diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7bbcfed..22f4731 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,40 +1,41 @@
-#Autosave files
-# globs
-#Mac bundle stuff
+#Autosave files
+# globs
+#Mac bundle stuff
diff --git a/GameData/RSSDateTime/Plugins/RSSTimeFormatter.dll b/GameData/RSSDateTime/Plugins/RSSTimeFormatter.dll
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index e432a84..63c0f73
Binary files a/GameData/RSSDateTime/Plugins/RSSTimeFormatter.dll and b/GameData/RSSDateTime/Plugins/RSSTimeFormatter.dll differ
diff --git a/RSSTimeFormatter/DTReplacer.cs b/RSSTimeFormatter/DTReplacer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ad1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RSSTimeFormatter/DTReplacer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+using System;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace RSSTimeFormatter
+ [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)]
+ public class DTReplacer : MonoBehaviour
+ {
+ public static string GetUniqueStringFromUniqueNode(string name, string node)
+ {
+ var configs = GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigs(node);
+ if (configs.Length > 1) {
+ Debug.LogError(
+ "Multiple `" + node + "` configurations, falling back to default");
+ }
+ else if (configs.Length == 1) {
+ ConfigNode config = configs[0].config;
+ var formats = config.GetValues(name);
+ if (formats.Length > 1) {
+ Debug.LogError(
+ "`" + node + "` configuration has multiple `" + name + "` entries, falling back to default");
+ }
+ else if (formats.Length == 1) {
+ return formats[0];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void Start()
+ {
+ Debug.Log("Replacing DateTime formatter");
+ // Since Unity overrides the CurrentCulture, we cannot rely on it to
+ // format dates in a way that the user will understand, see
+ // https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter/issues/2.
+ // This default is an international standard, namely ISO 8601 extended
+ // format. It is chosen (and was designed) to avoid ambiguities on the
+ // order of month and day that are inevitable with formats using
+ // slashes.
+ string dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";
+ string customDateFormat = GetUniqueStringFromUniqueNode("dateFormat", "RSSTimeFormatter");
+ if (customDateFormat != null) {
+ // Validate the format string.
+ try {
+ string.Format("{0:" + customDateFormat + "}", new DateTime(1957, 10, 04));
+ dateFormat = customDateFormat;
+ }
+ catch (FormatException) {
+ Debug.LogError("Invalid date format " + customDateFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1951, 01, 01);
+ string customEpoch = GetUniqueStringFromUniqueNode("epoch", "RSSTimeFormatter");
+ if (customEpoch != null) {
+ if (!DateTime.TryParse(customEpoch, out epoch)) {
+ Debug.LogError("Invalid epoch " + customEpoch);
+ }
+ }
+ KSPUtil.dateTimeFormatter = new RealDateTimeFormatter(dateFormat, epoch);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/RSSTimeFormatter/DefaultDateTimeFormatter.cs b/RSSTimeFormatter/DefaultDateTimeFormatter.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8652e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RSSTimeFormatter/DefaultDateTimeFormatter.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace RSSTimeFormatter
+ public class DefaultDateTimeFormatter : IDateTimeFormatter
+ {
+ static string AddUnits(int val, string singular, string plural)
+ {
+ return val.ToString() + (val == 1 ? singular : plural);
+ }
+ static string IsBadNum(double time)
+ {
+ if (double.IsNaN(time)) {
+ return "NaN";
+ }
+ if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(time)) {
+ return "+Inf";
+ }
+ if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(time)) {
+ return "-Inf";
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public string PrintTimeLong(double time)
+ {
+ string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
+ if (badStr != null) {
+ return badStr;
+ }
+ int[] timeIntervals = GetDateFromUT(time);
+ string timeStr = AddUnits(timeIntervals[4], "Year", "Years");
+ timeStr += ", " + AddUnits(timeIntervals[3], "Day", "Days");
+ timeStr += ", " + AddUnits(timeIntervals[2], "Hour", "Hours");
+ timeStr += ", " + AddUnits(timeIntervals[1], "Min", "Mins");
+ timeStr += ", " + AddUnits(timeIntervals[0], "Sec", "Secs");
+ return timeStr;
+ }
+ public string PrintTimeStamp(double time, bool days = false, bool years = false)
+ {
+ string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
+ if (badStr != null) {
+ return badStr;
+ }
+ int[] timeIntervals = GetDateFromUT(time);
+ string timeStr = "";
+ if (years) {
+ timeStr += "Year " + timeIntervals[4] + ", ";
+ }
+ if (days) {
+ timeStr += "Day " + timeIntervals[3] + " - ";
+ }
+ timeStr += timeIntervals[2].ToString("00");
+ timeStr += ":" + timeIntervals[1].ToString("00");
+ if (timeIntervals[4] < 10)
+ timeStr += ":" + timeIntervals[0].ToString("00");
+ return timeStr;
+ }
+ public string PrintTimeStampCompact(double time, bool days = false, bool years = false)
+ {
+ string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
+ if (badStr != null) {
+ return badStr;
+ }
+ int[] timeIntervals = GetDateFromUT(time);
+ string timeStr = "";
+ if (years) {
+ timeStr += timeIntervals[4].ToString() + "y, ";
+ }
+ if (days) {
+ timeStr += timeIntervals[3].ToString() + "d, ";
+ }
+ timeStr += timeIntervals[2].ToString("00");
+ timeStr += ":" + timeIntervals[1].ToString("00");
+ if (timeIntervals[4] < 10)
+ timeStr += ":" + timeIntervals[0].ToString("00");
+ return timeStr;
+ }
+ public string PrintTime(double time, int valuesOfInterest, bool explicitPositive)
+ {
+ string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
+ if (badStr != null) {
+ return badStr;
+ }
+ bool isNegative = time < 0;
+ int[] timeIntervals = GetDateFromUT(time);
+ string[] intervalCaptions = new string[]
+ {
+ "s", "m", "h", "d", "y"
+ };
+ string timeString = isNegative ? "- " : (explicitPositive ? "+ " : "");
+ // find first non-zero value, checking backwards
+ for (int i = timeIntervals.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (timeIntervals[i] != 0) {
+ for (int j = i; j > Mathf.Max(i - valuesOfInterest, -1); j--) {
+ timeString += Math.Abs(timeIntervals[j]) + intervalCaptions[j] + (j - 1 > Mathf.Max(i - valuesOfInterest, -1) ? ", " : "");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return timeString;
+ }
+ public string PrintTimeCompact(double time, bool explicitPositive)
+ {
+ string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
+ if (badStr != null) {
+ return badStr;
+ }
+ bool isNegative = time < 0;
+ int[] timeIntervals = GetDateFromUT(time);
+ string timeString = isNegative ? "T- " : (explicitPositive ? "T+ " : "");
+ timeString += (timeIntervals[3] > 0 ? Math.Abs(timeIntervals[3]).ToString() + ":" : "") +
+ Math.Abs(timeIntervals[2]).ToString("00") + ":" +
+ Math.Abs(timeIntervals[1]).ToString("00") + ":" +
+ Math.Abs(timeIntervals[0]).ToString("00");
+ // find first non-zero value, checking backwards
+ /*for (int i = timeIntervals.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ if (timeIntervals[i] != 0)
+ {
+ for (int j = i; j > Mathf.Max(i - valuesOfInterest, -1); j--)
+ {
+ timeString += (j==3 ? Math.Abs(timeIntervals[j]).ToString() : Math.Abs(timeIntervals[j]).ToString("00")) + (j - 1 > Mathf.Max(i - valuesOfInterest, -1) ? ":" : "");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ return timeString;
+ }
+ public int[] GetDateFromUT(double time)
+ {
+ return GameSettings.KERBIN_TIME ? GetKerbinDateFromUT(time) : GetEarthDateFromUT(time);
+ }
+ static int[] get_date_from_UT(double time, int year_len, int day_len)
+ {
+ int years = (int)(time / year_len);
+ time -= (double)years * (double)year_len;
+ int seconds = (int)time;
+ int minutes = (seconds / 60) % 60;
+ int hours = (seconds / 3600) % (day_len / 3600);
+ int days = seconds / day_len;
+ int[] timeIntervals = new int[] {
+ seconds % 60,
+ minutes,
+ hours,
+ days,
+ years
+ };
+ return timeIntervals;
+ }
+ public int[] GetEarthDateFromUT(double time)
+ {
+ return get_date_from_UT(time, EarthYear, EarthDay);
+ }
+ public int[] GetKerbinDateFromUT(double time)
+ {
+ return get_date_from_UT(time, KerbinYear, KerbinDay);
+ }
+ public string PrintDateDelta(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs)
+ {
+ string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
+ if (badStr != null) {
+ return badStr;
+ }
+ if (useAbs && time < 0d)
+ time = -time;
+ string date = "";
+ int[] saveDate = GetDateFromUT(time);
+ if (saveDate[4] > 1) {
+ date += saveDate[4].ToString() + " years";
+ }
+ else if (saveDate[4] == 1) {
+ date += saveDate[4].ToString() + " year";
+ }
+ if (saveDate[3] > 1) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[3].ToString() + " days";
+ }
+ else if (saveDate[3] == 1) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[3].ToString() + " day";
+ }
+ if (includeTime) {
+ if (saveDate[2] > 1) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[2].ToString() + " hours";
+ }
+ else if (saveDate[2] == 1) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[2].ToString() + " hour";
+ }
+ if (saveDate[1] > 1) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[1].ToString() + " minutes";
+ }
+ else if (saveDate[1] == 1) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[1].ToString() + " minute";
+ }
+ if (includeSeconds) {
+ if (saveDate[0] > 1) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[0].ToString() + " seconds";
+ }
+ else if (saveDate[0] == 1) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[0].ToString() + " second";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(date))
+ date = includeTime ? (includeSeconds ? "0 seconds" : "0 minutes") : "0 days";
+ return date;
+ }
+ public string PrintDateDeltaCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs)
+ {
+ string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
+ if (badStr != null) {
+ return badStr;
+ }
+ if (useAbs && time < 0d)
+ time = -time;
+ string date = "";
+ int[] saveDate = GetDateFromUT(time);
+ if (saveDate[4] > 0) {
+ date += saveDate[4].ToString() + "y";
+ }
+ if (saveDate[3] > 0) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[3].ToString() + "d";
+ }
+ if (includeTime) {
+ if (saveDate[2] > 0) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[2].ToString() + "h";
+ }
+ if (saveDate[1] > 0) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[1].ToString() + "m";
+ }
+ if (includeSeconds) {
+ if (saveDate[0] > 0) {
+ if (date != "")
+ date += ", ";
+ date += saveDate[0].ToString() + "s";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(date))
+ date = includeTime ? (includeSeconds ? "0s" : "0m") : "0d";
+ return date;
+ }
+ public string PrintDate(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false)
+ {
+ string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
+ if (badStr != null) {
+ return badStr;
+ }
+ string date = "";
+ int[] saveDate = GetDateFromUT(time);
+ date += "Year " + (saveDate[4] + 1) + ", Day " + (saveDate[3] + 1);
+ if (includeTime) {
+ date += " - " + saveDate[2] + "h, " + saveDate[1] + "m";
+ }
+ if (includeSeconds) {
+ date += ", " + saveDate[0] + "s";
+ }
+ return date;
+ }
+ public string PrintDateNew(double time, bool includeTime)
+ {
+ string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
+ if (badStr != null) {
+ return badStr;
+ }
+ string date = "";
+ int[] saveDate = GetDateFromUT(time);
+ date += "Year " + (saveDate[4] + 1) + ", Day " + (saveDate[3] + 1);
+ if (includeTime) {
+ date += " - " + saveDate[2].ToString("D2") + ":" + saveDate[1].ToString("D2") + ":" + saveDate[0].ToString("D2");
+ }
+ return date;
+ }
+ public string PrintDateCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false)
+ {
+ string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
+ if (badStr != null) {
+ return badStr;
+ }
+ string date = "";
+ int[] saveDate = GetDateFromUT(time);
+ date += "Y" + (saveDate[4] + 1) + ", D" + (saveDate[3] + 1).ToString("00");
+ if (includeTime) {
+ date += ", " + saveDate[2] + ":" + saveDate[1].ToString("00");
+ }
+ if (includeSeconds) {
+ date += ":" + saveDate[0].ToString("00");
+ }
+ return date;
+ }
+ public string PrintTime(double time, int valuesOfInterest, bool explicitPositive, bool logEnglish)
+ {
+ return PrintTime(time, valuesOfInterest, explicitPositive);
+ }
+ public int Minute { get { return 60; } }
+ public int Hour { get { return 3600; } }
+ public int Day { get { return GameSettings.KERBIN_TIME ? KerbinDay : EarthDay; } }
+ public int Year { get { return GameSettings.KERBIN_TIME ? KerbinYear : EarthYear; } }
+ public int KerbinDay { get { return 21600; } }
+ public int KerbinYear { get { return 9201600; } }
+ public int EarthDay { get { return 86400; } }
+ public int EarthYear { get { return 31536000; } }
+ }
diff --git a/RSSTimeFormatter/EmptyClass.cs b/RSSTimeFormatter/EmptyClass.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1391075..0000000
--- a/RSSTimeFormatter/EmptyClass.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1245 +0,0 @@
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System;
-using UnityEngine;
-using System.IO;
-using UniLinq;
-public interface IDateTimeFormatter
- string PrintTimeLong(double time);
- string PrintTimeStamp(double time, bool days = false, bool years = false);
- string PrintTimeStampCompact(double time, bool days = false, bool years = false);
- string PrintTime(double time, int valuesOfInterest, bool explicitPositive);
- string PrintTimeCompact(double time, bool explicitPositive);
- string PrintDateDelta(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs);
- string PrintDateDeltaCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs);
- string PrintDate(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false);
- string PrintDateNew(double time, bool includeTime);
- string PrintDateCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false);
- int Minute { get; }
- int Hour { get; }
- int Day { get; }
- int Year { get; }
-public static class KSPUtil
- public class DefaultDateTimeFormatter : IDateTimeFormatter
- {
- static string AddUnits(int val, string singular, string plural)
- {
- return val.ToString() + (val == 1 ? singular : plural);
- }
- static string IsBadNum (double time)
- {
- if (double.IsNaN(time))
- {
- return "NaN";
- }
- if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(time))
- {
- return "+Inf";
- }
- if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(time))
- {
- return "-Inf";
- }
- return null;
- }
- public string PrintTimeLong(double time)
- {
- string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
- if (badStr != null)
- {
- return badStr;
- }
- int[] timeIntervals = GetDateFromUT(time);
- string timeStr = AddUnits(timeIntervals[4], "Year", "Years");
- timeStr += ", " + AddUnits(timeIntervals[3], "Day", "Days");
- timeStr += ", " + AddUnits(timeIntervals[2], "Hour", "Hours");
- timeStr += ", " + AddUnits(timeIntervals[1], "Min", "Mins");
- timeStr += ", " + AddUnits(timeIntervals[0], "Sec", "Secs");
- return timeStr;
- }
- public string PrintTimeStamp(double time, bool days = false, bool years = false)
- {
- string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
- if (badStr != null)
- {
- return badStr;
- }
- int[] timeIntervals = GetDateFromUT(time);
- string timeStr = "";
- if (years)
- {
- timeStr += "Year " + timeIntervals[4] + ", ";
- }
- if (days)
- {
- timeStr += "Day " + timeIntervals[3] + " - ";
- }
- timeStr += timeIntervals[2].ToString("00");
- timeStr += ":" + timeIntervals[1].ToString("00");
- if (timeIntervals[4] < 10)
- timeStr += ":" + timeIntervals[0].ToString("00");
- return timeStr;
- }
- public string PrintTimeStampCompact(double time, bool days = false, bool years = false)
- {
- string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
- if (badStr != null)
- {
- return badStr;
- }
- int[] timeIntervals = GetDateFromUT(time);
- string timeStr = "";
- if (years)
- {
- timeStr += timeIntervals[4].ToString() + "y, ";
- }
- if (days)
- {
- timeStr += timeIntervals[3].ToString() + "d, ";
- }
- timeStr += timeIntervals[2].ToString("00");
- timeStr += ":" + timeIntervals[1].ToString("00");
- if (timeIntervals[4] < 10)
- timeStr += ":" + timeIntervals[0].ToString("00");
- return timeStr;
- }
- public string PrintTime(double time, int valuesOfInterest, bool explicitPositive)
- {
- string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
- if (badStr != null)
- {
- return badStr;
- }
- bool isNegative = time < 0;
- int[] timeIntervals = GetDateFromUT(time);
- string[] intervalCaptions = new string[]
- {
- "s", "m", "h", "d", "y"
- };
- string timeString = isNegative ? "- " : (explicitPositive ? "+ " : "");
- // find first non-zero value, checking backwards
- for (int i = timeIntervals.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- if (timeIntervals[i] != 0)
- {
- for (int j = i; j > Mathf.Max(i - valuesOfInterest, -1); j--)
- {
- timeString += Math.Abs(timeIntervals[j]) + intervalCaptions[j] + (j - 1 > Mathf.Max(i - valuesOfInterest, -1) ? ", " : "");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return timeString;
- }
- public string PrintTimeCompact(double time, bool explicitPositive)
- {
- string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
- if (badStr != null)
- {
- return badStr;
- }
- bool isNegative = time < 0;
- int[] timeIntervals = GetDateFromUT(time);
- string timeString = isNegative ? "T- " : (explicitPositive ? "T+ " : "");
- timeString += (timeIntervals[3] > 0 ? Math.Abs(timeIntervals[3]).ToString() + ":" : "") +
- Math.Abs(timeIntervals[2]).ToString("00") + ":" +
- Math.Abs(timeIntervals[1]).ToString("00") + ":" +
- Math.Abs(timeIntervals[0]).ToString("00");
- // find first non-zero value, checking backwards
- /*for (int i = timeIntervals.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- if (timeIntervals[i] != 0)
- {
- for (int j = i; j > Mathf.Max(i - valuesOfInterest, -1); j--)
- {
- timeString += (j==3 ? Math.Abs(timeIntervals[j]).ToString() : Math.Abs(timeIntervals[j]).ToString("00")) + (j - 1 > Mathf.Max(i - valuesOfInterest, -1) ? ":" : "");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- */
- return timeString;
- }
- public int[] GetDateFromUT(double time)
- {
- return GameSettings.KERBIN_TIME ? GetKerbinDateFromUT(time) : GetEarthDateFromUT(time);
- }
- static int[] get_date_from_UT (double time, int year_len, int day_len)
- {
- int years = (int) (time / year_len);
- time -= (double)years * (double)year_len;
- int seconds = (int) time;
- int minutes = (seconds / 60) % 60;
- int hours = (seconds / 3600) % (day_len / 3600);
- int days = seconds / day_len;
- int[] timeIntervals = new int[] {
- seconds % 60,
- minutes,
- hours,
- days,
- years
- };
- return timeIntervals;
- }
- public int[] GetEarthDateFromUT(double time)
- {
- return get_date_from_UT (time, EarthYear, EarthDay);
- }
- public int[] GetKerbinDateFromUT(double time)
- {
- return get_date_from_UT (time, KerbinYear, KerbinDay);
- }
- public string PrintDateDelta(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs)
- {
- string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
- if (badStr != null)
- {
- return badStr;
- }
- if (useAbs && time < 0d)
- time = -time;
- string date = "";
- int[] saveDate = GetDateFromUT(time);
- if (saveDate[4] > 1)
- {
- date += saveDate[4].ToString() + " years";
- }
- else if (saveDate[4] == 1)
- {
- date += saveDate[4].ToString() + " year";
- }
- if (saveDate[3] > 1)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[3].ToString() + " days";
- }
- else if (saveDate[3] == 1)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[3].ToString() + " day";
- }
- if (includeTime)
- {
- if (saveDate[2] > 1)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[2].ToString() + " hours";
- }
- else if (saveDate[2] == 1)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[2].ToString() + " hour";
- }
- if (saveDate[1] > 1)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[1].ToString() + " minutes";
- }
- else if (saveDate[1] == 1)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[1].ToString() + " minute";
- }
- if (includeSeconds)
- {
- if (saveDate[0] > 1)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[0].ToString() + " seconds";
- }
- else if (saveDate[0] == 1)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[0].ToString() + " second";
- }
- }
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(date))
- date = includeTime ? (includeSeconds ? "0 seconds" : "0 minutes") : "0 days";
- return date;
- }
- public string PrintDateDeltaCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs)
- {
- string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
- if (badStr != null)
- {
- return badStr;
- }
- if (useAbs && time < 0d)
- time = -time;
- string date = "";
- int[] saveDate = GetDateFromUT(time);
- if (saveDate[4] > 0)
- {
- date += saveDate[4].ToString() + "y";
- }
- if (saveDate[3] > 0)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[3].ToString() + "d";
- }
- if (includeTime)
- {
- if (saveDate[2] > 0)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[2].ToString() + "h";
- }
- if (saveDate[1] > 0)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[1].ToString() + "m";
- }
- if (includeSeconds)
- {
- if (saveDate[0] > 0)
- {
- if (date != "")
- date += ", ";
- date += saveDate[0].ToString() + "s";
- }
- }
- }
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(date))
- date = includeTime ? (includeSeconds ? "0s" : "0m") : "0d";
- return date;
- }
- public string PrintDate(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false)
- {
- string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
- if (badStr != null)
- {
- return badStr;
- }
- string date = "";
- int[] saveDate = GetDateFromUT(time);
- date += "Year " + (saveDate[4] + 1) + ", Day " + (saveDate[3] + 1);
- if (includeTime)
- {
- date += " - " + saveDate[2] + "h, " + saveDate[1] + "m";
- }
- if (includeSeconds)
- {
- date += ", " + saveDate[0] + "s";
- }
- return date;
- }
- public string PrintDateNew(double time, bool includeTime)
- {
- string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
- if (badStr != null)
- {
- return badStr;
- }
- string date = "";
- int[] saveDate = GetDateFromUT(time);
- date += "Year " + (saveDate[4] + 1) + ", Day " + (saveDate[3] + 1);
- if (includeTime)
- {
- date += " - " + saveDate[2].ToString("D2") + ":" + saveDate[1].ToString("D2") + ":" + saveDate[0].ToString("D2");
- }
- return date;
- }
- public string PrintDateCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false)
- {
- string badStr = IsBadNum(time);
- if (badStr != null)
- {
- return badStr;
- }
- string date = "";
- int[] saveDate = GetDateFromUT(time);
- date += "Y" + (saveDate[4] + 1) + ", D" + (saveDate[3] + 1).ToString("00");
- if (includeTime)
- {
- date += ", " + saveDate[2] + ":" + saveDate[1].ToString("00");
- }
- if (includeSeconds)
- {
- date += ":" + saveDate[0].ToString("00");
- }
- return date;
- }
- public int Minute { get { return 60; } }
- public int Hour { get { return 3600; } }
- public int Day { get { return GameSettings.KERBIN_TIME ? KerbinDay : EarthDay; } }
- public int Year { get { return GameSettings.KERBIN_TIME ? KerbinYear : EarthYear; } }
- public int KerbinDay { get { return 21600; } }
- public int KerbinYear { get { return 9201600; } }
- public int EarthDay { get { return 86400; } }
- public int EarthYear { get { return 31536000; } }
- }
- static IDateTimeFormatter _dateTimeFormatter;
- public static IDateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter
- {
- get
- {
- if (_dateTimeFormatter == null)
- {
- _dateTimeFormatter = new DefaultDateTimeFormatter();
- }
- return _dateTimeFormatter;
- }
- set
- {
- _dateTimeFormatter = value;
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Returns a comma-separated string for the given vector
- ///
- public static string WriteVector(Vector2 vector)
- {
- //if (vector == null) return "";
- return vector.x.ToString() + "," + vector.y.ToString();
- }
- ///
- /// Returns a comma-separated string for the given vector
- ///
- public static string WriteVector(Vector3 vector)
- {
- //if (vector == null) return "";
- return vector.x.ToString() + "," + vector.y.ToString() + "," + vector.z.ToString();
- }
- ///
- /// Returns a comma-separated string for the given vector
- ///
- public static string WriteVector(Vector3d vector)
- {
- //if (vector == null) return "";
- return vector.x.ToString() + "," + vector.y.ToString() + "," + vector.z.ToString();
- }
- ///
- /// Returns a comma-separated string for the given vector
- ///
- public static string WriteVector(Vector4 vector)
- {
- //if (vector == null) return "";
- return vector.x.ToString() + "," + vector.y.ToString() + "," + vector.z.ToString() + "," + vector.w.ToString();
- }
- ///
- /// Returns a comma-separated string for the given quaternion
- ///
- public static string WriteQuaternion(Quaternion quaternion)
- {
- //if (vector == null) return "";
- return quaternion.x.ToString() + "," + quaternion.y.ToString() + "," + quaternion.z.ToString() + "," + quaternion.w.ToString();
- }
- ///
- /// Returns a comma-separated string for the given quaternion
- ///
- public static string WriteQuaternion(QuaternionD quaternion)
- {
- //if (vector == null) return "";
- return quaternion.x.ToString() + "," + quaternion.y.ToString() + "," + quaternion.z.ToString() + "," + quaternion.w.ToString();
- }
- ///
- /// Parses a Vector2 from a comma-separated string of XYZ values
- ///
- public static Vector2 ParseVector2(string vectorString)
- {
- string[] vectorData = vectorString.Split(',');
- if (vectorData.Length < 2)
- { Debug.Log("WARNING: Vector2 entry is nor formatted properly! proper format for Vector2s is x,y"); return Vector2.zero; }
- return new Vector2(float.Parse(vectorData[0]), float.Parse(vectorData[1]));
- }
- public static Vector2 ParseVector2(string x, string y)
- {
- return new Vector2(float.Parse(x), float.Parse(y));
- }
- ///
- /// Parses a Vector3 from a comma-separated string of XYZ values
- ///
- public static Vector3 ParseVector3(string vectorString)
- {
- string[] vectorData = vectorString.Split(',');
- if (vectorData.Length < 3)
- { Debug.Log("WARNING: Vector3 entry is nor formatted properly! proper format for Vector3s is x,y,z"); return Vector3.zero; }
- return new Vector3(float.Parse(vectorData[0]), float.Parse(vectorData[1]), float.Parse(vectorData[2]));
- }
- public static Vector3 ParseVector3(string x, string y, string z)
- {
- return new Vector3(float.Parse(x), float.Parse(y), float.Parse(z));
- }
- ///
- /// Parses a Vector3 from a comma-separated string of XYZ values
- ///
- public static Vector3d ParseVector3d(string vectorString)
- {
- string[] vectorData = vectorString.Split(',');
- if (vectorData.Length < 3)
- { Debug.Log("WARNING: Vector3d entry is nor formatted properly! proper format for Vector3s is x,y,z"); return Vector3d.zero; }
- return new Vector3d(double.Parse(vectorData[0]), double.Parse(vectorData[1]), double.Parse(vectorData[2]));
- }
- public static Vector3d ParseVector3d(string x, string y, string z)
- {
- return new Vector3d(double.Parse(x), double.Parse(y), double.Parse(z));
- }
- ///
- /// Parses a Vector4 from a comma-separated string of XYZ values
- ///
- public static Vector4 ParseVector4(string vectorString)
- {
- string[] vectorData = vectorString.Split(',');
- if (vectorData.Length < 4)
- { Debug.Log("WARNING: Vector4 entry is nor formatted properly! proper format for Vector4s is x,y,z,w"); return Vector4.zero; }
- return new Vector4(float.Parse(vectorData[0]), float.Parse(vectorData[1]), float.Parse(vectorData[2]), float.Parse(vectorData[3]));
- }
- public static Vector4 ParseVector4(string x, string y, string z, string w)
- {
- return new Vector4(float.Parse(x), float.Parse(y), float.Parse(z), float.Parse(w));
- }
- public static Quaternion ParseQuaternion(string quaternionString)
- {
- string[] quatData = quaternionString.Split(',');
- if (quatData.Length < 4)
- {
- Debug.Log("WARNING: Quaternion entry is nor formatted properly! proper format for Quaternion is x,y,z,w");
- return Quaternion.identity;
- }
- return new Quaternion(float.Parse(quatData[0]), float.Parse(quatData[1]), float.Parse(quatData[2]), float.Parse(quatData[3]));
- }
- public static Quaternion ParseQuaternion(string x, string y, string z, string w)
- {
- return new Quaternion(float.Parse(x), float.Parse(y), float.Parse(z), float.Parse(w));
- }
- public static QuaternionD ParseQuaternionD(string quaternionString)
- {
- string[] quatData = quaternionString.Split(',');
- if (quatData.Length < 4)
- { Debug.Log("WARNING: QuaternionD entry is nor formatted properly! proper format for QuaternionD is x,y,z,w"); return QuaternionD.identity; }
- return new QuaternionD(double.Parse(quatData[0]), double.Parse(quatData[1]), double.Parse(quatData[2]), double.Parse(quatData[3]));
- }
- public static QuaternionD ParseQuaternionD(string x, string y, string z, string w)
- {
- return new QuaternionD(double.Parse(x), double.Parse(y), double.Parse(z), double.Parse(w));
- }
- public static string WriteArray(T[] array) where T : IConvertible
- {
- string s = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
- {
- s += array[i].ToString();
- if (i < array.Length - 1)
- {
- s += "; ";
- }
- }
- return s;
- }
- public static T[] ParseArray(string arrayString, ParserMethod parser)
- {
- string[] ss = arrayString.Split(';');
- T[] ts = new T[ss.Length];
- for (int i = 0; i < ss.Length; i++)
- {
- ts[i] = parser(ss[i].Trim());
- }
- return ts;
- }
- public static Transform FindInPartModel(Transform part, string childName)
- {
- Transform obj = part.FindChild("model").FindChild(childName);
- if (!obj) return recurseModels(part.FindChild("model"), childName);
- else return obj;
- }
- private static Transform recurseModels(Transform obj, string childName)
- {
- Transform c = null;
- foreach (Transform t in obj)
- {
- if (t.name == childName) return t;
- else
- {
- c = recurseModels(t, childName);
- if (c != null) break;
- }
- }
- return c;
- }
- public static string PrintCoordinates(double latitude, double longitude, bool singleLine)
- {
- return PrintLatitude(latitude) +
- (singleLine ? ", " : "\n") +
- PrintLongitude(longitude);
- }
- public static string PrintLatitude(double latitude)
- {
- int latSeconds = (int)Math.Round(latitude * 3600);
- int latDegrees = latSeconds / 3600;
- latSeconds = Math.Abs(latSeconds % 3600);
- int latMinutes = latSeconds / 60;
- latSeconds %= 60;
- return Math.Abs(latDegrees) + "° " + latMinutes + "' " + latSeconds + "\" " + (latitude >= 0 ? "N" : "S");
- }
- public static string PrintLongitude(double longitude)
- {
- int lonSeconds = (int)Math.Round(longitude * 3600);
- int lonDegrees = lonSeconds / 3600;
- lonSeconds = Math.Abs(lonSeconds % 3600);
- int lonMinutes = lonSeconds / 60;
- lonSeconds %= 60;
- return Math.Abs(lonDegrees) + "° " + lonMinutes + "' " + lonSeconds + "\" " + (longitude >= 0 ? "E" : "W");
- }
- public static string PrintTimeLong(double time)
- {
- return dateTimeFormatter.PrintTimeLong(time);
- }
- public static string PrintTimeStamp(double time, bool days = false, bool years = false)
- {
- return dateTimeFormatter.PrintTimeStamp(time, days, years);
- }
- public static string PrintTimeStampCompact(double time, bool days = false, bool years = false)
- {
- return dateTimeFormatter.PrintTimeStampCompact(time, days, years);
- }
- public static string PrintTime(double time, int valuesOfInterest, bool explicitPositive)
- {
- return dateTimeFormatter.PrintTime(time, valuesOfInterest, explicitPositive);
- }
- public static string PrintTimeCompact(double time, bool explicitPositive)
- {
- return dateTimeFormatter.PrintTimeCompact(time, explicitPositive);
- }
- public static string PrintDateDelta(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false, bool useAbs = false)
- {
- return dateTimeFormatter.PrintDateDelta(time, includeTime, includeSeconds, useAbs);
- }
- public static string PrintDateDeltaCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs = false)
- {
- return dateTimeFormatter.PrintDateDeltaCompact(time, includeTime, includeSeconds, useAbs);
- }
- public static string PrintDate(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false)
- {
- return dateTimeFormatter.PrintDate(time, includeTime, includeSeconds);
- }
- public static string PrintDateNew(double time, bool includeTime)
- {
- return dateTimeFormatter.PrintDateNew(time, includeTime);
- }
- public static string PrintDateCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false)
- {
- return dateTimeFormatter.PrintDateCompact(time, includeTime, includeSeconds);
- }
- ///
- /// returns a string with an auto-generated pretty name for a module, given its class name-
- ///
- ///
- public static string PrintModuleName(string moduleName)
- {
- string name = moduleName;
- if (name.StartsWith("Module"))
- {
- name = moduleName.Remove(0, ("Module").Length);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; ++i)
- {
- if (char.IsUpper(name[i]) && i != 0 && !char.IsUpper(name[i - 1]))
- {
- name = name.Insert(i, " ");
- i++;
- }
- }
- return name;
- }
- public static string PrintSpacedStringFromCamelcase(string s)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
- return string.Empty;
- string name = s;
- for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)
- {
- if (i == 0 && !char.IsUpper(name[i]))
- {
- name = char.ToUpper(s[0]) + s.Substring(1);
- }
- else if (i != 0 && char.IsUpper(name[i]) && !char.IsUpper(name[i - 1]))
- {
- name = name.Insert(i, " ");
- i++;
- }
- }
- return name;
- }
- ///
- /// Returns a filepath string that points to the game's root folder (regardless of platform)
- ///
- public static string ApplicationRootPath
- {
- get
- {
- return Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer ? Application.dataPath + "/../../" : Application.dataPath + "/../";
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Returns a filepath that points to the given folders inside the game's root folder (will create it if one isn't found)
- ///
- /// the path, relative to the game's .exe location
- /// the full filepath
- public static string GetOrCreatePath(string relPath)
- {
- if (!Directory.Exists(ApplicationRootPath + relPath))
- Directory.CreateDirectory(ApplicationRootPath + relPath);
- return ApplicationRootPath + relPath;
- }
- public static string GetTransformPathToRoot(Transform t, Transform root)
- {
- // error checking
- if (!t)
- {
- Debug.LogError("KSPUtil.GetTransformPathToRoot() passed null t!");
- return "";
- }
- if (t == root)
- {
- return "";
- }
- //if (!root)
- //{
- // Debug.LogError("KSPUtil.GetTransformPathToRoot() passed null root!");
- // return "";
- //}
- // the path to return, beginning with t Transform
- string path = t.name;
- // the first parent
- Transform c_parent = t.parent;
- // go through each parent up the tree until we reach the specified root
- while (c_parent != null && c_parent != root)
- {
- path = path.Insert(0, c_parent.name + "/");
- c_parent = c_parent.parent;
- }
- // return the path
- return path;
- }
- public static string GetTransformIndexPathToRoot(Transform t, Transform root)
- {
- // error checking
- if (!t)
- {
- Debug.LogError("KSPUtil.GetTransformPathToRoot() passed null t!");
- return "";
- }
- if (t == root)
- {
- return "";
- }
- //if (!root)
- //{
- // Debug.LogError("KSPUtil.GetTransformPathToRoot() passed null root!");
- // return "";
- //}
- // the path to return, beginning with t Transform
- string path = t.GetSiblingIndex().ToString();
- // the first parent
- Transform c_parent = t.parent;
- // go through each parent up the tree until we reach the specified root
- while (c_parent != null && c_parent != root)
- {
- path = path.Insert(0, c_parent.GetSiblingIndex().ToString() + "/");
- c_parent = c_parent.parent;
- }
- // return the path
- return path;
- }
- public static Transform FindTransformAtIndexPath(string indexPath, Transform root)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexPath))
- {
- return root;
- }
- int tIndex;
- Transform t;
- string rPath;
- if (indexPath.Contains('/'))
- {
- string[] pathData = indexPath.Split('/');
- tIndex = int.Parse(pathData[0]);
- rPath = KSPUtil.PrintCollection(pathData.Skip(1), "/");
- t = root.GetChild(tIndex);
- return FindTransformAtIndexPath(rPath, t);
- }
- else
- {
- tIndex = int.Parse(indexPath);
- return root.GetChild(tIndex);
- }
- }
- public static string StripFileExtension(FileInfo file)
- {
- return file.Name.Substring(0, file.Name.Length - file.Extension.Length);
- }
- ///
- /// Strips out nasty characters for mac/pc filename creation
- ///
- /// The original string
- /// The character to use to replace nasty ones
- ///
- public static string SanitizeString(string originalString, char replacementChar, bool replaceEmpty)
- {
- originalString = originalString.Replace('\\', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace('/', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace('.', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace(':', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace('|', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace('*', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace('?', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace('{', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace('}', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace('<', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace('>', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Replace('\"', replacementChar);
- originalString = originalString.Trim();
- if (replaceEmpty && originalString == "")
- originalString = "Unnamed";
- return originalString;
- }
- ///
- /// Strips out nasty characters for mac/pc filename creation
- ///
- ///
- ///
- public static string SanitizeFilename(string originalFilename)
- {
- return SanitizeString(originalFilename, '_', true);
- }
- public static VersionCompareResult CheckVersion(string versionString, int lastMajor, int lastMinor, int lastRev)
- {
- string[] versionData = versionString.Split('.');
- if (versionData.Length != 3) return VersionCompareResult.INVALID;
- int version_major = int.Parse(versionData[0]);
- int version_minor = int.Parse(versionData[1]);
- int version_revision = int.Parse(versionData[2]);
- return CheckVersion(version_major, version_minor, version_revision, lastMajor, lastMinor, lastRev);
- }
- public static VersionCompareResult CheckVersion(int version_major, int version_minor, int version_revision, int lastMajor, int lastMinor, int lastRev)
- {
- bool compatible = false;
- // allow for backward compatibility up to the last backward-compatible version
- if (version_major > lastMajor)
- {
- compatible = true;
- }
- else if (version_major == lastMajor)
- {
- if (version_minor > lastMinor)
- {
- compatible = true;
- }
- else if (version_minor == lastMinor)
- {
- if (version_revision >= lastRev)
- compatible = true;
- }
- }
- // don't allow files of later versions to be loaded on earlier ones.
- if (version_major > Versioning.version_major ||
- (version_major == Versioning.version_major &&
- version_minor > Versioning.version_minor) ||
- (version_major == Versioning.version_major &&
- version_minor == Versioning.version_minor &&
- version_revision > Versioning.Revision))
- {
- return VersionCompareResult.INCOMPATIBLE_TOO_LATE;
- }
- if (compatible) return VersionCompareResult.COMPATIBLE;
- else return VersionCompareResult.INCOMPATIBLE_TOO_EARLY;
- }
- ///
- /// Returns true if the src transform is a hierarchical descendant of the ancestor transform
- ///
- public static bool HasAncestorTransform(Transform src, Transform ancestor)
- {
- if (ancestor == src) return true;
- else if (src.parent != null) return HasAncestorTransform(src.parent, ancestor);
- else return false;
- }
- ///
- /// Returns true if the src transform has the child transform as a descendant on its hierarchy
- ///
- public static bool HasDescendantTransform(Transform src, Transform child)
- {
- return HasAncestorTransform(child, src);
- }
- ///
- /// Takes a Rect r and moves it inside the screen space
- ///
- public static Rect ClampRectToScreen(Rect r)
- {
- r.x = Mathf.Clamp(r.x, 0, Screen.width - r.width);
- r.y = Mathf.Clamp(r.y, 0, Screen.height - r.height);
- return r;
- }
- [System.Serializable]
- public class StringReplacement
- {
- public string badString;
- public string replacement;
- }
- public static string ReplaceString(string src, params StringReplacement[] replacements)
- {
- foreach (StringReplacement sr in replacements)
- {
- src = src.Replace(sr.badString, sr.replacement);
- }
- return src;
- }
- public static List FindComponentsImplementing(GameObject go, bool returnInactive)
- {
- return go.GetComponents().Where(mb => mb is T && (returnInactive || mb.enabled)).Cast().ToList();
- }
- ///
- /// Returns an angle from 0 to 2PI between the two vectors, based on the up axis to tell left from right
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- public static float HeadingRadians(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 upAxis)
- {
- if (v1 == v2)
- {
- return 0f;
- }
- return UtilMath.WrapAround(Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(v1, v2)) * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2), upAxis)), 0f, Mathf.PI * 2.0f);
- }
- ///
- /// Returns an angle from 0 to 360° between the two vectors, based on the up axis to tell left from right
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- public static float HeadingDegrees(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 upAxis)
- {
- if (v1 == v2)
- {
- return 0f;
- }
- return UtilMath.WrapAround(Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(v1, v2)) * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2), upAxis)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg, 0f, 360f);
- }
- ///
- /// Returns an angle from -PI to PI between the two vectors, based on the up axis to tell left from right
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- public static float BearingRadians(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 upAxis)
- {
- if (v1 == v2)
- {
- return 0f;
- }
- return Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(v1, v2)) * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2), upAxis));
- }
- ///
- /// Returns an angle from -180° to 180° between the two vectors, based on the up axis to tell left from right
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- public static float BearingDegrees(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 upAxis)
- {
- if (v1 == v2)
- {
- return 0f;
- }
- return Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(v1, v2)) * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(v1, v2), upAxis)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
- }
- ///
- /// Produces a string combining the string values (given by .ToString()) of all the elements in a collection
- ///
- public static string PrintCollection(IEnumerable collection, string separator = ", ")
- {
- return PrintCollection(collection, separator, c => c.ToString());
- }
- ///
- /// Produces a string combining the string values (given by stringAccessor) of all the elements in a collection
- ///
- public static string PrintCollection(IEnumerable collection, string separator, Func stringAccessor)
- {
- string output = "";
- IEnumerator enumr = collection.GetEnumerator();
- int count = collection.Count();
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- enumr.MoveNext();
- output += stringAccessor(enumr.Current);
- if (i != count - 1)
- {
- output += separator;
- }
- }
- return output;
- }
- ///
- /// Appends a new string to the given source string if source string does not already contain it. Does not modify input values.
- ///
- /// The source string
- /// The new string to append
- /// A separator char to separate the appended section from the src string
- /// The resulting string
- public static string AppendValueToString(string s0, string val, char separator)
- {
- string s = string.Copy(s0);
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s0))
- {
- s = val;
- }
- else if (!s.Contains(val))
- {
- s += separator + " " + val;
- }
- return s;
- }
- ///
- /// Find all tags contained in the sub-object hierarchy
- ///
- /// A non-null list of strings to hold the tags
- /// The transform to start recursing from
- public static void FindTagsInChildren(List tags, Transform trf)
- {
- tags.AddUnique(trf.gameObject.tag);
- foreach (Transform t in trf)
- {
- FindTagsInChildren(tags, t);
- }
- }
- public static string AddSpacesOnCaps(this string str)
- {
- for (int i = 1; i < str.Length; ++i)
- {
- if (char.IsUpper(str[i]))
- {
- str = str.Insert(i, " ");
- ++i;
- }
- }
- return str;
- }
- ///
- /// Strips out nas
-public enum VersionCompareResult
-public delegate T ParserMethod(string value);
diff --git a/RSSTimeFormatter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/RSSTimeFormatter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
index 8e3e280..10e9d86 100644
--- a/RSSTimeFormatter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ b/RSSTimeFormatter/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
// The form "{Major}.{Minor}.*" will automatically update the build and revision,
// and "{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.*" will update just the revision.
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion ("1.0.*")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion ("")]
// The following attributes are used to specify the signing key for the assembly,
// if desired. See the Mono documentation for more information about signing.
diff --git a/RSSTimeFormatter/RSSTimeFormatter.cs b/RSSTimeFormatter/RSSTimeFormatter.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index f94d666..0000000
--- a/RSSTimeFormatter/RSSTimeFormatter.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using UnityEngine;
-[KSPAddon (KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)]
-public class DTReplacer : MonoBehaviour
- public static string GetUniqueStringFromUniqueNode(string name, string node)
- {
- var configs = GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigs (node);
- if (configs.Length > 1)
- {
- Debug.LogError (
- "Multiple `" + node + "` configurations, falling back to default");
- }
- else if (configs.Length == 1)
- {
- ConfigNode config = configs[0].config;
- var formats = config.GetValues (name);
- if (formats.Length > 1)
- {
- Debug.LogError (
- "`" + node + "` configuration has multiple `" + name + "` entries, falling back to default");
- }
- else if (formats.Length == 1)
- {
- return formats[0];
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public void Start ()
- {
- Debug.Log ("Replacing DateTime formatter");
- // Since Unity overrides the CurrentCulture, we cannot rely on it to
- // format dates in a way that the user will understand, see
- // https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSSTimeFormatter/issues/2.
- // This default is an international standard, namely ISO 8601 extended
- // format. It is chosen (and was designed) to avoid ambiguities on the
- // order of month and day that are inevitable with formats using
- // slashes.
- string dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";
- string customDateFormat = GetUniqueStringFromUniqueNode("dateFormat", "RSSTimeFormatter");
- if (customDateFormat != null)
- {
- // Validate the format string.
- try
- {
- string.Format ("{0:" + customDateFormat + "}" , new DateTime (1957, 10, 04));
- dateFormat = customDateFormat;
- }
- catch (FormatException)
- {
- Debug.LogError ("Invalid date format " + customDateFormat);
- }
- }
- DateTime epoch = new DateTime (1951, 01, 01);
- string customEpoch = GetUniqueStringFromUniqueNode("epoch", "RSSTimeFormatter");
- if (customEpoch != null)
- {
- if (!DateTime.TryParse(customEpoch, out epoch))
- {
- Debug.LogError("Invalid epoch " + customEpoch);
- }
- }
- KSPUtil.dateTimeFormatter = new RealDateTimeFormatter (dateFormat, epoch);
- }
-public class RealDateTimeFormatter : IDateTimeFormatter
- private string dateFormat;
- private DateTime epoch;
- #region IDateTimeFormatter implementation
- public string PrintTimeLong (double time)
- {
- Debug.Log ("PrintTimeLong");
- // short-circuit if invalid time passed
- if (IsInvalidTime (time))
- return InvalidTimeStr (time);
- DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
- DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds (time);
- TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
- return string.Format ("{0}{1}, {2}{3}, {4}{5}, {6}{7}"
- , span.Days, span.Days == 1 ? "day" : "days"
- , span.Hours, span.Hours == 1 ? "hour" : "hours"
- , span.Minutes, span.Minutes == 1 ? "minute" : "minutes"
- , span.Seconds, span.Seconds == 1 ? "second" : "seconds"
- );
- }
- public string PrintTimeStamp (double time, bool days = false, bool years = false)
- {
- Debug.Log ("PrintTimeStamp");
- // short-circuit if invalid time passed
- if (IsInvalidTime (time))
- return InvalidTimeStr (time);
- DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
- DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds (time);
- TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
- return string.Format ("{0}{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}"
- ,days ? string.Format("Day {0} - ", span.Days) : ""
- ,span.Hours
- ,span.Minutes
- ,span.Seconds
- );
- }
- public string PrintTimeStampCompact (double time, bool days = false, bool years = false)
- {
- // short-circuit if invalid time passed
- if (IsInvalidTime (time))
- return InvalidTimeStr (time);
- DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
- DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds (time);
- TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
- int dNum = span.Days;
- int yNum = dNum / 365;
- int subDays = dNum - yNum * 365;
- return string.Format ("{0}{1}{2:D2}:{3:D2}:{4:D2}"
- ,years ? string.Format("{0}y, ", yNum) : ""
- ,days ? string.Format("{0}d, ", ((years && subDays != 0) ? subDays : dNum)) : ""
- ,span.Hours
- ,span.Minutes
- ,span.Seconds
- );
- }
- public string PrintTime (double time, int valuesOfInterest, bool explicitPositive)
- {
- // This is a downright strange and confusing method but as I understand it
- // what it is saying is give it the time in the following format:
- // 1y, 1d, 1h, 1m, 1s
- // But the param 'valuesOfInterest' is used to control how 'deep' it goes
- // IOW a valueofInterest of say 3 would only give you hours, minutes, and seconds
- // Why it isn't more straightforward is beyond me
- // short-circuit if invalid time passed
- if (IsInvalidTime (time))
- return InvalidTimeStr (time);
- bool isNegativeTime = false;
- if (time < 0)
- {
- time = Math.Abs (time);
- isNegativeTime = true;
- }
- DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
- DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds (time);
- TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
- return string.Format ("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}"
- ,isNegativeTime ? "- " : (explicitPositive ? "+ " : "")
- ,(valuesOfInterest >= 3 && span.Days != 0) ? string.Format("{0}d, ", span.Days) : ""
- ,(valuesOfInterest >= 2 && span.Hours != 0) ? string.Format("{0}h, ", span.Hours) : ""
- ,(valuesOfInterest >= 1 && span.Minutes != 0) ? string.Format("{0}m, ", span.Minutes) : ""
- ,valuesOfInterest >= 0 ? string.Format("{0}s", span.Seconds) : ""
- );
- }
- public string PrintTime (double time, int valuesOfInterest, bool explicitPositive, bool logEnglish)
- {
- return PrintTime (time, valuesOfInterest, explicitPositive);
- }
- public string PrintTimeCompact (double time, bool explicitPositive)
- {
- if (IsInvalidTime (time))
- return InvalidTimeStr (time);
- bool isNegativeTime = false;
- if (time < 0)
- {
- time = Math.Abs (time);
- isNegativeTime = true;
- }
- DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
- DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds (time);
- TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
- return string.Format ("{0}{1}{2:D2}:{3:D2}:{4:D2}"
- ,isNegativeTime ? "- " : (explicitPositive ? "+ " : "")
- ,(span.Days != 0 ? span.Days.ToString() : "")
- ,span.Hours
- ,span.Minutes
- ,span.Seconds
- );
- }
- public string PrintDateDelta(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs)
- {
- if (IsInvalidTime (time))
- return InvalidTimeStr (time);
- if (time < 0 && useAbs)
- time = Math.Abs (time);
- if (time == 0d)
- return string.Format("0 {0}", includeTime ? (includeSeconds ? "seconds" : "minutes") : "days");
- DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
- DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds (time);
- TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
- return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}"
- ,span.Days > 0 ? string.Format("{0} {1} ", span.Days, span.Days == 1 ? "year" : "years") : ""
- ,span.Hours > 0 && includeTime ? string.Format("{0} {1} ", span.Hours, span.Hours == 1 ? "hour" : "hours") : ""
- ,span.Minutes > 0 && includeTime ? string.Format("{0} {1} ", span.Minutes, span.Minutes == 1 ? "minute" : "minutes") : ""
- ,span.Seconds > 0 && includeTime && includeSeconds ? string.Format("{0} {1}", span.Seconds, span.Seconds == 1 ? "second" : "seconds") : ""
- );
- }
- public string PrintDateDeltaCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs)
- {
- if (IsInvalidTime (time))
- return InvalidTimeStr (time);
- if (time < 0 && useAbs)
- time = Math.Abs (time);
- if (time == 0d)
- return string.Format("0{0}", includeTime ? (includeSeconds ? "s" : "m") : "d");
- DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
- DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds (time);
- TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
- return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}"
- ,span.Days > 0 ? string.Format("{0}{1} ", span.Days, "d") : ""
- ,span.Hours > 0 && includeTime ? string.Format("{0}{1} ", span.Hours, "h") : ""
- ,span.Minutes > 0 && includeTime ? string.Format("{0}{1} ", span.Minutes, "m") : ""
- ,span.Seconds > 0 && includeTime && includeSeconds ? string.Format("{0}{1}", span.Seconds, "s") : ""
- );
- }
- public string PrintDate (double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false)
- {
- if (IsInvalidTime (time))
- return InvalidTimeStr (time);
- DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
- DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds (time);
- return string.Format("{0:" + dateFormat + "} {1}"
- ,target
- ,includeTime ? string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", target.Hour, target.Minute, target.Second) : ""
- );
- }
- public string PrintDateNew (double time, bool includeTime)
- {
- if (IsInvalidTime (time))
- return InvalidTimeStr (time);
- DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
- DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds (time);
- return string.Format("{0:" + dateFormat + "} {1}"
- ,target
- ,includeTime ? string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", target.Hour, target.Minute, target.Second) : ""
- );
- }
- public string PrintDateCompact (double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false)
- {
- if (IsInvalidTime (time))
- return InvalidTimeStr (time);
- DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
- DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds (time);
- return string.Format("{0}-{1} {2}{3}"
- ,target.Year
- ,target.DayOfYear
- ,includeTime ? string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}", target.Hour, target.Minute) : ""
- ,includeTime && includeSeconds ? string.Format(":{0:D2}", target.Second) : ""
- );
- }
- public int Minute {
- get
- {
- return 60;
- }
- }
- public int Hour {
- get
- {
- return 3600;
- }
- }
- public int Day {
- get
- {
- return 86400;
- }
- }
- public int Year {
- get
- {
- return 31536000;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- protected bool IsInvalidTime(double time)
- {
- if (double.IsNaN (time) || double.IsPositiveInfinity (time) || double.IsNegativeInfinity (time))
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- protected string InvalidTimeStr (double time)
- {
- if (double.IsNaN(time))
- {
- return "NaN";
- }
- if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(time))
- {
- return "+Inf";
- }
- if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(time))
- {
- return "-Inf";
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected DateTime DateFromUT(double time)
- {
- return GetEpoch().AddSeconds (time);
- }
- protected DateTime GetEpoch()
- {
- return epoch;
- }
- public RealDateTimeFormatter()
- {
- }
- public RealDateTimeFormatter (string dateFormat, DateTime epoch)
- {
- this.dateFormat = dateFormat;
- this.epoch = epoch;
- }
diff --git a/RSSTimeFormatter/RSSTimeFormatter.csproj b/RSSTimeFormatter/RSSTimeFormatter.csproj
index 2edd505..6473e58 100644
--- a/RSSTimeFormatter/RSSTimeFormatter.csproj
+++ b/RSSTimeFormatter/RSSTimeFormatter.csproj
@@ -1,50 +1,51 @@
- Debug
- AnyCPU
- {74EB5EEE-52B3-4308-85CD-1EAE8580CAC0}
- Library
- RSSTimeFormatter
- RSSTimeFormatter
- v3.5
- 1.0
- true
- full
- false
- bin\Debug
- prompt
- 4
- false
- full
- true
- bin\Release
- prompt
- 4
- false
- ..\..\..\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll
- False
- ..\..\..\Managed\UnityEngine.dll
+ Debug
+ AnyCPU
+ {74EB5EEE-52B3-4308-85CD-1EAE8580CAC0}
+ Library
+ RSSTimeFormatter
+ RSSTimeFormatter
+ v3.5
+ 1.0
+ true
+ full
+ false
+ bin\Debug
+ prompt
+ 4
+ false
+ none
+ true
+ ..\GameData\RSSDateTime\Plugins\
+ prompt
+ 4
+ false
+ ..\..\Dependencies\1.4.3\Assembly-CSharp.dll
+ False
+ ..\..\Dependencies\1.4.3\UnityEngine.dll
+ False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RSSTimeFormatter/RealDateTimeFormatter.cs b/RSSTimeFormatter/RealDateTimeFormatter.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..234db4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RSSTimeFormatter/RealDateTimeFormatter.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace RSSTimeFormatter
+ public class RealDateTimeFormatter : IDateTimeFormatter
+ {
+ private string dateFormat;
+ private DateTime epoch;
+ #region IDateTimeFormatter implementation
+ public string PrintTimeLong(double time)
+ {
+ Debug.Log("PrintTimeLong");
+ // short-circuit if invalid time passed
+ if (IsInvalidTime(time))
+ return InvalidTimeStr(time);
+ DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
+ DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds(time);
+ TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
+ return string.Format("{0}{1}, {2}{3}, {4}{5}, {6}{7}"
+ , span.Days, span.Days == 1 ? "day" : "days"
+ , span.Hours, span.Hours == 1 ? "hour" : "hours"
+ , span.Minutes, span.Minutes == 1 ? "minute" : "minutes"
+ , span.Seconds, span.Seconds == 1 ? "second" : "seconds"
+ );
+ }
+ public string PrintTimeStamp(double time, bool days = false, bool years = false)
+ {
+ Debug.Log("PrintTimeStamp");
+ // short-circuit if invalid time passed
+ if (IsInvalidTime(time))
+ return InvalidTimeStr(time);
+ DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
+ DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds(time);
+ TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
+ return string.Format("{0}{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}"
+ , days ? string.Format("Day {0} - ", span.Days) : ""
+ , span.Hours
+ , span.Minutes
+ , span.Seconds
+ );
+ }
+ public string PrintTimeStampCompact(double time, bool days = false, bool years = false)
+ {
+ // short-circuit if invalid time passed
+ if (IsInvalidTime(time))
+ return InvalidTimeStr(time);
+ DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
+ DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds(time);
+ TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
+ int dNum = span.Days;
+ int yNum = dNum / 365;
+ int subDays = dNum - yNum * 365;
+ return string.Format("{0}{1}{2:D2}:{3:D2}:{4:D2}"
+ , years ? string.Format("{0}y, ", yNum) : ""
+ , days ? string.Format("{0}d, ", ((years && subDays != 0) ? subDays : dNum)) : ""
+ , span.Hours
+ , span.Minutes
+ , span.Seconds
+ );
+ }
+ public string PrintTime(double time, int valuesOfInterest, bool explicitPositive)
+ {
+ // This is a downright strange and confusing method but as I understand it
+ // what it is saying is give it the time in the following format:
+ // 1y, 1d, 1h, 1m, 1s
+ // But the param 'valuesOfInterest' is used to control how 'deep' it goes
+ // IOW a valueofInterest of say 3 would only give you hours, minutes, and seconds
+ // Why it isn't more straightforward is beyond me
+ // short-circuit if invalid time passed
+ if (IsInvalidTime(time))
+ return InvalidTimeStr(time);
+ bool isNegativeTime = false;
+ if (time < 0) {
+ time = Math.Abs(time);
+ isNegativeTime = true;
+ }
+ DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
+ DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds(time);
+ TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
+ return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}"
+ , isNegativeTime ? "- " : (explicitPositive ? "+ " : "")
+ , (valuesOfInterest >= 3 && span.Days != 0) ? string.Format("{0}d, ", span.Days) : ""
+ , (valuesOfInterest >= 2 && span.Hours != 0) ? string.Format("{0}h, ", span.Hours) : ""
+ , (valuesOfInterest >= 1 && span.Minutes != 0) ? string.Format("{0}m, ", span.Minutes) : ""
+ , valuesOfInterest >= 0 ? string.Format("{0}s", span.Seconds) : ""
+ );
+ }
+ public string PrintTime(double time, int valuesOfInterest, bool explicitPositive, bool logEnglish)
+ {
+ return PrintTime(time, valuesOfInterest, explicitPositive);
+ }
+ public string PrintTimeCompact(double time, bool explicitPositive)
+ {
+ if (IsInvalidTime(time))
+ return InvalidTimeStr(time);
+ bool isNegativeTime = false;
+ if (time < 0) {
+ time = Math.Abs(time);
+ isNegativeTime = true;
+ }
+ DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
+ DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds(time);
+ TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
+ return string.Format("{0}{1}{2:D2}:{3:D2}:{4:D2}"
+ , isNegativeTime ? "- " : (explicitPositive ? "+ " : "")
+ , (span.Days != 0 ? span.Days.ToString() : "")
+ , span.Hours
+ , span.Minutes
+ , span.Seconds
+ );
+ }
+ public string PrintDateDelta(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs)
+ {
+ if (IsInvalidTime(time))
+ return InvalidTimeStr(time);
+ if (time < 0 && useAbs)
+ time = Math.Abs(time);
+ if (time == 0d)
+ return string.Format("0 {0}", includeTime ? (includeSeconds ? "seconds" : "minutes") : "days");
+ DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
+ DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds(time);
+ TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
+ return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}"
+ , span.Days > 0 ? string.Format("{0} {1} ", span.Days, span.Days == 1 ? "year" : "years") : ""
+ , span.Hours > 0 && includeTime ? string.Format("{0} {1} ", span.Hours, span.Hours == 1 ? "hour" : "hours") : ""
+ , span.Minutes > 0 && includeTime ? string.Format("{0} {1} ", span.Minutes, span.Minutes == 1 ? "minute" : "minutes") : ""
+ , span.Seconds > 0 && includeTime && includeSeconds ? string.Format("{0} {1}", span.Seconds, span.Seconds == 1 ? "second" : "seconds") : ""
+ );
+ }
+ public string PrintDateDeltaCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds, bool useAbs)
+ {
+ if (IsInvalidTime(time))
+ return InvalidTimeStr(time);
+ if (time < 0 && useAbs)
+ time = Math.Abs(time);
+ if (time == 0d)
+ return string.Format("0{0}", includeTime ? (includeSeconds ? "s" : "m") : "d");
+ DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
+ DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds(time);
+ TimeSpan span = target - epoch;
+ return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}"
+ , span.Days > 0 ? string.Format("{0}{1} ", span.Days, "d") : ""
+ , span.Hours > 0 && includeTime ? string.Format("{0}{1} ", span.Hours, "h") : ""
+ , span.Minutes > 0 && includeTime ? string.Format("{0}{1} ", span.Minutes, "m") : ""
+ , span.Seconds > 0 && includeTime && includeSeconds ? string.Format("{0}{1}", span.Seconds, "s") : ""
+ );
+ }
+ public string PrintDate(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false)
+ {
+ if (IsInvalidTime(time))
+ return InvalidTimeStr(time);
+ DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
+ DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds(time);
+ return string.Format("{0:" + dateFormat + "} {1}"
+ , target
+ , includeTime ? string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", target.Hour, target.Minute, target.Second) : ""
+ );
+ }
+ public string PrintDateNew(double time, bool includeTime)
+ {
+ if (IsInvalidTime(time))
+ return InvalidTimeStr(time);
+ DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
+ DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds(time);
+ return string.Format("{0:" + dateFormat + "} {1}"
+ , target
+ , includeTime ? string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", target.Hour, target.Minute, target.Second) : ""
+ );
+ }
+ public string PrintDateCompact(double time, bool includeTime, bool includeSeconds = false)
+ {
+ if (IsInvalidTime(time))
+ return InvalidTimeStr(time);
+ DateTime epoch = GetEpoch();
+ DateTime target = epoch.AddSeconds(time);
+ return string.Format("{0}-{1} {2}{3}"
+ , target.Year
+ , target.DayOfYear
+ , includeTime ? string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}", target.Hour, target.Minute) : ""
+ , includeTime && includeSeconds ? string.Format(":{0:D2}", target.Second) : ""
+ );
+ }
+ public int Minute {
+ get {
+ return 60;
+ }
+ }
+ public int Hour {
+ get {
+ return 3600;
+ }
+ }
+ public int Day {
+ get {
+ return 86400;
+ }
+ }
+ public int Year {
+ get {
+ return 31536000;
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ protected bool IsInvalidTime(double time)
+ {
+ if (double.IsNaN(time) || double.IsPositiveInfinity(time) || double.IsNegativeInfinity(time))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected string InvalidTimeStr(double time)
+ {
+ if (double.IsNaN(time)) {
+ return "NaN";
+ }
+ if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(time)) {
+ return "+Inf";
+ }
+ if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(time)) {
+ return "-Inf";
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected DateTime DateFromUT(double time)
+ {
+ return GetEpoch().AddSeconds(time);
+ }
+ protected DateTime GetEpoch()
+ {
+ return epoch;
+ }
+ public RealDateTimeFormatter()
+ {
+ }
+ public RealDateTimeFormatter(string dateFormat, DateTime epoch)
+ {
+ this.dateFormat = dateFormat;
+ this.epoch = epoch;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RSSTimeFormatter/VersionCompareResult.cs b/RSSTimeFormatter/VersionCompareResult.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9431d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RSSTimeFormatter/VersionCompareResult.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace RSSTimeFormatter
+ public enum VersionCompareResult
+ {
+ }