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# This needs to be lifted out into other schemastypeBlock@entity {
id: ID!blockHeight: BigInteger!timeStamp: BigInteger!
enumPropertyType {
Bool Uint16 Uint32 Uint64 Int16 Int32 Int64 Text Reference VecBool VecUint16 VecUint32 VecUint64 VecInt16 VecInt32 VecInt64 VecText VecReference
typeProperty@entity {
id: ID! # Runtime identifier for property in classpropertyID: BigInteger! # ==================================== # The next four fields flatten representation of property type and permissions # Type of propertypropertyType: PropertyType! # Upper bound for vector length when property is a vector.lengthIfVec: BigInteger # What class which must be references when property is a reference.mustReferenceClassWhenReference: Class # Owner of referenced entity must be the same as source when property is a reference.mustBeSameControllerWhenReferenceType: Boolean # ==================================== # If property value can be skipped, when adding entity schema supportrequired: Boolean! # Used to enforce uniqeness of a property across all entities that have this propertyunique: Boolean! # Name of propertyname: String! # Description of propertydescription: String! # Property is locked from maintainerisLockedFromMaintainer: Boolean! # Property is locked from controllerisLockedFromController: Boolean! # Schemas which involve this propertyschemas: [Schema!] @derivedFrom(field: "properties")
typeSchema@entity {
id: ID! # Runtime identifier of schema in classschemaId: BigInteger! # Class to which this schema correspondsclass: Class! # Properties of class that are in this schemaproperties: [Property!]
# If schema can be added to an entityisActive: Boolean!
typeClass@entity {
id: ID! # Runtime identifier for classclassId: BigInteger! # All properties that have been used on this class across different class [Property!]
# All schemas that are available for this class, think v0.0 Person, v.1.0 Person, etc.schemas: [Schema!]
# Name of classname: String! # Description of classdescription: String! # The maximum number of entities which can be created.maximumEntitiesCount: BigInteger! # The current number of entities which exist.currentNumberOfEntities: BigInteger! # How many entities a given controller may create at most.defaultEntityCreationVoucherUpperBound: BigInteger! # For this permission, the individual member is allowed to create the entity and become controller.anyMemberCanCreate: bool # Whether to prevent everyone from creating an entityentityCreationBlocked: Boolean! # Whether to prevent everyone from updating entity properties.allEntityPropertyValuesLocked: Boolean! # Current class maintainer curator groupsmaintainers: [CuratorGroup!]e # All vouchers for this classvouchers: [EntityCreationVoucher!] @derivedFrom(field: "class")
typePropertyValue@entity {
id: ID! # Runtime identifier of property value in entitypropertyValueID: BigInteger! # Property to which this value correspondsproperty: Property! ######################### # The next fields encode a flattened representation of non-vector properties, # only one of the below will be non-null.bool: Booleaninteger: BigIntegertext: Bytesreference: Entity ######################### # The next fields encode a flattened representation of vector properties, # only one of the below will be non-null.boolVec: [Boolean!]
intVec: [BigInteger!]
textVec: [Bytes!]
referenceVec: [Entity!]
nonce: BigInteger!
enumEntityControllerType {
Lead Member Maintainer
typeEntityController@entity {
id: ID! # Current controller, which is initially set based on who created entitycontrollerType: EntityControllerType! # The member which is the controller if its a membercontrollerWhenMember: Member # TODO! # Add reverse lookup for events
typeEntity@entity {
id: ID! # Runtime identifier for entityentityID: BigInteger! # Controls this entitycontroller: EntityController! # Forbid groups to mutate any property value.isFrozen: Boolean! # Prevent from being referenced by any entity (including self-references)referenceable: Boolean! # The class of this entityclass: Class! # What schemas under which this entity of a class is availablesupportedSchemas: [Schema!]
# Values for properties on class that are used by some schema used by this entity!values: [PropertyValue!]
# Total number of inbound references from another entitiestotalNumberOfInboundRefernces: BigInteger! # Number of inbound references from another entities with `SameOwner` flag setsameOwnerInboundReferences: BigInteger! # TODO! # Add reverse lookup for events
# Actors################### Instance is created when worker is added to curator frtypeCurator@entity {
id: ID! # UNIQUEworker: Worker!groups:
# TODO!events: [ContentDirectoryEvent!]
# Should be created whenver lead is added to corresponding working grouptypeCurationLead@entity {
id: ID! # UNIQUEworkingGroupLead: Lead! # This Lead is not defined in this schemaevents: [ContentDirectoryEvent!]
typeCuratorGroup@entity {
id: ID! # Runtime identifier for groupgroupId: BigInteger! # Whether group is removedisRemoved: Boolean! # Activity stats of groupisActive: Boolean! # All member curators of this groupcurators: [Curator!]
# All classes this group maintainsmaintainerOfClasses: [Class!] @derivedFrom(field: "maintainers")
# TODO! # Add reverse lookup for events
typeEntityCreationVoucher@entity {
id: ID! # Class to which voucher appliesclass: Class! # Controller to which this voucher appliescontroller: EntityController! # How many are allowed in totalmaximumEntitiesCount: BigInteger! # How many have currently been createdentitiesCreated: BigInteger!
# TODO# 1. fix events <== reverse lookup event & itnerfaces# 2. add curator concept again ... remove all workers.# 4.# 3. full text search! <== we may need to introduce specific types.# 5. Contne dir types: mutiple sources, data objects, platlform content, et.interfaceContentDirectoryEvent {
id: ID!blockHeight: BigInteger!
# Event only generated by lead actionsinterfaceContentDirectoryLeadEvent {
id: ID!blockHeight: BigInteger!CurationLead: CurationLead!
# Event generated by actions open to any actorinterfaceContentDirectoryActorEvent {
id: ID!actor: Actor!blockHeight: BigInteger!
typeCuratorGroupAdded@entity {
id: ID! # Added groupcuratorGroup: CuratorGroup!
typeCuratorGroupRemoved@entity {
id: ID! # Removed groupcuratorGroup: CuratorGroup!
typeCuratorGroupStatusSet@entity {
id: ID! # Group whos status is setcuratorGroup: CuratorGroup! # New activity statusisActive: Boolean!
typeCuratorAdded@entity {
id: ID! # Group to which curator is addedcuratorGroup: CuratorGroup! # Worker as curatorworker: Worker!
typeCuratorRemoved@entity {
id: ID! # Group from which curator is removedcuratorGroup: CuratorGroup! # Worker as curatorworker: Worker!
typeMaintainerAdded@entity {
id: ID! # Class to which maintainer is addedclass: Class! # Group added as maintainercuratorGroup: CuratorGroup!
typeMaintainerRemoved@entity {
id: ID! # Class from which maintainer is removedclass: Class! # Group from which maintainer is removedcuratorGroup: CuratorGroup!
typeEntityCreationVoucherUpdated@entity {
id: ID!
(EntityController, EntityCreationVoucher),
typeEntityCreationVoucherCreated@entity {
id: ID!
(EntityController, EntityCreationVoucher),
typeClassCreated@entity {
id: ID! # Created classclass: Class!
typeClassPermissionsUpdated@entity {
id: ID! # Created classclass: Class! # When set is new value of Class.anyMemberCanCreateupdatedAnyMemberCanCreate: Boolean # When set is new value of Class.entityCreationBlockedupdatedEntityCreationBlocked: Boolean # When set is new value of Class.maintainersupdatedAllEntityPropertyValuesLocked: Boolean # New set of curator groups set as maintainersupdatedMaintainers: [CuratorGroup!]
typeClassSchemaAdded@entity {
id: ID! # ...class: Class! # ...existingProperties: [Property!]
# ...newProperties: [Property!]
# ...newSchema: Schema!
typeClassSchemaStatusUpdated@entity {
id: ID! # ...class: Class! # ...schema: Schema! # ...newStatus: Boolean!
typeEntityPermissionsUpdated@entity {
# ...entity: Entity! # ...updatedFrozenForController: Boolean # ...updatedReferenceable: Boolean
enumActorType {
CuratorGroupMember Member Lead
typeActor@entity {
id: ID! # The type of actortype: ActorType # The curator group and actual curator when the actor type is `ActorType.CuratorGroup`groupWhenCuratorGroupMember: CuratorGroupcuratorWhenCuratorGroupMember: Curator # The member when the actor type is `ActorType.Member`member: Member # The lead when the actor type is `ActorType.Lead`lead: CurationLead
typeEntityCreated@entity {
id: ID! # Actor! # ...class: Class! # ...sentity: Entity!
typeEntityRemoved@entity {
id: ID! # Actor! # ...entityID: BigInteger! # other side-effects?
typeEntitySchemaSupportAdded@entity {
id: ID! # Actor! # ...entity: Entity! # ...schema: Schema! # Values provided by callerpropertyValues: [PropertyValue!]
# other side-effects?
typeEntityPropertyValuesUpdated@entity {
id: ID! # Actor! # ...entity: Entity! # Values provided by callernewPropertyValues: [PropertyValue!]
# other side-effects?
typeEntityPropertyValueVectorCleared@entity {
id: ID! # Actor! # ...entity: Entity! # Property clearedproperty: Property! # other side-effects?
typeRemovedAtEntityPropertyValueVectorIndex@entity {
id: ID!actor: Actor!
(Actor, EntityId, PropertyId, VecMaxLength, Nonce),
actor: Actor<T>,
entity_id: T::EntityId,
in_class_schema_property_id: PropertyId,
index_in_property_vec: VecMaxLength,
nonce: T::Nonce # other side-effects?
typeInsertedAtEntityPropertyValueVectorIndex@entity {
id: ID!actor: Actor!
(Actor, EntityId, PropertyId, VecMaxLength, Nonce),
actor: Actor<T>,
entity_id: T::EntityId,
in_class_schema_property_id: PropertyId,
index_in_property_vec: VecMaxLength,
# singlePropertyValue: SinglePropertyValue<T>,nonce: T::Nonce # other side-effects?
typeTransactionCompleted@entity {
id: ID!actor: Actor! # operations: Vec<OperationType<T>> # other side-effects?
typeEntityOwnershipTransfered@entity {
id: ID!
(EntityId, EntityController),
entity_id: T::EntityId,
new_controller: EntityController<T>,
# other side-effects?
# High level derivative entities############ TODO# 3. full text search! <== we may need to introduce specific types.# 5. Contne dir types: mutiple sources, data objects, platlform content, et.# What is apparent in the schemas below is that, its not possible to define effective full text search on the bare bones representations found.# For example, to support doing a full text search over videos# Observation: follower # and other things dont live in chain...# Recommendations (not sure if they come from API)#enumLanguage {
Chinese English Arabic Portugese French # ...
typeChannel@entity {
id: ID! # Id of underlying entity.entityID: BigInteger!owner: Member!handle: String!@unique@fulltext(query: "universal_search")
description: String!coverPhotoURL: String!avatarPhotoURL: String!language: Languagevideos: [Video!] @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
series: [Series!] @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
playlists: [Playlist!] @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
typeCategory@entity {
id: ID! # Id of underlying entity.entityID: BigInteger!name: String!@uniquevideos: [Video!] @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
series: [Series!] @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
playlists: [Playlist!] @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
typeJoystreamVideoMediaLocation@variant {
dataObjectID: BigInteger!
typeHTTPVideoMediaLocation@variant {
host: String!port: Int
# In the future we can add IPFS, Dat, etc.unionMediaLocation = JoystreamMediaLocation | HTTPMediaLocation# Mixed both encoding and containers, only having popular combos, may need to be changed later.enumVideoMediaEncoding {
H264_mpeg4 VP8_WEBM Theroa_Vorbis
# Apparently there are lots of different Creative Commons licenses,# read about all here,# I haven't had the time.enumCreativeCommonsVersion {
typeCreativeCommonsLicense@variant {
typeUserDefinedLicense@variant {
text: String!
unionLicense = UserDefinedLicense | CreativeCommonsLicensetypeVideoMedia@entity {
id: ID! # Id of underlying entity.entityID: BigInteger!encoding: VideoMediaEncoding! # Resolution widthpixelWidth: Int! # Resolution heightpixelHeight: Int! # Size in bytessize: BigInteger # where to findlocation: MediaLocation!
typeVideo@entity {
id: ID! # Id of underlying entity.entityID: BigInteger!channel: Channel!category: Category!title: String!@fulltext(query: "universal_search")
description: String!@fulltext(query: "universal_search")
# In secondsduration: Int! # In introskippableIntroDuration: IntthumbnailURL: String!Language: Languagemedia: VideoMedia!hasMarketing: Boolean # Timestamp of blockpublishedOnJoystreamInBlock: Block! # Possible time when video was published before JoystreampublishedBeforeJoystream: DateTimeisPublic: Bool!isCurated: Boolean!isExplicit: Boolean!license: License!inPlayLists: [VideoInPlaylistRelationship!] @derivedFrom(field: "video")
people: [PersonRoleInVideo!] @derivedFrom(field: "video")
typePlaylist@entity {
id: ID! # Id of underlying entity.entityID: BigInteger!title: String!@fulltext(query: "universal_search")
channel: Channel!category: Category!isPublic: Bool!contains: [VideoInPlaylistRelationship!] @derivedFrom(field: "playlist")
# We cannot use derived m-2-m relationship, because# we want to associate number also.typeVideoInPlaylistRelationship@entity {
id: ID!playlist: Playlist!video: Video!number: Int!
typeSeries@entity {
id: ID! # Id of underlying entity.entityID: BigInteger!name: String!@fulltext(query: "universal_search")
channel: Channel!category: Category!seasons: [SeriesSeason!] @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
# what people person are associated with this episode
typeSeriesSeason@entity {
id: ID! # Id of underlying entity.entityID: BigInteger!series: Series!episodes: [SeriesEpisode] @derivedFrom(field: "channel")
seasonNumberInSeries: Integer! # other stuff about when published?
typeSeriesEpisode@entity {
id: ID! # Id of underlying entity.entityID: BigInteger!seriesSeason: SeriesSeason!episodeNumberInSeason: Integer!title: String!@fulltext(query: "universal_search")
# what people person are associated with this episode
typePerson@entity {
id: ID! # Id of underlying entity.entityID: BigInteger!fullName: String!@fulltext(query: "universal_search")
born: DateTimedied: DateTimebio: String!
### type VideoContent @variant {# video: Video!# }## type SeriesContent @variant {# series: Series!# }## type SeriesEpisodeContent @variant {# seriesEpisode: SeriesEpisodeContent!# }## union Content = VideoContent | SeriesContent | SeriesEpisodeContent#typePersonRoleInVideo@entity {
id: ID! # Id of underlying entity.entityID: BigInteger!person: Person!video: Video! # Requires reference types in algebraic types # content: Content!name: String!description: String
# Note: it would be nice to have high level events as well, but how will it workinterfaceEvent {
id: ID!inBlock: Block!
# Events# These are just examples, later we add# full set of events for channels, videoes, series, series episodes, personaes, etc.typeChannelCreatedEvent@entityimplementEvent {
id: ID!
inBlock: Block!
channel: Channel!
typeVideoAddedToChannel@entityimplementEvent {
id: ID!
inBlock: Block!
video: Video!
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