This repository is contained my solutions of the programming assignments from the courses in the Data Science Specialization and a brief description of each one. The program is offered by Johns Hopkins University.
This course does not have programming assignments and is an introduction to the following topics:
- Basic concepts of Data Science
- Installation of R and RStudio
- Installation of packages
- Version control (git)
- R markdown.
- Experimental Design
- Assignment 1. Air pollution: Managing multiple CSV files to merge them and to analysis them
- Assignment 2. Lexical Scoping: Using lexical scope to improve a function
- Assignment 3. Hospital Quality: Plotting and cleaning data to obtain insights
- Assignment 1: Getting and cleaning data in a tidy format
- Quiz to get data: Reading and analyzing data from XML, CSV and xlsx
- Quiz to get data: Getting data from the Github's API using the protocol oauth and using SQL
- Quiz to explore data: Exploring data with dplyr and other functions
- Quiz to explore data: Managing dates and REGEX to explore data
Assignment 1. Exploratory Data Analysis: Exploratory data analysis from a data base
Assignment 2. Exploratory Data Analysis: The full process of data analysis to answer specific questions about fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in United States
Case study 1: Implementing clustering to the analysis of data
- Assignment 1:The full process of data analysis in Activity Monitoring data with good practices in reproducible research
- Assignment 2: The full process of data analysis in severe weather events data to find patterns and insights