- Parameter: Defined with function
- Argument: Passed as value during the function call.
def function(parameter1, parameter2):
This is a Doctstring
print("The Message")
greet(argument1, argument2)
- When we don't know how many arguments we will pass.
def greet(*people):
parameters (data type): about parameter
# people is an iterator with arguments (list, tuple, set, string)
for name in people:
print("Hello", name)
greet("Kirankumar", "Paramveer", "Gaurav", "Pranit")
- Variable created inside a function is a local variable by default.
- Variable created outside a function is a global variable by default.
- Keyword gobal is used to declare global variable inside a function.
# global variable:
c = 1
def add():
# use of global keyword:
global c
# increment c by 2:
c = c + 2