Develop cross-platform MVU GUI Applications using F# and Avalonia!
(Application was created using Avalonia.FuncUI!)
This library allows you to write cross-platform GUI Applications entirely in F# - No XAML, but a declarative Elm-like DSL. MVU (Model-View-Update) architecture support is built in, and bindings to use it with Elmish are also ready to use.
Check out the Wiki and Examples.
Please contribute to this library through issue reports, pull requests, code reviews, documentation, and discussion.
Below is the code of a simple counter app (using the Avalonia.FuncUI.Elmish package).
module Counter =
type CounterState = {
count : int
let init = {
count = 0
type Msg =
| Increment
| Decrement
let update (msg: Msg) (state: CounterState) : CounterState =
match msg with
| Increment -> { state with count = state.count + 1 }
| Decrement -> { state with count = state.count - 1 }
let view (state: CounterState) (dispatch): IView =
DockPanel.create [
DockPanel.children [
Button.create [
Button.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch Increment)
Button.content "click to increment"
Button.create [
Button.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch Decrement)
Button.content "click to decrement"
TextBlock.create [
TextBlock.dock Dock.Top
TextBlock.text (sprintf "the count is %i" state.count)