This Wormhole mainnet connects the following chains:
Solana Mainnet Beta.
Ethereum Mainnet.
Gossip network name:
Gossip bootstrap node:
Connected chain contracts:
Network | Bridge contract addresss |
Ethereum Mainnet (Bridge) | 0xf92cD566Ea4864356C5491c177A430C222d7e678 (verified on Etherscan) |
Ethereum Mainnet (Token) | 0x9A5e27995309a03f8B583feBdE7eF289FcCdC6Ae (verified on Etherscan) |
Solana Mainnet Beta | WormT3McKhFJ2RkiGpdw9GKvNCrB2aB54gb2uV9MfQC |
A copy of the contract binaries that were deployed can be found in artifacts/, along with a pointer to the Wormhole revision that they were built from.
Current generation: 1 (v1.prototext), with 19 decentralized guardians.
Network | Guardian Set initialization |
Solana | 3mQpDW2ofC3YpAsDzP4w5FNVzYRSmJjKoio4fcapL7xDAdaatvvKXCzrd2cfHiVNwYZs4hH1ePZ9Hep4zaasL27L |
Ethereum | 0x833e7bec034d9904713d6a7dc13d197ec41af2d0611122603289a1e69ae72c43 |
Refer to the operations guide on how to set up a node.
/usr/local/bin/guardiand bridge \
--bootstrap "/dns4/"
--network "/wormhole/mainnet/1" \
--ethContract "0xf92cD566Ea4864356C5491c177A430C222d7e678" \
--solanaBridgeAddress WormT3McKhFJ2RkiGpdw9GKvNCrB2aB54gb2uV9MfQC \ # <-- Solana Bridge address, same as the agent (NEW)
--solanaRPC http://solana-host:8899 \ # <-- Solana RPC URI, same as the agent (NEW)
--solanaWS ws://solana-devnet:8900 \ # <-- Solana websocket URI, same as the agent (NEW)
--nodeName "Certus One" \ # <-- your node's name (for network explorer usage)
--nodeKey /opt/wormhole/keys/wormhole-node.key \ # <-- auto-generated node key
--bridgeKey /opt/wormhole/keys/wormhole-guardian.key \ # <-- your guardian key generated by "guardiand keygen"
--ethRPC wss://[...] \ # <-- your ETH full/light node websocket URI
--adminSocket /run/guardiand/admin.socket \
--agentRPC /run/guardiand/agent.socket
/usr/local/bin/guardiand-solana-agent \
--bridge WormT3McKhFJ2RkiGpdw9GKvNCrB2aB54gb2uV9MfQC \
--rpc http://solana-host:8899 \ # <-- URL of your Solana validator RPC server
--ws ws://solana-devnet:8900 \ # <-- Websocket path to your Solana validator PubSub port (RPC port +1)
--keypair /path/to/feepayer.json \ # <-- Keypair of a Solana fee payer account with ~10 SOL in it
--socket /run/guardiand/agent.socket
Your fee payer account should be funded with at least 15 SOL and not drop below 5 SOL.
Ethereum contracts are easily verified by standard tooling, for example, Etherscan's contract verification which Wormhole's source code was uploaded to:
On Solana, first compile the contract using the exact same version of the toolchain. The Wormhole dev environment pins all dependencies to achieve a reproducible build:
cd wormhole/solana
git checkout 8478735ea7525043635524a62db2751e59d2bc38
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t wormhole-contract .
docker create --name wormhole-contract wormhole-contract
docker cp wormhole-contract:/opt/solana/deps/
docker rm wormhole-contract
The checksum should be 6e9cc716939e94697a712b529b223c4a843f45fbda9bcabf93349f86557dca97
Now, compare it with the contract deployed on-chain. First, get the program account:
$ solana account WormT3McKhFJ2RkiGpdw9GKvNCrB2aB54gb2uV9MfQC --output json
"pubkey": "WormT3McKhFJ2RkiGpdw9GKvNCrB2aB54gb2uV9MfQC",
"account": {
"lamports": 1141440,
"data": [
"owner": "BPFLoaderUpgradeab1e11111111111111111111111",
"executable": true,
"rentEpoch": 145
The address of the program data is stored in the program account's data:
00000000 02 00 00 00 7e 55 2b c4 88 ce 32 5f 19 86 5a e1
00000010 31 f1 f8 a3 3f 71 6f a9 ce d3 19 fe 8d 6d a9 3a
00000020 41 30 b2 bf
Drop the 02 00 00 00
prefix (=upgradeable program) and convert the address to Base58. You'll get
(example conversion using CyberChef).
This is the account which contains the actual program data to compare to.
Strip the metadata from the account to get the raw binary:
solana account 9W9hLqpqjncrV1iYf2D3dt6WQMthM2SBBQ9Q5Rr6ueLn --output json | \
jq -r[0] | base64 -d | tail -c +46 | head -c -557 >
This should get you the same checksum as above, verifying that the on-chain contract is indeed identical.