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walter-weinmann edited this page Jan 6, 2018 · 27 revisions

sqlparse - LALR grammar based SQL Parser

Build Status Coverage Status

The documentation consists of the following parts:

  1. Formatter Options: gives a detailed description of the formatting options.
  2. Normalisation Features: gives a detailed description of the applied language normalisation features.
  3. Oracle SQL Standard: shows worth mentioning deviations from the Oracle SQL Standard (Version 12c).
  4. Release Notes: details the corrections, changes or enhancements made to a specific version.
  5. Syntax Diagram: shows the syntax diagrams fitting the implemented SQL language level.
  6. Testing: gives a general overview of the test facility.
  7. Testing with Common Test: gives a more detailed description of the usage of the applied Common Test environment.
  8. Testing with Eunit: gives a more detailed description of the usage of the applied Eunit test environment.
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