This version of John Conway's Game of Life is written by Daniel Tan: Game of Life. He also recorded a video of his version.
This program is a so called cellular automation. The GitHub repo contains a good discussion of the rules of the program, so we won't repeat this here.
The display of the evolving generations and the menu for changing game options needs some graphics programming.
This is achieved here by using pure Jai modules:
Window_Creation (Platform-independent window creation routines),
Input (keyboard and mouse input),
Simp (drawing graphics), and
GetRect (to display widgets).
Let's first make a version which uses only print to display the living cells. This way we only need to concern ourselves with the life - algorithm.
A living cell is depicted with '1', a dead cell with '0'. Because we cannot give any input, the starting generation has to be hardcoded.
See 51.1_game_of_life.jai:
#import "Basic";
#import "Math";
M :: 16;
gol_grid: [M][M] s8;
main :: () {
// set initial state:
gol_grid[M/2][M/2] = 1;
gol_grid[M/2][M/2 - 1] = 1;
gol_grid[M/2][M/2 + 1] = 1;
show_gol(); // print initial state:
while true { // game event loop
next_generation :: () {
temp: [M][M] s8 = ---;
for i: 0..M-1 {
for j: 0..M-1 {
count := neighbors_count(i, j);
if gol_grid[i][j] == 1 {
if count < 2 || count > 3 then
temp[i][j] = 0;
temp[i][j] = 1;
} else {
if count == 3
temp[i][j] = 1;
temp[i][j] = 0;
for i: 0..M-1 { // (6)
for j: 0..M-1 {
gol_grid[i][j] = temp[i][j];
neighbors_count :: (i: int, j: int) -> s8 {
// edge causes array bounds error!
if (i==0 || j == 0 || i == 15 || j == 15) return 0;
count: s8 = 0;
count += gol_grid[i-1][j-1];
count += gol_grid[i-1][j];
count += gol_grid[i-1][j+1];
count += gol_grid[i][j-1];
count += gol_grid[i][j+1];
count += gol_grid[i+1][j-1];
count += gol_grid[i+1][j];
count += gol_grid[i+1][j+1];
return count;
show_gol :: () {
for i: 0..M-1 {
for j: 0..M-1 {
print("%", gol_grid[i][j]);
We represent the game grid as a 2 dimensional matrix [M][M] s8. next_generation
implements the rules of the game: it first calculates the next step in a temp matrix, which is then copied over to gol_grid
. show_gol
simply prints out that matrix.
When running you see the oscillating horizontal and vertical "111" pattern typical for this configuration. Stop the program with "CTRL/C".
This version uses the same algorithm, but shows a graphical display. It is much more refined: the starting situation can be given by the user, and several other options are available to direct the game. And all this only in some 260 lines of code!
See 51.2_game_of_life_gui.jai:
#import "Basic";
#import "GetRect";
Input :: #import "Input";
#import "Math";
#import "Simp";
#import "Window_Creation";
main :: () {
win := create_window(800, 600, "John Conway's Game of Life");
window_width, window_height := get_render_dimensions(win);
dt := 0.01;
timer := 0.0;
while eventloop := true { // (1) game event loop
for Input.get_window_resizes() {
if it.window == win {
window_width = it.width;
window_height = it.height;
mouse_pressed := false;
for event: Input.events_this_frame { // (2) event handling
if event.type == .QUIT then
break eventloop;
if event.type == .KEYBOARD then {
if event.key_pressed {
if event.key_code == {
mouse_pressed = true;
case .ARROW_UP;
render_j -= 1;
render_j &= M-1;
render_j += 1;
render_j &= M-1;
render_i -= 1;
render_i &= M-1;
render_i += 1;
render_i &= M-1;
if timer >= max_time then {
timer = 0.0;
current_time := get_time();
render_gol(win, current_time, mouse_pressed);
if play == true then {
timer += dt;
reset_temporary_storage(); // (3)
#scope_file // (4)
play := false;
M :: 128;
#assert((M & (M-1)) == 0);
gol_grid: [M][M] s8;
next_generation :: () { // (5)
temp: [M][M] s8 = ---;
for i: 0..M-1 {
for j: 0..M-1 {
count := neighbors_count(i, j);
if gol_grid[i][j] == 1 {
if count < 2 || count > 3 then
temp[i][j] = 0;
temp[i][j] = 1;
} else {
if count == 3
temp[i][j] = 1;
temp[i][j] = 0;
for i: 0..M-1 { // (6)
for j: 0..M-1 {
gol_grid[i][j] = temp[i][j];
neighbors_count :: (i: int, j: int) -> s8 #expand {
count: s8 = 0;
count += gol_grid[wrap(i-1)][wrap(j-1)];
count += gol_grid[wrap(i-1)][j];
count += gol_grid[wrap(i-1)][wrap(j+1)];
count += gol_grid[i][wrap(j-1)];
count += gol_grid[i][wrap(j+1)];
count += gol_grid[wrap(i+1)][wrap(j-1)];
count += gol_grid[wrap(i+1)][j];
count += gol_grid[wrap(i+1)][wrap(j+1)];
return count;
wrap :: (index: int) -> int #expand {
return index & (M-1);
render_i := 0;
render_j := 0;
sq_width := 35.0;
render_gol :: (win: Window_Type, current_time: float64, mouse_pressed: bool) #expand {
// background.
clear_render_target(.35, .35, .35, 1);
defer swap_buffers(win);
width, height := get_render_dimensions(win);
i := render_i;
j := render_j;
cycles_x := 0;
sq_x: float = 0.0;
sq_y: float = xx height;
fwidth: float = xx width;
fheight: float = xx height;
offset := sq_width * 0.025;
dark := Vector4.{.15, .15, .15, 1};
while sq_x < fwidth && cycles_x < M {
sq_y = fheight;
j = render_j;
cycles_y := 0;
while sq_y > 0 && cycles_y < M {
if gol_grid[i][j] == 1 {
immediate_quad(sq_x + offset, sq_y - offset,
sq_x + sq_width - offset,
sq_y - sq_width + offset, color_theme);
} else {
immediate_quad(sq_x + offset, sq_y - offset,
sq_x + sq_width - offset,
sq_y - sq_width + offset, dark);
sq_y -= sq_width;
j = (j + 1) & (M-1);
cycles_y += 1;
sq_x += sq_width;
i = (i + 1) & (M-1);
cycles_x += 1;
ui_per_frame_update(win, width, height, current_time);
ui_interaction := false;
k := clamp(height * .05, 17.0, 30.0);
r := get_rect(5, (xx height) - 5.0 - k, 8.5*k, k);
play_text := ifx play == true "Stop" else "Simulate";
if button(r, play_text) {
play = !play;
ui_interaction = true;
r.y -= k + 5.0;
if button(r, "Next") {
ui_interaction = true;
r.y -= k + 5.0;
if button(r, "Zoom In") {
sq_width = min(sq_width+1.0, xx min(width, height));
ui_interaction = true;
r.y -= k + 5.0;
if button(r, "Zoom Out") {
sq_width = max(sq_width-1.0, 1.0);
ui_interaction = true;
r.y -= k + 5.0;
if button(r, "Clear") {
memset(, 0, size_of(#type [M][M] s8));
ui_interaction = true;
r.y -= k + 5.0;
if slider(r, *max_time, 0.01, 3.0, 0.01, *getrect_theme.slider_theme, "Update ", " secs") {
ui_interaction = true;
r.y -= k + 5.0;
choice := color_option_choice;
dropdown_state := dropdown(r, color_options, *choice);
if (prev_open == true && == false) || ( == true) {
ui_interaction = true;
prev_open =;
defer {
if choice != color_option_choice {
color_option_choice = choice;
if color_option_choice == 0 {
color_theme = Vector4.{1,1,0,1};
} else if color_option_choice == 1 {
color_theme = Vector4.{0,1,0,1};
} else if color_option_choice == 2 {
color_theme = Vector4.{1,0,0,1};
} else if color_option_choice == 3 {
color_theme = Vector4.{.25,.25,1,1};
if ui_interaction == false && mouse_pressed then {
mouse_x, mouse_y := get_mouse_pointer_position(win, true);
i := (cast(int) (mouse_x / sq_width) + render_i) & (M-1);
j := (cast(int) ((height - mouse_y) / sq_width) + render_j) & (M-1);
if i >= 0 && i < M && j >= 0 && j < M then {
gol_grid[i][j] ^= 1;
color_options :: string.[
color_option_choice: s32;
max_time: float = 1.0;
getrect_theme: Overall_Theme;
color_theme := Vector4.{1,1,0,1};
prev_open: bool = false;
setup_getrect_theme :: (theme: Default_Themes) #expand {
proc := default_theme_procs[theme];
getrect_theme = proc();
button_theme := *getrect_theme.button_theme;
button_theme.label_theme.alignment = .Left;
slider_theme := *getrect_theme.slider_theme;
slider_theme.foreground.alignment = .Left;
The game event loop starts in line (1). Temporary storage is used for memory allocation (line (3)). All variables and routines are declared #scope_file (line (4)), they are only callable from within the program.
The proc next_generation
(line (5)) is the code that calculates the grid display gol_grid
. It uses the helper macro neighbors_count
, which is an inner proc.
In line (6), gol_grid
is updated.
A particularly nice pattern permits to draw a widget and test an event on it. For example in this code snippet:
if button(r, "Next") {
ui_interaction = true;
The call to button(r, "Next")
draws a button with rectangle r and text "Next". This returns true when the button is clicked, so that the next_generation()
procedure is called.