- Not really linearly separable.
- Many layers.
Learning in multilayer network:
- Not knowing how to update at the beginning!
- Backpropagation: we need a diferentiable equation.
Gradient descent in weight space:
- There is a current weight, which we update with a little step.
- Calculate the gradient of E.
- Put a negative sign: Delta w = - etha * Gradient E (w).
How to differentiate?:
- Sigmoid function
Online vs. batch training:
- Batch training: calculate gradient for the entire training set.
- Stochastic gradient descent (online training): calculates error gradient for a single instance.
- A big learning rate is dangerous with stochastic gradient descent.
Convergence of gradient descent:
- For a multi-layer: this may be a local minimum.
- For a single-layer network, this will be a global minimum.
Sigmoid function:
- The partial derivative is o * (1 - o).
- Activation: the output value of a hidden or output unit.
- Epoch: one pass through the training instances during gradient descent.
Initializing weights:
- To small values, so the sigmoid activations are in the range where the derivative is large (learning quick).
- Random values: if all weights are the same, the hidden units will all represent the same thing.
- Typically, [-0.01, 0.01].
Stopping criteria:
- Early stopping: use two datasets: training and validation.
- Return the weights that result in minimum validation-set error.
Encode inputs:
- Nominal featurs are usually represented usng a 1-of-k encoding. Eg. A = [1 0 0]T, B = [0 1 0]T, C = [0 0 1]T.
- With order: thermometer encoding: small = [1 0 0], medium = [1 1 0], etc.
- With values: precipitation = [ 0.68 ]. But has to be normalized/scaled!
Output encoding:
- For regression, linear transfer functions.
- For binary classification, sigmoid output.
- For k-arry classification, k-sigmoid or softmax output units.
Recurrent neural networks:
- Taking the output from the NN and feeding back to the neural network.
Alternative approach:
- Unsupervised learning: find hidden unit representations.
Compiting intuitions:
- Only need a 2-layer network.
- Representation Theorem (1989). Any function can be represented in a NN.
- Deeper networks are better.
- More efficient representation.
- In reality, gives better performance.
How many hidden units?
- The more hidden units, more powerful, and lower the error.
Avoid overfitting:
- Allow many hidden units but force each hidden unit to output mostly zeroes.
- Gradient descent solves an optimization problem —add a "regularizing" term to the objective function.
Backpropagation with multiple hidden layers:
- Doesn't used a lot :D
- There are many local minima