Undergraduate thesis (Trabajo de Fin de Grado TFG in spanish) by Juan Carlos García Estupiñán. My supervisors were Carlos Pérez González and José Alberto Delgado Bello.
My intention with this repository is to share the results from this thesis, and the code in the R scripts that i have developed.
- script: 1Lib_Dfs.R
The species ("especie")
- Script: 2Tor_de_data.R. In this script, there is also a time series model known as SARIMA, used to predict the arrival of turtles at the center in the year 2022.
Time variables: year, month and season ("anio", "mes", "estacion").
- Script: 3tor_ani_est.R
The municipality and specific locations where the turtles are rescued ("muni", "lugar")
- Script: 4municipios.R
Causes for rescue include turtles that arrive either alive or deceased, and whether they can or cannot be rehabilitated.. (causa/causa_orig, muerte)
- Script: 5causa_muer.R
The observations conducted by the center's staff upon the turtles' arrival. ("observa")
- script:6obs2.R
Biometry of the turtles straight carapace length ("SRC"), curved carapace length ("CCL"), straight carapace width ("SCW"), curved caparace width ("CCW") and weight ("Weigth")
- Script: 7biometria.R