diff --git a/plutus-core/index-envs/src/Data/RandomAccessList/SkewBinary.hs b/plutus-core/index-envs/src/Data/RandomAccessList/SkewBinary.hs index 27c544fd53e..d99168acbd7 100644 --- a/plutus-core/index-envs/src/Data/RandomAccessList/SkewBinary.hs +++ b/plutus-core/index-envs/src/Data/RandomAccessList/SkewBinary.hs @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ import Data.RandomAccessList.Class qualified as RAL -- | A complete binary tree. -- Note: the size of the tree is not stored/cached, -- unless it appears as a root tree in 'RAList', which the size is stored inside the Cons. -data Tree a = Leaf a - | Node a !(Tree a) !(Tree a) +data Tree a = Node a !(Tree a) !(Tree a) + | Leaf a deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | A strict list of complete binary trees accompanied by their size. @@ -128,24 +128,27 @@ unsafeIndexOne (BHead w t ts) !i = else indexTree halfSize (offset' - halfSize) t2 -- 1-based +{-# INLINE safeIndexZero #-} safeIndexOne :: RAList a -> Word64 -> Maybe a -safeIndexOne Nil _ = Nothing -safeIndexOne (BHead w t ts) !i = - if i <= w - then indexTree w i t - else safeIndexOne ts (i-w) - where +safeIndexOne = skip where + skip Nil _ = Nothing + skip (BHead w t ts) i = + if i <= w + then indexTree w i t + else skip ts (i-w) + indexTree :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Tree a -> Maybe a - indexTree _ 0 _ = Nothing -- "index zero" - indexTree 1 1 (Leaf x) = Just x - indexTree _ _ (Leaf _) = Nothing - indexTree _ 1 (Node x _ _) = Just x + indexTree !w 1 t = case t of + Node x _ _ -> Just x + Leaf x -> x <$ guard (w == 1) indexTree treeSize offset (Node _ t1 t2) = let halfSize = unsafeShiftR treeSize 1 -- probably faster than `div w 2` offset' = offset - 1 in if offset' <= halfSize then indexTree halfSize offset' t1 else indexTree halfSize (offset' - halfSize) t2 + indexTree _ 0 _ = Nothing -- "index zero" + indexTree _ _ (Leaf _) = Nothing instance RAL.RandomAccessList (RAList a) where type Element (RAList a) = a