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30 Integrated build system

A built-in build system

Intro: What is a meta-program?

C/C++ compilers do not have a way to specify how to build a program, and are reliant on outside systems foreign to the language to build projects, such as Makefiles, Ninja, and CMake. All these build systems are clunky, need to use a different system for different operating systems, and building a large program can be incredibly messy. In Jai, all you would ever need to compile your code is the Jai language and compiler itself, there are no external dependencies.

Jai provides an integrated build process. Essentially, your source code is the project file, and the compile options are specified in your code. You communicate with the compiler using the same language you’re writing the program in.

We learned about compiling a program with the jai command in § 3, while all command-line options were reviewed in § 2B.

This chapter talks about building (compiling/linking while setting options) a Jai project through running another Jai program: the meta-program, which is usually called build.jai (or sometimes first.jai).
Most of the procedures we will need are defined in module Compiler, so we'll import this module in the programs in this chapter. Most of these programs can also be run at compile-time with #run.
By convention a procedure called build() is run with #run build(), but you can also just run a code block with #run {...} (see 30.11_using_notes.jai).

Your meta-program gets a lot of very useful information about the target program, including:

  • syntax trees representing every procedure
  • the types of all variables and all expressions
  • information about which declaration each identifier binds to You can do a whole lot of stuff with this information and perform analyses that would not be possible in most programming languages.

Behind the scenes when you compile a normal Jai program with: jai main.jai, the compiler internally runs another meta-program at startup to compile the first workspace. This default meta-program does things such as setting up the working directory for the compiler, setting the default name of the output executable based on command-line arguments, and changing between debug and release build based on command-line arguments. It only accepts arguments preceded by a -. The source for this meta-program is in modules/Default_Metaprogram.jai.

Any procedure that has the #compiler directive is a proc that interfaces with the compiler as a library; it works with compiler internals.

30.1 Workspaces

You've probably noticed that every successful compile output (let's say jai main.jai) contains the sentence:
Stats for Workspace 2 ("Target Program"): The 'Target Program' mentioned here is main.jai. For each program that is built by the compiler, a different workspace is used.
A workspace represents a completely separate environment, inside which we can compile programs. When the compiler starts up, it makes a workspace for the first files that you tell it to compile on the command-line.

See 30.1_workspaces.jai:

#import "Basic";
#import "Compiler";

build :: () {
  w2 := get_current_workspace();        // (1)
  print("The current workspace is %\n", w2); // => The current workspace is 2
  w3 := compiler_create_workspace();    // (2)
  if !w3 {                              // (2B)
    print("Workspace creation failed.\n");
  assert(w3 != 0);                      // (2C)
  print("The workspace w3 is %\n", w3); // => The workspace w3 is 3

  ws4 := compiler_create_workspace("Workspace 4");
  // do build for workspace 4...
  ws5 := compiler_create_workspace("Workspace 5");
  // do build for workspace 5...

main :: () { }

#run build();

A Workspace is defined in module Preload as just a constant: Workspace :: s64;
To know the current workspace the compiler is working at, use the procedure get_current_workspace :: () (see line (1)). This returns 0 at run-time.
You can ask the compiler to create one or several different new workspaces with the procedure compiler_create_workspace(); which returns a variable of type Workspace (see line (2)). It can only be run at compile-time. Have a look at the ways to check (2B-C) whether your workspace is ready. Different workspaces run completely separate from each other, one workspace does not affect another workspace.

Why is the workspace for the target program at the command-line called 'Workspace 2'?
When launching the compiler, the Default_Metaprogram that builds your program is started in workspace #1.

30.2 The source file location directives

See 30.2_location.jai:

#import "Basic";

add :: (x: int, y: int, loc := #caller_location) -> int {
    print("add was called from line %.\n", loc.line_number); // => add was called from line 18.
    return x + y;

main :: () { 
    print("In file % line %\n", #file, #line); // (1)
    // => In file d:/Jai/The_Way_to_Jai/examples/30/30.2_location.jai line 4
    print("Filepath is %\n", #filepath);       // (2)
    // => Filepath is d:/Jai/The_Way_to_Jai/examples/30/
    loc := #location(code);                    // (3)
    print("The code is at location %:%\n", loc.fully_pathed_filename, loc.line_number);
    // => The code is at location d:/Jai/The_Way_to_Jai/examples/30/30.2_location.jai:3
    add(2, 4);

A few directives exist that can be handy when providing file location information, at run-time as well as during compiling:
#file contains the complete path, filename included of the current file
#line gives the number of the line of code where this directive is used
#filepath contains the path to the current file, without the filename; it can be a remote filepath.
#location given a piece of Code, it can extract the full path to that code, as well as its line number.
#caller_location it gives the line number from where a procedure is called.

When using or setting file-paths in Jai, always use the forward slash / as path-separator, even on Windows!

Exercise In § 17.1.2 Exercise (5) we made a naive implementation of the assert statement.
But now we can show in our code where an assertion fails with #location.
Moreover with the metaprogramming tools of § 26 (compiler_get_nodes used in code_to_string, see § 26.15), we can make the difference between displaying a proc call and its value in displaying an assert, like this:

assert_eq(42, factorial(3));
  left: 42  expr: 42
  right: 6  expr: factorial(3)
  loc: {"d:/Jai/testing/assert_eq.jai", 30, 15}

(see assert_eq.jai)

30.3 A minimal build file

30.3.1 Compiling with add_build_file

See 30.3_build.jai:

#import "Basic";
#import "Compiler";

build :: () {
    w := compiler_create_workspace();                     // (1)
    if !w {
        print("Workspace creation failed.\n");
    print("The workspace w is %\n", w);   // => The workspace is 3

    target_options := get_build_options(w);               // (2)
    target_options.output_executable_name = "program";    // (3)
    set_build_options(target_options, w);                 // (4)
    // add_build_file("main.jai", w);
    add_build_file(tprint("%/main.jai", #filepath), w);   // (5)
    set_build_options_dc(.{do_output=false});             // (6)

    main :: () {}

    #run build();

The building process started with jai build.jai is done at compile-time when #run build(); is executed.

The first step in the building process is always to create a new workspace w (see line (1)), which will be Workspace 3. So the following workspaces are created:

  • Workspace 1: reserved for inner compiler workings;
  • Workspace 2: reserved for the target program, here build.jai;
  • Workspace 3: reserved for the building script (we could call it a script, although it's completely written in Jai);

Then we want to configure the build options. We first get the current build options from the workspace with the procedure get_build_options(w), which returns an instance of the struct Build_Options. This struct is defined in module Compiler, and contains some 45 options you can tweak about how the compilation works!

In this first example, we only set the field output_executable_name (line (3)).
After all necessary build options have been configured, we write them back to the workspace with the proc set_build_options (see line (4)).

Then we add a file which has to be compiled with the proc add_build_file (see line (5)). This takes a string with the complete source file path and the workspace. You can pass the complete path in any form you like, here the file was constructed with tprint for convenience, using the current path #filepath and name main.jai.

In this simple case, add_build_file("main.jai", w); works as well. If you have other files to compile, add them one by one with add_build_file("file.jai", w);. The compiler will automatically build any files included with the #load directive.

Without line (6), compilation of the build program 30.3_build.jai produces the specified program.exe, but also an executable for the build program itself (in our case named 30.exe). Normally, you're not interested in an executable for the build process itself. To disable its generation, use line (6): set_build_options_dc(.{do_output=false}); _dc means During Compile, and we specify that we don't want any output.

If you don't want to see the generated strings either in .build, you can add: set_build_options_dc(.{write_added_strings=false}); This means no executable for the build program itself is generated and no statistics for its compilation are shown (Workspace 2).

30.3.2 Compiling with add_build_string

In the previous example, we used the add_build_file() proc to add source files to compile to the process. Another way of doing this is to the code as a multiline string with add_build_string(), as in the following minimal example:

See 30.3B_build_add_build_string.jai:

#import "Basic";
#import "Compiler";
// (1)
TARGET_PROGRAM_TEXT :: #string DONE                
#import "Basic";

main :: () {
    print("This program was built with meta-program 30.3B_build_add_build_string.jai\n");

build :: () {
    w := compiler_create_workspace();                     
    target_options := get_build_options(w);             
    target_options.output_executable_name = "build_string";    
    set_build_options(target_options, w);                 
    add_build_string(TARGET_PROGRAM_TEXT, w);       // (2)

main :: () {

#run build();

In this case, we deliver the whole program as one big string in the line following (1), and add it to be compiled in line (2). Nothing prevents you from dividing the program text in several (meaningful) part strings, calling add_build_string for every string.
Now build it wit the command jai 30.3B_build_add_build_string.jai, and run the resulting binary build_string.exe, which outputs:
This program was built with meta-program 30.3B_build_add_build_string.jai

Why is this useful? Because working in this way, the code string could be generated by meta-programming at compile-time, instead of being hardcoded in a source file!

The meta-program build.jai has an empty main entry: main :: () {} so as not to get the 'No entry point' compiler error.

When you run the executable program.exe, you get the output from main.jai: This program was built with a meta-program build.jai.

A build file can instantiate multiple workspaces, to build various different kinds of binaries (executables, static/dynamic libraries). Each build is completely separate from all the others.

The use of a build() function is not mandatory: your build file could just be a #run { ... }, as illustrated in 30.7_generate_llvm_bitcode.

30.3.3 The #placeholder directive

See 30.12_placeholder.jai:

#import "Basic";

#placeholder TRUTH;                     // (1)

#run {
   #import "Compiler";
   options := get_build_options();
   add_build_string("TRUTH :: true;", -1);  // (2)

main :: () {
   print("TRUTH is %, is it a constant? %\n", TRUTH, is_constant(TRUTH));
   // => TRUTH is true, is a constant? true

The #placeholder directive specifies to the compiler that a particular symbol will be defined/generated by the compile-time meta-program.
In the program code, the constant TRUTH is 'announced' in line (1), it only gets declared in the #run block with the proc add_build_string in line (2). The 2nd argument in line (2) is the workspace, -1 is a value indicating the current workspace. Note how #import "Compiler"; also can be done in the #run block.
add_build_string adds a string as a piece of code to the program.

The first argument is a string, the second argument is the workspace (see § 30.1) you want to add it to. You can do all sorts of complex string manipulation to create complex meta-programming code, then add it to your build in string format.

30.4 The build options

See 30.4_build_options.jai:

#import "Basic";
#import "Compiler";

build :: () {
    w := compiler_create_workspace();
    if !w {
        print("Workspace creation failed.\n");
    target_options := get_build_options(w);

    target_options.backend = .LLVM;  
    set_optimization(*target_options, Optimization_Type.DEBUG, true);   // (0A)
    // set_optimization(*target_options, Optimization_Type.OPTIMIZED);  // (0B)

    target_options.output_type = .EXECUTABLE;      
    target_options.output_executable_name = "my_program";
    target_options.output_path = "./.build";

    import_path: [..] string;
    array_add(*import_path, ..target_options.import_path);
    array_add(*import_path, "d:\\jai\\my_modules");
    target_options.import_path = import_path;
    target_options.stack_trace = false;
    target_options.backtrace_on_crash = .OFF;

    target_options.array_bounds_check = .ON; // values: .OFF / .ON / .ALWAYS
    target_options.cast_bounds_check  = .FATAL; 
    target_options.null_pointer_check = .ON;
    target_options.relative_pointer_bounds_check = .ON
    target_options.enable_bytecode_inliner = true; 
    target_options.runtime_storageless_type_info = true;
    target_options.dead_code_elimination = .NONE;

    format := *context.print_style.default_format_struct;  // (1)
    format.use_newlines_if_long_form = true;
    format.indentation_width = 4;  
    print("Build_Options for Workspace % are: %\n", w, target_options);

    set_build_options(target_options, w);
    add_build_file("main.jai", w);

main :: () {}

#run build();

Specifying the build options for an application is far more easier than writing the program. In Jai all build scripting is done within the language itself, and in the same environment as the rest of the code. This avoids having to use an external build tool (like make or Visual Studio project files that bring their own complications), and makes the building process cross-platform and consistent.

The set_build_file_path proc let's you specify where you want the output executable to be written: set_build_file_path("./");
This setting puts the output executable in the current folder; which is the default.

A few of the most important build options are shown in the program above and discussed below. You can simply print out the Building_Struct options for inspection as done in line (1) and following, producing this output (see program code for complete output) while running the command jai 30.4_build_options.jai:

Build_Options for Workspace 3 are: {
    output_type = EXECUTABLE;
    output_flags = 0;
    Commonly_Propagated = {
        write_added_strings = true;
        runtime_storageless_type_info = true;
        shorten_filenames_in_error_messages = false;
        use_visual_studio_message_format = false;

30.4.1 The optimization level

This is set with the procedure set_optimization, for example:
set_optimization(*target_options, Optimization_Type.DEBUG, true);
for debug, or:
set_optimization(*target_options, Optimization_Type.OPTIMIZED);
for release. The Optimization_Type enum values defined in module Compiler are:

    DEBUG                :: 0;
    VERY_DEBUG           :: 1;
    OPTIMIZED            :: 2;
    VERY_OPTIMIZED       :: 3;
    OPTIMIZED_SMALL      :: 4;

Optimized builds take much longer (10x) time than debug builds, but are around 2x as fast as an un-optimized build. This automatically turns OFF all runtime checks, and specifies a number of optimizations for LLVM code production.

Remark Most (if not all) optimization settings included in 30.4_build_options.jai are automatically turned on or off by using set_optimization with the appropriate Optimization_Type enum values. They are added here only so that we can discuss them. In a normal program set_optimization is sufficient, you would not have to add additional optimization settings.

To enable bytecode inlining, use: target_options.enable_bytecode_inliner = true;
To stop making a .pdb file, use: target_options.emit_debug_info=.NONE;

30.4.2 The output type

Possible values are: .NO_OUTPUT; .DYNAMIC_LIBRARY; .STATIC_LIBRARY; .OBJECT_FILE; with as default .EXECUTABLE; (For examples of usage, see how_to/400_workspaces.jai and Jai\examples\output_types)

30.4.3 The output executable name

This is only the filename of the executable, it includes no extension.

30.4.3B The output path

This is the path where the executable (and the other compiler artifacts, such as the .pdb) will be written.

30.4.3C The import path

If you need to import modules from another folder than the standard jai\modules, use options.import_path as shown here.

30.4.4 The backend options

Current options are .LLVM and .X64; X64 is the fastest backend.

30.4.5 Info about runtime errors and crashes

The stack_trace option is by default true. For a release build, set target_options.stack_trace = false;
The backtrace_on_crash option is by default .ON

30.4.6 Checks at runtime

Array bounds operations, castings and null pointer checks can be turned ON or FATAL/NONFATAL (for cast checks) at runtime to increase robustness of your program, they are so by default. If you are very sure, you can turn them OFF to increase performance.

30.4.7 runtime_storageless_type_info

Example: target_options.runtime_storageless_type_info = true;
With this option, you can specify whether type_table info is available at runtime (see § 26.1). By default its value is false, but if you set its value to true, the type table info is not available at runtime, which reduces the executable's size. You’re than basically saying "I don’t want all that data", but you still can use Type_Info and the type_info function This could be useful when writing for an embedded system.

30.4.7B Dead code elimination

target_options.dead_code_elimination = .ALL; Normally code that isn't called at run-time (so called dead-code) is NOT compiled: the dead code is eliminated.
For example a proc that gives a compile error when called won't give any error if not called.
You can stop this dead-code elimination with this line in your build file:
target_options.dead_code_elimination = .NONE;
ALternatively, there is the -no_dce compiler command-line option (see § 2B).

30.4.8 Optimizing LLVM or X64 build

Llvm_options or X64_Options exist for this purpose, but to work with these you have to have a deeper knowledge of the backends.

The LLVM backend options contains many compiler options for optimizing code, turning features of LLVM on or off. Here is a list of some of the flags for the LLVM Options given the target_options.llvm_options struct:

.enable_tail_calls = false; 
.enable_loop_unrolling = false;
.enable_slp_vectorization = false; 
.enable_loop_vectorization = false; 
// .reroll_loop = false;  // disabled since LLVM 15  (??)
.verify_input = false; 
.verify_output = false;
.merge_functions = false;
// .disable_inlining = true;    // disabled since LLVM 15  (??)
// .disable_mem2reg = false;    // disabled since LLVM 15  (??)

The -O3, -O2, -O1 optimization levels for LLVM can be changed by setting the code_gen_optimization_level field to 3, 2, 1 respectively. For example:
target_options.llvm_options.code_gen_optimization_level = 2
will set the LLVM options to -O2.

30.4.8B Setting machine-level asm options

See 28.6.1

All possible options can be found in module Compiler. You can set additional module import paths with the option .import_path, which is an array of strings.

30.4.9 Debug- and Release builds

You could make one build file which contains both the debug- and the release-options, like this:

See build_debug_release.jai:

#import "Basic";
#import "Compiler";

build_debug :: () {
  // insert debug compile options here...

build_release :: () {
  // insert release compile options here...

main :: () {}

#run build_debug();  
// #run build_release();

For suitable debug / release options, see § 30.8 To build for production (release), you would do only #run build_release();, or use the command-line option -run build_release() while executing
jai build_debug_release.jai

30.4.10 Preventing the output of compiler messages

If you want a cleaner output, add this code line to the build:

target_options.text_output_flags = 0; 

This line disables most of the text output from the compiler.

30.5 Changing the default meta-program

Here is how to substitute the default meta-program with your own:
Your own meta-program should be a module (let's call it Build, but any name is ok). This Build module must be in a folder Build (either in the default jai/modules folder or in a dedicated modules_folder) containing a file module.jai. This file has to contain a build() proc and a #run build() (it should not contain a main proc).
You can start from 30.3_build.jai or modules/Minimal_Metaprogram.jai to make your Build() module. You can then use your meta-program as follows: jai main.jai -- meta Build
if Build is in the default jai/modules folder, or
jai main.jai -- import_dir "d:/Jai/my_modules" meta Build
if Build is in a dedicated d:/Jai/my_modules.

If you want to use other plugins, look at the Default_Metaprogram module where it calls the plugin callbacks, and call them at the same time in your own metaprogram.

(The compiler accepts either -- or --- as the delimiter of hardcoded compiler arguments.)

To summarize:

  1. You can either use the Default_Metaprogram:
    jai main.jai -optional_flags
    Default_Metaprogram takes care of translating the option flags into build options (see § 30.4)
  2. Or you can write your own build program build.jai(which is a metaprogram, and adds the file main.jai which must be compiled), so in this case you don't use Default_Metaprogram:
    jai build.jai
  3. Or (as explained in § 30.5) you can also replace the Default_Metaprogram by your own Build module as follows:
    jai main.jai -- meta Build