/// Definitions: Frame: a window with a certain buttons and features.
Frames To-Do: Who Will Do It: Must Have / Important Info:
Main Harris Button: Year# / Include Title and Team#
Index Harris Buttons: (One for Each Dashes), Input: Team# / Given: Year#
- Visual Data Satvik, Isean Button: Back / Given: Team#
- OPR Eric Button: Back / Given: Team#
- Robot description and Avg points Carl Button: Back / Given: Team#
- Notes Chandrack Button: Back / Given: Team#
Back Button Chandrack N/A / Must be in the same spot when the frames are combined.
Basic Code:
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame = new JFrame();
frame.setTitle("WVR Scouting App: Visual Data"); // Titles the Window
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // When the X is clicked, the window closes
frame.setResizable(false); // Keeps a consistent window size.
frame.setSize(1200,600); // In pixels, the size of the widow. (width x height)
frame.setVisible(true); // Makes the frame visible
Boolean a = true;
while(a) {
a = false;
Important info:
- When you're creating your Java Project and you are on the step of creating
a Class, select the "public static void(String[] args)" option.
- Don't add your code into the main method. Put it into the while loop.(P.S. if your adding buttons don't forget to do frame.add(JLabelName); )
- If your working on the "Index" frame, call a method once the user has inputed
a team number and clicked the button. Provide the team number in the method call.