The easiest way to get started with bibcat
is to install with pip:
pip install bibcat
You can also clone this repository and run pip from the same directory:
git clone bibcat
cd bibcat
pip install -e .
If you don't have pip available (although you should because bibcat
is targeted for Python 3.5+)
you can also follow the same steps to clone bibcat
but run python install
RDF Mapping Language RDF turtle files provides the mapping between
different input sources including XML, JSON, CSV files, and SPARQL endpoints that
we current normalize to a production BIBFRAME 2.0
level of description that also combines other RDF vocabularies for
RDF-based applications.
>>> import lxml.etree
>>> marc2bibframe_xsl = lxml.etree.parse("{path}/marc2bibframe2/xsl/marc2bibframe2.xsl")
>>> xsl_transform = lxml.etree.XSLT(marc2bibframe_xsl)
>>> def bibframe_handler(raw_marc_xml):
marc_xml = lxml.etree.XML(raw_marc_xml)
bf_xml = xsl_transform(marc_xml, baseuri="''")
bf_rdf = rdflib.Graph().parse(data=lxml.etree.tostring(bf_xml))
return bf_rdf
>>> import uuid
>>> import lxml.etree
>>> from bibcat.rml.processor import processor
>>> base_url = ""
>>> mods_xml = lxml.etree.parse("/filepath/to/mods/file.xml")
>>> mods2bf = processor.XMLProcessor(
rml_rules=['bibcat-base.ttl', 'mods-to-bf.ttl'])
instance_iri="{}/{}".format(base_url, uuid.uuid1()),
>>> mods2bf.output # RDF Graph of BF
>>> import uuid, lxml.etree