- You should thoroughly read the research paper and make proper notes using HackMD.
- HackMD notes must mention those members who were part of reading group.
- If notes and paper reading are completed, then update the details in the appropriate table below.
- You can then create a pull request to merge the changes. For help on creating pull requests, refer to this page.
- If anyone feels that there are changes required in HackMD notes, please add comments in the notes itself (How to add comments).
- These comments will be reviewed and proper actions will be taken by the authors.
- Click on the Issue button at top of the page.
- Click new issue and fill up the details!
Note: Issues must clearly mention what they are addressing.
In order to contribute, you have to create a Pull Request from your forked repository which is a remote clone of this upstream repository.
Click the button at the top right hand corner of the screen to fork this repository, don't forget to star the repository!
Now head over to the forked repository and copy the clone HTTPS URL.
Next up, clone the forked repository on to the local machine using:
git clone <copied-fork-link>
It is critical to keep your forked repository in sync with the upstream repository so merge conflicts can be avoided:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/IvLabs/ResearchPaperNotes.git git fetch upstream git pull upstream master git push
Create a separate branch to work on and the branch name must be according to the issue:
git checkout -b <branch-name>
Contributers must follow these guidelines:
- You are encouraged to add paper notes on various topics related to AI and Robotics
- All of these should be segregated by sub-topic.
- Refer to existing sections before contributing a new one.
- Follow the Fork-Commit-Pull Request cycle for contributing, more on this here.
- If you create a new topic folder make sure to link that folder in landing page
- The name of folder should be consistent with exact format of
. Some NOT allowed forms areword1 word2
, etc. This maintains consistency and proper ordering of folder. - The topic names in List of Various Fields should be in increasing alphabetical order.
After the contribution work is ready go ahead and add it to staging area:
git add .
Now it is time to commit your changes and sync these changes to forked repository:
git commit -m <your_message> git push origin <branch-name>
Issue a pull request from forked repo to this repo:
- Head over to
Pull Request
tab in the forked repo and click onNew Pull Request
- Verify base and head repository name and branch names.
- Fill in the title and provide a concise description.
- Head over to
Wait for response on the PR. Congratulations you just contributed to open source!
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