diff --git a/base/docs/helpdb.jl b/base/docs/helpdb.jl index 222c18ecca250..688e3cfb11469 100644 --- a/base/docs/helpdb.jl +++ b/base/docs/helpdb.jl @@ -6449,7 +6449,7 @@ doc""" Reorders the Schur factorization of a real matrix ``A=Q*T*Q'``, overwriting ``Q`` and ``T`` in the process. See :func:`ordschur` ``` """ -ordschur! +ordschur!(Q,T,select) doc""" ```rst @@ -6458,7 +6458,7 @@ doc""" Reorders the Schur factorization ``S`` of type ``Schur``, overwriting ``S`` in the process. See :func:`ordschur` ``` """ -ordschur! +ordschur!(S,select) doc""" ```rst @@ -6466,7 +6466,7 @@ doc""" Reorders the Generalized Schur factorization of a matrix by overwriting the matrices ``(S, T, Q, Z)`` in the process. See :func:`ordschur`. """ -ordschur! +ordschur!(S,T,Q,Z,select) doc""" ```rst @@ -6475,7 +6475,7 @@ doc""" Reorders the Generalized Schur factorization of a Generalized Schur object by overwriting the object with the new factorization. See :func:`ordschur`. ``` """ -ordschur! +ordschur!(::LinAlg.GeneralizedSchur,select) doc""" ```rst @@ -6487,18 +6487,18 @@ Creates a precompiled cache file for module (see help for ``require``) and all o compilecache doc""" - clipboard(x) + clipboard() -> AbstractString -Send a printed form of `x` to the operating system clipboard ("copy"). +Return a string with the contents of the operating system clipboard ("paste"). """ clipboard doc""" - clipboard() -> AbstractString + clipboard(x) -Return a string with the contents of the operating system clipboard ("paste"). +Send a printed form of `x` to the operating system clipboard ("copy"). """ -clipboard +clipboard(x) doc""" code_lowered(f, types) @@ -6512,14 +6512,14 @@ doc""" Compute the kth lexicographic permutation of a vector. """ -nthperm +nthperm(v,k) doc""" nthperm(p) Return the `k` that generated permutation `p`. Note that `nthperm(nthperm([1:n], k)) == k` for `1 <= k <= factorial(n)`. """ -nthperm +nthperm(p) doc""" values(collection) @@ -6772,14 +6772,14 @@ doc""" Returns `(path, io)`, where `path` is the path of a new temporary file in `parent` and `io` is an open file object for this path. """ -mktemp +mktemp(?) doc""" mktemp(f::function, [parent=tempdir()]) Apply the function `f` to the result of `mktemp(parent)` and remove the temporary file upon completion. """ -mktemp +mktemp(::Function, ?) doc""" isreadonly(stream) -> Bool @@ -6835,14 +6835,14 @@ doc""" Swap the first and second halves of each dimension of `x`. """ -fftshift +fftshift(x) doc""" fftshift(x,dim) Swap the first and second halves of the given dimension of array `x`. """ -fftshift +fftshift(x,dim) doc""" unique(itr[, dim]) @@ -6898,7 +6898,7 @@ Attempt to access the value of the ``Nullable`` object, ``x``. Returns the value if it is present; otherwise, throws a ``NullException``. ``` """ -get +get(x) doc""" ```rst @@ -6908,7 +6908,7 @@ Attempt to access the value of the ``Nullable{T}`` object, ``x``. Returns the value if it is present; otherwise, returns ``convert(T, y)``. ``` """ -get +get(x,y) doc""" ```rst @@ -6917,7 +6917,7 @@ doc""" Return the value stored for the given key, or the given default value if no mapping for the key is present. ``` """ -get +get(collection,key,default) doc""" ```rst @@ -6992,14 +6992,14 @@ doc""" Returns the maximum element and its index. """ -findmax +findmax(itr) doc""" findmax(A, dims) -> (maxval, index) For an array input, returns the value and index of the maximum over the given dimensions. """ -findmax +findmax(A,dims) doc""" tempname() @@ -7126,7 +7126,7 @@ Subsequent items are shifted to fill the resulting gap. ``` """ -deleteat! +deleteat!(collection, index::Integer) doc""" ```rst @@ -7150,7 +7150,7 @@ Subsequent items are shifted to fill the resulting gap. ``itr`` must be sorted a in deleteat! at array.jl:533 ``` """ -deleteat! +deleteat!(collection, itr) doc""" ```rst @@ -7166,14 +7166,14 @@ doc""" Read a value of the given type from a stream, in canonical binary representation. """ -read +read(stream, type) doc""" read(stream, type, dims) Read a series of values of the given type from a stream, in canonical binary representation. `dims` is either a tuple or a series of integer arguments specifying the size of `Array` to return. """ -read +read(stream, type, dims) doc""" ```rst @@ -7782,7 +7782,7 @@ doc""" Test whether all elements of a boolean collection are true. ``` """ -all +all(itr) doc""" ```rst @@ -7791,7 +7791,7 @@ doc""" Test whether all values along the given dimensions of an array are true. ``` """ -all +all(A::AbstractArray, dims) doc""" ```rst @@ -7805,7 +7805,7 @@ Determine whether predicate ``p`` returns true for all elements of ``itr``. true ``` """ -all +all(p, itr) doc""" bind(socket::Union{UDPSocket, TCPSocket}, host::IPv4, port::Integer) @@ -8150,7 +8150,7 @@ Linear Regression. Returns ``a`` and ``b`` such that ``a+b*x`` is the closest li ``` """ -linreg +linreg(x,y) doc""" ```rst @@ -8160,7 +8160,7 @@ doc""" Weighted least-squares linear regression. ``` """ -linreg +linreg(x,y,w) doc""" polygamma(m, x) @@ -8220,14 +8220,14 @@ doc""" Show a file using the default pager, optionally providing a starting line number. Returns to the julia prompt when you quit the pager. """ -less +less(f::AbstractString, ?) doc""" less(function, [types]) Show the definition of a function using the default pager, optionally specifying a tuple of types to indicate which method to see. """ -less +less(m::Method, ?) doc""" ```rst @@ -8628,7 +8628,7 @@ precision. If ``n`` is not an ``Integer``, ``factorial(n)`` is equivalent to :func:`gamma(n+1) `. ``` """ -factorial +factorial(n) doc""" ```rst @@ -8637,7 +8637,7 @@ doc""" Compute ``factorial(n)/factorial(k)`` ``` """ -factorial +factorial(n,k) doc""" bitrand([rng], [dims...]) @@ -8748,7 +8748,7 @@ doc""" True if and only if all values of `type1` are also of `type2`. Can also be written using the `<:` infix operator as `type1 <: type2`. """ -issubtype +issubtype(type1, type2) doc""" finalizer(x, function) @@ -8950,14 +8950,14 @@ doc""" Store a value to a remote reference. Implements "shared queue of length 1" semantics: if a value is already present, blocks until the value is removed with `take!`. Returns its first argument. """ -put! +put!(::RemoteRef, value) doc""" put!(Channel, value) Appends an item to the channel. Blocks if the channel is full. """ -put! +put!(::Channel, value) doc""" operm(file) @@ -9027,7 +9027,7 @@ doc""" Matrix multiplication ``` """ -Base.(:(*)) +Base.(:(*))(::AbstractMatrix, ::AbstractMatrix) doc""" ```rst @@ -9037,7 +9037,7 @@ Multiplication operator. ``x*y*z*...`` calls this function with all arguments, i ``*(x, y, z, ...)``. ``` """ -Base.(:(*)) +Base.(:(*))(x, y...) doc""" ```rst @@ -9047,7 +9047,7 @@ Concatenate strings. The ``*`` operator is an alias to this function. ``` """ -Base.(:(*)) +Base.(:(*))(s, t) doc""" ```rst @@ -9072,7 +9072,7 @@ doc""" Get the system time in seconds since the epoch, with fairly high (typically, microsecond) resolution. """ -time +time() doc""" procs() @@ -9086,7 +9086,7 @@ doc""" Get the vector of processes that have mapped the shared array """ -procs +procs(::SharedArray) doc""" ```rst @@ -9223,21 +9223,21 @@ doc""" Find the previous index <= `i` of a non-zero element of `A`, or 0 if not found. """ -findprev +findprev(A,i) doc""" findprev(predicate, A, i) Find the previous index <= `i` of an element of `A` for which `predicate` returns true, or `0` if not found. """ -findprev +findprev(predicate::Function,A,i) doc""" findprev(A, v, i) Find the previous index <= `i` of an element of `A` equal to `v` (using `==`), or `0` if not found. """ -findprev +findprev(A,v,i) doc""" matchall(r::Regex, s::AbstractString[, overlap::Bool=false]) -> Vector{AbstractString} @@ -9251,14 +9251,14 @@ doc""" Return the value stored for the given key, or if no mapping for the key is present, store `key => default`, and return `default`. """ -get! +get!(collection,key,default) doc""" get!(f::Function, collection, key) Return the value stored for the given key, or if no mapping for the key is present, store `key => f()`, and return `f()`. """ -get! +get!(f::Function,collection,key) doc""" This is intended to be called using `do` block syntax: @@ -9301,14 +9301,14 @@ doc""" Listen on port on the address specified by `addr`. By default this listens on localhost only. To listen on all interfaces pass `IPv4(0)` or `IPv6(0)` as appropriate. """ -listen +listen(addr,port) doc""" listen(path) -> PipeServer Create and listen on a Named Pipe / Domain Socket """ -listen +listen(path) doc""" ```rst @@ -9509,14 +9509,14 @@ doc""" Returns the minimum element and its index. """ -findmin +findmin(itr) doc""" findmin(A, dims) -> (minval, index) For an array input, returns the value and index of the minimum over the given dimensions. """ -findmin +findmin(A,dims) doc""" ismount(path) -> Bool @@ -9553,21 +9553,21 @@ doc""" Returns the number of elements in A """ -length +length(::AbstractArray) doc""" length(collection) -> Integer For ordered, indexable collections, the maximum index `i` for which `getindex(collection, i)` is valid. For unordered collections, the number of elements. """ -length +length(collection) doc""" length(s) The number of characters in string `s`. """ -length +length(::AbstractString) doc""" rand!([rng], A, [coll]) @@ -9721,14 +9721,14 @@ doc""" Return the index of the first non-zero value in `A` (determined by `A[i]!=0`). """ -findfirst +findfirst(A) doc""" findfirst(A,v) Return the index of the first element equal to `v` in `A`. """ -findfirst +findfirst(A,v) doc""" findfirst(predicate, A) @@ -9788,14 +9788,14 @@ doc""" Sum squared absolute values of all elements in a collection. This is equivalent to `sum(abs2(itr))` but faster. """ -sumabs2 +sumabs2(itr) doc""" sumabs2(A, dims) Sum squared absolute values of elements of an array over the given dimensions. """ -sumabs2 +sumabs2(A,dims) doc""" ```rst @@ -9854,7 +9854,7 @@ Returns ``true`` if ``x`` is prime, and ``false`` otherwise. true ``` """ -isprime +isprime(::Integer) doc""" ```rst @@ -9871,7 +9871,7 @@ cryptographic applications (Knuth, Seminumerical Algorithms). true ``` """ -isprime +isprime(::BigInt, ?) doc""" >(x, y) @@ -10076,21 +10076,21 @@ doc""" Create an ASCII string from a byte array. """ -ascii +ascii(::Vector{UInt8}) doc""" ascii(s) Convert a string to a contiguous ASCII string (all characters must be valid ASCII characters). """ -ascii +ascii(s) doc""" ascii(::Ptr{UInt8}, [length]) Create an ASCII string from the address of a C (0-terminated) string encoded in ASCII. A copy is made; the ptr can be safely freed. If `length` is specified, the string does not have to be 0-terminated. """ -ascii +ascii(::Ptr{UInt8},?) doc""" ```rst @@ -10108,14 +10108,14 @@ doc""" Compute the maximum absolute value of a collection of values. """ -maxabs +maxabs(itr) doc""" maxabs(A, dims) Compute the maximum absolute values over given dimensions. """ -maxabs +maxabs(A,dims) doc""" done(iter, state) -> Bool @@ -10351,21 +10351,21 @@ doc""" Return the index of the last non-zero value in `A` (determined by `A[i]!=0`). """ -findlast +findlast(A) doc""" findlast(A, v) Return the index of the last element equal to `v` in `A`. """ -findlast +findlast(A,v) doc""" findlast(predicate, A) Return the index of the last element of `A` for which `predicate` returns true. """ -findlast +findlast(::Function, A) doc""" @elapsed @@ -10386,14 +10386,14 @@ doc""" Find the next index >= `i` of an element of `A` for which `predicate` returns true, or `0` if not found. """ -findnext +findnext(::Function,A,i) doc""" findnext(A, v, i) Find the next index >= `i` of an element of `A` equal to `v` (using `==`), or `0` if not found. """ -findnext +findnext(A,v,i) doc""" ```rst @@ -10451,14 +10451,14 @@ doc""" Copy all elements from collection `src` to array `dest`. Returns `dest`. """ -copy! +copy!(dest,src) doc""" copy!(dest, do, src, so, N) Copy `N` elements from collection `src` starting at offset `so`, to array `dest` starting at offset `do`. Returns `dest`. """ -copy! +copy!(dest,do,src,so,N) doc""" broadcast(f, As...) @@ -10548,7 +10548,7 @@ Multiplication with respect to either thin or full ``Q`` is allowed, i.e. both ` `doi:10.1137/0910005 `_ ``` """ -qrfact +qrfact(A,?) doc""" @@ -10558,7 +10558,7 @@ doc""" Compute the QR factorization of a sparse matrix ``A``. A fill-reducing permutation is used. The main application of this type is to solve least squares problems with ``\``. The function calls the C library SPQR and a few additional functions from the library are wrapped but not exported. ``` """ -qrfact +qrfact(A) doc""" +(x, y...) @@ -10596,14 +10596,14 @@ doc""" Store values from array `X` within some subset of `A` as specified by `inds`. """ -setindex! +setindex!(A::AbstractArray,X,inds...) doc""" setindex!(collection, value, key...) Store the given value at the given key or index within a collection. The syntax `a[i,j,...] = x` is converted by the compiler to `(setindex!(a, x, i, j, ...); x)`. """ -setindex! +setindex!(collection,value,key...) doc""" signif(x, digits, [base]) @@ -10640,7 +10640,7 @@ doc""" Convert a sparse matrix ``S`` into a dense matrix. ``` """ -full +full(::AbstractSparseMatrix) doc""" ```rst @@ -10648,7 +10648,7 @@ doc""" Reconstruct the matrix ``A`` from the factorization ``F=factorize(A)``. """ -full +full(F) doc""" ```rst @@ -10664,7 +10664,7 @@ called the reduced QR factorization). If ``false``, returns a ``Q`` that spans all rows of ``R`` in its corresponding QR factorization. ``` """ -full +full(::LinAlg.QRCompactWYQ, ?) doc""" ```rst @@ -10737,14 +10737,14 @@ doc""" Performs a left rotation operation on `src` and put the result into `dest`. """ -rol! +rol!(::BitArray,::BitArray,::Integer) doc""" rol!(B::BitArray{1}, i::Integer) -> BitArray{1} Performs a left rotation operation on B. """ -rol! +rol!(::BitArray,::Integer) doc""" ```rst @@ -10756,12 +10756,12 @@ doc""" Determine whether every element of ``a`` is also in ``b``, using :func:`in`. ``` """ -issubset +issubset(a,b) doc""" ```rst .. issubset(A, S) -> Bool - ⊆(A,S) -> Bool + ⊆(A,S) -> Bool True if A is a subset of or equal to S. ``` @@ -10782,7 +10782,7 @@ doc""" In-place version of :func:`map`. ``` """ -map! +map!(function,collection) doc""" ```rst @@ -10793,7 +10793,7 @@ new collection. ``destination`` must be at least as large as the first collection. ``` """ -map! +map!(function,destination,collection...) doc""" ```rst @@ -10816,7 +10816,7 @@ doc""" Replace STDOUT by stream for all C and julia level output to STDOUT. Note that `stream` must be a TTY, a Pipe or a TcpSocket. """ -redirect_stdout +redirect_stdout(stream) doc""" print_with_color(color::Symbol, [io], strings...) @@ -10851,21 +10851,21 @@ doc""" Test whether any elements of a boolean collection are true. """ -any +any(itr) doc""" any(A, dims) Test whether any values along the given dimensions of an array are true. """ -any +any(::AbstractArray,dims) doc""" any(p, itr) -> Bool Determine whether predicate `p` returns true for any elements of `itr`. """ -any +any(p,itr) doc""" ```rst @@ -10924,14 +10924,14 @@ doc""" Create an array of all zeros of specified type. The type defaults to Float64 if not specified. """ -zeros +zeros(type,dims) doc""" zeros(A) Create an array of all zeros with the same element type and shape as A. """ -zeros +zeros(A) doc""" symbol(x...) -> Symbol @@ -10947,7 +10947,7 @@ doc""" Riemann zeta function :math:`\zeta(s)`. ``` """ -zeta +zeta(s) doc""" ```rst @@ -10957,7 +10957,7 @@ Hurwitz zeta function :math:`\zeta(s, z)`. (This is equivalent to the Riemann zeta function :math:`\zeta(s)` for the case of ``z=1``.) ``` """ -zeta +zeta(s,z) doc""" ```rst @@ -10991,21 +10991,21 @@ doc""" Returns true if the given value is valid for its type, which currently can be one of `Char`, `ASCIIString`, `UTF8String`, `UTF16String`, or `UTF32String` """ -isvalid +isvalid(value) doc""" isvalid(T, value) -> Bool Returns true if the given value is valid for that type. Types currently can be `Char`, `ASCIIString`, `UTF8String`, `UTF16String`, or `UTF32String` Values for `Char` can be of type `Char` or `UInt32` Values for `ASCIIString` and `UTF8String` can be of that type, or `Vector{UInt8}` Values for `UTF16String` can be `UTF16String` or `Vector{UInt16}` Values for `UTF32String` can be `UTF32String`, `Vector{Char}` or `Vector{UInt32}` """ -isvalid +isvalid(T,value) doc""" isvalid(str, i) Tells whether index `i` is valid for the given string """ -isvalid +isvalid(::AbstractString,i) doc""" ```rst @@ -11145,7 +11145,7 @@ scales the matrix by its diagonal elements to make rows and columns more equal in norm. The default is ``true`` for both options. ``` """ -eigfact +eigfact(A,?,?,?,?) doc""" ```rst @@ -11159,7 +11159,7 @@ generalized eigenvector can be obtained from the slice ``F[:vectors][:, k]``.) ``` """ -eigfact +eigfact(A,B) doc""" ```rst @@ -11192,14 +11192,14 @@ doc""" Create a string from the address of a C (0-terminated) string encoded in ASCII or UTF-8. A copy is made; the ptr can be safely freed. If `length` is specified, the string does not have to be 0-terminated. """ -bytestring +bytestring(::Ptr{UInt8},?) doc""" bytestring(s) Convert a string to a contiguous byte array representation appropriate for passing it to C functions. The string will be encoded as either ASCII or UTF-8. """ -bytestring +bytestring(s) doc""" midpoints(e) @@ -11303,14 +11303,14 @@ doc""" Compute the histogram of `v`, optionally using approximately `n` bins. The return values are a range `e`, which correspond to the edges of the bins, and `counts` containing the number of elements of `v` in each bin. Note: Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation. """ -hist +hist(v,?) doc""" hist(v, e) -> e, counts Compute the histogram of `v` using a vector/range `e` as the edges for the bins. The result will be a vector of length `length(e) - 1`, such that the element at location `i` satisfies `sum(e[i] .< v .<= e[i+1])`. Note: Julia does not ignore `NaN` values in the computation. """ -hist +hist(v,e) doc""" islower(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool @@ -11365,7 +11365,7 @@ factorization to a tuple; where possible, using :func:`eigfact` is recommended. ``` """ -eig +eig(A,?,?,?) doc""" ```rst @@ -11378,7 +11378,7 @@ factorization to a tuple; where possible, using :func:`eigfact` is recommended. ``` """ -eig +eig(A,B) doc""" ```rst @@ -11696,7 +11696,7 @@ doc""" Delete and return the mapping for ``key`` if it exists in ``collection``, otherwise return ``default``, or throw an error if default is not specified. ``` """ -pop! +pop!(collection,key,?) doc""" ```rst @@ -11727,7 +11727,7 @@ Remove the last item in ``collection`` and return it. 5 ``` """ -pop! +pop!(collection) doc""" filter(function, collection) @@ -12111,14 +12111,14 @@ doc""" Adjusts `dt` to the next day of week corresponding to `dow` with `1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc`. Setting `same=true` allows the current `dt` to be considered as the next `dow`, allowing for no adjustment to occur. """ -Dates.tonext +Dates.tonext(::Dates.TimeType,::Int,?) doc""" tonext(func::Function,dt::TimeType;step=Day(1),negate=false,limit=10000,same=false) -> TimeType Adjusts `dt` by iterating at most `limit` iterations by `step` increments until `func` returns true. `func` must take a single `TimeType` argument and return a `Bool`. `same` allows `dt` to be considered in satisfying `func`. `negate` will make the adjustment process terminate when `func` returns false instead of true. """ -Dates.tonext +Dates.tonext(::Function,::Dates.TimeType) doc""" dayofyear(dt::TimeType) -> Int @@ -12170,14 +12170,14 @@ doc""" Adjusts `dt` to the previous day of week corresponding to `dow` with `1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc`. Setting `same=true` allows the current `dt` to be considered as the previous `dow`, allowing for no adjustment to occur. """ -Dates.toprev +Dates.toprev(::Dates.TimeType,::Int,?) doc""" toprev(func::Function,dt::TimeType;step=Day(-1),negate=false,limit=10000,same=false) -> TimeType Adjusts `dt` by iterating at most `limit` iterations by `step` increments until `func` returns true. `func` must take a single `TimeType` argument and return a `Bool`. `same` allows `dt` to be considered in satisfying `func`. `negate` will make the adjustment process terminate when `func` returns false instead of true. """ -Dates.toprev +Dates.toprev(::Function,::Dates.TimeType) doc""" daysinyear(dt::TimeType) -> Int @@ -12194,7 +12194,7 @@ Truncates the value of ``dt`` according to the provided ``Period`` type. E.g. if ``dt`` is ``1996-01-01T12:30:00``, then ``trunc(dt,Day) == 1996-01-01T00:00:00``. ``` """ -Dates.trunc +Dates.trunc(::Dates.TimeType, ::Type{Dates.Period}) doc""" daysinmonth(dt::TimeType) -> Int @@ -12306,7 +12306,7 @@ doc""" Returns a DateTime corresponding to the user's system time as UTC/GMT. """ -Dates.now +Dates.now(::Type{Dates.UTC}) doc""" isleapyear(dt::TimeType) -> Bool @@ -12503,7 +12503,7 @@ doc""" Clone a package directly from the git URL `url`. The package does not need to be a registered in `Pkg.dir("METADATA")`. The package repo is cloned by the name `pkg` if provided; if not provided, `pkg` is determined automatically from `url`. """ -Pkg.clone(url) +Pkg.clone(url,?) doc""" clone(pkg)