Releases: JanLunge/pog
Release v1.5.5
updates to the debug panel for better error handling and auto scrolling
auto height adjustment for tall keyboards in the layout viewer
some layout adjustments in launch screen
thanks to chatelao, tekton-build-bot and 0x49b
Release v1.5.2
this release includes a new RGB interface in pog as well as the option to update the pog scripts in the firmware menu, thanks to SanderGeraedts
Release v1.4.5
- supply coordmap for the coordmap helper
- better naming of custom keyboard classes
- added delay for macros
Release v1.4.4
Added Fix for breaking change in KMK (errors about simple_key_sequence)
combolayer example code in
kmk now gets updated from the main branch instead of master
split side fix for onewire builds
Release v1.4.2
release 1.4.2
there were some issues with the last deployment
Release v1.4.0
release 1.4.0
- fixes rgb dynamically added as feature in the constructor
- resizing of the keyboardlayout editor (no more overflow)
- proper exit if coordmap assistant fails
- basic rgb keycodes in the keypicker list
- not used pins from direct/matrix wiring get removed if the other method is used
- vbus sense now checks if the pin exists on the board
Release v1.3.2
release 1.3.2
Cleanup and grammar check by lukevanlukevan
Release v1.3.1
includes a split configuration screen from @Birkemosen thanks for the contribution
as well as some fixes that will help with running on circuit python 9
Release v1.2.5
fixes an issue with the keymap after the initial setup where it would not save the coordmap index properly
Release v1.2.2
fixes problem with saving the keyboard layout, also app crashing when closing