Here are some suggestions you should be following while contributing to this repository:
💡 First and foremost go through the CODE_OF_CONDUCT.
💡 Always check properly if the issue you wish to create,already exist or not.
💡 Ask for the issue that you plan to complete.
💡 Commit message should be of the stated syntax.
💡 Add comments to codes.
💡 In algorithms always commit programs that take dynamic input and more preferably through stdin over reading a file.
💡 When naming the file name use uppercamel case name instead of using any standards.
💡 Writing your approach in comments for the code you give will be very much appreciated.
💡 When naming the functions or variables use meaningfull name instead of a1,a2,a3.
💡 Every PR would be reviewed before it gets merged.
💡 Always follow ISSUE_TEMPLATE. and PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE for submission.\