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Quantity Outputs |
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v7.1 |
Name | Resolution | Unit | Query | XML Tag |
Physical Output1 | Technology, Region2, Vintage, and Year | Various3 | outputs by tech | physical-output |
Resource Production | Region, Resource and Year | Various3 | resource production | output |
Inputs1 | Technology, Input, Region2, Vintage, and Year | Various3 | inputs by tech | demand-physical |
Supply | Market4 and Year | Various3 | supply of all markets | supply |
Demand | Market4 and Year | Various3 | demand of all markets | demand |
Outputs are specified in the startVisitOutput
, startVisitResource
, startVisitInput
, and startVisitMarket
methods of xml_db_outputter.cpp.
2: Outputs are reported at the regional resolution of the sector. See Regional Resolution
3: Units vary. In general, energy-related outputs are reported in EJ/yr, agricultural outputs are in Mt/yr, forestry outputs are in million m3/yr, and water outputs are in km3/yr.
4: Supply and demand can be reported by market. The market name contains both region and commodity information. For example, globalcrude oil is the globally traded crude oil market and USACorn is Corn market in the USA. Some markets will have both a global and a regional supply or demand.