Website that keeps a database of jokes that users can add jokes to and/or retrieve jokes from.
Option 1: Inclusively download this project along with entire portfolio from home page
1.) On portfolio homepage, open the dropdown box called '<> Code'
2.) Within the dropdown box, click on Download ZIP
3.) Open the zip file that was just downloaded
4.) Unzip the file downloaded by clicking 'Extract all'
Option 2: Exclusively download the Chess project
1.) Click on the link provided below
2.) Download that was pulled up on Google Drive after clicking link
3.) Open the zip file that was just downloaded
4.) Unzip the file downloaded by clicking 'Extract all'
Requires NodeJS
1.) Open command line and traverse to the Jokes_Project folder that was downloaded
2.) Run node js by using the command 'node app.js' within the Jokes_Project folder in the terminal
3.) Open web browser and go to localhost:3000 (port 3000 is chosen within the app.js file and is possible to change port address if desired)
4.) Operate at that address the same as one would at a website on the browser
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