docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker cp database.sql mysql3:/database.sql;
docker exec -i mysql3 mysql -uroot -proot DBname < database.sql
docker exec -it api-no-framework-phpunit_phpfpm_1 /bin/bash
cd web
composer update
Make a REST API supporting the following methods:
GET /news
@return [{id, title, date, text}]
GET /news/:id
@return {id, title, date, text}
POST /news/:id [:title, :date, :text]
@return {success}
POST /news/ [:title, :date, :text]
@return {id, title, date, text}
DELETE /news/:id
@return {success}
Write a Router class to the API that can be used as follows:
$router = new Router();
$router->map( 'GET, '/news/[:id]', function($id) {});
$router->map( 'POST', '/news/:id', 'News#update' {});
$router->map( 'POST', '/news/', 'News#create {});
$router->map( 'DELETE', '/news/:id', [$news, 'delete']);
$router->map( 'GET', '/users/:userId/comments/[:id]', function($userId, $id) {}); // this is just usage example
$result = $router->match();
The code should be OOP and should be as simple, clear and convenient for expansion as possible
The data should be saved in MySQL (optimized database) and returned as json in the specified format.
Do not use framework and ready code, but have a structure
Validation of user input data
Access validation (administrator / normal user)
No security issues