This library is an integration layer that links the lwIP network stack with the underlying Wi-Fi host driver (WHD) and Ethernet driver. This library interacts with FreeRTOS, lwIP TCP/IP stack, Wi-Fi host driver (WHD), and Ethernet driver. It contains the associated code to bind these components together.
lwIP network interface integration library is an equivalent of Wi-Fi middleware core is now deprecated. Wi-Fi middleware core users can use the porting guide to migrate the application to use lwIP network interface integration library.
This library is designed to work with both PSoC™ kits with Wi-Fi capability, and XMC™ MCU kits with Ethernet capability, and is supported through the ModusToolbox™ software environment.
This library and its features are supported on the following platforms:
PSoC™ 6 Wi-Fi Bluetooth® prototyping kit (CY8CPROTO-062-4343W)
PSoC™ 62S2 Wi-Fi Bluetooth® pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-062S2-43012)
PSoC™ 64S0S2 Wi-Fi Bluetooth® pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-064S0S2-4343W)
PSoC™ 62S2 evaluation kit (CY8CEVAL-062S2-CYW955513SDM2WLIPA)
By default, the lwIP network interface integration library disables all debug log messages. Do the following to enable log messages:
- Add the
macro to theDEFINES
in the code example's Makefile. The Makefile entry should look like as follows:DEFINES+=ENABLE_CONNECTIVITY_MIDDLEWARE_LOGS
- Call the
function provided by the cy-log module. cy-log is part of the connectivity-utilities library. See connectivity-utilities library API documentation for cy-log details.
The lwIP network interface integration library depends on the following:
To ensure that all required libraries are fetched, include ethernet-core-freertos-lwip-mbedtls library depending on the application.
For Wi-Fi applications:
Create the wifi-core-freertos-lwip-mbedtls.mtb file with the following content:\$$ASSET_REPO$$/wifi-core-freertos-lwip-mbedtls/latest-v2.X
For Ethernet applications:
Create the ethernet-core-freertos-lwip-mbedtls.mtb file with the following content:\$$ASSET_REPO$$/ethernet-core-freertos-lwip-mbedtls/latest-v2.X
make getlibs
to fetch all required libraries including the lwip-network-interface-integration library.