February 2020; updated, December 2024
The road map below is more big-picture; to get into the weeds, see also this GH Project.
Please visit contributing guidelines if interested in contributing to MLJ.
Usability, interoperability, extensibility, reproducibility, and code transparency.
Offer state-of-art tools for model composition and model optimization (hyper-parameter tuning)
Avoid common pain-points of other frameworks with MLJ:
identify and list all models that solve a given task
easily perform routine operations requiring a lot of code
easily transform data, from source to algorithm-specific data format
make use of probabilistic predictions: no more inconsistent representations / lack of options for performance evaluation
Add some focus to julia machine learning software development more generally
Priorities are somewhat fluid, depending on funding offers and available talent. However, we are always keen to review external contributions in any area.
Integrate deep learning using Flux.jl deep learning. Done but can improve the experience by:
finishing iterative model wrapper #139
improving performance by implementing data front-end after (see MLJBase #501) but see also this relevant discussion.
Probabilistic programming: Turing.jl, Gen, Soss.jl #157 discourse thread done but experimental and requires:
- extension of probabilistic scoring functions to "distributions" that can only be sampled.
Feature engineering (python featuretools?, recursive feature elimination ✓ done in FeatureSelection.jl :) #426 MLJModels #314
† Add more tuning strategies. See here for complete wish-list. Particular focus on:
Bayesian methods, starting with Gaussian Process methods a la PyMC3. Some preliminary research done.
POC for AD-powered gradient descent #74
Tuning with adaptive resource allocation, as in Hyperband. This might be implemented elegantly with the help of the recent
wrapper, which applies, in particular toTunedModel
instances see here. -
Genetic algorithms #38
tuning strategies for non-Cartesian spaces of models MLJTuning #18, architecture search, and other AutoML workflows
a more extendible API and extend beyond bagging (boosting, etc) and migrate to a separate repository? #363
Integrate causal and counterfactual methods for example, applications to FAIRness; see this proposal
Explore the possibility of closer integration of Interpretable Machine Learning approaches, such as Shapley values and lime; see Shapley.jl, ShapML.jl, ShapleyValues.jl, Shapley.jl (older) and this proposal
Add sparse data support and better support for NLP models; we could use NaiveBayes.jl as a POC (currently wrapped only for dense input) but the API needs to be finalized first {#731](#731). Probably need a new SparseTables.jl package.
POC for implementation of time series models classification #303, ScientificTypesBase #14 POC is here
POC for time series forecasting, along lines of sktime; probably needs MLJBase #502 first, and someone to finish PR on time series CV. See also this proposal
Add tools or a separate repository for visualization in MLJ.
Add more pre-processing tools:
missing value imputation using Gaussian Mixture Model. Done, via addition of BetaML model,
. -
method (from ScientificTypes), perhaps by training on a large collection of datasets with manually labelled scitype schema.
Extend integration with OpenML WIP @darenasc
Roll out data front-ends for all models after MLJBase #501 is merged.
Online learning support and distributed data #60
DAG scheduling for learning network training #72 (multithreading first?)
Automated estimates of cpu/memory requirements #71