title: "Data processing assignment: COVID-19"
output: html_notebook

## The data

You are provided with a CSV file, `covid-19.csv` which was downloaded from the EU's open data portal, https://data.europa.eu/euodp/en/home. This file contains data for COVID-19 cases and deaths for each country since the end of 2019.

The dates given in the first column are in the format `dd/mm/yyyy`, e.g. `16/05/2020`. 
These can be converted to R's `date` datatype using the `dmy()` function from the tidyverse `lubridate` package:



## The tasks

0. Use the tidyverse functions to load this file into a dataframe and convert the dates from strings to the `date` datatype. 




Now create figures to show the following:

1. Daily cases for a single country.



2. Weekly cases for a single country. *Hint*: use `week()` to convert a date to a number representing the week of the year.



3. Cumulative daily cases for a single country. *Hint*: use `arrange()` and `cumsum()`



4. Daily cases for each continent. *Hint*: use `group_by()` and `summarise()`



5. Apparent overall mortality rate (total deaths / total cases) for each country, grouped by continent.




6. The UK (Referred to as "United_Kingdom" in this data set) has a strong weekly periodicity in reported COVID-19 deaths.

(a) Make a plot to illustrate this effect as clearly as possible. *Hint*: `lubridate` provides a function `wday()` which returns the day of the week as an integer, starting from 1 = Sunday.



(b) Show that the number of deaths reported on Mondays and Tuesdays is significantly lower than on other days.



(c) Do any other countries show a similar periodicity?



(d) How could you explain what is happening, and what are the implications for how we use the data?
