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Prema aquí para unha onda cadrada con final arredondado. - Wave Pattern - Padrón de onda + + Moog wave + Onda tipo Moog - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - A cantidade de aumento ou redución da frecuencia + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Prema aquí para unha onda tipo Moog. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - A taxa á que se produce o aumento ou a redución da frecuencia + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - O ciclo de deber é a relación entre a duración (tempo) durante a que un sinal está ACTIVO fronte ao período total do sinal. + + Click for a sine-wave. + Prema para unha onda senoidal. - Square Channel 1 Volume - Volume da canle cadrada 1 + + + White noise wave + Onda de ruído branco - The delay between step change - A demora entre cambios de paso + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Prema aquí para unha onda exponencial. - Draw the wave here - Debuxe a onda aquí + + Click here for white-noise. + Prema aquí para ruído branco. - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + Bandlimited saw wave - Bank selector + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Bank - Banco + + Bandlimited square wave + - Program selector + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Patch - Parche + + Bandlimited triangle wave + - Name - Nome + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + - OK - Aceptar + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + - Cancel - Cancelar + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + - pluginBrowser + MalletsInstrument - no description - sen descrición + + Hardness + Dureza - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Imitación monofónica incompleta tb303 + + Position + Posición - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Engadido para manipular libremente a saída en estéreo + + Vibrato gain + - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Engadido para controlar botóns con picos de son + + Vibrato frequency + - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Engadido para mellorar a separación en estéreo dun ficheiro de entrada en estéreo + + Stick mix + - List installed LADSPA plugins - Enumerar os engadidos de LADSPA instalados + + Modulator + Modulador - GUS-compatible patch instrument - Instrumento de parcheo compatíbel con GUS + + Crossfade + Transición por esvaecemento - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Sintetizador aditivo para sons tipo órgano + + LFO speed + Velocidade do LFO - Tuneful things to bang on - Cousas melodiosas nas que bater + + LFO depth + - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - Hóspede de VST para empregar engadidos de VST(i) co LMMS + + ADSR + ADSR - Vibrating string modeler - Modelador de cordas vibrantes + + Pressure + Presión - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - engadido para empregar efectos de LADSPA arbitrarios no LMMS. + + Motion + Movemento - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filtro para importar ficheiros MIDI ao LMMS + + Speed + Velocidade - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Emulación dos SID MOS6581 e o MOS8580. -Este chip empregábase no computador Commodore 64. + + Bowed + Con arco - Player for SoundFont files - Reprodutor de ficheiros SoundFont + + Spread + Propagar - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Emulación da APU da GameBoy (TM) + + Marimba + Marimba - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Sintetizador de táboa de ondas personalizábel + + Vibraphone + Vibráfono - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - ZynAddSubFX incorporado + + Agogo + Agogó - 2-operator FM Synth + + Wood 1 - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + Reso - LMMS port of sfxr + + Wood 2 - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - + + Beats + Golpes - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + Two fixed - A native amplifier plugin - + + Clump + Esmagar - Carla Rack Instrument + + Tubular bells - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + Uniform bar - plugin for waveshaping + + Tuned bar - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - + + Glass + Vidro - Versatile drum synthesizer + + Tibetan bowl + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - + + Instrument + Instrumento - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - + + Spread + Propagar - Carla Patchbay Instrument - + + Spread: + Propagar: - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + Missing files - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - A NES-like synthesizer - + + Hardness + Dureza - A native delay plugin - + + Hardness: + Dureza: - Player for GIG files - + + Position + Posición - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + Position: + Posición: - A native flanger plugin + + Vibrato gain - An oversampling bitcrusher + + Vibrato gain: - A native eq plugin + + Vibrato frequency - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + Vibrato frequency: - A Dual filter plugin + + Stick mix - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + Stick mix: - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - Banco + + Modulator + Modulador - Patch - Parche + + Modulator: + Modulador: - Gain - Ganancia + + Crossfade + Transición por esvaecemento - Reverb - Reverberación + + Crossfade: + Transición por esvaecemento: - Reverb Roomsize - Tamaño da sala de reverberación + + LFO speed + Velocidade do LFO - Reverb Damping - Tampón de reverberación + + LFO speed: + Velocidade do LFO: - Reverb Width - Largura da reverberación + + LFO depth + - Reverb Level - Nivel de reverberación + + LFO depth: + - Chorus - Coro + + ADSR + ADSR - Chorus Lines - Liñas do coro + + ADSR: + ADSR: - Chorus Level - Nivel do coro + + Pressure + Presión - Chorus Speed - Velocidade do coro + + Pressure: + Presión: - Chorus Depth - Profundidade do coro + + Speed + Velocidade - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - + + Speed: + Velocidade: - sf2InstrumentView - - Open other SoundFont file - Abrir outro ficheiro de SoundFont - - - Click here to open another SF2 file - Prema aquí para abrir outro ficheiro de SF2 - + ManageVSTEffectView - Choose the patch - Escoller o parche + + - VST parameter control + - Gain - Ganancia + + VST sync + - Apply reverb (if supported) - Aplicar reverberación (se o admitir) + + + Automated + - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Este botón activa o efecto de reverberación. Isto é útil para efectos gaioleiros, mais só funciona cos ficheiros que o admiten. + + Close + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Reverb Roomsize: - Tamaño da sala de reverberación: + + + - VST plugin control + - Reverb Damping: - Tampón de reverberación: + + VST Sync + - Reverb Width: - Largura da reverberación: + + + Automated + - Reverb Level: - Nivel de reverberación: + + Close + + + + OrganicInstrument - Apply chorus (if supported) - Aplicar un coro (se o admitir) + + Distortion + Distorsión - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Este botón activa o efecto de coro. Isto é útil para efectos de echo gaioleiros, mais só funciona cos ficheiros que o admiten. + + Volume + Volume + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Chorus Lines: - Liñas de coro: + + Distortion: + Distorsión: - Chorus Level: - Nivel do coro: + + Volume: + Volume: - Chorus Speed: - Velocidade do coro: + + Randomise + Aleatorio - Chorus Depth: - Profundidade do coro: + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Forma de onda do osciloscopio %1: - Open SoundFont file - Abrir un ficheiro de SoundFont + + Osc %1 volume: + Volume do oscilador %1: - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - Ficheiros de SoundFont2 (*.sf2) + + Osc %1 panning: + Panorámica do oscilador %1: - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form + + Osc %1 stereo detuning - - - sidInstrument - - Cutoff - Corte - - Resonance - Resonancia + + cents + cents - Filter type - Tipo de filtro + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off - Voz 3 apagada + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - Volume - Volume + + Bank selector + - Chip model - Modelo de chip + + Bank + Banco - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - Volume: + + Program selector + - Resonance: - Resonancia: + + Patch + Parche - Cutoff frequency: - Frecuencia de corte: + + Name + Nome - High-Pass filter - Filtro pasa-alta + + OK + Aceptar - Band-Pass filter - Filtro pasa-faixa + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter - Filtro pasa-baixa + + Bank + Banco - Voice3 Off - Voz3 apagada + + Patch + Parche - MOS6581 SID - SID MOS6581 + + Gain + Ganancia - MOS8580 SID - SID MOS6580 + + Reverb + Reverberación - Attack: - Ataque: + + Reverb room size + - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - A taxa de ataque determina como de rápido sobe a Voz %1 desde cero á amplitude de pico. + + Reverb damping + - Decay: - Decaemento: + + Reverb width + - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - A taxa de decaemento determina como de rápido cae a saída desde a amplitude de pico ao nivel de Sustentación escollido. + + Reverb level + - Sustain: - Sustentación: + + Chorus + Coro - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - A saída da voz %1 fica na amplitude de sustentación indicada mentres se manteña a nota. + + Chorus voices + - Release: - Relaxamento: + + Chorus level + - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - A saída da voz %1 cae desde a amplitude de sustentación até cero na relación de relaxamento escollida. + + Chorus speed + - Pulse Width: - Largura do pulso: + + Chorus depth + - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - A resolución da largura do pulso permite varrer a largura suavemente sen que sexa posíbel discernir os pasos. Hai que escoller a forma de onda pulso no oscilador %1 para que se ouza un efecto audíbel. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - Crú: + + + Open SoundFont file + Abrir un ficheiro de SoundFont - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - A desafinación crúa permite desafinar a voz %1 unha oitava para arriba ou para abaixo. + + Choose patch + - Pulse Wave - Onda de pulso + + Gain: + Ganancia: - Triangle Wave - Onda triangular + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Aplicar reverberación (se o admitir) - SawTooth - Dente de serra + + Room size: + - Noise - Ruído + + Damping: + - Sync - Sincronizar + + Width: + Largura: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - Sincroniza a frecuencia fundamental do oscilador %1 coa frecuencia fundamental do oscilador %2, producindo efectos de «sincronización dura». + + + Level: + - Ring-Mod - Modo anel + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Aplicar un coro (se o admitir) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - O modo anel substitúe a saída da onda de forma triangular do oscilador %1 cunha combinación «modulada en anel» dos osciladores %1 e %2. + + Voices: + - Filtered - Filtrado + + Speed: + Velocidade: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Cando Filtrado está activado, a voz %1 procésase a través do filtro. Cando Filtrado está desactivado, a voz %1 aparece directamente na saída e o filtro non ten ningún efecto sobre ela. + + Depth: + Profundidade: - Test - Proba + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Proba, cando escollido, restaura e bloquea o oscilador %1 a cero até que remate a proba. + + Wave + - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - LARGO + + WIDTH + + Width: Largura: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width Largura - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: Volume esquerda para esquerda: + Left to Right Vol: Volume esquerda para dereita: + Right to Left Vol: Volume dereita para esquerda: + Right to Right Vol: Volume dereita para dereita: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left Esquerda para esquerda + Left to Right Esquerda para dereita + Right to Left Dereita para esquerda + Right to Right Dereita para dereita - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin A cargar un engadido - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Agarde mentres se carga o engadido de VST... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume Volume da corda %1 + String %1 stiffness Tensión da corda %1 + Pick %1 position Posición da púa %1 + Pickup %1 position Posición do captador %1 - Pan %1 - Pan %1 + + String %1 panning + - Detune %1 - Desafinar %1 + + String %1 detune + - Fuzziness %1 - Difuso %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - Length %1 - Lonxitude %1 + + String %1 length + + Impulse %1 Impulso %1 - Octave %1 - Oitava %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView - - Volume: - Volume: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - O botón «V» indica o volume da corda escollida. + + String volume: + + String stiffness: Tensión da corda: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - O botón «S» indica a tensión da corda escollida. A tensión da corda afecta ao tempo durante o que esta soa. Canto menor sexa, máis tempo ha de soar. - - + Pick position: Posición da púa: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - O botón «P» indica a posición na que se pulsa a corda escollida. Canto menor sexa, máis próxima estará da ponte. - - + Pickup position: Posición do captador: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - O botón «PU» indica a posición desde a que se recollen as vibracións da corda escollida. Canto menor sexa, máis próximo será da ponte. - - - Pan: - Pan: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - O botón Pan determina o lugar que ocupa a cadea escollida no campo estéreo. - - - Detune: - Desafinar: - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - O botón Desafinar modifica a altura da corda escollida. Indicar menos de cero fai que a corda soe plana. Con máis de cero a corda soará viva. - - - Fuzziness: - Difuso: - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - O botón Slap engádelle algo de distorsión tipo «fuzz» á corda escollida que se nota máis durante o ataque, aínda que tamén se pode usar para facer que a corda soe máis «metálica». + + String panning: + - Length: - Lonxitude: + + String detune: + - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - O botón Lonxitude indica a lonxitude da corda escollida. As cordas máis longas soan durante máis tempo e con máis brillo; porén, tamén consumen máis ciclos da CPU. + + String fuzziness: + - Impulse or initial state - Impulso ou estado inicial + + String length: + - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - O selector «Imp» determina se hai que tratar a forma de onda do gráfico como un impulso impartido na corda pola púba ou o estado inicial da corda. + + Impulse + + Octave Oitava - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - O selector Oitava emprégase para escoller con que harmónico da nota soa a corda. Por exemplo, «-2» significa que a corda soa dúas oitavas por debaixo da fundamental, «F» significa que a corda soa na fundamental e «6» significa que a cadea soa seix oitavas por riba da fundamental. - - + Impulse Editor Editor de impulsos - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - O editor de formas de onda permite controlar o estado inicial ou impulso usado para facer que a corda comece a vibrar. Os botóns que hai á dereita da gráfica inicializan a forma de onda no tipo escollido. O botón «?» carga unha forma de onda desde un ficheiro - só se cargan as primeiras 128 mostras. - -A forma de onda tamén se pode debuxar na gráfica. - -O botón «S» suaviza a forma de onda. - -O botón «N» normaliza a forma de onda. - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Vibed modela até nove cordas vibrando independentemente. O selector «Corda» permite escoller a corda que se desexe editar. O selector «Imp» escolle se o gráfico representa un impulso ou o estado inicial da corda. O selector «Oitava» escolle o harmónico co que debería vibrar a corda. - -A gráfica permite controlar o estado inicial ou o impulso usados para pór a corda en movemento. - -O botón «V» controla o volume. O botón «S» controla a tensión.da corda. O botón «P» controla a posición da púa. O botón «PU» controla a posición de observación. - -«Pan» e «Detune» non deberían precisar explicación. O botón «Slap» engádelle un pouco de distorsión tipo «fuzz» ao son da corda. - -O botón «Lonxitude» controla a lonxitude da corda. - -O LED do recanto inferior dereito do editor da forma da onda determina se a corda está activa no instrumento. - - + Enable waveform Activar a forma de onda - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Prema aquí para activar/desactivar a forma da onda. + + Enable/disable string + + String Corda - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - O selector Corda emprégase para escoller a corda que editan os controles. Un instrumento de Vibed pode conter até nove cordas vibrando independentemente. O LED do recanto inferior dereito do editor da forma da onda indica se a corda escollida esstá activada. - - + + Sine wave Onda senoidal + + Triangle wave Onda triangular + + Saw wave Onda de dente de serra + + Square wave Onda cadrada - White noise wave - Onda de ruído branco - - - User defined wave - Onda definida polo usuario - - - Smooth - Suave - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Prema aquí para unha forma de onda suave. - - - Normalize - Normalizar - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Prema aquí para normalizar a forma da onda. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Empregar unha onda senoidal para este oscilador. - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Empregar unha onda triangular para este oscilador. - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Empregar unha onda de dente de serra para este oscilador. + + + White noise + - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Empregar unha onda cadrada para este oscilador. + + + User-defined wave + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Empregar ruído branco para este oscilador. + + + Smooth waveform + - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Empregar unha forma de onda predefinida para este oscilador. + + + Normalize waveform + - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width Largo do pulso da voz %1 + Voice %1 attack Ataque da voz %1 + Voice %1 decay Decamento da voz %1 + Voice %1 sustain Sustentación da voz %1 + Voice %1 release Relaxamento da voz %1 + Voice %1 coarse detuning Desafinación bruta da voz %1 + Voice %1 wave shape Fonda da onda da voz %1 + Voice %1 sync Sincronización da voz %1 + Voice %1 ring modulate Modulación de anel da voz %1 + Voice %1 filtered Filtrado da voz %1 + Voice %1 test Proba da voz %1 - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT + Input gain: + OUTPUT + Output gain: - Reset waveform - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - - - - Smooth waveform - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Clip input - Clip input signal to 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain + Output gain - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/he.ts b/data/locale/he.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ee5a23613b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/he.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16327 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + אודות LMMS + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + גרסה %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + About + אודות + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - יצירת מוסיקה פשוטה עבור כולם + + + + Copyright © %1. + כל הזכויות שמורות © %1. + + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + Authors + מפתחים + + + + Involved + להשתתף + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + מפתחים מסודרים לפי מספר התרומות: + + + + Translation + תרגום + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + + + License + רשיון + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + ווליום + + + + Volume: + ווליום: + + + + PAN + + + + + Panning: + + + + + LEFT + שמאל + + + + Left gain: + + + + + RIGHT + ימין + + + + Right gain: + + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + Panning + + + + + Left gain + + + + + Right gain + + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + התקן + + + + CHANNELS + ערוצים + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Disable loop + השבת לופ + + + + Enable loop + אפשר לופ + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + + + + + Amplify: + + + + + Start point: + + + + + End point: + + + + + Loopback point: + + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + + + + + JACK server down + + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + + + + + Client name + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + &איפוס (%1%2) + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + &העתק ערך (%1%2) + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + &הדבק ערך (%1%2) + + + + &Paste value + &הדבק ערך + + + + Edit song-global automation + ערוך אוטומציה גלובאלית + + + + Remove song-global automation + מחק אוטומציה גלובלית + + + + Remove all linked controls + + + + + Connected to %1 + + + + + Connected to controller + + + + + Edit connection... + + + + + Remove connection + + + + + Connect to controller... + + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + + Flip vertically + + + + + Flip horizontally + + + + + Interpolation controls + + + + + Discrete progression + + + + + Linear progression + + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + + + + + Tension value for spline + + + + + Tension: + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization controls + + + + + Quantization + + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + + + + + Clear + נקה + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + Set/clear record + + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + + + + %1 Connections + + + + + Disconnect "%1" + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Beat selector + + + + + Track and step actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + + Clone of %1 + + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Gain: + + + + + RATIO + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + + + + + Gain + + + + + Ratio + + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + + + + + OUT + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + Input noise: + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + CLIP + + + + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + STEREO + + + + + Stereo difference: + + + + + QUANT + + + + + Levels: + + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Input noise + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Output clip + + + + + Sample rate + קצב דגימה + + + + Stereo difference + + + + + Levels + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + + + + + About + אודות + + + + About text here + + + + + Extended licensing here + + + + + Artwork + + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + + + + + Features + + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + + + + + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + VST2: + + + + + DSSI: + + + + + LV2: + + + + + VST3: + + + + + OSC + + + + + Host URLs: + + + + + Valid commands: + + + + + valid osc commands here + + + + + Example: + + + + + License + רשיון + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + + + + + Plugin Version + + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + + (Engine not running) + + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + + Using Juce host + + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + + + + + Rack + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Logs + + + + + Loading... + + + + + Buffer Size: + + + + + Sample Rate: + + + + + ? Xruns + + + + + DSP Load: %p% + + + + + &File + + + + + &Engine + + + + + &Plugin + + + + + Macros (all plugins) + + + + + &Canvas + + + + + Zoom + + + + + &Settings + + + + + &Help + + + + + toolBar + + + + + Disk + + + + + + Home + + + + + Transport + + + + + Playback Controls + + + + + Time Information + + + + + Frame: + + + + + 000'000'000 + + + + + Time: + + + + + 00:00:00 + + + + + BBT: + + + + + 000|00|0000 + + + + + Settings + + + + + BPM + + + + + Use JACK Transport + + + + + Use Ableton Link + + + + + &New + + + + + Ctrl+N + + + + + &Open... + + + + + + Open... + + + + + Ctrl+O + + + + + &Save + + + + + Ctrl+S + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + + Save As... + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + + &Quit + + + + + Ctrl+Q + + + + + &Start + + + + + F5 + + + + + St&op + + + + + F6 + + + + + &Add Plugin... + + + + + Ctrl+A + + + + + &Remove All + + + + + Enable + + + + + Disable + + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + + + + + 100% Wet + + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + + + + + 100% Volume + + + + + Center Balance + + + + + &Play + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + + + + + &Stop + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + + &Backwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + + &Forwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + + &Arrange + + + + + Ctrl+G + + + + + + &Refresh + + + + + Ctrl+R + + + + + Save &Image... + + + + + Auto-Fit + + + + + Zoom In + + + + + Ctrl++ + + + + + Zoom Out + + + + + Ctrl+- + + + + + Zoom 100% + + + + + Ctrl+1 + + + + + Show &Toolbar + + + + + &Configure Carla + + + + + &About + + + + + About &JUCE + + + + + About &Qt + + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + + + + + Show Internal + + + + + Show External + + + + + Show Time Panel + + + + + Show &Side Panel + + + + + &Connect... + + + + + Compact Slots + + + + + Expand Slots + + + + + Perform secret 1 + + + + + Perform secret 2 + + + + + Perform secret 3 + + + + + Perform secret 4 + + + + + Perform secret 5 + + + + + Add &JACK Application... + + + + + &Configure driver... + + + + + Panic + + + + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Failed to load project + + + + + Failed to save project + + + + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + + + + + Warning + + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + + + + + main + + + + + canvas + + + + + engine + + + + + osc + + + + + file-paths + + + + + plugin-paths + + + + + wine + + + + + experimental + + + + + Widget + + + + + + Main + + + + + + Canvas + + + + + + Engine + + + + + File Paths + + + + + Plugin Paths + + + + + Wine + + + + + + Experimental + + + + + <b>Main</b> + + + + + Paths + + + + + Default project folder: + + + + + Interface + + + + + Interface refresh interval: + + + + + + ms + + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + + + + + + Theme + + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + + + + + Color scheme: + + + + + Black + + + + + System + + + + + Enable experimental features + + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + + + + + Bezier Lines + + + + + Theme: + + + + + Size: + + + + + 775x600 + + + + + 1550x1200 + + + + + 3100x2400 + + + + + 4650x3600 + + + + + 6200x4800 + + + + + Options + + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + + + + + Auto-select items on hover + + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + + + + + Render Hints + + + + + Anti-Aliasing + + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + + + + + <b>Engine</b> + + + + + + Core + + + + + Single Client + + + + + Multiple Clients + + + + + + Continuous Rack + + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Audio driver: + + + + + Process mode: + + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + + + + + Max Parameters: + + + + + ... + + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + + + + + Plugin UIs + + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + <b>OSC</b> + + + + + Enable OSC + + + + + Enable TCP port + + + + + + Use specific port: + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + + + + + Enable UDP port + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + + + + + Audio + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + + + + + + Add... + + + + + + Remove + + + + + + Change... + + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + + + + + <b>Wine</b> + + + + + Executable + + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + + + + + Prefix + + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + + + + + Fallback: + + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + + + + + Realtime Priority + + + + + Base priority: + + + + + WineServer priority: + + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + + + + + Enable plugin bridges + + + + + Enable Wine bridges + + + + + Enable jack applications + + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + + + + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + + + + + Attack: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + + + + + Release: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + + + + + Knee: + + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + + + + + Range: + + + + + Maximum gain reduction + + + + + Lookahead Length: + + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + + + + + Hold: + + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + + + + + RMS Size: + + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + + + + + Input Balance: + + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Output Balance: + + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Balance: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + + + + + Tilt Gain: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + + + + + Tilt Frequency: + + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + + + + + Mix: + + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + + + + + Auto Attack: + + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + + + + + Auto Release: + + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + + + + + Output gain + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output volume + + + + + Input gain + + + + + Input volume + + + + + Root Mean Square + + + + + Use RMS of the input + + + + + Peak + + + + + Use absolute value of the input + + + + + Left/Right + + + + + Compress left and right audio + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Compress mid and side audio + + + + + Compressor + + + + + Compress the audio + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + + + + + Unlinked + + + + + Compress each channel separately + + + + + Maximum + + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + + + + + Average + + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + + + + + Minimum + + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + + + + + Blend + + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + + + + + + Soft Clip + + + + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + + + + + Ratio + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Knee + + + + + Hold + + + + + Range + + + + + RMS Size + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + + + + + Input Gain + + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Input controller + + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + הוסף + + + + Confirm Delete + + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + + + + + Rename controller + + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + + + + + LFO + + + + + &Remove this controller + + + + + Re&name this controller + + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + + + + + Band 1 gain: + + + + + Band 2 gain + + + + + Band 2 gain: + + + + + Band 3 gain + + + + + Band 3 gain: + + + + + Band 4 gain + + + + + Band 4 gain: + + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + Feedback + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + + Gain + + + + + MIX + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + + + + + Record + + + + + Record while playing + + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + + + + + + Name + + + + + Type + + + + + Description + + + + + Author + + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + מונו + + + + Stereo + סטריאו + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + רמת כיווץ: + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + + + + + 128 KBit/s + + + + + 160 KBit/s + + + + + 192 KBit/s + + + + + 256 KBit/s + + + + + 320 KBit/s + + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 13#9 + + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + + + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + Panning + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + Volume: + ווליום: + + + + VOL + ווליום + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + Volume: + ווליום: + + + + VOL + ווליום + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + + + + + + + Next + + + + + Previous (%1) + + + + + Next (%1) + + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + + + Version %1 + + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + + + + + My Projects + + + + + My Samples + + + + + My Presets + + + + + My Home + + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + + + + + My Computer + + + + + &File + + + + + &New + + + + + &Open... + + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + Save as New &Version + + + + + Save as default template + + + + + Import... + + + + + E&xport... + + + + + E&xport Tracks... + + + + + Export &MIDI... + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Edit + + + + + Undo + + + + + Redo + + + + + Settings + + + + + &View + + + + + &Tools + + + + + &Help + + + + + Online Help + + + + + Help + + + + + About + אודות + + + + Create new project + + + + + Create new project from template + + + + + Open existing project + + + + + Recently opened projects + + + + + Save current project + + + + + Export current project + + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + + Piano Roll + + + + + + Automation Editor + + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + + + + + Untitled + + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Open Project + + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + + Save Project + + + + + LMMS Project + + + + + LMMS Project Template + + + + + Save project template + + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + + + + + + untitled + + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + + + + + Project saved + + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + + + + + Project NOT saved. + + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + + + + + Import file + + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + + + + + All file types + + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + Track + + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + + + + + 6 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + + + + + &Edit + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + + + + + Output channel + + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events + + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + Digital Triangle wave + + + + + Digital Saw wave + + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Ramp wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + + + Panning + + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + + + + + + Rate + + + + + + Phase + + + + + + Pre-delay + + + + + + Hold + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Sustain + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + + + + + Enable channel 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + + + + + Noise Frequency + + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + + + + + + Osc %1 panning + + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + Modulation type %1 + + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Tune + + + + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + + + + + Open patch file + + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + + + + + Peak Controller Bug + + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + + + + + LFO Controller + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + MULT + + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + + + + + Attack: + + + + + DCAY + + + + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Treshold + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + + + + + Note Panning + + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + + + + + Effects + + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + סגור + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + + + + + %1+Y + + + + + &Copy + + + + + %1+C + + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + + + + + &Paste + + + + + %1+V + + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + Help + + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + + + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + + + + + + + + + + No + + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + + + + + File: + + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + + + + + Color: + + + + + Output + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Size + + + + + Color + + + + + Output gain + + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + סטריאו + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + סטריאו + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + Panning + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + ווליום + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + ווליום: + + + + VOL + ווליום + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + + + + + minute + + + + + Disabled + + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + ווליום: + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Noise + + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + סגור + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + סגור + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + + + + + .FXP + + + + + .FXB + + + + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + + + + + Volume A2 + + + + + Volume B1 + + + + + Volume B2 + + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + + + + Panning + + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + + + + + + Invert + + + + + + Smooth + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + + + + + A1 + + + + + A2 + + + + + A3 + + + + + W1 smoothing + + + + + W2 smoothing + + + + + W3 smoothing + + + + + Panning 1 + + + + + Panning 2 + + + + + Rel trans + + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Select oscillator W1 + + + + + Select oscillator W2 + + + + + Select oscillator W3 + + + + + Select output O1 + + + + + Select output O2 + + + + + Open help window + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Moog-saw wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + WaveInterpolate + + + + + ExpressionValid + + + + + General purpose 1: + + + + + General purpose 2: + + + + + General purpose 3: + + + + + O1 panning: + + + + + O2 panning: + + + + + Release transition: + + + + + Smoothness + + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + + + + + Filter frequency + + + + + Filter resonance + + + + + Bandwidth + + + + + FM gain + + + + + Resonance center frequency + + + + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + + + + + PORT + + + + + Filter frequency: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Filter resonance: + + + + + RES + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + BW + + + + + FM gain: + + + + + FM GAIN + + + + + Resonance center frequency: + + + + + RES CF + + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + + + + + RES BW + + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + + + + + Start of sample + + + + + End of sample + + + + + Loopback point + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Stutter + + + + + Interpolation mode + + + + + None + + + + + Linear + + + + + Sinc + + + + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + Interpolation + + + + + Normalize + + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ATTACK + + + + + Peak attack time: + + + + + RELEASE + + + + + Peak release time: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: average + + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Attack time + + + + + Release time + + + + + Stereo mode + + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + + + + + End frequency + + + + + Length + + + + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + + Gain + + + + + Envelope slope + + + + + Noise + + + + + Click + + + + + Frequency slope + + + + + Start from note + + + + + End to note + + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + + + + + End frequency: + + + + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Envelope length: + + + + + Envelope slope: + + + + + Click: + + + + + Noise: + + + + + Start distortion: + + + + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + + + + + + Unavailable Effects + + + + + + Instruments + + + + + + Analysis Tools + + + + + + Don't know + + + + + Type: + + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + + + + + Description + + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + + + + Name + + + + + Rate + + + + + Direction + + + + + Type + + + + + Min < Default < Max + + + + + Logarithmic + + + + + SR Dependent + + + + + Audio + + + + + Control + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Toggled + + + + + Integer + + + + + Float + + + + + + Yes + + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + VCF Resonance + + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + Distortion + + + + + Waveform + + + + + Slide Decay + + + + + Slide + + + + + Accent + + + + + Dead + + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + Env Mod: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + + + Slide Decay: + + + + + DIST: + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + + + + + Rounded square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + + + + Moog wave + + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + + + + + + White noise wave + + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + + + + + Click here for white-noise. + + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + + + + Bandlimited square wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + + + + + Position + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + ADSR + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Motion + + + + + Speed + + + + + Bowed + + + + + Spread + + + + + Marimba + + + + + Vibraphone + + + + + Agogo + + + + + Wood 1 + + + + + Reso + + + + + Wood 2 + + + + + Beats + + + + + Two fixed + + + + + Clump + + + + + Tubular bells + + + + + Uniform bar + + + + + Tuned bar + + + + + Glass + + + + + Tibetan bowl + + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + + + + + Spread + + + + + Spread: + + + + + Missing files + + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + + + + Hardness + + + + + Hardness: + + + + + Position + + + + + Position: + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato gain: + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Vibrato frequency: + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Stick mix: + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Modulator: + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + Crossfade: + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO speed: + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + + + + + ADSR: + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Pressure: + + + + + Speed + + + + + Speed: + + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + + + + + VST sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VST Sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + + + + + Volume + ווליום + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + + + + + Volume: + ווליום: + + + + Randomise + + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + Reverb + + + + + Reverb room size + + + + + Reverb damping + + + + + Reverb width + + + + + Reverb level + + + + + Chorus + + + + + Chorus voices + + + + + Chorus level + + + + + Chorus speed + + + + + Chorus depth + + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + + + + + Room size: + + + + + Damping: + + + + + Width: + + + + + + Level: + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + + + + + Voices: + + + + + Speed: + + + + + Depth: + + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + + + + + Width: + + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + + + + + Left to Right Vol: + + + + + Right to Left Vol: + + + + + Right to Right Vol: + + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + + + + + Left to Right + + + + + Right to Left + + + + + Right to Right + + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + + + + + String %1 stiffness + + + + + Pick %1 position + + + + + Pickup %1 position + + + + + String %1 panning + + + + + String %1 detune + + + + + String %1 fuzziness + + + + + String %1 length + + + + + Impulse %1 + + + + + String %1 + + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + + + String stiffness: + + + + + Pick position: + + + + + Pickup position: + + + + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + + Octave + + + + + Impulse Editor + + + + + Enable waveform + + + + + Enable/disable string + + + + + String + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + + Normalize waveform + + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + + + + + Voice %1 attack + + + + + Voice %1 decay + + + + + Voice %1 sustain + + + + + Voice %1 release + + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + + + + + Voice %1 sync + + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + + + + + Voice %1 filtered + + + + + Voice %1 test + + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Clip input + + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + diff --git a/data/locale/hi_IN.ts b/data/locale/hi_IN.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..15550231f85 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/hi_IN.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16328 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + LMMS के बारे में + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + + About + के बारे में + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - आसान संगीत उत्पादन, सभी के लिए। + + + + Copyright © %1. + कॉपीराइट © %1। + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + Authors + प्रणेता + + + + Involved + + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + + + + + Translation + भाषांतर + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + Abhi Prakash द्वारा Hindi (India) में अनुवादित (संपर्क: apofficial18@gmail.com) + +यदि आप LMMS को अन्य भाषाओं में अनुवादित करने या मौजूदा अनुवादों में सुधार करने में रुचित हैं, तो आपकी मदद का स्वागत है! बस प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजर से संपर्क करें! + + + + License + लाइसेंस + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Volume: + वॉल्यूम: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Panning: + पैनिंग: + + + + LEFT + लेफ्ट + + + + Left gain: + लेफ्ट गेन: + + + + RIGHT + राइट + + + + Right gain: + राइट गेन: + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + Panning + पैनिंग + + + + Left gain + लेफ्ट गेन + + + + Right gain + राइट गेन + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + डिवाइस + + + + CHANNELS + चैनल्स + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + सैंपल खोलें + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Disable loop + + + + + Enable loop + + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + + + + + Amplify: + + + + + Start point: + + + + + End point: + + + + + Loopback point: + लूपबैक पॉइंट + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + सैंपल की लम्बाई: + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + + + + + JACK server down + + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + + + + + Client name + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + &रीसेट (%1%2) + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value + + + + + Edit song-global automation + + + + + Remove song-global automation + + + + + Remove all linked controls + + + + + Connected to %1 + + + + + Connected to controller + + + + + Edit connection... + + + + + Remove connection + + + + + Connect to controller... + + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + ड्रॉ मोड (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + इरेस मोड (Shift+E) + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + + Flip vertically + + + + + Flip horizontally + + + + + Interpolation controls + + + + + Discrete progression + + + + + Linear progression + + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + + + + + Tension value for spline + + + + + Tension: + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization controls + + + + + Quantization + + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + + + + + Clear + + + + + Reset name + नाम रीसेट करें + + + + Change name + नाम बदलें। + + + + Set/clear record + + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + + + + %1 Connections + + + + + Disconnect "%1" + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Beat selector + + + + + Track and step actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + Beat+Bassline Editor में खोलें + + + + Reset name + नाम रीसेट करें + + + + Change name + नाम बदलें। + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + + Clone of %1 + + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + GAIN + गेन + + + + Gain: + गेन: + + + + RATIO + अनुपात + + + + Ratio: + अनुपात: + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + + + + + Gain + गेन + + + + Ratio + अनुपात + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + इन + + + + OUT + आउट + + + + + GAIN + गेन + + + + Input gain: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + Input noise: + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + CLIP + + + + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + STEREO + + + + + Stereo difference: + + + + + QUANT + + + + + Levels: + लेवल्स: + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Input noise + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Output clip + + + + + Sample rate + + + + + Stereo difference + + + + + Levels + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + + + + + About + के बारे में + + + + About text here + + + + + Extended licensing here + + + + + Artwork + + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + + + + + Features + + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + + + + + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + VST2: + + + + + DSSI: + + + + + LV2: + + + + + VST3: + + + + + OSC + + + + + Host URLs: + + + + + Valid commands: + + + + + valid osc commands here + + + + + Example: + + + + + License + लाइसेंस + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + + + + + Plugin Version + + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + + (Engine not running) + + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + + Using Juce host + + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + + + + + Rack + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Logs + + + + + Loading... + + + + + Buffer Size: + + + + + Sample Rate: + + + + + ? Xruns + + + + + DSP Load: %p% + + + + + &File + + + + + &Engine + + + + + &Plugin + + + + + Macros (all plugins) + + + + + &Canvas + + + + + Zoom + + + + + &Settings + + + + + &Help + &सहायता + + + + toolBar + + + + + Disk + + + + + + Home + होम + + + + Transport + + + + + Playback Controls + + + + + Time Information + + + + + Frame: + + + + + 000'000'000 + + + + + Time: + + + + + 00:00:00 + + + + + BBT: + + + + + 000|00|0000 + + + + + Settings + + + + + BPM + + + + + Use JACK Transport + + + + + Use Ableton Link + + + + + &New + + + + + Ctrl+N + + + + + &Open... + + + + + + Open... + + + + + Ctrl+O + + + + + &Save + + + + + Ctrl+S + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + + Save As... + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + + &Quit + + + + + Ctrl+Q + + + + + &Start + + + + + F5 + + + + + St&op + + + + + F6 + + + + + &Add Plugin... + + + + + Ctrl+A + + + + + &Remove All + + + + + Enable + + + + + Disable + + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + + + + + 100% Wet + + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + + + + + 100% Volume + + + + + Center Balance + + + + + &Play + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + + + + + &Stop + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + + &Backwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + + &Forwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + + &Arrange + + + + + Ctrl+G + + + + + + &Refresh + + + + + Ctrl+R + + + + + Save &Image... + + + + + Auto-Fit + + + + + Zoom In + + + + + Ctrl++ + + + + + Zoom Out + + + + + Ctrl+- + + + + + Zoom 100% + + + + + Ctrl+1 + + + + + Show &Toolbar + + + + + &Configure Carla + + + + + &About + + + + + About &JUCE + + + + + About &Qt + + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + + + + + Show Internal + + + + + Show External + + + + + Show Time Panel + + + + + Show &Side Panel + + + + + &Connect... + + + + + Compact Slots + + + + + Expand Slots + + + + + Perform secret 1 + + + + + Perform secret 2 + + + + + Perform secret 3 + + + + + Perform secret 4 + + + + + Perform secret 5 + + + + + Add &JACK Application... + + + + + &Configure driver... + + + + + Panic + + + + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Failed to load project + + + + + Failed to save project + + + + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + + + + + Warning + + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + GUI दिखाएँ। + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + + + + + main + + + + + canvas + + + + + engine + + + + + osc + + + + + file-paths + + + + + plugin-paths + + + + + wine + + + + + experimental + + + + + Widget + + + + + + Main + + + + + + Canvas + + + + + + Engine + + + + + File Paths + + + + + Plugin Paths + + + + + Wine + + + + + + Experimental + + + + + <b>Main</b> + + + + + Paths + + + + + Default project folder: + + + + + Interface + + + + + Interface refresh interval: + + + + + + ms + + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + + + + + + Theme + + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + + + + + Color scheme: + + + + + Black + + + + + System + + + + + Enable experimental features + + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + + + + + Bezier Lines + + + + + Theme: + + + + + Size: + + + + + 775x600 + + + + + 1550x1200 + + + + + 3100x2400 + + + + + 4650x3600 + + + + + 6200x4800 + + + + + Options + + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + + + + + Auto-select items on hover + + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + + + + + Render Hints + + + + + Anti-Aliasing + + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + + + + + <b>Engine</b> + + + + + + Core + + + + + Single Client + + + + + Multiple Clients + + + + + + Continuous Rack + + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Audio driver: + + + + + Process mode: + + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + + + + + Max Parameters: + + + + + ... + + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + + + + + Plugin UIs + + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + <b>OSC</b> + + + + + Enable OSC + + + + + Enable TCP port + + + + + + Use specific port: + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + + + + + Enable UDP port + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + + + + + Audio + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + + + + + + Add... + + + + + + Remove + + + + + + Change... + + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + + + + + <b>Wine</b> + + + + + Executable + + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + + + + + Prefix + + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + + + + + Fallback: + + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + + + + + Realtime Priority + + + + + Base priority: + + + + + WineServer priority: + + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + + + + + Enable plugin bridges + + + + + Enable Wine bridges + + + + + Enable jack applications + + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + + + + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + + + + + Ratio: + अनुपात: + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + + + + + Attack: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + + + + + Release: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + + + + + Knee: + + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + + + + + Range: + + + + + Maximum gain reduction + + + + + Lookahead Length: + + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + + + + + Hold: + + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + + + + + RMS Size: + + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + + + + + Input Balance: + + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Output Balance: + + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Balance: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + + + + + Tilt Gain: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + + + + + Tilt Frequency: + + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + + + + + Mix: + + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + + + + + Auto Attack: + + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + + + + + Auto Release: + + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + + + + + Output gain + + + + + + Gain + गेन + + + + Output volume + + + + + Input gain + + + + + Input volume + + + + + Root Mean Square + + + + + Use RMS of the input + + + + + Peak + + + + + Use absolute value of the input + + + + + Left/Right + + + + + Compress left and right audio + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Compress mid and side audio + + + + + Compressor + + + + + Compress the audio + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + + + + + Unlinked + + + + + Compress each channel separately + + + + + Maximum + + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + + + + + Average + + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + + + + + Minimum + + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + + + + + Blend + + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + + + + + + Soft Clip + + + + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + + + + + Ratio + अनुपात + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Knee + + + + + Hold + + + + + Range + + + + + RMS Size + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + + + + + Input Gain + + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Input controller + + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + ठीक है। + + + + Cancel + रद्द करें। + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + + + + + Confirm Delete + + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + + + + + Rename controller + + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + + + + + LFO + + + + + &Remove this controller + + + + + Re&name this controller + + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + + + + + Band 1 gain: + + + + + Band 2 gain + + + + + Band 2 gain: + + + + + Band 3 gain + + + + + Band 3 gain: + + + + + Band 4 gain + + + + + Band 4 gain: + + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + Feedback + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + दर + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + गेन + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + + + + + + GAIN + गेन + + + + + Gain + गेन + + + + MIX + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + गेन 1 + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + गेन 2 + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + + + + + Record + + + + + Record while playing + + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + + + + + + Name + नाम + + + + Type + + + + + Description + + + + + Author + + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + + + + + + + Gain + गेन + + + + Output gain + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + + + + + 48000 Hz + + + + + 88200 Hz + + + + + 96000 Hz + + + + + 192000 Hz + + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + + + + + 128 KBit/s + + + + + 160 KBit/s + + + + + 192 KBit/s + + + + + 256 KBit/s + + + + + 320 KBit/s + + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + रद्द + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + दर + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + गेन + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + गेन: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + ऊपर + + + + Down + नीचे + + + + Up and down + ऊपर और नीचे + + + + Down and up + नीचे और ऊपर + + + + Random + + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + दिशा + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 13#9 + + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + + + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + Panning + पैनिंग + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + Volume: + वॉल्यूम: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + पैनिंग + + + + Panning: + पैनिंग + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + Volume: + वॉल्यूम: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + पैनिंग + + + + Panning: + पैनिंग + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + पिछला + + + + + + Next + अगला + + + + Previous (%1) + + + + + Next (%1) + + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + + + Version %1 + + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + + + + + My Projects + + + + + My Samples + + + + + My Presets + + + + + My Home + + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + + + + + My Computer + + + + + &File + + + + + &New + + + + + &Open... + + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + Save as New &Version + + + + + Save as default template + + + + + Import... + + + + + E&xport... + + + + + E&xport Tracks... + + + + + Export &MIDI... + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Edit + + + + + Undo + + + + + Redo + + + + + Settings + + + + + &View + + + + + &Tools + + + + + &Help + &सहायता + + + + Online Help + + + + + Help + + + + + About + के बारे में + + + + Create new project + + + + + Create new project from template + + + + + Open existing project + + + + + Recently opened projects + + + + + Save current project + + + + + Export current project + + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + Piano Roll + + + + + + Automation Editor + + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + Controller Rack को दिखाएँ/छुपायें। + + + + Show/hide project notes + Project notes को दिखाएँ/छुपायें। + + + + Untitled + + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Open Project + + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + + Save Project + + + + + LMMS Project + + + + + LMMS Project Template + + + + + Save project template + + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + + + + + + untitled + + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + + + + + Project saved + + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + + + + + Project NOT saved. + + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + + + + + Import file + + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + + + + + All file types + + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + Track + + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + + + + + 6 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + + + + + &Edit + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + + + + + Output channel + + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events + + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + Digital Triangle wave + + + + + Digital Saw wave + + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Ramp wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + + + Panning + पैनिंग + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + + + + + + Rate + + + + + + Phase + + + + + + Pre-delay + + + + + + Hold + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Sustain + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + + + + + Enable channel 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + + + + + Noise Frequency + + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + + + + + + Osc %1 panning + + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + Modulation type %1 + + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + नाम + + + + OK + ठीक + + + + Cancel + रद्द + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Tune + + + + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + + + + + Open patch file + + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + + + + + Reset name + नाम रीसेट करें + + + + Change name + नाम बदलें। + + + + Add steps + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + + + + + Peak Controller Bug + + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + + + + + LFO Controller + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + MULT + + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + + + + + Attack: + + + + + DCAY + + + + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Treshold + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + नोट वेलोसिटी + + + + Note Panning + नोट पैनिंग + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + वेलोसिटी: %1% + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + ड्रॉ मोड (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + इरेस मोड (Shift+E) + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + सेलेक्ट मोड (Shift+S) + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + पिच बेंड मोड (Shift+T) + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + टाइमलाइन कंट्रोल्स + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + ज़ूम एवं नोट कंट्रोल्स + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + + + + + Effects + + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + रद्द करें। + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + नाम + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + + + + + %1+Y + + + + + &Copy + + + + + %1+C + + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + + + + + &Paste + + + + + %1+V + + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + GUI दिखाएँ। + + + + Help + + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + + + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + + + + + + + + + + No + + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + + + + + File: + + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + रंग + + + + Color: + रंग: + + + + Output + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Size + + + + + Color + रंग + + + + Output gain + + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + Panning + पैनिंग + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + पैनिंग + + + + Panning: + पैनिंग + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + वॉल्यूम: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + पैनिंग + + + + Panning: + पैनिंग: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + ठीक + + + + Cancel + रद्द + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + + + + + minute + + + + + Disabled + + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + वॉल्यूम: + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Noise + + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + टाइमलाइन कंट्रोल्स + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + रद्द + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + रंग बदलें। + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + + + + + .FXP + + + + + .FXB + + + + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + + + + + Volume A2 + + + + + Volume B1 + + + + + Volume B2 + + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + + + + Panning + पैनिंग + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + + + + + + Invert + + + + + + Smooth + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + + + + + A1 + + + + + A2 + + + + + A3 + + + + + W1 smoothing + + + + + W2 smoothing + + + + + W3 smoothing + + + + + Panning 1 + + + + + Panning 2 + + + + + Rel trans + + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Select oscillator W1 + + + + + Select oscillator W2 + + + + + Select oscillator W3 + + + + + Select output O1 + + + + + Select output O2 + + + + + Open help window + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Moog-saw wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + WaveInterpolate + + + + + ExpressionValid + + + + + General purpose 1: + + + + + General purpose 2: + + + + + General purpose 3: + + + + + O1 panning: + + + + + O2 panning: + + + + + Release transition: + + + + + Smoothness + + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + + + + + Filter frequency + + + + + Filter resonance + + + + + Bandwidth + + + + + FM gain + + + + + Resonance center frequency + + + + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + + + + + PORT + + + + + Filter frequency: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Filter resonance: + + + + + RES + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + BW + + + + + FM gain: + + + + + FM GAIN + + + + + Resonance center frequency: + + + + + RES CF + + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + + + + + RES BW + + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + + + Show GUI + GUI दिखाएँ। + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + + + + + Start of sample + + + + + End of sample + + + + + Loopback point + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Stutter + + + + + Interpolation mode + + + + + None + + + + + Linear + + + + + Sinc + + + + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + Interpolation + + + + + Normalize + + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ATTACK + + + + + Peak attack time: + + + + + RELEASE + + + + + Peak release time: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: average + + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Attack time + + + + + Release time + + + + + Stereo mode + + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + + + + + End frequency + + + + + Length + + + + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + + Gain + गेन + + + + Envelope slope + + + + + Noise + + + + + Click + + + + + Frequency slope + + + + + Start from note + + + + + End to note + + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + + + + + End frequency: + + + + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + गेन: + + + + Envelope length: + + + + + Envelope slope: + + + + + Click: + + + + + Noise: + + + + + Start distortion: + + + + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + + + + + + Unavailable Effects + + + + + + Instruments + + + + + + Analysis Tools + + + + + + Don't know + + + + + Type: + + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + + + + + Description + + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + + + + Name + नाम + + + + Rate + + + + + Direction + + + + + Type + + + + + Min < Default < Max + + + + + Logarithmic + + + + + SR Dependent + + + + + Audio + + + + + Control + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Toggled + + + + + Integer + + + + + Float + + + + + + Yes + + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + VCF Resonance + + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + Distortion + + + + + Waveform + + + + + Slide Decay + + + + + Slide + + + + + Accent + + + + + Dead + + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + Env Mod: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + + + Slide Decay: + + + + + DIST: + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Saw-wave के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Triangle-wave के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। + + + + Square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + Square-wave के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। + + + + Rounded square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + + + + Moog wave + + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + + + + + + White noise wave + + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Exponential wave के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। + + + + Click here for white-noise. + White-noise के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें। + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + + + + Bandlimited square wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + + + + + Position + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + ADSR + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Motion + + + + + Speed + + + + + Bowed + + + + + Spread + + + + + Marimba + + + + + Vibraphone + + + + + Agogo + + + + + Wood 1 + + + + + Reso + + + + + Wood 2 + + + + + Beats + + + + + Two fixed + + + + + Clump + + + + + Tubular bells + + + + + Uniform bar + + + + + Tuned bar + + + + + Glass + + + + + Tibetan bowl + + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + + + + + Spread + + + + + Spread: + + + + + Missing files + + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + + + + Hardness + + + + + Hardness: + + + + + Position + + + + + Position: + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato gain: + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Vibrato frequency: + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Stick mix: + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Modulator: + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + Crossfade: + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO speed: + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + + + + + ADSR: + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Pressure: + + + + + Speed + + + + + Speed: + + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + + + + + VST sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VST Sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + + + + + Volume + वॉल्यूम + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + + + + + Volume: + वॉल्यूम: + + + + Randomise + + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + नाम + + + + OK + ठीक + + + + Cancel + रद्द + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + गेन + + + + Reverb + + + + + Reverb room size + + + + + Reverb damping + + + + + Reverb width + + + + + Reverb level + + + + + Chorus + + + + + Chorus voices + + + + + Chorus level + + + + + Chorus speed + + + + + Chorus depth + + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + गेन: + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + + + + + Room size: + + + + + Damping: + + + + + Width: + + + + + + Level: + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + + + + + Voices: + + + + + Speed: + + + + + Depth: + + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + + + + + Width: + + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + + + + + Left to Right Vol: + + + + + Right to Left Vol: + + + + + Right to Right Vol: + + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + + + + + Left to Right + + + + + Right to Left + + + + + Right to Right + + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + + + + + String %1 stiffness + + + + + Pick %1 position + + + + + Pickup %1 position + + + + + String %1 panning + + + + + String %1 detune + + + + + String %1 fuzziness + + + + + String %1 length + + + + + Impulse %1 + + + + + String %1 + + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + + + String stiffness: + + + + + Pick position: + + + + + Pickup position: + + + + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + + Octave + + + + + Impulse Editor + + + + + Enable waveform + + + + + Enable/disable string + + + + + String + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + + Normalize waveform + + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + + + + + Voice %1 attack + + + + + Voice %1 decay + + + + + Voice %1 sustain + + + + + Voice %1 release + + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + + + + + Voice %1 sync + + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + + + + + Voice %1 filtered + + + + + Voice %1 test + + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Clip input + + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + diff --git a/data/locale/hu_HU.ts b/data/locale/hu_HU.ts index 2791c4c75f1..83605994674 100644 --- a/data/locale/hu_HU.ts +++ b/data/locale/hu_HU.ts @@ -2,91 +2,112 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS - - - - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - + Az LMMS-ről - About - Névjegy + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - egyszerű zenekészítés mindenkinek + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Verzió %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - + + About + Névjegy - Translation - Fordítás + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - könnyű zenekészítés mindenkinek. - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. - License - Licenc + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Készítők + Involved - + Közreműködők + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Közreműködők a commitok száma szerint rendezve: - Copyright © %1 - Copyright © %1 + + Translation + Fordítás - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + A magyar fordítást készítették: gyeben, Haba Tamás (gelesztamas), Szabó István (stevepixus) +Ha szeretnél részt venni az LMMS más nyelvekre történő fordításában vagy a meglévő fordítások javításában, vedd fel a kapcsolatot az üzemeltetővel. + + + + License + Licenc AmplifierControlDialog + VOL - + VOL + Volume: Hangerő: + PAN - + PAN + Panning: - + Panoráma: + LEFT BAL + Left gain: Bal oldali erősítés: + RIGHT JOBB + Right gain: Jobb oldali erősítés: @@ -94,18 +115,22 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AmplifierControls + Volume Hangerő + Panning - + Panoráma + Left gain Bal oldali erősítés + Right gain Jobb oldali erősítés @@ -113,10 +138,12 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE ESZKÖZ + CHANNELS CSATORNÁK @@ -124,556 +151,563 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - Másik minta megnyitása - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - + + Open sample + Minta megnyitása + Reverse sample - - - - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - - - - Amplify: - - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - - - - Startpoint: - - - - Endpoint: - - - - Continue sample playback across notes - - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - + Minta megfordítása + Disable loop - - - - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - + Ismétlés tiltása + Enable loop - + Ismétlés engedélyezése - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - + + Enable ping-pong loop + Oda-vissza ismétlés engedélyezése - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - + + Continue sample playback across notes + Folyamatos lejátszás több note-on keresztül - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - + + Amplify: + Erősítés: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - + + Start point: + Kezdőpont: - Loopback point: - + + End point: + Végpont: - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - + + Loopback point: + Visszatérési pont: AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: - + Minta hossza: AudioJack + JACK client restarted - + JACK kliens újraindítva + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. - + A JACK kirúgta az LMMS-t valamilyen oknál fogva, ezért az LMMS JACK backendje újra lett indítva. A kapcsolatokat manuálisan kell újra létrehozni. + JACK server down - + JACK szerver leállt + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. - + Úgy tűnik, a JACK kiszolgáló leállt, és új példány indítása nem sikerült. Ennél fogva az LMMS nem képes tovább működni. Kérjük, mentsd a projektet és indítsd újra a JACK-et és LMMS-t. - CLIENT-NAME - KLIENS-NÉV + + Client name + Kliens név - CHANNELS - CSATORNÁK + + Channels + Csatornák - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - ESZKÖZ + + Device + Eszköz - CHANNELS - CSATORNÁK + + Channels + Csatornák AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - + + Backend + Backend - DEVICE - ESZKÖZ + + Device + Eszköz - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - ESZKÖZ + + Device + Eszköz - CHANNELS - CSATORNÁK + + Channels + Csatornák AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - ESZKÖZ + + Device + Eszköz - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - ESZKÖZ + + Device + Eszköz - CHANNELS - CSATORNÁK + + Channels + Csatornák AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - + + Backend + Backend - DEVICE - ESZKÖZ + + Device + Eszköz AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) - + &Visszaállítás (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) - + Érték &másolása (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) - + Érték &beillesztése (%1%2) + + + + &Paste value + Érték &beillesztése + Edit song-global automation - + Globális automatizáció szerkesztése + + + + Remove song-global automation + Globális automatizáció eltávolítása + + Remove all linked controls + Minden kapcsolt vezérlő eltávolítása + + + Connected to %1 Csatlakozva ehhez: %1 + Connected to controller Csatlakozva a vezérlőhöz + Edit connection... Kapcsolat szerkesztése... + Remove connection Kapcsolat eltávolítása + Connect to controller... Csatlakozás a vezérlőhöz... - - Remove song-global automation - - - - Remove all linked controls - - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - + + Edit Value + Érték megadása - Values copied - + + New outValue + Kimenő érték - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - + + New inValue + Bemenő érték + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Nyiss meg egy automatizációs klipet dupla kattintással! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - - - - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Klip lejátszása/megállítása (Space) - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Lejátszás leállítása (Space) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - + + Edit actions + Műveletek szerkesztése + Draw mode (Shift+D) - + Beszúrás (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) - - - - Flip vertically - - - - Flip horizontally - + Törlés (Shift+E) - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + Kimenő érték beszúrása (Shift+C) - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - + + Flip vertically + Függőleges tükrözés - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Flip horizontally + Vízszintes tükrözés - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Interpolation controls + Interpoláció vezérlők + Discrete progression - + Diszkrét átmenet + Linear progression - + Lineáris átmenet + Cubic Hermite progression - + Köbös Hermite átmenet + Tension value for spline - - - - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - - - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - - - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - + Spline feszítése + Tension: - + Feszítés: - Automation Editor - no pattern - + + Zoom controls + Nagyítás vezérlők - Automation Editor - %1 - + + Horizontal zooming + Vízszintes nagyítás - Edit actions - + + Vertical zooming + Függőleges nagyítás - Interpolation controls - + + Quantization controls + Kvantálás vezérlők - Timeline controls - + + Quantization + Kvantálás - Zoom controls - + + + Automation Editor - no clip + Automatizáció Szerkesztő - Quantization controls - + + + Automation Editor - %1 + Automatizáció Szerkesztő - %1 - Model is already connected to this pattern. - + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Ez a vezérlő már csatlakoztatva van a kliphez. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> - + Húzz ide egy vezérlőt <%1> nyomvatartása mellett - AutomationPatternView - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - - + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor - + Megnyitás az Automatizáció Szerkesztőben + Clear - + Tartalom törlése + Reset name - + Név visszaállítása + Change name - + Átnevezés - %1 Connections - + + Set/clear record + Felvétel be/ki - Disconnect "%1" - + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + Látható terület függőleges tükrözése - Set/clear record - + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + Látható terület vízszintes tükrözése - Flip Vertically (Visible) - + + %1 Connections + %1 Kapcsolat - Flip Horizontally (Visible) - + + Disconnect "%1" + "%1" leválasztása - Model is already connected to this pattern. - + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Ez a vezérlő már csatlakoztatva van a kliphez. AutomationTrack + Automation track - + Automatizáció sáv - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor - + Beat+Bassline szerkesztő + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) - + Klip lejátszása/megállítása (Space) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) - + Lejátszás leállítása (Space) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - + + Beat selector + Ütem választó - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - + + Track and step actions + Sáv és lépés műveletek + Add beat/bassline - + Beat/Bassline sáv hozzáadása - Add automation-track - + + Clone beat/bassline clip + Beat/Bassline sáv klónozása - Remove steps - + + Add sample-track + Hangminta sáv hozzáadása - Add steps - + + Add automation-track + Automatizáció sáv hozzáadása - Beat selector - + + Remove steps + Lépések eltávolítása - Track and step actions - + + Add steps + Lépések hozzáadása + Clone Steps - - - - Add sample-track - + Megduplázás - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor - + Megnyitás a Beat+Bassline szerkesztőben + Reset name - + Név visszaállítása + Change name - - - - Change color - - - - Reset color to default - + Átnevezés - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 - + Beat/Bassline %1 + Clone of %1 - + %1 másolata BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ - + FREKV + Frequency: Frekvencia: + GAIN ERŐSÍTÉS + Gain: Erősítés: + RATIO - + ARÁNY + Ratio: Arány: @@ -681,14 +715,17 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BassBoosterControls + Frequency Frekvencia + Gain Erősítés + Ratio Arány @@ -696,9253 +733,15607 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BitcrushControlDialog + IN BE + OUT KI + + GAIN ERŐSÍTÉS - Input Gain: + + Input gain: Bemeneti erősítés: - NOIS - + + NOISE + ZAJ - Input Noise: + + Input noise: Bemeneti zaj: - Output Gain: + + Output gain: Kimeneti erősítés: + CLIP - + CLIP - Output Clip: - - - - Rate - + + Output clip: + Kimenet levágása: - Rate Enabled - + + Rate enabled + Mintavételi gyakoriság - Enable samplerate-crushing - + + Enable sample-rate crushing + Mintavételi frekvencia csökkentése - Depth - + + Depth enabled + Bitmélység - Depth Enabled - + + Enable bit-depth crushing + Bitmélység csökkentése - Enable bitdepth-crushing - + + FREQ + FREKV + Sample rate: - + Mintavételi frekvencia: - STD - + + STEREO + SZTEREÓ + Stereo difference: - + Sztereó különbség: - Levels - + + QUANT + QUANT + Levels: - + Szintek: - CaptionMenu + BitcrushControls - &Help - &Súgó + + Input gain + Bemeneti erősítés - Help (not available) - + + Input noise + Bemeneti zaj - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - + + Output gain + Kimeneti erősítés - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - + + Output clip + Kimenet levágása - - - Controller - Controller %1 - + + Sample rate + Mintavételi frekvencia - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - Connection Settings - + + Stereo difference + Sztereó különbség - MIDI CONTROLLER - + + Levels + Szintek - Input channel - + + Rate enabled + Mintavételi gyakoriság - CHANNEL - + + Depth enabled + Bitmélység + + + CarlaAboutW - Input controller - + + About Carla + A Carla névjegye - CONTROLLER - + + About + Névjegy - Auto Detect - + + About text here + Névjegy helye - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - + + Extended licensing here + Részletes licensz helye - USER CONTROLLER - + + Artwork + Grafika - MAPPING FUNCTION - + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + KDE Oxygen ikonkészlet, tervezte az Oxygen Team. - OK - OK + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + Néhány gomb, háttér és egyéb grafikus elem a Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV és OpenOctave projektekből. - Cancel - Mégse + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + A VST a Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. védjegye. - LMMS - LMMS + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + Külön köszönet António Saraivának a további ikonokért és grafikus elemekért! - Cycle Detected. - + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + Az LV2 logót tervezte Thorsten Wilms, Peter Shorthose ötlete alapján. - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + A MIDI billentyűzetet tervezte Thorsten Wilms. - Add - + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + A Carla, Carla-Control és Patchbay ikonokat tervezte: DoosC - Confirm Delete - + + Features + Szolgáltatások - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - + + AU/AudioUnit: + AU/AudioUnit: - - - ControllerView - Controls - + + LADSPA: + LADSPA: - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + TextLabel - Rename controller - + + VST2: + VST2: - Enter the new name for this controller - + + DSSI: + DSSI: - &Remove this controller - + + LV2: + LV2: - Re&name this controller - + + VST3: + VST3: - LFO - + + OSC + OSC - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: - + + Host URLs: + Hoszt URL-ek: - Band 2/3 Crossover: - + + Valid commands: + Érvényes parancsok: - Band 3/4 Crossover: - + + valid osc commands here + érvényes osc parancsok helye - Band 1 Gain: - + + Example: + Példa: - Band 2 Gain: - + + License + Licenc - Band 3 Gain: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - Band 4 Gain: - + + OSC Bridge Version + OSC Bridge verzió - Band 1 Mute - + + Plugin Version + Plugin verzió - Mute Band 1 - + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + <br>Verzió: %1<br>A Carla egy teljes értékű audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - Band 2 Mute - + + + (Engine not running) + (A motor nem fut) - Mute Band 2 - + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + Minden! (Az LRDF-et is beleértve) - Band 3 Mute - + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + Minden! (CustomData/Chunks beleértve) - Mute Band 3 - + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + Körülbelül 110&#37;-ig teljes (egyedi bővítményekkel)<br/>Elérhető szolgáltatások/bővítmények:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - Band 4 Mute - + + + + Using Juce host + JUCE host használatával - Mute Band 4 - + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + Körülbelül 85%-ig teljes (VST bankok/presetek és néhány apróbb dolog hiányzik) - DelayControls + CarlaHostW - Delay Samples - + + MainWindow + MainWindow - Feedback - + + Rack + Rack - Lfo Frequency - + + Patchbay + Patchbay - Lfo Amount - + + Logs + Naplók - Output gain - Kimeneti erősítés + + Loading... + Betöltés... - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt - + + Buffer Size: + Buffer méret: - Delay Time - + + Sample Rate: + Mintavételi frekvencia: - Feedback Amount - + + ? Xruns + ? Xrun - Lfo - + + DSP Load: %p% + DSP terhelés: %p% - Out Gain - + + &File + &Fájl - Gain - Erősítés + + &Engine + &Motor - DELAY - + + &Plugin + &Plugin - FDBK - + + Macros (all plugins) + Makrók (minden plugin) - RATE - + + &Canvas + &Vászon - AMNT - + + Zoom + Nagyítás - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - + + &Settings + &Beállítások - Filter 2 enabled - + + &Help + &Súgó - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - + + toolBar + toolBar - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - + + Disk + Lemez - FREQ - + + + Home + Kezdőlap - Cutoff frequency - + + Transport + Továbbítás - RESO - + + Playback Controls + Lejátszás vezérlők - Resonance + + Time Information + Idő Információ + + + + Frame: - GAIN - ERŐSÍTÉS + + 000'000'000 + 000'000'000 - Gain - Erősítés + + Time: + Idő: - MIX - + + 00:00:00 + 00:00:00 - Mix - + + BBT: + BBT: - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - + + 000|00|0000 + 000|00|0000 - Filter 1 type - + + Settings + Beállítások - Cutoff 1 frequency - + + BPM + BPM - Q/Resonance 1 - + + Use JACK Transport + JACK Transport használata - Gain 1 - + + Use Ableton Link + Ableton Link használata - Mix - + + &New + &Új - Filter 2 enabled - + + Ctrl+N + Ctrl+N - Filter 2 type - + + &Open... + &Megnyitás... - Cutoff 2 frequency - + + + Open... + Megnyitás... - Q/Resonance 2 - + + Ctrl+O + Ctrl+O - Gain 2 - + + &Save + &Mentés - LowPass - + + Ctrl+S + Ctrl+S - HiPass - + + Save &As... + Mentés &másként... - BandPass csg - + + + Save As... + Mentés másként... - BandPass czpg - + + Ctrl+Shift+S + Ctrl+Shift+S - Notch - + + &Quit + &Kilépés - Allpass - + + Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+Q - Moog - + + &Start + &Start - 2x LowPass - + + F5 + F5 - RC LowPass 12dB - + + St&op + St&op - RC BandPass 12dB - + + F6 + F6 - RC HighPass 12dB - + + &Add Plugin... + Plugin &hozzáadása... - RC LowPass 24dB - + + Ctrl+A + Ctrl+A - RC BandPass 24dB - + + &Remove All + Összes &eltávolítása - RC HighPass 24dB - + + Enable + Engedélyezés - Vocal Formant Filter - + + Disable + Tiltás - 2x Moog + + 0% Wet (Bypass) - SV LowPass + + 100% Wet - SV BandPass - + + 0% Volume (Mute) + 0% Hangerő (Némítás) - SV HighPass - + + 100% Volume + 100% Hangerő - SV Notch - + + Center Balance + Balansz középre állítása - Fast Formant - + + &Play + &Lejátszás - Tripole - + + Ctrl+Shift+P + Ctrl+Shift+P - - - Editor - Play (Space) - + + &Stop + &Stop - Stop (Space) - + + Ctrl+Shift+X + Ctrl+Shift+X - Record - + + &Backwards + &Vissza - Record while playing - + + Ctrl+Shift+B + Ctrl+Shift+B - Transport controls - + + &Forwards + &Előre - - - Effect - Effect enabled - + + Ctrl+Shift+F + Ctrl+Shift+F - Wet/Dry mix - + + &Arrange + &Rendezés - Gate - + + Ctrl+G + Ctrl+G - Decay - + + + &Refresh + &Frissítés - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - + + Ctrl+R + Ctrl+R - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - + + Save &Image... + &Kép mentése... - Add effect - + + Auto-Fit + Automatikus kitöltés - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - + + Zoom In + Nagyítás - Name - Név + + Ctrl++ + Ctrl++ - Type - + + Zoom Out + Kicsinyítés - Description - Leírás + + Ctrl+- + Ctrl+- - Author - + + Zoom 100% + Nagyítás 100% - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - + + Ctrl+1 + Ctrl+1 - On/Off - + + Show &Toolbar + &Eszköztár megjelenítése - W/D - + + &Configure Carla + Carla &konfigurálása - Wet Level: - + + &About + &Névjegy - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - + + About &JUCE + &JUCE névjegye - DECAY - + + About &Qt + &Qt névjegye - Time: - + + Show Canvas &Meters + &Kivezérlésmérő megjelenítése - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + &Billentyűzet megjelenítése - GATE - + + Show Internal + Belső - Gate: - + + Show External + Külső - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. + + Show Time Panel - Controls - + + Show &Side Panel + Oldalsó &panel megjelenítése - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - + + &Connect... + &Csatlakozás - Move &up + + Compact Slots - Move &down + + Expand Slots - &Remove this plugin + + Perform secret 1 - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay + + Perform secret 2 - Attack + + Perform secret 3 - Hold + + Perform secret 4 - Decay + + Perform secret 5 - Sustain - + + Add &JACK Application... + &JACK alkalmazás hozzáadása... - Release - + + &Configure driver... + &Driver konfigurálása... - Modulation - + + Panic + Pánik - LFO Predelay - + + Open custom driver panel... + Driver vezérlőpaneljének megnyitása... + + + CarlaHostWindow - LFO Attack - + + Export as... + Exportálás... - LFO speed - + + + + + Error + Hiba - LFO Modulation - + + Failed to load project + Nem sikerült betölteni a projektet - LFO Wave Shape - + + Failed to save project + Nem sikerült menteni a projektet - Freq x 100 - + + Quit + Kilépés - Modulate Env-Amount - + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + Biztosan ki akarsz lépni? - - - EnvelopeAndLfoView - DEL - + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + Nem sikerült a(z) '%1' audio backendhez csatlakozni. Lehetséges okok: +%2 - Predelay: - + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + Nem sikerült a(z) '%1' audio backendhez csatlakozni. - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - + + Warning + Figyelmeztetés - ATT - + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + Néhány plugin még be van töltve, ezeket el kell távolítani a motor leállításához.. +Szeretnéd ezt most megtenni? + + + CarlaInstrumentView - Attack: - + + Show GUI + GUI megjelenítése + + + CarlaSettingsW - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - + + Settings + Beállítások - HOLD - + + main + main - Hold: - + + canvas + canvas - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - + + engine + engine - DEC - + + osc + osc - Decay: - + + file-paths + file-paths - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - + + plugin-paths + plugin-paths - SUST - + + wine + wine - Sustain: - + + experimental + experimental - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - + + Widget + Widget - REL - + + + Main + - Release: - + + + Canvas + Vászon - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - + + + Engine + Motor - AMT - + + File Paths + Fájl útvonalak - Modulation amount: - + + Plugin Paths + Plugin útvonalak - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - + + Wine + Wine - LFO predelay: - + + + Experimental + Kísérleti - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - + + <b>Main</b> + <b>Fő</b> - LFO- attack: - + + Paths + Útvonalak - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - + + Default project folder: + Alapértelmezett projekt mappa: - SPD - + + Interface + Felület: - LFO speed: - + + Interface refresh interval: + Felület frissítési gyakorisága: - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - + + + ms + ms - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + Konzol kimenet megjelenítése a Napló lapon (motor újraindítása szükséges) - Click here for a sine-wave. - + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + Megerősítés kilépés előtt - Click here for a triangle-wave. - + + + Theme + Téma - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + Carla "PRO" téma használata (újraindítást igényel) - Click here for a square-wave. - + + Color scheme: + Színséma: - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - + + Black + Sötét - FREQ x 100 - + + System + Rendszer - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - + + Enable experimental features + Kísérleti funkciók engedélyezése - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - + + <b>Canvas</b> + <b>Vászon</b> - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - + + Bezier Lines + Bezier-vonalak - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - + + Theme: + Téma: - control envelope-amount by this LFO - + + Size: + Méret: - ms/LFO: - + + 775x600 + 775x600 - Hint - + + 1550x1200 + 1550x1200 - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - + + 3100x2400 + 3100x2400 - Click here for random wave. - + + 4650x3600 + 4650x3600 - - - EqControls - Input gain - Bemeneti erősítés + + 6200x4800 + 6200x4800 - Output gain - Kimeneti erősítés + + Options + Opciók - Low shelf gain - + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + Port nélküli csoportok automatikus elrejtése - Peak 1 gain - + + Auto-select items on hover + Elemek kijelölése rámutatáskor - Peak 2 gain - + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + Árnyékok - Peak 3 gain - + + Render Hints + Megjelenítés - Peak 4 gain - + + Anti-Aliasing + Anti-Aliasing - High Shelf gain - + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + Teljes vászon újrarajzolása (lassabb, de megelőzheti a grafikai problémákat) - HP res - + + <b>Engine</b> + <b>Motor</b> - Low Shelf res - + + + Core + Mag - Peak 1 BW - + + Single Client + Egy kliens - Peak 2 BW - + + Multiple Clients + Több kliens - Peak 3 BW - + + + Continuous Rack + Összefüggő rack - Peak 4 BW - + + + Patchbay + Patchbay - High Shelf res - + + Audio driver: + Audió driver: - LP res - + + Process mode: + Működési mód: - HP freq - + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + Paraméterek maximális száma a Szerkesztés ablakban - Low Shelf freq + + Max Parameters: - Peak 1 freq - + + ... + ... - Peak 2 freq - + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + Xrun számláló lenullázása projekt betöltésekor - Peak 3 freq - + + Plugin UIs + Pluginek felülete - Peak 4 freq - + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + Várakozás az OSC GUI válaszára - High shelf freq + + UI Bridge Timeout: - LP freq + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - HP active - + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + UI hidak kasználata közvetlen kezelés helyett, ha lehetséges - Low shelf active - + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + A plugin-ablakok mindig felül legyenek - Peak 1 active - + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + Pluginek felületének megjelenítése a Carla felett (újraindítást igényel) - Peak 2 active + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - Peak 3 active - + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Indítsd újra a motort az új beállítások betöltéséhez - Peak 4 active - + + <b>OSC</b> + <b>OSC</b> - High shelf active - + + Enable OSC + OSC engedélyezése - LP active - + + Enable TCP port + TCP port engedélyezése - LP 12 - + + + Use specific port: + Megadott port használata: - LP 24 - + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + Felülírja a CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT környezeti változó - LP 48 - + + + Use randomly assigned port + Véletlenszerű portszám használata - HP 12 - + + Enable UDP port + UDP port engedélyezése - HP 24 - + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + Felülírja a CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT környezeti változó - HP 48 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled - low pass type - + + <b>File Paths</b> + <b>Fájl útvonalak</b> - high pass type - + + Audio + Audió - Analyse IN - + + MIDI + MIDI - Analyse OUT - + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + Az "audiofile" plugin számára - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + A "midifile" plugin számára - Low Shelf - + + + Add... + Hozzáadás... - Peak 1 - + + + Remove + Eltávolítás - Peak 2 - + + + Change... + Módosít... - Peak 3 - + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + <b>Plugin útvonalak</b> - Peak 4 - + + LADSPA + LADSPA - High Shelf - + + DSSI + DSSI - LP - + + LV2 + LV2 - In Gain - + + VST2 + VST2 - Gain - Erősítés + + VST3 + VST3 - Out Gain - + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - Bandwidth: - + + SFZ + SFZ - Resonance : + + Restart Carla to find new plugins - Frequency: - Frekvencia: + + <b>Wine</b> + <b>Wine</b> - lp grp - + + Executable + Futtatható - hp grp - + + Path to 'wine' binary: + A 'wine' futtatható állomány útvonala: - Octave - + + Prefix + Prefix - - - EqHandle - Reso: - + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + Wine prefix automatikus felismerése a plugin fájlneve alapján - BW: - + + Fallback: + Tartalék: - Freq: - + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + Megjegyzés: A WINEPREFIX környezeti változó ezt a beállítást felülbírálja. - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - + + Realtime Priority + Valósidejű prioritás - Output - + + Base priority: + Alap prioritás: - File format: - + + WineServer priority: + WineServer prioritás: - Samplerate: - + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + Ezek a beállítások nem elérhetők a Carla pluginként való használatakor. - 44100 Hz - + + <b>Experimental</b> + <b>Kísérleti</b> - 48000 Hz - + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + Ezen funkciók használata instabilitáshoz vezethet! - 88200 Hz - + + Enable plugin bridges + Plugin hidak engedélyezése - 96000 Hz - + + Enable Wine bridges + Wine hidak engedélyezése - 192000 Hz - + + Enable jack applications + JACK alkalmazások engedélyezése - Bitrate: + + Export single plugins to LV2 - 64 KBit/s + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) - 128 KBit/s - + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + Vizuális effektusok - 160 KBit/s - + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + OpenGL használata a rendereléshez (újraindítást igényel) - 192 KBit/s - + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + Magas minőségű anti-aliasing (csak OpenGL) - 256 KBit/s - + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + Ardour-féle "Inline kijelzők" megjelenítése - 320 KBit/s - + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + Monó pluginek használata sztereóként 2 példány futtatásával. +Ez a mód nem elérhető VST pluginek esetén. - Depth: - + + Force mono plugins as stereo + Monó pluginek kényszerítése sztereóként - 16 Bit Integer + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) - 32 Bit Float + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. - Please note that not all of the parameters above apply for all file formats. + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible - Quality settings - + + + + + Add Path + Útvonal hozzáadása + + + CompressorControlDialog - Interpolation: - + + Threshold: + Küszöb: - Zero Order Hold - + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + Az a jelszint, amely felett a kompresszió elkezdődik - Sinc Fastest - + + Ratio: + Arány: - Sinc Medium (recommended) - + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + Mennyire csökkentse a jelszintet a kompresszor a küszöb átlépése után - Sinc Best (very slow!) - + + Attack: + Attack: - Oversampling (use with care!): - + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + A kompresszió kezdetének sebessége - 1x (None) - + + Release: + Release: - 2x - + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + A kompresszió megszűnésének sebessége - 4x - + + Knee: + Lekerekítés: - 8x - + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + Az erősítési görbe lekerekítése a küszöbérték körül - Start - + + Range: + Tartomány: - Cancel - Mégse + + Maximum gain reduction + Maximális jelszint-csökkentés - Export as loop (remove end silence) - + + Lookahead Length: + Előretekintés hossza: - Export between loop markers - + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + A kompresszor ennyi idővel előre reagál a sidechain jelre. - Could not open file - + + Hold: + Tartás: - Export project to %1 - + + Delay between attack and release stages + Az attack és release fázisok közötti késleltetés - Error - + + RMS Size: + RMS méret: - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - + + Size of the RMS buffer + Az RMS puffer mérete - Rendering: %1% - + + Input Balance: + Bemeneti balansz: - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + Bemenet eltolása bal/jobb vagy mid/side irányban - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - + + Output Balance: + Kimeneti balansz: - - - FileBrowser - Browser - + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + Kimenet eltolása bal/jobb vagy mid/side irányban - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - + + Stereo Balance: + Sztereó balansz: - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + Sidechain jel eltolása bal/jobb vagy mid/side irányban - Loading sample - + + Stereo Link Blend: + Sztereó mód keverése: - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + Sztereó módok közötti keverés - --- Factory files --- + + Tilt Gain: - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - Error + + Tilt Frequency: - does not appear to be a valid + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - file - + + Mix: + Keverés: - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - + + Balance between wet and dry signals + A nyers és a feldolgozott jel aránya - Lfo Frequency + + Auto Attack: - Seconds + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - Regen + + Auto Release: - Noise + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - Invert - + + Output gain + Kimeneti erősítés - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: - + + + Gain + Erősítés - Feedback Amount: - + + Output volume + Kimeneti hangerő - White Noise Amount: - + + Input gain + Bemeneti erősítés - DELAY - + + Input volume + Bemeneti hangerő - RATE - + + Root Mean Square + Négyzetes közép - Rate: - + + Use RMS of the input + Bemenet RMS értékének használata - AMNT - + + Peak + Csúcsérték - Amount: - + + Use absolute value of the input + Bemenet abszolútértékének használata - FDBK - + + Left/Right + Bal/Jobb - NOISE + + Compress left and right audio - Invert - + + Mid/Side + Mid/Side - - - FxLine - Channel send amount + + Compress mid and side audio - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - + + Compressor + Kompresszor - Move &left - + + Compress the audio + Audió jel kompresszálása - Move &right - + + Limiter + Limiter - Rename &channel - + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + Az arány végtelenre állítása (nem garantált a jelszint-korlátozás) - R&emove channel - + + Unlinked + Független - Remove &unused channels - + + Compress each channel separately + Csatornák kezelése egymástól függetlenül - - - FxMixer - Master - + + Maximum + Maximum - FX %1 - + + Compress based on the loudest channel + A leghangosabb csatorna alapján - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - + + Average + Átlag - FX Fader %1 - + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + A csatornák átlaga alapján - Mute - + + Minimum + Minimum - Mute this FX channel - + + Compress based on the quietest channel + A leghalkabb csatorna alapján - Solo + + Blend + Keverés + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + Sztereó módok közötti keverés + + + + Auto Makeup Gain - Solo FX channel + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + Soft Clip - - - GigInstrument - Bank - + + Play the delta signal + Különbségi jel hallgatása - Patch - + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + A kompresszor kimenetének használata sidechain bemenetként - Gain - Erősítés + + Lookahead Enabled + Előretekintés engedélyezése + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + Előretekintés engedélyezése, mely 20 ms késést eredményez. - GigInstrumentView + CompressorControls - Open other GIG file - + + Threshold + Küszöb - Click here to open another GIG file - + + Ratio + Arány - Choose the patch - + + Attack + Attack - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - + + Release + Release - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - + + Knee + Lekerekítés - Which GIG file is currently being used - + + Hold + Tartás - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - + + Range + Tartomány - Gain - Erősítés + + RMS Size + RMS méret - Factor to multiply samples by - + + Mid/Side + Mid/Side - Open GIG file - + + Peak Mode + Csúcsérték mód - GIG Files (*.gig) - + + Lookahead Length + Előretekintés hossza - - - GuiApplication - Working directory - + + Input Balance + Bemeneti balansz - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - + + Output Balance + Kimeneti balansz - Preparing UI - + + Limiter + Limiter - Preparing song editor - + + Output Gain + Kimeneti erősítés - Preparing mixer - + + Input Gain + Bemeneti erősítés - Preparing controller rack - + + Blend + Keverés - Preparing project notes - + + Stereo Balance + Sztereó balansz - Preparing beat/bassline editor + + Auto Makeup Gain - Preparing piano roll + + Audition - Preparing automation editor - + + Feedback + Visszacsatolás - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Arpeggio + + Auto Attack - Arpeggio type + + Auto Release - Arpeggio range - + + Lookahead + Előretekintés - Arpeggio time + + Tilt - Arpeggio gate + + Tilt Frequency - Arpeggio direction - + + Stereo Link + Sztereó összekapcsolás - Arpeggio mode - + + Mix + Keverés + + + Controller - Up - + + Controller %1 + Vezérlő %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - Down - + + Connection Settings + Kapcsolat tulajdonságai - Up and down - + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI VEZÉRLŐ - Random - + + Input channel + Bemeneti csatorna - Free - + + CHANNEL + CSATORNA - Sort - + + Input controller + Bemeneti eszköz - Sync - + + CONTROLLER + VEZÉRLŐ - Down and up - + + + Auto Detect + Automatikus felismerés - Skip rate - + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + MIDI események fogadása erről az eszközről - Miss rate - + + USER CONTROLLER + SZOFTVERES VEZÉRLŐ - Cycle steps - + + MAPPING FUNCTION + HOZZÁRENDELÉSI FÜGGVÉNY - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - + + OK + OK - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - + + Cancel + Mégse - RANGE - + + LMMS + LMMS - Arpeggio range: - + + Cycle Detected. + Körkörös hozzárendelés. + + + ControllerRackView - octave(s) - + + Controller Rack + Vezérlő Rack - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - + + Add + Hozzáadás - TIME - + + Confirm Delete + Törlés megerősítése - Arpeggio time: - + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Biztosan törlöd? Ehhez a vezérlőhöz működő kapcsolatok tartoznak. A visszavonás nem lehetséges. + + + ControllerView - ms - + + Controls + Paraméterek - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - + + Rename controller + Vezérlő átnevezése - GATE - + + Enter the new name for this controller + Add meg a vezérlő új nevét - Arpeggio gate: - + + LFO + LFO - % - + + &Remove this controller + Vezérlő &törlése - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - + + Re&name this controller + Vezérlő át&nevezése + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Chord: - + + Band 1/2 crossover: + Sáv 1/2 frekvencia: - Direction: - + + Band 2/3 crossover: + Sáv 2/3 frekvencia: - Mode: - + + Band 3/4 crossover: + Sáv 3/4 frekvencia: - SKIP - + + Band 1 gain + Sáv 1 erősítés - Skip rate: - + + Band 1 gain: + Sáv 1 erősítés: - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - + + Band 2 gain + Sáv 2 erősítés - MISS - + + Band 2 gain: + Sáv 2 erősítés: - Miss rate: - + + Band 3 gain + Sáv 3 erősítés - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - + + Band 3 gain: + Sáv 3 erősítés: - CYCLE - + + Band 4 gain + Sáv 4 erősítés - Cycle notes: - + + Band 4 gain: + Sáv 4 erősítés: - note(s) - + + Band 1 mute + Sáv 1 némítás - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. - + + Mute band 1 + Sáv 1 némítás - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - + + Band 2 mute + Sáv 2 némítás - Major - + + Mute band 2 + Sáv 2 némítás - Majb5 - + + Band 3 mute + Sáv 3 némítás - minor - + + Mute band 3 + Sáv 3 némítás - minb5 - + + Band 4 mute + Sáv 4 némítás - sus2 - + + Mute band 4 + Sáv 4 némítás + + + DelayControls - sus4 - + + Delay samples + Késleltetési idő - aug - + + Feedback + Visszacsatolás - augsus4 - + + LFO frequency + LFO frekvencia - tri - + + LFO amount + LFO mennyiség - 6 - + + Output gain + Kimeneti erősítés + + + DelayControlsDialog - 6sus4 - + + DELAY + IDŐ - 6add9 - + + Delay time + Késleltetési idő - m6 - + + FDBK + FDBK - m6add9 - + + Feedback amount + Visszacsatolás mennyisége: - 7 - + + RATE + FREKV - 7sus4 - + + LFO frequency + LFO frekvencia - 7#5 - + + AMNT + AMNT - 7b5 - + + LFO amount + LFO mennyiség - 7#9 - + + Out gain + Kimeneti erősítés - 7b9 - + + Gain + Erősítés + + + Dialog - 7#5#9 - + + Add JACK Application + JACK alkalmazás hozzáadása - 7#5b9 - + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + Megjegyzés: A nem implementált funkciók szürkével jelennek meg. - 7b5b9 - + + Application + Alkalmazás - 7add11 - + + Name: + Név: - 7add13 - + + Application: + Alkalmazás: - 7#11 - + + From template + Sablonból - Maj7 - + + Custom + Egyéni - Maj7b5 - + + Template: + Sablon: - Maj7#5 - + + Command: + Parancs: - Maj7#11 - + + Setup + Beállítások - Maj7add13 - + + Session Manager: + Munkamenet kezelő: - m7 - + + None + Nincs - m7b5 - + + Audio inputs: + Audió bemenetek: - m7b9 - + + MIDI inputs: + MIDI bemenetek: - m7add11 - + + Audio outputs: + Audió kimenetek: - m7add13 - + + MIDI outputs: + MIDI kimenetek: - m-Maj7 - + + Take control of main application window + Irányítás átvétele az alkalmazás fő ablaka felett - m-Maj7add11 - + + Workarounds + Kerülő megoldások - m-Maj7add13 - + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + Várakozás a külső alkalmazás indulására (Haladó, csak hibakeresési célra) - 9 - + + Capture only the first X11 Window + Csak az első X11 ablak elkapása - 9sus4 - + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + Előző kliens kimeneti pufferének használata a következő kliens bemeneteként - add9 - + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + 16 JACK MIDI kimenet szimulálása, ahol a port száma a MIDI csatornát jelöli - 9#5 - + + Error here + Hiba helye - 9b5 - + + Carla Control - Connect + Carla Control - Kapcsolódás - 9#11 - + + Remote setup + Távoli kapcsolat beállítása - 9b13 - + + UDP Port: + UDP Port: - Maj9 - + + Remote host: + Távoli hoszt: - Maj9sus4 - + + TCP Port: + TCP Port: - Maj9#5 + + Reported host - Maj9#11 - + + Automatic + Automatikus - m9 - + + Custom: + Egyéni: - madd9 - + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + Bizonyos hálózatokban (példáus USB kapcsolatnál) a távoli rendszer nem éri el a helyi hálózatot. Itt adhatod meg, hogy a távoli Carla példány mely állomásnévhez vagy IP-címhez kapcsolódjon. +Ha nem vagy biztos benne, válaszd az "Automatikus" lehetőséget. - m9b5 - + + Set value + Érték megadása - m9-Maj7 - + + TextLabel + TextLabel - 11 - + + Scale Points + Beosztás + + + DriverSettingsW - 11b9 - + + Driver Settings + Driver Beállítások - Maj11 - + + Device: + Eszköz: - m11 - + + Buffer size: + Buffer méret: - m-Maj11 - + + Sample rate: + Mintavételi frekvencia: - 13 + + Triple buffer - 13#9 - + + Show Driver Control Panel + Driver vezérlőpaneljének megnyitása - 13b9 - + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Indítsd újra a motort az új beállítások betöltéséhez + + + DualFilterControlDialog - 13b5b9 - + + + FREQ + FREKV - Maj13 - + + + Cutoff frequency + Vágási frekvencia - m13 - + + + RESO + RESO - m-Maj13 - + + + Resonance + Rezonancia - Harmonic minor - + + + GAIN + ERŐSÍTÉS - Melodic minor - + + + Gain + Erősítés - Whole tone - + + MIX + MIX - Diminished - + + Mix + Keverés - Major pentatonic - + + Filter 1 enabled + 1. szűrő engedélyezése - Minor pentatonic - + + Filter 2 enabled + 2. szűrő engedélyezése - Jap in sen - + + Enable/disable filter 1 + 1. szűrő engedélyezése - Major bebop - + + Enable/disable filter 2 + 2. szűrő engedélyezése + + + DualFilterControls - Dominant bebop - + + Filter 1 enabled + 1. szűrő engedélyezése - Blues - + + Filter 1 type + 1. szűrő típusa - Arabic - + + Cutoff frequency 1 + Vágási frekvencia 1 - Enigmatic - + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Rezonancia 1 - Neopolitan - + + Gain 1 + Erősítés 1 - Neopolitan minor - + + Mix + Keverés - Hungarian minor - + + Filter 2 enabled + 2. szűrő engedélyezése - Dorian - + + Filter 2 type + 2. szűrő típusa - Phrygolydian - + + Cutoff frequency 2 + Vágási frekvencia 2 - Lydian - + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Rezonancia 2 - Mixolydian - + + Gain 2 + Erősítés 2 - Aeolian - + + + Low-pass + Aluláteresztő - Locrian - + + + Hi-pass + Felüláteresztő - Chords - + + + Band-pass csg + Sáváteresztő csg - Chord type - + + + Band-pass czpg + Sáváteresztő czpg - Chord range - + + + Notch + Lyukszűrő - Minor - + + + All-pass + All-pass - Chromatic - + + + Moog + Moog - Half-Whole Diminished - + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x Aluláteresztő - 5 - + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC aluláteresztő 12 dB/oktáv - Phrygian dominant - + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC sáváteresztő 12 dB/oktáv - Persian - + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC felüláteresztő 12 dB/oktáv - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE - + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC aluláteresztő 24 dB/oktáv - Chord range: - + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC sáváteresztő 24 dB/oktáv - octave(s) - + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC felüláteresztő 24 dB/oktáv - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. + + + Vocal Formant - STACKING - + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Chord: - + + + SV Low-pass + SV aluláteresztő - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - + + + SV Band-pass + SV sáváteresztő - CHANNEL - + + + SV High-pass + SV felüláteresztő - VELOCITY - + + + SV Notch + SV lyukszűrő - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + Fast Formant - PROGRAM + + + Tripole + + + Editor - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - + + Transport controls + Továbbítás vezérlők - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - + + Play (Space) + Lejátszás (Space) - NOTE - + + Stop (Space) + Stop (Space) - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - + + Record + Felvétel - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity + + Record while playing - BASE VELOCITY + + Toggle Step Recording - InstrumentMiscView + Effect - MASTER PITCH - + + Effect enabled + Effekt engedélyezése - Enables the use of Master Pitch + + Wet/Dry mix - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - VOLUME + + Gate - Volume - Hangerő + + Decay + Decay + + + EffectChain - CUTOFF - + + Effects enabled + Effektlánc engedélyezése + + + EffectRackView - Cutoff frequency - + + EFFECTS CHAIN + EFFEKTLÁNC - RESO - + + Add effect + Effekt hozzáadása + + + EffectSelectDialog - Resonance - + + Add effect + Effekt hozzáadása - Envelopes/LFOs - + + + Name + Név - Filter type - + + Type + Típus - Q/Resonance - + + Description + Leírás - LowPass - + + Author + Készítő + + + EffectView - HiPass - + + On/Off + Be/Ki - BandPass csg - + + W/D + W/D - BandPass czpg + + Wet Level: - Notch + + DECAY - Allpass - + + Time: + Idő: - Moog + + GATE - 2x LowPass + + Gate: - RC LowPass 12dB - + + Controls + Paraméterek - RC BandPass 12dB - + + Move &up + Mozgatás &fel - RC HighPass 12dB - + + Move &down + Mozgatás &le - RC LowPass 24dB - + + &Remove this plugin + Plugin &eltávolítása + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - RC BandPass 24dB + + Env pre-delay - RC HighPass 24dB + + Env attack - Vocal Formant Filter + + Env hold - 2x Moog + + Env decay - SV LowPass + + Env sustain - SV BandPass + + Env release - SV HighPass + + Env mod amount - SV Notch - + + LFO pre-delay + LFO késleltetés - Fast Formant - + + LFO attack + LFO felfutás - Tripole - + + LFO frequency + LFO frekvencia - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - + + LFO mod amount + LFO moduláció mértéke - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - + + LFO wave shape + LFO hullámforma - FILTER - + + LFO frequency x 100 + LFO frekvencia x 100 - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. + + Modulate env amount + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView - Hz - + + + DEL + DEL - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - + + + Pre-delay: + Késleltetés: - RESO - + + + ATT + ATT - Resonance: - + + + Attack: + Felfutás: - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - + + HOLD + HOLD - FREQ - + + Hold: + Tartás: - cutoff frequency: - + + DEC + DEC - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - + + Decay: + Decay: - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - + + SUST + SUST - Volume - Hangerő + + Sustain: + Kitartás: - Panning - + + REL + REL - Pitch - + + Release: + Lecsengés: - FX channel - + + + AMT + AMT - Default preset - + + + Modulation amount: + Moduláció mértéke: - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - + + SPD + SPD - Base note - + + Frequency: + Frekvencia: - Pitch range - + + FREQ x 100 + FREKVENCIA x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + LFO frekvencia szorzása 100-zal - Master Pitch + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT - - - InstrumentTrackView - Volume - Hangerő + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + A burkológörbe erősségének vezérlése az LFO-val - Volume: - Hangerő: + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: - VOL - + + Hint + Tipp - Panning - + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + Húzz egy hangmintát erre az ablakra. + + + EqControls - Panning: - + + Input gain + Bemeneti erősítés - PAN - + + Output gain + Kimeneti erősítés - MIDI + + Low-shelf gain - Input + + Peak 1 gain - Output + + Peak 2 gain - FX %1: %2 + + Peak 3 gain - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS + + Peak 4 gain - Instrument volume + + High-shelf gain - Volume: - Hangerő: + + HP res + Felüláteresztő rezonancia - VOL + + Low-shelf res - Panning + + Peak 1 BW - Panning: + + Peak 2 BW - PAN + + Peak 3 BW - Pitch + + Peak 4 BW - Pitch: + + High-shelf res - cents - + + LP res + Aluláteresztő rezonancia - PITCH - + + HP freq + Felüláteresztő frekvencia - FX channel + + Low-shelf freq - ENV/LFO + + Peak 1 freq - FUNC + + Peak 2 freq - FX + + Peak 3 freq - MIDI + + Peak 4 freq - Save preset + + High-shelf freq - XML preset file (*.xpf) - + + LP freq + Aluláteresztő frekvencia - PLUGIN - + + HP active + Felüláteresztő aktív - Pitch range (semitones) + + Low-shelf active - RANGE + + Peak 1 active - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + Peak 2 active - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. + + Peak 3 active - MISC + + Peak 4 active - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. + + High-shelf active - SAVE - + + LP active + Aluláteresztő aktív - - - Knob - Set linear - + + LP 12 + LP 12 - Set logarithmic - + + LP 24 + LP 24 - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - + + LP 48 + LP 48 - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - + + HP 12 + HP 12 - - - LadspaControl - Link channels - + + HP 24 + HP 24 - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - + + HP 48 + HP 48 - Channel - + + Low-pass type + Aluláteresztő meredeksége - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels - + + High-pass type + Felüláteresztő meredeksége - Value: - + + Analyse IN + Bemeneti jel mutatása - Sorry, no help available. - + + Analyse OUT + Kimeneti jel mutatása - LadspaEffect + EqControlsDialog - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - + + HP + Felüláteresztő - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Low-shelf - - - LeftRightNav - Previous + + Peak 1 - Next + + Peak 2 - Previous (%1) + + Peak 3 - Next (%1) + + Peak 4 - - - LfoController - LFO Controller + + High-shelf - Base value - + + LP + Aluláteresztő - Oscillator speed - + + Input gain + Bemeneti erősítés - Oscillator amount - + + + + Gain + Erősítés - Oscillator phase - - + + Output gain + Kimeneti erősítés + + + + Bandwidth: + Sávszélesség: + + + + Octave + Oktáv + + + + Resonance : + Rezonancia: + + + + Frequency: + Frekvencia: + + + + LP group + LP csoport + + + + HP group + HP csoport + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + Rezonancia: + + + + BW: + Sávszélesség: + + + + + Freq: + Frekvencia: + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + Projekt exportálása + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + Extra ütem eltávolítása a projekt végéről + + + + Export between loop markers + Csak a kijelölt terület exportálása + + + + Render Looped Section: + Ismételt tartomány renderelése ennyiszer: + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + Fájlformátum + + + + File format: + Fájlformátum: + + + + Sampling rate: + Mintavételi frekvencia: + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + Bitmélység: + + + + 16 Bit integer + 16 bites egész + + + + 24 Bit integer + 24 bites egész + + + + 32 Bit float + 32 bit lebegőpontos + + + + Stereo mode: + Sztereó mód: + + + + Mono + Monó + + + + Stereo + Sztereó + + + + Joint stereo + Összekapcsolt sztereó + + + + Compression level: + Tömörítési szint: + + + + Bitrate: + Bitsebesség: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + Változó bitsebesség használata + + + + Quality settings + Minőség + + + + Interpolation: + Interpoláció: + + + + Zero order hold + Zero order hold + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + Sinc worst (leggyorsabb) + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + Sinc medium (ajánlott) + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + Sinc best (leglassabb) + + + + Oversampling: + Túlmintavételezés: + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (Nincs) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + Indítás + + + + Cancel + Mégse + + + + Could not open file + Nem lehet megnyitni a fájlt + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + A(z) %1 fájl nem nyitható meg írásra. +Ellenőrizd, hogy rendelkezel-e a szükséges engedélyekkel és próbáld újra! + + + + Export project to %1 + Exportálás a(z) %1 fájlba + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + ( Leggyorsabb - legnagyobb ) + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + ( Leglassabb - legkisebb ) + + + + Error + Hiba + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Hiba a fájlkódoló eszköz meghatározásakor. Próbálj másik kimeneti formátumot választani. + + + + Rendering: %1% + Renderelés: %1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + Érték megadása + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Adj meg egy új értéket %1 és %2 között: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + Saját tartalom + + + + Factory content + Gyári tartalom + + + + Browser + Tallózás + + + + Search + Keresés + + + + Refresh list + Lista frissítése + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + Küldés az aktív hangszersávra + + + + Open containing folder + Tartalmazó mappa megnyitása + + + + Song Editor + Dalszerkesztő + + + + BB Editor + Beat+Bassline szerkesztő + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + Küldés új AudioFileProcessor példányba + + + + Send to new instrument track + Küldés új hangszersávra + + + + (%2Enter) + (%2Enter) + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + Küldés új audió sávra (Shift + Enter) + + + + Loading sample + Hangminta betöltése + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Kis türelmet, hangminta betöltése előnézethez... + + + + Error + Hiba + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + %1 nem tűnik érvényes %2 fájlnak. + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- Gyári tartalom --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + Késleltetési idő + + + + LFO frequency + LFO frekvencia + + + + Seconds + Erősség + + + + Stereo phase + Sztereó fázis + + + + Regen + Visszacsatolás + + + + Noise + Zaj + + + + Invert + Invertálás + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + IDŐ + + + + Delay time: + Késleltetési idő: + + + + RATE + FREKV + + + + Period: + Periódus: + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Amount: + Mérték: + + + + PHASE + FÁZIS + + + + Phase: + Fázis: + + + + FDBK + FDBK + + + + Feedback amount: + Visszacsatolás mértéke: + + + + NOISE + ZAJ + + + + White noise amount: + Fehér zaj mennyisége: + + + + Invert + Invertálás + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Kitöltési tényező + + + + Channel 1 volume + 1. csatorna hangerő + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + 2. csatorna hangerő + + + + Channel 3 volume + 3. csatorna hangerő + + + + Channel 4 volume + 4. csatorna hangerő + + + + Shift Register width + Shift regiszter méret + + + + Right output level + Jobb kimeneti szint + + + + Left output level + Bal kimeneti szint + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + Magas + + + + Bass + Mély + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + Kitöltési tényező: + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Kitöltési tényező + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + Négyszög csatorna 1 hangerő: + + + + Square channel 1 volume + Négyszög csatorna 1 hangerő + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + Négyszög csatorna 2 hangerő: + + + + Square channel 2 volume + Négyszög csatorna 2 hangerő + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + Rajzolt hullám hangerő: + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + Rajzolt hullám hangerő + + + + Noise channel volume: + Zaj csatorna hangerő: + + + + Noise channel volume + Zaj csatorna hangerő + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + Magas: + + + + Treble + Magas + + + + Bass: + Mély: + + + + Bass + Mély + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + Shift regiszter méret + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + Mozgatás &balra + + + + Move &right + Mozgatás &jobbra + + + + Rename &channel + Csatorna át&nevezése + + + + R&emove channel + Csatorna &eltávolítása + + + + Remove &unused channels + &Nem használt csatornák eltávolítása + + + + Set channel color + Szín módosítása + + + + Remove channel color + Szín eltávolítása + + + + Pick random channel color + Véletlenszerű szín + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + Hozzárendelés: + + + + New mixer Channel + Új csatorna + + + + Mixer + + + Master + Master + + + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 + + + + Volume + Hangerő + + + + Mute + Némítás + + + + Solo + Szóló + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + Keverő + + + + Fader %1 + FX Fader %1 + + + + Mute + Némítás + + + + Mute this mixer channel + Csatorna némítása + + + + Solo + Szóló + + + + Solo mixer channel + Csatorna szóló + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + %1. csatornáról %2. csatornára küldött jel mennyisége + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + Bank + + + + Patch + Patch + + + + Gain + Erősítés + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + GIG fájl megnyitása + + + + Choose patch + Patch kiválasztása + + + + Gain: + Erősítés: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG fájlok (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + Munkakönyvtár + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + A(z) %1 munkakönyvtár nem létezik. Létrehozod most? A munkakönyvtár bármikor megváltoztatható a Szerkesztés -> Beállítások menüpontban. + + + + Preparing UI + Kezelőfelület előkészítése + + + + Preparing song editor + Dalszerkesztő előkészítése + + + + Preparing mixer + Keverő előkészítése + + + + Preparing controller rack + Controller Rack előkészítése + + + + Preparing project notes + Jegyzetek előkészítése + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Beat+Bassline szerkesztő előkészítése + + + + Preparing piano roll + Piano Roll előkészítése + + + + Preparing automation editor + Automatizáció szerkesztő előkészítése + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + Arpeggio + + + + Arpeggio type + Arpeggio típusa + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + Ismétlés + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + Kihagyási arány + + + + Miss rate + Tévesztési arány + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + Arpeggio iránya + + + + Arpeggio mode + Arpeggio mód + + + + Up + Fel + + + + Down + Le + + + + Up and down + Fel és le + + + + Down and up + Le és fel + + + + Random + Véletlenszerű + + + + Free + Szabad + + + + Sort + Sorrend + + + + Sync + Szinkron + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGGIO + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + Arpeggio tartomány: + + + + octave(s) + oktáv + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + Ismétlés: + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + Kihagyási arány: + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + Tévesztési arány: + + + + TIME + IDŐ + + + + Arpeggio time: + Arpeggio sebesség: + + + + ms + ms + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + Akkord: + + + + Direction: + Irány: + + + + Mode: + Mód: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + oktáv + + + + + Major + Dúr + + + + Majb5 + Majb5 + + + + minor + Moll + + + + minb5 + minb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + augsus4 + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + Harmonikus moll + + + + Melodic minor + Dallamos moll + + + + Whole tone + Egészhang + + + + Diminished + Szűkített + + + + Major pentatonic + Dúr pentaton + + + + Minor pentatonic + Mól pentaton + + + + Jap in sen + Jap in sen + + + + Major bebop + Dúr Bebop + + + + Dominant bebop + Domináns Bebop + + + + Blues + Blues + + + + Arabic + Arab + + + + Enigmatic + Enigmatikus + + + + Neopolitan + Nápolyi + + + + Neopolitan minor + Nápolyi moll + + + + Hungarian minor + Magyar moll + + + + Dorian + Dór + + + + Phrygian + Fríg + + + + Lydian + Líd + + + + Mixolydian + Mixolíd + + + + Aeolian + Eol + + + + Locrian + Lokriszi + + + + Minor + Moll + + + + Chromatic + Kromatikus + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + Fél-egész szűkített + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + Fríg domináns + + + + Persian + Perzsa + + + + Chords + Akkordok + + + + Chord type + Akkord típus + + + + Chord range + Akkord tartomány + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + Akkord: + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + Akkord tartomány: + + + + octave(s) + oktáv + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + MIDI BEMENET ENGEDÉLYEZÉSE + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + MIDI KIMENET ENGEDÉLYEZÉSE + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + CSAT + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + PROG + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + MIDI események fogadása erről az eszközről + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + MIDI események küldése erre az eszközre + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + TRANSZPONÁLÁS + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + Transzponálás engedélyezése + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + HANGERŐ + + + + Volume + Hangerő + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Vágási frekvencia + + + + RESO + RESO + + + + Resonance + Rezonancia + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + Burkológörbék/LFO-k + + + + Filter type + Szűrő típus + + + + Q/Resonance + Q/Rezonancia + + + + Low-pass + Aluláteresztő + + + + Hi-pass + Felüláteresztő + + + + Band-pass csg + Sáváteresztő csg + + + + Band-pass czpg + Sáváteresztő czpg + + + + Notch + Lyukszűrő + + + + All-pass + All-pass + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x Aluláteresztő + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC aluláteresztő 12 dB/oktáv + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC sáváteresztő 12 dB/oktáv + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC felüláteresztő 12 dB/oktáv + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC aluláteresztő 24 dB/oktáv + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC sáváteresztő 24 dB/oktáv + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC felüláteresztő 24 dB/oktáv + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + SV Low-pass + SV aluláteresztő + + + + SV Band-pass + SV sáváteresztő + + + + SV High-pass + SV felüláteresztő + + + + SV Notch + SV lyukszűrő + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + CÉL + + + + FILTER + SZŰRŐ + + + + FREQ + FREKV + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Vágási frekvencia: + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + Q/RESO + + + + Q/Resonance: + Q/Rezonancia: + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + A burkológörbék, LFO-k és szűrők nem támogatottak a jelenlegi hangszer által. + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + névtelen_sáv + + + + Base note + Alaphang + + + + First note + Legalsó hang + + + + Last note + Legfelső hang + + + + Volume + Hangerő + + + + Panning + Panoráma + + + + Pitch + Hangmagasság + + + + Pitch range + Hangmagasság tartomány + + + + Mixer channel + Keverő csatorna + + + + Master pitch + Transzponálás + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + MIDI CC engedélyezése + + + + CC Controller %1 + CC vezérlő %1 + + + + + Default preset + Alapértelmezett preset + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Hangerő + + + + Volume: + Hangerő: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panoráma + + + + Panning: + Panoráma: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + Bemenet + + + + Output + Kimenet + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + MIDI CC Rack megnyitása/bezárása + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + ÁLTALÁNOS BEÁLLÍTÁSOK + + + + Volume + Hangerő + + + + Volume: + Hangerő: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panoráma + + + + Panning: + Panoráma: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + Hangmagasság + + + + Pitch: + Hangmagasság: + + + + cents + cent + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + Hangmagasság tartomány (félhangok) + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + Keverő csatorna + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Aktuális hangszersáv beállításainak mentése + + + + SAVE + MENTÉS + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + Burkológörbe, szűrő, LFO + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + Effektek + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + Egyéb + + + + Save preset + Preset mentése + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML preset fájl (*.xpf) + + + + Plugin + Plugin + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + A JUCE névjegye + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + <b>A JUCE névjegye</b> + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + Ez a program a JUCE 3.x.x verziót használja. + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + Ez a program a JUCE %1 verziót használja. + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + Lineáris skála + + + + Set logarithmic + Logaritmikus skála + + + + + Set value + Érték megadása + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Adj meg egy új értéket -96.0 dBFS és 6.0 dBFS között: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Adj meg egy új értéket %1 és %2 között: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + Csatornák összekapcsolása + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + Csatornák összekapcsolása + + + + Channel + Csatorna + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + Csatornák összekapcsolása + + + + Value: + Érték: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Ismeretlen LADSPA plugin: %1 + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + Érték megadása + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Adj meg egy új értéket %1 és %2 között: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + Érték megadása + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Adj meg egy új értéket %1 és %2 között: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + Előző + + + + + + Next + Következő + + + + Previous (%1) + Előző (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Következő (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + LFO vezérlő + + + + Base value + Alapérték + + + + Oscillator speed + Oszcillátor sebesség + + + + Oscillator amount + Moduláció mértéke + + + + Oscillator phase + Oszcillátor fázis + + + + Oscillator waveform + Oszcillátor hullámforma + + + + Frequency Multiplier + Frekvencia szorzó + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + ALAP + + + + Base: + Alapérték: + + + + FREQ + FREKV + + + + LFO frequency: + LFO frekvencia: + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Modulation amount: + Moduláció mértéke: + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + Fáziseltolás: + + + + degrees + fok + + + + Sine wave + Szinuszhullám + + + + Triangle wave + Háromszöghullám + + + + Saw wave + Fűrészfoghullám + + + + Square wave + Négyszöghullám + + + + Moog saw wave + Moog fűrészfog + + + + Exponential wave + Exponenciális + + + + White noise + Fehér zaj + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + Felhasználó által megadott hullámforma. +Kattints duplán egy fájl kiválasztásához. + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + Frekvencia szorzása 1-gyel + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + Frekvencia szorzása 100-zal + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + Frekvencia osztása 100-zal + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + Hullámtáblák generálása + + + + Initializing data structures + Adatstruktúrák inicializálása + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + Audio és MIDI eszközök megnyitása + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + Konfigurációs fájl + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Hiba a konfigurációs fájl olvasásakor: +%1:%2: %3 + + + + Could not open file + Nem lehet megnyitni a fájlt + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + A(z) %1 fájl nem nyitható meg írásra. +Ellenőrizd, hogy rendelkezel-e a szükséges engedélyekkel és próbáld újra! + + + + Project recovery + Projekt helyreállítása + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Létezik egy visszaállítási fájl. Úgy tűnik, hogy a legutóbbi munkamenet nem megfelelően fejeződött be, vagy az LMMS egy másik példánya már fut. Szeretnéd helyreállítani a munkamenetet? + + + + + Recover + Visszaállítás + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + Elvetés + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Üres munkamenet indítása és a visszaállított fájlok törlése. Ez a művelet nem vonható vissza. + + + + Version %1 + Verzió %1 + + + + Preparing plugin browser + Plugin tallózó előkészítése + + + + Preparing file browsers + Fájltallózók előlészítése + + + + My Projects + Projektjeim + + + + My Samples + Mintáim + + + + My Presets + Presetek + + + + My Home + Mappám + + + + Root directory + Gyökérkönyvtár + + + + Volumes + Hangerők + + + + My Computer + Számítógépem + + + + &File + &Fájl + + + + &New + &Új + + + + &Open... + &Megnyitás... + + + + Loading background picture + Háttérkép betöltése + + + + &Save + &Mentés + + + + Save &As... + Mentés &másként... + + + + Save as New &Version + Mentés új &verzióként + + + + Save as default template + Mentés alapértelmezett sablonként + + + + Import... + Importálás... + + + + E&xport... + E&xportálás... + + + + E&xport Tracks... + Sávonkénti e&xportálás + + + + Export &MIDI... + &MIDI exportálása... + + + + &Quit + &Kilépés + + + + &Edit + &Szerkesztés + + + + Undo + Visszavonás + + + + Redo + Mégis + + + + Settings + Beállítások + + + + &View + &Nézet + + + + &Tools + &Eszközök + + + + &Help + &Súgó + + + + Online Help + Online súgó + + + + Help + Súgó + + + + About + Névjegy + + + + Create new project + Új projekt létrehozása + + + + Create new project from template + Új projekt létrehozása sablonból + + + + Open existing project + Már létező projekt megnyitása + + + + Recently opened projects + Legutóbbi projektek + + + + Save current project + Jelenlegi projekt mentése + + + + Export current project + Jelenlegi projekt exportálása + + + + Metronome + Metronóm + + + + + Song Editor + Dalszerkesztő + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Beat+Bassline szerkesztő + + + + + Piano Roll + Piano Roll + + + + + Automation Editor + Automatizáció szerkesztő + + + + + Mixer + Keverő + + + + Show/hide controller rack + Controller Rack megjelenítése/elrejtése + + + + Show/hide project notes + Jegyzetek megjelenítése/elrejtése + + + + Untitled + Névtelen + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Ez a projekt egy korábbi munkamenetből lett visszaállítva és jelenleg nincs mentve. El akarod menteni most? + + + + Project not saved + A projekt nincs elmentve + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + A jelenlegi projekt módosítva lett a legutóbbi mentés óta. El szeretnéd menteni most? + + + + Open Project + Projekt megnyitása + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Projekt mentése + + + + LMMS Project + LMMS Projekt + + + + LMMS Project Template + LMMS Projekt Sablon + + + + Save project template + Projekt sablon mentése + + + + Overwrite default template? + Felülírod az alapértelmezett sablont? + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Ez a művelet felülírja a jelenlegi alapértelmezett sablont. + + + + Help not available + Súgó nem elérhatő + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + Vezérlő Rack + + + + Project Notes + Jegyzetek + + + + Fullscreen + Teljes képernyő + + + + Volume as dBFS + Hangerő dBFS-ként + + + + Smooth scroll + Sima görgetés + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI fájl (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + névtelen + + + + + Select file for project-export... + Válassz egy fájlt az exportáláshoz... + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Válassz mappát az exportált fájloknak... + + + + Save project + Projekt mentése + + + + Project saved + Projekt mentve + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + A(z) %1 projekt mentésre került. + + + + Project NOT saved. + A projekt NEM került mentésre. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + A(z) %1 projekt mentése nem sikerült! + + + + Import file + Fájl importálása + + + + MIDI sequences + MIDI szekvenciák + + + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogen projektek + + + + All file types + Minden fájl + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + Ütemmutató számláló + + + + Meter numerator + Ütemmutató számláló + + + + + Meter Denominator + Ütemmutató nevező + + + + Meter denominator + Ütemmutató nevező + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + Számláló + + + + Denominator + Nevező + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + MIDI CC vezérlők: + + + + CC %1 + CC %1 + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + MIDI vezérlő + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + névtelen_midi_vezérlő + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + Nincs megadva alapértelmezett SoundFont fájl, ezért az importált sávok lejátszásakor semmilyen hang nem lesz hallható. Javasoljuk, hogy tölts le egy General MIDI hangkészletfájlt, add meg a Beállítások ablakban, majd próbálkozz újra. + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + MIDI ütemmutató számláló + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + MIDI ütemmutató nevező + + + + Numerator + Számláló + + + + Denominator + Nevező + + + + Track + Sáv + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK szerver leállt + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + Úgy tűnik, a JACK kiszolgáló leállt. + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + MIDI Pattern + + + + Time Signature: + Ütemjelzés: + + + + + + 1/4 + 1/4 + + + + 2/4 + 2/4 + + + + 3/4 + 3/4 + + + + 4/4 + 4/4 + + + + 5/4 + 5/4 + + + + 6/4 + 6/4 + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + 2 + 2 + + + + 3 + 3 + + + + 4 + 4 + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + 8 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + 10 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + 12 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + 14 + + + + 15 + 15 + + + + 16 + 16 + + + + Default Length: + Alapértelmezett hossz: + + + + + 1/16 + 1/16 + + + + + 1/15 + 1/15 + + + + + 1/12 + 1/12 + + + + + 1/9 + 1/9 + + + + + 1/8 + 1/8 + + + + + 1/6 + 1/6 + + + + + 1/3 + 1/3 + + + + + 1/2 + 1/2 + + + + Quantize: + Kvantálás: + + + + &File + &Fájl + + + + &Edit + &Szerkesztés + + + + &Quit + &Kilépés + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + F + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + D + + + + Select All + Összes kijelölése + + + + A + A + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + Bemeneti csatorna + + + + Output channel + Kimeneti csatorna + + + + Input controller + Bemeneti eszköz + + + + Output controller + Kimeneti eszköz + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + Kimenő MIDI program + - Oscillator waveform + + Base velocity - Frequency Multiplier - + + Receive MIDI-events + MIDI események fogadása + + + + Send MIDI-events + MIDI események küldése - LfoControllerDialog + MidiSetupWidget - LFO - + + Device + Eszköz + + + MonstroInstrument - LFO Controller - + + Osc 1 volume + Osc 1 hangerő - BASE - + + Osc 1 panning + Osc 1 panoráma - Base amount: - + + Osc 1 coarse detune + Osc 1 hangolás - todo - + + Osc 1 fine detune left + Osc 1 finomhangolás bal - SPD - + + Osc 1 fine detune right + Osc 1 finomhangolás jobb - LFO-speed: - + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + Osc 1 sztereó fáziseltolás - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - + + Osc 1 pulse width + Osc 1 pulzusszélesség - Modulation amount: - + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + Osc 1 szinkron küldése a felfutó élen - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + Osc 1 szinkron küldése a lefutó élen - PHS - + + Osc 2 volume + Osc 2 hangerő - Phase offset: - + + Osc 2 panning + Osc 2 panoráma - degrees - + + Osc 2 coarse detune + Osc 2 hangolás - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - + + Osc 2 fine detune left + Osc 2 finomhangolás bal - Click here for a sine-wave. - + + Osc 2 fine detune right + Osc 2 finomhangolás jobb - Click here for a triangle-wave. - + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + Osc 2 sztereó fáziseltolás - Click here for a saw-wave. - + + Osc 2 waveform + Osc 2 hullámforma - Click here for a square-wave. + + Osc 2 sync hard - Click here for an exponential wave. + + Osc 2 sync reverse - Click here for white-noise. - + + Osc 3 volume + Osc 3 hangerő - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - + + Osc 3 panning + Osc 3 panoráma - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - + + Osc 3 coarse detune + Osc 3 hangolás - AMNT - + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Osc 3 sztereó fáziseltolás - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix - Initializing data structures - + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + Osc 3, 1. hullámforma - Opening audio and midi devices - + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + Osc 3, 2. hullámforma - Launching mixer threads + + Osc 3 sync hard - - - MainWindow - Could not save config-file + + Osc 3 Sync reverse - Could not save configuration file %1. You're probably not permitted to write to this file. -Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - + + LFO 1 waveform + LFO 1 hullámforma - &New - &Új + + LFO 1 attack + LFO 1 felfutás - &Open... - &Megnyitás... + + LFO 1 rate + LFO 1 frekvencia - &Save - &Mentés + + LFO 1 phase + LFO 1 fázis - Save &As... - Mentés &másként... + + LFO 2 waveform + LFO 2 hullámforma - Import... - Importálás... + + LFO 2 attack + LFO 2 felfutás - E&xport... - E&xportálás... + + LFO 2 rate + LFO 2 frekvencia - &Quit - &Kilépés + + LFO 2 phase + LFO 2 fázis - &Edit - &Szerkesztés + + Env 1 pre-delay + Burkológörbe 1 késleltetés - Settings - Beállítások + + Env 1 attack + Burkológörbe 1 felfutás - &Tools - &Eszközök + + Env 1 hold + Env 1 hold - &Help - &Súgó + + Env 1 decay + Env 1 decay - Help - Súgó + + Env 1 sustain + Env 1 sustain - What's this? - Mi ez? + + Env 1 release + Env 1 release - About - Névjegy + + Env 1 slope + Burkológörbe 1 meredekség - Create new project - Új projekt létrehozása + + Env 2 pre-delay + Env 2 késleltetés - Create new project from template - Új projekt létrehozása sablonból + + Env 2 attack + Env 2 attack - Open existing project - Már létező projekt megnyitása + + Env 2 hold + Env 2 hold - Recently opened projects - Legutóbbi projektek + + Env 2 decay + Env 2 decay - Save current project - Jelenlegi projekt mentése + + Env 2 sustain + Env 2 sustain - Export current project - Jelenlegi projekt exportálása + + Env 2 release + Env 2 release - Song Editor - Dalszerkesztő + + Env 2 slope + Burkológörbe 2 meredekség - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - + + Osc 2+3 modulation + Osc 2+3 moduláció - Beat+Bassline Editor - + + Selected view + Kiválasztott nézet - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 - Piano Roll - + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Hangerő LFO 1 - Automation Editor - + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Hangerő LFO 2 - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 - FX Mixer - + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Hangerő LFO 1 - Project Notes - + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Hangerő LFO 2 - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 - Controller Rack - + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 - Untitled - Névtelen + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Hangerő LFO 1 - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Hangerő LFO 2 - Project not saved - A projekt nincs elmentve + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - A jelenlegi projekt módosítva lett a legutóbbi mentés óta. El szeretné menteni most? + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 - Help not available - + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Fázis LFO 1 - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Fázis LFO 2 - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 - Version %1 - Verzió %1 + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 - Configuration file - Konfigurációs fájl + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Fázis LFO 1 - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Fázis LFO 2 - Volumes - Hangerők + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 - Undo - Visszavonás + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 - Redo - Mégis + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Fázis LFO 1 - My Projects - Projektjeim + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Fázis LFO 2 - My Samples - Mintáim + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 - My Presets - + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 - My Home - Mappám + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 - My Computer - Számítógépem + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 - &File - &Fájl + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 - &Recently Opened Projects - &Legutóbbi projektek + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 - Save as New &Version - Mentés új &verzióként + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 - E&xport Tracks... - + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - Online Help - + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 - What's This? - + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 - Open Project - Projekt megnyitása + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 - Save Project - Projekt mentése + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 - Project recovery - + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + Osc 1 - PW env 1 - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + Osc 1 - PW env 2 - Recover - + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 - Ignore - + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 - Launch LMMS as usual but with automatic backup disabled to prevent the present recover file from being overwritten. - + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 - Discard - + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 - Preparing plugin browser - + + + Sine wave + Szinuszhullám - Preparing file browsers - + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Sávlimitált háromszög - Root directory - + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Sávlimitált fűrészfog - Loading background artwork - + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Sávlimitált rámpa - New from template - + + Bandlimited Square wave + Sávlimitált négyszög - Save as default template - + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Sávlimitált Moog fűrészfog - &View - &Nézet + + + Soft square wave + Lekerekített négyszög - Toggle metronome - + + Absolute sine wave + Egyenirányított szinusz - Show/hide Song-Editor - + + + Exponential wave + Exponenciális - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - + + White noise + Fehér zaj - Show/hide Piano-Roll - + + Digital Triangle wave + Digitális háromszög - Show/hide Automation Editor - + + Digital Saw wave + Digitális fűrészfog - Show/hide FX Mixer - + + Digital Ramp wave + Digitális rámpa + + + + Digital Square wave + Digitális négyszög + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + Digitális Moog fűrészfog + + + + Triangle wave + Háromszöghullám + + + + Saw wave + Fűrészfoghullám + + + + Ramp wave + Rámpa + + + + Square wave + Négyszöghullám + + + + Moog saw wave + Moog fűrészfog + + + + Abs. sine wave + Egyenirányított szinusz + + + + Random + Véletlenszerű + + + + Random smooth + Véletlenszerű folyamatos + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + Operátor nézet - Show/hide project notes - + + Matrix view + Mátrix nézet - Show/hide controller rack - + + + + Volume + Hangerő - Recover session. Please save your work! - + + + + Panning + Panoráma - Automatic backup disabled. Remember to save your work! - + + + + Coarse detune + Elhangolás - Recovered project not saved - + + + + semitones + félhang - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - + + + Fine tune left + Finomhangolás bal - LMMS Project - + + + + + cents + cent - LMMS Project Template - + + + Fine tune right + Finomhangolás jobb - Overwrite default template? - + + + + Stereo phase offset + Sztereó fáziseltolás - This will overwrite your current default template. - + + + + + + deg + fok - Volume as dBFS - + + Pulse width + Pulzusszélesség - Smooth scroll - + + Send sync on pulse rise + Szinkron küldése a felfutó élen - Enable note labels in piano roll - + + Send sync on pulse fall + Szinkron küldése a lefutó élen - Save project template + + Hard sync oscillator 2 - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Meter Denominator + + Sub-osc mix - TIME SIG + + Hard sync oscillator 3 - - - MeterModel - Numerator + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Denominator - + + + + + Attack + Attack - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - + + + Rate + Ütem: - unnamed_midi_controller - + + + Phase + Fázis - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - + + + Pre-delay + Késleltetés - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - + + + Hold + Tartás - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - + + + Decay + Decay - Track - + + + Sustain + Kitartás - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - + + + Release + Release - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - + + + Slope + Meredekség + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + 3. oszcillátor amplitúdójának modulációja a 2. oszcillátorral + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + 3. oszcillátor frekvenciájának modulációja a 2. oszcillátorral + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + 3. oszcillátor fázisának modulációja a 2. oszcillátorral + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Moduláció mértéke - MidiPort + MultitapEchoControlDialog - Input channel - + + Length + Hossz - Output channel - + + Step length: + Lépéshossz: - Input controller + + Dry - Output controller + + Dry gain: - Fixed input velocity - + + Stages + Fokozatok - Fixed output velocity - + + Low-pass stages: + Aluláteresztő fokozatok: - Output MIDI program - + + Swap inputs + Bemenetek felcserélése - Receive MIDI-events + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + NesInstrument - Send MIDI-events - + + Channel 1 coarse detune + 1. csatorna hangolás - Fixed output note - + + Channel 1 volume + 1. csatorna hangerő - Base velocity - + + Channel 1 envelope length + 1. csatorna burkológörbe hossza - - - MidiSetupWidget - DEVICE - ESZKÖZ + + Channel 1 duty cycle + 1. csatorna kitöltési tényező - - - MonstroInstrument - Osc 1 Volume + + Channel 1 sweep amount - Osc 1 Panning + + Channel 1 sweep rate - Osc 1 Coarse detune - + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + 2. csatorna hangolás - Osc 1 Fine detune left - + + Channel 2 Volume + 2. csatorna hangerő - Osc 1 Fine detune right - + + Channel 2 envelope length + 2. csatorna burkológörbe hossza - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - + + Channel 2 duty cycle + 2. csatorna kitöltési tényező - Osc 1 Pulse width + + Channel 2 sweep amount - Osc 1 Sync send on rise + + Channel 2 sweep rate - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - + + Channel 3 coarse detune + 3. csatorna hangolás - Osc 2 Volume - + + Channel 3 volume + 3. csatorna hangerő - Osc 2 Panning - + + Channel 4 volume + 4. csatorna hangerő - Osc 2 Coarse detune - + + Channel 4 envelope length + 4. csatorna burkológörbe hossza - Osc 2 Fine detune left - + + Channel 4 noise frequency + 4. csatorna frekvencia - Osc 2 Fine detune right + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - + + Master volume + Fő hangerő - Osc 2 Waveform - + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + NesInstrumentView - Osc 2 Sync Hard - + + + + + Volume + Hangerő - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - + + + + Coarse detune + Elhangolás: - Osc 3 Volume - + + + + Envelope length + Burkológörbe hossza - Osc 3 Panning - + + Enable channel 1 + 1. csatorna engedélyezése - Osc 3 Coarse detune - + + Enable envelope 1 + 1. burkológörbe engedélyezése - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - + + Enable envelope 1 loop + 1. burkológörbe ismétlése - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix + + Enable sweep 1 - Osc 3 Waveform 1 + + + Sweep amount - Osc 3 Waveform 2 + + + Sweep rate - Osc 3 Sync Hard - + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5%-os kitöltés - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25%-os kitöltés - LFO 1 Waveform - + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50%-os kitöltés - LFO 1 Attack - + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75%-os kitöltés - LFO 1 Rate - + + Enable channel 2 + 2. csatorna engedélyezése - LFO 1 Phase - + + Enable envelope 2 + 2. burkológörbe engedélyezése - LFO 2 Waveform - + + Enable envelope 2 loop + 2. burkológörbe ismétlése - LFO 2 Attack + + Enable sweep 2 - LFO 2 Rate - + + Enable channel 3 + 3. csatorna engedélyezése - LFO 2 Phase - + + Noise Frequency + Zaj frekvencia: - Env 1 Pre-delay + + Frequency sweep - Env 1 Attack - + + Enable channel 4 + 4. csatorna engedélyezése - Env 1 Hold - + + Enable envelope 4 + 4. burkológörbe engedélyezése - Env 1 Decay - + + Enable envelope 4 loop + 4. burkológörbe ismétlése - Env 1 Sustain + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Env 1 Release + + Use note frequency for noise - Env 1 Slope - + + Noise mode + Zaj mód - Env 2 Pre-delay - + + Master volume + Fő hangerő - Env 2 Attack - + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + OpulenzInstrument - Env 2 Hold - + + Patch + Patch - Env 2 Decay - + + Op 1 attack + Op 1 felfutás - Env 2 Sustain - + + Op 1 decay + Op 1 csillapítás - Env 2 Release - + + Op 1 sustain + Op 1 kitartás - Env 2 Slope - + + Op 1 release + Op 1 lecsengés - Osc2-3 modulation - + + Op 1 level + Op 1 jelszint - Selected view + + Op 1 level scaling - Vol1-Env1 - + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + Op 1 frekvencia szorzó - Vol1-Env2 - + + Op 1 feedback + Op 1 visszacsatolás - Vol1-LFO1 + + Op 1 key scaling rate - Vol1-LFO2 - + + Op 1 percussive envelope + Op 1 perkusszív burkológörbe - Vol2-Env1 - + + Op 1 tremolo + Op 1 tremolo - Vol2-Env2 - + + Op 1 vibrato + Op 1 vibrato - Vol2-LFO1 - + + Op 1 waveform + Op 1 hullámforma - Vol2-LFO2 - + + Op 2 attack + Op 2 felfutás - Vol3-Env1 - + + Op 2 decay + Op 2 csillapítás - Vol3-Env2 - + + Op 2 sustain + Op 2 kitartás - Vol3-LFO1 - + + Op 2 release + Op 2 lecsengés - Vol3-LFO2 - + + Op 2 level + Op 2 jelszint - Phs1-Env1 + + Op 2 level scaling - Phs1-Env2 - + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + Op 2 frekvencia szorzó - Phs1-LFO1 + + Op 2 key scaling rate - Phs1-LFO2 - + + Op 2 percussive envelope + Op 2 perkusszív burkológörbe - Phs2-Env1 - + + Op 2 tremolo + Op 2 tremolo - Phs2-Env2 - + + Op 2 vibrato + Op 2 vibrato - Phs2-LFO1 - + + Op 2 waveform + Op 2 hullámforma - Phs2-LFO2 - + + FM + FM - Phs3-Env1 - + + Vibrato depth + Vibrato mélység - Phs3-Env2 - + + Tremolo depth + Tremolo mélység + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - Phs3-LFO1 - + + + Attack + Felfutás - Phs3-LFO2 - + + + Decay + Decay - Pit1-Env1 - + + + Release + Release - Pit1-Env2 - + + + Frequency multiplier + Frekvencia szorzó + + + OscillatorObject - Pit1-LFO1 - + + Osc %1 waveform + Osc %1 hullámforma - Pit1-LFO2 - + + Osc %1 harmonic + Osc %1 harmonikus - Pit2-Env1 - + + + Osc %1 volume + Osc %1 hangerő - Pit2-Env2 - + + + Osc %1 panning + Osc %1 panoráma - Pit2-LFO1 - + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Osc %1 finomhangolás bal - Pit2-LFO2 - + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Osc %1 hangolás - Pit3-Env1 - + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Osc %1 finomhangolás jobb - Pit3-Env2 - + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Osc %1 fáziseltolás - Pit3-LFO1 - + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Osc %1 sztereó fáziseltolás - Pit3-LFO2 - + + Osc %1 wave shape + Osc %1 hullámforma - PW1-Env1 - + + Modulation type %1 + Moduláció típus %1 + + + Oscilloscope - PW1-Env2 - + + Oscilloscope + Oszcilloszkóp - PW1-LFO1 - + + Click to enable + Kattints az engedélyezéshez + + + PatchesDialog - PW1-LFO2 + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - Sub3-Env1 - + + Bank selector + Bank választó - Sub3-Env2 - + + Bank + Bank - Sub3-LFO1 - + + Program selector + Program választó - Sub3-LFO2 - + + Patch + Patch - Sine wave - Szinuszhullám + + Name + Név - Bandlimited Triangle wave - + + OK + OK - Bandlimited Saw wave - + + Cancel + Mégse + + + PatmanView - Bandlimited Ramp wave - + + Open patch + Patch megnyitása - Bandlimited Square wave - + + Loop + Ismétlés - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - + + Loop mode + Ismétlési mód - Soft square wave + + Tune - Absolute sine wave + + Tune mode - Exponential wave - + + No file selected + Nincs kiválasztva fájl - White noise - + + Open patch file + Patch fájl megnyitása - Digital Triangle wave - + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Patch fájlok (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - Digital Saw wave - + + Open in piano-roll + Megnyitás a Piano Rollban - Digital Ramp wave + + Set as ghost in piano-roll - Digital Square wave + + Clear all notes - Digital Moog saw wave - + + Reset name + Név visszaállítása - Triangle wave - Háromszöghullám + + Change name + Átnevezés - Saw wave - Fűrészfoghullám + + Add steps + Lépések hozzáadása - Ramp wave - + + Remove steps + Lépések eltávolítása - Square wave - Négyszöghullám + + Clone Steps + Megduplázás + + + PeakController - Moog saw wave + + Peak Controller - Abs. sine wave + + Peak Controller Bug - Random + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + PeakControllerDialog - Random smooth + + PEAK + + + LFO Controller + LFO vezérlő + - MonstroView + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - Operators view - + + BASE + ALAP - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - + + Base: + Alapérték: - Matrix view - + + AMNT + AMNT - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - + + Modulation amount: + Moduláció mértéke: - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 + + MULT - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Amount multiplicator: - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + ATCK + ATCK - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + Attack: + Felfutás: - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - + + DCAY + DCAY - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - + + Release: + Lecsengés: - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. + + TRSH - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - + + Treshold: + Küszöb: - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - + + Mute output + Kimenet némítása - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - + + Absolute value + Abszolútérték + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Base value + Alapérték - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Modulation amount + Moduláció mértéke - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - + + Attack + Felfutás - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - + + Release + Release - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - + + Treshold + Küszöb - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Mute output + Kimenet némítása - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Absolute value + Abszolútérték - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. + + Amount multiplicator + + + PianoRoll - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. + + Note Velocity - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. + + Note Panning - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. + + Mark/unmark current semitone - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + Mark current scale + Skála megjelölése - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + Mark current chord + Akkord megjelölése - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - + + Unmark all + Minden jelölés törlése - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. + + Select all notes on this key - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. + + Note lock - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - + + Last note + Legutóbbi - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. + + No key - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - + + No scale + Nincs skála - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - + + No chord + Nincs akkord - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. + + Nudge - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. + + Snap - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. + + Velocity: %1% - Volume - Hangerő - - - Panning - + + Panning: %1% left + Panoráma: %1% bal - Coarse detune - + + Panning: %1% right + Panoráma: %1% jobb - semitones - + + Panning: center + Panoráma: közép - Finetune left + + Glue notes failed - cents + + Please select notes to glue first. - Finetune right - + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Nyiss meg egy kilppet dupla kattintással! - Stereo phase offset - + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Adj meg egy új értéket %1 és %2 között: + + + PianoRollWindow - deg - + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Klip lejátszása/megállítása (Space) - Pulse width + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Send sync on pulse rise + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Send sync on pulse fall + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time - Hard sync oscillator 2 - + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Lejátszás leállítása (Space) - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - + + Edit actions + Műveletek szerkesztése - Sub-osc mix - + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Beszúrás (Shift+D) - Hard sync oscillator 3 - + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Törlés (Shift+E) - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Kijelölés (Shift+S) - Attack - + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + Hajlítás (Shift+T) - Rate - + + Quantize + Kvantálás - Phase - + + Quantize positions + Pozíció kvantálása - Pre-delay - + + Quantize lengths + Hosszúság kvantálása - Hold - + + File actions + Fájl műveletek - Decay - + + Import clip + Pattern importálása - Sustain - + + + Export clip + Pattern exportálása - Release + + Copy paste controls - Slope - + + Cut (%1+X) + Kivágás (%1+X) - Modulation amount - + + Copy (%1+C) + Másolás (%1+C) - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length - + + Paste (%1+V) + Beillesztés (%1+V) - Step length: - + + Timeline controls + Idővonal vezérlők - Dry - + + Glue + Egyesítés - Dry Gain: - + + Knife + Felosztás - Stages - + + Fill + Kitöltés - Lowpass stages: - + + Cut overlaps + Átfedések levágása - Swap inputs + + Min length as last - Swap left and right input channel for reflections + + Max length as last - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune + + Zoom and note controls - Channel 1 Volume - + + Horizontal zooming + Vízszintes nagyítás - Channel 1 Envelope length - + + Vertical zooming + Függőleges nagyítás - Channel 1 Duty cycle - + + Quantization + Kvantálás - Channel 1 Sweep amount + + Note length - Channel 1 Sweep rate + + Key - Channel 2 Coarse detune - + + Scale + Skála - Channel 2 Volume - + + Chord + Akkord - Channel 2 Envelope length + + Snap mode - Channel 2 Duty cycle + + Clear ghost notes - Channel 2 Sweep amount - + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Piano Roll - %1 - Channel 2 Sweep rate - + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Piano Roll - Channel 3 Coarse detune - + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + XML pattern fájl (*.xpt *.xptz) - Channel 3 Volume - + + Export clip success + Pattern exportálása sikeres - Channel 4 Volume - + + Clip saved to %1 + Pattern mentve a(z) %1 fájlba. - Channel 4 Envelope length - + + Import clip. + Pattern importálása - Channel 4 Noise frequency + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - + + Open clip + Pattern megnyitása - Master volume - + + Import clip success + Pattern importálása sikeres - Vibrato - + + Imported clip %1! + %1 importálva - NesInstrumentView - - Volume - Hangerő - + PianoView - Coarse detune - + + Base note + Alaphang - Envelope length - + + First note + Legalsó hang - Enable channel 1 - + + Last note + Legutóbbi + + + Plugin - Enable envelope 1 - + + Plugin not found + A plugin nem található - Enable envelope 1 loop - + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + A(z) "%1" plugin nem található, vagy nem lehet betölteni. +Ok: "%2" - Enable sweep 1 - + + Error while loading plugin + Hiba a plugin betöltésekor - Sweep amount - + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + A(z) "%1" plugin betöltése nem sikerült. + + + PluginBrowser - Sweep rate - + + Instrument Plugins + Hangszer Pluginek - 12.5% Duty cycle + + Instrument browser - 25% Duty cycle + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - 50% Duty cycle - + + no description + nincs leírás - 75% Duty cycle - + + A native amplifier plugin + Natív erősítő - Enable channel 2 + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Enable envelope 2 - + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Mélytartomány kiemelése gyors és egyszerű módon - Enable envelope 2 loop - + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Testreszabható hullámtábla-szintetizátor - Enable sweep 2 + + An oversampling bitcrusher - Enable channel 3 + + Carla Patchbay Instrument - Noise Frequency + + Carla Rack Instrument - Frequency sweep - + + A dynamic range compressor. + Dinamikakompresszor - Enable channel 4 - + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + 4 sávos crossover equalizer - Enable envelope 4 - + + A native delay plugin + Natív késleltetés - Enable envelope 4 loop - + + A Dual filter plugin + Kettős szűrő - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - Use note frequency for noise - + + A native eq plugin + Natív equalizer - Noise mode - + + A native flanger plugin + Natív flanger - Master Volume - + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + A GameBoy (TM) APU emulációja - Vibrato - + + Player for GIG files + Lejátszó GIG fájlokhoz - - - OscillatorObject - Osc %1 volume + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Osc %1 panning + + Versatile drum synthesizer - Osc %1 coarse detuning - + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Telepített LADSPA bővítmények listája - Osc %1 fine detuning left + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - Osc %1 fine detuning right - + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Félkész monofonikus TB-303 imitáció - Osc %1 phase-offset + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. - Osc %1 wave shape + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Modulation type %1 + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Osc %1 waveform + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Osc %1 harmonic - + + A multitap echo delay plugin + Többlépéses késleltetés - - - PatchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - + + A NES-like synthesizer + NES-szerű szintetizátor - Bank selector - + + 2-operator FM Synth + 2 operátoros FM szintetizátor - Bank - + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Additív szintetizátor orgonaszerű hangokhoz - Program selector + + GUS-compatible patch instrument - Patch - + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Szabályzók vezérlése a hangjel segítségével - Name - Név + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Sean Costello zengető algoritmusa - OK - OK + + Player for SoundFont files + Lejátszó a SoundFont fájlokhoz - Cancel - Mégse + + LMMS port of sfxr + - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + A Commodore 64-ben használt MOS6581 és MOS8580 SID chip emulációja. - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + Grafikus spektrum-analizátor - Loop - + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Bővítmény a sztereó fájlok sztereó különválasztásának javításához - Loop mode - + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Bővítmény a sztereó kimenet manipulálásához - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - + + Tuneful things to bang on + Hangolt dolgok, amit ütni lehet - Tune - + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Három erőteljes oszcillátor számos modulációs móddal - Tune mode - + + A stereo field visualizer. + Sztereó tér megjelenítése - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + VST host a VSTi pluginek használatához - No file selected - + + Vibrating string modeler + Rezgő húrok fizikai modellezése - Open patch file + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - Patch-Files (*.pat) + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll + + plugin for waveshaping - Clear all notes - + + Mathematical expression parser + Matematikai kifejezés értelmező - Reset name - + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Beágyazott ZynAddSubFX + + + PluginDatabaseW - Change name - + + Carla - Add New + Carla - Hozzáadás - Add steps - + + Format + Formátum - Remove steps - + + Internal + Beépített - use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step - + + LADSPA + LADSPA - double-click to open in Piano Roll - + + DSSI + DSSI - Clone Steps - + + LV2 + LV2 - - - PeakController - Peak Controller - + + VST2 + VST2 - Peak Controller Bug - + + VST3 + VST3 - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - + + AU + AU - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK + + Sound Kits - LFO Controller - + + Type + Típus - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - + + Effects + Effektek - Base amount: - + + Instruments + Hangszerek - Modulation amount: - + + MIDI Plugins + MIDI pluginek - Attack: - + + Other/Misc + Egyéb - Release: - + + Architecture + Architektúra - AMNT - + + Native + Natív - MULT + + Bridged - Amount Multiplicator: + + Bridged (Wine) - ATCK - + + Requirements + Követelmények - DCAY + + With Custom GUI - Treshold: + + With CV Ports - TRSH + + Real-time safe only - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - Base value - + + Stereo only + Csak sztereó - Modulation amount + + With Inline Display - Mute output + + Favorites only - Attack + + (Number of Plugins go here) - Release - + + &Add Plugin + Plugin hozzá&adása - Abs Value - + + Cancel + Mégse - Amount Multiplicator - + + Refresh + Frissítés - Treshold - + + Reset filters + Szűrők törlése - - - PianoRoll - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + TextLabel - Last note - + + Format: + Formátum: - Note lock - + + Architecture: + Architektúra: - Note Velocity - + + Type: + Típus: - Note Panning - + + MIDI Ins: + MIDI bemenetek: - Mark/unmark current semitone - + + Audio Ins: + Audió bemenetek: - Mark current scale - + + CV Outs: + CV kimenetek: - Mark current chord - + + MIDI Outs: + MIDI kimenetek: - Unmark all - + + Parameter Ins: + Paraméter bemenetek: - No scale - + + Parameter Outs: + Paraméter kimenetek: - No chord - + + Audio Outs: + Audió kimenetek: - Velocity: %1% - + + CV Ins: + CV bemenetek: - Panning: %1% left - + + UniqueID: + Egyedi azonosító: - Panning: %1% right + + Has Inline Display: - Panning: center + + Has Custom GUI: - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + Is Synth: - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + Is Bridged: - Select all notes on this key - + + Information + Információ - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - + + Name + Név - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + Label/URI - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - + + Maker + Készítő - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - + + Binary/Filename + Bináris/Fájlnév: - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + Focus Text Search - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - + + Ctrl+F + Ctrl+F + + + PluginEdit - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. + + Plugin Editor - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - + + Edit + Szerkesztés - Draw mode (Shift+D) - + + Control + Vezérlő - Erase mode (Shift+E) - + + MIDI Control Channel: + MIDI csatorna: - Select mode (Shift+S) - + + N + N - Detune mode (Shift+T) + + Output dry/wet (100%) - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - + + Output volume (100%) + Kimeneti hangerő (100%) - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Balance Left (0%) - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. + + + Balance Right (0%) - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Use Balance - Cut selected notes (%1+X) + + Use Panning - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - + + Settings + Beállítások - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) + + Use Chunks - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - + + Audio: + Audió: - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - + + Fixed-Size Buffer + Fix méretű puffer - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. + + Force Stereo (needs reload) - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - + + MIDI: + MIDI: - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. + + Map Program Changes - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - + + Send Bank/Program Changes + Bank- és programváltás küldése - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! + + Send Control Changes - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. + + Send Channel Pressure - Edit actions - + + Send Note Aftertouch + Aftertouch küldése - Copy paste controls - + + Send Pitchbend + Hanghajlítás küldése - Timeline controls + + Send All Sound/Notes Off - Zoom and note controls - + + +Plugin Name + + +Plugin név + - Piano-Roll - %1 - + + Program: + Program: - Piano-Roll - no pattern - + + MIDI Program: + MIDI Program: - Quantize - + + Save State + Állapot mentése - - - PianoView - Base note - + + Load State + Állapot betöltése - - - Plugin - Plugin not found - + + Information + Információ - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - + + Label/URI: + Címke/URI: - Error while loading plugin - + + Name: + Név: - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - + + Type: + Típus: - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - + + Maker: + Készítő: - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + Copyright: - Instrument Plugins - + + Unique ID: + Egyedi azonosító: PluginFactory + Plugin not found. - + A plugin nem található. + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - ProjectNotes + PluginParameter - Project notes - + + Form + Form - Put down your project notes here. - + + Parameter Name + Paraméter név - Edit Actions - + + ... + ... + + + PluginRefreshW - &Undo - + + Carla - Refresh + Carla - Frissítés - %1+Z - + + Search for new... + A következők keresése: - &Redo - + + LADSPA + LADSPA - %1+Y - + + DSSI + DSSI - &Copy - + + LV2 + LV2 - %1+C - + + VST2 + VST2 - Cu&t - + + VST3 + VST3 - %1+X - + + AU + AU - &Paste - + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - %1+V - + + SFZ + SFZ - Format Actions - + + Native + Natív - &Bold - + + POSIX 32bit + POSIX 32bit - %1+B - + + POSIX 64bit + POSIX 64bit - &Italic - + + Windows 32bit + Windows 32bit - %1+I - + + Windows 64bit + Windows 64bit - &Underline - + + Available tools: + Elérhető eszközök: - %1+U - + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF támogatás) - &Left - + + carla-discovery-win64 + carla-discovery-win64 - %1+L - + + carla-discovery-native + carla-discovery-native - C&enter - + + carla-discovery-posix32 + carla-discovery-posix32 - %1+E - + + carla-discovery-posix64 + carla-discovery-posix64 - &Right - + + carla-discovery-win32 + carla-discovery-win32 - %1+R - + + Options: + Opciók: - &Justify + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). - %1+J + + Run processing checks while scanning - &Color... + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) + + Scan - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - + + >> Skip + >> Kihagyás + + + + Close + Bezárás - QWidget + PluginWidget - Name: + + + + + + Frame - Maker: - + + Enable + Engedélyezés - Copyright: - + + On/Off + Be/Ki - Requires Real Time: + + + + + PluginName - Yes - + + MIDI + MIDI - No - + + AUDIO IN + AUDIÓ BEMENET - Real Time Capable: - + + AUDIO OUT + AUDIÓ KIMENET - In Place Broken: - + + GUI + GUI - Channels In: - + + Edit + Szerkesztés - Channels Out: - + + Remove + Eltávolítás - File: - + + Plugin Name + Plugin név - File: %1 - + + Preset: + Preset: - RenameDialog + ProjectNotes - Rename... - + + Project Notes + Jegyzetek - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file - + + Enter project notes here + Ide írd a jegyzeteket! - Wave-Files (*.wav) - + + Edit Actions + Szerkesztés műveletek - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - + + &Undo + &Visszavonás - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - + + %1+Z + %1+Z - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - + + &Redo + &Ismét - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - + + %1+Y + %1+Y - VOC-Files (*.voc) - + + &Copy + &Másolás - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - + + %1+C + %1+C - AU-Files (*.au) - + + Cu&t + &Kivágás - RAW-Files (*.raw) - + + %1+X + %1+X - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - + + &Paste + &Beillesztés - - - SampleTCOView - double-click to select sample - + + %1+V + %1+V - Delete (middle mousebutton) - + + Format Actions + Formázás műveletek - Cut - Kivágás + + &Bold + &Félkövér + + + + %1+B + %1+B + + + + &Italic + &Dőlt - Copy - Másolás + + %1+I + %1+I - Paste - Beillesztés + + &Underline + Alá&húzott - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - + + %1+U + %1+U - - - SampleTrack - Sample track - + + &Left + &Balra - Volume - Hangerő + + %1+L + %1+L - Panning - + + C&enter + &Középre - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - + + %1+E + %1+E - Channel volume: - + + &Right + &Jobbra - VOL - + + %1+R + %1+R - Panning - + + &Justify + &Sorkizárás - Panning: - + + %1+J + %1+J - PAN - + + &Color... + S&zín - SetupDialog + ProjectRenderer - Setup LMMS - + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) - General settings - + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) - BUFFER SIZE - + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) - Reset to default-value - + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - MISC - + + Reload Plugin + Plugin újratöltése - Enable tooltips - + + Show GUI + GUI megjelenítése - Show restart warning after changing settings - + + Help + Súgó + + + QWidget - Display volume as dBFS - + + + + + Name: + Név: - Compress project files per default - + + URI: + URI: - One instrument track window mode - + + + + Maker: + Készítő: - HQ-mode for output audio-device + + + + Copyright: - Compact track buttons + + + Requires Real Time: - Sync VST plugins to host playback - + + + + + + + Yes + Igen - Enable note labels in piano roll - + + + + + + + No + Nem - Enable waveform display by default + + + Real Time Capable: - Keep effects running even without input + + + In Place Broken: - Create backup file when saving a project - + + + Channels In: + Bemeneti csatornák: - LANGUAGE - + + + Channels Out: + Kimeneti csatornák: - Paths - + + File: %1 + Fájl: %1 - LMMS working directory - + + File: + Fájl: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - VST-plugin directory - + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Legutóbbi projektek + + + RenameDialog - Background artwork - + + Rename... + Átnevezés... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - STK rawwave directory - + + Input + Bemenet - Default Soundfont File - + + Input gain: + Bemeneti erősítés: - Performance settings - + + Size + Méret - UI effects vs. performance - + + Size: + Méret: - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - + + Color + Csillapítás - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - + + Color: + Csillapítás: - Audio settings - + + Output + Kimenet - AUDIO INTERFACE - + + Output gain: + Kimeneti erősítés: + + + ReverbSCControls - MIDI settings - + + Input gain + Bemeneti erősítés - MIDI INTERFACE - + + Size + Méret - OK - OK + + Color + Csillapítás - Cancel - Mégse + + Output gain + Kimeneti erősítés + + + SaControls - Restart LMMS - + + Pause + Megállítás - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - + + Reference freeze + Referencia fagyasztás - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - + + Waterfall + Spektogram - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. + + Averaging - Choose LMMS working directory - + + Stereo + Sztereó - Choose your VST-plugin directory - + + Peak hold + Csúcsérték tartása - Choose artwork-theme directory - + + Logarithmic frequency + Logaritmikus frekvencia - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - + + Logarithmic amplitude + Logaritmikus amplitúdó - Choose STK rawwave directory - + + Frequency range + Frekvenciatartomány - Choose default SoundFont - + + Amplitude range + Amplitúdó tartomány - Choose background artwork - + + FFT block size + FFT blokk méret - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - + + FFT window type + FFT ablak típus - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. + + Peak envelope resolution - Reopen last project on start - + + Spectrum display resolution + Spektrum kijelző felbontás - Directories + + Peak decay multiplier - Themes directory + + Averaging weight - GIG directory - + + Waterfall history size + Spektogram történet hossza - SF2 directory - + + Waterfall gamma correction + Spektogram gamma korrekció - LADSPA plugin directories + + FFT window overlap - Auto save + + FFT zero padding - Choose your GIG directory - + + + Full (auto) + Teljes - Choose your SF2 directory - + + + + Audible + Hallható - minutes - + + Bass + Mély - minute - + + Mids + Közép - Enable auto-save - + + High + Magas - Allow auto-save while playing - + + Extended + Széles - Disabled - + + Loud + Hangos - Auto-save interval: %1 - + + Silent + Halk - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - + + (High time res.) + (Magas időbeli felbontás) - - - Song - Tempo - + + (High freq. res.) + (Magas frekvencia-felbontás) - Master volume - + + Rectangular (Off) + Négyszög (Ki) - Master pitch - + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + Blackman-Harris (Alapértelmezett) - Project saved - + + Hamming + Hamming - The project %1 is now saved. - + + Hanning + Hanning + + + SaControlsDialog - Project NOT saved. - + + Pause + Megállítás - The project %1 was not saved! - + + Pause data acquisition + Adatgyűjtés megállítása - Import file - + + Reference freeze + Referencia fagyasztás - MIDI sequences + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. - Hydrogen projects - + + Waterfall + Spektogram - All file types - + + Display real-time spectrogram + Valós idejű spektogram megjelenítése - Empty project + + Averaging - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! + + Enable exponential moving average - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - + + Stereo + Sztereó - untitled - + + Display stereo channels separately + Csatormák egymástól független megjelenítése - Select file for project-export... - + + Peak hold + Csúcsérték tartása - The following errors occured while loading: + + Display envelope of peak values - MIDI File (*.mid) - + + Logarithmic frequency + Logaritmikus frekvencia - LMMS Error report - + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + Váltás logaritmikus és lineáris frekvenciaskála között - Save project - + + + Frequency range + Frekvenciatartomány - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - + + Logarithmic amplitude + Logaritmikus amplitúdó - Could not write file - + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + Váltás logaritmikus és lineáris amplitúdóskála között - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - + + + Amplitude range + Amplitúdó tartomány - Error in file + + Envelope res. - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. - Tempo + + + Draw at most - TEMPO/BPM + + envelope points per pixel - tempo of song - + + Spectrum res. + Spektrum felbontás - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. - High quality mode + + spectrum points per pixel - Master volume + + Falloff factor - master volume + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. - Master pitch + + Multiply buffered value by - master pitch + + Averaging weight - Value: %1% + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. - Value: %1 semitones + + New sample contributes - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - + + Waterfall height + Spektogram magassága - template + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. - project + + Keep - Version difference + + lines - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - + + Waterfall gamma + Spektogram gamma - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + Csökkentve a kisebb jelek is láthatók, növelve nagyobb a kontraszt. - Play song (Space) - + + Gamma value: + Gamma érték: - Record samples from Audio-device + + Window overlap - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. - Stop song (Space) + + Each sample processed - Add beat/bassline + + times - Add sample-track + + Zero padding - Add automation-track + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. - Draw mode + + Processing buffer is - Edit mode (select and move) + + steps larger than input block - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - + + Advanced settings + Haladó beállítások - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - + + Access advanced settings + Haladó beállítások megjelenítése - Track actions - + + + FFT block size + FFT blokk méret - Edit actions - + + + FFT window type + FFT ablak típus + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + Nem lehet megnyitni a fájlt - Timeline controls - + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Az audió fájl maximális mérete %1 MB, maximális hossza %2 perc lehet. + + + + Open audio file + Audiófájl megnyitása - Zoom controls - + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Minden támogatott audiófájl (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Wave fájlok (*.wav) - Linear Y axis - + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + OGG Fájlok (*.ogg) - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum - + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + DrumSynth Fájlok (*.ds) - Linear Y axis - + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + FLAC Fájlok (*.flac) - Channel mode - + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + SPEEX Fájlok (*.spx) - - - SubWindow - Close - + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + VOC Fájlok (*.voc) - Maximize - + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + AIFF Fájlok (*.aif *.aiff) - Restore - + + AU-Files (*.au) + AU Fájlok (*.au) - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 - + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + RAW Fájlok (*.raw) - TempoSyncKnob - - Tempo Sync - - + SampleClipView - No Sync - + + Double-click to open sample + Kattintson duplán hangfájl betöltéséhez - Eight beats - + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Törlés (középső egérgomb) - Whole note - + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + Kijelöltek törlése (középső egérgomb) - Half note - + + Cut + Kivágás - Quarter note - + + Cut selection + Kijelölés kivágása - 8th note - + + Copy + Másolás - 16th note - + + Copy selection + Kijelölés másolása - 32nd note - + + Paste + Beillesztés - Custom... - + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Némítás (<%1> + középső egérgomb) - Custom - + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + Kijelölés némítása (<%1> + középső egérgomb) - Synced to Eight Beats - + + Reverse sample + Minta megfordítása - Synced to Whole Note - + + Set clip color + Szín módosítása - Synced to Half Note - + + Use track color + Sáv színének használata + + + SampleTrack - Synced to Quarter Note - + + Volume + Hangerő - Synced to 8th Note - + + Panning + Panoráma - Synced to 16th Note - + + Mixer channel + Keverő csatorna - Synced to 32nd Note - + + + Sample track + Hangminta sáv - TimeDisplayWidget + SampleTrackView - click to change time units - + + Track volume + Sáv hangerő - MIN - + + Channel volume: + Csatorna hangerő: - SEC - + + VOL + VOL - MSEC - + + Panning + Panoráma - BAR - + + Panning: + Panoráma: - BEAT - + + PAN + PAN - TICK - + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - TimeLineWidget + SampleTrackWindow - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - + + GENERAL SETTINGS + ÁLTALÁNOS BEÁLLÍTÁSOK - Enable/disable loop-points + + Sample volume - After stopping go back to begin - + + Volume: + Hangerő: - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - + + VOL + VOL - After stopping keep position - + + Panning + Panoráma - Hint - + + Panning: + Panoráma: - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - + + PAN + PAN - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - + + Mixer channel + Keverő csatorna + + + + CHANNEL + FX - Track + SaveOptionsWidget - Mute - + + Discard MIDI connections + MIDI kapcsolatok elvetése - Solo + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) - TrackContainer + SetupDialog - Couldn't import file - + + Reset to default value + Visszaállítás - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - + + Use built-in NaN handler + Beépített NaN kezelés használata - Couldn't open file - + + Settings + Beállítások - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - + + + General + Általános - Loading project... - + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + Felhasználói felület (GUI) - Cancel - Mégse + + Display volume as dBFS + Hangerő kijelzése dBFS-ként - Please wait... - + + Enable tooltips + Eszköztippek engedélyezése - Importing MIDI-file... - + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + Oszcilloszkóp engedélyezése alaphelyzetben - - - TrackContentObject - Mute + + Enable all note labels in piano roll - - - TrackContentObjectView - Current position - + + Enable compact track buttons + Kompakt sávgombok - Hint - + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + Mindig csak egy hangszer-ablak megjelenítése - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + Oldalsáv áthelyezése jobb oldalra - Current length - + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + Hangminta előnézetek folytatása az egérgomb elengedése után - Press <%1> for free resizing. - + + Mute automation tracks during solo + Automatizációs sávok némítása szóló esetén - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - + + Show warning when deleting tracks + Figyelmeztetés sávok törlése előtt - Delete (middle mousebutton) - + + Projects + Projektek - Cut - Kivágás + + Compress project files by default + Projektfájlok tömörítése alapértelmezetten - Copy - Másolás + + Create a backup file when saving a project + Biztonsági mentés létrehozása projekt mentésekor - Paste - Beillesztés + + Reopen last project on startup + A legutóbbi projekt betöltése indításkor - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - + + Language + Nyelv - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - + + + Performance + Teljesítmény - Actions for this track - + + Autosave + Automatikus mentés - Mute - + + Enable autosave + Automatikus mentés engedélyezése - Solo - + + Allow autosave while playing + Automatikus mentés lejátszás közben - Mute this track + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance - Clone this track - + + Smooth scroll in song editor + Sima görgetés a dalszerkesztőben - Remove this track + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Clear this track - + + Plugins + Bővítmények - FX %1: %2 - + + VST plugins embedding: + VST plugin beágyazás: - Turn all recording on - + + No embedding + Nincs beágyazás - Turn all recording off - + + Embed using Qt API + Beágyazás a Qt API használatával - Assign to new FX Channel - + + Embed using native Win32 API + Beágyazás a Win32 API használatával - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Beágyazás az XEmbed protokoll használatával - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + Plugin ablak mindig legfelül, ha nincs beágyazva. - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + VST pluginek szinkronizálása a lejátszáshoz - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + Keep effects running even without input + Effektek ébren tartása bemenet hiányában is - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + + Audio + Audió - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + Audio interface + Audió interfész - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + HQ mode for output audio device - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - + + Buffer size + Buffer méret - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + + MIDI + MIDI - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + MIDI interface + MIDI interfész - Osc %1 volume: - + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + MIDI vezérlő automatikus hozzárendelése a kijelölt sávhoz - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - + + LMMS working directory + LMMS munkakönyvtár - Osc %1 panning: - + + VST plugins directory + VST plugin könyvtár - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - + + LADSPA plugins directories + LADSPA plugin könyvtárak - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - + + SF2 directory + SF2 könyvtár - semitones - + + Default SF2 + Alapértelmezett SF2 fájl + + + + GIG directory + GIG könyvtár + + + + Theme directory + Grafikus téma könyvtára: + + + + Background artwork + Háttérkép + + + + Some changes require restarting. + Egyes beállítások a program újraindítását követően lépnek érvénybe. + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + Automatikus mentés gyakorisága: %1 + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + Adja meg az LMMS mankakönyvtárat + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + Add meg a VST plugin könyvtárat - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + Adja meg a LADSPA plugin könyvtárat - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - + + Choose your default SF2 + Adja meg az alapértelmezett SF2 fájlt - cents - + + Choose your theme directory + Adja meg a grafikus téma könyvtárát - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - + + Choose your background picture + Háttérkép kiválasztása - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - + + + Paths + Útvonalak - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - + + OK + OK - Osc %1 phase-offset: - + + Cancel + Mégse - degrees + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - + + Choose your GIG directory + Add meg a GIG könyvtárat - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - + + Choose your SF2 directory + Add meg az SF2 könyvtárat - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - + + minutes + perc - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - + + minute + perc - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - + + Disabled + Letiltva + + + SidInstrument - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - + + Cutoff frequency + Vágási frekvencia - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - + + Resonance + Rezonancia - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - + + Filter type + Szűrő típus - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. + + Voice 3 off - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - + + Volume + Hangerő - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - + + Chip model + Chip modell - VersionedSaveDialog + SidInstrumentView - Increment version number - + + Volume: + Hangerő: - Decrement version number - + + Resonance: + Rezonancia: - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - + + + Cutoff frequency: + Vágási frekvencia: - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - + + High-pass filter + Felüláteresztő szűrő - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - + + Band-pass filter + Sáváteresztő szűrő - Show/hide GUI - + + Low-pass filter + Aluláteresztő szűrő - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. + + Voice 3 off - Turn off all notes - + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - Open VST-plugin - + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - DLL-files (*.dll) - + + + Attack: + Felfutás: - EXE-files (*.exe) - + + + Decay: + Decay: - No VST-plugin loaded - + + Sustain: + Kitartás: - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - + + + Release: + Lecsengés: - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - + + Pulse Width: + Pulzusszélesség: - Open VST-plugin preset - + + Coarse: + Elhangolás: - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - + + Pulse wave + Négyszöghullám - Previous (-) - + + Triangle wave + Háromszöghullám - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - + + Saw wave + Fűrészfoghullám - Save preset - + + Noise + Zaj - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - + + Sync + Szinkron - Next (+) - + + Ring modulation + Ring moduláció - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. + + Filtered - Preset - + + Test + Teszt - by - + + Pulse width: + Pulzusszélesség: + + + SideBarWidget - - VST plugin control - + + Close + Bezárás - VisualizationWidget + Song - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - + + Tempo + Tempó - Click to enable - + + Master volume + Fő hangerő - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - + + Master pitch + Transzponálás - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - + + Aborting project load + Betöltés megszakítása - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. - Open VST-plugin preset + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - + + LMMS Error report + LMMS hibajelentés - Previous (-) + + (repeated %1 times) - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - + + The following errors occurred while loading: + Az alábbi hibák történtek a betöltés során: + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + Nem lehet megnyitni a fájlt - Next (+) - + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + A(z) %1 fájl nem nyitható meg. Ellenőrizd, hogy rendelkezel-e olvasási jogosultsággal a fájlhoz, majd próbáld újra. - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - + + Operation denied + Művelet megtagadva - Save preset + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - + + + + Error + Hiba - Effect by: + + Couldn't create bundle folder. - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Couldn't create resources folder. - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin - + + Failed to copy resources. + Az erőforrások másolása sikertelen. - Open Preset - + + Could not write file + A fájl nem írható - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + A(z) %1 fájl nem nyitható meg írásra. +Ellenőrizd, hogy rendelkezel-e a szükséges engedélyekkel és próbáld újra! - : default - + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + Ez a %1 az LMMS %2 verziójával készült - " - + + Error in file + Hiba a fájlban - ' - + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + A(z) %1 fájl hibát tartalmaz, ezért nem lehet betölteni. - Save Preset - + + Version difference + Verzió eltérés - .fxp - + + template + sablon - .FXP - + + project + projekt - .FXB - + + Tempo + Tempó - .fxb - + + TEMPO + TEMPÓ - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - + + Tempo in BPM + Tempó BPM-ben - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - + + High quality mode + Magas minőségű mód + + + + + + Master volume + Fő hangerő + + + + + + Master pitch + Transzponálás + + + + Value: %1% + Érték: %1% + + + + Value: %1 semitones + Érték: %1 félhang - WatsynInstrument + SongEditorWindow - Volume A1 - + + Song-Editor + Dalszerkesztő - Volume A2 - + + Play song (Space) + Lejátszás (Space) - Volume B1 + + Record samples from Audio-device - Volume B2 + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Panning A1 - + + Stop song (Space) + Stop (Space) - Panning A2 - + + Track actions + Sáv műveletek - Panning B1 - + + Add beat/bassline + Beat/Bassline sáv hozzáadása - Panning B2 - + + Add sample-track + Hangminta sáv hozzáadása - Freq. multiplier A1 - + + Add automation-track + Automatizáció sáv hozzáadása - Freq. multiplier A2 - + + Edit actions + Műveletek szerkesztése - Freq. multiplier B1 - + + Draw mode + Beszúrás - Freq. multiplier B2 - + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + Audió klip felosztása - Left detune A1 - + + Edit mode (select and move) + Kijelölés és mozgatás - Left detune A2 - + + Timeline controls + Idővonal vezérlők - Left detune B1 + + Bar insert controls - Left detune B2 - + + Insert bar + Ütem beszúrása - Right detune A1 - + + Remove bar + Ütem eltávolítása - Right detune A2 - + + Zoom controls + Nagyítás vezérlők - Right detune B1 - + + Horizontal zooming + Vízszintes nagyítás - Right detune B2 + + Snap controls - A-B Mix + + + Clip snapping size - A-B Mix envelope amount + + Toggle proportional snap on/off - A-B Mix envelope attack + + Base snapping size + + + StepRecorderWidget - A-B Mix envelope hold - + + Hint + Tipp - A-B Mix envelope decay + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + SubWindow + + + Close + Bezárás + - A1-B2 Crosstalk - + + Maximize + Teljes méret - A2-A1 modulation - + + Restore + Visszaállítás + + + TabWidget - B2-B1 modulation - + + + Settings for %1 + %1 beállításai + + + TemplatesMenu - Selected graph - + + New from template + Létrehozás sablonból - WatsynView + TempoSyncKnob - Select oscillator A1 - + + + Tempo Sync + Szinkronizálás tempóhoz - Select oscillator A2 - + + No Sync + Nincs - Select oscillator B1 - + + Eight beats + 8 ütem - Select oscillator B2 - + + Whole note + 1 ütem - Mix output of A2 to A1 - + + Half note + 1/2 ütem - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - + + Quarter note + 1/4 ütem - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - + + 8th note + 1/8 ütem - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - + + 16th note + 1/16 ütem - Mix output of B2 to B1 - + + 32nd note + 1/32 ütem - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - + + Custom... + Egyéni... - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - + + Custom + Egyéni - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 + + Synced to Eight Beats - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + Synced to Whole Note - Load waveform + + Synced to Half Note - Click to load a waveform from a sample file + + Synced to Quarter Note - Phase left + + Synced to 8th Note - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees + + Synced to 16th Note - Phase right + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + TimeDisplayWidget - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - + + Time units + Időegység - Normalize - Normalizálás + + MIN + MIN - Click to normalize + + SEC - Invert + + MSEC - Click to invert + + BAR - Smooth + + BEAT - Click to smooth + + TICK + + + TimeLineWidget - Sine wave - Szinuszhullám + + Auto scrolling + Automatikus görgetés - Click for sine wave - + + Loop points + Loop pontok - Triangle wave - Háromszöghullám + + After stopping go back to beginning + Leállításkor vissza az elejére - Click for triangle wave - + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Leállításkor vissza a lejátszás kezdetéhez - Click for saw wave - + + After stopping keep position + Leállításkor a pozíció megtartása - Square wave - Négyszöghullám + + Hint + Tipp - Click for square wave + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + Track - Volume - Hangerő + + Mute + Némítás - Panning - + + Solo + Szóló + + + TrackContainer - Freq. multiplier - + + Couldn't import file + Nem lehet importálni a fájlt - Left detune + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - cents - + + Couldn't open file + Nem lehet megnyitni a fájlt - Right detune - + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + A(z) %1 fájl nem nyitható meg. Ellenőrizd, hogy rendelkezel-e olvasási jogosultsággal a fájlhoz, majd próbáld újra. - A-B Mix - + + Loading project... + Projekt betöltése... - Mix envelope amount - + + + Cancel + Mégse - Mix envelope attack - + + + Please wait... + Kis türelmet... - Mix envelope hold - + + Loading cancelled + Betöltés megszakítva - Mix envelope decay - + + Project loading was cancelled. + A projekt betöltése megszakítva. - Crosstalk - + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Sáv betöltése: %1 (%2/Összesen %3) + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + MIDI fájl importálása... - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + Clip - Portamento - + + Mute + Némítás + + + ClipView - Filter Frequency - + + Current position + Jelenlegi pozíció - Filter Resonance - + + Current length + Jelenlegi hossz - Bandwidth - + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 - %5:%6) - FM Gain + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Resonance Center Frequency + + Press <%1> for free resizing. - Resonance Bandwidth - + + Hint + Tipp - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Törlés (középső egérgomb) - - - ZynAddSubFxView - Show GUI - + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + Kijelöltek törlése (középső egérgomb) - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - + + Cut + Kivágás - Portamento: - + + Cut selection + Kijelöltek kivágása - PORT + + Merge Selection - Filter Frequency: - + + Copy + Másolás - FREQ - + + Copy selection + Kijelölés másolása - Filter Resonance: - + + Paste + Beillesztés - RES - + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Némítás (<%1> + középső egérgomb) - Bandwidth: - + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + Kijelölés némítása (<%1> + középső egérgomb) - BW - + + Set clip color + Szín módosítása - FM Gain: - + + Use track color + Sáv színének használata + + + TrackContentWidget - FM GAIN - + + Paste + Beillesztés + + + TrackOperationsWidget - Resonance center frequency: + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. - RES CF - + + Actions + Műveletek - Resonance bandwidth: - + + + Mute + Némítás - RES BW - + + + Solo + Szóló - Forward MIDI Control Changes - + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + Egy sáv törlése nem visszavonható. Biztosan törlöd a(z) "%1" sávot? - - - audioFileProcessor - Amplify - + + Confirm removal + Törlés megerősítése - Start of sample - + + Don't ask again + Ne kérdezd újra - End of sample - + + Clone this track + Sáv klónozása - Reverse sample - + + Remove this track + Sáv eltávolítása - Stutter - + + Clear this track + Sáv tartalmának törlése - Loopback point - + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - Loop mode - + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Hozzárendelés új csatornához - Interpolation mode - + + Turn all recording on + Minden felvétel bekapcsolása - None - + + Turn all recording off + Minden felvétel kikapcsolása - Linear - + + Change color + Szín módosítása - Sinc - + + Reset color to default + Szín visszaállítása - Sample not found: %1 - + + Set random color + Véletlenszerű szín - - - bitInvader - Samplelength - + + Clear clip colors + Klip színek törlése - bitInvaderView + TripleOscillatorView - Sample Length - + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + 1. oszcillátor fázisának modulációja a 2. oszcillátorral - Sine wave - Szinuszhullám + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + 1. oszcillátor amplitúdójának modulációja a 2. oszcillátorral - Triangle wave - Háromszöghullám + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + 1. és 2. oszcillátorok kimenetének keverése - Saw wave - Fűrészfoghullám + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + 1. oszcillátor szinkronizálása a 2. oszcillátorral - Square wave - Négyszöghullám + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + 1. oszcillátor frekvenciájának modulációja a 2. oszcillátorral - White noise wave - + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + 2. oszcillátor fázisának modulációja a 3. oszcillátorral - User defined wave - Felhasználó által megadott hullám + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + 2. oszcillátor amplitúdójának modulációja a 3. oszcillátorral + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + 2. és 3. oszcillátorok kimenetének keverése + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + 2. oszcillátor szinkronizálása a 3. oszcillátorral + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + 2. oszcillátor frekvenciájának modulációja a 3. oszcillátorral + + + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 hangerő: - Smooth - + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 panoráma: - Click here to smooth waveform. - + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Osc %1 hangolás: - Interpolation - + + semitones + félhang - Normalize - Normalizálás + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Osc %1 finomhangolás bal: - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - + + + cents + cent - Click for a sine-wave. - + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Osc %1 finomhangolás jobb: - Click here for a triangle-wave. - + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Osc %1 fáziseltolás: - Click here for a saw-wave. - + + + degrees + fok - Click here for a square-wave. - + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Osc %1 sztereó fáziseltolás: - Click here for white-noise. - + + Sine wave + Szinuszhullám - Click here for a user-defined shape. - + + Triangle wave + Háromszöghullám - - - dynProcControlDialog - INPUT - BEMENET + + Saw wave + Fűrészfoghullám - Input gain: - Bemeneti erősítés: + + Square wave + Négyszöghullám - OUTPUT - KIMENET + + Moog-like saw wave + Moog fűrészfog - Output gain: - Kimeneti erősítés: + + Exponential wave + Exponenciális - ATTACK - + + White noise + Fehér zaj - Peak attack time: - + + User-defined wave + Felhasználó által megadott hullám + + + VecControls - RELEASE + + Display persistence amount - Peak release time: - + + Logarithmic scale + Logaritmikus skála - Reset waveform - + + High quality + Magas minőség + + + VecControlsDialog - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - + + HQ + HQ - Smooth waveform + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - + + Log. scale + Log. skála - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Persist. - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Trace persistence + + + VersionedSaveDialog - Stereomode Maximum - + + Increment version number + Verziószám növelése - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - + + Decrement version number + Verziószám csökkentése - Stereomode Average - + + Save Options + Mentési beállítások - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + már létezik. Felülírod? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - Stereomode Unlinked - + + + Open VST plugin + VST plugin megnyitása - Process each stereo channel independently + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - - - dynProcControls - Input gain - Bemeneti erősítés + + Open VST plugin preset + VST plugin preset megnyitása - Output gain - Kimeneti erősítés + + Previous (-) + Előző (-) - Attack time - + + Save preset + Preset mentése - Release time - + + Next (+) + Következő (+) - Stereo mode - + + Show/hide GUI + GUI megjelenítése/elrejtése - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: - + + Turn off all notes + Minden hang kikapcsolása - New FX Channel - + + DLL-files (*.dll) + DLL fájlok (*.dll) - - - graphModel - Graph - + + EXE-files (*.exe) + EXE fájlok (*.exe) - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency - + + No VST plugin loaded + Nincs VST plugin betöltve - End frequency - + + Preset + Preset - Gain - Erősítés + + by + készítő: - Length - + + - VST plugin control + - VST plugin vezérlők + + + VstEffectControlDialog - Distortion Start + + Show/hide - Distortion End + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - Envelope Slope - + + Open VST plugin preset + VST plugin preset megnyitása - Noise - + + Previous (-) + Előző (-) - Click - + + Next (+) + Következő (+) - Frequency Slope - + + Save preset + Preset mentése - Start from note - + + + Effect by: + Készítő: - End to note - + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - kickerInstrumentView + VstPlugin - Start frequency: - + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + A(z) %1 VST plugin nem tölthető be. - End frequency: - + + Open Preset + Preset megnyitása - Gain: - Erősítés: + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + VST Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Frequency Slope: - + + : default + : alapértelmezett - Envelope Length: - + + Save Preset + Preset mentése - Envelope Slope: - + + .fxp + .fxp - Click: - + + .FXP + .FXP - Noise: - + + .FXB + .FXB - Distortion Start: - + + .fxb + .fxb - Distortion End: - + + Loading plugin + Plugin betöltése + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Várj, amíg a VST plugin betöltődik... - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - Available Effects - + + Volume A1 + A1 Hangerő - Unavailable Effects - + + Volume A2 + A2 Hangerő - Instruments - + + Volume B1 + B1 Hangerő - Analysis Tools - + + Volume B2 + B2 Hangerő - Don't know - + + Panning A1 + A1 Panoráma - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - + + Panning A2 + A2 Panoráma - Type: - Típus: + + Panning B1 + B1 Panoráma - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - Bővítmények + + Panning B2 + B2 Panoráma - Description - Leírás + + Freq. multiplier A1 + A1 Frekvencia szorzó - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports - Portok + + Freq. multiplier A2 + A2 Frekvencia szorzó - Name - Név + + Freq. multiplier B1 + B1 Frekvencia szorzó - Rate - + + Freq. multiplier B2 + B2 Frekvencia szorzó - Direction - + + Left detune A1 + A1 Bal oldali elhangolás - Type - + + Left detune A2 + A2 Bal oldali elhangolás - Min < Default < Max - + + Left detune B1 + B1 Bal oldali elhangolás - Logarithmic - + + Left detune B2 + B2 Bal oldali elhangolás - SR Dependent - + + Right detune A1 + A1 Jobb oldali elhangolás - Audio - + + Right detune A2 + A2 Jobb oldali elhangolás - Control - + + Right detune B1 + B1 Jobb oldali elhangolás - Input - + + Right detune B2 + B2 Jobb oldali elhangolás - Output - + + A-B Mix + A-B arány - Toggled + + A-B Mix envelope amount - Integer + + A-B Mix envelope attack - Float + + A-B Mix envelope hold - Yes + + A-B Mix envelope decay - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + A1-B2 Áthallás + + + + A2-A1 modulation + A2-A1 moduláció - VCF Resonance - + + B2-B1 modulation + B2-B1 moduláció - VCF Envelope Mod + + Selected graph + + + WatsynView - VCF Envelope Decay - + + + + + Volume + Hangerő - Distortion - + + + + + Panning + Panoráma - Waveform - + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Frekvencia szorzó - Slide Decay - + + + + + Left detune + Bal oldali elhangolás - Slide - + + + + + + + + + cents + cent - Accent - + + + + + Right detune + Jobb oldali elhangolás - Dead - + + A-B Mix + A-B arány - 24dB/oct Filter + + Mix envelope amount - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: + + Mix envelope attack - Resonance: + + Mix envelope hold - Env Mod: + + Mix envelope decay - Decay: - + + Crosstalk + Áthallás - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - + + Select oscillator A1 + Oszcillátor A1 kiválasztása - Slide Decay: - + + Select oscillator A2 + Oszcillátor A2 kiválasztása - DIST: - + + Select oscillator B1 + Oszcillátor B1 kiválasztása - Saw wave - Fűrészfoghullám + + Select oscillator B2 + Oszcillátor B2 kiválasztása - Click here for a saw-wave. - + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + A1 és A2 keverése - Triangle wave - Háromszöghullám + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + A1 amplitúdójának modulációja A2-vel - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 - Square wave - Négyszöghullám + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + A1 fázisának modulációja A2-vel - Click here for a square-wave. - + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + B1 és B2 keverése - Rounded square wave - + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + B1 amplitúdójának modulációja B2-vel - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 - Moog wave - + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + B1 fázisának modulációja B2-vel - Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Sine wave - Szinuszhullám + + Load waveform + Hullámforma betöltése - Click for a sine-wave. - + + Load a waveform from a sample file + Hullámforma betöltése fájlból - White noise wave - + + Phase left + Fázis balra - Click here for an exponential wave. - + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + Fázis eltolása -15 fokkal - Click here for white-noise. - + + Phase right + Fázis jobbra - Bandlimited saw wave - + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + Fázis eltolása +15 fokkal - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - + + + Normalize + Normalizálás - Bandlimited square wave - + + + Invert + Invertálás - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - + + + Smooth + Simítás - Bandlimited triangle wave - + + + Sine wave + Szinuszhullám - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - + + + + Triangle wave + Háromszöghullám - Bandlimited moog saw wave - + + Saw wave + Fűrészfoghullám - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - + + + Square wave + Négyszöghullám - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - Hardness + + Selected graph - Position - + + A1 + A1 - Vibrato Gain - + + A2 + A2 - Vibrato Freq - + + A3 + A3 - Stick Mix - + + W1 smoothing + W1 simítása - Modulator - + + W2 smoothing + W2 simítása - Crossfade - + + W3 smoothing + W3 simítása - LFO Speed - + + Panning 1 + Panoráma 1 - LFO Depth - + + Panning 2 + Panoráma 2 - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + XpressiveView - Pressure + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Motion - + + Select oscillator W1 + W1 oszcillátor kiválasztása - Speed - Sebesség + + Select oscillator W2 + W2 oszcillátor kiválasztása - Bowed - + + Select oscillator W3 + W3 oszcillátor kiválasztása - Spread - + + Select output O1 + O1 kimenet kiválasztása - Marimba - + + Select output O2 + O2 kimenet kiválasztása - Vibraphone - + + Open help window + Súgó megnyitása - Agogo - + + + Sine wave + Szinuszhullám - Wood1 - + + + Moog-saw wave + Moog fűrészfog - Reso - + + + Exponential wave + Exponenciális - Wood2 - + + + Saw wave + Fűrészfoghullám - Beats - + + + User-defined wave + Felhasználó által megadott hullám - Two Fixed - + + + Triangle wave + Háromszöghullám - Clump - + + + Square wave + Négyszöghullám - Tubular Bells - + + + White noise + Fehér zaj - Uniform Bar - + + WaveInterpolate + Interpoláció - Tuned Bar - + + ExpressionValid + Érvényes kifejezés - Glass - + + General purpose 1: + Általános 1: - Tibetan Bowl - + + General purpose 2: + Általános 2: - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument - + + General purpose 3: + Általános 3: - Spread - + + O1 panning: + O1 panoráma: - Spread: - + + O2 panning: + O2 panoráma: - Hardness - + + Release transition: + Elengedési idő: - Hardness: - + + Smoothness + Simítás + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Position - + + Portamento + Portamento - Position: - + + Filter frequency + Szűrő frekvencia - Vib Gain - + + Filter resonance + Szűrő rezonancia - Vib Gain: - + + Bandwidth + Sávszélesség - Vib Freq + + FM gain - Vib Freq: + + Resonance center frequency - Stick Mix + + Resonance bandwidth - Stick Mix: - + + Forward MIDI control change events + MIDI CC események továbbítása + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Modulator - + + Portamento: + Portamento: - Modulator: - + + PORT + PORT - Crossfade - + + Filter frequency: + Szűrő frekvencia: - Crossfade: - + + FREQ + FREKV - LFO Speed - + + Filter resonance: + Szűrő rezonancia: - LFO Speed: - + + RES + RES - LFO Depth - + + Bandwidth: + Sávszélesség: - LFO Depth: - + + BW + BW - ADSR + + FM gain: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN - Pressure + + Resonance center frequency: - Pressure: + + RES CF - Speed - Sebesség + + Resonance bandwidth: + - Speed: - Sebesség: + + RES BW + RES BW - Missing files - HIányzó fájlok + + Forward MIDI control changes + MIDI CC események továbbítása - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - + + Show GUI + GUI megjelenítése - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control - - + AudioFileProcessor - VST Sync - + + Amplify + Erősítés - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - + + Start of sample + Minta eleje - Automated - + + End of sample + Minta vége - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - + + Loopback point + Visszatérési pont - Close - + + Reverse sample + Minta megfordítása - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - + + Loop mode + Ismétlési mód - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control + + Stutter - VST Sync - + + Interpolation mode + Interpolációs mód - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - + + None + Nincs - Automated - + + Linear + Lineáris - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - + + Sinc + Sinc - Close - + + Sample not found: %1 + Hangminta nem található: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - + + Sample length + Minta hossza - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - + + Sample length + Minta hossza - Op 1 Attack + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Op 1 Decay - + + + Sine wave + Szinuszhullám - Op 1 Sustain - + + + Triangle wave + Háromszöghullám - Op 1 Release - + + + Saw wave + Fűrészfoghullám - Op 1 Level - + + + Square wave + Négyszöghullám - Op 1 Level Scaling - + + + White noise + Fehér zaj - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - + + + User-defined wave + Felhasználó által megadott hullám - Op 1 Feedback - + + + Smooth waveform + Hullámforma simítása - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - + + Interpolation + Interpoláció - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - + + Normalize + Normalizálás + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo - + + INPUT + BEMENET - Op 1 Vibrato - + + Input gain: + Bemeneti erősítés: - Op 1 Waveform - + + OUTPUT + KIMENET - Op 2 Attack - + + Output gain: + Kimeneti erősítés: - Op 2 Decay - + + ATTACK + ATTACK - Op 2 Sustain + + Peak attack time: - Op 2 Release - + + RELEASE + RELEASE - Op 2 Level + + Peak release time: - Op 2 Level Scaling - + + + Reset wavegraph + Visszaállítás - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - + + + Smooth wavegraph + Lekerekítés - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Amplitúdó növelése 1 dB-lel - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Amplitúdó csökkentése 1 dB-lel - Op 2 Tremolo - + + Stereo mode: maximum + Sztereó mód: maximum - Op 2 Vibrato - + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Feldolgozás a csatonák maximuma alapján - Op 2 Waveform - + + Stereo mode: average + Sztereó mód: átlag - FM - + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + Feldolgozás a csatonák átlaga alapján - Vibrato Depth - + + Stereo mode: unlinked + Sztereó mód: független - Tremolo Depth - + + Process each stereo channel independently + A két csatorna egymástól független feldolgozása - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack - + + Input gain + Bemeneti erősítés - Decay - + + Output gain + Kimeneti erősítés - Release + + Attack time - Frequency multiplier + + Release time + + + Stereo mode + Sztereó mód + - organicInstrument + graphModel - Distortion + + Graph - - Volume - Hangerő - - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - + + Start frequency + Kezdő frekvencia - Volume: - Hangerő: + + End frequency + Végső frekvencia - Randomise - + + Length + Hossz - Osc %1 waveform: - + + Start distortion + Kezdeti torzítás - Osc %1 volume: - + + End distortion + Végső torzítás - Osc %1 panning: - + + Gain + Erősítés - cents - + + Envelope slope + Burkológörbe meredekség - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - + + Noise + Zaj - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - + + Click + Kattanás - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - + + Frequency slope + Frekvenciaváltozás sebessége - Osc %1 stereo detuning + + Start from note - Osc %1 harmonic: + + End to note - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - + + Start frequency: + Kezdő frekvencia: - Sweep direction - + + End frequency: + Végső frekvencia: - Sweep RtShift amount - + + Frequency slope: + Frekvenciaváltozás sebessége: - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Gain: + Erősítés: - Channel 1 volume - + + Envelope length: + Burkológörbe hossza: - Volume sweep direction - + + Envelope slope: + Burkológörbe meredekség: - Length of each step in sweep - + + Click: + Kattanás: - Channel 2 volume - + + Noise: + Zaj: - Channel 3 volume - + + Start distortion: + Kezdeti torzítás: - Channel 4 volume - + + End distortion: + Végső torzítás: + + + LadspaBrowserView - Right Output level - + + + Available Effects + Elérhető effektek - Left Output level - + + + Unavailable Effects + Nem elérhető effektek - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Instruments + Hangszerek - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Analysis Tools + Analizáló eszközök - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Don't know + Ismeretlen - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - + + Type: + Típus: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Plugins + Bővítmények - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - + + Description + Leírás + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + Portok - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Name + Név - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - + + Rate + Ütem: - Treble - + + Direction + Irány - Bass - + + Type + Típus - Shift Register width - + + Min < Default < Max + Min < Alapértelmezés < Max - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - + + Logarithmic + Logaritmikus - Sweep Time + + SR Dependent - Sweep RtShift amount: - + + Audio + Audió - Sweep RtShift amount - + + Control + Vezérlő - Wave pattern duty: - + + Input + Bemenet - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Output + Kimenet - Square Channel 1 Volume: - + + Toggled + Ki/Be - Length of each step in sweep: - + + Integer + Egész - Length of each step in sweep - + + Float + Lebegőpontos - Wave pattern duty - + + + Yes + Igen + + + Lb302Synth - Square Channel 2 Volume: - + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + VCF vágási frekvencia - Square Channel 2 Volume - + + VCF Resonance + VCF rezonancia - Wave Channel Volume: - + + VCF Envelope Mod + VCF burkológörbe moduláció - Wave Channel Volume + + VCF Envelope Decay - Noise Channel Volume: - + + Distortion + Torzítás + + + + Waveform + Hullámforma - Noise Channel Volume + + Slide Decay - SO1 Volume (Right): + + Slide - SO1 Volume (Right) + + Accent - SO2 Volume (Left): + + Dead - SO2 Volume (Left) + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + Lb302SynthView - Treble: - + + Cutoff Freq: + Vágási frekvencia: - Treble - + + Resonance: + Rezonancia: - Bass: - + + Env Mod: + Moduláció: - Bass - + + Decay: + Decay: - Sweep Direction + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - Volume Sweep Direction + + Slide Decay: - Shift Register Width - + + DIST: + Torzítás: - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Saw wave + Fűrészfoghullám - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Fűrészfoghullám - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Triangle wave + Háromszöghullám - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Háromszöghullám - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Square wave + Négyszöghullám - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - + + Click here for a square-wave. + Négyszöghullám - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - + + Rounded square wave + Lekerekített négyszög - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Lekerekített négyszög - Wave Pattern - + + Moog wave + Moog-szerű hullám - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Moog-szerű hullám - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - + + Sine wave + Szinuszhullám - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - + + Click for a sine-wave. + Szinusz - Square Channel 1 Volume - + + + White noise wave + Fehér zaj - The delay between step change - + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Exponenciális hullám - Draw the wave here - + + Click here for white-noise. + Fehér zaj - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - + + Bandlimited saw wave + Sávlimitált fűrészfog - Bank selector - + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Sávlimitált fűrészfog - Bank - + + Bandlimited square wave + Sávlimitált négyszög - Program selector - + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Sávlimitált négyszög - Patch - + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Sávlimitált háromszög - Name - Név + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Sávlimitált háromszög - OK - OK + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Sávlimitált Moog fűrészfog - Cancel - Mégse + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Sávlimitált Moog fűrészfog - pluginBrowser + MalletsInstrument - no description - + + Hardness + Keménység - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Félkész monofonikus tb303 imitáció + + Position + Pozíció - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Bővítmény a sztereó kimenet manipulálásához + + Vibrato gain + Vibrato erősség - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - + + Vibrato frequency + Vibrato frekvencia - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Bővítmény a sztereó fájlok sztereó különválasztásának javításához + + Stick mix + Ütő - List installed LADSPA plugins - Telepített LADSPA bővítmények listája + + Modulator + Modulátor - GUS-compatible patch instrument - + + Crossfade + Keverési arány - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Additív szintetizátor orgonaszerű hangokhoz + + LFO speed + LFO sebesség - Tuneful things to bang on - + + LFO depth + LFO erősség - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - + + ADSR + ADSR - Vibrating string modeler - + + Pressure + Nyomás - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + Motion - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - + + Speed + Sebesség - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + Bowed - Player for SoundFont files - Lejátszó a SoundFont fájlokhoz + + Spread + Szórás - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - A GameBoy (TM) APU emulációja + + Marimba + Marimba - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - + + Vibraphone + Vibrafon - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - Beágyazott ZynAddSubFX + + Agogo + Agogo - 2-operator FM Synth - + + Wood 1 + Fa 1 - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + Reso - LMMS port of sfxr - + + Wood 2 + Fa 2 - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + Beats - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + Two fixed - A native amplifier plugin + + Clump - Carla Rack Instrument - + + Tubular bells + Csőharang - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + Uniform bar - plugin for waveshaping + + Tuned bar - Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + Glass - Versatile drum synthesizer - + + Tibetan bowl + Tibeti hangtál + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - + + Instrument + Hangszer - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - + + Spread + Szórás - Carla Patchbay Instrument - + + Spread: + Szórás: - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - + + Missing files + HIányzó fájlok - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Az STK telepítése hiányosnak tűnik. Ellenőrizd, hogy a teljes STK csomag telepítve van-e! - A NES-like synthesizer - + + Hardness + Keménység - A native delay plugin - + + Hardness: + Keménység: - Player for GIG files - + + Position + Pozíció - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + Position: + Pozíció: - A native flanger plugin - + + Vibrato gain + Vibrato erősség - An oversampling bitcrusher - + + Vibrato gain: + Vibrato erősség: - A native eq plugin - + + Vibrato frequency + Vibrato frekvencia - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - + + Vibrato frequency: + Vibrato frekvencia: - A Dual filter plugin - + + Stick mix + Ütő - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - + + Stick mix: + Ütő: - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - + + Modulator + Modulátor - Patch - + + Modulator: + Modulátor: - Gain - Erősítés + + Crossfade + Keverési arány - Reverb - + + Crossfade: + Keverési arány: - Reverb Roomsize - + + LFO speed + LFO sebesség - Reverb Damping - + + LFO speed: + LFO sebesség: - Reverb Width - + + LFO depth + LFO erősség - Reverb Level - + + LFO depth: + LFO erősség: - Chorus - + + ADSR + ADSR - Chorus Lines - + + ADSR: + ADSR: - Chorus Level - + + Pressure + Nyomás - Chorus Speed - + + Pressure: + Nyomás: - Chorus Depth - + + Speed + Sebesség - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - + + Speed: + Sebesség: - sf2InstrumentView + ManageVSTEffectView - Open other SoundFont file - - - - Click here to open another SF2 file - - - - Choose the patch - - - - Gain - Erősítés + + - VST parameter control + - VST plugin vezérlők - Apply reverb (if supported) - + + VST sync + VST Szinkron - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - + + + Automated + Automatizált - Reverb Roomsize: - + + Close + Bezárás + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Reverb Damping: - + + + - VST plugin control + - VST plugin vezérlők - Reverb Width: - + + VST Sync + VST Szinkron - Reverb Level: - + + + Automated + Automatizált - Apply chorus (if supported) - + + Close + Bezárás + + + OrganicInstrument - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - + + Distortion + Torzítás - Chorus Lines: - + + Volume + Hangerő + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Chorus Level: - + + Distortion: + Torzítás: - Chorus Speed: - + + Volume: + Hangerő: - Chorus Depth: - + + Randomise + Randomizálás - Open SoundFont file - + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Osc %1 hullámforma: - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 hangerő: - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form - + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 panoráma: - - - sidInstrument - Cutoff - + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Osc %1 sztereó elhangolás - Resonance - + + cents + cent - Filter type - + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Osc %1 harmonikus: + + + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - Volume - Hangerő + + Bank selector + Bank választó - Chip model - + + Bank + Bank - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - Hangerő: + + Program selector + Program választó - Resonance: - + + Patch + Patch - Cutoff frequency: - + + Name + Név - High-Pass filter - + + OK + OK - Band-Pass filter - + + Cancel + Mégse + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter - + + Bank + Bank - Voice3 Off - + + Patch + Patch - MOS6581 SID - + + Gain + Erősítés - MOS8580 SID - + + Reverb + Zengető - Attack: - + + Reverb room size + Terem méret - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - + + Reverb damping + Csillapítás - Decay: - + + Reverb width + Szélesség - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - + + Reverb level + Zengető mennyiség - Sustain: - + + Chorus + Kórus - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - + + Chorus voices + Szólamok száma - Release: - + + Chorus level + Kórus mennyiség - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - + + Chorus speed + Kórus frekvencia - Pulse Width: - + + Chorus depth + Kórus mélység - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + A(z) %1 SoundFont nem tölthető be. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - + + + Open SoundFont file + SoundFont fájl megnyitása - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - + + Choose patch + Patch kiválasztása - Pulse Wave - + + Gain: + Erősítés: - Triangle Wave - + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Zengető alkalmazása (ha támogatott) - SawTooth - + + Room size: + Terem méret: - Noise - + + Damping: + Csillapítás: - Sync - + + Width: + Szélesség: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - + + + Level: + Mennyiség: - Ring-Mod - + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Kórus alkalmazása (ha támogatott) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - + + Voices: + Szólamok: - Filtered - + + Speed: + Sebesség: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - + + Depth: + Mélység: - Test - + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + SoundFont fájlok (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - + + Wave + Hullám - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - + + WIDTH + SZÉLESSÉG + Width: - + Szélesség: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width - + Szélesség - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: - + Bal - Bal jelszint: + Left to Right Vol: - + Bal - Jobb jelszint: + Right to Left Vol: - + Jobb - Bal jelszint: + Right to Right Vol: - + Jobb - Jobb jelszint - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left - + Bal - Bal + Left to Right - + Bal - Jobb + Right to Left - + Jobb - Bal + Right to Right - + Jobb - Jobb - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin - + Plugin betöltése - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + Várj, amíg a VST plugin betöltődik... - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume - + %1. húr hangerő + String %1 stiffness - + %1. húr feszessége + Pick %1 position - + %1. húr pengetés helye + Pickup %1 position - + %1. hangszedő pozíciója - Pan %1 - + + String %1 panning + %1. húr panoráma - Detune %1 - + + String %1 detune + %1. húr elhangolása - Fuzziness %1 + + String %1 fuzziness - Length %1 - + + String %1 length + %1. húr hossza: + Impulse %1 - + Impulzus %1 - Octave %1 - + + String %1 + %1. húr - vibedView - - Volume: - Hangerő: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - + + String volume: + Húr hangerő: + String stiffness: - - - - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - + Húr feszessége: + Pick position: - - - - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - + Pengetés helye: + Pickup position: - - - - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - - - - Pan: - - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - - - - Detune: - - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - - - - Fuzziness: - + Hangszedő pozíciója: - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - + + String panning: + Húr panoráma: - Length: - + + String detune: + Húr elhangolása: - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. + + String fuzziness: - Impulse or initial state - + + String length: + Húr hossza: - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - + + Impulse + Impulzus + Octave - - - - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - + Oktáv + Impulse Editor - - - - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - + Impulzusszerkesztő + Enable waveform - + Húr engedélyezése - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - + + Enable/disable string + Húr engedélyezése/tiltása + String - - - - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - + Húr + + Sine wave Szinuszhullám + + Triangle wave Háromszöghullám + + Saw wave Fűrészfoghullám + + Square wave Négyszöghullám - White noise wave - + + + White noise + Fehér zaj - User defined wave + + + User-defined wave Felhasználó által megadott hullám - Smooth - - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - - - - Normalize - Normalizálás - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Kattintson ide a hullámalak normalizálásához. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - + + + Smooth waveform + Hullámforma simítása - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - + + + Normalize waveform + Hullámforma normalizálása - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width + Voice %1 attack + Voice %1 decay + Voice %1 sustain + Voice %1 release + Voice %1 coarse detuning + Voice %1 wave shape + Voice %1 sync + Voice %1 ring modulate + Voice %1 filtered + Voice %1 test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT BEMENET + Input gain: Bemeneti erősítés: + OUTPUT KIMENET + Output gain: Kimeneti erősítés: - Reset waveform - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - - - - Smooth waveform - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - + + + Reset wavegraph + Visszaállítás - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - - - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Smooth wavegraph + Lekerekítés - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Amplitúdó növelése 1 dB-lel - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Amplitúdó csökkentése 1 dB-lel + Clip input - + Bemenet levágása - Clip input signal to 0dB - + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + Bemenet levágása 0dB-re - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain Bemeneti erősítés + Output gain Kimeneti erősítés - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/id.ts b/data/locale/id.ts index da30ec919d3..e381ea726d8 100644 --- a/data/locale/id.ts +++ b/data/locale/id.ts @@ -2,93 +2,112 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS Ihwal LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Versi %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - Ihwal + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - mudahnya produksi musik untuk semua orang + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Versi %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - Pencipta + + About + Ihwal - Translation - Terjemahan + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - produksi musik yang mudah untuk semua orang. - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - bahasa saat ini tidak diterjemahkan (atau asli bahasa Inggris). - -Jika Anda tertarik untuk menerjemahkan LMMS dalam bahasa lain atau ingin meningkatkan terjemahan yang ada, Anda dipersilakan untuk membantu kami! Cukup hubungi pengelola! + + Copyright © %1. + Hak cipta © %1. - License - Lisensi + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Pencipta + Involved Terlibat + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Kontributor disortir oleh jumlah komit: - Copyright © %1 - Hak cipta © %1 + + Translation + Terjemahan + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + bahasa saat ini tidak diterjemahkan (atau asli bahasa Inggris). +Jika Anda tertarik untuk menerjemahkan LMMS dalam bahasa lain atau ingin meningkatkan terjemahan yang ada, Anda dipersilakan untuk membantu kami! Cukup hubungi pengelola! - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + License + Lisensi AmplifierControlDialog + VOL VOL + Volume: Volume: + PAN SEIMBANG + Panning: Keseimbangan: + LEFT KIRI + Left gain: gain kiri: + RIGHT KANAN + Right gain: gain kanan: @@ -96,18 +115,22 @@ Jika Anda tertarik untuk menerjemahkan LMMS dalam bahasa lain atau ingin meningk AmplifierControls + Volume Volume + Panning Keseimbangan + Left gain gain Kiri + Right gain gain Kanan @@ -115,10 +138,12 @@ Jika Anda tertarik untuk menerjemahkan LMMS dalam bahasa lain atau ingin meningk AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE PERANGKAT + CHANNELS SALURAN @@ -126,85 +151,60 @@ Jika Anda tertarik untuk menerjemahkan LMMS dalam bahasa lain atau ingin meningk AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - Buka sampel lain - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Klik disini, jika anda ingin membuka berkas audio lain. Sebuah dialog akan muncul dimana anda bisa memilih berkas anda. Pengaturan seperti mode-pengulangan, titik mulai-akhir, nilai ampli, dan lainnya tidak akan berubah. Jadi, ini mungkin tidak akan terdengar seperti sampel orsinil. + + Open sample + Buka sampel + Reverse sample Balikan sampel - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Jika anda mengaktifkan tombol ini, seluruh sampel dibalik. Hal ini cocok untuk efek yang keren, misalnya crash terbalik. - - - Amplify: - Penguatan: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Dengan kenop ini Anda bisa mengatur rasio amplitudo. Bila Anda menetapkan nilai 100% sampel Anda tidak berubah. Jika tidak, itu akan diperkuat ke atas atau ke bawah (berkas sampel Anda yang sebenarnya tidak disentuh!) - - - Startpoint: - Titik mulai: - - - Endpoint: - Titik akhir: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - Lanjutkan pemutaran sampel di catatan melintasi not - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Mengaktifkan opsi ini membuat sampel terus bermain melintasi not yang berbeda - jika anda merubah pitch, atau panjang not berhenti sebelum sampel akhir, maka not berikutnya yang diputar akan berlanjut dari tempat tinggalnya. Untuk mengatur ulang pemutaran ke awal sampel, masukan not dibagian bawah keyboard (< 20 Hz) - - + Disable loop Nonaktifkan pengulangan - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Tombol ini menonaktifkan pengulangan. Sampel diputar hanya sekali dari awal sampai akhir - - + Enable loop Aktifkan pengulangan - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Tombol ini memungkinkan pengulangan ke depan. Contoh pengulangan antara titik akhir dan titik pengulangan. + + Enable ping-pong loop + - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Tombol ini memungkinkan perulangan ping-pong. Sampel pengulangan mundur dan maju antara titik akhir dan titik pengulangan. + + Continue sample playback across notes + Lanjutkan pemutaran sampel di catatan melintasi not - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Dengan kenop ini Anda dapat mengatur titik dimana AudioFileProcessor harus memutar sampel Anda. + + Amplify: + Penguatan: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Dengan kenop ini Anda dapat mengatur titik di mana AudioFileProcessor harus berhenti memainkan sampel Anda. + + Start point: + Poin awal: - Loopback point: - Titik pengulangan: + + End point: + Poin akhir: - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Dengan tombol ini Anda dapat mengatur titik di mana pengulangan dimulai. + + Loopback point: + Titik pengulangan: AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: Panjang sampel: @@ -212,447 +212,469 @@ Jika Anda tertarik untuk menerjemahkan LMMS dalam bahasa lain atau ingin meningk AudioJack + JACK client restarted klien JACK dimulai ulang + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS dikeluarkan oleh JACK karena alasan tertentu. Oleh karena itu backend LMMS JACK, telah dimulai ulang. Anda harus membuat koneksi manual lagi. + JACK server down Server JACK lumpuh + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. Server JACK sepertinya telah dimatikan dan pemulaian instansi baru gagal. Oleh karena itu LMMS tidak bisa dilanjutkan. Anda harus menyimpan proyek anda dan memulai ulang JACK dan LMMS. - CLIENT-NAME - NAMA-KLIEN + + Client name + - CHANNELS - SALURAN + + Channels + - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - PERANGKAT + + Device + - CHANNELS - SALURAN + + Channels + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + - DEVICE - PERANGKAT + + Device + - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - PERANGKAT + + Device + - CHANNELS - SALURAN + + Channels + AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - PERANGKAT + + Device + - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - PERANGKAT + + Device + - CHANNELS - SALURAN + + Channels + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + - DEVICE - PERANGKAT + + Device + AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) &Mulai ulang (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) &Salin nilai (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) &Tempel nilai (%1%2) + + &Paste value + &Tempel nilai + + + Edit song-global automation Ubah lagu otomasi global + + Remove song-global automation + Hapus lagu otomasi global + + + + Remove all linked controls + Hapus semua pengendali yang terhubung + + + Connected to %1 Terhubung ke %1 + Connected to controller Terhubung ke pengendali + Edit connection... Ubah koneksi... + Remove connection Hapus koneksi + Connect to controller... Hubungkan ke pengendali... - - Remove song-global automation - Hapus lagu otomasi global - - - Remove all linked controls - Hapus semua pengendali yang terhubung - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Silakan buka pola otomasi dengan menu konteks kontrol! + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + - Values copied - Nilai disalin + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Semua nilai yang dipilih telah disalin ke clipboard. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Silakan buka pola otomasi dengan menu konteks kontrol! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) Putar/jeda pola saat ini (Spasi) - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Klik di sini untuk memainkan pola saat ini. Ini berguna saat mengeditnya. Pola diulang secara otomatis saat ujungnya tercapai. - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) Berhenti memutar pola saat ini (Spasi) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Klik disini jika anda ingin berhenti memutar pola saat ini. + + Edit actions + Ubah aksi + Draw mode (Shift+D) Mode menggambar (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) Mode penghapus (Shift+E) + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically Balik secara vertikal + Flip horizontally Balik secara horizontal - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Klik disini dan pola akan dibalik. Titik nya akan dibalik dengan arah y. - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Klik disini dan pola akan dibalik. Titik nya akan dibalik dengan arah x. - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klik di sini dan mode-gambar akan diaktifkan. Dalam mode ini Anda bisa menambahkan dan memindahkan nilai tunggal. Ini adalah mode default yang sering digunakan. Anda juga dapat menekan 'Shift+D' pada keyboard untuk mengaktifkan mode ini. - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klik di sini dan mode-penghapus akan diaktifkan. Dalam mode ini Anda bisa menghapus nilai tunggal. Anda juga dapat menekan 'Shift+E' pada keyboard untuk mengaktifkan mode ini. + + Interpolation controls + Kontrol interpolasi + Discrete progression Perkembangan diskrit + Linear progression perkembangan linier + Cubic Hermite progression Perkembangan Hermite Cubic + Tension value for spline nilai tegangan untuk spline - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Potong nilai yang dipilih (%1+X) - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Salin nilai yang dipilih (%1+X) + + Tension: + Tegangan: - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Tempel nilai dari clipboard (%1+V) + + Zoom controls + Kontrol Zum - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klik disini dan nilai yang dipilih akan dipotong ke papan klip. Anda bisa menempelkannya di manapun dalam pola apapun dengan mengklik tombol tempel. + + Horizontal zooming + Pembesaran horizontal - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klik di sini dan nilai yang dipilih akan disalin ke papan klip. Anda bisa menempelkannya di manapun dalam pola apapun dengan mengklik tombol tempel. + + Vertical zooming + Pembesaran vertikal - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Klik di sini dan nilai dari papan klip akan disisipkan pada ukuran pertama yang terlihat. + + Quantization controls + Kontrol kuantitasi - Tension: - Tegangan: + + Quantization + Kuantitasi - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip Editor Otomasi - tiada pola + + Automation Editor - %1 Editor Otomasi - %1 - Edit actions - Ubah aksi - - - Interpolation controls - Kontrol interpolasi - - - Timeline controls - Kontrol timeline - - - Zoom controls - Kontrol Zum - - - Quantization controls - Kontrol kuantitasi - - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Model sudah terhubung ke pola ini. - - Quantization - Kuantitasi - - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - Kuantitasi. Tetapkan ukuran langkah terkecil untuk Titik Otomasi. Secara deafult ini juga menentukan panjangnya, membersihkan titik lain di kisaran ini. Tekan <Ctrl> untuk mengganti perilaku ini. - - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> Tarik kontrol sambil menekan <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor Buka di editor Otomasi + Clear Bersih + Reset name Reset nama + Change name Ganti nama - %1 Connections - %1 Koneksi - - - Disconnect "%1" - Putuskan "%1" - - + Set/clear record Setel/bersihkan catatan + Flip Vertically (Visible) Balik secara Vertikal (Terlihat) + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Balik secara Horizontal (Terlihat) - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + %1 Connections + %1 Koneksi + + + + Disconnect "%1" + Putuskan "%1" + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. Model sudah terhubung ke pola ini. AutomationTrack + Automation track Trek otomasi - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor Editor Bassline+ketukan + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) Putar/jeda ketukan/bassline saat ini (Spasi) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) Hentikan pemutaran ketukan/bassline saat ini (Spasi) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Klik disini untuk memutar ketukan/bassline saat ini. Ketukan/bassline otomatis diulang ketika mencapai akhir. + + Beat selector + Pemilih Ketukan - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Klik disini untuk menghentikan pemutaran ketukan/bassline saat ini. + + Track and step actions + Aksi trek dan langkah + Add beat/bassline Tambah ketukan/bassline + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + Tambah Trek-sampel + + + Add automation-track Tambah trek-otomasi + Remove steps Hapus langkah + Add steps Tambah langkah - Beat selector - Pemilih Ketukan - - - Track and step actions - Aksi trek dan langkah - - + Clone Steps Klon langkah - - Add sample-track - Tambah Trek-sampel - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor Buka di Ketukan/Bassline-Editor + Reset name Reset nama + Change name Ganti nama - - Change color - Ganti warna - - - Reset color to default - Reset warna ke default - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 Ketukan/Bassline %1 + Clone of %1 Klon dari %1 @@ -660,26 +682,32 @@ Jika Anda tertarik untuk menerjemahkan LMMS dalam bahasa lain atau ingin meningk BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ FREK + Frequency: Frekuensi: + GAIN GAIN + Gain: Gain: + RATIO RASIO + Ratio: Rasio: @@ -687,14 +715,17 @@ Jika Anda tertarik untuk menerjemahkan LMMS dalam bahasa lain atau ingin meningk BassBoosterControls + Frequency Frekuensi + Gain Gain + Ratio Rasio @@ -702,9568 +733,15611 @@ Jika Anda tertarik untuk menerjemahkan LMMS dalam bahasa lain atau ingin meningk BitcrushControlDialog + IN MASUK + OUT KELUAR + + GAIN GAIN - Input Gain: - Gain Masuk: + + Input gain: + Gain masukan: + + + + NOISE + RIUH - Input Noise: - Bising Masukan: + + Input noise: + - Output Gain: - Gain Keluaran: + + Output gain: + Gait keluaran: + CLIP KLIP - Output Clip: - Klip Keluaran: + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + - Rate Enabled - Aktifkan Nilai + + Enable sample-rate crushing + - Enable samplerate-crushing - Aktifkan samplerate-crushing + + Depth enabled + - Depth Enabled - Aktifkan Kedalaman + + Enable bit-depth crushing + - Enable bitdepth-crushing - Aktifkan bitdepth-crushing + + FREQ + FREK + Sample rate: Nilai sampel: - Stereo difference: - Perbedaan stereo: - + + STEREO + STEREO + + + + Stereo difference: + Perbedaan stereo: + + + + QUANT + + + Levels: Tingkat: + + + BitcrushControls - NOISE - RIUH + + Input gain + Gain masukan - FREQ - FREK + + Input noise + - STEREO - STEREO + + Output gain + Gain keluaran - QUANT + + Output clip - - - CaptionMenu - &Help - &Bantuan + + Sample rate + Nilai sampel - Help (not available) - Bantuan (tidak tersedia) + + Stereo difference + Perbedaan stereo - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - Tampilkan GUI + + Levels + Tingkatan - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Klik disini untuk menampilkan atau menyembunyikan antarmuka pengguna (GUI) dari Carla. + + Rate enabled + - - - Controller - Controller %1 - Kontroler %1 + + Depth enabled + - ControllerConnectionDialog + CarlaAboutW - Connection Settings - Pengaturan Koneksi + + About Carla + - MIDI CONTROLLER - KONTROLER MIDI + + About + Ihwal - Input channel - Saluran Masukan + + About text here + - CHANNEL - SALURAN + + Extended licensing here + - Input controller - Kontroler masukan + + Artwork + - CONTROLLER - KONTROLER + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - Auto Detect - Deteksi Otomatis + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Perangkat MIDI untuk menerima aktifitas-MIDI dari + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - USER CONTROLLER - KONTROLER PENGGUNA + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - MAPPING FUNCTION - PEMETAAN FUNGSI + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - OK - OK + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - Cancel - Batal + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - LMMS - LMMS + + Features + - Cycle Detected. - Siklus terdeteksi. + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - Kontroler rak + + LADSPA: + - Add - Tambah + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Confirm Delete - Konfirmasi Hapus + + VST2: + - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Konfirmasi hapus? Ada (beberapa) koneksi yang terasosiasi dengan kontroler ini. Tidak mungkin untuk melakukan undi. + + DSSI: + - - - ControllerView - Controls - Kontrol + + LV2: + - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Kontroler dapat mengotomatisasi nilai kenop, slider, dan kontrol lainnya. + + VST3: + - Rename controller - Ganti nama kontroler + + OSC + - Enter the new name for this controller - Masukan nama baru untuk kontroler ini + + Host URLs: + - &Remove this controller - &Hapus kontroler ini + + Valid commands: + - Re&name this controller - Ganti&Nama kontroler ini + + valid osc commands here + - LFO - LFO + + Example: + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: - Band 1/2 Crossover: + + License + Lisensi - Band 2/3 Crossover: - Band 2/3 Crossover: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - Band 3/4 Crossover: - Band 3/4 Crossover: + + OSC Bridge Version + - Band 1 Gain: - Gain Band 1: + + Plugin Version + - Band 2 Gain: - Gain Band 2: + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + - Band 3 Gain: - Gain Band 3: + + + (Engine not running) + - Band 4 Gain: - Gain Band 4: + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + - Band 1 Mute - Bisukan Band 1 + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - Mute Band 1 - Bisukan Band 1 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - Band 2 Mute - Bisukan Band 2 + + + + Using Juce host + - Mute Band 2 - Bisukan Band 2 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + CarlaHostW - Band 3 Mute - Bisukan Band 3 + + MainWindow + - Mute Band 3 - Bisukan Band 3 + + Rack + - Band 4 Mute - Bisukan Band 4 + + Patchbay + - Mute Band 4 - Bisukan Band 4 + + Logs + - - - DelayControls - Delay Samples - Sampel Delay + + Loading... + - Feedback - Umpan balik + + Buffer Size: + - Lfo Frequency - Frekuensi Lfo + + Sample Rate: + - Lfo Amount - Jumlah Lfo + + ? Xruns + - Output gain - Gain keluaran + + DSP Load: %p% + - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt - jmlh Lfo + + &File + &Berkas - Delay Time - Waktu Delay + + &Engine + - Feedback Amount - Jumlah Umpan balik + + &Plugin + - Lfo - Lfo + + Macros (all plugins) + - Out Gain - Gain Keluar + + &Canvas + - Gain - GainGain + + Zoom + - DELAY - DELAY + + &Settings + - FDBK - UMPBLK + + &Help + &Bantuan - RATE - NILAI + + toolBar + - AMNT - JMLH + + Disk + - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - Filter 1 diaktifkan + + + Home + - Filter 2 enabled - Filter 2 diaktifkan + + Transport + - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Klik untuk mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan Filter 1 + + Playback Controls + - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Klik untuk mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan Filter 2 + + Time Information + - FREQ - FREK + + Frame: + - Cutoff frequency - Frekuensi cutoff + + 000'000'000 + - RESO - RESO + + Time: + Waktu: - Resonance - Resonansi + + 00:00:00 + - GAIN - GAIN + + BBT: + - Gain - Gain + + 000|00|0000 + - MIX - MIX + + Settings + Pengaturan - Mix - Mix + + BPM + - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - Filter 1 diaktifkan + + Use JACK Transport + - Filter 1 type - Tipe Filter 1 + + Use Ableton Link + - Cutoff 1 frequency - Frekuensi Cutoff 1 + + &New + &Baru - Q/Resonance 1 - Q/Resonansi 1 + + Ctrl+N + - Gain 1 - Gain 1 + + &Open... + &Buka - Mix - Mix + + + Open... + - Filter 2 enabled - Filter 2 diaktifkan + + Ctrl+O + - Filter 2 type - Tipe Filter 2 + + &Save + &Simpan - Cutoff 2 frequency - Frekuensi Cutoff 2 + + Ctrl+S + - Q/Resonance 2 - Q/Resonansi 2 + + Save &As... + Simpan &Sebagai... - Gain 2 - Gain 2 + + + Save As... + - LowPass - LowPass + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - HiPass - HiPass + + &Quit + &Keluar - BandPass csg - BandPass csg + + Ctrl+Q + - BandPass czpg - BandPass czpg + + &Start + - Notch - Notch + + F5 + - Allpass - Allpass + + St&op + - Moog - Moog + + F6 + - 2x LowPass - 2x LowPass + + &Add Plugin... + - RC LowPass 12dB - RC LowPass 12dB + + Ctrl+A + - RC BandPass 12dB - RC BandPass 12dB + + &Remove All + - RC HighPass 12dB - RC HighPass 12dB + + Enable + - RC LowPass 24dB - RC LowPass 24dB + + Disable + - RC BandPass 24dB - RC BandPass 24dB + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - RC HighPass 24dB - RC HighPass 24dB + + 100% Wet + - Vocal Formant Filter - Filter Formant Vokal + + 0% Volume (Mute) + - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + 100% Volume + - SV LowPass - SV LowPass + + Center Balance + - SV BandPass - SV BandPass + + &Play + - SV HighPass - SV HighPass + + Ctrl+Shift+P + - SV Notch - SV Notch + + &Stop + - Fast Formant - Formant Cepat + + Ctrl+Shift+X + - Tripole - Tripol + + &Backwards + - - - Editor - Play (Space) - Putar (Spasi) + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - Stop (Space) - Hentikan (Spasi) + + &Forwards + - Record - Rekam + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - Record while playing - Rekam ketika memutar + + &Arrange + - Transport controls - Kontrol transport + + Ctrl+G + - - - Effect - Effect enabled - Efek diaktifkan + + + &Refresh + - Wet/Dry mix + + Ctrl+R - Gate - Lawang + + Save &Image... + - Decay - Tahan + + Auto-Fit + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - Aktifkan efek + + Zoom In + - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - RANTAI EFEK + + Ctrl++ + - Add effect - Tambah efek + + Zoom Out + - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - Tambah efek + + Ctrl+- + - Name - Nama + + Zoom 100% + - Type - Tipe + + Ctrl+1 + - Description - Deskripsi + + Show &Toolbar + - Author - Pencipta + + &Configure Carla + - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - Mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan efek. + + &About + - On/Off - Nyala/Mati + + About &JUCE + - W/D - B/K + + About &Qt + - Wet Level: - Tingkat Basah: + + Show Canvas &Meters + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. + + Show Canvas &Keyboard - DECAY - DECAY + + Show Internal + - Time: - Waktu: + + Show External + - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - Kenop Decay mengontrol berapa banyak buffers of silence yang harus dilewati sebelum plugin berhenti diproses. Nilai yang lebih kecil akan mengurangi overhead CPU namun berisiko clipping pada efek delay dan reverb. + + Show Time Panel + - GATE - LAWANG + + Show &Side Panel + - Gate: - Lawang: + + &Connect... + - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - Tombol Lawang mengontrol tingkat sinyal yang dianggap 'diam' saat memutuskan kapan harus menghentikan pemrosesan sinyal. + + Compact Slots + - Controls - Kontrol + + Expand Slots + - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. + + Perform secret 1 - Move &up - Pindah ke &atas + + Perform secret 2 + - Move &down - Pindah ke &bawah + + Perform secret 3 + - &Remove this plugin - &Hapus plugin ini + + Perform secret 4 + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - Prapenundaan + + Perform secret 5 + - Attack - Attack + + Add &JACK Application... + - Hold - Tahan + + &Configure driver... + - Decay - Decay + + Panic + - Sustain - Tahan + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - Release - Release + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + Kesalahan - Modulation - Modulasi + + Failed to load project + - LFO Predelay - Prapenundaan LFO + + Failed to save project + - LFO Attack - Attack LFO + + Quit + - LFO speed - Kecepatan LFO + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - LFO Modulation - Modulasi LFO + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - LFO Wave Shape - Bentuk Gelombang LFO + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - Freq x 100 - Frek x 100 + + Warning + - Modulate Env-Amount - Modulasikan Jumlah-Env + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - DEL - DEL + + Show GUI + Tampilkan GUI + + + CarlaSettingsW - Predelay: - Prapenundaan: + + Settings + Pengaturan - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. + + main - ATT - ATT + + canvas + - Attack: - Attack: + + engine + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. + + osc - HOLD - HOLD + + file-paths + - Hold: - Hold: + + plugin-paths + - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. + + wine - DEC - DEC + + experimental + - Decay: - Decay: + + Widget + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. + + + Main - SUST - SUST + + + Canvas + - Sustain: - Sustain: + + + Engine + - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. + + File Paths - REL - REL + + Plugin Paths + - Release: - Release: + + Wine + - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. + + + Experimental - AMT - JMLH + + <b>Main</b> + - Modulation amount: - Jumlah modulasi: + + Paths + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. + + Default project folder: - LFO predelay: - Prapenundaan LFO: + + Interface + - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. + + Interface refresh interval: - LFO- attack: - Attack LFO: + + + ms + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) - SPD - SPD + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - LFO speed: - kecepatan LFO: + + + Theme + - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. + + Color scheme: - Click here for a sine-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-sinus. + + Black + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-segitiga. + + System + - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-gergaji untuk saat ini. + + Enable experimental features + - Click here for a square-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-kotak. + + <b>Canvas</b> + - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. + + Bezier Lines - FREQ x 100 - FREK x 100 + + Theme: + - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Klik disini jika frekuensi LFO ini dikalikan dengan 100. + + Size: + Ukuran: - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - Kalikan frekuensi-LFO oleh 100 + + 775x600 + - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - MODULASIKAN JUMLAH-ENV + + 1550x1200 + - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. + + 3100x2400 - control envelope-amount by this LFO + + 4650x3600 - ms/LFO: - md/LFO: + + 6200x4800 + - Hint - Petunjuk + + Options + - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Seret sampel dari suatu tempat dan jatuhkan di jendela ini. + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - Click here for random wave. - Klik di sini untuk gelombang acak. + + Auto-select items on hover + - - - EqControls - Input gain - Gain masukan + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - Output gain - Gain keluaran + + Render Hints + - Low shelf gain + + Anti-Aliasing - Peak 1 gain - Gain peak 1 + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - Peak 2 gain - Gain peak 2 + + <b>Engine</b> + - Peak 3 gain - Gain peak 3 + + + Core + - Peak 4 gain - Gain peak 4 + + Single Client + - High Shelf gain + + Multiple Clients - HP res - HP res + + + Continuous Rack + - Low Shelf res + + + Patchbay - Peak 1 BW - Peak 1 BW + + Audio driver: + - Peak 2 BW - Peak 2 BW + + Process mode: + - Peak 3 BW + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog - Peak 4 BW + + Max Parameters: - High Shelf res + + ... - LP res - LP res + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + - HP freq - HP freq + + Plugin UIs + - Low Shelf freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - Peak 1 freq - Frek peak 1 + + UI Bridge Timeout: + - Peak 2 freq - Frek peak 2 + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + - Peak 3 freq - Frek peak 3 + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + - Peak 4 freq - Frek peak 4 + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + - High shelf freq + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - LP freq - Frek LP + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + - HP active - HP aktif + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + - Low shelf active + + <b>OSC</b> - Peak 1 active - Peak 1 aktif + + Enable OSC + - Peak 2 active - Peak 2 aktif + + Enable TCP port + - Peak 3 active - Peak 3 aktif + + + Use specific port: + - Peak 4 active - Peak 4 aktif + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + - High shelf active + + + Use randomly assigned port - LP active - LP aktif + + Enable UDP port + - LP 12 - LP 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - LP 24 - LP 24 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - LP 48 - LP 48 + + <b>File Paths</b> + - HP 12 - HP 12 + + Audio + Audio - HP 24 - HP 24 + + MIDI + MIDI - HP 48 - Hp 48 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - low pass type + + Used for the "midifile" plugin - high pass type + + + Add... - Analyse IN + + + Remove - Analyse OUT + + + Change... - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - HP + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + - Low Shelf + + LADSPA - Peak 1 - Peak 1 + + DSSI + - Peak 2 - Peak 2 + + LV2 + - Peak 3 - Peak 3 + + VST2 + - Peak 4 - Peak 4 + + VST3 + - High Shelf + + SF2/3 - LP - LP + + SFZ + - In Gain + + Restart Carla to find new plugins - Gain - Gain + + <b>Wine</b> + - Out Gain - Gain Keluar + + Executable + - Bandwidth: + + Path to 'wine' binary: - Resonance : - Resonansi : + + Prefix + - Frequency: - Frekuensi: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - lp grp - lp grp + + Fallback: + - hp grp - hp grp + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + - Octave - Oktaf + + Realtime Priority + - - - EqHandle - Reso: - Reso: + + Base priority: + - BW: - BW: + + WineServer priority: + - Freq: - Frek: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - Ekspor proyek + + <b>Experimental</b> + - Output - Keluaran + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - File format: - Format berkas: + + Enable plugin bridges + - Samplerate: - Sampelrate: + + Enable Wine bridges + - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Enable jack applications + - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - Bitrate: - Kecepatan Bit: + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/dtk + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/dtk + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/dtk + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/dtk + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/dtk + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/dtk + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - Depth: - Kedalaman: + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + - 16 Bit Integer - 16 Bit Integer + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - 32 Bit Float - 32 Bit Float + + Ratio: + Rasio: - Quality settings - Pengaturan kualitas + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - Interpolation: - Interpolasi: + + Attack: + Attack: - Zero Order Hold + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio - Sinc Fastest - Sinc Tercepat + + Release: + Release: - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Sinc Sedang (direkomendasikan) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Sinc Terbaik (sangat lambat!) + + Knee: + - Oversampling (use with care!): - Oversampling (gunakan dengan hati-hati!): + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - 1x (None) - 1x (Tidak ada) + + Range: + - 2x - 2x + + Maximum gain reduction + - 4x - 4x + + Lookahead Length: + - 8x - 8x + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - Start - Mulai + + Hold: + Hold: - Cancel - Batal + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Ekspor sebagai pengulangan (hapus keheningan akhir) + + RMS Size: + - Export between loop markers - Ekspor antar titik pengulangan + + Size of the RMS buffer + - Could not open file - Tidak bisa membuka berkas + + Input Balance: + - Export project to %1 - Ekspor proyek ke %1 + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Error - Kesalahan + + Output Balance: + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Kesalahan ketika menentukan perangkat encoder-file. Cobalah untuk memilih format keluaran yang berbeda. + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Rendering: %1% - Merender: %1% + + Stereo Balance: + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1 untuk menulis. -Pastikan Anda memiliki izin menulis ke file dan direktori yang berisi berkas tersebut dan coba lagi! + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - 24 Bit Integer - 24 Bit Integer + + Stereo Link Blend: + - Use variable bitrate - Gunakan variabel kecepatan bit + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + - Stereo mode: + + Tilt Gain: - Stereo - Stereo + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + - Joint Stereo + + Tilt Frequency: - Mono - Mono + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + - Compression level: - Level kompresi: + + Mix: + - (fastest) - (tercepat) + + Balance between wet and dry signals + - (default) - (bawaan) + + Auto Attack: + - (smallest) - (terkecil) + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + - - - Expressive - Selected graph - Grafik yang dipilih + + Auto Release: + - A1 - A1 + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + - A2 - A2 + + Output gain + Gain keluaran - A3 - A3 + + + Gain + GainGain - W1 smoothing + + Output volume - W2 smoothing - + + Input gain + Gain masukan - W3 smoothing + + Input volume - PAN1 + + Root Mean Square - PAN2 + + Use RMS of the input - REL TRANS + + Peak - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Silakan masukan nilai baru antara %1 dan %2: + + Use absolute value of the input + - - - FileBrowser - Browser - Penjelajah + + Left/Right + - Search - Cari + + Compress left and right audio + - Refresh list - Segarkan daftar + + Mid/Side + - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - Kirim ke trek-instrumen yang aktif + + Compress mid and side audio + - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - Buka di trek-instrumen/Editor B+B yang baru + + Compressor + - Loading sample - Memuat sampel + + Compress the audio + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Mohon tunggu, memuat sampel untuk pratinjau... + + Limiter + - --- Factory files --- - --- Berkas pabrik --- + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - Buka di trek-instrumen/Editor Lagu yang baru + + Unlinked + - Error - Kesalahan + + Compress each channel separately + - does not appear to be a valid - Tampaknya tidak valid + + Maximum + - file - berkas + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - Sampel Delay + + Average + - Lfo Frequency - Frekuensi Lfo + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - Seconds - Detik + + Minimum + - Regen - Regen + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - Noise - Derau + + Blend + - Invert - Balik + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: - Waktu Delay: + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Feedback Amount: - Jumlah Timbal balik: + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - White Noise Amount: - Jumlah Gelombang Riuh: + + + Soft Clip + - DELAY - DELAY + + Play the delta signal + - RATE - NILAI + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - AMNT - JMLH + + Lookahead Enabled + - Amount: - Jumlah: + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + CompressorControls - FDBK - UMPBLK + + Threshold + - NOISE - RIUH + + Ratio + Rasio - Invert - Balik + + Attack + Attack - Period: - Periode: + + Release + Release - - - FxLine - Channel send amount - Jumlah kirim saluran + + Knee + - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - Saluran FX menerima masukan dari satu atau beberapa trek instrumen. -Hal ini pada gilirannya dapat diarahkan ke beberapa saluran FX lainnya. LMMS secara otomatis menangani mencegah loop tak terbatas untuk Anda dan tidak membiarkan membuat sambungan yang menghasilkan loop tak terbatas. -Untuk mengarahkan saluran ke saluran lain, pilih saluran FX dan klik tombol "kirim" pada saluran yang ingin Anda kirimi. Tombol di bawah tombol kirim mengontrol tingkat sinyal yang dikirim ke saluran . - -Anda dapat menghapus dan memindahkan saluran FX dalam menu konteks, yang diakses dengan mengklik kanan saluran FX. - + + Hold + Tahan - Move &left - Pindah ke &kiri + + Range + - Move &right - Pindah ke &kanan + + RMS Size + - Rename &channel - Ganti nama &saluran + + Mid/Side + - R&emove channel - H&apus saluran + + Peak Mode + - Remove &unused channels - Hapus &saluran yang tak terpakai + + Lookahead Length + - - - FxMixer - Master - Master + + Input Balance + - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Output Balance + - Volume - Volume + + Limiter + - Mute - Bisu + + Output Gain + Gain Keluaran - Solo - Solo + + Input Gain + Gain Masukan - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - FX-Mixer + + Blend + - FX Fader %1 - FX Pemudar %1 + + Stereo Balance + - Mute - Bisu + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Mute this FX channel - Bisukan saluran FX ini + + Audition + - Solo - Solo + + Feedback + Umpan balik - Solo FX channel - Saluran FX Solo + + Auto Attack + - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Jumlah untuk kirim dari saluran %1 ke saluran %2 + + Auto Release + - - - GigInstrument - Bank - Bank + + Lookahead + - Patch - Patch + + Tilt + - Gain - Gain + + Tilt Frequency + - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file - Buka berkas GIG lainnya + + Stereo Link + - Click here to open another GIG file - klik disini untuk membuka berkas GIG lainnya + + Mix + Mix + + + Controller - Choose the patch - Pilih patch + + Controller %1 + Kontroler %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - Klik di sini untuk mengubah patch dari berkas GIG yang akan digunakan + + Connection Settings + Pengaturan Koneksi - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - Ubah instrumen berkas GIG mana yang sedang dimainkan + + MIDI CONTROLLER + KONTROLER MIDI - Which GIG file is currently being used - Berkas GIG mana yang saat ini digunakan + + Input channel + Saluran Masukan - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - Patch berkas GIG yang sedang digunakan + + CHANNEL + SALURAN - Gain - Gain + + Input controller + Kontroler masukan - Factor to multiply samples by - + + CONTROLLER + KONTROLER - Open GIG file - Buka berkas GIG + + + Auto Detect + Deteksi Otomatis - GIG Files (*.gig) - Berkas GIG (*.gig) + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + Perangkat MIDI untuk menerima aktifitas-MIDI dari - - - GuiApplication - Working directory - Direktori kerja + + USER CONTROLLER + KONTROLER PENGGUNA - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - Direktori kerja LMMS %1 tidak ada. Buat sekarang? Anda dapat mengganti direktori nanti via Edit -> Pengaturan + + MAPPING FUNCTION + PEMETAAN FUNGSI - Preparing UI - Menyiapkan UI + + OK + OK - Preparing song editor - Menyiapkan editor lagu + + Cancel + Batal - Preparing mixer - Menyiapkan mixer + + LMMS + LMMS - Preparing controller rack - Menyiapkan rak kontroler + + Cycle Detected. + Siklus terdeteksi. + + + ControllerRackView - Preparing project notes - Menyiapkan not proyek + + Controller Rack + Kontroler rak - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Menyiapkan edior ketukan/bassline + + Add + Tambah - Preparing piano roll - Menyiapkan rol piano + + Confirm Delete + Konfirmasi Hapus - Preparing automation editor - Menyiapkan editor otomasi + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Konfirmasi hapus? Ada (beberapa) koneksi yang terasosiasi dengan kontroler ini. Tidak mungkin untuk melakukan undi. - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + ControllerView - Arpeggio - Arpeggio + + Controls + Kontrol - Arpeggio type - Tipe arpeggio + + Rename controller + Ganti nama kontroler - Arpeggio range - Jarak arpeggio + + Enter the new name for this controller + Masukan nama baru untuk kontroler ini - Arpeggio time - Waktu arpeggio + + LFO + LFO - Arpeggio gate - Gate arpeggio + + &Remove this controller + &Hapus kontroler ini - Arpeggio direction - Arah arpeggio + + Re&name this controller + Ganti&Nama kontroler ini + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Arpeggio mode - Mode arpeggio + + Band 1/2 crossover: + - Up - Atas + + Band 2/3 crossover: + - Down - Bawah + + Band 3/4 crossover: + - Up and down - Atas dan bawah + + Band 1 gain + - Random - Acak + + Band 1 gain: + - Free - Bebas + + Band 2 gain + - Sort - Sortir + + Band 2 gain: + - Sync - Selaras + + Band 3 gain + - Down and up - Bawah dan atas + + Band 3 gain: + - Skip rate - Lewati nilai + + Band 4 gain + - Miss rate - Tingkat miss + + Band 4 gain: + - Cycle steps - Langkah siklus + + Band 1 mute + - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGGIO + + Mute band 1 + - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. + + Band 2 mute - RANGE - JARAK + + Mute band 2 + - Arpeggio range: - Jarak arpeggio: + + Band 3 mute + - octave(s) - Oktaf + + Mute band 3 + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. + + Band 4 mute - TIME - WAKTU + + Mute band 4 + + + + DelayControls - Arpeggio time: - Waktu arpeggio: + + Delay samples + - ms - md + + Feedback + Umpan balik - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - + + LFO frequency + Frekuensi LFO - GATE - LAWANG + + LFO amount + Jumlah LFO - Arpeggio gate: - + + Output gain + Gain keluaran + + + DelayControlsDialog - % - % + + DELAY + DELAY - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. + + Delay time - Chord: - Chord: + + FDBK + UMPBLK - Direction: - Arah: + + Feedback amount + - Mode: - Mode: + + RATE + NILAI - SKIP - LEWAT + + LFO frequency + Frekuensi LFO - Skip rate: - Lewati nilai: + + AMNT + JMLH + + + + LFO amount + Jumlah LFO - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. + + Out gain - MISS + + Gain + GainGain + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application - Miss rate: + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. + + Application - CYCLE - SIKLUS + + Name: + - Cycle notes: - Siklus nada: + + Application: + - note(s) - not + + From template + - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. + + Custom - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - oktaf + + Template: + - Major - Mayor + + Command: + - Majb5 - Mayb5 + + Setup + - minor - minor + + Session Manager: + - minb5 - minb5 + + None + Tidak ada - sus2 - sus2 + + Audio inputs: + - sus4 - sus4 + + MIDI inputs: + - aug - aug + + Audio outputs: + - augsus4 - augsus4 + + MIDI outputs: + - tri - tri + + Take control of main application window + - 6 - 6 + + Workarounds + - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - m6 - m6 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - 7 - 7 + + Error here + - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Carla Control - Connect + - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Remote setup + - 7b5 - 7b5 + + UDP Port: + - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Remote host: + - 7b9 - 7b9 + + TCP Port: + - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + Reported host + - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Automatic + - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Custom: + - 7add11 - 7add11 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - 7add13 - 7add13 + + Set value + - 7#11 - 7#11 + + TextLabel + - Maj7 - May7 + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - Maj7b5 - May7b5 + + Driver Settings + - Maj7#5 - May7#5 + + Device: + - Maj7#11 - May7#11 + + Buffer size: + - Maj7add13 - May7add13 + + Sample rate: + Nilai sampel: - m7 - m7 + + Triple buffer + - m7b5 - m7b5 + + Show Driver Control Panel + - m7b9 - m7b9 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + DualFilterControlDialog - m7add11 - m7add11 + + + FREQ + FREK - m7add13 - m7add13 + + + Cutoff frequency + Frekuensi cutoff - m-Maj7 - m-May7 + + + RESO + RESO - m-Maj7add11 - m-May7add11 + + + Resonance + Resonansi - m-Maj7add13 - m-May7add13 + + + GAIN + GAIN - 9 - 9 + + + Gain + Gain - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + MIX + MIX - add9 - add9 + + Mix + Mix - 9#5 - 9#5 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filter 1 diaktifkan - 9b5 - 9b5 + + Filter 2 enabled + Filter 2 diaktifkan - 9#11 - 9#11 + + Enable/disable filter 1 + - 9b13 - 9b13 + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + DualFilterControls - Maj9 - Maj9 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filter 1 diaktifkan - Maj9sus4 - May9sus4 + + Filter 1 type + Tipe Filter 1 - Maj9#5 - May9#5 + + Cutoff frequency 1 + - Maj9#11 - May9#11 + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Resonansi 1 - m9 - m9 + + Gain 1 + Gain 1 - madd9 - madd9 + + Mix + Mix - m9b5 - m9b5 + + Filter 2 enabled + Filter 2 diaktifkan - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + Filter 2 type + Tipe Filter 2 - 11 - 11 + + Cutoff frequency 2 + - 11b9 - 11b9 + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Resonansi 2 - Maj11 - May11 + + Gain 2 + Gain 2 - m11 - m11 + + + Low-pass + - m-Maj11 - m-May11 + + + Hi-pass + - 13 - 13 + + + Band-pass csg + - 13#9 - 13#9 + + + Band-pass czpg + - 13b9 - 13b9 + + + Notch + Notch - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + + All-pass + - Maj13 - May13 + + + Moog + Moog - m13 - m13 + + + 2x Low-pass + - m-Maj13 - m-May13 + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + - Harmonic minor - Harmonic minor + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + - Melodic minor - Melodic minor + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + - Whole tone - Whole tone + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + - Diminished - Diminished + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + - Major pentatonic - Pentatonik mayor + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + - Minor pentatonic - Pentatonik minor + + + Vocal Formant + - Jap in sen - Jap in sen + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Major bebop - Bebop Mayor + + + SV Low-pass + - Dominant bebop - Dominan bebop + + + SV Band-pass + - Blues - Blues + + + SV High-pass + - Arabic - Arabic + + + SV Notch + SV Notch - Enigmatic - Enigmatic + + + Fast Formant + Formant Cepat - Neopolitan - Neopolitan + + + Tripole + Tripol + + + Editor - Neopolitan minor - Neopolitan minor + + Transport controls + Kontrol transport - Hungarian minor - Hungarian minor + + Play (Space) + Putar (Spasi) - Dorian - Dorian + + Stop (Space) + Hentikan (Spasi) - Phrygolydian - Phrygolydian + + Record + Rekam - Lydian - Lydian + + Record while playing + Rekam ketika memutar - Mixolydian - Mixolydian + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + Effect - Aeolian - Aeolian + + Effect enabled + Efek diaktifkan - Locrian - Locrian + + Wet/Dry mix + - Chords - Chord + + Gate + Lawang - Chord type - Tipe Chord + + Decay + Tahan + + + EffectChain - Chord range - Jarak Chord + + Effects enabled + Aktifkan efek + + + EffectRackView - Minor - Minor + + EFFECTS CHAIN + RANTAI EFEK - Chromatic - Chromatic + + Add effect + Tambah efek + + + EffectSelectDialog - Half-Whole Diminished - Half-Whole Diminished + + Add effect + Tambah efek - 5 - 5 + + + Name + Nama - Phrygian dominant - Dominan frigia + + Type + Tipe - Persian - Persia + + Description + Deskripsi + + + + Author + Pencipta - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + EffectView - RANGE - JARAK + + On/Off + Nyala/Mati - Chord range: - Jarak chord: + + W/D + B/K - octave(s) - Oktaf(beberapa) + + Wet Level: + Tingkat Basah: - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - + + DECAY + DECAY - STACKING - + + Time: + Waktu: - Chord: - Chord: + + GATE + LAWANG - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - AKTIFKAN MASUKAN MIDI + + Gate: + Lawang: - CHANNEL - SALURAN + + Controls + Kontrol - VELOCITY - + + Move &up + Pindah ke &atas - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - AKTIFKAN KELUARAN MIDI + + Move &down + Pindah ke &bawah - PROGRAM - PROGRAM + + &Remove this plugin + &Hapus plugin ini + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - Perangkat MIDI untuk menerima event MIDI dari + + Env pre-delay + - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - Perangkat MIDI untuk kirim event MIDI ke + + Env attack + - NOTE - CATATAN + + Env hold + - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + Env decay - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity + + Env sustain - BASE VELOCITY + + Env release - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH - MASTER PITCH + + Env mod amount + - Enables the use of Master Pitch - Aktifkan penggunaan Master Pitch + + LFO pre-delay + - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - VOLUME - VOLUME + + LFO attack + - Volume - Volume - + + LFO frequency + Frekuensi LFO - CUTOFF + + LFO mod amount - Cutoff frequency - Frekuensi cutoff - - - RESO - RESO + + LFO wave shape + - Resonance - Resonansi + + LFO frequency x 100 + - Envelopes/LFOs + + Modulate env amount + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView - Filter type - Tipe filter + + + DEL + DEL - Q/Resonance + + + Pre-delay: - LowPass - LowPass - - - HiPass - HiPass + + + ATT + ATT - BandPass csg - BandPass csg + + + Attack: + Attack: - BandPass czpg - BandPass czpg + + HOLD + HOLD - Notch - Notch + + Hold: + Hold: - Allpass - Allpass + + DEC + DEC - Moog - Moog + + Decay: + Decay: - 2x LowPass - 2x LowPass + + SUST + SUST - RC LowPass 12dB - RC LowPass 12dB + + Sustain: + Sustain: - RC BandPass 12dB - RC BandPass 12dB + + REL + REL - RC HighPass 12dB - RC HighPass 12dB + + Release: + Release: - RC LowPass 24dB - RC LowPass 24dB + + + AMT + JMLH - RC BandPass 24dB - RC BandPass 24dB + + + Modulation amount: + Jumlah modulasi: - RC HighPass 24dB - RC HighPass 24dB + + SPD + SPD - Vocal Formant Filter - Filter Formant Vokal + + Frequency: + Frekuensi: - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + FREQ x 100 + FREK x 100 - SV LowPass - SV LowPass + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + - SV BandPass - SV BandPass + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + - SV HighPass - SV HighPass + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + - SV Notch - SV Notch + + ms/LFO: + md/LFO: - Fast Formant - Formant Cepat + + Hint + Petunjuk - Tripole - Tripol + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + - InstrumentSoundShapingView + EqControls - TARGET - SASARAN + + Input gain + Gain masukan + + + + Output gain + Gain keluaran - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! + + Low-shelf gain - FILTER - FILTER + + Peak 1 gain + Gain peak 1 - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - + + Peak 2 gain + Gain peak 2 - Hz - Hz + + Peak 3 gain + Gain peak 3 - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - + + Peak 4 gain + Gain peak 4 - RESO - RESO + + High-shelf gain + - Resonance: - Resonansi: + + HP res + HP res - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. + + Low-shelf res - FREQ - FREK + + Peak 1 BW + Peak 1 BW - cutoff frequency: - frekuensi cutoff: + + Peak 2 BW + Peak 2 BW - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + Peak 3 BW - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - trek_tak_bernama + + Peak 4 BW + - Volume - Volume - + + High-shelf res + - Panning - Keseimbangan + + LP res + LP res - Pitch - Pitch + + HP freq + HP freq - FX channel - Saluran FX + + Low-shelf freq + - Default preset - Preset default + + Peak 1 freq + Frek peak 1 + + + + Peak 2 freq + Frek peak 2 + + + + Peak 3 freq + Frek peak 3 + + + + Peak 4 freq + Frek peak 4 - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. + + High-shelf freq - Base note - Not dasar + + LP freq + Frek LP - Pitch range - Jarak pitch + + HP active + HP aktif - Master Pitch + + Low-shelf active - - - InstrumentTrackView - Volume - Volume - + + Peak 1 active + Peak 1 aktif - Volume: - Volume: + + Peak 2 active + Peak 2 aktif - VOL - VOL + + Peak 3 active + Peak 3 aktif - Panning - Keseimbangan + + Peak 4 active + Peak 4 aktif - Panning: - Keseimbangan: + + High-shelf active + - PAN - PAN + + LP active + LP aktif - MIDI - MIDI + + LP 12 + LP 12 - Input - Masukan + + LP 24 + LP 24 - Output - Keluaran + + LP 48 + LP 48 - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + HP 12 + HP 12 + + + + HP 24 + HP 24 + + + + HP 48 + Hp 48 + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + - InstrumentTrackWindow + EqControlsDialog - GENERAL SETTINGS - PENGATURAN UMUM + + HP + HP - Instrument volume - Volume instrumen + + Low-shelf + - Volume: - Volume: + + Peak 1 + Peak 1 - VOL - VOL + + Peak 2 + Peak 2 - Panning - Keseimbangan + + Peak 3 + Peak 3 - Panning: - Keseimbangan: + + Peak 4 + Peak 4 - PAN - PAN + + High-shelf + - Pitch - Pitch + + LP + LP - Pitch: - Pitch: + + Input gain + Gain masukan - cents - sen + + + + Gain + Gain - PITCH + + Output gain + Gain keluaran + + + + Bandwidth: - FX channel - Saluran FX + + Octave + Oktaf - FX - FX + + Resonance : + Resonansi : - Save preset - Simpan preset + + Frequency: + Frekuensi: - XML preset file (*.xpf) - Berkas preset XML (*.xpf) + + LP group + - Pitch range (semitones) + + HP group + + + EqHandle - RANGE - JARAK + + Reso: + Reso: - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Simpan pengaturan trek instrumen saat ini kedalam berkas preset + + BW: + BW: - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Klik disini jika Anda ingin menyimpan pengaturan trek instrumen saat ini kedalam berkas preset. Nantinya Anda dapat memuat preset ini dengan mengklik dua kali pada preset-browser. + + + Freq: + Frek: + + + ExportProjectDialog - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Gunakan kontrol ini untuk melihat dan mengubah trek berikutnya / sebelumnya di editor lagu. + + Export project + Ekspor proyek - SAVE - SIMPAN + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + - Envelope, filter & LFO + + Export between loop markers + Ekspor antar titik pengulangan + + + + Render Looped Section: - Chord stacking & arpeggio + + time(s) - Effects - Efek + + File format settings + Pengaturan format berkas - MIDI settings - Pengaturan MIDI + + File format: + Format berkas: - Miscellaneous - Serba aneka + + Sampling rate: + - Plugin - Plugin + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz - - - Knob - Set linear - Atur linier + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz - Set logarithmic - Atur logaritmik + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Silakan masukan nilai baru antara %1 dan %2: + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Silakan masukan nilai baru antara -96.0 dBFS dan 6.0 dBFS: + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz - - - LadspaControl - Link channels - Hubungkan saluran + + Bit depth: + - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - Hubungkan Saluran + + 16 Bit integer + 16 Bit integer + + + + 24 Bit integer + 24 Bit integer + + + + 32 Bit float + 32 Bit float + + + + Stereo mode: + Mode Stereo: + + + + Mono + Mono + + + + Stereo + Stereo + + + + Joint stereo + Stereo Bergabung + + + + Compression level: + Level kompresi: + + + + Bitrate: + Kecepatan Bit: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/dtk + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/dtk + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/dtk + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/dtk + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/dtk + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/dtk + + + + Use variable bitrate + Gunakan variabel kecepatan bit + + + + Quality settings + Pengaturan kualitas + + + + Interpolation: + Interpolasi: + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (Tidak ada) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + Mulai + + + + Cancel + Batal + + + + Could not open file + Tidak bisa membuka berkas + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1 untuk menulis. +Pastikan Anda memiliki izin menulis ke file dan direktori yang berisi berkas tersebut dan coba lagi! + + + + Export project to %1 + Ekspor proyek ke %1 + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + Kesalahan + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Kesalahan ketika menentukan perangkat encoder-file. Cobalah untuk memilih format keluaran yang berbeda. + + + + Rendering: %1% + Merender: %1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Silakan masukan nilai baru antara %1 dan %2: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + Penjelajah + + + + Search + Cari + + + + Refresh list + Segarkan daftar + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + Kirim ke trek-instrumen yang aktif + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + Editor Lagu + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + Memuat sampel + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Mohon tunggu, memuat sampel untuk pratinjau... + + + + Error + Kesalahan + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- Berkas pabrik --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + Frekuensi LFO + + + + Seconds + Detik + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + Regen + + + + Noise + Derau + + + + Invert + Balik + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + DELAY + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + NILAI + + + + Period: + Periode: + + + + AMNT + JMLH + + + + Amount: + Jumlah: + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + UMPBLK + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + RIUH + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + Balik + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + Volume Saluran 1 + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + Volume Saluran 2 + + + + Channel 3 volume + Volume Saluran 3 + + + + Channel 4 volume + Volume Saluran 4 + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Saluran 1 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Saluran 2 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Saluran 3 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Saluran 4 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Saluran 1 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Saluran 2 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Saluran 3 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Saluran 4 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + + Treble + Trebel + + + + Bass + Bass + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + Trebel: + + + + Treble + Trebel + + + + Bass: + Bass: + + + + Bass + Bass + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Saluran 1 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Saluran 2 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Saluran 3 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Saluran 4 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Saluran 1 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Saluran 2 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Saluran 3 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Saluran 4 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + Jumlah kirim saluran + + + + Move &left + Pindah ke &kiri + + + + Move &right + Pindah ke &kanan + + + + Rename &channel + Ganti nama &saluran + + + + R&emove channel + H&apus saluran + + + + Remove &unused channels + Hapus &saluran yang tak terpakai + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + Saluran FX Baru + + + + Mixer + + + Master + Master + + + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + Mute + Bisu + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + Mixer + + + + Fader %1 + FX Pemudar %1 + + + + Mute + Bisu + + + + Mute this mixer channel + Bisukan saluran FX ini + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + Solo mixer channel + Saluran FX Solo + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Jumlah untuk kirim dari saluran %1 ke saluran %2 + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + Bank + + + + Patch + Patch + + + + Gain + Gain + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + Buka berkas GIG + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + Gain: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + Berkas GIG (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + Direktori kerja + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + Direktori kerja LMMS %1 tidak ada. Buat sekarang? Anda dapat mengganti direktori nanti via Edit -> Pengaturan + + + + Preparing UI + Menyiapkan UI + + + + Preparing song editor + Menyiapkan editor lagu + + + + Preparing mixer + Menyiapkan mixer + + + + Preparing controller rack + Menyiapkan rak kontroler + + + + Preparing project notes + Menyiapkan not proyek + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Menyiapkan edior ketukan/bassline + + + + Preparing piano roll + Menyiapkan rol piano + + + + Preparing automation editor + Menyiapkan editor otomasi + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + Arpeggio + + + + Arpeggio type + Tipe arpeggio + + + + Arpeggio range + Jarak arpeggio + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + Langkah siklus + + + + Skip rate + Lewati nilai + + + + Miss rate + Tingkat miss + + + + Arpeggio time + Waktu arpeggio + + + + Arpeggio gate + Gate arpeggio + + + + Arpeggio direction + Arah arpeggio + + + + Arpeggio mode + Mode arpeggio + + + + Up + Atas + + + + Down + Bawah + + + + Up and down + Atas dan bawah + + + + Down and up + Bawah dan atas + + + + Random + Acak + + + + Free + Bebas + + + + Sort + Sortir + + + + Sync + Selaras + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGGIO + + + + RANGE + JARAK + + + + Arpeggio range: + Jarak arpeggio: + + + + octave(s) + Oktaf + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + SIKLUS + + + + Cycle notes: + Siklus nada: + + + + note(s) + not + + + + SKIP + LEWAT + + + + Skip rate: + Lewati nilai: + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + WAKTU + + + + Arpeggio time: + Waktu arpeggio: + + + + ms + md + + + + GATE + LAWANG + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + Chord: + + + + Direction: + Arah: + + + + Mode: + Mode: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + oktaf + + + + + Major + Mayor + + + + Majb5 + Mayb5 + + + + minor + minor + + + + minb5 + minb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + augsus4 + + + + tri + tri + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + May7 + + + + Maj7b5 + May7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + May7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + May7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + May7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-May7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-May7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-May7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + May9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + May9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + May9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + May11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-May11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + May13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-May13 + + + + Harmonic minor + Harmonic minor + + + + Melodic minor + Melodic minor + + + + Whole tone + Whole tone + + + + Diminished + Diminished + + + + Major pentatonic + Pentatonik mayor + + + + Minor pentatonic + Pentatonik minor + + + + Jap in sen + Jap in sen + + + + Major bebop + Bebop Mayor + + + + Dominant bebop + Dominan bebop + + + + Blues + Blues + + + + Arabic + Arabic + + + + Enigmatic + Enigmatic + + + + Neopolitan + Neopolitan + + + + Neopolitan minor + Neopolitan minor + + + + Hungarian minor + Hungarian minor + + + + Dorian + Dorian + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + Lydian + + + + Mixolydian + Mixolydian + + + + Aeolian + Aeolian + + + + Locrian + Locrian + + + + Minor + Minor + + + + Chromatic + Chromatic + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + Dominan frigia + + + + Persian + Persia + + + + Chords + Chord + + + + Chord type + Tipe Chord + + + + Chord range + Jarak Chord + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + Chord: + + + + RANGE + JARAK + + + + Chord range: + Jarak chord: + + + + octave(s) + Oktaf(beberapa) + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + AKTIFKAN MASUKAN MIDI + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + AKTIFKAN KELUARAN MIDI + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + CATATAN + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + Perangkat MIDI untuk menerima event MIDI dari + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + Perangkat MIDI untuk kirim event MIDI ke + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + MASTER PITCH + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + VOLUME + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Frekuensi cutoff + + + + RESO + RESO + + + + Resonance + Resonansi + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + Tipe filter + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + Notch + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + SV Notch + + + + Fast Formant + Formant Cepat + + + + Tripole + Tripol + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + SASARAN + + + + FILTER + FILTER + + + + FREQ + FREK + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Frekuensi cutoff: + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + trek_tak_bernama + + + + Base note + Not dasar + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + Panning + Keseimbangan + + + + Pitch + Pitch + + + + Pitch range + Jarak pitch + + + + Mixer channel + Saluran FX + + + + Master pitch + Master pitch + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + Preset default + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + Volume: + Volume: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Keseimbangan + + + + Panning: + Keseimbangan: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + Masukan + + + + Output + Keluaran + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + PENGATURAN UMUM + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + Volume: + Volume: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Keseimbangan + + + + Panning: + Keseimbangan: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + Pitch + + + + Pitch: + Pitch: + + + + cents + sen + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + JARAK + + + + Mixer channel + Saluran FX + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Simpan pengaturan trek instrumen saat ini kedalam berkas preset + + + + SAVE + SIMPAN + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + Efek + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + Serba aneka + + + + Save preset + Simpan preset + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + Berkas preset XML (*.xpf) + + + + Plugin + Plugin + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + Atur linier + + + + Set logarithmic + Atur logaritmik + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Silakan masukan nilai baru antara -96.0 dBFS dan 6.0 dBFS: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Silakan masukan nilai baru antara %1 dan %2: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + Hubungkan saluran + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + Hubungkan Saluran + + + + Channel + Saluran + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + Hubungkan saluran + + + + Value: + Nilai: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Plugin LADSPA yang tidak diketahui %1 diminta. + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Silakan masukan nilai baru antara %1 dan %2: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Silakan masukan nilai baru antara %1 dan %2: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + Sebelumnya + + + + + + Next + Selanjutnya + + + + Previous (%1) + Sebelumnya (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Selanjutnya (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + Kontroler LFO + + + + Base value + Nilai dasar + + + + Oscillator speed + Kecepatan osilator + + + + Oscillator amount + Jumlah osilator + + + + Oscillator phase + Tahap osilator + + + + Oscillator waveform + Bentuk gelombang osilator + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + DASAR + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + FREK + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + JMLH + + + + Modulation amount: + Jumlah modulasi: + + + + PHS + PHS + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + Gelombang sinus + + + + Triangle wave + Gelombang segitiga + + + + Saw wave + Gelombang gergaji + + + + Square wave + Gelombang kotak + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + Kebisingan putih + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + Membuat wavetables + + + + Initializing data structures + Inisialisasi struktur data + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + Membuka audio dan perangkat midi + + + + Launching mixer threads + Meluncurkan thread mixer + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + Berkas konfigurasi + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Kesalahan saat mengurai berkas konfigurasi pada baris %1:%2 %3 + + + + Could not open file + Tidak bisa membuka berkas + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1 + + + + Project recovery + Pemulihan proyek + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + Pulihkan + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Memulihkan berkas. Jangan menjalankan beberapa instansi LMMS saat Anda melakukan ini. + + + + + Discard + Buang + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Jalankan sesi default dan hapus berkas yang dipulihkan. Ini tidak reversibel. + + + + Version %1 + Versi %1 + + + + Preparing plugin browser + Menyiapkan penjelajah plugin + + + + Preparing file browsers + Menyiapkan penjelajah berkas + + + + My Projects + Proyek Saya + + + + My Samples + Sampel Saya + + + + My Presets + Preset Saya + + + + My Home + Rumah Saya + + + + Root directory + Direktori root + + + + Volumes + Volume + + + + My Computer + Komputer Saya + + + + &File + &Berkas + + + + &New + &Baru + + + + &Open... + &Buka + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + &Simpan + + + + Save &As... + Simpan &Sebagai... + + + + Save as New &Version + Simpan sebagai &Versi yang baru + + + + Save as default template + Simpan sebagai template default + + + + Import... + Impor... + + + + E&xport... + E&kspor + + + + E&xport Tracks... + E&kspor trek... + + + + Export &MIDI... + Ekspor &MIDI... + + + + &Quit + &Keluar + + + + &Edit + &Edit + + + + Undo + Undo + + + + Redo + Redo + + + + Settings + Pengaturan + + + + &View + &Tampilan + + + + &Tools + &Alat + + + + &Help + &Bantuan + + + + Online Help + Bantuan Daring + + + + Help + Bantuan + + + + About + Ihwal + + + + Create new project + Buat proyek baru + + + + Create new project from template + Buat proyek baru dari template + + + + Open existing project + Buka proyek yang sudah ada + + + + Recently opened projects + Proyek yang Baru Dibuka + + + + Save current project + Simpan proyek saat ini + + + + Export current project + Ekspor proyek saat ini + + + + Metronome + Metronom + + + + + Song Editor + Editor Lagu + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Editor Bassline+ketukan + + + + + Piano Roll + Rol Piano + + + + + Automation Editor + Editor Otomasi + + + + + Mixer + Mixer + + + + Show/hide controller rack + Tampilkan/sembunyikan rak kontroler + + + + Show/hide project notes + Tampilkan/sembunyikan not proyek + + + + Untitled + Tak berjudul + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Sesi pemulihan. Tolong simpan pekerjaanmu! + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + Proyek yang dipulihkan tidak disimpan + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Proyek ini dipulihkan dari sesi sebelumnya. Saat ini belum disimpan dan akan hilang jika Anda tidak menyimpannya. Apakah Anda ingin menyimpannya sekarang? + + + + Project not saved + Proyek tidak disimpan + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Proyek saat ini sudah dimodifikasi sejak penyimpanan terakhir. Apakah anda ingin menyimpannya sekarang? + + + + Open Project + Buka Proyek + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Simpan Proyek + + + + LMMS Project + Proyek LMMS + + + + LMMS Project Template + Proyek Template LMMS + + + + Save project template + Simpan template proyek + + + + Overwrite default template? + Timpa template default? + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Ini akan menimpa template default Anda saat ini. + + + + Help not available + Bantuan tidak tersedia + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Sasat ini belum ada bantuan tersedia di LMMS. +Silakan kunjungi http://lmms.sf.net/wiki untuk dokumentasi LMMS. + + + + Controller Rack + Kontroler rak + + + + Project Notes + Catatan Proyek + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + Volume sebagai dBFS + + + + Smooth scroll + Gulung halus + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Aktifkan label not di rol piano + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + Berkas MIDI (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + tak berjudul + + + + + Select file for project-export... + Pilih berkas untuk ekspor-proyek... + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Pilih direktori untuk menulis trek yang diekspor... + + + + Save project + Simpan proyek + + + + Project saved + Proyek disimpan + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + Proyek %1 telah disimpan. + + + + Project NOT saved. + Proyek TIDAK disimpan. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + Proyek %1 tidak disimpan! + + + + Import file + Impor berkas + + + + MIDI sequences + Rangkaian MIDI + + + + Hydrogen projects + Proyek hidrogen + + + + All file types + Semua tipe berkas + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + - Channel - Saluran + + Meter numerator + - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels - Hubungkan saluran + + + Meter Denominator + - Value: - Nilai: + + Meter denominator + - Sorry, no help available. - Maaf, tidak ada bantuan tersedia. + + TIME SIG + - LadspaEffect + MeterModel - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Plugin LADSPA yang tidak diketahui %1 diminta. + + Numerator + - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Silakan masukan nilai baru antara %1 dan %2: + + Denominator + - LeftRightNav - - Previous - Sebelumnya - + MidiCCRackView - Next - Selanjutnya + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + - Previous (%1) - Sebelumnya (%1) + + MIDI CC Knobs: + - Next (%1) - Selanjutnya (%1) + + CC %1 + - LfoController + MidiController - LFO Controller - Kontroler LFO + + MIDI Controller + Kontroler MIDI - Base value - Nilai dasar + + unnamed_midi_controller + kontroler_midi_tanpa_nama + + + MidiImport - Oscillator speed - Kecepatan osilator + + + Setup incomplete + Pemasangan tidak lengkap - Oscillator amount - Jumlah osilator + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + - Oscillator phase - Tahap osilator + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Anda tidak mengkompilasi LMMS dengan dukungan pemutar SoundFont2, yang digunakan untuk menambah suara default ke berkas MIDI yang diimpor. Oleh karena itu tidak ada suara yang akan diputer setelah mengimpor berkas MIDI ini. - Oscillator waveform - Bentuk gelombang osilator + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + - Frequency Multiplier + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + Numerator + - LFO Controller - Kontroler LFO + + Denominator + - BASE - DASAR + + Track + Trek + + + MidiJack - Base amount: - Jumlah dasar: + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + Server JACK lumpuh - todo - untuk-dilakukan + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + MidiPatternW - SPD - SPD + + MIDI Pattern + - LFO-speed: - Kecepatan-LFO: + + Time Signature: + - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Gunakan kenop ini untuk mengatur kecepatan LFO. Semakin besar nilai maka semakin cepat LFO berosilasi dan semakin cepat efeknya. + + + + 1/4 + - Modulation amount: - Jumlah modulasi: + + 2/4 + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. + + 3/4 - PHS - PHS + + 4/4 + - Phase offset: + + 5/4 - degrees - derajat + + 6/4 + - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + Measures: - Click here for a sine-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-sinus. + + + + 1 + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-segitiga. + + 2 + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang gergaji. + + 3 + - Click here for a square-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-kotak. + + 4 + - Click here for an exponential wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang eksponensial. + + 5 + 5 - Click here for white-noise. - Klik disini untuk kebisingan-putih. + + 6 + 6 - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - + + 7 + 7 - Click here for a moog saw-wave. + + 8 - AMNT - JMLH + + 9 + 9 - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables - Membuat wavetables + + 10 + - Initializing data structures - Inisialisasi struktur data + + 11 + 11 - Opening audio and midi devices - Membuka audio dan perangkat midi + + 12 + - Launching mixer threads - Meluncurkan thread mixer + + 13 + 13 - - - MainWindow - &New - &Baru + + 14 + - &Open... - &Buka + + 15 + - &Save - &Simpan + + 16 + - Save &As... - Simpan &Sebagai... + + Default Length: + - Import... - Impor... + + + 1/16 + - E&xport... - E&kspor + + + 1/15 + - &Quit - &Keluar + + + 1/12 + - &Edit - &Edit + + + 1/9 + - Settings - Pengaturan + + + 1/8 + - &Tools - &Alat + + + 1/6 + - &Help - &Bantuan + + + 1/3 + - Help - Bantuan + + + 1/2 + - What's this? - Apa ini? + + Quantize: + - About - Ihwal + + &File + &Berkas - Create new project - Buat proyek baru + + &Edit + &Edit - Create new project from template - Buat proyek baru dari template + + &Quit + &Keluar - Open existing project - Buka proyek yang sudah ada + + &Insert Mode + - Recently opened projects - Proyek yang Baru Dibuka + + F + - Save current project - Simpan proyek saat ini + + &Velocity Mode + - Export current project - Ekspor proyek saat ini + + D + - Song Editor - Editor Lagu + + Select All + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. + + A + + + MidiPort - Beat+Bassline Editor - Editor Bassline+ketukan + + Input channel + Saluran Masukan - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - + + Output channel + Saluran keluaran - Piano Roll - Rol Piano + + Input controller + Kontroler masukan - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Klik disini untuk menampilkan atau menyembunyikan Rol-Piano. Dengan bantuan Rol-Piano Anda dapat mengubah melodu dengan mudah. + + Output controller + Kontroler keluaran - Automation Editor - Editor Otomasi + + Fixed input velocity + - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. + + Fixed output velocity - FX Mixer - FX Mixer + + Fixed output note + - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Klik disini untuk menampilkan atau menyembunyikan FX Mixer. FX Mixer adalah alat yang sangat ampuh untuk mengelola efek untuk lagu Anda. Anda bisa memasukkan efek ke saluran efek yang berbeda. + + Output MIDI program + Program MIDI keluaran - Project Notes - Catatan Proyek + + Base velocity + Kecepatan dasar - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - + + Receive MIDI-events + Terima aktifitas-MIDI - Controller Rack - Kontroler rak + + Send MIDI-events + Kirim aktifitas-MIDI + + + MidiSetupWidget - Untitled - Tak berjudul + + Device + + + + MonstroInstrument - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Osc 1 volume + - Project not saved - Proyek tidak disimpan + + Osc 1 panning + - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Proyek saat ini sudah dimodifikasi sejak penyimpanan terakhir. Apakah anda ingin menyimpannya sekarang? + + Osc 1 coarse detune + - Help not available - Bantuan tidak tersedia + + Osc 1 fine detune left + - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Sasat ini belum ada bantuan tersedia di LMMS. -Silakan kunjungi http://lmms.sf.net/wiki untuk dokumentasi LMMS. + + Osc 1 fine detune right + - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + - Version %1 - Versi %1 + + Osc 1 pulse width + - Configuration file - Berkas konfigurasi + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Kesalahan saat mengurai berkas konfigurasi pada baris %1:%2 %3 + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + - Volumes - Volume + + Osc 2 volume + - Undo - Undo + + Osc 2 panning + - Redo - Redo + + Osc 2 coarse detune + - My Projects - Proyek Saya + + Osc 2 fine detune left + - My Samples - Sampel Saya + + Osc 2 fine detune right + - My Presets - Preset Saya + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + - My Home - Rumah Saya + + Osc 2 waveform + - My Computer - Komputer Saya + + Osc 2 sync hard + - &File - &Berkas + + Osc 2 sync reverse + - &Recently Opened Projects - &Proyek yang Baru Dibuka + + Osc 3 volume + - Save as New &Version - Simpan sebagai &Versi yang baru + + Osc 3 panning + - E&xport Tracks... - E&kspor trek... + + Osc 3 coarse detune + - Online Help - Bantuan Daring + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + - What's This? - Apa Ini? + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + - Open Project - Buka Proyek + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + - Save Project - Simpan Proyek + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + - Project recovery - Pemulihan proyek + + Osc 3 sync hard + - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + Osc 3 Sync reverse - Recover - Pulihkan + + LFO 1 waveform + - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Memulihkan berkas. Jangan menjalankan beberapa instansi LMMS saat Anda melakukan ini. + + LFO 1 attack + - Discard - Buang + + LFO 1 rate + - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Jalankan sesi default dan hapus berkas yang dipulihkan. Ini tidak reversibel. + + LFO 1 phase + - Preparing plugin browser - Menyiapkan penjelajah plugin + + LFO 2 waveform + - Preparing file browsers - Menyiapkan penjelajah berkas + + LFO 2 attack + - Root directory - Direktori root + + LFO 2 rate + - Loading background artwork - Memuat karya seni latar belakang + + LFO 2 phase + - New from template - Baru dari template + + Env 1 pre-delay + - Save as default template - Simpan sebagai template default + + Env 1 attack + - &View - &Tampilan + + Env 1 hold + - Toggle metronome - Toggle metronom + + Env 1 decay + - Show/hide Song-Editor - Tampilkan/sembunyikan Editor-Lagu + + Env 1 sustain + - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Tampilkan/sembunyikan Editor Bassline+Ketukan + + Env 1 release + - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Tampilkan/sembunyikan Rol-Piano + + Env 1 slope + - Show/hide Automation Editor - Tampilkan/sembunyikan Editor Otomasi + + Env 2 pre-delay + - Show/hide FX Mixer - Tampilkan/sembunyikan FX Mixer + + Env 2 attack + - Show/hide project notes - Tampilkan/sembunyikan not proyek + + Env 2 hold + - Show/hide controller rack - Tampilkan/sembunyikan rak kontroler + + Env 2 decay + - Recover session. Please save your work! - Sesi pemulihan. Tolong simpan pekerjaanmu! + + Env 2 sustain + - Recovered project not saved - Proyek yang dipulihkan tidak disimpan + + Env 2 release + - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Proyek ini dipulihkan dari sesi sebelumnya. Saat ini belum disimpan dan akan hilang jika Anda tidak menyimpannya. Apakah Anda ingin menyimpannya sekarang? + + Env 2 slope + - LMMS Project - Proyek LMMS + + Osc 2+3 modulation + - LMMS Project Template - Proyek Template LMMS + + Selected view + Tampilan yang dipilih - Overwrite default template? - Timpa template default? + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + - This will overwrite your current default template. - Ini akan menimpa template default Anda saat ini. + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + - Smooth scroll - Gulung halus + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + - Enable note labels in piano roll - Aktifkan label not di rol piano + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + - Save project template - Simpan template proyek + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + - Volume as dBFS - Volume sebagai dBFS + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + - Could not open file - Tidak bisa membuka berkas + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1 + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + - Export &MIDI... + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 - Meter Denominator + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 - TIME SIG + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 - - - MeterModel - Numerator + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 - Denominator + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - Kontroler MIDI + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + - unnamed_midi_controller - kontroler_midi_tanpa_nama + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - Pemasangan tidak lengkap + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Anda tidak menyetel pemutar soundfont default pada dialog pengaturan (Edit->Pengaturan). Oleh karena itu tidak ada suara yang akan diputar setelah mengimpor berkas MIDI ini. Anda harus mengunduh MIDI soundfont yang umum, tentukan di dialog pengaturan lalu coba lagi. + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Anda tidak mengkompilasi LMMS dengan dukungan pemutar SoundFont2, yang digunakan untuk menambah suara default ke berkas MIDI yang diimpor. Oleh karena itu tidak ada suara yang akan diputer setelah mengimpor berkas MIDI ini. + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + - Track - Trek + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - Server JACK lumpuh + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 - - - MidiPort - Input channel - Saluran Masukan + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + - Output channel - Saluran keluaran + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + - Input controller - Kontroler masukan + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + - Output controller - Kontroler keluaran + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + - Fixed input velocity + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 - Fixed output velocity + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 - Output MIDI program - Program MIDI keluaran + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + - Receive MIDI-events - Terima aktifitas-MIDI + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + - Send MIDI-events - Kirim aktifitas-MIDI + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + - Fixed output note + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - Base velocity - Kecepatan dasar + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + - - - MidiSetupWidget - DEVICE - PERANGKAT - - - - MonstroInstrument + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + - Osc 1 Volume - Volume Osc 1 + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + - Osc 1 Panning - Keseimbangan Osc 1 + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + - Osc 1 Coarse detune + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 - Osc 1 Fine detune left + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 - Osc 1 Fine detune right + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 - Osc 1 Pulse width + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 - Osc 1 Sync send on rise + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 - Osc 1 Sync send on fall + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 - Osc 2 Volume - Volume Osc 2 + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + - Osc 2 Panning - Kesimbangan Osc 2 + + + Sine wave + Gelombang sinus - Osc 2 Coarse detune + + Bandlimited Triangle wave - Osc 2 Fine detune left + + Bandlimited Saw wave - Osc 2 Fine detune right + + Bandlimited Ramp wave - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset + + Bandlimited Square wave - Osc 2 Waveform + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Osc 2 Sync Hard - + + + Soft square wave + Gelombang kotak halus + + + + Absolute sine wave + Gelombang sinus absolut - Osc 2 Sync Reverse + + + Exponential wave - Osc 3 Volume - Volume Osc 3 + + White noise + Kebisingan putih - Osc 3 Panning - Keseimbangan Osc 3 + + Digital Triangle wave + Gelombang Segitiga digital - Osc 3 Coarse detune - + + Digital Saw wave + Gelombang Gergaji digital - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + Digital Ramp wave - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - + + Digital Square wave + Gelombang Kotak digital - Osc 3 Waveform 1 + + Digital Moog saw wave - Osc 3 Waveform 2 + + Triangle wave + Gelombang segitiga + + + + Saw wave + Gelombang gergaji + + + + Ramp wave - Osc 3 Sync Hard + + Square wave + Gelombang kotak + + + + Moog saw wave - Osc 3 Sync Reverse + + Abs. sine wave - LFO 1 Waveform - Betuk gelombang LFO 1 + + Random + Acak - LFO 1 Attack - Attack LFO 1 + + Random smooth + Halus acak + + + MonstroView - LFO 1 Rate - Nilai LFO 1 + + Operators view + Tampilan operator - LFO 1 Phase - Phase LFO 1 + + Matrix view + Tampilan matrix - LFO 2 Waveform - Betuk gelombang LFO 2 + + + + Volume + Volume + - LFO 2 Attack - Attack LFO 2 + + + + Panning + Keseimbangan - LFO 2 Rate - Nilai LFO 2 + + + + Coarse detune + Detune kasar - LFO 2 Phase - Phase LFO 2 + + + + semitones + - Env 1 Pre-delay - Prapenundaan Env 1 + + + Fine tune left + - Env 1 Attack - Attack Env 1 + + + + + cents + sen - Env 1 Hold + + + Fine tune right - Env 1 Decay + + + + Stereo phase offset - Env 1 Sustain + + + + + + deg - Env 1 Release + + Pulse width - Env 1 Slope + + Send sync on pulse rise - Env 2 Pre-delay + + Send sync on pulse fall - Env 2 Attack + + Hard sync oscillator 2 - Env 2 Hold + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Env 2 Decay + + Sub-osc mix - Env 2 Sustain + + Hard sync oscillator 3 - Env 2 Release + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Env 2 Slope + + + + + Attack + Attack + + + + + Rate + Nilai + + + + + Phase - Osc2-3 modulation + + + Pre-delay - Selected view - Tampilan yang dipilih + + + Hold + Tahan + + + + + Decay + Tahan + + + + + Sustain + Tahan + + + + + Release + Release + + + + + Slope + - Vol1-Env1 - Vol1-Env1 + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - Vol1-Env2 - Vol1-Env2 + + Length + Panjang - Vol1-LFO1 - Vol1-LFO1 + + Step length: + - Vol1-LFO2 - Vol1-LFO2 + + Dry + - Vol2-Env1 - Vol2-Env1 + + Dry gain: + - Vol2-Env2 - Vol2-Env2 + + Stages + - Vol2-LFO1 - Vol2-LFO1 + + Low-pass stages: + - Vol2-LFO2 - Vol2-LFO2 + + Swap inputs + Tukar masukan - Vol3-Env1 - Vol3-Env1 + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + NesInstrument - Vol3-Env2 - Vol3-Env2 + + Channel 1 coarse detune + - Vol3-LFO1 - Vol3-LFO1 + + Channel 1 volume + Volume Saluran 1 - Vol3-LFO2 - Vol3-LFO2 + + Channel 1 envelope length + - Phs1-Env1 - Phs1-Env1 + + Channel 1 duty cycle + - Phs1-Env2 - Phs1-Env2 + + Channel 1 sweep amount + - Phs1-LFO1 - Phs1-LFO1 + + Channel 1 sweep rate + - Phs1-LFO2 - Phs1-LFO2 + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + - Phs2-Env1 - Phs2-Env1 + + Channel 2 Volume + Volume Saluran 2 - Phs2-Env2 - Phs2-Env2 + + Channel 2 envelope length + - Phs2-LFO1 - Phs2-LFO1 + + Channel 2 duty cycle + - Phs2-LFO2 - Phs2-LFO2 + + Channel 2 sweep amount + - Phs3-Env1 - Phs3-Env1 + + Channel 2 sweep rate + - Phs3-Env2 - Phs3-Env2 + + Channel 3 coarse detune + - Phs3-LFO1 - Phs3-LFO1 + + Channel 3 volume + Volume Saluran 3 - Phs3-LFO2 - Phs3-LFO2 + + Channel 4 volume + Volume Saluran 4 - Pit1-Env1 - Pit1-Env1 + + Channel 4 envelope length + - Pit1-Env2 - Pit1-Env2 + + Channel 4 noise frequency + - Pit1-LFO1 - Pit1-LFO1 + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + - Pit1-LFO2 - Pit1-LFO2 + + Master volume + Volume master - Pit2-Env1 - Pit2-Env1 + + Vibrato + Getaran + + + NesInstrumentView - Pit2-Env2 - Pit2-Env2 + + + + + Volume + Volume + - Pit2-LFO1 - Pit2-LFO1 + + + + Coarse detune + Detune kasar - Pit2-LFO2 - Pit2-LFO2 + + + + Envelope length + Panjang sampul - Pit3-Env1 - Pit3-Env1 + + Enable channel 1 + Aktifkan saluran 1 - Pit3-Env2 - Pit3-Env2 + + Enable envelope 1 + Aktifkan sampul 1 - Pit3-LFO1 - Pit3-LFO1 + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Akftifkan envelop pengulangan 1 - Pit3-LFO2 - Pit3-LFO2 + + Enable sweep 1 + - PW1-Env1 - PW1-Env1 + + + Sweep amount + - PW1-Env2 - PW1-Env2 + + + Sweep rate + - PW1-LFO1 - PW1-LFO1 + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + Siklus tugas 12,5% - PW1-LFO2 - PW1-LFO2 + + + 25% Duty cycle + Siklus tugas 25% - Sub3-Env1 - Sub3-Env1 + + + 50% Duty cycle + Siklus tugas 50% - Sub3-Env2 - Sub3-Env2 + + + 75% Duty cycle + Siklus tugas 75% - Sub3-LFO1 - Sub3-LFO1 + + Enable channel 2 + Aktifkan saluran 2 - Sub3-LFO2 - Sub3-LFO2 + + Enable envelope 2 + Aktifkan sampul 2 - Sine wave - Gelombang sinus + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Akftifkan envelop pengulangan 2 - Bandlimited Triangle wave + + Enable sweep 2 - Bandlimited Saw wave - + + Enable channel 3 + Aktifkan saluran 3 - Bandlimited Ramp wave - + + Noise Frequency + Frekuensi Riuh - Bandlimited Square wave + + Frequency sweep - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - + + Enable channel 4 + Aktifkan saluran 4 - Soft square wave - Gelombang kotak halus + + Enable envelope 4 + Aktifkan sampul 4 - Absolute sine wave - Gelombang sinus absolut + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Akftifkan envelop pengulangan 4 - Exponential wave + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - White noise - Kebisingan putih + + Use note frequency for noise + Gunakan frekuensi not untuk riuh - Digital Triangle wave - Gelombang Segitiga digital + + Noise mode + Mode derau - Digital Saw wave - Gelombang Gergaji digital + + Master volume + Volume master - Digital Ramp wave + + Vibrato + Getaran + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + Patch + + + + Op 1 attack - Digital Square wave - Gelombang Kotak digital + + Op 1 decay + - Digital Moog saw wave + + Op 1 sustain - Triangle wave - Gelombang segitiga + + Op 1 release + - Saw wave - Gelombang gergaji + + Op 1 level + - Ramp wave + + Op 1 level scaling - Square wave - Gelombang kotak + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + - Moog saw wave + + Op 1 feedback - Abs. sine wave + + Op 1 key scaling rate - Random - Acak + + Op 1 percussive envelope + - Random smooth - Halus acak + + Op 1 tremolo + - - - MonstroView - Operators view - Tampilan operator + + Op 1 vibrato + - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. + + Op 1 waveform - Matrix view - Tampilan matrix + + Op 2 attack + - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. + + Op 2 decay - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 + + Op 2 sustain - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Op 2 release - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Op 2 level - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Op 2 level scaling - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. + + Op 2 frequency multiplier - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. + + Op 2 key scaling rate - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. + + Op 2 percussive envelope - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. + + Op 2 tremolo - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. + + Op 2 vibrato - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. + + Op 2 waveform - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + FM + FM - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. + + Vibrato depth - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. + + Tremolo depth + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - + + + Attack + Attack - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Pilih bentuk gelombang untuk osilator 2. + + + Decay + Decay - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + + Release + Release - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. + + + Frequency multiplier + + + OscillatorObject - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - + + Osc %1 waveform + Bentuk gelombang Osc %1 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. + + Osc %1 harmonic - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - + + + Osc %1 volume + Volume Osc %1 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - + + + Osc %1 panning + Keseimbangan Osc %1 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Osc %1 coarse detuning - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Osc %1 fine detuning right - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. + + Osc %1 phase-offset - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - + + Osc %1 wave shape + bentuk gelombang Osc %1 - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - + + Modulation type %1 + Tipe modulasi %1 + + + Oscilloscope - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. + + Oscilloscope - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - + + Click to enable + klik untuk mengaktifkan + + + PatchesDialog - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - + + Bank selector + Pemilih bank - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - + + Bank + Bank - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - + + Program selector + Pemilih program - Volume - Volume - + + Patch + Patch - Panning - Keseimbangan + + Name + Nama - Coarse detune - Detune kasar + + OK + OK - semitones - + + Cancel + Batal + + + PatmanView - Finetune left + + Open patch - cents - sen + + Loop + Pengulangan - Finetune right - + + Loop mode + Mode pengulangan - Stereo phase offset - + + Tune + Nada - deg - + + Tune mode + Mode nada - Pulse width - + + No file selected + Tidak ada berkas dipilih - Send sync on pulse rise - + + Open patch file + Buka berkas patch - Send sync on pulse fall - + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Berkas-Patch (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - Hard sync oscillator 2 + + Open in piano-roll + Buka di rol-piano + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll - Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + Clear all notes + Bersihkan semua not + + + + Reset name + Reset nama + + + + Change name + Ganti nama + + + + Add steps + Tambah langkah + + + + Remove steps + Hapus langkah + + + + Clone Steps + Klon langkah + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller - Sub-osc mix + + Peak Controller Bug - Hard sync oscillator 3 + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + Karena bug pada versi lama LMMS, pengendali puncak mungkin tidak terhubung dengan benar. Pastikan pengendali puncak terhubung dengan benar dan simpan kembali berkas ini. Maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang terjadi. + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK - Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + LFO Controller + Kontroler LFO + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + DASAR + + + + Base: - Attack - Attack + + AMNT + JMLH - Rate - Nilai + + Modulation amount: + Jumlah modulasi: - Phase + + MULT - Pre-delay + + Amount multiplicator: - Hold - Tahan + + ATCK + - Decay - Tahan + + Attack: + Attack: - Sustain - Tahan + + DCAY + - Release - Release + + Release: + Release: - Slope + + TRSH - Modulation amount + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value - MultitapEchoControlDialog + PeakControllerEffectControls - Length - Panjang + + Base value + Nilai dasar - Step length: + + Modulation amount - Dry + + Attack + Attack + + + + Release + Release + + + + Treshold - Dry Gain: + + Mute output - Stages + + Absolute value - Lowpass stages: + + Amount multiplicator + + + PianoRoll - Swap inputs - Tukar masukan + + Note Velocity + - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - Tukar masukan kiri dan kanan saluran untuk refleksi + + Note Panning + Keseimbangan Not - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune + + Mark/unmark current semitone - Channel 1 Volume - Volume Saluran 1 + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + Tandai / hapus tanda semua semitone oktaf yang sesuai - Channel 1 Envelope length + + Mark current scale - Channel 1 Duty cycle + + Mark current chord - Channel 1 Sweep amount - + + Unmark all + Hapus tanda semua - Channel 1 Sweep rate - + + Select all notes on this key + Pilih semua not pada kunci ini - Channel 2 Coarse detune + + Note lock - Channel 2 Volume - Volume Saluran 2 + + Last note + - Channel 2 Envelope length + + No key - Channel 2 Duty cycle + + No scale - Channel 2 Sweep amount + + No chord - Channel 2 Sweep rate + + Nudge - Channel 3 Coarse detune + + Snap - Channel 3 Volume - Volume Saluran 3 + + Velocity: %1% + Kecepatan: %1% - Channel 4 Volume - Volume Saluran 4 + + Panning: %1% left + Menyeimbangkan: %1% kiri - Channel 4 Envelope length - + + Panning: %1% right + Menyeimbangkan: %1% kanan - Channel 4 Noise frequency + + Panning: center + Menyeimbangkan: tengah + + + + Glue notes failed - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep + + Please select notes to glue first. - Master volume - Volume master + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Buka pola dengan mengklik dua kali di atasnya! - Vibrato - Getaran + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Silakan masukan nilai baru antara %1 dan %2: - NesInstrumentView + PianoRollWindow - Volume - Volume - + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Putar/jeda pola saat ini (Spasi) - Coarse detune - Detune kasar + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Rekam not dari perangkat-MIDI/channel-piano - Envelope length - Panjang sampul + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Rekam not dari perangkat-MIDI/channel-piano sambil memutar lagu atau trek BB - Enable channel 1 - Aktifkan saluran 1 + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + - Enable envelope 1 - Aktifkan sampul 1 + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Berhenti memutar pola sekarang (Spasi) - Enable envelope 1 loop - Akftifkan envelop pengulangan 1 + + Edit actions + Ubah aksi - Enable sweep 1 - + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + mode Menggambar (Shift+D) - Sweep amount - + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Mode penghapus (Shift+E) - Sweep rate + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Mode pilih (Shift+S) + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - 12.5% Duty cycle - Siklus tugas 12,5% + + Quantize + Kuantitas - 25% Duty cycle - Siklus tugas 25% + + Quantize positions + - 50% Duty cycle - Siklus tugas 50% + + Quantize lengths + - 75% Duty cycle - Siklus tugas 75% + + File actions + - Enable channel 2 - Aktifkan saluran 2 + + Import clip + - Enable envelope 2 - Aktifkan sampul 2 + + + Export clip + - Enable envelope 2 loop - Akftifkan envelop pengulangan 2 + + Copy paste controls + Kontrol salin tempel - Enable sweep 2 + + Cut (%1+X) - Enable channel 3 - Aktifkan saluran 3 + + Copy (%1+C) + - Noise Frequency - Frekuensi Riuh + + Paste (%1+V) + - Frequency sweep - + + Timeline controls + Kontrol linimasa - Enable channel 4 - Aktifkan saluran 4 + + Glue + - Enable envelope 4 - Aktifkan sampul 4 + + Knife + - Enable envelope 4 loop - Akftifkan envelop pengulangan 4 + + Fill + - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + Cut overlaps - Use note frequency for noise - Gunakan frekuensi not untuk riuh + + Min length as last + - Noise mode - Mode derau + + Max length as last + - Master Volume - Volume Master + + Zoom and note controls + Kontrol not dan zoom - Vibrato - Getaran + + Horizontal zooming + Pembesaran horizontal - - - OscillatorObject - Osc %1 volume - Volume Osc %1 + + Vertical zooming + Pembesaran vertikal - Osc %1 panning - Keseimbangan Osc %1 + + Quantization + Kuantitasi - Osc %1 coarse detuning + + Note length - Osc %1 fine detuning left + + Key - Osc %1 fine detuning right + + Scale - Osc %1 phase-offset + + Chord - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + Snap mode - Osc %1 wave shape + + Clear ghost notes - Modulation type %1 - Tipe modulasi %1 + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Rol-Piano - %1 - Osc %1 waveform - Bentuk gelombang Osc %1 + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Rol-Piano - tiada pola - Osc %1 harmonic + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) - - - PatchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + Export clip success - Bank selector - Pemilih bank - - - Bank - Bank + + Clip saved to %1 + - Program selector - Pemilih program + + Import clip. + - Patch - Patch + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + - Name - Nama + + Open clip + - OK - OK + + Import clip success + - Cancel - Batal + + Imported clip %1! + - PatmanView + PianoView - Open other patch - Buka patch lain + + Base note + Not dasar - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Klik disini untuk membuka file patch lainnya. Pengaturan Pengulangan dan Langgam tidak diatur ulang. + + First note + - Loop - Pengulangan + + Last note + + + + Plugin - Loop mode - Mode pengulangan + + Plugin not found + Plugin tidak ditemukan - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Di sini Anda bisa mengaktifkan mode Pengulangan. Jika diaktifkan, PatMan akan menggunakan informasi pengulangan yang tersedia dalam file. + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + Plugin "%1" tidak ditemukan atau tidak bisa dimuat! +Alasan: "%2" - Tune - Nada + + Error while loading plugin + Gagal ketika memuat plugin - Tune mode - Mode nada + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Gagal untuk memuat plugin "%1"! + + + PluginBrowser - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Disini kamu bisa mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan mode Nada. Jika diaktifkan, PatMan akan mengatur sampel agar cocok dengan frekuensi not. + + Instrument Plugins + Plugin Instrumen - No file selected - Tidak ada berkas dipilih + + Instrument browser + Penjelajah instrumen - Open patch file - Buka berkas patch + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + Seret instrumen ke Editor-Lagu,Editor Ketukan+Bassline atau ke trek instrumen yang ada. - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Berkas-Patch (*.pat) + + no description + tiada deskripsi - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll - Buka di rol-piano + + A native amplifier plugin + Plugin amplifier native - Clear all notes - Bersihkan semua not + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Sampler sederhana dengan macam-macam pengaturan untuk menggunakan sampel. (cnth. drum) dalam sebuah trek instrumen - Reset name - Reset nama + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Tingkatkan bass Anda dengan cara cepat dan sederhana - Change name - Ganti nama + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Synthesizer wavetable yang dapat disesuaikan - Add steps - Tambah langkah + + An oversampling bitcrusher + - Remove steps - Hapus langkah + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Instrumen Carla Patchbay - Clone Steps - Klon langkah + + Carla Rack Instrument + Rak Instrumen Carla - - - PeakController - Peak Controller + + A dynamic range compressor. - Peak Controller Bug + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - Karena bug pada versi lama LMMS, pengendali puncak mungkin tidak terhubung dengan benar. Pastikan pengendali puncak terhubung dengan benar dan simpan kembali berkas ini. Maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang terjadi. + + A native delay plugin + - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK + + A Dual filter plugin - LFO Controller - Kontroler LFO + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + plugin untuk memproses dynamics dengan cara yang fleksibel - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - DASAR + + A native eq plugin + Plugin eq bawaan - Base amount: - Jumlah dasar: + + A native flanger plugin + - Modulation amount: - Jumlah modulasi: + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Emulasi APU GameBoy (TM) - Attack: - Attack: + + Player for GIG files + Pemutar untuk berkas GIG - Release: - Release: + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Filter untuk mengimpor berkas Hydrogen ke LMMS - AMNT - JMLH + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Synthesizer drum serbaguna - MULT - + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Daftar plugin LADSPA yang terpasang - Amount Multiplicator: - + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + Plugin untuk menggunakan efek LADSPA yang sewenang-wenang di dalam LMMS. - ATCK + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 - DCAY + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. - Treshold: + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. - TRSH - + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Filter untuk mengekspor berkas MIDI dari LMMS - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - Base value - Nilai dasar + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filter untuk mengimpor berkas MIDI ke LMMS - Modulation amount + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Mute output + + A multitap echo delay plugin - Attack - Attack - - - Release - Release + + A NES-like synthesizer + Synthesizer seperti NES - Abs Value - Nilai Abs + + 2-operator FM Synth + 2-operator FM Synth - Amount Multiplicator + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Treshold + + GUS-compatible patch instrument - - - PianoRoll - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Plugin untuk mengendalikan kenop dengan puncak suara - Last note + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Note lock - + + Player for SoundFont files + Pemutar untuk berkas SoundFont - Note Velocity + + LMMS port of sfxr - Note Panning - Keseimbangan Not + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Emulasi SID MOS6581 dan MOS8580. +Chip yang digunakan pada komputer Commodore 64. - Mark/unmark current semitone + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. - Mark current scale + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Mark current chord + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Unmark all - Hapus tanda semua + + Tuneful things to bang on + Hal-hal yang menyenangkan untuk ajep-ajep - No scale + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - No chord + + A stereo field visualizer. - Velocity: %1% - Kecepatan: %1% + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + - Panning: %1% left - Menyeimbangkan: %1% kiri + + Vibrating string modeler + Menggetarkan modeler string - Panning: %1% right - Menyeimbangkan: %1% kanan + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + Plugin untuk menggunakan efek VST yang sewenang-wenang di dalam LMMS. - Panning: center - Menyeimbangkan: tengah + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Silakan masukan nilai baru antara %1 dan %2: + + plugin for waveshaping + plugin untuk pembentukan gelombang - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Tandai / hapus tanda semua semitone oktaf yang sesuai + + Mathematical expression parser + - Select all notes on this key - Pilih semua not pada kunci ini + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Tertanam ZynAddSubFX - PianoRollWindow + PluginDatabaseW - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Putar/jeda pola saat ini (Spasi) + + Carla - Add New + - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Rekam not dari perangkat-MIDI/channel-piano + + Format + - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Rekam not dari perangkat-MIDI/channel-piano sambil memutar lagu atau trek BB + + Internal + - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Berhenti memutar pola sekarang (Spasi) + + LADSPA + - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Klik di sini untuk memainkan pola saat ini. Ini berguna saat mengeditnya. Pola diulang secara otomatis saat ujungnya tercapai. + + DSSI + - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - Klik di sini untuk merekam not dari perangkat MIDI atau virtual test-piano dari jendela saluran yang sesuai dengan pola saat ini. Saat merekam semua not yang Anda mainkan akan dituliskan ke pola ini dan Anda dapat memutar dan mengubahnya setelahnya. + + LV2 + - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - Klik di sini untuk merekam not dari perangkat MIDI atau virtual test-piano dari jendela saluran yang sesuai dengan pola saat ini. Saat merekam semua not yang Anda mainkan akan dituliskan ke pola ini dan Anda akan mendengar lagu atau trek BB di latar belakang. + + VST2 + - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Klik disini untuk berhenti memutar pola saat ini. + + VST3 + - Draw mode (Shift+D) - mode Menggambar (Shift+D) + + AU + - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Mode penghapus (Shift+E) + + Sound Kits + - Select mode (Shift+S) - Mode pilih (Shift+S) + + Type + Tipe - Detune mode (Shift+T) - Mode detune (Shift+T) + + Effects + Efek - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - Klik di sini dan mode gambar akan diaktifkan. Dalam mode ini Anda bisa menambahkan, mengubah ukuran dan memindahkan not. Ini adalah mode default yang sering digunakan. Anda juga dapat menekan 'Shift+D' pada keyboard untuk mengaktifkan mode ini. Tekan %1 untuk masuk ke mode pilih secara sementara. + + Instruments + Instrumen - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + MIDI Plugins - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. + + Other/Misc - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Architecture - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Potong not terpilih (%1+X) + + Native + - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Salin not terpilih (%1+C) + + Bridged + - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Tempel not dari papan klip (%1+V) + + Bridged (Wine) + - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + Requirements - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + With Custom GUI - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Klik di sini dan catatan dari papan klip akan disisipkan pada ukuran pertama yang terlihat. + + With CV Ports + - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. + + Real-time safe only - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. + + Stereo only - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited + + With Inline Display - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! + + Favorites only - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. + + (Number of Plugins go here) - Edit actions - Ubah aksi + + &Add Plugin + - Copy paste controls - Kontrol salin tempel + + Cancel + Batal - Timeline controls - Kontrol linimasa + + Refresh + - Zoom and note controls - Kontrol not dan zoom + + Reset filters + - Piano-Roll - %1 - Rol-Piano - %1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Rol-Piano - tiada pola + + Format: + - Quantize - Kuantitas + + Architecture: + - - - PianoView - Base note - Not dasar + + Type: + Tipe: - - - Plugin - Plugin not found - Plugin tidak ditemukan + + MIDI Ins: + - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - Plugin "%1" tidak ditemukan atau tidak bisa dimuat! -Alasan: "%2" + + Audio Ins: + - Error while loading plugin - Gagal ketika memuat plugin + + CV Outs: + - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Gagal untuk memuat plugin "%1"! + + MIDI Outs: + - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - Penjelajah instrumen + + Parameter Ins: + - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Seret instrumen ke Editor-Lagu,Editor Ketukan+Bassline atau ke trek instrumen yang ada. + + Parameter Outs: + - Instrument Plugins - Plugin Instrumen + + Audio Outs: + - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. - Plugin tidak ditemukan. + + CV Ins: + - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - Plugin LMMS %1 tidak memiliki deskriptor plugin bernama %2! + + UniqueID: + - - - ProjectNotes - Edit Actions - Ubah Aksi + + Has Inline Display: + - &Undo - &Undo + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Information + - &Redo - &Redo + + Name + Nama - %1+Y - %1+Y + + Label/URI + - &Copy - &Salin + + Maker + - %1+C - %1+C + + Binary/Filename + - Cu&t - Po&tong + + Focus Text Search + - %1+X - %1+X + + Ctrl+F + + + + PluginEdit - &Paste - &Tempel + + Plugin Editor + - %1+V - %1+V + + Edit + - Format Actions - Aksi Format + + Control + Kontrol - &Bold - &Tebal + + MIDI Control Channel: + - %1+B - %1+B + + N + - &Italic - &Miring + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - %1+I - %1+I + + Output volume (100%) + - &Underline - &Garis bawah + + Balance Left (0%) + - %1+U - %1+U + + + Balance Right (0%) + - &Left - &Kiri + + Use Balance + - %1+L - %1+L + + Use Panning + - C&enter - Te&ngah + + Settings + Pengaturan - %1+E - %1+E + + Use Chunks + - &Right - &Kanan + + Audio: + - %1+R - %1+R + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - &Justify - &Ratakan + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - %1+J - %1+J + + MIDI: + - &Color... - &Warna + + Map Program Changes + - Project Notes - Catatan Proyek + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - Enter project notes here + + Send Control Changes - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) - Berkas-WAV (*.wav) + + Send Channel Pressure + - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Berkas-OGG terkompresi (*.ogg) + + Send Note Aftertouch + - FLAC-File (*.flac) + + Send Pitchbend - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) + + Send All Sound/Notes Off - - - QWidget - Name: - Nama: + + +Plugin Name + + - Maker: - Pembuat: + + Program: + - Copyright: - Hak cipta: + + MIDI Program: + - Requires Real Time: - Membutuhkan Real Time: + + Save State + - Yes - Ya + + Load State + - No - Tidak + + Information + - Real Time Capable: - Kemampuan Real Time: + + Label/URI: + - In Place Broken: + + Name: - Channels In: - Saluran Masukan: + + Type: + Tipe: - Channels Out: - Saluran Keluaran: + + Maker: + - File: - Berkas: + + Copyright: + - File: %1 - Berkas: %1 + + Unique ID: + - RenameDialog + PluginFactory - Rename... - Ganti nama... + + Plugin not found. + Plugin tidak ditemukan. + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + Plugin LMMS %1 tidak memiliki deskriptor plugin bernama %2! - ReverbSCControlDialog + PluginParameter - Input - Masukan + + Form + - Input Gain: - Gain Masuk: + + Parameter Name + - Size - Ukuran + + ... + + + + PluginRefreshW - Size: - Ukuran: + + Carla - Refresh + - Color - Warna + + Search for new... + - Color: - Warna: + + LADSPA + - Output - Keluaran + + DSSI + - Output Gain: - Gain Keluaran: + + LV2 + - - - ReverbSCControls - Input Gain - Gain Masukan + + VST2 + - Size - Ukuran + + VST3 + - Color - Warna + + AU + - Output Gain - Gain Keluaran + + SF2/3 + - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file - Buka berkas suara + + SFZ + - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Berkas-Wave (*.wav) + + Native + - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - Berkas-OGG (*.ogg) + + POSIX 32bit + - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - Berkas-DrumSynth (*.ds) + + POSIX 64bit + - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - Berkas-FLAC (*.flac) + + Windows 32bit + - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - Berkas-SPEEX (*.spx) + + Windows 64bit + - VOC-Files (*.voc) - Berkas-VOC (*.voc) + + Available tools: + - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - Berkas-AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - AU-Files (*.au) - Berkas-AU (*.au) + + carla-discovery-win64 + - RAW-Files (*.raw) - Berkas-RAW (*.raw) + + carla-discovery-native + - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Semua Berkas-Suara (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + carla-discovery-posix32 + - Fail to open file - Gagal untuk membuka berkas + + carla-discovery-posix64 + - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - Berkas suara dibatasi ukuran hingga %1 MB dan waktu pemutaran %2 menit + + carla-discovery-win32 + - - - SampleTCOView - double-click to select sample - Klik dua kali untuk memilih sampel + + Options: + - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Hapus (tombol tengah mouse) + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - Cut - Potong + + Run processing checks while scanning + - Copy - Salin + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + - Paste - Tempel + + Scan + - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Bisukan/suarakan (<%1> + middle click) + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + Tutup - SampleTrack + PluginWidget - Sample track - Trek sampel + + + + + + Frame + - Volume - Volume - + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + Nyala/Mati + + + + + + + PluginName + - Panning - Keseimbangan + + MIDI + MIDI - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - Volume trek + + AUDIO IN + - Channel volume: - Volume channel: + + AUDIO OUT + - VOL - VOL + + GUI + - Panning - Keseimbangan + + Edit + - Panning: - Keseimbangan: + + Remove + - PAN - SEIMBANG + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + - SetupDialog + ProjectNotes - Setup LMMS - Atur LMMS + + Project Notes + Catatan Proyek - General settings - Pengaturan umum + + Enter project notes here + - BUFFER SIZE - UKURAN BUFFER + + Edit Actions + Ubah Aksi - Reset to default-value - Setel ulang ke nilai default + + &Undo + &Undo - MISC - + + %1+Z + %1+Z - Enable tooltips - Aktifkan tooltips + + &Redo + &Redo - Show restart warning after changing settings - Tampilkan peringatan mulai ulang setelah mengganti pengaturan + + %1+Y + %1+Y - Compress project files per default - Kompres berkas proyek per default + + &Copy + &Salin - One instrument track window mode - Mode jendela satu trek instrumen + + %1+C + %1+C - HQ-mode for output audio-device - mode-HQ untuk keluaran perangkat-audio + + Cu&t + Po&tong - Compact track buttons - Tombol trek yang kompak + + %1+X + %1+X - Sync VST plugins to host playback - Selaraskan plugin VST ke pemutaran host + + &Paste + &Tempel - Enable note labels in piano roll - Aktifkan label not di rol piano + + %1+V + %1+V - Enable waveform display by default - Aktifkan tampilan gelombang grafik sebagai default + + Format Actions + Aksi Format - Keep effects running even without input - Biarkan efek berjalan walaupun tanpa masukan + + &Bold + &Tebal - Create backup file when saving a project - Buat berkas backup ketika menyimpan proyek + + %1+B + %1+B - LANGUAGE - BAHASA + + &Italic + &Miring - Paths - + + %1+I + %1+I - LMMS working directory - Direktori kerja LMMS + + &Underline + &Garis bawah - VST-plugin directory - Direktori VST-plugin + + %1+U + %1+U - Background artwork - Latar belakang karya seni + + &Left + &Kiri - STK rawwave directory - Direktori STK rawwave + + %1+L + %1+L - Default Soundfont File - Berkas Soundfont default + + C&enter + Te&ngah - Performance settings - Pengaturan performa + + %1+E + %1+E - UI effects vs. performance - Efek UI vs. performa + + &Right + &Kanan - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - Gulung halus di Editor Lagu + + %1+R + %1+R - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - + + &Justify + &Ratakan - Audio settings - Pengaturan suara + + %1+J + %1+J - AUDIO INTERFACE - INTERFACE SUARA + + &Color... + &Warna + + + ProjectRenderer - MIDI settings - Pengaturan MIDI + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) - MIDI INTERFACE - INTERFACE MIDI + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) - OK - OK + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) - Cancel - Batal + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - Restart LMMS - Mulai Ulang LMMS + + Reload Plugin + - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - Harap dicatat bahwa sebagian besar perubahan tidak akan berpengaruh sampai Anda memulai-ulang LMMS! + + Show GUI + Tampilkan GUI - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Bingkai: %1 -Latensi: %2 md + + Help + Bantuan + + + QWidget - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - + + + + + Name: + Nama: - Choose LMMS working directory - Pilih direktori kerja LMMS + + URI: + - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Pilih direktori VST-Plugin Anda + + + + Maker: + Pembuat: - Choose artwork-theme directory - Pilih direktori tema karya seni + + + + Copyright: + Hak cipta: - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Pilih direktori plugin LADSPA + + + Requires Real Time: + Membutuhkan Real Time: - Choose STK rawwave directory - Pilih direktori STK rawwave + + + + + + + Yes + Ya - Choose default SoundFont - Pilih Soundfont default + + + + + + + No + Tidak - Choose background artwork - Pilih karya seni latar belakang + + + Real Time Capable: + Kemampuan Real Time: - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. + + + In Place Broken: - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - + + + Channels In: + Saluran Masukan: - Reopen last project on start - Buka kembali proyek terakhir saat memulai + + + Channels Out: + Saluran Keluaran: - Directories - Direktori + + File: %1 + Berkas: %1 - Themes directory - Direktori tema + + File: + Berkas: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - GIG directory - Direktori GIG + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Proyek yang Baru Dibuka + + + RenameDialog - SF2 directory - Direktori SF2 + + Rename... + Ganti nama... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - LADSPA plugin directories - Direktori plugin LADSPA + + Input + Masukan - Auto save - Simpan otomatis + + Input gain: + Gain masukan: - Choose your GIG directory - Pilih direktor GIG anda + + Size + Ukuran - Choose your SF2 directory - Pilih direktor SF2 anda + + Size: + Ukuran: - minutes - menit + + Color + Warna - minute - menit + + Color: + Warna: - Display volume as dBFS - Tampilkan volume sebagai dBFS + + Output + Keluaran - Enable auto-save - Aktifkan simpan otomatis + + Output gain: + Gait keluaran: + + + ReverbSCControls - Allow auto-save while playing - Izinkan simpan-otomatis ketika bermain + + Input gain + Gain masukan - Disabled - Dinonaktifkan + + Size + Ukuran - Auto-save interval: %1 - Waktu jeda simpan otomatis: %1 + + Color + Warna - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - Tetapkan waktu antara pencadangan otomatis ke% 1. -Ingat juga untuk menyimpan proyek Anda secara manual. Anda dapat memilih untuk menonaktifkan penyimpanan saat bermain, beberapa sistem yang lebih tua sulit ditemukan. + + Output gain + Gain keluaran - Song + SaControls - Tempo - Tempo + + Pause + - Master volume - Volume master + + Reference freeze + - Master pitch - Master pitch + + Waterfall + - Project saved - Proyek disimpan + + Averaging + - The project %1 is now saved. - Proyek %1 telah disimpan. + + Stereo + Stereo - Project NOT saved. - Proyek TIDAK disimpan. + + Peak hold + - The project %1 was not saved! - Proyek %1 tidak disimpan! + + Logarithmic frequency + - Import file - Impor berkas + + Logarithmic amplitude + - MIDI sequences - Rangkaian MIDI + + Frequency range + - Hydrogen projects - Proyek hidrogen + + Amplitude range + - All file types - Semua tipe berkas + + FFT block size + - Empty project - Proyek kosong + + FFT window type + - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - Proyek ini kosong jadi mengekspor itu tidak masuk akal. Pertama silakan masukan beberapa item ke Editor Lagu! + + Peak envelope resolution + - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Pilih direktori untuk menulis trek yang diekspor... + + Spectrum display resolution + - untitled - tak berjudul + + Peak decay multiplier + - Select file for project-export... - Pilih berkas untuk ekspor-proyek... + + Averaging weight + - The following errors occured while loading: - Kesalahan muncul saat memuat: + + Waterfall history size + - MIDI File (*.mid) - Berkas MIDI (*.mid) + + Waterfall gamma correction + - LMMS Error report - Laporan kesalahan LMMS + + FFT window overlap + - Save project - Simpan proyek + + FFT zero padding + - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - Tidak bisa membuka berkas + + + Full (auto) + - Could not write file - Tidak bisa menulis berkas + + + + Audible + - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1. Anda mungkin tidak memiliki izin untuk membaca berkas ini. -Setidaknya pastikan Anda memiliki izini baca kepada berkas tersebut lalu coba lagi. + + Bass + Bass - Error in file - Kesalahan dalam berkas + + Mids + - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Berkas %1 sepertinya menganduh kesalahan dan oleh karena itu tidak bisa dimuat. + + High + - Tempo - Tempo + + Extended + - TEMPO/BPM - TEMPO/KPM + + Loud + - tempo of song - tempo lagu + + Silent + - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). + + (High time res.) - High quality mode - Mode kualitas tinggi + + (High freq. res.) + - Master volume - Volume master + + Rectangular (Off) + - master volume - volume master + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + - Master pitch - Master pitch + + Hamming + - master pitch - master pitch + + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog - Value: %1% - Nilai: %1% + + Pause + - Value: %1 semitones - Nilai: %1 semitone + + Pause data acquisition + - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Tidak bisa membuka %1 untuk menulis. Anda mungkin tidak diperbolehkan untuk menulis ke berkas ini. Pastikan anda memiliki akses baca kepada berkas tersebut lalu coba lagi. + + Reference freeze + - template - template + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + - project - proyek + + Waterfall + - Version difference - Perbedaan Versi + + Display real-time spectrogram + - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - %1 ini telah dibuat oleh LMMS %2. + + Averaging + - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - Editor-Lagu + + Enable exponential moving average + - Play song (Space) - Putar lagu (Spasi) + + Stereo + Stereo - Record samples from Audio-device - Rekam sampel dari perangkat-Audio + + Display stereo channels separately + - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Rekam sampel dari perangkat-Audio saat memutar lagu atau trek BB + + Peak hold + - Stop song (Space) - Hentikan lagu (Spasi) + + Display envelope of peak values + - Add beat/bassline - Tambah ketukan/bassline + + Logarithmic frequency + - Add sample-track - Tambah Trek-sampel + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + - Add automation-track - Tambah trek-otomasi + + + Frequency range + - Draw mode - Mode gambar + + Logarithmic amplitude + - Edit mode (select and move) - Mode Edit (pilih dan pindah) + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - Klik disini jika anda ingin memutar seluruh lagu Anda. Pemutaran akan dimulai pada tanda-posisi-lagu (hijau). Anda juga bisa memindahkannya saat memutar. + + + Amplitude range + - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. + + Envelope res. - Track actions - Aksi trek + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Edit actions - Ubah aksi + + + Draw at most + - Timeline controls - Kontrol timeline + + envelope points per pixel + - Zoom controls - Kontrol Zum + + Spectrum res. + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. - Linear Y axis + + spectrum points per pixel - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum + + Falloff factor - Linear Y axis + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. - Channel mode - Mode saluran + + Multiply buffered value by + - - - SubWindow - Close - Tutup + + Averaging weight + - Maximize - Maksimalkan + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + - Restore - Kembalikan + + New sample contributes + - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 - Pengaturan untuk %1 + + Waterfall height + - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - Selaraskan Tempo + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + - No Sync + + Keep - Eight beats - Delapan ketukan + + lines + - Whole note - Seluruh not + + Waterfall gamma + - Half note - Setengah not + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + - Quarter note - Seperempat not + + Gamma value: + - 8th note - not 8 + + Window overlap + - 16th note - not 16 + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - 32nd note - not 32 + + Each sample processed + - Custom... - Kustom... + + times + - Custom - Kustom + + Zero padding + - Synced to Eight Beats + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. - Synced to Whole Note + + Processing buffer is - Synced to Half Note + + steps larger than input block - Synced to Quarter Note + + Advanced settings - Synced to 8th Note + + Access advanced settings - Synced to 16th Note + + + FFT block size - Synced to 32nd Note + + + FFT window type - TimeDisplayWidget + SampleBuffer - click to change time units - klik untuk mengganti unit waktu + + Fail to open file + Gagal untuk membuka berkas - MIN - MIN + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Berkas suara dibatasi ukuran hingga %1 MB dan waktu pemutaran %2 menit - SEC - DTK + + Open audio file + Buka berkas suara - MSEC - MDTK + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Semua Berkas-Suara (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - BAR - BAR + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Berkas-Wave (*.wav) - BEAT - KETUKAN + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + Berkas-OGG (*.ogg) - TICK - TIK + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + Berkas-DrumSynth (*.ds) + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + Berkas-FLAC (*.flac) + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + Berkas-SPEEX (*.spx) + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + Berkas-VOC (*.voc) + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + Berkas-AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + Berkas-AU (*.au) + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + Berkas-RAW (*.raw) - TimeLineWidget + SampleClipView - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Aktifkan/nonaktifkan skrol-otomatis + + Double-click to open sample + - Enable/disable loop-points - Aktifkan / nonaktifkan titik-pengulangan + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Hapus (tombol tengah mouse) - After stopping go back to begin - Setelah berhenti kembali ke awal + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Setelah berhenti kembali ke posisi dimana pemutaran dimulai + + Cut + Potong - After stopping keep position - Jaga posisi setelah berhenti + + Cut selection + - Hint - Petunjuk + + Copy + Salin - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Tekan <%1> untuk menonaktifkan titik pengulangan magnetik. + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Tempel - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Tahan <Shift> untuk memindahkan titik pengulangan awal; Tekan <%1> untuk menonaktifkan titik pengulangan magnetik. + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Bisukan/suarakan (<%1> + middle click) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + Balikan sampel - - - Track - Mute - Bisu + + Set clip color + - Solo - Solo + + Use track color + - TrackContainer + SampleTrack - Couldn't import file - Tidak bisa mengimpor berkas + + Volume + Volume + - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Tidak bisa mencari filter untuk mengimpor berkas %1. -Anda seharusnya mengubah berkas ini menjadi format yang didukung oleh LMMS menggunakan perangkat lunak lain. + + Panning + Keseimbangan - Couldn't open file - Tidak bisa membuka berkas + + Mixer channel + Saluran FX - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1 untuk dibaca. -Pastikan anda memiliki izin baca untuk berkas ini dan direktori yang mengandung berkas ini dan coba lagi! + + + Sample track + Trek sampel + + + SampleTrackView - Loading project... - Memuat proyek... + + Track volume + Volume trek - Cancel - Batal + + Channel volume: + Volume channel: - Please wait... - Mohon tunggu... + + VOL + VOL - Importing MIDI-file... - Mengimpor berkas-MIDI... + + Panning + Keseimbangan - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Memuat Trek %1 (%2/Total %3) + + Panning: + Keseimbangan: - - - TrackContentObject - Mute - Bisu + + PAN + SEIMBANG + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - TrackContentObjectView + SampleTrackWindow - Current position - Posisi saat ini + + GENERAL SETTINGS + PENGATURAN UMUM - Hint - Petunjuk + + Sample volume + - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Tekan <%1> dan seret untuk membuat salinan. + + Volume: + Volume: - Current length - Panjang saat ini + + VOL + VOL - Press <%1> for free resizing. - Tekan <%1> untuk merubah ukuran secara bebas. + + Panning + Keseimbangan - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + Panning: + Keseimbangan: - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Hapus (tombol tengah mouse) + + PAN + SEIMBANG - Cut - Potong + + Mixer channel + Saluran FX - Copy - Salin + + FX + FX + + + SaveOptionsWidget - Paste - Tempel + + Discard MIDI connections + - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Bisukan/suarakan (<%1> + middle click) + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + - TrackOperationsWidget + SetupDialog - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. + + Reset to default value - Actions for this track - Aksi untuk trek ini + + Use built-in NaN handler + - Mute - Bisu + + Settings + Pengaturan - Solo - Solo + + + General + - Mute this track - Bisukan trek ini + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + - Clone this track - Klon trek ini + + Display volume as dBFS + Tampilkan volume sebagai dBFS - Remove this track - Hapus trek ini + + Enable tooltips + Aktifkan tooltips - Clear this track - Bersihkan trek ini + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + - Turn all recording on - Hidupkan semua rekaman + + Enable compact track buttons + - Turn all recording off - Matikan semua rekaman + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - Assign to new FX Channel - Tetapkan ke Saluran FX baru + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Mute automation tracks during solo - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Campurkan keluaran dari osilator 1 & 2 + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Projects - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Compress project files by default - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Create a backup file when saving a project - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Reopen last project on startup - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Campurkan keluaran dari osilator 2 & 3 + + Language + - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Selaraskan osilator 2 dengan osilator 3 + + + Performance + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Autosave - Osc %1 volume: - Volume Osc %1: + + Enable autosave + - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. + + Allow autosave while playing - Osc %1 panning: - Keseimbangan Osc %1: + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. + + Smooth scroll in song editor - Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - semitones - semitone + + Plugins + Plugin - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. + + VST plugins embedding: - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - + + No embedding + Tidak disematkan - cents - sen + + Embed using Qt API + Disematkan menggunakan API Qt - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - + + Embed using native Win32 API + Disematkan menggunakan API Win32 asli - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Disematkan menggunakan protokol XEmbed - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded - Osc %1 phase-offset: - + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Selaraskan plugin VST ke pemutaran host - degrees - derajat + + Keep effects running even without input + Biarkan efek berjalan walaupun tanpa masukan + + + + + Audio + Audio - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + Audio interface - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + HQ mode for output audio device - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. + + Buffer size - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Gunakan gelombang sinus untuk osilator saat ini. + + + MIDI + MIDI - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Gunakan gelombang segitiga untuk osilator saat ini. + + MIDI interface + - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Gunakan gelombang gergaji untuk osilator saat ini. + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Gunakan gelombang kotak untuk osilator saat ini. + + LMMS working directory + Direktori kerja LMMS - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. + + VST plugins directory - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. + + LADSPA plugins directories - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Gunakan derau putih untuk osilator saat ini. + + SF2 directory + Direktori SF2 - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Gunakan gelombang yang ditetapkan pengguna untuk osilator saat ini. + + Default SF2 + - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number - Tingkatkan versi nomor + + GIG directory + Direktori GIG - Decrement version number - Turunkan versi nomor + + Theme directory + - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - sudah ada. Apakah anda ingin menimpanya? + + Background artwork + Latar belakang karya seni - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - Buka plugin-VST lain + + Some changes require restarting. + - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Klik disini, Jika Anda ingin membuka plugin VST lain. Setelah mengklik tombol ini, dialog buka-berkas muncul dan Anda dapat memilih berkas Anda. + + Autosave interval: %1 + - Show/hide GUI - Tampilkan/sembunyikan GUI + + Choose the LMMS working directory + - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Klik di sini untuk menampilkan atau menyembunyikan tampilan antarmuka pengguna (GUI) plugin VST Anda. + + Choose your VST plugins directory + - Turn off all notes - Matikan semua not + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + - Open VST-plugin - Buka plugin-VST + + Choose your default SF2 + - DLL-files (*.dll) - Berkas-DLL (*.dll) + + Choose your theme directory + - EXE-files (*.exe) - berkas-EXE (*.exe) + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + - No VST-plugin loaded - Tidak ada VST-plugin dimuat + + OK + OK - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Kendalikan VST-plugin dari host LMMS + + Cancel + Batal - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Klik disini, jika anda ingin mengendalikan VST-plugin dari host. + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Bingkai: %1 +Latensi: %2 md - Open VST-plugin preset - Buka preset VST-plugin + + Choose your GIG directory + Pilih direktor GIG anda - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Klik disini, jika anda infin membuka preset VST-plugin *.fxp, *.fxb lain. + + Choose your SF2 directory + Pilih direktor SF2 anda - Previous (-) - Sebelumnya (-) + + minutes + menit - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Klik disini, jika anda ingin mengganti ke program preset plugin VST lain. + + minute + menit - Save preset - Simpan preset + + Disabled + Dinonaktifkan + + + SidInstrument - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Klik disini, jika anda ingin menyimpan preset program VST-plugin saat ini. + + Cutoff frequency + Frekuensi cutoff - Next (+) - Selanjutnya (+) + + Resonance + Resonansi - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Klik disini untuk memilih preset yang saat ini dimuat di VST. + + Filter type + Tipe filter - Preset - Preset + + Voice 3 off + - by - oleh + + Volume + Volume - - VST plugin control - - kontrol VST plugin + + Chip model + Model chip - VisualizationWidget + SidInstrumentView - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - klik disini untuk mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan visualisasi dari keluaran master + + Volume: + Volume: - Click to enable - klik untuk mengaktifkan + + Resonance: + Resonansi: - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - Tampilkan/sembunyikan + + + Cutoff frequency: + Frekuensi cutoff: - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Kendalikan VST-plugin dari host LMMS + + High-pass filter + - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Klik disini, jika anda ingin mengendalikan VST-plugin dari host. + + Band-pass filter + - Open VST-plugin preset - Buka preset VST-plugin + + Low-pass filter + - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Klik disini, jika anda infin membuka preset VST-plugin *.fxp, *.fxb lain. + + Voice 3 off + - Previous (-) - Sebelumnya (-) + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Klik disini, jika anda ingin mengganti ke program preset plugin VST lain. + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - Next (+) - Selanjutnya (+) + + + Attack: + Attack: - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Klik disini untuk memilih preset yang saat ini dimuat di VST. + + + Decay: + Decay: - Save preset - Simpan preset + + Sustain: + Sustain: - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Klik disini, jika anda ingin menyimpan preset program VST-plugin saat ini. + + + Release: + Release: - Effect by: - Efek oleh: + + Pulse Width: + - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Coarse: + - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin - Memuat plugin + + Pulse wave + - Open Preset - Buka Preset + + Triangle wave + Gelombang segitiga - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Preset Vst Plugin (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Saw wave + Gelombang gergaji - : default - : default + + Noise + Derau - " - " + + Sync + Selaras - ' - ' + + Ring modulation + - Save Preset - Simpan Preset + + Filtered + - .fxp - .fxp + + Test + Tes - .FXP - .FXP + + Pulse width: + + + + SideBarWidget - .FXB - .FXB + + Close + Tutup + + + Song - .fxb - .fxb + + Tempo + Tempo - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Mohon tunggu, sedang memuat VST plugin... + + Master volume + Volume master - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - VST plugin %1 tidak dapat dimuat. + + Master pitch + Master pitch - - - WatsynInstrument - Volume A1 - Volume A1 + + Aborting project load + - Volume A2 - Volume A2 + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - Volume B1 - Volume B1 + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - Volume B2 - Volume B2 + + LMMS Error report + Laporan kesalahan LMMS - Panning A1 - Keseimbangan A1 + + (repeated %1 times) + - Panning A2 - Keseimbangan A2 + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + SongEditor - Panning B1 - Keseimbangan B1 + + Could not open file + Tidak bisa membuka berkas - Panning B2 - Keseimbangan B2 + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1. Anda mungkin tidak memiliki izin untuk membaca berkas ini. +Setidaknya pastikan Anda memiliki izini baca kepada berkas tersebut lalu coba lagi. - Freq. multiplier A1 + + Operation denied - Freq. multiplier A2 + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. - Freq. multiplier B1 - + + + + Error + Kesalahan - Freq. multiplier B2 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. - Left detune A1 + + Couldn't create resources folder. - Left detune A2 + + Failed to copy resources. - Left detune B1 - + + Could not write file + Tidak bisa menulis berkas - Left detune B2 + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Right detune A1 + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 - Right detune A2 - Detune A2 kanan + + Error in file + Kesalahan dalam berkas - Right detune B1 - Detune B1 Kanan + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Berkas %1 sepertinya menganduh kesalahan dan oleh karena itu tidak bisa dimuat. - Right detune B2 - Detune B2 kanan + + Version difference + Perbedaan Versi - A-B Mix - A-B Mix + + template + template - A-B Mix envelope amount - + + project + proyek - A-B Mix envelope attack - + + Tempo + Tempo - A-B Mix envelope hold + + TEMPO - A-B Mix envelope decay + + Tempo in BPM - A1-B2 Crosstalk - + + High quality mode + Mode kualitas tinggi - A2-A1 modulation - Modulasi A2-A1 + + + + Master volume + Volume master - B2-B1 modulation - Modulasi B2-B1 + + + + Master pitch + Master pitch - Selected graph - Grafik yang dipilih + + Value: %1% + Nilai: %1% + + + + Value: %1 semitones + Nilai: %1 semitone - WatsynView + SongEditorWindow - Select oscillator A1 - Pilih osilator A1 + + Song-Editor + Editor-Lagu - Select oscillator A2 - Pilih osilator A2 + + Play song (Space) + Putar lagu (Spasi) - Select oscillator B1 - Pilih osilator B1 + + Record samples from Audio-device + Rekam sampel dari perangkat-Audio - Select oscillator B2 - Pilih osilator B2 + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Rekam sampel dari perangkat-Audio saat memutar lagu atau trek BB - Mix output of A2 to A1 - Campurkan keluaran dari A2 ke A1 + + Stop song (Space) + Hentikan lagu (Spasi) - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - + + Track actions + Aksi trek + + + + Add beat/bassline + Tambah ketukan/bassline + + + + Add sample-track + Tambah Trek-sampel + + + + Add automation-track + Tambah trek-otomasi + + + + Edit actions + Ubah aksi - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - Cincin modulasi A1 dan A2 + + Draw mode + Mode gambar - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) - Mix output of B2 to B1 - Gabung keluaran dari B2 ke B1 + + Edit mode (select and move) + Mode Edit (pilih dan pindah) - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - Modulasikan amplitudo dari B1 dengan keluaran B2 + + Timeline controls + Kontrol timeline - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - Cincin modulasi B1 dan B2 + + Bar insert controls + - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 + + Insert bar - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Gambar bentuk gelombang kamu sendiri dengan menyeret tetikus kamu di grafik ini. + + Remove bar + - Load waveform - Muat gelombang grafik + + Zoom controls + Kontrol Zum - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Klik untuk memuat bentuk gelombang dari berkas sampel + + Horizontal zooming + Pembesaran horizontal - Phase left + + Snap controls - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees + + + Clip snapping size - Phase right + + Toggle proportional snap on/off - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees + + Base snapping size + + + StepRecorderWidget - Normalize - Normalisasi + + Hint + Petunjuk - Click to normalize - Klik untuk normalisasi + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + SubWindow - Invert - Balik + + Close + Tutup - Click to invert - Klik untuk dibalikan + + Maximize + Maksimalkan - Smooth - Halus + + Restore + Kembalikan + + + TabWidget - Click to smooth - Klik untuk menghaluskan + + + Settings for %1 + Pengaturan untuk %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - Sine wave - Gelombang sinus + + New from template + Baru dari template + + + TempoSyncKnob - Click for sine wave - Klik untuk gelombang sinus + + + Tempo Sync + Selaraskan Tempo - Triangle wave - Gelombang segitiga + + No Sync + - Click for triangle wave - Klik untuk gelombang segitiga + + Eight beats + Delapan ketukan - Click for saw wave - Klik untuk gelombang gergaji + + Whole note + Seluruh not - Square wave - Gelombang kotak + + Half note + Setengah not - Click for square wave - Klik untuk gelombang kotak + + Quarter note + Seperempat not - Volume - Volume - + + 8th note + not 8 - Panning - Keseimbangan + + 16th note + not 16 - Freq. multiplier - + + 32nd note + not 32 - Left detune - + + Custom... + Kustom... - cents - sen + + Custom + Kustom - Right detune + + Synced to Eight Beats - A-B Mix - A-B Mix + + Synced to Whole Note + - Mix envelope amount + + Synced to Half Note - Mix envelope attack + + Synced to Quarter Note - Mix envelope hold + + Synced to 8th Note - Mix envelope decay + + Synced to 16th Note - Crosstalk + + Synced to 32nd Note - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + TimeDisplayWidget - Portamento + + Time units - Filter Frequency - + + MIN + MIN - Filter Resonance - + + SEC + DTK - Bandwidth - Lebar pita + + MSEC + MDTK + + + + BAR + BAR + + + + BEAT + KETUKAN - FM Gain - Gain FM + + TICK + TIK + + + TimeLineWidget - Resonance Center Frequency + + Auto scrolling - Resonance Bandwidth + + Loop points - Forward MIDI Control Change Events + + After stopping go back to beginning - - - ZynAddSubFxView - Show GUI - Tampilkan GUI + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Setelah berhenti kembali ke posisi dimana pemutaran dimulai - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Klik disini untuk menampilkan atau menyembunyikan antarmuka pengguna grafis (GUI) dari ZynAddSubFX. + + After stopping keep position + Jaga posisi setelah berhenti - Portamento: - Portamento: + + Hint + Petunjuk - PORT - PORT + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Tekan <%1> untuk menonaktifkan titik pengulangan magnetik. + + + Track - Filter Frequency: - Frekuensi Filter: + + Mute + Bisu - FREQ - FREK + + Solo + Solo + + + TrackContainer - Filter Resonance: - Resonansi Filter: + + Couldn't import file + Tidak bisa mengimpor berkas - RES - RES + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Tidak bisa mencari filter untuk mengimpor berkas %1. +Anda seharusnya mengubah berkas ini menjadi format yang didukung oleh LMMS menggunakan perangkat lunak lain. - Bandwidth: - Lebar pita: + + Couldn't open file + Tidak bisa membuka berkas - BW - LP + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Tidak bisa membuka berkas %1 untuk dibaca. +Pastikan anda memiliki izin baca untuk berkas ini dan direktori yang mengandung berkas ini dan coba lagi! - FM Gain: - FM Gain: + + Loading project... + Memuat proyek... - FM GAIN - FM GAIN + + + Cancel + Batal - Resonance center frequency: - Frekuensi resonansi tengah: + + + Please wait... + Mohon tunggu... - RES CF + + Loading cancelled - Resonance bandwidth: + + Project loading was cancelled. - RES BW - + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Memuat Trek %1 (%2/Total %3) - Forward MIDI Control Changes - + + Importing MIDI-file... + Mengimpor berkas-MIDI... - audioFileProcessor + Clip - Amplify - + + Mute + Bisu + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + Posisi saat ini - Start of sample - Awal dari sampel + + Current length + Panjang saat ini - End of sample - Akhir dar sampel + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - Reverse sample - Balikan sampel + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Tekan <%1> dan seret untuk membuat salinan. - Stutter + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Tekan <%1> untuk merubah ukuran secara bebas. + + + + Hint + Petunjuk + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Hapus (tombol tengah mouse) + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) - Loopback point - Titik loopback + + Cut + Potong - Loop mode - Mode pengulangan + + Cut selection + - Interpolation mode + + Merge Selection - None - Tidak ada + + Copy + Salin - Linear + + Copy selection - Sinc + + Paste + Tempel + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Bisukan/suarakan (<%1> + middle click) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) - Sample not found: %1 - Sampel tidak ditemukan: %1 + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + - bitInvader + TrackContentWidget - Samplelength - Panjangsampel + + Paste + Tempel - bitInvaderView + TrackOperationsWidget - Sample Length - Panjang Sampel + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + - Sine wave - Gelombang sinus + + Actions + - Triangle wave - Gelombang segitiga + + + Mute + Bisu - Saw wave - Gelombang gergaji + + + Solo + Solo - Square wave - Gelombang kotak + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + - White noise wave - Gelombang riuh + + Confirm removal + - User defined wave - Gelombang yang didefinisikan pengguna + + Don't ask again + - Smooth - Halus + + Clone this track + Klon trek ini - Click here to smooth waveform. - Klik disini untuk menghaluskan grafik gelombang. + + Remove this track + Hapus trek ini - Interpolation - Interpolasi + + Clear this track + Bersihkan trek ini - Normalize - Normalisasi + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Gambar bentuk gelombang kamu sendiri dengan menyeret tetikus kamu di grafik ini. + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Tetapkan ke Saluran FX baru - Click for a sine-wave. - + + Turn all recording on + Hidupkan semua rekaman - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-segitiga. + + Turn all recording off + Matikan semua rekaman - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang gergaji. + + Change color + Ganti warna - Click here for a square-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-kotak. + + Reset color to default + Reset warna ke default - Click here for white-noise. - Klik disini untuk kebisingan-putih. + + Set random color + - Click here for a user-defined shape. + + Clear clip colors - dynProcControlDialog + TripleOscillatorView - INPUT - MASUKAN + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - Input gain: - Gain masukan: + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - OUTPUT - KELUARAN + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + - Output gain: - Gait keluaran: + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + - ATTACK + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Peak attack time: + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - RELEASE + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Peak release time: + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - Reset waveform - Reset grafik gelombang + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Selaraskan osilator 2 dengan osilator 3 - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Klik disini untuk mereset gelombang grafik ke default + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - Smooth waveform - Gelombang halus + + Osc %1 volume: + Volume Osc %1: - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Klik disini untuk menerapkan kehalusan ke grafik gelombang + + Osc %1 panning: + Keseimbangan Osc %1: - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klik disini untuk meningkatkan amplitudo Grafik gelombang dengan 1dB + + semitones + semitone - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klik disini untuk mengurangi amplitudo wavegraf dengan 1dB + + + cents + sen - Stereomode Maximum + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + Osc %1 phase-offset: - Stereomode Average - + + + degrees + derajat - Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Stereomode Unlinked - + + Sine wave + Gelombang sinus - Process each stereo channel independently - + + Triangle wave + Gelombang segitiga - - - dynProcControls - Input gain - Gain masukan + + Saw wave + Gelombang gergaji - Output gain - Gain keluaran + + Square wave + Gelombang kotak - Attack time + + Moog-like saw wave - Release time + + Exponential wave - Stereo mode - Mode stereo + + White noise + Kebisingan putih + + + + User-defined wave + - expressiveView + VecControls - Select oscillator W1 + + Display persistence amount - Select oscillator W2 + + Logarithmic scale - Select oscillator W3 + + High quality + + + VecControlsDialog - Select OUTPUT 1 + + HQ - Select OUTPUT 2 + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. - Open help window + + Log. scale - Sine wave - Gelombang sinus + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + - Click for a sine-wave. + + Persist. - Moog-Saw wave + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. + + Trace persistence + + + VersionedSaveDialog - Exponential wave - + + Increment version number + Tingkatkan versi nomor + + + + Decrement version number + Turunkan versi nomor - Click for an exponential wave. + + Save Options - Saw wave - Gelombang gergaji + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + sudah ada. Apakah anda ingin menimpanya? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang gergaji. + + + Open VST plugin + - User defined wave - Gelombang yang didefinisikan pengguna + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - Click here for a user-defined shape. + + Open VST plugin preset - Triangle wave - Gelombang segitiga + + Previous (-) + Sebelumnya (-) - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-segitiga. + + Save preset + Simpan preset - Square wave - Gelombang kotak + + Next (+) + Selanjutnya (+) - Click here for a square-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-kotak. + + Show/hide GUI + Tampilkan/sembunyikan GUI - White noise wave - Gelombang riuh + + Turn off all notes + Matikan semua not - Click here for white-noise. - Klik disini untuk kebisingan-putih. + + DLL-files (*.dll) + Berkas-DLL (*.dll) - WaveInterpolate - + + EXE-files (*.exe) + berkas-EXE (*.exe) - ExpressionValid + + No VST plugin loaded - General purpose 1: - + + Preset + Preset - General purpose 2: - + + by + oleh - General purpose 3: - + + - VST plugin control + - kontrol VST plugin + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + Tampilkan/sembunyikan - O1 panning: + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - O2 panning: + + Open VST plugin preset - Release transition: - + + Previous (-) + Sebelumnya (-) - Smoothness - + + Next (+) + Selanjutnya (+) - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: - + + Save preset + Simpan preset - New FX Channel - Saluran FX Baru + + + Effect by: + Efek oleh: - - - graphModel - Graph - Grafik + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - kickerInstrument - - Start frequency - Frekuensi mulai - + VstPlugin - End frequency - Frekuensi akhir + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + VST plugin %1 tidak dapat dimuat. - Gain - Gain + + Open Preset + Buka Preset - Length - Panjang + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Preset Vst Plugin (*.fxp *.fxb) - Distortion Start - Distorsi Mulai + + : default + : default - Distortion End - Distorsi Akhir + + Save Preset + Simpan Preset - Envelope Slope - + + .fxp + .fxp - Noise - Derau + + .FXP + .FXP - Click - Klik + + .FXB + .FXB - Frequency Slope - + + .fxb + .fxb - Start from note - Mulai dari not + + Loading plugin + Memuat plugin - End to note - Berakhir ke not + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Mohon tunggu, sedang memuat VST plugin... - kickerInstrumentView - - Start frequency: - Frekuensi mulai: - + WatsynInstrument - End frequency: - Frekuensi akhir: + + Volume A1 + Volume A1 - Gain: - Gain: + + Volume A2 + Volume A2 - Frequency Slope: - + + Volume B1 + Volume B1 - Envelope Length: - + + Volume B2 + Volume B2 - Envelope Slope: - + + Panning A1 + Keseimbangan A1 - Click: - Klik: + + Panning A2 + Keseimbangan A2 - Noise: - Derau: + + Panning B1 + Keseimbangan B1 - Distortion Start: - Distorsi Mulai: + + Panning B2 + Keseimbangan B2 - Distortion End: - Distorsi Akhir: + + Freq. multiplier A1 + - - - ladspaBrowserView - Available Effects - Efek tersedia + + Freq. multiplier A2 + - Unavailable Effects - Efek tak tersedia + + Freq. multiplier B1 + - Instruments - Instrumen + + Freq. multiplier B2 + - Analysis Tools - Alat Analisis + + Left detune A1 + - Don't know - Tidak tahu + + Left detune A2 + - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. + + Left detune B1 - Type: - Tipe: + + Left detune B2 + - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - Plugin + + Right detune A1 + - Description - Deskripsi + + Right detune A2 + Detune A2 kanan - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports - + + Right detune B1 + Detune B1 Kanan - Name - Nama + + Right detune B2 + Detune B2 kanan - Rate - Nilai + + A-B Mix + A-B Mix - Direction - Arah + + A-B Mix envelope amount + - Type - Tipe + + A-B Mix envelope attack + - Min < Default < Max - Min < Default < Maks + + A-B Mix envelope hold + - Logarithmic - Logaritmik + + A-B Mix envelope decay + - SR Dependent + + A1-B2 Crosstalk - Audio - Audio + + A2-A1 modulation + Modulasi A2-A1 - Control - Kontrol + + B2-B1 modulation + Modulasi B2-B1 - Input - Masukan + + Selected graph + Grafik yang dipilih + + + WatsynView - Output - Keluaran + + + + + Volume + Volume + - Toggled - + + + + + Panning + Keseimbangan - Integer - Integer + + + + + Freq. multiplier + - Float - Float + + + + + Left detune + - Yes - Ya + + + + + + + + + cents + sen - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + Right detune - VCF Resonance - Resonansi VCF + + A-B Mix + A-B Mix - VCF Envelope Mod + + Mix envelope amount - VCF Envelope Decay + + Mix envelope attack - Distortion - Distorsi - - - Waveform - Grafik gelombang + + Mix envelope hold + - Slide Decay + + Mix envelope decay - Slide + + Crosstalk - Accent - Aksen + + Select oscillator A1 + Pilih osilator A1 - Dead - Mati + + Select oscillator A2 + Pilih osilator A2 - 24dB/oct Filter - Filter 24dB/oct + + Select oscillator B1 + Pilih osilator B1 - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: - Frek Cutoff: + + Select oscillator B2 + Pilih osilator B2 - Resonance: - Resonansi: + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + Campurkan keluaran dari A2 ke A1 - Env Mod: - Env Mod: + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + - Decay: - Decay: + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 - Slide Decay: - + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + Gabung keluaran dari B2 ke B1 - DIST: + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 - Saw wave - Gelombang gergaji + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang gergaji. + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + - Triangle wave - Gelombang segitiga + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Gambar bentuk gelombang kamu sendiri dengan menyeret tetikus kamu di grafik ini. - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-segitiga. + + Load waveform + Muat gelombang grafik - Square wave - Gelombang kotak + + Load a waveform from a sample file + - Click here for a square-wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang-kotak. + + Phase left + - Rounded square wave - Gelombang persegi bulat + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + Phase right - Moog wave + + Shift phase by +15 degrees - Click here for a moog-like wave. - + + + Normalize + Normalisasi + + + + + Invert + Balik + + + + + Smooth + Halus + + Sine wave Gelombang sinus - Click for a sine-wave. - + + + + Triangle wave + Gelombang segitiga + + + + Saw wave + Gelombang gergaji - White noise wave - Gelombang riuh + + + Square wave + Gelombang kotak + + + Xpressive - Click here for an exponential wave. - Klik disini untuk gelombang eksponensial. + + Selected graph + Grafik yang dipilih - Click here for white-noise. - Klik disini untuk kebisingan-putih. + + A1 + A1 - Bandlimited saw wave - + + A2 + A2 - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - + + A3 + A3 - Bandlimited square wave + + W1 smoothing - Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + W2 smoothing - Bandlimited triangle wave + + W3 smoothing - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + Panning 1 - Bandlimited moog saw wave + + Panning 2 - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + Rel trans - malletsInstrument - - Hardness - Kekerasan - + XpressiveView - Position - Posisi + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Gambar bentuk gelombang kamu sendiri dengan menyeret tetikus kamu di grafik ini. - Vibrato Gain + + Select oscillator W1 - Vibrato Freq + + Select oscillator W2 - Stick Mix + + Select oscillator W3 - Modulator - Modulator - - - Crossfade + + Select output O1 - LFO Speed - Kecepatan LFO - - - LFO Depth - Kedalaman LFO - - - ADSR - ADSR - - - Pressure - Tekanan + + Select output O2 + - Motion + + Open help window - Speed - Kecepatan + + + Sine wave + Gelombang sinus - Bowed + + + Moog-saw wave - Spread + + + Exponential wave - Marimba - Marimba + + + Saw wave + Gelombang gergaji - Vibraphone - Vibraphone + + + User-defined wave + - Agogo - + + + Triangle wave + Gelombang segitiga - Wood1 - + + + Square wave + Gelombang kotak - Reso - Reso + + + White noise + Kebisingan putih - Wood2 + + WaveInterpolate - Beats - Ketukan + + ExpressionValid + - Two Fixed + + General purpose 1: - Clump + + General purpose 2: - Tubular Bells + + General purpose 3: - Uniform Bar + + O1 panning: - Tuned Bar + + O2 panning: - Glass + + Release transition: - Tibetan Bowl + + Smoothness - malletsInstrumentView - - Instrument - Instrumen - + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Spread + + Portamento - Spread: + + Filter frequency - Hardness - Kekerasan - - - Hardness: + + Filter resonance - Position - Posisi - - - Position: - Posisi: - - - Vib Gain - + + Bandwidth + Lebar pita - Vib Gain: + + FM gain - Vib Freq + + Resonance center frequency - Vib Freq: + + Resonance bandwidth - Stick Mix + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Stick Mix: - + + Portamento: + Portamento: - Modulator - Modulator + + PORT + PORT - Modulator: + + Filter frequency: - Crossfade - + + FREQ + FREK - Crossfade: + + Filter resonance: - LFO Speed - Kecepatan LFO - - - LFO Speed: - Kecepatan LFO: + + RES + RES - LFO Depth - Kedalaman LFO + + Bandwidth: + Lebar pita: - LFO Depth: - Kedalaman LFO: + + BW + LP - ADSR - ADSR + + FM gain: + - ADSR: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN + FM GAIN - Pressure - Tekanan + + Resonance center frequency: + Frekuensi resonansi tengah: - Pressure: - Tekanan: + + RES CF + - Speed - Kecepatan + + Resonance bandwidth: + - Speed: - Kecepatan: + + RES BW + - Missing files - Berkas yang hilang + + Forward MIDI control changes + - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - + + Show GUI + Tampilkan GUI - manageVSTEffectView + AudioFileProcessor - - VST parameter control - - VST kontrol parameter - - - VST Sync + + Amplify - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Klik disini jika Anda ingin menyelaraskan semua parameter dengan plugin VST. + + Start of sample + Awal dari sampel - Automated - Diotomasi + + End of sample + Akhir dar sampel - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Klik disini jika Anda ingin menampilkan parameter terotomasi saja. + + Loopback point + Titik loopback - Close - Tutup + + Reverse sample + Balikan sampel - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - Tutup jendela efek VST pengatur-kenop. + + Loop mode + Mode pengulangan - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - - kontrol VST plugin + + Stutter + - VST Sync + + Interpolation mode - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Klik disini jika Anda ingin menyelaraskan semua parameter dengan plugin VST. + + None + Tidak ada - Automated - Diotomasi + + Linear + - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Klik disini jika Anda ingin menampilkan parameter terotomasi saja. + + Sinc + - Close - Tutup + + Sample not found: %1 + Sampel tidak ditemukan: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - Tutup jendela plugin VST pengatur-kenop. + + Sample length + - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - Patch + + Sample length + - Op 1 Attack - Attack Op 1 + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Gambar bentuk gelombang kamu sendiri dengan menyeret tetikus kamu di grafik ini. - Op 1 Decay - Decay Op 1 + + + Sine wave + Gelombang sinus - Op 1 Sustain - Sustain Op 1 + + + Triangle wave + Gelombang segitiga - Op 1 Release - Release Op 1 + + + Saw wave + Gelombang gergaji - Op 1 Level - Level Op 1 + + + Square wave + Gelombang kotak - Op 1 Level Scaling - Level Scaling Op 1 + + + White noise + Kebisingan putih - Op 1 Frequency Multiple + + + User-defined wave - Op 1 Feedback - Timbal Balik Op 1 + + + Smooth waveform + Gelombang halus - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - + + Interpolation + Interpolasi - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - + + Normalize + Normalisasi + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + MASUKAN - Op 1 Tremolo - + + Input gain: + Gain masukan: - Op 1 Vibrato - + + OUTPUT + KELUARAN - Op 1 Waveform - + + Output gain: + Gait keluaran: - Op 2 Attack + + ATTACK - Op 2 Decay + + Peak attack time: - Op 2 Sustain + + RELEASE - Op 2 Release + + Peak release time: - Op 2 Level + + + Reset wavegraph - Op 2 Level Scaling + + + Smooth wavegraph - Op 2 Frequency Multiple + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope + + Stereo mode: maximum - Op 2 Tremolo + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Op 2 Vibrato + + Stereo mode: average - Op 2 Waveform + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels - FM - FM - - - Vibrato Depth + + Stereo mode: unlinked - Tremolo Depth + + Process each stereo channel independently - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack - Attack + + Input gain + Gain masukan - Decay - Tahan + + Output gain + Gain keluaran - Release - Release + + Attack time + - Frequency multiplier + + Release time - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - Distorsi + + Stereo mode + Mode stereo + + + graphModel - Volume - Volume - + + Graph + Grafik - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - Distorsi: + + Start frequency + Frekuensi mulai - Volume: - Volume: + + End frequency + Frekuensi akhir - Randomise - + + Length + Panjang - Osc %1 waveform: - Bentuk Gelombang Osc %1: + + Start distortion + - Osc %1 volume: - Volume Osc %1: + + End distortion + - Osc %1 panning: - Keseimbangan Osc %1: + + Gain + Gain - cents - sen + + Envelope slope + - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - Kenop distorsi menambahkan distorsi ke keluaran instrumen. + + Noise + Derau - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - + + Click + Klik - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. + + Frequency slope - Osc %1 stereo detuning - + + Start from note + Mulai dari not - Osc %1 harmonic: - + + End to note + Berakhir ke not - FreeBoyInstrument - - Sweep time - - + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep direction - + + Start frequency: + Frekuensi mulai: - Sweep RtShift amount - + + End frequency: + Frekuensi akhir: - Wave Pattern Duty + + Frequency slope: - Channel 1 volume - Volume Saluran 1 + + Gain: + Gain: - Volume sweep direction + + Envelope length: - Length of each step in sweep + + Envelope slope: - Channel 2 volume - Volume Saluran 2 - - - Channel 3 volume - Volume Saluran 3 - - - Channel 4 volume - Volume Saluran 4 - - - Right Output level - Tingkat Keluaran kanan - - - Left Output level - Tingkat Keluaran kiri - - - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Saluran 1 ke SO2 (Kiri) - - - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Saluran 2 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + Click: + Klik: - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Saluran 3 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + Noise: + Derau: - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Saluran 4 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + Start distortion: + - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Saluran 1 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + End distortion: + + + + LadspaBrowserView - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Saluran 2 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + Available Effects + Efek tersedia - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Saluran 3 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + Unavailable Effects + Efek tak tersedia - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Saluran 4 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + + Instruments + Instrumen - Treble - Trebel + + + Analysis Tools + Alat Analisis - Bass - Bass + + + Don't know + Tidak tahu - Shift Register width - + + Type: + Tipe: - FreeBoyInstrumentView - - Sweep Time: - - + LadspaDescription - Sweep Time - + + Plugins + Plugin - Sweep RtShift amount: - + + Description + Deskripsi + + + LadspaPortDialog - Sweep RtShift amount + + Ports - Wave pattern duty: - + + Name + Nama - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Rate + Nilai - Square Channel 1 Volume: - + + Direction + Arah - Length of each step in sweep: - + + Type + Tipe - Length of each step in sweep - + + Min < Default < Max + Min < Default < Maks - Wave pattern duty - + + Logarithmic + Logaritmik - Square Channel 2 Volume: + + SR Dependent - Square Channel 2 Volume - + + Audio + Audio - Wave Channel Volume: - + + Control + Kontrol - Wave Channel Volume - + + Input + Masukan - Noise Channel Volume: - + + Output + Keluaran - Noise Channel Volume + + Toggled - SO1 Volume (Right): - Volume SO1 (Kanan): - - - SO1 Volume (Right) - Volume SO1 (Kanan) - - - SO2 Volume (Left): - Volume SO2 (Kiri): - - - SO2 Volume (Left) - Volume SO2 (Kiri) + + Integer + Integer - Treble: - Trebel: + + Float + Float - Treble - Trebel + + + Yes + Ya + + + Lb302Synth - Bass: - Bass: + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + - Bass - Bass + + VCF Resonance + Resonansi VCF - Sweep Direction + + VCF Envelope Mod - Volume Sweep Direction + + VCF Envelope Decay - Shift Register Width - + + Distortion + Distorsi - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Saluran1 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + Waveform + Grafik gelombang - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Saluran2 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + Slide Decay + - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Saluran3 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + Slide + - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Saluran4 ke SO1 (Kanan) + + Accent + Aksen - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Saluran1 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + Dead + Mati - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Saluran2 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + 24dB/oct Filter + Filter 24dB/oct + + + Lb302SynthView - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Saluran3 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + Cutoff Freq: + Frek Cutoff: - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Saluran4 ke SO2 (Kiri) + + Resonance: + Resonansi: - Wave Pattern - Pola Gelombang + + Env Mod: + Env Mod: - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - Besarnya kenaikan atau penurunan frekuensi + + Decay: + Decay: - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. + + Slide Decay: - Square Channel 1 Volume + + DIST: - The delay between step change - + + Saw wave + Gelombang gergaji - Draw the wave here - + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Klik disini untuk gelombang gergaji. - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - + + Triangle wave + Gelombang segitiga - Bank selector - Pemilih bank + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Klik disini untuk gelombang-segitiga. - Bank - Bank + + Square wave + Gelombang kotak - Program selector - Pemilih program + + Click here for a square-wave. + Klik disini untuk gelombang-kotak. - Patch - Patch + + Rounded square wave + Gelombang persegi bulat - Name - Nama + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + - OK - OK + + Moog wave + - Cancel - Batal + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + - - - pluginBrowser - no description - tiada deskripsi + + Sine wave + Gelombang sinus - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 + + Click for a sine-wave. - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - + + + White noise wave + Gelombang riuh - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Plugin untuk mengendalikan kenop dengan puncak suara + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Klik disini untuk gelombang eksponensial. - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + Click here for white-noise. + Klik disini untuk kebisingan-putih. + + + + Bandlimited saw wave - List installed LADSPA plugins - Daftar plugin LADSPA yang terpasang + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + - GUS-compatible patch instrument + + Bandlimited square wave - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Tuneful things to bang on - Hal-hal yang menyenangkan untuk ajep-ajep + + Bandlimited triangle wave + - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Vibrating string modeler - Menggetarkan modeler string + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - Plugin untuk menggunakan efek LADSPA yang sewenang-wenang di dalam LMMS. + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + MalletsInstrument - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filter untuk mengimpor berkas MIDI ke LMMS + + Hardness + Kekerasan - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Emulasi SID MOS6581 dan MOS8580. -Chip yang digunakan pada komputer Commodore 64. + + Position + Posisi - Player for SoundFont files - Pemutar untuk berkas SoundFont + + Vibrato gain + - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Emulasi APU GameBoy (TM) + + Vibrato frequency + - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Synthesizer wavetable yang dapat disesuaikan + + Stick mix + - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - Tertanam ZynAddSubFX + + Modulator + Modulator - 2-operator FM Synth - 2-operator FM Synth + + Crossfade + - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Filter untuk mengimpor berkas Hydrogen ke LMMS + + LFO speed + Kecepatan LFO - LMMS port of sfxr + + LFO depth - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - + + ADSR + ADSR - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + Pressure + Tekanan + + + + Motion - A native amplifier plugin - Plugin amplifier native + + Speed + Kecepatan - Carla Rack Instrument - Rak Instrumen Carla + + Bowed + - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + Spread - plugin for waveshaping - plugin untuk pembentukan gelombang + + Marimba + Marimba - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Tingkatkan bass Anda dengan cara cepat dan sederhana + + Vibraphone + Vibraphone - Versatile drum synthesizer - Synthesizer drum serbaguna + + Agogo + - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Sampler sederhana dengan macam-macam pengaturan untuk menggunakan sampel. (cnth. drum) dalam sebuah trek instrumen + + Wood 1 + - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - plugin untuk memproses dynamics dengan cara yang fleksibel + + Reso + Reso - Carla Patchbay Instrument - Instrumen Carla Patchbay + + Wood 2 + - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - Plugin untuk menggunakan efek VST yang sewenang-wenang di dalam LMMS. + + Beats + Ketukan - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Plugin analisa spektrum grafis + + Two fixed + - A NES-like synthesizer - Synthesizer seperti NES + + Clump + - A native delay plugin + + Tubular bells - Player for GIG files - Pemutar untuk berkas GIG + + Uniform bar + - A multitap echo delay plugin + + Tuned bar - A native flanger plugin + + Glass - An oversampling bitcrusher + + Tibetan bowl + + + MalletsInstrumentView - A native eq plugin - Plugin eq bawaan + + Instrument + Instrumen - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + Spread - A Dual filter plugin + + Spread: - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Filter untuk mengekspor berkas MIDI dari LMMS + + Missing files + Berkas yang hilang - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Mathematical expression parser - + + Hardness + Kekerasan - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - Bank + + Hardness: + - Patch - Patch + + Position + Posisi - Gain - Gain + + Position: + Posisi: - Reverb + + Vibrato gain - Reverb Roomsize + + Vibrato gain: - Reverb Damping + + Vibrato frequency - Reverb Width + + Vibrato frequency: - Reverb Level + + Stick mix - Chorus + + Stick mix: - Chorus Lines - + + Modulator + Modulator - Chorus Level + + Modulator: - Chorus Speed + + Crossfade - Chorus Depth + + Crossfade: - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - Soundfont %1 tidak dapat dimuat. - - - - sf2InstrumentView - - Open other SoundFont file - Buka berkas SoundFont lain + + LFO speed + Kecepatan LFO - Click here to open another SF2 file - Klik disini untuk membuka berkas SF2 lain + + LFO speed: + kecepatan LFO: - Choose the patch - Pilih patch + + LFO depth + - Gain - Gain + + LFO depth: + - Apply reverb (if supported) - Aktifkan gema (jika didukung) + + ADSR + ADSR - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - + + ADSR: + ADSR: - Reverb Roomsize: - + + Pressure + Tekanan - Reverb Damping: - + + Pressure: + Tekanan: - Reverb Width: - + + Speed + Kecepatan - Reverb Level: - + + Speed: + Kecepatan: + + + ManageVSTEffectView - Apply chorus (if supported) - + + - VST parameter control + - VST kontrol parameter - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. + + VST sync - Chorus Lines: - + + + Automated + Diotomasi - Chorus Level: - + + Close + Tutup + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Chorus Speed: - + + + - VST plugin control + - kontrol VST plugin - Chorus Depth: + + VST Sync - Open SoundFont file - Buka berkas SoundFont + + + Automated + Diotomasi - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - Berkas SoundFont2 (*.sf2) + + Close + Tutup - sfxrInstrument + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + Distorsi + - Wave Form - Bentuk Gelombang + + Volume + Volume + - sidInstrument + OrganicInstrumentView - Cutoff - Cutoff + + Distortion: + Distorsi: - Resonance - Resonansi + + Volume: + Volume: - Filter type - Tipe filter + + Randomise + - Voice 3 off + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Bentuk Gelombang Osc %1: + + + + Osc %1 volume: + Volume Osc %1: + + + + Osc %1 panning: + Keseimbangan Osc %1: + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning - Volume - Volume - + + cents + sen - Chip model - Model chip + + Osc %1 harmonic: + - sidInstrumentView + PatchesDialog - Volume: - Volume: + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - Resonance: - Resonansi: + + Bank selector + Pemilih bank - Cutoff frequency: - Frekuensi cutoff: + + Bank + Bank - High-Pass filter - Filter High-Pass + + Program selector + Pemilih program - Band-Pass filter - Filter Band-Pass + + Patch + Patch - Low-Pass filter - Filter Low-Pass + + Name + Nama - Voice3 Off - + + OK + OK - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Cancel + Batal + + + Sf2Instrument - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Bank + Bank - Attack: - Attack: + + Patch + Patch - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - + + Gain + Gain - Decay: - Decay: + + Reverb + - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. + + Reverb room size - Sustain: - Sustain: + + Reverb damping + - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. + + Reverb width - Release: - Release: + + Reverb level + - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. + + Chorus - Pulse Width: + + Chorus voices - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. + + Chorus level - Coarse: + + Chorus speed - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. + + Chorus depth - Pulse Wave - + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + Soundfont %1 tidak dapat dimuat. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Triangle Wave - + + + Open SoundFont file + Buka berkas SoundFont - SawTooth + + Choose patch - Noise - Derau + + Gain: + Gain: - Sync - Selaras + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Aktifkan gema (jika didukung) - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - + + Room size: + Ukuran ruangan: - Ring-Mod + + Damping: - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - + + Width: + Lebar: - Filtered + + + Level: + Tingkat: + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. + + Voices: - Test - Tes + + Speed: + Kecepatan: + + + + Depth: + Kedalaman: + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. + + Wave - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - LEBAR + + WIDTH + + Width: Lebar: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width Lebar - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: Vol Kiri ke Kiri: + Left to Right Vol: Vol Kiri ke Kanan: + Right to Left Vol: Vol Kanan ke Kiri: + Right to Right Vol: Vol Kanan ke Kanan: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left Kiri ke Kiri + Left to Right Kiri ke Kanan + Right to Left Kanan ke Kiri + Right to Right Kanan ke Kanan - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin Memuat plugin - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Mohon tunggu, memuat VST-plugin... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume Volume string %1 + String %1 stiffness + Pick %1 position + Pickup %1 position - Pan %1 - Keseimbangan %1 + + String %1 panning + - Detune %1 + + String %1 detune - Fuzziness %1 - Kekaburan %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - Length %1 - Panjang %1 + + String %1 length + + Impulse %1 Impuls %1 - Octave %1 - Oktaf %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView - - Volume: - Volume: - - - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - Tombol 'V' mengatur volume dari string yang dipilih. - + VibedView - String stiffness: + + String volume: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. + + String stiffness: + Pick position: Posisi petik: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - - - + Pickup position: Posisi pickup: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - - - - Pan: - Keseimbangan: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - Tombol keseimbangan menentukan lokasi string yang dipilih di bidang stereo. - - - Detune: - - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. + + String panning: - Fuzziness: - Kekaburan: - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. + + String detune: - Length: - Panjang: - - - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. + + String fuzziness: - Impulse or initial state + + String length: - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. + + Impulse + Octave Oktaf - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - - - + Impulse Editor Editor Impuls - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - - - + Enable waveform Aktifkan gelombang grafik - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Klik disini untuk mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan gelombang graifk. + + Enable/disable string + + String Deretan - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - - - + + Sine wave Gelombang sinus + + Triangle wave Gelombang segitiga + + Saw wave Gelombang gergaji + + Square wave Gelombang kotak - White noise wave - Gelombang riuh - - - User defined wave - Gelombang yang didefinisikan pengguna - - - Smooth - Halus - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Klik disini untuk menghaluskan grafik gelombang. - - - Normalize - Normalisasi - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Klik disini untuk menormalisasi gelombang. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Gunakan gelombang sinus untuk osilator saat ini. - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Gunakan gelombang segitiga untuk osilator saat ini. - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Gunakan gelombang gergaji untuk osilator saat ini. + + + White noise + Kebisingan putih - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Gunakan gelombang kotak untuk osilator saat ini. + + + User-defined wave + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Gunakan derau putih untuk osilator saat ini. + + + Smooth waveform + Gelombang halus - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Gunakan gelombang yang ditetapkan pengguna untuk osilator saat ini. + + + Normalize waveform + - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width Lebar nadi Suara %1 + Voice %1 attack Serangan suara %1 + Voice %1 decay Kerusakan suara %1 + Voice %1 sustain Penopang suara %1 + Voice %1 release Pelepasan suara %1 + Voice %1 coarse detuning Detuning kasar suara %1 + Voice %1 wave shape Bentuk gelombang suara %1 + Voice %1 sync Sinkron suara %1 + Voice %1 ring modulate Modulasi nada suara %1 + Voice %1 filtered Suara %1 difilter + Voice %1 test Tes suara %1 - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT MASUKAN + Input gain: Gain masukan: + OUTPUT KELUARAN + Output gain: Gait keluaran: - Reset waveform - Reset grafik gelombang - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Klik disini untuk mereset gelombang grafik ke default - - - Smooth waveform - Gelombang halus - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Klik disini untuk menerapkan kehalusan ke grafik gelombang - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - Tingkatkan grafik amplitudo sebanyak 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph + - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klik disini untuk meningkatkan amplitudo Grafik gelombang dengan 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - Turunkan grafik aplitudo sebanyak 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klik disini untuk mengurangi amplitudo wavegraf dengan 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + Clip input Klip masukan - Clip input signal to 0dB - Klip sinyal masukan ke 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain Gain masukan + Output gain Gain keluaran - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/it.ts b/data/locale/it.ts index f93cb017062..ff146d47120 100644 --- a/data/locale/it.ts +++ b/data/locale/it.ts @@ -2,93 +2,111 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS Informazioni su LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Versione %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - Informazioni su + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - Produzione musicale semplice per tutti + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Versione %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - Autori + + About + Informazioni su - Translation - Traduzione + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - produzione musicale facile per tutti. - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Roberto Giaconia <derobyj@gmail.com> - -Se sei interessato a tradurre LMMS o vuoi migliorare una traduzione esistente, sei il benvenuto! + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. - License - Licenza + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Autori + Involved Coinvolti + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Hanno collaborato (ordinati per numero di contributi): - Copyright © %1 - Copyright © %1 + + Translation + Traduzione + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + La lingua corrente è tradotta dall' inglese (nativo).Se sei interessato a tradurre LMMS o desideri migliorare la traduzione esistente, sei il benvenuto! E' sufficiente contattare il manutentore: Roberto Giaconia <derobyj@gmail.com> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + License + Licenza AmplifierControlDialog + VOL VOL + Volume: Volume: + PAN - BIL + PAN + Panning: - Bilanciamento: + Panoramica: + LEFT SX + Left gain: Guadagno a sinistra: + RIGHT DX + Right gain: Guadagno a destra: @@ -96,18 +114,22 @@ Se sei interessato a tradurre LMMS o vuoi migliorare una traduzione esistente, s AmplifierControls + Volume Volume + Panning - Bilanciamento + Panoramica + Left gain Guadagno a sinistra + Right gain Guadagno a destra @@ -115,10 +137,12 @@ Se sei interessato a tradurre LMMS o vuoi migliorare una traduzione esistente, s AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE PERIFERICA + CHANNELS CANALI @@ -126,533 +150,530 @@ Se sei interessato a tradurre LMMS o vuoi migliorare una traduzione esistente, s AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - Apri un altro campione - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Clicca qui per aprire un altro file audio. Apparirà una finestra di dialogo dove sarà possibile scegliere il file. Impostazioni come la modalità ripetizione, amplificazione e così via non vengono reimpostate, pertanto potrebbe non suonare come il file originale. + + Open sample + Apri campione + Reverse sample - Inverti il campione - - - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Attivando questo pulsante, l'intero campione viene invertito. Ciò è utile per effetti particolari, ad es. un crash invertito. - - - Amplify: - Amplificazione: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Questa manopola regola l'amplificaione. Con un valore pari a 100% il campione non viene modificato, altrimenti verrà amplificato della percentuale specificata (il file originale non viene modificato!) - - - Startpoint: - Punto di inizio: - - - Endpoint: - Punto di fine: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - Continua la ripetizione del campione tra le note - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Attivando questa opzione, il campione audio viene riprodotto tra note differenti: se cambi l'altezza, o la nota finisce prima del punto di fine del campione, allora la nota seguente riprodurrà il campione da dove si era fermata la precedente. Se invece si vuol far ripartire il campione dal punto d'inizio, bisogna inserire una nota molto grave (< 20 Hz) + Inverti campione + Disable loop - Disabilità ripetizione - - - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Questo pulsante disabilità la ripetizione. Il suono viene eseguito solo una volta dall'inizio alla fine. + Disabilità ripetizione ciclica + Enable loop - Abilita ripetizione + Abilita ripetizione ciclica - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Questo pulsante abilità la ripetizione diretta. Il suono viene ripetuto indefinitamente dal loop point al punto di fine. + + Enable ping-pong loop + Abilita ripetizione ciclica ping-pong - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Questo pulsante abilita la ripetizione ing-pong. Il suono viene eseguito avanti e indietro tra il punto di fine e il loop point. + + Continue sample playback across notes + Continua riproduzione campione attraverso le note - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Con questa manopola puoi impostare il punto da cui AudioFileProcessor inizia a riprodurre il suono. + + Amplify: + Amplifica: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Con questa manopola puoi impostare il punti in cui AudioFileProcessor finisce di riprodurre il suono. + + Start point: + Punto iniziale: - Loopback point: - Punto LoopBack: + + End point: + Punto finale: - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Con questa modalità puoi impostare il punto dove la ripetizione comincia: la parte del suono tra il LoopBack e il punto di fine è quella che verà ripetuta. + + Loopback point: + Punto di ripresa: AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: - Lunghezza del campione: + Lunghezza campione: AudioJack + JACK client restarted - Il client JACK è ripartito + Client JACK riavviato + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. - LMMS è stato kickato da JACK per qualche motivo. Quindi il collegamento JACK di LMMS è ripartito. Dovrai rifare le connessioni. + LMMS è stato respinto da JACK per qualche motivo. Pertanto il backend JACK di LMMS è stato riavviato. Sarà necessario effettuare nuovamente le connessioni manuali. + JACK server down - Il server JACK è down + Server JACK fuori uso + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. - Il server JACK sembra essere stato spento e non sono partite nuove istanze. Quindi LMMS non è in grado di procedere. Salva il progetto attivo e fai ripartire JACK ed LMMS. + Sembra che il server JACK sia stato arrestato e l'avvio di una nuova istanza non è riuscito. Pertanto LMMS non è in grado di procedere. È necessario salvare il progetto e riavviare JACK e LMMS. - CLIENT-NAME - NOME DEL CLIENT + + Client name + Nome Client - CHANNELS - CANALI + + Channels + Canali - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - PERIFERICA + + Device + Dispositivo - CHANNELS - CANALI + + Channels + Canali AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - USCITA POSTERIORE + + Backend + Backend - DEVICE - PERIFERICA + + Device + Dispositivo - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - PERIFERICA + + Device + Dispositivo - CHANNELS - CANALI + + Channels + Canali AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - PERIFERICA + + Device + Dispositivo - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - PERIFERICA + + Device + Dispositivo - CHANNELS - CANALI + + Channels + Canali AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - INTERFACCIA + + Backend + Backend - DEVICE - PERIFERICA + + Device + Dispositivo AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) &Reimposta (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) &Copia valore (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) &Incolla valore (%1%2) + + &Paste value + &Incolla valore + + + Edit song-global automation - Modifica l'automazione globale della traccia + Modifica automazione globale della canzone + + + + Remove song-global automation + Rimuovi automazione globale della canzone + + + + Remove all linked controls + Rimuovi tutti i controlli collegati + Connected to %1 Connesso a %1 + Connected to controller - Connesso a un controller + Connesso al controller + Edit connection... Modifica connessione... + Remove connection Rimuovi connessione + Connect to controller... - Connetti a un controller... - - - Remove song-global automation - Rimuovi l'automazione globale della traccia - - - Remove all linked controls - Rimuovi tutti i controlli collegati + Connetti al controller... AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - È necessario aprire un pattern di automazione con il menu contestuale di un controllo! + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + - Values copied - Valori copiati + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Tutti i valori sono stati copiati nella clipboard. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + È necessario aprire uno schema di automazione con il menu contestuale di un controllo! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Riproduci/metti in pausa il beat/bassline selezionato (Spazio) - - - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Cliccando qui si riproduce il pattern selezionato. Questo è utile mentre lo si modifica. Il pattern viene automaticamente ripetuto quando finisce. + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Riproduce/sospende lo schema corrente (Spazio) - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Ferma il beat/bassline selezionato (Spazio) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Arresta la riproduzione dello schema corrente (Spazio) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Cliccando qui si ferma la riproduzione del pattern attivo. + + Edit actions + Modifica attività + Draw mode (Shift+D) Modalità disegno (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) - Modalità cancella (Shift+E) - - - Flip vertically - Contrario - - - Flip horizontally - Retrogrado + Modalità cancellazione (Shift+E) - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Clicca per mettere riposizionare i punti al contrario verticalmente. + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Clicca per riposizionare i punti come se venissero letti da destra a sinistra. + + Flip vertically + Capovolgi verticalmente - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Cliccando qui si attiva la modalità disegno. In questa modalità è possibile aggiungere e spostare singoli valori. Questa è la modalità predefinita, che viene usata la maggior parte del tempo. Questa modalità si attiva anche premendo la combinazione di tasti 'Shift+D'. + + Flip horizontally + Capovolgi orizzontalmente - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Cliccando qui si attiva la modalità cancellazione. In questa modalità è possibile cancellare singoli valori. Questa modalità si attiva anche premendo la combinazione di tasti 'Shift+E'. + + Interpolation controls + Controlli interpolazione + Discrete progression - Progressione discreta + Progressione discontinua + Linear progression Progressione lineare + Cubic Hermite progression - Progressione a cubica di Hermite + Progressione cubica di Hermite + Tension value for spline - Valore di tensione delle curve - - - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Una tensione alta garantisce una curva più morbida, ma potrebbe tralasciare alcuni valori. Abbassando la tensione, invece, la curva si fletterà per sostare per più tempo sui valori indicati dai punti. - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Clicca qui per scegliere il metodo di progressione discreta per questo pattern di automazione. Il valore della variabile connessa rimarrà costante tra i punti disegnati, cambierà immediatamente non appena raggiunto ogni punto. - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Clicca qui per scegliere il metodo di progressione lineare per questo pattern di automazione. Il valore della variabile connessa cambierà in modo costante nel tempo tra i punti disegnati per arrivare al valore di ogni punto senza cambiamenti bruschi. - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Clicca qui per scegliere il metodo di progressione a cubica di Hermite per questo pattern di automazione. Il valore della variabile connessa cambierà seguendo una curva morbida. - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Taglia i valori selezionati (%1+X) - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Copia i valori selezionati (%1+C) - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Incolla i valori dagli appunti (%1+V) - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Cliccando qui i valori selezionati vengono spostati negli appunti. È possibile incollarli ovunque, in qualsiasi pattern, cliccando il pulsante Incolla. - - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Cliccando qui i valori selezionati vengono copiati negli appunti. È possibile incollarli ovunque, in qualsiasi pattern, cliccando il pulsante Incolla. - - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Cliccando qui i valori negli appunti vengono incollati alla prima battuta visibile. + Valore tensione delle curve + Tension: Tensione: - Automation Editor - no pattern - Editor dell'automazione - nessun pattern - - - Automation Editor - %1 - Editor dell'automazione - %1 - - - Edit actions - Modalità di modifica + + Zoom controls + Opzioni ingrandimento - Interpolation controls - Modalità Interpolazione + + Horizontal zooming + Ingrandimento orizzontale - Timeline controls - Controlla griglia + + Vertical zooming + Ingrandimento verticale - Zoom controls - Opzioni di zoom + + Quantization controls + Controlli quantizzazione - Quantization controls - Controlli di quantizzazione + + Quantization + Quantizzazione - Model is already connected to this pattern. - Il controllo è già connesso a questo pattern. + + + Automation Editor - no clip + Editor automazione - nessuno schema - Quantization - Quantizzazione + + + Automation Editor - %1 + Editor automazione - %1 - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - Quantizzazione. Imposta la massima precisione dei punti di Automazione. Controlla anche la lunghezza, cancellando quindi i punti che sono entro tale lunghezza. Puoi comunque ignorare questa funzione premendo <Ctrl>. + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Modello già collegato a questo schema. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> Trascina un controllo tenendo premuto <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor - Apri nell'editor dell'Automazione + Apri nell'editor Automazione + Clear - Pulisci + Libera area + Reset name Reimposta nome + Change name Rinomina - %1 Connections - %1 connessioni + + Set/clear record + Imposta/cancella registrazione - Disconnect "%1" - Disconnetti "%1" + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + Capovolgi verticalmente (visibile) - Set/clear record - Accendi/spegni registrazione + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + Capovolgi orizzontalmente (visibile) - Flip Vertically (Visible) - Contrario + + %1 Connections + %1 connessioni - Flip Horizontally (Visible) - Retrogrado + + Disconnect "%1" + Disconnetti "%1" - Model is already connected to this pattern. - Il controllo è già connesso a questo pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Modello già collegato a questo schema. AutomationTrack + Automation track - Traccia di automazione + Traccia automazione - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor - Beat+Bassline Editor + Editor Beat+Bassline + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) - Riproduci/metti in pausa il beat/bassline selezionato (Spazio) + Riproduce/sospende il beat/bassline corrente (Spazio) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) - Ferma il beat/bassline attuale (Spazio) + Arresta il beat/bassline corrente (Spazio) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Cliccando qui si riprodurre il beat/bassline selezionato. Il beat/bassline ricomincia automaticamente quando finisce. + + Beat selector + Selettore Beat - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Cliccando qui si ferma la riproduzione del beat/bassline attivo. + + Track and step actions + Attività tracce e passaggi + Add beat/bassline Aggiungi beat/bassline - Add automation-track - Aggiungi una traccia di automazione + + Clone beat/bassline clip + - Remove steps - Elimina note + + Add sample-track + Aggiungi traccia campione - Add steps - Aggiungi note + + Add automation-track + Aggiungi una traccia automazione - Beat selector - Selezione del Beat + + Remove steps + Rimuovi passaggi - Track and step actions - Controlli tracce e step + + Add steps + Aggiungi passaggi + Clone Steps - Clona gli step - - - Add sample-track - Aggiungi traccia campione + Clona passaggi - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor - Apri nell'editor di Beat+Bassline + Apri nell'editor Beat+Bassline + Reset name Reimposta nome + Change name Rinomina - - Change color - Cambia colore - - - Reset color to default - Reimposta il colore a default - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 Beat/Bassline %1 + Clone of %1 Clone di %1 @@ -660,26 +681,32 @@ Se sei interessato a tradurre LMMS o vuoi migliorare una traduzione esistente, s BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ FREQ + Frequency: Frequenza: + GAIN GUAD + Gain: Guadagno: + RATIO RAPP + Ratio: Rapporto: @@ -687,14 +714,17 @@ Se sei interessato a tradurre LMMS o vuoi migliorare una traduzione esistente, s BassBoosterControls + Frequency Frequenza + Gain Guadagno + Ratio Rapporto dinamico @@ -702,9617 +732,15620 @@ Se sei interessato a tradurre LMMS o vuoi migliorare una traduzione esistente, s BitcrushControlDialog + IN IN + OUT OUT + + GAIN GUAD - Input Gain: - Guadagno in Input: + + Input gain: + Guadagno in ingresso: + + + + NOISE + RUMORE - Input Noise: - Rumore in Input: + + Input noise: + Rumore in ingresso: - Output Gain: - Guadagno in Output: + + Output gain: + Guadagno in uscita: + CLIP CLIP - Output Clip: - Clip in Output: + + Output clip: + Clip in uscita:: - Rate Enabled - Abilita Frequenza + + Rate enabled + Valore abilitato - Enable samplerate-crushing - Abilità la riduzione di frequnza di campionamento + + Enable sample-rate crushing + Abilità riduzione frequenza di campionamento - Depth Enabled - Abilita Risoluzione + + Depth enabled + Risoluzione abilitata - Enable bitdepth-crushing - Abilità la riduzione di bit di quantizzazione + + Enable bit-depth crushing + Abilità riduzione bit di quantizzazione + + FREQ + FREQ + + + Sample rate: Frequenza di campionamento: + + STEREO + STEREO + + + Stereo difference: Differenza stereo: + + QUANT + QUANT + + + Levels: Livelli di quantizzazione: + + + BitcrushControls - NOISE - RUMORE + + Input gain + Guadagno in ingresso - FREQ - FREQ + + Input noise + Rumore in ingresso - STEREO - + + Output gain + Guadagno in uscita - QUANT - + + Output clip + Clip in uscita - - - CaptionMenu - &Help - &Aiuto + + Sample rate + Frequenza di campionamento - Help (not available) - Aiuto (non disponibile) + + Stereo difference + Differenza stereo - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - Mostra GUI + + Levels + Livelli - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Clicca qui per mostrare o nascondere l'interfaccia grafica (GUI) di Carla. + + Rate enabled + Valore abilitato - - - Controller - Controller %1 - Controller %1 + + Depth enabled + Risoluzione abilitata - ControllerConnectionDialog + CarlaAboutW - Connection Settings - Impostazioni connessione + + About Carla + Informazioni su Carla - MIDI CONTROLLER - CONTROLLER MIDI + + About + Informazioni su - Input channel - Canale di ingresso + + About text here + Informazioni sul testo qui - CHANNEL - CANALE + + Extended licensing here + Licenza estesa qui - Input controller - Controller di input + + Artwork + Materiale grafico - CONTROLLER - CONTROLLER + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + Uso del set di icone di KDE Oxygen, progettato da Oxygen Team. - Auto Detect - Rilevamento automatico + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + Contiene alcune manopole, sfondi e altri piccoli disegni dei progetti Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV e OpenOctave. - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Le periferiche MIDI ricevono eventi MIDI da + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + VST è un marchio registrato di Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. - USER CONTROLLER - CONTROLLER PERSONALIZZATO + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + Un ringraziamento speciale ad Antonio Saraiva per qualche icona e lavori grafici in più! - MAPPING FUNCTION - FUNZIONE DI MAPPATURA + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + Il logo LV2 è stato disegnato da Thorsten Wilms, basato su un concetto di Peter Shorthose. - OK - OK + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + Tastiera MIDI disegnata da Thorsten Wilms. - Cancel - Annulla + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + Icone Carla, Carla-Control e Patchbay disegnate da DoosC. - LMMS - LMMS + + Features + Caratteristiche - Cycle Detected. - Ciclo rilevato. + + AU/AudioUnit: + AU/AudioUnit: - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - Rack di Controller + + LADSPA: + LADSPA: - Add - Aggiungi + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + TextLabel - Confirm Delete - Conferma eliminazione + + VST2: + VST2: - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Confermi l'eliminazione? Ci sono connessioni associate a questo controller: non sarà possibile ripristinarle. + + DSSI: + DSSI: - - - ControllerView - Controls - Controlli + + LV2: + LV2: - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - I controller possono automatizzare il valore di una manopola, di uno slider e di altri controlli. + + VST3: + VST3: - Rename controller - Rinomina controller + + OSC + OSC - Enter the new name for this controller - Inserire il nuovo nome di questo controller + + Host URLs: + URLs host: - &Remove this controller - &Rimuovi questo controller + + Valid commands: + Comandi validi: - Re&name this controller - Ri&nomina questo controller + + valid osc commands here + comandi osc validi qui - LFO - LFO + + Example: + Esempio: - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: - Punto di separazione 1/2: + + License + Licenza - Band 2/3 Crossover: - Punto di separazione 2/3: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - Band 3/4 Crossover: - Punto di separazione 3/4: + + OSC Bridge Version + Versione ponte OSC - Band 1 Gain: - Guadagno banda 1: + + Plugin Version + Versione plugin - Band 2 Gain: - Guadagno banda 2: + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + <br>Versione %1<br>Carla è un plugin audio host completo%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - Band 3 Gain: - Guadagno banda 3: + + + (Engine not running) + (Motore non in funzione) - Band 4 Gain: - Guadagno banda 4: + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + Tutto! (Incluso LRDF) - Band 1 Mute - Muto Banda 1 + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + Tutto! (Compresi dati personalizzati/blocchi) - Mute Band 1 - Muto Banda 1 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + Circa 110&#37; completo (usando estensioni personalizzate)<br/>Funzionalità/estensioni implementate:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - Band 2 Mute - Muto Banda 2 + + + + Using Juce host + Tramite l'host Juce - Mute Band 2 - Muto Banda 2 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + Completo a circa 85% (banco vst mancante/preselezioni e alcune cose minori) + + + CarlaHostW - Band 3 Mute - Muto Banda 3 + + MainWindow + MainWindow - Mute Band 3 - Muto Banda 3 + + Rack + Rack - Band 4 Mute - Muto Banda 4 + + Patchbay + Patchbay - Mute Band 4 - Muto Banda 4 + + Logs + Rapporti - - - DelayControls - Delay Samples - Campioni di Delay + + Loading... + Caricamento... - Feedback - Feedback + + Buffer Size: + Dimensione buffer: - Lfo Frequency - Frequenza Lfo + + Sample Rate: + Frequenza campionamento: - Lfo Amount - Ampiezza Lfo + + ? Xruns + ? Xruns - Output gain - Guadagno in output + + DSP Load: %p% + Carico DSP: %p% - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt - Quantità Lfo + + &File + &File - Delay Time - Tempo di ritardo + + &Engine + &Motore - Feedback Amount - Quantità di Feedback + + &Plugin + &Plugin - Lfo - Lfo + + Macros (all plugins) + Macro (tutti i plugin) - Out Gain - Guadagno in output + + &Canvas + - Gain - Guadagno + + Zoom + Ingrandimento - DELAY - DELAY + + &Settings + &Impostazioni - FDBK - FDBK + + &Help + &Aiuto - RATE - RATE + + toolBar + Barra strumenti - AMNT - Q.TÀ + + Disk + Disco - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - Abilita filtro 1 + + + Home + Principale - Filter 2 enabled - Abilita filtro 2 + + Transport + Trasporto - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Clicca qui per abilitare/disabilitare il filtro 1 + + Playback Controls + Controlli riproduzione - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Clicca qui per abilitare/disabilitare il filtro 2 + + Time Information + Informazioni tempo - FREQ - FREQ + + Frame: + Periodo - Cutoff frequency - Frequenza di taglio + + 000'000'000 + 000'000'000 - RESO - RISO + + Time: + Tempo: - Resonance - Risonanza + + 00:00:00 + 00:00:00 - GAIN - GUAD + + BBT: + BBT: - Gain - Guadagno + + 000|00|0000 + 000|00|0000 - MIX - MIX + + Settings + Impostazioni - Mix - Mix + + BPM + BPM - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - Attiva Filtro 1 + + Use JACK Transport + Usa trasporto JACK - Filter 1 type - Tipo del Filtro 1 + + Use Ableton Link + Usa collegamento Ableton - Cutoff 1 frequency - Frequenza di taglio Filtro 1 + + &New + &Nuovo - Q/Resonance 1 - Risonanza Filtro 1 + + Ctrl+N + Ctrl+N - Gain 1 - Guadagno Filtro 1 + + &Open... + &Apri... - Mix - Mix + + + Open... + Apri... - Filter 2 enabled - Abilita Filtro 2 + + Ctrl+O + Ctrl+O - Filter 2 type - Tipo del Filtro 2 + + &Save + &Salva - Cutoff 2 frequency - Frequenza di taglio Filtro 2 + + Ctrl+S + Ctrl+S - Q/Resonance 2 - Risonanza Filtro 2 + + Save &As... + Salva &come... - Gain 2 - Guadagno Filtro 2 + + + Save As... + Salva come... - LowPass - PassaBasso + + Ctrl+Shift+S + Ctrl+Shift+S - HiPass - PassaAlto + + &Quit + &Esci - BandPass csg - PassaBanda csg + + Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+Q - BandPass czpg - PassaBanda czpg + + &Start + &Partenza - Notch - Notch + + F5 + F5 - Allpass - Passatutto + + St&op + Arrest&a - Moog - Moog + + F6 + F6 - 2x LowPass - PassaBasso 2x + + &Add Plugin... + &Aggiungi plug-in... - RC LowPass 12dB - RC PassaBasso 12dB + + Ctrl+A + Ctrl+A - RC BandPass 12dB - RC PassaBanda 12dB + + &Remove All + &Rimuovi tutto - RC HighPass 12dB - RC PassaAlto 12dB + + Enable + Abilita - RC LowPass 24dB - RC PassaBasso 24dB + + Disable + Disabilita - RC BandPass 24dB - RC PassaBanda 24dB + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + 0% bagnato (bypass) - RC HighPass 24dB - RC PassaAlto 24dB + + 100% Wet + 100% bagnato - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtro a Formante di Voce + + 0% Volume (Mute) + 0% Volume (silenziato) - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + 100% Volume + 100% Volume - SV LowPass - PassaBasso SV + + Center Balance + Bilanciamento al centro - SV BandPass - PassaBanda SV + + &Play + &Riproduci - SV HighPass - PassaAlto SV + + Ctrl+Shift+P + Ctrl+Shift+P - SV Notch - Notch SV + + &Stop + &Arresta - Fast Formant - Formante veloce + + Ctrl+Shift+X + Ctrl+Shift+X - Tripole - Tre poli + + &Backwards + &Indietro - - - Editor - Play (Space) - Play (Spazio) + + Ctrl+Shift+B + Ctrl+Shift+B - Stop (Space) - Fermo (Spazio) + + &Forwards + &Avanti - Record - Registra + + Ctrl+Shift+F + Ctrl+Shift+F - Record while playing - Registra in play + + &Arrange + &Organizza - Transport controls - Controlli trasporto + + Ctrl+G + Ctrl+G - - - Effect - Effect enabled - Effetto attivo + + + &Refresh + &Aggiorna - Wet/Dry mix - Bilanciamento Wet/Dry + + Ctrl+R + Ctrl+R - Gate - Gate + + Save &Image... + Salva &immagine... - Decay - Decadimento + + Auto-Fit + Adatta-automatico - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - Effetti abilitati + + Zoom In + Ingrandisci - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - CATENA DI EFFETTI + + Ctrl++ + Ctrl++ - Add effect - Aggiungi effetto + + Zoom Out + Riduci - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - Aggiungi effetto + + Ctrl+- + Ctrl+- - Name - Nome + + Zoom 100% + Ingrandimento 100% - Type - Tipo + + Ctrl+1 + Ctrl+1 - Description - Descrizione + + Show &Toolbar + Mostra &barra strumenti - Author - Autore + + &Configure Carla + &Configura Carla - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - Abilita o disabilita l'effetto. + + &About + &A riguardo - On/Off - On/Off + + About &JUCE + Riguardo a &JUCE - W/D - W/D + + About &Qt + Riguardo a &Qt - Wet Level: - Livello del segnale modificato: + + Show Canvas &Meters + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - La manopola Wet/Dry imposta il rapporto tra il segnale in ingresso e la quantità di effetto udibile in uscita. + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - DECAY - DECAY + + Show Internal + Mostra interno - Time: - Tempo: + + Show External + Mostra esterno - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - La manopola Decadimento controlla quanto silenzio deve esserci prima che il plugin si fermi. Valori più piccoli riducono il carico del processore ma rischiano di troncare la parte finale degli effetti di delay. + + Show Time Panel + Mostra pannello temporale - GATE - GATE + + Show &Side Panel + Mostra &pannello laterale - Gate: - Gate: + + &Connect... + &Connetti... - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - La manopola Gate controlla il livello del segnale che è considerato 'silenzio' per decidere quando smettere di processare i segnali. + + Compact Slots + Comprimi alloggiamenti - Controls - Controlli + + Expand Slots + Espandi alloggiamenti - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - I plugin di effetti funzionano come una catena di effetti sottoposti al segnale dall'alto verso il basso. - -L'interruttore On/Off permette di saltare un certo plugin in qualsiasi momento. - -La manopola Wet/Dry controlla il bilanciamento tra il segnale in ingresso e quello processato che viene emesso dall'effetto. L'ingresso di ogni stadio è costituito dall'uscita dello stadio precedente, così il segnale 'dry' degli effetti sottostanti contiene tutti i precedenti effetti. - -La manopola Decadimento controlla il tempo per cui il segnale viene processato dopo che le note sono state rilasciate. L'effetto smette di processare il segnale quando questo scende sotto una certa soglia per un certo periodo ti tempo. La manopola imposta questo periodo di tempo. Tempi maggiori richiedono una maggiore potenza del processore, quindi il tempo dovrebbe rimanere basso per la maggior parte degli effetti. È necessario aumentarlo per effetti che producono lunghi periodi di silenzio, ad es. i delay. - -La manopola Gate regola la soglia sotto la quale l'effetto smette di processare il segnale. Il conteggio del tempo di silenzio necessario inizia non appena il sengale processato scende sotto la soglia specificata. - -Il pulsante Controlli apre una finestra per modificare i parametri dell'effetto. - -Con il click destro si apre un menu conestuale che permette di cambiare l'ordine degli effetti o di eliminarli. + + Perform secret 1 + Esegui segreto 1 - Move &up - Sposta verso l'&alto + + Perform secret 2 + Esegui segreto 2 - Move &down - Sposta verso il &basso + + Perform secret 3 + Esegui segreto 3 - &Remove this plugin - &Elimina questo plugin + + Perform secret 4 + Esegui segreto 4 - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - Ritardo iniziale + + Perform secret 5 + Esegui segreto 5 - Attack - Attacco + + Add &JACK Application... + Aggiungi applicazione &JACK... - Hold - Mantenimento + + &Configure driver... + &Configura driver... - Decay - Decadimento + + Panic + Panico - Sustain - Sostegno + + Open custom driver panel... + Apri pannello driver personalizzato... + + + CarlaHostWindow - Release - Rilascio + + Export as... + Esporta come... - Modulation - Modulazione + + + + + Error + Errore - LFO Predelay - Ritardo iniziale dell'LFO + + Failed to load project + Impossibile caricare il progetto - LFO Attack - Attacco dell'LFO + + Failed to save project + Impossibile salvare il progetto - LFO speed - Velocità dell'LFO + + Quit + Esci - LFO Modulation - Modulazione dell'LFO + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + Sei sicuro di voler uscire da Carla? - LFO Wave Shape - Forma d'onda dell'LFO + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + Impossibile connettersi al back-end Audio '%1', possibili motivi: +2% - Freq x 100 - Freq x 100 + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + Impossibile connettersi al backend audio '%1' - Modulate Env-Amount - Modula la quantità di Env + + Warning + Avviso + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + Ci sono ancora alcuni plugin caricati, è necessario rimuoverli per arrestare il motore. +Vuoi farlo adesso? - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - DEL - RIT + + Show GUI + Mostra GUI + + + CarlaSettingsW - Predelay: - Ritardo iniziale: + + Settings + Impostazioni - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Questa manopola imposta il ritardo iniziale dell'envelope selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più tempo passerà prima che l'envelope effettivo inizi. + + main + principale - ATT - ATT + + canvas + - Attack: - Attacco: + + engine + motore - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Questa manopola imposta il tempo di attacco dell'envelope selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più tempo passa prima di raggiungere il livello di attacco. Scegliere un valore contenuto per strumenti come pianoforti e un valore grande per gli archi. + + osc + osc - HOLD - MANT + + file-paths + Percorsi dei file - Hold: - Mantenimento: + + plugin-paths + Percorsi plugin - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Questa manopola imposta il tempo di mantenimento dell'envelope selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più a lungo l'envelope manterrà il livello di attacco prima di cominciare a scendere verso il livello di sostegno. + + wine + wine - DEC - DEC + + experimental + Sperimentale - Decay: - Decadimento: + + Widget + Widget - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Questa manopola imposta il tempo di decdimento dell'envelope selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più lentamente l'envelope decadrà dal livello di attacco a quello di sustain. Scegliere un valore piccolo per strumenti come i pianoforti. + + + Main + Principale - SUST - SOST + + + Canvas + - Sustain: - Sostegno: + + + Engine + Motore - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Questa manopola imposta il livello di sostegno dell'envelope selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più sarà alto il livello che l'envelope manterrà prima di scendere a zero. + + File Paths + Percorsi dei file - REL - RIL + + Plugin Paths + Percorsi plugins - Release: - Rilascio: + + Wine + Wine - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Questa manopola imposta il tempo di rilascio dell'anvelope selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più tempo l'envelope impiegherà per scendere dal livello di sustain a zero. Scegliere un valore grande per strumenti dal suono morbido, come gli archi. + + + Experimental + Sperimentale - AMT - Q.TÀ + + <b>Main</b> + <b>Principale</b> - Modulation amount: - Quantità di modulazione: + + Paths + Percorsi - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Questa manopola imposta la quantità di modulazione dell'envelope selezionato. Più grande è questo valore, più la grandezza corrispondente (ad es. il volume o la frequenza di taglio) sarà influenzata da questo envelope. + + Default project folder: + Cartella progetto predefinita: - LFO predelay: - Ritardo iniziale dell'LFO: + + Interface + Interfaccia - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Questa manopola imposta il ritardo iniziale dell'LFO selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più tempo passerà prima che l'LFO inizi a oscillare. + + Interface refresh interval: + Intervallo di aggiornamento interfaccia: - LFO- attack: - Attacco dell'LFO: + + + ms + ms - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Questa manopola imposta il tempo di attaco dell'LFO selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più tempo l'LFO impiegherà per raggiungere la massima ampiezza. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + Mostra l'uscita della console nella scheda Log (necessita di riavvio del motore) - SPD - VEL + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + Visualizza messaggio di conferma prima di uscire - LFO speed: - Velocità dell'LFO: + + + Theme + Tema - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Questa manopola imposta la velocità dell'LFO selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più velocemente l'LFO oscillerà e più veloce sarà l'effetto. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + Usa il tema "PRO" di Carla (necessita di riavvio) - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Questa manopola imposta la quantità di modulazione dell'LFO selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più la grandezza selezionata (ad es. il volume o la frequenza di taglio) sarà influenzata da questo LFO. + + Color scheme: + Combinazione colori: - Click here for a sine-wave. - Cliccando qui si ha un'onda sinusoidale. + + Black + Nero - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda triangolare. + + System + Sistema - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Cliccando qui si ha un'onda a dente di sega. + + Enable experimental features + Abilita funzionalità sperimentali - Click here for a square-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda quadra. + + <b>Canvas</b> + - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Cliccando qui è possibile definire una forma d'onda personalizzata. Successivamente è possibile trascinare un file di campione nel grafico dell'LFO. + + Bezier Lines + Linee di Bezier - FREQ x 100 - FREQ x 100 + + Theme: + Tema: - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Cliccando qui la frequenza di questo LFO viene moltiplicata per 100. + + Size: + Grandezza: - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - moltiplica la frequenza dell'LFO per 100 + + 775x600 + 775x600 - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - MODULA LA QUANTITA' DI ENVELOPE + + 1550x1200 + 1550x1200 - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Cliccando qui questo LFO controlla la quantità di envelope. + + 3100x2400 + 3100x2400 - control envelope-amount by this LFO - controlla la quantità di envelope con questo LFO + + 4650x3600 + 4650x3600 - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + 6200x4800 + 6200x4800 - Hint - Suggerimento + + Options + Opzioni - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - È possibile trascinare un campione in questa finestra. + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + Nascondi automaticamente i gruppi senza porte - Click here for random wave. - Clicca qui per un'onda randomica. + + Auto-select items on hover + Selezione automatica elementi al passaggio del mouse - - - EqControls - Input gain - Guadagno in input + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + Attraente-base (ombre di gruppo) - Output gain - Guadagno in output + + Render Hints + Suggerimenti rendering - Low shelf gain - Guadagno basse frequenze + + Anti-Aliasing + Anti aliasing - Peak 1 gain - Guadagno picco 1 + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - Peak 2 gain - Guadagno picco 2 + + <b>Engine</b> + <b>Motore</b> - Peak 3 gain - Guadagno Picco 3 + + + Core + Nucleo - Peak 4 gain - Guadagno picco 4 + + Single Client + Client singolo - High Shelf gain - Guadagno alte frequenze + + Multiple Clients + Clients multipli - HP res - Ris Passa Alto + + + Continuous Rack + Rack continuo - Low Shelf res - Ris basse frequenze + + + Patchbay + Patchbay - Peak 1 BW - LB Picco 1 + + Audio driver: + Driver audio: - Peak 2 BW - LB Picco 2 + + Process mode: + Modalità processo: - Peak 3 BW - LB Picco 3 + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + Numero massimo di parametri da consentire nella finestra di dialogo integrata "Modifica" - Peak 4 BW - LB Picco 4 + + Max Parameters: + Parametri massimi: - High Shelf res - Ris alte frequenze + + ... + ... - LP res - Ris Passa Basso + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + Ripristina contatore Xrun dopo il caricamento del progetto - HP freq - Freq Passa Alto + + Plugin UIs + UIs plugin - Low Shelf freq - Freq basse frequenze + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + Tempo di attesa che le GUI OSC eseguano il ping dell'host - Peak 1 freq - Frequenza picco 1 + + UI Bridge Timeout: + Sospensione bridge UI: - Peak 2 freq - Frequenza picco 2 + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + Usare i bridge OSC-GUI quando possibile, questo modo separa l'interfaccia utente dal codice DSP - Peak 3 freq - Frequenza picco 3 + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + Utilizzare le UI bridge anziché la gestione diretta, quando possibile - Peak 4 freq - Frequenza picco 4 + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + Rendi le UIs dei plugin sempre in primo piano - High shelf freq - Freq alte frequenze + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + Fai comparire le UIs del plugin sopra Carla (necessita di riavvio) - LP freq - Freq Passa Basso + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + NOTA: le UI del plugin-bridge non possono essere gestite da Carla su macOS - HP active - Attiva Passa Alto + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Riavvia il motore per caricare le nuove impostazioni - Low shelf active - Attiva basse frequenze + + <b>OSC</b> + <b>OSC</b> - Peak 1 active - Attiva picco 1 + + Enable OSC + Abilita OSC - Peak 2 active - Attiva picco 2 + + Enable TCP port + Abilita porta TCP - Peak 3 active - Attiva picco 3 + + + Use specific port: + Usa porta specifica: - Peak 4 active - Attiva picco 4 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + Sostituito da CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var - High shelf active - Attiva alte frequenze + + + Use randomly assigned port + Usa porta assegnata in modo casuale - LP active - Attiva Passa Basso + + Enable UDP port + Abilita porta UDP - LP 12 - Passa Basso 12 dB + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + Sostituito da CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var - LP 24 - Passa Basso 24 dB + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + Le UI DSSI richiedono la porta UDP OSC abilitata - LP 48 - Passa Basso 48 dB + + <b>File Paths</b> + <b>Percorsi file</b> - HP 12 - Passa Alto 12 dB + + Audio + Audio - HP 24 - Passa Alto 24 dB + + MIDI + MIDI - HP 48 - Passa Alto 48 dB + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + Utilizzato per il plugin "fileaudio" - low pass type - Tipo di passa basso + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + Utilizzato per il plugin "midifile" - high pass type - Tipo di passa alto + + + Add... + Aggiungi... - Analyse IN - Analizza Input + + + Remove + Rimuovi - Analyse OUT - Analizza Output + + + Change... + Cambia... - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - PA + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + <b>Percorsi plugin</b> - Low Shelf - Bassi + + LADSPA + LADSPA - Peak 1 - Picco 1 + + DSSI + DSSI - Peak 2 - Picco 2 + + LV2 + LV2 - Peak 3 - Picco 3 + + VST2 + VST2 - Peak 4 - Picco 4 + + VST3 + VST3 - High Shelf - Acuti + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - LP - PB + + SFZ + SFZ - In Gain - Guadagno in input + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + Riavvia Carla per trovare nuovi plugin - Gain - Guadagno + + <b>Wine</b> + <b>Wine</b> - Out Gain - Guadagno in output + + Executable + Eseguibile - Bandwidth: - Larghezza di banda: + + Path to 'wine' binary: + Percorso per binario 'wine': - Resonance : - Risonanza: + + Prefix + Prefisso - Frequency: - Frequenza: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + Rilevamento automatico del prefisso Wine in base al nome del file del plug-in - lp grp - lp grp + + Fallback: + Alternativa: - hp grp - hp grp + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + Nota: WINEPREFIX env var è preferito rispetto a questa alternativa - Octave - Ottave + + Realtime Priority + Priorità in tempo reale - - - EqHandle - Reso: - Risonanza: + + Base priority: + Priorità di base: - BW: - Largh: + + WineServer priority: + Priorità WineServer: - Freq: - Freq: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + Queste opzioni non sono disponibili per Carla come plugin - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - Esporta il progetto + + <b>Experimental</b> + <b>Sperimentale</b> - Output - Codifica + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + Opzioni sperimentali! Probabilmente instabile! - File format: - Formato file: + + Enable plugin bridges + Abilita i bridges plugin - Samplerate: - Frequenza di campionamento: + + Enable Wine bridges + Abilita i bridges Wine - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Enable jack applications + Abilita applicazioni jack - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 + Esporta plugins singoli in LV2 - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + Carica il backend di Carla nello spazio globale dei nomi (NON CONSIGLIATO) - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + Attraente (gruppi di dissolvenza in apertura/chiusura, connessioni luminose) - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + Usa OpenGL per il rendering (necessita di riavvio) - Bitrate: - Bitrate: + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + Antialiasing di alta qualità (solo OpenGL) - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + Renderizza in stile-Ardour : "Visualizza in linea" - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + Forza i plugins mono come stereo eseguendo 2 istanze contemporaneamente. +Questa modalità non è disponibile per i plugins VST. - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo + Forza i plugins mono come stereo - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + Impedisci ai plugins di causare errori (necessita di riavvio) - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + Quando possibile, esegui i plugins in modalità bridge. - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + Esegui i plugin in modalità bridge quando possibile - Depth: - Risoluzione Bit: - - - 16 Bit Integer - Interi 16 Bit - - - 32 Bit Float - Virgola mobile 32 Bit - - - Quality settings - Impostazioni qualità + + + + + Add Path + Aggiungi percorso + + + CompressorControlDialog - Interpolation: - Interpolazione: + + Threshold: + - Zero Order Hold - Zero Order Hold + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - Sinc Fastest - Più veloce + + Ratio: + Rapporto: - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Sinc Medium (suggerito) + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Sinc Best (molto lento!) + + Attack: + Attacco: - Oversampling (use with care!): - Oversampling (usare con cura!): + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - 1x (None) - 1x (Nessuna) + + Release: + Rilascio: - 2x - 2x + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - 4x - 4x + + Knee: + - 8x - 8x + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - Start - Inizia + + Range: + - Cancel - Annulla + + Maximum gain reduction + - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Esporta come loop (rimuove il silenzio finale) + + Lookahead Length: + - Export between loop markers - Esporta solo tra i punti di loop + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - Could not open file - Non è stato possibile aprire il file + + Hold: + Mantenimento: - Export project to %1 - Esporta il progetto in %1 + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Error - Errore + + RMS Size: + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di determinare il dispositivo per la codifica del file. Si prega di selezionare un formato differente. + + Size of the RMS buffer + - Rendering: %1% - Renderizzazione: %1% + + Input Balance: + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Impossibile scrivere sul file %1. -Si prega di controllare i permessi di scrittura sul file e la cartella che lo contiene, e poi riprovare! + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - 24 Bit Integer - Interi 24 Bit + + Output Balance: + - Use variable bitrate - Usa bitrate variabile + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Stereo mode: + + Stereo Balance: - Stereo + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side - Joint Stereo + + Stereo Link Blend: - Mono + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - Compression level: + + Tilt Gain: - (fastest) + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - (default) + + Tilt Frequency: - (smallest) + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - - - Expressive - Selected graph - Grafico selezionato + + Mix: + - A1 + + Balance between wet and dry signals - A2 + + Auto Attack: - A3 + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - W1 smoothing + + Auto Release: - W2 smoothing + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - W3 smoothing - + + Output gain + Guadagno in uscita - PAN1 - + + + Gain + Guadagno - PAN2 + + Output volume - REL TRANS - + + Input gain + Guadagno in ingresso - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Inserire un valore compreso tra %1 e %2: + + Input volume + - - - FileBrowser - Browser - Browser + + Root Mean Square + - Search + + Use RMS of the input - Refresh list + + Peak - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - Sostituisci questo strumento alla traccia attiva + + Use absolute value of the input + - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - Usa in una nuova traccia nel B+B Editor + + Left/Right + - Loading sample - Caricamento campione + + Compress left and right audio + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Attendere, stiamo caricando il file per l'anteprima... + + Mid/Side + - --- Factory files --- - --- File di fabbrica --- + + Compress mid and side audio + - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - Usa in una nuova traccia nel Song-Editor + + Compressor + - Error - Errore + + Compress the audio + - does not appear to be a valid - non sembra essere un file + + Limiter + - file - valido + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - Campioni di Delay + + Unlinked + - Lfo Frequency - Frequenza Lfo + + Compress each channel separately + - Seconds - Secondi + + Maximum + - Regen - Regen + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - Noise - Rumore + + Average + - Invert - Inverti + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: - Tempo di Ritardo: + + Minimum + - Feedback Amount: - Quantità di Feedback: + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - White Noise Amount: - Quantità di Rumore Bianco: + + Blend + - DELAY - DELAY + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - RATE - RATE + + Auto Makeup Gain + - AMNT - Q.TÀ + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - Amount: - Quantità: + + + Soft Clip + - FDBK - FDBK + + Play the delta signal + - NOISE - RUMORE + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - Invert - INVERTI + + Lookahead Enabled + - Period: + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency - FxLine + CompressorControls - Channel send amount - Quantità di segnale inviata dal canale + + Threshold + - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - Il canale FX riceve input da uno o più tracce strumentali. -Il segnale così ricevuto può essere girato ad altri canali FX. LMMS eviterà che si creino cicli infiniti non permettendo la creazione di connessioni pericolose in tal senso. - -Per inviare il suono di un canale ad un altro, seleziona il canale FX e premi sul pulsante "send" su un altro canale a cui vuoi inviare segnale. La manopola sotto il pulsante send controlla il livello di segnale che viene ricevuto dal canale. - -Puoi rimuovere e muovere i canali con il menù contestuale, cliccando con il tasto destro su un canale FX. + + Ratio + Rapporto dinamico - Move &left - Sposta a &sinistra + + Attack + Attacco - Move &right - Sposta a $destra + + Release + Rilascio - Rename &channel - Rinomina &canale + + Knee + - R&emove channel - R&imuovi canale + + Hold + Mantenimento - Remove &unused channels - Rimuovi i canali in&utilizzati + + Range + - - - FxMixer - Master - Master + + RMS Size + - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Mid/Side + - Volume - Volume + + Peak Mode + - Mute - Muto + + Lookahead Length + - Solo - Solo + + Input Balance + - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - Mixer FX + + Output Balance + - FX Fader %1 - Volume FX %1 + + Limiter + - Mute - Muto + + Output Gain + Guadagno output - Mute this FX channel - Silenzia questo canale FX + + Input Gain + Guadagno input - Solo - Solo + + Blend + - Solo FX channel - Ascolta questo canale da solo + + Stereo Balance + - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Quantità da mandare dal canale %1 al canale %2 + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - - GigInstrument - Bank - Banco + + Audition + - Patch - Patch + + Feedback + Feedback - Gain - Guadagno + + Auto Attack + - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file - Apri un altro file GIG + + Auto Release + - Click here to open another GIG file - Clicca per aprire un nuovo file GIG + + Lookahead + - Choose the patch - Seleziona il patch + + Tilt + - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - Clicca per scegliere quale patch del file GIG usare + + Tilt Frequency + - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - Cambia lo strumento del file GIG da suonare + + Stereo Link + - Which GIG file is currently being used - Strumento del file GIG attualmente in uso + + Mix + Mix + + + Controller - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - Patch del file GIG attualmente in uso + + Controller %1 + Controller %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - Gain - Guadagno + + Connection Settings + Impostazioni connessione - Factor to multiply samples by - Moltiplica i campioni per questo fattore + + MIDI CONTROLLER + CONTROLLER MIDI - Open GIG file - Apri file GIG + + Input channel + Canale di ingresso - GIG Files (*.gig) - File GIG (*.gig) + + CHANNEL + CANALE - - - GuiApplication - Working directory - Directory di lavoro + + Input controller + Controller di ingresso - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - La directory di lavoro di LMMS %1 non esiste. La creo adesso? Questa directory può essere cambiata in un secondo momento dal menu Modifica -> Impostazioni. + + CONTROLLER + CONTROLLER - Preparing UI - Caricamento interfaccia + + + Auto Detect + Rilevamento automatico - Preparing song editor - Caricamento Song Editor + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + Le periferiche MIDI ricevono eventi MIDI da - Preparing mixer - Caricamento Mixer + + USER CONTROLLER + CONTROLLER PERSONALIZZATO - Preparing controller rack - Caricamento rack di Controller + + MAPPING FUNCTION + FUNZIONE DI MAPPATURA - Preparing project notes - Caricamento note del progetto + + OK + OK - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Caricamento beat e bassline editor + + Cancel + Annulla - Preparing piano roll - Caricamento Piano Roll + + LMMS + LMMS - Preparing automation editor - Caricamento Editor di Automazione + + Cycle Detected. + Ciclo rilevato. - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - - Arpeggio - Arpeggio - + ControllerRackView - Arpeggio type - Tipo di arpeggio + + Controller Rack + Rack di Controller - Arpeggio range - Ampiezza dell'arpeggio + + Add + Aggiungi - Arpeggio time - Tempo dell'arpeggio + + Confirm Delete + Conferma eliminazione - Arpeggio gate - Gate dell'arpeggio + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Confermi l'eliminazione? Ci sono collegamenti associati a questo controller: non sarà possibile ripristinarli. + + + ControllerView - Arpeggio direction - Direzione dell'arpeggio + + Controls + Controlli - Arpeggio mode - Modo dell'arpeggio + + Rename controller + Rinomina controller - Up - Su + + Enter the new name for this controller + Inserire nuovo nome per questo controller - Down - Giù + + LFO + LFO - Up and down - Su e giù + + &Remove this controller + &Rimuovi questo controller - Random - Casuale + + Re&name this controller + Ri&nomina questo controller + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Free - Libero + + Band 1/2 crossover: + Punto di separazione 1/2: - Sort - Ordinato + + Band 2/3 crossover: + Punto di separazione 2/3: - Sync - Sincronizzato + + Band 3/4 crossover: + Punto di separazione 3/4: - Down and up - Giù e su + + Band 1 gain + Guadagno banda 1 - Skip rate - Frequanza di Salto + + Band 1 gain: + Guadagno banda 1: - Miss rate - Frequanza di Sbaglio + + Band 2 gain + Guadagno banda 2 - Cycle steps - Note ruotate + + Band 2 gain: + Guadagno banda 2: - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGGIO + + Band 3 gain + Guadagno banda 3 - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - Un arpeggio è un modo di suonare alcuni strumenti (pizzicati in particolare), che rende la musica più viva. Le corde di tali strumenti (ad es. un'arpa) vengono pizzicate come accordi. L'unica differenza è che ciò viene fatto in ordine sequenziale, in modo che le note non vengano suonate allo stesso tempo. Arpeggi tipici sono quelli sulle triadi maggiore o minore, ma ci sono molte altre possibilità tra le quali si può scegliere. + + Band 3 gain: + Guadagno banda 3: - RANGE - AMPIEZZA + + Band 4 gain + Guadagno banda 4 - Arpeggio range: - Ampiezza dell'arpeggio: + + Band 4 gain: + Guadagno banda 4: - octave(s) - ottava(e) + + Band 1 mute + Muto banda 1 - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - Questa manopola imposta l'ampiezza in ottave dell'arpeggio. L'arpeggio selezionato verrà suonato all'interno del numero di ottave impostato. + + Mute band 1 + Muto banda 1 - TIME - TEMPO + + Band 2 mute + Muto banda 2 - Arpeggio time: - Tempo dell'arpeggio: + + Mute band 2 + Muto banda 2 - ms - ms + + Band 3 mute + Muto banda 3 - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Questa manopola imposta l'ampiezza dell'arpeggio in millisecondi. Il tempo dell'arpeggio specifica per quanto tempo ogni nota dell'arpeggio deve essere eseguita. + + Mute band 3 + Muto banda 3 - GATE - GATE + + Band 4 mute + Muto banda 4 - Arpeggio gate: - Gate dell'arpeggio: + + Mute band 4 + Muto banda 4 + + + DelayControls - % - % + + Delay samples + Campioni di delay - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - Questa manopola imposta il gate dell'arpeggio. Il gate dell'arpeggio specifica la percentuale di ogni nota che deve essere eseguita. In questo modo si possono creare arpeggi particolari, con le note staccate. + + Feedback + Feedback - Chord: - Tipo di arpeggio: + + LFO frequency + Frequenza LFO - Direction: - Direzione: + + LFO amount + Ampiezza LFO - Mode: - Modo: + + Output gain + Guadagno in uscita + + + DelayControlsDialog - SKIP - SALTA + + DELAY + TEMPO - Skip rate: - Frequanza di Salto: + + Delay time + Tempo di ritardo - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - Con la funzione di salto, l'arpeggiatore metterà in pausa uno step in modo casuale. Alla posizione minima non verrà applicata alcuna variazione. Aumentando il valore, invece, si arriva gradualmente ad una completa casualità dell'effetto. + + FDBK + FDBK - MISS - SBAGLIA + + Feedback amount + Quantità di feedback - Miss rate: - Frequanza di Sbaglio: + + RATE + TEMPO - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - La funzione di sbaglio farà "sbagliare" l'arpeggiatore, che suonerà un'altra nota rispetto a quella normalmente prevista. + + LFO frequency + Frequenza LFO - CYCLE - RUOTA + + AMNT + Q.TÀ - Cycle notes: - Note ruotate: + + LFO amount + Ampiezza LFO - note(s) - nota(e) + + Out gain + Guadagno in uscita - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. - Salta n note dell'arpeggio e torna indietro quando supera l'ampiezza. Se il numero di note totali è divisibile per il numero di note saltate, l'arpeggio risulterà più piccolo, eventualmente di una sola nota. + + Gain + Guadagno - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + Dialog - octave - ottava + + Add JACK Application + Aggiungi applicazione JACK - Major - Maggiore + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + Nota: le funzionalità non ancora implementate sono disattivate - Majb5 - Majb5 + + Application + Applicazione - minor - minore + + Name: + Nome: - minb5 - minb5 + + Application: + Applicazione: - sus2 - sus2 + + From template + Dal modello - sus4 - sus4 + + Custom + Personalizzato - aug - aug + + Template: + Modello: - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Command: + Comando: - tri - triade + + Setup + Configurazione - 6 - 6 + + Session Manager: + Gestore sessioni: - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + None + Nessuna - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Audio inputs: + Ingressi audio: - m6 - m6 + + MIDI inputs: + Ingressi MIDI: - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Audio outputs: + Uscite audio: - 7 - 7 + + MIDI outputs: + Uscite MIDI: - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Take control of main application window + Prendi il controllo della finestra principale dell'applicazione - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Workarounds + Soluzioni alternative - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + Attendi l'avvio di un'applicazione esterna (avanzato, solo per debug) - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + Cattura solo la prima finestra X11 - 7b9 - 7b9 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + Usa il buffer di uscita del client precedente come ingresso per il client successivo - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + Simula 16 uscite MIDI JACK, con canale MIDI come indice di porta - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Error here + Errore qui - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Carla Control - Connect + Carla Control - Connetti - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Remote setup + Configurazione remota - 7add13 - 7add13 + + UDP Port: + Porta UDP: - 7#11 - 7#11 + + Remote host: + Host remoto: - Maj7 - Maj7 + + TCP Port: + Porta TCP: - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + Reported host + Host segnalato - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + Automatic + Automatico - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + Custom: + Personalizzato: - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + In alcune reti (come le connessioni USB), il sistema remoto non può raggiungere la rete locale. È possibile specificare qui a quale nome host o IP a cui connettere Carla in remoto. +Se non sei sicuro, lascialo su "Automatico". - m7 - m7 + + Set value + Imposta valore - m7b5 - m7b5 + + TextLabel + TextLabel - m7b9 - m7b9 + + Scale Points + Punti di scala + + + DriverSettingsW - m7add11 - m7add11 + + Driver Settings + Impostazioni driver - m7add13 - m7add13 + + Device: + Dispositivo: - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Buffer size: + Dimensione buffer: - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + Sample rate: + Frequenza di campionamento: - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + Triple buffer + Buffer triplo - 9 - 9 + + Show Driver Control Panel + Mostra pannello di controllo driver - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Riavvia il motore per caricare le nuove impostazioni + + + DualFilterControlDialog - add9 - add9 + + + FREQ + FREQ - 9#5 - 9#5 + + + Cutoff frequency + Frequenza di taglio - 9b5 - 9b5 + + + RESO + RISO - 9#11 - 9#11 + + + Resonance + Risonanza - 9b13 - 9b13 + + + GAIN + GUAD - Maj9 - Maj9 + + + Gain + Guadagno - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + MIX + MIX - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + Mix + Mix - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtro 1 abilitato - m9 - m9 + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtro 2 abilitato - madd9 - madd9 + + Enable/disable filter 1 + Abilita/disabilita filtro 1 - m9b5 - m9b5 + + Enable/disable filter 2 + Abilita/disabilita filtro 2 + + + DualFilterControls - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtro 1 abilitato - 11 - 11 + + Filter 1 type + Filtro di tipo 1 - 11b9 - 11b9 + + Cutoff frequency 1 + Frequenza di taglio 1 - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Q/Resonance 1 + Risonanza Filtro 1 - m11 - m11 + + Gain 1 + Guadagno Filtro 1 - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + Mix + Mix - 13 - 13 + + Filter 2 enabled + Abilita Filtro 2 - 13#9 - 13#9 + + Filter 2 type + Tipo del Filtro 2 - 13b9 - 13b9 + + Cutoff frequency 2 + Frequenza di taglio 2 - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + Q/Resonance 2 + Risonanza Filtro 2 - Maj13 - Maj13 + + Gain 2 + Guadagno Filtro 2 - m13 - m13 + + + Low-pass + Passa-basso - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + + Hi-pass + Passa-alto - Harmonic minor - Minore armonica + + + Band-pass csg + Passa-banda csg - Melodic minor - Minore melodica + + + Band-pass czpg + Passa-banda czpg - Whole tone - Toni interi + + + Notch + Notch - Diminished - Diminuita + + + All-pass + Passa-tutto - Major pentatonic - Pentatonica maggiore + + + Moog + Moog - Minor pentatonic - Pentatonica minore + + + 2x Low-pass + Passa-basso 2x - Jap in sen - Jap in sen + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + Passa-basso RC 12 dB/ott - Major bebop - Bebop maggiore + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + Passa-banda RC 12 dB/ott - Dominant bebop - Bebop dominante + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + Passa-alto RC 12 dB/ott - Blues - Blues + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + Passa-basso RC 24 dB/ott - Arabic - Araba + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + Passa-banda RC 24 dB/ott - Enigmatic - Enigmatica + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + Passa-alto RC 24 dB/ott - Neopolitan - Napoletana + + + Vocal Formant + Formante Vocale - Neopolitan minor - Napoletana minore + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Hungarian minor - Ungherese minore + + + SV Low-pass + Passa-basso SV - Dorian - Dorica + + + SV Band-pass + Passa-banda SV - Phrygolydian - Frigia + + + SV High-pass + Passa-alto SV - Lydian - Lidia + + + SV Notch + Notch SV - Mixolydian - Misolidia + + + Fast Formant + Formante veloce - Aeolian - Eolia + + + Tripole + Tre poli + + + Editor - Locrian - Locria + + Transport controls + Controlli trasporto - Chords - Accordi + + Play (Space) + Play (Spazio) - Chord type - Tipo di accordo + + Stop (Space) + Fermo (Spazio) - Chord range - Ampiezza dell'accordo + + Record + Registra - Minor - Minore + + Record while playing + Registra in play - Chromatic - Cromatica + + Toggle Step Recording + Attiva/disattiva registrazione a passi + + + Effect - Half-Whole Diminished - Diminuita semitono-tono + + Effect enabled + Effetto attivo - 5 - Quinta + + Wet/Dry mix + Bilanciamento Wet/Dry - Phrygian dominant - Frigia dominante + + Gate + Gate - Persian - Persiana + + Decay + Decadimento - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + EffectChain - RANGE - AMPIEZZA + + Effects enabled + Effetti abilitati + + + EffectRackView - Chord range: - Ampiezza degli accordi: + + EFFECTS CHAIN + CATENA DI EFFETTI - octave(s) - ottava(e) + + Add effect + Aggiungi effetto + + + EffectSelectDialog - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Questa manopola imposta l'ampiezza degli accordi in ottave. L'accordo selezionato verrà eseguito all'interno del numero di ottave impostato. + + Add effect + Aggiungi effetto - STACKING - ACCORDI + + + Name + Nome - Chord: - Tipo di accordo: + + Type + Tipo - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - ABILITA INGRESSO MIDI + + Description + Descrizione - CHANNEL - CANALE + + Author + Autore + + + EffectView - VELOCITY - VALOCITY + + On/Off + On/Off - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - ABILITA USCITA MIDI + + W/D + W/D - PROGRAM - PROGRAMMA + + Wet Level: + Livello del segnale modificato: - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - Periferica MIDI da cui ricevere segnali MIDi + + DECAY + DECAY - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - Periferica MIDI a cui mandare segnali MIDI + + Time: + Tempo: - NOTE - NOTA + + GATE + GATE - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - VELOCITY BASE PERSONALIZZATA + + Gate: + Gate: - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - Specifica la normalizzazione della velocity per strumenti MIDI al volume della nota 100% + + Controls + Controlli - BASE VELOCITY - VELOCITY BASE + + Move &up + Sposta verso l'&alto - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH - TRASPORTO + + Move &down + Sposta verso il &basso - Enables the use of Master Pitch - Abilita l'uso del Trasporto + + &Remove this plugin + &Elimina questo plugin - InstrumentSoundShaping + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - VOLUME - VOLUME + + Env pre-delay + Pre-ritardo inv - Volume - Volume + + Env attack + Attacco inv - CUTOFF - CUTOFF + + Env hold + Mantenimento inv - Cutoff frequency - Frequenza di taglio + + Env decay + Decadimento inv - RESO - RISO + + Env sustain + Sostegno inv - Resonance - Risonanza + + Env release + Rilascio inv - Envelopes/LFOs - Envelope/LFO + + Env mod amount + Quantità mod inv - Filter type - Tipo di filtro + + LFO pre-delay + Ritardo iniziale LFO - Q/Resonance - Q/Risonanza + + LFO attack + Attacco LFO - LowPass - PassaBasso + + LFO frequency + Frequenza LFO - HiPass - PassaAlto + + LFO mod amount + Quantità mod LFO - BandPass csg - PassaBanda csg + + LFO wave shape + Forma d'onda LFO - BandPass czpg - PassaBanda czpg + + LFO frequency x 100 + Frequenza LFO x 100 - Notch - Notch + + Modulate env amount + Modula quantità inv + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView - Allpass - Passatutto + + + DEL + RIT - Moog - Moog + + + Pre-delay: + Ritardo iniziale: - 2x LowPass - PassaBasso 2x + + + ATT + ATT - RC LowPass 12dB - RC PassaBasso 12dB + + + Attack: + Attacco: - RC BandPass 12dB - RC PassaBanda 12dB + + HOLD + MANT - RC HighPass 12dB - RC PassaAlto 12dB + + Hold: + Mantenimento: - RC LowPass 24dB - RC PassaBasso 24dB + + DEC + DEC - RC BandPass 24dB - RC PassaBanda 24dB + + Decay: + Decadimento: - RC HighPass 24dB - RC PassaAlto 24dB + + SUST + SOST - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtro a Formante di Voce + + Sustain: + Sostegno: - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + REL + RIL - SV LowPass - PassaBasso SV + + Release: + Rilascio: - SV BandPass - PassaBanda SV + + + AMT + Q.TÀ - SV HighPass - PassaAlto SV + + + Modulation amount: + Quantità di modulazione: - SV Notch - Notch SV + + SPD + VEL - Fast Formant - Formante veloce + + Frequency: + Frequenza: - Tripole - Tre poli + + FREQ x 100 + FREQ x 100 - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - OBIETTIVO + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + moltiplica frequenza dell'LFO per 100 - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Queste schede contengono envelopes. Sono molto importanti per modificare i suoni, senza contare che sono quasi sempre necessarie per la sintesi sottrattiva. Per esempio se si usa un envelope per il volume, si può impostare quando un suono avrà un certo volume. Si potrebbero voler creare archi dal suono morbido, allora il suono deve iniziare e finire in modo molto morbido; ciò si ottiene impostando tempi di attacco e di rilascio ampi. Lo stesso vale per le altre funzioni degli envelope, come il panning, la frequenza di taglio dei filtri e così via. Bisogna semplicemente giocarci un po'! Si possono ottenere suoni veramente interessanti a partire da un'onda a dente di sega usando soltanto qualche envelope...! + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + MODULA QUANTITA' INVILUPPO - FILTER - FILTRO + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + controlla la quantità di inviluppo con questo LFO - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Qui è possibile selezionare il filtro da usare per questa traccia. I filtri sono molto importanti per cambiare le caratteristiche del suono. + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: - Hz - Hz + + Hint + Suggerimento - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Questa manopola imposta la frequenza di taglio del filtro. La frequenza di taglio specifica la frequenza a cui viene tagliato il segnate di un filtro. Per esempio un filtro passa-basso taglia tutte le frequenze sopra la frequenza di taglio, mentre un filtro passa-alto taglia tutte le frequenza al di sotto della frequenza di taglio e così via... + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + Trascina e rilascia un campione in questa finestra. + + + EqControls - RESO - RISO + + Input gain + Guadagno in input - Resonance: - Risonanza: + + Output gain + Guadagno in output - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Questa manopola imposta il parametro (Q) per la risonanza del filtro selezionato. Il parametro per la risonanza specifica l'ampiezza della campana di frequenze intorno alla frequenza di taglio che devono essere amplificate. + + Low-shelf gain + Guadagno basse frequenze - FREQ - FREQ + + Peak 1 gain + Guadagno picco 1 - cutoff frequency: - Frequenza del cutoff: + + Peak 2 gain + Guadagno picco 2 - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - Gli inviluppi, gli LFO e i filtri non sono supportati dallo strumento corrente. + + Peak 3 gain + Guadagno Picco 3 - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - traccia_senza_nome + + Peak 4 gain + Guadagno picco 4 - Volume - Volume + + High-shelf gain + Guadagno alte frequenze - Panning - Panning + + HP res + Ris Passa Alto - Pitch - Altezza + + Low-shelf res + Ris basse frequenze - FX channel - Canale FX + + Peak 1 BW + LB Picco 1 - Default preset - Impostazioni predefinite + + Peak 2 BW + LB Picco 2 - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Questa manopola imposta il volume del canale. + + Peak 3 BW + LB Picco 3 - Base note - Nota base + + Peak 4 BW + LB Picco 4 - Pitch range - Estenzione dell'altezza + + High-shelf res + Ris alte frequenze - Master Pitch - Trasporto + + LP res + Ris Passa Basso - - - InstrumentTrackView - Volume - Volume + + HP freq + Freq Passa Alto - Volume: - Volume: + + Low-shelf freq + Freq basse frequenze - VOL - VOL + + Peak 1 freq + Frequenza picco 1 - Panning - Panning + + Peak 2 freq + Frequenza picco 2 - Panning: - Panning: + + Peak 3 freq + Frequenza picco 3 - PAN - PAN + + Peak 4 freq + Frequenza picco 4 - MIDI - MIDI + + High-shelf freq + Freq alte frequenze - Input - Ingresso + + LP freq + Freq Passa Basso - Output - Uscita + + HP active + Attiva Passa Alto - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Low-shelf active + Attiva basse frequenze - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS - IMPOSTAZIONI GENERALI + + Peak 1 active + Attiva picco 1 - Instrument volume - Volume dello strumento + + Peak 2 active + Attiva picco 2 - Volume: - Volume: + + Peak 3 active + Attiva picco 3 - VOL - VOL + + Peak 4 active + Attiva picco 4 - Panning - Panning + + High-shelf active + Attiva alte frequenze - Panning: - Panning: + + LP active + Attiva Passa Basso - PAN - PAN + + LP 12 + Passa Basso 12 dB - Pitch - Altezza + + LP 24 + Passa Basso 24 dB - Pitch: - Altezza: + + LP 48 + Passa Basso 48 dB - cents - centesimi + + HP 12 + Passa Alto 12 dB - PITCH - ALTEZZA + + HP 24 + Passa Alto 24 dB - FX channel - Canale FX + + HP 48 + Passa Alto 48 dB - FX - FX + + Low-pass type + Tipo di passa basso - Save preset - Salva il preset + + High-pass type + Tipo di passa alto - XML preset file (*.xpf) - File di preset XML (*.xpf) - - - Pitch range (semitones) - Ampiezza dell'altezza (in semitoni) + + Analyse IN + Analizza Input - RANGE - AMPIEZZA + + Analyse OUT + Analizza Output + + + EqControlsDialog - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Salva le impostazioni di questa traccia in un file preset + + HP + PA - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Clicca qui per salvare lo strumento corrente come preset. Al prossimo avvio, questo preset sarà visibile nel preset browser ("I miei preset"). + + Low-shelf + Basse frequenze (Low-shelf) - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Usa questi controlli per visualizzare e modificare la prossima traccia o quella precedente nel Song Editor + + Peak 1 + Picco 1 - SAVE - SALVA + + Peak 2 + Picco 2 - Envelope, filter & LFO - + + Peak 3 + Picco 3 - Chord stacking & arpeggio - + + Peak 4 + Picco 4 - Effects - + + High-shelf + Alte frequenze (High-shelf) - MIDI settings - Impostazioni MIDI + + LP + PB - Miscellaneous - + + Input gain + Guadagno in input - Plugin - + + + + Gain + Guadagno - - - Knob - Set linear - Modalità lineare + + Output gain + Guadagno in output - Set logarithmic - Modalità logaritmica + + Bandwidth: + Larghezza di banda: - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Inserire un valore compreso tra %1 e %2: + + Octave + Ottave - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Inserire un nuovo valore tra -96.0 dBFS e 6.0 dBFS: + + Resonance : + Risonanza: - - - LadspaControl - Link channels - Abbina i canali + + Frequency: + Frequenza: - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - Canali abbinati + + LP group + Gruppo PB - Channel - Canale + + HP group + Gruppo PA - LadspaControlView + EqHandle - Link channels - Abbina i canali + + Reso: + Risonanza: - Value: - Valore: + + BW: + Largh: - Sorry, no help available. - Spiacente, nessun aiuto disponibile. + + + Freq: + Freq: - LadspaEffect + ExportProjectDialog - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Il plugin LADSPA %1 richiesto è sconosciuto. + + Export project + Esporta il progetto - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Inserire un valore compreso tra %1 e %2: + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + Esporta come loop (rimuove la battuta extra) - - - LeftRightNav - Previous - Precedente + + Export between loop markers + Esporta solo tra i punti di loop - Next - Successivo + + Render Looped Section: + Rendering sezione ciclica: - Previous (%1) - Precedente (%1) + + time(s) + - Next (%1) - Successivo (%1) + + File format settings + Impostazioni formato file - - - LfoController - LFO Controller - Controller dell'LFO + + File format: + Formato file: - Base value - Valore di base + + Sampling rate: + Frequenza di campionamento: - Oscillator speed - Velocità dell'oscillatore + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz - Oscillator amount - Quantità di oscillatore + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz - Oscillator phase - Fase dell'oscillatore + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz - Oscillator waveform - Forma d'onda dell'oscillatore + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz - Frequency Multiplier - Moltiplicatore della frequenza + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + Bit depth: + Risoluzione Bit: - LFO Controller - Controller dell'LFO + + 16 Bit integer + Interi 16 Bit - BASE - BASE + + 24 Bit integer + Interi 24 Bit - Base amount: - Quantità di base: + + 32 Bit float + Virgola mobile 32 Bit - todo - da fare + + Stereo mode: + Modalità Stereofonia: - SPD - VEL + + Mono + Monofonico - LFO-speed: - Velocità dell'LFO: + + Stereo + Stereofonico - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Questa manopola imposta la velocità dell'LFO selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più velocemente l'LFO oscillerà e più veloce sarà l'effetto. + + Joint stereo + Stereofonia compressa (Joint stereo) - Modulation amount: - Quantità di modulazione: + + Compression level: + Livello compressione: - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Questa manopola imposta la quantità di modulazione dell'LFO selezionato. Più grande è questo valore più la variabile selezionata (ad es. il volume o la frequenza di taglio) sarà influenzata da questo LFO. + + Bitrate: + Bitrate: - PHS - FASE + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s - Phase offset: - Scostamento della fase: + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s - degrees - gradi + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Questa manopola regola lo scostamento della fase per l'LFO. Ciò significa spostare il punto dell'oscillazione da cui parte l'oscillatore. Per esempio, con un'onda sinusoidale e uno scostamento della fase di 180 gradi, l'onda inizierà scendendo. Lo stesso vale per un'onda quadra. + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s - Click here for a sine-wave. - Cliccando qui si ha un'onda sinusoidale. + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda triangolare. + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s - Click here for a saw-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda a dente di sega. + + Use variable bitrate + Usa bitrate variabile - Click here for a square-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda quadra. + + Quality settings + Impostazioni qualità - Click here for an exponential wave. - Cliccando qui si ha un'onda esponenziale. + + Interpolation: + Interpolazione: - Click here for white-noise. - Cliccando qui si ottiene rumore bianco. + + Zero order hold + Basilare (Zero-order hold) - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Cliccando qui si usa un'onda definita dall'utente. -Fare doppio click per scegliere il file dell'onda. + + Sinc worst (fastest) + Sinc peggiore (veloce) - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - Clicca per usare un'onda Moog a banda limitata. + + Sinc medium (recommended) + Sinc medio (suggerito) - AMNT - Q.TÀ + + Sinc best (slowest) + Sinc migliore (lento) - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables - Generazione wavetable + + Oversampling: + Sovracampionamento: - Initializing data structures - Inizializzazione strutture dati + + 1x (None) + 1x (Nessuna) - Opening audio and midi devices - Accesso ai dispositivi audio e midi + + 2x + 2x - Launching mixer threads - Accensione dei thread del mixer + + 4x + 4x - - - MainWindow - &New - &Nuovo + + 8x + 8x - &Open... - &Apri... + + Start + Inizia - &Save - &Salva + + Cancel + Annulla - Save &As... - Salva &Con Nome... + + Could not open file + Non è stato possibile aprire il file - Import... - Importa... + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Impossibile scrivere sul file %1. +Si prega di controllare i permessi di scrittura sul file e la cartella che lo contiene, e poi riprovare! - E&xport... - E&sporta... + + Export project to %1 + Esporta il progetto in %1 - &Quit - &Esci + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + ( Più veloce - più grande ) - &Edit - &Modifica + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + ( Più lento - più piccolo ) - Settings - Impostazioni + + Error + Errore - &Tools - S&trumenti + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Si è verificato un errore nel tentativo di determinare il dispositivo per la codifica del file. Si prega di selezionare un formato differente. - &Help - &Aiuto + + Rendering: %1% + Renderizzazione: %1% + + + Fader - Help - Aiuto + + Set value + Imposta valore - What's this? - Cos'è questo? + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Inserire un valore compreso tra %1 e %2: + + + FileBrowser - About - Informazioni su + + User content + - Create new project - Crea un nuovo progetto + + Factory content + - Create new project from template - Crea un nuovo progetto da un modello + + Browser + Browser - Open existing project - Apri un progetto esistente + + Search + Cerca - Recently opened projects - Progetti aperti di recente + + Refresh list + Aggiorna lista + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget - Save current project - Salva questo progetto + + Send to active instrument-track + Sostituisci questo strumento alla traccia attiva - Export current project - Esporta questo progetto + + Open containing folder + Apri cartella contenente + Song Editor - Mostra/nascondi il Song-Editor + Mostra/nascondi Editor brani - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Questo pulsante mostra o nasconde il Song-Editor. Con l'aiuto del Song-Editor è possibile modificare la playlist e specificare quando ogni traccia viene riprodotta. Si possono anche inserire e spostare i campioni (ad es. campioni rap) direttamente nella lista di riproduzione. + + BB Editor + - Beat+Bassline Editor - Beat+Bassline Editor + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - Questo pulsante mostra o nasconde il Beat+Bassline Editor. Il Beat+Bassline Editor serve per creare beats, aprire, aggiungere e togliere canali, tagliare, copiare e incollare pattern beat e pattern bassline. + + Send to new instrument track + - Piano Roll - Mostra/nascondi il Piano-Roll + + (%2Enter) + - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Questo pulsante mostra o nasconde il Piano-Roll. Con l'aiuto del Piano-Roll è possibile modificare sequenze melodiche in modo semplice. + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + - Automation Editor - Mostra/nascondi l'Editor dell'automazione + + Loading sample + Caricamento campione - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Questo pulsante mostra o nasconde l'editor dell'automazione. Con l'aiuto dell'editor dell'automazione è possibile rendere dinamici alcuni valori in modo semplice. + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Attendere, stiamo caricando il file per l'anteprima... - FX Mixer - Mostra/nascondi il mixer degli effetti + + Error + Errore - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Questo pulsante mostra o nasconde il mixer degli effetti. Il mixer degli effetti è uno strumento molto potente per gestire gli effetti della canzone. È possibile inserire effetti in più canali. + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + %1 non sembra essere un file %2 valido - Project Notes - Mostra/nascondi le note del progetto + + --- Factory files --- + --- File di fabbrica --- + + + FlangerControls - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Questo pulsante mostra o nasconde la finestra delle note del progetto. Qui è possibile scrivere le note per il progetto. + + Delay samples + Campioni di delay - Controller Rack - Mostra/nascondi il rack di controller + + LFO frequency + Frequenza LFO - Untitled - Senza_nome + + Seconds + Secondi - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Stereo phase + - Project not saved - Progetto non salvato + + Regen + Regen - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Questo progetto è stato modificato dopo l'ultimo salvataggio. Vuoi salvarlo adesso? + + Noise + Rumore - Help not available - Aiuto non disponibile + + Invert + Inverti + + + FlangerControlsDialog - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Al momento non è disponibile alcun aiuto in LMMS. -Visitare http://lmms.sf.net/wiki per la documentazione di LMMS. + + DELAY + RIT. - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Delay time: + Tempo di ritardo: - Version %1 - Versione %1 + + RATE + FREQ. - Configuration file - File di configurazione + + Period: + Periodo: - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Si è riscontrato un errore nell'analisi del file di configurazione alle linee %1:%2: %3 + + AMNT + Q.TÀ - Volumes - Volumi + + Amount: + Quantità: - Undo - Annulla + + PHASE + - Redo - Rifai + + Phase: + - My Projects - I miei Progetti + + FDBK + FDBK - My Samples - I miei Campioni + + Feedback amount: + Quantità di feedback: - My Presets - I miei Preset + + NOISE + RUMORE - My Home - Directory di Lavoro + + White noise amount: + Quantità di rumore bianco: - My Computer - Computer + + Invert + INVERTI + + + FreeBoyInstrument - &File - &File + + Sweep time + Tempo di sweep - &Recently Opened Projects - Progetti &Recenti + + Sweep direction + Direzione sweep - Save as New &Version - Salva come nuova &Versione + + Sweep rate shift amount + Durata sweep - E&xport Tracks... - E&sporta Tracce... + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Pattern del duty cycle - Online Help - Aiuto Online + + Channel 1 volume + Volume del canale 1 - What's This? - Cos'è questo? + + + + Volume sweep direction + Direzione sweep del volume - Open Project - Apri Progetto + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Lunghezza di ogni passo nello sweep - Save Project - Salva Progetto + + Channel 2 volume + Volume del canale 2 - Project recovery - Recupero del progetto + + Channel 3 volume + Volume del canale 3 - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - E' stato trovato un file di recupero. Questo accade se la sessione precedente non è stata ben chiusa o se ce n'è un'altra in esecuzione. Vuoi usare il progetto di recupero? + + Channel 4 volume + Volume del canale 4 - Recover - Recupera + + Shift Register width + Ampiezza spostamento del registro - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Recupera il file. Non usare più instanze di LMMS quando effettui il recupero. + + Right output level + Volume uscita destra - Discard - Elimina + + Left output level + Volume uscita sinistra - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Fai partire una sessione normale, cancellando il file di recupero in modo irreversibile. + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Canale 1 a SO2 (sinistra) - Preparing plugin browser - Caricamento browser dei plugin + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Canale 2 a SO2 (sinistra) - Preparing file browsers - Caricamento browser dei file + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Canale 3 a SO2 (sinistra) - Root directory - Directory principale + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Canale 4 a SO2 (sinistra) - Loading background artwork - Caricamento sfondo + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Canale 1 a SO1 (destra) - New from template - Nuovo da modello + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Canale 2 a SO1 (destra) - Save as default template - Salva come progetto default + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Canale 3 a SO1 (destra) - &View - &Visualizza + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Canale 4 a SO1 (destra) - Toggle metronome - Metronomo on/off + + Treble + Alti - Show/hide Song-Editor - Mostra/nascondi il Song-Editor + + Bass + Bassi + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Mostra/nascondi il Beat+Bassline Editor + + Sweep time: + Tempo di sweep: - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Mostra/nascondi il Piano-Roll + + Sweep time + Tempo di sweep - Show/hide Automation Editor - Mostra/nascondi l'Editor dell'automazione + + Sweep rate shift amount: + Velocità sweep: - Show/hide FX Mixer - Mostra/nascondi il mixer degli effetti + + Sweep rate shift amount + Durata sweep - Show/hide project notes - Mostra/nascondi le note del progetto + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + Pattern del duty cycle: - Show/hide controller rack - Mostra/nascondi il rack di controller + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Pattern del duty cycle - Recover session. Please save your work! - Sessione di recupero. Salva al più presto! + + Square channel 1 volume: + Volume canale onda quadra 1: - Recovered project not saved - Progetto recuperato non salvato + + Square channel 1 volume + Volume canale onda quadra 1 - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Il progetto è stato recuperato dalla sessione precedente. Attualmente non è stato salvato. Vuoi salvarlo adesso per evitare di perderlo? + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Lunghezza di ogni passo nello sweep: - LMMS Project - Progetto LMMS + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Lunghezza di ogni passo nello sweep - LMMS Project Template - Modello di Progetto LMMS + + Square channel 2 volume: + Volume canale onda quadra 2: - Overwrite default template? - Sovrascrivere il progetto default? + + Square channel 2 volume + Volume canale onda quadra 2 - This will overwrite your current default template. - In questo modo verrà modificato il tuo progetto di default corrente. + + Wave pattern channel volume: + Volume canale pattern: - Smooth scroll - Scorrimento morbido + + Wave pattern channel volume + Volume canale pattern - Enable note labels in piano roll - Abilita l'etichetta delle note nel piano roll + + Noise channel volume: + Volume canale rumore: - Save project template - Salva come modello di progetto + + Noise channel volume + Volume canale rumore - Volume as dBFS - Volume in dBFS + + SO1 volume (Right): + Volume SO1 (Destra): - Could not open file - Non è stato possibile aprire il file + + SO1 volume (Right) + Volume SO1 (Destra) - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Impossibile scrivere sul file %1. -Si prega di controllare i permessi di scrittura sul file e la cartella che lo contiene, e poi riprovare! + + SO2 volume (Left): + Volume SO2 (Sinistra): - Export &MIDI... - Esporta &MIDI... + + SO2 volume (Left) + Volume SO2 (Sinistra) - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator - Numeratore della misura + + Treble: + Alti: - Meter Denominator - Denominatore della misura + + Treble + Alti - TIME SIG - TEMPO + + Bass: + Bassi: - - - MeterModel - Numerator - Numeratore + + Bass + Bassi - Denominator - Denominatore + + Sweep direction + Direzione sweep - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - Controller MIDI + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Direzione sweep del volume - unnamed_midi_controller - controller_midi_senza_nome + + Shift register width + Sposta la larghezza del registro - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - Impostazioni incomplete + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Canale 1 a SO1 (destra) - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Non hai impostato un soundfont di base (Modifica->Impostazioni). Quindi non sarà riprodotto alcun suono dopo aver importato questo file MIDI. Prova a scaricare un soundfont MIDI generico, specifica la sua posizione nelle impostazioni e prova di nuovo. + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Canale 2 a SO1 (destra) - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Non hai compilato LMMS con il supporto per SoundFont2 Player, che viene usato per aggiungere suoni predefiniti ai file MIDI importati. Quindi, nessun suono verrà riprodotto dopo aver aperto questo file MIDI. + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Canale 3 a SO1 (destra) - Track - Traccia + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Canale 4 a SO1 (destra) - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - Il server JACK è down + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Canale 1 a SO2 (sinistra) - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - Il server JACK sembra spento. + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Canale 2 a SO2 (sinistra) - - - MidiPort - Input channel - Canale di ingresso + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Canale 3 a SO2 (sinistra) - Output channel - Canale di uscita + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Canale 4 a SO2 (sinistra) - Input controller - Controller in entrata + + Wave pattern graph + Grafico del modello d'onda + + + MixerLine - Output controller - Controller in uscita + + Channel send amount + Quantità di segnale inviata dal canale - Fixed input velocity - Velocity fissa in ingresso + + Move &left + Sposta a &sinistra - Fixed output velocity - Velocity fissa in uscita + + Move &right + Sposta a $destra - Output MIDI program - Programma MIDI in uscita + + Rename &channel + Rinomina &canale - Receive MIDI-events - Ricevi eventi MIDI + + R&emove channel + R&imuovi canale - Send MIDI-events - Invia eventi MIDI + + Remove &unused channels + Rimuovi canali in&utilizzati - Fixed output note - Nota fissa in uscita + + Set channel color + - Base velocity - Velocity base + + Remove channel color + - - - MidiSetupWidget - DEVICE - PERIFERICA + + Pick random channel color + - MonstroInstrument + MixerLineLcdSpinBox - Osc 1 Volume - Osc 1 Volume + + Assign to: + Assegna a: - Osc 1 Panning - Osc 1 Bilanciamento + + New mixer Channel + Nuovo canale FX + + + Mixer - Osc 1 Coarse detune - Osc 1 Intonazione Grezza + + Master + Principale - Osc 1 Fine detune left - Osc 1 Intonazione precisa sinistra + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 - Osc 1 Fine detune right - Osc 1 Intonazione precisa destra + + Volume + Volume - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - Osc 1 Spostamento di fase stereo + + Mute + Silenziato - Osc 1 Pulse width - Osc 1 Profondità impulso + + Solo + Solo + + + MixerView - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - Osc 1 Manda sync in salita + + Mixer + Mixer FX - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - Osc 1 Manda sync in discesa + + Fader %1 + Volume FX %1 - Osc 2 Volume - Osc 2 Volume + + Mute + Silenziato - Osc 2 Panning - Osc 2 Bilanciamento + + Mute this mixer channel + Silenzia questo canale FX - Osc 2 Coarse detune - Osc 2 Intonazione Grezza + + Solo + Solo - Osc 2 Fine detune left - Osc 2 Intonazione precisa sinistra + + Solo mixer channel + Canale solo FX + + + MixerRoute - Osc 2 Fine detune right - Osc 2 Intonazione precisa destra + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Quantità da mandare dal canale %1 al canale %2 + + + GigInstrument - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - Osc 2 Spostamento di fase stereo + + Bank + Banco - Osc 2 Waveform - Osc 2 Forma d'onda + + Patch + Patch - Osc 2 Sync Hard - Osc 2 Sync pesante + + Gain + Guadagno + + + GigInstrumentView - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - Osc 2 Sync inverso + + + Open GIG file + Apri file GIG - Osc 3 Volume - Osc 3 Volume + + Choose patch + Scegli patch - Osc 3 Panning - Osc 3 Bilanciamento + + Gain: + Guadagno: - Osc 3 Coarse detune - Osc 3 Intonazione Grezza + + GIG Files (*.gig) + Files GIG (*.gig) + + + GuiApplication - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Osc 3 Spostamento di fase stereo + + Working directory + Cartella di lavoro - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - Osc 3 Miscela sub-oscillatori + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + La cartella di lavoro di LMMS %1 non esiste: Crearla ora? Questa cartella può essere cambiata in un secondo momento dal menu Modifica -> Impostazioni. - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - Osc 3 Forma d'onda 1 + + Preparing UI + Caricamento interfaccia - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - Osc 3 Forma d'onda 2 + + Preparing song editor + Caricamento song editor - Osc 3 Sync Hard - Osc 3 Sync pesante + + Preparing mixer + Caricamento mixer - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - Osc 3 Sync inverso + + Preparing controller rack + Caricamento rack controller - LFO 1 Waveform - LFO 1 Forma d'onda + + Preparing project notes + Caricamento note progetto - LFO 1 Attack - LFO 1 Attacco + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Caricamento editor beat/bassline - LFO 1 Rate - LFO 1 Rate + + Preparing piano roll + Caricamento Piano Roll - LFO 1 Phase - LFO 1 Fase + + Preparing automation editor + Caricamento editor di automazione + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - LFO 2 Waveform - LFO 2 Forma d'onda + + Arpeggio + Arpeggio - LFO 2 Attack - LFO 2 Attacco + + Arpeggio type + Tipo arpeggio - LFO 2 Rate - LFO 2 Rate + + Arpeggio range + Estensione arpeggio - LFO 2 Phase - LFO 2 Fase + + Note repeats + - Env 1 Pre-delay - Env 1 Pre-ritardo + + Cycle steps + Note cicliche - Env 1 Attack - Env 1 Attacco + + Skip rate + Frequanza salto - Env 1 Hold - Env 1 Mantenimento + + Miss rate + Tasso mancante - Env 1 Decay - Env 1 Decadimento + + Arpeggio time + Tempo arpeggio - Env 1 Sustain - Env 1 Sostegno + + Arpeggio gate + Ingresso arpeggio - Env 1 Release - Env 1 Rilascio + + Arpeggio direction + Direzione arpeggio - Env 1 Slope - Env 1 Inclinazione + + Arpeggio mode + Modo arpeggio - Env 2 Pre-delay - Env 2 Pre-ritardo + + Up + Su - Env 2 Attack - Env 2 Attacco + + Down + Giù - Env 2 Hold - Env 2 Mantenimento + + Up and down + Su e giù - Env 2 Decay - Env 2 Decadimento + + Down and up + Giù e su - Env 2 Sustain - Env 2 Sostegno + + Random + Casuale - Env 2 Release - Env 2 Rilascio + + Free + Libero - Env 2 Slope - Env 2 Inclinazione + + Sort + Ordinamento - Osc2-3 modulation - Modulazione Osc2-3 + + Sync + Sincronizzato + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - Selected view - Seleziona vista + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGGIO - Vol1-Env1 - Vol1-Inv1 + + RANGE + ESTENSIONE - Vol1-Env2 - Vol1-Inv2 + + Arpeggio range: + Estenzione arpeggio: - Vol1-LFO1 - Vol1-LFO1 + + octave(s) + ottava(e) - Vol1-LFO2 - Vol1-LFO2 + + REP + - Vol2-Env1 - Vol2-Inv1 + + Note repeats: + - Vol2-Env2 - Vol2-Inv2 + + time(s) + - Vol2-LFO1 - Vol2-LFO1 + + CYCLE + CICLO - Vol2-LFO2 - Vol2-LFO2 + + Cycle notes: + Note cicliche: - Vol3-Env1 - Vol3-Inv1 + + note(s) + nota(e) - Vol3-Env2 - Vol3-Inv2 + + SKIP + SALTA - Vol3-LFO1 - Vol3-LFO1 + + Skip rate: + Frequanza salto: - Vol3-LFO2 - Vol3-LFO2 + + + + % + % - Phs1-Env1 - Fas1-Inv1 + + MISS + MANCANTE - Phs1-Env2 - Fas1-Inv2 + + Miss rate: + Tasso mancante: - Phs1-LFO1 - Fas1-LFO1 + + TIME + TEMPO - Phs1-LFO2 - Fas1-LFO2 + + Arpeggio time: + Tempo arpeggio: - Phs2-Env1 - Fas2-Inv1 + + ms + ms - Phs2-Env2 - Fas2-Inv2 + + GATE + INGRESSO - Phs2-LFO1 - Fas2-LFO1 + + Arpeggio gate: + Ingresso arpeggio: - Phs2-LFO2 - Fas2-LFO2 + + Chord: + Tipo di arpeggio: - Phs3-Env1 - Fas3-Inv1 + + Direction: + Direzione: - Phs3-Env2 - Fas3-Inv2 + + Mode: + Modo: + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - Phs3-LFO1 - Fas3-LFO1 + + octave + ottava - Phs3-LFO2 - Fas3-LFO2 + + + Major + Maggiore - Pit1-Env1 - Alt1-Inv1 + + Majb5 + Majb5 - Pit1-Env2 - Alt1-Inv2 + + minor + minore - Pit1-LFO1 - Alt1-LFO1 + + minb5 + minb5 - Pit1-LFO2 - Alt1-LFO2 + + sus2 + sus2 - Pit2-Env1 - Alt2-Inv1 + + sus4 + sus4 - Pit2-Env2 - Alt2-Inv2 + + aug + aug - Pit2-LFO1 - Alt2-LFO1 + + augsus4 + augsus4 - Pit2-LFO2 - Alt2-LFO2 + + tri + triade - Pit3-Env1 - Alt3-Inv1 + + 6 + 6 - Pit3-Env2 - Alt3-Inv2 + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 - Pit3-LFO1 - Alt3-LFO1 + + 6add9 + 6add9 - Pit3-LFO2 - Alt3-LFO2 + + m6 + m6 - PW1-Env1 - LI1-Inv1 + + m6add9 + m6add9 - PW1-Env2 - LI1-Inv2 + + 7 + 7 - PW1-LFO1 - LI1-LFO1 + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 - PW1-LFO2 - LI1-LFO2 + + 7#5 + 7#5 - Sub3-Env1 - Sub3-Inv1 + + 7b5 + 7b5 - Sub3-Env2 - Sub3-Inv2 + + 7#9 + 7#9 - Sub3-LFO1 - Sub3-LFO1 + + 7b9 + 7b9 - Sub3-LFO2 - Sub3-LFO2 + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 - Sine wave - Onda sinusoidale + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 - Bandlimited Triangle wave - Onda triangolare limitata + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 - Bandlimited Saw wave - Onda a dente di sega limitata + + 7add11 + 7add11 - Bandlimited Ramp wave - Onda a rampa limitata + + 7add13 + 7add13 - Bandlimited Square wave - Onda quadra limitata + + 7#11 + 7#11 - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Onda Moog limitata + + Maj7 + Maj7 - Soft square wave - Onda quadra morbida + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 - Absolute sine wave - Onda sinusoidale assoluta + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 - Exponential wave - Onda esponenziale + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 - White noise - Rumore bianco + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 - Digital Triangle wave - Onda triangolare digitale + + m7 + m7 - Digital Saw wave - Onda a dente di sega digitale + + m7b5 + m7b5 - Digital Ramp wave - Onda a rampa digitale + + m7b9 + m7b9 - Digital Square wave - Onda quadra digitale + + m7add11 + m7add11 - Digital Moog saw wave - Onda Moog digitale + + m7add13 + m7add13 - Triangle wave - Onda triangolare + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 - Saw wave - Onda a dente di sega + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 - Ramp wave - Onda a rampa + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 - Square wave - Onda quadra + + 9 + 9 - Moog saw wave - Onda Moog + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 - Abs. sine wave - Sinusoide Ass. + + add9 + add9 - Random - Casuale + + 9#5 + 9#5 - Random smooth - Casuale morbida + + 9b5 + 9b5 - - - MonstroView - Operators view - Vista operatori + + 9#11 + 9#11 - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - La vista operatori contiene tutti gli operatori. Vi sono sia operatori udibili (oscillatori), che silenziosi, o modulatori: LFO e inviluppi. - -Usa il "Cos'è questo?" su tutte le manopole di questa vista per avere informazioni specifiche su di esse. + + 9b13 + 9b13 - Matrix view - Vista Matrice + + Maj9 + Maj9 - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - La vista matrice contiene la matrice di modulazione. Qui puoi definire le relazioni di modulazione tra i vari operatori: ogni operatore udibile (gli oscillatori da 1 a 3) ha 3-4 proprietà che possono essere modulate da qualsiasi modulatore. L'utilizzo eccessivo di modulazioni può appesantire la CPU. - -La vista è divisa in obiettivi di modulazione, raggruppati dagli oscillatori. Possono essere modulati il volume, l'altezza, la fase, la larghezza dell'impulso e il rateo del sottooscillatorie. Nota: alcune proprietà sono esclusive di un solo oscillatore. - -Ogni proprietà modulabile ha 4 manopole, una per ogni modulatore. Sono tutti a 0 di default, ossia non vi è modulazione. Il massimo della modulazione si ottiene portando una manopola a 1. I valori negativi invertono l'effetto che avrebbero quelli positivi. + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - Mescola l'Osc2 con l'Osc3 + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modula l'amplificazione dell'Osc3 con l'Osc2 + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modula la frequenza dell'Osc3 con l'Osc2 + + m9 + m9 - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modula la fase dell'Osc3 con l'Osc2 + + madd9 + madd9 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - La manopola CRS cambia l'intonazione dell'oscillatore 1 per semitoni. + + m9b5 + m9b5 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - La manopola CRS cambia l'intonazione dell'oscillatore 2 per semitoni. + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - La manopola CRS cambia l'intonazione dell'oscillatore 3 per semitoni. + + 11 + 11 - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - FTL e FTR cambiano l'intonazione precisa dell'oscillatore per i canali sinistro e destro rispettivamente. Possono essere usati per creare un'illusione di spazio. + + 11b9 + 11b9 - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - La manopola SPO altera la differenza in fase tra i canali sinistro e destro. Una differenza maggiore crea un'immagine stereo più larga. + + Maj11 + Maj11 - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - La manopola PW controlla la profondità dell'impulso, conosciuta anche come duty cycle, dell'oscillatore 1. L'oscillatore 1 è un oscillatore d'onda a impulso digitale, non produce un output con banda limitata, il che vuol dire che è possibile usarlo come un oscillatore udibile ma ciò creerà aliasing. Puoi anche usarlo come fonte silenziosa di un segnale di sincronizzazione, che sincronizza gli altri due oscillatori. + + m11 + m11 - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Manda sync in salita: se abilitato, il segnale di sync viene mandato ogni volta che lo stato dell'oscillatore 1 cambia da basso ad alto, per esempio se l'amplificazione passa da -1 a 1. Sia l'altezza che la fase che i'mpulso possono interessare il tempo dei sync, ma il volume no. I segnali di sync vengono trattati indipendentemente per i canali destro e sinistro. + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Manda sync in discesa: se abilitato, il segnale di sync viene mandato ogni volta che lo stato dell'oscillatore 1 cambia da alto a basso, per esempio se l'amplificazione passa da 1 a -1. Sia l'altezza che la fase che i'mpulso possono interessare il tempo dei sync, ma il volume no. I segnali di sync vengono trattati indipendentemente per i canali destro e sinistro. + + 13 + 13 - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - Sync potente: ogni volta che l'oscillatore siceve un segnale di sync dall'Osc1, la sua fase viene resettata alla sua origine. + + 13#9 + 13#9 - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - Sync di inversione: ogni volta che l'oscillatore riceve un segnale di sync dall'Osc1, l'amplificazione dell'oscillatore viene invertita. + + 13b9 + 13b9 - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Seleziona la forma d'onda per l'Osc2. + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Seleziona la forma d'onda per il primo sub-oscillatore dell'Osc3. L'Osc3 può interpolare morbidamente tra due forme d'onda diverse. + + Maj13 + Maj13 - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Seleziona la forma d'onda per il secondo sub-oscillatore dell'Osc3. L'Osc3 può interpolare morbidamente tra due forme d'onda diverse. + + m13 + m13 - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - La manopola SUB cambia le qualtità per la miscela tra i due sub-oscillatori. + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - Oltre ai modulatori dedicati, Monstro permette di modulare l'Osc3 tramite l'output dell'Osc2. - -La modalità Mix non produce nessuna modulazione: i due oscillatori sono semplicemente miscelati tra di loro. + + Harmonic minor + Minore armonica - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - Oltre ai modulatori dedicati, Monstro permette di modulare l'Osc3 tramite l'output dell'Osc2. - -AM vuol dire modulazione di amplificazione: quella dell'Osc3 (il suo volume) è modulata dall'output dell'Osc2. + + Melodic minor + Minore melodica - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - Oltre ai modulatori dedicati, Monstro permette di modulare l'Osc3 tramite l'output dell'Osc2. - -FM vuol dire modulazione di frequenza: quella dell'Osc3 (la sua altezza) è modulata dall'Osc2. Questa modulazione è implementata come una modulazione di fase, in modo da avere una frequenza risultate più stabile di una FM pura. + + Whole tone + Toni interi - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - Oltre ai modulatori dedicati, Monstro permette di modulare l'Osc3 tramite l'outpit dell'Osc2. - -PM è la modulazione di fase: quella dell'Osc3 è modulata dall'Osc2. La differenza con la modulazione di frequenza consiste nel fatto che in quella i cambiamenti di fase non sono cumulativi. + + Diminished + Diminuita - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Selezioa la forma d'onda per l'LFO 1. -Vi sono due forme speciali: "Random" e "Random morbido" sono onde speciali che producono un aoutup randomico, dove il rate dell'LFO controlla quanto spesso lo stato dell'LFO cambia. La versione morbila interpola tra questi stati con una interpolazione a coseno. Queste modalità possono essere usate per ridare "vita" ai toi preset o aggiungere un po' di quella imprevedibilità degli stumenti analogici... + + Major pentatonic + Pentatonica maggiore - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Selezioa la forma d'onda per l'LFO 2. -Vi sono due forme speciali: "Random" e "Random morbido" sono onde speciali che producono un aoutup randomico, dove il rate dell'LFO controlla quanto spesso lo stato dell'LFO cambia. La versione morbila interpola tra questi stati con una interpolazione a coseno. Queste modalità possono essere usate per ridare "vita" ai toi preset o aggiungere un po' di quella imprevedibilità degli stumenti analogici... + + Minor pentatonic + Pentatonica minore - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - L'attacco fa sì che l'LFO arrivi gradualmente al suo stato da quello della nota suonata. + + Jap in sen + Jap in sen - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - Il rate setta la velocità dell'LFO, misurata in millisecondi per ciclo. Può essere sincronizzata al tempo nel suo menù a tendina. + + Major bebop + Bebop maggiore - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - PHS controlla lo spostamento di fase dell'LFO. + + Dominant bebop + Bebop dominante - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - PRE, o pre-ritardo, ritarda l'inizio dell'inviluppo dal momento in cui la nota viene suonata. 0 vuol dire nessun ritardo. + + Blues + Blues - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - ATT, o attacco, controlla quanto velocemente l'inviluppo arriva al suo masimmo, misurando questo tempo in millisecondi. 0 vuol dire che il valore massimo viene raggiunto istantaneamente. + + Arabic + Araba - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - HOLD controlla per quanto tempo l'inviluppo rimane al suo massimo dopo l'attacco. + + Enigmatic + Enigmatica - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - DEC, o decadimento, controlla in quanto tempo l'inviluppo cade dal suo massimo, misurandolo in missilecondi. Il decadimento effettivo potrebbe essere più lento se viene alterato il sostegno. + + Neopolitan + Napoletana - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - SUS, o sostegno, controlla il livello di sostegno dell'inviluppo. La fase di decadimento non scenderà oltre questo livello fino a che la nota viene suonata. + + Neopolitan minor + Napoletana minore - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - REL, o rilascio, controlla il tempo di rilascio della nota, misurandola in millisecondi. Se l'inviluppo non si trova al suo valore massimo quando la nota è rilasciata, il rilascio potrebbe durare di meno. + + Hungarian minor + Ungherese minore - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - SLOPE, o inclinazione, controlla la curva (o la forma) dell'inviluppo. Un valore pari a 0 lascia le salite e le discese come linee dritte. Valori negativi creeranno dei movimenti che partono lentamente, arrivano a un picco ripido, e poi terminano di nuovo lentamente. Valori positivi daranno curve che salgono e scendono velocemente, ma si fermano ai picchi. + + Dorian + Dorica - Volume - Volume + + Phrygian + Frigia - Panning - Bilanciamento + + Lydian + Lidia - Coarse detune - Intonazione grezza + + Mixolydian + Misolidia - semitones - semitoni + + Aeolian + Eolia - Finetune left - Intonazione precisa sinistra + + Locrian + Locria - cents - centesimi + + Minor + Minore - Finetune right - Intonazione precisa destra + + Chromatic + Cromatica - Stereo phase offset - Spostamento di fase stereo + + Half-Whole Diminished + Diminuita semitono-tono - deg - gradi + + 5 + Quinta - Pulse width - Larghezza impulso + + Phrygian dominant + Frigia dominante - Send sync on pulse rise - Manda sincro alle salite + + Persian + Persiana - Send sync on pulse fall - Manda sincro alle discese + + Chords + Accordi - Hard sync oscillator 2 - Sincro Duro oscillatore 2 + + Chord type + Tipo di accordo - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Sincro Inverso oscillatore 2 + + Chord range + Ampiezza dell'accordo + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - Sub-osc mix - Missaggio Sub-osc + + STACKING + ACCORDI - Hard sync oscillator 3 - Sincro Duro oscillatore 3 + + Chord: + Tipo di accordo: - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Sincro Inverso oscillatore 3 + + RANGE + AMPIEZZA - Attack - Attacco + + Chord range: + Ampiezza degli accordi: - Rate - Periodo + + octave(s) + ottava(e) + + + InstrumentMidiIOView - Phase - Fase + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + ABILITA INGRESSO MIDI - Pre-delay - Pre-ritardo + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + ABILITA USCITA MIDI - Hold - Mantenimento + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + - Decay - Decadimento + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - Sustain - Sostegno + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - Release - Rilascio + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NOTA - Slope - Curvatura + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + Periferica MIDI da cui ricevere segnali MIDi - Modulation amount - Quantità di modulazione: + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + Periferica MIDI a cui mandare segnali MIDI - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length - Lunghezza + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + VELOCITY BASE PERSONALIZZATA - Step length: - Durata degli step: + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + Specifica la base di normalizzazione della velocity per strumenti MIDI al 100% della velocity della nota. - Dry - Dry + + BASE VELOCITY + VELOCITY BASE + + + InstrumentMiscView - Dry Gain: - Guadagno senza effetto: + + MASTER PITCH + TRASPORTO - Stages - Fasi + + Enables the use of master pitch + Abilita l'uso del trasporto principale + + + InstrumentSoundShaping - Lowpass stages: - Fasi del Passa Basso: + + VOLUME + VOLUME - Swap inputs - Scambia input + + Volume + Volume - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - Scambia i canali destro e sinistro per le ripetizioni + + CUTOFF + CUTOFF - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune - Intonazione grezza Canale 1 + + + Cutoff frequency + Frequenza di taglio - Channel 1 Volume - Volume Canale 1 + + RESO + RISO - Channel 1 Envelope length - Lunghezza inviluppo Canale 1 + + Resonance + Risonanza - Channel 1 Duty cycle - Duty cycle del Canale 1 + + Envelopes/LFOs + Envelope/LFO - Channel 1 Sweep amount - Quantità di sweep Canale 1 + + Filter type + Tipo di filtro - Channel 1 Sweep rate - Velocità di sweep Canale 1 + + Q/Resonance + Q/Risonanza - Channel 2 Coarse detune - Intonazione grezza Canale 2 + + Low-pass + Passa-basso - Channel 2 Volume - Volume Canale 2 + + Hi-pass + Passa-alto - Channel 2 Envelope length - Lunghezza inviluppo Canale 2 + + Band-pass csg + Passa-banda csg - Channel 2 Duty cycle - Duty cycle del Canale 2 + + Band-pass czpg + Passa-banda czpg - Channel 2 Sweep amount - Quantità di sweep Canale 2 + + Notch + Notch - Channel 2 Sweep rate - Velocità di sweep Canale 2 + + All-pass + Passa-tutto - Channel 3 Coarse detune - Intonazione grezza Canale 3 + + Moog + Moog - Channel 3 Volume - Volume Canale 3 + + 2x Low-pass + Passa-basso 2x - Channel 4 Volume - Volume Canale 4 + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + Passa-basso RC 12 dB/ott - Channel 4 Envelope length - Lunghezza inviluppo Canale 4 + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + Passa-banda RC 12 dB/ott - Channel 4 Noise frequency - Frequenza rumore Canale 4 + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + Passa-alto RC 12 dB/ott - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - Frequenza rumore di sweep Canale 4 + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + Passa-basso RC 24 dB/ott - Master volume - Volume principale + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + Passa-banda RC 24 dB/ott - Vibrato - Vibrato + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + Passa-alto RC 24 dB/ott - - - NesInstrumentView - Volume - Volume + + Vocal Formant + Formante Vocale - Coarse detune - Intonazione grezza + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Envelope length - Lunghezza inviluppo + + SV Low-pass + Passa-basso SV - Enable channel 1 - Abilita canale 1 + + SV Band-pass + Passa-banda SV - Enable envelope 1 - Abilita inviluppo 1 + + SV High-pass + Passa-alto SV - Enable envelope 1 loop - Abilita ripetizione inviluppo 1 + + SV Notch + Notch SV - Enable sweep 1 - Abilita glissando 1 + + Fast Formant + Formante veloce - Sweep amount - Profondità glissando + + Tripole + Tre poli + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView - Sweep rate - Durata glissando + + TARGET + OBIETTIVO - 12.5% Duty cycle - 12.5% del periodo + + FILTER + FILTRO - 25% Duty cycle - 25% del periodo + + FREQ + FREQ - 50% Duty cycle - 50% del periodo + + Cutoff frequency: + Frequenza di taglio: - 75% Duty cycle - 75% del periodo + + Hz + Hz - Enable channel 2 - Abilita canale 2 + + Q/RESO + Q/RISO - Enable envelope 2 - Abilita inviluppo 2 + + Q/Resonance: + Q/Risonanza: - Enable envelope 2 loop - Abilita ripetizione inviluppo 2 + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Gli inviluppi, gli LFO e i filtri non sono supportati dallo strumento corrente. + + + InstrumentTrack - Enable sweep 2 - Abilita glissando 2 + + + unnamed_track + traccia_senza_nome - Enable channel 3 - Abilita canale 3 + + Base note + Nota base - Noise Frequency - Frequenza rumore + + First note + - Frequency sweep - Glissando + + Last note + Ultima nota - Enable channel 4 - Abilita canale 4 + + Volume + Volume - Enable envelope 4 - Abilita inviluppo 4 + + Panning + Panning - Enable envelope 4 loop - Abilita ripetizione inviluppo 4 + + Pitch + Altezza - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Quantizza la frequenza del rumore, se relativa alla nota + + Pitch range + Estenzione dell'altezza - Use note frequency for noise - La frequenza del rumore è relativa alla nota suonata + + Mixer channel + Canale FX - Noise mode - Modalità rumore + + Master pitch + Altezza principale - Master Volume - Volume Principale + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + - Vibrato - Vibrato + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + Impostazioni predefinite - OscillatorObject + InstrumentTrackView - Osc %1 volume - Volume osc %1 + + Volume + Volume - Osc %1 panning - Panning osc %1 + + Volume: + Volume: - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Intonazione osc %1 + + VOL + VOL - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Intonazione precisa osc %1 sinistra + + Panning + Panning - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Intonazione precisa osc %1 destra + + Panning: + Panning: - Osc %1 phase-offset - Scostamento fase osc %1 + + PAN + PAN - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Intonazione fase stereo osc %1 + + MIDI + MIDI - Osc %1 wave shape - Forma d'onda Osc %1 + + Input + Ingresso - Modulation type %1 - Modulazione di tipo %1 + + Output + Uscita - Osc %1 waveform - Forma d'onda osc %1 + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + - Osc %1 harmonic - Armoniche Osc %1 + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - PatchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: Preset Canale - + InstrumentTrackWindow - Bank selector - Selezione banco + + GENERAL SETTINGS + IMPOSTAZIONI GENERALI - Bank - Banco + + Volume + Volume - Program selector - Selezione programma + + Volume: + Volume: - Patch - Programma + + VOL + VOL - Name - Nome + + Panning + Panning - OK - OK + + Panning: + Panning: - Cancel - Annulla + + PAN + PAN - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - Apri un'altra patch + + Pitch + Altezza - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Clicca qui per aprire un altro file di patch. Le impostazioni di ripetizione e intonazione non vengono reimpostate. + + Pitch: + Altezza: - Loop - Ripetizione + + cents + centesimi - Loop mode - Modalità ripetizione + + PITCH + ALTEZZA - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Qui puoi scegliere la modalità di ripetizione. Se abilitata, PatMan userà l'informazione sulla ripetizione disponibile nel file. + + Pitch range (semitones) + Ampiezza dell'altezza (in semitoni) - Tune - Intonazione + + RANGE + AMPIEZZA - Tune mode - Modalità intonazione + + Mixer channel + Canale FX - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Qui puoi scegliere la modalità di intonazione. Se abilitata, PatMan intonerà il campione alla frequenza della nota. + + CHANNEL + FX - No file selected - Nessun file selezionato + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Salva le impostazioni di questa traccia in un file preset - Open patch file - Apri file di patch + + SAVE + SALVA - Patch-Files (*.pat) - File di patch (*.pat) + + Envelope, filter & LFO + Inviluppo, filtro e LFO - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll - Apri nel piano-roll + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + Accordi e arpeggi - Clear all notes - Cancella tutte le note + + Effects + Effetti - Reset name - Reimposta il nome + + MIDI + MIDI - Change name - Cambia nome + + Miscellaneous + Varie - Add steps - Aggiungi note + + Save preset + Salva il preset - Remove steps - Elimina note + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + File di preset XML (*.xpf) - Clone Steps - Clona gli step + + Plugin + Plugin - PeakController + JackApplicationW - Peak Controller - Controller dei picchi + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + Le applicazioni NSM non possono utilizzare percorsi astratti o assoluti - Peak Controller Bug - Bug del controller dei picchi + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + Le applicazioni NSM non possono usare argomenti CLI - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - A causa di un bug nelle versioni precedenti di LMMS, i controller dei picchi potrebbero non essere connessi come dovuto. Assicurati che i controller dei picchi siano connessi e salva questo file di nuovo. Ci scusiamo per gli inconvenienti causati. + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + È necessario salvare l'attuale progetto Carla prima di poter utilizzare NSM - PeakControllerDialog + JuceAboutW - PEAK - PICCO - - - LFO Controller - Controller dell'LFO + + About JUCE + Informazioni su JUCE - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - BASE + + <b>About JUCE</b> + <b>Informazioni su JUCE</b> - Base amount: - Quantità di base: + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + Questo programma utilizza JUCE versione 3.x.x. - Modulation amount: - Quantità di modulazione: + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + JUCE (Jules 'Utility Class Extensions) è una libreria di classi C ++ onnicomprensiva per lo sviluppo di software multipiattaforma. + +Contiene praticamente tutto il necessario per creare la maggior parte delle applicazioni ed è particolarmente adatto per la creazione di GUI altamente personalizzate e per la gestione di grafica e audio. + +JUCE è concesso in licenza con GNU Public License versione 2.0. +Un modulo (juce_core) è autorizzato in base all'ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. - Attack: - Attacco: + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + Questo programma utilizza la versione JUCE % 1. + + + Knob - Release: - Rilascio: + + Set linear + Modalità lineare - AMNT - Q.TÀ + + Set logarithmic + Modalità logaritmica - MULT - MOLT + + + Set value + Imposta valore - Amount Multiplicator: - Moltiplicatore di quantità: + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Inserire un nuovo valore tra -96.0 dBFS e 6.0 dBFS: - ATCK - ATCC + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Inserire un valore compreso tra %1 e %2: + + + LadspaControl - DCAY - DCAD + + Link channels + Abbina i canali + + + LadspaControlDialog - Treshold: - Soglia: + + Link Channels + Canali abbinati - TRSH - SCARTA + + Channel + Canale - PeakControllerEffectControls - - Base value - Valore di base - + LadspaControlView - Modulation amount - Quantità di modulazione + + Link channels + Abbina i canali - Mute output - Silenzia l'output + + Value: + Valore: + + + LadspaEffect - Attack - Attacco + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Il plugin LADSPA %1 richiesto è sconosciuto. + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - Release - Rilascio + + Set value + Imposta valore - Abs Value - Valore Assoluto + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Inserire un valore compreso tra %1 e %2: + + + LcdSpinBox - Amount Multiplicator - Moltiplicatore della quantità + + Set value + Imposta valore - Treshold - Soglia + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Inserire un valore compreso tra %1 e %2: - PianoRoll + LeftRightNav - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Aprire un pattern con un doppio-click sul pattern stesso! + + + + Previous + Precedente - Last note - Ultima nota + + + + Next + Successivo - Note lock - Note lock + + Previous (%1) + Precedente (%1) - Note Velocity - Volume Note + + Next (%1) + Successivo (%1) + + + LfoController - Note Panning - Panning Note + + LFO Controller + Controller dell'LFO - Mark/unmark current semitone - Evidenza (o togli evidenziazione) questo semitono + + Base value + Valore di base - Mark current scale - Evidenza la scala corrente + + Oscillator speed + Velocità dell'oscillatore - Mark current chord - Evidenza l'accordo corrente + + Oscillator amount + Quantità di oscillatore - Unmark all - Togli tutte le evidenziazioni + + Oscillator phase + Fase dell'oscillatore - No scale - - Scale + + Oscillator waveform + Forma d'onda dell'oscillatore - No chord - - Accordi + + Frequency Multiplier + Moltiplicatore della frequenza + + + LfoControllerDialog - Velocity: %1% - Velocity: %1% + + LFO + LFO - Panning: %1% left - Bilanciamento: %1% a sinistra + + BASE + BASE - Panning: %1% right - Bilanciamento: %1% a destra + + Base: + Base: - Panning: center - Bilanciamento: centrato + + FREQ + FREQ - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Inserire un valore compreso tra %1 e %2: + + LFO frequency: + Frequenza LFO: - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Evidenza (o togli evidenziazione) i semitoni alle altre ottave + + AMNT + Q.TÀ - Select all notes on this key - Seleziona tutte le note in questo tasto + + Modulation amount: + Quantità di modulazione: - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Riproduci/metti in pausa il beat/bassline selezionato (Spazio) + + PHS + FASE - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Registra note da una periferica/canale piano MIDI + + Phase offset: + Scostamento della fase: - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Registra note da una periferica MIDI/canale piano mentre la traccia o la BB track è in riproduzione + + degrees + gradi - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Riproduci/metti in pausa il beat/bassline selezionato (Spazio) + + Sine wave + Onda sinusoidale - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Cliccando qui si riproduce il pattern selezionato. Questo è utile mentre lo si modifica. Il pattern viene automaticamente ripetuto quando finisce. + + Triangle wave + Onda triangolare - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - Cliccando qui si registrano nel pattern note da una periferica MIDI o dal piano di prova virtuale nella finestra del canale corrispondente. Mentre si registra, tutte le note eseguite vengono scritte in questo pattern e in seguito le si potrà riprodurre e modificare. + + Saw wave + Onda a dente di sega - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - Cliccando qui si registrano nel pattern note da una periferica MIDI o dal piano di prova virtuale nella finestra del canale corrispondente. Mentre si registra, tutte le note eseguite vengono scritte in questo pattern, sentendo contemporaneamente la canzone o la traccia BB in sottofondo. + + Square wave + Onda quadra - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Cliccando qui si ferma la riproduzione del pattern attivo. + + Moog saw wave + Onda Moog - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Modalità disegno (Shift+D) + + Exponential wave + Onda esponenziale - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Modalità cancella (Shift+E) + + White noise + Rumore bianco - Select mode (Shift+S) - Modalità selezione (Shift+S) + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + Forma personalizzata. +Fai doppio click per scegliere un file. - Detune mode (Shift+T) - Modalità intonanzione (Shift+T) + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + Moltiplica la frequenza di modulazione per 1 - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - Cliccando qui si attiva la modalità disegno. In questa modalità è possibile aggiungere e spostare singoli valori. Questa è la modalità predefinita, che viene usata la maggior parte del tempo. Questa modalità si attiva anche premendo la combinazione di tasti 'Shift+D'. Tieni premuto %1 per andare temporaneamente in modalità selezione. + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + Moltiplica la frequenza di modulazione per 100 - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Cliccando qui si attiva la modalità cancellazione. In questa modalità è possibile cancellare singoli valori. Questa modalità si attiva anche premendo la combinazione di tasti 'Shift+E'. + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + Dividi la frequenza di modulazione per 100 + + + Engine - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - Cliccando qui viene attivata la modalità selezione. Puoi selezionare le note. Puoi anche tenere premuto %1 durante la modalità disegno per usare la modalità selezione temporaneamente. + + Generating wavetables + Generazione di tabelle d'onda - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Cliccando qui viene attivata la modalità intonazione. Puoi cliccare una nota per aprire la finestra di automazione dell'intonazione. Puoi usare questa modalità per fare uno slide da una nota ad un'altra. Puoi anche premere Shift+T per attivare questa modalità. + + Initializing data structures + Inizializzazione strutture dati - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Taglia le note selezionate (%1+X) + + Opening audio and midi devices + Accesso ai dispositivi audio e midi - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Copia le note selezionate (%1+C) + + Launching mixer threads + Avviamento threads del mixer + + + MainWindow - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Incolla le note selezionate (%1+V) + + Configuration file + File di configurazione - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Cliccando qui le note selezionate verranno spostate negli appunti. È possibile incollarle in un punto qualsiasi del pattern cliccando sul tasto incolla. + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Si è riscontrato un errore nell'analisi del file di configurazione alle linee %1:%2: %3 - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Cliccando qui le note selezionate verranno copiate negli appunti. È possibile incollarle in un punto qualsiasi del pattern cliccando sul tasto incolla. + + Could not open file + Non è stato possibile aprire il file - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Cliccando qui i valori nella clipboard vengono incollati alla prima battuta visibile. + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Impossibile scrivere sul file %1. +Si prega di controllare i permessi di scrittura sul file e la cartella che lo contiene, e poi riprovare! - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - Controlla l'ingrandimento di un asse. Normalmente, l'ingrandimento dev'essere adatto alle note più piccole che si sta scrivendo. + + Project recovery + Recupero del progetto - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - la 'Q' sta per quantizzazione, e controlla la lunghezza minima di modifica della nota. Con quantità minori, puoi scrivere note più piccole nel Piano Roll, o punti di controllo più precisi nell'Editor di Automazione. + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + E' stato trovato un file di riserva. Questo accade se la sessione precedente non è stata chiusa in modo appropriato o un'altra istanza di LMMS è già in esecuzione. Recuperare il progetto di questa sessione? - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - Puoi selezionare la grandezza delle nuove note. 'Ultima nota' significa che LMMS userà la lunghezza dell'ultima nota modificata + + + Recover + Recupera - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - Questa funzionalità è connessa al menù contestuale della tastiera viruale a sinistra. Dopo aver scelto la scala in questo menù a tendina, puoi cliccare con il tasto destro sulla nota desiderata nella tastiera, e selezionare 'Evidenza la scala corrente'. LMMS evidenzierà tutte le note che compongono la scala selezionata partendo dalla nota selezionata come tonica! + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Recupera il file. Non usare instanze multiple di LMMS quando effettui il recupero. - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - Ti permette di selezionare un accordo che LMMS può scriviere o evidenziare. Trovi tutti gli accordi più comuni in questo menù a tendina. Dopo averne selezionato uno, clicca dove vuoi per posizionarlo, oppure fai tasto destro sulla tastiera virtuale per evidenziare l'accordo. Per tornare alla scrittura per singola nota, devi selezionare 'Nessuno' in questo menù. + + + Discard + Elimina - Edit actions - Modalità di modifica + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Avvia una sessione predefinita ed elimina i file ripristinati. Questo azione non è reversibile. - Copy paste controls - Controlli di copia-incolla + + Version %1 + Versione %1 - Timeline controls - Controlla griglia + + Preparing plugin browser + Caricamento plugin del browser - Zoom and note controls - Controlli di zoom e note + + Preparing file browsers + Caricamento file del browser - Piano-Roll - %1 - Piano-Roll - %1 + + My Projects + I miei Progetti - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Piano-Roll - nessun pattern + + My Samples + I miei Campioni - Quantize - Quantizza + + My Presets + I miei Modelli - - - PianoView - Base note - Nota base + + My Home + Percorsi di Lavoro - - - Plugin - Plugin not found - Plugin non trovato + + Root directory + Percorso principale - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - Il plugin "%1" non è stato trovato o non è stato possibile caricarlo! -Motivo: "%2" + + Volumes + Volumi - Error while loading plugin - Errore nel caricamento del plugin + + My Computer + Computer - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Non è stato possibile caricare il plugin "%1"! + + &File + &File - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - Browser strumenti + + &New + &Nuovo - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - È possibile trascinare uno strumento nel Song-Editor, nel Beat+Bassline Editor o direttamente in un canale esistente. + + &Open... + &Apri... - Instrument Plugins - Plugin Strumentali + + Loading background picture + Caricamento immagine di sfondo - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. - Plugin non trovato. + + &Save + &Salva - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - Il plugin LMMS %1 non ha una descrizione chiamata %2! + + Save &As... + Salva &come... - - - ProjectNotes - Edit Actions - Modifica azioni + + Save as New &Version + Salva come nuova &versione - &Undo - &Annulla operazione + + Save as default template + Salva come modello predefinito - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Import... + Importa... - &Redo - &Ripeti operazione + + E&xport... + E&sporta... - %1+Y - %1+Y + + E&xport Tracks... + E&sporta tracce... - &Copy - &Copia + + Export &MIDI... + Esporta &MIDI... - %1+C - %1+C + + &Quit + &Esci - Cu&t - &Taglia + + &Edit + &Modifica - %1+X - %1+X + + Undo + Annulla - &Paste - &Incolla + + Redo + Ripeti - %1+V - %1+V + + Settings + Impostazioni - Format Actions - Opzioni di formattazione + + &View + &Visualizza - &Bold - &Grassetto + + &Tools + S&trumenti - %1+B - %1+B + + &Help + &Aiuto - &Italic - Cors&ivo + + Online Help + Aiuto Online - %1+I - %1+I + + Help + Aiuto - &Underline - &Sottolineato + + About + Informazioni su - %1+U - %1+U + + Create new project + Crea nuovo progetto - &Left - &Sinistra + + Create new project from template + Crea nuovo progetto da modello - %1+L - %1+L + + Open existing project + Apri progetto esistente - C&enter - C&entro + + Recently opened projects + Progetti aperti di recente - %1+E - %1+E + + Save current project + Salva questo progetto - &Right - Dest&ra + + Export current project + Esporta questo progetto - %1+R - %1+R + + Metronome + Metronomo + + + + + Song Editor + Mostra/nascondi Editor brani + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Editor Beat+Bassline + + + + + Piano Roll + Mostra/nascondi il Piano-Roll + + + + + Automation Editor + Mostra/nascondi Editor automazione + + + + + Mixer + Mostra/nascondi mixer effetti + + + + Show/hide controller rack + Mostra/nascondi il rack di controller + + + + Show/hide project notes + Mostra/nascondi note del progetto + + + + Untitled + Senza_nome + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Sessione di recupero. Salva al più presto! + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + Progetto recuperato non salvato + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Il progetto è stato recuperato dalla sessione precedente. Attualmente non è stato salvato. Vuoi salvarlo adesso per evitare di perderlo? + + + + Project not saved + Progetto non salvato + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Questo progetto è stato modificato dopo l'ultimo salvataggio. Vuoi salvarlo adesso? + + + + Open Project + Apri Progetto + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Salva Progetto + + + + LMMS Project + Progetto LMMS + + + + LMMS Project Template + Modello di Progetto LMMS + + + + Save project template + Salva come modello di progetto + + + + Overwrite default template? + Sovrascrivere il progetto default? + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + In questo modo verrà modificato il tuo progetto di default corrente. + + + + Help not available + Aiuto non disponibile + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Al momento non è disponibile alcun aiuto in LMMS. +Visitare http://lmms.sf.net/wiki per la documentazione di LMMS. + + + + Controller Rack + Mostra/nascondi il rack di controller + + + + Project Notes + Mostra/nascondi le note del progetto + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + Volume in dBFS + + + + Smooth scroll + Scorrimento morbido + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Abilita l'etichetta delle note nel piano roll + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + File MIDI (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + senza_nome + + + + + Select file for project-export... + Scegliere il file per l'esportazione del progetto... + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Seleziona una directory per le tracce esportate... + + + + Save project + Salva progetto + + + + Project saved + Progeto salvato + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + Il progetto %1 è stato salvato. + + + + Project NOT saved. + Il progetto NON è stato salvato. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + Il progetto %1 non è stato salvato! + + + + Import file + Importa file + + + + MIDI sequences + Sequenze MIDI + + + + Hydrogen projects + Progetti Hydrogen + + + + All file types + Tutti i tipi di file + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + Numeratore della misura + + + + Meter numerator + Numeratore misura + + + + + Meter Denominator + Denominatore della misura + + + + Meter denominator + Denominatore misura + + + + TIME SIG + TEMPO + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + Numeratore + + + + Denominator + Denominatore + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + Controller MIDI + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + controller_midi_senza_nome + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + Impostazioni incomplete + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + Non hai impostato un soundfont predefinito nella finestra di dialogo delle impostazioni (Modifica-> Impostazioni). Pertanto, nessun suono verrà riprodotto dopo aver importato questo file MIDI. È necessario scaricare un General MIDI, specificarlo nella finestra di dialogo delle impostazioni e riprovare. + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Non hai compilato LMMS con il supporto per SoundFont2 Player, che viene usato per aggiungere suoni predefiniti ai file MIDI importati. Quindi, nessun suono verrà riprodotto dopo aver aperto questo file MIDI. + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + Numeratore indicazione del tempo MIDI + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + Denominatore indicazione del tempo MIDI + + + + Numerator + Numeratore + + + + Denominator + Denominatore + + + + Track + Traccia + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + Il server JACK è down + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + Il server JACK sembra spento. + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + Schema MIDI + + + + Time Signature: + Indicazione di tempo: + + + + + + 1/4 + 1/4 + + + + 2/4 + 2/4 + + + + 3/4 + 3/4 + + + + 4/4 + 4/4 + + + + 5/4 + 5/4 + + + + 6/4 + 6/4 + + + + Measures: + Misure: + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + 2 + 2 + + + + 3 + 3 + + + + 4 + 4 + + + + 5 + Quinta + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + 8 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + 10 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + 12 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + 14 + + + + 15 + 15 + + + + 16 + 16 + + + + Default Length: + Lunghezza predefinita: + + + + + 1/16 + 1/16 + + + + + 1/15 + 1/15 + + + + + 1/12 + 1/12 + + + + + 1/9 + 1/9 + + + + + 1/8 + 1/8 + + + + + 1/6 + 1/6 + + + + + 1/3 + 1/3 + + + + + 1/2 + 1/2 + + + + Quantize: + Quantizzazione: + + + + &File + &File + + + + &Edit + &Modifica + + + + &Quit + &Esci + + + + &Insert Mode + &Modo Inserimento + + + + F + F + + + + &Velocity Mode + &Modo Velocity + + + + D + Re + + + + Select All + Seleziona tutto + + + + A + La + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + Canale di ingresso + + + + Output channel + Canale di uscita + + + + Input controller + Controller in entrata + + + + Output controller + Controller in uscita + + + + Fixed input velocity + Velocity fissa in ingresso + + + + Fixed output velocity + Velocity fissa in uscita + + + + Fixed output note + Nota fissa in uscita + + + + Output MIDI program + Programma MIDI in uscita + + + + Base velocity + Velocity base + + + + Receive MIDI-events + Ricevi eventi MIDI + + + + Send MIDI-events + Invia eventi MIDI + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + Dispositivo + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + Volume osc 1 + + + + Osc 1 panning + Bilanciamento osc 1 + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + Intonazione al semitono osc 1 + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + Intonazione precisa osc 1 sinistro + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + Intonazione precisa osc 1 destro + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + Spostamento di fase osc 1 + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + Larghezza impulso osc 1 + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + Manda sync alla salita osc 1 + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + Manda sync alla discesa osc 1 + + + + Osc 2 volume + Volume osc 2 + + + + Osc 2 panning + Bilanciamento osc 2 + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + Intonazione al semitono osc 2 + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + Intonazione precisa osc 2 sinistro + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + Intonazione precisa osc 2 destro + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + Spostamento di fase osc 2 + + + + Osc 2 waveform + Forma d'onda osc 2 + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + Sync hard osc 2 + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + Sync inverso osc 2 + + + + Osc 3 volume + Volume osc 3 + + + + Osc 3 panning + Bilanciamento osc 3 + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + Intonazione al semitono osc 3 + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Osc 3 Spostamento di fase stereo + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + Missaggio sub-oscillatori di Osc 3 + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + Forma d'onda 1 osc 3 + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + Forma d'onda 2 osc 3 + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + Sync hard osc 3 + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + Sync inverso osc 3 + + + + LFO 1 waveform + Forma d'onda LFO 1 + + + + LFO 1 attack + Attacco LFO 1 + + + + LFO 1 rate + Periodo LFO 1 + + + + LFO 1 phase + Fase LFO 1 + + + + LFO 2 waveform + Forma d'onda LFO 2 + + + + LFO 2 attack + Attacco LFO 2 + + + + LFO 2 rate + Periodo LFO 2 + + + + LFO 2 phase + Fase LFO 2 + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + Pre-ritardo inv 1 + + + + Env 1 attack + Attacco inv 1 + + + + Env 1 hold + Mantenimento inv 1 + + + + Env 1 decay + Decadimento inv 1 + + + + Env 1 sustain + Sostegno inv 1 + + + + Env 1 release + Rilascio inv 1 + + + + Env 1 slope + Curvatura inv 1 + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + Pre-ritardo inv 2 + + + + Env 2 attack + Attacco inv 2 + + + + Env 2 hold + Mantenimento inv 2 + + + + Env 2 decay + Decadimento inv 2 + + + + Env 2 sustain + Sostegno inv 2 + + + + Env 2 release + Rilascio inv 2 + + + + Env 2 slope + Curvatura inv 2 + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + Modulazione osc 2+3 + + + + Selected view + Seleziona vista + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + Osc 1 - Vol inv 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + Osc 1 - Vol inv 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + Osc 2 - Vol inv 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + Osc 2 - Vol inv 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + Osc 3 - Vol inv 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + Osc 3 - Vol inv 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + Osc 1 - Fas inv 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + Osc 1 - Fas inv 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Fas LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Fas LFO 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + Osc 2 - Fas inv 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + Osc 2 - Fas inv 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Fas LFO 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Fas LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + Osc 3 - Fas inv 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + Osc 3 - Fas inv 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Fas LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Fas LFO 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + Osc 1 - Alt inv 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + Osc 1 - Alt inv 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Alt LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Alt LFO 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + Osc 2 - Alt inv 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + Osc 2 - Alt inv 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Alt LFO 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Alt LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + Osc 3 - Alt inv 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + Osc 3 - Alt inv 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Alt LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Alt LFO 2 + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + Osc 1 - LI inv 1 + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + Osc 1 - LI inv 2 + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + Osc 1 - LI LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + Osc 1 - LI LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + Osc 3 - Sub inv 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + Osc 3 - Sub inv 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + Sine wave + Onda sinusoidale + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Onda triangolare limitata + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Onda a dente di sega limitata + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Onda a rampa limitata + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + Onda quadra limitata + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Onda Moog limitata + + + + + Soft square wave + Onda quadra morbida + + + + Absolute sine wave + Onda sinusoidale assoluta + + + + + Exponential wave + Onda esponenziale + + + + White noise + Rumore bianco + + + + Digital Triangle wave + Onda triangolare digitale + + + + Digital Saw wave + Onda a dente di sega digitale + + + + Digital Ramp wave + Onda a rampa digitale + + + + Digital Square wave + Onda quadra digitale + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + Onda Moog digitale + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangolare + + + + Saw wave + Onda a dente di sega + + + + Ramp wave + Onda a rampa + + + + Square wave + Onda quadra + + + + Moog saw wave + Onda Moog + + + + Abs. sine wave + Sinusoide Ass. + + + + Random + Casuale + + + + Random smooth + Casuale morbida + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + Vista operatori + + + + Matrix view + Vista Matrice + + + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + + Panning + Bilanciamento + + + + + + Coarse detune + Intonazione grezza + + + + + + semitones + semitoni + + + + + Fine tune left + Intonazione precisa sinistra + + + + + + + cents + centesimi + + + + + Fine tune right + Intonazione precisa destra + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + Spostamento di fase stereo + + + + + + + + deg + gradi + + + + Pulse width + Larghezza impulso + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + Manda sincro alle salite + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + Manda sincro alle discese + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + Sincro Duro oscillatore 2 + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + Sincro Inverso oscillatore 2 + + + + Sub-osc mix + Missaggio Sub-osc + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + Sincro Duro oscillatore 3 + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + Sincro Inverso oscillatore 3 + + + + + + + Attack + Attacco + + + + + Rate + Periodo + + + + + Phase + Fase + + + + + Pre-delay + Pre-ritardo + + + + + Hold + Mantenimento + + + + + Decay + Decadimento + + + + + Sustain + Sostegno + + + + + Release + Rilascio + + + + + Slope + Curvatura + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + Somma osc 2 e osc 3 + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + Modula ampiezza di osc 3 con osc 2 + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + Modula frequenza di osc 3 con osc 2 + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + Modula fase di osc 3 con osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Quantità di modulazione: + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + Lunghezza + + + + Step length: + Durata degli step: + + + + Dry + Dry + + + + Dry gain: + Guadagno senza effetto: + + + + Stages + Fasi + + + + Low-pass stages: + Fasi del passa-basso: + + + + Swap inputs + Scambia input + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + Scambia i canali destro e sinistro per le ripetizioni + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + Intonazione al semitono canale 1 + + + + Channel 1 volume + Volume del canale 1 + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + Lunghezza inviluppo canale 1 + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + Duty cycle canale 1 + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + Larghezza glissando canale 1 + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + Velocità glissando canale 1 + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Intonazione grezza Canale 2 + + + + Channel 2 Volume + Volume Canale 2 + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + Lunghezza inviluppo canale 2 + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + Duty cycle canale 2 + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + Larghezza glissando canale 2 + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + Velocità glissando canale 2 + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + Intonazione al semitono canale 3 + + + + Channel 3 volume + Volume del canale 3 + + + + Channel 4 volume + Volume del canale 4 + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + Lunghezza inviluppo canale 4 + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + Frequenza rumore canale 4 + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + Glissando rumore canale 4 + + + + Master volume + Volume principale + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + + Coarse detune + Intonazione grezza + + + + + + Envelope length + Lunghezza inviluppo + + + + Enable channel 1 + Abilita canale 1 + + + + Enable envelope 1 + Abilita inviluppo 1 + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Abilita ripetizione inviluppo 1 + + + + Enable sweep 1 + Abilita glissando 1 + + + + + Sweep amount + Profondità glissando + + + + + Sweep rate + Durata glissando + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5% del periodo + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25% del periodo + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50% del periodo + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75% del periodo + + + + Enable channel 2 + Abilita canale 2 + + + + Enable envelope 2 + Abilita inviluppo 2 + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Abilita ripetizione inviluppo 2 + + + + Enable sweep 2 + Abilita glissando 2 + + + + Enable channel 3 + Abilita canale 3 + + + + Noise Frequency + Frequenza rumore + + + + Frequency sweep + Glissando + + + + Enable channel 4 + Abilita canale 4 + + + + Enable envelope 4 + Abilita inviluppo 4 + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Abilita ripetizione inviluppo 4 + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + Quantizza la frequenza del rumore, se relativa alla nota + + + + Use note frequency for noise + La frequenza del rumore è relativa alla nota suonata + + + + Noise mode + Modalità rumore + + + + Master volume + Volume principale + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + Programma + + + + Op 1 attack + Attacco op 1 + + + + Op 1 decay + Decadimento op 1 + + + + Op 1 sustain + Sostegno op 1 + + + + Op 1 release + Rilascio op 1 + + + + Op 1 level + Livello op 1 + + + + Op 1 level scaling + Scala livello op 1 + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + Moltiplicatore frequenza op 1 + + + + Op 1 feedback + Feedback op 1 + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + Velocità op 1 dipende da nota + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + Inviluppo percussivo op 1 + + + + Op 1 tremolo + Tremolo op 1 + + + + Op 1 vibrato + Vibrato op 1 + + + + Op 1 waveform + Forma d'onda op 1 + + + + Op 2 attack + Attacco op 2 + + + + Op 2 decay + Decadimento op 2 + + + + Op 2 sustain + Sostegno Op 2 + + + + Op 2 release + Rilascio op 2 + + + + Op 2 level + Livello op 2 + + + + Op 2 level scaling + Scala livello op 2 + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + Moltiplicatore frequenza op 2 + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + Velocità op 2 dipende da nota + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + Inviluppo percussivo op 2 + + + + Op 2 tremolo + Tremolo op 2 + + + + Op 2 vibrato + Vibrato op 2 + + + + Op 2 waveform + Forma d'onda op 2 + + + + FM + FM + + + + Vibrato depth + Profondità vibrato + + + + Tremolo depth + Profondità tremolo + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + Attacco + + + + + Decay + Decadimento + + + + + Release + Rilascio + + + + + Frequency multiplier + Moltiplicatore della frequenza + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + Forma d'onda osc %1 + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + Armoniche Osc %1 + + + + + Osc %1 volume + Volume osc %1 + + + + + Osc %1 panning + Panning osc %1 + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Intonazione precisa osc %1 sinistra + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Intonazione osc %1 + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Intonazione precisa osc %1 destra + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Scostamento fase osc %1 + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Intonazione fase stereo osc %1 + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + Forma d'onda Osc %1 + + + + Modulation type %1 + Modulazione di tipo %1 + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + Oscilloscopio + + + + Click to enable + Clicca per abilitare + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Preset Canale + + + + Bank selector + Selezione banco + + + + Bank + Banco + + + + Program selector + Selezione programma + + + + Patch + Programma + + + + Name + Nome + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + Annulla + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + Apri patch + + + + Loop + Ripetizione + + + + Loop mode + Modalità ripetizione + + + + Tune + Intonazione + + + + Tune mode + Modalità intonazione + + + + No file selected + Nessun file selezionato + + + + Open patch file + Apri file di patch + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + File di patch (*.pat) + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + Apri nel piano-roll + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + Imposta come fantasma in piano-roll + + + + Clear all notes + Cancella tutte le note + + + + Reset name + Reimposta il nome + + + + Change name + Cambia nome + + + + Add steps + Aggiungi note + + + + Remove steps + Elimina note + + + + Clone Steps + Clona gli step + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + Controller dei picchi + + + + Peak Controller Bug + Bug del controller dei picchi + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + A causa di un bug nelle versioni precedenti di LMMS, i controller dei picchi potrebbero non essere connessi come dovuto. Assicurati che i controller dei picchi siano connessi e salva questo file di nuovo. Ci scusiamo per gli inconvenienti causati. + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + PICCO + + + + LFO Controller + Controller dell'LFO + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + BASE + + + + Base: + Base: + + + + AMNT + Q.TÀ + + + + Modulation amount: + Quantità di modulazione: + + + + MULT + MOLT + + + + Amount multiplicator: + Moltiplicatore di quantità: + + + + ATCK + ATCC + + + + Attack: + Attacco: + + + + DCAY + DCAD + + + + Release: + Rilascio: + + + + TRSH + SOGLIA + + + + Treshold: + Soglia: + + + + Mute output + Silenzia l'output + + + + Absolute value + Valore assoluto + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + Valore di base + + + + Modulation amount + Quantità di modulazione + + + + Attack + Attacco + + + + Release + Rilascio + + + + Treshold + Soglia + + + + Mute output + Silenzia l'output + + + + Absolute value + Valore assoluto + + + + Amount multiplicator + Moltiplicatore di quantità + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + Volume Note + + + + Note Panning + Panning Note + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Evidenza (o togli evidenziazione) questo semitono + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + Evidenza (o togli evidenziazione) i semitoni alle altre ottave + + + + Mark current scale + Evidenza la scala corrente + + + + Mark current chord + Evidenza l'accordo corrente + + + + Unmark all + Togli tutte le evidenziazioni + + + + Select all notes on this key + Seleziona tutte le note in questo tasto + + + + Note lock + Note lock + + + + Last note + Ultima nota + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + - Scale + + + + No chord + - Accordi + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + Velocity: %1% + + + + Panning: %1% left + Bilanciamento: %1% a sinistra + + + + Panning: %1% right + Bilanciamento: %1% a destra + + + + Panning: center + Bilanciamento: centrato + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Aprire un pattern con un doppio-click sul pattern stesso! + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Inserire un valore compreso tra %1 e %2: + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Riproduci/metti in pausa il beat/bassline selezionato (Spazio) + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Registra note da una periferica/canale piano MIDI + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Registra note da una periferica MIDI/canale piano mentre la traccia o la BB track è in riproduzione + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + Registra note da dispositivo-MIDI/canale-piano, un passo alla volta + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Riproduci/metti in pausa il beat/bassline selezionato (Spazio) + + + + Edit actions + Modalità di modifica + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Modalità disegno (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Modalità cancella (Shift+E) + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Modalità selezione (Shift+S) + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + Modalità intonazione (Shift+T) + + + + Quantize + Quantizza + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + Controlli di copia-incolla + + + + Cut (%1+X) + Taglia (%1+X) + + + + Copy (%1+C) + Copia (%1+C) + + + + Paste (%1+V) + Incolla (%1+V) + + + + Timeline controls + Controlla griglia + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + Controlli di zoom e note + + + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom orizzontale + + + + Vertical zooming + Zoom verticale + + + + Quantization + Quantizzazione + + + + Note length + Lunghezza nota + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + Scala + + + + Chord + Accordo + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + Cancella note fantasma + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Piano-Roll - nessun pattern + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + Nota base + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + Ultima nota + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + Plugin non trovato + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + Il plugin "%1" non è stato trovato o non è stato possibile caricarlo! +Motivo: "%2" + + + + Error while loading plugin + Errore nel caricamento del plugin + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Non è stato possibile caricare il plugin "%1"! + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + Plugin Strumentali + + + + Instrument browser + Browser strumenti + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + È possibile trascinare uno strumento nel Song-Editor, nel Beat+Bassline Editor o direttamente in un canale esistente. + + + + no description + nessuna descrizione + + + + A native amplifier plugin + Un plugin di amplificazione nativo + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Semplice sampler con varie impostazioni, per usare suoni (come percussioni) in una traccia strumentale + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Potenzia il tuo basso in modo veloce e semplice + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Sintetizzatore wavetable configurabile + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + Un riduttore di bit con oversampling + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Strumento Patchbay Carla + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + Strutmento Rack Carla + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + Un equalizzatore Crossover a 4 bande + + + + A native delay plugin + Un plugin di ritardi eco nativo + + + + A Dual filter plugin + Un plugin di duplice filtraggio + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + Un versatile processore di dynamic + + + + A native eq plugin + Un plugin di equalizzazione nativo + + + + A native flanger plugin + Un plugin di flager nativo + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Emulatore di GameBoy™ APU + + + + Player for GIG files + Riproduttore di file GIG + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Strumento per l'importazione di file Hydrogen dentro LMMS + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Sintetizzatore di percussioni versatile + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Elenca i plugin LADSPA installati + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + Plugin per usare qualsiasi effetto LADSPA in LMMS. + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Imitazione monofonica del TB-303 incompleta + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Filtro per esportare file MIDI da LMMS + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filtro per importare file MIDI in LMMS + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + Sintetizzatore mostruoso con 3 oscillatori e matrice di modulazione + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + Un plugin di ritardo eco multitap + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + Un sintetizzatore che imita i suoni del Nintendo Entertainment System + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + Sintetizzatore FM a 2 operatori + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Sintetizzatore additivo per suoni tipo organo + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + strumento compatibile con GUS + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Plugin per controllare le manopole con picchi di suono + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Algoritmo di Riverbero di Sean Costello + + + + Player for SoundFont files + Riproduttore di file SounFont + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + Port di sfxr su LMMS + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Emulazione di MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +Questo chip era utilizzato nel Commode 64. + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + Un analizzatore di spettro grafico. + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Plugin per migliorare la separazione stereo di un file + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Plugin per manipolare liberamente un'uscita stereo + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + Oggetti dotati di intonazione su cui picchiare + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Tre potenti oscillatori modulabili in vari modi + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + Un visualizzatore del campo stereo. + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + Host VST per usare i plugin VST con LMMS + + + + Vibrating string modeler + Modulatore di corde vibranti + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + Plugin per usare effetti VST arbitrari dentro LMMS. + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + Sintetizzatore wavetable con 4 oscillatori modulabili + + + + plugin for waveshaping + Plugin per la modifica della forma d'onda + + + + Mathematical expression parser + Analisi sintattica dell'espressione + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + ZynAddSubFX incorporato + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + Carla - Aggiungi nuovo + + + + Format + Formato + + + + Internal + Interno + + + + LADSPA + LADSPA + + + + DSSI + DSSI + + + + LV2 + LV2 + + + + VST2 + VST2 + + + + VST3 + VST3 + + + + AU + AU + + + + Sound Kits + Kits audio + + + + Type + Tipo - &Justify - &Giustifica + + Effects + Effetti - %1+J - %1+J + + Instruments + Strumenti - &Color... - &Colore... + + MIDI Plugins + Plugins MIDI - Project Notes - Mostra/nascondi le note del progetto + + Other/Misc + Altro/misc - Enter project notes here + + Architecture + Architettura + + + + Native + Nativo + + + + Bridged + Collegato + + + + Bridged (Wine) + Congiunto (Wine) + + + + Requirements + Requisiti + + + + With Custom GUI + Con GUI personalizzata + + + + With CV Ports + Con porte CV + + + + Real-time safe only + Solo sicurezza in tempo reale + + + + Stereo only + Solo stereo + + + + With Inline Display + Con display in linea + + + + Favorites only + Solo Preferiti + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + (Numero di plugin vai qui) + + + + &Add Plugin + &Aggiungi plugin + + + + Cancel + Annulla + + + + Refresh + Aggiorna + + + + Reset filters + Ripristina filtri + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + Etichetta testo + + + + Format: + Formato: + + + + Architecture: + Architettura: + + + + Type: + Tipo: + + + + MIDI Ins: + Ins MIDI: + + + + Audio Ins: + Ins Audio: + + + + CV Outs: + Uscite CV: + + + + MIDI Outs: + Uscite MIDI: + + + + Parameter Ins: + Ins Parametri: + + + + Parameter Outs: + Uscite parametri: + + + + Audio Outs: + Uscite audio: + + + + CV Ins: + Ins CV: + + + + UniqueID: - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) - File WAV (*.wav) + + Has Inline Display: + Ha un Display in linea: + + + + Has Custom GUI: + Ha una GUI personalizzata: - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - File in formato OGG compresso (*.ogg) + + Is Synth: + - FLAC-File (*.flac) + + Is Bridged: - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) + + Information + Informazioni + + + + Name + Nome + + + + Label/URI + + + Maker + Creatore + + + + Binary/Filename + Binario/Nome file + + + + Focus Text Search + Ricerca testo mirato + + + + Ctrl+F + Ctrl+F + - QWidget + PluginEdit - Name: - Nome: + + Plugin Editor + Editor plugin - Maker: - Autore: + + Edit + Modifica - Copyright: - Copyright: + + Control + Controllo - Requires Real Time: - Richiede Real Time: + + MIDI Control Channel: + Canale controllo MIDI: - Yes - + + N + N - No - No + + Output dry/wet (100%) + Uscita dry/wet (100%) - Real Time Capable: - Abilitato al Real Time: + + Output volume (100%) + Volume di uscita (100%) - In Place Broken: - In Place Broken: + + Balance Left (0%) + Bilanciamento a sinistra (0%) - Channels In: - Canali in ingresso: + + + Balance Right (0%) + Bilanciamento destro (0%) - Channels Out: - Canali in uscita: + + Use Balance + Usa bilanciamento - File: - File: + + Use Panning + Usa panoramica - File: %1 - File: %1 + + Settings + Impostazioni + + + + Use Chunks + Usa blocchi + + + + Audio: + Audio: + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + Buffer dimensione-fissa + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + Forza Stereo (deve essere ricaricato) + + + + MIDI: + MIDI: + + + + Map Program Changes + Mappa modifiche programma + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + Invia banco/Modifiche programma + + + + Send Control Changes + Invia modifiche al controllo + + + + Send Channel Pressure + Invia pressione canale + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + Invia nota Aftertouch + + + + Send Pitchbend + Invia Pitchbend + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + Invia tutti i suoni/Note disattivate + + + + +Plugin Name + + +Nome Plugin + + + + + Program: + Programma: + + + + MIDI Program: + Programma MIDI: + + + + Save State + Salva Stato + + + + Load State + Carica Stato + + + + Information + Informazioni + + + + Label/URI: + Etichetta/URI: + + + + Name: + Nome: + + + + Type: + Tipo: + + + + Maker: + Creatore: + + + + Copyright: + Copyright: + + + + Unique ID: + ID univoco: - RenameDialog + PluginFactory - Rename... - Rinomina... + + Plugin not found. + Plugin non trovato. + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + Il plugin LMMS %1 non ha una descrizione chiamata %2! - ReverbSCControlDialog + PluginParameter - Input - Ingresso + + Form + Modulo - Input Gain: - Guadagno in Input: + + Parameter Name + Nome parametro - Size - Grandezza + + ... + ... + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + Carla - Aggiorna - Size: - Grandezza: + + Search for new... + Cerca nuovo... - Color - Colore + + LADSPA + LADSPA - Color: - Colore: + + DSSI + DSSI - Output - Uscita + + LV2 + LV2 - Output Gain: - Guadagno in Output: + + VST2 + VST2 - - - ReverbSCControls - Input Gain - Guadagno input + + VST3 + VST3 - Size - Grandezza + + AU + AU + + + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 + + + + SFZ + SFZ + + + + Native + Nativo + + + + POSIX 32bit + POSIX 32bit + + + + POSIX 64bit + POSIX 64bit + + + + Windows 32bit + Windows 32bit + + + + Windows 64bit + Windows 64bit - Color - Colore + + Available tools: + Strumenti disponibili: + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + python3-rdflib (supporto LADSPA-RDF) + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + carla-discovery-native + carla-discovery-nativo + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + Options: + Opzioni: + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + Carla eseguirà piccoli controlli di elaborazione durante la scansione dei plugin (per assicurarsi che non si arrestino). +È possibile disabilitare questi controlli per ottenere un tempo di scansione più rapido (a proprio rischio). + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + Esegui controlli di elaborazione durante la scansione + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + Premere 'Scansiona' per avviare la ricerca + + + + Scan + Scansiona + + + + >> Skip + >> Ignora + + + + Close + Chiudi + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + - Output Gain - Guadagno output + + Enable + Abilita - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file - Apri file audio + + On/Off + On/Off - Wave-Files (*.wav) - File wave (*.wav) + + + + + PluginName + - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - File OGG (*.ogg) + + MIDI + MIDI - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - File DrumSynth (*.ds) + + AUDIO IN + INGRESSO AUDIO - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - File FLAC (*.flac) + + AUDIO OUT + USCITA AUDIO - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - File SPEEX (*.spx) + + GUI + GUI - VOC-Files (*.voc) - File VOC (*.voc) + + Edit + Modifica - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - File AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + Remove + Rimuovi - AU-Files (*.au) - File AU (*.au) + + Plugin Name + Nome Plugin - RAW-Files (*.raw) - File RAW (*.raw) + + Preset: + Preselezione: + + + ProjectNotes - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Tutti i file audio (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + Project Notes + Mostra/nascondi le note del progetto - Fail to open file - Impossibile aprire il file + + Enter project notes here + Scrivi gli appunti per il progetto - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - I file audio hanno un limite di %1 MB in grandezza e %2 minuti in durata + + Edit Actions + Modifica azioni - - - SampleTCOView - double-click to select sample - Fare doppio click per selezionare il campione + + &Undo + &Annulla operazione - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Elimina (tasto centrale del mouse) + + %1+Z + %1+Z - Cut - Taglia + + &Redo + &Ripeti operazione - Copy - Copia + + %1+Y + %1+Y - Paste - Incolla + + &Copy + &Copia - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Attiva/disattiva la modalità muta (<%1> + tasto centrale) + + %1+C + %1+C - - - SampleTrack - Sample track - Traccia di campione + + Cu&t + &Taglia - Volume - Volume + + %1+X + %1+X - Panning - Bilanciamento + + &Paste + &Incolla - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - Volume della traccia + + %1+V + %1+V - Channel volume: - Volume del canale: + + Format Actions + Opzioni di formattazione - VOL - VOL + + &Bold + &Grassetto - Panning - Bilanciamento + + %1+B + %1+B - Panning: - Bilanciamento: + + &Italic + Cors&ivo - PAN - BIL + + %1+I + %1+I - - - SetupDialog - Setup LMMS - Cofigura LMMS + + &Underline + &Sottolineato - General settings - Impostazioni generali + + %1+U + %1+U - BUFFER SIZE - DIMENSIONE DEL BUFFER + + &Left + &Sinistra - Reset to default-value - Reimposta al valore predefinito + + %1+L + %1+L - MISC - VARIE + + C&enter + C&entro - Enable tooltips - Abilita i suggerimenti + + %1+E + %1+E - Show restart warning after changing settings - Dopo aver modificato le impostazioni, mostra un avviso al riavvio + + &Right + Dest&ra - Compress project files per default - Per impostazione predefinita, comprimi i file di progetto + + %1+R + %1+R - One instrument track window mode - Mostra un solo strumento per volta + + &Justify + &Giustifica - HQ-mode for output audio-device - Modalità alta qualità per l'uscita audio + + %1+J + %1+J - Compact track buttons - Pulsanti della traccia compatti + + &Color... + &Colore... + + + ProjectRenderer - Sync VST plugins to host playback - Sincronizza i plugin VST alla riproduzione del programma + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) - Enable note labels in piano roll - Abilita l'etichetta delle note nel piano roll + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) - Enable waveform display by default - Abilità il display della forma d'onda per default + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) - Keep effects running even without input - Lascia gli effetti attivi anche senza input + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - Create backup file when saving a project - Crea un file di backup quando salva i progetti + + Reload Plugin + - LANGUAGE - LINGUA + + Show GUI + Mostra GUI - Paths - Percorsi + + Help + Aiuto + + + QWidget - LMMS working directory - Directory di lavoro di LMMS + + + + + Name: + Nome: - VST-plugin directory - Directory dei plugin VST + + URI: + - Background artwork - Grafica dello sfondo + + + + Maker: + Autore: - STK rawwave directory - Directory per i file rawwave STK + + + + Copyright: + Copyright: - Default Soundfont File - File SoundFont predefinito + + + Requires Real Time: + Richiede Real Time: - Performance settings - Impostazioni prestazioni + + + + + + + Yes + - UI effects vs. performance - Effetti UI (interfaccia grafica) vs. prestazioni + + + + + + + No + No - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - Scorrimento morbido nel Song-Editor + + + Real Time Capable: + Abilitato al Real Time: - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Mostra il cursore di riproduzione dentro AudioFileProcessor + + + In Place Broken: + In Place Broken: - Audio settings - Impostazioni audio + + + Channels In: + Canali in ingresso: - AUDIO INTERFACE - INTERFACCIA AUDIO + + + Channels Out: + Canali in uscita: - MIDI settings - Impostazioni MIDI + + File: %1 + File: %1 - MIDI INTERFACE - INTERFACCIA MIDI + + File: + File: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - OK - OK + + &Recently Opened Projects + Progetti &Recenti + + + RenameDialog - Cancel - Annulla + + Rename... + Rinomina... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - Restart LMMS - Riavvia LMMS + + Input + Ingresso - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - Si prega di notare che la maggior parte delle modifiche non avrà effetto fino al riavvio di LMMS! + + Input gain: + Guadagno in Input: - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Frames: %1 -Latenza: %2 ms + + Size + Grandezza - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - Qui è possibile impostare la dimensione del buffer interno usato da LMMS. Valori più piccoli danno come risultato una latenza più bassa ma possono causare una qualità audio inutilizzabile o cattive prestazioni, specialmente su computer datati o sistemi con kernel non-realtime. + + Size: + Grandezza: - Choose LMMS working directory - Seleziona la directory di lavoro di LMMS + + Color + Colore - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Seleziona la directory dei plugin VST + + Color: + Colore: - Choose artwork-theme directory - Seleziona la directory del tema grafico + + Output + Uscita - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Seleziona le directory dei plugin LADSPA + + Output gain: + Guadagno in output: + + + ReverbSCControls - Choose STK rawwave directory - Seleziona le directory dei file rawwave STK + + Input gain + Guadagno in input - Choose default SoundFont - Scegliere il SoundFont predefinito + + Size + Grandezza - Choose background artwork - Scegliere la grafica dello sfondo + + Color + Colore - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - Qui è possibile selezionare l'interfaccia audio. A seconda della configurazione del tuo sistema in fase di compilazione puoi scegliere tra ALSA, JACK, OSS e altri. Sotto trovi una casella che offre dei controlli per l'interfaccia audio selezionata. + + Output gain + Guadagno in output + + + SaControls - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - Qui è possibile selezionare l'interfaccia MIDI. A seconda della configurazione del tuo sistema in fase di compilazione puoi scegliere tra ALSA, OSS e altri. Sotto si trova una casella che offre dei controlli per l'interfaccia MIDI selezionata. + + Pause + Pausa - Reopen last project on start - Apri l'ultimo progetto all'avvio + + Reference freeze + Blocca riferimento - Directories - Percorsi cartelle + + Waterfall + A cascata - Themes directory - Directory del tema grafico + + Averaging + Mediamente - GIG directory - Directory di GIG + + Stereo + Stereofonico - SF2 directory - Directory dei SoundFont + + Peak hold + Tenuta del picco - LADSPA plugin directories - Directory dei plugin VST + + Logarithmic frequency + Frequenza logaritmica - Auto save - Salvataggio automatico + + Logarithmic amplitude + Ampiezza logaritmica - Choose your GIG directory - Selezione la directory di GIG + + Frequency range + Intervallo di frequenza - Choose your SF2 directory - Seleziona la directory dei SoundFont + + Amplitude range + Gamma di ampiezza - minutes - minuti + + FFT block size + Dimensione blocco FFT - minute - minuto + + FFT window type + Tipo di finestra FFT - Display volume as dBFS - Mostra il volume in dBFS + + Peak envelope resolution + Risoluzione inviluppo di picco + + + + Spectrum display resolution + Risoluzione visualizzatore dello spettro - Enable auto-save - Abiita funzione di salvataggio automatico + + Peak decay multiplier + Moltiplicatore decadimento di picco - Allow auto-save while playing - Consenti il salvataggio automatico durante la riproduzione + + Averaging weight + Peso medio - Disabled - Disabilitato + + Waterfall history size + Dimensioni cronologia cascata - Auto-save interval: %1 - Intervallo di salvataggio automatico: %1 + + Waterfall gamma correction + Correzione gamma a cascata - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - Imposta il tempo tra i salvataggi automatici a %1. -Ricorda di salvare i progetti manualmente. Puoi disabilitare il salvataggio automatico durante la riproduzione, in quanto potrebbe pesare troppo su un sistema datato. + + FFT window overlap + Sovrapposizione finestra FFT - - - Song - Tempo - Tempo + + FFT zero padding + - Master volume - Volume principale + + + Full (auto) + Completo (automatico) - Master pitch - Altezza principale + + + + Audible + Udibile - Project saved - Progeto salvato + + Bass + Bassi - The project %1 is now saved. - Il progetto %1 è stato salvato. + + Mids + Medi - Project NOT saved. - Il progetto NON è stato salvato. + + High + Alto - The project %1 was not saved! - Il progetto %1 non è stato salvato! + + Extended + Esteso - Import file - Importa file + + Loud + Forte - MIDI sequences - Sequenze MIDI + + Silent + Silenzioso - Hydrogen projects - Progetti Hydrogen + + (High time res.) + (Alta ris. temporale.) - All file types - Tutti i tipi di file + + (High freq. res.) + (Ris, alta freq.) - Empty project - Progetto vuoto + + Rectangular (Off) + Rettangolare (disattivato) - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - Questo progetto è vuoto, pertanto non c'è nulla da esportare. Prima, è necessario inserire alcuni elementi nel Song Editor! + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + Blackman-Harris (predefinito) - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Seleziona una directory per le tracce esportate... + + Hamming + Hamming - untitled - senza_nome + + Hanning + Hanning + + + SaControlsDialog - Select file for project-export... - Scegliere il file per l'esportazione del progetto... + + Pause + Pausa - The following errors occured while loading: - Errori durante il caricamento: + + Pause data acquisition + Sospendi acquisizione dati - MIDI File (*.mid) - File MIDI (*.mid) + + Reference freeze + Blocca riferimento - LMMS Error report - Informazioni sull'errore di LMMS + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + Blocca ingresso corrente come un riferimento/disabilita la caduta in modalità Tenuta-Picco. - Save project - Salva progetto + + Waterfall + A cascata - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - Non è stato possibile aprire il file + + Display real-time spectrogram + Visualizza spettrogramma in tempo reale - Could not write file - Impossibile scrivere il file + + Averaging + Mediamente - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Impossibile aprire il file %1. Probabilmente non disponi dei permessi necessari alla sua lettura. -Assicurati di avere almeno i permessi di lettura del file e prova di nuovo. + + Enable exponential moving average + Abilita movimento medio esponenziale - Error in file - Errore nel file + + Stereo + Stereofonico - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Il file %1 sembra contenere errori, quindi non può essere caricato. + + Display stereo channels separately + Visualizza canali stereo separatamente - Tempo - Tempo + + Peak hold + Tenuta del picco - TEMPO/BPM - TEMPO/BPM + + Display envelope of peak values + Visualizza inviluppo dei valori di picco - tempo of song - tempo della canzone + + Logarithmic frequency + Frequenza logaritmica - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - Il tempo della canzone è specificato in battiti al minuto (BPM). Per cambiare il tempo della canzone bisogna cambiare questo valore. Ogni marcatore ha 4 battiti, pertanto il tempo in BPM specifica quanti marcatori / 4 verranno riprodotti in un minuto (o quanti marcatori in 4 minuti). + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + Passa dalla scala della frequenza logaritmica a quella lineare - High quality mode - Modalità ad alta qualità + + + Frequency range + Intervallo di frequenza - Master volume - Volume principale + + Logarithmic amplitude + Ampiezza logaritmica - master volume - volume principale + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + Scambia tra scala logaritmica e ad ampiezza lineare - Master pitch - Altezza principale + + + Amplitude range + Gamma di ampiezza - master pitch - altezza principale + + Envelope res. + Ris. inviluppo - Value: %1% - Valore: %1% + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Aumenta la risoluzione dell'inviluppo per maggiori dettagli, diminuisci per migliori prestazioni della GUI. - Value: %1 semitones - Valore: %1 semitoni + + + Draw at most + Disegna al massimo - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Impossibile aprire il file %1 per la scrittura. Probabilmente non disponi dei permessi necessari alla scrittura di questo file. Assicurati di avere tali permessi e prova di nuovo. + + envelope points per pixel + punti di inviluppo per pixel - template - modello + + Spectrum res. + Ris. spettro - project - progetto + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Aumenta la risoluzione dello spettro per maggiori dettagli, diminuisci per migliori prestazioni della GUI. - Version difference - Differenza di versione + + spectrum points per pixel + punti di spettro per pixel - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - %1 creato con LMMS %2. + + Falloff factor + Fattore di decadimento - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - Song-Editor + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + Diminuisci per far cadere più rapidamente i picchi. - Play song (Space) - Riproduci il brano (Spazio) + + Multiply buffered value by + Moltiplica il valore bufferizzato per - Record samples from Audio-device - Registra campioni da una periferica audio + + Averaging weight + Peso medio - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Registra campioni da una periferica audio mentre il brano o una traccia BB sono in riproduzione + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + Riduci per rendere la media più lenta e uniforme. - Stop song (Space) - Ferma la riproduzione del brano (Spazio) + + New sample contributes + Nuovo campione contribuisce - Add beat/bassline - Aggiungi beat/bassline + + Waterfall height + Altezza cascata - Add sample-track - Aggiungi traccia di campione + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + Aumenta per scorrere più lentamente, diminuisci per vedere meglio le transizioni veloci. Avvertenza: utilizzo medio della CPU. - Add automation-track - Aggiungi una traccia di automazione + + Keep + Mantieni - Draw mode - Modalità disegno + + lines + linee - Edit mode (select and move) - Modalità modifica (seleziona e sposta) + + Waterfall gamma + Gamma cascata - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - Cliccando qui si riproduce l'intero brano. La riproduzione inizierà alla posizione attuale del segnaposto (verde). È possibile spostarlo anche durante la riproduzione. + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + Diminuisci per vedere segnali molto deboli, aumenta per ottenere un migliore contrasto. - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - Cliccando qui si ferma la riproduzione del brano. Il cursore verrà portato all'inizio della canzone. + + Gamma value: + Valore gamma: - Track actions - Azioni sulle tracce + + Window overlap + Sovrapposizione della finestra - Edit actions - Modalità di modifica + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + Aumenta per evitare che manchino transizioni veloci nei pressi dei bordi delle finestre FFT. Avvertenza: utilizzo elevato della CPU. - Timeline controls - Controlla griglia + + Each sample processed + Ogni campione elaborato - Zoom controls - Opzioni di zoom + + times + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - Spettro lineare + + Zero padding + - Linear Y axis - Asse Y lineare + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + Aumenta per ottenere uno spettro più uniforme. Avvertenza: elevato utilizzo della CPU. - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum - Spettro lineare + + Processing buffer is + Il buffer di elaborazione è - Linear Y axis - Asse Y lineare + + steps larger than input block + passi più grandi del blocco di entrata - Channel mode - Modalità del canale + + Advanced settings + Impostazioni avanzate - - - SubWindow - Close - Chiudi + + Access advanced settings + Accesso impostazioni avanzate - Maximize - Massimizza + + + FFT block size + Dimensione blocco FFT - Restore - Apri + + + FFT window type + Tipo finestra FFT - TabWidget + SampleBuffer - Settings for %1 - Impostazioni per %1 + + Fail to open file + Impossibile aprire il file - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - Sync del tempo + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + I file audio hanno un limite di %1 MB in grandezza e %2 minuti in durata - No Sync - Non in Sync + + Open audio file + Apri file audio - Eight beats - Otto battiti + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Tutti i file audio (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Whole note - Un intero + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + File wave (*.wav) - Half note - Una metà + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + File OGG (*.ogg) - Quarter note - Quarto + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + File DrumSynth (*.ds) - 8th note - Ottavo + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + File FLAC (*.flac) - 16th note - Sedicesimo + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + File SPEEX (*.spx) - 32nd note - Trentaduesimo + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + File VOC (*.voc) - Custom... - Personalizzato... + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + File AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) - Custom - Personalizzato + + AU-Files (*.au) + File AU (*.au) - Synced to Eight Beats - In sync con otto battiti + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + File RAW (*.raw) + + + SampleClipView - Synced to Whole Note - In sync con un intero + + Double-click to open sample + Fare doppio-click per aprire un campione - Synced to Half Note - In sync con un mezzo + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Elimina (tasto centrale del mouse) - Synced to Quarter Note - In sync con quarti + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - Synced to 8th Note - In sync con ottavi + + Cut + Taglia - Synced to 16th Note - In sync con 16simi + + Cut selection + - Synced to 32nd Note - In sync con 32simi + + Copy + Copia - - - TimeDisplayWidget - click to change time units - Clicca per cambiare l'unità di tempo visualizzata + + Copy selection + - MIN - MIN + + Paste + Incolla - SEC - SEC + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Attiva/disattiva la modalità muta (<%1> + tasto centrale) - MSEC - MSEC + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - BAR - BAR + + Reverse sample + Inverti campione - BEAT - BATT + + Set clip color + - TICK - TICK + + Use track color + - TimeLineWidget + SampleTrack - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Abilita/disabilita lo scorrimento automatico + + Volume + Volume - Enable/disable loop-points - Abilita/disabilita i punti di ripetizione + + Panning + Bilanciamento - After stopping go back to begin - Una volta fermata la riproduzione, torna all'inizio + + Mixer channel + Canale FX - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Una volta fermata la riproduzione, torna alla posizione da cui si è partiti + + + Sample track + Traccia di campione + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + Volume della traccia - After stopping keep position - Una volta fermata la riproduzione, mantieni la posizione + + Channel volume: + Volume del canale: - Hint - Suggerimento + + VOL + VOL - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Premi <%1> per disabilitare i punti di loop magnetici. + + Panning + Bilanciamento - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Tieni premuto <Shift> per spostare l'inizio del punto di loop; premi <%1> per disabilitare i punti di loop magnetici. + + Panning: + Bilanciamento: - - - Track - Mute - Muto + + PAN + BIL - Solo - Solo + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - TrackContainer - - Couldn't import file - Non è stato possibile importare il file - + SampleTrackWindow - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Non è stato possibile trovare un filtro per importare il file %1. -È necessario convertire questo file in un formato supportato da LMMS usando un altro programma. + + GENERAL SETTINGS + IMPOSTAZIONI GENERALI - Couldn't open file - Non è stato possibile aprire il file + + Sample volume + Volume campione - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Non è stato possibile aprire il file %1 in lettura. -Assicurarsi di avere i permessi in lettura per il file e per la directory che lo contiene e riprovare! + + Volume: + Volume: - Loading project... - Caricamento del progetto... + + VOL + VOL - Cancel - Annulla + + Panning + Bilanciamento - Please wait... - Attendere... + + Panning: + Bilanciamento: - Importing MIDI-file... - Importazione del file MIDI... + + PAN + BIL - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - + + Mixer channel + Canale FX - - - TrackContentObject - Mute - Muto + + CHANNEL + FX - TrackContentObjectView - - Current position - Posizione attuale - + SaveOptionsWidget - Hint - Suggerimento + + Discard MIDI connections + Scarta le connessioni MIDI - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Premere <%1>, cliccare e trascinare per copiare. + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + SetupDialog - Current length - Lunghezza attuale + + Reset to default value + Ritorna alle impostazioni predefinite - Press <%1> for free resizing. - Premere <%1> per ridimensionare liberamente. + + Use built-in NaN handler + Usa il gestore NaN integrato - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (da %3:%4 a %5:%6) + + Settings + Impostazioni - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Elimina (tasto centrale del mouse) + + + General + Generale - Cut - Taglia + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + Interfaccia utente grafica (GUI) - Copy - Copia + + Display volume as dBFS + Mostra il volume in dBFS - Paste - Incolla + + Enable tooltips + Abilita i suggerimenti - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Attiva/disattiva la modalità muta (<%1> + tasto centrale) + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - Premere <%1> mentre si clicca sulla maniglia per lo spostamento per iniziare una nuova azione di drag'n'drop. + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + - Actions for this track - Azioni per questa traccia + + Enable compact track buttons + - Mute - Muto + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - Solo - Solo + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - Mute this track - Silezia questa traccia + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - Clone this track - Clona questa traccia + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - Remove this track - Elimina questa traccia + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - Clear this track - Pulisci questa traccia + + Projects + Progetti - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Compress project files by default + - Turn all recording on - Accendi tutti i processi di registrazione + + Create a backup file when saving a project + - Turn all recording off - Spegni tutti i processi di registrazione + + Reopen last project on startup + - Assign to new FX Channel - Assegna ad un nuovo canale FX + + Language + Lingua - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Usare la modulazione di fase per modulare l'oscillatore 2 con l'oscillatore 1 + + + Performance + Prestazioni - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Usare la modulazione di amplificazione per modulare l'oscillatore 2 con l'oscillatore 1 + + Autosave + Salvataggio automatico - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Miscelare gli oscillatori 1 e 2 + + Enable autosave + Abilita salvataggio automatico - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Sincronizzare l'oscillatore 1 con l'oscillatore 2 + + Allow autosave while playing + Consenti salvataggio automatico durante la riproduzione - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Usare la modulazione di frequenza per modulare l'oscillatore 2 con l'oscillatore 1 + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + Effetti dell'interfaccia utente (UI) vs. prestazioni - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Usare la modulazione di fase per modulare l'oscillatore 3 con l'oscillatore 2 + + Smooth scroll in song editor + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Usare la modulazione di amplificazione per modulare l'oscillatore 3 con l'oscillatore 2 + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Miscelare gli oscillatori 2 e 3 + + Plugins + Plugin - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Sincronizzare l'oscillatore 2 con l'oscillatore 3 + + VST plugins embedding: + Incorporamento dei plug-in VST: - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Usare la modulazione di frequenza per modulare l'oscillatore 3 con l'oscillatore 2 + + No embedding + Nessun incorporamento - Osc %1 volume: - Volume osc %1: + + Embed using Qt API + Incorpora utilizzando l'API Qt - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Questa manopola regola il volume dell'oscillatore %1. Un valore pari a 0 equivale a un oscillatore spento, gli altri valori impostano il volume corrispondente. + + Embed using native Win32 API + Incorpora utilizzando l'API Win32 nativa - Osc %1 panning: - Panning osc %1: + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Incorpora utilizzando il protocollo XEmbed - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Questa manopola regola il posizionamento nello spettro stereo dell'oscillatore %1. Un valore pari a -100 significa tutto a sinistra mentre un valore pari a 100 significa tutto a destra. + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + Mantieni le finestre dei plugin in primo piano quando non sono incorporate - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Intonazione dell'osc %1: + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Sincronizza i plugin VST alla riproduzione del programma - semitones - semitoni + + Keep effects running even without input + Lascia gli effetti attivi anche senza input - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Questa manopola regola l'intonazione, con la precisione di 1 semitono, dell'oscillatore %1. L'intonazione può essere variata di 24 semitoni (due ottave) in positivo e in negativo. Può essere usata per creare suoni con un accordo. + + + Audio + Audio - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Intonazione precisa osc %1 sinistra: + + Audio interface + Interfaccia audio - cents - centesimi + + HQ mode for output audio device + Modalità HQ per il dispositivo audio di uscita - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Questa manopola regola l'intonazione precisa dell'oscillatore %1 per il canale sinistro. La gamma per l'intonazione di precisione va da -100 a +100 centesimi. Può essere usata per creare suoni "grossi". + + Buffer size + Dimensione buffer - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Intonazione precisa dell'osc %1 - destra: + + + MIDI + MIDI - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Questa manopola regola l'intonazione precisa dell'oscillatore %1 per il canale destro. La gamma per l'intonazione di precisione va da -100 a +100 centesimi. Può essere usata per creare suoni "grossi". + + MIDI interface + Interfaccia MIDI - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Scostamento fase dell'osc %1: + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + - degrees - gradi + + LMMS working directory + Directory di lavoro di LMMS - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Questa manopola regola lo scostamento della fase dell'oscillatore %1. Ciò significa che è possibile spostare il punto in cui inizia l'oscillazione. Per esempio, un'onda sinusoidale e uno scostamento della fase di 180 gradi, fanno iniziare l'onda scendendo. Lo stesso vale per un'onda quadra. + + VST plugins directory + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Intonazione fase stereo dell'osc %1: + + LADSPA plugins directories + - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Questa manopola regola l'intonazione stereo della fase dell'oscillatore %1. L'intonazione stereo della fase specifica la differenza tra lo scostamento della fase del canale sinistro e quello destro. Questo è molto utile per creare suoni con grande ampiezza stereo. + + SF2 directory + Directory dei SoundFont - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda sinusoidale per questo oscillatore. + + Default SF2 + - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda triangolare per questo oscillatore. + + GIG directory + Directory di GIG - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda a dente di sega per questo oscillatore. + + Theme directory + - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda quadra per questo oscillatore. + + Background artwork + Grafica dello sfondo - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda di tipo moog per questo oscillatore. + + Some changes require restarting. + Alcune modifiche richiedono il riavvio. - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda esponenziale per questo oscillatore. + + Autosave interval: %1 + Intervallo salvataggio automatico: %1 - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Utilizzare rumore bianco per questo oscillatore. + + Choose the LMMS working directory + Scegli la cartella di lavoro di LMMS - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda personalizzata per questo oscillatore. + + Choose your VST plugins directory + Scegli la tua cartella dei plugins VST - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number - Nuova versione + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + Scegli la tua cartella dei plugins LADSPA - Decrement version number - Riduci numero versione + + Choose your default SF2 + Scegli il tuo SF2 predefinito - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - Esiste già. Vuoi sovrascriverlo? + + Choose your theme directory + Scegli la tua cartella dei temi - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - Apri un altro plugin VST + + Choose your background picture + Scegli la tua immagine di sfondo - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Clicca qui per aprire un altro plugin VST. Una volta cliccato questo pulsante, si aprirà una finestra di dialogo dove potrai selezionare il file. + + + Paths + Percorsi - Show/hide GUI - Mostra/nascondi l'interfaccia + + OK + OK - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Clicca qui per mostrare o nascondere l'interfaccia grafica (GUI) per i plugin VST. + + Cancel + Annulla - Turn off all notes - Disabilita tutte le note + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Frames: %1 +Latenza: %2 ms - Open VST-plugin - Apri plugin VST + + Choose your GIG directory + Selezione la directory di GIG - DLL-files (*.dll) - File DLL (*.dll) + + Choose your SF2 directory + Seleziona la directory dei SoundFont - EXE-files (*.exe) - File EXE (*.exe) + + minutes + minuti - No VST-plugin loaded - Nessun plugin VST caricato + + minute + minuto - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Controlla il plugin VST dal terminale LMMS + + Disabled + Disabilitato + + + SidInstrument - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Cliccando qui, si apre una finestra di LMMS dove è possibile modificare le variabili del plugin VST. + + Cutoff frequency + Frequenza di taglio - Open VST-plugin preset - Apri un preset del plugin VST + + Resonance + Risonanza - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Cliccando qui, è possibile aprire un altro preset del plugin VST (*fxp, *fxb). + + Filter type + Tipo di filtro - Previous (-) - Precedente (-) + + Voice 3 off + Voce 3 spenta - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Cliccando qui, viene cambiato il preset del plugin VST. + + Volume + Volume - Save preset - Salva il preset + + Chip model + Modello di chip + + + SidInstrumentView - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Cliccando qui è possibile salvare il preset corrente del plugin VST. + + Volume: + Volume: - Next (+) - Successivo (+) + + Resonance: + Risonanza: - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Cliccando qui, è possibile selezionare i preset che sono caricati nel VST al momento. + + + Cutoff frequency: + Frequenza di taglio: - Preset - Preset + + High-pass filter + Filtro passa-alto - by - da + + Band-pass filter + Filtro passa-banda - - VST plugin control - - Controllo del plugin VST + + Low-pass filter + Filtro passa-basso - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - cliccando si abilita/disabilita la visualizzazione dell'uscita principale + + Voice 3 off + Voce 3 disattivata - Click to enable - Clicca per abilitare + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - Mostra/nascondi + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Controlla il plugin VST dal terminale LMMS + + + Attack: + Attacco: - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Cliccando qui, si apre una finestra di LMMS dove è possibile modificare le variabili del plugin VST. + + + Decay: + Decadimento: - Open VST-plugin preset - Apri un preset del plugin VST + + Sustain: + Sostegno: - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Cliccando qui, è possibile aprire un altro preset del plugin VST (*fxp, *fxb). + + + Release: + Rilascio: - Previous (-) - Precedente (-) + + Pulse Width: + Ampiezza pulse: - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Cliccando qui, viene cambiato il preset del plugin VST. + + Coarse: + Approssimativo: - Next (+) - Successivo (+) + + Pulse wave + Onda a impulso - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Cliccando qui, è possibile selezionare i preset che sono caricati nel VST al momento. + + Triangle wave + Onda triangolare - Save preset - Salva il preset + + Saw wave + Onda a dente di sega - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Cliccando qui è possibile salvare il preset corrente del plugin VST. + + Noise + Rumore - Effect by: - Effetto da: + + Sync + Sincronizzato - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Ring modulation + Modulazione ad anello - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin - Caricamento plugin + + Filtered + Filtrato - Open Preset - Apri preset + + Test + Test - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Preset di plugin VST (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Pulse width: + Ampiezza impulso: + + + SideBarWidget - : default - : default + + Close + Chiudi + + + Song - " - " + + Tempo + Tempo - ' - ' + + Master volume + Volume principale - Save Preset - Salva Preset + + Master pitch + Altezza principale - .fxp - .fxp + + Aborting project load + - .FXP - .FXP + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - .FXB - .FXB + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - .fxb - .fxb + + LMMS Error report + Informazioni sull'errore di LMMS - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Sto caricando il plugin VST... + + (repeated %1 times) + - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - Non è stato possibile caricare il plugin VST %1. + + The following errors occurred while loading: + Si sono verificati i seguenti errori durante il caricamento: - WatsynInstrument - - Volume A1 - Volume A1 - + SongEditor - Volume A2 - Volume A2 + + Could not open file + Non è stato possibile aprire il file - Volume B1 - Volume B1 + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Impossibile aprire il file %1. Probabilmente non disponi dei permessi necessari alla sua lettura. +Assicurati di avere almeno i permessi di lettura del file e prova di nuovo. - Volume B2 - Volume B2 + + Operation denied + - Panning A1 - Bilanciamento A1 + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + - Panning A2 - Bilanciamento A2 + + + + Error + Errore - Panning B1 - Bilanciamento B1 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + - Panning B2 - Bilanciamento B2 + + Couldn't create resources folder. + - Freq. multiplier A1 - Moltiplicatore di freq. A1 + + Failed to copy resources. + - Freq. multiplier A2 - Moltiplicatore di freq. A2 + + Could not write file + Impossibile scrivere il file - Freq. multiplier B1 - Moltiplicatore di freq. B1 + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + - Freq. multiplier B2 - Moltiplicatore di freq. B2 + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + - Left detune A1 - Intonazione Sinistra A1 + + Error in file + Errore nel file - Left detune A2 - Intonazione Sinistra A2 + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Il file %1 sembra contenere errori, quindi non può essere caricato. - Left detune B1 - Intonazione Sinistra B1 + + Version difference + Differenza di versione - Left detune B2 - Intonazione Sinistra B2 + + template + modello - Right detune A1 - Intonazione Destra A1 + + project + progetto - Right detune A2 - Intonazione Destra A2 + + Tempo + Tempo - Right detune B1 - Intonazione Destra B1 + + TEMPO + TEMPO - Right detune B2 - Intonazione Destra B2 + + Tempo in BPM + Tempo in BPM - A-B Mix - Mix A-B + + High quality mode + Modalità ad alta qualità - A-B Mix envelope amount - Quantità di inviluppo Mix A-B + + + + Master volume + Volume principale - A-B Mix envelope attack - Attacco inviluppo Mix A-B + + + + Master pitch + Altezza principale - A-B Mix envelope hold - Mantenimento inviluppo Mix A-B + + Value: %1% + Valore: %1% - A-B Mix envelope decay - Decadimento inviluppo Mix A-B + + Value: %1 semitones + Valore: %1 semitoni + + + SongEditorWindow - A1-B2 Crosstalk - Scambio A1-B2 + + Song-Editor + Song-Editor - A2-A1 modulation - Modulazione A2-A1 + + Play song (Space) + Riproduci il brano (Spazio) - B2-B1 modulation - Modulazione B2-B1 + + Record samples from Audio-device + Registra campioni da una periferica audio - Selected graph - Grafico selezionato + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Registra campioni da una periferica audio mentre il brano o una traccia BB sono in riproduzione - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 - Passa all'oscillatore A1 + + Stop song (Space) + Ferma la riproduzione del brano (Spazio) - Select oscillator A2 - Passa all'oscillatore A2 + + Track actions + Azioni sulle tracce - Select oscillator B1 - Passa all'oscillatore B1 + + Add beat/bassline + Aggiungi beat/bassline - Select oscillator B2 - Passa all'oscillatore B2 + + Add sample-track + Aggiungi traccia di campione - Mix output of A2 to A1 - Mescola output di A2 a A1 + + Add automation-track + Aggiungi una traccia di automazione - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - Modula l'amplificzione di A1 con l'output di A2 + + Edit actions + Modalità di modifica - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - Modulazione Ring tra A1 e A2 + + Draw mode + Modalità disegno - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - Modula la fase di A1 con l'output di A2 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + - Mix output of B2 to B1 - Mescola output di B2 a B1 + + Edit mode (select and move) + Modalità modifica (seleziona e sposta) - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - Modula l'amplificzione di B1 con l'output di B2 + + Timeline controls + Controlla griglia - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - Modulazione Ring tra B1 e B2 + + Bar insert controls + - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - Modula la fase di B1 con l'output di B2 + + Insert bar + - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Cliccando e trascinando il mouse in questo grafico è possibile disegnare una forma d'onda personalizzata. + + Remove bar + - Load waveform - Carica forma d'onda + + Zoom controls + Opzioni di zoom - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Clicca per usare la forma d'onda di un file esterno + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom orizzontale - Phase left - Sposta fase a sinistra + + Snap controls + Controlli aggancio - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - Clicca per spostare la fase di -15° + + + Clip snapping size + Dimensione aggancio della clip - Phase right - Sposta fase a destra + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + Attiva/disattiva aggancio proporzionale - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - Clicca per spostare la fase di +15° + + Base snapping size + Dimensione aggancio di base + + + StepRecorderWidget - Normalize - Normalizza + + Hint + Suggerimento - Click to normalize - Clicca per normalizzare + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + Sposta cursore di registrazione usando le frecce <Sinistra/Destra> + + + SubWindow - Invert - Inverti + + Close + Chiudi - Click to invert - Clicca per invertire + + Maximize + Massimizza - Smooth - Ammorbidisci + + Restore + Apri + + + TabWidget - Click to smooth - Clicca per ammorbidire la forma d'onda + + + Settings for %1 + Impostazioni per %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - Sine wave - Onda sinusoidale + + New from template + Nuovo da modello + + + TempoSyncKnob - Click for sine wave - Clicca per rimpiazzare il grafico con una forma d'onda sinusoidale + + + Tempo Sync + Sync del tempo - Triangle wave - Onda triangolare + + No Sync + Non in Sync - Click for triangle wave - Clicca per rimpiazzare il grafico con una forma d'onda triangolare + + Eight beats + Otto battiti - Click for saw wave - Clicca per rimpiazzare il grafico con una forma d'onda a dente si sega + + Whole note + Un intero - Square wave - Onda quadra + + Half note + Una metà - Click for square wave - Clicca per rimpiazzare il grafico con una forma d'onda quadra + + Quarter note + Quarto - Volume - Volume + + 8th note + Ottavo - Panning - Bilanciamento + + 16th note + Sedicesimo - Freq. multiplier - Moltiplicatore freq. + + 32nd note + Trentaduesimo - Left detune - Intonazione sinistra + + Custom... + Personalizzato... - cents - centesimi + + Custom + Personalizzato - Right detune - Intonazione destra + + Synced to Eight Beats + In sync con otto battiti - A-B Mix - Mix A-B + + Synced to Whole Note + In sync con un intero - Mix envelope amount - Quantità di inviluppo sul Mix + + Synced to Half Note + In sync con un mezzo - Mix envelope attack - Attacco inviluppo sul Mix + + Synced to Quarter Note + In sync con quarti - Mix envelope hold - Mantenimento inviluppo sul Mix + + Synced to 8th Note + In sync con ottavi - Mix envelope decay - Decadimento inviluppo sul Mix + + Synced to 16th Note + In sync con 16simi - Crosstalk - Scambio + + Synced to 32nd Note + In sync con 32simi - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - Portamento - Portamento - + TimeDisplayWidget - Filter Frequency - Frequenza del filtro + + Time units + Unità di tempo - Filter Resonance - Risonanza del filtro + + MIN + MIN - Bandwidth - Larghezza di Banda + + SEC + SEC - FM Gain - Guadagno FM + + MSEC + MSEC - Resonance Center Frequency - Frequenza Centrale di Risonanza + + BAR + BAR - Resonance Bandwidth - Bandwidth di Risonanza + + BEAT + BATT - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - Inoltra segnali dai controlli MIDI + + TICK + TICK - ZynAddSubFxView + TimeLineWidget - Show GUI - Mostra GUI + + Auto scrolling + Scorrimento automatico - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Clicca qui per mostrare o nascondere l'interfaccia grafica (GUI) di ZynAddSubFX. + + Loop points + Punti di ripetizione ciclica - Portamento: - Portamento: + + After stopping go back to beginning + - PORT - PORT + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Una volta fermata la riproduzione, torna alla posizione da cui si è partiti - Filter Frequency: - Frequenza del Filtro: + + After stopping keep position + Una volta fermata la riproduzione, mantieni la posizione - FREQ - FREQ + + Hint + Suggerimento + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Premi <%1> per disabilitare i punti di loop magnetici. + + + Track - Filter Resonance: - Risonanza del Filtro: + + Mute + Muto - RES - RIS + + Solo + Solo + + + TrackContainer - Bandwidth: - Larghezza di banda: + + Couldn't import file + Non è stato possibile importare il file - BW - Largh: + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Non è stato possibile trovare un filtro per importare il file %1. +È necessario convertire questo file in un formato supportato da LMMS usando un altro programma. - FM Gain: - Guadagno FM: + + Couldn't open file + Non è stato possibile aprire il file - FM GAIN - GUAD FM + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Non è stato possibile aprire il file %1 in lettura. +Assicurarsi di avere i permessi in lettura per il file e per la directory che lo contiene e riprovare! - Resonance center frequency: - Frequenza Centrale di Risonanza: + + Loading project... + Caricamento del progetto... - RES CF - FC RIS + + + Cancel + Annulla - Resonance bandwidth: - Bandwidth della Risonanza: + + + Please wait... + Attendere... - RES BW - BW RIS + + Loading cancelled + Caricamento annullato - Forward MIDI Control Changes - Inoltra cambiamenti dai controlli MIDI + + Project loading was cancelled. + Il caricamento del progetto è stato annullato. - - - audioFileProcessor - Amplify - Amplificazione + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Caricamento Traccia %1 (%2/Totale %3) - Start of sample - Inizio del campione + + Importing MIDI-file... + Importazione del file MIDI... + + + Clip - End of sample - Fine del campione + + Mute + Muto + + + ClipView - Reverse sample - Inverti il campione + + Current position + Posizione attuale - Stutter - Passaggio + + Current length + Lunghezza attuale - Loopback point - Punto di LoopBack + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (da %3:%4 a %5:%6) - Loop mode - Modalità ripetizione + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Premere <%1>, cliccare e trascinare per copiare. - Interpolation mode - Modalità Interpolazione + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Premere <%1> per ridimensionare liberamente. - None - Nessuna + + Hint + Suggerimento - Linear - Lineare + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Elimina (tasto centrale del mouse) - Sinc - Sincronizzata + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - Sample not found: %1 - Campione non trovato: %1 + + Cut + Taglia - - - bitInvader - Samplelength - LunghezzaCampione + + Cut selection + - - - bitInvaderView - Sample Length - Lunghezza del campione + + Merge Selection + - Sine wave - Onda sinusoidale + + Copy + Copia - Triangle wave - Onda triangolare + + Copy selection + - Saw wave - Onda a dente di sega + + Paste + Incolla - Square wave - Onda quadra + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Attiva/disattiva la modalità muta (<%1> + tasto centrale) - White noise wave - Rumore bianco + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - User defined wave - Forma d'onda personalizzata + + Set clip color + - Smooth - Ammorbidisci + + Use track color + + + + TrackContentWidget - Click here to smooth waveform. - Cliccando qui la forma d'onda viene ammorbidita. + + Paste + Incolla + + + TrackOperationsWidget - Interpolation - Interpolazione + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + Premi <%1> mentre fai clic sul controllo per iniziare una nuova azione di trascinamento della selezione. - Normalize - Normalizza + + Actions + Azioni - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Cliccando e trascinando il mouse in questo grafico è possibile disegnare una forma d'onda personalizzata. + + + Mute + Muto - Click for a sine-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene una forma d'onda sinusoidale. + + + Solo + Solo - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda triangolare. + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda a dente di sega. + + Confirm removal + - Click here for a square-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda quadra. + + Don't ask again + - Click here for white-noise. - Cliccando qui si ottiene rumore bianco. + + Clone this track + Clona questa traccia - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Cliccando qui è possibile definire una forma d'onda personalizzata. + + Remove this track + Elimina questa traccia - - - dynProcControlDialog - INPUT - INPUT + + Clear this track + Pulisci questa traccia - Input gain: - Guadagno in Input: + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - OUTPUT - OUTPUT + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Assegna ad un nuovo canale FX - Output gain: - Guadagno in Output: + + Turn all recording on + Accendi tutti i processi di registrazione - ATTACK - ATTACCO + + Turn all recording off + Spegni tutti i processi di registrazione - Peak attack time: - Attacco del picco: + + Change color + Cambia colore - RELEASE - RILASCIO + + Reset color to default + Ripristina colore predefinito - Peak release time: - Rilascio del picco: + + Set random color + - Reset waveform - Resetta forma d'onda + + Clear clip colors + + + + TripleOscillatorView - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Clicca per riportare la forma d'onda allo stato originale + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Modula la fase dell'oscillatore 1 tramite l'oscillatore 2 - Smooth waveform - Ammorbidisci forma d'onda + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Modula l'ampiezza dell'oscillatore 1 dall'oscillatore 2 - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Clicca per ammorbidire la forma d'onda + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + Miscelare l'uscita degli oscillatori 1 e 2 - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Aumenta l'amplificazione di 1dB + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Sincronizzare l'oscillatore 1 con l'oscillatore 2 - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Clicca per aumentare l'amplificazione del grafico d'onda di 1dB + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Modula la frequenza dell'oscillatore 1 tramite l'oscillatore 2 - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Diminuisci l'amplificazione di 1dB + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Modula la fase dell'oscillatore 2 tramite l'oscillatore 3 - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Clicca qui per diminuire l'amplificazione del grafico d'onda di 1dB + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Modula l'ampiezza dell'oscillatore 2 tramite l'oscillatore 3 - Stereomode Maximum - Modalità stereo: Massimo + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + Miscela l'uscita degli oscillatori 2 e 3 - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - L'effetto si basa sul valore massimo tra i due canali stereo + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Sincronizzare l'oscillatore 2 con l'oscillatore 3 - Stereomode Average - Modalità stereo: Media + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Modula la frequenza dell'oscillatore 2 tramite l'oscillatore 3 - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - L'effetto si basa sul valore medio tra i due canali stereo + + Osc %1 volume: + Volume osc %1: - Stereomode Unlinked - Modalità stereo: Indipendenti + + Osc %1 panning: + Panning osc %1: - Process each stereo channel independently - L'effetto tratta i due canali stereo indipendentemente + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Intonazione dell'osc %1: - - - dynProcControls - Input gain - Guadagno in input + + semitones + semitoni - Output gain - Guadagno in output + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Intonazione precisa osc %1 sinistra: - Attack time - Tempo di Attacco + + + cents + centesimi - Release time - Tempo di Rilascio + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Intonazione precisa dell'osc %1 - destra: - Stereo mode - Modalità stereo + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Scostamento fase dell'osc %1: - - - expressiveView - Select oscillator W1 - + + + degrees + gradi - Select oscillator W2 - + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Intonazione fase stereo dell'osc %1: - Select oscillator W3 - + + Sine wave + Onda sinusoidale - Select OUTPUT 1 - + + Triangle wave + Onda triangolare - Select OUTPUT 2 - + + Saw wave + Onda a dente di sega - Open help window - + + Square wave + Onda quadra - Sine wave - Onda sinusoidale + + Moog-like saw wave + Onda a dente di sega tipo Moog - Click for a sine-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene una forma d'onda sinusoidale. + + Exponential wave + Onda esponenziale - Moog-Saw wave - + + White noise + Rumore bianco - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. - + + User-defined wave + Onda definita dall'utente + + + VecControls - Exponential wave - Onda esponenziale + + Display persistence amount + Visualizza quantità di persistenza - Click for an exponential wave. - + + Logarithmic scale + Scala logaritmica - Saw wave - Onda a dente di sega + + High quality + Alta qualità + + + VecControlsDialog - Click here for a saw-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda a dente di sega. + + HQ + HQ - User defined wave - Forma d'onda personalizzata + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + Raddoppia la risoluzione e simula una traccia analogica continua. - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Cliccando qui è possibile definire una forma d'onda personalizzata. + + Log. scale + Scala log. - Triangle wave - Onda triangolare + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + Mostra l'ampiezza su scala logaritmica per visualizzare meglio i piccoli valori. - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda triangolare. + + Persist. + Persist. - Square wave - Onda quadra + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + Persistenza della traccia: una quantità maggiore significa che la traccia rimarrà luminosa per un tempo più lungo. - Click here for a square-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda quadra. + + Trace persistence + Persistenza della traccia + + + VersionedSaveDialog - White noise wave - Rumore bianco + + Increment version number + Nuova versione - Click here for white-noise. - Cliccando qui si ottiene rumore bianco. + + Decrement version number + Riduci numero versione - WaveInterpolate - + + Save Options + Opzioni di salvataggio - ExpressionValid - + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + Esiste già. Vuoi sovrascriverlo? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - General purpose 1: - + + + Open VST plugin + Apri plug-in VST - General purpose 2: - + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + Controlla il plug-in VST dall'host LMMS - General purpose 3: - + + Open VST plugin preset + Apri lo schema del plug-in VST - O1 panning: - + + Previous (-) + Precedente (-) - O2 panning: - + + Save preset + Salva il preset - Release transition: - + + Next (+) + Successivo (+) - Smoothness - + + Show/hide GUI + Mostra/nascondi l'interfaccia - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: - Assegna a: + + Turn off all notes + Disabilita tutte le note - New FX Channel - Nuovo canale FX + + DLL-files (*.dll) + File DLL (*.dll) - - - graphModel - Graph - Grafico + + EXE-files (*.exe) + File EXE (*.exe) - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency - Frequenza iniziale + + No VST plugin loaded + Nessun plug-in VST caricato - End frequency - Frequenza finale + + Preset + Preset - Gain - Guadagno + + by + da - Length - Lunghezza + + - VST plugin control + - Controllo del plugin VST + + + VstEffectControlDialog - Distortion Start - Distorsione iniziale + + Show/hide + Mostra/nascondi - Distortion End - Distorsione finale + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + Controlla il plug-in VST dall'ospite LMMS - Envelope Slope - Inclinazione Inviluppo + + Open VST plugin preset + Apri lo schema del plug-in VST - Noise - Rumore + + Previous (-) + Precedente (-) - Click - Click + + Next (+) + Successivo (+) - Frequency Slope - Inclinazione Frequenza + + Save preset + Salva il preset - Start from note - Inizia dalla nota + + + Effect by: + Effetto da: - End to note - Finisci sulla nota + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - kickerInstrumentView + VstPlugin - Start frequency: - Frequenza iniziale: + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + Non è stato possibile caricare il plugin VST %1. - End frequency: - Frequenza finale: + + Open Preset + Apri preset - Gain: - Guadagno: + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Preset di plugin VST (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + : default + : default - Frequency Slope: - Inclinazione Frequenza: + + Save Preset + Salva Preset - Envelope Length: - Lunghezza Inviluppo: + + .fxp + .fxp - Envelope Slope: - Inclinazione Inviluppo: + + .FXP + .FXP - Click: - Click: + + .FXB + .FXB - Noise: - Rumore: + + .fxb + .fxb - Distortion Start: - Distorsione iniziale: + + Loading plugin + Caricamento plugin - Distortion End: - Distorsione finale: + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Sto caricando il plugin VST... - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - Available Effects - Effetti disponibili + + Volume A1 + Volume A1 - Unavailable Effects - Effetti non disponibili + + Volume A2 + Volume A2 - Instruments - Strumenti + + Volume B1 + Volume B1 - Analysis Tools - Strumenti di analisi + + Volume B2 + Volume B2 - Don't know - Sconosciuto + + Panning A1 + Bilanciamento A1 - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - Questa finestra mostra le informazioni relative ai plugin LADSPA che LMMS è stato in grado di localizzare. I plugin sono divisi in cinque categorie, in base all'interpretazione dei tipi di porta e ai nomi. - -Gli Effetti Disponibili sono quelli che possono essere usati con LMMS. Perché LMMS possa usare un effetto deve, prima di tutto, essere un effetto, cioè deve avere sia ingressi che uscite. LMMS identifica un ingresso come una porta con una frequenza audio associata e che contiene 'in' nel nome. Le uscite sono identificate dalle lettere 'out'. Inoltre, l'effetto deve avere lo stesso numero di ingressi e di uscite e deve poter funzionare in real time. - -Gli Effetti non Disponibili sono quelli che sono stati identificati come effetti ma che non hanno lo stesso numero di ingressi e uscite oppure non supportano il real time. - -Gli Strumenti sono plugin che hanno solo uscite. - -Gli Strumenti di Analisi sono plugin che hanno solo ingressi. - -Quelli Sconosciuti sono plugin che non hanno né ingressi né uscite. - -Facendo doppio click sui plugin verranno fornite informazioni sulle relative porte. + + Panning A2 + Bilanciamento A2 - Type: - Tipo: + + Panning B1 + Bilanciamento B1 - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - Plugin + + Panning B2 + Bilanciamento B2 - Description - Descrizione + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Moltiplicatore di freq. A1 - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports - Porte + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Moltiplicatore di freq. A2 - Name - Nome + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Moltiplicatore di freq. B1 - Rate - Frequenza + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Moltiplicatore di freq. B2 - Direction - Direzione + + Left detune A1 + Intonazione Sinistra A1 - Type - Tipo + + Left detune A2 + Intonazione Sinistra A2 - Min < Default < Max - Minimo < Predefinito < Massimo + + Left detune B1 + Intonazione Sinistra B1 - Logarithmic - Logaritmico + + Left detune B2 + Intonazione Sinistra B2 - SR Dependent - Dipendente da SR + + Right detune A1 + Intonazione Destra A1 - Audio - Audio + + Right detune A2 + Intonazione Destra A2 - Control - Controllo + + Right detune B1 + Intonazione Destra B1 - Input - Ingresso + + Right detune B2 + Intonazione Destra B2 - Output - Uscita + + A-B Mix + Mix A-B - Toggled - Abilitato + + A-B Mix envelope amount + Quantità di inviluppo Mix A-B - Integer - Intero + + A-B Mix envelope attack + Attacco inviluppo Mix A-B - Float - Virgola mobile + + A-B Mix envelope hold + Mantenimento inviluppo Mix A-B - Yes - + + A-B Mix envelope decay + Decadimento inviluppo Mix A-B - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - VCF - frequenza di taglio + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + Scambio A1-B2 - VCF Resonance - VCF - Risonanza + + A2-A1 modulation + Modulazione A2-A1 - VCF Envelope Mod - VCF - modulazione dell'envelope + + B2-B1 modulation + Modulazione B2-B1 - VCF Envelope Decay - VCF - decadimento dell'envelope + + Selected graph + Grafico selezionato + + + WatsynView - Distortion - Distorsione + + + + + Volume + Volume - Waveform - Forma d'onda + + + + + Panning + Bilanciamento - Slide Decay - Decadimento slide + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Moltiplicatore freq. - Slide - Slide + + + + + Left detune + Intonazione sinistra - Accent - Accento + + + + + + + + + cents + centesimi - Dead - Dead + + + + + Right detune + Intonazione destra - 24dB/oct Filter - Filtro 24dB/ottava + + A-B Mix + Mix A-B - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: - Freq. di taglio: + + Mix envelope amount + Quantità di inviluppo sul Mix - Resonance: - Risonanza: + + Mix envelope attack + Attacco inviluppo sul Mix - Env Mod: - Env Mod: + + Mix envelope hold + Mantenimento inviluppo sul Mix - Decay: - Decadimento: + + Mix envelope decay + Decadimento inviluppo sul Mix - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - filtro tripolare "tipo 303", 24dB/ottava + + Crosstalk + Scambio - Slide Decay: - Decadimento slide: + + Select oscillator A1 + Passa all'oscillatore A1 - DIST: - DIST: + + Select oscillator A2 + Passa all'oscillatore A2 - Saw wave - Onda a dente di sega + + Select oscillator B1 + Passa all'oscillatore B1 - Click here for a saw-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda a dente di sega. + + Select oscillator B2 + Passa all'oscillatore B2 - Triangle wave - Onda triangolare + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + Mescola output di A2 a A1 - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda triangolare. + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + Modula l'ampiezza di A1 per l'uscita di A2 - Square wave - Onda quadra + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + Modula anello A1 e A2 - Click here for a square-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda quadra. + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + Modula fase di A1 per l'uscita di A2 - Rounded square wave - Onda quadra arrotondata + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + Mescola output di B2 a B1 - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda quadra arrotondata. + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + Modula ampiezza di B1 per l'uscita di B2 - Moog wave - Onda moog + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + Modula anello B1 e B2 + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + Modula fase di B1 per l'uscita di B2 - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Cliccando qui si ottieme un'onda moog. + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Cliccando e trascinando il mouse in questo grafico è possibile disegnare una forma d'onda personalizzata. - Sine wave - Onda sinusoidale + + Load waveform + Carica forma d'onda - Click for a sine-wave. - Cliccando qui si ottiene una forma d'onda sinusoidale. + + Load a waveform from a sample file + Carica una forma d'onda da file di esempio - White noise wave - Rumore bianco + + Phase left + Sposta fase a sinistra - Click here for an exponential wave. - Cliccando qui si ha un'onda esponenziale. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + Fase di spostamento di -15 gradi - Click here for white-noise. - Cliccando qui si ottiene rumore bianco. + + Phase right + Sposta fase a destra - Bandlimited saw wave - Onda a dente di sega limitata + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + Fase di spostamento di +15 gradi - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Clicca per usare un'onda a dente di sega a banda limitata. + + + Normalize + Normalizza - Bandlimited square wave - Onda quadra limitata + + + Invert + Inverti - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Clicca per usare un'onda quadra a banda limitata. + + + Smooth + Ammorbidisci - Bandlimited triangle wave - Onda triangolare limitata + + + Sine wave + Onda sinusoidale - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Clicca per usare un'onda triangolare a banda limitata. + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangolare - Bandlimited moog saw wave - Onda Moog limitata + + Saw wave + Onda a dente di sega - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - Clicca per usare un'onda Moog a banda limitata. + + + Square wave + Onda quadra - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - Hardness - Durezza + + Selected graph + Grafico selezionato - Position - Posizione + + A1 + A1 - Vibrato Gain - Guadagno del vibrato + + A2 + A2 - Vibrato Freq - Fequenza del vibrato + + A3 + A3 - Stick Mix - Stick Mix + + W1 smoothing + W1 smoothing - Modulator - Modulatore + + W2 smoothing + W2 smoothing - Crossfade - Crossfade + + W3 smoothing + W3 smoothing - LFO Speed - Velocità dell'LFO + + Panning 1 + Panoramica 1 - LFO Depth - Profondità dell'LFO + + Panning 2 + Panoramica 2 - ADSR - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - Pressure - Pressione + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Cliccando e trascinando il mouse in questo grafico è possibile disegnare una forma d'onda personalizzata. - Motion - Moto + + Select oscillator W1 + Seleziona Oscillatore W1 - Speed - Velocità + + Select oscillator W2 + Seleziona Oscillatore W2 - Bowed - Bowed + + Select oscillator W3 + Seleziona Oscillatore W3 - Spread - Apertura + + Select output O1 + Seleziona uscita O1 - Marimba - Marimba + + Select output O2 + Seleziona uscita O2 - Vibraphone - Vibraphone + + Open help window + Apri finestra di aiuto - Agogo - Agogo + + + Sine wave + Onda sinusoidale - Wood1 - Legno1 + + + Moog-saw wave + Onda a dente di sega Moog - Reso - Reso + + + Exponential wave + Onda esponenziale - Wood2 - Legno2 + + + Saw wave + Onda a dente di sega - Beats - Beats + + + User-defined wave + Onda definita dall'utente - Two Fixed - Two Fixed + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangolare - Clump - Clump + + + Square wave + Onda quadra - Tubular Bells - Tubular Bells + + + White noise + Rumore bianco - Uniform Bar - Uniform Bar + + WaveInterpolate + InterpolazioneOnda - Tuned Bar - Tuned Bar + + ExpressionValid + - Glass - Glass + + General purpose 1: + Uso Generico 1: - Tibetan Bowl - Tibetan Bowl + + General purpose 2: + Uso Generico 2: - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument - Strumento + + General purpose 3: + Uso Generico 3: - Spread - Apertura + + O1 panning: + Bilanciamento O1: - Spread: - Apertura: + + O2 panning: + Bilanciamento O2: - Hardness - Durezza + + Release transition: + Rilascio transizione: - Hardness: - Durezza: + + Smoothness + Morbidezza + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Position - Posizione + + Portamento + Portamento - Position: - Posizione: + + Filter frequency + Frequenza filtro - Vib Gain - Guad Vib + + Filter resonance + Risonanza filtro - Vib Gain: - Guad Vib: + + Bandwidth + Larghezza di Banda - Vib Freq - Freq Vib + + FM gain + Guadagno FM - Vib Freq: - Freq Vib: + + Resonance center frequency + Frequenza centrale di risonanza - Stick Mix - Stick Mix + + Resonance bandwidth + Larghezza banda di risonanza - Stick Mix: - Stick Mix: + + Forward MIDI control change events + Inoltra eventi di modifica controllo MIDI + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Modulator - Modulatore + + Portamento: + Portamento: - Modulator: - Modulatore: + + PORT + PORT - Crossfade - Crossfade + + Filter frequency: + Frequenza filtro: - Crossfade: - Crossfade: + + FREQ + FREQ - LFO Speed - Velocità LFO + + Filter resonance: + Risonanza filtro: - LFO Speed: - Velocità LFO: + + RES + RIS - LFO Depth - Profondità LFO + + Bandwidth: + Larghezza di banda: - LFO Depth: - Profondità LFO: + + BW + Largh: - ADSR - ADSR + + FM gain: + Guadagno FM: - ADSR: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN + GUAD FM - Pressure - Pressione + + Resonance center frequency: + Frequenza Centrale di Risonanza: - Pressure: - Pressione: + + RES CF + FC RIS - Speed - Velocità + + Resonance bandwidth: + Bandwidth della Risonanza: - Speed: - Velocità: + + RES BW + BW RIS - Missing files - File mancanti + + Forward MIDI control changes + Inoltra modifiche controllo MIDI - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - L'installazione di Stk sembra incompleta. Assicurarsi che sia installato il pacchetto Stk completo! + + Show GUI + Mostra GUI - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control - - Controllo parametri VST - + AudioFileProcessor - VST Sync - Sync VST + + Amplify + Amplificazione - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Clicca qui se vuoi sincronizzare tutti i parametri con il plugin VST. + + Start of sample + Inizio del campione - Automated - Automatizzati + + End of sample + Fine del campione - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Clicca qui se vuoi visualizzare solo i parametri automatizzati. + + Loopback point + Punto di LoopBack - Close - Chiudi + + Reverse sample + Inverti il campione - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - Chiudi la finestra delle manopole dell'effetto VST. + + Loop mode + Modalità ripetizione - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - - Controllo del plugin VST + + Stutter + Passaggio - VST Sync - Sync VST + + Interpolation mode + Modalità Interpolazione - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Clicca qui se vuoi sincronizzare tutti i parametri con il plugin VST. + + None + Nessuna - Automated - Automatizzati + + Linear + Lineare - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Clicca qui se vuoi visualizzare solo i parametri automatizzati. + + Sinc + Sincronizzata - Close - Chiudi + + Sample not found: %1 + Campione non trovato: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - Chiudi la finestra delle manopole del plugin VST. + + Sample length + Lunghezza campione - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - Patch + + Sample length + Lunghezza campione - Op 1 Attack - Attacco Op 1 + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Cliccando e trascinando il mouse in questo grafico è possibile disegnare una forma d'onda personalizzata. - Op 1 Decay - Decadimento Op 1 + + + Sine wave + Onda sinusoidale - Op 1 Sustain - Sostegno Op 1 + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangolare - Op 1 Release - Rilascio Op 1 + + + Saw wave + Onda a dente di sega - Op 1 Level - Livello Op 1 + + + Square wave + Onda quadra - Op 1 Level Scaling - Scala di livello Op 1 + + + White noise + Rumore bianco - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - Moltiplicatore di frequenza Op 1 + + + User-defined wave + Onda definita dall'utente - Op 1 Feedback - Feedback Op 1 + + + Smooth waveform + Spiana forma d'onda - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - Rateo del Key Scaling Op 1 + + Interpolation + Interpolazione - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - Envelope a percussione Op 1 + + Normalize + Normalizza + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo - Tremolo Op 1 + + INPUT + INPUT - Op 1 Vibrato - Vibrato Op 1 + + Input gain: + Guadagno in Input: - Op 1 Waveform - Forma d'onda Op 1 + + OUTPUT + OUTPUT - Op 2 Attack - Attacco Op 2 + + Output gain: + Guadagno in Output: - Op 2 Decay - Decadimento Op 2 + + ATTACK + ATTACCO - Op 2 Sustain - Sostegno Op 2 + + Peak attack time: + Attacco del picco: - Op 2 Release - Rilascio Op 2 + + RELEASE + RILASCIO - Op 2 Level - Livello Op 2 + + Peak release time: + Rilascio del picco: - Op 2 Level Scaling - Scala di livello Op 2 + + + Reset wavegraph + Reimposta la forma d'onda - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - Moltiplicatore di frequenza Op 2 + + + Smooth wavegraph + Forma d'onda piana - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - Rateo del Key Scaling Op 2 + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Incrementa l'ampiezza del diagramma d'onda di 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - Envelope a percussione Op 2 + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Decrementa l'ampiezza del diagramma d'onda di 1 dB - Op 2 Tremolo - Tremolo Op 2 + + Stereo mode: maximum + Modalità stereo: massima - Op 2 Vibrato - Vibrato Op 2 + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + L'effetto si basa sul valore massimo tra i due canali stereo - Op 2 Waveform - Forma d'onda Op 2 + + Stereo mode: average + Modalità stereo: media - FM - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + L'effetto si basa sul valore medio tra i due canali stereo - Vibrato Depth - Profondità del Vibrato + + Stereo mode: unlinked + Modalità stereo: scollegata - Tremolo Depth - Profondità del Tremolo + + Process each stereo channel independently + L'effetto tratta i due canali stereo indipendentemente - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack - Attacco + + Input gain + Guadagno in input - Decay - Decadimento + + Output gain + Guadagno in output - Release - Rilascio + + Attack time + Tempo di Attacco - Frequency multiplier - Moltiplicatore della frequenza + + Release time + Tempo di Rilascio - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - Distorsione + + Stereo mode + Modalità stereo + + + graphModel - Volume - Volume + + Graph + Grafico - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - Distorsione: + + Start frequency + Frequenza iniziale - Volume: - Volume: + + End frequency + Frequenza finale - Randomise - Rendi casuale + + Length + Lunghezza - Osc %1 waveform: - Onda osc %1: + + Start distortion + Inizio distorsione - Osc %1 volume: - Volume osc %1: + + End distortion + Fine distorsione - Osc %1 panning: - Panning osc %1: + + Gain + Guadagno - cents - centesimi + + Envelope slope + Pendenza inviluppo - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - La manopola di distorsione aggiunge distorsione all'ouyput dello strumento. + + Noise + Rumore - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - La manopola di volume cntrolla il volume di output dello strumento. Si rapporta al volume della finestra del plugin in modo cumulativo. + + Click + Click - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - Il pulsante randomize genera un nuovo suono randomizzando tutte le manopole tranne le Armoniche, il volume principale e la distorsione. + + Frequency slope + Pendenza frequenza - Osc %1 stereo detuning - Osc %1 intonazione stereo + + Start from note + Inizia dalla nota - Osc %1 harmonic: - Osc %1 armoniche: + + End to note + Finisci sulla nota - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - Tempo di sweep + + Start frequency: + Frequenza iniziale: - Sweep direction - Direzione sweep + + End frequency: + Frequenza finale: - Sweep RtShift amount - Quantità RtShift per lo sweep + + Frequency slope: + Pendenza frequenza: - Wave Pattern Duty - Wave Pattern Duty + + Gain: + Guadagno: - Channel 1 volume - Volume del canale 1 + + Envelope length: + Lunghezza inviluppo - Volume sweep direction - Direzione sweep del volume + + Envelope slope: + Pendenza inviluppo - Length of each step in sweep - Lunghezza di ogni passo nello sweep + + Click: + Click: - Channel 2 volume - Volume del canale 2 + + Noise: + Rumore: - Channel 3 volume - Volume del canale 3 + + Start distortion: + Inizio distorsione: - Channel 4 volume - Volume del canale 4 + + End distortion: + Fine distorsione: + + + LadspaBrowserView - Right Output level - Volume uscita destra + + + Available Effects + Effetti disponibili - Left Output level - Volume uscita sinistra + + + Unavailable Effects + Effetti non disponibili - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Canale 1 a SO2 (sinistra) + + + Instruments + Strumenti - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Canale 2 a SO2 (sinistra) + + + Analysis Tools + Strumenti di analisi - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Canale 3 a SO2 (sinistra) + + + Don't know + Sconosciuto - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Canale 4 a SO2 (sinistra) + + Type: + Tipo: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Canale 1 a SO1 (destra) + + Plugins + Plugin - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Canale 2 a SO1 (destra) + + Description + Descrizione + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Canale 3 a SO1 (destra) + + Ports + Porte - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Canale 4 a SO1 (destra) + + Name + Nome - Treble - Alti + + Rate + Frequenza - Bass - Bassi + + Direction + Direzione - Shift Register width - Ampiezza spostamento del registro + + Type + Tipo - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - Tempo di sweep: + + Min < Default < Max + Minimo < Predefinito < Massimo - Sweep Time - Tempo di sweep + + Logarithmic + Logaritmico - Sweep RtShift amount: - Quantità RtShift per lo sweep: + + SR Dependent + Dipendente da SR - Sweep RtShift amount - Quantità RtShift per lo sweep + + Audio + Audio - Wave pattern duty: - Wave Pattern Duty: + + Control + Controllo - Wave Pattern Duty - Wave Pattern Duty + + Input + Ingresso - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Volume del canale 1 square: + + Output + Uscita - Length of each step in sweep: - Lunghezza di ogni passo nello sweep: + + Toggled + Abilitato - Length of each step in sweep - Lunghezza di ogni passo nello sweep + + Integer + Intero - Wave pattern duty - Wave Pattern Duty + + Float + Virgola mobile - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Volume square del canale 2: + + + Yes + + + + Lb302Synth - Square Channel 2 Volume - Volume square del canale 2 + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + VCF - frequenza di taglio - Wave Channel Volume: - Volume wave del canale: + + VCF Resonance + VCF - Risonanza - Wave Channel Volume - Volume wave del canale + + VCF Envelope Mod + VCF - modulazione dell'envelope - Noise Channel Volume: - Volume rumore del canale: + + VCF Envelope Decay + VCF - decadimento dell'envelope - Noise Channel Volume - Volume rumore del canale + + Distortion + Distorsione - SO1 Volume (Right): - Volume SO1 (destra): + + Waveform + Forma d'onda - SO1 Volume (Right) - Volume SO1 (destra) + + Slide Decay + Decadimento slide - SO2 Volume (Left): - Volume SO2 (sinistra): + + Slide + Slide - SO2 Volume (Left) - Volume SO2 (sinistra) + + Accent + Accento - Treble: - Alti: + + Dead + Dead - Treble - Alti + + 24dB/oct Filter + Filtro 24dB/ottava + + + Lb302SynthView - Bass: - Bassi: + + Cutoff Freq: + Freq. di taglio: - Bass - Bassi + + Resonance: + Risonanza: - Sweep Direction - Direzione sweep + + Env Mod: + Env Mod: - Volume Sweep Direction - Direzione sweep del volume + + Decay: + Decadimento: - Shift Register Width - Ampiezza spostamento del registro + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + filtro tripolare "tipo 303", 24dB/ottava - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Canale 1 a SO1 (destra) + + Slide Decay: + Decadimento slide: - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Canale 2 a SO1 (destra) + + DIST: + DIST: - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Canale 3 a SO1 (destra) + + Saw wave + Onda a dente di sega - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Canale 4 a SO1 (destra) + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda a dente di sega. - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Canale 1 a SO2 (sinistra) + + Triangle wave + Onda triangolare - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Canale 1 a SO2 (sinistra) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda triangolare. - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Canale 3 a SO2 (sinistra) + + Square wave + Onda quadra - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Canale 4 a SO2 (sinistra) + + Click here for a square-wave. + Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda quadra. - Wave Pattern - Wave Pattern + + Rounded square wave + Onda quadra arrotondata - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - La quantità di aumento o diminuzione di frequenza + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Cliccando qui si ottiene un'onda quadra arrotondata. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - La velocità a cui l'aumento o la diminuzione di frequenza avvengono + + Moog wave + Onda moog - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - Il duty cycle è il rapporto tra il tempo in cui il segnale è ON e il periodo completo del segnale. + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Cliccando qui si ottieme un'onda moog. - Square Channel 1 Volume - Volume square del canale 1 + + Sine wave + Onda sinusoidale - The delay between step change - Ritardo tra i cambi di step + + Click for a sine-wave. + Cliccando qui si ottiene una forma d'onda sinusoidale. - Draw the wave here - Disegnare l'onda qui + + + White noise wave + Rumore bianco - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: Preset Canale + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Cliccando qui si ha un'onda esponenziale. - Bank selector - Selezione banca + + Click here for white-noise. + Cliccando qui si ottiene rumore bianco. - Bank - Banco + + Bandlimited saw wave + Onda a dente di sega limitata - Program selector - Selezione programma + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Clicca per usare un'onda a dente di sega a banda limitata. - Patch - Programma + + Bandlimited square wave + Onda quadra limitata - Name - Nome + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Clicca per usare un'onda quadra a banda limitata. - OK - OK + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Onda triangolare limitata - Cancel - Annulla + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Clicca per usare un'onda triangolare a banda limitata. - - - pluginBrowser - no description - nessuna descrizione + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Onda Moog limitata - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Imitazione monofonica del tb303 incompleta + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Clicca per usare un'onda Moog a banda limitata. + + + MalletsInstrument - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Plugin per manipolare liberamente un'uscita stereo + + Hardness + Durezza - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Plugin per controllare le manopole con picchi di suono + + Position + Posizione - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Plugin per migliorare la separazione stereo di un file + + Vibrato gain + Guadagno del Vibrato - List installed LADSPA plugins - Elenca i plugin LADSPA installati + + Vibrato frequency + Frequenza del Vibrato - GUS-compatible patch instrument - strumento compatibile con GUS + + Stick mix + - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Sintetizzatore additivo per suoni tipo organo + + Modulator + Modulatore - Tuneful things to bang on - Oggetti dotati di intonazione su cui picchiare + + Crossfade + Crossfade - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - Host VST per usare i plugin VST con LMMS + + LFO speed + Velocità dell'LFO - Vibrating string modeler - Modulatore di corde vibranti + + LFO depth + Profondità del LFO - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - Plugin per usare qualsiasi effetto LADSPA in LMMS. + + ADSR + ADSR - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filtro per importare file MIDI in LMMS + + Pressure + Pressione - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Emulazione di MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -Questo chip era utilizzato nel Commode 64. + + Motion + Moto - Player for SoundFont files - Riproduttore di file SounFont + + Speed + Velocità - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Emulatore di GameBoy™ APU + + Bowed + Bowed - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Sintetizzatore wavetable configurabile + + Spread + Apertura - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - ZynAddSubFX incorporato + + Marimba + Marimba - 2-operator FM Synth - Sintetizzatore FM a 2 operatori + + Vibraphone + Vibraphone - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Strumento per l'importazione di file Hydrogen dentro LMMS + + Agogo + Agogo - LMMS port of sfxr - Port di sfxr su LMMS + + Wood 1 + Legno 1 - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Sintetizzatore mostruoso con 3 oscillatori e matrice di modulazione + + Reso + Reso - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - Tre potenti oscillatori modulabili in vari modi + + Wood 2 + Legno 2 - A native amplifier plugin - Un plugin di amplificazione nativo + + Beats + Beats - Carla Rack Instrument - Strutmento Rack Carla + + Two fixed + Due fissi - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - Sintetizzatore wavetable con 4 oscillatori modulabili + + Clump + Clump - plugin for waveshaping - Plugin per la modifica della forma d'onda + + Tubular bells + Campane tubolari - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Potenzia il tuo basso in modo veloce e semplice + + Uniform bar + Barra uniforme - Versatile drum synthesizer - Sintetizzatore di percussioni versatile + + Tuned bar + Barra accordata - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Semplice sampler con varie impostazioni, per usare suoni (come percussioni) in una traccia strumentale + + Glass + Glass - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - Un versatile processore di dynamic + + Tibetan bowl + Campana tibetana + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Carla Patchbay Instrument - Strumento Patchbay Carla + + Instrument + Strumento - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - Plugin per usare effetti VST arbitrari dentro LMMS. + + Spread + Apertura - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Analizzatore di spettro grafico + + Spread: + Apertura: - A NES-like synthesizer - Un sintetizzatore che imita i suoni del Nintendo Entertainment System + + Missing files + File mancanti - A native delay plugin - Un plugin di ritardi eco nativo + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + L'installazione di Stk sembra incompleta. Assicurarsi che sia installato il pacchetto Stk completo! - Player for GIG files - Riproduttore di file GIG + + Hardness + Durezza - A multitap echo delay plugin - Un plugin di ritardo eco multitap + + Hardness: + Durezza: - A native flanger plugin - Un plugin di flager nativo + + Position + Posizione - An oversampling bitcrusher - Un riduttore di bit con oversampling + + Position: + Posizione: - A native eq plugin - Un plugin di equalizzazione nativo + + Vibrato gain + Guadagno del Vibrato - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - Un equalizzatore Crossover a 4 bande + + Vibrato gain: + Guadagno del Vibrato: - A Dual filter plugin - Un plugin di duplice filtraggio + + Vibrato frequency + Frequenza del Vibrato - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Filtro per esportare file MIDI da LMMS + + Vibrato frequency: + Frequenza del Vibrato: - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Algoritmo di Riverbero di Sean Costello + + Stick mix + - Mathematical expression parser + + Stick mix: - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - Banco + + Modulator + Modulatore - Patch - Patch + + Modulator: + Modulatore: - Gain - Guadagno + + Crossfade + Crossfade - Reverb - Riverbero + + Crossfade: + Crossfade: - Reverb Roomsize - Riverbero - dimensione stanza + + LFO speed + Velocità dell'LFO - Reverb Damping - Riverbero - attenuazione + + LFO speed: + Velocità dell'LFO: - Reverb Width - Riverbero - ampiezza + + LFO depth + Profondità LFO - Reverb Level - Riverbero - livello + + LFO depth: + Profondità LFO: - Chorus - Chorus + + ADSR + ADSR - Chorus Lines - Chorus - voci + + ADSR: + ADSR: - Chorus Level - Chorus - livello + + Pressure + Pressione - Chorus Speed - Chorus - velocità + + Pressure: + Pressione: - Chorus Depth - Chorus - profondità + + Speed + Velocità - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - Non è stato possibile caricare un soundfont %1. + + Speed: + Velocità: - sf2InstrumentView + ManageVSTEffectView - Open other SoundFont file - Apri un altro file SoundFont + + - VST parameter control + - Controllo parametri VST - Click here to open another SF2 file - Clicca qui per aprire un altro file SF2 + + VST sync + Sincronizzazione VST - Choose the patch - Seleziona il patch + + + Automated + Automatizzati - Gain - Guadagno + + Close + Chiudi + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Apply reverb (if supported) - Applica il riverbero (se supportato) + + + - VST plugin control + - Controllo del plugin VST - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Questo pulsante abilita l'effetto riverbero, che è utile per effetti particolari ma funziona solo su file che lo supportano. + + VST Sync + Sync VST - Reverb Roomsize: - Riverbero - dimensione stanza: + + + Automated + Automatizzati - Reverb Damping: - Riverbero - attenuazione: + + Close + Chiudi + + + OrganicInstrument - Reverb Width: - Riverbero - ampiezza: + + Distortion + Distorsione - Reverb Level: - Riverbero - livello: + + Volume + Volume + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Apply chorus (if supported) - Applica il chorus (se supportato) + + Distortion: + Distorsione: - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Questo pulsante abilita l'effetto chorus, che è utile per effetti di eco particolari ma funziona solo su file che lo supportano. + + Volume: + Volume: - Chorus Lines: - Chorus - voci: + + Randomise + Rendi casuale - Chorus Level: - Chorus - livello: + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Onda osc %1: - Chorus Speed: - Chorus - velocità: + + Osc %1 volume: + Volume osc %1: - Chorus Depth: - Chorus - profondità: + + Osc %1 panning: + Panning osc %1: - Open SoundFont file - Apri un file SoundFont + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Osc %1 intonazione stereo - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - File SoundFont2 (*.sf2) + + cents + centesimi - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form - Forma d'onda + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Osc %1 armoniche: - sidInstrument - - Cutoff - Taglio - - - Resonance - Risonanza - - - Filter type - Tipo di filtro - + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off - Voce 3 spenta + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Preset Canale - Volume - Volume + + Bank selector + Selezione banca - Chip model - Modello di chip + + Bank + Banco - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - Volume: + + Program selector + Selezione programma - Resonance: - Risonanza: + + Patch + Programma - Cutoff frequency: - Frequenza di taglio: + + Name + Nome - High-Pass filter - Filtro passa-alto + + OK + OK - Band-Pass filter - Filtro passa-banda + + Cancel + Annulla + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter - Filtro passa-basso + + Bank + Banco - Voice3 Off - Voce 3 spenta + + Patch + Patch - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Gain + Guadagno - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb + Riverbero - Attack: - Attacco: + + Reverb room size + Dimensioni stanza del riverbero - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - Il livello di attacco determina quanto rapidamente l'uscita della voce %1 sale da zero al picco di amplificazione. + + Reverb damping + Smorzamento del riverbero - Decay: - Decadimento: + + Reverb width + Banda del riverbero - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - Il livello di decadimento determina quanto rapidamente l'uscita ricade dal picco di amplificazione al livello di sostegno impostato. + + Reverb level + Livello di riverbero - Sustain: - Sostegno: + + Chorus + Chorus - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - L'uscita della voce %1 rimarrà al livello di sostegno impostato per tutta la durata della nota. + + Chorus voices + Voci del Chorus - Release: - Rilascio: + + Chorus level + Livello del Chorus - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - L'uscita della voce %1 ricadrà dal livello di sostegno verso il silenzio con la velocità di rilascio impostata. + + Chorus speed + Velocità del Chorus - Pulse Width: - Ampiezza pulse: + + Chorus depth + Profondità del Chorus - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - La risoluzione dell'ampiezza del Pulse permette di impostare che l'ampiezza venga variata in modo continuo senza salti udibili. Sull'oscillatore %1 deve essere selezionata la forma d'onda Pulse perché si abbia un effetto udibile. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + Non è stato possibile caricare un soundfont %1. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - Approssimativo: + + + Open SoundFont file + Apri un file SoundFont - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - L'intonazione permette di "stonare" la voce %1 verso l'alto o verso il basso di un'ottava. + + Choose patch + Scegli patch - Pulse Wave - Onda pulse + + Gain: + Guadagno: - Triangle Wave - Onda triangolare + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Applica il riverbero (se supportato) - SawTooth - Dente di sega + + Room size: + Dimensioni della stanza: - Noise - Rumore + + Damping: + Smorzamento: - Sync - Sincronizzato + + Width: + Ampiezza: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - Il Sync sincronizza la frequenza fondamentale dell'oscillatore %1 con quella dell'oscillatore %2 producendo effetti di "Hard Sync". + + + Level: + Livello: - Ring-Mod - Modulazione ring + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Applica il chorus (se supportato) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - Ring-mod rimpiazza l'uscita della forma d'onda triangolare dell'oscillatore %1 con la combinazione "Ring Modulated" degli oscillatori %1 e %2. + + Voices: + Voci: - Filtered - Filtrato + + Speed: + Velocità: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Quando il filtraggio è attivo, la voce %1 verrà processata dal filtro. Quando il filtraggio è spento, la voce %1 arriva direttamente all'uscita e il filtro non ha effetto su di essa. + + Depth: + Risoluzione Bit: - Test - Test + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + File SoundFont (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Quando Test è attivo, e finché non viene spento, reimposta e blocca l'oscillatore %1 a zero. + + Wave + Onda - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - AMPIO + + WIDTH + AMPIEZZA + Width: Ampiezza: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width Ampiezza - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: Volume da Sinistra a Sinistra: + Left to Right Vol: Volume da Sinistra a Destra: + Right to Left Vol: Volume da Destra a Sinistra: + Right to Right Vol: Volume da Destra a Destra: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left Da Sinistra a Sinistra + Left to Right Da Sinistra a Destra + Right to Left Da Destra a Sinistra + Right to Right Da Destra a Destra - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin Caricamento plugin - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Prego attendere, caricamento del plugin VST... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + Attendere il caricamento del plug-in VST... - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume Volume della corda %1 + String %1 stiffness Durezza della corda %1 + Pick %1 position Posizione del plettro %1 + Pickup %1 position Posizione del pickup %1 - Pan %1 - Pan %1 + + String %1 panning + Panning corda %1 - Detune %1 - Intonazione %1 + + String %1 detune + De-intonazione corda %1  - Fuzziness %1 - Fuzziness %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - Length %1 - Lunghezza %1 + + String %1 length + Lunghezza corda %1 + Impulse %1 Impulso %1 - Octave %1 - Ottava %1 + + String %1 + Corda %1 - vibedView - - Volume: - Volume: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - La manopola 'V' regola il volume della corda selezionata. + + String volume: + Volume corda + String stiffness: Durezza della corda: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - La manopola 'S' regola la durezza della corda selezionata. La durezza della corda influenza la durata della vibrazione. Più basso sarà il valore, più a lungo suonerà la corda. - - + Pick position: Posizione del plettro: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - La manopola 'P' regola il punto in cui verrà 'pizzicata' la corda. Più basso sarà il valore, più vicino al ponte sarà il plettro. - - + Pickup position: Posizione del pickup: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - La manopola 'PU' regola la posizione in cui verranno rilevate le vibrazioni della corda selezionata. Più basso sarà il valore, più vicino al ponte sarà il pickup. - - - Pan: - Pan: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - La manopola Pan determina la posizione della corda selezionata nello spettro stereo. - - - Detune: - Intonazione: - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - La manopola Intonazione regola l'altezza del suono della corda selezionata. Valori sotto lo zero sposteranno l'intonazione della corda verso il bemolle. Valori sopra lo zero spostarenno l'intonazione della corda verso il diesis. - - - Fuzziness: - Fuzziness: - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - La manopola Slap aggiungeun po' di "sporco" al suono della corda selezionata, sensibile soprattutto nell'attacco, anche se può essere usato per rendere il suono più "metallico". + + String panning: + Panning corda - Length: - Lunghezza: + + String detune: + De-intonazione corda - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - La manopola Lunghezza regola la lunghezza della corda selezionata. Corde più lunghe suonano più a lungo e hanno un suono più brillante. Tuttavia richiedono anche più tempo del processore. + + String fuzziness: + - Impulse or initial state - Impulso o stato iniziale + + String length: + Lunghezza corda: - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - Il selettore 'Imp' determina se la forma d'onda nel grafico deve essere trattata come l'impulso del plettro sulla corda o come lo stato iniziale della corda. + + Impulse + Impulso + Octave Ottava - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - Il seletore Ottava serve per scegliere a quale armonico della nota risuona la corda. Per esempio, '-2' significa che la corda risuona due ottave sotto la fondamentale, 'F' significa che la corda risuona alla fondamentale e '6' significa che la corda risuona sei ottave sopra la fondamentale. - - + Impulse Editor Editor dell'impulso - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - L'editor della forma d'onda fornisce il controllo sull'impulso iniziale usato per far vibrare la corda. I pulsanti a destra del grafico predispongono una forma d'onda del tipo selezionato. Il pulsante '?' carica la forma d'onda da un file--verranno caricati solo i primi 128 campioni. - -La forma d'onda può anche essere disegnata direttamente sul grafico. - -Il pulsante 'S' ammorbisce la forma d'onda. - -Il pulsante 'N' normalizza la forma d'onda. - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Vibed modella fino a nove corde che vibrano indipendentemente. Il selettore 'Corda' permettedi scegliere quale corda modificare. Il selettore 'Imp' sceglie se il grafico sarà l'impulso dato o lo stato iniziale della corda. Il selettore 'Ottava' imposta l'armonico a cui risuonerà la corda. - -Il grafico permette di controllare l'impulso (o lo stato iniziale) per far vibrare la corda. - -La manopola 'V' reogla il volume. La manopola 'S' regola la durezza della corda. La manopola 'P' regola la posiziona del plettro. La manopola 'PU' regola la posizione del pickup. - -'Pan' e 'Detune' non dovrebbero aver bisogno di spiegazioni. La manopola 'Slap' aggiunge un po' di "sporco" al suono della corda. - -La manopola 'Lunghezza' regola la lunghezza della corda. - -Il LED nell'angolo in basso a destra sull'editor della forma d'onda determina se la corda è attiva nello strumento selezionato. - - + Enable waveform Abilita forma d'onda - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Cliccando qui si abilita/disabilita la forma d'onda. + + Enable/disable string + Abilita/disabilita corda + String Corda - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - Il selettore della Corda serve per scegliere su quale corda hanno effetto i controlli. Uno strumento Vibed può contenere fino a nove corde che indipendenti. Il LED nell'angolo in basso a destra dell'editor della forma d'onda indica se la corda è attiva. - - + + Sine wave Onda sinusoidale + + Triangle wave Onda triangolare + + Saw wave Onda a dente di sega + + Square wave Onda quadra - White noise wave + + + White noise Rumore bianco - User defined wave - Forma d'onda personalizzata + + + User-defined wave + Onda definita dall'utente - Smooth - Ammorbidisci - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Cliccando qui la forma d'onda viene ammorbidita. - - - Normalize - Normalizza - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Cliccando qui la forma d'onda viene normalizzata. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda sinusoidale per questo oscillatore. - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda triangolare per questo oscillatore. - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda a dente di sega per questo oscillatore. - - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda quadra per questo oscillatore. - - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Utilizzare rumore bianco per questo oscillatore. + + + Smooth waveform + Spiana forma d'onda - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Utilizzare un'onda personalizzata per questo oscillatore. + + + Normalize waveform + Forma d'onda normale - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width Ampiezza pulse voce %1 + Voice %1 attack Attacco voce %1 + Voice %1 decay Decadimento voce %1 + Voice %1 sustain Sostegno voce %1 + Voice %1 release Rilascio voce %1 + Voice %1 coarse detuning Intonazione voce %1 + Voice %1 wave shape Forma d'onda voce %1 + Voice %1 sync Sincronizzazione voce %1 + Voice %1 ring modulate Modulazione ring voce %1 + Voice %1 filtered Filtraggio voce %1 + Voice %1 test Test voce %1 - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT INPUT + Input gain: Guadagno in Input: + OUTPUT OUTPUT + Output gain: Guadagno in output: - Reset waveform - Resetta forma d'onda - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Clicca qui per resettare il grafico d'onda alla condizione originale - - - Smooth waveform - Spiana forma d'onda - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Clicca qui per addolcire il grafico d'onda - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - Aumenta l'amplificazione di 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph + Reimposta grafico d'onda - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Clicca qui per aumentare l'amplificazione del grafico d'onda di 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph + Grafico d'onda piana - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - Diminuisi l'amplificatore di 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Incrementa ampiezza grafico d'onda di 1 dB - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Clicca qui per diminuire l'amplificazione del grafico d'onda di 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Decrementa ampiezza grafico d'onda di 1 dB + Clip input Taglia input - Clip input signal to 0dB - Taglia in segnale di input a 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + Segnale ingresso clip a 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain Guadagno in input + Output gain Guadagno in output - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/ja.ts b/data/locale/ja.ts index b7c1a780c31..e10ca511818 100644 --- a/data/locale/ja.ts +++ b/data/locale/ja.ts @@ -2,93 +2,112 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS LMMS について - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). バージョン %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) + About LMMS について - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - 全ての人のための簡単な音楽制作 - - - Authors - 製作者 - - - Translation - 翻訳 + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - すべての人のためのDAW - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - 現在の言語は完全に翻訳されていません。 - -もしLMMSを他の言語に翻訳することや既に存在する翻訳を改善することに興味があるなら、ぜひとも翻訳してください! メンテナーに連絡を取るだけです! + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. - License - ライセンス + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + 製作者 + Involved 関係者 + Contributors ordered by number of commits: コミット数順の貢献者一覧: - Copyright © %1 - Copyright © %1 + + Translation + 翻訳 + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + 現在の言語は完全に翻訳されていません(もしくは英語になっています)。 +LMMSを他の言語に翻訳したり、翻訳を改善することに興味があれば、ぜひとも翻訳してください! メンテナーに連絡を取るだけです! - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + License + ライセンス AmplifierControlDialog + VOL 音量 + Volume: 音量: + PAN パン + Panning: パン: + LEFT + Left gain: 左ゲイン: + RIGHT + Right gain: 右ゲイン: @@ -96,18 +115,22 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AmplifierControls + Volume 音量 + Panning パン + Left gain 左ゲイン + Right gain 右ゲイン @@ -115,10 +138,12 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE デバイス + CHANNELS チャンネル @@ -126,85 +151,60 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - 他のサンプルを開く - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - 他のオーディオファイルを開きたいときは、ここをクリックしてください。ダイアログが表示され、ファイルを選択することができます。ループモード、開始/終了位置、増幅率などの設定はリセットされません。そのため、開いたファイルはオリジナルのサンプルとは異なる音になるかもしれません。 + + Open sample + サンプルを開く + Reverse sample サンプルを反転する - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - このボタンを有効にすると、全体のサンプルがリバースされます。例えばリバースド クラッシュのようなかっこいいエフェクトで役立ちます。 - - - Amplify: - 増幅: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - このつまみでは増幅率を設定することができます。この値を100%にするとサンプルは変化しません。そうでないときは増幅率が上下します。 (実際のサンプルファイルは変更されません!) - - - Startpoint: - 開始位置: - - - Endpoint: - 終了位置: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - 異なるノートへサンプルの再生を引き継ぐ - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - このオプションを有効にすると、異なるノートへサンプルの再生が引き継がれます。ピッチを変更するか、またはノートの長さがサンプルより短い場合は、ノートの終わったところから次のノートが再生されます。サンプルの最初から再生するようリセットするには、鍵盤の低い音階(20Hz未満)にノートを挿入してください。 - - + Disable loop ループを無効にする - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - このボタンはループ再生を無効にします。サンプルは一度だけ通しで再生されます。 - - + Enable loop ループを有効にする - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - このボタンは正方向のループを有効にします。ループ開始位置から終了位置まで、サンプルが繰り返し再生されます。 + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + 異なるノートへサンプルの再生を引き継ぐ - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - このボタンはピンポンループを有効にします。ループ開始位置から終了位置まで、正方向・逆方向に交互にサンプルが繰り返し再生されます。 + + Amplify: + 増幅: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - このノブで、サンプルの再生を開始する位置を設定することができます。 + + Start point: + 開始点: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - このノブで、サンプルの再生を停止する位置を設定することができます。 + + End point: + 終了点: + Loopback point: ループバック位置: - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - このノブで、ループ再生の開始位置を設定することができます。 - AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: サンプルの長さ: @@ -212,447 +212,469 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioJack + JACK client restarted JACKクライアントを再起動しました + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS は何らかの理由で JACK からキックされました。そのため、LMMS の JACKバックエンドが再起動されています。あなたは、手動で接続しなおす必要があります。 + JACK server down JACK サーバーダウン + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. - JACK サーバーがシャットダウンし、新しいインスタンスの開始に失敗したようです。そのため、LMMS は続行できません。あなたはプロジェクトを保存し、JACK と LMMS を再起動する必要があります。 + ごめんなさい…JACK サーバーがシャットダウンして、新しいインスタンスの開始に失敗したようです。そのために、LMMS が続行できません。今すぐプロジェクトを保存してJACK と LMMS を再起動してください。 - CLIENT-NAME - クライアント名 + + Client name + - CHANNELS - チャンネル + + Channels + - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - デバイス + + Device + - CHANNELS - チャンネル + + Channels + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - バックエンド + + Backend + - DEVICE - デバイス + + Device + - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - デバイス + + Device + - CHANNELS - チャンネル + + Channels + AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - デバイス + + Device + - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - デバイス + + Device + - CHANNELS - チャンネル + + Channels + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - バックエンド + + Backend + - DEVICE - デバイス + + Device + AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) リセット(&R) (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) 値をコピー(&C) (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) 値を貼り付け(&P) (%1%2) + + &Paste value + &値を貼り付け + + + Edit song-global automation 曲全体のオートメーションを編集 + + Remove song-global automation + 曲全体のオートメーションを削除 + + + + Remove all linked controls + リンクされたコントロールを全て削除 + + + Connected to %1 %1 に接続済み + Connected to controller コントローラーに接続済み + Edit connection... 接続を編集... + Remove connection 接続を削除 + Connect to controller... コントローラーに接続... - - Remove song-global automation - 曲全体のオートメーションを削除 - - - Remove all linked controls - リンクされたコントロールを全て削除 - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - コントロールのコンテキストメニューでオートメーションパターンを開いてください! + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + - Values copied - 値をコピーしました + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - 選択された値はすべてクリップボードにコピーされました。 + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + コントロールのコンテキストメニューでオートメーションパターンを開いてください! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) 現在のパターンの再生/一時停止 (Space) - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - クリックすると現在のパターンを再生します。これはパターン編集中に便利です。終了位置にくるとパターンは自動的にループされます。 - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) 現在のパターンの再生を停止 (Space) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - 現在のパターンの再生を停止するときは、ここをクリックしてください、 + + Edit actions + 編集機能 + Draw mode (Shift+D) 描画モード (shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) 消去モード (shift+E) + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically 左右反転 + Flip horizontally 上下反転 - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - ここをクリックすると、パターンが反転されます。y 方向に反転されます。 - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - ここをクリックすると、パターンが反転されます。x 方向に反転されます。 - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - ここをクリックすると描画モードになります。このモードでは、ひとつずつ追加・移動することができます。これがデフォルトのモードですし、一番多く使うモードです。ショートカットキーは 'Shift+D' です。 - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - ここをクリックすると消去モードになります。このモードでは、ひとつずつ消去することができます。ショートカットキーは 'Shift+E' です。 + + Interpolation controls + 補間コントロール + Discrete progression - + 離散 + Linear progression - + 線形補間 + Cubic Hermite progression - + エルミート曲線 + Tension value for spline - - - - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - + スプラインのテンション値 - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - 選択した値を切り取り (Shift+M) - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - 選択した値をコピー (%1+C) + + Tension: + テンション: - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - クリップボードから値を貼り付け (%1+V) + + Zoom controls + ズーム コントロール - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - クリックすると選択した値をクリップボードにカットします。その値はペーストボタンを押すと任意のパターンの任意の場所にペーストできます。 + + Horizontal zooming + 水平方向にズーム - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - クリックすると選択した値をクリップボードにコピーします。その値はペーストボタンを押すと任意のパターンの任意の場所にペーストできます。 + + Vertical zooming + 垂直方向にズーム - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - クリックするとクリップボードの値が、最初の可視小節にペーストされます。 + + Quantization controls + クオンタイゼーション コントロール - Tension: - + + Quantization + クオンタイズ - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip オートメーション エディター - パターンなし + + Automation Editor - %1 オートメーション エディター - %1 - Edit actions - 編集機能 - - - Interpolation controls - 補間コントロール - - - Timeline controls - タイムライン コントロール - - - Zoom controls - ズーム コントロール - - - Quantization controls - クオンタイゼーション コントロール - - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. モデルは、すでにこのパターンに接続されています。 - - Quantization - クオンタイズ - - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - - - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> <%1>を押しながらコントロールをドラッグしてください - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor オートメーション エディターで開く + Clear クリア + Reset name 名前をリセット + Change name 名前を変更 - %1 Connections - %1 個の接続 - - - Disconnect "%1" - "%1" を切断 - - + Set/clear record 録音をセット/クリア + Flip Vertically (Visible) 左右反転 + Flip Horizontally (Visible) 上下反転 - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + %1 Connections + %1 個の接続 + + + + Disconnect "%1" + "%1" を切断 + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. モデルは、すでにこのパターンに接続されています。 AutomationTrack + Automation track オートメーション トラック - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor ビート+ベースライン エディター + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) 現在のビート/ベースラインの再生/一時停止 (Space) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) 現在のビート/ベースラインの再生を停止 (Space) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - 現在のビート/ベースラインを再生するには、ここをクリックしてください。終了位置にくるとビート/ベースラインは自動的にループされます。 + + Beat selector + ビート セレクター - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - 現在のビート/ベースラインの再生を停止するには、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Track and step actions + トラックとステップアクション + Add beat/bassline ビート/ベースラインを追加 + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + サンプルトラックを追加 + + + Add automation-track オートメーション トラックを追加 + Remove steps ステップを削除 + Add steps ステップを追加 - Beat selector - ビート セレクター - - - Track and step actions - - - + Clone Steps ステップを複製 - - Add sample-track - サンプルトラックを追加 - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor ビート+ベースライン エディターで開く + Reset name 名前をリセット + Change name 名前を変更 - - Change color - 色を変更 - - - Reset color to default - 色をデフォルトにリセット - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 ビート/ベースライン %1 + Clone of %1 %1の複製 @@ -660,26 +682,32 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ 周波数 + Frequency: 周波数: + GAIN ゲイン + Gain: ゲイン: + RATIO レシオ + Ratio: レシオ: @@ -687,14 +715,17 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BassBoosterControls + Frequency 周波数 + Gain ゲイン + Ratio レシオ @@ -702,9551 +733,15603 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BitcrushControlDialog + IN IN + OUT OUT + + GAIN ゲイン - Input Gain: + + Input gain: 入力ゲイン: - Input Noise: + + NOISE + ノイズ + + + + Input noise: 入力ノイズ: - Output Gain: + + Output gain: 出力ゲイン: + CLIP クリップ - Output Clip: + + Output clip: 出力クリップ - Rate Enabled + + Rate enabled Rateが有効です - Enable samplerate-crushing - + + Enable sample-rate crushing + サンプルレートクラシングを有効にする - Depth Enabled - Depthが有効です + + Depth enabled + 有効な深度 - Enable bitdepth-crushing - + + Enable bit-depth crushing + ビット深度クラシングを有効にする + + + + FREQ + 周波数 + Sample rate: サンプルレート: + + STEREO + ステレオ + + + Stereo difference: 位相 + + QUANT + クオンタイズ + + + Levels: レベル: + + + BitcrushControls - NOISE - + + Input gain + 入力ゲイン - FREQ - 周波数 + + Input noise + 入力ノイズ - STEREO - + + Output gain + 出力ゲイン - QUANT - + + Output clip + アウトプットクリップ - - - CaptionMenu - &Help - ヘルプ(&H) + + Sample rate + サンプルレート - Help (not available) - ヘルプ (利用できません) + + Stereo difference + ステレオの相違 - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - GUI を表示 + + Levels + レベル - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - CarlaのGUIを表示/非表示するにはここをクリックしてください。 + + Rate enabled + Rateが有効です - - - Controller - Controller %1 - コントローラー %1 + + Depth enabled + 有効な深度 - ControllerConnectionDialog - - Connection Settings - 接続設定 - - - MIDI CONTROLLER - MIDI コントローラ - - - Input channel - 入力チャンネル - - - CHANNEL - チャンネル - + CarlaAboutW - Input controller - 入力コントローラー + + About Carla + - CONTROLLER - コントローラー + + About + LMMS について - Auto Detect - 自動検出 + + About text here + - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - MIDI イベントを受信するための MIDI デバイス + + Extended licensing here + - USER CONTROLLER - ユーザー コントローラー + + Artwork + - MAPPING FUNCTION - マッピング機能 + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - OK - OK + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - Cancel - キャンセル + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - LMMS - LMMS + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - Cycle Detected. - 循環が検出されました。 + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - コントローラー ラック + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - Add - 追加 + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - Confirm Delete - 削除の確認 + + Features + - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - 削除してもよいですか? このコントローラーに関連付けられた接続があります。削除すると元に戻す方法はありません。 + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - - ControllerView - Controls - コントロール + + LADSPA: + - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - コントローラーでは、つまみやスライダー、その他のコントロールの値を自動化することができます。 + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Rename controller - コントローラー名の変更 + + VST2: + - Enter the new name for this controller - コントローラーの新しい名前を入力してください + + DSSI: + - &Remove this controller - このコントローラーを取り外す (&R) + + LV2: + - Re&name this controller - このコントローラー名を変更 (&n) + + VST3: + - LFO - LFO + + OSC + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: + + Host URLs: - Band 2/3 Crossover: + + Valid commands: - Band 3/4 Crossover: + + valid osc commands here - Band 1 Gain: - バンド1 + + Example: + - Band 2 Gain: - バンド2 + + License + ライセンス - Band 3 Gain: - バンド3 + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - Band 4 Gain: - バンド4 + + OSC Bridge Version + - Band 1 Mute + + Plugin Version - Mute Band 1 + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - Band 2 Mute + + + (Engine not running) - Mute Band 2 + + Everything! (Including LRDF) - Band 3 Mute + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) - Mute Band 3 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - Band 4 Mute + + + + Using Juce host - Mute Band 4 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) - DelayControls + CarlaHostW - Delay Samples + + MainWindow - Feedback - フィードバック + + Rack + - Lfo Frequency - LFO 周波数 + + Patchbay + - Lfo Amount - LFO 量 + + Logs + - Output gain - 出力ゲイン + + Loading... + - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt - LFO 量 + + Buffer Size: + - Delay Time - ディレイ タイム + + Sample Rate: + - Feedback Amount - フィードバック量 + + ? Xruns + - Lfo - LFO + + DSP Load: %p% + - Out Gain - 出力ゲイン + + &File + ファイル(&F) - Gain - ゲイン + + &Engine + - DELAY + + &Plugin - FDBK + + Macros (all plugins) - RATE + + &Canvas - AMNT - AMNT + + Zoom + - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - フィルタ1が有効です + + &Settings + - Filter 2 enabled - フィルタ2が有効です + + &Help + ヘルプ(&H) - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - クリックでフィルタ1を有効/無効 + + toolBar + - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - クリックでフィルタ2を有効/無効 + + Disk + - FREQ - 周波数 + + + Home + ホーム - Cutoff frequency - カットオフ周波数 + + Transport + - RESO - レゾナンス + + Playback Controls + - Resonance - レゾナンス + + Time Information + - GAIN - ゲイン + + Frame: + - Gain - ゲイン + + 000'000'000 + - MIX - ミックス + + Time: + 時間: - Mix - ミックス + + 00:00:00 + - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - フィルタ1は有効です + + BBT: + - Filter 1 type - フィルタ1の種類 + + 000|00|0000 + - Cutoff 1 frequency - フィルタ1の周波数 + + Settings + 設定 - Q/Resonance 1 + + BPM - Gain 1 + + Use JACK Transport - Mix - ミックス + + Use Ableton Link + - Filter 2 enabled - フィルタ2は有効 + + &New + 新規(&N) - Filter 2 type - フィルタ2の種類 + + Ctrl+N + - Cutoff 2 frequency - + + &Open... + 開く(&O)... - Q/Resonance 2 + + + Open... - Gain 2 + + Ctrl+O - LowPass - LowPass - - - HiPass - HiPass + + &Save + 保存(&S) - BandPass csg - BandPass csg + + Ctrl+S + - BandPass czpg - BandPass cspg + + Save &As... + 名前を付けて保存(&A)... - Notch - Notch + + + Save As... + - Allpass - Allpass + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - Moog - Moog + + &Quit + 終了(&Q) - 2x LowPass - 2x LowPass + + Ctrl+Q + - RC LowPass 12dB - RC LowPass 12dB + + &Start + - RC BandPass 12dB - RC BandPass 12dB + + F5 + - RC HighPass 12dB - RC HighPass 12dB + + St&op + - RC LowPass 24dB - RC LowPass 24dB + + F6 + - RC BandPass 24dB - RC BandPass 24dB + + &Add Plugin... + - RC HighPass 24dB - RC HighPass 24dB + + Ctrl+A + - Vocal Formant Filter - Vocal Formant Filter - + + &Remove All + - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + Enable + - SV LowPass - SV LowPass + + Disable + - SV BandPass - SV BandPass + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - SV HighPass - SV HighPass + + 100% Wet + - SV Notch - SV Notch + + 0% Volume (Mute) + - Fast Formant - Fast Formant + + 100% Volume + - Tripole - Tripole + + Center Balance + - - - Editor - Play (Space) - 再生 (Space) + + &Play + - Stop (Space) - 停止 (Space) + + Ctrl+Shift+P + - Record - 録音 + + &Stop + - Record while playing - 再生しながら録音 + + Ctrl+Shift+X + - Transport controls + + &Backwards - - - Effect - Effect enabled - エフェクト有効 + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - Wet/Dry mix + + &Forwards - Gate + + Ctrl+Shift+F - Decay - ディケイ + + &Arrange + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - エフェクト有効 + + Ctrl+G + - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - エフェクトチェイン + + + &Refresh + - Add effect - エフェクトを追加 + + Ctrl+R + - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - エフェクトを追加 + + Save &Image... + - Name - 名前 + + Auto-Fit + - Type - 種類 + + Zoom In + - Description - 説明 + + Ctrl++ + - Author - 製作者 + + Zoom Out + - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - エフェクトのオン/オフを切り替えます。 + + Ctrl+- + - On/Off - オン/オフ + + Zoom 100% + - W/D - W/D + + Ctrl+1 + - Wet Level: + + Show &Toolbar - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. + + &Configure Carla - DECAY + + &About - Time: - 時間: + + About &JUCE + - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. + + About &Qt - GATE - ゲート + + Show Canvas &Meters + - Gate: - ゲート: + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. + + Show Internal - Controls - コントロール + + Show External + - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. + + Show Time Panel - Move &up - 一つ上へ(&u) + + Show &Side Panel + - Move &down - 一つ下へ(&d) + + &Connect... + - &Remove this plugin - このプラグインを削除(&R) + + Compact Slots + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay + + Expand Slots - Attack + + Perform secret 1 - Hold - Hold + + Perform secret 2 + - Decay - ディケイ + + Perform secret 3 + - Sustain - Decay + + Perform secret 4 + - Release - Release + + Perform secret 5 + - Modulation + + Add &JACK Application... - LFO Predelay - LFO Predelay + + &Configure driver... + - LFO Attack - LFO speed + + Panic + - LFO speed - LFO speed + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - LFO Modulation - LFO Modulation + + Export as... + - LFO Wave Shape - LFO Wave Shape + + + + + Error + エラー - Freq x 100 - Freq x 100 + + Failed to load project + - Modulate Env-Amount + + Failed to save project - - - EnvelopeAndLfoView - DEL - ATT + + Quit + - Predelay: + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 - ATT - ATT + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - Attack: - アタック: + + Warning + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + CarlaInstrumentView - HOLD - HOLD + + Show GUI + GUI を表示 + + + CarlaSettingsW - Hold: - Hold: + + Settings + 設定 - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. + + main - DEC - DEC + + canvas + - Decay: - ディケイ: + + engine + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. + + osc - SUST - SUST + + file-paths + - Sustain: - サスティン: + + plugin-paths + - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. + + wine - REL + + experimental - Release: - リリース: + + Widget + - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. + + + Main - AMT - Hold: + + + Canvas + - Modulation amount: - Modulation amount: + + + Engine + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. + + File Paths - LFO predelay: - LFO predelay: + + Plugin Paths + - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. + + Wine - LFO- attack: + + + Experimental - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. + + <b>Main</b> - SPD - SPD + + Paths + パス - LFO speed: - LFO speed: + + Default project folder: + - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. + + Interface - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. + + Interface refresh interval: - Click here for a sine-wave. - クリックしてサイン波を使用します。 + + + ms + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - クリックして三角波を使用します。 + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - クリックしてのこぎり波を使用します。 + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - Click here for a square-wave. - クリックして矩形波を使用します。 + + + Theme + - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - クリックしてユーザー定義波形を使用します。その後サンプルファイルをLFOグラフ上へドラッグ&ドロップしてください。 + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - FREQ x 100 - FREQ x 100 + + Color scheme: + - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. + + Black - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 + + System - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT + + Enable experimental features - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. + + <b>Canvas</b> - control envelope-amount by this LFO + + Bezier Lines - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + Theme: + - Hint - ヒント + + Size: + - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. + + 775x600 - Click here for random wave. - クリックしてホワイトノイズを使用します。 + + 1550x1200 + - - - EqControls - Input gain - 入力ゲイン + + 3100x2400 + - Output gain - 出力ゲイン + + 4650x3600 + - Low shelf gain + + 6200x4800 - Peak 1 gain + + Options - Peak 2 gain + + Auto-hide groups with no ports - Peak 3 gain + + Auto-select items on hover - Peak 4 gain + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) - High Shelf gain + + Render Hints - HP res + + Anti-Aliasing - Low Shelf res + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) - Peak 1 BW + + <b>Engine</b> - Peak 2 BW + + + Core - Peak 3 BW + + Single Client - Peak 4 BW + + Multiple Clients - High Shelf res + + + Continuous Rack - LP res + + + Patchbay - HP freq + + Audio driver: - Low Shelf freq + + Process mode: - Peak 1 freq + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog - Peak 2 freq + + Max Parameters: - Peak 3 freq + + ... - Peak 4 freq + + Reset Xrun counter after project load - High shelf freq + + Plugin UIs - LP freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - HP active + + UI Bridge Timeout: - Low shelf active + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - Peak 1 active + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible - Peak 2 active + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top - Peak 3 active + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - Peak 4 active + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - High shelf active + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings - LP active + + <b>OSC</b> - LP 12 + + Enable OSC - LP 24 + + Enable TCP port - LP 48 + + + Use specific port: - HP 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var - HP 24 + + + Use randomly assigned port - HP 48 + + Enable UDP port - low pass type - Low Passフィルターの種類 - - - high pass type - High Passフィルターの種類 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - Analyse IN + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled - Analyse OUT + + <b>File Paths</b> - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - + + Audio + オーディオ - Low Shelf - + + MIDI + MIDI - Peak 1 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin - Peak 2 + + Used for the "midifile" plugin - Peak 3 + + + Add... - Peak 4 + + + Remove - High Shelf + + + Change... - LP + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> - In Gain + + LADSPA - Gain - ゲイン + + DSSI + - Out Gain - 出力ゲイン + + LV2 + - Bandwidth: + + VST2 - Resonance : + + VST3 - Frequency: - 周波数: + + SF2/3 + - lp grp + + SFZ - hp grp + + Restart Carla to find new plugins - Octave + + <b>Wine</b> - - - EqHandle - Reso: + + Executable - BW: + + Path to 'wine' binary: - Freq: + + Prefix - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - プロジェクトをエクスポート + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - Output - 出力 + + Fallback: + - File format: - ファイルの形式: + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + - Samplerate: - サンプルレート: + + Realtime Priority + - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Base priority: + - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + WineServer priority: + - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + <b>Experimental</b> + - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - Bitrate: - ビットレート: + + Enable plugin bridges + - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + Enable Wine bridges + - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + Enable jack applications + - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - Depth: - ビット深度: + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - 16 Bit Integer - 16bit 整数 + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 32 Bit Float - 32bit 浮動小数点数 + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - Quality settings + + Force mono plugins as stereo - Interpolation: + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) - Zero Order Hold + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. - Sinc Fastest + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible - Sinc Medium (recommended) + + + + + Add Path + + + CompressorControlDialog - Sinc Best (very slow!) + + Threshold: - Oversampling (use with care!): + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place - 1x (None) - + + Ratio: + レシオ: - 2x + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold - 4x - + + Attack: + アタック: - 8x + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio - Start - 開始 + + Release: + リリース: - Cancel - キャンセル + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - Export as loop (remove end silence) - ループとしてエクスポートする(最後の無音部分は除去) + + Knee: + - Export between loop markers - ループのマーカー区間をエクスポートする + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - Could not open file - ファイルを開けません + + Range: + - Export project to %1 + + Maximum gain reduction - Error - エラー + + Lookahead Length: + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time - Rendering: %1% - + + Hold: + Hold: - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Delay between attack and release stages - 24 Bit Integer - 24bit 整数 + + RMS Size: + - Use variable bitrate - 可変ビットレートを使用する + + Size of the RMS buffer + - Stereo mode: - ステレオモード: + + Input Balance: + - Stereo - ステレオ + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Joint Stereo - ジョイントステレオ + + Output Balance: + - Mono - モノラル + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Compression level: - 圧縮レベル: + + Stereo Balance: + - (fastest) - (最速) + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - (default) - (デフォルト) + + Stereo Link Blend: + - (smallest) - (最小) + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + - - - Expressive - Selected graph - 選択されたグラフ + + Tilt Gain: + - A1 + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - A2 + + Tilt Frequency: - A3 + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - W1 smoothing + + Mix: - W2 smoothing + + Balance between wet and dry signals - W3 smoothing + + Auto Attack: - PAN1 + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - PAN2 + + Auto Release: - REL TRANS + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - %1 と %2 の間の新しい値を入力してください: + + Output gain + 出力ゲイン - - - FileBrowser - Browser - ブラウザ + + + Gain + ゲイン - Search - 検索 + + Output volume + - Refresh list - リストの更新 + + Input gain + 入力ゲイン - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track + + Input volume - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor + + Root Mean Square - Loading sample - サンプルを読み込み中 + + Use RMS of the input + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + Peak - --- Factory files --- + + Use absolute value of the input - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor + + Left/Right - Error - エラー + + Compress left and right audio + - does not appear to be a valid + + Mid/Side - file + + Compress mid and side audio - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples + + Compressor - Lfo Frequency - LFO 周波数 + + Compress the audio + - Seconds + + Limiter - Regen + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) - Noise - ノイズ + + Unlinked + - Invert + + Compress each channel separately - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: + + Maximum - Feedback Amount: + + Compress based on the loudest channel - White Noise Amount: + + Average - DELAY + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume - RATE + + Minimum - AMNT - AMNT + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - Amount: + + Blend - FDBK + + Blend between stereo linking modes - NOISE + + Auto Makeup Gain - Invert + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings - Period: + + + Soft Clip - - - FxLine - Channel send amount + + Play the delta signal - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input - Move &left - 一つ左へ (&l) + + Lookahead Enabled + - Move &right - 一つ右へ (&r) + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + - - Rename &channel - チャンネル名を変更 (&c) + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + - R&emove channel - チャンネルを削除 (&e) + + Ratio + レシオ - Remove &unused channels - 使用していないチャンネルを削除 (&u) + + Attack + アタック - - - FxMixer - Master - + + Release + Release - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Knee + - Volume - 音量 + + Hold + Hold - Mute - ミュート + + Range + - Solo - ソロ + + RMS Size + - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - エフェクトミキサー + + Mid/Side + - FX Fader %1 + + Peak Mode - Mute - ミュート + + Lookahead Length + - Mute this FX channel - このFXチャンネルをミュート + + Input Balance + - Solo - ソロ + + Output Balance + - Solo FX channel + + Limiter - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + Output Gain - - - GigInstrument - Bank + + Input Gain - Patch - パッチ + + Blend + - Gain - ゲイン + + Stereo Balance + - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file - 他のGIGファイルを開く + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Click here to open another GIG file - ここをクリックして他のGIGファイルを開きます。 + + Audition + - Choose the patch - パッチを選択 + + Feedback + フィードバック - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - ここをクリックして使用するGIGファイルのパッチを変更 + + Auto Attack + - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played + + Auto Release - Which GIG file is currently being used + + Lookahead - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - 現在使用されているGIGファイルのパッチ + + Tilt + - Gain - ゲイン + + Tilt Frequency + - Factor to multiply samples by + + Stereo Link - Open GIG file - GIG ファイルを開く + + Mix + ミックス + + + Controller - GIG Files (*.gig) - GIG ファイル (*.gig) + + Controller %1 + コントローラー %1 - GuiApplication + ControllerConnectionDialog - Working directory - 作業ディレクトリ + + Connection Settings + 接続設定 - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - LMMSの作業ディレクトリ %1 は存在しません。作成しますか?編集->セッティング でこのディレクトリを変更できます。 + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI コントローラ - Preparing UI - UIの準備中 + + Input channel + 入力チャンネル - Preparing song editor - ソング エディター の準備中 + + CHANNEL + チャンネル - Preparing mixer - ミキサーの準備中 + + Input controller + 入力コントローラー - Preparing controller rack - コントローラー ラック の準備中 + + CONTROLLER + コントローラー - Preparing project notes - プロジェクトノートの準備中 + + + Auto Detect + 自動検出 - Preparing beat/bassline editor - ビート/ベースライン エディター の準備中 + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + MIDI イベントを受信するための MIDI デバイス - Preparing piano roll - ピアノロールの準備中 + + USER CONTROLLER + ユーザー コントローラー - Preparing automation editor - オートメーション エディター の準備中 + + MAPPING FUNCTION + マッピング機能 - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Arpeggio - + + OK + OK - Arpeggio type - + + Cancel + キャンセル - Arpeggio range - + + LMMS + LMMS - Arpeggio time - + + Cycle Detected. + 循環が検出されました。 + + + ControllerRackView - Arpeggio gate - + + Controller Rack + コントローラー ラック - Arpeggio direction - + + Add + 追加 - Arpeggio mode - + + Confirm Delete + 削除の確認 - Up - + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + 削除してもよいですか? このコントローラーに関連付けられた接続があります。削除すると元に戻す方法はありません。 + + + ControllerView - Down - + + Controls + コントロール - Up and down - + + Rename controller + コントローラー名の変更 - Random - ランダム + + Enter the new name for this controller + コントローラーの新しい名前を入力してください - Free - + + LFO + LFO - Sort - ソート + + &Remove this controller + このコントローラーを取り外す (&R) - Sync - 同期 + + Re&name this controller + このコントローラー名を変更 (&n) + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Down and up - + + Band 1/2 crossover: + バンド1/2クロスオーバー: - Skip rate - Skip rate + + Band 2/3 crossover: + バンド 2/3 クロスオーバー: - Miss rate - Miss rate + + Band 3/4 crossover: + バンド 3/4 クロスオーバー: - Cycle steps - + + Band 1 gain + バンド 1 ゲイン - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - アルペジオ + + Band 1 gain: + バンド 1 ゲイン: - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - + + Band 2 gain + バンド 2 ゲイン - RANGE - RANGE + + Band 2 gain: + バンド 2 ゲイン: - Arpeggio range: - + + Band 3 gain + バンド 3 ゲイン - octave(s) - オクターブ + + Band 3 gain: + バンド 3 ゲイン: - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - + + Band 4 gain + バンド 4 ゲイン - TIME - + + Band 4 gain: + バンド 4 ゲイン - Arpeggio time: - + + Band 1 mute + バンド1ミュート - ms - ms + + Mute band 1 + バンド1をミュート - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - + + Band 2 mute + バンド2 ミュート - GATE - ゲート + + Mute band 2 + バンド2をミュート - Arpeggio gate: - + + Band 3 mute + バンド3 ミュート - % - % + + Mute band 3 + バンド3をミュート - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - + + Band 4 mute + バンド4 ミュート - Chord: - コード: + + Mute band 4 + バンド4をミュート + + + DelayControls - Direction: - + + Delay samples + ディレイサンプル - Mode: - モード: + + Feedback + フィードバック - SKIP - スキップ + + LFO frequency + LFO周波数 - Skip rate: - + + LFO amount + LFOの量 - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - + + Output gain + 出力ゲイン + + + DelayControlsDialog - MISS - + + DELAY + ディレイ - Miss rate: - + + Delay time + ディレイ タイム - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - + + FDBK + フィードバック - CYCLE + + Feedback amount + フィードバック量 + + + + RATE + モジュレーションスピード + + + + LFO frequency + LFO周波数 + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + LFO amount + LFOの量 + + + + Out gain + 出力ゲイン + + + + Gain + ゲイン + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application - Cycle notes: + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out - note(s) - ノート + + Application + - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. + + Name: - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - オクターブ + + Application: + - Major - Major + + From template + - Majb5 - Majb5 + + Custom + - minor - minor + + Template: + - minb5 - minb5 + + Command: + - sus2 - sus2 + + Setup + - sus4 - sus4 + + Session Manager: + - aug - aug + + None + - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Audio inputs: + - tri - tri + + MIDI inputs: + - 6 - 6 + + Audio outputs: + - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + MIDI outputs: + - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Take control of main application window + - m6 - m6 + + Workarounds + - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - 7 - 7 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Error here + - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Carla Control - Connect + - 7b9 - 7b9 + + Remote setup + - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + UDP Port: + - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Remote host: + - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + TCP Port: + - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Reported host + - 7add13 - 7add13 + + Automatic + - 7#11 - 7#11 + + Custom: + - Maj7 - Maj7 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + Set value + 値をセット - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + TextLabel + - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + Driver Settings + - m7 - m7 + + Device: + - m7b5 - m7b5 + + Buffer size: + - m7b9 - m7b9 + + Sample rate: + サンプルレート: - m7add11 - m7add11 + + Triple buffer + - m7add13 - m7add13 + + Show Driver Control Panel + - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + DualFilterControlDialog - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + + FREQ + 周波数 - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + + Cutoff frequency + カットオフ周波数 - 9 - 9 + + + RESO + レゾナンス - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + + Resonance + レゾナンス - add9 - add9 + + + GAIN + ゲイン - 9#5 - 9#5 + + + Gain + ゲイン - 9b5 - 9b5 + + MIX + ミックス - 9#11 - 9#11 + + Mix + ミックス - 9b13 - 9b13 + + Filter 1 enabled + フィルタ1が有効です - Maj9 - Maj9 + + Filter 2 enabled + フィルタ2が有効です - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + Enable/disable filter 1 + フィルター 1 を有効化 / 無効化 - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + Enable/disable filter 2 + フィルター 2 を有効化 / 無効化 + + + DualFilterControls - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + Filter 1 enabled + フィルタ1は有効です - m9 - m9 + + Filter 1 type + フィルタ1の種類 - madd9 - madd9 + + Cutoff frequency 1 + カットオフ周波数 1 - m9b5 - m9b5 + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Resonance 1 - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + Gain 1 + ゲイン 1 - 11 - 11 + + Mix + ミックス - 11b9 - 11b9 + + Filter 2 enabled + フィルタ2は有効 - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Filter 2 type + フィルタ2の種類 - m11 - m11 + + Cutoff frequency 2 + カットオフ周波数 2 - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Resonance 2 - 13 - 13 + + Gain 2 + ゲイン 2 - 13#9 - 13#9 + + + Low-pass + ローパス - 13b9 - 13b9 + + + Hi-pass + ハイパス - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + + Band-pass csg + バンドパス csg - Maj13 - Maj13 + + + Band-pass czpg + バンドパス czpg - m13 - m13 + + + Notch + Notch - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + + All-pass + オールパス - Harmonic minor - + + + Moog + Moog - Melodic minor + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x ローパス + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC ローパス 12dB/オクターブ + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC バンドパス 12dB/オクターブ + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC ハイパス 12dB/オクターブ + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC ローパス 24dB/オクターブ + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC バンドパス 24dB/オクターブ + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC ハイパス 24dB/オクターブ + + + + + Vocal Formant + ボーカル フォルマント + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + SV ローパス + + + + + SV Band-pass + SV バンドパス + + + + + SV High-pass + SV ハイパス + + + + + SV Notch + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + Tripole + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + トランスポートコントロール + + + + Play (Space) + 再生 (Space) + + + + Stop (Space) + 停止 (Space) + + + + Record + 録音 + + + + Record while playing + 再生&録音 + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + エフェクト有効 + + + + Wet/Dry mix + ウェット/ドライミックス + + + + Gate + ゲート + + + + Decay + ディケイ + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + エフェクト有効 + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + エフェクトチェイン + + + + Add effect + エフェクトを追加 + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + エフェクトを追加 + + + + + Name + 名前 + + + + Type + 種類 + + + + Description + 説明 + + + + Author + 製作者 + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + オン/オフ + + + + W/D + W/D + + + + Wet Level: + ウェット + + + + DECAY + ディケイ + + + + Time: + 時間: + + + + GATE + ゲート + + + + Gate: + ゲート: + + + + Controls + コントロール + + + + Move &up + 一つ上へ(&u) + + + + Move &down + 一つ下へ(&d) + + + + &Remove this plugin + このプラグインを削除(&R) + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + Env プリディレイ + + + + Env attack + Env アタック + + + + Env hold + Env ホールド + + + + Env decay + Env ディケイ + + + + Env sustain + Env サステイン + + + + Env release + Env リリース + + + + Env mod amount + エンベロープモッド量 + + + + LFO pre-delay + LFOプレディレイ + + + + LFO attack + LFOアタック + + + + LFO frequency + LFO周波数 + + + + LFO mod amount + LFOモッド量 + + + + LFO wave shape + LFO 波形 + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + LFO周波数 100倍 + + + + Modulate env amount + モデュレート エンベローブ 量 + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + ATT + + + + + Pre-delay: + プレディレイ: + + + + + ATT + ATT + + + + + Attack: + アタック: + + + + HOLD + HOLD + + + + Hold: + Hold: + + + + DEC + DEC + + + + Decay: + ディケイ: + + + + SUST + SUST + + + + Sustain: + サスティン: + + + + REL + REL + + + + Release: + リリース: + + + + + AMT + Hold: + + + + + Modulation amount: + Modulation amount: + + + + SPD + SPD + + + + Frequency: + 周波数: + + + + FREQ x 100 + FREQ x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + モデュレートエンベロープ 量 + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + このLFOによるエンベローブ量を調節 + + + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: + + + + Hint + ヒント + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + サンプルをこのウィンドウにドラッグ & ドロップしてください。 + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + 入力ゲイン + + + + Output gain + 出力ゲイン + + + + Low-shelf gain + ローシェルフ ゲイン + + + + Peak 1 gain + ピーク 1 ゲイン + + + + Peak 2 gain + ピーク 2 ゲイン + + + + Peak 3 gain + ピーク 3 ゲイン + + + + Peak 4 gain + ピーク 4 ゲイン + + + + High-shelf gain + ハイシェルフ ゲイン + + + + HP res + HP res + + + + Low-shelf res + ローシェルフ レゾナンス + + + + Peak 1 BW + ピーク 1 BW + + + + Peak 2 BW + ピーク 2 BW + + + + Peak 3 BW + ピーク 3 BW + + + + Peak 4 BW + ピーク 4 BW + + + + High-shelf res + ハイシェルフ レゾナンス + + + + LP res + LP レゾナンス + + + + HP freq + HP 周波数 + + + + Low-shelf freq + ローシェルフ 周波数 + + + + Peak 1 freq + ピーク 1 周波数 + + + + Peak 2 freq + ピーク 2 周波数 + + + + Peak 3 freq + ピーク 3 周波数 + + + + Peak 4 freq + ピーク 4 周波数 + + + + High-shelf freq + ハイシェルフ 周波数 + + + + LP freq + LP 周波数 + + + + HP active + HP オン + + + + Low-shelf active + ローシェルフ ON + + + + Peak 1 active + ピーク 1 ON + + + + Peak 2 active + ピーク 2 ON + + + + Peak 3 active + ピーク 3 ON + + + + Peak 4 active + ピーク 4 ON + + + + High-shelf active + ハイシェルフ ON + + + + LP active + LP ON + + + + LP 12 + LP 12 + + + + LP 24 + LP 24 + + + + LP 48 + LP 48 + + + + HP 12 + HP 12 + + + + HP 24 + HP 24 + + + + HP 48 + HP 48 + + + + Low-pass type + ローパス 種類 + + + + High-pass type + ハイパス 種類 + + + + Analyse IN + 分析 IN + + + + Analyse OUT + 分析 OUT + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + HP + + + + Low-shelf + ローシェルフ + + + + Peak 1 + ピーク 1 + + + + Peak 2 + ピーク 2 + + + + Peak 3 + ピーク 3 + + + + Peak 4 + ピーク 4 + + + + High-shelf + ハイシェルフ + + + + LP + LP + + + + Input gain + 入力ゲイン + + + + + + Gain + ゲイン + + + + Output gain + 出力ゲイン + + + + Bandwidth: + 帯域幅 + + + + Octave + オクターブ + + + + Resonance : + レゾナンス : + + + + Frequency: + 周波数: + + + + LP group + ローパスグループ + + + + HP group + ハイパスグループ + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + Reso + + + + BW: + BW : + + + + + Freq: + Freq : + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + プロジェクトをエクスポート + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + ループとしてエクスポート (余分なところは除去) + + + + Export between loop markers + ループのマーカー区間をエクスポートする + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + ファイルフォーマット設定 + + + + File format: + ファイルの形式: + + + + Sampling rate: + サンプルレート : + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + ビット深度 : + + + + 16 Bit integer + 16 ビット + + + + 24 Bit integer + 24 ビット + + + + 32 Bit float + 32 ビット + + + + Stereo mode: + ステレオモード: + + + + Mono + モノラル + + + + Stereo + ステレオ + + + + Joint stereo + ジョイントステレオ + + + + Compression level: + 圧縮レベル: + + + + Bitrate: + ビットレート: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + 可変ビットレートを使用する + + + + Quality settings + 品質設定 + + + + Interpolation: + 補間 : + + + + Zero order hold + ゼロ次ホールド + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + 低品質 (最速) + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + 中品質 (おすすめ) + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + 最高品質 (最低速) + + + + Oversampling: + オーバーサンプリング : + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (そのまま) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + 開始 + + + + Cancel + キャンセル + + + + Could not open file + ファイルを開けません + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + ファイル %1 を開けません。 +書き込み権限があることを確認してからもう一度試してください。 + + + + Export project to %1 + プロジェクトを %1 にエクスポート + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + ( 最速 - 最大 ) + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + ( 最低速 - 最小 ) + + + + Error + エラー + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + ファイルエンコーダーのデバイスを選択する際にエラーが発生しました。違うフォーマットを選択してください。 + + + + Rendering: %1% + レンダリング: %1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + 値をセット + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + %1 と %2 の間の新しい値を入力してください: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + ブラウザ + + + + Search + 検索 + + + + Refresh list + リストの更新 + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + 現在開いているインストゥルメントトラックに上書きする + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + ソング エディター + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + サンプルを読み込み中 + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + プレビュー用のサンプルを読み込んでいます... + + + + Error + エラー + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- ファクトリーファイル --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + ディレイサンプル + + + + LFO frequency + LFO周波数 + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + ノイズ + + + + Invert + 反転 + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + ディレイ + + + + Delay time: + ディレイ時間 : + + + + RATE + モジュレーションスピード + + + + Period: + ピリオド: + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Amount: + アマウント: + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + フィードバック + + + + Feedback amount: + フィードバック 量 : + + + + NOISE + ノイズ + + + + White noise amount: + ホワイトノイズ 量 : + + + + Invert + 反転 + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + スイープする時間 + + + + Sweep direction + スイープする方向 + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + チャンネル1の音量 + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + 音量のスイープ方向 + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + チャンネル2の音量 + + + + Channel 3 volume + チャンネル3の音量 + + + + Channel 4 volume + チャンネル4の音量 + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + チャンネル 1 を SO2 (左)に + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + チャンネル 2 を SO2 (左)に + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + チャンネル 3 を SO2 (左)に + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + チャンネル 4 を SO2 (左)に + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + チャンネル 1 を SO1 (右)に + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + チャンネル 2 を SO1 (右)に + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + チャンネル 3 を SO1 (右)に + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + チャンネル 4 を SO1 (右)に + + + + Treble + 音域 + + + + Bass + ベース + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + スイープする時間 + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + 音域: + + + + Treble + 音域 + + + + Bass: + ベース: + + + + Bass + ベース + + + + Sweep direction + スイープする方向 + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + 音量のスイープ方向 + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + チャンネル 1 を SO1 (右)に + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + チャンネル 2 を SO1 (右)に + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + チャンネル 3 を SO1 (右)に + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + チャンネル 4 を SO1 (右)に + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + チャンネル 1 を SO2 (左)に + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + チャンネル 2 を SO2 (左)に + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + チャンネル 3 を SO2 (左)に + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + チャンネル 4 を SO2 (左)に + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + 一つ左へ (&l) + + + + Move &right + 一つ右へ (&r) + + + + Rename &channel + チャンネル名を変更 (&c) + + + + R&emove channel + チャンネルを削除 (&e) + + + + Remove &unused channels + 使用していないチャンネルを削除 (&u) + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Mute + ミュート + + + + Solo + ソロ + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + エフェクトミキサー + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + ミュート + + + + Mute this mixer channel + このFXチャンネルをミュート + + + + Solo + ソロ + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + バンク + + + + Patch + パッチ + + + + Gain + ゲイン + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + GIG ファイルを開く + + + + Choose patch + パッチを選択してください + + + + Gain: + ゲイン: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG ファイル (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + 作業ディレクトリ + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + LMMSの作業ディレクトリ %1 は存在しません。作成しますか?編集->セッティング でこのディレクトリを変更できます。 + + + + Preparing UI + UIの準備中 + + + + Preparing song editor + ソング エディター の準備中 + + + + Preparing mixer + ミキサーの準備中 + + + + Preparing controller rack + コントローラー ラック の準備中 + + + + Preparing project notes + プロジェクトノートの準備中 + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + ビート/ベースライン エディター の準備中 + + + + Preparing piano roll + ピアノロールの準備中 + + + + Preparing automation editor + オートメーション エディター の準備中 + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + Skip rate + + + + Miss rate + Miss rate + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + ランダム + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + ソート + + + + Sync + 同期 + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + アルペジオ + + + + RANGE + RANGE + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + オクターブ + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + ノート + + + + SKIP + スキップ + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + ms + + + + GATE + ゲート + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + コード: + + + + Direction: + 方向: + + + + Mode: + モード: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + オクターブ + + + + + Major + Major + + + + Majb5 + Majb5 + + + + minor + minor + + + + minb5 + minb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + augsus4 + + + + tri + tri + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + ハーモニックマイナー + + + + Melodic minor + メロディックマイナー + + + + Whole tone + ホールトーン + + + + Diminished + ディミニッシュ + + + + Major pentatonic + メジャーペンタトニック + + + + Minor pentatonic + マイナーペンタトニック + + + + Jap in sen + Jap in sen + + + + Major bebop + メジャービバップ + + + + Dominant bebop + ドミナントビバップ + + + + Blues + ブルース + + + + Arabic + アラビック + + + + Enigmatic + エニグマティック + + + + Neopolitan + ネオポリタン + + + + Neopolitan minor + ネオポリタンマイナー + + + + Hungarian minor + ハンガリアンマイナー + + + + Dorian + ドリア旋法 + + + + Phrygian + フリギア旋法 + + + + Lydian + 教会旋法 + + + + Mixolydian + ミクソリディア旋法 + + + + Aeolian + エオリア旋法 + + + + Locrian + ロクリアン旋法 + + + + Minor + Minor + + + + Chromatic + クロマティック + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + コード: + + + + RANGE + RANGE + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + オクターブ + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + MIDI入力を有効にする + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + MIDI出力を有効にする + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + マスターピッチの使用を有効化 + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + 音量 + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + CUTOFF + Cutoff + + + + + Cutoff frequency + カットオフ周波数 + + + + RESO + レゾナンス + + + + Resonance + レゾナンス + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + エンベロープ/LFO + + + + Filter type + フィルターの種類 + + + + Q/Resonance + Q/Resonance + + + + Low-pass + ローパス + + + + Hi-pass + ハイパス + + + + Band-pass csg + バンドパス csg + + + + Band-pass czpg + バンドパス czpg + + + + Notch + Notch + + + + All-pass + オールパス + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x ローパス + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC ローパス 12dB/オクターブ + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC バンドパス 12dB/オクターブ + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC ハイパス 12dB/オクターブ + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC ローパス 24dB/オクターブ + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC バンドパス 24dB/オクターブ + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC ハイパス 24dB/オクターブ + + + + Vocal Formant + ボーカル フォルマント + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + SV Low-pass + SV ローパス + + + + SV Band-pass + SV バンドパス + + + + SV High-pass + SV ハイパス + + + + SV Notch + SV Notch + + + + Fast Formant + Fast Formant + + + + Tripole + Tripole + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + 対象 + + + + FILTER + フィルタ + + + + FREQ + 周波数 + + + + Cutoff frequency: + カットオフ周波数: + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + レゾナンス + + + + Q/Resonance: + レゾナンス + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + エンベロープ、LFOやフィルターなどの操作は現在の楽器プラグインではサポートされていません。 + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + 新規トラック + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + 最後に使用したノート + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Panning + パニング + + + + Pitch + ピッチ + + + + Pitch range + ピッチ範囲 + + + + Mixer channel + FXチャンネル + + + + Master pitch + 主ピッチ + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + Default preset + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Volume: + 音量: + + + + VOL + 音量 + + + + Panning + パニング + + + + Panning: + パニング: + + + + PAN + パニング + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + 入力 + + + + Output + 出力 + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + 一般設定 + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Volume: + 音量: + + + + VOL + 音量 + + + + Panning + パニング + + + + Panning: + パニング: + + + + PAN + パニング + + + + Pitch + ピッチ + + + + Pitch: + ピッチ: + + + + cents + cent + + + + PITCH + ピッチ + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + ピッチ範囲 (半音) + + + + RANGE + RANGE + + + + Mixer channel + FXチャンネル + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + 保存 + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + エフェクト + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + プリセットを保存 + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML プリセット ファイル (*.xpf) + + + + Plugin + プラグイン + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + 値をセット + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + -96.0 dBFSから 6.0 dBFSの範囲で新しい値を入力してください: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + %1 と %2 の間の新しい値を入力してください: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + チャンネルをリンクする + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + チャンネルをリンクする + + + + Channel + チャンネル + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + チャンネルをリンクする + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + 不明な LADSPA プラグイン %1 が要求されました。 + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + 値をセット + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + %1 と %2 の間の新しい値を入力してください: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + 値をセット + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + %1 と %2 の間の新しい値を入力してください: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + + + + + + + Next + + + + + Previous (%1) + 前 (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + 次 (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + LFOコントローラ + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + オシレーターの波形 + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + BASE + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + 周波数 + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Modulation amount: + Modulation amount: + + + + PHS + PHS + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + サイン波 + + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 + + + + Saw wave + のこぎり波 + + + + Square wave + 矩形波 + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise - Whole tone + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. - Diminished + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 - Major pentatonic + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 - Minor pentatonic + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + Engine - Jap in sen + + Generating wavetables - Major bebop + + Initializing data structures - Dominant bebop - + + Opening audio and midi devices + オーディオ・MIDIデバイスを開いています - Blues + + Launching mixer threads + + + MainWindow - Arabic - + + Configuration file + 設定ファイル - Enigmatic - + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + 設定ファイルの%1行目%2列目でパースエラー: %3 - Neopolitan - + + Could not open file + ファイルを開くことができませんでした - Neopolitan minor - + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + ファイル %1 を開けません。 +書き込み権限があることを確認してからもう一度試してください。 - Hungarian minor - + + Project recovery + プロジェクトの復元 - Dorian + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - Phrygolydian - + + + Recover + 復元 - Lydian - + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + ファイルを復元します。 LMMSを複数にわたり実行しないでください。 - Mixolydian - + + + Discard + 変更を破棄 - Aeolian + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Locrian - + + Version %1 + バージョン %1 - Chords - + + Preparing plugin browser + プラグインブラウザを準備しています - Chord type - + + Preparing file browsers + ファイルブラウザを準備しています - Chord range - + + My Projects + マイ プロジェクト - Minor - Minor + + My Samples + マイ サンプル - Chromatic - + + My Presets + マイ プリセット - Half-Whole Diminished - + + My Home + マイ ホーム - 5 - 5 + + Root directory + ルートディレクトリ - Phrygian dominant - + + Volumes + 音量 - Persian - + + My Computer + マイ コンピュータ - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE - RANGE + + &File + ファイル(&F) - Chord range: - + + &New + 新規(&N) - octave(s) - オクターブ + + &Open... + 開く(&O)... - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. + + Loading background picture - STACKING - + + &Save + 保存(&S) - Chord: - コード: + + Save &As... + 名前を付けて保存(&A)... - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - MIDI入力を有効にする + + Save as New &Version + 新規保存 (&V) - CHANNEL - チャンネル + + Save as default template + デフォルトのテンプレートとして保存 - VELOCITY - 速度 + + Import... + インポート.... - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - MIDI出力を有効にする + + E&xport... + エクスポート(&x)... - PROGRAM - プログラム + + E&xport Tracks... + トラックをエクスポート (&x)... - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - + + Export &MIDI... + &MIDI 形式でエクスポート - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - + + &Quit + 終了(&Q) - NOTE - + + &Edit + 編集(&E) - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - + + Undo + 元に戻す - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - + + Redo + やり直し - BASE VELOCITY - + + Settings + 設定 - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH - + + &View + &表示 - Enables the use of Master Pitch - マスターピッチを使用可能にする + + &Tools + ツール(&T) - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - VOLUME - 音量 + + &Help + ヘルプ(&H) - Volume - 音量 + + Online Help + オンラインヘルプ - CUTOFF - Cutoff + + Help + ヘルプ - Cutoff frequency - カットオフ周波数 + + About + LMMSについて - RESO - レゾナンス + + Create new project + 新規プロジェクト作成 - Resonance - レゾナンス + + Create new project from template + テンプレートから新規プロジェクトを作成します - Envelopes/LFOs - エンベロープ/LFO + + Open existing project + 既存プロジェクトを開く - Filter type - フィルターの種類 + + Recently opened projects + 最近開いたプロジェクト - Q/Resonance - Q/Resonance + + Save current project + 現在のプロジェクトを保存 - LowPass - LowPass + + Export current project + 現在のプロジェクトをエクスポート - HiPass - HiPass + + Metronome + メトロノーム - BandPass csg - BandPass csg + + + Song Editor + ソング エディター - BandPass czpg - BandPass cspg + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + ビート+ベースライン エディター - Notch - Notch + + + Piano Roll + ピアノロール - Allpass - Allpass + + + Automation Editor + オートメーション エディター - Moog - Moog + + + Mixer + エフェクトミキサー + + + + Show/hide controller rack + コントローラー ラック の表示/非表示 - 2x LowPass - 2x LowPass + + Show/hide project notes + プロジェクトノートの表示/非表示 - RC LowPass 12dB - RC LowPass 12dB + + Untitled + 無題 - RC BandPass 12dB - RC BandPass 12dB + + Recover session. Please save your work! + 復元されたファイルです。今すぐ保存してください! - RC HighPass 12dB - RC HighPass 12dB + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 - RC LowPass 24dB - RC LowPass 24dB + + Recovered project not saved + 復元された未保存のプロジェクト - RC BandPass 24dB - RC BandPass 24dB + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + このプロジェクトは以前のセッションから復元されました。このプロジェクトは現在保存されておらず、保存しないと失われます。保存しますか? - RC HighPass 24dB - RC HighPass 24dB + + Project not saved + プロジェクトは保存されていません - Vocal Formant Filter - Vocal Formant Filter + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + 現在のプロジェクトは最後に保存してから変更されています。保存しますか? - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + Open Project + プロジェクトを開く - SV LowPass - SV LowPass + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - SV BandPass - SV BandPass + + Save Project + プロジェクトを保存 - SV HighPass - SV HighPass + + LMMS Project + LMMSのプロジェクト - SV Notch - SV Notch + + LMMS Project Template + LMMSのプロジェクトのテンプレート - Fast Formant - Fast Formant + + Save project template + プロジェクトのテンプレートを保存 - Tripole - Tripole + + Overwrite default template? + デフォルトのテンプレートに上書きしますか? - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - 対象 + + This will overwrite your current default template. + 現在のデフォルトのテンプレートに上書きします - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - + + Help not available + ヘルプはありません - FILTER - フィルタ + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + 今のところ LMMSののヘルプはありません。 + http://lmms.sf.net/wiki にLMMSのドキュメントがあります。 - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - + + Controller Rack + コントローラー ラック - Hz - Hz + + Project Notes + プロジェクトノート - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... + + Fullscreen - RESO - レゾナンス + + Volume as dBFS + 音量を dBFS で表示 - Resonance: - レゾナンス: + + Smooth scroll + 滑らかにスクロール - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - + + Enable note labels in piano roll + ピアノロールに音階を表示 - FREQ - 周波数 + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDIファイル (*.mid) - cutoff frequency: - Cutoff周波数: + + + untitled + 無題 - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - エンベロープ、LFOやフィルターなどの操作は現在の楽器プラグインではサポートされていません。 + + + Select file for project-export... + プロジェクトをエクスポートするファイルを選択してください... - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - 新規トラック + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + エクスポートされたトラックの書き込み先のディレクトリを選択... - Volume - 音量 + + Save project + プロジェクトを保存 - Panning - パニング + + Project saved + プロジェクトを保存しました - Pitch - ピッチ + + The project %1 is now saved. + プロジェクト %1 を保存しました。 - FX channel - FXチャンネル + + Project NOT saved. + プロジェクトは保存されていません。 - Default preset - Default preset + + The project %1 was not saved! + プロジェクト %1 は保存されませんでした! - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - + + Import file + ファイルをインポート - Base note - + + MIDI sequences + MIDIシーケンス - Pitch range - ピッチ範囲 + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogenプロジェクト - Master Pitch - マスターピッチ + + All file types + すべてのファイル - InstrumentTrackView + MeterDialog - Volume - 音量 + + + Meter Numerator + - Volume: - 音量: + + Meter numerator + - VOL - 音量 + + + Meter Denominator + - Panning - パニング + + Meter denominator + - Panning: - パニング: + + TIME SIG + 拍子 + + + MeterModel - PAN - PAN + + Numerator + - MIDI - MIDI + + Denominator + + + + MidiCCRackView - Input - 入力 + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + - Output - 出力 + + MIDI CC Knobs: + - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + CC %1 + - InstrumentTrackWindow + MidiController - GENERAL SETTINGS - 一般設定 + + MIDI Controller + MIDIコントローラ - Instrument volume - 楽器の音量 + + unnamed_midi_controller + 名称未設定_MIDI_コントローラ + + + MidiImport - Volume: - 音量: + + + Setup incomplete + セットアップの未完了 - VOL - 音量 + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + - Panning - パニング + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + - Panning: - パニング: + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + - PAN - パニング + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + - Pitch - ピッチ + + Numerator + - Pitch: - ピッチ: + + Denominator + - cents - cent + + Track + トラック + + + MidiJack - PITCH - ピッチ + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK サーバーダウン - FX channel - FXチャンネル + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + JACKサーバーはシャットダウンしたようです。 + + + MidiPatternW - FX - FX + + MIDI Pattern + - Save preset - プリセットを保存 + + Time Signature: + - XML preset file (*.xpf) - XML プリセット ファイル (*.xpf) + + + + 1/4 + - Pitch range (semitones) - ピッチ範囲 (半音) + + 2/4 + - RANGE - RANGE + + 3/4 + - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + 4/4 - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. + + 5/4 - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. + + 6/4 - SAVE - 保存 + + Measures: + - Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + 1 - Chord stacking & arpeggio + + 2 - Effects + + 3 - MIDI settings - MIDI 設定 + + 4 + - Miscellaneous - + + 5 + 5 - Plugin - + + 6 + 6 - - - Knob - Set linear - + + 7 + 7 - Set logarithmic + + 8 - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - %1 と %2 の間の新しい値を入力してください: + + 9 + 9 - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + 10 - - - LadspaControl - Link channels - チャンネルをリンクする + + 11 + 11 - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - チャンネルをリンクする + + 12 + - Channel - チャンネル + + 13 + 13 - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels - チャンネルをリンクする + + 14 + - Value: + + 15 - Sorry, no help available. - 申し訳ありませんがヘルプはありません。 + + 16 + - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - 不明な LADSPA プラグイン %1 が要求されました。 + + Default Length: + - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - %1 と %2 の間の新しい値を入力してください: + + + 1/16 + - - - LeftRightNav - Previous + + + 1/15 - Next + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 - Previous (%1) + + + 1/8 - Next (%1) + + + 1/6 - - - LfoController - LFO Controller - LFOコントローラ + + + 1/3 + - Base value + + + 1/2 - Oscillator speed + + Quantize: - Oscillator amount - + + &File + ファイル(&F) - Oscillator phase - + + &Edit + 編集(&E) - Oscillator waveform - オシレーターの波形 + + &Quit + 終了(&Q) - Frequency Multiplier + + &Insert Mode - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + F + - LFO Controller - LFOコントローラ + + &Velocity Mode + - BASE - BASE + + D + D - Base amount: - Base amount: + + Select All + - todo - + + A + A + + + MidiPort - SPD - LFO predelay: + + Input channel + 入力チャンネル - LFO-speed: - + + Output channel + 出力チャンネル - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - + + Input controller + 入力コントローラ - Modulation amount: - Modulation amount: + + Output controller + 出力コントローラ - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - + + Fixed input velocity + 固定入力速度 - PHS - + + Fixed output velocity + 固定出力速度 - Phase offset: - + + Fixed output note + 出力ノートを固定 - degrees - + + Output MIDI program + 出力MIDIプログラム - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - + + Base velocity + 基のベロシティ - Click here for a sine-wave. - クリックしてサイン波を使用します。 + + Receive MIDI-events + MIDIイベントを受信 - Click here for a triangle-wave. - クリックして三角波を使用します。 + + Send MIDI-events + MIDIイベントを送信 + + + MidiSetupWidget - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Device + + + MonstroInstrument - Click here for a square-wave. - クリックして矩形波を使用します。 + + Osc 1 volume + オシレーター 1 の音量 - Click here for an exponential wave. - + + Osc 1 panning + オシレーター 1 のパン - Click here for white-noise. + + Osc 1 coarse detune - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - ユーザー定義波形については、ここをクリックしてください。 -ダブルクリックしてファイルを選択します。 + + Osc 1 fine detune left + - Click here for a moog saw-wave. + + Osc 1 fine detune right - AMNT - AMNT + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables + + Osc 1 pulse width - Initializing data structures + + Osc 1 sync send on rise - Opening audio and midi devices + + Osc 1 sync send on fall - Launching mixer threads - + + Osc 2 volume + オシレーター 2 の音量 - - - MainWindow - &New - 新規(&N) + + Osc 2 panning + オシレーター 2 のパン - &Open... - 開く(&O)... + + Osc 2 coarse detune + - &Save - 保存(&S) + + Osc 2 fine detune left + - Save &As... - 名前を付けて保存(&A)... + + Osc 2 fine detune right + - Import... - インポート.... + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + - E&xport... - エクスポート(&x)... + + Osc 2 waveform + オシレーター 2 の波形 - &Quit - 終了(&Q) + + Osc 2 sync hard + - &Edit - 編集(&E) + + Osc 2 sync reverse + - Settings - 設定 + + Osc 3 volume + オシレーター 3 の音量 - &Tools - ツール(&T) + + Osc 3 panning + オシレーター 3 のパン - &Help - ヘルプ(&H) + + Osc 3 coarse detune + - Help - ヘルプ + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + - What's this? - これは何? + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + - About - LMMSについて + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + オシレーター 3 の波形 1 - Create new project - 新規プロジェクト作成 + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + オシレーター 3 の波形 2 - Create new project from template - テンプレートから新規プロジェクトを作成します + + Osc 3 sync hard + - Open existing project - 既存プロジェクトを開く + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + - Recently opened projects - 最近開いたプロジェクト + + LFO 1 waveform + LFO 1 の波形 - Save current project - 現在のプロジェクトを保存 + + LFO 1 attack + LFO 1 のアタック - Export current project - 現在のプロジェクトをエクスポート + + LFO 1 rate + - Song Editor - ソング エディター + + LFO 1 phase + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - このボタンを押すとソング エディターの表示/非表示を切り替えます。ソング エディターの利用によってプレイリストとどのトラックをいつ演奏するかを編集することができます。プレイリストの中で直接サンプルを挿入したり移動(例:ラップサンプル)したりすることもできます。 + + LFO 2 waveform + LFO 2 の波形 - Beat+Bassline Editor - ビート+ベースライン エディター + + LFO 2 attack + LFO 2 のアタック - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - このボタンでを押すとビート+ベースライン エディターの表示/非表示を切り替えます。ビート+ベースライン エディターで、ビートをつくったり、チャンネルを開いたり追加したり削除したり、ベースラインパターンを切り取り・コピー・貼り付けたり色々できます。 + + LFO 2 rate + - Piano Roll - ピアノロール + + LFO 2 phase + - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - ここをクリックしてピアノロールの表示/非表示を切り替えます。ピアノロールを使うとメロディを簡単に編集できます。 + + Env 1 pre-delay + - Automation Editor - オートメーション エディター + + Env 1 attack + - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - ここをクリックしてオートメーション エディターの表示/非表示を切り替えます。オートメーション エディターで動的な値を簡単に編集できます。 + + Env 1 hold + - FX Mixer - エフェクトミキサー + + Env 1 decay + - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - ここをクリックしてエフェクトミキサーの表示/非表示を切り替えます。エフェクトミキサーは曲のエフェクトを管理する強力なツールです。エフェクトを異なったエフェクトチャンネルに挿入することができます。 + + Env 1 sustain + - Project Notes - プロジェクトノート + + Env 1 release + - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - ここをクリックしてノートウインドウの表示/非表示を切り替えます。ノートウインドウにプロジェクトノートを記入します。 + + Env 1 slope + - Controller Rack - コントローラー ラック + + Env 2 pre-delay + - Untitled - 無題 + + Env 2 attack + - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Env 2 hold + - Project not saved - プロジェクトは保存されていません + + Env 2 decay + - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - 現在のプロジェクトは最後に保存してから変更されています。保存しますか? + + Env 2 sustain + - Help not available - ヘルプはありません + + Env 2 release + - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - 今のところ LMMSののヘルプはありません。 - http://lmms.sf.net/wiki にLMMSのドキュメントがあります。 + + Env 2 slope + - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Osc 2+3 modulation + - Version %1 - バージョン %1 + + Selected view + 選択された表示 - Configuration file - 設定ファイル + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - 設定ファイルの%1行目%2列目でパースエラー: %3 + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + - Volumes - 音量 + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + - Undo - 元に戻す + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + - Redo - やり直し + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + - My Projects - マイ プロジェクト + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + - My Samples - マイ サンプル + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + - My Presets - マイ プリセット + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + - My Home - マイ ホーム + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + - My Computer - マイ コンピュータ + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + - &File - ファイル(&F) + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + - &Recently Opened Projects - 最近開いたプロジェクト (&R) + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + - Save as New &Version - 新規保存 (&V) + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + - E&xport Tracks... - トラックをエクスポート (&x)... + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + - Online Help - オンラインヘルプ + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + - What's This? - これは何? + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + - Open Project - プロジェクトを開く + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + - Save Project - プロジェクトを保存 + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + - Project recovery + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 - Recover + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 - Discard - 変更を破棄 + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 - Preparing plugin browser + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 - Preparing file browsers + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 - Root directory + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 - Loading background artwork + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 - New from template - テンプレートから新規プロジェクト作成 + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + - Save as default template - デフォルトのテンプレートとして保存 + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + - &View + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 - Toggle metronome + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - Show/hide Song-Editor - ソング エディター の表示/非表示 + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - ビート+ベースライン エディター の表示/非表示 + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + - Show/hide Piano-Roll - ピアノロールの表示/非表示 + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + - Show/hide Automation Editor - オートメーション エディター の表示/非表示 + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + - Show/hide FX Mixer - エフェクトミキサーの表示/非表示 + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + - Show/hide project notes - プロジェクトノートの表示/非表示 + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + - Show/hide controller rack - コントローラー ラック の表示/非表示 + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + - Recover session. Please save your work! + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 - Recovered project not saved + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 - LMMS Project + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 - LMMS Project Template + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 - Overwrite default template? - デフォルトのテンプレートに上書きしますか? + + + Sine wave + サイン波 - This will overwrite your current default template. + + Bandlimited Triangle wave - Smooth scroll + + Bandlimited Saw wave - Enable note labels in piano roll - ピアノロールに音階を表示 + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + - Save project template + + Bandlimited Square wave - Volume as dBFS - 音量を dBFS で表示 + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + - Could not open file - ファイルを開くことができませんでした + + + Soft square wave + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Absolute sine wave - Export &MIDI... + + + Exponential wave - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator + + White noise - Meter Denominator + + Digital Triangle wave - TIME SIG - 拍子 + + Digital Saw wave + - - - MeterModel - Numerator + + Digital Ramp wave - Denominator + + Digital Square wave - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - MIDIコントローラ + + Digital Moog saw wave + - unnamed_midi_controller - 名称未設定_MIDI_コントローラ + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - セットアップの未完了 + + Saw wave + のこぎり波 - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - 設定ダイアログ (編集->設定) でデフォルトのサウンドフォントを設定していません。そのため、MIDIファイルをインポート後に音声が再生されません。一般的なMIDIサウンドフォントをダウンロードして設定ダイアログにて指定し、その後で再試行してください。 + + Ramp wave + - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + Square wave + 矩形波 + + + + Moog saw wave - Track + + Abs. sine wave - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - JACK サーバーダウン + + Random + ランダム - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - JACKサーバーはシャットダウンしたようです。 + + Random smooth + - MidiPort + MonstroView - Input channel - 入力チャンネル + + Operators view + - Output channel - 出力チャンネル + + Matrix view + - Input controller - 入力コントローラ + + + + Volume + 音量 - Output controller - 出力コントローラ + + + + Panning + パニング - Fixed input velocity - 固定入力速度 + + + + Coarse detune + Coarse デチューン - Fixed output velocity - 固定出力速度 + + + + semitones + - Output MIDI program - 出力MIDIプログラム + + + Fine tune left + - Receive MIDI-events - MIDIイベントを受信 + + + + + cents + セント - Send MIDI-events - MIDIイベントを送信 + + + Fine tune right + - Fixed output note - + + + + Stereo phase offset + ステレオフレーズのオフセット - Base velocity + + + + + + deg - - - MidiSetupWidget - DEVICE - デバイス + + Pulse width + パルス帯域 - - - MonstroInstrument - Osc 1 Volume - Osc 1 の音量 + + Send sync on pulse rise + - Osc 1 Panning + + Send sync on pulse fall - Osc 1 Coarse detune + + Hard sync oscillator 2 - Osc 1 Fine detune left + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Osc 1 Fine detune right + + Sub-osc mix - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset + + Hard sync oscillator 3 - Osc 1 Pulse width + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - + + + + + Attack + アタック - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - + + + Rate + レート - Osc 2 Volume - Osc 2 の音量 + + + Phase + Phase - Osc 2 Panning - + + + Pre-delay + Pre-delay - Osc 2 Coarse detune - + + + Hold + Hold - Osc 2 Fine detune left - + + + Decay + Decay - Osc 2 Fine detune right - + + + Sustain + Decay - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - + + + Release + Release - Osc 2 Waveform - Osc 2 の波形 + + + Slope + Slope - Osc 2 Sync Hard - + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Modulation amount + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - + + Length + Length - Osc 3 Volume - Osc 3 の音量 + + Step length: + Step length: - Osc 3 Panning - + + Dry + Dry - Osc 3 Coarse detune + + Dry gain: - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - + + Stages + ステージ - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix + + Low-pass stages: - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - Osc 3 の波形 1 + + Swap inputs + - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - Osc 3 の波形 2 + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + NesInstrument - Osc 3 Sync Hard + + Channel 1 coarse detune - Osc 3 Sync Reverse + + Channel 1 volume + チャンネル1の音量 + + + + Channel 1 envelope length - LFO 1 Waveform - LFO 1 の波形 + + Channel 1 duty cycle + - LFO 1 Attack + + Channel 1 sweep amount - LFO 1 Rate + + Channel 1 sweep rate - LFO 1 Phase + + Channel 2 Coarse detune - LFO 2 Waveform - LFO 2 の波形 + + Channel 2 Volume + チャンネル 2 の音量 - LFO 2 Attack + + Channel 2 envelope length - LFO 2 Rate + + Channel 2 duty cycle - LFO 2 Phase + + Channel 2 sweep amount - Env 1 Pre-delay + + Channel 2 sweep rate - Env 1 Attack + + Channel 3 coarse detune - Env 1 Hold + + Channel 3 volume + チャンネル3の音量 + + + + Channel 4 volume + チャンネル4の音量 + + + + Channel 4 envelope length - Env 1 Decay + + Channel 4 noise frequency - Env 1 Sustain + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep - Env 1 Release - + + Master volume + マスター音量 + + + + Vibrato + ビブラート + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + + + Coarse detune + Coarse デチューン - Env 1 Slope - + + + + Envelope length + 変化曲線の長さ - Env 2 Pre-delay - + + Enable channel 1 + チャンネル1を有効 - Env 2 Attack - + + Enable envelope 1 + 変化曲線1を有効にする - Env 2 Hold + + Enable envelope 1 loop - Env 2 Decay + + Enable sweep 1 - Env 2 Sustain + + + Sweep amount - Env 2 Release + + + Sweep rate - Env 2 Slope + + + 12.5% Duty cycle - Osc2-3 modulation + + + 25% Duty cycle - Selected view + + + 50% Duty cycle - Vol1-Env1 + + + 75% Duty cycle - Vol1-Env2 - + + Enable channel 2 + チャンネル2を有効にする - Vol1-LFO1 + + Enable envelope 2 - Vol1-LFO2 + + Enable envelope 2 loop - Vol2-Env1 + + Enable sweep 2 - Vol2-Env2 + + Enable channel 3 - Vol2-LFO1 + + Noise Frequency - Vol2-LFO2 + + Frequency sweep - Vol3-Env1 + + Enable channel 4 - Vol3-Env2 + + Enable envelope 4 - Vol3-LFO1 + + Enable envelope 4 loop - Vol3-LFO2 + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Phs1-Env1 + + Use note frequency for noise - Phs1-Env2 + + Noise mode - Phs1-LFO1 - + + Master volume + マスター音量 - Phs1-LFO2 - + + Vibrato + ビブラート + + + OpulenzInstrument - Phs2-Env1 - + + Patch + パッチ - Phs2-Env2 + + Op 1 attack - Phs2-LFO1 + + Op 1 decay - Phs2-LFO2 + + Op 1 sustain - Phs3-Env1 + + Op 1 release - Phs3-Env2 + + Op 1 level - Phs3-LFO1 + + Op 1 level scaling - Phs3-LFO2 + + Op 1 frequency multiplier - Pit1-Env1 + + Op 1 feedback - Pit1-Env2 + + Op 1 key scaling rate - Pit1-LFO1 + + Op 1 percussive envelope - Pit1-LFO2 + + Op 1 tremolo - Pit2-Env1 + + Op 1 vibrato - Pit2-Env2 + + Op 1 waveform - Pit2-LFO1 + + Op 2 attack - Pit2-LFO2 + + Op 2 decay - Pit3-Env1 + + Op 2 sustain - Pit3-Env2 + + Op 2 release - Pit3-LFO1 + + Op 2 level - Pit3-LFO2 + + Op 2 level scaling - PW1-Env1 + + Op 2 frequency multiplier - PW1-Env2 + + Op 2 key scaling rate - PW1-LFO1 + + Op 2 percussive envelope - PW1-LFO2 + + Op 2 tremolo - Sub3-Env1 + + Op 2 vibrato - Sub3-Env2 + + Op 2 waveform - Sub3-LFO1 + + FM - Sub3-LFO2 + + Vibrato depth - Sine wave - サイン波 - - - Bandlimited Triangle wave + + Tremolo depth + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - Bandlimited Saw wave - + + + Attack + アタック - Bandlimited Ramp wave - + + + Decay + Decay - Bandlimited Square wave - + + + Release + Release - Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + Frequency multiplier + + + OscillatorObject - Soft square wave - + + Osc %1 waveform + Osc %1 の波形 - Absolute sine wave + + Osc %1 harmonic - Exponential wave - + + + Osc %1 volume + Osc %1 の音量 - White noise - + + + Osc %1 panning + オシレーター %1 のパン - Digital Triangle wave + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left - Digital Saw wave + + Osc %1 coarse detuning - Digital Ramp wave + + Osc %1 fine detuning right - Digital Square wave + + Osc %1 phase-offset - Digital Moog saw wave + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Triangle wave - 三角波 - - - Saw wave - のこぎり波 - - - Ramp wave + + Osc %1 wave shape - Square wave - 矩形波 - - - Moog saw wave + + Modulation type %1 + + + Oscilloscope - Abs. sine wave + + Oscilloscope - Random - ランダム - - - Random smooth - + + Click to enable + 有効にするにはここをクリック - MonstroView + PatchesDialog - Operators view + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. + + Bank selector - Matrix view - + + Bank + バンク - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. + + Program selector - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - + + Patch + パッチ - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + Name + 名前 - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + OK + OK - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + Cancel + キャンセル + + + PatmanView - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. + + Open patch - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. + + Loop - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. + + Loop mode - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. + + Tune - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. + + Tune mode - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - + + No file selected + ファイルが選択されてません - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Open patch file + パッチファイルを開く - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + パッチファイル (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - + + Open in piano-roll + ピアノロールで開く - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. + + Set as ghost in piano-roll - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - オシレーター2 の波形を選択してください。 + + Clear all notes + すべてのノートをクリア - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Reset name + 名前をリセット - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Change name + 名前を変更 - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - + + Add steps + ステップを追加 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - + + Remove steps + ステップを削除 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - + + Clone Steps + ステップを複製 + + + PeakController - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - + + Peak Controller + ピークコントローラー - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - + + Peak Controller Bug + ピークコントローラーのバグ - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + PEAK + - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + LFO Controller + LFOコントローラー + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - + + BASE + BASE - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. + + Base: - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - + + AMNT + AMNT - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - + + Modulation amount: + Modulation amount: - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - + + MULT + MULT - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. + + Amount multiplicator: - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - + + ATCK + ATCK - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - + + Attack: + アタック: - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - + + DCAY + ATCK - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - + + Release: + リリース: - Volume - 音量 + + TRSH + TRSH - Panning - パニング + + Treshold: + スレショルド: - Coarse detune + + Mute output - semitones + + Absolute value + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - Finetune left + + Base value - cents - + + Modulation amount + Modulation amount - Finetune right - + + Attack + アタック - Stereo phase offset - + + Release + Release - deg + + Treshold - Pulse width + + Mute output - Send sync on pulse rise + + Absolute value - Send sync on pulse fall + + Amount multiplicator + + + PianoRoll - Hard sync oscillator 2 - + + Note Velocity + ノートのベロシティー - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - + + Note Panning + ノートのパン - Sub-osc mix + + Mark/unmark current semitone - Hard sync oscillator 3 + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + Mark current scale - Attack + + Mark current chord - Rate - レート + + Unmark all + - Phase - Phase + + Select all notes on this key + このキーのすべてのノートを選択 - Pre-delay - Pre-delay + + Note lock + ノートロック - Hold - Hold + + Last note + 最後に使用したノート - Decay - Decay + + No key + - Sustain - Decay + + No scale + - Release - Release + + No chord + - Slope - Slope + + Nudge + - Modulation amount - Modulation amount + + Snap + - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length - Length + + Velocity: %1% + 音量: %1% - Step length: - Step length: + + Panning: %1% left + パニング: %1%左 - Dry - Dry + + Panning: %1% right + パニング: %1%右 - Dry Gain: - Dry Gain: + + Panning: center + パニング: 中央 - Stages + + Glue notes failed - Lowpass stages: + + Please select notes to glue first. - Swap inputs - + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + パターン上でダブルクリックして、パターンを開いてください! - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + %1 と %2 の間の新しい値を入力してください: - NesInstrument + PianoRollWindow - Channel 1 Coarse detune - + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + 現在のパターンの再生/一時停止 (Space) - Channel 1 Volume - チャンネル 1 の音量 + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + MIDIデバイス/チャンネルピアノからノートを録音する - Channel 1 Envelope length - + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + 再生しながらMIDIデバイス/チャンネルピアノからノートを録音する - Channel 1 Duty cycle + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time - Channel 1 Sweep amount - + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + 現在のパターンの再生を停止 (Space) - Channel 1 Sweep rate - + + Edit actions + 編集機能 - Channel 2 Coarse detune - + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + 描画モード (shift+D) - Channel 2 Volume - チャンネル 2 の音量 + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + 消去モード (shift+E) - Channel 2 Envelope length - + + Select mode (Shift+S) + 選択モード (Shift+S) - Channel 2 Duty cycle + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - Channel 2 Sweep amount - + + Quantize + クオンタイズ - Channel 2 Sweep rate + + Quantize positions - Channel 3 Coarse detune + + Quantize lengths - Channel 3 Volume - チャンネル 3 の音量 + + File actions + - Channel 4 Volume - チャンネル 4 の音量 + + Import clip + - Channel 4 Envelope length + + + Export clip - Channel 4 Noise frequency - + + Copy paste controls + コントロールを貼り付け - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep + + Cut (%1+X) - Master volume - マスター音量 + + Copy (%1+C) + - Vibrato + + Paste (%1+V) - - - NesInstrumentView - Volume - 音量 + + Timeline controls + タイムラインコントロール - Coarse detune + + Glue - Envelope length + + Knife - Enable channel 1 + + Fill - Enable envelope 1 + + Cut overlaps - Enable envelope 1 loop + + Min length as last - Enable sweep 1 + + Max length as last - Sweep amount + + Zoom and note controls - Sweep rate - + + Horizontal zooming + 水平方向にズーム - 12.5% Duty cycle - + + Vertical zooming + 垂直方向にズーム - 25% Duty cycle - + + Quantization + クオンタイズ - 50% Duty cycle - + + Note length + ノートの長さ - 75% Duty cycle + + Key - Enable channel 2 + + Scale - Enable envelope 2 + + Chord - Enable envelope 2 loop + + Snap mode - Enable sweep 2 + + Clear ghost notes - Enable channel 3 - + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + ピアノロール - %1 - Noise Frequency - + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + ピアノロール - パターン無し - Frequency sweep + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) - Enable channel 4 + + Export clip success - Enable envelope 4 + + Clip saved to %1 - Enable envelope 4 loop + + Import clip. - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? - Use note frequency for noise + + Open clip - Noise mode + + Import clip success - Master Volume - マスター音量 - - - Vibrato + + Imported clip %1! - OscillatorObject - - Osc %1 volume - Osc %1 の音量 - + PianoView - Osc %1 panning + + Base note - Osc %1 coarse detuning + + First note - Osc %1 fine detuning left - + + Last note + 最後に使用したノート + + + Plugin - Osc %1 fine detuning right - + + Plugin not found + プラグインが見つかりません - Osc %1 phase-offset - + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + プラグイン "%1" は見つからないか読み込みができません! +原因: "%2" - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - + + Error while loading plugin + プラグイン読み込み中のエラー - Osc %1 wave shape - + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + プラグイン "%1" の読み込みに失敗しました! + + + PluginBrowser - Modulation type %1 - + + Instrument Plugins + 楽器プラグイン - Osc %1 waveform - Osc %1 の波形 + + Instrument browser + 楽器ブラウザ - Osc %1 harmonic - + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + 楽器をソング エディターやビート+ベースライン エディターまたは存在する楽器トラックにドラッグしてください。 - - - PatchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - + + no description + 説明なし - Bank selector - + + A native amplifier plugin + ネイティブのアンププラグイン - Bank + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Program selector + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Patch - パッチ - - - Name - 名前 + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + カスタマイズ可能なウェーブテーブルシンセサイザーです - OK - OK + + An oversampling bitcrusher + - Cancel - キャンセル + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - 他のパッチを開く + + Carla Rack Instrument + - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. + + A dynamic range compressor. - Loop - + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + 4バンドのクロスオーバーイコライザー - Loop mode - + + A native delay plugin + ネイティブのディレイプラグイン - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - + + A Dual filter plugin + ネイティブのデュアルフィルタープラグイン - Tune + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - Tune mode - + + A native eq plugin + ネイティブのEQプラグイン - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - + + A native flanger plugin + ネイティブのフランジャープラグイン - No file selected - ファイルが選択されてません + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + GameBoy (TM) のAPUを再現します - Open patch file - パッチファイルを開く + + Player for GIG files + GIG ファイル用プレイヤー - Patch-Files (*.pat) - パッチファイル (*.pat) + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll - ピアノロールで開く + + Versatile drum synthesizer + 多彩なドラムシンセサイザーです - Clear all notes - すべてのノートをクリア + + List installed LADSPA plugins + インストールされている LADSPA プラグインの一覧 - Reset name - 名前をリセット + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + 任意の LADSPA エフェクトを LMMS で使用するためのプラグイン。 - Change name - 名前を変更 + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + - Add steps - ステップを追加 + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + - Remove steps - ステップを削除 + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + - Clone Steps - ステップを複製 + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + - - - PeakController - Peak Controller - ピークコントローラー + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + - Peak Controller Bug - ピークコントローラーのバグ + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + A multitap echo delay plugin - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK - PEAK + + A NES-like synthesizer + ファミコン似のシンセサイザーです - LFO Controller - LFOコントローラー + + 2-operator FM Synth + - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - BASE + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + - Base amount: - Base amount: + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + - Modulation amount: - Modulation amount: + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + サウンドのピークをつまみでコントロールするプラグイン - Attack: - アタック: + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Sean Costello による リバーブのアルゴリズム - Release: - リリース: + + Player for SoundFont files + サウンドフォント ファイル用プレイヤー - AMNT - AMNT + + LMMS port of sfxr + - MULT - MULT + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + - Amount Multiplicator: + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. - ATCK - ATCK + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + ステレオの入力ファイルに対するステレオ感を強化するプラグイン - DCAY - ATCK + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + ステレオ出力を自由に操作するプラグイン - Treshold: - スレショルド: + + Tuneful things to bang on + - TRSH - TRSH + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - Base value + + A stereo field visualizer. - Modulation amount - Modulation amount + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + - Mute output + + Vibrating string modeler - Attack + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - Release - Release + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + - Abs Value + + plugin for waveshaping - Amount Multiplicator + + Mathematical expression parser - Treshold - + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + 埋め込みされた ZynAddSubFX です - PianoRoll + PluginDatabaseW - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - パターン上でダブルクリックして、パターンを開いてください! + + Carla - Add New + - Last note - 最後に使用したノート + + Format + - Note lock - ノートロック + + Internal + - Note Velocity + + LADSPA - Note Panning + + DSSI - Mark/unmark current semitone + + LV2 - Mark current scale + + VST2 - Mark current chord + + VST3 - Unmark all + + AU - No scale + + Sound Kits - No chord - + + Type + 種類 - Velocity: %1% - 音量: %1% + + Effects + エフェクト - Panning: %1% left - パニング: %1%左 + + Instruments + 楽器 - Panning: %1% right - パニング: %1%右 + + MIDI Plugins + - Panning: center - パニング: 中央 + + Other/Misc + - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - %1 と %2 の間の新しい値を入力してください: + + Architecture + - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + Native - Select all notes on this key - このキーのすべてのノートを選択 + + Bridged + - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - 現在のパターンの再生/一時停止 (Space) + + Bridged (Wine) + - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + Requirements - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + With Custom GUI - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - 現在のパターンの再生を停止 (Space) + + With CV Ports + - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - 現在のパターンを再生するには、ここをクリックしてください。これはパターン編集中に便利です。終了位置にくるとパターンは自動的にループされます。 + + Real-time safe only + - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. + + Stereo only - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. + + With Inline Display - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. + + Favorites only - Draw mode (Shift+D) - 描画モード (shift+D) + + (Number of Plugins go here) + - Erase mode (Shift+E) - 消去モード (shift+E) + + &Add Plugin + - Select mode (Shift+S) - 選択モード (Shift+S) + + Cancel + キャンセル - Detune mode (Shift+T) + + Refresh - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. + + Reset filters - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. + + Format: - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Architecture: - Cut selected notes (%1+X) + + Type: + 種類: + + + + MIDI Ins: - Copy selected notes (%1+C) + + Audio Ins: - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) + + CV Outs: - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + MIDI Outs: - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + Parameter Ins: - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. + + Parameter Outs: - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. + + Audio Outs: - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. + + CV Ins: - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited + + UniqueID: - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! + + Has Inline Display: - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. + + Has Custom GUI: - Edit actions - 編集機能 + + Is Synth: + - Copy paste controls + + Is Bridged: - Timeline controls - タイムラインコントロール + + Information + - Zoom and note controls + + Name + 名前 + + + + Label/URI - Piano-Roll - %1 - ピアノロール - %1 + + Maker + - Piano-Roll - no pattern - ピアノロール - パターン無し + + Binary/Filename + - Quantize - クオンタイズ + + Focus Text Search + - - - PianoView - Base note + + Ctrl+F - Plugin + PluginEdit - Plugin not found - プラグインが見つかりません + + Plugin Editor + - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - プラグイン "%1" は見つからないか読み込みができません! -原因: "%2" + + Edit + - Error while loading plugin - プラグイン読み込み中のエラー + + Control + コントロール - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - プラグイン "%1" の読み込みに失敗しました! + + MIDI Control Channel: + - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - 楽器ブラウザ + + N + - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - 楽器をソング エディターやビート+ベースライン エディターまたは存在する楽器トラックにドラッグしてください。 + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - Instrument Plugins + + Output volume (100%) - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. + + Balance Left (0%) - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + Balance Right (0%) - - - ProjectNotes - Edit Actions - 編集機能 + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + 設定 + + + + Use Chunks + - &Undo - 元に戻す(&U) + + Audio: + - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - &Redo - やり直し(&R) + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - %1+Y - %1+Y + + MIDI: + - &Copy - コピー(&C) + + Map Program Changes + - %1+C - %1+C + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - Cu&t - 切り取り(&t) + + Send Control Changes + - %1+X - %1+X + + Send Channel Pressure + - &Paste - 貼り付け(&P) + + Send Note Aftertouch + - %1+V - %1+V + + Send Pitchbend + - Format Actions - フォーマット機能 + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - &Bold - 太字(&B) + + +Plugin Name + + - %1+B - %1+B + + Program: + - &Italic - 斜体(&I) + + MIDI Program: + - %1+I - %1+I + + Save State + - &Underline - 下線(&U) + + Load State + - %1+U - %1+U + + Information + - &Left - 左揃え(&L) + + Label/URI: + - %1+L - %1+L + + Name: + - C&enter - 中央揃え(&e) + + Type: + 種類: - %1+E - %1+E + + Maker: + - &Right - 右揃え(&R) + + Copyright: + - %1+R - %1+R + + Unique ID: + + + + PluginFactory - &Justify - 両端揃え(&J) + + Plugin not found. + プラグインが見つかりませんでした - %1+J - %1+J + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + PluginParameter - &Color... - 文字色(&C)... + + Form + - Project Notes - プロジェクトノート + + Parameter Name + - Enter project notes here + + ... - ProjectRenderer + PluginRefreshW - WAV-File (*.wav) - WAV ファイル (*.wav) + + Carla - Refresh + - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - 圧縮 OGG ファイル (*.ogg) + + Search for new... + - FLAC-File (*.flac) + + LADSPA - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) + + DSSI - - - QWidget - Name: - 名前: + + LV2 + - Maker: - 作成者: + + VST2 + - Copyright: + + VST3 - Requires Real Time: + + AU - Yes - はい + + SF2/3 + - No - いいえ + + SFZ + - Real Time Capable: + + Native - In Place Broken: + + POSIX 32bit - Channels In: - 入力チャンネル: + + POSIX 64bit + - Channels Out: - 出力チャンネル: + + Windows 32bit + - File: - ファイル: + + Windows 64bit + - File: %1 - ファイル: %1 + + Available tools: + - - - RenameDialog - Rename... - 名前の変更... + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - - - ReverbSCControlDialog - Input - 入力 + + carla-discovery-win64 + - Input Gain: - 入力ゲイン: + + carla-discovery-native + - Size + + carla-discovery-posix32 - Size: + + carla-discovery-posix64 - Color + + carla-discovery-win32 - Color: + + Options: - Output - 出力 + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - Output Gain: - 出力ゲイン: + + Run processing checks while scanning + - - - ReverbSCControls - Input Gain + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search - Size + + Scan - Color + + >> Skip - Output Gain - + + Close + 閉じる - SampleBuffer - - Open audio file - オーディオファイルを開く - + PluginWidget - Wave-Files (*.wav) - WAV ファイル (*.wav) + + + + + + Frame + - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - OGG ファイル (*.ogg) + + Enable + - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - DrumSynth ファイル (*.ds) + + On/Off + オン/オフ - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - FLAC ファイル (*.flac) + + + + + PluginName + - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - SPEEX ファイル (*.spx) + + MIDI + MIDI - VOC-Files (*.voc) - VOC ファイル (*.voc) + + AUDIO IN + - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - AIFF ファイル (*.aif *.aiff) + + AUDIO OUT + - AU-Files (*.au) - AU ファイル (*.au) + + GUI + - RAW-Files (*.raw) - RAW ファイル (*.raw) + + Edit + - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - すべてのオーディオファイル (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + Remove + - Fail to open file + + Plugin Name - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + Preset: - SampleTCOView + ProjectNotes - double-click to select sample - ダブルクリックでサンプル選択 + + Project Notes + プロジェクトノート - Delete (middle mousebutton) - 削除 (マウス中ボタン) + + Enter project notes here + ここにプロジェクトノートを入力 - Cut - 切り取り + + Edit Actions + 編集機能 - Copy - コピー + + &Undo + 元に戻す(&U) - Paste - 貼り付け + + %1+Z + %1+Z - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - ミュート/ミュート解除 (<%1> + 中ボタンクリック) + + &Redo + やり直し(&R) - - - SampleTrack - Sample track - サンプルトラック + + %1+Y + %1+Y - Volume - 音量 + + &Copy + コピー(&C) - Panning - パニング + + %1+C + %1+C + + + + Cu&t + 切り取り(&t) + + + + %1+X + %1+X + + + + &Paste + 貼り付け(&P) + + + + %1+V + %1+V - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - トラック音量 + + Format Actions + フォーマット機能 - Channel volume: - チャンネル音量: + + &Bold + 太字(&B) - VOL - 音量 + + %1+B + %1+B - Panning - パニング + + &Italic + 斜体(&I) - Panning: - パニング: + + %1+I + %1+I - PAN - PAN + + &Underline + 下線(&U) - - - SetupDialog - Setup LMMS - LMMS 設定 + + %1+U + %1+U - General settings - 一般設定 + + &Left + 左揃え(&L) - BUFFER SIZE - バッファ サイズ + + %1+L + %1+L - Reset to default-value - デフォルト値にリセット + + C&enter + 中央揃え(&e) - MISC - その他 + + %1+E + %1+E - Enable tooltips - ツールチップを有効にする + + &Right + 右揃え(&R) - Show restart warning after changing settings - 設定変更後に再起動の警告を表示する + + %1+R + %1+R - Compress project files per default - プロジェクトファイルの圧縮をデフォルトにする + + &Justify + 両端揃え(&J) - One instrument track window mode - + + %1+J + %1+J - HQ-mode for output audio-device - + + &Color... + 文字色(&C)... + + + ProjectRenderer - Compact track buttons - トラックのボタンをコンパクトに表示する + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) - Sync VST plugins to host playback - + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) - Enable note labels in piano roll - ピアノロールに音階を表示 + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) - Enable waveform display by default - デフォルトで波形表示を有効にする + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - Keep effects running even without input + + Reload Plugin - Create backup file when saving a project - プロジェクトを保存したときバックアップファイルを作成する + + Show GUI + GUI を表示 - LANGUAGE - 言語 + + Help + ヘルプ + + + QWidget - Paths - パス + + + + + Name: + 名前: - LMMS working directory - LMMSの作業ディレクトリ + + URI: + - VST-plugin directory - VSTプラグインのディレクトリ + + + + Maker: + 作成者: - Background artwork - + + + + Copyright: + 著作権表示: - STK rawwave directory - STK rawwaveのディレクトリ + + + Requires Real Time: + - Default Soundfont File - デフォルトのサウンドフォントファイル + + + + + + + Yes + はい - Performance settings - パフォーマンス設定 + + + + + + + No + いいえ - UI effects vs. performance + + + Real Time Capable: - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - ソング エディターでスムーススクロールする + + + In Place Broken: + - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - + + + Channels In: + 入力チャンネル: - Audio settings - オーディオ設定 + + + Channels Out: + 出力チャンネル: - AUDIO INTERFACE - オーディオインターフェース + + File: %1 + ファイル: %1 - MIDI settings - MIDI 設定 + + File: + ファイル: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - MIDI INTERFACE - MIDI インターフェース + + &Recently Opened Projects + 最近開いたプロジェクト (&R) + + + RenameDialog - OK - OK + + Rename... + 名前の変更... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - Cancel - キャンセル + + Input + 入力 - Restart LMMS - LMMSを再起動 + + Input gain: + 入力ゲイン: - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! + + Size - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms + + Size: - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. + + Color - Choose LMMS working directory - LMMS の作業ディレクトリを選択してください + + Color: + - Choose your VST-plugin directory - VST プラグインのディレクトリを選択してください + + Output + 出力 - Choose artwork-theme directory - アートワークテーマのディレクトリを選択してください + + Output gain: + 出力ゲイン: + + + ReverbSCControls - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - LADSPA プラグインのディレクトリを選択してください + + Input gain + 入力ゲイン - Choose STK rawwave directory - STK rawwaveのディレクトリを選択してください + + Size + - Choose default SoundFont - デフォルトのサウンドフォントを選択してください + + Color + - Choose background artwork - + + Output gain + 出力ゲイン + + + SaControls - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. + + Pause - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. + + Reference freeze - Reopen last project on start - 起動時に前回のプロジェクトを開く + + Waterfall + - Directories + + Averaging - Themes directory - + + Stereo + ステレオ - GIG directory + + Peak hold - SF2 directory + + Logarithmic frequency - LADSPA plugin directories - LADSPA プラグイン ディレクトリ + + Logarithmic amplitude + - Auto save - 自動保存 + + Frequency range + - Choose your GIG directory + + Amplitude range - Choose your SF2 directory + + FFT block size - minutes + + FFT window type - minute + + Peak envelope resolution - Display volume as dBFS - 音量を dBFS で表示する + + Spectrum display resolution + - Enable auto-save - 自動保存を有効にする + + Peak decay multiplier + - Allow auto-save while playing - 再生中の自動保存を許可する + + Averaging weight + - Disabled + + Waterfall history size - Auto-save interval: %1 - 自動保存の間隔: %1 + + Waterfall gamma correction + - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. + + FFT window overlap - - - Song - Tempo - テンポ + + FFT zero padding + - Master volume - マスター音量 + + + Full (auto) + - Master pitch - 主ピッチ + + + + Audible + - Project saved - プロジェクトを保存しました + + Bass + ベース - The project %1 is now saved. - プロジェクト %1 を保存しました。 + + Mids + - Project NOT saved. - プロジェクトは保存されていません。 + + High + - The project %1 was not saved! - プロジェクト %1 は保存されませんでした! + + Extended + - Import file - ファイルをインポート + + Loud + - MIDI sequences - MIDIシーケンス + + Silent + - Hydrogen projects - Hydrogenプロジェクト + + (High time res.) + - All file types - すべてのファイル + + (High freq. res.) + - Empty project - 空のプロジェクト + + Rectangular (Off) + - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - エクスポートされたトラックの書き込み先のディレクトリを選択... + + Hamming + - untitled - 無題 + + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog - Select file for project-export... - プロジェクトをエクスポートするファイルを選択してください... + + Pause + - The following errors occured while loading: - 読み込み中に以下のエラーが発生しました: + + Pause data acquisition + - MIDI File (*.mid) + + Reference freeze - LMMS Error report + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. - Save project - プロジェクトを保存 + + Waterfall + - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - ファイルを開くことができませんでした + + Display real-time spectrogram + - Could not write file - ファイルに書き込むことができませんでした + + Averaging + - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + Enable exponential moving average - Error in file - ファイルエラー + + Stereo + ステレオ - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + Display stereo channels separately - Tempo - テンポ - - - TEMPO/BPM - テンポ/BPM + + Peak hold + - tempo of song - 曲のテンポ + + Display envelope of peak values + - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). + + Logarithmic frequency - High quality mode - 高品質モード + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + - Master volume - マスター音量 + + + Frequency range + - master volume - マスター音量 + + Logarithmic amplitude + - Master pitch - 主ピッチ + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + - master pitch - 主 ピッチ + + + Amplitude range + - Value: %1% + + Envelope res. - Value: %1 semitones + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + Draw at most - template - テンプレート + + envelope points per pixel + - project - プロジェクト + + Spectrum res. + - Version difference - バージョンの相違 + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - %1 は LMMS %2 で作成されたものです。 + + spectrum points per pixel + - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - ソング エディター + + Falloff factor + - Play song (Space) - 曲を再生 (Space) + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + - Record samples from Audio-device + + Multiply buffered value by - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + Averaging weight - Stop song (Space) - 曲を停止 (Space) + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + - Add beat/bassline - ビート/ベースラインを追加 + + New sample contributes + - Add sample-track - サンプルトラックを追加 + + Waterfall height + - Add automation-track - オートメーション トラックを追加 + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + - Draw mode - 描画モード + + Keep + - Edit mode (select and move) - 編集モード (選択と移動) + + lines + - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. + + Waterfall gamma - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. - Track actions + + Gamma value: - Edit actions - 編集機能 + + Window overlap + - Timeline controls - タイムラインコントロール + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - Zoom controls - ズームコントロール + + Each sample processed + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum + + times - Linear Y axis + + Zero padding - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. - Linear Y axis + + Processing buffer is - Channel mode + + steps larger than input block - - - SubWindow - Close + + Advanced settings - Maximize + + Access advanced settings - Restore + + + FFT block size - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 - %1の設定 + + + FFT window type + - TempoSyncKnob + SampleBuffer - Tempo Sync - テンポの同期 + + Fail to open file + - No Sync - 非同期 + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + オーディオファイルのサイズは %1 MB、再生時間は %2 分に制限されています - Eight beats - 8ビート + + Open audio file + オーディオファイルを開く - Whole note - 全音符 + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + すべてのオーディオファイル (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Half note - 2分音符 + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + WAV ファイル (*.wav) - Quarter note - 4分音符 + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + OGG ファイル (*.ogg) - 8th note - 8分音符 + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + DrumSynth ファイル (*.ds) - 16th note - 16分音符 + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + FLAC ファイル (*.flac) - 32nd note - 32分音符 + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + SPEEX ファイル (*.spx) - Custom... - カスタム... + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + VOC ファイル (*.voc) - Custom - カスタム + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + AIFF ファイル (*.aif *.aiff) - Synced to Eight Beats - 8ビートに同期 + + AU-Files (*.au) + AU ファイル (*.au) - Synced to Whole Note - 全音符に同期 + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + RAW ファイル (*.raw) + + + SampleClipView - Synced to Half Note - 2分音符に同期 + + Double-click to open sample + ダブルクリックしてサンプルを開く - Synced to Quarter Note - 4分音符に同期 + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + 削除 (マウス中ボタン) - Synced to 8th Note - 8分音符に同期 + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - Synced to 16th Note - 16分音符に同期 + + Cut + 切り取り - Synced to 32nd Note - 32分音符に同期 + + Cut selection + - - - TimeDisplayWidget - click to change time units - 時間単位を変更するにはクリック + + Copy + コピー - MIN + + Copy selection - SEC - + + Paste + 貼り付け - MSEC - + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + ミュート/ミュート解除 (<%1> + 中ボタンクリック) - BAR + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) - BEAT + + Reverse sample + サンプルを反転する + + + + Set clip color - TICK + + Use track color - TimeLineWidget + SampleTrack - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - 自動スクロールを有効/無効 + + Volume + 音量 - Enable/disable loop-points - + + Panning + パニング - After stopping go back to begin - + + Mixer channel + FXチャンネル - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - + + + Sample track + サンプルトラック + + + SampleTrackView - After stopping keep position - + + Track volume + トラック音量 - Hint - ヒント + + Channel volume: + チャンネル音量: - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - + + VOL + 音量 - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - + + Panning + パニング - - - Track - Mute - ミュート + + Panning: + パニング: - Solo - ソロ + + PAN + パニング + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - TrackContainer + SampleTrackWindow - Couldn't import file - ファイルをインポートすることができませんでした + + GENERAL SETTINGS + 一般設定 - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - インポート中のファイル %1 のフィルターが見つかりませんでした。 -他のソフトウェアで、このファイルをLMMSがサポートしてる形式に変換してください。 + + Sample volume + - Couldn't open file - ファイルを開くことができませんでした + + Volume: + 音量: - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - ファイル %1 を読み込み用に開くことができませんでした。 -ファイルとファイルのディレクトリが読み込み可能かチェックしてから再度開いてください! + + VOL + 音量 - Loading project... - プロジェクトを読み込んでいます... + + Panning + パン - Cancel - キャンセル + + Panning: + パン: - Please wait... - お待ちください... + + PAN + パン - Importing MIDI-file... - MIDIファイルをインポートしています... + + Mixer channel + FXチャンネル - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - トラックの読み込み中 %1 (%2/Total %3) + + CHANNEL + FX - TrackContentObject + SaveOptionsWidget - Mute - ミュート + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + - TrackContentObjectView + SetupDialog - Current position - 現在位置 + + Reset to default value + 規定値にリセット + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + 設定 + + + + + General + - Hint - ヒント + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - コピーするには<%1>を押しながらドラッグしてください。 + + Display volume as dBFS + 音量を dBFS で表示する - Current length - 現在の長さ + + Enable tooltips + ツールチップを有効にする - Press <%1> for free resizing. - フリーズ解除には<%1>を押してください。 + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4 から %5:%6) + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + - Delete (middle mousebutton) - 削除 (マウス中ボタン) + + Enable compact track buttons + - Cut - 切り取り + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - Copy - コピー + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - Paste - 貼り付け + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - ミュート/ミュート解除(<%1> + 中ボタンクリック) + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. + + Show warning when deleting tracks - Actions for this track + + Projects - Mute - ミュート + + Compress project files by default + - Solo - ソロ + + Create a backup file when saving a project + - Mute this track - このトラックをミュート + + Reopen last project on startup + - Clone this track - このトラックを複製 + + Language + - Remove this track - このトラックを削除 + + + Performance + - Clear this track - このトラックをクリア + + Autosave + - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Enable autosave + - Turn all recording on + + Allow autosave while playing - Turn all recording off + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance - Assign to new FX Channel - 新規FXチャンネルにアサインする + + Smooth scroll in song editor + - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - オシレーター1をオシレーター2で変調するために位相変調を使用します + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - オシレーター1をオシレーター2で変調するために振幅変調を使用します + + Plugins + プラグイン - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 + + VST plugins embedding: - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + No embedding - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - オシレーター1をオシレーター2で変調するために周波数変調を使用します + + Embed using Qt API + Qt API を使用した埋め込み - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - オシレーター2をオシレーター3で変調するために位相変調を使用します + + Embed using native Win32 API + ネイティブのWin32 APIを使用した埋め込み - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - オシレーター2をオシレーター3で変調するために振幅変調を使用します + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Sync VST plugins to host playback - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - オシレーター2をオシレーター3で変調するために周波数変調を使用します + + Keep effects running even without input + - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 の音量: + + + Audio + オーディオ - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. + + Audio interface - Osc %1 panning: + + HQ mode for output audio device - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. + + Buffer size - Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + MIDI interface - semitones + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. + + LMMS working directory + LMMSの作業ディレクトリ + + + + VST plugins directory - Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + LADSPA plugins directories - cents - cent + + SF2 directory + SF2のディレクトリ - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + Default SF2 - Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + GIG directory + GIGのディレクトリ + + + + Theme directory - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + Background artwork + 背景アートワーク + + + + Some changes require restarting. - Osc %1 phase-offset: + + Autosave interval: %1 - degrees + + Choose the LMMS working directory - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + Choose your VST plugins directory - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. + + Choose your default SF2 - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - サイン波を現在のオシレータで使用します。 + + Choose your theme directory + - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - 三角波を現在のオシレータで使用します。 + + Choose your background picture + - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - のこぎり波を現在のオシレータで使用します。 + + + Paths + パス - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - 矩形波を現在のオシレータで使用します。 + + OK + OK - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Moogライクなのこぎり波を現在のオシレータで使用します。 + + Cancel + キャンセル - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - 指数関数的な波形を現在のオシレータで使用します。 + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + フレーム: %1 +レイテンシ: %2 ms - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - ホワイトノイズを現在のオシレータで使用します。 + + Choose your GIG directory + GIGのディレクトリを選択してください - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - ユーザー定義波形を現在のオシレータで使用します。 + + Choose your SF2 directory + SF2のディレクトリを選択してください - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number - バージョン番号を大きくする + + minutes + - Decrement version number - バージョン番号を小さくする + + minute + - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - すでに存在しています。置き換えますか? + + Disabled + 無効 - VestigeInstrumentView + SidInstrument - Open other VST-plugin - 他のVSTプラグインを開く - - - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - + + Cutoff frequency + カットオフ周波数 - Show/hide GUI - GUIを表示/非表示 + + Resonance + レゾナンス - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - ここをクリックしてVSTプラグインのグラフィカルユーザーインターフェース(GUI)の表示/非表示を切り替えます。 + + Filter type + フィルターの種類 - Turn off all notes + + Voice 3 off - Open VST-plugin - VST プラグインを開く + + Volume + 音量 - DLL-files (*.dll) - DLL ファイル (*.dll) + + Chip model + チップモデル + + + SidInstrumentView - EXE-files (*.exe) - EXE ファイル (*.exe) + + Volume: + 音量: - No VST-plugin loaded - VSTプラグインは読み込まれていません + + Resonance: + レゾナンス: - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - LMMSホストからVSTプラグインをコントロール + + + Cutoff frequency: + カットオフ周波数: - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - ホストからVSTプラグインをコントロールしたいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + High-pass filter + - Open VST-plugin preset - VST プラグイン プリセットを開く + + Band-pass filter + - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - VSTプラグインの他のプリセット(ファイル形式 *.fxp, *.fxb)を開きたいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Low-pass filter + - Previous (-) - 前 (-) + + Voice 3 off + - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - VSTプラグインの他のプリセットプログラムに変更したいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - Save preset - プリセットを保存 + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - VSTプラグインの現在のプリセットプログラムを保存したいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + + Attack: + アタック: - Next (+) - 次 (+) + + + Decay: + ディケイ: - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - VSTに現在 読み込まれているプリセットを選択するには、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Sustain: + サスティン: - Preset - プリセット + + + Release: + リリース: - by + + Pulse Width: - - VST plugin control - - VST プラグイン コントロール + + Coarse: + - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output + + Pulse wave - Click to enable - 有効にするにはここをクリック + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - 表示/非表示 + + Saw wave + のこぎり波 - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - LMMSホストからVSTプラグインをコントロール + + Noise + ノイズ - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - ホストからVSTプラグインをコントロールしたいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Sync + 同期 - Open VST-plugin preset - VST プラグイン プリセットを開く + + Ring modulation + - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - VSTプラグインの他のプリセット(ファイル形式 *.fxp, *.fxb)を開きたいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Filtered + - Previous (-) - 前 (-) + + Test + テスト - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - VSTプラグインの他のプリセットプログラムに変更したいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Pulse width: + + + + SideBarWidget - Next (+) - 次 (+) + + Close + 閉じる + + + Song - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - VSTに現在 読み込まれているプリセットを選択するには、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Tempo + テンポ - Save preset - プリセットを保存 + + Master volume + マスター音量 - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - VSTプラグインの現在のプリセットプログラムを保存したいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Master pitch + 主ピッチ - Effect by: + + Aborting project load - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - - - - VstPlugin - - Loading plugin - プラグインを読み込み中 - - - Open Preset - プリセットを開く - - - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Vstプラグインプリセット (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - : default - : デフォルト + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - " - " + + LMMS Error report + LMMS エラー報告 - ' - ' + + (repeated %1 times) + - Save Preset - プリセットを保存 + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + SongEditor - .fxp - .fxp + + Could not open file + ファイルを開くことができませんでした - .FXP - .FXP + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + ファイルを読み込む権限がないため %1 を開くことができませんでした。 +ファイルを読み込みむ権限を付与してから再試行して下さい。 - .FXB - .FXB + + Operation denied + - .fxb - .fxb + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - VSTプラグインの読み込みの間お待ちください... + + + + Error + エラー - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - VSTプラグイン %1 は読み込めません。 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + - - - WatsynInstrument - Volume A1 - 音量 A1 + + Couldn't create resources folder. + - Volume A2 - 音量 A2 + + Failed to copy resources. + - Volume B1 - 音量 B1 + + Could not write file + ファイルに書き込むことができませんでした - Volume B2 - 音量B2 + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + - Panning A1 - パニングA1 + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + - Panning A2 - パニングA2 + + Error in file + ファイルエラー - Panning B1 - パニングB1 + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + ファイル %1 はエラーを含んでいるようで、読み込めません。 - Panning B2 - パニングB2 + + Version difference + バージョンの相違 - Freq. multiplier A1 - + + template + テンプレート - Freq. multiplier A2 - + + project + プロジェクト - Freq. multiplier B1 - + + Tempo + テンポ - Freq. multiplier B2 - + + TEMPO + テンポ - Left detune A1 + + Tempo in BPM - Left detune A2 - + + High quality mode + 高品質モード - Left detune B1 - + + + + Master volume + マスター音量 - Left detune B2 - + + + + Master pitch + 主ピッチ - Right detune A1 - + + Value: %1% + 値: %1% - Right detune A2 + + Value: %1 semitones + + + SongEditorWindow - Right detune B1 - + + Song-Editor + ソング エディター - Right detune B2 - + + Play song (Space) + 曲を再生 (Space) - A-B Mix - + + Record samples from Audio-device + オーディオデバイスからサンプルを録音 - A-B Mix envelope amount + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - A-B Mix envelope attack - + + Stop song (Space) + 曲を停止 (Space) - A-B Mix envelope hold + + Track actions - A-B Mix envelope decay - + + Add beat/bassline + ビート/ベースラインを追加 - A1-B2 Crosstalk - + + Add sample-track + サンプルトラックを追加 - A2-A1 modulation - + + Add automation-track + オートメーション トラックを追加 - B2-B1 modulation - + + Edit actions + 編集機能 - Selected graph - 選択されたグラフ + + Draw mode + 描画モード - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) - Select oscillator A2 - + + Edit mode (select and move) + 編集モード (選択と移動) - Select oscillator B1 - + + Timeline controls + タイムラインコントロール - Select oscillator B2 + + Bar insert controls - Mix output of A2 to A1 + + Insert bar - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 + + Remove bar - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - + + Zoom controls + ズームコントロール - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - + + Horizontal zooming + 水平方向にズーム - Mix output of B2 to B1 + + Snap controls - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 + + + Clip snapping size - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 + + Toggle proportional snap on/off - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 + + Base snapping size + + + StepRecorderWidget - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - グラフの上でマウスをドラッグして波形を描きます。 + + Hint + ヒント - Load waveform - 波形の読み込み + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + SubWindow - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - サンプル ファイルから波形を読み込むにはクリックしてください。 + + Close + 閉じる - Phase left - + + Maximize + 最大化 - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - + + Restore + 復元 + + + TabWidget - Phase right - + + + Settings for %1 + %1の設定 + + + TemplatesMenu - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - + + New from template + テンプレートから新規プロジェクト作成 + + + TempoSyncKnob - Normalize - ノーマライズ + + + Tempo Sync + テンポの同期 - Click to normalize - ノーマライズするにはここをクリック + + No Sync + 非同期 - Invert - + + Eight beats + 8ビート - Click to invert - + + Whole note + 全音符 - Smooth - + + Half note + 2分音符 - Click to smooth - + + Quarter note + 4分音符 - Sine wave - サイン波 + + 8th note + 8分音符 - Click for sine wave - + + 16th note + 16分音符 - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + 32nd note + 32分音符 - Click for triangle wave - + + Custom... + カスタム... - Click for saw wave - + + Custom + カスタム - Square wave - 矩形波 + + Synced to Eight Beats + 8ビートに同期 - Click for square wave - + + Synced to Whole Note + 全音符に同期 - Volume - 音量 + + Synced to Half Note + 2分音符に同期 - Panning - パニング + + Synced to Quarter Note + 4分音符に同期 - Freq. multiplier - + + Synced to 8th Note + 8分音符に同期 - Left detune - + + Synced to 16th Note + 16分音符に同期 - cents - + + Synced to 32nd Note + 32分音符に同期 + + + TimeDisplayWidget - Right detune + + Time units - A-B Mix - + + MIN + - Mix envelope amount - + + SEC + - Mix envelope attack - + + MSEC + ミリ秒 - - Mix envelope hold - + + + BAR + 小節 - Mix envelope decay - + + BEAT + - Crosstalk - + + TICK + ティック - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + TimeLineWidget - Portamento - + + Auto scrolling + 自動でスクロール - Filter Frequency - + + Loop points + ループポイント - Filter Resonance + + After stopping go back to beginning - Bandwidth - + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + 停止後は再生を開始した地点へ戻る - FM Gain - + + After stopping keep position + 停止後はその地点のままにする - Resonance Center Frequency - + + Hint + ヒント - Resonance Bandwidth - + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + <%1> を押してマグネチックループポイントを無効にします。 + + + + Track + + + Mute + ミュート - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - + + Solo + ソロ - ZynAddSubFxView + TrackContainer - Show GUI - GUI を表示 + + Couldn't import file + ファイルをインポートすることができませんでした - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - ここをクリックしてZynAddSubFXのグラフィカルユーザーインターフェース(GUI)の表示/非表示を切り替えます。 + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + インポート中のファイル %1 のフィルターが見つかりませんでした。 +他のソフトウェアで、このファイルをLMMSがサポートしてる形式に変換してください。 - Portamento: - + + Couldn't open file + ファイルを開くことができませんでした - PORT - + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + ファイル %1 を読み込み用に開くことができませんでした。 +ファイルとファイルのディレクトリが読み込み可能かチェックしてから再度開いてください! - Filter Frequency: - + + Loading project... + プロジェクトを読み込んでいます... - FREQ - 周波数 + + + Cancel + キャンセル - Filter Resonance: - + + + Please wait... + お待ちください... - RES - + + Loading cancelled + 読み込みがキャンセルされました - Bandwidth: - + + Project loading was cancelled. + プロジェクトの読み込みはキャンセルされました。 - BW - + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + トラックの読み込み中 %1 (%2/Total %3) - FM Gain: - + + Importing MIDI-file... + MIDIファイルをインポートしています... + + + Clip - FM GAIN - + + Mute + ミュート + + + ClipView - Resonance center frequency: - + + Current position + 現在位置 - RES CF - + + Current length + 現在の長さ - Resonance bandwidth: - + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 から %5:%6) - RES BW - + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + コピーするには<%1>を押しながらドラッグしてください。 - Forward MIDI Control Changes - + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + フリーズ解除には<%1>を押してください。 - - - audioFileProcessor - Amplify - + + Hint + ヒント - Start of sample - + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + 削除 (マウス中ボタン) - End of sample + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) - Reverse sample - サンプルをリバース + + Cut + 切り取り - Stutter + + Cut selection - Loopback point + + Merge Selection - Loop mode - + + Copy + コピー - Interpolation mode + + Copy selection - None - + + Paste + 貼り付け - Linear + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + ミュート/ミュート解除 (<%1> + 中ボタンクリック) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) - Sinc + + Set clip color - Sample not found: %1 + + Use track color - bitInvader + TrackContentWidget - Samplelength - サンプルの長さ + + Paste + 貼り付け - bitInvaderView - - Sample Length - サンプルの長さ - - - Sine wave - サイン波 - - - Triangle wave - 三角波 - + TrackOperationsWidget - Saw wave - のこぎり波 + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + - Square wave - 矩形波 + + Actions + - White noise wave - ホワイトノイズ波 + + + Mute + ミュート - User defined wave - ユーザー定義波形 + + + Solo + ソロ - Smooth + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? - Click here to smooth waveform. + + Confirm removal - Interpolation + + Don't ask again - Normalize - ノーマライズ - - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - グラフの上でマウスをドラッグして波形を描きます。 - - - Click for a sine-wave. - + + Clone this track + このトラックを複製 - Click here for a triangle-wave. - クリックして三角波を使用します。 + + Remove this track + このトラックを削除 - Click here for a saw-wave. - + + Clear this track + このトラックをクリア - Click here for a square-wave. - クリックして矩形波を使用します。 + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - Click here for white-noise. - + + Assign to new mixer Channel + 新規FXチャンネルにアサインする - Click here for a user-defined shape. - ユーザー定義波形については、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Turn all recording on + すべての録音をオンにする - - - dynProcControlDialog - INPUT - 入力 + + Turn all recording off + すべての録音をオフにする - Input gain: - 入力ゲイン: + + Change color + 色を変更 - OUTPUT - 出力 + + Reset color to default + 色をデフォルトにリセット - Output gain: - 出力ゲイン: + + Set random color + - ATTACK + + Clear clip colors + + + TripleOscillatorView - Peak attack time: + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - RELEASE + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Peak release time: + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 - Reset waveform - 波形をリセット + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + オシレーター 1と2 を同期 - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Smooth waveform + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + オシレーター 2と3 を同期 - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 の音量: - Stereomode Maximum - + + Osc %1 panning: + オシレーター %1 パニング: - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + オシレータ―の %1 コースデチューン: - Stereomode Average - + + semitones + 半音 - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + オシレーター %1 のファインデチューン 左: - Stereomode Unlinked - + + + cents + cent - Process each stereo channel independently - + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + オシレーター %1 のファインデチューン 右: - - - dynProcControls - Input gain - 入力ゲイン + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + オシレーター %1 のオフセットフェーズ : - Output gain - 出力ゲイン + + + degrees + 度数 - Attack time - + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + オシレーター %1 のステレオ フェーズデチューン : - Release time - + + Sine wave + サイン波 + + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - Stereo mode - ステレオモード + + Saw wave + のこぎり波 - - - expressiveView - Select oscillator W1 - + + Square wave + 矩形波 - Select oscillator W2 + + Moog-like saw wave - Select oscillator W3 + + Exponential wave - Select OUTPUT 1 + + White noise - Select OUTPUT 2 - + + User-defined wave + ユーザー定義波形 + + + VecControls - Open help window + + Display persistence amount - Sine wave - サイン波 + + Logarithmic scale + - Click for a sine-wave. + + High quality + + + VecControlsDialog - Moog-Saw wave + + HQ - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. - Exponential wave + + Log. scale - Click for an exponential wave. + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. - Saw wave - のこぎり波 + + Persist. + - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. - User defined wave - ユーザー定義波形 + + Trace persistence + + + + VersionedSaveDialog - Click here for a user-defined shape. - ユーザー定義波形については、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Increment version number + バージョン番号を大きくする - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + Decrement version number + バージョン番号を小さくする - Click here for a triangle-wave. - クリックして三角波を使用します。 + + Save Options + - Square wave - 矩形波 + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + すでに存在しています。置き換えますか? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - Click here for a square-wave. - クリックして矩形波を使用します。 + + + Open VST plugin + VSTプラグインを開く - White noise wave - ホワイトノイズ波 + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - Click here for white-noise. - + + Open VST plugin preset + VSTプラグインのプリセットを開く - WaveInterpolate - + + Previous (-) + 前 (-) - ExpressionValid - + + Save preset + プリセットを保存 - General purpose 1: - + + Next (+) + 次 (+) - General purpose 2: - + + Show/hide GUI + GUIを表示/非表示 - General purpose 3: - + + Turn off all notes + すべてのノートをオフ - O1 panning: - + + DLL-files (*.dll) + DLL ファイル (*.dll) - O2 panning: - + + EXE-files (*.exe) + EXE ファイル (*.exe) - Release transition: - + + No VST plugin loaded + VSTプラグインは読み込まれていません - Smoothness - + + Preset + プリセット - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: + + by - New FX Channel - + + - VST plugin control + - VST プラグイン コントロール - graphModel + VstEffectControlDialog - Graph - グラフ + + Show/hide + 表示/非表示 - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - End frequency - + + Open VST plugin preset + VSTプラグインのプリセットを開く - Gain - ゲイン + + Previous (-) + 前 (-) - Length - 長さ + + Next (+) + 次 (+) - Distortion Start - + + Save preset + プリセットを保存 - Distortion End + + + Effect by: - Envelope Slope - + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + VstPlugin - Noise - ノイズ + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + VSTプラグイン %1 は読み込めません。 - Click - + + Open Preset + プリセットを開く - Frequency Slope - + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Vstプラグインプリセット (*.fxp *.fxb) - Start from note - + + : default + : デフォルト - End to note - + + Save Preset + プリセットを保存 - - - kickerInstrumentView - Start frequency: - + + .fxp + .fxp - End frequency: - + + .FXP + .FXP - Gain: - ゲイン: + + .FXB + .FXB - Frequency Slope: - + + .fxb + .fxb - Envelope Length: - + + Loading plugin + プラグインを読み込み中 - Envelope Slope: - + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + VSTプラグインの読み込みの間お待ちください... + + + WatsynInstrument - Click: - + + Volume A1 + 音量 A1 - Noise: - ノイズ: + + Volume A2 + 音量 A2 - Distortion Start: - + + Volume B1 + 音量 B1 - Distortion End: - + + Volume B2 + 音量B2 - - - ladspaBrowserView - Available Effects - 利用可能なエフェクト + + Panning A1 + パニングA1 - Unavailable Effects - 利用不可なエフェクト + + Panning A2 + パニングA2 - Instruments - 楽器 + + Panning B1 + パニングB1 - Analysis Tools - 解析ツール + + Panning B2 + パニングB2 - Don't know - 不明なツール + + Freq. multiplier A1 + - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. + + Freq. multiplier A2 - Type: - 種類: + + Freq. multiplier B1 + - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - プラグイン + + Freq. multiplier B2 + - Description - 説明 + + Left detune A1 + - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports + + Left detune A2 - Name - 名前 + + Left detune B1 + - Rate - レート + + Left detune B2 + - Direction - 向き + + Right detune A1 + - Type - 種類 + + Right detune A2 + - Min < Default < Max - 最小 < デフォルト < 最大 + + Right detune B1 + - Logarithmic + + Right detune B2 - SR Dependent + + A-B Mix - Audio - オーディオ + + A-B Mix envelope amount + - Control - コントロール + + A-B Mix envelope attack + - Input - 入力 + + A-B Mix envelope hold + - Output - 出力 + + A-B Mix envelope decay + - Toggled + + A1-B2 Crosstalk - Integer - 整数 + + A2-A1 modulation + - Float + + B2-B1 modulation - Yes - はい + + Selected graph + 選択されたグラフ - lb302Synth + WatsynView - VCF Cutoff Frequency - + + + + + Volume + 音量 - VCF Resonance + + + + + Panning + パニング + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier - VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + Left detune - VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + + + + + cents + セント + + + + + + + Right detune - Distortion + + A-B Mix - Waveform - 波形 + + Mix envelope amount + - Slide Decay + + Mix envelope attack - Slide + + Mix envelope hold - Accent + + Mix envelope decay - Dead + + Crosstalk - 24dB/oct Filter + + Select oscillator A1 - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: + + Select oscillator A2 - Resonance: - レゾナンス: + + Select oscillator B1 + - Env Mod: + + Select oscillator B2 - Decay: - ディケイ: + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 - Slide Decay: + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 - DIST: + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 - Saw wave - のこぎり波 + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - クリックして三角波を使用します。 + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + - Square wave - 矩形波 + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + グラフの上でマウスをドラッグして波形を描きます。 - Click here for a square-wave. - クリックして矩形波を使用します。 + + Load waveform + 波形の読み込み - Rounded square wave - + + Load a waveform from a sample file + 波形をサンプルファイルから取り込む - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + Phase left - Moog wave + + Shift phase by -15 degrees - Click here for a moog-like wave. + + Phase right - Sine wave - サイン波 + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + - Click for a sine-wave. - + + + Normalize + ノーマライズ - White noise wave - ホワイトノイズ波 + + + Invert + 反転 - Click here for an exponential wave. + + + Smooth - Click here for white-noise. - + + + Sine wave + サイン波 - Bandlimited saw wave - + + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - + + Saw wave + のこぎり波 - Bandlimited square wave - + + + Square wave + 矩形波 + + + Xpressive - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - + + Selected graph + 選択されたグラフ - Bandlimited triangle wave + + A1 - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + A2 - Bandlimited moog saw wave + + A3 - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + W1 smoothing - - - malletsInstrument - Hardness + + W2 smoothing - Position - 位置 + + W3 smoothing + - Vibrato Gain - + + Panning 1 + パン 1 - Vibrato Freq - + + Panning 2 + パン 2 - Stick Mix + + Rel trans + + + XpressiveView - Modulator - + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + グラフの上でマウスをドラッグして波形を描きます。 - Crossfade + + Select oscillator W1 - LFO Speed + + Select oscillator W2 - LFO Depth + + Select oscillator W3 - ADSR + + Select output O1 - Pressure + + Select output O2 - Motion + + Open help window - Speed - 速さ + + + Sine wave + サイン波 - Bowed + + + Moog-saw wave - Spread + + + Exponential wave - Marimba - マリンバ + + + Saw wave + のこぎり波 - Vibraphone - ビブラフォン + + + User-defined wave + ユーザー定義波形 - Agogo - アゴゴ + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - Wood1 - + + + Square wave + 矩形波 - Reso + + + White noise - Wood2 + + WaveInterpolate - Beats + + ExpressionValid - Two Fixed + + General purpose 1: - Clump + + General purpose 2: - Tubular Bells + + General purpose 3: - Uniform Bar - + + O1 panning: + オシレーター 1 のパン: - Tuned Bar - + + O2 panning: + オシレーター 2 のパン - Glass + + Release transition: - Tibetan Bowl + + Smoothness - malletsInstrumentView - - Instrument - 楽器 - - - Spread - - - - Spread: - - + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Hardness + + Portamento - Hardness: + + Filter frequency - Position - 位置 - - - Position: - 位置: - - - Vib Gain + + Filter resonance - Vib Gain: + + Bandwidth - Vib Freq + + FM gain - Vib Freq: + + Resonance center frequency - Stick Mix + + Resonance bandwidth - Stick Mix: + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Modulator + + Portamento: - Modulator: + + PORT - Crossfade + + Filter frequency: - Crossfade: - + + FREQ + 周波数 - LFO Speed + + Filter resonance: - LFO Speed: + + RES - LFO Depth + + Bandwidth: - LFO Depth: + + BW - ADSR + + FM gain: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN - Pressure + + Resonance center frequency: - Pressure: + + RES CF - Speed - 速さ + + Resonance bandwidth: + - Speed: - 速さ: + + RES BW + - Missing files + + Forward MIDI control changes - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Stkのインストールが未完了のようです。Stkパッケージがすべてインストールされていることを確認してください! + + Show GUI + GUI を表示 - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control - - VST パラメータ コントロール - + AudioFileProcessor - VST Sync - VST同期 + + Amplify + - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - すべてのパラメータをVSTプラグインと同期したいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Start of sample + サンプルの開始位置 - Automated - オートメーション済 + + End of sample + サンプルの終了位置 - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - オートメーション適用済のパラメータだけを表示したいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Loopback point + - Close - 閉じる + + Reverse sample + サンプルをリバース - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - VSTエフェクトの、ノブ コントローラー ウインドウ を閉じます。 + + Loop mode + - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - - VST プラグイン コントロール + + Stutter + - VST Sync - VST同期 + + Interpolation mode + - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - すべてのパラメータをVSTプラグインと同期したいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + None + - Automated - オートメーション済 + + Linear + - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - オートメーション適用済のパラメータだけを表示したいときは、ここをクリックしてください。 + + Sinc + - Close - 閉じる + + Sample not found: %1 + サンプルが見つかりませんでした: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - VSTプラグインの、ノブ コントローラー ウインドウ を閉じます。 + + Sample length + サンプルの長さ - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - パッチ + + Sample length + サンプルの長さ - Op 1 Attack - + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + グラフの上でマウスをドラッグして波形を描きます。 - Op 1 Decay - + + + Sine wave + サイン波 - Op 1 Sustain - + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - Op 1 Release - + + + Saw wave + のこぎり波 - Op 1 Level - + + + Square wave + 矩形波 - Op 1 Level Scaling + + + White noise - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - + + + User-defined wave + ユーザー定義波形 - Op 1 Feedback + + + Smooth waveform - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate + + Interpolation - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - + + Normalize + ノーマライズ + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo - + + INPUT + 入力 - Op 1 Vibrato - + + Input gain: + 入力ゲイン: - Op 1 Waveform - Op 1 Waveform + + OUTPUT + 出力 - Op 2 Attack - + + Output gain: + 出力ゲイン: - Op 2 Decay + + ATTACK - Op 2 Sustain + + Peak attack time: - Op 2 Release + + RELEASE - Op 2 Level + + Peak release time: - Op 2 Level Scaling - + + + Reset wavegraph + 波形をリセット - Op 2 Frequency Multiple + + + Smooth wavegraph - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Tremolo + + Stereo mode: maximum - Op 2 Vibrato + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Op 2 Waveform + + Stereo mode: average - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Vibrato Depth + + Stereo mode: unlinked - Tremolo Depth + + Process each stereo channel independently - opl2instrumentView - - Attack - - + DynProcControls - Decay - ディケイ + + Input gain + 入力ゲイン - Release - Release + + Output gain + 出力ゲイン - Frequency multiplier + + Attack time - - - organicInstrument - Distortion + + Release time - Volume - 音量 + + Stereo mode + ステレオモード - organicInstrumentView - - Distortion: - - + graphModel - Volume: - 音量: + + Graph + グラフ + + + KickerInstrument - Randomise + + Start frequency - Osc %1 waveform: - Osc %1 の波形: - - - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 の音量: - - - Osc %1 panning: + + End frequency - cents - cent + + Length + 長さ - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. + + Start distortion - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. + + End distortion - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - + + Gain + ゲイン - Osc %1 stereo detuning + + Envelope slope - Osc %1 harmonic: - + + Noise + ノイズ - - - FreeBoyInstrument - Sweep time + + Click - Sweep direction + + Frequency slope - Sweep RtShift amount + + Start from note - Wave Pattern Duty + + End to note + + + KickerInstrumentView - Channel 1 volume - チャンネル1の音量 - - - Volume sweep direction + + Start frequency: - Length of each step in sweep + + End frequency: - Channel 2 volume - チャンネル2の音量 + + Frequency slope: + - Channel 3 volume - チャンネル3の音量 + + Gain: + ゲイン: - Channel 4 volume - チャンネル4の音量 + + Envelope length: + - Right Output level + + Envelope slope: - Left Output level + + Click: - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Noise: + ノイズ: - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + Start distortion: - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + End distortion: + + + LadspaBrowserView - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Available Effects + 利用可能なエフェクト - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - + + + Unavailable Effects + 利用不可なエフェクト - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - + + + Instruments + 楽器 - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - + + + Analysis Tools + 解析ツール - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - + + + Don't know + 不明なツール - Treble - + + Type: + 種類: + + + LadspaDescription - Bass - ベース + + Plugins + プラグイン - Shift Register width - + + Description + 説明 - FreeBoyInstrumentView - - Sweep Time: - - + LadspaPortDialog - Sweep Time + + Ports - Sweep RtShift amount: - + + Name + 名前 - Sweep RtShift amount - + + Rate + レート - Wave pattern duty: - + + Direction + 向き - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Type + 種類 - Square Channel 1 Volume: - + + Min < Default < Max + 最小 < デフォルト < 最大 - Length of each step in sweep: + + Logarithmic - Length of each step in sweep + + SR Dependent - Wave pattern duty - + + Audio + オーディオ - Square Channel 2 Volume: - + + Control + コントロール - Square Channel 2 Volume - + + Input + 入力 - Wave Channel Volume: - + + Output + 出力 - Wave Channel Volume + + Toggled - Noise Channel Volume: - + + Integer + 整数 - Noise Channel Volume - + + Float + フロート - SO1 Volume (Right): - + + + Yes + はい + + + Lb302Synth - SO1 Volume (Right) - + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + VCF カットオフ周波数 - SO2 Volume (Left): - + + VCF Resonance + VCF レゾナンス - SO2 Volume (Left) + + VCF Envelope Mod - Treble: + + VCF Envelope Decay - Treble - + + Distortion + ディストーション - Bass: - ベース: + + Waveform + 波形 - Bass - ベース + + Slide Decay + スライドディケイ - Sweep Direction - + + Slide + スライド - Volume Sweep Direction - + + Accent + アクセント - Shift Register Width - + + Dead + デッド - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - + + 24dB/oct Filter + 24dB/オクターブフィルター + + + Lb302SynthView - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - + + Cutoff Freq: + カットオフ周波数: - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Resonance: + レゾナンス: - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) + + Env Mod: - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Decay: + ディケイ: - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) + + Slide Decay: - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) + + DIST: - Wave Pattern - 波のパターン + + Saw wave + のこぎり波 - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency + + Click here for a saw-wave. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + クリックして三角波を使用します。 - Square Channel 1 Volume - + + Square wave + 矩形波 - The delay between step change - + + Click here for a square-wave. + クリックして矩形波を使用します。 - Draw the wave here - ここに波形を描きます + + Rounded square wave + - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Bank selector - + + Moog wave + Moog - Bank - + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + クリックしてMoog波を使用します。 - Program selector - + + Sine wave + サイン波 - Patch - パッチ + + Click for a sine-wave. + クリックしてサイン波を使用します。 - Name - 名前 + + + White noise wave + ホワイトノイズ波 - OK - OK + + Click here for an exponential wave. + - Cancel - キャンセル + + Click here for white-noise. + クリックしてホワイトノイズを使用します。 - - - pluginBrowser - no description - 説明なし + + Bandlimited saw wave + - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - ステレオ出力を自由に操作するプラグイン + + Bandlimited square wave + - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - サウンドのピークをつまみでコントロールするプラグイン + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + Bandlimited triangle wave - List installed LADSPA plugins - インストールされている LADSPA プラグインの一覧 + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + - GUS-compatible patch instrument + + Bandlimited moog saw wave - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + MalletsInstrument - Tuneful things to bang on + + Hardness - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + Position + 位置 + + + + Vibrato gain - Vibrating string modeler + + Vibrato frequency - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - 任意の LADSPA エフェクトを LMMS で使用するためのプラグイン。 + + Stick mix + - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + Modulator - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + Crossfade - Player for SoundFont files - サウンドフォント ファイル用プレイヤー + + LFO speed + LFO speed - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + LFO depth - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - + + ADSR + ADSR - Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + Pressure - 2-operator FM Synth + + Motion - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - + + Speed + 速さ - LMMS port of sfxr + + Bowed - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + Spread - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - + + Marimba + マリンバ - A native amplifier plugin - + + Vibraphone + ビブラフォン - Carla Rack Instrument - + + Agogo + アゴゴ - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + Wood 1 - plugin for waveshaping + + Reso - Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + Wood 2 - Versatile drum synthesizer + + Beats - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + Two fixed - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + Clump - Carla Patchbay Instrument + + Tubular bells - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + Uniform bar - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin + + Tuned bar - A NES-like synthesizer + + Glass - A native delay plugin + + Tibetan bowl + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Player for GIG files - GIG ファイル用プレイヤー + + Instrument + 楽器 - A multitap echo delay plugin + + Spread - A native flanger plugin + + Spread: - An oversampling bitcrusher - + + Missing files + ファイルがありません - A native eq plugin - + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Stkのインストールが未完了のようです。Stkパッケージがすべてインストールされていることを確認してください! - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + Hardness - A Dual filter plugin + + Hardness: - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - + + Position + 位置 - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - + + Position: + 位置: - Mathematical expression parser + + Vibrato gain - - - sf2Instrument - Bank + + Vibrato gain: - Patch - パッチ + + Vibrato frequency + - Gain - ゲイン + + Vibrato frequency: + - Reverb - リバーブ + + Stick mix + - Reverb Roomsize + + Stick mix: - Reverb Damping + + Modulator - Reverb Width + + Modulator: - Reverb Level + + Crossfade - Chorus - コーラス + + Crossfade: + - Chorus Lines - + + LFO speed + LFO speed - Chorus Level - + + LFO speed: + LFO speed: - Chorus Speed + + LFO depth - Chorus Depth + + LFO depth: - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - + + ADSR + ADSR - - - sf2InstrumentView - Open other SoundFont file - 他のサウンドフォント ファイルを開く + + ADSR: + ADSR: - Click here to open another SF2 file - ここをクリックすると他のSF2 ファイルを開きます。 + + Pressure + - Choose the patch - パッチを選択 + + Pressure: + - Gain - ゲイン + + Speed + 速さ - Apply reverb (if supported) - + + Speed: + 速さ: + + + ManageVSTEffectView - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - このボタンでリバーブを有効にします。クールなエフェクトには有効ですが、リバーブをサポートしたSF2にしか効果がありません。 + + - VST parameter control + - VST パラメータ コントロール - Reverb Roomsize: - + + VST sync + VSTを同期 - Reverb Damping: - + + + Automated + オートメーション済 - Reverb Width: - + + Close + 閉じる + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Reverb Level: - + + + - VST plugin control + - VST プラグイン コントロール - Apply chorus (if supported) - + + VST Sync + VST同期 - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - このボタンでコーラスを有効にします。クールなエフェクトには有効ですが、リバーブをサポートしたSF2にしか効果がありません。 + + + Automated + オートメーション済 - Chorus Lines: - + + Close + 閉じる + + + OrganicInstrument - Chorus Level: - + + Distortion + ディストーション - Chorus Speed: - + + Volume + 音量 + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Chorus Depth: + + Distortion: - Open SoundFont file - サウンドフォント ファイルを開く + + Volume: + 音量: - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) + + Randomise - - - sfxrInstrument - - Wave Form - 波形 - - - - sidInstrument - Cutoff - カットオフ + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Osc %1 の波形: - Resonance - レゾナンス + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 の音量: - Filter type - フィルターの種類 + + Osc %1 panning: + オシレーター %1 パニング: - Voice 3 off + + Osc %1 stereo detuning - Volume - 音量 + + cents + cent - Chip model + + Osc %1 harmonic: - sidInstrumentView + PatchesDialog - Volume: - 音量: + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - Resonance: - レゾナンス: + + Bank selector + - Cutoff frequency: - + + Bank + バンク - High-Pass filter - High-Passフィルター + + Program selector + - Band-Pass filter - Band-Passフィルター + + Patch + パッチ - Low-Pass filter - Low-Passフィルター + + Name + 名前 - Voice3 Off - + + OK + OK - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Cancel + キャンセル + + + Sf2Instrument - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Bank + バンク - Attack: - アタック: + + Patch + パッチ - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - + + Gain + ゲイン - Decay: - ディケイ: + + Reverb + リバーブ - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - + + Reverb room size + ルームサイズ - Sustain: - サスティン: + + Reverb damping + 残響 - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. + + Reverb width - Release: - リリース: + + Reverb level + リバーブのレベル - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - + + Chorus + コーラス - Pulse Width: + + Chorus voices - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. + + Chorus level - Coarse: + + Chorus speed - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. + + Chorus depth - Pulse Wave - パルス波 + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + サウンドフォント %1 を読み込めませんでした。 + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Triangle Wave - 三角波 + + + Open SoundFont file + サウンドフォント ファイルを開く - SawTooth - のこぎり波 + + Choose patch + パッチを選択してください - Noise - ノイズ + + Gain: + ゲイン: - Sync - 同期 + + Apply reverb (if supported) + リバーブを適用 (可能であれば) - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. + + Room size: - Ring-Mod + + Damping: - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. + + Width: - Filtered + + + Level: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - フィルタがONなら、ボイス %1 はフィルタを通って処理されます。フィルタがオフならボイス %1 は直接出力に送られてフィルタは出力に適用されません。 + + Apply chorus (if supported) + コーラスを適用 (可能であれば) - Test + + Voices: - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. + + Speed: + 速さ: + + + + Depth: + ビット深度: + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + サウンドフォントファイル (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE + + WIDTH + Width: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: 左から左の音量: + Left to Right Vol: 左から右の音量: + Right to Left Vol: 右から左の音量: + Right to Right Vol: 右から右の音量: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left 左から左 + Left to Right 左から右 + Right to Left 右から左 + Right to Right 右から右 - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin プラグインを読み込んでいます - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - VSTプラグインを読み込む間お待ちください... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + VSTプラグインの読み込みの間はお待ちください... - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume ストリング %1 の音量 + String %1 stiffness + Pick %1 position + Pickup %1 position - Pan %1 - パニング %1 + + String %1 panning + - Detune %1 + + String %1 detune - Fuzziness %1 + + String %1 fuzziness - Length %1 - 長さ %1 + + String %1 length + + Impulse %1 - + インパルス %1 - Octave %1 - オクターブ %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView - - Volume: - 音量: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. + + String volume: + String stiffness: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - - - + Pick position: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - - - + Pickup position: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - - - - Pan: - パニング: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - - - - Detune: - - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - - - - Fuzziness: + + String panning: - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. + + String detune: - Length: - 長さ: - - - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. + + String fuzziness: - Impulse or initial state + + String length: - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. + + Impulse + Octave オクターブ - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - - - + Impulse Editor - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - - - + Enable waveform 波形を有効 - Click here to enable/disable waveform. + + Enable/disable string + String - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - - - + + Sine wave サイン波 + + Triangle wave 三角波 + + Saw wave のこぎり波 + + Square wave 矩形波 - White noise wave - ホワイトノイズ波 + + + White noise + - User defined wave + + + User-defined wave ユーザー定義波形 - Smooth - - - - Click here to smooth waveform. + + + Smooth waveform - Normalize - ノーマライズ - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - ここをクリックすると波形をノーマライズします。 - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - サイン波を現在のオシレータで使用します。 - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - 三角波を現在のオシレータで使用します。 - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - のこぎり波を現在のオシレータで使用します。 - - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - 矩形波を現在のオシレータで使用します。 - - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - ホワイトノイズを現在のオシレータで使用します。 - - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - ユーザー定義波形を現在のオシレータで使用します。 + + + Normalize waveform + 波形をノーマライズ - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width ボイス %1 のパルス幅 + Voice %1 attack + Voice %1 decay + Voice %1 sustain + Voice %1 release + Voice %1 coarse detuning + Voice %1 wave shape + Voice %1 sync ボイス %1 の同期 + Voice %1 ring modulate + Voice %1 filtered + Voice %1 test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT 入力 + Input gain: 入力ゲイン: + OUTPUT 出力 + Output gain: 出力ゲイン: - Reset waveform + + + Reset wavegraph 波形をリセット - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - - - - Smooth waveform - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph + + + Smooth wavegraph - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - - - - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - - - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Clip input - + 入力信号をクリップ - Clip input signal to 0dB - + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + 入力信号を0 dBでクリップさせる - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain 入力ゲイン + Output gain 出力ゲイン - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/ka.ts b/data/locale/ka.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1956d8d04e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/ka.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16326 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + + About + + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + + + + + Copyright © %1. + + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + + Authors + + + + + Involved + + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + + + + + Translation + + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + + + License + + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + + + + + Volume: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Panning: + + + + + LEFT + + + + + Left gain: + + + + + RIGHT + + + + + Right gain: + + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + + + + + Panning + + + + + Left gain + + + + + Right gain + + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + + + + + CHANNELS + + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Disable loop + + + + + Enable loop + + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + + + + + Amplify: + + + + + Start point: + + + + + End point: + + + + + Loopback point: + + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + + + + + JACK server down + + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + + + + + Client name + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value + + + + + Edit song-global automation + + + + + Remove song-global automation + + + + + Remove all linked controls + + + + + Connected to %1 + + + + + Connected to controller + + + + + Edit connection... + + + + + Remove connection + + + + + Connect to controller... + + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + + Flip vertically + + + + + Flip horizontally + + + + + Interpolation controls + + + + + Discrete progression + + + + + Linear progression + + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + + + + + Tension value for spline + + + + + Tension: + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization controls + + + + + Quantization + + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + + + + + Clear + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + Set/clear record + + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + + + + %1 Connections + + + + + Disconnect "%1" + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Beat selector + + + + + Track and step actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + + Clone of %1 + + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Gain: + + + + + RATIO + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + + + + + Gain + + + + + Ratio + + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + + + + + OUT + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + Input noise: + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + CLIP + + + + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + STEREO + + + + + Stereo difference: + + + + + QUANT + + + + + Levels: + + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Input noise + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Output clip + + + + + Sample rate + + + + + Stereo difference + + + + + Levels + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + + + + + About + + + + + About text here + + + + + Extended licensing here + + + + + Artwork + + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + + + + + Features + + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + + + + + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + VST2: + + + + + DSSI: + + + + + LV2: + + + + + VST3: + + + + + OSC + + + + + Host URLs: + + + + + Valid commands: + + + + + valid osc commands here + + + + + Example: + + + + + License + + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + + + + + Plugin Version + + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + + (Engine not running) + + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + + Using Juce host + + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + + + + + Rack + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Logs + + + + + Loading... + + + + + Buffer Size: + + + + + Sample Rate: + + + + + ? Xruns + + + + + DSP Load: %p% + + + + + &File + + + + + &Engine + + + + + &Plugin + + + + + Macros (all plugins) + + + + + &Canvas + + + + + Zoom + + + + + &Settings + + + + + &Help + + + + + toolBar + + + + + Disk + + + + + + Home + + + + + Transport + + + + + Playback Controls + + + + + Time Information + + + + + Frame: + + + + + 000'000'000 + + + + + Time: + + + + + 00:00:00 + + + + + BBT: + + + + + 000|00|0000 + + + + + Settings + + + + + BPM + + + + + Use JACK Transport + + + + + Use Ableton Link + + + + + &New + + + + + Ctrl+N + + + + + &Open... + + + + + + Open... + + + + + Ctrl+O + + + + + &Save + + + + + Ctrl+S + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + + Save As... + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + + &Quit + + + + + Ctrl+Q + + + + + &Start + + + + + F5 + + + + + St&op + + + + + F6 + + + + + &Add Plugin... + + + + + Ctrl+A + + + + + &Remove All + + + + + Enable + + + + + Disable + + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + + + + + 100% Wet + + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + + + + + 100% Volume + + + + + Center Balance + + + + + &Play + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + + + + + &Stop + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + + &Backwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + + &Forwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + + &Arrange + + + + + Ctrl+G + + + + + + &Refresh + + + + + Ctrl+R + + + + + Save &Image... + + + + + Auto-Fit + + + + + Zoom In + + + + + Ctrl++ + + + + + Zoom Out + + + + + Ctrl+- + + + + + Zoom 100% + + + + + Ctrl+1 + + + + + Show &Toolbar + + + + + &Configure Carla + + + + + &About + + + + + About &JUCE + + + + + About &Qt + + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + + + + + Show Internal + + + + + Show External + + + + + Show Time Panel + + + + + Show &Side Panel + + + + + &Connect... + + + + + Compact Slots + + + + + Expand Slots + + + + + Perform secret 1 + + + + + Perform secret 2 + + + + + Perform secret 3 + + + + + Perform secret 4 + + + + + Perform secret 5 + + + + + Add &JACK Application... + + + + + &Configure driver... + + + + + Panic + + + + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + შეცდომა + + + + Failed to load project + + + + + Failed to save project + + + + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + + + + + Warning + + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + + + + + main + + + + + canvas + + + + + engine + + + + + osc + + + + + file-paths + + + + + plugin-paths + + + + + wine + + + + + experimental + + + + + Widget + + + + + + Main + + + + + + Canvas + + + + + + Engine + + + + + File Paths + + + + + Plugin Paths + + + + + Wine + + + + + + Experimental + + + + + <b>Main</b> + + + + + Paths + + + + + Default project folder: + + + + + Interface + + + + + Interface refresh interval: + + + + + + ms + + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + + + + + + Theme + + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + + + + + Color scheme: + + + + + Black + + + + + System + + + + + Enable experimental features + + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + + + + + Bezier Lines + + + + + Theme: + + + + + Size: + + + + + 775x600 + + + + + 1550x1200 + + + + + 3100x2400 + + + + + 4650x3600 + + + + + 6200x4800 + + + + + Options + + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + + + + + Auto-select items on hover + + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + + + + + Render Hints + + + + + Anti-Aliasing + + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + + + + + <b>Engine</b> + + + + + + Core + + + + + Single Client + + + + + Multiple Clients + + + + + + Continuous Rack + + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Audio driver: + + + + + Process mode: + + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + + + + + Max Parameters: + + + + + ... + + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + + + + + Plugin UIs + + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + <b>OSC</b> + + + + + Enable OSC + + + + + Enable TCP port + + + + + + Use specific port: + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + + + + + Enable UDP port + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + + + + + Audio + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + + + + + + Add... + + + + + + Remove + + + + + + Change... + + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + + + + + <b>Wine</b> + + + + + Executable + + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + + + + + Prefix + + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + + + + + Fallback: + + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + + + + + Realtime Priority + + + + + Base priority: + + + + + WineServer priority: + + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + + + + + Enable plugin bridges + + + + + Enable Wine bridges + + + + + Enable jack applications + + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + + + + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + + + + + Attack: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + + + + + Release: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + + + + + Knee: + + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + + + + + Range: + + + + + Maximum gain reduction + + + + + Lookahead Length: + + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + + + + + Hold: + + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + + + + + RMS Size: + + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + + + + + Input Balance: + + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Output Balance: + + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Balance: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + + + + + Tilt Gain: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + + + + + Tilt Frequency: + + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + + + + + Mix: + + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + + + + + Auto Attack: + + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + + + + + Auto Release: + + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + + + + + Output gain + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output volume + + + + + Input gain + + + + + Input volume + + + + + Root Mean Square + + + + + Use RMS of the input + + + + + Peak + + + + + Use absolute value of the input + + + + + Left/Right + + + + + Compress left and right audio + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Compress mid and side audio + + + + + Compressor + + + + + Compress the audio + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + + + + + Unlinked + + + + + Compress each channel separately + + + + + Maximum + + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + + + + + Average + + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + + + + + Minimum + + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + + + + + Blend + + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + + + + + + Soft Clip + + + + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + + + + + Ratio + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Knee + + + + + Hold + + + + + Range + + + + + RMS Size + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + + + + + Input Gain + + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Input controller + + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + გაუქმება + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + + + + + Confirm Delete + + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + + + + + Rename controller + + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + + + + + LFO + + + + + &Remove this controller + + + + + Re&name this controller + + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + + + + + Band 1 gain: + + + + + Band 2 gain + + + + + Band 2 gain: + + + + + Band 3 gain + + + + + Band 3 gain: + + + + + Band 4 gain + + + + + Band 4 gain: + + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + Feedback + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + + Gain + + + + + MIX + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + + + + + Record + + + + + Record while playing + + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + + + + + + Name + + + + + Type + + + + + Description + + + + + Author + + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + + + + + 128 KBit/s + + + + + 160 KBit/s + + + + + 192 KBit/s + + + + + 256 KBit/s + + + + + 320 KBit/s + + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + გაუქმება + + + + Could not open file + ფაილი არ გაიხსნა + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + შეცდომა + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + ბრაუზერი + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + შეცდომა + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + + + + + Volume + + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + + + + + Panning + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + + + + + Volume: + + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + + + + + Volume: + + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + + + + + + + Next + + + + + Previous (%1) + + + + + Next (%1) + + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + + + Could not open file + ფაილი არ გაიხსნა + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + + + Version %1 + + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + + + + + My Projects + + + + + My Samples + + + + + My Presets + + + + + My Home + + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + + + + + My Computer + + + + + &File + + + + + &New + + + + + &Open... + + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + Save as New &Version + + + + + Save as default template + + + + + Import... + + + + + E&xport... + + + + + E&xport Tracks... + + + + + Export &MIDI... + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Edit + + + + + Undo + + + + + Redo + + + + + Settings + + + + + &View + + + + + &Tools + + + + + &Help + + + + + Online Help + + + + + Help + + + + + About + + + + + Create new project + + + + + Create new project from template + + + + + Open existing project + + + + + Recently opened projects + + + + + Save current project + + + + + Export current project + + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + + Piano Roll + + + + + + Automation Editor + + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + + + + + Untitled + + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Open Project + + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + + Save Project + + + + + LMMS Project + LMMS-ის პროექტი + + + + LMMS Project Template + LMMS-ის პროექტის შაბლონი + + + + Save project template + + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + + + + + + untitled + + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + + + + + Project saved + + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + + + + + Project NOT saved. + + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + + + + + Import file + + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + + + + + All file types + + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + Track + + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + + + + + &Edit + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + + + + + Output channel + + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events + + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + Digital Triangle wave + + + + + Digital Saw wave + + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Ramp wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + + + + + + + Panning + + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + + + + + + Rate + + + + + + Phase + + + + + + Pre-delay + + + + + + Hold + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Sustain + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + + + + + Enable channel 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + + + + + Noise Frequency + + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + + + + + + Osc %1 panning + + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + Modulation type %1 + + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + გაუქმება + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Tune + + + + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + + + + + Open patch file + + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + + + + + Peak Controller Bug + + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + + + + + LFO Controller + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + MULT + + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + + + + + Attack: + + + + + DCAY + + + + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Treshold + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + + + + + Note Panning + + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + + + + + Effects + + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + გაუქმება + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + + + + + %1+Y + + + + + &Copy + + + + + %1+C + + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + + + + + &Paste + + + + + %1+V + + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + Help + + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + + + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + + + + + + + + + + No + + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + + + + + File: + + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + + + + + Color: + + + + + Output + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Size + + + + + Color + + + + + Output gain + + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + + + + + Panning + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + გაუქმება + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + + + + + minute + + + + + Disabled + + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Noise + + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + ფაილი არ გაიხსნა + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + შეცდომა + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + გაუქმება + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + + + + + .FXP + + + + + .FXB + + + + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + + + + + Volume A2 + + + + + Volume B1 + + + + + Volume B2 + + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + + + + + + + + Panning + + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + + + + + + Invert + + + + + + Smooth + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + + + + + A1 + + + + + A2 + + + + + A3 + + + + + W1 smoothing + + + + + W2 smoothing + + + + + W3 smoothing + + + + + Panning 1 + + + + + Panning 2 + + + + + Rel trans + + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Select oscillator W1 + + + + + Select oscillator W2 + + + + + Select oscillator W3 + + + + + Select output O1 + + + + + Select output O2 + + + + + Open help window + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Moog-saw wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + WaveInterpolate + + + + + ExpressionValid + + + + + General purpose 1: + + + + + General purpose 2: + + + + + General purpose 3: + + + + + O1 panning: + + + + + O2 panning: + + + + + Release transition: + + + + + Smoothness + + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + + + + + Filter frequency + + + + + Filter resonance + + + + + Bandwidth + + + + + FM gain + + + + + Resonance center frequency + + + + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + + + + + PORT + + + + + Filter frequency: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Filter resonance: + + + + + RES + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + BW + + + + + FM gain: + + + + + FM GAIN + + + + + Resonance center frequency: + + + + + RES CF + + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + + + + + RES BW + + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + + + + + Start of sample + + + + + End of sample + + + + + Loopback point + + + + + Reverse sample + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Stutter + + + + + Interpolation mode + + + + + None + + + + + Linear + + + + + Sinc + + + + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + Interpolation + + + + + Normalize + + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ATTACK + + + + + Peak attack time: + + + + + RELEASE + + + + + Peak release time: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: average + + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Attack time + + + + + Release time + + + + + Stereo mode + + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + + + + + End frequency + + + + + Length + + + + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + + Gain + + + + + Envelope slope + + + + + Noise + + + + + Click + + + + + Frequency slope + + + + + Start from note + + + + + End to note + + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + + + + + End frequency: + + + + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Envelope length: + + + + + Envelope slope: + + + + + Click: + + + + + Noise: + + + + + Start distortion: + + + + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + + + + + + Unavailable Effects + + + + + + Instruments + + + + + + Analysis Tools + + + + + + Don't know + + + + + Type: + + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + + + + + Description + + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + + + + Name + + + + + Rate + + + + + Direction + + + + + Type + + + + + Min < Default < Max + + + + + Logarithmic + + + + + SR Dependent + + + + + Audio + + + + + Control + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Toggled + + + + + Integer + + + + + Float + + + + + + Yes + + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + VCF Resonance + + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + Distortion + + + + + Waveform + + + + + Slide Decay + + + + + Slide + + + + + Accent + + + + + Dead + + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + Env Mod: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + + + Slide Decay: + + + + + DIST: + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + + + + + Rounded square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + + + + Moog wave + + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + + + + + + White noise wave + + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + + + + + Click here for white-noise. + + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + + + + Bandlimited square wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + + + + + Position + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + ADSR + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Motion + + + + + Speed + + + + + Bowed + + + + + Spread + + + + + Marimba + + + + + Vibraphone + + + + + Agogo + + + + + Wood 1 + + + + + Reso + + + + + Wood 2 + + + + + Beats + + + + + Two fixed + + + + + Clump + + + + + Tubular bells + + + + + Uniform bar + + + + + Tuned bar + + + + + Glass + + + + + Tibetan bowl + + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + + + + + Spread + + + + + Spread: + + + + + Missing files + + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + + + + Hardness + + + + + Hardness: + + + + + Position + + + + + Position: + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato gain: + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Vibrato frequency: + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Stick mix: + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Modulator: + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + Crossfade: + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO speed: + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + + + + + ADSR: + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Pressure: + + + + + Speed + + + + + Speed: + + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + + + + + VST sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VST Sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + + + + + Volume + + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + + + + + Volume: + + + + + Randomise + + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + გაუქმება + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + Reverb + + + + + Reverb room size + + + + + Reverb damping + + + + + Reverb width + + + + + Reverb level + + + + + Chorus + + + + + Chorus voices + + + + + Chorus level + + + + + Chorus speed + + + + + Chorus depth + + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + + + + + Room size: + + + + + Damping: + + + + + Width: + + + + + + Level: + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + + + + + Voices: + + + + + Speed: + + + + + Depth: + + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + + + + + Width: + + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + + + + + Left to Right Vol: + + + + + Right to Left Vol: + + + + + Right to Right Vol: + + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + + + + + Left to Right + + + + + Right to Left + + + + + Right to Right + + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + + + + + String %1 stiffness + + + + + Pick %1 position + + + + + Pickup %1 position + + + + + String %1 panning + + + + + String %1 detune + + + + + String %1 fuzziness + + + + + String %1 length + + + + + Impulse %1 + + + + + String %1 + + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + + + String stiffness: + + + + + Pick position: + + + + + Pickup position: + + + + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + + Octave + + + + + Impulse Editor + + + + + Enable waveform + + + + + Enable/disable string + + + + + String + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + + Normalize waveform + + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + + + + + Voice %1 attack + + + + + Voice %1 decay + + + + + Voice %1 sustain + + + + + Voice %1 release + + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + + + + + Voice %1 sync + + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + + + + + Voice %1 filtered + + + + + Voice %1 test + + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Clip input + + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + diff --git a/data/locale/ko.ts b/data/locale/ko.ts index a6b450a9ee7..7373b5ca9a7 100644 --- a/data/locale/ko.ts +++ b/data/locale/ko.ts @@ -1,57 +1,63 @@ - - - + AboutDialog + About LMMS LMMS에 대하여 + LMMS LMMS + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + 버전 %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + About 정보 + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - 누구나 쉽게 할 수 있는 음악 제작. + + + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + Authors 개발자 + Involved 기여자 + Contributors ordered by number of commits: 기여자 (기여 순으로 정렬): + Translation 번역 - License - 라이선스 - - - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - 버전 %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - - - LMMS - easy music production for everyone. - LMMS - 누구나 쉽게 할 수 있는 음악 제작. - - - Copyright © %1. - Copyright © %1. - - - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - - + Current language not translated (or native English). If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! 송현진 (Hyunjin Song) <tteu.ingog@gmail.com> @@ -59,38 +65,51 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp LMMS를 다른 언어로 번역하고 싶다거나 기존 번역을 개선하고 싶다면 저희를 도와주세요! LMMS 관리자와의 연락을 통해 참여하실 수 있습니다. + + + License + 라이선스 + AmplifierControlDialog + VOL 음량 + Volume: 음량: + PAN 패닝 + Panning: 패닝: + LEFT 왼쪽 + Left gain: 왼쪽 이득: + RIGHT 오른쪽 + Right gain: 오른쪽 이득: @@ -98,18 +117,22 @@ LMMS를 다른 언어로 번역하고 싶다거나 기존 번역을 개선하고 AmplifierControls + Volume 음량 + Panning 패닝 + Left gain 왼쪽 이득 + Right gain 오른쪽 이득 @@ -117,10 +140,12 @@ LMMS를 다른 언어로 번역하고 싶다거나 기존 번역을 개선하고 AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE 장치 + CHANNELS 채널 @@ -128,49 +153,60 @@ LMMS를 다른 언어로 번역하고 싶다거나 기존 번역을 개선하고 AudioFileProcessorView + + Open sample + 샘플 파일 열기 + + + Reverse sample 샘플 역으로 + Disable loop 반복 비활성화 + Enable loop 반복 활성화 + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + Continue sample playback across notes 샘플을 여러 음표에 걸쳐 계속 재생 + Amplify: 증폭: - Loopback point: - 루프 시작점: - - - Open sample - 샘플 열기 - - - Enable ping-pong loop - 양방향 반복 활성화 - - + Start point: 시작점: + End point: 끝점: + + + Loopback point: + 루프 시작점: + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: 샘플 길이: @@ -178,391 +214,469 @@ LMMS를 다른 언어로 번역하고 싶다거나 기존 번역을 개선하고 AudioJack + JACK client restarted JACK 클라이언트 다시 시작됨 + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. 알 수 없는 이유로 인해 LMMS와 JACK과의 연결이 끊겼습니다. LMMS의 JACK 드라이버를 다시 시작합니다. 수동으로 연결을 시도할 수도 있습니다. + JACK server down JACK 서버 다운됨 + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. JACK 서버가 종료된 것 같습니다. 더 이상 작업을 진행할 수 없습니다. 프로젝트를 저장한 뒤 JACK과 LMMS를 다시 시작하세요. - CLIENT-NAME - 클라이언트 이름 + + Client name + - CHANNELS - 채널 + + Channels + AudioOss - DEVICE - 장치 + + Device + - CHANNELS - 채널 + + Channels + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - 드라이버 + + Backend + - DEVICE - 장치 + + Device + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - 장치 + + Device + - CHANNELS - 채널 + + Channels + AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - 장치 + + Device + AudioSndio - DEVICE - 장치 + + Device + - CHANNELS - 채널 + + Channels + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - 드라이버 + + Backend + - DEVICE - 장치 + + Device + AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) 초기화 (%1%2)(&R) + &Copy value (%1%2) 값 복사 (%1%2)(&C) + &Paste value (%1%2) 값 붙여넣기 (%1%2)(&P) + + &Paste value + 값 붙여넣기(&P) + + + Edit song-global automation 전역 오토메이션 편집 + Remove song-global automation 전역 오토메이션 제거 + Remove all linked controls 연결 제거 + Connected to %1 %1에 연결됨 + Connected to controller 컨트롤러에 연결됨 + Edit connection... 연결 편집... + Remove connection 연결 제거 + Connect to controller... 컨트롤러에 연결... - - &Paste value - 값 붙여넣기(&P) - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - 컨트롤의 컨텍스트 메뉴에서 오토메이션 패턴을 여시기 바랍니다! + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + - Values copied - 값 복사됨 + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - 선택한 모든 값이 클립보드에 복사되었습니다. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + 컨트롤의 컨텍스트 메뉴에서 오토메이션 패턴을 여시기 바랍니다! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) 현재 패턴 재생/일시정지 (Space) - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) 현재 패턴 정지 (Space) + Edit actions 편집 동작 + Draw mode (Shift+D) 그리기 모드 (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) 지우기 모드 (Shift+E) + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically 상하 반전 + Flip horizontally 좌우 반전 + Interpolation controls - + + Discrete progression 이산적 진행 + Linear progression 선형 진행 + Cubic Hermite progression 3차 에르미트 진행 + Tension value for spline - + + Tension: - 장력: - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - 선택된 값 잘라내기 (%1+X) + - Copy selected values (%1+C) - 선택된 값 복사 (%1+C) + + Zoom controls + - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - 선택된 값 붙여넣기 (%1+V) + + Horizontal zooming + 수평 줌 - Zoom controls - + + Vertical zooming + 수직 줌 + Quantization controls - + + Quantization - + - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip 오토메이션 편집기 - 패턴 없음 + + Automation Editor - %1 오토메이션 편집기 - %1 - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. 대상이 이미 패턴에 연결되어 있습니다. - - Horizontal zooming - - - - Vertical zooming - - - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> <%1> 키를 누른 채로 드래그 - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor 오토메이션 편집기에서 열기 + Clear 지우기 + Reset name 이름 초기화 + Change name 이름 바꾸기 + Set/clear record 녹음 설정/해제 + Flip Vertically (Visible) 상하 반전 + Flip Horizontally (Visible) 좌우 반전 + %1 Connections %1개의 연결 + Disconnect "%1" "%1" 연결 해제 - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. 대상이 이미 패턴과 연결되어 있습니다. AutomationTrack + Automation track 오토메이션 트랙 - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor 비트/베이스 라인 편집기 + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) 현재 비트/베이스 라인 재생/일시정지 (Space) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) 현재 비트/베이스 라인 정지 (Space) + Beat selector 비트 선택기 + Track and step actions - + + Add beat/bassline 비트/베이스 라인 추가 + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + Add sample-track 샘플 트랙 추가 + Add automation-track 오토메이션 트랙 추가 + Remove steps - + + Add steps - + + Clone Steps - + - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor 비트/베이스 라인 편집기에서 열기 + Reset name 이름 초기화 + Change name 이름 바꾸기 - - Change color - 색상 바꾸기 - - - Reset color to default - 색상을 기본값으로 되돌리기 - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 비트/베이스 라인 %1 + Clone of %1 %1의 복제 @@ -570,26 +684,32 @@ LMMS를 다른 언어로 번역하고 싶다거나 기존 번역을 개선하고 BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ 주파수 + Frequency: 주파수: + GAIN 이득 + Gain: 이득: + RATIO 비율 + Ratio: 비율: @@ -597,14 +717,17 @@ LMMS를 다른 언어로 번역하고 싶다거나 기존 번역을 개선하고 BassBoosterControls + Frequency 주파수 + Gain 이득 + Ratio 비율 @@ -612,5907 +735,12331 @@ LMMS를 다른 언어로 번역하고 싶다거나 기존 번역을 개선하고 BitcrushControlDialog + IN 입력 + OUT 출력 + + GAIN 이득 - NOISE - 잡음 + + Input gain: + 입력 이득: - CLIP - 클리핑 + + NOISE + 잡음 - FREQ - 주파수 + + Input noise: + 입력 잡음: - Sample rate: - 샘플 레이트: + + Output gain: + 출력 이득: - STEREO - 스테레오 + + CLIP + 클리핑 - Stereo difference: - 좌우 차이: + + Output clip: + 출력 클리핑: - QUANT - + + Rate enabled + - Levels: - + + Enable sample-rate crushing + - Input gain: - 입력 이득: + + Depth enabled + - Input noise: - + + Enable bit-depth crushing + - Output gain: - 출력 이득: + + FREQ + 주파수 - Output clip: - + + Sample rate: + 샘플 레이트: - Rate enabled - + + STEREO + 스테레오 - Enable sample-rate crushing - + + Stereo difference: + 좌우 차이: - Depth enabled - + + QUANT + - Enable bit-depth crushing - + + Levels: + BitcrushControls + Input gain 입력 이득 + Input noise - + + Output gain 출력 이득 + Output clip - + 출력 클리핑 + Sample rate - + 샘플 레이트 + Stereo difference - + 좌우 차이 + Levels - + + Rate enabled - + + Depth enabled - - - - - CarlaInstrumentView - - Show GUI - GUI 표시 - - - - Controller - - Controller %1 - 컨트롤러 %1 + - ControllerConnectionDialog - - Connection Settings - 연결 설정 - - - MIDI CONTROLLER - MIDI 컨트롤러 - - - Input channel - 입력 채널 - - - CHANNEL - 채널 - - - Input controller - 입력 컨트롤러 - + CarlaAboutW - CONTROLLER - 컨트롤러 + + About Carla + - Auto Detect - 자동 감지 + + About + 정보 - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - + + About text here + - USER CONTROLLER - 사용자 지정 컨트롤러 + + Extended licensing here + - MAPPING FUNCTION - 매핑 함수 + + Artwork + - OK - 확인 + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - Cancel - 취소 + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - LMMS - LMMS + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - Cycle Detected. - 순환 연결이 감지되었습니다. + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - 컨트롤러 랙 + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - Add - 추가 + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - Confirm Delete - 삭제 확인 + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - 정말 삭제하시겠습니까? 이 컨트롤러와의 연결이 존재합니다. 이 동작은 취소할 수 없습니다. + + Features + - - - ControllerView - Controls - 컨트롤 + + AU/AudioUnit: + - Rename controller - 컨트롤러 이름 바꾸기 + + LADSPA: + - Enter the new name for this controller - 컨트롤러의 새 이름을 입력하세요 + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - LFO - LFO + + VST2: + - &Remove this controller - 컨트롤러 제거(&R) + + DSSI: + - Re&name this controller - 컨트롤러 이름 바꾸기(&N) + + LV2: + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 crossover: - + + VST3: + - Band 2/3 crossover: - + + OSC + - Band 3/4 crossover: - + + Host URLs: + - Band 1 gain - + + Valid commands: + - Band 1 gain: - + + valid osc commands here + - Band 2 gain - + + Example: + - Band 2 gain: - + + License + 라이선스 - Band 3 gain - - - - Band 3 gain: - - - - Band 4 gain - + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - Band 4 gain: - + + OSC Bridge Version + - Band 1 mute - + + Plugin Version + - Mute band 1 - + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + - Band 2 mute - + + + (Engine not running) + - Mute band 2 - + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + - Band 3 mute - + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - Mute band 3 - + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - Band 4 mute - + + + + Using Juce host + - Mute band 4 - + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + - DelayControls + CarlaHostW - Feedback - 피드백 + + MainWindow + - Output gain - 출력 이득 + + Rack + - Delay samples - + + Patchbay + - LFO frequency - LFO 주파수 + + Logs + - LFO amount - + + Loading... + - - - DelayControlsDialog - DELAY - 지연 + + Buffer Size: + - FDBK - 피드백 + + Sample Rate: + - RATE - + + ? Xruns + - AMNT - + + DSP Load: %p% + - Gain - 이득 + + &File + 파일(&F) - Delay time - + + &Engine + - Feedback amount - + + &Plugin + - LFO frequency - + + Macros (all plugins) + - LFO amount - + + &Canvas + - Out gain - 출력 이득 + + Zoom + - - - DualFilterControlDialog - FREQ - 주파수 + + &Settings + - Cutoff frequency - 차단 주파수 + + &Help + 도움말(&H) - RESO - 공명 + + toolBar + - Resonance - 공명 + + Disk + - GAIN - 이득 + + + Home + - Gain - 이득 + + Transport + - MIX - + + Playback Controls + - Mix - + + Time Information + - Filter 1 enabled - 필터 1 활성화됨 + + Frame: + - Filter 2 enabled - 필터 2 활성화됨 + + 000'000'000 + - Enable/disable filter 1 - + + Time: + - Enable/disable filter 2 - + + 00:00:00 + - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - 필터 1 활성화됨 + + BBT: + - Filter 1 type - 필터 1 종류 + + 000|00|0000 + - Q/Resonance 1 - 필터 1 Q/공명 + + Settings + 설정 - Gain 1 - 이득 1 + + BPM + - Mix - + + Use JACK Transport + - Filter 2 enabled - 필터 2 활성화됨 + + Use Ableton Link + - Filter 2 type - 필터 2 종류 + + &New + 새로 만들기(&N) - Q/Resonance 2 - Q/공명 2 + + Ctrl+N + - Gain 2 - 이득 2 + + &Open... + 열기(&O)... - Notch - 노치 + + + Open... + - Moog - Moog + + Ctrl+O + - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + &Save + 저장(&S) - SV Notch - SV 노치 + + Ctrl+S + - Fast Formant - + + Save &As... + 다른 이름으로 저장(&A)... - Tripole - + + + Save As... + - Cutoff frequency 1 - + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - Cutoff frequency 2 - + + &Quit + 끝내기(&Q) - Low-pass - + + Ctrl+Q + - Hi-pass - + + &Start + - Band-pass csg - + + F5 + - Band-pass czpg - + + St&op + - All-pass - + + F6 + - 2x Low-pass - + + &Add Plugin... + - RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct - + + Ctrl+A + - RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct - + + &Remove All + - RC High-pass 12 dB/oct - + + Enable + - RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct - + + Disable + - RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct - + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - RC High-pass 24 dB/oct - + + 100% Wet + - Vocal Formant - + + 0% Volume (Mute) + - SV Low-pass - + + 100% Volume + - SV Band-pass - + + Center Balance + - SV High-pass - + + &Play + - - - Editor - Transport controls - + + Ctrl+Shift+P + - Play (Space) - 재생 (Space) + + &Stop + - Stop (Space) - 정지 (Space) + + Ctrl+Shift+X + - Record - 녹음 + + &Backwards + - Record while playing - 재생하면서 녹음 + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - Toggle Step Recording - + + &Forwards + - - - Effect - Effect enabled - 효과 활성화됨 + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - Wet/Dry mix - + + &Arrange + - Gate - 게이트 + + Ctrl+G + - Decay - + + + &Refresh + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - 효과 활성화됨 + + Ctrl+R + - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - 효과 체인 + + Save &Image... + - Add effect - 효과 추가 + + Auto-Fit + - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - 효과 추가 + + Zoom In + - Name - 이름 + + Ctrl++ + - Type - 형태 + + Zoom Out + - Description - 요약 + + Ctrl+- + - Author - 개발자 + + Zoom 100% + - - - EffectView - On/Off - 켬/끔 + + Ctrl+1 + - W/D - + + Show &Toolbar + - Wet Level: - + + &Configure Carla + - DECAY - + + &About + - Time: - + + About &JUCE + - GATE - 게이트 + + About &Qt + - Gate: - 게이트: + + Show Canvas &Meters + - Controls - 컨트롤 + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - Move &up - 위로 이동(&U) + + Show Internal + - Move &down - 아래로 이동(&D) + + Show External + - &Remove this plugin - 플러그인 제거(&R) + + Show Time Panel + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Env pre-delay - + + Show &Side Panel + - Env attack - + + &Connect... + - Env hold - + + Compact Slots + - Env decay - + + Expand Slots + - Env sustain - + + Perform secret 1 + - Env release - + + Perform secret 2 + - Env mod amount - + + Perform secret 3 + - LFO pre-delay - + + Perform secret 4 + - LFO attack - + + Perform secret 5 + - LFO frequency - + + Add &JACK Application... + - LFO mod amount - + + &Configure driver... + - LFO wave shape - + + Panic + - LFO frequency x 100 - - - - Modulate env amount - + + Open custom driver panel... + - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaHostWindow - DEL - + + Export as... + - ATT - + + + + + Error + 오류 - Attack: - + + Failed to load project + - HOLD - + + Failed to save project + - Hold: - + + Quit + - DEC - 감쇠 + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - Decay: - 감쇠: + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - SUST - + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - Sustain: - + + Warning + - REL - + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + CarlaInstrumentView - Release: - + + Show GUI + GUI 표시 + + + CarlaSettingsW - AMT - + + Settings + 설정 - Modulation amount: - + + main + - SPD - 속도 + + canvas + - FREQ x 100 - 주파수 x 100 + + engine + - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + osc + - Hint - + + file-paths + - Pre-delay: - + + plugin-paths + - Frequency: - 주파수: + + wine + - Multiply LFO frequency by 100 - + + experimental + - MODULATE ENV AMOUNT - + + Widget + - Control envelope amount by this LFO - + + + Main + - Drag and drop a sample into this window. - + + + Canvas + - - - EqControls - Input gain - 입력 이득 + + + Engine + - Output gain - 출력 이득 + + File Paths + - Peak 1 gain - 피크 1 이득 + + Plugin Paths + - Peak 2 gain - 피크 2 이득 + + Wine + - Peak 3 gain - 피크 3 이득 + + + Experimental + - Peak 4 gain - 피크 4 이득 + + <b>Main</b> + - HP res - 고역 필터 공명 + + Paths + 경로 - Peak 1 BW - 피크 1 대역폭 + + Default project folder: + - Peak 2 BW - 피크 2 대역폭 + + Interface + - Peak 3 BW - 피크 3 대역폭 + + Interface refresh interval: + - Peak 4 BW - 피크 4 대역폭 + + + ms + - LP res - 저역 필터 공명 + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - HP freq - 고역 필터 주파수 + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - Peak 1 freq - 피크 1 주파수 + + + Theme + - Peak 2 freq - 피크 2 주파수 + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - Peak 3 freq - 피크 3 주파수 + + Color scheme: + - Peak 4 freq - 피크 4 주파수 + + Black + - LP freq - 저역 필터 주파수 + + System + - HP active - + + Enable experimental features + - Peak 1 active - 피크 1 활성화 + + <b>Canvas</b> + - Peak 2 active - 피크 2 활성화 + + Bezier Lines + - Peak 3 active - 피크 3 활성화 + + Theme: + - Peak 4 active - 피크 4 활성화 + + Size: + - LP active - + + 775x600 + - LP 12 - LP 12 + + 1550x1200 + - LP 24 - LP 24 + + 3100x2400 + - LP 48 - LP 48 + + 4650x3600 + - HP 12 - HP 12 + + 6200x4800 + - HP 24 - HP 24 + + Options + - HP 48 - HP 48 + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - Analyse IN - 입력 신호 분석 + + Auto-select items on hover + - Analyse OUT - 출력 신호 분석 + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - Low-shelf gain - + + Render Hints + - High-shelf gain - + + Anti-Aliasing + - Low-shelf res - + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - High-shelf res - + + <b>Engine</b> + - Low-shelf freq - + + + Core + - High-shelf freq - + + Single Client + - Low-shelf active - + + Multiple Clients + - High-shelf active - + + + Continuous Rack + - Low-pass type - + + + Patchbay + - High-pass type - + + Audio driver: + - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - + + Process mode: + - Peak 1 - 피크 1 + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + - Peak 2 - 피크 2 + + Max Parameters: + - Peak 3 - 피크 3 + + ... + - Peak 4 - 피크 4 + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + - LP - + + Plugin UIs + - Gain - 이득 + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + - Bandwidth: - 대역폭: + + UI Bridge Timeout: + - Octave - 옥타브 + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + - Resonance : - 공명 : + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + - Frequency: - 주파수: + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + - Low-shelf - + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + - High-shelf - + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + - Input gain - 입력 이득 + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + - Output gain - 출력 이득 + + <b>OSC</b> + - LP group - + + Enable OSC + - HP group - + + Enable TCP port + - - - EqHandle - Reso: - 공명: + + + Use specific port: + - BW: - 대역폭: + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + - Freq: - 주파수: + + + Use randomly assigned port + - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - 프로젝트 내보내기 + + Enable UDP port + - File format: - 파일 형식: + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + <b>File Paths</b> + - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Audio + 오디오 - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + MIDI + MIDI - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - Stereo mode: - 스테레오 모드: + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - Stereo - 스테레오 + + + Add... + - Mono - 모노 + + + Remove + - Bitrate: - 비트 레이트: + + + Change... + - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + LADSPA + - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + DSSI + - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + LV2 + - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + VST2 + - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + VST3 + - Use variable bitrate - 가변 비트레이트 사용 + + SF2/3 + - Quality settings - 품질 설정 + + SFZ + - Interpolation: - 보간법: + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + - 1x (None) - 1x (사용하지 않음) + + <b>Wine</b> + - 2x - 2x + + Executable + - 4x - 4x + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - 8x - 8x + + Prefix + - Export between loop markers - 반복 마커 사이 구간만 내보내기 + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - Start - 시작 + + Fallback: + - Cancel - 취소 + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + - Could not open file - 파일을 열 수 없음 + + Realtime Priority + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - 파일 %1을(를) 쓰기 위하여 열 수 없습니다. -경로에 파일이 존재하고 파일에 쓸 수 있는 권한이 있는지 확인 후 다시 시도하시기 바랍니다! + + Base priority: + - Export project to %1 - %1(으)로 프로젝트 내보내기 + + WineServer priority: + - Error - 오류 + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - 파일 인코더를 결정하는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다. 다른 포맷을 선택하여 다시 시도해 보세요. + + <b>Experimental</b> + - Rendering: %1% - 렌더링: %1% + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - Compression level: - + + Enable plugin bridges + - Export as loop (remove extra bar) - 루프 곡처럼 내보내기 (후반부 여백 제거) + + Enable Wine bridges + - Render Looped Section: - + + Enable jack applications + - time(s) - + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - File format settings - + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - Sampling rate: - + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - Bit depth: - + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - 16 Bit integer - 16비트 정수 + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - 24 Bit integer - 24비트 정수 + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 32 Bit float - 32비트 실수 + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - Joint stereo - + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - Zero order hold - + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - Sinc worst (fastest) - + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - Sinc medium (recommended) - + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - Sinc best (slowest) - - - - Oversampling: - - - - ( Fastest - biggest ) - - - - ( Slowest - smallest ) - + + + + + Add Path + - Fader + CompressorControlDialog - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - %1부터 %2까지의 값을 입력하세요: + + Threshold: + - Set value - 값 설정 + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - - - FileBrowser - Browser - 탐색기 + + Ratio: + 비율: - Search - 검색 + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - Refresh list - 목록 새로고침 + + Attack: + - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - 활성화된 악기 트랙에서 열기 + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - 새로운 악기 트랙이나 노래 편집기에서 열기 + + Release: + - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - 새로운 악기 트랙이나 비트/베이스 라인 편집기에서 열기 + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - Loading sample - 샘플을 로딩하는 중 + + Knee: + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - 미리보기를 위하여 샘플을 로딩하는 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주세요... + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - Error - 오류 + + Range: + - does not appear to be a valid - + + Maximum gain reduction + - file - 파일 + + Lookahead Length: + - --- Factory files --- - + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - - - FlangerControls - Seconds - + + Hold: + - Regen - + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Noise - 잡음 + + RMS Size: + - Invert - 파형 반전 + + Size of the RMS buffer + - Delay samples - + + Input Balance: + - LFO frequency - LFO 주파수 + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - DELAY - 지연 + + Output Balance: + - RATE - + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Period: - + + Stereo Balance: + - AMNT - + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - Amount: - + + Stereo Link Blend: + - FDBK - 피드백 + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + - NOISE - 잡음 + + Tilt Gain: + - Invert - 파형 반전 + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + - Delay time: - + + Tilt Frequency: + - Feedback amount: - + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + - White noise amount: - + + Mix: + - - - FreeBoyInstrument - Sweep time - + + Balance between wet and dry signals + - Sweep direction - + + Auto Attack: + - Channel 1 volume - + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + - Volume sweep direction - + + Auto Release: + - Length of each step in sweep - + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + - Channel 2 volume - + + Output gain + 출력 이득 - Channel 3 volume - + + + Gain + 이득 - Channel 4 volume - + + Output volume + - Shift Register width - + + Input gain + 입력 이득 - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Input volume + - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - + + Root Mean Square + - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - + + Use RMS of the input + - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - + + Peak + - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Use absolute value of the input + - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - + + Left/Right + - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Compress left and right audio + - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - + + Mid/Side + - Treble - + + Compress mid and side audio + - Bass - + + Compressor + - Sweep rate shift amount - + + Compress the audio + - Wave pattern duty cycle - + + Limiter + - Right output level - + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - Left output level - + + Unlinked + - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Length of each step in sweep: - + + Compress each channel separately + - Length of each step in sweep - + + Maximum + - Treble: - + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - Treble - + + Average + - Bass: - + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - Bass - + + Minimum + - Sweep time: - + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - Sweep time - + + Blend + - Sweep rate shift amount: - + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - Sweep rate shift amount - + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Wave pattern duty cycle: - + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - Wave pattern duty cycle - + + + Soft Clip + - Square channel 1 volume: - + + Play the delta signal + - Square channel 1 volume - + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - Square channel 2 volume: - + + Lookahead Enabled + - Square channel 2 volume - + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + CompressorControls - Wave pattern channel volume: - + + Threshold + - Wave pattern channel volume - + + Ratio + 비율 - Noise channel volume: - + + Attack + - Noise channel volume - + + Release + - SO1 volume (Right): - + + Knee + - SO1 volume (Right) - + + Hold + - SO2 volume (Left): - + + Range + - SO2 volume (Left) - + + RMS Size + - Sweep direction - + + Mid/Side + - Volume sweep direction - + + Peak Mode + - Shift register width - + + Lookahead Length + - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Input Balance + - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - + + Output Balance + - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Limiter + - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - + + Output Gain + 출력 이득 - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Input Gain + 입력 이득 - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - + + Blend + - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - + + Stereo Balance + - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Wave pattern graph - + + Audition + - - - FxLine - Channel send amount - + + Feedback + 피드백 - Move &left - 왼쪽으로 이동(&L) + + Auto Attack + - Move &right - 오른쪽으로 이동(&R) + + Auto Release + - Rename &channel - 채널 이름 바꾸기(&C) + + Lookahead + - R&emove channel - 채널 제거(&R) + + Tilt + - Remove &unused channels - 사용하지 않는 채널 제거(&U) + + Tilt Frequency + - - - FxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: - 채널 할당: + + Stereo Link + - New FX Channel - 새 FX 채널 + + Mix + - FxMixer + Controller - Master - 마스터 + + Controller %1 + 컨트롤러 %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Connection Settings + 연결 설정 - Volume - 음량 + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI 컨트롤러 - Mute - 음소거 + + Input channel + 입력 채널 - Solo - 독주 + + CHANNEL + 채널 - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - FX-믹서 + + Input controller + 입력 컨트롤러 - FX Fader %1 - FX 페이더 %1 + + CONTROLLER + 컨트롤러 - Mute - 음소거 + + + Auto Detect + 자동 감지 - Mute this FX channel - 이 채널 음소거 + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + - Solo - 독주 + + USER CONTROLLER + 사용자 지정 컨트롤러 - Solo FX channel - 이 채널 독주 + + MAPPING FUNCTION + 매핑 함수 - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - 채널 %1에서 채널 %2(으)로 보낼 양 + + OK + 확인 - - - GigInstrument - Bank - 뱅크 + + Cancel + 취소 - Patch - 패치 + + LMMS + LMMS - Gain - 이득 + + Cycle Detected. + 순환 연결이 감지되었습니다. - GigInstrumentView + ControllerRackView - Open GIG file - GIG 파일 열기 + + Controller Rack + 컨트롤러 랙 - GIG Files (*.gig) - GIG 파일 (*.gig) + + Add + 추가 - Choose patch - + + Confirm Delete + 삭제 확인 - Gain: - 이득: + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + 정말 삭제하시겠습니까? 이 컨트롤러와의 연결이 존재합니다. 이 동작은 취소할 수 없습니다. - GuiApplication + ControllerView - Working directory - 작업 경로 + + Controls + 컨트롤 - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - LMMS 작업 경로 %1이(가) 존재하지 않습니다. 지금 만드시겠습니까? 나중에 편집 -> 설정에서 변경할 수 있습니다. + + Rename controller + 컨트롤러 이름 바꾸기 - Preparing UI - UI 준비 + + Enter the new name for this controller + 컨트롤러의 새 이름을 입력하세요 - Preparing song editor - 노래 편집기 준비 + + LFO + LFO - Preparing mixer - 믹서 준비 + + &Remove this controller + 컨트롤러 제거(&R) - Preparing controller rack - 컨트롤러 랙 준비 + + Re&name this controller + 컨트롤러 이름 바꾸기(&N) + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Preparing project notes - 프로젝트 노트 준비 + + Band 1/2 crossover: + 대역 1/2 분할 주파수: - Preparing beat/bassline editor - 비트/베이스 라인 편집기 준비 + + Band 2/3 crossover: + 대역 2/3 분할 주파수: - Preparing piano roll - 피아노 롤 준비 + + Band 3/4 crossover: + 대역 3/4 분할 주파수: - Preparing automation editor - 오토메이션 편집기 준비 + + Band 1 gain + 대역 1 이득 - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Arpeggio - 아르페지오 + + Band 1 gain: + 대역 1 이득: - Arpeggio type - 아르페지오 형태 + + Band 2 gain + 대역 2 이득 - Arpeggio range - 아르페지오 범위 + + Band 2 gain: + 대역 2 이득: - Cycle steps - + + Band 3 gain + 대역 3 이득 - Skip rate - + + Band 3 gain: + 대역 3 이득: - Miss rate - + + Band 4 gain + 대역 4 이득 - Arpeggio time - 아르페지오 시간 + + Band 4 gain: + 대역 4 이득: - Arpeggio gate - 아르페지오 게이트 + + Band 1 mute + 대역 1 음소거 - Arpeggio direction - 아르페지오 방향 + + Mute band 1 + 대역 1 음소거 - Arpeggio mode - 아르페지오 모드 + + Band 2 mute + 대역 2 음소거 - Up - 위로 + + Mute band 2 + 대역 2 음소거 - Down - 아래로 + + Band 3 mute + 대역 3 음소거 - Up and down - 위 다음 아래 + + Mute band 3 + 대역 3 음소거 - Down and up - 아래 다음 위 + + Band 4 mute + 대역 4 음소거 - Random - 무작위 + + Mute band 4 + 대역 4 음소거 + + + DelayControls - Free - 자유 + + Delay samples + - Sort - 정렬 + + Feedback + 피드백 - Sync - 동기화 + + LFO frequency + LFO 주파수 - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - 아르페지오 + + LFO amount + - RANGE - 범위 + + Output gain + 출력 이득 + + + DelayControlsDialog - Arpeggio range: - 아르페지오 범위: + + DELAY + 지연 - octave(s) - 옥타브 + + Delay time + - CYCLE - + + FDBK + 피드백 - Cycle notes: - + + Feedback amount + - note(s) - + + RATE + - SKIP - + + LFO frequency + LFO 주파수 - Skip rate: - + + AMNT + - % - % + + LFO amount + - MISS - + + Out gain + 출력 이득 - Miss rate: - + + Gain + 이득 + + + Dialog - TIME - 시간 + + Add JACK Application + - Arpeggio time: - 아르페지오 시간: + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - ms - ms + + Application + - GATE - 게이트 + + Name: + - Arpeggio gate: - 아르페지오 게이트: + + Application: + - Chord: - 코드: + + From template + - Direction: - 방향: + + Custom + - Mode: - 모드: + + Template: + - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - 옥타브 + + Command: + - Major - + + Setup + - Majb5 - + + Session Manager: + - minor - + + None + 없음 - minb5 - + + Audio inputs: + - sus2 - + + MIDI inputs: + - sus4 - + + Audio outputs: + - aug - + + MIDI outputs: + - augsus4 - + + Take control of main application window + - tri - + + Workarounds + - 6 - 6 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - m6 - + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - m6add9 - + + Error here + - 7 - 7 + + Carla Control - Connect + - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Remote setup + - 7#5 - 7#5 + + UDP Port: + - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Remote host: + - 7#9 - 7#9 + + TCP Port: + - 7b9 - 7b9 + + Reported host + - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + Automatic + - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Custom: + - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Set value + 값 설정 - 7add13 - 7add13 + + TextLabel + - 7#11 - 7#11 + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - Maj7 - + + Driver Settings + - Maj7b5 - + + Device: + - Maj7#5 - + + Buffer size: + - Maj7#11 - + + Sample rate: + 샘플 레이트: - Maj7add13 - + + Triple buffer + - m7 - + + Show Driver Control Panel + - m7b5 - + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + DualFilterControlDialog - m7b9 - + + + FREQ + 주파수 - m7add11 - + + + Cutoff frequency + 차단 주파수 - m7add13 - + + + RESO + 공명 - m-Maj7 - + + + Resonance + 공명 - m-Maj7add11 - + + + GAIN + 이득 - m-Maj7add13 - + + + Gain + 이득 - 9 - 9 + + MIX + - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + Mix + - add9 - add9 + + Filter 1 enabled + 필터 1 활성화됨 - 9#5 - 9#5 + + Filter 2 enabled + 필터 2 활성화됨 - 9b5 - 9b5 + + Enable/disable filter 1 + 필터 1 활성화/비활성화 - 9#11 - 9#11 + + Enable/disable filter 2 + 필터 2 활성화/비활성화 + + + DualFilterControls - 9b13 - 9b13 + + Filter 1 enabled + 필터 1 활성화됨 - Maj9 - + + Filter 1 type + 필터 1 종류 - Maj9sus4 - + + Cutoff frequency 1 + 필터 1 차단 주파수 - Maj9#5 - + + Q/Resonance 1 + 필터 1 Q/공명 - Maj9#11 - + + Gain 1 + 이득 1 - m9 - + + Mix + - madd9 - + + Filter 2 enabled + 필터 2 활성화됨 - m9b5 - + + Filter 2 type + 필터 2 종류 - m9-Maj7 - + + Cutoff frequency 2 + 필터 2 차단 주파수 - 11 - 11 + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/공명 2 - 11b9 - 11b9 + + Gain 2 + 이득 2 - Maj11 - + + + Low-pass + 저역 통과 - m11 - + + + Hi-pass + 고역 통과 - m-Maj11 - + + + Band-pass csg + 대역 통과 csg - 13 - 13 + + + Band-pass czpg + 대역 통과 czpg - 13#9 - 13#9 + + + Notch + 노치 - 13b9 - 13b9 + + + All-pass + 전역 통과 - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + + Moog + Moog - Maj13 - + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x 저역 통과 - m13 - + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC 저역 통과 12 dB/oct - m-Maj13 - + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC 대역 통과 12 dB/oct - Harmonic minor - 화성 단음계 + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC 고역 통과 12 dB/oct - Melodic minor - 가락 단음계 + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC 저역 통과 24 dB/oct - Whole tone - + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC 대역 통과 24 dB/oct - Diminished - + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC 고역 통과 24 dB/oct - Major pentatonic - + + + Vocal Formant + - Minor pentatonic - + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Jap in sen - + + + SV Low-pass + SV 저역 통과 - Major bebop - + + + SV Band-pass + SV 대역 통과 - Dominant bebop - + + + SV High-pass + SV 고역 통과 - Blues - + + + SV Notch + SV 노치 - Arabic - + + + Fast Formant + - Enigmatic - + + + Tripole + + + + Editor - Neopolitan - + + Transport controls + - Neopolitan minor - + + Play (Space) + 재생 (Space) - Hungarian minor - + + Stop (Space) + 정지 (Space) - Dorian - + + Record + 녹음 - Phrygian - + + Record while playing + 재생하면서 녹음 - Lydian - + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + Effect - Mixolydian - + + Effect enabled + 효과 활성화됨 - Aeolian - + + Wet/Dry mix + - Locrian - + + Gate + 게이트 - Minor - + + Decay + + + + EffectChain - Chromatic - + + Effects enabled + 효과 활성화됨 + + + EffectRackView - Half-Whole Diminished - + + EFFECTS CHAIN + 효과 체인 - 5 - 5 + + Add effect + 효과 추가 + + + EffectSelectDialog - Phrygian dominant - + + Add effect + 효과 추가 - Persian - + + + Name + 이름 - Chords - 코드 + + Type + 형태 - Chord type - 코드 종류 + + Description + 요약 - Chord range - 코드 범위 + + Author + 개발자 - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + EffectView - STACKING - 코드 쌓기 + + On/Off + 켬/끔 - Chord: - 코드: + + W/D + - RANGE - 범위 + + Wet Level: + - Chord range: - 코드 범위: + + DECAY + - octave(s) - 옥타브 + + Time: + - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - MIDI 입력 활성화 + + GATE + 게이트 - CHANNEL - 채널 + + Gate: + 게이트: - VELOCITY - 벨로시티 + + Controls + 컨트롤 - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - MIDI 출력 활성화 + + Move &up + 위로 이동(&U) - PROGRAM - 프로그램 + + Move &down + 아래로 이동(&D) - NOTE - + + &Remove this plugin + 플러그인 제거(&R) + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - + + Env pre-delay + - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - + + Env attack + - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - 사용자 지정 기준 벨로시티 + + Env hold + - BASE VELOCITY - 기준 벨로시티 + + Env decay + - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. - + + Env sustain + - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH - 마스터 피치 + + Env release + - Enables the use of master pitch - 마스터 피치 사용 + + Env mod amount + - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - VOLUME - 음량 + + LFO pre-delay + - Volume - 음량 + + LFO attack + - CUTOFF - 컷오프 + + LFO frequency + LFO 주파수 - Cutoff frequency - 차단 주파수 + + LFO mod amount + - RESO - 공명 + + LFO wave shape + - Resonance - 공명 + + LFO frequency x 100 + LFO 주파수 x 100 - Envelopes/LFOs - 엔벨로프/LFO + + Modulate env amount + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView - Filter type - 필터 종류 + + + DEL + - Q/Resonance - Q/공명 - - - Notch - 노치 + + + Pre-delay: + - Moog - Moog + + + ATT + - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + + Attack: + - SV Notch - SV 노치 + + HOLD + - Fast Formant - + + Hold: + - Tripole - + + DEC + 감쇠 - Low-pass - + + Decay: + 감쇠: - Hi-pass - + + SUST + - Band-pass csg - + + Sustain: + - Band-pass czpg - + + REL + - All-pass - + + Release: + - 2x Low-pass - + + + AMT + - RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct - + + + Modulation amount: + - RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct - + + SPD + 속도 - RC High-pass 12 dB/oct - + + Frequency: + 주파수: - RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct - + + FREQ x 100 + 주파수 x 100 - RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct - + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + - RC High-pass 24 dB/oct - + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + - Vocal Formant - + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + - SV Low-pass - + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: - SV Band-pass - + + Hint + - SV High-pass - + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + - InstrumentSoundShapingView + EqControls - TARGET - 대상 + + Input gain + 입력 이득 - FILTER - 필터 + + Output gain + 출력 이득 - FREQ - 주파수 + + Low-shelf gain + - Hz - Hz + + Peak 1 gain + 피크 1 이득 - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - 이 악기는 엔벨로프, LFO, 필터를 지원하지 않습니다. + + Peak 2 gain + 피크 2 이득 - Cutoff frequency: - 차단 주파수: + + Peak 3 gain + 피크 3 이득 - Q/RESO - Q/공명 + + Peak 4 gain + 피크 4 이득 - Q/Resonance: - Q/공명: + + High-shelf gain + - - - InstrumentTrack - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - 이 노브를 이용하여 트랙의 음량을 조절할 수 있습니다. + + HP res + 고역 필터 공명 - unnamed_track - 이름 없는 트랙 + + Low-shelf res + - Base note - 기준 음 + + Peak 1 BW + 피크 1 대역폭 - Volume - 음량 + + Peak 2 BW + 피크 2 대역폭 - Panning - 패닝 + + Peak 3 BW + 피크 3 대역폭 - Pitch - 피치 + + Peak 4 BW + 피크 4 대역폭 - Pitch range - 피치 범위 + + High-shelf res + - FX channel - FX 채널 + + LP res + 저역 필터 공명 - Default preset - 기본 프리셋 + + HP freq + 고역 필터 주파수 - Master pitch - 마스터 피치 + + Low-shelf freq + - - - InstrumentTrackView - Volume - 음량 + + Peak 1 freq + 피크 1 주파수 - Volume: - 음량: + + Peak 2 freq + 피크 2 주파수 - VOL - 음량 + + Peak 3 freq + 피크 3 주파수 - Panning - 패닝 + + Peak 4 freq + 피크 4 주파수 - Panning: - 패닝: + + High-shelf freq + - PAN - 패닝 + + LP freq + 저역 필터 주파수 - MIDI - MIDI + + HP active + - Input - 입력 + + Low-shelf active + - Output - 출력 + + Peak 1 active + 피크 1 활성화 - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Peak 2 active + 피크 2 활성화 - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS - 일반 설정 + + Peak 3 active + 피크 3 활성화 - Volume: - 음량: + + Peak 4 active + 피크 4 활성화 - VOL - 음량 + + High-shelf active + - Panning - 패닝 + + LP active + - Panning: - 패닝: + + LP 12 + LP 12 - PAN - 패닝 + + LP 24 + LP 24 - Pitch - 피치 + + LP 48 + LP 48 - Pitch: - 피치: + + HP 12 + HP 12 - cents - 센트 + + HP 24 + HP 24 - PITCH - 피치 + + HP 48 + HP 48 - Pitch range (semitones) - 피치 범위(반음) + + Low-pass type + 저역 통과 필터 유형 - RANGE - 범위 + + High-pass type + 고역 통과 필터 유형 - FX channel - FX 채널 + + Analyse IN + 입력 신호 분석 - FX - FX + + Analyse OUT + 출력 신호 분석 + + + EqControlsDialog - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - 프리셋 파일에 현재 악기 트랙의 설정 저장 + + HP + - SAVE - 저장 + + Low-shelf + - Envelope, filter & LFO - 엔벨로프, 필터 & LFO + + Peak 1 + 피크 1 - Chord stacking & arpeggio - 코드 쌓기 & 아르페지오 + + Peak 2 + 피크 2 - Effects - 효과 + + Peak 3 + 피크 3 - Miscellaneous - 기타 + + Peak 4 + 피크 4 - Save preset - 프리셋 저장 + + High-shelf + - XML preset file (*.xpf) - XML 프리셋 파일 (*.xpf) + + LP + - Plugin - 플러그인 + + Input gain + 입력 이득 - Volume - 음량 + + + + Gain + 이득 - MIDI - MIDI + + Output gain + 출력 이득 + + + + Bandwidth: + 대역폭: + + + + Octave + 옥타브 + + + + Resonance : + 공명 : + + + + Frequency: + 주파수: + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + - Knob + EqHandle - Set linear - 선형으로 설정 + + Reso: + 공명: - Set logarithmic - 로그스케일로 설정 + + BW: + 대역폭: - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - -96.0 dBFS부터 6.0 dBFS까지의 값을 입력하세요: + + + Freq: + 주파수: + + + ExportProjectDialog - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - %1부터 %2까지의 값을 입력하세요: + + Export project + 프로젝트 내보내기 + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + 루프 곡처럼 내보내기 (추가적 마디 제거) + + + + Export between loop markers + 반복 마커 사이 구간만 내보내기 + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + 파일 형식 설정 + + + + File format: + 파일 형식: + + + + Sampling rate: + 샘플 레이트: + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + 비트 깊이: + + + + 16 Bit integer + 16비트 정수 + + + + 24 Bit integer + 24비트 정수 + + + + 32 Bit float + 32비트 실수 + + + + Stereo mode: + 스테레오 모드: + + + + Mono + 모노 + + + + Stereo + 스테레오 + + + + Joint stereo + 통합 스테레오 + + + + Compression level: + 압축률: + + + + Bitrate: + 비트 레이트: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + 가변 비트레이트 사용 + + + + Quality settings + 품질 설정 + + + + Interpolation: + 보간법: + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + 최저 품질 sinc (가장 빠름) + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + 보통 품질 sinc (추천) + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + 최고 품질 sinc (가장 느림) + + + + Oversampling: + 오버샘플링: + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (사용하지 않음) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + 시작 + + + + Cancel + 취소 + + + + Could not open file + 파일을 열 수 없음 + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + 파일 %1을(를) 쓰기 위하여 열 수 없습니다. +경로에 파일이 존재하고 파일에 쓸 수 있는 권한이 있는지 확인 후 다시 시도하시기 바랍니다! + + + + Export project to %1 + %1(으)로 프로젝트 내보내기 + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + ( 가장 빠르게 - 용량 가장 큼 ) + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + ( 가장 느리게 - 용량 가장 작음 ) + + + + Error + 오류 + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + 파일 인코더를 결정하는 중 오류가 발생하였습니다. 다른 포맷을 선택하여 다시 시도해 보세요. + + + + Rendering: %1% + 렌더링: %1% + + + Fader + Set value 값 설정 + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + %1부터 %2까지의 값을 입력하세요: + - LadspaControl + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + 탐색기 + + + + Search + 검색 + + + + Refresh list + 목록 새로고침 + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + 활성화된 악기 트랙에서 열기 + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + 노래 편집기 + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + 샘플을 로딩하는 중 + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + 미리보기를 위하여 샘플을 로딩하는 중입니다. 잠시 기다려 주세요... + + + + Error + 오류 + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + LFO 주파수 + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + 잡음 + + + + Invert + 파형 반전 + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + 지연 + + + + Delay time: + 지연 시간: + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + 피드백 + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + 잡음 + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + 파형 반전 + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + 왼쪽으로 이동(&L) + + + + Move &right + 오른쪽으로 이동(&R) + + + + Rename &channel + 채널 이름 바꾸기(&C) + + + + R&emove channel + 채널 제거(&R) + + + + Remove &unused channels + 사용하지 않는 채널 제거(&U) + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + 채널 할당: + + + + New mixer Channel + 새 FX 채널 + + + + Mixer + + + Master + 마스터 + + + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 + + + + Volume + 음량 + + + + Mute + 음소거 + + + + Solo + 독주 + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + FX-믹서 + + + + Fader %1 + FX 페이더 %1 + + + + Mute + 음소거 + + + + Mute this mixer channel + 이 채널 음소거 + + + + Solo + 독주 + + + + Solo mixer channel + 이 채널 독주 + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + 채널 %1에서 채널 %2(으)로 보낼 양 + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + 뱅크 + + + + Patch + 패치 + + + + Gain + 이득 + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + GIG 파일 열기 + + + + Choose patch + 패치 선택 + + + + Gain: + 이득: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG 파일 (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + 작업 경로 + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + LMMS 작업 경로 %1이(가) 존재하지 않습니다. 지금 만드시겠습니까? 나중에 편집 -> 설정에서 변경할 수 있습니다. + + + + Preparing UI + UI 준비 + + + + Preparing song editor + 노래 편집기 준비 + + + + Preparing mixer + 믹서 준비 + + + + Preparing controller rack + 컨트롤러 랙 준비 + + + + Preparing project notes + 프로젝트 노트 준비 + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + 비트/베이스 라인 편집기 준비 + + + + Preparing piano roll + 피아노 롤 준비 + + + + Preparing automation editor + 오토메이션 편집기 준비 + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + 아르페지오 + + + + Arpeggio type + 아르페지오 형태 + + + + Arpeggio range + 아르페지오 범위 + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + 아르페지오 시간 + + + + Arpeggio gate + 아르페지오 게이트 + + + + Arpeggio direction + 아르페지오 방향 + + + + Arpeggio mode + 아르페지오 모드 + + + + Up + 위로 + + + + Down + 아래로 + + + + Up and down + 위 다음 아래 + + + + Down and up + 아래 다음 위 + + + + Random + 무작위 + + + + Free + 자유 + + + + Sort + 정렬 + + + + Sync + 동기화 + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + 아르페지오 + + + + RANGE + 범위 + + + + Arpeggio range: + 아르페지오 범위: + + + + octave(s) + 옥타브 + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + 시간 + + + + Arpeggio time: + 아르페지오 시간: + + + + ms + ms + + + + GATE + 게이트 + + + + Arpeggio gate: + 아르페지오 게이트: + + + + Chord: + 코드: + + + + Direction: + 방향: + + + + Mode: + 모드: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + 옥타브 + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + 화성 단음계 + + + + Melodic minor + 가락 단음계 + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + 코드 + + + + Chord type + 코드 종류 + + + + Chord range + 코드 범위 + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + 코드 쌓기 + + + + Chord: + 코드: + + + + RANGE + 범위 + + + + Chord range: + 코드 범위: + + + + octave(s) + 옥타브 + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + MIDI 입력 활성화 + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + MIDI 출력 활성화 + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + 사용자 지정 기준 벨로시티 + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + 100% 음표 벨로시티에 해당하는 MIDI 벨로시티를 지정합니다. + + + + BASE VELOCITY + 기준 벨로시티 + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + 마스터 피치 + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + 마스터 피치 사용 + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + 음량 + + + + Volume + 음량 + + + + CUTOFF + 컷오프 + + + + + Cutoff frequency + 차단 주파수 + + + + RESO + 공명 + + + + Resonance + 공명 + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + 엔벨로프/LFO + + + + Filter type + 필터 종류 + + + + Q/Resonance + Q/공명 + + + + Low-pass + 저역 통과 + + + + Hi-pass + 고역 통과 + + + + Band-pass csg + 대역 통과 csg + + + + Band-pass czpg + 대역 통과 czpg + + + + Notch + 노치 + + + + All-pass + 전역 통과 + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x 저역 통과 + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC 저역 통과 12 dB/oct + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC 대역 통과 12 dB/oct + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC 고역 통과 12 dB/oct + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC 저역 통과 24 dB/oct + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC 대역 통과 24 dB/oct + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC 고역 통과 24 dB/oct + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + SV Low-pass + SV 저역 통과 + + + + SV Band-pass + SV 대역 통과 + + + + SV High-pass + SV 고역 통과 + + + + SV Notch + SV 노치 + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + 대상 + + + + FILTER + 필터 + + + + FREQ + 주파수 + + + + Cutoff frequency: + 차단 주파수: + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + Q/공명 + + + + Q/Resonance: + Q/공명: + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + 이 악기는 엔벨로프, LFO, 필터를 지원하지 않습니다. + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + 이름 없는 트랙 + + + + Base note + 기준 음 + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + 마지막 박자 + + + + Volume + 음량 + + + + Panning + 패닝 + + + + Pitch + 피치 + + + + Pitch range + 피치 범위 + + + + Mixer channel + FX 채널 + + + + Master pitch + 마스터 피치 + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + 기본 프리셋 + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + 음량 + + + + Volume: + 음량: + + + + VOL + 음량 + + + + Panning + 패닝 + + + + Panning: + 패닝: + + + + PAN + 패닝 + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + 입력 + + + + Output + 출력 + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + 일반 설정 + + + + Volume + 음량 + + + + Volume: + 음량: + + + + VOL + 음량 + + + + Panning + 패닝 + + + + Panning: + 패닝: + + + + PAN + 패닝 + + + + Pitch + 피치 + + + + Pitch: + 피치: + + + + cents + 센트 + + + + PITCH + 피치 + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + 피치 범위(반음) + + + + RANGE + 범위 + + + + Mixer channel + FX 채널 + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + 프리셋 파일에 현재 악기 트랙의 설정 저장 + + + + SAVE + 저장 + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + 엔벨로프, 필터 & LFO + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + 코드 쌓기 & 아르페지오 + + + + Effects + 효과 + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + 기타 + + + + Save preset + 프리셋 저장 + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML 프리셋 파일 (*.xpf) + + + + Plugin + 플러그인 + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + 선형으로 설정 + + + + Set logarithmic + 로그스케일로 설정 + + + + + Set value + 값 설정 + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + -96.0 dBFS부터 6.0 dBFS까지의 값을 입력하세요: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + %1부터 %2까지의 값을 입력하세요: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + 채널 링크 + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + 채널 링크 + + + + Channel + 채널 + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + 채널 링크 + + + + Value: + 값: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + 알 수 없는 LADSPA 플러그인 %1이(가) 요청되었습니다. + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + 값 설정 + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + %1부터 %2까지의 값을 입력하세요: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + 값 설정 + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + %1부터 %2까지의 값을 입력하세요: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + 이전 + + + + + + Next + 다음 + + + + Previous (%1) + 이전 (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + 다음 (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + LFO 컨트롤러 + + + + Base value + 기준 값 + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + 오실레이터 위상 + + + + Oscillator waveform + 오실레이터 파형 + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + 기준 + + + + Base: + 기준: + + + + FREQ + 주파수 + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + 위상 + + + + Phase offset: + 위상: + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + 사인파 + + + + Triangle wave + 삼각파 + + + + Saw wave + 톱니파 + + + + Square wave + 사각파 + + + + Moog saw wave + Moog 톱니파 + + + + Exponential wave + 지수형 파형 + + + + White noise + 화이트 노이즈 + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + 사용자 지정 파형 +더블클릭하여 파일을 선택하세요. + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + 변조 주파수 값을 그대로 사용 + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + 자료 구조 초기화 중 + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + 오디오 장치와 MIDI 장치를 여는 중 + + + + Launching mixer threads + 믹서 스레드를 시작하는 중 + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + 설정 파일 + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + 설정 파일 분석 중 오류 발생 (행 %1:%2: %3) + + + + Could not open file + 파일을 열 수 없음 + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + 파일 %1을(를) 쓰기 위하여 열 수 없습니다. +경로에 파일이 존재하고 파일에 쓸 수 있는 권한이 있는지 확인 후 다시 시도하시기 바랍니다! + + + + Project recovery + 프로젝트 복구 + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + 복구 파일이 존재합니다. 이전에 LMMS가 비정상 종료되었거나 여러 개의 LMMS 인스턴스가 동시에 실행 중인 것 같습니다. 복구 파일로부터 프로젝트를 복구하시겠습니까? + + + + + Recover + 복구 + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + 파일을 복구합니다. 다른 LMMS 인스턴스가 실행 중이지 않은 상태에서 선택하시기 바랍니다. + + + + + Discard + 저장하지 않음 + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + 복구 파일을 삭제하고 기본 프로젝트를 불러옵니다. 이 동작은 되돌릴 수 없습니다. + + + + Version %1 + 버전 %1 + + + + Preparing plugin browser + 플러그인 탐색기 준비 + + + + Preparing file browsers + 파일 탐색기 준비 + + + + My Projects + 내 프로젝트 + + + + My Samples + 내 샘플 + + + + My Presets + 내 사전 설정 + + + + My Home + 내 홈 디렉터리 + + + + Root directory + 최상위 디렉토리 + + + + Volumes + 음량 + + + + My Computer + 내 컴퓨터 + + + + &File + 파일(&F) + + + + &New + 새로 만들기(&N) + + + + &Open... + 열기(&O)... + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + 저장(&S) + + + + Save &As... + 다른 이름으로 저장(&A)... + + + + Save as New &Version + 새로운 버전으로 저장(&V) + + + + Save as default template + 기본 템플릿으로 저장 + + + + Import... + 가져오기... + + + + E&xport... + 내보내기(&X)... + + + + E&xport Tracks... + 트랙 내보내기(&X)... + + + + Export &MIDI... + MIDI 내보내기(&M)... + + + + &Quit + 끝내기(&Q) + + + + &Edit + 편집(&E) + + + + Undo + 실행 취소 + + + + Redo + 다시 실행 + + + + Settings + 설정 + + + + &View + 보기(&V) + + + + &Tools + 도구(&T) + + + + &Help + 도움말(&H) + + + + Online Help + 온라인 도움말 + + + + Help + 도움말 + + + + About + 정보 + + + + Create new project + 새 프로젝트 생성 + + + + Create new project from template + 템플릿에서 새 프로젝트 생성 + + + + Open existing project + 기존 프로젝트 열기 + + + + Recently opened projects + 최근에 사용한 프로젝트 + + + + Save current project + 현재 프로젝트 저장 + + + + Export current project + 현재 프로젝트 내보내기 + + + + Metronome + 메트로놈 + + + + + Song Editor + 노래 편집기 + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + 비트/베이스 라인 편집기 + + + + + Piano Roll + 피아노 롤 + + + + + Automation Editor + 오토메이션 편집기 + + + + + Mixer + FX 믹서 + + + + Show/hide controller rack + 컨트롤러 랙 보이기/숨기기 + + + + Show/hide project notes + 프로젝트 노트 보이기/숨기기 + + + + Untitled + 제목 없음 + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + 복구 세션입니다. 프로젝트 파일을 저장해 주세요! + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + 복구된 프로젝트가 저장되지 않음 + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + 이 프로젝트는 이전 세션으로부터 복구되었지만 아직 저장되지 않았습니다. 저장하지 않을 경우 지금까지의 작업을 잃게 될 것입니다. 지금 저장하시겠습니까? + + + + Project not saved + 프로젝트 저장되지 않음 + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + 이 프로젝트는 마지막 저장 이후 수정되었습니다. 지금 저장하시겠습니까? + + + + Open Project + 프로젝트 열기 + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + 프로젝트 저장 + + + + LMMS Project + LMMS 프로젝트 + + + + LMMS Project Template + LMMS 프로젝트 템플릿 + + + + Save project template + 프로젝트 템플릿 저장 + + + + Overwrite default template? + 기본 템플릿을 덮어쓰시겠습니까? + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + 이 작업은 현재의 기본 템플릿을 덮어씁니다. + + + + Help not available + 도움말 사용 불가 + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + 컨트롤러 랙 + + + + Project Notes + 프로젝트 노트 + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + 음량을 dBFS 단위로 표시 + + + + Smooth scroll + 부드러운 스크롤 + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + 피아노 롤에 음표 라벨 표시 + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI 파일(*.mid) + + + + + untitled + 제목 없음 + + + + + Select file for project-export... + 프로젝트를 내보낼 파일 선택... + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + 내보낼 트랙 파일들을 저장할 경로 선택... + + + + Save project + 프로젝트 저장 + + + + Project saved + 프로젝트 저장됨 + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + 프로젝트 %1이 저장되었습니다. + + + + Project NOT saved. + 프로젝트가 저장되지 않았습니다. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + 프로젝트 %1이 저장되지 않았습니다! + + + + Import file + 파일 가져오기 + + + + MIDI sequences + MIDI 시퀀스 + + + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogen 프로젝트 + + + + All file types + 모든 파일 + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + 박자표 분자 + + + + Meter numerator + 박자표 분자 + + + + + Meter Denominator + 박자표 분모 + + + + Meter denominator + 박자표 분모 + + + + TIME SIG + 박자 + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + 분자 + + + + Denominator + 분모 + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + MIDI 컨트롤러 + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + 이름 없는 MIDI 컨트롤러 + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + 설정 불완전 + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + LMMS가 SoundFont2 플레이어 지원 없이 컴파일되었습니다. MIDI 파일에서 가져온 트랙은 기본적으로 SoundFont2 플레이어로 재생되므로 MIDI 파일을 가져온 뒤 재생하면 아무 소리도 재생되지 않을 것입니다. + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + 분자 + + + + Denominator + 분모 + + + + Track + 트랙 + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JAK 서버 종료 + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + JACK 서버가 종료된 것 같습니다. + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + 파일(&F) + + + + &Edit + 편집(&E) + + + + &Quit + 끝내기(&Q) + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + 입력 채널 + + + + Output channel + 출력 채널 + + + + Input controller + 입력 컨트롤러 + + + + Output controller + 출력 컨트롤러 + + + + Fixed input velocity + 입력 벨로시티 고정값 + + + + Fixed output velocity + 출력 벨로시티 고정값 + + + + Fixed output note + 출력 음높이 고정값 + + + + Output MIDI program + 출력 MIDI 프로그램 + + + + Base velocity + 기준 벨로시티 + + + + Receive MIDI-events + MIDI 이벤트 받기 + + + + Send MIDI-events + MIDI 이벤트 보내기 + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + 오실레이터 1 음량 + + + + Osc 1 panning + 오실레이터 1 패닝 + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + 오실레이터 2 음량 + + + + Osc 2 panning + 오실레이터 2 패닝 + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + 오실레이터 3 음량 + + + + Osc 3 panning + 오실레이터 3 패닝 + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + LFO 1 파형 + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + LFO 1 위상 + + + + LFO 2 waveform + LFO 2 파형 + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + LFO 2 위상 + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + 사인파 + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + 대역 제한 삼각파 + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + 대역 제한 톱니파 + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + 대역 제한 역톱니파 + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + 대역 제한 사각파 + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + 대역 제한 Moog 톱니파 + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + 지수형 파형 + + + + White noise + 화이트 노이즈 + + + + Digital Triangle wave + 삼각파 + + + + Digital Saw wave + 톱니파 + + + + Digital Ramp wave + 역톱니파 + + + + Digital Square wave + 사각파 + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + Moog 톱니파 + + + + Triangle wave + 삼각파 + + + + Saw wave + 톱니파 + + + + Ramp wave + 역톱니파 + + + + Square wave + 사각파 + + + + Moog saw wave + Moog 톱니파 + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + 무작위 + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + 음량 + + + + + + Panning + 패닝 + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + 반음 + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + 센트 + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + 펄스 폭 + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + + - Link channels - 채널 링크 + + + Rate + - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - 채널 링크 + + + Phase + 위상 - Channel - 채널 + + + Pre-delay + - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels - 채널 링크 + + + Hold + - Value: - 값: + + + Decay + - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - 알 수 없는 LADSPA 플러그인 %1이(가) 요청되었습니다. + + + Sustain + - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - %1부터 %2까지의 값을 입력하세요: + + + Release + - Set value - 값 설정 + + + Slope + - - - LeftRightNav - Previous - 이전 + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + - Next - 다음 + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + - Previous (%1) - 이전 (%1) + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + - Next (%1) - 다음 (%1) + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + - LfoController + MultitapEchoControlDialog - LFO Controller - LFO 컨트롤러 + + Length + 길이 - Base value - 기준 값 + + Step length: + - Oscillator speed - + + Dry + - Oscillator amount - + + Dry gain: + - Oscillator phase - 오실레이터 위상 + + Stages + - Oscillator waveform - 오실레이터 파형 + + Low-pass stages: + - Frequency Multiplier - + + Swap inputs + 좌우 입력 바꾸기 - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + NesInstrument - BASE - 기준 + + Channel 1 coarse detune + - AMNT - + + Channel 1 volume + - Modulation amount: - + + Channel 1 envelope length + - PHS - 위상 + + Channel 1 duty cycle + - Phase offset: - 위상: + + Channel 1 sweep amount + - Base: - + + Channel 1 sweep rate + - FREQ - 주파수 + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + - LFO frequency: - + + Channel 2 Volume + - degrees - + + Channel 2 envelope length + - Sine wave - 사인파 + + Channel 2 duty cycle + - Triangle wave - 삼각파 + + Channel 2 sweep amount + - Saw wave - 톱니파 + + Channel 2 sweep rate + - Square wave - 사각파 + + Channel 3 coarse detune + - Moog saw wave - Moog 톱니파 + + Channel 3 volume + - Exponential wave - 지수형 파형 + + Channel 4 volume + - White noise - 화이트 노이즈 + + Channel 4 envelope length + - User-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - + + Channel 4 noise frequency + - Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 - + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + - Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 - + + Master volume + 마스터 음량 - Divide modulation frequency by 100 - + + Vibrato + 비브라토 - LmmsCore + NesInstrumentView - Generating wavetables - + + + + + Volume + 음량 - Initializing data structures - 자료 구조 초기화 중 + + + + Coarse detune + - Opening audio and midi devices - 오디오 장치와 MIDI 장치를 여는 중 + + + + Envelope length + - Launching mixer threads - 믹서 스레드를 시작하는 중 + + Enable channel 1 + 채널 1 활성화 - - - MainWindow - Configuration file - 설정 파일 + + Enable envelope 1 + 엔벨로프 1 활성화 - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - 설정 파일 분석 중 오류 발생 (행 %1:%2: %3) + + Enable envelope 1 loop + - Could not open file - 파일을 열 수 없음 + + Enable sweep 1 + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - 파일 %1을(를) 쓰기 위하여 열 수 없습니다. -경로에 파일이 존재하고 파일에 쓸 수 있는 권한이 있는지 확인 후 다시 시도하시기 바랍니다! + + + Sweep amount + - Project recovery - 프로젝트 복구 + + + Sweep rate + - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - 복구 파일이 존재합니다. 이전에 LMMS가 비정상 종료되었거나 여러 개의 LMMS 인스턴스가 동시에 실행 중인 것 같습니다. 복구 파일로부터 프로젝트를 복구하시겠습니까? + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + - Recover - 복구 + + + 25% Duty cycle + - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - 파일을 복구합니다. 다른 LMMS 인스턴스가 실행 중이지 않은 상태에서 선택하시기 바랍니다. + + + 50% Duty cycle + - Discard - 저장하지 않음 + + + 75% Duty cycle + - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - 복구 파일을 삭제하고 기본 프로젝트를 불러옵니다. 이 동작은 되돌릴 수 없습니다. + + Enable channel 2 + 채널 2 활성화 - Version %1 - 버전 %1 + + Enable envelope 2 + 엔벨로프 2 활성화 - Preparing plugin browser - 플러그인 탐색기 준비 + + Enable envelope 2 loop + - Preparing file browsers - 파일 탐색기 준비 + + Enable sweep 2 + - My Projects - 내 프로젝트 + + Enable channel 3 + 채널 3 활성화 - My Samples - 내 샘플 + + Noise Frequency + - My Presets - 내 사전 설정 + + Frequency sweep + - My Home - 내 홈 디렉터리 + + Enable channel 4 + 채널 4 활성화 - Root directory - 최상위 디렉토리 + + Enable envelope 4 + 엔벨로프 4 활성화 - Volumes - 음량 + + Enable envelope 4 loop + - My Computer - 내 컴퓨터 + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + - Loading background artwork - 배경 아트워크를 불러오는 중 + + Use note frequency for noise + - &File - 파일(&F) + + Noise mode + - &New - 새로 만들기(&N) + + Master volume + 마스터 음량 - New from template - 템플릿에서 새 프로젝트 생성 + + Vibrato + 비브라토 + + + OpulenzInstrument - &Open... - 열기(&O)... + + Patch + 패치 - &Recently Opened Projects - 최근에 사용한 프로젝트(&R) + + Op 1 attack + - &Save - 저장(&S) + + Op 1 decay + - Save &As... - 다른 이름으로 저장(&A)... + + Op 1 sustain + - Save as New &Version - 새로운 버전으로 저장(&V) + + Op 1 release + - Save as default template - 기본 템플릿으로 저장 + + Op 1 level + - Import... - 가져오기... + + Op 1 level scaling + - E&xport... - 내보내기(&X)... + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + - E&xport Tracks... - 트랙 내보내기(&X)... + + Op 1 feedback + - Export &MIDI... - MIDI 내보내기(&M)... + + Op 1 key scaling rate + - &Quit - 끝내기(&Q) + + Op 1 percussive envelope + - &Edit - 편집(&E) + + Op 1 tremolo + - Undo - 실행 취소 + + Op 1 vibrato + - Redo - 다시 실행 + + Op 1 waveform + - Settings - 설정 + + Op 2 attack + - &View - 보기(&V) + + Op 2 decay + - &Tools - 도구(&T) + + Op 2 sustain + - &Help - 도움말(&H) + + Op 2 release + - Online Help - 온라인 도움말 + + Op 2 level + - Help - 도움말 + + Op 2 level scaling + - About - 정보 + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + - Create new project - 새 프로젝트 생성 + + Op 2 key scaling rate + - Create new project from template - 템플릿에서 새 프로젝트 생성 + + Op 2 percussive envelope + - Open existing project - 기존 프로젝트 열기 + + Op 2 tremolo + - Recently opened projects - 최근에 사용한 프로젝트 + + Op 2 vibrato + - Save current project - 현재 프로젝트 저장 + + Op 2 waveform + - Export current project - 현재 프로젝트 내보내기 + + FM + FM - Show/hide project notes - 프로젝트 노트 보이기/숨기기 + + Vibrato depth + 비브라토 깊이 - Show/hide controller rack - 컨트롤러 랙 보이기/숨기기 + + Tremolo depth + 트레몰로 깊이 + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - Untitled - 제목 없음 + + + Attack + - Recover session. Please save your work! - 복구 세션입니다. 프로젝트 파일을 저장해 주세요! + + + Decay + - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + + Release + - Recovered project not saved - 복구된 프로젝트가 저장되지 않음 + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + OscillatorObject - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - 이 프로젝트는 이전 세션으로부터 복구되었지만 아직 저장되지 않았습니다. 저장하지 않을 경우 지금까지의 작업을 잃게 될 것입니다. 지금 저장하시겠습니까? + + Osc %1 waveform + 오실레이터 %1 파형 - Project not saved - 프로젝트 저장되지 않음 + + Osc %1 harmonic + - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - 이 프로젝트는 마지막 저장 이후 수정되었습니다. 지금 저장하시겠습니까? + + + Osc %1 volume + 오실레이터 %1 음량 - Open Project - 프로젝트 열기 + + + Osc %1 panning + 오실레이터 %1 패닝 - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + - Save Project - 프로젝트 저장 + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + - LMMS Project - LMMS 프로젝트 + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + - LMMS Project Template - LMMS 프로젝트 템플릿 + + Osc %1 phase-offset + 오실레이터 %1 위상 - Save project template - 프로젝트 템플릿 저장 + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + 오실레이터 %1 좌우 위상차 - Overwrite default template? - 기본 템플릿을 덮어쓰시겠습니까? + + Osc %1 wave shape + 오실레이터 %1 파형 - This will overwrite your current default template. - 이 작업은 현재의 기본 템플릿을 덮어씁니다. + + Modulation type %1 + 변조 유형 %1 + + + Oscilloscope - Help not available - 도움말 사용 불가 + + Oscilloscope + 오실로스코프 - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - + + Click to enable + 클릭하여 활성화 + + + PatchesDialog - Song Editor - 노래 편집기 + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - Beat+Bassline Editor - 비트/베이스 라인 편집기 + + Bank selector + - Piano Roll - 피아노 롤 + + Bank + 뱅크 - Automation Editor - 오토메이션 편집기 + + Program selector + - FX Mixer - FX 믹서 + + Patch + 패치 - Project Notes - 프로젝트 노트 + + Name + 이름 - Controller Rack - 컨트롤러 랙 + + OK + 확인 - Volume as dBFS - 음량을 dBFS 단위로 표시 + + Cancel + 취소 + + + PatmanView - Smooth scroll - 부드러운 스크롤 + + Open patch + - Enable note labels in piano roll - 피아노 롤에 음표 라벨 표시 + + Loop + 루프 - Metronome - 메트로놈 + + Loop mode + 루프 모드 - MIDI File (*.mid) - MIDI 파일(*.mid) + + Tune + - untitled - 제목 없음 + + Tune mode + - Select file for project-export... - 프로젝트를 내보낼 파일 선택... + + No file selected + 파일이 선택되지 않음 - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - 내보낼 트랙 파일들을 저장할 경로 선택... + + Open patch file + 패치 파일 열기 - Save project - 프로젝트 저장 + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + 패치 파일 (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - Project saved - 프로젝트 저장됨 + + Open in piano-roll + 피아노-롤에서 열기 - The project %1 is now saved. - 프로젝트 %1이 저장되었습니다. + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + - Project NOT saved. - 프로젝트가 저장되지 않았습니다. + + Clear all notes + 전체 음표 지우기 - The project %1 was not saved! - 프로젝트 %1이 저장되지 않았습니다! + + Reset name + 이름 초기화 - Import file - 파일 가져오기 + + Change name + 이름 바꾸기 - MIDI sequences - MIDI 시퀀스 + + Add steps + - Hydrogen projects - Hydrogen 프로젝트 + + Remove steps + - All file types - 모든 파일 + + Clone Steps + - MeterDialog + PeakController - Meter Numerator - 박자표 분자 + + Peak Controller + 피크 컨트롤러 - Meter Denominator - 박자표 분모 + + Peak Controller Bug + 피크 컨트롤러 버그 - TIME SIG - 박자 + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + 이전 버전 LMMS의 버그로 인해 피크 컨트롤러가 제대로 연결되지 않았을 수 있습니다. 피크 컨트롤러가 제대로 연결되었는지 확인 후 파일을 다시 저장해 주시기 바랍니다. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. + + + PeakControllerDialog - Meter numerator - 박자표 분자 + + PEAK + - Meter denominator - 박자표 분모 + + LFO Controller + LFO 컨트롤러 - MeterModel + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - Numerator - 분자 + + BASE + 기준 - Denominator - 분모 + + Base: + 기준: - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - MIDI 컨트롤러 + + AMNT + - unnamed_midi_controller - 이름 없는 MIDI 컨트롤러 + + Modulation amount: + - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - 설정 불완전 + + MULT + - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - LMMS가 SoundFont2 플레이어 지원 없이 컴파일되었습니다. MIDI 파일에서 가져온 트랙은 기본적으로 SoundFont2 플레이어로 재생되므로 MIDI 파일을 가져온 뒤 재생하면 아무 소리도 재생되지 않을 것입니다. + + Amount multiplicator: + - Track - 트랙 + + ATCK + - You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - + + Attack: + - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - JAK 서버 종료 + + DCAY + - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - JACK 서버가 종료된 것 같습니다. + + Release: + - - - MidiPort - Input channel - 입력 채널 + + TRSH + - Output channel - 출력 채널 + + Treshold: + - Input controller - 입력 컨트롤러 + + Mute output + 출력 음소거 - Output controller - 출력 컨트롤러 + + Absolute value + 절댓값 + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - Fixed input velocity - 입력 벨로시티 고정값 + + Base value + 기준 값 - Fixed output velocity - 출력 벨로시티 고정값 + + Modulation amount + - Fixed output note - 출력 음높이 고정값 + + Attack + - Output MIDI program - 출력 MIDI 프로그램 + + Release + - Base velocity - 기준 벨로시티 + + Treshold + - Receive MIDI-events - MIDI 이벤트 받기 + + Mute output + 출력 음소거 - Send MIDI-events - MIDI 이벤트 보내기 + + Absolute value + 절댓값 - - - MidiSetupWidget - DEVICE - 장치 + + Amount multiplicator + - MonstroInstrument - - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - - + PianoRoll - Selected view - + + Note Velocity + 음표 벨로시티 - Sine wave - 사인파 + + Note Panning + 음표 패닝 - Bandlimited Triangle wave - 대역 제한 삼각파 + + Mark/unmark current semitone + 현재 반음 표시 - Bandlimited Saw wave - 대역 제한 톱니파 + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + - Bandlimited Ramp wave - 대역 제한 역톱니파 + + Mark current scale + - Bandlimited Square wave - 대역 제한 사각파 + + Mark current chord + - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - 대역 제한 Moog 톱니파 + + Unmark all + 모두 표시 해제 - Soft square wave - + + Select all notes on this key + 이 음의 음표 모두 선택 - Absolute sine wave - + + Note lock + 박자 잠금 - Exponential wave - 지수형 파형 + + Last note + 마지막 박자 - White noise - 화이트 노이즈 + + No key + - Digital Triangle wave - 삼각파 + + No scale + 음계 없음 - Digital Saw wave - 톱니파 + + No chord + 코드 없음 - Digital Ramp wave - 역톱니파 + + Nudge + - Digital Square wave - 사각파 + + Snap + - Digital Moog saw wave - Moog 톱니파 + + Velocity: %1% + 벨로시티: %1% - Triangle wave - 삼각파 + + Panning: %1% left + 패닝: %1% 왼쪽 - Saw wave - 톱니파 + + Panning: %1% right + 패닝: %1% 오른쪽 - Ramp wave - 역톱니파 + + Panning: center + 패닝: 가운데 - Square wave - 사각파 + + Glue notes failed + - Moog saw wave - Moog 톱니파 + + Please select notes to glue first. + - Abs. sine wave - + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + 더블클릭하여 패턴을 열어주세요! - Random - 무작위 + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + %1부터 %2까지의 값을 입력하세요: + + + PianoRollWindow - Random smooth - + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + 현재 패턴 재생/일시정지 (Space) - Osc 1 volume - 오실레이터 1 음량 + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + - Osc 1 panning - 오실레이터 1 패닝 + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + - Osc 1 coarse detune - + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + - Osc 1 fine detune left - + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + 현재 패턴 정지 (Space) - Osc 1 fine detune right - + + Edit actions + 편집 동작 - Osc 1 stereo phase offset - + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + 그리기 모드 (Shift+D) - Osc 1 pulse width - + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + 지우기 모드 (Shift+E) - Osc 1 sync send on rise - + + Select mode (Shift+S) + 선택 모드 (Shift+S) - Osc 1 sync send on fall - + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + - Osc 2 volume - 오실레이터 2 음량 + + Quantize + - Osc 2 panning - 오실레이터 2 패닝 + + Quantize positions + - Osc 2 coarse detune - + + Quantize lengths + - Osc 2 fine detune left - + + File actions + - Osc 2 fine detune right - + + Import clip + - Osc 2 stereo phase offset - + + + Export clip + - Osc 2 waveform - 오실레이터 2 파형 + + Copy paste controls + 복사/붙여넣기 컨트롤 - Osc 2 sync hard - + + Cut (%1+X) + 잘라내기 (%1+X) - Osc 2 sync reverse - + + Copy (%1+C) + 복사 (%1+C) - Osc 3 volume - 오실레이터 3 음량 + + Paste (%1+V) + 붙여넣기 (%1+V) - Osc 3 panning - 오실레이터 3 패닝 + + Timeline controls + - Osc 3 coarse detune - + + Glue + - Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix - + + Knife + - Osc 3 waveform 1 - 오실레이터 3 파형 1 + + Fill + - Osc 3 waveform 2 - 오실레이터 3 파형 2 + + Cut overlaps + - Osc 3 sync hard - + + Min length as last + - Osc 3 Sync reverse - + + Max length as last + - LFO 1 waveform - + + Zoom and note controls + - LFO 1 attack - + + Horizontal zooming + 수평 줌 - LFO 1 rate - + + Vertical zooming + 수직 줌 - LFO 1 phase - + + Quantization + - LFO 2 waveform - + + Note length + 음표 길이 - LFO 2 attack - + + Key + - LFO 2 rate - + + Scale + 음계 - LFO 2 phase - + + Chord + 코드 - Env 1 pre-delay - + + Snap mode + - Env 1 attack - + + Clear ghost notes + - Env 1 hold - + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + 피아노-롤 - %1 - Env 1 decay - + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + 피아노-롤 - 패턴 없음 - Env 1 sustain - + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + - Env 1 release - + + Export clip success + - Env 1 slope - + + Clip saved to %1 + - Env 2 pre-delay - + + Import clip. + - Env 2 attack - + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + - Env 2 hold - + + Open clip + - Env 2 decay - + + Import clip success + - Env 2 sustain - + + Imported clip %1! + + + + PianoView - Env 2 release - + + Base note + 기준 음 - Env 2 slope - + + First note + - Osc 2+3 modulation - + + Last note + 마지막 박자 + + + Plugin - Osc 1 - Vol env 1 - + + Plugin not found + 플러그인을 찾을 수 없음 - Osc 1 - Vol env 2 - + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + 플러그인 "%1"을(를) 찾을 수 없거나 읽어올 수 없습니다. +이유: %2 - Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 - + + Error while loading plugin + 플러그인 로딩 오류 - Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 - + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + 플러그인 "%1"을(를) 로딩할 수 없습니다! + + + PluginBrowser - Osc 2 - Vol env 1 - + + Instrument Plugins + 악기 플러그인 - Osc 2 - Vol env 2 - + + Instrument browser + 악기 탐색기 - Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 - + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + 플러그인을 노래 편집기, 비트/베이스 라인 편집기, 이미 존재하는 악기 트랙 중 하나로 드래그하세요. - Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 - + + no description + 설명 없음 - Osc 3 - Vol env 1 - + + A native amplifier plugin + 내장 증폭기 플러그인 - Osc 3 - Vol env 2 - + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + - Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 - + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + - Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 - + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + - Osc 1 - Phs env 1 - + + An oversampling bitcrusher + - Osc 1 - Phs env 2 - + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + - Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 - + + Carla Rack Instrument + - Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 - + + A dynamic range compressor. + - Osc 2 - Phs env 1 - + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + - Osc 2 - Phs env 2 - + + A native delay plugin + 내장 딜레이 플러그인 - Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 - + + A Dual filter plugin + - Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 - + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + - Osc 3 - Phs env 1 - + + A native eq plugin + 내장 EQ 플러그인 - Osc 3 - Phs env 2 - + + A native flanger plugin + 내장 플랜저 플러그인 - Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 - + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + GameBoy (TM) APU 에뮬레이션 - Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 - + + Player for GIG files + GIG 파일 플레이어 - Osc 1 - Pit env 1 - + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Hydrogen 파일을 LMMS로 읽어오기 위한 필터 - Osc 1 - Pit env 2 - + + Versatile drum synthesizer + - Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 - + + List installed LADSPA plugins + 설치된 LADSPA 플러그인 목록 - Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 - + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + LMMS에서 LADSPA 이펙트를 이용하기 위한 플러그인. - Osc 2 - Pit env 1 - + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + - Osc 2 - Pit env 2 - + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + - Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 - + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + - Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + MIDI 파일을 LMMS에서 내보내기 위한 필터 - Osc 3 - Pit env 1 - + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + MIDI 파일을 LMMS로 읽어오기 위한 필터 - Osc 3 - Pit env 2 - + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + - Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 - + + A multitap echo delay plugin + - Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 - + + A NES-like synthesizer + - Osc 1 - PW env 1 - + + 2-operator FM Synth + - Osc 1 - PW env 2 - + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + - Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 - + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + - Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 - + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + - Osc 3 - Sub env 1 - + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Sean Costello의 리버브 알고리즘 - Osc 3 - Sub env 2 - + + Player for SoundFont files + 사운드폰트 파일 플레이어 - Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 - + + LMMS port of sfxr + - Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 - + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + - - - MonstroView - Operators view - + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + - Matrix view - + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + - Volume - 음량 + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + - Panning - 패닝 + + Tuneful things to bang on + - Coarse detune - + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + - semitones - 반음 + + A stereo field visualizer. + - cents - 센트 + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + LMMS의 VST(i) 플러그인 호스트 - Stereo phase offset - + + Vibrating string modeler + - deg - + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + LMMS에서 VST 이펙트를 이용하기 위한 플러그인. - Pulse width - 펄스 폭 + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + - Send sync on pulse rise - + + plugin for waveshaping + - Send sync on pulse fall - + + Mathematical expression parser + 수식 해석기 - Hard sync oscillator 2 - + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + 내장 ZynAddSubFX 플러그인 + + + PluginDatabaseW - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - + + Carla - Add New + - Sub-osc mix - + + Format + - Hard sync oscillator 3 - + + Internal + - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - + + LADSPA + - Attack - + + DSSI + - Rate - + + LV2 + - Phase - 위상 + + VST2 + - Pre-delay - + + VST3 + - Hold - + + AU + - Decay - + + Sound Kits + - Sustain - + + Type + 형태 - Release - + + Effects + 효과 - Slope - + + Instruments + 악기 - Modulation amount - + + MIDI Plugins + - Fine tune left - + + Other/Misc + - Fine tune right - + + Architecture + - Mix osc 2 with osc 3 - + + Native + - Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 - + + Bridged + - Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 - + + Bridged (Wine) + - Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 - + + Requirements + - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length - 길이 + + With Custom GUI + - Step length: - + + With CV Ports + - Dry - + + Real-time safe only + - Stages - + + Stereo only + - Swap inputs - 좌우 입력 바꾸기 + + With Inline Display + - Dry gain: - + + Favorites only + - Low-pass stages: - + + (Number of Plugins go here) + - Swap left and right input channels for reflections - + + &Add Plugin + - - - NesInstrument - Channel 2 Coarse detune - + + Cancel + 취소 - Channel 2 Volume - + + Refresh + - Channel 4 Volume - + + Reset filters + - Master volume - 마스터 음량 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Vibrato - 비브라토 + + Format: + - Channel 1 coarse detune - + + Architecture: + - Channel 1 volume - + + Type: + 형태: - Channel 1 envelope length - + + MIDI Ins: + - Channel 1 duty cycle - + + Audio Ins: + - Channel 1 sweep amount - + + CV Outs: + - Channel 1 sweep rate - + + MIDI Outs: + - Channel 2 envelope length - + + Parameter Ins: + - Channel 2 duty cycle - + + Parameter Outs: + - Channel 2 sweep amount - + + Audio Outs: + - Channel 2 sweep rate - + + CV Ins: + - Channel 3 coarse detune - + + UniqueID: + - Channel 3 volume - + + Has Inline Display: + - Channel 4 volume - + + Has Custom GUI: + - Channel 4 envelope length - + + Is Synth: + - Channel 4 noise frequency - + + Is Bridged: + - Channel 4 noise frequency sweep - + + Information + - - - NesInstrumentView - Volume - 음량 + + Name + 이름 - Coarse detune - + + Label/URI + - Envelope length - + + Maker + - Enable channel 1 - 채널 1 활성화 + + Binary/Filename + - Enable envelope 1 - 엔벨로프 1 활성화 + + Focus Text Search + - Enable envelope 1 loop - + + Ctrl+F + + + + PluginEdit - Enable sweep 1 - + + Plugin Editor + - Sweep amount - + + Edit + - Sweep rate - + + Control + 컨트롤 - 12.5% Duty cycle - + + MIDI Control Channel: + - 25% Duty cycle - + + N + - 50% Duty cycle - + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - 75% Duty cycle - + + Output volume (100%) + - Enable channel 2 - 채널 2 활성화 + + Balance Left (0%) + - Enable envelope 2 - 엔벨로프 2 활성화 + + + Balance Right (0%) + - Enable envelope 2 loop - + + Use Balance + - Enable sweep 2 - + + Use Panning + - Enable channel 3 - 채널 3 활성화 + + Settings + 설정 - Noise Frequency - + + Use Chunks + - Frequency sweep - + + Audio: + - Enable channel 4 - 채널 4 활성화 + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - Enable envelope 4 - 엔벨로프 4 활성화 + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - Enable envelope 4 loop - + + MIDI: + - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - + + Map Program Changes + - Use note frequency for noise - + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - Noise mode - + + Send Control Changes + - Vibrato - 비브라토 + + Send Channel Pressure + - Master volume - 마스터 음량 + + Send Note Aftertouch + - - - OpulenzInstrument - Patch - 패치 + + Send Pitchbend + - Op 1 attack - + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - Op 1 decay - + + +Plugin Name + + - Op 1 sustain - + + Program: + - Op 1 release - + + MIDI Program: + - Op 1 level - + + Save State + - Op 1 level scaling - + + Load State + - Op 1 frequency multiplier - + + Information + - Op 1 feedback - + + Label/URI: + - Op 1 key scaling rate - + + Name: + - Op 1 percussive envelope - + + Type: + 형태: - Op 1 tremolo - + + Maker: + - Op 1 vibrato - + + Copyright: + - Op 1 waveform - + + Unique ID: + + + + PluginFactory - Op 2 attack - + + Plugin not found. + 플러그인을 찾을 수 없습니다. - Op 2 decay - + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + LMMS 플러그인 %1은(는) 이름이 %2인 플러그인 디스크립터를 가지고 있지 않습니다! + + + PluginParameter - Op 2 sustain - + + Form + - Op 2 release - + + Parameter Name + - Op 2 level - + + ... + + + + PluginRefreshW - Op 2 level scaling - + + Carla - Refresh + - Op 2 frequency multiplier - + + Search for new... + - Op 2 key scaling rate - + + LADSPA + - Op 2 percussive envelope - + + DSSI + - Op 2 tremolo - + + LV2 + - Op 2 vibrato - + + VST2 + - Op 2 waveform - + + VST3 + - FM - FM + + AU + - Vibrato depth - + + SF2/3 + - Tremolo depth - + + SFZ + - - - OpulenzInstrumentView - Attack - + + Native + - Decay - + + POSIX 32bit + - Release - + + POSIX 64bit + - Frequency multiplier - + + Windows 32bit + - - - OscillatorObject - Osc %1 waveform - 오실레이터 %1 파형 + + Windows 64bit + - Osc %1 harmonic - + + Available tools: + - Osc %1 volume - 오실레이터 %1 음량 + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - Osc %1 panning - 오실레이터 %1 패닝 + + carla-discovery-win64 + - Osc %1 fine detuning left - + + carla-discovery-native + - Osc %1 coarse detuning - + + carla-discovery-posix32 + - Osc %1 fine detuning right - + + carla-discovery-posix64 + - Osc %1 phase-offset - 오실레이터 %1 위상 + + carla-discovery-win32 + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - 오실레이터 %1 좌우 위상차 + + Options: + - Osc %1 wave shape - 오실레이터 %1 파형 + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - Modulation type %1 - 변조 유형 %1 + + Run processing checks while scanning + - - - PatchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + - Bank selector - + + Scan + - Bank - 뱅크 + + >> Skip + - Program selector - + + Close + 닫기 + + + PluginWidget - Patch - 패치 + + + + + + Frame + - Name - 이름 + + Enable + - OK - 확인 + + On/Off + 켬/끔 - Cancel - 취소 + + + + + PluginName + - - - PatmanView - Loop - 루프 + + MIDI + MIDI - Loop mode - 루프 모드 + + AUDIO IN + - Tune - + + AUDIO OUT + - Tune mode - + + GUI + - No file selected - 파일이 선택되지 않음 + + Edit + - Open patch file - 패치 파일 열기 + + Remove + - Patch-Files (*.pat) - 패치 파일 (*.pat) + + Plugin Name + - Open patch - + + Preset: + - PatternView + ProjectNotes - Open in piano-roll - 피아노-롤에서 열기 + + Project Notes + 프로젝트 노트 - Clear all notes - 전체 음표 지우기 + + Enter project notes here + 여기에 프로젝트 노트를 입력하세요 - Reset name - 이름 초기화 + + Edit Actions + 편집 동작 - Change name - 이름 바꾸기 + + &Undo + 실행 취소(&U) - Add steps - + + %1+Z + %1+Z - Remove steps - + + &Redo + 다시 실행(&R) - Clone Steps - + + %1+Y + %1+Y - Set as ghost in piano-roll - + + &Copy + 복사(&C) - - - PeakController - Peak Controller - 피크 컨트롤러 + + %1+C + %1+C - Peak Controller Bug - 피크 컨트롤러 버그 + + Cu&t + 잘라내기(&T) - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - 이전 버전 LMMS의 버그로 인해 피크 컨트롤러가 제대로 연결되지 않았을 수 있습니다. 피크 컨트롤러가 제대로 연결되었는지 확인 후 파일을 다시 저장해 주시기 바랍니다. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. + + %1+X + %1+X - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK - + + &Paste + 붙여넣기(&P) - LFO Controller - LFO 컨트롤러 + + %1+V + %1+V - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - 기준 + + Format Actions + 서식 동작 - AMNT - + + &Bold + 굵게(&B) - Modulation amount: - + + %1+B + %1+B - MULT - + + &Italic + 기울임꼴(&I) - ATCK - + + %1+I + %1+I - Attack: - + + &Underline + 밑줄(&U) - DCAY - + + %1+U + %1+U - Release: - + + &Left + 왼쪽 정렬(&L) - TRSH - + + %1+L + %1+L - Treshold: - + + C&enter + 가운데 정렬(&E) - Base: - + + %1+E + %1+E - Amount multiplicator: - + + &Right + 오른쪽 정렬(&R) - Mute output - 출력 음소거 + + %1+R + %1+R - Absolute value - + + &Justify + 양쪽 정렬(&J) + + + + %1+J + %1+J + + + + &Color... + 색(&C)... - PeakControllerEffectControls - - Base value - 기준 값 - + ProjectRenderer - Modulation amount - + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) - Attack - + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) - Release - + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) - Treshold - + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - Mute output - 출력 음소거 + + Reload Plugin + - Absolute value - 절댓값 + + Show GUI + GUI 표시 - Amount multiplicator - + + Help + 도움말 - PianoRoll + QWidget - Note Velocity - 음표 벨로시티 + + + + + Name: + 이름: - Note Panning - 음표 패닝 + + URI: + - Mark/unmark current semitone - 현재 반음 표시 + + + + Maker: + 제작자: - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - + + + + Copyright: + 저작권: - Mark current scale - + + + Requires Real Time: + - Mark current chord - + + + + + + + Yes + - Unmark all - 모두 표시 해제 + + + + + + + No + 아니오 - Select all notes on this key - 이 음의 음표 모두 선택 + + + Real Time Capable: + 실제 시간 가능: - Note lock - 박자 잠금 + + + In Place Broken: + 깨진 곳에 위치: - Last note - 마지막 박자 + + + Channels In: + 입력 채널: - No scale - 음계 없음 + + + Channels Out: + 출력 채널: - No chord - 코드 없음 + + File: %1 + 파일: %1 - Velocity: %1% - 벨로시티: %1% + + File: + 파일: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - Panning: %1% left - 패닝: %1% 왼쪽 + + &Recently Opened Projects + 최근에 사용한 프로젝트(&R) + + + RenameDialog - Panning: %1% right - 패닝: %1% 오른쪽 + + Rename... + 이름 바꾸기... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - Panning: center - 패닝: 가운데 + + Input + 입력 - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - 더블클릭하여 패턴을 열어주세요! + + Input gain: + 입력 이득: - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - %1부터 %2까지의 값을 입력하세요: + + Size + 크기 - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - 현재 패턴 재생/일시정지 (Space) + + Size: + - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - + + Color + 음색 - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - + + Color: + - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - 현재 패턴 정지 (Space) + + Output + 출력 - Edit actions - 편집 동작 + + Output gain: + 출력 이득: + + + ReverbSCControls - Draw mode (Shift+D) - 그리기 모드 (Shift+D) + + Input gain + 입력 이득 - Erase mode (Shift+E) - 지우기 모드 (Shift+E) + + Size + 크기 - Select mode (Shift+S) - 선택 모드 (Shift+S) + + Color + 음색 - Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - + + Output gain + 출력 이득 + + + SaControls - Quantize - + + Pause + - Copy paste controls - 복사/붙여넣기 컨트롤 + + Reference freeze + - Timeline controls - + + Waterfall + - Zoom and note controls - + + Averaging + - Piano-Roll - %1 - 피아노-롤 - %1 + + Stereo + 스테레오 - Piano-Roll - no pattern - 피아노-롤 - 패턴 없음 + + Peak hold + - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time - + + Logarithmic frequency + - Cut (%1+X) - 잘라내기 (%1+X) + + Logarithmic amplitude + - Copy (%1+C) - 복사 (%1+C) + + Frequency range + - Paste (%1+V) - 붙여넣기 (%1+V) + + Amplitude range + - Horizontal zooming - + + FFT block size + - Quantization - + + FFT window type + - Note length - 음표 길이 + + Peak envelope resolution + - Scale - + + Spectrum display resolution + - Chord - + + Peak decay multiplier + - Clear ghost notes - + + Averaging weight + - - - PianoView - Base note - 기준 음 + + Waterfall history size + - - - Plugin - Plugin not found - 플러그인을 찾을 수 없음 + + Waterfall gamma correction + - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - 플러그인 "%1"을(를) 찾을 수 없거나 읽어올 수 없습니다. -이유: %2 + + FFT window overlap + - Error while loading plugin - 플러그인 로딩 오류 + + FFT zero padding + - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - 플러그인 "%1"을(를) 로딩할 수 없습니다! + + + Full (auto) + - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument Plugins - 악기 플러그인 + + + + Audible + - Instrument browser - 악기 탐색기 + + Bass + - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - 플러그인을 노래 편집기, 비트/베이스 라인 편집기, 이미 존재하는 악기 트랙 중 하나로 드래그하세요. + + Mids + - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. - 플러그인을 찾을 수 없습니다. + + High + - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - LMMS 플러그인 %1은(는) 이름이 %2인 플러그인 디스크립터를 가지고 있지 않습니다! + + Extended + - - - ProjectNotes - Edit Actions - 편집 동작 + + Loud + - &Undo - 실행 취소(&U) + + Silent + - %1+Z - %1+Z + + (High time res.) + - &Redo - 다시 실행(&R) + + (High freq. res.) + - %1+Y - %1+Y + + Rectangular (Off) + - &Copy - 복사(&C) + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + - %1+C - %1+C + + Hamming + - Cu&t - 잘라내기(&T) + + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog - %1+X - %1+X + + Pause + - &Paste - 붙여넣기(&P) + + Pause data acquisition + - %1+V - %1+V + + Reference freeze + - Format Actions - 서식 동작 + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + - &Bold - 굵게(&B) + + Waterfall + - %1+B - %1+B + + Display real-time spectrogram + - &Italic - 기울임꼴(&I) + + Averaging + - %1+I - %1+I + + Enable exponential moving average + - &Underline - 밑줄(&U) + + Stereo + 스테레오 - %1+U - %1+U + + Display stereo channels separately + - &Left - 왼쪽 정렬(&L) + + Peak hold + - %1+L - %1+L + + Display envelope of peak values + - C&enter - 가운데 정렬(&E) + + Logarithmic frequency + - %1+E - %1+E + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + - &Right - 오른쪽 정렬(&R) + + + Frequency range + - %1+R - %1+R + + Logarithmic amplitude + - &Justify - 양쪽 정렬(&J) + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + - %1+J - %1+J + + + Amplitude range + - &Color... - 색(&C)... + + Envelope res. + - Project Notes - 프로젝트 노트 + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Enter project notes here - 여기에 프로젝트 노트를 입력하세요 + + + Draw at most + - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV (*.wav) - WAV (*.wav) + + envelope points per pixel + - FLAC (*.flac) - FLAC (*.flac) + + Spectrum res. + - OGG (*.ogg) - OGG (*.ogg) + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - MP3 (*.mp3) - MP3 (*.mp3) + + spectrum points per pixel + - - - QWidget - Name: - 이름: + + Falloff factor + - Maker: - 제작자: + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + - Copyright: - 저작권: + + Multiply buffered value by + - Requires Real Time: - + + Averaging weight + - Yes - + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + - No - 아니오 + + New sample contributes + - Real Time Capable: - 실제 시간 가능: + + Waterfall height + - In Place Broken: - 깨진 곳에 위치: + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + - Channels In: - 입력 채널: + + Keep + - Channels Out: - 출력 채널: + + lines + - File: %1 - 파일: %1 + + Waterfall gamma + - File: - 파일: + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + - - - RenameDialog - Rename... - 이름 바꾸기... + + Gamma value: + - - - ReverbSCControlDialog - Input - 입력 + + Window overlap + - Size - 크기 + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - Size: - 크기: + + Each sample processed + - Color - 음색 + + times + - Color: - 음색: + + Zero padding + - Output - 출력 + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + - Input gain: - 입력 이득: + + Processing buffer is + - Output gain: - 출력 이득: + + steps larger than input block + - - - ReverbSCControls - Size - 크기 + + Advanced settings + - Color - 음색 + + Access advanced settings + - Input gain - 입력 이득 + + + FFT block size + - Output gain - 출력 이득 + + + FFT window type + SampleBuffer + Fail to open file 파일을 열 수 없음 + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time 오디오 파일은 %1MB보다 작고 %2분보다 짧아야 합니다 + Open audio file 오디오 파일 열기 + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) 모든 오디오 파일 (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Wave-Files (*.wav) Wave 파일(*.wav) + OGG-Files (*.ogg) OGG 파일(*.ogg) + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) DrumSynth 파일(*.ds) + FLAC-Files (*.flac) FLAC 파일(*.flac) + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) SPEEX 파일(*.spx) + VOC-Files (*.voc) VOC 파일(*.voc) + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) AIFF 파일 (*.aif *.aiff) + AU-Files (*.au) AU 파일 (*.au) + RAW-Files (*.raw) RAW 파일 (*.raw) - SampleTCOView + SampleClipView + + Double-click to open sample + 더블클릭하여 샘플 열기 + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) 삭제(마우스 가운데 버튼) + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + Cut 잘라내기 + + Cut selection + + + + Copy 복사 + + Copy selection + + + + Paste 붙여넣기 + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) 음소거/해제 (<%1> + 마우스 가운데 버튼) - Double-click to open sample - 더블클릭하여 샘플 열기 + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + 샘플 역으로 + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + SampleTrack + Volume 음량 + Panning 패닝 - Sample track - 샘플 트랙 + + Mixer channel + FX 채널 - FX channel - FX 채널 + + + Sample track + 샘플 트랙 SampleTrackView + Track volume 트랙 음량 + Channel volume: 채널 음량: + VOL 음량 + Panning 패닝 + Panning: 패닝: + PAN 패닝 - FX %1: %2 + + Channel %1: %2 FX %1: %2 SampleTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS - 일반 설정 + + GENERAL SETTINGS + 일반 설정 + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + 음량: + + + + VOL + 음량 + + + + Panning + 패닝 + + + + Panning: + 패닝: + + + + PAN + 패닝 + + + + Mixer channel + FX 채널 + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + 기본값으로 초기화 + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + 설정 + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + 음량을 dBFS 단위로 표시 + + + + Enable tooltips + 툴팁 활성화 + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + 플러그인 + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + VST 플러그인을 LMMS 재생과 동기화 + + + + Keep effects running even without input + 입력이 없을 때에도 효과 작동 유지 + + + + + Audio + 오디오 + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + LMMS 작업 경로 + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + - Sample volume - 샘플 음량 + + SF2 directory + SF2 경로 - Volume: - 음량: + + Default SF2 + - VOL - 음량 + + GIG directory + GIG 경로 - Panning - 패닝 + + Theme directory + - Panning: - 패닝: + + Background artwork + 배경 아트워크 - PAN - 패닝 + + Some changes require restarting. + - FX channel - FX 채널 + + Autosave interval: %1 + - FX - FX + + Choose the LMMS working directory + - - - SaveOptionsWidget - Discard MIDI connections - MIDI 연결 제거 + + Choose your VST plugins directory + - - - SetupDialog - Setup LMMS - LMMS 설정 + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + - General settings - 일반 설정 + + Choose your default SF2 + - BUFFER SIZE - 버퍼 크기 + + Choose your theme directory + - MISC - 기타 + + Choose your background picture + - Use built-in NaN handler - + + + Paths + 경로 - PLUGIN EMBEDDING - + + OK + 확인 - No embedding - + + Cancel + 취소 - Embed using Qt API - + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + 프레임: %1 +시간 지연: %2 ms - Embed using native Win32 API - + + Choose your GIG directory + GIG 경로 선택 - Embed using XEmbed protocol - + + Choose your SF2 directory + SF2 경로 선택 - LANGUAGE - 언어 + + minutes + - Paths - 경로 + + minute + - Directories - 경로 + + Disabled + 비활성화됨 + + + SidInstrument - Performance settings - 성능 설정 + + Cutoff frequency + 차단 주파수 - Auto save - 자동 저장 + + Resonance + 공명 - Enable auto-save - 자동 저장 활성화 + + Filter type + 필터 종류 - Allow auto-save while playing - 재생 중 자동 저장 허용 + + Voice 3 off + - UI effects vs. performance - UI 효과 vs. 성능 + + Volume + 음량 - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - 노래 편집기에서 부드러운 스크롤 사용 + + Chip model + 칩 모델 + + + SidInstrumentView - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - + + Volume: + 음량: - Audio settings - 오디오 설정 + + Resonance: + 공명: - AUDIO INTERFACE - 오디오 인터페이스 + + + Cutoff frequency: + 차단 주파수: - MIDI settings - MIDI 설정 + + High-pass filter + 고역 통과 필터 - MIDI INTERFACE - MIDI 인터페이스 + + Band-pass filter + 대역 통과 필터 - OK - 확인 + + Low-pass filter + 저역 통과 필터 - Cancel - 취소 + + Voice 3 off + 소리 3 끄기 - Restart LMMS - LMMS 다시 시작 + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - 프레임: %1 -시간 지연: %2 ms + + + Attack: + - Choose LMMS working directory - LMMS 작업 경로 선택 + + + Decay: + 감쇠: - Choose your GIG directory - GIG 경로 선택 + + Sustain: + - Choose your SF2 directory - SF2 경로 선택 + + + Release: + - Choose your VST-plugin directory - VST 플러그인 경로 선택 + + Pulse Width: + 펄스 폭: - Choose artwork-theme directory - 아트워크 경로 선택 + + Coarse: + - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - LADSPA 플러그인 경로 선택 + + Pulse wave + 펄스파 - Choose STK rawwave directory - + + Triangle wave + 삼각파 - Choose default SoundFont - 기본 사운드폰트 설정 + + Saw wave + 톱니파 - Choose background artwork - 배경 아트워크 선택 + + Noise + 잡음 - minutes - + + Sync + 동기화 - minute - + + Ring modulation + 링 모듈레이션 - Disabled - 비활성화됨 + + Filtered + 필터 - Auto-save interval: %1 - 자동 저장 간격: %1 + + Test + 테스트 - Reset to default value - + + Pulse width: + 펄스 폭: + + + SideBarWidget - Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded - + + Close + 닫기 Song + Tempo 템포 + Master volume 마스터 음량 + Master pitch 마스터 피치 + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + LMMS Error report LMMS 오류 보고 - The following errors occured while loading: - 로딩 중 다음과 같은 오류가 발생하였습니다: + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + SongEditor + Could not open file 파일을 열 수 없음 + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. 파일 %1을(를) 열 수 없습니다. 파일을 읽을 수 있는 권한이 없기 때문일 수 있습니다. 파일을 읽을 수 있는 권한이 있는지 확인 후 다시 시도하시기 바랍니다. + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + 오류 + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + Could not write file 파일을 쓸 수 없음 - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - 파일 %1을(를) 쓰기 위하여 열 수 없습니다. 파일을 쓸 수 있는 권한이 없기 때문일 수 있습니다. 파일에 쓸 수 있는 권한이 있는지 확인 후 다시 시도하시기 바랍니다. + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + Error in file 파일 오류 + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. 파일 %1에 오류가 있어 로딩에 실패하였습니다. + Version difference 버전 차이 - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - 이 %1은(는) LMMS %2에서 만들어졌습니다. - - + template 템플릿 + project 프로젝트 + Tempo 템포 + + TEMPO + 템포 + + + + Tempo in BPM + 템포 (BPM 단위) + + + High quality mode 고음질 모드 + + + Master volume 마스터 음량 + + + Master pitch 마스터 피치 + Value: %1% 값: %1% + Value: %1 semitones 값: %1반음 - - TEMPO - 템포 - - - Tempo in BPM - BPM 단위의 템포 - SongEditorWindow + Song-Editor 노래 편집기 + Play song (Space) 노래 재생 (Space) + Record samples from Audio-device 오디오 장치로부터 샘플 녹음 + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track 노래 또는 비트/베이스 라인 트랙을 재생하는 동안 오디오 장치로부터 샘플 녹음 + Stop song (Space) 노래 정지 (Space) + Track actions - + + Add beat/bassline 비트/베이스 라인 추가 + Add sample-track 샘플 트랙 추가 + Add automation-track 오토메이션 트랙 추가 + Edit actions 편집 동작 + Draw mode 그리기 모드 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + Edit mode (select and move) 편집 모드 (선택 및 이동) + Timeline controls - + - Zoom controls - + + Bar insert controls + - Horizontal zooming - + + Insert bar + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - 선형 스펙트럼 + + Remove bar + - Linear Y axis - 선형 Y축 + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + 수평 줌 + + + + Snap controls + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum - 선형 스펙트럼 + + + Clip snapping size + - Linear Y axis - 선형 Y축 + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + - Channel mode - 채널 모드 + + Base snapping size + StepRecorderWidget + Hint + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows - + SubWindow + Close 닫기 + Maximize 최대화 + Restore 복원 @@ -6520,81 +13067,110 @@ Latency: %2 ms TabWidget + + Settings for %1 %1에 대한 설정 + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + 템플릿에서 새 프로젝트 생성 + + TempoSyncKnob + + Tempo Sync 템포 동기화 + No Sync 동기화 없음 + Eight beats 여덟 박자 + Whole note 온음표 + Half note 2분음표 + Quarter note 4분음표 + 8th note 8분음표 + 16th note 16분음표 + 32nd note 32분음표 + Custom... 사용자 지정... + Custom 사용자 지정 + Synced to Eight Beats 여덟 박자에 동기화됨 + Synced to Whole Note 온음표에 동기화됨 + Synced to Half Note 2분음표에 동기화됨 + Synced to Quarter Note 4분음표에 동기화됨 + Synced to 8th Note 8분음표에 동기화됨 + Synced to 16th Note 16분음표에 동기화됨 + Synced to 32nd Note 32분음표에 동기화됨 @@ -6602,76 +13178,88 @@ Latency: %2 ms TimeDisplayWidget + + Time units + 시간 단위 + + + MIN + SEC + MSEC 밀리초 + BAR 마디 + BEAT + TICK - - Time units - 시간 단위 - TimeLineWidget - After stopping go back to begin - 정지한 뒤 시작점으로 이동 + + Auto scrolling + 자동 스크롤 + + + + Loop points + 반복 지점 + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started 정지한 뒤 재생을 시작한 점으로 이동 + After stopping keep position 정지한 후 위치 유지 + Hint + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. <%1> 키를 눌러 반복 지점을 자유롭게 이동할 수 있습니다. - - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - <Shift> 키를 누르면 반복 시작점을 움직일 수 있습니다; <%1> 키를 눌러 반복 지점을 자유롭게 움직일 수 있습니다. - - - Auto scrolling - 자동 스크롤 - - - Loop points - 루프 지점 - Track + Mute 음소거 + Solo 독주 @@ -6679,444 +13267,669 @@ Latency: %2 ms TrackContainer + Couldn't import file 파일을 가져올 수 없음 - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. 파일 %1을(를) 가져오기 위한 필터를 찾을 수 없습니다. 이 파일을 가져오려면 다른 프로그램을 사용하여 LMMS가 지원하는 포맷으로 변환하시기 바랍니다. + Couldn't open file 파일을 열 수 없음 - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! 파일 %1을(를) 읽기 열 수 없습니다. 파일을 읽을 수 있는 권한이 있는지 확인 후 다시 시도하시기 바랍니다! + Loading project... 프로젝트 로딩 중... + + Cancel 취소 + + Please wait... 잠시만 기다려 주세요... + Loading cancelled 로딩 취소됨 + Project loading was cancelled. 프로젝트 로딩이 취소되었습니다. + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) 트랙 %1 로딩 중 (%2/총 %3) + Importing MIDI-file... MIDI 파일을 가져오는중... - TrackContentObject + Clip + Mute 음소거 - TrackContentObjectView + ClipView + Current position 현재 위치 - Hint - + + Current length + 현재 길이 - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - <%1> 키를 누른 채 드래그하여 복사합니다. + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4부터 %5:%6까지) - Current length - 현재 길이 + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + <%1> 키를 누른 채 드래그하여 복사합니다. + Press <%1> for free resizing. <%1> 키를 눌러 크기를 자유롭게 조절할 수 있습니다. - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4부터 %5:%6까지) + + Hint + + Delete (middle mousebutton) 삭제(마우스 가운데 버튼) + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + Cut 잘라내기 + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + Copy 복사 + + Copy selection + + + + Paste 붙여넣기 + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) 음소거/해제 (<%1> + 마우스 가운데 버튼) + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + 붙여넣기 + TrackOperationsWidget + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + 동작 + + + + Mute 음소거 + + Solo 독주 + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + Clone this track 트랙 복제 + Remove this track 트랙 제거 + Clear this track 트랙 초기화 - FX %1: %2 + + Channel %1: %2 FX %1: %2 - Assign to new FX Channel + + Assign to new mixer Channel 새 FX 채널 할당 + Turn all recording on - + + Turn all recording off - + - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. - + + Change color + 색상 바꾸기 - Actions - + + Reset color to default + 색상을 기본값으로 되돌리기 + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + TripleOscillatorView + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + Osc %1 volume: 오실레이터 %1 음량: + Osc %1 panning: 오실레이터 %1 패닝: + Osc %1 coarse detuning: - + + semitones 반음 + Osc %1 fine detuning left: - + + + cents 센트 + Osc %1 fine detuning right: - + + Osc %1 phase-offset: - + + + degrees + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - + - Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - + + Sine wave + 사인파 - Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - + + Triangle wave + 삼각파 - Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 - + + Saw wave + 톱니파 - Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - + + Square wave + 사각파 - Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - + + Moog-like saw wave + Moog 톱니파 - Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - + + Exponential wave + 지수형 파형 - Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - + + White noise + 화이트 노이즈 - Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - + + User-defined wave + 사용자 정의 파형 + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + - Sine wave - 사인파 + + Logarithmic scale + - Triangle wave - 삼각파 + + High quality + + + + VecControlsDialog - Saw wave - 톱니파 + + HQ + - Square wave - 사각파 + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + - Moog-like saw wave - Moog 톱니파 + + Log. scale + - Exponential wave - 지수형 파형 + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + - White noise - 화이트 노이즈 + + Persist. + - User-defined wave - 사용자 지정 파형 + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + VersionedSaveDialog + Increment version number 버전 증가 + Decrement version number 버전 감소 - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - 이(가) 이미 존재합니다. 덮어쓰시겠습니까? + + Save Options + - Save Options - 저장 옵션 + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + 이(가) 이미 존재합니다. 덮어쓰시겠습니까? VestigeInstrumentView + + + Open VST plugin + VST 플러그인 열기 + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + LMMS에서 VST 플러그인 제어 + + + + Open VST plugin preset + VST 플러그인 프리셋 열기 + + + Previous (-) 이전 (-) + Save preset 프리셋 저장 + Next (+) 다음 (+) + Show/hide GUI GUI 보이기/숨기기 + Turn off all notes 모든 음 끄기 + DLL-files (*.dll) DLL 파일 (*.dll) + EXE-files (*.exe) EXE 파일 (*.exe) + + No VST plugin loaded + VST 플러그인이 로딩되지 않음 + + + Preset 프리셋 + by - + + - VST plugin control - - - - Open VST plugin - - - - Control VST plugin from LMMS host - - - - Open VST plugin preset - - - - No VST plugin loaded - + - VisualizationWidget + VstEffectControlDialog - Click to enable - 클릭하여 활성화 + + Show/hide + 보이기/숨기기 - Oscilloscope - 오실로스코프 + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + LMMS에서 VST 플러그인 제어 - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - 보이기/숨기기 + + Open VST plugin preset + VST-플러그인 프리셋 열기 + Previous (-) 이전 (-) + Next (+) 다음 (+) + Save preset 프리셋 저장 + + Effect by: - + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - - Control VST plugin from LMMS host - - - - Open VST plugin preset - - VstPlugin + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. VST 플러그인 %1을 불러올 수 없습니다. + Open Preset 프리셋 열기 + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) VST 플러그인 프리셋 (*.fxp *.fxb) + : default - - - - " - - - - ' - + + Save Preset 프리셋 저장 + .fxp .fxp + .FXP .FXP + .FXB .FXB + .fxb .fxb + Loading plugin 플러그인 읽는 중 + Please wait while loading VST plugin... VST 플러그인을 읽을 동안 잠시 기다려 주세요... @@ -7124,118 +13937,147 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi WatsynInstrument + Volume A1 A1 음량 + Volume A2 A2 음량 + Volume B1 B1 음량 + Volume B2 B2 음량 + Panning A1 A1 패닝 + Panning A2 A2 패닝 + Panning B1 B1 패닝 + Panning B2 B2 패닝 + Freq. multiplier A1 - + + Freq. multiplier A2 - + + Freq. multiplier B1 - + + Freq. multiplier B2 - + + Left detune A1 - + + Left detune A2 - + + Left detune B1 - + + Left detune B2 - + + Right detune A1 - + + Right detune A2 - + + Right detune B1 - + + Right detune B2 - + + A-B Mix - + + A-B Mix envelope amount - + + A-B Mix envelope attack - + + A-B Mix envelope hold - + + A-B Mix envelope decay - + + A1-B2 Crosstalk - + + A2-A1 modulation - + + B2-B1 modulation - + + Selected graph 선택된 그래프 @@ -7243,601 +14085,795 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi WatsynView + + + + Volume 음량 + + + + Panning 패닝 + + + + Freq. multiplier - + + + + + Left detune - + + + + + + + + + cents 센트 + + + + Right detune - + + A-B Mix - + + Mix envelope amount - + + Mix envelope attack - + + Mix envelope hold - + + Mix envelope decay - + + Crosstalk - + + Select oscillator A1 - + + Select oscillator A2 - + + Select oscillator B1 - + + Select oscillator B2 - + + Mix output of A2 to A1 - + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + Mix output of B2 to B1 - + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. 드래그하여 원하는 파형을 그리세요. + Load waveform 파형 불러오기 + + Load a waveform from a sample file + 샘플 파일에서 파형 가져오기 + + + Phase left 왼쪽 위상 + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + 위상을 -15도만큼 바꾸기 + + + Phase right 오른쪽 위상 + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + 위상을 +15도만큼 바꾸기 + + + + Normalize 일반화 + + Invert 파형 반전 + + Smooth 부드럽게 + + Sine wave 사인파 + + + Triangle wave 삼각파 - Square wave - 사각파 - - - Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 - - - - Ring modulate A1 and A2 - - - - Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 - - - - Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 - - - - Ring modulate B1 and B2 - - - - Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 - - - - Load a waveform from a sample file - - - - Shift phase by -15 degrees - - - - Shift phase by +15 degrees - - - + Saw wave 톱니파 + + + + Square wave + 사각파 + Xpressive + Selected graph - 선택된 그래프 + 선택된 그래프 + A1 - + A1 + A2 - + A2 + A3 - + A3 + W1 smoothing - + + W2 smoothing - + + W3 smoothing - + + Panning 1 - + 패닝 1 + Panning 2 - + 패닝 2 + Rel trans - + XpressiveView + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. 드래그하여 원하는 파형을 그리세요. + Select oscillator W1 - + 오실레이터 W1 선택 + Select oscillator W2 - + 오실레이터 W2 선택 + Select oscillator W3 - + 오실레이터 W3 선택 + Select output O1 - + 출력 O1 선택 + Select output O2 - + 출력 O2 선택 + Open help window - + 도움말 창 열기 + + Sine wave 사인파 + + Moog-saw wave - + Moog 톱니파 + + Exponential wave 지수형 파형 + + Saw wave 톱니파 + + User-defined wave - + 사용자 정의 파형 + + Triangle wave 삼각파 + + Square wave 사각파 + + White noise 화이트 노이즈 + WaveInterpolate - + + ExpressionValid - + + General purpose 1: - + + General purpose 2: - + + General purpose 3: - + + O1 panning: - + + O2 panning: - + + Release transition: - + + Smoothness - + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + Portamento 포르타멘토 - Bandwidth - 대역폭 - - + Filter frequency - + 필터 주파수 + Filter resonance - + 필터 공명 + + Bandwidth + 대역폭 + + + FM gain - + FM 이득 + Resonance center frequency - + 공명 중심 주파수 + Resonance bandwidth - + 공명 대역폭 + Forward MIDI control change events - + MIDI CC 이벤트 전달 ZynAddSubFxView + Portamento: 포르타멘토: + PORT 포르타멘토 + + Filter frequency: + 필터 주파수: + + + FREQ 주파수 + + Filter resonance: + 필터 공명: + + + RES 공명 + Bandwidth: 대역폭: + BW 대역폭 + + FM gain: + FM 이득: + + + FM GAIN FM 이득 + Resonance center frequency: 공명 중심 주파수: + RES CF - + + Resonance bandwidth: 공명 대역폭: + RES BW - - - - Show GUI - GUI 표시 - - - Filter frequency: - - - - Filter resonance: - + - FM gain: - + + Forward MIDI control changes + MIDI CC 이벤트 전달 - Forward MIDI control changes - + + Show GUI + GUI 표시 - audioFileProcessor + AudioFileProcessor + Amplify 증폭 + Start of sample 샘플 시작 + End of sample 샘플 끝 + Loopback point 루프 시작점 + Reverse sample 샘플 역으로 + Loop mode 루프 모드 + Stutter - + + Interpolation mode 보간법 + None 없음 + Linear 선형 + Sinc Sinc + Sample not found: %1 샘플 %1을 찾을 수 없음 - bitInvader + BitInvader + Sample length 샘플 길이 - bitInvaderView + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + 샘플 길이 + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. 드래그하여 원하는 파형을 그리세요. + + Sine wave 사인파 - - Triangle wave - 삼각파 - - - Saw wave - 톱니파 - - - Square wave - 사각파 - - - Interpolation - 보간 + + + + Triangle wave + 삼각파 - Normalize - 규격화 + + + Saw wave + 톱니파 - Sample length - 샘플 길이 + + + Square wave + 사각파 + + White noise 화이트 노이즈 + + User-defined wave - 사용자 지정 파형 + 사용자 정의 파형 + + Smooth waveform 파형을 부드럽게 + + + Interpolation + 보간 + + + + Normalize + 규격화 + - dynProcControlDialog + DynProcControlDialog + INPUT 입력 + Input gain: 입력 이득: + OUTPUT 출력 + Output gain: 출력 이득: + ATTACK - + + Peak attack time: - + + RELEASE - + + Peak release time: - - - - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - 두 채널의 최댓값을 기준으로 효과 적용 - - - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - 두 채널의 평균을 기준으로 효과 적용 - - - Process each stereo channel independently - 각각의 채널에 독립적으로 효과 적용 + + + Reset wavegraph - + 그래프 초기화 + + Smooth wavegraph - + 그래프를 부드럽게 + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - + + Stereo mode: maximum - + 스테레오 모드: 최댓값 + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + 두 채널의 최댓값을 기준으로 효과 적용 + Stereo mode: average - + 스테레오 모드: 평균 + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + 두 채널의 평균을 기준으로 효과 적용 + Stereo mode: unlinked - + 스테레오 모드: 독립 + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + 각각의 채널에 독립적으로 효과 적용 - dynProcControls + DynProcControls + Input gain 입력 이득 + Output gain 출력 이득 + Attack time - + + Release time - + + Stereo mode 스테레오 모드 @@ -7845,1486 +14881,1453 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi graphModel + Graph 그래프 - kickerInstrument + KickerInstrument + Start frequency 시작 주파수 + End frequency 끝 주파수 + Length 길이 + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + Gain 이득 + + Envelope slope + + + + Noise 잡음 + Click - + + + + + Frequency slope + + Start from note 음표 주파수에서 시작 + End to note 음표 주파수에서 마침 - - Start distortion - - - - End distortion - - - - Envelope slope - - - - Frequency slope - - - kickerInstrumentView + KickerInstrumentView + Start frequency: 시작 주파수: + End frequency: 끝 주파수: - Gain: - 이득: + + Frequency slope: + - Click: - + + Gain: + 이득: - Noise: - 잡음: + + Envelope length: + - Frequency slope: - + + Envelope slope: + - Envelope length: - 엔벨로프 길이: + + Click: + - Envelope slope: - + + Noise: + 잡음: + Start distortion: - 디스토션 시작 값: + + End distortion: - 디스토션 끝 값: + - ladspaBrowserView + LadspaBrowserView + + Available Effects 사용 가능한 효과 + + Unavailable Effects 사용 불가능한 효과 + + Instruments 악기 + + Analysis Tools 분석 도구 + + Don't know 알 수 없음 + Type: 형태: - ladspaDescription + LadspaDescription + Plugins 플러그인 + Description 요약 - ladspaPortDialog + LadspaPortDialog + Ports 포트 + Name 이름 + Rate 종류 + Direction 방향 + Type 형태 + Min < Default < Max 최소 < 기본 < 최대 + Logarithmic 로그 + SR Dependent SR 의존 + Audio 오디오 + Control 컨트롤 + Input 입력 + Output 출력 + Toggled 토글 + Integer 정수 + Float 실수 + + Yes - lb302Synth + Lb302Synth + VCF Cutoff Frequency VCF 차단 주파수 + VCF Resonance VCF 공명 + VCF Envelope Mod VCF 엔벨로프 모드 + VCF Envelope Decay VCF 엔벨로프 감쇠 + Distortion 디스토션 + Waveform 파형 + Slide Decay 슬라이드 감소 + Slide 슬라이드 + Accent - + + Dead - + + 24dB/oct Filter 24dB/oct 필터 - lb302SynthView + Lb302SynthView + Cutoff Freq: 차단 주파수: + Resonance: 공명: + Env Mod: 엔벨로프 변조: + Decay: 감쇠: + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - + + Slide Decay: 슬라이드 감쇠: + DIST: 디스토션: + Saw wave 톱니파 + Click here for a saw-wave. 클릭하여 톱니파를 선택합니다. + Triangle wave 삼각파 + Click here for a triangle-wave. 클릭하여 삼각파를 선택합니다. + Square wave 사각파 + Click here for a square-wave. 클릭하여 사각파를 선택합니다. + Rounded square wave 둥근 사각파 + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. 클릭하여 둥근 사각파를 선택합니다. + Moog wave Moog 톱니파 + Click here for a moog-like wave. 클릭하여 Moog 톱니파를 선택합니다. + Sine wave 사인파 + Click for a sine-wave. 클릭하여 사인파를 선택합니다. + + White noise wave 화이트 노이즈 + Click here for an exponential wave. 클릭하여 지수형 파형을 선택합니다. + Click here for white-noise. 클릭하여 화이트 노이즈를 선택합니다. + Bandlimited saw wave 대역 제한 톱니파 + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. 클릭하여 대역 제한 톱니파를 선택합니다. + Bandlimited square wave 대역 제한 사각파 - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - 클릭하여 대역 제한 사각파를 선택합니다. - - - Bandlimited triangle wave - 대역 제한 삼각파 - - - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - 클릭하여 대역 제한 삼각파를 선택합니다. - - - Bandlimited moog saw wave - 대역 제한 Moog 톱니파 - - - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - 클릭하여 대역 제한 Moog 톱니파를 선택합니다. - - - - malletsInstrument - - Hardness - - - - Position - 위치 - - - Modulator - 모듈레이터 - - - Crossfade - 크로스페이드 - - - ADSR - ADSR - - - Pressure - 압력 - - - Motion - 모션 - - - Speed - 속도 - - - Bowed - - - - Spread - - - - Marimba - 마림바 - - - Vibraphone - 비브라폰 - - - Agogo - 아고고 - - - Reso - - - - Beats - - - - Clump - - - - Glass - 유리 - - - Vibrato gain - - - - Vibrato frequency - - - - Stick mix - - - - LFO speed - LFO 속도 - - - LFO depth - - - - Wood 1 - - - - Wood 2 - - - - Two fixed - - - - Tubular bells - - - - Uniform bar - - - - Tuned bar - - - - Tibetan bowl - - - - - malletsInstrumentView - - Instrument - 악기 - - - Spread - - - - Spread: - - - - Missing files - 없는 파일 - - - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Stk 설치가 불완전한 것 같습니다. 완전한 Stk 패키지가 설치되었는지 확인하시기 바랍니다! - - - Hardness - - - - Hardness: - - - - Position - 위치 - - - Position: - 위치: - - - Modulator - 모듈레이터 - - - Modulator: - 모듈레이터: - - - Crossfade - 크로스페이드 - - - Crossfade: - 크로스페이드: - - - ADSR - ADSR + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + 클릭하여 대역 제한 사각파를 선택합니다. - ADSR: - ADSR: + + Bandlimited triangle wave + 대역 제한 삼각파 - Pressure - 압력 + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + 클릭하여 대역 제한 삼각파를 선택합니다. - Pressure: - 압력: + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + 대역 제한 Moog 톱니파 - Speed - 속도 + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + 클릭하여 대역 제한 Moog 톱니파를 선택합니다. + + + MalletsInstrument - Speed: - 속도: + + Hardness + - Vibrato gain - + + Position + 위치 - Vibrato gain: - + + Vibrato gain + 비브라토 이득 + Vibrato frequency - + 비브라토 주파수 - Vibrato frequency: - + + Stick mix + - Stick mix - + + Modulator + 모듈레이터 - Stick mix: - + + Crossfade + 크로스페이드 + LFO speed LFO 속도 - LFO speed: - LFO 속도: - - + LFO depth - + LFO 깊이 - LFO depth: - + + ADSR + ADSR - - - manageVSTEffectView - - VST parameter control - + + Pressure + 압력 - Automated - + + Motion + 모션 - Close - 닫기 + + Speed + 속도 - VST sync - VST와 동기화 + + Bowed + - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - + + Spread + - VST Sync - VST와 동기화 + + Marimba + 마림바 - Automated - + + Vibraphone + 비브라폰 - Close - 닫기 + + Agogo + 아고고 - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - 디스토션 + + Wood 1 + - Volume - 음량 + + Reso + - - - organicInstrumentView - Distortion: - 디스토션: + + Wood 2 + - Volume: - 음량: + + Beats + - Randomise - 무작위 생성 + + Two fixed + - Osc %1 waveform: - 오실레이터 %1 파형: + + Clump + - Osc %1 volume: - 오실레이터 %1 음량: + + Tubular bells + - Osc %1 panning: - 오실레이터 %1 패닝: + + Uniform bar + - Osc %1 stereo detuning - + + Tuned bar + - cents - 센트 + + Glass + 유리 - Osc %1 harmonic: - 오실레이터 %1 배음: + + Tibetan bowl + - patchesDialog + MalletsInstrumentView - Qsynth: Channel Preset - + + Instrument + 악기 - Bank selector - + + Spread + - Bank - 뱅크 + + Spread: + - Program selector - + + Missing files + 없는 파일 - Patch - 패치 + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Stk 설치가 불완전한 것 같습니다. 완전한 Stk 패키지가 설치되었는지 확인하시기 바랍니다! - Name - 이름 + + Hardness + - OK - 확인 + + Hardness: + - Cancel - 취소 + + Position + 위치 - - - pluginBrowser - no description - 설명 없음 + + Position: + 위치: - A native amplifier plugin - 내장 증폭기 플러그인 + + Vibrato gain + 비브라토 이득 - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - + + Vibrato gain: + 비브라토 이득: - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - + + Vibrato frequency + 비브라토 주파수 - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - + + Vibrato frequency: + 비브라토 주파수: - An oversampling bitcrusher - + + Stick mix + - Carla Patchbay Instrument - + + Stick mix: + - Carla Rack Instrument - + + Modulator + 모듈레이터 - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - + + Modulator: + 모듈레이터: - A native delay plugin - 내장 딜레이 플러그인 + + Crossfade + 크로스페이드 - A Dual filter plugin - + + Crossfade: + 크로스페이드: - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - + + LFO speed + LFO 속도 - A native eq plugin - 내장 EQ 플러그인 + + LFO speed: + LFO 속도: - A native flanger plugin - 내장 플랜저 플러그인 + + LFO depth + LFO 깊이 - Player for GIG files - GIG 파일 플레이어 + + LFO depth: + LFO 깊이: - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Hydrogen 파일을 LMMS로 읽어오기 위한 필터 + + ADSR + ADSR - Versatile drum synthesizer - + + ADSR: + ADSR: - List installed LADSPA plugins - 설치된 LADSPA 플러그인 목록 + + Pressure + 압력 - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - LMMS에서 LADSPA 이펙트를 이용하기 위한 플러그인. + + Pressure: + 압력: - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - + + Speed + 속도 - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - MIDI 파일을 LMMS에서 내보내기 위한 필터 + + Speed: + 속도: + + + ManageVSTEffectView - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - MIDI 파일을 LMMS로 읽어오기 위한 필터 + + - VST parameter control + - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - + + VST sync + VST와 동기화 - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + + Automated + - A NES-like synthesizer - + + Close + 닫기 + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - 2-operator FM Synth - + + + - VST plugin control + - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - + + VST Sync + VST와 동기화 - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - GameBoy (TM) APU 에뮬레이션 + + + Automated + - GUS-compatible patch instrument - + + Close + 닫기 + + + OrganicInstrument - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - + + Distortion + 디스토션 - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Sean Costello의 리버브 알고리즘 + + Volume + 음량 + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + 디스토션: - Player for SoundFont files - 사운드폰트 파일 플레이어 + + Volume: + 음량: - LMMS port of sfxr - + + Randomise + 무작위 생성 - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - + + + Osc %1 waveform: + 오실레이터 %1 파형: + + + + Osc %1 volume: + 오실레이터 %1 음량: - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - 그래픽 스펙트럼 분석 플러그인 + + Osc %1 panning: + 오실레이터 %1 패닝: - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - + + cents + 센트 - Tuneful things to bang on - + + Osc %1 harmonic: + 오실레이터 %1 배음: + + + PatchesDialog - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - LMMS의 VST(i) 플러그인 호스트 + + Bank selector + - Vibrating string modeler - + + Bank + 뱅크 - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - LMMS에서 VST 이펙트를 이용하기 위한 플러그인. + + Program selector + - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - + + Patch + 패치 - plugin for waveshaping - + + Name + 이름 - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - 내장 ZynAddSubFX 플러그인 + + OK + 확인 - Mathematical expression parser - + + Cancel + 취소 - sf2Instrument + Sf2Instrument + Bank 뱅크 + Patch 패치 + Gain 이득 + Reverb 리버브 - Chorus - 코러스 - - - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - 사운드폰트 %1을 불러올 수 없습니다. - - + Reverb room size - 리버브 공간 크기 + + Reverb damping 리버브 감쇠 + Reverb width - 리버브 너비 + + Reverb level - + + + Chorus + 코러스 + + + Chorus voices - + + Chorus level - + + Chorus speed - + + Chorus depth - 코러스 깊이 - - - - sf2InstrumentView - - Apply reverb (if supported) - 리버브 적용(지원시) + - Apply chorus (if supported) - 코러스 적용 (지원될 경우) + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + 사운드폰트 %1을 불러올 수 없습니다. + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + Open SoundFont file 사운드폰트 파일 열기 + Choose patch - + 패치 선택 + Gain: - 이득: + 이득: + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + 리버브 적용(지원시) + Room size: - + 공간 크기: + Damping: - + 감쇠: + Width: - 너비: + 너비: + + Level: - + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + 코러스 적용 (지원될 경우) + Voices: - + + Speed: - 속도: + 속도: + Depth: - + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) - + 사운드폰트 파일 (*.sf2 *.sf3) - sfxrInstrument + SfxrInstrument + Wave 파형 - sidInstrument - - Resonance - 공명 - - - Filter type - 필터 종류 - - - Voice 3 off - - - - Volume - 음량 - - - Chip model - 칩 모델 - - - Cutoff frequency - 차단 주파수 - - - - sidInstrumentView - - Volume: - 음량: - - - Resonance: - 공명: - - - Cutoff frequency: - 차단 주파수: - - - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID - - - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID - - - Attack: - - - - Decay: - 감쇠: - + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - Sustain: - - - - Release: - - - - Pulse Width: - 펄스 폭: - - - Coarse: - - - - Noise - 잡음 - - - Sync - 동기화 - - - Filtered - 필터 - - - Test - 테스트 - - - High-pass filter - - - - Band-pass filter - - - - Low-pass filter - - - - Voice 3 off - - - - Pulse wave - 펄스파 - - - Triangle wave - 삼각파 - - - Saw wave - 톱니파 - - - Ring modulation - - - - Pulse width: - 펄스 폭: + + WIDTH + 너비 - - - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + Width: 너비: - - WIDTH - 너비 - - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width 너비 - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: 왼쪽에서 왼쪽 음량: + Left to Right Vol: 왼쪽에서 오른쪽 음량: + Right to Left Vol: 오른쪽에서 왼쪽 음량: + Right to Right Vol: 오른쪽에서 오른쪽 음량: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left 왼쪽에서 왼쪽 + Left to Right 왼쪽에서 오른쪽 + Right to Left 오른쪽에서 왼쪽 + Right to Right 오른쪽에서 오른쪽 - testcontext - - test string - - - - test plural %n - - - - - - - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin 플러그인 읽는 중 + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... - VST 플러그인을 읽을 동안 잠시 기다려 주세요... + VST 플러그인을 불러올 동안 잠시 기다려 주세요... - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume %1번 현 음량 + String %1 stiffness - + + Pick %1 position - + + Pickup %1 position 픽업 %1 위치 - Impulse %1 - - - + String %1 panning - String %1 패닝 + %1번 현 패닝 + String %1 detune - + + String %1 fuzziness - + + String %1 length - %1번 현 길이 + + + + + Impulse %1 + + String %1 %1번 현 - vibedView + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + String stiffness: - + + Pick position: - + + Pickup position: 픽업 위치: + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + Octave 옥타브 + Impulse Editor Impulse 편집기 + Enable waveform 파형 활성화 + + Enable/disable string + 현 활성화/비활성화 + + + String - + + + Sine wave 사인파 + + Triangle wave 삼각파 + + Saw wave 톱니파 + + Square wave 사각파 - String volume: - - - - String panning: - - - - String detune: - - - - String fuzziness: - - - - String length: - - - - Impulse - - - - Enable/disable string - - - + + White noise 화이트 노이즈 + + User-defined wave - 사용자 지정 파형 + 사용자 정의 파형 + + Smooth waveform 파형을 부드럽게 + + Normalize waveform - + 파형 정규화 - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width 소리 %1 펄스 폭 + Voice %1 attack - + + Voice %1 decay - + + Voice %1 sustain - + + Voice %1 release - + + Voice %1 coarse detuning - + + Voice %1 wave shape - 소리 %1파 + 소리 %1 파형 + Voice %1 sync 소리 %1 동기화 + Voice %1 ring modulate 소리 %1 링 모듈레이션 + Voice %1 filtered 소리 %1 필터됨 + Voice %1 test 소리 %1 테스트 - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT 입력 + Input gain: 입력 이득: + OUTPUT 출력 + Output gain: 출력 이득: - Clip input - 입력 신호 클리핑 - - + + Reset wavegraph 그래프 초기화 + + Smooth wavegraph 그래프를 부드럽게 + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - + + + + + Clip input + 입력 신호 클리핑 + Clip input signal to 0 dB - + 0dB에서 입력 신호 클리핑 - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain 입력 이득 + Output gain 출력 이득 diff --git a/data/locale/ms_MY.ts b/data/locale/ms_MY.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..209d51d108c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/ms_MY.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16326 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + Tentang LMMS + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + + About + Tentang + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + + + + + Copyright © %1. + + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + + Authors + Pengarang + + + + Involved + Terlibat + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + Penyumbang diperintah oleh beberapa komit: + + + + Translation + Translasi + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + + + License + Lesen + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Volume: + Kekuatan suara: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + LEFT + KIRI + + + + Left gain: + Kekuatan Kiri: + + + + RIGHT + Kanan + + + + Right gain: + Kekuatan kanan: + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Left gain + Kekuatan kiri + + + + Right gain + Kekuatan kanan + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + PERANTI + + + + CHANNELS + SALURAN + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + + + + + Reverse sample + Sample terbalik + + + + Disable loop + + + + + Enable loop + + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + + + + + Amplify: + Kekuatan: + + + + Start point: + + + + + End point: + + + + + Loopback point: + + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + + + + + JACK server down + + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + + + + + Client name + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value + + + + + Edit song-global automation + + + + + Remove song-global automation + + + + + Remove all linked controls + + + + + Connected to %1 + + + + + Connected to controller + + + + + Edit connection... + + + + + Remove connection + + + + + Connect to controller... + + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + + Flip vertically + + + + + Flip horizontally + + + + + Interpolation controls + + + + + Discrete progression + + + + + Linear progression + + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + + + + + Tension value for spline + + + + + Tension: + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization controls + + + + + Quantization + + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + + + + + Clear + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + Set/clear record + + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + + + + %1 Connections + + + + + Disconnect "%1" + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Beat selector + + + + + Track and step actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + + Clone of %1 + + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Gain: + + + + + RATIO + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + + + + + Gain + + + + + Ratio + + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + + + + + OUT + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + Input noise: + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + CLIP + + + + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + STEREO + + + + + Stereo difference: + + + + + QUANT + + + + + Levels: + + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + Kekuatan masuk + + + + Input noise + + + + + Output gain + Kekuatan keluar + + + + Output clip + + + + + Sample rate + + + + + Stereo difference + + + + + Levels + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + + + + + About + Tentang + + + + About text here + + + + + Extended licensing here + + + + + Artwork + + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + + + + + Features + + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + + + + + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + VST2: + + + + + DSSI: + + + + + LV2: + + + + + VST3: + + + + + OSC + + + + + Host URLs: + + + + + Valid commands: + + + + + valid osc commands here + + + + + Example: + + + + + License + Lesen + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + + + + + Plugin Version + + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + + (Engine not running) + + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + + Using Juce host + + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + + + + + Rack + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Logs + + + + + Loading... + + + + + Buffer Size: + + + + + Sample Rate: + + + + + ? Xruns + + + + + DSP Load: %p% + + + + + &File + + + + + &Engine + + + + + &Plugin + + + + + Macros (all plugins) + + + + + &Canvas + + + + + Zoom + + + + + &Settings + + + + + &Help + + + + + toolBar + + + + + Disk + + + + + + Home + + + + + Transport + + + + + Playback Controls + + + + + Time Information + + + + + Frame: + + + + + 000'000'000 + + + + + Time: + + + + + 00:00:00 + + + + + BBT: + + + + + 000|00|0000 + + + + + Settings + + + + + BPM + + + + + Use JACK Transport + + + + + Use Ableton Link + + + + + &New + + + + + Ctrl+N + + + + + &Open... + + + + + + Open... + + + + + Ctrl+O + + + + + &Save + + + + + Ctrl+S + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + + Save As... + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + + &Quit + + + + + Ctrl+Q + + + + + &Start + + + + + F5 + + + + + St&op + + + + + F6 + + + + + &Add Plugin... + + + + + Ctrl+A + + + + + &Remove All + + + + + Enable + + + + + Disable + + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + + + + + 100% Wet + + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + + + + + 100% Volume + + + + + Center Balance + + + + + &Play + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + + + + + &Stop + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + + &Backwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + + &Forwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + + &Arrange + + + + + Ctrl+G + + + + + + &Refresh + + + + + Ctrl+R + + + + + Save &Image... + + + + + Auto-Fit + + + + + Zoom In + + + + + Ctrl++ + + + + + Zoom Out + + + + + Ctrl+- + + + + + Zoom 100% + + + + + Ctrl+1 + + + + + Show &Toolbar + + + + + &Configure Carla + + + + + &About + + + + + About &JUCE + + + + + About &Qt + + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + + + + + Show Internal + + + + + Show External + + + + + Show Time Panel + + + + + Show &Side Panel + + + + + &Connect... + + + + + Compact Slots + + + + + Expand Slots + + + + + Perform secret 1 + + + + + Perform secret 2 + + + + + Perform secret 3 + + + + + Perform secret 4 + + + + + Perform secret 5 + + + + + Add &JACK Application... + + + + + &Configure driver... + + + + + Panic + + + + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Failed to load project + + + + + Failed to save project + + + + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + + + + + Warning + + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + + + + + main + + + + + canvas + + + + + engine + + + + + osc + + + + + file-paths + + + + + plugin-paths + + + + + wine + + + + + experimental + + + + + Widget + + + + + + Main + + + + + + Canvas + + + + + + Engine + + + + + File Paths + + + + + Plugin Paths + + + + + Wine + + + + + + Experimental + + + + + <b>Main</b> + + + + + Paths + + + + + Default project folder: + + + + + Interface + + + + + Interface refresh interval: + + + + + + ms + + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + + + + + + Theme + + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + + + + + Color scheme: + + + + + Black + + + + + System + + + + + Enable experimental features + + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + + + + + Bezier Lines + + + + + Theme: + + + + + Size: + + + + + 775x600 + + + + + 1550x1200 + + + + + 3100x2400 + + + + + 4650x3600 + + + + + 6200x4800 + + + + + Options + + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + + + + + Auto-select items on hover + + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + + + + + Render Hints + + + + + Anti-Aliasing + + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + + + + + <b>Engine</b> + + + + + + Core + + + + + Single Client + + + + + Multiple Clients + + + + + + Continuous Rack + + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Audio driver: + + + + + Process mode: + + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + + + + + Max Parameters: + + + + + ... + + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + + + + + Plugin UIs + + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + <b>OSC</b> + + + + + Enable OSC + + + + + Enable TCP port + + + + + + Use specific port: + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + + + + + Enable UDP port + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + + + + + Audio + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + + + + + + Add... + + + + + + Remove + + + + + + Change... + + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + + + + + <b>Wine</b> + + + + + Executable + + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + + + + + Prefix + + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + + + + + Fallback: + + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + + + + + Realtime Priority + + + + + Base priority: + + + + + WineServer priority: + + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + + + + + Enable plugin bridges + + + + + Enable Wine bridges + + + + + Enable jack applications + + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + + + + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + + + + + Attack: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + + + + + Release: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + + + + + Knee: + + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + + + + + Range: + + + + + Maximum gain reduction + + + + + Lookahead Length: + + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + + + + + Hold: + + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + + + + + RMS Size: + + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + + + + + Input Balance: + + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Output Balance: + + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Balance: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + + + + + Tilt Gain: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + + + + + Tilt Frequency: + + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + + + + + Mix: + + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + + + + + Auto Attack: + + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + + + + + Auto Release: + + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + + + + + Output gain + Kekuatan keluar + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output volume + + + + + Input gain + Kekuatan masuk + + + + Input volume + + + + + Root Mean Square + + + + + Use RMS of the input + + + + + Peak + + + + + Use absolute value of the input + + + + + Left/Right + + + + + Compress left and right audio + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Compress mid and side audio + + + + + Compressor + + + + + Compress the audio + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + + + + + Unlinked + + + + + Compress each channel separately + + + + + Maximum + + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + + + + + Average + + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + + + + + Minimum + + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + + + + + Blend + + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + + + + + + Soft Clip + + + + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + + + + + Ratio + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Knee + + + + + Hold + + + + + Range + + + + + RMS Size + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + + + + + Input Gain + + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Input controller + + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + + + + + Confirm Delete + + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + + + + + Rename controller + + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + + + + + LFO + + + + + &Remove this controller + + + + + Re&name this controller + + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + + + + + Band 1 gain: + + + + + Band 2 gain + + + + + Band 2 gain: + + + + + Band 3 gain + + + + + Band 3 gain: + + + + + Band 4 gain + + + + + Band 4 gain: + + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + Feedback + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + Kekuatan keluar + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + + Gain + + + + + MIX + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + + + + + Record + + + + + Record while playing + + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + + + + + + Name + + + + + Type + + + + + Description + + + + + Author + + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + Kekuatan masuk + + + + Output gain + Kekuatan keluar + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + Kekuatan masuk + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output gain + Kekuatan keluar + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + + + + + 48000 Hz + + + + + 88200 Hz + + + + + 96000 Hz + + + + + 192000 Hz + + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + + + + + 128 KBit/s + + + + + 160 KBit/s + + + + + 192 KBit/s + + + + + 256 KBit/s + + + + + 320 KBit/s + + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 13#9 + + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + + + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + Volume: + Kekuatan suara: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + Volume: + Kekuatan suara: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + + + + + + + Next + + + + + Previous (%1) + + + + + Next (%1) + + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + + + Version %1 + + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + + + + + My Projects + + + + + My Samples + + + + + My Presets + + + + + My Home + + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + + + + + My Computer + + + + + &File + + + + + &New + + + + + &Open... + + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + Save as New &Version + + + + + Save as default template + + + + + Import... + + + + + E&xport... + + + + + E&xport Tracks... + + + + + Export &MIDI... + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Edit + + + + + Undo + + + + + Redo + + + + + Settings + + + + + &View + + + + + &Tools + + + + + &Help + + + + + Online Help + + + + + Help + + + + + About + Tentang + + + + Create new project + + + + + Create new project from template + + + + + Open existing project + + + + + Recently opened projects + + + + + Save current project + + + + + Export current project + + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + + Piano Roll + + + + + + Automation Editor + + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + + + + + Untitled + + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Open Project + + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + + Save Project + + + + + LMMS Project + + + + + LMMS Project Template + + + + + Save project template + + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + + + + + + untitled + + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + + + + + Project saved + + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + + + + + Project NOT saved. + + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + + + + + Import file + + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + + + + + All file types + + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + Track + + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + + + + + 6 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + + + + + &Edit + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + + + + + Output channel + + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events + + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + Digital Triangle wave + + + + + Digital Saw wave + + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Ramp wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + + + + + + Rate + + + + + + Phase + + + + + + Pre-delay + + + + + + Hold + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Sustain + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + + + + + Enable channel 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + + + + + Noise Frequency + + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + + + + + + Osc %1 panning + + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + Modulation type %1 + + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Tune + + + + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + + + + + Open patch file + + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + + + + + Peak Controller Bug + + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + + + + + LFO Controller + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + MULT + + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + + + + + Attack: + + + + + DCAY + + + + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Treshold + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + + + + + Note Panning + + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + + + + + Effects + + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + + + + + %1+Y + + + + + &Copy + + + + + %1+C + + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + + + + + &Paste + + + + + %1+V + + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + Help + + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + + + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + + + + + + + + + + No + + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + + + + + File: + + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + + + + + Color: + + + + + Output + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + Kekuatan masuk + + + + Size + + + + + Color + + + + + Output gain + Kekuatan keluar + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + Sample terbalik + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + Kekuatan suara: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + + + + + minute + + + + + Disabled + + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Kekuatan suara: + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Noise + + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + + + + + .FXP + + + + + .FXB + + + + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + + + + + Volume A2 + + + + + Volume B1 + + + + + Volume B2 + + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + + + + + + Invert + + + + + + Smooth + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + + + + + A1 + + + + + A2 + + + + + A3 + + + + + W1 smoothing + + + + + W2 smoothing + + + + + W3 smoothing + + + + + Panning 1 + + + + + Panning 2 + + + + + Rel trans + + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Select oscillator W1 + + + + + Select oscillator W2 + + + + + Select oscillator W3 + + + + + Select output O1 + + + + + Select output O2 + + + + + Open help window + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Moog-saw wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + WaveInterpolate + + + + + ExpressionValid + + + + + General purpose 1: + + + + + General purpose 2: + + + + + General purpose 3: + + + + + O1 panning: + + + + + O2 panning: + + + + + Release transition: + + + + + Smoothness + + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + + + + + Filter frequency + + + + + Filter resonance + + + + + Bandwidth + + + + + FM gain + + + + + Resonance center frequency + + + + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + + + + + PORT + + + + + Filter frequency: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Filter resonance: + + + + + RES + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + BW + + + + + FM gain: + + + + + FM GAIN + + + + + Resonance center frequency: + + + + + RES CF + + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + + + + + RES BW + + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + + + + + Start of sample + + + + + End of sample + + + + + Loopback point + + + + + Reverse sample + Sample terbalik + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Stutter + + + + + Interpolation mode + + + + + None + + + + + Linear + + + + + Sinc + + + + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + Interpolation + + + + + Normalize + + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ATTACK + + + + + Peak attack time: + + + + + RELEASE + + + + + Peak release time: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: average + + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + Kekuatan masuk + + + + Output gain + Kekuatan keluar + + + + Attack time + + + + + Release time + + + + + Stereo mode + + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + + + + + End frequency + + + + + Length + + + + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + + Gain + + + + + Envelope slope + + + + + Noise + + + + + Click + + + + + Frequency slope + + + + + Start from note + + + + + End to note + + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + + + + + End frequency: + + + + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Envelope length: + + + + + Envelope slope: + + + + + Click: + + + + + Noise: + + + + + Start distortion: + + + + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + + + + + + Unavailable Effects + + + + + + Instruments + + + + + + Analysis Tools + + + + + + Don't know + + + + + Type: + + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + + + + + Description + + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + + + + Name + + + + + Rate + + + + + Direction + + + + + Type + + + + + Min < Default < Max + + + + + Logarithmic + + + + + SR Dependent + + + + + Audio + + + + + Control + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Toggled + + + + + Integer + + + + + Float + + + + + + Yes + + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + VCF Resonance + + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + Distortion + + + + + Waveform + + + + + Slide Decay + + + + + Slide + + + + + Accent + + + + + Dead + + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + Env Mod: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + + + Slide Decay: + + + + + DIST: + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + + + + + Rounded square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + + + + Moog wave + + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + + + + + + White noise wave + + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + + + + + Click here for white-noise. + + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + + + + Bandlimited square wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + + + + + Position + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + ADSR + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Motion + + + + + Speed + + + + + Bowed + + + + + Spread + + + + + Marimba + + + + + Vibraphone + + + + + Agogo + + + + + Wood 1 + + + + + Reso + + + + + Wood 2 + + + + + Beats + + + + + Two fixed + + + + + Clump + + + + + Tubular bells + + + + + Uniform bar + + + + + Tuned bar + + + + + Glass + + + + + Tibetan bowl + + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + + + + + Spread + + + + + Spread: + + + + + Missing files + + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + + + + Hardness + + + + + Hardness: + + + + + Position + + + + + Position: + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato gain: + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Vibrato frequency: + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Stick mix: + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Modulator: + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + Crossfade: + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO speed: + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + + + + + ADSR: + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Pressure: + + + + + Speed + + + + + Speed: + + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + + + + + VST sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VST Sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + + + + + Volume + Kekuatan suara + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + + + + + Volume: + Kekuatan suara: + + + + Randomise + + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + Reverb + + + + + Reverb room size + + + + + Reverb damping + + + + + Reverb width + + + + + Reverb level + + + + + Chorus + + + + + Chorus voices + + + + + Chorus level + + + + + Chorus speed + + + + + Chorus depth + + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + + + + + Room size: + + + + + Damping: + + + + + Width: + + + + + + Level: + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + + + + + Voices: + + + + + Speed: + + + + + Depth: + + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + + + + + Width: + + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + + + + + Left to Right Vol: + + + + + Right to Left Vol: + + + + + Right to Right Vol: + + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + + + + + Left to Right + + + + + Right to Left + + + + + Right to Right + + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + + + + + String %1 stiffness + + + + + Pick %1 position + + + + + Pickup %1 position + + + + + String %1 panning + + + + + String %1 detune + + + + + String %1 fuzziness + + + + + String %1 length + + + + + Impulse %1 + + + + + String %1 + + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + + + String stiffness: + + + + + Pick position: + + + + + Pickup position: + + + + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + + Octave + + + + + Impulse Editor + + + + + Enable waveform + + + + + Enable/disable string + + + + + String + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + + Normalize waveform + + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + + + + + Voice %1 attack + + + + + Voice %1 decay + + + + + Voice %1 sustain + + + + + Voice %1 release + + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + + + + + Voice %1 sync + + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + + + + + Voice %1 filtered + + + + + Voice %1 test + + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Clip input + Input klip + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + Kekuatan masuk + + + + Output gain + Kekuatan keluar + + + diff --git a/data/locale/nb.ts b/data/locale/nb.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3675b7f589c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/nb.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16327 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + Om LMMS + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Versjon %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + About + Om + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS ­­– enkel musikkproduksjon for alle. + + + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + Authors + Opphavsfolk + + + + Involved + Involverte + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + Bidragsytere sortert etter antall commits: + + + + Translation + Oversettelse + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + + + License + Lisens + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + PAN + + + + + Panning: + Panorering: + + + + LEFT + + + + + Left gain: + + + + + RIGHT + + + + + Right gain: + + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + Left gain + + + + + Right gain + + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + ENHET + + + + CHANNELS + KANALER + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + Åpne lydklipp + + + + Reverse sample + Reverser lydklippet + + + + Disable loop + Deaktiver løkke + + + + Enable loop + Aktiver løkke + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + Fortsett lydklippavspilling mellom noter + + + + Amplify: + Forsterk: + + + + Start point: + Startpunkt: + + + + End point: + Sluttpunkt: + + + + Loopback point: + + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + Lydklipplengde: + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + JACK-klienten omstartet + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + + + + + JACK server down + JACK-tjeneren er nede + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + JACK-tjeneren ser ut til å ha blitt slått av, og det gikk ikke å starte en ny instans. Derfor kan ikke LMMS fortsette. Du bør lagre prosjektet ditt og starte JACK og LMMS på nytt. + + + + Client name + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value + + + + + Edit song-global automation + Endre sangglobal automasjon + + + + Remove song-global automation + Fjern sangglobal automasjon + + + + Remove all linked controls + Fjern alle tilkoblede kontroller + + + + Connected to %1 + Tilkoblet %1 + + + + Connected to controller + Tilkoblet kontroller + + + + Edit connection... + Rediger tilkobling ... + + + + Remove connection + Fjern tilkobling + + + + Connect to controller... + Koble til kontroller ... + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Vennligst åpne en automasjonssekvens med kontekstmenyen til en kontroll! + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Spill/pause denne sekvensen (Mellomrom) + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Slutt å spille denne sekvensen (Mellomrom) + + + + Edit actions + Rediger handlinger + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Tegnemodus (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Viskemodus (Shift+E) + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + + Flip vertically + Speil loddrett + + + + Flip horizontally + Speil vannrett + + + + Interpolation controls + + + + + Discrete progression + + + + + Linear progression + + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + + + + + Tension value for spline + + + + + Tension: + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization controls + Kvantiseringskontroller + + + + Quantization + Kvantisering + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + Automasjonseditor - intet mønster + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + Automasjonseditor - %1 + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Modellen er alt koblet til denne sekvensen + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + Hold og dra en kontroll mens du trykker <%1> + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + Åpne i automasjonseditor + + + + Clear + + + + + Reset name + Tilbakestill navn + + + + Change name + Endre navn + + + + Set/clear record + + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + + + + %1 Connections + + + + + Disconnect "%1" + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Modellen er alt koblet til denne sekvensen + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Beat selector + + + + + Track and step actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + + + + + Reset name + Tilbakestill navn + + + + Change name + Endre navn + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + + Clone of %1 + + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Gain: + + + + + RATIO + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + + + + + Gain + + + + + Ratio + + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + + + + + OUT + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + Input noise: + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + CLIP + + + + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + STEREO + + + + + Stereo difference: + + + + + QUANT + + + + + Levels: + + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Input noise + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Output clip + + + + + Sample rate + + + + + Stereo difference + + + + + Levels + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + + + + + About + Om + + + + About text here + + + + + Extended licensing here + + + + + Artwork + + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + + + + + Features + + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + + + + + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + VST2: + + + + + DSSI: + + + + + LV2: + + + + + VST3: + + + + + OSC + + + + + Host URLs: + + + + + Valid commands: + + + + + valid osc commands here + + + + + Example: + + + + + License + Lisens + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + + + + + Plugin Version + + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + + (Engine not running) + + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + + Using Juce host + + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + + + + + Rack + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Logs + + + + + Loading... + + + + + Buffer Size: + + + + + Sample Rate: + + + + + ? Xruns + + + + + DSP Load: %p% + + + + + &File + &Fil + + + + &Engine + + + + + &Plugin + + + + + Macros (all plugins) + + + + + &Canvas + + + + + Zoom + + + + + &Settings + + + + + &Help + &Hjelp + + + + toolBar + + + + + Disk + + + + + + Home + + + + + Transport + + + + + Playback Controls + + + + + Time Information + + + + + Frame: + + + + + 000'000'000 + + + + + Time: + + + + + 00:00:00 + + + + + BBT: + + + + + 000|00|0000 + + + + + Settings + Innstillinger + + + + BPM + + + + + Use JACK Transport + + + + + Use Ableton Link + + + + + &New + &Ny + + + + Ctrl+N + + + + + &Open... + &Åpne + + + + + Open... + + + + + Ctrl+O + + + + + &Save + %Lagre + + + + Ctrl+S + + + + + Save &As... + Lagre &som ... + + + + + Save As... + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + + &Quit + &Avslutt + + + + Ctrl+Q + + + + + &Start + + + + + F5 + + + + + St&op + + + + + F6 + + + + + &Add Plugin... + + + + + Ctrl+A + + + + + &Remove All + + + + + Enable + + + + + Disable + + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + + + + + 100% Wet + + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + + + + + 100% Volume + + + + + Center Balance + + + + + &Play + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + + + + + &Stop + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + + &Backwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + + &Forwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + + &Arrange + + + + + Ctrl+G + + + + + + &Refresh + + + + + Ctrl+R + + + + + Save &Image... + + + + + Auto-Fit + + + + + Zoom In + + + + + Ctrl++ + + + + + Zoom Out + + + + + Ctrl+- + + + + + Zoom 100% + + + + + Ctrl+1 + + + + + Show &Toolbar + + + + + &Configure Carla + + + + + &About + + + + + About &JUCE + + + + + About &Qt + + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + + + + + Show Internal + + + + + Show External + + + + + Show Time Panel + + + + + Show &Side Panel + + + + + &Connect... + + + + + Compact Slots + + + + + Expand Slots + + + + + Perform secret 1 + + + + + Perform secret 2 + + + + + Perform secret 3 + + + + + Perform secret 4 + + + + + Perform secret 5 + + + + + Add &JACK Application... + + + + + &Configure driver... + + + + + Panic + + + + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Failed to load project + + + + + Failed to save project + + + + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + + + + + Warning + + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + Innstillinger + + + + main + + + + + canvas + + + + + engine + + + + + osc + + + + + file-paths + + + + + plugin-paths + + + + + wine + + + + + experimental + + + + + Widget + + + + + + Main + + + + + + Canvas + + + + + + Engine + + + + + File Paths + + + + + Plugin Paths + + + + + Wine + + + + + + Experimental + + + + + <b>Main</b> + + + + + Paths + Stier + + + + Default project folder: + + + + + Interface + + + + + Interface refresh interval: + + + + + + ms + + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + + + + + + Theme + + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + + + + + Color scheme: + + + + + Black + + + + + System + + + + + Enable experimental features + + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + + + + + Bezier Lines + + + + + Theme: + + + + + Size: + + + + + 775x600 + + + + + 1550x1200 + + + + + 3100x2400 + + + + + 4650x3600 + + + + + 6200x4800 + + + + + Options + + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + + + + + Auto-select items on hover + + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + + + + + Render Hints + + + + + Anti-Aliasing + + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + + + + + <b>Engine</b> + + + + + + Core + + + + + Single Client + + + + + Multiple Clients + + + + + + Continuous Rack + + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Audio driver: + + + + + Process mode: + + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + + + + + Max Parameters: + + + + + ... + + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + + + + + Plugin UIs + + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + <b>OSC</b> + + + + + Enable OSC + + + + + Enable TCP port + + + + + + Use specific port: + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + + + + + Enable UDP port + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + + + + + Audio + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + + + + + + Add... + + + + + + Remove + + + + + + Change... + + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + + + + + <b>Wine</b> + + + + + Executable + + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + + + + + Prefix + + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + + + + + Fallback: + + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + + + + + Realtime Priority + + + + + Base priority: + + + + + WineServer priority: + + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + + + + + Enable plugin bridges + + + + + Enable Wine bridges + + + + + Enable jack applications + + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + + + + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + + + + + Attack: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + + + + + Release: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + + + + + Knee: + + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + + + + + Range: + + + + + Maximum gain reduction + + + + + Lookahead Length: + + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + + + + + Hold: + + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + + + + + RMS Size: + + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + + + + + Input Balance: + + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Output Balance: + + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Balance: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + + + + + Tilt Gain: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + + + + + Tilt Frequency: + + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + + + + + Mix: + + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + + + + + Auto Attack: + + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + + + + + Auto Release: + + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + + + + + Output gain + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output volume + + + + + Input gain + + + + + Input volume + + + + + Root Mean Square + + + + + Use RMS of the input + + + + + Peak + + + + + Use absolute value of the input + + + + + Left/Right + + + + + Compress left and right audio + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Compress mid and side audio + + + + + Compressor + + + + + Compress the audio + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + + + + + Unlinked + + + + + Compress each channel separately + + + + + Maximum + + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + + + + + Average + + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + + + + + Minimum + + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + + + + + Blend + + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + + + + + + Soft Clip + + + + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + + + + + Ratio + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Knee + + + + + Hold + + + + + Range + + + + + RMS Size + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + + + + + Input Gain + + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + + + + + CHANNEL + KANAL + + + + Input controller + + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + + + + + Confirm Delete + + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + + + + + Rename controller + + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + + + + + LFO + + + + + &Remove this controller + + + + + Re&name this controller + + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + + + + + Band 1 gain: + + + + + Band 2 gain + + + + + Band 2 gain: + + + + + Band 3 gain + + + + + Band 3 gain: + + + + + Band 4 gain + + + + + Band 4 gain: + + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + Feedback + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Cutoff-frekvens + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + Resonans + + + + + GAIN + + + + + + Gain + + + + + MIX + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + + + + + Record + + + + + Record while playing + + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + + + + + + Name + + + + + Type + + + + + Description + + + + + Author + + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + + + + + 48000 Hz + + + + + 88200 Hz + + + + + 96000 Hz + + + + + 192000 Hz + + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + + + + + 128 KBit/s + + + + + 160 KBit/s + + + + + 192 KBit/s + + + + + 256 KBit/s + + + + + 320 KBit/s + + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + oktav(er) + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + Akkord: + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + oktav + + + + + Major + dur + + + + Majb5 + durb5 + + + + minor + moll + + + + minb5 + mollb5 + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 13#9 + + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + Harmonisk moll + + + + Melodic minor + Melodisk moll + + + + Whole tone + Heltone + + + + Diminished + Forminsket + + + + Major pentatonic + Dur pentatonisk + + + + Minor pentatonic + Moll pentatonisk + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + Dur bebop + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + Arabisk + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + Neapolitansk + + + + Neopolitan minor + Napolitansk moll + + + + Hungarian minor + Ungarsk moll + + + + Dorian + Dorisk + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + Lydisk + + + + Mixolydian + Miksolydisk + + + + Aeolian + Eolisk + + + + Locrian + Lokrisk + + + + Minor + Moll + + + + Chromatic + Kromatisk + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + Halv-hel forminsket + + + + 5 + + + + + Phrygian dominant + Frygisk dominant + + + + Persian + Persisk + + + + Chords + Akkorder + + + + Chord type + Akkordtype + + + + Chord range + Akkordspenn + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + STABLING + + + + Chord: + Akkord: + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + Akkordspenn: + + + + octave(s) + oktav(er) + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + AKTIVER MIDI-INPUT + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + AKTIVER MIDI-OUTPUT + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + MIDI-enheter å motta MIDI-hendelser fra + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + MIDI-enheter å sende MIDI-hendelser til + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + BASISVELOCITY + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + VOLUM + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Cutoff-frekvens + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + Resonans + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + Panning: + Panorering: + + + + PAN + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + Panning: + Panorering: + + + + PAN + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + + + + + + + Next + + + + + Previous (%1) + + + + + Next (%1) + + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + Faseforskyvning: + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + Genererer bølgetabeller + + + + Initializing data structures + Initialiserer datastrukturer + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + Åpner lyd- og MIDI-enheter + + + + Launching mixer threads + Starter miksertråder + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + Konfigurasjonsfil + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Feil under tolking av konfigurasjonsfil på linje %1:%2 %3 + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + Prosjektgjenoppretting + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Det finnes en gjenopprettingsfil. Det virker som forrige økt ikke ble avsluttet på riktig måte eller som det allerede kjører en instans av LMMS. Ønsker du å gjenopprette prosjektet fra denne økta? + + + + + Recover + Gjenopprett + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Gjenopprett fila. Vennligst ikke kjør mer enn én instans av LMMS når du gjør dette. + + + + + Discard + Forkast + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Start en vanlig økt og slett de gjenopprettede filene. Dette kan ikke angres. + + + + Version %1 + Versjon %1 + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + + + + + My Projects + Mine prosjekter + + + + My Samples + Mine lydklipp + + + + My Presets + Mine presets + + + + My Home + Hjem + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + + + + + My Computer + Min datamaskin + + + + &File + &Fil + + + + &New + &Ny + + + + &Open... + &Åpne + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + %Lagre + + + + Save &As... + Lagre &som ... + + + + Save as New &Version + Lagre som ny &versjon + + + + Save as default template + + + + + Import... + &Importer ... + + + + E&xport... + &Eksporter ... + + + + E&xport Tracks... + &Eksporter spor ... + + + + Export &MIDI... + + + + + &Quit + &Avslutt + + + + &Edit + &Rediger + + + + Undo + Angre + + + + Redo + Gjør om + + + + Settings + Innstillinger + + + + &View + + + + + &Tools + &Verktøy + + + + &Help + &Hjelp + + + + Online Help + Hjelp på nettet + + + + Help + Hjelp + + + + About + Om + + + + Create new project + Lag et nytt prosjekt + + + + Create new project from template + Lag et nytt prosjekt fra mal + + + + Open existing project + Åpne eksisterende prosjekt + + + + Recently opened projects + Nylig åpnede prosjekter + + + + Save current project + Lagre nåværende prosjekt + + + + Export current project + Eksporter nåverende prosjekt + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + + Piano Roll + Pianorull + + + + + Automation Editor + + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + + + + + Untitled + Uten navn + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + Prosjektet er ikke lagret + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Det nåverende prosjektet har blitt endret siden forrige lagring. Ønsker du å lagre det nå? + + + + Open Project + Åpne prosjekt + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + + Save Project + Lagre prosjekt + + + + LMMS Project + + + + + LMMS Project Template + + + + + Save project template + + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + Hjelp er ikke tilgjengelig + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Det er for øyeblikket ingen hjelp tilgjengelig i LMMS. +Vennligst gå til http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for dokumentasjon om LMMS. + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + Prosjektnotater + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Aktiver noteetiketter i pianorullen + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + + + + + + untitled + + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + + + + + Project saved + + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + + + + + Project NOT saved. + + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + + + + + Import file + + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + + + + + All file types + + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + Track + + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK-tjeneren er nede + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + + + + + 6 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + &Fil + + + + &Edit + &Rediger + + + + &Quit + &Avslutt + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + + + + + Output channel + + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events + + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + Digital Triangle wave + + + + + Digital Saw wave + + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Ramp wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + + + + + + Rate + + + + + + Phase + + + + + + Pre-delay + + + + + + Hold + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Sustain + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + + + + + Enable channel 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + + + + + Noise Frequency + + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + + + + + + Osc %1 panning + + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + Modulation type %1 + + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Tune + + + + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + + + + + Open patch file + + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + Åpne i pianorull + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + + + + + Reset name + Tilbakestill navn + + + + Change name + Endre navn + + + + Add steps + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + + + + + Peak Controller Bug + + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + + + + + LFO Controller + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + MULT + + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + + + + + Attack: + + + + + DCAY + + + + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Treshold + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + + + + + Note Panning + + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Spill/pause denne sekvensen (Mellomrom) + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Slutt å spille denne sekvensen (Mellomrom) + + + + Edit actions + Rediger handlinger + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Tegnemodus (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Viskemodus (Shift+E) + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + Kvantisering + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + + + + + Effects + + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + Innstillinger + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + Prosjektnotater + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + + + + + %1+Y + + + + + &Copy + + + + + %1+C + + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + + + + + &Paste + + + + + %1+V + + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + Help + Hjelp + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + + + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + + + + + + + + + + No + + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + + + + + File: + + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Nylig åpnede prosjekter + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + + + + + Color: + + + + + Output + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Size + + + + + Color + + + + + Output gain + + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + Reverser lydklippet + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + Panning: + Panorering: + + + + PAN + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + VOL + + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + Panning: + Panorering: + + + + PAN + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + Innstillinger + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + Aktiver verktøytips + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + La effektene kjøre selv uten input + + + + + Audio + + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + Arbeidsmappe for LMMS + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + Bakgrunnsdesign + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + Stier + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + + + + + minute + + + + + Disabled + + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + Cutoff-frekvens + + + + Resonance + Resonans + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Noise + + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + Høykvalitetsmodus + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + Rediger handlinger + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + grader + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + + + + + .FXP + + + + + .FXB + + + + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + + + + + Volume A2 + + + + + Volume B1 + + + + + Volume B2 + + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + + + + + + Invert + + + + + + Smooth + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + + + + + A1 + + + + + A2 + + + + + A3 + + + + + W1 smoothing + + + + + W2 smoothing + + + + + W3 smoothing + + + + + Panning 1 + + + + + Panning 2 + + + + + Rel trans + + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Select oscillator W1 + + + + + Select oscillator W2 + + + + + Select oscillator W3 + + + + + Select output O1 + + + + + Select output O2 + + + + + Open help window + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Moog-saw wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + WaveInterpolate + + + + + ExpressionValid + + + + + General purpose 1: + + + + + General purpose 2: + + + + + General purpose 3: + + + + + O1 panning: + + + + + O2 panning: + + + + + Release transition: + + + + + Smoothness + + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + + + + + Filter frequency + + + + + Filter resonance + + + + + Bandwidth + + + + + FM gain + + + + + Resonance center frequency + + + + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + + + + + PORT + + + + + Filter frequency: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Filter resonance: + + + + + RES + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + BW + + + + + FM gain: + + + + + FM GAIN + + + + + Resonance center frequency: + + + + + RES CF + + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + + + + + RES BW + + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + + + + + Start of sample + + + + + End of sample + + + + + Loopback point + + + + + Reverse sample + Reverser lydklippet + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Stutter + + + + + Interpolation mode + + + + + None + + + + + Linear + + + + + Sinc + + + + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + Interpolation + + + + + Normalize + + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ATTACK + + + + + Peak attack time: + + + + + RELEASE + + + + + Peak release time: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: average + + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Attack time + + + + + Release time + + + + + Stereo mode + + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + + + + + End frequency + + + + + Length + + + + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + + Gain + + + + + Envelope slope + + + + + Noise + + + + + Click + + + + + Frequency slope + + + + + Start from note + + + + + End to note + + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + + + + + End frequency: + + + + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Envelope length: + + + + + Envelope slope: + + + + + Click: + + + + + Noise: + + + + + Start distortion: + + + + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + + + + + + Unavailable Effects + + + + + + Instruments + + + + + + Analysis Tools + + + + + + Don't know + + + + + Type: + + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + + + + + Description + + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + + + + Name + + + + + Rate + + + + + Direction + + + + + Type + + + + + Min < Default < Max + + + + + Logarithmic + + + + + SR Dependent + + + + + Audio + + + + + Control + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Toggled + + + + + Integer + + + + + Float + + + + + + Yes + + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + VCF Resonance + + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + Distortion + + + + + Waveform + + + + + Slide Decay + + + + + Slide + + + + + Accent + + + + + Dead + + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + Env Mod: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + + + Slide Decay: + + + + + DIST: + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Klikk her for en sagtannbølge. + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Klikk her for en trekantbølge. + + + + Square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + Klikk her for en firkantbølge. + + + + Rounded square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + + + + Moog wave + + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + + + + + + White noise wave + + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Klikk her for en eksponentialbølge. + + + + Click here for white-noise. + Klikk her for hvit støy. + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + + + + Bandlimited square wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + + + + + Position + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + ADSR + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Motion + + + + + Speed + + + + + Bowed + + + + + Spread + + + + + Marimba + + + + + Vibraphone + + + + + Agogo + + + + + Wood 1 + + + + + Reso + + + + + Wood 2 + + + + + Beats + + + + + Two fixed + + + + + Clump + + + + + Tubular bells + + + + + Uniform bar + + + + + Tuned bar + + + + + Glass + + + + + Tibetan bowl + + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + + + + + Spread + + + + + Spread: + + + + + Missing files + + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + + + + Hardness + + + + + Hardness: + + + + + Position + + + + + Position: + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato gain: + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Vibrato frequency: + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Stick mix: + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Modulator: + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + Crossfade: + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO speed: + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + + + + + ADSR: + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Pressure: + + + + + Speed + + + + + Speed: + + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + + + + + VST sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VST Sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + Randomise + + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + Reverb + + + + + Reverb room size + + + + + Reverb damping + + + + + Reverb width + + + + + Reverb level + + + + + Chorus + + + + + Chorus voices + + + + + Chorus level + + + + + Chorus speed + + + + + Chorus depth + + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + + + + + Room size: + + + + + Damping: + + + + + Width: + + + + + + Level: + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + + + + + Voices: + + + + + Speed: + + + + + Depth: + + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + + + + + Width: + + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + + + + + Left to Right Vol: + + + + + Right to Left Vol: + + + + + Right to Right Vol: + + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + + + + + Left to Right + + + + + Right to Left + + + + + Right to Right + + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + + + + + String %1 stiffness + + + + + Pick %1 position + + + + + Pickup %1 position + + + + + String %1 panning + + + + + String %1 detune + + + + + String %1 fuzziness + + + + + String %1 length + + + + + Impulse %1 + + + + + String %1 + + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + + + String stiffness: + + + + + Pick position: + + + + + Pickup position: + + + + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + + Octave + + + + + Impulse Editor + + + + + Enable waveform + + + + + Enable/disable string + + + + + String + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + + Normalize waveform + + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + + + + + Voice %1 attack + + + + + Voice %1 decay + + + + + Voice %1 sustain + + + + + Voice %1 release + + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + + + + + Voice %1 sync + + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + + + + + Voice %1 filtered + + + + + Voice %1 test + + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Clip input + + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + diff --git a/data/locale/nl.ts b/data/locale/nl.ts index 029ff9f1451..ad630a249c9 100644 --- a/data/locale/nl.ts +++ b/data/locale/nl.ts @@ -2,99 +2,112 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS Over LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Versie %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - Over + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - eenvoudige muziekproductie voor iedereen + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Versie %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - Auteurs + + About + Over - Translation - Vertaling + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - eenvoudige muziekproductie voor iedereen. - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Nederlandse vertaling door: - -Thomas De Rocker (RockyTDR) -Koen Stroobants (kstr) -Carlo Tas (caLRo) - -Als u interesse heeft om LMMS naar een andere taal te vertalen, of als u de bestaande vertalingen wilt verbeteren, dan mag u ons zeker helpen! Contacteer de beheerder! - -https://www.transifex.com/lmms/teams/61632/nl/ + + Copyright © %1. + Auteursrecht © %1. - License - Licentie + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Auteurs + Involved Betrokken + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Bijdragers, geordend volgens het aantal commits: - Copyright © %1 - Auteursrecht © %1 + + Translation + Vertaling + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + Nederlandse vertaling door Thomas De Rocker (RockyTDR), Koen Stroobants (kstr) en Carlo Tas (caLRo). +Als u interesse heeft om LMMS naar een andere taal te vertalen, of als u de bestaande vertalingen wilt verbeteren, dan mag u ons zeker helpen! Contacteer de beheerder! - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + License + Licentie AmplifierControlDialog + VOL VOL + Volume: Volume: + PAN - PAN + BAL + Panning: - Panning: + Balans: + LEFT LINKS + Left gain: Linker versterking: + RIGHT RECHTS + Right gain: Rechter versterking: @@ -102,18 +115,22 @@ https://www.transifex.com/lmms/teams/61632/nl/ AmplifierControls + Volume Volume + Panning - Panning + Balans + Left gain Linker versterking + Right gain Rechter versterking @@ -121,10 +138,12 @@ https://www.transifex.com/lmms/teams/61632/nl/ AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE APPARAAT + CHANNELS KANALEN @@ -132,85 +151,60 @@ https://www.transifex.com/lmms/teams/61632/nl/ AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - Andere sample openen - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Klik hier als u een ander audiobestand wilt openen. Er verschijnt een dialoogvenster waarin u het bestand kunt selecteren. Instellingen zoals herhaalmodus, begin- en eindpunten, waarde van versterking enzovoort worden niet hersteld. Dus, het klinkt misschien niet zoals de originele sample. + + Open sample + Sample openen + Reverse sample Sample omdraaien - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Als u deze knop inschakelt, wordt de hele sample omgekeerd. Dit is bruikbaar voor leuke effecten, zoals een 'reversed crash'. - - - Amplify: - Versterken: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Met deze knop kunt u de versterkingsratio instellen. Wanneer u een waarde van 100 % instelt, wordt uw sample niet gewijzigd. Anders wordt hij omhoog of omlaag versterkt (het eigenlijke sample-bestand wordt niet aangeraakt!) - - - Startpoint: - Beginpunt: - - - Endpoint: - Eindpunt: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - Doorgaan met afspelen van sample tussen noten - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Inschakelen van deze optie laat de sample doorspelen tussen verschillende noten - als u de toonhoogte wijzigt, of de noot-lengte stopt voor het einde van de sample, dan zal de volgende afgespeelde noot doorgaan waar de vorige gebleven was. Om het afspelen te herstellen naar het begint van de sample, voegt u een noot toe onderaan het toetsenbord (< 20 Hz) - - + Disable loop Herhalen uitschakelen - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Deze knop schakelt herhalen uit. De sample speelt slechts één keer van begin tot einde. - - + Enable loop Herhalen inschakelen - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Deze knop schakelt voorwaarts-herhalen in. De sample herhaalt tussen het eindpunt en het herhaalpunt. + + Enable ping-pong loop + Ping-pong herhalen inschakelen - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Deze knop schakelt ping-pong-herhalen in. De sample herhaalt achteruit en vooruit tussen het eindpunt en het herhaalpunt. + + Continue sample playback across notes + Doorgaan met afspelen van sample tussen noten - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Met deze knop kunt u het punt instellen waar AudioFileProcessor moet beginnen met het afspelen van uw sample. + + Amplify: + Versterken: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Met deze knop kunt u het punt instellen waar AudioFileProcessor moet stoppen met het afspelen van uw sample. + + Start point: + Beginpunt: - Loopback point: - Herhaalpunt: + + End point: + Eindpunt: - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Met deze knop kunt u het punt instellen waar de herhaling begint. + + Loopback point: + Herhaalpunt: AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: Sample-lengte: @@ -218,447 +212,469 @@ https://www.transifex.com/lmms/teams/61632/nl/ AudioJack + JACK client restarted JACK-client opnieuw gestart + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS werd er om een of andere reden door JACK afgegooid. Daarom werd de JACK-backend van LMMS opnieuw gestart. U zult manueel verbindingen opnieuw moeten maken. + JACK server down JACK-server is offline + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. De JACK-server lijkt afgesloten te zijn en het starten van een nieuwe instantie is mislukt. Daarom kan LMMS niet doorgaan. U slaat best uw project op en herstart JACK en LMMS. - CLIENT-NAME - CLIENT-NAAM + + Client name + Naam client - CHANNELS - KANALEN + + Channels + Kanalen - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - APPARAAT + + Device + Apparaat - CHANNELS - KANALEN + + Channels + Kanalen AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + Backend - DEVICE - APPARAAT + + Device + Apparaat - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - APPARAAT + + Device + Apparaat - CHANNELS - KANALEN + + Channels + Kanalen AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - APPARAAT + + Device + Apparaat - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - APPARAAT + + Device + Apparaat - CHANNELS - KANALEN + + Channels + Kanalen AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + Backend - DEVICE - APPARAAT + + Device + Apparaat AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) &Herstellen (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) Waarde &kopiëren (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) Waarde &plakken (%1%2) + + &Paste value + Waarde &plakken + + + Edit song-global automation Song-globale automatisering bewerken + + Remove song-global automation + Song-globale automatisering verwijderen + + + + Remove all linked controls + Alle gelinkte controls verwijderen + + + Connected to %1 Verbonden met %1 + Connected to controller Verbonden met controller + Edit connection... Verbinding bewerken... + Remove connection Verbinding verwijderen + Connect to controller... Verbinden met controller... - - Remove song-global automation - Song-globale automatisering verwijderen - - - Remove all linked controls - Alle gelinkte controls verwijderen - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Open een automatiseringspatroon met het contextmenu van een control! + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + - Values copied - Waarden gekopieerd + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Alle geselecteerde waarden zijn naar het klembord gekopieerd. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Open een automatiseringspatroon met het contextmenu van een control! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) Huidig patroon afspelen/pauzeren (Spatie) - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Klik hier als u het huidige patroon wilt afspelen. Dit is handig tijdens het bewerken. Het patroon wordt automatisch herhaald wanneer het einde bereikt wordt. - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) Stoppen met afspelen van huidig patroon (Spatie) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Klik hier als u het afspelen van het huidig patroon wilt stoppen. + + Edit actions + Bewerking-acties + Draw mode (Shift+D) Tekenmodus (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) Wissen-modus (Shift+E) + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically Verticaal omdraaien + Flip horizontally Horizontaal omdraaien - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Klik hier en het patroon zal geïnverteerd worden. De punten worden in de y-richting omgedraaid. - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Klik hier en het patroon zal omgedraaid worden. De punten worden in de x-richting omgedraaid. - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klik hier en de tekenmodus zal ingeschakeld worden. In deze modus kunt u enkelvoudige waarden toevoegen en verplaatsen. Dit is de standaardmodus die het merendeel van de tijd gebruikt wordt. U kunt ook 'Shift+D' drukken op uw toetsenbord om deze modus in te schakelen. - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klik hier en de verwijdermodus zal ingeschakeld worden. In deze modus kunt u enkelvoudige waarden verwijderen. U kunt ook 'Shift+E' drukken op uw toetsenbord om deze modus in te schakelen. + + Interpolation controls + Interpolatiebediening + Discrete progression Discrete progressie + Linear progression Lineaire progressie + Cubic Hermite progression Kubische Hermite-progressie + Tension value for spline Spanningswaarde voor spline - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Een hogere spanningswaarde kan een vlakkere curve maken maar een aantal waarden overschrijden. Een lage spanningswaarde zal de helling van de curve laten afvlakken bij elk controlepunt. - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Klik hier om discrete progressies te kiezen voor dit automatiseringspatroon. De waarde van het verbonden object zal constant blijven tussen controlepunten en onmiddellijk ingesteld worden op de nieuwe waarde wanneer elk controlepunt bereikt wordt. - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Klik hier om lineaire progressies te kiezen voor dit automatiseringspatroon. De waarde van het verbonden object zal gestaag over de tijd veranderen tussen controlepunten om de correcte waarde op elk controlepunt te bereiken zonder plotselinge verandering. - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Klik hier om kubische hermite-progressies te kiezen voor dit automatiseringspatroon. De waarde van het verbonden object zal wijzigen in een gladde curve en in de pieken en dalen bewegen. - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Geselecteerde waardes knippen (%1+X) - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Geselecteerde waardes kopiëren (%1+C) + + Tension: + Spanning: - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Waardes van het klembord plakken (%1+V) + + Zoom controls + Zoombediening - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klik hier en de geselecteerde waarden zullen geplakt worden naar het klembord. U kunt ze overal in om het even welk patroon plakken door te klikken op de "plakken"-knop. + + Horizontal zooming + Horizontaal zoomen - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klik hier en geselecteerde waarden zullen gekopieerd worden naar het klembord. U kunt ze overal in om het even welk patroon plakken door te klikken op de 'plakken'-knop. + + Vertical zooming + Verticaal zoomen - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Klik hier en de waarden van het klembord zullen worden geplakt op de eerste zichtbare maat. + + Quantization controls + Kwantisatiebediening - Tension: - Spanning: + + Quantization + Kwantisatie - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip Automatisering-editor - geen patroon + + Automation Editor - %1 Automatisering-editor - %1 - Edit actions - Bewerking-acties - - - Interpolation controls - Interpolatiebediening - - - Timeline controls - Tijdlijnbediening - - - Zoom controls - Zoombediening - - - Quantization controls - Kwantisatiebediening - - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Model is reeds verbonden met dit patroon. - - Quantization - Kwantisatie - - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - Kwantisatie. Stelt de kleinste stap in voor het automatiseringspunt. Standaard stelt dit ook de lengte in; andere punten in het bereik worden gewist. Druk op <Ctrl> om dit gedrag te overriden. - - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> Sleep een bediening tijdens indrukken van <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor Openen in automatisering-editor + Clear Wissen + Reset name Naam herstellen + Change name Naam wijzigen - %1 Connections - %1 verbindingen - - - Disconnect "%1" - Verbinding verbreken met "%1" - - + Set/clear record Opnemen instellen/wissen + Flip Vertically (Visible) Verticaal omdraaien (zichtbaar) + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Horizontaal omdraaien (zichtbaar) - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + %1 Connections + %1 verbindingen + + + + Disconnect "%1" + Verbinding verbreken met "%1" + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. Model is reeds verbonden met dit patroon. AutomationTrack + Automation track Automatisering-track - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor Beat- en baslijn-editor + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) Huidige beat/baslijn afspelen/pauzeren (Spatie) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) Afspelen van huidige beat/baslijn stoppen (Spatie) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Klik hier om de huidige beat/baslijn af te spelen. De beat/baslijn wordt automatisch herhaald wanneer het einde bereikt wordt. + + Beat selector + Beat-selector - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Klik hier om het afspelen van de huidige beat/baslijn te stoppen. + + Track and step actions + Track- en stap-acties + Add beat/bassline Beat/baslijn toevoegen + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + Sample-track toevoegen + + + Add automation-track Automatisering-track toevoegen + Remove steps Stappen verwijderen + Add steps Stappen toevoegen - Beat selector - Beat-selector - - - Track and step actions - Track- en stap-acties - - + Clone Steps Stappen klonen - - Add sample-track - Sample-track toevoegen - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor In beat- en baslijn-editor openen + Reset name Naam herstellen + Change name Naam wijzigen - - Change color - Kleur veranderen - - - Reset color to default - Kleur herstellen naar standaard - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 Beat/baslijn %1 + Clone of %1 Kloon van %1 @@ -666,26 +682,32 @@ https://www.transifex.com/lmms/teams/61632/nl/ BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ FREQ + Frequency: Frequentie: + GAIN GAIN + Gain: Gain: + RATIO RATIO + Ratio: Ratio: @@ -693,14 +715,17 @@ https://www.transifex.com/lmms/teams/61632/nl/ BassBoosterControls + Frequency Frequentie + Gain Gain + Ratio Ratio @@ -708,9616 +733,15605 @@ https://www.transifex.com/lmms/teams/61632/nl/ BitcrushControlDialog + IN IN + OUT UIT + + GAIN GAIN - Input Gain: + + Input gain: Invoer-gain: - Input Noise: + + NOISE + NOISE + + + + Input noise: Invoer-ruis: - Output Gain: + + Output gain: Uitvoer-gain: + CLIP CLIP - Output Clip: + + Output clip: Uitvoer-clip: - Rate Enabled + + Rate enabled Ratio ingeschakeld - Enable samplerate-crushing + + Enable sample-rate crushing Samplerate-crushing inschakelen - Depth Enabled + + Depth enabled Diepte ingeschakeld - Enable bitdepth-crushing + + Enable bit-depth crushing Bitdiepte-crushing inschakelen + + FREQ + FREQ + + + Sample rate: Samplerate: + + STEREO + STEREO + + + Stereo difference: Stereo-verschil: + + QUANT + QUANT + + + Levels: Niveaus + + + BitcrushControls - NOISE - NOISE + + Input gain + Invoer-gain - FREQ - FREQ + + Input noise + Invoer-ruis - STEREO - STEREO + + Output gain + Uitvoer-gain - QUANT - QUANT + + Output clip + Uitvoer-clip - - - CaptionMenu - &Help - &Help + + Sample rate + Samplerate - Help (not available) - Help (niet beschikbaar) + + Stereo difference + Stereo-verschil - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - GUI weergeven + + Levels + Niveaus - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Klik hier om de grafische gebruikersinterface (GUI) van Carla weer te geven of te verbergen. + + Rate enabled + Ratio ingeschakeld - - - Controller - Controller %1 - Controller %1 + + Depth enabled + Diepte ingeschakeld - ControllerConnectionDialog + CarlaAboutW - Connection Settings - Verbindingsinstellingen + + About Carla + - MIDI CONTROLLER - MIDI-CONTROLLER + + About + Over - Input channel - Invoerkanaal + + About text here + - CHANNEL - KANAAL + + Extended licensing here + - Input controller - Invoercontroller + + Artwork + - CONTROLLER - CONTROLLER + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - Auto Detect - Automatisch detecteren + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - MIDI-apparaten om MIDI-events van te ontvangen + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - USER CONTROLLER - GEBRUIKER CONTROLLER + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - MAPPING FUNCTION - MAPPING-FUNCTIE + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - OK - Ok + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - Cancel - Annuleren + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - LMMS - LMMS + + Features + - Cycle Detected. - Cyclus gedetecteerd. + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - Controller-rack + + LADSPA: + - Add - Toevoegen + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Confirm Delete - Verwijderen bevestigen + + VST2: + - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Verwijderen bevestigen? Er zijn bestaande verbindingen geassocieerd met deze controller. Er is geen manier om dit ongedaan te maken. + + DSSI: + - - - ControllerView - Controls - Besturingen + + LV2: + - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Controllers kunnen de waarde van een knop of schuif en andere bedieningen automatiseren. + + VST3: + - Rename controller - Naam controller wijzigen + + OSC + - Enter the new name for this controller - Nieuwe naam voor deze controller opgeven + + Host URLs: + - &Remove this controller - Deze controller ve&rwijderen + + Valid commands: + - Re&name this controller - &Naam van deze controller wijzigen + + valid osc commands here + - LFO - LFO + + Example: + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: - Band 1/2 crossover: + + License + Licentie - Band 2/3 Crossover: - Band 2/3 crossover: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - Band 3/4 Crossover: - Band 3/4 crossover: + + OSC Bridge Version + - Band 1 Gain: - Band 1 gain: + + Plugin Version + - Band 2 Gain: - Band 2 gain: + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + - Band 3 Gain: - Band 3 gain: + + + (Engine not running) + - Band 4 Gain: - Band 4 gain: + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + - Band 1 Mute - Band 1 gedempt + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - Mute Band 1 - Band 1 dempen + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - Band 2 Mute - Band 2 gedempt + + + + Using Juce host + - Mute Band 2 - Band 2 dempen + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + CarlaHostW - Band 3 Mute - Band 3 gedempt + + MainWindow + - Mute Band 3 - Band 3 dempen + + Rack + - Band 4 Mute - Band 4 gedempt + + Patchbay + - Mute Band 4 - Band 4 dempen + + Logs + - - - DelayControls - Delay Samples - Samples vertragen + + Loading... + - Feedback - Feedback + + Buffer Size: + - Lfo Frequency - Lfo-frequentie + + Sample Rate: + - Lfo Amount - Lfo-hoeveelheid + + ? Xruns + - Output gain - Uitvoer-gain + + DSP Load: %p% + - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt - Lfo hvh + + &File + &Bestand - Delay Time - Delay-tijd + + &Engine + - Feedback Amount - Feedback-hoeveelheid + + &Plugin + - Lfo - Lfo + + Macros (all plugins) + - Out Gain - Uitvoer-gain + + &Canvas + - Gain - Gain + + Zoom + - DELAY - DELAY + + &Settings + - FDBK - FDBK + + &Help + &Help - RATE - RATIO + + toolBar + - AMNT - HVHD + + Disk + - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - Filter 1 ingeschakeld + + + Home + Home - Filter 2 enabled - Filter 2 ingeschakeld + + Transport + - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Klikken om filter 1 in/uit te schakelen + + Playback Controls + - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Klikken om filter 2 in/uit te schakelen + + Time Information + - FREQ - FREQ + + Frame: + - Cutoff frequency - Cutoff-frequentie + + 000'000'000 + - RESO - RESO + + Time: + Tijd: - Resonance - Resonantie + + 00:00:00 + - GAIN - GAIN + + BBT: + - Gain - Gain + + 000|00|0000 + - MIX - MIX + + Settings + Instellingen - Mix - Mix + + BPM + - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - Filter 1 ingeschakeld + + Use JACK Transport + - Filter 1 type - Filter 1 type + + Use Ableton Link + - Cutoff 1 frequency - Cutoff-frequentie 1 + + &New + &Nieuw - Q/Resonance 1 - Q/Resonantie 1 + + Ctrl+N + - Gain 1 - Gain 1 + + &Open... + &Openen... - Mix - Mix + + + Open... + - Filter 2 enabled - Filter 2 ingeschakeld + + Ctrl+O + - Filter 2 type - Filter 2 type + + &Save + Op&slaan - Cutoff 2 frequency - Cutoff-frequentie 2 + + Ctrl+S + - Q/Resonance 2 - Q/Resonantie 2 + + Save &As... + Opslaan &als... - Gain 2 - Gain 2 + + + Save As... + - LowPass - LowPass + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - HiPass - HiPass + + &Quit + &Afsluiten - BandPass csg - BandPass csg + + Ctrl+Q + - BandPass czpg - Bandpass czpg + + &Start + - Notch - Notch + + F5 + - Allpass - Allpass + + St&op + - Moog - Moog + + F6 + - 2x LowPass - 2 x LowPass + + &Add Plugin... + - RC LowPass 12dB - RC LowPass 12 dB + + Ctrl+A + - RC BandPass 12dB - RC BandPass 12dB + + &Remove All + - RC HighPass 12dB - RC HighPass 12 dB + + Enable + - RC LowPass 24dB - RC LowPass 24 dB + + Disable + - RC BandPass 24dB - RC BandPass 24 dB + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - RC HighPass 24dB - RC HighPass 24 dB + + 100% Wet + - Vocal Formant Filter - Stemvormingsfilter + + 0% Volume (Mute) + - 2x Moog - 2 x Moog + + 100% Volume + - SV LowPass - SV LowPass + + Center Balance + - SV BandPass - SV BandPass + + &Play + - SV HighPass - SV HighPass + + Ctrl+Shift+P + - SV Notch - SV Notch + + &Stop + - Fast Formant - Snel vormend + + Ctrl+Shift+X + - Tripole - Tripole + + &Backwards + - - - Editor - Play (Space) - Afspelen (spatie) + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - Stop (Space) - Stoppen (spatie) + + &Forwards + - Record - Opnemen + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - Record while playing - Opnemen tijdens afspelen + + &Arrange + - Transport controls - Afspeelbediening + + Ctrl+G + - - - Effect - Effect enabled - Effect ingeschakeld + + + &Refresh + - Wet/Dry mix - Wet/dry-mix + + Ctrl+R + - Gate - Gate + + Save &Image... + - Decay - Decay + + Auto-Fit + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - Effecten ingeschakeld + + Zoom In + - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - EFFECT-CHAIN + + Ctrl++ + - Add effect - Effect toevoegen + + Zoom Out + - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - Effect toevoegen + + Ctrl+- + - Name - Naam + + Zoom 100% + - Type - Type + + Ctrl+1 + - Description - Beschrijving + + Show &Toolbar + - Author - Auteur + + &Configure Carla + - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - Schakelt het effect in of uit. + + &About + - On/Off - Aan/uit + + About &JUCE + - W/D - W/D + + About &Qt + - Wet Level: - Wet-niveau: + + Show Canvas &Meters + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - De wet/dry-knop stelt de ratio tussen het invoersignaal en het effectsignaal in die de uitvoer vormen. + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - DECAY - DECAY + + Show Internal + - Time: - Tijd: + + Show External + - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - De decay-knop regelt hoeveel stilte-buffers moeten passeren voordat de plugin stopt met verwerken. Kleinere waarden zullen de cpu-overhead verminderen maar lopen het risico van het afknippen van de staart van delay- en reverb-effecten. + + Show Time Panel + - GATE - GATE + + Show &Side Panel + - Gate: - Gate: + + &Connect... + - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - De gate-knop bedient het signaalniveau dat beschouwd wordt als 'stilte' tijdens het beslissen van wanneer te stoppen met verwerken van signalen. + + Compact Slots + - Controls - Besturingen + + Expand Slots + - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - Effect-plugins functioneren als een ketting van effecten waar het signaal verwerkt zal worden van boven naar onder. - -De aan/uit-schakelaar laat u toe om een bepaalde plugin op elk moment te omzeilen (bypass). - -De wet/dry-knop bedient de balans tussen het invoersignaal en het effectsignaal dat de resulterende uitvoer is van het effect. De invoer voor het stadium is de uitvoer van het vorige stadium. Dus, het droog ('dry') signaal voor effecten lager in de ketting bevat alle vorige effecten. - -De decay-knop bedient hoe lang het signaal zal blijven verwerkt worden nadat de noten vrijgelaten zijn. Het effect zal stoppen met verwerken van signalen wanneer het volume onder een bepaalde grens gezakt is voor een bepaalde tijd. Deze knop stelt de 'bepaalde tijd' in. Langere tijden zullen meer cpu vereisen, dus dit getal wordt voor de meeste effecten best laag ingesteld. Het moet verhoogd worden voor effecten die lange periodes van stilte produceren, bijvoorbeeld delays. - -De gate-knop bedient de 'bepaalde grens' voor het automatisch afsluiten van het effect. De klok voor de 'bepaalde tijd' zal beginnen zodra het niveau van het verwerkte signaal onder het niveau komt dat opgegeven wordt met deze knop. - -De bedieningen-knop opent een dialoog voor het bewerken van de parameters van het effect. - -Rechtsklikken zal een contextmenu laten verschijnen waar u de volgorde kunt wijzigen waarin de effecten verwerkt worden of een effect kunt verwijderen. + + Perform secret 1 + - Move &up - Om&hoog verplaatsen + + Perform secret 2 + - Move &down - Om&laag verplaatsen + + Perform secret 3 + - &Remove this plugin - Deze plugin ve&rwijderen + + Perform secret 4 + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - Predelay + + Perform secret 5 + - Attack - Attack + + Add &JACK Application... + - Hold - Hold + + &Configure driver... + - Decay - Decay + + Panic + - Sustain - Sustain + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - Release - Release + + Export as... + - Modulation - Modulatie + + + + + Error + Fout - LFO Predelay - LFO Predelay + + Failed to load project + - LFO Attack - LFO Attack + + Failed to save project + - LFO speed - LFO-snelheid + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - LFO Modulation - LFO-modulatie + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - LFO Wave Shape - LFO wave shape + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - Freq x 100 - Freq x 100 + + Warning + - Modulate Env-Amount - Moduleren env-intensiteit + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - DEL - DEL + + Show GUI + GUI weergeven + + + CarlaSettingsW - Predelay: - Predelay: + + Settings + Instellingen - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Gebruik deze knop om de predelay van de huidige envelope in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe langer de tijd voor de start van de eigenlijke envelope. + + main + - ATT - ATT + + canvas + - Attack: - Attack: + + engine + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Gebruik deze knop om de attack-tijd van de huidige envelope in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe langer de envelope nodig heeft om naar het attack-niveau toe te nemen. Kies een kleine waarde voor instrumenten zoals piano's en een grote waarde voor strings. + + osc + - HOLD - HOLD + + file-paths + - Hold: - Hold: + + plugin-paths + - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Gebruik deze knop om de hold-tijd van de huidige envelope in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe langer de envelope het attack-niveau aanhoudt voordat hij begint te verminderen naar sustain-niveau. + + wine + - DEC - DEC + + experimental + - Decay: - Decay: + + Widget + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Gebruik deze knop om de decay-tijd van de huidige envelope in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe langer de envelope nodig heeft om te verminderen van attack-niveau naar sustain-niveau. Kies een kleine waarde voor instrumenten zoals piano's. + + + Main + - SUST - SUST + + + Canvas + - Sustain: - Sustain: + + + Engine + - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Gebruik deze knop om het sustain-niveau van de huidige envelope in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe hoger het niveau waarop de envelope blijft voordat hij naar nul gaat. + + File Paths + - REL - REL + + Plugin Paths + - Release: - Release: + + Wine + - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Gebruik deze knop om de release-tijd van de huidige envelope in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe langer de envelope nodig heeft om te verminderen van sustain-niveau naar nul. Kies een grote waarde voor zachte instrumenten zoals strings. + + + Experimental + - AMT - INT + + <b>Main</b> + - Modulation amount: - Modulatie-intensiteit: + + Paths + Paden - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Gebruik deze knop om de hoeveelheid modulatie van de huidige envelope in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe meer de overeenkomstige grootte (bijvoorbeeld volume of cutoff-frequentie) zal beïnvloed worden door deze envelope. + + Default project folder: + - LFO predelay: - LFO predelay: + + Interface + - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Gebruik deze knop om de predelay-tijd van de huidige LFO in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe langer de tijd voordat de LFO start met oscilleren. + + Interface refresh interval: + - LFO- attack: - LFO-attack: + + + ms + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Gebruik deze knop om de attack-tijd van de huidige LFO in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe langer de LFO nodig heeft om zijn amplitude naar het maximum te brengen. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - SPD - SPD + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - LFO speed: - LFO-snelheid: + + + Theme + - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Gebruik deze knop om de snelheid van de huidige LFO in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe sneller de LFO oscilleert en hoe sneller uw effect zal zijn. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Gebruik deze knop om de hoeveelheid modulatie van de huidige LFO in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe meer de geselecteerde grootte (bijvoorbeeld volume of cutoff-frequentie) zal beïnvloed worden door deze LFO. + + Color scheme: + - Click here for a sine-wave. - Klik hier voor een sinusgolf. + + Black + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klik hier voor een driehoeksgolf. + + System + - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Klik hier voor een zaagtandgolf. + + Enable experimental features + - Click here for a square-wave. - Klik hier voor een blokgolf. + + <b>Canvas</b> + - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Klik hier voor een aangepaste golf. Sleep nadien een overeenkomstig samplebestand op de LFO-grafiek. + + Bezier Lines + - FREQ x 100 - FREQ x 100 + + Theme: + - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Klik hier als de frequentie van deze LFO vermenigvuldigd moet worden met 100. + + Size: + Grootte: - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - LFO-frequentie vermenigvuldigen met 100 + + 775x600 + - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - ENV-INTENSITEIT MOD + + 1550x1200 + - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Klik hier om de envelope-hoeveelheid door deze LFO te laten regelen. + + 3100x2400 + - control envelope-amount by this LFO - envelope-hoeveelheid bedienen met deze LFO + + 4650x3600 + - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + 6200x4800 + - Hint - Tip + + Options + - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Sleep een sample van ergens en plaats hem in dit venster. + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - Click here for random wave. - Klik hier voor een willekeurige golf. + + Auto-select items on hover + - - - EqControls - Input gain - Invoer-gain + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - Output gain - Uitvoer-gain + + Render Hints + - Low shelf gain - Low shelf gain + + Anti-Aliasing + - Peak 1 gain - Piek 1 gain + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - Peak 2 gain - Piek 2 gain + + <b>Engine</b> + - Peak 3 gain - Piek 3 gain + + + Core + - Peak 4 gain - Piek 4 gain + + Single Client + - High Shelf gain - High shelf gain + + Multiple Clients + - HP res - HP-res + + + Continuous Rack + - Low Shelf res - Low shelf res + + + Patchbay + - Peak 1 BW - Piek 1 BW + + Audio driver: + - Peak 2 BW - Piek 2 BW + + Process mode: + - Peak 3 BW - Piek 3 BW + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + - Peak 4 BW - Piek 4 BW + + Max Parameters: + - High Shelf res - High shelf res + + ... + - LP res - LP-res + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + - HP freq - HP-freq + + Plugin UIs + - Low Shelf freq - Low shelf freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + - Peak 1 freq - Piek 1 freq + + UI Bridge Timeout: + - Peak 2 freq - Piek 2 freq + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + - Peak 3 freq - Piek 3 freq + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + - Peak 4 freq - Piek 4 freq + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + - High shelf freq - High shelf freq + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + - LP freq - LP-freq + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + - HP active - HP actief + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + - Low shelf active - Low shelf actief + + <b>OSC</b> + - Peak 1 active - Piek 1 actief + + Enable OSC + - Peak 2 active - Piek 2 actief + + Enable TCP port + - Peak 3 active - Piek 3 actief + + + Use specific port: + - Peak 4 active - Piek 4 actief + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + - High shelf active - High shelf actief + + + Use randomly assigned port + - LP active - LP actief + + Enable UDP port + - LP 12 - LP 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - LP 24 - LP 24 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - LP 48 - LP 48 + + <b>File Paths</b> + - HP 12 - HP 12 + + Audio + Audio - HP 24 - HP 24 + + MIDI + MIDI - HP 48 - HP 48 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - low pass type - lowpass-type + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - high pass type - highpass-type + + + Add... + - Analyse IN - IN analyseren + + + Remove + - Analyse OUT - UIT analyseren + + + Change... + - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - HP + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + - Low Shelf - Low shelf + + LADSPA + - Peak 1 - Piek 1 + + DSSI + - Peak 2 - Piek 2 + + LV2 + - Peak 3 - Piek 3 + + VST2 + - Peak 4 - Piek 4 + + VST3 + - High Shelf - High shelf + + SF2/3 + - LP - LP + + SFZ + - In Gain - Invoer-gain + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + - Gain - Gain + + <b>Wine</b> + - Out Gain - Uitvoer-gain + + Executable + - Bandwidth: - Bandbreedte: + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - Resonance : - Resonantie: + + Prefix + - Frequency: - Frequentie: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - lp grp - lp grp + + Fallback: + - hp grp - hp grp + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + - Octave - Octaaf + + Realtime Priority + - - - EqHandle - Reso: - Reso: + + Base priority: + - BW: - BW: + + WineServer priority: + - Freq: - Freq: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - Project exporteren + + <b>Experimental</b> + - Output - Uitvoer + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - File format: - Bestandsformaat: + + Enable plugin bridges + - Samplerate: - Samplerate: + + Enable Wine bridges + - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Enable jack applications + - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - Bitrate: - Bitrate: + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - 64 KBit/s - 64 kbit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 128 KBit/s - 128 kbit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - 160 KBit/s - 160 kbit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - 192 KBit/s - 192 kbit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - 256 KBit/s - 256 kbit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - 320 KBit/s - 320 kbit/s + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - Depth: - Diepte: + + + + + Add Path + + + + CompressorControlDialog - 16 Bit Integer - 16-bit integer + + Threshold: + - 32 Bit Float - 32-bit float + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - Quality settings - Kwaliteitsinstellingen + + Ratio: + Ratio: - Interpolation: - Interpolatie: + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - Zero Order Hold - Zero order hold + + Attack: + Attack: - Sinc Fastest - Sinc snelst + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Sinc medium (aanbevolen) + + Release: + Release: - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Sinc best (zeer traag!) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - Oversampling (use with care!): - Oversampling (wees voorzichtig!): + + Knee: + - 1x (None) - 1x (geen) + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - 2x - 2x + + Range: + - 4x - 4x + + Maximum gain reduction + - 8x - 8x + + Lookahead Length: + - Start - Starten + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - Cancel - Annuleren + + Hold: + Hold: - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Exporteren als loop (eindstilte verwijderen) + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Export between loop markers - Exporteren tussen loopmarkeringen + + RMS Size: + - Could not open file - Kan bestand niet openen + + Size of the RMS buffer + - Export project to %1 - Project exporteren naar %1 + + Input Balance: + - Error - Fout + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Fout bij vaststellen van bestands-encoder-apparaat. Probeer een ander uitvoerformaat te kiezen. + + Output Balance: + - Rendering: %1% - Renderen: %1 % + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Kon bestand %1 niet openen om te schrijven. -Zorg ervoor dat u schrijfbevoegdheid heeft voor het bestand en voor de map die het bestand bevat en probeer het opnieuw! + + Stereo Balance: + - 24 Bit Integer - 24-bit integer + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - Use variable bitrate - Variabele bitrate gebruiken + + Stereo Link Blend: + - Stereo mode: - Stereomodus: + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + - Stereo - Stereo + + Tilt Gain: + - Joint Stereo - Joint stereo + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + - Mono - Mono + + Tilt Frequency: + - Compression level: - Compressieniveau: + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + - (fastest) - (snelste) + + Mix: + - (default) - (standaard) + + Balance between wet and dry signals + - (smallest) - (kleinste) + + Auto Attack: + - - - Expressive - Selected graph - Geselecteerde grafiek + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + - A1 - A1 + + Auto Release: + - A2 - A2 + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + - A3 - A3 + + Output gain + Uitvoer-gain - W1 smoothing - W1 afvlakken + + + Gain + Gain - W2 smoothing - W2 afvlakken + + Output volume + - W3 smoothing - W3 afvlakken + + Input gain + Invoer-gain - PAN1 - PAN1 + + Input volume + - PAN2 - PAN2 + + Root Mean Square + - REL TRANS - REL TRANS + + Use RMS of the input + - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen %1 en %2: + + Peak + - - - FileBrowser - Browser - Verkenner + + Use absolute value of the input + - Search - Zoeken + + Left/Right + - Refresh list - Lijst verversen + + Compress left and right audio + - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - Naar actieve instrument-track zenden + + Mid/Side + - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - In nieuwe instrument-track/B+B-editor openen + + Compress mid and side audio + - Loading sample - Sample laden + + Compressor + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Even geduld, sample laden voor voorbeeld... + + Compress the audio + - --- Factory files --- - --- Factory-bestanden --- + + Limiter + - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - In nieuwe instrument-track/song-editor openen + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - Error - Fout + + Unlinked + - does not appear to be a valid - lijkt niet geldig te zijn + + Compress each channel separately + - file - bestand + + Maximum + - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - Samples vertragen + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - Lfo Frequency - Lfo-frequentie + + Average + - Seconds - Seconden + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - Regen - Regen + + Minimum + - Noise - Ruis + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - Invert - Inverteren + + Blend + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: - Delay-tijd: + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - Feedback Amount: - Feedback-hoeveelheid: + + Auto Makeup Gain + - White Noise Amount: - Hoeveelheid witte ruis: + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - DELAY - DELAY + + + Soft Clip + - RATE - RATIO + + Play the delta signal + - AMNT - HVHD + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - Amount: - Hoeveelheid: + + Lookahead Enabled + - FDBK - FDBK + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + CompressorControls - NOISE - NOISE + + Threshold + - Invert - Inverteren + + Ratio + Ratio - Period: - Periode: + + Attack + Attack - - - FxLine - Channel send amount - Hoeveelheid kanaal-send + + Release + Release - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - Het FX-kanaal ontvangt invoer van een of meerdere instrument-tracks. -Het kanaal op zijn beurt kan doorgestuurd worden naar meerdere andere FX-kanalen. LMMS zorgt automatisch voor het voorkomen van oneindige loops en staat niet toe dat een verbinding gemaakt wordt die zou resulteren in een oneindige loop. - -Om het kanaal naar een ander kanaal door te sturen, selecteert u het FX-kanaal en klikt u op de "send"-knop op het kanaal waarnaar u wilt zenden. De knop onder de send-knop bedient de hoeveelheid signaal die naar het kanaal gezonden wordt. - -U kunt FX-kanalen verwijderen en verplaatsen in het contextmenu, dat toegankelijk is door op het FX-kanaal te rechtsklikken. - + + Knee + - Move &left - &Links verplaatsen + + Hold + Hold - Move &right - &Rechts verplaatsen + + Range + - Rename &channel - &Kanaal hernoemen + + RMS Size + - R&emove channel - Kanaal v&erwijderen + + Mid/Side + - Remove &unused channels - Ongebr&uikte kanalen verwijderen + + Peak Mode + - - - FxMixer - Master - Master + + Lookahead Length + - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Input Balance + - Volume - Volume + + Output Balance + - Mute - Dempen + + Limiter + - Solo - Solo + + Output Gain + Uitvoer-gain - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - FX-mixer + + Input Gain + Invoer-gain - FX Fader %1 - FX-fader %1 + + Blend + - Mute - Dempen + + Stereo Balance + - Mute this FX channel - Dit FX-kanaal dempen + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Solo - Solo + + Audition + - Solo FX channel - Solo FX-kanaal + + Feedback + Feedback - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Te zenden hoeveelheid van kanaal %1 naar kanaal %2 + + Auto Attack + - - - GigInstrument - Bank - Bank + + Auto Release + - Patch - Patch + + Lookahead + - Gain - Gain + + Tilt + - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file - Ander GIG-bestand openen + + Tilt Frequency + - Click here to open another GIG file - Klik hier om een ander GIG-bestand te openen + + Stereo Link + - Choose the patch - Patch kiezen + + Mix + Mix + + + Controller - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - Klik hier om te wijzigen welke patch van het GIG-bestand te gebruiken + + Controller %1 + Controller %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - Wijzigen welk instrument van het GIG-bestand gespeeld wordt + + Connection Settings + Verbindingsinstellingen - Which GIG file is currently being used - Welk GIG-bestand op dit moment gebruikt wordt + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI-CONTROLLER - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - Welke patch van het GIG-bestand op dit moment gebruikt wordt + + Input channel + Invoerkanaal - Gain - Gain + + CHANNEL + KANAAL - Factor to multiply samples by - Factor om samples mee te vermenigvuldigen + + Input controller + Invoercontroller - Open GIG file - GIG-bestand openen + + CONTROLLER + CONTROLLER - GIG Files (*.gig) - GIG-bestanden (*.gig) + + + Auto Detect + Automatisch detecteren - - - GuiApplication - Working directory - Werkmap + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + MIDI-apparaten om MIDI-events van te ontvangen - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - De LMMS-werkmap %1 bestaat niet. Nu aanmaken? U kunt de map later wijzigen via Bewerken -> Instellingen. + + USER CONTROLLER + GEBRUIKER CONTROLLER - Preparing UI - UI voorbereiden + + MAPPING FUNCTION + MAPPING-FUNCTIE - Preparing song editor - Song-editor voorbereiden + + OK + Ok - Preparing mixer - Mixer voorbereiden + + Cancel + Annuleren - Preparing controller rack - Controller-rack voorbereiden + + LMMS + LMMS - Preparing project notes - Projectnotities voorbereiden + + Cycle Detected. + Cyclus gedetecteerd. + + + ControllerRackView - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Beat- en baslijn-editor voorbereiden + + Controller Rack + Controller-rack - Preparing piano roll - Piano-roll voorbereiden + + Add + Toevoegen - Preparing automation editor - Automatisering-editor voorbereiden + + Confirm Delete + Verwijderen beVestigen + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Verwijderen beVestigen? Er zijn bestaande verbindingen geassocieerd met deze controller. Er is geen manier om dit ongedaan te maken. - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + ControllerView - Arpeggio - Arpeggio + + Controls + Besturingen - Arpeggio type - Arpeggio type + + Rename controller + Naam controller wijzigen - Arpeggio range - Arpeggio bereik + + Enter the new name for this controller + Nieuwe naam voor deze controller opgeven - Arpeggio time - Arpeggio tijd + + LFO + LFO - Arpeggio gate - Arpeggio gate + + &Remove this controller + Deze controller ve&rwijderen - Arpeggio direction - Arpeggio richting + + Re&name this controller + &Naam van deze controller wijzigen + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Arpeggio mode - Arpeggio modus + + Band 1/2 crossover: + Band 1/2 crossover: - Up - Omhoog + + Band 2/3 crossover: + Band 2/3 crossover: - Down - Omlaag + + Band 3/4 crossover: + Band 3/4 crossover: - Up and down - Omhoog en omlaag + + Band 1 gain + Band 1 gain - Random - Willekeurig + + Band 1 gain: + Band 1 gain - Free - Vrij + + Band 2 gain + Band 2 gain - Sort - Sorteren + + Band 2 gain: + Band 2 gain: - Sync - Sync + + Band 3 gain + Band 3 gain - Down and up - Omlaag en omhoog + + Band 3 gain: + Band 3 gain: - Skip rate - Skip-ratio + + Band 4 gain + Band 4 gain - Miss rate - Miss-ratio + + Band 4 gain: + Band 4 gain: - Cycle steps - Stappen doorlopen + + Band 1 mute + Band 1 gedempt - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGGIO + + Mute band 1 + Band 1 dempen - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - Een arpeggio is een methode om (vooral tokkel-) instrumenten te bespelen, wat de muziek veel levendiger maakt. De snaren van zo'n instrumenten (bijv. harp) worden getokkeld als akkoorden. Het enige verschil is dat dit op een opeenvolgende manier wordt gedaan, zodat de noten niet tegelijkertijd worden bespeeld. Typische arpeggio's zijn majeur- en mineur-drieklanken, maar er zijn veel andere mogelijke akkoorden die u kunt selecteren. + + Band 2 mute + Band 2 gedempt - RANGE - BEREIK + + Mute band 2 + Band 2 dempen - Arpeggio range: - Arpeggio bereik: + + Band 3 mute + Band 3 gedempt - octave(s) - octa(af)(ven) + + Mute band 3 + Band 3 dempen - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - Gebruik deze knop om het bereik van de arpeggio in octaven in te stellen. De geselecteerde arpeggio zal binnen het opgegeven aantal octaven gespeeld worden. + + Band 4 mute + Band 4 gedempt - TIME - TIJD + + Mute band 4 + Band 4 dempen + + + DelayControls - Arpeggio time: - Arpeggio tijd: + + Delay samples + Samples vertragen - ms - ms + + Feedback + Feedback - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Gebruik deze knop om de arpeggio-tijd in milliseconden in te stellen. De arpeggio-tijd geeft aan hoe lang elke arpeggio-toon gespeeld moet worden. + + LFO frequency + LFO frequentie - GATE - GATE + + LFO amount + LFO-hoeveelheid - Arpeggio gate: - Arpeggio gate: + + Output gain + Uitvoer-gain + + + DelayControlsDialog - % - % + + DELAY + DELAY - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - Gebruik deze knop om de arpeggio gate in te stellen. De arpeggio gate geeft het percentage van een hele arpeggio-toon aan dat gespeeld moet worden. Hiermee kunt u coole staccato arpeggio's maken. + + Delay time + Delay-tijd - Chord: - Akkoord: + + FDBK + FDBK - Direction: - Richting: + + Feedback amount + Feedback-hoeveelheid - Mode: - Modus: + + RATE + RATIO - SKIP - SKIP + + LFO frequency + LFO frequentie - Skip rate: - Skip-ratio: + + AMNT + HVHD - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - De skip-functie zal de arpeggiator één willekeurige stap laten pauzeren. Vanaf haar begin in volledig linkse positie en geen effect zal ze gradueel voortgaan tot volledig geheugenverlies op maximale instelling. + + LFO amount + LFO-hoeveelheid - MISS - MISS + + Out gain + Uitvoer-gain - Miss rate: - Miss-ratio: + + Gain + Gain + + + Dialog - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - De miss-functie zal de arpeggiator de bedoelde noot laten missen. + + Add JACK Application + - CYCLE - DOORL + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - Cycle notes: - Noten doorlopen: + + Application + - note(s) - no(o)t(en) + + Name: + - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. - Springt over n stappen in de arpeggio en loopt rond als we over het nootbereik zijn. Als het totale nootbereik evenredig deelbaar is door het aantal overgeslagen stappen zult u vastraken in een kortere arpeggio of zelfs op een noot. + + Application: + - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - octaaf + + From template + - Major - Majeur + + Custom + - Majb5 - Majb5 + + Template: + - minor - mineur + + Command: + - minb5 - minb5 + + Setup + - sus2 - sus2 + + Session Manager: + - sus4 - sus4 + + None + Geen - aug - aug + + Audio inputs: + - augsus4 - augsus4 + + MIDI inputs: + - tri - tri + + Audio outputs: + - 6 - 6 + + MIDI outputs: + - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + Take control of main application window + - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Workarounds + - m6 - m6 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - 7 - 7 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Error here + - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Carla Control - Connect + - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Remote setup + - 7b9 - 7b9 + + UDP Port: + - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + Remote host: + - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + TCP Port: + - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Reported host + - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Automatic + - 7add13 - 7add13 + + Custom: + - 7#11 - 7#11 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - Maj7 - Maj7 + + Set value + Waarde instellen - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + TextLabel + - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 - - - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 - - - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - m7 - m7 + + Driver Settings + - m7b5 - m7b5 + + Device: + - m7b9 - m7b9 + + Buffer size: + - m7add11 - m7add11 + + Sample rate: + Samplerate: - m7add13 - m7add13 + + Triple buffer + - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Show Driver Control Panel + - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + DualFilterControlDialog - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + + FREQ + FREQ - 9 - 9 + + + Cutoff frequency + Cutoff-frequentie - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + + RESO + RESO - add9 - add9 + + + Resonance + Resonantie - 9#5 - 9#5 + + + GAIN + GAIN - 9b5 - 9b5 + + + Gain + Gain - 9#11 - 9#11 + + MIX + MIX - 9b13 - 9b13 + + Mix + Mix - Maj9 - Maj9 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filter 1 ingeschakeld - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + Filter 2 enabled + Filter 2 ingeschakeld - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + Enable/disable filter 1 + Filter 1 in/uitschakelen - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + Enable/disable filter 2 + Filter 2 in/uitschakelen + + + DualFilterControls - m9 - m9 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filter 1 ingeschakeld - madd9 - madd9 + + Filter 1 type + Filter 1 type - m9b5 - m9b5 + + Cutoff frequency 1 + Cutoff-frequentie 1 - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Resonantie 1 - 11 - 11 + + Gain 1 + Gain 1 - 11b9 - 11b9 + + Mix + Mix - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Filter 2 enabled + Filter 2 ingeschakeld - m11 - m11 + + Filter 2 type + Filter 2 type - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + Cutoff frequency 2 + Cutoff-frequentie 2 - 13 - 13 + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Resonantie 2 - 13#9 - 13#9 + + Gain 2 + Gain 2 - 13b9 - 13b9 + + + Low-pass + Low-pass - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + + Hi-pass + High-pass - Maj13 - Maj13 + + + Band-pass csg + BandPass csg - m13 - m13 + + + Band-pass czpg + Bandpass czpg - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + + Notch + Notch - Harmonic minor - Harmonisch mineur + + + All-pass + All-pass - Melodic minor - Melodisch mineur + + + Moog + Moog - Whole tone - Hele toon + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x Low-pass - Diminished - Verminderd + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC low-pass 12 dB/oct - Major pentatonic - Pentatonisch majeur + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC band-pass 12 dB/oct - Minor pentatonic - Pentatonisch mineur + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC high-pass 12 dB/oct - Jap in sen - Jap in sen + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC low-pass 24 dB/oct - Major bebop - Majeur bebop + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC band-pass 24 dB/oct - Dominant bebop - Dominante bebop + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC high-pass 24 dB/oct - Blues - Blues + + + Vocal Formant + Stemvorming - Arabic - Arabisch + + + 2x Moog + 2 x Moog - Enigmatic - Enigmatisch + + + SV Low-pass + SV low-pass - Neopolitan - Neopolitanisch + + + SV Band-pass + SV band-pass - Neopolitan minor - Neopolitanisch mineur + + + SV High-pass + SV high-pass - Hungarian minor - Hongaarse mineur + + + SV Notch + SV Notch - Dorian - Dorisch + + + Fast Formant + Snel vormend - Phrygolydian - Frygolydisch + + + Tripole + Tripole + + + Editor - Lydian - Lydisch + + Transport controls + Afspeelbediening - Mixolydian - Mixolydisch + + Play (Space) + Afspelen (spatie) - Aeolian - Eolisch + + Stop (Space) + Stoppen (spatie) - Locrian - Locrisch + + Record + Opnemen - Chords - Akkoorden + + Record while playing + Opnemen tijdens afspelen - Chord type - Akkoordsoort + + Toggle Step Recording + Stap-opnemen in-/uitschakelen + + + Effect - Chord range - Akkoordbereik + + Effect enabled + Effect ingeschakeld - Minor - Mineur + + Wet/Dry mix + Wet/dry-mix - Chromatic - Chromatisch + + Gate + Gate - Half-Whole Diminished - Half-heel verminderd + + Decay + Decay + + + EffectChain - 5 - 5 + + Effects enabled + Effecten ingeschakeld + + + EffectRackView - Phrygian dominant - Frygisch dominant + + EFFECTS CHAIN + EFFECT-CHAIN - Persian - Persisch + + Add effect + Effect toevoegen - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + EffectSelectDialog - RANGE - BEREIK + + Add effect + Effect toevoegen - Chord range: - Akkoordbereik: + + + Name + Naam - octave(s) - Octaaf (octaven) + + Type + Type - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Gebruik deze knop om het akkoordbereik in octaven in te stellen. Het geselecteerde akkoord zal binnen het opgegeven aantal octaven gespeeld worden. + + Description + Beschrijving - STACKING - STAPELEN - - - Chord: - Akkoord: + + Author + Auteur - InstrumentMidiIOView + EffectView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - MIDI-INVOER INSCHAKELEN + + On/Off + Aan/uit - CHANNEL - KANAAL + + W/D + W/D - VELOCITY - SNELHEID + + Wet Level: + Wet-niveau: - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - MIDI-UITVOER INSCHAKELEN + + DECAY + DECAY - PROGRAM - PROGRAM + + Time: + Tijd: - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - MIDI-apparaten om MIDI-events van te ontvangen + + GATE + GATE - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - MIDI-apparaten om MIDI-events naar te zenden + + Gate: + Gate: - NOTE - NOOT + + Controls + Besturingen - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - AANGEPASTE BASISSNELHEID + + Move &up + Om&hoog verplaatsen - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - Geef de snelheid-normalisatiebasis voor MIDI-gebaseerde instrumenten op bij 100 % nootsnelheid + + Move &down + Om&laag verplaatsen - BASE VELOCITY - BASISSNELHEID + + &Remove this plugin + Deze plugin ve&rwijderen - InstrumentMiscView + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - MASTER PITCH - MASTER-TOONHOOGTE + + Env pre-delay + Env pre-delay - Enables the use of Master Pitch - Schakelt het gebruik van master-toonhoogte in + + Env attack + Env attack - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - VOLUME - VOLUME + + Env hold + Env hold - Volume - Volume + + Env decay + Env decay - CUTOFF - CUTOFF + + Env sustain + Env sustain - Cutoff frequency - Cutoff-frequentie + + Env release + Env release - RESO - RESO + + Env mod amount + Env mod-hoeveelheid - Resonance - Resonantie + + LFO pre-delay + LFO pre-delay - Envelopes/LFOs - Envelopes/LFO's + + LFO attack + LFO-attack - Filter type - Filtersoort + + LFO frequency + LFO frequentie - Q/Resonance - Q/Resonantie + + LFO mod amount + LFO mod-hoeveelheid - LowPass - Lowpass + + LFO wave shape + LFO golfvorm - HiPass - Hipass + + LFO frequency x 100 + LFO frequentie x 100 - BandPass csg - BandPass csg + + Modulate env amount + Env-intensiteit moduleren + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView - BandPass czpg - Bandpass czpg + + + DEL + DEL - Notch - Notch + + + Pre-delay: + Pre-delay: - Allpass - Allpass + + + ATT + ATT - Moog - Moog + + + Attack: + Attack: - 2x LowPass - 2 x LowPass + + HOLD + HOLD - RC LowPass 12dB - RC LowPass 12dB + + Hold: + Hold: - RC BandPass 12dB - RC BandPass 12dB + + DEC + DEC - RC HighPass 12dB - RC HighPass 12 dB + + Decay: + Decay: - RC LowPass 24dB - RC LowPass 24 dB + + SUST + SUST - RC BandPass 24dB - RC BandPass 24 dB + + Sustain: + Sustain: - RC HighPass 24dB - RC HighPass 24 dB + + REL + REL - Vocal Formant Filter - Stemvormingsfilter + + Release: + Release: - 2x Moog - 2 x Moog + + + AMT + INT - SV LowPass - SV LowPass + + + Modulation amount: + Modulatie-intensiteit: - SV BandPass - SV BandPass + + SPD + SPD - SV HighPass - SV HighPass + + Frequency: + Frequentie: - SV Notch - SV Notch + + FREQ x 100 + FREQ x 100 - Fast Formant - Snel vormend + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + LFO-frequentie vermenigvuldigen met 100 - Tripole - Tripole + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + ENV-INTENSITEIT MODULEREN - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - DOEL + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + Envelope-hoeveelheid bedienen met deze LFO - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Deze tabs bevatten envelopes. Ze zijn zeer belangrijk voor het wijzigen van een geluid, omdat ze bijna altijd nodig zijn voor subtractieve synthese. Bijvoorbeeld als u een volume-envelope heeft, kunt u instellen wanneer het geluid een bepaald volume moet hebben. Als u zachte strings wilt creëren, dan moet uw geluid heel zacht in- en uitfaden. Dit kan gedaan worden door grote attack- en release-tijden in te stellen. Het is hetzelfde voor andere envelope-doelen zoals panning, cutoff-frequentie voor de gebruikte filter enzovoort. Speel ermee! U kunt echt coole geluiden maken uit een zaagtandgolf met gewoon wat envelopes...! + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: - FILTER - FILTER + + Hint + Tip - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Hier kunt u de ingebouwde filter selecteren die u wilt gebruiken voor deze instrument-track. Filters zijn heel belangrijk voor het wijzigen van de karakteristieken van een geluid. + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + Een sample in dit venster slepen en neerzetten + + + EqControls - Hz - Hz + + Input gain + Invoer-gain - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Gebruik deze knop om de cutoff-frequentie voor de geselecteerde filter in te stellen. De cutoff-frequentie geeft de frequentie op voor het afsnijden van het signaal door een filter. Bijvoorbeeld een lowpass-filter snijdt alle frequenties weg boven de cutoff-frequentie. Een highpass-filter snijdt alle frequenties weg onderde cutoff-frequentie, enzovoort... + + Output gain + Uitvoer-gain - RESO - RESO + + Low-shelf gain + Low-shelf gain - Resonance: - Resonantie: + + Peak 1 gain + Piek 1 gain - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Gebruik deze knop om de Q/resonantie voor de geselecteerde filter in te stellen. Q/resonantie zegt de filter hoeveel hij frequenties dicht bij de cutoff-frequentie moet versterken. + + Peak 2 gain + Piek 2 gain - FREQ - FREQ + + Peak 3 gain + Piek 3 gain - cutoff frequency: - cutoff-frequentie: + + Peak 4 gain + Piek 4 gain - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - Envelopes, LFO's en filters worden niet ondersteund door het huidige instrument. + + High-shelf gain + High-shelf gain - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - naamloze_track + + HP res + HP-res - Volume - Volume + + Low-shelf res + Low-shelf res - Panning - Panning + + Peak 1 BW + Piek 1 BW - Pitch - Toonhoogte + + Peak 2 BW + Piek 2 BW - FX channel - FX-kanaal + + Peak 3 BW + Piek 3 BW - Default preset - Standaard preset + + Peak 4 BW + Piek 4 BW - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Met deze knop kunt u het volume van het geopende kanaal instellen. + + High-shelf res + High-shelf res - Base note - Grondtoon + + LP res + LP-res - Pitch range - Toonhoogte-bereik + + HP freq + HP-freq - Master Pitch - Master-toonhoogte + + Low-shelf freq + Low-shelf freq - - - InstrumentTrackView - Volume - Volume + + Peak 1 freq + Piek 1 freq - Volume: - Volume: + + Peak 2 freq + Piek 2 freq - VOL - VOL + + Peak 3 freq + Piek 3 freq - Panning - Panning + + Peak 4 freq + Piek 4 freq - Panning: - Panning: + + High-shelf freq + High-shelf freq - PAN - PAN + + LP freq + LP-freq - MIDI - MIDI + + HP active + HP actief - Input - Invoer + + Low-shelf active + Low-shelf actief - Output - Uitvoer + + Peak 1 active + Piek 1 actief - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Peak 2 active + Piek 2 actief - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS - ALGEMENE INSTELLINGEN + + Peak 3 active + Piek 3 actief - Instrument volume - Instrument-volume + + Peak 4 active + Piek 4 actief - Volume: - Volume: + + High-shelf active + High-shelf actief - VOL - VOL + + LP active + LP actief - Panning - Panning + + LP 12 + LP 12 - Panning: - Panning: + + LP 24 + LP 24 - PAN - PAN + + LP 48 + LP 48 - Pitch - Toonhoogte + + HP 12 + HP 12 - Pitch: - Toonhoogte: + + HP 24 + HP 24 - cents - cents + + HP 48 + HP 48 - PITCH - TOONHOOGTE + + Low-pass type + Low-pass type - FX channel - FX-kanaal + + High-pass type + High-pass type - FX - FX + + Analyse IN + IN analyseren - Save preset - Preset opslaan + + Analyse OUT + UIT analyseren + + + EqControlsDialog - XML preset file (*.xpf) - XML-presetbestand (*.xpf) + + HP + HP - Pitch range (semitones) - Toonhoogte-bereik (semitones) + + Low-shelf + Low-shelf - RANGE - BEREIK + + Peak 1 + Piek 1 - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Huidige instrument-track-instellingen opslaan in een presetbestand + + Peak 2 + Piek 2 - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Klik hier als u de huidige instrument-track-instellingen wilt opslaan in een presetbestand. Later kunt u deze preset laden door erop te dubbelklikken in de preset-browser. + + Peak 3 + Piek 3 - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Gebruik deze bedieningen om de volgende/vorige track in de song-editor weer te geven en te bewerken. + + Peak 4 + Piek 4 - SAVE - OPSLAAN + + High-shelf + High-shelf - Envelope, filter & LFO - Envelope, filter en LFO + + LP + LP - Chord stacking & arpeggio - Akkoorden opeenstapelen & arpeggio + + Input gain + Invoer-gain - Effects - Effecten + + + + Gain + Gain - MIDI settings - MIDI-instellingen + + Output gain + Uitvoer-gain - Miscellaneous - Overige + + Bandwidth: + Bandbreedte: - Plugin - Plug-in + + Octave + Octaaf - - - Knob - Set linear - Lineair instellen + + Resonance : + Resonantie: - Set logarithmic - Logaritmisch instellen + + Frequency: + Frequentie: - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen %1 en %2: + + LP group + LP groep - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen -96,0 dBFS en 6,0 dBFS: + + HP group + HP groep - LadspaControl + EqHandle - Link channels - Kanalen koppelen + + Reso: + Reso: - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - Kanalen koppelen + + BW: + BW: - Channel - Kanaal + + + Freq: + Freq: - LadspaControlView + ExportProjectDialog - Link channels - Kanalen koppelen + + Export project + Project exporteren - Value: - Waarde: + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + Exporteren als loop (extra balk verwijderen) - Sorry, no help available. - Sorry, geen hulp beschikbaar. + + Export between loop markers + Exporteren tussen loopmarkeringen - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Onbekende LADSPA-plugin %1 opgevraagd. + + Render Looped Section: + Herhaalde sectie renderen: - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen %1 en %2: + + time(s) + keer - - - LeftRightNav - Previous - Vorige + + File format settings + Bestandsformaat-instellingen - Next - Volgende + + File format: + Bestandsformaat: - Previous (%1) - Vorige (%1) + + Sampling rate: + Samplerate: - Next (%1) - Volgende (%1) + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz - - - LfoController - LFO Controller - LFO-controller + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz - Base value - Basiswaarde + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz - Oscillator speed - Oscillatorsnelheid + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz - Oscillator amount - Hoeveelheid oscillator + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz - Oscillator phase - Oscillator-fase + + Bit depth: + Bitdiepte: - Oscillator waveform - Oscillator-golfvorm + + 16 Bit integer + 16-bit integer - Frequency Multiplier - Frequentievermenigvuldiger + + 24 Bit integer + 24-bit integer - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + 32 Bit float + 32-bit float - LFO Controller - LFO-controller + + Stereo mode: + Stereomodus: - BASE - BASIS + + Mono + Mono - Base amount: - Basishoeveelheid: + + Stereo + Stereo - todo - tedoen + + Joint stereo + Joint stereo - SPD - SPD + + Compression level: + Compressieniveau: - LFO-speed: - LFO-snelheid: + + Bitrate: + Bitrate: - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Gebruik deze knop om de snelheid van de LFO in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe sneller de LFO oscilleert en hoe sneller het effect. + + 64 KBit/s + 64 kbit/s - Modulation amount: - Hoeveelheid modulatie: + + 128 KBit/s + 128 kbit/s - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Gebruik deze knop om de hoeveelheid modulatie van de LFO in te stellen. Hoe groter deze waarde, hoe meer de verbonden bediening (bijvoorbeeld volume of cutoff-frequentie) zal beïnvloed worden door de LFO. + + 160 KBit/s + 160 kbit/s - PHS - PHS + + 192 KBit/s + 192 kbit/s - Phase offset: - Faseverschuiving: + + 256 KBit/s + 256 kbit/s - degrees - graden + + 320 KBit/s + 320 kbit/s - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Met deze knop kunt u de faseverschuiving van de LFO instellen. Dat betekent dat u het punt binnen een oscillatie kunt verplaatsen waar de oscillator begint met oscilleren. Als u bijvoorbeeld een sinusgolf heeft en een faseverschuiving van 180 graden, dan zal de golf eerst naar beneden gaan. Idem voor een blokgolf. + + Use variable bitrate + Variabele bitrate gebruiken - Click here for a sine-wave. - Klik hier voor een sinusgolf. + + Quality settings + Kwaliteitsinstellingen - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klik hier voor een driehoeksgolf. + + Interpolation: + Interpolatie: - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klik hier voor een zaagtandgolf. + + Zero order hold + Zero order hold - Click here for a square-wave. - Klik hier voor een blokgolf. + + Sinc worst (fastest) + Sinc slechtste (snelste) - Click here for an exponential wave. - Klik hier voor een exponentiële golf. + + Sinc medium (recommended) + Sinc medium (aanbevolen) - Click here for white-noise. - Klik hier voor witte ruis. + + Sinc best (slowest) + Sinc beste (traagste) - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Klik hier voor een aangepaste vorm. -Dubbelklikken om een bestand te selecteren. + + Oversampling: + Oversampling: - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - Klik hier voor een moog-zaagtandgolf. + + 1x (None) + 1x (geen) - AMNT - HVHD + + 2x + 2x - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables - Wavetables genereren + + 4x + 4x - Initializing data structures - Datastructuren initialiseren + + 8x + 8x - Opening audio and midi devices - Audio- en midi-apparaten openen + + Start + Starten - Launching mixer threads - Mixer-threads starten + + Cancel + Annuleren - - - MainWindow - &New - &Nieuw + + Could not open file + Kan bestand niet openen - &Open... - &Openen... + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Kon bestand %1 niet openen om te schrijven. +Zorg ervoor dat u schrijfbevoegdheid heeft voor het bestand en voor de map die het bestand bevat en probeer het opnieuw! - &Save - Op&slaan + + Export project to %1 + Project exporteren naar %1 - Save &As... - Opslaan &als... + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + ( Snelste - grootste ) - Import... - Importeren... + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + ( Traagste - kleinste ) - E&xport... - E&xporteren... + + Error + Fout - &Quit - &Afsluiten + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Fout bij vaststellen van bestands-encoder-apparaat. Probeer een ander uitvoerformaat te kiezen. - &Edit - &Bewerken + + Rendering: %1% + Renderen: %1 % + + + Fader - Settings - Instellingen + + Set value + Waarde instellen - &Tools - &Tools + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen %1 en %2: + + + FileBrowser - &Help - &Help + + User content + - Help - Help + + Factory content + - What's this? - Wat is dit? + + Browser + Verkenner - About - Over + + Search + Zoeken - Create new project - Nieuw project aanmaken + + Refresh list + Lijst verversen + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget - Create new project from template - Nieuw project van sjabloon aanmaken + + Send to active instrument-track + Naar actieve instrument-track zenden - Open existing project - Bestaand project openen + + Open containing folder + - Recently opened projects - Recent geopende projecten + + Song Editor + Song-editor - Save current project - Huidig project opslaan + + BB Editor + - Export current project - Huidig project exporteren + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + - Song Editor - Song-editor + + Send to new instrument track + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Door op deze knop te drukken, kunt u de song-editor weergeven of verbergen. Met behulp van de song-editor kunt u de song-afspeellijst bewerken en opgeven wanneer welke track afgespeeld moet worden. U kunt ook samples (bijvoorbeeld rap-samples) rechtstreeks invoegen en verplaatsen in de afspeellijst. + + (%2Enter) + - Beat+Bassline Editor - Beat- en baslijn-editor + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - Door deze knop in te drukken, kunt u de beat- en baslijn-editor weergeven of verbergen. De beat- en baslijn-editor is nodig voor het aanmaken van beats en voor het openen, toevoegen en verwijderen van kanalen, voor het knippen, kopiëren en plakken van beat- en baslijnpatronen, en voor andere vergelijkbare zaken. + + Loading sample + Sample laden - Piano Roll - Piano-roll + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Even geduld, sample laden voor voorbeeld... - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Klik hier om de piano-roll weer te geven of te verbergen. Met behulp van de piano-roll kunt u melodieën op een eenvoudige manier bewerken. + + Error + Fout - Automation Editor - Automatisering-editor + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + %1 lijkt geen geldig %2-bestand te zijn - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Klik hier om de automatisering-editor weer te geven of te verbergen. Met behulp van de automatisering-editor kunt u dynamische waardes op een eenvoudige manier bewerken. + + --- Factory files --- + --- Factory-bestanden --- + + + FlangerControls - FX Mixer - FX-mixer + + Delay samples + Samples vertragen - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Klik hier om de FX-mixer weer te geven of te verbergen. De FX-mixer is een krachtige tool voor het beheren van effecten voor uw song. U kunt effecten invoegen in verschillende effect-kanalen. + + LFO frequency + LFO frequentie - Project Notes - Projectnotities + + Seconds + Seconden - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Klik hier om het projectnotities-venster weer te geven of te verbergen. In dit venster kunt u uw projectnotities neerzetten. + + Stereo phase + - Controller Rack - Controller-rack + + Regen + Regen - Untitled - Naamloos + + Noise + Ruis - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Invert + Inverteren + + + FlangerControlsDialog - Project not saved - Project niet opgeslagen + + DELAY + DELAY - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Het huidige project was gewijzigd sinds de laatste keer dat het opgeslagen werd. Wilt u het nu opslaan? + + Delay time: + Delay-tijd: - Help not available - Hulp niet beschikbaar + + RATE + RATIO - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Er is op dit moment geen hulp beschikbaar in LMMS. -Bezoek http://lmms.sf.net/wiki voor documentatie over LMMS. + + Period: + Periode: - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + AMNT + HVHD - Version %1 - Versie %1 + + Amount: + Hoeveelheid: - Configuration file - Configuratiebestand + + PHASE + - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Fout bij verwerken van configuratiebestand op regel %1:%2: %3 + + Phase: + - Volumes - Volumes + + FDBK + FDBK - Undo - Ongedaan maken + + Feedback amount: + Feedback-hoeveelheid: - Redo - Opnieuw + + NOISE + NOISE - My Projects - Mijn projecten + + White noise amount: + Hoeveelheid witte ruis: - My Samples - Mijn samples + + Invert + Inverteren + + + FreeBoyInstrument - My Presets - Mijn presets + + Sweep time + Sweep-tijd - My Home - Mijn home + + Sweep direction + Sweep-richting - My Computer - Mijn computer + + Sweep rate shift amount + Sweep rate shift hoeveelheid - &File - &Bestand + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Golfpatroon-inschakeltijd - &Recently Opened Projects - &Recent geopende projecten + + Channel 1 volume + Volume kanaal 1 - Save as New &Version - Opslaan als nieuwe &versie + + + + Volume sweep direction + Volume sweep-richting - E&xport Tracks... - Tracks e&xporteren... + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Lengte van elke stap in sweep - Online Help - Online help + + Channel 2 volume + Volume kanaal 2 - What's This? - Wat is dit? + + Channel 3 volume + Volume kanaal 3 - Open Project - Project openen + + Channel 4 volume + Volume kanaal 4 - Save Project - Project opslaan + + Shift Register width + Registerbreedte verschuiven - Project recovery - Projectherstel + + Right output level + Rechter uitvoerniveau - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - Er is een herstelbestand aanwezig. Het lijkt alsof de laatste sessie niet goed afgesloten is of een andere instantie van LMMS al uitgevoerd wordt. Wilt u het project van deze sessie herstellen? + + Left output level + Linker uitvoerniveau - Recover - Herstellen + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanaal 1 naar SO2 (links) - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Bestand herstellen. Gelieve niet meerdere instanties van LMMS uit te voeren wanneer u dit doet. + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanaal 2 naar SO2 (links) - Discard - Verwerpen + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanaal 3 naar SO2 (links) - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Start een standaard sessie en verwijder de herstelde bestanden. Dit is onomkeerbaar. + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanaal 4 naar SO2 (links) - Preparing plugin browser - Plugin-browser voorbereiden + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanaal 1 naar SO1 (rechts) - Preparing file browsers - Bestandsbrowsers voorbereiden + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanaal 2 naar SO1 (rechts) - Root directory - Root-map + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanaal 3 naar SO1 (rechts) - Loading background artwork - Achtergrondafbeelding laden + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanaal 4 naar SO1 (rechts) - New from template - Nieuw van sjabloon + + Treble + Treble - Save as default template - Opslaan als standaard-sjabloon + + Bass + Bass + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView - &View - Weerge&ven + + Sweep time: + Sweep-tijd: - Toggle metronome - Metronoom in-/uitschakelen + + Sweep time + Sweep-tijd - Show/hide Song-Editor - Song-editor weergeven/verbergen + + Sweep rate shift amount: + Sweep rate shift hoeveelheid: - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Beat- en baslijn-editor weergeven/verbergen + + Sweep rate shift amount + Sweep rate shift hoeveelheid - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Piano-roll weergeven/verbergen + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + Golfpatroon-inschakeltijd: - Show/hide Automation Editor - Automatisering-editor weergeven/verbergen + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Golfpatroon-inschakeltijd - Show/hide FX Mixer - FX-mixer weergeven/verbergen + + Square channel 1 volume: + Blok kanaal 1 volume: - Show/hide project notes - Projectnotities weergeven/verbergen + + Square channel 1 volume + Blok kanaal 1 volume - Show/hide controller rack - Controller-rack weergeven/verbergen + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Lengte van elke stap in sweep: - Recover session. Please save your work! - Sessie herstellen. Sla uw werk op! + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Lengte van elke stap in sweep - Recovered project not saved - Hersteld project niet opgeslagen + + Square channel 2 volume: + Blok kanaal 2 volume: - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Dit project werd hersteld vanuit de vorige sessie. Het is op dit moment niet opgeslagen en zal verloren gaan als u het niet opslaat. Wilt u het nu opslaan? + + Square channel 2 volume + Blok kanaal 2 volume - LMMS Project - LMMS-project + + Wave pattern channel volume: + Golfpatroon kanaalvolume: - LMMS Project Template - LMMS-projectsjabloon + + Wave pattern channel volume + Golfpatroon kanaalvolume - Overwrite default template? - Standaard-sjabloon overschrijven? + + Noise channel volume: + Ruis kanaal volume: - This will overwrite your current default template. - Dit zal uw huidig standaard-sjabloon overschrijven. + + Noise channel volume + Ruis kanaal volume - Smooth scroll - Vloeiend scrollen + + SO1 volume (Right): + S01 volume (rechts): - Enable note labels in piano roll - Nootlabels in piano-roll inschakelen + + SO1 volume (Right) + S01 volume (rechts): - Save project template - Projectsjabloon opslaan + + SO2 volume (Left): + S02 volume (links): - Volume as dBFS - Volume als dBFS + + SO2 volume (Left) + SO2 volume (links) - Could not open file - Kan bestand niet openen + + Treble: + Treble: - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Kon bestand %1 niet openen om te schrijven. -Zorg ervoor dat u schrijfbevoegdheid heeft voor het bestand en voor de map die het bestand bevat en probeer het opnieuw! + + Treble + Treble - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator - Meter-noemer + + Bass: + Bass: - Meter Denominator - Meter-teller + + Bass + Bass - TIME SIG - MAATSOORT + + Sweep direction + Sweep-richting - - - MeterModel - Numerator - Noemer + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Volume sweep-richting - Denominator - Teller + + Shift register width + Registerbreedte verschuiven - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - MIDI-controller + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanaal 1 naar SO1 (rechts) - unnamed_midi_controller - naamloze_midi_controller + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanaal 2 naar SO1 (rechts) - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - Setup niet voltooid + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanaal 3 naar SO1 (rechts) - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - U heeft geen standaard soundfont ingesteld in de instellingen (Bewerken -> Instellingen). Hierdoor wordt er geen geluid afgespeeld na het importeren van dit MIDI-bestand. Download een General MIDI soundfont, selecteer deze in de instellingen probeer opnieuw. + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanaal 4 naar SO1 (rechts) - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - U heeft LMMS niet gecompileerd met ondersteuning voor de SoundFont2-speler, die gebruikt wordt om standaardgeluid toe te voegen aan geïmporteerde MIDI-bestanden. Daarom zal er geen geluid afgespeeld worden na het importeren van dit MIDI-bestand. + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanaal 1 naar SO2 (links) - Track - Track + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanaal 2 naar SO2 (links) - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - JACK-server is offline + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanaal 3 naar SO2 (links) - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - De JACK-server lijkt afgesloten te zijn. + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanaal 4 naar SO2 (links) + + + + Wave pattern graph + Golfpatroon-grafiek - MidiPort + MixerLine - Input channel - Invoerkanaal + + Channel send amount + Hoeveelheid kanaal-send - Output channel - Uitvoerkanaal + + Move &left + &Links verplaatsen - Input controller - Invoer-controller + + Move &right + &Rechts verplaatsen - Output controller - Uitvoer-controller + + Rename &channel + &Kanaal hernoemen - Fixed input velocity - Vaste invoersnelheid + + R&emove channel + Kanaal v&erwijderen - Fixed output velocity - Vaste uitvoersnelheid + + Remove &unused channels + Ongebr&uikte kanalen verwijderen - Output MIDI program - MIDI-programma voor uitvoer + + Set channel color + - Receive MIDI-events - MIDI-events ontvangen + + Remove channel color + - Send MIDI-events - MIDI-events verzenden + + Pick random channel color + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox - Fixed output note - Vaste uitvoernoot + + Assign to: + Toewijzen aan: - Base velocity - Basissnelheid + + New mixer Channel + Nieuw FX-kanaal - MidiSetupWidget + Mixer - DEVICE - APPARAAT + + Master + Master - - - MonstroInstrument - Osc 1 Volume - Osc 1 volume + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 - Osc 1 Panning - Osc 1 panning + + Volume + Volume - Osc 1 Coarse detune - Osc 1 grof ontstemmen + + Mute + Dempen - Osc 1 Fine detune left - Osc 1 fijn ontstemmen links + + Solo + Solo + + + MixerView - Osc 1 Fine detune right - Osc 1 fijn ontstemmen rechts + + Mixer + mixer - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - Osc 1 stereo-faseverschuiving + + Fader %1 + FX-fader %1 - Osc 1 Pulse width - Osc 1 pulsbreedte + + Mute + Dempen - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - Osc 1 synchronisatie bij stijging + + Mute this mixer channel + Dit FX-kanaal dempen - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - Osc 1 synchronisatie bij daling + + Solo + Solo - Osc 2 Volume - Osc 2 volume + + Solo mixer channel + Solo FX-kanaal + + + MixerRoute - Osc 2 Panning - Osc 2 panning + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Te zenden hoeveelheid van kanaal %1 naar kanaal %2 + + + GigInstrument - Osc 2 Coarse detune - Osc 2 grof ontstemmen + + Bank + Bank - Osc 2 Fine detune left - Osc 2 fijn ontstemmen links + + Patch + Patch - Osc 2 Fine detune right - Osc 2 fijn ontstemmen rechts + + Gain + Gain + + + GigInstrumentView - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - Osc 2 stereo-faseverschuiving + + + Open GIG file + GIG-bestand openen - Osc 2 Waveform - Osc 2 golfvorm + + Choose patch + Patch kiezen - Osc 2 Sync Hard - Osc 2 sync hard + + Gain: + Gain: - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - Osc 2 sync omgekeerd + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG-bestanden (*.gig) + + + GuiApplication - Osc 3 Volume - Osc 3 volume + + Working directory + Werkmap - Osc 3 Panning - Osc 3 panning + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + De LMMS-werkmap %1 bestaat niet. Nu aanmaken? U kunt de map later wijzigen via Bewerken -> Instellingen. - Osc 3 Coarse detune - Osc 3 grof ontstemmen + + Preparing UI + UI voorbereiden - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Osc 3 stereo-faseverschuiving + + Preparing song editor + Song-editor voorbereiden - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + Preparing mixer + Mixer voorbereiden - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - Osc 3 golfvorm 1 + + Preparing controller rack + Controller-rack voorbereiden - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - Osc 3 golfvorm 2 + + Preparing project notes + Projectnotities voorbereiden - Osc 3 Sync Hard - Osc 3 sync hard + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Beat- en baslijn-editor voorbereiden - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - Osc 3 sync omgekeerd + + Preparing piano roll + Piano-roll voorbereiden - LFO 1 Waveform - LFO 1 golfvorm + + Preparing automation editor + Automatisering-editor voorbereiden + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - LFO 1 Attack - LFO 1 attack + + Arpeggio + Arpeggio - LFO 1 Rate - LFO 1 ratio + + Arpeggio type + Arpeggio type - LFO 1 Phase - LFO 1 fase + + Arpeggio range + Arpeggio bereik - LFO 2 Waveform - LFO 2 golfvorm + + Note repeats + - LFO 2 Attack - LFO 2 attack + + Cycle steps + Stappen doorlopen - LFO 2 Rate - LFO 2 ratio + + Skip rate + Skip-ratio - LFO 2 Phase - LFO 2 fase + + Miss rate + Miss-ratio - Env 1 Pre-delay - Env 1 pre-delay + + Arpeggio time + Arpeggio tijd - Env 1 Attack - Env 1 attack + + Arpeggio gate + Arpeggio gate - Env 1 Hold - Env 1 hold + + Arpeggio direction + Arpeggio richting - Env 1 Decay - Env 1 decay + + Arpeggio mode + Arpeggio modus - Env 1 Sustain - Env 1 sustain + + Up + Omhoog - Env 1 Release - Env 1 release + + Down + Omlaag - Env 1 Slope - Env 1 slope + + Up and down + Omhoog en omlaag - Env 2 Pre-delay - Env 2 pre-delay + + Down and up + Omlaag en omhoog - Env 2 Attack - Env 2 attack + + Random + Willekeurig - Env 2 Hold - Env 2 hold + + Free + Vrij - Env 2 Decay - Env 2 decay + + Sort + Sorteren - Env 2 Sustain - Env 2 sustain + + Sync + Sync + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - Env 2 Release - Env 2 release + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGGIO - Env 2 Slope - Env 2 slope + + RANGE + BEREIK - Osc2-3 modulation - Osc 2-3 modulatie + + Arpeggio range: + Arpeggio bereik: - Selected view - Geselecteerde weergave + + octave(s) + octa(af)(ven) - Vol1-Env1 - Vol1-Env1 + + REP + - Vol1-Env2 - Vol1-Env2 + + Note repeats: + - Vol1-LFO1 - Vol1-LFO1 + + time(s) + - Vol1-LFO2 - Vol1-LFO2 + + CYCLE + DOORL - Vol2-Env1 - Vol2-Env1 + + Cycle notes: + Noten doorlopen: - Vol2-Env2 - Vol2-Env2 + + note(s) + no(o)t(en) - Vol2-LFO1 - Vol2-LFO1 + + SKIP + SKIP - Vol2-LFO2 - Vol2-LFO2 + + Skip rate: + Skip-ratio: - Vol3-Env1 - Vol3-Env1 + + + + % + % - Vol3-Env2 - Vol3-Env2 + + MISS + MISS - Vol3-LFO1 - Vol3-LFO1 + + Miss rate: + Miss-ratio: - Vol3-LFO2 - Vol3-LFO2 + + TIME + TIJD - Phs1-Env1 - Phs1-Env1 + + Arpeggio time: + Arpeggio tijd: - Phs1-Env2 - Phs1-Env2 + + ms + ms - Phs1-LFO1 - Phs1-LFO1 + + GATE + GATE - Phs1-LFO2 - Phs1-LFO2 + + Arpeggio gate: + Arpeggio gate: - Phs2-Env1 - Phs2-Env1 + + Chord: + Akkoord: - Phs2-Env2 - Phs2-Env2 + + Direction: + Richting: - Phs2-LFO1 - Phs2-LFO1 + + Mode: + Modus: + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - Phs2-LFO2 - Phs2-LFO2 + + octave + octaaf - Phs3-Env1 - Phs3-Env1 + + + Major + Majeur - Phs3-Env2 - Phs3-Env2 + + Majb5 + Majb5 - Phs3-LFO1 - Phs3-LFO1 + + minor + mineur - Phs3-LFO2 - Phs3-LFO2 + + minb5 + minb5 - Pit1-Env1 - Pit1-Env1 + + sus2 + sus2 - Pit1-Env2 - Pit1-Env2 + + sus4 + sus4 - Pit1-LFO1 - Pit1-LFO1 + + aug + aug - Pit1-LFO2 - Pit1-LFO2 + + augsus4 + augsus4 - Pit2-Env1 - Pit2-Env1 + + tri + tri - Pit2-Env2 - Pit2-Env2 + + 6 + 6 - Pit2-LFO1 - Pit2-LFO1 + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 - Pit2-LFO2 - Pit2-LFO2 + + 6add9 + 6add9 - Pit3-Env1 - Pit3-Env1 + + m6 + m6 - Pit3-Env2 - Pit3-Env2 + + m6add9 + m6add9 - Pit3-LFO1 - Pit3-LFO1 + + 7 + 7 - Pit3-LFO2 - Pit3-LFO2 + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 - PW1-Env1 - PW1-Env1 + + 7#5 + 7#5 - PW1-Env2 - PW1-Env2 + + 7b5 + 7b5 - PW1-LFO1 - PW1-LFO1 + + 7#9 + 7#9 - PW1-LFO2 - PW1-LFO2 + + 7b9 + 7b9 - Sub3-Env1 - Sub3-Env1 + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 - Sub3-Env2 - Sub3-Env2 + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 - Sub3-LFO1 - Sub3-LFO1 + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 - Sub3-LFO2 - Sub3-LFO2 + + 7add11 + 7add11 - Sine wave - Sinusgolf + + 7add13 + 7add13 - Bandlimited Triangle wave - Bandgelimiteerde driehoeksgolf + + 7#11 + 7#11 - Bandlimited Saw wave - Bandgelimiteerde zaagtandgolf + + Maj7 + Maj7 - Bandlimited Ramp wave - Bandgelimiteerde hellingsgolf + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 - Bandlimited Square wave - Bandgelimiteerde blokgolf + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Bandgelimiteerde moog-zaagtandgolf + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 - Soft square wave - Zachte blokgolf + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 - Absolute sine wave - Absolute sinusgolf + + m7 + m7 - Exponential wave - Exponentiële golf + + m7b5 + m7b5 - White noise - Witte ruis + + m7b9 + m7b9 - Digital Triangle wave - Digitale driehoeksgolf + + m7add11 + m7add11 - Digital Saw wave - Digitale zaagtandgolf + + m7add13 + m7add13 - Digital Ramp wave - Digitale hellingsgolf + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 - Digital Square wave - Digitale blokgolf + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 - Digital Moog saw wave - Digitale moog-zaagtandgolf + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 - Triangle wave - Driehoeksgolf + + 9 + 9 - Saw wave - Zaagtandgolf + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 - Ramp wave - Hellingsgolf + + add9 + add9 - Square wave - Blokgolf + + 9#5 + 9#5 - Moog saw wave - Moog-zaagtandgolf + + 9b5 + 9b5 - Abs. sine wave - Abs. sinusgolf + + 9#11 + 9#11 - Random - Willekeurig + + 9b13 + 9b13 - Random smooth - Willekeurig glad + + Maj9 + Maj9 - - - MonstroView - Operators view - Operatorweergave + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - De operatorweergave bevat alle operators. Deze bevatten hoorbare operators (oscillators) en onhoorbare operators of modulators: laag-frequente oscillators en envelopes. - -Knoppen en andere widgets in de operatorweergave hebben hun eigen "wat is dit"-teksten, dus op die manier kunt u specifieke hulp voor hen krijgen. + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 - Matrix view - Matrixweergave + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - De matrixweergave bevat de modulatiematrix. Hier kunt u de modulatie-relaties tussen de verschillende operators opgeven. Elke hoorbare operator (oscillators 1 - 3) heeft 3 à 4 eigenschappen die gemoduleerd kunnen worden door elk van de modulators. Gebruik van meer modulaties verbruikt meer CPU-kracht. - -De weergave is verdeeld in modulatie-doelen, gegroepeerd per doel-oscillator. Beschikbare doelen zijn volume, toonhoogte, fase, pulsbreedte en sub-osc-ratio. Opmerking: een aantal doelen zijn specifiek voor slechts een oscillator. - -Elk modulatiedoel heeft 4 knoppen, een voor elke modulator. Standaard staan de knoppen op nul, wat geen modulatie betekent. Een knop naar 1 draaien zorgt dat die modulator het modulatiedoel zoveel mogelijk beïnvloedt. Naar -1 draaien doet hetzelfde, maar de modulatie wordt omgekeerd. - + + m9 + m9 + - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - Osc2 mengen met osc3 + + madd9 + madd9 - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - Amplitude van osc3 moduleren met osc2 + + m9b5 + m9b5 - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - Frequentie van osc3 moduleren met osc2 + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - Fase van osc3 moduleren met osc2 + + 11 + 11 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - De CRS-knop wijzigt de stemming van oscillator 1 in stappen van een halve toon. + + 11b9 + 11b9 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - De CRS-knop wijzigt de stemming van oscillator 2 in stappen van een halve toon. + + Maj11 + Maj11 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - De CRS-knop wijzigt de stemming van oscillator 3 in stappen van een halve toon. + + m11 + m11 - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - FTL en FTR wijzigen de finetuning van de oscillator voor respectievelijk linker en rechter kanalen. Deze kunnen stereo-ontstemming aan de oscillator toevoegen die het stereobeeld verbreedt en een illusie van ruimte veroorzaakt. + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - De SPO-knop wijzigt het verschil in fase tussen linker en rechter kanaal. Een groter verschil creëert een breder stereobeeld. + + 13 + 13 - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - De PW-knop bedient de pulsbreedte, ook bekend als arbeidscyclus, van oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is een digitale pulsgolf-oscillator. Hij produceert geen bandgelimiteerde uitvoer, wat betekent dat u hem kunt gebruiken als een hoorbare oscillator maar dat het aliasing zal veroorzaken. U kunt hem ook gebruiken als een onhoorbare bron van een synchronisatiesignaal, die gebruikt kan worden om oscillator 2 en 3 te synchroniseren. + + 13#9 + 13#9 - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Sync verzenden bij stijging: indien ingeschakeld wordt het sync-signaal elke keer verzonden wanneer de staat van oscillator 1 wijzigt van laag naar hoog, dus wanneer de amplitude wijzigt van -1 naar 1. -De toonhoogte, fase en pulsbreedte van oscillator 1 kunnen de timing van syncs beïnvloeden, maar het volume ervan heeft geen invloed. Sync-signalen worden onafhankelijk verzonden voor linker- en rechterkanaal. + + 13b9 + 13b9 - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Sync verzenden bij daling: indien ingeschakeld wordt het sync-signaal elke keer verzonden wanneer de staat van oscillator 1 wijzigt van hoog naar laag, dus wanneer de amplitude wijzigt van 1 naar -1. -De toonhoogte, fase en pulsbreedte van oscillator 1 kunnen de timing van syncs beïnvloeden, maar het volume ervan heeft geen invloed. Sync-signalen worden onafhankelijk verzonden voor linker- en rechterkanaal. + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - Hard sync: elke keer als de oscillator een sync-signaal ontvangt van oscillator 1, wordt zijn fase hersteld naar 0 + om het even wat zijn faseverschuiving is. + + Maj13 + Maj13 - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - Omgekeerde sync: elke keer als de oscillator een sync-signaal ontvangt van oscillator 1, wordt de amplitude van de oscillator omgekeerd. + + m13 + m13 - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Kies golfvorm voor oscillator 2. + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Kies golfvorm voor de eerste sub-osc van oscillator 3. Oscillator 3 kan vloeiend interpoleren tussen twee verschillende golfvormen. + + Harmonic minor + Harmonisch mineur - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Kies golfvorm voor de tweede sub-osc van oscillator 3. Oscillator 3 kan vloeiend interpoleren tussen twee verschillende golfvormen. + + Melodic minor + Melodisch mineur - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - De SUB-knop verandert de mixverhouding tussen de twee sub-oscs van oscillator 3. Elk sub-osc kan worden ingesteld om een andere golfvorm te produceren, en oscillator 3 kan er vloeiend tussen interpoleren. Alle binnenkomende modulaties bij oscillator 3 worden op dezelfde manier toegepast op beide sub-oscs/golfvormen. + + Whole tone + Hele toon - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - In aanvulling op toegewijde modulators laat Monstro toe dat oscillator 3 gemoduleerd wordt door de uitvoer van oscillator 2. - -Mix-modus betekent geen modulatie: de uitvoer van de oscillators wordt gewoonweg samengemixt. + + Diminished + Verminderd - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - In aanvulling op toegewijde modulators laat Monstro toe dat oscillator 3 gemoduleerd wordt door de uitvoer van oscillator 2. - -AM betekent amplitudemodulatie: de amplitude (het volume) van oscillator 3 wordt gemoduleerd door oscillator 2. + + Major pentatonic + Pentatonisch majeur - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - In aanvulling op toegewijde modulators laat Monstro toe dat oscillator 3 gemoduleerd wordt door de uitvoer van oscillator 2. - -FM betekent frequentiemodulatie: de frequentie (toonhoogte, pitch) van oscillator 3 wordt gemoduleerd door oscillator 2. De frequentiemodulatie wordt geïmplementeerd als fasemodulatie, wat een stabielere algemene toonhoogte produceert dan een "pure" frequentiemodulatie. + + Minor pentatonic + Pentatonisch mineur - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - In aanvulling op toegewijde modulators laat Monstro toe dat oscillator 3 gemoduleerd wordt door de uitvoer van oscillator 2. - -PM betekent fasemodulatie: de fase van oscillator 3 wordt gemoduleerd door oscillator 2. Het verschilt van frequentie modulatie omdat de veranderingen in fase niet cumulatief zijn. + + Jap in sen + Jap in sen - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Selecteer de golfvorm voor LFO 1. -"Willekeurig" en "willekeurig zacht" zijn speciale golfvormen: ze produceren een willekeurige uitvoer, waar de ratio van de LFO bepaalt hoe dikwijls de status van de LFO verandert. De zachte versie interpoleert tussen deze statussen met cosinus-interpolatie. Deze willekeurige modussen kunnen gebruikt worden om "leven" te geven aan uw presets - wat analoge onvoorspelbaarheid toevoegen... + + Major bebop + Majeur bebop - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Selecteer de golfvorm voor LFO 2. -"Willekeurig" en "willekeurig zacht" zijn speciale golfvormen: ze produceren een willekeurige uitvoer, waar de ratio van de LFO bepaalt hoe dikwijls de status van de LFO verandert. De zachte versie interpoleert tussen deze statussen met cosinus-interpolatie. Deze willekeurige modussen kunnen gebruikt worden om "leven" te geven aan uw presets - wat analoge onvoorspelbaarheid toevoegen... + + Dominant bebop + Dominante bebop - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - Attack zorgt ervoor dat de LFO gradueel opkomt vanaf het begin van de noot. + + Blues + Blues - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - Ratio stelt de snelheid van de LFO in, gemeten in milliseconden per cyclus. Kan gesynchroniseerd worden met tempo. + + Arabic + Arabisch - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - PHS bedient de faseverschuiving van de LFO. + + Enigmatic + Enigmatisch - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - PRE, of pre-delay, vertraagt de start van de envelope vanaf het begin van de noot. 0 betekent geen vertraging. + + Neopolitan + Neopolitanisch - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - ATT of attack bedient hoe snel de envelope omhoog komt bij het begin, gemeten in milliseconden. Een waarde van 0 betekent onmiddellijk. + + Neopolitan minor + Neopolitanisch mineur - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - HOLD bedient hoe lang de envelope op zijn piek blijft na de attack-fase. + + Hungarian minor + Hongaarse mineur - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - DEC of decay bedient hoe snel de envelope van zijn piek valt, gemeten in milliseconden die nodig zou zijn om van piek naar nul te gaan. De eigenlijke decay kan korter zijn als sustain gebruikt wordt. + + Dorian + Dorisch - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - SUS of sustain bedient het sustain-niveau van de envelope. De decay-fase zal niet onder dit niveau gaan zolang de noot aangehouden wordt. + + Phrygian + Frygisch - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - REL of release bedient hoe lang de vrijgave is voor de noot, gemeten in hoe lang het zou duren om te vallen van piek naar nul. De eigenlijke release kan korter zijn, afhankelijk van welke fase de noot vrijgegeven wordt. + + Lydian + Lydisch - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - De slope-knop bedient de curve of vorm van de envelope. Een waarde van 0 creëert rechte stijgingen en dalingen. Negatieve waarden creëren curves die traag starten, snel pieken en terug traag afvallen. Positieve waarden creëren curves die snel beginnen en eindigen en langer bij de pieken blijven. + + Mixolydian + Mixolydisch - Volume - Volume + + Aeolian + Eolisch - Panning - Panning + + Locrian + Locrisch - Coarse detune - Grof ontstemmen + + Minor + Mineur - semitones - halve tonen + + Chromatic + Chromatisch - Finetune left - Links fijnstemmen + + Half-Whole Diminished + Half-heel verminderd - cents - cents + + 5 + 5 - Finetune right - Rechts fijnstemmen + + Phrygian dominant + Frygisch dominant - Stereo phase offset - Stereo-faseverschuiving + + Persian + Persisch - deg - graden + + Chords + Akkoorden - Pulse width - Pulsbreedte + + Chord type + Akkoordsoort - Send sync on pulse rise - Sync verzenden bij pulsstijging + + Chord range + Akkoordbereik + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - Send sync on pulse fall - Sync verzenden bij pulsdaling + + STACKING + STAPELEN - Hard sync oscillator 2 - Oscillator 2 hard-syncen + + Chord: + Akkoord: - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Oscillator 2 omgekeerd syncen + + RANGE + BEREIK - Sub-osc mix - Sub-osc mix + + Chord range: + Akkoordbereik: - Hard sync oscillator 3 - Oscillator 3 hard-syncen + + octave(s) + Octaaf (octaven) + + + InstrumentMidiIOView - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Oscillator 3 omgekeerd syncen + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + MIDI-INVOER INSCHAKELEN - Attack - Attack + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + MIDI-UITVOER INSCHAKELEN - Rate - Ratio + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + - Phase - Fase + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - Pre-delay - Pre-delay + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + - Hold - Hold + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NOOT - Decay - Decay + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + MIDI-apparaten om MIDI-events van te ontvangen - Sustain - Sustain + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + MIDI-apparaten om MIDI-events naar te zenden - Release - Release + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + AANGEPASTE BASISSNELHEID - Slope - Slope + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + Geef de snelheid-normalisatiebasis voor MIDI-gebaseerde instrumenten op bij 100 % nootsnelheid. - Modulation amount - Hoeveelheid modulatie + + BASE VELOCITY + BASISSNELHEID - MultitapEchoControlDialog + InstrumentMiscView - Length - Lengte + + MASTER PITCH + MASTER-TOONHOOGTE - Step length: - Stap-lengte: + + Enables the use of master pitch + Schakelt het gebruik van master-toonhoogte in + + + InstrumentSoundShaping - Dry - Droog + + VOLUME + VOLUME - Dry Gain: - Droge gain: + + Volume + Volume - Stages - Stappen + + CUTOFF + CUTOFF - Lowpass stages: - Lowpass-stappen: + + + Cutoff frequency + Cutoff-frequentie - Swap inputs - Invoeren wisselen + + RESO + RESO - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - Linker en rechter invoerkanaal wisselen voor reflecties + + Resonance + Resonantie - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune - Kanaal 1 grof ontstemmen + + Envelopes/LFOs + Envelopes/LFO's - Channel 1 Volume - Volume kanaal 1 + + Filter type + Filtersoort - Channel 1 Envelope length - Kanaal 1 envelope-lengte + + Q/Resonance + Q/Resonantie - Channel 1 Duty cycle - Kanaal 1 inschakeltijd + + Low-pass + Low-pass - Channel 1 Sweep amount - Kanaal 1 hoeveelheid sweep + + Hi-pass + High-pass - Channel 1 Sweep rate - Kanaal 1 sweep-ratio + + Band-pass csg + BandPass csg - Channel 2 Coarse detune - Kanaal 2 grof ontstemmen + + Band-pass czpg + Bandpass czpg - Channel 2 Volume - Volume kanaal 2 + + Notch + Notch - Channel 2 Envelope length - Kanaal 2 envelope-lengte + + All-pass + All-pass - Channel 2 Duty cycle - Kanaal 2 inschakeltijd + + Moog + Moog - Channel 2 Sweep amount - Kanaal 2 hoeveelheid sweep + + 2x Low-pass + 2x Low-pass - Channel 2 Sweep rate - Kanaal 2 sweep-ratio + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC low-pass 12 dB/oct - Channel 3 Coarse detune - Kanaal 3 grof ontstemmen + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC band-pass 12 dB/oct - Channel 3 Volume - Volume kanaal 3 + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC high-pass 12 dB/oct - Channel 4 Volume - Volume kanaal 4 + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC low-pass 24 dB/oct - Channel 4 Envelope length - Kanaal 4 envelope-lengte + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC band-pass 24 dB/oct - Channel 4 Noise frequency - Kanaal 4 ruisfrequentie + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC high-pass 24 dB/oct - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - Kanaal 4 ruisfrequentie-sweep + + Vocal Formant + Stemvorming - Master volume - Master-volume + + 2x Moog + 2 x Moog - Vibrato - Vibrato + + SV Low-pass + SV low-pass - - - NesInstrumentView - Volume - Volume + + SV Band-pass + SV band-pass - Coarse detune - Grof ontstemmen - - - Envelope length - Envelope-lengte - - - Enable channel 1 - Kanaal 1 inschakelen + + SV High-pass + SV high-pass - Enable envelope 1 - Envelope 1 inschakelen + + SV Notch + SV Notch - Enable envelope 1 loop - Envelope 1 herhalen inschakelen + + Fast Formant + Snel vormend - Enable sweep 1 - Sweep 1 inschakelen + + Tripole + Tripole + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView - Sweep amount - Hoeveelheid sweep + + TARGET + DOEL - Sweep rate - Sweep-ratio + + FILTER + FILTER - 12.5% Duty cycle - 12.5 % inschakeltijd + + FREQ + FREQ - 25% Duty cycle - 25 % inschakeltijd + + Cutoff frequency: + Cutoff-frequentie: - 50% Duty cycle - 50 % inschakeltijd + + Hz + Hz - 75% Duty cycle - 75 % inschakeltijd + + Q/RESO + Q/RESO - Enable channel 2 - Kanaal 2 inschakelen + + Q/Resonance: + Q/Resonantie: - Enable envelope 2 - Envelope 2 inschakelen + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Envelopes, LFO's en filters worden niet ondersteund door het huidige instrument. + + + InstrumentTrack - Enable envelope 2 loop - Envelope 2 herhalen inschakelen + + + unnamed_track + naamloze_track - Enable sweep 2 - Sweep 2 inschakelen + + Base note + Grondtoon - Enable channel 3 - Kanaal 3 inschakelen + + First note + - Noise Frequency - Ruisfrequentie + + Last note + Laatste noot - Frequency sweep - Frequentie-sweep + + Volume + Volume - Enable channel 4 - Kanaal 4 inschakelen + + Panning + Balans - Enable envelope 4 - Envelope 4 inschakelen + + Pitch + Toonhoogte - Enable envelope 4 loop - Envelope 4 herhalen inschakelen + + Pitch range + Toonhoogte-bereik - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Ruisfrequentie kwantiseren wanneer nootfrequentie gebruikt wordt + + Mixer channel + FX-kanaal - Use note frequency for noise - Nootfrequentie gebruiken voor ruis + + Master pitch + Master-toonhoogte - Noise mode - Ruismodus + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + - Master Volume - Master-volume + + CC Controller %1 + - Vibrato - Vibrato + + + Default preset + Standaard preset - OscillatorObject + InstrumentTrackView - Osc %1 volume - Osc %1 volume + + Volume + Volume - Osc %1 panning - Osc %1 panning + + Volume: + Volume: - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Osc %1 grof ontstemmen + + VOL + VOL - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Osc %1 fijn ontstemmen links + + Panning + Balans - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Osc %1 fijn ontstemmen rechts + + Panning: + Balans: - Osc %1 phase-offset - Osc %1 faseverschuiving + + PAN + BAL - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Osc %1 stereo-fase-ontstemming + + MIDI + MIDI - Osc %1 wave shape - Osc %1 golfvorm + + Input + Invoer - Modulation type %1 - Modulatietype %1 + + Output + Uitvoer - Osc %1 waveform - Osc %1 golfvorm + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + - Osc %1 harmonic - Osc %1 harmonisch + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - PatchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: kanaal-preset - + InstrumentTrackWindow - Bank selector - Bank-selector + + GENERAL SETTINGS + ALGEMENE INSTELLINGEN - Bank - Bank + + Volume + Volume - Program selector - Programma-selector + + Volume: + Volume: - Patch - Patch + + VOL + VOL - Name - Naam + + Panning + Balans - OK - Ok + + Panning: + Balans: - Cancel - Annuleren + + PAN + BAL - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - Andere patch openen + + Pitch + Toonhoogte - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Klik hier om een ander patchbestand te openen. Herhalen- en stemming-instellingen worden niet hersteld. + + Pitch: + Toonhoogte: - Loop - Herhalen + + cents + cents - Loop mode - Herhaalmodus + + PITCH + TOONHOOGTE - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Hier kunt u de herhaalmodus in-/uitschakelen. Indien ingeschakeld zal PatMan de herhaalinformatie beschikbaar in het bestand gebruiken. + + Pitch range (semitones) + Toonhoogte-bereik (semitones) - Tune - Stemmen + + RANGE + BEREIK - Tune mode - Stem-modus + + Mixer channel + FX-kanaal - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Hier kunt u de stem-modus in-/uitschakelen. Indien ingeschakeld zal PatMan de sample stemmen om overeen te komen met de frequentie van de noot. + + FX + FX - No file selected - Geen bestand geselecteerd + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Huidige instrument-track-instellingen opslaan in een presetbestand - Open patch file - Patchbestand openen + + SAVE + OPSLAAN - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Patch-bestanden (*.pat) + + Envelope, filter & LFO + Envelope, filter en LFO - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll - In piano-roll openen + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + Akkoorden opeenstapelen & arpeggio - Clear all notes - Alle noten leegmaken + + Effects + Effecten - Reset name - Naam herstellen + + MIDI + MIDI - Change name - Naam wijzigen + + Miscellaneous + Overige - Add steps - Stappen toevoegen + + Save preset + Preset opslaan - Remove steps - Stappen verwijderen + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML-presetbestand (*.xpf) - Clone Steps - Stappen klonen + + Plugin + Plug-in - PeakController + JackApplicationW - Peak Controller - Piek-controller + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + - Peak Controller Bug - Piek-controller bug + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - Door een bug in oudere versies van LMMS is het mogelijk dat piek-controllers niet goed verbonden zijn. Verzeker u ervan dat piek-controllers goed verbonden zijn en sla dit bestand opnieuw op. Sorry voor enig ongemak. + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + - PeakControllerDialog - - PEAK - PIEK - + JuceAboutW - LFO Controller - LFO-controller + + About JUCE + - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - BASIS + + <b>About JUCE</b> + - Base amount: - Basishoeveelheid: + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + - Modulation amount: - Hoeveelheid basis: + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + - Attack: - Attack: + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + Knob - Release: - Release: + + Set linear + Lineair instellen - AMNT - HVHD + + Set logarithmic + Logaritmisch instellen - MULT - VERM + + + Set value + Waarde instellen - Amount Multiplicator: - Hoeveelheid-vermenigvuldiger: + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen -96,0 dBFS en 6,0 dBFS: - ATCK - ATCK + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen %1 en %2: + + + LadspaControl - DCAY - DCAY + + Link channels + Kanalen koppelen + + + LadspaControlDialog - Treshold: - Treshold: + + Link Channels + Kanalen koppelen - TRSH - TRSH + + Channel + Kanaal - PeakControllerEffectControls - - Base value - Basiswaarde - + LadspaControlView - Modulation amount - Hoeveelheid modulatie + + Link channels + Kanalen koppelen - Mute output - Uitvoer dempen + + Value: + Waarde: + + + LadspaEffect - Attack - Attack + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Onbekende LADSPA-plugin %1 opgevraagd. + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - Release - Release + + Set value + Waarde instellen - Abs Value - Abs waarde + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen %1 en %2: + + + LcdSpinBox - Amount Multiplicator - Hoeveelheid-vermenigvuldiger + + Set value + Waarde instellen - Treshold - Treshold + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen %1 en %2: - PianoRoll + LeftRightNav - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Open een patroon door erop te dubbelklikken! + + + + Previous + Vorige - Last note - Laatste noot + + + + Next + Volgende - Note lock - Nootvergrendeling + + Previous (%1) + Vorige (%1) - Note Velocity - Nootsnelheid + + Next (%1) + Volgende (%1) + + + LfoController - Note Panning - Noot-panning + + LFO Controller + LFO-controller - Mark/unmark current semitone - Huidige semitoon markeren/niet markeren + + Base value + Basiswaarde - Mark current scale - Huidige toonladder markeren + + Oscillator speed + Oscillatorsnelheid - Mark current chord - Huidig akkoord markeren + + Oscillator amount + Hoeveelheid oscillator - Unmark all - Niets markeren + + Oscillator phase + Oscillator-fase - No scale - Geen toonladder + + Oscillator waveform + Oscillator-golfvorm - No chord - Geen akkoord + + Frequency Multiplier + Frequentievermenigvuldiger + + + LfoControllerDialog - Velocity: %1% - Snelheid: %1% + + LFO + LFO - Panning: %1% left - Panning: %1 % links + + BASE + BASIS - Panning: %1% right - Panning: %1 % rechts + + Base: + Basis: - Panning: center - Panning: midden + + FREQ + FREQ - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen %1 en %2: + + LFO frequency: + LFO-frequentie: - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Alle corresponderende octaaf-semitonen markeren/niet markeren + + AMNT + HVHD - Select all notes on this key - Alle noten op deze sleutel selecteren + + Modulation amount: + Hoeveelheid modulatie: - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Huidig patroon afspelen/pauzeren (Spatie) + + PHS + PHS - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Noten van MIDI-apparaat/kanaal-piano opnemen + + Phase offset: + Faseverschuiving: - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Noten van MIDI-apparaat/kanaal-piano opnemen tijdens het afspelen van song of BB-spoor + + degrees + graden - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Stoppen met afspelen van huidig patroon (Spatie) + + Sine wave + Sinusgolf - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Klik hier om het huidige patroon af te spelen. Dit is handig tijdens het bewerken. het patroon wordt automatisch herhaald wanneer het einde bereikt wordt. + + Triangle wave + Driehoeksgolf - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - Klik hier om noten van een MIDI-apparaat of de virtuele test-piano van het overeenkomstige kanaal-venster op te nemen in het huidige patroon. Tijdens het opnemen zullen alle noten die u speelt naar dit patroon geschreven worden en u kunt ze achteraf afspelen en bewerken. + + Saw wave + Zaagtandgolf - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - Klik hier om noten van een MIDI-apparaat of de virtuele test-piano van het overeenkomstige kanaal-venster op te nemen in het huidige patroon. Tijdens het opnemen zullen alle noten die u speelt naar dit patroon geschreven worden en zal u de song of BB-track op de achtergrond horen. + + Square wave + Blokgolf - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Klik hier om het afspelen van het huidige patroon te stoppen. + + Moog saw wave + Moog-zaagtandgolf - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Tekenmodus (Shift+D) + + Exponential wave + Exponentiële golf - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Wissen-modus (Shift+E) + + White noise + Witte ruis - Select mode (Shift+S) - Selecteermodus (Shift+S) + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + Aangepaste vorm. +Dubbelklikken om een bestand te kiezen. - Detune mode (Shift+T) - Ontstem-modus (Shift+T) + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + Modulatiefrequentie vermenigvuldigen met 1 - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - Klik hier en de tekenmodus zal ingeschakeld worden. In deze modus kunt u noten toevoegen, de grootte wijzigen en ze verplaatsen. Dit is de standaardmodus die het merendeel van de tijd gebruikt wordt. U kunt ook 'Shift+D' drukken op uw toetsenbord om deze modus in te schakelen. Houd %1 ingedrukt om tijdelijk in selecteermodus te gaan binnen deze modus. + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + Modulatiefrequentie vermenigvuldigen met 100 - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klik hier en de verwijdermodus zal ingeschakeld worden. In deze modus kunt u noten verwijderen. U kunt ook 'Shift+E' drukken op uw toetsenbord om deze modus in te schakelen. + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + Modulatiefrequentie delen door 100 + + + Engine - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - Klik hier en de selecteermodus zal ingeschakeld worden. In deze modus kunt u noten selecteren. U kunt %1 ingedrukt houden in de tekenmodus om tijdelijk de selecteermodus te gebruiken. + + Generating wavetables + Wavetables genereren - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klik hier en de ontstem-modus zal ingeschakeld worden. In deze modus kunt u op een noot klikken om zijn automatisch ontstemmen te openen. U kunt dit gebruiken om van de ene noot naar de andere te glijden. U kunt ook 'Shift+T' op uw toetsenbord drukken om deze modus in te schakelen. + + Initializing data structures + Datastructuren initialiseren - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Geselecteerde noten knippen (%1+X) + + Opening audio and midi devices + Audio- en midi-apparaten openen - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Geselecteerde noten kopiëren (%1+C) + + Launching mixer threads + Mixer-threads starten + + + MainWindow - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Noten van klembord plakken (%1+V) + + Configuration file + Configuratiebestand - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klik hier en de geselecteerde noten zullen geplakt worden naar het klembord. U kunt ze overal in om het even welk patroon plakken door te klikken op de "plakken"-knop. + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Fout bij verwerken van configuratiebestand op regel %1:%2: %3 - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klik hier en geselecteerde noten zullen gekopieerd worden naar het klembord. U kunt ze overal in om het even welk patroon plakken door te klikken op de 'plakken'-knop. + + Could not open file + Kan bestand niet openen - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Klik hier en de noten van het klembord zullen op de eerste zichtbare maat geplakt worden. + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Kon bestand %1 niet openen om te schrijven. +Zorg ervoor dat u schrijfbevoegdheid heeft voor het bestand en voor de map die het bestand bevat en probeer het opnieuw! - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - Dit bepaalt de vergroting van een as. Het kan handig zijn om vergroting te kiezen voor een specifieke taak. Voor gewoon bewerken wordt de vergroting best aangepast aan uw kleinste noten. + + Project recovery + Projectherstel - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - De 'Q' staat voor quantization (kwantisatie) en beheert de rastergrootte waar noten en controlepunten op uitlijnen. Bij lagere kwantisatiewaarden kunt u kortere noten tekenen in de piano-roll, en meer exacte controlepunten tekenen in de automation-editor. + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Er is een herstelbestand aanwezig. Het lijkt alsof de laatste sessie niet goed afgesloten is of een andere instantie van LMMS al uitgevoerd wordt. Wilt u het project van deze sessie herstellen? - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - Dit laat u de lengte van nieuwe noten selecteren. 'Laatste noot' betekent dat LMMS de nootlengte zal gebruiken van de noot die u laatst bewerkte. + + + Recover + Herstellen - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - De functie is direct verbonden aan het contextmenu op het virtuele toetsenbord, links in de piano-roll. Nadat u de gewenste toonladder gekozen heeft in dit drop-down-menu, kunt u rechtsklikken op een gewenste toets op het virtuele toetsenbord en 'huidige toonladder markeren' kiezen. LMMS zal alle noten markeren die behoren tot de gekozen toonladder, en in de toonaard die u geselecteerd heeft! + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Bestand herstellen. Gelieve niet meerdere instanties van LMMS uit te voeren wanneer u dit doet. - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - Laat u een akkoord selecteren dat LMMS dan kan tekenen of markeren. U kunt de meeste algemene akkoorden terugvinden in dit drop-down-menu. Nadat u een akkoord geselecteerd heeft, klikt u ergens om het akkoord te plaatsen en rechtsklikt u op het virtuele toetsenbord om het contextmenu te openen en het akkoord te markeren. Om terug te keren naar plaatsing van enkelvoudige noten, moet u "geen akkoord" kiezen in dit drop-down-menu. + + + Discard + Verwerpen - Edit actions - Acties bewerken + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Start een standaard sessie en verwijder de herstelde bestanden. Dit is onomkeerbaar. - Copy paste controls - Bedieningen kopiëren en plakken + + Version %1 + Versie %1 - Timeline controls - Tijdlijnbediening + + Preparing plugin browser + Plugin-browser voorbereiden - Zoom and note controls - Zoom- en nootbediening + + Preparing file browsers + Bestandsbrowsers voorbereiden - Piano-Roll - %1 - Piano-roll - %1 + + My Projects + Mijn projecten - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Piano-roll - geen patroon + + My Samples + Mijn samples - Quantize - Kwantiseren + + My Presets + Mijn presets - - - PianoView - Base note - Grondtoon + + My Home + Mijn home - - - Plugin + + Root directory + Root-map + + + + Volumes + Volumes + + + + My Computer + Mijn computer + + + + &File + &Bestand + + + + &New + &Nieuw + + + + &Open... + &Openen... + + + + Loading background picture + Achtergrondafbeelding laden + + + + &Save + Op&slaan + + + + Save &As... + Opslaan &als... + + + + Save as New &Version + Opslaan als nieuwe &versie + + + + Save as default template + Opslaan als standaard-sjabloon + + + + Import... + Importeren... + + + + E&xport... + E&xporteren... + + + + E&xport Tracks... + Tracks e&xporteren... + + + + Export &MIDI... + Exporteer &MIDI... + + + + &Quit + &Afsluiten + + + + &Edit + &Bewerken + + + + Undo + Ongedaan maken + + + + Redo + Opnieuw + + + + Settings + Instellingen + + + + &View + Weerge&ven + + + + &Tools + &Tools + + + + &Help + &Help + + + + Online Help + Online help + + + + Help + Help + + + + About + Over + + + + Create new project + Nieuw project aanmaken + + + + Create new project from template + Nieuw project van sjabloon aanmaken + + + + Open existing project + Bestaand project openen + + + + Recently opened projects + Recent geopende projecten + + + + Save current project + Huidig project opslaan + + + + Export current project + Huidig project exporteren + + + + Metronome + Metronoom + + + + + Song Editor + Song-editor + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Beat- en baslijn-editor + + + + + Piano Roll + Piano-roll + + + + + Automation Editor + Automatisering-editor + + + + + Mixer + mixer + + + + Show/hide controller rack + Controller-rack weergeven/verbergen + + + + Show/hide project notes + Projectnotities weergeven/verbergen + + + + Untitled + Naamloos + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Sessie herstellen. Sla uw werk op! + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + Hersteld project niet opgeslagen + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Dit project werd hersteld vanuit de vorige sessie. Het is op dit moment niet opgeslagen en zal verloren gaan als u het niet opslaat. Wilt u het nu opslaan? + + + + Project not saved + Project niet opgeslagen + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Het huidige project werd gewijzigd sinds de laatste keer dat het opgeslagen werd. Wilt u het nu opslaan? + + + + Open Project + Project openen + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Project opslaan + + + + LMMS Project + LMMS-project + + + + LMMS Project Template + LMMS-projectsjabloon + + + + Save project template + Projectsjabloon opslaan + + + + Overwrite default template? + Standaard-sjabloon overschrijven? + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Dit zal uw huidig standaard-sjabloon overschrijven. + + + + Help not available + Hulp niet beschikbaar + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Er is op dit moment geen hulp beschikbaar in LMMS. +Bezoek http://lmms.sf.net/wiki voor documentatie over LMMS. + + + + Controller Rack + Controller-rack + + + + Project Notes + Projectnotities + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + Volume als dBFS + + + + Smooth scroll + Vloeiend scrollen + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Nootlabels in piano-roll inschakelen + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI-bestand (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + naamloos + + + + + Select file for project-export... + Selecteer bestand voor project-export... + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Selecteer map voor schrijven van geëxporteerde tracks... + + + + Save project + Project opslaan + + + + Project saved + Project opgeslagen + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + Project %1 is nu opgeslagen. + + + + Project NOT saved. + Project NIET opgeslagen. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + Project %1 werd niet opgeslagen! + + + + Import file + Bestand importeren + + + + MIDI sequences + MIDI-sequenties + + + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogen-projecten + + + + All file types + Alle bestandstypes + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + Meter-noemer + + + + Meter numerator + Meter-noemer + + + + + Meter Denominator + Meter-teller + + + + Meter denominator + Meter-teller + + + + TIME SIG + MAATSOORT + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + Noemer + + + + Denominator + Teller + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + MIDI-controller + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + naamloze_midi_controller + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + Setup niet voltooid + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + U heeft geen standaard soundfont ingesteld in de instellingen (Bewerken -> Instellingen). Hierdoor wordt er geen geluid afgespeeld na het importeren van dit MIDI-bestand. Download een General MIDI soundfont, selecteer deze in de instellingen probeer opnieuw. + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + U heeft LMMS niet gecompileerd met ondersteuning voor de SoundFont2-speler, die gebruikt wordt om standaardgeluid toe te voegen aan geïmporteerde MIDI-bestanden. Daarom zal er geen geluid afgespeeld worden na het importeren van dit MIDI-bestand. + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + MIDI tijdsaanduiding-teller + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + MIDI tijdsaanduiding-noemer + + + + Numerator + Noemer + + + + Denominator + Teller + + + + Track + Track + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK-server is offline + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + De JACK-server lijkt afgesloten te zijn. + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + &Bestand + + + + &Edit + &Bewerken + + + + &Quit + &Afsluiten + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + Invoerkanaal + + + + Output channel + Uitvoerkanaal + + + + Input controller + Invoer-controller + + + + Output controller + Uitvoer-controller + + + + Fixed input velocity + Vaste invoersnelheid + + + + Fixed output velocity + Vaste uitvoersnelheid + + + + Fixed output note + Vaste uitvoernoot + + + + Output MIDI program + MIDI-programma voor uitvoer + + + + Base velocity + Basissnelheid + + + + Receive MIDI-events + MIDI-events ontvangen + + + + Send MIDI-events + MIDI-events verzenden + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + Apparaat + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + Osc 1 volume + + + + Osc 1 panning + Osc 1 balans + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + Osc 1 grof ontstemmen + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + Osc 1 fijn ontstemmen links + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + Osc 1 fijn ontstemmen rechts + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + Osc 1 stereo-faseverschuiving + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + Osc 1 pulsbreedte + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + Osc 1 synchronisatie bij stijging + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + Osc 1 synchronisatie bij daling + + + + Osc 2 volume + Osc 2 volume + + + + Osc 2 panning + Osc 2 balans + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + Osc 2 grof ontstemmen + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + Osc 2 fijn ontstemmen links + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + Osc 2 fijn ontstemmen rechts + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + Osc 2 stereo-faseverschuiving + + + + Osc 2 waveform + Osc 2 golfvorm + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + Osc 2 sync omgekeerd + + + + Osc 3 volume + Osc 3 volume + + + + Osc 3 panning + Osc 3 balans + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + Osc 3 grof ontstemmen + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Osc 3 stereo-faseverschuiving + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + Osc 3 golfvorm 1 + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + Osc 3 golfvorm 2 + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + Osc 3 sync omgekeerd + + + + LFO 1 waveform + LFO 1 golfvorm + + + + LFO 1 attack + LFO 1 attack + + + + LFO 1 rate + LFO 1 ratio + + + + LFO 1 phase + LFO 1 fase + + + + LFO 2 waveform + LFO 2 golfvorm + + + + LFO 2 attack + LFO 2 attack + + + + LFO 2 rate + LFO 2 ratio + + + + LFO 2 phase + LFO 2 fase + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + Env 1 attack + Env 1 attack + + + + Env 1 hold + Env 1 hold + + + + Env 1 decay + Env 1 decay + + + + Env 1 sustain + Env 1 sustain + + + + Env 1 release + Env 1 release + + + + Env 1 slope + Env 1 slope + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + Env 2 attack + Env 2 attack + + + + Env 2 hold + Env 2 hold + + + + Env 2 decay + Env 2 decay + + + + Env 2 sustain + Env 2 sustain + + + + Env 2 release + Env 2 release + + + + Env 2 slope + Env 2 slope + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + Osc 2+3 modulatie + + + + Selected view + Geselecteerde weergave + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + Osc 1 - Fase env 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + Osc 1 - Fase env 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Fase LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Fase LFO 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + Osc 2 - Fase env 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + Osc 2 - Fase env 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Fase LFO 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Fase LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + Osc 3 - Fase env 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + Osc 3 - Fase env 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Fase LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Fase LFO 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + Osc 1 - Toonh env 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + Osc 1 - Toonh env 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Toonh LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Toonh LFO 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + Osc 2 - Toonh env 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + Osc 2 - Toonh env 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Toonh LFO 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Toonh LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + Osc 3 - Toonh env 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + Osc 3 - Toonh env 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Toonh LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Toonh LFO 2 + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + Osc 1 - PB env 1 + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + Osc 1 - PB env 2 + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + Osc 1 - PB LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + Osc 1 - PB LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + Sine wave + Sinusgolf + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Bandgelimiteerde driehoeksgolf + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Bandgelimiteerde zaagtandgolf + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Bandgelimiteerde hellingsgolf + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + Bandgelimiteerde blokgolf + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Bandgelimiteerde moog-zaagtandgolf + + + + + Soft square wave + Zachte blokgolf + + + + Absolute sine wave + Absolute sinusgolf + + + + + Exponential wave + Exponentiële golf + + + + White noise + Witte ruis + + + + Digital Triangle wave + Digitale driehoeksgolf + + + + Digital Saw wave + Digitale zaagtandgolf + + + + Digital Ramp wave + Digitale hellingsgolf + + + + Digital Square wave + Digitale blokgolf + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + Digitale moog-zaagtandgolf + + + + Triangle wave + Driehoeksgolf + + + + Saw wave + Zaagtandgolf + + + + Ramp wave + Hellingsgolf + + + + Square wave + Blokgolf + + + + Moog saw wave + Moog-zaagtandgolf + + + + Abs. sine wave + Abs. sinusgolf + + + + Random + Willekeurig + + + + Random smooth + Willekeurig glad + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + Operatorweergave + + + + Matrix view + Matrixweergave + + + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + + Panning + Balans + + + + + + Coarse detune + Grof ontstemmen + + + + + + semitones + semitonen + + + + + Fine tune left + Fijn stemmen links + + + + + + + cents + cents + + + + + Fine tune right + Fijn stemmen rechts + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + Stereo-faseverschuiving + + + + + + + + deg + graden + + + + Pulse width + Pulsbreedte + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + Sync verzenden bij pulsstijging + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + Sync verzenden bij pulsdaling + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + Oscillator 2 hard-syncen + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + Oscillator 2 omgekeerd syncen + + + + Sub-osc mix + Sub-osc mix + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + Oscillator 3 hard-syncen + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + Oscillator 3 omgekeerd syncen + + + + + + + Attack + Attack + + + + + Rate + Ratio + + + + + Phase + Fase + + + + + Pre-delay + Pre-delay + + + + + Hold + Hold + + + + + Decay + Decay + + + + + Sustain + Sustain + + + + + Release + Release + + + + + Slope + Slope + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + Osc 2 mengen met osc 3 + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + Amplitude van osc 3 moduleren met osc 2 + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + Frequentie van osc 3 moduleren met osc 2 + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + Fase van osc 3 mengen met osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Hoeveelheid modulatie + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + Lengte + + + + Step length: + Stap-lengte: + + + + Dry + Droog + + + + Dry gain: + Droge gain: + + + + Stages + Stappen + + + + Low-pass stages: + Lowpass-stappen: + + + + Swap inputs + Invoeren wisselen + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + Linker en rechter invoerkanaal wisselen voor reflecties + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + Kanaal 1 grof ontstemmen + + + + Channel 1 volume + Volume kanaal 1 + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + Kanaal 1 envelope-lengte + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + Kanaal 1 inschakeltijd + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + Kanaal 1 hoeveelheid sweep + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + Kanaal 1 sweep-ratio + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Kanaal 2 grof ontstemmen + + + + Channel 2 Volume + Volume kanaal 2 + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + Kanaal 2 envelope-lengte + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + Kanaal 2 inschakeltijd + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + Kanaal 2 hoeveelheid sweep + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + Kanaal 2 sweep-ratio + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + Kanaal 3 grof ontstemmen + + + + Channel 3 volume + Volume kanaal 3 + + + + Channel 4 volume + Volume kanaal 4 + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + Kanaal 4 envelope-lengte + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + Kanaal 4 ruisfrequentie + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + Kanaal 4 ruisfrequentie-sweep + + + + Master volume + Master-volume + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + + Coarse detune + Grof ontstemmen + + + + + + Envelope length + Envelope-lengte + + + + Enable channel 1 + Kanaal 1 inschakelen + + + + Enable envelope 1 + Envelope 1 inschakelen + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Envelope 1 herhalen inschakelen + + + + Enable sweep 1 + Sweep 1 inschakelen + + + + + Sweep amount + Hoeveelheid sweep + + + + + Sweep rate + Sweep-ratio + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5 % inschakeltijd + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25 % inschakeltijd + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50 % inschakeltijd + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75 % inschakeltijd + + + + Enable channel 2 + Kanaal 2 inschakelen + + + + Enable envelope 2 + Envelope 2 inschakelen + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Envelope 2 herhalen inschakelen + + + + Enable sweep 2 + Sweep 2 inschakelen + + + + Enable channel 3 + Kanaal 3 inschakelen + + + + Noise Frequency + Ruisfrequentie + + + + Frequency sweep + Frequentie-sweep + + + + Enable channel 4 + Kanaal 4 inschakelen + + + + Enable envelope 4 + Envelope 4 inschakelen + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Envelope 4 herhalen inschakelen + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + Ruisfrequentie kwantiseren wanneer nootfrequentie gebruikt wordt + + + + Use note frequency for noise + Nootfrequentie gebruiken voor ruis + + + + Noise mode + Ruismodus + + + + Master volume + Master-volume + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + Patch + + + + Op 1 attack + Op 1 attack + + + + Op 1 decay + Op 1 decay + + + + Op 1 sustain + Op 1 sustain + + + + Op 1 release + Op 1 release + + + + Op 1 level + Op 1 niveau + + + + Op 1 level scaling + Op 1 niveauschaling + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + Op 1 frequentievermenigvuldiger + + + + Op 1 feedback + Op 1 feedback + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + Op 1 sleutel-schalingsratio + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + Op 1 percussieve envelope + + + + Op 1 tremolo + Op 1 tremolo + + + + Op 1 vibrato + Op 1 vibrato + + + + Op 1 waveform + Op 1 golfvorm + + + + Op 2 attack + Op 2 attack + + + + Op 2 decay + Op 2 decay + + + + Op 2 sustain + Op 2 sustain + + + + Op 2 release + Op 2 release + + + + Op 2 level + Op 2 niveau + + + + Op 2 level scaling + Op 2 niveauschaling + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + Op 2 frequentievermenigvuldiger + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + Op 2 sleutel-schalingsratio + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + Op 2 percussieve envelope + + + + Op 2 tremolo + Op 2 tremolo + + + + Op 2 vibrato + Op 2 vibrato + + + + Op 2 waveform + Op 2 golfvorm + + + + FM + FM + + + + Vibrato depth + Vibrato-diepte + + + + Tremolo depth + Tremolo-diepte + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + Attack + + + + + Decay + Decay + + + + + Release + Release + + + + + Frequency multiplier + Frequentievermenigvuldiger + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + Osc %1 golfvorm + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + Osc %1 harmonisch + + + + + Osc %1 volume + Osc %1 volume + + + + + Osc %1 panning + Balans osc %1 + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Osc %1 fijn ontstemmen links + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Osc %1 grof ontstemmen + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Osc %1 fijn ontstemmen rechts + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Osc %1 faseverschuiving + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Osc %1 stereo-fase-ontstemming + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + Osc %1 golfvorm + + + + Modulation type %1 + Modulatietype %1 + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + Oscilloscoop + + + + Click to enable + Klikken om in te schakelen + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: kanaal-preset + + + + Bank selector + Bank-selector + + + + Bank + Bank + + + + Program selector + Programma-selector + + + + Patch + Patch + + + + Name + Naam + + + + OK + Ok + + + + Cancel + Annuleren + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + Patch openen + + + + Loop + Herhalen + + + + Loop mode + Herhaalmodus + + + + Tune + Stemmen + + + + Tune mode + Stem-modus + + + + No file selected + Geen bestand geselecteerd + + + + Open patch file + Patchbestand openen + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Patch-bestanden (*.pat) + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + In piano-roll openen + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + Als ghost instellen in piano-roll + + + + Clear all notes + Alle noten leegmaken + + + + Reset name + Naam herstellen + + + + Change name + Naam wijzigen + + + + Add steps + Stappen toevoegen + + + + Remove steps + Stappen verwijderen + + + + Clone Steps + Stappen klonen + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + Piek-controller + + + + Peak Controller Bug + Piek-controller bug + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + Door een bug in oudere versies van LMMS is het mogelijk dat piek-controllers niet goed verbonden zijn. Verzeker u ervan dat piek-controllers goed verbonden zijn en sla dit bestand opnieuw op. Sorry voor enig ongemak. + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + PIEK + + + + LFO Controller + LFO-controller + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + BASIS + + + + Base: + Basis: + + + + AMNT + HVHD + + + + Modulation amount: + Hoeveelheid basis: + + + + MULT + VERM + + + + Amount multiplicator: + Hoeveelheid-vermenigvuldiger: + + + + ATCK + ATCK + + + + Attack: + Attack: + + + + DCAY + DCAY + + + + Release: + Release: + + + + TRSH + TRSH + + + + Treshold: + Treshold: + + + + Mute output + Uitvoer dempen + + + + Absolute value + Absolute waarde + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + Basiswaarde + + + + Modulation amount + Hoeveelheid modulatie + + + + Attack + Attack + + + + Release + Release + + + + Treshold + Treshold + + + + Mute output + Uitvoer dempen + + + + Absolute value + Absolute waarde + + + + Amount multiplicator + Hoeveelheid-vermenigvuldiger + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + Nootsnelheid + + + + Note Panning + Noot-balans + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Huidige semitoon markeren/niet markeren + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + Alle corresponderende octaaf-semitonen markeren/niet markeren + + + + Mark current scale + Huidige toonladder markeren + + + + Mark current chord + Huidig akkoord markeren + + + + Unmark all + Niets markeren + + + + Select all notes on this key + Alle noten op deze sleutel selecteren + + + + Note lock + Nootvergrendeling + + + + Last note + Laatste noot + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + Geen toonladder + + + + No chord + Geen akkoord + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + Snelheid: %1% + + + + Panning: %1% left + Balans: %1 % links + + + + Panning: %1% right + Balans: %1 % rechts + + + + Panning: center + Balans: midden + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Open een patroon door erop te dubbelklikken! + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Voer een nieuwe waarde in tussen %1 en %2: + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Huidig patroon afspelen/pauzeren (Spatie) + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Noten van MIDI-apparaat/kanaal-piano opnemen + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Noten van MIDI-apparaat/kanaal-piano opnemen tijdens het afspelen van song of BB-spoor + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + Noten van MIDI-apparaat/kanaal-piano opnemen, een stap per keer + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Stoppen met afspelen van huidig patroon (Spatie) + + + + Edit actions + Acties bewerken + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Tekenmodus (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Wissen-modus (Shift+E) + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Selecteermodus (Shift+S) + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + Toonhoogte-buigmodus (Shift+T) + + + + Quantize + Kwantiseren + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + Bedieningen kopiëren en plakken + + + + Cut (%1+X) + Knippen (%1+X) + + + + Copy (%1+C) + Kopiëren (%1+C) + + + + Paste (%1+V) + Plakken (%1+V) + + + + Timeline controls + Tijdlijnbediening + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + Zoom- en nootbediening + + + + Horizontal zooming + Horizontaal zoomen + + + + Vertical zooming + Verticaal zoomen + + + + Quantization + Kwantisatie + + + + Note length + Noot-lengte + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + Toonladder + + + + Chord + Akkoord + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + Ghost-noten leegmaken + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Piano-roll - %1 + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Piano-roll - geen patroon + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + Grondtoon + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + Laatste noot + + + + Plugin + + Plugin not found Plugin niet gevonden - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - De plug-in "%1" werd niet teruggevonden of kon niet geladen worden! -Reden: "%2" + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + De plug-in "%1" werd niet teruggevonden of kon niet geladen worden! +Reden: "%2" + + + + Error while loading plugin + Fout bij laden van plug-in + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Laden van plug-in "%1" mislukt! + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + Instrument-plugins + + + + Instrument browser + Instrument-browser + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + Sleep een instrument naar de song-editor, de beat- en baslijn-editor of naar een bestaande instrument-track. + + + + no description + geen beschrijving + + + + A native amplifier plugin + Een ingebouwde versterker-plugin + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Simpele sampler met verschillende instellingen voor het gebruik van samples (bijvoorbeeld drums) in een instrument-track + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Versterk uw bas snel en eenvoudig + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Aanpasbare wavetable-synthesizer + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + Een oversampling-bitcrusher + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Carla Patchbay instrument + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + Carla Rack instrument + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + Een 4-band crossover-equalizer + + + + A native delay plugin + Een ingebouwde delay-plugin + + + + A Dual filter plugin + Een dual-filter-plugin + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + plugin voor het verwerken van dynamieken op een flexibele manier + + + + A native eq plugin + Een ingebouwde eq-plugin + + + + A native flanger plugin + Een ingebouwde flanger-plugin + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Emulatie van GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + Player for GIG files + Speler voor GIG-bestanden + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Filter voor importeren van Hydrogen-bestanden in LMMS + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Veelzijdige drum-synthesizer + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Geïnstalleerde LADSPA-plugins oplijsten + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + plugin voor het gebruik van arbitraire LADSPA-effecten binnen LMMS. + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Onvoltooide monofonische limitering TB-303 + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Filter voor exporteren van MIDI-bestanden van LMMS + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filter, om MIDI-bestanden in LMMS te importeren + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + Monsterlijke 3-oscillator synth met modulatiematrix + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + Een multitap-echo-delay-plugin + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + Een NES-achtige synthesizer + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + 2-operator FM-synth + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Additive Synthesizer voor orgelachtige geluiden + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + GUS-compatibel patch-instrument + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Plugin voor het bedienen van knoppen met geluidspieken + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Reverb-algoritme door Sean Costello + + + + Player for SoundFont files + Speler voor SoundFont-bestanden + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + LMMS port van sfxr + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Emulatie van de MOS6581 en MOS8580 SID. +Deze chip werd gebruikt in de Commodore 64 computer. + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + Een grafische spectrum-analyzer. + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Plugin voor het verbeteren van stereo-scheiding van een stereo-invoerbestand. + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Plugin voor het vrij manipuleren voor stereo-uitoer + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + Welluidende zaken om te knallen + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Drie krachtige oscillators die u op verschillende manieren kunt moduleren + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + VST-Host voor gebruik van VST(i)-plugins binnen LMMS + + + + Vibrating string modeler + Modeler voor trillende snaren + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + plugin voor het gebruik van arbitraire VST-effecten binnen LMMS. + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + 4-oscillator moduleerbare wavetable-synth + + + + plugin for waveshaping + plugin voor golfvorming + + + + Mathematical expression parser + Wiskundige uitdrukking-verwerker + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Ingebedde ZynAddSubFX + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + Type + + + + Effects + Effecten + + + + Instruments + Instrumenten + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + Annuleren + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + Soort: + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + - Error while loading plugin - Fout bij laden van plug-in + + MIDI Outs: + - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Laden van plug-in "%1" mislukt! + + Parameter Ins: + - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - Instrument-browser + + Parameter Outs: + - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Sleep een instrument naar de song-editor, de beat- en baslijn-editor of naar een bestaande instrument-track. + + Audio Outs: + - Instrument Plugins - Instrument-plugins + + CV Ins: + - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. - Plug-in niet gevonden. + + UniqueID: + - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - LMMS-plugin %1 heeft geen plugin-descriptor die %2 heet! + + Has Inline Display: + - - - ProjectNotes - Edit Actions - Bewerking-acties + + Has Custom GUI: + - &Undo - &Ongedaan maken + + Is Synth: + - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Is Bridged: + - &Redo - &Opnieuw + + Information + - %1+Y - %1+Y + + Name + Naam - &Copy - &Kopiëren + + Label/URI + - %1+C - %1+C + + Maker + - Cu&t - &Knippen + + Binary/Filename + - %1+X - %1+X + + Focus Text Search + - &Paste - &Plakken + + Ctrl+F + + + + PluginEdit - %1+V - %1+V + + Plugin Editor + - Format Actions - Formaat-acties + + Edit + - &Bold - &Vet + + Control + Bediening - %1+B - %1+B + + MIDI Control Channel: + - &Italic - &Cursief + + N + - %1+I - %1+I + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - &Underline - &Onderstrepen + + Output volume (100%) + - %1+U - %1+U + + Balance Left (0%) + - &Left - &Links uitlijnen + + + Balance Right (0%) + - %1+L - %1+L + + Use Balance + - C&enter - C&entreren + + Use Panning + - %1+E - %1+E + + Settings + Instellingen - &Right - &Rechts uitlijnen + + Use Chunks + - %1+R - %1+R + + Audio: + - &Justify - &Uitvullen + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - %1+J - %1+J + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - &Color... - &Kleur... + + MIDI: + - Project Notes - Projectnotities + + Map Program Changes + - Enter project notes here - Geef hier uw projectnotities in + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) - WAV-bestand (*.wav) + + Send Control Changes + - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Gecomprimeerd OGG-bestand (¨*.ogg) + + Send Channel Pressure + - FLAC-File (*.flac) - FLAC-bestand (*.flac) + + Send Note Aftertouch + - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) - Gecomprimeerd MP3-bestand (*.mp3) + + Send Pitchbend + - - - QWidget - Name: - Naam: + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - Maker: - Maker: + + +Plugin Name + + - Copyright: - Auteursrecht: + + Program: + - Requires Real Time: - Vereist realtime: + + MIDI Program: + - Yes - Ja + + Save State + - No - Nee + + Load State + - Real Time Capable: - Realtime-capabel: + + Information + - In Place Broken: - Defect op zijn plaats: + + Label/URI: + - Channels In: - Invoerkanalen: + + Name: + - Channels Out: - Uitvoerkanalen: + + Type: + Soort: - File: - Bestand: + + Maker: + - File: %1 - Bestand: %1 + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + - RenameDialog + PluginFactory - Rename... - Naam wijzigen... + + Plugin not found. + Plug-in niet gevonden. + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + LMMS-plugin %1 heeft geen plugin-descriptor die %2 heet! - ReverbSCControlDialog + PluginParameter - Input - Invoer + + Form + - Input Gain: - Invoer-gain: + + Parameter Name + - Size - Grootte + + ... + + + + PluginRefreshW - Size: - Grootte: + + Carla - Refresh + - Color - Kleur + + Search for new... + - Color: - Kleur: + + LADSPA + - Output - Uitvoer + + DSSI + - Output Gain: - Uitvoer-gain: + + LV2 + - - - ReverbSCControls - Input Gain - Invoer-gain + + VST2 + - Size - Grootte + + VST3 + - Color - Kleur + + AU + - Output Gain - Uitvoer-gain + + SF2/3 + - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file - Audiobestand openen + + SFZ + - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Wave-bestanden (*.wav) + + Native + - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - OGG-bestanden (*.ogg) + + POSIX 32bit + - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - DrumSynth-bestanden (*.ds) + + POSIX 64bit + - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - FLAC-bestanden (*.flac) + + Windows 32bit + - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - SPEEX-bestanden (*.spx) + + Windows 64bit + - VOC-Files (*.voc) - VOC-bestanden (*.voc) + + Available tools: + - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - AIFF-bestanden (*.aif *.aiff) + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - AU-Files (*.au) - AU-bestanden (*.au) + + carla-discovery-win64 + - RAW-Files (*.raw) - RAW-bestanden (*.raw) + + carla-discovery-native + - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Alle audiobestanden (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + carla-discovery-posix32 + - Fail to open file - Bestand openen mislukt + + carla-discovery-posix64 + - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - Audiobestanden zijn beperkt tot %1 MB in grootte en %2 minuten speeltijd + + carla-discovery-win32 + - - - SampleTCOView - double-click to select sample - dubbelklikken om sample te selecteren + + Options: + - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Verwijderen (middelste muisknop) + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - Cut - Knippen + + Run processing checks while scanning + - Copy - Kopiëren + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + - Paste - Plakken + + Scan + - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Dempen/geluid aan (<%1> + middelklik) + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + Sluiten - SampleTrack + PluginWidget - Sample track - Sample-track + + + + + + Frame + - Volume - Volume + + Enable + - Panning - Panning + + On/Off + Aan/uit - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - Track-volume + + + + + PluginName + - Channel volume: - Volume kanaal: + + MIDI + MIDI - VOL - VOL + + AUDIO IN + - Panning - Panning + + AUDIO OUT + - Panning: - Panning: + + GUI + - PAN - PAN + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + - SetupDialog + ProjectNotes - Setup LMMS - LMMS instellen + + Project Notes + Projectnotities - General settings - Algemene instellingen + + Enter project notes here + Geef hier uw projectnotities in - BUFFER SIZE - BUFFERGROOTTE + + Edit Actions + Bewerking-acties - Reset to default-value - Standaardwaarde herstellen + + &Undo + &Ongedaan maken - MISC - VARIA + + %1+Z + %1+Z - Enable tooltips - Tooltips inschakelen + + &Redo + &Opnieuw - Show restart warning after changing settings - Waarschuwing voor herstarten weergeven na wijzigen van instellingen + + %1+Y + %1+Y - Compress project files per default - Projectbestanden standaard comprimeren + + &Copy + &Kopiëren - One instrument track window mode - Venstermodus met een instrument-track + + %1+C + %1+C - HQ-mode for output audio-device - HQ-modus voor audio-apparaat-uitvoer + + Cu&t + &Knippen - Compact track buttons - Compacte track-knoppen + + %1+X + %1+X - Sync VST plugins to host playback - Synchroniseer VST plugins met host-playback + + &Paste + &Plakken - Enable note labels in piano roll - Nootlabels inschakelen in piano-roll + + %1+V + %1+V - Enable waveform display by default - Golfvormweergave standaard inschakelen + + Format Actions + Formaat-acties - Keep effects running even without input - Effecten actief houden, zelfs zonder invoer + + &Bold + &Vet - Create backup file when saving a project - Reservekopie aanmaken bij opslaan van een project + + %1+B + %1+B - LANGUAGE - TAAL + + &Italic + &Cursief - Paths - Paden + + %1+I + %1+I - LMMS working directory - LMMS-werkmap + + &Underline + &Onderstrepen - VST-plugin directory - VST-pluginmap + + %1+U + %1+U - Background artwork - Achtergrondafbeelding + + &Left + &Links uitlijnen - STK rawwave directory - STK-rawwave-map + + %1+L + %1+L - Default Soundfont File - Standaard soundfont-bestand + + C&enter + C&entreren - Performance settings - Prestatie-instellingen + + %1+E + %1+E - UI effects vs. performance - UI-effecten vs. prestaties + + &Right + &Rechts uitlijnen - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - Vloeiend scrollen in song-editor + + %1+R + %1+R - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Afspeelcursor weergeven in AudioBestandProcessor + + &Justify + &Uitvullen - Audio settings - Audio-instellingen + + %1+J + %1+J - AUDIO INTERFACE - AUDIO-INTERFACE + + &Color... + &Kleur... + + + ProjectRenderer - MIDI settings - MIDI-instellingen + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) - MIDI INTERFACE - MIDI-INTERFACE + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) - OK - Ok + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) - Cancel - Annuleren + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - Restart LMMS - LMMS opnieuw starten + + Reload Plugin + - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - Merk op dat de meeste wijzigingen geen effect zullen hebben totdat u LMMS opnieuw start! + + Show GUI + GUI weergeven - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Frames: %1 -Latentie: %2 ms + + Help + Help + + + QWidget - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - Hier kunt u de interne buffergrootte instellen die gebruikt wordt door LMMS. Kleinere waarden resulteren in een lagere latentie maar kunnen ook onbruikbaar geluid of slechte prestaties veroorzaken, vooral bij oudere computers of systemen met een niet-realtime kernel. + + + + + Name: + Naam: - Choose LMMS working directory - Kies LMMS-werkmap + + URI: + - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Kies uw VST-plugin-map + + + + Maker: + Maker: - Choose artwork-theme directory - Kies uw achtergrondafbeelding-map + + + + Copyright: + Auteursrecht: - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Kies LADSPA-pluginmap + + + Requires Real Time: + Vereist realtime: - Choose STK rawwave directory - Kies STK-rawwave-map + + + + + + + Yes + Ja - Choose default SoundFont - Kies standaard SoundFont + + + + + + + No + Nee - Choose background artwork - Kies achtergrondafbeelding + + + Real Time Capable: + Realtime-capabel: - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - Hier kunt u uw voorkeur voor audio-interface selecteren. Afhankelijk van de configuratie van uw systeem tijdens het compileren kunt u kiezen tussen ALSA, JACK, OSS en meer. Hieronder ziet u een vak dat besturingen biedt om de geselecteerde audio-interface in te stellen. + + + In Place Broken: + Defect op zijn plaats: - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - Hier kunt u uw voorkeur voor MIDI-interface selecteren. Afhankelijk van de configuratie van uw systeem tijdens het compileren kunt u kiezen tussen ALSA, OSS en meer. Hieronder ziet u een vak dat besturingen biedt om de geselecteerde MIDI-interface in te stellen. + + + Channels In: + Invoerkanalen: - Reopen last project on start - Laatste project opnieuw openen tijdens starten + + + Channels Out: + Uitvoerkanalen: - Directories - Mappen + + File: %1 + Bestand: %1 - Themes directory - Map voor thema's + + File: + Bestand: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - GIG directory - GIG-map + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Recent geopende projecten + + + RenameDialog - SF2 directory - SF2-map + + Rename... + Naam wijzigen... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - LADSPA plugin directories - LADSPA-plugin-mappen + + Input + Invoer - Auto save - Automatisch opslaan + + Input gain: + Invoer-gain: - Choose your GIG directory - Kies uw GIG-map + + Size + Grootte - Choose your SF2 directory - Kies uw SF2-map + + Size: + Grootte: - minutes - minuten + + Color + Kleur - minute - minuut + + Color: + Kleur: - Display volume as dBFS - Volume weergeven als dBFS + + Output + Uitvoer - Enable auto-save - Automatisch opslaan inschakelen + + Output gain: + Uitvoer-gain: + + + ReverbSCControls - Allow auto-save while playing - Automatisch opslaan toestaan tijdens afspelen + + Input gain + Invoer-gain - Disabled - Uitgeschakeld + + Size + Grootte - Auto-save interval: %1 - Interval automatisch opslaan: %1 + + Color + Kleur - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - Stelt de tijd tussen reservekopieën op %1. -Onthoud om uw project ook manueel op te slaan. U kunt kiezen om opslaan uit te schakelen tijdens afspelen, iets wat oudere systemen moeilijk vinden. + + Output gain + Uitvoer-gain - Song + SaControls - Tempo - Tempo + + Pause + Pauzeren - Master volume - Master-volume + + Reference freeze + Referentie bevriezen - Master pitch - Master-toonhoogte + + Waterfall + Waterval - Project saved - Project opgeslagen + + Averaging + Averaging - The project %1 is now saved. - Project %1 is nu opgeslagen. + + Stereo + Stereo - Project NOT saved. - Project NIET opgeslagen. + + Peak hold + Piek vasthouden - The project %1 was not saved! - Project %1 werd niet opgeslagen! + + Logarithmic frequency + Logaritmische frequentie - Import file - Bestand importeren + + Logarithmic amplitude + Logaritmische amplitude - MIDI sequences - MIDI-sequenties + + Frequency range + Frequentiebereik - Hydrogen projects - Hydrogen-projecten + + Amplitude range + Amplitudebereik - All file types - Alle bestandstypes + + FFT block size + FFT-blokgrootte - Empty project - Leeg project + + FFT window type + FFT-venstertype - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - Dit project is leeg, dus exporteren heeft geen zin. Zet eerst wat items in de song-editor! + + Peak envelope resolution + Piek envelope-resolutie - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Selecteer map voor schrijven van geëxporteerde tracks... + + Spectrum display resolution + Spectrumweergave-resolutie - untitled - naamloos + + Peak decay multiplier + Piek decay vermenigvuldiger - Select file for project-export... - Selecteer bestand voor project-export... + + Averaging weight + Averaging-gewicht - The following errors occured while loading: - De volgende fouten traden op tijdens het laden: + + Waterfall history size + Waterval-geschiedenisgrootte - MIDI File (*.mid) - MIDI-bestand (*.mid) + + Waterfall gamma correction + Waterval-gammacorrectie - LMMS Error report - LMMS-foutrapport + + FFT window overlap + FFT-venster-overlap - Save project - Project opslaan + + FFT zero padding + FFT-voorloopnullen - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - Kan bestand niet openen + + + Full (auto) + Volledig (auto) - Could not write file - Kan bestand niet schrijven + + + + Audible + Hoorbaar - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Kon bestand %1 niet openen. U heeft waarschijnlijk geen toestemming om dit bestand te lezen. -Verzeker u ervan dat u ten minste leesrechten heeft voor het bestand en probeer het opnieuw. + + Bass + Bass - Error in file - Fout in bestand + + Mids + Middentonen - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Bestand %1 lijkt fouten te bevatten en kan daardoor niet geladen worden. + + High + Hoge tonen - Tempo - Tempo + + Extended + Uitgebreid - TEMPO/BPM - TEMPO/BPM + + Loud + Luid - tempo of song - tempo van song + + Silent + Stil - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - Het tempo van een song wordt opgegeven in beats per minuut (BPM). Als u het tempo van uw song wilt veranderen, verandert u deze waarde. Elke maat heeft vier beats, dus het tempo in BPM geeft op hoeveel maten / 4 gespeeld moeten worden per minuut (of hoeveel maten gespeeld moeten worden per vier minuten). + + (High time res.) + (hoge tijdresolutie) - High quality mode - Hogekwaliteitsmodus + + (High freq. res.) + (hoge freq.-resolutie) - Master volume - Master-volume + + Rectangular (Off) + Rechthoekig (uit) - master volume - master-volume + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + Blackman-Harris (standaard) - Master pitch - Master-toonhoogte + + Hamming + Hamming - master pitch - master-toonhoogte + + Hanning + Hanning + + + SaControlsDialog - Value: %1% - Waarde: %1 % + + Pause + Pauzeren - Value: %1 semitones - Waarde: %1 semitonen + + Pause data acquisition + Verzamelen van gegevens pauzeren - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Kon %1 niet openen om te schrijven. U heeft waarschijnlijk geen toestemming om naar dit bestand te schrijven. Verzeker u ervan dat u schrijfbevoegdheid heeft voor het bestand en probeer het opnieuw. + + Reference freeze + Referentie bevriezen - template - sjabloon + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + Huidige invoer als referentie bevriezen / uitval in piek-houd-modus uitschakelen - project - project + + Waterfall + Waterval - Version difference - Versie-verschil + + Display real-time spectrogram + Realtime-spectrogram weergeven - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - Dit %1 werd aangemaakt met LMMS %2. + + Averaging + Averaging - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - Song-editor + + Enable exponential moving average + Exponentieel voortschrijdend gemiddelde inschakelen - Play song (Space) - Song afspelen (spatie) + + Stereo + Stereo - Record samples from Audio-device - Samples van audio-apparaat opnemen + + Display stereo channels separately + Stereokanalen apart weergeven - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Samples van audio-apparaat opnemen tijdens het afspelen van song of bb-track + + Peak hold + Piek vasthouden - Stop song (Space) - Song stoppen (spatie) + + Display envelope of peak values + Envelope van piekwaarden weergeven - Add beat/bassline - Beat-/baslijn toevoegen + + Logarithmic frequency + Logaritmische frequentie - Add sample-track - Sample-track toevoegen + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + Wisselen tussen logaritmische en lineaire frequentieschaal - Add automation-track - Automatisering-track toevoegen + + + Frequency range + Frequentiebereik - Draw mode - Tekenmodus + + Logarithmic amplitude + Logaritmische amplitude - Edit mode (select and move) - Bewerken-modus (selecteren en verplaatsen) + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + Wisselen tussen logaritmische en lineaire amplitudeschaal - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - Klik hier als u uw volledige song wilt afspelen. het afspelen zal gestart worden op de song-positie-marker (groen). U kunt hem ook verplaatsen tijdens het afspelen. + + + Amplitude range + Amplitudebereik - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - Klik hier als u het afspelen van uw song wilt stoppen. De song-positie-marker zal op het begin van uw song gezet worden. + + Envelope res. + Envelope-resolutie - Track actions - Track-acties + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Envelope-resolutie vergroten voor betere details, verkleinen voor betere GUI-prestaties. - Edit actions - Bewerking-acties + + + Draw at most + Maximaal - Timeline controls - Tijdlijnbediening + + envelope points per pixel + envelope-punten per pixel tekenen - Zoom controls - Zoombediening + + Spectrum res. + Spectrumresolutie - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - Lineair spectrum + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Spectrumresolutie vergroten voor betere details, verkleinen voor betere GUI-prestaties. - Linear Y axis - Lineaire Y-as + + spectrum points per pixel + spectrum-punten per pixel tekenen - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum - Lineair spectrum + + Falloff factor + Afval-factor - Linear Y axis - Lineaire Y-as + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + Vergroten om pieken sneller te laten vallen - Channel mode - Kanaalmodus + + Multiply buffered value by + Gebufferde waarde vermenigvuldigen met - - - SubWindow - Close - Sluiten + + Averaging weight + Averaging-gewicht - Maximize - Maximaliseren + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + Verkleinen om averaging trager en zachter te maken - Restore - Herstellen + + New sample contributes + Nieuw sample draagt bij - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 - Instellingen voor %1 + + Waterfall height + Hoogte waterval - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - Tempo-sync + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + Vergroten om trager scrollen te krijgen, verkleinen om snelle overgangen beter te zien. Waarschuwing: gemiddeld CPU-gebruik. - No Sync - Geen sync + + Keep + - Eight beats - Acht beats + + lines + lijnen houden - Whole note - Hele noot + + Waterfall gamma + Waterval-gamma - Half note - Halve noot + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + Verkleinen om zeer zwakke signalen te zien, vergroten om beter contrast te krijgen. - Quarter note - Kwart noot + + Gamma value: + Gammawaarde: - 8th note - 8ste noot + + Window overlap + Venster-overlap - 16th note - 16de noot + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + Vergroten om ontbrekende snelle overgangen in de buurt van FFT-vensterranden te voorkomen. Waarschuwing: hoog CPU-gebruik. - 32nd note - 32ste noot + + Each sample processed + Elke sample wordt - Custom... - Aangepast... + + times + keer verwerkt - Custom - Aangepast + + Zero padding + Voorloopnullen - Synced to Eight Beats - Gesynchroniseerd met acht beats + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + Vergroten om een vloeiender uitziend spectrum te verkrijgen. Waarschuwing: hoog CPU-gebruik. - Synced to Whole Note - Gesynchroniseerd met hele noot + + Processing buffer is + Verwerkingsbuffer is - Synced to Half Note - Gesynchroniseerd met halve noot + + steps larger than input block + stappen groter dan invoerblok - Synced to Quarter Note - Gesynchroniseerd met kwart noot + + Advanced settings + Geavanceerde instellingen - Synced to 8th Note - Gesynchroniseerd met 8ste noot + + Access advanced settings + Geavanceerde instellingen openen - Synced to 16th Note - Gesynchroniseerd met 16de noot + + + FFT block size + FFT-blokgrootte - Synced to 32nd Note - Gesynchroniseerd met 32ste noot + + + FFT window type + FFT-venstertype - TimeDisplayWidget + SampleBuffer - click to change time units - klikken om tijd-eenheden te wijzigen + + Fail to open file + Bestand openen mislukt - MIN - MIN + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Audiobestanden zijn beperkt tot %1 MB in grootte en %2 minuten speeltijd - SEC - S + + Open audio file + Audiobestand openen - MSEC - MS + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Alle audiobestanden (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - BAR - BAR + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Wave-bestanden (*.wav) - BEAT - BEAT + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + OGG-bestanden (*.ogg) - TICK - TICK + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + DrumSynth-bestanden (*.ds) - - - TimeLineWidget - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Auto-scrollen in-/uitschakelen + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + FLAC-bestanden (*.flac) - Enable/disable loop-points - Loop-punten in-/uitschakelen + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + SPEEX-bestanden (*.spx) - After stopping go back to begin - Na stoppen terug naar begin + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + VOC-bestanden (*.voc) - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Na het stoppen terug naar positie gaan waarop afspelen gestart werd + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + AIFF-bestanden (*.aif *.aiff) - After stopping keep position - Na stoppen positie behouden + + AU-Files (*.au) + AU-bestanden (*.au) - Hint - Tip + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + RAW-bestanden (*.raw) + + + SampleClipView - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Druk op <1%> om magnetische herhaalpunten uit te schakelen. + + Double-click to open sample + Dubbelklikken om sample te openen - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Houd <Shift> ingedrukt om het begin-herhaalpunt te verplaatsen; Druk op <%1> om magnetische herhaalpunten uit te schakelen. + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Verwijderen (middelste muisknop) - - - Track - Mute - Dempen + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - Solo - Solo + + Cut + Knippen - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file - Kon bestand niet importeren + + Cut selection + - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Kon geen filter vinden om bestand %1 te importeren. -U converteert dit bestand best naar een formaat dat ondersteund wordt door LMMS met behulp van andere software. + + Copy + Kopiëren - Couldn't open file - Kon bestand niet openen + + Copy selection + - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Kon bestand %1 niet openen om te lezen. -Verzeker u ervan dat u leesrechten heeft voor het bestand en zijn bevattende map en probeer het opnieuw! + + Paste + Plakken - Loading project... - Project laden... + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Dempen/geluid aan (<%1> + middelklik) - Cancel - Annuleren + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - Please wait... - Even geduld... + + Reverse sample + Sample omdraaien - Importing MIDI-file... - MIDI-bestand importeren... + + Set clip color + - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Track %1 laden (%2/totaal %3) + + Use track color + - TrackContentObject + SampleTrack - Mute - Dempen + + Volume + Volume + + + + Panning + Balans + + + + Mixer channel + FX-kanaal + + + + + Sample track + Sample-track - TrackContentObjectView + SampleTrackView - Current position - Huidige positie + + Track volume + Track-volume - Hint - Tip + + Channel volume: + Volume kanaal: - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Op <%1> drukken en slepen om een kopie te maken. + + VOL + VOL - Current length - Huidige lengte + + Panning + Balans - Press <%1> for free resizing. - Op <%1> drukken voor vrije grootte-aanpassing. + + Panning: + Balans: - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4 tot %5:%6) + + PAN + BAL - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Verwijderen (middelste muisknop) + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + SampleTrackWindow - Cut - Knippen + + GENERAL SETTINGS + ALGEMENE INSTELLINGEN - Copy - Kopiëren + + Sample volume + Sample-volume - Paste - Plakken + + Volume: + Volume: - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Dempen/geluid aan (<%1> + middelklik) + + VOL + VOL - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - Druk op <%1> tijdens het klikken op het verplaatsingsgedeelte om een nieuwe 'slepen-en-neerzetten'-handeling te starten. + + Panning + Balans - Actions for this track - Acties voor deze track + + Panning: + Balans: - Mute - Dempen + + PAN + BAL - Solo - Solo + + Mixer channel + FX-kanaal + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + SaveOptionsWidget - Mute this track - Deze track dempen + + Discard MIDI connections + MIDI-verbindingen weggooien - Clone this track - Deze track klonen + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + SetupDialog - Remove this track - Deze track verwijderen + + Reset to default value + Standaardwaarde herstellen + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + Ingebouwde HaN-handler gebruiken + + + + Settings + Instellingen - Clear this track - Deze track leegmaken + + + General + Algemeen - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + Grafische gebruikersinterface (GUI) - Turn all recording on - Alle opnames aanzetten + + Display volume as dBFS + Volume weergeven als dBFS - Turn all recording off - Alle opnames uitzetten + + Enable tooltips + Tooltips inschakelen - Assign to new FX Channel - Aan nieuw FX-kanaal toewijzen + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Fasemodulatie gebruiken om oscillator 1 met oscillator 2 te moduleren + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Amplitudemodulatie gebruiken om oscillator 1 met oscillator 2 te moduleren + + Enable compact track buttons + - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Uitvoer van oscillator 1 en 2 mixen + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Oscillator 1 synchroniseren met oscillator 2 + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Frequentiemodulatie gebruiken om oscillator 1 met oscillator 2 te moduleren + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Fasemodulatie gebruiken om oscillator 2 met oscillator 3 te moduleren + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Amplitudemodulatie gebruiken om oscillator 2 met oscillator 3 te moduleren + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Uitvoer van oscillator 2 en 3 mixen + + Projects + Projecten - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Oscillator 2 synchroniseren met oscillator 3 + + Compress project files by default + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Frequentiemodulatie gebruiken om oscillator 2 met oscillator 3 te moduleren + + Create a backup file when saving a project + - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 volume: + + Reopen last project on startup + - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Met deze knop kunt u het volume van oscillator %1 instellen. Als waarde 0 ingesteld wordt, is de oscillator uitgeschakeld. Anders kunt u de oscillator zo luid horen als u hem hier instelt. + + Language + Taal - Osc %1 panning: - Osc %1 panning: + + + Performance + Prestaties - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Met deze knop kunt u de panning voor oscillator %1 instellen. Een waarde van -100 betekent 100 % links en een waarde van 100 verplaatst de oscillator-uitvoer naar rechts. + + Autosave + Automatisch opslaan - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Osc %1 grof ontstemmen: + + Enable autosave + Automatisch opslaan inschakelen - semitones - semitonen + + Allow autosave while playing + Automatisch opslaan toestaan tijdens afspelen - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Met deze knop kunt u de grove ontstemming van oscillator %1 instellen. U kunt de oscillator 24 semitonen (2 octaven) omhoog en omlaag ontstemmen. Dit is handig om geluiden te maken met een akkoord. + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + Gebruikersinterface-effecten vs. prestaties - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Osc %1 fijn ontstemmen links: + + Smooth scroll in song editor + - cents - cent + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Met deze knop kunt u de fijne ontstemming van oscillator %1 instellen voor het linker kanaal. Het fijn-ontstemmen heeft een bereik tussen -100 cent en +100 cent. Dit is bruikbaar voor het maken van "vette" geluiden. + + Plugins + Plugins - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Osc %1 fijn ontstemmen rechts: + + VST plugins embedding: + Inbedden van VST-plugins: - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Met deze knop kunt u de fijne ontstemming van oscillator %1 instellen voor het rechter kanaal. Het fijn-ontstemmen heeft een bereik tussen -100 cent en +100 cent. Dit is bruikbaar voor het maken van "vette" geluiden. + + No embedding + Geen embedding - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Osc %1 faseverschuiving: + + Embed using Qt API + Embedden met Qt-API - degrees - graden + + Embed using native Win32 API + Embedden met ingebouwde Win32-API - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Met deze knop kunt u de faseverschuiving van oscillator %1 instellen. Dat betekent dat u het punt binnen een oscillatie kunt verplaatsen waar de oscillator begint met oscilleren. Als u bijvoorbeeld een sinusgolf heeft en een faseverschuiving van 180 graden, dan zal de golf eerst naar beneden gaan. Idem voor een blokgolf. + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Embedden met XEmbed-protocol - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Osc %1 stereo-fase-ontstemming: + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + Plugin-vensters bovenaan houden wanneer niet ingebed - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Met deze knop kunt u de stereo-fase-ontstemming van oscillator %1 instellen. De stereo-fase-ontstemming bepaalt de grootte van het verschil tussen de faseverschuiving van het linker en rechter kanaal. Dit is zeer goed om wijde stereogeluiden te maken. + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Synchroniseer VST plugins met host-playback - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Sinusgolf gebruiken voor huidige oscillator + + Keep effects running even without input + Effecten actief houden, zelfs zonder invoer - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Driehoeksgolf gebruiken voor huidige oscillator + + + Audio + Audio - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Zaagtandgolf gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. + + Audio interface + Audio-interface - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Blokgolf gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. + + HQ mode for output audio device + HQ-modus voor audio-apparaat-uitvoer - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Moog-achtige zaagandgolf gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. + + Buffer size + Buffergrootte - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Exponentiële golf gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. + + + MIDI + MIDI - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Witte ruis gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. + + MIDI interface + MIDI-interface - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Aangepaste golfvorm gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number - Versienummer verhogen + + LMMS working directory + LMMS-werkmap - Decrement version number - Versienummer verlagen + + VST plugins directory + - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - bestaat reeds. Wilt u het vervangen? + + LADSPA plugins directories + - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - Andere VST-plugin openen + + SF2 directory + SF2-map - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Klik hier als u een andere VST-plugin wilt openen. Nadat u op deze knop geklikt heeft, opent er een venster om bestanden te openen en kunt u uw bestand selecteren. + + Default SF2 + - Show/hide GUI - GUI weergeven/verbergen + + GIG directory + GIG-map - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Klik hier om de grafische gebruikersinterface (GUI) van uw VST-plugin weer te geven of te verbergen. + + Theme directory + - Turn off all notes - Alle noten uitschakelen + + Background artwork + Achtergrondafbeelding - Open VST-plugin - VST-plugin openen + + Some changes require restarting. + Sommige wijzigingen vereisen een nieuwe start. - DLL-files (*.dll) - DLL-bestanden (*.dll) + + Autosave interval: %1 + Interval automatisch opslaan: %1 - EXE-files (*.exe) - EXE-bestanden (*.exe) + + Choose the LMMS working directory + Kies de LMMS-werkmap - No VST-plugin loaded - Geen VST-plugin geladen + + Choose your VST plugins directory + Kies uw VST-plugin-map - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - VST-plugin vanuit LMMS-host bedienen + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + Kies uw LADSPA-pluginmap - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Klik hier als u de VST-plugin vanuit de host wilt bedienen. + + Choose your default SF2 + Kies uw standaard SF2 - Open VST-plugin preset - VST-plugin-preset openen + + Choose your theme directory + Kies uw thema-map - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Klik hier als u een ander *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin-preset wilt openen. + + Choose your background picture + Kies uw achtergrondafbeelding - Previous (-) - Vorige (-) + + + Paths + Paden - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Klik hier als u wilt wisselen naar een ander VST-plugin-preset-programma. + + OK + Ok - Save preset - Preset opslaan + + Cancel + Annuleren - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Klik hier als u het huidige VST-plugin-preset-programma wilt opslaan. + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Frames: %1 +Latentie: %2 ms - Next (+) - Volgende (+) + + Choose your GIG directory + Kies uw GIG-map - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Klik hier om presets te selecteren die op dit moment in VST geladen zijn. + + Choose your SF2 directory + Kies uw SF2-map - Preset - Preset + + minutes + minuten - by - door + + minute + minuut - - VST plugin control - - VST-pluginbediening + + Disabled + Uitgeschakeld - VisualizationWidget + SidInstrument - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - klikken om visualisatie van master-uitvoer in-/uit te schakelen + + Cutoff frequency + Cutoff-frequentie - Click to enable - Klikken om in te schakelen + + Resonance + Resonantie - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - Weergeven/verbergen + + Filter type + Filtersoort - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - VST-plugin vanuit LMMS-host bedienen + + Voice 3 off + Stem 3 off - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Klik hier als u de VST-plugin vanuit de host wilt bedienen. + + Volume + Volume - Open VST-plugin preset - VST-plugin-preset openen + + Chip model + Chip-model + + + SidInstrumentView - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Klik hier als u een ander *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin-preset wilt openen. + + Volume: + Volume: - Previous (-) - Vorige (-) + + Resonance: + Resonantie: - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Klik hier als u wilt wisselen naar een ander VST-plugin-preset-programma. + + + Cutoff frequency: + Cutoff-frequentie: - Next (+) - Volgende (+) + + High-pass filter + Highpass-filter - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Klik hier om presets te selecteren die op dit moment in VST geladen zijn. + + Band-pass filter + Bandpass-filter - Save preset - Preset opslaan + + Low-pass filter + Lowpass-filter - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Klik hier als u het huidige VST-plugin-preset-programma wilt opslaan. + + Voice 3 off + Stem 3 uit - Effect by: - Effect door: + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin - Plugin laden + + + Attack: + Attack: - Open Preset - Preset openen + + + Decay: + Decay: - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Vst-plugin preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Sustain: + Sustain: - : default - : standaard + + + Release: + Release: - " - " + + Pulse Width: + Pulsbreedte: - ' - ' + + Coarse: + Grof: - Save Preset - Preset opslaan + + Pulse wave + Pulsgolf - .fxp - .fxp + + Triangle wave + Driehoeksgolf - .FXP - .FXP + + Saw wave + Zaagtandgolf - .FXB - .FXB + + Noise + Ruis - .fxb - .fxb + + Sync + Sync - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Even geduld, VST-plugin wordt geladen... + + Ring modulation + Ring-modulatie - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - VST-plugin %1 kon niet geladen worden. + + Filtered + Gefilterd - - - WatsynInstrument - Volume A1 - Volume A1 + + Test + Test - Volume A2 - Volume A2 + + Pulse width: + Pulsbreedte + + + SideBarWidget - Volume B1 - Volume B1 + + Close + Sluiten + + + Song - Volume B2 - Volume B2 + + Tempo + Tempo - Panning A1 - Panning A1 + + Master volume + Master-volume - Panning A2 - Panning A2 + + Master pitch + Master-toonhoogte - Panning B1 - Panning B1 + + Aborting project load + - Panning B2 - Panning B2 + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - Freq. multiplier A1 - Frequentieverm. A1 + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - Freq. multiplier A2 - Frequentieverm. A2 + + LMMS Error report + LMMS-foutrapport - Freq. multiplier B1 - Frequentieverm. B1 + + (repeated %1 times) + - - Freq. multiplier B2 - Frequentieverm. B2 + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + SongEditor - Left detune A1 - Links ontstemmen A1 + + Could not open file + Kan bestand niet openen - Left detune A2 - Links ontstemmen A2 + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Kon bestand %1 niet openen. U heeft waarschijnlijk geen toestemming om dit bestand te lezen. +Verzeker u ervan dat u ten minste leesrechten heeft voor het bestand en probeer het opnieuw. - Left detune B1 - Links ontstemmen B1 + + Operation denied + - Left detune B2 - Links ontstemmen B2 + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + - Right detune A1 - Rechts ontstemmen A1 + + + + Error + Fout - Right detune A2 - Rechts ontstemmen A2 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + - Right detune B1 - Rechts ontstemmen B1 + + Couldn't create resources folder. + - Right detune B2 - Rechts ontstemmen B2 + + Failed to copy resources. + - A-B Mix - A-B mix + + Could not write file + Kan bestand niet schrijven - A-B Mix envelope amount - A-B mix hoeveelheid envelope + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + - A-B Mix envelope attack - A-B mix envelope attack + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + - A-B Mix envelope hold - A-B mix envelope hold + + Error in file + Fout in bestand - A-B Mix envelope decay - A-B mix envelope decay + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Bestand %1 lijkt fouten te bevatten en kan daardoor niet geladen worden. - A1-B2 Crosstalk - A1-B2 overspraak + + Version difference + Versie-verschil - A2-A1 modulation - A2-A1 modulatie + + template + sjabloon - B2-B1 modulation - B2-B1 modulatie + + project + project - Selected graph - Geselecteerde grafiek + + Tempo + Tempo - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 - Oscillator A1 selecteren + + TEMPO + TEMPO - Select oscillator A2 - Oscillator A2 selecteren + + Tempo in BPM + Tempo in BPM - Select oscillator B1 - Oscillator B1 selecteren + + High quality mode + Hogekwaliteitsmodus - Select oscillator B2 - Oscillator B2 selecteren + + + + Master volume + Master-volume - Mix output of A2 to A1 - Uitvoer van A2 naar A1 mixen + + + + Master pitch + Master-toonhoogte - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - Amplitude van A1 moduleren met uitvoer van A2 + + Value: %1% + Waarde: %1 % - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - A1 en A2 ring-moduleren + + Value: %1 semitones + Waarde: %1 semitonen + + + SongEditorWindow - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - Fase van A1 moduleren met uitvoer van A2 + + Song-Editor + Song-editor - Mix output of B2 to B1 - Uitvoer van B2 naar B1 mixen + + Play song (Space) + Song afspelen (spatie) - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - Amplitude van B1 moduleren met uitvoer van B2 + + Record samples from Audio-device + Samples van audio-apparaat opnemen - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - B1 en B2 ring-moduleren + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Samples van audio-apparaat opnemen tijdens het afspelen van song of bb-track - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - Fase van B1 moduleren met uitvoer van B2 + + Stop song (Space) + Song stoppen (spatie) - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Teken uw eigen golfvorm hier door uw muis op deze grafiek te slepen. + + Track actions + Track-acties - Load waveform - Golfvorm laden + + Add beat/bassline + Beat-/baslijn toevoegen - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Klikken om een golfvorm van een samplebestand te laden. + + Add sample-track + Sample-track toevoegen - Phase left - Fase links + + Add automation-track + Automatisering-track toevoegen - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - Klikken om fase met -15 graden te verschuiven + + Edit actions + Bewerking-acties - Phase right - Fase rechts + + Draw mode + Tekenmodus - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - Klikken om fase met +15 graden te verschuiven + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + - Normalize - Normaliseren + + Edit mode (select and move) + Bewerken-modus (selecteren en verplaatsen) - Click to normalize - Klikken om te normaliseren + + Timeline controls + Tijdlijnbediening - Invert - Inverteren + + Bar insert controls + - Click to invert - Klikken om te inverteren + + Insert bar + - Smooth - Glad + + Remove bar + - Click to smooth - Klikken om glad te maken + + Zoom controls + Zoombediening - Sine wave - Sinusgolf + + Horizontal zooming + Horizontaal zoomen - Click for sine wave - Klikken voor sinusgolf + + Snap controls + Vastklik-bedieningen - Triangle wave - Driehoeksgolf + + + Clip snapping size + Vastklikgrootte van clip - Click for triangle wave - Klikken voor driehoeksgolf + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + Proportioneel vastklikken aan/uit - Click for saw wave - Klikken voor zaagtandgolf + + Base snapping size + Basis-vastklikgrootte + + + StepRecorderWidget - Square wave - Blokgolf + + Hint + Tip - Click for square wave - Klikken voor blokgolf + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + Opname-cursor verplaatsen met pijl links/rechts + + + SubWindow - Volume - Volume + + Close + Sluiten - Panning - Panning + + Maximize + Maximaliseren - Freq. multiplier - Freq. vermenigvuldiger + + Restore + Herstellen + + + TabWidget - Left detune - Links ontstemmen + + + Settings for %1 + Instellingen voor %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - cents - cent + + New from template + Nieuw van sjabloon + + + TempoSyncKnob - Right detune - Rechts ontstemmen + + + Tempo Sync + Tempo-sync - A-B Mix - A-B mix + + No Sync + Geen sync - Mix envelope amount - Mix hoeveelheid envelope + + Eight beats + Acht beats - Mix envelope attack - Mix envelope attack + + Whole note + Hele noot - Mix envelope hold - Mix envelope hold + + Half note + Halve noot - Mix envelope decay - Mix envelope decay + + Quarter note + Kwart noot - Crosstalk - Overspraak + + 8th note + 8ste noot - - - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Portamento - Portamento + + 16th note + 16de noot - Filter Frequency - Filter-frequentie + + 32nd note + 32ste noot - Filter Resonance - Filter-resonantie + + Custom... + Aangepast... - Bandwidth - Bandbreedte + + Custom + Aangepast - FM Gain - FM-versterking + + Synced to Eight Beats + Gesynchroniseerd met acht beats - Resonance Center Frequency - Resonantie centerfrequentie + + Synced to Whole Note + Gesynchroniseerd met hele noot - Resonance Bandwidth - Resonantie bandbreedte + + Synced to Half Note + Gesynchroniseerd met halve noot - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - MIDI control change events doorsturen + + Synced to Quarter Note + Gesynchroniseerd met kwart noot - - - ZynAddSubFxView - Show GUI - GUI weergeven + + Synced to 8th Note + Gesynchroniseerd met 8ste noot - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Klik hier om de grafische gebruikersinterface (GUI) van ZynAddSubFX weer te geven of te verbergen. + + Synced to 16th Note + Gesynchroniseerd met 16de noot - Portamento: - Portamento: + + Synced to 32nd Note + Gesynchroniseerd met 32ste noot + + + TimeDisplayWidget - PORT - POORT + + Time units + Tijd-eenheden - Filter Frequency: - Filter-frequentie: + + MIN + MIN - FREQ - FREQ + + SEC + S - Filter Resonance: - Filter-resonantie: + + MSEC + MS - RES - RES + + BAR + BAR - Bandwidth: - Bandbreedte: + + BEAT + BEAT - BW - BW + + TICK + TICK + + + TimeLineWidget - FM Gain: - FM-versterking: + + Auto scrolling + Automatisch scrollen - FM GAIN - FM GAIN + + Loop points + Herhaalpunten - Resonance center frequency: - Resonantie centerfrequentie: + + After stopping go back to beginning + - RES CF - RES CF + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Na het stoppen terug naar positie gaan waarop afspelen gestart werd - Resonance bandwidth: - Resonantie bandbreedte: + + After stopping keep position + Na stoppen positie behouden - RES BW - RES BW + + Hint + Tip - Forward MIDI Control Changes - MIDI control changes doorsturen + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Druk op <1%> om magnetische herhaalpunten uit te schakelen. - audioFileProcessor + Track - Amplify - Versterken + + Mute + Dempen - Start of sample - Begin van sample + + Solo + Solo + + + TrackContainer - End of sample - Einde van sample + + Couldn't import file + Kon bestand niet importeren - Reverse sample - Sample omdraaien + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Kon geen filter vinden om bestand %1 te importeren. +U converteert dit bestand best naar een formaat dat ondersteund wordt door LMMS met behulp van andere software. - Stutter - Stutter + + Couldn't open file + Kon bestand niet openen - Loopback point - Herhaalpunt + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Kon bestand %1 niet openen om te lezen. +Verzeker u ervan dat u leesrechten heeft voor het bestand en zijn bevattende map en probeer het opnieuw! - Loop mode - Herhaalmodus + + Loading project... + Project laden... - Interpolation mode - Interpolatiemodus + + + Cancel + Annuleren - None - Geen + + + Please wait... + Even geduld... - Linear - Lineair + + Loading cancelled + Laden gannuleerd - Sinc - Sinc + + Project loading was cancelled. + Laden van project werd geannuleerd. - Sample not found: %1 - Sample niet gevonden: %1 + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Track %1 laden (%2/totaal %3) + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + MIDI-bestand importeren... - bitInvader + Clip - Samplelength - Samplelengte + + Mute + Dempen - bitInvaderView + ClipView - Sample Length - Sample-lengte: + + Current position + Huidige positie - Sine wave - Sinusgolf + + Current length + Huidige lengte - Triangle wave - Driehoeksgolf + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 tot %5:%6) - Saw wave - Zaagtandgolf + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Op <%1> drukken en slepen om een kopie te maken. - Square wave - Blokgolf + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Op <%1> drukken voor vrije grootte-aanpassing. - White noise wave - Witte-ruisgolf + + Hint + Tip - User defined wave - Aangepaste golf + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Verwijderen (middelste muisknop) - Smooth - Glad + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Knippen - Click here to smooth waveform. - Klik hier om de golfvorm glad te maken. + + Cut selection + - Interpolation - Interpolatie + + Merge Selection + - Normalize - Normaliseren + + Copy + Kopiëren - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Teken uw eigen golfvorm hier door uw muis op deze grafiek te slepen. + + Copy selection + - Click for a sine-wave. - Klikken voor een sinusgolf. + + Paste + Plakken - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klik hier voor een driehoeksgolf. + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Dempen/geluid aan (<%1> + middelklik) - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klik hier voor een zaagtandgolf. + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - Click here for a square-wave. - Klik hier voor een blokgolf. + + Set clip color + - Click here for white-noise. - Klik hier voor witte ruis. + + Use track color + + + + TrackContentWidget - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Klik hier voor een aangepaste vorm. + + Paste + Plakken - dynProcControlDialog + TrackOperationsWidget - INPUT - INVOER + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + Druk op <%1> tijdens het klikken op het verplaatsingsgedeelte om een nieuwe 'slepen-en-neerzetten'-handeling te starten. - Input gain: - Invoer-gain: + + Actions + Acties - OUTPUT - UITVOER + + + Mute + Dempen - Output gain: - Uitvoer-gain: + + + Solo + Solo - ATTACK - ATTACK + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + - Peak attack time: - Piek-attack-tijd: + + Confirm removal + - RELEASE - RELEASE + + Don't ask again + - Peak release time: - Piek-release-tijd: + + Clone this track + Deze track klonen - Reset waveform - Golfvorm herstellen + + Remove this track + Deze track verwijderen - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Klik hier om de golfgrafiek terug naar standaard te zetten + + Clear this track + Deze track leegmaken - Smooth waveform - Golfvorm zacht maken + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Klik hier om verzachting op de golfgrafiek toe te passen + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Aan nieuw FX-kanaal toewijzen - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Golfgrafiek-amplitude verhogen met 1 dB + + Turn all recording on + Alle opnames aanzetten + + + + Turn all recording off + Alle opnames uitzetten - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klik hier om de golfgrafiek-amplitude te verhogen met 1 dB + + Change color + Kleur veranderen - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Golfgrafiek-amplitude verlagen met 1 dB + + Reset color to default + Kleur herstellen naar standaard - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klik hier om de golfgrafiek-amplitude te verlagen met 1 dB + + Set random color + - Stereomode Maximum - Stereomodus maximum + + Clear clip colors + + + + TripleOscillatorView - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Verwerking gebaseerd op het maximum van beide stereokanalen + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Fase van oscillator 1 moduleren met oscillator 2 - Stereomode Average - Stereomodus gemiddeld + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Amplitude van oscillator 1 moduleren met oscillator 2 - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Verwerking gebaseerd op het gemiddelde van beide stereokanalen + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + Uitvoer van oscillator 1 en 2 mixen - Stereomode Unlinked - Stereomodus niet-gekoppeld + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Oscillator 1 synchroniseren met oscillator 2 - Process each stereo channel independently - Elk stereokanaal onafhankelijk verwerken + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Frequentie van oscillator 1 moduleren met oscillator 2 - - - dynProcControls - Input gain - Invoer-gain + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Fase van oscillator 2 moduleren met oscillator 3 - Output gain - Uitvoer-gain + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Amplitude van oscillator 2 moduleren met oscillator 3 - Attack time - Attack-tijd + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + Uitvoer van oscillator 2 en 3 mixen - Release time - Release-tijd + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Oscillator 2 synchroniseren met oscillator 3 - Stereo mode - Stereomodus + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Frequentie van oscillator 2 moduleren met oscillator 3 - - - expressiveView - Select oscillator W1 - Oscillator W1 selecteren + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 volume: - Select oscillator W2 - Oscillator W2 selecteren + + Osc %1 panning: + Balans osc %1: - Select oscillator W3 - Oscillator W3 selecteren + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Osc %1 grof ontstemmen: + + + + semitones + semitonen + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Osc %1 fijn ontstemmen links: + + + + + cents + cent + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Osc %1 fijn ontstemmen rechts: - Select OUTPUT 1 - UITVOER 1 selecteren + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Osc %1 faseverschuiving: - Select OUTPUT 2 - UITVOER 2 selecteren + + + degrees + graden - Open help window - Help-venster openen + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Osc %1 stereo-fase-ontstemming: + Sine wave Sinusgolf - Click for a sine-wave. - Klikken voor sinusgolf. + + Triangle wave + Driehoeksgolf - Moog-Saw wave - Moog-zaagtandgolf + + Saw wave + Zaagtandgolf + + + + Square wave + Blokgolf - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. - Klikken voor een moog-zaagtandgolf. + + Moog-like saw wave + Moog-achtige zaagtandgolf + Exponential wave Exponentiële golf - Click for an exponential wave. - Klikken voor een exponentiële golf. + + White noise + Witte ruis - Saw wave - Zaagtandgolf + + User-defined wave + Aangepaste golf + + + VecControls - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klik hier voor een zaagtandgolf. + + Display persistence amount + - User defined wave - Aangepaste golf + + Logarithmic scale + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Klik hier voor een aangepaste vorm. + + High quality + + + + VecControlsDialog - Triangle wave - Driehoeksgolf + + HQ + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klik hier voor een driehoeksgolf. + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + - Square wave - Blokgolf + + Log. scale + - Click here for a square-wave. - Klik hier voor een blokgolf. + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + - White noise wave - Witte-ruisgolf + + Persist. + - Click here for white-noise. - Klik hier voor witte ruis. + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + - WaveInterpolate - GolfInterpoleren + + Trace persistence + + + + VersionedSaveDialog - ExpressionValid - ExpressieGeldig + + Increment version number + Versienummer verhogen - General purpose 1: - Algemeen doel 1: + + Decrement version number + Versienummer verlagen - General purpose 2: - Algemeen doel 2: + + Save Options + Opties voor opslaan - General purpose 3: - Algemeen doel 3: + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + bestaat reeds. Wilt u het vervangen? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - O1 panning: - O1 panning: + + + Open VST plugin + VST-plugin openen - O2 panning: - O2 panning: + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + VST-plugin vanuit LMMS-host bedienen - Release transition: - Release-overgang: + + Open VST plugin preset + VST-plugin-preset openen - Smoothness - Gladheid + + Previous (-) + Vorige (-) - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: - Toewijzen aan: + + Save preset + Preset opslaan - New FX Channel - Nieuw FX-kanaal + + Next (+) + Volgende (+) - - - graphModel - Graph - Grafiek + + Show/hide GUI + GUI weergeven/verbergen - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency - Beginfrequentie + + Turn off all notes + Alle noten uitschakelen - End frequency - Eindfrequentie + + DLL-files (*.dll) + DLL-bestanden (*.dll) - Gain - Gain + + EXE-files (*.exe) + EXE-bestanden (*.exe) - Length - Lengte + + No VST plugin loaded + Geen VST-plugin geladen - Distortion Start - Vervorming-begin + + Preset + Preset - Distortion End - Vervorming-einde + + by + door - Envelope Slope - Envelope-helling + + - VST plugin control + - VST-pluginbediening + + + VstEffectControlDialog - Noise - Ruis + + Show/hide + Weergeven/verbergen - Click - Klik + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + VST-plugin vanuit LMMS-host bedienen - Frequency Slope - Frequentie-helling + + Open VST plugin preset + VST-plugin-preset openen - Start from note - Starten vanaf noot + + Previous (-) + Vorige (-) - End to note - Stoppen naar noot + + Next (+) + Volgende (+) + + + + Save preset + Preset opslaan + + + + + Effect by: + Effect door: + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - kickerInstrumentView + VstPlugin - Start frequency: - Beginfrequentie: + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + VST-plugin %1 kon niet geladen worden. - End frequency: - Eindfrequentie: + + Open Preset + Preset openen - Gain: - Gain: + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Vst-plugin preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Frequency Slope: - Frequentie-helling: + + : default + : standaard - Envelope Length: - Envelope-lengte: + + Save Preset + Preset opslaan - Envelope Slope: - Envelope-helling: + + .fxp + .fxp - Click: - Klik: + + .FXP + .FXP - Noise: - Ruis: + + .FXB + .FXB + + + + .fxb + .fxb - Distortion Start: - Vervorming-begin: + + Loading plugin + Plugin laden - Distortion End: - Vervorming-einde: + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Even geduld, VST-plugin wordt geladen... - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - Available Effects - Beschikbare effecten + + Volume A1 + Volume A1 - Unavailable Effects - Niet-beschikbare effecten + + Volume A2 + Volume A2 - Instruments - Instrumenten + + Volume B1 + Volume B1 - Analysis Tools - Analysegereedschappen + + Volume B2 + Volume B2 - Don't know - Onbekend + + Panning A1 + Balans A1 - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - Dit venster geeft informatie weer over alle LADSPA-plugins die LMMS kon terugvinden. De plugins worden onderverdeeld in vijf categorieën gebaseerd op een interpretatie van de poorttypes en namen - -Beschikbare effecten zijn diegene die door LMMS gebruikt kunnen worden. Opdat LMMS een effect zou kunnen gebruiken, moet het eerst en vooral een effect zijn, wat betekent dat het invoer- en uitvoerkanalen moet bevatten. LMMS indentificeert een invoerkanaal als een audio-rate-poort die 'in' in de naam bevat. Uitvoerkanalen worden geïdentificeerd door de letters 'out'. Verder moet het effect hetzelfde aantal invoeren en uitvoeren hebben en realtime-capabel zijn. - -Niet-beschikbare effecten zijn diegene die geïdentificeerd werden als effecten maar ofwel niet hetzelfde aantal invoer- en uitvoerkanalen hadden of niet realtime-capabel waren. - -Instrumenten zijn plugins waarbij alleen uitvoerkanalen geïdentificeerd werden. - -Analysegereedschappen zijn plugins waarvoor alleen invoerkanalen geïdentificeerd werden. - -Onbekende zijn plugins waarvoor geen invoer- of uitvoerkanalen geïdentificeerd werden. - -Dubbelklikken op om het even welke plugins zal informatie geven over de poorten. + + Panning A2 + Balans A2 - Type: - Soort: + + Panning B1 + Balans B1 - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - Plugins + + Panning B2 + Balans B2 - Description - Beschrijving + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Frequentieverm. A1 - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports - Poorten + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Frequentieverm. A2 - Name - Naam + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Frequentieverm. B1 - Rate - Ratio + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Frequentieverm. B2 - Direction - Richting + + Left detune A1 + Links ontstemmen A1 - Type - Type + + Left detune A2 + Links ontstemmen A2 + + + + Left detune B1 + Links ontstemmen B1 - Min < Default < Max - Min < standaard < max + + Left detune B2 + Links ontstemmen B2 - Logarithmic - Logaritmisch + + Right detune A1 + Rechts ontstemmen A1 - SR Dependent - SR-afhankelijk + + Right detune A2 + Rechts ontstemmen A2 - Audio - Audio + + Right detune B1 + Rechts ontstemmen B1 - Control - Bediening + + Right detune B2 + Rechts ontstemmen B2 - Input - Invoer + + A-B Mix + A-B mix - Output - Uitvoer + + A-B Mix envelope amount + A-B mix hoeveelheid envelope - Toggled - Gewisseld + + A-B Mix envelope attack + A-B mix envelope attack - Integer - Integer + + A-B Mix envelope hold + A-B mix envelope hold - Float - Float + + A-B Mix envelope decay + A-B mix envelope decay - Yes - Ja + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + A1-B2 overspraak - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - VCF cutoff-frequentie + + A2-A1 modulation + A2-A1 modulatie - VCF Resonance - VCF resonantie + + B2-B1 modulation + B2-B1 modulatie - VCF Envelope Mod - VCF envelope-mod + + Selected graph + Geselecteerde grafiek + + + WatsynView - VCF Envelope Decay - VCF envelope-decay + + + + + Volume + Volume - Distortion - Vervorming + + + + + Panning + Balans - Waveform - Golfvorm + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Freq. vermenigvuldiger - Slide Decay - Slide-decay + + + + + Left detune + Links ontstemmen - Slide - Slide + + + + + + + + + cents + cent - Accent - Accent + + + + + Right detune + Rechts ontstemmen - Dead - Dead + + A-B Mix + A-B mix - 24dB/oct Filter - 24dB/oct-filter + + Mix envelope amount + Mix hoeveelheid envelope - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: - Cutoff-freq: + + Mix envelope attack + Mix envelope attack - Resonance: - Resonantie: + + Mix envelope hold + Mix envelope hold - Env Mod: - Env-mod: + + Mix envelope decay + Mix envelope decay - Decay: - Decay: + + Crosstalk + Overspraak - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + Select oscillator A1 + Oscillator A1 selecteren - Slide Decay: - Slide-decay: + + Select oscillator A2 + Oscillator A2 selecteren - DIST: - DIST: + + Select oscillator B1 + Oscillator B1 selecteren - Saw wave - Zaagtandgolf + + Select oscillator B2 + Oscillator B2 selecteren - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klik hier voor een zaagtandgolf. + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + Uitvoer van A2 naar A1 mixen - Triangle wave - Driehoeksgolf + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + Amplitude van A1 moduleren met uitvoer van A2 - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klik hier voor een driehoeksgolf. + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + A1 en A2 ring-moduleren - Square wave - Blokgolf + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + Fase van A1 moduleren met uitvoer van A2 - Click here for a square-wave. - Klik hier voor een blokgolf. + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + Uitvoer van B2 naar B1 mixen - Rounded square wave - Afgeronde blokgolf + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + Amplitude van B1 moduleren met uitvoer van B2 - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Klik hier voor een blokgolf met afgerond einde. + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + B1 en B2 ring-moduleren - Moog wave - Moog-golf + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + Fase van B1 moduleren met uitvoer van B2 - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Klik hier voor een moog-achtige golf. + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Teken uw eigen golfvorm hier door uw muis op deze grafiek te slepen. - Sine wave - Sinusgolf + + Load waveform + Golfvorm laden - Click for a sine-wave. - Klikken voor sinusgolf. + + Load a waveform from a sample file + Een golfvorm van een sample-bestand laden - White noise wave - Witte-ruisgolf + + Phase left + Fase links - Click here for an exponential wave. - Klik hier voor een exponentiële golf. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + Fase met -15 graden verschuiven - Click here for white-noise. - Klik hier voor witte ruis. + + Phase right + Fase rechts - Bandlimited saw wave - Bandgelimiteerde zaagtandgolf + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + Fase met +15 graden verschuiven - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Klik hier voor een bandgelimiteerde zaagtandgolf. + + + Normalize + Normaliseren - Bandlimited square wave - Bandgelimiteerde blokgolf + + + Invert + Inverteren - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Klik hier voor een bandgelimiteerde blokgolf. + + + Smooth + Glad - Bandlimited triangle wave - Bandgelimiteerde driehoeksgolf + + + Sine wave + Sinusgolf - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Klik hier voor een bandgelimiteerde driehoeksgolf. + + + + Triangle wave + Driehoeksgolf - Bandlimited moog saw wave - Bandgelimiteerde moog-zaagtandgolf + + Saw wave + Zaagtandgolf - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - Klik hier voor een bandgelimiteerde moog-zaagtandgolf. + + + Square wave + Blokgolf - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - Hardness - Hardheid + + Selected graph + Geselecteerde grafiek - Position - Positie + + A1 + A1 - Vibrato Gain - Vibrato-gain + + A2 + A2 - Vibrato Freq - Vibrato-freq + + A3 + A3 - Stick Mix - Stick-mix + + W1 smoothing + W1 afvlakken - Modulator - Modulator + + W2 smoothing + W2 afvlakken - Crossfade - Crossfade + + W3 smoothing + W3 afvlakken - LFO Speed - LFO-snelheid + + Panning 1 + Balans 1 - LFO Depth - LFO-diepte + + Panning 2 + Balans 2 - ADSR - ADSR + + Rel trans + Rel overgang + + + XpressiveView - Pressure - Druk + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Teken uw eigen golfvorm hier door uw muis op deze grafiek te slepen. - Motion - Beweging + + Select oscillator W1 + Oscillator W1 selecteren - Speed - Snelheid + + Select oscillator W2 + Oscillator W2 selecteren - Bowed - Gebogen + + Select oscillator W3 + Oscillator W3 selecteren - Spread - Spreiding + + Select output O1 + Selecteer uitvoer O1 - Marimba - Marimba + + Select output O2 + Selecteer uitvoer O2 - Vibraphone - Vibraphone + + Open help window + Help-venster openen - Agogo - Agogo + + + Sine wave + Sinusgolf - Wood1 - Wood1 + + + Moog-saw wave + Moog-zaagtandgolf - Reso - Reso + + + Exponential wave + Exponentiële golf - Wood2 - Wood2 + + + Saw wave + Zaagtandgolf - Beats - Beats + + + User-defined wave + Aangepaste golf - Two Fixed - Two Fixed + + + Triangle wave + Driehoeksgolf - Clump - Clump + + + Square wave + Blokgolf - Tubular Bells - Tubular bells + + + White noise + Witte ruis - Uniform Bar - Uniforme balk + + WaveInterpolate + GolfInterpoleren - Tuned Bar - Gestemde balk + + ExpressionValid + ExpressieGeldig - Glass - Glas + + General purpose 1: + Algemeen doel 1: - Tibetan Bowl - Tibetaanse kom + + General purpose 2: + Algemeen doel 2: - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument - Instrument + + General purpose 3: + Algemeen doel 3: - Spread - Spreiding + + O1 panning: + Balans O1: - Spread: - Spreiding: + + O2 panning: + Balans O2: - Hardness - Hardheid + + Release transition: + Release-overgang: - Hardness: - Hardheid: + + Smoothness + Gladheid + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Position - Positie + + Portamento + Portamento - Position: - Positie: + + Filter frequency + Filter-frequentie - Vib Gain - Vib-gain + + Filter resonance + Filter-resonantie - Vib Gain: - Vib-gain: + + Bandwidth + Bandbreedte - Vib Freq - Vib-freq + + FM gain + FM-versterking - Vib Freq: - Vib-freq: + + Resonance center frequency + Resonantie centerfrequentie - Stick Mix - Stick-mix + + Resonance bandwidth + Resonantie bandbreedte - Stick Mix: - Stick-mix: + + Forward MIDI control change events + MIDI control change events doorsturen + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Modulator - Modulator + + Portamento: + Portamento: - Modulator: - Modulator: + + PORT + POORT - Crossfade - Crossfade + + Filter frequency: + Filter-frequentie: - Crossfade: - Crossfade: + + FREQ + FREQ - LFO Speed - LFO-snelheid + + Filter resonance: + Filter-resonantie: - LFO Speed: - LFO-snelheid: + + RES + RES - LFO Depth - LFO-diepte + + Bandwidth: + Bandbreedte: - LFO Depth: - LFO-diepte: + + BW + BW - ADSR - ADSR + + FM gain: + FM-versterking: - ADSR: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN + FM GAIN - Pressure - Druk + + Resonance center frequency: + Resonantie centerfrequentie: - Pressure: - Druk: + + RES CF + RES CF - Speed - Snelheid + + Resonance bandwidth: + Resonantie bandbreedte: - Speed: - Snelheid: + + RES BW + RES BW - Missing files - Ontbrekende bestanden + + Forward MIDI control changes + MIDI control changes doorsturen - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Uw Stk-installatie lijkt onvolledig te zijn. Verzeker u ervan dat het volledige Stk-pakket geïnstalleerd is + + Show GUI + GUI weergeven - manageVSTEffectView + AudioFileProcessor - - VST parameter control - - VST parameterbediening - - - VST Sync - VST sync + + Amplify + Versterken - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Klik hier als u alle parameters met VST-plugin wilt synchroniseren. + + Start of sample + Begin van sample - Automated - Geautomatiseerd + + End of sample + Einde van sample - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Klik hier als u alleen geautomatiseerde parameters wilt weergeven. + + Loopback point + Herhaalpunt - Close - Sluiten + + Reverse sample + Sample omdraaien - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - Venster voor VST-effect-knop-bediening sluiten. + + Loop mode + Herhaalmodus - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - - VST-pluginbediening + + Stutter + Stutter - VST Sync - VST sync + + Interpolation mode + Interpolatiemodus - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Klik hier als u alle parameters met VST-plugin wilt synchroniseren. + + None + Geen - Automated - Geautomatiseerd + + Linear + Lineair - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Klik hier als u alleen geautomatiseerde parameters wilt weergeven. + + Sinc + Sinc - Close - Sluiten + + Sample not found: %1 + Sample niet gevonden: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - Venster voor VST-plugin-knop-bediening sluiten. + + Sample length + Sample-lengte: - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - Patch + + Sample length + Sample-lengte: - Op 1 Attack - Op 1 attack + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Teken uw eigen golfvorm hier door uw muis op deze grafiek te slepen. - Op 1 Decay - Op 1 decay + + + Sine wave + Sinusgolf - Op 1 Sustain - Op 1 sustain + + + Triangle wave + Driehoeksgolf - Op 1 Release - Op 1 release + + + Saw wave + Zaagtandgolf - Op 1 Level - Op 1 niveau + + + Square wave + Blokgolf - Op 1 Level Scaling - Op 1 niveauschaling + + + White noise + Witte ruis - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - Op 1 frequentie meerdere + + + User-defined wave + Aangepaste golf - Op 1 Feedback - Op 1 feedback + + + Smooth waveform + Golfvorm zacht maken - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - Op 1 toets schalingsratio + + Interpolation + Interpolatie - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - Op 1 percussieve envelope + + Normalize + Normaliseren + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo - Op 1 tremolo + + INPUT + INVOER - Op 1 Vibrato - Op 1 vibrato + + Input gain: + Invoer-gain: - Op 1 Waveform - Op 1 golfvorm + + OUTPUT + UITVOER - Op 2 Attack - Op 2 attack + + Output gain: + Uitvoer-gain: - Op 2 Decay - Op 2 decay + + ATTACK + ATTACK - Op 2 Sustain - Op 2 sustain + + Peak attack time: + Piek-attack-tijd: - Op 2 Release - Op 2 release + + RELEASE + RELEASE - Op 2 Level - Op 2 niveau + + Peak release time: + Piek-release-tijd: - Op 2 Level Scaling - Op 2 niveauschaling + + + Reset wavegraph + Golfvorm herstellen - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - Op 2 frequentie meerdere + + + Smooth wavegraph + Golfvorm zacht maken - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - Op 2 toets schalingsratio + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Golfgrafiek-amplitude verhogen met 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - Op 2 percussieve envelope + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Golfgrafiek-amplitude verlagen met 1 dB - Op 2 Tremolo - Op 2 tremolo + + Stereo mode: maximum + Stereomodus: maximum - Op 2 Vibrato - Op 2 vibrato + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Verwerking gebaseerd op het maximum van beide stereokanalen - Op 2 Waveform - Op 2 golfvorm + + Stereo mode: average + Stereomodus: gemiddeld - FM - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + Verwerking gebaseerd op het gemiddelde van beide stereokanalen - Vibrato Depth - Vibrato-diepte + + Stereo mode: unlinked + Stereomodus: niet-gekoppeld - Tremolo Depth - Tremolo-diepte + + Process each stereo channel independently + Elk stereokanaal onafhankelijk verwerken - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack - Attack + + Input gain + Invoer-gain - Decay - Decay + + Output gain + Uitvoer-gain - Release - Release + + Attack time + Attack-tijd - Frequency multiplier - Frequentievermenigvuldiger + + Release time + Release-tijd - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - Vervorming + + Stereo mode + Stereomodus + + + graphModel - Volume - Volume + + Graph + Grafiek - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - Vervorming: + + Start frequency + Beginfrequentie - Volume: - Volume: + + End frequency + Eindfrequentie - Randomise - Willekeuring maken + + Length + Lengte - Osc %1 waveform: - Osc %1 golfvorm: + + Start distortion + Beginvervorming - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 volume: + + End distortion + Eindvervorming - Osc %1 panning: - Osc %1 panning: + + Gain + Gain - cents - cent + + Envelope slope + Envelope-helling - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - De distortion-knop voegt vervorming toe aan de uitvoer van het instrument. + + Noise + Ruis - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - De volumeknop bedint het volume van de uitvoer van het instrument. Het is cumulatief met de volumebediening van het instrumentvenster. + + Click + Klik - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - De willekeurigheids-knop maakt alle knoppen willekeurig behalve de harmonischen, het hoofdvolume en de distortion-knoppen. + + Frequency slope + Frequentie-helling - Osc %1 stereo detuning - Osc %1 stereo-ontstemming + + Start from note + Starten vanaf noot - Osc %1 harmonic: - Osc %1 harmonisch: + + End to note + Stoppen naar noot - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - Sweep-tijd + + Start frequency: + Beginfrequentie: - Sweep direction - Sweep-richting + + End frequency: + Eindfrequentie: - Sweep RtShift amount - Sweep hoeveelheid RtShift + + Frequency slope: + Frequentie-helling: - Wave Pattern Duty - Golfpatroon-inschakeltijd + + Gain: + Gain: - Channel 1 volume - Volume kanaal 1 + + Envelope length: + Envelope-lengte: - Volume sweep direction - Volume sweep-richting + + Envelope slope: + Envelope-helling: - Length of each step in sweep - Lengte van elke stap in sweep + + Click: + Klik: - Channel 2 volume - Volume kanaal 2 + + Noise: + Ruis: - Channel 3 volume - Volume kanaal 3 + + Start distortion: + Beginvervorming: - Channel 4 volume - Volume kanaal 4 + + End distortion: + Eindvervorming: + + + LadspaBrowserView - Right Output level - Rechter uitvoerniveau + + + Available Effects + Beschikbare effecten - Left Output level - Linker uitvoerniveau + + + Unavailable Effects + Niet-beschikbare effecten - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Kanaal 1 naar SO2 (links) + + + Instruments + Instrumenten - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Kanaal 2 naar SO2 (links) + + + Analysis Tools + Analysegereedschappen - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Kanaal 3 naar SO2 (links) + + + Don't know + Onbekend - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Kanaal 4 naar SO2 (links) + + Type: + Soort: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Kanaal 1 naar SO1 (rechts) + + Plugins + Plugins - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Kanaal 2 naar SO1 (rechts) + + Description + Beschrijving + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Kanaal 3 naar SO1 (rechts) + + Ports + Poorten - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Kanaal 4 naar SO1 (rechts) + + Name + Naam - Treble - Treble + + Rate + Ratio - Bass - Bass + + Direction + Richting - Shift Register width - Registerbreedte verschuiven + + Type + Type - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - Sweep-tijd: + + Min < Default < Max + Min < standaard < max - Sweep Time - Sweep-tijd + + Logarithmic + Logaritmisch - Sweep RtShift amount: - Sweep hoeveelheid RtShift: + + SR Dependent + SR-afhankelijk - Sweep RtShift amount - Sweep hoeveelheid RtShift + + Audio + Audio - Wave pattern duty: - Golfpatroon-inschakeltijd: + + Control + Bediening - Wave Pattern Duty - Golfpatroon-inschakeltijd + + Input + Invoer - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Blok kanaal 1 volume: + + Output + Uitvoer - Length of each step in sweep: - Lengte van elke stap in sweep: + + Toggled + Gewisseld - Length of each step in sweep - Lengte van elke stap in sweep + + Integer + Integer - Wave pattern duty - Golfpatroon-inschakeltijd + + Float + Float - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Blok kanaal 2 volume: + + + Yes + Ja + + + Lb302Synth - Square Channel 2 Volume - Blok kanaal 2 volume + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + VCF cutoff-frequentie - Wave Channel Volume: - Golf kanaal volume: + + VCF Resonance + VCF resonantie - Wave Channel Volume - Golf kanaal volume + + VCF Envelope Mod + VCF envelope-mod - Noise Channel Volume: - Ruis kanaal volume: + + VCF Envelope Decay + VCF envelope-decay - Noise Channel Volume - Ruis kanaal volume + + Distortion + Vervorming - SO1 Volume (Right): - S01 volume (rechts): + + Waveform + Golfvorm - SO1 Volume (Right) - SO1 volume (rechts) + + Slide Decay + Slide-decay - SO2 Volume (Left): - S02 volume (links): + + Slide + Slide - SO2 Volume (Left) - SO2 volume (links) + + Accent + Accent - Treble: - Treble: + + Dead + Dead - Treble - Treble + + 24dB/oct Filter + 24dB/oct-filter + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + Cutoff-freq: - Bass: - Bass: + + Resonance: + Resonantie: - Bass - Bass + + Env Mod: + Env-mod: - Sweep Direction - Sweep-richting + + Decay: + Decay: - Volume Sweep Direction - Volume sweep-richting + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - Shift Register Width - Registerbreedte verschuiven + + Slide Decay: + Slide-decay: + + + + DIST: + DIST: - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Kanaal1 naar SO1 (rechts) + + Saw wave + Zaagtandgolf - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Kanaal2 naar SO1 (rechts) + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Klik hier voor een zaagtandgolf. - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Kanaal3 naar SO1 (rechts) + + Triangle wave + Driehoeksgolf - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Kanaal4 naar SO1 (rechts) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Klik hier voor een driehoeksgolf. - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Kanaal1 naar SO2 (links) + + Square wave + Blokgolf - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Kanaal2 naar SO2 (links) + + Click here for a square-wave. + Klik hier voor een blokgolf. - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Kanaal3 naar SO2 (links) + + Rounded square wave + Afgeronde blokgolf - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Kanaal4 naar SO2 (links) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Klik hier voor een blokgolf met afgerond einde. - Wave Pattern - Golfpatroon + + Moog wave + Moog-golf - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - De hoeveelheid verhoging of verlaging in frequentie + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Klik hier voor een moog-achtige golf. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - De ratio waarop verhoging of verlaging in frequentie zich voordoet + + Sine wave + Sinusgolf - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - De inschakeltijd is de ratio van de duur (tijd) dat een signaal AAN is versus de totale periode van het signaal. + + Click for a sine-wave. + Klikken voor sinusgolf. - Square Channel 1 Volume - Blok kanaal 1 volume + + + White noise wave + Witte-ruisgolf - The delay between step change - Delay tussen stapwijziging + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Klik hier voor een exponentiële golf. - Draw the wave here - Teken de golf hier + + Click here for white-noise. + Klik hier voor witte ruis. - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: kanaal-preset + + Bandlimited saw wave + Bandgelimiteerde zaagtandgolf - Bank selector - Bank-selector + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Klik hier voor een bandgelimiteerde zaagtandgolf. - Bank - Bank + + Bandlimited square wave + Bandgelimiteerde blokgolf - Program selector - Program-selector + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Klik hier voor een bandgelimiteerde blokgolf. - Patch - Patch + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Bandgelimiteerde driehoeksgolf - Name - Naam + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Klik hier voor een bandgelimiteerde driehoeksgolf. - OK - Ok + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Bandgelimiteerde moog-zaagtandgolf - Cancel - Annuleren + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Klik hier voor een bandgelimiteerde moog-zaagtandgolf. - pluginBrowser - - no description - geen beschrijving - - - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Onvoltooide monofonische limitering tb303 - + MalletsInstrument - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Plugin voor het vrij manipuleren voor stereo-uitoer + + Hardness + Hardheid - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Plugin voor het bedienen van knoppen met geluidspieken + + Position + Positie - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Plugin voor het verbeteren van stereo-scheiding van een stereo-invoerbestand. + + Vibrato gain + Vibrato-gain - List installed LADSPA plugins - Geïnstalleerde LADSPA-plugins oplijsten + + Vibrato frequency + Vibrato-frequentie - GUS-compatible patch instrument - GUS-compatibel patch-instrument + + Stick mix + Stick-mix - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Additive Synthesizer voor orgelachtige geluiden + + Modulator + Modulator - Tuneful things to bang on - Welluidende zaken om te knallen + + Crossfade + Crossfade - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - VST-Host voor gebruik van VST(i)-plugins binnen LMMS + + LFO speed + LFO-snelheid - Vibrating string modeler - Modeler voor trillende snaren + + LFO depth + LFO-diepte - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - plugin voor het gebruik van arbitraire LADSPA-effecten binnen LMMS. + + ADSR + ADSR - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filter, om MIDI-bestanden in LMMS te importeren + + Pressure + Druk - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Emulatie van de MOS6581 en MOS8580 SID. -Deze chip werd gebruikt in de Commodore 64 computer. + + Motion + Beweging - Player for SoundFont files - Speler voor SoundFont-bestanden + + Speed + Snelheid - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Emulatie van GameBoy (TM) APU + + Bowed + Gebogen - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Aanpasbare wavetable-synthesizer + + Spread + Spreiding - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - Ingebedde ZynAddSubFX + + Marimba + Marimba - 2-operator FM Synth - 2-operator FM-synth + + Vibraphone + Vibraphone - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Filter voor importeren van Hydrogen-bestanden in LMMS + + Agogo + Agogo - LMMS port of sfxr - LMMS port van sfxr + + Wood 1 + Hout 1 - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Monsterlijke 3-oscillator synth met modulatiematrix + + Reso + Reso - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - Drie krachtige oscillators die u op verschillende manieren kunt moduleren + + Wood 2 + Hout 2 - A native amplifier plugin - Een ingebouwde versterker-plugin + + Beats + Beats - Carla Rack Instrument - Carla Rack instrument + + Two fixed + Two Fixed - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - 4-oscillator moduleerbare wavetable-synth + + Clump + Clump - plugin for waveshaping - plugin voor golfvorming + + Tubular bells + Tubular bells - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Versterk uw bas snel en eenvoudig + + Uniform bar + Uniforme balk - Versatile drum synthesizer - Veelzijdige drum-synthesizer + + Tuned bar + Gestemde balk - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Simpele sampler met verschillende instellingen voor het gebruik van samples (bijvoorbeeld drums) in een instrument-track + + Glass + Glas - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - plugin voor het verwerken van dynamieken op een flexibele manier + + Tibetan bowl + Tibetaanse kom + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Carla Patchbay Instrument - Carla Patchbay instrument + + Instrument + Instrument - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - plugin voor het gebruik van arbitraire VST-effecten binnen LMMS. + + Spread + Spreiding - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Grafische spectrum-analyse-plugin + + Spread: + Spreiding: - A NES-like synthesizer - Een NES-achtige synthesizer + + Missing files + Ontbrekende bestanden - A native delay plugin - Een ingebouwde delay-plugin + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Uw Stk-installatie lijkt onvolledig te zijn. Verzeker u ervan dat het volledige Stk-pakket geïnstalleerd is - Player for GIG files - Speler voor GIG-bestanden + + Hardness + Hardheid - A multitap echo delay plugin - Een multitap-echo-delay-plugin + + Hardness: + Hardheid: - A native flanger plugin - Een ingebouwde flanger-plugin + + Position + Positie - An oversampling bitcrusher - Een oversampling-bitcrusher + + Position: + Positie: - A native eq plugin - Een ingebouwde eq-plugin + + Vibrato gain + Vibrato-gain - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - Een 4-band crossover-equalizer + + Vibrato gain: + Vibrato-gain: - A Dual filter plugin - Een dual-filter-plugin + + Vibrato frequency + Vibrato-frequentie - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Filter voor exporteren van MIDI-bestanden van LMMS + + Vibrato frequency: + Vibrato-frequentie: - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Reverb-algoritme door Sean Costello + + Stick mix + Stick-mix - Mathematical expression parser - Wiskundige uitdrukking-verwerker + + Stick mix: + Stick-mix: - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - Bank + + Modulator + Modulator - Patch - Patch + + Modulator: + Modulator: - Gain - Gain + + Crossfade + Crossfade - Reverb - Reverb + + Crossfade: + Crossfade: - Reverb Roomsize - Reverb kamergrootte + + LFO speed + LFO-snelheid - Reverb Damping - Reverb demping + + LFO speed: + LFO-snelheid: - Reverb Width - Reverb-breedte + + LFO depth + LFO-diepte - Reverb Level - Reverb niveau + + LFO depth: + LFO-diepte: - Chorus - Chorus + + ADSR + ADSR - Chorus Lines - Chorus lines + + ADSR: + ADSR: - Chorus Level - Chorus niveau + + Pressure + Druk - Chorus Speed - Chorus snelheid + + Pressure: + Druk: - Chorus Depth - Chorus diepte + + Speed + Snelheid - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - Een soundfont &1 kon niet geladen worden. + + Speed: + Snelheid: - sf2InstrumentView + ManageVSTEffectView - Open other SoundFont file - Ander SoundFont-bestand openen + + - VST parameter control + - VST parameterbediening - Click here to open another SF2 file - Klik hier om een ander SF2-bestand te openen + + VST sync + VST sync - Choose the patch - Patch kiezen + + + Automated + Geautomatiseerd - Gain - Gain + + Close + Sluiten + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Apply reverb (if supported) - Reverb toepassen (indien ondersteund) + + + - VST plugin control + - VST-pluginbediening - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Deze knop schakelt het reverb-effect in. Dit is bruikbaar voor coole effecten, maar werkt alleen op bestanden die het ondersteunen. + + VST Sync + VST sync - Reverb Roomsize: - Reverb kamergrootte: + + + Automated + Geautomatiseerd - Reverb Damping: - Reverb demping: + + Close + Sluiten + + + OrganicInstrument - Reverb Width: - Reverb breedte: + + Distortion + Vervorming - Reverb Level: - Reverb niveau: + + Volume + Volume + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Apply chorus (if supported) - Chorus toepassen (indien ondersteund) + + Distortion: + Vervorming: - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Deze knop schakelt het chorus-effect in. Dit is bruikbaar voor coole echo-effecten, maar werkt alleen op bestanden die het ondersteunen. + + Volume: + Volume: - Chorus Lines: - Chorus lines: + + Randomise + Willekeuring maken - Chorus Level: - Chorus niveau: + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Osc %1 golfvorm: - Chorus Speed: - Chorus snelheid: + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 volume: - Chorus Depth: - Chorus diepte: + + Osc %1 panning: + Balans osc %1: - Open SoundFont file - SoundFont-bestand openen + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Osc %1 stereo-ontstemming - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - SoundFont2-bestanden (*.sf2) + + cents + cent - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form - Golfvorm + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Osc %1 harmonisch: - sidInstrument - - Cutoff - Cutoff - - - Resonance - Resonantie - - - Filter type - Filtersoort - + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off - Stem 3 off + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: kanaal-preset - Volume - Volume + + Bank selector + Bank-selector - Chip model - Chip-model + + Bank + Bank - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - Volume: + + Program selector + Program-selector - Resonance: - Resonantie: + + Patch + Patch - Cutoff frequency: - Cutoff-frequentie: + + Name + Naam - High-Pass filter - Highpass-filter + + OK + Ok - Band-Pass filter - Bandpass-filter + + Cancel + Annuleren + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter - Lowpass-filter + + Bank + Bank - Voice3 Off - Stem3 off + + Patch + Patch - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Gain + Gain - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb + Reverb - Attack: - Attack: + + Reverb room size + Reverb kamergrootte - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - Attack-ratio bepaalt hoe snel de uitvoer van stem %1 stijgt van nul naar piek-amplitude. + + Reverb damping + Reverb demping - Decay: - Decay: + + Reverb width + Reverb-breedte - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - Decay-ratio bepaalt hoe snel de uitvoer valt van de piek-amplitude naar het geselecteerde sustain-niveau. + + Reverb level + Reverb niveau - Sustain: - Sustain: + + Chorus + Chorus - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - Uitvoer van stem %1 zal op de geselecteerde sustain-amplitude blijven zolang de noot aangehouden wordt. + + Chorus voices + Chorus stemmen - Release: - Release: + + Chorus level + Chorus niveau - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - De uitvoer van stem %1 zal vallen van sustain-amplitude naar nul-amplitude met de geselecteerde release-ratio. + + Chorus speed + Chorus snelheid - Pulse Width: - Pulsbreedte: + + Chorus depth + Chorus diepte - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - De pulsbreedte-resolutie laat toe dat de breedte vloeiend gesweept wordt zonder onderscheidbare stappen. De puls-golfvorm op oscillator %1 moet geselecteerd worden om enig hoorbaar effect te hebben. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + Een soundfont &1 kon niet geladen worden. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - Grof: + + + Open SoundFont file + SoundFont-bestand openen - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - De grove ontstemming laat toe om stem %1 een octaaf omhoog of omlaag te ontstemmen. + + Choose patch + Patch kiezen - Pulse Wave - Pulsgolf + + Gain: + Gain: - Triangle Wave - Driehoeksgolf + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Reverb toepassen (indien ondersteund) - SawTooth - Zaagtand + + Room size: + Kamergrootte: - Noise - Ruis + + Damping: + Demping: - Sync - Sync + + Width: + Breedte: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - Sync synchroniseert de fundamentele frequentie van oscillator %1 met de fundamentele frequentie van oscillator %2 wat "hard sync"-effecten produceert. + + + Level: + Niveau: - Ring-Mod - Ring-mod + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Chorus toepassen (indien ondersteund) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - Ring-mod vervangt de driehoeksgolfvorm-uitvoer van oscillator %1 met een "ringgemoduleerde" combinatie van oscillators %1 en %2. + + Voices: + Stemmen: - Filtered - Gefilterd + + Speed: + Snelheid: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Wanneer gefilterd aan is, zal stem %1 verwerkt worden via de filter. Wanneer gefilterd uit is, verschijnt stem %1 direct aan de uitvoer en heeft de filter er geen effect op. + + Depth: + Diepte: - Test - Test + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + SoundFont-bestanden (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Test, wanneer ingesteld, herstelt en vergrendelt oscillator %1 op nul totdat test uitgeschakeld wordt. + + Wave + Golf - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - WIDE + + WIDTH + BREEDTE + Width: Breedte: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width Breedte - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: Links naar links vol: + Left to Right Vol: Links naar rechts vol: + Right to Left Vol: Rechts naar links vol: + Right to Right Vol: Rechts naar rechts vol: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left Links naar links + Left to Right Links naar rechts + Right to Left Rechts naar links + Right to Right Rechts naar rechts - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin Plugin laden - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Even geduld bij het laden van VST-plugin... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + Even geduld, de VST-plugin wordt geladen... - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume Snaar %1 volume + String %1 stiffness Snaar %1 hardheid + Pick %1 position Aanslag %1 positie + Pickup %1 position Pickup %1 positie - Pan %1 - Pan %1 + + String %1 panning + String %1 balans - Detune %1 - Ontstemmen %1 + + String %1 detune + String %1 ontstemmen - Fuzziness %1 - Ruigheid %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + String %1 zachtheid - Length %1 - Lengte %1 + + String %1 length + String %1 lengte + Impulse %1 Impuls %1 - Octave %1 - Octaaf %1 + + String %1 + String %1 - vibedView - - Volume: - Volume: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - De 'V'-knop stelt het volume in van de geselecteerde snaar. + + String volume: + String volume: + String stiffness: Hardheid snaar: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - De 'S'-knop stelt de hardheid (stijfheid) in van de geselecteerde snaar. De hardheid van de snaar beïnvloedt hoe lang de snaar zal blijven klinken. Hoe lager de instelling, hoe langer de snaar zal klinken. - - + Pick position: Aanslagpositie: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - De 'P'-knop stelt de positie in waar de geselecteerde snaar aangeslagen zal worden. Hoe lager de instelling, hoe dichter de aanslag bij de brug is. - - + Pickup position: Pickup-positie: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - De 'PU'-knop stelt de positie in waar de trillingen gemonitord worden voor de geselecteerde snaar. Hoe lager de instelling, hoe dichter de pickup bij de brug is. - - - Pan: - Pan: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - De pan-knop bepaalt de locatie van de geselecteerde snaar in het stereo-veld. - - - Detune: - Ontstemmen: - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - De ontstemknop wijzigt de toonhoogte van de geselecteerde snaar. Instellingen lager dan nul zullen de snaar "flat" laten klinken. Instellingen groter dan nul zullen de snaar scherper laten klinken. - - - Fuzziness: - Ruigheid: - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - De slap-knop voegt een beetje ruigheid toe aan de geselecteerde snaar en is het meest merkbaar tijdens de attack-fase, hoewel het ook gebruikt kan worden om de snaar meer 'metaalachtig' te laten klinken. + + String panning: + String balans: - Length: - Lengte: + + String detune: + String ontstemmen: - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - De lengte-knop stelt de lengte in van de geselecteerde snaar. Langere snaren zullen langer trillen en helderder klinken, maar ze zullen ook meer processorcyclussen opeten. + + String fuzziness: + String zachtheid: - Impulse or initial state - Impuls of begininstelling + + String length: + String lengte: - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - De 'imp'-selector bepaalt of de golfvorm in de grafiek behandeld moet worden als een impulsgever op de snaar tijdens het aanslaan of de begininstelling van de snaar. + + Impulse + Impuls + Octave Octaaf - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - De octaaf-selector wordt gebruikt om te kiezen welke harmonische van de noot de snaar zal klinken. Bijvoorbeeld, '-2' betekent dat de snaar twee octaven onder de grondtoon zal trillen, 'F' betekent dat de snaar op de grondtoon zal klinken, en '6' betekent dat de snaar zes octaven boven de grondtoon zal trillen. - - + Impulse Editor Impuls-editor - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - De Golfvorm-editor voorziet controle over de beginstatus of impuls die gebruikt wordt om de snaar te laten trillen. De knoppen rechts van de grafiek zullen de golfvorm initialiseren naar het geselecteerde type. De '?'-knop zal een golfvorm laden van een bestand - slechts de eerste 128 samples zullen geladen worden. - -De golfvorm kan ook in de grafiek getekend worden. - -De 'S'-knop zal de golfvorm vloeiend maken. - -De 'N'-knop zal de golfvorm normaliseren. - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Vibed modelleert to negen onafhankelijk trillende snaren. De 'snaar'-selector laat u toe om te kiezen welke snaar bewerkt wordt. De 'imp'-selector kiest of de grafiek een impuls of de initiële status van de snaar weergeeft. De 'octaaf'-selector kiest op welke harmonische de snaar moet trilen. - -De grafiek laat u toe om de initiële status of impuls gebruikt om de snaar te laten bewegen, in te stellen. - -De 'V'-knop bedient het vollume. De 'S'-knop bedient de hardheid van de snaar. De 'P'-knop bedient de aanslagpositie. De 'PU'-knop bedient de pickup-positie. - -'Pan' en 'ontstemmen' hebben hopelijk geen uitleg nodig. De 'slap'-knop voegt wat ruigheid toe aan het geluid van de snaar. - -De 'lengte'-knop bedient de lengte van de snaar. - -De LED in de hoek rechtsonder van de golfvorm-editor bepaalt of de snaar actief is in het huidige instrument. - - + Enable waveform Golfvorm activeren - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Klik hier om een golfvorm in-/uit te schakelen. + + Enable/disable string + String in-/uitschakelen + String Snaar - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - De snaar-selector wordt gebruikt om te kiezen welke snaar de bedieningen bewerken. Een Vibed-instrument kan tot negen onafhankelijk trillende snaren bevatten. De LED in de hoek rechtsonder van de golfvorm-editor geeft aan of de geselecteerde snaar actief is. - - + + Sine wave Sinusgolf + + Triangle wave Driehoeksgolf + + Saw wave Zaagtandgolf + + Square wave Blokgolf - White noise wave - Witte-ruisgolf + + + White noise + Witte ruis - User defined wave + + + User-defined wave Aangepaste golf - Smooth - Glad - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Klik hier om de golfvorm glad te maken. - - - Normalize - Normaliseren - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Klik hier om de golfvorm te normaliseren. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Sinusgolf gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Driehoeksgolf gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Zaagtandgolf gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. - - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Blokgolf gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. - - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Witte ruis gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. + + + Smooth waveform + Golfvorm zacht maken - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Aangepaste golfvorm gebruiken voor huidige oscillator. + + + Normalize waveform + Golfvorm normaliseren - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width Stem %1 pulsbreedte + Voice %1 attack Stem %1 attack + Voice %1 decay Stem %1 decay + Voice %1 sustain Stem %1 sustain + Voice %1 release Stem %1 release + Voice %1 coarse detuning Stem %1 grof ontstemmen + Voice %1 wave shape Stem %1 golfvorm + Voice %1 sync Stem %1 sync + Voice %1 ring modulate Stem %1 ring-modulatie + Voice %1 filtered Stem %1 gefilterd + Voice %1 test Stem %1 test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT INVOER + Input gain: Invoer-gain: + OUTPUT UITVOER + Output gain: Uitvoer-gain: - Reset waveform + + + Reset wavegraph Golfvorm herstellen - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Klik hier om de golfgrafiek terug naar standaard te zetten - - - Smooth waveform + + + Smooth wavegraph Golfvorm zacht maken - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Klik hier om verzachting op de golfgrafiek toe te passen - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - Grafiek-amplitude verhogen met 1 dB - - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klik hier om de golfgrafiek-amplitude te verhogen met 1 dB - - - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - Grafiek-amplitude verlagen met 1 dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Golfgrafiek-amplitude verhogen met 1 dB - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klik hier om de golfgrafiek-amplitude te verlagen met 1 dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Golfgrafiek-amplitude verlagen met 1 dB + Clip input Invoer clippen - Clip input signal to 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB Invoersignaal clippen naar 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain Invoer-gain + Output gain Uitvoer-gain - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/oc.ts b/data/locale/oc.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..58c81c96453 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/oc.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16326 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + A prepaus de LMMS + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + + About + A prepauses + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + + + + + Copyright © %1. + + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + + Authors + Autoras + + + + Involved + Personas implicadas + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + Contributeurs classats per nombre de commits: + + + + Translation + Traduccion + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + + + License + Licéncia + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + PAN + + + + + Panning: + + + + + LEFT + ESQUERRA + + + + Left gain: + Ganh d'esquèr: + + + + RIGHT + DRECHA + + + + Right gain: + Ganh de drecha: + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Panning + + + + + Left gain + Ganh d'esquèr + + + + Right gain + Ganh de drecha + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + + + + + CHANNELS + CANALS + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + + + + + Reverse sample + Invertir l'escapolon + + + + Disable loop + + + + + Enable loop + + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + + + + + Amplify: + Amplificar: + + + + Start point: + + + + + End point: + + + + + Loopback point: + + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + Longada de l'escapolon: + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + + + + + JACK server down + + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + + + + + Client name + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value + + + + + Edit song-global automation + + + + + Remove song-global automation + + + + + Remove all linked controls + Suprimir totes los contraròtles ligats + + + + Connected to %1 + Connectat a %1 + + + + Connected to controller + + + + + Edit connection... + Editar la connexion... + + + + Remove connection + Suprimir la connexion + + + + Connect to controller... + + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + Accions d'edicion + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Mòda dessenh (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + + Flip vertically + Virar verticalament + + + + Flip horizontally + Virar orizontalament + + + + Interpolation controls + + + + + Discrete progression + Progression discreta + + + + Linear progression + Progression lineara + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + + + + + Tension value for spline + + + + + Tension: + + + + + Zoom controls + Contraròtles del zoom + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization controls + Contraròtles de quantificacion + + + + Quantization + Quantificacion + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + Editor de automacion - %1 + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + Dobrir dins l'editor de automation + + + + Clear + Escafar + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + Modificar lo nom + + + + Set/clear record + + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + Virar verticalament (visible) + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + Virar orizontalament (visible) + + + + %1 Connections + %1 Connexions + + + + Disconnect "%1" + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Beat selector + + + + + Track and step actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + Modificar lo nom + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + + Clone of %1 + + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + FREQ + + + + Frequency: + Frequéncia: + + + + GAIN + GANH + + + + Gain: + Ganh: + + + + RATIO + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + Frequéncia + + + + Gain + Ganh + + + + Ratio + + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + DINTRADA + + + + OUT + SORTIDA + + + + + GAIN + GANH + + + + Input gain: + Ganh en dintrada: + + + + NOISE + RUMOR + + + + Input noise: + + + + + Output gain: + Ganh en sortida: + + + + CLIP + CLIP + + + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + FREQ + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + STEREO + + + + + Stereo difference: + + + + + QUANT + + + + + Levels: + + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + Ganh en dintrada + + + + Input noise + + + + + Output gain + Ganh en sortida + + + + Output clip + + + + + Sample rate + + + + + Stereo difference + + + + + Levels + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + + + + + About + A prepauses + + + + About text here + + + + + Extended licensing here + + + + + Artwork + + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + + + + + Features + + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + + + + + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + VST2: + + + + + DSSI: + + + + + LV2: + + + + + VST3: + + + + + OSC + + + + + Host URLs: + + + + + Valid commands: + + + + + valid osc commands here + + + + + Example: + + + + + License + Licéncia + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + + + + + Plugin Version + + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + + (Engine not running) + + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + + Using Juce host + + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + + + + + Rack + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Logs + + + + + Loading... + + + + + Buffer Size: + + + + + Sample Rate: + + + + + ? Xruns + + + + + DSP Load: %p% + + + + + &File + &Fichièr + + + + &Engine + + + + + &Plugin + + + + + Macros (all plugins) + + + + + &Canvas + + + + + Zoom + + + + + &Settings + + + + + &Help + &Ajuda + + + + toolBar + + + + + Disk + + + + + + Home + + + + + Transport + + + + + Playback Controls + + + + + Time Information + + + + + Frame: + + + + + 000'000'000 + + + + + Time: + + + + + 00:00:00 + + + + + BBT: + + + + + 000|00|0000 + + + + + Settings + Configuracion + + + + BPM + + + + + Use JACK Transport + + + + + Use Ableton Link + + + + + &New + &Nòu + + + + Ctrl+N + + + + + &Open... + &Dobrir... + + + + + Open... + + + + + Ctrl+O + + + + + &Save + &Enregistrar + + + + Ctrl+S + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + + Save As... + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + + &Quit + &Abandonar + + + + Ctrl+Q + + + + + &Start + + + + + F5 + + + + + St&op + + + + + F6 + + + + + &Add Plugin... + + + + + Ctrl+A + + + + + &Remove All + + + + + Enable + + + + + Disable + + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + + + + + 100% Wet + + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + + + + + 100% Volume + + + + + Center Balance + + + + + &Play + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + + + + + &Stop + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + + &Backwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + + &Forwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + + &Arrange + + + + + Ctrl+G + + + + + + &Refresh + + + + + Ctrl+R + + + + + Save &Image... + + + + + Auto-Fit + + + + + Zoom In + + + + + Ctrl++ + + + + + Zoom Out + + + + + Ctrl+- + + + + + Zoom 100% + + + + + Ctrl+1 + + + + + Show &Toolbar + + + + + &Configure Carla + + + + + &About + + + + + About &JUCE + + + + + About &Qt + + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + + + + + Show Internal + + + + + Show External + + + + + Show Time Panel + + + + + Show &Side Panel + + + + + &Connect... + + + + + Compact Slots + + + + + Expand Slots + + + + + Perform secret 1 + + + + + Perform secret 2 + + + + + Perform secret 3 + + + + + Perform secret 4 + + + + + Perform secret 5 + + + + + Add &JACK Application... + + + + + &Configure driver... + + + + + Panic + + + + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + Error + + + + Failed to load project + + + + + Failed to save project + + + + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + + + + + Warning + + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + Mostrar UIG + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + Configuracion + + + + main + + + + + canvas + + + + + engine + + + + + osc + + + + + file-paths + + + + + plugin-paths + + + + + wine + + + + + experimental + + + + + Widget + + + + + + Main + + + + + + Canvas + + + + + + Engine + + + + + File Paths + + + + + Plugin Paths + + + + + Wine + + + + + + Experimental + + + + + <b>Main</b> + + + + + Paths + + + + + Default project folder: + + + + + Interface + + + + + Interface refresh interval: + + + + + + ms + + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + + + + + + Theme + + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + + + + + Color scheme: + + + + + Black + + + + + System + + + + + Enable experimental features + + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + + + + + Bezier Lines + + + + + Theme: + + + + + Size: + + + + + 775x600 + + + + + 1550x1200 + + + + + 3100x2400 + + + + + 4650x3600 + + + + + 6200x4800 + + + + + Options + + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + + + + + Auto-select items on hover + + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + + + + + Render Hints + + + + + Anti-Aliasing + + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + + + + + <b>Engine</b> + + + + + + Core + + + + + Single Client + + + + + Multiple Clients + + + + + + Continuous Rack + + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Audio driver: + + + + + Process mode: + + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + + + + + Max Parameters: + + + + + ... + + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + + + + + Plugin UIs + + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + <b>OSC</b> + + + + + Enable OSC + + + + + Enable TCP port + + + + + + Use specific port: + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + + + + + Enable UDP port + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + + + + + Audio + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + + + + + + Add... + + + + + + Remove + + + + + + Change... + + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + + + + + <b>Wine</b> + + + + + Executable + + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + + + + + Prefix + + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + + + + + Fallback: + + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + + + + + Realtime Priority + + + + + Base priority: + + + + + WineServer priority: + + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + + + + + Enable plugin bridges + + + + + Enable Wine bridges + + + + + Enable jack applications + + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + + + + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + + + + + Attack: + Ataca: + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + + + + + Release: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + + + + + Knee: + + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + + + + + Range: + + + + + Maximum gain reduction + + + + + Lookahead Length: + + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + + + + + Hold: + + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + + + + + RMS Size: + + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + + + + + Input Balance: + + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Output Balance: + + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Balance: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + + + + + Tilt Gain: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + + + + + Tilt Frequency: + + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + + + + + Mix: + + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + + + + + Auto Attack: + + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + + + + + Auto Release: + + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + + + + + Output gain + Ganh en sortida + + + + + Gain + Ganh + + + + Output volume + + + + + Input gain + Ganh en dintrada + + + + Input volume + + + + + Root Mean Square + + + + + Use RMS of the input + + + + + Peak + + + + + Use absolute value of the input + + + + + Left/Right + + + + + Compress left and right audio + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Compress mid and side audio + + + + + Compressor + + + + + Compress the audio + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + + + + + Unlinked + + + + + Compress each channel separately + + + + + Maximum + + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + + + + + Average + + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + + + + + Minimum + + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + + + + + Blend + + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + + + + + + Soft Clip + + + + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + + + + + Ratio + + + + + Attack + Ataca + + + + Release + + + + + Knee + + + + + Hold + + + + + Range + + + + + RMS Size + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + Ganh en sortida + + + + Input Gain + Ganh en dintrada + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + Mix + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + Configuracion de la connexion + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + Canal de dintrada + + + + CHANNEL + CANAL + + + + Input controller + + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + Barrar + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + + + + + Confirm Delete + Confirmar la supression + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + Contraròtles + + + + Rename controller + + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + + + + + LFO + LFO + + + + &Remove this controller + + + + + Re&name this controller + + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + + + + + Band 1 gain: + + + + + Band 2 gain + + + + + Band 2 gain: + + + + + Band 3 gain + + + + + Band 3 gain: + + + + + Band 4 gain + + + + + Band 4 gain: + + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + Feedback + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + Ganh en sortida + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + FDBK + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + Ganh + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + Pas cap + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + + + + + + GAIN + GANH + + + + + Gain + Ganh + + + + MIX + MIX + + + + Mix + Mix + + + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtre 1 activat + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtre 2 activat + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtre 1 activat + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + Ganh 1 + + + + Mix + Mix + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtre 2 activat + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + Ganh 2 + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + Parar (barra d'espaci) + + + + Record + Enregistrar + + + + Record while playing + + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + Efièch activat + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + + + + + + Name + Nom + + + + Type + + + + + Description + + + + + Author + Autora + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + Contraròtles + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + Ataca: + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + SUST + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + REL + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + AMT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + SPD + + + + Frequency: + Frequéncia: + + + + FREQ x 100 + FREQ x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: + + + + Hint + Astúcia + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + Ganh en dintrada + + + + Output gain + Ganh en sortida + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + Ganh en dintrada + + + + + + Gain + Ganh + + + + Output gain + Ganh en sortida + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + Frequéncia: + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + Exportar lo projècte + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + Format de fichièr: + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + Reglatges de qualitat + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (pas cap) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + Barrar + + + + Could not open file + Lo fichièr a pas pogut èsser dobèrt + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + Error + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + Cargament de l'escapolon + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + Error + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + Segondas + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + Rumor + + + + Invert + Invertir + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + Periòde: + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + FDBK + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + RUMOR + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + Invertir + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + Volum del canal 1 + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + Volum del canal 2 + + + + Channel 3 volume + Volum del canal 3 + + + + Channel 4 volume + Volum del canal 4 + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + Aguts + + + + Bass + Grèus + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + Aguts: + + + + Treble + Aguts + + + + Bass: + Grèus: + + + + Bass + Grèus + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + General + + + + + + Channel %1 + EF %1 + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + Banca + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + Ganh + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + Dobrir un fichièr GIG + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + Ganh: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + Fichièrs GIG (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + Preparacion de l'IU + + + + Preparing song editor + + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + Preparacion del piano virtual + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + Arpègi + + + + Arpeggio type + Tipe d'arpègi + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + Temps d'arpègi + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + Aleatòria + + + + Free + Liure + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + ARPÈGI + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + TEMPS + + + + Arpeggio time: + Temps d'arpègi: + + + + ms + ms + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + Major + + + + Majb5 + Majb5 + + + + minor + menor + + + + minb5 + minb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + Menora melodica + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + Napolitana menora + + + + Hungarian minor + Ongresa menora + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + Menor + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + ACTIVAR LO DINTRADA MIDI + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + ACTIVAR LA SORTIDA MIDI + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + VOLUM + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + FREQ + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Panning + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + + + + + Output + Sortida + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + EF %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + CONFIGURACION GENERALA + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + EF + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + ENREGISTRAR + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + Efièches + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + Plugin + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Volgatz dintrar una valor entre -96,0 dBV e 6,0 dBFS: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + Canal + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + + + + + + + Next + + + + + Previous (%1) + + + + + Next (%1) + + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + BASA + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + FREQ + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangulara + + + + Saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra + + + + Square wave + Onda cairada + + + + Moog saw wave + Onda Moog en dents-de-sèrra. + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + Rumor blanc + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + Fichièr de configuracion + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + + + Could not open file + Lo fichièr a pas pogut èsser dobèrt + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + Recuperacion de projècte + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + Recuperar + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + + + Version %1 + Version %1 + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + Preparacion del navegador de fichièrs + + + + My Projects + Mos projèctes + + + + My Samples + Mos escapolons + + + + My Presets + + + + + My Home + + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + Volums + + + + My Computer + Mon ordenador + + + + &File + &Fichièr + + + + &New + &Nòu + + + + &Open... + &Dobrir... + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + &Enregistrar + + + + Save &As... + + + + + Save as New &Version + + + + + Save as default template + + + + + Import... + Importar... + + + + E&xport... + + + + + E&xport Tracks... + + + + + Export &MIDI... + Exportar &MIDI + + + + &Quit + &Abandonar + + + + &Edit + &Editar + + + + Undo + Desfar + + + + Redo + Refar + + + + Settings + Configuracion + + + + &View + &Afichar + + + + &Tools + + + + + &Help + &Ajuda + + + + Online Help + + + + + Help + Ajuda + + + + About + A prepauses + + + + Create new project + Crear un nòu projècte + + + + Create new project from template + Crear un nòu projècte a partir d'un modèl + + + + Open existing project + Dobrir un projècte existent + + + + Recently opened projects + Projèctes dobèrts recentament + + + + Save current project + Enregistrar lo projècte + + + + Export current project + Exportar lo projècte + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + + Piano Roll + Piano virtual + + + + + Automation Editor + + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + + + + + Untitled + Sens títol + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Recuperacion de session. Volgatz salvar vòstre trabalh! + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + Lo projècte recuperat es pas estat salvat + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + Projècte non salvat + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Aquel projècte es estat modificat dempuèi son darrièr enregistrament. Desiratz-vos l'enregistrar mantenent? + + + + Open Project + Dobrir lo projècte + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Enregistrar lo projècte + + + + LMMS Project + Projècte LMMS + + + + LMMS Project Template + Modèl de projècte LMMS + + + + Save project template + Enregistrar lo modèl de projècte + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + Ajuda non disponibla + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Activar las etiquetas de nòta dins lo piano virtual + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + Fichièr MIDI (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + sens títol + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + Enregistrar lo projècte + + + + Project saved + Projècte salvat + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + Lo projècte %1 es ara salvat. + + + + Project NOT saved. + Projècte NON salvat. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + + + + + Import file + Importar un fichièr + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + Projèctes Hydrogen + + + + All file types + Totes los tipes de fichièr + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + Track + + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + &Fichièr + + + + &Edit + &Editar + + + + &Quit + &Abandonar + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + Canal de dintrada + + + + Output channel + Canal de sortida + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events + + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + Afichatge seleccionat + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + Rumor blanc + + + + Digital Triangle wave + Onda triangulara digitala + + + + Digital Saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra digitala + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + Onda cairada digitala + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra Moog digitala + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangulara + + + + Saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra + + + + Ramp wave + + + + + Square wave + Onda cairada + + + + Moog saw wave + Onda Moog en dents-de-sèrra. + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + Aleatòria + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + Vista dels operadors + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + + + Panning + + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + Ataca + + + + + Rate + + + + + + Phase + + + + + + Pre-delay + + + + + + Hold + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Sustain + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + Longada + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + Sec + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + Volum del canal 1 + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + Volum del canal 2 + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + Volum del canal 3 + + + + Channel 4 volume + Volum del canal 4 + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + Volum general + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + Activar lo canal 1 + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5% del cicle + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25% del cicle + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50% del cicle + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75% del cicle + + + + Enable channel 2 + Activar lo canal 2 + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + Activar lo canal 3 + + + + Noise Frequency + Frequéncia del rumor + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + Activar lo canal 4 + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + Mòda de rumor + + + + Master volume + Volum general + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + FM + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + Ataca + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + + + + + + Osc %1 panning + + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + Modulation type %1 + + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + Clicatz per activar + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + Selector de banca + + + + Bank + Banca + + + + Program selector + Selector de programa + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + Nom + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + Barrar + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Tune + + + + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + Cap de fichièr seleccionat + + + + Open patch file + Dobrir un fichièr de son + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Fichièr de son (*.pat) + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + Dobrir dins lo piano virtual + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + Escafar totas las nòtas + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + Modificar lo nom + + + + Add steps + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + + + + + Peak Controller Bug + + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + + + + + LFO Controller + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + BASA + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + MULT + + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + + + + + Attack: + Ataca: + + + + DCAY + + + + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + Ataca + + + + Release + + + + + Treshold + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + + + + + Note Panning + + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + Accions d'edicion + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Mòda dessenh (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + Contraròtles de copiar/pegar + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + Quantificacion + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Piano virtual - %1 + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + pas de descripcion + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + ZynAddSubFX integrat + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + + + + + Effects + Efièches + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + Barrar + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + Nom + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + Configuracion + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + Barrar + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + &Desfar + + + + %1+Z + %1+Z + + + + &Redo + &Refar + + + + %1+Y + %1+Y + + + + &Copy + &Copiar + + + + %1+C + %1+C + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + %1+X + + + + &Paste + &Pegar + + + + %1+V + %1+V + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + %1+B + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + %1+I + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + %1+U + + + + &Left + &Esquerra + + + + %1+L + %1+L + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + %1+E + + + + &Right + &Drecha + + + + %1+R + %1+R + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + %1+J + + + + &Color... + &Color... + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + Mostrar UIG + + + + Help + Ajuda + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + Nom: + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + + + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + Òc + + + + + + + + + No + Non + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + + + + + File: + + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + + + + + Input gain: + Ganh en dintrada: + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + Color + + + + Color: + Color: + + + + Output + Sortida + + + + Output gain: + Ganh en sortida: + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + Ganh en dintrada + + + + Size + + + + + Color + Color + + + + Output gain + Ganh en sortida + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + Grèus + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + Fracàs a la dubertura del fichièr + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + Dobrir un fichièr àudio + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Totes los fichièrs àudio (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Fichièrs Wave (*.wav) + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + Fichièrs OGG (*.ogg) + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + Fichièrs DrumSynth (*.ds) + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + Fichièrs FLAC (*.flac) + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + Fichièrs SPEEX (*.spx) + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + Fichièrs VOC (*.voc) + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + Fichièrs AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + Fichièrs AU (*.au) + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + Fichièrs RAW (*.raw) + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Suprimir (boton del mièg de la mirga) + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Copar + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + Copiar + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Pegar + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + Invertir l'escapolon + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Panning + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + Volum del canal: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + EF %1: %2 + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + CONFIGURACION GENERALA + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + EF + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + Configuracion + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + Afichar lo volum en dBFS + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + Repertòri de trabalh de LMMS + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + Repertòri dels SF2 + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + Repertòri dels GIG + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + Images de fons + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + Barrar + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + Causissètz lo repertòri dels fichièrs GIG + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + Causissètz lo repertòri dels fichièrs SF2 + + + + minutes + minutas + + + + minute + minuta + + + + Disabled + Desactivat + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + Ataca: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangulara + + + + Saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra + + + + Noise + Rumor + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + Filtrat + + + + Test + Test + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + Barrar + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + Volum general + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + Rapòrt d'error LMMS + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + Lo fichièr a pas pogut èsser dobèrt + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + Error + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + Lo fichièr a pas pogut èsser escrich + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + Error dins lo fichièr + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Lo fichièr %1 sembla conténer d'errors e pòt doncas pas èsser cargat. + + + + Version difference + Diferéncia de version + + + + template + modèl + + + + project + projècte + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + Manièra de nauta qualitat + + + + + + Master volume + Volum general + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + Valor: %1% + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + Accions d'edicion + + + + Draw mode + Mòda dessenh + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + Contraròtles del zoom + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + Astúcia + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + Barrar + + + + Maximize + Maximizar + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + Reglatges per %1 + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + Mièg-Nòta + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + MIN + + + + SEC + SEC + + + + MSEC + MSEC + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Tornar a la posicion de partença après l'arrèst + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + Astúcia + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + Lo fichièr a pas pogut èsser importat + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + Lo fichièr a pas pogut èsser dobèrt + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + Cargament del projècte... + + + + + Cancel + Barrar + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + Importacion del fichièr MIDI... + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + Posicion actuala + + + + Current length + Longada actuala + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Premètz <%1> e lisatz per far una còpia. + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Premètz <%1> per un redimensionnement liure. + + + + Hint + Astúcia + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Suprimir (boton del mièg de la mirga) + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + Copar + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + Copiar + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + Pegar + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + Pegar + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + EF %1: %2 + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + Cambiar la color + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 volum: + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + gras + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangulara + + + + Saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra + + + + Square wave + Onda cairada + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + Rumor blanc + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + Incrementar lo numèro de version + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + Precedent (-) + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + Seguent (+) + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + Fichièrs DLL (*.dll) + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + Fichièrs EXE (*.exe) + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + per + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + Mostrar/amagar + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + Precedent (-) + + + + Next (+) + Seguent (+) + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + Efièch per: + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + .fxp + + + + .FXP + .FXP + + + + .FXB + .FXB + + + + .fxb + .fxb + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + Volum A1 + + + + Volume A2 + Volum A2 + + + + Volume B1 + Volum B1 + + + + Volume B2 + Volum B2 + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + + + + Panning + + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + Normalizar + + + + + Invert + Invertir + + + + + Smooth + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangulara + + + + Saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra + + + + + Square wave + Onda cairada + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + + + + + A1 + + + + + A2 + + + + + A3 + + + + + W1 smoothing + + + + + W2 smoothing + + + + + W3 smoothing + + + + + Panning 1 + + + + + Panning 2 + + + + + Rel trans + + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Select oscillator W1 + + + + + Select oscillator W2 + + + + + Select oscillator W3 + + + + + Select output O1 + + + + + Select output O2 + + + + + Open help window + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Moog-saw wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + + Saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangulara + + + + + Square wave + Onda cairada + + + + + White noise + Rumor blanc + + + + WaveInterpolate + + + + + ExpressionValid + + + + + General purpose 1: + + + + + General purpose 2: + + + + + General purpose 3: + + + + + O1 panning: + + + + + O2 panning: + + + + + Release transition: + + + + + Smoothness + + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + + + + + Filter frequency + + + + + Filter resonance + + + + + Bandwidth + + + + + FM gain + + + + + Resonance center frequency + + + + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + + + + + PORT + + + + + Filter frequency: + + + + + FREQ + FREQ + + + + Filter resonance: + + + + + RES + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + BW + + + + + FM gain: + + + + + FM GAIN + + + + + Resonance center frequency: + + + + + RES CF + + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + + + + + RES BW + + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + + + Show GUI + Mostrar UIG + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + Amplificar + + + + Start of sample + + + + + End of sample + + + + + Loopback point + + + + + Reverse sample + Invertir l'escapolon + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Stutter + + + + + Interpolation mode + + + + + None + Pas cap + + + + Linear + + + + + Sinc + + + + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangulara + + + + + Saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra + + + + + Square wave + Onda cairada + + + + + White noise + Rumor blanc + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + Interpolation + + + + + Normalize + Normalizar + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + DINTRADA + + + + Input gain: + Ganh en dintrada: + + + + OUTPUT + SORTIDA + + + + Output gain: + Ganh en sortida: + + + + ATTACK + ATACA + + + + Peak attack time: + + + + + RELEASE + + + + + Peak release time: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: average + + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + Ganh en dintrada + + + + Output gain + Ganh en sortida + + + + Attack time + Temps d'ataca + + + + Release time + + + + + Stereo mode + + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + + + + + End frequency + + + + + Length + Longada + + + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + + Gain + Ganh + + + + Envelope slope + + + + + Noise + Rumor + + + + Click + Clic + + + + Frequency slope + + + + + Start from note + + + + + End to note + + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + + + + + End frequency: + + + + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + Ganh: + + + + Envelope length: + + + + + Envelope slope: + + + + + Click: + Clic: + + + + Noise: + Rumor: + + + + Start distortion: + + + + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + Efièches disponibles + + + + + Unavailable Effects + + + + + + Instruments + + + + + + Analysis Tools + + + + + + Don't know + + + + + Type: + + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + + + + + Description + + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + + + + Name + Nom + + + + Rate + + + + + Direction + + + + + Type + + + + + Min < Default < Max + + + + + Logarithmic + + + + + SR Dependent + + + + + Audio + + + + + Control + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + Sortida + + + + Toggled + + + + + Integer + + + + + Float + + + + + + Yes + Òc + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + VCF Resonance + + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + Distortion + + + + + Waveform + + + + + Slide Decay + + + + + Slide + + + + + Accent + + + + + Dead + + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + Env Mod: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + + + Slide Decay: + + + + + DIST: + + + + + Saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Clicatz aquí per una onda en dents-de-sèrra. + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangulara + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Clicatz aquí per una onda triangulara. + + + + Square wave + Onda cairada + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + Clicatz aquí per una onda cairada. + + + + Rounded square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + + + + Moog wave + Onda Moog + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Clicatz aquí per una onda de tipe Moog. + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + + + + + + White noise wave + + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Clicatz aquí per una onda exponenciala. + + + + Click here for white-noise. + Clicatz aquí per un rumor blanc. + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Clicatz per una onda en dents-de-sèrra + + + + Bandlimited square wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + Duretat + + + + Position + Posicion + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + LFO speed + Velocitat del LFO + + + + LFO depth + + + + + ADSR + ADSR + + + + Pressure + Pression + + + + Motion + + + + + Speed + Velocitat + + + + Bowed + + + + + Spread + Difusion + + + + Marimba + + + + + Vibraphone + + + + + Agogo + + + + + Wood 1 + + + + + Reso + + + + + Wood 2 + + + + + Beats + + + + + Two fixed + + + + + Clump + + + + + Tubular bells + + + + + Uniform bar + + + + + Tuned bar + + + + + Glass + Veire + + + + Tibetan bowl + + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + + + + + Spread + Difusion + + + + Spread: + Difusion: + + + + Missing files + Fichièrs mancants + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + + + + Hardness + Duretat + + + + Hardness: + Duretat: + + + + Position + Posicion + + + + Position: + Posicion: + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato gain: + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Vibrato frequency: + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Stick mix: + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Modulator: + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + Crossfade: + + + + + LFO speed + Velocitat del LFO + + + + LFO speed: + Velocitat del LFO: + + + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + ADSR + + + + ADSR: + ADSR: + + + + Pressure + Pression + + + + Pressure: + Pression: + + + + Speed + Velocitat + + + + Speed: + Velocitat: + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + + + + + VST sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + Barrar + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VST Sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + Barrar + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + Randomise + + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 volum: + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + Selector de banca + + + + Bank + Banca + + + + Program selector + Selector de programa + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + Nom + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + Barrar + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + Banca + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + Ganh + + + + Reverb + + + + + Reverb room size + + + + + Reverb damping + + + + + Reverb width + + + + + Reverb level + + + + + Chorus + + + + + Chorus voices + + + + + Chorus level + + + + + Chorus speed + + + + + Chorus depth + + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + Dobrir un fichièr SoundFont + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + Ganh: + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + + + + + Room size: + + + + + Damping: + + + + + Width: + Amplor: + + + + + Level: + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + + + + + Voices: + + + + + Speed: + Velocitat: + + + + Depth: + + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + + + + + Width: + Amplor: + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + Amplor + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + + + + + Left to Right Vol: + + + + + Right to Left Vol: + + + + + Right to Right Vol: + + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + + + + + Left to Right + + + + + Right to Left + + + + + Right to Right + + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + + + + + String %1 stiffness + + + + + Pick %1 position + + + + + Pickup %1 position + + + + + String %1 panning + + + + + String %1 detune + + + + + String %1 fuzziness + + + + + String %1 length + + + + + Impulse %1 + + + + + String %1 + + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + + + String stiffness: + + + + + Pick position: + + + + + Pickup position: + + + + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + + Octave + + + + + Impulse Editor + + + + + Enable waveform + Activar la forma d'onda + + + + Enable/disable string + + + + + String + Còrda + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangulara + + + + + Saw wave + Onda en dents-de-sèrra + + + + + Square wave + Onda cairada + + + + + White noise + Rumor blanc + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + + Normalize waveform + + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + + + + + Voice %1 attack + + + + + Voice %1 decay + + + + + Voice %1 sustain + + + + + Voice %1 release + + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + + + + + Voice %1 sync + + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + + + + + Voice %1 filtered + Votz %1 filtrada + + + + Voice %1 test + + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + DINTRADA + + + + Input gain: + Ganh en dintrada: + + + + OUTPUT + SORTIDA + + + + Output gain: + Ganh en sortida: + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Clip input + + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + Ganh en dintrada + + + + Output gain + Ganh en sortida + + + diff --git a/data/locale/pl.ts b/data/locale/pl.ts index 4214718af38..bb0c64edec0 100644 --- a/data/locale/pl.ts +++ b/data/locale/pl.ts @@ -2,97 +2,116 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS O programie LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Wersja %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - Informacje + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - łatwa produkcja muzyczna dla każdego + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Wersja %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - Autorzy + + About + Informacje - Translation - Tłumaczenie + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS – łatwa produkcja muzyczna dla każdego. - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Spolszczenie LMMS: Radek Słowik - -Podziękowania dla: -Marii Słowik - za wstępną korektę, -Tomasza Gradowskiego - za cenne uwagi i sugestie zmian. - -Zauważone błędy i propozycje zmian tłumaczenia proszę zgłaszać na e-mail: radek[małpka]vibender[kropka]com + + Copyright © %1. + Prawa autorskie © %1. - License - Licencja + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Autorzy + Involved Zaangażowani + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Twórcy programu posortowani podług aktywności: - Copyright © %1 - Prawa autorskie © %1 + + Translation + Tłumaczenie + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + Autorzy tłumaczenia: +Kacper Pawinski +Lucas Grzesik +Marcin Mikołajczak +Outer_Mind +Radek Słowik - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + License + Licencja AmplifierControlDialog + VOL VOL + Volume: Głośność: + PAN PAN + Panning: Panoramowanie: + LEFT LEWO + Left gain: L wzm: + RIGHT PRAWO + Right gain: P wzm: @@ -100,18 +119,22 @@ Zauważone błędy i propozycje zmian tłumaczenia proszę zgłaszać na e-mail: AmplifierControls + Volume Głośność + Panning Panoramowanie + Left gain L wzm: + Right gain P wzm: @@ -119,10 +142,12 @@ Zauważone błędy i propozycje zmian tłumaczenia proszę zgłaszać na e-mail: AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE URZĄDZENIE + CHANNELS KANAŁY @@ -130,85 +155,60 @@ Zauważone błędy i propozycje zmian tłumaczenia proszę zgłaszać na e-mail: AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - Otwórz inną próbkę - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Kliknij w tym miejscu jeśli chcesz załadować inny plik audio. Otworzy się okno gdzie będziesz mógł zaznaczyć wybrany plik. Ustawienia takie jak tryb pętli, punkty początku i końca, wartość wzmocnienia i inne nie zostaną zresetowane więc to co uzyskasz może brzmieć inaczej niż oryginalna próbka. + + Open sample + Otwórz próbkę + Reverse sample Odwróć próbkę - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Jeśli uaktywnisz tę kontrolkę cała próbka będzie odtwarzana wstecz. Może to być przydatne do stworzenia efektów dźwiękowych np. puszczonej wstecz blachy crash. - - - Amplify: - Wzmocnienie: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz ustawić współczynnik wzmocnienia. Domyślną wartością jest 100%. Poniżej próbka jest ściszana a powyżej podgłaśniana (zmiany nie mają wpływu na sam plik sampla!) - - - Startpoint: - Znacznik-początkowy: - - - Endpoint: - Znacznik końcowy: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - Kontunuuj odtwarzanie sampla w następnych nutach - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Włączanie tej opcji sprawia, że próbka nadal gra przez różne nuty - jeżeli zmieniesz wysokość tonu czy długość nuty zatrzyma się przed końcem próbki, wtedy następna zagrana nuta nadal gra tam, gdzie została przerwana. Aby zresetować odtwarzanie na początek próbki, wstaw nutę na dole klawiatury. (< 20 Hz) - - + Disable loop Wyłącz zapętlanie - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Ten przycisk wyłącza zapętlanie. Próbka odtwarza się raz od początku do końca. - - + Enable loop Włącz zapętlanie - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Ten przycisk umożliwia zapętlanie do przodu. Próbka się zapętla między punktem końcowym a punktem zapętlania. + + Enable ping-pong loop + Włącz pętlę typu "ping-pong" + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + Kontunuuj odtwarzanie sampla w następnych nutach - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Ten przycisk włącza zapętlanie "ping-pong". Próbka będzie odtwarzana w obydwu kierunkach pomiędzy punktem końcowym i zapętlenia. + + Amplify: + Wzmocnienie: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Tą gałką możesz ustawić punkt od którego AudioFileProcessor rozpocznie odtwarzanie próbki. + + Start point: + Punkt startu: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Tą gałką możesz ustawić punkt w którym AudioFileProcessor zatrzyma odtwarzanie próbki. + + End point: + Punkt końca: + Loopback point: Znacznik zapętlenia: - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz określić moment rozpoczęcia pętli. - AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: Długość próbki: @@ -216,447 +216,469 @@ Zauważone błędy i propozycje zmian tłumaczenia proszę zgłaszać na e-mail: AudioJack + JACK client restarted Klient JACK zrestartowany + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS został odrzucony przez JACK z jakiegoś powodu. Back-end LMMSa został zrestartowany więc możesz ponownie dokonać ręcznych połączeń. + JACK server down Serwer JACK wyłączony + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. Wydaje się, że serwer JACK został wyłączony i uruchomienie nowej instancji nie powiodło się więc LMMS nie może kontynuować pracy. Należy zapisać projekt i uruchomić serwer JACK i LMMSa ponownie. - CLIENT-NAME - NAZWA-KLIENTA + + Client name + Nazwa klienta - CHANNELS - KANAŁY + + Channels + Kanały - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - URZĄDZENIE + + Device + Urządzenie - CHANNELS - KANAŁY + + Channels + Kanały AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + Backend - DEVICE - URZĄDZENIE + + Device + Urządzenie - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - URZĄDZENIE + + Device + Urządzenie - CHANNELS - KANAŁY + + Channels + Kanały AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - URZĄDZENIE + + Device + Urządzenie - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - URZĄDZENIE + + Device + Urządzenie - CHANNELS - KANAŁY + + Channels + Kanały AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + Backend - DEVICE - URZĄDZENIE + + Device + Urządzenie AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) &Resetuj (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) &Kopiuj wartość (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) &Wklej wartość (%1%2) + + &Paste value + &Wklej wartość + + + Edit song-global automation Edytuj globalną automatykę utworu + + Remove song-global automation + Usuń globalną automatykę utworu + + + + Remove all linked controls + Usuń wszystkie podłączone kontrolery + + + Connected to %1 Podłączony do %1 + Connected to controller Podłączony do kontrolera + Edit connection... Edytuj połączenie... + Remove connection Usuń połączenie + Connect to controller... Podłącz do kontrolera... - - Remove song-global automation - Usuń globalną automatykę utworu - - - Remove all linked controls - Usuń wszystkie podłączone kontrolery - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Otwórz wzorzec automatyki za pomocą menu kontekstowego regulatora! + + Edit Value + Edytuj Wartość - Values copied - Wartości skopiowane + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Wszystkie zaznaczone wartości zostały skopiowane do schowka. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Otwórz wzorzec automatyki za pomocą menu kontekstowego regulatora! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) Odtwórz/wstrzymaj obecny wzorzec (spacja) - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Naciśnij tutaj jeśli chcesz otworzyć obecny wzorzec. Jest to przydatne podczas jego edycji. Wzorzec jest automatycznie zapętlony kiedy się kończy. - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie obecnego wzorca (spacja) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz zatrzymać odtwarzanie bieżącego wzorca. + + Edit actions + Edytuj akcje + Draw mode (Shift+D) Tryb rysowania (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) Tryb wymazywania (Shift+E) + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically Przerzuć w pionie + Flip horizontally Przerzuć w poziomie - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Kliknij tu, by odwrócić wzorzec. Punkty zostaną odwrócone w osi Y. - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Kliknij tu, by odwrócić wzorzec. Punkty zostaną odwrócone w osi X. - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Kliknij tutaj, aby aktywować tryb rysowania. W tym trybie możesz dodać oraz przesuwać pojedyncze wartości. Jest to tryb domyślny, który jest najczęściej używany. Możesz też nacisnąć 'Shift+D' na klawiaturze, aby aktywować ten tryb. - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Kliknij tutaj, aby aktywować tryb wymazania. W tym trybie możesz usuwać pojedyncze wartości. Możesz też nacisnąć 'Shift+E' na klawiaturze, aby aktywować ten tryb. + + Interpolation controls + Regulacja interpolacji + Discrete progression Progresja oddzielna + Linear progression Progresja linearna + Cubic Hermite progression Progresja sześcienna Hermite'a + Tension value for spline Wartość napięcia dla krzywej składanej - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Większa wartość napięcia może wygładzić krzywą, ale może też przeregulować niektóre wartości. Niska wartość napięcia spowoduje nachylenie krzywej, aby wyrównać się w każdym punkcie kontrolnym. - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Kliknij tutaj, aby wybrać progresję oddzielną dla tego wzorca automatyki. Wartość połączonego obiektu pozostanie stała między punktami kontrolnymi oraz ustawia się natychmiastowo dla nowej wartości, gdy każdy punkt kontrolny jest osiągnięty. - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Kliknij tutaj, aby wybrać progresję linearną dla tego wzorca automatyki. Wartość połączonego obiektu zmienia się w stałym tempie z upływem czasu między punktami kontrolnymi, aby osiągnąć dokładną wartość w każdym punkcie kontrolnym bez nagłej zmiany. - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Kliknij tutaj, aby wybrać progresję sześcienną Hermite'a dla tego wzorca automatyki. Wartość połączonego obiektu zmienia się w gładką krzywą i łagodzi szczyty i doliny. - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Wytnij wybrane wartości (%1+X) - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Kopiuj wybrane wartości (%1+C) + + Tension: + Napięcie - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Wklej wartości ze schowka (%1+V) + + Zoom controls + Regulacja powiększenia - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Kliknij tutaj a zaznaczone elementy zostaną wycięte i umieszczone w schowku. Możesz je wkleić gdziekolwiek w każdym wzorcu, poprzez kliknięcie przycisku 'Wklej'. + + Horizontal zooming + Powiększenie poziome - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Kliknij tutaj a zaznaczone elementy zostaną skopiowane do schowka. Możesz je wkleić gdziekolwiek w każdym wzorcu, poprzez kliknięcie przycisku 'Wklej'. + + Vertical zooming + Powiększenie pionowe - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Kliknij tutaj a elementy ze schowka zostaną przeklejone w miejsce zaznaczenia. + + Quantization controls + Regulacja kwantyzacji - Tension: - Napięcie + + Quantization + Kwantyzacja - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip Edytor automatyki - brak wzorca + + Automation Editor - %1 Edytor automatyki - %1 - Edit actions - Edytuj akcje - - - Interpolation controls - Regulacja interpolacji - - - Timeline controls - Regulacja osi czasu - - - Zoom controls - Regulacja powiększenia - - - Quantization controls - Regulacja kwantyzacji - - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Model jest już podłączony do tego wzorca. - - Quantization - Kwantyzacja - - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - Kwantyzacja. Ustawia najmniejszy rozmiar kroku dla Punktu Automatyki. Domyślnie ustawia też długość, usuwając inne punkty w tym zakresie. Wciśnij <Ctrl>, aby obejść to zachowanie. - - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> Przeciągnij trzymając wciśnięty klawisz <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor Otwórz w Edytorze Automatyki + Clear Wyczyść + Reset name Zresetuj nazwę + Change name Zmień nazwę - %1 Connections - %1 Połączenia - - - Disconnect "%1" - Rozłącz "%1" - - + Set/clear record Ustaw/wyczyść nagranie + Flip Vertically (Visible) Odwróć w pionie (widoczne) + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Odwróć w poziomie (widoczne) - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + %1 Connections + %1 Połączenia + + + + Disconnect "%1" + Rozłącz "%1" + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. Model jest już podłączony do tego wzorca. AutomationTrack + Automation track Ścieżka automatyki - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Perkusji i Basu + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) Odtwórz/Pauzuj bieżącą linię perkusyjną/basową (Spacja) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie bieżącej linii perkusyjnej/basowej (Spacja) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Kliknij tutaj, aby odtworzyć bieżącą linię perkusyjną/basową. Zostanie ona automatycznie zapętlona. + + Beat selector + Selektor linii perkusyjnej - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Kliknij tutaj, aby zatrzymać odtwarzanie bieżącej linii perkusyjnej/basowej. + + Track and step actions + Akcje dla ścieżki i kroku + Add beat/bassline Dodaj linię perkusyjną/basową + + Clone beat/bassline clip + Klonuj pattern perkusji/basu + + + + Add sample-track + Dodaj próbkę + + + Add automation-track Dodaj ścieżkę automatyki + Remove steps Usuń kroki + Add steps Dodaj kroki - Beat selector - Selektor linii perkusyjnej - - - Track and step actions - Akcje dla ścieżki i kroku - - + Clone Steps Klonuj kroki - - Add sample-track - Dodaj próbkę - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor Otwórz w Edytorze Perkusji i Basu + Reset name Zresetuj nazwę + Change name Zmień nazwę - - Change color - Zmień kolor - - - Reset color to default - Ustaw kolor domyślny - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 Perkusja/Bas %1 + Clone of %1 Kopia %1 @@ -664,26 +686,32 @@ Zauważone błędy i propozycje zmian tłumaczenia proszę zgłaszać na e-mail: BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ FREQ + Frequency: Częstotliwość: + GAIN WZMC + Gain: Wzmocnienie: + RATIO WSPÓŁCZYNNIK + Ratio: Współczynnik: @@ -691,14 +719,17 @@ Zauważone błędy i propozycje zmian tłumaczenia proszę zgłaszać na e-mail: BassBoosterControls + Frequency Częstotliwość + Gain Wzmocnienie + Ratio Współczynnik @@ -706,9617 +737,15884 @@ Zauważone błędy i propozycje zmian tłumaczenia proszę zgłaszać na e-mail: BitcrushControlDialog + IN WEJŚCIE + OUT WYJŚCIE + + GAIN WZMC - Input Gain: + + Input gain: Wzmocnienie wejścia: - Input Noise: + + NOISE + SZUM + + + + Input noise: Szum wejściowy: - Output Gain: + + Output gain: Wzmocnienie wyjścia: + CLIP OBCIĘCIE - Output Clip: - Obcięcie wyjściowe: + + Output clip: + - Rate Enabled - Tempo Włączone + + Rate enabled + - Enable samplerate-crushing - Włącz częstotliwość próbkowania + + Enable sample-rate crushing + - Depth Enabled + + Depth enabled Głębia włączona - Enable bitdepth-crushing - Włącz głębię bitową + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + FREQ + Sample rate: Częstotliwość próbkowania + + STEREO + STEREO + + + Stereo difference: Różnica stereo + + QUANT + KWANT + + + Levels: Poziomy: + + + BitcrushControls - NOISE - SZUM + + Input gain + Wzmocnienie wejścia - FREQ - FREQ + + Input noise + Szum wejściowy - STEREO - STEREO + + Output gain + Wzmocnienie wyścia - QUANT + + Output clip - - - CaptionMenu - &Help - &Pomoc + + Sample rate + Częstotliwość próbkowania - Help (not available) - Pomoc (niedostępna) + + Stereo difference + - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - Pokaż GUI + + Levels + Poziomy - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Kliknij tu, by pokazać lub ukryć interfejs graficzny wtyczki Carla. + + Rate enabled + - - - Controller - Controller %1 - Kontroler %1 + + Depth enabled + Głębia włączona - ControllerConnectionDialog + CarlaAboutW - Connection Settings - Ustawienia Połączenia + + About Carla + O Carla - MIDI CONTROLLER - KONTROLER MIDI + + About + O LMMS - Input channel - Kanał wejściowy + + About text here + - CHANNEL - KANAŁ + + Extended licensing here + Rozszerzona licencja dostępna jest tu. - Input controller - Kontroler wejściowy + + Artwork + Grafika - CONTROLLER - KONTROLER + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + Używa ikon KDE Oxygen, stworzonych przez Oxygen Team. - Auto Detect - Autodetekcja + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + Zawiera elementy gałek, teł i innych małych rzeczy z Calf Studio Gear, Open AV i projektu OpenOctave. - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Urządzenia MIDI odbierające zdarzenia MIDI z + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + VST to znak towarowy Steinberg Media Technologies GmBH. - USER CONTROLLER - KONTROLER UŻYTKOWNIKA + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + Specialne podziękowania dla António Saraiva za dodatkowe ikony i grafiki. - MAPPING FUNCTION - FUNKCJA MAPOWANIA + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + Logo LV2 zostało zaprojektowane przez Thorstena Wilmsa, na podstawie koncepcji Petera Shorthose. - OK - OK + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + Klawiatura MIDI zaprojektowana przez Thorstena Wilmsa. - Cancel - Anuluj + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + Ikony Carla, Carla-Control i Patchbay zostały zaprojektowane przez DoosC. - LMMS - LMMS + + Features + Funkcje - Cycle Detected. - Detekcja Cyklu. + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - Rack Kontrolerów + + LADSPA: + LADSPA: - Add - Dodaj + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Confirm Delete - Potwierdź usunięcie + + VST2: + VST2: - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Czy potwierdzić usunięcie? Występuje(ą) istniejące połączenie(a) związane z tym kontrolerem. Tej operacji nie da się cofnąć. + + DSSI: + DSSI: - - - ControllerView - Controls - Ustaw + + LV2: + LV2: - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Kontrolery umożliwiają automatyzację wartości pokręteł, suwaków i innych regulatorów. + + VST3: + VST3: - Rename controller - Zmień nazwę kontrolera + + OSC + OSC - Enter the new name for this controller - Wprowadź nową nazwę dla tego kontrolera + + Host URLs: + - &Remove this controller - &Usuń ten kontroler + + Valid commands: + - Re&name this controller - Zmień &nazwę tego kontrolera + + valid osc commands here + - LFO - LFO + + Example: + Przykład: - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: - Pasma 1/2 Przejście: + + License + Licencja - Band 2/3 Crossover: - Pasma 2/3 Przejście: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - Band 3/4 Crossover: - Pasma 3/4 Przejście: + + OSC Bridge Version + - Band 1 Gain: - Kanał 1 wzm: + + Plugin Version + Wersja Wtyczki - Band 2 Gain: - Kanał 2 wzm: + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + <br>Wersja %1<br> Carla jest w pełni funkcjonalnym hostem wtyczek audio%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - Band 3 Gain: - Kanał 3 wzm: + + + (Engine not running) + - Band 4 Gain: - Kanał 4 wzm: + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + Wszystko (Razem z LRDF) - Band 1 Mute - Pasmo 1 Wyciszenie + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - Mute Band 1 - Wycisz Pasmo 1 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - Band 2 Mute - Pasmo 2 Wyciszenie + + + + Using Juce host + - Mute Band 2 - Wycisz Pasmo 2 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + CarlaHostW - Band 3 Mute - Pasmo 3 Wyciszenie + + MainWindow + - Mute Band 3 - Wycisz Pasmo 3 + + Rack + - Band 4 Mute - Pasmo 4 Wyciszenie + + Patchbay + Patchbay - Mute Band 4 - Wycisz Pasmo 4 + + Logs + Logi - - - DelayControls - Delay Samples - Próbki Opóźnień + + Loading... + Ładowanie... - Feedback - Feedback + + Buffer Size: + Rozmiar Bufora: - Lfo Frequency - Częstotliwość LFO + + Sample Rate: + Częstotliwość Próbkowania: - Lfo Amount - Ilość LFO + + ? Xruns + ? Xruns - Output gain - Wzmocnienie wyścia + + DSP Load: %p% + - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt - Ilość LFO + + &File + &Plik - Delay Time - Czas opóźnienia + + &Engine + &Silnik - Feedback Amount - Ilość reakcji + + &Plugin + &Wtyczka - Lfo - LFO + + Macros (all plugins) + Makra (wszystkie etyczki) - Out Gain - Wzm wyjśc + + &Canvas + &Canvas - Gain - Wzmocnienie + + Zoom + Przybliż - DELAY - OPÓŹN + + &Settings + &Ustawienia - FDBK - REAK + + &Help + &Pomoc - RATE - TEMPO + + toolBar + - AMNT - ILOŚĆ + + Disk + Dysk - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - Włączono filtr 1 + + + Home + Strona domowa - Filter 2 enabled - Włączono filtr 2 + + Transport + - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Naciśnij, aby włączyć/wyłączyć filtr 1 + + Playback Controls + - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Naciśnij, aby włączyć/wyłączyć filtr 2 + + Time Information + - FREQ - FREQ + + Frame: + Klatka: - Cutoff frequency - Częstotliwość graniczna + + 000'000'000 + 000'000'000 - RESO - RESO + + Time: + Czas: - Resonance - Zafalowanie charakterystyki + + 00:00:00 + 00:00:00 - GAIN - WZMC + + BBT: + BBT: - Gain - Wzmocnienie + + 000|00|0000 + 000|00|0000 - MIX - MIX + + Settings + Ustawienia - Mix - Miks + + BPM + BPM - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - Włączono filtr 1 + + Use JACK Transport + - Filter 1 type - Rodzaj filtru 1 + + Use Ableton Link + - Cutoff 1 frequency - Częstotliwość odcięcia 1 + + &New + &Nowy - Q/Resonance 1 - Q/Rezonans 1 + + Ctrl+N + Ctrl+N - Gain 1 - Wzmocnienie 1 + + &Open... + &Otwórz... - Mix - Miks + + + Open... + Otwórz... - Filter 2 enabled - Włączono filtr 2 + + Ctrl+O + Ctrl+O - Filter 2 type - Rodzaj filtru 2 + + &Save + &Zapisz - Cutoff 2 frequency - Częstotliwość odcięcia 2 + + Ctrl+S + Ctrl+S - Q/Resonance 2 - Q/Rezonans 2 + + Save &As... + Zapisz &Jako... - Gain 2 - Wzmocnienie 2 + + + Save As... + Zapisz Jako... - LowPass - Dolnoprzepustowy + + Ctrl+Shift+S + Ctrl+Shift+S - HiPass - Górnoprzepustowy + + &Quit + &Zakończ - BandPass csg - Pasmowoprzepustowy csg + + Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+Q - BandPass czpg - Pasmowoprzepustowy czpg + + &Start + &Start - Notch - Pasmowozaporowy + + F5 + F5 - Allpass - Wszechprzepustowy + + St&op + St&op - Moog - Moog + + F6 + F6 - 2x LowPass - 2xDolnoprzepustowy + + &Add Plugin... + &Dodaj Wtyczkę - RC LowPass 12dB - RC Dolnoprzepustowy 12dB + + Ctrl+A + Ctrl+A - RC BandPass 12dB - RC Pasmowoprzepustowy 12dB + + &Remove All + &Usuń Wszystko - RC HighPass 12dB - RC Górnoprzepustowy 12dB + + Enable + Włącz - RC LowPass 24dB - RC Dolnoprzepustowy 24dB + + Disable + Wyłącz - RC BandPass 24dB - RC Pasmowoprzepustowy 24dB + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - RC HighPass 24dB - RC Górnoprzepustowy 24dB + + 100% Wet + - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtr wokalno-formantowy + + 0% Volume (Mute) + 0% Głośności (Wyciszone) - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + 100% Volume + 100% Głośności - SV LowPass - SV Dolnoprzepustowy + + Center Balance + - SV BandPass - SV Pasmowoprzepustowy + + &Play + &Odtwórz - SV HighPass - SV Górnoprzepustowy + + Ctrl+Shift+P + Ctrl+Shift+P - SV Notch - SV Zaporowy + + &Stop + &Zatrzymaj - Fast Formant - Szybki Formant + + Ctrl+Shift+X + Ctrl+Shift+X - Tripole - + + &Backwards + &Wstecz - - - Editor - Play (Space) - Odtwarzaj (spacja) + + Ctrl+Shift+B + Ctrl+Shift+B - Stop (Space) - Zatrzymaj (spacja) + + &Forwards + &Na przód - Record - Nagrywaj + + Ctrl+Shift+F + Ctrl+Shift+F - Record while playing - Nagrywaj podczas odtwarzania + + &Arrange + &Aranżuj - Transport controls - Ustawienia źródła + + Ctrl+G + Ctrl+G - - - Effect - Effect enabled - Efekt włączony + + + &Refresh + &Odśwież - Wet/Dry mix - Miksowanie Suchy/Mokry + + Ctrl+R + Ctrl+R - Gate - Bramka + + Save &Image... + Zapisz &Obraz - Decay - Zanikanie + + Auto-Fit + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - Efekty włączone + + Zoom In + Przybliż - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - ŁAŃCUCH EFEKTOWY + + Ctrl++ + Ctrl++ - Add effect - Dodaj efekt + + Zoom Out + Oddal - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - Dodaj efekt + + Ctrl+- + Ctrl+- - Name - Nazwa + + Zoom 100% + 100% Przybliżenia - Type - Rodzaj + + Ctrl+1 + Ctrl+1 - Description - Opis + + Show &Toolbar + Pokaż &Pasek Narzędzi - Author - Autor + + &Configure Carla + - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - Włącza/wyłącza efekt. + + &About + %O programie - On/Off - On/Off + + About &JUCE + O &JUCE - W/D - W/D + + About &Qt + O &Qt - Wet Level: - Poziom 'Mokrego' (Wet): + + Show Canvas &Meters + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - Pokrętło Mokry/Suchy (Wet/Dry) określa współczynnik pomiędzy sygnałem nieprzetworzonym a sygnałem po nałożeniu efektu. Wartości dodatnie domiksowywują sygnał przetworzony w fazie a ujemne w przeciwfazie do sygnału nieprzetworzonego. + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - DECAY - ZANIK. + + Show Internal + - Time: - Czas: + + Show External + - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - Pokrętło zanikania określa jak długo będzie trwało przetwarzanie sygnału przez wtyczkę. Niższe wartości zmniejszają obciążenie procesora ale mogą skutkować obcinaniem ogona pogłosowego w deley'ach i reverb'ach. + + Show Time Panel + - GATE - BRAM. + + Show &Side Panel + - Gate: - Bramka: + + &Connect... + %Połącz - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - Pokrętło bramki określa poziom sygnału, który zostanie rozpoznany jako cisza aby zatrzymać przetwarzanie sygnału. + + Compact Slots + - Controls - Ustaw + + Expand Slots + - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - Łańcuch wtyczek efektowych w którym sygnał przetwarzany jest od góry do dołu. - -Kontrolka 'On/Off' umożliwia pominięcie danej wtyczki w każdej chwili. - -Pokrętło 'Suchy/Mokry' (Wet/Dry) określa współczynnik mieszania sygnału wejściowego z sygnałem przetworzonym przez wtyczkę. Sygnał wyjściowy wtyczki jest równocześnie sygnałem wejściowym wtyczki następnej. - -Pokrętło 'Zanikanie' określa jak długo sygnał będzie przetwarzany przez wtyczkę po zakończeniu nuty. Wtyczka zakończy przetwarzanie gdy poziom sygnału zmniejszy się poniżej zadanego progu w danym okresie czasu. Ta gałka określa właśnie ten czas. Krótszy będzie skutkować mniejszym obciążeniem procesora ale w przypadku długo wybrzmiewających efektów - np. delay czy reverb - lepiej go zwiększyć. - -Pokrętło 'Bramka' określa próg sygnału przy którym wtyczka kończy działanie. - -Przycisk 'Regulatory' otwiera okno w którym można dostosować parametry wtyczki. - -Prawoklik otwiera menu kontekstowe z pomocą którego można zmienić porządek efektów w łańcuchu lub usunąć wybrane efekty. + + Perform secret 1 + - Move &up - Przemieść w &górę + + Perform secret 2 + - Move &down - Przemieść w &dół + + Perform secret 3 + - &Remove this plugin - &Usuń tę wtyczkę + + Perform secret 4 + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - Opóźnienie + + Perform secret 5 + - Attack - Atak + + Add &JACK Application... + Dodaj &Aplikację JACK - Hold - Przetrzymanie + + &Configure driver... + &Konfiguruj sterownik... - Decay - Zanikanie + + Panic + - Sustain - Podtrzymanie + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - Release - Wybrzmiewanie + + Export as... + Eksportuj jako... - Modulation - Modulacja + + + + + Error + BłądBłą - LFO Predelay - Opóźnienie LFO + + Failed to load project + Nie udało się załadować projektu - LFO Attack - Atak LFO + + Failed to save project + Nie udało się zapisać projektu - LFO speed - Szybkość LFO + + Quit + Wyjdź - LFO Modulation - Modulacja LFO + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - LFO Wave Shape - Kształt fali LFO + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - Freq x 100 - Częstotliwość x 100 + + Warning + Ostrzeżenie - Modulate Env-Amount - Współczynnik modulacji obwiedni + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - DEL - DEL + + Show GUI + Pokaż GUI + + + CarlaSettingsW - Predelay: - Opóźnienie: + + Settings + Ustawienia - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić czas wstępnego opóźnienia dla obwiedni sygnału. + + main + - ATT - ATT + + canvas + canvas - Attack: - Atak: + + engine + silnik - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić czas ataku obwiedni. + + osc + osc - HOLD - HOLD + + file-paths + - Hold: - Przetrzymanie: + + plugin-paths + - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić czas przetrzymania obwiedni. + + wine + wine - DEC - DEC + + experimental + - Decay: - Zanikanie: + + Widget + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić czas zanikania obwiedni. + + + Main + - SUST - SUST + + + Canvas + Canvas - Sustain: - Podtrzymanie: + + + Engine + Silnik - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić poziom podtrzymania obwiedni. + + File Paths + - REL - REL + + Plugin Paths + Ścieżki Wtyczek - Release: - Wybrzmiewanie: + + Wine + Wine - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić czas wybrzmiewania obwiedni. + + + Experimental + Eksperymentalne - AMT - AMT + + <b>Main</b> + <b>Główne</b> - Modulation amount: - Współczynnik modulacji: + + Paths + Ścieżki - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić współczynnik modulacji sygnału przez generator obwiedni. + + Default project folder: + Domyślny folder projektu: - LFO predelay: - Opóźnienie LFO: + + Interface + Interfejs - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić czas opóźnienia LFO. + + Interface refresh interval: + - LFO- attack: - Atak LFO: + + + ms + ms - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić czas ataku LFO. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - SPD - SPD + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - LFO speed: - Szybkość LFO: + + + Theme + Motyw - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić prędkość oscylacji LFO. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić współczynnik modulacji sygnału przez Generator Przebiegów Wolnozmiennych (LFO). + + Color scheme: + Schemat kolorów: - Click here for a sine-wave. - Kliknij tutaj aby przełączyć na falę sinusoidalną. + + Black + Czarny - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Kliknij tutaj aby przełączyć na falę trójkątną. + + System + Systemowe - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Kliknij tutaj aby przełączyć na falę piłokształtną. + + Enable experimental features + Włącz eksperymentalne funkcje - Click here for a square-wave. - Kliknij tutaj aby przełączyć na falę prostokątną. + + <b>Canvas</b> + <b>Canvas</b> - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Kliknij tutaj aby przełączyć na kształt fali zdefiniowany przez użytkownika. Po tym fakcie przeciągnij do okna LFO próbkę ze zdefiniowanym wcześniej kształtem fali. + + Bezier Lines + Linie Beziera - FREQ x 100 - FREQ x 100 + + Theme: + Motyw: - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Kliknij tutaj aby 100-krotnie zwiększyć częstotliwość LFO. + + Size: + Rozmiar: - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - częstotliwość LFO razy 100 + + 775x600 + 775x600 - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - MODULUJ WSPÓŁCZYNNIK OBWIEDNI + + 1550x1200 + 1550x1200 - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Kliknij tutaj aby LFO kontrolował współczynnik modulacji sygnału przez obwiednię. + + 3100x2400 + 3100x2400 - control envelope-amount by this LFO - kontroluj współczynnik obwiedni przez ten LFO + + 4650x3600 + 4650x3600 - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + 6200x4800 + 6200x4800 - Hint - Wskazówka + + Options + Opcje - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Przeciągnij próbkę skądkolwiek i upuść w tym oknie. + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - Click here for random wave. - Naciśnij, aby uzyskać losową falę. + + Auto-select items on hover + - - - EqControls - Input gain - Wzmocnienie wejścia + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - Output gain - Wzmocnienie wyścia + + Render Hints + - Low shelf gain - Wzmocnienie dolno półkowe + + Anti-Aliasing + Antyaliasing - Peak 1 gain - Wzmocnienie szczytowe 1 + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - Peak 2 gain - Wzmocnienie szczytowe 2 + + <b>Engine</b> + <b>Silnik</b> - Peak 3 gain - Wzmocnienie szczytowe 3 + + + Core + Rdzeń - Peak 4 gain - Wzmocnienie szczytowe 4 + + Single Client + - High Shelf gain - Wzmocnienie górno półkowe + + Multiple Clients + - HP res - Rez HP + + + Continuous Rack + - Low Shelf res - Rez. dolno półk. + + + Patchbay + Patchbay - Peak 1 BW - Szczyt 1 pasmo + + Audio driver: + Sterownik audio: - Peak 2 BW - Szczyt 2 pasmo + + Process mode: + - Peak 3 BW - Szczyt 3 pasmo + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + - Peak 4 BW - Szczyt 4 pasmo + + Max Parameters: + - High Shelf res - Rez. górno półk. + + ... + ... - LP res - LP rez + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + - HP freq - Częst. HP + + Plugin UIs + UI Wtyczek - Low Shelf freq - Częst. dolno półk. + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + - Peak 1 freq - Szczyt 1 częst. + + UI Bridge Timeout: + - Peak 2 freq - Szczyt 2 częst. + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + - Peak 3 freq - Szczyt 3 częst. + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + - Peak 4 freq - Szczyt 4 częst. + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + - High shelf freq - Częst. górno półk. + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + - LP freq - Częst. LP + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + - HP active - HP aktywny + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Zresetuj silnik aby załadować nowe ustawienia - Low shelf active - Dolno półk. aktywny + + <b>OSC</b> + <b>OSC</b> - Peak 1 active - Szczyt 1 aktywny + + Enable OSC + Włącz OSC - Peak 2 active - Szczyt 2 aktywny + + Enable TCP port + Włącz port TCP - Peak 3 active - Szczyt 3 aktywny + + + Use specific port: + - Peak 4 active - Szczyt 4 aktywny + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + - High shelf active - Górno półk. aktywny + + + Use randomly assigned port + - LP active - LP aktywny + + Enable UDP port + Włącz port UDP - LP 12 - LP 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - LP 24 - LP 24 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - LP 48 - LP 48 + + <b>File Paths</b> + <b>Ścieżki do Plików</b> - HP 12 - HP 12 + + Audio + Audio - HP 24 - HP 24 + + MIDI + MIDI - HP 48 - HP 48 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - low pass type - rodzaj filtru dolnoprzepustowego + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - high pass type - rodzaj filtru wysokoprzepustowego + + + Add... + Dodaj... - Analyse IN - Analizuj WEJŚCIE + + + Remove + Usuń - Analyse OUT - Analizuj WYJŚCIE + + + Change... + Zmień... - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - HP + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + <b>Ścieżki do Wtyczek</b> - Low Shelf - Dolno półk. + + LADSPA + LADSPA - Peak 1 - Szczyt 1 + + DSSI + DSSI - Peak 2 - Szczyt 2 + + LV2 + LV2 - Peak 3 - Szczyt 3 + + VST2 + VST2 - Peak 4 - Szczyt 4 + + VST3 + VST3 - High Shelf - Górno półk. + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - LP - LP + + SFZ + SFZ - In Gain - Wzm. wejśc. + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + - Gain - Wzmocnienie + + <b>Wine</b> + <b>Wine</b> - Out Gain - Wzm. wyjśc. + + Executable + Wykonywalne - Bandwidth: - Pasmo: + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - Resonance : - Rezonans: + + Prefix + Prefiks - Frequency: - Częstotliwość: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + Automatycznie wykrywaj prefiks Wine na bazie nazwy pliku wtyczki - lp grp + + Fallback: - hp grp + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback - Octave - Oktawa + + Realtime Priority + - - - EqHandle - Reso: - Rezo: + + Base priority: + - BW: - Pasmo: + + WineServer priority: + - Freq: - Częst: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - Eksportuj projekt + + <b>Experimental</b> + <b>Eksperymentalne</b> - Output - Wyjście + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - File format: - Format pliku: + + Enable plugin bridges + - Samplerate: - Częstotliwość próbkowania: + + Enable Wine bridges + - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Enable jack applications + Włącz aplikacje jack - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + Użyj OpenGL do renderowania (wymaga restartu) - Bitrate: - Przepływność: + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + Antyaliasing Wysokiej Jakości (tylko OpenGL) - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - Depth: - Rozdzielczość bitowa: + + + + + Add Path + Dodaj Ścieżkę + + + CompressorControlDialog - 16 Bit Integer - 16 Bit Integer + + Threshold: + Próg: - 32 Bit Float - 32 Bit Float + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - Quality settings - Ustawienia jakości + + Ratio: + Współczynnik: - Interpolation: - Interpolacja: + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - Zero Order Hold - Podtrzymanie Zerowego Rzędu (ZOH) + + Attack: + Atak: - Sinc Fastest - Sinc Najszybsza + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Sinc Średnia (zalecana) + + Release: + Zwolnienie: - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Sinc Najlepsza (koszmarnie wolna!) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - Oversampling (use with care!): - Nadpróbkowanie (używać ostrożnie!): + + Knee: + - 1x (None) - 1x (Brak) + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - 2x - 2x + + Range: + Zakres: - 4x - 4x + + Maximum gain reduction + - 8x - 8x + + Lookahead Length: + - Start - Rozpocznij + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - Cancel - Anuluj + + Hold: + Przetrzymanie: - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Eksportuj jako pętla (usuń ciszę na końcu) + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Export between loop markers - Eksportuj pomiędzy znacznikami pętli + + RMS Size: + Rozmiar RMS: - Could not open file - Nie można otworzyć pliku + + Size of the RMS buffer + Rozmiar bufora RMS: - Export project to %1 - Eksportuj projekt do %11 + + Input Balance: + - Error - Błąd + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Wystąpił błąd podczas określania urządzenia do kodowania plików. Spróbuj wybrać inny format wyjściowy. + + Output Balance: + - Rendering: %1% - Renderowanie: %1% + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Nie udało się otworzyć pliku %1 do zapisu. -Upewnij się, że masz uprawnienia do zapisu do pliku i katalogu zawierającego plik i spróbuj ponownie! + + Stereo Balance: + - 24 Bit Integer - 24 Bit Integer + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - Use variable bitrate - Użyj zmiennej przepływności + + Stereo Link Blend: + - Stereo mode: - Tryb stereo: + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + - Stereo - Stereo + + Tilt Gain: + - Joint Stereo + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - Mono - Mono + + Tilt Frequency: + - Compression level: - Poziom kompresji: + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + - (fastest) - (najszybszy) + + Mix: + - (default) - (domyślny) + + Balance between wet and dry signals + - (smallest) - (najdokładniejszy) + + Auto Attack: + - - - Expressive - Selected graph - Zaznaczony graf + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + - A1 + + Auto Release: - A2 + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - A3 - + + Output gain + Wzmocnienie wyścia - W1 smoothing - + + + Gain + Wzmocnienie - W2 smoothing + + Output volume - W3 smoothing - + + Input gain + Wzmocnienie wejścia - PAN1 + + Input volume - PAN2 + + Root Mean Square - REL TRANS + + Use RMS of the input - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy %1 a %2: + + Peak + Szczyt - - - FileBrowser - Browser - Przeglądarka + + Use absolute value of the input + - Search - Szukaj + + Left/Right + Lewy/Prawy - Refresh list - Odśwież listę + + Compress left and right audio + - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - Wyślij do aktywnej ścieżki instrumentu - - - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - Otwórz w nowej ścieżce instrumentu/edytora perkusji i basu - - - Loading sample - Ładowanie sampla - - - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Proszę czekać, ładowanie próbki do podglądu. + + Mid/Side + - --- Factory files --- - --- Pliki fabryczne --- + + Compress mid and side audio + - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - Otwórz w nowej ścieżce instrumentu/edytora kompozycji + + Compressor + Kompresor - Error - BłądBłą + + Compress the audio + Kompresuj audio - does not appear to be a valid - nie wydaje się być prawidłowy + + Limiter + Limiter - file - plik + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - Opóźnienie próbek + + Unlinked + - Lfo Frequency - Częstotliwość LFOczę + + Compress each channel separately + - Seconds - Sekundy + + Maximum + Maksimum - Regen + + Compress based on the loudest channel - Noise - Szum + + Average + Średnie - Invert - Odwróć + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: - Czas opóźnienia: + + Minimum + Minimum - Feedback Amount: - Ilość reakcji: + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - White Noise Amount: - Ilość białego szumu: + + Blend + - DELAY - OPÓŹN + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - RATE - TEMPO + + Auto Makeup Gain + - AMNT - ILOŚĆ + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - Amount: - Ilość: + + + Soft Clip + - FDBK - REAK + + Play the delta signal + - NOISE - SZUM + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - Invert - OdwróćOd + + Lookahead Enabled + - Period: - Odstętp: + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + - FxLine + CompressorControls - Channel send amount - Ilość wysyłania kanału + + Threshold + - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - Kanał FX odbiera wejście od jednego lub większej ilości ścieżek instrumentów. -To z kolei może być kierowane do wielu innych kanałów FX. LMMS automatycznie dba o to, aby zapobiec nieskończonemu zapętlaniu i nie pozwala na połączenie, które spowodowałoby nieskończoną pętlę. - -Żeby skierować kanał do innego kanału, wybierz kanał FX i kliknij przycisk "Send" do kanału, do którego chcesz wysłać. Pokrętło pod przyciskiem wysyłania reguluje poziom sygnału, który jest wysyłany do kanału. - -Możesz usunąć i przenieść kanały FX w menu kontekstowym, które jest dostępne poprzez prawe kliknięcie na kanał FX. - + + Ratio + Współczynnik - Move &left - Przesuń w &lewo + + Attack + Atak - Move &right - Przesuń w p&rawo + + Release + Wybrzmiewanie - Rename &channel - Zmień nazwę &kanału + + Knee + - R&emove channel - Usuń k&anał + + Hold + Przetrzymanie - Remove &unused channels - &Usuń nieużywane kanały + + Range + Zakres - - - FxMixer - Master - Master + + RMS Size + Rozmiar RMS - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Mid/Side + - Volume - Głośność + + Peak Mode + - Mute - Wycisz + + Lookahead Length + - Solo - Solo + + Input Balance + - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - FX-Mixer + + Output Balance + - FX Fader %1 - Fader FX %1 + + Limiter + Limiter - Mute - Wycisz + + Output Gain + Wzmocnienie wyścia - Mute this FX channel - Wycisz ten kanał FX + + Input Gain + Wzmocnienie wejścia - Solo - Solo + + Blend + - Solo FX channel - Kanał FX solo + + Stereo Balance + - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Ilość do wysyłania z kanału %1 do kanału %2 + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - - GigInstrument - Bank - Bank + + Audition + - Patch - Próbka + + Feedback + Feedback - Gain - Wzmocnienie + + Auto Attack + - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file - Otwórz inny plik GIG + + Auto Release + - Click here to open another GIG file - Naciśnij tutaj, aby otworzyć inny plik GIG + + Lookahead + - Choose the patch - Wybierz próbkę + + Tilt + Przechylenie - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - Kliknij tutaj, aby zmienić patch'a do pliku GIG. + + Tilt Frequency + - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - Zmień odtwarzany instrument pliku GIG. + + Stereo Link + - Which GIG file is currently being used - Ten plik GIG jest już w użyciu. + + Mix + Miks + + + Controller - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - Ten patch pliku GIG jest już w użyciu. + + Controller %1 + Kontroler %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - Gain - Wzmocnienie + + Connection Settings + Ustawienia Połączenia - Factor to multiply samples by - Czynnik mnożenia próbek przez + + MIDI CONTROLLER + KONTROLER MIDI - Open GIG file - Otwórz plik GIG + + Input channel + Kanał wejściowy - GIG Files (*.gig) - Pliki GIG (*.gig) + + CHANNEL + KANAŁ - - - GuiApplication - Working directory - Katalog roboczy + + Input controller + Kontroler wejściowy - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - Katalog roboczy LMMS %1 nie istnieje. Czy chcesz go utworzyć? Możesz zmienić katalog później w ustawieniach. + + CONTROLLER + KONTROLER - Preparing UI - Przygotowywanie interfejsu + + + Auto Detect + Autodetekcja - Preparing song editor - Przygotowywanie edytora utworu + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + Urządzenia MIDI odbierające zdarzenia MIDI z - Preparing mixer - Przygotowywanie miksera + + USER CONTROLLER + KONTROLER UŻYTKOWNIKA - Preparing controller rack - Przygotowanie rack'a kontrolerów + + MAPPING FUNCTION + FUNKCJA MAPOWANIA - Preparing project notes - Przygotowanie notatki projektu + + OK + OK - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Przygotowanie edytora perkusji/basu + + Cancel + Anuluj - Preparing piano roll - Przygotowanie edytora pianolowego + + LMMS + LMMS - Preparing automation editor - Przygotowanie edytora automatyki + + Cycle Detected. + Detekcja Cyklu. - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + ControllerRackView - Arpeggio - Arpeggio + + Controller Rack + Rack Kontrolerów - Arpeggio type - Rodzaj arpeggio + + Add + Dodaj - Arpeggio range - Zakres arpeggio + + Confirm Delete + Potwierdź usunięcie - Arpeggio time - Okres arpeggio + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Czy potwierdzić usunięcie? Występuje(ą) istniejące połączenie(a) związane z tym kontrolerem. Tej operacji nie da się cofnąć. + + + ControllerView - Arpeggio gate - Bramkowanie arpeggio + + Controls + Ustaw - Arpeggio direction - Kierunek arpeggio + + Rename controller + Zmień nazwę kontrolera - Arpeggio mode - Tryb arpeggio + + Enter the new name for this controller + Wprowadź nową nazwę dla tego kontrolera - Up - W górę + + LFO + LFO - Down - W dół + + &Remove this controller + &Usuń ten kontroler - Up and down - W górę i w dół - - - Random - Losowo + + Re&name this controller + Zmień &nazwę tego kontrolera + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Free - Dowolnie + + Band 1/2 crossover: + - Sort - Posortowany + + Band 2/3 crossover: + - Sync - Synchronizacja + + Band 3/4 crossover: + - Down and up - W dół i w górę + + Band 1 gain + - Skip rate - Częstotliwość pominięcia + + Band 1 gain: + - Miss rate - Częstotliwość opuszczania + + Band 2 gain + - Cycle steps - Kroki cyklu + + Band 2 gain: + - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGGIO + + Band 3 gain + - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - Arpeggio jest metodą odtwarzania (zwłaszcza krótkobrzmiących) instrumentów, która czyni muzykę o wiele żywszą. Struny takich instrumentów (np. harfy) są krótkobrzmiące niczym akordy. W odróżnieniu od zwyczajnego wykonania akordu, gdzie dźwięki odtwarzane są równocześnie w przypadku wykonywania arpeggio nuty uderzane są sekwencyjnie jedna po drugiej. Typowe arpeggia składają się z trójdźwięków durowych lub molowych ale istnieje też wiele innych akordów, które możesz zastosować. + + Band 3 gain: + - RANGE - ZAKRES + + Band 4 gain + - Arpeggio range: - Zakres arpeggio: + + Band 4 gain: + - octave(s) - oktawa(y) + + Band 1 mute + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - Użyj tego pokrętła do ustawienia rozpiętości arpeggio w oktawach. Wybrane arpeggio będzie odtwarzane w zakresie określonej liczby oktaw. + + Mute band 1 + - TIME - OKRES + + Band 2 mute + - Arpeggio time: - Okres arpeggio: + + Mute band 2 + - ms - ms + + Band 3 mute + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Użyj tego pokrętła do ustawienia okresu arpeggio w milisekundach. Okres arpeggio ustala jak długo będzie odtwarzany każdy dźwięk. + + Mute band 3 + - GATE - BRAM. + + Band 4 mute + - Arpeggio gate: - Bramkowanie arpeggio: + + Mute band 4 + + + + DelayControls - % - % + + Delay samples + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - Użyj tego pokrętła do ustawienia bramkowania arpeggio. Bramka arpeggio określa procentowo jak długo ma być odtwarzana każda nuta arpeggio. Za jej pomocą można dokonać artykulacji dźwięków w formie staccato. + + Feedback + Feedback - Chord: - Akord: + + LFO frequency + Częstotliwość LFO - Direction: - Kierunek: + + LFO amount + - Mode: - Tryb: + + Output gain + Wzmocnienie wyścia + + + DelayControlsDialog - SKIP - POMIŃ + + DELAY + OPÓŹN - Skip rate: - Częstotliwość pominięcia: + + Delay time + Czas opóźnienia - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - Ta funkcja pominięcia sprawia, że arpeggiator losowo wstrzymuje jeden krok. Od samego początku w pełnym położeniu przeciwnym do ruchu wskazówek zegara i bez efektu stopniowo osiąga pełną amnezję przy maksymalnym poziomie. + + FDBK + REAK - MISS - OPUŚĆ + + Feedback amount + - Miss rate: - Częstotliwość opuszczania: + + RATE + TEMPO - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - Ta funkcja opuszczania sprawia, że arpeggiator opuszcza daną nutę. + + LFO frequency + Częstotliwość LFO - CYCLE - CYKL + + AMNT + ILOŚĆ - Cycle notes: - Nuty cyklu: + + LFO amount + - note(s) - nuta(y) + + Out gain + - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. - Przeskakuje między n krokami w arpeggio i powtarza, jeśli jesteśmy ponad zasięgiem nutowym. Jeżeli całkowity zasięg nutowy jest równomiernie podzielny przez liczbę przeskoczonych kroków, można utknąć w krótszym arpeggio a nawet jednej nucie. + + Gain + Wzmocnienie - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + Dialog - octave - oktawa + + Add JACK Application + Dodaj Aplikację JACK - Major - Major + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + Uwaga: Funkcje, które nie zostały jeszcze zaimplementowane są wyszarzone - Majb5 - Majb5 + + Application + Aplikacja - minor - minor + + Name: + Nazwa: - minb5 - minb5 + + Application: + Aplikacja: - sus2 - sus2 + + From template + Z szablonu - sus4 - sus4 + + Custom + Własne - aug - aug + + Template: + Szablon: - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Command: + Komenda: - tri - tri + + Setup + Konfiguracja - 6 - 6 + + Session Manager: + Menedżer Sesji: - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + None + Brak - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Audio inputs: + Wejścia audio: - m6 - m6 + + MIDI inputs: + Wejścia MIDI: - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Audio outputs: + Wyjścia audio: - 7 - 7 + + MIDI outputs: + Wyjścia MIDI: - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Take control of main application window + - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Workarounds + Progi - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - 7b9 - 7b9 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Error here + - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Carla Control - Connect + - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Remote setup + - 7add13 - 7add13 + + UDP Port: + Port UDP: - 7#11 - 7#11 + + Remote host: + Zdalny host: - Maj7 - Maj7 + + TCP Port: + Port TCP: - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + Reported host + - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + Automatic + Automatycznie - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + Custom: + Własne: - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - m7 - m7 + + Set value + Ustaw wartość - m7b5 - m7b5 + + TextLabel + - m7b9 - m7b9 + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - m7add11 - m7add11 + + Driver Settings + Ustawienia Sterownika - m7add13 - m7add13 + + Device: + Urządzenie: - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Buffer size: + Rozmiar bufora: - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + Sample rate: + Częstotliwość próbkowania - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + Triple buffer + Bufor potrójny - 9 - 9 + + Show Driver Control Panel + - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Zresetuj silnik aby załadować nowe ustawienia + + + DualFilterControlDialog - add9 - add9 + + + FREQ + FREQ - 9#5 - 9#5 + + + Cutoff frequency + Częstotliwość graniczna - 9b5 - 9b5 + + + RESO + RESO - 9#11 - 9#11 + + + Resonance + Zafalowanie charakterystyki - 9b13 - 9b13 + + + GAIN + WZMC - Maj9 - Maj9 + + + Gain + Wzmocnienie - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + MIX + MIX - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + Mix + Miks - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + Filter 1 enabled + Włączono filtr 1 - m9 - m9 + + Filter 2 enabled + Włączono filtr 2 - madd9 - madd9 + + Enable/disable filter 1 + - m9b5 - m9b5 + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + DualFilterControls - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + Filter 1 enabled + Włączono filtr 1 - 11 - 11 + + Filter 1 type + Rodzaj filtru 1 - 11b9 - 11b9 + + Cutoff frequency 1 + - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Rezonans 1 - m11 - m11 + + Gain 1 + Wzmocnienie 1 - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + Mix + Miks - 13 - 13 + + Filter 2 enabled + Włączono filtr 2 - 13#9 - 13#9 + + Filter 2 type + Rodzaj filtru 2 - 13b9 - 13b9 + + Cutoff frequency 2 + - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Rezonans 2 - Maj13 - Maj13 + + Gain 2 + Wzmocnienie 2 - m13 - m13 + + + Low-pass + - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + + Hi-pass + - Harmonic minor - Minorowy harmoniczny + + + Band-pass csg + - Melodic minor - Minorowy melodyjny + + + Band-pass czpg + - Whole tone - Cały ton + + + Notch + Pasmowozaporowy - Diminished - Zmniejszony + + + All-pass + - Major pentatonic - Majorowy pentatoniczny + + + Moog + Moog - Minor pentatonic - Minorowy pentatoniczny + + + 2x Low-pass + - Jap in sen - Jap in sen + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + - Major bebop - Majorowy bebop + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + - Dominant bebop - Dominujący bebop + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + - Blues - Blues + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + - Arabic - Arabski + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + - Enigmatic - Enigmatyczny + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + - Neopolitan - Neopolitański + + + Vocal Formant + - Neopolitan minor - Minorowy neapolitański + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Hungarian minor - Minorowy węgierski + + + SV Low-pass + - Dorian - Dorycki + + + SV Band-pass + - Phrygolydian - Frygolidyjski + + + SV High-pass + - Lydian - Lidyjski + + + SV Notch + SV Zaporowy - Mixolydian - Miksolidyjski + + + Fast Formant + Szybki Formant - Aeolian - Eolski + + + Tripole + + + + Editor - Locrian - Lokrycki + + Transport controls + Ustawienia źródła - Chords - Akordy + + Play (Space) + Odtwarzaj (spacja) - Chord type - Typ akordu + + Stop (Space) + Zatrzymaj (spacja) - Chord range - Zakres akordu + + Record + Nagrywaj - Minor - Minor + + Record while playing + Nagrywaj podczas odtwarzania - Chromatic - Chromatyczny + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + Effect - Half-Whole Diminished - Półton-Cały ton Zmniejszony + + Effect enabled + Efekt włączony - 5 - 5 + + Wet/Dry mix + Miksowanie Suchy/Mokry - Phrygian dominant - Frygijski dominujący + + Gate + Bramka - Persian - Perski + + Decay + Zanikanie - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + EffectChain - RANGE - ZAKRES + + Effects enabled + Efekty włączone + + + EffectRackView - Chord range: - Zakres akordu: + + EFFECTS CHAIN + ŁAŃCUCH EFEKTOWY - octave(s) - oktawa(y) + + Add effect + Dodaj efekt + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + Dodaj efekt - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić zakres akordu w oktawach. Wybrany akord będzie odgrywany w ramach określonej liczby oktaw. + + + Name + Nazwa - STACKING - UKŁADANIE + + Type + Rodzaj - Chord: - Akord: + + Description + Opis + + + + Author + Autor - InstrumentMidiIOView + EffectView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - WŁĄCZ WEJŚCIE MIDI + + On/Off + On/Off - CHANNEL - KANAŁ + + W/D + W/D - VELOCITY - PRĘDKOŚĆ + + Wet Level: + Poziom 'Mokrego' (Wet): - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - WŁĄCZ WYJŚCIE MIDI + + DECAY + ZANIK. - PROGRAM - PROGRAM + + Time: + Czas: - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - Urządzenia MIDI odbierające zdarzenia z + + GATE + BRAM. - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - Urządzenia MIDI wysyłające zdarzenia do + + Gate: + Bramka: - NOTE - NUTA + + Controls + Ustaw - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - NIESTANDARDOWA GŁOŚNOŚĆ PODSTAWY + + Move &up + Przemieść w &górę - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - Określ podstawę normalizacyjną głośności dla instrumentów opartych na MIDI z prędkością zapisu 100% + + Move &down + Przemieść w &dół - BASE VELOCITY - GŁOŚNOŚĆ PODSTAWY + + &Remove this plugin + &Usuń tę wtyczkę - InstrumentMiscView + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - MASTER PITCH - ODSTROJENIE GŁÓWNE + + Env pre-delay + - Enables the use of Master Pitch - Umożliwia użycie Odstrojenia Głównego + + Env attack + - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - VOLUME - GŁOŚNOŚĆ + + Env hold + - Volume - Głośność + + Env decay + - CUTOFF - CUTOFF + + Env sustain + - Cutoff frequency - Częstotliwość graniczna + + Env release + - RESO - RESO + + Env mod amount + - Resonance - Zafalowanie charakterystyki + + LFO pre-delay + - Envelopes/LFOs - Obwiednie/Oscylatory LFO + + LFO attack + - Filter type - Rodzaj filtru + + LFO frequency + Częstotliwość LFO - Q/Resonance - Dobroć/Zafalowanie charakterystyki + + LFO mod amount + - LowPass - Dolnoprzepustowy + + LFO wave shape + - HiPass - Górnoprzepustowy + + LFO frequency x 100 + - BandPass csg - Pasmowoprzepustowy csg + + Modulate env amount + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView - BandPass czpg - Pasmowoprzepustowy czpg + + + DEL + DEL - Notch - Pasmowozaporowy + + + Pre-delay: + Opóźnienie wstępne: - Allpass - Wszechprzepustowy + + + ATT + ATT - Moog - Moog + + + Attack: + Atak: - 2x LowPass - 2xDolnoprzepustowy + + HOLD + HOLD - RC LowPass 12dB - RC Dolnoprzepustowy 12dB + + Hold: + Przetrzymanie: - RC BandPass 12dB - RC Pasmowoprzepustowy 12dB + + DEC + DEC - RC HighPass 12dB - RC Górnoprzepustowy 12dB + + Decay: + Zanikanie: - RC LowPass 24dB - RC Dolnoprzepustowy 24dB + + SUST + SUST - RC BandPass 24dB - RC Pasmowoprzepustowy 24dB + + Sustain: + Podtrzymanie: - RC HighPass 24dB - RC Górnoprzepustowy 24dB + + REL + REL - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtr wokalno-formantowy + + Release: + Wybrzmiewanie: - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + + AMT + AMT - SV LowPass - SV Dolnoprzepustowy + + + Modulation amount: + Współczynnik modulacji: - SV BandPass - SV Pasmowoprzepustowy + + SPD + SPD - SV HighPass - SV Górnoprzepustowy + + Frequency: + Częstotliwość: - SV Notch - SV Zaporowy + + FREQ x 100 + FREQ x 100 - Fast Formant - Szybki Formant + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + - Tripole + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - TARGET + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Te zakładki zawierają obwiednie. Są bardzo ważne przy modyfikacji dźwięku. Praktycznie zawsze są konieczne przy syntezie subtraktywnej. Przykładowo jeśli mamy do czynienia z obwiednią amplitudy możesz ustalić w których momentach dźwięk ma mieć określoną głośność. Jeśli chcesz stworzyć partię łagodnych smyków ich dźwięk powinien narastać i opadać bardzo powoli. Możesz to uzyskać przez ustawienie długich czasów ataku i wybrzmiewania. Podobnie jest w przypadku obwiedni innych parametrów jak panoramowanie czy częstotliwość graniczna. Możesz uzyskać atrakcyjne dźwięki modyfikując brzmienie już samej fali piłokształtnej za pomocą różnych obwiedni! + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: - FILTER - FILTR + + Hint + Wskazówka - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - W tym miejscu możesz wybrać wbudowany filtr, który chcesz nałożyć na tę ścieżkę instrumentu. Filtry są bardzo istotne z punktu kształtowania charakterystyki dźwięku. + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + EqControls - Hz - Hz + + Input gain + Wzmocnienie wejścia - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić częstotliwość graniczną wybranego filtru. Częstotliwość ta określa które częstotliwości będą wycinane przez filtr. Przykładowo filtr dolnoprzepustowy wycina całe pasmo częstotliwościowe powyżej częstotliwości granicznej. W przypadku filtru górnoprzepustowego jest odwrotnie i tak dalej... + + Output gain + Wzmocnienie wyścia - RESO - RESO + + Low-shelf gain + - Resonance: - Zafalowanie charakterystyki: + + Peak 1 gain + Wzmocnienie szczytowe 1 - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić dobroć albo zafalowanie charakterystyki wybranego filtru. Te parametry określają zachowanie filtru w okolicach częstotliwości granicznej. + + Peak 2 gain + Wzmocnienie szczytowe 2 - FREQ - FREQ + + Peak 3 gain + Wzmocnienie szczytowe 3 - cutoff frequency: - częstotliwość graniczna: + + Peak 4 gain + Wzmocnienie szczytowe 4 - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - Obwiednie, LFO oraz filtry nie są wspierane przez ten instrument. + + High-shelf gain + - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - nienazwana ścieżka + + HP res + Rez HP - Volume - Głośność + + Low-shelf res + - Panning - Panoramowanie + + Peak 1 BW + Szczyt 1 pasmo - Pitch - Odstrojenie + + Peak 2 BW + Szczyt 2 pasmo - FX channel - Kanał FX + + Peak 3 BW + Szczyt 3 pasmo - Default preset - Ustawienia domyślne + + Peak 4 BW + Szczyt 4 pasmo - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz określić głośność otwartego kanału. + + High-shelf res + - Base note - Nuta bazowa + + LP res + LP rez - Pitch range - Zakres odstrojenia + + HP freq + Częst. HP - Master Pitch - Odstrojenie główne + + Low-shelf freq + - - - InstrumentTrackView - Volume - Głośność + + Peak 1 freq + Szczyt 1 częst. - Volume: - Głośność: + + Peak 2 freq + Szczyt 2 częst. - VOL - VOL + + Peak 3 freq + Szczyt 3 częst. - Panning - Panoramowanie + + Peak 4 freq + Szczyt 4 częst. - Panning: - Panoramowanie: + + High-shelf freq + - PAN - PAN + + LP freq + Częst. LP - MIDI - MIDI + + HP active + HP aktywny - Input - Wejście + + Low-shelf active + - Output - Wyjście + + Peak 1 active + Szczyt 1 aktywny - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Peak 2 active + Szczyt 2 aktywny - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS - GŁÓWNE USTAWIENIA + + Peak 3 active + Szczyt 3 aktywny - Instrument volume - Głośność instrumentu + + Peak 4 active + Szczyt 4 aktywny - Volume: - Głośność: + + High-shelf active + - VOL - VOL + + LP active + LP aktywny - Panning - Panoramowanie + + LP 12 + LP 12 - Panning: - Panoramowanie: + + LP 24 + LP 24 - PAN - PAN + + LP 48 + LP 48 - Pitch - Odstrojenie + + HP 12 + HP 12 - Pitch: - Odstrojenie: + + HP 24 + HP 24 - cents - cent(y) + + HP 48 + HP 48 - PITCH - PITCH + + Low-pass type + - FX channel - Kanał FX + + High-pass type + - FX - FX + + Analyse IN + Analizuj WEJŚCIE - Save preset - Zachowaj ustawienia + + Analyse OUT + Analizuj WYJŚCIE + + + EqControlsDialog - XML preset file (*.xpf) - Plik XML presetu (*.xpf) + + HP + HP - Pitch range (semitones) - Zakres odstrojenia (półtony) + + Low-shelf + - RANGE - ZAKRES + + Peak 1 + Szczyt 1 - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Zapisz bieżące ustawienia ścieżki jako preset + + Peak 2 + Szczyt 2 - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz zapisać bieżące ustawienia ścieżki jako preset. Później możesz załadować ten preset, poprzez podwójne kliknięcie w wyszukiwarce presetów. + + Peak 3 + Szczyt 3 - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Użyj tych ustawień, aby obejrzeć oraz edytować następną/poprzednią ścieżkę w edytorze kompozycji. + + Peak 4 + Szczyt 4 - SAVE - ZAPISZ + + High-shelf + - Envelope, filter & LFO - + + LP + LP - Chord stacking & arpeggio - + + Input gain + Wzmocnienie wejścia - Effects - Efekty + + + + Gain + Wzmocnienie - MIDI settings - Ustawienia MIDI + + Output gain + Wzmocnienie wyścia - Miscellaneous - Różne + + Bandwidth: + Pasmo: - Plugin - Wtyczka + + Octave + Oktawa - - - Knob - Set linear - Ustaw linearnie + + Resonance : + Rezonans: - Set logarithmic - Ustaw logarytmicznie + + Frequency: + Częstotliwość: - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy %1 a %2: + + LP group + - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy -96.0 dBFS a 6.0 dBFS: + + HP group + - LadspaControl + EqHandle - Link channels - Połącz kanały + + Reso: + Rezo: - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - Połącz kanały + + BW: + Pasmo: - Channel - Kanał + + + Freq: + Częst: - LadspaControlView + ExportProjectDialog - Link channels - Połącz kanały + + Export project + Eksportuj projekt - Value: - Wartość: + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + - Sorry, no help available. - Przepraszamy, pomoc jest niedostępna. + + Export between loop markers + Eksportuj pomiędzy znacznikami pętli - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Nieznana wtyczka LADSPA %1 żądanie. + + Render Looped Section: + - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy %1 a %2: + + time(s) + - - - LeftRightNav - Previous - Poprzedni + + File format settings + Ustawienia formatu pliku - Next - Następny + + File format: + Format pliku: - Previous (%1) - Poprzedni (%1) + + Sampling rate: + Częstotliwość próbkowania: - Next (%1) - Następny (%1) + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz - - - LfoController - LFO Controller - Kontroler LFO + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz - Base value - Wartość bazowa + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz - Oscillator speed - Prędkość oscylatora + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz - Oscillator amount - Współczynnik oscylatora + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz - Oscillator phase - Faza oscylatora + + Bit depth: + Rozdzielczość bitowa: - Oscillator waveform - Kształt fali oscylatora + + 16 Bit integer + 16-bitowa liczba całkowita - Frequency Multiplier - Mnożnik częstotliwości + + 24 Bit integer + 24-bitowa liczba całkowita - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + 32 Bit float + 32 Bit float - LFO Controller - Kontroler LFO + + Stereo mode: + Tryb stereo: - BASE - BASE + + Mono + Mono - Base amount: - Współczynnik bazowy: + + Stereo + Stereo - todo - do zrobienia + + Joint stereo + Połączone stereo - SPD - SPD + + Compression level: + Poziom kompresji: - LFO-speed: - Prędkość LFO: + + Bitrate: + Przepływność: - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić szybkość LFO. Wyższe wartości przyspieszają drgania Generatora Przebiegów Wolnozmiennych. + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s - Modulation amount: - Współczynnik modulacji: + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Użyj tego pokrętła aby ustawić współczynnik modulacji sygnału przez LFO. Wyższe wartości zwiększają wpływ LFO na podłączone do niego regulatory (np. głośność lub częstotliwość graniczną). + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s - PHS - PHS + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s - Phase offset: - Przesunięcie fazowe: + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s - degrees - stopni(e) + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz ustawić przesunięcie fazowe LFO, czyli punkt w którym oscylator rozpoczyna przebieg. Przykładowo jeśli mamy do czynienia z falą sinusoidalną i wprowadzimy przesunięcie fazowe o wartości 180 stopni pierwsza połówka fali zostanie wygenerowana w dół a nie w górę jak bez przesunięcia. + + Use variable bitrate + Użyj zmiennej przepływności - Click here for a sine-wave. - Kliknij tutaj aby przestawić kształt fali na sinusoidalny. + + Quality settings + Ustawienia jakości - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Kliknij tutaj aby przestawić kształt fali na trójkątny. + + Interpolation: + Interpolacja: - Click here for a saw-wave. - Kliknij tutaj aby przestawić kształt fali na piłokształtny. + + Zero order hold + Interpolator rzędu zerowego - Click here for a square-wave. - Kliknij tutaj aby przestawić kształt fali na prostokątny. + + Sinc worst (fastest) + Sinc najgorsza (najszybsza) - Click here for an exponential wave. - Kliknij tutaj aby przestawić kształt fali na wykładniczy. + + Sinc medium (recommended) + Sinc średnia (zalecana) - Click here for white-noise. - Kliknij tutaj aby przestawić kształt fali na stochastyczny. + + Sinc best (slowest) + Sinc najlepsza (najwolniejsza) - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Kliknij aby przełączyć na przebieg zdefiniowany przez użytkownika. -Kliknij podwójnie, aby wybrać plik. + + Oversampling: + Nadpróbkowanie: - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg piłokształtny Mooga. + + 1x (None) + 1x (Brak) - AMNT - ILOŚĆ + + 2x + 2x - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables - Generowanie tabel próbek dźwiękowych + + 4x + 4x - Initializing data structures - Inicjalizacja struktur danych + + 8x + 8x - Opening audio and midi devices - Otwieranie urządzeń audio i midi + + Start + Rozpocznij - Launching mixer threads - Uruchamianie wątków miksera + + Cancel + Anuluj - - - MainWindow - &New - &Nowy + + Could not open file + Nie można otworzyć pliku - &Open... - &Otwórz... + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Nie udało się otworzyć pliku %1 do zapisu. +Upewnij się, że masz uprawnienia do zapisu do pliku i katalogu zawierającego plik i spróbuj ponownie! - &Save - &Zapisz + + Export project to %1 + Eksportuj projekt do %11 - Save &As... - Zapisz &Jako... + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + ( Najszybsze - największe ) - Import... - Import... + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + ( Najwolniejsze - najmniejsze ) - E&xport... - Eksport [&X]... + + Error + Błąd - &Quit - Zakończ [&Q] + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Wystąpił błąd podczas określania urządzenia do kodowania plików. Spróbuj wybrać inny format wyjściowy. - &Edit - &Edycja + + Rendering: %1% + Renderowanie: %1% + + + Fader - Settings - Ustawienia + + Set value + Ustaw wartość - &Tools - &Narzędzia + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy %1 a %2: + + + FileBrowser - &Help - &Pomoc + + User content + - Help - Pomoc + + Factory content + - What's this? - Co to jest? + + Browser + Przeglądarka - About - O LMMS + + Search + Szukaj - Create new project - Stwórz nowy projekt + + Refresh list + Odśwież listę + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget - Create new project from template - Stwórz nowy projekt jako szablon + + Send to active instrument-track + Wyślij do aktywnej ścieżki instrumentu - Open existing project - Otwórz istniejący projekt + + Open containing folder + - Recently opened projects - Ostatnio otwierane projekty + + Song Editor + Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Kompozycji - Save current project - Zapisz bieżący projekt + + BB Editor + Edytor BB - Export current project - Eksportuj bieżący projekt + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + - Song Editor - Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Kompozycji + + Send to new instrument track + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Poprzez naciśnięcie tego przycisku możesz pokazać lub ukryć Edytor Kompozycji. Za pomocą Edytora Kompozycji możesz modyfikować playlistę utworu oraz określić gdzie i kiedy ścieżki będą odtwarzane. Możesz też wstawiać sample bezpośrednio na playlistę. + + (%2Enter) + (%2Enter) - Beat+Bassline Editor - Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Perkusji i Basu + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - Poprzez naciśnięcie tego przycisku możesz pokazać lub ukryć Edytor Perkusji i Basu. Edytor Perkusji i Basu służy do stworzenia linii perkusyjnej i basowej utworu. Możesz wprowadzać w nim zmiany podobne jak w Edytorze Kompozycji. + + Loading sample + Ładowanie sampla - Piano Roll - Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Pianolowy + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Proszę czekać, ładowanie próbki do podglądu. - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Kliknij tutaj aby pokazać lub ukryć Edytor Pianolowy. Za jego pomocą możesz w prosty sposób modyfikować melodię. + + Error + BłądBłą - Automation Editor - Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Automatyki + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Kliknij tutaj aby pokazać lub ukryć Edytor Automatyki. Za jego pomocą możesz w prosty sposób modyfikować dynamiczne wartości wszelkich regulatorów. + + --- Factory files --- + --- Pliki fabryczne --- + + + FlangerControls - FX Mixer - Pokaż/ukryj Mikser Efektów + + Delay samples + - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Kliknij tutaj aby pokazać lub ukryć Mikser Efektów. Mikser Efektów jest potężnym narzędziem wspomagającym zarządzanie efektami i ścieżkami w Twojej produkcji. Możesz wstawiać wtyczki efektowe na różne kanały dodatkowo wzbogacając brzmienie utworu. + + LFO frequency + Częstotliwość LFO - Project Notes - Pokaż/ukryj notatki projektu + + Seconds + Sekundy - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Kliknij tutaj aby pokazać lub ukryć okno z notatkami do projektu. W tym oknie możesz zapisywać wszystko co przychodzi Ci na myśl w związku z projektem. + + Stereo phase + - Controller Rack - Pokaż/ukryj rack kontrolerów + + Regen + - Untitled - Nienazwane + + Noise + Szum - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Invert + Odwróć + + + FlangerControlsDialog - Project not saved - Projekt nie zapisany + + DELAY + OPÓŹN - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Bieżący projekt został zmodyfikowany od ostatniego zapisu. Czy chcesz go zapisać teraz? + + Delay time: + Czas opóźnienia: - Help not available - Pomoc niedostępna + + RATE + TEMPO - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Aktualnie pomoc dla LMMS jest niedostępna. -Odwiedź witrynę http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + Period: + Odstętp: - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + AMNT + ILOŚĆ - Version %1 - Wersja %1 + + Amount: + Ilość: - Configuration file - Plik konfiguracyjny + + PHASE + FAZA - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Błąd podczas parsowania pliku konfiguracyjnego w linii %1:%2: %3 + + Phase: + Faza: - Volumes - Głośność + + FDBK + REAK - Undo - Cofnij + + Feedback amount: + - Redo - Ponów + + NOISE + SZUM - My Projects - Moje projekty + + White noise amount: + Ilość białego szumu: - My Samples - Moje próbki + + Invert + OdwróćOd + + + FreeBoyInstrument - My Presets - Moje presety + + Sweep time + Okres wobulacji - My Home - Mój katalog domowy + + Sweep direction + Kierunek wobulacji - My Computer - Mój komputer + + Sweep rate shift amount + - &File - &Plik + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + - &Recently Opened Projects - &Ostatnio Otwierane Projekty + + Channel 1 volume + Głośność kanału 1 - Save as New &Version - Zapisz jako Nową &Wersję + + + + Volume sweep direction + Kierunek wobulacji głośności - E&xport Tracks... - Eksportuj Ścieżki... + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Długość każdego kroku wobulacji - Online Help - Pomoc Online + + Channel 2 volume + Głośność kanału 2 - What's This? - Co to jest? + + Channel 3 volume + Głośność kanału 3 - Open Project - Otwórz Projekt + + Channel 4 volume + Głośność kanału 4 - Save Project - Zapisz Projekt + + Shift Register width + Szerokość rejestru przesuwnego - Project recovery - Odzyskiwanie projektu + + Right output level + Poziom prawego wyjścia - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - Plik odzyskiwania jest obecny. Wygląda na to, że ostatnia sesja nie została zakończona poprawnie lub inne okno LMMS już działa. Czy chcesz odzyskać projekt dla tej sesji? + + Left output level + Poziom lewego wyjścia - Recover - Odzyskaj + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanał 1 do SO2 (lewy) - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Odzyskaj plik. Podczas tego nie uruchamiaj wielu okien LMMS. + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanał 2 do SO2 (lewy) - Discard - Odrzuć + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanał 3 do SO2 (lewy) - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Uruchom domyślną sesję oraz usuń odzyskiwane pliki. Tego nie można cofnąć. + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanał 4 do SO2 (lewy) - Preparing plugin browser - Przygotowanie wyszukiwarki wtyczek + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanał 1 do SO1 (prawy) - Preparing file browsers - Przygotowanie wyszukiwarki plików + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanał 2 do SO1 (prawy) - Root directory - Katalog główny + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanał 3 do SO1 (prawy) - Loading background artwork - Ładowanie grafiki tła + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanał 4 do SO1 (prawy) - New from template - Nowy z szablonu + + Treble + Soprany - Save as default template - Zapisz jako domyślny szablon + + Bass + Basy + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView - &View - &Podgląd + + Sweep time: + Okres wobulacji: - Toggle metronome - Włącz metronom + + Sweep time + Okres wobulacji - Show/hide Song-Editor - Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Kompozycji + + Sweep rate shift amount: + - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Perkusji i Basu + + Sweep rate shift amount + - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Pianolowy + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + - Show/hide Automation Editor - Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Automatyki + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + - Show/hide FX Mixer - Pokaż/ukryj Mikser Efektów + + Square channel 1 volume: + - Show/hide project notes - Pokaż/ukryj notatki do projektu + + Square channel 1 volume + - Show/hide controller rack - Pokaż/ukryj rack kontrolerów + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Długość każdego kroku wobulacji: - Recover session. Please save your work! - Odzyskana sesja. Zapisz swoją pracę! + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Długość każdego kroku wobulacji - Recovered project not saved - Odzyskany projekt nie zapisany + + Square channel 2 volume: + - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Ten projekt został odzyskany z poprzedniej sesji. Jest obecnie niezapisany i zostanie utracony, jeżeli go nie zapiszesz. Czy chcesz teraz zapisać? + + Square channel 2 volume + - LMMS Project - Projekt LMMS + + Wave pattern channel volume: + - LMMS Project Template - Szablon projektu LMMS + + Wave pattern channel volume + - Overwrite default template? - Czy zastąpić domyślny szablon? + + Noise channel volume: + - This will overwrite your current default template. - Spowoduje to zastąpienie bieżącego domyślnego szablonu. + + Noise channel volume + - Smooth scroll - Płynne przewijanie + + SO1 volume (Right): + Głośność SO1 (Prawy): - Enable note labels in piano roll - Włącz etykiety nut w edytorze pianolowym. + + SO1 volume (Right) + Głośność SO1 (Prawy) - Save project template - Zapisz szablon projektu + + SO2 volume (Left): + Głośność SO2 (Lewy): - Volume as dBFS - Głośność jako dBFS + + SO2 volume (Left) + Głośność SO2 (Lewy): - Could not open file - Nie można otworzyć pliku + + Treble: + Soprany: - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Nie udało się otworzyć pliku %1 do zapisu. -Upewnij się, że masz uprawnienia do zapisu do pliku i katalogu zawierającego plik i spróbuj ponownie! + + Treble + Soprany - Export &MIDI... - + + Bass: + Basy: - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator - Numerator Metryczny + + Bass + Basy - Meter Denominator - Denominator Metryczny + + Sweep direction + Kierunek wobulacji - TIME SIG - METRUM + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Kierunek wobulacji głośności - - - MeterModel - Numerator - Numerator + + Shift register width + - Denominator - Denominator + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanał 1 do SO1 (prawy) - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - Kontroler MIDI + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanał 2 do SO1 (prawy) - unnamed_midi_controller - kontroler midi bez nazwy + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanał 3 do SO1 (prawy) - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - Konfiguracja niekompletna + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanał 4 do SO1 (prawy) - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Nie masz skonfigurowanego domyślnego soundfonta w oknie dialogowym (Edycja->Ustawienia). Będzie to skutkować brakiem dźwięku po zaimportowaniu pliku MIDI. Powinieneś pobrać soundfonty General MIDI, dokonać zmiany ustawień i spróbować ponownie. + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanał 1 do SO2 (lewy) - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Tego LMMS nie skompilowano ze wsparciem odtwarzacza SoundFont2, który jest wykorzystywany do dodawania domyślnych dźwięków do zaimportowanych plików MIDI. Wskutek tego po zaimportowaniu pliku MIDI nie usłyszysz żadnego dźwięku. + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanał 2 do SO2 (lewy) - Track - Scieżka + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanał 3 do SO2 (lewy) - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - Serwer JACK wyłączony + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanał 4 do SO2 (lewy) - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - Wygląda na to, że serwer JACK jest wyłączony. + + Wave pattern graph + - MidiPort + MixerLine - Input channel - Kanał wejściowy + + Channel send amount + Ilość wysyłania kanału - Output channel - Kanał wyjściowy + + Move &left + Przesuń w &lewo - Input controller - Kontroler wejściowy + + Move &right + Przesuń w p&rawo - Output controller - Kontroler wyjściowy + + Rename &channel + Zmień nazwę &kanału - Fixed input velocity - Stała głośność wejściowa + + R&emove channel + Usuń k&anał - Fixed output velocity - Stała głośność wyjściowa + + Remove &unused channels + &Usuń nieużywane kanały - Output MIDI program - Wyjściowy program MIDI + + Set channel color + Ustaw kolor kanału - Receive MIDI-events - Odbieraj komunikaty MIDI + + Remove channel color + Usuń kolor kanału - Send MIDI-events - Wysyłaj komunikaty MIDI + + Pick random channel color + Ustaw losowy kolor kanału + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox - Fixed output note - Stała nuta wyjściowa + + Assign to: + Przypisz do: - Base velocity - Głośność podstawy + + New mixer Channel + Nowy kanał efektów - MidiSetupWidget + Mixer - DEVICE - URZĄDZENIE + + Master + Master - - - MonstroInstrument - Osc 1 Volume - Osc 1 Głośność + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 - Osc 1 Panning - Osc 1 Panoramowanie + + Volume + Głośność - Osc 1 Coarse detune - Osc 1 Zgrubne odstrojenie + + Mute + Wycisz - Osc 1 Fine detune left - Osc 1 Dokładne odstrojenie w lewo + + Solo + Solo + + + MixerView - Osc 1 Fine detune right - Osc 1 Dokładne odstrojenie w prawo + + Mixer + Mixer - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - Osc 1 Przesunięcie fazowe stereo + + Fader %1 + Fader FX %1 - Osc 1 Pulse width - Osc 1 Współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu + + Mute + Wycisz - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - Osc 1 Wysyłanie Sync na wzroście + + Mute this mixer channel + Wycisz ten kanał FX - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - Osc 1 Wysyłanie Sync na spadku + + Solo + Solo - Osc 2 Volume - Osc 2 Głośność + + Solo mixer channel + Kanał FX solo + + + MixerRoute - Osc 2 Panning - Osc 2 Panoramowanie + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Ilość do wysyłania z kanału %1 do kanału %2 + + + GigInstrument - Osc 2 Coarse detune - Osc 2 Zgrubne odstrojenie + + Bank + Bank - Osc 2 Fine detune left - Osc 2 Dokładne odstrojenie w lewo + + Patch + Próbka - Osc 2 Fine detune right - Osc 2 Dokładne odstrojenie w prawo + + Gain + Wzmocnienie + + + GigInstrumentView - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - Osc 2 Przesunięcie fazowe stereo + + + Open GIG file + Otwórz plik GIG - Osc 2 Waveform - Osc 2 Przebieg + + Choose patch + Wybierz próbkę - Osc 2 Sync Hard - Osc 2 Sync twarde + + Gain: + Wzmocnienie: - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - Osc 2 Sync odwrócone + + GIG Files (*.gig) + Pliki GIG (*.gig) + + + GuiApplication - Osc 3 Volume - Osc 3 Głośność + + Working directory + Katalog roboczy - Osc 3 Panning - Osc 3 Panoramowanie + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + Katalog roboczy LMMS %1 nie istnieje. Czy chcesz go utworzyć? Możesz zmienić katalog później w ustawieniach. - Osc 3 Coarse detune - Osc 3 Zgrubne odstrojenie + + Preparing UI + Przygotowywanie interfejsu - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Osc 3 Przesunięcie fazowe stereo + + Preparing song editor + Przygotowywanie edytora utworu - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - Osc 3 Sub-oscylator mix + + Preparing mixer + Przygotowywanie miksera - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - Osc 3 Przebieg 1 + + Preparing controller rack + Przygotowanie rack'a kontrolerów - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - Osc 3 Przebieg 2 + + Preparing project notes + Przygotowanie notatki projektu - Osc 3 Sync Hard - Osc 3 Sync twarde + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Przygotowanie edytora perkusji/basu - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - Osc 3 Sync odwrócone + + Preparing piano roll + Przygotowanie edytora pianolowego - LFO 1 Waveform - LFO 1 Przebieg + + Preparing automation editor + Przygotowanie edytora automatyki + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - LFO 1 Attack - LFO 1 Atak + + Arpeggio + Arpeggio - LFO 1 Rate - LFO 1 Tempo + + Arpeggio type + Rodzaj arpeggio - LFO 1 Phase - LFO 1 Faza + + Arpeggio range + Zakres arpeggio - LFO 2 Waveform - LFO 2 Przebieg + + Note repeats + - LFO 2 Attack - LFO 2 Atak + + Cycle steps + Kroki cyklu - LFO 2 Rate - LFO 2 Tempo + + Skip rate + Częstotliwość pominięcia - LFO 2 Phase - LFO 2 Faza + + Miss rate + Częstotliwość opuszczania - Env 1 Pre-delay - Obw 1 Opóźnienie wstępne + + Arpeggio time + Okres arpeggio - Env 1 Attack - Obw 1 Atak + + Arpeggio gate + Bramkowanie arpeggio - Env 1 Hold - Obw 1 Przetrzymanie + + Arpeggio direction + Kierunek arpeggio - Env 1 Decay - Obw 1 Zanikanie + + Arpeggio mode + Tryb arpeggio - Env 1 Sustain - Obw 1 Podtrzymanie + + Up + W górę - Env 1 Release - Obw 1 Wybrzmiewanie + + Down + W dół - Env 1 Slope - Obw 1 Nachylenie + + Up and down + W górę i w dół - Env 2 Pre-delay - Obw 2 Opóźnienie wstępne + + Down and up + W dół i w górę - Env 2 Attack - Obw 2 Atak + + Random + Losowo - Env 2 Hold - Obw 2 Przetrzymanie + + Free + Dowolnie - Env 2 Decay - Obw 2 Zanikanie + + Sort + Posortowany - Env 2 Sustain - Obw 2 Podtrzymanie + + Sync + Synchronizacja + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - Env 2 Release - Obw 2 Wybrzmiewanie + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGGIO - Env 2 Slope - Obw 2 Nachylenie + + RANGE + ZAKRES - Osc2-3 modulation - Modulacja osc2-3 + + Arpeggio range: + Zakres arpeggio: - Selected view - Wybrany widok + + octave(s) + oktawa(y) - Vol1-Env1 - Głośn1-Obw1 + + REP + - Vol1-Env2 - Głośn1-Obw2 + + Note repeats: + - Vol1-LFO1 - Głośn1-LFO1 + + time(s) + raz(y) - Vol1-LFO2 - Głośn1-LFO2 + + CYCLE + CYKL - Vol2-Env1 - Głośn2-Obw1 + + Cycle notes: + Nuty cyklu: - Vol2-Env2 - Głośn2-Obw2 + + note(s) + nuta(y) - Vol2-LFO1 - Głośn2-LFO1 + + SKIP + POMIŃ - Vol2-LFO2 - Głośn2-LFO2 + + Skip rate: + Częstotliwość pominięcia: - Vol3-Env1 - Głośn3-Obw1 + + + + % + % - Vol3-Env2 - Głośn3-Obw2 + + MISS + OPUŚĆ - Vol3-LFO1 - Głośn3-LFO1 + + Miss rate: + Częstotliwość opuszczania: - Vol3-LFO2 - Głośn3-LFO2 + + TIME + OKRES - Phs1-Env1 - Faza1-Obw1 + + Arpeggio time: + Okres arpeggio: - Phs1-Env2 - Faza1-Obw2 + + ms + ms - Phs1-LFO1 - Faza1-LFO1 + + GATE + BRAM. - Phs1-LFO2 - Faza1-LFO2 + + Arpeggio gate: + Bramkowanie arpeggio: - Phs2-Env1 - Faza2-Obw1 + + Chord: + Akord: - Phs2-Env2 - Faza2-Obw2 + + Direction: + Kierunek: - Phs2-LFO1 - Faza2-LFO1 + + Mode: + Tryb: + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - Phs2-LFO2 - Faza2-LFO2 + + octave + oktawa - Phs3-Env1 - Faza3-Obw1 + + + Major + Major - Phs3-Env2 - Faza3-Obw2 + + Majb5 + Majb5 - Phs3-LFO1 - Faza3-LFO1 + + minor + minor - Phs3-LFO2 - Faza3-LFO2 + + minb5 + minb5 - Pit1-Env1 - Odstr1-Obw1 + + sus2 + sus2 - Pit1-Env2 - Odstr1-Obw2 + + sus4 + sus4 - Pit1-LFO1 - Odstr1-LFO1 + + aug + aug - Pit1-LFO2 - Odstr1-LFO2 + + augsus4 + augsus4 - Pit2-Env1 - Odstr2-Obw1 + + tri + tri - Pit2-Env2 - Odstr2-Obw2 + + 6 + 6 - Pit2-LFO1 - Odstr2-LFO1 + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 - Pit2-LFO2 - Odstr2-LFO2 + + 6add9 + 6add9 - Pit3-Env1 - Odstr3-Obw1 + + m6 + m6 - Pit3-Env2 - Odstr3-Obw2 + + m6add9 + m6add9 - Pit3-LFO1 - Odstr3-LFO1 + + 7 + 7 - Pit3-LFO2 - Odstr3-LFO2 + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 - PW1-Env1 - PW1-Obw1 + + 7#5 + 7#5 - PW1-Env2 - PW1-Obw2 + + 7b5 + 7b5 - PW1-LFO1 - PW1-LFO1 + + 7#9 + 7#9 - PW1-LFO2 - PW1-LFO2 + + 7b9 + 7b9 - Sub3-Env1 - Sub3-Obw1 + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 - Sub3-Env2 - Sub3-Obw2 + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 - Sub3-LFO1 - Sub3-LFO1 + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 - Sub3-LFO2 - Sub3-LFO2 + + 7add11 + 7add11 - Sine wave - Fala sinusoidalna + + 7add13 + 7add13 - Bandlimited Triangle wave - Fala trójkątna pasmowo limitowana + + 7#11 + 7#11 - Bandlimited Saw wave - Fala piłokształtna pasmowo limitowana + + Maj7 + Maj7 - Bandlimited Ramp wave - Fala rampowa pasmowo limitowana + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 - Bandlimited Square wave - Fala kwadratowa pasmowo limitowana + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Fala piłokształtna Mooga pasmowo limitowana + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 - Soft square wave - Fala kwadratowa łagodna + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 - Absolute sine wave - Fala sinusoidalna o wartości bezwzględnej + + m7 + m7 - Exponential wave - Fala wykładnicza + + m7b5 + m7b5 - White noise - Biały szum + + m7b9 + m7b9 - Digital Triangle wave - Cyfrowa fala trójkątna + + m7add11 + m7add11 - Digital Saw wave - Cyfrowa fala piłokształtna + + m7add13 + m7add13 - Digital Ramp wave - Cyfrowa fala rampowa + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 - Digital Square wave - Cyfrowa fala kwadratowa + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 - Digital Moog saw wave - Cyfrowa fala piłokształtna Mooga + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 - Triangle wave - Fala trójkątna + + 9 + 9 - Saw wave - Fala piłokształtna + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 - Ramp wave - Fala rampowa + + add9 + add9 - Square wave - Fala prostokątna + + 9#5 + 9#5 - Moog saw wave - Fala piłokształtna Mooga + + 9b5 + 9b5 - Abs. sine wave - Fala sin. o wart. bezwzgl. + + 9#11 + 9#11 - Random - Losowe + + 9b13 + 9b13 - Random smooth - Losowe gładkie + + Maj9 + Maj9 - - - MonstroView - Operators view - Widok operatorowy + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - Widok Operatorowy zawiera wszystkie operatory. Obejmują one zarówno operatory słyszalne (oscylatory) oraz operatory niesłyszalne, czy modulatory: Generatory wolnych przebiegów oraz Obwiednie. - -Pokrętła i inne widgety w Widoku Operatorowym mają swoje własne co to jest -teksty, więc możesz w ten sposób uzyskać bardziej konkretną pomoc. + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 - Matrix view - Widok macierzowy + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - Widok Macierzowy zawiera macierz modulacyjną. Tutaj możesz zdefiniować relacje modulacji między różnymi operatorami: każdy słyszalny oscylator (oscylatory 1-3) ma 3-4 właściwości, które mogą być modulowane przez dowolny modulator. Korzystanie z większej liczby modulacji zużywa większą moc CPU. - -Widok jest podzielony na cele modulacji, grupowane przez oscylator docelowy. Dostępnymi celami są głośność, odstrojenie, faza, współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu, i zakres sub-oscylatorowy. Uwaga: niektóre cele są określone dla tylko jednego oscylatora. - -Każdy cel modulacyjny ma 4 pokrętła, jedno dla każdego modulatora. Domyślnie pokrętła są ustawione na 0, co oznacza brak modulacji. Obrócenie pokrętła do 1 sprawia, że modulator wpływa jak najdalej na cel modulacji. Obrócenie go do -1 zrobi to samo, ale modulacja jest odwrócona. + + m9 + m9 - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - Miksuj Osc2 z Osc3 + + madd9 + madd9 - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - Moduluj amplitudę Osc3 z Osc2 + + m9b5 + m9b5 - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - Moduluj częstotliwość Osc3 z Osc2 + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - Moduluj fazę Osc3 z Osc2 + + 11 + 11 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - Pokrętło CRS zmienia strojenie oscylatora 1 w półtonowe kroki. + + 11b9 + 11b9 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - Pokrętło CRS zmienia strojenie oscylatora 2 w półtonowe kroki. + + Maj11 + Maj11 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - Pokrętło CRS zmienia strojenie oscylatora 3 w półtonowe kroki. + + m11 + m11 - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - FTL i FTR zmieniają strojenie oscylatora odpowiednio dla lewego i prawego kanału. Mogą one dodać odstrojenie stereo do oscylatora, który rozszerza obraz stereo i spowoduję iluzję przestrzeni. + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - Pokrętło SPO modyfikuje różnicę w fazie między lewym i prawym kanałem. Większa różnica tworzy szerszy obraz stereo. + + 13 + 13 - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - Pokrętło PW kontroluje współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu, znany również jako cykl pracy, oscylatora 1. Oscylator 1 jest oscylatorem cyfrowej fali impulsowej, nie tworzy pasmowo limitowanego wyjścia co oznacza, że możesz używać jako słyszalny oscylator, ale to spowoduje aliasing. Możesz też użyć jako niesłyzalne źródło sygnału sync, który może być użyty do synchronizacji oscylatorów 2 i 3. + + 13#9 + 13#9 - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Wysyłanie Sync na wzroście: Jeśli włączone, sygnał Sync jest wysyłany za każdym razem, gdy oscylator 1 zmienia się z niskiego na wysoki, tj. gdy amplituda zmienia się z -1 do 1. Odstrojenie, faza i współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu oscylatora 1 mogą mieć wpływ na koordynację sync'ów, ale jego głośność nie ma na nie żadnego wpływu. Sygnały Sync są wysyłanie niezależnie dla lewego i prawego kanału. + + 13b9 + 13b9 - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Wysyłanie Sync na wzroście: Jeśli włączone, sygnał Sync jest wysyłany za każdym razem, gdy oscylator 1 zmienia się z niskiego na wysoki, tj. gdy amplituda zmienia się z 1 do -1. Odstrojenie, faza i współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu oscylatora 1 mogą mieć wpływ na koordynację sync'ów, ale jego głośność nie ma na nie żadnego wpływu. Sygnały Sync są wysyłanie niezależnie dla lewego i prawego kanału. + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - Twardy sync: Za każdym razem, gdy oscylator otrzymuje sygnał sync od oscylatora 1, jego faza jest resetowana do 0+, niezależnie od jego przesunięcia fazowego. + + Maj13 + Maj13 - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - Odwrócony sync: Za każdym razem, gdy oscylator otrzymuje sygnał sync od oscylatora 1, amplituda oscylatora zostaje odwrócona. + + m13 + m13 - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Wybierz przebieg dla oscylatora 2 + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Wybierz przebieg dla pierwszego sub-oscylatora oscylatora 3. Oscylator 3 może łagodnie interpolować między dwoma różnymi przebiegami. + + Harmonic minor + Minorowy harmoniczny - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Wybierz przebieg dla drugiego sub-oscylatora oscylatora 3. Oscylator 3 może łagodnie interpolować między dwoma różnymi przebiegami. + + Melodic minor + Minorowy melodyjny - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - Pokrętło SUB zmienia stosunek mieszania dwóch sub-oscylatorów oscylatora 3. Każdy sub-oscylator może być ustawiony tak, aby wytworzyć inny przebieg, a oscylator 3 może łagodnie interpolować między nimi. Wszystkie przychodzące modulacje do oscylatora 3 są stosowane w obu sub-oscylatorach / przebiegach w dokładnie taki sam sposób. + + Whole tone + Cały ton - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - Oprócz dedykowanych modulatorów, Monstro pozwala modulować oscylator 3 przez wyjście oscylatora 2. - -Tryb mieszania oznacza brak modulacji: wyjścia oscylatorów są po prostu zmiksowane razem. + + Diminished + Zmniejszony - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - Oprócz dedykowanych modulatorów, Monstro pozwala modulować oscylator 3 przez wyjście oscylatora 2. - -AM oznacza modulację amplitudową: amplituda oscylatora 3 (głośność) jest modulowana przez oscylator 2. + + Major pentatonic + Majorowy pentatoniczny - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - Oprócz dedykowanych modulatorów, Monstro pozwala modulować oscylator 3 przez wyjście oscylatora 2. - -FM oznacza modulację częstotliwościową: częstotliwość (odstrojenie) oscylatora 3 jest modulowane przez oscylator 2. Modulacja częstotliwości jest wykonana jak modulacja fazowa, która daje bardziej stabilną ogólną skalę niż "czysta" modulacja częstotliwości. + + Minor pentatonic + Minorowy pentatoniczny - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - Oprócz dedykowanych modulatorów, Monstro pozwala modulować oscylator 3 przez wyjście oscylatora 2. - -PM oznacza modulację fazową: faza oscylatora 3 jest modulowana przez oscylator 2. Różni się od modulacji częstotliwościowej tym, że zmiany fazowe nie są kumulatywne. + + Jap in sen + Jap in sen - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Wybierz przebieg dla LFO 1. -"Losowe" oraz "Losowe gładkie" to specjalne przebiegi: wytwarzają losowe wyjście, gdzie częstotliwość LFO kontroluje, jak często zmienia się stan LFO. Gładka wersja interpoluje między tymi stanami interpolacją kosinusową. Te losowe tryby mogą być użyte, aby dodać "życia" twoim presetom - dodają trochę analogowej nieprzewidywalności... + + Major bebop + Majorowy bebop - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Wybierz przebieg dla LFO 2. -"Losowe" oraz "Losowe gładkie" to specjalne przebiegi: wytwarzają losowe wyjście, gdzie częstotliwość LFO kontroluje, jak często zmienia się stan LFO. Gładka wersja interpoluje między tymi stanami interpolacją kosinusową. Te losowe tryby mogą być użyte, aby dodać "życia" twoim presetom - dodają trochę analogowej nieprzewidywalności... + + Dominant bebop + Dominujący bebop - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - Atak spowoduje stopniowe narastanie LFO od początku nuty. + + Blues + Blues - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - Prędkość LFO, mierzona w milisekundach na cykl, jest ustawiana przez częstotliwość. Może być zsynchronizowana do tempa. + + Arabic + Arabski - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - Przesunięcie fazowe LFO jest kontrolowane przez PHS. + + Enigmatic + Enigmatyczny - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - PRE lub opóźnienie wstępne opóźnia początek obwiedni od początku nuty. 0 oznacza brak opóźnienia. + + Neopolitan + Neopolitański - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - ATT lub atak kontroluje szybkość narastania obwiedni na początku, mierzoną w milisekundach. Wartość 0 oznacza natychmiast. + + Neopolitan minor + Minorowy neapolitański - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - HOLD lub przetrzymywanie określa, jak długo obwiednia pozostaje na szczycie po fazie ataku. + + Hungarian minor + Minorowy węgierski - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - DEC lub zanikanie kontroluje szybkość opadania obwiedni od szczytu, mierzoną w milisekundach, zajmujące od szczytu do zera. Rzeczywiste zanikanie może być krótsze, jeśli podtrzymywanie jest użyte. + + Dorian + Dorycki - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - SUS lub podtrzymywanie określa poziom podtrzymywania obwiedni. Faza zanikania nie spadnie poniżej tego poziomu tak długo, jak długo trzymana jest nuta. + + Phrygian + Frygijski - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - REL lub wybrzmiewanie określa długość wybrzmiewania nuty, mierzoną, jak długo zajęłoby opadanie ze szczytu do zera. Rzeczywiste wybrzmiewanie może być krótsze, zależnie od tego, w jakiej fazie nuta jest wybrzmiewana. + + Lydian + Lidyjski - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - Pokrętło nachylenia kontroluje krzywą lub kształt obwiedni. Wartość 0 wytwarza proste wzniesienia oraz opadania. Wartości ujemne tworzą krzywe, które zaczynają wolno, osiągają maksimum szybko i powoli opadają. Wartości dodatnie tworzą krzywe, które zaczynają i kończą szybko oraz pozostają dłużej w pobliżu szczytów. + + Mixolydian + Miksolidyjski - Volume - Głośność + + Aeolian + Eolski - Panning - Panoramowanie + + Locrian + Lokrycki - Coarse detune - Odstrojenie zgrubne + + Minor + Minor - semitones - półtony + + Chromatic + Chromatyczny - Finetune left - Odstrojenie lewe + + Half-Whole Diminished + Półton-Cały ton Zmniejszony - cents - centy + + 5 + 5 - Finetune right - Odstrojenie prawe + + Phrygian dominant + Frygijski dominujący - Stereo phase offset - Przesunięcie fazy stereo + + Persian + Perski - deg - st + + Chords + Akordy - Pulse width - Współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu + + Chord type + Typ akordu - Send sync on pulse rise - Wyślij sync przy wzroście pulsu + + Chord range + Zakres akordu + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - Send sync on pulse fall - Wyślij sync przy spadku pulsu + + STACKING + UKŁADANIE - Hard sync oscillator 2 - Sync twarde oscylatora 2 + + Chord: + Akord: - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Sync odwrócone oscylatora 2 + + RANGE + ZAKRES - Sub-osc mix - + + Chord range: + Zakres akordu: - Hard sync oscillator 3 - Sync twarde oscylatora 3 + + octave(s) + oktawa(y) + + + InstrumentMidiIOView - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Sync odwrócone oscylatora 3 + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + WŁĄCZ WEJŚCIE MIDI - Attack - Atak + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + WŁĄCZ WYJŚCIE MIDI - Rate - Tempo + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + CHAN - Phase - Faza + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + VELOC - Pre-delay - Opóźnienie wstępne + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + PROG - Hold - Przetrzymanie + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NUTA - Decay - Zanikanie + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + Urządzenia MIDI odbierające zdarzenia z - Sustain - Podtrzymanie + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + Urządzenia MIDI wysyłające zdarzenia do - Release - Wybrzmiewanie + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + NIESTANDARDOWA GŁOŚNOŚĆ PODSTAWY - Slope - Nachylenie + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + Określ podstawę normalizacyjną głośności dla instrumentów opartych na MIDI z prędkością zapisu 100%. - Modulation amount - Współczynnik modulacji + + BASE VELOCITY + GŁOŚNOŚĆ PODSTAWY - MultitapEchoControlDialog + InstrumentMiscView - Length - Długość + + MASTER PITCH + ODSTROJENIE GŁÓWNE - Step length: - Długość kroku: + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping - Dry - Suche + + VOLUME + GŁOŚNOŚĆ - Dry Gain: - Wzmocnienie suchego: + + Volume + Głośność - Stages - Etapy + + CUTOFF + CUTOFF - Lowpass stages: - Etapy dolnego przepustu: + + + Cutoff frequency + Częstotliwość graniczna - Swap inputs - Zamień wejścia + + RESO + RESO - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - Zamień lewy i prawy kanał wyjściowy dla odbicia + + Resonance + Zafalowanie charakterystyki - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune - Kanał 1 Zgrubne odstrojenie + + Envelopes/LFOs + Obwiednie/Oscylatory LFO - Channel 1 Volume - Kanał 1 Głośność + + Filter type + Rodzaj filtru - Channel 1 Envelope length - Kanał 1 Długość obwiedni + + Q/Resonance + Dobroć/Zafalowanie charakterystyki - Channel 1 Duty cycle - Kanał 1 Cykl pracy + + Low-pass + - Channel 1 Sweep amount - Kanał 1 Ilość wobulacji + + Hi-pass + - Channel 1 Sweep rate - Kanał 1 Częstotliwość wobulacji + + Band-pass csg + - Channel 2 Coarse detune - Kanał 2 Zgrubne odstrojenie + + Band-pass czpg + - Channel 2 Volume - Kanał 2 Głośność + + Notch + Pasmowozaporowy - Channel 2 Envelope length - Kanał 2 Długość obwiedni + + All-pass + - Channel 2 Duty cycle - Kanał 2 Cykl pracy + + Moog + Moog - Channel 2 Sweep amount - Kanał 2 Ilość wobulacji + + 2x Low-pass + - Channel 2 Sweep rate - Kanał 2 Częstotliwość wobulacji + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + - Channel 3 Coarse detune - Kanał 3 Zgrubne odstrojenie + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + - Channel 3 Volume - Kanał 3 Głośność + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + - Channel 4 Volume - Kanał 4 Głośność + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + - Channel 4 Envelope length - Kanał 4 Długość obwiedni + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + - Channel 4 Noise frequency - Kanał 4 Częstotliwość szumu + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - Kanał 4 Wobulacja częstotliwości szumu + + Vocal Formant + - Master volume - Głośność główna + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog - Vibrato - Vibrato + + SV Low-pass + - - - NesInstrumentView - Volume - Głośność + + SV Band-pass + - Coarse detune - Odstrojenie zgrubne + + SV High-pass + - Envelope length - Długość obwiedni + + SV Notch + SV Zaporowy - Enable channel 1 - Włącz kanał 1 + + Fast Formant + Szybki Formant - Enable envelope 1 - Włącz obwiednię 1 + + Tripole + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView - Enable envelope 1 loop - Włącz pętlę obwiedni 1 + + TARGET + TARGET - Enable sweep 1 - Włącz wobulację 1 + + FILTER + FILTR - Sweep amount - Ilość wobulacji + + FREQ + FREQ - Sweep rate - Częstotliwość wobulacji + + Cutoff frequency: + Częstotliwość graniczna: - 12.5% Duty cycle - 12,5% Cykl pracy + + Hz + Hz - 25% Duty cycle - 25% Cykl pracy + + Q/RESO + - 50% Duty cycle - 50% Cykl pracy + + Q/Resonance: + - 75% Duty cycle - 75% Cykl pracy + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Obwiednie, LFO oraz filtry nie są wspierane przez ten instrument. + + + InstrumentTrack - Enable channel 2 - Włącz kanał 2 + + + unnamed_track + nienazwana ścieżka - Enable envelope 2 - Włącz obwiednię 2 - - - Enable envelope 2 loop - Włącz pętlę obwiedni 2 - - - Enable sweep 2 - Włącz wobulację 2 + + Base note + Nuta bazowa - Enable channel 3 - Włącz kanał 3 + + First note + Pierwsza nuta - Noise Frequency - Częstotliwość szumu + + Last note + Ostatnia nuta - Frequency sweep - Wobulacja częstotliwości + + Volume + Głośność - Enable channel 4 - Włącz kanał 4 + + Panning + Panoramowanie - Enable envelope 4 - Włącz obwiednię 4 + + Pitch + Odstrojenie - Enable envelope 4 loop - Włącz pętlę obwiedni 4 + + Pitch range + Zakres odstrojenia - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Kwantyzuj częstotliwość szumu przy użyciu częstotliwości nuty. + + Mixer channel + Kanał FX - Use note frequency for noise - Użyj częstotliwości nuty dla szumu + + Master pitch + Odstrojenie główne - Noise mode - Tryb szumu + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + - Master Volume - Głośność główna + + CC Controller %1 + - Vibrato - Vibrato + + + Default preset + Ustawienia domyślne - OscillatorObject + InstrumentTrackView - Osc %1 volume - Osc %1 głośność + + Volume + Głośność - Osc %1 panning - Osc %1 panoramowanie + + Volume: + Głośność: - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Osc %1 zgrubne odstrojenie + + VOL + VOL - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Osc %1 dokładne odstrojenie lewo + + Panning + Panoramowanie - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Osc %1 dokładne odstrojenie prawo + + Panning: + Panoramowanie: - Osc %1 phase-offset - Osc %1 przesunięcie fazowe + + PAN + PAN - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Osc %1 odstrojenie fazy stereo + + MIDI + MIDI - Osc %1 wave shape - Osc %1 kształt fali + + Input + Wejście - Modulation type %1 - Rodzaj modulacji %1 + + Output + Wyjście - Osc %1 waveform - Osc %1 przebieg + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + - Osc %1 harmonic - Osc %1 harmoniczne + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - PatchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: Preset kanału - + InstrumentTrackWindow - Bank selector - Selektor banku + + GENERAL SETTINGS + GŁÓWNE USTAWIENIA - Bank - Bank + + Volume + Głośność - Program selector - Selektor programu + + Volume: + Głośność: - Patch - Próbka + + VOL + VOL - Name - Nazwa + + Panning + Panoramowanie - OK - OK + + Panning: + Panoramowanie: - Cancel - Anuluj + + PAN + PAN - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - Otwórz inny plik Patch + + Pitch + Odstrojenie - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Kliknij tutaj, aby otworzyć inny plik Patch. Ustawienia pętli i dostrojenia nie zostaną zresetowane. + + Pitch: + Odstrojenie: - Loop - Pętla + + cents + cent(y) - Loop mode - Tryb zapętlenia + + PITCH + PITCH - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - W tym miejscu możesz uruchomić tryb zapętlenia. Jeśli to zrobisz PatMan będzie używał informacji o pętli dostępnych w pliku. + + Pitch range (semitones) + Zakres odstrojenia (półtony) - Tune - Dostrojenie + + RANGE + ZAKRES - Tune mode - Tryb dostrojenia + + Mixer channel + Kanał FX - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - W tym miejscu możesz uruchomić tryb dostrojenia. Patman dostroi próbkę do częstotliwości nut. + + CHANNEL + FX - No file selected - Nie wybrano żadnego pliku + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Zapisz bieżące ustawienia ścieżki jako preset - Open patch file - Otwórz plik Patch + + SAVE + ZAPISZ - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Pliki Patch (*.pat) + + Envelope, filter & LFO + - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll - Otwórz w Edytorze Pianolowym + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + - Clear all notes - Wyczyść wszystkie nuty + + Effects + Efekty - Reset name - Zresetuj nazwę + + MIDI + MIDI - Change name - Zmień nazwę + + Miscellaneous + Różne - Add steps - Dodaj kroki + + Save preset + Zachowaj ustawienia - Remove steps - Usuń kroki + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + Plik XML presetu (*.xpf) - Clone Steps - Klonuj kroki + + Plugin + Wtyczka - PeakController + JackApplicationW - Peak Controller - Kontroler Szczytowy + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + - Peak Controller Bug - Błąd Kontrolera Szczytowego + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - Ze względu na błąd w starszej wersji LMMS, kontrolery szczytowe mogą nie być prawidłowo podłączone. Upewnij się, że kontrolery szczytowe są podłączone prawidłowo i zapisz ponownie ten plik. Przepraszamy za wszelkie niedogodności. + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + - PeakControllerDialog + JuceAboutW - PEAK - PEAK + + About JUCE + O JUCE - LFO Controller - Kontroler LFO + + <b>About JUCE</b> + <b>O JUCE</b> - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - BAZA + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + Ten program używa JUCE w wersji 3.x.x. - Base amount: - Współczynnik bazy: + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + - Modulation amount: - Współczynnik modulacji: + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + Knob - Attack: - Atak: + + Set linear + Ustaw linearnie - Release: - Wybrzmiewanie: + + Set logarithmic + Ustaw logarytmicznie - AMNT - ILOŚĆ + + + Set value + Ustaw wartość - MULT - MNOŻ + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy -96.0 dBFS a 6.0 dBFS: - Amount Multiplicator: - Mnożnik ilości: + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy %1 a %2: + + + LadspaControl - ATCK - ATAK + + Link channels + Połącz kanały + + + LadspaControlDialog - DCAY - ZANIK + + Link Channels + Połącz kanały - Treshold: - Próg: + + Channel + Kanał + + + LadspaControlView - TRSH - PRÓG: + + Link channels + Połącz kanały + + + + Value: + Wartość: - PeakControllerEffectControls + LadspaEffect - Base value - Wartość bazowa + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Nieznana wtyczka LADSPA %1 żądanie. + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - Modulation amount - Współczynnik modulacji + + Set value + Ustaw wartość - Mute output - Wycisz wyjście + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy %1 a %2: + + + LcdSpinBox - Attack - Narastanie + + Set value + Ustaw wartość - Release - Wybrzmiewanie + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy %1 a %2: + + + LeftRightNav - Abs Value - Wart. bezwzgl. + + + + Previous + Poprzedni - Amount Multiplicator - Mnożnik ilości + + + + Next + Następny - Treshold - Próg + + Previous (%1) + Poprzedni (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Następny (%1) - PianoRoll + LfoController - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Otwórz wzorzec podwójnym kliknięciem! + + LFO Controller + Kontroler LFO - Last note - Ostatnia nuta + + Base value + Wartość bazowa - Note lock - Blokada nuty + + Oscillator speed + Prędkość oscylatora - Note Velocity - Głośność Nuty + + Oscillator amount + Współczynnik oscylatora - Note Panning - Panoramowanie Nuty + + Oscillator phase + Faza oscylatora - Mark/unmark current semitone - Zaznacz/odznacz bieżący półton + + Oscillator waveform + Kształt fali oscylatora - Mark current scale - Zaznacz bieżącą skalę + + Frequency Multiplier + Mnożnik częstotliwości + + + LfoControllerDialog - Mark current chord - Zaznacz bieżący akord + + LFO + LFO - Unmark all - Odznacz wszystko + + BASE + BASE - No scale - Brak skali + + Base: + - No chord - Brak akordu + + FREQ + FREQ - Velocity: %1% - Prędkość: %1% + + LFO frequency: + Częstotliwość LFO: - Panning: %1% left - Panoramowanie: %1% w lewo + + AMNT + ILOŚĆ - Panning: %1% right - Panoramowanie: %1% w prawo + + Modulation amount: + Współczynnik modulacji: - Panning: center - Panoramowanie: centrum + + PHS + PHS - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy %1 a %2: + + Phase offset: + Przesunięcie fazowe: - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Zaznacz/odznacz wszystkie odpowiadające półtony oktawy + + degrees + stopni(e) - Select all notes on this key - Wybierz wszystkie nuty dla tego klucza + + Sine wave + Fala sinusoidalna - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Odtwórz/wstrzymaj obecny wzorzec (spacja) + + Triangle wave + Fala trójkątna - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Nagraj nuty za pomocą urządzenia MIDI/kanału piano + + Saw wave + Fala piłokształtna - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Nagraj nuty za pomocą urządzenia MIDI/kanału piano podczas odtwarzania kompozycji lub ścieżki perkusji/basu + + Square wave + Fala prostokątna - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie obecnego wzorca (spacja) + + Moog saw wave + Fala piłokształtna Mooga - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Kliknij tutaj jeśli chcesz odtworzyć bieżący wzorzec. Jest to użyteczne podczas edycji. Wzorzec zostanie automatycznie zapętlony, gdy osiąga koniec. + + Exponential wave + Fala wykładnicza - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - Kliknij tutaj, aby nagrać nuty z kontrolera MIDI lub wirtualnego pianina przypisanego do tego kanału. Podczas nagrywania wszystkie nuty które zagrasz zostaną zapisane na wzorzec i będziesz mógł odtworzyć i edytować je później. + + White noise + Biały szum - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - Kliknij tutaj, aby nagrać nuty z kontrolera MIDI lub wirtualnego pianina przypisanego do tego kanału. Podczas nagrywania będziesz słyszeć utwór lub linię perkusyjną/basową a wszystkie nuty które zagrasz zostaną zapisane na wzorzec. + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Kliknij tutaj jeśli chcesz zatrzymać odtwarzanie bieżącego wzorca. + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Tryb rysowania (Shift+D) + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Tryb wymazywania (Shift+E) + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + Engine - Select mode (Shift+S) - Tryb zaznaczania (Shift+S) + + Generating wavetables + Generowanie tabel próbek dźwiękowych - Detune mode (Shift+T) - Tryb odstrojenia (Shift+T) + + Initializing data structures + Inicjalizacja struktur danych - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przejść do trybu rysowania. W tym trybie możesz dodawać, przemieszczać i zmieniać rozmiar nut To domyślny tryb, który będziesz używać przez większość czasu. Możesz go aktywować z poziomu klawiatury za pomocą skrótu 'Shift+D'. Przytrzymaj klawisz '%1' aby czasowo przejść do trybu zaznaczenia. + + Opening audio and midi devices + Otwieranie urządzeń audio i midi - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przejść do trybu kasowania. W tym trybie możesz usuwać nuty. Możesz go aktywować z poziomu klawiatury za pomocą skrótu 'Shift+E'. + + Launching mixer threads + Uruchamianie wątków miksera + + + MainWindow - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przejść do trybu zaznaczania. W tym trybie możesz zaznaczać pojedyncze nuty lub całe ich grupy. Alternatywnie możesz przytrzymać klawisz '%1' w trybie rysowania aby tymczasowo przejść do trybu zaznaczania. + + Configuration file + Plik konfiguracyjny - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przejść do trybu odstrojenia. W tym trybie możesz odstrajać nuty w oknie, które otworzy się po kliknięciu na nie. Ten tryb możesz aktywować z poziomu klawiatury przez wciśnięcie kombinacji 'Shift+T'. + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Błąd podczas parsowania pliku konfiguracyjnego w linii %1:%2: %3 - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Wytnij zaznaczone nuty (%1+X) + + Could not open file + Nie można otworzyć pliku - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Skopiuj zaznaczone nuty (%1+C) + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Nie udało się otworzyć pliku %1 do zapisu. +Upewnij się, że masz uprawnienia do zapisu do pliku i katalogu zawierającego plik i spróbuj ponownie! - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Wklej nuty ze schowka (%1+V) + + Project recovery + Odzyskiwanie projektu - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Kliknij tutaj a zaznaczone nuty zostaną wycięte i umieszczone w schowku. Możesz wkleić je gdziekolwiek w dowolnym wzorcu za pomocą przycisku 'Wklej'. + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Plik odzyskiwania jest obecny. Wygląda na to, że ostatnia sesja nie została zakończona poprawnie lub inne okno LMMS już działa. Czy chcesz odzyskać projekt dla tej sesji? - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Kliknij tutaj a zaznaczone nuty zostaną skopiowane do schowka. Możesz wkleić je gdziekolwiek w dowolnym wzorcu za pomocą przycisku 'Wklej'. + + + Recover + Odzyskaj - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Kliknij tutaj a nuty ze schowka zostaną przeklejone w miejsce zaznaczenia. + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Odzyskaj plik. Podczas tego nie uruchamiaj wielu okien LMMS. - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - Kontroluje ono powiększenie osi. Może być pomocne w wyborze powiększenia dla konkretnego zadania. Do zwykłego edytowania powiększenie powinno być dopasowane do najmniejszych nut. + + + Discard + Odrzuć - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - 'Q' oznacza kwantyzację, kontroluje ona nuty o rozmiarze siatki oraz punkty kontrolne. Wraz z mniejszymi wartościami kwantyzacji, możesz rysować mniejsze nuty w Edytorze Pianolowym oraz dokładniejsze punkty kontrolne w Edytorze Automatyki. + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Uruchom domyślną sesję oraz usuń odzyskiwane pliki. Tego nie można cofnąć. - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - Pozwala ono na wybranie długości nowych nut. 'Ostatnia Nuta' oznacza, że długość ostatnio edytowanej nuty zostanie użyta. + + Version %1 + Wersja %1 - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - Ta właściwość jest bezpośrednio podłączona z menu kontekstowym na wirtualnej klawiaturze, na lewo w Piano Roll'u. Po wybraniu skali, której chcesz w rozwijanym menu, możesz kliknąć prawy przycisk myszy we wirtualnej klawiaturze i następnie wybrać 'Zaznacz bieżącą skalę'. LMMS wyświetli wszystkie nuty należące do wybranej skali, w wybranym klawiszu. + + Preparing plugin browser + Przygotowanie wyszukiwarki wtyczek - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - Wybierz akord, który LMMS może rysować lub podświetlić. Możesz znaleźć najbardziej znane akordy w rozwijanym menu. Po wybraniu akordu, kliknij gdziekolwiek, aby umieścić ten akord i kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na wirtualnej klawiaturze, aby otworzyć menu kontekstowe oraz podświetlić akord. Aby powrócić do umieszczenia pojedynczej nuty, musisz wybrać 'Brak akordu' w rozwijanym menu. + + Preparing file browsers + Przygotowanie wyszukiwarki plików - Edit actions - Edytuj akcje + + My Projects + Moje projekty - Copy paste controls - Regulacja kopiuj wklej + + My Samples + Moje próbki - Timeline controls - Kontrola osi czasu + + My Presets + Moje presety - Zoom and note controls - Regulacja nut i powiększenia + + My Home + Mój katalog domowy - Piano-Roll - %1 - Edytor Pianolowy - %1 + + Root directory + Katalog główny - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Edytor Pianolowy - brak wzorca + + Volumes + Głośność - Quantize - Kwantyzuj + + My Computer + Mój komputer - - - PianoView - Base note - Nuta podstawowa + + &File + &Plik - - - Plugin - Plugin not found - Nie znaleziono wtyczki + + &New + &Nowy - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - Wtyczka "%1" Nie została odnaleziona albo nie może zostać załadowana! -Powód: "%2" + + &Open... + &Otwórz... - Error while loading plugin - Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania wtyczki + + Loading background picture + - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Nie można załadować wtyczki "%1"! + + &Save + &Zapisz - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - Przeglądarka instrumentów + + Save &As... + Zapisz &Jako... + + Save as New &Version + Zapisz jako Nową &Wersję + + + + Save as default template + Zapisz jako domyślny szablon + + + + Import... + Import... + + + + E&xport... + Eksport [&X]... + + + + E&xport Tracks... + Eksportuj Ścieżki... + + + + Export &MIDI... + Eksportuj &MIDI… + + + + &Quit + Zakończ [&Q] + + + + &Edit + &Edycja + + + + Undo + Cofnij + + + + Redo + Ponów + + + + Settings + Ustawienia + + + + &View + &Podgląd + + + + &Tools + &Narzędzia + + + + &Help + &Pomoc + + + + Online Help + Pomoc Online + + + + Help + Pomoc + + + + About + O LMMS + + + + Create new project + Stwórz nowy projekt + + + + Create new project from template + Stwórz nowy projekt jako szablon + + + + Open existing project + Otwórz istniejący projekt + + + + Recently opened projects + Ostatnio otwierane projekty + + + + Save current project + Zapisz bieżący projekt + + + + Export current project + Eksportuj bieżący projekt + + + + Metronome + Metronom + + + + + Song Editor + Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Kompozycji + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Perkusji i Basu + + + + + Piano Roll + Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Pianolowy + + + + + Automation Editor + Pokaż/ukryj Edytor Automatyki + + + + + Mixer + Pokaż/ukryj Mikser Efektów + + + + Show/hide controller rack + Pokaż/ukryj rack kontrolerów + + + + Show/hide project notes + Pokaż/ukryj notatki do projektu + + + + Untitled + Nienazwane + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Odzyskana sesja. Zapisz swoją pracę! + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + Odzyskany projekt nie zapisany + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Ten projekt został odzyskany z poprzedniej sesji. Jest obecnie niezapisany i zostanie utracony, jeżeli go nie zapiszesz. Czy chcesz teraz zapisać? + + + + Project not saved + Projekt nie zapisany + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Bieżący projekt został zmodyfikowany od ostatniego zapisu. Czy chcesz go zapisać teraz? + + + + Open Project + Otwórz Projekt + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Zapisz Projekt + + + + LMMS Project + Projekt LMMS + + + + LMMS Project Template + Szablon projektu LMMS + + + + Save project template + Zapisz szablon projektu + + + + Overwrite default template? + Czy zastąpić domyślny szablon? + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Spowoduje to zastąpienie bieżącego domyślnego szablonu. + + + + Help not available + Pomoc niedostępna + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Aktualnie pomoc dla LMMS jest niedostępna. +Odwiedź witrynę http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + Controller Rack + Pokaż/ukryj rack kontrolerów + + + + Project Notes + Pokaż/ukryj notatki projektu + + + + Fullscreen + Pełny ekran + + + + Volume as dBFS + Głośność jako dBFS + + + + Smooth scroll + Płynne przewijanie + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Włącz etykiety nut w edytorze pianolowym. + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + Plik MIDI (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + bez tytułu + + + + + Select file for project-export... + Wybierz plik do wyeksportowania projektu… + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Wybierz katalog zapisu eksportowanych utworów… + + + + Save project + Zapisz projekt + + + + Project saved + Zapisano projekt + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + Projekt %1 został zapisany. + + + + Project NOT saved. + Nie zapisano projektu. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + Projekt %1 nie został zapisany! + + + + Import file + Importuj plik + + + + MIDI sequences + Sekwencje MIDI + + + + Hydrogen projects + Projekty Hydrogen + + + + All file types + Wszystkie rodzaje plików + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + Numerator Metryczny + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + Denominator Metryczny + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + METRUM + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + Numerator + + + + Denominator + Denominator + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + Kontroler MIDI + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + kontroler midi bez nazwy + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + Konfiguracja niekompletna + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + Nie masz skonfigurowanego domyślnego soundfonta w oknie dialogowym (Edycja->Ustawienia). Będzie to skutkować brakiem dźwięku po zaimportowaniu pliku MIDI. Powinieneś pobrać soundfonty General MIDI, dokonać zmiany ustawień i spróbować ponownie. + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Tego LMMS nie skompilowano ze wsparciem odtwarzacza SoundFont2, który jest wykorzystywany do dodawania domyślnych dźwięków do zaimportowanych plików MIDI. Wskutek tego po zaimportowaniu pliku MIDI nie usłyszysz żadnego dźwięku. + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + Numerator + + + + Denominator + Denominator + + + + Track + Scieżka + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + Serwer JACK wyłączony + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + Wygląda na to, że serwer JACK jest wyłączony. + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + 3/4 + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + 6/4 + + + + Measures: + Pomiary: + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + 2 + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + &Plik + + + + &Edit + &Edycja + + + + &Quit + Zakończ [&Q] + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + Kanał wejściowy + + + + Output channel + Kanał wyjściowy + + + + Input controller + Kontroler wejściowy + + + + Output controller + Kontroler wyjściowy + + + + Fixed input velocity + Stała głośność wejściowa + + + + Fixed output velocity + Stała głośność wyjściowa + + + + Fixed output note + Stała nuta wyjściowa + + + + Output MIDI program + Wyjściowy program MIDI + + + + Base velocity + Głośność podstawy + + + + Receive MIDI-events + Odbieraj komunikaty MIDI + + + + Send MIDI-events + Wysyłaj komunikaty MIDI + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + Urządzenie + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Osc 3 Przesunięcie fazowe stereo + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + Wybrany widok + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + Fala sinusoidalna + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Fala trójkątna pasmowo limitowana + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Fala piłokształtna pasmowo limitowana + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Fala rampowa pasmowo limitowana + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + Fala kwadratowa pasmowo limitowana + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Fala piłokształtna Mooga pasmowo limitowana + + + + + Soft square wave + Fala kwadratowa łagodna + + + + Absolute sine wave + Fala sinusoidalna o wartości bezwzględnej + + + + + Exponential wave + Fala wykładnicza + + + + White noise + Biały szum + + + + Digital Triangle wave + Cyfrowa fala trójkątna + + + + Digital Saw wave + Cyfrowa fala piłokształtna + + + + Digital Ramp wave + Cyfrowa fala rampowa + + + + Digital Square wave + Cyfrowa fala kwadratowa + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + Cyfrowa fala piłokształtna Mooga + + + + Triangle wave + Fala trójkątna + + + + Saw wave + Fala piłokształtna + + + + Ramp wave + Fala rampowa + + + + Square wave + Fala prostokątna + + + + Moog saw wave + Fala piłokształtna Mooga + + + + Abs. sine wave + Fala sin. o wart. bezwzgl. + + + + Random + Losowe + + + + Random smooth + Losowe gładkie + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + Widok operatorowy + + + + Matrix view + Widok macierzowy + + + + + + Volume + Głośność + + + + + + Panning + Panoramowanie + + + + + + Coarse detune + Odstrojenie zgrubne + + + + + + semitones + półtony + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + centy + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + Przesunięcie fazy stereo + + + + + + + + deg + st + + + + Pulse width + Współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + Wyślij sync przy wzroście pulsu + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + Wyślij sync przy spadku pulsu + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + Sync twarde oscylatora 2 + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + Sync odwrócone oscylatora 2 + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + Sync twarde oscylatora 3 + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + Sync odwrócone oscylatora 3 + + + + + + + Attack + Atak + + + + + Rate + Tempo + + + + + Phase + Faza + + + + + Pre-delay + Opóźnienie wstępne + + + + + Hold + Przetrzymanie + + + + + Decay + Zanikanie + + + + + Sustain + Podtrzymanie + + + + + Release + Wybrzmiewanie + + + + + Slope + Nachylenie + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Współczynnik modulacji + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + Długość + + + + Step length: + Długość kroku: + + + + Dry + Suche + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + Etapy + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + Zamień wejścia + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + Głośność kanału 1 + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Kanał 2 Zgrubne odstrojenie + + + + Channel 2 Volume + Kanał 2 Głośność + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + Głośność kanału 3 + + + + Channel 4 volume + Głośność kanału 4 + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + Głośność główna + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Głośność + + + + + + Coarse detune + Odstrojenie zgrubne + + + + + + Envelope length + Długość obwiedni + + + + Enable channel 1 + Włącz kanał 1 + + + + Enable envelope 1 + Włącz obwiednię 1 + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Włącz pętlę obwiedni 1 + + + + Enable sweep 1 + Włącz wobulację 1 + + + + + Sweep amount + Ilość wobulacji + + + + + Sweep rate + Częstotliwość wobulacji + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12,5% Cykl pracy + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25% Cykl pracy + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50% Cykl pracy + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75% Cykl pracy + + + + Enable channel 2 + Włącz kanał 2 + + + + Enable envelope 2 + Włącz obwiednię 2 + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Włącz pętlę obwiedni 2 + + + + Enable sweep 2 + Włącz wobulację 2 + + + + Enable channel 3 + Włącz kanał 3 + + + + Noise Frequency + Częstotliwość szumu + + + + Frequency sweep + Wobulacja częstotliwości + + + + Enable channel 4 + Włącz kanał 4 + + + + Enable envelope 4 + Włącz obwiednię 4 + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Włącz pętlę obwiedni 4 + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + Kwantyzuj częstotliwość szumu przy użyciu częstotliwości nuty. + + + + Use note frequency for noise + Użyj częstotliwości nuty dla szumu + + + + Noise mode + Tryb szumu + + + + Master volume + Głośność główna + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + Próbka + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + FM + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + Atak + + + + + Decay + Zanikanie + + + + + Release + Wybrzmiewanie + + + + + Frequency multiplier + Mnożnik częstotliwości + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + Osc %1 przebieg + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + Osc %1 harmoniczne + + + + + Osc %1 volume + Osc %1 głośność + + + + + Osc %1 panning + Osc %1 panoramowanie + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Osc %1 dokładne odstrojenie lewo + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Osc %1 zgrubne odstrojenie + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Osc %1 dokładne odstrojenie prawo + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Osc %1 przesunięcie fazowe + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Osc %1 odstrojenie fazy stereo + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + Osc %1 kształt fali + + + + Modulation type %1 + Rodzaj modulacji %1 + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + Oscyloskop + + + + Click to enable + Naciśnij, aby włączyć + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Preset kanału + + + + Bank selector + Selektor banku + + + + Bank + Bank + + + + Program selector + Selektor programu + + + + Patch + Próbka + + + + Name + Nazwa + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + Anuluj + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + Pętla + + + + Loop mode + Tryb zapętlenia + + + + Tune + Dostrojenie + + + + Tune mode + Tryb dostrojenia + + + + No file selected + Nie wybrano żadnego pliku + + + + Open patch file + Otwórz plik Patch + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Pliki Patch (*.pat) + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + Otwórz w Edytorze Pianolowym + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + Wyczyść wszystkie nuty + + + + Reset name + Zresetuj nazwę + + + + Change name + Zmień nazwę + + + + Add steps + Dodaj kroki + + + + Remove steps + Usuń kroki + + + + Clone Steps + Klonuj kroki + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + Kontroler Szczytowy + + + + Peak Controller Bug + Błąd Kontrolera Szczytowego + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + Ze względu na błąd w starszej wersji LMMS, kontrolery szczytowe mogą nie być prawidłowo podłączone. Upewnij się, że kontrolery szczytowe są podłączone prawidłowo i zapisz ponownie ten plik. Przepraszamy za wszelkie niedogodności. + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + PEAK + + + + LFO Controller + Kontroler LFO + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + BAZA + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + ILOŚĆ + + + + Modulation amount: + Współczynnik modulacji: + + + + MULT + MNOŻ + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + ATAK + + + + Attack: + Atak: + + + + DCAY + ZANIK + + + + Release: + Wybrzmiewanie: + + + + TRSH + PRÓG: + + + + Treshold: + Próg: + + + + Mute output + Wycisz wyjście + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + Wartość bazowa + + + + Modulation amount + Współczynnik modulacji + + + + Attack + Narastanie + + + + Release + Wybrzmiewanie + + + + Treshold + Próg + + + + Mute output + Wycisz wyjście + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + Głośność Nuty + + + + Note Panning + Panoramowanie Nuty + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Zaznacz/odznacz bieżący półton + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + Zaznacz/odznacz wszystkie odpowiadające półtony oktawy + + + + Mark current scale + Zaznacz bieżącą skalę + + + + Mark current chord + Zaznacz bieżący akord + + + + Unmark all + Odznacz wszystko + + + + Select all notes on this key + Wybierz wszystkie nuty dla tego klucza + + + + Note lock + Blokada nuty + + + + Last note + Ostatnia nuta + + + + No key + Brak klucza + + + + No scale + Brak skali + + + + No chord + Brak akordu + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + Głośność: %1% + + + + Panning: %1% left + Panoramowanie: %1% w lewo + + + + Panning: %1% right + Panoramowanie: %1% w prawo + + + + Panning: center + Panoramowanie: centrum + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Otwórz wzorzec podwójnym kliknięciem! + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Wprowadź nową wartość pomiędzy %1 a %2: + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Odtwórz/wstrzymaj obecny wzorzec (spacja) + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Nagraj nuty za pomocą urządzenia MIDI/kanału piano + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Nagraj nuty za pomocą urządzenia MIDI/kanału piano podczas odtwarzania kompozycji lub ścieżki perkusji/basu + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie obecnego wzorca (spacja) + + + + Edit actions + Edytuj akcje + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Tryb rysowania (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Tryb wymazywania (Shift+E) + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Tryb zaznaczania (Shift+S) + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + Kwantyzuj + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + Regulacja kopiuj wklej + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + Kontrola osi czasu + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + Regulacja nut i powiększenia + + + + Horizontal zooming + Powiększenie poziome + + + + Vertical zooming + Powiększenie pionowe + + + + Quantization + Kwantyzacja + + + + Note length + Długość nuty + + + + Key + Klucz + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Edytor Pianolowy - %1 + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Edytor Pianolowy - brak wzorca + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + Nuta podstawowa + + + + First note + Pierwsza nuta + + + + Last note + Ostatnia nuta + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + Nie znaleziono wtyczki + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + Wtyczka "%1" Nie została odnaleziona albo nie może zostać załadowana! +Powód: "%2" + + + + Error while loading plugin + Wystąpił błąd podczas ładowania wtyczki + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Nie można załadować wtyczki "%1"! + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + Wtyczki instrumentów + + + + Instrument browser + Przeglądarka instrumentów + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. Przeciągnij instrument do Edytora utworu, Edytora perkusji i linii basu lub na istniejącą ścieżkę instrumentu. - Instrument Plugins - Wtyczki instrumentów + + no description + brak opisu + + + + A native amplifier plugin + Natywna wtyczka wzmacniacza + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Prosty sampler z licznymi ustawieniami dla sampli (np. perkusji) w ścieżce instrumentu + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Łatwo i szybko podbij bas + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Konfigurowalny syntezator tablicowy (wavetable). + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + 4-zakresowy korektor krzyżowy + + + + A native delay plugin + Natywna wtyczka opóźnienia + + + + A Dual filter plugin + Wtyczka podwójnego filtra + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + Natywna wtyczka korektora graficznego + + + + A native flanger plugin + Natywna wtyczka flangera + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Emulator układu APU GameBoy'a (TM). + + + + Player for GIG files + Odtwarzacz plików GIG + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Filtr importujący pliki Hydrogen do LMMS + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Wszechstronny syntezator perkusyjny + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Pokaż zainstalowane wtyczki LADSPA + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + Wtyczka umożliwiająca załadowanie dowolnego efektu LADSPA wewnątrz LMMS. + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Niezupełna monofoniczna emulacja syntezatora TB-303. + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Filtr służący do eksportowania plików MIDI z LMMS + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filtr do importowania plików MIDI do LMMS. + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + Potworny 3-oscylatorowy syntezator z macierzą modulacji + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + Syntezator odwzorowujący NES-a + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + 2-operatorowy syntezator FM + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Syntezator Addytywny umożliwiający stworzenie dźwięków zbliżonych brzmieniem do organów. + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + Instrument kompatybilny z standardem sampli GUS. + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Wtyczka do kontrolowania regulatorów za pośrednictwem szczytów dźwięku. + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Algorytm pogłosu Seana Costello + + + + Player for SoundFont files + Odtwarzacz plików SoundFont. + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + Port sxfr dla LMMS + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Emulator układu dźwiękowego SID (MOS6581 i MOS8580) +Te układy scalone były stosowane w komputerach Commodore 64. + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Wtyczka rozszerzająca bazę stereo. + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Wtyczka do nieograniczonego manipulowania wyjściami stereofonicznymi. + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + Melodyjny instrument pałeczkowy. + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Trzy potężne oscylatory, które możesz modulować na kilka sposobów + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + Host VST pozwalający na użycie wtyczek VST(i) w LMMS. + + + + Vibrating string modeler + Symulator drgającej struny. + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + wtyczka pozwalająca na korzystanie z efektów VST w LMMS. + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + 4-oscylatorowy modularny syntezator tablicowy (wavetable) + + + + plugin for waveshaping + wtyczka kształtująca falę + + + + Mathematical expression parser + Instrument przetwarzający wyrażenia matematyczne + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Wbudowany syntezator ZynAddSubFX. - PluginFactory + PluginDatabaseW - Plugin not found. - Nie odnaleziono wtyczki. + + Carla - Add New + - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - Wtyczka LMMS %1 nie ma deskryptora wtyczki nazwanego %2! + + Format + - - - ProjectNotes - Edit Actions - Edytuj akcje + + Internal + - &Undo - C&ofnij + + LADSPA + LADSPA - %1+Z - %1+Z + + DSSI + DSSI - &Redo - Powtó&rz + + LV2 + LV2 - %1+Y - %1+Y + + VST2 + VST2 - &Copy - &Kopiuj + + VST3 + VST3 - %1+C - %1+C + + AU + - Cu&t - Wy&tnij + + Sound Kits + - %1+X - %1+X + + Type + Rodzaj - &Paste - &Wklej + + Effects + Efekty - %1+V - %1+V + + Instruments + Instrumenty - Format Actions - Formatowanie + + MIDI Plugins + Wtyczki MIDI - &Bold - Pogru&bienie + + Other/Misc + - %1+B - %1+B + + Architecture + - &Italic - Pochylen&ie + + Native + - %1+I - %1+I + + Bridged + - &Underline - P&odkreślenie + + Bridged (Wine) + - %1+U - %1+U + + Requirements + - &Left - Do &lewej + + With Custom GUI + - %1+L - %1+L + + With CV Ports + - C&enter - &Do środka + + Real-time safe only + - %1+E - %1+E + + Stereo only + - &Right - Do p&rawej + + With Inline Display + - %1+R - %1+R + + Favorites only + - &Justify - Wy&justuj + + (Number of Plugins go here) + - %1+J - %1+J + + &Add Plugin + &Dodaj Wtyczkę - &Color... - &Kolor… + + Cancel + Anuluj - Project Notes - Pokaż/ukryj notatki projektu + + Refresh + - Enter project notes here - Wprowadź notatki dotyczące projektu + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + Format: + + + + Architecture: + Architektura: + + + + Type: + Rodzaj: + + + + MIDI Ins: + Wejścia MIDI: + + + + Audio Ins: + Wejścia Audio: + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + Wyjścia MIDI: + + + + Parameter Ins: + - - - ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) - Plik WAV (*.wav) + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + Wyjścia Audio: + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + Nazwa + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Skompresowany plik OGG (*.ogg) + + Binary/Filename + - FLAC-File (*.flac) - Plik FLAC (*.flac) + + Focus Text Search + - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) - Skompresowany plik MP3 (*.mp3) + + Ctrl+F + Ctrl+F - QWidget + PluginEdit - Name: - Nazwa: + + Plugin Editor + - Maker: - Twórca: + + Edit + Edytuj - Copyright: - Prawa autorskie: + + Control + Regulator - Requires Real Time: - Wymaga czasu rzeczywistego: + + MIDI Control Channel: + - Yes - Tak + + N + - No - Nie + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - Real Time Capable: - Zdolność do pracy w czasie rzeczywistym: + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + Ustawienia + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + MIDI: + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + +Nazwa Wtyczki + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + - In Place Broken: + + Label/URI: - Channels In: - Kanały wejściowe: + + Name: + Nazwa: - Channels Out: - Kanały wyjściowe: + + Type: + Rodzaj: - File: - Plik: + + Maker: + - File: %1 - Plik: %1 + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + - RenameDialog + PluginFactory - Rename... - Zmień nazwę… + + Plugin not found. + Nie odnaleziono wtyczki. + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + Wtyczka LMMS %1 nie ma deskryptora wtyczki nazwanego %2! - ReverbSCControlDialog + PluginParameter - Input - Wejście + + Form + - Input Gain: - Wzmocnienie wejścia: + + Parameter Name + - Size - Rozmiar + + ... + ... + + + PluginRefreshW - Size: - Rozmiar: + + Carla - Refresh + - Color - Kolor + + Search for new... + - Color: - Kolor: + + LADSPA + LADSPA - Output - Wyjście + + DSSI + DSSI - Output Gain: - Wzmocnienie wyjścia: + + LV2 + LV2 - - - ReverbSCControls - Input Gain - Wzmocnienie wejścia + + VST2 + VST2 - Size - Rozmiar + + VST3 + VST3 - Color - Kolor + + AU + - Output Gain - Wzmocnienie wyścia + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file - Otwórz plik dźwiękowy + + SFZ + SFZ - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Pliki Wave (*.wav) + + Native + - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - Pliki OGG (*.ogg) + + POSIX 32bit + - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - Pliki DrumSynth (*.ds) + + POSIX 64bit + - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - Pliki FLAC (*.flac) + + Windows 32bit + - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - Pliki SPEEX (*.spx) + + Windows 64bit + - VOC-Files (*.voc) - Pliki VOC (*.voc) + + Available tools: + - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - Pliki AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - AU-Files (*.au) - Pliki AU (*.au) + + carla-discovery-win64 + - RAW-Files (*.raw) - Pliki RAW (*.raw) + + carla-discovery-native + - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Wszystkie pliki dźwiękowe (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + carla-discovery-posix32 + - Fail to open file - Nie udało się otworzyć pliku + + carla-discovery-posix64 + - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - Pliki dźwiękowe mogą mieć rozmiar do %1 MB i trwać maks. %2 minut(y) + + carla-discovery-win32 + - - - SampleTCOView - double-click to select sample - naciśnij dwukrotnie, aby wybrać sampel + + Options: + - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Usuń (środkowy przycisk myszy) + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - Cut - Wytnij + + Run processing checks while scanning + - Copy - Kopiu + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + - Paste - klej + + Scan + - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Wycisz/cofnij wyciszenie (<%1> + środkowy przycisk myszy) + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + Zamkni - SampleTrack + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + - Sample track - Ścieżka audio + + Enable + Włącz - Volume - Głośność + + On/Off + On/Off - Panning - Panoramowanie + + + + + PluginName + - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - Głośność ścieżki + + MIDI + MIDI - Channel volume: - Głośność kanału: + + AUDIO IN + - VOL - VOL + + AUDIO OUT + - Panning - Panoramowanie + + GUI + - Panning: - Panoramowanie: + + Edit + Edytuj - PAN - PAN + + Remove + Usuń + + + + Plugin Name + Nazwa Wtyczki + + + + Preset: + - SetupDialog + ProjectNotes - Setup LMMS - Konfiguracja LMMS + + Project Notes + Pokaż/ukryj notatki projektu - General settings - Ustawienia ogólne + + Enter project notes here + Wprowadź notatki dotyczące projektu - BUFFER SIZE - ROZMIAR BUFORU + + Edit Actions + Edytuj akcje - Reset to default-value - Przywróć do domyślnej wartości + + &Undo + C&ofnij - MISC - DODATKOWE + + %1+Z + %1+Z - Enable tooltips - Włącz podpowiedzi + + &Redo + Powtó&rz - Show restart warning after changing settings - Wyświetlaj przypomnienia o ponownym uruchomieniu po zmianie ustawień + + %1+Y + %1+Y - Compress project files per default - Domyślnie kompresuj pliki projektu + + &Copy + &Kopiuj - One instrument track window mode - Tryb jednego, wspólnego okna dla wszystkich instrumentów + + %1+C + %1+C - HQ-mode for output audio-device - Tryb wysokiej jakości wyjścia urządzenia audio + + Cu&t + Wy&tnij - Compact track buttons - Kompaktowe przyciski ścieżek + + %1+X + %1+X - Sync VST plugins to host playback - Synchronizuj wtyczki VST z hostem + + &Paste + &Wklej - Enable note labels in piano roll - Włącz etykiety nut w edytorze pianolowym. + + %1+V + %1+V - Enable waveform display by default - Włącz domyślnie wyświetlanie przebiegu + + Format Actions + Formatowanie - Keep effects running even without input - Pozostaw efekty włączone, nawet bez wejścia + + &Bold + Pogru&bienie - Create backup file when saving a project - Twórz kopię zapasową przy zapisywaniu pliku + + %1+B + %1+B - LANGUAGE - JĘZYK + + &Italic + Pochylen&ie - Paths - Ścieżki + + %1+I + %1+I - LMMS working directory - Katalog roboczy LMMS + + &Underline + P&odkreślenie - VST-plugin directory - Katalog wtyczek VST + + %1+U + %1+U - Background artwork - Grafika w tle + + &Left + Do &lewej - STK rawwave directory - Katalog STK rawwave + + %1+L + %1+L - Default Soundfont File - Domyślny plik SoundFont + + C&enter + &Do środka - Performance settings - Ustawienia wydajności + + %1+E + %1+E - UI effects vs. performance - Efekty interfejsu a wydajność + + &Right + Do p&rawej - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - Płynne przewijanie w Edytorze kompozycji + + %1+R + %1+R - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Wyświetlaj wskaźnik odtwarzania w AudioFileProcessorze + + &Justify + Wy&justuj - Audio settings - Ustawienia dźwięku + + %1+J + %1+J - AUDIO INTERFACE - INTERFEJS AUDIO + + &Color... + &Kolor… + + + ProjectRenderer - MIDI settings - Ustawienia MIDI + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) - MIDI INTERFACE - INTERFEJS MIDI + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) - OK - OK + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) - Cancel - Anuluj + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - Restart LMMS - Uruchom ponownie LMMS + + Reload Plugin + Przeładuj Wtyczkę - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - Większość zmian będzie zauważalna dopiero po zrestartowaniu LMMS! + + Show GUI + Pokaż GUI - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Ramki: %1 -Opóźnienie: %2 ms + + Help + Pomoc + + + QWidget - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - Tutaj możesz ustawić rozmiar wewnętrznego bufora używanego przez LMMS. Niższe wartości skutkują mniejszą latencją ale mogą powodować zniekształcenia dźwięku lub kiepską wydajność, zwłaszcza na starszych komputerach lub kernelach bez obsługi czasu rzeczywistego. + + + + + Name: + Nazwa: - Choose LMMS working directory - Wybierz katalog roboczy LMMS + + URI: + URI: - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Wybierz katalog na wtyczki VST + + + + Maker: + Twórca: - Choose artwork-theme directory - Wybierz katalog motywów graficznych + + + + Copyright: + Prawa autorskie: - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Wybierz katalog wtyczek LADSPA + + + Requires Real Time: + Wymaga czasu rzeczywistego: - Choose STK rawwave directory - Wybierz katalog STK rawwave + + + + + + + Yes + Tak - Choose default SoundFont - Wybierz domyślny SoundFont + + + + + + + No + Nie - Choose background artwork - Wybierz obraz tła + + + Real Time Capable: + Zdolność do pracy w czasie rzeczywistym: - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - Tutaj możesz wybrać preferowany interfejs audio. W zależności od konfiguracji Twojego systemu podczas kompilacji możesz wybierać pomiędzy ALSA, JACK, OSS i innymi. Poniżej znajduje się sekcja w której możesz zmienić ustawienia wybranego interfejsu. + + + In Place Broken: + - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - Tutaj możesz wybrać preferowany interfejs MIDI. W zależności od konfiguracji systemu podczas kompilacji możesz wybierać pomiędzy ALSA, OSS i innymi. Poniżej znajduje się sekcja w której możesz zmienić ustawienia wybranego interfejsu. + + + Channels In: + Kanały wejściowe: - Reopen last project on start - Otwórz ostatni projekt przy uruchomieniu + + + Channels Out: + Kanały wyjściowe: - Directories - Katalogi + + File: %1 + Plik: %1 - Themes directory - Katalog motywów + + File: + Plik: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - GIG directory - Katalog GIG + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Ostatnio Otwierane Projekty + + + RenameDialog - SF2 directory - Katalog SF2 + + Rename... + Zmień nazwę… + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - LADSPA plugin directories - Katalogi wtyczek LADSPA + + Input + Wejście - Auto save - Automatyczny zapis + + Input gain: + Wzmocnienie wejścia: - Choose your GIG directory - Wybierz katalog GIG + + Size + Rozmiar - Choose your SF2 directory - Wybierz swój katalog z SF2 + + Size: + Rozmiar: - minutes - minuty + + Color + Kolor - minute - minuta + + Color: + Kolor: - Display volume as dBFS - Wyświetlaj głośność jako dBFS + + Output + Wyjście - Enable auto-save - Włącz automatyczny zapis + + Output gain: + Wzmocnienie wyjścia: + + + ReverbSCControls - Allow auto-save while playing - Zezwalaj na automatyczny zapis podczas odtwarzania + + Input gain + Wzmocnienie wejścia - Disabled - Wyłączono + + Size + Rozmiar - Auto-save interval: %1 - Częstotliwość automatycznego zapisu: %1 + + Color + Kolor - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - Ustaw czas między automatycznym utworzeniem kopii zapasowej do %1. -Pamiętaj również o ręcznym zapisaniu projektu. Możesz wyłączyć zapis podczas odtwarzania, w niektórych starszych systemach może być trudno. + + Output gain + Wzmocnienie wyścia - Song + SaControls - Tempo - Tempo + + Pause + - Master volume - Głośność główna + + Reference freeze + - Master pitch - Odstrojenie główne + + Waterfall + - Project saved - Zapisano projekt + + Averaging + - The project %1 is now saved. - Projekt %1 został zapisany. + + Stereo + Stereo - Project NOT saved. - Nie zapisano projektu. + + Peak hold + - The project %1 was not saved! - Projekt %1 nie został zapisany! + + Logarithmic frequency + - Import file - Importuj plik + + Logarithmic amplitude + - MIDI sequences - Sekwencje MIDI + + Frequency range + - Hydrogen projects - Projekty Hydrogen + + Amplitude range + - All file types - Wszystkie rodzaje plików + + FFT block size + - Empty project - Pusty projekt + + FFT window type + - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - Eksportowanie pustego projektu nie wydaje się mieć sens… Dodaj coś do Edytora kompozycji! + + Peak envelope resolution + - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Wybierz katalog zapisu eksportowanych utworów… + + Spectrum display resolution + - untitled - bez tytułu + + Peak decay multiplier + - Select file for project-export... - Wybierz plik do wyeksportowania projektu… + + Averaging weight + - The following errors occured while loading: - Podczas ładowania wystąpiły następujące błędy: + + Waterfall history size + - MIDI File (*.mid) - Plik MIDI (*.mid) + + Waterfall gamma correction + - LMMS Error report - Zgłoszenie błędu LMMS + + FFT window overlap + - Save project - Zapisz projekt + + FFT zero padding + - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - Nie można otworzyć pliku + + + Full (auto) + - Could not write file - Nie można zapisać pliku + + + + Audible + - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Nie da się otworzyć pliku %1. Prawdopodobnie nie posiadasz uprawnień do odczytu tego pliku. -Upewnij się, że masz przynajmniej uprawnienia odczytu tego pliku a następnie spróbuj ponownie. + + Bass + Basy - Error in file - Błąd w pliku + + Mids + - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Wygląda na to, że plik %1 zawiera błędy i nie może zostać załadowany. + + High + - Tempo - Tempo + + Extended + - TEMPO/BPM - TEMPO/BPM + + Loud + - tempo of song - tempo piosenki + + Silent + - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - Tempo piosenki jest wyrażane w uderzeniach na minutę (BPM, Beats Per Minute). Jeśli chcesz zmienić szybkość swojej piosenki zmodyfikuj tę wartość. Każdy takt zawiera cztery uderzenia, stąd tempo w BPM wyraża jak wiele taktów / 4 powinno być odtworzone w ciągu minuty (albo - jeśli wolisz - jak wiele taktów ma być odtworzonych w ciągu 4 minut). + + (High time res.) + - High quality mode - Tryb wysokiej jakości + + (High freq. res.) + - Master volume - Głośność główna + + Rectangular (Off) + - master volume - głośność główna + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + - Master pitch - Odstrojenie główne + + Hamming + - master pitch - odstrojenie główne + + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog - Value: %1% - Wartość: %1% + + Pause + - Value: %1 semitones - Wartość: %1 półtonów + + Pause data acquisition + - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Nie udało się otworzyć pliku %1 do zapisu. Prawdopodobnie nie posiadasz uprawnień do zapisu tego pliku. -Upewnij się, że masz przynajmniej uprawnienia zapisu tego pliku a następnie spróbuj ponownie. + + Reference freeze + - template - szablon + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + - project - projekt + + Waterfall + - Version difference - Różnica wersji + + Display real-time spectrogram + - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - Ten %1 został utworzony w LMMS %2. + + Averaging + - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - Edytor kompozycji + + Enable exponential moving average + - Play song (Space) - Odtwórz (Spacja) + + Stereo + Stereo - Record samples from Audio-device - Nagraj próbki z urządzenia audio + + Display stereo channels separately + - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Nagrywa próbki z urządzenia audio podczas odtwarzania kompozycji lub ścieżki perkusji/basu + + Peak hold + - Stop song (Space) - Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie (Spacja) + + Display envelope of peak values + - Add beat/bassline - Dodaj linię perkusyjną/basową + + Logarithmic frequency + - Add sample-track - Dodaj próbkę + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + - Add automation-track - Dodaj ścieżkę automatyki + + + Frequency range + - Draw mode - Tryb rysowania + + Logarithmic amplitude + - Edit mode (select and move) - Tryb edycji (zaznacz i przenieś) + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz odtworzyć całą kompozycję. Odtwarzanie rozpocznie się od znacznika pozycji (zielony). Możesz go przemieszczać w trakcie odtwarzania. + + + Amplitude range + - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz zatrzymać odtwarzanie kompozycji. Znacznik pozycji zostanie ustawiony na początek utworu. + + Envelope res. + - Track actions - Operacje na ścieżce + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Edit actions - Edytuj akcje + + + Draw at most + - Timeline controls - Kontrola osi czasu + + envelope points per pixel + - Zoom controls - Kontrola powiększenia + + Spectrum res. + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - Spektrum liniowe + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Linear Y axis - Oś liniowa Y + + spectrum points per pixel + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum - Spektrum liniowe + + Falloff factor + - Linear Y axis - Oś liniowa Y + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + - Channel mode - Tryb kanału + + Multiply buffered value by + - - - SubWindow - Close - Zamkni + + Averaging weight + - - Maximize - Minimalizuj + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + - Restore - Przywróć + + New sample contributes + - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 - Ustawienia %1 + + Waterfall height + - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - Synchronizacja tempa + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + - No Sync - Brak synchronizacji + + Keep + - Eight beats - Osiem uderzeń + + lines + - Whole note - Cała nuta + + Waterfall gamma + - Half note - Półnuta + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + - Quarter note - Ćwierćnuta + + Gamma value: + - 8th note - Ósemka + + Window overlap + - 16th note - Szesnastka + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - 32nd note - Trzydziestka dwójka + + Each sample processed + - Custom... - Własne... + + times + - Custom - Własne + + Zero padding + - Synced to Eight Beats - Zsynchronizowane do ośmiu uderzeń + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + - Synced to Whole Note - Zsynchronizowane do całej nuty + + Processing buffer is + - Synced to Half Note - Zsynchronizowane do półnuty + + steps larger than input block + - Synced to Quarter Note - Zsynchronizowane do ćwierćnuty + + Advanced settings + Ustwawienia zaawansowane - Synced to 8th Note - Zsynchronizowane do ósemki + + Access advanced settings + Dostęp do zaawansowanych ustawień - Synced to 16th Note - Zsynchronizowane do szesnastki + + + FFT block size + - Synced to 32nd Note - Zsynchronizowane do trzydziestki dwójki + + + FFT window type + - TimeDisplayWidget + SampleBuffer - click to change time units - naciśnij, aby zmienić jednostkę czasu + + Fail to open file + Nie udało się otworzyć pliku - MIN - MIN + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Pliki dźwiękowe mogą mieć rozmiar do %1 MB i trwać maks. %2 minut(y) - SEC - SEK + + Open audio file + Otwórz plik dźwiękowy - MSEC - MILISEK + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Wszystkie pliki dźwiękowe (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - BAR - TAKT + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Pliki Wave (*.wav) - BEAT - RYTM + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + Pliki OGG (*.ogg) - TICK - CYK + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + Pliki DrumSynth (*.ds) - - - TimeLineWidget - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Wyłącz/włącz automatyczne przewijanie + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + Pliki FLAC (*.flac) - Enable/disable loop-points - Włącz/wyłącz znaczniki pętli + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + Pliki SPEEX (*.spx) - After stopping go back to begin - Po zatrzymaniu powróć do początku + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + Pliki VOC (*.voc) - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Po zatrzymaniu powróć do pozycji z której rozpoczęto odtwarzanie + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + Pliki AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) - After stopping keep position - Po zatrzymaniu zapamiętaj pozycję + + AU-Files (*.au) + Pliki AU (*.au) - Hint - Wskazówka + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + Pliki RAW (*.raw) + + + SampleClipView - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Naciśnij <%1> aby wyłączyć magnetyczne punkty pętli. + + Double-click to open sample + - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Przytrzymaj<Shift>aby przesunąć początkowy punkt pętli. Naciśnij <%1> aby wyłączyć magnetyczne punkty pętli. + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Usuń (środkowy przycisk myszy) - - - Track - Mute - Wycisz + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + Usuń zaznaczone (środkowy przycisk myszy) - Solo - Solo + + Cut + Wytnij - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file - Nie udało się zaimportować pliku + + Cut selection + Wytnij zaznaczone - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Nie można odnaleźć filtra do zaimportowania pliku %1. -Powinienieś przekonwertować ten plik do formatu wspieranego przez LMMS za pomocą zewnętrznego oprogramowania. + + Copy + Kopiuj - Couldn't open file - Nie udało się otworzyć pliku + + Copy selection + Kopiuj zaznaczone - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Nie da się otworzyć pliku %1 do odczytu. -Upewnij się, że masz uprawnienia do odczytu tego pliku i katalogu zawierającego plik a następnie spróbuj ponownie! + + Paste + Wklej - Loading project... - Ładowanie projektu… + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Wycisz/cofnij wyciszenie (<%1> + środkowy przycisk myszy) - Cancel - Anuluj + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - Please wait... - Proszę czekać… + + Reverse sample + Odwróć próbkę - Importing MIDI-file... - Importowanie pliku MIDI… + + Set clip color + - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Ładowanie utworu %1 (%2/Łącznie %3) + + Use track color + Użyj koloru ścieżki - TrackContentObject + SampleTrack - Mute - Wycisz + + Volume + Głośność + + + + Panning + Panoramowanie + + + + Mixer channel + Kanał FX + + + + + Sample track + Ścieżka audio - TrackContentObjectView + SampleTrackView - Current position - Obecne położenie + + Track volume + Głośność ścieżki - Hint - Wskazówka + + Channel volume: + Głośność kanału: - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Przytrzymaj <%1> i przeciągnij, aby skopiować. + + VOL + VOL - Current length - Obecna dlugość + + Panning + Panoramowanie - Press <%1> for free resizing. - Przytrzymaj <%1> aby dowolnie zmieniać rozmiar. + + Panning: + Panoramowanie: - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (od %3:%4 do 5:%6) + + PAN + PAN - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Usuń (środkowy przycisk myszy) + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + SampleTrackWindow - Cut - Wytnij + + GENERAL SETTINGS + GŁÓWNE USTAWIENIA - Copy - Kopiuj + + Sample volume + - Paste - Wklej + + Volume: + Głośność: - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Wycisz/cofnij wyciszenie (<%1> + środkowy przycisk myszy) + + VOL + VOL - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - Naciśnij <%1> podczas przeciągania elementu kursorem aby rozpocząć nową akcję 'przeciągnij i upuść'. + + Panning + Panoramowanie - Actions for this track - Operacje dla tej ścieżki + + Panning: + Panoramowanie: - Mute - Wycisz + + PAN + PAN - Solo - Solo + + Mixer channel + Kanał FX - Mute this track - Wycisz tą ścieżkę + + CHANNEL + FX + + + SaveOptionsWidget - Clone this track - Sklonuj tą ścieżkę + + Discard MIDI connections + - Remove this track - Usuń tą ścieżkę + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + - Clear this track - Wyczyść tą ścieżkę + + Use built-in NaN handler + - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Settings + Ustawienia - Turn all recording on + + + General - Turn all recording off + + Graphical user interface (GUI) - Assign to new FX Channel - Przypisz do nowego kanału efektów + + Display volume as dBFS + Wyświetlaj głośność jako dBFS - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Użyj modulacji fazowej aby zmodulować oscylator 2 oscylatorem 1 + + Enable tooltips + Włącz podpowiedzi - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Użyj modulacji amplitudowej aby zmodulować oscylator 2 oscylatorem 1 + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Miksuj wyjścia oscylatorów 1 & 2 + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + Włącz etykiety wszystkich nut w edytorze pianowym. - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Synchronizuj oscylator 1 z oscylatorem 2 + + Enable compact track buttons + Włącz kompaktowe przyciski ścieżek - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Użyj modulacji częstotliwościowej aby zmodulować oscylator 2 oscylatorem 1 + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Użyj modulacji fazowej aby zmodulować oscylator 3 oscylatorem 2 + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Użyj modulacji amplitudowej aby zmodulować oscylator 3 oscylatorem 2 + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Miksuj wyjścia oscylatorów 2 & 3 + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Synchronizuj oscylator 2 z oscylatorem 3 + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Użyj modulacji częstotliwościowej aby zmodulować oscylator 3 oscylatorem 2 + + Projects + - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 - głośność: + + Compress project files by default + Domyślnie kompresuj pliki projektu - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz ustawić głośność oscylatora %1. Jeśli zadasz wartość 0 oscylator zostanie wyłączony. + + Create a backup file when saving a project + - Osc %1 panning: - Osc %1 - panoramowanie: + + Reopen last project on startup + Ponownie otwórz ostatni projekt przy uruchomieniu - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz ustawić panoramowanie oscylatora %1. Wartość -100 przesuwa oscylator 100% w lewo, wartość 100 - 100% w prawo. + + Language + - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Osc %1 - zgrubne odstrojenie: + + + Performance + - semitones - półtony + + Autosave + - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz ustawić zgrubne odstrojenie oscylatora %1. Możesz odstrajać oscylator o 24 półtonów (dwie oktawy) w górę lub w dół. + + Enable autosave + Włącz automatyczny zapis - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Osc %1 - dokładne odstrojenie w lewo: + + Allow autosave while playing + - cents - centy + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz ustawić dokładne odstrojenie oscylatora %1 dla lewego kanału. Zakres regulacji mieści się w przedziale od -100 do +100 centów. + + Smooth scroll in song editor + Płynne przewijanie w edytorze kompozycji - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Osc %1 - dokładne odstrojenie w prawo: + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz ustawić dokładne odstrojenie oscylatora %1 dla prawego kanału. Zakres regulacji mieści się w przedziale od -100 do +100 centów. + + Plugins + Wtyczki - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Osc %1 - przesunięcie fazowe: + + VST plugins embedding: + - degrees - stopni + + No embedding + Nie osadzaj - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz ustawić przesunięcie fazowe oscylatora %1. Oznacza to, że możesz przemieścić w czasie moment w którym oscylator rozpoczyna drgania. Na przykład jeśli mamy do czynienie z falą sinusoidalną, wprowadzenie przesunięcia fazowego o wartości 180 stopni spowoduje, że pierwsza połówka fali zacznie być generowana w stronę wartości ujemnych, odwrotnie niż w przypadku przesunięcia fazowego o wartości 0 stopni. + + Embed using Qt API + Osadź używając API Qt - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Osc %1 - odstrojenie fazy stereo: + + Embed using native Win32 API + Osadź używając natywnego API Win32 - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Za pomocą tego pokrętła możesz ustawić odstrojenie fazy stereo oscylatora %1. Oznacza to, że masz wpływ na różnicę fazy pomiędzy lewym i prawym kanałem. Ta gałka pomoże Ci stworzyć szeroko brzmiące dźwięki. + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Osądź używając protokołu XEmbed - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Użyj fali sinusoidalnej dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Użyj fali trójkątnej dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Synchronizuj wtyczki VST z hostem - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Użyj fali piłokształtnej dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + Keep effects running even without input + Pozostaw efekty włączone, nawet bez wejścia - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Użyj fali prostokątnej dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + + Audio + Audio - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Użyj piłokształtnego przebiegu Mooga dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + Audio interface + - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Użyj fali wykładniczej dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + HQ mode for output audio device + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Użyj białego szumu dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + Buffer size + - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Użyj fali zdefiniowanej przez użytkownika. + + + MIDI + MIDI - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number - Zwiększ numer wersji o jeden + + MIDI interface + - Decrement version number - Zminiejsz numer wersji o jeden + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - już istnieje. Czy chcesz go zastąpić? + + LMMS working directory + Katalog roboczy LMMS - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - Otwórz inną wtyczkę VST + + VST plugins directory + Katalog wtyczek VST - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Kliknij tutaj jeśli chcesz otworzyć inną wtyczkę VST. Po kliknięciu otworzy się okno dialogowe w którym będziesz mógł zaznaczyć wybrany plik. + + LADSPA plugins directories + Katalog wtyczek LADSPA - Show/hide GUI - Pokaż/ukryj GUI + + SF2 directory + Katalog SF2 - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Kliknij tutaj aby pokazać graficzny interfejs użytkownika (GUI) wtyczki VST. + + Default SF2 + Domyślne SF2 - Turn off all notes - Wycisz wszystkie nuty + + GIG directory + Katalog GIG - Open VST-plugin - Otwórz wtyczkę VST + + Theme directory + Katalog motywu - DLL-files (*.dll) - Pliki DLL (*.dll) + + Background artwork + Grafika w tle - EXE-files (*.exe) - Pliki EXE (*.exe) + + Some changes require restarting. + - No VST-plugin loaded - Nie załadowano wtyczki VST + + Autosave interval: %1 + - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Kontroluj wtyczkę VST z hosta LMMS + + Choose the LMMS working directory + - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz kontrolować wtyczkę VST z hosta LMMS. + + Choose your VST plugins directory + - Open VST-plugin preset - Otwórz preset wtyczki VST + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz otworzyć inny preset wtyczki VST w formacie *.fxp lub *.fxb. + + Choose your default SF2 + - Previous (-) - Poprzedni (-) + + Choose your theme directory + - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Naciśnij tutaj, aby przełączyć preset wtyczki VST na inny. + + Choose your background picture + - Save preset - Zapisz preset + + + Paths + Ścieżki - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz zapisać bieżący program presetów wtyczki VST. + + OK + OK - Next (+) - Następny (+) + + Cancel + Anuluj - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Kliknij tutaj, aby zaznaczyć presety aktualnie załadowane do wtyczki VST. + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Ramki: %1 +Opóźnienie: %2 ms - Preset - Preset + + Choose your GIG directory + Wybierz katalog GIG - by - autorstwa + + Choose your SF2 directory + Wybierz swój katalog z SF2 - - VST plugin control - - kontrola wtyczki VST + + minutes + minuty - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - Kliknij tutaj, aby włączyć/wyłączyć wizualizację kanału master + + minute + minuta - Click to enable - Naciśnij, aby włączyć + + Disabled + Wyłączono - VstEffectControlDialog + SidInstrument - Show/hide - Pokaż/ukryj + + Cutoff frequency + Częstotliwość graniczna - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Kontroluj wtyczkę VST z hosta LMMS + + Resonance + Zafalowanie charakterystyki - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz kontrolować wtyczkę VST z hosta LMMS. + + Filter type + Rodzaj filtru - Open VST-plugin preset - Otwórz preset wtyczki VST + + Voice 3 off + Wyłącz głos 3 - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz otworzyć inny preset wtyczki VST w formacie *.fxp lub *.fxb. + + Volume + Głośność - Previous (-) - Poprzedni (-) + + Chip model + Rodzaj scalaka + + + SidInstrumentView - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Naciśnij tutaj, aby przełączyć preset wtyczki VST na inny. + + Volume: + Głośność: - Next (+) - Następny (+) + + Resonance: + Zafalowanie charakterystyki: - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz zaznaczyć presety aktualnie załadowane do wtyczki VST. + + + Cutoff frequency: + Częstotliwość graniczna: - Save preset - Zapisz preset + + High-pass filter + - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz zapisać bieżący program presetów wtyczki VST. + + Band-pass filter + - Effect by: - Efekt autorstwa: + + Low-pass filter + - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Voice 3 off + - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin - Ładowanie wtyczki + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - Open Preset - Otwórz Preset + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Preset wtyczki VST (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + Attack: + Atak: - : default - : domyślne + + + Decay: + Zanikanie: - " - " + + Sustain: + Podtrzymanie: - ' - ' + + + Release: + Zwolnienie: - Save Preset - Zapisz Preset + + Pulse Width: + Współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu: - .fxp - .fxp + + Coarse: + Zgrubne odstrojenie: - .FXP - .FXP + + Pulse wave + - .FXB - .FXB + + Triangle wave + Fala trójkątna - .fxb - .fxb + + Saw wave + Fala piłokształtna - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Poczekaj, trwa ładowanie wtyczki VST… + + Noise + Szum - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - Wtyczka VST %1 nie może zostać załadowana. + + Sync + Synchronizacja - - - WatsynInstrument - Volume A1 - Głośność A1 + + Ring modulation + - Volume A2 - Głośność A2 + + Filtered + Filtrowany - Volume B1 - Głośność B1 + + Test + Test + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + Zamkni + + + Song - Volume B2 - Głośność B2 + + Tempo + Tempo - Panning A1 - Panoramowanie A1 + + Master volume + Głośność główna - Panning A2 - Panoramowanie A2 + + Master pitch + Odstrojenie główne - Panning B1 - Panoramowanie B1 + + Aborting project load + - Panning B2 - Panoramowanie B2 + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - Freq. multiplier A1 - Mnożnik częst. A1 + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - Freq. multiplier A2 - Mnożnik częst. A2 + + LMMS Error report + Zgłoszenie błędu LMMS - Freq. multiplier B1 - Mnożnik częst. B1 + + (repeated %1 times) + (powtórzone %1 razy) - Freq. multiplier B2 - Mnożnik częst. B2 + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + SongEditor - Left detune A1 - Odstrojenie w lewo A1 + + Could not open file + Nie można otworzyć pliku - Left detune A2 - Odstrojenie w lewo A2 + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Nie da się otworzyć pliku %1. Prawdopodobnie nie posiadasz uprawnień do odczytu tego pliku. +Upewnij się, że masz przynajmniej uprawnienia odczytu tego pliku a następnie spróbuj ponownie. - Left detune B1 - Odstrojenie w lewo B1 + + Operation denied + - Left detune B2 - Odstrojenie w lewo B2 + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + - Right detune A1 - Odstrojenie w prawo A1 + + + + Error + BłądBłą - Right detune A2 - Odstrojenie w prawo A2 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + - Right detune B1 - Odstrojenie w prawo B1 + + Couldn't create resources folder. + - Right detune B2 - Odstrojenie w prawo B2 + + Failed to copy resources. + - A-B Mix - Miks A-B + + Could not write file + Nie można zapisać pliku - A-B Mix envelope amount - A-B Mix ilość obwiedni + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + - A-B Mix envelope attack - A-B Mix atak obwiedni + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + - A-B Mix envelope hold - A-B Mix przetrzymywanie obwiedni + + Error in file + Błąd w pliku - A-B Mix envelope decay - A-B Mix zanikanie obwiedni + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Wygląda na to, że plik %1 zawiera błędy i nie może zostać załadowany. - A1-B2 Crosstalk - A1-B2 Przesłuch + + Version difference + Różnica wersji - A2-A1 modulation - A2-A1 Modulacja + + template + szablon - B2-B1 modulation - B2-B1 Modulacja + + project + projekt - Selected graph - Zaznaczony graf + + Tempo + Tempo - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 - Wybierz oscylator A1 + + TEMPO + - Select oscillator A2 - Wybierz oscylator A2 + + Tempo in BPM + - Select oscillator B1 - Wybierz oscylator B1 + + High quality mode + Tryb wysokiej jakości - Select oscillator B2 - Wybierz oscylator B2 + + + + Master volume + Głośność główna - Mix output of A2 to A1 - + + + + Master pitch + Odstrojenie główne - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - Moduluj amplitudę A1 z wyjściem A2 + + Value: %1% + Wartość: %1% - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - Moduluj pierścieniowo A1 i A2 + + Value: %1 semitones + Wartość: %1 półtonów + + + SongEditorWindow - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - Moduluj fazę A1 z wyjściem A2 + + Song-Editor + Edytor kompozycji - Mix output of B2 to B1 - + + Play song (Space) + Odtwórz (Spacja) - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - Moduluj amplitudę B1 z wyjściem B2 + + Record samples from Audio-device + Nagraj próbki z urządzenia audio - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - Moduluj pierścieniowo B1 i B2 + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Nagrywa próbki z urządzenia audio podczas odtwarzania kompozycji lub ścieżki perkusji/basu - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - Moduluj fazę B1 z wyjściem B2 + + Stop song (Space) + Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie (Spacja) - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Narysuj swój własny przebieg przeciągając kursorem po tym wykresie. + + Track actions + Operacje na ścieżce - Load waveform - Załaduj kształt fali + + Add beat/bassline + Dodaj linię perkusyjną/basową - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Naciśnij, aby załadować kształt fali z pliku + + Add sample-track + Dodaj próbkę - Phase left - + + Add automation-track + Dodaj ścieżkę automatyki - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - Kliknij, aby przesunąć fazę o -15 stopni + + Edit actions + Edytuj akcje - Phase right - + + Draw mode + Tryb rysowania - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - Kliknij, aby przesunąć fazę o +15 stopni + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + - Normalize - Normalizacja + + Edit mode (select and move) + Tryb edycji (zaznacz i przenieś) - Click to normalize - Naciśnij, aby normalizować + + Timeline controls + Kontrola osi czasu - Invert - Odwróć + + Bar insert controls + - Click to invert - Naciśnij, aby odwrócić + + Insert bar + - Smooth - Wygładzanie + + Remove bar + - Click to smooth - Naciśnij, aby wygładzić + + Zoom controls + Kontrola powiększenia - Sine wave - Fala sinusoidalna + + Horizontal zooming + Powiększenie poziome - Click for sine wave - Naciśnij, aby uzyskać falę sinoidalną + + Snap controls + - Triangle wave - Fala trójkątna + + + Clip snapping size + - Click for triangle wave - Naciśnij, aby uzyskać falę trójkątną + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + - Click for saw wave - Naciśnij, aby uzyskać falę piłokształtną + + Base snapping size + + + + StepRecorderWidget - Square wave - Fala prostokątna + + Hint + Wskazówka - Click for square wave - Naciśnij, aby uzyskać falę kwadratową + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + SubWindow - Volume - Głośność + + Close + Zamkni - Panning - Panoramowanie + + Maximize + Minimalizuj - Freq. multiplier - Mnożnik częst. + + Restore + Przywróć + + + TabWidget - Left detune - Odstrojenie w lewo + + + Settings for %1 + Ustawienia %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - cents - centy + + New from template + Nowy z szablonu + + + TempoSyncKnob - Right detune - Odstrojenie w prawo + + + Tempo Sync + Synchronizacja tempa - A-B Mix - Miks A-B + + No Sync + Brak synchronizacji - Mix envelope amount - + + Eight beats + Osiem uderzeń - Mix envelope attack - + + Whole note + Cała nuta - Mix envelope hold - + + Half note + Półnuta - Mix envelope decay - + + Quarter note + Ćwierćnuta - Crosstalk - + + 8th note + Ósemka - - - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Portamento - Portamento + + 16th note + Szesnastka - Filter Frequency - Częstotliwość Filtra + + 32nd note + Trzydziestka dwójka - Filter Resonance - Zafalowanie Filtra + + Custom... + Własne... - Bandwidth - Szerokość Pasma + + Custom + Własne - FM Gain - Wzmocnienie FM + + Synced to Eight Beats + Zsynchronizowane do ośmiu uderzeń - Resonance Center Frequency - Częstotliwość Środkowa Zafalowania + + Synced to Whole Note + Zsynchronizowane do całej nuty - Resonance Bandwidth - Szerokość Pasma Zafalowania + + Synced to Half Note + Zsynchronizowane do półnuty - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - Przekaż Zdarzenia MIDI typu Control Change + + Synced to Quarter Note + Zsynchronizowane do ćwierćnuty - - - ZynAddSubFxView - Show GUI - Pokaż GUI + + Synced to 8th Note + Zsynchronizowane do ósemki - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Kliknij tutaj, aby pokazać lub ukryć graficzny interfejs użytkownika (GUI) syntezatora ZynAddSubFX. + + Synced to 16th Note + Zsynchronizowane do szesnastki - Portamento: - Portamento: + + Synced to 32nd Note + Zsynchronizowane do trzydziestki dwójki + + + TimeDisplayWidget - PORT - PORT + + Time units + - Filter Frequency: - Częstotliwość Filtra: + + MIN + MIN - FREQ - FREQ + + SEC + SEK - Filter Resonance: - Zafalowanie Filtra: + + MSEC + MILISEK - RES - RES + + BAR + TAKT - Bandwidth: - Szerokość Pasma: + + BEAT + RYTM - BW - BW + + TICK + TICK + + + TimeLineWidget - FM Gain: - Wzmocnienie FM: + + Auto scrolling + - FM GAIN - FM GAIN + + Loop points + - Resonance center frequency: - Częstotliwość środkowa zafalowania: + + After stopping go back to beginning + - RES CF - RES-CF + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Po zatrzymaniu powróć do pozycji z której rozpoczęto odtwarzanie - Resonance bandwidth: - Szerokość pasma zafalowania: + + After stopping keep position + Po zatrzymaniu zapamiętaj pozycję - RES BW - RES BW + + Hint + Wskazówka - Forward MIDI Control Changes - Przekaż zdarzenia MIDI typu Control Change + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Naciśnij <%1> aby wyłączyć magnetyczne punkty pętli. - audioFileProcessor + Track - Amplify - Wzmacniaj + + Mute + Wycisz - Start of sample - Początek sampla + + Solo + Solo + + + TrackContainer - End of sample - Koniec sampla + + Couldn't import file + Nie udało się zaimportować pliku - Reverse sample - Odwróć próbkę + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Nie można odnaleźć filtra do zaimportowania pliku %1. +Powinienieś przekonwertować ten plik do formatu wspieranego przez LMMS za pomocą zewnętrznego oprogramowania. - Stutter - + + Couldn't open file + Nie udało się otworzyć pliku - Loopback point - Znacznik zapętlenia: + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Nie da się otworzyć pliku %1 do odczytu. +Upewnij się, że masz uprawnienia do odczytu tego pliku i katalogu zawierającego plik a następnie spróbuj ponownie! - Loop mode - Tryb zapętlenia + + Loading project... + Ładowanie projektu… - Interpolation mode - Tryb interpolacji + + + Cancel + Anuluj - None - Brak + + + Please wait... + Proszę czekać… - Linear - Liniowa + + Loading cancelled + Anulowano ładowanie - Sinc - + + Project loading was cancelled. + Ładowanie projektu zostało anulowane - Sample not found: %1 - Nie odnaleziono sampla: %1 + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Ładowanie utworu %1 (%2/Łącznie %3) + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + Importowanie pliku MIDI… - bitInvader + Clip - Samplelength - Długość próbki + + Mute + Wycisz - bitInvaderView + ClipView - Sample Length - Długość Próbki + + Current position + Obecne położenie - Sine wave - Fala sinusoidalna + + Current length + Obecna dlugość - Triangle wave - Fala trójkątna + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (od %3:%4 do 5:%6) - Saw wave - Fala piłokształtna + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Przytrzymaj <%1> i przeciągnij, aby skopiować. - Square wave - Fala prostokątna + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Przytrzymaj <%1> aby dowolnie zmieniać rozmiar. - White noise wave - Biały szum + + Hint + Wskazówka - User defined wave - Przebieg zdefiniowany przez użytkownika + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Usuń (środkowy przycisk myszy) - Smooth - Wygładzanie + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + Usuń zaznaczone (środkowy przycisk myszy) - Click here to smooth waveform. - Kliknij tutaj, aby wygładzić przebieg. + + Cut + Wytnij - Interpolation - Interpolacja + + Cut selection + Wytnij zaznaczone - Normalize - Normalizacja + + Merge Selection + - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Narysuj swój własny przebieg przeciągając kursorem po tym wykresie. + + Copy + Kopiuj - Click for a sine-wave. - Kliknij aby przełączyć na przebieg sinusoidalny. + + Copy selection + Kopiuj zaznaczone - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Kliknij aby przełączyć na przebieg trójkątny. + + Paste + Wklej - Click here for a saw-wave. - Kliknij aby przełączyć na przebieg piłokształtny. + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Wycisz/cofnij wyciszenie (<%1> + środkowy przycisk myszy) - Click here for a square-wave. - Kliknij aby przełączyć na przebieg prostokątny. + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - Click here for white-noise. - Kliknij aby przełączyć na przebieg stochastyczny. + + Set clip color + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Kliknij aby przełączyć na przebieg zdefiniowany przez użytkownika. + + Use track color + Użyj koloru ścieżki - dynProcControlDialog + TrackContentWidget - INPUT - WEJŚCIE + + Paste + Wklej + + + TrackOperationsWidget - Input gain: - Wzmocnienie wejścia: + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + - OUTPUT - WYJŚCIE + + Actions + - Output gain: - Wzmocnienie wyjścia: + + + Mute + Wycisz - ATTACK - NARASTANIE + + + Solo + Solo - Peak attack time: + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? - RELEASE - WYBRZMIEWANIE - - - Peak release time: + + Confirm removal - Reset waveform - Resetuj kształt przebiegu - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Kliknij tutaj, aby przywrócić kształt przebiegu do domyślnego - - - Smooth waveform - Gładki kształt przebiegu + + Don't ask again + - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Kliknij tutaj, aby wygładzić przebieg. + + Clone this track + Sklonuj tą ścieżkę - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Zwiększ amplitudę wykresu falowego o 1dB + + Remove this track + Usuń tą ścieżkę - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Kliknij aby zwiększyć amplitudę wykresu falowego o 1dB + + Clear this track + Wyczyść tą ścieżkę - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Zmniejsz amplitudę wykresu falowego o 1dB + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Kliknij aby zmniejszyć amplitudę wykresu falowego o 1dB + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Przypisz do nowego kanału efektów - Stereomode Maximum + + Turn all recording on - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + Turn all recording off - Stereomode Average - + + Change color + Zmień kolor - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - + + Reset color to default + Ustaw kolor domyślny - Stereomode Unlinked - + + Set random color + Ustaw losowy kolor - Process each stereo channel independently + + Clear clip colors - dynProcControls - - Input gain - Wzmocnienie wejścia - + TripleOscillatorView - Output gain - Wzmocnienie wyścia + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - Attack time - Czas narastania + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - Release time - Czas wybrzmiewania + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + - Stereo mode - Tryb stereo + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Synchronizuj oscylator 1 z oscylatorem 2 - - - expressiveView - Select oscillator W1 + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Select oscillator W2 + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Select oscillator W3 + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Select OUTPUT 1 + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - Select OUTPUT 2 + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Synchronizuj oscylator 2 z oscylatorem 3 + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Open help window - Otwórz okno pomocy + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 - głośność: - Sine wave - Fala sinusoidalna + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 - panoramowanie: - Click for a sine-wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg sinusoidalny. + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Osc %1 - zgrubne odstrojenie: - Moog-Saw wave - + + semitones + półtony - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. - + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Osc %1 - dokładne odstrojenie w lewo: - Exponential wave - Fala wykładnicza + + + cents + centy - Click for an exponential wave. - + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Osc %1 - dokładne odstrojenie w prawo: - Saw wave - Fala piłokształtna + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Osc %1 - przesunięcie fazowe: - Click here for a saw-wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg piłokształtny. + + + degrees + stopni - User defined wave - Przebieg zdefiniowany przez użytkownika + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Osc %1 - odstrojenie fazy stereo: - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Kliknij aby przełączyć na przebieg zdefiniowany przez użytkownika. + + Sine wave + Fala sinusoidalna + Triangle wave Fala trójkątna - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg trójkątny. + + Saw wave + Fala piłokształtna + Square wave Fala prostokątna - Click here for a square-wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg prostokątny. + + Moog-like saw wave + - White noise wave - Biały Szum + + Exponential wave + Fala wykładnicza - Click here for white-noise. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg stochastyczny. + + White noise + Biały szum - WaveInterpolate + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount - ExpressionValid + + Logarithmic scale - General purpose 1: + + High quality + + + VecControlsDialog - General purpose 2: + + HQ - General purpose 3: + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. - O1 panning: - Panoramowanie O1: + + Log. scale + - O2 panning: - Panoramowanie O2: + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + - Release transition: + + Persist. - Smoothness + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence - fxLineLcdSpinBox + VersionedSaveDialog - Assign to: - Przypisz do: + + Increment version number + Zwiększ numer wersji o jeden - New FX Channel - Nowy kanał efektów + + Decrement version number + Zminiejsz numer wersji o jeden - - - graphModel - Graph - Wykres + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + już istnieje. Czy chcesz go zastąpić? - kickerInstrument + VestigeInstrumentView - Start frequency - Częstotliwość początkowa + + + Open VST plugin + Otwórz wtyczkę VST - End frequency - Częstotliwość końcowa + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - Gain - Wzmocnienie + + Open VST plugin preset + - Length - Długość + + Previous (-) + Poprzedni (-) - Distortion Start - Początek zniekształcenia + + Save preset + Zapisz preset - Distortion End - Koniec zniekształcenia + + Next (+) + Następny (+) - Envelope Slope - Nachylenie obwiedni + + Show/hide GUI + Pokaż/ukryj GUI - Noise - Szum + + Turn off all notes + Wycisz wszystkie nuty - Click - Kliknięcie + + DLL-files (*.dll) + Pliki DLL (*.dll) - Frequency Slope - Nachylenie częstotliwości + + EXE-files (*.exe) + Pliki EXE (*.exe) - Start from note - Zacznij od nuty + + No VST plugin loaded + - End to note - Zakończ nutą + + Preset + Preset + + + + by + autorstwa + + + + - VST plugin control + - kontrola wtyczki VST - kickerInstrumentView + VstEffectControlDialog - Start frequency: - Częstotliwość początkowa: + + Show/hide + Pokaż/ukryj - End frequency: - Częstotliwość końcowa: + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - Gain: - Wzmocnienie: + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + Poprzedni (-) - Frequency Slope: - Nachylenie częstotliwości: + + Next (+) + Następny (+) - Envelope Length: - Długość obwiedni: + + Save preset + Zapisz preset - Envelope Slope: - Nachylenie obwiedni: + + + Effect by: + Efekt autorstwa: - Click: - Kliknięcie: + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + VstPlugin - Noise: - Szum: + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + Wtyczka VST %1 nie może zostać załadowana. + + + + Open Preset + Otwórz Preset + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Preset wtyczki VST (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + : default + : domyślne + + + + Save Preset + Zapisz Preset + + + + .fxp + .fxp + + + + .FXP + .FXP + + + + .FXB + .FXB + + + + .fxb + .fxb - Distortion Start: - Początek zniekształcenia: + + Loading plugin + Ładowanie wtyczki - Distortion End: - Koniec zniekształcenia: + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Poczekaj, trwa ładowanie wtyczki VST… - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - Available Effects - Dostępne Efekty + + Volume A1 + Głośność A1 - Unavailable Effects - Niedostępne Efekty + + Volume A2 + Głośność A2 - Instruments - Instrumenty + + Volume B1 + Głośność B1 - Analysis Tools - Narzędzia Analizujące + + Volume B2 + Głośność B2 - Don't know - Nieznane + + Panning A1 + Panoramowanie A1 - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - To okno dialogowe wyświetla informacje o wszystkich wtyczkach LADSPA jakie LMMS był w stanie zlokalizować. Wtyczki są podzielone na pięć kategorii bazujących na intepretacji ich portów i nazw. - -Efekty dostępne to te, które mogą zostać użyte przez LMMS. Aby wtyczka efektowa mogła zostać wykorzystana musi posiadać zarówno kanały wejściowe jak i wyjściowe. Kanały wejściowe są identyfikowane jako zawierające wyraz 'in' w nazwie kanału, kanały wyjściowe natomiast powinny w nazwie zawierać słowo 'out'. Ponadto efekt musi posiadać taką samą liczbę wejść i wyjść a także obsługiwać tryb pracy w czasie rzeczywistym. - -Efekty niedostępne to takie, które posiadają różną liczbę wejść i wyjść albo nie potrafią pracować w czasie rzeczywistym. - -Instrumenty to wtyczki, w których udało się zidentyfikować jedynie kanały wyjściowe. - -Narzędzia Analizujące to wtyczki, w których rozpoznano tylko kanały wejściowe. - -Nieznane to wtyczki, których kanały zarówno wejściowe jak i wyjściowe pozostają niezidentyfikowane. - -Podwójne kliknięcie na którejkolwiek wtyczce otworzy okienko z informacjami o dostępnych portach. + + Panning A2 + Panoramowanie A2 - Type: - Rodzaj: + + Panning B1 + Panoramowanie B1 + + + + Panning B2 + Panoramowanie B2 - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - Wtyczki + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Mnożnik częst. A1 - Description - Opis + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Mnożnik częst. A2 - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports - Porty + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Mnożnik częst. B1 - Name - Nazwa + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Mnożnik częst. B2 - Rate - Tempo + + Left detune A1 + Odstrojenie w lewo A1 - Direction - Kierunek + + Left detune A2 + Odstrojenie w lewo A2 - Type - Rodzaj + + Left detune B1 + Odstrojenie w lewo B1 - Min < Default < Max - Min < Domyślne < Max + + Left detune B2 + Odstrojenie w lewo B2 - Logarithmic - Logarytmiczny + + Right detune A1 + Odstrojenie w prawo A1 - SR Dependent - Zależny od SR + + Right detune A2 + Odstrojenie w prawo A2 - Audio - Audio + + Right detune B1 + Odstrojenie w prawo B1 - Control - Regulator + + Right detune B2 + Odstrojenie w prawo B2 - Input - Wejście + + A-B Mix + Miks A-B - Output - Wyjście + + A-B Mix envelope amount + A-B Mix ilość obwiedni - Toggled - Przełączalne + + A-B Mix envelope attack + A-B Mix atak obwiedni - Integer - Całkowite + + A-B Mix envelope hold + A-B Mix przetrzymywanie obwiedni - Float - Zmiennoprzecinkowe + + A-B Mix envelope decay + A-B Mix zanikanie obwiedni - Yes - Tak + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + A1-B2 Przesłuch - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - Częstotliwość Odcięcia VCF + + A2-A1 modulation + A2-A1 Modulacja - VCF Resonance - Rezonans VCF + + B2-B1 modulation + B2-B1 Modulacja - VCF Envelope Mod - Modyfikacja Obwiedni VCF + + Selected graph + Zaznaczony graf + + + WatsynView - VCF Envelope Decay - Zanikanie Obwiedni VCF + + + + + Volume + Głośność - Distortion - Zniekształcenie + + + + + Panning + Panoramowanie - Waveform - Kształt Przebiegu + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Mnożnik częst. - Slide Decay - Ślizgające Zanikanie + + + + + Left detune + Odstrojenie w lewo - Slide - Ślizganie + + + + + + + + + cents + centy - Accent - Akcent + + + + + Right detune + Odstrojenie w prawo - Dead - Martwy + + A-B Mix + Miks A-B - 24dB/oct Filter - Filtr 24dB/okt + + Mix envelope amount + - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: - Częst. Odc.: + + Mix envelope attack + - Resonance: - Rezonans: + + Mix envelope hold + - Env Mod: - Mod. Obw.: + + Mix envelope decay + - Decay: - Zanikanie: + + Crosstalk + - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - 303-es-que, 24dB/oktawę, filtr III rzędu + + Select oscillator A1 + Wybierz oscylator A1 - Slide Decay: - Zanikanie z poślizgiem: + + Select oscillator A2 + Wybierz oscylator A2 - DIST: - DIST: + + Select oscillator B1 + Wybierz oscylator B1 - Saw wave - Fala piłokształtna + + Select oscillator B2 + Wybierz oscylator B2 - Click here for a saw-wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg piłokształtny. + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + - Triangle wave - Fala trójkątna + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg trójkątny. + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + - Square wave - Fala prostokątna + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + - Click here for a square-wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg prostokątny. + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + - Rounded square wave - Fala prostokątna, zaokrąglona + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg prostokątny z zaokrąglonymi narożami. + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + - Moog wave - Fala Mooga + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg Mooga. + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Narysuj swój własny przebieg przeciągając kursorem po tym wykresie. - Sine wave - Fala sinusoidalna + + Load waveform + Załaduj kształt fali - Click for a sine-wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg sinusoidalny. + + Load a waveform from a sample file + - White noise wave - Biały szum + + Phase left + - Click here for an exponential wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg wykładniczy. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + - Click here for white-noise. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg stochastyczny. + + Phase right + - Bandlimited saw wave - Fala piłokształtna pasmowo ograniczona + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na pasmowo ograniczoną falę piłokształtną. + + + Normalize + Normalizacja - Bandlimited square wave - Fala kwadratowa pasmowo ograniczona + + + Invert + Odwróć - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na pasmowo ograniczoną falę kwadratową. + + + Smooth + Wygładzanie - Bandlimited triangle wave - Fala trójkątna pasmowo ograniczona + + + Sine wave + Fala sinusoidalna - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na pasmowo ograniczoną falę trójkątną. + + + + Triangle wave + Fala trójkątna - Bandlimited moog saw wave - Fala piłokształtna Mooga pasmowo ograniczona + + Saw wave + Fala piłokształtna - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na pasmowo ograniczoną falę piłokształtną Mooga. + + + Square wave + Fala prostokątna - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - Hardness - Twardość + + Selected graph + Zaznaczony graf - Position - Pozycja + + A1 + A1 - Vibrato Gain - Vibrato - Wzmocnienie + + A2 + A2 - Vibrato Freq - Vibrato - Częstotliwość + + A3 + A3 - Stick Mix - Stick Mix + + W1 smoothing + Wygładzanie W1 - Modulator - Modulator + + W2 smoothing + Wygładzanie W2 - - Crossfade - Crossfade + + + W3 smoothing + Wygładzanie W3 - LFO Speed - LFO - Szybkość + + Panning 1 + - LFO Depth - LFO - Głębokość + + Panning 2 + - ADSR - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - Pressure - Ciśnienie + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Narysuj swój własny przebieg przeciągając kursorem po tym wykresie. - Motion - Ruch + + Select oscillator W1 + Wybierz oscylator W1 - Speed - Prędkość + + Select oscillator W2 + Wybierz oscylator W2 - Bowed - Pochylenie + + Select oscillator W3 + Wybierz oscylator W3 - Spread - Rozstrzał + + Select output O1 + - Marimba - Marimba + + Select output O2 + - Vibraphone - Wibrafon + + Open help window + Otwórz okno pomocy - Agogo - Agogo + + + Sine wave + Fala sinusoidalna - Wood1 - Wood1 + + + Moog-saw wave + - Reso - Rezonans + + + Exponential wave + Fala wykładnicza - Wood2 - Wood2 + + + Saw wave + Fala piłokształtna - Beats - Uderzenia + + + User-defined wave + - Two Fixed - Dwa Stałe + + + Triangle wave + Fala trójkątna - Clump - Stąpnięcie + + + Square wave + Fala prostokątna - Tubular Bells - Dzwony Rurowe + + + White noise + Biały szum - Uniform Bar - Jednolity taki + + WaveInterpolate + - Tuned Bar + + ExpressionValid - Glass - Harfa Szklana + + General purpose 1: + Ogólnego zastosowania 1: - Tibetan Bowl - Misy Tybetańskie + + General purpose 2: + Ogólnego zastosowania 2: - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument - Instrument + + General purpose 3: + Ogólnego zastosowania 3: - Spread - Rozstrzał + + O1 panning: + Panoramowanie O1: - Spread: - Rozstrzał: + + O2 panning: + Panoramowanie O2: - Hardness - Twardość + + Release transition: + - Hardness: - Twardość: + + Smoothness + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Position - Pozycja + + Portamento + Portamento - Position: - Pozycja: + + Filter frequency + - Vib Gain - Vib-Wzm + + Filter resonance + - Vib Gain: - Vib-Wzm: + + Bandwidth + Szerokość Pasma - Vib Freq - Vib-Częst + + FM gain + - Vib Freq: - Vib-Częst: + + Resonance center frequency + - Stick Mix - Stick Mix + + Resonance bandwidth + - Stick Mix: - Stick Mix: + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Modulator - Modulator + + Portamento: + Portamento: - Modulator: - Modulator: + + PORT + PORT - Crossfade - Crossfade + + Filter frequency: + - Crossfade: - Crossfade: + + FREQ + FREQ - LFO Speed - LFO - Szybkość + + Filter resonance: + - LFO Speed: - LFO - Szybkość: + + RES + RES - LFO Depth - LFO - Głębokość + + Bandwidth: + Szerokość Pasma: - LFO Depth: - LFO - Głębokość: + + BW + BW - ADSR - ADSR + + FM gain: + - ADSR: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN + FM GAIN - Pressure - Ciśnienie + + Resonance center frequency: + Częstotliwość środkowa zafalowania: - Pressure: - Ciśnienie: + + RES CF + RES-CF - Speed - Prędkość + + Resonance bandwidth: + Szerokość pasma zafalowania: - Speed: - Prędkość: + + RES BW + RES BW - Missing files - Brakujące pliki + + Forward MIDI control changes + - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Instalacja STK wygląda na niekompletną. Upewnij się, że pełny pakiet Stk został zainstalowany. + + Show GUI + Pokaż GUI - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control - - kontrola parametrów VST - + AudioFileProcessor - VST Sync - Synchronizacja VST + + Amplify + Wzmacniaj - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz zsynchronizować wszystkie parametry z wtyczką VST. + + Start of sample + Początek sampla - Automated - Automatyzowane + + End of sample + Koniec sampla - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Kliknij tutaj aby wyświetlić tylko zautomatyzowane parametry. + + Loopback point + Znacznik zapętlenia: - Close - Zamknij + + Reverse sample + Odwróć próbkę - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - Zamknij okno kontrolera pokręteł efektu VST. + + Loop mode + Tryb zapętlenia - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - - kontrola wtyczki VST + + Stutter + - VST Sync - Synchronizacja VST + + Interpolation mode + Tryb interpolacji - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Kliknij tutaj, jeśli chcesz zsynchronizować wszystkie parametry z wtyczką VST. + + None + Brak - Automated - Automatyzowane + + Linear + Liniowa - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Kliknij tutaj aby wyświetlić tylko zautomatyzowane parametry. + + Sinc + - Close - Zamknij + + Sample not found: %1 + Nie odnaleziono sampla: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - Zamknij okno kontrolera pokręteł wtyczki VST. + + Sample length + - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - Próbka + + Sample length + - Op 1 Attack - Op 1 Atak + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Narysuj swój własny przebieg przeciągając kursorem po tym wykresie. - Op 1 Decay - Op 1 Zanikanie + + + Sine wave + Fala sinusoidalna - Op 1 Sustain - Op 1 Podtrzymanie + + + Triangle wave + Fala trójkątna - Op 1 Release - Op 1 Wybrzmiewanie + + + Saw wave + Fala piłokształtna - Op 1 Level - Op 1 Poziom + + + Square wave + Fala prostokątna - Op 1 Level Scaling - Op 1 Skalowanie poziomu + + + White noise + Biały szum - Op 1 Frequency Multiple + + + User-defined wave - Op 1 Feedback - + + + Smooth waveform + Gładki kształt przebiegu - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - + + Interpolation + Interpolacja - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - Op 1 Obwiednia perkusyjna + + Normalize + Normalizacja + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo - Op 1 Tremolo + + INPUT + WEJŚCIE - Op 1 Vibrato - Op 1 Vibrato + + Input gain: + Wzmocnienie wejścia: - Op 1 Waveform - Op 1 Przebieg + + OUTPUT + WYJŚCIE - Op 2 Attack - Op 2 Atak + + Output gain: + Wzmocnienie wyjścia: - Op 2 Decay - Op 2 Zanikanie + + ATTACK + NARASTANIE - Op 2 Sustain - Op 2 Podtrzymanie + + Peak attack time: + - Op 2 Release - Op 2 Wybrzmiewanie + + RELEASE + WYBRZMIEWANIE - Op 2 Level - Op 2 Poziom + + Peak release time: + - Op 2 Level Scaling - Op 2 Skalowanie poziomu + + + Reset wavegraph + - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - + + + Smooth wavegraph + Płynny wykres falowy - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - Op 2 Obwiednia perkusyjna + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Op 2 Tremolo - Op 2 Tremolo + + Stereo mode: maximum + - Op 2 Vibrato - Op 2 Vibrato + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + - Op 2 Waveform - Op 2 Przebieg + + Stereo mode: average + - FM - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + - Vibrato Depth - Głębia vibrato + + Stereo mode: unlinked + - Tremolo Depth - Głębia tremolo + + Process each stereo channel independently + - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack - Atak + + Input gain + Wzmocnienie wejścia - Decay - Zanikanie + + Output gain + Wzmocnienie wyścia - Release - Wybrzmiewanie + + Attack time + Czas narastania - Frequency multiplier - Mnożnik częstotliwości + + Release time + Czas wybrzmiewania - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - Zniekształcenie + + Stereo mode + Tryb stereo + + + graphModel - Volume - Głośność + + Graph + Wykres - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - Zniekształcenie: + + Start frequency + Częstotliwość początkowa - Volume: - Głośność: + + End frequency + Częstotliwość końcowa - Randomise - Randomizuj + + Length + Długość - Osc %1 waveform: - Osc %1 przebieg: + + Start distortion + - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 głośność: + + End distortion + - Osc %1 panning: - Osc %1 panoramowanie: + + Gain + Wzmocnienie - cents - cent(y) + + Envelope slope + - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - Pokrętło deformacji dodaje zniekształcenie do wyjścia instrumentu + + Noise + Szum - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - Pokrętło głośności steruje głośnością wyjścia instrumentu. Łączy się z kontrolą głośności okna instrumentu. + + Click + Kliknięcie - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - Przycisk losowania randomizuje wszystkie pokrętła z wyjątkiem pokręteł harmonicznych, głośności głównej i zniekształceń. + + Frequency slope + - Osc %1 stereo detuning - Osc %1 odstrojenie stereo + + Start from note + Zacznij od nuty - Osc %1 harmonic: - Osc %1 harmoniczne: + + End to note + Zakończ nutą - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - Okres wobulacji + + Start frequency: + Częstotliwość początkowa: - Sweep direction - Kierunek wobulacji + + End frequency: + Częstotliwość końcowa: - Sweep RtShift amount - Ilość wobulacji RtShift + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + Wzmocnienie: - Wave Pattern Duty + + Envelope length: - Channel 1 volume - Głośność kanału 1 + + Envelope slope: + - Volume sweep direction - Kierunek wobulacji głośności + + Click: + Kliknięcie: - Length of each step in sweep - Długość każdego kroku wobulacji + + Noise: + Szum: - Channel 2 volume - Głośność kanału 2 + + Start distortion: + - Channel 3 volume - Głośność kanału 3 + + End distortion: + + + + LadspaBrowserView - Channel 4 volume - Głośność kanału 4 + + + Available Effects + Dostępne Efekty - Right Output level - Poziom Wyjścia Prawego + + + Unavailable Effects + Niedostępne Efekty - Left Output level - Poziom Wyjścia Lewego + + + Instruments + Instrumenty - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Kanał 1 do SO2 (lewy) + + + Analysis Tools + Narzędzia Analizujące - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Kanał 2 do SO2 (lewy) + + + Don't know + Nieznane - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Kanał 3 do SO2 (lewy) + + Type: + Rodzaj: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Kanał 4 do SO2 (lewy) + + Plugins + Wtyczki - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Kanał 1 do SO1 (prawy) + + Description + Opis + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Kanał 2 do SO1 (prawy) + + Ports + Porty - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Kanał 3 do SO1 (prawy) + + Name + Nazwa - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Kanał 4 do SO1 (prawy) + + Rate + Tempo - Treble - Soprany + + Direction + Kierunek - Bass - Basy + + Type + Rodzaj - Shift Register width - Szerokość rejestru przesuwnego + + Min < Default < Max + Min < Domyślne < Max - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - Okres wobulacji: + + Logarithmic + Logarytmiczny - Sweep Time - Okres wobulacji + + SR Dependent + Zależny od SR - Sweep RtShift amount: - Ilość wobulacji RtShift: + + Audio + Audio - Sweep RtShift amount - Ilość wobulacji RtShift + + Control + Regulator - Wave pattern duty: - + + Input + Wejście - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Output + Wyjście + + + + Toggled + Przełączalne - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Kanał kwadratowy 1 Głośność: + + Integer + Całkowite - Length of each step in sweep: - Długość każdego kroku wobulacji: + + Float + Zmiennoprzecinkowe - Length of each step in sweep - Długość każdego kroku wobulacji + + + Yes + Tak + + + Lb302Synth - Wave pattern duty - + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + Częstotliwość Odcięcia VCF - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Kanał kwadratowy 2 Głośność: + + VCF Resonance + Rezonans VCF - Square Channel 2 Volume - Kanał kwadratowy 2 Głośność + + VCF Envelope Mod + Modyfikacja Obwiedni VCF - Wave Channel Volume: - Głośność kanału fali: + + VCF Envelope Decay + Zanikanie Obwiedni VCF - Wave Channel Volume - Głośność kanału fali + + Distortion + Zniekształcenie - Noise Channel Volume: - Głośność kanału szumu: + + Waveform + Kształt Przebiegu - Noise Channel Volume - Głośność kanału szumu + + Slide Decay + Ślizgające Zanikanie - SO1 Volume (Right): - Głośność SO1 (prawy): + + Slide + Ślizganie - SO1 Volume (Right) - Głośność SO1 (Prawy) + + Accent + Akcent - SO2 Volume (Left): - Głośność SO2 (lewy): + + Dead + Martwy - SO2 Volume (Left) - Głośność SO2 (lewy) + + 24dB/oct Filter + Filtr 24dB/okt + + + Lb302SynthView - Treble: - Soprany: + + Cutoff Freq: + Częst. Odc.: - Treble - Soprany + + Resonance: + Rezonans: - Bass: - Basy: + + Env Mod: + Mod. Obw.: - Bass - Basy + + Decay: + Zanikanie: - Sweep Direction - Kierunek wobulacji + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + 303-es-que, 24dB/oktawę, filtr III rzędu - Volume Sweep Direction - Kierunek wobulacji głośności + + Slide Decay: + Zanikanie z poślizgiem: - Shift Register Width - Szerokość rejestru przesuwnego + + DIST: + DIST: - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Kanał1 do SO1 (prawy) + + Saw wave + Fala piłokształtna - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Kanał2 do SO1 (prawy) + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg piłokształtny. - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Kanał3 do SO1 (prawy) + + Triangle wave + Fala trójkątna - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Kanał4 do SO1 (prawy) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg trójkątny. - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Kanał 1 do SO2 (lewy) + + Square wave + Fala prostokątna - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Kanał2 do SO2 (lewy) + + Click here for a square-wave. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg prostokątny. - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Kanał 3 do SO2 (lewy) + + Rounded square wave + Fala prostokątna, zaokrąglona - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Kanał4 do SO2 (lewy) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg prostokątny z zaokrąglonymi narożami. - Wave Pattern - + + Moog wave + Fala Mooga - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg Mooga. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - + + Sine wave + Fala sinusoidalna - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - + + Click for a sine-wave. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg sinusoidalny. - Square Channel 1 Volume - + + + White noise wave + Biały szum - The delay between step change - Odstęp między zmianą kroku + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg wykładniczy. - Draw the wave here - Narysuj przebieg + + Click here for white-noise. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na przebieg stochastyczny. - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: Preset kanału + + Bandlimited saw wave + Fala piłokształtna pasmowo ograniczona - Bank selector - Selektor banku + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na pasmowo ograniczoną falę piłokształtną. - Bank - Bank + + Bandlimited square wave + Fala kwadratowa pasmowo ograniczona - Program selector - Selektor programu + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na pasmowo ograniczoną falę kwadratową. - Patch - Próbka + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Fala trójkątna pasmowo ograniczona - Name - Nazwa + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na pasmowo ograniczoną falę trójkątną. - OK - OK + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Fala piłokształtna Mooga pasmowo ograniczona - Cancel - Anuluj + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Kliknij tutaj, aby przełączyć na pasmowo ograniczoną falę piłokształtną Mooga. - pluginBrowser + MalletsInstrument - no description - brak opisu + + Hardness + Twardość - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Niezupełna monofoniczna emulacja syntezatora tb303. + + Position + Pozycja - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Wtyczka do nieograniczonego manipulowania wyjściami stereofonicznymi. + + Vibrato gain + - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Wtyczka do kontrolowania regulatorów za pośrednictwem szczytów dźwięku. + + Vibrato frequency + - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Wtyczka rozszerzająca bazę stereo. + + Stick mix + - List installed LADSPA plugins - Pokaż zainstalowane wtyczki LADSPA + + Modulator + Modulator - GUS-compatible patch instrument - Instrument kompatybilny z standardem sampli GUS. + + Crossfade + Crossfade - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Syntezator Addytywny umożliwiający stworzenie dźwięków zbliżonych brzmieniem do organów. + + LFO speed + Szybkość LFO - Tuneful things to bang on - Melodyjny instrument pałeczkowy. + + LFO depth + Głębia LFO - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - Host VST pozwalający na użycie wtyczek VST(i) w LMMS. + + ADSR + ADSR - Vibrating string modeler - Symulator drgającej struny. + + Pressure + Ciśnienie - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - Wtyczka umożliwiająca załadowanie dowolnego efektu LADSPA wewnątrz LMMS. + + Motion + Ruch - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filtr do importowania plików MIDI do LMMS. + + Speed + Prędkość - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Emulator układu dźwiękowego SID (MOS6581 i MOS8580) -Te układy scalone były stosowane w komputerach Commodore 64. + + Bowed + Pochylenie - Player for SoundFont files - Odtwarzacz plików SoundFont. + + Spread + Rozstrzał - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Emulator układu APU GameBoy'a (TM). + + Marimba + Marimba - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Konfigurowalny syntezator tablicowy (wavetable). + + Vibraphone + Wibrafon - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - Wbudowany syntezator ZynAddSubFX. + + Agogo + Agogo - 2-operator FM Synth + + Wood 1 - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Filtr importujący pliki Hydrogen do LMMS + + Reso + Rezonans - LMMS port of sfxr - Port sxfr dla LMMS + + Wood 2 + - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - + + Beats + Uderzenia - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + Two fixed - A native amplifier plugin - Natywna wtyczka wzmacniacza + + Clump + Stąpnięcie - Carla Rack Instrument + + Tubular bells - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + Uniform bar - plugin for waveshaping - wtyczka kształtująca falę + + Tuned bar + - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Łatwo i szybko podbij bas + + Glass + Harfa Szklana - Versatile drum synthesizer + + Tibetan bowl + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Prosty sampler z licznymi ustawieniami dla sampli (np. perkusji) w ścieżce instrumentu + + Instrument + Instrument - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - + + Spread + Rozstrzał - Carla Patchbay Instrument - + + Spread: + Rozstrzał: - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - wtyczka pozwalająca na korzystanie z efektów VST w LMMS. + + Missing files + Brakujące pliki - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Wtyczka graficznego podglądu spektrum + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Instalacja STK wygląda na niekompletną. Upewnij się, że pełny pakiet Stk został zainstalowany. - A NES-like synthesizer - Syntezator odwzorowujący NES-a + + Hardness + Twardość - A native delay plugin - Natywna wtyczka opóźnienia + + Hardness: + Twardość: - Player for GIG files - Odtwarzacz plików GIG + + Position + Pozycja - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + Position: + Pozycja: - A native flanger plugin + + Vibrato gain - An oversampling bitcrusher + + Vibrato gain: - A native eq plugin - Natywna wtyczka korektora graficznego - - - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - Czterozakresowy korektor krzyżowy - - - A Dual filter plugin + + Vibrato frequency - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Filtr służący do eksportowania plików MIDI z LMMS + + Vibrato frequency: + - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Algorytm pogłosu Seana Costello + + Stick mix + - Mathematical expression parser + + Stick mix: - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - Bank + + Modulator + Modulator - Patch - Próbka + + Modulator: + Modulator: - Gain - Wzmocnienie + + Crossfade + Crossfade - Reverb - Pogłos + + Crossfade: + Crossfade: - Reverb Roomsize - Rozmiar pomieszczenia + + LFO speed + Szybkość LFO - Reverb Damping - Tłumienie pogłosu + + LFO speed: + Szybkość LFO: - Reverb Width - Rozpiętość pogłosu + + LFO depth + Głębia LFO - Reverb Level - Poziom pogłosu + + LFO depth: + Głębia LFO: - Chorus - Chorus + + ADSR + ADSR - Chorus Lines - Linie chorusu + + ADSR: + ADSR: - Chorus Level - Poziom chorusu + + Pressure + Ciśnienie - Chorus Speed - Prędkość chorusu + + Pressure: + Ciśnienie: - Chorus Depth - Głębokość chorusu + + Speed + Prędkość - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - Soundfont %1 nie może zostać załadowany. + + Speed: + Prędkość: - sf2InstrumentView - - Open other SoundFont file - Otwórz inny plik SoundFont - - - Click here to open another SF2 file - Kliknij tutaj, aby otworzyć inny plik SF2 - - - Choose the patch - Wybierz próbkę - - - Gain - Wzmocnienie + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + - kontrola parametrów VST - Apply reverb (if supported) - Nałóż pogłos (jeśli wspierane) + + VST sync + Synchronizacja VST - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Ten przycisk włącza pogłos. Działa tylko na plikach, które wspierają tę funkcję. + + + Automated + Automatyzowane - Reverb Roomsize: - Rozmiar pomieszczenia: + + Close + Zamknij + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Reverb Damping: - Tłumienie pogłosu: + + + - VST plugin control + - kontrola wtyczki VST - Reverb Width: - Rozpiętość pogłosu: + + VST Sync + Synchronizacja VST - Reverb Level: - Poziom pogłosu: + + + Automated + Automatyzowane - Apply chorus (if supported) - Nałóż chorus (jeśli wspierane) + + Close + Zamknij + + + OrganicInstrument - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Ten przycisk włącza chorus. Działa tylko na plikach, które wspierają tę funkcję. + + Distortion + Zniekształcenie - Chorus Lines: - Linie chorusu: + + Volume + Głośność + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Chorus Level: - Poziom chorusu: + + Distortion: + Zniekształcenie: - Chorus Speed: - Prędkość chorusu: + + Volume: + Głośność: - Chorus Depth: - Głębokość chorusu: + + Randomise + Randomizuj - Open SoundFont file - Otwórz plik SoundFont + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Osc %1 przebieg: - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - Pliki SoundFont2 (*.sf2) + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 głośność: - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form - Kształt przebiegu + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 panoramowanie: - - - sidInstrument - Cutoff - Częstotliwość graniczna + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Osc %1 odstrojenie stereo - Resonance - Zafalowanie charakterystyki + + cents + cent(y) - Filter type - Rodzaj filtru + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Osc %1 harmoniczne: + + + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off - Wyłącz głos 3 + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Preset kanału - Volume - Głośność + + Bank selector + Selektor banku - Chip model - Rodzaj scalaka + + Bank + Bank - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - Głośność: + + Program selector + Selektor programu - Resonance: - Zafalowanie charakterystyki: + + Patch + Próbka - Cutoff frequency: - Częstotliwość graniczna: + + Name + Nazwa - High-Pass filter - Filtr górnoprzepustowy + + OK + OK - Band-Pass filter - Filtr pasmowoprzepustowy + + Cancel + Anuluj + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter - Filtr dolnoprzepustowy + + Bank + Bank - Voice3 Off - Wyłącz głos 3 + + Patch + Próbka - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Gain + Wzmocnienie - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb + Pogłos - Attack: - Atak: + + Reverb room size + Rozmiar pomieszczenia - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - Wartość ataku (Attack) określa jak szybko sygnał wyjściowy głosu %1 narasta od zera do wartości szczytowej. + + Reverb damping + Tłumienie pogłosu - Decay: - Zanikanie: + + Reverb width + Rozpiętość pogłosu - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - Wartość zanikania (Decay) decyduje jak szybko sygnał wyjściowy opada od wartości szczytowej do ustalonego poziomu podtrzymania (Sustain). + + Reverb level + Poziom pogłosu - Sustain: - Podtrzymanie: + + Chorus + Chorus - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - Sygnał wyjściowy głosu %1 będzie utrzymywał poziom podtrzymania (Sustain) tak długo, jak nuta będzie odtwarzania (klawisz klawiatury muzycznej będzie wciśnięty). + + Chorus voices + - Release: - Zwolnienie: + + Chorus level + - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - Sygnał wyjściowy głosu %1 opadnie od poziomu podtrzymania (Sustain) do poziomu zerowego po czasie określonym przez parametr wybrzmiewania (Release). + + Chorus speed + - Pulse Width: - Współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu: + + Chorus depth + - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - Współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu określa stosunek czasu trwania impulsu do okresu tego impulsu. Pozwala na płynną zmianę wysokości tonu bez dostrzegalnego przejścia między dźwiękami. Należy wybrać prostokątny kształt fali oscylatora %1 aby dostrzec jakikolwiek słyszalny efekt. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + Soundfont %1 nie może zostać załadowany. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - Zgrubne odstrojenie: + + + Open SoundFont file + Otwórz plik SoundFont - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - Zgrubne odstrojenie pozwala zmienić wysokość głosu %1 o oktawę w górę lub w dół. + + Choose patch + Wybierz próbkę - Pulse Wave - Przebieg Prostokątny + + Gain: + Wzmocnienie: - Triangle Wave - Przebieg Trójkątny + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Nałóż pogłos (jeśli wspierane) - SawTooth - Przebieg Piłokształtny + + Room size: + Rozmiar pokoju: - Noise - Szum + + Damping: + Tłumienie - Sync - Synchronizacja + + Width: + Szerokość: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - Synchronizacja koordynuje w czasie fundamentalne częstotliwości oscylatorów %1 i %2 tworząc efekty "Hard Sync". + + + Level: + Poziom: - Ring-Mod - Modulacja Pierścieniowa + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Nałóż chorus (jeśli wspierane) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - Modulacja Pierścieniowa (kołowa) podmienia sygnał trójkątny na wyjściu oscylatora %1 na pierścieniowo zmodulowaną kombinację oscylatorów %1 i %2. + + Voices: + Głosy: - Filtered - Filtrowany + + Speed: + Prędkość: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Kiedy włączona jest filtracja, głos %1 będzie przetwarzany przez filtr. Kiedy filtracja jest wyłączona, głos %1 pojawi się bezpośrednio na wyjściu, bez filtracji. + + Depth: + Rozdzielczość bitowa: - Test - Test + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + Pliki SoundFont (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Kiedy włączony jest Test, oscylator %1 zostanie czasowo zresetowany i zablokowany. + + Wave + Fala - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - ROZSZERZ + + WIDTH + SZEROKOŚĆ + Width: Szerokość: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width Szerokość - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: Głośność Lewy IN Lewy OUT: + Left to Right Vol: Głośność Lewy IN Prawy OUT: + Right to Left Vol: Głośność Prawy IN Lewy OUT: + Right to Right Vol: Głośność Prawy IN Prawy OUT: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left Lewy IN >> Lewy OUT + Left to Right Lewy IN >> Prawy OUT + Right to Left Prawy IN >> Lewy OUT + Right to Right Prawy IN >> Prawy OUT - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin Ładowanie wtyczki - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Ładowanie wtyczki VST. Proszę czekać... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + Proszę poczekać, trwa ładowanie wtyczki VST… - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume String %1 - głośność + String %1 stiffness String %1 - sztywność + Pick %1 position Punkt Wymuszenia %1 + Pickup %1 position Punkt Monitorowania %1 - Pan %1 - Panoramowanie %1 + + String %1 panning + - Detune %1 - Odstrojenie %1 + + String %1 detune + - Fuzziness %1 - Rozmycie %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - Length %1 - Długość %1 + + String %1 length + + Impulse %1 Impuls %1 - Octave %1 - Oktawa %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView - - Volume: - Głośność: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - Pokrętło 'V' ustala głośność wybranej struny. + + String volume: + + String stiffness: Sztywność struny: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - Pokrętło 'S' ustala sztywność wybranej struny. Sztywność struny określa jak długo będzie ona drgać. Niższe sztywności wydłużają czas drgań. - - + Pick position: Punkt Wymuszenia: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - Pokrętło 'P' ustala pozycję punktu w którym wymuszenie zostanie przyłożone do struny. - - + Pickup position: Punkt Monitorowania: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - Pokrętło 'PU' ustala pozycję punktu w którym będą monitorowane (nasłuchiwane) drgania struny. - - - Pan: - Panoramowanie: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - Pokrętło 'Pan' determinuje położenie wybranej struny w przestrzeni stereo. - - - Detune: - Odstrojenie: - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - Pokrętło 'Odstrojenie' modyfikuje wysokość tonu wybranej struny. Wartości niższe niż zero powodują spłaszczenie brzmienia. Wartości powyżej zera skutkują wyostrzeniem brzmienia. - - - Fuzziness: - Rozmycie: - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - Pokrętło Slap dodaje nieco efektu fuzz do wybranej struny, słyszalnego zwłaszcza podczas fazy ataku. Może być używane aby uczynić brzmienie struny bardziej 'metalicznym'. + + String panning: + - Length: - Długość: + + String detune: + - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - Pokrętło długości służy do zmiany długości wybranej struny. Dłuższa struna będzie drgać dłużej i jaśniej, jednak zużyje więcej mocy obliczeniowej procesora. + + String fuzziness: + - Impulse or initial state - Wymuszenie lub stan początkowy + + String length: + - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - Przełącznik 'Imp' określa czy przebieg z wykresu ma być wymuszeniem przyłożonym struny czy ma odpowiadać za początkowy jej stan (kształt). + + Impulse + Impuls + Octave Oktawa - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - Przełącznik oktawy służy do wyboru, na jakich częstotliwościach harmonicznych będzie drgać struna. Na przykład ustawienie wartości -2 sprawi, że otrzymamy dźwięk dwie oktawy niższy od częstotliwości podstawowej struny, wartość 'F' oznacza, że otrzymany dźwięk będzie miał częstotliwość zgodną z częstotliwością fundamentalną zaś wartość '6' przesunie częstotliwość drgań o 6 oktaw w górę. - - + Impulse Editor Edytor Impulsu - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - Edytor kształtu przebiegu pozwala kontrolować strukturę impulsu, który powoduje wzbudzenie drgań struny. Przycisk po prawej umożliwia wybór kształtu fali. Przycisk '?' załaduje przebieg z pliku - jedynie pierwsze 128 próbek zostanie załadowanych. - -Przebieg może zostać narysowany ręcznie. - -Przycisk 'S' wygładza przebieg. - -Przycisk 'N' normalizuje przebieg. - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Symulator do dziewięciu niezależnych, wibrujących strun. Przełącznik struny umożliwia wybór strun, które mają być edytowane. Przełącznik oktawy określa częstotliwości harmoniczne, na których będzie drgać struna. - -Wykres umożliwia zadanie kształtu wymuszenia, które wprawia strunę w drgania. - -Pokrętło 'V' reguluje głośność. Gałka 'S' modyfikuje sztywność struny. Pokrętło 'P' zmienia położenie Punktu Wymuszenia. Gałka 'PU' zmienia położenie Punktu Monitorowania. - -Pokrętło 'Slap' dodaje do dźwięku struny trochę efektu fuzz. - -Pokrętło 'Długość' reguluje długość struny. - -Kontrolka LED w prawym dolnym rogu edytora kształtu fali pokazuje, czy wybrana struna jest aktywna. - - + Enable waveform Włącz przebieg - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Kliknij tutaj, aby włączyć/wyłączyć przebieg. + + Enable/disable string + + String Struna - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - Przełącznik struny służy wyboru struny, którą będziemy modyfikować. Instrument Vibed może zawierać do 9 niezależnych układów drgających. Kontrolka LED w prawym dolnym rogu edytora kształtu fali pokazuje, czy wybrana struna jest aktywna. - - + + Sine wave Przebieg Sinusoidalny + + Triangle wave Przebieg Trójkątny + + Saw wave Przebieg Piłokształtny + + Square wave Przebieg Prostokątny - White noise wave - Biały Szum - - - User defined wave - Przebieg zdefiniowany przez użytkownika - - - Smooth - Wygładzanie - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Kliknij tutaj, aby wygładzić przebieg. - - - Normalize - Normalizacja - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Kliknij tutaj, aby znormalizować przebieg. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Użyj fali sinusoidalnej dla bieżącego oscylatora. - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Użyj fali trójkątnej dla bieżącego oscylatora. - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Użyj fali piłokształtnej dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + + White noise + Biały szum - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Użyj fali prostokątnej dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + + User-defined wave + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Użyj białego szumu dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + + Smooth waveform + Gładki kształt przebiegu - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Użyj fali zdefiniowanej przez użytkownika dla bieżącego oscylatora. + + + Normalize waveform + - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width Współczynnik wypełnienia impulsu głosu %1 + Voice %1 attack Atak głosu %1 + Voice %1 decay Zanikanie głosu %1 + Voice %1 sustain Podtrzymanie głosu %1 + Voice %1 release Wybrzmiewanie głosu %1 + Voice %1 coarse detuning Zgrubne odstrojenie głosu %1 + Voice %1 wave shape Kształt fali głosu %1 + Voice %1 sync Synchronizacja głosu %1 + Voice %1 ring modulate Modulacja pierścieniowa głosu %1 + Voice %1 filtered Filtrowanie głosu %1 + Voice %1 test Test głosu %1 - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT WEJŚCIE + Input gain: Wzmocnienie wejścia: + OUTPUT WYJŚCIE + Output gain: Wzmocnienie wyjścia: - Reset waveform - Resetuj kształt przebiegu - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Kliknij tutaj, aby przywrócić kształt przebiegu do domyślnego - - - Smooth waveform - Gładki kształt przebiegu - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Kliknij tutaj, aby wygładzić przebieg. - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Kliknij aby zwiększyć amplitudę wykresu falowego o 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph + Płynny wykres falowy - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Kliknij aby zmniejszyć amplitudę wykresu falowego o 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + Clip input Przytnij wejście - Clip input signal to 0dB - Przytnij sygnał wejścia do 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain Wzmocnienie wejścia + Output gain Wzmocnienie wyścia diff --git a/data/locale/pt.ts b/data/locale/pt.ts index f1a2386f312..b375e289f38 100644 --- a/data/locale/pt.ts +++ b/data/locale/pt.ts @@ -2,95 +2,112 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS Sobre o LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Versão %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - Sobre + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - produção musical fácil para todos + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Versão %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - Authors - Autores + + About + Sobre - Translation - Tradução + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS-produção de música fácil para todos. - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Este programa foi traduzido para o idioma português de forma voluntária. - -Qualquer sugestão para tradução, entre em contato pela lista de desenvolvedores do LMMS ou pelo meu email: <emviveros/arroba/users/ponto/sourceforge/ponto/net>. Sua contribuição é muito bem vinda! - -Esteban Viveros + + Copyright © %1. + - License - Licença + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Autores + Involved Envolvidos + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Contribuidores ordenados por número de contribuição: - Copyright © %1 - Direitos autorais © %1 + + Translation + Tradução + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + Idioma atual não traduzido (ou inglês nativo). +Se você estiver interessado em traduzir LMMS para outro idioma ou quer melhorar as traduções atuais, fique à vontade para nos ajudar! Simplesmente contate o mantenedor! - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + License + Licença AmplifierControlDialog + VOL VOL + Volume: Volume: + PAN PAN + Panning: Panorâmico: + LEFT - LEFT + ESQUERDA + Left gain: Ganho na esquerda: + RIGHT - RIGHT + DIREITA + Right gain: Ganho na Direita: @@ -98,18 +115,22 @@ Esteban Viveros AmplifierControls + Volume Volume + Panning Panorâmico + Left gain Ganho na Esquerda + Right gain Ganho na Direita @@ -117,10 +138,12 @@ Esteban Viveros AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE DISPOSITIVO + CHANNELS CANAIS @@ -128,85 +151,60 @@ Esteban Viveros AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - Abrir outra amostra - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Clique aqui se você precisa abrir outro arquivo de áudio. O diálogo irá aparecer você puder selecionar seu arquivo. Configurações como modo de loop, ponto de início e de final, valor de amplificação, e todo o resto não serão resetados. Mas não vai mais soar como a amostra original. + + Open sample + Abrir amostra + Reverse sample Inverter amostra - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Se você ativar este botão, toda a amostra será invertida. Isto é útil para fazer uns efeitos legais, ex. um ruído elétrico ao contrário. - - - Amplify: - Amplificar: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Bom este botão você pode aumentar a proporção.Quando você coloca um valor de 100% sua amostra não mudará. De outro maneira ela será amplificada para mais ou para menos (o arquivo original da amostra não será modificado!) - - - Startpoint: - Ponto de início: - - - Endpoint: - Ponto final: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - Continua a tocar a amostra entre as notas - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Ativando esta opção a amostra continuará tocando entre diferentes notas - se você mudar a altura, ou o comprimento da nota antes do fim da amostra, a próxima nota irá continuar onde a anterior parou. Para retornar a reprodução a partir do começo, utilize uma nota na parte inferior do teclado (< 20 Hz) - - + Disable loop Desabilitar loop - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Este botão desabilita o looping. A amostra toca só um do início ao fim. - - + Enable loop Habilitar Loop - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Este botão ativa o looping progressivo. A amostra circula entre o ponto final e o ponto do ciclo. + + Enable ping-pong loop + Habilitar loop ping-pong + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + Continua a tocar a amostra entre as notas - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Este botão ativa o looping em ping-pong. A amostra circula para trás e para frente entre o ponto final e o ponto do ciclo. + + Amplify: + Amplificar: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Com este botão você pode definir aonde o AudioFileProcesor deve começar a tocar sua amostra. + + Start point: + Ponto de início: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Com este botão você pode definir aonde o AudioFileProcessor deve parar de tocar sua amostra. + + End point: + Ponto de fim: + Loopback point: Ponto de auto-retorno: - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Com este botão você pode marcar aonde o loop começa. - AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: Tamanho da amostra: @@ -214,447 +212,469 @@ Esteban Viveros AudioJack + JACK client restarted Cliente JACK reiniciado + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS foi chutado pelo JACK por alguma razão. Logo que o JACK restaure a comunicação com o LMMS você poderá precisar fazer as conexões manualmente. + JACK server down O servidor JACK caiu + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. O servidor de áudio JACK parece ter caído e ao reiniciar uma nova instância falhou. De qualquer maneira LMMS é capaz de prosseguir. Certifique-se de salvar seu projeto e reiniciar primeiro o JACK depois o LMMS. - CLIENT-NAME - NOME DO CLIENTE + + Client name + Nome do cliente - CHANNELS - CANAIS + + Channels + Canais - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + Dispositivo - CHANNELS - CANAIS + + Channels + Canais AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + Dispositivo - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + Dispositivo - CHANNELS - CANAIS + + Channels + Canais AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + Dispositivo - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + Dispositivo - CHANNELS - CANAIS + + Channels + Canais AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + Device + Dispositivo AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) &Resetar (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) &Copiar valor (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) C&olar valor (%1%2) + + &Paste value + &Colar valor + + + Edit song-global automation Editar automação global da música + + Remove song-global automation + Apagar automação global da música + + + + Remove all linked controls + Apagar todos os controles linkados + + + Connected to %1 Conectado a %1 + Connected to controller Conectado ao controlador + Edit connection... Editar conexão... + Remove connection Apagar conexão + Connect to controller... Conectado ao controlador... - - Remove song-global automation - Apagar automação global da música - - - Remove all linked controls - Apagar todos os controles linkados - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Por favor, abra o sequenciador de automação com o menu de contexto do controle! + + Edit Value + Editar Valor + + + + New outValue + - Values copied - Valores copiados + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Todos os valores selecionados foram copiados para a área de transferência. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Por favor, abra o sequenciador de automação com o menu de contexto do controle! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) Tocar/Parar padrão atual (Espaço) - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Clique aqui se você quiser tocar a sequência atual. Isto é útil enquanto se está editando. A sequência entra em loop automaticamente quando chega ao fim. - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) Parar de tocar a sequência atual (Espaço) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Clique aqui se você quiser parar de tocar o padrão atual. + + Edit actions + Editar ações + Draw mode (Shift+D) - Desenhar modo (Shift+D) + Modo desenhar (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) - Apagar modo (Shift+E) + Modo apagar (Shift+E) + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically Virar verticalmente + Flip horizontally Virar horizontalmente - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Clique aqui e o padrão vai ser invertido. Os pontos são virados na direção Y. - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Clique aqui e o padrão vai ser revertido. Os pontos são virados na direção X. - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Clique aqui e o modo desenho será ativado. Neste modo você pode adicionar e mover valores simples. Este é o modo padrão que é usado na maioria das vezes. Você pode também apertar 'Shift+D' no seu teclado para ativar o modo. - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Clique aqui e o modo apagar será ativado. Neste modo você pode apagar valores simples. Você pode também apertar 'Shift+E' no seu teclado para ativar o modo. + + Interpolation controls + Controles de interpolação + Discrete progression Progressão discreta + Linear progression Progressão linear + Cubic Hermite progression Progressão Cúbica de Hermite + Tension value for spline Valor de tensão para a curva - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Um valor de tensão maior pode suavizar mais uma curva, porém pode exagerar alguns valores. Um valor de tensão baixo fará com que a inclinação da curva seja nivelada em cada ponto de controle. - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Clique aqui para escolher progressões discretas para esta sequência de automação. O valor do objeto conectado permanecerá constante entre os pontos de controle e será substituído imediatamente pelo novo valor quando cada ponto de controle for alcançado. - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Clique aqui para escolher as progressões lineares para esta sequência de automação. O valor do objeto conectado irá variar constantemente ao longo do tempo entre os pontos de controle para alcançar o valor correto em cada ponto sem uma mudança brusca. - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Clique aqui para escolher as progressões cúbicas de hermite para esta sequência de automação. O valor do objeto conectado se tornará uma curva suave e facilitará as coisas. - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Cortar valores selecionados (%1+X) - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Copiar valores selecionados (%1+C) + + Tension: + Tensão: - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Colar valores para a área de transferência (%1+V) + + Zoom controls + Controles de zoom - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Clique aqui e os valores selecionados vão ser cortados na área de transferência. Você pode colar eles em qualquer padrão clicando no botão colar. + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom horizontal - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Clique aqui e os valores selecionados vão ser copiados na área de transferência. Você pode colar eles em qualquer padrão clicando no botão colar. + + Vertical zooming + Zoom vertical - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Clique aqui e os valores da área de transferência serão colados na primeira medida visível. + + Quantization controls + Controles de quantização - Tension: - Tensão: + + Quantization + Quantização - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip Editor de Automação - sem padrão + + Automation Editor - %1 Editor de Automação - %1 - Edit actions - Editar ações - - - Interpolation controls - Controles de interpolação - - - Timeline controls - Controles de cronograma - - - Zoom controls - Controles de zoom - - - Quantization controls - Controles de quantização - - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. O modelo já está conectado para este padrão. - - Quantization - Quantização - - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - Quantização. Define o menor tamanho da etapa possível para o Ponto de Automação. Por padrão, isto também define a largura, limpando outros pontos do intervalo. Pressione <Ctrl> para sobrepor este comportamento. - - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> Arraste o controle enquanto pressiona a tecla <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor Abra dentro do Editor de Automação + Clear Limpar + Reset name Restaurar nome + Change name Mudar nome - %1 Connections - %1 Conexões - - - Disconnect "%1" - Desconectar "%1" - - + Set/clear record Selecionar/limpar gravação + Flip Vertically (Visible) Virar Verticalmente (Visível) + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Virar Horizontalmente (Visível) - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + %1 Connections + %1 Conexões + + + + Disconnect "%1" + Desconectar "%1" + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. O modelo já está conectado para este padrão. AutomationTrack + Automation track Pista de Automação - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor Mostrar/esconder Editor de Bases + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) Tocar/Parar base atual (Espaço) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) Parar playback da base atual (Espaço) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Clique aqui para tocar a base atual. A base é automaticamente reiniciada quando chega ao fim. + + Beat selector + Seletor de batida - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Clique aqui para parar de tocar a base atual. + + Track and step actions + Faixa e ações da etapa + Add beat/bassline Add linha de base + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + Adicionar faixa de amostra + + + Add automation-track Add automação de faixa + Remove steps Remover passo + Add steps Adicionar passo - Beat selector - Seletor de batida - - - Track and step actions - Faixa e ações da etapa - - + Clone Steps Clonar Etapas - - Add sample-track - Adicionar faixa de amostra - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor Abrir Editor de Bases + Reset name Restaurar nome + Change name Mudar nome - - Change color - Mudar cor - - - Reset color to default - Reiniciar para a cor padrão - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 Batida/Linha de Baixo %1 + Clone of %1 Clone de %1 @@ -662,26 +682,32 @@ Esteban Viveros BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ FREQ + Frequency: Frequência: + GAIN GANHO + Gain: Ganho: + RATIO RELAÇÃO + Ratio: Relação: @@ -689,14 +715,17 @@ Esteban Viveros BassBoosterControls + Frequency Frequência + Gain Ganho + Ratio Relação @@ -704,9591 +733,15603 @@ Esteban Viveros BitcrushControlDialog + IN - IN + DENTRO + OUT - OUT + FORA + + GAIN GANHO - Input Gain: - Ganho da entrada: + + Input gain: + Ganho de entrada: + + + + NOISE + RUÍDO - Input Noise: - Ruído de entrada: + + Input noise: + - Output Gain: + + Output gain: Ganho de saída: + CLIP - Output Clip: - Clipe de Saída: + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + - Rate Enabled - Taxa Habilitada + + Enable sample-rate crushing + - Enable samplerate-crushing - Ativar compressor de amostragem + + Depth enabled + - Depth Enabled - Profundidade habilitada + + Enable bit-depth crushing + - Enable bitdepth-crushing - Ativar compressor de bitdepth + + FREQ + FREQ + Sample rate: Taxa de amostragem: + + STEREO + ESTÉREO + + + Stereo difference: Diferença de Stereo: - Levels: - Níveis: + + QUANT + - NOISE - RUÍDO + + Levels: + Níveis: + + + BitcrushControls - FREQ - FREQ + + Input gain + Ganho de entrada - STEREO + + Input noise - QUANT + + Output gain + Ganho de saída + + + + Output clip + clipe de saída + + + + + Sample rate - - - CaptionMenu - &Help - Aj&uda + + Stereo difference + - Help (not available) - Ajuda (não disponível) + + Levels + Níveis - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - Mostrar GUI + + Rate enabled + - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Clique aqui para mostrar ou esconder a interface gráfica do usuário (GUI) do Carla. + + Depth enabled + - Controller + CarlaAboutW - Controller %1 - Controlador %1 + + About Carla + Sobre Carla - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - Connection Settings - Configuração das Conexões + + About + Sobre - MIDI CONTROLLER - CONTROLADOR MIDI + + About text here + - Input channel - Canal de entrada + + Extended licensing here + - CHANNEL - CANAL + + Artwork + Arte - Input controller - Entrada do controlador + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + Usando o conjunto de ícones KDE Oxygen, projetado pelo Oxygen Team. - CONTROLLER - CONTROLADOR + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + Contém alguns botões, fundos e outras pequenas artes dos projetos Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV e OpenOctave. - Auto Detect - Auto detectar + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + VST é uma marca comercial de Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Dispositivos MIDI para receber eventos MIDI de + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + Agradecimento especial para António Saraiva por alguns ícones e arte extra! - USER CONTROLLER - CONTROLADOR DO USUÁRIO + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + O logo de LV2 foi projetado por Thorsten Wilms, baseado no conceito de Peter Shorthose. - MAPPING FUNCTION - MAPEAR FUNÇÃO + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + Teclado MIDI projetado por Thorsten Wilms. - OK - OK + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + Ícones de Carla, Carla-Control e Patchbay projetados por DoosC. - Cancel - Cancelar + + Features + Recursos - LMMS - LMMS + + AU/AudioUnit: + - Cycle Detected. - Ciclo Detectado. + + LADSPA: + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - Estante de Controladores + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Add - Adicionar + + VST2: + - Confirm Delete - Confirmação para Apagar + + DSSI: + - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Confirmar apagar? Há conexão existente(s) associada a este controlador. Não há maneira de desfazer. + + LV2: + - - - ControllerView - Controls - Controles + + VST3: + - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Os controladores estão prontos para alterar o valor de botões, barras deslizantes e outros controles automaticamente. + + OSC + - Rename controller - Renomear controlador + + Host URLs: + - Enter the new name for this controller - Adicione um novo nome para este controlador + + Valid commands: + Comandos válidos: - &Remove this controller - &Remover este controlador + + valid osc commands here + comandos osc válidos aqui - Re&name this controller - Re&nomear este controlador + + Example: + Exemplo: - LFO - LFO + + License + Licença - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: - 1/2 Cruzamento de Banda: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - Band 2/3 Crossover: - 2/3 Cruzamento de Banda: + + OSC Bridge Version + - Band 3/4 Crossover: - 3/4 Cruzamento de Banda: + + Plugin Version + - Band 1 Gain: - Banda 1 Ganho: + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + - Band 2 Gain: - Banda 2 Ganho: + + + (Engine not running) + - Band 3 Gain: - Banda 3 Ganho: + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + - Band 4 Gain: - Banda 4 Ganho: + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - Band 1 Mute - Banda 1 Mudo + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - Mute Band 1 - Silenciar Banda 1 + + + + Using Juce host + - Band 2 Mute - Banda 2 Mudo + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + CarlaHostW - Mute Band 2 - Silenciar Banda 2 + + MainWindow + - Band 3 Mute - Banda 3 Mudo + + Rack + - Mute Band 3 - Silenciar Banda 3 + + Patchbay + - Band 4 Mute - Banda 4 Mudo + + Logs + - Mute Band 4 - Silenciar Banda 4 + + Loading... + - - - DelayControls - Delay Samples - Amostras de atraso + + Buffer Size: + - Feedback - Retorno + + Sample Rate: + - Lfo Frequency - Lfo Frequência + + ? Xruns + - Lfo Amount - Lfo Quantidade + + DSP Load: %p% + - Output gain - Ganho de saída + + &File + &Arquivo - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt + + &Engine - Delay Time - Tempo de atraso + + &Plugin + - Feedback Amount - Quantidade de Retorno + + Macros (all plugins) + - Lfo - Lfo + + &Canvas + - Out Gain - Ganho + + Zoom + - Gain - Ganho + + &Settings + - DELAY - ATRASO + + &Help + Aj&uda - FDBK - RTRN + + toolBar + - RATE - TAXA + + Disk + - AMNT - QNTD + + + Home + Início - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - Filtro 1 habilitado + + Transport + - Filter 2 enabled - Filtro 2 habilitado + + Playback Controls + - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Clique para habilitar/desabilitar o Filtro 1 + + Time Information + - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Clique para habilitar/desabilitar o Filtro 2 + + Frame: + - FREQ - FREQ + + 000'000'000 + - Cutoff frequency - Frequência de corte + + Time: + Tempo: - RESO - RESS + + 00:00:00 + - Resonance - Ressonância + + BBT: + - GAIN - GANHO + + 000|00|0000 + - Gain - Ganho + + Settings + Opções - MIX - MISTURAR + + BPM + - Mix - Misturar + + Use JACK Transport + - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - Filtro 1 habilitado + + Use Ableton Link + - Filter 1 type - Filtro 1 Tipo + + &New + &Novo - Cutoff 1 frequency - Frequência de corte 1 + + Ctrl+N + - Q/Resonance 1 - Q/Ressonância 1 + + &Open... + &Abrir... - Gain 1 - Ganho 1 + + + Open... + - Mix - Misturar + + Ctrl+O + - Filter 2 enabled - Filtro 2 habilitado + + &Save + &Salvar - Filter 2 type - Filtro 2 Tipo + + Ctrl+S + - Cutoff 2 frequency - Frequência de corte 2 + + Save &As... + Salvar &como... - Q/Resonance 2 - Q/Ressonância 2 + + + Save As... + - Gain 2 - Ganho 2 + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - LowPass - Passa Baixa + + &Quit + Sai&r - HiPass - Passa Alta + + Ctrl+Q + - BandPass csg - Passa Banda csg + + &Start + - BandPass czpg - Passa Banda czpg + + F5 + - Notch - Vale + + St&op + - Allpass - Passa todas + + F6 + - Moog - Moog + + &Add Plugin... + - 2x LowPass - 2x Passa Baixa + + Ctrl+A + - RC LowPass 12dB - RC PassaBaixa 12dB + + &Remove All + - RC BandPass 12dB - RC PassaBanda 12dB + + Enable + - RC HighPass 12dB - RC PassaAlta 12dB + + Disable + - RC LowPass 24dB - RC PassaBaixa 24dB + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - RC BandPass 24dB - RC PassaBanda 24dB + + 100% Wet + - RC HighPass 24dB - RC PassaAlta 24dB + + 0% Volume (Mute) + - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtro de Formante Vocal + + 100% Volume + - 2x Moog + + Center Balance - SV LowPass - + + &Play + &Reproduzir - SV BandPass + + Ctrl+Shift+P - SV HighPass + + &Stop + &Parar + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X - SV Notch + + &Backwards - Fast Formant - Formato Rápido + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - Tripole + + &Forwards - - - Editor - Play (Space) - Tocar (Espaço) + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - Stop (Space) - Parar (Espaço) + + &Arrange + - Record - Gravar + + Ctrl+G + - Record while playing - Gravar enquanto toca + + + &Refresh + - Transport controls - Controles de transporte + + Ctrl+R + - - - Effect - Effect enabled - Efeito ativado + + Save &Image... + - Wet/Dry mix - Mix Processada/Limpa + + Auto-Fit + - Gate - Portal + + Zoom In + Aumentar Zoom - Decay - Decaimento + + Ctrl++ + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - Efeitos ativados + + Zoom Out + Reduzir Zoom - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - CADEIA DE EFEITOS + + Ctrl+- + - Add effect - Adicionar Efeito + + Zoom 100% + - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - Adicionar Efeito + + Ctrl+1 + - Name - Nome + + Show &Toolbar + - Type - Tipo + + &Configure Carla + &Configurar Carla - Description - Descrição + + &About + &Sobre - Author - Autor + + About &JUCE + Sobre &JUCE - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - Mantém o efeito ligado ou desligado. + + About &Qt + Sobre &QT - On/Off - Liga/Desliga + + Show Canvas &Meters + - W/D - P/L + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - Wet Level: - Nível de Processamento: + + Show Internal + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - O botão de Processado/Limpo especifica a quantidade de sinal de entrada que será afetado pelo efeito. + + Show External + - DECAY - DEC + + Show Time Panel + - Time: - Tempo: + + Show &Side Panel + - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - O botão de Decaimento controla quanto tempo demora até que o processamento seja interrompido. Valores pequenos irão reduzir o consumo de CPU mas em contrapartida você correrá o risco de saturar o final do sinal ao utilizar efeitos de reverberação e atraso (delay). + + &Connect... + - GATE - PORTAL + + Compact Slots + - Gate: - Portal: + + Expand Slots + - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - O botão Portal (Gate) controla a passagem de sínal de acordo no o seu nível de intensidade (volume). o que estiver acima no nível definido passa, se o nível for menor que o definido haverá silêncio. + + Perform secret 1 + - Controls - Controles + + Perform secret 2 + - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - Os plugins de efeitos terão o sinal processado de cima para baixo quando estiverem na cadeia de efeitos. - -O botão de Liga/Desliga permite que você pule o plugin selecionado a qualquer momento. - -O botão de Processado/Limpo controla a quantidade de processamento do efeito que vai para o sinal (som). A entrada de um plugin é a saída do plugin anterior. Então o sinal "Limpo" de um efeito posicionado na parte de baixo na cadeia conterá o processamento de todos os efeitos situados acima na cadeia. - -O botão de Decaimento controla quanto tempo o sinal continuará sendo processado após a nota não estar mais sendo apertada. O efeito irá parar o processamento quando o volume estiver abaixo de um limite dado um tempo específico. Tempos grandes precisarão de mais potência da CPU (processador), este número deverá ser pequeno para a maioria dos efeitos. Será necessário aumentar para efeitos que precisam ocupar períodos de silêncio como os efeitos de Atraso por exemplo... - -O botão de Portal (Gate) especificará o nível, o limite que o efeito parará de atuar. Por exemplo, um relógio começa a funcionar sempre que o nível de sinal estiver abaixo do especificado por este botão. - -O botão Controles abre uma caixa de diálogo para edição de parâmetros do efeito. - -Clicar com o botão direito no mouse irá exibir um menu de contexto onde você pode alterar a ordem em que os efeitos são processados ou também apagar um efeito, tudo ao mesmo tempo. + + Perform secret 3 + - Move &up - Para &Cima + + Perform secret 4 + - Move &down - Para &Baixo + + Perform secret 5 + - &Remove this plugin - &Remover este plugin + + Add &JACK Application... + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - Pré-atraso + + &Configure driver... + - Attack - Ataque + + Panic + - Hold - Espera + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - Decay - Decaimento + + Export as... + Exportar como... - Sustain - Sustentação + + + + + Error + Erro - Release - Relaxamento + + Failed to load project + - Modulation - Modulação + + Failed to save project + - LFO Predelay - LFO - Pré-atraso + + Quit + Fechar - LFO Attack - LFO - Ataque + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - LFO speed - LFO - Velocidade + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - LFO Modulation - LFO - Modulação + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - LFO Wave Shape - LFO - Forma de Onda + + Warning + Aviso - Freq x 100 - Freq x 100 + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + Ainda existem alguns plugins carregados, você precisa removê-los para interromper o motor. +Você quer fazer isso agora? + + + CarlaInstrumentView - Modulate Env-Amount - Modular Tanto-de-Envelope + + Show GUI + Mostrar GUI - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaSettingsW - DEL - ATRASO + + Settings + Opções - Predelay: - Pré-atraso: + + main + principal - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Use este botão para ajustar o pré-atraso do envelope atual. Quanto maior este valor, mais longo o tempo antes de iniciar o envelope atual. + + canvas + - ATT - ATQ + + engine + motor - Attack: - Ataque: + + osc + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Use este botão para ajustar o tempo de ataque do envelope atual. Quanto maior este valor, mais longo o tempo que o envelope precisará para aumentar o nível de ataque. + + file-paths + - HOLD - DURAR + + plugin-paths + - Hold: - Duração: + + wine + - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Use este botão para ajustar o tempo de duração do envelope atual. Quanto maior este valor, mais longo o tempo que o envelope segura o nível de ataque antes de diminuir para o nível sustentável. + + experimental + - DEC - DEC + + Widget + - Decay: - Decaimento: + + + Main + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Use este botão para ajustar o tempo de decaimento do envelope atual. Quanto maior este valor, mais longo o tempo que o envelope precisa para diminuir do nível de ataque para o nível sustentável. Escolha um valor pequeno para instrumentos como piano. + + + Canvas + - SUST - SUST + + + Engine + - Sustain: - Sustentação: + + File Paths + - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Use este botão para ajustar o nível de sustentação do envelope atual. Quanto maior este valor, maior será o nível que o envelope espera antes de ir para zero. + + Plugin Paths + - REL - REL + + Wine + - Release: - Relaxamento: + + + Experimental + Experimental - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Use este botão para ajustar o tempo de relaxamento do envelope atual. Quanto maior este valor, mais longo o tempo que o envelope precisa para diminuir do nível de sustentação para zero. Escolha um valor grande para instrumentos com cordas. + + <b>Main</b> + <b>Principal</b> - AMT - QNT + + Paths + Caminhos - Modulation amount: - Quantidade de modulação: + + Default project folder: + Pasta padrão do projeto: - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Use este botão para ajustar a quantidade de modulação do envelope atual. Quanto maior este valor, mais o tamanho do acorde (ex. volume ou frequência de corte) será influênciado pelo envelope. + + Interface + Interface - LFO predelay: - Pré-atraso do LFO: + + Interface refresh interval: + Intervalo de atualização da interface: - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Use este botão para ajustar o tempo de pré-atraso do LFO atual. Quanto maior este valor, maior o tempo ontes do LFO começar a oscilar. + + + ms + ms - LFO- attack: - Ataque do LFO: + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Use este botão para ajustar o tempo de ataque do LFO atual. Quanto maior este valor, mais o tempo o LFO leva para atingir sua amplitude máxima. + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - SPD - VEL + + + Theme + Tema - LFO speed: - Velocidade do LFO: + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + Usar tema "PRO" da Carla (precisa reiniciar) - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Use este botão para ajustar a velocidade do LFO atual. Quanto maior este valor, mais rapidamente o LFO oscila e mais rápido será seu efeito. + + Color scheme: + Esquema de cores: - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Use este botão para ajustar a quantidade de modulação do LFO atual. Quanto maior este valor, mais o tamanho (ex. volume ou frequência de corte) será influênciado pelo LFO. + + Black + Preto - Click here for a sine-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda senoidal. + + System + Sistema - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda triangular. + + Enable experimental features + - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda dente-de-serra. + + <b>Canvas</b> + - Click here for a square-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda quadrada. + + Bezier Lines + Linhas de Bezier - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Clique aqui para usar uma forma de onda definida manualmente. Depois, arraste o aquivo com a amostra de áudio correspondente dentro do gráfico de LFO. + + Theme: + Tema: - FREQ x 100 - FREQ x 100 + + Size: + Tamanho: - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Clique aqui se quiser que a frequência deste LFO seja multiplicada por 100. + + 775x600 + 775x600 - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - Multiplica a frequência do LFO por 100 + + 1550x1200 + 1550x1200 - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - MODULAR QNT-ENV + + 3100x2400 + 3100x2400 - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Clique aqui para que a quantidade do envelope seja controlada por este LFO. + + 4650x3600 + 4650x3600 - control envelope-amount by this LFO - Controla a quantidade do envelope por este LFO + + 6200x4800 + 6200x4800 - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + Options + Opções - Hint - Sugestão + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Arraste uma amostra de qualquer lugar para esta janela. + + Auto-select items on hover + - Click here for random wave. - Clique aqui para Onda Aleatória. + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - - - EqControls - Input gain - Ganho de entrada + + Render Hints + - Output gain - Ganho de saída + + Anti-Aliasing + - Low shelf gain + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) - Peak 1 gain - Ganho 1 pico + + <b>Engine</b> + - Peak 2 gain - Ganho 2 pico + + + Core + - Peak 3 gain - Ganho 3 pico + + Single Client + - Peak 4 gain - Ganho 4 pico + + Multiple Clients + - High Shelf gain + + + Continuous Rack - HP res + + + Patchbay - Low Shelf res + + Audio driver: - Peak 1 BW + + Process mode: - Peak 2 BW + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog - Peak 3 BW + + Max Parameters: - Peak 4 BW + + ... - High Shelf res + + Reset Xrun counter after project load - LP res + + Plugin UIs - HP freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - Low Shelf freq + + UI Bridge Timeout: - Peak 1 freq + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - Peak 2 freq + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible - Peak 3 freq + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top - Peak 4 freq + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - High shelf freq + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - LP freq + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings - HP active + + <b>OSC</b> - Low shelf active + + Enable OSC - Peak 1 active + + Enable TCP port - Peak 2 active + + + Use specific port: - Peak 3 active + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var - Peak 4 active + + + Use randomly assigned port - High shelf active + + Enable UDP port - LP active - LP ativo + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - LP 12 - LP 12 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - LP 24 - LP 24 + + <b>File Paths</b> + - LP 48 - LP 48 + + Audio + Áudio - HP 12 - HP 12 + + MIDI + MIDI - HP 24 - HP 24 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - HP 48 - HP 48 + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - low pass type + + + Add... - high pass type + + + Remove - Analyse IN + + + Change... - Analyse OUT + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> - - - EqControlsDialog - HP - HP + + LADSPA + - Low Shelf + + DSSI - Peak 1 + + LV2 - Peak 2 + + VST2 - Peak 3 + + VST3 - Peak 4 + + SF2/3 - High Shelf + + SFZ - LP - LP + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + - In Gain + + <b>Wine</b> - Gain - Ganho + + Executable + - Out Gain - Ganho + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - Bandwidth: - Largura de Banda: + + Prefix + - Resonance : - Ressonância: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - Frequency: - Frequência: + + Fallback: + - lp grp + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback - hp grp + + Realtime Priority - Octave - Oitava + + Base priority: + - - - EqHandle - Reso: - Reso: + + WineServer priority: + - BW: - BW: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - Freq: - Freq: + + <b>Experimental</b> + - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - Renderizar projeto + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - Output - Saída + + Enable plugin bridges + - File format: - Formato do arquivo: + + Enable Wine bridges + - Samplerate: - Taxa de Amostragem: + + Enable jack applications + - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - Bitrate: - Velocidade em bits: + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + + + + Add Path + + + + CompressorControlDialog - Depth: - Precisão: + + Threshold: + - 16 Bit Integer - 16 Bits Inteiro + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - 32 Bit Float - 32 Bits Decimal + + Ratio: + Relação: - Quality settings - Configurações de qualidade + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - Interpolation: - Interpolação: + + Attack: + Ataque: - Zero Order Hold - Retentor de Ordem Zero + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - Sinc Fastest - Sincronização Rápida + + Release: + Relaxamento: - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Sincronização Média (recomendada) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Sincronização Melhor (muito lenta) + + Knee: + - Oversampling (use with care!): - Sobreamostragem (use com cuidado): + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - 1x (None) - 1x (Nada) + + Range: + - 2x - 2x + + Maximum gain reduction + - 4x - 4x + + Lookahead Length: + - 8x - 8x + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - Start - Começar + + Hold: + Duração: - Cancel - Cancelar + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Renderizar como loop (remove silêncio no final) + + RMS Size: + - Export between loop markers - Exportar entre os marcadores de repetição + + Size of the RMS buffer + - Could not open file - Não é possível abrir o arquivo + + Input Balance: + - Export project to %1 - Exportar projeto para %1 + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Error - Erro + + Output Balance: + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Erro ao determinar o aparelho codificador de arquivos. Por favor, tente escolher um formato de saída diferente. + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Rendering: %1% - Renderizando: %1% + + Stereo Balance: + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side - 24 Bit Integer + + Stereo Link Blend: - Use variable bitrate + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - Stereo mode: + + Tilt Gain: - Stereo + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - Joint Stereo + + Tilt Frequency: - Mono + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - Compression level: + + Mix: - (fastest) + + Balance between wet and dry signals - (default) + + Auto Attack: - (smallest) + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - - - Expressive - Selected graph + + Auto Release: - A1 + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - A2 - + + Output gain + Ganho de saída - A3 - + + + Gain + Ganho - W1 smoothing + + Output volume - W2 smoothing - + + Input gain + Ganho de entrada - W3 smoothing + + Input volume - PAN1 + + Root Mean Square - PAN2 + + Use RMS of the input - REL TRANS + + Peak - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Por favor coloque com um novo valor entre %1 e %2: + + Use absolute value of the input + - - - FileBrowser - Browser - Navegador + + Left/Right + - Search + + Compress left and right audio - Refresh list + + Mid/Side - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - Enviar para a faixa de instrumento ativa + + Compress mid and side audio + - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor + + Compressor - Loading sample - Carregando amostra + + Compress the audio + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Por favor aguarde, carregando amostra para visualização... + + Limiter + - --- Factory files --- - --- Arquivos de fábrica --- + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor + + Unlinked - Error - Erro + + Compress each channel separately + - does not appear to be a valid - não parece ser válido + + Maximum + - file - arquivo + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - Amostras de atraso + + Average + - Lfo Frequency - Lfo Frequência + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - Seconds - Segundos + + Minimum + - Regen + + Compress based on the quietest channel - Noise - Ruído + + Blend + - Invert - Inverter + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: - Tempo de Atraso: + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Feedback Amount: + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings - White Noise Amount: - Quantidade de Ruído Branco: + + + Soft Clip + - DELAY - ATRASO + + Play the delta signal + - RATE - TAXA + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - AMNT - QNTD + + Lookahead Enabled + - Amount: - Quantidade: + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + - FDBK - RTRN + + Ratio + Relação - NOISE - RUÍDO + + Attack + Ataque - Invert - Inverter + + Release + Relaxamento - Period: + + Knee - - - FxLine - Channel send amount - Quantidade de envio de canal + + Hold + Espera - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - + + Range - Move &left + + RMS Size - Move &right + + Mid/Side - Rename &channel - Renomear canal + + Peak Mode + Modo de Pico - R&emove channel - Remover canal + + Lookahead Length + - Remove &unused channels - Remover canais não utilizados + + Input Balance + - - - FxMixer - Master - Mestre + + Output Balance + - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Limiter + - Volume - Volume + + Output Gain + - Mute - Mudo + + Input Gain + - Solo - Solo + + Blend + - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - Mixer de Efeitos + + Stereo Balance + - FX Fader %1 - FX Fader %1 + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Mute - Mudo + + Audition + - Mute this FX channel - Este canal FX mudo + + Feedback + Retorno - Solo - Solo + + Auto Attack + - Solo FX channel - Canal FX solo + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + Misturar - FxRoute + Controller - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Quantidade para enviar do canal %1 para o canal %2 + + Controller %1 + Controlador %1 - GigInstrument + ControllerConnectionDialog - Bank - Banco + + Connection Settings + Configuração das Conexões - Patch - Programação + + MIDI CONTROLLER + CONTROLADOR MIDI - Gain - Ganho + + Input channel + Canal de entrada - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file - Abrir outro arquivo GIG + + CHANNEL + CANAL - Click here to open another GIG file - Clique aqui para abrir outro arquivo GIG + + Input controller + Entrada do controlador - Choose the patch - Escolher o patch + + CONTROLLER + CONTROLADOR - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - + + + Auto Detect + Auto detectar - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + Dispositivos MIDI para receber eventos MIDI de - Which GIG file is currently being used - + + USER CONTROLLER + CONTROLADOR DO USUÁRIO - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - + + MAPPING FUNCTION + MAPEAR FUNÇÃO - Gain - Ganho + + OK + OK - Factor to multiply samples by - + + Cancel + Cancelar - Open GIG file - Abrir arquivo GIG + + LMMS + LMMS - GIG Files (*.gig) - Arquivos GIG (*.gig) + + Cycle Detected. + Ciclo Detectado. - GuiApplication + ControllerRackView - Working directory - Diretório de trabalho + + Controller Rack + Estante de Controladores - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - + + Add + Adicionar - Preparing UI - Preparando UI + + Confirm Delete + Confirmação para Apagar - Preparing song editor - Preparando o editor de som + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Confirmar apagar? Há conexão existente(s) associada a este controlador. Não há maneira de desfazer. + + + ControllerView - Preparing mixer - Preparando o misturador + + Controls + Controles - Preparing controller rack - + + Rename controller + Renomear controlador - Preparing project notes - Preparando notas do projeto + + Enter the new name for this controller + Adicione um novo nome para este controlador - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Preparando editor de batida/base + + LFO + LFO - Preparing piano roll - + + &Remove this controller + &Remover este controlador - Preparing automation editor - Preparando editor de automação + + Re&name this controller + Re&nomear este controlador - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Arpeggio - Arpegio + + Band 1/2 crossover: + - Arpeggio type - Tipo de Arpegio + + Band 2/3 crossover: + - Arpeggio range - Escala de Arpejo + + Band 3/4 crossover: + - Arpeggio time - Tempo de Arpejo + + Band 1 gain + - Arpeggio gate - Portal de Arpejo + + Band 1 gain: + - Arpeggio direction - Direção do Arpejo + + Band 2 gain + - Arpeggio mode - Modo do Arpejo + + Band 2 gain: + - Up - Para Cima + + Band 3 gain + - Down - Para Baixo + + Band 3 gain: + - Up and down - Para cima e para baixo + + Band 4 gain + - Random - Aleatório + + Band 4 gain: + - Free - Livre + + Band 1 mute + - Sort - Tipo + + Mute band 1 + - Sync - Sincronização + + Band 2 mute + - Down and up - Para baixo e para cima + + Mute band 2 + - Skip rate + + Band 3 mute - Miss rate + + Mute band 3 - Cycle steps + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + DelayControls - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGIO + + Delay samples + - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - Arpegio é uma técnica instrumental (especialmente para instrumentos musicais de cordas pinçadas - Violão, Viola Caipira, Contra-baixo, etc) que consiste em tocar repetidamente uma série de notas. Quando pinçamos mais de uma corda ao mesmo tempo em um violão por exemplo, podemos criar um acorde, no arpegio, podemos tocar as notas de um acorde em tempos diferentes, nunca ao mesmo tempo. Arpegios típicos são os das triades mair e menor, mas é possivel arpejar qualquer acorde que seja possível selecionar. + + Feedback + Retorno - RANGE - EXTENSÃO + + LFO frequency + - Arpeggio range: - Extensão do arpejo: + + LFO amount + - octave(s) - oitava(s) + + Output gain + Ganho de saída + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + ATRASO - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - Use este botão para escolher a extensão do arpejo em oitavas. O arpejo selecionado será tocado dentro do número de oitavas especificado. + + Delay time + - TIME - TEMPO + + FDBK + RTRN - Arpeggio time: - Tempo de arpejo: + + Feedback amount + - ms - ms + + RATE + TAXA - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Use este botão para ajustar o tempo de arpejo em milissegundos. O tempo do arpejar especifica qual longo cada nota do arpejo será tocada. + + LFO frequency + - GATE - PORTAL + + AMNT + QNTD - Arpeggio gate: - Portal de arpejo: + + LFO amount + - % - % + + Out gain + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - Use este botão para ajustar o portal de arpejo. O Portal de arpejo especifica o quanto deve ser tocado o arpejo. Isto permite que você faça arpejos stacatos bem legais. + + Gain + Ganho + + + Dialog - Chord: - Acorde: + + Add JACK Application + - Direction: - Direção: + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - Mode: - Modo: + + Application + - SKIP + + Name: - Skip rate: + + Application: - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. + + From template - MISS + + Custom - Miss rate: + + Template: - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. + + Command: - CYCLE + + Setup - Cycle notes: + + Session Manager: - note(s) - nota(s) + + None + Nenhum - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. + + Audio inputs: - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - oitava + + MIDI inputs: + - Major - Maior + + Audio outputs: + - Majb5 - Maior b5 + + MIDI outputs: + - minor - menor + + Take control of main application window + - minb5 - menor b5 + + Workarounds + - sus2 - sus2 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - sus4 - sus4 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - aug - aum + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - augsus4 - aum sus4 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - tri - tríade + + Error here + - 6 - 6 + + Carla Control - Connect + - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + Remote setup + - 6add9 - 6(9) + + UDP Port: + - m6 - m6 + + Remote host: + - m6add9 - m6(9) + + TCP Port: + - 7 - 7 + + Reported host + - 7sus4 - 7 sus4 + + Automatic + - 7#5 - 7(#5) + + Custom: + - 7b5 - 7(b5) + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - 7#9 - 7(#9) + + Set value + - 7b9 - 7(b9) + + TextLabel + - 7#5#9 - 7(#5, #9) + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - 7#5b9 - 7(#5, b9) + + Driver Settings + - 7b5b9 - 7(b5, b9) + + Device: + - 7add11 - 7(11) + + Buffer size: + - 7add13 - 7(13) + + Sample rate: + Taxa de amostragem: - 7#11 - 7(#11) + + Triple buffer + - Maj7 - 7M + + Show Driver Control Panel + - Maj7b5 - 7M(b5) + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + DualFilterControlDialog - Maj7#5 - 7M(#5) + + + FREQ + FREQ - Maj7#11 - 7M(#11) + + + Cutoff frequency + Frequência de corte - Maj7add13 - 7M(13) + + + RESO + RESS - m7 - m7 + + + Resonance + Ressonância - m7b5 - m7(b5) + + + GAIN + GANHO - m7b9 - m7(b9) + + + Gain + Ganho - m7add11 - m7(11) + + MIX + MISTURAR - m7add13 - m7(13) + + Mix + Misturar - m-Maj7 - m-7M + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtro 1 habilitado - m-Maj7add11 - m-7M(11) + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtro 2 habilitado - m-Maj7add13 - m-7M(13) + + Enable/disable filter 1 + - 9 - 9 + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + DualFilterControls - 9sus4 - 9 sus4 + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtro 1 habilitado - add9 - (9) + + Filter 1 type + Filtro 1 Tipo - 9#5 - (9, #5) + + Cutoff frequency 1 + - 9b5 - (9, b5) + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Ressonância 1 - 9#11 - (9, #11) + + Gain 1 + Ganho 1 - 9b13 - (b9, 13) + + Mix + Misturar - Maj9 - 9M + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtro 2 habilitado - Maj9sus4 - 9M sus4 + + Filter 2 type + Filtro 2 Tipo - Maj9#5 - 9M(#5) + + Cutoff frequency 2 + - Maj9#11 - 9M(#11) + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Ressonância 2 - m9 - m9 + + Gain 2 + Ganho 2 - madd9 - m(9) + + + Low-pass + - m9b5 - m(9, b5) + + + Hi-pass + - m9-Maj7 - m(9,7M) + + + Band-pass csg + - 11 - 11 + + + Band-pass czpg + - 11b9 - 11(b9) + + + Notch + Vale - Maj11 - Acorde de 11 + + + All-pass + - m11 - m(11) + + + Moog + Moog - m-Maj11 - m (11M) + + + 2x Low-pass + - 13 - 13 + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + - 13#9 - 13(#9) + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + - 13b9 - 13(b9) + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + - 13b5b9 - 13(b5, b9) + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + - Maj13 - 13M + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + - m13 - m(13) + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + - m-Maj13 - m (13M) + + + Vocal Formant + - Harmonic minor - Menor Harmônica + + + 2x Moog + - Melodic minor - Menor Melódica + + + SV Low-pass + - Whole tone - Tons inteiros + + + SV Band-pass + - Diminished - Diminuta + + + SV High-pass + - Major pentatonic - Pentatônica maior + + + SV Notch + - Minor pentatonic - Pentatônica menor + + + Fast Formant + Formato Rápido - Jap in sen - Insen Japonesa + + + Tripole + + + + Editor - Major bebop - Bebop maior + + Transport controls + Controles de transporte - Dominant bebop - Bebop dominante + + Play (Space) + Tocar (Espaço) - Blues - Blues + + Stop (Space) + Parar (Espaço) - Arabic - Árabe + + Record + Gravar - Enigmatic - Enigmática + + Record while playing + Gravar enquanto toca - Neopolitan - Napolitana + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + Effect - Neopolitan minor - Neopolitana menor + + Effect enabled + Efeito ativado - Hungarian minor - Húngara menor + + Wet/Dry mix + Mix Processada/Limpa - Dorian - Dório + + Gate + Portal - Phrygolydian - Frígio + + Decay + Decaimento + + + EffectChain - Lydian - Lídio + + Effects enabled + Efeitos ativados + + + EffectRackView - Mixolydian - Mixolídio + + EFFECTS CHAIN + CADEIA DE EFEITOS - Aeolian - Eólio + + Add effect + Adicionar Efeito + + + EffectSelectDialog - Locrian - Lócrio + + Add effect + Adicionar Efeito - Chords - Acordes + + + Name + Nome - Chord type - Tipo de acorde + + Type + Tipo - Chord range - Extensão do acorde + + Description + Descrição - Minor - Menor + + Author + Autor + + + EffectView - Chromatic - Cromático + + On/Off + Liga/Desliga - Half-Whole Diminished - + + W/D + P/L - 5 - 5 + + Wet Level: + Nível de Processamento: - Phrygian dominant - + + DECAY + DEC - Persian - Persa + + Time: + Tempo: - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE - EXTENSÃO + + GATE + PORTAL - Chord range: - Extensão do acorde: + + Gate: + Portal: - octave(s) - oitava(s) + + Controls + Controles - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Use este botão para definir a extensão do acorde em oitavas. O acorde selecionado será tocado no número de oitavas especificado. + + Move &up + Para &Cima - STACKING - EMPILHAMENTO + + Move &down + Para &Baixo - Chord: - Acorde: + + &Remove this plugin + &Remover este plugin - InstrumentMidiIOView + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - HABILITAR ENTRADA MIDI + + Env pre-delay + - CHANNEL - CANAL + + Env attack + - VELOCITY - VELOCITY + + Env hold + - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - HABILITAR SAÍDA MIDI + + Env decay + - PROGRAM - PROGRAMA + + Env sustain + - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - Dispositivos MIDI para receber eventos MIDI de + + Env release + - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - Dispositivos MIDI para mandar eventos MIDI para + + Env mod amount + - NOTE - NOTA + + LFO pre-delay + - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + LFO attack - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity + + LFO frequency - BASE VELOCITY + + LFO mod amount - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 - Enables the use of Master Pitch + + Modulate env amount - InstrumentSoundShaping + EnvelopeAndLfoView - VOLUME - VOLUME + + + DEL + ATRASO - Volume - Volume + + + Pre-delay: + - CUTOFF - CORTE + + + ATT + ATQ - Cutoff frequency - Frequência de corte + + + Attack: + Ataque: - RESO - RESS + + HOLD + DURAR - Resonance - Ressonância + + Hold: + Duração: - Envelopes/LFOs - Envelopes/LFOs + + DEC + DEC - Filter type - Tipo de filtro + + Decay: + Decaimento: - Q/Resonance - Q/Ressonância + + SUST + SUST - LowPass - Passa Baixa + + Sustain: + Sustentação: - HiPass - Passa Alta + + REL + REL - BandPass csg - Passa Banda csg + + Release: + Relaxamento: - BandPass czpg - Passa Banda czpg + + + AMT + QNT - Notch - Vale + + + Modulation amount: + Quantidade de modulação: - Allpass - Passa todas + + SPD + VEL - Moog - Moog + + Frequency: + Frequência: - 2x LowPass - 2x Passa Baixa + + FREQ x 100 + FREQ x 100 - RC LowPass 12dB - RC PassaBaixa 12dB + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + - RC BandPass 12dB - RC PassaBanda 12dB + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + - RC HighPass 12dB - RC PassaAlta 12dB + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + - RC LowPass 24dB - RC PassaBaixa 24dB + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: - RC BandPass 24dB - RC PassaBanda 24dB + + Hint + Sugestão - RC HighPass 24dB - RC PassaAlta 24dB + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + EqControls - Vocal Formant Filter - Filtro de Formante Vocal + + Input gain + Ganho de entrada - 2x Moog - + + Output gain + Ganho de saída - SV LowPass + + Low-shelf gain - SV BandPass - + + Peak 1 gain + Ganho 1 pico - SV HighPass - + + Peak 2 gain + Ganho 2 pico - SV Notch - + + Peak 3 gain + Ganho 3 pico - Fast Formant - Formato Rápido + + Peak 4 gain + Ganho 4 pico - Tripole + + High-shelf gain - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - OBJETO + + HP res + - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Estas abas contém envelopes. Eles são muito importantes para modificar o som sendo especialmente úteis toda vez que você precisar fazer uma síntese subtrativa. Por exemplo, se você tem um envelope de volume, você pode fazer com que o volume do som varie de forma específica. Se você quiser criar um instrumento virtual onde seu som tem fade de entrada e saída bem suaves (fade no nosso caso é o aumento ou diminuição de volume no começo ou fim de um evento sonoro), isto poderá ser feito colocanto tempos de ataque e relaxamento longos. Outros exemplos seriam fazer um envelope para o panorâmico (som no alto-falante esquerdo ou no direito), para frequência de corte para o filtro que está sendo usado e por aí vai... Apenas pense sobre isso! Você consegue fazer muitos sons legais apenas com uma onda dente-de-serra e alguns envelopes...! + + Low-shelf res + - FILTER - FILTRO + + Peak 1 BW + - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Aqui você pode selecionar o filtro embutido que você precisar para sua pista de instrumento. Filtros são muito importantes para mudar as características do som. + + Peak 2 BW + - Hz - Hz + + Peak 3 BW + - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Use este botão para modificar a frequência de corte do filtro selecionado. A frequência de corte especifica a frequência na qual o sinal vai ser filtrado. Por exemplo, um filtro Passa Baixa filtra todas as frequências que estiverem depois da frequência de corte. Um filtro PassaAlta filtra todas as frequências que estiverem antes da frequência de corte, e por aí vai... + + Peak 4 BW + - RESO - RESS + + High-shelf res + - Resonance: - Ressonância: + + LP res + - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Use este botão para modificar o Q/Ressonância para o filtro selecionado. o Q/Ressonância diz o quanto será filtrado das frequências próximas à frequência de corte. + + HP freq + - FREQ - FREQ + + Low-shelf freq + - cutoff frequency: - frequência de corte: + + Peak 1 freq + - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + Peak 2 freq - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - pista_sem_nome + + Peak 3 freq + - Volume - Volume + + Peak 4 freq + - Panning - Panorâmico + + High-shelf freq + - Pitch - Altura + + LP freq + - FX channel - Canal de Efeitos + + HP active + - Default preset - Pré configuração padrão + + Low-shelf active + - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Com este botão você pode ajustar o volume do canal aberto. + + Peak 1 active + - Base note - Nota base + + Peak 2 active + - Pitch range - Extensão + + Peak 3 active + - Master Pitch + + Peak 4 active - - - InstrumentTrackView - Volume - Volume + + High-shelf active + - Volume: - Volume: + + LP active + LP ativo - VOL - VOL + + LP 12 + LP 12 - Panning - Panorâmico + + LP 24 + LP 24 - Panning: - Panorâmico: + + LP 48 + LP 48 - PAN - PAN + + HP 12 + HP 12 - MIDI - MIDI + + HP 24 + HP 24 - Input - Entradas + + HP 48 + HP 48 - Output - Saídas + + Low-pass type + - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + High-pass type + - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS - AJUSTES GERAIS + + Analyse IN + - Instrument volume - Volume do instrumento + + Analyse OUT + + + + EqControlsDialog - Volume: - Volume: + + HP + HP - VOL - VOL + + Low-shelf + - Panning - Panorâmico + + Peak 1 + - Panning: - Panorâmico: + + Peak 2 + - PAN - PAN + + Peak 3 + - Pitch - Altura + + Peak 4 + - Pitch: - Altura: + + High-shelf + - cents - centésimos + + LP + LP - PITCH - ALTURA + + Input gain + Ganho de entrada - FX channel - Canal de Efeitos + + + + Gain + Ganho - FX - EFEITOS + + Output gain + Ganho de saída - Save preset - Salvar pré definição + + Bandwidth: + Largura de Banda: - XML preset file (*.xpf) - Arquivo de pré definições XML (*.xpf) + + Octave + Oitava - Pitch range (semitones) - Extensão (semitons) + + Resonance : + Ressonância: - RANGE - EXTENSÃO + + Frequency: + Frequência: - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + LP group - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Clique aqui, se deseja salvar as definições de faixa de instrumento atuais em um arquivo predefinido. Você pode carregar essa predefinição ao clicar duas vezes nele no buscador de predefinições. + + HP group + + + + EqHandle - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Use esses controles para ver e editar a próxima/anterior faixa no editor de som. + + Reso: + Reso: - SAVE - SALVAR + + BW: + BW: - Envelope, filter & LFO - + + + Freq: + Freq: + + + ExportProjectDialog - Chord stacking & arpeggio - + + Export project + Renderizar projeto - Effects + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) - MIDI settings - Configurações MIDI + + Export between loop markers + Exportar entre os marcadores de repetição - Miscellaneous + + Render Looped Section: - Plugin + + time(s) - - - Knob - Set linear + + File format settings - Set logarithmic + + File format: + Formato do arquivo: + + + + Sampling rate: - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Por favor coloque um novo valor entre %1 e %2: + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz - - - LadspaControl - Link channels - Conectar canais + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - Conectar Canais + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz - Channel - Canal + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels - Conectar canais + + Bit depth: + - Value: - Valor: + + 16 Bit integer + - Sorry, no help available. - Desculpe, ajuda indisponível. + + 24 Bit integer + - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Plugin LADSPA %1 desconhecido requisitado. + + 32 Bit float + - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Por favor coloque um novo valor entre %1 e %2: + + Stereo mode: + Modo estéreo - - - LeftRightNav - Previous - Anterior + + Mono + Mono - Next - Próximo + + Stereo + Estéreo - Previous (%1) - Anterior (%1) + + Joint stereo + - Next (%1) - Próximo (%1) + + Compression level: + - - - LfoController - LFO Controller - Controlador de LFO + + Bitrate: + Velocidade em bits: - Base value - Valor base + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s - Oscillator speed - Velocidade do oscilador + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s - Oscillator amount - Quantidade do oscilador + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s - Oscillator phase - Fase do oscilador + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s - Oscillator waveform - Forma de onda do oscilador + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s - Frequency Multiplier - Multiplicador de frequência + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + Use variable bitrate + - LFO Controller - Controlador de LFO + + Quality settings + Configurações de qualidade - BASE - CENTRO + + Interpolation: + Interpolação: - Base amount: - Ponto de Referência: + + Zero order hold + - todo - O botão "CENTRO" regula o ponto de referência onde o seu oscilador irá variar. Podendo o "CENTRO" variar entre os valores zero e um, o ponto de referência será um valor entre zero e um no qual se iniciará o processo de oscilação do LFO (Oscilador de baixa frequência). + + Sinc worst (fastest) + - SPD - VEL + + Sinc medium (recommended) + - LFO-speed: - LFO - Velocidade: + + Sinc best (slowest) + - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Use este botão para mudar a velocidade do LFO. Quanto maior for este valor, mais rápido oscila o LFO e assim também o efeito a sofrer a modulação. + + Oversampling: + - Modulation amount: - Quantidade de modulação: + + 1x (None) + 1x (Nada) - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Use este botão para mudar a quantidade de modulação do LFO. Quanto maior for este valor, mais influenciado será o controle conectado (controle de volume ou frequência de corte por exemplo) pelo LFO. + + 2x + 2x - PHS - DFS + + 4x + 4x - Phase offset: - Defasamento: + + 8x + 8x - degrees - graus + + Start + Começar - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Com este botão você pode mudar a posição da fase da onda de LFO. Fase é em que ponto a onda inicia o processo de oscilação, desta maneira você pode definir onde você quer que comece o processo de oscilação. Por exemplo, se você tiver uma onda senoidal com defasamento de 180 graus, ela vai começar para baixo. O mesmo acontece com outras formas de onda, como a dente de serra por exemplo. + + Cancel + Cancelar - Click here for a sine-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda senoidal. + + Could not open file + Não é possível abrir o arquivo - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda triangular. + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda dente-de-serra. + + Export project to %1 + Exportar projeto para %1 - Click here for a square-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda quadrada. + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + - Click here for an exponential wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda exponencial. + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + - Click here for white-noise. - Clique aqui para usar um ruído branco. + + Error + Erro - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Clique aqui para usar uma forma de onda definida manualmente. Dê dois cliques para buscar um arquivo. + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Erro ao determinar o aparelho codificador de arquivos. Por favor, tente escolher um formato de saída diferente. + + + + Rendering: %1% + Renderizando: %1% + + + Fader - Click here for a moog saw-wave. + + Set value - AMNT - QNTD + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Por favor coloque com um novo valor entre %1 e %2: - LmmsCore + FileBrowser - Generating wavetables + + User content - Initializing data structures + + Factory content - Opening audio and midi devices + + Browser + Navegador + + + + Search - Launching mixer threads + + Refresh list - MainWindow + FileBrowserTreeWidget - &New - &Novo + + Send to active instrument-track + Enviar para a faixa de instrumento ativa - &Open... - &Abrir... + + Open containing folder + - &Save - &Salvar + + Song Editor + Mostrar/esconder Editor de Arranjo - Save &As... - Salvar &como... + + BB Editor + - Import... - Importar... + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + - E&xport... - &Renderizar... + + Send to new instrument track + - &Quit - Sai&r + + (%2Enter) + - &Edit - &Editar + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + - Settings - Opções + + Loading sample + Carregando amostra - &Tools - &Ferramentas + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Por favor aguarde, carregando amostra para visualização... - &Help - Aj&uda + + Error + Erro - Help - Ajuda + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + - What's this? - O que é isso? + + --- Factory files --- + --- Arquivos de fábrica --- + + + FlangerControls - About - Sobre + + Delay samples + - Create new project - Criar novo projeto + + LFO frequency + - Create new project from template - Criar novo projeto a partir de um modelo + + Seconds + Segundos - Open existing project - Abrir projeto existente + + Stereo phase + - Recently opened projects - Projetos usados recentemente + + Regen + - Save current project - Salvar projeto atual + + Noise + Ruído - Export current project - Exportar projeto atual + + Invert + Inverter + + + FlangerControlsDialog - Song Editor - Mostrar/esconder Editor de Arranjo + + DELAY + ATRASO - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Pressionando este botão você pode mostrar ou esconder o Editor de Arranjo. Com a ajuda do Editor de Arranjo você pode editar os trechos da sua música especificando quando eles serão tocados. Você também pode mover amostras (ex. amostras ou loops de rap ou funk) diretamente para o Editor de Arranjo. + + Delay time: + - Beat+Bassline Editor - Mostrar/esconder Editor de Bases + + RATE + TAXA - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - Pressionando este botão você pode mostrar ou esconder o Editor de Bases. No Editor de Bases você pode criar as batidas e a linha de baixo para sua base adicionando ou removendo canais, copiando e colando sequências de batidas e/ou sequências de linha de baixo, ou o que mais você quiser. + + Period: + - Piano Roll - Mostrar/esconder Editor de Notas MIDI + + AMNT + QNTD - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Clique aqui para mostrar ou esconder o Editor de Notas MIDI. Com ele você pode editar melodias facilmente. + + Amount: + Quantidade: - Automation Editor - Mostrar/esconder Editor de Automação + + PHASE + - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Clique aqui para mostrar ou esconder o Editor de Automação. Com ele você pode editar os valores dinâmicos de automação facilmente. + + Phase: + - FX Mixer - Mostrar/esconder Mixer de Efeitos + + FDBK + RTRN - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Clique aqui para mostrar ou esconder o Mixer de Efeitos. O Mixer de Efeitos é uma poderosa ferramenta para gerenciar os efeitos utilizados na sua música. Você pode inserir efeitos em diferentes canais de efeito. + + Feedback amount: + - Project Notes - Mostrar/esconder comentários do projeto + + NOISE + RUÍDO - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Clique aqui para mostrar ou esconder a janela com comentários do projeto. Nela você pode escrever comentários e observações sobre o seu projeto. + + White noise amount: + - Controller Rack - Mostrar/esconder a Estante de Controladorer + + Invert + Inverter + + + FreeBoyInstrument - Untitled - Sem_nome + + Sweep time + Varredura temporal - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Sweep direction + Direção da varredura - Project not saved - Projeto não salvo + + Sweep rate shift amount + - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - O projeto atual foi modificado. Quer salvá-lo agora? + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + - Help not available - Ajuda não disponível + + Channel 1 volume + Canal 1 volume - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Atualmente não há ajuda disponível no LMMS. -Por favor visite http://lmms.sf.net/wiki para ter acesso a mais infromações sobre LMMS. + + + + Volume sweep direction + Direção da varredura de volume - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Tamanho de cada passo na varredura - Version %1 - Versão %1 + + Channel 2 volume + Canal 2 volume - Configuration file - Arquivo de configuração + + Channel 3 volume + Canal 3 volume - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Erro ao analisar arquivo de configuração na linha %1:%2: %3 + + Channel 4 volume + Canal 4 volume - Volumes - Volumes + + Shift Register width + Desconsiderar Tamanho do registro - Undo - Desfazer + + Right output level + - Redo - Refazer + + Left output level + - My Projects - Meus Projetos + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 1 para SO2 (Esquerda) - My Samples - Minhas Amostras + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 2 para SO2 (Esquerda) - My Presets - Minhas predefinições + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 3 para SO2 (Esquerda) - My Home - Meu Início + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 4 para SO2 (Esquerda) - My Computer - Meu Computador + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 1 para SO1 (Direita) - &File - &Arquivo + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 2 para SO1 (Direita) - &Recently Opened Projects - &Projetos Abertos Recentes + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 3 para SO1 (Direita) - Save as New &Version - Salvar como Nova &Versão + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 4 para SO1 (Direita) - E&xport Tracks... - Exportar Faixas... + + Treble + Agudo - Online Help - Ajuda Online + + Bass + Grave + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView - What's This? - O que é isto? + + Sweep time: + - Open Project - Abrir Projeto + + Sweep time + Varredura temporal - Save Project - Salvar Projeto + + Sweep rate shift amount: + - Project recovery - Recuperação de projeto + + Sweep rate shift amount + - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: - Recover - Recuperar + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + Square channel 1 volume: - Discard - Descartar + + Square channel 1 volume + - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Tamanho de cada passo na varredura: - Preparing plugin browser - + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Tamanho de cada passo na varredura - Preparing file browsers + + Square channel 2 volume: - Root directory - Diretório raiz + + Square channel 2 volume + - Loading background artwork - Carregando papel de parede + + Wave pattern channel volume: + - New from template - Novo modelo + + Wave pattern channel volume + - Save as default template - Salvar como modelo padrão + + Noise channel volume: + - &View - &Ver + + Noise channel volume + - Toggle metronome + + SO1 volume (Right): - Show/hide Song-Editor - Mostrar/esconder editor de arranjo + + SO1 volume (Right) + - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Mostrar/Esconder Editor de Bases + + SO2 volume (Left): + - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Mostrar/Esconder Piano-Roll + + SO2 volume (Left) + - Show/hide Automation Editor - Mostrar/Esconder Pista de Automação + + Treble: + Agudo: - Show/hide FX Mixer - + + Treble + Agudo - Show/hide project notes - + + Bass: + Grave: - Show/hide controller rack - + + Bass + Grave - Recover session. Please save your work! - + + Sweep direction + Direção da varredura - Recovered project not saved - + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Direção da varredura de volume - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + Shift register width - LMMS Project - Projeto LMMS - - - LMMS Project Template - Modelo de Projeto LMMS + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 1 para SO1 (Direita) - Overwrite default template? - + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 2 para SO1 (Direita) - This will overwrite your current default template. - + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 3 para SO1 (Direita) - Smooth scroll - Rolagem suave + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Canal 4 para SO1 (Direita) - Enable note labels in piano roll - + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 1 para SO2 (Esquerda) - Save project template - + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 2 para SO2 (Esquerda) - Volume as dBFS - + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 3 para SO2 (Esquerda) - Could not open file - Não é possível abrir o arquivo + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Canal 4 para SO2 (Esquerda) - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Wave pattern graph - - Export &MIDI... - Exportar &MIDI... - - MeterDialog - - Meter Numerator - Numerador Métrico - - - Meter Denominator - Denominador Métrico - + MixerLine - TIME SIG - COMPASSO + + Channel send amount + Quantidade de envio de canal - - - MeterModel - Numerator - Numerador + + Move &left + - Denominator - Denominador + + Move &right + - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - Controlador MIDI + + Rename &channel + Renomear canal - unnamed_midi_controller - controlador-midi-sem-nome + + R&emove channel + Remover canal - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - Configuração incompleta + + Remove &unused channels + Remover canais não utilizados - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Você não configurou um banco de sons (soundfont) padrão na caixa de diálogo (Editar->Opções). Desta maneira nenhum som será tocado depois de importar um arquivo MIDI. Você pode baixar o banco de sons General MIDI soundfont dentro da caixa de diálogo de opções e tentar novamente. + + Set channel color + - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Você não compilou o LMMS com suporte a SoundFont2 player, que é usado para adicionar sons por padrão a arquivos MIDI importados. Desta maneira nenhum som será executado depois de importar arquivos MIDI. + + Remove channel color + - Track - Faixa + + Pick random channel color + - MidiJack + MixerLineLcdSpinBox - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - O servidor JACK caiu + + Assign to: + Atribuir a: - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - O servidor JACK parece estar encerrado. + + New mixer Channel + Novo Canal FX - MidiPort + Mixer - Input channel - Canal de entrada + + Master + Mestre - Output channel - Canal de saída + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 - Input controller - Entrada do controlador + + Volume + Volume - Output controller - Saída do controlador + + Mute + Mudo - Fixed input velocity - Intensidade fixa de entrada + + Solo + Solo + + + MixerView - Fixed output velocity - Intensidade fixa de saída + + Mixer + Mixer de Efeitos - Output MIDI program - Saída do programa MIDI + + Fader %1 + FX Fader %1 - Receive MIDI-events - Receber eventos MIDI + + Mute + Mudo - Send MIDI-events - Enviar eventos MIDI + + Mute this mixer channel + Este canal FX mudo - Fixed output note - Nota fixa na saída + + Solo + Solo - Base velocity - Velocidade base + + Solo mixer channel + Canal FX solo - MidiSetupWidget + MixerRoute - DEVICE - DISPOSITIVO + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Quantidade para enviar do canal %1 para o canal %2 - MonstroInstrument + GigInstrument - Osc 1 Volume - Osc 1 Volume + + Bank + Banco - Osc 1 Panning - Panorâmico Osc 1 + + Patch + Programação - Osc 1 Coarse detune - Osc 1 Ajuste bruto + + Gain + Ganho + + + GigInstrumentView - Osc 1 Fine detune left - + + + Open GIG file + Abrir arquivo GIG - Osc 1 Fine detune right + + Choose patch - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - + + Gain: + Ganho: - Osc 1 Pulse width - + + GIG Files (*.gig) + Arquivos GIG (*.gig) + + + GuiApplication - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - + + Working directory + Diretório de trabalho - Osc 1 Sync send on fall + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - Osc 2 Volume - Osc 2 Volume + + Preparing UI + Preparando UI - Osc 2 Panning - Panorâmico Osc 2 + + Preparing song editor + Preparando o editor de som - Osc 2 Coarse detune - + + Preparing mixer + Preparando o misturador - Osc 2 Fine detune left + + Preparing controller rack - Osc 2 Fine detune right - + + Preparing project notes + Preparando notas do projeto - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Preparando editor de batida/base - Osc 2 Waveform + + Preparing piano roll - Osc 2 Sync Hard - + + Preparing automation editor + Preparando editor de automação + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - + + Arpeggio + Arpegio - Osc 3 Volume - Osc 3 Volume + + Arpeggio type + Tipo de Arpegio - Osc 3 Panning - Panorâmico Osc 3 + + Arpeggio range + Escala de Arpejo - Osc 3 Coarse detune + + Note repeats - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + Cycle steps - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix + + Skip rate - Osc 3 Waveform 1 + + Miss rate - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - + + Arpeggio time + Tempo de Arpejo - Osc 3 Sync Hard - + + Arpeggio gate + Portal de Arpejo - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - + + Arpeggio direction + Direção do Arpejo - LFO 1 Waveform - + + Arpeggio mode + Modo de Arpejo - LFO 1 Attack - LFO 1 Ataque + + Up + Para Cima - LFO 1 Rate - + + Down + Para Baixo - LFO 1 Phase - + + Up and down + Para cima e para baixo - LFO 2 Waveform - + + Down and up + Para baixo e para cima - LFO 2 Attack - LFO 2 Ataque + + Random + Aleatório - LFO 2 Rate - + + Free + Livre - LFO 2 Phase - + + Sort + Tipo - Env 1 Pre-delay - + + Sync + Sincronização + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - Env 1 Attack - + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGIO - Env 1 Hold - + + RANGE + EXTENSÃO - Env 1 Decay - + + Arpeggio range: + Extensão do arpejo: - Env 1 Sustain - + + octave(s) + oitava(s) - Env 1 Release + + REP - Env 1 Slope + + Note repeats: - Env 2 Pre-delay + + time(s) - Env 2 Attack + + CYCLE - Env 2 Hold + + Cycle notes: - Env 2 Decay - + + note(s) + nota(s) - Env 2 Sustain + + SKIP - Env 2 Release + + Skip rate: - Env 2 Slope - + + + + % + % - Osc2-3 modulation + + MISS - Selected view - Vista selecionada - - - Vol1-Env1 + + Miss rate: - Vol1-Env2 - + + TIME + TEMPO - Vol1-LFO1 - Vol1-LFO1 + + Arpeggio time: + Tempo de arpejo: - Vol1-LFO2 - Vol1-LFO2 + + ms + ms - Vol2-Env1 - + + GATE + PORTAL - Vol2-Env2 - + + Arpeggio gate: + Portal de arpejo: - Vol2-LFO1 - Vol2-LFO1 + + Chord: + Acorde: - Vol2-LFO2 - Vol2-LFO2 + + Direction: + Direção: - Vol3-Env1 - + + Mode: + Modo: + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - Vol3-Env2 - + + octave + oitava - Vol3-LFO1 - Vol3-LFO1 + + + Major + Maior - Vol3-LFO2 - Vol3-LFO2 + + Majb5 + Maior b5 - Phs1-Env1 - + + minor + menor - Phs1-Env2 - + + minb5 + menor b5 - Phs1-LFO1 - + + sus2 + sus2 - Phs1-LFO2 - + + sus4 + sus4 - Phs2-Env1 - + + aug + aum - Phs2-Env2 - + + augsus4 + aum sus4 - Phs2-LFO1 - + + tri + tríade - Phs2-LFO2 - + + 6 + 6 - Phs3-Env1 - + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 - Phs3-Env2 - + + 6add9 + 6(9) - Phs3-LFO1 - + + m6 + m6 - Phs3-LFO2 - + + m6add9 + m6(9) - Pit1-Env1 - + + 7 + 7 - Pit1-Env2 - + + 7sus4 + 7 sus4 - Pit1-LFO1 - + + 7#5 + 7(#5) - Pit1-LFO2 - + + 7b5 + 7(b5) - Pit2-Env1 - + + 7#9 + 7(#9) - Pit2-Env2 - + + 7b9 + 7(b9) - Pit2-LFO1 - + + 7#5#9 + 7(#5, #9) - Pit2-LFO2 - + + 7#5b9 + 7(#5, b9) - Pit3-Env1 - + + 7b5b9 + 7(b5, b9) - Pit3-Env2 - + + 7add11 + 7(11) - Pit3-LFO1 - + + 7add13 + 7(13) - Pit3-LFO2 - + + 7#11 + 7(#11) - PW1-Env1 - + + Maj7 + 7M - PW1-Env2 - + + Maj7b5 + 7M(b5) - PW1-LFO1 - + + Maj7#5 + 7M(#5) - PW1-LFO2 - + + Maj7#11 + 7M(#11) - Sub3-Env1 - + + Maj7add13 + 7M(13) - Sub3-Env2 - + + m7 + m7 - Sub3-LFO1 - + + m7b5 + m7(b5) - Sub3-LFO2 - + + m7b9 + m7(b9) - Sine wave - Onda senoidal + + m7add11 + m7(11) - Bandlimited Triangle wave - + + m7add13 + m7(13) - Bandlimited Saw wave - + + m-Maj7 + m-7M - Bandlimited Ramp wave - + + m-Maj7add11 + m-7M(11) - Bandlimited Square wave - + + m-Maj7add13 + m-7M(13) - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - + + 9 + 9 - Soft square wave - + + 9sus4 + 9 sus4 - Absolute sine wave - + + add9 + (9) - Exponential wave - Onda exponencial + + 9#5 + (9, #5) - White noise - + + 9b5 + (9, b5) - Digital Triangle wave - + + 9#11 + (9, #11) - Digital Saw wave - + + 9b13 + (b9, 13) - Digital Ramp wave - + + Maj9 + 9M - Digital Square wave - + + Maj9sus4 + 9M sus4 - Digital Moog saw wave - + + Maj9#5 + 9M(#5) - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + Maj9#11 + 9M(#11) - Saw wave - Onda dente de serra + + m9 + m9 - Ramp wave - Onda de rampa + + madd9 + m(9) - Square wave - Onda quadrada + + m9b5 + m(9, b5) - Moog saw wave - + + m9-Maj7 + m(9,7M) - Abs. sine wave - + + 11 + 11 - Random - Aleatório + + 11b9 + 11(b9) - Random smooth - + + Maj11 + Acorde de 11 - - - MonstroView - Operators view - Visão do operador + + m11 + m(11) - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - + + m-Maj11 + m (11M) - Matrix view - Ver matriz + + 13 + 13 - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - + + 13#9 + 13(#9) - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - + + 13b9 + 13(b9) - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + 13b5b9 + 13(b5, b9) - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + Maj13 + 13M - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + m13 + m(13) - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - + + m-Maj13 + m (13M) - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - + + Harmonic minor + Menor Harmônica - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - + + Melodic minor + Menor Melódica - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - + + Whole tone + Tons inteiros - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - + + Diminished + Diminuta - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - + + Major pentatonic + Pentatônica maior - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Minor pentatonic + Pentatônica menor - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Jap in sen + Insen Japonesa - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - + + Major bebop + Bebop maior - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - + + Dominant bebop + Bebop dominante - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - + + Blues + Blues - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Arabic + Árabe - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Enigmatic + Enigmática - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - + + Neopolitan + Napolitana - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - + + Neopolitan minor + Neopolitana menor - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - + + Hungarian minor + Húngara menor - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - + + Dorian + Dório - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. + + Phrygian - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + Lydian + Lídio - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + Mixolydian + Mixolídio - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - + + Aeolian + Eólio - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - + + Locrian + Lócrio - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - + + Minor + Menor - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - + + Chromatic + Cromático - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. + + Half-Whole Diminished - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - + + 5 + 5 - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. + + Phrygian dominant - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - + + Persian + Persa - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - + + Chords + Acordes - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - + + Chord type + Tipo de acorde - Volume - Volume + + Chord range + Extensão do acorde + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - Panning - Panorâmico + + STACKING + EMPILHAMENTO - Coarse detune - + + Chord: + Acorde: - semitones - semitons + + RANGE + EXTENSÃO - Finetune left - + + Chord range: + Extensão do acorde: - cents - + + octave(s) + oitava(s) + + + InstrumentMidiIOView - Finetune right - + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + HABILITAR ENTRADA MIDI - Stereo phase offset - + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + HABILITAR SAÍDA MIDI - deg + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits - Pulse width + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits - Send sync on pulse rise + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits - Send sync on pulse fall - + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NOTA - Hard sync oscillator 2 + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + Dispositivos MIDI para receber eventos MIDI de + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + Dispositivos MIDI para mandar eventos MIDI para + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. - Sub-osc mix + + BASE VELOCITY + + + InstrumentMiscView - Hard sync oscillator 3 + + MASTER PITCH - Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + InstrumentSoundShaping - Attack - Ataque + + VOLUME + VOLUME - Rate - Taxa + + Volume + Volume - Phase - Fase + + CUTOFF + CORTE - Pre-delay - + + + Cutoff frequency + Frequência de corte - Hold - Espera + + RESO + RESS - Decay - Decaimento + + Resonance + Ressonância - Sustain - Sustentação + + Envelopes/LFOs + Envelopes/LFOs - Release - Relaxamento + + Filter type + Tipo de filtro - Slope + + Q/Resonance + Q/Ressonância + + + + Low-pass - Modulation amount - Quantidade de modulação + + Hi-pass + - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length - Comprimento + + Band-pass csg + - Step length: + + Band-pass czpg - Dry - Seco + + Notch + Vale - Dry Gain: - Ganho seco: + + All-pass + - Stages - Estágios + + Moog + Moog - Lowpass stages: + + 2x Low-pass - Swap inputs + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct - Swap left and right input channel for reflections + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct - Channel 1 Volume - Canal 1 Volume + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + - Channel 1 Envelope length + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct - Channel 1 Duty cycle + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct - Channel 1 Sweep amount + + Vocal Formant - Channel 1 Sweep rate + + 2x Moog - Channel 2 Coarse detune + + SV Low-pass - Channel 2 Volume - Canal 2 Volume + + SV Band-pass + - Channel 2 Envelope length + + SV High-pass - Channel 2 Duty cycle + + SV Notch - Channel 2 Sweep amount - + + Fast Formant + Formato Rápido - Channel 2 Sweep rate + + Tripole + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView - Channel 3 Coarse detune - + + TARGET + OBJETO - Channel 3 Volume - Canal 3 Volume + + FILTER + FILTRO - Channel 4 Volume - Canal 4 Volume + + FREQ + FREQ - Channel 4 Envelope length - + + Cutoff frequency: + Frequência de corte: - Channel 4 Noise frequency - + + Hz + Hz - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep + + Q/RESO - Master volume - Volume Final + + Q/Resonance: + - Vibrato - Vibrato + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + - NesInstrumentView + InstrumentTrack - Volume - Volume + + + unnamed_track + pista_sem_nome - Coarse detune - + + Base note + Nota base - Envelope length + + First note - Enable channel 1 - Ativar canal 1 - - - Enable envelope 1 - + + Last note + Última nota - Enable envelope 1 loop - + + Volume + Volume - Enable sweep 1 - + + Panning + Panorâmico - Sweep amount - + + Pitch + Altura - Sweep rate - + + Pitch range + Extensão - 12.5% Duty cycle - + + Mixer channel + Canal de Efeitos - 25% Duty cycle - + + Master pitch + Altura Final - 50% Duty cycle + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC - 75% Duty cycle + + CC Controller %1 - Enable channel 2 - Ativar canal 2 + + + Default preset + Pré configuração padrão + + + InstrumentTrackView - Enable envelope 2 - + + Volume + Volume - Enable envelope 2 loop - + + Volume: + Volume: - Enable sweep 2 - + + VOL + VOL - Enable channel 3 - Ativar canal 3 + + Panning + Panorâmico - Noise Frequency - Ruído de Frequência + + Panning: + Panorâmico: - Frequency sweep - + + PAN + PAN - Enable channel 4 - Ativar canal 4 + + MIDI + MIDI - Enable envelope 4 - + + Input + Entradas - Enable envelope 4 loop - + + Output + Saídas - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack - Use note frequency for noise - Usar frequência de nota para ruído + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + InstrumentTrackWindow - Noise mode - Modo de ruído + + GENERAL SETTINGS + AJUSTES GERAIS - Master Volume - Volume Mestre + + Volume + Volume - Vibrato - Vibrato + + Volume: + Volume: - - - OscillatorObject - Osc %1 volume - Volume Osc %1 + + VOL + VOL - Osc %1 panning - Panorâmico Osc %1 + + Panning + Panorâmico - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Ajuste bruto Osc %1 + + Panning: + Panorâmico: - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Ajuste fino esquerdo Osc %1 + + PAN + PAN - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Ajuste fino direito %1 + + Pitch + Altura - Osc %1 phase-offset - Defasamento Osc %1 + + Pitch: + Altura: - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Ajuste de fase estéreo Osc %1 + + cents + centésimos - Osc %1 wave shape - Formato de onda Osc %1 + + PITCH + ALTURA - Modulation type %1 - Tipo de modulação %1 + + Pitch range (semitones) + Extensão (semitons) - Osc %1 waveform - Forma de Onda Osc %1 + + RANGE + EXTENSÃO - Osc %1 harmonic - + + Mixer channel + Canal de Efeitos - - - PatchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - + + CHANNEL + EFEITOS - Bank selector + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Bank - Banco + + SAVE + SALVAR - Program selector + + Envelope, filter & LFO - Patch - Programação + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + - Name - Nome + + Effects + Efeitos - OK - OK + + MIDI + MIDI - Cancel - Cancelar + + Miscellaneous + Miscelânea - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - Abrir outro patch + + Save preset + Salvar pré definição - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Clique aqui para abrir outro aquivo com patch. Configurações de Loop e Afinação não serão perdidas. + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + Arquivo de pré definições XML (*.xpf) - Loop - Loop + + Plugin + + + + JackApplicationW - Loop mode - Modo de loop + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Aqui você pode ligar ou desligar o modo de Loop. Se ligado, PartMan irá utilizar a informação disponível no arquivo para loop. + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + - Tune - Afinar + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + JuceAboutW - Tune mode - Modo de afinação + + About JUCE + - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Aqui você pode ligar ou desligar o Modo de afinação. Se ligado, PatMan irá afinar a sua amostra de acordo com a frequência da nota. + + <b>About JUCE</b> + - No file selected - Nenhum arquivo selecionado + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + - Open patch file - Abrir arquivo de patch + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Arquivos de Patch (*.pat) + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + - PatternView - - Open in piano-roll - Abrir no Editor de Notas MIDI - + Knob - Clear all notes - Limpar todas as notas + + Set linear + Definir linear - Reset name - Restaurar nome + + Set logarithmic + Definir logarítmico - Change name - Mudar nome + + + Set value + - Add steps - Adicionar passo + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + - Remove steps - Remover passo + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Por favor coloque um novo valor entre %1 e %2: + + + LadspaControl - Clone Steps - Clonar Etapas + + Link channels + Conectar canais - PeakController + LadspaControlDialog - Peak Controller - Controlador de Picos + + Link Channels + Conectar Canais - Peak Controller Bug - Problema no Controlador de Picos - - - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - Devido a um problema na versão mais antiga do LMMS, os controladores de pico não pode se conectar corretamente. Certifique-se de que os controladores de pico estão conectados corretamente e volte a salvar este arquivo. Desculpe por qualquer inconveniente causado. + + Channel + Canal - PeakControllerDialog + LadspaControlView - PEAK - Pico + + Link channels + Conectar canais - LFO Controller - Controlador de LFO + + Value: + Valor: - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - BASE - BASE - - - Base amount: - Quantidade de base: - - - Modulation amount: - Quantidade de modulação: - + LadspaEffect - Attack: - Ataque: + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Plugin LADSPA %1 desconhecido requisitado. + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - Release: - Relaxamento: + + Set value + - AMNT - QNTD + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Por favor coloque um novo valor entre %1 e %2: + + + LcdSpinBox - MULT - MULT + + Set value + - Amount Multiplicator: - Multiplicador de quantidade: + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Por favor coloque um novo valor entre %1 e %2: + + + LeftRightNav - ATCK - ATQU + + + + Previous + Anterior - DCAY - DCAI + + + + Next + Próximo - Treshold: - + + Previous (%1) + Anterior (%1) - TRSH - + + Next (%1) + Próximo (%1) - PeakControllerEffectControls + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + Controlador de LFO + + Base value Valor base - Modulation amount - Quantidade de modulação + + Oscillator speed + Velocidade do oscilador - Mute output - Deixar saída muda + + Oscillator amount + Quantidade do oscilador - Attack - Ataque + + Oscillator phase + Fase do oscilador - Release - Relaxamento + + Oscillator waveform + Forma de onda do oscilador - Abs Value - Valor Abs + + Frequency Multiplier + Multiplicador de frequência + + + LfoControllerDialog - Amount Multiplicator - Multiplicador de quantidade + + LFO + LFO - Treshold + + BASE + CENTRO + + + + Base: - - - PianoRoll - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Por favor abra um a sequência com um duplo clique sobre ela! + + FREQ + FREQ - Last note - Última nota + + LFO frequency: + - Note lock - Travar nota + + AMNT + QNTD - Note Velocity - Volume da nota + + Modulation amount: + Quantidade de modulação: - Note Panning - Panorâmico da nota + + PHS + DFS - Mark/unmark current semitone - Marcar/desmarcar o semitom atual + + Phase offset: + Defasamento: - Mark current scale - Marcar a escala atual + + degrees + - Mark current chord - Marcar o acorde atual + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - Unmark all - Desmarcar tudo + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - No scale - Sem escala + + Saw wave + Onda dente de serra - No chord - Sem acorde + + Square wave + Onda quadrada - Velocity: %1% - Velocidade: %1% + + Moog saw wave + - Panning: %1% left - Panorâmico: %1% Esquerda + + Exponential wave + Onda exponencial - Panning: %1% right - Panorâmico: %1% Direita + + White noise + - Panning: center - Panorâmico: Centro + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Por favor coloque um valor entre %1 e %2: + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 - Select all notes on this key - Selecionar todas as notas desta chave + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + - PianoRollWindow + Engine - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Tocar/Parar padrão atual (Espaço) + + Generating wavetables + - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Grave notas do dispositivo MIDI / Canal de piano + + Initializing data structures + Inicializando estruturas de dados - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Grave notas do dispositivo MIDI / Canal de piano enquanto toca sons ou faixas de batida da linha de baixo + + Opening audio and midi devices + Abrindo dispositivos áudio e midi - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Parar de tocar a sequência atual (Espaço) + + Launching mixer threads + Lançando threads do misturador + + + MainWindow - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - + + Configuration file + Arquivo de configuração - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Erro ao analisar arquivo de configuração na linha %1:%2: %3 - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - + + Could not open file + Não é possível abrir o arquivo - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Desenhar modo (Shift+D) - - - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Apagar modo (Shift+E) + + Project recovery + Recuperação de projeto - Select mode (Shift+S) - Selecionar modo (Shift+S) + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + - Detune mode (Shift+T) - Modo de desafinação (Shift+T) + + + Recover + Recuperar - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + + Discard + Descartar - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Version %1 + Versão %1 - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Cortar notas selecionadas (%1+X) + + Preparing plugin browser + Preparando navegador de plugin - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Copiar notas selecionadas (%1+C) + + Preparing file browsers + Preparando navegadores de arquivos - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Cole notas na área de transferência (%1+V) + + My Projects + Meus Projetos - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Clique aqui e os valores selecionados vão ser cortados na área de transferência. Você pode colar eles em qualquer padrão clicando no botão colar. + + My Samples + Minhas Amostras - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Clique aqui e os valores selecionados vão ser copiados na área de transferência. Você pode colar eles em qualquer padrão clicando no botão colar. + + My Presets + Minhas predefinições - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Clique aqui e os valores da área de transferência serão colados na primeira medida visível. + + My Home + Meu Início - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - + + Root directory + Diretório raiz - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - + + Volumes + Volumes - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - + + My Computer + Meu Computador - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - + + &File + &Arquivo - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - + + &New + &Novo - Edit actions - Editar ações + + &Open... + &Abrir... - Copy paste controls + + Loading background picture - Timeline controls - Controles de cronograma + + &Save + &Salvar - Zoom and note controls - Controles de Zoom e nota + + Save &As... + Salvar &como... - Piano-Roll - %1 - + + Save as New &Version + Salvar como Nova &Versão - Piano-Roll - no pattern - + + Save as default template + Salvar como modelo padrão + + + + Import... + Importar... + + + + E&xport... + &Renderizar... + + + + E&xport Tracks... + Exportar Faixas... + + + + Export &MIDI... + Exportar &MIDI... + + + + &Quit + Sai&r + + + + &Edit + &Editar + + + + Undo + Desfazer + + + + Redo + Refazer + + + + Settings + Opções + + + + &View + &Ver + + + + &Tools + &Ferramentas + + + + &Help + Aj&uda + + + + Online Help + Ajuda Online + + + + Help + Ajuda + + + + About + Sobre + + + + Create new project + Criar novo projeto + + + + Create new project from template + Criar novo projeto a partir de um modelo + + + + Open existing project + Abrir projeto existente + + + + Recently opened projects + Projetos usados recentemente + + + + Save current project + Salvar projeto atual + + + + Export current project + Exportar projeto atual + + + + Metronome + Metrônomo + + + + + Song Editor + Mostrar/esconder Editor de Arranjo + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Mostrar/esconder Editor de Bases + + + + + Piano Roll + Mostrar/esconder Editor de Notas MIDI + + + + + Automation Editor + Mostrar/esconder Editor de Automação + + + + + Mixer + Mostrar/esconder Mixer de Efeitos + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + Mostrar/ocultar notas do projeto + + + + Untitled + Sem_nome + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + Projeto não salvo + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + O projeto atual foi modificado. Quer salvá-lo agora? + + + + Open Project + Abrir Projeto + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Salvar Projeto + + + + LMMS Project + Projeto LMMS + + + + LMMS Project Template + Modelo de Projeto LMMS + + + + Save project template + Salvar modelo do projeto + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + Ajuda não disponível + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Atualmente não há ajuda disponível no LMMS. +Por favor visite http://lmms.sf.net/wiki para ter acesso a mais infromações sobre LMMS. + + + + Controller Rack + Mostrar/esconder a Estante de Controladorer + + + + Project Notes + Mostrar/esconder comentários do projeto + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + Volume como dBFS + + + + Smooth scroll + Rolagem suave + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + Arquivo MIDI (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + sem título + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + Guardar projeto + + + + Project saved + Projeto salvo + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + O projeto %1 está salvo. + + + + Project NOT saved. + Projeto NÃO salvo. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + O projeto %1 não foi salvo! + + + + Import file + Importar arquivo + + + + MIDI sequences + Sequências MIDI + + + + Hydrogen projects + Projetos Hydrogen + + + + All file types + Todos os tipos de arquivos + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + Numerador Métrico + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + Denominador Métrico + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + COMPASSO + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + Numerador + + + + Denominator + Denominador + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + Controlador MIDI + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + controlador-midi-sem-nome + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + Configuração incompleta + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Você não compilou o LMMS com suporte a SoundFont2 player, que é usado para adicionar sons por padrão a arquivos MIDI importados. Desta maneira nenhum som será executado depois de importar arquivos MIDI. + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + Numerador + + + + Denominator + Denominador + + + + Track + Faixa + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + O servidor JACK caiu + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + O servidor JACK parece estar encerrado. + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + &Arquivo + + + + &Edit + &Editar + + + + &Quit + Sai&r + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + Canal de entrada + + + + Output channel + Canal de saída + + + + Input controller + Entrada do controlador + + + + Output controller + Saída do controlador + + + + Fixed input velocity + Intensidade fixa de entrada + + + + Fixed output velocity + Intensidade fixa de saída + + + + Fixed output note + Nota fixa na saída + + + + Output MIDI program + Saída do programa MIDI + + + + Base velocity + Velocidade base + + + + Receive MIDI-events + Receber eventos MIDI + + + + Send MIDI-events + Enviar eventos MIDI + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + Dispositivo + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + Vista selecionada + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + Onda exponencial + + + + White noise + + + + + Digital Triangle wave + + + + + Digital Saw wave + + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular + + + + Saw wave + Onda dente de serra + + + + Ramp wave + Onda de rampa + + + + Square wave + Onda quadrada + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + Aleatório + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + Visão do operador + + + + Matrix view + Ver matriz + + + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + + Panning + Panorâmico + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + semitons + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + Ataque + + + + + Rate + Taxa + + + + + Phase + Fase + + + + + Pre-delay + + + + + + Hold + Espera + + + + + Decay + Decaimento + + + + + Sustain + Sustentação + + + + + Release + Relaxamento + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Quantidade de modulação + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + Comprimento + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + Seco + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + Estágios + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + Canal 1 volume + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + Canal 2 Volume + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + Canal 3 volume + + + + Channel 4 volume + Canal 4 volume + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + Volume Final + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Volume + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + Ativar canal 1 + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + + + + + Enable channel 2 + Ativar canal 2 + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + Ativar canal 3 + + + + Noise Frequency + Ruído de Frequência + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + Ativar canal 4 + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + Usar frequência de nota para ruído + + + + Noise mode + Modo de ruído + + + + Master volume + Volume Final + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + Programação + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + FM + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + Ataque + + + + + Decay + Decaimento + + + + + Release + Relaxamento + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + Forma de Onda Osc %1 + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + Volume Osc %1 + + + + + Osc %1 panning + Panorâmico Osc %1 + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Ajuste fino esquerdo Osc %1 + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Ajuste bruto Osc %1 + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Ajuste fino direito %1 + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Defasamento Osc %1 + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Ajuste de fase estéreo Osc %1 + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + Formato de onda Osc %1 + + + + Modulation type %1 + Tipo de modulação %1 + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + Clique para habilitar + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + Banco + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + Programação + + + + Name + Nome + + + + OK + OK + + + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + Loop + + + + Loop mode + Modo de loop + + + + Tune + Afinar + + + + Tune mode + Modo de afinação + + + + No file selected + Nenhum arquivo selecionado + + + + Open patch file + Abrir arquivo de patch + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Arquivos de Patch (*.pat) + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + Abrir no Editor de Notas MIDI + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + Limpar todas as notas + + + + Reset name + Restaurar nome + + + + Change name + Mudar nome + + + + Add steps + Adicionar passo + + + + Remove steps + Remover passo + + + + Clone Steps + Clonar Etapas + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + Controlador de Picos + + + + Peak Controller Bug + Problema no Controlador de Picos + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + Devido a um problema na versão mais antiga do LMMS, os controladores de pico não pode se conectar corretamente. Certifique-se de que os controladores de pico estão conectados corretamente e volte a salvar este arquivo. Desculpe por qualquer inconveniente causado. + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + Pico + + + + LFO Controller + Controlador de LFO + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + BASE + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + QNTD + + + + Modulation amount: + Quantidade de modulação: + + + + MULT + MULT + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + ATQU + + + + Attack: + Ataque: + + + + DCAY + DCAI + + + + Release: + Relaxamento: + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + Deixar saída muda + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + Valor base + + + + Modulation amount + Quantidade de modulação + + + + Attack + Ataque + + + + Release + Relaxamento + + + + Treshold + + + + + Mute output + Deixar saída muda + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + Volume da nota + + + + Note Panning + Panorâmico da nota + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Marcar/desmarcar o semitom atual + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + Marcar a escala atual + + + + Mark current chord + Marcar o acorde atual + + + + Unmark all + Desmarcar tudo + + + + Select all notes on this key + Selecionar todas as notas desta chave + + + + Note lock + Travar nota + + + + Last note + Última nota + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + Sem escala + + + + No chord + Sem acorde + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + Velocidade: %1% + + + + Panning: %1% left + Panorâmico: %1% Esquerda + + + + Panning: %1% right + Panorâmico: %1% Direita + + + + Panning: center + Panorâmico: Centro + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Por favor abra um a sequência com um duplo clique sobre ela! + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Por favor coloque um valor entre %1 e %2: + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Tocar/Parar padrão atual (Espaço) + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Grave notas do dispositivo MIDI / Canal de piano + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Grave notas do dispositivo MIDI / Canal de piano enquanto toca sons ou faixas de batida da linha de baixo + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Parar de tocar a sequência atual (Espaço) + + + + Edit actions + Editar ações + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Desenhar modo (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Apagar modo (Shift+E) + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Modo de seleção (Shift+S) + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + Quantizar + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + Controles de cronograma + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + Controles de Zoom e nota + + + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom horizontal + + + + Vertical zooming + Zoom vertical + + + + Quantization + Quantização + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + Escala + + + + Chord + Acorde + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + Nota base + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + Última nota + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + Plugin não encontrado + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + O plugin "%1" não pode ser carregado! +Motivo: "%2" + + + + Error while loading plugin + Erro ao carregar plugin + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Falha ao carregar o plugin "%1"! + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + Navegador de Instrumento + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + sem descrição + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Sintetizador de formas de onda customizáveis + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + Instrumento do Rack Carla + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Emulação do GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + Player for GIG files + Tocador para arquivos GIG + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Filtro para importação de arquivos do Hydrogen para o LMMS + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Lista dos plugins LADSPA instalados + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + plugin para uso de efeitos LADSPA arbitrários dentro do LMMS. + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Imitação monofônica incompleta de TB-303 + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filtro para importação de arquivos MIDI para o LMMS + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + Dois Operadores de Síntese FM + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Síntetizador de Síntese Aditiva para sons tipo de órgão + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + Pré definição de instrumento compatível com GUS (Gravis Ultrasound) + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Plugin para controlar botões com os picos sonoros + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + Tocador de arquivos de SounFont + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + sfxr para LMMS + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Emulação do MOS6581 e do MOS8580 SID. +Este chip foi utilizado no computador Commodore 64. + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Plugin para melhorar a separação estéreo de um arquivo de entrada estéreo + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Plugin para livre manipulação das saídas estéreo + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + Instrumentos percussivos com afinação para você usar + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + Servidor (host) VST para usar plugins VST(i) com o LMMS + + + + Vibrating string modeler + Modelador de Cordas vibrantes + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + - Quantize - Quantizar + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Poderoso sintetizador ZynAddSubFx embutido no LMMS - PianoView + PluginDatabaseW - Base note - Nota base + + Carla - Add New + - - - Plugin - Plugin not found - Plugin não encontrado + + Format + - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - O plugin "%1" não pode ser carregado! -Motivo: "%2" + + Internal + - Error while loading plugin - Erro ao carregar plugin + + LADSPA + - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Falha ao carregar o plugin "%1"! + + DSSI + - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - Navegador de Instrumento + + LV2 + - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + VST2 - Instrument Plugins + + VST3 - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. - Plugin não achado. + + AU + - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + Tipo + + + + Effects + Efeitos + + + + Instruments + Instrumentos + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + Tipo: + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + Nome + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F - ProjectNotes + PluginEdit - Edit Actions - Editar ações + + Plugin Editor + - &Undo - &Desfazer + + Edit + - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Control + Controle - &Redo - &Refazer + + MIDI Control Channel: + - %1+Y - %1+Y + + N + - &Copy - &Copiar + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - %1+C - %1+C + + Output volume (100%) + - Cu&t - &Cortar + + Balance Left (0%) + - %1+X - %1+X + + + Balance Right (0%) + - &Paste - &Colar + + Use Balance + - %1+V - %1+V + + Use Panning + - Format Actions + + Settings + Opções + + + + Use Chunks - &Bold - &Negrito + + Audio: + - %1+B - %1+B + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - &Italic - &Itálico + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - %1+I - %1+I + + MIDI: + - &Underline - &Underline + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - %1+U - %1+U + + +Plugin Name + + - &Left - &Esquerda + + Program: + - %1+L - %1+L + + MIDI Program: + - C&enter - &Centro + + Save State + - %1+E - %1+E + + Load State + - &Right - &Direita + + Information + - %1+R - %1+R + + Label/URI: + - &Justify - &Justificar + + Name: + - %1+J - %1+J + + Type: + Tipo: - &Color... - &Cor... + + Maker: + - Project Notes - Mostrar/esconder comentários do projeto + + Copyright: + - Enter project notes here + + Unique ID: - ProjectRenderer + PluginFactory - WAV-File (*.wav) - Arquivo WAV (*.wav) + + Plugin not found. + Plugin não achado. - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Arquivo OGG compactado (*.ogg) + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + PluginParameter - FLAC-File (*.flac) + + Form - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) + + Parameter Name - - - QWidget - Name: - Nome: + + ... + + + + PluginRefreshW - Maker: - Marcador: + + Carla - Refresh + - Copyright: - Direitos autorais: + + Search for new... + - Requires Real Time: - Requer Processamento em Tempo Real: + + LADSPA + - Yes - Sim + + DSSI + - No - Não + + LV2 + - Real Time Capable: - Capacitado para Processamento em Tempo Real: + + VST2 + - In Place Broken: - Com Local Quebrado: + + VST3 + - Channels In: - Canais de Entrada: + + AU + - Channels Out: - Canais de Saída: + + SF2/3 + - File: - Arquivo: + + SFZ + - File: %1 - Arquivo: %1 + + Native + - - - RenameDialog - Rename... - Renomear... + + POSIX 32bit + - - - ReverbSCControlDialog - Input - Entradas + + POSIX 64bit + - Input Gain: - Ganho da entrada: + + Windows 32bit + - Size - Tamanho + + Windows 64bit + - Size: - Tamanho: + + Available tools: + - Color - Cor + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - Color: - Cor: + + carla-discovery-win64 + - Output - Saídas + + carla-discovery-native + - Output Gain: - Ganho de saída: + + carla-discovery-posix32 + - - - ReverbSCControls - Input Gain + + carla-discovery-posix64 - Size - Tamanho + + carla-discovery-win32 + - Color - Cor + + Options: + - Output Gain + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). - - - SampleBuffer - Open audio file - Abrir arquivo de áudio + + Run processing checks while scanning + - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Arquivos Wave (*.wav) + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - Arquivos OGG (*.ogg) + + Scan + - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - Arquivos DrumSynth (*.ds) + + >> Skip + - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - Arquivos FLAC (*.flac) + + Close + Fechar + + + PluginWidget - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - Arquivos SPEEX (*.spx) + + + + + + Frame + - VOC-Files (*.voc) - Arquivos VOC (*.voc) + + Enable + - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - Arquivos AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + On/Off + Liga/Desliga - AU-Files (*.au) - Arquivos AU (*.au) + + + + + PluginName + - RAW-Files (*.raw) - Arquivos RAW (*.raw) + + MIDI + MIDI - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Todos Arquivos de Áudio (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + AUDIO IN + - Fail to open file + + AUDIO OUT - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + GUI - - - SampleTCOView - double-click to select sample - Duplo clique para selecionar amostra + + Edit + - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Excluir (botão do meio do mouse) + + Remove + - Cut - Recortar + + Plugin Name + - Copy - Copiar + + Preset: + + + + ProjectNotes - Paste - Colar + + Project Notes + Mostrar/esconder comentários do projeto - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Mudo/Não Mudo (<%1> + middle click) + + Enter project notes here + - - - SampleTrack - Sample track - Áudio Amostras + + Edit Actions + Editar ações - Volume - Volume + + &Undo + &Desfazer - Panning - Panorâmico + + %1+Z + %1+Z - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - Volume da pista + + &Redo + &Refazer - Channel volume: - Volume do canal: + + %1+Y + %1+Y - VOL - VOL + + &Copy + &Copiar - Panning - Panorâmico + + %1+C + %1+C - Panning: - Panorâmico: + + Cu&t + &Cortar - PAN - PAN + + %1+X + %1+X - - - SetupDialog - Setup LMMS - Configurar LMMS + + &Paste + &Colar - General settings - Configurações gerais + + %1+V + %1+V - BUFFER SIZE + + Format Actions - Reset to default-value - Reiniciar para valor padrão + + &Bold + &Negrito - MISC - + + %1+B + %1+B - Enable tooltips - Ativar Dicas + + &Italic + &Itálico - Show restart warning after changing settings - + + %1+I + %1+I - Compress project files per default - + + &Underline + &Underline - One instrument track window mode - + + %1+U + %1+U - HQ-mode for output audio-device - + + &Left + &Esquerda - Compact track buttons - + + %1+L + %1+L - Sync VST plugins to host playback - + + C&enter + &Centro - Enable note labels in piano roll - + + %1+E + %1+E - Enable waveform display by default - + + &Right + &Direita - Keep effects running even without input - + + %1+R + %1+R - Create backup file when saving a project - + + &Justify + &Justificar - LANGUAGE - LINGUAGEM + + %1+J + %1+J - Paths - Caminhos + + &Color... + &Cor... + + + ProjectRenderer - LMMS working directory - Diretório de trabalho LMMS + + WAV (*.wav) + - VST-plugin directory - Diretório de VST-plugin + + FLAC (*.flac) + - Background artwork + + OGG (*.ogg) - STK rawwave directory + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - Default Soundfont File - Arquivo padrão de Soundfont + + Reload Plugin + - Performance settings - Configuração de Performance + + Show GUI + Mostrar GUI - UI effects vs. performance - + + Help + Ajuda + + + QWidget - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - + + + + + Name: + Nome: - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + URI: - Audio settings - Configurações de áudio + + + + Maker: + Marcador: - AUDIO INTERFACE - INTERFACE DE ÁUDIO + + + + Copyright: + Direitos autorais: - MIDI settings - Configurações MIDI + + + Requires Real Time: + Requer Processamento em Tempo Real: - MIDI INTERFACE - INTERFACE DO MIDI + + + + + + + Yes + Sim - OK - OK + + + + + + + No + Não - Cancel - Cancelar + + + Real Time Capable: + Capacitado para Processamento em Tempo Real: - Restart LMMS - Reiniciar LMMS + + + In Place Broken: + Com Local Quebrado: - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - + + + Channels In: + Canais de Entrada: - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - + + + Channels Out: + Canais de Saída: - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - + + File: %1 + Arquivo: %1 - Choose LMMS working directory - Escolha o diretório de trabalho LMMS + + File: + Arquivo: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Escolha seu diretório VST-plugin + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Projetos Abertos Recentes + + + RenameDialog - Choose artwork-theme directory - + + Rename... + Renomear... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Escolha o diretório de plugin LADSPA + + Input + Entradas - Choose STK rawwave directory - + + Input gain: + Ganho de entrada: - Choose default SoundFont - Escolha o Banco de som padrão + + Size + Tamanho - Choose background artwork - + + Size: + Tamanho: - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - + + Color + Cor - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - + + Color: + Cor: - Reopen last project on start - + + Output + Saídas - Directories - Diretórios + + Output gain: + Ganho de saída: + + + ReverbSCControls - Themes directory - Diretório de temas + + Input gain + Ganho de entrada - GIG directory - Diretório GIG + + Size + Tamanho - SF2 directory - Diretório SF2 + + Color + Cor - LADSPA plugin directories - Diretórios de plugin LADSPA + + Output gain + Ganho de saída + + + SaControls - Auto save - Auto salvar + + Pause + Pausar - Choose your GIG directory - Escolha seu diretório GIG + + Reference freeze + - Choose your SF2 directory - Escolha seu diretório SF2 + + Waterfall + - minutes - minutos + + Averaging + - minute - minuto + + Stereo + Estéreo - Display volume as dBFS + + Peak hold - Enable auto-save + + Logarithmic frequency - Allow auto-save while playing + + Logarithmic amplitude - Disabled - Desativado + + Frequency range + - Auto-save interval: %1 + + Amplitude range - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. + + FFT block size - - - Song - Tempo - Andamento + + FFT window type + - Master volume - Volume Final + + Peak envelope resolution + - Master pitch - Altura Final + + Spectrum display resolution + - Project saved - Projeto salvo + + Peak decay multiplier + - The project %1 is now saved. - O projeto %1 está salvo. + + Averaging weight + - Project NOT saved. - Projeto NÃO salvo. + + Waterfall history size + - The project %1 was not saved! - O projeto %1 não foi salvo! + + Waterfall gamma correction + - Import file - Importar arquivo + + FFT window overlap + - MIDI sequences - Sequências MIDI + + FFT zero padding + - Hydrogen projects - Projetos Hydrogen + + + Full (auto) + - All file types - Todos os tipos de arquivos + + + + Audible + - Empty project - Projeto vazio + + Bass + Grave - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! + + Mids - Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + High - untitled - sem título + + Extended + - Select file for project-export... + + Loud - The following errors occured while loading: + + Silent - MIDI File (*.mid) - Arquivo MIDI (*.mid) + + (High time res.) + - LMMS Error report - Reportar erro LMMS + + (High freq. res.) + - Save project - Guardar projeto + + Rectangular (Off) + - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - Não é possível abrir o arquivo + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + - Could not write file - Não é possivel salvar o arquivo + + Hamming + - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Não foi possível abrir o arquivo %1. Provavelmente você não tem permissão para ler este arquivo. - Por favor certifique-se que você tenha permissão de leitura para o arquivo e tente novamente. + + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog - Error in file - Erro no arquivo + + Pause + Pausar - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - O arquivo %1 parece conter erros e por isso não pode ser carregado. + + Pause data acquisition + Pausar aquisição de dados - Tempo - Andamento + + Reference freeze + - TEMPO/BPM - ANDAMENTO/BPM + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + - tempo of song - andamento da música + + Waterfall + - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - o andamento de uma música é especificado em batidas por minuto (BPM). Se voc6e precisar mudar o andamento de sua música, mude esse valor. Todo compasso tem 4 batidas, logo o andamento em BPM especificara a quantidade de batidas dividida por 4. + + Display real-time spectrogram + - High quality mode - Modo de alta qualidade + + Averaging + - Master volume - Volume Final + + Enable exponential moving average + - master volume - volume final + + Stereo + Estéreo - Master pitch - Altura Final + + Display stereo channels separately + - master pitch - altura final + + Peak hold + - Value: %1% - Valor: %1% + + Display envelope of peak values + - Value: %1 semitones - Valor: %1 semitons + + Logarithmic frequency + - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Não foi possível abrir %1 para escrita. Provavelmente você não tem permissão para escrita deste arquivo. Por favor, certifique-se de ter permissão para escrever nesse arquivo e tente novamente. + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + - template - modelo + + + Frequency range + - project - projeto + + Logarithmic amplitude + - Version difference + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. + + + Amplitude range - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - Editor de Som + + Envelope res. + - Play song (Space) - Tocar som (Espaço) + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Record samples from Audio-device + + + Draw at most - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + envelope points per pixel - Stop song (Space) - Parar som (Espaço) + + Spectrum res. + - Add beat/bassline - Add linha de base + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Add sample-track - Adicionar faixa de amostra + + spectrum points per pixel + - Add automation-track - Add automação de faixa + + Falloff factor + - Draw mode + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. - Edit mode (select and move) - Editar modo (selecionar e mover) + + Multiply buffered value by + - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. + + Averaging weight - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. - Track actions + + New sample contributes - Edit actions - Editar ações + + Waterfall height + - Timeline controls - Controles de cronograma + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + - Zoom controls - Controles de zoom + + Keep + Manter - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - Espectro linear + + lines + linhas - Linear Y axis + + Waterfall gamma - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - - Linear spectrum - Espectro linear - - Linear Y axis + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. - Channel mode - Modo de Canal + + Gamma value: + Valor gama: - - - SubWindow - Close - Fechar + + Window overlap + - Maximize - Maximizar + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - Restore - Restaurar + + Each sample processed + - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 - Opções para %1 + + times + - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - Sincronia + + Zero padding + - No Sync - Sem Sincronia + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + - Eight beats - Oito batidas + + Processing buffer is + - Whole note - Nota inteira + + steps larger than input block + - Half note - Meia nota + + Advanced settings + - Quarter note - 1/4 de nota + + Access advanced settings + - 8th note - 8ª nota + + + FFT block size + - 16th note - 16ª nota + + + FFT window type + + + + SampleBuffer - 32nd note - 32ª nota + + Fail to open file + - Custom... - Personalizado... + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + - Custom - Personalizado + + Open audio file + Abrir arquivo de áudio - Synced to Eight Beats - Sincronizado com Oito Batidas + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Todos Arquivos de Áudio (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Synced to Whole Note - Sincronizado com a Nota Inteira + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Arquivos Wave (*.wav) - Synced to Half Note - Sincronizado com Meia Nota + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + Arquivos OGG (*.ogg) - Synced to Quarter Note - Sincronizado com 1/4 de Nota + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + Arquivos DrumSynth (*.ds) - Synced to 8th Note - Sincronizado com a 8ª Nota + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + Arquivos FLAC (*.flac) - Synced to 16th Note - Sincronizado com a 16ª Nota + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + Arquivos SPEEX (*.spx) - Synced to 32nd Note - Sincronizado com a 32ª Nota + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + Arquivos VOC (*.voc) - - - TimeDisplayWidget - click to change time units - clique para mudar as unidades de tempo + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + Arquivos AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) - MIN - MIN + + AU-Files (*.au) + Arquivos AU (*.au) - SEC - SEC + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + Arquivos RAW (*.raw) + + + SampleClipView - MSEC + + Double-click to open sample - BAR - + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Excluir (botão do meio do mouse) - BEAT + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) - TICK - + + Cut + Recortar - - - TimeLineWidget - Enable/disable auto-scrolling + + Cut selection - Enable/disable loop-points - + + Copy + Copiar - After stopping go back to begin + + Copy selection - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - + + Paste + Colar - After stopping keep position + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Mudo/Não Mudo (<%1> + middle click) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) - Hint - Sugestão + + Reverse sample + Amostra reversa - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + Set clip color - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + Use track color - Track - - Mute - Mudo - + SampleTrack - Solo - Solo + + Volume + Volume - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file - não foi possivel importar arquivo + + Panning + Panorâmico - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Não foi possível encontrar um filtro para inportar o arquivo %1. -Você poderia converter este arquivo em um formato suportado pelo LMMS usando outro aplicativo. + + Mixer channel + Canal de Efeitos - Couldn't open file - Não é possível abrir o arquivo + + + Sample track + Áudio Amostras + + + SampleTrackView - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Não foi possível abrir o arquivo %1 para leitura. -Por favor certifique-se que você tem permissões de leitura para o arquivo e para a pasta e tente novamente! + + Track volume + Volume da pista - Loading project... - Carregando projeto... + + Channel volume: + Volume do canal: - Cancel - Cancelar + + VOL + VOL - Please wait... - Por favor aguarde... + + Panning + Panorâmico - Importing MIDI-file... - Importando arquivo MIDI... + + Panning: + Panorâmico: - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - + + PAN + PAN - - - TrackContentObject - Mute - Mudo + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - TrackContentObjectView - - Current position - Posição atual - + SampleTrackWindow - Hint - Sugestão - - - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - + + GENERAL SETTINGS + AJUSTES GERAIS - Current length + + Sample volume - Press <%1> for free resizing. - + + Volume: + Volume: - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + VOL + VOL - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Excluir (botão do meio do mouse) + + Panning + Panorâmico - Cut - Recortar + + Panning: + Panorâmico: - Copy - Copiar + + PAN + PAN - Paste - Colar + + Mixer channel + Canal de Efeitos - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Mudo/Não Mudo (<%1> + middle click) + + CHANNEL + EFEITOS - TrackOperationsWidget + SaveOptionsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. + + Discard MIDI connections - Actions for this track - Ações para esta faixa + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + SetupDialog - Mute - Mudo + + Reset to default value + - Solo - Solo + + Use built-in NaN handler + - Mute this track - Deixar esta faixa muda + + Settings + Opções - Clone this track - Clonar esta faixa + + + General + - Remove this track - Remover esta faixa + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + - Clear this track - Desmarcar esta faixa + + Display volume as dBFS + - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + Enable tooltips + Ativar Dicas - Turn all recording on + + Enable master oscilloscope by default - Turn all recording off + + Enable all note labels in piano roll - Assign to new FX Channel - Atribuir novo Canal FX + + Enable compact track buttons + - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Use o modulador de fase para modular o oscilador 2 com o oscilador 1 + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Use o modulador de amplitude para modular o oscilador 2 com o oscilador 1 + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Misture as saídas do oscilador 1 e 2 + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Sincronize o oscilador 1 com o oscilador 2 + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Use o modulador de frequência para modular o oscilador 2 com o oscilador 1 + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Use o modulador de fase para modular o oscilador 3 com o oscilador 2 + + Projects + - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Use o modulador de amplitude para modular o oscilador 3 com o oscilador 2 + + Compress project files by default + - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Misture as saídas do oscilador 2 e 3 + + Create a backup file when saving a project + - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Sincronize o oscilador 2 com o oscilador 3 + + Reopen last project on startup + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Use o modulador de frequência para modular o oscilador 3 com o oscilador 2 + + Language + - Osc %1 volume: - Volume Osc %1: + + + Performance + - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Com este botão você pode ajustar o volume do oscilador %1. Quando você seleciona o valor 0, o oscilador é desligado. Com outros valores você vai escutar o oscilador tão alto quanto você o ajustar. + + Autosave + - Osc %1 panning: - Panorâmico Osc %1: + + Enable autosave + - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Com este botão você pode ajustar o panning do oscilador %1. O valor -100 significa 100% à esquerda e 100 move a saida do oscilador para a direita. + + Allow autosave while playing + - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Ajuste bruto Osc %1: + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + - semitones - semitons + + Smooth scroll in song editor + - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Com este botão você pode modificar Ajuste bruto do oscilador %1. Você pode descer o tom do oscilador 24 semitons (2 oitavas) para cima e para baixo. Isto é útil para criar sons com um acorde. + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Ajuste fino esquerdo Osc %1: + + Plugins + Plugins - cents - centésimos + + VST plugins embedding: + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Com este botão você pode manipular o Ajuste fino do oscilador %1 para o canal esquerdo. O Ajuste fino varia entre -100 centésimos e +100 centésimos. Isto é útil para criar sons 'gordos'. + + No embedding + - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Ajuste fino direito %1: + + Embed using Qt API + - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Com este botão você pode modificar o ajuste fino do oscilador %1 para o canal direito. O ajuste fino varia entre -100 centésimos e +100 centésimos. Isto é útil para criar sons 'gordos'. + + Embed using native Win32 API + - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Defasamento Osc %1: + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + - degrees - graus + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Com este botão você pode ajustar o defasamento do oscilador %1. Isso significa que você pode move o ponto de uma oscilação onde o oscilador começa à oscilar. Por exemplo, se você tem uma onda-seno e tem uma compensação de fase de 180 graus, a onda vai primeiro descer. É o mesmo com onda-quadrada. + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Defasamento estéreo Osc %1: + + Keep effects running even without input + - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Com este botão você pode ajustar o defasamento estéreo do oscilador %1. O defasador estéreo especifica o tamanho da diferença entre a defasagem entre os canais esquerdo e direito. Isto é muito bom para abrir o som. + + + Audio + Áudio - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Use uma onda senoidal no oscilador atual. + + Audio interface + - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Use uma onda triangular no oscilador atual. + + HQ mode for output audio device + - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Use uma onda dente de serra no oscilador atual. + + Buffer size + - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Use uma onda quadrada no oscilador atual. + + + MIDI + MIDI - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Use uma onda dente de serra moog no oscilador atual. + + MIDI interface + - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Use uma onda exponencial no oscilador atual. + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Use ruído branco no oscilador atual. + + LMMS working directory + Diretório de trabalho LMMS - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Use uma forma de onda definida pelo usuário no oscilador atual. + + VST plugins directory + - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number - Incrementar número da versão + + LADSPA plugins directories + - Decrement version number - Decrementar número da versão + + SF2 directory + Diretório SF2 - already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + Default SF2 - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - Abrir outro plugin VST + + GIG directory + Diretório GIG - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Clique aqui se você quer abrir outro plugin VST. clicando neste botão, você verá uma caixa da seleção para escolher o arquivo. + + Theme directory + - Show/hide GUI - Mostrar/esconder GUI + + Background artwork + - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Clique aqui para mostrar ou esconder a interface gráfica do usuário (GUI) do plugin VST. + + Some changes require restarting. + - Turn off all notes - Desligar todas as notas + + Autosave interval: %1 + - Open VST-plugin - Abrir plugin VST + + Choose the LMMS working directory + - DLL-files (*.dll) - Arquivos DLL (*.dll) + + Choose your VST plugins directory + - EXE-files (*.exe) - Arquivos EXE (*.exe) + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + - No VST-plugin loaded - Nenhum plugin VST carregado + + Choose your default SF2 + - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Controlar plugin VST a partir do host LMMS + + Choose your theme directory + - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Clique aqui se você precisa controlar o plugin VST por outro host. + + Choose your background picture + - Open VST-plugin preset - Abrir pré definição de plugin VST + + + Paths + Caminhos - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Clique aqui se você precisa abrir outro tipo de arquivo de pré definição de plugin VST como: *.fxp, *.fxb. + + OK + OK - Previous (-) - Anterior (-) + + Cancel + Cancelar - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Clique aqui se você precisar trocar para outro programa de pré definições de plugin VST. + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + - Save preset - Salvar pré definição + + Choose your GIG directory + Escolha seu diretório GIG - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Clique aqui se você precisa salvar o programa de pré definição do plugin VST. + + Choose your SF2 directory + Escolha seu diretório SF2 - Next (+) - Próximo (+) + + minutes + minutos - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Clique aqui para selecionar a pré definição que está sendo carregada no VST. + + minute + minuto - Preset - Pré definição + + Disabled + Desativado + + + SidInstrument - by - por + + Cutoff frequency + Frequência de corte - - VST plugin control - - Controle de plugins VST + + Resonance + Ressonância - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - + + Filter type + Tipo de filtro - Click to enable - Clique para habilitar + + Voice 3 off + Voz 3 desligada - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - Mostrar/esconder + + Volume + Volume - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Controlar plugin VST a partir do host LMMS + + Chip model + Modelo do chip + + + SidInstrumentView - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Clique aqui se você deseja controlar o plugin VST por outro host. + + Volume: + Volume: - Open VST-plugin preset - Abrir pré definição de plugin VST + + Resonance: + Ressonância: - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Clique aqui se você precisa abrir outro tipo de arquivo de pré definição de plugin VST como: *.fxp, *.fxb. + + + Cutoff frequency: + Frequência de corte: - Previous (-) - Anterior (-) + + High-pass filter + - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Clique aqui se você precisar trocar para outro programa de pré definições de plugin VST. + + Band-pass filter + - Next (+) - Próximo (+) + + Low-pass filter + - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Clique aqui para selecionar a pré definição que está sendo carregada no VST. + + Voice 3 off + - Save preset - Salvar pré definição + + MOS6581 SID + - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Clique aqui se você precisa salvar o programa de pré definição do plugin VST. + + MOS8580 SID + - Effect by: - Efeito por: + + + Attack: + Ataque: - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + Decay: + Decaimento: - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin - Carregando plugin + + Sustain: + Sustentação: - Open Preset - Abrir pré definição + + + Release: + Relaxamento: - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Pré definição de Plugin VST (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Pulse Width: + Tamanho do Pulso: - - : default - : padrão + + + Coarse: + Ajuste Bruto: - " - " + + Pulse wave + - ' - ' + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Save Preset - Salvar pré definição + + Saw wave + Onda dente de serra - .fxp - .fxp + + Noise + Ruído - .FXP - .FXP + + Sync + Sincronização - .FXB - .FXB + + Ring modulation + - .fxb - .fxb + + Filtered + Filtrado - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Por favor aguarde enquanto carrega o plugin VST... + + Test + Teste - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + Pulse width: - WatsynInstrument + SideBarWidget - Volume A1 - Volume A1 + + Close + Fechar + + + Song - Volume A2 - Volume A2 + + Tempo + Andamento - Volume B1 - Volume B1 + + Master volume + Volume Final - Volume B2 - Volume B2 + + Master pitch + Altura Final - Panning A1 - Panorâmico A1 + + Aborting project load + - Panning A2 - Panorâmico A2 + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - Panning B1 - Panorâmico B1 + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - Panning B2 - Panorâmico B2 + + LMMS Error report + Reportar erro LMMS - Freq. multiplier A1 + + (repeated %1 times) - Freq. multiplier A2 + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + SongEditor - Freq. multiplier B1 - + + Could not open file + Não é possível abrir o arquivo - Freq. multiplier B2 - + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Não foi possível abrir o arquivo %1. Provavelmente você não tem permissão para ler este arquivo. + Por favor certifique-se que você tenha permissão de leitura para o arquivo e tente novamente. - Left detune A1 + + Operation denied - Left detune A2 + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. - Left detune B1 - + + + + Error + Erro - Left detune B2 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. - Right detune A1 + + Couldn't create resources folder. - Right detune A2 + + Failed to copy resources. - Right detune B1 - + + Could not write file + Não é possivel salvar o arquivo - Right detune B2 + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - A-B Mix + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 - A-B Mix envelope amount - + + Error in file + Erro no arquivo - A-B Mix envelope attack - + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + O arquivo %1 parece conter erros e por isso não pode ser carregado. - A-B Mix envelope hold + + Version difference - A-B Mix envelope decay - + + template + modelo - A1-B2 Crosstalk - + + project + projeto - A2-A1 modulation - + + Tempo + Andamento - B2-B1 modulation + + TEMPO - Selected graph + + Tempo in BPM - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 - + + High quality mode + Modo de alta qualidade - Select oscillator A2 - + + + + Master volume + Volume Final - Select oscillator B1 - + + + + Master pitch + Altura Final - Select oscillator B2 - + + Value: %1% + Valor: %1% - Mix output of A2 to A1 - + + Value: %1 semitones + Valor: %1 semitons + + + SongEditorWindow - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - + + Song-Editor + Editor de Som - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - + + Play song (Space) + Tocar som (Espaço) - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 + + Record samples from Audio-device - Mix output of B2 to B1 + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - + + Stop song (Space) + Parar som (Espaço) - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 + + Track actions - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - + + Add beat/bassline + Add linha de base - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Desenhe sua própria forma de onda aqui utilizando seu mouse no gráfico. + + Add sample-track + Adicionar faixa de amostra - Load waveform - + + Add automation-track + Add automação de faixa - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - + + Edit actions + Editar ações - Phase left - Fase esquerda + + Draw mode + Modo de desenho - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + Modo faca (separar clipes de sample) - Phase right - Fase direita + + Edit mode (select and move) + Editar modo (selecionar e mover) + + + + Timeline controls + Controles de cronograma - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees + + Bar insert controls - Normalize - Normalização + + Insert bar + - Click to normalize - Clique para normalizar + + Remove bar + - Invert - Inverter + + Zoom controls + Controles de zoom - Click to invert - Clique para inverter + + Horizontal zooming + Zoom horizontal - Smooth - Suave + + Snap controls + - Click to smooth - Clique para suavizar + + + Clip snapping size + - Sine wave - Onda senoidal + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + - Click for sine wave + + Base snapping size + + + StepRecorderWidget - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + Hint + Sugestão - Click for triangle wave + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + SubWindow - Click for saw wave - + + Close + Fechar - Square wave - Onda quadrada + + Maximize + Maximizar - Click for square wave - + + Restore + Restaurar + + + TabWidget - Volume - Volume + + + Settings for %1 + Opções para %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - Panning - Panorâmico + + New from template + Novo modelo + + + TempoSyncKnob - Freq. multiplier - + + + Tempo Sync + Sincronia - Left detune - + + No Sync + Sem Sincronia - cents - + + Eight beats + Oito batidas - Right detune - + + Whole note + Nota inteira - A-B Mix - + + Half note + Meia nota - Mix envelope amount - + + Quarter note + 1/4 de nota - Mix envelope attack - + + 8th note + 8ª nota - Mix envelope hold - + + 16th note + 16ª nota - Mix envelope decay - + + 32nd note + 32ª nota - Crosstalk - + + Custom... + Personalizado... - - - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Portamento - + + Custom + Personalizado - Filter Frequency - Frequência do Filtro + + Synced to Eight Beats + Sincronizado com Oito Batidas - Filter Resonance - Ressonância do Filtro + + Synced to Whole Note + Sincronizado com a Nota Inteira - Bandwidth - Largura da Banda + + Synced to Half Note + Sincronizado com Meia Nota - FM Gain - Ganho da FM + + Synced to Quarter Note + Sincronizado com 1/4 de Nota - Resonance Center Frequency - Frequência Central de Ressonância + + Synced to 8th Note + Sincronizado com a 8ª Nota - Resonance Bandwidth - Banda de Ressonância + + Synced to 16th Note + Sincronizado com a 16ª Nota - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - Próximo evento de mudança de controle MIDI + + Synced to 32nd Note + Sincronizado com a 32ª Nota - ZynAddSubFxView + TimeDisplayWidget - Show GUI - Mostrar GUI + + Time units + - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Clique aqui para mostrar ou esconder a interface do usuário (GUI) do ZynAddSubFX. + + MIN + MIN - Portamento: - + + SEC + SEC - PORT + + MSEC - Filter Frequency: - Frequência do Filtro: - - - FREQ - FREQ + + BAR + - Filter Resonance: - Ressonância do Filtro: + + BEAT + - RES + + TICK + + + TimeLineWidget - Bandwidth: - Largura da Banda: + + Auto scrolling + - BW - LBnd + + Loop points + - FM Gain: - Ganho da FM: + + After stopping go back to beginning + - FM GAIN - GANHO FM + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + - Resonance center frequency: - Frequência Central de Ressonância: + + After stopping keep position + - RES CF - RES FC + + Hint + Sugestão - Resonance bandwidth: - Banda de Ressonância: + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + Track - RES BW - RES Bnd + + Mute + Mudo - Forward MIDI Control Changes - Próximo evento de mudança de controle MIDI + + Solo + Solo - audioFileProcessor + TrackContainer - Amplify - Amplificar + + Couldn't import file + não foi possivel importar arquivo - Start of sample - Início da amostra + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Não foi possível encontrar um filtro para inportar o arquivo %1. +Você poderia converter este arquivo em um formato suportado pelo LMMS usando outro aplicativo. - End of sample - Fim da amostra + + Couldn't open file + Não é possível abrir o arquivo - Reverse sample - Amostra reversa + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Não foi possível abrir o arquivo %1 para leitura. +Por favor certifique-se que você tem permissões de leitura para o arquivo e para a pasta e tente novamente! - Stutter - Gaguejar + + Loading project... + Carregando projeto... - Loopback point - + + + Cancel + Cancelar - Loop mode - Modo de loop + + + Please wait... + Por favor aguarde... - Interpolation mode + + Loading cancelled - None - Nenhum - - - Linear - Linear + + Project loading was cancelled. + - Sinc + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Sample not found: %1 - + + Importing MIDI-file... + Importando arquivo MIDI... - bitInvader + Clip - Samplelength - Tamanho de amostra + + Mute + Mudo - bitInvaderView + ClipView - Sample Length - Tamanho da Amostra + + Current position + Posição atual - Sine wave - Onda senoidal + + Current length + - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - Saw wave - Onda dente de serra + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + - Square wave - Onda quadrada + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + - White noise wave - Ruído branco + + Hint + Sugestão - User defined wave - Onda definida pelo usuário + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Excluir (botão do meio do mouse) - Smooth - Suave + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - Click here to smooth waveform. - Clique aqui para suavizar a forma de onda. + + Cut + Recortar - Interpolation - Interpolação + + Cut selection + - Normalize - Normalização + + Merge Selection + - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Desenhe sua própria forma de onda aqui utilizando seu mouse no gráfico. + + Copy + Copiar - Click for a sine-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda senoidal. + + Copy selection + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda triangular. + + Paste + Colar - Click here for a saw-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda dente de serra. + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Mudo/Não Mudo (<%1> + middle click) - Click here for a square-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda quadrada. + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - Click here for white-noise. - Clique aqui para usar um ruído branco. + + Set clip color + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda definida pelo usuário. + + Use track color + - dynProcControlDialog + TrackContentWidget - INPUT - ENTRADA + + Paste + Colar + + + TrackOperationsWidget - Input gain: - Ganho de entrada: + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + - OUTPUT - SAÍDA + + Actions + - Output gain: - Ganho de saída: + + + Mute + Mudo - ATTACK - ATAQUE + + + Solo + Solo - Peak attack time: + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? - RELEASE - RELEASE + + Confirm removal + - Peak release time: + + Don't ask again - Reset waveform - + + Clone this track + Clonar esta faixa + + + + Remove this track + Remover esta faixa + + + + Clear this track + Desmarcar esta faixa + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Atribuir novo Canal FX - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default + + Turn all recording on - Smooth waveform + + Turn all recording off - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph + + Change color + Mudar cor + + + + Reset color to default + Reiniciar para a cor padrão + + + + Set random color - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Clear clip colors + + + TripleOscillatorView - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 - Stereomode Maximum - + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Sincronize o oscilador 1 com o oscilador 2 - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Processo baseado no máximo de ambos canais estéreo + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - Stereomode Average + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Stereomode Unlinked + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - Process each stereo channel independently - Processo de cada canal estéreo independentemente + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Sincronize o oscilador 2 com o oscilador 3 - - - dynProcControls - Input gain - Ganho de entrada + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - Output gain - Ganho de saída + + Osc %1 volume: + Volume Osc %1: - Attack time - Tempo de ataque + + Osc %1 panning: + Panorâmico Osc %1: - Release time - Tempo de lançamento + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Ajuste bruto Osc %1: - Stereo mode - Modo Estéreo + + semitones + semitons - - - expressiveView - Select oscillator W1 - + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Ajuste fino esquerdo Osc %1: - Select oscillator W2 - + + + cents + centésimos - Select oscillator W3 - + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Ajuste fino direito %1: - Select OUTPUT 1 - + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Defasamento Osc %1: - Select OUTPUT 2 - + + + degrees + graus - Open help window - + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Defasamento estéreo Osc %1: + Sine wave Onda senoidal - Click for a sine-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda senoidal. + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Moog-Saw wave - + + Saw wave + Onda dente de serra + + + + Square wave + Onda quadrada - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. + + Moog-like saw wave + Exponential wave Onda exponencial - Click for an exponential wave. + + White noise - Saw wave - Onda dente de serra - - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda dente de serra. + + User-defined wave + + + + VecControls - User defined wave - Onda definida pelo usuário + + Display persistence amount + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda definida pelo usuário. + + Logarithmic scale + - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + High quality + + + + VecControlsDialog - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda triangular. + + HQ + - Square wave - Onda quadrada + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + - Click here for a square-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda quadrada. + + Log. scale + - White noise wave - Ruído branco + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + - Click here for white-noise. - Clique aqui para usar um ruído branco. + + Persist. + - WaveInterpolate + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. - ExpressionValid + + Trace persistence + + + VersionedSaveDialog - General purpose 1: - + + Increment version number + Incrementar número da versão - General purpose 2: - + + Decrement version number + Decrementar número da versão - General purpose 3: + + Save Options - O1 panning: + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - O2 panning: + + + Open VST plugin - Release transition: + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - Smoothness + + Open VST plugin preset - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: - Atribuir a: + + Previous (-) + Anterior (-) - New FX Channel - Novo Canal FX + + Save preset + Salvar pré definição - - - graphModel - Graph - Gráfico + + Next (+) + Próximo (+) - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency - Frequência de partida + + Show/hide GUI + Mostrar/esconder GUI - End frequency - Frequência final + + Turn off all notes + Desligar todas as notas - Gain - Ganho + + DLL-files (*.dll) + Arquivos DLL (*.dll) - Length - Comprimento + + EXE-files (*.exe) + Arquivos EXE (*.exe) - Distortion Start - Início da distorção + + No VST plugin loaded + - Distortion End - Fim da distorção + + Preset + Pré definição - Envelope Slope - + + by + por - Noise - Ruído + + - VST plugin control + - Controle de plugins VST + + + VstEffectControlDialog - Click - Clique + + Show/hide + Mostrar/esconder - Frequency Slope + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - Start from note + + Open VST plugin preset - End to note - + + Previous (-) + Anterior (-) + + + + Next (+) + Próximo (+) + + + + Save preset + Salvar pré definição + + + + + Effect by: + Efeito por: + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - kickerInstrumentView + VstPlugin - Start frequency: - Frequência de partida: + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + - End frequency: - Frequência final: + + Open Preset + Abrir pré definição - Gain: - Ganho: + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Pré definição de Plugin VST (*.fxp *.fxb) - Frequency Slope: - + + : default + : padrão - Envelope Length: - + + Save Preset + Salvar pré definição - Envelope Slope: - + + .fxp + .fxp - Click: - Clique: + + .FXP + .FXP - Noise: - Ruído: + + .FXB + .FXB + + + + .fxb + .fxb - Distortion Start: - Início da distorção: + + Loading plugin + Carregando plugin - Distortion End: - Fim da distorção: + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Por favor aguarde enquanto carrega o plugin VST... - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - Available Effects - Efeitos Disponíveis + + Volume A1 + Volume A1 - Unavailable Effects - Efeitos Indisponíveis + + Volume A2 + Volume A2 + + + + Volume B1 + Volume B1 + + + + Volume B2 + Volume B2 + + + + Panning A1 + Panorâmico A1 + + + + Panning A2 + Panorâmico A2 - Instruments - Instrumentos + + Panning B1 + Panorâmico B1 - Analysis Tools - Ferramentas de Análise + + Panning B2 + Panorâmico B2 - Don't know - Sei lá.. + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Multiplicador de freq. A1 - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - Esta caixa de diálogo contém informações de todos os plugins LADSPA do LMMS que estão disponíveis localmente. Os plugins estão divididos em cinco categorias baseadas em uma interpretação do tipo de portas e nomes. - -Efeitos Disponíveis são todos os que podem ser usados pelo LMMS. Para o LMMS usar um efeito, é necessário antes de tudo que ele seja um efeito, ou seja, que ele tenha tanto canais de entrada como tamém canais de saída. O LMMS identifica um canal de entrada como uma porta de informações de áudio com o nome de "entrada". Canais de saída são identificados como "saída". Além disso o efeito deve ter o mesmo número de entradas e saídas, assim como ter capacidade de processamento em tempo real. - -Efeitos Indisponíveis são aqueles que são identificados como efeitos mas, ou não tem o mesmo número de entradas e saídas, ou não são capazes de executar processamento em tempo real. - -Instrumentos são plugins com somente canais de saída identificados. - -Ferramentas de análise são plugins com somente canais de entrada identificados. - -Sei lá.. são plugins que nenhuma entrada ou saída foi identificada. - -Clicando duas vezes com o mouse em qualquer plugin, voc6e terá informações sobre as portas. + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Multiplicador de freq. A2 - Type: - Tipo: + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Multiplicador de freq. B1 - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - Plugins + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Multiplicador de freq. B2 - Description - Descrição + + Left detune A1 + - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports - Portas + + Left detune A2 + - Name - Nome + + Left detune B1 + - Rate - Taxa + + Left detune B2 + - Direction - Direção + + Right detune A1 + - Type - Tipo + + Right detune A2 + - Min < Default < Max - Min < Padrão < Máx + + Right detune B1 + - Logarithmic - Logarítmico + + Right detune B2 + - SR Dependent - Dependente de SR + + A-B Mix + - Audio - Áudio + + A-B Mix envelope amount + - Control - Controle + + A-B Mix envelope attack + - Input - Entradas + + A-B Mix envelope hold + - Output - Saídas + + A-B Mix envelope decay + - Toggled - Alternado + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + - Integer - Inteiro + + A2-A1 modulation + - Float - Decimal + + B2-B1 modulation + - Yes - Sim + + Selected graph + - lb302Synth + WatsynView - VCF Cutoff Frequency - VCF - Frequência de corte + + + + + Volume + Volume - VCF Resonance - VCF - Ressonância + + + + + Panning + Panorâmico - VCF Envelope Mod - VCF - Modulação do Envelope + + + + + Freq. multiplier + - VCF Envelope Decay - VCF - Decaimento do Envelope + + + + + Left detune + - Distortion - Distorção + + + + + + + + + cents + - Waveform - Forma de onda + + + + + Right detune + - Slide Decay - Decaimento gradual + + A-B Mix + - Slide - Gradual + + Mix envelope amount + - Accent - Realce + + Mix envelope attack + - Dead - Morto + + Mix envelope hold + - 24dB/oct Filter - Filtro 24dB/oct + + Mix envelope decay + - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: - Freq Corte: + + Crosstalk + - Resonance: - Ressonância: + + Select oscillator A1 + - Env Mod: - Mod Env: + + Select oscillator A2 + - Decay: - Decaimento: + + Select oscillator B1 + - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, filtro 3 pole + + Select oscillator B2 + - Slide Decay: - Decaimento gradual: + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + - DIST: + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 - Saw wave - Onda dente de serra + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + - Click here for a saw-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda dente de serra. + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + - Triangle wave - Onda triangular + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda triangular. + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + - Square wave - Onda quadrada + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + - Click here for a square-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda quadrada. + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + - Rounded square wave - Onda quadrada arredondada + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Desenhe sua própria forma de onda aqui utilizando seu mouse no gráfico. - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda quadrada arredondada. + + Load waveform + - Moog wave - Onda Moog + + Load a waveform from a sample file + - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda tipo moog. + + Phase left + Fase esquerda - Sine wave - Onda senoidal + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + - Click for a sine-wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda senoidal. + + Phase right + Fase direita - White noise wave - Ruído branco + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + - Click here for an exponential wave. - Clique aqui para usar uma onda exponencial. + + + Normalize + Normalização - Click here for white-noise. - Clique aqui para usar um ruído branco. + + + Invert + Inverter - Bandlimited saw wave - + + + Smooth + Suave - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - + + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - Bandlimited square wave - + + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + Saw wave + Onda dente de serra + + + + + Square wave + Onda quadrada + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph - Bandlimited triangle wave + + A1 - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + A2 - Bandlimited moog saw wave + + A3 - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + W1 smoothing - - - malletsInstrument - Hardness - Dificuldade + + W2 smoothing + - Position - Posição + + W3 smoothing + - Vibrato Gain - Ganho do Vibrato + + Panning 1 + - Vibrato Freq - Frequência do Vibrato + + Panning 2 + - Stick Mix - Percussa Mix + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - Modulator - Modulador + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Desenhe sua própria forma de onda aqui utilizando seu mouse no gráfico. - Crossfade - Transição + + Select oscillator W1 + - LFO Speed - LFO - Velocidade + + Select oscillator W2 + - LFO Depth - LFO - Profundidade + + Select oscillator W3 + - ADSR - ADSR + + Select output O1 + - Pressure - Pressão + + Select output O2 + - Motion - Movimento + + Open help window + - Speed - Velocidade + + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - Bowed - De Arco + + + Moog-saw wave + - Spread - Propagação + + + Exponential wave + Onda exponencial - Marimba - Marimba + + + Saw wave + Onda dente de serra - Vibraphone - Vibrafone + + + User-defined wave + - Agogo - Agogo + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Wood1 - Madeira-1 + + + Square wave + Onda quadrada - Reso - Resso + + + White noise + - Wood2 - Madeira-2 + + WaveInterpolate + - Beats - Batidas + + ExpressionValid + - Two Fixed - Duas Fixas + + General purpose 1: + - Clump + + General purpose 2: - Tubular Bells - Sinos Tubulares + + General purpose 3: + - Uniform Bar - Barra Uniforme + + O1 panning: + - Tuned Bar - Barra Afinada + + O2 panning: + - Glass - Taça + + Release transition: + - Tibetan Bowl - Tigelas Tibetanas + + Smoothness + - malletsInstrumentView + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Instrument - Instrumento + + Portamento + - Spread - Propagação + + Filter frequency + - Spread: - Propagação: + + Filter resonance + - Hardness - Dificuldade + + Bandwidth + Largura da Banda - Hardness: - Dificuldade: + + FM gain + - Position - Posição + + Resonance center frequency + - Position: - Posição: + + Resonance bandwidth + - Vib Gain - Ganho Vibr + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Vib Gain: - Ganho Vibracional: + + Portamento: + - Vib Freq - Freq Vibr + + PORT + - Vib Freq: - Frequência de Vibração: + + Filter frequency: + - Stick Mix - Percussa Mix + + FREQ + FREQ - Stick Mix: - Mistura da Percussão: + + Filter resonance: + - Modulator - Modulador + + RES + - Modulator: - Modulador: + + Bandwidth: + Largura da Banda: - Crossfade - Transição + + BW + LBnd - Crossfade: - Transição: + + FM gain: + - LFO Speed - LFO - Velocidade + + FM GAIN + GANHO FM - LFO Speed: - Velocidade do LFO: + + Resonance center frequency: + Frequência Central de Ressonância: - LFO Depth - Prondudade do LFO + + RES CF + RES FC - LFO Depth: - Profundidade do LFO: + + Resonance bandwidth: + Banda de Ressonância: - ADSR - ADSR + + RES BW + RES Bnd - ADSR: + + Forward MIDI control changes - Pressure - Pressão - - - Pressure: - Pressão: - - - Speed - Velocidade - - - Speed: - Velocidade: - - - Missing files - Arquivos ausentes - - - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - + + Show GUI + Mostrar GUI - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control - - Controle de parâmetros de VST's - + AudioFileProcessor - VST Sync - Sincronização VST + + Amplify + Amplificar - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Clique aqui para sincronizar todos os parâmetros com o plugin VST. + + Start of sample + Início da amostra - Automated - Automatizado + + End of sample + Fim da amostra - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Clique aqui para exibir somente os parâmetros automatizados. + + Loopback point + - Close - Fechar + + Reverse sample + Amostra reversa - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - Fechar janela de botões de controle do efeito VST. + + Loop mode + Modo de loop - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - - Controle de plugins VST + + Stutter + Gaguejar - VST Sync - Sincronização VST + + Interpolation mode + Modo de interpolação - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Clique aqui para sincronizar todos os parâmetros com o plugin VST. + + None + Nenhum - Automated - Automatizado + + Linear + Linear - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Clique aqui para exibir somente os parâmetros automatizados. + + Sinc + - Close - Fechar + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - Fechar janela de botões de controle do efeito VST. + + Sample length + - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - Programação + + Sample length + - Op 1 Attack - Op 1 Ataque + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Desenhe sua própria forma de onda aqui utilizando seu mouse no gráfico. - Op 1 Decay - Op 1 Decaimento + + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - Op 1 Sustain - Op 1 Sustentação + + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Op 1 Release - Op 1 Relaxamento + + + Saw wave + Onda dente de serra - Op 1 Level - Op 1 Nível + + + Square wave + Onda quadrada - Op 1 Level Scaling - Op 1 Nível Escalar + + + White noise + - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - Op 1 Múltiplo da frequência + + + User-defined wave + - Op 1 Feedback - Op 1 Resposta + + + Smooth waveform + - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - Op 1 Mudança de Tom da Escala + + Interpolation + Interpolação - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - Op 1 Envelope Percussivo + + Normalize + Normalização + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo - + + INPUT + ENTRADA - Op 1 Vibrato - + + Input gain: + Ganho de entrada: - Op 1 Waveform - Op 1 Forma de Onda + + OUTPUT + SAÍDA - Op 2 Attack - Op 2 Ataque + + Output gain: + Ganho de saída: - Op 2 Decay - Op 2 Decaimento + + ATTACK + ATAQUE - Op 2 Sustain - Op 2 Sustentação + + Peak attack time: + - Op 2 Release - Op 2 Relaxamento + + RELEASE + LANÇAMENTO - Op 2 Level - Op 2 Nível + + Peak release time: + - Op 2 Level Scaling - Op 2 Nível Escalar + + + Reset wavegraph + - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - Op 2 Múltiplo da frequência + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - Op 2 Mudança de Tom da Escala + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - Op 2 Envelope Percussivo + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Op 2 Tremolo - Op 2 Relaxamento + + Stereo mode: maximum + Modo estéreo: máximo - Op 2 Vibrato - + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Processo baseado no máximo de ambos canais estéreo - Op 2 Waveform - Op 2 Forma de Onda + + Stereo mode: average + Modo estéreo: médio - FM - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + - Vibrato Depth - Profundidade do Vibrato + + Stereo mode: unlinked + Modo estéreo: desvinculado - Tremolo Depth - Profundidade do Tremolo + + Process each stereo channel independently + Processo de cada canal estéreo independentemente - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack - Ataque + + Input gain + Ganho de entrada - Decay - Decaimento + + Output gain + Ganho de saída - Release - Relaxamento + + Attack time + Tempo de ataque - Frequency multiplier - + + Release time + Tempo de lançamento - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - Distorção + + Stereo mode + Modo Estéreo + + + graphModel - Volume - Volume + + Graph + Gráfico - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - Distorção: + + Start frequency + Frequência de partida - Volume: - Volume: + + End frequency + Frequência final - Randomise - Aleatorizar + + Length + Comprimento - Osc %1 waveform: - Forma de Onda Osc %1: + + Start distortion + - Osc %1 volume: - Volume Osc %1: + + End distortion + - Osc %1 panning: - Panorâmico Osc %1: + + Gain + Ganho - cents - centésimos + + Envelope slope + - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - + + Noise + Ruído - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - + + Click + Clique - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. + + Frequency slope - Osc %1 stereo detuning + + Start from note - Osc %1 harmonic: + + End to note - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - Varredura temporal + + Start frequency: + Frequência de partida: - Sweep direction - Direção da varredura + + End frequency: + Frequência final: - Sweep RtShift amount - Quantidade da varredura RtShift + + Frequency slope: + - Wave Pattern Duty - Trabalho da Frente de Onda + + Gain: + Ganho: - Channel 1 volume - Canal 1 volume + + Envelope length: + - Volume sweep direction - Direção da varredura de volume + + Envelope slope: + - Length of each step in sweep - Tamanho de cada passo na varredura + + Click: + Clique: - Channel 2 volume - Canal 2 volume + + Noise: + Ruído: - Channel 3 volume - Canal 3 volume + + Start distortion: + - Channel 4 volume - Canal 4 volume + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + Efeitos Disponíveis - Right Output level - Nível de Saída Direito + + + Unavailable Effects + Efeitos Indisponíveis - Left Output level - Nível de Saída Esquerdo + + + Instruments + Instrumentos - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 1 para SO2 (Esquerda) + + + Analysis Tools + Ferramentas de Análise - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 2 para SO2 (Esquerda) + + + Don't know + Sei lá.. - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 3 para SO2 (Esquerda) + + Type: + Tipo: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 4 para SO2 (Esquerda) + + Plugins + Plugins - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 1 para SO1 (Direita) + + Description + Descrição + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 2 para SO1 (Direita) + + Ports + Portas - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 3 para SO1 (Direita) + + Name + Nome - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 4 para SO1 (Direita) + + Rate + Taxa - Treble - Agudo + + Direction + Direção - Bass - Grave + + Type + Tipo - Shift Register width - Desconsiderar Tamanho do registro + + Min < Default < Max + Min < Padrão < Máx - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - Varredura temporal: + + Logarithmic + Logarítmico - Sweep Time - Varredura temporal + + SR Dependent + Dependente de SR + + + + Audio + Áudio - Sweep RtShift amount: - Quantidade da varredura RtShift: + + Control + Controle - Sweep RtShift amount - Quantidade da varredura RtShift + + Input + Entradas - Wave pattern duty: - Trabalho da Frente de Onda: + + Output + Saídas - Wave Pattern Duty - Trabalho da Frente de Onda + + Toggled + Alternado - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Canal 1 Volume: + + Integer + Inteiro - Length of each step in sweep: - Tamanho de cada passo na varredura: + + Float + Decimal - Length of each step in sweep - Tamanho de cada passo na varredura + + + Yes + Sim + + + Lb302Synth - Wave pattern duty - Trabalho da frente de onda + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + VCF - Frequência de corte - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Canal 2 Volume: + + VCF Resonance + VCF - Ressonância - Square Channel 2 Volume - Canal 2 Volume + + VCF Envelope Mod + VCF - Modulação do Envelope - Wave Channel Volume: - Canal da Onda - Volume: + + VCF Envelope Decay + VCF - Decaimento do Envelope - Wave Channel Volume - Canal da Onda - Volume + + Distortion + Distorção - Noise Channel Volume: - Canal de Ruído - Volume: + + Waveform + Forma de onda - Noise Channel Volume - Canal de Ruído - Volume + + Slide Decay + Decaimento gradual - SO1 Volume (Right): - SO1 Volume (Esquerdo): + + Slide + Gradual - SO1 Volume (Right) - SO1 Volume (Esquerdo) + + Accent + Realce - SO2 Volume (Left): - SO2 Volume (Direito): + + Dead + Morto - SO2 Volume (Left) - SO2 Volume (Direito) + + 24dB/oct Filter + Filtro 24dB/oct + + + Lb302SynthView - Treble: - Agudo: + + Cutoff Freq: + Freq Corte: - Treble - Agudo + + Resonance: + Ressonância: - Bass: - Grave: + + Env Mod: + Mod Env: - Bass - Grave + + Decay: + Decaimento: - Sweep Direction - Direção da varredura + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, filtro 3 pole - Volume Sweep Direction - Direção da varredura de volume + + Slide Decay: + Decaimento gradual: - Shift Register Width - Desconsiderar Tamanho do registro + + DIST: + - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 1 para SO1 (Direita) + + Saw wave + Onda dente de serra - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 2 para SO1 (Direita) + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Clique aqui para usar uma onda dente de serra. - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 3 para SO1 (Direita) + + Triangle wave + Onda triangular - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Canal 4 para SO1 (Direita) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Clique aqui para usar uma onda triangular. - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 1 para SO2 (Esquerda) + + Square wave + Onda quadrada - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 2 para SO2 (Esquerda) + + Click here for a square-wave. + Clique aqui para usar uma onda quadrada. - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 3 para SO2 (Esquerda) + + Rounded square wave + Onda quadrada arredondada - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Canal 4 para SO2 (Esquerda) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Clique aqui para usar uma onda quadrada arredondada. - Wave Pattern - Frente de onda + + Moog wave + Onda Moog - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - A quantidade de acréscimo e decréscimo em frequência + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Clique aqui para usar uma onda tipo moog. - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - A taxa na qual cresce ou decresce a frequência + + Sine wave + Onda senoidal - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - O ciclo de trabalho é a razão da duração (tempo) do sinal LIGADO versus o total do período do sinal. + + Click for a sine-wave. + Clique aqui para usar uma onda senoidal. - Square Channel 1 Volume - Canal 1 Volume + + + White noise wave + Ruído branco - The delay between step change - O atraso entre cada passo de mudança + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Clique aqui para usar uma onda exponencial. - Draw the wave here - Desenhe a onda aqui + + Click here for white-noise. + Clique aqui para usar um ruído branco. - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + Bandlimited saw wave - Bank selector + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Bank - Banco + + Bandlimited square wave + - Program selector + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Patch - Programação + + Bandlimited triangle wave + - Name - Nome + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + - OK - OK + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + - Cancel - Cancelar + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + - pluginBrowser - - no description - sem descrição - + MalletsInstrument - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Imitação monofônica incompleta de tb303 + + Hardness + Dificuldade - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Plugin para livre manipulação das saídas estéreo + + Position + Posição - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Plugin para controlar botões com os picos sonoros + + Vibrato gain + - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Plugin para melhorar a separação estéreo de um arquivo de entrada estéreo + + Vibrato frequency + - List installed LADSPA plugins - Lista dos plugins LADSPA instalados + + Stick mix + - GUS-compatible patch instrument - Pré definição de instrumento compatível com GUS (Gravis Ultrasound) + + Modulator + Modulador - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Síntetizador de Síntese Aditiva para sons tipo de órgão + + Crossfade + Transição - Tuneful things to bang on - Instrumentos percussivos com afinação para você usar + + LFO speed + LFO - Velocidade - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - Servidor (host) VST para usar plugins VST(i) com o LMMS + + LFO depth + - Vibrating string modeler - Modelador de Cordas vibrantes + + ADSR + ADSR - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - plugin para uso de efeitos LADSPA arbitrários dentro do LMMS. + + Pressure + Pressão - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filtro para importação de arquivos MIDI para o LMMS + + Motion + Movimento - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Emulação do MOS6581 e do MOS8580 SID. -Este chip foi utilizado no computador Commodore 64. + + Speed + Velocidade - Player for SoundFont files - Tocador de arquivos de SounFont + + Bowed + De Arco - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Emulação do GameBoy (TM) APU + + Spread + Propagação - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Sintetizador de formas de onda customizáveis + + Marimba + Marimba - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - Poderoso sintetizador ZynAddSubFx embutido no LMMS + + Vibraphone + Vibrafone - 2-operator FM Synth - Dois Operadores de Síntese FM + + Agogo + Agogo - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Filtro para importação de arquivos do Hydrogen para o LMMS + + Wood 1 + - LMMS port of sfxr - sfxr para LMMS + + Reso + Resso - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + Wood 2 - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - + + Beats + Batidas - A native amplifier plugin + + Two fixed - Carla Rack Instrument - Instrumento do Rack Carla - - - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + Clump - plugin for waveshaping + + Tubular bells - Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + Uniform bar - Versatile drum synthesizer + + Tuned bar - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - + + Glass + Taça - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + Tibetan bowl + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Carla Patchbay Instrument - + + Instrument + Instrumento - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - + + Spread + Propagação - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - + + Spread: + Propagação: - A NES-like synthesizer - + + Missing files + Arquivos ausentes - A native delay plugin + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Player for GIG files - Tocador para arquivos GIG + + Hardness + Dificuldade - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + Hardness: + Dificuldade: - A native flanger plugin - + + Position + Posição - An oversampling bitcrusher - + + Position: + Posição: - A native eq plugin + + Vibrato gain - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + Vibrato gain: - A Dual filter plugin + + Vibrato frequency - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + Vibrato frequency: - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + Stick mix - Mathematical expression parser + + Stick mix: - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - Banco + + Modulator + Modulador - Patch - Programação + + Modulator: + Modulador: - Gain - Ganho + + Crossfade + Transição - Reverb - Reverberação + + Crossfade: + Transição: - Reverb Roomsize - Tamanho da sala em Reverberação + + LFO speed + LFO - Velocidade - Reverb Damping - Absorção da Reverberação + + LFO speed: + Velocidade do LFO: - Reverb Width - Tamanho da Reverberação + + LFO depth + - Reverb Level - Nível de Reverberação + + LFO depth: + - Chorus - Chorus + + ADSR + ADSR - Chorus Lines - Linhas de Chorus + + ADSR: + - Chorus Level - Nível de Chorus + + Pressure + Pressão - Chorus Speed - Velocidade do Chorus + + Pressure: + Pressão: - Chorus Depth - Profundidade do Chorus + + Speed + Velocidade - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - + + Speed: + Velocidade: - sf2InstrumentView + ManageVSTEffectView - Open other SoundFont file - Abrir outro arquivo SoundFont + + - VST parameter control + - Controle de parâmetros de VST's - Click here to open another SF2 file - Clique aqui para abrir outro arquivo SF2 + + VST sync + - Choose the patch - Escolher o patch + + + Automated + Automatizado - Gain - Ganho + + Close + Fechar + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Apply reverb (if supported) - Aplicar reverberação (se suportado) + + + - VST plugin control + - Controle de plugins VST - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Este botão ativa o efeito de reverberação. Ele é útil para efeitos legais, mas só funciona se o arquivo tiver suporte a ele. + + VST Sync + Sincronização VST - Reverb Roomsize: - Tamanho da sala em Reverbaração: + + + Automated + Automatizado - Reverb Damping: - Absorção da Reverberação: + + Close + Fechar + + + OrganicInstrument - Reverb Width: - Tamanho da Reverberação: + + Distortion + Distorção - Reverb Level: - Nível de Reverberação: + + Volume + Volume + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Apply chorus (if supported) - Aplicar chorus (se suportado) + + Distortion: + Distorção: - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Este botão ativa o efeito de chorus. Ele é útil para efeitos de eco legais, mas só funciona se o arquivo tiver suporte a ele. + + Volume: + Volume: - Chorus Lines: - Linhas de Chorus: + + Randomise + Aleatorizar - Chorus Level: - Nível de Chorus: + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Forma de Onda Osc %1: - Chorus Speed: - Velocidade do Chorus: + + Osc %1 volume: + Volume Osc %1: - Chorus Depth: - Profundidade do Chorus: + + Osc %1 panning: + Panorâmico Osc %1: - Open SoundFont file - Abrir o arquivo SoundFont + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - Arquivos SoundFont2 (*sf2) + + cents + centésimos - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form - Forma de Onda + + Osc %1 harmonic: + - sidInstrument - - Cutoff - Corte - + PatchesDialog - Resonance - Ressonância + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - Filter type - Tipo de filtro + + Bank selector + - Voice 3 off - Voz 3 desligada + + Bank + Banco - Volume - Volume + + Program selector + - Chip model - Modelo do chip + + Patch + Programação - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - Volume: + + Name + Nome - Resonance: - Ressonância: + + OK + OK - Cutoff frequency: - Frequência de corte: + + Cancel + Cancelar + + + Sf2Instrument - High-Pass filter - Filtro Passa Alta + + Bank + Banco - Band-Pass filter - Filtro Passa Banda + + Patch + Programação - Low-Pass filter - Filtro Passa Baixa + + Gain + Ganho - Voice3 Off - Voz3 Desligada + + Reverb + Reverberação - MOS6581 SID + + Reverb room size - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb damping - Attack: - Ataque: - - - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - A taxa de ataque determina o quão rápido a saída da Voz %1 sai do zaro para o pico de amplitude. - - - Decay: - Decaimento: + + Reverb width + - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - O Decaimento determina o quão rápido a saída vai cair do pico de amplitude até o nível de sustentação. + + Reverb level + - Sustain: - Sustentação: + + Chorus + Chorus - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - A saída da Voz %1 irá permanecer no nível de Sustentação enquanto a nota estiver acionada. + + Chorus voices + - Release: - Relaxamento: + + Chorus level + - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - A saída da Voz %1 irá da amplitude do nível Sustentação até a amplitude zero na razão selecionada no Relaxamento. + + Chorus speed + - Pulse Width: - Tamanho do Pulso: + + Chorus depth + - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - A resolução de Tamanho do Pulso permite que os movimentos sejam suaves de modo que não sejam percebidas mudanças bruscas. O Pulso da forma de onda em um Oscilador %1 pode ser selecionado para existir um efeito audível. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - Ajuste Bruto: + + + Open SoundFont file + Abrir o arquivo SoundFont - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - O Ajuste bruto permite que você ajuste a Voz %1 em uma oitava ou mais. + + Choose patch + - Pulse Wave - Onda de Pulso + + Gain: + Ganho: - Triangle Wave - Onda Triangular + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Aplicar reverberação (se suportado) - SawTooth - Dente de Serra + + Room size: + - Noise - Ruído + + Damping: + - Sync - Sincronização + + Width: + Largura: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - A sincronização sincroniza a frequência fundamental do Oscilador %1 com a frequência fundamental do Oscilador %2 produzindo um efeito de "Super Sincronização". + + + Level: + - Ring-Mod - Modulação em Anel + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Aplicar chorus (se suportado) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - Mod em Anel (Modulação em Anel) substitui a saída da Onda Triangular do Oscilador %1 com a "Modulada em Anel" da combinação entre os Osciladores %1 e %2. + + Voices: + - Filtered - Filtrado + + Speed: + Velocidade: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Quando o Filtrado está ligado, a Voz %1 será processada através do Filtro. Quando o Filtrado está desligado, a Voz %1 aparecerá diretamente na saída e o Filtro não terá efeito. + + Depth: + Precisão: - Test - Teste + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Quando o Teste está ativado, ele restaura e trava o Oscilador %1 até o Teste ser desligado. + + Wave + - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - ABRIR + + WIDTH + + Width: Largura: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width Largura - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: Esq para Esq Vol: + Left to Right Vol: Esq para Dir Vol: + Right to Left Vol: Dir para Esq Vol: + Right to Right Vol: Dir para Dir Vol: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left Esq para Esq + Left to Right Esq para Dir + Right to Left Dir para Esq + Right to Right Dir para Dir - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin Carregando plugin - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Por favor, espere enquanto carrego o plugin VST... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume Cordas %1 volume + String %1 stiffness Cordas %1 dureza + Pick %1 position Pegada %1 posição + Pickup %1 position Super Pegada %1 posição - Pan %1 - Pan %1 + + String %1 panning + - Detune %1 - Desafinar %1 + + String %1 detune + - Fuzziness %1 - Encrespar %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - Length %1 - Tamanho %1 + + String %1 length + + Impulse %1 Impulso %1 - Octave %1 - Oitava %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView - - Volume: - Volume: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - O botão "V" modifica o volume da corda selecionada. + + String volume: + + String stiffness: Dureza da corda: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - O botão "S" modifica a dureza da corda selecionada. A dureza da corda interfere no quão longa é a vibração da corda. Quanto menor o valor mais a corda vai soar. - - + Pick position: Escolher pinçada: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - O botão "P" modifica a posição onde a corda será "pinçada". Valores baixos significam que a corda será pinçada perto da ponte. - - + Pickup position: Posição do captador: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - O botão "PU" modifica a posição onde as vibrações serão captadas na corda selecionada. Valores baixos significam que o captador está mais próximo à ponte. - - - Pan: - Pan: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - O botão de Pan determina a localização da corda selecionada o campo estereofônico. - - - Detune: - Desafinar: - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - O botão "Detune" modifica a altura da corda escolhida. Valores menores do que zero quase não afetarão o som da corda. Valores bem maiores do que zero farão o som ficar mais agudo. - - - Fuzziness: - Encrespando: - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - O botão "Slap" deixa mais "crespo" o som da corda escolhida que é mais aparente na duração do ataque (como a técnica de puxar a corda de um contrabaixo ou um violão chamada slap), embora possa ser usada também para deixar o som mais "metálico". + + String panning: + - Length: - Tamanho: + + String detune: + - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - O botão de tamanho modifica o tamanho da corda escolhida. Cordas longas resultam em vibrações longas aliadas a um brilho no som, o porém é que isto ocupa muito processamento da CPU. + + String fuzziness: + - Impulse or initial state - Impulso ou estado inicial + + String length: + - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - O seletor "Imp" determina como a forma de onda no gráfico será manipulada como um impulso comunicado à corda pela pinçada ou pelo estado inicial da corda. + + Impulse + + Octave Oitava - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - O seletor "Octave" é usado para escolher que harmônico da nota na corda irá soar mais. Por exemplo, "-2" significa que a corda vibrará duas oitavas abaixo da Fundamental, "F" significa que a corda vibrará na frequência Fundamental e "6" significa que a corda vai vibrar 6 oitavas acima da fundamental. - - + Impulse Editor Editor de Impulso - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - O editor de forma de onda proporciona controle sobre o estado inicial, ou impulso, usado no início da vibração da corda. Os botões ao lado direito do gráfico irão inicializar o tipo de forma de onda selecionada. O botão "?" ira carregar uma forma de onda de um arquivo (somente as primeiras 128 amostras serão carregadas). - -A forma de onda também pode ser desenhada no gráfico. - -O botão "S" irá suavizar a forma de onda. - -O botão "N" ira normalizar a forma de onda. - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Vibed modela independentemente a vibração de até 8 cordas. O seletor "String" (Corda) permite escolher qual corda será editada. O seletor "Imp" escolhe qual dos gráficos representará o impulso no estado inicial da corda. O seletor "Octave" (Oitava) permite escolher qual harmônico da corda deverá vibrar. - -O gráfico permite que você controle o estado inicial, ou impulso, usado para definir o movimento da corda. - -O botão "V" controla o volume. O botão "S" controla a dureza da corda. O botão "P" controla a posição de pinçagem da corda. Já o botão "PU" controla a posição do captador. - -O botão "Pan" posiciona o som no lado esquerdo ou direito, enquanto o botão "Detune" (Desafinar) permite modificar a afinação em termos de altura. Automatizar este botão permite criar glissandos bem interessantes! O botão "Slap" pode dar uma característica mais metálica ao som da corda. - -O botão "Tamanho" controla o tamanho da corda. - -O LED no canto direito inferior do editor de forma de onda determina que a corda está ativa no presente instrumento. - - + Enable waveform Habilitar forma de onda - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Clique aqui para habilitar/desabilitar forma de onda. + + Enable/disable string + + String Corda - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - O seletor de Corda é usado para escolher que corda os controles estarão editando. O instrumento Vibed pode conter até nove cordas vibrando independentemente. O LED no canto direito inferior do editor de forma de onda indica que a corda selecionada está ativa. - - + + Sine wave Onda senoidal + + Triangle wave Onda triangular + + Saw wave Onda dente de serra + + Square wave Onda quadrada - White noise wave - Ruído branco - - - User defined wave - Onda definida pelo usuário - - - Smooth - Suavizar - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Clique aqui para suavizar a forma de onda. - - - Normalize - Normalizar - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Clique aqui para normalizar a forma de onda. - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Use uma onda senoidal no oscilador atual. - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Use uma onda triangular no oscilador atual. - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Use uma onda dente de serra no oscilador atual. + + + White noise + - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Use uma onda quadrada no oscilador atual. + + + User-defined wave + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Use ruído branco no oscilador atual. + + + Smooth waveform + - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Use uma forma de onda definida pelo usuário no oscilador atual. + + + Normalize waveform + - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width Voz %1 tamanho do pulso + Voice %1 attack Voz %1 ataque + Voice %1 decay Voz %1 decaimento + Voice %1 sustain Voz %1 sustentação + Voice %1 release Voz %1 relaxamento + Voice %1 coarse detuning Voz %1 ajuste bruto + Voice %1 wave shape Voz %1 forma da onda + Voice %1 sync Voz %1 sincronizada + Voice %1 ring modulate Voz %1 modulada em anel + Voice %1 filtered Voz %1 filtrada + Voice %1 test Voz %1 teste - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT ENTRADA + Input gain: Ganho de entrada: + OUTPUT SAÍDA + Output gain: Ganho de saída: - Reset waveform - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - - - - Smooth waveform - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Clip input - Clip input signal to 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain Ganho de entrada + Output gain Ganho de saída - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/ro.ts b/data/locale/ro.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..eceb45a6485 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/ro.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16327 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + Despre LMMS + + + + LMMS + LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Versiunea %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + About + Despre + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - producție ușoară de muzică pentru toată lumea. + + + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + Authors + Autor: + + + + Involved + Implicat + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + Contribuitori ordonați după numărul de contribuții: + + + + Translation + Traducere + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + Limba curentă nu este tradusă (sau limba engleză) +Dacă sunteți interesat în traducerea LMMS într-o altă limbă sau doriți să îmbunătățiți traducerile existente, sunteți bineveniți să ne ajutați! Pur și simplu contactați întreținătorul! + + + + License + Licență (autorizație) + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Panning: + Distribuție spațială: + + + + LEFT + Stânga + + + + Left gain: + nivel stânga + + + + RIGHT + Dreapta + + + + Right gain: + nivel dreapta + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Panning + Distribuție spațială (mono / stereo / multi-channel) + + + + Left gain + nivel stânga + + + + Right gain + nivel dreapta + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + Dispozitiv + + + + CHANNELS + Canale + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + + + + + Reverse sample + Eșantion invers + + + + Disable loop + Dezactivați bucla + + + + Enable loop + Activați bucla + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + Continuă redarea eșantionului între note + + + + Amplify: + Amplifică: + + + + Start point: + + + + + End point: + + + + + Loopback point: + Punct de buclă: + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + Lungimea eșantionului: + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + + + + + JACK server down + + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + + + + + Client name + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + + + + + Channels + + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + + + + + Device + + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + + + + + &Paste value + + + + + Edit song-global automation + + + + + Remove song-global automation + + + + + Remove all linked controls + + + + + Connected to %1 + + + + + Connected to controller + + + + + Edit connection... + + + + + Remove connection + + + + + Connect to controller... + + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + + Flip vertically + + + + + Flip horizontally + + + + + Interpolation controls + + + + + Discrete progression + + + + + Linear progression + + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + + + + + Tension value for spline + + + + + Tension: + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization controls + + + + + Quantization + + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + + + + + Clear + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + Set/clear record + + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + + + + %1 Connections + + + + + Disconnect "%1" + + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + + + + + Beat selector + + + + + Track and step actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + + Clone of %1 + + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Gain: + + + + + RATIO + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + + + + + Gain + + + + + Ratio + + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + + + + + OUT + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + Input noise: + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + CLIP + + + + + Output clip: + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + STEREO + + + + + Stereo difference: + + + + + QUANT + + + + + Levels: + + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Input noise + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Output clip + + + + + Sample rate + + + + + Stereo difference + + + + + Levels + + + + + Rate enabled + + + + + Depth enabled + + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + + + + + About + Despre + + + + About text here + + + + + Extended licensing here + + + + + Artwork + + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + + + + + Features + + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + + + + + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + VST2: + + + + + DSSI: + + + + + LV2: + + + + + VST3: + + + + + OSC + + + + + Host URLs: + + + + + Valid commands: + + + + + valid osc commands here + + + + + Example: + + + + + License + Licență (autorizație) + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + + + + + Plugin Version + + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + + (Engine not running) + + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + + Using Juce host + + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + + + + + Rack + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Logs + + + + + Loading... + + + + + Buffer Size: + + + + + Sample Rate: + + + + + ? Xruns + + + + + DSP Load: %p% + + + + + &File + + + + + &Engine + + + + + &Plugin + + + + + Macros (all plugins) + + + + + &Canvas + + + + + Zoom + + + + + &Settings + + + + + &Help + + + + + toolBar + + + + + Disk + + + + + + Home + + + + + Transport + + + + + Playback Controls + + + + + Time Information + + + + + Frame: + + + + + 000'000'000 + + + + + Time: + + + + + 00:00:00 + + + + + BBT: + + + + + 000|00|0000 + + + + + Settings + + + + + BPM + + + + + Use JACK Transport + + + + + Use Ableton Link + + + + + &New + + + + + Ctrl+N + + + + + &Open... + + + + + + Open... + + + + + Ctrl+O + + + + + &Save + + + + + Ctrl+S + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + + Save As... + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + + &Quit + + + + + Ctrl+Q + + + + + &Start + + + + + F5 + + + + + St&op + + + + + F6 + + + + + &Add Plugin... + + + + + Ctrl+A + + + + + &Remove All + + + + + Enable + + + + + Disable + + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + + + + + 100% Wet + + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + + + + + 100% Volume + + + + + Center Balance + + + + + &Play + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + + + + + &Stop + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + + &Backwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + + &Forwards + + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + + &Arrange + + + + + Ctrl+G + + + + + + &Refresh + + + + + Ctrl+R + + + + + Save &Image... + + + + + Auto-Fit + + + + + Zoom In + + + + + Ctrl++ + + + + + Zoom Out + + + + + Ctrl+- + + + + + Zoom 100% + + + + + Ctrl+1 + + + + + Show &Toolbar + + + + + &Configure Carla + + + + + &About + + + + + About &JUCE + + + + + About &Qt + + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + + + + + Show Internal + + + + + Show External + + + + + Show Time Panel + + + + + Show &Side Panel + + + + + &Connect... + + + + + Compact Slots + + + + + Expand Slots + + + + + Perform secret 1 + + + + + Perform secret 2 + + + + + Perform secret 3 + + + + + Perform secret 4 + + + + + Perform secret 5 + + + + + Add &JACK Application... + + + + + &Configure driver... + + + + + Panic + + + + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Failed to load project + + + + + Failed to save project + + + + + Quit + + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + + + + + Warning + + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + + + + + main + + + + + canvas + + + + + engine + + + + + osc + + + + + file-paths + + + + + plugin-paths + + + + + wine + + + + + experimental + + + + + Widget + + + + + + Main + + + + + + Canvas + + + + + + Engine + + + + + File Paths + + + + + Plugin Paths + + + + + Wine + + + + + + Experimental + + + + + <b>Main</b> + + + + + Paths + + + + + Default project folder: + + + + + Interface + + + + + Interface refresh interval: + + + + + + ms + + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + + + + + + Theme + + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + + + + + Color scheme: + + + + + Black + + + + + System + + + + + Enable experimental features + + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + + + + + Bezier Lines + + + + + Theme: + + + + + Size: + + + + + 775x600 + + + + + 1550x1200 + + + + + 3100x2400 + + + + + 4650x3600 + + + + + 6200x4800 + + + + + Options + + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + + + + + Auto-select items on hover + + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + + + + + Render Hints + + + + + Anti-Aliasing + + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + + + + + <b>Engine</b> + + + + + + Core + + + + + Single Client + + + + + Multiple Clients + + + + + + Continuous Rack + + + + + + Patchbay + + + + + Audio driver: + + + + + Process mode: + + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + + + + + Max Parameters: + + + + + ... + + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + + + + + Plugin UIs + + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + <b>OSC</b> + + + + + Enable OSC + + + + + Enable TCP port + + + + + + Use specific port: + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + + + + + Enable UDP port + + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + + + + + Audio + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + + + + + + Add... + + + + + + Remove + + + + + + Change... + + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + + + + + <b>Wine</b> + + + + + Executable + + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + + + + + Prefix + + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + + + + + Fallback: + + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + + + + + Realtime Priority + + + + + Base priority: + + + + + WineServer priority: + + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + + + + + Enable plugin bridges + + + + + Enable Wine bridges + + + + + Enable jack applications + + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + + + + + + + + Add Path + + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + + + + + Ratio: + + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + + + + + Attack: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + + + + + Release: + + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + + + + + Knee: + + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + + + + + Range: + + + + + Maximum gain reduction + + + + + Lookahead Length: + + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + + + + + Hold: + + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + + + + + RMS Size: + + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + + + + + Input Balance: + + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Output Balance: + + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Balance: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + + + + + Tilt Gain: + + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + + + + + Tilt Frequency: + + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + + + + + Mix: + + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + + + + + Auto Attack: + + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + + + + + Auto Release: + + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + + + + + Output gain + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output volume + + + + + Input gain + + + + + Input volume + + + + + Root Mean Square + + + + + Use RMS of the input + + + + + Peak + + + + + Use absolute value of the input + + + + + Left/Right + + + + + Compress left and right audio + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Compress mid and side audio + + + + + Compressor + + + + + Compress the audio + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + + + + + Unlinked + + + + + Compress each channel separately + + + + + Maximum + + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + + + + + Average + + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + + + + + Minimum + + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + + + + + Blend + + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + + + + + + Soft Clip + + + + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + + + + + Ratio + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Knee + + + + + Hold + + + + + Range + + + + + RMS Size + + + + + Mid/Side + + + + + Peak Mode + + + + + Lookahead Length + + + + + Input Balance + + + + + Output Balance + + + + + Limiter + + + + + Output Gain + + + + + Input Gain + + + + + Blend + + + + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + + + + + Audition + + + + + Feedback + + + + + Auto Attack + + + + + Auto Release + + + + + Lookahead + + + + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + + + + + Input channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Input controller + + + + + CONTROLLER + + + + + + Auto Detect + + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + + + + USER CONTROLLER + + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + LMMS + LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) + + + + Cycle Detected. + + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Add + + + + + Confirm Delete + + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + + + + + Rename controller + + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + + + + + LFO + + + + + &Remove this controller + + + + + Re&name this controller + + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + + + + + Band 1 gain + + + + + Band 1 gain: + + + + + Band 2 gain + + + + + Band 2 gain: + + + + + Band 3 gain + + + + + Band 3 gain: + + + + + Band 4 gain + + + + + Band 4 gain: + + + + + Band 1 mute + + + + + Mute band 1 + + + + + Band 2 mute + + + + + Mute band 2 + + + + + Band 3 mute + + + + + Mute band 3 + + + + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 + + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + Feedback + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Output gain + + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount + + + + + RATE + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + AMNT + + + + + LFO amount + + + + + Out gain + + + + + Gain + + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + + + + + Application + + + + + Name: + + + + + Application: + + + + + From template + + + + + Custom + + + + + Template: + + + + + Command: + + + + + Setup + + + + + Session Manager: + + + + + None + + + + + Audio inputs: + + + + + MIDI inputs: + + + + + Audio outputs: + + + + + MIDI outputs: + + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + + + + + + GAIN + + + + + + Gain + + + + + MIX + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + + + + + Filter 1 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + + + + + Gain 1 + + + + + Mix + + + + + Filter 2 enabled + + + + + Filter 2 type + + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + + + + + Gain 2 + + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + + + + + Stop (Space) + + + + + Record + + + + + Record while playing + + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + + + + + Gate + + + + + Decay + + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + + + + + Add effect + + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + + + + + + Name + + + + + Type + + + + + Description + + + + + Author + + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + + + + + W/D + + + + + Wet Level: + + + + + DECAY + + + + + Time: + + + + + GATE + + + + + Gate: + + + + + Controls + + + + + Move &up + + + + + Move &down + + + + + &Remove this plugin + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + HOLD + + + + + Hold: + + + + + DEC + + + + + Decay: + + + + + SUST + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + REL + + + + + Release: + + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + FREQ x 100 + + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + + + + + + + Gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + + + + + 48000 Hz + + + + + 88200 Hz + + + + + 96000 Hz + + + + + 192000 Hz + + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + + + + + 64 KBit/s + + + + + 128 KBit/s + + + + + 160 KBit/s + + + + + 192 KBit/s + + + + + 256 KBit/s + + + + + 320 KBit/s + + + + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 13#9 + + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Panning + Distribuție spațială (mono / stereo / multi-channel) + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Volume: + + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Distribuție spațială (mono / stereo / multi-channel) + + + + Panning: + Distribuție spațială: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Volume: + + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Distribuție spațială (mono / stereo / multi-channel) + + + + Panning: + Distribuție spațială: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + + + + + + + Next + + + + + Previous (%1) + + + + + Next (%1) + + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + + + Version %1 + + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + + + + + My Projects + + + + + My Samples + + + + + My Presets + + + + + My Home + + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + + + + + My Computer + + + + + &File + + + + + &New + + + + + &Open... + + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save + + + + + Save &As... + + + + + Save as New &Version + + + + + Save as default template + + + + + Import... + + + + + E&xport... + + + + + E&xport Tracks... + + + + + Export &MIDI... + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Edit + + + + + Undo + + + + + Redo + + + + + Settings + + + + + &View + + + + + &Tools + + + + + &Help + + + + + Online Help + + + + + Help + + + + + About + Despre + + + + Create new project + + + + + Create new project from template + + + + + Open existing project + + + + + Recently opened projects + + + + + Save current project + + + + + Export current project + + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + + + + + + Piano Roll + + + + + + Automation Editor + + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + + + + + Untitled + + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Open Project + + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + + Save Project + + + + + LMMS Project + + + + + LMMS Project Template + + + + + Save project template + + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + + + + + + untitled + + + + + + Select file for project-export... + + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + + + + + Project saved + + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + + + + + Project NOT saved. + + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + + + + + Import file + + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + + + + + All file types + + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + Track + + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + + + + + 6 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + + + + + &Edit + + + + + &Quit + + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + + + + + Output channel + + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events + + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + + + + + Soft square wave + + + + + Absolute sine wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + Digital Triangle wave + + + + + Digital Saw wave + + + + + Digital Ramp wave + + + + + Digital Square wave + + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Ramp wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Abs. sine wave + + + + + Random + + + + + Random smooth + + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + + + + + Matrix view + + + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + + + Panning + Distribuție spațială (mono / stereo / multi-channel) + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + semitones + + + + + + Fine tune left + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + Fine tune right + + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + + + + + + + + + deg + + + + + Pulse width + + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + + + + Sub-osc mix + + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + + + + + + + Attack + + + + + + Rate + + + + + + Phase + + + + + + Pre-delay + + + + + + Hold + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Sustain + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Slope + + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + + + + + Step length: + + + + + Dry + + + + + Dry gain: + + + + + Stages + + + + + Low-pass stages: + + + + + Swap inputs + + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + + + + + Channel 2 Volume + + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 + + + + + + Sweep amount + + + + + + Sweep rate + + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + + + + + Enable channel 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 + + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 2 + + + + + Enable channel 3 + + + + + Noise Frequency + + + + + Frequency sweep + + + + + Enable channel 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 + + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + + + Use note frequency for noise + + + + + Noise mode + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Vibrato + + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + + + + + Op 1 attack + + + + + Op 1 decay + + + + + Op 1 sustain + + + + + Op 1 release + + + + + Op 1 level + + + + + Op 1 level scaling + + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 1 feedback + + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 1 tremolo + + + + + Op 1 vibrato + + + + + Op 1 waveform + + + + + Op 2 attack + + + + + Op 2 decay + + + + + Op 2 sustain + + + + + Op 2 release + + + + + Op 2 level + + + + + Op 2 level scaling + + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + + + + + Op 2 tremolo + + + + + Op 2 vibrato + + + + + Op 2 waveform + + + + + FM + + + + + Vibrato depth + + + + + Tremolo depth + + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + + + + + + Decay + + + + + + Release + + + + + + Frequency multiplier + + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + + + + + + Osc %1 volume + + + + + + Osc %1 panning + + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + + + + + Modulation type %1 + + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + + + + + Click to enable + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + + + + + Loop + + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Tune + + + + + Tune mode + + + + + No file selected + + + + + Open patch file + + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + + + + + Clear all notes + + + + + Reset name + + + + + Change name + + + + + Add steps + + + + + Remove steps + + + + + Clone Steps + + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + + + + + Peak Controller Bug + + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + + + + + LFO Controller + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + MULT + + + + + Amount multiplicator: + + + + + ATCK + + + + + Attack: + + + + + DCAY + + + + + Release: + + + + + TRSH + + + + + Treshold: + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + + Attack + + + + + Release + + + + + Treshold + + + + + Mute output + + + + + Absolute value + + + + + Amount multiplicator + + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + + + + + Note Panning + + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + + + + Mark current scale + + + + + Mark current chord + + + + + Unmark all + + + + + Select all notes on this key + + + + + Note lock + + + + + Last note + + + + + No key + + + + + No scale + + + + + No chord + + + + + Nudge + + + + + Snap + + + + + Velocity: %1% + + + + + Panning: %1% left + + + + + Panning: %1% right + + + + + Panning: center + + + + + Glue notes failed + + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + + + + Quantize + + + + + Quantize positions + + + + + Quantize lengths + + + + + File actions + + + + + Import clip + + + + + + Export clip + + + + + Copy paste controls + + + + + Cut (%1+X) + + + + + Copy (%1+C) + + + + + Paste (%1+V) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Glue + + + + + Knife + + + + + Fill + + + + + Cut overlaps + + + + + Min length as last + + + + + Max length as last + + + + + Zoom and note controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Vertical zooming + + + + + Quantization + + + + + Note length + + + + + Key + + + + + Scale + + + + + Chord + + + + + Snap mode + + + + + Clear ghost notes + + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + + Export clip success + + + + + Clip saved to %1 + + + + + Import clip. + + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + + + + + Open clip + + + + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + + + + + Error while loading plugin + + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + + + + + Instrument browser + + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + + + + no description + + + + + A native amplifier plugin + + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + + + + A native delay plugin + + + + + A Dual filter plugin + + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + + + + A native eq plugin + + + + + A native flanger plugin + + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + + + + Player for GIG files + + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + + + + Player for SoundFont files + + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + + + + Vibrating string modeler + + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + + + + plugin for waveshaping + + + + + Mathematical expression parser + + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + + + + + Format + + + + + Internal + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + Sound Kits + + + + + Type + + + + + Effects + + + + + Instruments + + + + + MIDI Plugins + + + + + Other/Misc + + + + + Architecture + + + + + Native + + + + + Bridged + + + + + Bridged (Wine) + + + + + Requirements + + + + + With Custom GUI + + + + + With CV Ports + + + + + Real-time safe only + + + + + Stereo only + + + + + With Inline Display + + + + + Favorites only + + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + + + + + &Add Plugin + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Refresh + + + + + Reset filters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Format: + + + + + Architecture: + + + + + Type: + + + + + MIDI Ins: + + + + + Audio Ins: + + + + + CV Outs: + + + + + MIDI Outs: + + + + + Parameter Ins: + + + + + Parameter Outs: + + + + + Audio Outs: + + + + + CV Ins: + + + + + UniqueID: + + + + + Has Inline Display: + + + + + Has Custom GUI: + + + + + Is Synth: + + + + + Is Bridged: + + + + + Information + + + + + Name + + + + + Label/URI + + + + + Maker + + + + + Binary/Filename + + + + + Focus Text Search + + + + + Ctrl+F + + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + + + + + Edit + + + + + Control + + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + + + + + N + + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + + + + + Output volume (100%) + + + + + Balance Left (0%) + + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + + + + + Use Balance + + + + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + + + + + Use Chunks + + + + + Audio: + + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + + + + + MIDI: + + + + + Map Program Changes + + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + + + + + Send Control Changes + + + + + Send Channel Pressure + + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + + + + + Send Pitchbend + + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + + + + + +Plugin Name + + + + + + Program: + + + + + MIDI Program: + + + + + Save State + + + + + Load State + + + + + Information + + + + + Label/URI: + + + + + Name: + + + + + Type: + + + + + Maker: + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + Unique ID: + + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + + + + + Parameter Name + + + + + ... + + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + + + + + Search for new... + + + + + LADSPA + + + + + DSSI + + + + + LV2 + + + + + VST2 + + + + + VST3 + + + + + AU + + + + + SF2/3 + + + + + SFZ + + + + + Native + + + + + POSIX 32bit + + + + + POSIX 64bit + + + + + Windows 32bit + + + + + Windows 64bit + + + + + Available tools: + + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + + + + + carla-discovery-native + + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + + + + + Options: + + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + + + + + Scan + + + + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + + + + + Enable + + + + + On/Off + + + + + + + + PluginName + + + + + MIDI + + + + + AUDIO IN + + + + + AUDIO OUT + + + + + GUI + + + + + Edit + + + + + Remove + + + + + Plugin Name + + + + + Preset: + + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + + + + + Enter project notes here + + + + + Edit Actions + + + + + &Undo + + + + + %1+Z + + + + + &Redo + + + + + %1+Y + + + + + &Copy + + + + + %1+C + + + + + Cu&t + + + + + %1+X + + + + + &Paste + + + + + %1+V + + + + + Format Actions + + + + + &Bold + + + + + %1+B + + + + + &Italic + + + + + %1+I + + + + + &Underline + + + + + %1+U + + + + + &Left + + + + + %1+L + + + + + C&enter + + + + + %1+E + + + + + &Right + + + + + %1+R + + + + + &Justify + + + + + %1+J + + + + + &Color... + + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + Help + + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + + + + + URI: + + + + + + + Maker: + + + + + + + Copyright: + + + + + + Requires Real Time: + + + + + + + + + + Yes + + + + + + + + + + No + + + + + + Real Time Capable: + + + + + + In Place Broken: + + + + + + Channels In: + + + + + + Channels Out: + + + + + File: %1 + + + + + File: + + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + Size + + + + + Size: + + + + + Color + + + + + Color: + + + + + Output + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Size + + + + + Color + + + + + Output gain + + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + Peak envelope resolution + + + + + Spectrum display resolution + + + + + Peak decay multiplier + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Waterfall history size + + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + + + + + FFT window overlap + + + + + FFT zero padding + + + + + + Full (auto) + + + + + + + Audible + + + + + Bass + + + + + Mids + + + + + High + + + + + Extended + + + + + Loud + + + + + Silent + + + + + (High time res.) + + + + + (High freq. res.) + + + + + Rectangular (Off) + + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + + + + + Hamming + + + + + Hanning + + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + + + + + Pause data acquisition + + + + + Reference freeze + + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + + + + + Waterfall + + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + + + + + Averaging + + + + + Enable exponential moving average + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Display stereo channels separately + + + + + Peak hold + + + + + Display envelope of peak values + + + + + Logarithmic frequency + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + + + + + + Frequency range + + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + + + + + + Amplitude range + + + + + Envelope res. + + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + + Draw at most + + + + + envelope points per pixel + + + + + Spectrum res. + + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + + + + + spectrum points per pixel + + + + + Falloff factor + + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + + + + + Multiply buffered value by + + + + + Averaging weight + + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + + + + + New sample contributes + + + + + Waterfall height + + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + + + + + Keep + + + + + lines + + + + + Waterfall gamma + + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + + + + + Gamma value: + + + + + Window overlap + + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Each sample processed + + + + + times + + + + + Zero padding + + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + + + + + Processing buffer is + + + + + steps larger than input block + + + + + Advanced settings + + + + + Access advanced settings + + + + + + FFT block size + + + + + + FFT window type + + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + + + + Open audio file + + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Reverse sample + Eșantion invers + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Panning + Distribuție spațială (mono / stereo / multi-channel) + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + + Sample track + + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + + + + + Channel volume: + + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Distribuție spațială (mono / stereo / multi-channel) + + + + Panning: + Distribuție spațială: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Distribuție spațială (mono / stereo / multi-channel) + + + + Panning: + Distribuție spațială: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + + + + + Settings + + + + + + General + + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + + + + + Display volume as dBFS + + + + + Enable tooltips + + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + + + + + Enable compact track buttons + + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + + + + + Projects + + + + + Compress project files by default + + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + + + + + Reopen last project on startup + + + + + Language + + + + + + Performance + + + + + Autosave + + + + + Enable autosave + + + + + Allow autosave while playing + + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + + + + Plugins + + + + + VST plugins embedding: + + + + + No embedding + + + + + Embed using Qt API + + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + + + + + Keep effects running even without input + + + + + + Audio + + + + + Audio interface + + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + + + + + Buffer size + + + + + + MIDI + + + + + MIDI interface + + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + + + + + LMMS working directory + + + + + VST plugins directory + + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + + + + + SF2 directory + + + + + Default SF2 + + + + + GIG directory + + + + + Theme directory + + + + + Background artwork + + + + + Some changes require restarting. + + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + + + + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + + + + + Choose your background picture + + + + + + Paths + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + + + + + Choose your GIG directory + + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + + + + + minutes + + + + + minute + + + + + Disabled + + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + Chip model + + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Volum: + + + + Resonance: + + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + High-pass filter + + + + + Band-pass filter + + + + + Low-pass filter + + + + + Voice 3 off + + + + + MOS6581 SID + + + + + MOS8580 SID + + + + + + Attack: + + + + + + Decay: + + + + + Sustain: + + + + + + Release: + + + + + Pulse Width: + + + + + Coarse: + + + + + Pulse wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Noise + + + + + Sync + + + + + Ring modulation + + + + + Filtered + + + + + Test + + + + + Pulse width: + + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + + + + + Song + + + Tempo + + + + + Master volume + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Aborting project load + + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + + + + + LMMS Error report + + + + + (repeated %1 times) + + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + + + + Operation denied + + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + + + + + + + Error + + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + + + + + Failed to copy resources. + + + + + Could not write file + + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + + + + + Error in file + + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + + + + Version difference + + + + + template + + + + + project + + + + + Tempo + + + + + TEMPO + + + + + Tempo in BPM + + + + + High quality mode + + + + + + + Master volume + + + + + + + Master pitch + + + + + Value: %1% + + + + + Value: %1 semitones + + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + + + + + Play song (Space) + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + + + + Stop song (Space) + + + + + Track actions + + + + + Add beat/bassline + + + + + Add sample-track + + + + + Add automation-track + + + + + Edit actions + + + + + Draw mode + + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + + + + + Timeline controls + + + + + Bar insert controls + + + + + Insert bar + + + + + Remove bar + + + + + Zoom controls + + + + + Horizontal zooming + + + + + Snap controls + + + + + + Clip snapping size + + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + + + + + Base snapping size + + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + + + + + Maximize + + + + + Restore + + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + + + + + No Sync + + + + + Eight beats + + + + + Whole note + + + + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note + + + + + 8th note + + + + + 16th note + + + + + 32nd note + + + + + Custom... + + + + + Custom + + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + + + + + Synced to Whole Note + + + + + Synced to Half Note + + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + + + + + Synced to 8th Note + + + + + Synced to 16th Note + + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + + + + + MIN + + + + + SEC + + + + + MSEC + + + + + BAR + + + + + BEAT + + + + + TICK + + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + + + + + Loop points + + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + + + + After stopping keep position + + + + + Hint + + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + + + Track + + + Mute + + + + + Solo + + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + + + + Couldn't open file + + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Loading project... + + + + + + Cancel + + + + + + Please wait... + + + + + Loading cancelled + + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + + + + + Clip + + + Mute + + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + + + + + Current length + + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + + + + + Hint + + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + + + + + Cut + + + + + Cut selection + + + + + Merge Selection + + + + + Copy + + + + + Copy selection + + + + + Paste + + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + + + + + Set clip color + + + + + Use track color + + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + + + + + Actions + + + + + + Mute + + + + + + Solo + + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + + + + + Confirm removal + + + + + Don't ask again + + + + + Clone this track + + + + + Remove this track + + + + + Clear this track + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + + + + + Reset color to default + + + + + Set random color + + + + + Clear clip colors + + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + + + + semitones + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + + + + + + degrees + + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + + + + + Logarithmic scale + + + + + High quality + + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + + + + + Log. scale + + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + + + + + Persist. + + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + + + + + Trace persistence + + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + + + + + Decrement version number + + + + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Show/hide GUI + + + + + Turn off all notes + + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + + + + + No VST plugin loaded + + + + + Preset + + + + + by + + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + + + + + Open VST plugin preset + + + + + Previous (-) + + + + + Next (+) + + + + + Save preset + + + + + + Effect by: + + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Open Preset + + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default + + + + + Save Preset + + + + + .fxp + + + + + .FXP + + + + + .FXB + + + + + .fxb + + + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + + + + + Volume A2 + + + + + Volume B1 + + + + + Volume B2 + + + + + Panning A1 + + + + + Panning A2 + + + + + Panning B1 + + + + + Panning B2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + + + + + Left detune A1 + + + + + Left detune A2 + + + + + Left detune B1 + + + + + Left detune B2 + + + + + Right detune A1 + + + + + Right detune A2 + + + + + Right detune B1 + + + + + Right detune B2 + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + + + + + A2-A1 modulation + + + + + B2-B1 modulation + + + + + Selected graph + + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + + + + Panning + Distribuție spațială (mono / stereo / multi-channel) + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + + + + + + + + Left detune + + + + + + + + + + + + cents + + + + + + + + Right detune + + + + + A-B Mix + + + + + Mix envelope amount + + + + + Mix envelope attack + + + + + Mix envelope hold + + + + + Mix envelope decay + + + + + Crosstalk + + + + + Select oscillator A1 + + + + + Select oscillator A2 + + + + + Select oscillator B1 + + + + + Select oscillator B2 + + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Load waveform + + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + + + + + Phase left + + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + + + + + Phase right + + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + + + + + + Normalize + + + + + + Invert + + + + + + Smooth + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + + + + + A1 + + + + + A2 + + + + + A3 + + + + + W1 smoothing + + + + + W2 smoothing + + + + + W3 smoothing + + + + + Panning 1 + + + + + Panning 2 + + + + + Rel trans + + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + Select oscillator W1 + + + + + Select oscillator W2 + + + + + Select oscillator W3 + + + + + Select output O1 + + + + + Select output O2 + + + + + Open help window + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Moog-saw wave + + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + WaveInterpolate + + + + + ExpressionValid + + + + + General purpose 1: + + + + + General purpose 2: + + + + + General purpose 3: + + + + + O1 panning: + + + + + O2 panning: + + + + + Release transition: + + + + + Smoothness + + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + + + + + Filter frequency + + + + + Filter resonance + + + + + Bandwidth + + + + + FM gain + + + + + Resonance center frequency + + + + + Resonance bandwidth + + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + + + + + PORT + + + + + Filter frequency: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Filter resonance: + + + + + RES + + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + BW + + + + + FM gain: + + + + + FM GAIN + + + + + Resonance center frequency: + + + + + RES CF + + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + + + + + RES BW + + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + + + + + Show GUI + + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + + + + + Start of sample + + + + + End of sample + + + + + Loopback point + + + + + Reverse sample + Eșantion invers + + + + Loop mode + + + + + Stutter + + + + + Interpolation mode + + + + + None + + + + + Linear + + + + + Sinc + + + + + Sample not found: %1 + + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + Interpolation + + + + + Normalize + + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + ATTACK + + + + + Peak attack time: + + + + + RELEASE + + + + + Peak release time: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: average + + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + + Attack time + + + + + Release time + + + + + Stereo mode + + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + + + + + End frequency + + + + + Length + + + + + Start distortion + + + + + End distortion + + + + + Gain + + + + + Envelope slope + + + + + Noise + + + + + Click + + + + + Frequency slope + + + + + Start from note + + + + + End to note + + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + + + + + End frequency: + + + + + Frequency slope: + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Envelope length: + + + + + Envelope slope: + + + + + Click: + + + + + Noise: + + + + + Start distortion: + + + + + End distortion: + + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + + + + + + Unavailable Effects + + + + + + Instruments + + + + + + Analysis Tools + + + + + + Don't know + + + + + Type: + + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + + + + + Description + + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + + + + + Name + + + + + Rate + + + + + Direction + + + + + Type + + + + + Min < Default < Max + + + + + Logarithmic + + + + + SR Dependent + + + + + Audio + + + + + Control + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Toggled + + + + + Integer + + + + + Float + + + + + + Yes + + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + + + + + VCF Resonance + + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + + + + + Distortion + + + + + Waveform + + + + + Slide Decay + + + + + Slide + + + + + Accent + + + + + Dead + + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + + + + + Resonance: + + + + + Env Mod: + + + + + Decay: + + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + + + + Slide Decay: + + + + + DIST: + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + + + + + Rounded square wave + + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + + + + Moog wave + + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + + + + + + White noise wave + + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + + + + + Click here for white-noise. + + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + + + + Bandlimited square wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + + + + + Position + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + ADSR + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Motion + + + + + Speed + + + + + Bowed + + + + + Spread + + + + + Marimba + + + + + Vibraphone + + + + + Agogo + + + + + Wood 1 + + + + + Reso + + + + + Wood 2 + + + + + Beats + + + + + Two fixed + + + + + Clump + + + + + Tubular bells + + + + + Uniform bar + + + + + Tuned bar + + + + + Glass + + + + + Tibetan bowl + + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + + + + + Spread + + + + + Spread: + + + + + Missing files + + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + + + + Hardness + + + + + Hardness: + + + + + Position + + + + + Position: + + + + + Vibrato gain + + + + + Vibrato gain: + + + + + Vibrato frequency + + + + + Vibrato frequency: + + + + + Stick mix + + + + + Stick mix: + + + + + Modulator + + + + + Modulator: + + + + + Crossfade + + + + + Crossfade: + + + + + LFO speed + + + + + LFO speed: + + + + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + + + + + ADSR: + + + + + Pressure + + + + + Pressure: + + + + + Speed + + + + + Speed: + + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + + + + + VST sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + + + + + VST Sync + + + + + + Automated + + + + + Close + + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + + + + + Volume + Volum + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + + + + + Volume: + + + + + Randomise + + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + + + + + Osc %1 volume: + + + + + Osc %1 panning: + + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + + + + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + + + Bank selector + + + + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + + + + + Patch + + + + + Name + + + + + OK + + + + + Cancel + + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + Reverb + + + + + Reverb room size + + + + + Reverb damping + + + + + Reverb width + + + + + Reverb level + + + + + Chorus + + + + + Chorus voices + + + + + Chorus level + + + + + Chorus speed + + + + + Chorus depth + + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + + + + + Room size: + + + + + Damping: + + + + + Width: + + + + + + Level: + + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + + + + + Voices: + + + + + Speed: + + + + + Depth: + + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + + + + + Width: + + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + + + + + Left to Right Vol: + + + + + Right to Left Vol: + + + + + Right to Right Vol: + + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + + + + + Left to Right + + + + + Right to Left + + + + + Right to Right + + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + + + + + String %1 stiffness + + + + + Pick %1 position + + + + + Pickup %1 position + + + + + String %1 panning + + + + + String %1 detune + + + + + String %1 fuzziness + + + + + String %1 length + + + + + Impulse %1 + + + + + String %1 + + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + + + + + String stiffness: + + + + + Pick position: + + + + + Pickup position: + + + + + String panning: + + + + + String detune: + + + + + String fuzziness: + + + + + String length: + + + + + Impulse + + + + + Octave + + + + + Impulse Editor + + + + + Enable waveform + + + + + Enable/disable string + + + + + String + + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave + + + + + + White noise + + + + + + User-defined wave + + + + + + Smooth waveform + + + + + + Normalize waveform + + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + + + + + Voice %1 attack + + + + + Voice %1 decay + + + + + Voice %1 sustain + + + + + Voice %1 release + + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + + + + + Voice %1 sync + + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + + + + + Voice %1 filtered + + + + + Voice %1 test + + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + + + + + Input gain: + + + + + OUTPUT + + + + + Output gain: + + + + + + Reset wavegraph + + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + + + + Clip input + + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + + + + + Output gain + + + + diff --git a/data/locale/ru.ts b/data/locale/ru.ts index f717d598df4..8235f291f34 100644 --- a/data/locale/ru.ts +++ b/data/locale/ru.ts @@ -2,73 +2,81 @@ AboutDialog - + About LMMS О программе LMMS - + LMMS - ЛММС + LMMS - - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Версия %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Версия %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). - + About Подробнее - - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - лёгкое создание музыки для всех + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS — простое создание музыки для всех. - - Copyright © %1 - Все права защищены © %1 + + Copyright © %1. + Все права защищены © %1. - - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - + Authors Авторы - + Involved Участники - + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Разработчики сортированные по числу коммитов: - + Translation Перевод - + Current language not translated (or native English). - If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Если Вы заинтересованы в переводе LMMS на другой язык или хотите улучшить существующий перевод, мы приветствуем любую помощь! Просто свяжитесь с разработчиками! + Хотите перевести LMMS на другой язык или улучшить существующий перевод — всегда пожалуйста! Свяжитесь с командой переводчиков: +https://www.transifex.com/lmms/teams/61632/ru/ +https://matrix.to/#/#lmms.ru.team:matrix.org -Перевод выполнили: -Alexey Kouznetsov <alexey/dot/kouznetsov/at/gmail/dot/com> -Oe Ai <oeai/at/symbiants/dot/com> +На русский язык переводили : + +Алексей Кузнецов (2006) +Symbiants / OeAi (2014) +Василий Павлов (2019) +Алексей "Lexeii" Бобылёв (2020) +Андрей Степанов (2018) +Andrew344 (2016) +Кирилл Рагузин (2018) +Simple88 (2016) - + License Лицензия @@ -88,7 +96,7 @@ Oe Ai <oeai/at/symbiants/dot/com> PAN - БАЛ + БАЛАНС @@ -98,22 +106,22 @@ Oe Ai <oeai/at/symbiants/dot/com> LEFT - Лево + СЛЕВА Left gain: - Лево мощность: + Усиление левого канала: RIGHT - Право + СПРАВА Right gain: - Право мощность: + Усиление правого канала: @@ -131,12 +139,12 @@ Oe Ai <oeai/at/symbiants/dot/com> Left gain - Лево мощн + Усиление (Л) Right gain - Право мощн + Усиление (П) @@ -155,270 +163,229 @@ Oe Ai <oeai/at/symbiants/dot/com> AudioFileProcessorView - - Open other sample - Открыть другую запись + + Open sample + Открыть сэмпл - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Нажмите здесь, чтобы открыть другой звуковой файл. В новом окне диалога вы сможете выбрать нужный файл. Такие настройки, как режим повтора, точки начала/конца, усиление и прочие не сбросятся, поэтому звучание может отличаться от оригинала. - - - + Reverse sample - Отзеркалить запись - - - - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Если включить эту кнопку, вся запись пойдёт в обратную сторону, это удобно для крутых эффектов, типа обратного грохота. + Развернуть сэмпл - + Disable loop Отключить петлю - - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Эта кнопка отключает зацикливание (loop-цикл). Запись проигрывается только один раз от начала до конца. - - - - + Enable loop Включить петлю - - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Эта кнопка включает переднюю петлю. Сэмпл кольцуется между конечной точкой и точкой петли. - - - - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Эта кнопка включает пинг-понг петлю. Сэмпл кольцуется обратно и вперёд между конечной точкой и точкой петли. + + Enable ping-pong loop + Включить петлю «вперёд-назад» - + Continue sample playback across notes - Продолжить воспроизведение записи по нотам + Продолжить воспроизведение сэмпла по нотам - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Включение этой опции продолжит воспроизведение записи по разным нотам - если изменить ускорение или длительность ноты остановится до конца записи, то со следующей ноты запись продолжится там, где остановилась, чтобы сбросить воспроизвдение на начало записи, вставьте ноту внизу у клавиш (<20 Гц) - - - + Amplify: Усиление: - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Эта ручка задаёт коэффициент усиления. При значении 100% исходный звук не меняется, в противном случае ― он будет ослаблен или усилен. (Обратите внимание, что исходная запись при этом останется нетронутой.) - - - - Startpoint: - Начало: + + Start point: + Начальная точка: - - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Этим регулятором можно установить точку где АудиоФайлПроцессор должен начать воспроизведение сэмпла. + + End point: + Конечная точка: - - Endpoint: - Конец: - - - - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Этот регулятор устанавливает точку в которой АудиоФайлПроцессор должен перестать воспроизвдение сэмпла. - - - + Loopback point: Точка возврата петли: - - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Этот регулятор ставит точку начала петли. - AudioFileProcessorWaveView - + Sample length: - Длина записи: + Длительность сэмпла: AudioJack - + JACK client restarted JACK-клиент перезапущен - + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. - LMMS не был подключен к JACK по какой-то причине, поэтому LMMS подключение к JACK было перезапущено. Вам придётся заново вручную создать соединения. + LMMS не был подключен к JACK по какой-то причине, поэтому подключение LMMS к JACK было перезапущено. Вам придётся заново вручную создать соединения. - + JACK server down - JACK-сервер не доступен + JACK-сервер недоступен - + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. - Возможно JACK-сервер был выключен и запуск нового процесса не удался, поэтому ЛММС не может продолжить работу. Вам следует сохранить проект и перезапустить JACK и LMMS. + Возможно JACK-сервер был выключен и запуск нового процесса не удался, поэтому LMMS не может продолжить работу. Вам следует сохранить проект и перезапустить JACK и LMMS. - - CLIENT-NAME - ИМЯ КЛИЕНТА + + Client name + Имя клиента - - CHANNELS - КАНАЛЫ + + Channels + Каналы - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - УСТРОЙСТВО + Device + Устройство - CHANNELS - КАНАЛЫ + Channels + Каналы AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - - BACKEND - УПРАВЛЕНИЕ + + Backend + Интерфейс - - DEVICE - УСТРОЙСТВО + + Device + Устройство - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - УСТРОЙСТВО + Device + Устройство - CHANNELS - КАНАЛЫ + Channels + Каналы AudioSdl::setupWidget - - DEVICE - УСТРОЙСТВО + + Device + Устройство - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - УСТРОЙСТВО + Device + Устройство - CHANNELS - КАНАЛЫ + Channels + Каналы AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - - BACKEND - БЭКЕНД + + Backend + Интерфейс - - DEVICE - УСТРОЙСТВО + + Device + Устройство AutomatableModel - + &Reset (%1%2) - &R Сбросить (%1%2) + &Сбросить (%1%2) - + &Copy value (%1%2) - &C Копировать значение (%1%2) + &Копировать значение (%1%2) - + &Paste value (%1%2) - &P Вставить значение (%1%2) + &Вставить значение (%1%2) + + + + &Paste value + &Вставить значение - + Edit song-global automation - Изменить глоабльную автоматизацию композиции + Изменить глобальную автоматизацию - + Remove song-global automation - Убрать глобальную автоматизацию композиции + Убрать глобальную автоматизацию - + Remove all linked controls Убрать всё присоединенное управление - + Connected to %1 - Подсоединено к %1 + Соединено с «%1» - + Connected to controller - Подсоединено к контроллеру + Соединено с контроллером - + Edit connection... - Настроить соединение... + Изменить соединение… - + Remove connection Удалить соединение - + Connect to controller... Соединить с контроллером... @@ -426,387 +393,300 @@ Oe Ai <oeai/at/symbiants/dot/com> AutomationEditor - - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Откройте редатор автоматизации через контекстное меню регулятора! + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + - - Values copied - Значения скопированы + + New inValue + - - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Все выбранные значения скопированы в буфер обмена. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Откройте редактор автоматизации через контекстное меню регулятора! AutomationEditorWindow - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Игра/Пауза текущей мелодии (Пробел) - - - - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Нажмите здесь чтобы проиграть текущую мелодию. Это может пригодиться при его редактировании. Мелодия автоматически закольцуется при достижении конца. + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Игра/пауза текущей мелодии (Пробел) - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Остановить воспроизведение текущей мелодии (Пробел) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Остановить воспроизведение текущего паттерна (пробел) - - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Нажмите здесь, если вы хотите остановить воспроизведение текущей мелодии. - - - + Edit actions - Правка: + Панель правки - + Draw mode (Shift+D) Режим рисования (Shift+D) - + Erase mode (Shift+E) - Режим стирания (Shift-E) + Режим стирания (Shift+E) + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + - + Flip vertically Перевернуть вертикально - + Flip horizontally Перевернуть горизонтально - - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Нажмите здесь и мелодия перевернётся. Точки переворачиваются в Y направлении. - - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Нажмите здесь и мелодия перевернётся в направлении X. - - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - При нажатии на эту кнопку активируется режим рисования нот, в нём вы можете добавлять/перемещать и изменять длительность одиночных нот. Это основной режим и используется большую часть времени. -Для включения этого режима можно использовать комбинацию клавиш Shift+D. - - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - При нажатии на эту кнопку активируется режим стирания. В этом режиме вы можете стирать ноты по одной. -Для включения этого режима можно использовать комбинацию клавиш Shift+E. - - - + Interpolation controls Управление интерполяцией - + Discrete progression Дискретная прогрессия - + Linear progression Линейная прогрессия - + Cubic Hermite progression Кубическая Эрмитова прогрессия - + Tension value for spline - Величина напряжения для сплайна - - - - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Более высокое напряжение может сделать кривую более мягкой, но перегрузит некоторые величины. Низкое напряжение сделает наклон кривой ниже в каждой контрольной точке. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Выбор дискретной прогрессии для этого шаблона автоматизации. Кол-во подсоединенных объектов будет оставаться постоянным между управляющими точками и будет установлено на новое значение сразу по достижении каждой управляющей точки. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Выбор линейной прогрессии для этого шаблона автоматизации. Кол-во подсоединенных объектов будет меняться с постоянной скоростью во времени между управляющими точками для достижения точного значения в каждой управляющей точки без внезапных изменений. + Жёсткость на изгибе - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Кубическая Эрмитова прогрессия для этого шаблона автоматизации. Кол-во подсоединенных объектов изменится по сглаженной кривой и смягчится на пиках и спадах. - - - + Tension: - Напряжение: - - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Вырезать выбранные ноты (%1+X) - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Копировать выбранные ноты в буфер (%1+C) - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Вставить запомненные значения (%1+V) - - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - При нажатии на эту кнопку выделеные ноты будут вырезаны в буфер. Позже вы можете вставить их в любое место любой мелодии с помощью кнопки "Вставить". + Жёсткость: - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - При нажатии на эту кнопку выделеные ноты будут скопированы в буфер. Позже вы можете вставить их в любое место любой мелодии с помощью кнопки "Вставить". + + Zoom controls + Управление приближением - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - При нажатии на эту кнопку ноты из буфера будут вставлены в первый видимый такт. + + Horizontal zooming + Горизонтальное приближение - - Zoom controls - Приблизить управление + + Vertical zooming + Вертикальное приближение - + Quantization controls Управление квантованием - + Quantization Квантование - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - - - - - - Automation Editor - no pattern - Редактор автоматизаци — нет шаблона + + + Automation Editor - no clip + Редактор автоматизации — без паттерна - - + + Automation Editor - %1 Редактор автоматизации — %1 - - Model is already connected to this pattern. - Модель уже подключена к этому шаблону. + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Модель уже подключена к этому паттерну. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip - + Drag a control while pressing <%1> - Тяните контроль удерживая <%1> + Перетащите элемент управления, удерживая <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - Дважды щёлкните мышью чтобы настроить автоматизацию этого шаблона - - - + Open in Automation editor Открыть в редакторе автоматизации - + Clear Очистить - + Reset name Сбросить название - + Change name Переименовать - + Set/clear record Установить/очистить запись - + Flip Vertically (Visible) Перевернуть вертикально (Видимое) - + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Перевернуть горизонтально (Видимое) - + %1 Connections Соединения %1 - + Disconnect "%1" Отсоединить «%1» - - Model is already connected to this pattern. - Модель уже подключена к этому шаблону. + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Модель уже подключена к этому паттерну. AutomationTrack - + Automation track Дорожка автоматизации - BBEditor + PatternEditor - + Beat+Bassline Editor - Ритм+Бас Редактор + Ритм+Бас Композитор - + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) - Игра/пауза текущей линии ритма/баса (<Space>) + Игра/пауза текущей линии ритма/баса (пробел) - + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) Остановить воспроизведение текущей линии ритм-баса (ПРОБЕЛ) - - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Нажмите чтобы проиграть текущую линию ритм-баса. Она будет закольцована по достижении окончания. - - - - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Остановить воспроизведение (Пробел). - - - + Beat selector Выбор бита - + Track and step actions - Действия для дорожки или ее части + Действия для дорожки или такта - + Add beat/bassline Добавить ритм/бас - + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + Add sample-track Добавить дорожку записи - + Add automation-track Добавить дорожку автоматизации - + Remove steps Убрать такты - + Add steps Добавить такты - + Clone Steps Клонировать такты - BBTCOView + PatternClipView - + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor - Открыть в редакторе ритм + баса + Открыть в Композиторе-Ритм+Баса - + Reset name Сбросить название - + Change name Переименовать - - - Change color - Изменить цвет - - - - Reset color to default - Установить цвет по умолчанию - - BBTrack + PatternTrack - + Beat/Bassline %1 - Ритм-Бас Линия %1 + Ритм/Бас Линия %1 - + Clone of %1 Копия %1 @@ -826,17 +706,17 @@ Oe Ai <oeai/at/symbiants/dot/com> GAIN - МОЩ + УСИЛ Gain: - Мощность: + Усиление: RATIO - ОТН + ОТНОШ @@ -854,7 +734,7 @@ Oe Ai <oeai/at/symbiants/dot/com> Gain - Мощность + Усиление @@ -867,37 +747,37 @@ Oe Ai <oeai/at/symbiants/dot/com> IN - ВХОД + ВХ OUT - ВЫХОД + ВЫХ GAIN - МОЩ + УСИЛ - Input Gain: + Input gain: Входная мощность: NOISE - Шум + ШУМ - Input Noise: - Входной шум: + Input noise: + Входящий шум: - Output Gain: + Output gain: Выходная мощность: @@ -907,12123 +787,15574 @@ Oe Ai <oeai/at/symbiants/dot/com> - Output Clip: + Output clip: Выходная обрезка: - - Rate Enabled + + Rate enabled Частота выборки включена - - Enable samplerate-crushing + + Enable sample-rate crushing Включить дробление частоты дискретизации - - Depth Enabled + + Depth enabled Глубина включена - - Enable bitdepth-crushing + + Enable bit-depth crushing Включить дробление битовой глубины - + FREQ - FREQ + ЧАСТ - + Sample rate: Частота сэмплирования: - + STEREO СТЕРЕО - + Stereo difference: Стерео разница: - + QUANT КВАНТ - + Levels: Уровни: - CaptionMenu - - - &Help - &H Справка - - - - Help (not available) - Справка (не доступна) - - - - CarlaInstrumentView - - - Show GUI - Показать интерфейс - - - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Нажмите сюда, чтобы показать или скрыть графический интерфейс Карла. - - - - Controller - - - Controller %1 - Контроллер %1 - - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - - - Connection Settings - Параметры соединения - - - - MIDI CONTROLLER - MIDI-КОНТРОЛЛЕР - - - - Input channel - Канал ввода - - - - CHANNEL - КАНАЛ - - - - Input controller - Контроллер ввода - + BitcrushControls - - CONTROLLER - КОНТРОЛЛЕР + + Input gain + Входная мощность - - - Auto Detect - Автоопределение + + Input noise + Входной шум - - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Устройства MiDi для приёма событий + + Output gain + Выходная мощность - - USER CONTROLLER - ПОЛЬЗ. КОНТРОЛЛЕР + + Output clip + Выходная обрезка - - MAPPING FUNCTION - ПЕРЕОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ + + Sample rate + Частота сэмплирования - - OK - ОК + + Stereo difference + Разница стерео - - Cancel - Отменить + + Levels + Уровни - - LMMS - LMMS + + Rate enabled + Частота выборки включена - - Cycle Detected. - Обнаружен цикл. + + Depth enabled + Глубина включена - ControllerRackView + CarlaAboutW - - Controller Rack - Рэка контроллеров + + About Carla + О Carla - - Add - Добавить + + About + О программе - - Confirm Delete - Подтвердить удаление + + About text here + О тексте здесь - - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Подтверждаете удаление? Есть возможные соединения с этим контроллером, возврата не будет. + + Extended licensing here + - - - ControllerView - - Controls - Управление + + Artwork + Художественное оформление - - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Контроллеры могут автоматизировать изменения значений регуляторов, ползунков и прочего управления. + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + Использует набор значков KDE Oxygen, созданный Oxygen Team. - - Rename controller - Переименовать контроллер + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - - Enter the new name for this controller - Введите новое название для контроллера + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + VST является торговой маркой Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. - - LFO - LFO + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - - &Remove this controller - Убрать этот контроллер + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - - Re&name this controller - Переименовать этот контроллер + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - - Band 1/2 Crossover: - Полоса 1/2 кроссовер: + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - - Band 2/3 Crossover: - Полоса 2/3 кроссовер: + + Features + Возможности - - Band 3/4 Crossover: - Полоса 3/4 кроссовер: + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - Band 1 Gain: - Полоса 1 усиление: + + LADSPA: + LADSPA: - - Band 2 Gain: - Полоса 2 усиление: + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - - Band 3 Gain: - Полоса 3 усиление: + + VST2: + VST2: - - Band 4 Gain: - Полоса 4 усиление: + + DSSI: + DSSI: - - Band 1 Mute - Полоса 1 выключена + + LV2: + LV2: - - Mute Band 1 - Заглушить полосу 1 + + VST3: + VST3: - - Band 2 Mute - Полоса 2 выключена + + OSC + - - Mute Band 2 - Заглушить полосу 2 + + Host URLs: + - - Band 3 Mute - Полоса 3 заглушена + + Valid commands: + - - Mute Band 3 - Заглушить полосу 3 + + valid osc commands here + - - Band 4 Mute - Полоса 4 заглушена + + Example: + Пример: - - Mute Band 4 - Заглушить полосу 4 + + License + Лицензия - - - DelayControls - - Delay Samples - Задержка сэмплов + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - - Feedback - Возврат + + OSC Bridge Version + - - Lfo Frequency - Частота LFO + + Plugin Version + Версия плагина - - Lfo Amount - Объём LFO + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + <br>Версия %1<br>Carla — полнофункциональный хост аудио-плагинов%2.<br><br>Copyright © 2011–2019 falkTX<br> - - Output gain - Выходная мощность + + + (Engine not running) + (Движок не запущен) - - - DelayControlsDialog - - DELAY - ЗАДЕРЖ + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + Всё! (Включая LRDF) - - Delay Time - Время задержки + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + Всё! (Включая CustomData/Chunks) - - FDBK + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + Завершено около 110&#37; (с пользовательскими расширениями)<br/>Реализованные функции и расширения:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + Using Juce host - - Feedback Amount - Объём возврата: + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + + CarlaHostW - - RATE - ЧАСТ + + MainWindow + - - Lfo - Lfo + + Rack + - - AMNT - ГЛУБ + + Patchbay + - - Lfo Amt - Вел LFO + + Logs + - - Out Gain - Выходная мощность + + Loading... + - - Gain - Усиление + + Buffer Size: + Размер буфера: - - - DualFilterControlDialog - - - FREQ - FREQ + + Sample Rate: + - - - Cutoff frequency - Срез частот + + ? Xruns + - - - RESO - RESO + + DSP Load: %p% + - - - Resonance - Резонанс + + &File + &Файл - - - GAIN - МОЩ + + &Engine + - - - Gain - УСИЛ + + &Plugin + - - MIX - МИКС + + Macros (all plugins) + - - Mix - Микс + + &Canvas + - - Filter 1 enabled - Фильтр 1 включен + + Zoom + - - Filter 2 enabled - Фильтр 2 включен + + &Settings + - - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Кликнуть для включения/выключения Фильтра 1 + + &Help + &Справка - - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Кликнуть для включения/выключения Фильтра 2 + + toolBar + - - - DualFilterControls - - Filter 1 enabled - Фильтр 1 включен + + Disk + - - Filter 1 type - Фильтр 1 тип + + + Home + Home - - Cutoff 1 frequency - Срез 1 частоты + + Transport + - - Q/Resonance 1 + + Playback Controls - - Gain 1 - Усиление 1 + + Time Information + - - Mix - Микс + + Frame: + - - Filter 2 enabled - Фильтр 2 включен + + 000'000'000 + - - Filter 2 type - Фильтр 2 тип + + Time: + Время: - - Cutoff 2 frequency - Срез 2 частоты + + 00:00:00 + 00:00:00 - - Q/Resonance 2 + + BBT: - - Gain 2 - Усиление 2 + + 000|00|0000 + 000|00|0000 - - - LowPass - Низ.ЧФ + + Settings + Настройки - - - HiPass - Выс.ЧФ + + BPM + - - - BandPass csg - Сред.ЧФ csg + + Use JACK Transport + - - - BandPass czpg - Сред.ЧФ czpg + + Use Ableton Link + - - - Notch - Полосно-заграждающий + + &New + &Создать - - - Allpass - Все проходят + + Ctrl+N + Ctrl+N - - - Moog - Муг + + &Open... + &Открыть... - - - 2x LowPass - 2х Низ.ЧФ + + + Open... + Открыть… - - - RC LowPass 12dB - RC Низ.ЧФ 12дБ + + Ctrl+O + Ctrl+O - - - RC BandPass 12dB - RC Сред.ЧФ 12 дБ + + &Save + Со&хранить - - - RC HighPass 12dB - RC Выс.ЧФ 12дБ + + Ctrl+S + Ctrl+S - - - RC LowPass 24dB - RC Низ.ЧФ 24дБ + + Save &As... + Сохранить &как... - - - RC BandPass 24dB - RC Сред.ЧФ 24дБ + + + Save As... + Сохранить как… - - - RC HighPass 24dB - RC Выс.ЧФ 24дБ + + Ctrl+Shift+S + Ctrl+Shift+S - - - Vocal Formant Filter - Фильтр Вокальной форманты + + &Quit + &Выход - - - 2x Moog - 2x Муг + + Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+Q - - - SV LowPass - SV Низ.ЧФ + + &Start + - - - SV BandPass - SV Сред.ЧФ + + F5 + F5 - - - SV HighPass - SV Выс.ЧФ + + St&op + - - - SV Notch - + + F6 + F6 - - - Fast Formant + + &Add Plugin... - - - Tripole - Триполи + + Ctrl+A + Ctrl+A - - - Editor - - Transport controls - Управление транспортом + + &Remove All + - - Play (Space) - Игра (Пробел) + + Enable + Включить - - Stop (Space) - Стоп (Пробел) + + Disable + Отключить - - Record - Запись + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - - Record while playing - Запись при игре + + 100% Wet + - - - Effect - - Effect enabled - Эффект включён + + 0% Volume (Mute) + 0% громкости (приглушить) - - Wet/Dry mix - Насыщенность + + 100% Volume + 100% громкости - - Gate - Шлюз + + Center Balance + - - Decay - Затихание + + &Play + - - - EffectChain - - Effects enabled - Эффекты включёны + + Ctrl+Shift+P + Ctrl+Shift+P - - - EffectRackView - - EFFECTS CHAIN - ЦЕПЬ ЭФФЕКТОВ + + &Stop + - - Add effect - Добавить эффект + + Ctrl+Shift+X + Ctrl+Shift+X - - - EffectSelectDialog - - Add effect - Добавить эффект + + &Backwards + - - - Name - Имя + + Ctrl+Shift+B + Ctrl+Shift+B - - Type - Тип + + &Forwards + - - Description - Описание + + Ctrl+Shift+F + Ctrl+Shift+F - - Author - Автор + + &Arrange + - - - EffectView - - Toggles the effect on or off. - Вкл/выкл эффект. + + Ctrl+G + Ctrl+G - - On/Off - Вкл/Выкл + + + &Refresh + - - W/D + + Ctrl+R + Ctrl+R + + + + Save &Image... - - Wet Level: - Уровень насыщенности: + + Auto-Fit + Вписать - - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - Регулятор насыщенности определяет долю обработанного сигнала, которая будет на выходе. + + Zoom In + Увеличить - - DECAY - + + Ctrl++ + Ctrl++ - - Time: - Время: + + Zoom Out + Уменьшить - - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - Decay (затихание) управляет количеством буферов тишины, которые должны пройти до конца работы плагина. Меньшие величины снижают перегрузку процессора, но вознкает риск появления потрескивания или подрезания в хвосте на передержке (delay) или эхо (reverb) эффектах. + + Ctrl+- + Ctrl+- - - GATE - ШЛЮЗ + + Zoom 100% + Исходный размер - - Gate: - Шлюз: + + Ctrl+1 + Ctrl+1 - - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - GATE (Шлюз) определяет уровень сигнала, который будет считаться "тишиной" при определении остановки обрабатывания сигналов. + + Show &Toolbar + - - Controls - Управление + + &Configure Carla + - - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - Сигнал проходит последовательно через все установленные фильтры (сверху вниз). - -Переключатель Вкл/Выкл позволяет в любой момент включать/выключать фильтр. - -Регулятор (wet / dry) насыщенности определяет баланс между входящим сигналом и сигналом после эффекта, который становится выходным сигналом эффекта. Входной сигнал каждого фильтра является выходом предыдущего, так что доля чистого сигнала при прохождении по цепочке постоянно падает. - -Регулятор (decay) затихания определяет время, которое будет действовать фильтр после того как ноты были отпущены. -Эффект перестанет обрабатывать сигналы, когда грмокость упадёт ниже порога для заданной длины времени. Эта ручка (Knob) устанавливает "заданную длину времени" Чем меньше значение, тем меньше требования к ЦП, поэтому лучше ставить это число низким для большинства эффектов. однако это может вызвать обрезку звука при использовании эффектов с длительными периодами тишины, типа задержки. - -Регулятор шлюза служит для указания порога сигнала для авто-отключения эффекта, отсчёт для "заданной длины времени" начнётся как только обрабатываемый сигнал упадёт ниже указанного этим регулятором уровня. - -Кнопка „Управление“ открывает окно изменения параметров эффекта. - -Контекстное меню, вызываемое щелчком правой кнопкой мыши, позволяет менять порядок следования фильтров или удалять их вместе с другими. + + &About + &О программе - - Move &up - &u Переместить выше + + About &JUCE + О &JUCE - - Move &down - &d Переместить ниже + + About &Qt + О &Qt - - &Remove this plugin - &R Убрать фильтр + + Show Canvas &Meters + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - - Predelay - Задержка + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - - Attack - Вступление + + Show Internal + - - Hold - Удерживание + + Show External + - - Decay - Затихание + + Show Time Panel + - - Sustain - Выдержка + + Show &Side Panel + - - Release - Убывание + + &Connect... + - - Modulation - Модуляция + + Compact Slots + - - LFO Predelay - Задержка LFO + + Expand Slots + - - LFO Attack - Вступление LFO + + Perform secret 1 + - - LFO speed - Скорость LFO + + Perform secret 2 + - - LFO Modulation - Модуляция LFO + + Perform secret 3 + - - LFO Wave Shape - Форма сигнала LFO + + Perform secret 4 + - - Freq x 100 - ЧАСТ x 100 + + Perform secret 5 + - - Modulate Env-Amount - Модулировать огибающую + + Add &JACK Application... + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoView - - - DEL - DEL + + &Configure driver... + - - Predelay: - Задержка: + + Panic + - - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Эта ручка определяет задержку огибающей. Чем больше эта величина, тем дольше время до старта текущей огибающей. + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - - - ATT - ATT + + Export as... + Экспортировать как… - - Attack: - Вступление: + + + + + Error + Ошибка - - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Эта ручка устанавливает время возрастания для текущей огибающей. Чем больше значение, тем дольше характеристика (н-р, громкость) возрастает до максимума. Для инструменов вроде пианино характерны малые времена нарастания, а для струнных - большие. + + Failed to load project + Не удалось загрузить проект - - HOLD - HOLD + + Failed to save project + Не удалось сохранить проект - - Hold: - Удержание: + + Quit + Покинуть - - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Эта ручка устанавливает длительность огибающей. Чем больше значение, тем дольше огибающая держится на наивысшем уровне. + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + Закрыть Carla? - - DEC - DEC + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - - Decay: - Затухание: + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Эта ручка устанавливает время спада для текущей огибающей. Чем больше значение, тем дольше огибающая должна сокращаться от вступления до уровня выдержки. Для инструментов вроде пианино следует выбирать небольшие значения. + + Warning + Предупреждение - - SUST - SUST + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + Имеются загруженные плагины. Нужно удалить их, чтобы остановить движок. +Сделать это сейчас? + + + CarlaInstrumentView - - Sustain: - Выдержка: + + Show GUI + Показать интерфейс + + + CarlaSettingsW - - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Эта ручка устанавливает уровень выдержки. Чем больше эта величина, тем выше уровень на котором остаётся огибающая, прежде чем опуститься до нуля. + + Settings + Настройки - - REL - REL + + main + - - Release: - Убывание: + + canvas + - - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Эта ручка устанавливает время убывания для текущей огибающей. Чем больше значение, тем дольше характеристика (н-р, громкость) уменьшается от уровня выдержки до нуля. Для струнных инструментов следует выбирать большие значения. + + engine + движок - - - AMT - AMT + + osc + - - - Modulation amount: - Глубина модуляции: + + file-paths + - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Эта ручка устанавливает глубину модуляции для текущей огибающей. Чем больше значение, тем в большей степени выбранная характеристика (н-р, громкость или частота среза) будет зависеть от этой огибающей. + + plugin-paths + - - LFO predelay: - Пред. задержка LFO: + + wine + - - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Эта ручка определяет задержку перед запуском LFO (LFO - НизкоЧастотный осциллятор (генератор)). Чем больше величина, тем больше времени до того как LFO начнёт работать. + + experimental + - - LFO- attack: - Вступление LFO: + + Widget + - - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Используйте эту ручку для установления времени вступления этого LFO. Чем больше значение, тем дольше LFO нуждается в увеличении своей амплитуды до максимума. + + + Main + - - SPD - SPD + + + Canvas + - - LFO speed: - Скорость LFO: + + + Engine + Движок - - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Эта ручка устанавлявает скорость текущего LFO. Чем больше значение, тем быстрее LFO осциллирует и быстрее производится эффект. + + File Paths + - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Эта ручка устанавливает глубину модуляции для текущего LFO. Чем больше значение, тем в большей степени выбранная характеристика (н-р, громкость или частота среза) будет зависеть от этого LFO. + + Plugin Paths + - - Click here for a sine-wave. - Синусоида. + + Wine + Wine - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Сгенерировать треугольный сигнал. + + + Experimental + - - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Сгенерировать зигзагообразный сигнал. + + <b>Main</b> + - - Click here for a square-wave. - Сгенерировать квадрат. + + Paths + Пути - - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Задать свою форму сигнала. Впоследствии, перетащить соответствующий файл с записью в граф LFO. + + Default project folder: + - - Click here for random wave. - Нажмите сюда для случайной волны. + + Interface + Интерфейс - - FREQ x 100 - ЧАСТОТА x 100 + + Interface refresh interval: + Интервал обновления интерфейса: - - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Нажмите, чтобы умножить частоту этого LFO на 100. + + + ms + мс - - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - Умножить частоту LFO на 100 + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - МОДУЛИР ОГИБАЮЩУЮ + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Нажмите сюда, чтобы глубина модуляции огибающей задавалась этим LFO. + + + Theme + Тема - - control envelope-amount by this LFO - Разрешить этому LFO задавать значение огибающей + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + Использовать тему Carla “PRO” (требуется перезагрузка) - - ms/LFO: - мс/LFO: + + Color scheme: + Цветовая схема: - - Hint - Подсказка + + Black + Чёрная - - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Перетащите в это окно какую-нибудь запись. + + System + Системная - - - EqControls - - Input gain - Входная мощность + + Enable experimental features + Включить экспериментальные функции - - Output gain - Выходная мощность + + <b>Canvas</b> + - - Low shelf gain - Низкая ступень усиления + + Bezier Lines + - - Peak 1 gain - Пик 1 усиление + + Theme: + Тема: - - Peak 2 gain - Пик 2 усиление + + Size: + Размер: - - Peak 3 gain - Пик 3 усиление + + 775x600 + 775×600 - - Peak 4 gain - Пик 4 усиление + + 1550x1200 + 1550×1200 - - High Shelf gain - Высокая степень усиления + + 3100x2400 + 3100×2400 - - HP res - ВЧ резон + + 4650x3600 + 4650×3600 - - Low Shelf res - Низкая ступень резон + + 6200x4800 + 6200×4800 - - Peak 1 BW - Пик 1 BW + + Options + Опции - - Peak 2 BW - Пик 2 BW + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - - Peak 3 BW - Пик 3 BW + + Auto-select items on hover + - - Peak 4 BW - Пик 4 BW + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - - High Shelf res - Высокая ступень резон + + Render Hints + - - LP res - НЧ резон + + Anti-Aliasing + Сглаживание - - HP freq - НЧ част + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - - Low Shelf freq - Низкая степень част + + <b>Engine</b> + <b>Движок</b> - - Peak 1 freq - Пик 1 част + + + Core + Ядро - - Peak 2 freq - Пик 2 част + + Single Client + - - Peak 3 freq - Пик 3 част + + Multiple Clients + - - Peak 4 freq - Пик 4 част + + + Continuous Rack + - - High shelf freq - Высокая ступень част + + + Patchbay + - - LP freq - НЧ част + + Audio driver: + Звуковой драйвер: - - HP active - ВЧ активна + + Process mode: + Режим обработки: - - Low shelf active - Низкая ступень активна + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + - - Peak 1 active - Пик 1 активен + + Max Parameters: + - - Peak 2 active - Пик 2 активен + + ... + - - Peak 3 active - Пик 3 активен + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + - - Peak 4 active - Пик 3 активен + + Plugin UIs + - - High shelf active - Высокая степень активна + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + - - LP active - НЧ активна + + UI Bridge Timeout: + - - LP 12 - НЧ 12 + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + - - LP 24 - НЧ 24 + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + - - LP 48 - НЧ 48 + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + - - HP 12 - ВЧ 12 + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + - - HP 24 - ВЧ 24 + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + - - HP 48 - ВЧ 48 + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Перезапустите движок, чтобы загрузить новые настройки - - low pass type - Тип нижних частот + + <b>OSC</b> + - - high pass type - Тип верхних частот + + Enable OSC + - - Analyse IN - Анализировать ВХОД + + Enable TCP port + Включить порт TCP - - Analyse OUT - Анализировать ВЫХОД + + + Use specific port: + Использовать указанный порт: - - - EqControlsDialog - - HP - ВЧ + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + - - Low Shelf - Низкая ступень + + + Use randomly assigned port + - - Peak 1 - Пик 1 + + Enable UDP port + Включить порт UDP - - Peak 2 - Пик 2 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - - Peak 3 - Пик 3 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - - Peak 4 - Пик 3 + + <b>File Paths</b> + - - High Shelf - Высокая ступень + + Audio + Аудио - - LP - НЧ + + MIDI + MIDI - - In Gain - Входная мощность + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - - - - Gain - Мощность + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - - Out Gain - Выходная мощность + + + Add... + Добавить… - - Bandwidth: - Полоса пропускания: + + + Remove + Удалить - - Octave - Октава + + + Change... + Изменить… - - Resonance : - Резонанс: + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + - - Frequency: - Частота: + + LADSPA + LADSPA - - lp grp - нч grp + + DSSI + DSSI - - hp grp - вч grp + + LV2 + LV2 - - - EqHandle - - Reso: - Резон: + + VST2 + VST2 - - BW: - BW + + VST3 + VST3 - - - Freq: - Част: + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - - - ExportProjectDialog - - Export project - Экспорт проекта + + SFZ + SFZ - - Output - Вывод + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + Перезапустите Carla, чтобы найти новые плагины - - File format: - Формат файла: + + <b>Wine</b> + - - Samplerate: - Частота дискретизации: + + Executable + - - 44100 Hz - 44.1 КГц + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - - 48000 Hz - 48 КГц + + Prefix + - - 88200 Hz - 88.2 КГц + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - - 96000 Hz - 96 КГц + + Fallback: + - - 192000 Hz - 192 КГц + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + - - Depth: - Емкость: + + Realtime Priority + - - 16 Bit Integer - 16 Бит целое + + Base priority: + - - 24 Bit Integer - 24 бита целое + + WineServer priority: + - - 32 Bit Float - 32 Бит плавающая + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - - Stereo mode: - Режим стерео: + + <b>Experimental</b> + - - Stereo - Стерео + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - - Joint Stereo - Объединённое стерео + + Enable plugin bridges + - - Mono - Моно + + Enable Wine bridges + - - Bitrate: - Частота бит: + + Enable jack applications + - - 64 KBit/s - 64 КБит/с + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - - 128 KBit/s - 128 КБит/с + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - - 160 KBit/s - 160 КБит/с + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - - 192 KBit/s - 192 КБит/с + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - - 256 KBit/s - 256 КБит/с + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - - 320 KBit/s - 320 КБит/с + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - - Use variable bitrate - Использовать плавающую глубину битности + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - - Quality settings - Настройки качества + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - - Interpolation: - Интерполяция: + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - - Zero Order Hold - Нулевая задержка + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - - Sinc Fastest - Синхр. Быстрая + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Синхр. Средняя (рекомендовано) + + + + + Add Path + Добавить путь + + + CompressorControlDialog - - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Синхр. лучшая (очень медленно!) + + Threshold: + - - Oversampling (use with care!): - Передискретизация (использовать осторожно!): + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - - 1x (None) - 1х (Нет) + + Ratio: + Отношение: - - 2x - + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - - 4x - + + Attack: + Атака: - - 8x - + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Экспортировать как петлю (убрать тишину в конце) + + Release: + Затухание: - - Export between loop markers - Экспорт между метками петли + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - - Start - Начать + + Knee: + - - Cancel - Отменить + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - - Could not open file - Не могу открыть файл + + Range: + - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Невозможно открыть файл %1 для записи. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что у вас есть разрешение на запись в файл и содержащую его директорию, и попробуйте снова. + + Maximum gain reduction + - - Export project to %1 - Экспорт проекта в %1 + + Lookahead Length: + - - Error - Ошибка + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Ошибка при определении кодека файла. Попробуйте выбрать другой формат вывода. + + Hold: + Удержание: - - Rendering: %1% - Обработка: %1% + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Compression level: + + RMS Size: - (fastest) + + Size of the RMS buffer - (default) + + Input Balance: - (smallest) + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side - - - Expressive - Selected graph + + Output Balance: - A1 + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side - A2 + + Stereo Balance: - A3 + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side - W1 smoothing + + Stereo Link Blend: - W2 smoothing + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - W3 smoothing + + Tilt Gain: - PAN1 + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - PAN2 + + Tilt Frequency: - REL TRANS + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - - - Fader - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Введите новое значение от %1 до %2: + + Mix: + - - - FileBrowser - - Browser - Обозреватель файлов + + Balance between wet and dry signals + - Search + + Auto Attack: - Refresh list + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - - Send to active instrument-track - Послать на активную инструментальную-дорожку + + Auto Release: + - - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - Отркрыть в новой инструментальной дорожке/редакторе песни + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + - - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - Открыть в новой инструментальной дорожке/Б+Б редакторе + + Output gain + Выходное усиление - - Loading sample - Загрузка записи + + + Gain + Усиление - - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Пж. ждите, запись загружается для просмотра... + + Output volume + - - Error - Ошибка + + Input gain + Входное усиление - - does not appear to be a valid - Не похоже на правильное + + Input volume + - - file - файл + + Root Mean Square + - - --- Factory files --- - --- Заводские файлы --- + + Use RMS of the input + - - - FlangerControls - - Delay Samples - Задержка сэмплов + + Peak + - - Lfo Frequency - Частота LFO + + Use absolute value of the input + - - Seconds - Секунды + + Left/Right + - - Regen + + Compress left and right audio - - Noise - Шум + + Mid/Side + - - Invert - Инвертировать + + Compress mid and side audio + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - - DELAY - Задержка + + Compressor + - - Delay Time: - Время задержки: + + Compress the audio + - - RATE - ЧАСТ + + Limiter + - - Period: - Период: + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - - AMNT - ГЛУБ + + Unlinked + - - Amount: - Величина: + + Compress each channel separately + - - FDBK + + Maximum - - Feedback Amount: - Объём возврата: + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - - NOISE - Шум + + Average + - - White Noise Amount: - Объём белого шума: + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - - Invert - Инвертировать + + Minimum + - - - FxLine - - Channel send amount - Величина отправки канала + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - Канал эффектов (ЭФ) получает сигнал на вход от одной или нескольких инструментальных дорожек. -В свою очередь его можно подключить к нескольким другим каналам эффектов. ЛММС автоматически предотвращает бесконечные циклы и не позволяет создавать соединения, которые приведут к бесконечному циклу. -Чтобы соединить один канал с другим, выберите канал ЭФфектов и кликните кнопку послать (Send) на канале, куда нужно послать. Регулятор под кнопкой "послать" контролирует уровень сигнала, посылаемого на канал. -Можно убирать и двигать каналы эффектов через контекстное меню, если кликнуть правой кнопкой мыши по каналу эффектов. - + + Blend + - - Move &left - Двигать влево &L + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - - Move &right - Двигать вправо &r + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - Rename &channel - Переименовать канал &c + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - - R&emove channel - Удалить канал &e + + + Soft Clip + - - Remove &unused channels - Удалить неиспользуемые каналы &u + + Play the delta signal + + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + + + + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + - FxMixer + CompressorControls - - Master - Главный + + Threshold + - - - - FX %1 - Эффект %1 + + Ratio + Отношение - - Volume - Громкость + + Attack + Атака - - Mute - Тихо + + Release + Затухание - - Solo - Соло + + Knee + - - - FxMixerView - - FX-Mixer - Микшер Эффектов + + Hold + Удержание - - FX Fader %1 + + Range - - Mute - Тихо + + RMS Size + - - Mute this FX channel - Заглушить этот канал ЭФ + + Mid/Side + - - Solo - Соло + + Peak Mode + - - Solo FX channel - Соло канал ЭФ + + Lookahead Length + - - - FxRoute - - - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Величина отправки с канала %1 на канал %2 + + Input Balance + - - - GigInstrument - - Bank - Банк + + Output Balance + - - Patch - Патч + + Limiter + - - Gain - Мощность + + Output Gain + Выходная мощность - - - GigInstrumentView - - Open other GIG file - Открыть другой GIG файл + + Input Gain + Входная мощность - - Click here to open another GIG file - Кликните сюда, чтобы открыть другой GIG файл + + Blend + - - Choose the patch - Выбрать патч + + Stereo Balance + + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - Нажмите здесь для смены используемого патча GIG файла + + Audition + - - - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - Изменить инструмент, который воспроизводит GIG файл + + Feedback + Возврат - - Which GIG file is currently being used - Какой GIG файл сейчас используется + + Auto Attack + - - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - Какой патч GIG файла сейчас используется + + Auto Release + - - Gain - УСИЛ + + Lookahead + - - Factor to multiply samples by - Фактор умножения сэмплов + + Tilt + - - Open GIG file - Открыть GIG файл + + Tilt Frequency + - - GIG Files (*.gig) - GIG Файлы (*.gig) + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + Микс - GuiApplication + Controller - - Working directory - Рабочий каталог + + Controller %1 + Контроллер %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - Рабочий каталог LMMS (%1) не существует. Создать его? Позже вы сможете сменить его через Правка -> Параметры. + + Connection Settings + Параметры соединения - - Preparing UI - Подготовка UI + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI-КОНТРОЛЛЕР - - Preparing song editor - Подготовка редактора песни + + Input channel + Канал ввода - - Preparing mixer - Подготовка микшера + + CHANNEL + КАНАЛ - - Preparing controller rack - Подготовка стойки управления + + Input controller + Контроллер ввода - - Preparing project notes - Подготовка заметок проекта + + CONTROLLER + КОНТРОЛЛЕР - - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Подготовка Ритм+Бас редактора + + + Auto Detect + Автоопределение - - Preparing piano roll - Подготовка редактора нот + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + Устройства MIDI для приёма событий - - Preparing automation editor - Подготовка редактора автоматизации + + USER CONTROLLER + ПОЛЬЗ. КОНТРОЛЛЕР - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - - Arpeggio - Арпеджио + + MAPPING FUNCTION + ЗАДАТЬ ФУНКЦИЮ - - Arpeggio type - Тип арпеджио + + OK + ОК - - Arpeggio range - Диапазон арпеджио + + Cancel + Отмена - - Cycle steps - + + LMMS + LMMS - - Skip rate - Частота пропуска + + Cycle Detected. + Обнаружен цикл. + + + ControllerRackView - - Miss rate - + + Controller Rack + Стойка контроллеров - - Arpeggio time - Период арпеджио + + Add + Добавить - - Arpeggio gate - Шлюз арпеджио + + Confirm Delete + Подтвердить удаление - - Arpeggio direction - Направление арпеджио + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Подтверждаете удаление? Есть возможные соединения с этим контроллером, возврата не будет. + + + ControllerView - - Arpeggio mode - Режим арпеджио + + Controls + Контроль - - Up - Вверх + + Rename controller + Переименовать контроллер - - Down - Вниз + + Enter the new name for this controller + Введите новое название для контроллера - - Up and down - Вверх и вниз + + LFO + LFO - - Down and up - Вниз и вверх + + &Remove this controller + &Убрать этот контроллер - - Random - Случайно + + Re&name this controller + Пере&именовать этот контроллер + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - - Free - Свободно + + Band 1/2 crossover: + Пересечение 1/2 Полосы: - - Sort - Упорядочить + + Band 2/3 crossover: + Пересечение 2/3 Полосы: - - Sync - Синхронизировать + + Band 3/4 crossover: + Пересечение 3/4 Полосы: - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGGIO + + Band 1 gain + Полоса 1 усиление - - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - Арпеджио — разновидность исполнения аккордов на фортепиано и струнных инструментах, которая оживляет звучание. Струнф таких инструментов играются перебором по аккордам, как на арфе, когда звуки аккорда следуют один за другим. Типичные арпеджио - мажорные и минорные триады, среди которых можно выбрать и другие. + + Band 1 gain: + Полоса 1 усиление: - - RANGE - RANGE + + Band 2 gain + Полоса 2 усиление - - Arpeggio range: - Диапазон арпеджио: + + Band 2 gain: + Полоса 2 усиление: - - octave(s) - Октав[а/ы] + + Band 3 gain + Полоса 3 усиление - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - Используйте эту ручку, чтобы установить диапазон арпеджио (в октавах). Выбранный тип арпеджио будет охватывать указанное количество октав. + + Band 3 gain: + Полоса 3 усиление: - - CYCLE - ЦИКЛ + + Band 4 gain + Полоса 4 усиление - - Cycle notes: - + + Band 4 gain: + Полоса 4 усиление: - - note(s) - нота(ы) + + Band 1 mute + Полоса 1 заглушена - - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. - + + Mute band 1 + Заглушить полосу 1 - - SKIP - ПРОПУСК + + Band 2 mute + Полоса 2 заглушена - - Skip rate: - Частота пропуска: + + Mute band 2 + Заглушить полосу 2 - - - - % - % + + Band 3 mute + Полоса 3 заглушена - - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - + + Mute band 3 + Заглушить полосу 3 - - MISS - ПРОПУСК + + Band 4 mute + Полоса 4 заглушена - - Miss rate: - + + Mute band 4 + Заглушить полосу 4 + + + DelayControls - - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - + + Delay samples + Задержка сэмплов - - TIME - TIME + + Feedback + Возврат - - Arpeggio time: - Период арпеджио: + + LFO frequency + Частота LFO - - ms - мс + + LFO amount + Объём LFO - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Регулировка периода арпеджио - время (в миллисекундах), которое должен звучать каждый тон арпеджио. + + Output gain + Выходная мощность + + + DelayControlsDialog - - GATE - GATE + + DELAY + ЗАДЕРЖ - - Arpeggio gate: - Шлюз арпеджио: + + Delay time + Время задержки - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - Регулировка шлюза арпеджио, показывает процентную долю каждого тона арпеджио, которая будет воспроизведена. Простой способ создавать стаккато-арпеджио. + + FDBK + ВОЗВ - - Chord: - Аккорд: + + Feedback amount + Уровень возврата - - Direction: - Направление: + + RATE + ЧАСТ - - Mode: - Режим: + + LFO frequency + Частота LFO - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - - octave - Октава + + AMNT + ГЛУБ - - - Major - Мажорный + + LFO amount + Объём LFO - - Majb5 - Majb5 + + Out gain + Усиление на выходе - - minor - минорный + + Gain + Усиление + + + Dialog - - minb5 - minb5 + + Add JACK Application + - - sus2 - sus2 + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + Не реализованные функции отмечены серым цветом - - sus4 - sus4 + + Application + Приложение - - aug - aug + + Name: + Название: - - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Application: + Приложение: - - tri - tri + + From template + Из шаблона - - 6 - 6 + + Custom + Настраиваемый - - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + Template: + Шаблон: - - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Command: + Команда: - - m6 - m6 + + Setup + Настройка - - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Session Manager: + - - 7 - 7 + + None + Нет - - 7sus4 + + Audio inputs: + Звуковые входы: + + + + MIDI inputs: + Входы MIDI: + + + + Audio outputs: + Звуковые выходы: + + + + MIDI outputs: + Выходы MIDI: + + + + Take control of main application window + + + + + Workarounds + + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + + + + + Error here + + + + + Carla Control - Connect + + + + + Remote setup + + + + + UDP Port: + Порт UDP: + + + + Remote host: + Удалённый хост: + + + + TCP Port: + Порт TCP: + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + Автоматически + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + В некоторых сетях (например, USB-соединения) удалённая система не может связаться с локальной сетью. Здесь можно указать, к какому хосту или IP подключать удалённую Carla. +Если не уверены, оставьте «Автоматически». + + + + Set value + Установить значение + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + Параметры драйвера + + + + Device: + Устройство: + + + + Buffer size: + Размер буфера: + + + + Sample rate: + Частота сэмплирования: + + + + Triple buffer + Тройной буфер + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Перезапустите движок, чтобы загрузить новые настройки + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + ЧАСТ + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Частота среза + + + + + RESO + RESO + + + + + Resonance + Резонанс + + + + + GAIN + УСИЛ + + + + + Gain + Усиление + + + + MIX + МИКС + + + + Mix + Микс + + + + Filter 1 enabled + Фильтр 1 включен + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Фильтр 2 включен + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + Вкл/Выкл фильтр 1 + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + Вкл/Выкл фильтр 2 + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + Фильтр 1 включен + + + + Filter 1 type + Фильтр 1 тип + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + Частота среза 1 + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Резонанс 1 + + + + Gain 1 + Усиление 1 + + + + Mix + Микс + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Фильтр 2 включен + + + + Filter 2 type + Фильтр 2 тип + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + Частота среза 2 + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Резонанс 2 + + + + Gain 2 + Усиление 2 + + + + + Low-pass + Пропуск низких + + + + + Hi-pass + Пропуск высоких + + + + + Band-pass csg + Полосовой csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + Полосовой czpg + + + + + Notch + Полосно-заграждающий + + + + + All-pass + Фазовый + + + + + Moog + Муг + + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x ФНЧ + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC ФНЧ 12дБ/окт + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC полосовой 12 дБ/окт + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC ФВЧ 12 дБ/окт + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC ФНЧ 24 дБ/окт + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC полосовой 24 дБ/окт + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC ФВЧ 24 дБ/окт + + + + + Vocal Formant + Формантный + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Муг + + + + + SV Low-pass + SV нижних частот + + + + + SV Band-pass + SV полосовой + + + + + SV High-pass + SV верхних частот + + + + + SV Notch + SV режекторный (полосно-заграждающий) + + + + + Fast Formant + Быстрый формантный + + + + + Tripole + Трёхполюсный + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + Управление транспортом + + + + Play (Space) + Игра (Пробел) + + + + Stop (Space) + Стоп (Пробел) + + + + Record + Запись + + + + Record while playing + Запись при игре + + + + Toggle Step Recording + Вкл пошаговую запись + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + Эффект включён + + + + Wet/Dry mix + Микс чистый/обраб звук + + + + Gate + Порог + + + + Decay + Спад + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + Эффекты включены + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + ЦЕПЬ ЭФФЕКТОВ + + + + Add effect + Добавить эффект + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + Добавить эффект + + + + + Name + Имя + + + + Type + Тип + + + + Description + Описание + + + + Author + Автор + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + Вкл/Выкл + + + + W/D + МИКС + + + + Wet Level: + Уровень обработанного звука: + + + + DECAY + СПАД + + + + Time: + Время: + + + + GATE + ПОРОГ + + + + Gate: + Порог: + + + + Controls + Контроль + + + + Move &up + Переместить &выше + + + + Move &down + Переместить &ниже + + + + &Remove this plugin + &Убрать фильтр + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + Огиб предзадержка + + + + Env attack + Атака огиб. + + + + Env hold + Удержание огиб. + + + + Env decay + Спад огиб. + + + + Env sustain + Выдержка огиб. + + + + Env release + Затухание огиб. + + + + Env mod amount + Объём мод огиба + + + + LFO pre-delay + LFO предзадержка + + + + LFO attack + Атака LFO + + + + LFO frequency + Частота LFO + + + + LFO mod amount + Глубина мод LFO + + + + LFO wave shape + Форма LFO волны + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + Частота x 100 LFO + + + + Modulate env amount + Модулировать уровень огибающей + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + DEL + + + + + Pre-delay: + Предзадержка: + + + + + ATT + ATT + + + + + Attack: + Атака: + + + + HOLD + УДЕРЖ + + + + Hold: + Удержание: + + + + DEC + DEC + + + + Decay: + Спад: + + + + SUST + SUST + + + + Sustain: + Выдержка: + + + + REL + REL + + + + Release: + Затухание: + + + + + AMT + AMT + + + + + Modulation amount: + Глубина модуляции: + + + + SPD + СКРСТ + + + + Frequency: + Частота: + + + + FREQ x 100 + ЧАСТ x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + Умножить частоту LFO на 100 + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + МОДУЛИР УР ОГИБАЮЩ + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + Управлять объёмом огибающей через этот LFO + + + + ms/LFO: + мс/LFO: + + + + Hint + Подсказка + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + Перетащить сэмпл в это окно. + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + Входная мощность + + + + Output gain + Выходная мощность + + + + Low-shelf gain + Усиление уровня низких + + + + Peak 1 gain + Пик 1 усиление + + + + Peak 2 gain + Пик 2 усиление + + + + Peak 3 gain + Пик 3 усиление + + + + Peak 4 gain + Пик 4 усиление + + + + High-shelf gain + Усиление уровня высоких + + + + HP res + ВЧ резон + + + + Low-shelf res + Резо уровня низких + + + + Peak 1 BW + Пик 1 ДИАП + + + + Peak 2 BW + Пик 2 ДИАП + + + + Peak 3 BW + Пик 3 ДИАП + + + + Peak 4 BW + Пик 4 ДИАП + + + + High-shelf res + Резо уровня высоких + + + + LP res + НЧ резо + + + + HP freq + ВЧ част + + + + Low-shelf freq + Уровень низких част + + + + Peak 1 freq + Пик 1 част + + + + Peak 2 freq + Пик 2 част + + + + Peak 3 freq + Пик 3 част + + + + Peak 4 freq + Пик 4 част + + + + High-shelf freq + Уровень высоких част + + + + LP freq + НЧ част + + + + HP active + ВЧ активна + + + + Low-shelf active + Уровень низких активен + + + + Peak 1 active + Пик 1 активен + + + + Peak 2 active + Пик 2 активен + + + + Peak 3 active + Пик 3 активен + + + + Peak 4 active + Пик 4 активен + + + + High-shelf active + Уровень высоких активен + + + + LP active + НЧ активна + + + + LP 12 + НЧ 12 + + + + LP 24 + НЧ 24 + + + + LP 48 + НЧ 48 + + + + HP 12 + ВЧ 12 + + + + HP 24 + ВЧ 24 + + + + HP 48 + ВЧ 48 + + + + Low-pass type + Тип прохождения низких (LP) + + + + High-pass type + Тип прохождения высоких (HP) + + + + Analyse IN + Анализировать ВХОД + + + + Analyse OUT + Анализировать ВЫХОД + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + ВЧ + + + + Low-shelf + Уровень низких + + + + Peak 1 + Пик 1 + + + + Peak 2 + Пик 2 + + + + Peak 3 + Пик 3 + + + + Peak 4 + Пик 4 + + + + High-shelf + Уровень высоких + + + + LP + НЧ + + + + Input gain + Входная мощность + + + + + + Gain + Усиление + + + + Output gain + Выходная мощность + + + + Bandwidth: + Полоса пропускания: + + + + Octave + Октава + + + + Resonance : + Резонанс: + + + + Frequency: + Частота: + + + + LP group + Группа НЧ (LoPass) + + + + HP group + Группа ВЧ (HiPass) + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + Резон: + + + + BW: + ДИАП: + + + + + Freq: + Част: + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + Экспорт проекта + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + Экспортировать как петлю (убрать лишний такт) + + + + Export between loop markers + Экспорт между метками петли + + + + Render Looped Section: + Рендерить закольцованную секцию + + + + time(s) + время(с) + + + + File format settings + Настройки формата файла + + + + File format: + Формат файла: + + + + Sampling rate: + Частота сэмплирования: + + + + 44100 Hz + 44,1 кГц + + + + 48000 Hz + 48 кГц + + + + 88200 Hz + 88,2 кГц + + + + 96000 Hz + 96 кГц + + + + 192000 Hz + 192 кГц + + + + Bit depth: + Глубина бита: + + + + 16 Bit integer + 16-битное целое число + + + + 24 Bit integer + 24-битное целое число + + + + 32 Bit float + 32 Bit с запятой + + + + Stereo mode: + Режим стерео: + + + + Mono + Моно + + + + Stereo + Стерео + + + + Joint stereo + Объединённое стерео + + + + Compression level: + Уровень компрессии: + + + + Bitrate: + Битрейт: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 кбит/с + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 кбит/с + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 кбит/с + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 кбит/с + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 кбит/с + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 кбит/с + + + + Use variable bitrate + Переменный битрейт + + + + Quality settings + Настройки качества + + + + Interpolation: + Интерполяция: + + + + Zero order hold + Удержание нулевого порядка + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + Sinc худший (быстрее) + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + Sinc средний (рекомендовано) + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + Sinc лучший (медленно) + + + + Oversampling: + Сверхсэмплирование: + + + + 1x (None) + 1х (Нет) + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + + + + + Start + Начать + + + + Cancel + Отмена + + + + Could not open file + Не могу открыть файл + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Невозможно открыть файл %1 для записи. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что у вас есть разрешение на запись в файл и содержащую его директорию, и попробуйте снова. + + + + Export project to %1 + Экспорт проекта в %1 + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + (Быстрее - больше) + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + (Медленнее - меньше) + + + + Error + Ошибка + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Ошибка при определении кодека файла. Попробуйте выбрать другой формат вывода. + + + + Rendering: %1% + Обработка: %1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + Установить значение + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Введите новое значение от %1 до %2: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + Обозреватель файлов + + + + Search + Поиск + + + + Refresh list + Обновить список + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + Отправить на активную инструментальную-дорожку + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + Композитор + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + Загрузка сэмпла + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Ждите, сэмпл загружается для просмотра... + + + + Error + Ошибка + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + %1 не похож на правильный %2 файл + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- Заводские файлы --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + Задержка сэмплов + + + + LFO frequency + Частота LFO + + + + Seconds + Секунды + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + Восстан + + + + Noise + Шум + + + + Invert + Инвертировать + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + Задержка + + + + Delay time: + Время дилэя: + + + + RATE + ЧАСТ + + + + Period: + Период: + + + + AMNT + ГЛУБ + + + + Amount: + Величина: + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + ВОЗВ + + + + Feedback amount: + Уровень возврата: + + + + NOISE + ШУМ + + + + White noise amount: + Уровень белого шума: + + + + Invert + Инвертировать + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + Время колебаний + + + + Sweep direction + Направление колебаний + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + Величина сдвига частоты колебаний + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Рабочий цикл волны + + + + Channel 1 volume + Громкость 1 канала + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Объём направления колебаний + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Длина каждого такта колебаний + + + + Channel 2 volume + Громкость 2 канала + + + + Channel 3 volume + Громкость 3 канала + + + + Channel 4 volume + Громкость 4 канала + + + + Shift Register width + Сдвиг ширины регистра + + + + Right output level + Правый выходной уровень + + + + Left output level + Левый уровень выхода + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Канал 1 к SO2 (Слева) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Канал 2 к SO2 (Слева) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Канал 3 к SO2 (Слева) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Канал 4 к SO2 (Слева) + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Канал 1 к SO1 (Справа) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Канал 2 к SO1 (Справа) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Канал 3 к SO1 (Справа) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Канал 4 к SO1 (Справа) + + + + Treble + Верхние + + + + Bass + Нижние + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + Время колебаний: + + + + Sweep time + Время колебаний + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + Величина сдвига частоты колебаний: + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + Величина сдвига частоты колебаний + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + Рабочий цикл волны: + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Рабочий цикл волны + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + Квадрат канал 1 громкость: + + + + Square channel 1 volume + Квадрат канал 1 громкость + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Длина каждого такта колебаний: + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Длина каждого такта колебаний + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + Квадрат канал 2 громкость: + + + + Square channel 2 volume + Квадрат канал 2 громкость + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + Громкость канала шаблонной волны: + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + Громкость канала шаблонной волны + + + + Noise channel volume: + Громкость канала помех: + + + + Noise channel volume + Громкость канала помех + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + Громкость SO1 (Справа): + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + Громкость SO1 (Справа) + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + Громкость SO2 (Слева): + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + Громкость SO2 (Слева): + + + + Treble: + Верхние: + + + + Treble + Верхние + + + + Bass: + Нижние: + + + + Bass + Нижние + + + + Sweep direction + Направление колебаний + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Объём направления колебаний + + + + Shift register width + Сместить ширину регистра + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Канал 1 к SO1 (Справа) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Канал 2 к SO1 (Справа) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Канал 3 к SO1 (Справа) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Канал 4 к SO1 (Справа) + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Канал 1 к SO2 (Слева) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Канал 2 к SO2 (Слева) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Канал 3 к SO2 (Слева) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Канал 4 к SO2 (Слева) + + + + Wave pattern graph + Рисунок волны + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + Величина отправки канала + + + + Move &left + Подвинуть в&лево + + + + Move &right + Подвинуть в&право + + + + Rename &channel + Пере&именовать канал + + + + R&emove channel + &Удалить канал + + + + Remove &unused channels + Удалить &неиспользуемые каналы + + + + Set channel color + Установить цвет канала + + + + Remove channel color + Удалить цвет канала + + + + Pick random channel color + Выбрать случайный цвет канала + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + Назначить на: + + + + New mixer Channel + Новый канал ЭФ + + + + Mixer + + + Master + Главный + + + + + + Channel %1 + ЭФ %1 + + + + Volume + Громкость + + + + Mute + Тихо + + + + Solo + Соло + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + Микшер Эффектов + + + + Fader %1 + Регулятор ЭФ %1 + + + + Mute + Заглушить + + + + Mute this mixer channel + Заглушить этот канал ЭФ + + + + Solo + Соло + + + + Solo mixer channel + Соло канал ЭФ + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Величина отправки с канала %1 на канал %2 + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + Банк + + + + Patch + Патч + + + + Gain + Усиление + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + Открыть GIG файл + + + + Choose patch + Выбрать патч + + + + Gain: + Усиление: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG Файлы (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + Рабочий каталог + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + Рабочий каталог LMMS (%1) не существует. Создать его? Позже вы сможете сменить его через Правка -> Параметры. + + + + Preparing UI + Подготовка UI + + + + Preparing song editor + Подготовка композитора + + + + Preparing mixer + Подготовка микшера + + + + Preparing controller rack + Подготовка стойки управления + + + + Preparing project notes + Подготовка заметок проекта + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Подготовка Ритм+Бас композитора + + + + Preparing piano roll + Подготовка редактора нот + + + + Preparing automation editor + Подготовка редактора автоматизации + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + Арпеджио + + + + Arpeggio type + Тип арпеджио + + + + Arpeggio range + Диапазон арпеджио + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + Шагов в цикле + + + + Skip rate + Частота пропуска + + + + Miss rate + Частость обхода + + + + Arpeggio time + Период арпеджио + + + + Arpeggio gate + Шлюз арпеджио + + + + Arpeggio direction + Направление арпеджио + + + + Arpeggio mode + Режим арпеджио + + + + Up + Вверх + + + + Down + Вниз + + + + Up and down + Вверх и вниз + + + + Down and up + Вниз и вверх + + + + Random + Случайно + + + + Free + Свободно + + + + Sort + Упорядочить + + + + Sync + Синхронизировать + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGGIO + + + + RANGE + RANGE + + + + Arpeggio range: + Диапазон арпеджио: + + + + octave(s) + Октав[а/ы] + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + ЦИКЛ + + + + Cycle notes: + Нот в цикле: + + + + note(s) + нота(ы) + + + + SKIP + ПРОПУСК + + + + Skip rate: + Частота пропуска: + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + MISS + + + + Miss rate: + Частость обхода: + + + + TIME + ВРЕМЯ + + + + Arpeggio time: + Период арпеджио: + + + + ms + мс + + + + GATE + GATE + + + + Arpeggio gate: + Шлюз арпеджио: + + + + Chord: + Аккорд: + + + + Direction: + Направление: + + + + Mode: + Режим: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + Октава + + + + + Major + Мажорный + + + + Majb5 + Majb5 + + + + minor + минорный + + + + minb5 + minb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + augsus4 + + + + tri + tri + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 7sus4 - - 7#5 - 7#5 + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + Гармонический минор + + + + Melodic minor + Мелодический минор + + + + Whole tone + Целый тон + + + + Diminished + Пониженный + + + + Major pentatonic + Мажорная пентатоника + + + + Minor pentatonic + Минорная пентатоника + + + + Jap in sen + Японский лад Ин Сен + + + + Major bebop + Мажор бибоп + + + + Dominant bebop + Бибоп доминанта + + + + Blues + Блюз + + + + Arabic + Арабский + + + + Enigmatic + Загадочный + + + + Neopolitan + Неополитанский + + + + Neopolitan minor + Неополитанский минор + + + + Hungarian minor + Венгерский минор + + + + Dorian + Дорийский лад + + + + Phrygian + Фригийский лад + + + + Lydian + Лидийский лад + + + + Mixolydian + Миксолидийский лад + + + + Aeolian + Эолийский лад + + + + Locrian + Локрийский лад + + + + Minor + Минор + + + + Chromatic + Хроматический + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + Вполовину уменьшенный + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + Фригийская доминанта + + + + Persian + Персидский + + + + Chords + Аккорды + + + + Chord type + Тип аккорда + + + + Chord range + Диапазон аккорда + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + СКЛАДЫВ. + + + + Chord: + Аккорд: + + + + RANGE + ДИАП + + + + Chord range: + Диапазон аккорда: + + + + octave(s) + Октав[а/ы] + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + ВКЛ MIDI ВВОД + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + ВКЛ MIDI ВЫВОД + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + НОТА + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + MIDI-устройства — источники событий + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + MIDI-устройства для отправки событий на них + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + ПРОИЗВОЛЬНАЯ БАЗОВАЯ СКОРОСТЬ + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + Указать нормализацию базовой силы нажатия MIDI-инструментов на 100% силы нажатия. + + + + BASE VELOCITY + БАЗОВ. СКОРОСТЬ + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + ОСНОВНОЙ ТОН + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + Использовать основной тон + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + ГРОМКОСТЬ + + + + Volume + Громкость + + + + CUTOFF + CUTOFF + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Срез частоты + + + + RESO + РЕЗО + + + + Resonance + Резонанс + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + Огибание/LFO + + + + Filter type + Тип фильтра + + + + Q/Resonance + Ур/Резонанса + + + + Low-pass + Уровень низких + + + + Hi-pass + Уровень высоких + + + + Band-pass csg + Полосовой csg + + + + Band-pass czpg + Полосовой czpg + + + + Notch + Notch (вырез) + + + + All-pass + Пропускать все + + + + Moog + Муг + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x ФНЧ + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC ФНЧ 12дБ/окт + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC полосовой 12 дБ/окт + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC ФВЧ 12 дБ/окт + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC ФНЧ 24 дБ/окт + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC полосовой 24 дБ/окт + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC ФВЧ 24 дБ/окт + + + + Vocal Formant + Формантный + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Муг + + + + SV Low-pass + SV нижних частот + + + + SV Band-pass + SV полосовой + + + + SV High-pass + SV верхних частот + + + + SV Notch + SV Notch (вырез) + + + + Fast Formant + Быстрый формантный + + + + Tripole + Трёхполюсный + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + РАЗМЕТКА + + + + FILTER + ФИЛЬТР + + + + FREQ + ЧАСТ + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Частота среза: + + + + Hz + Гц + + + + Q/RESO + УР/РЕЗО + + + + Q/Resonance: + УР/Резонанса: + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Огибающие, LFO и фильтры не поддерживаются этим инструментом. + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + дорожка без имени + + + + Base note + Опорная нота + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + По посл. ноте + + + + Volume + Громкость + + + + Panning + Стерео + + + + Pitch + Тональность + + + + Pitch range + Диапазон тональности + + + + Mixer channel + Канал ЭФ + + + + Master pitch + Основной тон + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + Основная предустановка + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Громкость + + + + Volume: + Уровень громкости: + + + + VOL + УР + + + + Panning + Баланс + + + + Panning: + Баланс: + + + + PAN + БАЛ + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + Вход + + + + Output + Выход + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + ЭФ %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + ОСНОВНЫЕ НАСТРОЙКИ + + + + Volume + Громкость + + + + Volume: + Громкость: + + + + VOL + ГРОМ + + + + Panning + Баланс + + + + Panning: + Баланс: + + + + PAN + БАЛ - - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Pitch + Тональность - - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Pitch: + Тональность: - - 7b9 - 7b9 + + cents + сотые - - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + PITCH + ТОН - - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Pitch range (semitones) + Диапазон тональности (полутона) - - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + RANGE + ДИАП - - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Mixer channel + Канал ЭФ - - 7add13 - 7add13 + + CHANNEL + ЭФ - - 7#11 - 7#11 + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Сохранить текущую инструментаьную дорожку в файл предустановок - - Maj7 - Maj7 + + SAVE + Сохранить - - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + Envelope, filter & LFO + Огибающ., фильтр и LFO - - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + Аккорды и арпеджио - - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + Effects + Эффекты - - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + MIDI + MIDI - - m7 - m7 + + Miscellaneous + Разное - - m7b5 - m7b5 + + Save preset + Сохранить предустановку - - m7b9 - m7b9 + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML файл настроек (*.xpf) - - m7add11 - m7add11 + + Plugin + Модуль + + + JackApplicationW - - m7add13 - m7add13 + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + - - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + - - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + JuceAboutW - - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + About JUCE + О JUCE - - 9 - 9 + + <b>About JUCE</b> + <b>О JUCE</b> - - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + Эта программа использует JUCE версии 3.*.*. - - add9 - add9 + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) — это всеобъемлющая библиотека классов C++ для разработки кроссплатформенного ПО. + +Она содержит практически всё, что может понадобиться для создания большинства приложений, и особенно хорошо подходит для настраиваемых графических интерфейсов, обработки графики и звука. + +JUCE лицензируется в соответствии с GNU Public License версии 2.0. +Один модуль (juce_core) лицензирован в соответствии с ISC. + +Copyright © 2017 ROLI Ltd. - - 9#5 - 9#5 + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + Эта программа использует JUCE версии %1. + + + Knob - - 9b5 - 9b5 + + Set linear + Установить линейно - - 9#11 - 9#11 + + Set logarithmic + Установить логарифмически - - 9b13 - 9b13 + + + Set value + Установить величину - - Maj9 - Maj9 + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Введите новое значение от –96,0 дБВ до 6,0 дБВ: - - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Введите новое значение от %1 до %2: + + + LadspaControl - - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + Link channels + Связать каналы + + + LadspaControlDialog - - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + Link Channels + Связать каналы - - m9 - m9 + + Channel + Канал + + + LadspaControlView - - madd9 - madd9 + + Link channels + Связать каналы - - m9b5 - m9b5 + + Value: + Значение: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Запрошен неизвестный модуль LADSPA «%1». + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + Set value + Установить значение - - 11 - 11 + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Новое значение от %1 до %2: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + Установить величину - - 11b9 - 11b9 + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Введите новое значение от %1 до %2: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + Предыдущий + + + + + + Next + Следующий + + + + Previous (%1) + Предыдущий (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Следующий (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + Контроллер LFO + + + + Base value + Основное значение - - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Oscillator speed + Скорость волны - - m11 - m11 + + Oscillator amount + Размер волны - - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + Oscillator phase + Фаза волны - - 13 - 13 + + Oscillator waveform + Форма волны - - 13#9 - 13#9 + + Frequency Multiplier + Множитель частоты + + + LfoControllerDialog - - 13b9 - 13b9 + + LFO + LFO - - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + BASE + BASE - - Maj13 - Maj13 + + Base: + Основа: - - m13 - m13 + + FREQ + FREQ - - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + LFO frequency: + Частота LFO: - - Harmonic minor - Гармонический минор + + AMNT + ГЛУБ - - Melodic minor - Мелодический минор + + Modulation amount: + Глубина модуляции: - - Whole tone - Целый тон + + PHS + ФАЗА - - Diminished - Пониженный + + Phase offset: + Сдвиг фазы: - - Major pentatonic - Мажорная пентатоника + + degrees + градусы - - Minor pentatonic - Минорная пентатоника + + Sine wave + Синусоида - - Jap in sen - + + Triangle wave + Треугольная волна - - Major bebop - + + Saw wave + Пило-волна - - Dominant bebop - + + Square wave + Квадрат - - Blues - Blues + + Moog saw wave + Муг пило-волна - - Arabic - Арабский + + Exponential wave + Экспоненциальная волна - - Enigmatic - + + White noise + Белый шум - - Neopolitan - Неополитанский + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + Пользовательская форма. +Выбрать файл двойным кликом. - - Neopolitan minor - Неополитанский минор + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + Умножить частоту модуляции на 1 - - Hungarian minor - + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + Умножить частоту модуляции на 100 - - Dorian - Дорийский + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + Разделить частоту модуляции на 100 + + + Engine - - Phrygian - Фригийский + + Generating wavetables + Генерация волновых таблиц - - Lydian - Лидийский + + Initializing data structures + Инициализация структуры данных - - Mixolydian - Миксолидийский + + Opening audio and midi devices + Открываем аудио и MIDI-устройства - - Aeolian - Эолийский + + Launching mixer threads + Запускаем потоки микшера + + + MainWindow - - Locrian - + + Configuration file + Файл настроек - - Minor - + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Ошибка во время обработки файла настроек в строке %1:%2: %3 - - Chromatic - Хроматический + + Could not open file + Не могу открыть файл - - Half-Whole Diminished - + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Невозможно открыть файл %1 для записи. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что у вас есть разрешение на запись в файл и содержащую его директорию, и попробуйте снова. - - 5 - 5 + + Project recovery + Восстановление проекта - - Phrygian dominant - + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Остался файл для восстановления. Похоже последняя сессия не была нормально завершена или запущен ещё один процесс LMMS. +Хотите восстановить проект из этой сессии? - - Persian - + + + Recover + Восстановить - - Chords - Аккорды + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Восстановить файл. Пожалуйства, не запускайте несколько процессов ЛММС во время этого. - - Chord type - Тип аккорда + + + Discard + Отклонить - - Chord range - Диапазон аккорда + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Запустить обычную сессию и удалить восстановленные файлы. Это безвозвратно. - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - - STACKING - СТЫКОВКА + + Version %1 + Версия %1 - - Chord: - Аккорд: + + Preparing plugin browser + Подготовка обзора плагинов - - RANGE - ДИАП + + Preparing file browsers + Подготовка обзора файлов - - Chord range: - Диапазон аккорда: + + My Projects + Мои проекты - - octave(s) - Октав[а/ы] + + My Samples + Мои сэмплы - - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Эта ручка изменяет диапазон аккорда, который будет содержать указанное число октав. + + My Presets + Мои предустановки - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - ВКЛ MIDI ВВОД + + My Home + Моя домашняя папка - - - CHANNEL - CHANNEL + + Root directory + Корневая директория - - - VELOCITY - VELOCITY + + Volumes + Громкости - - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - ВКЛ MIDI ВЫВОД + + My Computer + Мой компьютер - - PROGRAM - PROGRAM + + &File + &Файл - - NOTE - NOTE + + &New + &Создать - - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - MiDi устройства-источники событий + + &Open... + &Открыть... - - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - MiDi устройства для отправки событий на них + + Loading background picture + Загружается фоновая картинка - - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - ПРОИЗВОЛЬНАЯ БАЗОВАЯ СКОРОСТЬ + + &Save + Со&хранить - - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - Определяет базовую скорость нормализации для MiDi инструментов при громкости ноты 100% + + Save &As... + Сохранить &как... - - BASE VELOCITY - БАЗОВАЯ СКОРОСТЬ + + Save as New &Version + Сохранить как новую &версию - - - InstrumentMiscView - - MASTER PITCH - Мастер-высота + + Save as default template + Сохранить как начальный шаблон + + + + Import... + Импорт... - - Enables the use of Master Pitch - Включает использование основной тональности + + E&xport... + &Экспорт... - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - - VOLUME - VOLUME + + E&xport Tracks... + Экспорт &дорожек... - - Volume - Громкость + + Export &MIDI... + Экс&порт MIDI... - - CUTOFF - CUTOFF + + &Quit + В&ыход - - - Cutoff frequency - Срез частоты + + &Edit + &Правка - - RESO - RESO + + Undo + Отменить действие - - Resonance - Резонанс + + Redo + Вернуть действие - - Envelopes/LFOs - Огибание/LFO + + Settings + Параметры - - Filter type - Тип фильтра + + &View + &Вид - - Q/Resonance - + + &Tools + С&ервис - - LowPass - Низ.ЧФ + + &Help + &Справка - - HiPass - Выс.ЧФ + + Online Help + Помощь онлайн - - BandPass csg - Сред.ЧФ csg + + Help + Справка - - BandPass czpg - Сред.ЧФ czpg + + About + О программе - - Notch - Полосно-заграждающий + + Create new project + Создать новый проект - - Allpass - Все проходят + + Create new project from template + Создать новый проект по шаблону - - Moog - Муг + + Open existing project + Открыть существующий проект - - 2x LowPass - 2х Низ.ЧФ + + Recently opened projects + Недавние проекты - - RC LowPass 12dB - RC Низ.ЧФ 12дБ + + Save current project + Сохранить текущий проект - - RC BandPass 12dB - RC Сред.ЧФ 12 дБ + + Export current project + Экспорт проекта - - RC HighPass 12dB - RC Выс.ЧФ 12дБ + + Metronome + Метроном - - RC LowPass 24dB - RC Низ.ЧФ 24дБ + + + Song Editor + Композитор - - RC BandPass 24dB - RC Сред.ЧФ 24дБ + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Ритм+Бас Композитор - - RC HighPass 24dB - RC Выс.ЧФ 24дБ + + + Piano Roll + Редактор нот - - Vocal Formant Filter - Фильтр Вокальной форманты + + + Automation Editor + Редактор автоматизации - - 2x Moog - 2x Муг + + + Mixer + Микшер Эффектов - - SV LowPass - SV Низ.ЧФ + + Show/hide controller rack + Показать/скрыть стойку контроллеров - - SV BandPass - SV Сред.ЧФ + + Show/hide project notes + Показать/скрыть Заметки к проекту - - SV HighPass - SV Выс.ЧФ + + Untitled + Без названия - - SV Notch - + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Восстановление сессии. Пожалуйста, сохраните свою работу! - - Fast Formant - + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 - - Tripole - Триполи + + Recovered project not saved + Восстановленный проект не сохранён. - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - - TARGET - ЦЕЛЬ + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Проект был восстановлен из предыдущей сессии. Сейчас он не сохранён и будет потерян, если его не сохранить. +Хотите сохранить его сейчас? - - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Эта вкладка позволяет вам настроить огибающие. Они очень важны для настройки звучания. -Например, с помощью огибающей громкости вы можете задать зависимость громкости звучания от времени. Если вам понадобится эмулировать мягкие струнные, просто задайте больше времени нарастания и исчезновения звука. С помощью обгибающих и низкочастотного осцилятора (LFO) вы в несколько щелчков мыши сможете создать просто невероятные звуки! + + Project not saved + Проект не сохранён - - FILTER - ФИЛЬТР + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Проект был изменён с момента последнего сохранения. Сохранить его сейчас? - - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Здесь вы можете выбрать фильтр для дорожки этого инструмента. Фильтры могут довольно сильно менять звучание. + + Open Project + Открыть проект - - FREQ - ЧАСТ + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - - cutoff frequency: - Срез частот: + + Save Project + Сохранить проект - - Hz - Гц + + LMMS Project + ЛММС Проект - - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Эта ручка устанавливает частоту среза для выбранного фильтра. К примеру, ФНЧ будет срезать сигнал на частотах выше частоты среза, полосно-пропускающий фильтр будет хорошо пропускать сигнал только на заданной частоте и так далее... + + LMMS Project Template + Шаблон ЛММС Проекта - - RESO - RESO + + Save project template + Сохранить шаблон проекта - - Resonance: - Усиление: + + Overwrite default template? + Перезаписать обычный шаблон? - - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Эта ручка задаёт количество резонанса для фильтра, этим определяется насколько нужно усилить ближайшие к отрезанным частоты. + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Это перезапишет текущий обычный шаблон. - - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - Огибающие, LFO и фильтры не поддерживаются этим инструментом. + + Help not available + Справка недоступна - - - InstrumentTrack - - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Регулировка громкости текущего канала. + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Пока что справка для LMMS не написана. +Вероятно, Вы сможете найти нужные материалы на http://lmms.sf.net/wiki . - - - unnamed_track - безымянная_дорожка + + Controller Rack + Стойка контроллеров - - Base note - Опорная нота + + Project Notes + Заметки к проекту - - Volume - Громкость + + Fullscreen + На весь экран - - Panning - Стерео + + Volume as dBFS + Громкость в дБ - - Pitch - Тональность + + Smooth scroll + Плавная прокрутка - - Pitch range - Диапазон тональности + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Включить обозначение нот в музыкальном редакторе - - FX channel - Канал ЭФ + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI-файл (*.mid) - - Master Pitch - Основная тональность + + + untitled + без названия - - - Default preset - Основная предустановка + + + Select file for project-export... + Выбор файла для экспорта проекта... - - - InstrumentTrackView - - Volume - Громкость + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Выберите папку для записи экспортированных дорожек... - - Volume: - Громкость: + + Save project + Сохранить проект - - VOL - ГРОМ + + Project saved + Проект сохранён - - Panning - Баланс + + The project %1 is now saved. + Проект %1 сохранён. - - Panning: - Баланс: + + Project NOT saved. + Проект НЕ СОХРАНЁН. - - PAN - БАЛ + + The project %1 was not saved! + Проект %1 не был сохранён! - - MIDI - MIDI + + Import file + Импорт файла - - Input - Вход + + MIDI sequences + MIDI-последовательности - - Output - Выход + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogen проекты - - FX %1: %2 - ЭФ %1: %2 + + All file types + Все типы файлов - InstrumentTrackWindow + MeterDialog - - GENERAL SETTINGS - ОСНОВНЫЕ НАСТРОЙКИ + + + Meter Numerator + Доли - - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Используйте эти регуляторы, чтобы видеть и редактировать дорожку в редакторе песни. + + Meter numerator + Число долей - - Instrument volume - Громкость инструмента + + + Meter Denominator + Длительность - - Volume: - Громкость: + + Meter denominator + Длительность доли - - VOL - ГРОМ + + TIME SIG + ТАКТ + + + MeterModel - - Panning - Баланс + + Numerator + Число долей - - Panning: - Стереобаланс: + + Denominator + Длительность доли + + + MidiCCRackView - - PAN - БАЛ + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + - - Pitch - Тональность + + MIDI CC Knobs: + - - Pitch: - Тональность: + + CC %1 + + + + MidiController - - cents - процентов + + MIDI Controller + Контроллер MIDI - - PITCH - ТОН + + unnamed_midi_controller + MIDI-контроллер без имени + + + MidiImport - - Pitch range (semitones) - Диапазон тональности (полутона) + + + Setup incomplete + Установка не завершена - - RANGE - ДИАП + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + Вы не установили основной SoundFont в настройках (Правка -> Параметры). Поэтому звук не будет воспроизводиться после импортирования этого MIDI-файла. Вам следует загрузить General MIDI SoundFont, определить его в настройках и попробовать снова. - - FX channel - Канал ЭФ + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Вы не включили поддержку проигрывателя SoundFont2 при компиляции LMMS, он используется для добавления основного звука в импортируемые MIDI-файлы, поэтому звука не будет после импорта этого MIDI-файла. - - FX - ЭФ + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + Число долей времени MIDI - - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Сохранить текущую инструментаьную дорожку в файл предустановок + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + Длительность доли времени MIDI - - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Нажать здесь, чтобы сохранить настройки текущей инстр. дорожки в файл предустановок. Позже можно загрузить эту предустановку двойным кликом в браузере предустановок. + + Numerator + Число долей - - SAVE - Сохранить + + Denominator + Длительность доли - - Envelope, filter & LFO - + + Track + Дорожка + + + MidiJack - - Chord stacking & arpeggio - + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK-сервер не доступен - - Effects - Эффекты + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + JACK-сервер, похоже, не запущен. + + + MidiPatternW - - MIDI settings - Параметры MIDI + + MIDI Pattern + - - Miscellaneous - Разное + + Time Signature: + - - Save preset - Сохранить предустановку + + + + 1/4 + 1/4 - - XML preset file (*.xpf) - XML файл настроек (*.xpf) + + 2/4 + 2/4 - - Plugin - Модуль + + 3/4 + 3/4 - - - Knob - - Set linear - Установить линейно + + 4/4 + 4/4 - - Set logarithmic - Установить логарифмически + + 5/4 + 5/4 - - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Введите новое значение от –96,0 дБВ до 6,0 дБВ: + + 6/4 + 6/4 - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Введите новое значение от %1 до %2: + + Measures: + - - - LadspaControl - - Link channels - Связать каналы + + + + 1 + 1 - - - LadspaControlDialog - - Link Channels - Связать каналы + + 2 + 2 - - Channel - Канал + + 3 + 3 - - - LadspaControlView - - Link channels - Связать каналы + + 4 + 4 - - Value: - Значение: + + 5 + 5 - - Sorry, no help available. - Извините, справки нет. + + 6 + 6 - - - LadspaEffect - - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Запрошен неизвестный модуль LADSPA «%1». + + 7 + 7 - - - LcdSpinBox - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Введите новое значение от %1 до %2: + + 8 + 8 - - - LeftRightNav - - - - Previous - Предыдущий + + 9 + 9 - - - - Next - Следующий + + 10 + 10 - - Previous (%1) - Предыдущий (%1) + + 11 + 11 - - Next (%1) - Следующий (%1) + + 12 + 12 - - - LfoController - - LFO Controller - Контроллер LFO + + 13 + 13 - - Base value - Основное значение + + 14 + 14 - - Oscillator speed - Скорость волны + + 15 + 15 - - Oscillator amount - Размер волны + + 16 + 16 - - Oscillator phase - Фаза волны + + Default Length: + - - Oscillator waveform - Форма волны + + + 1/16 + 1/16 - - Frequency Multiplier - Множитель частоты + + + 1/15 + 1/15 - - - LfoControllerDialog - - LFO - LFO + + + 1/12 + 1/12 - - LFO Controller - Контроллер LFO + + + 1/9 + 1/9 - - BASE - БАЗА + + + 1/8 + 1/8 - - Base amount: - Базовое значение: + + + 1/6 + 1/6 - - todo - доделать + + + 1/3 + 1/3 - - SPD - СКОР + + + 1/2 + 1/2 - - LFO-speed: - Скорость LFO: + + Quantize: + - - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Эта ручка устанавлявает скорость LFO. Чем больше значение, тем больше частота осциллятора. + + &File + &Файл - - AMNT - ГЛУБ + + &Edit + &Правка - - Modulation amount: - Количество модуляции: + + &Quit + В&ыход - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Эта ручка устанавливает глубину модуляции для LFO. Чем больше значение, тем в большей степени выбранная характеристика (н-р, громкость или частота среза) будет зависеть от ГНЧ(LFO). + + &Insert Mode + - - PHS - ФАЗА + + F + - - Phase offset: - Сдвиг фазы: + + &Velocity Mode + - - degrees - градусы + + D + Ре-диез D - - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Эта ручка устанавливает начальную фазу НизкоЧастотного Осциллятора (LFO), т. е. точку, с которой осциллятор начинает вырабатывать сигнал. Например, если вы задали синусоидальную форму сигнала и начальную фазу 180º, волна сначала пойдёт вниз, а не вверх, так же как и для квадратной волны. + + Select All + Выбрать всё - - Click here for a sine-wave. - Синусоида. + + A + Ля диез A + + + MidiPort - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Сгенерировать треугольный сигнал. + + Input channel + Канал входа - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Сгенерировать зигзаг. + + Output channel + Канал выхода - - Click here for a square-wave. - Сгенерировать квадрат. + + Input controller + Контроллер входа - - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - Нажать здесь для зигзагообразной муг волны. + + Output controller + Контроллер выхода - - Click here for an exponential wave. - Генерировать экспоненциальный сигнал. + + Fixed input velocity + Постоянная скорость ввода - - Click here for white-noise. - Сгенерировать белый шум. + + Fixed output velocity + Постоянная скорость вывода - - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Нажмите здесь для определения своей формы. -Двойное нажатие для выбора файла. + + Fixed output note + Постоянный вывод нот - - - LmmsCore - - Generating wavetables - Генерация волн + + Output MIDI program + Программа для вывода MIDI - - Initializing data structures - Инициализация структуры данных + + Base velocity + Базовая скорость - - Opening audio and midi devices - Открываем аудио и миди устройства + + Receive MIDI-events + Принимать события MIDI - - Launching mixer threads - Запускаем потоки микшера + + Send MIDI-events + Отправлять события MIDI - MainWindow + MidiSetupWidget - Settings - Параметры - - Configuration file - Файл настроек + + Device + Устройство + + + MonstroInstrument - - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Ошибка во время обработки файла настроек в строке %1:%2: %3 + + Osc 1 volume + Ген 1 громкость - - Could not open file - Не могу открыть файл + + Osc 1 panning + Ген 1 баланс - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Невозможно открыть файл %1 для записи. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что у вас есть разрешение на запись в файл и содержащую его директорию, и попробуйте снова. + + Osc 1 coarse detune + Ген 1 грубая подстройка - - Project recovery - Восстановление проекта + + Osc 1 fine detune left + Ген 1 точная подстройка слева - - - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - Остался файл для восстановления. Похоже последняя сессия не была нормально завершена или запущен ещё один процесс LMMS. -Хотите восстановить проект из этой сессии? + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + Ген 1 точная подстройка справа - - - - Recover - Восстановить + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + Ген 1 сдвиг стерео-фазы - - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Восстановить файл. Пожалуйства, не запускайте несколько процессов ЛММС во время этого. + + Osc 1 pulse width + Осц 1 длина импульса - - - - Discard - Отказать + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + Осц 1 посыл синхро на подъёме - - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Запустить обычную сессию и удалить восстановленные файлы. Это безвозвратно. + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + Осц 1 посыл синхро на спаде - - Version %1 - Версия %1 + + Osc 2 volume + Ген 2 громкость - - Preparing plugin browser - Подготовка обзора плагинов + + Osc 2 panning + Ген 2 баланс - - Preparing file browsers - Подготовка обзора файлов + + Osc 2 coarse detune + Ген 2 грубая подстройка - - My Projects - Мои проекты + + Osc 2 fine detune left + Ген 2 точная подстройка слева - - My Samples - Мои сэмплы + + Osc 2 fine detune right + Ген 2 точная подстройка справа - - My Presets - Мои предустановки + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + Ген 2 сдвиг стерео-фазы - - My Home - Моя домашняя папка + + Osc 2 waveform + Осц 2 форма волны - - Root directory - Корневая директория + + Osc 2 sync hard + Осц 2 синхро сильная - - Volumes - Громкость 1 оциллятора + + Osc 2 sync reverse + Осц 2 синхро обратная - - My Computer - Мой компьютер + + Osc 3 volume + Ген 3 громкость - - Loading background artwork - Загружаем фоновый рисунок + + Osc 3 panning + Ген 3 баланс - - &File - &F Файл + + Osc 3 coarse detune + Ген 3 грубая подстройка - - &New - &N Новый + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Ген 3 сдвиг стерео-фазы - - New from template - Новый на основе шаблона + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + Осц 3 доп-осциллятор микс - - &Open... - &Открыть... + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + Осц 3 форма волны 1 - - &Recently Opened Projects - &R Недавние проекты + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + Осц 3 форма волны 2 - - &Save - &S Сохранить + + Osc 3 sync hard + Осц 3 синхр сильная - - Save &As... - &A Сохранить как... + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + Осц 3 синхр обратная - - Save as New &Version - &V Сохранить как новую версию + + LFO 1 waveform + Форма 1 LFO волны - - Save as default template - Сохранить как обычный шаблон + + LFO 1 attack + LFO 1 атака - - Import... - Импорт... + + LFO 1 rate + LFO 1 частота - - E&xport... - &X Экспорт... + + LFO 1 phase + LFO 1 фаза - - E&xport Tracks... - &x Экспорт дорожек... + + LFO 2 waveform + Форма 2 LFO волны - - Export &MIDI... - Экспорт &MIDI... + + LFO 2 attack + LFO 2 атака - - &Quit - &Q Выйти + + LFO 2 rate + LFO 2 частота - - &Edit - &E Правка + + LFO 2 phase + LFO 2 фаза - - Undo - Откатить действие + + Env 1 pre-delay + Огиб 1 предзадержка - - Redo - Возврат действия + + Env 1 attack + Огиб 1 атака - - Settings - Параметры + + Env 1 hold + Огиб. 1 удержание - - &View - &Просмотр + + Env 1 decay + Огиб. 1 спад - - &Tools - &T Сервис + + Env 1 sustain + Огиб. 1 выдержка - - &Help - &H Справка + + Env 1 release + Огиб. 1 затухание - - Online Help - Помощь онлайн + + Env 1 slope + Огиб 1 уклон - - Help - Справка + + Env 2 pre-delay + Огиб 2 предзадержка - - What's This? - Что это? + + Env 2 attack + Огиб 2 атака - - About - О программе + + Env 2 hold + Огиб. 2 удержание - - Create new project - Создать новый проект + + Env 2 decay + Огиб. 2 спад - - Create new project from template - Создать новый проект по шаблону + + Env 2 sustain + Огиб. 2 выдержка - - Open existing project - Открыть существующий проект + + Env 2 release + Огиб. 2 затухание - - Recently opened projects - Недавние проекты + + Env 2 slope + Огиб 2 уклон - - Save current project - Сохранить текущий проект + + Osc 2+3 modulation + Осц 2+3 модуляция - - Export current project - Экспорт проекта + + Selected view + Выбранный вид - - What's this? - Что это? + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + Ген 1 - Громк. огиб. 1 - - Toggle metronome - Включить метроном + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + Ген 1 - Громк. огиб. 2 - - Show/hide Song-Editor - Показать/скрыть музыкальный редактор + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + Ген 1 - Громк. LFO 1 - - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Сим запускается или скрывается музыкальный редактор. С его помощью вы можете редактировать композицию и задавать время воспроизведения каждой дорожки. -Также вы можете вставлять и передвигать записи прямо в списке воспроизведения. + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + Ген 1 - Громк. LFO 2 - - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Показать/скрыть Ритм+Бас редактор + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + Ген 2 - Громк. огиб. 1 - - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - Сим запускается ритм-бас редактор. Он необходим для установки ритма, открытия, добавления и удаления каналов, а также вырезания, копирования и вставки ритм-бас шаблонов, мелодий и т. п. + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + Ген 2 - Громк. огиб. 2 - - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Показать/Скрыть Редактор Нот + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + Ген 2 - Громк. LFO 1 - - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Запуск редатора нот. С его помощью вы можете легко редактировать мелодии. + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + Ген 2 - Громк. LFO 2 - - Show/hide Automation Editor - Показать/скрыть редактор автоматизации + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + Ген 3 - Громк. огиб. 1 - - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Показать/скрыть окно редактора автоматизации. С его помощью вы можете легко редактироватьдинамику выбранных величин. + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + Ген 3 - Громк. огиб. 2 - - Show/hide FX Mixer - Показать/скрыть микшер ЭФ + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + Ген 3 - Громк. LFO 1 - - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Скрыть/показать микшер ЭФфектов. Он является мощным инструментом для управления эффектами. Вы можете вставлять эффекты в различные каналы. + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + Ген 3 - Громк. LFO 2 - - Show/hide project notes - Показать/скрыть заметки проекта + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + Ген 1 - Фаза огиб. 1 - - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Эта кнопка показывает/прячет окно с заметками. В этом окне вы можете помещать любые комментарии к своей композиции. + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + Ген 1 - Фаза огиб. 2 - - Show/hide controller rack - Показать/скрыть управление контроллерами + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + Ген 1 - Фаза LFO 1 - - Untitled - Неназванный + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + Ген 1 - Фаза LFO 2 - - Recover session. Please save your work! - Восстановление сессии. Пожалуйста, сохраните свою работу! + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + Ген 2 - Фаза огиб. 1 - - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + Ген 2 - Фаза огиб. 2 - - Recovered project not saved - Восстановленный проект не сохранён. + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + Ген 2 - Фаза LFO 1 - - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Проект был восстановлен из предыдущей сессии. Сейчас он не сохранён и будет потерян, если его не сохранить. -Хотите сохранить его сейчас? + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + Ген 2 - Фаза LFO 2 - - Project not saved - Проект не сохранён + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + Ген 3 - Фаза огиб. 1 - - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Проект был изменён. Сохранить его сейчас? + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + Ген 3 - Фаза огиб. 2 - - Open Project - Открыть проект + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + Ген 3 - Фаза LFO 1 - - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + Ген 3 - Фаза LFO 2 - - Save Project - Сохранить проект + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + Осц 1 - Pit огиб 1 - - LMMS Project - ЛММС Проект + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + Осц 1 - Pit огиб 2 - - LMMS Project Template - Шаблон ЛММС Проекта + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + Осц 1 - Pit LFO 1 - - Save project template - + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + Осц 1 - Pit LFO 2 - - Overwrite default template? - Перезаписать обычный шаблон? + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + Осц 2 - Pit огиб 1 - - This will overwrite your current default template. - Это перезапишет текущий обычный шаблон. + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + Осц 2 - Pit огиб 2 - - Help not available - Справка недоступна + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + Осц 2 - Pit LFO 1 - - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Пока что справка для LMMS не написана. -Вероятно, Вы сможете найти нужные материалы на http://lmms.sf.net/wiki . + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + Осц 2 - Pit LFO 2 - - Song Editor - Показать/скрыть музыкальный редактор + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + Осц 3 - Pit огиб 1 - - Beat+Bassline Editor - Показать/скрыть ритм-бас редактор + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + Осц 3 - Pit огиб 2 - - Piano Roll - Показать/скрыть нотный редактор + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + Осц 3 - Pit LFO 1 - - Automation Editor - Показать/скрыть редактор автоматизации + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + Осц 3 - Pit LFO 2 - - FX Mixer - Показать/скрыть микшер ЭФ + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + Осц 1 - PW Огиб 1 - - Project Notes - Показать/скрыть заметки к проекту + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + Осц 1 - PW Огиб 2 - - Controller Rack - Показать/скрыть управление контроллерами + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + Осц 1 - PW LFO 1 - - Volume as dBFS - + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + Осц 1 - PW LFO 2 - - Smooth scroll - Плавная прокрутка + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + Осц 3 - Доп огиб 1 - - Enable note labels in piano roll - Включить обозначение нот в музыкальном редакторе + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + Осц 3 - Доп огиб 2 - - - MeterDialog - - - Meter Numerator - Шкала чисел + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + Осц 3 - Доп LFO 1 - - - Meter Denominator - Шкала делений + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + Осц 3 - Доп LFO 2 - - TIME SIG - ПЕРИОД + + + Sine wave + Синусоида - - - MeterModel - - Numerator - Числитель + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Тембр. треугольная волна - - Denominator - Знаменатель + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Тембр. пило-волна - - - MidiController - - MIDI Controller - Контроллер MIDI + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Тембр. пологая волна - - unnamed_midi_controller - нераспознанный миди контроллер + + Bandlimited Square wave + Тембр. квадратная волна - - - MidiImport - - - Setup incomplete - установка не завершена + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Тембр. Муг пило-волна - - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Вы не установили SoundFont по умолчанию в параметрах (Правка->Настройки), поэтому после импорта миди файла звук воспроизводиться не будет. -Вам следует загрузить основной MiDi SoundFont, указать его в параметрах и попробовать снова. + + + Soft square wave + Сглаженная квадратная волна - - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Вы не включили поддержку проигрывателя SoundFont2 при компиляции ЛММС, он используется для добавления основного звука в импортируемые Миди файлы, поэтому звука не будет после импорта этого миди файла. + + Absolute sine wave + Идеальная синусоида - - Track - Дорожка + + + Exponential wave + Экспоненциальная волна - - - MidiJack - - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - JACK-сервер не доступен + + White noise + Белый шум - - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - JACK-сервер, похоже, не запущен. + + Digital Triangle wave + Цифровая треугольная волна - - - MidiPort - - Input channel - Вход + + Digital Saw wave + Цифровая пило-волна - - Output channel - Выход + + Digital Ramp wave + Цифровая пологая волна - - Input controller - Контроллер входа + + Digital Square wave + Цифровая квадратная волна - - Output controller - Контроллер выхода + + Digital Moog saw wave + Цифровая Муг пило-волна - - Fixed input velocity - Постоянная скорость ввода + + Triangle wave + Треугольная волна - - Fixed output velocity - Постоянная скорость вывода + + Saw wave + Пило-волна - - Fixed output note - Постоянный вывод нот + + Ramp wave + Пологая волна - - Output MIDI program - Программа для вывода MiDi + + Square wave + Квадрат - - Base velocity - Базовая скорость + + Moog saw wave + Муг пило-волна - - Receive MIDI-events - Принимать события MIDI + + Abs. sine wave + Идеальная синусоида - - Send MIDI-events - Отправлять события MIDI + + Random + Случайно - - - MidiSetupWidget - - DEVICE - УСТРОЙСТВО + + Random smooth + Случайное сглаживание - MonstroInstrument + MonstroView - - Osc 1 Volume - Осциллятор 1 громкость + + Operators view + Операторский вид - - Osc 1 Panning - Осциллятор 1 баланс + + Matrix view + Матричный вид - - Osc 1 Coarse detune - + + + + Volume + Громкость - - Osc 1 Fine detune left - + + + + Panning + Баланс - - Osc 1 Fine detune right - + + + + Coarse detune + Грубая подстройка - - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - + + + + semitones + полутона - - Osc 1 Pulse width - + + + Fine tune left + Точная настройка слева - - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - + + + + + cents + Центы - - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - + + + Fine tune right + Точная настройка справа - - Osc 2 Volume - Осциллятор 2 громкость + + + + Stereo phase offset + Сдвиг стерео фазы - - Osc 2 Panning - Осциллятор 2 баланс + + + + + + deg + град - - Osc 2 Coarse detune - + + Pulse width + Длительность импульса - - Osc 2 Fine detune left - + + Send sync on pulse rise + Выдача синхронизации по нарастанию импульса - - Osc 2 Fine detune right - + + Send sync on pulse fall + Выдача синхронизации по спаду импульса - - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + Жёсткая синхр осциллятора 2 - - Osc 2 Waveform - + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + Обратная синхр осциллятора 2 - - Osc 2 Sync Hard - + + Sub-osc mix + Микс доп-осц - - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + Жёсткая синхр генератора 3 - - Osc 3 Volume - Осциллятор 3 громкость + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + Обратная синхр генератора 3 - - Osc 3 Panning - Осциллятор 3 баланс + + + + + Attack + Атака - - Osc 3 Coarse detune - + + + Rate + Частота выборки - - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - + + + Phase + Фаза - - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - + + + Pre-delay + Предзадержка - - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - + + + Hold + Удержание - - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - + + + Decay + Спад - - Osc 3 Sync Hard - + + + Sustain + Выдержка - - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - + + + Release + Затухание - - LFO 1 Waveform - + + + Slope + Фронт - - LFO 1 Attack - + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + Смешать осц. 2 с осц. 3 + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + Модулировать амплитуду осц. 3 сигналом с 2 + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + Модулировать частоту осц. 3 сигналом с 2 + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + Модулировать фазу осц. 3 сигналом с 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Глубина модуляции + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - - LFO 1 Rate - + + Length + Длина - - LFO 1 Phase - + + Step length: + Длина шага: - - LFO 2 Waveform - + + Dry + Чистый - - LFO 2 Attack - + + Dry gain: + Чистый звук усиление: - - LFO 2 Rate - + + Stages + Уровни - - LFO 2 Phase - + + Low-pass stages: + Уровни прохода низких: - - Env 1 Pre-delay - + + Swap inputs + Переставить входы местами - - Env 1 Attack - + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + Поменять левый и правый каналы входа для отражений + + + NesInstrument - - Env 1 Hold - + + Channel 1 coarse detune + Грубая подстройка канала 1 - - Env 1 Decay - + + Channel 1 volume + Громкость канала 1 - - Env 1 Sustain - + + Channel 1 envelope length + Длительность огибающей канала 1 - - Env 1 Release - + + Channel 1 duty cycle + Рабочий цикл канала 1 - - Env 1 Slope - + + Channel 1 sweep amount + Уровень колебаний канала 1 - - Env 2 Pre-delay - + + Channel 1 sweep rate + Частота колебаний канала 1 - - Env 2 Attack - + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Грубая подстройка канала 2 - - Env 2 Hold - + + Channel 2 Volume + Громкость канала 2 - - Env 2 Decay - + + Channel 2 envelope length + Длительность огибающей канала 2 - - Env 2 Sustain - + + Channel 2 duty cycle + Рабочий цикл канала 2 - - Env 2 Release - + + Channel 2 sweep amount + Уровень колебаний канала 2 - - Env 2 Slope - Кривая 2 Наклон + + Channel 2 sweep rate + Частота колебаний канала 2 - - Osc2-3 modulation - + + Channel 3 coarse detune + Грубая подстройка канала 3 - - Selected view - Выбранный вид + + Channel 3 volume + Громкость канала 3 - - Vol1-Env1 - + + Channel 4 volume + Громкость канала 4 - - Vol1-Env2 - + + Channel 4 envelope length + Длительность огибающей канала 4 - - Vol1-LFO1 - + + Channel 4 noise frequency + Частота шума канала 4 - - Vol1-LFO2 - + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + Частота помех колебаний канала 4 - - Vol2-Env1 - + + Master volume + Главная громкость - - Vol2-Env2 - + + Vibrato + Вибрато + + + NesInstrumentView - - Vol2-LFO1 - + + + + + Volume + Громкость - - Vol2-LFO2 - + + + + Coarse detune + Грубая подстройка - - Vol3-Env1 - + + + + Envelope length + Длина огибающей - - Vol3-Env2 - + + Enable channel 1 + Включить канал 1 - - Vol3-LFO1 - + + Enable envelope 1 + Включить огибающую 1 - - Vol3-LFO2 - + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Включить петлю огибающей 1 - - Phs1-Env1 - + + Enable sweep 1 + Включить колебание 1 - - Phs1-Env2 - + + + Sweep amount + Амплитуда колебаний - - Phs1-LFO1 - + + + Sweep rate + Частота колебаний - - Phs1-LFO2 - + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5% Рабочий цикл - - Phs2-Env1 - + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25% Рабочий цикл - - Phs2-Env2 - + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50% Рабочий цикл - - Phs2-LFO1 - + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75% Рабочий цикл - - Phs2-LFO2 - + + Enable channel 2 + Включить канал 2 - - Phs3-Env1 - + + Enable envelope 2 + Включить огибающую 2 - - Phs3-Env2 - + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Включить петлю огибающей 2 - - Phs3-LFO1 - + + Enable sweep 2 + Включить колебание 2 - - Phs3-LFO2 - + + Enable channel 3 + Включить канал 3 - - Pit1-Env1 - + + Noise Frequency + Частота шума - - Pit1-Env2 - + + Frequency sweep + Частота колебаний - - Pit1-LFO1 - + + Enable channel 4 + Включить канал 4 - - Pit1-LFO2 - + + Enable envelope 4 + Включить огибающую 4 - - Pit2-Env1 - + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Включить петлю огибающей 4 - - Pit2-Env2 - + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + Квантовать частоту шума при использовании частоты ноты - - Pit2-LFO1 - + + Use note frequency for noise + Использовние частоты ноты для шума - - Pit2-LFO2 - + + Noise mode + Режим шума - - Pit3-Env1 - + + Master volume + Главная громкость - - Pit3-Env2 - + + Vibrato + Вибрато + + + OpulenzInstrument - - Pit3-LFO1 - + + Patch + Патч - - Pit3-LFO2 - + + Op 1 attack + Оп 1 атака - - PW1-Env1 - + + Op 1 decay + Оп 1 спад - - PW1-Env2 - + + Op 1 sustain + Оп 1 выдержка - - PW1-LFO1 - + + Op 1 release + Оп 1 затухание - - PW1-LFO2 - + + Op 1 level + Оп 1 уровень - - Sub3-Env1 - + + Op 1 level scaling + Оп 1 увеличение уровня - - Sub3-Env2 - + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + Оп 1 множитель частоты - - Sub3-LFO1 - + + Op 1 feedback + Оп 1 возврат - - Sub3-LFO2 - + + Op 1 key scaling rate + Оп 1 скорость увеличения нот - - - Sine wave - Синусоида + + Op 1 percussive envelope + Оп 1 огибающая ударников - - Bandlimited Triangle wave - Ограниченная по частоте треугольная волна + + Op 1 tremolo + Оп 1 тремоло - - Bandlimited Saw wave - Ограниченная по частоте острая волна + + Op 1 vibrato + Оп 1 вибрато - - Bandlimited Ramp wave - Ограничение по частоте ниспадающая волна + + Op 1 waveform + Оп 1 форма волны - - Bandlimited Square wave - Ограниченная по частоте квадратная волна + + Op 2 attack + Оп 2 атака - - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Ограниченная по частоте Муг-зигзаг волна + + Op 2 decay + Оп 2 спад - - - Soft square wave - Сглаженная квадратная волна + + Op 2 sustain + Оп 2 выдержка - - Absolute sine wave - + + Op 2 release + Оп 2 затухание - - - Exponential wave - Экспоненциальная волна + + Op 2 level + Оп 2 уровень - - White noise - Белый шум + + Op 2 level scaling + Оп 2 увеличение уровня - - Digital Triangle wave - Цифровая треугольная волна + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + Оп 2 множитель частоты - - Digital Saw wave - Цифровая острая волна + + Op 2 key scaling rate + Оп 2 скорость увеличения нот - - Digital Ramp wave - + + Op 2 percussive envelope + Оп 2 огибающая ударников - - Digital Square wave - Цифровая квадратная волна + + Op 2 tremolo + Оп 2 Тремоло - - Digital Moog saw wave - Цифровая Муг острая волна + + Op 2 vibrato + Оп 2 Вибрато - - Triangle wave - Треугольная волна + + Op 2 waveform + Оп 2 Волна - - Saw wave - Зигзаг + + FM + FM - - Ramp wave - + + Vibrato depth + Глубина вибрато - - Square wave - Квадрат + + Tremolo depth + Глубина тремоло + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - - Moog saw wave - + + + Attack + Атака - - Abs. sine wave - + + + Decay + Спад - - Random - Случайно + + + Release + Затухание - - Random smooth - Случайное сглаживание + + + Frequency multiplier + Множитель частоты - MonstroView + OscillatorObject - - Operators view - Операторский вид + + Osc %1 waveform + Форма сигнала осциллятора %1 + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + Осц %1 гармонический + + + + + Osc %1 volume + Громкость осциллятора %1 + + + + + Osc %1 panning + Стереобаланс для осциллятора %1 - - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - Операторский вид содержит все операторы. Они включают и звучащие операторы (осцилляторы) и беззвучные операторы или модуляторы: Низко-частотные осцилляторы и огибающие. - -Регуляторы и другие виджеты в Операторском виде имеют свои подписи "Что это?", можно получить по ним более детальную справку таким образом. + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Тонкая подстройка осц %1 слева - - Matrix view - Матричный вид + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Подстройка осц %1 грубая - - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - Матричный вид содержит матрицу модуляции. Здесь можно определить модуляционное отношение между разными операторами. Каждый слышимый оператор (осцилляторы 1-3) имеют 3-4 свойства, которые можно модулировать любыми модуляторами. Используя больше модуляций увеличивается нагрузка на процессор. - -Вид делится на цели модуляции, сгруппированные на целевой осциллятор. Доступные цели : громкость, тон, фаза, ширина пульсации и отношение с подчиненным (под-) осциллятором. Отметим что некоторые цели определены только для одного осциллятора. - -Каждая цель модуляции имеет 4 регулятора, один на каждый модулятор. По умолчанию регуляторы установлены на 0, то есть без модуляции. Включая регулятор на 1 ведёт к тому, что модулятор влияет на цель модуляции на столько на сколько возможно. Включая его на -1 делает то же, но с обратной модуляцией. + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Тонкая подстройка осц %1 справа - - - - Volume - Громкость + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Сдвиг фазы для осц %1 - - - - Panning - Баланс + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Подстройка стерео-фазы осц %1 - - - - Coarse detune - Грубая расстройка + + Osc %1 wave shape + Гладкость сигнала осц %1 - - - - semitones - полутона + + Modulation type %1 + Тип модуляции %1 + + + Oscilloscope - - - Finetune left - + + Oscilloscope + Осциллограф - - - - - cents - + + Click to enable + Включить мышью + + + PatchesDialog - - - Finetune right - + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: преднастройка канала - - - - Stereo phase offset - Сдвиг стерео фазы + + Bank selector + Выбор банка - - - - - - deg - град + + Bank + Банк - - Pulse width - Длительность импульса + + Program selector + Выбор программы - - Send sync on pulse rise - Выдача синхронизации по нарастанию импульса + + Patch + Патч - - Send sync on pulse fall - Выдача синхронизации по спаду импульса + + Name + Имя - - Hard sync oscillator 2 - + + OK + ОК - - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - + + Cancel + Отмена + + + PatmanView - - Sub-osc mix - + + Open patch + Открыть патч - - Hard sync oscillator 3 - + + Loop + Петля - - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - + + Loop mode + Режим петли - - - - - Attack - Вступление + + Tune + Подстроить - - - Rate - Частота выборки + + Tune mode + Режим подстройки - - - Phase - + + No file selected + Не выбран файл - - - Pre-delay - Пре-дилэй + + Open patch file + Открыть патч-файл - - - Hold - Удерживание + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Патч-файлы (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - - - Decay - Затихание + + Open in piano-roll + Открыть в редакторе нот - - - Sustain - Выдержка + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + Установить как призрак в пиано-ролл - - - Release - Убывание + + Clear all notes + Очистить все ноты - - - Slope - Фронт + + Reset name + Сбросить название - - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - Смешать Осц2 с Осц3 + + Change name + Переименовать - - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - Модулировать амплитуду осциллятора 3 сигналом с осц2 + + Add steps + Добавить такты - - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - Модулировать частоту осциллятора 3 сигналом с осц2 + + Remove steps + Удалить такты - - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - Модулировать фазу Осц3 осциллятором2 + + Clone Steps + Клонировать такты + + + PeakController - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - Регулятор CRS меняет настройку осциллятора 1 в размере полутона. + + Peak Controller + Пиковый контроллер - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - Регулятор CRS меняет настройку осциллятора 2 в размере полутона. + + Peak Controller Bug + Ошибка в пиковом контроллере - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - Регулятор CRS меняет настройку осциллятора 3 в размере полутона. + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + Из-за ошибки в более старой версии LMMS пиковые контроллеры могут быть подключены неправильно. Убедитесь, что пиковые контроллеры подключены правильно, и повторно сохраните этот файл. Извините за причинённые неудобства. + + + PeakControllerDialog - - - - - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - FTL и FTR меняют подстройку осциллятора для левого и правого канала соответственно. Они могут добавить стерео расстраивания осциллятора, которое расширяет стерео картину и создаёт иллюзию космоса. + + PEAK + ПИК - - - - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - Регулятор SPO меняет фазовую разницу между левым и правым каналами. Высокая разница создаёт более широкую стерео картину. + + LFO Controller + Контроллер LFO + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - PW регулятор контролирует ширину пульсаций, также известную как рабочий цикл осциллятора 1. Осциллятор 1 это цифровой импульсный волновой генератор, он не воспроизводит сигнал с ограниченной полосой, это значит, что его можно использовать как слышимый осциллятор, но приведёт к наложению сигналов (или сглаживанию). Его можно использовать и как не слышимый источник синхронизирующего сигнала, для использования в синхронизации осцилляторов 2 и 3. + + BASE + БАЗА - - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Посылать синхронизацию при повышении: при включении, сигнал синхронизации посылается каждый раз когда состояние осциллятора 1 меняется с низкого на высокое, т.е. когда амплитуда меняется от -1 до 1. -Тон осциллятора 1, фаза и ширина пульсаций может влиять на время синхронизации, но громкость не имеет эффекта. Сигнал синхронизации посылается независимо для левого и правого каналов. + + Base: + Основа: - - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Посылать синхронизацию при падении: при включении, сигнал синхронизации посылается каждый раз когда состояние осциллятора 1 меняется с выского на низкое, т.е. когда амплитуда меняется от 1 до -1. -Тон осциллятора 1, фаза и ширина пульсаций может влиять на время синхронизации, но громкость не имеет эффекта. Сигнал синхронизации посылается независимо для левого и правого каналов. + + AMNT + ГЛУБ. - - - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - Жесткая синхр. : Каждый раз при получении осциллятором сигнала синхронизации от осциллятора 1, его фаза сбрасывается до 0 + его граница фазы, какой бы она ни была. + + Modulation amount: + Глубина модуляции: - - - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - Обратная синхронизация: Каждый раз при получении сигнала синхронизации от осциллятора 1, амплитуда осцилятора переворачивается. + + MULT + МНОЖ. - - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Выбрать форму волны для осциллятора 2. + + Amount multiplicator: + Множитель: - - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Выберите форму волны для первого доп. осциллятора осциллятора 3. Осциллятор 3 может мягко переходить между двумя разными волнами. + + ATCK + АТК - - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Выберите форму волны для второго доп. осциллятора осциллятора 3. Осциллятор 3 может мягко переходить между двумя разными волнами. + + Attack: + Атака: - - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - SUB меняет смешивание двух доп. осяцилляторов осциллятора 3. Каждый доп. осц. может быть установлен для создания разных волн и осциллятор 3 может мягко переходить между ними. Все входящие модуляции для осциллятора 3 применяются на оба доп.осц./волны одним и тем же образом. + + DCAY + СПАД - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - В дополнение к выделенным модуляторам Монстро позволяет выходу осциллятора 2 модулировать осцллятор 3. - -Смешанный (Mix) режим значит без модуляции: выходы осцилляторов просто смешиваются друг с другом. + + Release: + Затухание: - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - В дополнение к выделенным модуляторам Монстро позволяет выходу осциллятора 2 модулировать осцллятор 3. - -AM режим значит Амплитуда Модуляции: Осциллятор 2 модулирует амплитуду (громкость) осциллятора 3. + + TRSH + ПОРОГ - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - В дополнение к выделенным модуляторам Монстро позволяет выходу осциллятора 2 модулировать осцллятор 3. - -FM (ЧМ) режим значит Частотная Модуляция: Осциллятор 2 модулирует частоту (pitch, тональность) осциллятора 3. Частота модуляции происходит в фазе модуляции, которая даёт более стабильный общий тон, чем "чистая" частотная модуляция. + + Treshold: + Порог: - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - В дополнение к выделенным модуляторам Монстро позволяет выходу осциллятора 2 модулировать осцллятор 3. - -PM (ФМ) режим значит фазовая модуляция: Осциллятор 2 модулирует фазу осциллятора 3. Это отличается от частотной модуляции тем, что изменения фаз не суммируются. + + Mute output + Заглушить вывод - - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Выберите форму волны для LFO 1 (НизкоЧастотныйГенератор). -"Random" (Случайно) и "Random-smooth" (случайное сглаживание) - это специальные волны: они создают случаный сигнал, где частота LFO контролирует как часто изменяется состояние генератора (LFO). -Сглаженная версия переходит между этими состояниями с косинусоидальной интерплояцией. Эти случайные режимы могут быть использованы, чтобы дать "жизни" вашим настройкам - добавить немного аналоговой непредсказуемости... - - - - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Выберите форму волны для LFO 2 (НизкоЧастотныйГенератор). -"Random" (Случайно) и "Random-smooth" (случайное сглаживание) - это специальные волны: они создают случаный сигнал, где частота LFO контролирует как часто изменяется состояние генератора (LFO). -Сглаженная версия переходит между этими состояниями с косинусоидальной интерплояцией. Эти случайные режимы могут быть использованы, чтобы дать "жизни" вашим настройкам - добавить немного аналоговой непредсказуемости... - - - - - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - Атака отвечает за плавность поведения LFO от начала ноты. - - - - - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - Rate (Частота) устанавливает скорость LFO, измеряемую в миллисекундах за цикл. Может синхронизироваться с темпом. - - - - - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - PHS контролирует сдвиг фазы LFO (НЧГ). - - - - - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - PRE предзадержка, задерживает старт огибающей от начала ноты. 0 значит без задержки. - - - - - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - ATT атака контролирует как быстро огибающая наращивается на старте, измеряясь в милисекундах. Значение 0 значит мгновенно. - - - - - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - HOLD (УДЕРЖ) контролирует как долго огибающая остаётся на пике после фазы атаки. - - - - - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - DEC (decay) затухание контролирует как быстро огибающая спадает с пикового значения, измеряется в милисекундах, как долго будет идти с пика до нуля. Реальное затухание может быть короче, если используется выдержка. - - - - - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - SUS (sustain) выдержка, контролирует уровень огибающей. Затухание фазы не пойдёт ниже этого уровня пока нота удерживается. - - - - - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - REL (release) отпуск контролирует как долго нота отпускается, измеряясь в долготе падения от пика до нуля. Реальный отпуск может быть короче, в зависимости от фазы, в которой нота отпущена. - - - - - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - Регулятор наклона контролирует кривую или образ огибающей. Значение 0 создаёт прямые подъёмы и спады. Отрицательные величины создают кривые с замедленным началом, быстрым пиком и снова замедленным спадом. Позитивные значения создают кривые которые начинаются и кончаются быстро, но долбше остаются на пиках. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Modulation amount - Глубина модуляции + + Absolute value + Абсолютное значение - MultitapEchoControlDialog + PeakControllerEffectControls - - Length - Длина + + Base value + Опорное значение - - Step length: - Длина шага: + + Modulation amount + Глубина модуляции - - Dry - Высушить + + Attack + Атака - - Dry Gain: - + + Release + Затухание - - Stages - + + Treshold + Порог - - Lowpass stages: - + + Mute output + Заглушить вывод - - Swap inputs - Переставить входы местами + + Absolute value + Абсолютное значение - - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - Поменять вход левого и правого канала для отзвуков + + Amount multiplicator + Множитель - NesInstrument - - - Channel 1 Coarse detune - Канал 1 - грубая расстройка - - - - Channel 1 Volume - Громкость 1 канала - + PianoRoll - - Channel 1 Envelope length - Канал 1 - Длина огибающей + + Note Velocity + Сила нажатия нот - - Channel 1 Duty cycle - + + Note Panning + Стерео-баланс нот - - Channel 1 Sweep amount - + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Поставить или снять отметку с этого полутона - - Channel 1 Sweep rate - + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + Поставить или снять отметку с этого полутона во всех октавах - - Channel 2 Coarse detune - + + Mark current scale + Отметить выбранную гамму - - Channel 2 Volume - Громкость 2 канала + + Mark current chord + Отметить выбранный аккорд - - Channel 2 Envelope length - + + Unmark all + Снять всё выделение - - Channel 2 Duty cycle - + + Select all notes on this key + Выбрать все ноты на этой клавише - - Channel 2 Sweep amount - + + Note lock + Фиксация нот - - Channel 2 Sweep rate - + + Last note + По посл. ноте - - Channel 3 Coarse detune + + No key - - Channel 3 Volume - Громкость 3 канала + + No scale + Без гаммы - - Channel 4 Volume - Громкость 4 канала + + No chord + Без аккорда - - Channel 4 Envelope length + + Nudge - - Channel 4 Noise frequency + + Snap - - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - + + Velocity: %1% + Сила нажатия: %1% - - Master volume - Основная громкость + + Panning: %1% left + Баланс: %1% слева - - Vibrato - Вибрато + + Panning: %1% right + Баланс: %1% справа - - - NesInstrumentView - - - - - Volume - Громкость + + Panning: center + Баланс: центр - - - - Coarse detune - Грубая расстройка + + Glue notes failed + - - - - Envelope length - Длина огибающей + + Please select notes to glue first. + - - Enable channel 1 - Включить канал 1 + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Откройте паттерн двойным щелчком! - - Enable envelope 1 - Включить кривую 1 + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Новое значение от %1 до %2: + + + PianoRollWindow - - Enable envelope 1 loop - + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Игра/пауза текущей мелодии (пробел) - - Enable sweep 1 - + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Записать ноты с MIDI-устройства или с канала фортепиано - - - Sweep amount - Амплитуда биений + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Записать ноты с MIDI-устройства или с канала фортепиано во время воспроизведения композиции или дорожки Ритм-Баса - - - Sweep rate - Частота биений + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + Записать ноты с MIDI-устройства или с канала фортепиано, по одному шагу за раз - - - 12.5% Duty cycle - 12.5% Рабочий цикл + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Остановить воспроизведение текущей мелодии (пробел) - - - 25% Duty cycle - 25% Рабочий цикл + + Edit actions + Панель правки - - - 50% Duty cycle - 50% Рабочий цикл + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Режим рисования (Shift+D) - - - 75% Duty cycle - 75% Рабочий цикл + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Режим стирания (Shift+E) - - Enable channel 2 - Включить канал 2 + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Режим выбора нот (Shift+S) - - Enable envelope 2 - Включить кривую 2 + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + Режим изгиба высоты тона (Shift+T) - - Enable envelope 2 loop - Включить повтор кривой 2 + + Quantize + Квантовать - - Enable sweep 2 + + Quantize positions - - Enable channel 3 + + Quantize lengths - - Noise Frequency - Частота шума + + File actions + - - Frequency sweep + + Import clip - - Enable channel 4 + + + Export clip - - Enable envelope 4 - + + Copy paste controls + Копировать-вставить управление - - Enable envelope 4 loop - + + Cut (%1+X) + Вырезать (%1+X) - - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - + + Copy (%1+C) + Копировать (%1+C) - - Use note frequency for noise - Использовние частоты ноты для шума + + Paste (%1+V) + Вставить (%1+V) - - Noise mode - Режим шума + + Timeline controls + Панель графика - - Master Volume - Мастер-громкость + + Glue + - - Vibrato - Вибрато + + Knife + - - - OscillatorObject - - Osc %1 waveform - Форма сигнала осциллятора %1 + + Fill + - - Osc %1 harmonic - Осц %1 гармонический + + Cut overlaps + - - - Osc %1 volume - Громкость осциллятора %1 + + Min length as last + - - - Osc %1 panning - Стереобаланс для осциллятора %1 + + Max length as last + - - - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Подстройка левого канала осциллятора %1 тонкая + + Zoom and note controls + Панель масштабирования и нот - - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Подстройка осциллятора %1 грубая + + Horizontal zooming + Горизонтальный масштаб - - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Подстройка правого канала осциллятора %1 тонкая + + Vertical zooming + Вертикальное приближение - - Osc %1 phase-offset - Сдвиг фазы для осциллятора %1 + + Quantization + Квантование - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Подстройка стерео-фазы осциллятора %1 + + Note length + Длительность ноты - - Osc %1 wave shape - Гладкость сигнала осциллятора %1 + + Key + - - Modulation type %1 - Тип модуляции %1 + + Scale + Гамма - - - PatchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + Chord + Аккорд + + + + Snap mode - - Bank selector - Выбор банка + + Clear ghost notes + Очистить призрачные ноты - - Bank - Банк + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Нотный редактор — %1 - - Program selector - Выбор программ + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Нотный редактор — нет паттерна - - Patch - Патч + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + - - Name - Имя + + Export clip success + - - OK - ОК + + Clip saved to %1 + - - Cancel - Отмена + + Import clip. + - - - PatmanView - - Open other patch - Открыть другой патч + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + - - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Нажмите чтобы открыть другой патч-файл. Цикличность и настройки при этом сохранятся. + + Open clip + - - Loop - Повтор + + Import clip success + - - Loop mode - Режим повтора + + Imported clip %1! + + + + PianoView - - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Здесь включается/выключается режим повтора, при включёнии PatMan будет использовать информацию о повторе из файла. + + Base note + Опорная нота - - Tune - Подстроить + + First note + - - Tune mode - Тип подстройки + + Last note + По посл. ноте + + + Plugin - - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Здесь включается/выключается режим подстройки. Если он включён, то PatMan изменит запись так, чтобы она совпадала по частоте с нотой. + + Plugin not found + Модуль не найден - - No file selected - Не выбран файл + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + Модуль «%1» отсутствует либо не может быть загружен! +Причина: «%2» - - Open patch file - Открыть патч-файл + + Error while loading plugin + Ошибка загрузки плагина - - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Патч-файлы (*.pat) + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Не удалось загрузить модуль «%1»! - PatternView + PluginBrowser - - use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step - + + Instrument Plugins + Плагины инструментов - - double-click to open in Piano Roll - Двойной щелчок открывает в Редакторе Нот + + Instrument browser + Инструменты - - Open in piano-roll - Открыть в редакторе нот + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + Вы можете переносить нужные вам инструменты из этой панели в Композитор, Ритм+Бас или в существующую дорожку инструмента. - - Clear all notes - Очистить все ноты + + no description + описание отсутствует - - Reset name - Сбросить название + + A native amplifier plugin + Родной плагин усилителя - - Change name - Переименовать + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Простой сэмплер с разными установками по использованию сэмплов (как барабаны) в инструментальной дорожке - - Add steps - Добавить такты + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Накачай свой бас быстро и просто - - Remove steps - Удалить такты + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Настраиваемый синтезатор звукозаписей (wavetable) - - Clone Steps - Клонировать такты + + An oversampling bitcrusher + Бит-дробилка с передискретизацией - - - PeakController - - Peak Controller - Контроллер вершин + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Инструмент Carla Patchbay - - Peak Controller Bug - Контроллер вершин с багом + + Carla Rack Instrument + Инструментальная стойка Carla - - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - Из-за ошибки в старой версии LMMS контроллеры вершин не могут правильно подключаться. Пж. убедитесь, что контроллеры вершин правильно подсоединены и пересохраните этот файл, извините, за причинённые неудобства. + + A dynamic range compressor. + - - - PeakControllerDialog - - PEAK - ПИК + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + 4-полосный переходный эквалайзер - - LFO Controller - Контроллер LFO + + A native delay plugin + Встроенный плагин задержки - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - BASE - БАЗА + + A Dual filter plugin + Плагин двойного фильтра - - Base amount: - Базовое значение: + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + Плагин для гибкой обработки динамики - - AMNT - ГЛУБ + + A native eq plugin + Встроенный плагин эквалайзера - - Modulation amount: - Глубина модуляции: + + A native flanger plugin + Встроенный плагин фланжера - - MULT - МНОЖ + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Эмуляция GameBoy™ APU - - Amount Multiplicator: - Величина множителя: + + Player for GIG files + Проигрыватель GIG-файлов - - ATCK - ВСТУП + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Фильтр для импорта файлов Hydrogen в LMMS - - Attack: - Вступление: + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Универсальный барабанный синтезатор - - DCAY - СПАД + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Показать установленные модули LADSPA - - Release: - Убывание: + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + Модуль, позволяющий использовать в LMMS любые эффекты LADSPA. - - TRSH - ПОР + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Незавершённая монофоническая имитация TB-303 - - Treshold: - Порог: + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - - Base value - Опорное значение + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + - - Modulation amount - Глубина модуляции + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Фильтр для экспорта MIDI-файлов из LMMS - - Attack - Вступление + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Фильтр для импорта MIDI-файлов в LMMS + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + Чудовищный 3-осциляторный синт с матрицей модуляции - - Release - Убывание + + A multitap echo delay plugin + Плагин многократной задержки эха - - Treshold - Порог + + A NES-like synthesizer + Синтезатор типа NES - - Mute output - Заглушить вывод + + 2-operator FM Synth + 2-параметровый FM-синт - - Abs Value - Абс значение + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Синтезатор звуков вроде органа - - Amount Multiplicator - Величина множителя + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + Патч-инструмент, совместимый с GUS - - - PianoRoll - - Note Velocity - Громкость нот + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Модуль для установки значений регуляторов по пикам громкости - - Note Panning - Стереофония нот + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Алгоритм реверберации Шона Костелло - - Mark/unmark current semitone - Отметить/Снять отметку с текущего полутона + + Player for SoundFont files + Проигрыватель файлов SoundFont - - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Отметить/Снять отметку со всех соответствующих октав полутонов + + LMMS port of sfxr + LMMS-порт SFXR - - Mark current scale - Отметить текущий подъём + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Эмуляция SID MOS6581 и MOS8580. +Этот чип использовался в компьютере Commodore 64. - - Mark current chord - Отметить текущий аккорд + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + Графический анализатор спектра - - Unmark all - Снять выделение + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Модуль, усиливающий разницу между каналами стереозаписи - - Select all notes on this key - Выбрать все ноты по этой кнопке + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Модуль для произвольного управления стереовыходом - - Note lock - Фиксация нот + + Tuneful things to bang on + Мелодичные ударные - - Last note - По посл. ноте + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Три мощных осциллятора, модулируемые несколькими способами - - No scale - Без подъёма + + A stereo field visualizer. + - - No chord - Убрать аккорды + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + VST-хост для поддержки модулей VST(i) в LMMS - - Velocity: %1% - Громкость %1% + + Vibrating string modeler + Моделирование вибрирующих струн - - Panning: %1% left - Баланс: %1% лево + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + Плагин для использования любых VST-эффектов в LMMS - - Panning: %1% right - Баланс: %1% право + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + 4-осцилляторный модулируемый волновой синтезатор - - Panning: center - Баланс: центр + + plugin for waveshaping + Плагин для сглаживания волн - - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Откройте мелодию с помощью двойного щелчка мышью! + + Mathematical expression parser + Анализатор математических выражений - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Введите новое значение от %1 до %2: + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Встроенный ZynAddSubFX - PianoRollWindow + PluginDatabaseW - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Игра/Пауза текущей мелодии (Пробел) + + Carla - Add New + - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Записать ноты с музыкального инструмента (MIDI)/канала + + Format + Формат - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Записать ноты с цифрового музыкального инструмента (MIDI) во время воспроизведения композиции или дорожки Ритм-Баса + + Internal + - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Остановить воспроизведение текущей мелодии (Пробел) + + LADSPA + LADSPA - - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Нажмите здесь чтобы проиграть текущую мелодию. Это может пригодиться при её редактировании. По окончании мелодии воспроизведение начнётся сначала. + + DSSI + DSSI - - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - Нажмите эту кнопку, если вы хотите записать ноты с устройства MIDI или виртуального синтезатора соответствующего канала. Позже вы сможете отредактировать записанную мелодию. + + LV2 + LV2 - - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - Нажмите эту кнопку, если вы хотите записать ноты с устройства MIDI или виртуального синтезатора соответствующего канала. Во время записи все ноты записываются в эту мелодию, и вы будете слышать композицию или РБ дорожку на заднем плане. + + VST2 + VST2 - - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Нажмите здесь, если вы хотите остановить воспроизведение текущей мелодии. + + VST3 + VST3 - - Edit actions - Правка: + + AU + AU - - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Режим рисования (Shift+D) + + Sound Kits + - - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Режим стирания (Shift+E) + + Type + Тип - - Select mode (Shift+S) - Режим выбора нот (Shift+S) + + Effects + Эффекты + + + + Instruments + Инструменты - - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - Режим рисования нот, в нём вы можете добавлять/перемещать и изменять длительность одиночных нот. Это режим по умолчанию и используется большую часть времени. -Для включения этого режима можно использовать комбинацию клавиш Shift+D, удерживайте %1 для временного переключения в режим выбора. + + MIDI Plugins + - - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Режим стирания. В этом режиме вы можете стирать ноты. Для включения этого режима можно использовать комбинацию клавиш Shift+E. + + Other/Misc + - - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - Режим выделения. В этом режиме можно выделять ноты, можно также удерживать %1 в режиме рисования, чтобы можно было на время войти в режим выделения. + + Architecture + Архитектура - - Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + Native - - Click here and Pitch Bend mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Нажмите здесь для активации Pitch Blend режима. Вы сможете кликнуть на ноту, чтобы начать автоматическией детюн. Можно использовать это для "скольжения" от одной ноты к другой. Можно включить этот режим при помощи Shift + T. + + Bridged + - - Quantize + + Bridged (Wine) - - Copy paste controls - Копировать-вставить управление + + Requirements + Требования - - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Переместить выделенные ноты в буфер (%1+X) + + With Custom GUI + - - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Копировать выделенные ноты в буфер (%1+X) + + With CV Ports + - - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Вставить ноты из буфера (%1+V) + + Real-time safe only + - - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - При нажатии на эту кнопку выделеные ноты будут вырезаны в буфер. Позже вы можете вставить их в любое место любой мелодии с помощью кнопки "Вставить". + + Stereo only + - - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - При нажатии на эту кнопку выделеные ноты будут скопированы в буфер. Позже вы можете вставить их в любое место любой мелодии с помощью кнопки "Вставить". + + With Inline Display + - - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - При нажатии на эту кнопку ноты из буфера будут вставлены в первый видимый такт. + + Favorites only + - - Timeline controls - Управление временем + + (Number of Plugins go here) + - - Zoom and note controls - Контроль нот и увеличения. + + &Add Plugin + - - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - Этим контролируется масштаб оси. Это может быть полезно для специальных задач. Для обычного редактирования, масштаб следует устанавливать по наименьшей ноте. + + Cancel + Отмена - - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - "Q" обозначает квантизацию и контролирует размер нотной сетки и контрольные точки притяжения. С меньшей величиной квантизации, можно рисовать короткие ноты в редаторе нот и более точно контролировать точки в Редакторе Автоматизации. + + Refresh + Обновить - - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - Позволяет выбрть длину новой ноты. "Последняя Нота" значит, что LMMS будет использовать длину ноты, изменённой в последний раз + + Reset filters + Сбросить фильтры - - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - Функция напрямую связана с контекстным меню на виртуальной клавиатуре слева в нотном редакторе. После того, как выбран масштаб в выпадающем меню, можно кликнуть правой кнопкой в виртуальной клавиатуре и выбрать "Mark Current Scale" (Отметить текущий масштаб). LMMS подсветит все ноты лежащие в выбранном масштабе для выбранной клавиши! + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - Позволяет выбрать аккорд, который LMMS затем сможет нарисовать или подсветить. В этом меню можно найти ниболее популярные аккорды. После того, как вы выбрали аккорд, кликните в любом месте, чтобы поставить его и правым кликом по виртуальной клавиатуре открывается контекстное меню и подсветка аккорда. Для возврата в режим одной ноты нужно выбрать "Без аккорда" в этом выпадающем меню. + + Format: + Формат: - - - Piano-Roll - %1 - Нотный редактор - %1 + + Architecture: + Архитектура: - - - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Пианоролл — нет шаблона + + Type: + Тип: - - - PianoView - - Base note - Опорная нота + + MIDI Ins: + - - - Plugin - - Plugin not found - Модуль не найден + + Audio Ins: + - - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - Модуль «%1» отсутствует либо не может быть загружен! -Причина: «%2» + + CV Outs: + - - Error while loading plugin - Ошибка загрузки модуля + + MIDI Outs: + - - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Не получилось загрузить модуль «%1»! + + Parameter Ins: + - - - PluginBrowser - - Instrument Plugins - Плагины инструментов + + Parameter Outs: + - - Instrument browser - Обзор инструментов + + Audio Outs: + - - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Вы можете переносить нужные вам инструменты из этой панели в музыкальный, ритм-бас редактор или в существующую дорожку инструмента. + + CV Ins: + - - - PluginFactory - - Plugin not found. - Плагин не найден + + UniqueID: + - - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - ЛММС плагин %1 не имеет описания плагина с именем %2! + + Has Inline Display: + - - - ProjectNotes - - Project Notes - Показать/скрыть заметки к проекту + + Has Custom GUI: + - - Enter project notes here - Напишите заметки, касающиеся проекта здесь + + Is Synth: + - - Edit Actions - Правка + + Is Bridged: + - - &Undo - &U Отменить + + Information + Информация - - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Name + Имя - - &Redo - &R Повторить + + Label/URI + - - %1+Y - %1+Y + + Maker + - - &Copy - &C Копировать + + Binary/Filename + - - %1+C - %1+C + + Focus Text Search + - - Cu&t - &t Вырезать + + Ctrl+F + Ctrl+F + + + PluginEdit - - %1+X - %1+X + + Plugin Editor + Редактор плагинов - - &Paste - &P Вставить + + Edit + Правка - - %1+V - %1+V + + Control + Контроль - - Format Actions - Форматирование + + MIDI Control Channel: + - - &Bold - &b Полужирный + + N + N - - %1+B - %1+B + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - - &Italic - &i Курсив + + Output volume (100%) + - - %1+I - %1+I + + Balance Left (0%) + - - &Underline - &U Подчеркнутый + + + Balance Right (0%) + - - %1+U - %1+U + + Use Balance + - - &Left - &L По левому краю + + Use Panning + - - %1+L - %1+L + + Settings + Настройки - - C&enter - По &центру + + Use Chunks + - - %1+E + + Audio: - - &Right + + Fixed-Size Buffer - - %1+R + + Force Stereo (needs reload) - - &Justify - &Выравнивать + + MIDI: + MIDI: - - %1+J + + Map Program Changes - - &Color... - &Цвет... + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - - - ProjectRenderer - - WAV-File (*.wav) - Файл WAV (*.wav) + + Send Control Changes + - - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Сжатый файл OGG (*.ogg) + + Send Channel Pressure + - FLAC-File (*.flac) + + Send Note Aftertouch - - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) + + Send Pitchbend - - - QWidget - - - - Name: - Название: + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - - - Maker: - Создатель: + + +Plugin Name + + +Название плагина + - - - Copyright: - Правообладатель: + + Program: + Программа: - - - Requires Real Time: - Требуется обработка в реальном времени: + + MIDI Program: + - - - - - - - Yes - Да + + Save State + Сохранить состояние - - - - - - - No - Нет + + Load State + Загрузить состояние - - - Real Time Capable: - Работа в реальном времени: + + Information + Информация - - - In Place Broken: - Вместо сломанного: + + Label/URI: + - - - Channels In: - Каналы в: + + Name: + Название: - - - Channels Out: - Каналы из: + + Type: + Тип: - - File: %1 - Файл: %1 + + Maker: + - - File: - Файл: + + Copyright: + - - - RenameDialog - - Rename... - Переименовать... + + Unique ID: + - ReverbSCControlDialog + PluginFactory - - Input - Ввод + + Plugin not found. + Плагин не найден. - - Input Gain: - Входная мощность: + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + Плагин LMMS «%1» не имеет дескриптора с именем «%2»! + + + PluginParameter - - Size - Размер + + Form + - - Size: - Размер: + + Parameter Name + Название параметра - - Color - Цвет + + ... + + + + PluginRefreshW - - Color: - Цвет: + + Carla - Refresh + Carla — обновление - - Output - Вывод + + Search for new... + - - Output Gain: - Выходная мощность: + + LADSPA + LADSPA - - - ReverbSCControls - - Input Gain - Входная мощность + + DSSI + DSSI - - Size - Размер + + LV2 + LV2 - - Color - Цвет + + VST2 + VST2 - - Output Gain - Выходная мощность + + VST3 + VST3 - - - SampleBuffer - - Fail to open file - Не удается открыть файл + + AU + AU - - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - - Open audio file - Открыть звуковой файл + + SFZ + SFZ - - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Все аудио файлы (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + Native + - - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Файлы Wave (*.wav) + + POSIX 32bit + POSIX 32-бит - - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - Файлы OGG (*.ogg) + + POSIX 64bit + POSIX 64-бит - - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - Файлы DrumSynth (*.ds) + + Windows 32bit + Windows 32-бит - - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - Файлы FLAC (*.flac) + + Windows 64bit + Windows 64-бит - - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - Файлы SPEEX (*.spx) + + Available tools: + Доступные инструменты: - - VOC-Files (*.voc) - Файлы VOC (*.voc) + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + python3-rdflib (поддержка LADSPA-RDF) - - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - Файлы AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + carla-discovery-win64 + carla-discovery-win64 - - AU-Files (*.au) - Файлы AU (*.au) + + carla-discovery-native + carla-discovery-native - - RAW-Files (*.raw) - Файлы RAW (*.raw) + + carla-discovery-posix32 + carla-discovery-posix32 - - - SampleTCOView - - double-click to select sample - Выберите запись двойным нажатием мыши + + carla-discovery-posix64 + carla-discovery-posix64 - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Удалить (средняя кнопка мыши) + + carla-discovery-win32 + carla-discovery-win32 - - Cut - Вырезать + + Options: + Опции: - - Copy - Копировать + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + Во время сканирования Carla будет проверять плагины (чтобы убедиться, что они не вылетят). +Чтобы ускорить сканирование, эти проверки можно отключить (на свой страх и риск). - - Paste - Вставить + + Run processing checks while scanning + Выполнять проверки во время сканирования - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Заглушить/включить (<%1> + средняя кнопка мыши) + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + Нажмите «Сканировать», чтобы начать поиск - - - SampleTrack - - Volume - Громкость + + Scan + Сканировать - - Panning - Баланс + + >> Skip + >> Пропустить - - - Sample track - Дорожка записи + + Close + Закрыть - SampleTrackView + PluginWidget - - Track volume - Громкость дорожки + + + + + + Frame + - - Channel volume: - Громкость канала: + + Enable + Включить - - VOL - ГРОМ + + On/Off + Вкл/Выкл - - Panning - Баланс + + + + + PluginName + - - Panning: - Баланс: + + MIDI + MIDI - - PAN - БАЛ + + AUDIO IN + - - - SetupDialog - - Setup LMMS - Настройка LMMS + + AUDIO OUT + - - - General settings - Общие параметры + + GUI + - - BUFFER SIZE - РАЗМЕР БУФЕРА + + Edit + Правка - - - Reset to default-value - Восстановить значение по умолчанию + + Remove + Удалить - - MISC - РАЗНОЕ + + Plugin Name + Название плагина - - Enable tooltips - Включить подсказки + + Preset: + Пресет: + + + ProjectNotes - - Show restart warning after changing settings - Показывать предупреждение о перезапуске при изменении настроек + + Project Notes + Заметки к проекту - - Display volume as dBFS - Отображать громкость в децибелах + + Enter project notes here + Напишите заметки, касающиеся проекта, здесь - - Compress project files per default - По умолчанию сжимать файлы проектов + + Edit Actions + Панель правки - - One instrument track window mode - Режим окна одной инструментальной дорожки + + &Undo + &Отменить - - HQ-mode for output audio-device - Режим высокого качества для устройства вывода звука + + %1+Z + %1+Z - - Compact track buttons - Ужать кнопки дорожки + + &Redo + Ве&рнуть - - Sync VST plugins to host playback - Синхронизировать VST плагины с хостом воспроизведения + + %1+Y + %1+Y - - Enable note labels in piano roll - Включить обозначение нот в музыкальном редакторе + + &Copy + &Копировать - - Enable waveform display by default - Включить отображение формы звуков по умолчанию + + %1+C + %1+C - - Keep effects running even without input - Продолжать работу эффектов даже без входящего сигнала + + Cu&t + &Вырезать - - Create backup file when saving a project - Создать запасной файл при сохранении проекта + + %1+X + %1+X - - Reopen last project on start - Открыть последний проект на старте + + &Paste + Вст&авить - - Use built-in NaN handler - + + %1+V + %1+V - - PLUGIN EMBEDDING - + + Format Actions + Панель форматирования - - No embedding - Не встраивать + + &Bold + &Жирный - - Embed using Qt API - Встроить с использованием QT API + + %1+B + %1+B - - Embed using native Win32 API - Встроить с использованием Win32 API + + &Italic + &Курсив - - Embed using XEmbed protocol - Встроить с использованием протокола XEmbed + + %1+I + %1+I - - LANGUAGE - ЯЗЫК + + &Underline + Под&чёркнутый - - - Paths - Пути + + %1+U + %1+U - - Directories - Папки + + &Left + По &левому краю - - LMMS working directory - Рабочий каталог LMMS + + %1+L + %1+L - - Themes directory - Папка тем + + C&enter + По &центру - - Background artwork - Фоновое изображение + + %1+E + %1+E - - VST-plugin directory - Каталог модулей VST + + &Right + По &правому краю - - GIG directory - Папка GIG + + %1+R + %1+R - - SF2 directory - Папка SF2 + + &Justify + По &ширине - - LADSPA plugin directories - Папка плагинов LADSPA + + %1+J + %1+J - - STK rawwave directory - Каталог STK rawwave + + &Color... + Ц&вет... + + + ProjectRenderer - - Default Soundfont File - Основной Soundfont файл + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) - - - Performance settings - Параметры производительности + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) - - Auto save - Автосохранение + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) - - Enable auto-save - Включить автосохранение + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - - Allow auto-save while playing - Разрешить автосохранение во время воспроизведения + + Reload Plugin + - - UI effects vs. performance - Визуальные эффекты/производительность + + Show GUI + Показать интерфейс - - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - Плавная прокрутка в музыкальном редакторе + + Help + Справка + + + QWidget - - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Показывать указатель воспроизведения в процессоре аудио файлов (AFP) + + + + + Name: + Название: - - - Audio settings - Параметры звука + + URI: + - - AUDIO INTERFACE - ЗВУКОВАЯ СИСТЕМА + + + + Maker: + Автор: - - - MIDI settings - Параметры MIDI + + + + Copyright: + Авторское право: - - MIDI INTERFACE - MIDI СИСТЕМА + + + Requires Real Time: + Требует работать в реальном времени: - - OK - ОК + + + + + + + Yes + да - - Cancel - Отменить + + + + + + + No + нет - - Restart LMMS - Перезапустить LMMS + + + Real Time Capable: + Работа в реальном времени: - - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - Учтите, что большинство настроек не вступят в силу до перезапуска ЛММС! + + + In Place Broken: + Неисправен: - - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Фрагментов: %1 -Отклик: %2 + + + Channels In: + Каналов на входе: - - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - Здесь вы можете настроить размер внутреннего звукового буфера LMMS. Меньшие значения дают меньшее время отклика программы, но повышают потребление ресурсов - это особенно заметно на старых машинах и системах, ядро которых не поддерживает приоритета реального времени. Если наблюдается прерывистый звук, попробуйте увеличить размер буфера. + + + Channels Out: + Каналов на выходе: - - Choose LMMS working directory - Выбор рабочего каталога LMMS + + File: %1 + Файл: %1 - - Choose your GIG directory - Выберите вашу папку GIG + + File: + Файл: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - - Choose your SF2 directory - Выберите вашу папку SF2 + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Недавние проекты + + + RenameDialog - - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Выбор своего каталога для модулей VST + + Rename... + Переименовать... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - - Choose artwork-theme directory - Выбор каталога с темой оформления для LMMS + + Input + Вход - - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Выбор каталога с модулями LADSPA + + Input gain: + Входное усиление: - - Choose STK rawwave directory - Выбор каталога STK rawwave + + Size + Размер - - Choose default SoundFont - Выбрать главный SoundFont + + Size: + Размер: - - Choose background artwork - Выбрать фоновое изображение + + Color + Цвет - - minutes - Минуты + + Color: + Цвет: - - minute - Минута + + Output + Выход - - Disabled - Отключено + + Output gain: + Выходное усиление: + + + ReverbSCControls - - Auto-save interval: %1 - Интервал автосорхранения: %1 + + Input gain + Входное усиление - - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - Установить время между автоматическим бэкапом на %1. Не забывайте сохранять проект вручную. + + Size + Размер - - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - Пожалуйста, выберите желаемую звуковую систему. В зависимости от конфигурации во время компилирования программы вы можете использовать ALSA, JACK, OSS и другие. В нижней части окна настройки можно задать специфические параметры выбранной системы. + + Color + Цвет - - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - Пожалуйста, выберите интерфейс MIDI. В зависимости от конфигурации во время компилирования программы вы можете использовать ALSA, OSS и другие. В нижней части окна настройки можно задать специфические параметры выбранного интерфейса. + + Output gain + Выходное усиление - Song + SaControls - - Tempo - Темп + + Pause + Пауза - - Master volume - Основная громкость + + Reference freeze + Заморозить эталон - - Master pitch - Основная тональность + + Waterfall + Спад - - LMMS Error report - Отчет об ошибке LMMS + + Averaging + Усреднение - - Project saved - Проект сохранён + + Stereo + Стерео - - The project %1 is now saved. - Проект %1 сохранён. + + Peak hold + Держать пик - - Project NOT saved. - Проект НЕ СОХРАНЁН. + + Logarithmic frequency + Логарифмическая частота - - The project %1 was not saved! - Проект %1 не сохранён! + + Logarithmic amplitude + Логарифмическая амплитуда - - Import file - Импорт файла + + Frequency range + Диапазон частот - - MIDI sequences - MiDi последовательности + + Amplitude range + Диапазон амплитуд - - Hydrogen projects - Hydrogen проекты + + FFT block size + Размер блока FFT - - All file types - Все типы файлов + + FFT window type + Тип окна FFT - - - Empty project - Пустой проект + + Peak envelope resolution + Разрешение огибающей пика - - - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - Проект ничего не содержит, так что и экспортировать нечего. Сначала добавьте хотя бы одну дорожку в музыкальном редакторе! + + Spectrum display resolution + Разрешение отображения спектра - - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Выберите папку для записи экспортированных дорожек... + + Peak decay multiplier + Множитель спада пика - - - untitled - Неназванное + + Averaging weight + Средний вес - - - Select file for project-export... - Выбор файла для экспорта проекта... + + Waterfall history size + Размер истории спада - - Save project - Сохранить проект + + Waterfall gamma correction + Гамма-коррекция спада - - MIDI File (*.mid) - MIDI-файл (*.mid) + + FFT window overlap + Перекрытие окон FFT - - The following errors occured while loading: - Следующие ошибки возникли при загрузке: + + FFT zero padding + FFT нулевой отступ - - - SongEditor - - Could not open file - Не могу открыть файл + + + Full (auto) + Полностью (авто) - - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Невозможно открыть файл %1, вероятно, нет разрешений на его чтение. -Пж. убедитесь, что есть по крайней мере права на чтение этого файла и попробуйте ещё раз. + + + + Audible + Слышимые - - Could not write file - Не могу записать файл + + Bass + Басы - - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Невозможно открыть %1 для записи, возможно, нет разрешений на запись в этот файл, пж. удостоверьтесь, что есть доступ к этому файлу и попробуйте снова. + + Mids + Средние - - Error in file - Ошибка в файле + + High + Высокие - - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Файл %1 возможно содержит ошибки из-за которых не может загрузиться. + + Extended + Расширенно - - Version difference - Версия отличается + + Loud + Громкие - - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - %1 был создан в LMMS %2. + + Silent + Тихие - - template - шаблон + + (High time res.) + (Высокое разрешение по времени) - - project - проект + + (High freq. res.) + (Высокое разрешение по частоте) - - Tempo - Темп + + Rectangular (Off) + Прямоугольный (откл.) - - TEMPO/BPM - ТЕМП/BPM + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + Блэкман-Харрис (по умолчанию) - - tempo of song - Темп музыки + + Hamming + Хэмминг (Сглажив) - - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - Это значение задаёт темп музыки в ударах в минуту (англ. аббр. BPM). На каждый такт приходится четыре удара, так что темп в ударах в минуту фактически указывает, сколько четвертей такта проигрывается за минуту (или, что то же, количество тактов, проигрываемых за четыре минуты). + + Hanning + Хэннинга (Сглажив) + + + SaControlsDialog - - High quality mode - Высокое качество + + Pause + Пауза - - - Master volume - Основная громкость + + Pause data acquisition + Приостановить сбор данных - - master volume - основная громкость + + Reference freeze + Заморозить эталон - - - Master pitch - Основная тональность + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + Заморозить текущий входной сигнал в качестве эталона; отключить спад в режиме удержания пика. - - master pitch - основная тональность + + Waterfall + Спад - - Value: %1% - Значение: %1% + + Display real-time spectrogram + Показать спектрограмму в реальном времени - - Value: %1 semitones - Значение: %1 полутон(а/ов) + + Averaging + Усреднение - - - SongEditorWindow - - Song-Editor - Музыкальный редактор + + Enable exponential moving average + Включить экспоненциальное скользящее среднее - - Play song (Space) - Начать воспроизведение (Пробел) + + Stereo + Стерео - - Record samples from Audio-device - Записать сэмпл со звукового устройства + + Display stereo channels separately + Отображать стерео-каналы раздельно - - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Записать сэмпл с аудио-устройства во время воспроизведения в музыкальном или ритм/бас редакторе + + Peak hold + Держать пик - - Stop song (Space) - Остановить воспроизведение (Пробел) + + Display envelope of peak values + Показать огибающую пиковых значений - - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - Нажмите, чтобы прослушать созданную мелодию. Воспроизведение начнётся с позиции курсора (зелёный треугольник); вы можете двигать его во время проигрывания. + + Logarithmic frequency + Логарифмическая частота - - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - Нажмите сюда, если вы хотите остановить воспроизведение мелодии. Курсор при этом будет установлен на начало композиции. + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + Переключиться между логарифмической и линейной шкалой частоты - - Track actions - Действия трека + + + Frequency range + Диапазон частот - - Add beat/bassline - Добавить ритм/бас + + Logarithmic amplitude + Логарифмическая амплитуда - - Add sample-track - Добавить дорожку записи + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + Переключить между логарифмическим и линейным усилением амплитуды - - Add automation-track - Добавить дорожку автоматизации + + + Amplitude range + Диапазон амплитуд - - Edit actions - Правка: + + Envelope res. + Разрешение огибающей - - Draw mode - Режим рисования + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Увеличьте разрешение огибающей, чтобы улучшить детализацию, или уменьшите, чтобы улучшить производительность графического интерфейса. - - Edit mode (select and move) - Правка (выделение/перемещение) + + + Draw at most + Максимально точек на пиксель в спектре : - - Timeline controls - Управление временем + + envelope points per pixel + точки огибающей на пиксель - - Zoom controls - Приблизить управление + + Spectrum res. + Разрешение спектра - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - - Linear spectrum - Линейный спектр + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Увеличьте разрешение спектра, чтобы улучшить детализацию, или уменьшите, чтобы улучшить производительность графического интерфейса. - - Linear Y axis - Линейная ось ординат (Y) + + spectrum points per pixel + точки спектра на пиксель - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - - Linear spectrum - Линейный спектр + + Falloff factor + Коэффициент спада - - Linear Y axis - Линейная ось ординат (Y) + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + Снизьте, чтобы пики спадали быстрее - - Channel mode - Режим канала + + Multiply buffered value by + Умножить значение буфера на - - - SubWindow - - Close - Закрыть + + Averaging weight + Средний вес - - Maximize - Развернуть + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + Уменьшите, чтобы усреднение было медленнее и плавнее. - - Restore - Восстановить + + New sample contributes + Вхождения нового сэмпла - - - TabWidget - - - Settings for %1 - Настройки для %1 + + Waterfall height + Высота спада - - - TempoSyncKnob - - - Tempo Sync - Синхронизация темпа + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + Увеличьте, чтобы получить более плавные движения, и уменьшите, чтобы лучше видеть быстрые переходы. Внимание: средняя загрузка ЦП. - - No Sync - Синхронизации нет + + Keep + Оставить - - Eight beats - Восемь ударов (две ноты) + + lines + линии - - Whole note - Целая нота + + Waterfall gamma + Гамма спада - - Half note - Полунота + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + Снизьте, чтобы увидеть очень слабые сигналы, и увеличьте, чтобы получить лучший контраст. - - Quarter note - Четверть ноты + + Gamma value: + Гамма значение: - - 8th note - Восьмая ноты + + Window overlap + Перекрытие окна - - 16th note - 1/16 ноты + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + Увеличьте, чтобы не пропускать быстрые переходы, которые приближаются к краям окна FFT. Внимание: сильно нагружает процессор! - - 32nd note - 1/32 ноты + + Each sample processed + Количество раз обработки сэмпла: - - Custom... - Своя... + + times + раз - - Custom - Своя + + Zero padding + Нулевой отступ - - Synced to Eight Beats - Синхро по 8 ударам + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + Увеличьте, чтобы получить более плавный спектр. Внимание: сильно нагружает процессор. - - Synced to Whole Note - Синхро по целой ноте + + Processing buffer is + Буфер обработки - - Synced to Half Note - Синхро по половине ноты + + steps larger than input block + Шагов больше, чем в блоке ввода - - Synced to Quarter Note - Синхро по четверти ноты + + Advanced settings + Расширенные настройки - - Synced to 8th Note - Синхро по 1/8 ноты + + Access advanced settings + Доступ к расширенным настройкам - - Synced to 16th Note - Синхро по 1/16 ноты + + + FFT block size + Размер блока FFT - - Synced to 32nd Note - Синхро по 1/32 ноты + + + FFT window type + Тип окна FFT - TimeDisplayWidget - - - click to change time units - нажми для изменения единиц времени - - - - MIN - МИН - + SampleBuffer - - SEC - СЕК + + Fail to open file + Не удается открыть файл - - MSEC - мСЕК + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Звуковые файлы ограничены размером %1 МБ и длительностью %2 мин. - - BAR - ДЕЛЕНИЕ + + Open audio file + Открыть звуковой файл - - BEAT - БИТ + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Все звуковые файлы (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - - TICK - ТИК + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Файлы Wave (*.wav) - - - TimeLineWidget - - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Вкл/выкл автопрокрутку + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + Файлы OGG (*.ogg) - - Enable/disable loop-points - Вкл/выкл точки петли + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + Файлы DrumSynth (*.ds) - - After stopping go back to begin - После остановки переходить к началу + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + Файлы FLAC (*.flac) - - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - После остановки переходить к месту, с которого началось воспроизведение + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + Файлы SPEEX (*.spx) - - After stopping keep position - Оставаться на месте остановки + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + Файлы VOC (*.voc) - - - Hint - Подсказка + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + Файлы AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) - - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Нажмите <%1>, чтобы убрать прилипание точек петли. + + AU-Files (*.au) + Файлы AU (*.au) - - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Зажмите <Shift> чтобы сдвинуть начало точек петли; Нажмите <%1>, чтобы убрать прилипание точек петли. + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + Файлы RAW (*.raw) - Track - - - Mute - Тихо - + SampleClipView - - Solo - Соло + + Double-click to open sample + Дважды щелкните, чтобы открыть сэмпл - - - TrackContainer - - Couldn't import file - Не могу импортировать файл + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Удалить (средняя кнопка мыши) - - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Не могу найти фильтр для импорта файла %1. -Для подключения этого файла преобразуйте его в формат, поддерживаемый LMMS. + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + Удалить выделенное (средняя кнопка мыши) - - Couldn't open file - Не могу открыть файл + + Cut + Вырезать - - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Не могу открыть файл %1 для записи. -Проверьте, обладаете ли вы правами на запись в выбранный файл и содержащий его каталог и попробуйте снова! + + Cut selection + Вырезать выделенное - - Loading project... - Чтение проекта... + + Copy + Копировать - - - Cancel - Отменить + + Copy selection + Копировать выделенное - - - Please wait... - Подождите, пожалуйста... + + Paste + Вставить - - Loading cancelled - Загрузка отменена. + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Тихо/громко (<%1> + щелчок средней кнопкой) - - Project loading was cancelled. - Загрузка проекта была отменена. + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + Отключить или включить звук для выделенного (<%1> + средняя кнопка мыши) - - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - + + Reverse sample + Перевернуть сэмпл - - Importing MIDI-file... - Импортирую файл MIDI... + + Set clip color + Установить цвет клипа - - - TrackContentObject - - Mute - Тихо + + Use track color + Использовать цвет дорожки - TrackContentObjectView + SampleTrack - - Current position - Текущая позиция + + Volume + Громкость - - - Hint - Подсказка + + Panning + Баланс - - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Нажмите <%1> и тащите мышью, чтобы создать копию. + + Mixer channel + Канал ЭФ - - Current length - Текущая длительность + + + Sample track + Дорожка записи + + + SampleTrackView - - Press <%1> for free resizing. - Для свободного изменения размера нажмите <%1>. + + Track volume + Громкость дорожки - - - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (от %3:%4 до %5:%6) + + Channel volume: + Громкость канала: - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Удалить (средняя кнопка мыши) + + VOL + УР - - Cut - Вырезать + + Panning + Баланс - - Copy - Копировать + + Panning: + Баланс: - - Paste - Вставить + + PAN + БАЛ - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Тихо/громко (<%1> + middle click) + + Channel %1: %2 + ЭФ %1: %2 - TrackOperationsWidget - - - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - Зажмите <Сtrl> и нажимайте мышь во время движения, чтобы начать новую переброску. - + SampleTrackWindow - - Actions for this track - Действия для этой дорожки + + GENERAL SETTINGS + ОСНОВНЫЕ НАСТРОЙКИ - - Mute - Тихо + + Sample volume + Громкость сэмпла - - - Solo - Соло + + Volume: + Громкость: - - Mute this track - Заглушить эту дорожку + + VOL + ГРОМК - - Clone this track - Клонировать дорожку + + Panning + Баланс - - Remove this track - Удалить дорожку + + Panning: + Баланс: - - Clear this track - Очистить эту дорожку + + PAN + БАЛ - - FX %1: %2 - ЭФ %1: %2 + + Mixer channel + Канал ЭФ - - Assign to new FX Channel - Назначить на другой канал ЭФфектов + + CHANNEL + ЭФ + + + SaveOptionsWidget - - Turn all recording on - Включить всё на запись + + Discard MIDI connections + Отклонить MIDI-соединения - - Turn all recording off - Выключить всю запись + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + - TripleOscillatorView + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + Сбросить до настроек по умолчанию + - - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Модулировать фазу осциллятора 2 сигналом с 1 + + Use built-in NaN handler + Использовать встроенный Nan-обработчик - - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Модулировать амплитуду осциллятора 2 сигналом с первого + + Settings + Настройки - - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Смешать выводы 1 и 2 осцилляторов + + + General + Основные - - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Синхронизировать первый осциллятор по второму + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + Графический интерфейс пользователя (GUI) + + + + Display volume as dBFS + Отображать громкость в децибелах - - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Модулировать частоту осциллятора 2 сигналом с 1 + + Enable tooltips + Включить подсказки - - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Модулировать фазу осциллятора 3 сигналом с 2 + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Модулировать амплитуду осциллятора 3 сигналом с 2 + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + - - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Совместить вывод осцилляторов 2 и 3 + + Enable compact track buttons + - - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Синхронизировать осциллятор 2 и 3 + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Модулировать частоту осциллятора 3 сигналом со 2 + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + Показывать боковую панель справа - - Osc %1 volume: - Громкость осциллятора %1: + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Эта ручка устанавливает громкость осциллятора %1. Если 0, то осциллятор выключается, иначе будет слышно настолько громко , как тут установлено. + + Mute automation tracks during solo + Отключать дорожки автоматизации во время соло - - Osc %1 panning: - Баланс для осциллятора %1: + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Регулятор стереобаланса осциллятора %1. Величина -100 обозначает, что 100% сигнала идёт в левый канал, а 100 - в правый. + + Projects + Проекты - - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Грубая подстройка осциллятора %1: + + Compress project files by default + По умолчанию сжимать файлы проекта - - semitones - полутон[а,ов] + + Create a backup file when saving a project + Создавать резервные копии при сохранении проекта - - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Грубая регулировка подстройки осциллятора %1. Возможна подстройка до 24 полутонов (до 2 октавы) вверх и вниз. Полезно для создания аккордов. + + Reopen last project on startup + Открывать последний проект при запуске - - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Точная подстройка левого канала осциллятора %1: + + Language + Язык - - - cents - Проценты + + + Performance + Производительность - - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Эта ручка устанавливает точную подстройку для левого канала осциллятора %1. Подстройка задаётся в диапазоне от -100 сотых до +100 сотых. Это полезно для создания "сочных" звуков. + + Autosave + Автосохранение - - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Точная подстройка правого канала осциллятора %1: + + Enable autosave + Включить автоматическое сохранение - - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Эта ручка устанавливает точную подстройку для правого канала осциллятора %1. Подстройка задаётся в диапазоне от -100 сотых до +100 сотых. Это полезно для создания "сочных" звуков. + + Allow autosave while playing + Разрешить автосохранение во время воспроизведения. - - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Сдвиг фазы осциллятора %1: + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + Эффекты интерфейса и производительность - - - degrees - градусы + + Smooth scroll in song editor + Плавная прокрутка в редакторе композиции - - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Эта ручка устанавливает начальную фазу осциллятора %1, т. е. точку, с которой осциллятор начинает вырабатывать сигнал. Например, если вы задали синусоидальную форму сигнала и начальную фазу 180º, волна сначала пойдёт вниз, а не вверх. То же для меандра (сигнала прямоугольной формы). + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + Показывать указатель воспроизведения в процессоре звуковых файлов - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Подстройка стерео фазы осциллятора %1: + + Plugins + Модули - - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Эта ручка устанавливает фазовую подстройку осциллятора %1 между каналами, то есть разность фаз между левым и правым каналами. Это удобно для создания расширения стереоэффектов. + + VST plugins embedding: + Встраивание VST-плагинов: - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Генерировать гармонический (синусоидальный) сигнал. + + No embedding + Не встраивать - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Генерировать треугольный сигнал. + + Embed using Qt API + Встроить с использованием Qt API - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Генерировать зигзагообразный сигнал. + + Embed using native Win32 API + Встроить с использованием Win32 API - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Генерировать квадрат (меандр). + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Встроить с использованием протокола XEmbed - - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Использовать муг-зигзаг для этого осциллятора. + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + Держать окна плагинов поверху, если не встроены - - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Использовать экспоненциальный сигнал для этого осциллятора. + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Синхронизировать VST плагины с хостом воспроизведения - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Генерировать белый шум. + + Keep effects running even without input + Продолжать работу эффектов даже без входящего сигнала - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Задать форму сигнала. + + + Audio + Аудио - - - VersionedSaveDialog - - Increment version number - Увеличивающийся номер версии + + Audio interface + Аудио-интерфейс - - Decrement version number - Понижающийся номер версии + + HQ mode for output audio device + Высококачественный режим аудио-устройства - - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - уже существует. Хотите перезаписать? + + Buffer size + Размер буфера - - - VestigeInstrumentView - - Open other VST-plugin - Открыть другой VST плагин + + + MIDI + MIDI - - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Открыть другой модуль VST. После нажатия на кнопку появится стандартный диалог выбора файла, где вы сможете выбрать нужный модуль. + + MIDI interface + Интерфейс MIDI - - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Управление VST плагином через LMMS хост + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + Автоматически назначать MIDI-контроллер на выбранную дорожку - - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Нажмите здесь, для контроля VST плагином через хост. + + LMMS working directory + Рабочий каталог LMMS - - Open VST-plugin preset - Открыть предустановку VST плагина + + VST plugins directory + Каталог модулей VST - - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Открыть другую .fxp . fxb предустановку VST. + + LADSPA plugins directories + Каталог модулей LADSPA - - Previous (-) - Предыдущий <-> + + SF2 directory + Папка SF2 - - - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Переключение на другую предустановку программы VST плагина. + + Default SF2 + Файл SF2 по умолчанию - - Save preset - Сохранить предустановку + + GIG directory + Папка GIG - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Сохранить текущую предустановку программы VST плагина. + + Theme directory + Папка для тем - - Next (+) - Следующий <+> + + Background artwork + Фоновое изображение - - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Выбор из уже загруженных в VST предустановок. + + Some changes require restarting. + Некоторые изменения требуют перезагрузки программы. - - Show/hide GUI - Показать/скрыть интерфейс + + Autosave interval: %1 + Интервал автосохранения: %1 - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Скрывает/показывает графический пользовательский интерфейс (GUI) выбранного модуля VST. + + Choose the LMMS working directory + Выбрать рабочий каталог LMMS - - Turn off all notes - Выключить все ноты + + Choose your VST plugins directory + Выбрать каталог плагинов VST - - Open VST-plugin - Открыть модуль VST + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + Выбрать каталог плагинов LADSPA - - DLL-files (*.dll) - Бибилиотеки DLL (*.dll) + + Choose your default SF2 + Выберите основной SF2 - - EXE-files (*.exe) - Программы EXE (*.exe) + + Choose your theme directory + Выберите свою папку для тем - - No VST-plugin loaded - Модуль VST не загружен + + Choose your background picture + Выберите свою картинку фона - - Preset - Предустановка + + + Paths + Пути - - by - от + + OK + ОК - - - VST plugin control - - управление VST плагином + + Cancel + Отмена - - - VisualizationWidget - - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - Нажмите, чтобы включить/выключить визуализацию главного вывода + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Фрагментов: %1 +Отклик: %2 мс - - Click to enable - Нажать для включения + + Choose your GIG directory + Выберите вашу папку GIG - - - VstEffectControlDialog - - Show/hide - Показать/Скрыть + + Choose your SF2 directory + Выберите вашу папку SF2 - - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Управление VST плагином через LMMS хост + + minutes + Минуты - - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Нажмите здесь, для контроля VST плагином через хост. + + minute + Минута - - Open VST-plugin preset - Открыть предустановку VST плагина + + Disabled + Отключено + + + SidInstrument - - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Открыть другую .fxp . fxb предустановку VST. + + Cutoff frequency + Частота среза - - Previous (-) - Предыдущий <-> + + Resonance + Резонанс - - - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Переключение на другую предустановку программы VST плагина. + + Filter type + Тип фильтра - - Next (+) - Следующий <+> + + Voice 3 off + Голос 3 откл. - - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Выбор из уже загруженных в VST предустановок. + + Volume + Громкость - - Save preset - Сохранить настройку + + Chip model + Модель чипа + + + SidInstrumentView - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Сохранить текущую предустановку программы VST плагина. + + Volume: + Уровень громкости: - - - Effect by: - Эффекты по: + + Resonance: + Резонанс: - - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + Cutoff frequency: + Частота среза: - - - VstPlugin - - - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - VST плагин %1 не может быть загружен. + + High-pass filter + Фильтр верхних частот - - Open Preset - Открыть предустановку + + Band-pass filter + Полосовой фильтр - - - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Предустановка VST плагина (*.fxp *.fxb) + + Low-pass filter + Фильтр нижних частот - - : default - : основные + + Voice 3 off + Голос 3 откл. - - " - " + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - - ' - ' + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - - Save Preset - Сохранить предустановку + + + Attack: + Атака: - - .fxp - .fxp + + + Decay: + Спад: - - .FXP - .FXP + + Sustain: + Выдержка: - - .FXB - .FXB + + + Release: + Затухание: - - .fxb - .fxb + + Pulse Width: + Длина импульса: - - Loading plugin - Загрузка модуля + + Coarse: + Грубо: - - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Пожалуйста, подождите пока грузится VST плагин... + + Pulse wave + Пульсирующая волна - - - WatsynInstrument - - Volume A1 - Громкость А1 + + Triangle wave + Треугольная волна - - Volume A2 - Громкость А2 + + Saw wave + Пило-волна - - Volume B1 - Громкость B1 + + Noise + Шум - - Volume B2 - Громкость B2 + + Sync + Синхро - - Panning A1 - + + Ring modulation + Круговая модуляция - - Panning A2 - + + Filtered + Фильтр. - - Panning B1 - + + Test + Тест - - Panning B2 - + + Pulse width: + Длина импульса + + + SideBarWidget - - Freq. multiplier A1 - Множитель частоты А1 + + Close + Закрыть + + + Song - - Freq. multiplier A2 - Множитель частоты А2 + + Tempo + Темп - - Freq. multiplier B1 - Множитель частоты B1 + + Master volume + Главная громкость - - Freq. multiplier B2 - Множитель частоты B2 + + Master pitch + Основной тон - - Left detune A1 + + Aborting project load - - Left detune A2 + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. - - Left detune B1 + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. - - Left detune B2 - + + LMMS Error report + Отчет об ошибке LMMS - - Right detune A1 + + (repeated %1 times) - - Right detune A2 - + + The following errors occurred while loading: + Во время загрузки произошли следующие ошибки: + + + SongEditor - - Right detune B1 - + + Could not open file + Не удалось открыть файл - - Right detune B2 - + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Не удалось открыть файл %1. Вероятно, у вас нет прав на его чтение. +Проверьте, есть ли у вас права на чтение этого файла и попробуйте снова. - - A-B Mix + + Operation denied - - A-B Mix envelope amount + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. - - A-B Mix envelope attack - + + + + Error + Ошибка - - A-B Mix envelope hold + + Couldn't create bundle folder. - - A-B Mix envelope decay + + Couldn't create resources folder. - - A1-B2 Crosstalk + + Failed to copy resources. - - A2-A1 modulation - + + Could not write file + Не удалось записать файл - - B2-B1 modulation + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - - Selected graph - Выбранный график - - - - WatsynView - - - - - - Volume - Громкость + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + - - - - - Panning - Баланс + + Error in file + Ошибка в файле - - - - - Freq. multiplier - Множитель частоты + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Файл %1 возможно содержит ошибки, поэтому не может загрузиться. - - - - - Left detune - + + Version difference + Различия версий - - - - - - - - - cents - + + template + шаблон - - - - - Right detune - + + project + проект - - A-B Mix - + + Tempo + Темп - - Mix envelope amount - + + TEMPO + ТЕМП - - Mix envelope attack - + + Tempo in BPM + Темп в BPM - - Mix envelope hold - + + High quality mode + Высокое качество - - Mix envelope decay - + + + + Master volume + Главная громкость - - Crosstalk - + + + + Master pitch + Основной тон - - Select oscillator A1 - + + Value: %1% + Значение: %1% - - Select oscillator A2 - + + Value: %1 semitones + Полутонов: %1 + + + SongEditorWindow - - Select oscillator B1 - + + Song-Editor + Композитор - - Select oscillator B2 - + + Play song (Space) + Играть песню (пробел) - - Mix output of A2 to A1 - + + Record samples from Audio-device + Записать сэмпл со звукового устройства - - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - Модулировать амплитуду A1 сигналом с A2 + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Записать сэмпл с аудио-устройства во время воспроизведения +в музыкальном или ритм/бас редакторе - - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - Кольцевая модуляция А1 и А2 + + Stop song (Space) + Остановить песню (пробел) - - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - Модулировать фазу A1 сигналом с A2 + + Track actions + Панель трека - - Mix output of B2 to B1 - + + Add beat/bassline + Добавить ритм/бас - - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - Модулировать амплитуду B1 сигналом с B2 + + Add sample-track + Добавить дорожку записи - - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - Кольцевая модуляция B1 и B2 + + Add automation-track + Добавить дорожку автоматизации - - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - Модулировать фазу B1 сигналом с B2 + + Edit actions + Панель правки - - - - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Здесь вы можете рисовать собственный сигнал передвигая зажатой мышью по этому графу. + + Draw mode + Режим рисования - - Load waveform + + Knife mode (split sample clips) - - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Кликнуть для загрузки формы звука из файла с образцом + + Edit mode (select and move) + Режим исправлений (выбирать и двигать) - - Phase left - Фаза слева + + Timeline controls + Контроль таймлайна - - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees + + Bar insert controls - - Phase right - Фаза справа + + Insert bar + - - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees + + Remove bar - - Normalize - Нормализовать + + Zoom controls + Управление приближением. - - Click to normalize - + + Horizontal zooming + Горизонтальное приближение - - Invert - Инвертировать + + Snap controls + Контроль выравнивания - - Click to invert - + + + Clip snapping size + Ограничить размер выравнивания - - Smooth - Сгладить + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + Вкл./выкл. пропорциональное выравнивание - - Click to smooth - + + Base snapping size + Базовый размер выравнивания + + + StepRecorderWidget - - Sine wave - Синусоида + + Hint + Подсказка - - Click for sine wave - + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + Двигать курсор записи стрелками влево-вправо + + + SubWindow - - - Triangle wave - Треугольная волна + + Close + Закрыть - - Click for triangle wave - + + Maximize + Развернуть - - Click for saw wave - + + Restore + Восстановить + + + TabWidget - - Square wave - Квадрат + + + Settings for %1 + Настройки для %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - - Click for square wave - + + New from template + Создать на основе шаблона - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + TempoSyncKnob - - Portamento - Портаменто + + + Tempo Sync + Синхронизация темпа - - Filter Frequency - Фильтр Частот + + No Sync + Без синхронизации - - Filter Resonance - Фильтр резонанса + + Eight beats + Восемь ударов - - Bandwidth - Ширина полосы + + Whole note + Целая нота - - FM Gain - Усил FM + + Half note + Половинная нота - - Resonance Center Frequency - Частоты центра резонанса + + Quarter note + Четвертная нота - - Resonance Bandwidth - Ширина полосы резонанса + + 8th note + Восьмая нота - - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - Переслать изменение событий MiDi управления + + 16th note + 1/16 нота - - - ZynAddSubFxView - - Portamento: - Портаменто: + + 32nd note + 1/32 нота - - PORT - PORT + + Custom... + Своя... - - Filter Frequency: - Фильтр частот: + + Custom + Своя - - FREQ - FREQ + + Synced to Eight Beats + Синхро по 8 ударам - - Filter Resonance: - Фильтр резонанса: + + Synced to Whole Note + Синхро по целой ноте - - RES - RES + + Synced to Half Note + Синхро по половинной ноте - - Bandwidth: - Полоса пропускания: + + Synced to Quarter Note + Синхро по четвертной ноте - - BW - BW + + Synced to 8th Note + Синхро по 1/8 ноте - - FM Gain: - Усиление частоты модуляции (FM): + + Synced to 16th Note + Синхро по 1/16 ноте - - FM GAIN - FM GAIN + + Synced to 32nd Note + Синхро по 1/32 ноте + + + TimeDisplayWidget - - Resonance center frequency: - Частоты центра резонанса: + + Time units + Единицы времени - - RES CF - RES CF + + MIN + МИН - - Resonance bandwidth: - Ширина полосы резонанса: + + SEC + СЕК - - RES BW - RES BW + + MSEC + мСЕК - - Forward MIDI Control Changes - Переслать изменение событий MiDi управления + + BAR + ДЕЛЕНИЕ - - Show GUI - Показать интерфейс + + BEAT + БИТ - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Скрыть или показать графический интерфейс ZynAddSubFX. + + TICK + ТИК - audioFileProcessor + TimeLineWidget - - Amplify - Усиление + + Auto scrolling + Авто-перемотка - - Start of sample - Начало записи + + Loop points + Точки петли - - End of sample - Конец записи + + After stopping go back to beginning + После остановки возвращаться в начало - - Loopback point - Точка петли + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + После остановки переходить к месту, с которого началось воспроизведение - - Reverse sample - Перевернуть запись + + After stopping keep position + Оставаться на месте остановки - - Loop mode - Режим повтора + + Hint + Подсказка - - Stutter - Запинание + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Нажмите <%1>, чтобы убрать прилипание точек петли. + + + Track - - Interpolation mode - Режим интерполяции + + Mute + Заглушить - - None - Нет + + Solo + Соло + + + TrackContainer - - Linear - Линеарный + + Couldn't import file + Не удалось импортировать файл - - Sinc - + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Не удалось найти фильтр для импорта файла %1. +Преобразуйте его в формат, поддерживаемый LMMS, используя стороннее ПО. - - Sample not found: %1 - Сэмпл не найден: %1 + + Couldn't open file + Не удалось открыть файл - - - bitInvader - - Samplelength - Длительность + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Не удалось открыть файл %1 для записи. +Проверьте, обладаете ли вы правами на чтение файла и содержащий его каталог и попробуйте снова! - - - bitInvaderView - - Sample Length - Длительность записи + + Loading project... + Загрузка проекта... - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Здесь вы можете рисовать собственный сигнал. + + + Cancel + Отмена - - Sine wave - Синусоида + + + Please wait... + Подождите, пожалуйста... - - Click for a sine-wave. - Сгенерировать гармонический (синусоидальный) сигнал. + + Loading cancelled + Загрузка отменена. - - Triangle wave - Треугольник + + Project loading was cancelled. + Загрузка проекта была отменена. - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Сгенерировать треугольный сигнал. + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Загружается дорожка %1 (%2 из %3) - - Saw wave - Зигзаг + + Importing MIDI-file... + Импортирую файл MIDI... + + + Clip - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Сгенерировать зигзаг. + + Mute + Заглушить + + + ClipView - - Square wave - Квадрат (Меандр) + + Current position + Текущая позиция - - Click here for a square-wave. - Сгенерировать квадрат. + + Current length + Текущая длительность - - White noise wave - Белый шум + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (от %3:%4 до %5:%6) - - Click here for white-noise. - Сгенерировать белый шум. + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Удерживайте <%1> при перетаскивании, чтобы создать копию. - - User defined wave - Пользовательская + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Для свободного изменения размера нажмите <%1>. - - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Задать форму сигнала вручную. + + Hint + Подсказка - - Smooth - Сгладить + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Удалить (средняя кнопка мыши) - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Щёлкните чтобы сгладить форму сигнала. + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + Удалить выделенное (средняя кнопка мыши) - - Interpolation - Интерполяция + + Cut + Вырезать - - Normalize - Нормализовать + + Cut selection + Вырезать выделенное - - - dynProcControlDialog - - INPUT - ВХОД + + Merge Selection + - - Input gain: - Входная мощность: + + Copy + Копировать - - OUTPUT - Выход + + Copy selection + Копировать выделенное - - Output gain: - Выходная мощность: + + Paste + Вставить - - ATTACK - АТАКА + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Тихо/громко (<%1> + щелчок средней кнопкой) - - Peak attack time: - Время пиковой атаки: + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + Отключить или включить звук для выделенного (<%1> + средняя кнопка мыши) - - RELEASE - ОТПУСК + + Set clip color + Установить цвет клипа - - Peak release time: - Время отпуска пика: + + Use track color + Использовать цвет дорожки + + + TrackContentWidget - - Reset waveform - Сбросить волну + + Paste + Вставить + + + TrackOperationsWidget - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Сбросить граф волны обратно по умолчанию + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + Удерживайте нажатой клавишу <%1> при щелчке по захвату перемещения, чтобы начать новое перетаскивание. - - Smooth waveform - Сгладить волну + + Actions + Действия - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Применить сглаживание к графу волны + + + Mute + Заглушить - - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Повысить амплитуду графа волны на 1 дБ + + + Solo + Соло - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Нажмите здесь, чтобы повысить амплитуду графа волны на 1 дБ + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + - - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Снизить амплитуду графа волны на 1 дБ + + Confirm removal + - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Снизить амплитуду графа волны на 1 дБ + + Don't ask again + - - Stereomode Maximum - Стереорежим Максимум + + Clone this track + Клонировать дорожку - - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Процесс основанный на максимуме от обоих каналов + + Remove this track + Удалить дорожку - - Stereomode Average - Стереорежим Средний + + Clear this track + Очистить эту дорожку - - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Процесс основанный на средней обоих каналов + + Channel %1: %2 + ЭФ %1: %2 - - Stereomode Unlinked - Стереорежим Отдельный + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Назначить на другой канал ЭФфектов - - Process each stereo channel independently - Обрабатывает каждый стерео канал независимо + + Turn all recording on + Включить всё на запись - - - dynProcControls - - Input gain - Входная мощность + + Turn all recording off + Выключить всю запись - - Output gain - Выходная мощность + + Change color + Изменить цвет - - Attack time - Время атаки + + Reset color to default + Установить цвет по умолчанию - - Release time - Время отпуска + + Set random color + Выбрать случайный цвет - - Stereo mode - Режим стерео + + Clear clip colors + Очистить цвета клипа - expressiveView + TripleOscillatorView - Select oscillator W1 - + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Модулировать фазу осциллятора 1 сигналом с 2 - Select oscillator W2 - + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Модулировать амплитуду осциллятора 1 сигналом с 2 - Select oscillator W3 - + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + Смешать выход осцилляторов 1 и 2 - Select OUTPUT 1 - + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Синхронизировать осциллятор 1 с осц 2 - Select OUTPUT 2 - + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Модулировать частоту осциллятора 1 сигналом с 2 - Open help window - + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Модулировать фазу осциллятора 2 сигналом с 3 - Sine wave - Синусоида + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Модулировать амплитуду осциллятора 2 сигналом с 3 - Click for a sine-wave. - Сгенерировать гармонический (синусоидальный) сигнал. + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + Смешать выход осцилляторов 2 и 3 - Moog-Saw wave - + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Синхронизировать осциллятор 2 с осц 3 - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. - + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Модулировать частоту осциллятора 2 сигналом с 3 - Exponential wave - Экспоненциальная волна + + Osc %1 volume: + Громкость осц %1: - Click for an exponential wave. - + + Osc %1 panning: + Баланс осц %1: - Saw wave - Зигзаг + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Грубая подстройка осц %1: - Click here for a saw-wave. - Сгенерировать зигзаг. + + semitones + полутон[а,ов] - User defined wave - Пользовательская + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Точная подстройка осц %1 слева: - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Задать форму сигнала вручную. + + + cents + цент[а,ов] - Triangle wave - Треугольная волна + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Точная подстройка осц %1 справа: - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Сгенерировать треугольный сигнал. + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Сдвиг фазы осц %1: - Square wave - Квадрат + + + degrees + ° - Click here for a square-wave. - Сгенерировать квадрат. + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Подстройка стерео-фазы осциллятора %1: - White noise wave - Белый шум + + Sine wave + Синусоида - Click here for white-noise. - Сгенерировать белый шум. + + Triangle wave + Треугольная волна - WaveInterpolate - + + Saw wave + Пило-волна - ExpressionValid - + + Square wave + Квадрат-волна - General purpose 1: - + + Moog-like saw wave + Типа муг пило-волна - General purpose 2: - + + Exponential wave + Экспоненциальная волна - General purpose 3: - + + White noise + Белый шум - O1 panning: - + + User-defined wave + Своя волна + + + VecControls - O2 panning: + + Display persistence amount - Release transition: - + + Logarithmic scale + Логарифмическая шкала - Smoothness - + + High quality + Высокое качество - fxLineLcdSpinBox + VecControlsDialog - - Assign to: - Назначить на: + + HQ + - - New FX Channel - Новый канал ЭФ + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + Удвоить разрешение и смоделировать непрерывное аналоговое отслеживание. - - - graphModel - - Graph - Граф + + Log. scale + Лог. шкала - - - kickerInstrument - - Start frequency - Начальная частота + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + Отображать амплитуду на логарифмической шкале, чтобы лучше видеть маленькие значения. - - End frequency - Конечная частота + + Persist. + - - Length - Длина + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + - - Distortion Start - Начало искажения + + Trace persistence + + + + VersionedSaveDialog - - Distortion End - Конец искажения + + Increment version number + Увеличить номер версии - - Gain - Усиление + + Decrement version number + Уменьшить номер версии - - Envelope Slope - Сглаживание кривой + + Save Options + Параметры сохранения - - Noise - Шум + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + уже существует. Заменить? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - - Click - Клик + + + Open VST plugin + Открыть VST-плагин - - Frequency Slope - Сглаживание частоты + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + Контроль VST-модуля из хоста LMMS - - Start from note - + + Open VST plugin preset + Открыть пресет VST-плагина - - End to note - Конец для ноты + + Previous (-) + Предыдущий (−) - - - kickerInstrumentView - - Start frequency: - Начальная частота: + + Save preset + Сохранить настройку - - End frequency: - Конечная частота: + + Next (+) + Следующий (+) - - Frequency Slope: - + + Show/hide GUI + Показать/скрыть интерфейс - - Gain: - Усиление: + + Turn off all notes + Выключить все ноты - - Envelope Length: - + + DLL-files (*.dll) + Библиотеки DLL (*.dll) - - Envelope Slope: - + + EXE-files (*.exe) + Программы EXE (*.exe) - - Click: - Клик: + + No VST plugin loaded + Нет загруженного VST-модуля - - Noise: - Шум: + + Preset + Предустановка - - Distortion Start: - + + by + от - - Distortion End: - + + - VST plugin control + - управление VST-плагином - ladspaBrowserView + VstEffectControlDialog - - - Available Effects - Доступные эффекты + + Show/hide + Показать/скрыть - - - Unavailable Effects - Недоступные эффекты + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + Контроль VST-модуля из хоста LMMS - - - Instruments - Инструменты + + Open VST plugin preset + Открыть пресет VST-плагина - - - Analysis Tools - Анализаторы + + Previous (-) + Предыдущий (−) - - - Don't know - Неизвестные + + Next (+) + Следующий (+) - - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - В этом окне показана информация обо всех модулях LADSPA, которые обнаружила LMMS. Они разделены на пять категорий, в зависимости от названий и типов портов. - -Доступные эффекты — это те, которые могут быть использоаны в LMMS. Чтобы эффект LADSPA мог быть использован, он должен, во-первых, быть собственно эффектом, т. е. иметь как входные так и выходные каналы. LMMS в качестве входного канала воспринимает аудиопорт, содержащий в названии „in“, а выходные узнаёт по подстроке „out“. Для использования в LMMS число входных каналов должно совпадать с числом выходных, и эффект должен иметь возможность использования в реальном времени. - -Недоступные эффекты — это модули LADSPA, опознанные в качестве эффектов, однако либо с несовпадающими количестами входных/выходных каналов, либо не предназначенные для использования в реальном времени. - -Инструменты — это модули, у которых есть только выходные каналы. - -Анализаторы — это модули, обладающие лишь входными каналами. - -Неизвестные — модули, у которых не было обнаружено ни входных, ни выходных каналов. - -Двойной щелчок левой кнопкой мыши по модулю даст информацию о его портах. + + Save preset + Сохранить настройку - - Type: - Тип: + + + Effect by: + Эффекты по: + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - ladspaDescription + VstPlugin - - Plugins - Модули + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + VST-плагин %1 не загружается. - - Description - Описание + + Open Preset + Открыть предустановку - - - ladspaPortDialog - - Ports - Порты + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Предустановка VST-плагина (*.fxp *.fxb) - - Name - Название + + : default + : основные - - Rate - Частота выборки + + Save Preset + Сохранить настройку - - Direction - Направление + + .fxp + .fxp - - Type - Тип + + .FXP + .FXP - - Min < Default < Max - Меньше < Стандарт < Больше + + .FXB + .FXB - - Logarithmic - Логарифмический + + .fxb + .fxb - - SR Dependent - Зависимость от SR + + Loading plugin + Загрузка плагина - - Audio - Аудио + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Пожалуйста, подождите пока грузится VST-плагин... + + + WatsynInstrument - - Control - Управление + + Volume A1 + Громкость А1 - - Input - Ввод + + Volume A2 + Громкость А2 - - Output - Вывод + + Volume B1 + Громкость B1 - - Toggled - Включено + + Volume B2 + Громкость B2 - - Integer - Целое + + Panning A1 + Панорама А1 - - Float - Дробное + + Panning A2 + Панорама А2 - - - Yes - Да + + Panning B1 + Панорама В1 - - - lb302Synth - - VCF Cutoff Frequency - Частота среза VCF + + Panning B2 + Панорама В2 - - VCF Resonance - Усиление VCF + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Множитель частоты А1 - - VCF Envelope Mod - Модуляция огибающей VCF + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Множитель частоты А2 - - VCF Envelope Decay - Спад огибающей VCF + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Множитель частоты B1 - - Distortion - Искажение + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Множитель частоты B2 - - Waveform - Форма сигнала + + Left detune A1 + Подстройка левого А1 - - Slide Decay - Сдвиг затухания + + Left detune A2 + Подстройка левого A2 - - Slide - Сдвиг + + Left detune B1 + Подстройка левого B1 - - Accent - Акцент + + Left detune B2 + Подстройка левого B2 - - Dead - Глухо + + Right detune A1 + Подстройка правого A1 - - 24dB/oct Filter - 24дБ/окт фильтр + + Right detune A2 + Подстройка правого A2 - - - lb302SynthView - - Cutoff Freq: - Частота среза: + + Right detune B1 + Подстройка правого B1 - - Resonance: - Отзвук: + + Right detune B2 + Подстройка правого B2 - - Env Mod: - Мод Огиб: + + A-B Mix + Микс A-B - - Decay: - Затухание: + + A-B Mix envelope amount + Уровень A-B микса огибающей - - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - 303-ий, 24дБ/октаву, 3-польный фильтр + + A-B Mix envelope attack + Атака A-B микса огибающей - - Slide Decay: - Сдвиг затухания: + + A-B Mix envelope hold + Удержание A-B микса огибающей - - DIST: - ИСК: + + A-B Mix envelope decay + Спад A-B микса огибающей - - Saw wave - Зигзаг + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + Смешивание A1-B2 - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Сгенерировать зигзаг. + + A2-A1 modulation + A2-A1 Модуляция - - Triangle wave - Треугольная волна + + B2-B1 modulation + B2-B1 Модуляция - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Сгенерировать треугольный сигнал. + + Selected graph + Выбранный график + + + WatsynView - - Square wave - Квадрат + + + + + Volume + Громкость - - Click here for a square-wave. - Сгенерировать квадрат. + + + + + Panning + Баланс - - Rounded square wave - Волна скругленного квадрата + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Множитель частоты - - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Создать квадратную волну закруглённую в конце. + + + + + Left detune + Подстройка слева - - Moog wave - Муг волна + + + + + + + + + cents + центы - - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Сгенерировать волну похожую на муг. + + + + + Right detune + Подстройка справа - - Sine wave - Синусоида + + A-B Mix + Микс A-B - - Click for a sine-wave. - Сгенерировать гармонический (синусоидальный) сигнал. + + Mix envelope amount + Уровень огибающей микса - - - White noise wave - Белый шум + + Mix envelope attack + Атака огибающей микса - - Click here for an exponential wave. - Генерировать экспоненциальный сигнал. + + Mix envelope hold + Удержание огибающей микса - - Click here for white-noise. - Сгенерировать белый шум. + + Mix envelope decay + Спад огибающей микса - - Bandlimited saw wave - + + Crosstalk + Смешивание - - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Нажать здесь для пилообразной волны с ограниченной полосой. + + Select oscillator A1 + Выбрать генератор А1 - - Bandlimited square wave - + + Select oscillator A2 + Выбрать генератор А2 - - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Нажать здесь для квадратной волны с ограниченной полосой. + + Select oscillator B1 + Выбрать генератор В1 - - Bandlimited triangle wave - Ограниченная треугольная волна + + Select oscillator B2 + Выбрать генератор В2 - - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Нажать здесь для треуголной волны с ограниченной полосой. + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + Смешать выход А2 с А1 - - Bandlimited moog saw wave - Пружинная волна с ограниченной полосой + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + Модулировать амплитуду A1 выходом с A2 - - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - Нажать здесь для пилообразной муг (moog) волны с ограниченной полосой. + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + Кольцевая модуляция A1 и A2 - - - malletsInstrument - - Hardness - Жёсткость + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + Модулировать фазу A1 выходом с A2 - - Position - Положение + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + Смешать выход из B2 в B1 - - Vibrato Gain - Усиление вибрато + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + Модулировать амплитуду B1 выходом с B2 - - Vibrato Freq - Частота вибрато + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + Кольцевая модуляция B1 и B2 - - Stick Mix - Сведение ручек + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + Модулировать фазу B1 выходом с B2 - - Modulator - Модулятор + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Нарисуйте кривую сигнала, двигая зажатую мышь по этому графу. - - Crossfade - Переход + + Load waveform + Загрузить форму волны - - LFO Speed - Скорость LFO + + Load a waveform from a sample file + Загрузить форму волны из сэмпл-файла - - LFO Depth - Глубина LFO + + Phase left + Фаза слева - - ADSR - ADSR + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + Сдвинуть фазу на -15° - - Pressure - Давление + + Phase right + Фаза справа - - Motion - Движение + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + Сдвинуть фазу на +15° - - Speed - Скорость + + + Normalize + Нормализовать - - Bowed - Наклон + + + Invert + Инвертировать - - Spread - Разброс + + + Smooth + Сгладить - - Marimba - Маримба + + + Sine wave + Синусоида - - Vibraphone - Вибрафон + + + + Triangle wave + Треугольная волна - - Agogo - Дискотека + + Saw wave + Пило-волна - - Wood1 - Дерево1 + + + Square wave + Квадрат-волна + + + Xpressive - - Reso - Резо + + Selected graph + Выбранный график - - Wood2 - Дерево2 + + A1 + A1 - - Beats - Удары + + A2 + A2 - - Two Fixed - Два фиксированных + + A3 + A3 - - Clump - Тяжёлая поступь + + W1 smoothing + Сглаживание W1 - - Tubular Bells - Трубные колокола + + W2 smoothing + Сглаживание W2 - - Uniform Bar - Равномерные полосы + + W3 smoothing + Сглаживание W3 - - Tuned Bar - Подстроенные полосы + + Panning 1 + Баланс 1 - - Glass - Стекло + + Panning 2 + Баланс 2 - - Tibetan Bowl - Тибетские шары + + Rel trans + Реле перехода - malletsInstrumentView + XpressiveView - - Instrument - Инструмент + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Нарисуйте свою форму волны двигая зажатой мышью по графу. - - Spread - Разброс + + Select oscillator W1 + Выбрать осциллятор W1 - - Spread: - Разброс: + + Select oscillator W2 + Выбрать осциллятор W2 - - Missing files - Файлы отсутствуют + + Select oscillator W3 + Выбрать осциллятор W3 - - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Похоже устновка Stk прошла не полностью. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что пакет Stk полностью установлен! + + Select output O1 + Выбрать выход О1 - - Hardness - Жёсткость + + Select output O2 + Выбрать выход О2 - - Hardness: - Жёсткость: + + Open help window + Открыть окно справки - - Position - Положение + + + Sine wave + Синусоида - - Position: - Положение: + + + Moog-saw wave + Муг пило-волна - - Vib Gain - Усил. вибрато + + + Exponential wave + Экспоненциальная волна - - Vib Gain: - Усил. вибрато: + + + Saw wave + Пило-волна - - Vib Freq - Част. виб + + + User-defined wave + Своя волна - - Vib Freq: - Вибрато: + + + Triangle wave + Треугольная волна - - Stick Mix - Сведение ручек + + + Square wave + Квадрат-волна - - Stick Mix: - Сведение ручек: + + + White noise + Белый шум - - Modulator - Модулятор + + WaveInterpolate + Волн. интерполяция - - Modulator: - Модулятор: + + ExpressionValid + ВыражениеВерно - - Crossfade - Переход + + General purpose 1: + Общего назначения 1: - - Crossfade: - Переход: + + General purpose 2: + Общего назначения 2: - - LFO Speed - Скорость LFO + + General purpose 3: + Общего назначения 3: - - LFO Speed: - Скорость LFO: + + O1 panning: + O1 баланс: - - LFO Depth - Глубина LFO + + O2 panning: + О2 баланс: - - LFO Depth: - Глубина LFO: + + Release transition: + Переход затухания: - - ADSR - ADSR + + Smoothness + Гладкость + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - ADSR: - ADSR: + + Portamento + Портаменто + + + + Filter frequency + Частота фильтра + + + + Filter resonance + Резонанс фильтра + + + + Bandwidth + Полоса пропускания - - Pressure - Давление + + FM gain + FM усиление - - Pressure: - Давление: + + Resonance center frequency + Частота центра резонанса - - Speed - Скорость + + Resonance bandwidth + Полоса пропуска резонанса - - Speed: - Скорость: + + Forward MIDI control change events + Передавать события изменений MIDI управления - manageVSTEffectView + ZynAddSubFxView - - - VST parameter control - Управление VST параметрами + + Portamento: + Портаменто: - - VST Sync - VST синхронизация + + PORT + PORT - - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Нажмите здесь для синхронизации всех параметров VST плагина. + + Filter frequency: + Частота фильтра: - - - Automated - Автоматизировано + + FREQ + FREQ - - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Нажмите здесь, если хотите видеть только автоматизированные параметры. + + Filter resonance: + Резонанс фильтра: - - Close - Закрыть + + RES + RES - - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - Закрыть окно управления регуляторами VST эффектов. + + Bandwidth: + Полоса пропускания: - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - - - VST plugin control - Управление VST плагином + + BW + BW - - VST Sync - VST синхронизация + + FM gain: + FM усиление: - - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Нажмите здесь для синхронизации всех параметров VST плагина. + + FM GAIN + FM УСИЛ - - - Automated - Автоматизировано + + Resonance center frequency: + Частоты центра резонанса: - - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Нажмите здесь, если хотите видеть только автоматизированные параметры. + + RES CF + RES CF - - Close - Закрыть + + Resonance bandwidth: + Полоса пропуска резонанса: + + + + RES BW + RES BW + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + Передавать изменения MIDI управления - - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - Закрыть окно управления регуляторами VST плагина. + + Show GUI + Показать интерфейс - opl2instrument + AudioFileProcessor - - Patch - Патч + + Amplify + Усиление - - Op 1 Attack - ОП 1 Вступление + + Start of sample + Начало сэмпла - - Op 1 Decay - ОП 1 Спад + + End of sample + Конец сэмпла - - Op 1 Sustain - ОП 1 Выдержка + + Loopback point + Точка петли - - Op 1 Release - ОП 1 Убывание + + Reverse sample + Перевернуть сэмпл - - Op 1 Level - ОП 1 Уровень + + Loop mode + Режим повтора - - Op 1 Level Scaling - ОП 1 Уровень увеличения + + Stutter + Запинание - - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - ОП 1 Множитель частот + + Interpolation mode + Режим интерполяции - - Op 1 Feedback - ОП 1 Возврат + + None + Нет - - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - ОП 1 Ключевая ставка увеличения + + Linear + Линейный - - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - ОП 1 Ударная огибающая + + Sinc + Sinc - - Op 1 Tremolo - ОП 1 Тремоло + + Sample not found: %1 + Сэмпл не найден: %1 + + + BitInvader - - Op 1 Vibrato - Оп 1 Вибрато + + Sample length + Длина сэмпла + + + BitInvaderView - - Op 1 Waveform - ОП 1 Волна + + Sample length + Длина сэмпла - - Op 2 Attack - ОП 2 Вступление + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Здесь вы можете рисовать собственный сигнал. - - Op 2 Decay - ОП 2 Спад + + + Sine wave + Синусоида - - Op 2 Sustain - ОП 2 Выдержка + + + Triangle wave + Треугольник - - Op 2 Release - ОП 2 Убывание + + + Saw wave + Пило-волна - - Op 2 Level - ОП 2 Уровень + + + Square wave + Квадрат (Меандр) - - Op 2 Level Scaling - ОП 2 Уровень увеличения + + + White noise + Белый шум - - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - ОП 2 Множитель частот + + + User-defined wave + Своя волна - - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - ОП 2 Ключевая ставка множителя + + + Smooth waveform + Сгладить волну - - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - ОП 2 Ударная огибающая + + Interpolation + Интерполяция - - Op 2 Tremolo - ОП 2 Тремоло + + Normalize + Нормализовать + + + DynProcControlDialog - - Op 2 Vibrato - Оп 2 Вибрато + + INPUT + ВХОД - - Op 2 Waveform - ОП 2 Волна + + Input gain: + Входное усиление: - - FM - FM + + OUTPUT + ВЫХОД - - Vibrato Depth - Глубина вибрато + + Output gain: + Выходное усиление: - - Tremolo Depth - Глубина тремоло + + ATTACK + АТАКА - - - opl2instrumentView - - - Attack - Вступление + + Peak attack time: + Время пиковой атаки: - - - Decay - Затихание + + RELEASE + ЗАТУХАНИЕ - - - Release - Убывание + + Peak release time: + Время затухания пика: - - - Frequency multiplier - Множитель частоты + + + Reset wavegraph + Сбросить волновой график - - - organicInstrument - - Distortion - Искажение + + + Smooth wavegraph + Сгладить волновой график - - Volume - Громкость + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Увеличить амплитуду графика волны на 1 дБ - - - organicInstrumentView - - Distortion: - Искажение: + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Уменьшить амплитуду графика волны на 1 дБ - - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - Дисторшн добавляет искажения к выводу инструмента. + + Stereo mode: maximum + Режим стерео: максимум - - Volume: - Громкость: + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Обработка по максимуму обоих стерео каналов - - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - Регулятор громкости вывода инструмента, суммируется с регулятором громкости окна инструмента. + + Stereo mode: average + Режим стерео: средне - - Randomise - Случайно + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + Обработка по средней обоих стерео-каналов - - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - Кнопка рандомизации случайно устанавливает все регуляторы, кроме гармоник, основной громкости и регулятора искажений (дисторшн). + + Stereo mode: unlinked + Режим стерео: раздельно - - - Osc %1 waveform: - Форма сигнала для осциллятора %1: + + Process each stereo channel independently + Обрабатывает каждый стерео-канал независимо + + + DynProcControls - - Osc %1 volume: - Громкость осциллятора %1: + + Input gain + Входная мощность - - Osc %1 panning: - Баланс для осциллятора %1: + + Output gain + Выходная мощность - - Osc %1 stereo detuning - Осц %1 стерео расстройка + + Attack time + Время атаки - - cents - сотые + + Release time + Время затухания - - Osc %1 harmonic: - Осц %1 гармоника: + + Stereo mode + Режим стерео - FreeBoyInstrument + graphModel - - Sweep time - Время распространения + + Graph + Граф + + + KickerInstrument - - Sweep direction - Направление распространения + + Start frequency + Начальная частота - - Sweep RtShift amount - Кол-во развёртки сдвиг вправо + + End frequency + Конечная частота - - - Wave Pattern Duty - Рабочая форма волны + + Length + Длина - - Channel 1 volume - Громкость первого канала + + Start distortion + Начало перегруза - - - - Volume sweep direction - Объём направления распространения + + End distortion + Конец перегруза - - - - Length of each step in sweep - Длина каждого такта в распространении + + Gain + Усиление - - Channel 2 volume - Громкость второго канала + + Envelope slope + Уклон огибающей - - Channel 3 volume - Громкость третьего канала + + Noise + Шум - - Channel 4 volume - Громкость четвёртого канала + + Click + Щелчок - - Shift Register width - Сдвиг ширины регистра + + Frequency slope + Уклон частоты - - Right Output level - Выходной уровень справа + + Start from note + Начать с ноты - - Left Output level - Выходной уровень слева + + End to note + Закончить нотой + + + KickerInstrumentView - - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - От первого канала к SO2 (левый канал) + + Start frequency: + Начальная частота: - - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - От второго канала к SO2 (левый канал) + + End frequency: + Конечная частота: - - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - От третьего канала к SO2 (левый канал) + + Frequency slope: + Уклон частоты - - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - От четвёртого канала к SO2 (левый канал) + + Gain: + Усиление: - - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - От первого канала к SO1 (правый канал) + + Envelope length: + Длина огибающей: - - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - От второго канала к SO1 (правый канал) + + Envelope slope: + Уклон огибающей: - - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - От третьего канала к SO1 (правый канал) + + Click: + Щелчок: - - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - От четвёртого канала к SO1 (правый канал) + + Noise: + Шум: - - Treble - Верхние + + Start distortion: + Начало перегруза: - - Bass - Нижние + + End distortion: + Конец перегруза: - FreeBoyInstrumentView + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + Доступные эффекты + + + + + Unavailable Effects + Недоступные эффекты + + + + + Instruments + Инструменты + - - Sweep Time: - Время развёртки: + + + Analysis Tools + Анализаторы - - Sweep Time - Время развёртки + + + Don't know + Неизвестные - - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - Кол-во увеличения или уменьшения в частоте + + Type: + Тип: + + + LadspaDescription - - Sweep RtShift amount: - Кол-во развёртки сдвиг вправо: + + Plugins + Модули - - Sweep RtShift amount - Кол-во развёртки сдвиг вправо + + Description + Описание + + + LadspaPortDialog - - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - Темп проявления увеличения или снижения в частоте + + Ports + Порты - - - Wave pattern duty: - Рабочая форма волны: + + Name + Название - - Wave Pattern Duty - Рабочая форма волны + + Rate + Частота выборки - - - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - Рабочий цикл это коэффициент длительности (времени) включенного сигнала относительно всего периода сигнала. + + Direction + Направление - - - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Громкость квадратного канала 1: + + Type + Тип - - Square Channel 1 Volume - Громкость квадратного канала 1 + + Min < Default < Max + Меньше < Стандарт < Больше - - - - Length of each step in sweep: - Длина каждого такта в развёртке: + + Logarithmic + Логарифмический - - - - Length of each step in sweep - Длина каждого такта в распространении + + SR Dependent + Зависимость от SR - - - - The delay between step change - Задержка между изменениями такта + + Audio + Аудио - - Wave pattern duty - Рабочая форма волны + + Control + Контроль - - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Громкость квадратного канала 2: + + Input + Ввод - - - Square Channel 2 Volume - Громкость квадратного канала 2 + + Output + Вывод - - Wave Channel Volume: - Громкость волнового канала: + + Toggled + Включено - - - Wave Channel Volume - Громкость волнового канала + + Integer + Целое - - Noise Channel Volume: - Громкость канала шума: + + Float + Дробное - - - Noise Channel Volume - Громкость канала шума + + + Yes + Да + + + Lb302Synth - - SO1 Volume (Right): - Громкость SO1 (Правый): + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + Частота среза VCF - - SO1 Volume (Right) - Громкость SO1 (Правый) + + VCF Resonance + Резонанс VCF - - SO2 Volume (Left): - Громкость SO2 (Левый): + + VCF Envelope Mod + Модуляция огибающей VCF - - SO2 Volume (Left) - Громкость SO2 (Левый) + + VCF Envelope Decay + Спад огибающей VCF - - Treble: - Верхние: + + Distortion + Перегруз - - Treble - Верхние + + Waveform + Форма сигнала - - Bass: - Нижние: + + Slide Decay + Сдвиг спада - - Bass - Нижние + + Slide + Сдвиг - - Sweep Direction - Направление развёртки + + Accent + Акцент - - - - - - Volume Sweep Direction - Громкость направления развёртки + + Dead + Глухо - - Shift Register Width - Сдвиг ширины регистра + + 24dB/oct Filter + 24дБ/окт фильтр + + + Lb302SynthView - - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Канал1 в SO1 (Правый) + + Cutoff Freq: + Частота среза: - - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Канал2 в SO1 (Правый) + + Resonance: + Резонанс: - - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Канал3 в SO1 (Правый) + + Env Mod: + Мод Огиб: - - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Канал4 в SO1 (Правый) + + Decay: + Спад: - - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Канал1 в SO2 (Левый) + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + 303-й, 24 дБ/окт., 3-полюсный фильтр - - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Канал2 в SO2 (Левый) + + Slide Decay: + Сдвиг спада: - - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Канал2 в SO2 (Левый) + + DIST: + DIST: - - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Канал4 в SO2 (Левый) + + Saw wave + Пило-волна - - Wave Pattern - Рисунок волны + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Клик для пило волны - - Draw the wave here - Рисовать волну здесь + + Triangle wave + Треугольная волна - - - patchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Нажать здесь для треугольной волны. - - Bank selector - Выбор банка + + Square wave + Квадрат-волна - - Bank - Банк + + Click here for a square-wave. + Жми тут для квадрат волны. - - Program selector - Выбор программ + + Rounded square wave + Волна скругленного квадрата - - Patch - Патч + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Жми тут для квадратной волны скруглённой в конце. - - Name - Имя + + Moog wave + Муг волна - - OK - ОК + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Сгенерировать волну похожую на муг. - - Cancel - Отмена + + Sine wave + Синусоида - - - pluginBrowser - - no description - описание отсутствует + + Click for a sine-wave. + Создать синусоиду. - - A native amplifier plugin - Родной плагин усилителя + + + White noise wave + Белый шум - - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Простой сэмплер с разными установками по использованию сэмплов (как барабаны) в инструментальной дорожке + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Создать экспоненциальный сигнал. - - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Накачай свой бас быстро и просто + + Click here for white-noise. + Создать белый шум. - - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Настраиваемый синтезатор звукозаписей (wavetable) + + Bandlimited saw wave + Тембр. пило-волна - - An oversampling bitcrusher - + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Нажать здесь для тембр. пило-волны. - - Carla Patchbay Instrument - + + Bandlimited square wave + Тембр. квадратная волна - - Carla Rack Instrument - Карла инструментальная стойка + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Нажать здесь для тембр. квадратной волны - - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Тембр. треугольная волна - - A native delay plugin - Встроенный delay плагин + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Нажать здесь для тембр. треугольной волны. - - A Dual filter plugin - Двух фильтровый плагин + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Тембр. пило-волна - - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Нажать здесь для тембр. пило-муг (moog) волны. + + + MalletsInstrument - - A native eq plugin - Родной плагин эквалайзера + + Hardness + Жёсткость - - A native flanger plugin - + + Position + Положение - - Player for GIG files - Проигрыватель GIG-файлов + + Vibrato gain + Усиление вибрато - - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Фильтр для импорта Hydrogen файлов в LMMS + + Vibrato frequency + Частота вибрато - - Versatile drum synthesizer - Универсальный барабанный синтезатор + + Stick mix + Уровень барабанных палочек - - List installed LADSPA plugins - Показать установленные модули LADSPA + + Modulator + Модулятор - - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - Модуль, позволяющий использовать в LMMS любые эффекты LADSPA. + + Crossfade + Переход - - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Незавершённая монофоническая имитация tb303 + + LFO speed + Скорость LFO - - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Фильтр для экспорта MIDI файлов из LMMS + + LFO depth + Глубина LFO - - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Фильтр для включения файла MIDI в проект ЛММС + + ADSR + ADSR - - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Монстро 3-осциляторный синт с матрицей модуляции + + Pressure + Давление - - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + Motion + Движение - - A NES-like synthesizer - Синтезатор типа NES + + Speed + Скорость - - 2-operator FM Synth - 2-режимный синт модуляции частот (FM synth) + + Bowed + Наклон - - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Синтезатор звуков вроде органа + + Spread + Разброс - - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Эмуляция GameBoy (TM) + + Marimba + Маримба - - GUS-compatible patch instrument - Патч-инструмент, совместимый с GUS + + Vibraphone + Вибрафон - - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Модуль для установки значений регуляторов по пикам громкости + + Agogo + Агого - - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - + + Wood 1 + Дерево 1 - - Player for SoundFont files - Проигрыватель файлов SoundFont + + Reso + Резо - - LMMS port of sfxr - LMMS порт SFXR + + Wood 2 + Дерево 2 - - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Эмуляция MOS6581 и MOS8580. -Использовалось на компьютере Commodore 64. + + Beats + Удары - - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Плагин графического анализа спектра + + Two fixed + Два постоянно - - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Модуль, усиливающий разницу между каналами стереозаписи + + Clump + Тяжёлая поступь - - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Модуль для произвольного управления стереовыходом + + Tubular bells + Трубчатые колокола - - Tuneful things to bang on - Мелодичные ударные + + Uniform bar + Одинаковый размер - - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - Три мощных осциллятора, которые можно модулировать несколькими способами + + Tuned bar + Регулируемый размер - - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - VST - хост для поддержки модулей VST(i) в LMMS + + Glass + Стекло - - Vibrating string modeler - Эмуляция вибрирующих струн + + Tibetan bowl + Тибетская чаша + + + MalletsInstrumentView - - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - Плагин для использования любых VST эффектов в ЛММС + + Instrument + Инструмент - - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - 4-осцилляторный модулируемый волновой синтезатор + + Spread + Разброс - - plugin for waveshaping - Плагин для сглаживания волн + + Spread: + Разброс: - - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - Встроенный ZynAddSubFX + + Missing files + Файлы отсутствуют - Mathematical expression parser - + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Похоже устновка Stk прошла не полностью. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что пакет Stk полностью установлен! - - - sf2Instrument - - Bank - Банк + + Hardness + Жёсткость - - Patch - Патч + + Hardness: + Жёсткость: - - Gain - Усиление + + Position + Положение - - Reverb - Эхо + + Position: + Положение: - - Reverb Roomsize - Объём эха + + Vibrato gain + Усиление вибрато - - Reverb Damping - Затухание эха + + Vibrato gain: + Усиление вибрато: - - Reverb Width - Долгота эха + + Vibrato frequency + Частота вибрато - - Reverb Level - Уровень эха + + Vibrato frequency: + Частота вибрато: - - Chorus - Хор (припев) + + Stick mix + Уровень барабанных палочек - - Chorus Lines - Линии хора + + Stick mix: + Уровень палочек: - - Chorus Level - Уровень хора + + Modulator + Модулятор - - Chorus Speed - Скорость хора + + Modulator: + Модулятор: - - Chorus Depth - Глубина хора + + Crossfade + Переход - - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - Soundfont %1 не удаётся загрузить. + + Crossfade: + Переход: - - - sf2InstrumentView - - Open other SoundFont file - Открыть другой файл SoundFront + + LFO speed + Скорость LFO - - Click here to open another SF2 file - Нажмите здесь чтобы открыть другой файл SF2 + + LFO speed: + Скорость LFO: - - Choose the patch - Выбрать патч + + LFO depth + Глубина LFO - - Gain - УСИЛ + + LFO depth: + Глубина LFO: - - Apply reverb (if supported) - Создать эхо (если поддерживается) + + ADSR + ADSR - - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Эта кнопка включает эффект эха. Это может пригодиться, но работает не для всех файлов. + + ADSR: + ADSR: - - Reverb Roomsize: - Размер помещения: + + Pressure + Давление - - Reverb Damping: - Глушение эха: + + Pressure: + Давление: - - Reverb Width: - Долгота эха: + + Speed + Скорость - - Reverb Level: - Уровень эха: + + Speed: + Скорость: + + + ManageVSTEffectView - - Apply chorus (if supported) - Создать эффект хора (если поддерживается) + + - VST parameter control + Управление VST параметрами - - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Эта кнопка включает эффект хора. Это может пригодиться, но работает не для всех файлов. + + VST sync + Синхронизация VST - - Chorus Lines: - Линии хора: + + + Automated + Автоматизировано - - Chorus Level: - Уровень хора: + + Close + Закрыть + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - - Chorus Speed: - Скорость хора: + + + - VST plugin control + Управление VST плагином - - Chorus Depth: - Глубина хора: + + VST Sync + VST синхронизация - - Open SoundFont file - Открыть файл SoundFront + + + Automated + Автоматизировано - - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - Файлы SoundFont2 (*.sf2) + + Close + Закрыть - sfxrInstrument + OrganicInstrument - - Wave Form - Форма волны + + Distortion + Перегруз + + + + Volume + Громкость - sidInstrument + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + Перегруз: + - - Cutoff - Срез + + Volume: + Громкость: - - Resonance - Усиление + + Randomise + Случайно - - Filter type - Тип фильтра + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Форма сигнала для осциллятора %1: - - Voice 3 off - Голос 3 откл + + Osc %1 volume: + Громкость осциллятора %1: - - Volume - Громкость + + Osc %1 panning: + Баланс для осциллятора %1: - - Chip model - Модель чипа + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Осц %1 стерео подстройка + + + + cents + сотые + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Осц %1 гармоника: - sidInstrumentView + PatchesDialog - - Volume: - Громкость: + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth : предустановка канала - - Resonance: - Усиление: + + Bank selector + Выбор банка - - - Cutoff frequency: - Частота среза: + + Bank + Банк + + + + Program selector + Выбор программы - - High-Pass filter - Выс.ЧФ + + Patch + Патч - - Band-Pass filter - Сред.ЧФ + + Name + Имя - - Low-Pass filter - Низ.ЧФ + + OK + ОК - - Voice3 Off - Голос 3 откл + + Cancel + Отмена + + + Sf2Instrument - - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Bank + Банк - - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Patch + Патч - - - Attack: - Вступление: + + Gain + Усиление - - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - Длительность вступления определяет, насколько быстро громкость %1-го голоса возрастает от нуля до наибольшего значения. + + Reverb + Реверберация - - - Decay: - Затухание: + + Reverb room size + Размер помещения реверберации - - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - Длительность спада определяет, насколько быстро громкость падает от максимума до остаточного уровня. + + Reverb damping + Затухание реверберации - - Sustain: - Выдержка: + + Reverb width + Ширина реверберации - - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - Громкость %1-го голоса будет оставаться на уровне амплитуды выдержки, пока длится нота. + + Reverb level + Уровень реверберации - - - Release: - Убывание: + + Chorus + Хорус - - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - Громкость %1-го голоса будет падать от остаточного уровня до нуля с указанной здесь скоростью. + + Chorus voices + Голоса хоруса - - - Pulse Width: - Длительность импульса: + + Chorus level + Уровень хоруса - - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - Длительность импульса позволяет мягко регулировать прохождение импульса без заметных сбоев. Импульсная волна должна быть выбрана на осцилляторе %1, чтобы получить звучание. + + Chorus speed + Скорость хоруса - - Coarse: - Грубость: + + Chorus depth + Глубина хоруса - - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - Грубая настройка позволяет подстроить Голос %1 на одну октаву вверх или вниз. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + SoundFont %1 не удаётся загрузить. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - - Pulse Wave - Пульсирующая волна + + + Open SoundFont file + Открыть файл SoundFront - - Triangle Wave - Треугольник + + Choose patch + Выбрать патч - - SawTooth - Зигзаг + + Gain: + Усиление: - - Noise - Шум + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Применить эффект реверберации (если поддерживается) - - Sync - Синхро + + Room size: + Размер помещения: - - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - Синхро синхронизирует фундаментальную частоту осцилляторов %1 фундаментальной частотой осциллятора %2, создавая эффект "Железной синхронизации". + + Damping: + Приглушение: - - Ring-Mod - Круговой режим + + Width: + Ширина: - - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - Круговой режим заменяет треугольные волны на выходе осциллятора %1 "Круговой модуляцией" комбинацией осцилляторов %1 и %2. + + + Level: + Уровни: - - Filtered - Фильтровать + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Применить эффект хорус (если поддерживается) - - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Если этот флажок установлен, то %1-й голос будет проходить через фильтр. Иначе голос №%1 будет подаваться прямо на выход. + + Voices: + Голоса: - - Test - Тест + + Speed: + Скорость: + + + + Depth: + Емкость: - - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Если «флажок» установлен, то %1-й осциллятор выдаёт нулевой сигнал (пока флажок не снимется). + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + Файлы SoundFont (*.sf2 *.sf3) - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + SfxrInstrument - - WIDE - ШИРЕ + + Wave + Волна + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + ШИРИНА - + Width: Ширина: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls - + Width Ширина - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog - + Left to Left Vol: От левого на левый: - + Left to Right Vol: От левого на правый: - + Right to Left Vol: От правого на левый: - + Right to Right Vol: От правого на правый: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls - + Left to Left От левого на левый - + Left to Right От левого на правый - + Right to Left От правого на левый - + Right to Right От правого на правый - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument - + Loading plugin Загрузка модуля - - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Подождите, пока загрузится модуль VST... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + Подождите, пока грузится VST-плагин… - vibed + Vibed - + String %1 volume - Громкость %1-й струны + Громкость %1 струны - + String %1 stiffness - Жёсткость %1-й струны + Жёсткость %1 струны - + Pick %1 position Лад %1 - + Pickup %1 position - Положение %1-го звукоснимателя + Положение %1 звукоснимателя - - Pan %1 - Бал %1 + + String %1 panning + Стерео-баланс струны %1 - - Detune %1 - Подстройка %1 + + String %1 detune + Подстройка струны %1 - - Fuzziness %1 - Нечёткость %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + Плавание струны: - - Length %1 - Длина %1 + + String %1 length + Длина струны %1 - + Impulse %1 Импульс %1 - - Octave %1 - Октава %1 + + String %1 + Струна %1 - vibedView - - - Volume: - Громкость: - + VibedView - - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - Регулятор 'V' устанавливает громкость текущей струны. + + String volume: + Громкость струны: - + String stiffness: - Жёсткость: - - - - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - Регулятор 'S' устанавливает жёсткость текущей струны. Этот параметр отвечает за длительность звучания струны (чем больше значение жёсткости, тем дольше звенит струна). + Натяжение струны: - + Pick position: Лад: - - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - Регулятор 'P' устанавливает место струны, где она будет „прижата“. Чем ниже значение, тем ближе это место будет к кобылке. - - - + Pickup position: Положение звукоснимателя: - - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - Регулятор 'PU' устанавливает место струны, откуда будет сниматься звук. Чем ниже значение, тем ближе это место будет к кобылке. - - - - Pan: - Бал: - - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - Эта ручка устанавливает стереобаланс для текущей струны. - - - - Detune: - Подстроить: - - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - Ручка подстройки изменяет сдвиг частоты для текущей струны. Отрицательные значения заставят струну звучать плоско (бемольно), положительные — остро (диезно). - - - - Fuzziness: - Нечёткость: - - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - Эта ручка добавляет размытости звуку, что наиболее заметно во время нарастания, впрочем, это может использоваться, чтобы сделать звук более „металлическим“. + + String panning: + Стерео-баланс струны: - - Length: - Длина: + + String detune: + Подстройка струны: - - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - Ручка длины устанавливает длину текущей струны. Чем длиннее струна, тем более чистый и долгий звук она даёт; однако это требует больше ресурсов ЦП. + + String fuzziness: + Расплывчатость струны: - - Impulse or initial state - Начальная скорость/начальное состояние + + String length: + Длина струны: - - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - Переключатель „Imp“ устанавливает режим работы струны: если он включён, то указанная форма сигнала интерпретируется как начальный импульс, иначе — как начальная форма струны. + + Impulse + Импульс - + Octave Октава - - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - Переключатель октав позволяет указать гармонику основной частоты, на которой будет звучать струна. Например, „-2“ означает, что струна будет звучать двумя октавами ниже основной частоты, „F“ заставит струну звенеть на основной частоте инструмента, а „6“ — на частоте, на шесть октав более высокой, чем основная. - - - + Impulse Editor Редактор сигнала - - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - Редактор формы позволяет явно указать профиль струны в начальный момент времени, либо её начальный импульс (в заисимости от состояния переключателя „Imp“). -Кнопки справа от рисунка позволяют задавать некоторые стандартные формы, причём кнопка '?' служит для задания формы из произвольного звукового файла (загружаются первые 128 элементов выборки). - -Также форма сигнала может быть просто нарисована с помощью мыши. - -Кнопка 'S' сгладит текущую форму. - -Кнопка 'N' нормализует уровень. - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Инструмент „Vibed“ моделирует до девяти независимых одновременно звучащих струн. - -Переключатель „Strings“ позволяет выбрать струну, чьи свойства редактируются. - -Переключатель „Imp“ устанавливает режим работы струны: если он включён, то указанная форма сигнала интерпретируется как начальный импульс, иначе — как начальная форма струны. - -Переключатель „Octave“ позволяет указать гармонику основной частоты, на которой будет звучать струна. - -Редактор формы позволяет явно указать профиль струны в начальный момент времени, либо её начальный импульс. - -Ручка 'V' устанавливает громкость текущей струны, 'S' — жёсткость, 'P' — место, где прижата струна, а 'PU'' — положение звукоснимателя - -Ручка подстройки и стереобаланса, есть надежда, не нуждаются в объяснениях. - -Ручка „Длина“ регулирует длину струны - -Индикатор-переключатель слева внизу определяет, включена ли текущая струна. - - - + Enable waveform Включить - - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Нажмите, чтобы включить/выключить сигнал. + + Enable/disable string + Включить/отключить струну - + String Струна - - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - Переключатель струн позволяет выбрать струну, чьи свойства редактируются. Инструмент Vibed содержит до девяти независимо звучащих струн, индикатор в левом нижнем углу показывает, активна ли текущая струна (т. е. будет ли она слышна). - - - + + Sine wave Синусоида - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Генерировать гармонический (синусоидальный) сигнал. - - - + + Triangle wave Треугольник - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Генерировать треугольный сигнал. - - - + + Saw wave - Зигзаг + Пило-волна - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Генерировать зигзагообразный сигнал. - - - + + Square wave Квадратная волна - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Генерировать квадрат (меандр). - - - - White noise wave + + + White noise Белый шум - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Генерировать белый шум. - - - - User defined wave - Пользовательская - - - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Задать форму сигнала. - - - - Smooth - Сгладить - - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Щёлкните чтобы сгладить форму сигнала. + + + User-defined wave + Своя волна - - Normalize - Нормализовать + + + Smooth waveform + Сгладить волну - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Нажмите, чтобы нормализовать сигнал. + + + Normalize waveform + Нормализовать форму волны - voiceObject + VoiceObject - + Voice %1 pulse width Голос %1 длина сигнала - + Voice %1 attack - Вступление %1-го голоса + Атака %1 голоса - + Voice %1 decay - Затухание %1-го голоса + Спад %1 голоса - + Voice %1 sustain - Выдержка для %1-го голоса + Выдержка %1 голоса - + Voice %1 release - Убывание %1-го голоса + Затухание голоса %1 - + Voice %1 coarse detuning - Подстройка %1-го голоса (грубо) + Подстройка %1 голоса (грубо) - + Voice %1 wave shape - Форма сигнала для %1-го голоса + Форма сигнала для %1 голоса - + Voice %1 sync - Синхронизация %1-го голоса + Синхронизация %1 голоса - + Voice %1 ring modulate Голос %1 кольцевой модулятор - + Voice %1 filtered - Фильтрованный %1-й голос + Фильтрованный %1 голос - + Voice %1 test Голос %1 тест - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog - + INPUT ВХОД - + Input gain: Входная мощность: - + OUTPUT - Выход + ВЫХОД - + Output gain: Выходная мощность: - - Reset waveform - Сбросить волну - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Сбросить граф волны обратно по умолчанию - - - - Smooth waveform - Сгладить волну - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Применить сглаживание к графу волны - - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - Повысить амплитуду графа на 1 дБ + + + Reset wavegraph + Сбросить волновой график - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Нажмите здесь, чтобы повысить амплитуду графа волны на 1 дБ + + + Smooth wavegraph + Сгладить волновой график - - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - Снизить амплитуду графа на 1 дБ + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Увеличить амплитуду графика волны на 1 дБ - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Снизить амплитуду графа волны на 1 дБ + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Уменьшить амплитуду графика волны на 1 дБ - + Clip input - Срезать выходной сигнал + Срезать входной сигнал - - Clip input signal to 0dB - Срезать входной сигнал до 0дБ + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + Обрезать входной сигнал на 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls - + Input gain Входная мощность - + Output gain Выходная мощность diff --git a/data/locale/sl.ts b/data/locale/sl.ts index 951fdb1d837..3ad55a4c044 100644 --- a/data/locale/sl.ts +++ b/data/locale/sl.ts @@ -2,91 +2,111 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS Opis LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - Različica %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - - - About - Vizitka + + LMMS + LMMS - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - preprost skladateljski program za vsakogar + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + - Authors - Avtorji + + About + Vizitka - Translation - Prevod + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + - Current language not translated (or native English). - -If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + Copyright © %1. - License - Licenca + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + - LMMS - LMMS + + Authors + Avtorji + Involved + Contributors ordered by number of commits: - Copyright © %1 - Avtorske pravice © %1 + + Translation + Prevod - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + + + License + Licenca + AmplifierControlDialog + VOL GLS + Volume: Glasnost: + PAN PAN + Panning: + LEFT LEVO + Left gain: Leva glasnost + RIGHT DESNO + Right gain: Desna glasnost @@ -94,18 +114,22 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AmplifierControls + Volume Glasnost + Panning + Left gain Leva glasnost + Right gain Desan glasnost @@ -113,10 +137,12 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE NAPRAVA + CHANNELS KANALI @@ -124,85 +150,60 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. + + Open sample + Reverse sample - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - - - - Amplify: - - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - - - - Startpoint: - - - - Endpoint: - - - - Continue sample playback across notes - - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - - - + Disable loop - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - - - + Enable loop - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. + + Enable ping-pong loop - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. + + Continue sample playback across notes - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. + + Amplify: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. + + Start point: - Loopback point: + + End point: - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. + + Loopback point: AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: @@ -210,443 +211,469 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioJack + JACK client restarted + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + JACK server down + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. - CLIENT-NAME + + Client name - CHANNELS - KANALI + + Channels + - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - Naprava + + Device + - CHANNELS - KANALI + + Channels + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND + + Backend - DEVICE - Naprava + + Device + - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - Naprava + + Device + - CHANNELS - KANALI + + Channels + AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE - Naprava + + Device + - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - Naprava + + Device + - CHANNELS - KANALI + + Channels + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND + + Backend - DEVICE - Naprava + + Device + AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) + &Copy value (%1%2) + &Paste value (%1%2) + + &Paste value + + + + Edit song-global automation - Connected to %1 + + Remove song-global automation - Connected to controller + + Remove all linked controls - Edit connection... + + Connected to %1 - Remove connection + + Connected to controller - Connect to controller... + + Edit connection... - Remove song-global automation + + Remove connection - Remove all linked controls + + Connect to controller... AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! + + Edit Value - Values copied + + New outValue - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. + + New inValue - - - AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + + + AutomationEditorWindow - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. + + Play/pause current clip (Space) - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. + + Edit actions + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) - Flip vertically - - - - Flip horizontally - - - - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. + + Flip vertically - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Flip horizontally - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Interpolation controls + Discrete progression + Linear progression + Cubic Hermite progression + Tension value for spline - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - - - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - - - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - - - + Tension: - Automation Editor - no pattern + + Zoom controls - Automation Editor - %1 + + Horizontal zooming - Edit actions + + Vertical zooming - Interpolation controls + + Quantization controls - Timeline controls + + Quantization - Zoom controls + + + Automation Editor - no clip - Quantization controls + + + Automation Editor - %1 - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> - AutomationPatternView - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - - + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor + Clear + Reset name + Change name - %1 Connections + + Set/clear record - Disconnect "%1" + + Flip Vertically (Visible) - Set/clear record + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) - Flip Vertically (Visible) + + %1 Connections - Flip Horizontally (Visible) + + Disconnect "%1" - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. AutomationTrack + Automation track - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor Ritem+bas urejevalnik + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + Beat selector - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. + + Track and step actions + Add beat/bassline - Add automation-track + + Clone beat/bassline clip - Remove steps + + Add sample-track - Add steps + + Add automation-track - Beat selector + + Remove steps - Track and step actions + + Add steps + Clone Steps - - Add sample-track - - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + Reset name + Change name - - Change color - - - - Reset color to default - - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 + Clone of %1 @@ -654,26 +681,32 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ + Frequency: + GAIN + Gain: + RATIO + Ratio: @@ -681,14 +714,17 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BassBoosterControls + Frequency Pogostost + Gain + Ratio razmerje @@ -696,5103 +732,10574 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp BitcrushControlDialog + IN + OUT + + GAIN - Input Gain: + + Input gain: - NOIS + + NOISE - Input Noise: + + Input noise: - Output Gain: + + Output gain: + CLIP - Output Clip: - - - - Rate + + Output clip: - Rate Enabled + + Rate enabled - Enable samplerate-crushing + + Enable sample-rate crushing - Depth + + Depth enabled - Depth Enabled + + Enable bit-depth crushing - Enable bitdepth-crushing + + FREQ + Sample rate: - STD + + STEREO + Stereo difference: - Levels + + QUANT + Levels: - CaptionMenu + BitcrushControls - &Help + + Input gain - Help (not available) + + Input noise - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI + + Output gain - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. + + Output clip - - - Controller - Controller %1 + + Sample rate - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - Connection Settings + + Stereo difference - MIDI CONTROLLER + + Levels - Input channel + + Rate enabled - CHANNEL + + Depth enabled + + + CarlaAboutW - Input controller + + About Carla - CONTROLLER + + About + Vizitka + + + + About text here - Auto Detect + + Extended licensing here - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + + Artwork - USER CONTROLLER + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. - MAPPING FUNCTION + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. - OK - V redu + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - Cancel - Preklic + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - LMMS - LMMS + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - Cycle Detected. + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. - Add + + Features - Confirm Delete + + AU/AudioUnit: - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Naj res izbrišem? Obstaja(-jo) povezava(-e) v zvezi s tem krmilnikom. Razveljavitve ni. - - - - ControllerView - - Controls + + LADSPA: - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. + + + + + + + + + TextLabel - Rename controller + + VST2: - Enter the new name for this controller + + DSSI: - &Remove this controller + + LV2: - Re&name this controller + + VST3: - LFO + + OSC - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: + + Host URLs: - Band 2/3 Crossover: + + Valid commands: - Band 3/4 Crossover: + + valid osc commands here - Band 1 Gain: + + Example: - Band 2 Gain: - + + License + Licenca - Band 3 Gain: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - Band 4 Gain: + + OSC Bridge Version - Band 1 Mute + + Plugin Version - Mute Band 1 + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - Band 2 Mute + + + (Engine not running) - Mute Band 2 + + Everything! (Including LRDF) - Band 3 Mute + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) - Mute Band 3 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - Band 4 Mute + + + + Using Juce host - Mute Band 4 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) - DelayControls + CarlaHostW - Delay Samples + + MainWindow - Feedback + + Rack - Lfo Frequency + + Patchbay - Lfo Amount + + Logs - Output gain + + Loading... - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt + + Buffer Size: - Delay Time + + Sample Rate: - Feedback Amount + + ? Xruns - Lfo + + DSP Load: %p% - Out Gain + + &File - Gain + + &Engine - DELAY + + &Plugin - FDBK + + Macros (all plugins) - RATE + + &Canvas - AMNT + + Zoom - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled + + &Settings - Filter 2 enabled + + &Help - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 + + toolBar - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 + + Disk - FREQ + + + Home - Cutoff frequency + + Transport - RESO + + Playback Controls - Resonance + + Time Information - GAIN + + Frame: - Gain + + 000'000'000 - MIX + + Time: - Mix + + 00:00:00 - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled + + BBT: - Filter 1 type + + 000|00|0000 - Cutoff 1 frequency - + + Settings + Nastavitve - Q/Resonance 1 + + BPM - Gain 1 + + Use JACK Transport - Mix + + Use Ableton Link - Filter 2 enabled + + &New + &Novo + + + + Ctrl+N - Filter 2 type + + &Open... + &Odpri... + + + + + Open... - Cutoff 2 frequency + + Ctrl+O - Q/Resonance 2 + + &Save + &Shrani + + + + Ctrl+S - Gain 2 + + Save &As... + Shr%Ani kot... + + + + + Save As... - LowPass + + Ctrl+Shift+S - HiPass + + &Quit + Izhod + + + + Ctrl+Q - BandPass csg + + &Start - BandPass czpg + + F5 - Notch + + St&op - Allpass + + F6 - Moog + + &Add Plugin... - 2x LowPass + + Ctrl+A - RC LowPass 12dB + + &Remove All - RC BandPass 12dB + + Enable - RC HighPass 12dB + + Disable - RC LowPass 24dB + + 0% Wet (Bypass) - RC BandPass 24dB + + 100% Wet - RC HighPass 24dB + + 0% Volume (Mute) - Vocal Formant Filter + + 100% Volume - 2x Moog + + Center Balance - SV LowPass + + &Play - SV BandPass + + Ctrl+Shift+P - SV HighPass + + &Stop - SV Notch + + Ctrl+Shift+X - Fast Formant + + &Backwards - Tripole + + Ctrl+Shift+B - - - Editor - Play (Space) + + &Forwards - Stop (Space) + + Ctrl+Shift+F - Record + + &Arrange - Record while playing + + Ctrl+G - Transport controls + + + &Refresh - - - Effect - Effect enabled + + Ctrl+R - Wet/Dry mix - Mokro/Suho + + Save &Image... + - Gate + + Auto-Fit - Decay + + Zoom In - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled + + Ctrl++ - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN + + Zoom Out - Add effect + + Ctrl+- - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect + + Zoom 100% - Name - Ime + + Ctrl+1 + - Type + + Show &Toolbar - Description + + &Configure Carla - Author + + &About - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. + + About &JUCE - On/Off + + About &Qt - W/D + + Show Canvas &Meters - Wet Level: + + Show Canvas &Keyboard - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. + + Show Internal - DECAY + + Show External - Time: + + Show Time Panel - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. + + Show &Side Panel - GATE + + &Connect... - Gate: + + Compact Slots - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. + + Expand Slots - Controls + + Perform secret 1 - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. + + Perform secret 2 - Move &up + + Perform secret 3 - Move &down + + Perform secret 4 - &Remove this plugin + + Perform secret 5 - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay + + Add &JACK Application... - Attack + + &Configure driver... - Hold + + Panic - Decay + + Open custom driver panel... + + + CarlaHostWindow - Sustain + + Export as... - Release - Prepustitev + + + + + Error + - Modulation + + Failed to load project - LFO Predelay + + Failed to save project - LFO Attack + + Quit - LFO speed + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? - LFO Modulation + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 - LFO Wave Shape + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' - Freq x 100 + + Warning - Modulate Env-Amount + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - DEL + + Show GUI + + + CarlaSettingsW - Predelay: - + + Settings + Nastavitve - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. + + main - ATT + + canvas - Attack: + + engine - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. + + osc - HOLD + + file-paths - Hold: + + plugin-paths - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. + + wine - DEC + + experimental - Decay: + + Widget - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. + + + Main - SUST + + + Canvas - Sustain: + + + Engine - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. + + File Paths - REL + + Plugin Paths - Release: + + Wine - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. + + + Experimental - AMT + + <b>Main</b> - Modulation amount: + + Paths - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. + + Default project folder: - LFO predelay: + + Interface - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. + + Interface refresh interval: - LFO- attack: + + + ms - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) - SPD + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting - LFO speed: + + + Theme - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. + + Color scheme: - Click here for a sine-wave. + + Black - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + System - Click here for a saw-wave for current. + + Enable experimental features - Click here for a square-wave. + + <b>Canvas</b> - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. + + Bezier Lines - FREQ x 100 + + Theme: - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. + + Size: - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 + + 775x600 - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT + + 1550x1200 - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. + + 3100x2400 - control envelope-amount by this LFO + + 4650x3600 - ms/LFO: + + 6200x4800 - Hint + + Options - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. + + Auto-hide groups with no ports - Click here for random wave. + + Auto-select items on hover - - - EqControls - Input gain + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) - Output gain + + Render Hints - Low shelf gain + + Anti-Aliasing - Peak 1 gain + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) - Peak 2 gain + + <b>Engine</b> - Peak 3 gain + + + Core - Peak 4 gain + + Single Client - High Shelf gain + + Multiple Clients - HP res + + + Continuous Rack - Low Shelf res + + + Patchbay - Peak 1 BW + + Audio driver: - Peak 2 BW + + Process mode: - Peak 3 BW + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog - Peak 4 BW + + Max Parameters: - High Shelf res + + ... - LP res + + Reset Xrun counter after project load - HP freq + + Plugin UIs - Low Shelf freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - Peak 1 freq + + UI Bridge Timeout: - Peak 2 freq + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - Peak 3 freq + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible - Peak 4 freq + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top - High shelf freq + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - LP freq + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - HP active + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings - Low shelf active + + <b>OSC</b> - Peak 1 active + + Enable OSC - Peak 2 active + + Enable TCP port - Peak 3 active + + + Use specific port: - Peak 4 active + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var - High shelf active + + + Use randomly assigned port - LP active + + Enable UDP port - LP 12 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var - LP 24 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled - LP 48 + + <b>File Paths</b> - HP 12 + + Audio - HP 24 + + MIDI - HP 48 + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin - low pass type + + Used for the "midifile" plugin - high pass type + + + Add... - Analyse IN + + + Remove - Analyse OUT + + + Change... - - - EqControlsDialog - HP + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> - Low Shelf + + LADSPA - Peak 1 + + DSSI - Peak 2 + + LV2 - Peak 3 + + VST2 - Peak 4 + + VST3 - High Shelf + + SF2/3 - LP + + SFZ - In Gain + + Restart Carla to find new plugins - Gain + + <b>Wine</b> - Out Gain + + Executable - Bandwidth: + + Path to 'wine' binary: - Resonance : + + Prefix - Frequency: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename - lp grp + + Fallback: - hp grp + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback - Octave + + Realtime Priority - - - EqHandle - Reso: + + Base priority: - BW: + + WineServer priority: - Freq: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin - - - ExportProjectDialog - - Export project - Izvozi projekt - - Output + + <b>Experimental</b> - File format: + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! - Samplerate: + + Enable plugin bridges - 44100 Hz + + Enable Wine bridges - 48000 Hz + + Enable jack applications - 88200 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 - 96000 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) - 192000 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) - Bitrate: + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) - 64 KBit/s + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) - 128 KBit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" - 160 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. - 192 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo - 256 KBit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) - 320 KBit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. - Depth: + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible - 16 Bit Integer + + + + + Add Path + + + CompressorControlDialog - 32 Bit Float + + Threshold: - Please note that not all of the parameters above apply for all file formats. + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place - Quality settings + + Ratio: - Interpolation: + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold - Zero Order Hold + + Attack: - Sinc Fastest + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio - Sinc Medium (recommended) + + Release: - Sinc Best (very slow!) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio - Oversampling (use with care!): + + Knee: - 1x (None) + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold - 2x + + Range: - 4x + + Maximum gain reduction - 8x + + Lookahead Length: - Start + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time - Cancel - Preklic + + Hold: + - Export as loop (remove end silence) + + Delay between attack and release stages - Export between loop markers + + RMS Size: - Could not open file + + Size of the RMS buffer - Export project to %1 - Izvozi projekt v %1 + + Input Balance: + - Error + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + Output Balance: - Rendering: %1% + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Stereo Balance: - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Prosim vpišite novo vrednost med %1 in %2: + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - - - FileBrowser - Browser - Brskalnik + + Stereo Link Blend: + - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor + + Tilt Gain: - Loading sample + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + Tilt Frequency: - --- Factory files --- + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor + + Mix: - Error + + Balance between wet and dry signals - does not appear to be a valid + + Auto Attack: - file + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples + + Auto Release: - Lfo Frequency + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - Seconds + + Output gain - Regen + + + Gain - Noise + + Output volume - Invert + + Input gain - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: + + Input volume - Feedback Amount: + + Root Mean Square - White Noise Amount: + + Use RMS of the input - DELAY + + Peak - RATE + + Use absolute value of the input - Rate: + + Left/Right - AMNT + + Compress left and right audio - Amount: + + Mid/Side - FDBK + + Compress mid and side audio - NOISE + + Compressor - Invert + + Compress the audio - - - FxLine - Channel send amount + + Limiter - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) - Move &left + + Unlinked - Move &right + + Compress each channel separately - Rename &channel + + Maximum - R&emove channel + + Compress based on the loudest channel - Remove &unused channels + + Average - - - FxMixer - Master + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume - FX %1 + + Minimum - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer + + Compress based on the quietest channel - FX Fader %1 + + Blend - Mute - Mute + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - Mute this FX channel + + Auto Makeup Gain - Solo - Solist + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - Solo FX channel + + + Soft Clip - - - FxRoute - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + Play the delta signal - - - GigInstrument - Bank + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input - Patch + + Lookahead Enabled - Gain + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency - GigInstrumentView + CompressorControls - Open other GIG file + + Threshold - Click here to open another GIG file - + + Ratio + razmerje - Choose the patch + + Attack - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - + + Release + Prepustitev - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played + + Knee - Which GIG file is currently being used + + Hold - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used + + Range - Gain + + RMS Size - Factor to multiply samples by + + Mid/Side - Open GIG file + + Peak Mode - GIG Files (*.gig) + + Lookahead Length - - - GuiApplication - Working directory + + Input Balance - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + Output Balance - Preparing UI + + Limiter - Preparing song editor - Pripravljam Urejevalnik skladbe + + Output Gain + - Preparing mixer + + Input Gain - Preparing controller rack + + Blend - Preparing project notes + + Stereo Balance - Preparing beat/bassline editor + + Auto Makeup Gain - Preparing piano roll - Pripravljam Klavirčrtovje + + Audition + - Preparing automation editor + + Feedback - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - Arpeggio + + Auto Attack - Arpeggio type + + Auto Release - Arpeggio range + + Lookahead - Arpeggio time + + Tilt - Arpeggio gate + + Tilt Frequency - Arpeggio direction + + Stereo Link - Arpeggio mode + + Mix + + + Controller - Up + + Controller %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - Down + + Connection Settings - Up and down + + MIDI CONTROLLER - Random + + Input channel - Free + + CHANNEL - Sort + + Input controller - Sync + + CONTROLLER - Down and up + + + Auto Detect - Skip rate + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Miss rate + + USER CONTROLLER - Cycle steps + + MAPPING FUNCTION - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - ARPEGGIO - + + OK + V redu - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - + + Cancel + Preklic - RANGE - + + LMMS + LMMS - Arpeggio range: + + Cycle Detected. + + + ControllerRackView - octave(s) + + Controller Rack - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. + + Add - TIME + + Confirm Delete - Arpeggio time: - + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Naj res izbrišem? Obstaja(-jo) povezava(-e) v zvezi s tem krmilnikom. Razveljavitve ni. + + + ControllerView - ms + + Controls - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. + + Rename controller - GATE + + Enter the new name for this controller - Arpeggio gate: + + LFO - % + + &Remove this controller - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. + + Re&name this controller + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Chord: + + Band 1/2 crossover: - Direction: + + Band 2/3 crossover: - Mode: + + Band 3/4 crossover: - SKIP + + Band 1 gain - Skip rate: + + Band 1 gain: - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. + + Band 2 gain - MISS + + Band 2 gain: - Miss rate: + + Band 3 gain - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. + + Band 3 gain: - CYCLE + + Band 4 gain - Cycle notes: + + Band 4 gain: - note(s) + + Band 1 mute - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. + + Mute band 1 - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave + + Band 2 mute - Major + + Mute band 2 - Majb5 + + Band 3 mute - minor + + Mute band 3 - minb5 + + Band 4 mute - sus2 + + Mute band 4 + + + DelayControls - sus4 + + Delay samples - aug + + Feedback - augsus4 + + LFO frequency - tri + + LFO amount - 6 + + Output gain + + + DelayControlsDialog - 6sus4 + + DELAY - 6add9 + + Delay time - m6 + + FDBK - m6add9 + + Feedback amount - 7 + + RATE - 7sus4 + + LFO frequency - 7#5 + + AMNT - 7b5 + + LFO amount - 7#9 + + Out gain - 7b9 + + Gain + + + Dialog - 7#5#9 + + Add JACK Application - 7#5b9 + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out - 7b5b9 + + Application - 7add11 + + Name: - 7add13 + + Application: - 7#11 + + From template - Maj7 + + Custom - Maj7b5 + + Template: - Maj7#5 + + Command: - Maj7#11 + + Setup - Maj7add13 + + Session Manager: - m7 + + None - m7b5 + + Audio inputs: - m7b9 + + MIDI inputs: - m7add11 + + Audio outputs: - m7add13 + + MIDI outputs: - m-Maj7 + + Take control of main application window - m-Maj7add11 + + Workarounds - m-Maj7add13 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) - 9 + + Capture only the first X11 Window - 9sus4 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client - add9 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index - 9#5 + + Error here - 9b5 + + Carla Control - Connect - 9#11 + + Remote setup - 9b13 + + UDP Port: - Maj9 + + Remote host: - Maj9sus4 + + TCP Port: - Maj9#5 + + Reported host - Maj9#11 + + Automatic - m9 + + Custom: - madd9 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. - m9b5 + + Set value - m9-Maj7 + + TextLabel - 11 + + Scale Points + + + DriverSettingsW - 11b9 + + Driver Settings - Maj11 + + Device: - m11 + + Buffer size: - m-Maj11 + + Sample rate: - 13 + + Triple buffer - 13#9 + + Show Driver Control Panel - 13b9 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + DualFilterControlDialog - 13b5b9 + + + FREQ - Maj13 + + + Cutoff frequency - m13 + + + RESO - m-Maj13 + + + Resonance - Harmonic minor + + + GAIN - Melodic minor + + + Gain - Whole tone + + MIX - Diminished + + Mix - Major pentatonic + + Filter 1 enabled - Minor pentatonic + + Filter 2 enabled - Jap in sen + + Enable/disable filter 1 - Major bebop + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + DualFilterControls - Dominant bebop + + Filter 1 enabled - Blues + + Filter 1 type - Arabic + + Cutoff frequency 1 - Enigmatic + + Q/Resonance 1 - Neopolitan + + Gain 1 - Neopolitan minor + + Mix - Hungarian minor + + Filter 2 enabled - Dorian + + Filter 2 type - Phrygolydian + + Cutoff frequency 2 - Lydian + + Q/Resonance 2 - Mixolydian + + Gain 2 - Aeolian + + + Low-pass - Locrian + + + Hi-pass - Chords + + + Band-pass csg - Chord type + + + Band-pass czpg - Chord range + + + Notch - Minor + + + All-pass - Chromatic + + + Moog - Half-Whole Diminished + + + 2x Low-pass - 5 - 5 + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + - Phrygian dominant + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct - Persian + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct - Chord range: + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct - octave(s) + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. + + + Vocal Formant - STACKING + + + 2x Moog - Chord: + + + SV Low-pass - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + SV Band-pass - CHANNEL + + + SV High-pass - VELOCITY + + + SV Notch - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + Fast Formant - PROGRAM + + + Tripole + + + Editor - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + Transport controls - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + Play (Space) - NOTE + + Stop (Space) - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + Record - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity + + Record while playing - BASE VELOCITY + + Toggle Step Recording - InstrumentMiscView + Effect - MASTER PITCH + + Effect enabled + + + + + Wet/Dry mix + Mokro/Suho + + + + Gate - Enables the use of Master Pitch + + Decay - InstrumentSoundShaping + EffectChain - VOLUME + + Effects enabled + + + EffectRackView - Volume - Obseg + + EFFECTS CHAIN + - CUTOFF + + Add effect + + + EffectSelectDialog - Cutoff frequency + + Add effect - RESO - + + + Name + Ime - Resonance + + Type - Envelopes/LFOs + + Description - Filter type + + Author + + + EffectView - Q/Resonance + + On/Off - LowPass + + W/D - HiPass + + Wet Level: - BandPass csg + + DECAY - BandPass czpg + + Time: - Notch + + GATE - Allpass + + Gate: - Moog + + Controls - 2x LowPass + + Move &up - RC LowPass 12dB + + Move &down - RC BandPass 12dB + + &Remove this plugin + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - RC HighPass 12dB + + Env pre-delay - RC LowPass 24dB + + Env attack - RC BandPass 24dB + + Env hold - RC HighPass 24dB + + Env decay - Vocal Formant Filter + + Env sustain - 2x Moog + + Env release - SV LowPass + + Env mod amount - SV BandPass + + LFO pre-delay - SV HighPass + + LFO attack - SV Notch + + LFO frequency - Fast Formant + + LFO mod amount - Tripole + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount - InstrumentSoundShapingView + EnvelopeAndLfoView - TARGET + + + DEL - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! + + + Pre-delay: - FILTER + + + ATT - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. + + + Attack: - Hz + + HOLD - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... + + Hold: - RESO + + DEC - Resonance: + + Decay: - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. + + SUST - FREQ + + Sustain: - cutoff frequency: + + REL - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + Release: - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track + + + AMT - Volume - Obseg + + + Modulation amount: + - Panning + + SPD - Pitch + + Frequency: - FX channel + + FREQ x 100 - Default preset + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT - Base note + + Control envelope amount by this LFO - Pitch range + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint - Master Pitch + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. - InstrumentTrackView - - Volume - Obseg - + EqControls - Volume: - Glasnost: + + Input gain + - VOL - GLS + + Output gain + - Panning + + Low-shelf gain - Panning: + + Peak 1 gain - PAN - PAN + + Peak 2 gain + - MIDI + + Peak 3 gain - Input + + Peak 4 gain - Output + + High-shelf gain - FX %1: %2 + + HP res - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - GENERAL SETTINGS + + Low-shelf res - Instrument volume + + Peak 1 BW - Volume: - Glasnost: + + Peak 2 BW + - VOL - GLS + + Peak 3 BW + - Panning + + Peak 4 BW - Panning: + + High-shelf res - PAN - PAN + + LP res + - Pitch + + HP freq - Pitch: + + Low-shelf freq - cents + + Peak 1 freq - PITCH + + Peak 2 freq - FX channel + + Peak 3 freq - ENV/LFO + + Peak 4 freq - FUNC + + High-shelf freq - FX + + LP freq - MIDI + + HP active - Save preset - Shrani glasbilce + + Low-shelf active + - XML preset file (*.xpf) + + Peak 1 active - PLUGIN + + Peak 2 active - Pitch range (semitones) + + Peak 3 active - RANGE + + Peak 4 active - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + High-shelf active - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. + + LP active - MISC - Razno + + LP 12 + - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. + + LP 24 - SAVE - SHRANI + + LP 48 + - - - Knob - Set linear + + HP 12 - Set logarithmic + + HP 24 - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + HP 48 - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Prosim vpišite novo vrednost med %1 in %2: + + Low-pass type + - - - LadspaControl - Link channels + + High-pass type - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels + + Analyse IN - Channel + + Analyse OUT - LadspaControlView + EqControlsDialog - Link channels + + HP - Value: + + Low-shelf - Sorry, no help available. + + Peak 1 - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + Peak 2 - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Prosim vpišite novo vrednost med %1 in %2: + + Peak 3 + - - - LeftRightNav - Previous + + Peak 4 - Next + + High-shelf - Previous (%1) + + LP - Next (%1) + + Input gain - - - LfoController - LFO Controller + + + + Gain - Base value + + Output gain - Oscillator speed + + Bandwidth: - Oscillator amount + + Octave - Oscillator phase + + Resonance : - Oscillator waveform + + Frequency: - Frequency Multiplier + + LP group + + + + + HP group - LfoControllerDialog + EqHandle - LFO + + Reso: - LFO Controller + + BW: - BASE + + + Freq: + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + Izvozi projekt + - Base amount: + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) - todo + + Export between loop markers - SPD + + Render Looped Section: - LFO-speed: + + time(s) - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. + + File format settings - Modulation amount: + + File format: - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. + + Sampling rate: - PHS + + 44100 Hz - Phase offset: + + 48000 Hz - degrees + + 88200 Hz - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + 96000 Hz - Click here for a sine-wave. + + 192000 Hz - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Bit depth: - Click here for a saw-wave. + + 16 Bit integer - Click here for a square-wave. + + 24 Bit integer - Click here for an exponential wave. + + 32 Bit float - Click here for white-noise. + + Stereo mode: - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. + + Mono - Click here for a moog saw-wave. + + Stereo - AMNT + + Joint stereo - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables + + Compression level: - Initializing data structures + + Bitrate: - Opening audio and midi devices + + 64 KBit/s - Launching mixer threads + + 128 KBit/s - - - MainWindow - Could not save config-file + + 160 KBit/s - Could not save configuration file %1. You're probably not permitted to write to this file. -Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + 192 KBit/s - &New - &Novo + + 256 KBit/s + - &Open... - &Odpri... + + 320 KBit/s + - &Save + + Use variable bitrate + + + + + Quality settings + + + + + Interpolation: + + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + + + + + Start + + + + + Cancel + Preklic + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Export project to %1 + Izvozi projekt v %1 + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + + + + + Rendering: %1% + + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Prosim vpišite novo vrednost med %1 in %2: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + Brskalnik + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + Urejevalnik skladbe + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + + + + + Error + + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + + + + + Invert + + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + + + + + Move &left + + + + + Move &right + + + + + Rename &channel + + + + + R&emove channel + + + + + Remove &unused channels + + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + + + + + New mixer Channel + + + + + Mixer + + + Master + + + + + + + Channel %1 + + + + + Volume + Glasnost + + + + Mute + Mute + + + + Solo + Solist + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + + + + + Fader %1 + + + + + Mute + Mute + + + + Mute this mixer channel + + + + + Solo + Solist + + + + Solo mixer channel + + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + + + + + Gain + + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + + + + + Preparing UI + + + + + Preparing song editor + Pripravljam Urejevalnik skladbe + + + + Preparing mixer + + + + + Preparing controller rack + + + + + Preparing project notes + + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + + + + + Preparing piano roll + Pripravljam Klavirčrtovje + + + + Preparing automation editor + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + + + + + Down + + + + + Up and down + + + + + Down and up + + + + + Random + + + + + Free + + + + + Sort + + + + + Sync + + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + + + + + GATE + + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + + + + + Direction: + + + + + Mode: + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + + + + + + Major + + + + + Majb5 + + + + + minor + + + + + minb5 + + + + + sus2 + + + + + sus4 + + + + + aug + + + + + augsus4 + + + + + tri + + + + + 6 + + + + + 6sus4 + + + + + 6add9 + + + + + m6 + + + + + m6add9 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 7sus4 + + + + + 7#5 + + + + + 7b5 + + + + + 7#9 + + + + + 7b9 + + + + + 7#5#9 + + + + + 7#5b9 + + + + + 7b5b9 + + + + + 7add11 + + + + + 7add13 + + + + + 7#11 + + + + + Maj7 + + + + + Maj7b5 + + + + + Maj7#5 + + + + + Maj7#11 + + + + + Maj7add13 + + + + + m7 + + + + + m7b5 + + + + + m7b9 + + + + + m7add11 + + + + + m7add13 + + + + + m-Maj7 + + + + + m-Maj7add11 + + + + + m-Maj7add13 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 9sus4 + + + + + add9 + + + + + 9#5 + + + + + 9b5 + + + + + 9#11 + + + + + 9b13 + + + + + Maj9 + + + + + Maj9sus4 + + + + + Maj9#5 + + + + + Maj9#11 + + + + + m9 + + + + + madd9 + + + + + m9b5 + + + + + m9-Maj7 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 11b9 + + + + + Maj11 + + + + + m11 + + + + + m-Maj11 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 13#9 + + + + + 13b9 + + + + + 13b5b9 + + + + + Maj13 + + + + + m13 + + + + + m-Maj13 + + + + + Harmonic minor + + + + + Melodic minor + + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + + + + + Major pentatonic + + + + + Minor pentatonic + + + + + Jap in sen + + + + + Major bebop + + + + + Dominant bebop + + + + + Blues + + + + + Arabic + + + + + Enigmatic + + + + + Neopolitan + + + + + Neopolitan minor + + + + + Hungarian minor + + + + + Dorian + + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + + + + + Mixolydian + + + + + Aeolian + + + + + Locrian + + + + + Minor + + + + + Chromatic + + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + + + + + Chord type + + + + + Chord range + + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + + + + + Chord: + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Chord range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + + + + + Volume + Obseg + + + + CUTOFF + + + + + + Cutoff frequency + + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + + + + + Filter type + + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + + + + + Hz + + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + + + + + Base note + + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + + + + + Volume + Obseg + + + + Panning + + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch range + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + Master pitch + Poveljnik ladje + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Obseg + + + + Volume: + Glasnost: + + + + VOL + GLS + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + + + + + Input + + + + + Output + + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + + + + + Volume + Glasnost + + + + Volume: + Glasnost: + + + + VOL + GLS + + + + Panning + + + + + Panning: + + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + + + + + Pitch: + + + + + cents + + + + + PITCH + + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + + + + + RANGE + + + + + Mixer channel + + + + + CHANNEL + + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + + + + + SAVE + SHRANI + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + + + + + MIDI + + + + + Miscellaneous + + + + + Save preset + Shrani glasbilce + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + + + + + Plugin + + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + + + + + Set logarithmic + + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Prosim vpišite novo vrednost med %1 in %2: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + + + + + Channel + + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + + + + + Value: + + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Prosim vpišite novo vrednost med %1 in %2: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Prosim vpišite novo vrednost med %1 in %2: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + + + + + + + Next + + + + + Previous (%1) + + + + + Next (%1) + + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + + + + + Base value + + + + + Oscillator speed + + + + + Oscillator amount + + + + + Oscillator phase + + + + + Oscillator waveform + + + + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + + + + + BASE + + + + + Base: + + + + + FREQ + + + + + LFO frequency: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Modulation amount: + + + + + PHS + + + + + Phase offset: + + + + + degrees + + + + + Sine wave + + + + + Triangle wave + + + + + Saw wave + + + + + Square wave + + + + + Moog saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave + + + + + White noise + + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + + + + + Initializing data structures + + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + + + + + Launching mixer threads + + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + + + + Could not open file + + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + + + + Project recovery + + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + + + + + Recover + + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + + + + + Discard + + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + + + Version %1 + + + + + Preparing plugin browser + + + + + Preparing file browsers + + + + + My Projects + Moji projekti + + + + My Samples + + + + + My Presets + + + + + My Home + + + + + Root directory + + + + + Volumes + + + + + My Computer + + + + + &File + + + + + &New + &Novo + + + + &Open... + &Odpri... + + + + Loading background picture + + + + + &Save &Shrani - Save &As... - Shr%Ani kot... + + Save &As... + Shr%Ani kot... + + + + Save as New &Version + Shrani kot no&Vo različico + + + + Save as default template + Shrani kot privzeto predlogo + + + + Import... + Uvozi... + + + + E&xport... + + + + + E&xport Tracks... + + + + + Export &MIDI... + Izvoz &MIDI... + + + + &Quit + Izhod + + + + &Edit + Ur&Edi + + + + Undo + Razveljavi + + + + Redo + Uveljavi + + + + Settings + Nastavitve + + + + &View + + + + + &Tools + + + + + &Help + + + + + Online Help + + + + + Help + + + + + About + Vizitka + + + + Create new project + Ustvari nov projekt + + + + Create new project from template + Ustvari nov projekt iz predloge + + + + Open existing project + Odpri obstoječi projekt + + + + Recently opened projects + Nedavno odprti projekti + + + + Save current project + Shrani trenutni projekt + + + + Export current project + Izvozi trenutni projekt + + + + Metronome + + + + + + Song Editor + Urejevalnik skladbe + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Ritem+bas urejevalnik + + + + + Piano Roll + Klavirčrtovje + + + + + Automation Editor + Samodejnik + + + + + Mixer + + + + + Show/hide controller rack + + + + + Show/hide project notes + + + + + Untitled + + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + + + + + LMMS %1 + + + + + Recovered project not saved + + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Project not saved + Projekt ni shranjen + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + + + + Open Project + Odpri projekt + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + + Save Project + Shrani projekt + + + + LMMS Project + LMMS projekt + + + + LMMS Project Template + Predloga za LMMS projekt + + + + Save project template + + + + + Overwrite default template? + + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + + + + + Help not available + + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + + + + Controller Rack + + + + + Project Notes + Zabeležke o projektu + + + + Fullscreen + + + + + Volume as dBFS + + + + + Smooth scroll + + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + + + + + + untitled + Neimenovan + + + + + Select file for project-export... + Izberi datoteko za izvoz projekta... + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + + + + Save project + + + + + Project saved + Projekt je shranjen + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + Projekt %1 je zdaj shranjen + + + + Project NOT saved. + Projekt NI shranjen + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + Projekt %1 ni bil shranjen + + + + Import file + Uvozi datoteko + + + + MIDI sequences + + + + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogen projekti + + + + All file types + Dovoljene vrste datotek + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + + + + + Meter numerator + + + + + + Meter Denominator + + + + + Meter denominator + + + + + TIME SIG + + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + + + CC %1 + + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + + + + + Numerator + + + + + Denominator + + + + + Track + + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + + + + + Time Signature: + + + + + + + 1/4 + + + + + 2/4 + + + + + 3/4 + + + + + 4/4 + + + + + 5/4 + + + + + 6/4 + + + + + Measures: + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + + 3 + + + + + 4 + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + + + + + 7 + + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 10 + + + + + 11 + + + + + 12 + + + + + 13 + + + + + 14 + + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + + + Default Length: + + + + + + 1/16 + + + + + + 1/15 + + + + + + 1/12 + + + + + + 1/9 + + + + + + 1/8 + + + + + + 1/6 + + + + + + 1/3 + + + + + + 1/2 + + + + + Quantize: + + + + + &File + + + + + &Edit + Ur&Edi + + + + &Quit + Izhod + + + + &Insert Mode + + + + + F + + + + + &Velocity Mode + + + + + D + + + + + Select All + + + + + A + + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + + + + + Output channel + + + + + Input controller + + + + + Output controller + + + + + Fixed input velocity + + + + + Fixed output velocity + + + + + Fixed output note + + + + + Output MIDI program + + + + + Base velocity + + + + + Receive MIDI-events + + + + + Send MIDI-events + + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + + + + + Osc 1 panning + + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + + + + + Osc 2 volume + + + + + Osc 2 panning + + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 2 waveform + + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + + + + + Osc 3 volume + + + + + Osc 3 panning + + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + + + + + LFO 1 waveform + + + + + LFO 1 attack + + + + + LFO 1 rate + + + + + LFO 1 phase + + + + + LFO 2 waveform + + + + + LFO 2 attack + + + + + LFO 2 rate + + + + + LFO 2 phase + + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + + + + + Env 1 attack + + + + + Env 1 hold + + + + + Env 1 decay + + + + + Env 1 sustain + + + + + Env 1 release + + + + + Env 1 slope + + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + + + + + Env 2 attack + + + + + Env 2 hold + + + + + Env 2 decay + + + + + Env 2 sustain + + + + + Env 2 release + + + + + Env 2 slope + + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + + + + + Selected view + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + - Import... - Uvozi... + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + - E&xport... + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 - &Quit - Izhod + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + - &Edit - Ur&Edi + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + - Settings - Nastavitve + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + - &Tools + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 - &Help + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - Help + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 - What's this? + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 - About - Vizitka + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + - Create new project - Ustvari nov projekt + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + - Create new project from template - Ustvari nov projekt iz predloge + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + - Open existing project - Odpri obstoječi projekt + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + - Recently opened projects - Nedavno odprti projekti + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + - Save current project - Shrani trenutni projekt + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + - Export current project - Izvozi trenutni projekt + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + - Song Editor - Urejevalnik skladbe + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 - Beat+Bassline Editor - Ritem+bas urejevalnik + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. + + + Sine wave - Piano Roll - Klavirčrtovje + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Kliknite tukaj, da prikažete ali skrijete Klavirčrtovje. S Klavirčrtovjem lahko preprosto ustvarjate melodijo. + + Bandlimited Saw wave + - Automation Editor - Samodejnik + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. + + Bandlimited Square wave - FX Mixer + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. + + + Soft square wave - Project Notes - Zabeležke o projektu + + Absolute sine wave + - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. + + + Exponential wave - Controller Rack + + White noise - Untitled + + Digital Triangle wave - LMMS %1 + + Digital Saw wave - Project not saved - Projekt ni shranjen + + Digital Ramp wave + - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + + Digital Square wave - Help not available + + Digital Moog saw wave - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + + Triangle wave - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Saw wave - Version %1 + + Ramp wave - Configuration file + + Square wave - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + + Moog saw wave - Volumes + + Abs. sine wave - Undo - Razveljavi + + Random + - Redo - Uveljavi + + Random smooth + + + + MonstroView - My Projects - Moji projekti + + Operators view + - My Samples + + Matrix view - My Presets + + + + Volume + Obseg + + + + + + Panning - My Home + + + + Coarse detune - My Computer + + + + semitones - &File + + + Fine tune left - &Recently Opened Projects - Nedavno odp&Rti projekti + + + + + cents + - Save as New &Version - Shrani kot no&Vo različico + + + Fine tune right + - E&xport Tracks... + + + + Stereo phase offset - Online Help + + + + + + deg - What's This? + + Pulse width - Open Project - Odpri projekt + + Send sync on pulse rise + - Save Project - Shrani projekt + + Send sync on pulse fall + - Project recovery + + Hard sync oscillator 2 - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Recover + + Sub-osc mix - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + + Hard sync oscillator 3 - Ignore + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Launch LMMS as usual but with automatic backup disabled to prevent the present recover file from being overwritten. + + + + + Attack - Discard + + + Rate - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + + + Phase - Preparing plugin browser + + + Pre-delay - Preparing file browsers + + + Hold - Root directory + + + Decay - Loading background artwork + + + Sustain - New from template + + + Release + Prepustitev + + + + + Slope - Save as default template - Shrani kot privzeto predlogo + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - &View + + Length - Toggle metronome + + Step length: - Show/hide Song-Editor - Prikaži/skrij Urejevalnik skladbe + + Dry + - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Prikaži/skrij Ritem+bas urejevalnik + + Dry gain: + - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Prikaži/skrij Klavirčrtovje + + Stages + - Show/hide Automation Editor - Prikaži/skrij Samodejnik + + Low-pass stages: + - Show/hide FX Mixer + + Swap inputs - Show/hide project notes + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + NesInstrument - Show/hide controller rack + + Channel 1 coarse detune - Recover session. Please save your work! + + Channel 1 volume - Automatic backup disabled. Remember to save your work! + + Channel 1 envelope length - Recovered project not saved + + Channel 1 duty cycle - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + + Channel 1 sweep amount - LMMS Project - LMMS projekt + + Channel 1 sweep rate + - LMMS Project Template - Predloga za LMMS projekt + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + - Overwrite default template? + + Channel 2 Volume - This will overwrite your current default template. + + Channel 2 envelope length - Volume as dBFS + + Channel 2 duty cycle - Smooth scroll + + Channel 2 sweep amount - Enable note labels in piano roll + + Channel 2 sweep rate - Save project template + + Channel 3 coarse detune - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator + + Channel 3 volume - Meter Denominator + + Channel 4 volume - TIME SIG + + Channel 4 envelope length + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + + + Master volume + Poveljnik ladje + + + + Vibrato + Vibrato + - MeterModel + NesInstrumentView - Numerator + + + + + Volume + Obseg + + + + + + Coarse detune + + + + + + + Envelope length + + + + + Enable channel 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 + + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + + + + + Enable sweep 1 - Denominator + + + Sweep amount - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller + + + Sweep rate - unnamed_midi_controller + + + 12.5% Duty cycle - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete + + + 25% Duty cycle - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + + + 50% Duty cycle - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + + + 75% Duty cycle - Track + + Enable channel 2 - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + + Enable envelope 2 - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + Enable envelope 2 loop - - - MidiPort - Input channel + + Enable sweep 2 - Output channel + + Enable channel 3 - Input controller + + Noise Frequency - Output controller + + Frequency sweep - Fixed input velocity + + Enable channel 4 - Fixed output velocity + + Enable envelope 4 - Output MIDI program + + Enable envelope 4 loop - Receive MIDI-events + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Send MIDI-events + + Use note frequency for noise - Fixed output note + + Noise mode - Base velocity - + + Master volume + Poveljnik ladje - - - MidiSetupWidget - DEVICE - Naprava + + Vibrato + Vibrato - MonstroInstrument - - Osc 1 Volume - - + OpulenzInstrument - Osc 1 Panning + + Patch - Osc 1 Coarse detune + + Op 1 attack - Osc 1 Fine detune left + + Op 1 decay - Osc 1 Fine detune right + + Op 1 sustain - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset + + Op 1 release - Osc 1 Pulse width + + Op 1 level - Osc 1 Sync send on rise + + Op 1 level scaling - Osc 1 Sync send on fall + + Op 1 frequency multiplier - Osc 2 Volume + + Op 1 feedback - Osc 2 Panning + + Op 1 key scaling rate - Osc 2 Coarse detune + + Op 1 percussive envelope - Osc 2 Fine detune left + + Op 1 tremolo - Osc 2 Fine detune right + + Op 1 vibrato - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset + + Op 1 waveform - Osc 2 Waveform + + Op 2 attack - Osc 2 Sync Hard + + Op 2 decay - Osc 2 Sync Reverse + + Op 2 sustain - Osc 3 Volume + + Op 2 release - Osc 3 Panning + + Op 2 level - Osc 3 Coarse detune + + Op 2 level scaling - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + Op 2 frequency multiplier - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix + + Op 2 key scaling rate - Osc 3 Waveform 1 + + Op 2 percussive envelope - Osc 3 Waveform 2 + + Op 2 tremolo - Osc 3 Sync Hard + + Op 2 vibrato - Osc 3 Sync Reverse + + Op 2 waveform - LFO 1 Waveform + + FM - LFO 1 Attack + + Vibrato depth - LFO 1 Rate + + Tremolo depth + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - LFO 1 Phase + + + Attack - LFO 2 Waveform + + + Decay - LFO 2 Attack - + + + Release + Prepustitev - LFO 2 Rate + + + Frequency multiplier + + + OscillatorObject - LFO 2 Phase + + Osc %1 waveform - Env 1 Pre-delay + + Osc %1 harmonic - Env 1 Attack + + + Osc %1 volume - Env 1 Hold + + + Osc %1 panning - Env 1 Decay + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left - Env 1 Sustain + + Osc %1 coarse detuning - Env 1 Release + + Osc %1 fine detuning right - Env 1 Slope + + Osc %1 phase-offset - Env 2 Pre-delay + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Env 2 Attack + + Osc %1 wave shape - Env 2 Hold + + Modulation type %1 + + + Oscilloscope - Env 2 Decay + + Oscilloscope - Env 2 Sustain + + Click to enable + + + PatchesDialog - Env 2 Release + + Qsynth: Channel Preset - Env 2 Slope + + Bank selector - Osc2-3 modulation + + Bank - Selected view + + Program selector - Vol1-Env1 + + Patch - Vol1-Env2 - + + Name + Ime - Vol1-LFO1 - + + OK + V redu - Vol1-LFO2 - + + Cancel + Preklic + + + PatmanView - Vol2-Env1 + + Open patch - Vol2-Env2 + + Loop - Vol2-LFO1 + + Loop mode - Vol2-LFO2 + + Tune - Vol3-Env1 + + Tune mode - Vol3-Env2 + + No file selected - Vol3-LFO1 + + Open patch file - Vol3-LFO2 + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - Phs1-Env1 - + + Open in piano-roll + Odpri v Klavirčrtovju - Phs1-Env2 + + Set as ghost in piano-roll - Phs1-LFO1 + + Clear all notes - Phs1-LFO2 + + Reset name - Phs2-Env1 + + Change name - Phs2-Env2 + + Add steps - Phs2-LFO1 + + Remove steps - Phs2-LFO2 + + Clone Steps + + + PeakController - Phs3-Env1 + + Peak Controller - Phs3-Env2 + + Peak Controller Bug - Phs3-LFO1 + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + + PeakControllerDialog - Phs3-LFO2 + + PEAK - Pit1-Env1 + + LFO Controller + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - Pit1-Env2 + + BASE - Pit1-LFO1 + + Base: - Pit1-LFO2 + + AMNT - Pit2-Env1 + + Modulation amount: - Pit2-Env2 + + MULT - Pit2-LFO1 + + Amount multiplicator: - Pit2-LFO2 + + ATCK - Pit3-Env1 + + Attack: - Pit3-Env2 + + DCAY - Pit3-LFO1 + + Release: - Pit3-LFO2 + + TRSH - PW1-Env1 + + Treshold: - PW1-Env2 + + Mute output - PW1-LFO1 + + Absolute value + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - PW1-LFO2 + + Base value - Sub3-Env1 + + Modulation amount - Sub3-Env2 + + Attack - Sub3-LFO1 - + + Release + Prepustitev - Sub3-LFO2 - + + Treshold + Treshold - Sine wave + + Mute output - Bandlimited Triangle wave + + Absolute value - Bandlimited Saw wave + + Amount multiplicator + + + PianoRoll - Bandlimited Ramp wave + + Note Velocity - Bandlimited Square wave + + Note Panning - Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + Mark/unmark current semitone - Soft square wave + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Absolute sine wave + + Mark current scale - Exponential wave + + Mark current chord - White noise + + Unmark all - Digital Triangle wave + + Select all notes on this key - Digital Saw wave + + Note lock - Digital Ramp wave + + Last note - Digital Square wave + + No key - Digital Moog saw wave + + No scale - Triangle wave + + No chord - Saw wave + + Nudge - Ramp wave + + Snap - Square wave + + Velocity: %1% - Moog saw wave + + Panning: %1% left - Abs. sine wave + + Panning: %1% right - Random + + Panning: center - Random smooth + + Glue notes failed - - - MonstroView - Operators view + + Please select notes to glue first. - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! - Matrix view - + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Prosim vpišite novo vrednost med %1 in %2: + + + PianoRollWindow - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. + + Play/pause current clip (Space) - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. + + Edit actions - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. + + Draw mode (Shift+D) - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. + + Erase mode (Shift+E) - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. + + Select mode (Shift+S) - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. + + Quantize - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. + + Quantize positions - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. + + Quantize lengths - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. + + File actions - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. + + Import clip - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. + + + Export clip - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. + + Copy paste controls - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. + + Cut (%1+X) - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. + + Copy (%1+C) - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. + + Paste (%1+V) - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. + + Timeline controls - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. + + Glue - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. + + Knife - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Fill - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Cut overlaps - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. + + Min length as last - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. + + Max length as last - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. + + Zoom and note controls - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. + + Horizontal zooming - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. + + Vertical zooming - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. + + Quantization - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. + + Note length - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. + + Key - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. + + Scale - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. + + Chord - Volume - Obseg - - - Panning + + Snap mode - Coarse detune + + Clear ghost notes - semitones - + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Klavirčrtovje - %1 - Finetune left - + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Klavirčrtovje - ni šablone - cents + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) - Finetune right + + Export clip success - Stereo phase offset + + Clip saved to %1 - deg + + Import clip. - Pulse width + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? - Send sync on pulse rise + + Open clip - Send sync on pulse fall + + Import clip success - Hard sync oscillator 2 + + Imported clip %1! + + + PianoView - Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + Base note - Sub-osc mix + + First note - Hard sync oscillator 3 + + Last note + + + Plugin - Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + Plugin not found - Attack + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" - Rate + + Error while loading plugin - Phase + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + + PluginBrowser - Pre-delay + + Instrument Plugins - Hold + + Instrument browser - Decay + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Sustain + + no description - Release - Prepustitev + + A native amplifier plugin + - Slope + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Modulation amount + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Step length: + + An oversampling bitcrusher - Dry + + Carla Patchbay Instrument - Dry Gain: + + Carla Rack Instrument - Stages + + A dynamic range compressor. - Lowpass stages: + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - Swap inputs + + A native delay plugin - Swap left and right input channel for reflections + + A Dual filter plugin - - - NesInstrument - Channel 1 Coarse detune + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - Channel 1 Volume + + A native eq plugin - Channel 1 Envelope length + + A native flanger plugin - Channel 1 Duty cycle + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Channel 1 Sweep amount + + Player for GIG files - Channel 1 Sweep rate - + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Sito za uvažanje Hydrogen datotek v LMMS - Channel 2 Coarse detune + + Versatile drum synthesizer - Channel 2 Volume + + List installed LADSPA plugins - Channel 2 Envelope length + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - Channel 2 Duty cycle + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 - Channel 2 Sweep amount + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. - Channel 2 Sweep rate + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. - Channel 3 Coarse detune - + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Sito za izvažanje MIDI datotek iz LMMS - Channel 3 Volume - + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Sito za uvažanje MIDI datotek v LMMS - Channel 4 Volume + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Channel 4 Envelope length + + A multitap echo delay plugin - Channel 4 Noise frequency + + A NES-like synthesizer - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep + + 2-operator FM Synth - Master volume - Poveljnik ladje + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + - Vibrato - Vibrato + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + - - - NesInstrumentView - Volume - Obseg + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + - Coarse detune + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Envelope length + + Player for SoundFont files - Enable channel 1 + + LMMS port of sfxr - Enable envelope 1 + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Enable envelope 1 loop + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. - Enable sweep 1 + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Sweep amount + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Sweep rate + + Tuneful things to bang on - 12.5% Duty cycle + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - 25% Duty cycle + + A stereo field visualizer. - 50% Duty cycle + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - 75% Duty cycle + + Vibrating string modeler - Enable channel 2 + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - Enable envelope 2 + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - Enable envelope 2 loop + + plugin for waveshaping - Enable sweep 2 + + Mathematical expression parser - Enable channel 3 + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + + PluginDatabaseW - Noise Frequency + + Carla - Add New - Frequency sweep + + Format - Enable channel 4 + + Internal - Enable envelope 4 + + LADSPA - Enable envelope 4 loop + + DSSI - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + LV2 - Use note frequency for noise + + VST2 - Noise mode + + VST3 - Master Volume + + AU - Vibrato - Vibrato + + Sound Kits + - - - OscillatorObject - Osc %1 volume + + Type - Osc %1 panning + + Effects - Osc %1 coarse detuning + + Instruments - Osc %1 fine detuning left + + MIDI Plugins - Osc %1 fine detuning right + + Other/Misc - Osc %1 phase-offset + + Architecture - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + Native - Osc %1 wave shape + + Bridged - Modulation type %1 + + Bridged (Wine) - Osc %1 waveform + + Requirements - Osc %1 harmonic + + With Custom GUI - - - PatchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + With CV Ports - Bank selector + + Real-time safe only - Bank + + Stereo only - Program selector + + With Inline Display - Patch + + Favorites only - Name - Ime + + (Number of Plugins go here) + - OK - V redu + + &Add Plugin + + Cancel Preklic - - - PatmanView - Open other patch + + Refresh - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. + + Reset filters - Loop + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel - Loop mode + + Format: - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. + + Architecture: - Tune + + Type: - Tune mode + + MIDI Ins: - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. + + Audio Ins: - No file selected + + CV Outs: - Open patch file + + MIDI Outs: - Patch-Files (*.pat) + + Parameter Ins: - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll - Odpri v Klavirčrtovju + + Parameter Outs: + - Clear all notes + + Audio Outs: - Reset name + + CV Ins: - Change name + + UniqueID: - Add steps + + Has Inline Display: - Remove steps + + Has Custom GUI: - use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step + + Is Synth: - double-click to open in Piano Roll - Z dvoklikom odprete v Klavirčrtovju + + Is Bridged: + - Clone Steps + + Information - - - PeakController - Peak Controller + + Name + Ime + + + + Label/URI - Peak Controller Bug + + Maker - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + + Binary/Filename - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK + + Focus Text Search - LFO Controller + + Ctrl+F - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + PluginEdit - BASE + + Plugin Editor - Base amount: + + Edit - Modulation amount: + + Control - Attack: + + MIDI Control Channel: - Release: + + N - AMNT + + Output dry/wet (100%) - MULT + + Output volume (100%) - Amount Multiplicator: + + Balance Left (0%) - ATCK + + + Balance Right (0%) - DCAY + + Use Balance - Treshold: + + Use Panning - TRSH - + + Settings + Nastavitve - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - Base value + + Use Chunks - Modulation amount + + Audio: - Mute output + + Fixed-Size Buffer - Attack + + Force Stereo (needs reload) - Release - Prepustitev + + MIDI: + - Abs Value + + Map Program Changes - Amount Multiplicator + + Send Bank/Program Changes - Treshold - Treshold + + Send Control Changes + - - - PianoRoll - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! + + Send Channel Pressure - Last note + + Send Note Aftertouch - Note lock + + Send Pitchbend - Note Velocity + + Send All Sound/Notes Off - Note Panning + + +Plugin Name + - Mark/unmark current semitone + + Program: - Mark current scale + + MIDI Program: - Mark current chord + + Save State - Unmark all + + Load State - No scale + + Information - No chord + + Label/URI: - Velocity: %1% + + Name: - Panning: %1% left + + Type: - Panning: %1% right + + Maker: - Panning: center + + Copyright: - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Prosim vpišite novo vrednost med %1 in %2: + + Unique ID: + + + + PluginFactory - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + Plugin not found. - Select all notes on this key + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - PianoRollWindow + PluginParameter - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Form - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + + Parameter Name - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + + ... + + + PluginRefreshW - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Carla - Refresh - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + Search for new... - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. + + LADSPA - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. + + DSSI - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. + + LV2 - Draw mode (Shift+D) + + VST2 - Erase mode (Shift+E) + + VST3 - Select mode (Shift+S) + + AU - Detune mode (Shift+T) + + SF2/3 - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. + + SFZ - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Native - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. + + POSIX 32bit - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + POSIX 64bit - Cut selected notes (%1+X) + + Windows 32bit - Copy selected notes (%1+C) + + Windows 64bit - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) + + Available tools: - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + carla-discovery-win64 - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. + + carla-discovery-native - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. + + carla-discovery-posix32 - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. + + carla-discovery-posix64 - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited + + carla-discovery-win32 - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! + + Options: - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). - Edit actions + + Run processing checks while scanning - Copy paste controls + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search - Timeline controls + + Scan - Zoom and note controls + + >> Skip - Piano-Roll - %1 - Klavirčrtovje - %1 + + Close + Zapri + + + PluginWidget - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Klavirčrtovje - ni šablone + + + + + + Frame + - Quantize + + Enable - - - PianoView - Base note + + On/Off - - - Plugin - Plugin not found + + + + + PluginName - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" + + MIDI - Error while loading plugin + + AUDIO IN - Failed to load plugin "%1"! + + AUDIO OUT - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser + + GUI - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + + Edit - Instrument Plugins + + Remove - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. + + Plugin Name - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + Preset: ProjectNotes - Project notes + + Project Notes Zabeležke o projektu - Put down your project notes here. + + Enter project notes here + Edit Actions + &Undo Razveljavi + %1+Z + &Redo Uveljavi + %1+Y + &Copy + %1+C + Cu&t + %1+X + &Paste + %1+V + Format Actions + &Bold + %1+B + &Italic + %1+I + &Underline + %1+U + &Left + %1+L + C&enter + %1+E + &Right + %1+R + &Justify + %1+J + &Color... @@ -5800,4149 +11307,5020 @@ Reason: "%2" ProjectRenderer - WAV-File (*.wav) - - - - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - - - - - QWidget - - Name: - - - - Maker: + + WAV (*.wav) - Copyright: + + FLAC (*.flac) - Requires Real Time: + + OGG (*.ogg) - Yes + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + QObject - No + + Reload Plugin - Real Time Capable: + + Show GUI - In Place Broken: + + Help + + + QWidget - Channels In: + + + + + Name: - Channels Out: + + URI: - File: + + + + Maker: - File: %1 + + + + Copyright: - - - RenameDialog - Rename... + + + Requires Real Time: - - - SampleBuffer - - Open audio file - Odpri avdio datoteko - - Wave-Files (*.wav) + + + + + + + Yes - OGG-Files (*.ogg) + + + + + + + No - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + + + Real Time Capable: - FLAC-Files (*.flac) + + + In Place Broken: - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + + + Channels In: - VOC-Files (*.voc) + + + Channels Out: - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + + File: %1 - AU-Files (*.au) + + File: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - RAW-Files (*.raw) - + + &Recently Opened Projects + Nedavno odp&Rti projekti + + + RenameDialog - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + Rename... - SampleTCOView + ReverbSCControlDialog - double-click to select sample + + Input - Delete (middle mousebutton) + + Input gain: - Cut + + Size - Copy + + Size: - Paste + + Color - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + Color: - - - SampleTrack - Sample track + + Output - Volume - Obseg - - - Panning + + Output gain: - SampleTrackView + ReverbSCControls - Track volume + + Input gain - Channel volume: + + Size - VOL - GLS - - - Panning + + Color - Panning: + + Output gain - - PAN - PAN - - SetupDialog - - Setup LMMS - - - - General settings - Glavne nastavitve - - - BUFFER SIZE - - - - Reset to default-value - Nastavljeno na privzeto vrednost - + SaControls - MISC - Razno - - - Enable tooltips - - - - Show restart warning after changing settings - - - - Display volume as dBFS - - - - Compress project files per default + + Pause - One instrument track window mode + + Reference freeze - HQ-mode for output audio-device + + Waterfall - Compact track buttons + + Averaging - Sync VST plugins to host playback + + Stereo - Enable note labels in piano roll + + Peak hold - Enable waveform display by default + + Logarithmic frequency - Keep effects running even without input + + Logarithmic amplitude - Create backup file when saving a project + + Frequency range - LANGUAGE - Jezik - - - Paths + + Amplitude range - LMMS working directory + + FFT block size - VST-plugin directory + + FFT window type - Background artwork + + Peak envelope resolution - STK rawwave directory + + Spectrum display resolution - Default Soundfont File + + Peak decay multiplier - Performance settings + + Averaging weight - UI effects vs. performance + + Waterfall history size - Smooth scroll in Song Editor + + Waterfall gamma correction - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + + FFT window overlap - Audio settings + + FFT zero padding - AUDIO INTERFACE + + + Full (auto) - MIDI settings + + + + Audible - MIDI INTERFACE + + Bass - OK - V redu - - - Cancel - Preklic - - - Restart LMMS + + Mids - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! + + High - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms + + Extended - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. + + Loud - Choose LMMS working directory + + Silent - Choose your VST-plugin directory + + (High time res.) - Choose artwork-theme directory + + (High freq. res.) - Choose LADSPA plugin directory + + Rectangular (Off) - Choose STK rawwave directory + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) - Choose default SoundFont + + Hamming - Choose background artwork + + Hanning + + + SaControlsDialog - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. + + Pause - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. + + Pause data acquisition - Reopen last project on start + + Reference freeze - Directories + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. - Themes directory + + Waterfall - GIG directory + + Display real-time spectrogram - SF2 directory + + Averaging - LADSPA plugin directories + + Enable exponential moving average - Auto save + + Stereo - Choose your GIG directory + + Display stereo channels separately - Choose your SF2 directory + + Peak hold - minutes - minute - - - minute - minuta - - - Enable auto-save + + Display envelope of peak values - Allow auto-save while playing + + Logarithmic frequency - Disabled + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale - Auto-save interval: %1 + + + Frequency range - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. + + Logarithmic amplitude - - - Song - - Tempo - Tempo - - - Master volume - Poveljnik ladje - - - Master pitch - Poveljnik ladje - - - Project saved - Projekt je shranjen - - - The project %1 is now saved. - Projekt %1 je zdaj shranjen - - - Project NOT saved. - Projekt NI shranjen - - - The project %1 was not saved! - Projekt %1 ni bil shranjen - - Import file - Uvozi datoteko + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + - MIDI sequences + + + Amplitude range - Hydrogen projects - Hydrogen projekti + + Envelope res. + - All file types - Dovoljene vrste datotek + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Empty project - Prazen projekt + + + Draw at most + - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - Ta projekt je prazen, zato izvoz ni smiseln. Najprej prosim nekaj vpišite v Urejevalnik skladbe. + + envelope points per pixel + - Select directory for writing exported tracks... + + Spectrum res. - untitled - Neimenovan + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Select file for project-export... - Izberi datoteko za izvoz projekta... + + spectrum points per pixel + - The following errors occured while loading: + + Falloff factor - MIDI File (*.mid) + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. - LMMS Error report + + Multiply buffered value by - Save project + + Averaging weight - - - SongEditor - Could not open file + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. - Could not write file + + New sample contributes - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + + Waterfall height - Error in file + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + + Keep - Tempo - Tempo + + lines + - TEMPO/BPM + + Waterfall gamma - tempo of song + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). + + Gamma value: - High quality mode + + Window overlap - Master volume - Poveljnik ladje + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - master volume + + Each sample processed - Master pitch - Poveljnik ladje + + times + - master pitch + + Zero padding - Value: %1% + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. - Value: %1 semitones + + Processing buffer is - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + + steps larger than input block - template + + Advanced settings - project - projekt + + Access advanced settings + - Version difference + + + FFT block size - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. + + + FFT window type - SongEditorWindow + SampleBuffer - Song-Editor - Urejevalnik skladbe + + Fail to open file + - Play song (Space) + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - Record samples from Audio-device + + Open audio file + Odpri avdio datoteko + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + + Wave-Files (*.wav) - Stop song (Space) + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) - Add beat/bassline + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - Add sample-track + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) - Add automation-track + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - Draw mode + + VOC-Files (*.voc) - Edit mode (select and move) + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. + + AU-Files (*.au) - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + + + SampleClipView - Track actions + + Double-click to open sample - Edit actions + + Delete (middle mousebutton) - Timeline controls + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) - Zoom controls + + Cut - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum + + Cut selection - Linear Y axis + + Copy - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum + + Copy selection - Linear Y axis + + Paste - Channel mode + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - - - SubWindow - Close - Zapri + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - Maximize - Maksimiraj + + Reverse sample + - Restore - Obnovi + + Set clip color + - - - TabWidget - Settings for %1 + + Use track color - TempoSyncKnob + SampleTrack - Tempo Sync - + + Volume + Obseg - No Sync + + Panning - Eight beats + + Mixer channel - Whole note + + + Sample track + + + SampleTrackView - Half note + + Track volume - Quarter note + + Channel volume: - 8th note - + + VOL + GLS - 16th note + + Panning - 32nd note + + Panning: - Custom... - + + PAN + PAN - Custom + + Channel %1: %2 + + + SampleTrackWindow - Synced to Eight Beats + + GENERAL SETTINGS - Synced to Whole Note + + Sample volume - Synced to Half Note - + + Volume: + Glasnost: - Synced to Quarter Note + + VOL + GLS + + + + Panning - Synced to 8th Note + + Panning: - Synced to 16th Note + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel - Synced to 32nd Note + + CHANNEL - TimeDisplayWidget + SaveOptionsWidget - click to change time units + + Discard MIDI connections - MIN + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + SetupDialog - SEC + + Reset to default value - MSEC + + Use built-in NaN handler - BAR - + + Settings + Nastavitve - BEAT + + + General - TICK + + Graphical user interface (GUI) - - - TimeLineWidget - Enable/disable auto-scrolling + + Display volume as dBFS - Enable/disable loop-points + + Enable tooltips - After stopping go back to begin + + Enable master oscilloscope by default - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + + Enable all note labels in piano roll - After stopping keep position + + Enable compact track buttons - Hint + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released - - - Track - - Mute - Mute - - Solo - Solist + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - - - TrackContainer - Couldn't import file + + Show warning when deleting tracks - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + + Projects - Couldn't open file + + Compress project files by default - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + + Create a backup file when saving a project - Loading project... - Nalagam projekt... + + Reopen last project on startup + - Cancel - Preklic + + Language + - Please wait... + + + Performance - Importing MIDI-file... - Uvažam MIDI datoteko... + + Autosave + - - - TrackContentObject - Mute - Mute + + Enable autosave + - - - TrackContentObjectView - Current position + + Allow autosave while playing - Hint + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + + Smooth scroll in song editor - Current length + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Press <%1> for free resizing. + + Plugins - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + VST plugins embedding: - Delete (middle mousebutton) + + No embedding - Cut + + Embed using Qt API - Copy + + Embed using native Win32 API - Paste + + Embed using XEmbed protocol - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. + + Sync VST plugins to host playback - Actions for this track + + Keep effects running even without input - Mute - Mute + + + Audio + - Solo - Solist + + Audio interface + - Mute this track + + HQ mode for output audio device - Clone this track + + Buffer size - Remove this track + + + MIDI - Clear this track + + MIDI interface - FX %1: %2 + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track - Turn all recording on + + LMMS working directory - Turn all recording off + + VST plugins directory - Assign to new FX Channel + + LADSPA plugins directories - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + SF2 directory - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Default SF2 - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 + + GIG directory - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Theme directory - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Background artwork - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Some changes require restarting. - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Autosave interval: %1 - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 + + Choose the LMMS working directory - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Choose your VST plugins directory - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory - Osc %1 volume: + + Choose your default SF2 - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. + + Choose your theme directory - Osc %1 panning: + + Choose your background picture - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. + + + Paths - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - + + OK + V redu - semitones - + + Cancel + Preklic - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms - Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + Choose your GIG directory - cents + + Choose your SF2 directory - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - + + minutes + minute - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - + + minute + minuta - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + Disabled + + + SidInstrument - Osc %1 phase-offset: + + Cutoff frequency - degrees + + Resonance - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + Filter type - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + + Voice 3 off - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - + + Volume + Glasnost - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. + + Chip model + + + SidInstrumentView - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - + + Volume: + Glasnost: - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. + + Resonance: - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. + + + Cutoff frequency: - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. + + High-pass filter - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. + + Band-pass filter - Use white-noise for current oscillator. + + Low-pass filter - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. + + Voice 3 off - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number + + MOS6581 SID - Decrement version number + + MOS8580 SID - already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + Attack: - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - Odpri drugi VST vtičnik + + + Decay: + - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. + + Sustain: - Show/hide GUI + + + Release: - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. + + Pulse Width: - Turn off all notes + + Coarse: - Open VST-plugin - Odpri VST vtičnik + + Pulse wave + - DLL-files (*.dll) + + Triangle wave - EXE-files (*.exe) + + Saw wave - No VST-plugin loaded + + Noise - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host + + Sync - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. + + Ring modulation - Open VST-plugin preset + + Filtered - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. + + Test - Previous (-) + + Pulse width: + + + SideBarWidget - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - + + Close + Zapri + + + Song - Save preset - Shrani glasbilce + + Tempo + Tempo - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - + + Master volume + Poveljnik ladje - Next (+) - + + Master pitch + Poveljnik ladje - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. + + Aborting project load - Preset + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. - by + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. - - VST plugin control + + LMMS Error report - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output + + (repeated %1 times) - Click to enable + + The following errors occurred while loading: - VstEffectControlDialog + SongEditor - Show/hide + + Could not open file - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. + + Operation denied - Open VST-plugin preset + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. + + + + Error - Previous (-) + + Couldn't create bundle folder. - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. + + Couldn't create resources folder. - Next (+) + + Failed to copy resources. - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. + + Could not write file - Save preset - Shrani glasbilce - - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Effect by: + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Error in file - - - VstPlugin - Loading plugin + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Open Preset + + Version difference - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + template - : default - + + project + projekt - " - + + Tempo + Tempo - ' + + TEMPO - Save Preset - Shrani glasbilce - - - .fxp + + Tempo in BPM - .FXP + + High quality mode - .FXB - + + + + Master volume + Poveljnik ladje - .fxb - + + + + Master pitch + Poveljnik ladje - Please wait while loading VST plugin... + + Value: %1% - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + + Value: %1 semitones - WatsynInstrument + SongEditorWindow - Volume A1 - + + Song-Editor + Urejevalnik skladbe - Volume A2 + + Play song (Space) - Volume B1 + + Record samples from Audio-device - Volume B2 + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Panning A1 + + Stop song (Space) - Panning A2 + + Track actions - Panning B1 + + Add beat/bassline - Panning B2 + + Add sample-track - Freq. multiplier A1 + + Add automation-track - Freq. multiplier A2 + + Edit actions - Freq. multiplier B1 + + Draw mode - Freq. multiplier B2 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) - Left detune A1 + + Edit mode (select and move) - Left detune A2 + + Timeline controls - Left detune B1 + + Bar insert controls - Left detune B2 + + Insert bar - Right detune A1 + + Remove bar - Right detune A2 + + Zoom controls - Right detune B1 + + Horizontal zooming - Right detune B2 + + Snap controls - A-B Mix + + + Clip snapping size - A-B Mix envelope amount + + Toggle proportional snap on/off - A-B Mix envelope attack + + Base snapping size + + + StepRecorderWidget - A-B Mix envelope hold + + Hint - A-B Mix envelope decay + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + SubWindow - A1-B2 Crosstalk - + + Close + Zapri - A2-A1 modulation - + + Maximize + Maksimiraj - B2-B1 modulation + + Restore + Obnovi + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - Selected graph + + New from template - WatsynView + TempoSyncKnob - Select oscillator A1 + + + Tempo Sync - Select oscillator A2 + + No Sync - Select oscillator B1 + + Eight beats - Select oscillator B2 + + Whole note - Mix output of A2 to A1 + + Half note + + + + + Quarter note - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 + + 8th note - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 + + 16th note - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 + + 32nd note - Mix output of B2 to B1 + + Custom... - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 + + Custom - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 + + Synced to Eight Beats - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 + + Synced to Whole Note - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + Synced to Half Note - Load waveform + + Synced to Quarter Note - Click to load a waveform from a sample file + + Synced to 8th Note - Phase left + + Synced to 16th Note - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + TimeDisplayWidget - Phase right + + Time units - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees + + MIN - Normalize + + SEC - Click to normalize + + MSEC - Invert + + BAR - Click to invert + + BEAT - Smooth + + TICK + + + TimeLineWidget - Click to smooth + + Auto scrolling - Sine wave + + Loop points - Click for sine wave + + After stopping go back to beginning - Triangle wave + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Click for triangle wave + + After stopping keep position - Click for saw wave + + Hint - Square wave + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + + + Track - Click for square wave - + + Mute + Mute - Volume - Obseg + + Solo + Solist + + + TrackContainer - Panning + + Couldn't import file - Freq. multiplier + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Left detune + + Couldn't open file - cents + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Right detune - + + Loading project... + Nalagam projekt... - A-B Mix - + + + Cancel + Preklic - Mix envelope amount + + + Please wait... - Mix envelope attack + + Loading cancelled - Mix envelope hold + + Project loading was cancelled. - Mix envelope decay + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Crosstalk - + + Importing MIDI-file... + Uvažam MIDI datoteko... - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + Clip - Portamento - Portamento + + Mute + Mute + + + ClipView - Filter Frequency + + Current position - Filter Resonance + + Current length - Bandwidth - Pasovna širina + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + - FM Gain + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Resonance Center Frequency + + Press <%1> for free resizing. - Resonance Bandwidth + + Hint - Forward MIDI Control Change Events + + Delete (middle mousebutton) - - - ZynAddSubFxView - Show GUI + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. + + Cut - Portamento: + + Cut selection - PORT + + Merge Selection - Filter Frequency: + + Copy - FREQ + + Copy selection - Filter Resonance: + + Paste - RES + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Bandwidth: + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) - BW + + Set clip color - FM Gain: + + Use track color + + + TrackContentWidget - FM GAIN + + Paste + + + TrackOperationsWidget - Resonance center frequency: + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. - RES CF + + Actions - Resonance bandwidth: - + + + Mute + Mute - RES BW + + + Solo + Solist + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? - Forward MIDI Control Changes + + Confirm removal - - - audioFileProcessor - Amplify + + Don't ask again - Start of sample + + Clone this track - End of sample + + Remove this track - Reverse sample + + Clear this track - Stutter + + Channel %1: %2 - Loopback point + + Assign to new mixer Channel - Loop mode + + Turn all recording on - Interpolation mode + + Turn all recording off - None + + Change color - Linear + + Reset color to default - Sinc + + Set random color - Sample not found: %1 + + Clear clip colors - bitInvader + TripleOscillatorView - Samplelength + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - - - bitInvaderView - Sample Length + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Sine wave + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 - Triangle wave + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Saw wave + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - Square wave + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - White noise wave + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - User defined wave + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - Smooth + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Click here to smooth waveform. + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - Interpolation + + Osc %1 volume: - Normalize + + Osc %1 panning: - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Click for a sine-wave. + + semitones - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Click here for a saw-wave. + + + cents - Click here for a square-wave. + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Click here for white-noise. + + Osc %1 phase-offset: - Click here for a user-defined shape. + + + degrees - - - dynProcControlDialog - INPUT + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Input gain: + + Sine wave - OUTPUT + + Triangle wave - Output gain: + + Saw wave - ATTACK + + Square wave - Peak attack time: + + Moog-like saw wave - RELEASE + + Exponential wave - Peak release time: + + White noise - Reset waveform + + User-defined wave + + + VecControls - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default + + Display persistence amount - Smooth waveform + + Logarithmic scale - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph + + High quality + + + VecControlsDialog - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + HQ - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Log. scale - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. - Stereomode Maximum + + Persist. - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. - Stereomode Average + + Trace persistence + + + VersionedSaveDialog - Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + Increment version number - Stereomode Unlinked + + Decrement version number - Process each stereo channel independently + + Save Options + + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? - dynProcControls + VestigeInstrumentView - Input gain + + + Open VST plugin - Output gain + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - Attack time + + Open VST plugin preset - Release time + + Previous (-) - Stereo mode + + Save preset + Shrani glasbilce + + + + Next (+) - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: + + Show/hide GUI - New FX Channel + + Turn off all notes - - - graphModel - Graph - graf + + DLL-files (*.dll) + - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency + + EXE-files (*.exe) - End frequency + + No VST plugin loaded - Gain + + Preset - Length + + by - Distortion Start + + - VST plugin control + + + VstEffectControlDialog - Distortion End + + Show/hide - Envelope Slope + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - Noise + + Open VST plugin preset - Click + + Previous (-) - Frequency Slope + + Next (+) - Start from note + + Save preset + Shrani glasbilce + + + + + Effect by: - End to note + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - kickerInstrumentView + VstPlugin - Start frequency: + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - End frequency: + + Open Preset - Gain: + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + + : default - Frequency Slope: - + + Save Preset + Shrani glasbilce - Envelope Length: + + .fxp - Envelope Slope: + + .FXP - Click: + + .FXB - Noise: + + .fxb - Distortion Start: + + Loading plugin - Distortion End: + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - Available Effects + + Volume A1 - Unavailable Effects + + Volume A2 - Instruments + + Volume B1 - Analysis Tools + + Volume B2 - Don't know + + Panning A1 - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. + + Panning A2 - Type: + + Panning B1 - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins + + Panning B2 - Description + + Freq. multiplier A1 - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports + + Freq. multiplier A2 - Name - Ime + + Freq. multiplier B1 + - Rate + + Freq. multiplier B2 - Direction + + Left detune A1 - Type + + Left detune A2 - Min < Default < Max + + Left detune B1 - Logarithmic + + Left detune B2 - SR Dependent + + Right detune A1 - Audio + + Right detune A2 - Control + + Right detune B1 - Input + + Right detune B2 - Output + + A-B Mix - Toggled + + A-B Mix envelope amount - Integer + + A-B Mix envelope attack - Float + + A-B Mix envelope hold - Yes + + A-B Mix envelope decay - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency + + A1-B2 Crosstalk - VCF Resonance + + A2-A1 modulation - VCF Envelope Mod + + B2-B1 modulation - VCF Envelope Decay + + Selected graph + + + WatsynView - Distortion - izkrivljanje + + + + + Volume + Obseg - Waveform + + + + + Panning - Slide Decay + + + + + Freq. multiplier - Slide + + + + + Left detune - Accent - Barva akcentov + + + + + + + + + cents + - Dead - Odmrlo + + + + + Right detune + - 24dB/oct Filter + + A-B Mix - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: + + Mix envelope amount - Resonance: + + Mix envelope attack - Env Mod: + + Mix envelope hold - Decay: + + Mix envelope decay - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + Crosstalk - Slide Decay: + + Select oscillator A1 - DIST: + + Select oscillator A2 - Saw wave + + Select oscillator B1 - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Select oscillator B2 - Triangle wave + + Mix output of A2 to A1 - Click here for a triangle-wave. + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 - Square wave + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 - Click here for a square-wave. + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 - Rounded square wave + + Mix output of B2 to B1 - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 - Moog wave + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 - Click here for a moog-like wave. + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 - Sine wave + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Click for a sine-wave. + + Load waveform - White noise wave + + Load a waveform from a sample file - Click here for an exponential wave. + + Phase left - Click here for white-noise. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees - Bandlimited saw wave + + Phase right - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + Shift phase by +15 degrees - Bandlimited square wave + + + Normalize - Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + + Invert - Bandlimited triangle wave + + + Smooth - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + + Sine wave - Bandlimited moog saw wave + + + + Triangle wave - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + Saw wave + + + + + + Square wave - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - Hardness + + Selected graph - Position + + A1 - Vibrato Gain + + A2 - Vibrato Freq + + A3 - Stick Mix + + W1 smoothing - Modulator + + W2 smoothing - Crossfade + + W3 smoothing - LFO Speed + + Panning 1 - LFO Depth + + Panning 2 - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + XpressiveView - Pressure + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Motion + + Select oscillator W1 - Speed + + Select oscillator W2 - Bowed + + Select oscillator W3 - Spread + + Select output O1 - Marimba + + Select output O2 - Vibraphone + + Open help window - Agogo + + + Sine wave - Wood1 + + + Moog-saw wave - Reso + + + Exponential wave - Wood2 + + + Saw wave - Beats + + + User-defined wave - Two Fixed + + + Triangle wave - Clump + + + Square wave - Tubular Bells + + + White noise - Uniform Bar + + WaveInterpolate - Tuned Bar + + ExpressionValid - Glass + + General purpose 1: - Tibetan Bowl + + General purpose 2: - - - malletsInstrumentView - Instrument + + General purpose 3: - Spread + + O1 panning: - Spread: + + O2 panning: - Hardness + + Release transition: - Hardness: + + Smoothness + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Position - + + Portamento + Portamento - Position: + + Filter frequency - Vib Gain + + Filter resonance - Vib Gain: - + + Bandwidth + Pasovna širina - Vib Freq + + FM gain - Vib Freq: + + Resonance center frequency - Stick Mix + + Resonance bandwidth - Stick Mix: + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Modulator + + Portamento: - Modulator: + + PORT - Crossfade + + Filter frequency: - Crossfade: + + FREQ - LFO Speed + + Filter resonance: - LFO Speed: + + RES - LFO Depth + + Bandwidth: - LFO Depth: + + BW - ADSR + + FM gain: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN - Pressure + + Resonance center frequency: - Pressure: + + RES CF - Speed + + Resonance bandwidth: - Speed: + + RES BW - Missing files + + Forward MIDI control changes - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + Show GUI - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control - - + AudioFileProcessor - VST Sync + + Amplify - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. + + Start of sample - Automated + + End of sample - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. + + Loopback point - Close + + Reverse sample - Close VST effect knob-controller window. + + Loop mode - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control + + Stutter - VST Sync + + Interpolation mode - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. + + None - Automated + + Linear - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. + + Sinc - Close + + Sample not found: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. + + Sample length - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch + + Sample length - Op 1 Attack + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Op 1 Decay + + + Sine wave - Op 1 Sustain + + + Triangle wave - Op 1 Release + + + Saw wave - Op 1 Level + + + Square wave - Op 1 Level Scaling + + + White noise - Op 1 Frequency Multiple + + + User-defined wave - Op 1 Feedback + + + Smooth waveform - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate + + Interpolation - Op 1 Percussive Envelope + + Normalize + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Tremolo + + INPUT - Op 1 Vibrato + + Input gain: - Op 1 Waveform + + OUTPUT - Op 2 Attack + + Output gain: - Op 2 Decay + + ATTACK - Op 2 Sustain + + Peak attack time: - Op 2 Release + + RELEASE - Op 2 Level + + Peak release time: - Op 2 Level Scaling + + + Reset wavegraph - Op 2 Frequency Multiple + + + Smooth wavegraph - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Tremolo + + Stereo mode: maximum - Op 2 Vibrato + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Op 2 Waveform + + Stereo mode: average - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Vibrato Depth + + Stereo mode: unlinked - Tremolo Depth + + Process each stereo channel independently - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack + + Input gain - Decay + + Output gain - Release - Prepustitev + + Attack time + - Frequency multiplier + + Release time - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - izkrivljanje + + Stereo mode + + + + graphModel - Volume - Obseg + + Graph + graf - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: + + Start frequency - Volume: - Glasnost: + + End frequency + - Randomise + + Length - Osc %1 waveform: + + Start distortion - Osc %1 volume: + + End distortion - Osc %1 panning: + + Gain - cents + + Envelope slope - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. + + Noise - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. + + Click - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. + + Frequency slope - Osc %1 stereo detuning + + Start from note - Osc %1 harmonic: + + End to note - FreeBoyInstrument - - Sweep time - - + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep direction + + Start frequency: - Sweep RtShift amount + + End frequency: - Wave Pattern Duty + + Frequency slope: - Channel 1 volume + + Gain: - Volume sweep direction + + Envelope length: - Length of each step in sweep + + Envelope slope: - Channel 2 volume + + Click: - Channel 3 volume + + Noise: - Channel 4 volume + + Start distortion: - Right Output level + + End distortion: + + + LadspaBrowserView - Left Output level + + + Available Effects - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + Unavailable Effects - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + Instruments - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + Analysis Tools - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + Don't know - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + Type: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + Plugins - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + Description + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + Ports - Treble - + + Name + Ime - Bass + + Rate - Shift Register width + + Direction - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: + + Type - Sweep Time + + Min < Default < Max - Sweep RtShift amount: + + Logarithmic - Sweep RtShift amount + + SR Dependent - Wave pattern duty: + + Audio - Wave Pattern Duty + + Control - Square Channel 1 Volume: + + Input - Length of each step in sweep: + + Output - Length of each step in sweep + + Toggled - Wave pattern duty + + Integer - Square Channel 2 Volume: + + Float - Square Channel 2 Volume + + + Yes + + + Lb302Synth - Wave Channel Volume: + + VCF Cutoff Frequency - Wave Channel Volume + + VCF Resonance - Noise Channel Volume: + + VCF Envelope Mod - Noise Channel Volume + + VCF Envelope Decay - SO1 Volume (Right): - + + Distortion + izkrivljanje - SO1 Volume (Right) + + Waveform - SO2 Volume (Left): + + Slide Decay - SO2 Volume (Left) + + Slide - Treble: - + + Accent + Barva akcentov - Treble - + + Dead + Odmrlo - Bass: + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + Lb302SynthView - Bass + + Cutoff Freq: - Sweep Direction + + Resonance: - Volume Sweep Direction + + Env Mod: - Shift Register Width + + Decay: - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) + + Slide Decay: - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) + + DIST: - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) + + Saw wave - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) + + Click here for a saw-wave. - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) + + Triangle wave - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) + + Square wave - Wave Pattern + + Click here for a square-wave. - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency + + Rounded square wave - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. + + Moog wave - Square Channel 1 Volume + + Click here for a moog-like wave. - The delay between step change + + Sine wave - Draw the wave here + + Click for a sine-wave. - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset + + + White noise wave - Bank selector + + Click here for an exponential wave. - Bank + + Click here for white-noise. - Program selector + + Bandlimited saw wave - Patch + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Name - Ime - - - OK - V redu - - - Cancel - Preklic - - - - pluginBrowser - - no description + + Bandlimited square wave - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + Bandlimited triangle wave - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + Bandlimited moog saw wave - List installed LADSPA plugins + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + MalletsInstrument - GUS-compatible patch instrument + + Hardness - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + Position - Tuneful things to bang on + + Vibrato gain - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + + Vibrato frequency - Vibrating string modeler + + Stick mix - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + + Modulator - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Sito za uvažanje MIDI datotek v LMMS - - - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + + Crossfade - Player for SoundFont files + + LFO speed - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + + LFO depth - Customizable wavetable synthesizer + + ADSR - Embedded ZynAddSubFX + + Pressure - 2-operator FM Synth + + Motion - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Sito za uvažanje Hydrogen datotek v LMMS - - - LMMS port of sfxr + + Speed - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + Bowed - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + Spread - A native amplifier plugin + + Marimba - Carla Rack Instrument + + Vibraphone - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + Agogo - plugin for waveshaping + + Wood 1 - Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + Reso - Versatile drum synthesizer + + Wood 2 - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + + Beats - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + Two fixed - Carla Patchbay Instrument + + Clump - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + Tubular bells - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin + + Uniform bar - A NES-like synthesizer + + Tuned bar - A native delay plugin + + Glass - Player for GIG files + + Tibetan bowl + + + MalletsInstrumentView - A multitap echo delay plugin + + Instrument - A native flanger plugin + + Spread - An oversampling bitcrusher + + Spread: - A native eq plugin + + Missing files - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - A Dual filter plugin + + Hardness - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Sito za izvažanje MIDI datotek iz LMMS + + Hardness: + - - - sf2Instrument - Bank + + Position - Patch + + Position: - Gain + + Vibrato gain - Reverb + + Vibrato gain: - Reverb Roomsize + + Vibrato frequency - Reverb Damping + + Vibrato frequency: - Reverb Width + + Stick mix - Reverb Level + + Stick mix: - Chorus + + Modulator - Chorus Lines + + Modulator: - Chorus Level + + Crossfade - Chorus Speed + + Crossfade: - Chorus Depth + + LFO speed - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + LFO speed: - - - sf2InstrumentView - Open other SoundFont file - Odpri drugo SoundFont datoteko + + LFO depth + - Click here to open another SF2 file + + LFO depth: - Choose the patch + + ADSR - Gain + + ADSR: - Apply reverb (if supported) + + Pressure - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. + + Pressure: - Reverb Roomsize: + + Speed - Reverb Damping: + + Speed: + + + ManageVSTEffectView - Reverb Width: + + - VST parameter control - Reverb Level: + + VST sync - Apply chorus (if supported) + + + Automated - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. + + Close + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Chorus Lines: + + + - VST plugin control - Chorus Level: + + VST Sync - Chorus Speed: + + + Automated - Chorus Depth: + + Close + + + OrganicInstrument - Open SoundFont file - Odpri SoundFont datoteko + + Distortion + izkrivljanje - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - + + Volume + Obseg - sfxrInstrument + OrganicInstrumentView - Wave Form + + Distortion: - - - sidInstrument - Cutoff + + Volume: + Glasnost: + + + + Randomise - Resonance + + + Osc %1 waveform: - Filter type + + Osc %1 volume: - Voice 3 off + + Osc %1 panning: - Volume - Obseg + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + - Chip model + + cents + + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: - sidInstrumentView + PatchesDialog - Volume: - Glasnost: + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + - Resonance: + + Bank selector - Cutoff frequency: + + Bank - High-Pass filter + + Program selector - Band-Pass filter + + Patch - Low-Pass filter - + + Name + Ime + + + + OK + V redu - Voice3 Off + + Cancel + Preklic + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank - MOS6581 SID + + Patch - MOS8580 SID + + Gain - Attack: + + Reverb - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. + + Reverb room size - Decay: + + Reverb damping - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. + + Reverb width - Sustain: + + Reverb level - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. + + Chorus - Release: + + Chorus voices - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. + + Chorus level - Pulse Width: + + Chorus speed - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. + + Chorus depth - Coarse: + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + Odpri SoundFont datoteko + - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. + + Choose patch - Pulse Wave + + Gain: - Triangle Wave + + Apply reverb (if supported) - SawTooth + + Room size: - Noise + + Damping: - Sync + + Width: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. + + + Level: - Ring-Mod + + Apply chorus (if supported) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. + + Voices: - Filtered + + Speed: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. + + Depth: - Test + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. + + Wave - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE + + WIDTH + Width: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: + Left to Right Vol: + Right to Left Vol: + Right to Right Vol: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left Od desne proti levi + Left to Right Od leve proti desni + Right to Left Od desne proti levi + Right to Right Od desne proti levi - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume + String %1 stiffness + Pick %1 position + Pickup %1 position - Pan %1 + + String %1 panning - Detune %1 + + String %1 detune - Fuzziness %1 + + String %1 fuzziness - Length %1 + + String %1 length + Impulse %1 - Octave %1 + + String %1 - vibedView - - Volume: - Glasnost: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. + + String volume: + String stiffness: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - - - + Pick position: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - - - + Pickup position: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - - - - Pan: - - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - - - - Detune: - - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - - - - Fuzziness: - - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. + + String panning: - Length: + + String detune: - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. + + String fuzziness: - Impulse or initial state + + String length: - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. + + Impulse + Octave - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - - - + Impulse Editor - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - - - + Enable waveform - Click here to enable/disable waveform. + + Enable/disable string + String - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - - - + + Sine wave + + Triangle wave + + Saw wave + + Square wave - White noise wave - - - - User defined wave - - - - Smooth - - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - - - - Normalize - - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. + + + White noise - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. + + + User-defined wave - Use white-noise for current oscillator. + + + Smooth waveform - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. + + + Normalize waveform - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width + Voice %1 attack + Voice %1 decay + Voice %1 sustain + Voice %1 release + Voice %1 coarse detuning + Voice %1 wave shape + Voice %1 sync + Voice %1 ring modulate + Voice %1 filtered + Voice %1 test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT + Input gain: + OUTPUT + Output gain: - Reset waveform - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - - - - Smooth waveform - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Clip input - Clip input signal to 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain + Output gain - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/sr.ts b/data/locale/sr.ts index f746c74d391..9b90164ab3b 100644 --- a/data/locale/sr.ts +++ b/data/locale/sr.ts @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! @@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + Play/pause current clip (Space) @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + Stop playing of current clip (Space) @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Automation Editor - no pattern + Automation Editor - no clip @@ -497,19 +497,19 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Model is already connected to this pattern. + Model is already connected to this clip. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip Drag a control while pressing <%1> - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView double-click to open this pattern in automation editor @@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Model is already connected to this pattern. + Model is already connected to this clip. @@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - BBEditor + PatternEditor Beat+Bassline Editor @@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - BBTCOView + PatternClipView Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor @@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - BBTrack + PatternTrack Beat/Bassline %1 @@ -2178,18 +2178,18 @@ Please make sure you have write-permission to the file and the directory contain - FxLine + MixerLine Channel send amount - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. + The mixer channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. + It in turn can be routed to multiple other mixer channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. +In order to route the channel to another channel, select the mixer channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. +You can remove and move mixer channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the mixer channel. @@ -2215,24 +2215,24 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri - FxMixer + Mixer Master - FX %1 + Channel %1 - FxMixerView + MixerView - FX-Mixer + Mixer - FX Fader %1 + Fader %1 @@ -2240,7 +2240,7 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri - Mute this FX channel + Mute this mixer channel @@ -2248,12 +2248,12 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri - Solo FX channel + Solo mixer channel - FxRoute + MixerRoute Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 @@ -3163,7 +3163,7 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri - FX channel + Mixer channel @@ -3226,7 +3226,7 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri - FX %1: %2 + Channel %1: %2 @@ -3277,7 +3277,7 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri - FX channel + Mixer channel @@ -3289,7 +3289,7 @@ You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by ri - FX + CHANNEL @@ -3550,7 +3550,7 @@ Double click to pick a file. - LmmsCore + Engine Generating wavetables @@ -3692,11 +3692,11 @@ Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - FX Mixer + Mixer - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. + Click here to show or hide the Mixer. The Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different mixer-channels. @@ -3901,7 +3901,7 @@ Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Show/hide FX Mixer + Show/hide Mixer @@ -5184,7 +5184,7 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator - PatternView + MidiClipView Open in piano-roll @@ -5337,7 +5337,7 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator PianoRoll - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! @@ -5412,7 +5412,7 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + Play/pause current clip (Space) @@ -5424,7 +5424,7 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + Stop playing of current clip (Space) @@ -5540,7 +5540,7 @@ PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator - Piano-Roll - no pattern + Piano-Roll - no clip @@ -5837,7 +5837,7 @@ Reason: "%2" - SampleTCOView + SampleClipView double-click to select sample @@ -6389,7 +6389,7 @@ Remember to also save your project manually. - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog + SaControlsDialog Linear spectrum @@ -6400,7 +6400,7 @@ Remember to also save your project manually. - SpectrumAnalyzerControls + SaControls Linear spectrum @@ -6630,14 +6630,14 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - TrackContentObject + Clip Mute - TrackContentObjectView + ClipView Current position @@ -6718,7 +6718,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - FX %1: %2 + Channel %1: %2 @@ -6730,7 +6730,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - Assign to new FX Channel + Assign to new mixer Channel @@ -6980,7 +6980,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - VisualizationWidget + Oscilloscope click to enable/disable visualization of master-output @@ -7505,7 +7505,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - audioFileProcessor + AudioFileProcessor Amplify @@ -7556,14 +7556,14 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - bitInvader + BitInvader Samplelength - bitInvaderView + BitInvaderView Sample Length @@ -7638,7 +7638,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - dynProcControlDialog + DynProcControlDialog INPUT @@ -7729,7 +7729,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - dynProcControls + DynProcControls Input gain @@ -7752,13 +7752,13 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - fxLineLcdSpinBox + MixerLineLcdSpinBox Assign to: - New FX Channel + New mixer Channel @@ -7770,7 +7770,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - kickerInstrument + KickerInstrument Start frequency @@ -7821,7 +7821,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - kickerInstrumentView + KickerInstrumentView Start frequency: @@ -7864,7 +7864,7 @@ Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containi - ladspaBrowserView + LadspaBrowserView Available Effects @@ -7907,7 +7907,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - ladspaDescription + LadspaDescription Plugins @@ -7918,7 +7918,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - ladspaPortDialog + LadspaPortDialog Ports @@ -7985,7 +7985,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - lb302Synth + Lb302Synth VCF Cutoff Frequency @@ -8032,7 +8032,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - lb302SynthView + Lb302SynthView Cutoff Freq: @@ -8155,7 +8155,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - malletsInstrument + MalletsInstrument Hardness @@ -8274,7 +8274,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - malletsInstrumentView + MalletsInstrumentView Instrument @@ -8393,7 +8393,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - manageVSTEffectView + ManageVSTEffectView - VST parameter control @@ -8424,7 +8424,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - manageVestigeInstrumentView + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - VST plugin control @@ -8455,7 +8455,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - opl2instrument + OpulenzInstrument Patch @@ -8574,7 +8574,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - opl2instrumentView + OpulenzInstrumentView Attack @@ -8593,7 +8593,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - organicInstrument + OrganicInstrument Distortion @@ -8604,7 +8604,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - organicInstrumentView + OrganicInstrumentView Distortion: @@ -8921,7 +8921,7 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - patchesDialog + PatchesDialog Qsynth: Channel Preset @@ -8956,13 +8956,13 @@ Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - pluginBrowser + PluginBrowser no description - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 @@ -9136,7 +9136,7 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - sf2Instrument + Sf2Instrument Bank @@ -9195,7 +9195,7 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - sf2InstrumentView + Sf2InstrumentView Open other SoundFont file @@ -9270,14 +9270,14 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - sfxrInstrument + SfxrInstrument Wave Form - sidInstrument + SidInstrument Cutoff @@ -9304,7 +9304,7 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - sidInstrumentView + SidInstrumentView Volume: @@ -9439,7 +9439,7 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog WIDE @@ -9450,14 +9450,14 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls Width - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog Left to Left Vol: @@ -9476,7 +9476,7 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls Left to Left @@ -9495,7 +9495,7 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument Loading plugin @@ -9506,7 +9506,7 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - vibed + Vibed String %1 volume @@ -9549,7 +9549,7 @@ This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - vibedView + VibedView Volume: @@ -9740,7 +9740,7 @@ The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the - voiceObject + VoiceObject Voice %1 pulse width @@ -9787,7 +9787,7 @@ The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog INPUT @@ -9846,7 +9846,7 @@ The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls Input gain @@ -9856,4 +9856,4 @@ The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/sv.ts b/data/locale/sv.ts index 56cf1a0af10..4963b07a9ad 100644 --- a/data/locale/sv.ts +++ b/data/locale/sv.ts @@ -2,69 +2,69 @@ AboutDialog - + About LMMS Om LMMS - + LMMS LMMS - - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - + About Om - - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - enkel musikproduktion för alla + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - enkel musikproduktion för alla. - - Copyright © %1 - Copyright © %1 + + Copyright © %1. + Copyright © %1. - - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io/?lang=sv_SE</span></a></p></body></html> - + Authors Upphovsmän - + Involved Engagerade - + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Bidragsgivare ordnade efter mängd bidrag: - + Translation Översättning - + Current language not translated (or native English). - If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - + Aktuellt språk översätts (eller inhemsk engelska). +Om du är intresserad av att översätta LMMS till ett annat språk eller vill förbättra befintliga översättningar är du välkommen att hjälpa oss! Kontakta bara underhållaren! - + License Licens @@ -151,106 +151,60 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioFileProcessorView - - Open other sample - Öppna annan ljudfil - - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Klicka här för att öppna en annan ljudfil. En dialog visas där du väljer din fil. Inställningar som looping, start och slutpunkter, amplifiering och sådant omställs inte. Därför låter det kanske inte som originalfilen. + + Open sample + Öppna ljudfil - + Reverse sample Spela baklänges - - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Den här knappen gör att ljudfilen spelas baklänges. Den kan användas för intressanta effekter t.ex. en baklänges cymbal. - - - + Disable loop Inaktivera slinga - - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Den här knappen avaktiverar looping. Ljudfilen spelas bara en gång från start till slut. - - - - + Enable loop Aktivera slinga - - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Den här knappen aktiverar looping. Ljudfilen loopar mellan slutpunkten och looppunkten. - - - - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Den här knappen aktiverar "ping-pong" looping. Ljudfilen spelar från start till slut, och sen tillbaka, och fortsätter så. + + Enable ping-pong loop + Aktivera ping-pong loop - + Continue sample playback across notes Fortsätt spela ljudfil över noter - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Denna inställningen gör att ljudfilen fortsätter spela över noter. Om en not avslutas före ljudfilen är slut fortsätter nästa not där den förra slutade. Om du vill starta från början av ljudfilen innan den spelat färdigt, placera en not på botten av pianot (vid 20Hz) - - - + Amplify: Förstärkning: - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Med detta vred ställer du in förstärkningen. Vid 100% blir det ingen skillnad. Annars blir din ljudfil mer eller mindre högljudd, men originalfilen förändras inte. - - - - Startpoint: + + Start point: Startpunkt: - - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Med den här vreden ställer du in vartifrån ljudfilen ska börja spela. - - - - Endpoint: + + End point: Slutpunkt: - - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Med den här vreden ställer du in vart ljudfilen slutar spela. - - - + Loopback point: Slinga-tillbaka punkt: - - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Den här vreden ställer in vart loopen startar. - AudioFileProcessorWaveView - + Sample length: Ljudfilens längd: @@ -258,163 +212,168 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioJack - + JACK client restarted JACK-klienten omstartad - + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS blev bortkopplat från JACK. LMMS JACK backend omstartades därfor. Du behöver koppla om manuellt. - + JACK server down JACK-server nerstängd - + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. JACK-servern stängdes ned och det gick inte starta en ny. LMMS kan inte fortsätta. Du bör spara ditt projekt och starta om både JACK och LMMS. - - CLIENT-NAME - KLIENT-NAMN + + Client name + Klientnamn - - CHANNELS - KANALER + + Channels + Kanaler - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - ENHET + Device + Enhet - CHANNELS - KANALER + Channels + Kanaler AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - - BACKEND - BACKEND + + Backend + Bakände - - DEVICE - ENHET + + Device + Enhet - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - ENHET + Device + Enhet - CHANNELS - KANALER + Channels + Kanaler AudioSdl::setupWidget - - DEVICE - ENHET + + Device + Enhet - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - ENHET + Device + Enhet - CHANNELS - KANALER + Channels + Kanaler AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - - BACKEND - BAKÄNDE + + Backend + Bakände - - DEVICE - ENHET + + Device + Enhet AutomatableModel - + &Reset (%1%2) &Nollställ (%1%2) - + &Copy value (%1%2) &Kopiera värde (%1%2) - + &Paste value (%1%2) &Klistra in värde (%1%2) - + + &Paste value + &Klistra in värde + + + Edit song-global automation Redigera låt-global automation - + Remove song-global automation Ta bort global automation - + Remove all linked controls Ta bort alla kopplade kontroller - + Connected to %1 Kopplad till %1 - + Connected to controller Kopplad till controller - + Edit connection... Redigera koppling... - + Remove connection Ta bort koppling - + Connect to controller... Koppla till kontroller... @@ -422,385 +381,300 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AutomationEditor - - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Öppna ett automationsmönster från en kontrollers kontextmeny! + + Edit Value + Redigera värde - - Values copied - Värden kopierade + + New outValue + Ny outValue - - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Alla valda värden blev kopierade till urklipp. + + New inValue + Ny inValue + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Öppna ett automationsmönster från en kontrollers kontextmeny! AutomationEditorWindow - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) Spela/pausa aktuellt mönster (Mellanslag) - - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Klicka här för att spela det aktuella mönstret, detta är användbart när man redigerar. Mönstret spelas från början igen när det nått sitt slut. - - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) Sluta spela aktuellt mönster (Mellanslag) - - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Klicka här för att stoppa uppspelning av de aktuella mönstret. - - - + Edit actions Redigera åtgärder - + Draw mode (Shift+D) Ritläge (Skift+D) - + Erase mode (Shift+E) Suddläge (Skift+E) - + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically Spegla vertikalt - + Flip horizontally Spegla horizontellt - - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Klicka här för att spegla mönstret. Punkterna förflyttas på y-axeln - - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Klicka här för att spegla mönstret. Punkterna förflyttas på x-axeln - - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klicka här för att aktivera ritläget. I detta läget kan du lägga till och förflytta individuella värden. Det här är standardläget. Det går också att trycka "Skift+D" på tangentbordet för att aktivera detta läget. - - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klicka här för att aktivera suddläget. I detta läget kan du ta bort individuella värden. Det går också att trycka "Skift+E" på tangentbordet för att aktivera detta läget. - - - + Interpolation controls Interpoleringskontroller - + Discrete progression Diskret talföljd - + Linear progression Linjär talföljd - + Cubic Hermite progression Cubic Hermite talföljd - + Tension value for spline Spänning i mönstrets spline - - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Högre spänning ger en mjuk kurva som ibland missar individuella punkter. Med lägre spänning planar kurvan ut nära punkterna. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Klicka här för att aktivera diskret talföljd. Värdet är konstant mella kontroll punkter och ändras direkt när en ny kontrollpunkt nås. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Klicka här för att aktivera linjär talföljd. Värdet ändras vid en stadig takt mellan kontrollpunkter för att gradvis nå nästa värde. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Klicka här för att aktivera cubic hermite talföljd. Värdet följer en mjuk kurva mellan kontrollpunkter. - - - + Tension: Spänning: - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Klipp ut valda värden (%1+X) - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Kopiera valda värden (%1+C) - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Klistra värden (%1+V) - - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klicka här för att klippa de valda värderna. Du kan sen klistra dem var som helst genom att klicka på klistra knappen. - - - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klicka här för att kopiera de valda värderna. Du kan sedan klistra dem var som helst genom att klicka på klistra knappen. + + Zoom controls + Zoomningskontroller - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - Klicka här för att klistra kopierade värderna vid den första synliga metern. + + Horizontal zooming + Horisontell zoomning - - Zoom controls - Zoomningskontroller + + Vertical zooming + Vertikal zoomning - + Quantization controls Kvantiseringskontroller - + Quantization Kvantisering - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - - - - - - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip Redigera Automation - inget automationsmönster - - + + Automation Editor - %1 Redigera Automation - %1 - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Modellen är redan ansluten till det här mönstret. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip - + Drag a control while pressing <%1> Dra en kontroll samtidigt som du håller <%1> - AutomationPatternView - - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - dubbelklicka för att öppna det här automationsmönstret för redigering - + AutomationClipView - + Open in Automation editor Redigera automationsmönster - + Clear Rensa - + Reset name Nollställ namn - + Change name Byt namn - + Set/clear record - + Ställ in/rensa inspelning - + Flip Vertically (Visible) Spegla Vertikalt (Synligt) - + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Spegla Horizontellt (Synligt) - + %1 Connections %1 Kopplingar - + Disconnect "%1" Koppla bort "%1" - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Modellen är redan ansluten till det här mönstret. AutomationTrack - + Automation track Automationsspår - BBEditor + PatternEditor - + Beat+Bassline Editor - Takt+Basgång-redigeraren + Takt+Basgång-redigerare - + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) Spela/pausa nuvarande takt/basgång (Mellanslag) - + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) - Avsluta uppspelning av nuvarande takt/basgång (Mellanslag) + Stoppa uppspelning av nuvarande takt/basgång (Mellanslag) - - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Klicka här för att spela takt/basgång. Takt/basgång återupprepas automatiskt när dess slut nås. - - - - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Klicka här för att sluta spela takt/basgång. - - - + Beat selector Taktväljare - + Track and step actions Spår och stegåtgärder - + Add beat/bassline Lägg till takt/basgång - + + Clone beat/bassline clip + Klona rytm-/basgångsmönster + + + Add sample-track Lägg till ljudspår - + Add automation-track Lägg till automationsspår - + Remove steps Ta bort steg - + Add steps Lägg till steg - + Clone Steps Klona steg - BBTCOView + PatternClipView - + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor - Öppna Takt+Basgång-redigeraren + Öppna i Takt+Basgång-redigeraren - + Reset name Nollställ namn - + Change name Byt namn - - - Change color - Byt färg - - - - Reset color to default - Nollställ färg till standard - - BBTrack + PatternTrack - + Beat/Bassline %1 Takt/Basgång %1 - + Clone of %1 Kopia av %1 @@ -876,8 +750,8 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Input Gain: - Ingång förstärkning: + Input gain: + Ingångsförstärkning: @@ -886,13 +760,13 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Input Noise: - + Input noise: + Ingångsbrus: - Output Gain: - Output Förstärkning + Output gain: + Utgångsförstärkning: @@ -901,11844 +775,15855 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Output Clip: - + Output clip: + Utmatningsklipp: - - Rate Enabled - Hastighet Aktiverad + + Rate enabled + Hastighet aktiverad - - Enable samplerate-crushing - + + Enable sample-rate crushing + Aktivera sampelhastighetskrossare - - Depth Enabled - + + Depth enabled + Djup aktiverat - - Enable bitdepth-crushing - + + Enable bit-depth crushing + Aktivera bitdjupskrossare - + FREQ FREKV. - + Sample rate: Samplingsfrekvens: - + STEREO STEREO - + Stereo difference: Stereo skillnad: - + QUANT - + KVANT - + Levels: Nivåer: - CaptionMenu - - - &Help - &Hjälp - - - - Help (not available) - Hjälp (inte tillgängligt) - - - - CarlaInstrumentView - - - Show GUI - Visa användargränssnitt - - - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Klicka här för att visa eller gömma användargränssnittet för Carla. - - - - Controller - - - Controller %1 - Kontroller %1 - - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - - - Connection Settings - Kopplingsinställningar - - - - MIDI CONTROLLER - MIDI-KONTROLLER - + BitcrushControls - - Input channel - Ingångskanal - - - - CHANNEL - KANAL - - - - Input controller - Ingångsregulator - - - - CONTROLLER - KONTROLLER + + Input gain + Ingångsförstärkning - - - Auto Detect - Upptäck Automatiskt + + Input noise + Ingångsbrus - - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - MIDI-enheter för att ta emot MIDI-händelser från + + Output gain + Utgångsförstärkning - - USER CONTROLLER - ANVÄNDARKONTROLLER + + Output clip + Utmatningsklipp - - MAPPING FUNCTION - KARTLÄGGNINGSFUNKTION + + Sample rate + Samplingsfrekvens - - OK - OK + + Stereo difference + Stereo skillnad - - Cancel - Avbryt + + Levels + Nivåer - - LMMS - LMMS + + Rate enabled + Hastighet aktiverad - - Cycle Detected. - + + Depth enabled + Djup aktiverat - ControllerRackView - - - Controller Rack - Kontrollrack - - - - Add - Lägg till - - - - Confirm Delete - Bekräfta Borttagning - + CarlaAboutW - - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Vill du verkligen ta bort? Det finns kopplingar till den här kontrollern, och operationen går inte ångra. + + About Carla + Om Carla - - - ControllerView - - Controls - Kontroller + + About + Om - - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Kontroller kan automatisera värdet på en vred, reglage, och andra kontroller + + About text here + Om-text här - - Rename controller - Byt namn på kontroller + + Extended licensing here + Utökad licensiering här - - Enter the new name for this controller - Skriv nya namnet på kontrollern + + Artwork + Bilder - - LFO - LFO + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + Använder KDE:s Oxygen ikonuppsättning, designad av Oxygen-gruppen. - - &Remove this controller - &Ta bort den här kontrollen + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + Innehåller vissa rattar, bakgrunder och andra små bilder från Calf Studio Gear-, OpenAV- och OpenOctave-projekten. - - Re&name this controller - Döp& om den här kontrollern + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + VST är ett registrerat varumärke av Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - - Band 1/2 Crossover: - + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + Speciellt tack till António Saraiva för ett antal extra ikoner och bilder! - - Band 2/3 Crossover: - + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + LV2-logotypen har designats av Thorsten Wilms, baserat på ett koncept från Peter Shorthose. - - Band 3/4 Crossover: - + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + MIDI-keyboard designad av Thorsten Wilms. - - Band 1 Gain: - Band 1 Förstärkn.: + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + Ikoner för Carla, Carla-styrning och kopplingsplint designade av DoosC. - - Band 2 Gain: - Band 2 Förstärkn.: + + Features + Funktioner - - Band 3 Gain: - Band 3 Förstärkn.: + + AU/AudioUnit: + AU/AudioUnit: - - Band 4 Gain: - Band 4 Förstärkn.: + + LADSPA: + LADSPA: - - Band 1 Mute - Band 1 Tyst + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + TextLabel - - Mute Band 1 - Tysta Band 1 + + VST2: + VST2: - - Band 2 Mute - Band 2 Tyst + + DSSI: + DSSI: - - Mute Band 2 - Tysta Band 2 + + LV2: + LV2: - - Band 3 Mute - Band 3 Tyst + + VST3: + VST3: - - Mute Band 3 - Tysta Band 3 + + OSC + OSC - - Band 4 Mute - Band 4 Tyst + + Host URLs: + Värd-URL:er: - - Mute Band 4 - Tysta Band 4 + + Valid commands: + Giltiga kommandon: - - - DelayControls - - Delay Samples - Fördröj samplingar + + valid osc commands here + giltiga osc-kommandon här - - Feedback - Återkoppling + + Example: + Exempel: - - Lfo Frequency - Lfo-frekvens + + License + Licens - - Lfo Amount - Lfo-mängd + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + +   GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE +Version 2, Juni 1991 + +Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +Var och en äger kopiera och distribuera exakta kopior av detta +licensavtal, men att ändra det är inte tillåtet. + +BAKGRUND + +De flesta programvarulicenser är skapade för att ta bort din frihet +att ändra och dela med dig av programvaran. GNU General Public License +är tvärtom skapad för att garantera din frihet att dela med dig av och +förändra fri programvara -- för att försäkra att programvaran är fri för alla +dess användare. Denna licens [General Public License] används för de +flesta av Free Software Foundations programvaror och för alla andra +program vars upphovsmän använder sig av General Public License. (Viss +programvara från Free Software Foundation använder istället GNU +Library General Public License.) Du kan använda licensen för dina program. + +När vi talar om fri programvara syftar vi på frihet och inte på pris. +Våra [General Public License-] licenser är skapade för att garantera din +rätt distribuera och sprida kopior av fri programvara (och ta betalt för +denna tjänst om du önskar), att garantera att du får källkoden till +programvaran eller kan få den om du så önskar, att garantera att du +kan ändra och modifiera programvaran eller använda dess delar i ny fri +programvara samt slutligen att garantera att du är medveten om dessa +rättigheter. + +För att skydda dina rättigheter, måste vi begränsa var och ens möjlighet +att hindra dig från att använda dig av dessa rättigheter samt från att kräva +att du ger upp dessa rättigheter. Dessa begränsningar motsvaras av en +förpliktelse för dig om du distribuerar kopior av programvaran eller om du +ändrar eller modifierar programvaran. + +Om du exempelvis distribuerar kopior av en fri programvara, oavsett om +du gör det gratis eller mot en avgift, måste du ge mottagaren alla de +rättigheter du själv har. Du måste också tillse att mottagaren får källkoden +eller kan få den om mottagaren så önskar. Du måste också visa dessa +licensvillkor för mottagaren så att mottagaren känner till sina rättigheter. + +Vi skyddar dina rättigheter i två steg: (1) upphovsrätt till programvaran +och (2) dessa licensvillkor som ger dig rätt att kopiera, distribuera och eller +ändra programvaran. + +För varje upphovsmans säkerhet och vår säkerhet vill vi för tydlighets skull +klargöra att det inte lämnas några garantier för denna fria programvara. Om +programvaran förändras av någon annan än upphovsmannen vill vi klargöra för +mottagaren att det som mottagaren har är inte originalversionen av +programvaran och att förändringar av och felaktigheter i programvaran inte skall +belasta den ursprunglige upphovsmannen. + +Slutligen skall det sägas att all fri programvara ständigt hotas av +mjukvarupatent. Vi vill undvika att en distributör [eller vidareutvecklare] +av fri programvara individuellt skaffar patentlicenser till programvaran och +därmed gör programvaran till föremål för äganderätt. För att undvika detta +har vi gjorde det tydligt att samtliga mjukvarupatent måste registreras för +allas fria användning eller inte registreras alls. + +Här nedan följer licensvillkoren för att kopiera, distribuera och ändra +programvaran. + +GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE +VILLKOR FÖR ATT KOPIERA, DISTRIBUERA OCH ÄNDRA PROGRAMVARAN + +Dessa licensvillkor gäller varje programvara eller annat verk som innehåller +en hänvisning till dessa licensvillkor där upphovsrättsinnehavaren stadgat att +programvaran kan distribueras enligt [General Public License] dessa villkor. +"Programvaran" enligt nedan syftar på varje sådan programvara eller verk +och "Verk baserat på Programvaran" syftar på antingen Programvaran eller +på derivativa verk, såsom ett verk som innehåller Programvaran eller en del +av Programvaran, antingen en exakt kopia eller en ändrad kopia och/eller +översatt till ett annat språk. (översättningar ingår nedan utan begränsningar i +begreppet "förändringar", "förändra" samt "ändringar" eller "ändra".) Varje +licenstagare benämns som "Du". + +Åtgärder utom kopiering, distribution och ändringar täcks inte av dessa +licensvillkor. Användningen av Programvaran är inte begränsad och +resultatet av användningen av Programvaran täcks endast av dessa +licensvillkor om resultatet utgör ett Verk baserat på Programvaran +(oberoende av att det skapats av att programmet körts). Det beror på +vad Programvaran gör. + +1. Du äger kopiera och distribuera exakta kopior av Programvarans källkod +såsom Du mottog den, i alla medier, förutsatt att Du tydligt och på ett skäligt +sätt på varje exemplar fäster en riktig upphovsrättsklausul och +garantiavsägelse, vidhåller alla hänvisningar till dessa licensvillkor och till alla +garantiavsägelser samt att till alla mottagaren av Programvaran ge en kopia +av dessa licensvillkor tillsammans med Programvaran. + +Du äger utta en avgift för mekaniseringen [att fysiskt fästa Programvaran +på ett medium, såsom en diskett eller en CD-ROM-skiva] eller överföringen +av en kopia och du äger erbjuda en garanti för Programvaran mot en avgift. + +2. Du äger ändra ditt exemplar eller andra kopior av Programvaran eller +någon del av Programvaran och därmed skapa ett Verk baserat på +Programvaran, samt att kopiera och distribuera sådana förändrade versioner +av Programvaran eller verk enligt villkoren i paragraf 1 ovan, förutsatt att du +också uppfyller följande villkor: + +a) Du tillser att de förändrade filerna har ett tydligt meddelande som +berättar att Du ändrat filerna samt vilket datum dessa ändringar gjordes. + +b) Du tillser att alla verk som du distribuerar eller offentliggör som till en +del eller i sin helhet innehåller eller är härlett från Programvaran eller en +del av Programvaran, licensieras i sin helhet, utan kostnad till tredje man +enligt dessa licensvillkor. + +c) Om den förändrade Programvaran i sitt normala utförande kan utföra +interaktiv kommandon när det körs, måste Du tillse att när +Programmet startas skall det skriva ut eller visa, på ett enkelt tillgängligt sätt, +ett meddelande som tydligt och på ett skäligt sätt på varje exemplar fäster +en riktig upphovsrättsklausul och garantiavsägelse (eller i förekommande fall +ett meddelande som klargör att du tillhandahåller en garanti) samt att +mottagaren äger distribuera Programvaran enligt dessa licensvillkor samt +berätta hur mottagaren kan se dessa licensvillkor. (Från denna skyldighet +undantas det fall att Programvaran förvisso är interaktiv, men i sitt normala +utförande inte visar ett meddelande av denna typ. I sådant fall behöver Verk +baserat Programvaran inte visa ett sådant meddelande som nämns ovan.) + +Dessa krav gäller det förändrade verket i dess helhet. Om identifierbara delar +av verket inte härrör från Programvaran och skäligen kan anses vara fristående +och självständiga verk i sig, då skall dessa licensvillkor inte gälla i de delarna när +de distribueras som egna verk. Men om samma delar distribueras tillsammans +med en helhet som innehåller verk som härrör från Programvaran, måste +distributionen i sin helhet ske enligt dessa licensvillkor. Licensvillkoren skall i +sådant fall gälla för andra licenstagare för hela verket och sålunda till alla delar +av Programvaran, oavsett vem som är upphovsman till vilka delar av verket. + +Denna paragraf skall sålunda inte tolkas som att anspråk görs på rättigheter +eller att ifrågasätta Dina rättigheter till programvara som skrivits helt av Dig. +Syftet är att tillse att rätten att kontrollera distributionen av derivativa eller +samlingsverk av Programvaran. + +Förekomsten av ett annat verk på ett lagringsmedium eller samlingsmedium +som innehåller Programvaran eller Verk baserat på Programvaran leder inte +till att det andra verket omfattas av dessa licensvillkor. + +3. Du äger kopiera och distribuera Programvaran (eller Verk baserat på +Programvaran enligt paragraf 2) i objektkod eller i körbar form enligt villkoren i +paragraf 1 och paragraf 2 förutsatt att Du också gör en av följande saker: + +a) Bifogar den kompletta källkoden i maskinläsbar form, som måste +distribueras enligt villkoren i paragraf 1 och 2 på ett medium som i allmänhet +används för utbyte av programvara, eller + +b) Bifogar ett skriftligt erbjudande, med minst tre års giltighet, att ge tredje +man, mot en avgift som högst uppgår till Din kostnad att utföra fysisk +distribution, en fullständig kopia av källkoden i maskinläsbar form, distribuerad +enligt villkoren i paragraf 1 och 2 på ett medium som i allmänhet används för +utbyte av programvara, eller + +c) Bifogar det skriftligt erbjudande Du fick att erhålla källkoden. (Detta +alternativ kan endast användas för icke-kommersiell distribution och endast +om Du erhållit ett program i objektkod eller körbar form med ett erbjudande i +enlighet med b ovan.) + +Källkoden för ett verk avser den form av ett verk som är att föredra för att göra +förändringar av verket. För ett körbart verk avser källkoden all källkod för +moduler det innehåller, samt alla tillhörande gränssnittsfiler, definitioner, scripts +för att kontrollera kompilering och installation av den körbara Programvaran. Ett +undantag kan dock göras för sådant som normalt distribueras, antingen i binär +form eller som källkod, med huvudkomponterna i operativsystemet (kompliator, +kärna och så vidare) i vilket den körbara programvaran körs, om inte denna +komponent medföljer den körbara programvaran. + +Om distributionen av körbar Programvara eller objektkod görs genom att +erbjuda tillgång till att kopiera från en bestämd plats, då skall motsvarande +tillgång till att kopiera källkoden från samma plats räknas som distribution av +källkoden, även om trejde man inte behöver kopiera källkoden tillsammans med +objektkoden. + +4. Du äger inte kopiera, ändra, licensiera eller distribuera Programvaran +utom på dessa licensvillkor. All övrig kopiering, ändringar, licensiering eller +distribution av Programvaran är ogiltig och kommer automatiskt medföra att +Du förlorar Dina rättigheter enligt dessa licensvillkor. Tredje man som har +mottagit kopior eller rättigheter från Dig enligt dessa licensvillkor kommer dock +inte att förlora sina rättigheter så länge de följer licensvillkoren. + +5. Du åläggs inte att acceptera licensvillkoren, då du inte har skrivit under +detta avtal. Du har dock ingen rätt att ändra eller distribuera Programvaran +eller Verk baserat på Programvaran. Sådan verksamhet är förbjuden i lag om +du inte accepterar och följer dessa licensvillkor. Genom att ändra eller +distribuera Programvaran (eller verk baserat på Programvaran) visar du med +genom ditt handlande att du accepterar licensvillkoren och alla villkor för att +kopiera, distribuera eller ändra Programvaran eller Verk baserat på +Programvaran. + +6. Var gång du distributerar Progamvaran (eller Verk baserat på +Programvaran), kommer mottagaren per automatik att få en licens från den +första licensgivaren att kopiera, distribuera eller ändra Programvaran enligt +dessa licensvillkor. Du äger inte ålägga mottagaren några andra restriktioner +än de som följer av licensvillkoren. Du är inte skyldig att tillse att tredje man +följer licensvillkoren. + +7. Om Du på grund av domstols dom eller anklagelse om patentintrång +eller på grund av annan anledning (ej begränsat till patentfrågor), Du får villkor +(oavsett om de kommer via domstols dom, avtal eller på annat sätt) som +strider mot dessa licensvillkor så fråntar de inte Dina förpliktelser enligt +dessa licensvillkor. Om du inte kan distribuera Programvaran och samtidigt +uppfylla licensvillkor och andra skyldigheter, får du som en konsekvens inte +distribuera Programvaran. Om exempelvis ett patent gör att Du inte distribuera +Programvaran fritt till alla de som mottager kopior direkt eller indirekt från Dig, +så måste Du helt sluta distribuera Programvaran. + +Om delar av denna paragraf förklaras ogiltig eller annars inte kan verkställas +skall resten av paragrafen äga fortsatt giltighet och paragrafen i sin helhet äga +fortsatt giltighet i andra sammanhang. + +Syftet med denna paragraf är inte att förmå Dig att begå patentintrång eller +att begå intrång i andra rättigheter eller att förmå Dig att betrida giltigheten i +sådana rättigheter. Denna paragraf har ett enda syfte, vilket är att skydda +distributionssystemet för fri programvara vilket görs genom användandet av +dessa licensvillkor. Många har bidragit till det stora utbudet av programvara +som distribueras med hjälp av dessa licensvillkor och den fortsatta giltigheten +och användningen av detta system, men det är upphovsmannen själv som +måste besluta om han eller hon vill distribuera Programvaran genom detta +system eller ett annat och en licenstagare kan inte tvinga en upphovsman till +ett annat beslut. + +Denna paragraf har till syfte att ställa det utom tvivel vad som anses följa +av resten av dessa licensvillkor. + +8. Om distributionen och/eller användningen av Programvaran är begränsad +i vissa länder på grund av patent eller upphovsrättsligt skyddade gränssnitt +kan upphovsmannen till Programvaran lägga till en geografisk spridningsklausul, +enligt vilken distribution är tillåten i länder förutom dem i vilket det är förbjudet. +Om så är fallet kommer begränsningen att utgöra en fullvärdig del av +licensvillkoren. + +9. The Free Software Foundation kan offentliggöra ändrade och/eller nya +versioner av the General Public License från tid till annan. Sådana nya +versioner kommer i sin helhet att påminna om nuvarande version av the +General Public License, men kan vara ändrade i detaljer för att behandla nya +problem eller göra nya överväganden. Varje version ges ett särskiljande +versionsnummer. Om Programvaran specificerar ett versionsnummer av +licensvillkoren samt "alla senare versioner" kan Du välja mellan att följa +dessa licensvillkor eller licensvillkoren i alla senare versioner offentliggjorda +av the Free Software Foundation. Om Programvaran inte specificerar ett +versionnummer av licensvillkoren kan Du välja fritt bland samtliga versioner +som någonsin offentligjorts. + +10. Om du vill använda delar av Programvaran i annan fri programvara som +distribueras enligt andra licensvillkor, begär tillstånd från upphovsmannen. För +Programvaran var upphovsrätt innehas av Free Software Foundation, tillskriv +Free Software Foundation, vi gör ibland undantag för detta. Vårt beslut grundas +på våra två mål att bibehålla den fria statusen av alla verk som härleds från vår +Programvara och främjandet av att dela med sig av och återanvända mjukvara +i allmänhet. + +INGEN GARANTI + +11. DÅ DENNA PROGRAMVARA LICENSIERAS UTAN KOSTNAD GES INGEN +GARANTI FÖR PROGRAMMET, UTOM SÅDAN GARANTI SOM MÅSTE GES ENLIGT +TILLÄMPLIG LAG. FÖRUTOM DÅ DET UTTRYCKS I SKRIFT TILLHANDAHÅLLER +UPPHOVSRÄTTSINNEHAVAREN OCH/ELLER ANDRA PARTER PROGRAMMET "I +BEFINTLIGT SKICK" ("AS IS") UTAN GARANTIER AV NÅGRA SLAG, VARKEN +UTTRYCKLIGA ELLER UNDERFÖRSTÅDDA, INKLUSIVE, MEN INTE BEGRÄNSAT +TILL, UNDERFÖRSTÅDDA GARANTIER VID KÖP OCH LÄMPLIGHET FÖR ETT +SÄRSKILT ÄNDAMÅL. HELA RISKEN FÖR KVALITET OCH ANVÄNDBARHET BÄRS +AV DIG. OM PROGRAMMET SKULLE VISA SIG HA DEFEKTER SKALL DU BÄRA +ALLA KOSTNADER FöR FELETS AVHJÄLPANDE, REPARATIONER ELLER +NÖDVÄNDIG SERVICE. + +12. INTE I NÅGOT FALL, UTOM NÄR DET GÄLLER ENLIGT TILLÄMPLIG LAG +ELLER NÄR DET ÖVERENSKOMMITS SKRIFTLIGEN, SKALL EN +UPPHOVSRÄTTSINNEHAVARE ELLER ANNAN PART SOM ÄGER ÄNDRA +OCH/ELLER DISTRIBUERA PROGRAMVARAN ENLIGT OVAN, VARA SKYLDIG UTGE +ERSÄTTNING FÖR SKADA DU LIDER, INKLUSIVE ALLMÄN, DIREKT ELLER INDIREKT +SKADA SOM FÖLJER PÅ GRUND AV ANVÄNDNING ELLER OMÖJLIGHET ATT +ANVÄNDA PROGRAMVARAN (INKLUSIVE MEN INTE BEGRÄNSAT TILL FÖRLUST +AV DATA OCH INFORMATION ELLER DATA OCH INFORMATION SOM +FRAMSTÄLLTS FELAKTIGT AV DIG ELLER TREDJE PART ELLER FEL DÄR +PROGRAMMET INTE KUNNAT KÖRAS SAMTIDIGT MED ANNAN PROGRAMVARA), +ÄVEN OM EN SÅDAN UPPHOVSRÄTTSINNEHAVAREN ELLER ANNAN PART +UPPLYSTS OM MÖJLIGHETEN TILL SÅDAN SKADA. + +SLUT PÅ LICENSVILLKOR + - - Output gain - Utgångsförstärkning + + OSC Bridge Version + OSC-bryggversion - - - DelayControlsDialog - - DELAY - FÖRDRÖJNING + + Plugin Version + Tilläggsversion - - Delay Time - Tidsfördröjning + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + <br>Version %1<br>Carla är en fullt utrustad ljudtilläggsvärd%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - - FDBK - + + + (Engine not running) + (Motor kör inte) - - Feedback Amount - Återgivningsmängd + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + Allt! (Inklusive LRDF) - - RATE - HASTIGHET + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + Allting! (Inklusive CustomData/Chunks) - - Lfo - Lfo + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + Om 110&#37; komplett (med anpassade tillägg)<br/>Implementerad funktion/tillägg:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - - AMNT - + + + + Using Juce host + Använder Juce-värd - - Lfo Amt - + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + Omkring 85% färdigställt (saknar vst-bank/förinställningar och vissa mindre grejor) + + + CarlaHostW - - Out Gain - Ut-förstärkning + + MainWindow + HuvudFönster - - Gain - Förstärkning + + Rack + Rack - - - DualFilterControlDialog - - - FREQ - FREKV. + + Patchbay + Kopplingsplint - - - Cutoff frequency - Cutoff frekvens + + Logs + Loggar - - - RESO - RESO + + Loading... + Läser in... - - - Resonance - Resonans + + Buffer Size: + Buffertstorlek: - - - GAIN - FÖRST. + + Sample Rate: + Samplingsfrekvens: - - - Gain - Förstärkning + + ? Xruns + ? Överskridanden - - MIX - MIX + + DSP Load: %p% + DSP-belastning: %p% - - Mix - Mix + + &File + &Arkiv - - Filter 1 enabled - Filter 1 aktiverat + + &Engine + &Motor - - Filter 2 enabled - Filter 2 aktiverat + + &Plugin + &Tillägg - - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Klicka för att aktivera/inaktivera Filter 1 + + Macros (all plugins) + Makron (alla tillägg) - - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Klicka för att aktivera/inaktivera Filter 2 + + &Canvas + &Duk - - - DualFilterControls - - Filter 1 enabled - Filter 1 aktiverat + + Zoom + Zooma - - Filter 1 type - Filter 1 typ + + &Settings + &Inställningar - - Cutoff 1 frequency - Cutoff 1 frekvens + + &Help + &Hjälp - - Q/Resonance 1 - Q/Resonans 1 + + toolBar + verktygsFält - - Gain 1 - Förstärkning 1 + + Disk + Disk - - Mix - Mix + + + Home + Hem - - Filter 2 enabled - Filter 2 aktiverat + + Transport + Transport - - Filter 2 type - Filter 2 typ + + Playback Controls + Uppspelningskontroller - - Cutoff 2 frequency - Cutoff 2 frekvens + + Time Information + Tidinformation - - Q/Resonance 2 - Q/Resonans 2 + + Frame: + Bild: - - Gain 2 - Förstärkning 2 + + 000'000'000 + 000'000'000 - - - LowPass - Lågpass + + Time: + Tid: - - - HiPass - Högpass + + 00:00:00 + 00:00:00 - - - BandPass csg - BandPass csg + + BBT: + BBT: - - - BandPass czpg - BandPass czpg + + 000|00|0000 + 000|00|0000 - - - Notch - + + Settings + Inställningar - - - Allpass - Allpass + + BPM + BPM - - - Moog - Moog + + Use JACK Transport + Använd JACK-transport - - - 2x LowPass - 2x Lågpass + + Use Ableton Link + Använd Ableton Link - - - RC LowPass 12dB - RC Lågpass 12dB + + &New + &Ny - - - RC BandPass 12dB - RC BandPass 12dB + + Ctrl+N + Ctrl+N - - - RC HighPass 12dB - RC Högpass 12dB + + &Open... + &Öppna... - - - RC LowPass 24dB - RC Lågpass 24dB + + + Open... + Öppna... - - - RC BandPass 24dB - RC BandPass 24dB + + Ctrl+O + Ctrl+O - - - RC HighPass 24dB - RC Högpass 24dB + + &Save + &Spara - - - Vocal Formant Filter - + + Ctrl+S + Ctrl+S - - - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + Save &As... + Spara &som... - - - SV LowPass - SV Lågpass + + + Save As... + Spara som... - - - SV BandPass - SV BandPass + + Ctrl+Shift+S + Ctrl+Shift+S - - - SV HighPass - SV Högpass + + &Quit + &Avsluta - - - SV Notch - + + Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+Q - - - Fast Formant - + + &Start + &Starta - - - Tripole - + + F5 + F5 - - - Editor - - Transport controls - Transportkontroller + + St&op + St&opp - - Play (Space) - Play (Mellanslag) + + F6 + F6 - - Stop (Space) - Stop (Mellanslag) + + &Add Plugin... + &Lägg till tillägg... - - Record - Spela in + + Ctrl+A + Ctrl+A - - Record while playing - Spela in under uppspelningen + + &Remove All + &Ta bort alla - - - Effect - - Effect enabled - Effekt aktiverad + + Enable + Aktivera - - Wet/Dry mix - Blöt/Torr mix + + Disable + Inaktivera - - Gate - Gate + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + 0% effekt (förbikoppla) - - Decay - Förfall + + 100% Wet + 100% effekt - - - EffectChain - - Effects enabled - Effekter aktiverade + + 0% Volume (Mute) + 0% volym (tyst) - - - EffectRackView - - EFFECTS CHAIN - EFFEKTKEDJA + + 100% Volume + 100% volym - - Add effect - Lägg till effekt + + Center Balance + Centrumbalans - - - EffectSelectDialog - - Add effect - Lägg till effekt + + &Play + &Spela - - - Name - Namn + + Ctrl+Shift+P + Ctrl+Shift+P - - Type - Typ + + &Stop + &Stopp - - Description - Beskrivning + + Ctrl+Shift+X + Ctrl+Shift+X - - Author - Författare + + &Backwards + &Bakåt - - - EffectView - - Toggles the effect on or off. - Slår på eller av effekten. + + Ctrl+Shift+B + Ctrl+Shift+B - - On/Off - På/Av + + &Forwards + &Framåt - - W/D - + + Ctrl+Shift+F + Ctrl+Shift+F - - Wet Level: - Blöt Nivå: + + &Arrange + &Arrangera - - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - + + Ctrl+G + Ctrl+G - - DECAY - + + + &Refresh + &Uppdatera - - Time: - Tid: + + Ctrl+R + Ctrl+R - - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - + + Save &Image... + Spara &bild... - - GATE - GATE + + Auto-Fit + Autoanpassa - - Gate: - Gate: + + Zoom In + Zooma in - - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - + + Ctrl++ + Ctrl++ - - Controls - Kontroller + + Zoom Out + Zooma ut - - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - + + Ctrl+- + Ctrl+- - - Move &up - Flytta &upp + + Zoom 100% + Zooma 100% - - Move &down - Flytta &ner + + Ctrl+1 + Ctrl+1 - - &Remove this plugin - &Ta bort den här insticksmodulen + + Show &Toolbar + Visa &verktygsfält - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - - Predelay - För-fördröjning + + &Configure Carla + &Konfigurera Carla - - Attack - Attack + + &About + &Om - - Hold - Hold + + About &JUCE + Om &JUCE - - Decay - Decay + + About &Qt + Om &Qt - - Sustain - Sustain + + Show Canvas &Meters + Visa Duk&mätare - - Release - Release + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + Visa Duk&tangentbord - - Modulation - Modulering + + Show Internal + Visa intern - - LFO Predelay - + + Show External + Visa extern - - LFO Attack - LFO-Attack + + Show Time Panel + Visa tidspanel - - LFO speed - LFO-hastighet + + Show &Side Panel + Visa &sidopanel - - LFO Modulation - LFO-Modulering + + &Connect... + &Anslut... - - LFO Wave Shape - LFO-vågform + + Compact Slots + Komprimera fack - - Freq x 100 - Frekv. x 100 + + Expand Slots + Expandera fack - - Modulate Env-Amount - Modulera Env-mängd + + Perform secret 1 + Utför hemlighet 1 - - - EnvelopeAndLfoView - - - DEL - RAD + + Perform secret 2 + Utför hemlighet 2 - - Predelay: - För-fördröjning: + + Perform secret 3 + Utför hemlighet 3 - - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - + + Perform secret 4 + Utför hemlighet 4 - - - ATT - ATT + + Perform secret 5 + Utför hemlighet 5 - - Attack: - Attack: + + Add &JACK Application... + Lägg till &JACK-program… - - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - + + &Configure driver... + &Konfigurera drivrutin... - - HOLD - HOLD + + Panic + Panik - - Hold: - Hold: + + Open custom driver panel... + Öppna anpassad drivrutinspanel… + + + CarlaHostWindow - - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - + + Export as... + Exportera som... - - DEC - DEC + + + + + Error + Fel - - Decay: - Decay: + + Failed to load project + Det gick inte att läsa in projektet - - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - + + Failed to save project + Det gick inte att spara projektet - - SUST - SUST + + Quit + Avsluta - - Sustain: - Sustain: + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + Är du säker på att du vill stänga Carla? - - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + Kunde inte ansluta till Ljudbakände ”%1”, möjliga skäl: +%2 - - REL - REL + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + Kunde inte ansluta till Ljudbakände ”%1” - - Release: - Release: + + Warning + Varning - - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + Det finns fortfarande några tillägg inlästa, du måste ta bort dem för att stoppa motorn. +Vill du göra det nu? + + + CarlaInstrumentView - - - AMT - MÄNGD + + Show GUI + Visa användargränssnitt + + + CarlaSettingsW - - - Modulation amount: - Moduleringsmängd: + + Settings + Inställningar - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - + + main + huvud - - LFO predelay: - LFO-för-fördröjning: + + canvas + duk - - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Använd denna ratt för att ställa för-fördröjningen för aktuell LFO. Ju högre värdet är desto längre tid tar det innan LFO'n börjar oscillera. + + engine + motor - - LFO- attack: - LFO-attack: + + osc + osc - - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Använd denna ratt för att ställa attack-tiden för aktuell LFO. Ju högre värdet är desto längre tid tar det för LFO'n att nå sin maximala amplitud. + + file-paths + filsökvägar - - SPD - SPD + + plugin-paths + tilläggssökvägar - - LFO speed: - LFO-hastighet: + + wine + wine - - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Använd denna ratt för att ställa hastigheten för aktuell LFO. Ju högre värdet är desto snabbare oscillerar LFO'n och desto snabbare är effekten. + + experimental + experimentell - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Använd denna ratt för att ställa mängden modulering för aktuell LFO. Ju högre värdet är desto större valt värde (volym eller cutoff-frekvens) kommer influeras av denna LFO. + + Widget + Kontroll - - Click here for a sine-wave. - Klicka här för sinusvåg. + + + Main + Huvud - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klicka här för triangelvåg. + + + Canvas + Duk - - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Klicka här för sågtandsvåg för aktuell. + + + Engine + Motor - - Click here for a square-wave. - Klicka här för fyrkantvåg. + + File Paths + Filsökvägar - - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - + + Plugin Paths + Tilläggssökvägar - - Click here for random wave. - Klicka här för en slumpmässig vågform. + + Wine + Wine - - FREQ x 100 - FREKV. x 100 + + + Experimental + Experimentell - - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Klicka här för att multiplicera frekvensen för denna LFO med 100. + + <b>Main</b> + <b>Huvud</b> - - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - multiplicera LFO-frekvensen med 100 + + Paths + Sökvägar - - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - + + Default project folder: + Standardprojektmapp: - - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - + + Interface + Gränssnitt - - control envelope-amount by this LFO - + + Interface refresh interval: + Gränssnittets uppdateringsintervall: - - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + + ms + ms - - Hint - Ledtråd + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + Visa konsolutmatning i Loggflik (kräver motoromstart) - - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Dra en ljudfil till det här fönstret. + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + Visa en bekräftelsedialog innan avslut - - - EqControls - - Input gain - Ingångsförstärkning + + + Theme + Tema - - Output gain - Utgångsförstärkning + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + Använd Carla ”PRO”-tema (kräver omstart) - - Low shelf gain - + + Color scheme: + Färgschema: - - Peak 1 gain - + + Black + Svart - - Peak 2 gain - + + System + System - - Peak 3 gain - + + Enable experimental features + Aktivera experimentella funktioner - - Peak 4 gain - + + <b>Canvas</b> + <b>Duk</b> - - High Shelf gain - + + Bezier Lines + Bézierlinjer - - HP res - + + Theme: + Tema: - - Low Shelf res - + + Size: + Storlek: - - Peak 1 BW - + + 775x600 + 775x600 - - Peak 2 BW - + + 1550x1200 + 1550x1200 - - Peak 3 BW - + + 3100x2400 + 3100x2400 - - Peak 4 BW - + + 4650x3600 + 4650x3600 - - High Shelf res - + + 6200x4800 + 6200x4800 - - LP res - + + Options + Alternativ - - HP freq - + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + Dölj grupper utan portar automatiskt - - Low Shelf freq - + + Auto-select items on hover + Automarkera objekt vid hovring - - Peak 1 freq - + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + Grundläggande ögongodis (gruppskuggor) - - Peak 2 freq - + + Render Hints + Renderingstips - - Peak 3 freq - + + Anti-Aliasing + Kantutjämning - - Peak 4 freq - + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + Fullständiga dukomritningar (långsammare, men förhindrar uppritningsproblem) - - High shelf freq - + + <b>Engine</b> + <b>Motor</b> - - LP freq - + + + Core + Kärna - - HP active - + + Single Client + Enkel klient - - Low shelf active - + + Multiple Clients + Flera klienter - - Peak 1 active - + + + Continuous Rack + Kontinuerligt rack - - Peak 2 active - + + + Patchbay + Kopplingsplint - - Peak 3 active - + + Audio driver: + Ljuddrivrutin: - - Peak 4 active - + + Process mode: + Hanteringsläge: - - High shelf active - + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + Maximalt antal parametrar att tillåta i den inbyggda ”Redigera”-dialogen - - LP active - LP aktiv + + Max Parameters: + Max parametrar: - - LP 12 - LP 12 + + ... + ... - - LP 24 - LP 24 + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + Återställ Överskridsräknaren efter projektinläsning - - LP 48 - LP 48 + + Plugin UIs + Tilläggsgränssnitt - - HP 12 - HP 12 + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + Hur lång tid att vänta för OSC-användargränssnitt att pinga tillbaka till värden - - HP 24 - HP 24 + + UI Bridge Timeout: + Tidsgräns för användargränssnittsbryggor: - - HP 48 - HP 48 + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + Använd OSC-GUI-bryggor när möjligt, för att på detta sätt separera användargränssnittet från DSP-koden. - - low pass type - Lågpass-typ + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + Använd gränssnittsbryggor istället för direkthantering när möjligt - - high pass type - Högpass-typ + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + Placera alltid tilläggsgränssnitt överst - - Analyse IN - Analysera IN + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + Placera tilläggsgränssnitt ovanpå Carla (kräver omstart) - - Analyse OUT - Analysera UT + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + OBSERVERA: Tilläggsgränssnitt över bryggor kan inte hanteras av Carla på macOS - - - EqControlsDialog - - HP - HP + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Starta om motorn för att läsa in de nya inställningarna - - Low Shelf - + + <b>OSC</b> + <b>OSC</b> - - Peak 1 - + + Enable OSC + Aktivera OSC - - Peak 2 - + + Enable TCP port + Aktivera TCP-port - - Peak 3 - + + + Use specific port: + Använd specifik port: - - Peak 4 - + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + Åsidosatt av miljövariabeln CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT - - High Shelf - + + + Use randomly assigned port + Använd slumpmässigt tilldelad port - - LP - LP + + Enable UDP port + Aktivera UDP-port - - In Gain - In-förstärkning + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + Åsidosatt av miljövariabeln CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT - - - - Gain - Förstärkning + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + DSSI-användargränssnit kräver att OSC UDP-port är aktiverad - - Out Gain - Ut-förstärkning + + <b>File Paths</b> + <b>Filsökvägar</b> - - Bandwidth: - Bandbredd: + + Audio + Ljud - - Octave - Oktav + + MIDI + MIDI - - Resonance : - Resonans: + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + Används för tillägget "audiofile" - - Frequency: - Frekvens: + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + Används för tillägget "midifile" - - lp grp - + + + Add... + Lägg till... - - hp grp - + + + Remove + Ta bort - - - EqHandle - - Reso: - Reso.: + + + Change... + Ändra... - - BW: - + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + <b>Tilläggssökvägar</b> - - - Freq: - Frekv.: + + LADSPA + LADSPA - - - ExportProjectDialog - - Export project - Exportera projekt + + DSSI + DSSI - - Output - Utgång + + LV2 + LV2 - - File format: - Filformat: + + VST2 + VST2 - - Samplerate: - Samplingshastighet: + + VST3 + VST3 - - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + SFZ + SFZ - - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + Starta om Carla för att hitta nya tillägg - - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + <b>Wine</b> + <b>Wine</b> - - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Executable + Körbar - - Depth: - Djup: + + Path to 'wine' binary: + Sökväg till "wine"-binär: - - 16 Bit Integer - + + Prefix + Prefix - - 24 Bit Integer - + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + Automatisk detektering av Wine-prefix baserat på filnamn för tillägg - - 32 Bit Float - + + Fallback: + Reservinställning: - - Stereo mode: - Stereoläge: + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + Notera: Miljövariabeln WINEPREFIX föredras framför denna reservinställning - - Stereo - Stereo + + Realtime Priority + Realtidsprioritet - - Joint Stereo - + + Base priority: + Grundprioritet: - - Mono - Mono + + WineServer priority: + WineServer-prioritet: - - Bitrate: - Bithastighet: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + Dessa alternativ finns inte tillgängliga för Carla som tillägg - - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + <b>Experimental</b> + <b>Experimentell</b> - - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + Experimentalla alternativ! Förmodligen instabila! - - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + Enable plugin bridges + Aktivera tilläggsbryggor - - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + Enable Wine bridges + Aktivera Wine-bryggor - - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + Enable jack applications + Aktivera jack-program - - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + Export single plugins to LV2 + Exportera enskilda tillägg till LV2 - - Use variable bitrate - Använd variabel bithastighet + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + Läs in Carla-bakände i global namnrymd (INTE REKOMMENDERAT) - - Quality settings - Kvalitetsinställningar + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + Snyggt ögongodisk (grupper tonas in/ut, glödande anslutningar) - - Interpolation: - Interpolering: + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + Använd OpenGL för rendering (kräver omstart) - - Zero Order Hold - + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + Högkvalitativ kantutjämning (endast OpenGL) - - Sinc Fastest - + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + Rendera Ardour-liknande ”inbyggda visningar” - - Sinc Medium (recommended) - + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + Tvinga mono-tillägg att använda stereo genom att köra 2 instanser av det samtidigt. +Detta läge är inte tillgängligt för VST-tillägg. - - Sinc Best (very slow!) - + + Force mono plugins as stereo + Tvinga mono-tillägg att vara stereo - - Oversampling (use with care!): - Översampling (använd varsamt!): + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + Förhindra tillägg från att göra dumheter (kräver omstart) - - 1x (None) - 1x (Ingen) + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + När det är möjligt, kör tillägget i bryggat läge. - - 2x - 2x + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + Kör tillägg i bryggat läge när det är möjligt - - 4x - 4x + + + + + Add Path + Lägg till sökväg + + + CompressorControlDialog - - 8x - 8x + + Threshold: + Tröskel: - - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Exportera som loop (ta bort slut-tystnad) + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + Volym vid vilken komprimeringen börjar äga rum - - Export between loop markers - Exportera mellan slinga-markeringar + + Ratio: + Förhållande: - - Start - Starta + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + Hur långt kompressorn måste sänka volymen efter att tröskeln har passerat - - Cancel - Avbryt + + Attack: + Attack: - - Could not open file - Kunde inte öppna fil + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + Hastighet med vilken kompressorn börjar komprimera ljudet - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Det gick inte att öppna filen %1 för att skriva. -Se till att du har skrivbehörighet till filen och mappen som innehåller filen och försök igen! + + Release: + Release: - - Export project to %1 - Exportera projekt till %1 + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + Hastighet med vilken kompressorn slutar komprimera ljudet - - Error - Fel + + Knee: + - - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Fel vid bestämning av filkodarenhet. Vänligen försök att välja ett annat utmatningsformat. + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - - Rendering: %1% - Renderar: %1% + + Range: + - - - Fader - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Ange ett nytt värde mellan %1 och %2: + + Maximum gain reduction + - - - FileBrowser - - Browser - Bläddrare + + Lookahead Length: + - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - - Send to active instrument-track - Skicka till aktivt instrument-spår + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + Hur länge kompressorn måste reagera på sidokedjesignalen i förväg - - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - Öppna i nytt instrument-spår/Låt-redigeraren + + Hold: + Hold: - - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor + + Delay between attack and release stages - - Loading sample - Läser in ljudfil + + RMS Size: + RMS-storlek: - - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Ljudfilen läses in för förhandslyssning... + + Size of the RMS buffer + Storlek på RMS-buffert - - Error - Fel + + Input Balance: + Ingångsbalans: - - does not appear to be a valid - verkar inte vara en giltig + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - - file - fil + + Output Balance: + Utgångsbalans: - - --- Factory files --- - --- Grundfiler --- + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - - - FlangerControls - - Delay Samples - Fördröj samplingar + + Stereo Balance: + Stereobalans: - - Lfo Frequency - Lfo-frekvens + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - - Seconds - Sekunder + + Stereo Link Blend: + - - Regen + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - - Noise - Brus - - - - Invert - Invertera - - - - FlangerControlsDialog - - - DELAY - FÖRDRÖJNING + + Tilt Gain: + - - Delay Time: - Fördröjningstid: + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + - - RATE - HASTIGHET + + Tilt Frequency: + - - Period: - Period: + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + - - AMNT + + Mix: - - Amount: - Mängd: + + Balance between wet and dry signals + Balans mellan våta och torra signaler - - FDBK + + Auto Attack: - - Feedback Amount: + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - - NOISE - BRUS + + Auto Release: + - - White Noise Amount: + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - - Invert - Invertera + + Output gain + Utgångsförstärkning - - - FxLine - - Channel send amount - Kanalsändningsbelopp + + + Gain + Förstärkning - - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - + + Output volume + Utgångsvolym - - Move &left - Flytta &vänster + + Input gain + Ingångsförstärkning - - Move &right - Flytta &höger + + Input volume + Ingångsvolym - - Rename &channel - Byt namn på &kanal + + Root Mean Square + - - R&emove channel - T&a bort kanal + + Use RMS of the input + Använd ingångens RMS - - Remove &unused channels - Ta bort &oanvända kanaler + + Peak + - - - FxMixer - - Master - Master + + Use absolute value of the input + Använd ingångens absoluta värde - - - - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Left/Right + Vänster/Höger - - Volume - Volym + + Compress left and right audio + Komprimera vänster och höger ljud - - Mute - Tysta + + Mid/Side + - - Solo - Solo + + Compress mid and side audio + Komprimera mitt- och sidoljud - - - FxMixerView - - FX-Mixer - FX-Mixer + + Compressor + Kompressor - - FX Fader %1 - FX Fader %1 + + Compress the audio + Komprimera ljudet - - Mute - Tysta + + Limiter + Begränsare - - Mute this FX channel - Tysta denna FX-kanal + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + Ställ in förhållandet till oändlighet (garanteras inte att ljudvolymen begränsas) - - Solo - Solo + + Unlinked + Olänkad - - Solo FX channel - FX-kanal Solo + + Compress each channel separately + Komprimera varje kanal separat - - - FxRoute - - - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Mängd att skicka från kanal %1 till kanal %2 + + Maximum + - - - GigInstrument - - Bank - Bank + + Compress based on the loudest channel + Komprimera baserat på den mest högljudda kanalen - - Patch - + + Average + Medel - - Gain - Förstärkning + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - - - GigInstrumentView - - Open other GIG file - Öppna en annan GIG-fil + + Minimum + - - Click here to open another GIG file - Klicka här för att öppna en annan GIG-fil + + Compress based on the quietest channel + Komprimera baserat på den tystaste kanalen - - Choose the patch + + Blend - - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use + + Blend between stereo linking modes - - - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - Välj vilket instrument i GIG-filen som ska spelas + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - Which GIG file is currently being used - Vilken GIG-fil används för närvarande + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - Vilken del av GIG-filen används för närvarande + + + Soft Clip + - - Gain - Förstärkning + + Play the delta signal + Spela deltasignalen - - Factor to multiply samples by - Faktor att multiplicera samplingar med + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + Använd kompressorns utgång som sidokedjeingång - - Open GIG file - Öppna GIG-fil + + Lookahead Enabled + - - GIG Files (*.gig) - GIG-filer (*.gig) + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + - GuiApplication + CompressorControls - - Working directory - Arbetsmapp + + Threshold + Tröskel - - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - Arbetsmappen %1 för LMMS finns inte. Vill du skapa denna nu? Du kan ändra mappen senare via Redigera -> Inställningar. + + Ratio + Förhållande - - Preparing UI - Förbereder användargränssnitt + + Attack + Attack - - Preparing song editor - Förbereder låtredigeraren + + Release + Release - - Preparing mixer - Förbereder mixer + + Knee + - - Preparing controller rack - Förbereder kontrollrack + + Hold + Hold - - Preparing project notes - Förbereder projektanteckningar + + Range + - - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Förbereder takt/basgång-redigeraren + + RMS Size + RMS-storlek - - Preparing piano roll - Förbereder pianorulle + + Mid/Side + - - Preparing automation editor - Förbereder automationsredigeraren + + Peak Mode + - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio - - Arpeggio - Arpeggio + + Lookahead Length + - - Arpeggio type - Arpeggio-typ + + Input Balance + Ingångsbalans - - Arpeggio range - Arpeggio-omfång + + Output Balance + Utgångsbalans - - Cycle steps - + + Limiter + Begränsare - - Skip rate - + + Output Gain + Utgångsförstärkning - - Miss rate + + Input Gain + Ingångsförstärkning + + + + Blend - - Arpeggio time - Arpeggio-tid + + Stereo Balance + Stereobalans - - Arpeggio gate + + Auto Makeup Gain - - Arpeggio direction - Arpeggio-riktning + + Audition + - - Arpeggio mode - Arpeggio-typ + + Feedback + Återkoppling - - Up - Upp + + Auto Attack + - - Down - Ner + + Auto Release + - - Up and down - Upp och ner + + Lookahead + - - Down and up - Ner och upp + + Tilt + - - Random - Slumpmässig + + Tilt Frequency + - - Free - Fritt + + Stereo Link + Stereolänk - - Sort - Sortera + + Mix + Mix + + + Controller - - Sync - Synkronisera + + Controller %1 + Kontroller %1 - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + ControllerConnectionDialog - - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGGIO + + Connection Settings + Kopplingsinställningar - - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI-KONTROLLER - - RANGE - OMFÅNG + + Input channel + Ingångskanal - - Arpeggio range: - Arpeggio-omfång: + + CHANNEL + KANAL - - octave(s) - oktav(er) + + Input controller + Ingångsregulator - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - + + CONTROLLER + KONTROLLER - - CYCLE - + + + Auto Detect + Upptäck automatiskt - - Cycle notes: - + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + MIDI-enheter för att ta emot MIDI-händelser från - - note(s) - not(er) + + USER CONTROLLER + ANVÄNDARKONTROLLER - - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. - + + MAPPING FUNCTION + KARTLÄGGNINGSFUNKTION - - SKIP - + + OK + OK - - Skip rate: - + + Cancel + Avbryt - - - - % - % + + LMMS + LMMS - - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - + + Cycle Detected. + Cykel Identifierad. + + + ControllerRackView - - MISS - + + Controller Rack + Kontrollrack - - Miss rate: - + + Add + Lägg till - - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - + + Confirm Delete + Bekräfta Borttagning - - TIME - TID + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Vill du verkligen ta bort? Det finns kopplingar till den här kontrollern, och operationen går inte ångra. + + + ControllerView - - Arpeggio time: - Arpeggio-tid: + + Controls + Kontroller - - ms - ms + + Rename controller + Byt namn på kontroller - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Använd denna ratt för att ställa arpeggio-tiden i millisekunder. Arpeggio-tiden anger hur länge varje arpeggio-ton ska spelas. + + Enter the new name for this controller + Skriv nya namnet på kontrollern - - GATE - GATE + + LFO + LFO - - Arpeggio gate: - + + &Remove this controller + &Ta bort den här kontrollen - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - + + Re&name this controller + Döp& om den här kontrollern + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - - Chord: - Ackord: + + Band 1/2 crossover: + Band 1/2-korsningspunkt: - - Direction: - Riktning: + + Band 2/3 crossover: + Band 2/3-korsningspunkt: - - Mode: - Läge: + + Band 3/4 crossover: + Band 3/4-korsningspunkt: - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - - octave - oktav + + Band 1 gain + Band 1-förstärkning - - - Major - Dur + + Band 1 gain: + Band 1-förstärkning: - - Majb5 - + + Band 2 gain + Band 2-förstärkning - - minor - moll + + Band 2 gain: + Band 2-förstärkning: - - minb5 - + + Band 3 gain + Band 3-förstärkning - - sus2 - + + Band 3 gain: + Band 3-förstärkning: - - sus4 - + + Band 4 gain + Band 4-förstärkning - - aug - + + Band 4 gain: + Band 4-förstärkning: - - augsus4 - + + Band 1 mute + Band 1-tystning - - tri - + + Mute band 1 + Tysta band 1 - - 6 - 6 + + Band 2 mute + Band 2-tystning - - 6sus4 - + + Mute band 2 + Tysta band 2 - - 6add9 - + + Band 3 mute + Band 3-tystning - - m6 - + + Mute band 3 + Tysta band 3 - - m6add9 - + + Band 4 mute + Band 4-tystning - - 7 - 7 + + Mute band 4 + Tysta band 4 + + + DelayControls - - 7sus4 - + + Delay samples + Fördröj ljudfiler - - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Feedback + Återkoppling - - 7b5 - 7b5 + + LFO frequency + LFO-frekvens - - 7#9 - 7#9 + + LFO amount + LFO-mängd - - 7b9 - 7b9 + + Output gain + Utgångsförstärkning + + + DelayControlsDialog - - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + DELAY + FÖRDRÖJNING - - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Delay time + Fördröjningstid - - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + FDBK + RNDG - - 7add11 - + + Feedback amount + Rundgångsbelopp - - 7add13 - + + RATE + HASTIGHET - - 7#11 - 7#11 + + LFO frequency + LFO-frekvens - - Maj7 - + + AMNT + BELP - - Maj7b5 - + + LFO amount + LFO-mängd - - Maj7#5 - + + Out gain + Utgångsförstärkning - - Maj7#11 - + + Gain + Förstärkning + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + Lägga till JACK-program - - Maj7add13 - + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + Notera: Funktioner som inte är implementerade än är utgråade - - m7 - + + Application + Program - - m7b5 - + + Name: + Namn: - - m7b9 - + + Application: + Program: - - m7add11 - + + From template + Från mall - - m7add13 - + + Custom + Anpassad - - m-Maj7 - + + Template: + Mall: + + + + Command: + Kommando: + + + + Setup + Inställning + + + + Session Manager: + Sessionshanterare: + + + + None + Ingen + + + + Audio inputs: + Ljudingångar: + + + + MIDI inputs: + MIDI-ingångar: + + + + Audio outputs: + Ljudutgångar: + + + + MIDI outputs: + MIDI-utgångar: + + + + Take control of main application window + Ta kontroll över programmets huvudfönster + + + + Workarounds + Lösningar + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + Vänta på att externt program startar (Avancerad, endast för felsökning) + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + Fånga endast det första X11-fönstret + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + Använd föregående klients utgångsbuffert som ingångsbuffert för nästa klient + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + Simulera 16 JACK MIDI-ingångar, med MIDI-kanal som portindex + + + + Error here + Fel här + + + + Carla Control - Connect + Carla-kontroll - Anslut + + + + Remote setup + Fjärrinställning + + + + UDP Port: + UDP-port: + + + + Remote host: + Fjärrvärd: + + + + TCP Port: + TCP-port: + + + + Reported host + Rapporterad värd + + + + Automatic + Automatisk + + + + Custom: + Anpassad: + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + På vissa nätverk (så som USB-anslutningar), kan fjärrsystemet inte nå det lokala nätverket. Du kan här ange vilket värdnamn eller IP som fjärr-Carla ska ansluta till. +Om du är osäker lämna värdet ”Automatisk”. + + + + Set value + Ställ in värde + + + + TextLabel + TextLabel + + + + Scale Points + Skala punkter + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + Drivrutinsinställningar + + + + Device: + Enhet: + + + + Buffer size: + Buffertstorlek: + + + + Sample rate: + Samplingsfrekvens: + + + + Triple buffer + Trippelbuffring + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + Visa kontrollpanel för drivrutin + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Starta om motorn för att läsa in de nya inställningarna + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + FREKV. + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Cutoff frekvens + + + + + RESO + RESO + + + + + Resonance + Resonans + + + + + GAIN + FÖRST. + + + + + Gain + Förstärkning + + + + MIX + MIX + + + + Mix + Mix + + + + Filter 1 enabled + Filter 1 aktiverat + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Filter 2 aktiverat + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + Aktivera/inaktivera filter 1 + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + Aktivera/inaktivera filter 2 + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + Filter 1 aktiverat + + + + Filter 1 type + Filter 1 typ + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + Brytfrekvens 1 + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Resonans 1 + + + + Gain 1 + Förstärkning 1 + + + + Mix + Mix + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Filter 2 aktiverat + + + + Filter 2 type + Filter 2 typ + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + Brytfrekvens 2 + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Resonans 2 + + + + Gain 2 + Förstärkning 2 + + + + + Low-pass + Lågpass + + + + + Hi-pass + Högpass + + + + + Band-pass csg + Bandpass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + Banspass czpg + + + + + Notch + Bandspärr + + + + + All-pass + Allpass + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x Lågpass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Lågpass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Bandpass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Högpass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Lågpass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Bandpass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Högpass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + Språkformant + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + SV Lågpass + + + + + SV Band-pass + SV Bandpass + + + + + SV High-pass + SV Högpass + + + + + SV Notch + SV Bandspärr + + + + + Fast Formant + Snabbformant + + + + + Tripole + Tripol + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + Transportkontroller + + + + Play (Space) + Play (Mellanslag) + + + + Stop (Space) + Stop (Mellanslag) + + + + Record + Spela in + + + + Record while playing + Spela in under uppspelningen + + + + Toggle Step Recording + Växla steginspelning + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + Effekt aktiverad + + + + Wet/Dry mix + Effekt/original-mix + + + + Gate + Gate + + + + Decay + Decay + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + Effekter aktiverade + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + EFFEKTKEDJA + + + + Add effect + Lägg till effekt + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + Lägg till effekt + + + + + Name + Namn + + + + Type + Typ + + + + Description + Beskrivning + + + + Author + Författare + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + På/Av + + + + W/D + B/T + + + + Wet Level: + Blöt Nivå: + + + + DECAY + DECAY + + + + Time: + Tid: + + + + GATE + GATE + + + + Gate: + Gate: + + + + Controls + Kontroller + + + + Move &up + Flytta &upp + + + + Move &down + Flytta &ner + + + + &Remove this plugin + &Ta bort det här tillägget + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + Knt förfördröjning + + + + Env attack + Knt stegring + + + + Env hold + Knt håll + + + + Env decay + Knt sänkning + + + + Env sustain + Knt håll + + + + Env release + Knt avklingning + + + + Env mod amount + Knt mod-mängd + + + + LFO pre-delay + LFO förfördröjning + + + + LFO attack + LFO-attack + + + + LFO frequency + LFO-frekvens + + + + LFO mod amount + LFO mod-mängd + + + + LFO wave shape + LFO vågform + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + LFO-frekvens x 100 + + + + Modulate env amount + Modulera knt-mängd + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + RAD + + + + + Pre-delay: + Förfördröjning: + + + + + ATT + ATT + + + + + Attack: + Attack: + + + + HOLD + HOLD + + + + Hold: + Hold: + + + + DEC + DEC + + + + Decay: + Decay: + + + + SUST + SUST + + + + Sustain: + Sustain: + + + + REL + REL + + + + Release: + Release: + + + + + AMT + MÄNGD + + + + + Modulation amount: + Moduleringsmängd: + + + + SPD + SPD + + + + Frequency: + Frekvens: + + + + FREQ x 100 + FREKV. x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + Multiplicera LFO-frekvens med 100 + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + MODULERA KNT-MÄNGD + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + Styr konturmängd via denna LFO + + + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: + + + + Hint + Ledtråd + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + Drag och släpp en ljudfil hit. + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + Ingångsförstärkning + + + + Output gain + Utgångsförstärkning + + + + Low-shelf gain + Lågsockel först. + + + + Peak 1 gain + Topp 1-förstärkning + + + + Peak 2 gain + Topp 2-förstärkning + + + + Peak 3 gain + Topp 3-förstärkning + + + + Peak 4 gain + Topp 4-förstärkning + + + + High-shelf gain + Högsockel först. + + + + HP res + HP uppl. + + + + Low-shelf res + Lågsockel uppl. + + + + Peak 1 BW + Topp 1 BW + + + + Peak 2 BW + Topp 2 BW + + + + Peak 3 BW + Topp 3 BW + + + + Peak 4 BW + Topp 4 BW + + + + High-shelf res + Högsockel uppl. + + + + LP res + LP uppl. + + + + HP freq + HP frekv. + + + + Low-shelf freq + Lågsockel frekv. + + + + Peak 1 freq + Topp 1 frekv. + + + + Peak 2 freq + Topp 2 frekv. + + + + Peak 3 freq + Topp 3 frekv. + + + + Peak 4 freq + Topp 4 frekv. + + + + High-shelf freq + Högsockel frekv. + + + + LP freq + LP-frekv. + + + + HP active + HP aktiv + + + + Low-shelf active + Lågsockel aktiv + + + + Peak 1 active + Topp 1 aktiv + + + + Peak 2 active + Topp 2 aktiv + + + + Peak 3 active + Topp 3 aktiv + + + + Peak 4 active + Topp 4 aktiv + + + + High-shelf active + Högsockel aktiv + + + + LP active + LP aktiv + + + + LP 12 + LP 12 + + + + LP 24 + LP 24 + + + + LP 48 + LP 48 + + + + HP 12 + HP 12 + + + + HP 24 + HP 24 + + + + HP 48 + HP 48 + + + + Low-pass type + Lågpasstyp + + + + High-pass type + Högpasstyp + + + + Analyse IN + Analysera IN + + + + Analyse OUT + Analysera UT + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + HP + + + + Low-shelf + Lågsockel + + + + Peak 1 + Topp 1 + + + + Peak 2 + Topp 2 + + + + Peak 3 + Topp 3 + + + + Peak 4 + Topp 4 + + + + High-shelf + Högsockel + + + + LP + LP + + + + Input gain + Ingångsförstärkning + + + + + + Gain + Förstärkning + + + + Output gain + Utgångsförstärkning + + + + Bandwidth: + Bandbredd: + + + + Octave + Oktav + + + + Resonance : + Resonans: + + + + Frequency: + Frekvens: + + + + LP group + LP-grup + + + + HP group + HP-grupp + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + Reso.: + + + + BW: + BW: + + + + + Freq: + Frekv.: + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + Exportera projekt + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + Exportera som loop (ta bort extra takt) + + + + Export between loop markers + Exportera mellan slinga-markeringar + + + + Render Looped Section: + Rendera loopat område: + + + + time(s) + gång(er) + + + + File format settings + Inställningar för filformat + + + + File format: + Filformat: + + + + Sampling rate: + Samplingsfrekvens: + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + Bitdjup: + + + + 16 Bit integer + 16-bitar heltal + + + + 24 Bit integer + 24-bitar heltal + + + + 32 Bit float + 32-bitar flyttal + + + + Stereo mode: + Stereoläge: + + + + Mono + Mono + + + + Stereo + Stereo + + + + Joint stereo + Kombinerad stereo + + + + Compression level: + Kompressionsnivå: + + + + Bitrate: + Bithastighet: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + Använd variabel bithastighet + + + + Quality settings + Kvalitetsinställningar + + + + Interpolation: + Interpolering: + + + + Zero order hold + Nollnivå håll + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + Sinc sämst (snabbast) + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + Sinc medium (rekommenderas) + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + Sinc bäst (långsammast) + + + + Oversampling: + Översampling: + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (Ingen) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + Starta + + + + Cancel + Avbryt + + + + Could not open file + Kunde inte öppna fil + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Det gick inte att öppna filen %1 för att skriva. +Se till att du har skrivbehörighet till filen och mappen som innehåller filen och försök igen! + + + + Export project to %1 + Exportera projekt till %1 + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + ( Snabbast - störst ) + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + ( Långsammast - minst ) + + + + Error + Fel + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Fel vid bestämning av filkodarenhet. Vänligen försök att välja ett annat utmatningsformat. + + + + Rendering: %1% + Renderar: %1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + Ställ in värde + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Ange ett nytt värde mellan %1 och %2: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + Användarinnehåll + + + + Factory content + Fabriksinnehåll + + + + Browser + Bläddrare + + + + Search + Sök + + + + Refresh list + Uppdatera lista + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + Skicka till aktivt instrumentspår + + + + Open containing folder + Öppna innehållande mapp + + + + Song Editor + Låtredigerare + + + + BB Editor + BB-redigerare + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + Skicka till ny AudioFileProcessor-instans + + + + Send to new instrument track + Skicka till nytt instrumentspår + + + + (%2Enter) + (%2Retur) + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + Skicka till nytt samplingsspår (Skift + Retur) + + + + Loading sample + Läser in ljudfil + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Ljudfilen läses in för förhandslyssning... + + + + Error + Fel + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + %1 verkar inte vara en giltig %2-fil + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- Grundfiler --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + Fördröj ljudfiler + + + + LFO frequency + LFO-frekvens + + + + Seconds + Sekunder + + + + Stereo phase + Stereofas + + + + Regen + Regen + + + + Noise + Brus + + + + Invert + Invertera + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + FÖRDRÖJNING + + + + Delay time: + Fördröjningstid: + + + + RATE + HASTIGHET + + + + Period: + Period: + + + + AMNT + BELP + + + + Amount: + Mängd: + + + + PHASE + FAS + + + + Phase: + Fas: + + + + FDBK + RNDG + + + + Feedback amount: + Mängd rundgång: + + + + NOISE + BRUS + + + + White noise amount: + Mängd vitt brus: + + + + Invert + Invertera + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + Sveptid + + + + Sweep direction + Svepriktning + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + Svephastighets skiftmängd + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Vågmönster arbetscykel + + + + Channel 1 volume + Kanal 1 volym + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Volym svepriktning + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Längd för varje steg i svep + + + + Channel 2 volume + Kanal 2 volym + + + + Channel 3 volume + Kanal 3 volym + + + + Channel 4 volume + Kanal 4 volym + + + + Shift Register width + Skiftregisterbredd + + + + Right output level + Höger utmatningsnivå + + + + Left output level + Vänster ugångsnivå + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 1 till SO2 (vänster) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 2 till SO2 (vänster) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 3 till SO2 (vänster) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 4 till SO2 (Vänster) + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 1 till SO1 (Höger) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 2 till SO1 (höger) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 3 till SO1 (höger) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 4 till SO1 (höger) + + + + Treble + Diskant + + + + Bass + Bas + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + Sveptid: + + + + Sweep time + Sveptid + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + Svephastighet skiftmängd: + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + Svephastighets skiftmängd + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + Vågmönster arbetscykel: + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Vågmönster arbetscykel + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + Volym för fyrkantsvåg kanal 1: + + + + Square channel 1 volume + Volym för fyrkantsvåg kanal 1 + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Längd för varje steg i svep + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Längd för varje steg i svep + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + Volym för fyrkantsvåg kanal 2: + + + + Square channel 2 volume + Volym för fyrkantsvåg kanal 2 + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + Volym för vågmönsterkanal: + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + Volym för vågmönsterkanal + + + + Noise channel volume: + Volym för bruskanal: + + + + Noise channel volume + Volym för bruskanal + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + SO1-volym (Höger): + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + SO1 volym (Höger) + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + SO2 volym (vänster): + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + SO2 volym (vänster): + + + + Treble: + Diskant: + + + + Treble + Diskant + + + + Bass: + Bas: + + + + Bass + Bas + + + + Sweep direction + Svepriktning + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Volym svepriktning + + + + Shift register width + Skiftregisterbredd + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 1 till SO1 (Höger) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 2 till SO1 (höger) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 3 till SO1 (höger) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 4 till SO1 (höger) + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 1 till SO2 (vänster) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 2 till SO2 (vänster) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 3 till SO2 (vänster) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 4 till SO2 (Vänster) + + + + Wave pattern graph + Vågmönstergraf + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + Kanalsändningsbelopp + + + + Move &left + Flytta &vänster + + + + Move &right + Flytta &höger + + + + Rename &channel + Byt namn på &kanal + + + + R&emove channel + T&a bort kanal + + + + Remove &unused channels + Ta bort &oanvända kanaler + + + + Set channel color + Ställ in kanalfärg + + + + Remove channel color + Ta bort kanalfärg + + + + Pick random channel color + Välj slumpmässig kanalfärg + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + Tilldela till: + + + + New mixer Channel + Ny FX-kanal + + + + Mixer + + + Master + Master + + + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 + + + + Volume + Volym + + + + Mute + Tysta + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + mixer + + + + Fader %1 + FX Fader %1 + + + + Mute + Tysta + + + + Mute this mixer channel + Tysta denna FX-kanal + + + + Solo + Solo + + + + Solo mixer channel + Solo FX-kanal + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Mängd att skicka från kanal %1 till kanal %2 + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + Bank + + + + Patch + Inställning + + + + Gain + Förstärkning + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + Öppna GIG-fil + + + + Choose patch + Välj inställning + + + + Gain: + Förstärkning: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG-filer (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + Arbetsmapp + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + Arbetsmappen %1 för LMMS finns inte. Skapa den nu? Du kan ändra mappen senare via Redigera -> Inställningar. + + + + Preparing UI + Förbereder användargränssnitt + + + + Preparing song editor + Förbereder låtredigeraren + + + + Preparing mixer + Förbereder mixer + + + + Preparing controller rack + Förbereder kontrollrack + + + + Preparing project notes + Förbereder projektanteckningar + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Förbereder takt/basgång-redigeraren + + + + Preparing piano roll + Förbereder pianorulle + + + + Preparing automation editor + Förbereder automationsredigeraren + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + Arpeggio + + + + Arpeggio type + Arpeggio-typ + + + + Arpeggio range + Arpeggio-omfång + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + Cykelsteg + + + + Skip rate + Överhoppshastighet + + + + Miss rate + Misshastighet + + + + Arpeggio time + Arpeggio-tid + + + + Arpeggio gate + Arpeggiogrind + + + + Arpeggio direction + Arpeggio-riktning + + + + Arpeggio mode + Arpeggio-typ + + + + Up + Upp + + + + Down + Ner + + + + Up and down + Upp och ner + + + + Down and up + Ner och upp + + + + Random + Slumpmässig + + + + Free + Fritt + + + + Sort + Sortera + + + + Sync + Synkronisera + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGGIO + + + + RANGE + OMFÅNG + + + + Arpeggio range: + Arpeggio-omfång: + + + + octave(s) + oktav(er) + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + gång(er) + + + + CYCLE + CYKEL + + + + Cycle notes: + Cykelnoter: + + + + note(s) + not(er) + + + + SKIP + HOPP + + + + Skip rate: + Överhoppshastighet: + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + MISS + + + + Miss rate: + Misshastighet + + + + TIME + TID + + + + Arpeggio time: + Arpeggio-tid: + + + + ms + ms + + + + GATE + GATE + + + + Arpeggio gate: + Arpeggiogate: + + + + Chord: + Ackord: + + + + Direction: + Riktning: + + + + Mode: + Läge: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + oktav + + + + + Major + Dur + + + + Majb5 + Majb5 + + + + minor + moll + + + + minb5 + mollb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + augsus4 + + + + tri + tre + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + Harmonisk moll + + + + Melodic minor + Melodisk moll + + + + Whole tone + Hela tonen + + + + Diminished + Minskad + + + + Major pentatonic + Dur pentatonisk + + + + Minor pentatonic + Mollpentatonisk + + + + Jap in sen + Jap in sen + + + + Major bebop + Dur bebop + + + + Dominant bebop + Dominant bebop + + + + Blues + Blues + + + + Arabic + Arabisk + + + + Enigmatic + Gåtfull + + + + Neopolitan + Napolitansk + + + + Neopolitan minor + Napolitansk moll + + + + Hungarian minor + Ungersk moll + + + + Dorian + Dorisk + + + + Phrygian + Frygisk + + + + Lydian + Lydisk + + + + Mixolydian + Mixolydisk + + + + Aeolian + Aeolisk + + + + Locrian + Lokrisk + + + + Minor + Moll + + + + Chromatic + Kromatisk + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + Halv-hel förminskad + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + Frygisk dominant + + + + Persian + Persisk + + + + Chords + Ackord + + + + Chord type + Ackordtyp + + + + Chord range + Ackordomfång + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + STAPLA + + + + Chord: + Ackord: + + + + RANGE + OMFÅNG + + + + Chord range: + Ackordomfång: + + + + octave(s) + oktav(er) + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + AKTIVERA MIDI-INMATNING + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + AKTIVERA MIDI-UTGÅNG + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + KANL + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + HAST. + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + PROG + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NOT + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + MIDI-enheter att ta emot MIDI-händelser från + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + MIDI-enheter att skicka MIDI-händelser till + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + ANPASSAD BAS-VELOCITET + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + Ange hastigheten för normaliseringsbasen för MIDI-baserade instrument vid 100% nothastighet. + + + + BASE VELOCITY + BAS-VELOCITET + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + HUVUDTONHÖJD + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + Aktiverar användning av huvudtonhöjd + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + VOLYM + + + + Volume + Volym + + + + CUTOFF + BRYTFRKV + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Cutoff frekvens + + + + RESO + RESO + + + + Resonance + Resonans + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + Konturer/LFO:er + + + + Filter type + Filtertyp + + + + Q/Resonance + Q/Resonans + + + + Low-pass + Lågpass + + + + Hi-pass + Högpass + + + + Band-pass csg + Bandpass csg + + + + Band-pass czpg + Banspass czpg + + + + Notch + Bandspärr + + + + All-pass + Allpass + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x Lågpass + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Lågpass 12 dB/oct + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Bandpass 12 dB/oct + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Högpass 12 dB/oct + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Lågpass 24 dB/oct + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Bandpass 24 dB/oct + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Högpass 24 dB/oct + + + + Vocal Formant + Språkformant + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + SV Low-pass + SV Lågpass + + + + SV Band-pass + SV Bandpass + + + + SV High-pass + SV Högpass + + + + SV Notch + SV Bandspärr + + + + Fast Formant + Snabbformant + + + + Tripole + Tripol + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + MÅL + + + + FILTER + FILTER + + + + FREQ + FREKV. + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Brytfrekvens: + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + Q/UPPL + + + + Q/Resonance: + Q/Resonans: + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Konturer, LFO:er och filter stöds inte av det aktuella instrumentet. + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + namnlöst_spår + + + + Base note + Grundton + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + Senaste noten + + + + Volume + Volym + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + Pitch + Tonhöjd + + + + Pitch range + Tonhöjdsomfång + + + + Mixer channel + FX-kanal + + + + Master pitch + Huvudtonhöjd + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + Aktivera/inaktivera MIDI CC + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + Standardinställning + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Volym + + + + Volume: + Volym: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + Panning: + Panorering: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + Ingång + + + + Output + Utgång + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + ÖVERGRIPANDE INSTÄLLNINGAR + + + + Volume + Volym + + + + Volume: + Volym: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + Panorering + + + + Panning: + Panorering: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + Tonhöjd + + + + Pitch: + Tonhöjd: + + + + cents + hundradelar + + + + PITCH + TONDHÖJD + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + Tonhöjdsomfång (halvtoner) + + + + RANGE + OMFÅNG + + + + Mixer channel + FX-kanal + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Spara aktuella instrumentspårinställningar i en förinställd fil + + + + SAVE + SPARA + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + Kontur, filter & LFO + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + Ackordstapling & apreggio + + + + Effects + Effekter + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + Diverse + + + + Save preset + Spara förinställning + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML förinställnings-fil (*.xpf) + + + + Plugin + Tillägg + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + NSM-program kan inte använda abstracta eller absoluta sökvägar + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + NSM-program kan inte använda kommandoradsargument + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + Du måste spara det aktuella Carla-projektet innan NSM kan avändas + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + Om JUCE + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + <b>Om JUCE</b> + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + Detta program använder JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) är ett allomfattande C++-klassbibliotek för utveckling av programvara över plattformsgränser. + +Det innehåller i princip allting som du troligen kommer att använda för att skapa de flera program, och är speciellt väl lämpat för att bygga anpassningsbara användargränssnitt och för att hantera grafik och ljud. + +JUCE licensieras under GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +En modul (juce_core) licensierad under ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + Detta program använder JUCE version %1. + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + Ställ in linjär + + + + Set logarithmic + Ställ in logaritmisk + + + + + Set value + Ställ in värde + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Vänligen ange ett nytt värde mellan -96.0 dBFS och 6.0 dBFS: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Ange ett nytt värde mellan %1 och %2: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + Länka kanaler + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + Länka Kanaler + + + + Channel + Kanal + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + Länka kanaler + + + + Value: + Värde: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Okänt LADSPA-tillägg %1 efterfrågad. + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + Ställ in värde + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Ange ett nytt värde mellan %1 och %2: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + Ställ in värde + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Ange ett nytt värde mellan %1 och %2: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + Tidigare + + + + + + Next + Nästa + + + + Previous (%1) + Tidigare (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Nästa (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + LFO-kontroller + + + + Base value + Basvärde + + + + Oscillator speed + Oscillatorhastighet + + + + Oscillator amount + Oscillatormängd + + + + Oscillator phase + Oscillatorfas + + + + Oscillator waveform + Oscillatorvågform + + + + Frequency Multiplier + Frekvens Multiplikator + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + BAS + + + + Base: + Bas: + + + + FREQ + FREKV. + + + + LFO frequency: + LFO-frekvens: + + + + AMNT + BELP - - m-Maj7add11 - + + Modulation amount: + Moduleringsmängd: - - m-Maj7add13 - + + PHS + FAS - - 9 - 9 + + Phase offset: + Fasposition: - - 9sus4 - + + degrees + grader - - add9 - + + Sine wave + Sinusvåg - - 9#5 - 9#5 + + Triangle wave + Triangelvåg - - 9b5 - 9b5 + + Saw wave + Sågtandsvåg - - 9#11 - 9#11 + + Square wave + Fyrkantvåg - - 9b13 - 9b13 + + Moog saw wave + Moog sågtandsvåg - - Maj9 - + + Exponential wave + Exponentiell våg - - Maj9sus4 - + + White noise + Vitt brus - - Maj9#5 - + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + Användardefinierad form. +Dubbelklicka för att välja en fil. - - Maj9#11 - + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + Multiplicera moduleringsfrekvens med 1 - - m9 - + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + Multiplicera moduleringsfrekvens med 100 - - madd9 - + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + Dividera moduleringsfrekevens med 100 + + + Engine - - m9b5 - + + Generating wavetables + Generera vågtabeller - - m9-Maj7 - + + Initializing data structures + Initierar datastrukturer - - 11 - 11 + + Opening audio and midi devices + Öppnar ljud- och midienheter - - 11b9 - + + Launching mixer threads + Start mixertrådar + + + MainWindow - - Maj11 - + + Configuration file + Konfigurationsfil - - m11 - + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Fel vid inläsning av konfigurationsfil på rad %1:%2: %3 - - m-Maj11 - + + Could not open file + Kunde inte öppna fil - - 13 - 13 + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Det gick inte att öppna filen %1 för att skriva. +Se till att du har skrivbehörighet till filen och mappen som innehåller filen och försök igen! - - 13#9 - 13#9 + + Project recovery + Projektåterställning - - 13b9 - 13b9 + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Det finns en återställningsfil tillgänglig. Det verkar som om programmet inte avslutades korrekt senast, eller så körs redan LMMS. Vill du återställa detta projekt? - - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + + Recover + Återställ - - Maj13 - + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Återställ filen. Se till att du bara har en instans av LMMS igång när du gör detta. - - m13 - + + + Discard + Kasta bort - - m-Maj13 - + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Starta en standard-session och ta bort den återskapade filen. Detta går inte ångra. - - Harmonic minor - Harmonisk moll + + Version %1 + Version %1 - - Melodic minor - Melodisk moll + + Preparing plugin browser + Förbereder tilläggsbläddraren - - Whole tone - Hela tonen + + Preparing file browsers + Förbereder fil-browser - - Diminished - Minskad + + My Projects + Mina projekt - - Major pentatonic - + + My Samples + Mina samplingar - - Minor pentatonic - + + My Presets + Mina förinställningar - - Jap in sen - + + My Home + Min hemmapp - - Major bebop - + + Root directory + Root-mapp - - Dominant bebop - + + Volumes + Volymer - - Blues - Blues + + My Computer + Min dator - - Arabic - Arabisk + + &File + &Arkiv - - Enigmatic - Gåtfull + + &New + &Ny - - Neopolitan - + + &Open... + &Öppna... - - Neopolitan minor - + + Loading background picture + Läser in bakgrundsbild - - Hungarian minor - + + &Save + &Spara - - Dorian - + + Save &As... + Spara &som... - - Phrygian - + + Save as New &Version + Spara som ny &version - - Lydian - + + Save as default template + Spara som standardmall - - Mixolydian - + + Import... + Importera... - - Aeolian - + + E&xport... + E&xportera... - - Locrian - + + E&xport Tracks... + E&xportera spår... - - Minor - Moll + + Export &MIDI... + Exportera &MIDI... - - Chromatic - Kromatisk + + &Quit + &Avsluta - - Half-Whole Diminished - + + &Edit + &Redigera - - 5 - 5 + + Undo + Ångra - - Phrygian dominant - + + Redo + Gör om - - Persian - Persisk + + Settings + Inställningar - - Chords - Ackord + + &View + &Visa - - Chord type - Ackordtyp + + &Tools + &Verktyg - - Chord range - Ackordomfång + + &Help + &Hjälp - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - - STACKING - STAPLA + + Online Help + Hjälp på nätet - - Chord: - Ackord: + + Help + Hjälp - - RANGE - OMFÅNG + + About + Om - - Chord range: - Ackordomfång: + + Create new project + Skapa nytt projekt - - octave(s) - oktav(er) + + Create new project from template + Skapa nytt projekt från mall - - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - + + Open existing project + Öppna befintligt projekt - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - AKTIVERA MIDI-INMATNING + + Recently opened projects + Nyligen öppnade projekt - - - CHANNEL - KANAL + + Save current project + Spara aktuellt projekt - - - VELOCITY - HASTIGHET + + Export current project + Exportera aktuellt projekt - - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - AKTIVERA MIDI-UTGÅNG + + Metronome + Metronom - - PROGRAM - PROGRAM + + + Song Editor + Låtredigerare - - NOTE - NOT + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Takt+Basgång-redigerare - - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - MIDI-enheter att ta emot MIDI-händelser från + + + Piano Roll + Pianorulle - - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - MIDI-enheter att skicka MIDI-händelser till + + + Automation Editor + Automatiseringsredigerare - - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - ANPASSAD BASHASTIGHET + + + Mixer + mixer - - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - + + Show/hide controller rack + Visa/dölj kontrollrack - - BASE VELOCITY - BASHASTIGHET + + Show/hide project notes + Visa/dölj projektanteckningar - - - InstrumentMiscView - - MASTER PITCH - + + Untitled + Namnlös - - Enables the use of Master Pitch - + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Återställnings-session. Spara ditt arbete! - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - - VOLUME - VOLYM + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 - - Volume - Volym + + Recovered project not saved + Återställt projekt inte sparat - - CUTOFF - + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Projektet återställdes från den senaste sessionen. Det kommer försvinna om du inte sparar det. Vill du spara projektet nu? - - - Cutoff frequency - Cutoff frekvens + + Project not saved + Projektet inte sparat - - RESO - RESO + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Projektet har ändrats sedan det sparades senast. Vill du spara nu? - - Resonance - Resonans + + Open Project + Öppna projekt - - Envelopes/LFOs - + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - - Filter type - Filtertyp + + Save Project + Spara projekt - - Q/Resonance - Q/Resonans + + LMMS Project + LMMS-Projekt - - LowPass - Lågpass + + LMMS Project Template + LMMS-Projektmall - - HiPass - Högpass + + Save project template + Spara projektmall - - BandPass csg - BandPass csg + + Overwrite default template? + Vill du skriva över standardmallen? - - BandPass czpg - BandPass czpg + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Detta kommer skriva över din nuvarande standardmall. - - Notch - + + Help not available + Hjälp inte tillgänglig - - Allpass - Allpass + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Just nu finns ingen hjälp tillgänglig i LMMS +Besök https://lmms.io/documentation/ för dokumentation (Engelska). - - Moog - Moog + + Controller Rack + Kontrollrack - - 2x LowPass - 2x Lågpass + + Project Notes + Projektanteckningar - - RC LowPass 12dB - RC Lågpass 12dB + + Fullscreen + Helskärm - - RC BandPass 12dB - RC BandPass 12dB + + Volume as dBFS + Volym som dBFS - - RC HighPass 12dB - RC Högpass 12dB + + Smooth scroll + Jämn rullning - - RC LowPass 24dB - RC Lågpass 24dB + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Visa noter i pianorulle - - RC BandPass 24dB - RC BandPass 24dB + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI-fil (*.mid) - - RC HighPass 24dB - RC Högpass 24dB + + + untitled + namnlös - - Vocal Formant Filter - + + + Select file for project-export... + Välj fil för projekt-export... - - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Välj mapp för att skriva exporterade spår... - - SV LowPass - SV Lågpass + + Save project + Spara projekt - - SV BandPass - SV BandPass + + Project saved + Projekt sparat - - SV HighPass - SV Högpass + + The project %1 is now saved. + Projektet %1 är nu sparat. - - SV Notch - + + Project NOT saved. + Projektet är INTE sparat. - - Fast Formant - + + The project %1 was not saved! + Projektet %1 sparades inte! - - Tripole - + + Import file + Importera fil - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - - TARGET - MÅL + + MIDI sequences + MIDI-sekvenser - - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogen-projekt - - FILTER - FILTER + + All file types + Alla filtyper + + + MeterDialog - - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Här kan du välja vilket inbyggt filter du vill använda för detta instrument-spår. Filter är väldigt viktiga om man vill ändra karaktäristiken på ett ljud. + + + Meter Numerator + Mätartäljare - - FREQ - FREKV. + + Meter numerator + Mätartäljare - - cutoff frequency: - cutoff-frekvens: + + + Meter Denominator + Mätarnämnare - - Hz - Hz + + Meter denominator + Mätarnämnare - - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - + + TIME SIG + TAKTART + + + MeterModel - - RESO - RESO + + Numerator + Täljare - - Resonance: - Resonans: + + Denominator + Nämnare + + + MidiCCRackView - - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 - - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + + MIDI CC Knobs: + + + CC %1 + CC %1 + - InstrumentTrack + MidiController - - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Med denna ratt ställer du volymen för den öppnade kanalen. + + MIDI Controller + MIDI-styrenhet - - - unnamed_track - namnlöst_spår + + unnamed_midi_controller + unnamed_midi_controller + + + MidiImport - - Base note - Grundton + + + Setup incomplete + Installation ofullständig - - Volume - Volym + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + Du har inte ställt in en standard SoundFont i inställningsdialogrutan (Redigera->Inställningar). Därför spelas inget ljud upp efter att ha importerat denna MIDI-fil. Du bör hämta en allmän MIDI-soundfont, ange den i inställningsdialogrutan och försök igen. - - Panning - Panorering + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Du kompilerade inte LMMS med stöd för SoundFont2-spelaren, som används för att lägga till standardljud till importerade MIDI-filer. Därför spelas inget ljud upp efter att ha importerat denna MIDI-fil. - - Pitch - Tonhöjd + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + MIDI-taktartsangivelse täljare - - Pitch range - Tonhöjdsomfång + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + MIDI-taktartsangivelse nämnare - - FX channel - FX-kanal + + Numerator + Täljare - - Master Pitch - + + Denominator + Nämnare - - - Default preset - Standardinställning + + Track + Spår - InstrumentTrackView - - - Volume - Volym - - - - Volume: - Volym: - + MidiJack - - VOL - VOL + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK-server nerstängd - - Panning - Panorering + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + JACK-servern verkar vara avstängd. + + + MidiPatternW - - Panning: - Panorering: + + MIDI Pattern + MIDI-mönster - - PAN - PAN + + Time Signature: + Tidsignatur: - - MIDI - MIDI + + + + 1/4 + 1/4 - - Input - Ingång + + 2/4 + 2/4 - - Output - Utgång + + 3/4 + 3/4 - - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + 4/4 + 4/4 - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - - GENERAL SETTINGS - ÖVERGRIPANDE INSTÄLLNINGAR + + 5/4 + 5/4 - - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Använd dessa kontroller för att visa och redigera nästa/föregående spår i låtredigeraren. + + 6/4 + 6/4 - - Instrument volume - Instrument-volym + + Measures: + Takter: - - Volume: - Volym: + + + + 1 + 1 - - VOL - VOL + + 2 + 2 - - Panning - Panorering + + 3 + 3 - - Panning: - Panorering: + + 4 + 4 - - PAN - PAN + + 5 + 5 - - Pitch - Tonhöjd + + 6 + 6 - - Pitch: - Tonhöjd: + + 7 + 7 - - cents - + + 8 + 8 - - PITCH - + + 9 + 9 - - Pitch range (semitones) - + + 10 + 10 - - RANGE - OMFÅNG + + 11 + 11 - - FX channel - FX-kanal + + 12 + 12 - - FX - FX + + 13 + 13 - - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Spara aktuella instrumentspårinställningar i en förinställd fil + + 14 + 14 - - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - + + 15 + 15 - - SAVE - SPARA + + 16 + 16 - - Envelope, filter & LFO - + + Default Length: + Standardlängd: - - Chord stacking & arpeggio - + + + 1/16 + 1/16 - - Effects - Effekter + + + 1/15 + 1/15 - - MIDI settings - MIDI-inställningar + + + 1/12 + 1/12 - - Miscellaneous - Diverse + + + 1/9 + 1/9 - - Save preset - Spara förinställning + + + 1/8 + 1/8 - - XML preset file (*.xpf) - XML förinställnings-fil (*.xpf) + + + 1/6 + 1/6 - - Plugin - Insticksmodul + + + 1/3 + 1/3 - - - Knob - - Set linear - Ställ in linjär + + + 1/2 + 1/2 - - Set logarithmic - Ställ in logaritmisk + + Quantize: + Kvantisera: - - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Vänligen ange ett nytt värde mellan -96.0 dBFS och 6.0 dBFS: + + &File + &Arkiv - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Ange ett nytt värde mellan %1 och %2: + + &Edit + &Redigera - - - LadspaControl - - Link channels - Länka kanaler + + &Quit + &Avsluta - - - LadspaControlDialog - - Link Channels - Länka Kanaler + + &Insert Mode + &Infogningsläge - - Channel - Kanal + + F + F - - - LadspaControlView - - Link channels - Länka kanaler + + &Velocity Mode + &Hastighetsläge - - Value: - Värde: + + D + D - - Sorry, no help available. - Ledsen, ingen hjälp är tillgänglig. + + Select All + Välj alla - - - LadspaEffect - - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Okänd LADSPA-insticksmodul %1 efterfrågad. + + A + A - LcdSpinBox + MidiPort - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Ange ett nytt värde mellan %1 och %2: + + Input channel + Ingångskanal - - - LeftRightNav - - - - Previous - Tidigare + + Output channel + Utgångskanal - - - - Next - Nästa + + Input controller + Ingångskontroller - - Previous (%1) - Tidigare (%1) + + Output controller + Utgångskontroller - - Next (%1) - Nästa (%1) + + Fixed input velocity + Fast ingångsvelocitet - - - LfoController - - LFO Controller - + + Fixed output velocity + Fast utgångsvelocitet - - Base value - Basvärde + + Fixed output note + Fast utgångsnot - - Oscillator speed - Oscillatorhastighet + + Output MIDI program + Utgång MIDI-program - - Oscillator amount - Oscillatormängd + + Base velocity + Bas-velocitet - - Oscillator phase - Oscillatorfas + + Receive MIDI-events + Ta emot MIDI-event - - Oscillator waveform - Oscillatorvågform + + Send MIDI-events + Skicka MIDI-event + + + MidiSetupWidget - - Frequency Multiplier - Frekvens Multiplikator + + Device + Enhet - LfoControllerDialog + MonstroInstrument - - LFO - LFO + + Osc 1 volume + Osc. 1 volym - - LFO Controller - + + Osc 1 panning + Osc 1 panorering - - BASE - + + Osc 1 coarse detune + Osc. 1 grovurstämning - - Base amount: - + + Osc 1 fine detune left + Osc. 1 finurstämning vänster - - todo - + + Osc 1 fine detune right + Osc. 1 finurstämning höger - - SPD - SPD + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + Osc. 1 stereofasposition - - LFO-speed: - + + Osc 1 pulse width + Osc. 1 pulsbredd - - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + Osc. 1 synksändning vid stigning - - AMNT - + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + Osc. 1 synksändning vid fall - - Modulation amount: - Moduleringsmängd: + + Osc 2 volume + Osc. 2 volym - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - + + Osc 2 panning + Osc 2 panorering - - PHS - + + Osc 2 coarse detune + Osc. 2 grovurstämning - - Phase offset: - + + Osc 2 fine detune left + Osc. 2 finurstämning vänster - - degrees - grader + + Osc 2 fine detune right + Osc. 2 finurstämning höger - - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + Osc. 2 stereofasposition - - Click here for a sine-wave. - Klicka här för sinusvåg. + + Osc 2 waveform + Osc. 2 vågform - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klicka här för triangelvåg. + + Osc 2 sync hard + Osc. 2 synk hård - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klicka här för sågtandsvåg + + Osc 2 sync reverse + Osc. 2 synk omvänd - - Click here for a square-wave. - Klicka här för fyrkantvåg. + + Osc 3 volume + Osc. 3 volym - - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - + + Osc 3 panning + Osc 3 panorering - - Click here for an exponential wave. - + + Osc 3 coarse detune + Osc. 3 grovurstämning - - Click here for white-noise. - Klicka här för vitt brus. + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Osc. 3 stereofastposition - - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Klicka här för en användardefinierad form. -Dubbelklicka för att välja en fil. + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + Osc. 3 underoscillatormix - - - LmmsCore - - Generating wavetables - + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + Osc. 3 vågform 1 - - Initializing data structures - Initierar datastrukturer + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + Osc. 3 vågform 2 - - Opening audio and midi devices - Öppnar ljud- och midienheter + + Osc 3 sync hard + Osc. 3 synk hård - - Launching mixer threads - + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + Osc. 3 synk omvänd - - - MainWindow - - Configuration file - Konfigurationsfil + + LFO 1 waveform + LFO 1 vågform - - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Fel vid inläsning av konfigurationsfil på rad %1:%2: %3 + + LFO 1 attack + LFO 1. stegring - - Could not open file - Kunde inte öppna fil + + LFO 1 rate + LFO 1 hastighet - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Det gick inte att öppna filen %1 för att skriva. -Se till att du har skrivbehörighet till filen och mappen som innehåller filen och försök igen! + + LFO 1 phase + LFO 1 fas - - Project recovery - Projektåterställning + + LFO 2 waveform + LFO 2 vågform - - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - Det finns en återställningsfil tillgänglig. Det verkar som om programmet inte avslutades korrekt senast, eller så körs redan LMMS. Vill du återställa detta projekt? + + LFO 2 attack + LFO 2 stegring - - - - Recover - Återställ + + LFO 2 rate + LFO 2 hastighet - - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Återställ filen. Se till att du bara har en instans av LMMS igång när du gör detta. + + LFO 2 phase + LFO 2 fas - - - - Discard - Kasta bort + + Env 1 pre-delay + Knt 1 förfördröjning - - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Starta en standard-session och ta bort den återskapade filen. Detta går inte ångra. + + Env 1 attack + Knt 1 stegring - - Version %1 - Version %1 + + Env 1 hold + Knt 1 håll - - Preparing plugin browser - Förbereder insticksmodulsbläddraren + + Env 1 decay + Knt 1 sänkning - - Preparing file browsers - Förbereder fil-browser + + Env 1 sustain + Knt 1 hållnivå - - My Projects - Mina projekt + + Env 1 release + Knt 1 avklingning - - My Samples - Mina samplingar + + Env 1 slope + Knt 1 kurva - - My Presets - Mina förinställningar + + Env 2 pre-delay + Knt 2 förfördröjning - - My Home - Min hemmapp + + Env 2 attack + Knt 2 stegring - - Root directory - Rotmapp + + Env 2 hold + Knt 2 håll - - Volumes - Volymer + + Env 2 decay + Knt 2 sänkning - - My Computer - Min dator + + Env 2 sustain + Knt 2 hållnivå - - Loading background artwork - Laddar bakgrunds-grafik + + Env 2 release + Knt 2 avklingning - - &File - &Arkiv + + Env 2 slope + Knt 2 kurva - - &New - &Ny + + Osc 2+3 modulation + Osc. 2+3-modulering - - New from template - Nytt från mall + + Selected view + Vald vy - - &Open... - &Öppna... + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + Osc. 1 - Vol. knt 1 - - &Recently Opened Projects - &Nyligen öppnade projekt + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + Osc. 1 - Vol. knt 2 - - &Save - &Spara + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc. 1 - Vol. LFO 1 - - Save &As... - Spara &som... + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc. 1 - Vol. LFO 2 - - Save as New &Version - Spara som ny &version + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + Osc. 2 - Vol. knt 1 - - Save as default template - Spara som standardmall + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + Osc. 2 - Vol. knt 2 - - Import... - Importera... + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc. 2 - Vol. LFO 1 - - E&xport... - E&xportera... + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc. 2 - Vol. LFO 2 - - E&xport Tracks... - E&xportera spår... + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + Osc. 3 - Vol. knt 1 - - Export &MIDI... - Exportera &MIDI... + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + Osc. 3 - Vol. knt 2 - - &Quit - &Avsluta + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc. 3 - Vol. LFO 1 - - &Edit - &Redigera + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc. 3 - Vol. LFO 2 - - Undo - Ångra + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + Osc. 1 - Fas knt 1 - - Redo - Gör om + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + Osc. 1 - Fas knt 2 - - Settings - Inställningar + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc. 1 - Fas LFO 1 - - &View - &Visa + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc. 1 - Fas LFO 2 - - &Tools - &Verktyg + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + Osc. 2 - Fas knt 1 - - &Help - &Hjälp + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + Osc. 2 - Fas knt 2 - - Online Help - Hjälp på nätet + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc. 2 - Fas LFO 1 - - Help - Hjälp + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc. 2 - Fas LFO 2 - - What's This? - Vad är det här? + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + Osc. 3 - Fas knt 1 - - About - Om + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + Osc. 3 - Fas knt 2 - - Create new project - Skapa nytt projekt + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc. 3 - Fas LFO 1 - - Create new project from template - Skapa nytt projekt från mall + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc. 3 - Fas LFO 2 - - Open existing project - Öppna existerande projekt + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + Osc. 1 - Pit knt 1 - - Recently opened projects - Nyligen öppnade projekt + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + Osc. 1 - Pit knt 2 - - Save current project - Spara aktuellt projekt + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc. 1 - Pit LFO 1 - - Export current project - Exportera aktuellt projekt + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc. 1 - Pit LFO 2 - - What's this? - Vad är detta? + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + Osc. 2 - Pit knt 1 - - Toggle metronome - Slå på/av metronom + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + Osc. 2 - Pit knt 2 - - Show/hide Song-Editor - Visa/dölj Låtredigeraren + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc. 2 - Pit LFO 1 - - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Genom att trycka på den här knappen kan du visa eller dölja Låtredigeraren. Med hjälp av Låtredigeraren kan du redigera låtspellista och ange när vilken låt ska spelas. Du kan också infoga och flytta samplingar (t.ex. rap-samplingar) direkt i spellistan. + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc. 2 - Pit LFO 2 - - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Visa/dölj Takt+Basgång-redigeraren + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + Osc. 3 - Pit knt 1 - - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + Osc. 3 - Pit knt 2 - - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Visa/dölj pianorulle + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc. 3 - Pit LFO 1 - - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Klicka här för att visa eller dölja pianorullen. Med hjälp av pianorullen kan du skapa melodier på ett enkelt sätt. + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc. 3 - Pit LFO 2 - - Show/hide Automation Editor - Visa/dölj Automationsredigeraren + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + Osc. 1 - PW knt 1 - - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + Osc. 1 - PW knt 2 - - Show/hide FX Mixer - Visa/dölj FX Mixer + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + Osc. 1 - PW LFO 1 - - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + Osc. 1 - PW LFO 2 - - Show/hide project notes - Visa/dölj projektanteckningar + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + Osc. 3 - Sub knt 1 - - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Klicka här för att visa eller dölja fönstret för projektanteckningar. I detta fönster kan du göra noteringar om ditt projekt, + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + Osc. 3 - Sub knt 2 - - Show/hide controller rack - Visa/dölj kontrollrack + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + Osc. 3 - Sub LFO 1 - - Untitled - Namnlös + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + Osc. 3 - Sub LFO 2 - - Recover session. Please save your work! - Återställnings-session. Spara ditt arbete! + + + Sine wave + Sinusvåg - - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Bandbegränsad triangelvåg - - Recovered project not saved - Återställt projekt inte sparat + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Bandbegränsad sågtandsvåg - - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Projektet återställdes från den senaste sessionen. Det kommer försvinna om du inte sparar det. Vill du spara projektet nu? + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Bandbegränsad rampvåg - - Project not saved - Projektet inte sparat + + Bandlimited Square wave + Bandbegränsad fyrkantsvåg - - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Projektet har ändrats sedan det sparades senast. Vill du spara nu? + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Bandbegränsad Moog sågtandsvåg - - Open Project - Öppna projekt + + + Soft square wave + Jämn fyrkantvåg - - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Absolute sine wave + Absolut sinusvåg - - Save Project - Spara projekt + + + Exponential wave + Exponentiell våg - - LMMS Project - LMMS-Projekt + + White noise + Vitt brus - - LMMS Project Template - LMMS-Projektmall + + Digital Triangle wave + Digital Triangelvåg - - Save project template - Spara projektmall + + Digital Saw wave + Digital Sågtandsvåg - - Overwrite default template? - Vill du skriva över standardmallen? + + Digital Ramp wave + Digital rampvåg - - This will overwrite your current default template. - Detta kommer skriva över din nuvarande standardmall. + + Digital Square wave + Digital fyrkantsvåg - - Help not available - Hjälp inte tillgänglig + + Digital Moog saw wave + Digital Moogsågtandsvåg - - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Just nu finns ingen hjälp tillgänglig i LMMS -Besök https://lmms.io/documentation/ för dokumentation (Engelska). + + Triangle wave + Triangelvåg - - Song Editor - Låtredigeraren + + Saw wave + Sågtandsvåg - - Beat+Bassline Editor - Takt+Basgång-redigeraren + + Ramp wave + Rampvåg - - Piano Roll - Pianorulle + + Square wave + Fyrkantvåg + + + + Moog saw wave + Moog sågtandsvåg - - Automation Editor - Automatiseringsredigeraren + + Abs. sine wave + Abs. sinusvåg - - FX Mixer - FX-mixer + + Random + Slumpmässig - - Project Notes - Projektanteckningar + + Random smooth + Slumpmässigt jämn + + + MonstroView - - Controller Rack - Kontrollrack + + Operators view + Operatörernas vy - - Volume as dBFS - Volym som dBFS + + Matrix view + Matrisvy - - Smooth scroll - Mjuk rullning + + + + Volume + Volym - - Enable note labels in piano roll - Visa noter i pianorulle + + + + Panning + Panorering - - - MeterDialog - - - Meter Numerator - + + + + Coarse detune + Grovurstämning - - - Meter Denominator - + + + + semitones + halvtoner - - TIME SIG - + + + Fine tune left + Finurstämning vänster - - - MeterModel - - Numerator - Täljare + + + + + cents + hundradelar - - Denominator - Nämnare + + + Fine tune right + Finurstämning höger - - - MidiController - - MIDI Controller - MIDI-styrenhet + + + + Stereo phase offset + Stereofasposition - - unnamed_midi_controller - unnamed_midi_controller + + + + + + deg + grd - - - MidiImport - - - Setup incomplete - Installation ofullständig + + Pulse width + Pulsbredd - - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Du har inte ställt in en standard soundfont i inställningsdialogrutan (Redigera->Inställningar). Därför spelas inget ljud upp efter att ha importerat denna MIDI-fil. Du bör hämta en allmän MIDI-soundfont, ange den i inställningsdialogrutan och försök igen. + + Send sync on pulse rise + Skicka synk vid pulsstigning - - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Du kompilerade inte LMMS med stöd för SoundFont2-spelaren, som används för att lägga till standardljud till importerade MIDI-filer. Därför spelas inget ljud upp efter att ha importerat denna MIDI-fil. + + Send sync on pulse fall + Skicka synk vid pulsfall - - Track - Spår + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + Hård synk oscillator 2 - - - MidiJack - - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - JACK-server nerstängd + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + Omvänd synk oscillator 2 - - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - JACK-servern verkar vara avstängd. + + Sub-osc mix + Underosc.-mix - - - MidiPort - - Input channel - Ingångskanal + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + Hård synk oscillator 3 - - Output channel - Utgångskanal + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + Omvänd synk oscillator 3 - - Input controller - Ingångskontroller + + + + + Attack + Attack - - Output controller - Utgångskontroller + + + Rate + Värdera - - Fixed input velocity - Fast ingångshastighet + + + Phase + Fas - - Fixed output velocity - Fast utgångshastighet + + + Pre-delay + Förfördröjning - - Fixed output note - Fast utgångsnot + + + Hold + Håll - - Output MIDI program - Utgång MIDI-program + + + Decay + Decay - - Base velocity - Bashastighet + + + Sustain + Sustain - - Receive MIDI-events - Ta emot MIDI-event + + + Release + Release - - Send MIDI-events - Skicka MIDI-event + + + Slope + Lutning - - - MidiSetupWidget - - DEVICE - ENHET + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + Mixa osc. 2 med osc. 3 + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + Modulera amplituden för osc. 3 med osc. 2 + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + Modulera frekvens för osc. 3 med osc. 2 + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + Modulera fasen för osc. 3 med osc. 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Moduleringsmängd - MonstroInstrument + MultitapEchoControlDialog - - Osc 1 Volume - Osc 1 Volym + + Length + Längd - - Osc 1 Panning - Osc 1 Panorering + + Step length: + Steglängd: - - Osc 1 Coarse detune - + + Dry + Original - - Osc 1 Fine detune left - + + Dry gain: + Originalförstärkning: - - Osc 1 Fine detune right - + + Stages + Stadier - - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - + + Low-pass stages: + Lågpassteg: - - Osc 1 Pulse width - + + Swap inputs + Växla ingångar - - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + Växla vänster och höger ingångskanaler för speglingar + + + NesInstrument - - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - + + Channel 1 coarse detune + Kanal 1 grovurstämning - - Osc 2 Volume - + + Channel 1 volume + Kanal 1 volym - - Osc 2 Panning - + + Channel 1 envelope length + Kanal 1 konturlängd - - Osc 2 Coarse detune - + + Channel 1 duty cycle + Kanal 1 arbetscykel - - Osc 2 Fine detune left - + + Channel 1 sweep amount + Kanal 1 svepmängd - - Osc 2 Fine detune right - + + Channel 1 sweep rate + Kanal 1 svephastighet - - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Kanal 2 grovurstämning - - Osc 2 Waveform - + + Channel 2 Volume + Kanal 2 volym - - Osc 2 Sync Hard - + + Channel 2 envelope length + Kanal 2 konturlängd - - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - + + Channel 2 duty cycle + Kanal 2 arbetscykel - - Osc 3 Volume - + + Channel 2 sweep amount + Kanal 2 svepmängd - - Osc 3 Panning - + + Channel 2 sweep rate + Kanal 2 svephastighet - - Osc 3 Coarse detune - + + Channel 3 coarse detune + Kanal 3 grovurstämning - - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - + + Channel 3 volume + Kanal 3 volym - - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - + + Channel 4 volume + Kanal 4 volym - - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - + + Channel 4 envelope length + Kanal 4 konturlängd - - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - + + Channel 4 noise frequency + Kanal 4 brusfrekvens - - Osc 3 Sync Hard - + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + Kanal 4 brusfrekvenssvep - - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - + + Master volume + Huvudvolym - - LFO 1 Waveform - + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + NesInstrumentView - - LFO 1 Attack - + + + + + Volume + Volym - - LFO 1 Rate - + + + + Coarse detune + Grovurstämning - - LFO 1 Phase - + + + + Envelope length + Konturlängd - - LFO 2 Waveform - + + Enable channel 1 + Aktivera kanal 1 - - LFO 2 Attack - + + Enable envelope 1 + Aktivera kontur 1 - - LFO 2 Rate - + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Aktivera kontur 1-loop - - LFO 2 Phase - + + Enable sweep 1 + Aktivera svep 1 - - Env 1 Pre-delay - + + + Sweep amount + Svepmängd - - Env 1 Attack - + + + Sweep rate + Svephastighet - - Env 1 Hold - + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5% arbetscykel - - Env 1 Decay - + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25% arbetscykel - - Env 1 Sustain - + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50% arbetscykel - - Env 1 Release - + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75% arbetscykel - - Env 1 Slope - + + Enable channel 2 + Aktivera kanal 2 - - Env 2 Pre-delay - + + Enable envelope 2 + Aktivera kontur 2 - - Env 2 Attack - + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Aktivera kontur 2-loop - - Env 2 Hold - + + Enable sweep 2 + Aktivera svep 2 - - Env 2 Decay - + + Enable channel 3 + Aktivera kanal 3 - - Env 2 Sustain - + + Noise Frequency + Brusfrekvens - - Env 2 Release - + + Frequency sweep + Frekvenssvep - - Env 2 Slope - + + Enable channel 4 + Aktivera kanal 4 - - Osc2-3 modulation - + + Enable envelope 4 + Aktivera kontur 4 - - Selected view - Vald vy + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Aktivera kontur 4-loop - - Vol1-Env1 - + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + Kvantifiera brusfrekvens vid användning av notfrekvens - - Vol1-Env2 - + + Use note frequency for noise + Använd notfrekvens för brus - - Vol1-LFO1 - + + Noise mode + Brusläge - - Vol1-LFO2 - + + Master volume + Huvudvolym - - Vol2-Env1 - + + Vibrato + Vibrato + + + OpulenzInstrument - - Vol2-Env2 - + + Patch + Inställning - - Vol2-LFO1 - + + Op 1 attack + Op. 1 stegring - - Vol2-LFO2 - + + Op 1 decay + Op. 1 sänkning - - Vol3-Env1 - + + Op 1 sustain + Op. 1 hållnivå - - Vol3-Env2 - + + Op 1 release + Op. 1 avklingning - - Vol3-LFO1 - + + Op 1 level + Op. 1 nivå - - Vol3-LFO2 - + + Op 1 level scaling + Op. 1 nivåskalning - - Phs1-Env1 - + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + Op. 1 frekvensmultiplikator - - Phs1-Env2 - + + Op 1 feedback + Op. 1 rundgång - - Phs1-LFO1 - + + Op 1 key scaling rate + Op. 1 skalskalningshastighet - - Phs1-LFO2 - + + Op 1 percussive envelope + Op.1 slagverkskontur - - Phs2-Env1 - + + Op 1 tremolo + Op. 1 tremolo - - Phs2-Env2 - + + Op 1 vibrato + Op. 1 vibrato - - Phs2-LFO1 - + + Op 1 waveform + Op. 1 vågform - - Phs2-LFO2 - + + Op 2 attack + Op. 2 stegring - - Phs3-Env1 - + + Op 2 decay + Op. 2 sänkning - - Phs3-Env2 - + + Op 2 sustain + Op. 2 hållnivå - - Phs3-LFO1 - + + Op 2 release + Op. 2 avklingning - - Phs3-LFO2 - + + Op 2 level + Op. 2 nivå - - Pit1-Env1 - + + Op 2 level scaling + Op. 2 nivåskalning - - Pit1-Env2 - + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + Op. 2 frekvensmultiplikator - - Pit1-LFO1 - + + Op 2 key scaling rate + Op. 2 skalskalningshastighet - - Pit1-LFO2 - + + Op 2 percussive envelope + Op. 2 slagverkskontur - - Pit2-Env1 - + + Op 2 tremolo + Op. 2 tremolo - - Pit2-Env2 - + + Op 2 vibrato + Op. 2 vibrato - - Pit2-LFO1 - + + Op 2 waveform + Op. 2 vågform - - Pit2-LFO2 - + + FM + FM - - Pit3-Env1 - + + Vibrato depth + Vibrato djup - - Pit3-Env2 - + + Tremolo depth + Tremolodjup + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - - Pit3-LFO1 - + + + Attack + Attack - - Pit3-LFO2 - + + + Decay + Decay - - PW1-Env1 - + + + Release + Release - - PW1-Env2 - + + + Frequency multiplier + Frekvensmultiplikator + + + OscillatorObject - - PW1-LFO1 - + + Osc %1 waveform + Osc. %1 vågform - - PW1-LFO2 - + + Osc %1 harmonic + Osc. %1 harmoni - - Sub3-Env1 - + + + Osc %1 volume + Osc %1 volym - - Sub3-Env2 - + + + Osc %1 panning + Osc %1 panorering - - Sub3-LFO1 - + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Osc. %1 finurstämning vänster - - Sub3-LFO2 - + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Osc. %1 grovurstämning - - - Sine wave - Sinusvåg + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Osc. %1 finurstämning höger - - Bandlimited Triangle wave - + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Osc. %1 fasposition - - Bandlimited Saw wave - + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Osc %1 stereofasurstämning - - Bandlimited Ramp wave - + + Osc %1 wave shape + Osc %1 vågform - - Bandlimited Square wave - + + Modulation type %1 + Moduleringstyp %1 + + + Oscilloscope - - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - + + Oscilloscope + Oscilloskop - - - Soft square wave - Mjuk fyrkantvåg + + Click to enable + Klicka för att aktivera + + + PatchesDialog - - Absolute sine wave - Absolut sinusvåg + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Kanal förinställd - - - Exponential wave - Exponentiell våg + + Bank selector + Bankväljare - - White noise - Vitt brus + + Bank + Bank - - Digital Triangle wave - Digital Triangelvåg + + Program selector + Programväljare - - Digital Saw wave - Digital Sågtandsvåg + + Patch + Inställning - - Digital Ramp wave - + + Name + Namn - - Digital Square wave - + + OK + OK - - Digital Moog saw wave - + + Cancel + Avbryt + + + PatmanView - - Triangle wave - Triangelvåg + + Open patch + Öppna inställning - - Saw wave - Sågtandsvåg + + Loop + Slinga - - Ramp wave - Rampvåg + + Loop mode + Slinga-läge - - Square wave - Fyrkantvåg + + Tune + Tune - - Moog saw wave - Moog sågtandsvåg + + Tune mode + Tune-läge - - Abs. sine wave - Abs. sinusvåg + + No file selected + Ingen fil vald - - Random - Slumpmässig + + Open patch file + Öppna patch-fil - - Random smooth - Slumpmässigt slät + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Patch-filer (*.pat) - MonstroView + MidiClipView - - Operators view - Operatörernas vy + + Open in piano-roll + Öppna i pianorulle - - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + Ange som spöke i pianorulle - - Matrix view - + + Clear all notes + Rensa alla noter - - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - + + Reset name + Nollställ namn - - - - Volume - Volym + + Change name + Byt namn - - - - Panning - Panorering + + Add steps + Lägg till steg - - - - Coarse detune - + + Remove steps + Ta bort steg - - - - semitones - halvtoner + + Clone Steps + Klona Steg + + + PeakController - - - Finetune left - + + Peak Controller + Toppkontroller - - - - - cents - + + Peak Controller Bug + Toppkontrollerbugg - - - Finetune right - + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + På grund av en bugg i äldre versioner av LMMS kan toppkontrollrarna kommat att inte anslutas korrekt. Försäkra dig om att toppkontrollrarna är anslutna korrekt och spara om denna fil. Eventuella olägeheter beklagas. + + + PeakControllerDialog - - - - Stereo phase offset - + + PEAK + TOPP - - - - - - deg - + + LFO Controller + LFO-kontroller + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + BAS - - Pulse width - + + Base: + Bas: - - Send sync on pulse rise - + + AMNT + BELP - - Send sync on pulse fall - + + Modulation amount: + Moduleringsmängd: - - Hard sync oscillator 2 - + + MULT + MULT - - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - + + Amount multiplicator: + Mängdmultiplikator: - - Sub-osc mix - + + ATCK + STGR - - Hard sync oscillator 3 - + + Attack: + Attack: - - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - + + DCAY + SÄNK - - - - - Attack - Attack + + Release: + Release: - - - Rate - Värdera + + TRSH + NIVÅ - - - Phase - Fas + + Treshold: + Tröskelvärde: - - - Pre-delay - + + Mute output + Tysta utgångs-ljud - - - Hold - Håll + + Absolute value + Absolut värde + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - - - Decay - Decay + + Base value + Basvärde - - - Sustain - Sustain + + Modulation amount + Moduleringsmängd - - - Release - Släpp + + Attack + Attack - - - Slope - Lutning + + Release + Release - - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - Mixa Osc2 med Osc3 + + Treshold + Tröskelvärde - - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modulera amplituden för Osc3 med Osc2 + + Mute output + Tysta utgångs-ljud - - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modulera frekvensen för Osc3 med Osc2 + + Absolute value + Absolut värde - - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - Modulera fasen för Osc3 med Osc2 + + Amount multiplicator + Mängdmultiplikator + + + PianoRoll - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - + + Note Velocity + Not-velocitet - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - + + Note Panning + Not-panorering - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Markera/avmarkera nuvarande halvton - - - - - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + Markera/avmarkera alla motsvarande oktavhalvtoner - - - - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - + + Mark current scale + Markera nuvarande skala - - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - + + Mark current chord + Markera nuvarande ackord - - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Unmark all + Avmarkera allt - - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Select all notes on this key + Välj alla noter på denna tangent - - - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - Hard sync: varje gång oscillatorn tar emot en synkroniseringssignal från oscillator 1 återställs dess fas till 0 + vad dess fasförskjutning är. + + Note lock + Notlås - - - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - + + Last note + Senaste noten - - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Välj vågform för oscillator 2. + + No key + Ingen skala - - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + No scale + Ingen skala - - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + No chord + Inget ackord - - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. + + Nudge - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. + + Snap - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - + + Velocity: %1% + Velocitet: %1% - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - + + Panning: %1% left + Panorering: %1% vänster - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - + + Panning: %1% right + Panorering: %1% höger - - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + Panning: center + Panorering: center - - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Glue notes failed - - - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. + + Please select notes to glue first. - - - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Dubbelklicka för att öppna ett mönster! - - - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Ange ett nytt värde mellan %1 och %2: + + + PianoRollWindow - - - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Spela/pausa aktuellt mönster (mellanslag) - - - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Spela in noter från MIDI-enhet/kanal-piano - - - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Spela in noter från MIDI-enhet/kanal-piano medan låt eller BB-spår spelas - - - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + Spela in noter från MIDI-enhet/kanal-piano, ett steg i taget - - - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Sluta spela aktuellt mönster (mellanslag) - - - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - + + Edit actions + Redigera åtgärder - - - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Ritläge (Skift+D) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Modulation amount - Moduleringsmängd + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Suddläge (Skift+E) - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - - Length - Längd + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Markeringsläge (Skift+S) - - Step length: - + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + Tonhöjdsböjningsläge (Shift+T) - - Dry - + + Quantize + Kvantisera - - Dry Gain: - + + Quantize positions + Kvantisera positioner - - Stages - Stadier + + Quantize lengths + Kvantisera längder - - Lowpass stages: - + + File actions + Filåtgärder - - Swap inputs - + + Import clip + Importera mönster - - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - + + + Export clip + Exportera mönster - - - NesInstrument - - Channel 1 Coarse detune - + + Copy paste controls + Kopiera/klistra-kontroller - - Channel 1 Volume - Kanal 1 volym + + Cut (%1+X) + Klipp ut (%1+X) - - Channel 1 Envelope length - + + Copy (%1+C) + Kopiera (%1+C) - - Channel 1 Duty cycle - + + Paste (%1+V) + Klistra in (%1+V) - - Channel 1 Sweep amount - + + Timeline controls + Tidslinjekontroller - - Channel 1 Sweep rate + + Glue - - Channel 2 Coarse detune + + Knife - - Channel 2 Volume - Kanal 2 volym + + Fill + Fyll - - Channel 2 Envelope length + + Cut overlaps - - Channel 2 Duty cycle + + Min length as last - - Channel 2 Sweep amount + + Max length as last - - Channel 2 Sweep rate - + + Zoom and note controls + Zoom- och notkontroller - - Channel 3 Coarse detune - + + Horizontal zooming + Horisontell zoomning - - Channel 3 Volume - Kanal 3 volym + + Vertical zooming + Vertikal zoomning - - Channel 4 Volume - Kanal 4 volym + + Quantization + Kvantisering - - Channel 4 Envelope length - + + Note length + Notlängd - - Channel 4 Noise frequency - + + Key + Skala - - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - + + Scale + Skala - - Master volume - Huvudvolym + + Chord + Ackord - - Vibrato + + Snap mode - - - NesInstrumentView - - - - - Volume - Volym + + Clear ghost notes + Rensa spöknoter - - - - Coarse detune - + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Pianorulle - %1 - - - - Envelope length - + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Pianorulle - inget mönster - - Enable channel 1 - Aktivera kanal 1 + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + XML-mönsterfil (*.xpt *.xptz) - - Enable envelope 1 - + + Export clip success + Export av mönster lyckades - - Enable envelope 1 loop - + + Clip saved to %1 + Mönster sparat till %1 - - Enable sweep 1 - Aktivera svep 1 + + Import clip. + Importera mönster. - - - Sweep amount - Svepmängd + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + Du håller på att importera ett mönster, detta kommer att skriva över ditt nuvarande mönster. Vill du fortsätta? - - - Sweep rate - Svephastighet + + Open clip + Öppet mönster - - - 12.5% Duty cycle - + + Import clip success + Import av mönster lyckades - - - 25% Duty cycle - + + Imported clip %1! + Importerat mönstret %1! + + + PianoView - - - 50% Duty cycle - + + Base note + Basnot - - - 75% Duty cycle + + First note - - Enable channel 2 - Aktivera kanal 2 + + Last note + Senaste noten + + + Plugin - - Enable envelope 2 - + + Plugin not found + Tillägget hittades inte - - Enable envelope 2 loop - + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + Tillägget "%1" hittades inte eller kunde inte läsas in! +Orsak: "%2" - - Enable sweep 2 - + + Error while loading plugin + Fel vid inläsning av tillägg - - Enable channel 3 - Aktivera kanal 3 + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Misslyckades att läsa in tillägget "%1"! + + + PluginBrowser - - Noise Frequency - Brusfrekvens + + Instrument Plugins + Instrument-tillägg - - Frequency sweep - + + Instrument browser + Instrument bläddrare - - Enable channel 4 - Aktivera kanal 4 + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + Dra ett instrument till antingen Låtredigeraren, Takt+Basgång-redigeraren eller till ett befintligt instrumentspår. - - Enable envelope 4 - + + no description + ingen beskrivning - - Enable envelope 4 loop - + + A native amplifier plugin + En inbyggd förstärkare-tillägg - - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Kvantifiera brusfrekvens vid användning av notfrekvens + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Enkel sampler med olika inställningar för att använda samplingar (t. ex. trummor) i ett instrumentspår - - Use note frequency for noise - Använd notfrekvens för brus + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Öka din bas på snabbt och enkelt sätt - - Noise mode - Brusläge + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Anpassa vågtabellssynthesizer - - Master Volume - Huvudvolym + + An oversampling bitcrusher + En översamplande bitkrossare - - Vibrato - + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Instrument för Carla Kopplingsplint - - - OscillatorObject - - Osc %1 waveform - + + Carla Rack Instrument + Carla Rack-instrument - - Osc %1 harmonic + + A dynamic range compressor. - - - Osc %1 volume - Osc %1 volym - - - - - Osc %1 panning - Osc %1 panorering + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + En 4-bands korsningspunkts frekvenskorrigerare - - - Osc %1 fine detuning left - + + A native delay plugin + Ett inbyggt fördröjningstillägg - - Osc %1 coarse detuning - + + A Dual filter plugin + Ett Dual filter-tillägg - - Osc %1 fine detuning right - + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + tillägg för dynamisk bearbetning på ett flexibelt sätt - - Osc %1 phase-offset - + + A native eq plugin + Ett inbyggt eq-tillägg - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - + + A native flanger plugin + Ett inbyggt flanger-tillägg - - Osc %1 wave shape - + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Emulering av GameBoy (TM) APU - - Modulation type %1 - Moduleringstyp %1 + + Player for GIG files + Spelare för GIG-filer - - - PatchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: Kanal förinställd + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Filter för att importera Hydrogen-filer till LMMS - - Bank selector - Bankväljare + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Mångsidig trum-synth - - Bank - Bank + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Lista installerade LADSPA-tillägg - - Program selector - Programväljare + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + tillägg för att använda godtyckliga LADSPA-effekter inom LMMS. - - Patch - + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Ofullstädig monofonisk imitation av TB-303 - - Name - Namn + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + tillägg för användning av godtyckliga LV2-effekter inuti LMMS. - - OK - OK + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + tillägg för användning av godtyckliga LV2-instrument inuti LMMS. - - Cancel - Avbryt + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Filter för att exportera MIDI-filer från LMMS - - - PatmanView - - Open other patch - + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Filter för att importera MIDI-filer till LMMS - - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + Monstruös 3-oscillatorsynth med moduleringsmix - - Loop - Slinga + + A multitap echo delay plugin + Ett flertapps ekofördröjningstillägg - - Loop mode - Slinga-läge + + A NES-like synthesizer + En NES-lik synthesizer - - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - + + 2-operator FM Synth + 2-operators FM-synth - - Tune - Tune + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Additiv synthesizer för orgellika ljud - - Tune mode - Tune-läge + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + GUS-kompatibelt kopplingsinstrument - - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Tillägg för styrning av rattar med ljudtoppar - - No file selected - Ingen fil vald + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Reverb-algoritm av Sean Costello - - Open patch file - Öppna patch-fil + + Player for SoundFont files + Spelare för SoundFont-filer - - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Patch-filer (*.pat) + + LMMS port of sfxr + LMMS-port av sfxr - - - PatternView - - use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step - använd mushjulet för att ställa in hastigheten på ett steg + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Emulering av MOS6581 och MODS 8580 SID. +Detta chip användes i datorn Commodore 64. - - double-click to open in Piano Roll - Dubbelklicka för att öppna i Pianorulle + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + En grafisk spektrumanalysator - - Open in piano-roll - Öppna i pianorulle + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Tillägg för att förbättra stereoseparation av en stereoingångsfil - - Clear all notes - Rensa alla noter + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Tillägg för fritt manipulera stereoutgång - - Reset name - Nollställ namn + + Tuneful things to bang on + Melodiska saker att slå på - - Change name - Byt namn + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Tre kraftfulla oscillatorer du kan modulera på flera sätt - - Add steps - Lägg till steg + + A stereo field visualizer. + Stereofältsvisualiserare. - - Remove steps - Ta bort steg + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + VST-värd för att använda VST(i)-tillägg inom LMMS - - Clone Steps - Klona Steg + + Vibrating string modeler + Modellerare för vibrerande strängar - - - PeakController - - Peak Controller - + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + tillägg för att använda godtyckliga VST-effekter inom LMMS. - - Peak Controller Bug - + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + 4-oscillators modulerbar vågtabellssynth - - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - + + plugin for waveshaping + tillägg för vågformande - - - PeakControllerDialog - - PEAK - + + Mathematical expression parser + Tolk för matematiska uttryck - - LFO Controller - + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Inbäddad ZynAddSubFX - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - - BASE - - + PluginDatabaseW - - Base amount: - + + Carla - Add New + Carla - Lägg till ny - - AMNT - + + Format + Format - - Modulation amount: - Moduleringsmängd: + + Internal + Intern - - MULT - + + LADSPA + LADSPA - - Amount Multiplicator: - + + DSSI + DSSI - - ATCK - + + LV2 + LV2 - - Attack: - Attack: + + VST2 + VST2 - - DCAY - + + VST3 + VST3 - - Release: - Release: + + AU + AU - - TRSH - + + Sound Kits + Ljuduppsättning - - Treshold: - Tröskelvärde: + + Type + Typ - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - - Base value - Basvärde + + Effects + Effekter - - Modulation amount - Moduleringsmängd + + Instruments + Instrument - - Attack - Attack + + MIDI Plugins + MIDI-tillägg - - Release - Släpp + + Other/Misc + Annat/diverse - - Treshold - Tröskelvärde + + Architecture + Arkitektur - - Mute output - Tysta utgångs-ljud + + Native + Inbyggt - - Abs Value - Abs-värde + + Bridged + Bryggad - - Amount Multiplicator - + + Bridged (Wine) + Bryggad (Wine) - - - PianoRoll - - Note Velocity - Nothastighet + + Requirements + Krav - - Note Panning - Not-panorering + + With Custom GUI + Med anpassat användargränssnitt - - Mark/unmark current semitone - Markera/avmarkera nuvarande halvton + + With CV Ports + Med CV-portar - - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Markera/avmarkera alla motsvarande oktavhalvtoner + + Real-time safe only + Endast realtidssäkert - - Mark current scale - Markera nuvarande skala + + Stereo only + Endast stereo - - Mark current chord - Markera nuvarande ackord + + With Inline Display + Med inbyggd visning - - Unmark all - Avmarkera allt + + Favorites only + Endast favoriter - - Select all notes on this key - Välj alla noter på denna tangent + + (Number of Plugins go here) + (Antal tillägg placeras här) - - Note lock - Notlås + + &Add Plugin + &Lägg till tillägg - - Last note - Senaste noten + + Cancel + Avbryt - - No scale - Ingen skala + + Refresh + Uppdatera - - No chord - Inget ackord + + Reset filters + Återställ filter - - Velocity: %1% - Hastighet: %1% + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + TextLabel - - Panning: %1% left - Panorering: %1% vänster + + Format: + Format: - - Panning: %1% right - Panorering: %1% höger + + Architecture: + Arkitektur: - - Panning: center - Panorering: center + + Type: + Typ: - - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Dubbelklicka för att öppna ett mönster! + + MIDI Ins: + MIDI in: - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Ange ett nytt värde mellan %1 och %2: + + Audio Ins: + Ljudingångar: - - - PianoRollWindow - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Spela/pausa aktuellt mönster (mellanslag) + + CV Outs: + CV-utgångar: - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Spela in noter från MIDI-enhet/kanal-piano + + MIDI Outs: + MIDI ut: - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Spela in noter från MIDI-enhet/kanal-piano medan sång eller BB-spår spelas + + Parameter Ins: + Parameteringångar: - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Sluta spela aktuellt mönster (mellanslag) + + Parameter Outs: + Parameterutgångar: - - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Klicka här för att spela det aktuella mönstret, detta är användbart när man redigerar. Mönstret spelas från början igen när det nått sitt slut. + + Audio Outs: + Ljudutgångar: - - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - + + CV Ins: + CV-ingångar: - - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - + + UniqueID: + UniqueID: - - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Klicka här för att stoppa uppspelning av de aktuella mönstret. + + Has Inline Display: + Har inbyggd visning: - - Edit actions - Redigera åtgärder + + Has Custom GUI: + Has anpassat användargränssnitt: - - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Ritläge (Skift+D) + + Is Synth: + Är en synth: - - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Suddläge (Skift+E) + + Is Bridged: + Är bryggad: - - Select mode (Shift+S) - Markeringsläge (Skift+S) + + Information + Information - - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - Klicka här och ritläget kommer att aktiveras. I det här läget kan du lägga till, ändra storlek och flytta anteckningar. Detta är standardläget som används för det mesta. Du kan också trycka på 'Shift+D' på tangentbordet för att aktivera det här läget. I det här läget håller du %1 intryckt för att tillfälligt gå in i välja-läget. + + Name + Namn - - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Klicka här och radera-läge kommer att aktiveras. I det här läget kan du radera anteckningar. Du kan också trycka på "Skift+E" på tangentbordet för att aktivera det här läget. + + Label/URI + Etikett/URI - - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - Klicka här och välja-läget aktiveras. I det här läget kan du välja anteckningar. Alternativt kan du hålla %1 i ritläget för att tillfälligt använda välja-läget. + + Maker + Tillverkare - - Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - + + Binary/Filename + Binär/filnamn - - Click here and Pitch Bend mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - + + Focus Text Search + Fokusera på textsökning - - Quantize - + + Ctrl+F + Ctrl+F + + + PluginEdit - - Copy paste controls - + + Plugin Editor + Tilläggsredigerare - - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Klipp ut valda noter (%1+X) + + Edit + Redigera - - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Kopiera valda noter (%1+C) + + Control + Kontroll - - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Klistra in noter (%1+V) + + MIDI Control Channel: + MIDI-kontrollkanal: - - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klicka här och de valda noterna kommer att klippas ut till urklipp. Du kan klistra in dem var som helst i något mönster genom att klicka på knappen klistra in. + + N + N - - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - Klicka här och de valda anteckningarna kopieras till urklipp. Du kan klistra in dem var som helst i något mönster genom att klicka på knappen klistra in. + + Output dry/wet (100%) + Utgång original/effekt (100%) - - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - + + Output volume (100%) + Utgångsvolym (100%) - - Timeline controls - Tidslinjekontroller + + Balance Left (0%) + Balans vänster (0%) - - Zoom and note controls - + + + Balance Right (0%) + Balans höger (0%) - - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - + + Use Balance + Använd balans - - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - + + Use Panning + Använd panorering - - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - + + Settings + Inställningar - - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - + + Use Chunks + Använd stycken - - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - + + Audio: + Ljud: - - - Piano-Roll - %1 - Pianorulle - %1 + + Fixed-Size Buffer + Buffer med fix storlek - - - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Pianorulle - inget mönster + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + Tvingad stereo (kräver omstart) - - - PianoView - - Base note - Basnot + + MIDI: + MIDI: - - - Plugin - - Plugin not found - Instickmodulen hittades inte + + Map Program Changes + Mapp programändringar - - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - Instickmodulen "%1" hittades inte eller kunde inte läsas in! -Orsak: "%2" + + Send Bank/Program Changes + Skicka bank-/programändringar - - Error while loading plugin - Fel vid inläsning av instickmodulen + + Send Control Changes + Skicka kontrolländringar - - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Misslyckades att läsa in insticksmodulen "%1"! + + Send Channel Pressure + Skicka kanaltryck - - - PluginBrowser - - Instrument Plugins - Instrument insticksmoduler + + Send Note Aftertouch + Skicka efterberöring för noter - - Instrument browser - Instrument bläddrare + + Send Pitchbend + Skicka tonhöjdsböjning - - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Dra ett instrument till antingen Låtredigeraren, Takt+Basgång-redigeraren eller till ett befintligt instrument spår. + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + Skicka alla ljud/noter av - - - PluginFactory - - Plugin not found. - Insticksmodulen hittades inte. + + +Plugin Name + + +Tilläggsnamn + - - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - + + Program: + Program: - - - ProjectNotes - - Project Notes - Projektanteckningar + + MIDI Program: + MIDI-program: - - Enter project notes here - + + Save State + Spara tillstånd - - Edit Actions - Redigera Åtgärder + + Load State + Ladda tillstånd - - &Undo - &Ångra + + Information + Information - - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Label/URI: + Etikett/URI: - - &Redo - &Gör om + + Name: + Namn: - - %1+Y - %1+Y + + Type: + Typ: - - &Copy - &Kopiera + + Maker: + Tillverkare: - - %1+C - %1+C + + Copyright: + Upphovsrätt: - - Cu&t - Klipp u&t + + Unique ID: + Unikt ID: + + + PluginFactory - - %1+X - %1+X + + Plugin not found. + Tillägget hittades inte. - - &Paste - &Klistra in + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + LMMS-tillägget %1 har ingen tilläggsbeskrivning med namnet %2! + + + PluginParameter - - %1+V - %1+V + + Form + Form - - Format Actions - + + Parameter Name + Parameternamn - - &Bold - &Fet + + ... + ... + + + PluginRefreshW - - %1+B - %1+B + + Carla - Refresh + Carla - Uppdatera - - &Italic - &Kursiv + + Search for new... + Sök efter nya... - - %1+I - %1+I + + LADSPA + LADSPA - - &Underline - &Understruken + + DSSI + DSSI - - %1+U - %1+U + + LV2 + LV2 - - &Left - &Vänster + + VST2 + VST2 - - %1+L - %1+L + + VST3 + VST3 - - C&enter - C&entrera + + AU + AU - - %1+E - %1+E + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 - - &Right - &Höger + + SFZ + SFZ - - %1+R - %1+R + + Native + Inbyggt - - &Justify - &Justera + + POSIX 32bit + POSIX 32bit - - %1+J - %1+J + + POSIX 64bit + POSIX 64bit - - &Color... - &Färg... + + Windows 32bit + Windows 32bit - - - ProjectRenderer - - WAV-File (*.wav) - WAV-Fil (*.wav) + + Windows 64bit + Windows 64bit - - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Komprimerad OGG-Fil (*.ogg) + + Available tools: + Tillgängliga verktyg: - - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) - Komprimerad MP3-fil ( *.mp3) + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF-stöd) - - - QWidget - - - - Name: - Namn: + + carla-discovery-win64 + carla-discovery-win64 - - - Maker: - Skapare: + + carla-discovery-native + carla-discovery-native - - - Copyright: - Copyright: + + carla-discovery-posix32 + carla-discovery-posix32 - - - Requires Real Time: - + + carla-discovery-posix64 + carla-discovery-posix64 - - - - - - - Yes - Ja + + carla-discovery-win32 + carla-discovery-win32 - - - - - - - No - Nej + + Options: + Alternativ: - - - Real Time Capable: - + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + Carla kommer att köra små bearbetningskontroller vid skanning av tillägg (för att se till att de inte kraschar). +Du kan inaktivera dessa kontroller för att få en snabbare skanningstid (på egen risk). - - - In Place Broken: - + + Run processing checks while scanning + Kör processkontroller under detektering - - - Channels In: - Kanaler In: + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + Tryck på 'Skanna' för att påbörja sökningen - - - Channels Out: - Kanaler Ut: + + Scan + Skanna - - File: %1 - Fil: %1 + + >> Skip + >> Hoppa - - File: - Fil: + + Close + Stäng - RenameDialog + PluginWidget - - Rename... - Byt namn... + + + + + + Frame + Bild - - - ReverbSCControlDialog - - Input - Ingång + + Enable + Aktivera - - Input Gain: - Input Förstärkning: + + On/Off + På/Av - - Size - Storlek + + + + + PluginName + Tilläggsnamn - - Size: - Storlek: + + MIDI + MIDI - - Color - Färg + + AUDIO IN + LJUDINGÅNG - - Color: - Färg: + + AUDIO OUT + LJUDUTGÅNG - - Output - Utgång + + GUI + Användargränssnitt - - Output Gain: - Output Förstärkning + + Edit + Redigera + + + + Remove + Ta bort + + + + Plugin Name + Tilläggsnamn + + + + Preset: + Förinställning: - ReverbSCControls + ProjectNotes - - Input Gain - Ingångsförstärkning + + Project Notes + Projektanteckningar - - Size - Storlek + + Enter project notes here + Ange projektnoteringar här - - Color - Färg + + Edit Actions + Redigera Åtgärder - - Output Gain - Utgångsförstärkning + + &Undo + &Ångra - - - SampleBuffer - - Fail to open file - Misslyckas med att öppna filen + + %1+Z + %1+Z - - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - Ljudfiler är begränsade till %1 MB i storlek och %2 minuters speltid + + &Redo + &Gör om - - Open audio file - Öppna ljudfil + + %1+Y + %1+Y - - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Alla ljudfiler (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + &Copy + &Kopiera - - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Wave-filer (*.wav) + + %1+C + %1+C - - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - OGG-filer (*.ogg) + + Cu&t + Klipp u&t - - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - DrumSynth-filer (*.ds) + + %1+X + %1+X - - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - FLAC-filer (*.flac) + + &Paste + &Klistra in - - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - SPEEX-filer (*.spx) + + %1+V + %1+V - - VOC-Files (*.voc) - VOC-filer (*.voc) + + Format Actions + Formatåtgärder - - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - AIFF-filer (*.aif *.aiff) + + &Bold + &Fet - - AU-Files (*.au) - AU-filer (*.au) + + %1+B + %1+B - - RAW-Files (*.raw) - RAW-filer (*.raw) + + &Italic + &Kursiv - - - SampleTCOView - - double-click to select sample - dubbelklicka för att välja ljudfil + + %1+I + %1+I - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Ta bort (musens mitt-knapp) + + &Underline + &Understruken - - Cut - Klipp ut + + %1+U + %1+U - - Copy - Kopiera + + &Left + &Vänster - - Paste - Klistra in + + %1+L + %1+L - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Tysta/avtysta (<%1> + mittenklick) + + C&enter + C&entrera - - - SampleTrack - - Volume - Volym + + %1+E + %1+E - - Panning - Panorering + + &Right + &Höger - - - Sample track - Ljudspår + + %1+R + %1+R - - - SampleTrackView - - Track volume - Spårvolym + + &Justify + &Justera - - Channel volume: - Kanalvolym: + + %1+J + %1+J - - VOL - VOL + + &Color... + &Färg... + + + ProjectRenderer - - Panning - Panorering + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) - - Panning: - Panorering: + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) - - PAN - PAN + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) - SetupDialog + QObject - - Setup LMMS - Ställ in LMMS + + Reload Plugin + Läs in tillägg igen - - - General settings - Allmänna inställningar + + Show GUI + Visa användargränssnitt - - BUFFER SIZE - BUFFERTSTORLEK + + Help + Hjälp + + + QWidget - - - Reset to default-value - Återställ till standardvärde + + + + + Name: + Namn: - - MISC - + + URI: + URI: - - Enable tooltips - Aktivera verktygstips + + + + Maker: + Skapare: - - Show restart warning after changing settings - Visa omstartsvarning efter att ha ändrat inställningar + + + + Copyright: + Copyright: - - Display volume as dBFS - Visa volym som dBFS + + + Requires Real Time: + Kräver realtid: - - Compress project files per default - Komprimera projektfiler som standard + + + + + + + Yes + Ja - - One instrument track window mode - + + + + + + + No + Nej - - HQ-mode for output audio-device - HQ-läge för ljudenhetsutgång + + + Real Time Capable: + Klarar realtid: - - Compact track buttons - Kompakta spårknappar + + + In Place Broken: + Trasig på plats: - - Sync VST plugins to host playback - + + + Channels In: + Kanaler in: - - Enable note labels in piano roll - Visa noter i pianorulle + + + Channels Out: + Kanaler ut: - - Enable waveform display by default - Aktivera vågformsvisning som standard + + File: %1 + Fil: %1 - - Keep effects running even without input - Håll effekter igång även utan ingång + + File: + Fil: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - - Create backup file when saving a project - Skapa en backup-fil när ett projekt sparas + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Nyligen öppnade projekt + + + RenameDialog - - Reopen last project on start - Öppna senaste projektet vid start + + Rename... + Byt namn... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - - Use built-in NaN handler - Använd inbyggd NaN-hanterare + + Input + Ingång - - PLUGIN EMBEDDING - + + Input gain: + Ingångsförstärkning: - - No embedding - + + Size + Storlek - - Embed using Qt API - + + Size: + Storlek: - - Embed using native Win32 API - + + Color + Färg - - Embed using XEmbed protocol - + + Color: + Färg: - - LANGUAGE - SPRÅK + + Output + Utgång - - - Paths - Sökvägar + + Output gain: + Utgångsförstärkning: + + + ReverbSCControls - - Directories - Kataloger + + Input gain + Ingångsförstärkning - - LMMS working directory - LMMS-arbetsmapp + + Size + Storlek - - Themes directory - Mapp för teman + + Color + Färg - - Background artwork - Bakgrund konstverk + + Output gain + Utgångsförstärkning + + + SaControls - - VST-plugin directory - Mapp för VST-insticksmoduler + + Pause + Pausa - - GIG directory - Mapp för GIG-filer + + Reference freeze + Referensfrysning - - SF2 directory - Mapp för SF2-filer + + Waterfall + Vattenfall - - LADSPA plugin directories - Katalog för LADSPA-insticksmoduler + + Averaging + Medelvärdesbildning - - STK rawwave directory - Mapp för STK rå-vågform + + Stereo + Stereo - - Default Soundfont File - Standard Soundfont-fil + + Peak hold + Topphållning - - - Performance settings - Prestandainställningar + + Logarithmic frequency + Logaritmisk frekvens - - Auto save - Spara automatiskt + + Logarithmic amplitude + Logaritmisk amplitud - - Enable auto-save - Aktivera automatisk sparande + + Frequency range + Frekvensområde - - Allow auto-save while playing - Tillåt automatisk sparande när du spelar + + Amplitude range + Amplitudomfång - - UI effects vs. performance - UI-effekter vs. prestanda + + FFT block size + Blockstorlek för FFT - - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - Mjuk rullning i Låtredigeraren + + FFT window type + FFT-fönstertyp - - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Visa uppspelningsmarkören i AudioFileProcessor + + Peak envelope resolution + Toppkonturupplösning - - - Audio settings - Ljudinställningar + + Spectrum display resolution + Spektrumvisningsupplösning - - AUDIO INTERFACE - LJUDGRÄNSSNITT + + Peak decay multiplier + Toppavklingingsmultiplikator - - - MIDI settings - MIDI-inställningar + + Averaging weight + Genomsnittsviktning - - MIDI INTERFACE - MIDIGRÄNSSNITT + + Waterfall history size + Historikstorlek för vattenfall - - OK - OK + + Waterfall gamma correction + Gammakorrigering för vattenfall - - Cancel - Avbryt + + FFT window overlap + Överlappning för FFT-fönster - - Restart LMMS - Starta om LMMS + + FFT zero padding + Nollfyllnad för FFT - - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - Många av ändringarna kommer inte gälla förrän LMMS startats om! + + + Full (auto) + Fullständig (automatisk) - - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Ramar: %1 -Latens: %2 ms + + + + Audible + Hörbart - - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - Här kan du ställa in den interna buffertstorleken som används av LMMS. Mindre värden resulterar i en lägre latens men kan också orsaka oanvändbart ljud eller dålig prestanda, särskilt på äldre datorer eller system med en icke-realtidskernel. + + Bass + Bas - - Choose LMMS working directory - Välj LMMS-arbetsmapp + + Mids + Mellanregister - - Choose your GIG directory - Välj din GIG-mapp + + High + Hög - - Choose your SF2 directory - Välj din SF2-mapp + + Extended + Utökat + + + + Loud + Högljudd - - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Välj mapp för dina VST-insticksmoduler + + Silent + Tyst - - Choose artwork-theme directory - Välj mapp för gränssnitts-tema + + (High time res.) + (Hög tidsuppl.) - - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Välj mapp för LADSPA-insticksmoduler + + (High freq. res.) + (Hög frekv.uppl.) - - Choose STK rawwave directory - Välj mapp för STK-rawwave + + Rectangular (Off) + Rektangulär (Av) - - Choose default SoundFont - Välj standard-SoundFont + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + Blackman-Harris (Standard) - - Choose background artwork - Välj bakgrunds-grafik + + Hamming + Hamming - - minutes - minuter + + Hanning + Hanning + + + SaControlsDialog - - minute - minut + + Pause + Pausa - - Disabled - Inaktiverad + + Pause data acquisition + Pausa datainsamling - - Auto-save interval: %1 - Automatiskt sparande intervall: %1 + + Reference freeze + Referensfrysning - - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + Frys aktuella ingång som en referens / inaktivera fall i topphållningsläge. - - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - + + Waterfall + Vattenfall - - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - + + Display real-time spectrogram + Visa spektrogram i realtid - - - Song - - Tempo - Tempo + + Averaging + Medelvärdesbildning - - Master volume - Huvudvolym + + Enable exponential moving average + Aktivera exponentiellt glidande medelvärde - - Master pitch - + + Stereo + Stereo - - LMMS Error report - LMMS Felrapport + + Display stereo channels separately + Visa stereokanaler separat - - Project saved - Projekt sparat + + Peak hold + Topphållning - - The project %1 is now saved. - Projektet %1 är nu sparat. + + Display envelope of peak values + Visa kontur för toppvärden - - Project NOT saved. - Projektet är INTE sparat. + + Logarithmic frequency + Logaritmisk frekvens - - The project %1 was not saved! - Projektet %1 sparades inte! + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + Växla mellan logaritmisk och linjär frekvensskala - - Import file - Importera fil + + + Frequency range + Frekvensområde - - MIDI sequences - MIDI-sekvenser + + Logarithmic amplitude + Logaritmisk amplitud - - Hydrogen projects - + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + Växla mellan logaritmisk och linjär amplitudskala - - All file types - Alla filtyper + + + Amplitude range + Amplitudomfång - - - Empty project - Tomt projekt + + Envelope res. + Konturuppl. - - - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - Projektet är tomt, export är meningslöst. Skapa något i Låtredigeraren innan du exporterar! + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Öka konturupplösning för fler detaljer, minska för bättre användargrässnittsprestanda. - - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Välj mapp för att skriva exporterade spår... + + + Draw at most + Rita som mest - - - untitled - namnlös + + envelope points per pixel + konturpunkter per pixel - - - Select file for project-export... - Välj fil för projekt-export... + + Spectrum res. + Spektrum uppl. - - Save project - Spara projekt + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Öka spektrumupplösningen för bättre detaljer, minska för bättre användargränssnittsprestanda. - - MIDI File (*.mid) - MIDI-fil (*.mid) + + spectrum points per pixel + spektrumpunkter per pixel - - The following errors occured while loading: - Följande fel inträffade under inläsning: + + Falloff factor + Fallfaktor - - - SongEditor - - Could not open file - Kunde inte öppna fil + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + Minska för att topparna ska falla snabbare. - - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Det gick inte att öppna filen %1. Du har förmodligen inga behörigheter att läsa den här filen. - Se till att ha åtminstone läsbehörigheter till filen och försök igen. + + Multiply buffered value by + Multiplera buffrat värde med - - Could not write file - Kunde inte skriva fil + + Averaging weight + Genomsnittsviktning - - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Det gick inte att öppna %1 för att skriva. Du har förmodligen inte tillåtelse att skriva till den här filen. Se till att du har skrivåtkomst till filen och försök igen. + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + Minska för att göra medelvädesbildning långsammare och mjukare. - - Error in file - Fel i filen + + New sample contributes + Nytt sample bidrar - - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Filen %1 verkar innehålla fel och kan därför inte läsas in. + + Waterfall height + Vattenfallshöjd - - Version difference - Versions-skillnad + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + Öka för att gå lånsammare rullning, minska för att se snabba övergångar bättre. Varning: medel CPU-användning. - - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - Detta %1 skapades med LMMS %2. + + Keep + Behåll - - template - mall + + lines + linjer - - project - projekt + + Waterfall gamma + Vattenfallsgamma - - Tempo - Tempo + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + Minska för att se väldigt svara signaler, öka för att få bättre kontrast. - - TEMPO/BPM - TEMPO/BPM + + Gamma value: + Gammavärde: - - tempo of song - Sångtempo + + Window overlap + Fönster överlappning - - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + Öka för att undvika att missa snabba övergångar som uppträder nära FFT-fönstrets kanter. Varning: hög CPU-användning. - - High quality mode - Hög kvalitet läge + + Each sample processed + Varje sampel hanterat - - - Master volume - Huvudvolym + + times + gånger - - master volume - huvudvolym + + Zero padding + Nollfyllnad - - - Master pitch - + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + Öka för att få ett spektrum som ser mjukare ut. Varning: hög CPU-använding. - - master pitch - + + Processing buffer is + Hanteringsbuffert är - - Value: %1% - Värde: %1% + + steps larger than input block + steg större än ingångsblock - - Value: %1 semitones - Värde: %1 halvtoner + + Advanced settings + Avancerade inställningar - - - SongEditorWindow - - Song-Editor - Låtredigerare + + Access advanced settings + Kom åt avancerade inställningar - - Play song (Space) - Spela sång (Mellanslag) + + + FFT block size + Blockstorlek för FFT - - Record samples from Audio-device - Spela in samplingar från ljudenheten + + + FFT window type + FFT-fönstertyp + + + SampleBuffer - - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Spela in samplingar från ljudenheten medan du spelar låten eller BB-spåret + + Fail to open file + Misslyckas med att öppna filen - - Stop song (Space) - Sluta spela sång (Mellanslag) + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Ljudfiler är begränsade till %1 MB i storlek och %2 minuters speltid - - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - Klicka här, om du vill spela hela din låt. Uppspelningen startas vid sångplaceringsmarkören (grön). Du kan också flytta den medan du spelar. + + Open audio file + Öppna ljudfil - - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Alla ljudfiler (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - - Track actions - Spåråtgärder + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Wave-filer (*.wav) - - Add beat/bassline - Lägg till takt/basgång + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + OGG-filer (*.ogg) - - Add sample-track - Lägg till ljudspår + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + DrumSynth-filer (*.ds) - - Add automation-track - Lägg till automationsspår + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + FLAC-filer (*.flac) - - Edit actions - Redigera åtgärder + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + SPEEX-filer (*.spx) - - Draw mode - Ritläge + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + VOC-filer (*.voc) - - Edit mode (select and move) - Redigeringsläge (välj och flytta) + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + AIFF-filer (*.aif *.aiff) - - Timeline controls - Tidslinjekontroller + + AU-Files (*.au) + AU-filer (*.au) - - Zoom controls - Zoomningskontroller + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + RAW-filer (*.raw) - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog + SampleClipView - - Linear spectrum - Linjärt spektrum + + Double-click to open sample + Dubbelklicka för att öppna sampel - - Linear Y axis - Linjär Y-axel + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Ta bort (musens mitt-knapp) - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - - Linear spectrum - Linjärt spektrum + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + Ta bort markering (mittenmusknapp) - - Linear Y axis - Linjär Y-axel + + Cut + Klipp ut - - Channel mode - Kanalläge + + Cut selection + Klipp ut markering - - - SubWindow - - Close - Stäng + + Copy + Kopiera - - Maximize - Maximera + + Copy selection + Kopiera markering - - Restore - Återställ + + Paste + Klistra in - - - TabWidget - - - Settings for %1 - Inställningar för %1 + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Tysta/avtysta (<%1> + mittenklick) - - - TempoSyncKnob - - - Tempo Sync - Temposynkronisering + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + Tysta/öppna markering (<%1> + mittenklick) - - No Sync - Ingen synkronisering + + Reverse sample + Spela baklänges - - Eight beats - Åtta takter + + Set clip color + - - Whole note - Hel-not + + Use track color + Använd spårfärg + + + SampleTrack - - Half note - Halvnot + + Volume + Volym - - Quarter note - Fjärdedelsnot + + Panning + Panorering - - 8th note - 8:e noten + + Mixer channel + FX-kanal - - 16th note - 16:e noten + + + Sample track + Ljudspår + + + SampleTrackView - - 32nd note - 32:e noten + + Track volume + Spårvolym - - Custom... - Anpassad... + + Channel volume: + Kanalvolym: - - Custom - Anpassad + + VOL + VOL - - Synced to Eight Beats - Synkroniserad till Åtta Takter + + Panning + Panorering - - Synced to Whole Note - Synkroniserad till helnoten + + Panning: + Panorering: - - Synced to Half Note - Synkroniserad till halvnoten + + PAN + PAN - - Synced to Quarter Note - Synkroniserad till fjärdedelsnoten + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + SampleTrackWindow - - Synced to 8th Note - Synkroniserad till 8:e noten + + GENERAL SETTINGS + ALLMÄNNA INSTÄLLNINGAR - - Synced to 16th Note - Synkroniserad till 16:e noten + + Sample volume + Sampelvolym + + + + Volume: + Volym: - - Synced to 32nd Note - Synkroniserad till 32:e noten + + VOL + VOL - - - TimeDisplayWidget - - click to change time units - Klicka för att ändra tidsenheter + + Panning + Panorering - - MIN - MIN + + Panning: + Panorering: - - SEC - SEK + + PAN + PAN - - MSEC - MSEK + + Mixer channel + FX-kanal - - BAR - + + CHANNEL + FX + + + SaveOptionsWidget - - BEAT - TAKT + + Discard MIDI connections + Kassera MIDI-anslutningar - - TICK - TICK + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + Spara som projektpaket (med resurser) - TimeLineWidget + SetupDialog - - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Aktivera/inaktivera automatisk rullning + + Reset to default value + Återställ till standardvärde - - Enable/disable loop-points - Aktivera/inaktivera loop-punkter + + Use built-in NaN handler + Använd inbyggd NaN-hanterare - - After stopping go back to begin - Efter att ha stoppat gå tillbaka till början + + Settings + Inställningar - - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Efter att ha stoppat gå tillbaka till position där spelningen startades + + + General + Allmänt - - After stopping keep position - Efter stopp behåll positionen + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + Grafiskt användargränssnitt (GUI) - - - Hint - Ledtråd + + Display volume as dBFS + Visa volym som dBFS - - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Tryck på <%1> för att inaktivera magnetiska slingpunkter. + + Enable tooltips + Aktivera verktygstips - - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Håll nedtryckt för att flytta startlooppunkten; tryck på <%1> för att inaktivera magnetiska slingpunkter. + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + Aktivera huvudoscilloskop som standard - - - Track - - Mute - Tysta + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + Aktivera alla notetiketter för pianorulle - - Solo - Solo + + Enable compact track buttons + Aktivera kompakta spårknappar - - - TrackContainer - - Couldn't import file - Kunde inte importera filen + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + Aktivera ett-instrumentsspårfönsterläge - - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Kunde inte hitta ett filter för att importera filen %1. -Du bör konvertera filen till ett format som stöds av LMMS genom att använda ett annat program. + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + Visa sidopanel på höger sida - - Couldn't open file - Kunde inte öppna filen + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Kunde inte öppna filen %1 för läsning. -Se till att du har läsrättigheter för filen och mappen som innehåller filen och försök igen! + + Mute automation tracks during solo + Tysta automatiseringsspårk vid solo - - Loading project... - Läser in projekt... + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - - - Cancel - Avbryt + + Projects + Projekt - - - Please wait... - Vänligen vänta... + + Compress project files by default + Komprimera projektfiler som standard - - Loading cancelled - Inläsningen avbruten + + Create a backup file when saving a project + Skapa en säkerhetskopieringsfil vid sparning av projekt - - Project loading was cancelled. - Projektinläsningen avbröts. + + Reopen last project on startup + Öppna det senaste projektet vid uppstart - - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Läser in spår %1 (%2/Totalt %3) + + Language + Språk - - Importing MIDI-file... - Importerar MIDI-fil... + + + Performance + Prestanda - - - TrackContentObject - - Mute - Tysta + + Autosave + Spara automatiskt - - - TrackContentObjectView - - Current position - Aktuell position + + Enable autosave + Aktivera spara automatiskt - - - Hint - Ledtråd + + Allow autosave while playing + Tillåt spara automatiskt medan du spelar - - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Håll nere <%1> och dra för att kopiera. + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + Användargränssnitts effekter versus prestanda - - Current length - Aktuell längd + + Smooth scroll in song editor + Mjuk rullning i låtredigeraren - - Press <%1> for free resizing. - + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + Visa uppspelningsmarkör i AudioFileProcessor - - - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4 till %5:%6) + + Plugins + Tillägg - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Ta bort (musens mitt-knapp) + + VST plugins embedding: + VST-tilläggsinbäddning: - - Cut - Klipp ut + + No embedding + Ingen inbäddning - - Copy - Kopiera + + Embed using Qt API + Bädda in via Qt-API - - Paste - Klistra in + + Embed using native Win32 API + Bädda in via inbyggt Win32-API - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Tysta/avtysta (<%1> + mittenklick) + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Bädda in via XEmbed-protokoll - - - TrackOperationsWidget - - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + Håll tilläggsfönstren överst när de inte är inbäddade - - Actions for this track - Åtgärder för detta spår + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Synkronisera VST-tillägg för att vara värd för uppspelning - - Mute - Tysta + + Keep effects running even without input + Håll effekter igång även utan ingång - - - Solo - Solo + + + Audio + Ljud - - Mute this track - Tysta detta spår + + Audio interface + Ljudgränssnitt - - Clone this track - Klona detta spår + + HQ mode for output audio device + HQ-läget för ljudutgångsenhet - - Remove this track - Ta bort detta spår + + Buffer size + Buffertstorlek - - Clear this track - Rensa detta spår + + + MIDI + MIDI - - FX %1: %2 - FX %1: %2 + + MIDI interface + MIDI-gränssnitt - - Assign to new FX Channel - Koppla till ny FX-kanal + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + Tilldela automatiskt MIDI-kontroller till markerat spår - - Turn all recording on - Slå på all inspelning + + LMMS working directory + LMMS-arbetsmapp - - Turn all recording off - Slå av all inspelning + + VST plugins directory + VST-tilläggsmapp - - - TripleOscillatorView - - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + LADSPA plugins directories + Mappar för LADSPA-tillägg - - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - + + SF2 directory + Mapp för SF2-filer - - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - + + Default SF2 + Standard SF2 - - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Synkronisera oscillatorn 1 med oscillatorn 2 + + GIG directory + Mapp för GIG-filer - - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Använd frekvensmodulering för modulerande oscillator 1 med oscillator 2 + + Theme directory + Temamapp - - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + Background artwork + Bakgrundskonstverk - - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Använd amplitudmodulering för modulerande oscillator 2 med oscillator 3 + + Some changes require restarting. + Några ändringar kräver omstart. - - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - + + Autosave interval: %1 + Intervall för att spara automatisk: %1 - - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Synkronisera oscillatorn 2 med oscillatorn 3 + + Choose the LMMS working directory + Välj LMMS-arbetsmapp - - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + Choose your VST plugins directory + Välj din VST-tilläggsmapp - - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 volym: + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + Välj din LADSPA-tilläggsmapp - - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Med denna knapp kan du ställa in volymen av oscillator %1. När du ställer in ett värde på 0 stängs oscillatorn av. Annars kan du höra oscillatorn så hög som du ställer in den här. + + Choose your default SF2 + Välj din standard SF2 - - Osc %1 panning: - Osc %1 panorering: + + Choose your theme directory + Välj din temamapp - - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - + + Choose your background picture + Välj din bakgrundsbild - - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - + + + Paths + Sökvägar - - semitones - halvtoner + + OK + OK - - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - + + Cancel + Avbryt - - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Ramar: %1 +Latens: %2 ms - - - cents - + + Choose your GIG directory + Välj din GIG-mapp - - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - + + Choose your SF2 directory + Välj din SF2-mapp - - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - + + minutes + minuter - - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - + + minute + minut - - Osc %1 phase-offset: - + + Disabled + Inaktiverad + + + SidInstrument - - - degrees - grader + + Cutoff frequency + Cutoff frekvens - - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - + + Resonance + Resonans - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - + + Filter type + Filtertyp - - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - + + Voice 3 off + Röst 3 av - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - + + Volume + Volym - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - + + Chip model + Chipmodell + + + SidInstrumentView - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - + + Volume: + Volym: - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - + + Resonance: + Resonans: + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Brytfrekvens: - - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - + + High-pass filter + Högpassfilter - - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Använd en exponentiell våg för aktuell oscillator. + + Band-pass filter + Bandpassfilter - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - + + Low-pass filter + Lågpassfilter - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Använd en användardefinierad vågform för nuvarande oscillator. + + Voice 3 off + Röst 3 av - - - VersionedSaveDialog - - Increment version number - + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - - Decrement version number - + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - finns redan. Vill du ersätta den? + + + Attack: + Attack: - - - VestigeInstrumentView - - Open other VST-plugin - + + + Decay: + Decay: - - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - + + Sustain: + Sustain: - - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Kontrollera VST-insticksmodulen från LMMS-värd + + + Release: + Release: - - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Klicka här om du vill styra VST-insticksmodulen från värd. + + Pulse Width: + Pulsbredd: - - Open VST-plugin preset - + + Coarse: + Grov: - - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Klicka här om du vill öppna en annan *.fxp, *.FXB VST-insticksmodulsförinställning. + + Pulse wave + Pulsvåg - - Previous (-) - Tidigare (-) + + Triangle wave + Triangelvåg - - - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Klicka här om du vill byta till ett annat VST-insticksmodulsförinställningsprogram. + + Saw wave + Sågtandsvåg - - Save preset - Spara förinställning + + Noise + Brus - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - + + Sync + Synkronisera - - Next (+) - Nästa (+) + + Ring modulation + Ringmodulering - - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - + + Filtered + Filtrerad - - Show/hide GUI - Visa/dölj användargränssnitt + + Test + Testa - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - + + Pulse width: + Pulsbredd: + + + SideBarWidget - - Turn off all notes - Stäng av alla noter + + Close + Stäng + + + Song - - Open VST-plugin - Öppna VST-insticksmodul + + Tempo + Tempo - - DLL-files (*.dll) - DLL-filer (*.dll) + + Master volume + Huvudvolym - - EXE-files (*.exe) - EXE-filer (*.exe) + + Master pitch + Huvudtonhöjd - - No VST-plugin loaded - Ingen VST-insticksmodul inläst + + Aborting project load + - - Preset - Förinställning + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - - by - av + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + Det går inte att läsa in projektet: Projektfilen innehåller lokala sökvägar till tillägg. - - - VST plugin control - + + LMMS Error report + LMMS Felrapport - - - VisualizationWidget - - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - + + (repeated %1 times) + (repetera %1 gånger) - - Click to enable - Klicka för att aktivera + + The following errors occurred while loading: + Följande fel inträffade under inläsning: - VstEffectControlDialog + SongEditor - - Show/hide - Visa/dölj + + Could not open file + Kunde inte öppna fil - - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Kontrollera VST-plugin från LMMS-värd + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Det gick inte att öppna filen %1. Du har förmodligen inga behörigheter att läsa den här filen. + Se till att ha åtminstone läsbehörigheter till filen och försök igen. - - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Klicka här om du vill styra VST-insticksmodulen från värd. + + Operation denied + Operation nekad - - Open VST-plugin preset + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. - - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Klicka här om du vill öppna en annan *.fxp, *.fxb VST-insticksmodulsförinställning. - - - - Previous (-) - Tidigare (-) + + + + Error + Fel - - - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Klicka här om du vill byta till ett annat VST-insticksmodulsförinställningsprogram. + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + - - Next (+) - Nästa (+) + + Couldn't create resources folder. + Det gick inte att skapa resursmappen. - - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - + + Failed to copy resources. + Det gick inte att kopiera resurser. - - Save preset - Spara förinställning + + Could not write file + Kunde inte skriva fil - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - - - Effect by: - Effekt skapad av: - - - - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + Denna %1 har skapats med LMMS %2 - - - VstPlugin - - - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - VST-insticksmodulen %1 kunde inte läsas in. + + Error in file + Fel i filen - - Open Preset - Öppna Förinställning + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Filen %1 verkar innehålla fel och kan därför inte läsas in. - - - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - + + Version difference + Versions-skillnad - - : default - : standard + + template + mall - - " - " + + project + projekt - - ' - ' + + Tempo + Tempo - - Save Preset - Spara Förinställning + + TEMPO + TEMPO - - .fxp - .fxp + + Tempo in BPM + Tempot i BPM - - .FXP - .FXP + + High quality mode + Hög kvalitet läge - - .FXB - .FXB + + + + Master volume + Huvudvolym - - .fxb - .fxb + + + + Master pitch + Huvudtonhöjd - - Loading plugin - Läser in insticksmodulen + + Value: %1% + Värde: %1% - - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Vänligen vänta medan VST-instickmodulen läses in... + + Value: %1 semitones + Värde: %1 halvtoner - WatsynInstrument + SongEditorWindow - - Volume A1 - Volym A1 + + Song-Editor + Låtredigerare - - Volume A2 - Volym A2 + + Play song (Space) + Spela låt (Mellanslag) - - Volume B1 - Volym B2 + + Record samples from Audio-device + Spela in samplingar från ljudenheten - - Volume B2 - Volym B2 + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Spela in samplingar från ljudenheten medan du spelar låten eller BB-spåret - - Panning A1 - Panorering A1 + + Stop song (Space) + Stoppa låt (Mellanslag) - - Panning A2 - Panorering A2 + + Track actions + Spåråtgärder - - Panning B1 - Panorering B1 + + Add beat/bassline + Lägg till takt/basgång - - Panning B2 - Panorering B2 + + Add sample-track + Lägg till ljudspår - - Freq. multiplier A1 - + + Add automation-track + Lägg till automationsspår - - Freq. multiplier A2 - + + Edit actions + Redigera åtgärder - - Freq. multiplier B1 - + + Draw mode + Ritläge - - Freq. multiplier B2 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) - - Left detune A1 - + + Edit mode (select and move) + Redigeringsläge (välj och flytta) - - Left detune A2 - + + Timeline controls + Tidslinjekontroller - - Left detune B1 - + + Bar insert controls + Infogningskontroller för takt - - Left detune B2 - + + Insert bar + Infoga takt - - Right detune A1 - + + Remove bar + Ta bort takt - - Right detune A2 - + + Zoom controls + Zoomningskontroller - - Right detune B1 - + + Horizontal zooming + Horisontell zoomning - - Right detune B2 - + + Snap controls + Fäst kontroller - - A-B Mix - + + + Clip snapping size + Fäststorlek för klipp - - A-B Mix envelope amount - + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + Växla proportionell fästning av/på - - A-B Mix envelope attack - + + Base snapping size + Grundläggande fäststorlek + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + Ledtråd - - A-B Mix envelope hold - + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + Flytta inspelningsmarkör med <Vänster/Höger>-pilarna + + + SubWindow - - A-B Mix envelope decay - + + Close + Stäng - - A1-B2 Crosstalk - + + Maximize + Maximera - - A2-A1 modulation - A2-A1 modulering + + Restore + Återställ + + + TabWidget - - B2-B1 modulation - B2-B1 modulering + + + Settings for %1 + Inställningar för %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - - Selected graph - Vald graf + + New from template + Nytt från mall - WatsynView + TempoSyncKnob - - - - - Volume - Volym + + + Tempo Sync + Temposynkronisering - - - - - Panning - Panorering + + No Sync + Ingen synkronisering - - - - - Freq. multiplier - + + Eight beats + Åtta takter - - - - - Left detune - + + Whole note + Hel-not - - - - - - - - - cents - + + Half note + Halvnot - - - - - Right detune - + + Quarter note + Fjärdedelsnot - - A-B Mix - + + 8th note + 8:e noten - - Mix envelope amount - + + 16th note + 16:e noten - - Mix envelope attack - + + 32nd note + 32:e noten - - Mix envelope hold - + + Custom... + Anpassad... - - Mix envelope decay - + + Custom + Anpassad - - Crosstalk - + + Synced to Eight Beats + Synkroniserad till Åtta Takter - - Select oscillator A1 - Välj oscillator A1 + + Synced to Whole Note + Synkroniserad till helnoten - - Select oscillator A2 - Välj oscillator A2 + + Synced to Half Note + Synkroniserad till halvnoten - - Select oscillator B1 - Välj oscillator B1 + + Synced to Quarter Note + Synkroniserad till fjärdedelsnoten - - Select oscillator B2 - Välj oscillator B2 + + Synced to 8th Note + Synkroniserad till 8:e noten - - Mix output of A2 to A1 - + + Synced to 16th Note + Synkroniserad till 16:e noten - - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - + + Synced to 32nd Note + Synkroniserad till 32:e noten + + + TimeDisplayWidget - - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - + + Time units + Tidsenheter - - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - + + MIN + MIN - - Mix output of B2 to B1 - Blanda utgång B2 till B1 + + SEC + SEK - - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - + + MSEC + MSEK - - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - + + BAR + TAKT - - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - + + BEAT + TAKT - - - - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Rita din egen vågform här genom att dra musen på den här grafen. + + TICK + TICK + + + TimeLineWidget - - Load waveform - Ladda vågform + + Auto scrolling + Automatisk rullning - - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Klicka för att ladda in en vågform från en ljudfil + + Loop points + Looppunkter - - Phase left - Fas vänster + + After stopping go back to beginning + Efter at ha stannat, gå tillbaka till början - - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - Klicka för att flytta fas med -15 grader + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Efter att ha stoppat gå tillbaka till position där spelningen startades - - Phase right - Fas höger + + After stopping keep position + Efter stopp behåll positionen - - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - + + Hint + Ledtråd - - Normalize - Normalisera + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Tryck på <%1> för att inaktivera magnetiska slingpunkter. + + + Track - - Click to normalize - Klicka för normalisering + + Mute + Tysta - - Invert - Invertera + + Solo + Solo + + + TrackContainer - - Click to invert - Klicka för invertering + + Couldn't import file + Kunde inte importera filen - - Smooth - Utjämna + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Kunde inte hitta ett filter för att importera filen %1. +Du bör konvertera filen till ett format som stöds av LMMS genom att använda ett annat program. - - Click to smooth - Klicka för utjämning + + Couldn't open file + Kunde inte öppna filen - - Sine wave - Sinusvåg + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Kunde inte öppna filen %1 för läsning. +Se till att du har läsrättigheter för filen och mappen som innehåller filen och försök igen! - - Click for sine wave - Klicka för sinusvåg + + Loading project... + Läser in projekt... - - - Triangle wave - Triangelvåg + + + Cancel + Avbryt - - Click for triangle wave - Klicka för triangelvåg + + + Please wait... + Vänligen vänta... - - Click for saw wave - Klicka för sågtandsvåg + + Loading cancelled + Inläsningen avbruten - - Square wave - Fyrkantvåg + + Project loading was cancelled. + Projektinläsningen avbröts. + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Läser in spår %1 (%2/Totalt %3) - - Click for square wave - Klicka för fyrkantvåg + + Importing MIDI-file... + Importerar MIDI-fil... - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + Clip - - Portamento - + + Mute + Tysta + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + Aktuell position - - Filter Frequency - + + Current length + Aktuell längd - - Filter Resonance - + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 till %5:%6) - - Bandwidth - Bandbredd + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Håll nere <%1> och dra för att kopiera. - - FM Gain - FM-Förstärkning + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Tryck på <%1> för att ändra storleken. - - Resonance Center Frequency - + + Hint + Ledtråd - - Resonance Bandwidth - Resonans Bandbredd + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Ta bort (musens mitt-knapp) - - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + Ta bort markering (mittenmusknapp) - - - ZynAddSubFxView - - Portamento: - Portamento: + + Cut + Klipp ut - - PORT - PORT + + Cut selection + Klipp ut markering + + + + Merge Selection + Sammanfoga merkering - - Filter Frequency: - Filter-frekvens: + + Copy + Kopiera - - FREQ - FREQ + + Copy selection + Kopiera markering - - Filter Resonance: - Filter-resonans: + + Paste + Klistra in - - RES - + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Tysta/avtysta (<%1> + mittenklick) - - Bandwidth: - Bandbredd: + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + Tysta/öppna markering (<%1> + mittenklick) - - BW + + Set clip color - - FM Gain: - FM-Förstärkning: + + Use track color + Använd spårfärg + + + TrackContentWidget - - FM GAIN - + + Paste + Klistra in + + + TrackOperationsWidget - - Resonance center frequency: - Resonanscenterfrekvens: + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + Tryck på <%1> medan du klickar på flytta-grepp för att börja en ny dra och släpp åtgärd. - - RES CF - + + Actions + Åtgärder - - Resonance bandwidth: - Resonans bandbredd: + + + Mute + Tysta - - RES BW - + + + Solo + Solo - - Forward MIDI Control Changes + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? - - Show GUI - Visa användargränssnitt + + Confirm removal + Bekräfta borttagning - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Klicka här för att visa eller dölja användargränssnittet för ZynAddSubFX. + + Don't ask again + Fråga inte igen - - - audioFileProcessor - - Amplify - Amplifiera + + Clone this track + Klona detta spår - - Start of sample - Start på ljudfil + + Remove this track + Ta bort detta spår - - End of sample - Slut på ljudfil + + Clear this track + Rensa detta spår - - Loopback point - Loopback punkt + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 - - Reverse sample - Spela baklänges + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Koppla till ny FX-kanal - - Loop mode - Slinga-läge + + Turn all recording on + Slå på all inspelning - - Stutter - Stamning + + Turn all recording off + Slå av all inspelning - - Interpolation mode - Interpoleringsläge + + Change color + Byt färg - - None - Ingen + + Reset color to default + Nollställ färg till standard - - Linear - Linjär + + Set random color + Ställ in slumpmässig färg - - Sinc + + Clear clip colors - - - Sample not found: %1 - Ljudfil hittades inte: %1 - - bitInvader + TripleOscillatorView - - Samplelength - Ljudfilslängd + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Modulera fasen för oscillator 1 med oscillator 2 - - - bitInvaderView - - Sample Length - Ljudfilens Längd + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Modulera amplitud för oscillator 1 med oscillator 2 - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Rita din egen vågform här genom att dra musen på den här grafen. + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + Mixa utgångarna från oscillatorerna 1 & 2 - - Sine wave - Sinusvåg + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Synkronisera oscillatorn 1 med oscillatorn 2 - - Click for a sine-wave. - Klicka för sinusvåg + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Modulera frekvensen för oscillator 1 med oscillator 2 - - Triangle wave - Triangelvåg + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Modulera fasen för oscillator 2 med oscillator 3 - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klicka här för triangelvåg. + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Modulera amplituden för oscillator 2 med oscillator 3 - - Saw wave - Sågtandsvåg + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + Mixa utgångarna från oscialltorerna 2 & 3 - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klicka här för sågtandsvåg + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Synkronisera oscillatorn 2 med oscillatorn 3 - - Square wave - Fyrkantvåg + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Modulera frekvensen för oscillator 2 med oscillator 3 - - Click here for a square-wave. - Klicka här för fyrkantvåg. + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 volym: - - White noise wave - Vitt brus-våg + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 panorering: - - Click here for white-noise. - Klicka här för vitt brus. + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Osc %1 grov urstämning: - - User defined wave - Användardefinierad vågform + + semitones + halvtoner - - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Klicka här för en användardefinierad kurva. + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Osc %1 fin urstämning vänster: - - Smooth - Utjämna + + + cents + hundradelar - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Klicka här för att jämna vågform. + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Osc %1 fin urstämning höger: - - Interpolation - Interpolering + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Osc %1 fasposition: - - Normalize - Normalisera + + + degrees + grader - - - dynProcControlDialog - - INPUT - INGÅNG + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Osc %1 stereo fasurstämning: - - Input gain: - Ingångsförstärkning: + + Sine wave + Sinusvåg - - OUTPUT - UTGÅNG + + Triangle wave + Triangelvåg - - Output gain: - Utgångsförstärkning: + + Saw wave + Sågtandsvåg - - ATTACK - ATTACK + + Square wave + Fyrkantvåg - - Peak attack time: - + + Moog-like saw wave + Moogliknande sågtandsvåg - - RELEASE - + + Exponential wave + Exponentiell våg - - Peak release time: - + + White noise + Vitt brus - - Reset waveform - Återställ vågform + + User-defined wave + Användardefinierad våg + + + VecControls - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - + + Display persistence amount + Visa avklingningsmängd - - Smooth waveform - Mjuk vågform + + Logarithmic scale + Logaritmisk skala - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - + + High quality + Hög kvalitet + + + VecControlsDialog - - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + HQ + HQ - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klicka här för att öka våggrafamplituden med 1 dB + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + Fördubbla upplösningen och simulera kontinuerligt analogliknande svep. - - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Minska våggrafamplituden med 1dB + + Log. scale + Log.-skala - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + Visa amplitud på logaritmisk skala för att bättre se mindre värden. - - Stereomode Maximum - + + Persist. + Avkling. - - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + Svepavklingning: högre mängd innebär att svepet kommer att förbli ljust under en längre tid. - - Stereomode Average - + + Trace persistence + Svepavklingning + + + VersionedSaveDialog - - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - + + Increment version number + Ökning versionsnummer - - Stereomode Unlinked - + + Decrement version number + Minska versionsnummer - - Process each stereo channel independently - + + Save Options + Spara Alternativ + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + finns redan. Vill du ersätta den? - dynProcControls + VestigeInstrumentView - - Input gain - Ingångsförstärkning + + + Open VST plugin + Öppna VST-tillägg - - Output gain - Utgångsförstärkning + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + Kontroll VST-tillägg från LMMS-värd - - Attack time - Attacktid + + Open VST plugin preset + Öppna VST-tilläggsförinställning - - Release time - + + Previous (-) + Tidigare (-) - - Stereo mode - Stereo-läge + + Save preset + Spara förinställning - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - - Assign to: - Tilldela till: + + Next (+) + Nästa (+) - - New FX Channel - Ny FX-Kanal + + Show/hide GUI + Visa/dölj användargränssnitt - - - graphModel - - Graph - Graf + + Turn off all notes + Stäng av alla noter - - - kickerInstrument - - Start frequency - Startfrekvens + + DLL-files (*.dll) + DLL-filer (*.dll) - - End frequency - Slutfrekvens + + EXE-files (*.exe) + EXE-filer (*.exe) - - Length - Längd + + No VST plugin loaded + Inget VST-tillägg inläst - - Distortion Start - + + Preset + Förinställning - - Distortion End - + + by + av - - Gain - Förstärkning + + - VST plugin control + - VST tilläggskontroll + + + VstEffectControlDialog - - Envelope Slope - + + Show/hide + Visa/dölj - - Noise - Brus + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + Kontroll VST-tillägg från LMMS-värd - - Click - Klick + + Open VST plugin preset + Öppna VST-tilläggsförinställning - - Frequency Slope - + + Previous (-) + Tidigare (-) + + + + Next (+) + Nästa (+) + + + + Save preset + Spara förinställning - - Start from note - Starta från not + + + Effect by: + Effekt skapad av: - - End to note - Sluta på not + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - kickerInstrumentView + VstPlugin - - Start frequency: - Startfrekvens: + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + VST-tillägget %1 kunde inte läsas in. - - End frequency: - Slutfrekvens: + + Open Preset + Öppna Förinställning - - Frequency Slope: - + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Vst-tilläggsförinställning (*.fxp *.fxb) - - Gain: - Förstärkning: + + : default + : standard - - Envelope Length: - + + Save Preset + Spara Förinställning - - Envelope Slope: - + + .fxp + .fxp - - Click: - Klick: + + .FXP + .FXP - - Noise: - Brus: + + .FXB + .FXB - - Distortion Start: - + + .fxb + .fxb - - Distortion End: - + + Loading plugin + Läser in tillägget + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Vänligen vänta medan VST-tillägget läses in... - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - - - Available Effects - Tillgängliga effekter + + Volume A1 + Volym A1 - - - Unavailable Effects - Otillgängliga effekter + + Volume A2 + Volym A2 - - - Instruments - Instrument + + Volume B1 + Volym B2 - - - Analysis Tools - Analysverktyg + + Volume B2 + Volym B2 - - - Don't know - Vet inte + + Panning A1 + Panorering A1 - - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - + + Panning A2 + Panorering A2 - - Type: - Typ: + + Panning B1 + Panorering B1 - - - ladspaDescription - - Plugins - Insticksmoduler + + Panning B2 + Panorering B2 - - Description - Beskrivning + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Frekv. multiplikator A1 - - - ladspaPortDialog - - Ports - Portar + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Frekv. multiplikator A2 - - Name - Namn + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Frekv. multiplikator B1 - - Rate - Värdera + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Frekv. multiplikator B2 - - Direction - Riktning + + Left detune A1 + Vänster urstämning A1 - - Type - Typ + + Left detune A2 + Vänster urstämning A2 - - Min < Default < Max - Min < Standard < Max + + Left detune B1 + Vänster urstämning B1 - - Logarithmic - Logaritmisk + + Left detune B2 + Vänster urstämning B2 - - SR Dependent - + + Right detune A1 + Höger urstämning A1 - - Audio - Ljud + + Right detune A2 + Höger urstämning A2 - - Control - Kontroll + + Right detune B1 + Höger urstämning B1 - - Input - Ingång + + Right detune B2 + Höger urstämning B2 - - Output - Utgång + + A-B Mix + A-B Mix - - Toggled - Växlad + + A-B Mix envelope amount + A-B-mix konturmängd - - Integer - Heltal + + A-B Mix envelope attack + A-B-mix konturstegring - - Float - Flyttal + + A-B Mix envelope hold + A-B-mix konturhåll - - - Yes - Ja + + A-B Mix envelope decay + A-B-mix konturavklingning - - - lb302Synth - - VCF Cutoff Frequency - + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + A1-B2-överhörning - - VCF Resonance - + + A2-A1 modulation + A2-A1 modulering - - VCF Envelope Mod - + + B2-B1 modulation + B2-B1 modulering - - VCF Envelope Decay - + + Selected graph + Vald graf + + + WatsynView - - Distortion - Förvrängning + + + + + Volume + Volym - - Waveform - Vågform + + + + + Panning + Panorering - - Slide Decay - + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Frekv.-multiplikator - - Slide - + + + + + Left detune + Vänster urstämning - - Accent - + + + + + + + + + cents + hundradelar - - Dead - + + + + + Right detune + Höger urstämning - - 24dB/oct Filter - + + A-B Mix + A-B Mix - - - lb302SynthView - - Cutoff Freq: - + + Mix envelope amount + Mix konturmängd - - Resonance: - Resonans: + + Mix envelope attack + Mix konturstegring - - Env Mod: - + + Mix envelope hold + Mix konturhåll - - Decay: - Decay: + + Mix envelope decay + Mix konturavklingning - - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - + + Crosstalk + Överhörning - - Slide Decay: - + + Select oscillator A1 + Välj oscillator A1 - - DIST: - + + Select oscillator A2 + Välj oscillator A2 - - Saw wave - Sågtandsvåg + + Select oscillator B1 + Välj oscillator B1 - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Klicka här för sågtandsvåg + + Select oscillator B2 + Välj oscillator B2 - - Triangle wave - Triangelvåg + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + Mixa utgången från A2 till A1 - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Klicka här för triangelvåg. + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + Modulera amplituden av A1 med utgången från A2 - - Square wave - Fyrkantvåg + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + Ringmodulera A1 och A2 - - Click here for a square-wave. - Klicka här för fyrkantvåg + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + Modulera fasen av A1 med utången för A2 - - Rounded square wave - + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + Blanda utgång B2 till B1 - - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + Modulera amplituden av B1 med utången från B2 - - Moog wave - + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + Ringmodulera B1 och B2 - - Click here for a moog-like wave. - + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + Modulera fasen av B1 med utgången från B2 - - Sine wave - Sinusvåg + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Rita din egen vågform här genom att dra musen på den här grafen. - - Click for a sine-wave. - Klicka för sinusvåg + + Load waveform + Ladda vågform - - - White noise wave - Vitt brus-våg + + Load a waveform from a sample file + Läs in en vågform från en sampelfil - - Click here for an exponential wave. - + + Phase left + Fas vänster - - Click here for white-noise. - Klicka här för vitt brus. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + Skifta fasen -15 grader - - Bandlimited saw wave - + + Phase right + Fas höger + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + Skifta fasen +15 grader - - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - + + + Normalize + Normalisera - - Bandlimited square wave - + + + Invert + Invertera - - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - + + + Smooth + Jämna ut - - Bandlimited triangle wave - + + + Sine wave + Sinusvåg - - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - + + + + Triangle wave + Triangelvåg - - Bandlimited moog saw wave - + + Saw wave + Sågtandsvåg - - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - + + + Square wave + Fyrkantvåg - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - - Hardness - Hårdhet + + Selected graph + Vald graf - - Position - Position + + A1 + A1 - - Vibrato Gain - + + A2 + A2 - - Vibrato Freq - + + A3 + A3 - - Stick Mix - + + W1 smoothing + W1-utmjukning - - Modulator - Modulator + + W2 smoothing + W2-utmjukning - - Crossfade - Överbländning + + W3 smoothing + W3-utmjukning - - LFO Speed - LFO hastighet + + Panning 1 + Panorering 1 - - LFO Depth - + + Panning 2 + Panorering 2 - - ADSR - ADSR + + Rel trans + Rel. trans. + + + XpressiveView - - Pressure - Tryck + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Rita din egen vågform här genom att dra musen på den här grafen. - - Motion - Rörelse + + Select oscillator W1 + Välj oscillator W1 - - Speed - Hastighet + + Select oscillator W2 + Välj oscillator W2 - - Bowed - + + Select oscillator W3 + Välj oscillator W3 - - Spread - + + Select output O1 + Välj utgång O1 - - Marimba - + + Select output O2 + Välj utgång O2 - - Vibraphone - + + Open help window + Öppna hjälpfönstret - - Agogo - + + + Sine wave + Sinusvåg - - Wood1 - + + + Moog-saw wave + Moog-sågtandsvåg - - Reso - + + + Exponential wave + Exponentiell våg - - Wood2 - + + + Saw wave + Sågtandsvåg - - Beats - Takter + + + User-defined wave + Användardefinierad våg - - Two Fixed - + + + Triangle wave + Triangelvåg - - Clump - + + + Square wave + Fyrkantvåg - - Tubular Bells - + + + White noise + Vitt brus - - Uniform Bar - + + WaveInterpolate + VågInterpolering - - Tuned Bar - + + ExpressionValid + UttryckGiltig - - Glass - + + General purpose 1: + Allmän användning 1: - - Tibetan Bowl - Tibetansk skål + + General purpose 2: + Allmän användning 2: - - - malletsInstrumentView - - Instrument - Instrument + + General purpose 3: + Allmän användning 3: - - Spread - + + O1 panning: + O1 panorering: - - Spread: - + + O2 panning: + O2 panorering: - - Missing files - Saknade filer + + Release transition: + Avklingningsövergång: - - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Din Stk-installation verkar vara ofullständig. Se till att hela Stk-paketet är installerat! + + Smoothness + Jämnhet + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - Hardness - Hårdhet + + Portamento + Portamento - - Hardness: - Hårdhet: + + Filter frequency + Filterfrekvens - - Position - Position + + Filter resonance + Filterresonans - - Position: - Position: + + Bandwidth + Bandbredd - - Vib Gain - + + FM gain + FM-förstärkning - - Vib Gain: - + + Resonance center frequency + Centerfrekvens för resonans - - Vib Freq - + + Resonance bandwidth + Resonansbandbredd - - Vib Freq: - + + Forward MIDI control change events + Vidarebefordra MIDI-kontrollförändringshändelser + + + ZynAddSubFxView - - Stick Mix - + + Portamento: + Portamento: - - Stick Mix: - + + PORT + PORT - - Modulator - Modulator + + Filter frequency: + Filterfrekvens: - - Modulator: - Modulator: + + FREQ + FREQ - - Crossfade - Överbländning + + Filter resonance: + Filterresonans: - - Crossfade: - Överbländning: + + RES + UPPL. - - LFO Speed - LFO hastighet + + Bandwidth: + Bandbredd: - - LFO Speed: - + + BW + BW - - LFO Depth - + + FM gain: + FM-förstärkning: - - LFO Depth: - + + FM GAIN + FM FÖRSTÄRKNING - - ADSR - ADSR + + Resonance center frequency: + Resonanscenterfrekvens: - - ADSR: - ADSR: + + RES CF + UPPL. CF - - Pressure - Tryck + + Resonance bandwidth: + Resonans bandbredd: - - Pressure: - Tryck: + + RES BW + UPPL BW - - Speed - Hastighet + + Forward MIDI control changes + Vidarebefordra MIDI-kontrollförändringar - - Speed: - Hastighet: + + Show GUI + Visa användargränssnitt - manageVSTEffectView - - - - VST parameter control - - + AudioFileProcessor - - VST Sync - + + Amplify + Amplifiera - - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - + + Start of sample + Start på ljudfil - - - Automated - Automatiserad + + End of sample + Slut på ljudfil - - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Klicka här om du bara vill visa automatiska parametrar. + + Loopback point + Loopback punkt - - Close - Stäng + + Reverse sample + Spela baklänges - - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - + + Loop mode + Slinga-läge - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - - - VST plugin control - + + Stutter + Stamning - - VST Sync - + + Interpolation mode + Interpoleringsläge - - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - + + None + Ingen - - - Automated - Automatiserad + + Linear + Linjär - - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Klicka här om du bara vill visa automatiserade parametrar. + + Sinc + Sinc - - Close - Stäng + + Sample not found: %1 + Ljudfil hittades inte: %1 + + + BitInvader - - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - + + Sample length + Ljudfilens längd - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - - Patch - + + Sample length + Ljudfilens längd - - Op 1 Attack - + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Rita din egen vågform här genom att dra musen på den här grafen. - - Op 1 Decay - + + + Sine wave + Sinusvåg - - Op 1 Sustain - + + + Triangle wave + Triangelvåg - - Op 1 Release - + + + Saw wave + Sågtandsvåg - - Op 1 Level - + + + Square wave + Fyrkantvåg - - Op 1 Level Scaling - + + + White noise + Vitt brus - - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - + + + User-defined wave + Användardefinierad våg - - Op 1 Feedback - + + + Smooth waveform + Jämn vågform - - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - + + Interpolation + Interpolering - - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - + + Normalize + Normalisera + + + DynProcControlDialog - - Op 1 Tremolo - + + INPUT + INGÅNG - - Op 1 Vibrato - + + Input gain: + Ingångsförstärkning: - - Op 1 Waveform - + + OUTPUT + UTGÅNG - - Op 2 Attack - + + Output gain: + Utgångsförstärkning: - - Op 2 Decay - + + ATTACK + ATTACK - - Op 2 Sustain - + + Peak attack time: + Toppattacktid: - - Op 2 Release - + + RELEASE + AVKLINGNING - - Op 2 Level - + + Peak release time: + Toppavklingningstid: - - Op 2 Level Scaling - + + + Reset wavegraph + Återställ vågdiagram - - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - + + + Smooth wavegraph + Jämnt vågdiagram - - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Öka vågdiagramamplituden med 1 dB - - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Minska vågformsamplitud med 1dB - - Op 2 Tremolo - + + Stereo mode: maximum + Stereoläge: maximal - - Op 2 Vibrato - + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Hantera baserad på max för båda stereokanalerna - - Op 2 Waveform - + + Stereo mode: average + Stereoläge: medelvärdesbildning - - FM - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + Hantera baserat på genomsnittet av båda stereokanalerna - - Vibrato Depth - + + Stereo mode: unlinked + Stereoläge: olänkat - - Tremolo Depth - + + Process each stereo channel independently + Hantera varje stereokanal obereoende - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - - - Attack - Attack + + Input gain + Ingångsförstärkning - - - Decay - Decay + + Output gain + Utgångsförstärkning - - - Release - Release + + Attack time + Attacktid - - - Frequency multiplier - + + Release time + Avklingningstid - - - organicInstrument - - Distortion - Förvrängning + + Stereo mode + Stereo-läge + + + graphModel - - Volume - Volym + + Graph + Graf - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - - Distortion: - Förvrängning: + + Start frequency + Startfrekvens - - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - + + End frequency + Slutfrekvens - - Volume: - Volym: + + Length + Längd - - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - + + Start distortion + Start för distorsion - - Randomise - Slumpa + + End distortion + Slut för distorsion - - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - Knappen randomisera randomiserar alla rattar utom reglagen övertoner, huvudvolym och distorsion. + + Gain + Förstärkning - - - Osc %1 waveform: - + + Envelope slope + Konturkurva - - Osc %1 volume: - Osc %1 volym: + + Noise + Brus - - Osc %1 panning: - Osc %1 panorering: + + Click + Klick - - Osc %1 stereo detuning - + + Frequency slope + Frekvenslutning - - cents - + + Start from note + Starta från not - - Osc %1 harmonic: - Osc %1 harmonisk: + + End to note + Sluta på not - FreeBoyInstrument - - - Sweep time - - - - - Sweep direction - - + KickerInstrumentView - - Sweep RtShift amount - + + Start frequency: + Startfrekvens: - - - Wave Pattern Duty - + + End frequency: + Slutfrekvens: - - Channel 1 volume - Kanal 1 volym + + Frequency slope: + Frekvenslutning: - - - - Volume sweep direction - + + Gain: + Förstärkning: - - - - Length of each step in sweep - + + Envelope length: + Konturlängd: - - Channel 2 volume - Kanal 2 volym + + Envelope slope: + Konturkurva: - - Channel 3 volume - Kanal 3 volym + + Click: + Klick: - - Channel 4 volume - Kanal 4 volym + + Noise: + Brus: - - Shift Register width - + + Start distortion: + Startförvrängning: - - Right Output level - + + End distortion: + Slut för distorsion: + + + LadspaBrowserView - - Left Output level - + + + Available Effects + Tillgängliga effekter - - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal 1 till SO2 (vänster) + + + Unavailable Effects + Otillgängliga effekter - - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal 2 till SO2 (vänster) + + + Instruments + Instrument - - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal 3 till SO2 (vänster) + + + Analysis Tools + Analysverktyg - - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Kanal 4 till SO2 (Vänster) + + + Don't know + Vet inte - - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal 1 till SO1 (Höger) + + Type: + Typ: + + + LadspaDescription - - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal 2 till SO1 (höger) + + Plugins + Tillägg - - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal 3 till SO1 (höger) + + Description + Beskrivning + + + LadspaPortDialog - - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Kanal 4 till SO1 (höger) + + Ports + Portar - - Treble - Diskant + + Name + Namn - - Bass - Bas + + Rate + Värdera - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - - Sweep Time: - + + Direction + Riktning - - Sweep Time - + + Type + Typ - - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - Mängden ökning eller minskning av frekvensen + + Min < Default < Max + Min < Standard < Max - - Sweep RtShift amount: - + + Logarithmic + Logaritmisk - - Sweep RtShift amount - + + SR Dependent + SR-beroende - - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - + + Audio + Ljud - - - Wave pattern duty: - + + Control + Kontroll - - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Input + Ingång - - - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - + + Output + Utgång - - - Square Channel 1 Volume: - + + Toggled + Växlad - - Square Channel 1 Volume - + + Integer + Heltal - - - - Length of each step in sweep: - + + Float + Flyttal - - - - Length of each step in sweep - + + + Yes + Ja + + + Lb302Synth - - - - The delay between step change - + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + VCF Brytfrekvens - - Wave pattern duty - + + VCF Resonance + VCF-resonans - - Square Channel 2 Volume: - + + VCF Envelope Mod + VCF-konturmod. - - - Square Channel 2 Volume - + + VCF Envelope Decay + VCF-konturavsänkning - - Wave Channel Volume: - + + Distortion + Förvrängning - - - Wave Channel Volume - Volym för vågkanalen + + Waveform + Vågform - - Noise Channel Volume: - + + Slide Decay + Avklingning för glidning - - - Noise Channel Volume - + + Slide + Glidning - - SO1 Volume (Right): - SO1 volym (höger): + + Accent + Betoning - - SO1 Volume (Right) - + + Dead + Död - - SO2 Volume (Left): - SO2 volym (vänster): + + 24dB/oct Filter + 24db/oct-filter + + + Lb302SynthView - - SO2 Volume (Left) - + + Cutoff Freq: + Brytfrekv.: - - Treble: - Diskant: + + Resonance: + Resonans: - - Treble - Diskant + + Env Mod: + Knt.-mod.: - - Bass: - Bas: + + Decay: + Decay: - - - Bass - Bas + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + 303-es-liknande 24dB/oktav, 3poligt filter - - Sweep Direction - + + Slide Decay: + Glidningsavklingning: - - - - - - Volume Sweep Direction - + + DIST: + DIST: - - Shift Register Width - + + Saw wave + Sågtandsvåg - - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Klicka här för sågtandsvåg - - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Channel2 till SO1 (höger) + + Triangle wave + Triangelvåg - - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Klicka här för triangelvåg. - - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Channel4 till SO1 (höger) + + Square wave + Fyrkantvåg - - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Click here for a square-wave. + Klicka här för fyrkantvåg - - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Channel2 till SO2 (Vänster) + + Rounded square wave + Avrundad fyrkantsvåg - - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Channel3 till SO2 (vänster) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Klicka här för en fyrkantsvåg med rundat slut. - - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - + + Moog wave + Moog-våg - - Wave Pattern - Vågmönster + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Klicka här för en moog-liknande våg. - - Draw the wave here - Rita vågen här + + Sine wave + Sinusvåg - - - patchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: Kanal förinställd + + Click for a sine-wave. + Klicka för sinusvåg - - Bank selector - Bankväljare + + + White noise wave + Vitt brus-våg - - Bank - Bank + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Klicka här för en exponentiell våg. - - Program selector - Programväljare + + Click here for white-noise. + Klicka här för vitt brus. - - Patch - + + Bandlimited saw wave + Bandbegränsad sågtandsvåg - - Name - Namn + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Klicka här för bandbegränsad sågtandsvåg. - - OK - OK + + Bandlimited square wave + Bandbegränsad fyrkantsvåg - - Cancel - Avbryt + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Klicka här för bandbegränsad fyrkantsvåg. - - - pluginBrowser - - no description - ingen beskrivning + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Bandbegränsad triangelvåg - - A native amplifier plugin - En inbyggd förstärkare-insticksmodul + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Klicka här för bandbegränsad triangelvåg. - - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Enkel sampler med olika inställningar för att använda samplingar (t. ex. trummor) i ett instrumentspår + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Bandbegränsad moog sågtandsvåg - - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Öka din bas på snabbt och enkelt sätt + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Klicka här för bandbegränsad moog sågtandsvåg. + + + MalletsInstrument - - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - + + Hardness + Hårdhet - - An oversampling bitcrusher - + + Position + Position - - Carla Patchbay Instrument - + + Vibrato gain + Vibratoförstärkning - - Carla Rack Instrument - + + Vibrato frequency + Vibrato frekvens - - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - + + Stick mix + Kvistmix - - A native delay plugin - En inbyggd fördröjning-insticksmodul + + Modulator + Modulator - - A Dual filter plugin - En Dual filter-insticksmodul + + Crossfade + Övertoning - - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - insticksmodul för dynamisk bearbetning på ett flexibelt sätt + + LFO speed + LFO-hastighet - - A native eq plugin - En inbyggd eq-insticksmodul + + LFO depth + LFO-djup - - A native flanger plugin - + + ADSR + ADSR - - Player for GIG files - Spelare för GIG-filer + + Pressure + Tryck - - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Filter för att importera Hydrogen-filer till LMMS + + Motion + Rörelse - - Versatile drum synthesizer - Mångsidig trum-synth + + Speed + Hastighet - - List installed LADSPA plugins - Lista installerade LADSPA-insticksmoduler + + Bowed + Med stråke - - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - + + Spread + Spridning - - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - + + Marimba + Marimba - - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Filter för att exportera MIDI-filer från LMMS + + Vibraphone + Vibrafon - - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Filter för att importera MIDI-filer till LMMS + + Agogo + Agogo - - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - + + Wood 1 + Trä 1 - - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + Reso + Uppl. - - A NES-like synthesizer - En NES-lik synthesizer + + Wood 2 + Trä 2 - - 2-operator FM Synth - + + Beats + Takter - - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - + + Two fixed + Två fixa - - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Emulering av GameBoy (TM) APU + + Clump + Klump - - GUS-compatible patch instrument - + + Tubular bells + Tubklockor - - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - + + Uniform bar + Enhetlig takt - - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - + + Tuned bar + Stämt stycke - - Player for SoundFont files - Spelare för SoundFont-filer + + Glass + Glas - - LMMS port of sfxr - + + Tibetan bowl + Tibetansk skål + + + MalletsInstrumentView - - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - + + Instrument + Instrument - - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Grafiska spektrumanalysator insticksmodul + + Spread + Spridning - - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Insticksmodul för att förbättra stereoseparation av en stereoingångsfil + + Spread: + Spridning: - - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - + + Missing files + Saknade filer - - Tuneful things to bang on - + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Din Stk-installation verkar vara ofullständig. Se till att hela Stk-paketet är installerat! - - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - + + Hardness + Hårdhet - - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - + + Hardness: + Hårdhet: - - Vibrating string modeler - + + Position + Position - - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - + + Position: + Position: - - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - + + Vibrato gain + Vibratoförstärkning - - plugin for waveshaping - insticksmodul för vågformande + + Vibrato gain: + Vibratoförstärkning: - - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - + + Vibrato frequency + Vibrato frekvens - - - sf2Instrument - - Bank - Bank + + Vibrato frequency: + Vibrato frekvens: - - Patch - + + Stick mix + Kvistmix - - Gain - Förstärkning + + Stick mix: + Kvistmix: - - Reverb - Reverb + + Modulator + Modulator - - Reverb Roomsize - + + Modulator: + Modulator: - - Reverb Damping - + + Crossfade + Övertoning - - Reverb Width - + + Crossfade: + Övertoning: - - Reverb Level - + + LFO speed + LFO-hastighet - - Chorus - Chorus + + LFO speed: + LFO-hastighet: - - Chorus Lines - + + LFO depth + LFO-djup - - Chorus Level - + + LFO depth: + LFO-djup: - - Chorus Speed - + + ADSR + ADSR - - Chorus Depth - + + ADSR: + ADSR: - - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - SoundFont %1 kunde inte läsas in. + + Pressure + Tryck - - - sf2InstrumentView - - Open other SoundFont file - Öppna en annan SoundFont-fil + + Pressure: + Tryck: - - Click here to open another SF2 file - Klicka här för att öppna en annan SF2-fil + + Speed + Hastighet - - Choose the patch - + + Speed: + Hastighet: + + + ManageVSTEffectView - - Gain - Förstärkning + + - VST parameter control + - VST-parameterkontroll - - Apply reverb (if supported) - Applicera reverb (om det stöds) + + VST sync + VST-synk - - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Denna knapp aktiverar reverb-effekten. Detta är användbart för häftiga effekter, men fungerar bara på filer som stöder den. + + + Automated + Automatiserad - - Reverb Roomsize: - + + Close + Stäng + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - - Reverb Damping: - + + + - VST plugin control + - VST tilläggskontroll - - Reverb Width: - + + VST Sync + VST-synk - - Reverb Level: - + + + Automated + Automatiserad - - Apply chorus (if supported) - Applicera chorus (om det stöds) + + Close + Stäng + + + OrganicInstrument - - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Denna knapp aktiverar köreffekten. Detta är användbart för coola eko effekter, men fungerar bara på filer som stöder den. + + Distortion + Förvrängning - - Chorus Lines: - + + Volume + Volym + + + OrganicInstrumentView - - Chorus Level: - + + Distortion: + Förvrängning: - - Chorus Speed: - + + Volume: + Volym: - - Chorus Depth: - + + Randomise + Slumpa - - Open SoundFont file - Öppna SoundFont-fil + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Osc. %1 vågform: - - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - SoundFont2-filer (*.sf2) + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 volym: - - - sfxrInstrument - - Wave Form - Vågform + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 panorering: - - - sidInstrument - - Cutoff - + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Osc. %1 stereourstämning - - Resonance - Resonans + + cents + hundradelar - - Filter type - Filtertyp + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Osc %1 harmonisk: + + + PatchesDialog - - Voice 3 off - Röst 3 av + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Kanal förinställd - - Volume - Volym + + Bank selector + Bankväljare - - Chip model - + + Bank + Bank - - - sidInstrumentView - - Volume: - Volym: + + Program selector + Programväljare - - Resonance: - Resonans: + + Patch + Inställning - - - Cutoff frequency: - + + Name + Namn - - High-Pass filter - Högpassfilter + + OK + OK - - Band-Pass filter - Bandpassfilter + + Cancel + Avbryt + + + Sf2Instrument - - Low-Pass filter - Lågpassfilter + + Bank + Bank - - Voice3 Off - Voice3 Av + + Patch + Inställning - - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Gain + Förstärkning - - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb + Reverb - - - Attack: - Attack: + + Reverb room size + Rumsstorlek för reverb - - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - Attack-hastigheten bestämmer hur snabbt utgången för Voice %1 stiger från noll till toppamplitud. + + Reverb damping + Dämpning för reverb - - - Decay: - Decay: + + Reverb width + Bredd för reverb - - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - + + Reverb level + Nivå för reverb - - Sustain: - Sustain: + + Chorus + Korus - - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - + + Chorus voices + Korus-röster - - - Release: - Release: + + Chorus level + Korus-nivå - - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - + + Chorus speed + Korus-hastighet - - - Pulse Width: - Pulsbredd: + + Chorus depth + Korus-djup - - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + En SoundFont %1 kunde inte läsas in. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - - Coarse: - Grov: + + + Open SoundFont file + Öppna SoundFont-fil - - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - Den grova detuningen gör det möjligt att detunera Voice %1 en oktav upp eller ner. + + Choose patch + Välj inställning - - Pulse Wave - Pulsvåg + + Gain: + Förstärkning: - - Triangle Wave - Triangelvåg + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Applicera reverb (om det stöds) - - SawTooth - Sågtand + + Room size: + Rumstorlek: - - Noise - Brus + + Damping: + Dämpning: - - Sync - Synkronisera + + Width: + Bredd: - - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - + + + Level: + Nivå: - - Ring-Mod - + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Tillämpa korus (om det stöds) - - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - + + Voices: + Röster: - - Filtered - Filtrerad + + Speed: + Hastighet: - - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - + + Depth: + Djup: - - Test - Testa + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + SoundFont-filer (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - + + Wave + Våg - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - - WIDE - + + WIDTH + BREDD - + Width: Bredd: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls - + Width Bredd - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog - + Left to Left Vol: Vänster till Vänster Vol.: - + Left to Right Vol: Vänster till Höger Vol.: - + Right to Left Vol: Höger till Vänster Vol.: - + Right to Right Vol: Höger till Höger vol.: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls - + Left to Left Vänster till Vänster - + Left to Right Vänster till Höger - + Right to Left Höger till Vänster - + Right to Right Höger till Höger - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument - + Loading plugin Läser in plugin - - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Vänta medans VST-insticksmodulen läses in... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + Vänligen vänta medan VST-tillägg läses in... - vibed + Vibed - + String %1 volume Sträng %1 volym - + String %1 stiffness Sträng %1 styvhet - + Pick %1 position Välj %1 position - + Pickup %1 position - + Mikrofon %1-position - - Pan %1 - + + String %1 panning + Sträng %1 panorering - - Detune %1 - + + String %1 detune + Sträng %1 urstämning - - Fuzziness %1 - Oskärpa %1  + + String %1 fuzziness + Sträng %1-luddighet - - Length %1 - Längd %1 + + String %1 length + Sträng %1-längd - + Impulse %1 Impuls %1 - - Octave %1 - Oktav %1 + + String %1 + Sträng %1 - vibedView + VibedView - - Volume: - Volym: - - - - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - + + String volume: + Strängvolym: - + String stiffness: Strängstyvhet: - - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - - - - + Pick position: - - - - - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - "P" - ratten ställer in den position där den valda strängen kommer att "plockas". Ju lägre inställningen desto närmare plockningen är till bridgen. + Plektrumposition: - + Pickup position: - - - - - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - - - - - Pan: - - - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - - - - - Detune: - + Mikrofonposition: - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - - - - - Fuzziness: - Oskärpa: - - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - + + String panning: + Strängpanorering: - - Length: - Längd: + + String detune: + Strängurstämning: - - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - + + String fuzziness: + Strängluddighet: - - Impulse or initial state - + + String length: + Stränglängd: - - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - + + Impulse + Impuls - + Octave Oktav - - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - - - - + Impulse Editor - - - - - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - + Impulse Editor - + Enable waveform Aktivera vågform - - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Klicka här för att aktivera/inaktivera vågform. + + Enable/disable string + Aktivera/inaktivera sträng - + String Sträng - - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - - - - + + Sine wave Sinusvåg - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - - - - + + Triangle wave Triangelvåg - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - - - - + + Saw wave Sågtandsvåg - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - - - - + + Square wave Fyrkantvåg - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - - - - - White noise wave - Vitt brus-våg - - - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - - - - - User defined wave - Användardefinierad vågform - - - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Använd en användardefinierad vågform för aktuell oscillator. - - - - Smooth - Utjämna + + + White noise + Vitt brus - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Klicka här för att jämna vågform. + + + User-defined wave + Användardefinierad våg - - Normalize - Normalisera + + + Smooth waveform + Jämn vågform - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Klicka här för att normalisera vågformen. + + + Normalize waveform + Normalisera vågform - voiceObject + VoiceObject - + Voice %1 pulse width Röst %1 pulsbredd - + Voice %1 attack Röst %1 attack - + Voice %1 decay - + Röst %1 avklingning - + Voice %1 sustain - + Röst %1 håll - + Voice %1 release - + Röst %1 avklingning - + Voice %1 coarse detuning - + Röst %1 grovurstämning - + Voice %1 wave shape - + Röst %1 vågform - + Voice %1 sync - + Röst %1 synk - + Voice %1 ring modulate - + Röst %1 ringmodulering - + Voice %1 filtered Röst %1 filtrerad - + Voice %1 test Röst %1 test - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog - + INPUT INGÅNG - + Input gain: Ingångsförstärkning: - + OUTPUT UTGÅNG - + Output gain: Utgångsförstärkning: - - Reset waveform - Återställ vågform - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - - - - - Smooth waveform - Mjuk vågform - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - - - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - Öka grafamplituden med 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph + Återställ vågdiagram - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Klicka här för att öka våggrafamplituden med 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph + Jämnt vågdiagram - - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - Minska grafamplituden med 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Öka vågdiagramamplituden med 1 dB - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Minska vågformsamplitud med 1dB - + Clip input - + Klipp ingång - - Clip input signal to 0dB - + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + Klipp ingångssignal till 0 dB - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls - + Input gain Ingångsförstärkning - + Output gain Utgångsförstärkning - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/tr.ts b/data/locale/tr.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..387be6d8b96 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/locale/tr.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16631 @@ + + + AboutDialog + + + About LMMS + LMMS Hakkında + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + Sürüm %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + + + + About + Hakkında + + + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + LMMS - herkes müzik yapabilir. + + + + Copyright © %1. + Telif hakkı ©%1. + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + + Authors + Yazarlar + + + + Involved + İlişkin + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + Katkıda bulunanların numara sırasına göre: + + + + Translation + Çeviri + + + + Current language not translated (or native English). +If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! + Mevcut dil çevrilmemiş (veya ana dili İngilizce). +LMMS'yi başka bir dilde çevirmekle ilgileniyorsanız veya mevcut çevirileri iyileştirmek istiyorsanız, bize yardımcı olabilirsiniz! Sadece bakımcı ile iletişime geçin! + + + + License + Lisans + + + + AmplifierControlDialog + + + VOL + SES + + + + Volume: + Ses Düzeyi: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Panning: + Kaydırma: + + + + LEFT + SOL + + + + Left gain: + Sol kazanç: + + + + RIGHT + SAĞ + + + + Right gain: + Sağ kazanç: + + + + AmplifierControls + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + Panning + Kaydırma + + + + Left gain + Sol kazanç + + + + Right gain + Sağ kazanç + + + + AudioAlsaSetupWidget + + + DEVICE + AYGIT + + + + CHANNELS + KANALLAR + + + + AudioFileProcessorView + + + Open sample + Örnek açın + + + + Reverse sample + Örneği ters çevir + + + + Disable loop + Döngüyü kapat + + + + Enable loop + Döngüyü aç + + + + Enable ping-pong loop + Ping-pong döngüsünü etkinleştir + + + + Continue sample playback across notes + Örneği notalar arasında oynatmaya devam et + + + + Amplify: + Güçlendirin: + + + + Start point: + Başlangıç noktası: + + + + End point: + Bitiş noktası: + + + + Loopback point: + Geri döngü noktası: + + + + AudioFileProcessorWaveView + + + Sample length: + Örnek uzunluğu: + + + + AudioJack + + + JACK client restarted + JACK istemcisi yeniden başlatıldı + + + + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. + LMMS bir nedenden ötürü JACK tarafından sistemden atıldı. Bundan dolayı LMMS'in JACK altyapısı yeniden başlatıldı. Bağlantıları yeniden elle yapmanız gerekecek. + + + + JACK server down + JACK sunucusu kapalı + + + + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. + JACK sunucusu kapanmış gibi görünüyor ve yeni bir örnek başlatılamadı. Bu nedenle LMMS devam edemiyor. Projenizi kaydetmeli, JACK ve LMMS'i yeniden başlatmalısınız. + + + + Client name + İstemci adı + + + + Channels + Kanallar + + + + AudioOss + + + Device + Aygıt + + + + Channels + Kanallar + + + + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget + + + Backend + Arka uç + + + + Device + Cihaz + + + + AudioPulseAudio + + + Device + Cihaz + + + + Channels + Kanallar + + + + AudioSdl::setupWidget + + + Device + Aygıt + + + + AudioSndio + + + Device + Aygıt + + + + Channels + Kanallar + + + + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget + + + Backend + Arka uç + + + + Device + Aygıt + + + + AutomatableModel + + + &Reset (%1%2) + &Sıfırla (%1%2) + + + + &Copy value (%1%2) + &Değeri kopyala (%1%2) + + + + &Paste value (%1%2) + &Değeri yapıştır (%1%2) + + + + &Paste value + &Değeri yapıştır + + + + Edit song-global automation + Global şarkı otomasyonunu düzenle + + + + Remove song-global automation + Global şarkı otomasyonunu kaldır + + + + Remove all linked controls + Tüm bağlantılı kontrolleri kaldır + + + + Connected to %1 + Şuna bağlı: %1 + + + + Connected to controller + Kontrolöre bağlı + + + + Edit connection... + Bağlantıyı düzenle... + + + + Remove connection + Bağlantıyı kaldır + + + + Connect to controller... + Kontrolöre bağla... + + + + AutomationEditor + + + Edit Value + Değeri Düzenleyin + + + + New outValue + Yeni çıkış değeri + + + + New inValue + Yeni giriş Değeri + + + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Lütfen bir kontrolün içerik menüsü ile bir otomasyon modeli açın! + + + + AutomationEditorWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Seçili bölümü oynat/durdur (Boşluk Tuşu) + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Seçili modeli oynatmayı durdur (Boşluk Tuşu) + + + + Edit actions + İşlemleri düzenle + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Çizim modu (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Silgi modu (Shift+E) + + + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + Değerleri çiz modu (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically + Dikey çevir + + + + Flip horizontally + Yatay çevir + + + + Interpolation controls + Enterpolasyon kontrolleri + + + + Discrete progression + Kesikli ilerleme + + + + Linear progression + Doğrusal ilerleme + + + + Cubic Hermite progression + Kübik Hermite ilerleme + + + + Tension value for spline + Sapma için gerilim değeri + + + + Tension: + Gerginlik: + + + + Zoom controls + Yakınlaştırma kontrolleri + + + + Horizontal zooming + Yatay yakınlaştırma + + + + Vertical zooming + Dikey yakınlaştırma + + + + Quantization controls + Niceleme kontrolleri + + + + Quantization + Niceleme + + + + + Automation Editor - no clip + Ayarkayıt Düzenleyici - oluşturulmuş bölüm yok + + + + + Automation Editor - %1 + Ayarkayıt Düzenleyici - %1 + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Model zaten bu desene bağlanmış. + + + + AutomationClip + + + Drag a control while pressing <%1> + Kontrollerden birini, <%1> tuşuna basılı tutuyorken kıpırdatın + + + + AutomationClipView + + + Open in Automation editor + Ayarkayıt Düzenleyici'de aç + + + + Clear + Temizle + + + + Reset name + İsmini sıfırla + + + + Change name + İsmini değiştir + + + + Set/clear record + Kayıdı başlat/durdur + + + + Flip Vertically (Visible) + Dikey Yönde Çevir (Görünür) + + + + Flip Horizontally (Visible) + Yatay Yönde Çevir (Görünür) + + + + %1 Connections + %1 Bağlantı + + + + Disconnect "%1" + Şunun bağlantısını kes: "%1" + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. + Model zaten bu desene bağlanmış. + + + + AutomationTrack + + + Automation track + Ayarkayıt parçası + + + + PatternEditor + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Beat+Bassline Düzenleyici + + + + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) + Seçili beat/bassline'ı oynat/durdur (Boşluk Tuşu) + + + + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) + Seçili beat/bassline'ı oynatmayı durdur (Boşluk Tuşu) + + + + Beat selector + Seçici vurgusu + + + + Track and step actions + Eylemleri izleyin ve adımlayın + + + + Add beat/bassline + Beat/bassline ekle + + + + Clone beat/bassline clip + Klon vuruşu / bas hattı deseni + + + + Add sample-track + Örnek parça ekle + + + + Add automation-track + Ayarkayıt parçası ekle + + + + Remove steps + Kısalt + + + + Add steps + Uzat + + + + Clone Steps + Klon Adımları + + + + PatternClipView + + + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor + Beat+Bassline Düzenleyici'de aç + + + + Reset name + İsmini sıfırla + + + + Change name + İsmini değiştir + + + + PatternTrack + + + Beat/Bassline %1 + Beat/Bassline %1 + + + + Clone of %1 + Kopya %1 + + + + BassBoosterControlDialog + + + FREQ + FREK + + + + Frequency: + Frekans: + + + + GAIN + GAIN + + + + Gain: + Kazanç: + + + + RATIO + ORAN + + + + Ratio: + Oran: + + + + BassBoosterControls + + + Frequency + Frekans + + + + Gain + Kazanç + + + + Ratio + Oran + + + + BitcrushControlDialog + + + IN + IN + + + + OUT + OUT + + + + + GAIN + GAIN + + + + Input gain: + Giriş kazancı: + + + + NOISE + PARAZİT + + + + Input noise: + Giriş gürültüsü: + + + + Output gain: + Çıkış kazancı: + + + + CLIP + KIRP + + + + Output clip: + Çıktı klibi: + + + + Rate enabled + Oran etkinleştirildi + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + Örnek hızında ezmeyi etkinleştirin + + + + Depth enabled + Derinlik etkinleştirildi + + + + Enable bit-depth crushing + Bit derinliğinde ezmeyi etkinleştirin + + + + FREQ + FREK + + + + Sample rate: + Örnekleme oranı: + + + + STEREO + STEREO + + + + Stereo difference: + Stereo farklılığı: + + + + QUANT + MİKTAR + + + + Levels: + Düzey: + + + + BitcrushControls + + + Input gain + Giriş kazancı + + + + Input noise + Giriş gürültüsü + + + + Output gain + Çıkış kazancı + + + + Output clip + Çıktı klibi + + + + Sample rate + Örnekleme oranı + + + + Stereo difference + Stereo farkı + + + + Levels + Seviyeler + + + + Rate enabled + Oran etkinleştirildi + + + + Depth enabled + Derinlik etkinleştirildi + + + + CarlaAboutW + + + About Carla + Carla hakkında + + + + About + Hakkında + + + + About text here + Buradaki metin hakkında + + + + Extended licensing here + Genişletilmiş lisans burada + + + + Artwork + Yapıt + + + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + Oxygen Team tarafından tasarlanan KDE Oxygen simge setini kullanma. + + + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV ve OpenOctave projelerinden bazı düğmeler, arka planlar ve diğer küçük sanat eserleri içerir. + + + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + VST, Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH'nin ticari markasıdır. + + + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + Birkaç ekstra simge ve sanat eseri için António Saraiva'ya özel teşekkürler! + + + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + LV2 logosu, Peter Shorthose'un bir konseptine dayalı olarak Thorsten Wilms tarafından tasarlanmıştır. + + + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + Thorsten Wilms tarafından tasarlanan MIDI Klavye. + + + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + DoosC tarafından tasarlanan Carla, Carla-Control ve Patchbay simgeleri. + + + + Features + Özellikler + + + + AU/AudioUnit: + AU/Ses Ünitesi: + + + + LADSPA: + LADSPA: + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + YazıEtiketi + + + + VST2: + VST2: + + + + DSSI: + DSSI: + + + + LV2: + LV2: + + + + VST3: + VST3: + + + + OSC + OSC + + + + Host URLs: + Barındırma URL'leri: + + + + Valid commands: + Geçerli komutlar: + + + + valid osc commands here + burada geçerli osc komutları + + + + Example: + Örnek: + + + + License + Lisans + + + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + GNU GENEL KAMU LİSANSI + Versiyon 2, Haziran 1991 + +Telif Hakkı (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., +51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 ABD +Herkesin birebir kopyaları kopyalayıp dağıtmasına izin verilir +ancak bu lisans belgesinin değiştirilmesine izin verilmez. + + Önsöz + + Çoğu yazılımın lisansları, +paylaşma ve değiştirme özgürlüğü. Aksine, GNU Genel Kamu +Lisans, özgürce paylaşma ve değiştirme özgürlüğünüzü garanti etmeyi amaçlamaktadır +yazılım - yazılımın tüm kullanıcıları için ücretsiz olduğundan emin olmak için. Bu +Genel Kamu Lisansı, Özgür Yazılımın çoğu için geçerlidir +Vakfın yazılımı ve yazarlarının taahhüt ettiği diğer tüm programlara +onu kullanarak. (Diğer bazı Özgür Yazılım Vakfı yazılımları, +bunun yerine GNU Kısıtlı Genel Kamu Lisansı.) +programlarınız da. + + Özgür yazılımdan bahsettiğimizde, özgürlükten bahsediyoruz, +fiyat. Genel Kamu Lisanslarımız, aşağıdakileri yaptığınızdan emin olmak için tasarlanmıştır: +ücretsiz yazılımın kopyalarını dağıtma özgürlüğüne sahiptir (ve +dilerseniz bu hizmet), kaynak kodunu almanızı veya alabilmenizi +İsterseniz yazılımı değiştirebilir veya parçalarını kullanabilirsiniz +yeni ücretsiz programlarda; ve bunları yapabileceğinizi bildiğinizi. + + Haklarınızı korumak için yasaklayan kısıtlamalar yapmalıyız +herhangi birinin size bu hakları inkar etmesi veya bu hakları teslim etmenizi istemesi. +Bu kısıtlamalar, aşağıdaki durumlarda sizin için belirli sorumluluklara dönüşür: +yazılımın kopyalarını dağıtmak veya değiştirirseniz. + + Örneğin, böyle bir programın kopyalarını dağıtırsanız, +ücretsiz veya bir ücret karşılığında, alıcılara tüm hakları vermelisiniz. +var. Onların da aldığından veya alabildiğinden emin olmalısınız. +kaynak kodu. Ve onlara bu terimleri göstermelisiniz, böylece onların +Haklar. + + Haklarınızı iki adımda koruyoruz: (1) yazılımın telif hakkı ve +(2) size kopyalama için yasal izin veren bu lisansı sunar, +yazılımı dağıtmak ve / veya değiştirmek. + + Ayrıca, her yazarın ve bizim korumamız için, emin olmak istiyoruz +herkes bu ücretsiz garantinin olmadığını anlıyor +yazılım. Yazılım başka biri tarafından değiştirilirse ve başkasına verilirse, biz +alıcılarının sahip oldukları şeyin orijinal olmadığını bilmesini istediği için +Başkalarının getirdiği herhangi bir sorunun orijinali yansıtmayacağını +yazarların itibarları. + + Son olarak, herhangi bir ücretsiz program, yazılım tarafından sürekli olarak tehdit edilmektedir +patentler. Ücretsiz bir ürünün yeniden dağıtımcılarının oluşturduğu tehlikeden kaçınmak istiyoruz. +program bireysel olarak patent lisanslarını alacaktır. +programın tescilli. Bunu önlemek için, herhangi bir +patent herkesin ücretsiz kullanımı için lisanslanmış olmalı veya hiç lisanslanmamış olmalıdır. + + Kopyalama, dağıtım ve +değişiklik takip eder. + + GNU GENEL KAMU LİSANSI + KOPYALAMA, DAĞITIM VE DEĞİŞTİRME İÇİN ŞARTLAR VE KOŞULLAR + + 0. Bu Lisans, aşağıdakileri içeren herhangi bir program veya diğer işler için geçerlidir: +telif hakkı sahibi tarafından dağıtılabileceğini söyleyen bir uyarı +bu Genel Kamu Lisansının koşulları altında. Aşağıdaki "Program", +bu tür herhangi bir program veya çalışmayı ve "Programı temel alan bir çalışmayı" ifade eder +Program ya da telif hakkı yasası kapsamındaki herhangi bir türev çalışma anlamına gelir: +başka bir deyişle, Programı veya bir bölümünü içeren bir çalışma, +kelimesi kelimesine veya değişikliklerle ve / veya başka bir dile çevrilerek +dil. (Bundan sonra, çeviri sınırlama olmaksızın +"değişiklik" terimi.) Her lisans sahibi "siz" olarak ele alınmaktadır. + +Kopyalama, dağıtma ve değiştirme dışındaki faaliyetler, +bu Lisans kapsamındaki; kapsamı dışındadırlar. Eylemi +Programın çalıştırılması kısıtlı değildir ve Programdan elde edilen çıktı +sadece içeriğinin esasa dayalı bir çalışma oluşturması durumunda kapsanır. +Program (Programın çalıştırılarak yapılmış olmasından bağımsız olarak). +Bunun doğru olup olmadığı, Programın ne yaptığına bağlıdır. + + 1. Programın birebir kopyalarını kopyalayabilir ve dağıtabilirsiniz. +herhangi bir ortamda, aldığınız gibi kaynak kodu +Her bir kopyaya uygun bir şekilde dikkat çekici ve uygun bir şekilde yayınlayın. +telif hakkı bildirimi ve garanti reddi; sağlam tut +bu Lisansa ve herhangi bir garantinin bulunmamasına atıfta bulunan bildirimler; +ve Programın diğer alıcılarına bu Lisansın bir kopyasını verin +Program ile birlikte. + +Bir kopyayı aktarmanın fiziksel eylemi için bir ücret talep edebilirsiniz ve +İsteğinize bağlı olarak bir ücret karşılığında garanti koruması sunabilirsiniz. + + 2. Programın kopyasını veya kopyalarını veya herhangi bir bölümünü değiştirebilirsiniz. +Programa dayalı bir çalışma oluşturur ve kopyalayıp +Bu tür değişiklikleri dağıtmak veya Bölüm 1 hükümleri altında çalışmak +yukarıdaki koşulların tümünü de karşılamanız koşuluyla: + + a) Değiştirilen dosyaların göze çarpan uyarılar taşımasına neden olmalısınız + dosyaları ve herhangi bir değişikliğin tarihini değiştirdiğinizi belirten. + + b) Dağıttığınız veya yayınladığınız herhangi bir esere, + tamamen veya kısmen Programdan veya herhangi bir + bunların bir kısmı, bir bütün olarak üçüncü herkese ücretsiz olarak lisanslanacaktır. + bu Lisansın koşulları altındaki taraflar. + + c) Değiştirilen program normalde komutları etkileşimli olarak okursa + koştuğunda, koşmaya başladığında buna sebep olmalısın. + en sıradan şekilde etkileşimli kullanım, bir + uygun bir telif hakkı bildirimini içeren duyuru ve + hiçbir garanti olmadığını fark edin (ya da sağladığınızı söyleyerek + bir garanti) ve kullanıcıların programı aşağıdaki koşullarda yeniden dağıtabileceğini + bu koşullar ve kullanıcıya bunun bir kopyasını nasıl görüntüleyeceğini söyleme + Lisans. (İstisna: Programın kendisi etkileşimli ancak + normalde böyle bir duyuru basmaz, çalışmanız temel alınarak + Programın bir duyuru yazdırması gerekmez.) + +Bu gereksinimler, bir bütün olarak değiştirilmiş iş için geçerlidir. Eğer +bu çalışmanın tanımlanabilir bölümlerinin Programdan türetilmediği, +ve makul bir şekilde bağımsız ve ayrı çalışmalar olarak kabul edilebilir +kendileri, bu Lisans ve koşulları, bunlar için geçerli değildir +bölümleri ayrı işler olarak dağıttığınızda. Ama sen +iş temelli bir bütünün parçası olarak aynı bölümleri dağıtın +Programda, bütünün dağıtımı şu şartlara uygun olmalıdır: +diğer lisans sahipleri için izinleri, +bütün bir bütün ve böylece onu kimin yazdığına bakılmaksızın her bir parçaya. + +Bu nedenle, bu bölümün amacı hak talebinde bulunmak veya itiraz etmek değildir. +tamamen sizin tarafınızdan yazılmış çalışma haklarınız; daha ziyade amaç +türevin dağıtımını kontrol etme hakkını kullanmak veya +Programa dayalı toplu çalışmalar. + +Ayrıca, Programı temel almayan başka bir çalışmanın yalnızca bir araya getirilmesi +Programla (veya Programa dayalı bir çalışmayla) bir ciltte +bir depolama veya dağıtım ortamı, diğer işi +bu Lisansın kapsamı. + + 3. Programı (veya buna dayalı bir çalışmayı, +Bölüm 2 altında) nesne kodu veya çalıştırılabilir biçimde, hükümler altında +Aşağıdakilerden birini de yapmanız şartıyla yukarıdaki Bölüm 1 ve 2: + + a) Tam karşılık gelen makine tarafından okunabilir ile birlikte verin + Bölüm şartlarına göre dağıtılması gereken kaynak kodu + Yazılım değişimi için geleneksel olarak kullanılan bir ortamda yukarıdaki 1 ve 2; veya, + + b) En az üç geçerli yazılı bir teklifle birlikte verin + yıl, herhangi bir üçüncü tarafa, sizden daha fazla olmayan bir ücret karşılığında + fiziksel olarak kaynak dağıtımının maliyeti, tam bir + ilgili kaynak kodunun makine tarafından okunabilir kopyası, + yukarıdaki Bölüm 1 ve 2 hükümlerine göre bir ortamda dağıtılmıştır + yazılım değişimi için geleneksel olarak kullanılır; veya, + + c) Teklifle ilgili olarak aldığınız bilgilerle birlikte verin + ilgili kaynak kodunu dağıtmak için. (Bu alternatif + yalnızca ticari olmayan dağıtım için ve yalnızca + programı nesne kodunda veya böyle bir şekilde yürütülebilir biçimde aldı + yukarıdaki Altbölüm b uyarınca bir teklif.) + +Bir eserin kaynak kodu, eserin tercih edilen şekli anlamına gelir. +üzerinde değişiklik yapmak. Yürütülebilir bir iş için eksiksiz kaynak +kod, içerdiği tüm modüller için tüm kaynak kodu artı herhangi bir +ilişkili arabirim tanımlama dosyaları ve kullanılan komut dosyaları +çalıştırılabilir dosyanın derlenmesini ve yüklenmesini kontrol eder. Ancak, bir +özel istisna, dağıtılan kaynak kodun içermesi gerekmez +normal olarak dağıtılan herhangi bir şey (kaynakta veya ikili olarak +form) ana bileşenleriyle (derleyici, çekirdek vb.) +Bu bileşen hariç, yürütülebilir dosyanın çalıştığı işletim sistemi +yürütülebilir dosyanın kendisi eşlik eder. + +Yürütülebilir veya nesne kodunun dağıtımı teklif yoluyla yapılırsa +belirlenmiş bir yerden kopyalamaya erişim, ardından eşdeğer sunma +aynı yerden kaynak kodunu kopyalamak için erişim, +üçüncü şahıslar olmasa bile kaynak kodun dağıtımı +kaynağı nesne koduyla birlikte kopyalamaya mecburdur. + + 4. Programı kopyalayamaz, değiştiremez, alt lisanslayamaz veya dağıtamazsınız +bu Lisans kapsamında açıkça belirtilmediği sürece. Herhangi bir girişim +aksi takdirde Programın kopyalanması, değiştirilmesi, alt lisansının verilmesi veya dağıtılması, +geçersizdir ve bu Lisans kapsamındaki haklarınızı otomatik olarak feshedecektir. +Bununla birlikte, sizden aşağıda belirtilen kopyaları veya hakları alan taraflar +bu Lisansın lisansları bu kadar uzun süre feshedilmeyecektir +taraflar tam uyum içinde kalır. + + 5. Kabul etmediğiniz için bu Lisansı kabul etmeniz gerekmemektedir. +imzaladı. Ancak, başka hiçbir şey size değiştirme izni vermez veya +Programı veya türev çalışmalarını dağıtmak. Bu eylemler +Bu Lisansı kabul etmiyorsanız kanunen yasaklanmıştır. Bu nedenle, +Programı (veya buna dayalı herhangi bir işi değiştirmek veya dağıtmak) +Program), bunu yapmak için bu Lisansı kabul ettiğinizi belirtirsiniz ve +kopyalamak, dağıtmak veya değiştirmek için tüm hüküm ve koşulları +Program veya buna dayalı olarak çalışır. + + 6. Programı (veya temel alan herhangi bir çalışmayı) her yeniden dağıttığınızda +Program), alıcı otomatik olarak bir lisans alır. +Orijinal lisans veren, bu Programı kopyalamak, dağıtmak veya değiştirmek için +bu hüküm ve koşullar. Daha fazla empoze edemezsin +alıcıların burada verilen hakları kullanmasına ilişkin kısıtlamalar. +Üçüncü şahısların aşağıdakilere uymasını sağlamaktan sorumlu değilsiniz: +bu Lisans. + + 7. Mahkeme kararı veya patent iddiasının bir sonucu olarak +ihlal veya başka herhangi bir nedenle (patent konuları ile sınırlı değildir), +Size şartlar getirilmiştir (ister mahkeme kararı, ister anlaşma veya ister +aksi takdirde) bu Lisansın koşullarıyla çelişen +bu Lisansın koşullarından sizi özür dilerim. Eğer yapamazsan +bu kapsamdaki yükümlülüklerinizi aynı anda yerine getirecek şekilde dağıtın +Lisans ve diğer ilgili yükümlülükler, o zaman sonuç olarak siz +Programı hiç dağıtamaz. Örneğin, bir patent +lisans, Programın telifsiz olarak yeniden dağıtımına izin vermez. +sizin aracılığınızla doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak kopyaları alan herkes, o zaman +hem bunu hem de bu Lisansı tatmin etmenin tek yolu +Programı dağıtmaktan tamamen kaçının. + +Bu bölümün herhangi bir kısmı geçersiz veya uygulanamaz olarak kabul edilirse +herhangi bir özel durumda, bölümün bakiyesi, +uygulayın ve bölüm bir bütün olarak diğer +koşullar. + +Bu bölümün amacı, sizi herhangi bir +patentler veya diğer mülkiyet hakkı iddiaları veya herhangi birinin geçerliliğine itiraz etmek +bu tür iddialar; bu bölümün tek amacı +özgür yazılım dağıtım sisteminin bütünlüğü +kamu lisans uygulamaları ile uygulanmaktadır. Birçok insan yaptı +dağıtılan geniş yazılım yelpazesine cömert katkılar +bunun tutarlı bir şekilde uygulanmasına güvenerek bu sistem aracılığıyla +sistem; istekli olup olmadığına karar vermek yazara / bağışçıya bağlıdır +yazılımı başka herhangi bir sistem üzerinden dağıtmak ve lisans sahibi bunu yapamaz. +bu seçimi empoze edin. + +Bu bölüm, neyin inandığını iyice açıklığa kavuşturmayı amaçlamaktadır. +bu Lisansın geri kalanının bir sonucu olabilir. + + 8. Programın dağıtımı ve / veya kullanımı aşağıda belirtilen +belirli ülkelerde ya patentlerle ya da telif hakkı alınmış arabirimlerle, +Programı bu Lisansın altına yerleştiren asıl telif hakkı sahibi +hariç açık bir coğrafi dağıtım sınırlaması ekleyebilir +bu ülkelerde, dağıtıma yalnızca içinde veya arasında izin verilsin +ülkeler bu nedenle dışlanmadı. Böyle bir durumda, bu Lisans şunları içerir: +bu Lisansın metninde yazılmış gibi sınırlama. + + 9. Özgür Yazılım Vakfı, revize edilmiş ve / veya yeni sürümler yayınlayabilir +Zaman zaman Genel Kamu Lisansı. Böyle yeni sürümler +özü olarak mevcut sürüme benzer olabilir, ancak ayrıntılı olarak farklılık gösterebilir. +yeni sorunları veya endişeleri ele alın. + +Her sürüme ayırt edici bir sürüm numarası verilir. Program +bu Lisansın kendisi için geçerli olan sürüm numarasını ve "herhangi bir +sonraki sürüm ", hüküm ve koşulları takip etme seçeneğiniz vardır +ya bu sürümün ya da Ücretsiz tarafından yayınlanan sonraki herhangi bir sürümün +Yazılım Vakfı. Program bir sürüm numarası belirtmezse +bu Lisans, Özgür Yazılım tarafından şimdiye kadar yayınlanan herhangi bir sürümü seçebilirsiniz. +Yapı temeli. + + 10. Programın bazı kısımlarını diğer ücretsiz +dağıtım koşulları farklı olan programlar yazara yazın +izin istemek için. Ücretsiz tarafından telif hakkı bulunan yazılımlar için +Yazılım Vakfı, Özgür Yazılım Vakfı'na yazın; Biz bazen +bunun için istisnalar yapın. Kararımız iki hedef tarafından yönlendirilecek +özgür yazılımımızın tüm türevlerinin özgür statüsünü korumak ve +genel olarak yazılımın paylaşımını ve yeniden kullanımını teşvik etmek. + + GARANTİ YOK + + 11. PROGRAM ÜCRETSİZ LİSANSLI OLDUĞUNDAN, GARANTİ YOKTUR +PROGRAM İÇİN, UYGULANACAK KANUNLARIN İZİN VERDİĞİ ÖLÇÜDE. NE ZAMAN HARİÇ +TELİF HAKKI SAHİPLERİNİN VE / VEYA DİĞER TARAFLARIN YAZILIMINDA AKSİ BELİRTİLENLER +PROGRAMI HERHANGİ BİR GARANTİ VERMEKSİZİN "OLDUĞU GİBİ" SAĞLAYIN +VEYA ZIMNİ GARANTİLER DAHİL ANCAK BUNLARLA SINIRLI OLMAMAK ÜZERE +BELİRLİ BİR AMACA UYGUNLUK VE SATILABİLİRLİK. RİSK TÜMÜ OLARAK +PROGRAMIN KALİTESİ VE PERFORMANSI SİZE AİTTİR. GEREKİRSE +PROGRAM KUSURLU OLDUĞUNDA, GEREKLİ TÜM SERVİS MALİYETLERİNİ KABUL ETMİŞ OLURSUNUZ, +ONARIM VEYA DÜZELTME. + + 12. YÜRÜRLÜKTEKİ YASA TARAFINDAN GEREKTİRİLMEDİ VEYA YAZILI OLARAK KABUL EDİLMEDİKÇE HİÇBİR DURUMDA +HERHANGİ BİR TELİF HAKKI SAHİBİ VEYA DEĞİŞİKLİK YAPABİLEN BAŞKA BİR TARAF VE / VEYA +YUKARIDA İZİN VERİLDİĞİ GİBİ PROGRAMI YENİDEN DAĞITIN, HASARLARDAN SİZE SORUMLU OLUN, +HERHANGİ BİR GENEL, ÖZEL, ARIZİ VEYA DOLAYLI HASARLAR DAHİL OLMAK ÜZERE +PROGRAMIN KULLANILMAMASI VEYA KULLANILAMAMASI (SINIRLI OLMAMAK ÜZERE DAHİL) +YANLIŞ VERİLEN VERİ VEYA VERİ KAYBI VEYA TARAFINDAN SÜRDÜRÜLEN KAYIPLAR +SİZ VEYA ÜÇÜNCÜ TARAFLAR VEYA PROGRAMIN BAŞKASINA ÇALIŞMAMASI +PROGRAMLAR), BU TÜR SAHİBİ YA DA BAŞKA BİR TARAFA TAVSİYE EDİLMİŞ OLSA BİLE +BU TÜR ZARARLARIN OLASILIĞI. + + HÜKÜM VE KOŞULLARIN SONU + + + + + OSC Bridge Version + OSC Köprü Sürümü + + + + Plugin Version + Eklenti Sürümü + + + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + <br>Sürüm %1<br>Carla, tam özellikli bir ses eklentisi barındırıcısıdır %2.<br><br>Telif Hakkı (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + + + + + (Engine not running) + (Motor çalışmıyor) + + + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + Herşey! (LRDF dahil) + + + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + Herşey! (Özel Veriler / Parçalar Dahil) + + + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + Hakkında 110&#37; tamam (özel uzantılar kullanarak)<br/>Uygulanan Özellik/Uzantılar:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + + + + + + Using Juce host + Juce ana bilgisayarını kullanma + + + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + Yaklaşık % 85 tamamlandı (eksik vst bankası / ön ayarları ve bazı küçük şeyler) + + + + CarlaHostW + + + MainWindow + AnaPencere + + + + Rack + Raf + + + + Patchbay + Yama yuvası + + + + Logs + Loglar + + + + Loading... + Yükleniyor... + + + + Buffer Size: + Arabellek Boyutu: + + + + Sample Rate: + Örnekleme Oranı: + + + + ? Xruns + ? Xruns + + + + DSP Load: %p% + EKR Yükü: %p% + + + + &File + &Dosya + + + + &Engine + &Motor + + + + &Plugin + &Eklenti + + + + Macros (all plugins) + Makrolar (tüm eklentiler) + + + + &Canvas + &Tuval + + + + Zoom + Büyütme + + + + &Settings + &Ayarlar + + + + &Help + &Yardım + + + + toolBar + araç Çubuğu + + + + Disk + Disk + + + + + Home + Ana Sayfa + + + + Transport + Aktarım + + + + Playback Controls + Oynatma Kontrolleri + + + + Time Information + Zaman Bilgileri + + + + Frame: + Çerçeve: + + + + 000'000'000 + 000'000'000 + + + + Time: + Zaman: + + + + 00:00:00 + 00:00:00 + + + + BBT: + BBT: + + + + 000|00|0000 + 000|00|0000 + + + + Settings + Ayarlar + + + + BPM + BPM + + + + Use JACK Transport + JACK Transport'u kullanın + + + + Use Ableton Link + Ableton Bağlantısını kullanın + + + + &New + &Yeni + + + + Ctrl+N + Ctrl+N + + + + &Open... + &Aç... + + + + + Open... + Aç... + + + + Ctrl+O + Ctrl+O + + + + &Save + &Kaydet + + + + Ctrl+S + CTRL + S + + + + Save &As... + &Farklı Kaydet... + + + + + Save As... + Farklı Kaydet... + + + + Ctrl+Shift+S + Ctrl+Shift+S + + + + &Quit + &Çıkış + + + + Ctrl+Q + Ctrl+Q + + + + &Start + &Başlat + + + + F5 + F5 + + + + St&op + Du&rdur + + + + F6 + F6 + + + + &Add Plugin... + &Eklenti Ekle... + + + + Ctrl+A + Ctrl+A + + + + &Remove All + Tümünü &Kaldır + + + + Enable + Etkinleştir + + + + Disable + Devre Dışı Bırak + + + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + % 0 Islak (Baypas) + + + + 100% Wet + % 100 Islak + + + + 0% Volume (Mute) + % 0 Ses (Sessiz) + + + + 100% Volume + % 100 Hacim + + + + Center Balance + Merkez Dengesi + + + + &Play + &Oynat + + + + Ctrl+Shift+P + Ctrl+ÜstKrkt+P + + + + &Stop + &Durdur + + + + Ctrl+Shift+X + Ctrl+Shift+X + + + + &Backwards + &Geriye doğru + + + + Ctrl+Shift+B + Ctrl+Shift+B + + + + &Forwards + &İleriye + + + + Ctrl+Shift+F + Ctrl+Shift+F + + + + &Arrange + &Düzenleme + + + + Ctrl+G + Ctrl+G + + + + + &Refresh + &Yenile + + + + Ctrl+R + Ctrl +R + + + + Save &Image... + &Görüntüyü Kaydet... + + + + Auto-Fit + Otomatik Sığdır + + + + Zoom In + Yakınlaştır + + + + Ctrl++ + Ctrl++ + + + + Zoom Out + Uzaklaştır + + + + Ctrl+- + Ctrl+- + + + + Zoom 100% + % 100 Yakınlaştır + + + + Ctrl+1 + Ctrl +1 + + + + Show &Toolbar + &Araç Çubuğunu Göster + + + + &Configure Carla + &Carla'yı yapılandır + + + + &About + &Hakkında + + + + About &JUCE + &JUCE Hakkında + + + + About &Qt + &Qt Hakkında + + + + Show Canvas &Meters + Tuval &Ölçerleri Göster + + + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + Tuval &Klavyeyi Göster + + + + Show Internal + Dahili Göster + + + + Show External + Harici Göster + + + + Show Time Panel + Zaman Panelini Göster + + + + Show &Side Panel + &Yan Paneli Göster + + + + &Connect... + &Bağlan... + + + + Compact Slots + Kompakt Yuvalar + + + + Expand Slots + Yuvaları Genişlet + + + + Perform secret 1 + Gizli 1'i gerçekleştir + + + + Perform secret 2 + Gizli 2'yi gerçekleştir + + + + Perform secret 3 + Gizli 3'ü gerçekleştir + + + + Perform secret 4 + Gizli 4'ü gerçekleştir + + + + Perform secret 5 + Gizli 5'i gerçekleştir + + + + Add &JACK Application... + &JACK Uygulaması Ekle... + + + + &Configure driver... + Sürücüyü &yapılandırın... + + + + Panic + Panik + + + + Open custom driver panel... + Özel sürücü panelini aç... + + + + CarlaHostWindow + + + Export as... + Farklı dışa aktar... + + + + + + + Error + Hata + + + + Failed to load project + Proje yüklenemedi + + + + Failed to save project + Proje kaydedilemedi + + + + Quit + Çık + + + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + Carla'yı bırakmak istediğinden emin misin? + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + '%1' Ses arka ucuna bağlanılamadı, olası nedenler: +%2 + + + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + Ses arka ucuna '%1' bağlanılamadı + + + + Warning + Uyarı + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + Hala yüklü bazı eklentiler var, motoru durdurmak için bunları kaldırmanız gerekiyor. +Bunu şimdi yapmak istiyor musun? + + + + CarlaInstrumentView + + + Show GUI + Görselli Arayüzü Göster + + + + CarlaSettingsW + + + Settings + Ayarlar + + + + main + ana + + + + canvas + tuval + + + + engine + motor + + + + osc + osc + + + + file-paths + dosya yolları + + + + plugin-paths + eklenti yolları + + + + wine + wine + + + + experimental + deneysel + + + + Widget + Araç + + + + + Main + Ana + + + + + Canvas + Tuval + + + + + Engine + Motor + + + + File Paths + Dosya Yolları + + + + Plugin Paths + Eklenti Yolları + + + + Wine + Wine + + + + + Experimental + Deneysel + + + + <b>Main</b> + <b>Ana</b> + + + + Paths + Yollar + + + + Default project folder: + Varsayılan proje klasörü: + + + + Interface + Arayüz + + + + Interface refresh interval: + Arayüz yenileme aralığı: + + + + + ms + ms + + + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + Konsol çıktısını Günlükler sekmesinde göster (motorun yeniden başlatılması gerekir) + + + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + Çıkmadan önce bir onay iletişim kutusu göster + + + + + Theme + Tema + + + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + Carla "PRO" temasını kullanın (yeniden başlatılması gerekiyor) + + + + Color scheme: + Renk düzeni: + + + + Black + Siyah + + + + System + Sistem + + + + Enable experimental features + Deneysel özellikleri etkinleştirin + + + + <b>Canvas</b> + <b>Tuval</b> + + + + Bezier Lines + Bezier Hatları + + + + Theme: + Tema: + + + + Size: + Boyut: + + + + 775x600 + 775x600 + + + + 1550x1200 + 1550x1200 + + + + 3100x2400 + 3100x2400 + + + + 4650x3600 + 4650x3600 + + + + 6200x4800 + 6200x4800 + + + + Options + Seçenekler + + + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + Bağlantı noktası olmayan grupları otomatik gizle + + + + Auto-select items on hover + Fareyle üzerine gelindiğinde öğeleri otomatik seç + + + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + Temel göz şekeri (grup gölgeleri) + + + + Render Hints + Oluşturma İpuçları + + + + Anti-Aliasing + Kenar Yumuşatma + + + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + Tuvali yeniden boyar (daha yavaştır, ancak çizim sorunlarını önler) + + + + <b>Engine</b> + <b>Motor</b> + + + + + Core + Çekirdek + + + + Single Client + Tek Alıcı + + + + Multiple Clients + Çoklu Alıcı + + + + + Continuous Rack + Sürekli Raf + + + + + Patchbay + Yama yuvası + + + + Audio driver: + Ses sürücüsü: + + + + Process mode: + İşlem modeli: + + + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + Yerleşik 'Düzenle' iletişim kutusunda izin verilecek maksimum parametre sayısı + + + + Max Parameters: + Maksimum Parametreler: + + + + ... + ... + + + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + Proje yükünden sonra Xrun sayacını sıfırlayın + + + + Plugin UIs + Eklenti kullanıcı arayüzleri + + + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + OSC Arayüz'lerin ana bilgisayarı geri göndermesi için ne kadar beklemek gerekir + + + + UI Bridge Timeout: + Arayüz Köprüsü Zaman Aşımı: + + + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + Mümkün olduğunda OSC-Arayüz köprülerini kullanın, bu şekilde UI'yi DSP kodundan ayırın + + + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + Mümkün olduğunda doğrudan işlem yerine Arayüz köprülerini kullanın + + + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + Eklenti kullanıcı arayüzlerini her zaman en üstte yapın + + + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + Eklenti kullanıcı arayüzlerinin Carla'nın üstünde görünmesini sağlayın (yeniden başlatılması gerekiyor) + + + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + NOT: Eklenti köprüsü kullanıcı arayüzleri, macOS'ta Carla tarafından yönetilemez + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Yeni ayarları yüklemek için motoru yeniden başlatın + + + + <b>OSC</b> + <b>OSC</b> + + + + Enable OSC + OSC'yi etkinleştir + + + + Enable TCP port + TCP bağlantı noktasını etkinleştir + + + + + Use specific port: + Belirli bir bağlantı noktası kullanın: + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var tarafından geçersiz kılındı + + + + + Use randomly assigned port + Rastgele atanan bağlantı noktasını kullan + + + + Enable UDP port + UDP bağlantı noktasını etkinleştir + + + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT ortam değişkeni tarafından geçersiz kılındı + + + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + DSSI kullanıcı arabirimleri, OSC UDP bağlantı noktasının etkinleştirilmesini gerektirir + + + + <b>File Paths</b> + <b>Dosya Yolları</b> + + + + Audio + Ses + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + "Ses dosyası" eklentisi için kullanılır + + + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + "Midifile" eklentisi için kullanılır + + + + + Add... + Ekle... + + + + + Remove + Kaldır + + + + + Change... + Değiştir... + + + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + <b>Eklenti Yolları</b> + + + + LADSPA + LADSPA + + + + DSSI + DSSI + + + + LV2 + LV2 + + + + VST2 + VST2 + + + + VST3 + VST3 + + + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 + + + + SFZ + SFZ + + + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + Yeni eklentiler bulmak için Carla'yı yeniden başlatın + + + + <b>Wine</b> + <b>Wine</b> + + + + Executable + Yürütülebilir + + + + Path to 'wine' binary: + 'Wine' ikilisine giden yol: + + + + Prefix + Önek + + + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + Eklenti dosya adına göre Wine önekini otomatik algıla + + + + Fallback: + Geri çekilmek: + + + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + Not: WINEPREFIX env var değişkeni bu yedek yerine tercih edilir + + + + Realtime Priority + Gerçek Zamanlı Öncelik + + + + Base priority: + Temel öncelik: + + + + WineServer priority: + WineSunucusu önceliği: + + + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + Bu seçenekler, eklenti olarak Carla için mevcut değildir + + + + <b>Experimental</b> + <b>Deneysel</b> + + + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + Deneysel seçenekler! Kararsız olması muhtemel! + + + + Enable plugin bridges + Eklenti köprülerini etkinleştirin + + + + Enable Wine bridges + Wine köprülerini etkinleştir + + + + Enable jack applications + Jack uygulamalarını etkinleştirin + + + + Export single plugins to LV2 + Tek eklentileri LV2'ye aktarın + + + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + Carla arka ucunu genel ad alanında yükle (ÖNERİLMEZ) + + + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + Süslü göz alıcı (grupların açılması / kapanması, kızdırma bağlantıları) + + + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + Oluşturmak için OpenGL kullanın (yeniden başlatılması gerekir) + + + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + Yüksek Kaliteli Örtüşme Önleme (yalnızca OpenGL) + + + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + Ardour tarzı "Satır İçi Ekranları" Oluştur + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + Aynı anda 2 örnek çalıştırarak mono eklentileri stereo olarak zorlayın. +Bu mod, VST eklentileri için kullanılamaz. + + + + Force mono plugins as stereo + Mono eklentileri stereo olarak zorla + + + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + Eklentilerin kötü şeyler yapmasını önleyin (yeniden başlatılması gerekir) + + + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + Mümkün olduğunda eklentileri köprü modunda çalıştırın. + + + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + Mümkün olduğunda eklentileri köprü modunda çalıştırın + + + + + + + Add Path + Yol Ekle + + + + CompressorControlDialog + + + Threshold: + Eşik: + + + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + Sıkıştırmanın gerçekleşmeye başladığı düzey + + + + Ratio: + Oran: + + + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + Eşiği geçtikten sonra kompresörün hacmi ne kadar azaltması gerekir + + + + Attack: + Saldırı: + + + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + Kompresörün sesi sıkıştırmaya başladığı hız + + + + Release: + Yayınla: + + + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + Kompresörün sesi sıkıştırmayı bıraktığı hız + + + + Knee: + Diz: + + + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + Eşiğin etrafındaki kazanç azaltma eğrisini düzeltin + + + + Range: + Menzil: + + + + Maximum gain reduction + Maksimum kazanç azaltma + + + + Lookahead Length: + Önden Bakış Uzunluğu: + + + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + Kompresörün yan zincir sinyaline vaktinden önce ne kadar süre tepki vermesi gerekir + + + + Hold: + Ambar: + + + + Delay between attack and release stages + Saldırı ve serbest bırakma aşamaları arasındaki gecikme + + + + RMS Size: + RMS Boyutu: + + + + Size of the RMS buffer + RMS arabelleğinin boyutu + + + + Input Balance: + Giriş Dengesi: + + + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + Giriş sesini sola / sağa veya ortaya / yana çevirin + + + + Output Balance: + Çıktı Dengesi: + + + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + Çıkış sesini sola / sağa veya ortaya / tarafa çevirin + + + + Stereo Balance: + Çift kanal Dengesi: + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + Yan zincir sinyalini sola / sağa veya ortaya / yana çevirin + + + + Stereo Link Blend: + Çift kanal Bağlantı Karışımı: + + + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes + Bağlantısız / maksimum / ortalama / minimum çift kanal bağlantı modları arasında uyum sağlayın + + + + Tilt Gain: + Eğim Kazancı: + + + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. + Yan zincir sinyalini düşük veya yüksek frekanslara yönlendirin. -6 db alçak geçiş, 6 db yüksek geçiştir. + + + + Tilt Frequency: + Eğim Frekansı: + + + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter + Yan zincir eğim filtresinin merkez frekansı + + + + Mix: + Karıştır: + + + + Balance between wet and dry signals + Islak ve kuru sinyaller arasında denge + + + + Auto Attack: + Otomatik Saldırı: + + + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + Crest faktörüne bağlı olarak saldırı değerini otomatik olarak kontrol edin + + + + Auto Release: + Otomatik Yayın: + + + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor + Crest faktörüne bağlı olarak serbest bırakma değerini otomatik olarak kontrol edin + + + + Output gain + Çıkış kazancı + + + + + Gain + Kazanç + + + + Output volume + Çıkış Düzeyi + + + + Input gain + Giriş kazancı + + + + Input volume + Giriş Düzeyi + + + + Root Mean Square + Kök kare ortalama + + + + Use RMS of the input + Girişin RMS'sini kullanın + + + + Peak + Zirve + + + + Use absolute value of the input + Girişin mutlak değerini kullan + + + + Left/Right + Sol/Sağ + + + + Compress left and right audio + Sol ve sağ sesi sıkıştır + + + + Mid/Side + Orta / Yan + + + + Compress mid and side audio + Orta ve yan sesi sıkıştır + + + + Compressor + Sıkıştırıcı + + + + Compress the audio + Sesi sıkıştır + + + + Limiter + Sınırlayıcı + + + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + Oranı sonsuza ayarla (ses seviyesini sınırlaması garanti edilmez) + + + + Unlinked + Bağlantısız + + + + Compress each channel separately + Her kanalı ayrı ayrı sıkıştırın + + + + Maximum + En Çok + + + + Compress based on the loudest channel + En gürültülü kanala göre sıkıştır + + + + Average + Ortalama + + + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + Ortalama kanal hacmine göre sıkıştır + + + + Minimum + En Az + + + + Compress based on the quietest channel + En sessiz kanala göre sıkıştırın + + + + Blend + Harman + + + + Blend between stereo linking modes + Stereo bağlantı modları arasında uyum sağlayın + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + Otomatik Makyaj Kazancı + + + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + Eşik, diz ve oran ayarlarına bağlı olarak makyaj kazancını otomatik olarak değiştirin + + + + + Soft Clip + Yumuşak Kırpılma + + + + Play the delta signal + Delta sinyalini çal + + + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + Yan zincir girişi olarak kompresörün çıktısını kullanın + + + + Lookahead Enabled + İleri Bakış Etkinleştirildi + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + 20 milisaniyelik gecikme süresi sağlayan Lookahead'i etkinleştirin + + + + CompressorControls + + + Threshold + Eşik + + + + Ratio + Oran + + + + Attack + Saldırı + + + + Release + Yayınla + + + + Knee + Diz + + + + Hold + Tut + + + + Range + Aralık + + + + RMS Size + RMS Boyutu + + + + Mid/Side + Orta / Yan + + + + Peak Mode + Tepe Modu + + + + Lookahead Length + Önden Bakış Uzunluğu + + + + Input Balance + Giriş Dengesi + + + + Output Balance + Çıktı Dengesi + + + + Limiter + Sınırlayıcı + + + + Output Gain + Çıkış Kazancı + + + + Input Gain + Giriş Kazancı + + + + Blend + Harman + + + + Stereo Balance + Çift kanal Dengesi + + + + Auto Makeup Gain + Otomatik Makyaj Kazancı + + + + Audition + İşitme + + + + Feedback + Geri bildirim + + + + Auto Attack + Otomatik Saldırı + + + + Auto Release + Otomatik Yayın + + + + Lookahead + Önden Bakış + + + + Tilt + Eğim + + + + Tilt Frequency + Eğim Frekansı + + + + Stereo Link + Çift kanal Bağlantı + + + + Mix + Karıştır + + + + Controller + + + Controller %1 + Kontrolör %1 + + + + ControllerConnectionDialog + + + Connection Settings + Bağlantı Ayarları + + + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI KONTROLÖR + + + + Input channel + Giriş kanalı + + + + CHANNEL + KANAL + + + + Input controller + Giriş kontrolörü + + + + CONTROLLER + KONTROLÖR + + + + + Auto Detect + Oto-Tespit + + + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + MIDI olaylarını almak için MIDI cihazları + + + + USER CONTROLLER + KULLANICI KONTROLÖRÜ + + + + MAPPING FUNCTION + EŞLEŞTİRME FONKSİYONU + + + + OK + Tamam + + + + Cancel + İptal + + + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Cycle Detected. + Döngü Algılandı. + + + + ControllerRackView + + + Controller Rack + Denetleyici Rafı + + + + Add + Ekle + + + + Confirm Delete + Silmeyi Onayla + + + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Silmeyi onaylıyor musunuz? Bu denetleyiciyle ilişkili mevcut bağlantılar var. Geri almanın bir yolu yok. + + + + ControllerView + + + Controls + Kontroller + + + + Rename controller + Denetleyiciyi yeniden adlandır + + + + Enter the new name for this controller + Bu denetleyicinin yeni adını girin + + + + LFO + LFO + + + + &Remove this controller + Bu denetleyiciyi &kaldırın + + + + Re&name this controller + Bu denetleyiciyi yeniden ad&landırın + + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog + + + Band 1/2 crossover: + Bant geçişi 1/2: + + + + Band 2/3 crossover: + Bant geçişi 2/3: + + + + Band 3/4 crossover: + Bant geçişi 3/4: + + + + Band 1 gain + Band kazancı 1 + + + + Band 1 gain: + Band kazancı 1: + + + + Band 2 gain + Band kazancı 2 + + + + Band 2 gain: + Band kazancı 2: + + + + Band 3 gain + Band kazancı 3 + + + + Band 3 gain: + Band kazancı 3: + + + + Band 4 gain + Band kazancı 4 + + + + Band 4 gain: + Band kazancı 4: + + + + Band 1 mute + Band 1 sesini kapatma + + + + Mute band 1 + Bant 1'in sesini kapat + + + + Band 2 mute + Band 2 sesini kapatma + + + + Mute band 2 + Band 2'yi sessize al + + + + Band 3 mute + Band 3 sesini kapatma + + + + Mute band 3 + Bant 3'ü sessize al + + + + Band 4 mute + Band 4 sesini kapatma + + + + Mute band 4 + Bant 4'ü sessize al + + + + DelayControls + + + Delay samples + Gecikme örnekleri + + + + Feedback + Geri bildirim + + + + LFO frequency + LFO frekansı + + + + LFO amount + LFO miktarı + + + + Output gain + Çıkış kazancı + + + + DelayControlsDialog + + + DELAY + GECİKME + + + + Delay time + Gecikme süresi + + + + FDBK + FDBK + + + + Feedback amount + Geri bildirim miktarı + + + + RATE + ORAN + + + + LFO frequency + LFO frekansı + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + LFO amount + LFO miktarı + + + + Out gain + Çıkış kazancı + + + + Gain + Kazanç + + + + Dialog + + + Add JACK Application + JACK Uygulaması Ekle + + + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + Not: Henüz uygulanmayan özellikler gri renkte görünür + + + + Application + Uygulama + + + + Name: + İsim: + + + + Application: + Uygulama: + + + + From template + Şablondan + + + + Custom + Özelleştirilmiş + + + + Template: + Şablon: + + + + Command: + Komut: + + + + Setup + Kurulum + + + + Session Manager: + Oturum Yöneticisi: + + + + None + Hiç + + + + Audio inputs: + Ses girişleri: + + + + MIDI inputs: + MIDI girişleri: + + + + Audio outputs: + Ses çıkışları: + + + + MIDI outputs: + MIDI çıkışları: + + + + Take control of main application window + Ana uygulama penceresinin kontrolünü elinize alın + + + + Workarounds + Çözümler + + + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + Harici uygulamanın başlamasını bekleyin (Gelişmiş, yalnızca Hata Ayıklama için) + + + + Capture only the first X11 Window + Yalnızca ilk X11 Penceresini yakalayın + + + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + Önceki istemci çıktı arabelleğini sonraki istemci için girdi olarak kullan + + + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + Port indeksi olarak MIDI kanalı ile 16 JACK MIDI çıkışını simüle edin + + + + Error here + Hata burada + + + + Carla Control - Connect + Carla Control - Bağlan + + + + Remote setup + Uzaktan kurulum + + + + UDP Port: + UDP Bağlantı Noktası: + + + + Remote host: + Uzak ana bilgisayar: + + + + TCP Port: + TCP Bağlantı Noktası: + + + + Reported host + Bildirilen ana bilgisayar + + + + Automatic + Otomatik + + + + Custom: + Özel: + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + Bazı ağlarda (USB bağlantıları gibi), uzak sistem yerel ağa erişemez. Burada Carla'nın uzaktan bağlanacağı ana bilgisayar adını veya IP'yi belirtebilirsiniz. +Emin değilseniz, "Otomatik" olarak bırakın. + + + + Set value + Değeri ayarla + + + + TextLabel + MetinEtiketi + + + + Scale Points + Ölçek Puanları + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + Sürücü Ayarları + + + + Device: + Aygıt: + + + + Buffer size: + Arabellek boyutu: + + + + Sample rate: + Örnekleme oranı: + + + + Triple buffer + Üçlü arabellek + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + Sürücü Kontrol Panelini Göster + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + Yeni ayarları yüklemek için motoru yeniden başlatın + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + FREK + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Kesme frekansı + + + + + RESO + RESO + + + + + Resonance + Çınlama + + + + + GAIN + KAZANÇ + + + + + Gain + Kazanç + + + + MIX + KARIŞIM + + + + Mix + Karıştır + + + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtre 1 etkinleştirildi + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtre 2 etkinleştirildi + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + Filtre 1'i etkinleştir / devre dışı bırak + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + Filtre 2'yi etkinleştir / devre dışı bırak + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + Filtre 1 etkinleştirildi + + + + Filter 1 type + Filtre türü 1 + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + Kesme frekansı 1 + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + Q/Rezonans 1 + + + + Gain 1 + Kazanç 1 + + + + Mix + Karıştır + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Filtre 2 etkinleştirildi + + + + Filter 2 type + Filtre türü 2 + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + Kesme frekansı 2 + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + Q/Rezonans 2 + + + + Gain 2 + Kazanç 2 + + + + + Low-pass + Düşük geçiş + + + + + Hi-pass + Yüksek geçiş + + + + + Band-pass csg + Bant geçişli csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + Bant geçişli czpg + + + + + Notch + Çentik + + + + + All-pass + Tamamı bitti + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x Düşük geçiş + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Düşük geçişli 12 dB / oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Bant geçişi 12 dB / oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Yüksek Geçişli 12 dB / oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Düşük geçişli 24 dB / oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Bant geçişi 24 dB / oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Yüksek Geçişli 24 dB / oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + Vokal Biçimlendirici + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + SV Düşük geçiş + + + + + SV Band-pass + SV Bant geçişi + + + + + SV High-pass + SV Yüksek geçiş + + + + + SV Notch + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + Hızlı Biçimlendirici + + + + + Tripole + Üçlü + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + Aktarım kontrolleri + + + + Play (Space) + Oynat (Boşluk) + + + + Stop (Space) + Durdur ( Boşluk) + + + + Record + Kayıt + + + + Record while playing + Çalarken kayıt + + + + Toggle Step Recording + Adım Kaydı Değiştir + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + Efekt etkinleştirildi + + + + Wet/Dry mix + Islak / Kuru karışım + + + + Gate + Geçit + + + + Decay + Bozunma + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + Efektler etkinleştirildi + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + ETKİ ZİNCİRİ + + + + Add effect + Efekt ekleyin + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + Efekt ekleyin + + + + + Name + İsim + + + + Type + Tip + + + + Description + Açıklama + + + + Author + Yazar + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + Aç/Kapat + + + + W/D + I/K + + + + Wet Level: + Islak düzey: + + + + DECAY + BOZULMA + + + + Time: + Zaman: + + + + GATE + PORTAL + + + + Gate: + Portal: + + + + Controls + Kontroller + + + + Move &up + Y&ukarı taşı + + + + Move &down + &Aşağı taşı + + + + &Remove this plugin + Bu eklentiyi &kaldır + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + Env ön gecikme + + + + Env attack + Env saldırısı + + + + Env hold + Env tutma + + + + Env decay + Env bozunma + + + + Env sustain + Env sürdürmek + + + + Env release + Env yayınlama + + + + Env mod amount + Env mod miktarı + + + + LFO pre-delay + LFO ön gecikmesi + + + + LFO attack + LFO saldırısı + + + + LFO frequency + LFO frekansı + + + + LFO mod amount + LFO mod miktarı + + + + LFO wave shape + LFO dalga şekli + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + LFO frekansı x 100 + + + + Modulate env amount + Ortam miktarını değiştir + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + SİL + + + + + Pre-delay: + Ön gecikme: + + + + + ATT + ATT + + + + + Attack: + Saldırı: + + + + HOLD + TUT + + + + Hold: + Ambar: + + + + DEC + DEC + + + + Decay: + Bozunma: + + + + SUST + SUST + + + + Sustain: + Sürdürmek: + + + + REL + REL + + + + Release: + Yayınla: + + + + + AMT + AMT + + + + + Modulation amount: + Modülasyon miktarı: + + + + SPD + SPD + + + + Frequency: + Frekans: + + + + FREQ x 100 + FREQ x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + LFO frekansını 100 ile çarpın + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + ENV MİKTARINI MODÜLE EDİN + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + Bu LFO ile kontrol zarfı miktarı + + + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: + + + + Hint + İpucu + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + Bu pencereye bir numune sürükleyip bırakın. + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + Giriş kazancı + + + + Output gain + Çıkış kazancı + + + + Low-shelf gain + Düşük raf kazancı + + + + Peak 1 gain + Tepe kazancı 1 + + + + Peak 2 gain + Tepe kazancı 2 + + + + Peak 3 gain + Tepe kazancı 3 + + + + Peak 4 gain + Tepe kazancı 4 + + + + High-shelf gain + Yüksek raf kazancı + + + + HP res + HP res + + + + Low-shelf res + Düşük raflı res + + + + Peak 1 BW + Tepe 1 BW + + + + Peak 2 BW + Tepe 2 BW + + + + Peak 3 BW + Tepe 3 BW + + + + Peak 4 BW + Tepe 4 BW + + + + High-shelf res + Yüksek raf çözünürlüğü + + + + LP res + LP res + + + + HP freq + HP frekansı + + + + Low-shelf freq + Düşük raf frekansı + + + + Peak 1 freq + Tepe frekansı 1 + + + + Peak 2 freq + Tepe frekansı 2 + + + + Peak 3 freq + Tepe frekansı 3 + + + + Peak 4 freq + Tepe frekansı 4 + + + + High-shelf freq + Yüksek raf frekansı + + + + LP freq + LP frekansı + + + + HP active + HP etkin + + + + Low-shelf active + Düşük raf etkin + + + + Peak 1 active + Aktif tepe 1 + + + + Peak 2 active + Aktif tepe 2 + + + + Peak 3 active + Aktif tepe 3 + + + + Peak 4 active + Aktif tepe 4 + + + + High-shelf active + Yüksek raf etkin + + + + LP active + LP etkin + + + + LP 12 + LP 12 + + + + LP 24 + LP 24 + + + + LP 48 + LP 48 + + + + HP 12 + HP 12 + + + + HP 24 + HP 24 + + + + HP 48 + HP 48 + + + + Low-pass type + Düşük geçişli tip + + + + High-pass type + Yüksek geçişli tip + + + + Analyse IN + Analiz GİRİŞİ + + + + Analyse OUT + Analiz ÇIKIŞI + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + HP + + + + Low-shelf + Düşük raf + + + + Peak 1 + Tepe 1 + + + + Peak 2 + Tepe 2 + + + + Peak 3 + Tepe 3 + + + + Peak 4 + Tepe 4 + + + + High-shelf + Yüksek raf + + + + LP + LP + + + + Input gain + Giriş kazancı + + + + + + Gain + Kazanç + + + + Output gain + Çıkış kazancı + + + + Bandwidth: + Bant genişliği: + + + + Octave + Octave + + + + Resonance : + Rezonans : + + + + Frequency: + Frekans: + + + + LP group + LP grubu + + + + HP group + HP grubu + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + Reso: + + + + BW: + BW: + + + + + Freq: + Freq: + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + Projeyi dışa aktar + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + Döngü olarak dışa aktar (fazla çubuğu kaldırın) + + + + Export between loop markers + Döngü işaretleyicileri arasında dışa aktar + + + + Render Looped Section: + Döngülü Bölümü Oluştur: + + + + time(s) + zamanlar) + + + + File format settings + Dosya biçimi ayarları + + + + File format: + Dosya biçimi: + + + + Sampling rate: + Örnekleme oranı: + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + Bit derinliği: + + + + 16 Bit integer + 16 Bit tam sayı + + + + 24 Bit integer + 24 Bit tam sayı + + + + 32 Bit float + 32 Bit kayan + + + + Stereo mode: + Stereo modu: + + + + Mono + Mono + + + + Stereo + Stereo + + + + Joint stereo + Ortak stereo + + + + Compression level: + Sıkıştırma seviyesi: + + + + Bitrate: + Bit oranı: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + Değişken bit hızı kullan + + + + Quality settings + Kalite ayarları + + + + Interpolation: + Aradeğerleme: + + + + Zero order hold + Sıfır emir tutma + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + Sinc en kötü (en hızlı) + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + Sinc orta (önerilir) + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + En iyi (en yavaş) + + + + Oversampling: + Yüksek hızda örnekleme: + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (Hiçbiri) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + Başlat + + + + Cancel + İptal + + + + Could not open file + Dosya açılamadı + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + %1 dosyası yazmak için açılamadı. +Lütfen dosyaya ve dosyayı içeren dizine yazma izniniz olduğundan emin olun ve tekrar deneyin! + + + + Export project to %1 + %1 projesini dışa aktar + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + (En hızlı - en büyük) + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + (En yavaş - en küçük) + + + + Error + Hata + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Dosya kodlayıcı cihazı belirlenirken hata oluştu. Lütfen farklı bir çıktı biçimi seçmeyi deneyin. + + + + Rendering: %1% + Oluşturuluyor: %1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + Değeri ayarla + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Lütfen %1 ile %2 arasında yeni bir değer girin: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + Kullanıcı içeriği + + + + Factory content + Fabrika içeriği + + + + Browser + Tarayıcı + + + + Search + Arama + + + + Refresh list + Listeyi yenile + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + Aktif alet izine gönder + + + + Open containing folder + Bulunduğu dizini aç + + + + Song Editor + Şarkı Düzenleyici + + + + BB Editor + BB Düzenleyici + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + Yeni Ses Dosyası İşlemcisi örneğine gönder + + + + Send to new instrument track + Yeni enstrüman kanalına gönder + + + + (%2Enter) + (%2Enter) + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + Yeni örnek kanala gönder (Shift + Enter) + + + + Loading sample + Örnek yükleniyor + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Lütfen bekleyin, önizleme için örnek yükleniyor... + + + + Error + Hata + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + %1 geçerli bir %2 dosyası gibi görünmüyor + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- Fabrika dosyaları --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + Gecikme örnekleri + + + + LFO frequency + LFO frekansı + + + + Seconds + Saniye + + + + Stereo phase + Stereo faz + + + + Regen + Regen + + + + Noise + Parazit + + + + Invert + Tersine çevir + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + GECİKME + + + + Delay time: + Gecikme süresi: + + + + RATE + ORAN + + + + Period: + Periyod: + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Amount: + Miktar: + + + + PHASE + Evre + + + + Phase: + Evre: + + + + FDBK + FDBK + + + + Feedback amount: + Geri bildirim miktarı: + + + + NOISE + PARAZİT + + + + White noise amount: + Beyaz gürültü miktarı: + + + + Invert + Tersine çevir + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + Tarama zamanı + + + + Sweep direction + Tarama yönü + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + Tarama oranı kaydırma miktarı + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Dalga deseni görev döngüsü + + + + Channel 1 volume + Kanal 1 düzeyi + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Düzey tarama yönü + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Taramadaki her adımın uzunluğu + + + + Channel 2 volume + Kanal 2 düzeyi + + + + Channel 3 volume + Kanal 3 düzeyi + + + + Channel 4 volume + Kanal 4 düzeyi + + + + Shift Register width + Vardiya Kaydı genişliği + + + + Right output level + Sağ çıkış seviyesi + + + + Left output level + Sol çıkış seviyesi + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 1'den SO2'ye (Sol) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 2'den SO2'ye (Sol) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 3'den SO2'ye (Sol) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 4'den SO2'ye (Sol) + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 1'den SO1'e (Sağ) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 2'den SO1'e (Sağ) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 3'den SO1'e (Sağ) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 4'den SO1'e (Sağ) + + + + Treble + Tiz + + + + Bass + Bas + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + Tarama zamanı: + + + + Sweep time + Tarama zamanı + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + Tarama oranı kaydırma miktarı: + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + Tarama oranı kaydırma miktarı + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + Dalga deseni görev döngüsü: + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + Dalga deseni görev döngüsü + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + Kare kanal 1 düzeyi: + + + + Square channel 1 volume + Kare kanal 1 düzeyi + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Taramadaki her adımın uzunluğu: + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Taramadaki her adımın uzunluğu + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + Kare kanal 2 düzeyi: + + + + Square channel 2 volume + Kare kanal 2 düzeyi + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + Dalga deseni kanal düzeyi: + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + Dalga deseni kanal düzeyi + + + + Noise channel volume: + Gürültü kanalı düzeyi: + + + + Noise channel volume + Gürültü kanalı düzeyi + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + SO2 düzeyi (Sağ): + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + SO2 düzeyi (Sağ) + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + SO2 düzeyi (Sol): + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + SO2 düzeyi (Sol) + + + + Treble: + Tiz: + + + + Treble + Tiz + + + + Bass: + Bas: + + + + Bass + Bas + + + + Sweep direction + Tarama yönü + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Düzey tarama yönü + + + + Shift register width + Vardiya kaydı genişliği + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 1'den SO1'e (Sağ) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 2'den SO1'e (Sağ) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 3'den SO1'e (Sağ) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Kanal 4'den SO1'e (Sağ) + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 1'den SO2'ye (Sol) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 2'den SO2'ye (Sol) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 3'den SO2'ye (Sol) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Kanal 4'den SO2'ye (Sol) + + + + Wave pattern graph + Dalga deseni grafiği + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + Kanal gönderme miktarı + + + + Move &left + Sol&a taşı + + + + Move &right + &Sağa taşı + + + + Rename &channel + &Kanalı yeniden adlandır + + + + R&emove channel + Kanalı k&aldır + + + + Remove &unused channels + &Kullanılmayan kanalları kaldırın + + + + Set channel color + Kanal rengini ayarla + + + + Remove channel color + Kanal rengini kaldır + + + + Pick random channel color + Rastgele kanal rengi seçin + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + Ata: + + + + New mixer Channel + Yeni FX Kanalı + + + + Mixer + + + Master + Usta + + + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 + + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + Mute + Sustur + + + + Solo + Tek + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + FX-Karıştırıcısı + + + + Fader %1 + FX Fader %1 + + + + Mute + Sustur + + + + Mute this mixer channel + Bu FX kanalını sessize al + + + + Solo + Tek + + + + Solo mixer channel + Solo FX kanalı + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + %1 kanalından %2 kanalına gönderilecek miktar + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + Yuva + + + + Patch + Yama + + + + Gain + Kazanç + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + GIG dosyasını açın + + + + Choose patch + Yama seçin + + + + Gain: + Kazanç: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG Dosyaları (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + Çalışma dizini + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + %1 LMMS çalışma dizini yok. Şimdi oluşturulsun mu? Dizini daha sonra Düzenle -> Ayarlar üzerinden değiştirebilirsiniz. + + + + Preparing UI + Arayüz hazırlanıyor + + + + Preparing song editor + Şarkı düzenleyicinin hazırlanıyor + + + + Preparing mixer + Karıştırıcı hazırlanıyor + + + + Preparing controller rack + Denetleyici rafını hazırlanıyor + + + + Preparing project notes + Proje notlarının hazırlanıyor + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Beat / bassline editörü hazırlanıyor + + + + Preparing piano roll + Piyano rulosunun hazırlanıyor + + + + Preparing automation editor + Otomasyon düzenleyicinin hazırlanıyor + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + Arpej + + + + Arpeggio type + Arpej türü + + + + Arpeggio range + Arpej aralığı + + + + Note repeats + Nota tekrarları + + + + Cycle steps + Döngü adımları + + + + Skip rate + Atlama oranı + + + + Miss rate + Iskalama oranı + + + + Arpeggio time + Arpej zamanı + + + + Arpeggio gate + Arpej kapısı + + + + Arpeggio direction + Arpej yönü + + + + Arpeggio mode + Arpej modu + + + + Up + Üst + + + + Down + Aşağı + + + + Up and down + Yukarı ve aşağı + + + + Down and up + Aşağı ve yukarı + + + + Random + Rastgele + + + + Free + Özgür + + + + Sort + Çeşit + + + + Sync + Eşitleme + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEJ + + + + RANGE + ARALIK + + + + Arpeggio range: + Arpej aralığı: + + + + octave(s) + octave(s) + + + + REP + REP + + + + Note repeats: + Nota tekrarları: + + + + time(s) + zamanlar) + + + + CYCLE + DÖNGÜ + + + + Cycle notes: + Döngü notaları: + + + + note(s) + nota(lar) + + + + SKIP + ATLA + + + + Skip rate: + Atlama oranı: + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + KAÇIRMA + + + + Miss rate: + Kaçırma oranı: + + + + TIME + ZAMAN + + + + Arpeggio time: + Arpej zamanı: + + + + ms + ms + + + + GATE + PORTAL + + + + Arpeggio gate: + Arpej kapısı: + + + + Chord: + Akord: + + + + Direction: + Yön: + + + + Mode: + Kip: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + octave + + + + + Major + Önemli + + + + Majb5 + Majb5 + + + + minor + minor + + + + minb5 + minb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + augsus4 + + + + tri + tri + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + Harmonik minor + + + + Melodic minor + Melodik minor + + + + Whole tone + Bütün ton + + + + Diminished + Azalma + + + + Major pentatonic + Major pentatonik + + + + Minor pentatonic + Minor pentatonik + + + + Jap in sen + Sen de Jap + + + + Major bebop + Başlıca bebop + + + + Dominant bebop + Baskın bebop + + + + Blues + Blues + + + + Arabic + Arapça + + + + Enigmatic + Esrarengiz + + + + Neopolitan + Neopolitan + + + + Neopolitan minor + Neopolitan minör + + + + Hungarian minor + Macar minör + + + + Dorian + Dorian + + + + Phrygian + Frig + + + + Lydian + Lidya DIli + + + + Mixolydian + Miksolydiyen + + + + Aeolian + Aeolian + + + + Locrian + Locrian + + + + Minor + Minor + + + + Chromatic + Kromatik + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + Yarım-Bütün Azaltılmış + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + Frig hakimiyeti + + + + Persian + Farsça + + + + Chords + Akordlar + + + + Chord type + Akord türü + + + + Chord range + Akord aralığı + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + İSTİFLEME + + + + Chord: + Akord: + + + + RANGE + ARALIK + + + + Chord range: + Akord aralığı: + + + + octave(s) + octave(s) + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + MIDI GİRİŞİNİ ETKİNLEŞTİR + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + MIDI ÇIKIŞINI ETKİNLEŞTİR + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + KANAL + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + VELOC + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + PROG + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NOTA + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + MIDI olaylarının alınacağı MIDI cihazları + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + MIDI olaylarının gönderileceği MIDI cihazları + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + ÖZEL BAZ HIZI + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + % 100 nota hızında MIDI tabanlı enstrümanlar için hız normalleştirme tabanını belirtin. + + + + BASE VELOCITY + TABAN HIZI + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + ANA PERDE + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + Ana adımın kullanılmasını sağlar + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + DÜZEY + + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + CUTOFF + AYIRMAK + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Kesme frekansı + + + + RESO + RESO + + + + Resonance + Çınlama + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + Zarflar / LFO'lar + + + + Filter type + Filtre tipi + + + + Q/Resonance + Q/Rezonans + + + + Low-pass + Düşük geçiş + + + + Hi-pass + Yüksek geçiş + + + + Band-pass csg + Bant geçişli csg + + + + Band-pass czpg + Bant geçişli czpg + + + + Notch + Çentik + + + + All-pass + Tamamı bitti + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + 2x Low-pass + 2x Düşük geçiş + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Düşük geçişli 12 dB / oct + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Bant geçişi 12 dB / oct + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + RC Yüksek Geçişli 12 dB / oct + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Düşük geçişli 24 dB / oct + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Bant geçişi 24 dB / oct + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + RC Yüksek Geçişli 24 dB / oct + + + + Vocal Formant + Vokal Biçimlendirici + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + SV Low-pass + SV Düşük geçiş + + + + SV Band-pass + SV Bant geçişi + + + + SV High-pass + SV Yüksek geçiş + + + + SV Notch + SV Notch + + + + Fast Formant + Hızlı Biçimlendirici + + + + Tripole + Üçlü + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + HEDEF + + + + FILTER + FİLTRE + + + + FREQ + FREK + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Kesim frekansı: + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + Q/RESO + + + + Q/Resonance: + Q/Rezonans: + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Zarflar, LFO'lar ve filtreler mevcut cihaz tarafından desteklenmemektedir. + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + adsız_parça + + + + Base note + Temel nota + + + + First note + İlk nota + + + + Last note + Son nota + + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Pitch + Zift + + + + Pitch range + Eğim aralığı + + + + Mixer channel + FX kanalı + + + + Master pitch + Ana sahne + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + MIDI CC'yi Etkinleştir / Devre Dışı Bırak + + + + CC Controller %1 + CC Denetleyicisi %1 + + + + + Default preset + Varsayılan ön ayar + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + Volume: + Ses Düzeyi: + + + + VOL + SES + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + Giriş + + + + Output + Çıkış + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + MIDI CC Rafını Aç / Kapat + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + GENEL AYARLAR + + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + Volume: + Ses Düzeyi: + + + + VOL + SES + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Pitch + Zift + + + + Pitch: + Hatve (Aralık): + + + + cents + sent + + + + PITCH + PERDE + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + Perde aralığı (yarım tonlar) + + + + RANGE + ARALIK + + + + Mixer channel + FX kanalı + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Mevcut enstrüman parça ayarlarını önceden ayarlanmış bir dosyaya kaydedin + + + + SAVE + KAYDET + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + Zarf, filtre ve LFO + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + Akor istifleme & arpej + + + + Effects + Efektler + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + Çeşitli + + + + Save preset + Ön ayarı kaydet + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML hazır ayar dosyası (*.xpf) + + + + Plugin + Eklenti + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + NSM uygulamaları soyut veya mutlak yollar kullanamaz + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + NSM uygulamaları CLI bağımsız değişkenlerini kullanamaz + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + NSM kullanılmadan önce mevcut Carla projesini kaydetmeniz gerekir + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + JUCE hakkında + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + <b>JUCE hakkında</b> + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + Bu program JUCE 3.x.x sürümünü kullanır. + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + JUCE (Jules'un Yardımcı Sınıf Uzantıları), platformlar arası yazılım geliştirmek için her şeyi kapsayan bir C++ sınıf kitaplığıdır. + +Çoğu uygulamayı oluşturmak için ihtiyaç duyacağınız hemen hemen her şeyi içerir ve özellikle son derece özelleştirilmiş Kullanıcı arayüzleri oluşturmak ve grafik ve sesle çalışmak için çok uygundur. + +JUCE, GNU Kamu Lisansı 2.0 sürümü altında lisanslanmıştır. +Bir modül (juce_core) ISC altında izinli olarak lisanslanmıştır. + +Telif Hakkı (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + Bu program JUCE %1 sürümünü kullanıyor. + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + Doğrusal ayarla + + + + Set logarithmic + Logaritmik ayarla + + + + + Set value + Değeri ayarla + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Lütfen -96.0 dBFS ve 6.0 dBFS arasında yeni bir değer girin: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Lütfen %1 ile %2 arasında yeni bir değer girin: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + Kanalları bağla + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + Kanalları Bağla + + + + Channel + Kanallar + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + Kanalları bağla + + + + Value: + Değer: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Bilinmeyen LADSPA eklentisi %1 istendi. + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + Değeri ayarla + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Lütfen %1 ile %2 arasında yeni bir değer girin: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + Değeri ayarla + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Lütfen %1 ile %2 arasında yeni bir değer girin: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + Önceki + + + + + + Next + Sonraki + + + + Previous (%1) + Önceki (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Sonraki (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + LFO Denetleyicisi + + + + Base value + Temel değer + + + + Oscillator speed + Osilatör hızı + + + + Oscillator amount + Osilatör miktarı + + + + Oscillator phase + Osilatör fazı + + + + Oscillator waveform + Osilatör dalga formu + + + + Frequency Multiplier + Frekans Çarpanı + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + TEMEL + + + + Base: + Temel: + + + + FREQ + FREK + + + + LFO frequency: + LFO frekansı: + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Modulation amount: + Modülasyon miktarı: + + + + PHS + PHS + + + + Phase offset: + Faz uzaklığı: + + + + degrees + derece + + + + Sine wave + Sinüs dalgası + + + + Triangle wave + Üçgen dalga + + + + Saw wave + Testere dalga + + + + Square wave + Kare dalgası + + + + Moog saw wave + Moog testere dalgası + + + + Exponential wave + Üstel dalga + + + + White noise + Beyaz gürültü + + + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + Kullanıcı tanımlı şekil. +Bir dosya seçmek için çift tıklayın. + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + Modülasyon frekansını 1 ile çarpın + + + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + Modülasyon frekansını 100 ile çarpın + + + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + Modülasyon frekansını 100'e bölün + + + + Engine + + + Generating wavetables + Dalgaboyu oluşturma + + + + Initializing data structures + Veri yapılarını başlatma + + + + Opening audio and midi devices + Ses ve midi cihazlarını açma + + + + Launching mixer threads + Karıştırıcı konularının başlatılması + + + + MainWindow + + + Configuration file + Yapılandırma dosyası + + + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + %1:%2: %3 satırındaki yapılandırma dosyası ayrıştırılırken hata oluştu + + + + Could not open file + Dosya açılamadı + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + %1 dosyası yazmak için açılamadı. +Lütfen dosyaya ve dosyayı içeren dizine yazma izniniz olduğundan emin olun ve tekrar deneyin! + + + + Project recovery + Proje kurtarma + + + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Mevcut bir kurtarma dosyası var. Görünüşe göre son oturum düzgün şekilde sona ermemiş veya başka bir LMMS örneği zaten çalışıyor. Bu oturumun projesini kurtarmak istiyor musunuz? + + + + + Recover + Kurtar + + + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Dosyayı kurtarın. Lütfen bunu yaptığınızda birden fazla LMMS örneği çalıştırmayın. + + + + + Discard + Iskarta + + + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Varsayılan bir oturum başlatın ve geri yüklenen dosyaları silin. Bu geri alınamaz. + + + + Version %1 + Sürüm %1 + + + + Preparing plugin browser + Eklenti tarayıcısı hazırlanıyor + + + + Preparing file browsers + Dosya tarayıcıları hazırlanıyor + + + + My Projects + Projelerim + + + + My Samples + Örneklerim + + + + My Presets + Ön ayarlarım + + + + My Home + Ana sayfam + + + + Root directory + Kök dizini + + + + Volumes + Düzeyler + + + + My Computer + Bilgisayarım + + + + &File + &Dosya + + + + &New + &Yeni + + + + &Open... + &Aç... + + + + Loading background picture + Arka plan resmi yükleniyor + + + + &Save + &Kaydet + + + + Save &As... + &Farklı Kaydet... + + + + Save as New &Version + Yeni &Sürüm Olarak Kaydet + + + + Save as default template + Varsayılan şablon olarak kaydet + + + + Import... + İçe Aktar... + + + + E&xport... + D&ışa aktar... + + + + E&xport Tracks... + Parçaları D&ışa aktar... + + + + Export &MIDI... + &MIDI Dışa Aktar... + + + + &Quit + &Çıkış + + + + &Edit + &Düzenle + + + + Undo + Geri Al + + + + Redo + İleri Al + + + + Settings + Ayarlar + + + + &View + &Görünüm + + + + &Tools + &Araçlar + + + + &Help + &Yardım + + + + Online Help + Çevrimiçi Yardım + + + + Help + Yardım + + + + About + Hakkında + + + + Create new project + Yeni proje oluştur + + + + Create new project from template + Şablondan yeni proje oluştur + + + + Open existing project + Mevcut projeyi aç + + + + Recently opened projects + Yakın zamanda açılan projeler + + + + Save current project + Mevcut projeyi kaydet + + + + Export current project + Mevcut projeyi dışa aktar + + + + Metronome + Metronom + + + + + Song Editor + Şarkı Düzenleyici + + + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Beat+Bassline Düzenleyici + + + + + Piano Roll + Piyano Rulosu + + + + + Automation Editor + Otomasyon Düzenleyicisi + + + + + Mixer + FX Karıştırıcısı + + + + Show/hide controller rack + Denetleyici rafını göster / gizle + + + + Show/hide project notes + Proje notlarını göster / gizle + + + + Untitled + Başlıksız + + + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Oturumu kurtarın. Lütfen çalışmanızı kaydedin! + + + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 + + + + Recovered project not saved + Kurtarılan proje kaydedilmedi + + + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Bu proje önceki oturumdan kurtarıldı. Şu anda kaydedilmedi ve kaydetmezseniz kaybolacak. Şimdi kaydetmek ister misin? + + + + Project not saved + Proje kaydedilmedi + + + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Mevcut proje, son kayıttan bu yana değiştirildi. Şimdi kaydetmek ister misin? + + + + Open Project + Projeyi Aç + + + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + + + Save Project + Projeyi Kaydet + + + + LMMS Project + LMMS Projesi + + + + LMMS Project Template + LMMS Proje Şablonu + + + + Save project template + Proje şablonunu kaydet + + + + Overwrite default template? + Varsayılan şablonun üzerine yazılsın mı? + + + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Bu, mevcut varsayılan şablonunuzun üzerine yazacaktır. + + + + Help not available + Yardım mevcut değil + + + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Şu anda LMMS'de yardım bulunmamaktadır. +LMMS ile ilgili belgeler için lütfen http://lmms.sf.net/wiki adresini ziyaret edin. + + + + Controller Rack + Denetleyici Rafı + + + + Project Notes + Proje Notları + + + + Fullscreen + Tam ekran + + + + Volume as dBFS + DBFS olarak düzey + + + + Smooth scroll + Düzgün kaydırma + + + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Piyano rulosunda not etiketlerini etkinleştirin + + + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI Dosyası (*.mid) + + + + + untitled + başlıksız + + + + + Select file for project-export... + Proje dışa aktarımı için dosya seçin... + + + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Dışa aktarılan parkurları yazmak için dizin seçin... + + + + Save project + Projeyi kaydet + + + + Project saved + Proje kaydedildi + + + + The project %1 is now saved. + %1 projesi şimdi kaydedildi. + + + + Project NOT saved. + Proje kaydedilmedi. + + + + The project %1 was not saved! + %1 projesi kaydedilmedi! + + + + Import file + Dosyayı içe aktar + + + + MIDI sequences + MIDI dizileri + + + + Hydrogen projects + Hidrojen projeleri + + + + All file types + Tüm dosya türleri + + + + MeterDialog + + + + Meter Numerator + Sayaç Payı + + + + Meter numerator + Sayaç payı + + + + + Meter Denominator + Metre Paydası + + + + Meter denominator + Metre paydası + + + + TIME SIG + TIME SIG + + + + MeterModel + + + Numerator + Pay + + + + Denominator + Payda + + + + MidiCCRackView + + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + + + + MIDI CC Knobs: + MIDI CC Düğmeleri: + + + + CC %1 + CC %1 + + + + MidiController + + + MIDI Controller + MIDI Denetleyicisi + + + + unnamed_midi_controller + adsız_midi_denetleyici + + + + MidiImport + + + + Setup incomplete + Kurulum tamamlanmadı + + + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + Ayarlar iletişim kutusunda (Düzenle-> Ayarlar) varsayılan bir ses yazı tipi ayarlamadınız. Bu nedenle, bu MIDI dosyasını içe aktardıktan sonra hiçbir ses çalınmayacaktır. Bir Genel MIDI ses yazı tipi indirmeli, bunu ayarlar iletişim kutusunda belirtmeli ve tekrar denemelisiniz. + + + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + LMMS'yi içe aktarılan MIDI dosyalarına varsayılan ses eklemek için kullanılan SoundFont2 oynatıcı desteğiyle derlemediniz. Bu nedenle, bu MIDI dosyasını içe aktardıktan sonra hiçbir ses çalınmayacaktır. + + + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + MIDI Zaman İmza Payı + + + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + MIDI Zaman İmza Paydası + + + + Numerator + Pay + + + + Denominator + Payda + + + + Track + Parça + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK sunucusu kapalı + + + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + JACK sunucusu kapatılmış görünüyor. + + + + MidiPatternW + + + MIDI Pattern + MIDI Örüntüsü + + + + Time Signature: + Zaman İmzası: + + + + + + 1/4 + 1/4 + + + + 2/4 + 2/4 + + + + 3/4 + 3/4 + + + + 4/4 + 4/4 + + + + 5/4 + 5/4 + + + + 6/4 + 6/4 + + + + Measures: + Ölçümler: + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + 2 + 2 + + + + 3 + 3 + + + + 4 + 4 + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 + 8 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 10 + 10 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 12 + 12 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 14 + 14 + + + + 15 + 15 + + + + 16 + 16 + + + + Default Length: + Varsayılan Uzunluk: + + + + + 1/16 + 1/16 + + + + + 1/15 + 1/15 + + + + + 1/12 + 1/12 + + + + + 1/9 + 1/9 + + + + + 1/8 + 1/8 + + + + + 1/6 + 1/6 + + + + + 1/3 + 1/3 + + + + + 1/2 + 1/2 + + + + Quantize: + Niceleme: + + + + &File + &Dosya + + + + &Edit + &Düzenle + + + + &Quit + &Çıkış + + + + &Insert Mode + &Ekle Modu + + + + F + F + + + + &Velocity Mode + &Hız Modu + + + + D + D + + + + Select All + Tümünü seç + + + + A + A + + + + MidiPort + + + Input channel + Giriş kanalı + + + + Output channel + Çıkış kanalı + + + + Input controller + Giriş kontrolörü + + + + Output controller + Çıkış denetleyicisi + + + + Fixed input velocity + Sabit giriş hızı + + + + Fixed output velocity + Sabit çıkış hızı + + + + Fixed output note + Sabit çıktı notu + + + + Output MIDI program + MIDI programı çıktısı + + + + Base velocity + Temel hız + + + + Receive MIDI-events + MIDI olaylarını alın + + + + Send MIDI-events + MIDI olayları gönder + + + + MidiSetupWidget + + + Device + Cihaz + + + + MonstroInstrument + + + Osc 1 volume + Osc 1 düzey + + + + Osc 1 panning + Osc 1 kaydırma + + + + Osc 1 coarse detune + Osc 1 kaba detay + + + + Osc 1 fine detune left + Osc 1 ince detay sol + + + + Osc 1 fine detune right + Osc 1 ince detay sağ + + + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + Osc 1 çift kanal faz ofseti + + + + Osc 1 pulse width + Osc 1 darbe genişliği + + + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + Osc 1 nsenkronizasyonu yükselişte gönder + + + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + Osc 1 senkronizasyonu sonbaharda gönder + + + + Osc 2 volume + Osc 2 düzey + + + + Osc 2 panning + Osc 2 kaydırma + + + + Osc 2 coarse detune + Osc 2 kaba detay + + + + Osc 2 fine detune left + Osc 2 ince detay sol + + + + Osc 2 fine detune right + Osc 2 ince detay sağ + + + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + Osc 2 çift kanal faz ofseti + + + + Osc 2 waveform + Osc 2 dalga formu + + + + Osc 2 sync hard + Osc 2 senkronizasyonu zor + + + + Osc 2 sync reverse + Osc 2 senkronizasyon ters + + + + Osc 3 volume + Osc 3 düzey + + + + Osc 3 panning + Osc 3 kaydırma + + + + Osc 3 coarse detune + Osc 3 kaba detay + + + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Osc 3 çift kanal faz ofseti + + + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + Osc 3 alt osilatör karışımı + + + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + Osc 3 dalga formu 1 + + + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + Osc 3 dalga formu 2 + + + + Osc 3 sync hard + Osc 3 senkronizasyonu zor + + + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + Osc 3 Senkronizasyon ters + + + + LFO 1 waveform + LFO 1 dalga formu + + + + LFO 1 attack + LFO 1 saldırısı + + + + LFO 1 rate + LFO 1 oran + + + + LFO 1 phase + LFO 1 aşaması + + + + LFO 2 waveform + LFO 2 dalga formu + + + + LFO 2 attack + LFO 2 saldırısı + + + + LFO 2 rate + LFO 2 oran + + + + LFO 2 phase + LFO 2 aşaması + + + + Env 1 pre-delay + Env 1 ön gecikme + + + + Env 1 attack + Env 1 saldırısı + + + + Env 1 hold + Env 1 tutma + + + + Env 1 decay + Env 1 bozunma + + + + Env 1 sustain + Env 1 sürdürmek + + + + Env 1 release + Env 1 yayını + + + + Env 1 slope + Env 1 eğimi + + + + Env 2 pre-delay + Env 2 ön gecikmesi + + + + Env 2 attack + Env 2 saldırısı + + + + Env 2 hold + Env 2 tutma + + + + Env 2 decay + Env 2 bozunma + + + + Env 2 sustain + Env 2 sürdürmek + + + + Env 2 release + Env 2 yayını + + + + Env 2 slope + Env 2 eğimi + + + + Osc 2+3 modulation + Osc 2+3 modülasyonu + + + + Selected view + Seçili görünüm + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + Osc 1 - Düzey env 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + Osc 1 - Düzey env 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Düzey LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Düzey LFO 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + Osc 2 - Düzey env 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + Osc 2 - Düzey env 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Düzey LFO 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Düzey LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + Osc 3 - Düzey env 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + Osc 3 - Düzey env 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Düzey LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Düzey LFO 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + + + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + + + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + + + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + + + + + Sine wave + Sinüs dalgası + + + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Band sınırlı Üçgen dalga + + + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Bant sınırı Testere dalgası + + + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Bant sınırlı Rampa dalgası + + + + Bandlimited Square wave + Bant sınırı Kare dalga + + + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Band sınırlı Moog testere dalgası + + + + + Soft square wave + Yumuşak kare dalga + + + + Absolute sine wave + Mutlak sinüs dalgası + + + + + Exponential wave + Üstel dalga + + + + White noise + Beyaz gürültü + + + + Digital Triangle wave + Dijital Üçgen dalga + + + + Digital Saw wave + Dijital Testere dalgası + + + + Digital Ramp wave + Dijital Rampa dalgası + + + + Digital Square wave + Dijital Kare dalga + + + + Digital Moog saw wave + Digital Moog testere dalgası + + + + Triangle wave + Üçgen dalga + + + + Saw wave + Testere dalga + + + + Ramp wave + Rampa dalgası + + + + Square wave + Kare dalgası + + + + Moog saw wave + Moog testere dalgası + + + + Abs. sine wave + Abs. sinüs dalgası + + + + Random + Rastgele + + + + Random smooth + Rastgele pürüzsüz + + + + MonstroView + + + Operators view + Operatörler görünümü + + + + Matrix view + Matris görünümü + + + + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + + + Coarse detune + Kaba detune + + + + + + semitones + yarım tonlar + + + + + Fine tune left + Sola ince ayar + + + + + + + cents + sent + + + + + Fine tune right + Sağa ince ayar + + + + + + Stereo phase offset + Stereo faz kayması + + + + + + + + deg + deg + + + + Pulse width + Darbe genişliği + + + + Send sync on pulse rise + Nabız yükseldiğinde senkronizasyon gönder + + + + Send sync on pulse fall + Nabız düşüşünde senkronizasyon gönder + + + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + Sabit senkron osilatör 2 + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + Ters senkron osilatör 2 + + + + Sub-osc mix + Alt osc karışımı + + + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + Sabit senkron osilatör 3 + + + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + Ters senkron osilatör 3 + + + + + + + Attack + Saldırı + + + + + Rate + Oran + + + + + Phase + Evre + + + + + Pre-delay + Ön gecikme + + + + + Hold + Tut + + + + + Decay + Bozunma + + + + + Sustain + Sürdürmek + + + + + Release + Yayınla + + + + + Slope + Eğim + + + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + Osc 2'yi osc 3 ile karıştır + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + OSC 3'ün genliğini osc 2 ile modüle edin + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + OSC 3'ün frekansını osc 2 ile modüle edin + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + OSC 3'ün fazını OSC 2 ile modüle edin + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Modülasyon miktarı + + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog + + + Length + Süre + + + + Step length: + Adım uzunluğu: + + + + Dry + Kuru + + + + Dry gain: + Kuru kazanç: + + + + Stages + Aşamalar + + + + Low-pass stages: + Düşük geçiş aşamaları: + + + + Swap inputs + Girişleri değiştir + + + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + Yansımalar için sol ve sağ giriş kanallarını değiştirin + + + + NesInstrument + + + Channel 1 coarse detune + Kanal 1 kaba detune + + + + Channel 1 volume + Kanal 1 düzeyi + + + + Channel 1 envelope length + Kanal 1 zarf uzunluğu + + + + Channel 1 duty cycle + Kanal 1 görev döngüsü + + + + Channel 1 sweep amount + Kanal 1 tarama miktarı + + + + Channel 1 sweep rate + Kanal 1 tarama hızı + + + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Kanal 2 Kaba detune + + + + Channel 2 Volume + Kanal 2 Düzeyi + + + + Channel 2 envelope length + Kanal 2 zarf uzunluğu + + + + Channel 2 duty cycle + Kanal 2 görev döngüsü + + + + Channel 2 sweep amount + Kanal 2 tarama miktarı + + + + Channel 2 sweep rate + Kanal 2 tarama hızı + + + + Channel 3 coarse detune + Kanal 3 kaba detune + + + + Channel 3 volume + Kanal 3 düzeyi + + + + Channel 4 volume + Kanal 4 düzeyi + + + + Channel 4 envelope length + Kanal 4 zarf uzunluğu + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency + Kanal 4 gürültü frekansı + + + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + Kanal 4 gürültü frekansı taraması + + + + Master volume + Ana ses + + + + Vibrato + Titreşim + + + + NesInstrumentView + + + + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + + + Coarse detune + Kaba detune + + + + + + Envelope length + Zarf uzunluğu + + + + Enable channel 1 + 1. kanalı etkinleştir + + + + Enable envelope 1 + Zarf 1'i etkinleştir + + + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Zarf 1 döngüsünü etkinleştir + + + + Enable sweep 1 + Tarama 1`i etkinleştir + + + + + Sweep amount + Tarama miktarı + + + + + Sweep rate + Tarama oranı + + + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + % 12,5 Görev döngüsü + + + + + 25% Duty cycle + % 25 Görev döngüsü + + + + + 50% Duty cycle + % 50 Görev döngüsü + + + + + 75% Duty cycle + % 75 Görev döngüsü + + + + Enable channel 2 + 2. kanalı etkinleştir + + + + Enable envelope 2 + Zarf 2'yi etkinleştir + + + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Zarf 2 döngüsünü etkinleştir + + + + Enable sweep 2 + Tarama 2 yi etkinleştir + + + + Enable channel 3 + 3. kanalı etkinleştir + + + + Noise Frequency + Gürültü Frekansı + + + + Frequency sweep + Frekans taraması + + + + Enable channel 4 + 4. kanalı etkinleştir + + + + Enable envelope 4 + Zarf 4'ü etkinleştir + + + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Zarf 4 döngüsünü etkinleştir + + + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + Nota frekansını kullanırken gürültü frekansını nicelendirin + + + + Use note frequency for noise + Gürültü için nota frekansını kullanın + + + + Noise mode + Gürültü modu + + + + Master volume + Ana ses + + + + Vibrato + Titreşim + + + + OpulenzInstrument + + + Patch + Yama + + + + Op 1 attack + Op 1 saldırısı + + + + Op 1 decay + Op 1 bozunması + + + + Op 1 sustain + Op 1 sürdürme + + + + Op 1 release + Op 1 yayını + + + + Op 1 level + Op 1 seviyesi + + + + Op 1 level scaling + Op 1 seviye ölçeklendirme + + + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + Op 1 frekans çarpanı + + + + Op 1 feedback + Op 1 geribildirimi + + + + Op 1 key scaling rate + Op 1 anahtar ölçekleme oranı + + + + Op 1 percussive envelope + Op 1 vurmalı zarf + + + + Op 1 tremolo + Op 1 tremolo + + + + Op 1 vibrato + Op 1 titreşimi + + + + Op 1 waveform + Op 1 dalga formu + + + + Op 2 attack + Op 2 saldırısı + + + + Op 2 decay + Op 2 bozunması + + + + Op 2 sustain + Op 2 sürdürme + + + + Op 2 release + Op 2 yayını + + + + Op 2 level + Op 2 seviyesi + + + + Op 2 level scaling + Op 2 seviye ölçeklendirme + + + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + Op 2 frekans çarpanı + + + + Op 2 key scaling rate + Op 2 anahtar ölçekleme oranı + + + + Op 2 percussive envelope + Op 2 vurmalı zarf + + + + Op 2 tremolo + Op 2 tremolo + + + + Op 2 vibrato + Op 2 titreşimi + + + + Op 2 waveform + Op 2 dalga formu + + + + FM + FM + + + + Vibrato depth + Titreşim derinliği + + + + Tremolo depth + Tremolo derinliği + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView + + + + Attack + Saldırı + + + + + Decay + Bozunma + + + + + Release + Yayınla + + + + + Frequency multiplier + Frekans çarpanı + + + + OscillatorObject + + + Osc %1 waveform + Osc %1 dalga biçimi + + + + Osc %1 harmonic + Osc %1 harmonik + + + + + Osc %1 volume + Osc %1 düzeyi + + + + + Osc %1 panning + Osc %1 kaydırma + + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Osc %1 ince ayar sol + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Osc %1 kaba ince ayar + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Osc %1 ince ayar sağ + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Osc %1 faz kayması + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Osc %1 stereo faz ayarlama + + + + Osc %1 wave shape + Osc %1 dalga şekli + + + + Modulation type %1 + Modülasyon türü %1 + + + + Oscilloscope + + + Oscilloscope + Oscilloscope + + + + Click to enable + Etkinleştirmek için tıklayın + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Kanal Ön Ayarı + + + + Bank selector + Yuva seçici + + + + Bank + Yuva + + + + Program selector + Program seçici + + + + Patch + Yama + + + + Name + İsim + + + + OK + Tamam + + + + Cancel + İptal + + + + PatmanView + + + Open patch + Yama aç + + + + Loop + Döngü + + + + Loop mode + Döngü modu + + + + Tune + Ayarla + + + + Tune mode + Ayar modu + + + + No file selected + Dosya seçilmedi + + + + Open patch file + Yama dosyasını aç + + + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Yama Dosyaları (*.pat) + + + + MidiClipView + + + Open in piano-roll + Piyano rulosunda aç + + + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + Piyano rulosunda hayalet olarak ayarla + + + + Clear all notes + Tüm notaları temizle + + + + Reset name + İsmini sıfırla + + + + Change name + İsmini değiştir + + + + Add steps + Uzat + + + + Remove steps + Kısalt + + + + Clone Steps + Klon Adımları + + + + PeakController + + + Peak Controller + Tepe Kontrolörü + + + + Peak Controller Bug + Tepe Kontrol Hatası + + + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + LMMS'nin eski sürümündeki bir hata nedeniyle, tepe denetleyicileri doğru şekilde bağlanamayabilir. Lütfen tepe denetleyicilerin doğru şekilde bağlandığından emin olun ve bu dosyayı yeniden kaydedin. Herhangi bir rahatsızlık verdiysem üzgünüm. + + + + PeakControllerDialog + + + PEAK + ZİRVE + + + + LFO Controller + LFO Denetleyicisi + + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog + + + BASE + TEMEL + + + + Base: + Temel: + + + + AMNT + AMNT + + + + Modulation amount: + Modülasyon miktarı: + + + + MULT + ÇOK + + + + Amount multiplicator: + Miktar çarpanı: + + + + ATCK + SALDIRI + + + + Attack: + Saldırı: + + + + DCAY + BOZUNMA + + + + Release: + Yayınla: + + + + TRSH + EŞİK + + + + Treshold: + Eşik: + + + + Mute output + Çıkış sessiz + + + + Absolute value + Mutlak değer + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls + + + Base value + Temel değer + + + + Modulation amount + Modülasyon miktarı + + + + Attack + Saldırı + + + + Release + Yayınla + + + + Treshold + Eşik + + + + Mute output + Çıkış sessiz + + + + Absolute value + Mutlak değer + + + + Amount multiplicator + Miktar çarpanı + + + + PianoRoll + + + Note Velocity + Nota Hızı + + + + Note Panning + Nota Kaydırma + + + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Geçerli yarım tonu işaretle / işareti kaldır + + + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + İlgili tüm oktav yarı tonlarını işaretle / işareti kaldır + + + + Mark current scale + Mevcut ölçeği işaretle + + + + Mark current chord + Geçerli akoru işaretle + + + + Unmark all + Hepsinin işaretini kaldır + + + + Select all notes on this key + Bu anahtardaki tüm notaları seçin + + + + Note lock + Nota kilidi + + + + Last note + Son nota + + + + No key + Anahtar yok + + + + No scale + Ölçek yok + + + + No chord + Akord yok + + + + Nudge + Dürtme + + + + Snap + Yapış + + + + Velocity: %1% + Hız: %1% + + + + Panning: %1% left + Kaydırma: %1% sola + + + + Panning: %1% right + Kaydırma: %1% sağa + + + + Panning: center + Kaydırma: merkez + + + + Glue notes failed + Yapışkan notaları başarısız oldu + + + + Please select notes to glue first. + Lütfen önce yapıştırılacak notaları seçin. + + + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Lütfen üzerine çift tıklayarak bir desen açın! + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Lütfen %1 ile %2 arasında yeni bir değer girin: + + + + PianoRollWindow + + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Seçili bölümü oynat/durdur (Boşluk Tuşu) + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + MIDI aygıtında/kanal piyanodan notaları kaydedin + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Şarkı veya BB parçası çalarken MIDI aygıtından/kanal piyanodan notaları kaydedin + + + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + MIDI aygıtından/kanal piyanodan notaları bir seferde bir adım kaydedin + + + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Seçili bölümü oynatmayı durdur (Boşluk Tuşu) + + + + Edit actions + İşlemleri düzenle + + + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Çizim modu (Shift+D) + + + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Silgi modu (Shift+E) + + + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Modu seçin (Shift + S) + + + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + Pitch Bend modu (Shift+T) + + + + Quantize + Niceleme + + + + Quantize positions + Niceleme pozisyonları + + + + Quantize lengths + Niceleme uzunlukları + + + + File actions + Dosya işlemleri + + + + Import clip + Deseni içe aktar + + + + + Export clip + Deseni dışa aktar + + + + Copy paste controls + Kopyala yapıştır kontrolleri + + + + Cut (%1+X) + Kes (%1+X) + + + + Copy (%1+C) + Kopyala (%1+C) + + + + Paste (%1+V) + Yapıştır (%1+V) + + + + Timeline controls + Zaman çizelgesi kontrolleri + + + + Glue + Yapıştırıcı + + + + Knife + Bıçak + + + + Fill + Doldur + + + + Cut overlaps + Örtüşmeleri kes + + + + Min length as last + Son olarak en düşük uzunluk + + + + Max length as last + Son olarak en yüksek uzunluk + + + + Zoom and note controls + Yakınlaştırma ve nota kontrolleri + + + + Horizontal zooming + Yatay yakınlaştırma + + + + Vertical zooming + Dikey yakınlaştırma + + + + Quantization + Niceleme + + + + Note length + Nota uzunluğu + + + + Key + Anahtar + + + + Scale + Ölçek + + + + Chord + Kiriş + + + + Snap mode + Anlık çekim modu + + + + Clear ghost notes + Hayalet notaları temizle + + + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Piyano Rulosu -%1 + + + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Piyano Rulosu - desen yok + + + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + XML desen dosyası (*.xpt *.xptz) + + + + Export clip success + Deseni dışa aktarma başarılı + + + + Clip saved to %1 + Desen %1'e kaydedildi + + + + Import clip. + Deseni içe aktar. + + + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + Bir kalıp almak üzeresiniz, bu mevcut kalıbınızın üzerine yazılacaktır. Devam etmek istiyor musun? + + + + Open clip + Desen aç + + + + Import clip success + Desen başarılı şekilde içe aktarıldı + + + + Imported clip %1! + %1 deseni içe aktarıldı! + + + + PianoView + + + Base note + Temel nota + + + + First note + İlk nota + + + + Last note + Son nota + + + + Plugin + + + Plugin not found + Eklenti bulunamadı + + + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + "%1" eklentisi bulunamadı veya yüklenemedi! +Nedeni: "%2" + + + + Error while loading plugin + Eklenti yüklenirken hata + + + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + "%1" eklentisi yüklenemedi! + + + + PluginBrowser + + + Instrument Plugins + Enstrüman Eklentileri + + + + Instrument browser + Enstrüman tarayıcısı + + + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + Bir enstrümanı Şarkı Düzenleyici, Beat + Bassline Editor veya mevcut bir enstrüman parçasına sürükleyin. + + + + no description + açıklama yok + + + + A native amplifier plugin + Yerel bir amplifikatör eklentisi + + + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Bir enstrüman kanalında örnekleri (ör. Davullar) kullanmak için çeşitli ayarlara sahip basit örnekleyici + + + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Basınızı hızlı ve basit bir şekilde güçlendirin + + + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Özelleştirilebilir dalgalı sentezleyici + + + + An oversampling bitcrusher + Bir yüksek hızda örnekleme bit kırıcı + + + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Carla Patchbay Enstrüman + + + + Carla Rack Instrument + Carla Raf Enstrümanı + + + + A dynamic range compressor. + Dinamik aralıklı kompresör. + + + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + 4 bantlı Crossover Ekolayzer + + + + A native delay plugin + Yerel bir gecikme eklentisi + + + + A Dual filter plugin + Çift filtre eklentisi + + + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + dinamikleri esnek bir şekilde işlemek için eklenti + + + + A native eq plugin + Yerel bir eq eklentisi + + + + A native flanger plugin + Yerel bir flanger eklentisi + + + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + GameBoy (TM) APU Emülasyonu + + + + Player for GIG files + GIG dosyaları için oynatıcı + + + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Hydrogen dosyalarını LMMS'ye aktarmak için filtre + + + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Çok yönlü davul synthesizer + + + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Yüklü LADSPA eklentilerini listeleyin + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + LMMS içinde rastgele LADSPA efektlerini kullanmak için eklenti. + + + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Eksik monofonik taklit TB-303 + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + LMMS içinde rastgele LV2 efektlerini kullanmak için eklenti. + + + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + LMMS içinde rastgele LV2 araçlarını kullanmak için eklenti. + + + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + MIDI dosyalarını LMMS'den dışa aktarmak için filtre + + + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + MIDI dosyalarını LMMS'ye aktarmak için filtre + + + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + Modülasyon matrisli devasa 3-osilatör sentezi + + + + A multitap echo delay plugin + Çok noktalı yankı gecikmesi eklentisi + + + + A NES-like synthesizer + NES benzeri bir sentezleyici + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + 2 operatörlü FM Synth + + + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Organ benzeri sesler için Additive Synthesizer + + + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + GUS uyumlu yama aracı + + + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Ses zirvelerine sahip düğmeleri kontrol etmek için eklenti + + + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Sean Costello'dan yankı algoritması + + + + Player for SoundFont files + Soundfont dosyaları için oynatıcı + + + + LMMS port of sfxr + Sfxr'nin LMMS bağlantı noktası + + + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + MOS6581 ve MOS8580 SID'nin öykünmesi. +Bu çip Commodore 64 bilgisayarında kullanıldı. + + + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + Bir grafik spektrum analizörü. + + + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Bir stereo giriş dosyasının stereo ayrımını geliştirmek için eklenti + + + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Stereo çıkışı serbestçe değiştirmek için eklenti + + + + Tuneful things to bang on + Etkileyecek güzel şeyler + + + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Çeşitli şekillerde modüle edebileceğiniz üç güçlü osilatör + + + + A stereo field visualizer. + Bir stereo alan görselleştiricisi. + + + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + LMMS içinde VST (i) eklentilerini kullanmak için VST ana bilgisayarı + + + + Vibrating string modeler + Titreşimli dizi modelleyici + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + LMMS içinde rastgele VST efektlerini kullanmak için eklenti. + + + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + 4-osilatör modüle edilebilir dalgalanabilir synth + + + + plugin for waveshaping + dalgalı şekillendirme eklentisi + + + + Mathematical expression parser + Matematiksel ifade ayrıştırıcı + + + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Gömülü ZynAddSubFX + + + + PluginDatabaseW + + + Carla - Add New + Carla - Yeni Ekle + + + + Format + Biçim + + + + Internal + Dahili + + + + LADSPA + LADSPA + + + + DSSI + DSSI + + + + LV2 + LV2 + + + + VST2 + VST2 + + + + VST3 + VST3 + + + + AU + AU + + + + Sound Kits + Ses Kitleri + + + + Type + Tip + + + + Effects + Efektler + + + + Instruments + Enstrümanlar + + + + MIDI Plugins + MIDI Eklentileri + + + + Other/Misc + Diğer/Çeşitli + + + + Architecture + Mimari + + + + Native + Doğal + + + + Bridged + Köprülü + + + + Bridged (Wine) + Köprülü (Wine) + + + + Requirements + Gereksinimler + + + + With Custom GUI + Özel Arayüz ile + + + + With CV Ports + CV Portları ile + + + + Real-time safe only + Yalnızca gerçek zamanlı güvenli + + + + Stereo only + Yalnızca stereo + + + + With Inline Display + Satır İçi Ekranlı + + + + Favorites only + Yalnızca favoriler + + + + (Number of Plugins go here) + (Eklenti sayısı buraya gelir) + + + + &Add Plugin + &Eklenti Ekle + + + + Cancel + İptal + + + + Refresh + Tazeleme + + + + Reset filters + Filtreleri sıfırla + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + YazıEtiketi + + + + Format: + Biçim: + + + + Architecture: + Mimari: + + + + Type: + Türü: + + + + MIDI Ins: + MIDI Girişleri: + + + + Audio Ins: + Ses Girişleri: + + + + CV Outs: + CV Çıkışları: + + + + MIDI Outs: + MIDI Çıkışları: + + + + Parameter Ins: + Parametre Girişleri: + + + + Parameter Outs: + Parametre Çıkışları: + + + + Audio Outs: + Ses Çıkışları: + + + + CV Ins: + CV Girişleri: + + + + UniqueID: + Benzersiz Kimlik: + + + + Has Inline Display: + Satır İçi Ekrana Sahiptir: + + + + Has Custom GUI: + Özel Arayüz'e sahiptir: + + + + Is Synth: + Is Synth: + + + + Is Bridged: + Köprülü: + + + + Information + Bilgi + + + + Name + İsim + + + + Label/URI + Etiket/URI + + + + Maker + Yapıcı + + + + Binary/Filename + İkili/Dosya adı + + + + Focus Text Search + Metin Aramaya Odaklan + + + + Ctrl+F + Ctrl+F + + + + PluginEdit + + + Plugin Editor + Eklenti Düzenleyicisi + + + + Edit + Düzenle + + + + Control + Kontrol + + + + MIDI Control Channel: + MIDI Kontrol Kanalı: + + + + N + N + + + + Output dry/wet (100%) + Kuru/ıslak çıktı (% 100) + + + + Output volume (100%) + Çıkış düzeyi (% 100) + + + + Balance Left (0%) + Sol Denge (% 0) + + + + + Balance Right (0%) + Sağ Denge (% 0) + + + + Use Balance + Dengelemeyi Kullanın + + + + Use Panning + Kaydırmayı Kullan + + + + Settings + Ayarlar + + + + Use Chunks + Parçaları Kullanın + + + + Audio: + Ses: + + + + Fixed-Size Buffer + Sabit Boyutlu Arabellek + + + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + Stereo'yu Zorla (yeniden yüklenmesi gerekiyor) + + + + MIDI: + MIDI: + + + + Map Program Changes + Harita Programı Değişiklikleri + + + + Send Bank/Program Changes + Yuva/Program Değişikliklerini Gönderin + + + + Send Control Changes + Kontrol Değişikliklerini Gönder + + + + Send Channel Pressure + Kanal Basıncını Gönder + + + + Send Note Aftertouch + Sonra Dokunma Notası Gönder + + + + Send Pitchbend + Perde eğimi Gönder + + + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + Tüm Sesleri/Notaları Gönder Kapalı + + + + +Plugin Name + + +Eklenti İsmi + + + + + Program: + Program: + + + + MIDI Program: + MIDI programı: + + + + Save State + Kayıt Yeri + + + + Load State + Yükleme durumu + + + + Information + Bilgi + + + + Label/URI: + Etiket/URI: + + + + Name: + Ad: + + + + Type: + Türü: + + + + Maker: + Yapıcı: + + + + Copyright: + Telif hakkı: + + + + Unique ID: + Benzersiz Kimlik: + + + + PluginFactory + + + Plugin not found. + Eklenti bulunamadı. + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + LMMS eklentisi %1,%2 adında bir eklenti tanımlayıcısına sahip değil! + + + + PluginParameter + + + Form + Biçim + + + + Parameter Name + Parametre Adı + + + + ... + ... + + + + PluginRefreshW + + + Carla - Refresh + Carla - Yenile + + + + Search for new... + Yeni ara... + + + + LADSPA + LADSPA + + + + DSSI + DSSI + + + + LV2 + LV2 + + + + VST2 + VST2 + + + + VST3 + VST3 + + + + AU + AU + + + + SF2/3 + SF2/3 + + + + SFZ + SFZ + + + + Native + Doğal + + + + POSIX 32bit + POSIX 32bit + + + + POSIX 64bit + POSIX 64bit + + + + Windows 32bit + Windows 32bit + + + + Windows 64bit + Windows 64bit + + + + Available tools: + Mevcut araçlar: + + + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF desteği) + + + + carla-discovery-win64 + carla-keşif-win64 + + + + carla-discovery-native + carla-keşif-yerli + + + + carla-discovery-posix32 + carla-keşif-posix32 + + + + carla-discovery-posix64 + carla-keşif-posix64 + + + + carla-discovery-win32 + carla-keşif-win32 + + + + Options: + Seçenekler: + + + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + Carla, eklentileri tararken küçük işlem kontrolleri yapacak (çökmeyeceklerinden emin olmak için). +Daha hızlı bir tarama süresi elde etmek için bu kontrolleri devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz (kendi sorumluluğunuzdadır). + + + + Run processing checks while scanning + Tarama sırasında işleme kontrollerini çalıştırın + + + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + Aramaya başlamak için 'Tara'ya basın + + + + Scan + Tara + + + + >> Skip + >> Atla + + + + Close + Kapat + + + + PluginWidget + + + + + + + Frame + Çerçeve + + + + Enable + Etkinleştir + + + + On/Off + Aç/Kapat + + + + + + + PluginName + Eklentiİsmi + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + AUDIO IN + SES GİRİŞİ + + + + AUDIO OUT + SES ÇIKIŞI + + + + GUI + Arayüz + + + + Edit + Düzenle + + + + Remove + Kaldır + + + + Plugin Name + Eklenti İsmi + + + + Preset: + Ön ayar: + + + + ProjectNotes + + + Project Notes + Proje Notları + + + + Enter project notes here + Buraya proje notlarını girin + + + + Edit Actions + İşlemleri Düzenle + + + + &Undo + Geri &Al + + + + %1+Z + %1+Z + + + + &Redo + &Yinele + + + + %1+Y + %1+Y + + + + &Copy + &Kopyala + + + + %1+C + %1+C + + + + Cu&t + Ke&s + + + + %1+X + %1+X + + + + &Paste + &Yapıştır + + + + %1+V + %1+V + + + + Format Actions + Eylemleri Biçimlendir + + + + &Bold + &Kalın + + + + %1+B + %1+B + + + + &Italic + &İtalik + + + + %1+I + %1+I + + + + &Underline + &Altı Çizili + + + + %1+U + %1+U + + + + &Left + &Sol + + + + %1+L + %1+L + + + + C&enter + M&erkez + + + + %1+E + %1+E + + + + &Right + &Sağ + + + + %1+R + %1+R + + + + &Justify + &Yasla + + + + %1+J + %1+J + + + + &Color... + &Renk... + + + + ProjectRenderer + + + WAV (*.wav) + WAV (*.wav) + + + + FLAC (*.flac) + FLAC (*.flac) + + + + OGG (*.ogg) + OGG (*.ogg) + + + + MP3 (*.mp3) + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + QObject + + + Reload Plugin + Eklentiyi Yeniden Yükle + + + + Show GUI + Görselli Arayüzü Göster + + + + Help + Yardım + + + + QWidget + + + + + + Name: + İsim: + + + + URI: + URI: + + + + + + Maker: + Yapıcı: + + + + + + Copyright: + Telif Hakkı: + + + + + Requires Real Time: + Gerçek Zaman Gerektirir: + + + + + + + + + Yes + Evet + + + + + + + + + No + Hayır + + + + + Real Time Capable: + Gerçek Zamanlı Yetenekli: + + + + + In Place Broken: + Yerinde Kırık: + + + + + Channels In: + Giriş Kanalları: + + + + + Channels Out: + Çıkış Kanalları: + + + + File: %1 + Dosya: %1 + + + + File: + Dosya: + + + + RecentProjectsMenu + + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Yeni Açılan Projeler + + + + RenameDialog + + + Rename... + Yeniden adlandır... + + + + ReverbSCControlDialog + + + Input + Giriş + + + + Input gain: + Giriş kazancı: + + + + Size + Boyut + + + + Size: + Boyut: + + + + Color + Renk + + + + Color: + Renk: + + + + Output + Çıkış + + + + Output gain: + Çıkış kazancı: + + + + ReverbSCControls + + + Input gain + Giriş kazancı + + + + Size + Boyut + + + + Color + Renk + + + + Output gain + Çıkış kazancı + + + + SaControls + + + Pause + Duraklat + + + + Reference freeze + Referans dondurma + + + + Waterfall + Şelale + + + + Averaging + Ortalama + + + + Stereo + Stereo + + + + Peak hold + Tepe tutma + + + + Logarithmic frequency + Logaritmik frekans + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + Logaritmik genlik + + + + Frequency range + Frekans aralığı + + + + Amplitude range + Genlik aralığı + + + + FFT block size + FFT blok boyutu + + + + FFT window type + FFT pencere türü + + + + Peak envelope resolution + En yüksek zarf çözünürlüğü + + + + Spectrum display resolution + Spektrum ekran çözünürlüğü + + + + Peak decay multiplier + Tepe bozunma çarpanı + + + + Averaging weight + Ortalama ağırlık + + + + Waterfall history size + Şelale geçmişi boyutu + + + + Waterfall gamma correction + Şelale gama düzeltmesi + + + + FFT window overlap + FFT penceresi çakışması + + + + FFT zero padding + FFT sıfır dolgusu + + + + + Full (auto) + Tam (otomatik) + + + + + + Audible + Sesli + + + + Bass + Bas + + + + Mids + Ortalar + + + + High + Yüksek + + + + Extended + Genişletilmiş + + + + Loud + Yüksek + + + + Silent + Sessiz + + + + (High time res.) + (Yüksek zaman çözünürlüğü) + + + + (High freq. res.) + (Yüksek frekans çözünürlüğü) + + + + Rectangular (Off) + Dikdörtgen (Kapalı) + + + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + Blackman-Harris (Varsayılan) + + + + Hamming + Hamming + + + + Hanning + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog + + + Pause + Duraklat + + + + Pause data acquisition + Veri edinmeyi duraklatın + + + + Reference freeze + Referans dondurma + + + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + Pik tutma modunda akım girişini referans olarak dondurun / düşüşü devre dışı bırakın. + + + + Waterfall + Şelale + + + + Display real-time spectrogram + Gerçek zamanlı spektrogramı göster + + + + Averaging + Ortalama + + + + Enable exponential moving average + Üstel hareketli ortalamayı etkinleştir + + + + Stereo + Stereo + + + + Display stereo channels separately + Stereo kanalları ayrı olarak görüntüleyin + + + + Peak hold + Tepe tutma + + + + Display envelope of peak values + Tepe değerlerin zarfını görüntüle + + + + Logarithmic frequency + Logaritmik frekans + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + Logaritmik ve doğrusal frekans ölçeği arasında geçiş yapın + + + + + Frequency range + Frekans aralığı + + + + Logarithmic amplitude + Logaritmik genlik + + + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + Logaritmik ve doğrusal genlik ölçeği arasında geçiş yapın + + + + + Amplitude range + Genlik aralığı + + + + Envelope res. + Zarf çözümü. + + + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Daha iyi ayrıntılar için zarf çözünürlüğünü artırın, daha iyi Arayüz performansı için azaltın. + + + + + Draw at most + En fazla çekiliş + + + + envelope points per pixel + piksel başına zarf noktaları + + + + Spectrum res. + Spectrum res. + + + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + Daha iyi ayrıntılar için spektrum çözünürlüğünü artırın, daha iyi Arayüz performansı için azaltın. + + + + spectrum points per pixel + piksel başına spektrum noktaları + + + + Falloff factor + Düşüş faktörü + + + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + Zirvelerin daha hızlı düşmesi için azaltın. + + + + Multiply buffered value by + Arabelleğe alınan değeri şununla çarp + + + + Averaging weight + Ortalama ağırlık + + + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + Ortalama almayı daha yavaş ve pürüzsüz hale getirmek için azaltın. + + + + New sample contributes + Yeni örnek katkıda bulunur + + + + Waterfall height + Şelale yüksekliği + + + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + Daha yavaş kaydırmak için artırın, hızlı geçişleri daha iyi görmek için azaltın. Uyarı: orta CPU kullanımı. + + + + Keep + Tut + + + + lines + çizgiler + + + + Waterfall gamma + Şelale gama + + + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + Çok zayıf sinyalleri görmeyi azaltın, daha iyi kontrast elde etmek için artırın. + + + + Gamma value: + Gama değeri: + + + + Window overlap + Pencere örtüşmesi + + + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + FFT pencere kenarlarının yakınına gelen eksik hızlı geçişleri önlemek için artırın. Uyarı: yüksek CPU kullanımı. + + + + Each sample processed + Her numune işlendi + + + + times + defa + + + + Zero padding + Sıfır dolgu + + + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + Daha pürüzsüz görünen spektrum elde etmek için artırın. Uyarı: yüksek CPU kullanımı. + + + + Processing buffer is + İşleme tamponu + + + + steps larger than input block + giriş bloğundan daha büyük adımlar + + + + Advanced settings + Gelişmiş ayarlar + + + + Access advanced settings + Gelişmiş ayarlara erişin + + + + + FFT block size + FFT blok boyutu + + + + + FFT window type + FFT pencere türü + + + + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + Dosya açılamadı + + + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Ses dosyalarının boyutu %1 MB ve %2 dakika oynatma süresiyle sınırlıdır + + + + Open audio file + Ses dosyasını aç + + + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Tüm Ses Dosyaları (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Wave Dosyaları (*.wav) + + + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + OGG Dosyaları (*.ogg) + + + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + DrumSynth Dosyaları (*.ds) + + + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + FLAC Dosyaları (*.flac) + + + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + SPEEX Dosyaları (*.spx) + + + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + VOC Dosyaları (*.voc) + + + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + AIFF Dosyaları (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + AU Dosyaları (*.au) + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + RAW Dosyaları (*.raw) + + + + SampleClipView + + + Double-click to open sample + Örneği açmak için çift tıklayın + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Sil (orta klik) + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + Seçimi sil (orta fare düğmesi) + + + + Cut + Kes + + + + Cut selection + Seçimi Kes + + + + Copy + Kopyala + + + + Copy selection + Seçimi Kopyala + + + + Paste + Yapıştır + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Sesi kapat/sesi aç (<%1> + orta tıklama) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + Seçimin sesini kapat/aç (<%1> + orta tıklama) + + + + Reverse sample + Örneği ters çevir + + + + Set clip color + Klip rengini ayarla + + + + Use track color + Parça rengini kullan + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Mixer channel + FX kanalı + + + + + Sample track + Örnek parça + + + + SampleTrackView + + + Track volume + Parça ses düzeyi + + + + Channel volume: + Kanal ses düzeyi: + + + + VOL + SES + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + GENEL AYARLAR + + + + Sample volume + Örnek düzey + + + + Volume: + Ses Düzeyi: + + + + VOL + SES + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + Panning: + Panning: + + + + PAN + PAN + + + + Mixer channel + FX kanalı + + + + CHANNEL + FX + + + + SaveOptionsWidget + + + Discard MIDI connections + MIDI bağlantılarını atın + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + Proje Paketi Olarak Kaydet (kaynaklarla) + + + + SetupDialog + + + Reset to default value + Varsayılan değere sıfırla + + + + Use built-in NaN handler + Yerleşik NaN işleyicisini kullanın + + + + Settings + Ayarlar + + + + + General + Genel + + + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + Grafik kullanıcı arayüzü (GUI) + + + + Display volume as dBFS + Ses seviyesini dBFS olarak görüntüle + + + + Enable tooltips + Araç ipuçlarını etkinleştirin + + + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + Ana osiloskopu varsayılan olarak etkinleştirin + + + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + Piyano rulosundaki tüm nota etiketlerini etkinleştirin + + + + Enable compact track buttons + Kompakt parça düğmelerini etkinleştirin + + + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + Bir enstrüman izleme penceresi modunu etkinleştirin + + + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + Sağ tarafta kenar çubuğunu göster + + + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + Fare bırakıldığında örnek önizlemelerin devam etmesine izin verin + + + + Mute automation tracks during solo + Solo sırasında otomasyon izlerini sessize alma + + + + Show warning when deleting tracks + Parçaları silerken uyarı göster + + + + Projects + Projeler + + + + Compress project files by default + Proje dosyalarını varsayılan olarak sıkıştır + + + + Create a backup file when saving a project + Bir projeyi kaydederken bir yedek dosya oluşturun + + + + Reopen last project on startup + Başlangıçta son projeyi yeniden aç + + + + Language + Dil + + + + + Performance + Başarım + + + + Autosave + Otomatik kaydet + + + + Enable autosave + Otomatik kaydetmeyi etkinleştir + + + + Allow autosave while playing + Oynatırken otomatik kaydetmeye izin ver + + + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + Kullanıcı arayüzü (UI) efektleri ile performans karşılaştırması + + + + Smooth scroll in song editor + Şarkı düzenleyicide yumuşak kaydırma + + + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + Ses Dosyası İşlemcisindeki oynatma imlecini görüntüle + + + + Plugins + Eklentiler + + + + VST plugins embedding: + Gömülü VST eklentileri: + + + + No embedding + Yerleştirme yok + + + + Embed using Qt API + Qt API kullanarak yerleştirin + + + + Embed using native Win32 API + Yerel Win32 API kullanarak yerleştirme + + + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + XEmbed protokolünü kullanarak gömün + + + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + Gömülü değilken eklenti pencerelerini üstte tutun + + + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Oynatma barındırmak için VST eklentilerini senkronize edin + + + + Keep effects running even without input + Efektlerin girdi olmasa bile çalışmaya devam etmesini sağlayın + + + + + Audio + Ses + + + + Audio interface + Ses arayüzü + + + + HQ mode for output audio device + Ses çıkışı cihazı için HQ modu + + + + Buffer size + Arabellek boyutu + + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + MIDI interface + MIDI arayüzü + + + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + MIDI denetleyicisini seçilen parçaya otomatik olarak atayın + + + + LMMS working directory + LMMS çalışma dizini + + + + VST plugins directory + VST eklentileri dizini + + + + LADSPA plugins directories + LADSPA eklenti dizinleri + + + + SF2 directory + SF2 dizini + + + + Default SF2 + Varsayılan SF2 + + + + GIG directory + GIG dizini + + + + Theme directory + Tema dizini + + + + Background artwork + Arka plan resmi + + + + Some changes require restarting. + Bazı değişiklikler yeniden başlatmayı gerektirir. + + + + Autosave interval: %1 + Otomatik kaydetme aralığı: %1 + + + + Choose the LMMS working directory + LMMS çalışma dizinini seçin + + + + Choose your VST plugins directory + VST eklentileri dizininizi seçin + + + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + LADSPA eklentileri dizininizi seçin + + + + Choose your default SF2 + Varsayılan SF2'nizi seçin + + + + Choose your theme directory + Tema dizininizi seçin + + + + Choose your background picture + Arka plan resminizi seçin + + + + + Paths + Yollar + + + + OK + Tamam + + + + Cancel + İptal + + + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Çerçeveler: %1 +Gecikme: %2 ms + + + + Choose your GIG directory + GIG dizininizi seçin + + + + Choose your SF2 directory + SF2 dizininizi seçin + + + + minutes + dakika + + + + minute + dakika + + + + Disabled + Devre dışı + + + + SidInstrument + + + Cutoff frequency + Kesme frekansı + + + + Resonance + Çınlama + + + + Filter type + Filtre tipi + + + + Voice 3 off + Ses 3 kapalı + + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + Chip model + Yonga modeli + + + + SidInstrumentView + + + Volume: + Ses Düzeyi: + + + + Resonance: + Rezonans: + + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Kesim frekansı: + + + + High-pass filter + Yüksek geçişli filtre + + + + Band-pass filter + Bant geçişli filtre + + + + Low-pass filter + Düşük geçişli filtre + + + + Voice 3 off + Ses 3 kapalı + + + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID + + + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID + + + + + Attack: + Saldırı: + + + + + Decay: + Bozunma: + + + + Sustain: + Sürdürmek: + + + + + Release: + Yayınla: + + + + Pulse Width: + Darbe genişliği: + + + + Coarse: + Kaba: + + + + Pulse wave + Nabız dalgası + + + + Triangle wave + Üçgen dalga + + + + Saw wave + Testere dalga + + + + Noise + Parazit + + + + Sync + Eşitleme + + + + Ring modulation + Halka modülasyonu + + + + Filtered + Filtrelenmiş + + + + Test + Dene + + + + Pulse width: + Darbe genişliği: + + + + SideBarWidget + + + Close + Kapat + + + + Song + + + Tempo + Tempo + + + + Master volume + Ana ses + + + + Master pitch + Ana sahne + + + + Aborting project load + Proje yüklemesi iptal ediliyor + + + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + Proje dosyası, kötü amaçlı kod çalıştırmak için kullanılabilecek eklentilere giden yerel yolları içerir. + + + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + Proje yüklenemiyor: Proje dosyası, eklentilere giden yerel yolları içerir. + + + + LMMS Error report + LMMS Hata raporu + + + + (repeated %1 times) + (%1 kez tekrarlandı) + + + + The following errors occurred while loading: + Yükleme sırasında aşağıdaki hatalar oluştu: + + + + SongEditor + + + Could not open file + Dosya açılamadı + + + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + %1 dosyası açılamadı. Muhtemelen bu dosyayı okuma izniniz yok. + Lütfen dosya için en azından okuma izninizin olduğundan emin olun ve tekrar deneyin. + + + + Operation denied + İşlem reddedildi + + + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + Bu ada sahip bir paket klasörü zaten seçili yolda bulunuyor. Proje paketinin üzerine yazılamaz. Lütfen farklı bir isim seçin. + + + + + + Error + Hata + + + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + Paket klasörü oluşturulamadı. + + + + Couldn't create resources folder. + Kaynaklar klasörü oluşturulamadı. + + + + Failed to copy resources. + Kaynaklar kopyalanamadı. + + + + Could not write file + Dosya yazılamadı + + + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + %1 yazmak için açılamadı. Muhtemelen bu dosyaya yazma izniniz yok. Lütfen dosyaya yazma erişiminiz olduğundan emin olun ve tekrar deneyin. + + + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + Bu %1, %2 LMMS ile oluşturuldu + + + + Error in file + Dosyada hata + + + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Görünüşe göre %1 dosyası hatalar içeriyor ve bu nedenle yüklenemiyor. + + + + Version difference + Sürüm farkı + + + + template + şablon + + + + project + proje + + + + Tempo + Tempo + + + + TEMPO + TEMPO + + + + Tempo in BPM + BPM'de Tempo + + + + High quality mode + Yüksek kalite modu + + + + + + Master volume + Ana ses + + + + + + Master pitch + Ana sahne + + + + Value: %1% + Değer: %1% + + + + Value: %1 semitones + Değer: %1 yarım ton + + + + SongEditorWindow + + + Song-Editor + Şarkı-Düzenleyici + + + + Play song (Space) + Şarkıyı başlat (Space) + + + + Record samples from Audio-device + Ses cihazından örnekleri kaydedin + + + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Şarkı veya BB parçası çalarken Ses cihazından örnekleri kaydedin + + + + Stop song (Space) + Şarkıyı durdur (Space) + + + + Track actions + Parça eylemleri + + + + Add beat/bassline + Beat/bassline ekle + + + + Add sample-track + Örnek parça ekle + + + + Add automation-track + Ayarkayıt parçası ekle + + + + Edit actions + İşlemleri düzenle + + + + Draw mode + Çizim kipi + + + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + Bıçak modu (örnek klipleri ayır) + + + + Edit mode (select and move) + Düzenleme modu (seç ve taşı) + + + + Timeline controls + Zaman çizelgesi kontrolleri + + + + Bar insert controls + Çubuk ekleme kontrolleri + + + + Insert bar + Çubuk ekle + + + + Remove bar + Çubuğu kaldır + + + + Zoom controls + Yakınlaştırma ayarı + + + + Horizontal zooming + Yatay yakınlaştırma + + + + Snap controls + Yapış denetimleri + + + + + Clip snapping size + Klip yapışma boyutu + + + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + Orantılı tutturmayı aç/kapat + + + + Base snapping size + Taban yapışma boyutu + + + + StepRecorderWidget + + + Hint + İpucu + + + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + <Sol/Sağ> oklarını kullanarak kayıt imlecini hareket ettirin + + + + SubWindow + + + Close + Kapat + + + + Maximize + Büyütme + + + + Restore + Onar + + + + TabWidget + + + + Settings for %1 + %1 ayarları + + + + TemplatesMenu + + + New from template + Şablondan yeni + + + + TempoSyncKnob + + + + Tempo Sync + Tempo Senkronizasyonu + + + + No Sync + Senkronizasyon yok + + + + Eight beats + Sekiz vuruş + + + + Whole note + Tam nota + + + + Half note + Yarım nota + + + + Quarter note + Çeyrek nota + + + + 8th note + 8'lik nota + + + + 16th note + 16'lık nota + + + + 32nd note + 32'lik nota + + + + Custom... + Özel... + + + + Custom + Özel + + + + Synced to Eight Beats + Sekiz Vuruşla Senkronize Edildi + + + + Synced to Whole Note + Tüm Nota Senkronize Edildi + + + + Synced to Half Note + Yarım Nota Senkronize Edildi + + + + Synced to Quarter Note + Çeyrek Nota Senkronize Edildi + + + + Synced to 8th Note + 8. Nota senkronize edildi + + + + Synced to 16th Note + 16. Nota senkronize edildi + + + + Synced to 32nd Note + 32. Nota senkronize edildi + + + + TimeDisplayWidget + + + Time units + Zaman birimleri + + + + MIN + DAK + + + + SEC + SAN + + + + MSEC + MSEC + + + + BAR + ÇUBUK + + + + BEAT + VURUŞ + + + + TICK + TIK + + + + TimeLineWidget + + + Auto scrolling + Otomatik kaydırma + + + + Loop points + Döngü noktaları + + + + After stopping go back to beginning + Durduktan sonra başa dön + + + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Durduktan sonra oyunun başladığı konuma geri dönün + + + + After stopping keep position + Durduktan sonra pozisyonunuzu koruyun + + + + Hint + İpucu + + + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Manyetik döngü noktalarını devre dışı bırakmak için <%1> tuşuna basın. + + + + Track + + + Mute + Ses kapatma + + + + Solo + Tek + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + Dosya içe aktarılamadı + + + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + %1 dosyasını içe aktarmak için bir filtre bulunamadı. +Bu dosyayı başka bir yazılım kullanarak LMMS tarafından desteklenen bir biçime dönüştürmelisiniz. + + + + Couldn't open file + Dosya açılamadı + + + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + %1 dosyası okumak için açılamadı. +Lütfen dosyayı ve dosyayı içeren dizini okuma iznine sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun ve tekrar deneyin! + + + + Loading project... + Proje yükleniyor... + + + + + Cancel + İptal + + + + + Please wait... + Lütfen bekleyin... + + + + Loading cancelled + Yükleme iptal edildi + + + + Project loading was cancelled. + Proje yüklemesi iptal edildi. + + + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + %1 Parça Yükleniyor (%2/Toplam %3) + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + MIDI dosyası içe aktarılıyor... + + + + Clip + + + Mute + Ses kapatma + + + + ClipView + + + Current position + Şu anki pozisyon + + + + Current length + Mevcut uzunluk + + + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + + + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Bir kopya oluşturmak için <%1> tuşuna basın ve sürükleyin. + + + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Serbest yeniden boyutlandırma için <%1> seçeneğine basın. + + + + Hint + İpucu + + + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Sil (orta klik) + + + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + Seçimi sil (orta fare düğmesi) + + + + Cut + Kes + + + + Cut selection + Seçimi Kes + + + + Merge Selection + Seçimi Birleştir + + + + Copy + Kopyala + + + + Copy selection + Seçimi Kopyala + + + + Paste + Yapıştır + + + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Sesi kapat/sesi aç (<%1> + orta tıklama) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + Seçimin sesini kapat/aç (<%1> + orta tıklama) + + + + Set clip color + Klip rengini ayarla + + + + Use track color + Parça rengini kullan + + + + TrackContentWidget + + + Paste + Yapıştır + + + + TrackOperationsWidget + + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + Yeni bir sürükle ve bırak eylemine başlamak için tutamağa tıklarken <%1> tuşuna basın. + + + + Actions + Eylemler + + + + + Mute + Ses kapatma + + + + + Solo + Tek + + + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + Bir parça kaldırıldıktan sonra kurtarılamaz. "%1" parçasını kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz? + + + + Confirm removal + Kaldırma işlemini onayla + + + + Don't ask again + Bir daha sorma + + + + Clone this track + Bu parçayı çoğalt + + + + Remove this track + Bu parçayı sil + + + + Clear this track + Bu parçayı temizle + + + + Channel %1: %2 + FX %1: %2 + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Yeni FX Kanalına atayın + + + + Turn all recording on + Tüm kaydı aç + + + + Turn all recording off + Tüm kayıtları kapat + + + + Change color + Rengini değiştir + + + + Reset color to default + Rengini varsayılana sıfırla + + + + Set random color + Rastgele renk ayarla + + + + Clear clip colors + Klip renklerini temizle + + + + TripleOscillatorView + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Osilatör 1'in fazını osilatör 2 ile modüle edin + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Osilatör 1'in genliğini osilatör 2 ile modüle edin + + + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + Osilatör 1 ve 2'nin Karışım çıkışı + + + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Osilatör 1'i osilatör 2 ile senkronize edin + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + Osilatör 1'in frekansını osilatör 2 ile modüle edin + + + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Osilatör 2'nin fazını osilatör 3 ile modüle edin + + + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Osilatör 2'nin genliğini osilatör 3 ile modüle edin + + + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + Osilatör 2 ve 3'ün Karışım çıkışı + + + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Osilatör 2'yi osilatör 3 ile senkronize edin + + + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + Osilatör 2'nin frekansını osilatör 3 ile modüle edin + + + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 düzeyi: + + + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 kaydırma: + + + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Osc %1 kaba ince ayar: + + + + semitones + yarım tonlar + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Osc %1 ince ayar sol: + + + + + cents + sent + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Osc %1 ince ayar sağ: + + + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Osc %1 faz kayması: + + + + + degrees + derece + + + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Osc %1 stereo faz ayarlama: + + + + Sine wave + Sinüs dalgası + + + + Triangle wave + Üçgen dalga + + + + Saw wave + Testere dalga + + + + Square wave + Kare dalgası + + + + Moog-like saw wave + Moog benzeri testere dalgası + + + + Exponential wave + Üstel dalga + + + + White noise + Beyaz gürültü + + + + User-defined wave + Kullanıcı tanımlı dalga + + + + VecControls + + + Display persistence amount + Kalıcılık miktarını göster + + + + Logarithmic scale + Logaritmik ölçek + + + + High quality + Yüksek kalite + + + + VecControlsDialog + + + HQ + YK + + + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + Çözünürlüğü ikiye katlayın ve sürekli analog benzeri izi simüle edin. + + + + Log. scale + Günlük. ölçeği + + + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + Küçük değerleri daha iyi görmek için genliği logaritmik ölçekte görüntüleyin. + + + + Persist. + Kalıcılık. + + + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + Kalıcılığı izleme: daha yüksek miktar, izin daha uzun süre parlak kalacağı anlamına gelir. + + + + Trace persistence + Kalıcılığı izle + + + + VersionedSaveDialog + + + Increment version number + Sürüm numarasını artır + + + + Decrement version number + Sürüm numarasını azaltın + + + + Save Options + Seçenekleri Kaydet + + + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + zaten var. Değiştirmek istiyor musun? + + + + VestigeInstrumentView + + + + Open VST plugin + VST eklentisini aç + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + LMMS ana bilgisayarından VST eklentisini kontrol edin + + + + Open VST plugin preset + VST eklenti ön ayarını aç + + + + Previous (-) + Önceki (-) + + + + Save preset + Ön ayarı kaydet + + + + Next (+) + Sonraki (+) + + + + Show/hide GUI + Kullanıcı arabirimini göster/gizle + + + + Turn off all notes + Tüm notaları kapat + + + + DLL-files (*.dll) + DLL-dosyaları (*.dll) + + + + EXE-files (*.exe) + EXE-dosyaları (*.exe) + + + + No VST plugin loaded + Yüklü VST eklentisi yok + + + + Preset + Hazır Ayar + + + + by + tarafından + + + + - VST plugin control + - VST eklenti kontrolü + + + + VstEffectControlDialog + + + Show/hide + Göster/gizle + + + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + LMMS ana bilgisayarından VST eklentisini kontrol edin + + + + Open VST plugin preset + VST eklenti ön ayarını aç + + + + Previous (-) + Önceki (-) + + + + Next (+) + Sonraki (+) + + + + Save preset + Ön ayarı kaydet + + + + + Effect by: + Efektler: + + + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + + VstPlugin + + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + %1 VST eklentisi yüklenemedi. + + + + Open Preset + Ön Ayarı Aç + + + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Vst Eklenti Ön Ayarı (*.fxp *.fxb) + + + + : default + : öntanımlı + + + + Save Preset + Önayarı Kaydet + + + + .fxp + .fxp + + + + .FXP + .FXP + + + + .FXB + .FXB + + + + .fxb + .fxb + + + + Loading plugin + Eklenti yükleniyor + + + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + VST eklentisi yüklenirken lütfen bekleyin... + + + + WatsynInstrument + + + Volume A1 + Düzey A1 + + + + Volume A2 + Düzey A2 + + + + Volume B1 + Düzey B1 + + + + Volume B2 + Düzey B2 + + + + Panning A1 + Kaydırma A1 + + + + Panning A2 + Kaydırma A2 + + + + Panning B1 + Kaydırma B1 + + + + Panning B2 + Kaydırma B2 + + + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Frekans. çarpan A1 + + + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Frekans. çarpan A2 + + + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Frekans. çarpan B1 + + + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Frekans. çarpan B2 + + + + Left detune A1 + Sol detune A1 + + + + Left detune A2 + Sol detune A2 + + + + Left detune B1 + Sol detune B1 + + + + Left detune B2 + Sol detune B2 + + + + Right detune A1 + Sağ detune A1 + + + + Right detune A2 + Sağ detune A2 + + + + Right detune B1 + Sağ detune B1 + + + + Right detune B2 + Sağ detune B2 + + + + A-B Mix + A-B Karışımı + + + + A-B Mix envelope amount + A-B Karışık zarf miktarı + + + + A-B Mix envelope attack + A-B Karışık zarf saldırısı + + + + A-B Mix envelope hold + A-B Karışık zarf tutma + + + + A-B Mix envelope decay + A-B Karışım zarf bozunması + + + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + A1-B2 Çapraz Karışma + + + + A2-A1 modulation + A2-A1 modülasyonu + + + + B2-B1 modulation + B2-B1 modülasyonu + + + + Selected graph + Seçili grafik + + + + WatsynView + + + + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + + + + Panning + Panning + + + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Frekans. çarpanı + + + + + + + Left detune + Sol detune + + + + + + + + + + + cents + sent + + + + + + + Right detune + Sağ detune + + + + A-B Mix + A-B Karışımı + + + + Mix envelope amount + Zarf miktarını karıştır + + + + Mix envelope attack + Zarf saldırısını karıştır + + + + Mix envelope hold + Zarf tutmayı karıştır + + + + Mix envelope decay + Zarf bozunmasını karıştır + + + + Crosstalk + Cızırtı + + + + Select oscillator A1 + Osilatör A1'i seçin + + + + Select oscillator A2 + Osilatör A2`yi seçin + + + + Select oscillator B1 + Osilatör B1'i seçin + + + + Select oscillator B2 + Osilatör B2'yi seçin + + + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + A2'den A1'e Karışım çıkışı + + + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + A1'in genliğini A2 çıkışı ile modüle edin + + + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + Halka modüle A1 ve A2 + + + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + A1'in fazını A2 çıkışı ile modüle edin + + + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + B2'den B1'e Karıştırma çıkışı + + + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + B2 çıkışı ile B1 genliğini modüle edin + + + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + Halka modülasyonu B1 ve B2 + + + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + B2 çıkışı ile B1 fazını modüle edin + + + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Farenizi bu grafiğin üzerine sürükleyerek buraya kendi dalga formunuzu çizin. + + + + Load waveform + Dalga formu yükle + + + + Load a waveform from a sample file + Örnek bir dosyadan bir dalga formu yükleyin + + + + Phase left + Aşama sola + + + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + Aşamayı -15 derece kaydır + + + + Phase right + Aşama sağa + + + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + Aşamayı +15 derece kaydır + + + + + Normalize + Normalleştir + + + + + Invert + Tersine çevir + + + + + Smooth + Pürüzsüz + + + + + Sine wave + Sinüs dalgası + + + + + + Triangle wave + Üçgen dalga + + + + Saw wave + Testere dalga + + + + + Square wave + Kare dalgası + + + + Xpressive + + + Selected graph + Seçili grafik + + + + A1 + A1 + + + + A2 + A2 + + + + A3 + A3 + + + + W1 smoothing + W1 yumuşatma + + + + W2 smoothing + W2 yumuşatma + + + + W3 smoothing + W3 yumuşatma + + + + Panning 1 + Kaydırma 1 + + + + Panning 2 + Kaydırma 2 + + + + Rel trans + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Farenizi bu grafiğin üzerine sürükleyerek buraya kendi dalga formunuzu çizin. + + + + Select oscillator W1 + Osilatör W1'i seçin + + + + Select oscillator W2 + Osilatör W2'yi seçin + + + + Select oscillator W3 + Osilatör W3 seçin + + + + Select output O1 + O1 çıkışını seçin + + + + Select output O2 + O2 çıkışını seçin + + + + Open help window + Yardım penceresini aç + + + + + Sine wave + Sinüs dalgası + + + + + Moog-saw wave + Moog-saw dalgası + + + + + Exponential wave + Üstel dalga + + + + + Saw wave + Testere dalga + + + + + User-defined wave + Kullanıcı tanımlı dalga + + + + + Triangle wave + Üçgen dalga + + + + + Square wave + Kare dalgası + + + + + White noise + Beyaz gürültü + + + + WaveInterpolate + Dalga ekleme + + + + ExpressionValid + İfade Geçerli + + + + General purpose 1: + Genel amaç 1: + + + + General purpose 2: + Genel amaç 2: + + + + General purpose 3: + Genel amaçlı 3: + + + + O1 panning: + O1 kaydırma: + + + + O2 panning: + O2 kaydırma: + + + + Release transition: + Sürüm geçişi: + + + + Smoothness + Pürüssüzlük + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument + + + Portamento + Kaydırma + + + + Filter frequency + Frekans filtresi + + + + Filter resonance + Rezonans filtresi + + + + Bandwidth + Bant genişliği + + + + FM gain + FM kazancı + + + + Resonance center frequency + Rezonans merkez frekansı + + + + Resonance bandwidth + Rezonans bant genişliği + + + + Forward MIDI control change events + MIDI kontrol değişikliği olaylarını iletme + + + + ZynAddSubFxView + + + Portamento: + Kaydırma: + + + + PORT + KAYDIRMA + + + + Filter frequency: + Frekans filtresi: + + + + FREQ + FREK + + + + Filter resonance: + Rezonans filtresi: + + + + RES + RF + + + + Bandwidth: + Bant genişliği: + + + + BW + BG + + + + FM gain: + FM kazancı: + + + + FM GAIN + FM KAZANÇ + + + + Resonance center frequency: + Rezonans merkez frekansı: + + + + RES CF + Rez MF + + + + Resonance bandwidth: + Rezonans bant genişliği: + + + + RES BW + REZ BG + + + + Forward MIDI control changes + MIDI kontrol değişikliklerini ilet + + + + Show GUI + Görselli Arayüzü Göster + + + + AudioFileProcessor + + + Amplify + Yükseltici + + + + Start of sample + Örnek başlangıcı + + + + End of sample + Örneğin sonu + + + + Loopback point + Geri döngü noktası + + + + Reverse sample + Sample'ı ters yüz et + + + + Loop mode + Döngü modu + + + + Stutter + Kekemelik + + + + Interpolation mode + Ara değerlendirme modu + + + + None + Hiç + + + + Linear + Doğrusal + + + + Sinc + Sinc + + + + Sample not found: %1 + Örnek bulunamadı: %1 + + + + BitInvader + + + Sample length + Örnek uzunluğu + + + + BitInvaderView + + + Sample length + Örnek uzunluğu + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Farenizi bu grafiğin üzerine sürükleyerek buraya kendi dalga formunuzu çizin. + + + + + Sine wave + Sinüs dalgası + + + + + Triangle wave + Üçgen dalga + + + + + Saw wave + Testere dalga + + + + + Square wave + Kare dalgası + + + + + White noise + Beyaz gürültü + + + + + User-defined wave + Kullanıcı tanımlı dalga + + + + + Smooth waveform + Düzgün dalga formu + + + + Interpolation + Aradeğerleme + + + + Normalize + Normalleştir + + + + DynProcControlDialog + + + INPUT + GİRDİ + + + + Input gain: + Giriş kazancı: + + + + OUTPUT + ÇIKTI + + + + Output gain: + Çıkış kazancı: + + + + ATTACK + SALDIRI + + + + Peak attack time: + Tepe saldırı süresi: + + + + RELEASE + YAYINLAMA + + + + Peak release time: + En yüksek yayın süresi: + + + + + Reset wavegraph + Dalga grafiğini sıfırla + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + Pürüzsüz dalga grafiği + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Dalga grafiğinin genliğini 1 dB artırın + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Dalga grafiğinin genliğini 1 dB azaltın + + + + Stereo mode: maximum + Stereo modu: maksimum + + + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Her iki stereo kanalın maksimumuna dayalı işlem + + + + Stereo mode: average + Stereo modu: ortalama + + + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + Her iki stereo kanalın ortalamasına dayalı işlem + + + + Stereo mode: unlinked + Stereo mod: bağlantısız + + + + Process each stereo channel independently + Her bir stereo kanalı bağımsız olarak işleyin + + + + DynProcControls + + + Input gain + Giriş kazancı + + + + Output gain + Çıkış kazancı + + + + Attack time + Kalkma zamanı + + + + Release time + Yayımlama zamanı + + + + Stereo mode + Çift kanal modu + + + + graphModel + + + Graph + Grafik + + + + KickerInstrument + + + Start frequency + Başlangıç frekansı + + + + End frequency + Bitiş frekansı + + + + Length + Süre + + + + Start distortion + Bozulmayı başlat + + + + End distortion + Bozulmayı bitir + + + + Gain + Kazanç + + + + Envelope slope + Zarf eğimi + + + + Noise + Parazit + + + + Click + Tıkla + + + + Frequency slope + Frekans eğimi + + + + Start from note + Notadan başla + + + + End to note + Notanın sonu + + + + KickerInstrumentView + + + Start frequency: + Başlangıç frekansı: + + + + End frequency: + Bitiş frekansı: + + + + Frequency slope: + Frekans eğimi: + + + + Gain: + Kazanç: + + + + Envelope length: + Zarf uzunluğu: + + + + Envelope slope: + Zarf eğimi: + + + + Click: + Tıkla: + + + + Noise: + Gürültü: + + + + Start distortion: + Bozulmayı başlat: + + + + End distortion: + Bozulmayı bitir: + + + + LadspaBrowserView + + + + Available Effects + Mevcut Efektler + + + + + Unavailable Effects + Kullanılamayan Etkiler + + + + + Instruments + Enstrümanlar + + + + + Analysis Tools + Analiz Araçları + + + + + Don't know + Bilmiyorum + + + + Type: + Türü: + + + + LadspaDescription + + + Plugins + Eklentiler + + + + Description + Açıklama + + + + LadspaPortDialog + + + Ports + Bağlantı Noktaları + + + + Name + İsim + + + + Rate + Oran + + + + Direction + Yön + + + + Type + Tip + + + + Min < Default < Max + Min <Varsayılan <Maks + + + + Logarithmic + Logaritmik + + + + SR Dependent + SR Bağımlı + + + + Audio + Ses + + + + Control + Kontrol + + + + Input + Giriş + + + + Output + Çıkış + + + + Toggled + Geçişli + + + + Integer + Tamsayı + + + + Float + Şamandıra + + + + + Yes + Evet + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + VCF Kesme Frekansı + + + + VCF Resonance + VCF Rezonansı + + + + VCF Envelope Mod + VCF Zarf Modu + + + + VCF Envelope Decay + VCF Zarf Bozulması + + + + Distortion + Bozma + + + + Waveform + Dalga şekli + + + + Slide Decay + Bozulma Kaydırma + + + + Slide + Kaydır + + + + Accent + Vurgu + + + + Dead + Ölü + + + + 24dB/oct Filter + 24dB/oct FiltRESİ + + + + Lb302SynthView + + + Cutoff Freq: + Kesim Frekansı: + + + + Resonance: + Rezonans: + + + + Env Mod: + Env Mod: + + + + Decay: + Bozunma: + + + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 kutuplu filtre + + + + Slide Decay: + Bozulma Kaydırma: + + + + DIST: + MESAFE: + + + + Saw wave + Testere dalga + + + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Testere dalgası için buraya tıklayın. + + + + Triangle wave + Üçgen dalga + + + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Üçgen dalga için burayı tıklayın. + + + + Square wave + Kare dalgası + + + + Click here for a square-wave. + Kare dalga için burayı tıklayın. + + + + Rounded square wave + Yuvarlak kare dalga + + + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Yuvarlak uçlu bir kare dalga için burayı tıklayın. + + + + Moog wave + Moog dalgası + + + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Moog benzeri bir dalga için burayı tıklayın. + + + + Sine wave + Sinüs dalgası + + + + Click for a sine-wave. + Sinüs dalgası için tıklayın. + + + + + White noise wave + Beyaz gürültü dalgası + + + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Üstel dalga için burayı tıklayın. + + + + Click here for white-noise. + Beyaz gürültü için buraya tıklayın. + + + + Bandlimited saw wave + Bant sınırlı testere dalgası + + + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Bantlı testere dalgası için buraya tıklayın. + + + + Bandlimited square wave + Bant sınırlı kare dalga + + + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Band sınırlı kare dalga için buraya tıklayın. + + + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Bant sınırlı üçgen dalga + + + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Bant sınırlı üçgen dalga için buraya tıklayın. + + + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Band sınırlı moog testere dalgası + + + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Bant sınırlı moog testere dalgası için buraya tıklayın. + + + + MalletsInstrument + + + Hardness + Sertlik + + + + Position + Konum + + + + Vibrato gain + Titreşim kazancı + + + + Vibrato frequency + Titreşim frekansı + + + + Stick mix + Çubuk karıştırıcı + + + + Modulator + Modülatör + + + + Crossfade + Çapraz geçiş + + + + LFO speed + LFO hızı + + + + LFO depth + LFO derinliği + + + + ADSR + ADSR + + + + Pressure + Basınç + + + + Motion + Hareket + + + + Speed + Hız + + + + Bowed + Eğilmiş + + + + Spread + Etrafa Saç + + + + Marimba + Marimba + + + + Vibraphone + Vibrafon + + + + Agogo + Agogo + + + + Wood 1 + Ahşap 1 + + + + Reso + Reso + + + + Wood 2 + Ahşap 2 + + + + Beats + Vuruşlar + + + + Two fixed + İki sabit + + + + Clump + Tortu + + + + Tubular bells + Borulu çanlar + + + + Uniform bar + Üniforma çubuğu + + + + Tuned bar + Ayarlanmış çubuk + + + + Glass + Cam + + + + Tibetan bowl + Tibet kase + + + + MalletsInstrumentView + + + Instrument + Enstrüman + + + + Spread + Etrafa Saç + + + + Spread: + Yayılmış: + + + + Missing files + Eksik Dosyalar + + + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Stk kurulumunuz eksik görünüyor. Lütfen tam Stk paketinin kurulu olduğundan emin olun! + + + + Hardness + Sertlik + + + + Hardness: + Sertlik: + + + + Position + Konum + + + + Position: + Konum: + + + + Vibrato gain + Titreşim kazancı + + + + Vibrato gain: + Titreşim kazancı: + + + + Vibrato frequency + Titreşim frekansı + + + + Vibrato frequency: + Titreşim frekansı: + + + + Stick mix + Çubuk karıştırıcı + + + + Stick mix: + Çubuk karıştırıcı: + + + + Modulator + Modülatör + + + + Modulator: + Modülatör: + + + + Crossfade + Çapraz geçiş + + + + Crossfade: + Çapraz geçiş: + + + + LFO speed + LFO hızı + + + + LFO speed: + LFO hızı: + + + + LFO depth + LFO derinliği + + + + LFO depth: + LFO derinliği: + + + + ADSR + ADSR + + + + ADSR: + ADSR: + + + + Pressure + Basınç + + + + Pressure: + Basınç: + + + + Speed + Hız + + + + Speed: + Hız: + + + + ManageVSTEffectView + + + - VST parameter control + - VST parametre kontrolü + + + + VST sync + VST senkronizasyonu + + + + + Automated + Otomatik + + + + Close + Kapat + + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView + + + + - VST plugin control + - VST eklenti kontrolü + + + + VST Sync + VST Senkronizasyonu + + + + + Automated + Otomatik + + + + Close + Kapat + + + + OrganicInstrument + + + Distortion + Bozma + + + + Volume + Ses Düzeyi + + + + OrganicInstrumentView + + + Distortion: + Çarpıtma: + + + + Volume: + Ses Düzeyi: + + + + Randomise + Rastgele + + + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Osc %1 dalga biçimi: + + + + Osc %1 volume: + Osc %1 düzeyi: + + + + Osc %1 panning: + Osc %1 kaydırma: + + + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Osc %1 stereo perdeleme + + + + cents + sent + + + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Osc %1 harmonik: + + + + PatchesDialog + + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: Kanal Ön Ayarı + + + + Bank selector + Yuva seçici + + + + Bank + Yuva + + + + Program selector + Program seçici + + + + Patch + Yama + + + + Name + İsim + + + + OK + Tamam + + + + Cancel + İptal + + + + Sf2Instrument + + + Bank + Yuva + + + + Patch + Yama + + + + Gain + Kazanç + + + + Reverb + Yankı + + + + Reverb room size + Yankı odası boyutu + + + + Reverb damping + Yankı sönümleme + + + + Reverb width + Yankı genişliği + + + + Reverb level + Yankı seviyesi + + + + Chorus + Koro + + + + Chorus voices + Koro sesleri + + + + Chorus level + Koro seviyesi + + + + Chorus speed + Koro hızı + + + + Chorus depth + Koro derinliği + + + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + %1 ses yazı tipi yüklenemedi. + + + + Sf2InstrumentView + + + + Open SoundFont file + Ses Yazı Tipi dosyasını aç + + + + Choose patch + Yama seçin + + + + Gain: + Kazanç: + + + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Yankı uygula (destekleniyorsa) + + + + Room size: + Oda boyutu: + + + + Damping: + Sönümleme: + + + + Width: + En: + + + + + Level: + Düzey: + + + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Koro uygula (destekleniyorsa) + + + + Voices: + Sesler: + + + + Speed: + Hız: + + + + Depth: + Derinlik: + + + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + Ses Yazı Tipi Dosyaları (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + SfxrInstrument + + + Wave + Dalga + + + + StereoEnhancerControlDialog + + + WIDTH + GENİŞLİK + + + + Width: + En: + + + + StereoEnhancerControls + + + Width + Genişlik + + + + StereoMatrixControlDialog + + + Left to Left Vol: + Soldan Sola Düzey: + + + + Left to Right Vol: + Soldan Sağa Düzey: + + + + Right to Left Vol: + Sağdan Sola Düzey: + + + + Right to Right Vol: + Sağdan Sağa Düzey: + + + + StereoMatrixControls + + + Left to Left + Soldan Sola + + + + Left to Right + Soldan sağa + + + + Right to Left + Sağdan sola + + + + Right to Right + Sağa Doğru + + + + VestigeInstrument + + + Loading plugin + Eklenti yükleniyor + + + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + VST eklentisini yüklerken lütfen bekleyin... + + + + Vibed + + + String %1 volume + Dize %1 hacmi + + + + String %1 stiffness + Dize %1 sertliği + + + + Pick %1 position + %1 pozisyon seçin + + + + Pickup %1 position + Alım %1 pozisyon + + + + String %1 panning + %1 dize kaydırma + + + + String %1 detune + %1 dize detune + + + + String %1 fuzziness + Dize %1 belirsizliği + + + + String %1 length + Dize %1 uzunluğu + + + + Impulse %1 + Dürtü %1 + + + + String %1 + Dize %1 + + + + VibedView + + + String volume: + Dize hacmi: + + + + String stiffness: + Dize sertliği: + + + + Pick position: + Pozisyon seçin: + + + + Pickup position: + Alış konumu: + + + + String panning: + Dize kaydırma: + + + + String detune: + Dize detayı: + + + + String fuzziness: + Dize belirsizliği: + + + + String length: + Dize uzunluğu: + + + + Impulse + Dürtü + + + + Octave + Octave + + + + Impulse Editor + Dürtü Düzenleyici + + + + Enable waveform + Dalga biçimini etkinleştir + + + + Enable/disable string + Dizeyi etkinleştir / devre dışı bırak + + + + String + Dize + + + + + Sine wave + Sinüs dalgası + + + + + Triangle wave + Üçgen dalga + + + + + Saw wave + Testere dalga + + + + + Square wave + Kare dalgası + + + + + White noise + Beyaz gürültü + + + + + User-defined wave + Kullanıcı tanımlı dalga + + + + + Smooth waveform + Düzgün dalga formu + + + + + Normalize waveform + Dalga formunu normalleştir + + + + VoiceObject + + + Voice %1 pulse width + Ses %1 darbe genişliği + + + + Voice %1 attack + Ses %1 saldırısı + + + + Voice %1 decay + Ses %1 zayıflaması + + + + Voice %1 sustain + Ses %1 sürdür + + + + Voice %1 release + Ses %1 sürümü + + + + Voice %1 coarse detuning + Ses %1 kaba ince ayar + + + + Voice %1 wave shape + Ses %1 dalga şekli + + + + Voice %1 sync + Ses %1 senkronizasyonu + + + + Voice %1 ring modulate + Ses %1 zil sesi modülasyonu + + + + Voice %1 filtered + Ses %1 filtrelendi + + + + Voice %1 test + Ses %1 testi + + + + WaveShaperControlDialog + + + INPUT + GİRDİ + + + + Input gain: + Giriş kazancı: + + + + OUTPUT + ÇIKTI + + + + Output gain: + Çıkış kazancı: + + + + + Reset wavegraph + Dalga grafiğini sıfırla + + + + + Smooth wavegraph + Pürüzsüz dalga grafiği + + + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Dalga grafiğinin genliğini 1 dB artırın + + + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + Dalga grafiğinin genliğini 1 dB azaltın + + + + Clip input + Klip girişi + + + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + Giriş sinyalini 0 dB'ye klipsleyin + + + + WaveShaperControls + + + Input gain + Giriş kazancı + + + + Output gain + Çıkış kazancı + + + diff --git a/data/locale/uk.ts b/data/locale/uk.ts index c088f401cb3..50df10e4b72 100644 --- a/data/locale/uk.ts +++ b/data/locale/uk.ts @@ -2,72 +2,68 @@ AboutDialog - + About LMMS Про програму LMMS - + LMMS LMMS - - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). Версія %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - + About Про програму - - LMMS - easy music production for everyone + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. LMMS - легке створення музики для всіх - - Copyright © %1 + + Copyright © %1. Авторське право © %1 - - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + - + Authors Автори - + Involved Учасники - + Contributors ordered by number of commits: Розробники відсортовані за кількістю коммітов: - + Translation Переклад - + Current language not translated (or native English). - If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - Переклад виконали: -Михайло Рожко <mihail.rozshko@gmail.com> - -Якщо Ви зацікавлені в перекладі LMMS на іншу мову або хочете поліпшити існуючий переклад, ми будемо раді будь-якій допомогі! Просто зв'яжіться з розробниками! + - + License Ліцензія @@ -154,106 +150,60 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioFileProcessorView - - Open other sample - Відкрити інший запис - - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - Натисніть тут, щоб відкрити інший звуковий файл. У новому вікні діалогу ви зможете вибрати потрібний файл. Такі налаштування, як режим повтору, точки початку/кінця, підсилення та інші не скинуться, тому звучання може відрізнятися від оригіналу. + + Open sample + - + Reverse sample Реверс запису - - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - Якщо включити цю кнопку, весь запис піде у зворотний бік, це зручно для крутих ефектів, наприклад зворотного гуркоту. - - - + Disable loop Відключити повторення - - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - Ця кнопка відключає повтор. Запис програється тільки один раз від початку до кінця. - - - - + Enable loop Включити повторення - - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - Ця кнопка включає передній повтор. Запис повторюється між кінцевою точкою і точкою повтору. - - - - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - Ця кнопка включає пінг-понг петлю. Запис повторюється назад і вперед між кінцевою точкою і точкою повтору. + + Enable ping-pong loop + Увімкнути пінг-понг повторення - + Continue sample playback across notes Продовжити відтворення запису по нотах - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - Включення цієї опції продовжить відтворення запису за різними нотами - якщо змінити прискорення або тривалість ноти зупиниться до кінця запису, то з наступної ноти запис продовжиться там, де зупинився, щоб скинути відтворення на початок запису, вставте ноту внизу у клавіш (<20 Гц) - - - + Amplify: Підсилення: - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - Ця ручка задає коефіцієнт підсилення. При значенні 100% вихідний звук не змінюється, в іншому випадку - він буде ослаблений або підсилений. (Зверніть увагу, що вихідний запис при цьому залишиться недоторканим.) - - - - Startpoint: - Початок: - - - - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - Цим регулятором можна встановити мітку з якої АудіоФайлПроцессор повинен почати відтворення запису. - - - - Endpoint: - Кінець: + + Start point: + - - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - Цей регулятор встановлює мітку в якій АудіоФайлПроцессор повинен перестати програвати запис. + + End point: + - + Loopback point: Точка повернення з повтору: - - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - Цей регулятор ставить мітку початку повторення. - AudioFileProcessorWaveView - + Sample length: Довжина запису: @@ -261,163 +211,168 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AudioJack - + JACK client restarted JACK-клієнт перезапущений - + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS не був підключений до JACK з якоїсь причини, тому LMMS підключення до JACK було перезапущено. Вам доведеться заново вручну створити з'єднання. - + JACK server down JACK-сервер не доступний - + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. Можливо JACK-сервер був вимкнений і запуск нового процесу не вдався, тому LMMS не може продовжити роботу. Вам слід зберегти проект і перезапустити JACK і LMMS. - - CLIENT-NAME - ІМ'Я КЛІЄНТА + + Client name + - - CHANNELS - КАНАЛИ + + Channels + - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - ПРИСТРІЙ + Device + - CHANNELS - КАНАЛИ + Channels + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - - BACKEND - УПРАВЛІННЯ + + Backend + - - DEVICE - ПРИСТРІЙ + + Device + - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - ПРИСТРІЙ + Device + - CHANNELS - КАНАЛИ + Channels + AudioSdl::setupWidget - - DEVICE - ПРИСТРІЙ + + Device + - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - ПРИСТРІЙ + Device + - CHANNELS - КАНАЛИ + Channels + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - - BACKEND - УПРАВЛІННЯ + + Backend + - - DEVICE - ПРИСТРІЙ + + Device + AutomatableModel - + &Reset (%1%2) &R Скинути (%1%2) - + &Copy value (%1%2) &C Копіювати значення (%1%2) - + &Paste value (%1%2) &P Вставити значення (%1%2) - + + &Paste value + + + + Edit song-global automation Змінити глоабльную автоматизацію композиції - + Remove song-global automation Прибрати глобальну автоматизацію композиції - + Remove all linked controls Прибрати все приєднане управління - + Connected to %1 Приєднано до %1 - + Connected to controller Приєднано до контролера - + Edit connection... Налаштувати з'єднання... - + Remove connection Видалити з'єднання - + Connect to controller... З'єднати з контролером ... @@ -425,387 +380,300 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp AutomationEditor - - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - Відкрийте редатор автоматизації через контекстне меню регулятора! + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + - - Values copied - Значення скопійовані + + New inValue + - - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - Всі вибрані значення скопійовані до буферу обміну. + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + Відкрийте редатор автоматизації через контекстне меню регулятора! AutomationEditorWindow - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) Гра/Пауза поточної мелодії (Пробіл) - - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - Натисніть тут щоб програти поточну мелодію. Це може стати в нагоді при його редагуванні. Мелодія автоматично програватиме знову при досягненні кінця. - - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) Зупинити програвання поточної мелодії (Пробіл) - - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - Натисніть тут, якщо ви хочете зупинити відтворення поточної мелодії. - - - + Edit actions Зміна - + Draw mode (Shift+D) Режим малювання (Shift + D) - + Erase mode (Shift+E) Режим стирання (Shift+E) - + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically Перевернути вертикально - + Flip horizontally Перевернути горизонтально - - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - Натисніть тут і мелодія перевернеться. Точки перевертаються в Y напрямку. - - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - Натисніть тут і мелодія перевернеться в напрямку X. - - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - При натиснені цієї кнопки активується режим малювання нот, в ньому ви можете додавати/переміщати і змінювати тривалість одиночних нот. Це основний режим і використовується більшу частину часу. -Для увімкнення цього режиму можна скористатися комбінацію клавіш Shift+D. - - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - При натиснені цієї кнопки активується режим стирання. У цьому режимі ви можете видаляти ноти по одній. -Для увімкнення цього режиму можна скористатися комбінацію клавіш Shift+E. - - - + Interpolation controls Управління інтерполяцією - + Discrete progression Дискретна прогресія - + Linear progression Лінійна прогресія - + Cubic Hermite progression Кубічна Ермітова прогресія - + Tension value for spline Величина напруженості для сплайна - - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - Більш висока напруженість може зробити криву більш м'якою, але перевантажить деякі величини. Низька напруженість зробить нахил кривої нижчою в кожній контрольній точці. - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - Вибір дискретної прогресії для цього шаблону автоматизації. Кількість приєднаних об'єктів залишатиметься постійним між керуючими точками і буде встановлена на нове значення відразу після досягнення кожної керуючої точки. - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - Вибір лінійної прогресії для цього шаблону автоматизації. Кількість приєднаних об'єктів буде змінюватися з постійною швидкістю в часі між керуючими точками для досягнення точного значення в кожній керуючій точці без раптових змін. - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - Кубічна Ермітова прогресія для цього шаблону автоматизації. Кількість приєднаних об'єктів зміниться по згладженій кривій і пом'якшиться на піках і спадах. - - - + Tension: Напруженість: - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - Вирізати вибрані ноти (%1+X) - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - Копіювати вибрані ноти до буферу (%1+C) - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - Вставити значення з буферу (%1+V) - - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - При натиснені цієї кнопки виділені ноти будуть вирізані до буферу. Пізніше ви можете вставити їх в будь-яке місце будь-якого шаблону за допомогою кнопки "Вставити". - - - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - При натиснені цієї кнопки виділені ноти будуть скопійовано до буферу. Пізніше ви зможете вставити їх в будь-яке місце будь-якого шаблону за допомогою кнопки "Вставити". + + Zoom controls + Управління масштабом - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - При натиснені цієї кнопки ноти з буферу будуть вставлені в перший видимий такт. + + Horizontal zooming + - - Zoom controls - Управління масштабом + + Vertical zooming + - + Quantization controls Управління квантуванням - + Quantization Квантування - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - Квантування. Встановлює найменший розмір кроку для точки автоматизації. За замовчуванням це також задає довжину, очищаючи інші точки діапазону. Натисніть <Ctrl>, щоб змінити цю поведінку. - - - - - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip Редактор автоматизації - немає шаблону - - + + Automation Editor - %1 Редактор автоматизації - %1 - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Модель вже підключена до цього шаблону. - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip - + Drag a control while pressing <%1> Тягніть контроль утримуючи <%1> - AutomationPatternView - - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - Двічі клацніть мишею щоб налаштувати автоматизацію для цього шаблону - + AutomationClipView - + Open in Automation editor Відкрити в редакторі автоматизації - + Clear Очистити - + Reset name Скинути назву - + Change name Перейменувати - + Set/clear record Встановити/очистити запис - + Flip Vertically (Visible) Перевернути вертикально (Видиме) - + Flip Horizontally (Visible) Перевернути горизонтально (Видиме) - + %1 Connections З'єднання %1 - + Disconnect "%1" Від'єднати «%1» - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. Модель вже підключена до цього шаблону. AutomationTrack - + Automation track Доріжка автоматизації - BBEditor + PatternEditor - + Beat+Bassline Editor Ритм Бас Редактор - + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) Грати/пауза поточної лінії ритму/басу (Пробіл) - + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) Зупинити відтворення поточної лінії ритм-басу (Пробіл) - - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Натисніть щоб програти поточну лінію ритм-басу. Вона буде повторена при досягненні кінця. - - - - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - Зупинити відтворення (Пробіл). - - - + Beat selector Вибір ударних - + Track and step actions Дії для доріжки чи її частини - + Add beat/bassline Додати ритм/бас - + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + Add sample-track Додати доріжку запису - + Add automation-track Додати доріжку автоматизації - + Remove steps Видалити такти - + Add steps Додати такти - + Clone Steps Клонувати такти - BBTCOView + PatternClipView - + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor Відкрити в редакторі ритму і басу - + Reset name Скинути назву - + Change name Перейменувати - - - Change color - Змінити колір - - - - Reset color to default - Відновити колір за замовчуванням - - BBTrack + PatternTrack - + Beat/Bassline %1 Ритм/Бас лінія %1 - + Clone of %1 Копія %1 @@ -881,8 +749,8 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Input Gain: - Вхідне підсилення: + Input gain: + Вхідне підсилення: @@ -891,13 +759,13 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Input Noise: - Вхідний шум: + Input noise: + - Output Gain: - Вихідне підсилення: + Output gain: + Вихідне підсилення: @@ -906,12121 +774,15560 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp - Output Clip: - Вихідне відсічення: + Output clip: + - - Rate Enabled - Частоту вибірки увімкнено + + Rate enabled + - - Enable samplerate-crushing - Включити дроблення частоти дискретизації + + Enable sample-rate crushing + - - Depth Enabled - Глибина включена + + Depth enabled + - - Enable bitdepth-crushing - Включити ​​дроблення глибини кольору + + Enable bit-depth crushing + - + FREQ ЧАСТ - + Sample rate: Частота дискретизації: - + STEREO СТЕРЕО - + Stereo difference: Стерео різниця: - + QUANT КВАНТ - + Levels: Рівні: - CaptionMenu + BitcrushControls - - &Help - &H Довідка + + Input gain + Вхідне підсилення - - Help (not available) - Допомога (не доступно) + + Input noise + - - - CarlaInstrumentView - - Show GUI - Показати інтерфейс + + Output gain + Вихідне підсилення - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - Натисніть сюди щоб сховати чи показати графічний інтерфейс Carla. + + Output clip + - - - Controller - - Controller %1 - Контролер %1 + + Sample rate + - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - - Connection Settings - Параметры соединения + + Stereo difference + - - MIDI CONTROLLER - MIDI-КОНТРОЛЕР + + Levels + Рівні - - Input channel - Канал введення + + Rate enabled + - - CHANNEL - КАНАЛ + + Depth enabled + + + + CarlaAboutW - - Input controller - Контролер введення + + About Carla + - - CONTROLLER - КОНТРОЛЕР + + About + Про програму - - - Auto Detect - Автовизначення + + About text here + - - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - Пристрої MiDi для прийому подій + + Extended licensing here + - - USER CONTROLLER - КОРИСТ. КОНТРОЛЕР + + Artwork + - - MAPPING FUNCTION - ПЕРЕВИЗНАЧЕННЯ + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - - OK - ОК + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - - Cancel - Відміна + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - - LMMS - ЛММС + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - - Cycle Detected. - Виявлено цикл. + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - - - ControllerRackView - - Controller Rack - Стійка контролерів + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - - Add - Додати + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - - Confirm Delete - Підтвердити видалення + + Features + - - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - Чи підтверджуєте видалення? Є можливі зв'язки з цим контролером, потім їх не можна буде повернути.. + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - - ControllerView - - Controls - Управління + + LADSPA: + - - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - Контролери можуть автоматизувати зміни значень регуляторів, повзунків та іншого управління. + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - - Rename controller - Перейменувати контролер + + VST2: + - - Enter the new name for this controller - Введіть нову назву контролера + + DSSI: + - - LFO - LFO + + LV2: + - - &Remove this controller - &R Видалити цей контролер + + VST3: + - - Re&name this controller - &N Перейменувати цей контролер + + OSC + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - - Band 1/2 Crossover: - Смуга 1/2 кросовер: + + Host URLs: + - - Band 2/3 Crossover: - Смуга 2/3 кросовер: + + Valid commands: + - - Band 3/4 Crossover: - Смуга 3/4 кросовер: + + valid osc commands here + - - Band 1 Gain: - Смуга 1 підсилення: + + Example: + - - Band 2 Gain: - Смуга 2 підсилення: + + License + Ліцензія - - Band 3 Gain: - Смуга 3 підсилення: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + - - Band 4 Gain: - Смуга 4 підсилення: + + OSC Bridge Version + - - Band 1 Mute - Смуга 1 відключена + + Plugin Version + - - Mute Band 1 - Відключити смугу 1 + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + - - Band 2 Mute - Смуга 2 відключена + + + (Engine not running) + - - Mute Band 2 - Відключити смугу 2 + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + - - Band 3 Mute - Смуга 3 відключена + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - - Mute Band 3 - Відключити смугу 3 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - - Band 4 Mute - Смуга 4 відключена + + + + Using Juce host + - - Mute Band 4 - Відключити смугу 4 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + - DelayControls + CarlaHostW - - Delay Samples - Затримка семплів + + MainWindow + - - Feedback - Повернення + + Rack + - - Lfo Frequency - Частота LFO + + Patchbay + - - Lfo Amount - Величина LFO + + Logs + - - Output gain - Вихідне підсилення + + Loading... + - - - DelayControlsDialog - - DELAY - ЗАТРИМ + + Buffer Size: + - - Delay Time - Час затримки + + Sample Rate: + - - FDBK - FDBK + + ? Xruns + - - Feedback Amount - Величина повернення + + DSP Load: %p% + - - RATE - ЧАСТ + + &File + &Файл - - Lfo - LFO + + &Engine + - - AMNT - ГЛИБ + + &Plugin + - - Lfo Amt - Вел LFO + + Macros (all plugins) + - - Out Gain - Вих підсилення + + &Canvas + - - Gain - Підсилення + + Zoom + - - - DualFilterControlDialog - - - FREQ - ЧАСТ + + &Settings + - - - Cutoff frequency - Зріз частоти + + &Help + &H Довідка - - - RESO - РЕЗО + + toolBar + - - - Resonance - Резонанс + + Disk + - - - GAIN - ПІДС + + + Home + - - - Gain - Підсилення + + Transport + - - MIX - МІКС + + Playback Controls + - - Mix - Мікс + + Time Information + - - Filter 1 enabled - Фільтр 1 включено + + Frame: + - - Filter 2 enabled - Фільтр 2 включено + + 000'000'000 + - - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - Натиснути для включення/виключення Фільтру 1 + + Time: + Час: - - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - Натиснути для включення/виключення Фільтру 2 + + 00:00:00 + - - - DualFilterControls - - Filter 1 enabled - Фільтр 1 включено + + BBT: + - - Filter 1 type - Тип фільтру + + 000|00|0000 + - - Cutoff 1 frequency - Зріз 1 частоти + + Settings + Параметри - - Q/Resonance 1 - Кіл./Резонансу 1 + + BPM + - - Gain 1 - Підсилення 1 + + Use JACK Transport + - - Mix - Мікс + + Use Ableton Link + - - Filter 2 enabled - Фільтр 2 включено + + &New + &N Новий - - Filter 2 type - Тип фільтру 2 + + Ctrl+N + - - Cutoff 2 frequency - Зріз 2 частоти + + &Open... + &O Відкрити... - - Q/Resonance 2 - Кіл./Резонансу 2 + + + Open... + - - Gain 2 - Підсилення 2 + + Ctrl+O + - - - LowPass - Низ.ЧФ + + &Save + &S Зберегти - - - HiPass - Вис.ЧФ + + Ctrl+S + - - - BandPass csg - Серед.ЧФ csg + + Save &As... + &A Зберегти як... - - - BandPass czpg - Серед.ЧФ czpg + + + Save As... + - - - Notch - Смуго-загороджуючий + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - - - Allpass - Всі проходять + + &Quit + &Q Вийти - - - Moog - Муг + + Ctrl+Q + - - - 2x LowPass - 2х Низ.ЧФ + + &Start + - - - RC LowPass 12dB - RC Низ.ЧФ 12дБ + + F5 + - - - RC BandPass 12dB - RC Серед.ЧФ 12 дБ + + St&op + - - - RC HighPass 12dB - RC Вис.ЧФ 12дБ + + F6 + - - - RC LowPass 24dB - RC Низ.ЧФ 24дБ + + &Add Plugin... + - - - RC BandPass 24dB - RC Серед.ЧФ 24дБ + + Ctrl+A + - - - RC HighPass 24dB - RC Вис.ЧФ 24дБ + + &Remove All + - - - Vocal Formant Filter - Фільтр Вокальної форманти + + Enable + - - - 2x Moog - 2x Муг + + Disable + - - - SV LowPass - SV Низ.ЧФ + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - - - SV BandPass - SV Серед.ЧФ + + 100% Wet + - - - SV HighPass - SV Вис.ЧФ + + 0% Volume (Mute) + - - - SV Notch - SV Смуго-заг + + 100% Volume + - - - Fast Formant - Швидка форманта + + Center Balance + - - - Tripole - Тріполі + + &Play + - - - Editor - - Transport controls - Управління засобами сполучення + + Ctrl+Shift+P + - - Play (Space) - Грати (Пробіл) + + &Stop + - - Stop (Space) - Зупинити (Пробіл) + + Ctrl+Shift+X + - - Record - Запис + + &Backwards + - - Record while playing - Запис під час програвання + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - - - Effect - - Effect enabled - Ефект включений + + &Forwards + - - Wet/Dry mix - Насиченість + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - - Gate - Шлюз + + &Arrange + - - Decay - Згасання + + Ctrl+G + - - - EffectChain - - Effects enabled - Ефекти включені + + + &Refresh + - - - EffectRackView - - EFFECTS CHAIN - МЕРЕЖА ЕФЕКТІВ + + Ctrl+R + - - Add effect - Додати ефект + + Save &Image... + - - - EffectSelectDialog - - Add effect - Додати ефект + + Auto-Fit + - - - Name - І'мя + + Zoom In + - - Type - Тип + + Ctrl++ + - - Description - Опис + + Zoom Out + - - Author - Автор + + Ctrl+- + - - - EffectView - - Toggles the effect on or off. - Увімк/Вимк ефект. + + Zoom 100% + - - On/Off - Увімк/Вимк + + Ctrl+1 + - - W/D - НАСИЧ + + Show &Toolbar + - - Wet Level: - Рівень насиченості: + + &Configure Carla + - - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - Регулятор насиченості визначає частку обробленого сигналу, яка буде на виході. + + &About + - - DECAY - + + About &JUCE + - - Time: - Час: + + About &Qt + - - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - Decay (затихання) управляє кількістю буферів тиші, які повинні пройти до кінця роботи плагіна. Менші величини знижують перевантаження процесора, але виникає ризик появи потріскування або підрізання в хвості на перетримці (delay) або відлуння (reverb) ефектах. + + Show Canvas &Meters + - - GATE - ШЛЮЗ + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - - Gate: - Шлюз: + + Show Internal + - - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - GATE (Шлюз) визначає рівень сигналу, який буде вважатися "тишею" при визначенні зупинки оброблення сигналів. + + Show External + - - Controls - Управління + + Show Time Panel + - - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. - Сигнал проходить послідовно через всі встановлені фільтри (зверху вниз). - -Перемикач Увімк/Вимк дозволяє в будь-який момент вмикати / вимикати фільтр. - -Регулятор (wet / dry) насиченості визначає баланс між вхідним сигналом і сигналом після ефекту, який стає вихідним сигналом ефекту. Вхідний сигнал кожного фільтра є виходом попереднього, так що частка чистого сигналу при проходженні по ланцюжку постійно падає. - -Регулятор (decay) затихання визначає час, який буде діяти фільтр після того як ноти були відпущені. -Ефект перестане обробляти сигнали, коли гучність впаде нижче порогу для заданої довжини часу. Ця ручка (Knob) встановлює "задану довжину часу" Чим менше значення, тим менші вимоги до ЦП, тому краще ставити це число низьким для більшості ефектів. однак це може викликати обрізку звуку при використанні ефектів з тривалими періодами тиші, типу затримки. - -Регулятор шлюзу служить для вказівки порогу сигналу для авто-відключення ефекту, відлік для "заданої довжини часу" почнеться як тільки опрацьований сигнал впаде нижче зазначеного цим регулятором рівня. - -Кнопка "Управління" відкриває вікно зміни параметрів ефекту. - -Контекстне меню, яке викликається клацанням правою кнопкою миші, дозволяє змінювати порядок проходження фільтрів або видаляти їх разом з іншими. + + Show &Side Panel + - - Move &up - &u Перемістити вище + + &Connect... + - - Move &down - &d Перемістити нижче + + Compact Slots + - - &Remove this plugin - &R Видалити цей плагін + + Expand Slots + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - - Predelay - Затримка + + Perform secret 1 + - - Attack - Вступ + + Perform secret 2 + - - Hold - Утримання + + Perform secret 3 + - - Decay - Згасання + + Perform secret 4 + - - Sustain - Витримка + + Perform secret 5 + - - Release - Зменшення + + Add &JACK Application... + - - Modulation - Модуляція + + &Configure driver... + - - LFO Predelay - Затримка LFO + + Panic + - - LFO Attack - Вступ LFO + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - - LFO speed - Швидкість LFO + + Export as... + - - LFO Modulation - Модуляція LFO + + + + + Error + Помилка - - LFO Wave Shape - Форма сигналу LFO + + Failed to load project + - - Freq x 100 - ЧАСТ x 100 + + Failed to save project + - - Modulate Env-Amount - Модулювати обвідну + + Quit + Вихід - - - EnvelopeAndLfoView - - - DEL - DEL + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - - Predelay: - Предзатримка: + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - Ця ручка визначає затримку обвідної. Чим більша ця величина, тим довший час до старту поточної обвідної. + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - - - ATT - ATT + + Warning + - - Attack: - Вступ: + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + CarlaInstrumentView - - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - Ця ручка встановлює час зростання для поточної обвідної. Чим більше значення, тим довше характеристика (н-д, гучність) зростає до максимуму. Для інструменов нашталт піаніно характерний малий час наростання, а для струнних - великий. + + Show GUI + Показати інтерфейс + + + CarlaSettingsW - - HOLD - HOLD + + Settings + Параметри - - Hold: - Утримання: + + main + - - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - Ця ручка встановлює тривалість обвідної. Чим більше значення, тим довше обвідна тримається на найвищому рівні. + + canvas + - - DEC - DEC + + engine + - - Decay: - Згасання: + + osc + - - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - Ця ручка встановлює час згасання для поточної обвідної. Чим більше значення, тим довше обвідна повинна зменшуватися від вступу до рівня витримки. Для інструментів накшталт піаніно слід вибирати невеликі значення. + + file-paths + - - SUST - SUST + + plugin-paths + - - Sustain: - Витримка: + + wine + - - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - Ця ручка встановлює рівень витримки. Чим більша ця величина, тим вище рівень на якому залишається обвідна, перш ніж опуститися до нуля. + + experimental + - - REL - REL + + Widget + - - Release: - Зменшення: + + + Main + - - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - Ця ручка встановлює час відпускання для поточної обвідної. Чим більше значення, тим довша характеристика (н-д, гучність) зменшується від рівня витримки до нуля. Для струнних інструментів слід вибирати великі значення. + + + Canvas + - - - AMT - AMT + + + Engine + - - - Modulation amount: - Глибина модуляції: + + File Paths + - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - Ця ручка встановлює глибину модуляції для поточної обвідної. Чим більше значення, тим більшою мірою обрана характеристика (н-д, гучність або частота зрізу) буде залежати від цієї обвідної. + + Plugin Paths + - - LFO predelay: - Предзатримка LFO: + + Wine + - - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - Ця ручка визначає затримку перед запуском LFO (LFO - низькочастотний осциллятор (генератор)). Чим більша величина, тим більше часу до того як LFO почне працювати. + + + Experimental + - - LFO- attack: - Вступ LFO: + + <b>Main</b> + - - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - Використовуйте цю ручку для встановлення часу вступу цього LFO. Чим більше значення, тим довше LFO потребує збільшення своєї амплітуди до максимуму. + + Paths + Шляхи - - SPD - SPD + + Default project folder: + - - LFO speed: - Швидкість LFO: + + Interface + - - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - Ця ручка встановлює швидкість поточного LFO. Чим більше значення, тим швидше LFO коливається і швидше виробляється ефект. + + Interface refresh interval: + - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - Ця ручка встановлює глибину модуляції для поточного LFO. Чим більше значення, тим більшою мірою обрана характеристика (н-д, гучність або частота зрізу) залежатиме від цього LFO. + + + ms + - - Click here for a sine-wave. - Синусоїда. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Згенерувати трикутний сигнал. + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - Згенерувати зигзагоподібний сигнал. + + + Theme + - - Click here for a square-wave. - Згенерувати квадратний сигнал. + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - Задати свою форму сигналу. Згодом, перетягнути відповідний файл із записом в граф LFO. + + Color scheme: + - - Click here for random wave. - Натисніть сюди для випадкової хвилі. + + Black + - - FREQ x 100 - ЧАСТОТА x 100 + + System + - - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - Натисніть, щоб помножити частоту цього LFO на 100. + + Enable experimental features + - - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - Помножити частоту LFO на 100 + + <b>Canvas</b> + - - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - МОДЕЛЮВ ОБВІДНУ + + Bezier Lines + - - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - Натисніть сюди, щоб глибина модуляції обвідної задавалася цим LFO. + + Theme: + - - control envelope-amount by this LFO - Дозволити цьому LFO задавати значення обвідної + + Size: + Розмір: - - ms/LFO: - мс/LFO: + + 775x600 + - - Hint - Підказка + + 1550x1200 + - - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - Перетягніть в це вікно який-небудь запис. + + 3100x2400 + - - - EqControls - - Input gain - Вхідне підсилення + + 4650x3600 + - - Output gain - Вихідне підсилення + + 6200x4800 + - - Low shelf gain - Мала ступінь підсилення + + Options + - - Peak 1 gain - Пік 1 підсилення + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - - Peak 2 gain - Пік 2 підсилення + + Auto-select items on hover + - - Peak 3 gain - Пік 3 підсилення + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - - Peak 4 gain - Пік 4 підсилення + + Render Hints + - - High Shelf gain - Висока ступінь підсилення + + Anti-Aliasing + - - HP res - ВЧ резон + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) + - - Low Shelf res - Мала ступінь резон + + <b>Engine</b> + - - Peak 1 BW - Пік 1 BW + + + Core + - - Peak 2 BW - Пік 2 BW + + Single Client + - - Peak 3 BW - Пік 3 BW + + Multiple Clients + - - Peak 4 BW - Пік 4 BW + + + Continuous Rack + - - High Shelf res - Висока ступінь резон + + + Patchbay + - - LP res - НЧ резон + + Audio driver: + - - HP freq - НЧ част + + Process mode: + - - Low Shelf freq - Низька ступінь част + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog + - - Peak 1 freq - Пік 1 част + + Max Parameters: + - - Peak 2 freq - Пік 2 част + + ... + - - Peak 3 freq - Пік 3 част + + Reset Xrun counter after project load + - - Peak 4 freq - Пік 4 част + + Plugin UIs + - - High shelf freq - Висока ступінь част + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host + - - LP freq - НЧ част + + UI Bridge Timeout: + - - HP active - ВЧ активна + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code + - - Low shelf active - Мала ступінь активна + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible + - - Peak 1 active - Пік 1 активний + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top + - - Peak 2 active - Пік 2 активний + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) + - - Peak 3 active - Пік 3 активний + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS + - - Peak 4 active - Пік 4 активний + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + - - High shelf active - Висока ступінь активна + + <b>OSC</b> + - - LP active - НЧ активна + + Enable OSC + - - LP 12 - НЧ 12 + + Enable TCP port + - - LP 24 - НЧ 24 + + + Use specific port: + - - LP 48 - НЧ 48 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var + - - HP 12 - ВЧ 12 + + + Use randomly assigned port + - - HP 24 - ВЧ 24 + + Enable UDP port + - - HP 48 - ВЧ 48 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - - low pass type - Тип низької частоти + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - - high pass type - Тип високої частоти + + <b>File Paths</b> + - - Analyse IN - Аналізувати ВХІД + + Audio + Аудіо - - Analyse OUT - Аналізувати ВИХІД + + MIDI + MIDI - - - EqControlsDialog - - HP - ВЧ + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - - Low Shelf - Мала ступінь + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - - Peak 1 - Пік 1 + + + Add... + - - Peak 2 - Пік 2 + + + Remove + - - Peak 3 - Пік 3 + + + Change... + - - Peak 4 - Пік 4 + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> + - - High Shelf - Висока ступінь + + LADSPA + - - LP - НЧ + + DSSI + - - In Gain - Вхід підсилення + + LV2 + - - - - Gain - Підсилення + + VST2 + - - Out Gain - Вих підсилення + + VST3 + - - Bandwidth: - Ширина смуги: + + SF2/3 + - - Octave - Октава + + SFZ + - - Resonance : - Резонанс: + + Restart Carla to find new plugins + - - Frequency: - Частота: + + <b>Wine</b> + - - lp grp - нч grp + + Executable + - - hp grp - вч grp + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - - - EqHandle - - Reso: - Резон: + + Prefix + - - BW: - ШС: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - - - Freq: - Част: + + Fallback: + - - - ExportProjectDialog - - Export project - Експорт проекту + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback + - - Output - Вивід + + Realtime Priority + - - File format: - Формат файла: + + Base priority: + - - Samplerate: - Частота дискретизації: + + WineServer priority: + - - 44100 Hz - 44.1 КГц + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - - 48000 Hz - 48 КГц + + <b>Experimental</b> + - - 88200 Hz - 88.2 КГц + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - - 96000 Hz - 96 КГц + + Enable plugin bridges + - - 192000 Hz - 192 КГц + + Enable Wine bridges + - - Depth: - Глибина: + + Enable jack applications + - - 16 Bit Integer - 16 Біт ціле + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - - 24 Bit Integer - 24 Біт ціле + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - - 32 Bit Float - 32 Біт плаваюча + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - - Stereo mode: - Стерео режим: + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - - Stereo - Стерео + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - - Joint Stereo - Об'єднане стерео + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - - Mono - Моно + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - - Bitrate: - Бітрейт: + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - - 64 KBit/s - 64 КБіт/с + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - - 128 KBit/s - 128 КБіт/с + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - - 160 KBit/s - 160 КБіт/с + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - - 192 KBit/s - 192 КБіт/с + + + + + Add Path + + + + CompressorControlDialog - - 256 KBit/s - 256 КБіт/с + + Threshold: + - - 320 KBit/s - 320 КБіт/с + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - - Use variable bitrate - Використовувати змінний бітрейт + + Ratio: + Відношення: - - Quality settings - Налаштування якості + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - - Interpolation: - Інтерполяція: + + Attack: + Вступ: - - Zero Order Hold - Нульова затримка + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - - Sinc Fastest - Синхр. Швидка + + Release: + Зменшення: - - Sinc Medium (recommended) - Синхр. Середня (рекомендовано) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - - Sinc Best (very slow!) - Синхр. краща (дуже повільно!) + + Knee: + - - Oversampling (use with care!): - Передискретизація (використовувати обережно!): + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - - 1x (None) - 1х (Ні) + + Range: + - - 2x - + + Maximum gain reduction + - - 4x - + + Lookahead Length: + - - 8x - + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - - Export as loop (remove end silence) - Експортувати як петлю (прибрати тишу в кінці) + + Hold: + Утримання: - - Export between loop markers - Експорт між маркерами циклу + + Delay between attack and release stages + - - Start - Почати + + RMS Size: + - - Cancel - Відміна + + Size of the RMS buffer + - - Could not open file - Не можу відкрити файл + + Input Balance: + - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Не вдалось відкрити файл %1 для запису. -Перевірте, чи маєте ви права на запис файлу і каталог що його містить і спробуйте знову! + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - - Export project to %1 - Експорт проекту в %1 + + Output Balance: + - - Error - Помилка + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - Помилка при визначенні кодека файлу. Спробуйте вибрати інший формат виводу. + + Stereo Balance: + - - Rendering: %1% - Обробка: %1% + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - Compression level: + + Stereo Link Blend: - (fastest) + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - (default) + + Tilt Gain: - (smallest) + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - - - Expressive - Selected graph - Обраний графік + + Tilt Frequency: + - A1 + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - A2 + + Mix: - A3 + + Balance between wet and dry signals - W1 smoothing + + Auto Attack: - W2 smoothing + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - W3 smoothing + + Auto Release: - PAN1 + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - PAN2 - + + Output gain + Вихідне підсилення + + + + + Gain + Підсилення - REL TRANS + + Output volume - - - Fader - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Введіть нове значення від %1 до %2: + + Input gain + Вхідне підсилення - - - FileBrowser - - Browser - Оглядач файлів + + Input volume + - Search + + Root Mean Square - Refresh list + + Use RMS of the input - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - - Send to active instrument-track - З'єднати з активним інструментом-доріжкою + + Peak + - - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - Відкрити в новій інструментальній доріжці/Музичному редакторі + + Use absolute value of the input + - - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - Відкрити в новій інструментальній доріжці/Біт + Бас редакторі + + Left/Right + - - Loading sample - Завантаження запису + + Compress left and right audio + - - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - Будь-ласка почекайте, запис завантажується для перегляду ... + + Mid/Side + - - Error - Помилка + + Compress mid and side audio + - - does not appear to be a valid - не являється дійсним + + Compressor + - - file - файл + + Compress the audio + - - --- Factory files --- - --- Заводські файли --- + + Limiter + - - - FlangerControls - - Delay Samples - Затримка семплів + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - - Lfo Frequency - Частота LFO + + Unlinked + - - Seconds - Секунд + + Compress each channel separately + - - Regen - Перегенерувати + + Maximum + - - Noise - Шум + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - - Invert - Інвертувати + + Average + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - - DELAY - ЗАТРИМ + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - - Delay Time: - Час затримки: + + Minimum + - - RATE - ЧАСТ + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - - Period: - Період: + + Blend + - - AMNT - ГЛИБ + + Blend between stereo linking modes + - - Amount: - Величина: + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - FDBK - FDBK + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - - Feedback Amount: - Величина повернення: + + + Soft Clip + - - NOISE - ШУМ + + Play the delta signal + - - White Noise Amount: - Об'єм білого шуму: + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - - Invert - Інвертувати + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + - FxLine + CompressorControls - - Channel send amount - Величина відправки каналу + + Threshold + - - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - Канал ефектів (ЕФ) отримує сигнал на вхід від однієї або декількох інструментальних доріжок. -У свою чергу його можна підключити до декількох інших каналам ефектів. ЛММС автоматично запобігає нескінченному повтореню і не дозволяє створювати з'єднання, які приведуть до нескінченного повторення. -Щоб з'єднати один канал з іншим, виберіть канал ефектів і натисніть кнопку надіслати на каналі, в який потрібно надіслати. Регулятор під кнопкою "надіслати" контролює рівень сигналу, що посилається на канал. -Можна прибирати і рухати канали ефектів через контекстне меню, якщо натиснути правою кнопкою миші по каналу ефектів. + + Ratio + Відношення - - Move &left - Рухати вліво &L + + Attack + Вступ - - Move &right - Рухати вправо &R + + Release + Зменшення - - Rename &channel - Перейменувати канал &C + + Knee + - - R&emove channel - Видалити канал &e + + Hold + Утримання - - Remove &unused channels - Видалити канали які &не використовуються + + Range + - - - FxMixer - - Master - Головний + + RMS Size + - - - - FX %1 - Ефект %1 + + Mid/Side + - - Volume - Гучність + + Peak Mode + - - Mute - Тиша + + Lookahead Length + - - Solo - Соло + + Input Balance + - - - FxMixerView - - FX-Mixer - Мікшер Ефектів + + Output Balance + - - FX Fader %1 - Повзунок Ефекту %1 + + Limiter + - - Mute - Тиша + + Output Gain + Вихідне підсилення - - Mute this FX channel - Тиша на цьому каналі Ефекту + + Input Gain + Вхідне підсилення - - Solo - Соло + + Blend + - - Solo FX channel - Соло каналу ЕФ + + Stereo Balance + - - - FxRoute - - - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - Величина відправки з каналу %1 на канал %2 + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - - GigInstrument - - Bank - Банк + + Audition + - - Patch - Патч + + Feedback + Повернення - - Gain - Підсилення + + Auto Attack + - - - GigInstrumentView - - Open other GIG file - Відкрити інший GIG файл + + Auto Release + - - Click here to open another GIG file - Натисніть, щоб відкрити інший GIG файл + + Lookahead + - - Choose the patch - Вибрати патч + + Tilt + - - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - Натисніть для зміни використовуваного патчу GIG файлу + + Tilt Frequency + - - - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - Змінити інструмент, який відтворює GIG файл + + Stereo Link + - - Which GIG file is currently being used - Який GIG файл зараз використовується + + Mix + Мікс + + + Controller - - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - Який патч GIG файлу зараз використовується + + Controller %1 + Контролер %1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - - Gain - Підсилення + + Connection Settings + Параметры соединения - - Factor to multiply samples by - Фактор множення семплів + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI-КОНТРОЛЕР - - Open GIG file - Відкрити GIG файл + + Input channel + Канал введення - - GIG Files (*.gig) - GIG Файли (*.gig) + + CHANNEL + КАНАЛ - - - GuiApplication - - Working directory - Робочий каталог LMMS + + Input controller + Контролер введення - - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - Робочий каталог LMMS (%1) не існує. Створити його? Пізніше ви зможете змінити його через Правку -> Параметри. + + CONTROLLER + КОНТРОЛЕР - - Preparing UI - Підготовка користувацького інтерфейсу + + + Auto Detect + Автовизначення - - Preparing song editor - Підготовка музичного редактора + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + Пристрої MiDi для прийому подій - - Preparing mixer - Підготовка міксера + + USER CONTROLLER + КОРИСТ. КОНТРОЛЕР - - Preparing controller rack - Підготовка стійки контролерів + + MAPPING FUNCTION + ПЕРЕВИЗНАЧЕННЯ - - Preparing project notes - Підготовка заміток проекту + + OK + ОК - - Preparing beat/bassline editor - Підготовка ритм/бас редактора + + Cancel + Відміна - - Preparing piano roll - Підготовка нотного редактора + + LMMS + ЛММС - - Preparing automation editor - Підготовка редактора автоматизації + + Cycle Detected. + Виявлено цикл. - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + ControllerRackView - - Arpeggio - Арпеджіо + + Controller Rack + Стійка контролерів - - Arpeggio type - Тип арпеджіо + + Add + Додати - - Arpeggio range - Діапазон арпеджіо + + Confirm Delete + Підтвердити видалення - - Cycle steps - Зациклити такти + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + Чи підтверджуєте видалення? Є можливі зв'язки з цим контролером, потім їх не можна буде повернути.. + + + ControllerView - - Skip rate - Частота пропуску + + Controls + Управління - - Miss rate - Частота пропуску + + Rename controller + Перейменувати контролер - - Arpeggio time - Період арпеджіо + + Enter the new name for this controller + Введіть нову назву контролера - - Arpeggio gate - Шлюз арпеджіо + + LFO + LFO - - Arpeggio direction - Напрямок арпеджіо + + &Remove this controller + &R Видалити цей контролер - - Arpeggio mode - Режим арпеджіо + + Re&name this controller + &N Перейменувати цей контролер + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - - Up - Вгору + + Band 1/2 crossover: + - - Down - Вниз + + Band 2/3 crossover: + - - Up and down - Вгору та вниз + + Band 3/4 crossover: + - - Down and up - Вниз та вгору + + Band 1 gain + - - Random - Випадково + + Band 1 gain: + - - Free - Вільно + + Band 2 gain + - - Sort - Сортувати + + Band 2 gain: + - - Sync - Синхронізувати + + Band 3 gain + - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - - ARPEGGIO - ARPEGGIO + + Band 3 gain: + - - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - Арпеджіо - різновид виконання акордів на фортепіано і струнних інструментах, який оживляє звучання. Струни таких інструментів граються перебором по акордах, як на арфі, коли звуки акорду слідують один за іншим. Типові арпеджіо - мажорні та мінорні тріади, серед яких можна вибрати й інші. + + Band 4 gain + - - RANGE - RANGE + + Band 4 gain: + - - Arpeggio range: - Діапазон арпеджіо: + + Band 1 mute + - - octave(s) - Октав(а/и) + + Mute band 1 + - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - Використовуйте цю ручку, щоб встановити діапазон арпеджіо (в октавах). Обраний тип арпеджіо охоплюватиме вказану кількість октав. + + Band 2 mute + - - CYCLE - ЦИКЛ + + Mute band 2 + - - Cycle notes: - Зациклити ноти: + + Band 3 mute + - - note(s) - нота(и) + + Mute band 3 + - - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. + + Band 4 mute - - SKIP - ПРОПУСК + + Mute band 4 + + + + DelayControls - - Skip rate: - Частота пропуску: + + Delay samples + - - - - % - % + + Feedback + Повернення - - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. + + LFO frequency - - MISS - ПРОПУСК - - - - Miss rate: - Частота пропуску: + + LFO amount + - - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - Функція пропуску змусить арпеджіатор пропустити бажану ноту. + + Output gain + Вихідне підсилення + + + DelayControlsDialog - - TIME - TIME + + DELAY + ЗАТРИМ - - Arpeggio time: - Період арпеджіо: + + Delay time + - - ms - мс + + FDBK + FDBK - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - Регулювання періоду арпеджіо - час (в мілісекундах), який має звучати кожен тон арпеджіо. + + Feedback amount + - - GATE - GATE + + RATE + ЧАСТ - - Arpeggio gate: - Шлюз арпеджіо: + + LFO frequency + - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - Регулювання шлюзу арпеджіо, показує процентну частку кожного тону арпеджіо, яка буде відтворена. Простий спосіб створювати стаккато-арпеджіо. + + AMNT + ГЛИБ - - Chord: - Акорд: + + LFO amount + - - Direction: - Напрямок: + + Out gain + - - Mode: - Режим: + + Gain + Підсилення - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + Dialog - - octave - Октава + + Add JACK Application + - - - Major - Мажорний + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - - Majb5 - Majb5 + + Application + - - minor - мінорний + + Name: + - - minb5 - minb5 + + Application: + - - sus2 - sus2 + + From template + - - sus4 - sus4 + + Custom + - - aug - aug + + Template: + - - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Command: + - - tri - tri + + Setup + - - 6 - 6 + + Session Manager: + - - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + None + Нічого - - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Audio inputs: + - - m6 - m6 + + MIDI inputs: + - - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Audio outputs: + - - 7 - 7 + + MIDI outputs: + - - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Take control of main application window + - - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Workarounds + - - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - - 7b9 - 7b9 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Error here + - - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Carla Control - Connect + - - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Remote setup + - - 7add13 - 7add13 + + UDP Port: + - - 7#11 - 7#11 + + Remote host: + - - Maj7 - Maj7 + + TCP Port: + - - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + Reported host + - - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + Automatic + - - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + Custom: + - - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - - m7 - m7 + + Set value + - + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + Частота дискретизації: + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + ЧАСТ + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Зріз частоти + + + + + RESO + РЕЗО + + + + + Resonance + Резонанс + + + + + GAIN + ПІДС + + + + + Gain + Підсилення + + + + MIX + МІКС + + + + Mix + Мікс + + + + Filter 1 enabled + Фільтр 1 включено + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Фільтр 2 включено + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + Фільтр 1 включено + + + + Filter 1 type + Тип фільтру + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + Кіл./Резонансу 1 + + + + Gain 1 + Підсилення 1 + + + + Mix + Мікс + + + + Filter 2 enabled + Фільтр 2 включено + + + + Filter 2 type + Тип фільтру 2 + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + Кіл./Резонансу 2 + + + + Gain 2 + Підсилення 2 + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + Смуго-загороджуючий + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + Муг + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Муг + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + SV Смуго-заг + + + + + Fast Formant + Швидка форманта + + + + + Tripole + Тріполі + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + Управління засобами сполучення + + + + Play (Space) + Грати (Пробіл) + + + + Stop (Space) + Зупинити (Пробіл) + + + + Record + Запис + + + + Record while playing + Запис під час програвання + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + Ефект включений + + + + Wet/Dry mix + Насиченість + + + + Gate + Шлюз + + + + Decay + Згасання + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + Ефекти включені + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + МЕРЕЖА ЕФЕКТІВ + + + + Add effect + Додати ефект + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + Додати ефект + + + + + Name + І'мя + + + + Type + Тип + + + + Description + Опис + + + + Author + Автор + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + Увімк/Вимк + + + + W/D + НАСИЧ + + + + Wet Level: + Рівень насиченості: + + + + DECAY + ЗГАСАННЯ + + + + Time: + Час: + + + + GATE + ШЛЮЗ + + + + Gate: + Шлюз: + + + + Controls + Управління + + + + Move &up + &u Перемістити вище + + + + Move &down + &d Перемістити нижче + + + + &Remove this plugin + &R Видалити цей плагін + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + DEL + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + ATT + + + + + Attack: + Вступ: + + + + HOLD + HOLD + + + + Hold: + Утримання: + + + + DEC + DEC + + + + Decay: + Згасання: + + + + SUST + SUST + + + + Sustain: + Витримка: + + + + REL + REL + + + + Release: + Зменшення: + + + + + AMT + AMT + + + + + Modulation amount: + Глибина модуляції: + + + + SPD + SPD + + + + Frequency: + Частота: + + + + FREQ x 100 + ЧАСТОТА x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + мс/LFO: + + + + Hint + Підказка + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + Вхідне підсилення + + + + Output gain + Вихідне підсилення + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + Пік 1 підсилення + + + + Peak 2 gain + Пік 2 підсилення + + + + Peak 3 gain + Пік 3 підсилення + + + + Peak 4 gain + Пік 4 підсилення + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + ВЧ резон + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + Пік 1 BW + + + + Peak 2 BW + Пік 2 BW + + + + Peak 3 BW + Пік 3 BW + + + + Peak 4 BW + Пік 4 BW + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + НЧ резон + + + + HP freq + НЧ част + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + Пік 1 част + + + + Peak 2 freq + Пік 2 част + + + + Peak 3 freq + Пік 3 част + + + + Peak 4 freq + Пік 4 част + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + НЧ част + + + + HP active + ВЧ активна + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + Пік 1 активний + + + + Peak 2 active + Пік 2 активний + + + + Peak 3 active + Пік 3 активний + + + + Peak 4 active + Пік 4 активний + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + НЧ активна + + + + LP 12 + НЧ 12 + + + + LP 24 + НЧ 24 + + + + LP 48 + НЧ 48 + + + + HP 12 + ВЧ 12 + + + + HP 24 + ВЧ 24 + + + + HP 48 + ВЧ 48 + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + Аналізувати ВХІД + + + + Analyse OUT + Аналізувати ВИХІД + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + ВЧ + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + Пік 1 + + + + Peak 2 + Пік 2 + + + + Peak 3 + Пік 3 + + + + Peak 4 + Пік 4 + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + НЧ + + + + Input gain + Вхідне підсилення + + + + + + Gain + Підсилення + + + + Output gain + Вихідне підсилення + + + + Bandwidth: + Ширина смуги: + + + + Octave + Октава + + + + Resonance : + Резонанс: + + + + Frequency: + Частота: + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + Резон: + + + + BW: + ШС: + + + + + Freq: + Част: + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + Експорт проекту + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + Експорт між маркерами циклу + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + + + + + File format: + Формат файла: + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + 44.1 КГц + + + + 48000 Hz + 48 КГц + + + + 88200 Hz + 88.2 КГц + + + + 96000 Hz + 96 КГц + + + + 192000 Hz + 192 КГц + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + Стерео режим: + + + + Mono + Моно + + + + Stereo + Стерео + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + Бітрейт: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 КБіт/с + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 КБіт/с + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 КБіт/с + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 КБіт/с + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 КБіт/с + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 КБіт/с + + + + Use variable bitrate + Використовувати змінний бітрейт + + + + Quality settings + Налаштування якості + + + + Interpolation: + Інтерполяція: + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + 1х (Ні) + + + + 2x + + + + + 4x + + + + + 8x + + + + + Start + Почати + + + + Cancel + Відміна + + + + Could not open file + Не можу відкрити файл + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Не вдалось відкрити файл %1 для запису. +Перевірте, чи маєте ви права на запис файлу і каталог що його містить і спробуйте знову! + + + + Export project to %1 + Експорт проекту в %1 + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + Помилка + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + Помилка при визначенні кодека файлу. Спробуйте вибрати інший формат виводу. + + + + Rendering: %1% + Обробка: %1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Введіть нове значення від %1 до %2: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + Оглядач файлів + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + З'єднати з активним інструментом-доріжкою + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + Музичний редактор + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + Завантаження запису + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + Будь-ласка почекайте, запис завантажується для перегляду ... + + + + Error + Помилка + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- Заводські файли --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + Секунд + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + Перегенерувати + + + + Noise + Шум + + + + Invert + Інвертувати + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + ЗАТРИМ + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + ЧАСТ + + + + Period: + Період: + + + + AMNT + ГЛИБ + + + + Amount: + Величина: + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + FDBK + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + ШУМ + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + Інвертувати + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + Час поширення + + + + Sweep direction + Напрям поширення + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + Гучність першого каналу + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Обсяг напрямку поширення + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Довжина кожного кроку в розгортці + + + + Channel 2 volume + Гучність другого каналу + + + + Channel 3 volume + Гучність третього каналу + + + + Channel 4 volume + Гучність четвертого каналу + + + + Shift Register width + Зміщення ширини регістра + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Від першого каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Від другого каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Від третього каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Від четвертого каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Від першого каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Від другого каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Від третього каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Від четвертого каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + + + Treble + Дискант + + + + Bass + Бас + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + Час поширення + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + Довжина кожного кроку в розгортці: + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + Довжина кожного кроку в розгортці + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + Дискант: + + + + Treble + Дискант + + + + Bass: + Бас: + + + + Bass + Бас + + + + Sweep direction + Напрям поширення + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + Обсяг напрямку поширення + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + Від першого каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + Від другого каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + Від третього каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + Від четвертого каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + Від першого каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + Від другого каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + Від третього каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + Від четвертого каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + Величина відправки каналу + + + + Move &left + Рухати вліво &L + + + + Move &right + Рухати вправо &R + + + + Rename &channel + Перейменувати канал &C + + + + R&emove channel + Видалити канал &e + + + + Remove &unused channels + Видалити канали які &не використовуються + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + Призначити до: + + + + New mixer Channel + Новий ефект каналу + + + + Mixer + + + Master + Головний + + + + + + Channel %1 + Ефект %1 + + + + Volume + Гучність + + + + Mute + Тиша + + + + Solo + Соло + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + Мікшер Ефектів + + + + Fader %1 + Повзунок Ефекту %1 + + + + Mute + Тиша + + + + Mute this mixer channel + Тиша на цьому каналі Ефекту + + + + Solo + Соло + + + + Solo mixer channel + Соло каналу ЕФ + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + Величина відправки з каналу %1 на канал %2 + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + Банк + + + + Patch + Патч + + + + Gain + Підсилення + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + Відкрити GIG файл + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + Підсилення: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG Файли (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + Робочий каталог LMMS + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + Робочий каталог LMMS (%1) не існує. Створити його? Пізніше ви зможете змінити його через Правку -> Параметри. + + + + Preparing UI + Підготовка користувацького інтерфейсу + + + + Preparing song editor + Підготовка музичного редактора + + + + Preparing mixer + Підготовка міксера + + + + Preparing controller rack + Підготовка стійки контролерів + + + + Preparing project notes + Підготовка заміток проекту + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + Підготовка ритм/бас редактора + + + + Preparing piano roll + Підготовка нотного редактора + + + + Preparing automation editor + Підготовка редактора автоматизації + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + Арпеджіо + + + + Arpeggio type + Тип арпеджіо + + + + Arpeggio range + Діапазон арпеджіо + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + Зациклити такти + + + + Skip rate + Частота пропуску + + + + Miss rate + Частота пропуску + + + + Arpeggio time + Період арпеджіо + + + + Arpeggio gate + Шлюз арпеджіо + + + + Arpeggio direction + Напрямок арпеджіо + + + + Arpeggio mode + Режим арпеджіо + + + + Up + Вгору + + + + Down + Вниз + + + + Up and down + Вгору та вниз + + + + Down and up + Вниз та вгору + + + + Random + Випадково + + + + Free + Вільно + + + + Sort + Сортувати + + + + Sync + Синхронізувати + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + ARPEGGIO + + + + RANGE + RANGE + + + + Arpeggio range: + Діапазон арпеджіо: + + + + octave(s) + Октав(а/и) + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + ЦИКЛ + + + + Cycle notes: + Зациклити ноти: + + + + note(s) + нота(и) + + + + SKIP + ПРОПУСК + + + + Skip rate: + Частота пропуску: + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + ПРОПУСК + + + + Miss rate: + Частота пропуску: + + + + TIME + TIME + + + + Arpeggio time: + Період арпеджіо: + + + + ms + мс + + + + GATE + GATE + + + + Arpeggio gate: + Шлюз арпеджіо: + + + + Chord: + Акорд: + + + + Direction: + Напрямок: + + + + Mode: + Режим: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + Октава + + + + + Major + Мажорний + + + + Majb5 + Majb5 + + + + minor + мінорний + + + + minb5 + minb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + augsus4 + + + + tri + tri + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + m7b5 m7b5 - - m7b9 - m7b9 + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + Гармонійний мінор + + + + Melodic minor + Мелодійний мінор + + + + Whole tone + Цілий тон + + + + Diminished + Понижений + + + + Major pentatonic + Пентатонік major + + + + Minor pentatonic + Пентатонік major + + + + Jap in sen + Япон in sen + + + + Major bebop + Major Бібоп + + + + Dominant bebop + Домінтний бібоп + + + + Blues + Блюз + + + + Arabic + Арабська + + + + Enigmatic + Загадкова + + + + Neopolitan + Неаполітанська + + + + Neopolitan minor + Неаполітанський мінор + + + + Hungarian minor + Угорський мінор + + + + Dorian + Дорійська + + + + Phrygian + Фрігійський + + + + Lydian + Лідійська + + + + Mixolydian + Міксолідійська + + + + Aeolian + Еолійська + + + + Locrian + Локріанська + + + + Minor + Мінор + + + + Chromatic + Хроматична + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + Напів-зниження + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + Фрігійська домінанта + + + + Persian + Перська + + + + Chords + Акорди + + + + Chord type + Тип акорду + + + + Chord range + Діапазон акорду + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + Стиковка + + + + Chord: + Акорд: + + + + RANGE + ДІАПАЗОН + + + + Chord range: + Діапазон акорду: + + + + octave(s) + Октав[а/и] + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + УВІМК MIDI ВХІД + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + УВІМК MIDI ВИВІД + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + NOTE + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + MiDi пристрої-джерела подій + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + MiDi пристрої для відправки подій на них + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + СВОЯ БАЗОВА ШВИДКІСТЬ + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + БАЗОВА ШВИДКІСТЬ + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + ОСНОВНА ТОНАЛЬНІСТЬ + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + VOLUME + + + + Volume + Гучність + + + + CUTOFF + CUTOFF + + + + + Cutoff frequency + Зріз частоти + + + + RESO + RESO + + + + Resonance + Резонанс + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + Обвідні/LFO + + + + Filter type + Тип фільтру + + + + Q/Resonance + Кіл./Резонансу + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + Смуго-загороджуючий + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + Муг + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Муг + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + SV Смуго-заг + + + + Fast Formant + Швидка форманта + + + + Tripole + Тріполі + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + ЦЕЛЬ + + + + FILTER + ФИЛЬТР + + + + FREQ + ЧАСТ + + + + Cutoff frequency: + Частота зрізу: + + + + Hz + Гц + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + Обвідні, LFO і фільтри не підтримуються цим інструментом. + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + безіменна_доріжка + + + + Base note + Опорна нота + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + По останій ноті + + + + Volume + Гучність + + + + Panning + Стерео + + + + Pitch + Тональність + + + + Pitch range + Діапазон тональності + + + + Mixer channel + Канал ЕФ + + + + Master pitch + Основна тональність + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + Основна предустановка + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + Гучність + + + + Volume: + Гучність: + + + + VOL + ГУЧН + + + + Panning + Баланс + + + + Panning: + Баланс: + + + + PAN + БАЛ + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + Вхід + + + + Output + Вихід + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + ЕФ %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + ОСНОВНІ НАЛАШТУВАННЯ + + + + Volume + Гучність + + + + Volume: + Гучність: + + + + VOL + ГУЧН + + + + Panning + Баланс + + + + Panning: + Стереобаланс: + + + + PAN + БАЛ + + + + Pitch + Тональність + + + + Pitch: + Тональність: + + + + cents + відсотків + + + + PITCH + ТОН + + + + Pitch range (semitones) + Діапазон тональності (півтону) + + + + RANGE + ДІАПАЗОН + + + + Mixer channel + Канал ЕФ + + + + CHANNEL + ЕФ + + + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + Зберегти поточну інструментаьную доріжку в файл предустановок + + + + SAVE + ЗБЕРЕГТИ + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + Обвідна, фільтр & LFO + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + Укладання акордів & арпеджіо + + + + Effects + Ефекти + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + Різне + + + + Save preset + Зберегти передустановку + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML файл налаштувань (*.xpf) + + + + Plugin + Модуль + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + Встановити лінійний + + + + Set logarithmic + Встановити логарифмічний + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + Введіть нове значення від -96,0 дБFS до 6,0 дБFS: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Введіть нове значення від %1 до %2: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + Зв'язати канали + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + Зв'язати канали + + + + Channel + Канал + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + Зв'язати канали + + + + Value: + Значення: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + Запитаний невідомий модуль LADSPA «%1». + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Введіть нове значення від %1 до %2: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Введіть нове значення від %1 до %2: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + Попередній + + + + + + Next + Наступний + + + + Previous (%1) + Попередній (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + Наступний (%1) + + + LfoController - - m7add11 - m7add11 + + LFO Controller + Контролер LFO - - m7add13 - m7add13 + + Base value + Основне значення - - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Oscillator speed + Швидкість хвилі - - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + Oscillator amount + Розмір хвилі - - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + Oscillator phase + Фаза хвилі - - 9 - 9 + + Oscillator waveform + Форма хвилі - - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + Frequency Multiplier + Множник частоти + + + LfoControllerDialog - - add9 - add9 + + LFO + LFO - - 9#5 - 9#5 + + BASE + БАЗА - - 9b5 - 9b5 + + Base: + - - 9#11 - 9#11 + + FREQ + ЧАСТ - - 9b13 - 9b13 + + LFO frequency: + - - Maj9 - Maj9 + + AMNT + ГЛИБ - - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + Modulation amount: + Кількість модуляції: - - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + PHS + ФАЗА - - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + Phase offset: + Зсув фази: - - m9 - m9 + + degrees + - - madd9 - madd9 + + Sine wave + Синусоїда - - m9b5 - m9b5 + + Triangle wave + Трикутник - - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + Saw wave + Зигзаг - - 11 - 11 + + Square wave + Квадратна хвиля - - 11b9 - 11b9 + + Moog saw wave + Муг-зигзаг хвиля - - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Exponential wave + Експоненціальна хвиля - - m11 - m11 + + White noise + Білий шум - - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + - - 13 - 13 + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + - - 13#9 - 13#9 + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + - - 13b9 - 13b9 + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + + Engine - - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + Generating wavetables + Генерування синтезатора звукозаписів - - Maj13 - Maj13 + + Initializing data structures + Ініціалізація структур даних - - m13 - m13 + + Opening audio and midi devices + Відкриття аудіо та міді пристроїв - - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + Launching mixer threads + Запуск потоків міксера + + + MainWindow - - Harmonic minor - Гармонійний мінор + + Configuration file + Файл налаштувань - - Melodic minor - Мелодійний мінор + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + Помилка під час обробки файлу налаштувань в рядку %1:%2:%3 - - Whole tone - Цілий тон + + Could not open file + Не можу відкрити файл - - Diminished - Понижений + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Не вдалось відкрити файл %1 для запису. +Перевірте, чи маєте ви права на запис файлу і каталог що його містить і спробуйте знову! - - Major pentatonic - Пентатонік major + + Project recovery + Відновлення проекту - - Minor pentatonic - Пентатонік major + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + Присутній файл відновлення. Схоже, остання сесія не закінчилася належним чином або інший екземпляр LMMS вже запущений. Ви хочете, відновити проект цієї сесії? - - Jap in sen - Япон in sen + + + Recover + Відновлення - - Major bebop - Major Бібоп + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + Відновлення файлу. Будь ласка, не запускайте кілька копій LMMS під час цієї операції. - - Dominant bebop - Домінтний бібоп + + + Discard + Відкинути - - Blues - Блюз + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + Запуск за замовчуванням з видаленням файла відновлення. Ця дія не відворотня. - - Arabic - Арабська + + Version %1 + Версія %1 - - Enigmatic - Загадкова + + Preparing plugin browser + Підготовка браузера плагінів - - Neopolitan - Неаполітанська + + Preparing file browsers + Підготовка переглядача файлів - - Neopolitan minor - Неаполітанський мінор + + My Projects + Мої проекти - - Hungarian minor - Угорський мінор + + My Samples + Мої записи - - Dorian - Дорійська + + My Presets + Мої передустановки - - Phrygian - Фрігійський + + My Home + Моя домашня тека - - Lydian - Лідійська + + Root directory + Кореневий каталог - - Mixolydian - Міксолідійська + + Volumes + Гучності - - Aeolian - Еолійська + + My Computer + Мій комп'ютер - - Locrian - Локріанська + + &File + &Файл - - Minor - Мінор + + &New + &N Новий - - Chromatic - Хроматична + + &Open... + &O Відкрити... - - Half-Whole Diminished - Напів-зниження + + Loading background picture + - - 5 - 5 + + &Save + &S Зберегти - - Phrygian dominant - Фрігійська домінанта + + Save &As... + &A Зберегти як... - - Persian - Перська + + Save as New &Version + Зберегти як нову &Версію - - Chords - Акорди + + Save as default template + Зберегти як шаблон за замовчуванням - - Chord type - Тип акорду + + Import... + Імпорт... - - Chord range - Діапазон акорду + + E&xport... + &X Експорт ... - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - - STACKING - Стиковка + + E&xport Tracks... + &Експортувати треки ... - - Chord: - Акорд: + + Export &MIDI... + Експорт в &MIDI ... - - RANGE - ДІАПАЗОН + + &Quit + &Q Вийти - - Chord range: - Діапазон акорду: + + &Edit + &E Редагування - - octave(s) - Октав[а/и] + + Undo + Скасувати - - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - Ця ручка змінює діапазон акорду, який буде містити вказане число октав. + + Redo + Повторити - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - УВІМК MIDI ВХІД + + Settings + Параметри - - - CHANNEL - CHANNEL + + &View + &V Перегляд - - - VELOCITY - VELOCITY + + &Tools + &T Сервіс - - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - УВІМК MIDI ВИВІД + + &Help + &H Довідка - - PROGRAM - PROGRAM + + Online Help + Онлайн Допомога - - NOTE - NOTE + + Help + Довідка - - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - MiDi пристрої-джерела подій + + About + Про програму - - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - MiDi пристрої для відправки подій на них + + Create new project + Створити новий проект - - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - СВОЯ БАЗОВА ШВИДКІСТЬ + + Create new project from template + Створити новий проект по шаблону - - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - Визначає базову швидкість нормальізаціі для MiDi інструментів при гучності ноти 100% + + Open existing project + Відкрити існуючий проект - - BASE VELOCITY - БАЗОВА ШВИДКІСТЬ + + Recently opened projects + Нещодавні проекти - - - InstrumentMiscView - - MASTER PITCH - ОСНОВНА ТОНАЛЬНІСТЬ + + Save current project + Зберегти поточний проект - - Enables the use of Master Pitch - Включає використання основної тональності + + Export current project + Експорт проекту - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - - VOLUME - VOLUME + + Metronome + - - Volume - Гучність + + + Song Editor + Музичний редактор - - CUTOFF - CUTOFF + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + Редактор шаблонів - - - Cutoff frequency - Зріз частоти + + + Piano Roll + Нотний редактор - - RESO - RESO + + + Automation Editor + Редактор автоматизації - - Resonance - Резонанс + + + Mixer + Мікшер Ефектів - - Envelopes/LFOs - Обвідні/LFO + + Show/hide controller rack + Показати/сховати керування контролерами - - Filter type - Тип фільтру + + Show/hide project notes + Показати/сховати замітки до проекту - - Q/Resonance - Кіл./Резонансу + + Untitled + Без назви - - LowPass - Низ.ЧФ + + Recover session. Please save your work! + Відновлення сесії. Будь ласка, збережіть свою роботу! - - HiPass - Вис.ЧФ + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 - - BandPass csg - Серед.ЧФ csg + + Recovered project not saved + Відновлений проект не збережено - - BandPass czpg - Серед.ЧФ czpg + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + Цей проект буво відновлено з попередньої сесії. В даний час він не збережений і буде втрачений, якщо ви його не збережете. Ви хочете, зберегти його зараз? - - Notch - Смуго-загороджуючий + + Project not saved + Проект не збережений - - Allpass - Всі проходять + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + Проект був змінений. Зберегти його зараз? - - Moog - Муг + + Open Project + Відкрити проект - - 2x LowPass - 2х Низ.ЧФ + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - - RC LowPass 12dB - RC Низ.ЧФ 12дБ + + Save Project + Зберегти проект - - RC BandPass 12dB - RC Серед.ЧФ 12 дБ + + LMMS Project + LMMS проект - - RC HighPass 12dB - RC Вис.ЧФ 12дБ + + LMMS Project Template + Шаблон LMMS проекту - - RC LowPass 24dB - RC Низ.ЧФ 24дБ + + Save project template + Зберегти шаблон проекту - - RC BandPass 24dB - RC Серед.ЧФ 24дБ + + Overwrite default template? + Переписати шаблон за замовчуванням? - - RC HighPass 24dB - RC Вис.ЧФ 24дБ + + This will overwrite your current default template. + Це перезапише поточний шаблон за замовчуванням. - - Vocal Formant Filter - Фільтр Вокальної форманти + + Help not available + Довідка недоступна - - 2x Moog - 2x Муг + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + Поки що довідка для LMMS не написана. +Ймовірно, Ви зможете знайти потрібні матеріали на http://lmms.sf.net/wiki. - - SV LowPass - SV Низ.ЧФ + + Controller Rack + Стійка контролерів - - SV BandPass - SV Серед.ЧФ + + Project Notes + Примітки проекту - - SV HighPass - SV Вис.ЧФ + + Fullscreen + - - SV Notch - SV Смуго-заг + + Volume as dBFS + Відображати гучність в децибелах - - Fast Formant - Швидка форманта + + Smooth scroll + Плавне прокручування - - Tripole - Тріполі + + Enable note labels in piano roll + Включити позначення нот у музичному редакторі - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - - TARGET - ЦЕЛЬ + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI-файл (* mid) - - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - Ця вкладка дозволяє вам налаштувати обвідні. Вони дуже важливі для налаштування звучання. -Наприклад, за допомогою обвідної гучності ви можете задати залежність гучності звучання від часу. Якщо вам знадобиться емулювати м'які струнні, просто задайте більше часу наростання і зникнення звуку. За допомогою обвідних і низькочастотного осциллятора (LFO) ви в кілька кліків миші зможете створити просто неймовірні звуки! + + + untitled + Без назви - - FILTER - ФИЛЬТР + + + Select file for project-export... + Вибір файлу для експорту проекту ... - - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - Здесь вы можете выбрать фильтр для дорожки этого инструмента. Фильтры могут довольно сильно менять звучание. + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + Виберіть теку для запису експортованих доріжок ... - - FREQ - ЧАСТ + + Save project + Зберегти проект - - cutoff frequency: - Срез частот: + + Project saved + Проект збережено - - Hz - Гц + + The project %1 is now saved. + Проект %1 збережено. - - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - Эта ручка устанавливает частоту среза для выбранного фильтра. К примеру, ФНЧ будет срезать сигнал на частотах выше частоты среза, полосно-пропускающий фильтр будет хорошо пропускать сигнал только на заданной частоте и так далее... + + Project NOT saved. + Проект НЕ ЗБЕРЕЖЕНО. - - RESO - РЕЗО + + The project %1 was not saved! + Проект %1 не збережено! - - Resonance: - Підсилення: + + Import file + Імпорт файлу + + + + MIDI sequences + MiDi послідовність - - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - Эта ручка задаёт количество резонанса для фильтра, этим определяется насколько нужно усилить ближайшие к отрезанным частоты. + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogen проекти - - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - Обвідні, LFO і фільтри не підтримуються цим інструментом. + + All file types + Всі типи файлів - InstrumentTrack + MeterDialog - - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - Регулювання гучності поточного каналу. + + + Meter Numerator + Шкала чисел - - - unnamed_track - безіменна_доріжка + + Meter numerator + - - Base note - Опорна нота + + + Meter Denominator + Шкала поділів - - Volume - Гучність + + Meter denominator + - - Panning - Стерео + + TIME SIG + ПЕРІОД + + + MeterModel - - Pitch - Тональність + + Numerator + Чисельник - - Pitch range - Діапазон тональності + + Denominator + Знаменник + + + MidiCCRackView - - FX channel - Канал ЕФ + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + - - Master Pitch - Основна тональність + + MIDI CC Knobs: + - - - Default preset - Основна предустановка + + CC %1 + - InstrumentTrackView + MidiController - - Volume - Гучність + + MIDI Controller + Контролер MIDI - - Volume: - Гучність: + + unnamed_midi_controller + нерозпізнаний міді контролер + + + MidiImport - - VOL - ГУЧН + + + Setup incomplete + Установку не завершено - - Panning - Баланс + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + - - Panning: - Баланс: + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + Ви не увімкнули підтримку програвача SoundFont2 при компіляції LMMS, він використовується для додавання основного звуку в імпортовані Міді файли, тому після імпорту цього міді файлу звуку не буде. - - PAN - БАЛ + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + - - MIDI - MIDI + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + - - Input - Вхід + + Numerator + Чисельник - - Output - Вихід + + Denominator + Знаменник - - FX %1: %2 - ЕФ %1: %2 + + Track + Трек - InstrumentTrackWindow + MidiJack - - GENERAL SETTINGS - ОСНОВНІ НАЛАШТУВАННЯ + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK-сервер не доступний - - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - Використовуйте ці елементи керування для перегляду і редагування наступного/попереднього треку в музичному редакторі. + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + Здається, сервер JACK відключений. + + + MidiPatternW - - Instrument volume - Гучність інструменту + + MIDI Pattern + - - Volume: - Гучність: + + Time Signature: + - - VOL - ГУЧН + + + + 1/4 + - - Panning - Баланс + + 2/4 + - - Panning: - Стереобаланс: + + 3/4 + - - PAN - БАЛ + + 4/4 + - - Pitch - Тональність + + 5/4 + - - Pitch: - Тональність: + + 6/4 + - - cents - відсотків + + Measures: + - - PITCH - ТОН + + + + 1 + - - Pitch range (semitones) - Діапазон тональності (півтону) + + 2 + - - RANGE - ДІАПАЗОН + + 3 + - - FX channel - Канал ЕФ + + 4 + - - FX - ЕФ + + 5 + 5 - - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - Зберегти поточну інструментаьную доріжку в файл предустановок + + 6 + 6 - - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - Нитисніть тут, щоб зберегти налаштування поточної інстр. доріжки в файл предустановок. Пізніше можна завантажити цю передустановку подвійним кліком в браузері предустановок. + + 7 + 7 - - SAVE - ЗБЕРЕГТИ + + 8 + - - Envelope, filter & LFO - Обвідна, фільтр & LFO + + 9 + 9 - - Chord stacking & arpeggio - Укладання акордів & арпеджіо + + 10 + - - Effects - Ефекти + + 11 + 11 - - MIDI settings - Параметри MIDI + + 12 + - - Miscellaneous - Різне + + 13 + 13 - - Save preset - Зберегти передустановку + + 14 + - - XML preset file (*.xpf) - XML файл налаштувань (*.xpf) + + 15 + - - Plugin - Модуль + + 16 + - - - Knob - - Set linear - Встановити лінійний + + Default Length: + - - Set logarithmic - Встановити логарифмічний + + + 1/16 + - - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - Введіть нове значення від -96,0 дБFS до 6,0 дБFS: + + + 1/15 + - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Введіть нове значення від %1 до %2: + + + 1/12 + - - - LadspaControl - - Link channels - Зв'язати канали - - - - LadspaControlDialog + + + 1/9 + + - - Link Channels - Зв'язати канали + + + 1/8 + - - Channel - Канал + + + 1/6 + - - - LadspaControlView - - Link channels - Зв'язати канали + + + 1/3 + - - Value: - Значення: + + + 1/2 + - - Sorry, no help available. - Вибачте, довідки немає. + + Quantize: + - - - LadspaEffect - - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - Запитаний невідомий модуль LADSPA «%1». + + &File + &Файл - - - LcdSpinBox - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Введіть нове значення від %1 до %2: + + &Edit + &E Редагування - - - LeftRightNav - - - - Previous - Попередній + + &Quit + &Q Вийти - - - - Next - Наступний + + &Insert Mode + - - Previous (%1) - Попередній (%1) + + F + - - Next (%1) - Наступний (%1) + + &Velocity Mode + - - - LfoController - - LFO Controller - Контролер LFO + + D + - - Base value - Основне значення + + Select All + - - Oscillator speed - Швидкість хвилі + + A + + + + MidiPort - - Oscillator amount - Розмір хвилі + + Input channel + Вхід - - Oscillator phase - Фаза хвилі + + Output channel + Вихід - - Oscillator waveform - Форма хвилі + + Input controller + Контролер входу - - Frequency Multiplier - Множник частоти + + Output controller + Контролер виходу - - - LfoControllerDialog - - LFO - LFO + + Fixed input velocity + Постійна швидкість введення - - LFO Controller - Контролер LFO + + Fixed output velocity + Постійна швидкість виведення - - BASE - БАЗА + + Fixed output note + Постійний вихід нот - - Base amount: - Базове значення: + + Output MIDI program + Програма для виведення MiDi - - todo - доробити + + Base velocity + Базова швидкість - - SPD - ШВИД + + Receive MIDI-events + Приймати події MIDI - - LFO-speed: - Швидкість LFO: + + Send MIDI-events + Відправляти події MIDI + + + MidiSetupWidget - - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - Ця ручка встановлює швидкість LFO. Чим більше значення, тим більша частота осциллятора. + + Device + + + + MonstroInstrument - - AMNT - ГЛИБ + + Osc 1 volume + - - Modulation amount: - Кількість модуляції: + + Osc 1 panning + - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - Ця ручка встановлює глибину модуляції для LFO. Чим більше значення, тим більшою мірою обрана характеристика (н-д, гучність або частота зрізу) буде залежати від ГНЧ (LFO). + + Osc 1 coarse detune + - - PHS - ФАЗА + + Osc 1 fine detune left + - - Phase offset: - Зсув фази: + + Osc 1 fine detune right + - - degrees - градуси + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + - - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Ця ручка встановлює початкову фазу НизькоЧастотного Осциллятора (LFO), т. б. Точку, з якої осциллятор починає виробляти сигнал. Наприклад, якщо ви задали синусоїдальну форму сигналу і початкову фазу 180º, хвиля спочатку піде вниз, а не вгору, так само як і для квадратної хвилі. + + Osc 1 pulse width + - - Click here for a sine-wave. - Синусоїда. + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Згенерувати трикутний сигнал. + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Згенерувати зигзаг. + + Osc 2 volume + - - Click here for a square-wave. - Згенерувати квадратний сигнал. + + Osc 2 panning + - - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - Натисніть для зигзагоподібної муг-хвилі. + + Osc 2 coarse detune + - - Click here for an exponential wave. - Генерувати експонентний сигнал. + + Osc 2 fine detune left + - - Click here for white-noise. - Згенерувати білий шум. + + Osc 2 fine detune right + - - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - Натисніть тут для визначення своєї форми. -Подвійне натискання для вибору файлу. + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + - - - LmmsCore - - Generating wavetables - Генерування синтезатора звукозаписів + + Osc 2 waveform + - - Initializing data structures - Ініціалізація структур даних + + Osc 2 sync hard + - - Opening audio and midi devices - Відкриття аудіо та міді пристроїв + + Osc 2 sync reverse + - - Launching mixer threads - Запуск потоків міксера + + Osc 3 volume + - - - MainWindow - - Configuration file - Файл налаштувань + + Osc 3 panning + - - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - Помилка під час обробки файлу налаштувань в рядку %1:%2:%3 + + Osc 3 coarse detune + - - Could not open file - Не можу відкрити файл + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + Зміщення стерео-фази осциллятора 3 - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Не вдалось відкрити файл %1 для запису. -Перевірте, чи маєте ви права на запис файлу і каталог що його містить і спробуйте знову! + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + - - Project recovery - Відновлення проекту + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + - - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - Присутній файл відновлення. Схоже, остання сесія не закінчилася належним чином або інший екземпляр LMMS вже запущений. Ви хочете, відновити проект цієї сесії? + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + - - - - Recover - Відновлення + + Osc 3 sync hard + - - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - Відновлення файлу. Будь ласка, не запускайте кілька копій LMMS під час цієї операції. + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + - - - - Discard - Відкинути + + LFO 1 waveform + - - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - Запуск за замовчуванням з видаленням файла відновлення. Ця дія не відворотня. + + LFO 1 attack + - - Version %1 - Версія %1 + + LFO 1 rate + - - Preparing plugin browser - Підготовка браузера плагінів + + LFO 1 phase + - - Preparing file browsers - Підготовка переглядача файлів + + LFO 2 waveform + - - My Projects - Мої проекти + + LFO 2 attack + - - My Samples - Мої записи + + LFO 2 rate + - - My Presets - Мої передустановки + + LFO 2 phase + - - My Home - Моя домашня тека + + Env 1 pre-delay + - - Root directory - Кореневий каталог + + Env 1 attack + - - Volumes - Гучності + + Env 1 hold + - - My Computer - Мій комп'ютер + + Env 1 decay + - - Loading background artwork - Завантаження фонового зображення + + Env 1 sustain + - - &File - &Файл + + Env 1 release + - - &New - &N Новий + + Env 1 slope + - - New from template - Новий проект по шаблону + + Env 2 pre-delay + - - &Open... - &O Відкрити... + + Env 2 attack + - - &Recently Opened Projects - &Нещодавно відкриті проекти + + Env 2 hold + - - &Save - &S Зберегти + + Env 2 decay + - - Save &As... - &A Зберегти як... + + Env 2 sustain + - - Save as New &Version - Зберегти як нову &Версію + + Env 2 release + - - Save as default template - Зберегти як шаблон за замовчуванням + + Env 2 slope + - - Import... - Імпорт... + + Osc 2+3 modulation + - - E&xport... - &X Експорт ... + + Selected view + Перегляд обраного - - E&xport Tracks... - &Експортувати треки ... + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + - - Export &MIDI... - Експорт в &MIDI ... + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + - - &Quit - &Q Вийти + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + - - &Edit - &E Редагування + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + - - Undo - Скасувати + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + - - Redo - Повторити + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + - - Settings - Параметри + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + - - &View - &V Перегляд + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + - - &Tools - &T Сервіс + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + - - &Help - &H Довідка + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + - - Online Help - Онлайн Допомога + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + - - Help - Довідка + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + - - What's This? - Що це? + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + - - About - Про програму + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + - - Create new project - Створити новий проект + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + - - Create new project from template - Створити новий проект по шаблону + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + - - Open existing project - Відкрити існуючий проект + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + - - Recently opened projects - Нещодавні проекти + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + - - Save current project - Зберегти поточний проект + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + - - Export current project - Експорт проекту + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + - - What's this? - Що це? + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + - - Toggle metronome - Переключити метроном + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + - - Show/hide Song-Editor - Показати/сховати музичний редактор + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + - - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - Показати чи сховати музичний редактор. З його допомогою ви можете редагувати композицію і задавати час відтворення кожної доріжки. -Також ви можете вставляти і пересувати записи прямо у списку відтворення. + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + - - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - Показати/сховати ритм-бас редактор + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + - - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - Показати чи сховати ритм-бас редактор. Він необхідний для установки ритму, відкриття, додавання і видалення каналів, а також вирізання, копіювання і вставки ритм-бас шаблонів і схожих речей. + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + - - Show/hide Piano-Roll - Показати/сховати нотний редактор + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + - - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - Запуск редатора нот. З його допомогою ви можете легко редагувати мелодії. + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + - - Show/hide Automation Editor - Показати/сховати редактор автоматизації + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + - - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - Показати / сховати вікно редактора автоматизації. З його допомогою ви можете легко редагувати динаміку обраних величин. + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + - - Show/hide FX Mixer - Показати/сховати мікшер ЕФ + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + - - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - Сховати / показати мікшер ефектів. Він є потужним інструментом для управління ефектами. Ви можете вставляти ефекти в різні канали. + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + - - Show/hide project notes - Показати/сховати замітки до проекту + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + - - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - Ця кнопка показує / ховає вікно з нотатками. У цьому вікні ви можете поміщати будь-які коментарі до своєї композиції. + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + - - Show/hide controller rack - Показати/сховати керування контролерами + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + - - Untitled - Без назви + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + - - Recover session. Please save your work! - Відновлення сесії. Будь ласка, збережіть свою роботу! + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + - - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + - - Recovered project not saved - Відновлений проект не збережено + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + - - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - Цей проект буво відновлено з попередньої сесії. В даний час він не збережений і буде втрачений, якщо ви його не збережете. Ви хочете, зберегти його зараз? + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + - - Project not saved - Проект не збережений + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + - - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - Проект був змінений. Зберегти його зараз? + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + - - Open Project - Відкрити проект + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + - - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + - - Save Project - Зберегти проект + + + Sine wave + Синусоїда - - LMMS Project - LMMS проект + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + Трикутна хвиля з обмеженою смугою - - LMMS Project Template - Шаблон LMMS проекту + + Bandlimited Saw wave + Зигзаг хвиля з обмеженою смугою - - Save project template - Зберегти шаблон проекту + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + Спадаюча хвиля з обмеженою смугою - - Overwrite default template? - Переписати шаблон за замовчуванням? + + Bandlimited Square wave + Квадратна хвиля з обмеженою смугою - - This will overwrite your current default template. - Це перезапише поточний шаблон за замовчуванням. + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + Муг-зигзаг хвиля з обмеженою смугою - - Help not available - Довідка недоступна + + + Soft square wave + М'яка прямокутна хвиля - - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - Поки що довідка для LMMS не написана. -Ймовірно, Ви зможете знайти потрібні матеріали на http://lmms.sf.net/wiki. + + Absolute sine wave + Абсолютна синусоїдна хвиля - - Song Editor - Музичний редактор + + + Exponential wave + Експоненціальна хвиля - - Beat+Bassline Editor - Редактор шаблонів + + White noise + Білий шум - - Piano Roll - Нотний редактор + + Digital Triangle wave + Цифрова трикутна хвиля - - Automation Editor - Редактор автоматизації + + Digital Saw wave + Цифрова зигзаг хвиля - - FX Mixer - Мікшер Ефектів + + Digital Ramp wave + Цифрова спадна хвиля - - Project Notes - Примітки проекту + + Digital Square wave + Цифрова квадратна хвиля - - Controller Rack - Стійка контролерів + + Digital Moog saw wave + Цифрова Муг-зигзаг хвиля - - Volume as dBFS - Відображати гучність в децибелах + + Triangle wave + Трикутна хвиля - - Smooth scroll - Плавне прокручування + + Saw wave + Зигзаг - - Enable note labels in piano roll - Включити позначення нот у музичному редакторі + + Ramp wave + Спадна хвиля - - - MeterDialog - - - Meter Numerator - Шкала чисел + + Square wave + Квадратна хвиля - - - Meter Denominator - Шкала поділів + + Moog saw wave + Муг-зигзаг хвиля - - TIME SIG - ПЕРІОД + + Abs. sine wave + Синусоїда по модулю - - - MeterModel - - Numerator - Чисельник + + Random + Випадково - - Denominator - Знаменник + + Random smooth + Випадкове зглажування - MidiController + MonstroView - - MIDI Controller - Контролер MIDI + + Operators view + Операторский вид + + + + Matrix view + Матричний вигляд - - unnamed_midi_controller - нерозпізнаний міді контролер + + + + Volume + Гучність - - - MidiImport - - - Setup incomplete - Установку не завершено + + + + Panning + Баланс - - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - Ви не встановили SoundFont за замовчуванням в налаштуваннях (Правка-> Налаштування), тому після імпорту міді файлу звук відтворюватися не буде. -Вам слід завантажити основний MiDi SoundFont, вказати його в налаштуваннях і спробувати знову. + + + + Coarse detune + Грубе підстроювання - - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - Ви не увімкнули підтримку програвача SoundFont2 при компіляції LMMS, він використовується для додавання основного звуку в імпортовані Міді файли, тому після імпорту цього міді файлу звуку не буде. + + + + semitones + півтон(а,ів) - - Track - Трек + + + Fine tune left + - - - MidiJack - - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - JACK-сервер не доступний + + + + + cents + відсотків - - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - Здається, сервер JACK відключений. + + + Fine tune right + - - - MidiPort - - Input channel - Вхід + + + + Stereo phase offset + Зміщення стерео-фази - - Output channel - Вихід + + + + + + deg + град - - Input controller - Контролер входу + + Pulse width + Довжина імпульсу - - Output controller - Контролер виходу + + Send sync on pulse rise + Відправляти синхронізацію на підйомі імпульсу - - Fixed input velocity - Постійна швидкість введення + + Send sync on pulse fall + Відправити синхронізацію на падінні пульсу - - Fixed output velocity - Постійна швидкість виведення + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + Жорстка синхронізація осциллятора 2 - - Fixed output note - Постійний вихід нот + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + Верерс синхронізація осциллятора 2 - - Output MIDI program - Програма для виведення MiDi + + Sub-osc mix + Мікс суб-осциляторів - - Base velocity - Базова швидкість + + Hard sync oscillator 3 + Жорстка синхронізація осциллятора 3 - - Receive MIDI-events - Приймати події MIDI + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 + Верерс синхронізація осциллятора 3 - - Send MIDI-events - Відправляти події MIDI + + + + + Attack + Вступ - - - MidiSetupWidget - - DEVICE - ПРИСТРІЙ + + + Rate + Частота вибірки - - - MonstroInstrument - - Osc 1 Volume - Гучність осциллятора 1 + + + Phase + Фаза - - Osc 1 Panning - Баланс осциллятора 1 + + + Pre-delay + Передзатримка - - Osc 1 Coarse detune - Грубе підстроювання осциллятора 1 + + + Hold + Утримання - - Osc 1 Fine detune left - Точне підстроювання лівого каналу осциллятора 1 + + + Decay + Згасання - - Osc 1 Fine detune right - Точне підстроювання правого каналу осциллятора 1 + + + Sustain + Витримка - - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - Зміщення стерео-фази осциллятора 1 + + + Release + Зменшення - - Osc 1 Pulse width - Довжина імпульсу осциллятора 1 + + + Slope + Нахил - - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - Синхронізація підйому осциллятора 1 + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + - - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - Синхронізація падіння осциллятора 1 + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + - - Osc 2 Volume - Гучність осциллятора 2 + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + - - Osc 2 Panning - Баланс осциллятора 2 + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + - - Osc 2 Coarse detune - Грубе підстроювання осциллятора 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + Глибина модуляції + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - - Osc 2 Fine detune left - Точне підстроювання лівого каналу осциллятора 2 + + Length + Довжина - - Osc 2 Fine detune right - Точне підстроювання правого каналу осциллятора 2 + + Step length: + Довжина кроку: - - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - Зміщення стерео-фази осциллятора 2 + + Dry + Сухий - - Osc 2 Waveform - Форма сигналу осциллятора 2 + + Dry gain: + - - Osc 2 Sync Hard - Жорстка синхронізація осциллятора 2 + + Stages + Етапи - - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - Верерс синхронізація осциллятора 2 + + Low-pass stages: + - - Osc 3 Volume - Гучність осциллятора 3 + + Swap inputs + Обмін входами - - Osc 3 Panning - Баланс осциллятора 3 + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + + NesInstrument - - Osc 3 Coarse detune - Грубе підстроювання осциллятора 3 + + Channel 1 coarse detune + - - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - Зміщення стерео-фази осциллятора 3 + + Channel 1 volume + Гучність першого каналу - - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - Змішення суб-генератора осциллятора 3 + + Channel 1 envelope length + - - Osc 3 Waveform 1 - Форма 1 сигналу осциллятора 3 + + Channel 1 duty cycle + - - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - Форма 2 сигналу осциллятора 3 + + Channel 1 sweep amount + - - Osc 3 Sync Hard - Жорстка синхронізація осциллятора 3 + + Channel 1 sweep rate + - - Osc 3 Sync Reverse - Верерс синхронізація осциллятора 3 + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + Грубе підстроювання 2 каналу - - LFO 1 Waveform - Форма сигналу LFO 1 + + Channel 2 Volume + Гучність 2 каналу - - LFO 1 Attack - Вступ LFO 1 + + Channel 2 envelope length + - - LFO 1 Rate - Темп LFO 1 + + Channel 2 duty cycle + - - LFO 1 Phase - Фаза LFO 1 + + Channel 2 sweep amount + - - LFO 2 Waveform - Форма сигналу LFO 2 + + Channel 2 sweep rate + - - LFO 2 Attack - Вступ LFO 2 + + Channel 3 coarse detune + - - LFO 2 Rate - Темп LFO 2 + + Channel 3 volume + Гучність третього каналу - - LFO 2 Phase - Фаза LFO 2 + + Channel 4 volume + Гучність четвертого каналу - - Env 1 Pre-delay - Затримка обвідної 1 + + Channel 4 envelope length + - - Env 1 Attack - Вступ обвідної 1 + + Channel 4 noise frequency + - - Env 1 Hold - Утримання обвідної 1 + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep + - - Env 1 Decay - Згасання обвідної 1 + + Master volume + Основна гучність - - Env 1 Sustain - Витримка обвідної 1 + + Vibrato + Вібрато + + + NesInstrumentView - - Env 1 Release - Зменшення обвідної 1 + + + + + Volume + Гучність - - Env 1 Slope - Нахил обвідної 1 + + + + Coarse detune + Грубе підстроювання - - Env 2 Pre-delay - Затримка обвідної 2 + + + + Envelope length + Довжина обвідної - - Env 2 Attack - Вступ обвідної 2 + + Enable channel 1 + Увімкнути канал 1 - - Env 2 Hold - Утримання обвідної 2 + + Enable envelope 1 + Увімкнути обвідну 1 - - Env 2 Decay - Згасання обвідної 2 + + Enable envelope 1 loop + Увімкнти повтор обвідної 1 - - Env 2 Sustain - Витримка обвідної 2 + + Enable sweep 1 + Увімкнути розгортку 1 - - Env 2 Release - Зменшення обвідної 2 + + + Sweep amount + Кількість розгортки - - Env 2 Slope - Нахил обвідної 2 + + + Sweep rate + Темп розгортки - - Osc2-3 modulation - Модуляція осцилляторів 2-3 + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5% Робочого циклу - - Selected view - Перегляд обраного + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25% Робочого циклу - - Vol1-Env1 - Гучн1-Обв1 + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50% Робочого циклу - - Vol1-Env2 - Гучн1-Обв2 + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75% Робочого циклу - - Vol1-LFO1 - Гучн1-LFO1 + + Enable channel 2 + Увімкнути канал 2 - - Vol1-LFO2 - Гучн1-LFO2 + + Enable envelope 2 + Увімкнути обвідну 2 - - Vol2-Env1 - Гучн2-Обв1 + + Enable envelope 2 loop + Увімкнти повтор обвідної 2 - - Vol2-Env2 - Гучн2-Обв2 + + Enable sweep 2 + Увімкнути розгортку 2 - - Vol2-LFO1 - Гучн2-LFO1 + + Enable channel 3 + Увімкнути канал 3 - - Vol2-LFO2 - Гучн2-LFO2 + + Noise Frequency + Частота шуму - - Vol3-Env1 - Гучн3-Обв1 + + Frequency sweep + Частота темпу - - Vol3-Env2 - Гучн3-Обв2 + + Enable channel 4 + Увімкнути канал 4 - - Vol3-LFO1 - Гучн3-LFO1 + + Enable envelope 4 + Увімкнути обвідну 4 - - Vol3-LFO2 - Гучн3-LFO2 + + Enable envelope 4 loop + Увімкнти повтор обвідної 4 - - Phs1-Env1 - Фаз1-Обв1 + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + Квантування частоту шуму при використанні частоти ноти - - Phs1-Env2 - Фаз1-Обв2 + + Use note frequency for noise + Використовувати частоту ноти для шуму - - Phs1-LFO1 - Фаз1-LFO1 + + Noise mode + Форма шуму - - Phs1-LFO2 - Фаз1-LFO2 + + Master volume + Основна гучність - - Phs2-Env1 - Фаз2-Обв1 + + Vibrato + Вібрато + + + OpulenzInstrument - - Phs2-Env2 - Фаз2-Обв2 + + Patch + Патч - - Phs2-LFO1 - Фаз2-LFO1 + + Op 1 attack + - - Phs2-LFO2 - Фаз2-LFO2 + + Op 1 decay + - - Phs3-Env1 - Фаз3-Обв1 + + Op 1 sustain + - - Phs3-Env2 - Фаз3-Обв2 + + Op 1 release + - - Phs3-LFO1 - Фаз3-LFO1 + + Op 1 level + - - Phs3-LFO2 - Фаз3-LFO2 + + Op 1 level scaling + - - Pit1-Env1 - Тон1-Обв1 + + Op 1 frequency multiplier + - - Pit1-Env2 - Тон1-Обв2 + + Op 1 feedback + - - Pit1-LFO1 - Тон1-LFO1 + + Op 1 key scaling rate + - - Pit1-LFO2 - Тон1-LFO2 + + Op 1 percussive envelope + - - Pit2-Env1 - Тон2-Обв1 + + Op 1 tremolo + - - Pit2-Env2 - Тон2-Обв2 + + Op 1 vibrato + - - Pit2-LFO1 - Тон2-LFO1 + + Op 1 waveform + - - Pit2-LFO2 - Тон2-LFO2 + + Op 2 attack + - - Pit3-Env1 - Тон3-Обв1 + + Op 2 decay + - - Pit3-Env2 - Тон3-Обв2 + + Op 2 sustain + - - Pit3-LFO1 - Тон3-LFO1 + + Op 2 release + - - Pit3-LFO2 - Тон3-LFO2 + + Op 2 level + - - PW1-Env1 - PW1-Обв1 + + Op 2 level scaling + - - PW1-Env2 - PW1-Обв2 + + Op 2 frequency multiplier + - - PW1-LFO1 - PW1-LFO1 + + Op 2 key scaling rate + - - PW1-LFO2 - PW1-LFO2 + + Op 2 percussive envelope + - - Sub3-Env1 - Sub3-Обв1 + + Op 2 tremolo + - - Sub3-Env2 - Sub3-Обв2 + + Op 2 vibrato + - - Sub3-LFO1 - Sub3-LFO1 + + Op 2 waveform + - - Sub3-LFO2 - Sub3-LFO2 + + FM + FM - - - Sine wave - Синусоїда + + Vibrato depth + - - Bandlimited Triangle wave - Трикутна хвиля з обмеженою смугою + + Tremolo depth + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - - Bandlimited Saw wave - Зигзаг хвиля з обмеженою смугою + + + Attack + Вступ - - Bandlimited Ramp wave - Спадаюча хвиля з обмеженою смугою + + + Decay + Згасання - - Bandlimited Square wave - Квадратна хвиля з обмеженою смугою + + + Release + Зменшення - - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - Муг-зигзаг хвиля з обмеженою смугою + + + Frequency multiplier + Множник частоти + + + OscillatorObject - - - Soft square wave - М'яка прямокутна хвиля + + Osc %1 waveform + Форма сигналу осциллятора %1 - - Absolute sine wave - Абсолютна синусоїдна хвиля + + Osc %1 harmonic + Осц %1 гармонійний - - - Exponential wave - Експоненціальна хвиля + + + Osc %1 volume + Гучність осциллятора %1 - - White noise - Білий шум + + + Osc %1 panning + Стереобаланс для осциллятора %1 - - Digital Triangle wave - Цифрова трикутна хвиля + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + Точне підстроювання лівого каналу осциллятора %1 - - Digital Saw wave - Цифрова зигзаг хвиля + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + Підстроювання осциллятора %1 грубе - - Digital Ramp wave - Цифрова спадна хвиля + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + Підстроювання правого каналу осциллятора %1 тонка - - Digital Square wave - Цифрова квадратна хвиля + + Osc %1 phase-offset + Зміщення фази осциллятора %1 - - Digital Moog saw wave - Цифрова Муг-зигзаг хвиля + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + Підстроювання стерео-фази осциллятора %1 - - Triangle wave - Трикутна хвиля + + Osc %1 wave shape + Гладкість сигналу осциллятора %1 - - Saw wave - Зигзаг + + Modulation type %1 + Тип модуляції %1 + + + Oscilloscope - - Ramp wave - Спадна хвиля + + Oscilloscope + - - Square wave - Квадратна хвиля + + Click to enable + Натисніть для включення + + + PatchesDialog - - Moog saw wave - Муг-зигзаг хвиля + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Q-Синтезатор: Канал передустановлено - - Abs. sine wave - Синусоїда по модулю + + Bank selector + Селектор банку - - Random - Випадково + + Bank + Банк - - Random smooth - Випадкове зглажування + + Program selector + Селектор програм - - - MonstroView - - Operators view - Операторский вид + + Patch + Патч - - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - Операторський вид містить всі оператори. Вони включають і оператори що звучать (осциллятори) і беззвучні оператори або модулятори: Низько-частотні осциллятори і обвідні. - -Регулятори й інші віджети в операторському вигляді мають свої підписи "Що це?", Таким чином по ним можна отримати більш детальну довідку. + + Name + І'мя - - Matrix view - Матричний вигляд + + OK + ОК - - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - Матричний вид містить матрицю модуляції. Тут можна визначити модуляційні відношення між різними операторами. Кожен чутний оператор (осциллятори 1-3) мають 3-4 властивості, які можна модулювати будь-якими модуляторами. Використовуючи більше модуляцій збільшується навантаження на процесор. - -Вид ділиться на цілі модуляції, згруповані на цільовий осциллятор. Доступні цілі: гучність, тон, фаза, ширина пульсація і відношення з підлеглим (під-) осциллятором. Відзначимо що деякі цілі визначені тільки для одного осциллятора. - -Кожна ціль модуляції має 4 регулятори, по одному на кожен модулятор. За замовчуванням регулятори встановлені на 0, тобто без модуляції. Включення регуляторів на 1 веде до того, що модулятор впливає на ціль модуляції на стільки на скільки це можливо. Включення його в -1 робить те ж, але зі зворотньою модуляцією. + + Cancel + Скасувати + + + PatmanView - - - - Volume - Гучність + + Open patch + - - - - Panning - Баланс + + Loop + Повтор - - - - Coarse detune - Грубе підстроювання + + Loop mode + Режим повтору - - - - semitones - півтон(а,ів) + + Tune + Підлаштувати - - - Finetune left - Точне настроювання лівого каналу + + Tune mode + Тип підстроювання - - - - - cents - відсотків + + No file selected + Файл не вибрано - - - Finetune right - Точне настроювання правого каналу + + Open patch file + Відкрити патч-файл - - - - Stereo phase offset - Зміщення стерео-фази + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + Патч-файли (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - - - - - - deg - град + + Open in piano-roll + Відкрити в редакторі нот - - Pulse width - Довжина імпульсу + + Set as ghost in piano-roll + - - Send sync on pulse rise - Відправляти синхронізацію на підйомі імпульсу + + Clear all notes + Очистити всі ноти - - Send sync on pulse fall - Відправити синхронізацію на падінні пульсу + + Reset name + Скинути назву - - Hard sync oscillator 2 - Жорстка синхронізація осциллятора 2 + + Change name + Перейменувати - - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - Верерс синхронізація осциллятора 2 + + Add steps + Додати такти - - Sub-osc mix - Мікс суб-осциляторів + + Remove steps + Видалити такти - - Hard sync oscillator 3 - Жорстка синхронізація осциллятора 3 + + Clone Steps + Клонувати такти + + + PeakController - - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Верерс синхронізація осциллятора 3 + + Peak Controller + Контролер вершин - - - - - Attack - Вступ + + Peak Controller Bug + Контролер вершин з багом - - - Rate - Частота вибірки + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + Через помилку в старій версії LMMS контролери вершин не можуть правильно підключатися. Будь-ласка переконайтеся, що контролери вершин правильно приєднані і перезбережіть цей файл, вибачте, за заподіяні незручності. + + + PeakControllerDialog - - - Phase - Фаза + + PEAK + ПІК - - - Pre-delay - Передзатримка + + LFO Controller + Контролер LFO + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - - Hold - Утримання + + BASE + БАЗА - - - Decay - Згасання + + Base: + - - - Sustain - Витримка + + AMNT + ГЛИБ - - - - Release - Зменшення + + + Modulation amount: + Глибина модуляції: - - - Slope - Нахил + + MULT + МНОЖ - - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - Змішати Осц2 з Осц3 + + Amount multiplicator: + - - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - Модулювати амплітуду осциллятора 3 сигналом з осц2 + + ATCK + ВСТУП - - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - Модулювати частоту осциллятора 3 сигналом з осц2 + + Attack: + Вступ: - - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - Модулювати фазу Осц3 осциллятором2 + + DCAY + ЗГАС - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - Регулятор CRS змінює налаштування осциллятора 1 у розмірі півтону. + + Release: + Зменшення: - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - Регулятор CRS змінює налаштування осциллятора 2 у розмірі півтону. + + TRSH + TRSH - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - Регулятор CRS змінює налаштування осциллятора 3 у розмірі півтону. + + Treshold: + Поріг: - - - - - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - FTL і FTR змінюють підстроювання осциллятора для лівого і правого каналів відповідно. Вони можуть додати стерео розстроювання осциллятора, яке розширює стерео картину і створює ілюзію космосу. + + Mute output + Заглушити вивід - - - - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - Регулятор SPO змінює фазову різницю між лівим і правим каналами. Висока різниця створює більш широку стерео картину. + + Absolute value + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - PW регулятор контролює ширину пульсацій, також відому як робочий цикл осциллятора 1. Осциллятор 1 це цифровий імпульсний хвильовий генератор, він не відтворює сигнал з обмеженою смугою, це означає, що його можна використовувати як чутний осциллятор, але це призведе до накладення сигналів (або згладжування) . Його можна використовувати й як не чутне джерело синхронізуючого сигналу, для використання в синхронізації осцилляторів 2 і 3. + + Base value + Опорне значення - - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Надсилати синхронізацію при підвищенні: при включенні, сигнал синхронізації надсилається кожен раз коли стан осциллятора 1 змінюється з низького на високий, тобто коли амплітуда змінюється від -1 до 1. -Тон осциллятора 1, фаза і ширина пульсацій може впливати на час синхронізації, але гучність не має ефекту. Сигнал синхронізації надсилається незалежно для лівого і правого каналів. + + Modulation amount + Глибина модуляції - - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - Надсилати синхронізацію при зниженні: при включенні, сигнал синхронізації надсилається кожен раз коли стан осциллятора 1 змінюється з виского на низьке, тобто коли амплітуда змінюється від 1 до -1. -Тон осциллятора 1, фаза і ширина пульсацій може впливати на час синхронізації, але гучність не має ефекту. Сигнал синхронізації надсилається незалежно для лівого і правого каналів. + + Attack + Вступ - - - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - Жорстка синхронізація: Кожен раз при отриманні осциллятором сигналу синхронізації від осциллятора 1, його фаза скидається до 0 + його межа фази, якою б вона не була. + + Release + Зменшення - - - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - Реверс синхронізація: Кожен раз при отриманні сигналу синхронізації від осциллятора 1, амплітуда осциллятора перевертається. + + Treshold + Поріг - - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - Вибрати форму хвилі для осциллятора 2. + + Mute output + Заглушити вивід - - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Виберіть форму хвилі для першого додаткового осциллятора осциллятора 3. Осциллятор 3 може м'яко переходити між двома різними хвилями. + + Absolute value + - - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - Виберіть форму хвилі для другого додаткового осциллятора осциллятора 3. Осциллятор 3 може м'яко переходити між двома різними хвилями. + + Amount multiplicator + + + + PianoRoll - - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - SUB змінює змішування двох дод осцилляторів осциллятора 3. Кожен дод. осц. може бути встановлений для створення різних хвиль і осциллятор 3 може м'яко переходити між ними. Усі вхідні модуляції для осциллятора 3 застосовуються на обидва дод.осц./хвилі одним і тим же чином. + + Note Velocity + Гучність нот - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - На додаток до виділених модуляторів Монстро дозволяє виходу осциллятора 2 модулювати осцллятор 3. - -Змішаний (Mix) режим означає без модуляції: виходи осцилляторів просто змішуються один з одним. + + Note Panning + Стереофонія нот - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - На додаток до виділених модуляторів Монстро дозволяє виходу осциллятора 2 модулювати осцллятор 3. - -AM режим значить Амплітуда Модуляції: Осциллятори 2 модулює амплітуду (гучність) осциллятора 3. + + Mark/unmark current semitone + Відмітити/Зняти відмітку з поточного півтону - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - На додаток до виділених модуляторів Монстро дозволяє виходу осциллятора 2 модулювати осцллятор 3. - -FM (ЧМ) режим означає Частотна Модуляція: осциллятор 2 модулює частоту (pitch, тональність) осциллятора 3. Частота модуляції відбувається у фазі модуляції, яка дає більш стабільний загальний тон, ніж "чиста" частотна модуляція. + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + Відмітити/Зняти всі відповідні півтони октави - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - На додаток до виділених модуляторів Монстро дозволяє виходу осциллятора 2 модулювати осцллятор 3. - -PM (ФМ) режим означає Фазова Модуляція: Осциллятор 2 модулює фазу осциллятора 3. Це відрізняється від частотної модуляції тим, що зміни фаз не сумуються. + + Mark current scale + Відмітити поточний підйом - - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Виберіть форму хвилі для LFO 1 (НизькоЧастотнийГенератор). -"Random" (Випадково) і "Random-smooth" (випадкове згладжування) - це спеціальні хвилі: вони створюють випадковий сигнал, де частота LFO контролює як часто змінюється стан генератора (LFO). -Згладжена версія переходить між цими станами з косинусоїдальною інтерполяцією. Ці випадкові режими можуть бути використані, щоб дати "життя" вашим налаштуванням - додати трішки аналогової непередбачуваності ... - - - - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - Виберіть форму хвилі для LFO 2 (НизкоЧастотнийГенератор). -"Random" (Випадково) і "Random-smooth" (випадкове згладжування) - це спеціальні хвилі: вони створюють випадковий сигнал, де частота LFO контролює як часто змінюється стан генератора (LFO). -Згладжена версія переходить між цими станами з косинусоїдальною інтерполяцією. Ці випадкові режими можуть бути використані, щоб дати "життя" вашим налаштуванням - додати трішки аналогової непередбачуваності ... - - - - - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - Атака відповідає за плавність поведінки LFO від початку ноти. - - - - - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - Rate (Частота) встановлює швидкість LFO, вимірювану в мілісекундах за цикл. Може синхронізуватися з темпом. - - - - - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - PHS контролює зсув фази LFO (НЧГ). - - - - - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - PRE передзатримка, затримує старт обвідної від початку ноти. 0 означає без затримки. - - - - - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - ATT атака контролює як швидко обвідна нарощується на старті, вимірюється в мілісекундах. Значення 0 означає миттєво. - - - - - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. - HOLD (УТРИМУВАТИ) контролює як довго обвідна залишається на піку після фази атаки. - - - - - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - DEC (decay) згасання контролює як швидко обвідна спадає з пікового значення, вимірюється в мілісекундах, як довго буде йти з піку до нуля. Реальне загасання може бути коротшим, якщо використовується витримка. - - - - - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - SUS (sustain) витримка, контролює рівень обвідної. Загасання фази не піде нижче цього рівня поки нота утримується. - - - - - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - REL (release) відпускання контролює як довго нота відпускається, вимірюється в довготі падіння від піку до нуля. Реальне відпускання може бути коротшим, залежно від фази, в якій нота відпущена. - - - - - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - Регулятор нахилу контролює криву або форму обвідної. Значення 0 створює прямі підйоми і спади. Від'ємні величини створюють криві з уповільненим початком, швидким піком і знову уповільненим спадом. Позитивні значення створюють криві які починаються і закінчуються швидко, але довше залишаються на піках. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Modulation amount - Глибина модуляції + + Mark current chord + Відмітити поточний акорд - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - - Length - Довжина + + Unmark all + Зняти виділення - - Step length: - Довжина кроку: + + Select all notes on this key + Вибрати всі ноти на цій тональності - - Dry - Сухий + + Note lock + Фіксація нот - - Dry Gain: - Сухе підсилення: + + Last note + По останій ноті - - Stages - Етапи + + No key + - - Lowpass stages: - НЧ етапи: + + No scale + Без підйому - - Swap inputs - Обмін входами + + No chord + Прибрати акорди - - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - Дзеркальний обмін лівим і правим каналами + + Nudge + - - - NesInstrument - - Channel 1 Coarse detune - Грубе підстроювання 1 каналу + + Snap + - - Channel 1 Volume - Гучність 1 каналу + + Velocity: %1% + Гучність %1% - - Channel 1 Envelope length - Довжина обвідної 1 каналу + + Panning: %1% left + Баланс %1% лівий - - Channel 1 Duty cycle - Робочий цикл 1 каналу + + Panning: %1% right + Баланс %1% правий - - Channel 1 Sweep amount - Кількість розгортки 1 каналу + + Panning: center + Баланс: по середині - - Channel 1 Sweep rate - Швидкість розгортки 1 каналу + + Glue notes failed + - - Channel 2 Coarse detune - Грубе підстроювання 2 каналу + + Please select notes to glue first. + - - Channel 2 Volume - Гучність 2 каналу + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + Відкрийте шаблон за допомогою подвійного клацання мишею! - - Channel 2 Envelope length - Довжина обвідної 2 каналу + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + Введіть нове значення від %1 до %2: + + + PianoRollWindow - - Channel 2 Duty cycle - Робочий цикл 2 каналу + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + Гра/Пауза поточної мелодії (Пробіл) - - Channel 2 Sweep amount - Кількість розгортки 2 каналу + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + Записати ноти з цифрового музичного інструмента (MIDI) - - Channel 2 Sweep rate - Швидкість розгортки 2 каналу + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + Записати ноти з цифрового музичного інструменту (MIDI) під час відтворення пісні або доріжки Ритм-Басу - - Channel 3 Coarse detune - Грубе підстроювання 3 каналу + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time + - - Channel 3 Volume - Гучність 3 каналу + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + Зупинити програвання поточної мелодії (Пробіл) - - Channel 4 Volume - Гучність 4 каналу + + Edit actions + Зміна - - Channel 4 Envelope length - Довжина обвідної 4 каналу + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + Режим малювання (Shift + D) - - Channel 4 Noise frequency - Частота шуму 4 каналу + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + Режим стирання (Shift+E) - - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep - Частота розгортки шуму 4 каналу + + Select mode (Shift+S) + Режим вибору нот (Shift+S) - - Master volume - Основна гучність + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + Режим Pitch Bend (Shift+T) - - Vibrato - Вібрато + + Quantize + Квантовать - - - NesInstrumentView - - - - - Volume - Гучність + + Quantize positions + - - - - Coarse detune - Грубе підстроювання + + Quantize lengths + - - - - Envelope length - Довжина обвідної + + File actions + - - Enable channel 1 - Увімкнути канал 1 + + Import clip + - - Enable envelope 1 - Увімкнути обвідну 1 + + + Export clip + - - Enable envelope 1 loop - Увімкнти повтор обвідної 1 + + Copy paste controls + Управління копіюванням та вставкою - - Enable sweep 1 - Увімкнути розгортку 1 + + Cut (%1+X) + - - - Sweep amount - Кількість розгортки + + Copy (%1+C) + - - - Sweep rate - Темп розгортки + + Paste (%1+V) + - - - 12.5% Duty cycle - 12.5% Робочого циклу + + Timeline controls + Управління хронологією - - - 25% Duty cycle - 25% Робочого циклу + + Glue + - - - 50% Duty cycle - 50% Робочого циклу + + Knife + - - - 75% Duty cycle - 75% Робочого циклу + + Fill + - - Enable channel 2 - Увімкнути канал 2 + + Cut overlaps + - - Enable envelope 2 - Увімкнути обвідну 2 + + Min length as last + - - Enable envelope 2 loop - Увімкнти повтор обвідної 2 + + Max length as last + - - Enable sweep 2 - Увімкнути розгортку 2 + + Zoom and note controls + Управління масштабом і нотами - - Enable channel 3 - Увімкнути канал 3 + + Horizontal zooming + - - Noise Frequency - Частота шуму + + Vertical zooming + - - Frequency sweep - Частота темпу + + Quantization + Квантування - - Enable channel 4 - Увімкнути канал 4 + + Note length + - - Enable envelope 4 - Увімкнути обвідну 4 + + Key + - - Enable envelope 4 loop - Увімкнти повтор обвідної 4 + + Scale + - - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - Квантування частоту шуму при використанні частоти ноти + + Chord + - - Use note frequency for noise - Використовувати частоту ноти для шуму + + Snap mode + - - Noise mode - Форма шуму + + Clear ghost notes + - - Master Volume - Основна гучність + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + Нотний редактор - %1 - - Vibrato - Вібрато + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + Нотний редактор - без шаблону - - - OscillatorObject - - Osc %1 waveform - Форма сигналу осциллятора %1 + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + - - Osc %1 harmonic - Осц %1 гармонійний + + Export clip success + - - - Osc %1 volume - Гучність осциллятора %1 + + Clip saved to %1 + - - - Osc %1 panning - Стереобаланс для осциллятора %1 + + Import clip. + - - - Osc %1 fine detuning left - Точне підстроювання лівого каналу осциллятора %1 + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + - - Osc %1 coarse detuning - Підстроювання осциллятора %1 грубе + + Open clip + - - Osc %1 fine detuning right - Підстроювання правого каналу осциллятора %1 тонка + + Import clip success + - - Osc %1 phase-offset - Зміщення фази осциллятора %1 + + Imported clip %1! + + + + PianoView - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - Підстроювання стерео-фази осциллятора %1 + + Base note + Опорна нота - - Osc %1 wave shape - Гладкість сигналу осциллятора %1 + + First note + - - Modulation type %1 - Тип модуляції %1 + + Last note + По останій ноті - PatchesDialog + Plugin - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Q-Синтезатор: Канал передустановлено + + Plugin not found + Модуль не знайдено - - Bank selector - Селектор банку + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + Модуль «%1» відсутній чи не може бути завантажений! +Причина: «%2» - - Bank - Банк + + Error while loading plugin + Помилка завантаження модуля - - Program selector - Селектор програм + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + Не вдалося завантажити модуль «%1»! + + + PluginBrowser - - Patch - Патч + + Instrument Plugins + Модулі інструментів - - Name - І'мя + + Instrument browser + Огляд інструментів - - OK - ОК + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + Ви можете переносити потрібні вам інструменти з цієї панелі в музичний, ритм-бас редактор або в існуючу доріжку інструменту. - - Cancel - Скасувати + + no description + опис відсутній - - - PatmanView - - Open other patch - Відкрити інший патч + + A native amplifier plugin + Рідний плагін підсилення - - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - Натисніть щоб відкрити інший патч-файл. Циклічність і налаштування при цьому збережуться. + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + Простий семплер з різними налаштуваннями для використання записів (наприклад, ударні) в інструментальному трекі - - Loop - Повтор + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + Накачай свій бас швидко і просто - - Loop mode - Режим повтору + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + Налаштовуваний синтезатор звукозаписів (wavetable) - - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - Тут вмикається/вимикається режим повтору, при увімкнені PatMan буде використовувати інформацію про повтор з файлу. + + An oversampling bitcrusher + Перевибірка малого дробдення - - Tune - Підлаштувати + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Carla Комутаційний інструмент - - Tune mode - Тип підстроювання + + Carla Rack Instrument + Carla підставочний інструмент - - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - Тут вмикається/вимикається режим підстроювання. Якщо його увімкнено, то PatMan змінить запис так, щоб він збігався по частоті з нотою. + + A dynamic range compressor. + - - No file selected - Файл не вибрано + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + 4-смуговий еквалайзер Кросовер - - Open patch file - Відкрити патч-файл + + A native delay plugin + Рідний плагін затримки - - Patch-Files (*.pat) - Патч-файли (*.pat) + + A Dual filter plugin + Плагін подвійного фільтру - - - PatternView - - use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step - використовуйте колесо миші для встановлення кроку гучності + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + плагін для обробки динаміки гнучким методом - - double-click to open in Piano Roll - Відкрити в редакторі нот подвійним клацанням миші + + A native eq plugin + Рідний eq плагін - - Open in piano-roll - Відкрити в редакторі нот + + A native flanger plugin + Рідний фланжер плагін - - Clear all notes - Очистити всі ноти + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + Емуляція GameBoy (ТМ) - - Reset name - Скинути назву + + Player for GIG files + Програвач GIG файлів - - Change name - Перейменувати + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + Фільтр для імпорту Hydrogen файлів в LMMS - - Add steps - Додати такти + + Versatile drum synthesizer + Універсальний барабанний синтезатор - - Remove steps - Видалити такти + + List installed LADSPA plugins + Показати встановлені модулі LADSPA - - Clone Steps - Клонувати такти + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + Модуль, що дозволяє використовувати в LMMS будь які ефекти LADSPA. - - - PeakController - - Peak Controller - Контролер вершин + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + Незавершена монофонічна імітація TB-303 - - Peak Controller Bug - Контролер вершин з багом + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + - - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - Через помилку в старій версії LMMS контролери вершин не можуть правильно підключатися. Будь-ласка переконайтеся, що контролери вершин правильно приєднані і перезбережіть цей файл, вибачте, за заподіяні незручності. + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + - - - PeakControllerDialog - - PEAK - ПІК + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + Фільтри для експорту MIDI-файлів з LMMS - - LFO Controller - Контролер LFO + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + Фільтр для включення файлу MIDI в проект ЛММС - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - BASE - БАЗА + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + Монстро 3-осцилляторний синт з матрицею модуляції - - Base amount: - Базове значення: + + A multitap echo delay plugin + Плагін багаторазової послідовної затримки відлуння - - AMNT - ГЛИБ + + A NES-like synthesizer + NES-подібний синтезатор - - Modulation amount: - Глибина модуляції: + + 2-operator FM Synth + 2-режимний синт модуляції частот (FM synth) - - MULT - МНОЖ + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + Синтезатор звуків нашталт органу - - Amount Multiplicator: - Величина множника: + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + Патч-інструмент, сумісний з GUS - - ATCK - ВСТУП + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + Модуль для встановлення значень регуляторів на піках гучності - - Attack: - Вступ: + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Алгоритм реверберації Шона Костелло - - DCAY - ЗГАС + + Player for SoundFont files + Програвач файлів SoundFont - - Release: - Зменшення: + + LMMS port of sfxr + LMMS порт SFXR - - TRSH - TRSH + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + Емуляція MOS6581 і MOS8580. +Використовувалося на комп'ютері Commodore 64. - - Treshold: - Поріг: + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - - Base value - Опорне значення + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + Модуль, що підсилює різницю між каналами стереозапису - - Modulation amount - Глибина модуляції + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + Модуль для довільного управління стереовиходом - - Attack - Вступ + + Tuneful things to bang on + Мелодійні ударні - - Release - Зменшення + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + Три потужних генераторів можна модулювати декількома способами - - Treshold - Поріг + + A stereo field visualizer. + - - Mute output - Заглушити вивід + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + VST - хост для підтримки модулів VST(i) в LMMS + + + + Vibrating string modeler + Емуляція вібруючих струн + + + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + плагін для використання довільних VST ефектів всередині LMMS. - - Abs Value - Абс Значення + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + 4-генераторний модулюючий синтезатор звукозаписів - - Amount Multiplicator - Величина множника + + plugin for waveshaping + плагін формування сигналу - - - PianoRoll - - Note Velocity - Гучність нот + + Mathematical expression parser + - - Note Panning - Стереофонія нот + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + Вбудований ZynAddSubFX + + + PluginDatabaseW - - Mark/unmark current semitone - Відмітити/Зняти відмітку з поточного півтону + + Carla - Add New + - - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - Відмітити/Зняти всі відповідні півтони октави + + Format + - - Mark current scale - Відмітити поточний підйом + + Internal + - - Mark current chord - Відмітити поточний акорд + + LADSPA + - - Unmark all - Зняти виділення + + DSSI + - - Select all notes on this key - Вибрати всі ноти на цій тональності + + LV2 + - - Note lock - Фіксація нот + + VST2 + - - Last note - По останій ноті + + VST3 + - - No scale - Без підйому + + AU + - - No chord - Прибрати акорди + + Sound Kits + - - Velocity: %1% - Гучність %1% + + Type + Тип - - Panning: %1% left - Баланс %1% лівий + + Effects + Ефекти - - Panning: %1% right - Баланс %1% правий + + Instruments + Інструменти - - Panning: center - Баланс: по середині + + MIDI Plugins + - - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - Відкрийте шаблон за допомогою подвійного клацання мишею! + + Other/Misc + - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - Введіть нове значення від %1 до %2: + + Architecture + - - - PianoRollWindow - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - Гра/Пауза поточної мелодії (Пробіл) + + Native + - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - Записати ноти з цифрового музичного інструмента (MIDI) + + Bridged + - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - Записати ноти з цифрового музичного інструменту (MIDI) під час відтворення пісні або доріжки Ритм-Басу + + Bridged (Wine) + - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - Зупинити програвання поточної мелодії (Пробіл) + + Requirements + - - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - Натисніть тут щоб програти поточний шаблон. Це може стати в нагоді при його редагуванні. Після закінчення шаблону відтворення почнеться спочатку. + + With Custom GUI + - - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - Натисніть цю кнопку, якщо ви хочете записати ноти з пристрою MIDI або віртуального синтезатора відповідного каналу. Пізніше ви зможете відредагувати записаний шаблон. + + With CV Ports + - - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - Натисніть цю кнопку, якщо ви хочете записати ноти з пристрою MIDI або віртуального синтезатора відповідного каналу. Під час запису всі ноти записуються в цей шаблон, і ви будете чути композицію або РБ доріжку на задньому плані. + + Real-time safe only + - - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - Натисніть тут, якщо ви хочете зупинити відтворення поточного шаблону. + + Stereo only + - - Edit actions - Зміна + + With Inline Display + - - Draw mode (Shift+D) - Режим малювання (Shift + D) + + Favorites only + - - Erase mode (Shift+E) - Режим стирання (Shift+E) + + (Number of Plugins go here) + - - Select mode (Shift+S) - Режим вибору нот (Shift+S) + + &Add Plugin + - - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - Режим малювання нот, в ньому ви можете додавати/переміщати і змінювати тривалість одиночних нот. Це режим за замовчуванням і використовується більшу частину часу. -Для включення цього режиму можна скористатися комбінацією клавіш Shift+D, утримуйте %1 для тимчасового перемикання в режим вибору. + + Cancel + Скасувати - - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Режим стирання. У цьому режимі ви можете стирати ноти. Для увімкнення цього режиму можна скористатися комбінацією клавіш Shift+E. + + Refresh + - - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - Режим виділення. У цьому режимі можна виділяти ноти, також можна утримувати %1 в режимі малювання, щоб на час увійти в режим виділення. + + Reset filters + - - Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - Режим Pitch Bend (Shift+T) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - - Click here and Pitch Bend mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - Натисніть тут для активації Pitch Blend режиму. Ви зможете клікнути на ноту, щоб почати автоматичний детюн. Можна використовувати це для "ковзання" від однієї ноти до іншої. Можна включити цей режим за допомогою Shift + T. + + Format: + - - Quantize - Квантовать + + Architecture: + - - Copy paste controls - Управління копіюванням та вставкою + + Type: + Тип: - - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - Перемістити виділені ноти до буферу (%1+X) + + MIDI Ins: + - - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - Копіювати виділені ноти до буферу (%1+X) + + Audio Ins: + - - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - Вставити ноти з буферу (%1+V) + + CV Outs: + - - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - При натиснені цієї кнопки виділені ноти будуть вирізані до буферу. Пізніше ви зможете вставити їх в будь-яке місце будь-якого шаблону за допомогою кнопки "Вставити". + + MIDI Outs: + - - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - При натиснені цієї кнопки виділені ноти буде скопійовано до буферу. Пізніше ви зможете вставити їх в будь-яке місце будь-якого шаблону за допомогою кнопки "Вставити". + + Parameter Ins: + - - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - При натиснені цієї кнопки ноти з буферу будуть вставлені в перший видимий такт. + + Parameter Outs: + - - Timeline controls - Управління хронологією + + Audio Outs: + - - Zoom and note controls - Управління масштабом і нотами + + CV Ins: + - - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - Цим контролюється масштаб осі. Це може бути корисно для спеціальних завдань. Для звичайного редагування, масштаб слід встановлювати за найменшою нотою. + + UniqueID: + - - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - "Q" позначає квантування і контролює розмір нотної сітки і контрольні точки тяжіння. З меншою величиною квантування, можна малювати короткі ноти в редаторі нот і більш точно контролювати точки в редакторі Автоматизації. + + Has Inline Display: + - - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - Дозволяє вибрати довжину нової ноти. "Остання Нота" означає, що LMMS буде використовувати довжину ноти, зміненої в останній раз + + Has Custom GUI: + - - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! - Функція безпосередньо пов'язана з контекстним меню на віртуальній клавіатурі зліва в нотному редакторі. Після того, як обраний масштаб у випадаючому меню, можна натиснути правою кнопкою у віртуальній клавіатурі і вибрати "Mark Current Scale" (Відзначити поточний масштаб). LMMS підсвітить всі ноти які лежать в обраному масштабі для обраної клавіші! + + Is Synth: + - - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. - Дозволяє вибрати акорд, який LMMS потім зможе намалювати або підсвітити. У цьому меню можна знайти найбільш популярні акорди. Після того, як ви вибрали акорд, натисніть в будь-якому місці, щоб поставити його, а правим кліком по віртуальній клавіатурі відкривається контекстне меню і підсвічування акорду. Для повернення в режим однієї ноти потрібно вибрати "Без акорду" в цьому випадаючому меню. + + Is Bridged: + - - - Piano-Roll - %1 - Нотний редактор - %1 + + Information + - - - Piano-Roll - no pattern - Нотний редактор - без шаблону + + Name + І'мя - - - PianoView - - Base note - Опорна нота + + Label/URI + - - - Plugin - - Plugin not found - Модуль не знайдено + + Maker + - - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - Модуль «%1» відсутній чи не може бути завантажений! -Причина: «%2» + + Binary/Filename + - - Error while loading plugin - Помилка завантаження модуля + + Focus Text Search + - - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - Не вдалося завантажити модуль «%1»! + + Ctrl+F + - PluginBrowser - - - Instrument Plugins - Модулі інструментів - - - - Instrument browser - Огляд інструментів - + PluginEdit - - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - Ви можете переносити потрібні вам інструменти з цієї панелі в музичний, ритм-бас редактор або в існуючу доріжку інструменту. + + Plugin Editor + - - - PluginFactory - - Plugin not found. - Модуль не знайдено. + + Edit + - - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - LMMS плагін %1 не має опису плагіна з ім'ям %2! + + Control + Управління - - - ProjectNotes - - Project Notes - Примітки проекту + + MIDI Control Channel: + - - Enter project notes here - Напишіть примітки до проекту тут + + N + - - Edit Actions - Зміна + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - - &Undo - &U Скасувати + + Output volume (100%) + - - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Balance Left (0%) + - - &Redo - &R Повторити + + + Balance Right (0%) + - - %1+Y - %1+Y + + Use Balance + - - &Copy - &C Копіювати + + Use Panning + - - %1+C - %1+C + + Settings + Параметри - - Cu&t - &t Вирізати + + Use Chunks + - - %1+X - %1+X + + Audio: + - - &Paste - &P Вставити + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - - %1+V - %1+V + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - - Format Actions - Форматування + + MIDI: + - - &Bold - Напів&жирний + + Map Program Changes + - - %1+B - %1+B + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - - &Italic - &Курсив + + Send Control Changes + - - %1+I - %1+I + + Send Channel Pressure + - - &Underline - &Підкреслити + + Send Note Aftertouch + - - %1+U - %1+U + + Send Pitchbend + - - &Left - По &лівому краю + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - - %1+L - %1+L + + +Plugin Name + + - - C&enter - По &центрі + + Program: + - - %1+E - %1+E + + MIDI Program: + - - &Right - По &правому краю + + Save State + - - %1+R - %1+R + + Load State + - - &Justify - По &ширині + + Information + - - %1+J - %1+J + + Label/URI: + - - &Color... - &C Колір... + + Name: + - - - ProjectRenderer - - WAV-File (*.wav) - Файл WAV (*.wav) + + Type: + Тип: - - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - Стиснутий файл OGG (*.ogg) + + Maker: + - FLAC-File (*.flac) + + Copyright: - - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) - Стиснутий MP3-файл (* .mp3) + + Unique ID: + - QWidget - - - - - Name: - І'мя: - + PluginFactory - - - Maker: - Розробник: + + Plugin not found. + Модуль не знайдено. - - - Copyright: - Авторське право: + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + LMMS плагін %1 не має опису плагіна з ім'ям %2! + + + PluginParameter - - - Requires Real Time: - Потрібна обробка в реальному часі: + + Form + - - - - - - - Yes - Так + + Parameter Name + - - - - - - - No - Ні + + ... + + + + PluginRefreshW - - - Real Time Capable: - Робота в реальному часі: + + Carla - Refresh + - - - In Place Broken: - Замість зламаного: + + Search for new... + - - - Channels In: - Канали в: + + LADSPA + - - - Channels Out: - Канали з: + + DSSI + - - File: %1 - Файл: %1 + + LV2 + - - File: - Файл: + + VST2 + - - - RenameDialog - - Rename... - Перейменувати ... + + VST3 + - - - ReverbSCControlDialog - - Input - Ввід + + AU + - - Input Gain: - Вхідне підсилення: + + SF2/3 + - - Size - Розмір + + SFZ + - - Size: - Розмір: + + Native + - - Color - Колір + + POSIX 32bit + - - Color: - Колір: + + POSIX 64bit + - - Output - Вивід + + Windows 32bit + - - Output Gain: - Вихідне підсилення: + + Windows 64bit + - - - ReverbSCControls - - Input Gain - Вхідне підсилення + + Available tools: + - - Size - Розмір + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - - Color - Колір + + carla-discovery-win64 + - - Output Gain - Вихідне підсилення + + carla-discovery-native + - - - SampleBuffer - - Fail to open file - Не вдається відкрити файл + + carla-discovery-posix32 + - - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - Аудіофайли обмежено розміром в %1 МБ і %2 хвилин(и) програвання + + carla-discovery-posix64 + - - Open audio file - Відкрити звуковий файл + + carla-discovery-win32 + - - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Всі Аудіо-файли (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + Options: + - - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Файли Wave (*.wav) + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - Файли OGG (*.ogg) + + Run processing checks while scanning + - - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - Файли DrumSynth (*.ds) + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + - - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - Файли FLAC (*.flac) + + Scan + - - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - Файли SPEEX (*.spx) + + >> Skip + - - VOC-Files (*.voc) - Файли VOC (*.voc) + + Close + Закрити + + + PluginWidget - - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - Файли AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + + + Frame + - - AU-Files (*.au) - Файли AU (*.au) + + Enable + - - RAW-Files (*.raw) - Файли RAW (*.raw) + + On/Off + Увімк/Вимк - - - SampleTCOView - - double-click to select sample - Виберіть запис подвійним натисненням миші + + + + + PluginName + - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Видалити (середня кнопка мишки) + + MIDI + MIDI - - Cut - Вирізати + + AUDIO IN + - - Copy - Копіювати + + AUDIO OUT + - - Paste - Вставити + + GUI + - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Заглушити/включити (<%1> + середня кнопка миші) + + Edit + - - - SampleTrack - - Volume - Гучність + + Remove + - - Panning - Баланс + + Plugin Name + - - - Sample track - Доріжка запису + + Preset: + - SampleTrackView + ProjectNotes - - Track volume - Гучність доріжки + + Project Notes + Примітки проекту - - Channel volume: - Гучність каналу: + + Enter project notes here + Напишіть примітки до проекту тут - - VOL - ГУЧН + + Edit Actions + Зміна - - Panning - Баланс + + &Undo + &U Скасувати - - Panning: - Баланс: + + %1+Z + %1+Z - - PAN - БАЛ + + &Redo + &R Повторити + + + + %1+Y + %1+Y - - - SetupDialog - - Setup LMMS - Налаштування LMMS + + &Copy + &C Копіювати - - - General settings - Загальні налаштування + + %1+C + %1+C - - BUFFER SIZE - РОЗМІР БУФЕРУ + + Cu&t + &t Вирізати - - - Reset to default-value - Відновити значення за замовчуванням + + %1+X + %1+X - - MISC - РІЗНЕ + + &Paste + &P Вставити - - Enable tooltips - Включити підказки + + %1+V + %1+V - - Show restart warning after changing settings - Показувати попередження про перезапуск при зміні налаштувань + + Format Actions + Форматування - - Display volume as dBFS - Відображати гучність в децибелах + + &Bold + Напів&жирний - - Compress project files per default - За замовчуванням стискати файли проектів + + %1+B + %1+B - - One instrument track window mode - Режим вікна однієї інструментальної доріжки + + &Italic + &Курсив - - HQ-mode for output audio-device - Режим високої якості для виведення звуку + + %1+I + %1+I - - Compact track buttons - Стиснути кнопки доріжки + + &Underline + &Підкреслити - - Sync VST plugins to host playback - Синхронізувати VST плагіни з хостом відтворення + + %1+U + %1+U - - Enable note labels in piano roll - Включити позначення нот у музичному редакторі + + &Left + По &лівому краю - - Enable waveform display by default - Включити відображення форми хвилі за замовчуванням + + %1+L + %1+L - - Keep effects running even without input - Продовжувати роботу ефектів навіть без вхідного сигналу + + C&enter + По &центрі - - Create backup file when saving a project - Створю запасний файл при збереженні проекту + + %1+E + %1+E - - Reopen last project on start - Відкривати останній проект при запуску + + &Right + По &правому краю - - Use built-in NaN handler - Використовувати вбудований обробник NaN + + %1+R + %1+R - - PLUGIN EMBEDDING - ВСТАНОВИТИ УПРАВЛІННЯ + + &Justify + По &ширині - - No embedding - Не встановлено + + %1+J + %1+J - - Embed using Qt API - Встановлення використовуючи Qt API + + &Color... + &C Колір... + + + ProjectRenderer - - Embed using native Win32 API - Встановлення використовуючи рідний Win32 API + + WAV (*.wav) + - - Embed using XEmbed protocol - Встановлення використовуючи протокол XEmbed + + FLAC (*.flac) + - - LANGUAGE - МОВА + + OGG (*.ogg) + - - - Paths - Шляхи + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + QObject - - Directories - Каталоги + + Reload Plugin + - - LMMS working directory - Робочий каталог LMMS + + Show GUI + Показати інтерфейс - - Themes directory - Каталог тем + + Help + Довідка + + + QWidget - - Background artwork - Фонове зображення + + + + + Name: + І'мя: - - VST-plugin directory - Каталог модулів VST + + URI: + - - GIG directory - Каталог GIG + + + + Maker: + Розробник: - - SF2 directory - Каталог SF2 + + + + Copyright: + Авторське право: - - LADSPA plugin directories - Каталог модулів LADSPA + + + Requires Real Time: + Потрібна обробка в реальному часі: - - STK rawwave directory - Каталог STK rawwave + + + + + + + Yes + Так - - Default Soundfont File - Основний Soundfont файл + + + + + + + No + Ні - - - Performance settings - Налаштування продуктивності + + + Real Time Capable: + Робота в реальному часі: - - Auto save - Авто-збереження + + + In Place Broken: + Замість зламаного: - - Enable auto-save - Увімкнути автоматичне збереження + + + Channels In: + Канали в: - - Allow auto-save while playing - Дозволити автоматичне збереження під час відтворення + + + Channels Out: + Канали з: - - UI effects vs. performance - Візуальні ефекти / продуктивність + + File: %1 + Файл: %1 - - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - Плавне прокручування в музичному редакторі + + File: + Файл: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - Показувати покажчик відтворення в процесорі аудіо файлів + + &Recently Opened Projects + &Нещодавно відкриті проекти + + + RenameDialog - - - Audio settings - Параметри звуку + + Rename... + Перейменувати ... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - - AUDIO INTERFACE - ЗВУКОВА СИСТЕМА + + Input + Ввід - - - MIDI settings - Параметри MIDI + + Input gain: + Вхідне підсилення: - - MIDI INTERFACE - ІНТЕРФЕЙС MIDI + + Size + Розмір - - OK - ОК + + Size: + Розмір: - - Cancel - Скасувати + + Color + Колір - - Restart LMMS - Перезапустіть LMMS + + Color: + Колір: - - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - Врахуйте, що більшість налаштувань не вступлять в силу до перезапуску програми! + + Output + Вивід - - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - Фрагментів: %1 -Затримка: %2 мс + + Output gain: + Вихідне підсилення: + + + ReverbSCControls - - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - Тут ви можете налаштувати розмір внутрішнього звукового буфера LMMS. Менші значення дають менший час відгуку програми, але підвищують споживання ресурсів - це особливо помітно на старих машинах і системах, ядро ​​яких не підтримує пріоритету реального часу. Якщо спостерігається переривчастий звук, спробуйте збільшити розмір буферу. + + Input gain + Вхідне підсилення - - Choose LMMS working directory - Вибір робочого каталогу LMMS + + Size + Розмір - - Choose your GIG directory - Виберіть каталог GIG + + Color + Колір - - Choose your SF2 directory - Виберіть каталог SF2 + + Output gain + Вихідне підсилення + + + SaControls - - Choose your VST-plugin directory - Вибір свого каталогу для модулів VST + + Pause + - - Choose artwork-theme directory - Вибір каталогу з темою оформлення для LMMS + + Reference freeze + - - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - Вибір каталогу з модулями LADSPA + + Waterfall + - - Choose STK rawwave directory - Вибір каталогу STK rawwave + + Averaging + - - Choose default SoundFont - Вибрати головний SoundFont + + Stereo + Стерео - - Choose background artwork - Вибрати фонове зображення + + Peak hold + - - minutes - хвилин + + Logarithmic frequency + - - minute - хвилина + + Logarithmic amplitude + - - Disabled - Вимкнено + + Frequency range + - - Auto-save interval: %1 - Інтервал автоматичного збереження: %1 + + Amplitude range + - - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - Встановіть проміжок часу автоматичного резервного копіювання в %1. -Не забудьте також зберегти проект вручну. Ви можете вимкнути автозбереження, інколи деяким старим системи тяжко в таком режимі. + + FFT block size + - - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - Будь ласка, виберіть звукову систему. Залежно від конфігурації під час компілювання програми, ви можете використовувати ALSA, JACK, OSS та інші. У нижній частині вікна налаштування можна задати специфічні параметри обраної системи. + + FFT window type + - - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - Будь ласка, виберіть інтерфейс MIDI. Залежно від конфігурації під час компілювання програми, ви можете використовувати ALSA, OSS та інші. У нижній частині вікна налаштування можна задати специфічні параметри обраного інтерфейсу. + + Peak envelope resolution + - - - Song - - Tempo - Темп + + Spectrum display resolution + - - Master volume - Основна гучність + + Peak decay multiplier + - - Master pitch - Основна тональність + + Averaging weight + - - LMMS Error report - Повідомлення про помилку в LMMS + + Waterfall history size + - - Project saved - Проект збережено + + Waterfall gamma correction + - - The project %1 is now saved. - Проект %1 збережено. + + FFT window overlap + - - Project NOT saved. - Проект НЕ ЗБЕРЕЖЕНО. + + FFT zero padding + - - The project %1 was not saved! - Проект %1 не збережено! + + + Full (auto) + - - Import file - Імпорт файлу + + + + Audible + - - MIDI sequences - MiDi послідовність + + Bass + Бас - - Hydrogen projects - Hydrogen проекти + + Mids + - - All file types - Всі типи файлів + + High + - - - Empty project - Проект порожній + + Extended + - - - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - Проект нічого не містить, так що й експортувати нічого. Спочатку додайте хоча б одну доріжку за допомогою музичного редактора! + + Loud + - - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - Виберіть теку для запису експортованих доріжок ... + + Silent + - - - untitled - Без назви + + (High time res.) + - - - Select file for project-export... - Вибір файлу для експорту проекту ... + + (High freq. res.) + - - Save project - Зберегти проект + + Rectangular (Off) + - - MIDI File (*.mid) - MIDI-файл (* mid) + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + - - The following errors occured while loading: - Наступні помилки виникли при завантаженні: + + Hamming + - - - SongEditor - - - Could not open file - Не можу відкрити файл + + + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog - - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - Неможливо відкрити файл %1, ймовірно, немає дозволу на його читання. -Будь-ласка переконайтеся, що є принаймні права на читання цього файлу і спробуйте ще раз. + + Pause + - - Could not write file - Не можу записати файл + + Pause data acquisition + - - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - Неможливо відкрити %1 для запису, можливо, немає дозволу на запис в цей файл, будь-ласка упевніться, що є доступ до цього файлу і спробуйте знову. + + Reference freeze + - - Error in file - Помилка у файлі + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + - - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - Файл %1 можливо містить помилки через які не може завантажитися. + + Waterfall + - - Version difference - Різниця версій + + Display real-time spectrogram + - - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - Цей %1 було створено в LMMS версії %2 + + Averaging + - - template - шаблон + + Enable exponential moving average + - - project - проект + + Stereo + Стерео - - Tempo - Темп + + Display stereo channels separately + - - TEMPO/BPM - ТЕМП/BPM + + Peak hold + - - tempo of song - Темп музики + + Display envelope of peak values + - - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - Це значення задає темп музики в ударах в хвилину (англ. аббр. BPM). На кожен такт приходить чотири удари, так що темп в ударах в хвилину фактично вказує, скільки чвертей такту програється за хвилину (або, що те ж, кількість тактів, що програються за чотири хвилини). + + Logarithmic frequency + - - High quality mode - Висока якість + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + - - - Master volume - Основна гучність + + + Frequency range + - - master volume - основна гучність + + Logarithmic amplitude + - - - Master pitch - Основна тональність + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + - - master pitch - основна тональність + + + Amplitude range + - - Value: %1% - Значення: %1% + + Envelope res. + - - Value: %1 semitones - Значення: %1 півтон(у/ів) + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - - - SongEditorWindow - - Song-Editor - Музичний редактор + + + Draw at most + - - Play song (Space) - Почати відтворення (Пробіл) + + envelope points per pixel + - - Record samples from Audio-device - Записати семпл зі звукового пристрою + + Spectrum res. + - - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - Записати семпл з аудіо-пристрої під час відтворення в музичному чи ритм/бас редакторі + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - - Stop song (Space) - Зупинити відтворення (Пробіл) + + spectrum points per pixel + - - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - Натисніть, щоб прослухати створену мелодію. Відтворення почнеться з позиції курсора (зелений трикутник); ви можете рухати його під час програвання. + + Falloff factor + - - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - Натисніть сюди, якщо хочете зупинити відтворення мелодії. Курсор при цьому буде встановлений на початок композиції. + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + - - Track actions - Стежити + + Multiply buffered value by + - - Add beat/bassline - Додати ритм/бас + + Averaging weight + - - Add sample-track - Додати доріжку запису + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + - - Add automation-track - Додати доріжку автоматизації + + New sample contributes + - - Edit actions - Зміна + + Waterfall height + - - Draw mode - Режим малювання + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + - - Edit mode (select and move) - Правка (виділення/переміщення) + + Keep + - - Timeline controls - Управління хронологією + + lines + - - Zoom controls - Управління масштабом + + Waterfall gamma + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - - Linear spectrum - Лінійний спектр + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + - - Linear Y axis - Лінійна вісь ординат + + Gamma value: + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - - Linear spectrum - Лінійний спектр + + Window overlap + - - Linear Y axis - Лінійна вісь ординат + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - - Channel mode - Режим каналу + + Each sample processed + - - - SubWindow - - Close - Закрити + + times + - - Maximize - Розгорнути + + Zero padding + - - Restore - Відновити + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + - - - TabWidget - - - Settings for %1 - Налаштування для %1 + + Processing buffer is + - - - TempoSyncKnob - - - Tempo Sync - Синхронізація темпу + + steps larger than input block + - - No Sync - Синхронізації немає + + Advanced settings + - - Eight beats - Вісім ударів (дві ноти) + + Access advanced settings + - - Whole note - Ціла нота + + + FFT block size + - - Half note - Півнота + + + FFT window type + + + + SampleBuffer - - Quarter note - Чверть ноти + + Fail to open file + Не вдається відкрити файл - - 8th note - Восьма ноти + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + Аудіофайли обмежено розміром в %1 МБ і %2 хвилин(и) програвання - - 16th note - 1/16 ноти + + Open audio file + Відкрити звуковий файл - - 32nd note - 1/32 ноти + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + Всі Аудіо-файли (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - - Custom... - Своя... + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Файли Wave (*.wav) - - Custom - Своя + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + Файли OGG (*.ogg) - - Synced to Eight Beats - Синхро по 8 ударам + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + Файли DrumSynth (*.ds) - - Synced to Whole Note - Синхро по цілій ноті + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + Файли FLAC (*.flac) - - Synced to Half Note - Синхро по половині ноти + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + Файли SPEEX (*.spx) - - Synced to Quarter Note - Синхро по чверті ноти + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + Файли VOC (*.voc) - - Synced to 8th Note - Синхро по 1/8 ноти + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + Файли AIFF (*.aif *.aiff) - - Synced to 16th Note - Синхро по 1/16 ноти + + AU-Files (*.au) + Файли AU (*.au) - - Synced to 32nd Note - Синхро по 1/32 ноти + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + Файли RAW (*.raw) - TimeDisplayWidget + SampleClipView - - click to change time units - натисніть для зміни одиниць часу + + Double-click to open sample + - - MIN - ХВ + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Видалити (середня кнопка мишки) - - SEC - С + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - - MSEC - МС + + Cut + Вирізати - - BAR - БАР + + Cut selection + - - BEAT - БІТ + + Copy + Копіювати - - TICK - ТІК + + Copy selection + - - - TimeLineWidget - - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - Увімк/вимк автопрокрутку + + Paste + Вставити - - Enable/disable loop-points - Увімк/вимк точки петлі + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Заглушити/включити (<%1> + середня кнопка миші) - - After stopping go back to begin - Після зупинки переходити до початку + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - Після зупинки переходити до місця, з якого почалося відтворення + + Reverse sample + Перевернути запис + + + + Set clip color + - - After stopping keep position - Залишатися на місці зупинки + + Use track color + + + + + SampleTrack + + + Volume + Гучність - - - Hint - Підказка + + Panning + Баланс - - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Натисніть <%1>, щоб прибрати прилипання точок циклу. + + Mixer channel + Канал ЕФ - - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - Зажміть <Shift> щоб змістити початок точок циклу; Натисніть <%1>, щоб прибрати прилипання точок циклу. + + + Sample track + Доріжка запису - Track + SampleTrackView - - Mute - Тиша + + Track volume + Гучність доріжки - - Solo - Соло + + Channel volume: + Гучність каналу: - - - TrackContainer - - Couldn't import file - Не можу імпортувати файл + + VOL + ГУЧН - - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - Не можу знайти фільтр для імпорту файла %1. -Для підключення цього файлу перетворіть його в формат, підтримуваний LMMS. + + Panning + Баланс - - Couldn't open file - Не можу відкрити файл + + Panning: + Баланс: - - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - Не можу відкрити файл %1 для запису. -Перевірте, чи володієте ви правами на запис в обраний файл і каталог що його містить і спробуйте знову! + + PAN + БАЛ - - Loading project... - Завантаження проекту ... + + Channel %1: %2 + ЕФ %1: %2 + + + SampleTrackWindow - - - Cancel - Скасувати + + GENERAL SETTINGS + ОСНОВНІ НАЛАШТУВАННЯ - - - Please wait... - Зачекайте будь-ласка ... + + Sample volume + - - Loading cancelled - Завантаження скасовано + + Volume: + Гучність: - - Project loading was cancelled. - Завантаження проекту скасовано. + + VOL + ГУЧН - - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - Завантаження треку %1 (%2/з %3) + + Panning + Баланс - - Importing MIDI-file... - Імпортую файл MIDI... + + Panning: + Баланс: - - - TrackContentObject - - Mute - Тиша + + PAN + БАЛ - - - TrackContentObjectView - - Current position - Позиція + + Mixer channel + Канал ЕФ - - - Hint - Підказка + + CHANNEL + ЕФ + + + SaveOptionsWidget - - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - Натисніть <%1> і перетягніть, щоб створити копію. + + Discard MIDI connections + - - Current length - Тривалість + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + + SetupDialog - - Press <%1> for free resizing. - Для вільної зміни розміру натисніть <%1>. + + Reset to default value + - - - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (від %3:%4 до %5:%6) + + Use built-in NaN handler + Використовувати вбудований обробник NaN - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - Видалити (середня кнопка мишки) + + Settings + Параметри - - Cut - Вирізати + + + General + - - Copy - Копіювати + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + - - Paste - Вставити + + Display volume as dBFS + Відображати гучність в децибелах - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - Заглушити/включити (<%1> + середня кнопка миші) + + Enable tooltips + Включити підказки - - - TrackOperationsWidget - - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - Затисніть <%1> і натискайте мишку під час руху, щоб почати нову перезбірку. + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - - Actions for this track - Дії для цієї доріжки + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + - - Mute - Тиша + + Enable compact track buttons + - - - Solo - Соло + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - - Mute this track - Відключити доріжку + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - - Clone this track - Клонувати доріжку + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - - Remove this track - Видалити доріжку + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - - Clear this track - Очистити цю доріжку + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - - FX %1: %2 - ЕФ %1: %2 + + Projects + - - Assign to new FX Channel - Призначити до нового каналу ефекту + + Compress project files by default + - - Turn all recording on - Включити все на запис + + Create a backup file when saving a project + - - Turn all recording off - Вимкнути всі записи + + Reopen last project on startup + - - - TripleOscillatorView - - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Модулювати фазу осциллятора 2 сигналом з 1 + + Language + - - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Модулювати амплітуду осциллятора 2 сигналом з 1 + + + Performance + - - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 - Змішати виходи 1 і 2 осцилляторів + + Autosave + - - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Синхронізувати 1 осциллятор по 2 + + Enable autosave + - - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - Модулювати частоту осциллятора 2 сигналом з 1 + + Allow autosave while playing + - - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Модулювати фазу осциллятора 3 сигналом з 2 + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance + - - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Модулювати амплітуду осциллятора 3 сигналом з 2 + + Smooth scroll in song editor + - - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - Поєднати виходи осцилляторів 2 і 3 + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + - - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Синхронізувати осциллятор 2 і 3 + + Plugins + Модулі - - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - Модулювати частоту осциллятора 3 сигналом з 2 + + VST plugins embedding: + - - Osc %1 volume: - Гучність осциллятора %1: + + No embedding + Не встановлено - - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - Ця ручка встановлює гучність осциллятора %1. Якщо 0, то осциллятор вимикається, інакше буде чутно настільки голосно, настільки тут встановлено. + + Embed using Qt API + Встановлення використовуючи Qt API - - Osc %1 panning: - Баланс для осциллятора %1: + + Embed using native Win32 API + Встановлення використовуючи рідний Win32 API - - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. - Регулятор стереобалансу осциллятора %1. Величина -100 позначає, що 100% сигналу йде в лівий канал, а 100 - в правий. + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + Встановлення використовуючи протокол XEmbed - - Osc %1 coarse detuning: - Грубе підстроювання осциллятора %1: + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded + Тримати вікна плагінів наверху, коли вони від'єднані - - semitones - півтон(а,ів) + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + Синхронізувати VST плагіни з хостом відтворення - - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. - Ця ручка встановлює грубе підстроювання осцилятора %1. Ви можете пістроїти осцилятор на 24 півтони (2 октави) вгору і вниз. Це корисно для створення звуків з акорду. + + Keep effects running even without input + Продовжувати роботу ефектів навіть без вхідного сигналу - - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Точне підстроювання лівого каналу осциллятора %1: + + + Audio + Аудіо - - - cents - Відсотки + + Audio interface + - - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Ця ручка встановлює точне підстроювання для лівого каналу осциллятора %1. Підстроювання задається в діапазоні від -100 сотих до +100 сотих. Це корисно для створення "насичених" звуків. + + HQ mode for output audio device + - - Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Точна підстройка правого канала осциллятора %1: + + Buffer size + - - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - Ця ручка встановлює точне підстроювання для правого каналу осциллятора %1. Підстроювання задається в діапазоні від -100 сотих до +100 сотих. Це корисно для створення "насичених" звуків. + + + MIDI + MIDI - - Osc %1 phase-offset: - Зміщення фази осциллятора %1: + + MIDI interface + - - - degrees - градуси + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track + - - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - Ця ручка встановлює початкову фазу осциллятора %1, т. б. точку, з якої осциллятор починає виробляти сигнал. Наприклад, якщо ви задали синусоїдальну форму сигналу і початкову фазу 180º, хвиля спочатку піде вниз, а не вгору. Те ж саме для сигналу прямокутної форми. + + LMMS working directory + Робочий каталог LMMS - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - Підстроювання стерео фази осциллятора %1: + + VST plugins directory + - - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. - Ця ручка встановлює фазове підстроювання осциллятора %1 між каналами, тобто різницю фаз між лівим і правим каналами. Це зручно для створення розширення стереоефектів. + + LADSPA plugins directories + - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Генерувати гармонійний (синусоїдальний) сигнал. + + SF2 directory + Каталог SF2 - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Генерувати трикутний сигнал. + + Default SF2 + - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Генерувати зигзагоподібний сигнал. + + GIG directory + Каталог GIG - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Генерувати квадрат. + + Theme directory + - - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. - Використовувати муг-зигзаг для цього осциллятора. + + Background artwork + Фонове зображення - - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - Використовувати експонентний сигнал для цього осциллятора. + + Some changes require restarting. + - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Генерувати білий шум. + + Autosave interval: %1 + - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Задати форму сигналу. + + Choose the LMMS working directory + - - - VersionedSaveDialog - - Increment version number - Збільшуючийся номер версії + + Choose your VST plugins directory + - - Decrement version number - Зменшуючийся номер версії + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory + - - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - вже існує. Замінити його? + + Choose your default SF2 + + + + + Choose your theme directory + - - - VestigeInstrumentView - - Open other VST-plugin - Відкрити інший VST плагін + + Choose your background picture + - - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - Відкрити інший модуль VST. Після натискання на кнопку з'явиться стандартний діалог вибору файлу, де ви зможете вибрати потрібний модуль. + + + Paths + Шляхи - - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Управління VST плагіном через LMMS хост + + OK + ОК - - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Натисніть тут, для контролю VST плагіном через хост. + + Cancel + Скасувати - - Open VST-plugin preset - Відкрити передустановку VST плагіна + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + Фрагментів: %1 +Затримка: %2 мс - - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Відкрити іншу .fxp . fxb передустановку VST. + + Choose your GIG directory + Виберіть каталог GIG - - Previous (-) - Попередній <-> + + Choose your SF2 directory + Виберіть каталог SF2 - - - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Перемикання на іншу передустановку програми VST плагіна. + + minutes + хвилин - - Save preset - Зберегти передустановку + + minute + хвилина - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Зберегти поточну передустановку програми VST плагіна. + + Disabled + Вимкнено + + + SidInstrument - - Next (+) - Наступний <+> + + Cutoff frequency + Зріз частоти - - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Вибір із уже завантажених в VST предустановок. + + Resonance + Резонанс - - Show/hide GUI - Показати / приховати інтерфейс + + Filter type + Тип фільтру - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - Приховує / показує графічний користувальницький інтерфейс (GUI) обраного модуля VST. + + Voice 3 off + Голос 3 відкл - - Turn off all notes - Вимкнути всі ноти + + Volume + Гучність - - Open VST-plugin - Відкрити модуль VST + + Chip model + Модель чіпа + + + SidInstrumentView - - DLL-files (*.dll) - Бібліотеки DLL (*.dll) + + Volume: + Гучність: - - EXE-files (*.exe) - Програми EXE (*.exe) + + Resonance: + Підсилення: - - No VST-plugin loaded - Модуль VST не завантажений + + + Cutoff frequency: + Частота зрізу: - - Preset - Передустановка + + High-pass filter + - - by - від + + Band-pass filter + - - - VST plugin control - - Управління VST плагіном + + Low-pass filter + - - - VisualizationWidget - - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - Натисніть, щоб увімкнути/вимкнути візуалізацію головного виводу + + Voice 3 off + - - Click to enable - Натисніть для включення + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - - - VstEffectControlDialog - - Show/hide - Показати/Сховати + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - Управління VST плагіном через LMMS хост + + + Attack: + Вступ: - - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - Натисніть тут, для контролю VST плагіном через хост. + + + Decay: + Згасання: - - Open VST-plugin preset - Відкрити передустановку VST плагіна + + Sustain: + Витримка: - - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - Відкрити іншу .fxp . fxb передустановку VST. + + + Release: + Зменшення: - - Previous (-) - Попередній <-> + + Pulse Width: + Довжина імпульсу: - - - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - Перемикання на іншу передустановку програми VST плагіна. + + Coarse: + Грубість: - - Next (+) - Наступний <+> + + Pulse wave + - - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - Вибір із уже завантажених в VST предустановок. + + Triangle wave + Трикутник - - Save preset - Зберегти налаштування + + Saw wave + Зигзаг - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - Зберегти поточну передустановку програми VST плагіна. + + Noise + Шум - - - Effect by: - Ефекти по: + + Sync + Синхро - - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Ring modulation + - - - VstPlugin - - - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - VST плагін %1 не може бути завантажено. + + Filtered + Відфільтрований - - Open Preset - Відкрити предустановку + + Test + Тест - - - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - Передустановка VST плагіна (*.fxp, *.fxb) + + Pulse width: + + + + SideBarWidget - - : default - : основні + + Close + Закрити + + + Song - - " - " + + Tempo + Темп - - ' - ' + + Master volume + Основна гучність - - Save Preset - Зберегти предустановку + + Master pitch + Основна тональність - - .fxp - .fxp + + Aborting project load + - - .FXP - .FXP + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - - .FXB - .FXB + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - - .fxb - .fxb + + LMMS Error report + Повідомлення про помилку в LMMS - - Loading plugin - Завантаження модуля + + (repeated %1 times) + - - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - Будь ласка, зачекайте доки завантажується VST плагін ... + + The following errors occurred while loading: + - WatsynInstrument - - - Volume A1 - Гучність A1 - + SongEditor - - Volume A2 - Гучність A2 + + Could not open file + Не можу відкрити файл - - Volume B1 - Гучність B1 + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + Неможливо відкрити файл %1, ймовірно, немає дозволу на його читання. +Будь-ласка переконайтеся, що є принаймні права на читання цього файлу і спробуйте ще раз. - - Volume B2 - Гучність B2 + + Operation denied + - - Panning A1 - Баланс A1 + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + - - Panning A2 - Баланс A2 + + + + Error + Помилка - - Panning B1 - Баланс B1 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + - - Panning B2 - Баланс B2 + + Couldn't create resources folder. + - - Freq. multiplier A1 - Множник частоти A1 + + Failed to copy resources. + - - Freq. multiplier A2 - Множник частоти A2 + + Could not write file + Не можу записати файл - - Freq. multiplier B1 - Множник частоти B1 + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + - - Freq. multiplier B2 - Множник частоти B2 + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + - - Left detune A1 - Ліве підстроювання A1 + + Error in file + Помилка у файлі - - Left detune A2 - Ліве підстроювання A2 + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + Файл %1 можливо містить помилки через які не може завантажитися. - - Left detune B1 - Ліве підстроювання B1 + + Version difference + Різниця версій - - Left detune B2 - Ліве підстроювання B2 + + template + шаблон - - Right detune A1 - Праве підстроювання A1 + + project + проект - - Right detune A2 - Праве підстроювання A2 + + Tempo + Темп - - Right detune B1 - Праве підстроювання B1 + + TEMPO + - - Right detune B2 - Праве підстроювання B2 + + Tempo in BPM + - - A-B Mix - A-B Мікс + + High quality mode + Висока якість - - A-B Mix envelope amount - A-B Мікс кіл. обвідної + + + + Master volume + Основна гучність - - A-B Mix envelope attack - A-B Мікс атаки обвідної + + + + Master pitch + Основна тональність - - A-B Mix envelope hold - A-B Мікс утримання обвідної + + Value: %1% + Значення: %1% - - A-B Mix envelope decay - A-B Мікс згасання обвідної + + Value: %1 semitones + Значення: %1 півтон(у/ів) + + + SongEditorWindow - - A1-B2 Crosstalk - Перехресні перешкоди A1-B2 + + Song-Editor + Музичний редактор - - A2-A1 modulation - Модуляція A2-A1 + + Play song (Space) + Почати відтворення (Пробіл) - - B2-B1 modulation - Модуляція B2-B1 + + Record samples from Audio-device + Записати семпл зі звукового пристрою - - Selected graph - Обраний графік + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + Записати семпл з аудіо-пристрої під час відтворення в музичному чи ритм/бас редакторі - - - WatsynView - - - - - Volume - Гучність + + Stop song (Space) + Зупинити відтворення (Пробіл) - - - - - Panning - Баланс + + Track actions + Стежити - - - - - Freq. multiplier - Множник частоти + + Add beat/bassline + Додати ритм/бас - - - - - Left detune - Ліве підстроювання + + Add sample-track + Додати доріжку запису - - - - - - - - - cents - відсотків + + Add automation-track + Додати доріжку автоматизації - - - - - Right detune - Праве підстроювання + + Edit actions + Зміна - - A-B Mix - A-B Мікс + + Draw mode + Режим малювання - - Mix envelope amount - Мікс кількості обвідної + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + - - Mix envelope attack - A-B Мікс вступу обвідної + + Edit mode (select and move) + Правка (виділення/переміщення) - - Mix envelope hold - A-B Мікс утримання обвідної + + Timeline controls + Управління хронологією - - Mix envelope decay - A-B Мікс згасання обвідної + + Bar insert controls + - - Crosstalk - Перехід + + Insert bar + - - Select oscillator A1 - Виберіть генератор A1 + + Remove bar + - - Select oscillator A2 - Виберіть генератор A2 + + Zoom controls + Управління масштабом - - Select oscillator B1 - Виберіть генератор B1 + + Horizontal zooming + - - Select oscillator B2 - Виберіть генератор B2 + + Snap controls + - - Mix output of A2 to A1 - Змішати виходи A2 до A1 + + + Clip snapping size + - - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - Модулювати амплітуду А1 виходом з А2 + + Toggle proportional snap on/off + - - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 - Кільцева модуляція А1 і А2 + + Base snapping size + + + + StepRecorderWidget - - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 - Модулювати фазу А1 виходом з А2 + + Hint + Підказка - - Mix output of B2 to B1 - Змішати виходи В2 до В1 + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + SubWindow - - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - Модулювати амплітуду В1 виходом з В2 + + Close + Закрити - - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - Кільцева модуляція В1 і В2 + + Maximize + Розгорнути - - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 - Модулювати фазу В1 виходом з В2 + + Restore + Відновити + + + TabWidget - - - - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Тут ви можете малювати власний сигнал. + + + Settings for %1 + Налаштування для %1 + + + TemplatesMenu - - Load waveform - Завантаження форми звуку + + New from template + Новий проект по шаблону + + + TempoSyncKnob - - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - Натисніть для завантаження форми звуку з файлу із зразком + + + Tempo Sync + Синхронізація темпу - - Phase left - Фаза зліва + + No Sync + Синхронізації немає - - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - Натисніть, щоб змістити фазу на -15 градусів + + Eight beats + Вісім ударів (дві ноти) - - Phase right - Фаза праворуч + + Whole note + Ціла нота - - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - Натисніть, щоб змістити фазу на +15 градусів + + Half note + Півнота - - Normalize - Нормалізувати + + Quarter note + Чверть ноти - - Click to normalize - Натисніть для нормалізації + + 8th note + Восьма ноти - - Invert - Інвертувати + + 16th note + 1/16 ноти - - Click to invert - Натисніть щоб інвертувати + + 32nd note + 1/32 ноти - - Smooth - Згладити + + Custom... + Своя... - - Click to smooth - Натисніть щоб згладити + + Custom + Своя - - Sine wave - Синусоїда + + Synced to Eight Beats + Синхро по 8 ударам - - Click for sine wave - Згенерувати гармонійний (синусоїдальний) сигнал + + Synced to Whole Note + Синхро по цілій ноті - - - Triangle wave - Трикутна хвиля + + Synced to Half Note + Синхро по половині ноти - - Click for triangle wave - Згенерувати трикутний сигнал + + Synced to Quarter Note + Синхро по чверті ноти - - Click for saw wave - Згенерувати зигзагоподібний сигнал + + Synced to 8th Note + Синхро по 1/8 ноти - - Square wave - Квадратна хвиля + + Synced to 16th Note + Синхро по 1/16 ноти - - Click for square wave - Згенерувати квадратний сигнал + + Synced to 32nd Note + Синхро по 1/32 ноти - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - - Portamento - Портаменто - + TimeDisplayWidget - - Filter Frequency - Фільтр Частот + + Time units + - - Filter Resonance - Фільтр резонансу + + MIN + ХВ - - Bandwidth - Ширина смуги + + SEC + С - - FM Gain - Підсил FM + + MSEC + МС - - Resonance Center Frequency - Частоти центру резонансу + + BAR + БАР - - Resonance Bandwidth - Ширина смуги резонансу + + BEAT + БІТ - - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - Переслати зміну подій MIDI управління + + TICK + ТІК - ZynAddSubFxView + TimeLineWidget - - Portamento: - Портаменто: + + Auto scrolling + - - PORT - PORT + + Loop points + - - Filter Frequency: - Фільтр частот: + + After stopping go back to beginning + - - FREQ - FREQ + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + Після зупинки переходити до місця, з якого почалося відтворення - - Filter Resonance: - Фільтр резонансу: + + After stopping keep position + Залишатися на місці зупинки - - RES - RES + + Hint + Підказка - - Bandwidth: - Смуга пропускання: + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + Натисніть <%1>, щоб прибрати прилипання точок циклу. + + + + Track + + + Mute + Тиша + + + + Solo + Соло + + + + TrackContainer + + + Couldn't import file + Не можу імпортувати файл - - BW - BW + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + Не можу знайти фільтр для імпорту файла %1. +Для підключення цього файлу перетворіть його в формат, підтримуваний LMMS. - - FM Gain: - Підсилення частоти модуляції (FM): + + Couldn't open file + Не можу відкрити файл - - FM GAIN - FM GAIN + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + Не можу відкрити файл %1 для запису. +Перевірте, чи володієте ви правами на запис в обраний файл і каталог що його містить і спробуйте знову! - - Resonance center frequency: - Частота центру резонансу: + + Loading project... + Завантаження проекту ... - - RES CF - RES CF + + + Cancel + Скасувати - - Resonance bandwidth: - Ширина смуги резонансу: + + + Please wait... + Зачекайте будь-ласка ... - - RES BW - RES BW + + Loading cancelled + Завантаження скасовано - - Forward MIDI Control Changes - Переслати зміну подій MiDi управління + + Project loading was cancelled. + Завантаження проекту скасовано. - - Show GUI - Показати інтерфейс + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + Завантаження треку %1 (%2/з %3) - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - Натисніть сюди щоб сховати чи показати графічний інтерфейс ZynAddSubFX. + + Importing MIDI-file... + Імпортую файл MIDI... - audioFileProcessor - - - Amplify - Підсилення - + Clip - - Start of sample - Початок запису + + Mute + Тиша + + + ClipView - - End of sample - Кінець запису + + Current position + Позиція - - Loopback point - Точка повернення з повтору + + Current length + Тривалість - - Reverse sample - Перевернути запис + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (від %3:%4 до %5:%6) - - Loop mode - Режим повтору + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + Натисніть <%1> і перетягніть, щоб створити копію. - - Stutter - Заїкання + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + Для вільної зміни розміру натисніть <%1>. - - Interpolation mode - Режим Інтерполяції + + Hint + Підказка - - None - Нічого + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + Видалити (середня кнопка мишки) - - Linear - Лінійний + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - - Sinc - Синхронізований + + Cut + Вирізати - - Sample not found: %1 - Запис не знайдено: %1 + + Cut selection + - - - bitInvader - - Samplelength - Тривалість + + Merge Selection + - - - bitInvaderView - - Sample Length - Тривалість запису + + Copy + Копіювати - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - Тут ви можете малювати власний сигнал. + + Copy selection + - - Sine wave - Синусоїда + + Paste + Вставити - - Click for a sine-wave. - Генерувати гармонійний (синусоїдальний) сигнал. + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + Заглушити/включити (<%1> + середня кнопка миші) - - Triangle wave - Трикутник + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Згенерувати трикутний сигнал. + + Set clip color + - - Saw wave - Зигзаг + + Use track color + + + + TrackContentWidget - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Згенерувати зигзаг. + + Paste + Вставити + + + TrackOperationsWidget - - Square wave - Квадрат + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + - - Click here for a square-wave. - Згенерувати квадратний сигнал. + + Actions + - - White noise wave - Білий шум + + + Mute + Тиша - - Click here for white-noise. - Згенерувати білий шум. + + + Solo + Соло - - User defined wave - Користувацька + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + - - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Задати форму сигналу вручну. + + Confirm removal + - - Smooth - Згладити + + Don't ask again + - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Клацніть щоб згладити форму сигналу. + + Clone this track + Клонувати доріжку - - Interpolation - Інтерполяція + + Remove this track + Видалити доріжку - - Normalize - Нормалізувати + + Clear this track + Очистити цю доріжку - - - dynProcControlDialog - - INPUT - ВХІД + + Channel %1: %2 + ЕФ %1: %2 - - Input gain: - Вхідне підсилення: + + Assign to new mixer Channel + Призначити до нового каналу ефекту - - OUTPUT - ВИХІД + + Turn all recording on + Включити все на запис - - Output gain: - Вихідне підсилення: + + Turn all recording off + Вимкнути всі записи - - ATTACK - ВСТУП + + Change color + Змінити колір - - Peak attack time: - Час пікової атаки: + + Reset color to default + Відновити колір за замовчуванням - - RELEASE - ЗМЕНШЕННЯ + + Set random color + - - Peak release time: - Час відпуску піку: + + Clear clip colors + + + + TripleOscillatorView - - Reset waveform - Скидання сигналу + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Натисніть тут, щоб скинути граф хвилі назад за замовчуванням + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - - Smooth waveform - Згладжений сигнал + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Натисніть тут, щоб застосувати згладжування графа хвилі + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + Синхронізувати 1 осциллятор по 2 - - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Збільште амплітуди графа хвилі на 1дБ + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Натисніть тут, щоб збільшити амплітуду графа хвилі на 1дБ + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Зменшення амплітуди графа хвилі на 1дБ + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Натисніть тут, щоб зменшити амплітуду графа хвилі на 1дБ + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 + - - Stereomode Maximum - Максимальний стереорежим + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + Синхронізувати осциллятор 2 і 3 - - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Процес заснований на максимумі від обох каналів + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - - Stereomode Average - Середній стереорежим + + Osc %1 volume: + Гучність осциллятора %1: - - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - Процес заснований на середньому обох каналів + + Osc %1 panning: + Баланс для осциллятора %1: - - Stereomode Unlinked - Розімкнений стереорежим + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + Грубе підстроювання осциллятора %1: - - Process each stereo channel independently - Обробляє кожен стерео канал незалежно + + semitones + півтон(а,ів) - - - dynProcControls - - Input gain - Вхідне підсилення + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + Точне підстроювання лівого каналу осциллятора %1: - - Output gain - Вихідне підсилення + + + cents + Відсотки - - Attack time - Час вступу + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + Точна підстройка правого канала осциллятора %1: - - Release time - Час зменшення + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + Зміщення фази осциллятора %1: - - Stereo mode - Стерео режим + + + degrees + градуси - - - expressiveView - Select oscillator W1 - + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Підстроювання стерео фази осциллятора %1: - Select oscillator W2 - + + Sine wave + Синусоїда - Select oscillator W3 - + + Triangle wave + Трикутник - Select OUTPUT 1 - + + Saw wave + Зигзаг - Select OUTPUT 2 - + + Square wave + Квадратна хвиля - Open help window + + Moog-like saw wave - Sine wave - Синусоїда + + Exponential wave + Експоненціальна хвиля - Click for a sine-wave. - Генерувати гармонійний (синусоїдальний) сигнал. + + White noise + Білий шум - Moog-Saw wave + + User-defined wave + + + VecControls - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. + + Display persistence amount - Exponential wave - Експоненціальна хвиля - - - Click for an exponential wave. + + Logarithmic scale - Saw wave - Зигзаг + + High quality + + + + VecControlsDialog - Click here for a saw-wave. - Згенерувати зигзаг. + + HQ + - User defined wave - Користувацька + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - Задати форму сигналу вручну. + + Log. scale + - Triangle wave - Трикутник + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Згенерувати трикутний сигнал. + + Persist. + - Square wave - Квадратна хвиля + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + - Click here for a square-wave. - Згенерувати квадратний сигнал. + + Trace persistence + + + + VersionedSaveDialog - White noise wave - Білий шум + + Increment version number + Збільшуючийся номер версії - Click here for white-noise. - Згенерувати білий шум. + + Decrement version number + Зменшуючийся номер версії - WaveInterpolate + + Save Options - ExpressionValid - + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + вже існує. Замінити його? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - General purpose 1: + + + Open VST plugin - General purpose 2: + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - General purpose 3: + + Open VST plugin preset - O1 panning: - + + Previous (-) + Попередній <-> - O2 panning: - + + Save preset + Зберегти передустановку - Release transition: - + + Next (+) + Наступний <+> - Smoothness - + + Show/hide GUI + Показати / приховати інтерфейс - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - - Assign to: - Призначити до: + + Turn off all notes + Вимкнути всі ноти - - New FX Channel - Новий ефект каналу + + DLL-files (*.dll) + Бібліотеки DLL (*.dll) - - - graphModel - - Graph - Графік + + EXE-files (*.exe) + Програми EXE (*.exe) - - - kickerInstrument - - Start frequency - Початкова частота + + No VST plugin loaded + - - End frequency - Кінцева частота + + Preset + Передустановка - - Length - Довжина + + by + від - - Distortion Start - Початкове спотворення + + - VST plugin control + - Управління VST плагіном + + + VstEffectControlDialog - - Distortion End - Кінцеве спотворення + + Show/hide + Показати/Сховати - - Gain - Підсилення + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - - Envelope Slope - Нахил обвідної + + Open VST plugin preset + - - Noise - Шум + + Previous (-) + Попередній <-> - - Click - Натисніть + + Next (+) + Наступний <+> - - Frequency Slope - Частота нахилу + + Save preset + Зберегти налаштування - - Start from note - Почати з замітки + + + Effect by: + Ефекти по: - - End to note - Закінчити заміткою + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - kickerInstrumentView + VstPlugin - - Start frequency: - Початкова частота: + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + VST плагін %1 не може бути завантажено. - - End frequency: - Кінцева частота: + + Open Preset + Відкрити предустановку - - Frequency Slope: - Частота нахилу: + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + Передустановка VST плагіна (*.fxp, *.fxb) - - Gain: - Підсилення: + + : default + : основні - - Envelope Length: - Довжина обвідної: + + Save Preset + Зберегти предустановку - - Envelope Slope: - Нахил обвідної: + + .fxp + .fxp - - Click: - Натиснення: + + .FXP + .FXP - - Noise: - Шум: + + .FXB + .FXB + + + + .fxb + .fxb - - Distortion Start: - Початкове спотворення: + + Loading plugin + Завантаження модуля - - Distortion End: - Кінцеве спотворення: + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + Будь ласка, зачекайте доки завантажується VST плагін ... - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - - - Available Effects - Доступні ефекти + + Volume A1 + Гучність A1 - - - Unavailable Effects - Недоступні ефекти + + Volume A2 + Гучність A2 - - - Instruments - Інструменти + + Volume B1 + Гучність B1 - - - Analysis Tools - Аналізатори + + Volume B2 + Гучність B2 - - - Don't know - Невідомі + + Panning A1 + Баланс A1 - - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - У цьому вікні показана інформація про всі модулі LADSPA, які виявила LMMS. Вони розділені на п'ять категорій, залежно від назв і типів портів. - -Доступні ефекти - це ті, які можуть бути використані в LMMS. Щоб ефект LADSPA міг бути використаний, він повинен, по-перше, бути власне ефектом, т. б. мати як вхідні так і вихідні канали. LMMS в якості вхідного каналу сприймає аудіопорти, що містять у назві "in", а вихідні вгадує по підстрочці "out". Для використання в LMMS число вхідних каналів має збігатися з числом вихідних, і ефект повинен мати можливість використання в реальному часі. - -Недоступні ефекти - це модулі LADSPA, розпізнані як ефекти, однак або з незбіжною кількістю вхідних/вихідних каналів, або не призначені для використання в реальному часі. - -Інструменти - це модулі, у яких є тільки вихідні канали. - -Аналізатори - це модулі, що володіють лише вхідними каналами. - -Невідомі - модулі, у яких не було виявлено ні вхідних, ні вихідних каналів. - -Подвійне клацання лівою кнопкою миші по модулю дасть інформацію по його портах. + + Panning A2 + Баланс A2 - - Type: - Тип: + + Panning B1 + Баланс B1 - - - ladspaDescription - - Plugins - Модулі + + Panning B2 + Баланс B2 - - Description - Опис + + Freq. multiplier A1 + Множник частоти A1 - - - ladspaPortDialog - - Ports - Порти + + Freq. multiplier A2 + Множник частоти A2 - - Name - І'мя + + Freq. multiplier B1 + Множник частоти B1 - - Rate - Частота вибірки + + Freq. multiplier B2 + Множник частоти B2 - - Direction - Напрямок + + Left detune A1 + Ліве підстроювання A1 - - Type - Тип + + Left detune A2 + Ліве підстроювання A2 + + + + Left detune B1 + Ліве підстроювання B1 - - Min < Default < Max - Менше < Стандарт <Більше + + Left detune B2 + Ліве підстроювання B2 - - Logarithmic - Логарифмічний + + Right detune A1 + Праве підстроювання A1 - - SR Dependent - Залежність від SR + + Right detune A2 + Праве підстроювання A2 - - Audio - Аудіо + + Right detune B1 + Праве підстроювання B1 - - Control - Управління + + Right detune B2 + Праве підстроювання B2 - - Input - Ввід + + A-B Mix + A-B Мікс - - Output - Вивід + + A-B Mix envelope amount + A-B Мікс кіл. обвідної - - Toggled - Увімкнено + + A-B Mix envelope attack + A-B Мікс атаки обвідної - - Integer - Ціле + + A-B Mix envelope hold + A-B Мікс утримання обвідної - - Float - Дробове + + A-B Mix envelope decay + A-B Мікс згасання обвідної - - - Yes - Так + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + Перехресні перешкоди A1-B2 - - - lb302Synth - - VCF Cutoff Frequency - Частота зрізу VCF + + A2-A1 modulation + Модуляція A2-A1 - - VCF Resonance - Посилення VCF + + B2-B1 modulation + Модуляція B2-B1 - - VCF Envelope Mod - Модуляція обвідної VCF + + Selected graph + Обраний графік + + + WatsynView - - VCF Envelope Decay - Спад обвідної VCF + + + + + Volume + Гучність - - Distortion - Спотворення + + + + + Panning + Баланс - - Waveform - Форма хвилі + + + + + Freq. multiplier + Множник частоти - - Slide Decay - Зміщення згасання + + + + + Left detune + Ліве підстроювання - - Slide - Зміщення + + + + + + + + + cents + відсотків - - Accent - Акцент + + + + + Right detune + Праве підстроювання - - Dead - Глухо + + A-B Mix + A-B Мікс - - 24dB/oct Filter - 24дБ/окт фільтр + + Mix envelope amount + Мікс кількості обвідної - - - lb302SynthView - - Cutoff Freq: - Частота зрізу: + + Mix envelope attack + A-B Мікс вступу обвідної - - Resonance: - Резонанс: + + Mix envelope hold + A-B Мікс утримання обвідної - - Env Mod: - Мод Обвідної: + + Mix envelope decay + A-B Мікс згасання обвідної - - Decay: - Згасання: + + Crosstalk + Перехід - - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - 303-ій, 24дБ/октаву, 3-польний фільтр + + Select oscillator A1 + Виберіть генератор A1 - - Slide Decay: - Зміщення згасання: + + Select oscillator A2 + Виберіть генератор A2 - - DIST: - СПОТ: + + Select oscillator B1 + Виберіть генератор B1 - - Saw wave - Зигзаг + + Select oscillator B2 + Виберіть генератор B2 - - Click here for a saw-wave. - Згенерувати зигзаг. + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + Змішати виходи A2 до A1 - - Triangle wave - Трикутна хвиля + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - Згенерувати трикутний сигнал. + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + - - Square wave - Квадрат + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + - - Click here for a square-wave. - Згенерувати квадратний сигнал. + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + Змішати виходи В2 до В1 - - Rounded square wave - Хвиля округленого квадрату + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 + - - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - Створити квадратну хвилю закруглену в кінці. + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 + - - Moog wave - Муг хвиля + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 + - - Click here for a moog-like wave. - Згенерувати хвилю схожу на муг. + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Тут ви можете малювати власний сигнал. - - Sine wave - Синусоїда + + Load waveform + Завантаження форми звуку - - Click for a sine-wave. - Генерувати гармонійний (синусоїдальний) сигнал. + + Load a waveform from a sample file + - - - White noise wave - Білий шум + + Phase left + Фаза зліва - - Click here for an exponential wave. - Генерувати експонентний сигнал. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + - - Click here for white-noise. - Згенерувати білий шум. + + Phase right + Фаза праворуч - - Bandlimited saw wave - Зигзаг хвиля з обмеженою смугою + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + - - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. - Натисніть тут для пилкоподібної хвилі з обмеженою смугою. + + + Normalize + Нормалізувати - - Bandlimited square wave - Квадратна хвиля з обмеженою смугою + + + Invert + Інвертувати - - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - Натисніть тут для квадратної хвилі з обмеженою смугою. + + + Smooth + Згладити - - Bandlimited triangle wave - Трикутна хвиля з обмеженою смугою + + + Sine wave + Синусоїда - - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - Натисніть тут для трикутної хвилі з обмеженою смугою. + + + + Triangle wave + Трикутна хвиля - - Bandlimited moog saw wave - Муг-зигзаг хвиля з обмеженою смугою + + Saw wave + Зигзаг - - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - Натисніть тут для муг-зигзаг хвилі з обмеженою смугою. + + + Square wave + Квадратна хвиля - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - - Hardness - Жорсткість + + Selected graph + Обраний графік - - Position - Положення + + A1 + - - Vibrato Gain - Посилення вібрато + + A2 + - - Vibrato Freq - Частота вібрато + + A3 + - - Stick Mix - Зведення рученят + + W1 smoothing + - - Modulator - Модулятор + + W2 smoothing + - - Crossfade - Перехід + + W3 smoothing + - - LFO Speed - Швидкість LFO + + Panning 1 + - - LFO Depth - Глибина LFO + + Panning 2 + - - ADSR - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + + XpressiveView - - Pressure - Тиск + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Тут ви можете малювати власний сигнал. - - Motion - Рух + + Select oscillator W1 + - - Speed - Швидкість + + Select oscillator W2 + - - Bowed - Нахил + + Select oscillator W3 + - - Spread - Розкид + + Select output O1 + - - Marimba - Марімба + + Select output O2 + - - Vibraphone - Віброфон + + Open help window + - - Agogo - Дискотека + + + Sine wave + Синусоїда - - Wood1 - Дерево1 + + + Moog-saw wave + - - Reso - Ресо + + + Exponential wave + Експоненціальна хвиля - - Wood2 - Дерево2 + + + Saw wave + Зигзаг - - Beats - Удари + + + User-defined wave + - - Two Fixed - Два фіксованих + + + Triangle wave + Трикутник - - Clump - Важка хода + + + Square wave + Квадратна хвиля - - Tubular Bells - Трубні дзвони + + + White noise + Білий шум - - Uniform Bar - Рівномірні смуги + + WaveInterpolate + - - Tuned Bar - Підстроєні смуги + + ExpressionValid + - - Glass - Скло + + General purpose 1: + - - Tibetan Bowl - Тибетські кулі + + General purpose 2: + - - - malletsInstrumentView - - Instrument - Інструмент + + General purpose 3: + - - Spread - Розкид + + O1 panning: + - - Spread: - Розкид: + + O2 panning: + - - Missing files - Відсутні файли + + Release transition: + - - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - Схоже, що встановлені не всі пакети Stk. Вам слід це перевірити! + + Smoothness + + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - Hardness - Жорсткість + + Portamento + Портаменто - - Hardness: - Жорсткість: + + Filter frequency + - - Position - Положення + + Filter resonance + - - Position: - Положення: + + Bandwidth + Ширина смуги - - Vib Gain - Підс. вібрато + + FM gain + - - Vib Gain: - Підс. вібрато: + + Resonance center frequency + - - Vib Freq - Част. віб + + Resonance bandwidth + - - Vib Freq: - Вібрато: + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + + ZynAddSubFxView - - Stick Mix - Зведення рученят + + Portamento: + Портаменто: - - Stick Mix: - Зведення рученят: + + PORT + PORT - - Modulator - Модулятор + + Filter frequency: + - - Modulator: - Модулятор: + + FREQ + FREQ - - Crossfade - Перехід + + Filter resonance: + - - Crossfade: - Перехід: + + RES + RES - - LFO Speed - Швидкість LFO + + Bandwidth: + Смуга пропускання: - - LFO Speed: - Швидкість LFO: + + BW + BW - - LFO Depth - Глибина LFO + + FM gain: + - - LFO Depth: - Глибина LFO: + + FM GAIN + FM GAIN - - ADSR - ADSR + + Resonance center frequency: + Частота центру резонансу: - - ADSR: - ADSR: + + RES CF + RES CF - - Pressure - Тиск + + Resonance bandwidth: + Ширина смуги резонансу: - - Pressure: - Тиск: + + RES BW + RES BW - - Speed - Швидкість + + Forward MIDI control changes + - - Speed: - Швидкість: + + Show GUI + Показати інтерфейс - manageVSTEffectView + AudioFileProcessor - - - VST parameter control - Управление VST параметрами - - - - VST Sync - VST синхронізація + + Amplify + Підсилення - - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Натисніть тут для синхронізації всіх параметрів VST плагіна. + + Start of sample + Початок запису - - - Automated - Автоматизовано + + End of sample + Кінець запису - - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Натисніть тут, якщо хочете бачити тільки автоматизовані параметри. + + Loopback point + Точка повернення з повтору - - Close - Закрити + + Reverse sample + Перевернути запис - - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - Закрити вікно управління регуляторами VST плагіна. + + Loop mode + Режим повтору - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - - - VST plugin control - Управління VST плагіном + + Stutter + Заїкання - - VST Sync - VST синхронізація + + Interpolation mode + Режим Інтерполяції - - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - Натисніть тут для синхронізації всіх параметрів VST плагіна. + + None + Нічого - - - Automated - Автоматизовано + + Linear + Лінійний - - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - Натисніть тут, якщо хочете бачити тільки автоматизовані параметри. + + Sinc + Синхронізований - - Close - Закрити + + Sample not found: %1 + Запис не знайдено: %1 + + + BitInvader - - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - Закрити вікно управління регуляторами VST плагіна. + + Sample length + - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - - Patch - Патч + + Sample length + - - Op 1 Attack - ОП 1 Вступ + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + Тут ви можете малювати власний сигнал. - - Op 1 Decay - ОП 1 Спад + + + Sine wave + Синусоїда - - Op 1 Sustain - ОП 1 Видержка + + + Triangle wave + Трикутник - - Op 1 Release - ОП 1 Зменшення + + + Saw wave + Зигзаг - - Op 1 Level - ОП 1 Рівень + + + Square wave + Квадрат - - Op 1 Level Scaling - ОП 1 Рівень збільшення + + + White noise + Білий шум - - Op 1 Frequency Multiple - ОП 1 Множник частот + + + User-defined wave + - - Op 1 Feedback - ОП 1 Повернення + + + Smooth waveform + Згладжений сигнал - - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - ОП 1 Ключова ставка множника + + Interpolation + Інтерполяція - - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - ОП 1 Ударна обвідна + + Normalize + Нормалізувати + + + DynProcControlDialog - - Op 1 Tremolo - ОП 1 Тремоло + + INPUT + ВХІД - - Op 1 Vibrato - Оп 1 Вібрато + + Input gain: + Вхідне підсилення: - - Op 1 Waveform - ОП 1 Хвиля + + OUTPUT + ВИХІД - - Op 2 Attack - ОП 2 Вступ + + Output gain: + Вихідне підсилення: - - Op 2 Decay - ОП 2 Спад + + ATTACK + ВСТУП - - Op 2 Sustain - ОП 2 Видержка + + Peak attack time: + Час пікової атаки: - - Op 2 Release - ОП 2 Зменшення + + RELEASE + ЗМЕНШЕННЯ - - Op 2 Level - ОП 2 Рівень + + Peak release time: + Час відпуску піку: - - Op 2 Level Scaling - ОП 2 Рівень збільшення + + + Reset wavegraph + - - Op 2 Frequency Multiple - ОП 2 Множник частот + + + Smooth wavegraph + - - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate - ОП 2 Ключова ставка множника + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - - Op 2 Percussive Envelope - ОП 2 Ударна обвідна + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - - Op 2 Tremolo - ОП 2 Тремоло + + Stereo mode: maximum + - - Op 2 Vibrato - Оп 2 Вібрато + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + Процес заснований на максимумі від обох каналів - - Op 2 Waveform - ОП 2 Хвиля + + Stereo mode: average + - - FM - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels + Процес заснований на середньому обох каналів - - Vibrato Depth - Глибина вібрато + + Stereo mode: unlinked + - - Tremolo Depth - Глибина тремоло + + Process each stereo channel independently + Обробляє кожен стерео канал незалежно - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - - - Attack - Вступ + + Input gain + Вхідне підсилення - - - Decay - Згасання + + Output gain + Вихідне підсилення - - - Release - Зменшення + + Attack time + Час вступу - - - Frequency multiplier - Множник частоти + + Release time + Час зменшення + + + + Stereo mode + Стерео режим - organicInstrument - - - Distortion - Спотворення - + graphModel - - Volume - Гучність + + Graph + Графік - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - - Distortion: - Спотворення: + + Start frequency + Початкова частота - - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - Спотворення додає спотворення до виходу інструменту. + + End frequency + Кінцева частота - - Volume: - Гучність: + + Length + Довжина - - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - Регулятор гучності виведення інструменту, підсумовується з регулятором гучності вікна інструменту. + + Start distortion + - - Randomise - Випадково + + End distortion + - - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - Кнопка рандомізації випадково встановлює всі регулятори, крім гармонік, основної гучності і регулятора спотворень. + + Gain + Підсилення - - - Osc %1 waveform: - Форма сигналу осциллятора %1: + + Envelope slope + - - Osc %1 volume: - Гучність осциллятора %1: + + Noise + Шум - - Osc %1 panning: - Баланс для осциллятора %1: + + Click + Натисніть - - Osc %1 stereo detuning - Осц %1 стерео расстройка + + Frequency slope + - - cents - соті + + Start from note + Почати з замітки - - Osc %1 harmonic: - Осц %1 гармоніка: + + End to note + Закінчити заміткою - FreeBoyInstrument - - - Sweep time - Час поширення - - - - Sweep direction - Напрям поширення - - - - Sweep RtShift amount - Кіл-ть розгортки зсуву вправо - + KickerInstrumentView - - - Wave Pattern Duty - Робоча форма хвилі + + Start frequency: + Початкова частота: - - Channel 1 volume - Гучність першого каналу + + End frequency: + Кінцева частота: - - - - Volume sweep direction - Обсяг напрямку поширення + + Frequency slope: + - - - - Length of each step in sweep - Довжина кожного кроку в розгортці + + Gain: + Підсилення: - - Channel 2 volume - Гучність другого каналу + + Envelope length: + - - Channel 3 volume - Гучність третього каналу + + Envelope slope: + - - Channel 4 volume - Гучність четвертого каналу + + Click: + Натиснення: - - Shift Register width - Зміщення ширини регістра + + Noise: + Шум: - - Right Output level - Вихідний рівень праворуч + + Start distortion: + - - Left Output level - Вихідний рівень зліва + + End distortion: + + + + LadspaBrowserView - - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - Від першого каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + Available Effects + Доступні ефекти - - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - Від другого каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + Unavailable Effects + Недоступні ефекти - - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - Від третього каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + Instruments + Інструменти - - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - Від четвертого каналу до SO2 (лівий канал) + + + Analysis Tools + Аналізатори - - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - Від першого каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + + Don't know + Невідомі - - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - Від другого каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + Type: + Тип: + + + LadspaDescription - - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - Від третього каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + Plugins + Модулі - - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - Від четвертого каналу до SO1 (правий канал) + + Description + Опис + + + LadspaPortDialog - - Treble - Дискант + + Ports + Порти - - Bass - Бас + + Name + І'мя - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - - Sweep Time: - Час розгортки: + + Rate + Частота вибірки - - Sweep Time - Час розгортки + + Direction + Напрямок - - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - Кіл-ть збільшення або зменшення в частоті + + Type + Тип - - Sweep RtShift amount: - Кіл-ть розгортки зміщення вправо: + + Min < Default < Max + Менше < Стандарт <Більше - - Sweep RtShift amount - Кіл-ть розгортки зсуву вправо + + Logarithmic + Логарифмічний - - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - Темп прояви збільшення або зниження в частоті + + SR Dependent + Залежність від SR - - - Wave pattern duty: - Робоча форма хвилі: + + Audio + Аудіо - - Wave Pattern Duty - Робоча форма хвилі + + Control + Управління - - - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - Робочий цикл це коефіцієнт тривалості (часу) включеного сигналу відносно всього періоду сигналу. + + Input + Ввід - - - Square Channel 1 Volume: - Гучність квадратного каналу 1: + + Output + Вивід - - Square Channel 1 Volume - Гучність квадратного каналу 1 + + Toggled + Увімкнено - - - - Length of each step in sweep: - Довжина кожного кроку в розгортці: + + Integer + Ціле - - - - Length of each step in sweep - Довжина кожного кроку в розгортці + + Float + Дробове - - - - The delay between step change - Затримка між змінами кроку + + + Yes + Так + + + Lb302Synth - - Wave pattern duty - Робоча форма хвилі + + VCF Cutoff Frequency + Частота зрізу VCF - - Square Channel 2 Volume: - Гучність квадратного каналу 2: + + VCF Resonance + Посилення VCF - - - Square Channel 2 Volume - Гучність квадратного каналу 2 + + VCF Envelope Mod + Модуляція обвідної VCF - - Wave Channel Volume: - Гучність хвильового каналу: + + VCF Envelope Decay + Спад обвідної VCF - - - Wave Channel Volume - Гучність хвильового каналу + + Distortion + Спотворення - - Noise Channel Volume: - Гучність каналу шуму: + + Waveform + Форма хвилі - - - Noise Channel Volume - Гучність каналу шуму + + Slide Decay + Зміщення згасання - - SO1 Volume (Right): - Гучність SO1 (Правий): + + Slide + Зміщення - - SO1 Volume (Right) - Гучність SO1 (Правий) + + Accent + Акцент - - SO2 Volume (Left): - Гучність SO2 (Лівий): + + Dead + Глухо - - SO2 Volume (Left) - Гучність SO2 (Лівий) + + 24dB/oct Filter + 24дБ/окт фільтр + + + Lb302SynthView - - Treble: - Дискант: + + Cutoff Freq: + Частота зрізу: - - Treble - Дискант + + Resonance: + Резонанс: - - Bass: - Бас: + + Env Mod: + Мод Обвідної: - - Bass - Бас + + Decay: + Згасання: - - Sweep Direction - Напрямок розгортки + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + 303-ій, 24дБ/октаву, 3-польний фільтр - - - - - - Volume Sweep Direction - Гучність напрямки розгортки + + Slide Decay: + Зміщення згасання: - - Shift Register Width - Зміщення ширини регістра + + DIST: + СПОТ: - - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - Канал1 в SO1 (Правий) + + Saw wave + Зигзаг - - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) - Канал2 в SO1 (Правий) + + Click here for a saw-wave. + Згенерувати зигзаг. - - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) - Канал3 в SO1 (Правий) + + Triangle wave + Трикутна хвиля - - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) - Канал4 в SO1 (Правий) + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + Згенерувати трикутний сигнал. - - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - Канал1 в SO2 (Лівий) + + Square wave + Квадрат - - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - Канал2 в SO2 (Лівий) + + Click here for a square-wave. + Згенерувати квадратний сигнал. - - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - Канал3 в SO2 (Лівий) + + Rounded square wave + Хвиля округленого квадрату - - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - Канал4 в SO2 (Лівий) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + Створити квадратну хвилю закруглену в кінці. - - Wave Pattern - Малюнок хвилі + + Moog wave + Муг хвиля - - Draw the wave here - Малювати хвилю тут + + Click here for a moog-like wave. + Згенерувати хвилю схожу на муг. - - - patchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Q-Синтезатор: Канал передустановлено + + Sine wave + Синусоїда - - Bank selector - Селектор банку + + Click for a sine-wave. + Генерувати гармонійний (синусоїдальний) сигнал. - - Bank - Банк + + + White noise wave + Білий шум - - Program selector - Селектор програм + + Click here for an exponential wave. + Генерувати експонентний сигнал. - - Patch - Патч + + Click here for white-noise. + Згенерувати білий шум. - - Name - І'мя + + Bandlimited saw wave + Зигзаг хвиля з обмеженою смугою - - OK - ОК + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + Натисніть тут для пилкоподібної хвилі з обмеженою смугою. - - Cancel - Скасувати + + Bandlimited square wave + Квадратна хвиля з обмеженою смугою - - - pluginBrowser - - no description - опис відсутній + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + Натисніть тут для квадратної хвилі з обмеженою смугою. - - A native amplifier plugin - Рідний плагін підсилення + + Bandlimited triangle wave + Трикутна хвиля з обмеженою смугою - - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - Простий семплер з різними налаштуваннями для використання записів (наприклад, ударні) в інструментальному трекі + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + Натисніть тут для трикутної хвилі з обмеженою смугою. - - Boost your bass the fast and simple way - Накачай свій бас швидко і просто + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + Муг-зигзаг хвиля з обмеженою смугою - - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - Налаштовуваний синтезатор звукозаписів (wavetable) + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + Натисніть тут для муг-зигзаг хвилі з обмеженою смугою. + + + MalletsInstrument - - An oversampling bitcrusher - Перевибірка малого дробдення + + Hardness + Жорсткість - - Carla Patchbay Instrument - Carla Комутаційний інструмент + + Position + Положення - - Carla Rack Instrument - Carla підставочний інструмент + + Vibrato gain + - - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - 4-смуговий еквалайзер Кросовер + + Vibrato frequency + - - A native delay plugin - Рідний плагін затримки + + Stick mix + - - A Dual filter plugin - Плагін подвійного фільтру + + Modulator + Модулятор - - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way - плагін для обробки динаміки гнучким методом + + Crossfade + Перехід - - A native eq plugin - Рідний eq плагін + + LFO speed + Швидкість LFO - - A native flanger plugin - Рідний фланжер плагін + + LFO depth + - - Player for GIG files - Програвач GIG файлів + + ADSR + ADSR - - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - Фільтр для імпорту Hydrogen файлів в LMMS + + Pressure + Тиск - - Versatile drum synthesizer - Універсальний барабанний синтезатор + + Motion + Рух - - List installed LADSPA plugins - Показати встановлені модулі LADSPA + + Speed + Швидкість - - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - Модуль, що дозволяє використовувати в LMMS будь які ефекти LADSPA. + + Bowed + Нахил - - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - Незавершена монофонічна імітація tb303 + + Spread + Розкид - - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - Фільтри для експорту MIDI-файлів з LMMS + + Marimba + Марімба - - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - Фільтр для включення файлу MIDI в проект ЛММС + + Vibraphone + Віброфон - - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - Монстро 3-осцилляторний синт з матрицею модуляції + + Agogo + Дискотека - - A multitap echo delay plugin - Плагін багаторазової послідовної затримки відлуння + + Wood 1 + - - A NES-like synthesizer - NES-подібний синтезатор + + Reso + Ресо - - 2-operator FM Synth - 2-режимний синт модуляції частот (FM synth) + + Wood 2 + - - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds - Синтезатор звуків нашталт органу + + Beats + Удари - - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - Емуляція GameBoy (ТМ) + + Two fixed + - - GUS-compatible patch instrument - Патч-інструмент, сумісний з GUS + + Clump + Важка хода - - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks - Модуль для встановлення значень регуляторів на піках гучності + + Tubular bells + - - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Алгоритм реверберації Шона Костелло + + Uniform bar + - - Player for SoundFont files - Програвач файлів SoundFont + + Tuned bar + - - LMMS port of sfxr - LMMS порт SFXR + + Glass + Скло - - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - Емуляція MOS6581 і MOS8580. -Використовувалося на комп'ютері Commodore 64. + + Tibetan bowl + + + + MalletsInstrumentView - - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - Плагін графічного аналізу спектру + + Instrument + Інструмент - - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - Модуль, що підсилює різницю між каналами стереозапису + + Spread + Розкид - - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Модуль для довільного управління стереовиходом + + Spread: + Розкид: - - Tuneful things to bang on - Мелодійні ударні + + Missing files + Відсутні файли - - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - Три потужних генераторів можна модулювати декількома способами + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + Схоже, що встановлені не всі пакети Stk. Вам слід це перевірити! - - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - VST - хост для підтримки модулів VST(i) в LMMS + + Hardness + Жорсткість - - Vibrating string modeler - Емуляція вібруючих струн + + Hardness: + Жорсткість: - - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - плагін для використання довільних VST ефектів всередині LMMS. + + Position + Положення - - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - 4-генераторний модулюючий синтезатор звукозаписів + + Position: + Положення: - - plugin for waveshaping - плагін формування сигналу + + Vibrato gain + - - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - Вбудований ZynAddSubFX + + Vibrato gain: + - Mathematical expression parser + + Vibrato frequency - - - sf2Instrument - - Bank - Банк + + Vibrato frequency: + - - Patch - Патч + + Stick mix + - - Gain - Посилення + + Stick mix: + - - Reverb - Луна + + Modulator + Модулятор - - Reverb Roomsize - Об'єм луни + + Modulator: + Модулятор: - - Reverb Damping - Загасання луни + + Crossfade + Перехід - - Reverb Width - Довгота луни + + Crossfade: + Перехід: - - Reverb Level - Рівень луни + + LFO speed + Швидкість LFO - - Chorus - Хор (Приспів) + + LFO speed: + Швидкість LFO: - - Chorus Lines - Лінії хору + + LFO depth + - - Chorus Level - Рівень хору + + LFO depth: + - - Chorus Speed - Швидкість хору + + ADSR + ADSR - - Chorus Depth - Глибина хору + + ADSR: + ADSR: - - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - soundfont %1 не вдається завантажити. + + Pressure + Тиск - - - sf2InstrumentView - - Open other SoundFont file - Відкрити інший файл SoundFront + + Pressure: + Тиск: - - Click here to open another SF2 file - Натисніть тут щоб відкрити інший файл SF2 + + Speed + Швидкість - - Choose the patch - Вибрати патч + + Speed: + Швидкість: + + + ManageVSTEffectView - - Gain - Підсилення + + - VST parameter control + Управление VST параметрами - - Apply reverb (if supported) - Створити відлуння (якщо підтримується) + + VST sync + - - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - Ця кнопка включає ефект луни. Це корисно для класних ефектів, але працює не для всіх файлів. + + + Automated + Автоматизовано - - Reverb Roomsize: - Розмір приміщення: + + Close + Закрити + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - - Reverb Damping: - Загасання луни: + + + - VST plugin control + Управління VST плагіном - - Reverb Width: - Довгота луни: + + VST Sync + VST синхронізація - - Reverb Level: - Рівень відлуння: + + + Automated + Автоматизовано - - Apply chorus (if supported) - Створити ефект хору (якщо підтримується) + + Close + Закрити + + + OrganicInstrument - - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - Ця кнопка включає ефект хору. Це корисно для класних ефектів, але працює не для всіх файлів. + + Distortion + Спотворення - - Chorus Lines: - Лінії хору: + + Volume + Гучність + + + OrganicInstrumentView - - Chorus Level: - Рівень хору: + + Distortion: + Спотворення: - - Chorus Speed: - Швидкість хору: + + Volume: + Гучність: - - Chorus Depth: - Глибина хору: + + Randomise + Випадково - - Open SoundFont file - Відкрити файл SoundFront + + + Osc %1 waveform: + Форма сигналу осциллятора %1: - - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - Файли SoundFont2 (*.sf2) + + Osc %1 volume: + Гучність осциллятора %1: - - - sfxrInstrument - - Wave Form - Форма хвилі + + Osc %1 panning: + Баланс для осциллятора %1: - - - sidInstrument - - Cutoff - Зріз + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + Осц %1 стерео расстройка - - Resonance - Підсилення + + cents + соті - - Filter type - Тип фільтру + + Osc %1 harmonic: + Осц %1 гармоніка: + + + PatchesDialog - - Voice 3 off - Голос 3 відкл + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Q-Синтезатор: Канал передустановлено - - Volume - Гучність + + Bank selector + Селектор банку - - Chip model - Модель чіпа + + Bank + Банк - - - sidInstrumentView - - Volume: - Гучність: + + Program selector + Селектор програм - - Resonance: - Підсилення: + + Patch + Патч - - - Cutoff frequency: - Частота зрізу: + + Name + І'мя - - High-Pass filter - Вис.ЧФ + + OK + ОК - - Band-Pass filter - Серед.ЧФ + + Cancel + Скасувати + + + Sf2Instrument - - Low-Pass filter - Низ.ЧФ + + Bank + Банк - - Voice3 Off - Голос 3 відкл + + Patch + Патч - - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Gain + Посилення - - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb + Луна - - - Attack: - Вступ: + + Reverb room size + - - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. - Тривалість вступу визначає, наскільки швидко гучність %1-го голосу зростає від нуля до максимального значення. + + Reverb damping + - - - Decay: - Згасання: + + Reverb width + - - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. - Тривалість спаду визначає, наскільки швидко гучність падає від максимуму до залишкового рівня. + + Reverb level + - - Sustain: - Витримка: + + Chorus + Хор (Приспів) - - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. - Гучність %1-го голосу залишатиметься на рівні амплітуди витримки, поки триває нота. + + Chorus voices + - - - Release: - Зменшення: + + Chorus level + - - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. - Гучність %1-го голосу буде падати від залишкового рівня до нуля з вказаною тут швидкістю. + + Chorus speed + - - - Pulse Width: - Довжина імпульсу: + + Chorus depth + - - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - Тривалість імпульсу дозволяє м'яко регулювати проходження імпульсу без помітних збоїв. Імпульсна хвиля повинна бути обрана на осцилляторі %1, щоб отримати звучання. + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + soundfont %1 не вдається завантажити. + + + Sf2InstrumentView - - Coarse: - Грубість: + + + Open SoundFont file + Відкрити файл SoundFront - - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. - Грубі налаштування дозволяють підлаштувати Голос %1 на одну октаву вгору або вниз. + + Choose patch + - - Pulse Wave - Пульсуюча хвиля + + Gain: + Підсилення: - - Triangle Wave - Трикутник + + Apply reverb (if supported) + Створити відлуння (якщо підтримується) - - SawTooth - Зигзаг + + Room size: + - - Noise - Шум + + Damping: + - - Sync - Синхро + + Width: + Ширина: - - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. - Синхро синхронізує фундаментальну частоту осцилляторів %1 фундаментальною частотою осциллятора %2, створюючи ефект "Залізної синхронізації". + + + Level: + - - Ring-Mod - Круговий режим + + Apply chorus (if supported) + Створити ефект хору (якщо підтримується) - - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. - Круговий режим замінює трикутні хвилі на виході осциллятора %1 "Круговою модуляцією" комбінацією осцилляторів %1 і %2. + + Voices: + - - Filtered - Відфільтрований + + Speed: + Швидкість: - - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - Якщо цей прапорець встановлено, то %1-й голос буде проходити через фільтр. Інакше голос № %1 буде подаватися прямо на вихід. + + Depth: + Глибина: - - Test - Тест + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + SfxrInstrument - - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - Якщо «прапорець» встановлено, то %1-й осциллятор видає нульовий сигнал (поки прапорець не зніметься). + + Wave + - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - - WIDE - ШИРШЕ + + WIDTH + - + Width: Ширина: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls - + Width Ширина - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog - + Left to Left Vol: Від лівого на лівий: - + Left to Right Vol: Від лівого на правий: - + Right to Left Vol: Від правого на лівий: - + Right to Right Vol: Від правого на правий: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls - + Left to Left Від лівого на лівий - + Left to Right Від лівого на правий - + Right to Left Від правого на лівий - + Right to Right Від правого на правий - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument - + Loading plugin Завантаження модуля - - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - Будь ласка зачекайте поки завантажеться модуль VST... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed - + String %1 volume Гучність %1-й струни - + String %1 stiffness Жорсткість %1-й струни - + Pick %1 position Лад %1 - + Pickup %1 position Положення %1-го звукознімача - - Pan %1 - Бал %1 + + String %1 panning + - - Detune %1 - Підстроювання %1 + + String %1 detune + - - Fuzziness %1 - Нечіткість %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - - Length %1 - Довжина %1 + + String %1 length + - + Impulse %1 Імпульс %1 - - Octave %1 - Октава %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView + VibedView - - Volume: - Гучність: - - - - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. - Регулятор 'V' встановлює гучність поточної струни. + + String volume: + - + String stiffness: Жорсткість: - - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - Регулятор 'S' встановлює жорсткість поточної струни. Цей параметр відповідає за тривалість звучання струни (чим більше значення жорсткості, тим довше дзвенить струна). - - - + Pick position: Ударна позиція: - - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - Регулятор 'P' встановлює місце струни, де вона буде "притиснута". Чим нижче значення, тим ближче це місце буде до кобилки. - - - + Pickup position: Положення звукознімача: - - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - Регулятор 'PU' встановлює місце струни, звідки буде зніматися звук. Чим нижче значення, тим ближче це місце буде до мосту. - - - - Pan: - Бал: - - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - Ця ручка встановлює стереобаланс для поточної струни. - - - - Detune: - Підлаштувати: - - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - Ручка підстроювання змінює зсув частоти для поточної струни. Від'ємні значення змусять струну звучати плоско, позитивні - гостро. - - - - Fuzziness: - Нечіткість: - - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. - Ця ручка додає розмитість звуку, що найбільш помітно під час наростання, втім, це може використовуватися, щоб зробити звук більш "металевим". + + String panning: + - - Length: - Довжина: + + String detune: + - - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. - Ручка довжини встановлює довжину поточної струни. Чим довша струна, тим більш чистий і довгий звук вона дає; однак це вимагає більше ресурсів ЦП. + + String fuzziness: + - - Impulse or initial state - Початкова швидкість/початковий стан + + String length: + - - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. - Перемикач "Imp" встановлює режим роботи струни: якщо він включений, то зазначена форма сигналу інтерпретується як початковий імпульс, інакше - як початкова форма струни. + + Impulse + - + Octave Октава - - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - Перемикач октав дозволяє вказати гармоніку основної частоти, на якій буде звучати струна. Наприклад, "-2" означає, що струна буде звучати двома октавами нижче основної частоти, "F" змусить струну дзвеніти на основній частоті інструменту, а "6" - на частоті, на шість октав більш високій, ніж основна. - - - + Impulse Editor Редактор сигналу - - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - Редактор форми дозволяє явно вказати профіль струни в початковий момент часу, або її початковий імпульс (в залежності від стану перемикача "Imp"). -Кнопки праворуч від малюнка дозволяють задавати деякі стандартні форми, причому кнопка '?' служить для задання форми з довільного звукового файлу (завантажуються перші 128 елементів вибірки). - -Також форма сигналу може бути просто намальована за допомогою миші. - -Кнопка 'S' згладить поточну форму. - -Кнопка 'N' нормалізує рівень. - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - Інструмент "Vibed" моделює до дев'яти незалежних одночасно звучних струн. - -Перемикач "Strings" дозволяє вибрати струну, чиї властивості редагуються. - -Перемикач "Imp" встановлює режим роботи струни: якщо він включений, то зазначена форма сигналу інтерпретується як початковий імпульс, інакше - як початкова форма струни. - -Перемикач "Octave" дозволяє вказати гармоніку основної частоти, на якій буде звучати струна. - -Редактор форми дозволяє явно вказати профіль струни в початковий момент часу, або її початковий імпульс. - -Ручка 'V' встановлює гучність поточної струни, 'S' - жорсткість, 'P' - місце, де притиснута струна, а 'PU' '- положення звукознімача. - -Ручка підстроювання і стереобалансу, сподіваємося не потребує пояснень. - -Ручка "Довжина" регулює довжину струни - -Індикатор-перемикач зліва внизу визначає, чи включена поточна струна. - - - + Enable waveform Включити сигнал - - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - Натисніть, щоб увімкнути/вимкнути сигнал. + + Enable/disable string + - + String Струна - - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. - Перемикач струн дозволяє вибрати струну, чиї властивості редагуються. Інструмент Vibed містить до дев'яти незалежно звучних струн, індикатор в лівому нижньому куті показує, активна чи поточна струна (тобто чи буде вона чутна). - - - + + Sine wave Синусоїда - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - Генерувати гармонійний (синусоїдальний) сигнал. - - - + + Triangle wave Трикутник - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - Генерувати трикутний сигнал. - - - + + Saw wave Зигзаг - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - Генерувати зигзагоподібний сигнал. - - - + + Square wave Квадратна хвиля - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - Генерувати квадрат. - - - - White noise wave + + + White noise Білий шум - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - Генерувати білий шум. - - - - User defined wave - Користувацька - - - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - Задати форму сигналу. - - - - Smooth - Згладити - - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - Клацніть щоб згладити форму сигналу. + + + User-defined wave + - - Normalize - Нормалізувати + + + Smooth waveform + Згладжений сигнал - - Click here to normalize waveform. - Натисніть, щоб нормалізувати сигнал. + + + Normalize waveform + - voiceObject + VoiceObject - + Voice %1 pulse width Голос %1 довжина сигналу - + Voice %1 attack Вступ %1-го голосу - + Voice %1 decay Згасання %1-го голосу - + Voice %1 sustain Витримка для %1-го голосу - + Voice %1 release Зменшення %1-го голосу - + Voice %1 coarse detuning Підналаштування %1-голосу (грубо) - + Voice %1 wave shape Форма сигналу для %1-го голосу - + Voice %1 sync Синхронізація %1-го голосу - + Voice %1 ring modulate Голос %1 кільцевий модулятор - + Voice %1 filtered Фільтрований %1-й голос - + Voice %1 test Голос %1 тест - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog - + INPUT ВХІД - + Input gain: Вхідне підсилення: - + OUTPUT ВИХІД - + Output gain: Вихідне підсилення: - - Reset waveform - Скидання сигналу - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - Натисніть тут, щоб скинути граф хвилі назад за замовчуванням - - - - Smooth waveform - Згладжений сигнал - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - Натисніть тут, щоб застосувати згладжування графа хвилі - - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - Збільште амплітуди графа хвилі на 1дБ + + + Reset wavegraph + - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Натисніть тут, щоб збільшити амплітуду графа хвилі на 1дБ + + + Smooth wavegraph + - - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - Зменшення амплітуди графа хвилі на 1дБ + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - Натисніть тут, щоб зменшити амплітуду графа хвилі на 1дБ + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - + Clip input Зрізати вхідний сигнал - - Clip input signal to 0dB - Зрізати вхідний сигнал до 0дБ + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls - + Input gain Вхідне підсилення - + Output gain Вихідне підсилення diff --git a/data/locale/zh_CN.ts b/data/locale/zh_CN.ts index b369f844574..63b22df9902 100644 --- a/data/locale/zh_CN.ts +++ b/data/locale/zh_CN.ts @@ -2,32 +2,63 @@ AboutDialog + About LMMS 关于LMMS - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) + + LMMS + LMMS + + + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). 版本 %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) + About 关于 - LMMS - easy music production for everyone + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. LMMS - 人人都是作曲家 + + Copyright © %1. + 版权所有 © %1 + + + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + + Authors 作者 + + Involved + 参与者 + + + + Contributors ordered by number of commits: + 贡献者名单(以提交次数排序): + + + Translation 翻译 + Current language not translated (or native English). - If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! 当前语言是中文(中国) @@ -35,67 +66,56 @@ If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to imp TonyChyi <tonychee1989 at gmail.com> Min Zhang <zm1990s at gmail.com> Jeff Bai <jeffbaichina at gmail.com> -Mingye Wang <arthur2e5@aosc.xyz> -Zixing Liu <liushuyu@aosc.xyz> +Mingye Wang <arthur2e5 at aosc.xyz> +Zixing Liu <liushuyu at aosc.xyz> 若你有兴趣提高翻译质量,请联系维护团队 (https://github.com/AOSC-Dev/translations)、之前的译者或本项目维护者! + License 许可证 - - LMMS - LMMS - - - Involved - 参与者 - - - Contributors ordered by number of commits: - 贡献者名单(以提交次数排序): - - - Copyright © %1 - 版权所有 © %1 - - - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - AmplifierControlDialog + VOL 音量 + Volume: 音量: + PAN 声相 + Panning: 声相: + LEFT + Left gain: 左增益: + RIGHT + Right gain: 右增益: @@ -103,18 +123,22 @@ Zixing Liu <liushuyu@aosc.xyz> AmplifierControls + Volume 音量 + Panning 声相 + Left gain 左增益 + Right gain 右增益 @@ -122,10 +146,12 @@ Zixing Liu <liushuyu@aosc.xyz> AudioAlsaSetupWidget + DEVICE 设备 + CHANNELS 声道数 @@ -133,85 +159,60 @@ Zixing Liu <liushuyu@aosc.xyz> AudioFileProcessorView - Open other sample - 打开其他采样 - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - 如果想打开另一个音频文件,请点击这里。接着会出现文件选择对话框。诸如环回模式(looping-mode),起始/结束点,放大值(amplify-value)之类的值不会被重置。因此听起来会和源采样有差异。 + + Open sample + 打开采样文件 + Reverse sample 反转采样 - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - 如果点击此按钮,整个采样将会被反转。能用于制作很酷的效果,例如reversed crash. - - - Amplify: - 放大: - - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - 此旋钮用于调整放大比率。当设为100% 时采样不会变化。除此之外,不是放大就是减弱(原始的采样文件不会被改变) - - - Startpoint: - 起始点: - - - Endpoint: - 终点: - - - Continue sample playback across notes - 跨音符继续播放采样 - - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - 启用此选项将使采样跨音符继续播放——如果你改变了音调,或者音长度在采样结尾之前停止,下一个音符将继续此采样的播放直到其停止。如需重置到采样的开头,插入一个键盘中最低的音符(< 20 Hz) - - + Disable loop 禁用循环 - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - 点击此按钮可以禁止循环播放。 - - + Enable loop 开启循环 - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - 点击此按钮后,Forwards-looping 会被打开,采样将在终止点(End Point)和循环点(Loop Point)之间播放。 + + Enable ping-pong loop + 启用往复循环 - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - 点击此按钮后,Ping-pong-looping 会被打开,采样将在终止点(End Point)和循环点(Loop Point)之间来回播放。 + + Continue sample playback across notes + 跨音符继续播放采样 - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - 调节此旋钮,以告诉 AudioFileProcessor 在哪里开始播放。 + + Amplify: + 放大: - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - 调节此旋钮,以告诉 AudioFileProcessor 在哪里停止播放。 + + Start point: + 循环起点 - Loopback point: - 循环点: + + End point: + 循环结束点 - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - 调节此旋钮,以设置循环开始的地方。 + + Loopback point: + 循环点: AudioFileProcessorWaveView + Sample length: 采样长度: @@ -219,447 +220,469 @@ Zixing Liu <liushuyu@aosc.xyz> AudioJack + JACK client restarted JACK客户端已重启 + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS由于某些原因与JACK断开连接,这可能是因为LMMS的JACK后端重启导致的,你需要手动重新连接。 + JACK server down JACK服务崩溃 + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. JACK服务好像崩溃了而且未能正常启动,LMMS不能正常工作,你需要保存你的工作然后重启JACK和LMMS。 - CLIENT-NAME + + Client name 客户端名称 - CHANNELS - 通道数 + + Channels + 通道 - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE + + Device 设备 - CHANNELS - 声道数 + + Channels + 通道 AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - BACKEND + + Backend 后端 - DEVICE + + Device 设备 - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE + + Device 设备 - CHANNELS - 声道数 + + Channels + 通道 AudioSdl::setupWidget - DEVICE + + Device 设备 - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE + + Device 设备 - CHANNELS - 通道数 + + Channels + 通道 AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - BACKEND + + Backend 后端 - DEVICE + + Device 设备 AutomatableModel + &Reset (%1%2) 重置(%1%2)(&R) + &Copy value (%1%2) 复制值(%1%2)(&C) + &Paste value (%1%2) 粘贴值(%1%2)(&P) + + &Paste value + 粘贴值 (&P) + + + Edit song-global automation 编辑歌曲全局自动控制 + + Remove song-global automation + 删除歌曲全局自动控制 + + + + Remove all linked controls + 删除所有已连接的控制器 + + + Connected to %1 连接到%1 + Connected to controller 连接到控制器 + Edit connection... 编辑连接... + Remove connection 删除连接 + Connect to controller... 连接到控制器... - - Remove song-global automation - 删除歌曲全局自动控制 - - - Remove all linked controls - 删除所有已连接的控制器 - AutomationEditor - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - 请使用控制的上下文菜单打开一个自动控制样式! + + Edit Value + + + + + New outValue + - Values copied - 值已复制 + + New inValue + - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - 所有选中的值已复制。 + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + 请使用控制的上下文菜单打开一个自动控制样式! AutomationEditorWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) 播放/暂停当前片段(空格) - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - 点击这里播放片段。编辑时很有用,片段会自动循环播放。 - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) 停止当前片段(空格) - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - 点击这里停止播放片段。 + + Edit actions + 编辑功能 + Draw mode (Shift+D) 绘制模式 (Shift+D) + Erase mode (Shift+E) 擦除模式 (Shift+E) + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically 垂直翻转 + Flip horizontally 水平翻转 - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - 点击这里图案将会沿 y 轴翻转。 - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - 点击这里图案将会沿 x 轴翻转。 - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - 点击这里启用绘制模式。在此模式下你可以增加或移动单个值。 大部分时间下默认使用此模式。你也可以按键盘上的 ‘Shift+D’激活此模式。 - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - 点击启用擦除模式。此模式下你可以擦除单个值。你可以按键盘上的 'Shift+E' 启用此模式。 + + Interpolation controls + 补间控制 + Discrete progression 离散步进 + Linear progression 线性步进 + Cubic Hermite progression 立方 Hermite 步进 + Tension value for spline 样条函数的张力值 - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - 更高的张力数值可以使图像更平滑,但也可能使某些数值严重偏移。更低的数值会导致每个控制点附近的曲线将会过度平缓。 - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - 单击此处为此自动化片段选择离散渐进模式。被连接对象的值在控制点之间将会保持不变,并在达到每个控制点时立即设置为新值。 - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - 单击此处选择为此自动化片段选择的线性渐进模式。被连接对象的值将在控制点之间随时间以稳定的速率改变,在每个控制点处达到正确的控制值,而不是突然地变化。 - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - 点击这里为此自动化片段选择立方 Hermite 渐进模式。被连接对象的值将以平滑的曲线变化,并会缓和峰值和谷值。 - - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - 剪切选定值 (%1+X) - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - 复制选定值 (%1+C) + + Tension: + 张力: - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - 从剪切板粘贴数值 (%1+V) + + Zoom controls + 缩放控制 - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - 点击这里,选择的值将会被剪切到剪切板。你可以使用粘贴按钮将它们粘贴到任意地方,存为任意片段。 + + Horizontal zooming + 水平缩放 - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - 点击这里,选择的值将会被复制到剪切板。你可以使用粘贴按钮将它们粘贴到任意地方,存为任意片段。 + + Vertical zooming + 垂直缩放 - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - 点击这里,选择的值将从剪贴板粘贴到第一个可见的小节。 + + Quantization controls + 量化控制 - Tension: - 张力: + + Quantization + 量化控制 - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip 自动控制编辑器 - 没有片段 + + Automation Editor - %1 自动控制编辑器 - %1 - Edit actions - 编辑功能 - - - Interpolation controls - 补间控制 - - - Timeline controls - 时间线控制 - - - Zoom controls - 缩放控制 - - - Quantization controls - 量化控制 - - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. 模型已连接到此片段。 - - Quantization - 量化控制 - - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - - - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip + Drag a control while pressing <%1> 按住<%1>拖动控制器 - AutomationPatternView + AutomationClipView + Open in Automation editor 在自动编辑器(Automation editor)中打开 + Clear 清除 + Reset name 重置名称 + Change name 修改名称 - %1 Connections - %1个连接 - - - Disconnect "%1" - 断开“%1”的连接 - - + Set/clear record 设置/清除录制 + Flip Vertically (Visible) 垂直翻转 (可见) + Flip Horizontally (Visible) 水平翻转 (可见) - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + %1 Connections + %1个连接 + + + + Disconnect "%1" + 断开“%1”的连接 + + + + Model is already connected to this clip. 模型已连接到此片段。 AutomationTrack + Automation track 自动控制轨道 - BBEditor + PatternEditor + Beat+Bassline Editor 节拍+低音线编辑器 + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) 播放/暂停当前节拍/低音线(空格) + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) 停止播放当前节拍/低音线(空格) - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - 点击这里停止播放当前节拍/低音线。当结束时节拍/低音线会自动循环播放。 + + Beat selector + 节拍选择器 - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - 点击这里停止播发当前节拍/低音线。 + + Track and step actions + 音轨和音阶动作 + Add beat/bassline 添加节拍/低音线 + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + + Add sample-track + 添加采样轨道 + + + Add automation-track 添加自动控制轨道 + Remove steps 移除音阶 + Add steps 添加音阶 - Beat selector - 节拍选择器 - - - Track and step actions - 音轨和音阶动作 - - + Clone Steps 克隆音阶 - - Add sample-track - 添加采样轨道 - - BBTCOView + PatternClipView + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor 在节拍+Bassline编辑器中打开 + Reset name 重置名称 + Change name 修改名称 - - Change color - 改变颜色 - - - Reset color to default - 重置颜色 - - BBTrack + PatternTrack + Beat/Bassline %1 节拍/Bassline %1 + Clone of %1 %1 的副本 @@ -667,26 +690,32 @@ Zixing Liu <liushuyu@aosc.xyz> BassBoosterControlDialog + FREQ 频率 + Frequency: 频率: + GAIN 增益 + Gain: 增益: + RATIO 比率 + Ratio: 比率: @@ -694,14 +723,17 @@ Zixing Liu <liushuyu@aosc.xyz> BassBoosterControls + Frequency 频率 + Gain 增益 + Ratio 比率 @@ -709,9574 +741,15605 @@ Zixing Liu <liushuyu@aosc.xyz> BitcrushControlDialog + IN 输入 + OUT 输出 + + GAIN 增益 - Input Gain: + + Input gain: 输入增益: - Input Noise: - 输入噪音: + + NOISE + 噪音 + + + + Input noise: + 输入噪音 - Output Gain: + + Output gain: 输出增益: + CLIP 压限 - Output Clip: - 输出压限: + + Output clip: + 输出截幅 - Rate Enabled - + + Rate enabled + 采样率缩减至 + + + + Enable sample-rate crushing + 启用采样率缩减 - Enable samplerate-crushing - 启用采样率破坏 + + Depth enabled + 位深缩减至 - Depth Enabled - 深度已启用 + + Enable bit-depth crushing + 启用位深缩减 - Enable bitdepth-crushing - 启用位深破坏 + + FREQ + 频率 + Sample rate: 采样率: + + STEREO + 立体效果 + + + Stereo difference: 双声道差异: + + QUANT + 数量 + + + Levels: 级别: + + + BitcrushControls - NOISE - 噪音 + + Input gain + 输入增益 - FREQ - 频率 + + Input noise + 输入噪音 - STEREO - + + Output gain + 输出增益 - QUANT - + + Output clip + 输出截辐 - - - CaptionMenu - &Help - 帮助(&H) + + Sample rate + 采样率 - Help (not available) - 帮助(不可用) + + Stereo difference + 左右声道差异 - - - CarlaInstrumentView - Show GUI - 显示图形界面 + + Levels + 级别 - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - 点击此处可以显示或隐藏 Carla 的图形界面。 + + Rate enabled + 采样率缩减至 - - - Controller - Controller %1 - 控制器%1 + + Depth enabled + 位深缩减至 - ControllerConnectionDialog + CarlaAboutW - Connection Settings - 连接设置 + + About Carla + 关于Carla - MIDI CONTROLLER - MIDI控制器 + + About + 关于 - Input channel - 输入通道 + + About text here + 说明文字 - CHANNEL - 通道 + + Extended licensing here + 使用许可补充 - Input controller - 输入控制器 + + Artwork + - CONTROLLER - 控制器 + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - Auto Detect - 自动检测 + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - 用来接收 MIDI 事件的MIDI 设备 + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - USER CONTROLLER - 用户控制器 + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - MAPPING FUNCTION - 映射函数 + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - OK - 确定 + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - Cancel - 取消 + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - LMMS - LMMS + + Features + - Cycle Detected. - 检测到环路。 + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - - ControllerRackView - Controller Rack - 控制器机架 + + LADSPA: + - Add - 增加 + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Confirm Delete - 删除前确认 + + VST2: + - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - 确定要删除吗?此控制器仍处于被连接状态。此操作不可撤销。 + + DSSI: + - - - ControllerView - Controls - 控制器 + + LV2: + - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - 控制器可以自动控制旋钮,滑块和其他控件的值。 + + VST3: + - Rename controller - 重命名控制器 + + OSC + - Enter the new name for this controller - 输入这个控制器的新名称 + + Host URLs: + - &Remove this controller - 删除此控制器(&R) + + Valid commands: + - Re&name this controller - 重命名控制器(&N) + + valid osc commands here + - LFO - LFO + + Example: + - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - Band 1/2 Crossover: - + + License + 许可证 - Band 2/3 Crossover: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - Band 3/4 Crossover: + + OSC Bridge Version - Band 1 Gain: - 频段1增益: + + Plugin Version + - Band 2 Gain: - 频段2增益: + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> + - Band 3 Gain: - 频段3增益: + + + (Engine not running) + - Band 4 Gain: - 频段4增益: + + Everything! (Including LRDF) + - Band 1 Mute - 频段1静音: + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) + - Mute Band 1 - 静音频段1: + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> + - Band 2 Mute + + + + Using Juce host - Mute Band 2 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) + + + CarlaHostW - Band 3 Mute + + MainWindow - Mute Band 3 + + Rack - Band 4 Mute + + Patchbay - Mute Band 4 + + Logs - - - DelayControls - Delay Samples - 延迟采样 + + Loading... + - Feedback - 反馈 + + Buffer Size: + - Lfo Frequency - Lfo 频率 + + Sample Rate: + - Lfo Amount - Lfo 数量 + + ? Xruns + - Output gain - 输出增益 + + DSP Load: %p% + - - - DelayControlsDialog - Lfo Amt - Lfo 数量 + + &File + 文件(&F) - Delay Time - 延迟时间 + + &Engine + - Feedback Amount - 反馈数量 + + &Plugin + - Lfo - Lfo + + Macros (all plugins) + - Out Gain - 输出增益 + + &Canvas + - Gain - 增益 + + Zoom + - DELAY - 延迟 + + &Settings + - FDBK - 反馈 + + &Help + 帮助(&H) - RATE + + toolBar - AMNT - 数量 + + Disk + - - - DualFilterControlDialog - Filter 1 enabled - 已启用过滤器 1 + + + Home + Home - Filter 2 enabled - 已启用过滤器 2 + + Transport + - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - 点击启用/禁用过滤器 1 + + Playback Controls + - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - 点击启用/禁用过滤器 2 + + Time Information + - FREQ - 频率 + + Frame: + - Cutoff frequency - 切除频率 + + 000'000'000 + - RESO - 共鸣 + + Time: + 时间: - Resonance - 共鸣 + + 00:00:00 + - GAIN - 增益 + + BBT: + - Gain - 增益 + + 000|00|0000 + - MIX - 混音 + + Settings + 设置 - Mix - 混合 + + BPM + - - - DualFilterControls - Filter 1 enabled - 过滤器1 已启用 + + Use JACK Transport + - Filter 1 type - 过滤器 1 类型 + + Use Ableton Link + - Cutoff 1 frequency - 滤波器 1 截频 + + &New + 新建(&N) - Q/Resonance 1 - 滤波器 1 Q值 + + Ctrl+N + - Gain 1 - 增益 1 + + &Open... + 打开(&O)... - Mix - 混合 + + + Open... + - Filter 2 enabled - 已启用过滤器 2 + + Ctrl+O + - Filter 2 type - 过滤器 1 类型 {2 ?} + + &Save + 保存(&S) - Cutoff 2 frequency - 滤波器 2 截频 + + Ctrl+S + - Q/Resonance 2 - 滤波器 2 Q值 + + Save &As... + 另存为(&A)... - Gain 2 - 增益 2 + + + Save As... + - LowPass - 低通 + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - HiPass - 高通 + + &Quit + 退出(&Q) - BandPass csg - 带通 csg + + Ctrl+Q + - BandPass czpg - 带通 czpg + + &Start + - Notch - 凹口滤波器 + + F5 + - Allpass - 全通 + + St&op + - Moog - Moog + + F6 + - 2x LowPass - 2 个低通串联 + + &Add Plugin... + - RC LowPass 12dB - RC 低通(12dB) + + Ctrl+A + - RC BandPass 12dB - RC 带通(12dB) + + &Remove All + - RC HighPass 12dB - RC 高通(12dB) + + Enable + - RC LowPass 24dB - RC 低通(24dB) + + Disable + - RC BandPass 24dB - RC 带通(24dB) + + 0% Wet (Bypass) + - RC HighPass 24dB - RC 高通(24dB) + + 100% Wet + - Vocal Formant Filter - 人声移除过滤器 + + 0% Volume (Mute) + - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + 100% Volume + - SV LowPass - SV 低通 + + Center Balance + - SV BandPass - SV 带通 + + &Play + - SV HighPass - SV 高通 + + Ctrl+Shift+P + - SV Notch - SV Notch + + &Stop + - Fast Formant - 快速共振峰(Formant) + + Ctrl+Shift+X + - Tripole - Tripole + + &Backwards + - - - Editor - Play (Space) - 播放(空格) + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - Stop (Space) - 停止(空格) + + &Forwards + - Record - 录音 + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - Record while playing - 播放时录音 + + &Arrange + - Transport controls + + Ctrl+G - - - Effect - Effect enabled - 启用效果器 + + + &Refresh + - Wet/Dry mix - 干/湿混合 + + Ctrl+R + - Gate - 门限 + + Save &Image... + - Decay - 衰减 + + Auto-Fit + - - - EffectChain - Effects enabled - 启用效果器 + + Zoom In + - - - EffectRackView - EFFECTS CHAIN - 效果器链 + + Ctrl++ + - Add effect - 增加效果器 + + Zoom Out + - - - EffectSelectDialog - Add effect - 增加效果器 + + Ctrl+- + - Name - 名称 + + Zoom 100% + - Type - 类型 + + Ctrl+1 + - Description - 描述 + + Show &Toolbar + - Author - 作者 + + &Configure Carla + - - - EffectView - Toggles the effect on or off. - 打开或关闭效果. + + &About + - On/Off - 开/关 + + About &JUCE + - W/D - W/D + + About &Qt + - Wet Level: - 效果度: + + Show Canvas &Meters + - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - 旋转干湿度旋钮以调整原信号与有效果的信号的比例。 + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - DECAY - 衰减 + + Show Internal + - Time: - 时间: + + Show External + - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - 衰减旋钮控制在插件停止工作前,缓冲区中加入的静音时常。较小的数值会降低CPU占用率但是可能导致延迟或混响产生撕裂。 + + Show Time Panel + - GATE - 门限 + + Show &Side Panel + - Gate: - 门限: + + &Connect... + - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - 门限旋钮设置自动静音时,被认为是静音的信号幅度。 + + Compact Slots + - Controls - 控制 + + Expand Slots + - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. + + Perform secret 1 - Move &up - 向上移(&U) + + Perform secret 2 + - Move &down - 向下移(&D) + + Perform secret 3 + - &Remove this plugin - 移除此插件(&R) + + Perform secret 4 + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - Predelay - 预延迟 + + Perform secret 5 + - Attack - 打进声 + + Add &JACK Application... + - Hold - 保持 + + &Configure driver... + - Decay - 衰减 + + Panic + - Sustain - 持续 + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - Release - 释放 + + Export as... + - Modulation - 调制 + + + + + Error + 错误 - LFO Predelay - LFO 预延迟 + + Failed to load project + - LFO Attack - LFO 打进声(attack) + + Failed to save project + - LFO speed - LFO 速度 + + Quit + 退出 - LFO Modulation - LFO 调制 + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - LFO Wave Shape - LFO 波形形状 + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - Freq x 100 - 频率 x 100 + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - Modulate Env-Amount - 调制所有包络 + + Warning + 警告 + + + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + - EnvelopeAndLfoView + CarlaInstrumentView - DEL - DEL + + Show GUI + 显示图形界面 + + + CarlaSettingsW - Predelay: - 预延迟: + + Settings + 设置 - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - 使用预延迟旋钮设定此包络的预延迟,较大的值会加长包络开始的时间。 + + main + - ATT - 打击 + + canvas + - Attack: - 打击声: + + engine + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - 使用起音旋钮设定此包络的起音时间,较大的值会让包络达到起音值的时间增加。为钢琴等乐器选择小值而弦乐选择大值。 + + osc + - HOLD - 持续 + + file-paths + - Hold: - 持续: + + plugin-paths + - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - 使用持续旋钮设定此包络的持续时间。较大的值会在它衰减到持续值时,保持包络在起音值更久。 + + wine + - DEC - 衰减 + + experimental + - Decay: - 衰减: + + Widget + - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - 使用衰减旋钮设定此包络的衰减值。较大的值会延长包络从起音值衰减到持续值的时间。为钢琴等乐器选择一个小值。 + + + Main + - SUST - 持续 + + + Canvas + - Sustain: - 持续: + + + Engine + - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - 使用持续旋钮设置此包络的持续值,较大的值会增加释放前,包络在此保持的值。 + + File Paths + - REL - 释音 + + Plugin Paths + - Release: - 释音: + + Wine + - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - 使用释音旋钮设定此包络的释音时间,较大值会增加包络衰减到零的时间。为弦乐等乐器选择一个大值。 + + + Experimental + - AMT - 数量 + + <b>Main</b> + - Modulation amount: - 调制量: + + Paths + 路径 - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - 使用调制量旋钮设置LFO对此包络的调制量,较大的值会对此包络控制的值(如音量或截频)影响更大。 + + Default project folder: + - LFO predelay: - LFO 预延迟: + + Interface + - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. - 此参数可设置当前LFO的延迟时间,数值越大则LFO开始生效前的时间约长。 + + Interface refresh interval: + - LFO- attack: - LFO 打击声 (attack): + + + ms + - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. - 此参数可设置当前LFO的打进时间,数值越大则LFO逐渐增至最大振幅所需时间越长。 + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) + - SPD - 速度 + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - LFO speed: - LFO 速度: + + + Theme + 主题 - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. - 使用此旋钮来调整当前 LFO 的速度,较大的值会使 LFO 振动速度更快,并且你的音频效果也会更快。 + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. - 使用调制量旋钮设置 LFO 的调制量,较大的值会所选值(如音量或截频)影响更大。 + + Color scheme: + - Click here for a sine-wave. - 点击这里使用正弦波。 + + Black + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - 点击这里使用三角波。 + + System + - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - 点击这里使用锯齿波。 + + Enable experimental features + - Click here for a square-wave. - 点击这里使用方波。 + + <b>Canvas</b> + - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - 单击此处可设置自定义波形,单击后拖拽相应的波形采样文件至LFO图像处。 + + Bezier Lines + - FREQ x 100 - 频率 x 100 + + Theme: + - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - 如果此 LFO 频率需要乘以 100 倍,请点击这里。 + + Size: + - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 - 将 LFO 频率扩大 100 倍 + + 775x600 + - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT - 调制包络量 + + 1550x1200 + - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. - 点击此处使包络数量由此 LFO 控制。 + + 3100x2400 + - control envelope-amount by this LFO - 控制此 LFO 的包络数量 + + 4650x3600 + - ms/LFO: - ms/LFO: + + 6200x4800 + - Hint - 提示 + + Options + - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - 从别处拖动采样到此窗口。 + + Auto-hide groups with no ports + - Click here for random wave. - 点击这里使用随机波形。 + + Auto-select items on hover + - - - EqControls - Input gain - 输入增益 + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) + - Output gain - 输出增益 + + Render Hints + - Low shelf gain + + Anti-Aliasing - Peak 1 gain + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) - Peak 2 gain + + <b>Engine</b> - Peak 3 gain + + + Core - Peak 4 gain + + Single Client - High Shelf gain + + Multiple Clients - HP res + + + Continuous Rack - Low Shelf res + + + Patchbay - Peak 1 BW + + Audio driver: - Peak 2 BW + + Process mode: - Peak 3 BW + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog - Peak 4 BW + + Max Parameters: - High Shelf res + + ... - LP res + + Reset Xrun counter after project load - HP freq + + Plugin UIs - Low Shelf freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - Peak 1 freq + + UI Bridge Timeout: - Peak 2 freq + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - Peak 3 freq + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible - Peak 4 freq + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top - High shelf freq + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - LP freq + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - HP active + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings - Low shelf active + + <b>OSC</b> - Peak 1 active + + Enable OSC - Peak 2 active + + Enable TCP port - Peak 3 active + + + Use specific port: - Peak 4 active + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var - High shelf active + + + Use randomly assigned port - LP active + + Enable UDP port - LP 12 - 低通12dB + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var + - LP 24 - 低通24dB + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled + - LP 48 - 低通48dB + + <b>File Paths</b> + - HP 12 - 高通12dB + + Audio + 音频 - HP 24 - 高通24dB + + MIDI + MIDI - HP 48 - 高通48dB + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin + - low pass type - 低通类型 + + Used for the "midifile" plugin + - high pass type - 高通类型 + + + Add... + 添加... - Analyse IN - 分析输入 + + + Remove + 移除 - Analyse OUT - 分析输出 + + + Change... + - - - EqControlsDialog - HP + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> - Low Shelf + + LADSPA - Peak 1 + + DSSI - Peak 2 + + LV2 - Peak 3 + + VST2 - Peak 4 + + VST3 - High Shelf + + SF2/3 - LP + + SFZ - In Gain + + Restart Carla to find new plugins - Gain - 增益 + + <b>Wine</b> + - Out Gain - 输出增益 + + Executable + - Bandwidth: - 带宽: + + Path to 'wine' binary: + - Resonance : - 共鸣: + + Prefix + - Frequency: - 频率: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename + - lp grp + + Fallback: - hp grp + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback - Octave + + Realtime Priority - - - EqHandle - Reso: - 共鸣: + + Base priority: + - BW: + + WineServer priority: - Freq: - 频率: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - - - ExportProjectDialog - Export project - 导出工程 + + <b>Experimental</b> + - Output - 输出 + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - File format: - 文件格式: + + Enable plugin bridges + - Samplerate: - 采样率: + + Enable Wine bridges + - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + Enable jack applications + - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - Bitrate: - 码率: + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) + - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" + - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. + - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + Force mono plugins as stereo + - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - Depth: - 位深: + + + + + Add Path + + + + CompressorControlDialog - 16 Bit Integer - 16 位整形 + + Threshold: + - 32 Bit Float - 32 位浮点型 + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - Quality settings - 质量设置 + + Ratio: + 比率: - Interpolation: - 补间: + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - Zero Order Hold - 零阶保持 + + Attack: + 打击声: - Sinc Fastest - 最快 Sinc 补间 + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - Sinc Medium (recommended) - 中等 Sinc 补间 (推荐) + + Release: + 释音: - Sinc Best (very slow!) - 最佳 Sinc 补间 (很慢!) + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - Oversampling (use with care!): - 过采样 (请谨慎使用!): + + Knee: + - 1x (None) - 1x (无) + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - 2x - 2x + + Range: + - 4x - 4x + + Maximum gain reduction + - 8x - 8x + + Lookahead Length: + - Start - 开始 + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - Cancel - 取消 + + Hold: + 持续: - Export as loop (remove end silence) - 导出为回环loop(移除结尾的静音) + + Delay between attack and release stages + - Export between loop markers - 只导出回环标记中间的部分 + + RMS Size: + - Could not open file - 无法打开文件 + + Size of the RMS buffer + - Export project to %1 - 导出项目到 %1 + + Input Balance: + - Error - 错误 + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - 寻找文件编码设备时出错。请使用另外一种输出格式。 + + Output Balance: + - Rendering: %1% - 渲染中:%1% + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - 无法写入文件 %1 -请确保您有对该文件以及包含该文件目录的写入权限! + + Stereo Balance: + - 24 Bit Integer - 24位整数 + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - Use variable bitrate + + Stereo Link Blend: - Stereo mode: + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - Stereo + + Tilt Gain: - Joint Stereo + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - Mono + + Tilt Frequency: - Compression level: + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - (fastest) + + Mix: - (default) + + Balance between wet and dry signals - (smallest) + + Auto Attack: - - - Expressive - Selected graph - 选定的图像 + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor + - A1 + + Auto Release: - A2 + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - A3 + + Output gain + 输出增益 + + + + + Gain + 增益 + + + + Output volume - W1 smoothing + + Input gain + 输入增益 + + + + Input volume - W2 smoothing + + Root Mean Square - W3 smoothing + + Use RMS of the input - PAN1 + + Peak - PAN2 + + Use absolute value of the input - REL TRANS + + Left/Right - - - Fader - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - 请输入一个介于%1和%2之间的数值: + + Compress left and right audio + - - - FileBrowser - Browser - 浏览器 + + Mid/Side + - Search + + Compress mid and side audio - Refresh list + + Compressor - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - Send to active instrument-track - 发送到活跃的乐器轨道 + + Compress the audio + - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - 在新乐器轨道/B+B 编辑器中打开 + + Limiter + - Loading sample - 加载采样中 + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) + - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - 请稍候,加载采样中... + + Unlinked + - --- Factory files --- - ---软件自带文件--- + + Compress each channel separately + - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - 在新的乐器轨道/歌曲编辑器中打开 + + Maximum + - Error - 错误 + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - does not appear to be a valid - 并不是一个有效的 + + Average + - file - 文件 + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume + - - - FlangerControls - Delay Samples - 延迟采样 + + Minimum + - Lfo Frequency - Lfo 频率 + + Compress based on the quietest channel + - Seconds - + + Blend + - Regen + + Blend between stereo linking modes - Noise - 噪音 + + Auto Makeup Gain + - Invert - 反转 + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - Delay Time: - 延迟时间: + + + Soft Clip + - Feedback Amount: - 反馈数量: + + Play the delta signal + - White Noise Amount: - 白噪音数量: + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - DELAY - 延迟 + + Lookahead Enabled + - RATE + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + + + CompressorControls - AMNT - 数量 + + Threshold + - Amount: - 数量: + + Ratio + 比率 - FDBK - 反馈 + + Attack + 打击声 - NOISE - 噪音 + + Release + 释放 - Invert - 反转 + + Knee + - Period: + + Hold + 保持 + + + + Range - - - FxLine - Channel send amount - 通道发送的数量 + + RMS Size + - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - 效果通道会从一个或多个乐器轨道接收输入。 -它还能被接着接入其他多个效果通道。LMMS 会自动防止无限死循环的发生,并且不会让你连接出一个死循环。 - -如果你想将一个通道连接到另一个通道,选择第一个效果通道并且在你想连接的通道上点击“发送(Send)” 按钮。在发送按钮下面的旋钮将会控制发送到目标通道信号的强度。 - -你可以通过右击效果通道弹出的上下文菜单移动和删除效果通道。 - + + Mid/Side + - Move &left - 向左移(&L) + + Peak Mode + - Move &right - 向右移(&R) + + Lookahead Length + - Rename &channel - 重命名通道(&C) + + Input Balance + - R&emove channel - 删除通道(&E) + + Output Balance + - Remove &unused channels - 移除所有未用通道(&U) + + Limiter + - - - FxMixer - Master - 主控 + + Output Gain + - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Input Gain + - Volume - 音量 + + Blend + - Mute - 静音 + + Stereo Balance + - Solo - 独奏 + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - - FxMixerView - FX-Mixer - 效果混合器 + + Audition + - FX Fader %1 - FX 衰减器 %1 + + Feedback + 反馈 - Mute - 静音 + + Auto Attack + - Mute this FX channel - 静音此效果通道 + + Auto Release + - Solo - 独奏 + + Lookahead + - Solo FX channel - 独奏效果通道 + + Tilt + + + + + Tilt Frequency + + + + + Stereo Link + + + + + Mix + 混合 - FxRoute + Controller - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - 从通道 %1 发送到通道 %2 的量 + + Controller %1 + 控制器%1 - GigInstrument + ControllerConnectionDialog - Bank - + + Connection Settings + 连接设置 - Patch - 音色 + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI控制器 - Gain - 增益 + + Input channel + 输入通道 - - - GigInstrumentView - Open other GIG file - 打开另外的 GIG 文件 + + CHANNEL + 通道 - Click here to open another GIG file - 点击这里打开另外一个 GIG 文件 + + Input controller + 输入控制器 - Choose the patch - 选择路径 + + CONTROLLER + 控制器 - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - 点击这里选择另一种 GIG 音色 + + + Auto Detect + 自动检测 - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - 更换正在使用的 GIG 文件中的乐器 + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + 用来接收 MIDI 事件的MIDI 设备 - Which GIG file is currently being used - 哪一个 GIG 文件正在被使用 + + USER CONTROLLER + 用户控制器 - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - GIG 文件的哪一个音色正在被使用 + + MAPPING FUNCTION + 映射函数 - Gain - 增益 + + OK + 确定 - Factor to multiply samples by - + + Cancel + 取消 - Open GIG file - 打开 GIG 文件 + + LMMS + LMMS - GIG Files (*.gig) - GIG 文件 (*.gig) + + Cycle Detected. + 检测到环路。 - GuiApplication + ControllerRackView - Working directory - 工作目录 + + Controller Rack + 控制器机架 - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - LMMS工作目录%1不存在,现在新建一个吗?你可以稍后在 编辑 -> 设置 中更改此设置。 + + Add + 增加 - Preparing UI - 正在准备界面 + + Confirm Delete + 删除前确认 - Preparing song editor - 正在准备歌曲编辑器 + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + 确定要删除吗?此控制器仍处于被连接状态。此操作不可撤销。 + + + ControllerView - Preparing mixer - 正在准备混音器 + + Controls + 控制器 - Preparing controller rack - 正在准备控制机架 + + Rename controller + 重命名控制器 - Preparing project notes - 正在准备工程注释 + + Enter the new name for this controller + 输入这个控制器的新名称 - Preparing beat/bassline editor - 正在准备节拍/低音线编辑器 + + LFO + LFO - Preparing piano roll - 正在准备钢琴窗 + + &Remove this controller + 删除此控制器(&R) - Preparing automation editor - 正在准备自动编辑器 + + Re&name this controller + 重命名控制器(&N) - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + CrossoverEQControlDialog - Arpeggio - 琶音 + + Band 1/2 crossover: + - Arpeggio type - 琶音类型 + + Band 2/3 crossover: + - Arpeggio range - 琶音范围 + + Band 3/4 crossover: + - Arpeggio time - 琶音时间 + + Band 1 gain + - Arpeggio gate - 琶音门限 + + Band 1 gain: + - Arpeggio direction - 琶音方向 + + Band 2 gain + - Arpeggio mode - 琶音模式 + + Band 2 gain: + - Up - 向上 + + Band 3 gain + - Down - 向下 + + Band 3 gain: + - Up and down - 上和下 + + Band 4 gain + - Random - 随机 + + Band 4 gain: + - Free - 自由 + + Band 1 mute + - Sort - 排序 + + Mute band 1 + - Sync - 同步 + + Band 2 mute + - Down and up - 下和上 + + Mute band 2 + - Skip rate - 跳过率 + + Band 3 mute + - Miss rate - 丢失率 + + Mute band 3 + - Cycle steps + + Band 4 mute + + + + + Mute band 4 - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + DelayControls - ARPEGGIO - 琶音 + + Delay samples + - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. - 琶音(arpeggio)是一种乐器(主要是弹拨乐器)的演奏技巧,能让音乐更生动。这类乐器(例如竖琴)的弦以和弦的方式弹奏,与和弦的区别在于这些音符是依次奏出的,而不是同时弹奏。典型的琶音有大小三和弦,此外你还可以选择其他多种和弦的形式。 + + Feedback + 反馈 - RANGE - 范围 + + LFO frequency + - Arpeggio range: - 琶音范围: + + LFO amount + - octave(s) - 八度音 + + Output gain + 输出增益 + + + DelayControlsDialog - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. - 此参数设置的是琶音的八度范围,你所选的琶音会被限定在指定的八度数范围内。 + + DELAY + 延迟 - TIME - 时长 + + Delay time + - Arpeggio time: - 琶音时间: + + FDBK + 反馈 - ms - 毫秒 + + Feedback amount + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. - 此参数设置的是每个琶音音符的时长,单位是毫秒。 + + RATE + - GATE - 门限 + + LFO frequency + - Arpeggio gate: - 琶音门限: + + AMNT + 数量 - % - % + + LFO amount + - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. - 此参数设置的是琶音音符的门限。琶音音符的门限决定了每个音符发声部分占音符时长的百分比,你可以利用这个参数构造出断奏式的琶音。 + + Out gain + - Chord: - 和弦: + + Gain + 增益 + + + Dialog - Direction: - 方向: + + Add JACK Application + - Mode: - 模式: + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - SKIP - 跳过 + + Application + - Skip rate: - 跳过率: + + Name: + - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. - 跳过方程可以让琶音器随机地暂停一拍, 在逆时针的起始位置时不停拍,到最大值时完全停止琶音。 + + Application: + - MISS - 丢失 + + From template + - Miss rate: - 丢失率: + + Custom + - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - 丢失功能将会使琶音器故意丢掉你想要其丢掉的音符。 + + Template: + - CYCLE - 循环 + + Command: + - Cycle notes: - 循环音符: + + Setup + 设置 - note(s) - 音符 + + Session Manager: + - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. - + + None + - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking - octave - octave + + Audio inputs: + 音频输入: - Major - Major + + MIDI inputs: + MIDI输入: - Majb5 - Majb5 + + Audio outputs: + 音频输出: - minor - minor + + MIDI outputs: + MIDI输出: - minb5 - minb5 + + Take control of main application window + - sus2 - sus2 + + Workarounds + - sus4 - sus4 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - aug - aug + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - tri - tri + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - 6 - 6 + + Error here + - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + Carla Control - Connect + - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Remote setup + - m6 - m6 + + UDP Port: + - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Remote host: + - 7 - 7 + + TCP Port: + - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Reported host + - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Automatic + - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Custom: + - 7#9 - 7#9 + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + - 7b9 - 7b9 + + Set value + 设置值 - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + TextLabel + - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Scale Points + + + + DriverSettingsW - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Driver Settings + - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Device: + - 7add13 - 7add13 + + Buffer size: + - 7#11 - 7#11 + + Sample rate: + 采样率: - Maj7 - Maj7 + + Triple buffer + - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + Show Driver Control Panel + - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + DualFilterControlDialog - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + + FREQ + 频率 - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + + Cutoff frequency + 切除频率 - m7 - m7 + + + RESO + 共鸣 - m7b5 - m7b5 + + + Resonance + 共鸣 - m7b9 - m7b9 + + + GAIN + 增益 - m7add11 - m7add11 + + + Gain + 增益 - m7add13 - m7add13 + + MIX + 混音 - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Mix + 混合 + + Filter 1 enabled + 已启用过滤器 1 + + + + Filter 2 enabled + 已启用过滤器 2 + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + 过滤器1 已启用 + + + + Filter 1 type + 过滤器 1 类型 + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + 滤波器 1 Q值 + + + + Gain 1 + 增益 1 + + + + Mix + 混合 + + + + Filter 2 enabled + 已启用过滤器 2 + + + + Filter 2 type + 过滤器 1 类型 {2 ?} + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + 滤波器 2 Q值 + + + + Gain 2 + 增益 2 + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + 凹口滤波器 + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + 快速共振峰(Formant) + + + + + Tripole + Tripole + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + 传输控制 + + + + Play (Space) + 播放(空格) + + + + Stop (Space) + 停止(空格) + + + + Record + 录音 + + + + Record while playing + 播放时录音 + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + 启用效果器 + + + + Wet/Dry mix + 干/湿混合 + + + + Gate + 门限 + + + + Decay + 衰减 + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + 启用效果器 + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + 效果器链 + + + + Add effect + 增加效果器 + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + 增加效果器 + + + + + Name + 名称 + + + + Type + 类型 + + + + Description + 描述 + + + + Author + 作者 + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + 开/关 + + + + W/D + W/D + + + + Wet Level: + 效果度: + + + + DECAY + 衰减 + + + + Time: + 时间: + + + + GATE + 门限 + + + + Gate: + 门限: + + + + Controls + 控制 + + + + Move &up + 向上移(&U) + + + + Move &down + 向下移(&D) + + + + &Remove this plugin + 移除此插件(&R) + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + DEL + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + 打击 + + + + + Attack: + 打击声: + + + + HOLD + 持续 + + + + Hold: + 持续: + + + + DEC + 衰减 + + + + Decay: + 衰减: + + + + SUST + 持续 + + + + Sustain: + 持续: + + + + REL + 释音 + + + + Release: + 释音: + + + + + AMT + 数量 + + + + + Modulation amount: + 调制量: + + + + SPD + 速度 + + + + Frequency: + 频率: + + + + FREQ x 100 + 频率 x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + ms/LFO: + + + + Hint + 提示 + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + 输入增益 + + + + Output gain + 输出增益 + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + 峰值1增幅 + + + + Peak 2 gain + 峰值2增幅 + + + + Peak 3 gain + 峰值3增幅 + + + + Peak 4 gain + 峰值4增幅 + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + 高通谐振 + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + 低通谐振 + + + + HP freq + 高通截频 + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + 峰值1频率 + + + + Peak 2 freq + 峰值2频率 + + + + Peak 3 freq + 峰值3频率 + + + + Peak 4 freq + 峰值4频率 + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + 低通截频 + + + + HP active + 高通启用 + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + 峰值1启用 + + + + Peak 2 active + 峰值2启用 + + + + Peak 3 active + 峰值3启用 + + + + Peak 4 active + 峰值4启用 + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + 低通启用 + + + + LP 12 + 低通12dB + + + + LP 24 + 低通24dB + + + + LP 48 + 低通48dB + + + + HP 12 + 高通12dB + + + + HP 24 + 高通24dB + + + + HP 48 + 高通48dB + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + 分析输入 + + + + Analyse OUT + 分析输出 + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + 高通 + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + 峰值1 + + + + Peak 2 + 峰值2 + + + + Peak 3 + 峰值3 + + + + Peak 4 + 峰值4 + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + 低通 + + + + Input gain + 输入增益 + + + + + + Gain + 增益 + + + + Output gain + 输出增益 + + + + Bandwidth: + 带宽: + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + 共鸣: + + + + Frequency: + 频率: + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + 共鸣: + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + 频率: + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + 导出工程 + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + 导出为回环loop(移除结尾的静音) + + + + Export between loop markers + 只导出回环标记中间的部分 + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + 文件格式设置 + + + + File format: + 文件格式: + + + + Sampling rate: + 采样率: + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + 位深: + + + + 16 Bit integer + 16 位整数 + + + + 24 Bit integer + 24 位整数 + + + + 32 Bit float + 32 位浮点 + + + + Stereo mode: + 双声道模式: + + + + Mono + 单声道 + + + + Stereo + 双声道 + + + + Joint stereo + 联合立体声 + + + + Compression level: + 压缩级别: + + + + Bitrate: + 码率: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + 使用可变比特率 + + + + Quality settings + 质量设置 + + + + Interpolation: + 补间: + + + + Zero order hold + 零阶保持 + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + 快速 Sinc 补间 (最快) + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + 中等 Sinc 补间 (推荐) + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + 最佳 Sinc 补间 (很慢!) + + + + Oversampling: + 过采样: + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (无) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + 开始 + + + + Cancel + 取消 + + + + Could not open file + 无法打开文件 + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + 无法写入文件 %1 +请确保您有对该文件以及包含该文件目录的写入权限! + + + + Export project to %1 + 导出项目到 %1 + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + 错误 + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + 寻找文件编码设备时出错。请使用另外一种输出格式。 + + + + Rendering: %1% + 渲染中:%1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + 设置值 + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + 请输入一个介于%1和%2之间的数值: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + 浏览器 + + + + Search + 搜索 + + + + Refresh list + 刷新列表 + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + 发送到活跃的乐器轨道 + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + 显示/隐藏歌曲编辑器 + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + 加载采样中 + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + 请稍候,加载采样中... + + + + Error + 错误 + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + ---软件自带文件--- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + 重生成 + + + + Noise + 噪音 + + + + Invert + 反转 + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + 延迟 + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + 数量 + + + + Amount: + 数量: + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + 反馈 + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + 噪音 + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + 反转 + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + 高音 + + + + Bass + 低音 + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + 高音: + + + + Treble + 高音 + + + + Bass: + 低音: + + + + Bass + 低音 + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + 通道发送的数量 + + + + Move &left + 向左移(&L) + + + + Move &right + 向右移(&R) + + + + Rename &channel + 重命名通道(&C) + + + + R&emove channel + 删除通道(&E) + + + + Remove &unused channels + 移除所有未用通道(&U) + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + 分配给: + + + + New mixer Channel + 新的效果通道 + + + + Mixer + + + Master + 主控 + + + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Mute + 静音 + + + + Solo + 独奏 + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + 效果混合器 + + + + Fader %1 + FX 衰减器 %1 + + + + Mute + 静音 + + + + Mute this mixer channel + 静音此效果通道 + + + + Solo + 独奏 + + + + Solo mixer channel + 独奏效果通道 + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + 从通道 %1 发送到通道 %2 的量 + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + 音色 + + + + Gain + 增益 + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + 打开 GIG 文件 + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + 增益: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG 文件 (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + 工作目录 + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + LMMS工作目录%1不存在,现在新建一个吗?你可以稍后在 编辑 -> 设置 中更改此设置。 + + + + Preparing UI + 正在准备界面 + + + + Preparing song editor + 正在准备歌曲编辑器 + + + + Preparing mixer + 正在准备混音器 + + + + Preparing controller rack + 正在准备控制机架 + + + + Preparing project notes + 正在准备工程注释 + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + 正在准备节拍/低音线编辑器 + + + + Preparing piano roll + 正在准备钢琴窗 + + + + Preparing automation editor + 正在准备自动编辑器 + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + 琶音 + + + + Arpeggio type + 琶音类型 + + + + Arpeggio range + 琶音范围 + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + 跳过率 + + + + Miss rate + 丢失率 + + + + Arpeggio time + 琶音时间 + + + + Arpeggio gate + 琶音门限 + + + + Arpeggio direction + 琶音方向 + + + + Arpeggio mode + 琶音模式 + + + + Up + 向上 + + + + Down + 向下 + + + + Up and down + 上和下 + + + + Down and up + 下和上 + + + + Random + 随机 + + + + Free + 自由 + + + + Sort + 排序 + + + + Sync + 同步 + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + 琶音 + + + + RANGE + 范围 + + + + Arpeggio range: + 琶音范围: + + + + octave(s) + 八度音 + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + 循环 + + + + Cycle notes: + 循环音符: + + + + note(s) + 音符 + + + + SKIP + 跳过 + + + + Skip rate: + 跳过率: + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + 丢失 + + + + Miss rate: + 丢失率: + + + + TIME + 时长 + + + + Arpeggio time: + 琶音时间: + + + + ms + 毫秒 + + + + GATE + 门限 + + + + Arpeggio gate: + 琶音门限: + + + + Chord: + 和弦: + + + + Direction: + 方向: + + + + Mode: + 模式: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + octave + + + + + Major + Major + + + + Majb5 + Majb5 + + + + minor + minor + + + + minb5 + minb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + augsus4 + + + + tri + tri + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + + 7add13 + 7add13 + + + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + m-Maj7add11 m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + Harmonic minor + + + + Melodic minor + Melodic minor + + + + Whole tone + 全音符 + + + + Diminished + Diminished + + + + Major pentatonic + Major pentatonic + + + + Minor pentatonic + Minor pentatonic + + + + Jap in sen + Jap in sen + + + + Major bebop + Major bebop + + + + Dominant bebop + Dominant bebop + + + + Blues + Blues + + + + Arabic + Arabic + + + + Enigmatic + Enigmatic + + + + Neopolitan + Neopolitan + + + + Neopolitan minor + Neopolitan minor + + + + Hungarian minor + Hungarian minor + + + + Dorian + Dorian + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + Lydian + + + + Mixolydian + Mixolydian + + + + Aeolian + Aeolian + + + + Locrian + Locrian + + + + Minor + Minor + + + + Chromatic + Chromatic + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + 半-全减音程 + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + Chords + + + + Chord type + Chord type + + + + Chord range + Chord range + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + 堆叠 + + + + Chord: + 和弦: + + + + RANGE + 范围 + + + + Chord range: + 和弦范围: + + + + octave(s) + 八度音 + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + 启用MIDI输入 + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + 启用MIDI输出 + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + 音符 + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + 用于接收 MIDI 事件的 MIDI 设备 + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + 用于发送 MIDI 事件的 MIDI 设备 + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + 自定义基准力度 + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + 基准力度 + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + 主音高 + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + 音量 + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + CUTOFF + 切除 + + + + + Cutoff frequency + 切除频率 + + + + RESO + 共鸣 + + + + Resonance + 共鸣 + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + 压限/低频振荡 + + + + Filter type + 过滤器类型 + + + + Q/Resonance + 滤波器Q值 + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + 凹口滤波器 + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + 2x Moog + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + SV Notch + + + + Fast Formant + 快速共振峰(Formant) + + + + Tripole + Tripole + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + 目标 + + + + FILTER + 过滤器 + + + + FREQ + 频率 + + + + Cutoff frequency: + 频谱刀频率: + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + 包络和低频振荡 (LFO) 不被当前乐器支持。 + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + 未命名轨道 + + + + Base note + 基本音 + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + 上一个音符 + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Panning + 声相 + + + + Pitch + 音高 + + + + Pitch range + 音域范围 + + + + Mixer channel + 效果通道 + + + + Master pitch + 主音高 + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + 预置 + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Volume: + 音量: + + + + VOL + 音量 + + + + Panning + 声相 + + + + Panning: + 声相: + + + + PAN + 声相 + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Input + 输入 + + + + Output + 输出 + + + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + + + + + Channel %1: %2 + 效果 %1: %2 + + + + InstrumentTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + 常规设置 + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Volume: + 音量: - 9 - 9 + + VOL + 音量 - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + Panning + 声相 - add9 - add9 + + Panning: + 声相: - 9#5 - 9#5 + + PAN + 声相 - 9b5 - 9b5 + + Pitch + 音高 - 9#11 - 9#11 + + Pitch: + 音高: - 9b13 - 9b13 + + cents + 音分 cents - Maj9 - Maj9 + + PITCH + 音调 - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + Pitch range (semitones) + 音域范围(半音) - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + RANGE + 范围 - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + Mixer channel + 效果通道 - m9 - m9 + + CHANNEL + 效果 - madd9 - madd9 + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + 保存当前乐器轨道设置到预设文件 + + + + SAVE + 保存 + + + + Envelope, filter & LFO + + + + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + + + + + Effects + 效果 + + + + MIDI + MIDI + + + + Miscellaneous + 杂项 + + + + Save preset + 保存预置 + + + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML 预设文件 (*.xpf) + + + + Plugin + 插件 + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + 设置为线性 + + + + Set logarithmic + 设置为对数 + + + + + Set value + 设置值 + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + 请输入介于 -96.0 dBFS 和 6.0 dBFS之间的值: + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + 请输入一个介于%1和%2之间的数值: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + 关联通道 + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + 连接通道 + + + + Channel + 通道 + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + 连接通道 + + + + Value: + 值: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + 已请求未知 LADSPA 插件 %1. + + + + LcdFloatSpinBox + + + Set value + 设置值 + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + 请输入一个介于 %1 和 %2 的值: + + + + LcdSpinBox + + + Set value + 设置值 + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + 请输入一个介于%1和%2之间的数值: + + + + LeftRightNav + + + + + Previous + 上个 + + + + + + Next + 下个 + + + + Previous (%1) + 上 (%1) + + + + Next (%1) + 下 (%1) + + + + LfoController + + + LFO Controller + LFO 控制器 + + + + Base value + 基准值 + + + + Oscillator speed + 振动速度 + + + + Oscillator amount + 振动数量 + + + + Oscillator phase + 振动相位 + + + + Oscillator waveform + 振动波形 + + + + Frequency Multiplier + 频率加倍器 + + + + LfoControllerDialog + + + LFO + LFO + + + + BASE + 基准 - m9b5 - m9b5 + + Base: + 基准值: - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + FREQ + 频率 - 11 - 11 + + LFO frequency: + LFO频率 - 11b9 - 11b9 + + AMNT + 数量 - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Modulation amount: + 调制量: - m11 - m11 + + PHS + 相位 - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + Phase offset: + 相位差: - 13 - 13 + + degrees + 角度 - 13#9 - 13#9 + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - 13b9 - 13b9 + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + Saw wave + 锯齿波 - Maj13 - Maj13 + + Square wave + 方波 - m13 - m13 + + Moog saw wave + Moog 锯齿波 - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + Exponential wave + 指数爆炸波形 - Harmonic minor - Harmonic minor + + White noise + 白噪音 - Melodic minor - Melodic minor + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. + 自定义波形 +双击选择波形文件 - Whole tone - 全音符 + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + 调制频率乘以1 - Diminished - Diminished + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 + 调制评论乘以100 - Major pentatonic - Major pentatonic + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + 调制评论除以100 + + + Engine - Minor pentatonic - Minor pentatonic + + Generating wavetables + 正在生成波形表 - Jap in sen - Jap in sen + + Initializing data structures + 正在初始化数据结构 - Major bebop - Major bebop + + Opening audio and midi devices + 正在启动音频和 MIDI 设备 - Dominant bebop - Dominant bebop + + Launching mixer threads + 生在启动混音器线程 + + + MainWindow - Blues - Blues + + Configuration file + 配置文件 - Arabic - Arabic + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + 解析配置文件发生错误(行%1:%2:%3) - Enigmatic - Enigmatic + + Could not open file + 无法打开文件 - Neopolitan - Neopolitan + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + 无法写入文件 %1 +请确保您有对该文件以及包含该文件目录的写入权限! - Neopolitan minor - Neopolitan minor + + Project recovery + 工程恢复 - Hungarian minor - Hungarian minor + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + 发现了一个恢复文件。看上去上个会话没有正常结束或者其他的 LMMS 进程已经运行。你想要恢复这个项目吗? - Dorian - Dorian + + + Recover + 恢复 - Phrygolydian - + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + 恢复文件。请不要在恢复文件时运行多个 LMMS 程序。 - Lydian - Lydian + + + Discard + 丢弃 - Mixolydian - Mixolydian + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + 运行一个新的默认会话并且删除恢复文件。此操作无法撤销。 - Aeolian - Aeolian + + Version %1 + 版本 %1 - Locrian - Locrian + + Preparing plugin browser + 正在准备插件浏览器 - Chords - Chords + + Preparing file browsers + 正在准备文件浏览器 - Chord type - Chord type + + My Projects + 我的工程 - Chord range - Chord range + + My Samples + 我的采样 - Minor - Minor + + My Presets + 我的预设 - Chromatic - Chromatic + + My Home + 我的主目录 - Half-Whole Diminished - + + Root directory + 根目录 - 5 - 5 + + Volumes + 音量 - Phrygian dominant - + + My Computer + 我的电脑 - Persian - + + &File + 文件(&F) - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - RANGE - 范围 + + &New + 新建(&N) - Chord range: - 和弦范围: + + &Open... + 打开(&O)... - octave(s) - 八度音 + + Loading background picture + 正在加载背景图片 - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - + + &Save + 保存(&S) - STACKING - 堆叠 + + Save &As... + 另存为(&A)... - Chord: - 和弦: + + Save as New &Version + 保存为新版本(&V) - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - 启用MIDI输入 + + Save as default template + 保存为默认模板 - CHANNEL - 通道 + + Import... + 导入... - VELOCITY - 力度 + + E&xport... + 导出(&E)... - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - 启用MIDI输出 + + E&xport Tracks... + 导出音轨(&X)... - PROGRAM - 乐器 + + Export &MIDI... + 导出 MIDI (&M)... - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - 用于接收 MIDI 事件的 MIDI 设备 + + &Quit + 退出(&Q) - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - 用于发送 MIDI 事件的 MIDI 设备 + + &Edit + 编辑(&E) - NOTE - 音符 + + Undo + 撤销 - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - 自定义基准力度 + + Redo + 重做 - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - 设定基于 MIDI 的乐器在 100% 音符力度下的正常化基准值 + + Settings + 设置 - BASE VELOCITY - 基准力度 + + &View + 视图 (&V) - - - InstrumentMiscView - MASTER PITCH - 主音高 + + &Tools + 工具(&T) - Enables the use of Master Pitch - 启用主音高 + + &Help + 帮助(&H) - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - VOLUME - 音量 + + Online Help + 在线帮助 - Volume - 音量 + + Help + 帮助 - CUTOFF - 切除 + + About + 关于 - Cutoff frequency - 切除频率 + + Create new project + 新建工程 - RESO - 共鸣 + + Create new project from template + 从模版新建工程 - Resonance - 共鸣 + + Open existing project + 打开已有工程 - Envelopes/LFOs - 压限/低频振荡 + + Recently opened projects + 最近打开的工程 - Filter type - 过滤器类型 + + Save current project + 保存当前工程 - Q/Resonance - + + Export current project + 导出当前工程 - LowPass - 低通 + + Metronome + 节拍器 - HiPass - 高通 + + + Song Editor + 显示/隐藏歌曲编辑器 - BandPass csg - 带通 csg + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + 显示/隐藏节拍+旋律编辑器 - BandPass czpg - 带通 czpg + + + Piano Roll + 显示/隐藏钢琴窗 - Notch - 凹口滤波器 + + + Automation Editor + 显示/隐藏自动控制编辑器 - Allpass - 全通 + + + Mixer + 显示/隐藏混音器 - Moog - Moog + + Show/hide controller rack + 显示/隐藏控制器机架 - 2x LowPass - 2 个低通串联 + + Show/hide project notes + 显示/隐藏工程注释 - RC LowPass 12dB - RC 低通(12dB) + + Untitled + 未标题 - RC BandPass 12dB - RC 带通(12dB) + + Recover session. Please save your work! + 恢复会话。请保存你的工作! - RC HighPass 12dB - RC 高通(12dB) + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 - RC LowPass 24dB - RC 低通(24dB) + + Recovered project not saved + 恢复的工程没有保存 - RC BandPass 24dB - RC 带通(24dB) + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + 这个工程已从上一个会话中恢复。它现在没有被保存, 并且如果你不保存, 它将会丢失。你现在想保存它吗? - RC HighPass 24dB - RC 高通(24dB) + + Project not saved + 工程未保存 - Vocal Formant Filter - 人声移除过滤器 + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + 此工程自上次保存后有了修改,你想保存吗? - 2x Moog - 2x Moog + + Open Project + 打开工程 - SV LowPass - SV 低通 + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - SV BandPass - SV 带通 + + Save Project + 保存工程 - SV HighPass - SV 高通 + + LMMS Project + LMMS 工程 - SV Notch - SV Notch + + LMMS Project Template + LMMS 工程模板 - Fast Formant - 快速共振峰(Formant) + + Save project template + 保存工程模板 - Tripole - Tripole + + Overwrite default template? + 覆盖默认的模板? - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - TARGET - 目标 + + This will overwrite your current default template. + 这将会覆盖你的当前默认模板。 - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - + + Help not available + 帮助不可用 - FILTER - 过滤器 + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + LMMS现在没有可用的帮助 +请访问 http://lmms.sf.net/wiki 了解LMMS的相关文档。 - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - 你可以在这里选择对此乐器轨道要使用的内建过滤器。如果你想要改变声音的特征的话,过滤器就是不可或缺的工具。 + + Controller Rack + 显示/隐藏控制器机架 - Hz - Hz + + Project Notes + 显示/隐藏工程注释 - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... + + Fullscreen - RESO - 共鸣 + + Volume as dBFS + 以 dBFS 为单位显示音量 - Resonance: - 共鸣: + + Smooth scroll + 平滑滚动 - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - + + Enable note labels in piano roll + 在钢琴窗中显示音号 - FREQ - 频率 + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI 文件 (*.mid) - cutoff frequency: - 切除频率: + + + untitled + 未标题 - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - 包络和低频振荡 (LFO) 不被当前乐器支持。 + + + Select file for project-export... + 为工程导出选择文件... - - - InstrumentTrack - unnamed_track - 未命名轨道 + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + 选择写入导出音轨的目录... - Volume - 音量 + + Save project + 保存工程 - Panning - 声相 + + Project saved + 工程已保存 - Pitch - 音高 + + The project %1 is now saved. + 工程 %1 已保存。 - FX channel - 效果通道 + + Project NOT saved. + 工程 **没有** 保存。 - Default preset - 预置 + + The project %1 was not saved! + 工程%1没有保存! - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - 使用此旋钮可以设置开放通道的音量。 + + Import file + 导入文件 - Base note - 基本音 + + MIDI sequences + MIDI 音序器 - Pitch range - 音域范围 + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogen工程 - Master Pitch - 主音高 + + All file types + 所有类型 - InstrumentTrackView + MeterDialog - Volume - 音量 + + + Meter Numerator + 分子数值 - Volume: - 音量: + + Meter numerator + - VOL - 音量 + + + Meter Denominator + 分母数值 - Panning - 声相 + + Meter denominator + - Panning: - 声相: + + TIME SIG + 拍子记号 + + + MeterModel - PAN - 声相 + + Numerator + 分子 - MIDI - MIDI + + Denominator + 分母 + + + MidiCCRackView - Input - 输入 + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 + - Output - 输出 + + MIDI CC Knobs: + - FX %1: %2 - 效果 %1: %2 + + CC %1 + - InstrumentTrackWindow + MidiController - GENERAL SETTINGS - 常规设置 + + MIDI Controller + MIDI控制器 - Instrument volume - 乐器音量 + + unnamed_midi_controller + 未命名的 MIDI 控制器 + + + MidiImport - Volume: - 音量: + + + Setup incomplete + 设置不完整 - VOL - 音量 + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + - Panning - 声相 + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + 你在编译 LMMS 时没有加入 SoundFont2 播放器支持, 此播放器默认用于添加导入的 MIDI 文件。因此在 MIDI 文件导入后, 将没有声音。 - Panning: - 声相: + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + - PAN - 声相 + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + - Pitch - 音高 + + Numerator + 分子 - Pitch: - 音高: + + Denominator + 分母 + + + + Track + 轨道 + + + + MidiJack + + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK服务崩溃 - cents - 音分 cents + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + JACK 音频服务器似乎已经关闭 + + + MidiPatternW - PITCH - 音调 + + MIDI Pattern + - FX channel - 效果通道 + + Time Signature: + 节拍: - FX - 效果 + + + + 1/4 + 1/4 - Save preset - 保存预置 + + 2/4 + 2/4 - XML preset file (*.xpf) - XML 预设文件 (*.xpf) + + 3/4 + 3/4 - Pitch range (semitones) - 音域范围(半音) + + 4/4 + 4/4 - RANGE - 范围 + + 5/4 + 5/4 - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - 保存当前乐器轨道设置到预设文件 + + 6/4 + 6/4 - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - 如果你想保存当前乐器轨道设置到预设文件, 请点击这里。稍后你可以在预设浏览器中双击以使用它。 + + Measures: + 小节数 - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - 使用这些控制选项来查看和编辑在歌曲编辑器中的上个/下个轨道。 + + + + 1 + 1 - SAVE - 保存 + + 2 + 2 - Envelope, filter & LFO - + + 3 + 3 - Chord stacking & arpeggio - + + 4 + 4 - Effects - + + 5 + 5 - MIDI settings - MIDI设置 + + 6 + 6 - Miscellaneous - + + 7 + 7 - Plugin - + + 8 + 8 - - - Knob - Set linear - 设置为线性 + + 9 + 9 - Set logarithmic - 设置为对数 + + 10 + 10 - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - 请输入一个介于%1和%2之间的数值: + + 11 + 11 - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: - 请输入介于 -96.0 dBFS 和 6.0 dBFS之间的值: + + 12 + 12 - - - LadspaControl - Link channels - 关联通道 + + 13 + 13 - - - LadspaControlDialog - Link Channels - 连接通道 + + 14 + 14 - Channel - 通道 + + 15 + 15 - - - LadspaControlView - Link channels - 连接通道 + + 16 + 16 - Value: - 值: + + Default Length: + 默认长度 - Sorry, no help available. - 啊哦,这个没有帮助文档。 + + + 1/16 + 1/16 - - - LadspaEffect - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - 已请求未知 LADSPA 插件 %1. + + + 1/15 + 1/15 - - - LcdSpinBox - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - 请输入一个介于%1和%2之间的数值: + + + 1/12 + 1/12 - - - LeftRightNav - Previous - 上个 + + + 1/9 + 1/9 - Next - 下个 + + + 1/8 + 1/8 - Previous (%1) - 上 (%1) + + + 1/6 + 1/6 - Next (%1) - 下 (%1) + + + 1/3 + 1/3 - - - LfoController - LFO Controller - LFO 控制器 + + + 1/2 + 1/2 - Base value - 基准值 + + Quantize: + - Oscillator speed - 振动速度 + + &File + 文件(&F) - Oscillator amount - 振动数量 + + &Edit + 编辑(&E) - Oscillator phase - 振动相位 + + &Quit + 退出(&Q) - Oscillator waveform - 振动波形 + + &Insert Mode + - Frequency Multiplier - 频率加倍器 + + F + - - - LfoControllerDialog - LFO - LFO + + &Velocity Mode + - LFO Controller - LFO 控制器 + + D + D - BASE - 基准 + + Select All + 全选 - Base amount: - 基础值: + + A + A + + + MidiPort - todo - + + Input channel + 输入通道 - SPD - 速度 + + Output channel + 输出通道 - LFO-speed: - LFO 速度: + + Input controller + 输入控制器 - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. - + + Output controller + 输出控制器 - Modulation amount: - 调制量: + + Fixed input velocity + 固定输入力度 - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. - + + Fixed output velocity + 固定输出力度 - PHS - 相位 + + Fixed output note + 固定输出音符 - Phase offset: - 相位差: + + Output MIDI program + MIDI 输出程序 - degrees - + + Base velocity + 基准力度 - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - + + Receive MIDI-events + 接受 MIDI 事件 - Click here for a sine-wave. - 点击这里使用正弦波。 + + Send MIDI-events + 发送 MIDI 事件 + + + MidiSetupWidget - Click here for a triangle-wave. - 点击这里使用三角波。 + + Device + 设备 + + + MonstroInstrument - Click here for a saw-wave. - 点击这里使用锯齿波。 + + Osc 1 volume + 振荡器1音量 - Click here for a square-wave. - 点击这里使用方波。 + + Osc 1 panning + 振荡器1声相 - Click here for an exponential wave. - 点击这里使用指数爆炸波形。 + + Osc 1 coarse detune + 振荡器1声调粗调 - Click here for white-noise. - 点击这里使用白噪音。 + + Osc 1 fine detune left + 振荡器1左声道微调 - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. - 点击这里使用自定义波形。 -双击选择文件。 + + Osc 1 fine detune right + 振荡器1右声道微调 - Click here for a moog saw-wave. - + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + 振荡器1立体声相位差 - AMNT - 数量 + + Osc 1 pulse width + 振荡器1脉冲宽度 - - - LmmsCore - Generating wavetables - 正在生成波形表 + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + 振荡器1起音时发送同步 - Initializing data structures - 正在初始化数据结构 + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + 振荡器1收音时发送同步 - Opening audio and midi devices - 正在启动音频和 MIDI 设备 + + Osc 2 volume + 振荡器2音量 - Launching mixer threads - 生在启动混音器线程 + + Osc 2 panning + 振荡器2声相 - - - MainWindow - &New - 新建(&N) + + Osc 2 coarse detune + 振荡器2音调粗调 - &Open... - 打开(&O)... + + Osc 2 fine detune left + 振荡器2左声道微调 - &Save - 保存(&S) + + Osc 2 fine detune right + 振荡器2右声道微调 - Save &As... - 另存为(&A)... + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + 振荡器2立体声相位差 - Import... - 导入... + + Osc 2 waveform + 振荡器2波形 - E&xport... - 导出(&E)... + + Osc 2 sync hard + 振荡器2硬同步 - &Quit - 退出(&Q) + + Osc 2 sync reverse + 振荡器2反向同步 - &Edit - 编辑(&E) + + Osc 3 volume + 振荡器3音量 - Settings - 设置 + + Osc 3 panning + 振荡器3声相 - &Tools - 工具(&T) + + Osc 3 coarse detune + 振荡器3音调粗调 - &Help - 帮助(&H) + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + 振荡器3立体声相位差 - Help - 帮助 + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + 振荡器3分震荡器混合 - What's this? - 这是什么? + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + 振荡器3波形1 - About - 关于 + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + 振荡器3波形2 - Create new project - 新建工程 + + Osc 3 sync hard + 振荡器3硬同步 - Create new project from template - 从模版新建工程 + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + 振荡器3反向同步 - Open existing project - 打开已有工程 + + LFO 1 waveform + LFO1 波形 - Recently opened projects - 最近打开的工程 + + LFO 1 attack + LFO1 打进 - Save current project - 保存当前工程 + + LFO 1 rate + LFO1 频率 - Export current project - 导出当前工程 + + LFO 1 phase + LFO1 相位 - Song Editor - 显示/隐藏歌曲编辑器 + + LFO 2 waveform + LFO2 波形 - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - 点击这个按钮, 你可以显示/隐藏歌曲编辑器。在歌曲编辑器的帮助下, 你可以编辑歌曲播放列表并且设置哪个音轨在哪个时间播放。你还可以在播放列表中直接插入和移动采样(如 RAP 采样)。 + + LFO 2 attack + LFO 2 打进 - Beat+Bassline Editor - 显示/隐藏节拍+旋律编辑器 + + LFO 2 rate + LFO 2 频率 - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. - 点击此按钮, 你就可以显示或隐藏节拍+低音线编辑器。你可以使用节拍+低音线编辑器来创建节拍, 并且还可以打开、添加、移除通道, 还能剪切、复制、粘贴节拍和低音线样本, 还有更多功能等你探索。 + + LFO 2 phase + LFO 2 相位 - Piano Roll - 显示/隐藏钢琴窗 + + Env 1 pre-delay + 包络 1 预延迟 - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - 点击这里显示或隐藏钢琴窗。在钢琴窗的帮助下, 你可以很容易地编辑旋律。 + + Env 1 attack + 包络 1 打进 - - Automation Editor - 显示/隐藏自动控制编辑器 + + + Env 1 hold + 包络 1 持续 - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - 点击这里显示或隐藏自动控制编辑器。在自动控制编辑器的帮助下, 你可以很简单地控制动态数值。 + + Env 1 decay + 包络 1 衰减 - FX Mixer - 显示/隐藏混音器 + + Env 1 sustain + 包络 1 延音 - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - 点击这里显示或隐藏 FX 混音器。FX 混音器是管理你歌曲中不同音效的强大工具。你可以向不同的通道添加不同的效果。 + + Env 1 release + 包络 1 释放 - Project Notes - 显示/隐藏工程注释 + + Env 1 slope + 包络 1 坡度 - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - 点击这里显示或隐藏工程注释窗。在此窗口中你可以写下工程的注释。 + + Env 2 pre-delay + 包络 2 预延迟 - Controller Rack - 显示/隐藏控制器机架 + + Env 2 attack + 包络 2 打进 - Untitled - 未标题 + + Env 2 hold + 包络 2 持续 - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Env 2 decay + 包络 2 衰减 - Project not saved - 工程未保存 + + Env 2 sustain + 包络 2 延音 - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - 此工程自上次保存后有了修改,你想保存吗? + + Env 2 release + 包络 2 释放 - Help not available - 帮助不可用 + + Env 2 slope + 包络 2 坡度 - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - LMMS现在没有可用的帮助 -请访问 http://lmms.sf.net/wiki 了解LMMS的相关文档。 + + Osc 2+3 modulation + 振荡器2+3 调制 - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Selected view + 选定的视图 - Version %1 - 版本 %1 + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + 振荡器 1 音量包络 1 - Configuration file - 配置文件 + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + 振荡器 1 音量包络2 - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - 解析配置文件发生错误(行%1:%2:%3) + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + 振荡器 1 音量LFO 1 - Volumes - 音量 + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + 振荡器 1 音量LFO 2 - Undo - 撤销 + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + 振荡器 2 音量包络 1 - Redo - 重做 + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + 振荡器 2 音量包络2 - My Projects - 我的工程 + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + 振荡器 2 音量LFO 1 - My Samples - 我的采样 + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + 振荡器 2 音量LFO 2 - My Presets - 我的预设 + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + 振荡器 3 音量包络 1 - My Home - 我的主目录 + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + 振荡器 3 音量包络 2 - My Computer - 我的电脑 + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + 振荡器 3 音量LFO 1 - &File - 文件(&F) + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + 振荡器 3 音量LFO 2 - &Recently Opened Projects - 最近打开的工程(&R) + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + 振荡器 1 相位包络 1 - Save as New &Version - 保存为新版本(&V) + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + 振荡器 1 相位包络 2 - E&xport Tracks... - 导出音轨(&X)... + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + 振荡器 1 相位LFO 1 - Online Help - 在线帮助 + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 + 振荡器 1 相位LFO 2 - What's This? - 这是什么? + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + 振荡器 2 相位包络 1 - Open Project - 打开工程 + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + 振荡器 2 相位包络 2 - Save Project - 保存工程 + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + 振荡器 2 相位LFO 1 - Project recovery - 工程恢复 + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + 振荡器 2 相位LFO 2 - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - 发现了一个恢复文件。看上去上个会话没有正常结束或者其他的 LMMS 进程已经运行。你想要恢复这个项目吗? + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + 振荡器 3 相位包络 1 - Recover - 恢复 + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + 振荡器 3 相位包络 2 - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - 恢复文件。请不要在恢复文件时运行多个 LMMS 程序。 + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + 振荡器 3 相位LFO 1 - Discard - 丢弃 + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + 振荡器 3 相位LFO 2 - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - 运行一个新的默认会话并且删除恢复文件。此操作无法撤销。 + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + 振荡器 1 音调包络 1 - Preparing plugin browser - 正在准备插件浏览器 + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + 振荡器 1 音调包络 2 - Preparing file browsers - 正在准备文件浏览器 + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + 振荡器 1 音调LFO 1 - Root directory - 根目录 + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 + 振荡器 1 音调LFO 2 - Loading background artwork - 正在加载背景图案 + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + 振荡器 2 音调包络 1 - New from template - 从模版新建工程 + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + 振荡器 2 音调包络 2 - Save as default template - 保存为默认模板 + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 + 振荡器 2 音调LFO 1 - &View - 视图 (&V) + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 + 振荡器 2 音调LFO 2 - Toggle metronome - 开启/关闭节拍器 + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + 振荡器 3 音调包络 1 - Show/hide Song-Editor - 显示/隐藏歌曲编辑器 + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 + 振荡器 3 音调包络 2 - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - 显示/隐藏节拍+旋律编辑器 + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 + 振荡器 3 音调LFO 1 - Show/hide Piano-Roll - 显示/隐藏钢琴窗 + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + 振荡器 3 音调LFO 2 - Show/hide Automation Editor - 显示/隐藏自动控制编辑器 + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 + 振荡器 1 脉冲包络 1 - Show/hide FX Mixer - 显示/隐藏混音器 + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + 振荡器 1 脉冲包络 2 - Show/hide project notes - 显示/隐藏工程注释 + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + 振荡器 1 脉冲LFO 1 - Show/hide controller rack - 显示/隐藏控制器机架 + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + 振荡器 1 脉冲LFO 2 - Recover session. Please save your work! - 恢复会话。请保存你的工作! + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + 振荡器 3 分支包络 1 - Recovered project not saved - 恢复的工程没有保存 + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + 振荡器 3 分支包络 2 - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - 这个工程已从上一个会话中恢复。它现在没有被保存, 并且如果你不保存, 它将会丢失。你现在想保存它吗? + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 + 振荡器 3 分支LFO 1 - LMMS Project - LMMS 工程 + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + 振荡器 3 分支LFO 2 - LMMS Project Template - LMMS 工程模板 + + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - Overwrite default template? - 覆盖默认的模板? + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + 限频段的三角波 - This will overwrite your current default template. - 这将会覆盖你的当前默认模板。 + + Bandlimited Saw wave + 限频段的锯齿波 - Smooth scroll - 平滑滚动 + + Bandlimited Ramp wave + 限频段的倾斜波 - Enable note labels in piano roll - 在钢琴窗中显示音号 + + Bandlimited Square wave + 限频段的方波 - Save project template - 保存工程模板 + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave + 限频段的Moog锯齿波 - Volume as dBFS - 以 dBFS 为单位显示音量 + + + Soft square wave + 软方波 - Could not open file - 无法打开文件 + + Absolute sine wave + 绝对正弦波 - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - 无法写入文件 %1 -请确保您有对该文件以及包含该文件目录的写入权限! + + + Exponential wave + 指数爆炸波形 - Export &MIDI... - 导出 MIDI (&M)... + + White noise + 白噪音 - - - MeterDialog - Meter Numerator - 分子数值 + + Digital Triangle wave + 数码三角波 - Meter Denominator - 分母数值 + + Digital Saw wave + 数码锯齿波 - TIME SIG - 拍子记号 + + Digital Ramp wave + 数码倾斜波 - - - MeterModel - Numerator - 分子 + + Digital Square wave + 数码方波 - Denominator - 分母 + + Digital Moog saw wave + 数码Moog锯齿波 - - - MidiController - MIDI Controller - MIDI控制器 + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - unnamed_midi_controller - 未命名的 MIDI 控制器 + + Saw wave + 锯齿波 - - - MidiImport - Setup incomplete - 设置不完整 + + Ramp wave + 斜坡波 - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - 你还没有在设置(在编辑->设置)中设置默认的 Soundfont。因此在导入此 MIDI 文件后将会没有声音。你需要下载一个通用 MIDI (GM) 的 Soundfont, 并且在设置对话框中选中后再试一次。 + + Square wave + 方波 - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - 你在编译 LMMS 时没有加入 SoundFont2 播放器支持, 此播放器默认用于添加导入的 MIDI 文件。因此在 MIDI 文件导入后, 将没有声音。 + + Moog saw wave + Moog 锯齿波 - Track - 轨道 + + Abs. sine wave + 绝对值正弦波 - - - MidiJack - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - JACK服务崩溃 + + Random + 随机 - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) - JACK 音频服务器似乎已经关闭 + + Random smooth + 随机平滑 - MidiPort - - Input channel - 输入通道 - + MonstroView - Output channel - 输出通道 + + Operators view + 操作视图 - Input controller - 输入控制器 + + Matrix view + 矩阵视图 - Output controller - 输出控制器 + + + + Volume + 音量 - Fixed input velocity - 固定输入力度 + + + + Panning + 声相 - Fixed output velocity - 固定输出力度 + + + + Coarse detune + 音高粗调 - Output MIDI program - MIDI 输出程序 + + + + semitones + 半音 - Receive MIDI-events - 接受 MIDI 事件 + + + Fine tune left + 左声道微调 - Send MIDI-events - 发送 MIDI 事件 + + + + + cents + 音分 - Fixed output note - 固定输出音符 + + + Fine tune right + 右声道微调 - Base velocity - 基准力度 + + + + Stereo phase offset + 立体声相位差 - - - MidiSetupWidget - DEVICE - 设备 + + + + + + deg + 角度 - - - MonstroInstrument - Osc 1 Volume - Osc1音量 + + Pulse width + 脉冲宽度 - Osc 1 Panning - Osc1声相 + + Send sync on pulse rise + 脉冲起时发送同步 - Osc 1 Coarse detune - + + Send sync on pulse fall + 脉冲结束发送同步 - Osc 1 Fine detune left - + + Hard sync oscillator 2 + 硬同步震荡器 2 - Osc 1 Fine detune right - + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 + 反向同步震荡器 2 - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset + + Sub-osc mix - Osc 1 Pulse width + + Hard sync oscillator 3 - Osc 1 Sync send on rise + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 - Osc 1 Sync send on fall - + + + + + Attack + 打进声 - Osc 2 Volume - + + + Rate + 比特率 - Osc 2 Panning + + + Phase - Osc 2 Coarse detune - + + + Pre-delay + 预延迟 - Osc 2 Fine detune left - + + + Hold + 保持 - Osc 2 Fine detune right - + + + Decay + 衰减 - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset - + + + Sustain + 持续 - Osc 2 Waveform - + + + Release + 释放 - Osc 2 Sync Hard + + + Slope - Osc 2 Sync Reverse - + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + 调制量 + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - Osc 3 Volume - + + Length + 长度 - Osc 3 Panning - + + Step length: + 步进长度: - Osc 3 Coarse detune - + + Dry + 干声 - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset - + + Dry gain: + 干声增益: - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix - + + Stages + 低通层数 - Osc 3 Waveform 1 + + Low-pass stages: - Osc 3 Waveform 2 - + + Swap inputs + 互换输入 - Osc 3 Sync Hard + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + NesInstrument - Osc 3 Sync Reverse + + Channel 1 coarse detune - LFO 1 Waveform + + Channel 1 volume - LFO 1 Attack + + Channel 1 envelope length - LFO 1 Rate + + Channel 1 duty cycle - LFO 1 Phase + + Channel 1 sweep amount - LFO 2 Waveform + + Channel 1 sweep rate - LFO 2 Attack - + + Channel 2 Coarse detune + 通道2音调粗调 - LFO 2 Rate - + + Channel 2 Volume + 通道 2 音量 - LFO 2 Phase + + Channel 2 envelope length - Env 1 Pre-delay + + Channel 2 duty cycle - Env 1 Attack + + Channel 2 sweep amount - Env 1 Hold + + Channel 2 sweep rate - Env 1 Decay + + Channel 3 coarse detune - Env 1 Sustain + + Channel 3 volume - Env 1 Release + + Channel 4 volume - Env 1 Slope + + Channel 4 envelope length - Env 2 Pre-delay + + Channel 4 noise frequency - Env 2 Attack + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep - Env 2 Hold - + + Master volume + 主音量 - Env 2 Decay - + + Vibrato + 颤音 + + + NesInstrumentView - Env 2 Sustain - + + + + + Volume + 音量 - Env 2 Release - + + + + Coarse detune + 音高粗调 - Env 2 Slope - + + + + Envelope length + 包络线长度 - Osc2-3 modulation - + + Enable channel 1 + 启用通道 1 - Selected view - 选定的视图 + + Enable envelope 1 + 启用包络 1 - Vol1-Env1 - + + Enable envelope 1 loop + 启用包络 1 循环 - Vol1-Env2 + + Enable sweep 1 - Vol1-LFO1 + + + Sweep amount - Vol1-LFO2 + + + Sweep rate - Vol2-Env1 - + + + 12.5% Duty cycle + 12.5% 占空比 - Vol2-Env2 - + + + 25% Duty cycle + 25% 占空比 - Vol2-LFO1 - + + + 50% Duty cycle + 50% 占空比 - Vol2-LFO2 - + + + 75% Duty cycle + 75% 占空比 - Vol3-Env1 - + + Enable channel 2 + 启用通道 2 - Vol3-Env2 - + + Enable envelope 2 + 启用包络 2 - Vol3-LFO1 - + + Enable envelope 2 loop + 启用包络 2 循环 - Vol3-LFO2 + + Enable sweep 2 - Phs1-Env1 - + + Enable channel 3 + 启用通道 3 - Phs1-Env2 - + + Noise Frequency + 噪音频率 - Phs1-LFO1 + + Frequency sweep - Phs1-LFO2 - + + Enable channel 4 + 启用通道 4 - Phs2-Env1 - + + Enable envelope 4 + 启用包络 4 - Phs2-Env2 - + + Enable envelope 4 loop + 启用包络 4 循环 - Phs2-LFO1 - + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + 在使用音符频率时,量化噪音频率 - Phs2-LFO2 - + + Use note frequency for noise + 对噪音使用音符频率 - Phs3-Env1 - + + Noise mode + 噪音模式 - Phs3-Env2 - + + Master volume + 主音量 - Phs3-LFO1 - + + Vibrato + 颤音 + + + OpulenzInstrument - Phs3-LFO2 - + + Patch + 音色 - Pit1-Env1 + + Op 1 attack - Pit1-Env2 + + Op 1 decay - Pit1-LFO1 + + Op 1 sustain - Pit1-LFO2 + + Op 1 release - Pit2-Env1 + + Op 1 level - Pit2-Env2 + + Op 1 level scaling - Pit2-LFO1 + + Op 1 frequency multiplier - Pit2-LFO2 + + Op 1 feedback - Pit3-Env1 + + Op 1 key scaling rate - Pit3-Env2 + + Op 1 percussive envelope - Pit3-LFO1 + + Op 1 tremolo - Pit3-LFO2 + + Op 1 vibrato - PW1-Env1 + + Op 1 waveform - PW1-Env2 + + Op 2 attack - PW1-LFO1 + + Op 2 decay - PW1-LFO2 + + Op 2 sustain - Sub3-Env1 + + Op 2 release - Sub3-Env2 + + Op 2 level - Sub3-LFO1 + + Op 2 level scaling - Sub3-LFO2 + + Op 2 frequency multiplier - Sine wave - 正弦波 + + Op 2 key scaling rate + - Bandlimited Triangle wave + + Op 2 percussive envelope - Bandlimited Saw wave + + Op 2 tremolo - Bandlimited Ramp wave + + Op 2 vibrato - Bandlimited Square wave + + Op 2 waveform - Bandlimited Moog saw wave - + + FM + FM - Soft square wave + + Vibrato depth - Absolute sine wave + + Tremolo depth + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - Exponential wave - 指数爆炸波形 + + + Attack + 打击声 - White noise - 白噪音 + + + Decay + 衰减 - Digital Triangle wave - + + + Release + 释放 - Digital Saw wave - + + + Frequency multiplier + 频率加倍器 + + + OscillatorObject - Digital Ramp wave - + + Osc %1 waveform + Osc %1 波形 - Digital Square wave - + + Osc %1 harmonic + Osc %1 泛音 - Digital Moog saw wave - + + + Osc %1 volume + Osc %1 音量 - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + + Osc %1 panning + Osc %1 声像 - Saw wave - 锯齿波 + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left + 振荡器%1左声道微调 - Ramp wave - 斜坡波 + + Osc %1 coarse detuning + 振荡器%1音调粗调 - Square wave - 方波 + + Osc %1 fine detuning right + 振荡器%1右声道微调 - Moog saw wave - Moog 锯齿波 + + Osc %1 phase-offset + 振荡器%1相位偏移 - Abs. sine wave - 绝对值正弦波 + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + 振荡器%1立体相位偏移 - Random - 随机 + + Osc %1 wave shape + 振荡器%1波形 - Random smooth - 随机平滑 + + Modulation type %1 + 调制类型 %1 - MonstroView + Oscilloscope - Operators view + + Oscilloscope - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. - + + Click to enable + 点击启用 + + + PatchesDialog - Matrix view - 矩阵视图 + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: 通道预设 - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. - + + Bank selector + 音色选择器 - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 - + + Bank + + + + + Program selector + 乐器选择器 + + + + Patch + 音色 + + + + Name + 名称 - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + OK + 确定 - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + Cancel + 取消 + + + PatmanView - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 + + Open patch - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - + + Loop + 循环 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - + + Loop mode + 循环模式 - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - + + Tune + 调音 - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - + + Tune mode + 调音模式 - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - + + No file selected + 未选择文件 - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. - + + Open patch file + 打开音色文件 - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + 音色文件 (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Open in piano-roll + 在钢琴窗中打开 - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. + + Set as ghost in piano-roll - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - + + Clear all notes + 清除所有音符 - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - 为振荡器2选择波形 + + Reset name + 重置名称 - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Change name + 修改名称 - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Add steps + 添加音阶 - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - + + Remove steps + 移除音阶 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - + + Clone Steps + 复制音阶 + + + PeakController - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. - + + Peak Controller + 峰值控制器 - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - + + Peak Controller Bug + 峰值控制器 Bug - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + 在老版本的 LMMS 中, 峰值控制器因为有 bug 而可能没有正确连接。请确保峰值控制器正常连接后再次保存次文件。我们对给你造成的不便深表歉意。 + + + PeakControllerDialog - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + PEAK + 峰值 - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... - + + LFO Controller + LFO 控制器 + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - + + BASE + 基准 - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. - + + Base: + 基准值: - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. - + + AMNT + 数量 - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - + + Modulation amount: + 调制量: - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - + + MULT + 增幅 - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. + + Amount multiplicator: - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - + + ATCK + 打击 - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. - + + Attack: + 打击声: - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. - + + DCAY + 衰减 - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - + + Release: + 释音: - Volume - 音量 + + TRSH + - Panning - 声相 + + Treshold: + 阀值: - Coarse detune - 音高粗调 + + Mute output + 输出静音 - semitones - 半音 + + Absolute value + + + + PeakControllerEffectControls - Finetune left - 左声道微调 + + Base value + 基准值 - cents - 音分 + + Modulation amount + 调制量 - Finetune right - 右声道微调 + + Attack + 打进声 - Stereo phase offset - + + Release + 释放 - deg - + + Treshold + 阀值 - Pulse width - 脉冲宽度 + + Mute output + 输出静音 - Send sync on pulse rise + + Absolute value - Send sync on pulse fall + + Amount multiplicator + + + PianoRoll - Hard sync oscillator 2 - + + Note Velocity + 音符音量 - Reverse sync oscillator 2 - + + Note Panning + 音符声相偏移 - Sub-osc mix - + + Mark/unmark current semitone + 标记/取消标记当前半音 - Hard sync oscillator 3 - + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + 标记/取消标记所有对应的八度音的半音 - Reverse sync oscillator 3 - + + Mark current scale + 标记当前音阶 - Attack - 打进声 + + Mark current chord + 标记当前和弦 - Rate - 比特率 + + Unmark all + 取消标记所有 - Phase - + + Select all notes on this key + 选中所有相同音调的音符 - Pre-delay - 预延迟 + + Note lock + 音符锁定 - Hold - 保持 + + Last note + 上一个音符 - Decay - 衰减 + + No key + - Sustain - 持续 + + No scale + 无音阶 - Release - 释放 + + No chord + 没有和弦 - Slope + + Nudge - Modulation amount - 调制量 + + Snap + - - - MultitapEchoControlDialog - Length - 长度 + + Velocity: %1% + 音量:%1% - Step length: - 步进长度: + + Panning: %1% left + 声相:%1% 偏左 - Dry - 干声 + + Panning: %1% right + 声相:%1% 偏右 - Dry Gain: - 干声增益: + + Panning: center + 声相:居中 - Stages + + Glue notes failed - Lowpass stages: + + Please select notes to glue first. - Swap inputs - 互换输入 + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + 双击打开片段! - Swap left and right input channel for reflections - 互换左右通道的输入以达到反射效果 + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + 请输入一个介于 %1 和 %2 的值: - NesInstrument - - Channel 1 Coarse detune - - + PianoRollWindow - Channel 1 Volume - 通道 1 音量 + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + 播放/暂停当前片段(空格) - Channel 1 Envelope length - 通道 1 包络长度 + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + 从 MIDI 设备/通道钢琴(channel-piano) 录制音符 - Channel 1 Duty cycle - 通道 1 占空比 + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track + 一边从 MIDI 设备/通道钢琴(channel-piano) 录制音符一边播放 - Channel 1 Sweep amount + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time - Channel 1 Sweep rate - + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + 停止当前片段(空格) - Channel 2 Coarse detune - + + Edit actions + 编辑功能 - Channel 2 Volume - 通道 2 音量 + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + 绘制模式 (Shift+D) - Channel 2 Envelope length - 通道 2 包络长度 + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + 擦除模式 (Shift+E) - Channel 2 Duty cycle - 通道 2 占空比 + + Select mode (Shift+S) + 选择模式 (Shift+S) - Channel 2 Sweep amount + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - Channel 2 Sweep rate - + + Quantize + 量化 - Channel 3 Coarse detune + + Quantize positions - Channel 3 Volume - 通道 3 音量 - - - Channel 4 Volume - 通道 4 音量 + + Quantize lengths + - Channel 4 Envelope length - 通道 4 包络长度 + + File actions + - Channel 4 Noise frequency - 通道 4 噪音频率 + + Import clip + - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep + + + Export clip - Master volume - 主音量 + + Copy paste controls + 复制粘贴控制 - Vibrato - 颤音 + + Cut (%1+X) + - - - NesInstrumentView - Volume - 音量 + + Copy (%1+C) + - Coarse detune - 音高粗调 + + Paste (%1+V) + - Envelope length - 包络线长度 + + Timeline controls + 时间线控制 - Enable channel 1 - 启用通道 1 + + Glue + - Enable envelope 1 - 启用包络 1 + + Knife + - Enable envelope 1 loop - 启用包络 1 循环 + + Fill + - Enable sweep 1 + + Cut overlaps - Sweep amount + + Min length as last - Sweep rate + + Max length as last - 12.5% Duty cycle - 12.5% 占空比 + + Zoom and note controls + 缩放和音符控制 - 25% Duty cycle - 25% 占空比 + + Horizontal zooming + 水平缩放 - 50% Duty cycle - 50% 占空比 + + Vertical zooming + 垂直缩放 - 75% Duty cycle - 75% 占空比 + + Quantization + 量化控制 - Enable channel 2 - 启用通道 2 + + Note length + - Enable envelope 2 - 启用包络 2 + + Key + - Enable envelope 2 loop - 启用包络 2 循环 + + Scale + - Enable sweep 2 + + Chord - Enable channel 3 - 启用通道 3 + + Snap mode + - Noise Frequency - 噪音频率 + + Clear ghost notes + - Frequency sweep - + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + 钢琴窗 - %1 - Enable channel 4 - 启用通道 4 + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + 钢琴窗 - 没有片段 - Enable envelope 4 - 启用包络 4 + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + - Enable envelope 4 loop - 启用包络 4 循环 + + Export clip success + - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - 在使用音符频率时,量化噪音频率 + + Clip saved to %1 + - Use note frequency for noise - 对噪音使用音符频率 + + Import clip. + - Noise mode - 噪音模式 + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + - Master Volume - 主音量 + + Open clip + - Vibrato - 颤音 + + Import clip success + + + + + Imported clip %1! + - OscillatorObject + PianoView - Osc %1 volume - Osc %1 音量 + + Base note + 基本音 - Osc %1 panning - Osc %1 声像 + + First note + - Osc %1 coarse detuning - + + Last note + 上一个音符 + + + Plugin - Osc %1 fine detuning left - + + Plugin not found + 未找到插件 - Osc %1 fine detuning right - + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + 插件“%1”无法找到或无法载入! +原因:%2 - Osc %1 phase-offset - + + Error while loading plugin + 载入插件时发生错误 - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + 载入插件“%1”失败! + + + PluginBrowser - Osc %1 wave shape + + Instrument Plugins - Modulation type %1 - 调制类型 %1 + + Instrument browser + 乐器浏览器 - Osc %1 waveform - Osc %1 波形 + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + 将乐器插件拖入歌曲编辑器, 节拍低音线编辑器, 或者现有的乐器轨道。 - Osc %1 harmonic - Osc %1 泛音 + + no description + 没有描述 - - - PatchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: 通道预设 + + A native amplifier plugin + 原生增益插件 - Bank selector - 音色选择器 + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + 简单地在乐器栏使用采样(比如鼓音源), 同时也提供多种设置 - Bank - + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + - Program selector - 乐器选择器 + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + 可自定制的波表合成器 - Patch - 音色 + + An oversampling bitcrusher + - Name - 名称 + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Carla Patchbay 乐器 - OK - 确定 + + Carla Rack Instrument + Carla Rack 乐器 - Cancel - 取消 + + A dynamic range compressor. + - - - PatmanView - Open other patch - 打开其他音色 + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + 一种 四波段交叉均衡器 - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - 点击这里打开另一个音色文件。循环和调音设置不会被重设。 + + A native delay plugin + 原生的衰减插件 - Loop - 循环 + + A Dual filter plugin + - Loop mode - 循环模式 + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - 在这里你可以开关循环模式。如果启用,PatMan 会使用文件中的循环信息。 + + A native eq plugin + 原生的 EQ 插件 - Tune - 调音 + + A native flanger plugin + 一个原生的 镶边 (Flanger) 插件 - Tune mode - 调音模式 + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + GameBoy (TM) APU 模拟器 - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - 这里可以开关调音模式。如果启用,PatMan 会将采样调成和音符一样的频率。 + + Player for GIG files + 播放 GIG 文件的播放器 - No file selected - 未选择文件 + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + 导入 Hydrogen 工程文件到 LMMS 的解析器 - Open patch file - 打开音色文件 + + Versatile drum synthesizer + 多功能鼓合成器 - Patch-Files (*.pat) - 音色文件 (*.pat) + + List installed LADSPA plugins + 列出已安装的 LADSPA 插件 - - - PatternView - Open in piano-roll - 在钢琴窗中打开 + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + 在 LMMS 中使用任意 LADSPA 效果的插件。 - Clear all notes - 清除所有音符 + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 + 对单音 TB-303 的不完整的模拟器 - Reset name - 重置名称 + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. + - Change name - 修改名称 + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + - Add steps - 添加音阶 + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + 从 LMMS 导出 MIDI 文件的生成器 - Remove steps - 移除音阶 + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + 导入 MIDI 文件到 LMMS 的解析器 - Clone Steps - 复制音阶 + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + 带 3 个振荡器和调制矩阵的能发出像怪兽一样声音的合成器 - - - PeakController - Peak Controller - 峰值控制器 + + A multitap echo delay plugin + - Peak Controller Bug - 峰值控制器 Bug + + A NES-like synthesizer + 类似于 NES 的合成器 + + + + 2-operator FM Synth + - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - 在老版本的 LMMS 中, 峰值控制器因为有 bug 而可能没有正确连接。请确保峰值控制器正常连接后再次保存次文件。我们对给你造成的不便深表歉意。 + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + - - - PeakControllerDialog - PEAK - 峰值 + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + GUS 兼容音色的乐器 - LFO Controller - LFO 控制器 + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - BASE - 基准 + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + Sean Costello 发明的混响算法 - Base amount: - 基础值: + + Player for SoundFont files + 在工程中使用SoundFont - Modulation amount: - 调制量: + + LMMS port of sfxr + sfxr 的 LMMS 移植版本 - Attack: - 打击声: + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + 模拟 MOS6581 和 MOS8580 SID 的模拟器 +这些芯片曾在 Commodore 64 电脑上用过。 - Release: - 释音: + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + - AMNT - 数量 + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + - MULT + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output - Amount Multiplicator: + + Tuneful things to bang on - ATCK - 打击 + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + 三个可以任你调制的强大振荡器 - DCAY - 衰减 + + A stereo field visualizer. + - Treshold: - 阀值: + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + LMMS的VST(i)插件宿主 - TRSH + + Vibrating string modeler - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - Base value - 基准值 + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + 在 LMMS 中使用任意 VST 效果的插件。 - Modulation amount - 调制量 + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + 有四个振荡器的可调制波表合成器 - Mute output - 输出静音 + + plugin for waveshaping + - Attack - 打进声 + + Mathematical expression parser + - Release - 释放 + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + 内置的 ZynAddSubFX + + + PluginDatabaseW - Abs Value + + Carla - Add New - Amount Multiplicator + + Format - Treshold - 阀值 + + Internal + - - - PianoRoll - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - 双击打开片段! + + LADSPA + - Last note - 上一个音符 + + DSSI + - Note lock - 音符锁定 + + LV2 + - Note Velocity - 音符音量 + + VST2 + - Note Panning - 音符声相偏移 + + VST3 + - Mark/unmark current semitone - 标记/取消标记当前半音 + + AU + - Mark current scale + + Sound Kits - Mark current chord - 标记当前和弦 + + Type + 类型 - Unmark all - 取消标记所有 + + Effects + 效果 - No scale - + + Instruments + 乐器插件 - No chord - 没有和弦 + + MIDI Plugins + - Velocity: %1% - 音量:%1% + + Other/Misc + - Panning: %1% left - 声相:%1% 偏左 + + Architecture + - Panning: %1% right - 声相:%1% 偏右 + + Native + - Panning: center - 声相:居中 + + Bridged + - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - 请输入一个介于 %1 和 %2 的值: + + Bridged (Wine) + - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - 标记/取消标记所有对应的八度音的半音 + + Requirements + - Select all notes on this key - 选中所有相同音调的音符 + + With Custom GUI + - - - PianoRollWindow - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - 播放/暂停当前片段(空格) + + With CV Ports + - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - 从 MIDI 设备/通道钢琴(channel-piano) 录制音符 + + Real-time safe only + - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - 一边从 MIDI 设备/通道钢琴(channel-piano) 录制音符一边播放 + + Stereo only + - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - 停止当前片段(空格) + + With Inline Display + - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. - 点击这里播放当前的片段。在编辑时,此功能非常有用。在播放到末尾时,将会自动从头再次播放。 + + Favorites only + - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. - 点击这里从指定通道的 MIDI 设备或虚拟钢琴录制音符到当前片段。录制时,所有音符都将被添加到此片段,在录制后你就可以自由地编辑它们。 + + (Number of Plugins go here) + - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. - 点击这里从指定通道的 MIDI 设备或虚拟钢琴录制音符到当前片段。录制时,所有音符都将被添加到此片段,并且你将会听到对应的声音或旋律。 + + &Add Plugin + - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. - 点击这里停止播放当前的片段。 + + Cancel + 取消 - Draw mode (Shift+D) - 绘制模式 (Shift+D) + + Refresh + - Erase mode (Shift+E) - 擦除模式 (Shift+E) + + Reset filters + - Select mode (Shift+S) - 选择模式 (Shift+S) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - Detune mode (Shift+T) - 失谐模式 (Shift+T) + + Format: + - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. - 点击这里将会启用绘制模式。在这个模式下,你可以增加、移动、加长、缩短音符。在大多数情况下,这是默认的模式。你还可以按 'Shift+D' 激活此模式。如果你想暂时切换到选定模式可以按住 %1 。 + + Architecture: + - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - 点击启用擦除模式。此模式下你可以擦除音符。你可以按键盘上的 'Shift+E' 启用此模式。 + + Type: + 类型: - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. - 点击这里将会启用选定模式。在这个模式下你可以选定多个音符。你还可以在绘制模式下按住 %1 来暂时切换到选定模式。 + + MIDI Ins: + - Click here and detune mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + Audio Ins: - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - 剪切选定音符 (%1+X) + + CV Outs: + - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - 复制选定音符 (%1+C) + + MIDI Outs: + - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - 从剪贴板粘贴音符 (%1+V) + + Parameter Ins: + - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + Parameter Outs: - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + Audio Outs: - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - 点击这里将会把剪切板里面的音符粘贴到第一个可见的小节。 + + CV Ins: + - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. - 这个选项控制了坐标轴的放大率。在进行某些任务时会很有用。在平常的编辑中,放大率应该根据你的片段中最短的那个音符设定。 + + UniqueID: + - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. - 'Q' 的意思是量化 (Quantization),这个控制了网格的大小,音符和控制点的对齐。量化值越小,你就能在钢琴窗中画出更小的音符,或者在自动控制编辑器中画出更精确的控制点。 + + Has Inline Display: + - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited - 你可以在此选项中选择新音符的长度。“上一个音符”选项表示 LMMS 将会使用你所编辑的上一个音符的长度 + + Has Custom GUI: + - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! + + Is Synth: - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. + + Is Bridged: - Edit actions - 编辑功能 + + Information + - Copy paste controls - 复制粘贴控制 + + Name + 名称 - Timeline controls - 时间线控制 + + Label/URI + - Zoom and note controls - 缩放和音符控制 + + Maker + - Piano-Roll - %1 - 钢琴窗 - %1 + + Binary/Filename + - Piano-Roll - no pattern - 钢琴窗 - 没有片段 + + Focus Text Search + - Quantize - 量化 + + Ctrl+F + - PianoView + PluginEdit - Base note - 基本音 + + Plugin Editor + - - - Plugin - Plugin not found - 未找到插件 + + Edit + 编辑 - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - 插件“%1”无法找到或无法载入! -原因:%2 + + Control + 控制 - Error while loading plugin - 载入插件时发生错误 + + MIDI Control Channel: + - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - 载入插件“%1”失败! + + N + - - - PluginBrowser - Instrument browser - 乐器浏览器 + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - 将乐器插件拖入歌曲编辑器, 节拍低音线编辑器, 或者现有的乐器轨道。 + + Output volume (100%) + - Instrument Plugins + + Balance Left (0%) - - - PluginFactory - Plugin not found. - 未找到插件。 + + + Balance Right (0%) + - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! - LMMS插件 %1 没有一个插件描述符命名为 %2 + + Use Balance + - - - ProjectNotes - Edit Actions - 编辑功能 + + Use Panning + + + + + Settings + 设置 + + + + Use Chunks + - &Undo - 撤销(&U) + + Audio: + - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - &Redo - 重做(&R) + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - %1+Y - %1+Y + + MIDI: + - &Copy - 复制(&C) + + Map Program Changes + - %1+C - %1+C + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - Cu&t - 剪切(&T) + + Send Control Changes + - %1+X - %1+X + + Send Channel Pressure + - &Paste - 粘贴(&P) + + Send Note Aftertouch + - %1+V - %1+V + + Send Pitchbend + - Format Actions - 格式功能 + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - &Bold - 加粗(&B) + + +Plugin Name + + - %1+B - %1+B + + Program: + 工程 - &Italic - 斜体(&I) + + MIDI Program: + - %1+I - %1+I + + Save State + - &Underline - 下划线(&U) + + Load State + - %1+U - %1+U + + Information + - &Left - 左对齐(&L) + + Label/URI: + - %1+L - %1+L + + Name: + - C&enter - 居中(&E) + + Type: + 类型: - %1+E - %1+E + + Maker: + - &Right - 右对齐(&R) + + Copyright: + - %1+R - %1+R + + Unique ID: + + + + PluginFactory - &Justify - 匀齐(&J) + + Plugin not found. + 未找到插件。 - %1+J - %1+J + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + LMMS插件 %1 没有一个插件描述符命名为 %2 + + + PluginParameter - &Color... - 颜色(&C)... + + Form + - Project Notes - 显示/隐藏工程注释 + + Parameter Name + - Enter project notes here + + ... - ProjectRenderer + PluginRefreshW - WAV-File (*.wav) - WAV-文件 (*.wav) + + Carla - Refresh + - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - 压缩的 OGG 文件(*.ogg) + + Search for new... + - FLAC-File (*.flac) + + LADSPA - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) + + DSSI - - - QWidget - Name: - 名称: + + LV2 + - Maker: - 制作者: + + VST2 + - Copyright: - 版权: + + VST3 + - Requires Real Time: - 要求实时: + + AU + - Yes - + + SF2/3 + - No - + + SFZ + - Real Time Capable: - 是否支持实时: + + Native + - In Place Broken: - 被损坏: + + POSIX 32bit + - Channels In: - 输入通道: + + POSIX 64bit + - Channels Out: - 输出通道: + + Windows 32bit + - File: - 文件: + + Windows 64bit + - File: %1 - 文件:%1 + + Available tools: + - - - RenameDialog - Rename... - 重命名... + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - - - ReverbSCControlDialog - Input - 输入 + + carla-discovery-win64 + - Input Gain: - 输入增益: + + carla-discovery-native + - Size + + carla-discovery-posix32 - Size: + + carla-discovery-posix64 - Color + + carla-discovery-win32 - Color: + + Options: - Output - 输出 + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - Output Gain: - 输出增益: + + Run processing checks while scanning + - - - ReverbSCControls - Input Gain + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search - Size + + Scan - Color + + >> Skip - Output Gain - + + Close + 关闭 - SampleBuffer - - Open audio file - 打开音频文件 - + PluginWidget - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Wave波形文件 (*.wav) + + + + + + Frame + - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - OGG-文件 (*.ogg) + + Enable + - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - DrumSynth-文件 (*.ds) + + On/Off + 开/关 - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - FLAC-文件 (*.flac) + + + + + PluginName + - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - SPEEX-文件 (*.spx) + + MIDI + MIDI - VOC-Files (*.voc) - VOC-文件 (*.voc) + + AUDIO IN + - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - AIFF-文件 (*.aif *.aiff) + + AUDIO OUT + - AU-Files (*.au) - AU-文件 (*.au) + + GUI + - RAW-Files (*.raw) - RAW-文件 (*.raw) + + Edit + 编辑 - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - 所有音频文件 (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + Remove + 移除 - Fail to open file + + Plugin Name - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + + Preset: - SampleTCOView + ProjectNotes - double-click to select sample - 双击选择采样 + + Project Notes + 显示/隐藏工程注释 - Delete (middle mousebutton) - 删除 (鼠标中键) + + Enter project notes here + - Cut - 剪切 + + Edit Actions + 编辑功能 - Copy - 复制 + + &Undo + 撤销(&U) - Paste - 粘贴 + + %1+Z + %1+Z - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - 静音/取消静音 (<%1> + 鼠标中键) + + &Redo + 重做(&R) - - - SampleTrack - Sample track - 采样轨道 + + %1+Y + %1+Y - Volume - 音量 + + &Copy + 复制(&C) - Panning - 声相 + + %1+C + %1+C + + + + Cu&t + 剪切(&T) + + + + %1+X + %1+X + + + + &Paste + 粘贴(&P) + + + + %1+V + %1+V - - - SampleTrackView - Track volume - 轨道音量 + + Format Actions + 格式功能 - Channel volume: - 通道音量: + + &Bold + 加粗(&B) - VOL - 音量 + + %1+B + %1+B - Panning - 声相 + + &Italic + 斜体(&I) - Panning: - 声相: + + %1+I + %1+I - PAN - 声相 + + &Underline + 下划线(&U) - - - SetupDialog - Setup LMMS - 设置LMMS + + %1+U + %1+U - General settings - 常规设置 + + &Left + 左对齐(&L) - BUFFER SIZE - 缓冲区大小 + + %1+L + %1+L - Reset to default-value - 重置为默认值 + + C&enter + 居中(&E) - MISC - 杂项 + + %1+E + %1+E - Enable tooltips - 启用工具提示 + + &Right + 右对齐(&R) - Show restart warning after changing settings - 在改变设置后显示重启警告 + + %1+R + %1+R - Compress project files per default - 默认压缩项目文件 + + &Justify + 匀齐(&J) - One instrument track window mode - 单乐器轨道窗口模式 + + %1+J + %1+J - HQ-mode for output audio-device - 对输出设备使用高质量输出 + + &Color... + 颜色(&C)... + + + ProjectRenderer - Compact track buttons - 紧凑化轨道图标 + + WAV (*.wav) + - Sync VST plugins to host playback - 同步 VST 插件和主机回放 + + FLAC (*.flac) + - Enable note labels in piano roll - 在钢琴窗中显示音号 + + OGG (*.ogg) + - Enable waveform display by default - 默认启用波形图 + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + QObject - Keep effects running even without input - 在没有输入时也运行音频效果 + + Reload Plugin + - Create backup file when saving a project - 保存工程时建立备份 + + Show GUI + 显示图形界面 - LANGUAGE - 语言 + + Help + 帮助 + + + QWidget - Paths - 路径 + + + + + Name: + 名称: - LMMS working directory - LMMS工作目录 + + URI: + - VST-plugin directory - VST插件目录 + + + + Maker: + 制作者: - Background artwork - 背景图片 + + + + Copyright: + 版权: - STK rawwave directory - STK rawwave 目录 + + + Requires Real Time: + 要求实时: - Default Soundfont File - 默认 SoundFont 文件 + + + + + + + Yes + - Performance settings - 性能设置 + + + + + + + No + - UI effects vs. performance - 界面特效 vs 性能 + + + Real Time Capable: + 是否支持实时: - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - 歌曲编辑器中启用平滑滚动 + + + In Place Broken: + 被损坏: - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - 在 AudioFileProcessor 中显示回放光标 + + + Channels In: + 输入通道: - Audio settings - 音频设置 + + + Channels Out: + 输出通道: - AUDIO INTERFACE - 音频接口 + + File: %1 + 文件:%1 - MIDI settings - MIDI设置 + + File: + 文件: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - MIDI INTERFACE - MIDI接口 + + &Recently Opened Projects + 最近打开的工程(&R) + + + RenameDialog - OK - 确定 + + Rename... + 重命名... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - Cancel - 取消 + + Input + 输入 - Restart LMMS - 重启LMMS + + Input gain: + 输入增益: - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - 请注意很多设置需要重启LMMS才可生效! + + Size + - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - 帧数: %1 -延迟: %2 毫秒 + + Size: + - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - 在这里,你可以设置 LMMS 所用缓冲区的大小。缓冲区越小,延迟越小,但声音质量和性能可能会受影响。 + + Color + - Choose LMMS working directory - 选择 LMMS 工作目录 + + Color: + - Choose your VST-plugin directory - 选择 VST 插件目录 + + Output + 输出 - Choose artwork-theme directory - 选择插图目录 + + Output gain: + 输出增益: + + + ReverbSCControls - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - 选择 LADSPA 插件目录 + + Input gain + 输入增益 - Choose STK rawwave directory - 选择 STK rawwave 目录 + + Size + - Choose default SoundFont - 选择默认的 SoundFont + + Color + - Choose background artwork - 选择背景图片 + + Output gain + 输出增益 + + + SaControls - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - 在这里你可以选择你想要的音频接口。取决于你的系统和编译时的设置, 你可以选择 ALSA, JACK, OSS 等选项。在下面的方框中你可以设置音频接口的控制项目。 + + Pause + - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - 在这里你可以选择你想要的 MIDI 接口。取决于你的系统和编译时的设置, 你可以选择 ALSA, OSS 等选项。在下面的方框中你可以设置 MIDI 接口的控制项目。 + + Reference freeze + - Reopen last project on start - 启动时打开最近的项目 + + Waterfall + - Directories - 目录 + + Averaging + - Themes directory - 主题文件目录 + + Stereo + 双声道 - GIG directory - GIG 目录 + + Peak hold + - SF2 directory - SF2 目录 + + Logarithmic frequency + - LADSPA plugin directories - LADSPA 插件目录 + + Logarithmic amplitude + - Auto save - 自动保存 + + Frequency range + - Choose your GIG directory - 选择 GIG 目录 + + Amplitude range + - Choose your SF2 directory - 选择 SF2 目录 + + FFT block size + - minutes - 分钟 + + FFT window type + - minute - 分钟 + + Peak envelope resolution + - Display volume as dBFS - 以 dBFS 为单位显示音量 + + Spectrum display resolution + - Enable auto-save - 启用自动保存 + + Peak decay multiplier + - Allow auto-save while playing - 允许在播放时自动保存 + + Averaging weight + - Disabled + + Waterfall history size - Auto-save interval: %1 - 自动保存间隔:%1 + + Waterfall gamma correction + - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. - 设置自动保存时间间隔为 %1。 -请您也时常手动保存您的项目。如果您的设备较旧,您可以选择禁用“允许在播放时自动保存”这个选项。 + + FFT window overlap + - - - Song - Tempo - 节奏 + + FFT zero padding + - Master volume - 主音量 + + + Full (auto) + - Master pitch - 主音高 + + + + Audible + - Project saved - 工程已保存 + + Bass + 低音 - The project %1 is now saved. - 工程 %1 已保存。 + + Mids + - Project NOT saved. - 工程 **没有** 保存。 + + High + - The project %1 was not saved! - 工程%1没有保存! + + Extended + - Import file - 导入文件 + + Loud + - MIDI sequences - MIDI 音序器 + + Silent + - Hydrogen projects - Hydrogen工程 + + (High time res.) + - All file types - 所有类型 + + (High freq. res.) + - Empty project - 空工程 + + Rectangular (Off) + - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - 这个工程是空的所以就算导出也没有意义,请在歌曲编辑器中加入一点声音吧! + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - 选择写入导出音轨的目录... + + Hamming + - untitled - 未标题 + + Hanning + + + + SaControlsDialog - Select file for project-export... - 为工程导出选择文件... + + Pause + - The following errors occured while loading: - 载入时发生以下错误: + + Pause data acquisition + - MIDI File (*.mid) - MIDI 文件 (*.mid) + + Reference freeze + - LMMS Error report - LMMS 错误报告 + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + - Save project - 保存工程 + + Waterfall + - - - SongEditor - Could not open file - 无法打开文件 + + Display real-time spectrogram + - Could not write file - 无法写入文件 + + Averaging + - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - 无法打开 %1 。或许没有权限读此文件。 -请确保您拥有对此文件的读权限,然后重试。 + + Enable exponential moving average + - Error in file - 文件错误 + + Stereo + 双声道 - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - 文件 %1 似乎包含错误,无法被加载。 + + Display stereo channels separately + - Tempo - 节奏 + + Peak hold + - TEMPO/BPM - 节奏/BPM + + Display envelope of peak values + - tempo of song - 歌曲的节奏 + + Logarithmic frequency + - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). - 歌曲的节拍是以拍每分 (BPM)计算的。如果你想改变你歌曲的节拍, 你就需要改变这个数值。如每个小节有4拍, 那么以 BPM 计算的节拍数就是一分钟内会播放多少个四分之一个小节(或是4分钟内会播放多少个小节)。 + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + - High quality mode - 高质量模式 + + + Frequency range + - Master volume - 主音量 + + Logarithmic amplitude + - master volume - 主音量 + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + - Master pitch - 主音高 + + + Amplitude range + - master pitch - 主音高 + + Envelope res. + - Value: %1% - 值: %1% + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Value: %1 semitones - 值: %1 半音程 + + + Draw at most + - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - 无法打开 %1 写入数据。或许没有权限修改此文件。请确保您拥有对此文件的写权限,然后重试。 + + envelope points per pixel + - template - 模板 + + Spectrum res. + - project - 工程文件 + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - Version difference - 版本差异 + + spectrum points per pixel + - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. - 这个%1是由 LMMS 版本 %2 创建的。 + + Falloff factor + - - - SongEditorWindow - Song-Editor - 歌曲编辑器 + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + - Play song (Space) - 播放歌曲(空格) + + Multiply buffered value by + - Record samples from Audio-device - 从音频设备录制样本 + + Averaging weight + - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - 在播放歌曲或BB轨道时从音频设备录入样本 + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. + - Stop song (Space) - 停止歌曲(空格) + + New sample contributes + - Add beat/bassline - 添加节拍/Bassline + + Waterfall height + - Add sample-track - 添加采样轨道 + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. + - Add automation-track - 添加自动控制轨道 + + Keep + - Draw mode - 绘制模式 + + lines + - Edit mode (select and move) - 编辑模式(选定和移动) + + Waterfall gamma + - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - 点击这里完整播放歌曲。将从绿色歌曲标记开始播放。在播放的同时可以对它进行移动。 + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. + - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - 点击这里停止播放,歌曲位置标记会跳到歌曲的开头。 + + Gamma value: + - Track actions - 轨道动作 + + Window overlap + - Edit actions - 编辑动作 + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. + - Timeline controls - 时间线控制 + + Each sample processed + - Zoom controls - 缩放控制 + + times + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - Linear spectrum - 线性频谱图 + + Zero padding + - Linear Y axis - 线性 Y 轴 + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - Linear spectrum - 线性频谱图 + + Processing buffer is + - Linear Y axis - 线性 Y 轴 + + steps larger than input block + - Channel mode - 通道模式 + + Advanced settings + - - - SubWindow - Close - 关闭 + + Access advanced settings + - Maximize - 最大化 + + + FFT block size + - Restore - 还原 + + + FFT window type + - TabWidget + SampleBuffer - Settings for %1 - %1 的设定 + + Fail to open file + - - - TempoSyncKnob - Tempo Sync - 节奏同步 + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + - No Sync - 无同步 + + Open audio file + 打开音频文件 - Eight beats - 八拍 + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + 所有音频文件 (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - Whole note - 全音符 + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Wave波形文件 (*.wav) - Half note - 二分音符 + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + OGG-文件 (*.ogg) - Quarter note - 四分音符 + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + DrumSynth-文件 (*.ds) - 8th note - 八分音符 + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + FLAC-文件 (*.flac) - 16th note - 16 分音符 + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + SPEEX-文件 (*.spx) - 32nd note - 32 分音符 + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + VOC-文件 (*.voc) - Custom... - 自定义... + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + AIFF-文件 (*.aif *.aiff) - Custom - 自定义 + + AU-Files (*.au) + AU-文件 (*.au) - Synced to Eight Beats - 同步为八拍 + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + RAW-文件 (*.raw) + + + SampleClipView - Synced to Whole Note - 同步为全音符 + + Double-click to open sample + - Synced to Half Note - 同步为二分音符 + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + 删除 (鼠标中键) - Synced to Quarter Note - 同步为四分音符 + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - Synced to 8th Note - 同步为八分音符 + + Cut + 剪切 - Synced to 16th Note - 同步为16分音符 + + Cut selection + - Synced to 32nd Note - 同步为32分音符 + + Copy + 复制 - - - TimeDisplayWidget - click to change time units - 点击改变时间单位 + + Copy selection + - MIN - 分钟 + + Paste + 粘贴 - SEC - + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + 静音/取消静音 (<%1> + 鼠标中键) - MSEC - 毫秒 + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - BAR - 小节 + + Reverse sample + 反转采样 - BEAT - + + Set clip color + - TICK - + + Use track color + - TimeLineWidget + SampleTrack - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - 启用/禁用自动滚动 + + Volume + 音量 - Enable/disable loop-points - 启用/禁用循环点 + + Panning + 声相 - After stopping go back to begin - 停止后前往开头 + + Mixer channel + 效果通道 - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - 停止后前往播放开始的地方 + + + Sample track + 采样轨道 + + + SampleTrackView - After stopping keep position - 停止后保持位置不变 + + Track volume + 轨道音量 - Hint - 提示 + + Channel volume: + 通道音量: - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - 按住 <%1> 禁用磁性吸附。 + + VOL + 音量 + + + + Panning + 声相 - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - 按住 <Shift> 移动起始循环点;按住 <%1> 禁用磁性吸附。 + + Panning: + 声相: - - - Track - Mute - 静音 + + PAN + 声相 - Solo - 独奏 + + Channel %1: %2 + 效果 %1: %2 - TrackContainer + SampleTrackWindow - Couldn't import file - 无法导入文件 + + GENERAL SETTINGS + 常规设置 - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - 无法找到导入文件 %1 的导入器 -你需要使用其他软件将此文件转换成 LMMS 支持的格式。 + + Sample volume + - Couldn't open file - 无法打开文件 + + Volume: + 音量: - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - 无法读取文件 %1 -请确认你有对该文件及其目录的读取权限后再试! + + VOL + 音量 - Loading project... - 正在加载工程... + + Panning + 声相 - Cancel - 取消 + + Panning: + 声相: - Please wait... - 请稍等... + + PAN + 声相 - Importing MIDI-file... - 正在导入 MIDI-文件... + + Mixer channel + 效果通道 - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) - 正在加载轨道 %1 (第 %2 个/共 %3 个) + + CHANNEL + 效果 - TrackContentObject + SaveOptionsWidget - Mute - 静音 + + Discard MIDI connections + + + + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + - TrackContentObjectView + SetupDialog - Current position - 当前位置 + + Reset to default value + - Hint - 提示 + + Use built-in NaN handler + - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - 按住 <%1> 并拖动以创建副本。 + + Settings + 设置 - Current length - 当前长度 + + + General + - Press <%1> for free resizing. - 按住 <%1> 自由调整大小。 + + Graphical user interface (GUI) + - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4 到 %5:%6) + + Display volume as dBFS + 以 dBFS 为单位显示音量 - Delete (middle mousebutton) - 删除 (鼠标中键) + + Enable tooltips + 启用工具提示 - Cut - 剪切 + + Enable master oscilloscope by default + - Copy - 复制 + + Enable all note labels in piano roll + - Paste - 粘贴 + + Enable compact track buttons + - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - 静音/取消静音 (<%1> + 鼠标中键) + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode + - - - TrackOperationsWidget - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. - 按住 <%1> 的同时拖动移动柄复制并移动此轨道。 + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side + - Actions for this track - 对此轨道可进行的操作 + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released + - Mute - 静音 + + Mute automation tracks during solo + - Solo - 独奏 + + Show warning when deleting tracks + - Mute this track - 静音此轨道 + + Projects + 项目 - Clone this track - 克隆此轨道 + + Compress project files by default + - Remove this track - 移除此轨道 + + Create a backup file when saving a project + - Clear this track - 清除此轨道 + + Reopen last project on startup + - FX %1: %2 - 效果 %1: %2 + + Language + 语言 - Turn all recording on - 打开所有录制 + + + Performance + - Turn all recording off - 关闭所有录制 + + Autosave + - Assign to new FX Channel - 分配到新的效果通道 + + Enable autosave + - - - TripleOscillatorView - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Allow autosave while playing - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 + + Smooth scroll in song editor - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - 同步振荡器 1 和振荡器 2 + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor + - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - 将振荡器 1 的频率调制应用给振荡器 2 + + Plugins + 插件 - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + VST plugins embedding: - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - + + No embedding + 单独窗口 - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 - + + Embed using Qt API + 使用 Qt API - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - 同步振荡器 2 和振荡器 3 + + Embed using native Win32 API + 使用原生 Win32 API - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 - 将振荡器 2 的频率调制应用给振荡器 3 + + Embed using XEmbed protocol + 使用 XEmbed 协议 - Osc %1 volume: + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. - + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + 同步 VST 插件和主机回放 - Osc %1 panning: + + Keep effects running even without input + 在没有输入时也运行音频效果 + + + + + Audio + 音频 + + + + Audio interface - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. + + HQ mode for output audio device - Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + Buffer size - semitones - 半音 + + + MIDI + MIDI - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. + + MIDI interface - Osc %1 fine detuning left: + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track - cents - 音分 cents + + LMMS working directory + LMMS工作目录 - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + VST plugins directory - Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + LADSPA plugins directories - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. - + + SF2 directory + SF2 目录 - Osc %1 phase-offset: + + Default SF2 - degrees - + + GIG directory + GIG 目录 - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + Theme directory - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - + + Background artwork + 背景图片 - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. + + Some changes require restarting. - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用正弦波。 - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用三角波。 + + Autosave interval: %1 + - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用锯齿波。 + + Choose the LMMS working directory + - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用方波。 + + Choose your VST plugins directory + - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用指数爆炸波形。 + + Choose your default SF2 + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用白噪音。 + + Choose your theme directory + - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用用户自定波形。 + + Choose your background picture + - - - VersionedSaveDialog - Increment version number - 递增版本号 + + + Paths + 路径 - Decrement version number - 递减版本号 + + OK + 确定 - already exists. Do you want to replace it? - + + Cancel + 取消 - - - VestigeInstrumentView - Open other VST-plugin - 打开其他的VST插件 + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + 帧数: %1 +延迟: %2 毫秒 - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. - 如果你想打开另一个 VST 插件。在点击此按牛后, 将会打开文件选择对话框, 你就可以选择你的 VST 插件文件了。 + + Choose your GIG directory + 选择 GIG 目录 - Show/hide GUI - 显示/隐藏界面 + + Choose your SF2 directory + 选择 SF2 目录 - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - 点此显示/隐藏VST插件的界面。 + + minutes + 分钟 - Turn off all notes - 全部静音 + + minute + 分钟 - Open VST-plugin - 打开VST插件 + + Disabled + + + + SidInstrument - DLL-files (*.dll) - DLL-文件 (*.dll) + + Cutoff frequency + 切除频率 - EXE-files (*.exe) - EXE-文件 (*.exe) + + Resonance + 共鸣 - No VST-plugin loaded - 未载入VST插件 + + Filter type + 过滤器类型 - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - 从 LMMS 宿主控制 VST-插件 + + Voice 3 off + 声音 3 关 - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - 如果你想从宿主控制 VST-插件, 请点击这里。 + + Volume + 音量 - Open VST-plugin preset - 打开 VST-插件预设 + + Chip model + 芯片型号 + + + SidInstrumentView - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - 如果你想打开另一个 *.fxp, *.fxb VST 插件预设, 请点击这里。 + + Volume: + 音量: - Previous (-) - 上一个 (-) + + Resonance: + 共鸣: - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - 如果你想切换到另一个 VST 插件预设,请点击这里。 + + + Cutoff frequency: + 频谱刀频率: - Save preset - 保存预置 + + High-pass filter + - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - 点击这里, 如果你想保存当前 VST-插件预设。 + + Band-pass filter + - Next (+) - 下一个 (+) + + Low-pass filter + - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - 点击此处选择当前所加载 VST 的预设 + + Voice 3 off + - Preset - 预置 + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - by - 制造商 + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - - VST plugin control - - VST插件控制 + + + Attack: + 打击声: - - - VisualizationWidget - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - 点击启用/禁用视觉化主输出 + + + Decay: + 衰减: - Click to enable - 点击启用 + + Sustain: + 振幅持平: - - - VstEffectControlDialog - Show/hide - 显示/隐藏 + + + Release: + 释音: - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - 从 LMMS 宿主控制 VST-插件 + + Pulse Width: + - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - 如果你想从 LMMS 宿主控制 VST-插件, 请点击这里。 + + Coarse: + - Open VST-plugin preset - 打开 VST-插件预设 + + Pulse wave + - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. - 如果你想打开另一个 *.fxp, *.fxb VST 插件预设, 请点击这里。 + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - Previous (-) - 上一个 (-) + + Saw wave + 锯齿波 - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. - 如果你想切换到另一个 VST 插件预设,请点击这里。 + + Noise + 噪音 - Next (+) - 下一个 (+) + + Sync + 同步 - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - 点击此处选择当前所加载 VST 的预设。 + + Ring modulation + - Save preset - 保存预置 + + Filtered + - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - 点击这里, 如果你想保存当前 VST-插件预设。 + + Test + 测试 - Effect by: - 音效制作: + + Pulse width: + + + + SideBarWidget - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + Close + 关闭 - VstPlugin + Song - Loading plugin - 载入插件 + + Tempo + 节奏 - Open Preset - 打开预置 + + Master volume + 主音量 - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - VST插件预置文件(*.fxp *.fxb) + + Master pitch + 主音高 - : default - : 默认 + + Aborting project load + - " - " + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. + - ' - ' + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. + - Save Preset - 保存预置 + + LMMS Error report + LMMS 错误报告 - .fxp - .fxp + + (repeated %1 times) + - .FXP - .FXP + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + + SongEditor - .FXB - .FXB + + Could not open file + 无法打开文件 - .fxb - .fxb + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + 无法打开 %1 。或许没有权限读此文件。 +请确保您拥有对此文件的读权限,然后重试。 - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - 正在载入VST插件,请稍候…… + + Operation denied + - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - 无法载入VST插件 %1。 + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. + - - - WatsynInstrument - Volume A1 - 音量 A1 + + + + Error + 错误 - Volume A2 - 音量 A2 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. + - Volume B1 - 音量 B1 + + Couldn't create resources folder. + - Volume B2 - 音量 B2 + + Failed to copy resources. + - Panning A1 - 声相 A1 + + Could not write file + 无法写入文件 - Panning A2 - 声相 A2 + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. + - Panning B1 - 声相 B1 + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 + - Panning B2 - 声相 B2 + + Error in file + 文件错误 - Freq. multiplier A1 - 频率加倍器 A1 + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + 文件 %1 似乎包含错误,无法被加载。 - Freq. multiplier A2 - 频率加倍器 A2 + + Version difference + 版本差异 - Freq. multiplier B1 - 频率加倍器 B1 + + template + 模板 - Freq. multiplier B2 - 频率加倍器 B2 + + project + 工程文件 - Left detune A1 - 左失谐 A1 + + Tempo + 节奏 - Left detune A2 - 左失谐 A2 + + TEMPO + - Left detune B1 - 左失谐 B1 + + Tempo in BPM + - Left detune B2 - 左失谐 B2 + + High quality mode + 高质量模式 - Right detune A1 - 右失谐 A1 + + + + Master volume + 主音量 - Right detune A2 - 右失谐 A2 + + + + Master pitch + 主音高 - Right detune B1 - 右失谐 B1 + + Value: %1% + 值: %1% - Right detune B2 - 右失谐 B2 + + Value: %1 semitones + 值: %1 半音程 + + + SongEditorWindow - A-B Mix - + + Song-Editor + 歌曲编辑器 - A-B Mix envelope amount - + + Play song (Space) + 播放歌曲(空格) - A-B Mix envelope attack - + + Record samples from Audio-device + 从音频设备录制样本 - A-B Mix envelope hold - + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + 在播放歌曲或BB轨道时从音频设备录入样本 - A-B Mix envelope decay - + + Stop song (Space) + 停止歌曲(空格) - A1-B2 Crosstalk - + + Track actions + 轨道动作 - A2-A1 modulation - + + Add beat/bassline + 添加节拍/Bassline - B2-B1 modulation - + + Add sample-track + 添加采样轨道 - Selected graph - 选定的图像 + + Add automation-track + 添加自动控制轨道 - - - WatsynView - Select oscillator A1 - 选择振荡器 A1 + + Edit actions + 编辑动作 - Select oscillator A2 - 选择振荡器 A2 + + Draw mode + 绘制模式 - Select oscillator B1 - 选择振荡器 B1 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) + - Select oscillator B2 - 选择振荡器 B2 + + Edit mode (select and move) + 编辑模式(选定和移动) - Mix output of A2 to A1 - + + Timeline controls + 时间线控制 - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 + + Bar insert controls - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 + + Insert bar - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 + + Remove bar - Mix output of B2 to B1 + + Zoom controls + 缩放控制 + + + + Horizontal zooming + 水平缩放 + + + + Snap controls - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 + + + Clip snapping size - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 + + Toggle proportional snap on/off - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 + + Base snapping size + + + StepRecorderWidget - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - 使用鼠标在此图像上绘制你自己的波形。 + + Hint + 提示 - Load waveform - 加载波形 + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + + SubWindow - Click to load a waveform from a sample file - 点击从文件加载波形 + + Close + 关闭 - Phase left - + + Maximize + 最大化 - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - + + Restore + 还原 + + + TabWidget - Phase right - + + + Settings for %1 + %1 的设定 + + + TemplatesMenu - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees - + + New from template + 从模版新建工程 + + + TempoSyncKnob - Normalize - 标准化 + + + Tempo Sync + 节奏同步 - Click to normalize - 标准化 + + No Sync + 无同步 - Invert - 反转 + + Eight beats + 八拍 - Click to invert - + + Whole note + 全音符 - Smooth - 平滑 + + Half note + 二分音符 - Click to smooth - 平滑化 + + Quarter note + 四分音符 - Sine wave - 正弦波 + + 8th note + 八分音符 - Click for sine wave - 点击这里使用正弦波。 + + 16th note + 16 分音符 - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + 32nd note + 32 分音符 - Click for triangle wave - 点击这里使用三角波。 + + Custom... + 自定义... - Click for saw wave - 点击这里使用锯齿波。 + + Custom + 自定义 - Square wave - 方波 + + Synced to Eight Beats + 同步为八拍 - Click for square wave - 点击这里使用方波。 + + Synced to Whole Note + 同步为全音符 - Volume - 音量 + + Synced to Half Note + 同步为二分音符 - Panning - 声相 + + Synced to Quarter Note + 同步为四分音符 - Freq. multiplier - 频率加倍器 + + Synced to 8th Note + 同步为八分音符 - Left detune - + + Synced to 16th Note + 同步为16分音符 - cents - 音分 + + Synced to 32nd Note + 同步为32分音符 + + + TimeDisplayWidget - Right detune + + Time units - A-B Mix - + + MIN + 分钟 - Mix envelope amount - + + SEC + - Mix envelope attack - + + MSEC + 毫秒 - Mix envelope hold - + + BAR + 小节 - Mix envelope decay - + + BEAT + - Crosstalk - + + TICK + - ZynAddSubFxInstrument + TimeLineWidget - Portamento - 滑音 + + Auto scrolling + - Filter Frequency + + Loop points - Filter Resonance + + After stopping go back to beginning - Bandwidth - 带宽 + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + 停止后前往播放开始的地方 + + + + After stopping keep position + 停止后保持位置不变 - FM Gain - FM 增益 + + Hint + 提示 - Resonance Center Frequency - + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + 按住 <%1> 禁用磁性吸附。 + + + Track - Resonance Bandwidth - + + Mute + 静音 - Forward MIDI Control Change Events - 转发 MIDI 控制的变更事件 + + Solo + 独奏 - ZynAddSubFxView + TrackContainer - Show GUI - 显示图形界面 + + Couldn't import file + 无法导入文件 - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - 点击这里显示/隐藏 ZynAddSubFX 的图形界面 (GUI) 。 + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + 无法找到导入文件 %1 的导入器 +你需要使用其他软件将此文件转换成 LMMS 支持的格式。 - Portamento: - 滑音: + + Couldn't open file + 无法打开文件 - PORT - 端口 + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + 无法读取文件 %1 +请确认你有对该文件及其目录的读取权限后再试! - Filter Frequency: - 过滤器频率: + + Loading project... + 正在加载工程... - FREQ - 频率 + + + Cancel + 取消 + + + + + Please wait... + 请稍等... - Filter Resonance: + + Loading cancelled - RES + + Project loading was cancelled. - Bandwidth: - 带宽: + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + 正在加载轨道 %1 (第 %2 个/共 %3 个) - BW - + + Importing MIDI-file... + 正在导入 MIDI-文件... + + + Clip - FM Gain: - + + Mute + 静音 + + + ClipView - FM GAIN - + + Current position + 当前位置 - Resonance center frequency: - + + Current length + 当前长度 - RES CF - + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 到 %5:%6) - Resonance bandwidth: - + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + 按住 <%1> 并拖动以创建副本。 - RES BW - + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + 按住 <%1> 自由调整大小。 - Forward MIDI Control Changes - 转发 MIDI 控制变化 + + Hint + 提示 - - - audioFileProcessor - Amplify - 增益 + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + 删除 (鼠标中键) - Start of sample - 采样起始 + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - End of sample - 采样结尾 + + Cut + 剪切 - Reverse sample - 反转采样 + + Cut selection + - Stutter + + Merge Selection - Loopback point - 循环点 + + Copy + 复制 - Loop mode - 循环模式 + + Copy selection + - Interpolation mode - 补间方式 + + Paste + 粘贴 - None - + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + 静音/取消静音 (<%1> + 鼠标中键) - Linear - 线性插补 + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - Sinc - 辛格(Sinc)插补 + + Set clip color + - Sample not found: %1 - 采样未找到: %1 + + Use track color + - bitInvader + TrackContentWidget - Samplelength - 采样长度 + + Paste + 粘贴 - bitInvaderView + TrackOperationsWidget - Sample Length - 采样长度 + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + - Sine wave - 正弦波 + + Actions + - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + + Mute + 静音 - Saw wave - 锯齿波 + + + Solo + 独奏 - Square wave - 方波 + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? + - White noise wave - 白噪音 + + Confirm removal + - User defined wave - 用户自定义波形 + + Don't ask again + - Smooth - 平滑 + + Clone this track + 克隆此轨道 - Click here to smooth waveform. - 点击这里平滑波形。 + + Remove this track + 移除此轨道 - Interpolation - 补间 + + Clear this track + 清除此轨道 - Normalize - 标准化 + + Channel %1: %2 + 效果 %1: %2 - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - 使用鼠标在此图像上绘制你自己的波形。 + + Assign to new mixer Channel + 分配到新的效果通道 - Click for a sine-wave. - 点击这里使用正弦波。 + + Turn all recording on + 打开所有录制 - Click here for a triangle-wave. - 点击这里使用三角波。 + + Turn all recording off + 关闭所有录制 - Click here for a saw-wave. - 点击这里使用锯齿波。 + + Change color + 改变颜色 - Click here for a square-wave. - 点击这里使用方波。 + + Reset color to default + 重置颜色 - Click here for white-noise. - 点击这里使用白噪音。 + + Set random color + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - 点击这里使用自定义波形。 + + Clear clip colors + - dynProcControlDialog + TripleOscillatorView - INPUT - 输入 + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - Input gain: - 输入增益: + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - OUTPUT - 输出 + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 + - Output gain: - 输出增益: + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + 同步振荡器 1 和振荡器 2 - ATTACK - 打击声 + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 + - Peak attack time: + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - RELEASE - 释放 + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - Peak release time: + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - Reset waveform - 重置波形 + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + 同步振荡器 2 和振荡器 3 - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - 点击这里重置波形为默认状态 + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - Smooth waveform - 平滑波形 + + Osc %1 volume: + 振荡器%1音量 - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - 点击这里来使波形图更为平滑 + + Osc %1 panning: + 振荡器%1声相 - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: + 振荡器%1音调粗调 - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - 点击这里将波形增益值增加 1dB + + semitones + 半音 - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: + 振荡器%1左声道微调 - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - 点击这里将波形增益值减少 1dB + + + cents + 音分 cents - Stereomode Maximum - + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: + 振荡器%1右声道微调 - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - + + Osc %1 phase-offset: + 振荡器%1相位偏移 - Stereomode Average - + + + degrees + - Process based on the average of both stereo channels - + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + 振荡器%1立体相位偏移 - Stereomode Unlinked - + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - Process each stereo channel independently - + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - - - dynProcControls - Input gain - 输入增益 + + Saw wave + 锯齿波 - Output gain - 输出增益 + + Square wave + 方波 - Attack time - 打击时间 + + Moog-like saw wave + - Release time - 释放时间 + + Exponential wave + 指数爆炸波形 - Stereo mode - 双声道模式 + + White noise + 白噪音 + + + + User-defined wave + - expressiveView + VecControls - Select oscillator W1 + + Display persistence amount - Select oscillator W2 + + Logarithmic scale - Select oscillator W3 + + High quality + + + VecControlsDialog - Select OUTPUT 1 + + HQ - Select OUTPUT 2 + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. - Open help window + + Log. scale - Sine wave - 正弦波 + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + - Click for a sine-wave. - 点击这里使用正弦波。 + + Persist. + - Moog-Saw wave + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. + + Trace persistence + + + VersionedSaveDialog - Exponential wave - 指数爆炸波形 + + Increment version number + 递增版本号 + + + + Decrement version number + 递减版本号 - Click for an exponential wave. + + Save Options - Saw wave - 锯齿波 + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + + VestigeInstrumentView - Click here for a saw-wave. - 点击这里使用锯齿波。 + + + Open VST plugin + - User defined wave - 用户自定义波形 + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - Click here for a user-defined shape. - 点击这里使用自定义波形。 + + Open VST plugin preset + - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + Previous (-) + 上一个 (-) - Click here for a triangle-wave. - 点击这里使用三角波。 + + Save preset + 保存预置 - Square wave - 方波 + + Next (+) + 下一个 (+) - Click here for a square-wave. - 点击这里使用方波。 + + Show/hide GUI + 显示/隐藏界面 - White noise wave - 白噪音 + + Turn off all notes + 全部静音 - Click here for white-noise. - 点击这里使用白噪音。 + + DLL-files (*.dll) + DLL-文件 (*.dll) - WaveInterpolate - + + EXE-files (*.exe) + EXE-文件 (*.exe) - ExpressionValid + + No VST plugin loaded - General purpose 1: - + + Preset + 预置 - General purpose 2: - + + by + 制造商 - General purpose 3: - + + - VST plugin control + - VST插件控制 + + + VstEffectControlDialog - O1 panning: - + + Show/hide + 显示/隐藏 - O2 panning: + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - Release transition: + + Open VST plugin preset - Smoothness - + + Previous (-) + 上一个 (-) - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - Assign to: - 分配给: + + Next (+) + 下一个 (+) - New FX Channel - 新的效果通道 + + Save preset + 保存预置 - - - graphModel - Graph - 图形 + + + Effect by: + 音效制作: - - - kickerInstrument - Start frequency - 起始频率 + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + + + VstPlugin - End frequency - 结束频率 + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + 无法载入VST插件 %1。 - Gain - 增益 + + Open Preset + 打开预置 - Length - 长度 + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + VST插件预置文件(*.fxp *.fxb) - Distortion Start - 起始失真度 + + : default + : 默认 - Distortion End - 结束失真度 + + Save Preset + 保存预置 - Envelope Slope - 包络线倾斜度 + + .fxp + .fxp - Noise - 噪音 + + .FXP + .FXP - Click - 力度 + + .FXB + .FXB - Frequency Slope - 频率倾斜度 + + .fxb + .fxb - Start from note - 从哪个音符开始 + + Loading plugin + 载入插件 - End to note - 到哪个音符结束 + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + 正在载入VST插件,请稍候…… - kickerInstrumentView + WatsynInstrument - Start frequency: - 起始频率: + + Volume A1 + 音量 A1 - End frequency: - 结束频率: + + Volume A2 + 音量 A2 - Gain: - 增益: + + Volume B1 + 音量 B1 - Frequency Slope: - 频率倾斜度: + + Volume B2 + 音量 B2 - Envelope Length: - 包络长度: + + Panning A1 + 声相 A1 - Envelope Slope: - 包络线倾斜度: + + Panning A2 + 声相 A2 - Click: - 力度: + + Panning B1 + 声相 B1 - Noise: - 噪音: + + Panning B2 + 声相 B2 - Distortion Start: - 起始失真度: + + Freq. multiplier A1 + 频率加倍器 A1 - Distortion End: - 结束失真度: + + Freq. multiplier A2 + 频率加倍器 A2 - - - ladspaBrowserView - Available Effects - 可用效果器 + + Freq. multiplier B1 + 频率加倍器 B1 - Unavailable Effects - 不可用效果器 + + Freq. multiplier B2 + 频率加倍器 B2 - Instruments - 乐器插件 + + Left detune A1 + 左失谐 A1 - Analysis Tools - 分析工具 + + Left detune A2 + 左失谐 A2 - Don't know - 未知 + + Left detune B1 + 左失谐 B1 - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - 这个对话框显示 LMMS 找到的所有 LADSPA 插件信息。这些插件根据接口类型和名字被分为五个类别。 - -"可用效果" 是指可以被 LMMS 使用的插件。为了让 LMMS 可以开启效果, 首先, 这个插件需要是有效果的。也就是说, 这个插件需要有输入和输出通道。LMMS 会将音频接口名称中有 ‘in’ 的接口识别为输入接口, 将音频接口名称中有 ‘out’ 的接口识别为输出接口。并且, 效果插件需要有相同的输入输出通道, 还要能支持实时处理。 - -"不可用效果" 是指被识别为效果插件的插件, 但是输入输出通道数不同或者不支持实时音频处理。 - -"乐器" 是指只检测到有输出通道的插件。 - -"分析工具" 是指只检测到有输入通道的插件。 - -"未知" 是指没有检测到任何输出或输出通道的插件。 - -双击任意插件将会显示接口信息。 + + Left detune B2 + 左失谐 B2 - Type: - 类型: + + Right detune A1 + 右失谐 A1 - - - ladspaDescription - Plugins - 插件 + + Right detune A2 + 右失谐 A2 - Description - 描述 + + Right detune B1 + 右失谐 B1 - - - ladspaPortDialog - Ports - 端口 + + Right detune B2 + 右失谐 B2 - Name - 名称 + + A-B Mix + A-B混合值 - Rate - 比特率 + + A-B Mix envelope amount + A-B混合包络值 - Direction - 方向 + + A-B Mix envelope attack + A-B混合包络起音 - Type - 类型 + + A-B Mix envelope hold + A-B混合包络持续 - Min < Default < Max - 最小 < 默认 < 最大 + + A-B Mix envelope decay + A-B混合包络衰减 - Logarithmic - 对数 + + A1-B2 Crosstalk + - SR Dependent - 依赖 SR + + A2-A1 modulation + - Audio - 音频 + + B2-B1 modulation + - Control - 控制 + + Selected graph + 选定的图像 + + + WatsynView - Input - 输入 + + + + + Volume + 音量 - Output - 输出 + + + + + Panning + 声相 - Toggled - 启用 + + + + + Freq. multiplier + 频率加倍器 - Integer - 整型 + + + + + Left detune + - Float - 浮点 + + + + + + + + + cents + 音分 - Yes - + + + + + Right detune + - - - lb302Synth - VCF Cutoff Frequency - + + A-B Mix + A-B混合值 - VCF Resonance + + Mix envelope amount - VCF Envelope Mod + + Mix envelope attack - VCF Envelope Decay + + Mix envelope hold - Distortion - 失真 + + Mix envelope decay + - Waveform - 波形 + + Crosstalk + - Slide Decay - + + Select oscillator A1 + 选择振荡器 A1 - Slide - + + Select oscillator A2 + 选择振荡器 A2 - Accent - + + Select oscillator B1 + 选择振荡器 B1 - Dead - + + Select oscillator B2 + 选择振荡器 B2 - 24dB/oct Filter + + Mix output of A2 to A1 - - - lb302SynthView - Cutoff Freq: + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 - Resonance: - 共鸣: + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + - Env Mod: + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 - Decay: - 衰减: + + Mix output of B2 to B1 + - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 - Slide Decay: + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 - DIST: + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 - Saw wave - 锯齿波 + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + 使用鼠标在此图像上绘制你自己的波形。 - Click here for a saw-wave. - 点击这里使用锯齿波。 + + Load waveform + 加载波形 - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + Load a waveform from a sample file + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - 点击这里使用三角波。 + + Phase left + - Square wave - 方波 + + Shift phase by -15 degrees + - Click here for a square-wave. - 点击这里使用方波。 + + Phase right + - Rounded square wave - 圆角方波 + + Shift phase by +15 degrees + - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - 点击这里使用圆角方波。 + + + Normalize + 标准化 - - Moog wave - + + + + Invert + 反转 - Click here for a moog-like wave. - + + + Smooth + 平滑 + + Sine wave 正弦波 - Click for a sine-wave. - 点击这里使用正弦波。 + + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - White noise wave - 白噪音 + + Saw wave + 锯齿波 - Click here for an exponential wave. - 点击这里使用指数爆炸波形。 + + + Square wave + 方波 + + + Xpressive - Click here for white-noise. - 点击这里使用白噪音。 + + Selected graph + 选定的图像 - Bandlimited saw wave + + A1 - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + A2 - Bandlimited square wave + + A3 - Click here for bandlimited square wave. + + W1 smoothing - Bandlimited triangle wave + + W2 smoothing - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + + W3 smoothing - Bandlimited moog saw wave + + Panning 1 - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + Panning 2 - - - malletsInstrument - Hardness + + Rel trans + + + XpressiveView - Position - 位置 + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + 使用鼠标在此图像上绘制你自己的波形。 - Vibrato Gain + + Select oscillator W1 - Vibrato Freq + + Select oscillator W2 - Stick Mix + + Select oscillator W3 - Modulator - 调制器 - - - Crossfade + + Select output O1 - LFO Speed - LFO 速度 - - - LFO Depth - LFO 位深 + + Select output O2 + - ADSR + + Open help window - Pressure - 压力 + + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - Motion + + + Moog-saw wave - Speed - 速度 + + + Exponential wave + 指数爆炸波形 - Bowed - + + + Saw wave + 锯齿波 - Spread + + + User-defined wave - Marimba - + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - Vibraphone - + + + Square wave + 方波 - Agogo - + + + White noise + 白噪音 - Wood1 + + WaveInterpolate - Reso + + ExpressionValid - Wood2 + + General purpose 1: - Beats + + General purpose 2: - Two Fixed + + General purpose 3: - Clump + + O1 panning: - Tubular Bells + + O2 panning: - Uniform Bar + + Release transition: - Tuned Bar + + Smoothness - - Glass - 玻璃 - - - Tibetan Bowl - 藏缽 - - malletsInstrumentView + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - Instrument - 乐器 + + Portamento + 滑音 - Spread + + Filter frequency - Spread: + + Filter resonance - Hardness - + + Bandwidth + 带宽 - Hardness: + + FM gain - Position - 位置 - - - Position: - 位置: - - - Vib Gain + + Resonance center frequency - Vib Gain: + + Resonance bandwidth - Vib Freq + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + ZynAddSubFxView - Vib Freq: - + + Portamento: + 滑音: - Stick Mix - + + PORT + 端口 - Stick Mix: + + Filter frequency: - Modulator - 调制器 - - - Modulator: - 调制器: + + FREQ + 频率 - Crossfade + + Filter resonance: - Crossfade: + + RES - LFO Speed - LFO 速度 - - - LFO Speed: - LFO 速度: - - - LFO Depth - LFO 位深 + + Bandwidth: + 带宽: - LFO Depth: - LFO 位深: + + BW + - ADSR + + FM gain: - ADSR: + + FM GAIN - Pressure - 压力 + + Resonance center frequency: + - Pressure: - 压力: + + RES CF + - Speed - 速度 + + Resonance bandwidth: + - Speed: - 速度: + + RES BW + - Missing files - 文件缺失 + + Forward MIDI control changes + - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! - 你的 Stk 程序似乎不是完整的。请确保你在使用此乐器前完整地安装了 Stk 软件包! + + Show GUI + 显示图形界面 - manageVSTEffectView - - - VST parameter control - - VST 参数控制 - + AudioFileProcessor - VST Sync - VST 同步 + + Amplify + 增益 - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - 点击这里, 如果你想与 VST 插件同步所有参数。 + + Start of sample + 采样起始 - Automated - 自动 + + End of sample + 采样结尾 - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - 如果你想仅显示自动控制参数,请点击这里。 + + Loopback point + 循环点 - Close - 关闭 + + Reverse sample + 反转采样 - Close VST effect knob-controller window. - 关闭 VST 效果调整窗口。 + + Loop mode + 循环模式 - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - VST plugin control - - VST插件控制 + + Stutter + - VST Sync - VST 同步 + + Interpolation mode + 补间方式 - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - 点击这里, 如果你想与 VST 插件同步所有参数。 + + None + - Automated - 自动 + + Linear + 线性插补 - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - 如果你想仅显示自动控制参数,请点击这里。 + + Sinc + 辛格(Sinc)插补 - Close - 关闭 + + Sample not found: %1 + 采样未找到: %1 + + + BitInvader - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. - 关闭 VST 插件调整窗口。 + + Sample length + - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - Patch - 音色 + + Sample length + - Op 1 Attack - + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + 使用鼠标在此图像上绘制你自己的波形。 - Op 1 Decay - + + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - Op 1 Sustain - + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - Op 1 Release - + + + Saw wave + 锯齿波 - Op 1 Level - + + + Square wave + 方波 - Op 1 Level Scaling - + + + White noise + 白噪音 - Op 1 Frequency Multiple + + + User-defined wave - Op 1 Feedback - + + + Smooth waveform + 平滑波形 + + + + Interpolation + 补间 - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate - + + Normalize + 标准化 + + + DynProcControlDialog - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - + + INPUT + 输入 - Op 1 Tremolo - + + Input gain: + 输入增益: - Op 1 Vibrato - + + OUTPUT + 输出 - Op 1 Waveform - + + Output gain: + 输出增益: - Op 2 Attack - + + ATTACK + 打击声 - Op 2 Decay + + Peak attack time: - Op 2 Sustain - + + RELEASE + 释放 - Op 2 Release + + Peak release time: - Op 2 Level + + + Reset wavegraph - Op 2 Level Scaling + + + Smooth wavegraph - Op 2 Frequency Multiple + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - Op 2 Percussive Envelope + + Stereo mode: maximum - Op 2 Tremolo + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - Op 2 Vibrato + + Stereo mode: average - Op 2 Waveform + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels - FM - FM - - - Vibrato Depth + + Stereo mode: unlinked - Tremolo Depth + + Process each stereo channel independently - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - Attack - 打击声 + + Input gain + 输入增益 - Decay - 衰减 + + Output gain + 输出增益 - Release - 释放 + + Attack time + 打击时间 - Frequency multiplier - 频率加倍器 + + Release time + 释放时间 - - - organicInstrument - Distortion - 失真 + + Stereo mode + 双声道模式 + + + graphModel - Volume - 音量 + + Graph + 图形 - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - Distortion: - 失真: + + Start frequency + 起始频率 - Volume: - 音量: + + End frequency + 结束频率 - Randomise - 随机 + + Length + 长度 - Osc %1 waveform: + + Start distortion - Osc %1 volume: + + End distortion - Osc %1 panning: - + + Gain + 增益 - cents - 音分 cents + + Envelope slope + - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - + + Noise + 噪音 - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. - + + Click + 力度 - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. + + Frequency slope - Osc %1 stereo detuning - + + Start from note + 从哪个音符开始 - Osc %1 harmonic: - + + End to note + 到哪个音符结束 - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - Sweep time - + + Start frequency: + 起始频率: - Sweep direction - + + End frequency: + 结束频率: - Sweep RtShift amount + + Frequency slope: - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Gain: + 增益: - Channel 1 volume + + Envelope length: - Volume sweep direction + + Envelope slope: - Length of each step in sweep - + + Click: + 力度: - Channel 2 volume - + + Noise: + 噪音: - Channel 3 volume + + Start distortion: - Channel 4 volume + + End distortion: + + + LadspaBrowserView - Right Output level - 右声道输出电平 + + + Available Effects + 可用效果器 - Left Output level - + + + Unavailable Effects + 不可用效果器 - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Instruments + 乐器插件 - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Analysis Tools + 分析工具 - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Don't know + 未知 - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - + + Type: + 类型: + + + LadspaDescription - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Plugins + 插件 - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) - + + Description + 描述 + + + LadspaPortDialog - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Ports + 端口 - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) - + + Name + 名称 - Treble - 高音 + + Rate + 比特率 - Bass - 低音 + + Direction + 方向 - Shift Register width - + + Type + 类型 - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - Sweep Time: - + + Min < Default < Max + 最小 < 默认 < 最大 - Sweep Time - + + Logarithmic + 对数 - Sweep RtShift amount: - + + SR Dependent + 依赖 SR - Sweep RtShift amount - + + Audio + 音频 - Wave pattern duty: - + + Control + 控制 - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Input + 输入 - Square Channel 1 Volume: - + + Output + 输出 - Length of each step in sweep: - + + Toggled + 启用 - Length of each step in sweep - + + Integer + 整型 - Wave pattern duty - + + Float + 浮点 - Square Channel 2 Volume: - + + + Yes + + + + Lb302Synth - Square Channel 2 Volume + + VCF Cutoff Frequency - Wave Channel Volume: - 波形通道音量: + + VCF Resonance + - Wave Channel Volume - 波形通道音量 + + VCF Envelope Mod + - Noise Channel Volume: - 噪声通道音量: + + VCF Envelope Decay + - Noise Channel Volume - 噪声通道音量 + + Distortion + 失真 - SO1 Volume (Right): - + + Waveform + 波形 - SO1 Volume (Right) + + Slide Decay - SO2 Volume (Left): + + Slide - SO2 Volume (Left) + + Accent - Treble: - 高音: - - - Treble - 高音 - - - Bass: - 低音: + + Dead + - Bass - 低音 + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + + Lb302SynthView - Sweep Direction + + Cutoff Freq: - Volume Sweep Direction - + + Resonance: + 共鸣: - Shift Register Width + + Env Mod: - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Decay: + 衰减: - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) + + Slide Decay: - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) + + DIST: - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Saw wave + 锯齿波 - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) - + + Click here for a saw-wave. + 点击这里使用锯齿波。 - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) - + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + 点击这里使用三角波。 - Wave Pattern - + + Square wave + 方波 - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency - + + Click here for a square-wave. + 点击这里使用方波。 - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - + + Rounded square wave + 圆角方波 - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + 点击这里使用圆角方波。 - Square Channel 1 Volume + + Moog wave - The delay between step change + + Click here for a moog-like wave. - Draw the wave here - 在此处绘制波形 + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - - - patchesDialog - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: 通道预设 + + Click for a sine-wave. + 点击这里使用正弦波。 - Bank selector - 音色选择器 + + + White noise wave + 白噪音 - Bank - + + Click here for an exponential wave. + 点击这里使用指数爆炸波形。 - Program selector - 程序节选择器 + + Click here for white-noise. + 点击这里使用白噪音。 - Patch - 音色 + + Bandlimited saw wave + - Name - 名称 + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + - OK - 确定 + + Bandlimited square wave + - Cancel - 取消 + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. + - - - pluginBrowser - no description - 没有描述 + + Bandlimited triangle wave + - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 - 对单音 TB303 的不完整的模拟器 + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + Bandlimited moog saw wave - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + + + MalletsInstrument - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + + Hardness - List installed LADSPA plugins - 列出已安装的 LADSPA 插件 + + Position + 位置 - GUS-compatible patch instrument - GUS 兼容音色的乐器 + + Vibrato gain + - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + Vibrato frequency - Tuneful things to bang on + + Stick mix - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - LMMS的VST(i)插件宿主 + + Modulator + 调制器 - Vibrating string modeler + + Crossfade - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - 在 LMMS 中使用任意 LADSPA 效果的插件。 + + LFO speed + LFO 速度 - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - 导入 MIDI 文件到 LMMS 的解析器 + + LFO depth + - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - 模拟 MOS6581 和 MOS8580 SID 的模拟器 -这些芯片曾在 Commodore 64 电脑上用过。 + + ADSR + - Player for SoundFont files - 在工程中使用SoundFont + + Pressure + 压力 - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - GameBoy (TM) APU 模拟器 + + Motion + - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - 可自定制的波表合成器 + + Speed + 速度 - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - 内置的 ZynAddSubFX + + Bowed + - 2-operator FM Synth + + Spread - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - 导入 Hydrogen 工程文件到 LMMS 的解析器 + + Marimba + - LMMS port of sfxr - sfxr 的 LMMS 移植版本 + + Vibraphone + - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - 带 3 个振荡器和调制矩阵的能发出像怪兽一样声音的合成器 + + Agogo + - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways - 三个可以任你调制的强大振荡器 + + Wood 1 + - A native amplifier plugin - 原生增益插件 + + Reso + - Carla Rack Instrument - Carla Rack 乐器 + + Wood 2 + - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - 有四个振荡器的可调制波表合成器 + + Beats + - plugin for waveshaping + + Two fixed - Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + Clump - Versatile drum synthesizer - 多功能鼓合成器 + + Tubular bells + - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - 简单地在乐器栏使用采样(比如鼓音源), 同时也提供多种设置 + + Uniform bar + - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + Tuned bar - Carla Patchbay Instrument - Carla Patchbay 乐器 + + Glass + 玻璃 - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - 在 LMMS 中使用任意 VST 效果的插件。 + + Tibetan bowl + + + + MalletsInstrumentView - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - 图形频谱分析器插件 + + Instrument + 乐器 - A NES-like synthesizer - 类似于 NES 的合成器 + + Spread + - A native delay plugin - 原生的衰减插件 + + Spread: + - Player for GIG files - 播放 GIG 文件的播放器 + + Missing files + 文件缺失 - A multitap echo delay plugin - + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + 你的 Stk 程序似乎不是完整的。请确保你在使用此乐器前完整地安装了 Stk 软件包! - A native flanger plugin - 一个原生的 镶边 (Flanger) 插件 + + Hardness + - An oversampling bitcrusher + + Hardness: - A native eq plugin - 原生的 EQ 插件 + + Position + 位置 - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer - 一种 四波段交叉均衡器 + + Position: + 位置: - A Dual filter plugin + + Vibrato gain - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - 从 LMMS 导出 MIDI 文件的生成器 + + Vibrato gain: + - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - Sean Costello 发明的混响算法 + + Vibrato frequency + - Mathematical expression parser + + Vibrato frequency: - - - sf2Instrument - Bank - + + Stick mix + - Patch - 音色 + + Stick mix: + - Gain - 增益 + + Modulator + 调制器 - Reverb - 混响 + + Modulator: + 调制器: - Reverb Roomsize - 混响空间大小 + + Crossfade + - Reverb Damping - 混响阻尼 + + Crossfade: + - Reverb Width - 混响宽度 + + LFO speed + LFO 速度 - Reverb Level - 混响级别 + + LFO speed: + LFO 速度: - Chorus - 合唱 + + LFO depth + + + + + LFO depth: + + + + + ADSR + - Chorus Lines - 合唱声部 + + ADSR: + - Chorus Level - 合唱电平 + + Pressure + 压力 - Chorus Speed - 合唱速度 + + Pressure: + 压力: - Chorus Depth - 合唱深度 + + Speed + 速度 - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - 无法载入Soundfont %1。 + + Speed: + 速度: - sf2InstrumentView + ManageVSTEffectView - Open other SoundFont file - 打开其他SoundFont文件 + + - VST parameter control + - VST 参数控制 - Click here to open another SF2 file - 点击此处打开另一个SF2文件 + + VST sync + - Choose the patch - 选择路径 + + + Automated + 自动 - Gain - 增益 + + Close + 关闭 + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - Apply reverb (if supported) - 应用混响(如果支持) + + + - VST plugin control + - VST插件控制 - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - 此按钮会启用混响效果器。可以制作出很酷的效果,但仅对支持的文件有效。 + + VST Sync + VST 同步 - Reverb Roomsize: - 混响空间大小: + + + Automated + 自动 - Reverb Damping: - 混响阻尼: + + Close + 关闭 + + + OrganicInstrument - Reverb Width: - 混响宽度: + + Distortion + 失真 - Reverb Level: - 混响级别: + + Volume + 音量 + + + OrganicInstrumentView - Apply chorus (if supported) - 应用合唱 (如果支持) + + Distortion: + 失真: - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - 此按钮会启用合唱效果器。 + + Volume: + 音量: - Chorus Lines: - 合唱声部: + + Randomise + 随机 - Chorus Level: - 合唱级别: + + + Osc %1 waveform: + - Chorus Speed: - 合唱速度: + + Osc %1 volume: + 振荡器%1音量 - Chorus Depth: - 合唱深度: + + Osc %1 panning: + 振荡器%1声相 - Open SoundFont file - 打开SoundFont文件 + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) + + cents + 音分 cents - - - sfxrInstrument - Wave Form - 波形 + + Osc %1 harmonic: + - sidInstrument - - Cutoff - 切除 - - - Resonance - 共鸣 - - - Filter type - 过滤器类型 - + PatchesDialog - Voice 3 off - 声音 3 关 + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: 通道预设 - Volume - 音量 + + Bank selector + 音色选择器 - Chip model - 芯片型号 + + Bank + - - - sidInstrumentView - Volume: - 音量: + + Program selector + 程序节选择器 - Resonance: - 共鸣: + + Patch + 音色 - Cutoff frequency: - 频谱刀频率: + + Name + 名称 - High-Pass filter - 高通滤波器 + + OK + 确定 - Band-Pass filter - 带通滤波器 + + Cancel + 取消 + + + Sf2Instrument - Low-Pass filter - 低通滤波器 + + Bank + - Voice3 Off - 声音 3 关 + + Patch + 音色 - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Gain + 增益 - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb + 混响 - Attack: - 打进声: + + Reverb room size + - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. + + Reverb damping - Decay: - 衰减: + + Reverb width + - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. + + Reverb level - Sustain: - 振幅持平: + + Chorus + 合唱 - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. + + Chorus voices - Release: - 声音消失: + + Chorus level + - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. + + Chorus speed - Pulse Width: + + Chorus depth - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + 无法载入Soundfont %1。 + + + Sf2InstrumentView - Coarse: - + + + Open SoundFont file + 打开SoundFont文件 - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. + + Choose patch - Pulse Wave - 脉冲波 + + Gain: + 增益: - Triangle Wave - 三角波 + + Apply reverb (if supported) + 应用混响(如果支持) - SawTooth - 锯齿波 + + Room size: + - Noise - 噪音 + + Damping: + - Sync - 同步 + + Width: + 宽度: - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. + + + Level: - Ring-Mod - + + Apply chorus (if supported) + 应用合唱 (如果支持) - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. + + Voices: - Filtered - + + Speed: + 速度: - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - + + Depth: + 位深: - Test - 测试 + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + + SfxrInstrument - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. - 测试, 当此项选中时, 振荡器 %1 将会被归零并锁定, 直到此选项被关闭。 + + Wave + - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - WIDE - 宽度 + + WIDTH + + Width: 宽度: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls + Width 宽度 - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog + Left to Left Vol: 从左到左音量: + Left to Right Vol: 从左到右音量: + Right to Left Vol: 从右到左音量: + Right to Right Vol: 从右到右音量: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls + Left to Left 从左到左 + Left to Right 从左到右 + Right to Left 从右到左 + Right to Right 从右到右 - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument + Loading plugin 载入插件 - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - 请等待VST插件加载完成... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed + String %1 volume + String %1 stiffness + Pick %1 position + Pickup %1 position - Pan %1 - 声相 %1 + + String %1 panning + - Detune %1 - 去谐 %1 + + String %1 detune + - Fuzziness %1 - 模糊度 %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - Length %1 - 长度 %1 + + String %1 length + + Impulse %1 - Octave %1 - 八度音 %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView - - Volume: - 音量: - + VibedView - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. + + String volume: + String stiffness: - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - - - + Pick position: - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - - - + Pickup position: - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - - - - Pan: - 声相: - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - - - - Detune: - 去谐: - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. + + String panning: - Fuzziness: - 模糊度: - - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. + + String detune: - Length: - 长度: - - - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. + + String fuzziness: - Impulse or initial state + + String length: - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. + + Impulse + Octave - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - - - + Impulse Editor - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - - - + Enable waveform 启用波形 - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - 点击这里启用/禁用波形。 - - - String + + Enable/disable string - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. + + String + + Sine wave 正弦波 + + Triangle wave 三角波 + + Saw wave 锯齿波 + + Square wave 方波 - White noise wave + + + White noise 白噪音 - User defined wave - 用户自定义波形 - - - Smooth - 平滑 - - - Click here to smooth waveform. - 点击这里平滑波形。 - - - Normalize - 标准化 - - - Click here to normalize waveform. - 点击这里标准化波形。 - - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用正弦波。 - - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用三角波。 - - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用锯齿波。 - - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用方波。 + + + User-defined wave + - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用白噪音。 + + + Smooth waveform + 平滑波形 - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - 为当前振荡器使用用户自定波形。 + + + Normalize waveform + - voiceObject + VoiceObject + Voice %1 pulse width + Voice %1 attack + Voice %1 decay + Voice %1 sustain + Voice %1 release + Voice %1 coarse detuning + Voice %1 wave shape 声音 %1 波形形状 + Voice %1 sync 声音 %1 同步 + Voice %1 ring modulate + Voice %1 filtered + Voice %1 test 声音 %1 测试 - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog + INPUT 输入 + Input gain: 输入增益: + OUTPUT 输出 + Output gain: 输出增益: - Reset waveform - 重置波形 - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - 点击这里重置波形为默认状态 - - - Smooth waveform - 平滑波形 - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - 点击这里来使波形图更为平滑 - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB - 将图像的增益值增加 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph + - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - 点击这里将波形增益值增加 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph + - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB - 将图像的增益值减少 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB - 点击这里将波形增益值减少 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB + + Clip input 输入压限 - Clip input signal to 0dB - 将输入信号限制到 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls + Input gain 输入增益 + Output gain 输出增益 - \ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/data/locale/zh_TW.ts b/data/locale/zh_TW.ts index 261d7c6665a..791a45599f9 100644 --- a/data/locale/zh_TW.ts +++ b/data/locale/zh_TW.ts @@ -2,79 +2,68 @@ AboutDialog - + About LMMS 關於 LMMS - + LMMS LMMS - - Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) - 版本 %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5) + + Version %1 (%2/%3, Qt %4, %5). + - + About 關於 - - LMMS - easy music production for everyone - LMMS - 人人都是作曲家 + + LMMS - easy music production for everyone. + - - Copyright © %1 - 版權所有 © %1 + + Copyright © %1. + - - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> - <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + + <html><head/><body><p><a href="https://lmms.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#33cc33;">https://lmms.io</span></a></p></body></html> + - + Authors 作者 - + Involved 參與者 - + Contributors ordered by number of commits: 貢獻者名單(以提交次數排序): - + Translation 翻譯 - + Current language not translated (or native English). - If you're interested in translating LMMS in another language or want to improve existing translations, you're welcome to help us! Simply contact the maintainer! - 當前語言是中文(台灣) - -翻譯人員: -TonyChyi <tonychee1989 at gmail.com> -Min Zhang <zm1990s at gmail.com> -Jeff Bai <jeffbaichina at gmail.com> -Mingye Wang <arthur2e5@aosc.xyz> -Zixing Liu <liushuyu@aosc.xyz> -BrLi <brli at chakraos.org> - -若你有興趣提高翻譯品質,請聯絡維護團隊 (https://github.com/AOSC-Dev/translations)、之前的譯者或本項目維護者! + - + License 授權協議 @@ -161,106 +150,60 @@ BrLi <brli at chakraos.org> AudioFileProcessorView - - Open other sample - 開啟其他取樣 - - - - Click here, if you want to open another audio-file. A dialog will appear where you can select your file. Settings like looping-mode, start and end-points, amplify-value, and so on are not reset. So, it may not sound like the original sample. - 如果想打開另一個音訊檔,請點擊這裡。接著會出現檔案選擇視窗。諸如循環模式 (looping-mode),起始/結束點,放大率 (amplify-value) 之類的值不會被重置。因此聽起來會和取樣來源有差異。 + + Open sample + - + Reverse sample 反轉取樣 - - If you enable this button, the whole sample is reversed. This is useful for cool effects, e.g. a reversed crash. - 如果點擊此按鈕,整個取樣將會被反轉。能用於製作很酷的效果,例如 reversed crash. - - - + Disable loop 停用循環 - - This button disables looping. The sample plays only once from start to end. - 點擊此按鈕可以禁止循環播放。取樣檔案將從頭到尾播放一次。 - - - - + Enable loop 啟用循環 - - This button enables forwards-looping. The sample loops between the end point and the loop point. - 點擊此按鈕後,Forwards-looping 會被打開,採樣將在終止點(End Point)和循環點(Loop Point)之間播放。 - - - - This button enables ping-pong-looping. The sample loops backwards and forwards between the end point and the loop point. - 點擊此按鈕後,Ping-pong-looping 會被打開,採樣將在終止點 (End Point) 和循環點 (Loop Point) 之間來回播放。 + + Enable ping-pong loop + - + Continue sample playback across notes 跨音符繼續播放採樣 - - Enabling this option makes the sample continue playing across different notes - if you change pitch, or the note length stops before the end of the sample, then the next note played will continue where it left off. To reset the playback to the start of the sample, insert a note at the bottom of the keyboard (< 20 Hz) - - - - + Amplify: 放大: - - With this knob you can set the amplify ratio. When you set a value of 100% your sample isn't changed. Otherwise it will be amplified up or down (your actual sample-file isn't touched!) - 此旋鈕用於調整放大比率。當設爲100% 時採樣不會變化。除此之外,不是放大就是減弱(原始的採樣文件不會被改變) - - - - Startpoint: - 起始點: - - - - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should begin playing your sample. - 調節此旋鈕,以告訴 AudioFileProcessor 在哪裏開始播放。 - - - - Endpoint: - 終點: + + Start point: + - - With this knob you can set the point where AudioFileProcessor should stop playing your sample. - 調節此旋鈕,以告訴 AudioFileProcessor 在哪裏停止播放。 + + End point: + - + Loopback point: 循環點: - - - With this knob you can set the point where the loop starts. - 調節此旋鈕,以設置循環開始的地方。 - AudioFileProcessorWaveView - + Sample length: 採樣長度: @@ -268,163 +211,168 @@ BrLi <brli at chakraos.org> AudioJack - + JACK client restarted JACK 客戶端已重啓 - + LMMS was kicked by JACK for some reason. Therefore the JACK backend of LMMS has been restarted. You will have to make manual connections again. LMMS 由於某些原因與 JACK 中斷連線,因此 LMMS 的 JACK 後端已重新啟動,您必須手動重新連線。 - + JACK server down JACK 伺服器發生問題 - + The JACK server seems to have been shutdown and starting a new instance failed. Therefore LMMS is unable to proceed. You should save your project and restart JACK and LMMS. JACK 伺服器似乎發生問題,而且無法重新啟動,因此 LMMS 無法繼續執行。請儲存專案,然後重新啟動 JACK 和 LMMS。 - - CLIENT-NAME - 客戶端名稱 + + Client name + - - CHANNELS - 聲道數 + + Channels + - AudioOss::setupWidget + AudioOss - DEVICE - 裝置 + Device + - CHANNELS - 聲道數 + Channels + AudioPortAudio::setupWidget - - BACKEND - 後端 + + Backend + - - DEVICE - 裝置 + + Device + - AudioPulseAudio::setupWidget + AudioPulseAudio - DEVICE - 裝置 + Device + - CHANNELS - 聲道數 + Channels + AudioSdl::setupWidget - - DEVICE - 裝置 + + Device + - AudioSndio::setupWidget + AudioSndio - DEVICE - 裝置 + Device + - CHANNELS - 聲道數 + Channels + AudioSoundIo::setupWidget - - BACKEND - 後端 + + Backend + - - DEVICE - 裝置 + + Device + AutomatableModel - + &Reset (%1%2) 重設(%1%2)(&R) - + &Copy value (%1%2) 複製值(%1%2)(&C) - + &Paste value (%1%2) 貼上值(%1%2)(&P) - + + &Paste value + 貼上值 (&P) + + + Edit song-global automation 編輯歌曲全局的自動控制裝置 - + Remove song-global automation 移除歌曲全域自動控制裝置 - + Remove all linked controls 移除所有已連線的控制器 - + Connected to %1 已連線至 %1 - + Connected to controller 連線至控制器 - + Edit connection... 編輯連線… - + Remove connection 移除連線 - + Connect to controller... 連線至控制器… @@ -432,385 +380,300 @@ BrLi <brli at chakraos.org> AutomationEditor - - Please open an automation pattern with the context menu of a control! - 請透過控制的右鍵選單開啟自動控制模式! + + Edit Value + - - Values copied - 值已複製 + + New outValue + + + + + New inValue + - - All selected values were copied to the clipboard. - 所有選中的值已複製。 + + Please open an automation clip with the context menu of a control! + 請透過控制的右鍵選單開啟自動控制模式! AutomationEditorWindow - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) + + Play/pause current clip (Space) 播放/暫停當前片段(空格) - - Click here if you want to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when the end is reached. - 點擊這裏播放片段。編輯時很有用,片段會自動循環播放。 - - - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) 停止當前片段(空格) - - Click here if you want to stop playing of the current pattern. - 點擊這裏停止播放片段。 - - - + Edit actions 編輯功能 - + Draw mode (Shift+D) 繪製模式 (Shift+D) - + Erase mode (Shift+E) 擦除模式 (Shift+E) - + + Draw outValues mode (Shift+C) + + + + Flip vertically 垂直翻轉 - + Flip horizontally 水平翻轉 - - Click here and the pattern will be inverted.The points are flipped in the y direction. - 點擊這裡來翻轉圖形 (pattern)。圖上的點會隨y軸翻轉。 - - - - Click here and the pattern will be reversed. The points are flipped in the x direction. - 點擊這裡來翻轉圖形 (pattern)。圖上的點會隨x軸翻轉。 - - - - Click here and draw-mode will be activated. In this mode you can add and move single values. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - 點擊這裏啓用繪製模式。在此模式下你可以增加或移動單個值。 大部分時間下默認使用此模式。你也可以按鍵盤上的 ‘Shift+D’激活此模式。 - - - - Click here and erase-mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase single values. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - 點擊啓用擦除模式。此模式下你可以擦除單個值。你可以按鍵盤上的 'Shift+E' 啓用此模式。 - - - + Interpolation controls 補間控制 - + Discrete progression 區間進程 (Discrete progression) - + Linear progression 線性進程 (Linear progression) - + Cubic Hermite progression - + Tension value for spline - - A higher tension value may make a smoother curve but overshoot some values. A low tension value will cause the slope of the curve to level off at each control point. - - - - - Click here to choose discrete progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will remain constant between control points and be set immediately to the new value when each control point is reached. - - - - - Click here to choose linear progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change at a steady rate over time between control points to reach the correct value at each control point without a sudden change. - - - - - Click here to choose cubic hermite progressions for this automation pattern. The value of the connected object will change in a smooth curve and ease in to the peaks and valleys. - - - - + Tension: - - Cut selected values (%1+X) - 剪下選擇的值 (%1+X) - - - - Copy selected values (%1+C) - 複製選擇的值 (%1+C) - - - - Paste values from clipboard (%1+V) - 從剪貼簿貼上值 (%1+V) - - - - Click here and selected values will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - 點擊這裏,選擇的值將會被剪切到剪切板。你可以使用粘貼按鈕將它們粘貼到任意地方,存爲任意片段。 - - - - Click here and selected values will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. - 點擊這裏,選擇的值將會被複制到剪切板。你可以使用粘貼按鈕將它們粘貼到任意地方,存爲任意片段。 + + Zoom controls + 縮放控制 - - Click here and the values from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. - 點擊這裏,選擇的值將從剪貼板粘貼到第一個可見的小節。 + + Horizontal zooming + 橫向縮放 - - Zoom controls - 縮放控制 + + Vertical zooming + 垂直縮放 - + Quantization controls 量化控制 - + Quantization 量化 - - Quantization. Sets the smallest step size for the Automation Point. By default this also sets the length, clearing out other points in the range. Press <Ctrl> to override this behaviour. - - - - - - Automation Editor - no pattern + + + Automation Editor - no clip 自動控制編輯器 - 沒有片段 - - + + Automation Editor - %1 自動控制編輯器 - %1 - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. 模型已連接到此片段。 - AutomationPattern + AutomationClip - + Drag a control while pressing <%1> 按住<%1>拖動控制器 - AutomationPatternView - - - double-click to open this pattern in automation editor - 雙擊在自動編輯器中打開此片段 - + AutomationClipView - + Open in Automation editor 在自動編輯器(Automation editor)中打開 - + Clear 清除 - + Reset name 重置名稱 - + Change name 修改名稱 - + Set/clear record 設置/清除錄製 - + Flip Vertically (Visible) 垂直翻轉 (可見) - + Flip Horizontally (Visible) 水平翻轉 (可見) - + %1 Connections %1個連接 - + Disconnect "%1" 斷開“%1”的連接 - - Model is already connected to this pattern. + + Model is already connected to this clip. 模型已連接到此片段。 AutomationTrack - + Automation track 自動控制軌道 - BBEditor + PatternEditor - + Beat+Bassline Editor 節拍+低音線編輯器 - + Play/pause current beat/bassline (Space) 播放/暫停當前節拍/低音線(空格) - + Stop playback of current beat/bassline (Space) 停止播放當前節拍/低音線(空格) - - Click here to play the current beat/bassline. The beat/bassline is automatically looped when its end is reached. - 點擊這裏停止播放當前節拍/低音線。當結束時節拍/低音線會自動循環播放。 - - - - Click here to stop playing of current beat/bassline. - 點擊這裏停止播發當前節拍/低音線。 - - - + Beat selector 節拍選擇器 - + Track and step actions - + Add beat/bassline 添加節拍/低音線 - + + Clone beat/bassline clip + + + + Add sample-track 新增採樣音軌 - + Add automation-track 添加自動控制軌道 - + Remove steps 移除音階 - + Add steps 添加音階 - + Clone Steps - BBTCOView + PatternClipView - + Open in Beat+Bassline-Editor 在節拍+Bassline編輯器中打開 - + Reset name 重置名稱 - + Change name 修改名稱 - - - Change color - 改變顏色 - - - - Reset color to default - 重置顏色 - - BBTrack + PatternTrack - + Beat/Bassline %1 節拍/Bassline %1 - + Clone of %1 %1 的副本 @@ -886,7 +749,7 @@ BrLi <brli at chakraos.org> - Input Gain: + Input gain: 輸入增益: @@ -896,12 +759,12 @@ BrLi <brli at chakraos.org> - Input Noise: - 輸入噪音: + Input noise: + - Output Gain: + Output gain: 輸出增益: @@ -911,12056 +774,15560 @@ BrLi <brli at chakraos.org> - Output Clip: - 輸出壓限: + Output clip: + - - Rate Enabled + + Rate enabled - - Enable samplerate-crushing + + Enable sample-rate crushing - - Depth Enabled - 深度已啓用 + + Depth enabled + - - Enable bitdepth-crushing + + Enable bit-depth crushing - + FREQ 頻率 - + Sample rate: 採樣率: - + STEREO - + Stereo difference: 雙聲道差異: - + QUANT - + Levels: 級別: - CaptionMenu + BitcrushControls - - &Help - 幫助(&H) + + Input gain + 輸入增益 - - Help (not available) - 幫助(不可用) + + Input noise + - - - CarlaInstrumentView - - Show GUI - 顯示圖形界面 + + Output gain + 輸出增益 - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of Carla. - 點擊此處可以顯示或隱藏 Carla 的圖形界面。 + + Output clip + - - - Controller - - Controller %1 - 控制器%1 + + Sample rate + - - - ControllerConnectionDialog - - Connection Settings - 連接設置 + + Stereo difference + - - MIDI CONTROLLER - MIDI控制器 + + Levels + 級別 - - Input channel - 輸入通道 + + Rate enabled + - - CHANNEL - 通道 + + Depth enabled + + + + CarlaAboutW - - Input controller - 輸入控制器 + + About Carla + - - CONTROLLER - 控制器 + + About + 關於 - - - Auto Detect - 自動檢測 + + About text here + - - MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from - 用來接收 MIDI 事件的MIDI 設備 + + Extended licensing here + - - USER CONTROLLER - 用戶控制器 + + Artwork + - - MAPPING FUNCTION - 映射函數 + + Using KDE Oxygen icon set, designed by Oxygen Team. + - - OK - 確定 + + Contains some knobs, backgrounds and other small artwork from Calf Studio Gear, OpenAV and OpenOctave projects. + - - Cancel - 取消 + + VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. + - - LMMS - LMMS + + Special thanks to António Saraiva for a few extra icons and artwork! + - - Cycle Detected. - 檢測到環路。 + + The LV2 logo has been designed by Thorsten Wilms, based on a concept from Peter Shorthose. + - - - ControllerRackView - - Controller Rack - 控制器機架 + + MIDI Keyboard designed by Thorsten Wilms. + - - Add - 增加 + + Carla, Carla-Control and Patchbay icons designed by DoosC. + - - Confirm Delete - 刪除前確認 + + Features + - - Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. - 確定要刪除嗎?此控制器仍處於被連接狀態。此操作不可撤銷。 + + AU/AudioUnit: + - - - ControllerView - - Controls - 控制器 + + LADSPA: + - - Controllers are able to automate the value of a knob, slider, and other controls. - 控制器可以自動控制旋鈕,滑塊和其他控件的值。 + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - - Rename controller - 重命名控制器 + + VST2: + - - Enter the new name for this controller - 輸入這個控制器的新名稱 + + DSSI: + - - LFO + + LV2: - - &Remove this controller + + VST3: - - Re&name this controller + + OSC - - - CrossoverEQControlDialog - - Band 1/2 Crossover: + + Host URLs: - - Band 2/3 Crossover: + + Valid commands: - - Band 3/4 Crossover: + + valid osc commands here - - Band 1 Gain: + + Example: - - Band 2 Gain: - + + License + 授權協議 - - Band 3 Gain: + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + - - Band 4 Gain: + + OSC Bridge Version - - Band 1 Mute + + Plugin Version - - Mute Band 1 + + <br>Version %1<br>Carla is a fully-featured audio plugin host%2.<br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-2019 falkTX<br> - - Band 2 Mute + + + (Engine not running) - - Mute Band 2 + + Everything! (Including LRDF) - - Band 3 Mute + + Everything! (Including CustomData/Chunks) - - Mute Band 3 + + About 110&#37; complete (using custom extensions)<br/>Implemented Feature/Extensions:<ul><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/buf-size</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/data-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/instance-access</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/log</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/options</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-props</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/resize-port</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/time</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/uri-map</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/urid</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/worker</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/ui</li><li>http://lv2plug.in/ns/extensions/units</li><li>http://home.gna.org/lv2dynparam/rtmempool/v1</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/external-ui</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/programs</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/props</li><li>http://kxstudio.sf.net/ns/lv2ext/rtmempool</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/midimap</li><li>http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/lv2/ext/miditype</li></ul> - - Band 4 Mute + + + + Using Juce host - - Mute Band 4 + + About 85% complete (missing vst bank/presets and some minor stuff) - DelayControls + CarlaHostW - - Delay Samples + + MainWindow - - Feedback + + Rack - - Lfo Frequency + + Patchbay - - Lfo Amount + + Logs - - Output gain - 輸出增益 + + Loading... + - - - DelayControlsDialog - - DELAY + + Buffer Size: - - Delay Time - 延遲時間 + + Sample Rate: + - - FDBK + + ? Xruns - - Feedback Amount + + DSP Load: %p% - - RATE - + + &File + 檔案(&F) - - Lfo + + &Engine - - AMNT + + &Plugin - - Lfo Amt + + Macros (all plugins) - - Out Gain + + &Canvas - - Gain - 增益 + + Zoom + - - - DualFilterControlDialog - - - FREQ - 頻率 + + &Settings + - - - Cutoff frequency - 切除頻率 + + &Help + 幫助(&H) - - - RESO + + toolBar - - - Resonance - 共鳴 + + Disk + - - - GAIN - 增益 + + + Home + - - - Gain - 增益 + + Transport + - - MIX + + Playback Controls - - Mix - 混合 + + Time Information + - - Filter 1 enabled - 已啓用過濾器 1 + + Frame: + - - Filter 2 enabled - 已啓用過濾器 2 + + 000'000'000 + - - Click to enable/disable Filter 1 - 點擊啓用/禁用過濾器 1 + + Time: + 時間: - - Click to enable/disable Filter 2 - 點擊啓用/禁用過濾器 2 + + 00:00:00 + - - - DualFilterControls - - Filter 1 enabled - 過濾器1 已啓用 + + BBT: + - - Filter 1 type - 過濾器 1 類型 + + 000|00|0000 + - - Cutoff 1 frequency - 濾波器 1 截頻 + + Settings + 設置 - - Q/Resonance 1 - 濾波器 1 Q值 + + BPM + - - Gain 1 - 增益 1 + + Use JACK Transport + - - Mix - 混合 + + Use Ableton Link + - - Filter 2 enabled - 已啓用過濾器 2 + + &New + 新建(&N) - - Filter 2 type - 過濾器 1 類型 {2 ?} + + Ctrl+N + - - Cutoff 2 frequency - 濾波器 2 截頻 + + &Open... + 打開(&O)... - - Q/Resonance 2 - 濾波器 2 Q值 + + + Open... + - - Gain 2 - 增益 2 + + Ctrl+O + - - - LowPass - 低通 + + &Save + 保存(&S) - - - HiPass - 高通 + + Ctrl+S + - - - BandPass csg - 帶通 csg + + Save &As... + 另存爲(&A)... - - - BandPass czpg - 帶通 czpg + + + Save As... + - - - Notch - 凹口濾波器 + + Ctrl+Shift+S + - - - Allpass - 全通 + + &Quit + 退出(&Q) - - - Moog - Moog + + Ctrl+Q + - - - 2x LowPass - 2 個低通串聯 + + &Start + - - - RC LowPass 12dB - RC 低通(12dB) + + F5 + - - - RC BandPass 12dB - RC 帶通(12dB) + + St&op + - - - RC HighPass 12dB - RC 高通(12dB) + + F6 + - - - RC LowPass 24dB - RC 低通(24dB) + + &Add Plugin... + - - - RC BandPass 24dB - RC 帶通(24dB) + + Ctrl+A + - - - RC HighPass 24dB - RC 高通(24dB) + + &Remove All + - - - Vocal Formant Filter - 人聲移除過濾器 + + Enable + - - - 2x Moog + + Disable - - - SV LowPass + + 0% Wet (Bypass) - - - SV BandPass + + 100% Wet - - - SV HighPass + + 0% Volume (Mute) - - - SV Notch + + 100% Volume - - - Fast Formant + + Center Balance - - - Tripole + + &Play - - - Editor - - Transport controls + + Ctrl+Shift+P - - Play (Space) - 播放(空格) + + &Stop + - - Stop (Space) - 停止(空格) + + Ctrl+Shift+X + - - Record - 錄音 + + &Backwards + - - Record while playing - 播放時錄音 + + Ctrl+Shift+B + - - - Effect - - Effect enabled - 啓用效果器 + + &Forwards + - - Wet/Dry mix - 幹/溼混合 + + Ctrl+Shift+F + - - Gate - 門限 + + &Arrange + - - Decay - 衰減 + + Ctrl+G + - - - EffectChain - - Effects enabled - 啓用效果器 + + + &Refresh + - - - EffectRackView - - EFFECTS CHAIN - 效果器鏈 + + Ctrl+R + - - Add effect - 增加效果器 + + Save &Image... + - - - EffectSelectDialog - - Add effect - 增加效果器 + + Auto-Fit + - - - Name - 名稱 + + Zoom In + - - Type - 類型 + + Ctrl++ + - - Description - 描述 + + Zoom Out + - - Author + + Ctrl+- - - - EffectView - - Toggles the effect on or off. - 打開或關閉效果. + + Zoom 100% + - - On/Off - 開/關 + + Ctrl+1 + - - W/D - W/D + + Show &Toolbar + - - Wet Level: - 效果度: + + &Configure Carla + - - The Wet/Dry knob sets the ratio between the input signal and the effect signal that forms the output. - 旋轉幹溼度旋鈕以調整原信號與有效果的信號的比例。 + + &About + - - DECAY - 衰減 + + About &JUCE + - - Time: - 時間: + + About &Qt + - - The Decay knob controls how many buffers of silence must pass before the plugin stops processing. Smaller values will reduce the CPU overhead but run the risk of clipping the tail on delay and reverb effects. - 衰減旋鈕控制在插件停止工作前,緩衝區中加入的靜音時常。較小的數值會降低CPU佔用率但是可能導致延遲或混響產生撕裂。 + + Show Canvas &Meters + - - GATE - 門限 + + Show Canvas &Keyboard + - - Gate: - 門限: + + Show Internal + - - The Gate knob controls the signal level that is considered to be 'silence' while deciding when to stop processing signals. - 門限旋鈕設置自動靜音時,被認爲是靜音的信號幅度。 + + Show External + - - Controls - 控制 + + Show Time Panel + - - Effect plugins function as a chained series of effects where the signal will be processed from top to bottom. - -The On/Off switch allows you to bypass a given plugin at any point in time. - -The Wet/Dry knob controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal that is the resulting output from the effect. The input for the stage is the output from the previous stage. So, the 'dry' signal for effects lower in the chain contains all of the previous effects. - -The Decay knob controls how long the signal will continue to be processed after the notes have been released. The effect will stop processing signals when the volume has dropped below a given threshold for a given length of time. This knob sets the 'given length of time'. Longer times will require more CPU, so this number should be set low for most effects. It needs to be bumped up for effects that produce lengthy periods of silence, e.g. delays. - -The Gate knob controls the 'given threshold' for the effect's auto shutdown. The clock for the 'given length of time' will begin as soon as the processed signal level drops below the level specified with this knob. - -The Controls button opens a dialog for editing the effect's parameters. - -Right clicking will bring up a context menu where you can change the order in which the effects are processed or delete an effect altogether. + + Show &Side Panel - - Move &up - 向上移(&U) + + &Connect... + - - Move &down - 向下移(&D) + + Compact Slots + - - &Remove this plugin - 移除此插件(&R) + + Expand Slots + - - - EnvelopeAndLfoParameters - - Predelay - 預延遲 + + Perform secret 1 + - - Attack - 打進聲 + + Perform secret 2 + - - Hold - 保持 + + Perform secret 3 + - - Decay - 衰減 + + Perform secret 4 + - - Sustain - 持續 + + Perform secret 5 + - - Release - 釋放 + + Add &JACK Application... + - - Modulation - 調製 + + &Configure driver... + - - LFO Predelay - LFO 預延遲 + + Panic + - - LFO Attack - LFO 打進聲(attack) + + Open custom driver panel... + + + + CarlaHostWindow - - LFO speed - LFO 速度 + + Export as... + - - LFO Modulation - LFO 調製 + + + + + Error + 錯誤 - - LFO Wave Shape - LFO 波形形狀 + + Failed to load project + - - Freq x 100 - 頻率 x 100 + + Failed to save project + - - Modulate Env-Amount - 調製所有包絡 + + Quit + 退出 - - - EnvelopeAndLfoView - - - DEL - DEL + + Are you sure you want to quit Carla? + - - Predelay: - 預延遲: + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1', possible reasons: +%2 + - - Use this knob for setting predelay of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the time before start of actual envelope. - 使用預延遲旋鈕設定此包絡的預延遲,較大的值會加長包絡開始的時間。 + + Could not connect to Audio backend '%1' + - - - ATT - ATT + + Warning + - - Attack: - 打進聲: + + There are still some plugins loaded, you need to remove them to stop the engine. +Do you want to do this now? + + + + CarlaInstrumentView - - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to increase to attack-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos and a big value for strings. - 使用起音旋鈕設定此包絡的起音時間,較大的值會讓包絡達到起音值的時間增加。爲鋼琴等樂器選擇小值而絃樂選擇大值。 + + Show GUI + 顯示圖形界面 + + + CarlaSettingsW - - HOLD - 持續 + + Settings + 設置 - - Hold: - 持續: + + main + - - Use this knob for setting hold-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope holds attack-level before it begins to decrease to sustain-level. - 使用持續旋鈕設定此包絡的持續時間。較大的值會在它衰減到持續值時,保持包絡在起音值更久。 + + canvas + - - DEC - 衰減 + + engine + - - Decay: - 衰減: + + osc + - - Use this knob for setting decay-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from attack-level to sustain-level. Choose a small value for instruments like pianos. - 使用衰減旋鈕設定此包絡的衰減值。較大的值會延長包絡從起音值衰減到持續值的時間。爲鋼琴等樂器選擇一個小值。 + + file-paths + - - SUST - 持續 + + plugin-paths + - - Sustain: - 持續: + + wine + - - Use this knob for setting sustain-level of the current envelope. The bigger this value the higher the level on which the envelope stays before going down to zero. - 使用持續旋鈕設置此包絡的持續值,較大的值會增加釋放前,包絡在此保持的值。 + + experimental + - - REL - 釋音 + + Widget + - - Release: - 釋音: + + + Main + - - Use this knob for setting release-time of the current envelope. The bigger this value the longer the envelope needs to decrease from sustain-level to zero. Choose a big value for soft instruments like strings. - 使用釋音旋鈕設定此包絡的釋音時間,較大值會增加包絡衰減到零的時間。爲絃樂等樂器選擇一個大值。 + + + Canvas + - - - AMT + + + Engine - - - Modulation amount: - 調製量: + + File Paths + - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current envelope. The bigger this value the more the according size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this envelope. - 使用調製量旋鈕設置LFO對此包絡的調製量,較大的值會對此包絡控制的值(如音量或截頻)影響更大。 + + Plugin Paths + - - LFO predelay: - LFO 預延遲: + + Wine + - - Use this knob for setting predelay-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the the time until the LFO starts to oscillate. + + + Experimental - - LFO- attack: + + <b>Main</b> - - Use this knob for setting attack-time of the current LFO. The bigger this value the longer the LFO needs to increase its amplitude to maximum. + + Paths + 路徑 + + + + Default project folder: - - SPD + + Interface - - LFO speed: + + Interface refresh interval: - - Use this knob for setting speed of the current LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster will be your effect. + + + ms - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the current LFO. The bigger this value the more the selected size (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by this LFO. + + Show console output in Logs tab (needs engine restart) - - Click here for a sine-wave. - 點擊這裡使用正弦波。 + + Show a confirmation dialog before quitting + - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - 點擊這裡使用三角波。 + + + Theme + - - Click here for a saw-wave for current. - 點擊這裡使用鋸齒波。 + + Use Carla "PRO" theme (needs restart) + - - Click here for a square-wave. - 點擊這裡使用方形波。 + + Color scheme: + - - Click here for a user-defined wave. Afterwards, drag an according sample-file onto the LFO graph. - 點擊這裡使用自訂波形。之後請把所用波形的樣本檔案拖到LFO Graph上。 + + Black + - - Click here for random wave. - 點擊這裡使用隨機波形。 + + System + - - FREQ x 100 - 頻率 x 100 + + Enable experimental features + - - Click here if the frequency of this LFO should be multiplied by 100. - 點擊這裡把這個LFO的頻率乘以100。 + + <b>Canvas</b> + - - multiply LFO-frequency by 100 + + Bezier Lines - - MODULATE ENV-AMOUNT + + Theme: - - Click here to make the envelope-amount controlled by this LFO. + + Size: - - control envelope-amount by this LFO + + 775x600 - - ms/LFO: + + 1550x1200 - - Hint - 提示 + + 3100x2400 + - - Drag a sample from somewhere and drop it in this window. - 把樣本檔案拖到這個視窗上放開。 + + 4650x3600 + - - - EqControls - - Input gain - 輸入增益 + + 6200x4800 + - - Output gain - 輸出增益 + + Options + - - Low shelf gain + + Auto-hide groups with no ports - - Peak 1 gain + + Auto-select items on hover - - Peak 2 gain + + Basic eye-candy (group shadows) - - Peak 3 gain + + Render Hints - - Peak 4 gain + + Anti-Aliasing - - High Shelf gain + + Full canvas repaints (slower, but prevents drawing issues) - - HP res + + <b>Engine</b> - - Low Shelf res + + + Core - - Peak 1 BW + + Single Client - - Peak 2 BW + + Multiple Clients - - Peak 3 BW + + + Continuous Rack - - Peak 4 BW + + + Patchbay - - High Shelf res + + Audio driver: - - LP res + + Process mode: - - HP freq + + + + + Maximum number of parameters to allow in the built-in 'Edit' dialog - - Low Shelf freq + + Max Parameters: - - Peak 1 freq + + ... - - Peak 2 freq + + Reset Xrun counter after project load - - Peak 3 freq + + Plugin UIs - - Peak 4 freq + + + How much time to wait for OSC GUIs to ping back the host - - High shelf freq + + UI Bridge Timeout: - - LP freq + + Use OSC-GUI bridges when possible, this way separating the UI from DSP code - - HP active + + Use UI bridges instead of direct handling when possible - - Low shelf active + + Make plugin UIs always-on-top - - Peak 1 active + + Make plugin UIs appear on top of Carla (needs restart) - - Peak 2 active + + NOTE: Plugin-bridge UIs cannot be managed by Carla on macOS - - Peak 3 active + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings - - Peak 4 active + + <b>OSC</b> - - High shelf active + + Enable OSC - - LP active + + Enable TCP port - - LP 12 + + + Use specific port: - - LP 24 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_TCP_PORT env var - - LP 48 + + + Use randomly assigned port - - HP 12 + + Enable UDP port - - HP 24 + + Overridden by CARLA_OSC_UDP_PORT env var - - HP 48 + + DSSI UIs require OSC UDP port enabled - - low pass type + + <b>File Paths</b> - - high pass type - + + Audio + 音頻 - - Analyse IN - + + MIDI + MIDI - - Analyse OUT + + Used for the "audiofile" plugin - - - EqControlsDialog - - HP + + Used for the "midifile" plugin - - Low Shelf + + + Add... - - Peak 1 + + + Remove - - Peak 2 + + + Change... - - Peak 3 + + <b>Plugin Paths</b> - - Peak 4 + + LADSPA - - High Shelf + + DSSI - - LP + + LV2 - - In Gain + + VST2 - - - - Gain - 增益 + + VST3 + - - Out Gain + + SF2/3 - - Bandwidth: + + SFZ - - Octave + + Restart Carla to find new plugins - - Resonance : + + <b>Wine</b> - - Frequency: - 頻率: + + Executable + - - lp grp + + Path to 'wine' binary: - - hp grp + + Prefix - - - EqHandle - - Reso: + + Auto-detect Wine prefix based on plugin filename - - BW: + + Fallback: - - - Freq: + + Note: WINEPREFIX env var is preferred over this fallback - - - ExportProjectDialog - - Export project - 導出工程 + + Realtime Priority + - - Output - 輸出 + + Base priority: + - - File format: - 檔案格式: + + WineServer priority: + - - Samplerate: - 採樣率: + + These options are not available for Carla as plugin + - - 44100 Hz - 44100 Hz + + <b>Experimental</b> + - - 48000 Hz - 48000 Hz + + Experimental options! Likely to be unstable! + - - 88200 Hz - 88200 Hz + + Enable plugin bridges + - - 96000 Hz - 96000 Hz + + Enable Wine bridges + - - 192000 Hz - 192000 Hz + + Enable jack applications + - - Depth: - 位深: + + Export single plugins to LV2 + - - 16 Bit Integer - 16 位整形 + + Load Carla backend in global namespace (NOT RECOMMENDED) + - - 24 Bit Integer - 24 位元整數 + + Fancy eye-candy (fade-in/out groups, glow connections) + - - 32 Bit Float - 32 位浮點型 + + Use OpenGL for rendering (needs restart) + - - Stereo mode: + + High Quality Anti-Aliasing (OpenGL only) - - Stereo + + Render Ardour-style "Inline Displays" - - Joint Stereo + + Force mono plugins as stereo by running 2 instances at the same time. +This mode is not available for VST plugins. - - Mono + + Force mono plugins as stereo - - Bitrate: - 碼率: + + Prevent plugins from doing bad stuff (needs restart) + - - 64 KBit/s - 64 KBit/s + + Whenever possible, run the plugins in bridge mode. + - - 128 KBit/s - 128 KBit/s + + Run plugins in bridge mode when possible + - - 160 KBit/s - 160 KBit/s + + + + + Add Path + + + + CompressorControlDialog - - 192 KBit/s - 192 KBit/s + + Threshold: + - - 256 KBit/s - 256 KBit/s + + Volume at which the compression begins to take place + - - 320 KBit/s - 320 KBit/s + + Ratio: + 比率: - - Use variable bitrate - 使用可變位元率 + + How far the compressor must turn the volume down after crossing the threshold + - - Quality settings - 質量設置 + + Attack: + 打進聲: - - Interpolation: - 補間: + + Speed at which the compressor starts to compress the audio + - - Zero Order Hold - 零階保持 + + Release: + 釋音: - - Sinc Fastest - 最快 Sinc 補間 + + Speed at which the compressor ceases to compress the audio + - - Sinc Medium (recommended) - 中等 Sinc 補間 (推薦) + + Knee: + - - Sinc Best (very slow!) - 最佳 Sinc 補間 (很慢!) + + Smooth out the gain reduction curve around the threshold + - - Oversampling (use with care!): - 過採樣 (請謹慎使用!): + + Range: + - - 1x (None) - 1x (無) + + Maximum gain reduction + - - 2x - 2x + + Lookahead Length: + - - 4x - 4x + + How long the compressor has to react to the sidechain signal ahead of time + - - 8x - 8x + + Hold: + 持續: - - Export as loop (remove end silence) - 導出爲迴環loop(移除結尾的靜音) + + Delay between attack and release stages + - - Export between loop markers - 只導出迴環標記中間的部分 + + RMS Size: + - - Start - 開始 + + Size of the RMS buffer + - - Cancel - 取消 + + Input Balance: + - - Could not open file - 無法開啟檔案 + + Bias the input audio to the left/right or mid/side + - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - 無法開啟 %1 以進行寫入。 -請確認您有權限存取此檔案,以及包含此檔案的目錄後再試一次。 + + Output Balance: + - - Export project to %1 - 導出項目到 %1 + + Bias the output audio to the left/right or mid/side + - - Error - 錯誤 + + Stereo Balance: + - - Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. - 偵測檔案編碼裝置時發生錯誤。請嘗試使用其他輸出格式。 + + Bias the sidechain signal to the left/right or mid/side + - - Rendering: %1% - 渲染中:%1% + + Stereo Link Blend: + - Compression level: + + Blend between unlinked/maximum/average/minimum stereo linking modes - (fastest) + + Tilt Gain: - (default) + + Bias the sidechain signal to the low or high frequencies. -6 db is lowpass, 6 db is highpass. - (smallest) + + Tilt Frequency: - - - Expressive - Selected graph + + Center frequency of sidechain tilt filter - A1 + + Mix: - A2 + + Balance between wet and dry signals - A3 + + Auto Attack: - W1 smoothing + + Automatically control attack value depending on crest factor - W2 smoothing + + Auto Release: - W3 smoothing + + Automatically control release value depending on crest factor - PAN1 - + + Output gain + 輸出增益 - PAN2 - + + + Gain + 增益 - REL TRANS + + Output volume - - - Fader - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - 請輸入一個介於%1和%2之間的數值: + + Input gain + 輸入增益 - - - FileBrowser - - Browser - 瀏覽器 + + Input volume + - Search + + Root Mean Square - Refresh list + + Use RMS of the input - - - FileBrowserTreeWidget - - Send to active instrument-track - 發送到活躍的樂器軌道 + + Peak + - - Open in new instrument-track/Song Editor - 在新的樂器軌道/歌曲編輯器中打開 + + Use absolute value of the input + - - Open in new instrument-track/B+B Editor - 在新樂器軌道/B+B 編輯器中打開 + + Left/Right + - - Loading sample - 加載採樣中 + + Compress left and right audio + - - Please wait, loading sample for preview... - 請稍候,加載採樣中... + + Mid/Side + - - Error - 錯誤 + + Compress mid and side audio + - - does not appear to be a valid - 並不是一個有效的 + + Compressor + - - file - 檔案 + + Compress the audio + - - --- Factory files --- - --- 內建檔案 --- + + Limiter + - - - FlangerControls - - Delay Samples + + Set Ratio to infinity (is not guaranteed to limit audio volume) - - Lfo Frequency + + Unlinked - - Seconds - + + Compress each channel separately + - - Regen + + Maximum - - Noise - 噪音 + + Compress based on the loudest channel + - - Invert - 反轉 + + Average + - - - FlangerControlsDialog - - DELAY + + Compress based on the averaged channel volume - - Delay Time: - 延遲時間: + + Minimum + - - RATE + + Compress based on the quietest channel - - Period: + + Blend - - AMNT + + Blend between stereo linking modes - - Amount: + + Auto Makeup Gain - - FDBK + + Automatically change makeup gain depending on threshold, knee, and ratio settings - - Feedback Amount: + + + Soft Clip - - NOISE + + Play the delta signal - - White Noise Amount: - 白噪音數量: + + Use the compressor's output as the sidechain input + - - Invert - 反轉 + + Lookahead Enabled + + + + + Enable Lookahead, which introduces 20 milliseconds of latency + - FxLine + CompressorControls - - Channel send amount - 通道發送的數量 + + Threshold + - - The FX channel receives input from one or more instrument tracks. - It in turn can be routed to multiple other FX channels. LMMS automatically takes care of preventing infinite loops for you and doesn't allow making a connection that would result in an infinite loop. - -In order to route the channel to another channel, select the FX channel and click on the "send" button on the channel you want to send to. The knob under the send button controls the level of signal that is sent to the channel. - -You can remove and move FX channels in the context menu, which is accessed by right-clicking the FX channel. - - + + Ratio + 比率 - - Move &left - 向左移(&L) + + Attack + 打進聲 - - Move &right - 向右移(&R) + + Release + 釋放 - - Rename &channel - 重命名通道(&C) + + Knee + - - R&emove channel - 刪除通道(&E) + + Hold + 保持 - - Remove &unused channels - 移除所有未用通道(&U) + + Range + - - - FxMixer - - Master - 主控 + + RMS Size + - - - - FX %1 - FX %1 + + Mid/Side + - - Volume - 音量 + + Peak Mode + - - Mute - 靜音 + + Lookahead Length + - - Solo - 獨奏 + + Input Balance + - - - FxMixerView - - FX-Mixer - 效果混合器 + + Output Balance + - - FX Fader %1 - FX 衰減器 %1 + + Limiter + - - Mute - 靜音 + + Output Gain + - - Mute this FX channel - 靜音此效果通道 + + Input Gain + - - Solo - 獨奏 + + Blend + - - Solo FX channel - 獨奏效果通道 + + Stereo Balance + - - - FxRoute - - - Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 - 從通道 %1 發送到通道 %2 的量 + + Auto Makeup Gain + - - - GigInstrument - - Bank - + + Audition + - - Patch - 音色 + + Feedback + - - Gain - 增益 + + Auto Attack + - - - GigInstrumentView - - Open other GIG file - 打開另外的 GIG 文件 + + Auto Release + - - Click here to open another GIG file - 點擊這裏打開另外一個 GIG 文件 + + Lookahead + - - Choose the patch - 選擇路徑 + + Tilt + - - Click here to change which patch of the GIG file to use - 點擊這裏選擇另一種 GIG 音色 + + Tilt Frequency + - - - Change which instrument of the GIG file is being played - 更換正在使用的 GIG 文件中的樂器 + + Stereo Link + - - Which GIG file is currently being used - 哪一個 GIG 文件正在被使用 + + Mix + 混合 + + + Controller - - Which patch of the GIG file is currently being used - GIG 文件的哪一個音色正在被使用 + + Controller %1 + 控制器%1 + + + ControllerConnectionDialog - - Gain - 增益 + + Connection Settings + 連接設置 - - Factor to multiply samples by - + + MIDI CONTROLLER + MIDI控制器 - - Open GIG file - 開啟 GIG 檔案 + + Input channel + 輸入通道 - - GIG Files (*.gig) - GIG 檔案 (*.gig) + + CHANNEL + 通道 - - - GuiApplication - - Working directory - 工作目錄 + + Input controller + 輸入控制器 - - The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. - LMMS工作目錄%1不存在,現在新建一個嗎?你可以稍後在 編輯 -> 設置 中更改此設置。 + + CONTROLLER + 控制器 - - Preparing UI - 正在準備界面 + + + Auto Detect + 自動檢測 - - Preparing song editor - 正在準備歌曲編輯器 + + MIDI-devices to receive MIDI-events from + 用來接收 MIDI 事件的MIDI 設備 - - Preparing mixer - 正在準備混音器 + + USER CONTROLLER + 用戶控制器 - - Preparing controller rack - 正在準備控制機架 + + MAPPING FUNCTION + 映射函數 - - Preparing project notes - 正在準備專案音符 + + OK + 確定 - - Preparing beat/bassline editor - 正在準備節拍/低音線編輯器 + + Cancel + 取消 - - Preparing piano roll - 正在準備鋼琴捲簾 + + LMMS + LMMS - - Preparing automation editor - 正在準備自動化控制編輯器 + + Cycle Detected. + 檢測到環路。 - InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + ControllerRackView - - Arpeggio - + + Controller Rack + 控制器機架 - - Arpeggio type - + + Add + 增加 - - Arpeggio range - + + Confirm Delete + 刪除前確認 - - Cycle steps - + + Confirm delete? There are existing connection(s) associated with this controller. There is no way to undo. + 確定要刪除嗎?此控制器仍處於被連接狀態。此操作不可撤銷。 + + + ControllerView - - Skip rate - + + Controls + 控制器 - - Miss rate - + + Rename controller + 重命名控制器 - - Arpeggio time - + + Enter the new name for this controller + 輸入這個控制器的新名稱 - - Arpeggio gate + + LFO - - Arpeggio direction + + &Remove this controller - - Arpeggio mode + + Re&name this controller + + + CrossoverEQControlDialog - - Up - 向上 - - - - Down - 向下 + + Band 1/2 crossover: + - - Up and down - 上和下 + + Band 2/3 crossover: + - - Down and up - 下和上 + + Band 3/4 crossover: + - - Random - 隨機 + + Band 1 gain + - - Free - 自由 + + Band 1 gain: + - - Sort - 排序 + + Band 2 gain + - - Sync - 同步 + + Band 2 gain: + - - - InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView - - ARPEGGIO - 琶音 + + Band 3 gain + - - An arpeggio is a method playing (especially plucked) instruments, which makes the music much livelier. The strings of such instruments (e.g. harps) are plucked like chords. The only difference is that this is done in a sequential order, so the notes are not played at the same time. Typical arpeggios are major or minor triads, but there are a lot of other possible chords, you can select. + + Band 3 gain: - - RANGE - 範圍 + + Band 4 gain + - - Arpeggio range: + + Band 4 gain: - - octave(s) + + Band 1 mute - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio range in octaves. The selected arpeggio will be played within specified number of octaves. + + Mute band 1 - - CYCLE + + Band 2 mute - - Cycle notes: + + Mute band 2 - - note(s) + + Band 3 mute - - Jumps over n steps in the arpeggio and cycles around if we're over the note range. If the total note range is evenly divisible by the number of steps jumped over you will get stuck in a shorter arpeggio or even on one note. + + Mute band 3 - - SKIP + + Band 4 mute - - Skip rate: + + Mute band 4 + + + DelayControls - - - - % - % + + Delay samples + - - The skip function will make the arpeggiator pause one step randomly. From its start in full counter clockwise position and no effect it will gradually progress to full amnesia at maximum setting. + + Feedback - - MISS + + LFO frequency - - Miss rate: + + LFO amount - - The miss function will make the arpeggiator miss the intended note. - + + Output gain + 輸出增益 + + + DelayControlsDialog - - TIME - 時長 + + DELAY + - - Arpeggio time: + + Delay time - - ms - 毫秒 + + FDBK + - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio time in milliseconds. The arpeggio time specifies how long each arpeggio-tone should be played. + + Feedback amount - - GATE - 門限 + + RATE + - - Arpeggio gate: + + LFO frequency - - Use this knob for setting the arpeggio gate. The arpeggio gate specifies the percent of a whole arpeggio-tone that should be played. With this you can make cool staccato arpeggios. + + AMNT - - Chord: - 和絃: + + LFO amount + - - Direction: - 方向: + + Out gain + - - Mode: - 模式: + + Gain + 增益 - InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + Dialog - - octave - octave + + Add JACK Application + - - - Major - Major + + Note: Features not implemented yet are greyed out + - - Majb5 - Majb5 + + Application + - - minor - minor + + Name: + - - minb5 - minb5 + + Application: + - - sus2 - sus2 + + From template + - - sus4 - sus4 + + Custom + - - aug - aug + + Template: + - - augsus4 - augsus4 + + Command: + - - tri - tri + + Setup + - - 6 - 6 + + Session Manager: + - - 6sus4 - 6sus4 + + None + - - 6add9 - 6add9 + + Audio inputs: + - - m6 - m6 + + MIDI inputs: + - - m6add9 - m6add9 + + Audio outputs: + - - 7 - 7 + + MIDI outputs: + - - 7sus4 - 7sus4 + + Take control of main application window + - - 7#5 - 7#5 + + Workarounds + - - 7b5 - 7b5 + + Wait for external application start (Advanced, for Debug only) + - - 7#9 - 7#9 + + Capture only the first X11 Window + - - 7b9 - 7b9 + + Use previous client output buffer as input for the next client + - - 7#5#9 - 7#5#9 + + Simulate 16 JACK MIDI outputs, with MIDI channel as port index + - - 7#5b9 - 7#5b9 + + Error here + - - 7b5b9 - 7b5b9 + + Carla Control - Connect + - - 7add11 - 7add11 + + Remote setup + - + + UDP Port: + + + + + Remote host: + + + + + TCP Port: + + + + + Reported host + + + + + Automatic + + + + + Custom: + + + + + In some networks (like USB connections), the remote system cannot reach the local network. You can specify here which hostname or IP to make the remote Carla connect to. +If you are unsure, leave it as 'Automatic'. + + + + + Set value + + + + + TextLabel + + + + + Scale Points + + + + + DriverSettingsW + + + Driver Settings + + + + + Device: + + + + + Buffer size: + + + + + Sample rate: + 採樣率: + + + + Triple buffer + + + + + Show Driver Control Panel + + + + + Restart the engine to load the new settings + + + + + DualFilterControlDialog + + + + FREQ + 頻率 + + + + + Cutoff frequency + 切除頻率 + + + + + RESO + + + + + + Resonance + 共鳴 + + + + + GAIN + 增益 + + + + + Gain + 增益 + + + + MIX + + + + + Mix + 混合 + + + + Filter 1 enabled + 已啓用過濾器 1 + + + + Filter 2 enabled + 已啓用過濾器 2 + + + + Enable/disable filter 1 + + + + + Enable/disable filter 2 + + + + + DualFilterControls + + + Filter 1 enabled + 過濾器1 已啓用 + + + + Filter 1 type + 過濾器 1 類型 + + + + Cutoff frequency 1 + + + + + Q/Resonance 1 + 濾波器 1 Q值 + + + + Gain 1 + 增益 1 + + + + Mix + 混合 + + + + Filter 2 enabled + 已啓用過濾器 2 + + + + Filter 2 type + 過濾器 1 類型 {2 ?} + + + + Cutoff frequency 2 + + + + + Q/Resonance 2 + 濾波器 2 Q值 + + + + Gain 2 + 增益 2 + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + + Notch + 凹口濾波器 + + + + + All-pass + + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + + Tripole + + + + + Editor + + + Transport controls + + + + + Play (Space) + 播放(空格) + + + + Stop (Space) + 停止(空格) + + + + Record + 錄音 + + + + Record while playing + 播放時錄音 + + + + Toggle Step Recording + + + + + Effect + + + Effect enabled + 啓用效果器 + + + + Wet/Dry mix + 幹/溼混合 + + + + Gate + 門限 + + + + Decay + 衰減 + + + + EffectChain + + + Effects enabled + 啓用效果器 + + + + EffectRackView + + + EFFECTS CHAIN + 效果器鏈 + + + + Add effect + 增加效果器 + + + + EffectSelectDialog + + + Add effect + 增加效果器 + + + + + Name + 名稱 + + + + Type + 類型 + + + + Description + 描述 + + + + Author + + + + + EffectView + + + On/Off + 開/關 + + + + W/D + W/D + + + + Wet Level: + 效果度: + + + + DECAY + 衰減 + + + + Time: + 時間: + + + + GATE + 門限 + + + + Gate: + 門限: + + + + Controls + 控制 + + + + Move &up + 向上移(&U) + + + + Move &down + 向下移(&D) + + + + &Remove this plugin + 移除此插件(&R) + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoParameters + + + Env pre-delay + + + + + Env attack + + + + + Env hold + + + + + Env decay + + + + + Env sustain + + + + + Env release + + + + + Env mod amount + + + + + LFO pre-delay + + + + + LFO attack + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + LFO mod amount + + + + + LFO wave shape + + + + + LFO frequency x 100 + + + + + Modulate env amount + + + + + EnvelopeAndLfoView + + + + DEL + DEL + + + + + Pre-delay: + + + + + + ATT + ATT + + + + + Attack: + 打進聲: + + + + HOLD + 持續 + + + + Hold: + 持續: + + + + DEC + 衰減 + + + + Decay: + 衰減: + + + + SUST + 持續 + + + + Sustain: + 持續: + + + + REL + 釋音 + + + + Release: + 釋音: + + + + + AMT + + + + + + Modulation amount: + 調製量: + + + + SPD + + + + + Frequency: + 頻率: + + + + FREQ x 100 + 頻率 x 100 + + + + Multiply LFO frequency by 100 + + + + + MODULATE ENV AMOUNT + + + + + Control envelope amount by this LFO + + + + + ms/LFO: + + + + + Hint + 提示 + + + + Drag and drop a sample into this window. + + + + + EqControls + + + Input gain + 輸入增益 + + + + Output gain + 輸出增益 + + + + Low-shelf gain + + + + + Peak 1 gain + + + + + Peak 2 gain + + + + + Peak 3 gain + + + + + Peak 4 gain + + + + + High-shelf gain + + + + + HP res + + + + + Low-shelf res + + + + + Peak 1 BW + + + + + Peak 2 BW + + + + + Peak 3 BW + + + + + Peak 4 BW + + + + + High-shelf res + + + + + LP res + + + + + HP freq + + + + + Low-shelf freq + + + + + Peak 1 freq + + + + + Peak 2 freq + + + + + Peak 3 freq + + + + + Peak 4 freq + + + + + High-shelf freq + + + + + LP freq + + + + + HP active + + + + + Low-shelf active + + + + + Peak 1 active + + + + + Peak 2 active + + + + + Peak 3 active + + + + + Peak 4 active + + + + + High-shelf active + + + + + LP active + + + + + LP 12 + + + + + LP 24 + + + + + LP 48 + + + + + HP 12 + + + + + HP 24 + + + + + HP 48 + + + + + Low-pass type + + + + + High-pass type + + + + + Analyse IN + + + + + Analyse OUT + + + + + EqControlsDialog + + + HP + + + + + Low-shelf + + + + + Peak 1 + + + + + Peak 2 + + + + + Peak 3 + + + + + Peak 4 + + + + + High-shelf + + + + + LP + + + + + Input gain + 輸入增益 + + + + + + Gain + 增益 + + + + Output gain + 輸出增益 + + + + Bandwidth: + + + + + Octave + + + + + Resonance : + + + + + Frequency: + 頻率: + + + + LP group + + + + + HP group + + + + + EqHandle + + + Reso: + + + + + BW: + + + + + + Freq: + + + + + ExportProjectDialog + + + Export project + 導出工程 + + + + Export as loop (remove extra bar) + + + + + Export between loop markers + 只導出迴環標記中間的部分 + + + + Render Looped Section: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + File format settings + 檔案格式設定 + + + + File format: + 檔案格式: + + + + Sampling rate: + + + + + 44100 Hz + 44100 Hz + + + + 48000 Hz + 48000 Hz + + + + 88200 Hz + 88200 Hz + + + + 96000 Hz + 96000 Hz + + + + 192000 Hz + 192000 Hz + + + + Bit depth: + + + + + 16 Bit integer + + + + + 24 Bit integer + + + + + 32 Bit float + + + + + Stereo mode: + + + + + Mono + + + + + Stereo + + + + + Joint stereo + + + + + Compression level: + + + + + Bitrate: + 碼率: + + + + 64 KBit/s + 64 KBit/s + + + + 128 KBit/s + 128 KBit/s + + + + 160 KBit/s + 160 KBit/s + + + + 192 KBit/s + 192 KBit/s + + + + 256 KBit/s + 256 KBit/s + + + + 320 KBit/s + 320 KBit/s + + + + Use variable bitrate + 使用可變位元率 + + + + Quality settings + 質量設置 + + + + Interpolation: + 補間: + + + + Zero order hold + + + + + Sinc worst (fastest) + + + + + Sinc medium (recommended) + + + + + Sinc best (slowest) + + + + + Oversampling: + + + + + 1x (None) + 1x (無) + + + + 2x + 2x + + + + 4x + 4x + + + + 8x + 8x + + + + Start + 開始 + + + + Cancel + 取消 + + + + Could not open file + 無法開啟檔案 + + + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + 無法開啟 %1 以進行寫入。 +請確認您有權限存取此檔案,以及包含此檔案的目錄後再試一次。 + + + + Export project to %1 + 導出項目到 %1 + + + + ( Fastest - biggest ) + + + + + ( Slowest - smallest ) + + + + + Error + 錯誤 + + + + Error while determining file-encoder device. Please try to choose a different output format. + 偵測檔案編碼裝置時發生錯誤。請嘗試使用其他輸出格式。 + + + + Rendering: %1% + 渲染中:%1% + + + + Fader + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + 請輸入一個介於%1和%2之間的數值: + + + + FileBrowser + + + User content + + + + + Factory content + + + + + Browser + 瀏覽器 + + + + Search + + + + + Refresh list + + + + + FileBrowserTreeWidget + + + Send to active instrument-track + 發送到活躍的樂器軌道 + + + + Open containing folder + + + + + Song Editor + 顯示/隱藏歌曲編輯器 + + + + BB Editor + + + + + Send to new AudioFileProcessor instance + + + + + Send to new instrument track + + + + + (%2Enter) + + + + + Send to new sample track (Shift + Enter) + + + + + Loading sample + 加載採樣中 + + + + Please wait, loading sample for preview... + 請稍候,加載採樣中... + + + + Error + 錯誤 + + + + %1 does not appear to be a valid %2 file + + + + + --- Factory files --- + --- 內建檔案 --- + + + + FlangerControls + + + Delay samples + + + + + LFO frequency + + + + + Seconds + + + + + Stereo phase + + + + + Regen + + + + + Noise + 噪音 + + + + Invert + 反轉 + + + + FlangerControlsDialog + + + DELAY + + + + + Delay time: + + + + + RATE + + + + + Period: + + + + + AMNT + + + + + Amount: + + + + + PHASE + + + + + Phase: + + + + + FDBK + + + + + Feedback amount: + + + + + NOISE + + + + + White noise amount: + + + + + Invert + 反轉 + + + + FreeBoyInstrument + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Channel 2 volume + + + + + Channel 3 volume + + + + + Channel 4 volume + + + + + Shift Register width + + + + + Right output level + + + + + Left output level + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass + 低音 + + + + FreeBoyInstrumentView + + + Sweep time: + + + + + Sweep time + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount: + + + + + Sweep rate shift amount + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle: + + + + + + Wave pattern duty cycle + + + + + Square channel 1 volume: + + + + + Square channel 1 volume + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep: + + + + + + + Length of each step in sweep + + + + + Square channel 2 volume: + + + + + Square channel 2 volume + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume: + + + + + Wave pattern channel volume + + + + + Noise channel volume: + + + + + Noise channel volume + + + + + SO1 volume (Right): + + + + + SO1 volume (Right) + + + + + SO2 volume (Left): + + + + + SO2 volume (Left) + + + + + Treble: + + + + + Treble + + + + + Bass: + + + + + Bass + 低音 + + + + Sweep direction + + + + + + + + + Volume sweep direction + + + + + Shift register width + + + + + Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + + + + Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) + + + + + Wave pattern graph + + + + + MixerLine + + + Channel send amount + 通道發送的數量 + + + + Move &left + 向左移(&L) + + + + Move &right + 向右移(&R) + + + + Rename &channel + 重命名通道(&C) + + + + R&emove channel + 刪除通道(&E) + + + + Remove &unused channels + 移除所有未用通道(&U) + + + + Set channel color + + + + + Remove channel color + + + + + Pick random channel color + + + + + MixerLineLcdSpinBox + + + Assign to: + 分配給: + + + + New mixer Channel + 新的效果通道 + + + + Mixer + + + Master + 主控 + + + + + + Channel %1 + FX %1 + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Mute + 靜音 + + + + Solo + 獨奏 + + + + MixerView + + + Mixer + 效果混合器 + + + + Fader %1 + FX 衰減器 %1 + + + + Mute + 靜音 + + + + Mute this mixer channel + 靜音此效果通道 + + + + Solo + 獨奏 + + + + Solo mixer channel + 獨奏效果通道 + + + + MixerRoute + + + + Amount to send from channel %1 to channel %2 + 從通道 %1 發送到通道 %2 的量 + + + + GigInstrument + + + Bank + + + + + Patch + 音色 + + + + Gain + 增益 + + + + GigInstrumentView + + + + Open GIG file + 開啟 GIG 檔案 + + + + Choose patch + + + + + Gain: + 增益: + + + + GIG Files (*.gig) + GIG 檔案 (*.gig) + + + + GuiApplication + + + Working directory + 工作目錄 + + + + The LMMS working directory %1 does not exist. Create it now? You can change the directory later via Edit -> Settings. + LMMS工作目錄%1不存在,現在新建一個嗎?你可以稍後在 編輯 -> 設置 中更改此設置。 + + + + Preparing UI + 正在準備界面 + + + + Preparing song editor + 正在準備歌曲編輯器 + + + + Preparing mixer + 正在準備混音器 + + + + Preparing controller rack + 正在準備控制機架 + + + + Preparing project notes + 正在準備專案音符 + + + + Preparing beat/bassline editor + 正在準備節拍/低音線編輯器 + + + + Preparing piano roll + 正在準備鋼琴捲簾 + + + + Preparing automation editor + 正在準備自動化控制編輯器 + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggio + + + Arpeggio + + + + + Arpeggio type + + + + + Arpeggio range + + + + + Note repeats + + + + + Cycle steps + + + + + Skip rate + + + + + Miss rate + + + + + Arpeggio time + + + + + Arpeggio gate + + + + + Arpeggio direction + + + + + Arpeggio mode + + + + + Up + 向上 + + + + Down + 向下 + + + + Up and down + 上和下 + + + + Down and up + 下和上 + + + + Random + 隨機 + + + + Free + 自由 + + + + Sort + 排序 + + + + Sync + 同步 + + + + InstrumentFunctionArpeggioView + + + ARPEGGIO + 琶音 + + + + RANGE + 範圍 + + + + Arpeggio range: + + + + + octave(s) + + + + + REP + + + + + Note repeats: + + + + + time(s) + + + + + CYCLE + + + + + Cycle notes: + + + + + note(s) + + + + + SKIP + + + + + Skip rate: + + + + + + + % + % + + + + MISS + + + + + Miss rate: + + + + + TIME + 時長 + + + + Arpeggio time: + + + + + ms + 毫秒 + + + + GATE + 門限 + + + + Arpeggio gate: + + + + + Chord: + 和絃: + + + + Direction: + 方向: + + + + Mode: + 模式: + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStacking + + + octave + octave + + + + + Major + Major + + + + Majb5 + Majb5 + + + + minor + minor + + + + minb5 + minb5 + + + + sus2 + sus2 + + + + sus4 + sus4 + + + + aug + aug + + + + augsus4 + augsus4 + + + + tri + tri + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 6sus4 + 6sus4 + + + + 6add9 + 6add9 + + + + m6 + m6 + + + + m6add9 + m6add9 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 7sus4 + 7sus4 + + + + 7#5 + 7#5 + + + + 7b5 + 7b5 + + + + 7#9 + 7#9 + + + + 7b9 + 7b9 + + + + 7#5#9 + 7#5#9 + + + + 7#5b9 + 7#5b9 + + + + 7b5b9 + 7b5b9 + + + + 7add11 + 7add11 + + + 7add13 7add13 - - 7#11 - 7#11 + + 7#11 + 7#11 + + + + Maj7 + Maj7 + + + + Maj7b5 + Maj7b5 + + + + Maj7#5 + Maj7#5 + + + + Maj7#11 + Maj7#11 + + + + Maj7add13 + Maj7add13 + + + + m7 + m7 + + + + m7b5 + m7b5 + + + + m7b9 + m7b9 + + + + m7add11 + m7add11 + + + + m7add13 + m7add13 + + + + m-Maj7 + m-Maj7 + + + + m-Maj7add11 + m-Maj7add11 + + + + m-Maj7add13 + m-Maj7add13 + + + + 9 + 9 + + + + 9sus4 + 9sus4 + + + + add9 + add9 + + + + 9#5 + 9#5 + + + + 9b5 + 9b5 + + + + 9#11 + 9#11 + + + + 9b13 + 9b13 + + + + Maj9 + Maj9 + + + + Maj9sus4 + Maj9sus4 + + + + Maj9#5 + Maj9#5 + + + + Maj9#11 + Maj9#11 + + + + m9 + m9 + + + + madd9 + madd9 + + + + m9b5 + m9b5 + + + + m9-Maj7 + m9-Maj7 + + + + 11 + 11 + + + + 11b9 + 11b9 + + + + Maj11 + Maj11 + + + + m11 + m11 + + + + m-Maj11 + m-Maj11 + + + + 13 + 13 + + + + 13#9 + 13#9 + + + + 13b9 + 13b9 + + + + 13b5b9 + 13b5b9 + + + + Maj13 + Maj13 + + + + m13 + m13 + + + + m-Maj13 + m-Maj13 + + + + Harmonic minor + Harmonic minor + + + + Melodic minor + Melodic minor + + + + Whole tone + + + + + Diminished + Diminished + + + + Major pentatonic + Major pentatonic + + + + Minor pentatonic + Minor pentatonic + + + + Jap in sen + Jap in sen + + + + Major bebop + Major bebop + + + + Dominant bebop + Dominant bebop + + + + Blues + Blues + + + + Arabic + Arabic + + + + Enigmatic + Enigmatic + + + + Neopolitan + Neopolitan + + + + Neopolitan minor + Neopolitan minor + + + + Hungarian minor + Hungarian minor + + + + Dorian + Dorian + + + + Phrygian + + + + + Lydian + Lydian + + + + Mixolydian + Mixolydian + + + + Aeolian + Aeolian + + + + Locrian + Locrian + + + + Minor + Minor + + + + Chromatic + Chromatic + + + + Half-Whole Diminished + + + + + 5 + 5 + + + + Phrygian dominant + + + + + Persian + + + + + Chords + Chords + + + + Chord type + Chord type + + + + Chord range + Chord range + + + + InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView + + + STACKING + 堆疊 + + + + Chord: + 和絃: + + + + RANGE + 範圍 + + + + Chord range: + 和絃範圍: + + + + octave(s) + + + + + InstrumentMidiIOView + + + ENABLE MIDI INPUT + 啓用MIDI輸入 + + + + ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT + 啓用MIDI輸出 + + + + + CHAN + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of two digits + + + + + + VELOC + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + PROG + This string must be be short, its width must be less than the * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + + + + + NOTE + This string must be be short, its width must be less than * width of LCD spin-box of three digits + 音符 + + + + MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from + 用於接收 MIDI 事件的 MIDI 設備 + + + + MIDI devices to send MIDI events to + 用於發送 MIDI 事件的 MIDI 設備 + + + + CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY + 自定義基準力度 + + + + Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity. + + + + + BASE VELOCITY + 基準力度 + + + + InstrumentMiscView + + + MASTER PITCH + 主音高 + + + + Enables the use of master pitch + + + + + InstrumentSoundShaping + + + VOLUME + 音量 + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + CUTOFF + 切除 + + + + + Cutoff frequency + 切除頻率 + + + + RESO + + + + + Resonance + 共鳴 + + + + Envelopes/LFOs + 壓限/低頻振盪 + + + + Filter type + 過濾器類型 + + + + Q/Resonance + + + + + Low-pass + + + + + Hi-pass + + + + + Band-pass csg + + + + + Band-pass czpg + + + + + Notch + 凹口濾波器 + + + + All-pass + + + + + Moog + Moog + + + + 2x Low-pass + + + + + RC Low-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 12 dB/oct + + + + + RC Low-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC Band-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + RC High-pass 24 dB/oct + + + + + Vocal Formant + + + + + 2x Moog + + + + + SV Low-pass + + + + + SV Band-pass + + + + + SV High-pass + + + + + SV Notch + + + + + Fast Formant + + + + + Tripole + + + + + InstrumentSoundShapingView + + + TARGET + 目標 + + + + FILTER + + + + + FREQ + 頻率 + + + + Cutoff frequency: + 頻譜刀頻率: + + + + Hz + Hz + + + + Q/RESO + + + + + Q/Resonance: + + + + + Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. + 包絡和低頻振盪 (LFO) 不被當前樂器支持。 + + + + InstrumentTrack + + + + unnamed_track + 未命名軌道 + + + + Base note + 基本音 + + + + First note + + + + + Last note + 上一個音符 + + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Panning + 聲相 + + + + Pitch + 音高 + + + + Pitch range + 音域範圍 + + + + Mixer channel + 效果通道 + + + + Master pitch + 主音高 + + + + Enable/Disable MIDI CC + + + + + CC Controller %1 + + + + + + Default preset + 預置 + + + + InstrumentTrackView + + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Volume: + 音量: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + 聲相 + + + + Panning: + 聲相: - - Maj7 - Maj7 + + PAN + PAN - - Maj7b5 - Maj7b5 + + MIDI + MIDI - - Maj7#5 - Maj7#5 + + Input + 輸入 - - Maj7#11 - Maj7#11 + + Output + 輸出 - - Maj7add13 - Maj7add13 + + Open/Close MIDI CC Rack + - - m7 - m7 + + Channel %1: %2 + 效果 %1: %2 + + + InstrumentTrackWindow - - m7b5 - m7b5 + + GENERAL SETTINGS + 常規設置 - - m7b9 - m7b9 + + Volume + 音量 - - m7add11 - m7add11 + + Volume: + 音量: - - m7add13 - m7add13 + + VOL + VOL - - m-Maj7 - m-Maj7 + + Panning + 聲相 - - m-Maj7add11 - m-Maj7add11 + + Panning: + 聲相: - - m-Maj7add13 - m-Maj7add13 + + PAN + PAN - - 9 - 9 + + Pitch + 音高 - - 9sus4 - 9sus4 + + Pitch: + 音高: - - add9 - add9 + + cents + 音分 cents - - 9#5 - 9#5 + + PITCH + - - 9b5 - 9b5 + + Pitch range (semitones) + 音域範圍(半音) - - 9#11 - 9#11 + + RANGE + 範圍 - - 9b13 - 9b13 + + Mixer channel + 效果通道 - - Maj9 - Maj9 + + CHANNEL + 效果 - - Maj9sus4 - Maj9sus4 + + Save current instrument track settings in a preset file + 儲存目前的樂器軌道設定為預設集檔案 - - Maj9#5 - Maj9#5 + + SAVE + 保存 - - Maj9#11 - Maj9#11 + + Envelope, filter & LFO + - - m9 - m9 + + Chord stacking & arpeggio + - - madd9 - madd9 + + Effects + - - m9b5 - m9b5 + + MIDI + MIDI - - m9-Maj7 - m9-Maj7 + + Miscellaneous + - - 11 - 11 + + Save preset + 保存預置 - - 11b9 - 11b9 + + XML preset file (*.xpf) + XML 預設集檔案 (*.xpf) - - Maj11 - Maj11 + + Plugin + + + + + JackApplicationW + + + NSM applications cannot use abstract or absolute paths + + + + + NSM applications cannot use CLI arguments + + + + + You need to save the current Carla project before NSM can be used + + + + + JuceAboutW + + + About JUCE + + + + + <b>About JUCE</b> + + + + + This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x. + + + + + JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. + +It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound. + +JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0. +One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC. + +Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd. + + + + + This program uses JUCE version %1. + + + + + Knob + + + Set linear + 設置爲線性 + + + + Set logarithmic + 設置爲對數 + + + + + Set value + + + + + Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + 請輸入一個介於%1和%2之間的數值: + + + + LadspaControl + + + Link channels + 關聯通道 + + + + LadspaControlDialog + + + Link Channels + 連接通道 + + + + Channel + 通道 + + + + LadspaControlView + + + Link channels + 連接通道 + + + + Value: + 值: + + + + LadspaEffect + + + Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. + 已請求未知 LADSPA 插件 %1. + + + LcdFloatSpinBox - - m11 - m11 + + Set value + - - m-Maj11 - m-Maj11 + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + 請輸入一個介於 %1 和 %2 的值: + + + LcdSpinBox - - 13 - 13 + + Set value + - - 13#9 - 13#9 + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + 請輸入一個介於%1和%2之間的數值: + + + LeftRightNav - - 13b9 - 13b9 + + + + Previous + 上個 - - 13b5b9 - 13b5b9 + + + + Next + 下個 - - Maj13 - Maj13 + + Previous (%1) + 上 (%1) - - m13 - m13 + + Next (%1) + 下 (%1) + + + LfoController - - m-Maj13 - m-Maj13 + + LFO Controller + LFO 控制器 - - Harmonic minor - Harmonic minor + + Base value + 基準值 - - Melodic minor - Melodic minor + + Oscillator speed + 振動速度 - - Whole tone + + Oscillator amount - - Diminished - Diminished + + Oscillator phase + - - Major pentatonic - Major pentatonic + + Oscillator waveform + 振動波形 - - Minor pentatonic - Minor pentatonic + + Frequency Multiplier + + + + LfoControllerDialog - - Jap in sen - Jap in sen + + LFO + - - Major bebop - Major bebop + + BASE + 基準 - - Dominant bebop - Dominant bebop + + Base: + - - Blues - Blues + + FREQ + 頻率 - - Arabic - Arabic + + LFO frequency: + - - Enigmatic - Enigmatic + + AMNT + - - Neopolitan - Neopolitan + + Modulation amount: + 調製量: - - Neopolitan minor - Neopolitan minor + + PHS + - - Hungarian minor - Hungarian minor + + Phase offset: + - - Dorian - Dorian + + degrees + - - Phrygian - + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - - Lydian - Lydian + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - - Mixolydian - Mixolydian + + Saw wave + 鋸齒波 - - Aeolian - Aeolian + + Square wave + 方波 - - Locrian - Locrian + + Moog saw wave + - - Minor - Minor + + Exponential wave + - - Chromatic - Chromatic + + White noise + - - Half-Whole Diminished + + User-defined shape. +Double click to pick a file. - - 5 - 5 + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 1 + - - Phrygian dominant + + Mutliply modulation frequency by 100 - - Persian + + Divide modulation frequency by 100 + + + Engine - - Chords - Chords + + Generating wavetables + 正在生成波形表 - - Chord type - Chord type + + Initializing data structures + 正在初始化數據結構 - - Chord range - Chord range + + Opening audio and midi devices + 正在啓動音頻和 MIDI 設備 - - - InstrumentFunctionNoteStackingView - - STACKING - 堆疊 + + Launching mixer threads + 生在啓動混音器線程 + + + MainWindow - - Chord: - 和絃: + + Configuration file + 設定檔 - - RANGE - 範圍 + + Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 + 解析設定檔時發生錯誤(行 %1:%2:%3) - - Chord range: - 和絃範圍: + + Could not open file + 無法開啟檔案 - - octave(s) - + + Could not open file %1 for writing. +Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + 無法開啟 %1 以進行寫入。 +請確認您有權限存取此檔案,以及包含此檔案的目錄後再試一次。 - - Use this knob for setting the chord range in octaves. The selected chord will be played within specified number of octaves. - + + Project recovery + 工程恢復 - - - InstrumentMidiIOView - - ENABLE MIDI INPUT - 啓用MIDI輸入 + + There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? + 發現復原檔案。可能是上一個工作階段未正常結束,或者另一個 LMMS 已在執行。您想要復原這個專案嗎? - - - CHANNEL - 通道 + + + Recover + 恢復 - - - VELOCITY - 力度 + + Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. + 復原檔案。請不要在復原檔案時同時開啟多個 LMMS 視窗。 - - ENABLE MIDI OUTPUT - 啓用MIDI輸出 + + + Discard + 丟棄 - - PROGRAM - 樂器 + + Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. + 開啟新的預設工作階段並刪除已復原的檔案。此操作無法復原。 - - NOTE - 音符 + + Version %1 + 版本 %1 - - MIDI devices to receive MIDI events from - 用於接收 MIDI 事件的 MIDI 設備 + + Preparing plugin browser + 正在準備插件瀏覽器 - - MIDI devices to send MIDI events to - 用於發送 MIDI 事件的 MIDI 設備 + + Preparing file browsers + 正在準備檔案瀏覽器 - - CUSTOM BASE VELOCITY - 自定義基準力度 + + My Projects + 我的工程 - - Specify the velocity normalization base for MIDI-based instruments at 100% note velocity - + + My Samples + 我的採樣 - - BASE VELOCITY - 基準力度 + + My Presets + 我的預設 - - - InstrumentMiscView - - MASTER PITCH - 主音高 + + My Home + 我的主目錄 - - Enables the use of Master Pitch - 啓用主音高 + + Root directory + 根目錄 - - - InstrumentSoundShaping - - VOLUME + + Volumes 音量 - - Volume - 音量 + + My Computer + 我的電腦 - - CUTOFF - 切除 + + &File + 檔案(&F) - - - Cutoff frequency - 切除頻率 + + &New + 新建(&N) - - RESO - + + &Open... + 打開(&O)... - - Resonance - 共鳴 + + Loading background picture + - - Envelopes/LFOs - 壓限/低頻振盪 + + &Save + 保存(&S) - - Filter type - 過濾器類型 + + Save &As... + 另存爲(&A)... - - Q/Resonance - + + Save as New &Version + 保存爲新版本(&V) - - LowPass - 低通 + + Save as default template + 保存爲默認模板 - - HiPass - 高通 + + Import... + 導入... - - BandPass csg - 帶通 csg + + E&xport... + 導出(&E)... - - BandPass czpg - 帶通 czpg + + E&xport Tracks... + 導出音軌(&X)... - - Notch - 凹口濾波器 + + Export &MIDI... + 導出 MIDI (&M)... - - Allpass - 全通 + + &Quit + 退出(&Q) - - Moog - Moog + + &Edit + 編輯(&E) - - 2x LowPass - 2 個低通串聯 + + Undo + 撤銷 - - RC LowPass 12dB - RC 低通(12dB) + + Redo + 重做 - - RC BandPass 12dB - RC 帶通(12dB) + + Settings + 設置 - - RC HighPass 12dB - RC 高通(12dB) + + &View + 視圖 (&V) - - RC LowPass 24dB - RC 低通(24dB) + + &Tools + 工具(&T) - - RC BandPass 24dB - RC 帶通(24dB) + + &Help + 幫助(&H) - - RC HighPass 24dB - RC 高通(24dB) + + Online Help + 在線幫助 - - Vocal Formant Filter - 人聲移除過濾器 + + Help + 幫助 - - 2x Moog - + + About + 關於 - - SV LowPass - + + Create new project + 新建工程 - - SV BandPass - + + Create new project from template + 從模版新建工程 - - SV HighPass - + + Open existing project + 打開已有工程 - - SV Notch - + + Recently opened projects + 最近打開的工程 - - Fast Formant - + + Save current project + 保存當前工程 - - Tripole - + + Export current project + 導出當前工程 - - - InstrumentSoundShapingView - - TARGET - 目標 + + Metronome + - - These tabs contain envelopes. They're very important for modifying a sound, in that they are almost always necessary for substractive synthesis. For example if you have a volume envelope, you can set when the sound should have a specific volume. If you want to create some soft strings then your sound has to fade in and out very softly. This can be done by setting large attack and release times. It's the same for other envelope targets like panning, cutoff frequency for the used filter and so on. Just monkey around with it! You can really make cool sounds out of a saw-wave with just some envelopes...! - + + + Song Editor + 顯示/隱藏歌曲編輯器 - - FILTER - + + + Beat+Bassline Editor + 顯示/隱藏節拍+旋律編輯器 - - Here you can select the built-in filter you want to use for this instrument-track. Filters are very important for changing the characteristics of a sound. - + + + Piano Roll + 顯示/隱藏鋼琴窗 - - FREQ - 頻率 + + + Automation Editor + 顯示/隱藏自動控制編輯器 - - cutoff frequency: - + + + Mixer + 顯示/隱藏混音器 - - Hz - Hz + + Show/hide controller rack + 顯示/隱藏控制器機架 - - Use this knob for setting the cutoff frequency for the selected filter. The cutoff frequency specifies the frequency for cutting the signal by a filter. For example a lowpass-filter cuts all frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A highpass-filter cuts all frequencies below cutoff frequency, and so on... - + + Show/hide project notes + 顯示/隱藏工程註釋 - - RESO - + + Untitled + 未命名 - - Resonance: - 共鳴: + + Recover session. Please save your work! + 恢復會話。請保存你的工作! - - Use this knob for setting Q/Resonance for the selected filter. Q/Resonance tells the filter how much it should amplify frequencies near Cutoff-frequency. - + + LMMS %1 + LMMS %1 - - Envelopes, LFOs and filters are not supported by the current instrument. - 包絡和低頻振盪 (LFO) 不被當前樂器支持。 + + Recovered project not saved + 恢復的工程沒有保存 - - - InstrumentTrack - - With this knob you can set the volume of the opened channel. - 使用此旋鈕可以設置開放通道的音量。 + + This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? + 這個工程已從上一個會話中恢復。它現在沒有被保存, 並且如果你不保存, 它將會丟失。你現在想保存它嗎? - - - unnamed_track - 未命名軌道 + + Project not saved + 工程未保存 - - Base note - 基本音 + + The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? + 此工程自上次保存後有了修改,你想保存嗎? - - Volume - 音量 + + Open Project + 打開工程 - - Panning - 聲相 + + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - - Pitch - 音高 + + Save Project + 保存工程 - - Pitch range - 音域範圍 + + LMMS Project + LMMS 工程 - - FX channel - 效果通道 + + LMMS Project Template + LMMS 工程模板 - - Master Pitch - 主音高 + + Save project template + - - - Default preset - 預置 + + Overwrite default template? + 覆蓋默認的模板? - - - InstrumentTrackView - - Volume - 音量 + + This will overwrite your current default template. + 這將會覆蓋你的當前默認模板。 - - Volume: - 音量: + + Help not available + 幫助不可用 - - VOL - VOL + + Currently there's no help available in LMMS. +Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. + LMMS現在沒有可用的幫助 +請訪問 http://lmms.sf.net/wiki 瞭解LMMS的相關文檔。 - - Panning - 聲相 + + Controller Rack + 顯示/隱藏控制器機架 - - Panning: - 聲相: + + Project Notes + 顯示/隱藏工程註釋 - - PAN - PAN + + Fullscreen + - - MIDI - MIDI + + Volume as dBFS + - - Input - 輸入 + + Smooth scroll + 平滑滾動 - - Output - 輸出 + + Enable note labels in piano roll + 在鋼琴窗中顯示音號 - - FX %1: %2 - 效果 %1: %2 + + MIDI File (*.mid) + MIDI 檔案 (*.mid) - - - InstrumentTrackWindow - - GENERAL SETTINGS - 常規設置 + + + untitled + 未命名 - - Use these controls to view and edit the next/previous track in the song editor. - 使用這些控制選項來查看和編輯在歌曲編輯器中的上個/下個軌道。 + + + Select file for project-export... + 匯出專案至… - - Instrument volume - 樂器音量 + + Select directory for writing exported tracks... + 選擇寫入導出音軌的目錄... - - Volume: - 音量: + + Save project + - - VOL - VOL + + Project saved + 工程已保存 - - Panning - 聲相 + + The project %1 is now saved. + 工程 %1 已保存。 - - Panning: - 聲相: + + Project NOT saved. + 工程 **沒有** 保存。 - - PAN - PAN + + The project %1 was not saved! + 工程%1沒有保存! - - Pitch - 音高 + + Import file + 匯入檔案 - - Pitch: - 音高: + + MIDI sequences + MIDI 音序器 - - cents - 音分 cents + + Hydrogen projects + Hydrogen工程 - - PITCH - + + All file types + 所有檔案類型 + + + MeterDialog - - Pitch range (semitones) - 音域範圍(半音) + + + Meter Numerator + - - RANGE - 範圍 + + Meter numerator + - - FX channel - 效果通道 + + + Meter Denominator + - - FX - 效果 + + Meter denominator + - - Save current instrument track settings in a preset file - 儲存目前的樂器軌道設定為預設集檔案 + + TIME SIG + 拍子記號 + + + MeterModel - - Click here, if you want to save current instrument track settings in a preset file. Later you can load this preset by double-clicking it in the preset-browser. - 如果你想保存當前樂器軌道設置到預設文件, 請點擊這裏。稍後你可以在預設瀏覽器中雙擊以使用它。 + + Numerator + - - SAVE - 保存 + + Denominator + + + + MidiCCRackView - - Envelope, filter & LFO + + + MIDI CC Rack - %1 - - Chord stacking & arpeggio + + MIDI CC Knobs: - - Effects + + CC %1 + + + MidiController - - MIDI settings - MIDI設置 + + MIDI Controller + MIDI控制器 - - Miscellaneous + + unnamed_midi_controller + + + MidiImport - - Save preset - 保存預置 + + + Setup incomplete + 設置不完整 - - XML preset file (*.xpf) - XML 預設集檔案 (*.xpf) + + You have not set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. + - - Plugin - + + You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. + 您在編譯 LMMS 時未一併啟用 SoundFont2 播放器支援,此播放器用於為匯入的 MIDI 檔案加入預設聲音,因此在匯入此 MIDI 檔後不會有聲音。 - - - Knob - - Set linear - 設置爲線性 + + MIDI Time Signature Numerator + - - Set logarithmic - 設置爲對數 + + MIDI Time Signature Denominator + - - Please enter a new value between -96.0 dBFS and 6.0 dBFS: + + Numerator - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - 請輸入一個介於%1和%2之間的數值: + + Denominator + - - - LadspaControl - - Link channels - 關聯通道 + + Track + 軌道 - LadspaControlDialog + MidiJack - - Link Channels - 連接通道 + + JACK server down + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) + JACK服務崩潰 - - Channel - 通道 + + The JACK server seems to be shuted down. + When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + - LadspaControlView + MidiPatternW - - Link channels - 連接通道 + + MIDI Pattern + - - Value: - 值: + + Time Signature: + - - Sorry, no help available. - 啊哦,這個沒有幫助文檔。 + + + + 1/4 + - - - LadspaEffect - - Unknown LADSPA plugin %1 requested. - 已請求未知 LADSPA 插件 %1. + + 2/4 + - - - LcdSpinBox - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - 請輸入一個介於%1和%2之間的數值: + + 3/4 + - - - LeftRightNav - - - - Previous - 上個 + + 4/4 + - - - - Next - 下個 + + 5/4 + - - Previous (%1) - 上 (%1) + + 6/4 + - - Next (%1) - 下 (%1) + + Measures: + - - - LfoController - - LFO Controller - LFO 控制器 + + + + 1 + - - Base value - 基準值 + + 2 + - - Oscillator speed - 振動速度 + + 3 + - - Oscillator amount + + 4 - - Oscillator phase + + 5 + 5 + + + + 6 + 6 + + + + 7 + 7 + + + + 8 - - Oscillator waveform - 振動波形 + + 9 + 9 - - Frequency Multiplier + + 10 - - - LfoControllerDialog - - LFO - + + 11 + 11 - - LFO Controller - LFO 控制器 + + 12 + - - BASE - 基準 + + 13 + 13 - - Base amount: - 基礎值: + + 14 + - - todo + + 15 - - SPD + + 16 - - LFO-speed: + + Default Length: - - Use this knob for setting speed of the LFO. The bigger this value the faster the LFO oscillates and the faster the effect. + + + 1/16 - - AMNT + + + 1/15 - - Modulation amount: - 調製量: + + + 1/12 + - - Use this knob for setting modulation amount of the LFO. The bigger this value, the more the connected control (e.g. volume or cutoff-frequency) will be influenced by the LFO. + + + 1/9 - - PHS + + + 1/8 - - Phase offset: + + + 1/6 - - degrees + + + 1/3 - - With this knob you can set the phase offset of the LFO. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. + + + 1/2 - - Click here for a sine-wave. - 點擊這裡使用正弦波。 + + Quantize: + - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - 點擊這裡使用三角波。 + + &File + 檔案(&F) - - Click here for a saw-wave. - + + &Edit + 編輯(&E) - - Click here for a square-wave. - 點擊這裡使用方形波。 + + &Quit + 退出(&Q) - - Click here for a moog saw-wave. + + &Insert Mode - - Click here for an exponential wave. + + F - - Click here for white-noise. + + &Velocity Mode - - Click here for a user-defined shape. -Double click to pick a file. + + D - - - LmmsCore - - - Generating wavetables - 正在生成波形表 - - - - Initializing data structures - 正在初始化數據結構 - - - Opening audio and midi devices - 正在啓動音頻和 MIDI 設備 + + Select All + - - Launching mixer threads - 生在啓動混音器線程 + + A + - MainWindow - - - Configuration file - 設定檔 - + MidiPort - - Error while parsing configuration file at line %1:%2: %3 - 解析設定檔時發生錯誤(行 %1:%2:%3) + + Input channel + 輸入通道 - - Could not open file - 無法開啟檔案 + + Output channel + 輸出通道 - - Could not open file %1 for writing. -Please make sure you have write permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - 無法開啟 %1 以進行寫入。 -請確認您有權限存取此檔案,以及包含此檔案的目錄後再試一次。 + + Input controller + 輸入控制器 - - Project recovery - 工程恢復 + + Output controller + 輸出控制器 - - There is a recovery file present. It looks like the last session did not end properly or another instance of LMMS is already running. Do you want to recover the project of this session? - 發現復原檔案。可能是上一個工作階段未正常結束,或者另一個 LMMS 已在執行。您想要復原這個專案嗎? + + Fixed input velocity + - - - - Recover - 恢復 + + Fixed output velocity + - - Recover the file. Please don't run multiple instances of LMMS when you do this. - 復原檔案。請不要在復原檔案時同時開啟多個 LMMS 視窗。 + + Fixed output note + - - - - Discard - 丟棄 + + Output MIDI program + - - Launch a default session and delete the restored files. This is not reversible. - 開啟新的預設工作階段並刪除已復原的檔案。此操作無法復原。 + + Base velocity + 基準力度 - - Version %1 - 版本 %1 + + Receive MIDI-events + 接受 MIDI 事件 - - Preparing plugin browser - 正在準備插件瀏覽器 + + Send MIDI-events + 發送 MIDI 事件 + + + MidiSetupWidget - - Preparing file browsers - 正在準備檔案瀏覽器 + + Device + + + + MonstroInstrument - - My Projects - 我的工程 + + Osc 1 volume + - - My Samples - 我的採樣 + + Osc 1 panning + - - My Presets - 我的預設 + + Osc 1 coarse detune + - - My Home - 我的主目錄 + + Osc 1 fine detune left + - - Root directory - 根目錄 + + Osc 1 fine detune right + - - Volumes - 音量 + + Osc 1 stereo phase offset + - - My Computer - 我的電腦 + + Osc 1 pulse width + - - Loading background artwork - 正在加載背景圖案 + + Osc 1 sync send on rise + - - &File - 檔案(&F) + + Osc 1 sync send on fall + - - &New - 新建(&N) + + Osc 2 volume + - - New from template - 從模版新建工程 + + Osc 2 panning + - - &Open... - 打開(&O)... + + Osc 2 coarse detune + - - &Recently Opened Projects - 最近打開的工程(&R) + + Osc 2 fine detune left + - - &Save - 保存(&S) + + Osc 2 fine detune right + - - Save &As... - 另存爲(&A)... + + Osc 2 stereo phase offset + - - Save as New &Version - 保存爲新版本(&V) + + Osc 2 waveform + - - Save as default template - 保存爲默認模板 + + Osc 2 sync hard + - - Import... - 導入... + + Osc 2 sync reverse + - - E&xport... - 導出(&E)... + + Osc 3 volume + - - E&xport Tracks... - 導出音軌(&X)... + + Osc 3 panning + - - Export &MIDI... - 導出 MIDI (&M)... + + Osc 3 coarse detune + - - &Quit - 退出(&Q) + + Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + - - &Edit - 編輯(&E) + + Osc 3 sub-oscillator mix + - - Undo - 撤銷 + + Osc 3 waveform 1 + - - Redo - 重做 + + Osc 3 waveform 2 + - - Settings - 設置 + + Osc 3 sync hard + - - &View - 視圖 (&V) + + Osc 3 Sync reverse + - - &Tools - 工具(&T) + + LFO 1 waveform + - - &Help - 幫助(&H) + + LFO 1 attack + - - Online Help - 在線幫助 + + LFO 1 rate + - - Help - 幫助 + + LFO 1 phase + - - What's This? - 這是什麼? + + LFO 2 waveform + - - About - 關於 + + LFO 2 attack + - - Create new project - 新建工程 + + LFO 2 rate + - - Create new project from template - 從模版新建工程 + + LFO 2 phase + - - Open existing project - 打開已有工程 + + Env 1 pre-delay + - - Recently opened projects - 最近打開的工程 + + Env 1 attack + - - Save current project - 保存當前工程 + + Env 1 hold + - - Export current project - 導出當前工程 + + Env 1 decay + - - What's this? - 這是什麼? + + Env 1 sustain + - - Toggle metronome - 開啓/關閉節拍器 + + Env 1 release + - - Show/hide Song-Editor - 顯示/隱藏歌曲編輯器 + + Env 1 slope + - - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Song-Editor. With the help of the Song-Editor you can edit song-playlist and specify when which track should be played. You can also insert and move samples (e.g. rap samples) directly into the playlist. - 點擊這個按鈕, 你可以顯示/隱藏歌曲編輯器。在歌曲編輯器的幫助下, 你可以編輯歌曲播放列表並且設置哪個音軌在哪個時間播放。你還可以在播放列表中直接插入和移動採樣(如 RAP 採樣)。 + + Env 2 pre-delay + - - Show/hide Beat+Bassline Editor - 顯示/隱藏節拍+旋律編輯器 + + Env 2 attack + - - By pressing this button, you can show or hide the Beat+Bassline Editor. The Beat+Bassline Editor is needed for creating beats, and for opening, adding, and removing channels, and for cutting, copying and pasting beat and bassline-patterns, and for other things like that. + + Env 2 hold - - Show/hide Piano-Roll - 顯示/隱藏鋼琴窗 + + Env 2 decay + - - Click here to show or hide the Piano-Roll. With the help of the Piano-Roll you can edit melodies in an easy way. - 點擊這裏顯示或隱藏鋼琴窗。在鋼琴窗的幫助下, 你可以很容易地編輯旋律。 + + Env 2 sustain + - - Show/hide Automation Editor - 顯示/隱藏自動控制編輯器 + + Env 2 release + - - Click here to show or hide the Automation Editor. With the help of the Automation Editor you can edit dynamic values in an easy way. - 點擊這裏顯示或隱藏自動控制編輯器。在自動控制編輯器的幫助下, 你可以很簡單地控制動態數值。 + + Env 2 slope + - - Show/hide FX Mixer - 顯示/隱藏混音器 + + Osc 2+3 modulation + - - Click here to show or hide the FX Mixer. The FX Mixer is a very powerful tool for managing effects for your song. You can insert effects into different effect-channels. - 點擊這裏顯示或隱藏 FX 混音器。FX 混音器是管理你歌曲中不同音效的強大工具。你可以向不同的通道添加不同的效果。 + + Selected view + - - Show/hide project notes - 顯示/隱藏工程註釋 + + Osc 1 - Vol env 1 + - - Click here to show or hide the project notes window. In this window you can put down your project notes. - 點擊這裏顯示或隱藏工程註釋窗。在此窗口中你可以寫下工程的註釋。 + + Osc 1 - Vol env 2 + - - Show/hide controller rack - 顯示/隱藏控制器機架 + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 1 + - - Untitled - 未命名 + + Osc 1 - Vol LFO 2 + - - Recover session. Please save your work! - 恢復會話。請保存你的工作! + + Osc 2 - Vol env 1 + - - LMMS %1 - LMMS %1 + + Osc 2 - Vol env 2 + - - Recovered project not saved - 恢復的工程沒有保存 + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 1 + - - This project was recovered from the previous session. It is currently unsaved and will be lost if you don't save it. Do you want to save it now? - 這個工程已從上一個會話中恢復。它現在沒有被保存, 並且如果你不保存, 它將會丟失。你現在想保存它嗎? + + Osc 2 - Vol LFO 2 + - - Project not saved - 工程未保存 + + Osc 3 - Vol env 1 + - - The current project was modified since last saving. Do you want to save it now? - 此工程自上次保存後有了修改,你想保存嗎? + + Osc 3 - Vol env 2 + - - Open Project - 打開工程 + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 1 + - - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) - LMMS (*.mmp *.mmpz) + + Osc 3 - Vol LFO 2 + - - Save Project - 保存工程 + + Osc 1 - Phs env 1 + - - LMMS Project - LMMS 工程 + + Osc 1 - Phs env 2 + - - LMMS Project Template - LMMS 工程模板 + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 1 + - - Save project template + + Osc 1 - Phs LFO 2 - - Overwrite default template? - 覆蓋默認的模板? + + Osc 2 - Phs env 1 + - - This will overwrite your current default template. - 這將會覆蓋你的當前默認模板。 + + Osc 2 - Phs env 2 + - - Help not available - 幫助不可用 + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 1 + - - Currently there's no help available in LMMS. -Please visit http://lmms.sf.net/wiki for documentation on LMMS. - LMMS現在沒有可用的幫助 -請訪問 http://lmms.sf.net/wiki 瞭解LMMS的相關文檔。 + + Osc 2 - Phs LFO 2 + - - Song Editor - 顯示/隱藏歌曲編輯器 + + Osc 3 - Phs env 1 + - - Beat+Bassline Editor - 顯示/隱藏節拍+旋律編輯器 + + Osc 3 - Phs env 2 + - - Piano Roll - 顯示/隱藏鋼琴窗 + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 1 + - - Automation Editor - 顯示/隱藏自動控制編輯器 + + Osc 3 - Phs LFO 2 + - - FX Mixer - 顯示/隱藏混音器 + + Osc 1 - Pit env 1 + - - Project Notes - 顯示/隱藏工程註釋 + + Osc 1 - Pit env 2 + - - Controller Rack - 顯示/隱藏控制器機架 + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 1 + - - Volume as dBFS + + Osc 1 - Pit LFO 2 - - Smooth scroll - 平滑滾動 + + Osc 2 - Pit env 1 + - - Enable note labels in piano roll - 在鋼琴窗中顯示音號 + + Osc 2 - Pit env 2 + - - - MeterDialog - - - Meter Numerator + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 1 - - - Meter Denominator + + Osc 2 - Pit LFO 2 - - TIME SIG - 拍子記號 + + Osc 3 - Pit env 1 + - - - MeterModel - - Numerator + + Osc 3 - Pit env 2 - - Denominator + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 1 - - - MidiController - - MIDI Controller - MIDI控制器 + + Osc 3 - Pit LFO 2 + - - unnamed_midi_controller + + Osc 1 - PW env 1 - - - MidiImport - - - Setup incomplete - 設置不完整 + + Osc 1 - PW env 2 + - - You do not have set up a default soundfont in the settings dialog (Edit->Settings). Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. You should download a General MIDI soundfont, specify it in settings dialog and try again. - 你還沒有在設置(在編輯->設置)中設置默認的 Soundfont。因此在導入此 MIDI 文件後將會沒有聲音。你需要下載一個通用 MIDI (GM) 的 Soundfont, 並且在設置對話框中選中後再試一次。 + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 1 + - - You did not compile LMMS with support for SoundFont2 player, which is used to add default sound to imported MIDI files. Therefore no sound will be played back after importing this MIDI file. - 您在編譯 LMMS 時未一併啟用 SoundFont2 播放器支援,此播放器用於為匯入的 MIDI 檔案加入預設聲音,因此在匯入此 MIDI 檔後不會有聲音。 + + Osc 1 - PW LFO 2 + - - Track - 軌道 + + Osc 3 - Sub env 1 + - - - MidiJack - - JACK server down - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (title) - JACK服務崩潰 + + Osc 3 - Sub env 2 + - - The JACK server seems to be shuted down. - When JACK(JACK Audio Connection Kit) disconnects, it will show the following message (dialog message) + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 1 - - - MidiPort - - Input channel - 輸入通道 + + Osc 3 - Sub LFO 2 + - - Output channel - 輸出通道 + + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - - Input controller - 輸入控制器 + + Bandlimited Triangle wave + - - Output controller - 輸出控制器 + + Bandlimited Saw wave + - - Fixed input velocity + + Bandlimited Ramp wave - - Fixed output velocity + + Bandlimited Square wave - - Fixed output note + + Bandlimited Moog saw wave - - Output MIDI program + + + Soft square wave - - Base velocity - 基準力度 + + Absolute sine wave + - - Receive MIDI-events - 接受 MIDI 事件 + + + Exponential wave + - - Send MIDI-events - 發送 MIDI 事件 + + White noise + - - - MidiSetupWidget - - DEVICE - 設備 + + Digital Triangle wave + - - - MonstroInstrument - - Osc 1 Volume + + Digital Saw wave - - Osc 1 Panning + + Digital Ramp wave - - Osc 1 Coarse detune + + Digital Square wave - - Osc 1 Fine detune left + + Digital Moog saw wave - - Osc 1 Fine detune right - + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - - Osc 1 Stereo phase offset - + + Saw wave + 鋸齒波 - - Osc 1 Pulse width + + Ramp wave - - Osc 1 Sync send on rise - + + Square wave + 方波 - - Osc 1 Sync send on fall + + Moog saw wave - - Osc 2 Volume + + Abs. sine wave - - Osc 2 Panning - + + Random + 隨機 - - Osc 2 Coarse detune + + Random smooth + + + MonstroView - - Osc 2 Fine detune left + + Operators view - - Osc 2 Fine detune right - + + Matrix view + 矩陣視圖 + + + + + + Volume + 音量 - - Osc 2 Stereo phase offset + + + + Panning + 聲相 + + + + + + Coarse detune - - Osc 2 Waveform + + + + semitones + 半音 + + + + + Fine tune left - - Osc 2 Sync Hard + + + + + cents - - Osc 2 Sync Reverse + + + Fine tune right - - Osc 3 Volume + + + + Stereo phase offset - - Osc 3 Panning + + + + + + deg - - Osc 3 Coarse detune + + Pulse width - - Osc 3 Stereo phase offset + + Send sync on pulse rise - - Osc 3 Sub-oscillator mix + + Send sync on pulse fall - - Osc 3 Waveform 1 + + Hard sync oscillator 2 - - Osc 3 Waveform 2 + + Reverse sync oscillator 2 - - Osc 3 Sync Hard + + Sub-osc mix - - Osc 3 Sync Reverse + + Hard sync oscillator 3 - - LFO 1 Waveform + + Reverse sync oscillator 3 - - LFO 1 Attack - + + + + + Attack + 打進聲 - - LFO 1 Rate + + + Rate - - LFO 1 Phase + + + Phase - - LFO 2 Waveform + + + Pre-delay - - LFO 2 Attack - + + + Hold + 保持 - - LFO 2 Rate - + + + Decay + 衰減 - - LFO 2 Phase - + + + Sustain + 持續 - - Env 1 Pre-delay - + + + Release + 釋放 - - Env 1 Attack + + + Slope - - Env 1 Hold - + + Mix osc 2 with osc 3 + + + + + Modulate amplitude of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate frequency of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + Modulate phase of osc 3 by osc 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Modulation amount + 調製量 + + + MultitapEchoControlDialog - - Env 1 Decay - + + Length + 長度 - - Env 1 Sustain - + + Step length: + 步進長度: - - Env 1 Release - + + Dry + 幹聲 - - Env 1 Slope + + Dry gain: - - Env 2 Pre-delay + + Stages - - Env 2 Attack + + Low-pass stages: - - Env 2 Hold + + Swap inputs - - Env 2 Decay + + Swap left and right input channels for reflections + + + NesInstrument - - Env 2 Sustain + + Channel 1 coarse detune - - Env 2 Release + + Channel 1 volume - - Env 2 Slope + + Channel 1 envelope length - - Osc2-3 modulation + + Channel 1 duty cycle - - Selected view + + Channel 1 sweep amount - - Vol1-Env1 + + Channel 1 sweep rate - - Vol1-Env2 + + Channel 2 Coarse detune - - Vol1-LFO1 + + Channel 2 Volume - - Vol1-LFO2 + + Channel 2 envelope length - - Vol2-Env1 + + Channel 2 duty cycle - - Vol2-Env2 + + Channel 2 sweep amount - - Vol2-LFO1 + + Channel 2 sweep rate - - Vol2-LFO2 + + Channel 3 coarse detune - - Vol3-Env1 + + Channel 3 volume - - Vol3-Env2 + + Channel 4 volume - - Vol3-LFO1 + + Channel 4 envelope length - - Vol3-LFO2 + + Channel 4 noise frequency - - Phs1-Env1 + + Channel 4 noise frequency sweep - - Phs1-Env2 - + + Master volume + 主音量 - - Phs1-LFO1 + + Vibrato + + + NesInstrumentView - - Phs1-LFO2 - + + + + + Volume + 音量 - - Phs2-Env1 + + + + Coarse detune - - Phs2-Env2 + + + + Envelope length - - Phs2-LFO1 + + Enable channel 1 - - Phs2-LFO2 + + Enable envelope 1 - - Phs3-Env1 + + Enable envelope 1 loop - - Phs3-Env2 + + Enable sweep 1 - - Phs3-LFO1 + + + Sweep amount - - Phs3-LFO2 + + + Sweep rate - - Pit1-Env1 + + + 12.5% Duty cycle - - Pit1-Env2 + + + 25% Duty cycle - - Pit1-LFO1 + + + 50% Duty cycle - - Pit1-LFO2 + + + 75% Duty cycle - - Pit2-Env1 + + Enable channel 2 - - Pit2-Env2 + + Enable envelope 2 - - Pit2-LFO1 + + Enable envelope 2 loop - - Pit2-LFO2 + + Enable sweep 2 - - Pit3-Env1 + + Enable channel 3 - - Pit3-Env2 + + Noise Frequency - - Pit3-LFO1 + + Frequency sweep - - Pit3-LFO2 + + Enable channel 4 - - PW1-Env1 + + Enable envelope 4 - - PW1-Env2 + + Enable envelope 4 loop - - PW1-LFO1 + + Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency - - PW1-LFO2 + + Use note frequency for noise - - Sub3-Env1 + + Noise mode - - Sub3-Env2 - + + Master volume + 主音量 - - Sub3-LFO1 + + Vibrato + + + OpulenzInstrument - - Sub3-LFO2 - + + Patch + 音色 - - - Sine wave - 正弦波 + + Op 1 attack + - - Bandlimited Triangle wave + + Op 1 decay - - Bandlimited Saw wave + + Op 1 sustain - - Bandlimited Ramp wave + + Op 1 release - - Bandlimited Square wave + + Op 1 level - - Bandlimited Moog saw wave + + Op 1 level scaling - - - Soft square wave + + Op 1 frequency multiplier - - Absolute sine wave + + Op 1 feedback - - - Exponential wave + + Op 1 key scaling rate - - White noise + + Op 1 percussive envelope - - Digital Triangle wave + + Op 1 tremolo - - Digital Saw wave + + Op 1 vibrato - - Digital Ramp wave + + Op 1 waveform - - Digital Square wave + + Op 2 attack - - Digital Moog saw wave + + Op 2 decay - - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + Op 2 sustain + - - Saw wave - 鋸齒波 + + Op 2 release + - - Ramp wave + + Op 2 level - - Square wave - 方波 + + Op 2 level scaling + - - Moog saw wave + + Op 2 frequency multiplier - - Abs. sine wave + + Op 2 key scaling rate - - Random - 隨機 + + Op 2 percussive envelope + - - Random smooth + + Op 2 tremolo - - - MonstroView - - Operators view + + Op 2 vibrato - - The Operators view contains all the operators. These include both audible operators (oscillators) and inaudible operators, or modulators: Low-frequency oscillators and Envelopes. - -Knobs and other widgets in the Operators view have their own what's this -texts, so you can get more specific help for them that way. + + Op 2 waveform - - Matrix view - 矩陣視圖 + + FM + - - The Matrix view contains the modulation matrix. Here you can define the modulation relationships between the various operators: Each audible operator (oscillators 1-3) has 3-4 properties that can be modulated by any of the modulators. Using more modulations consumes more CPU power. - -The view is divided to modulation targets, grouped by the target oscillator. Available targets are volume, pitch, phase, pulse width and sub-osc ratio. Note: some targets are specific to one oscillator only. - -Each modulation target has 4 knobs, one for each modulator. By default the knobs are at 0, which means no modulation. Turning a knob to 1 causes that modulator to affect the modulation target as much as possible. Turning it to -1 does the same, but the modulation is inversed. + + Vibrato depth - - - - Volume - 音量 + + Tremolo depth + + + + OpulenzInstrumentView - - - - Panning - 聲相 + + + Attack + 打進聲 - - - - Coarse detune - + + + Decay + 衰減 - - - - semitones - 半音 + + + Release + 釋放 - - - Finetune left + + + Frequency multiplier + + + OscillatorObject - - - - - cents - + + Osc %1 waveform + Osc %1 波形 - - - Finetune right + + Osc %1 harmonic - - - - Stereo phase offset - + + + Osc %1 volume + Osc %1 音量 - - - - - - deg - + + + Osc %1 panning + Osc %1 聲像 - - Pulse width + + + Osc %1 fine detuning left - - Send sync on pulse rise + + Osc %1 coarse detuning - - Send sync on pulse fall + + Osc %1 fine detuning right - - Hard sync oscillator 2 + + Osc %1 phase-offset - - Reverse sync oscillator 2 + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning - - Sub-osc mix + + Osc %1 wave shape - - Hard sync oscillator 3 + + Modulation type %1 + + + Oscilloscope - - Reverse sync oscillator 3 + + Oscilloscope - - - - - Attack - 打進聲 + + Click to enable + 點擊啓用 + + + PatchesDialog - - - Rate - + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: 通道預設 - - - Phase - + + Bank selector + 音色選擇器 - - - Pre-delay - + + Bank + - - - Hold - 保持 + + Program selector + - - - Decay - 衰減 + + Patch + 音色 - - - Sustain - 持續 + + Name + 名稱 - - - Release - 釋放 + + OK + 確定 - - - Slope - + + Cancel + 取消 + + + PatmanView - - Mix Osc2 with Osc3 + + Open patch - - Modulate amplitude of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + Loop + 循環 - - Modulate frequency of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + Loop mode + 循環模式 - - Modulate phase of Osc3 with Osc2 - + + Tune + 調音 - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 1 in semitone steps. - + + Tune mode + 調音模式 - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 2 in semitone steps. - + + No file selected + 未選擇檔案 - - The CRS knob changes the tuning of oscillator 3 in semitone steps. - + + Open patch file + 打開音色文件 - - - - - FTL and FTR change the finetuning of the oscillator for left and right channels respectively. These can add stereo-detuning to the oscillator which widens the stereo image and causes an illusion of space. - + + Patch-Files (*.pat) + 音色文件 (*.pat) + + + MidiClipView - - - - The SPO knob modifies the difference in phase between left and right channels. Higher difference creates a wider stereo image. - + + Open in piano-roll + 在鋼琴窗中打開 - - The PW knob controls the pulse width, also known as duty cycle, of oscillator 1. Oscillator 1 is a digital pulse wave oscillator, it doesn't produce bandlimited output, which means that you can use it as an audible oscillator but it will cause aliasing. You can also use it as an inaudible source of a sync signal, which can be used to synchronize oscillators 2 and 3. + + Set as ghost in piano-roll - - Send Sync on Rise: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from low to high, ie. when the amplitude changes from -1 to 1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Clear all notes + 清除所有音符 - - Send Sync on Fall: When enabled, the Sync signal is sent every time the state of oscillator 1 changes from high to low, ie. when the amplitude changes from 1 to -1. Oscillator 1's pitch, phase and pulse width may affect the timing of syncs, but its volume has no effect on them. Sync signals are sent independently for both left and right channels. - + + Reset name + 重置名稱 - - - Hard sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, its phase is reset to 0 + whatever its phase offset is. - + + Change name + 修改名稱 - - - Reverse sync: Every time the oscillator receives a sync signal from oscillator 1, the amplitude of the oscillator gets inverted. - + + Add steps + 添加音階 - - Choose waveform for oscillator 2. - + + Remove steps + 移除音階 - - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's first sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. + + Clone Steps + + + PeakController - - Choose waveform for oscillator 3's second sub-osc. Oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between two different waveforms. - + + Peak Controller + 峯值控制器 - - The SUB knob changes the mixing ratio of the two sub-oscs of oscillator 3. Each sub-osc can be set to produce a different waveform, and oscillator 3 can smoothly interpolate between them. All incoming modulations to oscillator 3 are applied to both sub-oscs/waveforms in the exact same way. - + + Peak Controller Bug + 峯值控制器 Bug - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -Mix mode means no modulation: the outputs of the oscillators are simply mixed together. - + + Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. + 由於在舊版 LMMS 中的錯誤,峰值控制器可能並未正確地連線。請確認峰值控制器正確地連線後再次儲存檔案。造成您的不便,深感抱歉。 + + + PeakControllerDialog - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -AM means amplitude modulation: Oscillator 3's amplitude (volume) is modulated by oscillator 2. + + PEAK - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -FM means frequency modulation: Oscillator 3's frequency (pitch) is modulated by oscillator 2. The frequency modulation is implemented as phase modulation, which gives a more stable overall pitch than "pure" frequency modulation. - + + LFO Controller + LFO 控制器 + + + PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - In addition to dedicated modulators, Monstro allows oscillator 3 to be modulated by the output of oscillator 2. - -PM means phase modulation: Oscillator 3's phase is modulated by oscillator 2. It differs from frequency modulation in that the phase changes are not cumulative. - + + BASE + 基準 - - Select the waveform for LFO 1. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + Base: - - Select the waveform for LFO 2. -"Random" and "Random smooth" are special waveforms: they produce random output, where the rate of the LFO controls how often the state of the LFO changes. The smooth version interpolates between these states with cosine interpolation. These random modes can be used to give "life" to your presets - add some of that analog unpredictability... + + AMNT - - - Attack causes the LFO to come on gradually from the start of the note. - + + Modulation amount: + 調製量: - - - Rate sets the speed of the LFO, measured in milliseconds per cycle. Can be synced to tempo. + + MULT - - - PHS controls the phase offset of the LFO. + + Amount multiplicator: - - - PRE, or pre-delay, delays the start of the envelope from the start of the note. 0 means no delay. - + + ATCK + 打擊 - - - ATT, or attack, controls how fast the envelope ramps up at start, measured in milliseconds. A value of 0 means instant. - + + Attack: + 打擊聲: - - - HOLD controls how long the envelope stays at peak after the attack phase. + + DCAY - - - DEC, or decay, controls how fast the envelope falls off from its peak, measured in milliseconds it would take to go from peak to zero. The actual decay may be shorter if sustain is used. - + + Release: + 釋音: - - - SUS, or sustain, controls the sustain level of the envelope. The decay phase will not go below this level as long as the note is held. + + TRSH - - - REL, or release, controls how long the release is for the note, measured in how long it would take to fall from peak to zero. Actual release may be shorter, depending on at what phase the note is released. + + Treshold: - - - The slope knob controls the curve or shape of the envelope. A value of 0 creates straight rises and falls. Negative values create curves that start slowly, peak quickly and fall of slowly again. Positive values create curves that start and end quickly, and stay longer near the peaks. - + + Mute output + 輸出靜音 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Modulation amount - 調製量 + + Absolute value + - MultitapEchoControlDialog + PeakControllerEffectControls - - Length - 長度 + + Base value + 基準值 - - Step length: - 步進長度: + + Modulation amount + 調製量 - - Dry - 幹聲 + + Attack + 打進聲 - - Dry Gain: - 幹聲增益: + + Release + 釋放 - - Stages - + + Treshold + 閥值 - - Lowpass stages: - + + Mute output + 輸出靜音 - - Swap inputs + + Absolute value - - Swap left and right input channel for reflections + + Amount multiplicator - NesInstrument - - - Channel 1 Coarse detune - - - - - Channel 1 Volume - - - - - Channel 1 Envelope length - - - - - Channel 1 Duty cycle - - + PianoRoll - - Channel 1 Sweep amount - + + Note Velocity + 音符音量 - - Channel 1 Sweep rate - + + Note Panning + 音符聲相偏移 - - Channel 2 Coarse detune - + + Mark/unmark current semitone + 標記/取消標記當前半音 - - Channel 2 Volume + + Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones - - Channel 2 Envelope length + + Mark current scale - - Channel 2 Duty cycle + + Mark current chord - - Channel 2 Sweep amount - + + Unmark all + 取消標記所有 - - Channel 2 Sweep rate - + + Select all notes on this key + 選中所有相同音調的音符 - - Channel 3 Coarse detune - + + Note lock + 音符鎖定 - - Channel 3 Volume - + + Last note + 上一個音符 - - Channel 4 Volume + + No key - - Channel 4 Envelope length + + No scale - - Channel 4 Noise frequency + + No chord - - Channel 4 Noise frequency sweep + + Nudge - - Master volume - 主音量 - - - - Vibrato + + Snap - - - NesInstrumentView - - - - - Volume - 音量 + + Velocity: %1% + 音量:%1% - - - - Coarse detune - + + Panning: %1% left + 聲相:%1% 偏左 - - - - Envelope length - + + Panning: %1% right + 聲相:%1% 偏右 - - Enable channel 1 - + + Panning: center + 聲相:居中 - - Enable envelope 1 + + Glue notes failed - - Enable envelope 1 loop + + Please select notes to glue first. - - Enable sweep 1 - + + Please open a clip by double-clicking on it! + 雙擊打開片段! - - - Sweep amount - + + + Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: + 請輸入一個介於 %1 和 %2 的值: + + + PianoRollWindow - - - Sweep rate - + + Play/pause current clip (Space) + 播放/暫停當前片段(空格) - - - 12.5% Duty cycle - + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano + 從 MIDI 設備/通道鋼琴(channel-piano) 錄製音符 - - - 25% Duty cycle + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - - - 50% Duty cycle + + Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano, one step at the time - - - 75% Duty cycle - + + Stop playing of current clip (Space) + 停止當前片段(空格) - - Enable channel 2 - + + Edit actions + 編輯功能 - - Enable envelope 2 - + + Draw mode (Shift+D) + 繪製模式 (Shift+D) - - Enable envelope 2 loop - + + Erase mode (Shift+E) + 擦除模式 (Shift+E) - - Enable sweep 2 - + + Select mode (Shift+S) + 選擇模式 (Shift+S) - - Enable channel 3 + + Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) - - Noise Frequency + + Quantize - - Frequency sweep + + Quantize positions - - Enable channel 4 + + Quantize lengths - - Enable envelope 4 + + File actions - - Enable envelope 4 loop + + Import clip - - Quantize noise frequency when using note frequency + + + Export clip - - Use note frequency for noise + + Copy paste controls - - Noise mode + + Cut (%1+X) - - Master Volume - 主音量 - - - - Vibrato + + Copy (%1+C) - - - OscillatorObject - - - Osc %1 waveform - Osc %1 波形 - - - Osc %1 harmonic + + Paste (%1+V) - - - Osc %1 volume - Osc %1 音量 - - - - - Osc %1 panning - Osc %1 聲像 + + Timeline controls + 時間線控制 - - - Osc %1 fine detuning left + + Glue - - Osc %1 coarse detuning + + Knife - - Osc %1 fine detuning right + + Fill - - Osc %1 phase-offset + + Cut overlaps - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning + + Min length as last - - Osc %1 wave shape + + Max length as last - - Modulation type %1 + + Zoom and note controls - - - PatchesDialog - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: 通道預設 + + Horizontal zooming + 橫向縮放 - - Bank selector - 音色選擇器 + + Vertical zooming + 垂直縮放 - - Bank - + + Quantization + 量化 - - Program selector + + Note length - - Patch - 音色 + + Key + - - Name - 名稱 + + Scale + - - OK - 確定 + + Chord + - - Cancel - 取消 + + Snap mode + - - - PatmanView - - Open other patch - 打開其他音色 + + Clear ghost notes + - - Click here to open another patch-file. Loop and Tune settings are not reset. - 點擊這裏打開另一個音色文件。循環和調音設置不會被重設。 + + + Piano-Roll - %1 + 鋼琴窗 - %1 - - Loop - 循環 + + + Piano-Roll - no clip + 鋼琴窗 - 沒有片段 - - Loop mode - 循環模式 + + + XML clip file (*.xpt *.xptz) + - - Here you can toggle the Loop mode. If enabled, PatMan will use the loop information available in the file. - 在這裏你可以開關循環模式。如果啓用,PatMan 會使用文件中的循環信息。 + + Export clip success + - - Tune - 調音 + + Clip saved to %1 + - - Tune mode - 調音模式 + + Import clip. + - - Here you can toggle the Tune mode. If enabled, PatMan will tune the sample to match the note's frequency. - 這裏可以開關調音模式。如果啓用,PatMan 會將採樣調成和音符一樣的頻率。 + + You are about to import a clip, this will overwrite your current clip. Do you want to continue? + - - No file selected - 未選擇檔案 + + Open clip + - - Open patch file - 打開音色文件 + + Import clip success + - - Patch-Files (*.pat) - 音色文件 (*.pat) + + Imported clip %1! + - PatternView + PianoView - - use mouse wheel to set velocity of a step - + + Base note + 基本音 - - double-click to open in Piano Roll + + First note - - Open in piano-roll - 在鋼琴窗中打開 - - - - Clear all notes - 清除所有音符 + + Last note + 上一個音符 + + + Plugin - - Reset name - 重置名稱 + + Plugin not found + 未找到插件 - - Change name - 修改名稱 + + The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! +Reason: "%2" + 插件“%1”無法找到或無法載入! +原因:%2 - - Add steps - 添加音階 + + Error while loading plugin + 載入插件時發生錯誤 - - Remove steps - 移除音階 + + Failed to load plugin "%1"! + 載入插件“%1”失敗! + + + PluginBrowser - - Clone Steps + + Instrument Plugins - - - PeakController - - Peak Controller - 峯值控制器 + + Instrument browser + 樂器瀏覽器 - - Peak Controller Bug - 峯值控制器 Bug + + Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. + 將樂器插件拖入歌曲編輯器, 節拍低音線編輯器, 或者現有的樂器軌道。 - - Due to a bug in older version of LMMS, the peak controllers may not be connect properly. Please ensure that peak controllers are connected properly and re-save this file. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. - 由於在舊版 LMMS 中的錯誤,峰值控制器可能並未正確地連線。請確認峰值控制器正確地連線後再次儲存檔案。造成您的不便,深感抱歉。 + + no description + 沒有描述 - - - PeakControllerDialog - - PEAK - + + A native amplifier plugin + 原生增益插件 - - LFO Controller - LFO 控制器 + + Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track + 簡單地在樂器欄使用採樣(比如鼓音源), 同時也提供多種設置 - - - PeakControllerEffectControlDialog - - BASE - 基準 + + Boost your bass the fast and simple way + - - Base amount: - 基礎值: + + Customizable wavetable synthesizer + 可自定製的波表合成器 - - AMNT + + An oversampling bitcrusher - - Modulation amount: - 調製量: + + Carla Patchbay Instrument + Carla Patchbay 樂器 - - MULT - + + Carla Rack Instrument + Carla Rack 樂器 - - Amount Multiplicator: + + A dynamic range compressor. - - ATCK - 打擊 + + A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + - - Attack: - 打擊聲: + + A native delay plugin + 原生的衰減插件 - - DCAY + + A Dual filter plugin - - Release: - 釋音: + + plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + - - TRSH - + + A native eq plugin + 原生的 EQ 插件 - - Treshold: - + + A native flanger plugin + 一個原生的 鑲邊 (Flanger) 插件 - - - PeakControllerEffectControls - - Base value - 基準值 + + Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU + GameBoy (TM) APU 模擬器 - - Modulation amount - 調製量 + + Player for GIG files + 播放 GIG 檔案的播放器 - - Attack - 打進聲 + + Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS + 匯入 Hydrogen 專案檔至 LMMS 的解析器 - - Release - 釋放 + + Versatile drum synthesizer + 多功能鼓合成器 - - Treshold - 閥值 + + List installed LADSPA plugins + 列出已安裝的 LADSPA 插件 - - Mute output - 輸出靜音 + + plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. + 在 LMMS 中使用任意 LADSPA 效果的插件。 - - Abs Value + + Incomplete monophonic imitation TB-303 - - Amount Multiplicator + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2-effects inside LMMS. - - - PianoRoll - - Note Velocity - 音符音量 + + plugin for using arbitrary LV2 instruments inside LMMS. + - - Note Panning - 音符聲相偏移 + + Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS + 從 LMMS 匯出 MIDI 檔的解析器 - - Mark/unmark current semitone - 標記/取消標記當前半音 + + Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS + 匯入 MIDI 檔至 LMMS 的解析器 - - Mark/unmark all corresponding octave semitones + + Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix - - Mark current scale + + A multitap echo delay plugin - - Mark current chord - + + A NES-like synthesizer + 類似於 NES 的合成器 - - Unmark all - 取消標記所有 + + 2-operator FM Synth + - - Select all notes on this key - 選中所有相同音調的音符 + + Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + - - Note lock - 音符鎖定 + + GUS-compatible patch instrument + GUS 兼容音色的樂器 - - Last note - 上一個音符 + + Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + - - No scale + + Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello - - No chord - + + Player for SoundFont files + 播放 SoundFont 檔案的播放器 - - Velocity: %1% - 音量:%1% + + LMMS port of sfxr + sfxr 的 LMMS 移植版本 - - Panning: %1% left - 聲相:%1% 偏左 + + Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. +This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. + 模擬 MOS6581 和 MOS8580 SID 的模擬器 +這些芯片曾在 Commodore 64 電腦上用過。 - - Panning: %1% right - 聲相:%1% 偏右 + + A graphical spectrum analyzer. + - - Panning: center - 聲相:居中 + + Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file + 用以增強雙聲道輸入檔的聲道分離插件 - - Please open a pattern by double-clicking on it! - 雙擊打開片段! + + Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + - - - Please enter a new value between %1 and %2: - 請輸入一個介於 %1 和 %2 的值: + + Tuneful things to bang on + - - - PianoRollWindow - - Play/pause current pattern (Space) - 播放/暫停當前片段(空格) + + Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano - 從 MIDI 設備/通道鋼琴(channel-piano) 錄製音符 + + A stereo field visualizer. + - - Record notes from MIDI-device/channel-piano while playing song or BB track - + + VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS + LMMS的VST(i)插件宿主 - - Stop playing of current pattern (Space) - 停止當前片段(空格) + + Vibrating string modeler + - - Click here to play the current pattern. This is useful while editing it. The pattern is automatically looped when its end is reached. + + plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. - - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you can play and edit them afterwards. + + 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth - - Click here to record notes from a MIDI-device or the virtual test-piano of the according channel-window to the current pattern. When recording all notes you play will be written to this pattern and you will hear the song or BB track in the background. + + plugin for waveshaping - - Click here to stop playback of current pattern. + + Mathematical expression parser - - Edit actions - 編輯功能 + + Embedded ZynAddSubFX + 內置的 ZynAddSubFX + + + PluginDatabaseW - - Draw mode (Shift+D) - 繪製模式 (Shift+D) + + Carla - Add New + - - Erase mode (Shift+E) - 擦除模式 (Shift+E) + + Format + - - Select mode (Shift+S) - 選擇模式 (Shift+S) + + Internal + - - Click here and draw mode will be activated. In this mode you can add, resize and move notes. This is the default mode which is used most of the time. You can also press 'Shift+D' on your keyboard to activate this mode. In this mode, hold %1 to temporarily go into select mode. + + LADSPA - - Click here and erase mode will be activated. In this mode you can erase notes. You can also press 'Shift+E' on your keyboard to activate this mode. - 點擊啓用擦除模式。此模式下你可以擦除音符。你可以按鍵盤上的 'Shift+E' 啓用此模式。 + + DSSI + - - Click here and select mode will be activated. In this mode you can select notes. Alternatively, you can hold %1 in draw mode to temporarily use select mode. + + LV2 - - Pitch Bend mode (Shift+T) + + VST2 - - Click here and Pitch Bend mode will be activated. In this mode you can click a note to open its automation detuning. You can utilize this to slide notes from one to another. You can also press 'Shift+T' on your keyboard to activate this mode. + + VST3 - - Quantize + + AU - - Copy paste controls + + Sound Kits - - Cut selected notes (%1+X) - 剪切選定音符 (%1+X) + + Type + 類型 - - Copy selected notes (%1+C) - 複製選定音符 (%1+C) + + Effects + - - Paste notes from clipboard (%1+V) - 從剪貼板粘貼音符 (%1+V) + + Instruments + 樂器插件 - - Click here and the selected notes will be cut into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + MIDI Plugins - - Click here and the selected notes will be copied into the clipboard. You can paste them anywhere in any pattern by clicking on the paste button. + + Other/Misc - - Click here and the notes from the clipboard will be pasted at the first visible measure. + + Architecture - - Timeline controls - 時間線控制 + + Native + - - Zoom and note controls + + Bridged - - This controls the magnification of an axis. It can be helpful to choose magnification for a specific task. For ordinary editing, the magnification should be fitted to your smallest notes. + + Bridged (Wine) - - The 'Q' stands for quantization, and controls the grid size notes and control points snap to. With smaller quantization values, you can draw shorter notes in Piano Roll, and more exact control points in the Automation Editor. + + Requirements - - This lets you select the length of new notes. 'Last Note' means that LMMS will use the note length of the note you last edited + + With Custom GUI - - The feature is directly connected to the context-menu on the virtual keyboard, to the left in Piano Roll. After you have chosen the scale you want in this drop-down menu, you can right click on a desired key in the virtual keyboard, and then choose 'Mark current Scale'. LMMS will highlight all notes that belongs to the chosen scale, and in the key you have selected! + + With CV Ports - - Let you select a chord which LMMS then can draw or highlight.You can find the most common chords in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a chord, click anywhere to place the chord, and right click on the virtual keyboard to open context menu and highlight the chord. To return to single note placement, you need to choose 'No chord' in this drop-down menu. + + Real-time safe only - - - Piano-Roll - %1 - 鋼琴窗 - %1 + + Stereo only + - - - Piano-Roll - no pattern - 鋼琴窗 - 沒有片段 + + With Inline Display + - - - PianoView - - Base note - 基本音 + + Favorites only + - - - Plugin - - Plugin not found - 未找到插件 + + (Number of Plugins go here) + - - The plugin "%1" wasn't found or could not be loaded! -Reason: "%2" - 插件“%1”無法找到或無法載入! -原因:%2 + + &Add Plugin + - - Error while loading plugin - 載入插件時發生錯誤 + + Cancel + 取消 - - Failed to load plugin "%1"! - 載入插件“%1”失敗! + + Refresh + - - - PluginBrowser - - Instrument Plugins + + Reset filters - - Instrument browser - 樂器瀏覽器 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TextLabel + - - Drag an instrument into either the Song-Editor, the Beat+Bassline Editor or into an existing instrument track. - 將樂器插件拖入歌曲編輯器, 節拍低音線編輯器, 或者現有的樂器軌道。 + + Format: + - - - PluginFactory - - Plugin not found. - 未找到插件。 + + Architecture: + - - LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + Type: + 類型: + + + + MIDI Ins: - - - ProjectNotes - - Project Notes - 顯示/隱藏工程註釋 + + Audio Ins: + - - Enter project notes here + + CV Outs: - - Edit Actions - 編輯功能 + + MIDI Outs: + - - &Undo - 撤銷(&U) + + Parameter Ins: + - - %1+Z - %1+Z + + Parameter Outs: + - - &Redo - 重做(&R) + + Audio Outs: + - - %1+Y - %1+Y + + CV Ins: + - - &Copy - 複製(&C) + + UniqueID: + - - %1+C - %1+C + + Has Inline Display: + - - Cu&t - 剪切(&T) + + Has Custom GUI: + - - %1+X - %1+X + + Is Synth: + - - &Paste - 粘貼(&P) + + Is Bridged: + - - %1+V - %1+V + + Information + - - Format Actions - 格式功能 + + Name + 名稱 - - &Bold - 加粗(&B) + + Label/URI + - - %1+B - %1+B + + Maker + - - &Italic - 斜體(&I) + + Binary/Filename + - - %1+I - %1+I + + Focus Text Search + - - &Underline - 下劃線(&U) + + Ctrl+F + + + + PluginEdit - - %1+U - %1+U + + Plugin Editor + - - &Left - 左對齊(&L) + + Edit + - - %1+L - %1+L + + Control + 控制 - - C&enter - 居中(&E) + + MIDI Control Channel: + - - %1+E - %1+E + + N + - - &Right - 右對齊(&R) + + Output dry/wet (100%) + - - %1+R - %1+R + + Output volume (100%) + - - &Justify - 勻齊(&J) + + Balance Left (0%) + - - %1+J - %1+J + + + Balance Right (0%) + - - &Color... - 顏色(&C)... + + Use Balance + - - - ProjectRenderer - - WAV-File (*.wav) - WAV-文件 (*.wav) + + Use Panning + - - Compressed OGG-File (*.ogg) - 壓縮的 OGG 文件(*.ogg) + + Settings + 設置 - FLAC-File (*.flac) + + Use Chunks - - Compressed MP3-File (*.mp3) + + Audio: - - - QWidget - - - - Name: - 名稱: + + Fixed-Size Buffer + - - - Maker: - 製作者: + + Force Stereo (needs reload) + - - - Copyright: - 版權: + + MIDI: + - - - Requires Real Time: - 要求實時: + + Map Program Changes + - - - - - - - Yes - + + Send Bank/Program Changes + - - - - - - - No - + + Send Control Changes + - - - Real Time Capable: - 是否支持實時: + + Send Channel Pressure + - - - In Place Broken: + + Send Note Aftertouch - - - Channels In: - 輸入通道: + + Send Pitchbend + - - - Channels Out: - 輸出通道: + + Send All Sound/Notes Off + - - File: %1 - 檔案:%1 + + +Plugin Name + + - - File: - 檔案: + + Program: + - - - RenameDialog - - Rename... - 重命名... + + MIDI Program: + - - - ReverbSCControlDialog - - Input - 輸入 + + Save State + - - Input Gain: - 輸入增益: + + Load State + - - Size + + Information - - Size: + + Label/URI: - - Color + + Name: - - Color: + + Type: + 類型: + + + + Maker: - - Output - 輸出 + + Copyright: + - - Output Gain: - 輸出增益: + + Unique ID: + - ReverbSCControls + PluginFactory - - Input Gain + + Plugin not found. + 未找到插件。 + + + + LMMS plugin %1 does not have a plugin descriptor named %2! + + + PluginParameter - - Size + + Form - - Color + + Parameter Name - - Output Gain + + ... - SampleBuffer + PluginRefreshW - - Fail to open file - 無法開啟檔案 + + Carla - Refresh + - - Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time - 音訊檔案的檔案大小已限制為 %1 MB,播放時間已限制為 %2 分鐘。 + + Search for new... + - - Open audio file - 開啟音訊檔案 + + LADSPA + - - All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - 所有音訊檔案 (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + + DSSI + - - Wave-Files (*.wav) - Wave 波形檔案 (*.wav) + + LV2 + - - OGG-Files (*.ogg) - OGG 檔案 (*.ogg) + + VST2 + - - DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) - DrumSynth 檔案 (*.ds) + + VST3 + - - FLAC-Files (*.flac) - FLAC 檔案 (*.flac) + + AU + - - SPEEX-Files (*.spx) - SPEEX 檔案 (*.spx) + + SF2/3 + - - VOC-Files (*.voc) - VOC 檔案 (*.voc) + + SFZ + - - AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) - AIFF 檔案 (*.aif *.aiff) + + Native + - - AU-Files (*.au) - AU 檔案 (*.au) + + POSIX 32bit + - - RAW-Files (*.raw) - RAW 檔案 (*.raw) + + POSIX 64bit + - - - SampleTCOView - - double-click to select sample - 雙擊選擇採樣 + + Windows 32bit + - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - 刪除 (鼠標中鍵) + + Windows 64bit + - - Cut - 剪切 + + Available tools: + - - Copy - 複製 + + python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) + - - Paste - 粘貼 + + carla-discovery-win64 + - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - 靜音/取消靜音 (<%1> + 鼠標中鍵) + + carla-discovery-native + - - - SampleTrack - - Volume - 音量 + + carla-discovery-posix32 + - - Panning - 聲相 + + carla-discovery-posix64 + - - - Sample track - 採樣軌道 + + carla-discovery-win32 + - - - SampleTrackView - - Track volume - 軌道音量 + + Options: + - - Channel volume: - 通道音量: + + Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). +You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). + - - VOL - VOL + + Run processing checks while scanning + - - Panning - 聲相 + + Press 'Scan' to begin the search + - - Panning: - 聲相: + + Scan + - - PAN - PAN + + >> Skip + + + + + Close + - SetupDialog + PluginWidget - - Setup LMMS - 設置LMMS + + + + + + Frame + - - - General settings - 常規設置 + + Enable + - - BUFFER SIZE - 緩衝區大小 + + On/Off + 開/關 - - - Reset to default-value - 重置爲默認值 + + + + + PluginName + - - MISC - 雜項 + + MIDI + MIDI - - Enable tooltips - 啓用工具提示 + + AUDIO IN + - - Show restart warning after changing settings - 在改變設置後顯示重啓警告 + + AUDIO OUT + - - Display volume as dBFS + + GUI - - Compress project files per default - 預設壓縮專案檔 + + Edit + - - One instrument track window mode - 單樂器軌道窗口模式 + + Remove + - - HQ-mode for output audio-device - 對輸出設備使用高質量輸出 + + Plugin Name + - - Compact track buttons - 緊湊化軌道圖標 + + Preset: + + + + ProjectNotes - - Sync VST plugins to host playback - 同步 VST 插件和主機回放 + + Project Notes + 顯示/隱藏工程註釋 - - Enable note labels in piano roll - 在鋼琴窗中顯示音號 + + Enter project notes here + - - Enable waveform display by default - 默認啓用波形圖 + + Edit Actions + 編輯功能 - - Keep effects running even without input - 在沒有輸入時也運行音頻效果 + + &Undo + 撤銷(&U) - - Create backup file when saving a project - 儲存專案時建立備份檔 + + %1+Z + %1+Z - - Reopen last project on start - 啓動時打開最近的項目 + + &Redo + 重做(&R) - - Use built-in NaN handler - + + %1+Y + %1+Y - - PLUGIN EMBEDDING - + + &Copy + 複製(&C) - - No embedding - + + %1+C + %1+C - - Embed using Qt API - + + Cu&t + 剪切(&T) - - Embed using native Win32 API - + + %1+X + %1+X - - Embed using XEmbed protocol - + + &Paste + 粘貼(&P) - - LANGUAGE - 語言 + + %1+V + %1+V - - - Paths - 路徑 + + Format Actions + 格式功能 - - Directories - 目錄 + + &Bold + 加粗(&B) - - LMMS working directory - LMMS工作目錄 + + %1+B + %1+B - - Themes directory - 主題文件目錄 + + &Italic + 斜體(&I) - - Background artwork - 背景圖片 + + %1+I + %1+I + + + + &Underline + 下劃線(&U) - - VST-plugin directory - VST插件目錄 + + %1+U + %1+U - - GIG directory - GIG 目錄 + + &Left + 左對齊(&L) - - SF2 directory - SF2 目錄 + + %1+L + %1+L + + + + C&enter + 居中(&E) - - LADSPA plugin directories - LADSPA 插件目錄 + + %1+E + %1+E - - STK rawwave directory - STK rawwave 目錄 + + &Right + 右對齊(&R) - - Default Soundfont File - 預設 SoundFont 檔案 + + %1+R + %1+R - - - Performance settings - 性能設置 + + &Justify + 勻齊(&J) - - Auto save - 自動保存 + + %1+J + %1+J - - Enable auto-save - + + &Color... + 顏色(&C)... + + + ProjectRenderer - - Allow auto-save while playing + + WAV (*.wav) - - UI effects vs. performance - 界面特效 vs 性能 + + FLAC (*.flac) + - - Smooth scroll in Song Editor - 歌曲編輯器中啓用平滑滾動 + + OGG (*.ogg) + - - Show playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - 在 AudioFileProcessor 中顯示播放指標 + + MP3 (*.mp3) + + + + QObject - - - Audio settings - 音頻設置 + + Reload Plugin + - - AUDIO INTERFACE - 音頻接口 + + Show GUI + 顯示圖形界面 - - - MIDI settings - MIDI設置 + + Help + 幫助 + + + QWidget - - MIDI INTERFACE - MIDI接口 + + + + + Name: + 名稱: - - OK - 確定 + + URI: + - - Cancel - 取消 + + + + Maker: + 製作者: - - Restart LMMS - 重啓LMMS + + + + Copyright: + 版權: - - Please note that most changes won't take effect until you restart LMMS! - 請注意很多設置需要重啓LMMS纔可生效! + + + Requires Real Time: + 要求實時: - - Frames: %1 -Latency: %2 ms - 幀數: %1 -延遲: %2 毫秒 + + + + + + + Yes + - - Here you can setup the internal buffer-size used by LMMS. Smaller values result in a lower latency but also may cause unusable sound or bad performance, especially on older computers or systems with a non-realtime kernel. - 在這裏,你可以設置 LMMS 所用緩衝區的大小。緩衝區越小,延遲越小,但聲音質量和性能可能會受影響。 + + + + + + + No + - - Choose LMMS working directory - 選擇 LMMS 工作目錄 + + + Real Time Capable: + 是否支持實時: - - Choose your GIG directory - 選擇 GIG 目錄 + + + In Place Broken: + - - Choose your SF2 directory - 選擇 SF2 目錄 + + + Channels In: + 輸入通道: - - Choose your VST-plugin directory - 選擇 VST 插件目錄 + + + Channels Out: + 輸出通道: - - Choose artwork-theme directory - 選擇插圖目錄 + + File: %1 + 檔案:%1 - - Choose LADSPA plugin directory - 選擇 LADSPA 插件目錄 + + File: + 檔案: + + + RecentProjectsMenu - - Choose STK rawwave directory - 選擇 STK rawwave 目錄 + + &Recently Opened Projects + 最近打開的工程(&R) + + + RenameDialog - - Choose default SoundFont - 選擇默認的 SoundFont + + Rename... + 重命名... + + + ReverbSCControlDialog - - Choose background artwork - 選擇背景圖片 + + Input + 輸入 - - minutes - 分鐘 + + Input gain: + 輸入增益: - - minute - 分鐘 + + Size + - - Disabled + + Size: - - Auto-save interval: %1 + + Color - - Set the time between automatic backup to %1. -Remember to also save your project manually. You can choose to disable saving while playing, something some older systems find difficult. + + Color: - - Here you can select your preferred audio-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, JACK, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected audio-interface. - 在這裏你可以選擇你想要的音頻接口。取決於你的系統和編譯時的設置, 你可以選擇 ALSA, JACK, OSS 等選項。在下面的方框中你可以設置音頻接口的控制項目。 + + Output + 輸出 - - Here you can select your preferred MIDI-interface. Depending on the configuration of your system during compilation time you can choose between ALSA, OSS and more. Below you see a box which offers controls to setup the selected MIDI-interface. - 在這裏你可以選擇你想要的 MIDI 接口。取決於你的系統和編譯時的設置, 你可以選擇 ALSA, OSS 等選項。在下面的方框中你可以設置 MIDI 接口的控制項目。 + + Output gain: + 輸出增益: - Song - - - Tempo - 節奏 - - - - Master volume - 主音量 - - - - Master pitch - 主音高 - + ReverbSCControls - - LMMS Error report - LMMS錯誤報告 + + Input gain + 輸入增益 - - Project saved - 工程已保存 + + Size + - - The project %1 is now saved. - 工程 %1 已保存。 + + Color + - - Project NOT saved. - 工程 **沒有** 保存。 + + Output gain + 輸出增益 + + + SaControls - - The project %1 was not saved! - 工程%1沒有保存! + + Pause + - - Import file - 匯入檔案 + + Reference freeze + - - MIDI sequences - MIDI 音序器 + + Waterfall + - - Hydrogen projects - Hydrogen工程 + + Averaging + - - All file types - 所有檔案類型 + + Stereo + - - - Empty project - 空工程 + + Peak hold + - - - This project is empty so exporting makes no sense. Please put some items into Song Editor first! - 這個工程是空的所以就算導出也沒有意義,請在歌曲編輯器中加入一點聲音吧! + + Logarithmic frequency + - - Select directory for writing exported tracks... - 選擇寫入導出音軌的目錄... + + Logarithmic amplitude + - - - untitled - 未命名 + + Frequency range + - - - Select file for project-export... - 匯出專案至… + + Amplitude range + - - Save project + + FFT block size - - MIDI File (*.mid) - MIDI 檔案 (*.mid) + + FFT window type + - - The following errors occured while loading: - 載入時發生以下錯誤: + + Peak envelope resolution + - - - SongEditor - - Could not open file - 無法開啟檔案 + + Spectrum display resolution + - - Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. - Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. - 無法開啟 %1。 -請確認您至少有權限讀取此檔案後再試一次。 + + Peak decay multiplier + - - Could not write file - 無法寫入檔案 + + Averaging weight + - - Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted to write to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - 無法開啟 %1 以進行寫入。請確認您有權限寫入此檔案後再試一次。 + + Waterfall history size + - - Error in file - 於檔案中發現錯誤 + + Waterfall gamma correction + - - The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. - 檔案 %1 似乎包含錯誤,無法進行載入。 + + FFT window overlap + - - Version difference + + FFT zero padding - - This %1 was created with LMMS %2. + + + Full (auto) - - template + + + + Audible - - project - + + Bass + 低音 - - Tempo - 節奏 + + Mids + - - TEMPO/BPM - 節奏/BPM + + High + - - tempo of song - 歌曲的節奏 + + Extended + - - The tempo of a song is specified in beats per minute (BPM). If you want to change the tempo of your song, change this value. Every measure has four beats, so the tempo in BPM specifies, how many measures / 4 should be played within a minute (or how many measures should be played within four minutes). + + Loud - - High quality mode - 高質量模式 + + Silent + - - - Master volume - 主音量 + + (High time res.) + - - master volume - 主音量 + + (High freq. res.) + - - - Master pitch - 主音高 + + Rectangular (Off) + - - master pitch - 主音高 + + + Blackman-Harris (Default) + - - Value: %1% - 值: %1% + + Hamming + - - Value: %1 semitones - 值: %1 半音程 + + Hanning + - SongEditorWindow + SaControlsDialog - - Song-Editor - 歌曲編輯器 + + Pause + - - Play song (Space) - 播放歌曲(空格) + + Pause data acquisition + - - Record samples from Audio-device - 從音頻設備錄製樣本 + + Reference freeze + - - Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track - 在播放歌曲或BB軌道時從音頻設備錄入樣本 + + Freeze current input as a reference / disable falloff in peak-hold mode. + - - Stop song (Space) - 停止歌曲(空格) + + Waterfall + - - Click here, if you want to play your whole song. Playing will be started at the song-position-marker (green). You can also move it while playing. - 點擊這裏完整播放歌曲。將從綠色歌曲標記開始播放。在播放的同時可以對它進行移動。 + + Display real-time spectrogram + - - Click here, if you want to stop playing of your song. The song-position-marker will be set to the start of your song. - 點擊這裏停止播放,歌曲位置標記會跳到歌曲的開頭。 + + Averaging + - - Track actions - 軌道動作 + + Enable exponential moving average + - - Add beat/bassline - 添加節拍/Bassline + + Stereo + - - Add sample-track - 添加採樣軌道 + + Display stereo channels separately + - - Add automation-track - 添加自動控制軌道 + + Peak hold + - - Edit actions - 編輯動作 + + Display envelope of peak values + - - Draw mode - 繪製模式 + + Logarithmic frequency + - - Edit mode (select and move) - 編輯模式(選定和移動) + + Switch between logarithmic and linear frequency scale + - - Timeline controls - 時間線控制 + + + Frequency range + - - Zoom controls - 縮放控制 + + Logarithmic amplitude + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControlDialog - - Linear spectrum - 線性頻譜圖 + + Switch between logarithmic and linear amplitude scale + - - Linear Y axis - 線性 Y 軸 + + + Amplitude range + - - - SpectrumAnalyzerControls - - Linear spectrum - 線性頻譜圖 + + Envelope res. + - - Linear Y axis - 線性 Y 軸 + + Increase envelope resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. + - - Channel mode - 通道模式 + + + Draw at most + - - - SubWindow - - Close + + envelope points per pixel - - Maximize + + Spectrum res. - - Restore + + Increase spectrum resolution for better details, decrease for better GUI performance. - - - TabWidget - - - Settings for %1 - %1 的設定 + + spectrum points per pixel + - - - TempoSyncKnob - - - Tempo Sync + + Falloff factor - - No Sync - 無同步 + + Decrease to make peaks fall faster. + - - Eight beats + + Multiply buffered value by - - Whole note + + Averaging weight - - Half note + + Decrease to make averaging slower and smoother. - - Quarter note + + New sample contributes - - 8th note + + Waterfall height - - 16th note + + Increase to get slower scrolling, decrease to see fast transitions better. Warning: medium CPU usage. - - 32nd note + + Keep - - Custom... + + lines - - Custom + + Waterfall gamma - - Synced to Eight Beats + + Decrease to see very weak signals, increase to get better contrast. - - Synced to Whole Note + + Gamma value: - - Synced to Half Note + + Window overlap - - Synced to Quarter Note + + Increase to prevent missing fast transitions arriving near FFT window edges. Warning: high CPU usage. - - Synced to 8th Note + + Each sample processed - - Synced to 16th Note + + times - - Synced to 32nd Note + + Zero padding - - - TimeDisplayWidget - - click to change time units - 點擊改變時間單位 + + Increase to get smoother-looking spectrum. Warning: high CPU usage. + - - MIN + + Processing buffer is - - SEC + + steps larger than input block - - MSEC + + Advanced settings - - BAR + + Access advanced settings - - BEAT + + + FFT block size - - TICK + + + FFT window type - TimeLineWidget + SampleBuffer + + + Fail to open file + 無法開啟檔案 + - - Enable/disable auto-scrolling - 啓用/禁用自動滾動 + + Audio files are limited to %1 MB in size and %2 minutes of playing time + 音訊檔案的檔案大小已限制為 %1 MB,播放時間已限制為 %2 分鐘。 - - Enable/disable loop-points - 啓用/禁用循環點 + + Open audio file + 開啟音訊檔案 - - After stopping go back to begin - 停止後前往開頭 + + All Audio-Files (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) + 所有音訊檔案 (*.wav *.ogg *.ds *.flac *.spx *.voc *.aif *.aiff *.au *.raw) - - After stopping go back to position at which playing was started - 停止後前往播放開始的地方 + + Wave-Files (*.wav) + Wave 波形檔案 (*.wav) - - After stopping keep position - 停止後保持位置不變 + + OGG-Files (*.ogg) + OGG 檔案 (*.ogg) - - - Hint - 提示 + + DrumSynth-Files (*.ds) + DrumSynth 檔案 (*.ds) - - Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - 按住 <%1> 禁用磁性吸附。 + + FLAC-Files (*.flac) + FLAC 檔案 (*.flac) - - Hold <Shift> to move the begin loop point; Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. - 按住 <Shift> 移動起始循環點;按住 <%1> 禁用磁性吸附。 + + SPEEX-Files (*.spx) + SPEEX 檔案 (*.spx) - - - Track - - Mute - 靜音 + + VOC-Files (*.voc) + VOC 檔案 (*.voc) - - Solo - 獨奏 + + AIFF-Files (*.aif *.aiff) + AIFF 檔案 (*.aif *.aiff) + + + + AU-Files (*.au) + AU 檔案 (*.au) + + + + RAW-Files (*.raw) + RAW 檔案 (*.raw) - TrackContainer + SampleClipView - - Couldn't import file - 無法匯入檔案 + + Double-click to open sample + - - Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. -You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. - 不支援 %1 的檔案類型。 -請使用其他軟體將此檔案轉換成 LMMS 支援的格式。 + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + 刪除 (鼠標中鍵) - - Couldn't open file - 無法開啟檔案 + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) + - - Couldn't open file %1 for reading. -Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! - 無法開啟 %1。 -請確認您有權限讀取此檔案,以及包含此檔案的目錄後再試一次。 + + Cut + 剪切 - - Loading project... - 正在加載工程... + + Cut selection + - - - Cancel - 取消 + + Copy + 複製 - - - Please wait... - 請稍等... + + Copy selection + - - Loading cancelled - + + Paste + 粘貼 - - Project loading was cancelled. + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + 靜音/取消靜音 (<%1> + 鼠標中鍵) + + + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) - - Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + Reverse sample + 反轉取樣 + + + + Set clip color - - Importing MIDI-file... - 正在匯入 MIDI 檔案… + + Use track color + - TrackContentObject + SampleTrack - - Mute - 靜音 + + Volume + 音量 + + + + Panning + 聲相 + + + + Mixer channel + 效果通道 + + + + + Sample track + 採樣軌道 - TrackContentObjectView + SampleTrackView - - Current position - 當前位置 + + Track volume + 軌道音量 - - - Hint - 提示 + + Channel volume: + 通道音量: - - Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. - 按住 <%1> 並拖動以創建副本。 + + VOL + VOL - - Current length - 當前長度 + + Panning + 聲相 - - Press <%1> for free resizing. - 按住 <%1> 自由調整大小。 + + Panning: + 聲相: - - - %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) - %1:%2 (%3:%4 到 %5:%6) + + PAN + PAN - - Delete (middle mousebutton) - 刪除 (鼠標中鍵) + + Channel %1: %2 + 效果 %1: %2 + + + + SampleTrackWindow + + + GENERAL SETTINGS + 常規設置 + + + + Sample volume + + + + + Volume: + 音量: + + + + VOL + VOL + + + + Panning + 聲相 - - Cut - 剪切 + + Panning: + 聲相: - - Copy - 複製 + + PAN + PAN - - Paste - 粘貼 + + Mixer channel + 效果通道 - - Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) - 靜音/取消靜音 (<%1> + 鼠標中鍵) + + CHANNEL + 效果 - TrackOperationsWidget + SaveOptionsWidget - - Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop-action. + + Discard MIDI connections - - Actions for this track + + Save As Project Bundle (with resources) + + + SetupDialog - - Mute - 靜音 + + Reset to default value + - - - Solo - 獨奏 + + Use built-in NaN handler + - - Mute this track - + + Settings + 設置 - - Clone this track + + + General - - Remove this track + + Graphical user interface (GUI) - - Clear this track + + Display volume as dBFS - - FX %1: %2 - 效果 %1: %2 + + Enable tooltips + 啓用工具提示 - - Assign to new FX Channel + + Enable master oscilloscope by default - - Turn all recording on + + Enable all note labels in piano roll - - Turn all recording off + + Enable compact track buttons - - - TripleOscillatorView - - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Enable one instrument-track-window mode - - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Show sidebar on the right-hand side - - Mix output of oscillator 1 & 2 + + Let sample previews continue when mouse is released - - Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Mute automation tracks during solo - - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 + + Show warning when deleting tracks - - Use phase modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Projects - - Use amplitude modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Compress project files by default - - Mix output of oscillator 2 & 3 + + Create a backup file when saving a project - - Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Reopen last project on startup - - Use frequency modulation for modulating oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + + Language - - Osc %1 volume: + + + Performance - - With this knob you can set the volume of oscillator %1. When setting a value of 0 the oscillator is turned off. Otherwise you can hear the oscillator as loud as you set it here. + + Autosave - - Osc %1 panning: + + Enable autosave - - With this knob you can set the panning of the oscillator %1. A value of -100 means 100% left and a value of 100 moves oscillator-output right. + + Allow autosave while playing - - Osc %1 coarse detuning: + + User interface (UI) effects vs. performance - - semitones + + Smooth scroll in song editor - - With this knob you can set the coarse detuning of oscillator %1. You can detune the oscillator 24 semitones (2 octaves) up and down. This is useful for creating sounds with a chord. + + Display playback cursor in AudioFileProcessor - - Osc %1 fine detuning left: - + + Plugins + 插件 - - - cents - 音分 cents + + VST plugins embedding: + - - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the left channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + No embedding - - Osc %1 fine detuning right: + + Embed using Qt API - - With this knob you can set the fine detuning of oscillator %1 for the right channel. The fine-detuning is ranged between -100 cents and +100 cents. This is useful for creating "fat" sounds. + + Embed using native Win32 API - - Osc %1 phase-offset: + + Embed using XEmbed protocol - - - degrees + + Keep plugin windows on top when not embedded - - With this knob you can set the phase-offset of oscillator %1. That means you can move the point within an oscillation where the oscillator begins to oscillate. For example if you have a sine-wave and have a phase-offset of 180 degrees the wave will first go down. It's the same with a square-wave. - + + Sync VST plugins to host playback + 同步 VST 插件和主機回放 - - Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: - + + Keep effects running even without input + 在沒有輸入時也運行音頻效果 + + + + + Audio + 音頻 - - With this knob you can set the stereo phase-detuning of oscillator %1. The stereo phase-detuning specifies the size of the difference between the phase-offset of left and right channel. This is very good for creating wide stereo sounds. + + Audio interface - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用正弦波。 + + HQ mode for output audio device + - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用三角波。 + + Buffer size + - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用鋸齒波。 + + + MIDI + MIDI - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用方波。 + + MIDI interface + - - Use a moog-like saw-wave for current oscillator. + + Automatically assign MIDI controller to selected track - - Use an exponential wave for current oscillator. + + LMMS working directory + LMMS工作目錄 + + + + VST plugins directory - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用白噪音。 + + LADSPA plugins directories + - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用用戶自定波形。 + + SF2 directory + SF2 目錄 - - - VersionedSaveDialog - - Increment version number - 遞增版本號 + + Default SF2 + - - Decrement version number - 遞減版本號 + + GIG directory + GIG 目錄 - - already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + Theme directory - - - VestigeInstrumentView - - Open other VST-plugin - 打開其他的VST插件 + + Background artwork + 背景圖片 - - Click here, if you want to open another VST-plugin. After clicking on this button, a file-open-dialog appears and you can select your file. + + Some changes require restarting. - - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - 從 LMMS 宿主控制 VST-插件 + + Autosave interval: %1 + - - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. + + Choose the LMMS working directory - - Open VST-plugin preset - 打開 VST-插件預設 + + Choose your VST plugins directory + - - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. + + Choose your LADSPA plugins directory - - Previous (-) - 上一個 (-) + + Choose your default SF2 + - - - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. + + Choose your theme directory - - Save preset - 保存預置 + + Choose your background picture + - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - 點擊這裏, 如果你想保存當前 VST-插件預設。 + + + Paths + 路徑 - - Next (+) - 下一個 (+) + + OK + 確定 - - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - + + Cancel + 取消 - - Show/hide GUI - 顯示/隱藏界面 + + Frames: %1 +Latency: %2 ms + 幀數: %1 +延遲: %2 毫秒 - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of your VST-plugin. - 點此顯示/隱藏VST插件的界面。 + + Choose your GIG directory + 選擇 GIG 目錄 - - Turn off all notes - 全部靜音 + + Choose your SF2 directory + 選擇 SF2 目錄 - - Open VST-plugin - 打開VST插件 + + minutes + 分鐘 - - DLL-files (*.dll) - DLL 檔案 (*.dll) + + minute + 分鐘 - - EXE-files (*.exe) - EXE 檔案 (*.exe) + + Disabled + + + + SidInstrument - - No VST-plugin loaded - 未載入VST插件 + + Cutoff frequency + 切除頻率 - - Preset - 預置 + + Resonance + 共鳴 - - by - + + Filter type + 過濾器類型 - - - VST plugin control - - VST插件控制 + + Voice 3 off + 聲音 3 關 - - - VisualizationWidget - - click to enable/disable visualization of master-output - 點擊啓用/禁用視覺化主輸出 + + Volume + 音量 - - Click to enable - 點擊啓用 + + Chip model + 芯片型號 - VstEffectControlDialog - - - Show/hide - 顯示/隱藏 - + SidInstrumentView - - Control VST-plugin from LMMS host - 從 LMMS 宿主控制 VST-插件 + + Volume: + 音量: - - Click here, if you want to control VST-plugin from host. - + + Resonance: + 共鳴: - - Open VST-plugin preset - 打開 VST-插件預設 + + + Cutoff frequency: + 頻譜刀頻率: - - Click here, if you want to open another *.fxp, *.fxb VST-plugin preset. + + High-pass filter - - Previous (-) - 上一個 (-) + + Band-pass filter + - - - Click here, if you want to switch to another VST-plugin preset program. + + Low-pass filter - - Next (+) - 下一個 (+) + + Voice 3 off + - - Click here to select presets that are currently loaded in VST. - + + MOS6581 SID + MOS6581 SID - - Save preset - 保存預置 + + MOS8580 SID + MOS8580 SID - - Click here, if you want to save current VST-plugin preset program. - 點擊這裏, 如果你想保存當前 VST-插件預設。 + + + Attack: + 打進聲: - - - Effect by: - + + + Decay: + 衰減: - - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> - + + Sustain: + 振幅持平: - - - VstPlugin - - - The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. - 無法載入VST插件 %1。 + + + Release: + 釋音: - - Open Preset - 打開預置 + + Pulse Width: + - - - Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) - VST插件預置文件(*.fxp *.fxb) + + Coarse: + - - : default - : 默認 + + Pulse wave + - - " - " + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - - ' - ' + + Saw wave + 鋸齒波 - - Save Preset - 保存預置 + + Noise + 噪音 - - .fxp - .fxp + + Sync + 同步 - - .FXP - .FXP + + Ring modulation + - - .FXB - .FXB + + Filtered + - - .fxb - .fxb + + Test + 測試 - - Loading plugin - 載入插件 + + Pulse width: + + + + SideBarWidget - - Please wait while loading VST plugin... - 正在載入VST插件,請稍候…… + + Close + - WatsynInstrument + Song - - Volume A1 - + + Tempo + 節奏 - - Volume A2 - + + Master volume + 主音量 - - Volume B1 - + + Master pitch + 主音高 - - Volume B2 + + Aborting project load - - Panning A1 + + Project file contains local paths to plugins, which could be used to run malicious code. - - Panning A2 + + Can't load project: Project file contains local paths to plugins. - - Panning B1 - + + LMMS Error report + LMMS錯誤報告 - - Panning B2 + + (repeated %1 times) - - Freq. multiplier A1 + + The following errors occurred while loading: + + + SongEditor - - Freq. multiplier A2 - + + Could not open file + 無法開啟檔案 - - Freq. multiplier B1 - + + Could not open file %1. You probably have no permissions to read this file. + Please make sure to have at least read permissions to the file and try again. + 無法開啟 %1。 +請確認您至少有權限讀取此檔案後再試一次。 - - Freq. multiplier B2 + + Operation denied - - Left detune A1 + + A bundle folder with that name already eists on the selected path. Can't overwrite a project bundle. Please select a different name. - - Left detune A2 - + + + + Error + 錯誤 - - Left detune B1 + + Couldn't create bundle folder. - - Left detune B2 + + Couldn't create resources folder. - - Right detune A1 + + Failed to copy resources. - - Right detune A2 - + + Could not write file + 無法寫入檔案 - - Right detune B1 + + Could not open %1 for writing. You probably are not permitted towrite to this file. Please make sure you have write-access to the file and try again. - - Right detune B2 + + This %1 was created with LMMS %2 - - A-B Mix - + + Error in file + 於檔案中發現錯誤 - - A-B Mix envelope amount - + + The file %1 seems to contain errors and therefore can't be loaded. + 檔案 %1 似乎包含錯誤,無法進行載入。 - - A-B Mix envelope attack + + Version difference - - A-B Mix envelope hold + + template - - A-B Mix envelope decay + + project - - A1-B2 Crosstalk - + + Tempo + 節奏 - - A2-A1 modulation + + TEMPO - - B2-B1 modulation + + Tempo in BPM - - Selected graph - + + High quality mode + 高質量模式 - - - WatsynView - - - - - Volume - 音量 + + + + Master volume + 主音量 - - - - - Panning - 聲相 + + + + Master pitch + 主音高 - - - - - Freq. multiplier - + + Value: %1% + 值: %1% - - - - - Left detune - + + Value: %1 semitones + 值: %1 半音程 + + + SongEditorWindow - - - - - - - - - cents - + + Song-Editor + 歌曲編輯器 - - - - - Right detune - + + Play song (Space) + 播放歌曲(空格) - - A-B Mix - + + Record samples from Audio-device + 從音頻設備錄製樣本 - - Mix envelope amount - + + Record samples from Audio-device while playing song or BB track + 在播放歌曲或BB軌道時從音頻設備錄入樣本 - - Mix envelope attack - + + Stop song (Space) + 停止歌曲(空格) - - Mix envelope hold - + + Track actions + 軌道動作 - - Mix envelope decay - + + Add beat/bassline + 添加節拍/Bassline - - Crosstalk - + + Add sample-track + 添加採樣軌道 - - Select oscillator A1 - + + Add automation-track + 添加自動控制軌道 - - Select oscillator A2 - + + Edit actions + 編輯動作 - - Select oscillator B1 - + + Draw mode + 繪製模式 - - Select oscillator B2 + + Knife mode (split sample clips) - - Mix output of A2 to A1 - + + Edit mode (select and move) + 編輯模式(選定和移動) - - Modulate amplitude of A1 with output of A2 - + + Timeline controls + 時間線控制 - - Ring-modulate A1 and A2 + + Bar insert controls - - Modulate phase of A1 with output of A2 + + Insert bar - - Mix output of B2 to B1 + + Remove bar - - Modulate amplitude of B1 with output of B2 - + + Zoom controls + 縮放控制 - - Ring-modulate B1 and B2 - + + Horizontal zooming + 橫向縮放 - - Modulate phase of B1 with output of B2 + + Snap controls - - - - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + + + Clip snapping size - - Load waveform - 載入波形 - - - - Click to load a waveform from a sample file + + Toggle proportional snap on/off - - Phase left + + Base snapping size + + + StepRecorderWidget - - Click to shift phase by -15 degrees - + + Hint + 提示 - - Phase right + + Move recording curser using <Left/Right> arrows + + + SubWindow - - Click to shift phase by +15 degrees + + Close - - Normalize - 標準化 - - - - Click to normalize + + Maximize - - Invert - 反轉 + + Restore + + + + TabWidget - - Click to invert - + + + Settings for %1 + %1 的設定 + + + TemplatesMenu - - Smooth - 平滑 + + New from template + 從模版新建工程 + + + TempoSyncKnob - - Click to smooth + + + Tempo Sync - - Sine wave - 正弦波 + + No Sync + 無同步 - - Click for sine wave + + Eight beats - - - Triangle wave - 三角波 - - - - Click for triangle wave + + Whole note - - Click for saw wave + + Half note - - Square wave - 方波 + + Quarter note + - - Click for square wave + + 8th note - - - ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - Portamento + + 16th note - - Filter Frequency + + 32nd note - - Filter Resonance + + Custom... - - Bandwidth - 帶寬 + + Custom + - - FM Gain - FM 增益 + + Synced to Eight Beats + - - Resonance Center Frequency + + Synced to Whole Note - - Resonance Bandwidth + + Synced to Half Note - - Forward MIDI Control Change Events + + Synced to Quarter Note - - - ZynAddSubFxView - - Portamento: + + Synced to 8th Note - - PORT + + Synced to 16th Note - - Filter Frequency: + + Synced to 32nd Note + + + TimeDisplayWidget - - FREQ - 頻率 + + Time units + - - Filter Resonance: + + MIN - - RES + + SEC - - Bandwidth: - 帶寬: + + MSEC + - - BW + + BAR - - FM Gain: + + BEAT - - FM GAIN + + TICK + + + TimeLineWidget - - Resonance center frequency: + + Auto scrolling - - RES CF + + Loop points - - Resonance bandwidth: + + After stopping go back to beginning - - RES BW - + + After stopping go back to position at which playing was started + 停止後前往播放開始的地方 - - Forward MIDI Control Changes - + + After stopping keep position + 停止後保持位置不變 - - Show GUI - 顯示圖形界面 + + Hint + 提示 - - Click here to show or hide the graphical user interface (GUI) of ZynAddSubFX. - + + Press <%1> to disable magnetic loop points. + 按住 <%1> 禁用磁性吸附。 - audioFileProcessor + Track - - Amplify - 增益 + + Mute + 靜音 - - Start of sample - 採樣起始 + + Solo + 獨奏 + + + TrackContainer - - End of sample - 採樣結尾 + + Couldn't import file + 無法匯入檔案 - - Loopback point - 循環點 + + Couldn't find a filter for importing file %1. +You should convert this file into a format supported by LMMS using another software. + 不支援 %1 的檔案類型。 +請使用其他軟體將此檔案轉換成 LMMS 支援的格式。 - - Reverse sample - 反轉採樣 + + Couldn't open file + 無法開啟檔案 - - Loop mode - 循環模式 + + Couldn't open file %1 for reading. +Please make sure you have read-permission to the file and the directory containing the file and try again! + 無法開啟 %1。 +請確認您有權限讀取此檔案,以及包含此檔案的目錄後再試一次。 - - Stutter - + + Loading project... + 正在加載工程... - - Interpolation mode - 補間方式 + + + Cancel + 取消 - - None - + + + Please wait... + 請稍等... - - Linear - 線性插補 + + Loading cancelled + - - Sinc - 辛格(Sinc)插補 + + Project loading was cancelled. + - - Sample not found: %1 - 採樣未找到: %1 + + Loading Track %1 (%2/Total %3) + + + + + Importing MIDI-file... + 正在匯入 MIDI 檔案… - bitInvader + Clip - - Samplelength - 採樣長度 + + Mute + 靜音 - bitInvaderView + ClipView - - Sample Length - 採樣長度 + + Current position + 當前位置 - - Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - + + Current length + 當前長度 - - Sine wave - 正弦波 + + + %1:%2 (%3:%4 to %5:%6) + %1:%2 (%3:%4 到 %5:%6) - - Click for a sine-wave. - + + Press <%1> and drag to make a copy. + 按住 <%1> 並拖動以創建副本。 - - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + Press <%1> for free resizing. + 按住 <%1> 自由調整大小。 - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - 點擊這裡使用三角波。 + + Hint + 提示 - - Saw wave - 鋸齒波 + + Delete (middle mousebutton) + 刪除 (鼠標中鍵) - - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Delete selection (middle mousebutton) - - Square wave - 方波 + + Cut + 剪切 - - Click here for a square-wave. - 點擊這裡使用方形波。 + + Cut selection + - - White noise wave - 白噪音 + + Merge Selection + - - Click here for white-noise. + + Copy + 複製 + + + + Copy selection - - User defined wave - 用戶自定義波形 + + Paste + 粘貼 - - Click here for a user-defined shape. - + + Mute/unmute (<%1> + middle click) + 靜音/取消靜音 (<%1> + 鼠標中鍵) - - Smooth - 平滑 + + Mute/unmute selection (<%1> + middle click) + - - Click here to smooth waveform. - 點擊這裏平滑波形。 + + Set clip color + - - Interpolation + + Use track color + + + TrackContentWidget - - Normalize - 標準化 + + Paste + 粘貼 - dynProcControlDialog + TrackOperationsWidget - - INPUT - 輸入 + + Press <%1> while clicking on move-grip to begin a new drag'n'drop action. + - - Input gain: - 輸入增益: + + Actions + - - OUTPUT - 輸出 + + + Mute + 靜音 - - Output gain: - 輸出增益: + + + Solo + 獨奏 - - ATTACK + + After removing a track, it can not be recovered. Are you sure you want to remove track "%1"? - - Peak attack time: + + Confirm removal - - RELEASE + + Don't ask again - - Peak release time: + + Clone this track - - Reset waveform - 重置波形 + + Remove this track + - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default + + Clear this track - - Smooth waveform - 平滑波形 + + Channel %1: %2 + 效果 %1: %2 + + + + Assign to new mixer Channel + + + + + Turn all recording on + + + + + Turn all recording off + + + + + Change color + 改變顏色 - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - 點擊這裏來使波形圖更爲平滑 + + Reset color to default + 重置顏色 - - Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Set random color - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Clear clip colors + + + TripleOscillatorView - - Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Modulate phase of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - - Stereomode Maximum + + Mix output of oscillators 1 & 2 - - Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels + + Synchronize oscillator 1 with oscillator 2 - - Stereomode Average + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 1 by oscillator 2 - - Process based on the average of both stereo channels + + Modulate phase of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - - Stereomode Unlinked + + Modulate amplitude of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 - - Process each stereo channel independently + + Mix output of oscillators 2 & 3 - - - dynProcControls - - Input gain - 輸入增益 + + Synchronize oscillator 2 with oscillator 3 + - - Output gain - 輸出增益 + + Modulate frequency of oscillator 2 by oscillator 3 + - - Attack time + + Osc %1 volume: - - Release time + + Osc %1 panning: - - Stereo mode + + Osc %1 coarse detuning: - - - expressiveView - Select oscillator W1 + + semitones - Select oscillator W2 + + Osc %1 fine detuning left: - Select oscillator W3 + + + cents + 音分 cents + + + + Osc %1 fine detuning right: - Select OUTPUT 1 + + Osc %1 phase-offset: - Select OUTPUT 2 + + + degrees - Open help window + + Osc %1 stereo phase-detuning: + Sine wave 正弦波 - Click for a sine-wave. + + Triangle wave + 三角波 + + + + Saw wave + 鋸齒波 + + + + Square wave + 方波 + + + + Moog-like saw wave + + + + + Exponential wave - Moog-Saw wave + + White noise - Click for a Moog-Saw-wave. + + User-defined wave + + + VecControls - Exponential wave + + Display persistence amount - Click for an exponential wave. + + Logarithmic scale - Saw wave - 鋸齒波 + + High quality + + + + VecControlsDialog - Click here for a saw-wave. + + HQ - User defined wave - 用戶自定義波形 + + Double the resolution and simulate continuous analog-like trace. + - Click here for a user-defined shape. + + Log. scale - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + Display amplitude on logarithmic scale to better see small values. + - Click here for a triangle-wave. - 點擊這裡使用三角波。 + + Persist. + - Square wave - 方波 + + Trace persistence: higher amount means the trace will stay bright for longer time. + - Click here for a square-wave. - 點擊這裡使用方形波。 + + Trace persistence + + + + VersionedSaveDialog - White noise wave - 白噪音 + + Increment version number + 遞增版本號 - Click here for white-noise. - + + Decrement version number + 遞減版本號 - WaveInterpolate + + Save Options - ExpressionValid + + already exists. Do you want to replace it? + + + VestigeInstrumentView - General purpose 1: + + + Open VST plugin - General purpose 2: + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host - General purpose 3: + + Open VST plugin preset - O1 panning: - + + Previous (-) + 上一個 (-) - O2 panning: - + + Save preset + 保存預置 - Release transition: - + + Next (+) + 下一個 (+) - Smoothness - + + Show/hide GUI + 顯示/隱藏界面 - - - fxLineLcdSpinBox - - Assign to: - 分配給: + + Turn off all notes + 全部靜音 - - New FX Channel - 新的效果通道 + + DLL-files (*.dll) + DLL 檔案 (*.dll) - - - graphModel - - Graph - 圖形 + + EXE-files (*.exe) + EXE 檔案 (*.exe) - - - kickerInstrument - - Start frequency - 起始頻率 + + No VST plugin loaded + - - End frequency - 結束頻率 + + Preset + 預置 - - Length - 長度 + + by + - - Distortion Start - 起始失真度 + + - VST plugin control + - VST插件控制 + + + VstEffectControlDialog - - Distortion End - 結束失真度 + + Show/hide + 顯示/隱藏 - - Gain - 增益 + + Control VST plugin from LMMS host + - - Envelope Slope - 包絡線傾斜度 + + Open VST plugin preset + - - Noise - 噪音 + + Previous (-) + 上一個 (-) - - Click - 力度 + + Next (+) + 下一個 (+) - - Frequency Slope - 頻率傾斜度 + + Save preset + 保存預置 - - Start from note - 從哪個音符開始 + + + Effect by: + - - End to note - 到哪個音符結束 + + &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> + - kickerInstrumentView + VstPlugin - - Start frequency: - 起始頻率: + + + The VST plugin %1 could not be loaded. + 無法載入VST插件 %1。 - - End frequency: - 結束頻率: + + Open Preset + 打開預置 - - Frequency Slope: - 頻率傾斜度: + + + Vst Plugin Preset (*.fxp *.fxb) + VST插件預置文件(*.fxp *.fxb) - - Gain: - 增益: + + : default + : 默認 - - Envelope Length: - 包絡長度: + + Save Preset + 保存預置 - - Envelope Slope: - 包絡線傾斜度: + + .fxp + .fxp - - Click: - 力度: + + .FXP + .FXP - - Noise: - 噪音: + + .FXB + .FXB + + + + .fxb + .fxb - - Distortion Start: - 起始失真度: + + Loading plugin + 載入插件 - - Distortion End: - 結束失真度: + + Please wait while loading VST plugin... + 正在載入VST插件,請稍候…… - ladspaBrowserView + WatsynInstrument - - - Available Effects - 可用效果器 + + Volume A1 + - - - Unavailable Effects - 不可用效果器 + + Volume A2 + - - - Instruments - 樂器插件 + + Volume B1 + - - - Analysis Tools - 分析工具 + + Volume B2 + - - - Don't know - 未知 + + Panning A1 + - - This dialog displays information on all of the LADSPA plugins LMMS was able to locate. The plugins are divided into five categories based upon an interpretation of the port types and names. - -Available Effects are those that can be used by LMMS. In order for LMMS to be able to use an effect, it must, first and foremost, be an effect, which is to say, it has to have both input channels and output channels. LMMS identifies an input channel as an audio rate port containing 'in' in the name. Output channels are identified by the letters 'out'. Furthermore, the effect must have the same number of inputs and outputs and be real time capable. - -Unavailable Effects are those that were identified as effects, but either didn't have the same number of input and output channels or weren't real time capable. - -Instruments are plugins for which only output channels were identified. - -Analysis Tools are plugins for which only input channels were identified. - -Don't Knows are plugins for which no input or output channels were identified. - -Double clicking any of the plugins will bring up information on the ports. - 這個對話框顯示 LMMS 找到的所有 LADSPA 插件信息。這些插件根據接口類型和名字被分爲五個類別。 - -"可用效果" 是指可以被 LMMS 使用的插件。爲了讓 LMMS 可以開啓效果, 首先, 這個插件需要是有效果的。也就是說, 這個插件需要有輸入和輸出通道。LMMS 會將音頻接口名稱中有 ‘in’ 的接口識別爲輸入接口, 將音頻接口名稱中有 ‘out’ 的接口識別爲輸出接口。並且, 效果插件需要有相同的輸入輸出通道, 還要能支持實時處理。 - -"不可用效果" 是指被識別爲效果插件的插件, 但是輸入輸出通道數不同或者不支持實時音頻處理。 - -"樂器" 是指只檢測到有輸出通道的插件。 - -"分析工具" 是指只檢測到有輸入通道的插件。 - -"未知" 是指沒有檢測到任何輸出或輸出通道的插件。 - -雙擊任意插件將會顯示接口信息。 + + Panning A2 + - - Type: - 類型: + + Panning B1 + - - - ladspaDescription - - Plugins - 插件 + + Panning B2 + - - Description - 描述 + + Freq. multiplier A1 + - - - ladspaPortDialog - - Ports + + Freq. multiplier A2 - - Name - 名稱 + + Freq. multiplier B1 + - - Rate + + Freq. multiplier B2 - - Direction - 方向 + + Left detune A1 + - - Type - 類型 + + Left detune A2 + - - Min < Default < Max - 最小 < 默認 < 最大 + + Left detune B1 + - - Logarithmic - 對數 + + Left detune B2 + - - SR Dependent + + Right detune A1 - - Audio - 音頻 + + Right detune A2 + - - Control - 控制 + + Right detune B1 + - - Input - 輸入 + + Right detune B2 + - - Output - 輸出 + + A-B Mix + - - Toggled + + A-B Mix envelope amount - - Integer - 整型 + + A-B Mix envelope attack + - - Float - 浮點 + + A-B Mix envelope hold + - - - Yes - + + A-B Mix envelope decay + - - - lb302Synth - - VCF Cutoff Frequency + + A1-B2 Crosstalk - - VCF Resonance + + A2-A1 modulation - - VCF Envelope Mod + + B2-B1 modulation - - VCF Envelope Decay + + Selected graph + + + WatsynView - - Distortion - 失真 + + + + + Volume + 音量 - - Waveform - 波形 + + + + + Panning + 聲相 - - Slide Decay + + + + + Freq. multiplier - - Slide + + + + + Left detune - - Accent + + + + + + + + + cents - - Dead + + + + + Right detune - - 24dB/oct Filter + + A-B Mix - - - lb302SynthView - - Cutoff Freq: + + Mix envelope amount - - Resonance: - 共鳴: + + Mix envelope attack + - - Env Mod: + + Mix envelope hold - - Decay: - 衰減: + + Mix envelope decay + - - 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter + + Crosstalk - - Slide Decay: + + Select oscillator A1 - - DIST: + + Select oscillator A2 - - Saw wave - 鋸齒波 + + Select oscillator B1 + - - Click here for a saw-wave. + + Select oscillator B2 - - Triangle wave - 三角波 + + Mix output of A2 to A1 + - - Click here for a triangle-wave. - 點擊這裡使用三角波。 + + Modulate amplitude of A1 by output of A2 + - - Square wave - 方波 + + Ring modulate A1 and A2 + - - Click here for a square-wave. - 點擊這裡使用方形波。 + + Modulate phase of A1 by output of A2 + - - Rounded square wave + + Mix output of B2 to B1 - - Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. + + Modulate amplitude of B1 by output of B2 - - Moog wave + + Ring modulate B1 and B2 - - Click here for a moog-like wave. + + Modulate phase of B1 by output of B2 - - Sine wave - 正弦波 + + + + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. + - - Click for a sine-wave. - + + Load waveform + 載入波形 - - - White noise wave - 白噪音 + + Load a waveform from a sample file + 從範例檔案中載入波型 - - Click here for an exponential wave. + + Phase left - - Click here for white-noise. + + Shift phase by -15 degrees - - Bandlimited saw wave + + Phase right - - Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + + Shift phase by +15 degrees - - Bandlimited square wave - + + + Normalize + 標準化 - - Click here for bandlimited square wave. - + + + Invert + 反轉 - - Bandlimited triangle wave - + + + Smooth + 平滑 - - Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. - + + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - - Bandlimited moog saw wave - + + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - - Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. - + + Saw wave + 鋸齒波 + + + + + Square wave + 方波 - malletsInstrument + Xpressive - - Hardness + + Selected graph - - Position + + A1 - - Vibrato Gain + + A2 - - Vibrato Freq + + A3 - - Stick Mix + + W1 smoothing - - Modulator + + W2 smoothing - - Crossfade + + W3 smoothing - - LFO Speed + + Panning 1 - - LFO Depth + + Panning 2 - - ADSR + + Rel trans + + + XpressiveView - - Pressure + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - - Motion + + Select oscillator W1 - - Speed + + Select oscillator W2 - - Bowed + + Select oscillator W3 - - Spread + + Select output O1 - - Marimba + + Select output O2 - - Vibraphone + + Open help window - - Agogo - + + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - - Wood1 + + + Moog-saw wave - - Reso + + + Exponential wave - - Wood2 - + + + Saw wave + 鋸齒波 - - Beats + + + User-defined wave - - Two Fixed - + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - - Clump - + + + Square wave + 方波 - - Tubular Bells + + + White noise - - Uniform Bar + + WaveInterpolate - - Tuned Bar + + ExpressionValid - - Glass + + General purpose 1: - - Tibetan Bowl + + General purpose 2: - - - malletsInstrumentView - - Instrument + + General purpose 3: - - Spread + + O1 panning: - - Spread: + + O2 panning: - - Missing files - 檔案遺失 + + Release transition: + - - Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + + Smoothness + + + ZynAddSubFxInstrument - - Hardness + + Portamento - - Hardness: + + Filter frequency - - Position + + Filter resonance - - Position: - + + Bandwidth + 帶寬 - - Vib Gain + + FM gain - - Vib Gain: + + Resonance center frequency - - Vib Freq + + Resonance bandwidth - - Vib Freq: + + Forward MIDI control change events + + + ZynAddSubFxView - - Stick Mix + + Portamento: - - Stick Mix: + + PORT - - Modulator + + Filter frequency: - - Modulator: - + + FREQ + 頻率 - - Crossfade + + Filter resonance: - - Crossfade: + + RES - - LFO Speed - + + Bandwidth: + 帶寬: - - LFO Speed: + + BW - - LFO Depth + + FM gain: - - LFO Depth: + + FM GAIN - - ADSR + + Resonance center frequency: - - ADSR: + + RES CF - - Pressure + + Resonance bandwidth: - - Pressure: + + RES BW - - Speed + + Forward MIDI control changes - - Speed: - + + Show GUI + 顯示圖形界面 - manageVSTEffectView + AudioFileProcessor - - - VST parameter control - - VST 參數控制 + + Amplify + 增益 - - VST Sync - VST 同步 + + Start of sample + 採樣起始 - - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - 點擊這裏, 如果你想與 VST 插件同步所有參數。 + + End of sample + 採樣結尾 - - - Automated - 自動 + + Loopback point + 循環點 - - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - + + Reverse sample + 反轉採樣 - - Close - 關閉 + + Loop mode + 循環模式 - - Close VST effect knob-controller window. + + Stutter - - - manageVestigeInstrumentView - - - - - VST plugin control - - VST插件控制 - - - VST Sync - VST 同步 + + Interpolation mode + 補間方式 - - Click here if you want to synchronize all parameters with VST plugin. - 點擊這裏, 如果你想與 VST 插件同步所有參數。 + + None + - - - Automated - 自動 + + Linear + 線性插補 - - Click here if you want to display automated parameters only. - + + Sinc + 辛格(Sinc)插補 - - Close - 關閉 + + Sample not found: %1 + 採樣未找到: %1 + + + BitInvader - - Close VST plugin knob-controller window. + + Sample length - opl2instrument + BitInvaderView - - Patch - 音色 + + Sample length + - - Op 1 Attack + + Draw your own waveform here by dragging your mouse on this graph. - - Op 1 Decay - + + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - - Op 1 Sustain - + + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - - Op 1 Release - + + + Saw wave + 鋸齒波 - - Op 1 Level - + + + Square wave + 方波 - - Op 1 Level Scaling + + + White noise - - Op 1 Frequency Multiple + + + User-defined wave - - Op 1 Feedback - + + + Smooth waveform + 平滑波形 - - Op 1 Key Scaling Rate + + Interpolation - - Op 1 Percussive Envelope - + + Normalize + 標準化 + + + DynProcControlDialog - - Op 1 Tremolo - + + INPUT + 輸入 - - Op 1 Vibrato - + + Input gain: + 輸入增益: - - Op 1 Waveform - + + OUTPUT + 輸出 - - Op 2 Attack - + + Output gain: + 輸出增益: - - Op 2 Decay + + ATTACK - - Op 2 Sustain + + Peak attack time: - - Op 2 Release + + RELEASE - - Op 2 Level + + Peak release time: - - Op 2 Level Scaling + + + Reset wavegraph - - Op 2 Frequency Multiple + + + Smooth wavegraph - - Op 2 Key Scaling Rate + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - - Op 2 Percussive Envelope + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - - Op 2 Tremolo + + Stereo mode: maximum - - Op 2 Vibrato + + Process based on the maximum of both stereo channels - - Op 2 Waveform + + Stereo mode: average - - FM + + Process based on the average of both stereo channels - - Vibrato Depth + + Stereo mode: unlinked - - Tremolo Depth + + Process each stereo channel independently - opl2instrumentView + DynProcControls - - - Attack - 打進聲 + + Input gain + 輸入增益 - - - Decay - 衰減 + + Output gain + 輸出增益 - - - Release - 釋放 + + Attack time + - - - Frequency multiplier + + Release time - - - organicInstrument - - Distortion - 失真 + + Stereo mode + + + + graphModel - - Volume - 音量 + + Graph + 圖形 - organicInstrumentView + KickerInstrument - - Distortion: - 失真: + + Start frequency + 起始頻率 - - The distortion knob adds distortion to the output of the instrument. - + + End frequency + 結束頻率 - - Volume: - 音量: + + Length + 長度 - - The volume knob controls the volume of the output of the instrument. It is cumulative with the instrument window's volume control. + + Start distortion - - Randomise - 隨機 + + End distortion + - - The randomize button randomizes all knobs except the harmonics,main volume and distortion knobs. - + + Gain + 增益 - - - Osc %1 waveform: + + Envelope slope - - Osc %1 volume: - + + Noise + 噪音 - - Osc %1 panning: - + + Click + 力度 - - Osc %1 stereo detuning + + Frequency slope - - cents - 音分 cents + + Start from note + 從哪個音符開始 - - Osc %1 harmonic: - + + End to note + 到哪個音符結束 - FreeBoyInstrument + KickerInstrumentView - - Sweep time - + + Start frequency: + 起始頻率: - - Sweep direction - + + End frequency: + 結束頻率: - - Sweep RtShift amount + + Frequency slope: - - - Wave Pattern Duty - + + Gain: + 增益: - - Channel 1 volume + + Envelope length: - - - - Volume sweep direction + + Envelope slope: - - - - Length of each step in sweep - + + Click: + 力度: - - Channel 2 volume - + + Noise: + 噪音: - - Channel 3 volume + + Start distortion: - - Channel 4 volume + + End distortion: + + + LadspaBrowserView - - Shift Register width - + + + Available Effects + 可用效果器 - - Right Output level - 右聲道輸出電平 + + + Unavailable Effects + 不可用效果器 - - Left Output level - + + + Instruments + 樂器插件 - - Channel 1 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Analysis Tools + 分析工具 - - Channel 2 to SO2 (Left) - + + + Don't know + 未知 - - Channel 3 to SO2 (Left) - + + Type: + 類型: + + + LadspaDescription - - Channel 4 to SO2 (Left) - + + Plugins + 插件 - - Channel 1 to SO1 (Right) - + + Description + 描述 + + + LadspaPortDialog - - Channel 2 to SO1 (Right) + + Ports - - Channel 3 to SO1 (Right) - + + Name + 名稱 - - Channel 4 to SO1 (Right) + + Rate - - Treble - + + Direction + 方向 - - Bass - 低音 + + Type + 類型 - - - FreeBoyInstrumentView - - Sweep Time: - + + Min < Default < Max + 最小 < 默認 < 最大 - - Sweep Time - + + Logarithmic + 對數 - - The amount of increase or decrease in frequency + + SR Dependent - - Sweep RtShift amount: - + + Audio + 音頻 - - Sweep RtShift amount - + + Control + 控制 - - The rate at which increase or decrease in frequency occurs - + + Input + 輸入 - - - Wave pattern duty: - + + Output + 輸出 - - Wave Pattern Duty + + Toggled - - - The duty cycle is the ratio of the duration (time) that a signal is ON versus the total period of the signal. - + + Integer + 整型 + + + + Float + 浮點 - - - Square Channel 1 Volume: + + + Yes + + + + + Lb302Synth + + + VCF Cutoff Frequency - - Square Channel 1 Volume + + VCF Resonance - - - - Length of each step in sweep: + + VCF Envelope Mod - - - - Length of each step in sweep + + VCF Envelope Decay - - - - The delay between step change - + + Distortion + 失真 + + + + Waveform + 波形 - - Wave pattern duty + + Slide Decay - - Square Channel 2 Volume: + + Slide - - - Square Channel 2 Volume + + Accent - - Wave Channel Volume: + + Dead - - - Wave Channel Volume + + 24dB/oct Filter + + + Lb302SynthView - - Noise Channel Volume: + + Cutoff Freq: - - - Noise Channel Volume - + + Resonance: + 共鳴: - - SO1 Volume (Right): + + Env Mod: - - SO1 Volume (Right) - + + Decay: + 衰減: - - SO2 Volume (Left): + + 303-es-que, 24dB/octave, 3 pole filter - - SO2 Volume (Left) + + Slide Decay: - - Treble: + + DIST: - - Treble - + + Saw wave + 鋸齒波 - - Bass: + + Click here for a saw-wave. - - Bass - 低音 + + Triangle wave + 三角波 - - Sweep Direction - + + Click here for a triangle-wave. + 點擊這裡使用三角波。 - - - - - - Volume Sweep Direction - + + Square wave + 方波 - - Shift Register Width - + + Click here for a square-wave. + 點擊這裡使用方形波。 - - Channel1 to SO1 (Right) + + Rounded square wave - - Channel2 to SO1 (Right) + + Click here for a square-wave with a rounded end. - - Channel3 to SO1 (Right) + + Moog wave - - Channel4 to SO1 (Right) + + Click here for a moog-like wave. - - Channel1 to SO2 (Left) - + + Sine wave + 正弦波 - - Channel2 to SO2 (Left) + + Click for a sine-wave. - - Channel3 to SO2 (Left) - + + + White noise wave + 白噪音 - - Channel4 to SO2 (Left) + + Click here for an exponential wave. - - Wave Pattern + + Click here for white-noise. - - Draw the wave here + + Bandlimited saw wave - - - patchesDialog - - - Qsynth: Channel Preset - Qsynth: 通道預設 - - - Bank selector - 音色選擇器 + + Click here for bandlimited saw wave. + - - Bank - + + Bandlimited square wave + - - Program selector + + Click here for bandlimited square wave. - - Patch - 音色 + + Bandlimited triangle wave + - - Name - 名稱 + + Click here for bandlimited triangle wave. + - - OK - 確定 + + Bandlimited moog saw wave + - - Cancel - 取消 + + Click here for bandlimited moog saw wave. + - pluginBrowser - - - no description - 沒有描述 - - - - A native amplifier plugin - 原生增益插件 - + MalletsInstrument - - Simple sampler with various settings for using samples (e.g. drums) in an instrument-track - 簡單地在樂器欄使用採樣(比如鼓音源), 同時也提供多種設置 + + Hardness + - - Boost your bass the fast and simple way + + Position - - Customizable wavetable synthesizer - 可自定製的波表合成器 + + Vibrato gain + - - An oversampling bitcrusher + + Vibrato frequency - - Carla Patchbay Instrument - Carla Patchbay 樂器 + + Stick mix + - - Carla Rack Instrument - Carla Rack 樂器 + + Modulator + - - A 4-band Crossover Equalizer + + Crossfade - - A native delay plugin - 原生的衰減插件 + + LFO speed + LFO 速度 - - A Dual filter plugin + + LFO depth - - plugin for processing dynamics in a flexible way + + ADSR - - A native eq plugin - 原生的 EQ 插件 + + Pressure + - - A native flanger plugin - 一個原生的 鑲邊 (Flanger) 插件 + + Motion + - - Player for GIG files - 播放 GIG 檔案的播放器 + + Speed + - - Filter for importing Hydrogen files into LMMS - 匯入 Hydrogen 專案檔至 LMMS 的解析器 + + Bowed + - - Versatile drum synthesizer - 多功能鼓合成器 + + Spread + - - List installed LADSPA plugins - 列出已安裝的 LADSPA 插件 + + Marimba + - - plugin for using arbitrary LADSPA-effects inside LMMS. - 在 LMMS 中使用任意 LADSPA 效果的插件。 + + Vibraphone + - - Incomplete monophonic imitation tb303 + + Agogo - - Filter for exporting MIDI-files from LMMS - 從 LMMS 匯出 MIDI 檔的解析器 + + Wood 1 + - - Filter for importing MIDI-files into LMMS - 匯入 MIDI 檔至 LMMS 的解析器 + + Reso + - - Monstrous 3-oscillator synth with modulation matrix + + Wood 2 - - A multitap echo delay plugin + + Beats - - A NES-like synthesizer - 類似於 NES 的合成器 + + Two fixed + - - 2-operator FM Synth + + Clump - - Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds + + Tubular bells - - Emulation of GameBoy (TM) APU - GameBoy (TM) APU 模擬器 + + Uniform bar + - - GUS-compatible patch instrument - GUS 兼容音色的樂器 + + Tuned bar + - - Plugin for controlling knobs with sound peaks + + Glass - - Reverb algorithm by Sean Costello + + Tibetan bowl + + + MalletsInstrumentView - - Player for SoundFont files - 播放 SoundFont 檔案的播放器 + + Instrument + - - LMMS port of sfxr - sfxr 的 LMMS 移植版本 + + Spread + - - Emulation of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 SID. -This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer. - 模擬 MOS6581 和 MOS8580 SID 的模擬器 -這些芯片曾在 Commodore 64 電腦上用過。 + + Spread: + - - Graphical spectrum analyzer plugin - 圖形頻譜分析器插件 + + Missing files + 檔案遺失 - - Plugin for enhancing stereo separation of a stereo input file - 用以增強雙聲道輸入檔的聲道分離插件 + + Your Stk-installation seems to be incomplete. Please make sure the full Stk-package is installed! + - - Plugin for freely manipulating stereo output + + Hardness - - Tuneful things to bang on + + Hardness: - - Three powerful oscillators you can modulate in several ways + + Position - - VST-host for using VST(i)-plugins within LMMS - LMMS的VST(i)插件宿主 + + Position: + - - Vibrating string modeler + + Vibrato gain - - plugin for using arbitrary VST effects inside LMMS. + + Vibrato gain: - - 4-oscillator modulatable wavetable synth + + Vibrato frequency - - plugin for waveshaping + + Vibrato frequency: - - Embedded ZynAddSubFX - 內置的 ZynAddSubFX + + Stick mix + - Mathematical expression parser + + Stick mix: - - - sf2Instrument - - Bank - + + Modulator + - - Patch - 音色 + + Modulator: + - - Gain - 增益 + + Crossfade + - - Reverb - 混響 + + Crossfade: + - - Reverb Roomsize - 混響空間大小 + + LFO speed + LFO 速度 - - Reverb Damping - 混響阻尼 + + LFO speed: + - - Reverb Width - 混響寬度 + + LFO depth + - - Reverb Level - 混響級別 + + LFO depth: + - - Chorus - 合唱 + + ADSR + - - Chorus Lines - 合唱聲部 + + ADSR: + - - Chorus Level - 合唱電平 + + Pressure + - - Chorus Speed - 合唱速度 + + Pressure: + - - Chorus Depth - 合唱深度 + + Speed + - - A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. - 無法載入Soundfont %1。 + + Speed: + - sf2InstrumentView + ManageVSTEffectView - - Open other SoundFont file - 打開其他SoundFont文件 + + - VST parameter control + - VST 參數控制 - - Click here to open another SF2 file - 點擊此處打開另一個SF2文件 + + VST sync + - - Choose the patch - 選擇路徑 + + + Automated + 自動 - - Gain - 增益 + + Close + 關閉 + + + ManageVestigeInstrumentView - - Apply reverb (if supported) - 應用混響(如果支持) + + + - VST plugin control + - VST插件控制 - - This button enables the reverb effect. This is useful for cool effects, but only works on files that support it. - 此按鈕會啓用混響效果器。可以製作出很酷的效果,但僅對支持的文件有效。 + + VST Sync + VST 同步 - - Reverb Roomsize: - 混響空間大小: + + + Automated + 自動 - - Reverb Damping: - 混響阻尼: + + Close + 關閉 + + + OrganicInstrument - - Reverb Width: - 混響寬度: + + Distortion + 失真 - - Reverb Level: - 混響級別: + + Volume + 音量 + + + OrganicInstrumentView - - Apply chorus (if supported) - 應用合唱 (如果支持) + + Distortion: + 失真: - - This button enables the chorus effect. This is useful for cool echo effects, but only works on files that support it. - 此按鈕會啓用合唱效果器。 + + Volume: + 音量: - - Chorus Lines: - 合唱聲部: + + Randomise + 隨機 - - Chorus Level: - 合唱級別: + + + Osc %1 waveform: + - - Chorus Speed: - 合唱速度: + + Osc %1 volume: + - - Chorus Depth: - 合唱深度: + + Osc %1 panning: + - - Open SoundFont file - 開啟 SoundFont 檔案 + + Osc %1 stereo detuning + - - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) - SoundFont2 Files (*.sf2) + + cents + 音分 cents - - - sfxrInstrument - - Wave Form - 波形 + + Osc %1 harmonic: + - sidInstrument - - - Cutoff - 切除 - - - - Resonance - 共鳴 - - - - Filter type - 過濾器類型 - + PatchesDialog - - Voice 3 off - 聲音 3 關 + + Qsynth: Channel Preset + Qsynth: 通道預設 - - Volume - 音量 + + Bank selector + 音色選擇器 - - Chip model - 芯片型號 + + Bank + - - - sidInstrumentView - - Volume: - 音量: + + Program selector + - - Resonance: - 共鳴: + + Patch + 音色 - - - Cutoff frequency: - 頻譜刀頻率: + + Name + 名稱 - - High-Pass filter - 高通濾波器 + + OK + 確定 - - Band-Pass filter - 帶通濾波器 + + Cancel + 取消 + + + Sf2Instrument - - Low-Pass filter - 低通濾波器 + + Bank + - - Voice3 Off - 聲音 3 關 + + Patch + 音色 - - MOS6581 SID - MOS6581 SID + + Gain + 增益 - - MOS8580 SID - MOS8580 SID + + Reverb + 混響 - - - Attack: - 打進聲: + + Reverb room size + - - Attack rate determines how rapidly the output of Voice %1 rises from zero to peak amplitude. + + Reverb damping - - - Decay: - 衰減: + + Reverb width + - - Decay rate determines how rapidly the output falls from the peak amplitude to the selected Sustain level. + + Reverb level - - Sustain: - 振幅持平: + + Chorus + 合唱 - - Output of Voice %1 will remain at the selected Sustain amplitude as long as the note is held. + + Chorus voices - - - Release: - 聲音消失: + + Chorus level + - - The output of of Voice %1 will fall from Sustain amplitude to zero amplitude at the selected Release rate. + + Chorus speed - - - Pulse Width: + + Chorus depth - - The Pulse Width resolution allows the width to be smoothly swept with no discernable stepping. The Pulse waveform on Oscillator %1 must be selected to have any audible effect. - + + A soundfont %1 could not be loaded. + 無法載入Soundfont %1。 + + + Sf2InstrumentView - - Coarse: - + + + Open SoundFont file + 開啟 SoundFont 檔案 - - The Coarse detuning allows to detune Voice %1 one octave up or down. + + Choose patch - - Pulse Wave - + + Gain: + 增益: - - Triangle Wave - + + Apply reverb (if supported) + 應用混響(如果支持) - - SawTooth + + Room size: - - Noise - 噪音 + + Damping: + - - Sync - 同步 + + Width: + 寬度: - - Sync synchronizes the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %1 with the fundamental frequency of Oscillator %2 producing "Hard Sync" effects. + + + Level: - - Ring-Mod - + + Apply chorus (if supported) + 應用合唱 (如果支持) - - Ring-mod replaces the Triangle Waveform output of Oscillator %1 with a "Ring Modulated" combination of Oscillators %1 and %2. + + Voices: - - Filtered + + Speed: - - When Filtered is on, Voice %1 will be processed through the Filter. When Filtered is off, Voice %1 appears directly at the output, and the Filter has no effect on it. - + + Depth: + 位深: - - Test - 測試 + + SoundFont Files (*.sf2 *.sf3) + SoundFont 檔案 (*.sf2 *.sf3) + + + SfxrInstrument - - Test, when set, resets and locks Oscillator %1 at zero until Test is turned off. + + Wave - stereoEnhancerControlDialog + StereoEnhancerControlDialog - - WIDE + + WIDTH - + Width: 寬度: - stereoEnhancerControls + StereoEnhancerControls - + Width 寬度 - stereoMatrixControlDialog + StereoMatrixControlDialog - + Left to Left Vol: 從左到左音量: - + Left to Right Vol: 從左到右音量: - + Right to Left Vol: 從右到左音量: - + Right to Right Vol: 從右到右音量: - stereoMatrixControls + StereoMatrixControls - + Left to Left 從左到左 - + Left to Right 從左到右 - + Right to Left 從右到左 - + Right to Right 從右到右 - vestigeInstrument + VestigeInstrument - + Loading plugin 載入插件 - - Please wait while loading VST-plugin... - 請等待VST插件加載完成... + + Please wait while loading the VST plugin... + - vibed + Vibed - + String %1 volume - + String %1 stiffness - + Pick %1 position - + Pickup %1 position - - Pan %1 - 聲相 %1 + + String %1 panning + - - Detune %1 - 去諧 %1 + + String %1 detune + - - Fuzziness %1 - 模糊度 %1 + + String %1 fuzziness + - - Length %1 - 長度 %1 + + String %1 length + - + Impulse %1 - - Octave %1 - 八度音 %1 + + String %1 + - vibedView - - - Volume: - 音量: - + VibedView - - The 'V' knob sets the volume of the selected string. + + String volume: - + String stiffness: - - The 'S' knob sets the stiffness of the selected string. The stiffness of the string affects how long the string will ring out. The lower the setting, the longer the string will ring. - - - - + Pick position: - - The 'P' knob sets the position where the selected string will be 'picked'. The lower the setting the closer the pick is to the bridge. - - - - + Pickup position: - - The 'PU' knob sets the position where the vibrations will be monitored for the selected string. The lower the setting, the closer the pickup is to the bridge. - - - - - Pan: - - - - - The Pan knob determines the location of the selected string in the stereo field. - - - - - Detune: - 去諧: - - - - The Detune knob modifies the pitch of the selected string. Settings less than zero will cause the string to sound flat. Settings greater than zero will cause the string to sound sharp. - - - - - Fuzziness: + + String panning: - - The Slap knob adds a bit of fuzz to the selected string which is most apparent during the attack, though it can also be used to make the string sound more 'metallic'. + + String detune: - - Length: - 長度: - - - - The Length knob sets the length of the selected string. Longer strings will both ring longer and sound brighter, however, they will also eat up more CPU cycles. + + String fuzziness: - - Impulse or initial state + + String length: - - The 'Imp' selector determines whether the waveform in the graph is to be treated as an impulse imparted to the string by the pick or the initial state of the string. + + Impulse - + Octave - - The Octave selector is used to choose which harmonic of the note the string will ring at. For example, '-2' means the string will ring two octaves below the fundamental, 'F' means the string will ring at the fundamental, and '6' means the string will ring six octaves above the fundamental. - - - - + Impulse Editor - - The waveform editor provides control over the initial state or impulse that is used to start the string vibrating. The buttons to the right of the graph will initialize the waveform to the selected type. The '?' button will load a waveform from a file--only the first 128 samples will be loaded. - -The waveform can also be drawn in the graph. - -The 'S' button will smooth the waveform. - -The 'N' button will normalize the waveform. - - - - - Vibed models up to nine independently vibrating strings. The 'String' selector allows you to choose which string is being edited. The 'Imp' selector chooses whether the graph represents an impulse or the initial state of the string. The 'Octave' selector chooses which harmonic the string should vibrate at. - -The graph allows you to control the initial state or impulse used to set the string in motion. - -The 'V' knob controls the volume. The 'S' knob controls the string's stiffness. The 'P' knob controls the pick position. The 'PU' knob controls the pickup position. - -'Pan' and 'Detune' hopefully don't need explanation. The 'Slap' knob adds a bit of fuzz to the sound of the string. - -The 'Length' knob controls the length of the string. - -The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor determines whether the string is active in the current instrument. - - - - + Enable waveform 啓用波形 - - Click here to enable/disable waveform. - 點擊這裏啓用/禁用波形。 - - - - String + + Enable/disable string - - The String selector is used to choose which string the controls are editing. A Vibed instrument can contain up to nine independently vibrating strings. The LED in the lower right corner of the waveform editor indicates whether the selected string is active. + + String - + + Sine wave 正弦波 - - Use a sine-wave for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用正弦波。 - - - + + Triangle wave 三角波 - - Use a triangle-wave for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用三角波。 - - - + + Saw wave 鋸齒波 - - Use a saw-wave for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用鋸齒波。 - - - + + Square wave 方波 - - Use a square-wave for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用方波。 - - - - White noise wave - 白噪音 - - - - Use white-noise for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用白噪音。 - - - - User defined wave - 用戶自定義波形 - - - - Use a user-defined waveform for current oscillator. - 爲當前振盪器使用用戶自定波形。 - - - - Smooth - 平滑 + + + White noise + - - Click here to smooth waveform. - 點擊這裏平滑波形。 + + + User-defined wave + - - Normalize - 標準化 + + + Smooth waveform + 平滑波形 - - Click here to normalize waveform. - 點擊這裏標準化波形。 + + + Normalize waveform + - voiceObject + VoiceObject - + Voice %1 pulse width - + Voice %1 attack - + Voice %1 decay - + Voice %1 sustain - + Voice %1 release - + Voice %1 coarse detuning - + Voice %1 wave shape 聲音 %1 波形形狀 - + Voice %1 sync 聲音 %1 同步 - + Voice %1 ring modulate - + Voice %1 filtered - + Voice %1 test 聲音 %1 測試 - waveShaperControlDialog + WaveShaperControlDialog - + INPUT 輸入 - + Input gain: 輸入增益: - + OUTPUT 輸出 - + Output gain: 輸出增益: - - Reset waveform - 重置波形 - - - - Click here to reset the wavegraph back to default - - - - - Smooth waveform - 平滑波形 - - - - Click here to apply smoothing to wavegraph - 點擊這裏來使波形圖更爲平滑 - - - - Increase graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Reset wavegraph - - Click here to increase wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Smooth wavegraph - - Decrease graph amplitude by 1dB + + + Increase wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - - Click here to decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1dB + + + Decrease wavegraph amplitude by 1 dB - + Clip input 輸入壓限 - - Clip input signal to 0dB - 將輸入信號限制到 0dB + + Clip input signal to 0 dB + - waveShaperControls + WaveShaperControls - + Input gain 輸入增益 - + Output gain 輸出增益 diff --git a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Bass-Mania.xpf b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Bass-Mania.xpf index f6a0164350f..9c0d2f073bc 100644 --- a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Bass-Mania.xpf +++ b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Bass-Mania.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Erazor.xpf b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Erazor.xpf index a0481bbc420..c448829fad8 100644 --- a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Erazor.xpf +++ b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Erazor.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Fat-Reversed-Kick.xpf b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Fat-Reversed-Kick.xpf index 2609144de1d..001bd746296 100644 --- a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Fat-Reversed-Kick.xpf +++ b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Fat-Reversed-Kick.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Kick-4-your-Subwoofer.xpf b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Kick-4-your-Subwoofer.xpf index ac60499f793..808e27c4c85 100644 --- a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Kick-4-your-Subwoofer.xpf +++ b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/Kick-4-your-Subwoofer.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/SString.xpf b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/SString.xpf index bcff41ef671..6e5214b0dea 100644 --- a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/SString.xpf +++ b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/SString.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/orion.xpf b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/orion.xpf index 21b31dee0c9..0b11e00cf29 100644 --- a/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/orion.xpf +++ b/data/presets/AudioFileProcessor/orion.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/alien_strings.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/alien_strings.xpf index f8e6cf1a540..938b4be36db 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/alien_strings.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/alien_strings.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/beehive.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/beehive.xpf index b03ba92f5de..eec0a74e62f 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/beehive.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/beehive.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/bell.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/bell.xpf index f142e64f80a..58dd81ea62e 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/bell.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/bell.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/cello.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/cello.xpf index 50ef327d926..5ef292373b3 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/cello.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/cello.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/drama.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/drama.xpf index b69f60c3050..d0ca7ed45b1 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/drama.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/drama.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/epiano.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/epiano.xpf index e2ed18dee21..f74d36cfb47 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/epiano.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/epiano.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/invaders_must_die.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/invaders_must_die.xpf index 78c50c36042..bbdbbbbfe7f 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/invaders_must_die.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/invaders_must_die.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/pluck.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/pluck.xpf index db933579083..b71b696c1dc 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/pluck.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/pluck.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/soft_pad.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/soft_pad.xpf index f36ba5401a1..f6f16550d4a 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/soft_pad.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/soft_pad.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/spacefx.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/spacefx.xpf index 21b374b128f..4bd98013639 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/spacefx.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/spacefx.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/subbass.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/subbass.xpf index 8af395d75e4..53d6bf838a3 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/subbass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/subbass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/sweep_pad.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/sweep_pad.xpf index c2e6a5c52af..683761974b5 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/sweep_pad.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/sweep_pad.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/toy_piano.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/toy_piano.xpf index 5928aa4ff71..b2c0d91269a 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/toy_piano.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/toy_piano.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/BitInvader/wah_synth.xpf b/data/presets/BitInvader/wah_synth.xpf index c6d77a04443..13c78c7adef 100644 --- a/data/presets/BitInvader/wah_synth.xpf +++ b/data/presets/BitInvader/wah_synth.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Kicker/Clap dry.xpf b/data/presets/Kicker/Clap dry.xpf index f6c938959a4..05bc0a8003a 100644 --- a/data/presets/Kicker/Clap dry.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Kicker/Clap dry.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Kicker/Clap.xpf b/data/presets/Kicker/Clap.xpf index 12a0989cb76..66cac9a9149 100644 --- a/data/presets/Kicker/Clap.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Kicker/Clap.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Kicker/HihatClosed.xpf b/data/presets/Kicker/HihatClosed.xpf index 66dd8e7ac43..2adcdc41fea 100644 --- a/data/presets/Kicker/HihatClosed.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Kicker/HihatClosed.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Kicker/HihatOpen.xpf b/data/presets/Kicker/HihatOpen.xpf index e0ccd7a70f8..4a6e697506d 100644 --- a/data/presets/Kicker/HihatOpen.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Kicker/HihatOpen.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Kicker/KickPower.xpf b/data/presets/Kicker/KickPower.xpf index 27259ce25cc..a9f3d7ebbb3 100644 --- a/data/presets/Kicker/KickPower.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Kicker/KickPower.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Kicker/Shaker.xpf b/data/presets/Kicker/Shaker.xpf index 0102f8caca1..877aa94bff4 100644 --- a/data/presets/Kicker/Shaker.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Kicker/Shaker.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Kicker/SnareLong.xpf b/data/presets/Kicker/SnareLong.xpf index 8c5202c054c..ce5e5cd8a50 100644 --- a/data/presets/Kicker/SnareLong.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Kicker/SnareLong.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Kicker/SnareMarch.xpf b/data/presets/Kicker/SnareMarch.xpf index d4d1ad0db3b..563f3384356 100644 --- a/data/presets/Kicker/SnareMarch.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Kicker/SnareMarch.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Kicker/TR909-RimShot.xpf b/data/presets/Kicker/TR909-RimShot.xpf index e8626db2920..ea7911c8a7a 100644 --- a/data/presets/Kicker/TR909-RimShot.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Kicker/TR909-RimShot.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Kicker/TrapKick.xpf b/data/presets/Kicker/TrapKick.xpf index 28827b9461d..19e648d91bd 100644 --- a/data/presets/Kicker/TrapKick.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Kicker/TrapKick.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/LB302/AcidLead.xpf b/data/presets/LB302/AcidLead.xpf index e264f9573a4..af7be34fcf9 100644 --- a/data/presets/LB302/AcidLead.xpf +++ b/data/presets/LB302/AcidLead.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/LB302/AngryLead.xpf b/data/presets/LB302/AngryLead.xpf index 9d995589562..1ad94ea1bb9 100644 --- a/data/presets/LB302/AngryLead.xpf +++ b/data/presets/LB302/AngryLead.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/LB302/DroneArp.xpf b/data/presets/LB302/DroneArp.xpf index 2d21adc2dcd..ecdc79fcf69 100644 --- a/data/presets/LB302/DroneArp.xpf +++ b/data/presets/LB302/DroneArp.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/LB302/GoodOldTimes.xpf b/data/presets/LB302/GoodOldTimes.xpf index 45fb6710267..e282e83cd70 100644 --- a/data/presets/LB302/GoodOldTimes.xpf +++ b/data/presets/LB302/GoodOldTimes.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/LB302/Oh Synth.xpf b/data/presets/LB302/Oh Synth.xpf index 5241fe5fde3..30de1ce205f 100644 --- a/data/presets/LB302/Oh Synth.xpf +++ b/data/presets/LB302/Oh Synth.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/LB302/STrash.xpf b/data/presets/LB302/STrash.xpf index a539be35ef5..c6d3cf48b0f 100644 --- a/data/presets/LB302/STrash.xpf +++ b/data/presets/LB302/STrash.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Monstro/Growl.xpf b/data/presets/Monstro/Growl.xpf index 307343d488c..d21804885cf 100644 --- a/data/presets/Monstro/Growl.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Monstro/Growl.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Monstro/HorrorLead.xpf b/data/presets/Monstro/HorrorLead.xpf index 23cba07c413..fbe2639bc4f 100644 --- a/data/presets/Monstro/HorrorLead.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Monstro/HorrorLead.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Monstro/Phat.xpf b/data/presets/Monstro/Phat.xpf index 5615f02298d..ec572d73354 100644 --- a/data/presets/Monstro/Phat.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Monstro/Phat.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Monstro/ScaryBell.xpf b/data/presets/Monstro/ScaryBell.xpf index 00466696f7a..034521ad426 100644 --- a/data/presets/Monstro/ScaryBell.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Monstro/ScaryBell.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Nescaline/Chomp.xpf b/data/presets/Nescaline/Chomp.xpf index 9dea1898ed3..088ab2f4378 100644 --- a/data/presets/Nescaline/Chomp.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Nescaline/Chomp.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Nescaline/Detune_lead.xpf b/data/presets/Nescaline/Detune_lead.xpf index cc06165ffa7..94173d6909d 100644 --- a/data/presets/Nescaline/Detune_lead.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Nescaline/Detune_lead.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Nescaline/Engine_overheats.xpf b/data/presets/Nescaline/Engine_overheats.xpf index 49176aef641..8bd5fbea930 100644 --- a/data/presets/Nescaline/Engine_overheats.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Nescaline/Engine_overheats.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Nescaline/Fireball_flick.xpf b/data/presets/Nescaline/Fireball_flick.xpf index b61c17375d8..c2ce19aaaee 100644 --- a/data/presets/Nescaline/Fireball_flick.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Nescaline/Fireball_flick.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Nescaline/Mega_weapon.xpf b/data/presets/Nescaline/Mega_weapon.xpf index f5f0c26ae05..f5bc80ca18c 100644 --- a/data/presets/Nescaline/Mega_weapon.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Nescaline/Mega_weapon.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bagpipe.xpf b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bagpipe.xpf index e572498f4cd..41a80c1e312 100644 --- a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bagpipe.xpf +++ b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bagpipe.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bells.xpf b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bells.xpf index e7279a7fe5b..b8cf83107ea 100644 --- a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bells.xpf +++ b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bells.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Brass.xpf b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Brass.xpf index 553bdb5bc9e..0703df27bb7 100644 --- a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Brass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Brass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bubbly_days.xpf b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bubbly_days.xpf index 92e008284d8..5f82585a18b 100644 --- a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bubbly_days.xpf +++ b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Bubbly_days.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Cheesy_synth.xpf b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Cheesy_synth.xpf index 2c6d473066d..a5adac20a1b 100644 --- a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Cheesy_synth.xpf +++ b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Cheesy_synth.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Clarinet.xpf b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Clarinet.xpf index 5d516a215ee..1b277a59622 100644 --- a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Clarinet.xpf +++ b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Clarinet.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Combo_organ.xpf b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Combo_organ.xpf index 06c9e06610f..457c3f31866 100644 --- a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Combo_organ.xpf +++ b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Combo_organ.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Epiano.xpf b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Epiano.xpf index 3478d7e3e71..bd83804812b 100644 --- a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Epiano.xpf +++ b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Epiano.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Funky.xpf b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Funky.xpf index 166537fbd39..5394d54dbc8 100644 --- a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Funky.xpf +++ b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Funky.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Halo_pad.xpf b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Halo_pad.xpf index a20fa050f29..628e8d4832b 100644 --- a/data/presets/OpulenZ/Halo_pad.xpf +++ b/data/presets/OpulenZ/Halo_pad.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - 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+ diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/OldComputerGames.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/OldComputerGames.xpf index 8a8534b4424..c19b3e3525e 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/OldComputerGames.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/OldComputerGames.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PM-FMstring.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PM-FMstring.xpf index 1433f3c471a..485a570f666 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PM-FMstring.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PM-FMstring.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PMFMFTWbass.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PMFMFTWbass.xpf index a707d2460ab..62ce53ab5f3 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PMFMFTWbass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PMFMFTWbass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PMbass.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PMbass.xpf index 2e63d713626..9c0f062c9f2 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PMbass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PMbass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PercussiveBass.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PercussiveBass.xpf index 4afb1d0de9b..c9ebd118a7b 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PercussiveBass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PercussiveBass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Play-some-rock.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Play-some-rock.xpf index 2ee19a7b21f..0faeb71e3e9 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Play-some-rock.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Play-some-rock.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PluckArpeggio.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PluckArpeggio.xpf index efc47b51604..b8e7deffc3a 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PluckArpeggio.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PluckArpeggio.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PluckBass.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PluckBass.xpf index 4d4052dfa84..f19113aca6b 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PluckBass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PluckBass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PowerStrings.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PowerStrings.xpf index b5ab04178e4..0fdbd6a56ec 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PowerStrings.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/PowerStrings.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/RaveBass.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/RaveBass.xpf index 2285dc370b7..c27e9c7903c 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/RaveBass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/RaveBass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Ravemania.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Ravemania.xpf index cab609fc55a..4635a141e84 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Ravemania.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Ravemania.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/ResoBass.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/ResoBass.xpf index 85a785c6ee8..0f53d79d4f1 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/ResoBass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/ResoBass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/ResonantPad.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/ResonantPad.xpf index 0e375c8461f..dd0202e9818 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/ResonantPad.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/ResonantPad.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Rough!.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Rough!.xpf index 38e5d364ae3..d2bca1ada9c 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Rough!.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Rough!.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SEGuitar.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SEGuitar.xpf index 1215552b030..3f9445ca354 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SEGuitar.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SEGuitar.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SawReso.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SawReso.xpf index d9873e5f813..57c735322ff 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SawReso.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SawReso.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SpaceBass.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SpaceBass.xpf index 5a13266fd6a..b551cc8d40c 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SpaceBass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SpaceBass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Square.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Square.xpf index 49859adbc81..3b0470990a3 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Square.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Square.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SquarePing.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SquarePing.xpf index c4a1999ddeb..4ce7483f4d7 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SquarePing.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SquarePing.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SuperSawLead.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SuperSawLead.xpf index 916bde54858..2e082e645b5 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SuperSawLead.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/SuperSawLead.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Supernova.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Supernova.xpf index e5cebe1590e..9c76dd9de72 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Supernova.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Supernova.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TB303.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TB303.xpf index e5c1229ee3d..586ebd75a1d 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TB303.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TB303.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TINTNpad.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TINTNpad.xpf index 9c4e27be05e..8f2c1e90d92 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TINTNpad.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TINTNpad.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TheFirstOne.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TheFirstOne.xpf index 741b07f3a12..b00e48cd3b3 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TheFirstOne.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TheFirstOne.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TheMaster.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TheMaster.xpf index 2de7125277e..3d65d0530bb 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TheMaster.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TheMaster.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TranceLead.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TranceLead.xpf index 003739d39a7..8a6963e9135 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TranceLead.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/TranceLead.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/WarmStack.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/WarmStack.xpf index d3ab54bf0ca..6b0855e39f9 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/WarmStack.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/WarmStack.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Whistle.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Whistle.xpf index 545abd3781e..61bf8a54690 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Whistle.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Whistle.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Xylophon.xpf b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Xylophon.xpf index 73c92c55b9b..6e8d27db4f7 100644 --- a/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Xylophon.xpf +++ b/data/presets/TripleOscillator/Xylophon.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Vibed/Harpsichord.xpf b/data/presets/Vibed/Harpsichord.xpf index 2d22169bc4b..3864514e9ba 100644 --- a/data/presets/Vibed/Harpsichord.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Vibed/Harpsichord.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Vibed/SadPad.xpf b/data/presets/Vibed/SadPad.xpf index b702d1896f9..00b9f100132 100644 --- a/data/presets/Vibed/SadPad.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Vibed/SadPad.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Watsyn/Epic_lead.xpf b/data/presets/Watsyn/Epic_lead.xpf index a1747eadcfb..a45472ca12a 100644 --- a/data/presets/Watsyn/Epic_lead.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Watsyn/Epic_lead.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Watsyn/Phase_bass.xpf b/data/presets/Watsyn/Phase_bass.xpf index 641c59c5b56..d8feec1865c 100644 --- a/data/presets/Watsyn/Phase_bass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Watsyn/Phase_bass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Watsyn/Pulse.xpf b/data/presets/Watsyn/Pulse.xpf index b3ace765ee0..14d58bcd532 100644 --- a/data/presets/Watsyn/Pulse.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Watsyn/Pulse.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Accordion.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Accordion.xpf index a7a3a3b43c2..aa095706374 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Accordion.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Accordion.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Ambition.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Ambition.xpf index fa3bc736d16..9d90ca516cd 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Ambition.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Ambition.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Baby Violin.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Baby Violin.xpf index 45e407fc87f..11f02c4d920 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Baby Violin.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Baby Violin.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Bad Singer.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Bad Singer.xpf index 10fe3b30837..b303f590bd2 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Bad Singer.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Bad Singer.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Cloud Bass.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Cloud Bass.xpf index 15bf4188daa..ac14b8fd590 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Cloud Bass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Cloud Bass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Creature.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Creature.xpf index 8ae8a2794ff..10d4431320a 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Creature.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Creature.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Dream.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Dream.xpf index 3b5dd7da264..3eb20cf6084 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Dream.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Dream.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Electric Shock.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Electric Shock.xpf index 3f9aef10429..65e4b35d844 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Electric Shock.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Electric Shock.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Faded Colors - notes test.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Faded Colors - notes test.xpf index de4938f4dc4..53b6ba726c0 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Faded Colors - notes test.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Faded Colors - notes test.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Faded Colors.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Faded Colors.xpf index a514ee43837..469a0b51dd0 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Faded Colors.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Faded Colors.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Fat Flute.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Fat Flute.xpf index 76d9e2f84d9..ada0512d281 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Fat Flute.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Fat Flute.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Frog.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Frog.xpf index bf8b2b24983..3dc3f6b29c3 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Frog.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Frog.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Horn.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Horn.xpf index d44b332b2ab..2377f0566d2 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Horn.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Horn.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Low Battery.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Low Battery.xpf index 009c036cd74..6b73b9db3ca 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Low Battery.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Low Battery.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Piano-Gong.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Piano-Gong.xpf index a8244b7994f..1be0557021c 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Piano-Gong.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Piano-Gong.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Rubber Bass.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Rubber Bass.xpf index db4026c5ceb..f3a5774d5a1 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Rubber Bass.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Rubber Bass.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Space Echoes.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Space Echoes.xpf index be6de3653b1..abeb7e20a80 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Space Echoes.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Space Echoes.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Speaker Swapper.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Speaker Swapper.xpf index d4da5aa2f87..9c9e4f4169e 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Speaker Swapper.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Speaker Swapper.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Toss.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Toss.xpf index 387e78fd92f..9b765203c32 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Toss.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Toss.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Untuned Bell.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Untuned Bell.xpf index 53de2358bdb..4a542b2863f 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Untuned Bell.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Untuned Bell.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/Vibrato.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/Vibrato.xpf index a7dda25e9bb..23e8162073c 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/Vibrato.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/Vibrato.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/Xpressive/X-Distorted.xpf b/data/presets/Xpressive/X-Distorted.xpf index b42495d759d..61ee8b6bbb7 100644 --- a/data/presets/Xpressive/X-Distorted.xpf +++ b/data/presets/Xpressive/X-Distorted.xpf @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + diff --git a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Cormi_Sound/ReadMe.txt b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Cormi_Sound/ReadMe.txt index 1a82faa9e01..8465a4292d2 100644 --- a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Cormi_Sound/ReadMe.txt +++ b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Cormi_Sound/ReadMe.txt @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ - January 28th 2013 - -Dear friend, -here's an improved version of my instruments, release V2.0 -There are two banks: sound and noise. - -Maybe in the next times I'll need three of them. - -I like fantasy sounds, the zyn instruments do not reflect real instruments. -Some are modified copies created by others. - -I'm using ZynAddSubFx in almost all of my compositions. They are oriented to background sounds for narration. -So the instruments want to suggest atmospheres, feelings, and are not finalized to songs. -Often I mix two or three instruments simultaneously to produce a full sound. - - -You can hear some of them in: -http://www.freesound.org/search/?q=cormi&f=duration%3A%5B0+TO+*%5D&s=created+desc&advanced=1&a_username=1&g=1 - - - -I hope you'll enjoy my work as I enjoyed those that people wanted to share with me. - - - - -cormi + January 28th 2013 + +Dear friend, +here's an improved version of my instruments, release V2.0 +There are two banks: sound and noise. + +Maybe in the next times I'll need three of them. + +I like fantasy sounds, the zyn instruments do not reflect real instruments. +Some are modified copies created by others. + +I'm using ZynAddSubFx in almost all of my compositions. They are oriented to background sounds for narration. +So the instruments want to suggest atmospheres, feelings, and are not finalized to songs. +Often I mix two or three instruments simultaneously to produce a full sound. + + +You can hear some of them in: +http://www.freesound.org/search/?q=cormi&f=duration%3A%5B0+TO+*%5D&s=created+desc&advanced=1&a_username=1&g=1 + + + +I hope you'll enjoy my work as I enjoyed those that people wanted to share with me. + + + + +cormi diff --git a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Laba170bank/descriptions.txt b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Laba170bank/descriptions.txt index b4df11950cc..c0e6aec83f6 100644 --- a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Laba170bank/descriptions.txt +++ b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Laba170bank/descriptions.txt @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -Author of presets: Laba170 - -Made in Zynaddsubfx vsti ver - - -* Some of these presets needs unison to sound like they were intended. - +Author of presets: Laba170 + +Made in Zynaddsubfx vsti ver + + +* Some of these presets needs unison to sound like they were intended. + * Relative bandwith (relBW) can on many patches be tweaked to fatten up the sound or make it sharper. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Plucked/progressive-house-pluck.xiz b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Plucked/progressive-house-pluck.xiz index c9c255de44a..c0c59145170 100644 --- a/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Plucked/progressive-house-pluck.xiz +++ b/data/presets/ZynAddSubFX/Plucked/progressive-house-pluck.xiz @@ -1,465 +1,465 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Analog Piano 3 - - - - - - - - - - Analog Piano 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Analog Piano 3 + + + + + + + + + + Analog Piano 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/data/projects/demos/Alf42red-Mauiwowi.mmpz b/data/projects/demos/Alf42red-Mauiwowi.mmpz index ec390ad3a32..446ca42801c 100644 Binary files a/data/projects/demos/Alf42red-Mauiwowi.mmpz and b/data/projects/demos/Alf42red-Mauiwowi.mmpz differ diff --git a/data/projects/demos/DnB.mmpz b/data/projects/demos/DnB.mmpz index c84f3ebd252..6695356b25c 100644 Binary files a/data/projects/demos/DnB.mmpz and b/data/projects/demos/DnB.mmpz differ diff --git a/data/projects/demos/EsoXLB-CPU.mmpz b/data/projects/demos/EsoXLB-CPU.mmpz index bc2445e8761..7647ce62ab5 100644 Binary files a/data/projects/demos/EsoXLB-CPU.mmpz and b/data/projects/demos/EsoXLB-CPU.mmpz differ diff --git a/data/projects/demos/Farbro-Tectonic.mmpz b/data/projects/demos/Farbro-Tectonic.mmpz index c639401e308..3ba17f5562a 100644 Binary files a/data/projects/demos/Farbro-Tectonic.mmpz and b/data/projects/demos/Farbro-Tectonic.mmpz differ diff --git a/data/projects/demos/Oglsdl-Dr8v2.mmpz b/data/projects/demos/Oglsdl-Dr8v2.mmpz index 14b1b0e8540..56ed0ee2dff 100644 Binary files a/data/projects/demos/Oglsdl-Dr8v2.mmpz and b/data/projects/demos/Oglsdl-Dr8v2.mmpz differ diff --git a/data/projects/demos/Oglsdl-PpTrip.mmpz b/data/projects/demos/Oglsdl-PpTrip.mmpz index 776aeea2bdd..cf10a89a723 100644 Binary files a/data/projects/demos/Oglsdl-PpTrip.mmpz and b/data/projects/demos/Oglsdl-PpTrip.mmpz differ diff --git a/data/projects/demos/Saber-FinalStep.mmpz b/data/projects/demos/Saber-FinalStep.mmpz index 05a5022a7d4..6e7c3367d62 100644 Binary files a/data/projects/demos/Saber-FinalStep.mmpz and b/data/projects/demos/Saber-FinalStep.mmpz differ diff --git a/data/projects/demos/Settel-InnerRecreation.mmpz b/data/projects/demos/Settel-InnerRecreation.mmpz index 78e1d611de8..7ddea8b2d64 100644 Binary files a/data/projects/demos/Settel-InnerRecreation.mmpz and b/data/projects/demos/Settel-InnerRecreation.mmpz differ diff --git a/data/projects/demos/Shovon-ProgressiveHousePluckDemo.mmpz b/data/projects/demos/Shovon-ProgressiveHousePluckDemo.mmpz index 3ec6a2cffde..fef19eab255 100644 Binary files a/data/projects/demos/Shovon-ProgressiveHousePluckDemo.mmpz and b/data/projects/demos/Shovon-ProgressiveHousePluckDemo.mmpz differ diff --git a/data/projects/demos/StrictProduction-DearJonDoe.mmp b/data/projects/demos/StrictProduction-DearJonDoe.mmp index 98d26d74a6b..06ea96d9ffd 100644 --- a/data/projects/demos/StrictProduction-DearJonDoe.mmp +++ b/data/projects/demos/StrictProduction-DearJonDoe.mmp @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ - + @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ - + @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ - + @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ - + @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ - + @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ - + @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ - + @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ - + @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ - + @@ -673,11 +673,11 @@ - + @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ - + @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ - + @@ -187,23 +187,23 @@