All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.6 (2022-10-06)
- ChatClient undefined (8077439)
0.0.5 (2022-10-06)
- Add PajbotAPI to handlers. (82554e3)
- Add secret (8d52468)
- another easterino eggerino (1389982)
- Censor match bio before final checks. (ed406db)
- Ignore failed whispers for channel chats (e7471b9)
- Profiles command. (0734103)
- Add NOTICEs. For unhosting a banned channel. (5f91a69)
- Add reply functionality. (c33f1e2)
- Allow some commands to be hidden from help. (37ee394)
- Banphrase: DRY and move to a separate file. (a977209)
- Clean user input when they send a username (b0e49c5)
- don't use /me (dd7613a)
- easter egg (d68d664)
- I looove case insensitive OSes (357b9f0)
- Make sure bio actually displays. (4393067)
- Make sure to call helpText in the filter. (874dd90)
- npm run start Index -> index (140b4d7)
- Put messageID into getNameAndIds. (6497e1a)
- Run ts-standard (c340918)
- shortenText now uses ma argument. (3a6a25f)
- Show full bio. (08af7dc)
- Show NoticeMessage failures. (56d46fc)
- Simplify secret. (da3bbd9)
- Tell user they've been ignored on banphrase (aac658c)
- Trim shortened texts. (13bea46)
- use /me for pajbot alert (ba06545)
- Windows shit (9e36a4b)
- Add battle handler. (99a9c38)
- Add getHelpMessage to DefaultHandler (6ea8aca)
- Add GiveEmotes command. (937e437)
- Add Pajbot2 checks. (903f248)
- Add registration via whispers. (00fbee1)
- Add WhisperHandler (472b129)
- Allow help command on Whispers (51f1a9d)
- Pajbot ban phrase checking for sent messages (28999f1)
- Set the
status sent by server. (274c3cf) - Use WIP i18n implementation (6f46aab)
@[@bio]( global
works again. (4eda859)- Add a check for no entered emotes. (fcaa7da)
- Add another check for isWhisper (8e5365f)
- add aries to horoscope. (ae56464)
- Add dots. (7620bd4)
- Add missing pajbotAPI object in Client class. (145d37f)
- Add updated messageText:s (e27835a)
- Append global in main channel (06c4a02)
- Change messagesText for clarity. (2f3dc0a)
- DefaultHandler data check (3b669e8)
- Don't send alreadyRolling as a whisper. (1a93387)
- Fixed invisibleSuffix affecting emotes (5f6caab)
- let -> const (10e34d9)
- Make returned horoscope random if not defined (a8e61b4)
- Make sure recipient is defined for giveemotes (01fe4ae)
- Make sure target is defined for JoinChatHandler (b73178e)
- Make sure target is defined for UnmatchHandler (ce8096b)
- Make sure user cooldown is global. (c48e557)
- Module directory has to be relative. (d5f1a2d)
- New ws version, uses buffers (6659da8)
- No more "hello" matches or non-emote matches. (b4b1bc4)
- No more crash on reconnect. (104c972)
- No need to show website ping if less than 10. (df186ea)
- Post something on match for people to see. (622d6f4)
- Prevent timeout in forsen's chat. (1ed5d27)
- Properly whisper to matched user. (e63560e)
- reduce cooldowns by 50% (46716e1)
- Refactor some static strings to messagesText.ts (95ab939)
- Send a text if people get repeated data. (92f5ca9)
- Simplify profile creation. (8cacb79)
- -> & Delete dots. (1a0ad45)
- twitchUserNotFound -> whispersOnly (a3088af)
- Update shared to make PajbotAPI work. (6cd6c60)
- Upgrade logging, upgrade .env handling (7a40f14)
- use hapi/bourne for json parsing from server (b19bfb0)
- Use messageType (f9efd28)
- Whispers should work again. (605d689)
- Add !befriendlier & @@befriendlier (55a2274)
- Add help command & HelpHandler. (fb83c00)
- Add horoscope command & API. (899b588)
- Add new BIO command handler. (b75d575)
- Bot will issue LEAVECHAT on ban. (14c6772)
- Return only a maximum of 5 unique emotes. (09a3342)
- Say command. (fbf089d)
- Send SUCCESS messages via whispers. (4ee5d08)
- SuccessHandler now handles general messages. (71d2309)
- "Self-made" 30s message cooldown bypasser. (352b9d6)
- @@help should no longer return asterisks. (bf23094)
- Add admin checks for leave & join commands. (c7aaf4c)
- Add creator to @@bot message. (a4dea39)
- Add pnpm to update script. (11edeb9)
- Add strict to tsconfig, resolve those issues. (00f26d9)
- admins -> ADMINS (e56da46)
- Admins can now be added (1585917)
- Allow global bio to be changed via command. (fcb54e8)
- Allow global matching. (e418103)
- Build script fix & Add update script. (9b3cffe)
- channelID didn't exist on !befriendlier usage (80259a0)
- Check user cooldown before channel cooldown. (5096943)
- Don't ping creator. (30dc306)
- don't use nullish coalescing (233e0ae)
- Filtration logic === -> !== (78644c7)
- Horoscopes are long, return first sentence. (0d8f4c7)
- Ignore pnpm-lock. (07c7b15)
- Initiate horoscopes with empty array. (a8c0d50)
- join -> leave (60e50eb)
- Make sure commandFiles only reads js files. (d0baa2b)
- Make sure commands can be done by non-admins. (f99817b)
- Make sure multiple horoscopes can exist. (99f6473)
- Make sure TAKEABREAK messages have full info. (5f52d3f)
- Make sure the horoscope directory is created. (75072bc)
- Make sure the horoscopes are in homedir. (f8f0f5f)
- Make sure is defined. (6ef5143)
- More verbosity. (c1b24e3)
- Move functions around. (0de8411)
- Possible fix for help message. (e55eb36)
- Properly parse %prefix% & %s%. (a0d6c66)
- Redundant, handled by web now. (996bbc2)
- Refactor addInvisible suffix to all channels. (da36ab3)
- Refactor adminOnly commands. (feb3817)
- Refactor cooldown, add 15s user cooldown. (ad2fec3)
- Refactor error handling. (8339702)
- Refactor message filter to BioHandler. (88f032f)
- Refactor PRIVMSG handler move to own function (44f3261)
- Rejoin channels on new Token. (3b5a530)
- Removed redundant substring() usage. (fe55f92)
- Removed unnecessary env variables. (c94205c)
- Renamed errors for clarity. (e263fbc)
- Reply if bio is too short/long. (3bbc6ea)
- Revert change, create source maps. (1206105)
- Revert fe55f9250435b9979c93928d9729ba38b83b505a , introduced a bug. (1410574)
- Revert some strict checks. (12016a3)
- Simplify @@help bot command. (abb0dfc)
- Update build script (9dc4cd1)
- Use new befriendlier-shared's EMOTES. (7d1be53)
- User cooldowns. (96f2e28)
- words[] in Handlers now only return args. (6768054)
- NPM: Change build-bot to build. (23f5e2a)