title | authors | fieldsOfStudy | meta_key | numCitedBy | reading_status | ref_count | tags | urls | venue | year | ||||||
Mean Shift - A Robust Approach Toward Feature Space Analysis |
2002-mean-shift-a-robust-approach-toward-feature-space-analysis |
11491 |
122 |
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. |
2002 |
A general non-parametric technique is proposed for the analysis of a complex multimodal feature space and to delineate arbitrarily shaped clusters in it. The basic computational module of the technique is an old pattern recognition procedure: the mean shift. For discrete data, we prove the convergence of a recursive mean shift procedure to the nearest stationary point of the underlying density function and, thus, its utility in detecting the modes of the density. The relation of the mean shift procedure to the Nadaraya-Watson estimator from kernel regression and the robust M-estimators; of location is also established. Algorithms for two low-level vision tasks discontinuity-preserving smoothing and image segmentation - are described as applications. In these algorithms, the only user-set parameter is the resolution of the analysis, and either gray-level or color images are accepted as input. Extensive experimental results illustrate their excellent performance.
- Mean shift analysis and applications
- The variable bandwidth mean shift and data-driven scale selection
- Robust analysis of feature spaces - color image segmentation
- Mean Shift, Mode Seeking, and Clustering
- Adaptive smoothing - a general tool for early vision
- A clustering method based on the estimation of the probability density function and on the skeleton by influence zones. Application to image processing
- An Adaptive Clustering Algorithm For Image Segmentation
- Finding Salient Regions in Images - Nonparametric Clustering for Image Segmentation and Grouping
- Geodesic active contours for supervised texture segmentation
- A new approach to clustering
- The adaptive subspace map for texture segmentation
- Nonparametric multivariate density estimation - a comparative study
- Region Competition - Unifying Snakes, Region Growing, and Bayes/MDL for Multiband Image Segmentation
- Scale-Space and Edge Detection Using Anisotropic Diffusion
- Gaussian mixture density modeling, decomposition, and applications
- Parametric and non-parametric unsupervised cluster analysis
- Real time face and object tracking as a component of a perceptual user interface
- The estimation of the gradient of a density function, with applications in pattern recognition
- EdgeFlow - a technique for boundary detection and image segmentation
- Data sharpening as a prelude to density estimation
- A reliable data-based bandwidth selection method for kernel density estimation
- Statistical Pattern Recognition
- Multiscale image segmentation by integrated edge and region detection
- Robust anisotropic diffusion
- Fast and accurate moving object extraction technique for MPEG-4 object-based video coding
- Geodesic active regions for supervised texture segmentation
- Non-parametric Model for Background Subtraction
- Statistical Pattern Recognition - A Review
- Deformable shape detection and description via model-based region grouping
- Color information for region segmentation
- Adaptive Noise Smoothing Filter for Images with Signal-Dependent Noise
- Edge-Preserving Smoothers for Image Processing
- Edge flow - A framework of boundary detection and image segmentation
- Segmentation and Interpretation of Multicolored Objects with Highlights
- Real-time tracking of non-rigid objects using mean shift
- Inference of Surfaces, 3D Curves, and Junctions From Sparse, Noisy, 3D Data
- Smoothing Methods in Statistics
- Epipolar geometry estimation by tensor voting in 8D
- Cluster-based probability model and its application to image and texture processing
- Comparison of data-driven bandwith selectors
- Hough transform for line recognition - Complexity of evidence accumulation and cluster detection
- Pattern classification and scene analysis
- Bilateral filtering for gray and color images
- A New Interpretation and improvement of the Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Enhancement
- Efficient query modification for image retrieval
- Bilateral Filtering and Anisotropic Diffusion - Towards a Unified Viewpoint
- Fast clustering algorithms for vector quantization
- Detection of diffuse and specular interface reflections and inter-reflections by color image segmentation
- Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition
- Adaptive Nonlocal Filtering - A Fast Alternative to Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Enhancement
- Robust Statistical Procedures
- Color Science, Concepts and Methods. Quantitative Data and Formulas
- Clustering by mode boundary detection
- The cascaded Hough transform as an aid in aerial image interpretation
- Exploring Data Tables, Trends and Shapes.
- Pfinder - real-time tracking of the human body
- Algorithms in C
- Color Science - Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae, 2nd Edition
- Analysis
- Kernel Smoothing
- Robust Statistical Procedures - Second Edition
- The relationship between colour metrics and the appearance of three‐dimensional coloured objects
- Multivariate Density Estimation - Theory, Practice, and Visualization
- Nonlinear Programming
- Introduction to statistical pattern recognition (2nd ed.)
- Color Science Concepts and Methods
- Nonparametric robust methods for computer vision
- Digital image processing (2nd ed.)
- Algorithms for Clustering Data
- Hierarchical Image Analysis Using Irregular Tessellations
- Finding Groups in Data - An Introduction to Chster Analysis
- Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis