- Thanks to @UserFA15, this theme is now compliant with modern versions of Atom (removed deprecated selectors).
- Fixes annoying bug where the current line would hop a few pixels. Thank you for the PR, @SrTobi !!!
- Calling this v1.0 - I think it's pretty much done. :-)
- Markdown changes!!!
- URLs are now blue.
- The linked text is now bolded including the square brackets.
- GitHub "@" Mentions are now bold and rusty-red.
- GitHub issue numbers are now bold and rusty-red.
- In the Markdown preview pane, text defaults to black and links are underlined and in blue.
- Fixed horrible white-on-red syntax highlighting for "invalid.illegal" strings - aka unterminated string constants. Now will just show the remainder of the file as one big string like most editors do.
- "Other" keywords in TypeScript are now blue (
, for example).
- Lightened color of indent-guide.
- Markdown headers, unordered list bullets, and quote bullets are now rendered in bold with a teal color. Quoted text in Markdown is now rendered in a dark gray. This is an improvement on the default VS rendering which currently has no colorization at all.
- Fix for colorization of indent guides (vertical lines). The color implemented here is lighter than the official VS color.
- Fix for colorization on general Function type declaration (This is an improvement on how VS does it).
- Fix for colorization on if/else, return, and arrow functions in TS.
- Fix for colorization of embedded expressions in ES6 template strings.
- Fix for namespace keyword appearing black in C#.
- Fix for operators (such as +) in TypeScript appearing blue.
- Decent support for TypeScript and CSS. Basic support for C#.