As the owner,copyright holder and developer of Tempest project, I hereby declare that Tempest project has been started and published to stop idiocity and effects of Dunning-Kruger while aiming to make world a better place.
🔸 Some admins who cannot even tie their shoelace alone but act like they know everything with hidden support of others;
🔸 Some admins who take others work without permission and publish them such as they did/could ever do it;
🔸 Some admins who cannot reply user's technically questions and misdirect (usualy by teasing) them to wrong path to hide their incapability;
🔸 Some admins who afraid/begrudge about other's success (even if once upon that others called as "friend") and try to stop/block them with stupid reasons/explanations;
🔸 Briefly, idiocity, jeolousy, incapability, overestimation, magic, arrogancy and ignorance;
you are in very wrong place so my humble suggestion is for you to take a look the land of "tinyblackboxexecutable" and what you are looking for will magically appear after couple of seconds there..
For all others; you are welcomed.. I guarantee you that there is no stolen good or stupid people here..
What!? Sorry, it is just copy-paste mistake. There is no user licensing or something like that. Tempest is completely free-to-use without any user license or subscription etc. and it always will be. You can also freely download and use shared preconfigured unlocked and/or locked siteconfig files.
As in every free project, you may donate to support me and project so I can buy some super-critical increased corrosion resistance on elevated temperature materials to develop Tempest's fusion engine or just some coffee pods(some good ones are really expensive..)
Unfortunately (thanks God), I don't have such amazing function as quoted below;
"to have full access (250 channels you need to donate 5 euro for 1 year, if you need more channels just donate more as a multi, 10 euro = 500 channels.....15euro=750 channels and so on)."
or below (as "joke of the year");
Effective from January 1, 2025 (all prices mentioned exclude the PayPal fee):
- Donator status will now require a donation of €6 (previously €5).
- Custom licenses: €6 for each increase of 250 channels and €6 for each increase of 5 siteini's (previously €5). Unlimited computer count, 20€ unchanged.
- Please note that these changes will not affect the status and expiry dates of donations made before January 1, 2025.
Why the hell I haven't even thought about "Unlimited computer count","increase of 250 channels" or "increase of 5 siteconfigs"!?... Anyway,so you may sadly enjoy Tempest, if you really need such functionality..
This is the heart of the project. As I mentioned above, donations are not mandatory to use Tempest but with each donation;
🔹 You will be effected %0.0000001 less from planet's gravitational force (you can test it by yourself on your home scales)
🔹 You will have a better calorie consumption rate(stop worrying about your excess weights)
🔹 You will start looking like 1 day younger than you are(donate more often to see effect significantly)
🔹 In somewhere of the planet, 1 more kitten or puppy (based on your choice) will be owned by some unknown good person who is totally unaware about your donation
🔹 And, this is what you were waiting for.. Wait for it.. Keep waiting.. Ta taaammm.. Special Donator Badges
I know you like this kind of badging system and most probably some of you already have similar "black-golden" badges from other places as below;
Unfortunately, I don't have such fancy donator badges but I collected very good alternatives for you. After donation, you can automaticly pick one of below and start using by setting it where you want to use (no need to wait for your badge anymore..). Here we go;