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101 lines (78 loc) · 3.31 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (78 loc) · 3.31 KB


Groundhog is a Sinatra app that converts your videos to gifs so you can experience those few seconds over and over and over and over and ov...


This app uses the streamio-ffmpeg gem as a wrapper for ffmpeg.

How it works:

The real workhorse here is ffmpeg, which is nicely wrapped in Streamio's streamio-ffmpeg gem. At the moment, there are only two routes: one to get the home page, and one to upload a file.

Here is a breakdown of that '/upload' route:

post '/upload' do
  file_source = params["video"][:tempfile].path
  filetype = return_filetype(params["video"][:type])
  filename = strip_filetype(params["video"][:filename])
  session[:filename] = filename
  session[:type] = filetype
  unless ["mp4"].include?(filetype)
    status 406
    erb :error_406
    video_storage_path = "public/temp_video/#{filename}.#{filetype}"
    VideoConverter.copy_to_temp_video(video_storage_path, file_source)
    @video_storage_link = "temp_video/#{filename}.#{filetype}"
    erb :preview

The upload process begins with a validation on the filetype uploaded. If it hasn't been whitelisted, it shouldn't go any further.

Session variables are set for the filename and filetype, to track the file through the rest of the user's visit.

file_source refers to a tempfile created upon upload. To keep things easy to work with, it gets copied to the temp_video folder.

The user is then directed to a preview page where they can review their video, and choose start and end points for their gif.

post '/convert' do
  filename = session[:filename]
  filetype = session[:type]

  video_storage_path = "public/temp_video/#{filename}.#{filetype}"
  gif_storage_path = "public/temp_gif/#{filename}.gif"
  gif_start_point = params["start-time"].to_i
  gif_duration = params["end-time"].to_i - gif_start_point
  VideoConverter.convert_to_gif(gif_storage_path, video_storage_path, gif_start_point, gif_duration)

  @gif_path = "temp_gif/#{filename}.gif"
  @gif_title = "#{filename}.gif"
  erb :download

When the form with those start and end points is submitted, the '/convert' route runs a convert_to_gif method from the Video class, copying that gif into a temp_gif folder.

destroyFiles = function(){
  $filename = $('#filename').html()
    url: '/destroy/' + $filename,
    type: 'delete'
delete '/destroy' do
  filename = session[:filename]
  filetype = session[:type]

When the user leaves, an ajax call to the '/destroy' route is called. This method deletes the files and clears the session.

To run locally:

Fork the repo, then
$ git clone <forked_repository_name>, then
$ bundle install, then run:
shotgun groundhog_app.rb


Commits are tagged with a ticket code from a trello board I put together for the project: Groundhog.

The number (ie 02) represents a user story, while the letter (ie -b) represents a goal inside that user story.

Some Bill Murray for you:

This image was created with groundhog.
Groundhog's Day