diff --git a/src/special-operators.jl b/src/special-operators.jl
index c58e857a..d23e9393 100644
--- a/src/special-operators.jl
+++ b/src/special-operators.jl
@@ -184,12 +184,16 @@ The operation `Z * v` is equivalent to `v[I]`. `I` can be `:`.
 Alias for `opRestriction([k], ncol)`.
-function opRestriction(Idx::LinearOperatorIndexType{I}, ncol::I) where {I <: Integer}
+function opRestriction(Idx::LinearOperatorIndexType{I}, ncol::I; S = nothing) where {I <: Integer}
   all(1 .≤ Idx .≤ ncol) || throw(LinearOperatorException("indices should be between 1 and $ncol"))
   nrow = length(Idx)
   prod! = @closure (res, v, α, β) -> mulRestrict!(res, Idx, v, α, β)
   tprod! = @closure (res, u, α, β) -> multRestrict!(res, Idx, u, α, β)
-  return LinearOperator{I}(nrow, ncol, false, false, prod!, tprod!, tprod!)
+  if isnothing(S)
+    return LinearOperator{I}(nrow, ncol, false, false, prod!, tprod!, tprod!)
+  else
+    return LinearOperator{I}(nrow, ncol, false, false, prod!, tprod!, tprod!; S = S)
+  end
 opRestriction(::Colon, ncol::I) where {I <: Integer} = opEye(I, ncol)
@@ -209,8 +213,8 @@ The operation `w = Z * v` is equivalent to `w = zeros(ncol); w[I] = v`.
 Alias for `opExtension([k], ncol)`.
-opExtension(Idx::LinearOperatorIndexType{I}, ncol::I) where {I <: Integer} =
-  opRestriction(Idx, ncol)'
+opExtension(Idx::LinearOperatorIndexType{I}, ncol::I; S = nothing) where {I <: Integer} =
+  opRestriction(Idx, ncol; S = S)'
 opExtension(::Colon, ncol::I) where {I <: Integer} = opEye(I, ncol)